Rostislav Netisov/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images(NEW YORK ) -- Russias Communists, dwindling in numbers and sidelined by the authorities, on Tuesday marked the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, the uprising led by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik party in 1917, that led to the creation of the Soviet Union and commenced the spread of Communism around the world. A few thousand people marched through the center of Moscow, carrying large portraits of Lenin and waving red flags, moving toward the Kremlin and Red Square, off which they held a small rally. It was one of the few major public events commemorating the centenary, which the Kremlin indicated it wants to be low-key. The Bolsheviks seizure of power was arguably the 20th centurys defining event, fundamentally altering societies around the world and setting up the centurys central clash, the Cold War. But 100 years on, Russia's current authorities made clear they consider it now peripheral for the country. "The revolution is modern Russias birth certificate, but Russia does not like what it says, Maksim Trudolyubov, a political commentator wrote in the newspaper, The Moscow Times. Over the nights 6 and 7 (Oct. 25 and 26 in Russias pre-revolutionary calendar) in 1917, soldiers and sailors loyal to the Bolsheviks seized strategic points in Saint Petersburg. Around 2 a.m., they stormed the Winter Palace, the huge ice-green, colonnaded building that stretches along the citys river. Tsar Nicholas II, whose palace it had been, had already been toppled by an uprising in February. He had been replaced by the so-called Provisional Government, a group of liberal ministers, who had spent the last few months desperately trying to restore order in the country exhausted by World War I. The Bolsheviks entered the palace from the square. Unlike in later Soviet depictions, they faced almost no resistance -- most of the defenders had fled -- after it was shelled from the fortress across the river. Coming through the palaces tunnel-line corridors, they found the Provisional Government holed up in a dining room off the tsars former living quarters and arrested them. The same day, Lenin declared the Bolsheviks now held power. Within months, they would establish a dictatorship and unleash a savage civil war. Rapid progress in education and industrialization would follow, but it was accompanied by bloody repression climaxing under Stalin. For 70 years, the Soviet Union celebrated Lenins seizure of power as an almost religious holiday, with massive parades. His body remains embalmed in state on Red Square. But it has become an inconvenient event for the Kremlin. Engaged in quashing challenges to its own increasingly authoritarian rule, celebrations of revolution are not appealing. At the same time, current President Vladimir Putin has turned to the Soviet Union as the model for his Russia, making it difficult to ignore its founding event. Its puts Putin in a bind, said Shield Fitzpatrick, a well-known historian of the revolution and professor emerita at the University of Chicago. The solution has been to say nothing. In December, Putin declared discussion of the revolution should be left to professional historians. Last week he told the Valdai conference, he hoped the centenary can draw a line under the divisions provoked by the revolution. Putins spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters last month the Kremlin saw no reason to mark the occasion. Proposals that Lenin should be removed from Red Square have been dismissed. Tuesday's march underlined the Kremlin's disinterest. The Communists chanted "revolution" as they marched toward the Kremlin, but were channeled tightly between police and wire barriers. Where even a few years ago the march had been allotted Moscow's main street, now they were squeezed by police onto its pavements. Some of the older Communist marchers rattled the barriers, yelling furiously at police that they had once walked there. The Kremlin is not alone in its attitude -- recent polls show many Russians are deeply ambivalent about the revolution. A poll in October by the Russian Academy of Science showed only 6 percent of Russians feel the revolution is something to be proud of. Some point to the repression that it led to under Stalin, but many seem more troubled by the revolution as a proof of Russias weakness at the time. The result has been muted commemorations, left largely to the Communists, who have hosted a week of events. But even they have often skirted the uprising itself. The party of revolution has grown old too. In Saint Petersburg, it dutifully hosted a conference of left forces. At the Tauride Palace, where Lenin established the party, delegations from socialist groups one after another lamented the lefts troubled prospects. "Maybe Lenin will wake up," Adrian Larsen Steinboe, a Norwegian delegate, told an ABC News reporter wryly. Russias Communist Party has recently sought to rebrand itself to attract younger members. Part of that involves printing posters showing Marx and Lenin as hipsters. In one, a raffish Lenin in a long red scarf and holding a laptop, looks at the Winter Palace and asks, Will we take it? Another shows a picture of a red flag flying over the Kremlin walls with the plaintive date, 201? Mostly though, the party has turned toward nostalgia, not for revolutionary upheaval, but for the post-war glory days of the Soviet Union, when many party members were young. At a commemorative concert in Saint Petersburg on Friday, a crowd, mostly in their late sixties, sang along to Soviet-era swing. There were chants of Lenin lives. An emcee, also in his sixties, harangued the crowd about the marvels of a first apartment given by the government. Oh speak of that, speak of that, he cried, of the bath! Amid the official quiet, Russias state media and some cultural institutions have offered hints at how citizens ought to perceive the revolution. Russian state television has aired documentaries suggesting the countrys revolutions were largely foreign-funded plots, a favorite idea of the Kremlin in the present day. Russia 24, the state news channel, ran a program titled 100 Years of the Revolution A Snare for Russia, suggesting the 1905 revolution, and by extension 1917, was a conspiracy of American bankers and Japanese generals. The Kremlin under Putin is a history enthusiast -- its avoidance of the revolution itself is notable given how eagerly it makes use of history elsewhere. It has focused recently on building a single continuum of what it considers Russian greatness, from the tsarist empire to the present day, bridged by Stalin. Putins states preferred lineage, Trudolyubov said, is Russias pre-revolutionary empire. He noted that several of Russias key ministries have begun dating their founding to tsarist-era bodies instead of their Soviet forebears. The now dispossessed Communists who finished Tuesday's rally put on brave face to ABC News. One man, Aleksey Maksimov, standing in a long gray Stalinist coat and white gloves, and holding a red banner, declaimed, "Communism will not be defeated, it will necessarily come,"he said. "I just can't tell you which year that will exactly." Copyright 2017, ABC Radio. All rights reserved. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Apple's iOS 12 is now installed on 72% of iPhones, iPads and iPods that are four years old or newer and 70% of all iDevices, according to data from the company's App Support webpage. iOS 12 has seen some of the fastest user adoption in recent years, and surpassed iOS 11 just two and a half weeks of its release in mid-September. At that time (Oct. 5), iOS 12 had already been installed on 47% of iDevices. iOS 11 is now on only 21% of all iDevices. Apple Before iOS 12's launch on Sept. 17, iOS 11 was running on 85% of iPhones and iPads, according to Apple's developer support page. In comparison, it took iOS 11 nearly two months last year to reach a 50% adoption rate. This year's uptake rate is actually more similar to that of iOS 10, which was released in 2016 and had been installed on 48% of devices after only two weeks. To date, however, 2015's iOS 9 remains the leader for fastest uptake. Launched on Sept. 16, 2015, it needed just eight days to surpass iOS 8, and in 10 days, it garnered 50% of the install base. (A month after its release, iOS 9 was on 62% of iDevices, compared to iOS 8, which plummeted to just 29.65%.) Among other factors, the popularity of the newest version of iOS may be partially due to positive reviews and the timing of its release, according to Jack Gold, principal analyst with J. Gold Associates. Apple "Apple just had a major launch, so the issue is fresh in people's minds," Gold said. "This time of year, people are [also] more involved with computing, especially if you consider the education market with back to school." Among other features, iOS 12 is designed to be faster than its predecessor, even on older model iPhones. It offers group FaceTime chats, new emojis, "Screen Time" for tracking how iDevices are being used, revamped Notifications and Siri shortcuts. For comparison purposes, Android Pie, which rolled out this summer, is being used on 1.98% of devices, according to Mixpanel. Pie's predecessor Oreo, which arrived in 2017, is now running on 39% of Android devices. Microsoft has pledged a new Office suite, tagged Office 2019, for next year. But other than a nod to the vague "second half" of 2018, the Redmond, Wash. developer has said nothing of dates. But because Office 365 is, even more than Windows 10, as much a service as software - and because that model requires a predictable schedule of releases, maintenance milestones and support expiration dates - we can anticipate many of the important dates in the transition from present (Office 2016) to future (Office 2019). To prepare for Office 2019, circle these dates on the enterprise IT calendar. IDG Summer, 2018 Six weeks ago, Microsoft said, "Previews of the new products [Office 2019 applications] will start shipping mid-year 2018." Computerworld's best guess for the beta? July 10, 2018. That's the scheduled date for the release of what will be coded as the "Semi-Annual Channel" of Office 365 ProPlus. (ProPlus is the suite that provides rights to the locally installed applications, including Excel, Outlook and Word, for 365 subscribers.) Because the perpetual licensed version of Office 2019 will be built from code already released as Office 365 ProPlus, it's most likely that Microsoft will use the March 2018 feature upgrade for Office 365 ProPlus subscribers as the basis for Office 2019. According to Microsoft's Office 365 ProPlus release calendar, the March 2018 feature upgrade will ship March 13, 2018. Then on July 10, 2018, that same upgrade will be issued to the Semi-Annual Channel, the main distribution channel. In Microsoft's vernacular, "Semi-Annual Channel" represents more stable code that has been tested by some customers between March 13 and July 10, with Microsoft fixing any found bugs. (Like Windows 10, the first four months or so of each feature upgrade of Office 365 ProPlus is a test-and-fix period; it's labeled with the awkward "Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted)" because those releases "are intended to provide enterprises time to pilot and to validate their line-of-business applications, add-ins, and macros with Office 365 ProPlus before Semi-Annual Channel is released.") By issuing that Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) build as the preview for Office 2019, Microsoft expands the testing to customers who don't subscribe to Office 365, but gets to offer code that has gone through a partial shakedown outside of the company's confines. IDG Sept. 11, 2018 Office 2019 is supposed to ship in the "second half of 2018," according to Microsoft. But when exactly? We think the date to remember is next year's 9/11. That's the delivery date for 2018's second feature upgrade. Another Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) release, it will probably be identified as 1802 using Microsoft's yymm format. (Yes, yes, yes, 1802 signifies February 2018, but Microsoft released the code that became Office 2019 in March. Yes it can be confusing. Don't ask.) September has another thing going for it, since it was that month in 2015 when Microsoft released Office 2016 to Office 365 customers, offering the new applications as alternatives to the Office 2013 applications. On that same day, Sept. 22, 2015, Microsoft started selling the one-time-purchased "perpetual" licensed version, also called Office 2016. (Yes, Microsoft's use of the same name for two quite different things yields a big, steaming pot of confusion, .) Next September makes sense as Office 2019's launch window because the perpetual-license version will be built from code already released as Office 365 ProPlus. In fact, for Office 365 subscribers, Office 2019 is little more than a declaration, a verbal if not virtual sign that names the next iteration. And all that's necessary to prep the one-time purchase version is to take the code that exists at that moment, then build the image file for volume customers to download, or package the retail editions. IDG September 2019 Approximately a year from its release -- and about 18 months from its actual inception -- the initial Office 2019 build will be knocked off the support list. Eighteen months is the support lifetime of any individual Office 365 ProPlus feature upgrade, whether it carries an additional label of "Office 2016," "Office 2019," or "Office 2028." It will be a different situation for Office 2019 than for Office 2016; the latter was not prefaced by a software-as-a-service model, but by the traditionally-developed Office 2013. So, while Microsoft had to announce earlier this year that after February 2017, Office 2013's applications would not be supported for Office 365 subscribers, there will be no need for a similar declaration for Office 2016 apps. They will have already aged out of their Office 365 support. The same holds true for the Office 2013 application download shutdown Microsoft mandated in late February when it said, "All 2013 versions of Office 365 client applications ... will no longer be available for installation from the Office 365 Admin Center." That will be moot for the transition from Office 2016 to 2019, as Microsoft automatically limits Office 365 downloads to the current feature upgrade of the suite. IDG Early 2024 The perpetual licensed version of Office 2019 will be supported for the usual 10 years - probably until early 2029 - but five years before that, Microsoft will cut off the suite's applications from connecting to any Microsoft-provided service. Under new rules revealed in April, owners of perpetual-license versions of Office will be able to use those services only during the first half of their 10-year support lifecycle, the portion Microsoft dubs "mainstream." Those services include Microsoft-hosted Exchange email, the OneDrive for Business storage service and Teams, the corporate collaboration platform. Microsoft will enforce this rule starting Oct. 13, 2020, making Office 2019 the first to fall under its mandate. Office 365 ProPlus - the applications from the 2019 suite provided to subscribers - will not be affected by the changes. Daniel Hannan is an MEP for South-East England, and a journalist, author and broadcaster. His most recent book is What Next: How to Get the Best from Brexit. It looks as if I had the Catalans completely wrong. I had assumed that the hard line taken by Madrid would boost support for independence. If I had been a previously undecided Catalan voter, I would have reacted with fury to the police brutality that accompanied the referendum. My local pride, however slight before, would have been outraged by the way in which my democratic rights were mocked. Id have felt personally affronted by the arrest of Catalonias elected leaders who, if reports are accurate, were stripped naked and locked in a police van with the Spanish national anthem blaring at full volume. Even if I had not voted for their parties, I could hardly fail to have felt the insult to all Catalans. Then again, I am not a Catalan. Although I am pretty sure that Britons would have bridled at being denied the right to vote, Catalans appear to be reacting differently. The latest polls show a decline in support for separatist parties, as well as a decline in support for secession itself. Mariano Rajoys inflexibility, which struck British observers as insanely counter-productive, may in fact be working. Catalans have the reputation in the rest of Spain of being mercantile and materialistic. To some extent, they see themselves in the same light as modern, practical, hardworking people, who have little time for guitars or bullfights or long late lunches. (There is, of course, a great deal to be said for being mercantile and materialistic: businesspeople do more for human happiness than soldiers or politicians.) Is it possible that Catalans backed away from independence as the costs rose? That they simply didnt want the hassle and disruption of walking away not, at any rate, if it involved police raids and repression? I dont want to read too much into the polls. We should remember that opinion was finely balanced before the vote: plenty of Catalans, and not just those whose parents came from other parts of the peninsula, were happy to be Spanish. Even so, the total absence of a backlash is surprising at least from a British perspective. We are a bloody-minded and stubborn people. We know how wed have reacted. The relative success of Madrids coercion so far, at any rate might help explain something else that, from a British perspective, is bewildering, namely the belief in much of Europe that we, too, might give in to bullying. Most EU leaders oppose Brexit. Fair enough. But the idea that they can put us off it by passive-aggressive tweeting, or by demanding money, or by being unreasonable in the talks, is extraordinary. The most cursory reading of our history suggests that such behaviour makes us dig in as, indeed, it is doing now. My colleagues in Brussels often ask me where the opinion polls are in Britain, and are incredulous when I tell them that they havent moved since polling day. If the EU had really wanted Britain to reverse its decision, it would have adopted a reasonable and emollient tone. It would have explored whether, if Britain didnt like the existing terms, a looser arrangement might have been put in place one whereby, for example, Britain kept most of the commercial and economic aspects of membership, paying for them as now, but withdrew from the political aspects. That, indeed, was what most Euro-integrationists were calling for before our referendum was announced: a kind of associate status for Britain, that would allow the federalist countries to pursue their political union unimpeded. Had such an offer been on the table when we voted last year, wed have opted to stay. Had it been made after the vote, it would surely have convinced more than the two per cent who needed to switch sides. But it wasnt. Instead, EU leaders have adopted an uncompromising tone, partly out of hurt feelings, and partly because, on some level, they still think that, if the whole business becomes disagreeable and difficult enough, well drop it. How little they know us. What is even odder is the number of British Europhiles who have adopted the same tactic: talking down our negotiators, prophesying gloom, revelling in every bit of bad news, however unrelated to Brexit. Believe me, guys, it isnt making anyone become more pro-EU; its just making you look like gits. To the extent that they have a strategy and much of what we are seeing is an understandable emotional spasm with no very clear object it seems to be to make Brexit as nasty and costly as possible, in the hope that well give it up. The danger, of course, is that they half-succeed, encouraging Brussels hardliners in their fantasy of a reversal, and so ensuring that Brexit happens in the most ill-tempered way. While a hard rupture would be sub-optimal, it would still be better than staying in. Last month, the World Bank said that, in the event of no trade deal beyond the minimal WTO terms, our trade with the EU would fall by two per cent. Since exports to the EU amount to 12.6 per cent of our total GDP, were talking about an overall loss of a quarter of one per cent. Set against our new commercial opportunities overseas, and our deregulatory opportunities at home, that doesnt seem so bad. To repeat, we should aim for an amicable deal. We should work hard for an outcome that serves the interests of our 27 allies as well as our own our prosperity, after all, is enmeshed with theirs. But such a deal will happen only if everyone accepts that we are leaving. So far, they dont. CORNWALL, Ontario The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Kelly Bergeron as the new part-time Executive Director of the Cornwall Innovation Centre, effective November 6, 2017. We are excited to have Kelly join our team as we continue to grow the CIC, says John Rattray, Chair of the Centres Board of Directors. With her extensive experience in the tech industry, she brings great value to our team. Cornwall-born and raised, Ms. Bergeron is the Founder of the Code Heroes program and Cornwall Chapter Lead for Canada Learning Code. Among her many duties, she will be responsible for helping to foster growth of the Green companies that are accepted through Carletons Lead To Win program, setting direction and implementing strategic goals, and helping to grow the capacity of the CIC through fundraising and community partnerships. The Centre plays such an important role in building and boosting innovative local businesses and I am eager to be part it all, says Bergeron. I look forward to working with the team to continue growing the Centre. Apart from her goal of teaching digital literacy to youth in SD&G, Ms. Bergeron comes to the CIC with more than 15 years of experience in website development, design, digital marketing and strategies. Before returning to Cornwall in 2015, she worked as a Digital Experience Manager for Salesforce in San Francisco and Toronto. She has also worked for charities like Make-A-Wish Canada, as well as government agencies such as the RCMP and the Department of National Defense. She has continuously worked to upgrade her education at institutions including Stanford University, Berkeley and Queens University, and is a graduate of the Computer Programmer/Analyst diploma program at St. Lawrence College. Ms. Bergeron most recently served as a review panel member at the CICs latest Venture Demo Day on October 25th which accepted two local businesses into the Lead To Win program. Royal Caribbean Internationals Vision of the Seas began its homeport seasonal sailing itinerary from the Port of Galveston with a five-day Western Caribbean cruise on Monday, November 6, 2017. We are thrilled to welcome the Vision of the Seas to its new seasonal homeport in Galveston. Her presence will be good for the Island and the Port since it strengthens Royal Caribbeans commitment to Galveston and the Texas and Midwestern U.S. cruise market., said Peter Simons, interim port director, in a prepared statement. The Vision of the Seas joins the largest cruise ship in the state of Texas, Royal Caribbeans Liberty of the Seas, which has an overall length of 1,112 feet. The Vision of the Seas has an overall length of 915 feet and the port anticipates an average of 2,150 passengers per cruise. Royal Caribbean has scheduled thirty-five four- and five-day cruises from Galveston during the 2017/2018 winter season. These cruises will include ports of call in Cozumel, Puerto Costa Maya and the Yucatan, depending on the cruise. These new cruises will result in an estimated additional 80,000 passengers leaving on cruises from Galveston. Holland America Line has launched a best price guarantee program for guests who prebook its EXC Tours. The guarantee is available on all ships and all itineraries except Asia cruises and promises that if a guest finds a comparable shore excursion elsewhere at a lower price, Holland America will provide an onboard credit of 110 percent of the price difference. Shore excursions are an essential part of the cruise for many of our guests, and were introducing the Best Price Guarantee because we believe our EXC Tours offer exceptional value, competitive pricing and the highest quality, said Orlando Ashford, Holland Americas president. Weve taken an extensive amount of care in creating experiences that showcase the best of each destination and offer something for every taste, whether its enjoying the iconic sites through a different lens or someone whos looking for something special and unique. If a guest pre-books a Holland America Line EXC Tour (shore excursion) and then finds an equivalent tour that offers the same amenities and experiences, including date, time, duration, transportation and meals, then a request can be submitted through an online form up to seven days before cruise departure. Guests will be notified within two days of submission if the tour meets the requirements for Best Price Guarantee. If eligible, guests will receive a non-refundable onboard credit to be used during their cruise. Best Price Guarantee only applies to shore excursions that are advertised with pricing and publicly available. Guests who cancel their EXC Tour on board will not be eligible for the Best Price Guarantee credit. Numbering more than 4,100 tours in nearly 550 ports, Holland America said its EXC Tours are carefully crafted to ensure travelers are able to deeply connect with the people and places visited during each cruise. With a variety of options for every level of activity and interest, guests who book an EXC Tour through Holland America Line can rest assured that they will experience an unparalleled level of comfort, care and convenience, the line stated. Professional, local guides offer a unique perspective and exceptional guidance, and a worry-free return to the ship is guaranteed. Royal Caribbean Cruises announced that it "is rolling out an unprecedented wave of digital innovations touching every aspect of its business, charting a course for a world where travel frustrations have disappeared, erased by technology that is transforming cruise ships from stem to stern." A new app is coming to all 48 ships by the end of 2019, the company said, that will eliminate check in-lines and let crew anticipate guests' needs. Also, the fuel-saving bubble-system is coming fleetwide. "The pace of change is relentlessand so are we," said Richard D. Fain, chairman and CEO. "We are harnessing a range of technologies to enhance every facet of our business, every minute of our guests' vacations, and every inch of the ships we build." Jay Schneider, RCL's senior vice president, digital, said one focus of RCL's company-wide innovation initiative is zeroing in on wasted effort and wasted energy. "We are finding ways to eliminate friction and frustration, giving guests more time to make the memories that make vacations special," said Schneider. The new technology will enable quick boarding thanks to facial recognition, along with letting guests make shore excursion and restaurant bookings from the app. There are also VR and AR experiences that transform ship spaces into virtual environments and interactive games, where stateroom ceilings might be replaced by starry skies, the walls of a restaurant can transform into the sights and sounds of an outdoor cafe and digital signs challenge you to play an arcade game, the company said. "Consumers are buying experiences now, not things," Fain said. "So we are creating ways for them to design vacations rich in made-to-order, memory-making moments, and even providing recommendations based on what they have enjoyed before or shared with us about their preferences. And with our mantra of continuous improvement, our strategy is to constantly upgrade the guest experience across the fleets of all our brands." "Time spent in linewhether you're waiting for your food, waiting for your bags to arrive, waiting on a table, or booking an excursionis time stolen from your time off," Schneider said. To return that time to guests, the company is combining technologies ranging from facial recognition to RFID tagging to GPS mapping to Bluetooth-enabled beacons to streamline boarding, manage check-ins automatically and improve wayfinding. "Many of these same technologies are being deployed to put the power to manage your vacation in the palm of your hand," said Schneider. "Our new app will make it simpler than ever to book and plan your cruise vacation from home or with a travel agent. Once on board, you can navigate our ships with interactive maps and guides, explore the ship with cool features like x-ray vision, or order drinks that can be delivered to you wherever you are on the ship." The app, along with the next generation of the company's WOW Bands, will also unlock guest staterooms and enable guests to control stateroom lighting and temperature. "Our aim is to have the app enabled on about 15 percent of our fleet by the end of this year, and more than double that by the end of 2018," said Schneider. There will also be an app for crew that helps check-in guests, complete required paperwork, track delivery of guests' bags to their staterooms, and interact with guests and anticipate their needs throughout their vacations. In addition, crews will have access to easier means to manage their own schedules, stay connected to friends and family while onboard, and stay connected to the company during their off-contract periods. "We regularly earn industry-leading guest satisfaction ratings which is first and foremost a tribute to the outstanding work our crews do every day," said Fain. "To continue to improve, we will put more capability to delight and surprise our guests into our crews' hands even as we help them better manage the special challenges of being away from their homes and families while on board." Royal Caribbean also announced command centers will use augmented reality to assist with navigation and maneuvering. "Think of it as enabling the nautical equivalent of flying on instruments," said Fain. "Our ships always operate with keen sensitivity to the limitations the weather may impose. But having new means to mitigate the weather's impacts on departures and arrivals helps us uphold schedule and itinerary commitments important to our guests," added Fain. In addition, Royal CaribbeanL is pioneering the use of an air lubrication system that coats the hulls of its ships with millions of microscopic air bubbles to further reduce resistance and drag. In initial uses, air lubrication has reduced fuel consumption at speed by 7 to 8 percent, the company said. Quantum-class ships already have the technology, and a number of other ships have been since retrofitted. The company is planning fuel cell experiments on existing ships, with an eye to extensive use of fuel cells and liquefied natural gas (LNG) propulsion on its upcoming Icon class of ships. "We are fully embracing the expectation that we run an environmentally sustainable business," said Fain. "Experimenting with new ways to power our ships is just part of our broad commitment to being a responsible environmental steward." Security is far from the only challenge represented by BYOD policies. Youre allowing employees to bring their own devices into the workplace, and if you just leave it at that, theyll use their personal phone number to conduct work over voice, text and data. Thats a problem. How do you distinguish work use from personal use? How do you know if a phone call or text was made to a business associate or a family member? How do you accurately distinguish whether an employee was using their work email or playing a game? How do you own and retain a phone number even if an employee leaves? How do you ensure a great work/life balance for your workers, while protecting both corporate data and user privacy? The Headache of Regulated BYOD In regulated industries, things get even more challenging, as many are required to keep records of all voice and text conversations related to the organization. Therein lies the problem. Theres no way of distinguishing whether communications on a personally-owned device is private or professional. And you cant record everything, not without violating employee privacy (and probably breaking the law). It isnt like you can do away with BYOD, either. Your employees are going to bring their personal devices into the workplace regardless of whether those devices are sanctioned. Even if you manage to convince staff to accept a COPE (Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled) deployment model, youll still be unable to easily differentiate between corporate and personal use. Without that, privacy is still a concern. People will still use their devices for personal business. And while you could rely on dual-SIM devices to make this distinction, thats both inconvenient for your users and expensive for you. After all, with COPE, youre also bearing the cost of purchasing each device. Theres another option. Part of BlackBerry Secure, BlackBerry WorkLife allows you to add a separate corporate line on personal devices without having to worry about compliance or user privacy. With WorkLife, you can also draw a firm line between corporate and personal use, while also ensuring that each employee receives full and accurate compensation for corporate usage. With prior court rulings for BYOD reimbursement, companies need to clearly understand costs. This is achieved through two distinctive offerings: BlackBerry WorkLife Persona and BlackBerry WorkLife Data. Both solutions are cloud-based and carrier- and EMM-agnostic, ensuring that they can be deployed for any organization. Take Control Of Corporate Identities BlackBerry WorkLife Persona gives employees a separate corporate identity on their device without requiring an additional SIM. This eliminates the need for employees to use their personal numbers for work meaning their personal lines stay private. And your organization can keep and reassign corporate phone numbers when employees leave, significantly reducing the impact to your customers. Your IT department, meanwhile, has full control over WorkLife Personas corporate profile, making cost management and regulatory compliance a breeze. WorkLife Persona integrates readily with voice, recording and text archiving platforms such as Vantage, Global Relay, and GWAVA recording only communications involving an employees corporate number. It requires no additional mobile device installations, and is both cloud-based and carrier independent. This allows your business to easily meet regulatory compliance demands established by frameworks and directives such as MiFID II without requiring additional legwork from staff. And with WorkLifes advanced analytics features, you can easily monitor employees work-related voice and text usage, such as top users and length of calls, without visibility into their personal lives. Voice calls, meanwhile, use connectivity from whatever carrier network an employee is on, making them inherently secure and reliable. Streamline and Simplify Expense Management BlackBerry WorkLife Data, meanwhile, is a powerful split billing solution. It allows you to automate reimbursements and maintain complete control over your employees data usage for business applications. From a simple console, administrators can selectively apply rules and policies for work applications without affecting personal apps. With built-in advanced analytics, it also lets you see how, where, when, and how much data your employees use across your entire corporate portfolio, integrating with existing expense management systems for easy reimbursements. Together, WorkLife Persona and WorkLife Data offer better user privacy, a great user experience, and total visibility into where and how work devices are being used. By creating a separate corporate identity and walling off corporate voice, text and data from personal apps, BlackBerry increases productivity by eliminating employee concerns about being billed for work charges on their personal plans. Employees can work on mobile with confidence, and you can eliminate one of the final roadblocks to BYOD. BYOD does not have to be a financial, legal, and regulatory nightmare. With BlackBerry WorkLife, you can seamlessly draw a line between corporate and personal use. Your enterprise can create a separate corporate identity on any device, allowing it to meet stringent compliance requirements, reduce mobility costs, gain full control over corporate voice, text, and data usage, and make its BYOD program truly come alive. And together with the rest of our product portfolio, youll have everything you need to secure, connect, and protect your employees no matter where they are, and no matter how they choose to work. Learn more. Diana Levan is a Product Marketing Specialist at BlackBerry. Before September, translation didnt matter at least, from an infosec standpoint. Taking content written in one language and changing it to another wasnt at the top of most CSOs lists of data risks. Then Norwegian news network NRK uncovered a breach at Statoil, one of the worlds biggest oil and gas companies. NRK reports that the $46 billion business used, a free online tool, to translate notices of dismissal, plans of workforce reductions and outsourcing, passwords, code information, and contracts. Then, the story continued, Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg, a college professor, Googled Statoil: In her results were the companys translations. Wow! What is this? Randeberg thought, telling NRK, This was information from organizations, private companies, government agencies. In other words, stuff Statoil may not have wanted Randeberg or any Google user to read. The translation industry saw the breach coming. It was something that we had been warning companies about [for] 10 years or so, says Don DePalma, Chief Strategist at Cambridge-based think tank Common Sense Advisory. It's been a question that's been coming up, given the way [free online translation] works: Is that something that would expose information? How online translation services work So how did it happen? This is what had to say: "Translate.coms free, volunteer-based machine translations were not breached. There are two versions of the solution. The one in question, the free version, using various online translation services, also incorporated volunteer translators to review and correct translations. This 'old' volunteer segment is now closed, and all translations involving volunteers have been removed. The online machine translations, which are still available for free, will no longer be saved." In general, heres how free online translation works: Every word you enter is stored in a translation engine where machine learning uses your entry and its translation to improve future results. That means anyone who uses the tool after you either has use of or access to your data, if not both. Whether your information winds up on Google from there depends on where and how the tool provider stores it. Create a translation policy with security in mind When it comes to preventing your own translation-related data breach, the first step is to determine when employees can and cant use free tools. At BASF, that answer is never. After learning employees were translating important emails about new products, business plans, [and] PowerPoint presentations online, independent technology consultant Kirti Vashee says the company blocked all free translation sites. For an option thats less severe, you can always limit the use of free translation tools by topic. Maybe its okay to enter product shipment details in the software, but not receiver contracts. Vashee says this is problematic, though: Employees often use free translation to see what somethings about. People will use Google [Translate] and Bing [Translator] because they get a memo in Chinese and just want to know, What is he talking about? Employees who dont speak a language might not realize content is about a sensitive topic until theyve already translated it. A more secure option is to create your own machine learning engines and move translation in-house. Thats what Volkswagen did, Vashee explains: They specifically dont want to use outside engines because of the risk of exposure. Of course, in 2016 Volkswagens revenue was $251.6 billion. Thats more than the GDP of many sovereign nations, including Chile and Finland. At a company that large, internalizing translation is easy. For other businesses, its simply not realistic. Professional translation services an option, but have their own risks So what can those companies do? Instead of plugging data in random tools online, tell employees to route all translation through a professional provider. Translation vendor selection is usually based on quality, turnaround and cost. To ensure data security, ask prospective resources how they receive and deliver files for translation. If they say email, watch out. [Email is] 10 times riskier than any [online] solution because its very easy to break into peoples email, Vashee says. Email is also readily forwarded something many translation companies depend on. A human translator gets the job by specializing in that content type and the language direction needed English into Polish, for example. If either of those factors change, so does the translator. As a result, even the largest translation companies dont have in-house resources for everything you need. DePalma says, There's a lot of reselling in the industry, translation companies outsourcing work to other providers. Let's say somebody comes along and wants Albanian to Polish, he explains, There's a very small demand for that and theyre probably not going to provision for that on a 24/7/365 basis. So after you email your file to your selected translation company, they forward it to another one, likely a business youve never heard of that only offers Polish. But your data wont stay there. That company forwards your files to an independent translator somewhere else. [Its] an infinite chain of inheritance, says DePalma. Twenty-six percent of the average translation companys income comes from other translation companies, constituting one-fourth of all words translated worldwide. As soon as [your file] goes outside the company, he adds, it's in the wild. In the end, if no human resource is found, your project could wind up on, except this time, youre paying a translation provider to put it there. According to Common Sense Advisory, 64 percent of translation professionals say their colleagues frequently use free translation services on the web. When [your data is] in the wild, DePalma continues, you then have to rely on the provisions, the security mechanisms, just the entire range of anybody who touches that information to keep it secret and secure. Thats a lot of trust for a single vendor. So as the Russian proverb says, trust but verify. To track your data while its in translation, Vashee recommends translation management software (TMS), an industry-specific tool that tracks every word from the moment it leaves your office to the moment it comes back. With TMS, no one accesses data without your direct approval; files cannot be forwarded without your knowledge. You go in and you provide access, Vashee says. If you say, Here are 100 valid IDs and the only people that will be able to touch this data use these 100 valid IDs, [youll] be able to know exactly what they did every time they touched the data. Thats a high level of security. A TMS system properly set up will give you some protection. This protection isnt perfect. TMS systems are sold to both translation companies and clients; advanced systems extract content directly from GitHub, Adobe CQ, and other platforms where its created. Ask how that connection is secured. Then ask where and how the TMS stores your files. Even more importantly, does the TMS you use let translators take data out? DePalma mentions that translators are prone to removing materials from TMS to move it into a tool they might like better. They log in, hit export, then suddenly your data is back in the wild. Tell your TMS provider that you want this option turned off. In the end, though, DePalma says no matter how well you lock down the tech, the riskiest part of any translation project is the translator: Even if they couldn't pull [your data] out exactly, what they could do is a screen capture, then do an OCR, and then from that, put it into another tool. To DePalmas knowledge, this type of breach is simply theoretical. But before September, so was Statoils. Do language translation apps pose a risk? You might be tempted to use one of the many translation apps now available. Most are designed for consumer use to, for example, aid in voice-to-voice communication or translate street signs. They can be used for small translation tasks for business, but they do come with significant risk. In October 2019, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) published a report that raised concerns about Chinas use of technology that collects data to generate industrial knowledge graphs, algorithmic models, and visualization platforms for finance technology, intelligent manufacturing, smart cities, national security, and industry consulting and analysis for government and the private sector. Chinas Global Tone Communications Technology (GTCOM) is leading this effort by analyzing unstructured data in bulk in at least 65 languages from more than 200 countries, according to the report. GTCOM is part of Chinas Central Propaganda Department. Its translation services are embedded in the Chinese search giant Alibabas cloud offering and in apps such as the JoveTrans voice recorder and translator and LanguageBox, which translates and transcribes conference sessions. The ASPI report claims that GTCOM is openly contributing to state security and intelligence data collection. Clearly, businesses would want to steer clear of using its technology to translate any kind of sensitive data. Popular web-based apps like Google Translate store and translate content on its own servers. Businesses lose some control over that data once its in the cloud, and it creates a regulatory risk. For example, under the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an organization is equally accountable for a breach that occurs at a third-party data processor. Under normal circumstances, the user will perceive themselves as the owner of the words and documents that are being translated and as such they should have the ability to control how the information is used, shared and protected while being translated, says Doug Graham, CSO for translation services company Lionbridge. When it comes to these expectations, a user may get what they pay for. If there is no cost for translation, how is the provider monetizing their services? Is it at the cost of security? Translation is no different than any other app or service, according to Graham. Businesses should ask app vendors the same kinds of questions concerning data protection and privacy, including: Does the app encrypt data? Will the application vendor enter into a contract that underpins their security responsibilities? Does the app vendor have a dedicated security team? The safest way to use translation apps is to keep sensitive data away from them. From a security perspective, companies should consider the type of data involved and how essential it is that this data be protected, says Graham. If this data were only in and were staying in English, would you still load it in a free, third-party, online app? Common sense, with a good dose of privacy regulations and information handling procedures, should go a long way to tell people what can be translated using these apps and what shouldnt. STORY LINK GBP EUR Exchange Rates Tumble on Fresh UK Government Scandals May Suffers Second Resignation in a Week, GBP Exchange Rates Tumble ECB Bulletin Proves Positive, EUR Exchange Rates Bolstered GBP EUR Forecast: Volatility Ahead on UK Data Like this piece? Please share with your friends and colleagues: The GBP EUR exchange rate tumbled today, with markets shifting to focus on the resignation of British Aid Minister Priti Patel on Wednesday night.UK Prime Minister Theresa May is now seeking to reassert her leadership following the second resignation from within her cabinet in a week.Priti Patel was forced from office on Wednesday following various undisclosed meetings with Israel officials overseas.These meetings were unsanctioned and thus breached diplomatic protocol.Patel has since acknowledged that her actions were below the high standards required of her positon, stating in her letter to May:While my actions were meant with the best intentions, my actions also fell below the standards of transparency and openness that I have promoted and advocated.I offer a fulsome apology to you and to the government for what has happened and offer my resignation.At this point in time it is not clear who will be replacing Patel, and coming so shortly after the resignation of another member of Mays top team, Michael Fallon, the news acted quickly in underlining apparent weaknesses within Mays cabinet.With today being another rather sparse data calendar day for the UK, the Pound has felt the full brunt of market attention, with investors increasingly worried that Mays questionable lead over her team could hurt Britains position in Brexit negotiations.This prolonged the Pounds descent against the Euro.According to the European Central Banks (ECB) recent economic bulletin, growth in the bloc is likely to continue unabated into the New Year.The ECB optimistically stated:Private consumption is underpinned by rising employment, which is also benefiting from past labour market reforms, and by increasing household wealth.The upswing in business investment continues to benefit from very favourable financing conditions and improvements in corporate profitability, it added.This news bolstered market confidence in the ECBs monetary policy outlook, as the ECB had only just recently warned that further delays to the tapering of its quantitative easing scheme could occur if the economy struggled without support.Tomorrow will feature a run of data prints pertaining to the UK, with industrial production, manufacturing production, construction output, and the UKs trade balance being the most significant.On one hand, the UKs trade deficit is forecast to shrink from -5,626 to -4,600 and the UKs industrial production too, is expected to climb from 1.6% to 1.9%.On the other, both construction output and manufacturing production are forecast to contract, with the former expected to print at 1.6%, down from the 3.5% previous, and the latter expected to fall from 2.8% to 2.4%.If these figures do print as expected then the GBP EUR exchange rate may come under increased pressure, conversely, prints above expectations could give Sterling the room it needs to regain the lead.Beyond the data, markets will be keeping a keen eye on any new Brexit-related information, with negotiations having officially resumed. If sufficient progress is demonstrated then market demand for the Pound will rise,if none is achieved, however, then markets will become increasingly anxious, leaving the Pound by the wayside. International Money Transfer? Ask our resident FX expert a money transfer question or try John's new, free, no-obligation personal service! ,where he helps every step of the way, ensuring you get the best exchange rates on your currency requirements. TAGS: Currency Predictions Euro Pound Forecasts 'Pa. women were scared': Abortion ranked as top issue during midterm Before Election Day, polls suggested the economy had eclipsed abortion as a voting issue. But that's not what Pennsylvania exit polls show. It's official now. At a time when India-US bonhomie to fight global terror has largely cornered Pakistan, militants in the restive Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir enjoy access to sophisticated American weapons. Barely a few days after the picture of a Hizbul Mujahideen militant, flaunting an M4 carbine rifle, went viral on the social media - the inspector general of police (IGP) Kashmir range, Sardar Muneer Ahmed Khan, officially confirmed that the armed guerrillas are equipped with the US-made weapons. A Hizbul Mujahideen militant, flaunting an M4 carbine rifle. Addressing a press conference in the summer capital of Srinagar, the IGP displayed M4, the US-made machine gun, found near the bodies of three terrorists killed in Pulwama on the evening of November 6. Throwing light on the recovery of the weapon, a police handout said: "This M4 carbine colt rifle was in the social media in the recent time." One of the slain terrorist commanders, Talha Rasheed, near whose body the gun was recovered, is the nephew of Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Maulana Masood Azhar. IGP Khan, who holds the credit for eliminating over one dozen top militant commanders in the last six months, asked Pakistan to take back Talha Rasheed's body. The US-made rifle has been recovered at a time when militants in Kashmir are largely presumed to be facing a shortage of arms and ammunition. It is for this reason that militants are often heard snatching it from police personnel. Official statistics reveal that around 66 weapons, including 17 AK-47 rifles, and over 7,000 rounds of ammunition were snatched from the police personnel by militants and mobs in Kashmir Valley after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani on July 8, 2016. Jaish-e-Muhammad chief Maulana Masood Azhar's nephew, Talha Rasheed (centre). According to the state home ministry data, 66 weapons - 17 AK rifles, 23 SLR rifles, 14 INSAS rifles, 6 pistols, one .303 rifle, one carbine, 3 UBGL thrower and one Taser gun were looted by militants and other suspects from the mobs after attacking police stations and the personnel. It's for the first time in the past decade or so that a sophisticated US-made weapon has been recovered from militants in the valley. This is a clear-cut indication that infiltration from across Pakistan is going on unabated with the inflow of latest weapons and terrorists such as Talha Rasheed, who is believed to have sneaked into Kashmir a few months ago. While the recovery of sophisticated weapons is nothing new in Kashmir, what is new and alarming is the weapon's country of origin. Traditionally, militants in Kashmir would mainly have access to the Russian-made guns such as AK-47 and Kalashnikov. But now the new-age militancy has access to weapons from the US as well. In June, New Delhi had secured a diplomatic advantage over Islamabad when the US firmly sided with India in its war against terrorism. America designated Syed Salahuddin, the Pakistan-based head of the largest militant group in Kashmir, Hizbul Mujahideen, a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. The statement was released at the end of the meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump where the duo promised an unforgiving strategy against global terrorism. This is a clear-cut indication that infiltration from across Pakistan is going on unabated. Coming back to the M4 carbine rifle, last month, the picture of a local militant, Sameer alias Tiger, holding a M4 rifle in an orchard - believed to be somewhere in south of Kashmir - went viral prompting the government to order an inquiry on whether the photo was real. The killing of Azhar Masood's nephew, a terrorist in south Kashmir, has brought the worst fears true as the IGP personally displayed the recovered M4. Mostly used by the NATO forces battling Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, this American-origin rifle is a shorter and lighter variant of the M16A2 assault rifle. But then apart from being a major security concern, the M4 carbine has some interesting "Tiger" conincidence. In Salman Khan's upcoming Tiger Zinda Hai, the actor used a machine gun of the same series, for some heavy-duty action in the film, which stars Katrina Kaif as the female lead. Big screen's "Tiger" fired about 5,000 cartridges from a MG-42 for a scene in the movie. Your Ultimate Investing Toolkit Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools: Portfolio Monitoring Top Stock Lists Premium Reports Stock Screeners Live News Feed Premium Support Free for your first month. Brookfield Asset Management is an alternative asset manager and REIT/Real Estate Investment Manager firm focuses on real estate, renewable power, infrastructure and venture capital and private equity assets. It manages a range of public and private investment products and services for institutional and retail clients. It typically makes investments in sizeable, premier assets across geographies and asset classes. It invests both its own capital as well as capital from other investors. Within private equity and venture capital, it focuses on acquisition, early ventures, control buyouts and financially distressed, buyouts and corporate carve-outs, recapitalizations, convertible, senior and mezzanine financings, operational and capital structure restructuring, strategic re-direction, turnaround, and under-performing midmarket companies. It invests in both public debt and equity markets. It invests in private equity sectors with focus on Business Services include infrastructure, healthcare, road fuel distribution and marketing, construction and real estate; Industrials include manufacturers of automotive batteries, graphite electrodes, returnable plastic packaging, and sanitation management and development; and Residential/ infrastructure services. It targets companies which likely possess underlying real assets, primarily in sectors such as industrial products, building materials, metals, mining, homebuilding, oil and gas, paper and packaging, manufacturing and forest product sectors. It invests globally with focus on North America including Brazil, the United States, Canada; Europe; and Australia; and Asia-Pacific. The firm considers equity investments in the range of $2 million to $500 million. It has a four-year investment period and a 10-year term with two one-year extensions. The firm prefers to take minority stake and majority stake. Brookfield Asset Management Inc. was founded in 1997 and based in Toronto, Canada with additional offices across Northern America; South America; Europe; Middle East and Asia. Phillips 66 operates as an energy manufacturing and logistics company. It operates through four segments: Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, and Marketing and Specialties (M&S). The Midstream segment transports crude oil and other feedstocks; delivers refined petroleum products to market; provides terminaling and storage services for crude oil and refined petroleum products; transports, stores, fractionates, exports, and markets natural gas liquids; provides other fee-based processing services; and gathers, processes, transports, and markets natural gas. The Chemicals segment produces and markets ethylene and other olefin products; aromatics and styrenics products, such as benzene, cyclohexane, styrene, and polystyrene; and various specialty chemical products, including organosulfur chemicals, solvents, catalysts, and chemicals used in drilling and mining. The Refining segment refines crude oil and other feedstocks into petroleum products, such as gasolines, distillates, aviation, and renewable fuels at 12 refineries in the United States and Europe. The M&S segment purchases for resale and markets refined petroleum products, including gasolines, distillates, and aviation fuels primarily in the United States and Europe. This segment also manufactures and markets specialty products, such as base oils and lubricants. The company was founded in 1875 and is headquartered in Houston, Texas. Gildan Activewear Inc. manufactures and sells various apparel products in the United States, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. It provides various activewear products, including T-shirts, fleece tops and bottoms, and sports shirts under the Gildan, Gildan Performance, Gildan Hammer, Comfort Colors, American Apparel, Alstyle, and GoldToe brands. The company also offers hosiery products comprising athletic; dress; and casual, liner, therapeutic, and workwear socks, as well as sheer pantyhose, tights, and leggings under the Gildan, Under Armour, GoldToe, PowerSox, Signature Gold by Goldtoe, Peds, MediPeds, Therapy Plus, All Pro, Secret, Silks, Secret Silky, and American Apparel brands. In addition, it provides men's and boys' underwear products, and ladies panties under the Gildan and Gildan Platinum brands; and ladies' shapewear, intimates, and accessories under the Secret and Secret Silky brands. The company sells its products to wholesale distributors, screen printers, and embellishers, as well as to retailers and lifestyle brand companies. The company was formerly known as Textiles Gildan Inc. and changed its name to Gildan Activewear Inc. in March 1995. Gildan Activewear Inc. was founded in 1946 and is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. United Rentals, Inc., through its subsidiaries, operates as an equipment rental company. It operates in two segments, General Rentals and Specialty. The General Rentals segment rents general construction and industrial equipment includes backhoes, skid-steer loaders, forklifts, earthmoving equipment, and material handling equipment; aerial work platforms, such as boom and scissor lifts; and general tools and light equipment comprising pressure washers, water pumps, and power tools for construction and industrial companies, manufacturers, utilities, municipalities, homeowners, and government entities. The specialty segment rents specialty construction products, including trench safety equipment consists of trench shields, aluminum hydraulic shoring systems, slide rails, crossing plates, construction lasers, and line testing equipment for underground work; power and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment, such as portable diesel generators, electrical distribution equipment, and temperature control equipment; fluid solutions equipment for fluid containment, transfer, and treatment; and mobile storage equipment and modular office space. This segment serves construction companies involved in infrastructure projects, and municipalities and industrial companies. It also sells aerial lifts, reach forklifts, telehandlers, compressors, and generators; construction consumables, tools, small equipment, and safety supplies; and parts for equipment that is owned by its customers, as well as provides repair and maintenance services. The company sells used equipment through its sales force, brokers, website, directly to manufacturers, and at auctions. The company operates a network of 1,360 rental locations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. United Rentals, Inc. was incorporated in 1997 and is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. GTT Communications, Inc. provides cloud networking services to multinational enterprises, carriers, and government customers in the United States, Europe, and internationally. The company offers wide area networking, such as software-defined wide area networking, multiprotocol label switching, and virtual private LAN service; high bandwidth-Internet connectivity and IP transit, as well as broadband and wireless Internet access services; managed equipment and security services; and unified communication services consisting of session initiation protocol trunking, cloud unified communication service, and traditional analog voice. It also provides transport services, such as Ethernet services that enable to design network equipment; and video transport services to support broadcast quality transmission of live events, sports entertainment, and news to media and entertainment industry. In addition, the company offers infrastructure services enabling transport of high volume data between data centers, enterprise office locations, and media hubs; wavelength services to deliver scalable high-performance optical connectivity; colocation, turnkey, duct, and dark fiber services; advanced solutions, including security, hybrid cloud, database, and application management Its IP network consists of approximately 600 points of presence. GTT Communications, Inc. markets its products and services through a network of direct sales force and indirect sales channels. The company was formerly known as Global Telecom & Technology, Inc. and changed its name to GTT Communications, Inc. in January 2014. GTT Communications, Inc. was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in McLean, Virginia. Salzgitter AG, together with its subsidiaries, engages in steel and technology businesses worldwide. It operates through five segments: Strip Steel, Plate/Section Steel, Mannesmann, Trading, and Technology. The Strip Steel segment manufactures branded and special steels, such as hot-rolled strip steel and steel sheets, sections, tailored blanks, and components for the construction industry. The Plate/Section Steel segment produces various high-grade heavy plates for engineering, shipbuilding, and mechanical engineering, as well as trades in scrap. The Mannesmann segment is involved in the manufacture of line pipes, HFI-welded tubes, precision and stainless-steel tubes, and spiral-welded and longitudinal-welded large-diameter pipes; and seamless and welded tubes for the energy, automotive, and mechanical engineering sectors. The Trading segment operates a European sales network, as well as trading companies and agencies worldwide. The Technology segment engages in the provision of machinery and plants for the filling and packaging of beverages, as well as special machinery engineering for shoe manufacturing and elastomer production. The company also provides IT, facility management, logistics, automotive engineering, and research and development services, as well as supplies raw materials. Salzgitter AG was founded in 1858 and is headquartered in Salzgitter, Germany. Synthomer plc operates as a specialty chemicals company. It operates through four segments: Performance Elastomers, Functional Solutions, Industrial Specialities, and Acrylate Monomers. The company offers pressure sensitive adhesives, acrylic polymers, acrylic dispersions, saturants, release coatings, and other adhesives; water-based carboxylated styrene butadiene rubber, redispersible powder, flooring adhesive, and additives for construction applications; and impregnation binders, styrene butadiene copolymers, dispersions, polymer binders, and butadiene-based binders for textiles applications. It also provides binders for various carpets; synthetic binders for graphic, packaging, and specialty paper coating applications; paper coating additives and plastic pigments; binders, dispersions, water-based and solvent-borne resins, and other products for various coating applications; foamed bedding products and footwear; elastomeric modifiers for thermoplastics and friction components; reinforcement resins for rubber compounds; and latex for tire cord. In addition, the company offers compounds and aqueous curing pastes for carpets and other applications; acrylic monomers for enhancing the performance characteristics of polymer formulations; antioxidant products; latices for medical examination, clean room, food handling, chemotherapy drug handling, chemical laboratory, and medical device and balloon applications; and nitrile latex, which enhance performance of industrial and fabric-supported gloves. Further, it provides liquid polybutadienes, polyvinyl alcohol suspending agents, polyvinyl acetates, thermosetting resins, butyl ethyl propanediol, and inorganic materials for various industrial applications; and coalescing agents for enhancing the properties of coatings. The company was formerly known as Yule Catto & Co. plc and changed its name to Synthomer plc in 2012. Synthomer plc was founded in 1863 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom. Zendesk, Inc., a software development company, provides software as a service solutions for organizations in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific, and internationally. Its flagship product is Zendesk Support, a system for tracking, prioritizing, and solving customer support tickets across various channels. The company also offers Zendesk Chat, a live chat and messaging software to connect with customers on websites and mobile devices applications; Zendesk Talk, a cloud-based call center software; Zendesk Guide, a knowledge base that powers customer self-service and support agent productivity; Zendesk Gather, a community forum software that allows customer end-users to connect and collaborate; Zendesk Explore, which provides analytics for organizations to measure and enhance the customer experience; and Zendesk Sell, a sales customer relationship management (CRM) product solution to enhance productivity, processes, and pipeline visibility. In addition, it provides Zendesk Sunshine, a CRM platform; Sunshine Conversations, a messaging platform solution; Zendesk Developer Tools, a combination of application programming interfaces, web widget, and mobile software development kits; Zendesk APIs that allow users to build custom integrations and interact with Zendesk data; and Zendesk Apps that enable organizations to customize Zendesk product and platform solution interfaces and optimize workflow through plug-ins, as well as Zendesk Suite, an omnichannel offering, which combines its solutions. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Ashford Hospitality Trust is a real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on the hospitality industry. The companys portfolio is concentrated in upper upscale, full-service hotels across the US. The portfolio strategy seeks to optimize total returns by maximizing the value of new acquisitions while paying dividends over time. The company boasts a geographically diversified portfolio of dominant branded full-service hotels. Ashford Inc externally advises Ashford Hospitality Trust. Ashford Hospitality Trust is the culmination of decades of real estate experience dating back to the 1960s. Now based in Dallas, TX, the company was founded and went public in 2003. The company is geared to withstand the ups and downs of the hospitality and hotel cycles. The company is committed to disciplined capital market activities, has a successful transaction track record, and brings value-added asset management to the table. Ashford Hospitality Trust is guided by five principles that best describe the company. These are Ethical, Innovative, Profitable, Engaging, and Tenacious and all key components of its reputation for integrity. The companys portfolio is well-diversified across brands and includes but is not limited to Courtyard, Crown Plaza, Embassy Suites, Hampton Inn, Hilton, Marriot, Ritz-Carlton, and Sheraton. Properties are located in 25 of the 50 US states and Washington, D.C. targeting the top 25 markets in the nation. The company also owns a number of private and boutique names as well. Ashford Hospitality Trust was founded by Monty J. Bennet who is the Chairman of the Board as well as Chairman, CEO, and President of Ashford, Inc which also trades on the NYSE. Mr. Bennet has more than 25 years of experience in the hospitality industry including owning and operating major hotels. Bar Harbor Bankshares operates as the holding company for Bar Harbor Bank & Trust that provides commercial, lending, retail, and wealth management banking services. It accepts various deposit products, including interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing demand accounts, savings accounts, time deposits, and money market deposit accounts, as well as certificates of deposit. The company also provides commercial real estate loans, such as multi-family, commercial construction and land development, and other commercial real estate classes; commercial and industrial loans, including loans to commercial and agricultural businesses, and tax exempt entities; residential real estate loans consists of mortgages for 1-4 family housing; and consumer loans comprises home equity loans, lines of credit, auto, and other installment lending. In addition, it provides life insurance, annuity, and retirement products, as well as financial planning services; and third-party investment and insurance services. Further, the company offers trust and estate administration, wealth advisory, and investment management services to individuals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and municipalities; and 401K plan, financial, estate and charitable planning, investment management, family office, municipal, and tax services. It operates 53 locations across Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The company was founded in 1887 and is based in Bar Harbor, Maine. Brookdale Senior Living Inc. owns, manages, and operates senior living communities in the United States. It operates in three segments: Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care, and Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs). The Independent Living segment owns or leases communities comprising independent and assisted living units in a single community that are primarily designed for middle to upper income seniors. The Assisted Living and Memory Care segment owns or leases communities consisting of freestanding multi-story communities and freestanding single-story communities, which offer housing and 24-hour assistance with activities of daily living for the Company's residents. This segment also operates memory care communities for residents with Alzheimer's and other dementias. The CCRCs segment owns or leases communities that provides various living arrangements, such as independent and assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing; and services to accommodate various levels of physical ability and healthcare needs. It also manages communities on behalf of others. As of December 31, 2021, the company owned 347 communities, leased 299 communities, and managed 33 communities on behalf of others. Brookdale Senior Living Inc. was incorporated in 2005 and is headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee. Centrica plc operates as an integrated energy company in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, North America, and internationally. The company operates through British Gas Services & Solutions, British Gas Energy, Centrica Business Solutions, Bord Gais Energy, Energy Marketing & Trading, and Upstream segments. It supplies gas and electricity to residential customers, as well as offers energy-related services; and generates power from nuclear assets. The company also provides installation, repair, and maintenance services for domestic central heating, plumbing and drains, home electrical, and gas and kitchen appliances; and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment, as well as offers breakdown services. In addition, it is involved in the procurement, trading, and optimization of energy; procurement and sale of LNG; and supplies energy efficiency solutions and technologies to residential customers. Further, the company produces and processes gas and oil; develops new fields to maintain reserves; constructs, owns, and exploits infrastructure; and engages in the social enterprise investment fund activities. Additionally, it provides vehicle leasing, commercial, and insurance services, as well as energy management products and services; and operates a gas storage and franchise network. The company was formerly known as Yieldtop plc and changed its name to Centrica plc in December 1996. Centrica plc was founded in 1812 and is based in Windsor, the United Kingdom. Global Payments Inc. provides payment technology and software solutions for card, electronic, check, and digital-based payments in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific. It operates through three segments: Merchant Solutions, Issuer Solutions, and Business and Consumer Solutions. The Merchant Solutions segment offers authorization services, settlement and funding services, customer support and help-desk functions, chargeback resolution, terminal rental, sales and deployment, payment security services, consolidated billing and statements, and on-line reporting services. This segment also provides an array of enterprise software solutions that streamline business operations of its customers in various vertical markets; and value-added services, such as point-of-sale solutions, and analytic and engagement tools, as well as payroll and human capital management services. The Issuer Solutions segment offers solutions that enable financial institutions and retailers to manage their card portfolios through a platform; and commercial payments and ePayables solutions for businesses and governments. The Business and Consumer Solutions segment provides general-purpose reloadable prepaid debit and payroll cards, demand deposit accounts, and other financial service solutions to the underbanked and other consumers, and businesses under the Netspend brand. It markets its products and services through direct sales force, trade associations, agent and enterprise software providers, referral arrangements with value-added resellers, and independent sales organizations. The company was founded in 1967 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. provides investor communications and technology-driven solutions for the financial services industry. The company's Investor Communication Solutions segment processes and distributes proxy materials to investors in equity securities and mutual funds, as well as facilitates related vote processing services; and distributes regulatory reports, class action, and corporate action/reorganization event information, as well as tax reporting solutions. It also offers ProxyEdge, an electronic proxy delivery and voting solution; data-driven solutions and an end-to-end platform for content management, composition, and omni-channel distribution of regulatory, marketing, and transactional information, as well as mutual fund trade processing services; data and analytics solutions; solutions for public corporations and mutual funds; SEC filing and capital markets transaction services; registrar, stock transfer, and record-keeping services; and omni-channel customer communications solutions, as well as operates Broadridge Communications Cloud platform that creates, delivers, and manages communications and customer engagement activities. The company's Global Technology and Operations segment provides solutions that automate the front-to-back transaction lifecycle of equity, mutual fund, fixed income, foreign exchange and exchange-traded derivatives, order capture and execution, trade confirmation, margin, cash management, clearance and settlement, reference data management, reconciliations, securities financing and collateral management, asset servicing, compliance and regulatory reporting, portfolio accounting, and custody-related services. This segment also offers business process outsourcing services; technology solutions, such portfolio management, compliance, fee billing, and operational support solutions; and capital market and wealth management solutions. The company was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Lake Success, New York. Derwent London plc owns 83 buildings in a commercial real estate portfolio predominantly in central London valued at 5.4 billion (including joint ventures) as at 30 June 2020, making it the largest London-focused real estate investment trust (REIT). Our experienced team has a long track record of creating value throughout the property cycle by regenerating our buildings via development or refurbishment, effective asset management and capital recycling. We typically acquire central London properties off-market with low capital values and modest rents in improving locations, most of which are either in the West End or the Tech Belt. We capitalise on the unique qualities of each of our properties - taking a fresh approach to the regeneration of every building with a focus on anticipating tenant requirements and an emphasis on design. Reflecting and supporting our long-term success, the business has a strong balance sheet with modest leverage, a robust income stream and flexible financing. As part of our commitment to lead the industry in mitigating climate change, in October 2019, Derwent London became the first UK REIT to sign a Green Revolving Credit Facility. At the same time, we also launched our Green Finance Framework and signed the Better Buildings Partnership's climate change commitment. The Group is a member of the 'RE100' which recognises Derwent London as an influential company, committed to 100% renewable power by purchasing renewable energy, a key step in becoming a net zero carbon business. Derwent London is one of only a few property companies worldwide to have science-based carbon targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Landmark schemes in our 5.6 million sq ft portfolio include 80 Charlotte Street W1, Brunel Building W2, White Collar Factory EC1, Angel Building EC1, 1-2 Stephen Street W1, Horseferry House SW1 and Tea Building E1. In 2019, the Group won several awards including EG Offices Company of the Year, the CoStar West End Deal of the Year for Brunel Building, Westminster Business Council's Best Achievement in Sustainability award and topped the real estate sector and was placed ninth overall in the Management Today 2019 awards for 'Britain's Most Admired Companies'. In 2013 the Company launched a voluntary Community Fund and has to date supported over 100 community projects in the West End and the Tech Belt. The Company is a public limited company, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange and incorporated and domiciled in the UK. The address of its registered office is 25 Savile Row, London, First Republic Bank was founded by Jim Herbert with the intention of providing exceptional levels of customer service. It was his belief that customer service would set the bank apart and create a profitable investment for its shareholders. After 35 years, his vision has proven true with a 25% CAGR that continues to this day. The initial enterprise value has grown from only $8.8 million in that time, to over $19 billion making it the 14th largest bank in the US. First Republic Bank was founded in 1985 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. First Republic Bank with its subsidiaries operates in two segments and provides personal banking, business banking, and wealth management services to individuals, families, organizations, and small businesses in the United States. The companys services are available in-person at one of the more than 80 offices or via ATM, online, mobile, and debit cards. The company offers deposit products including checking and saving accounts, money market, and CDs as well as a range of lending products. The full range of lending products includes but is not limited to residential mortgages, home equity lines of credit, commercial real estate and construction loans, and personal and business loans. The companys wealth management services include advisory services, online investment management, trusts, estate planning, and alternative investments as well as insurance and foreign exchange. The online brokerage service is available to all clients and can be accessed at any time via a web browser or mobile device. First Republic Bank operates a network of more than 80 deposit-taking branches and 12 wealth management offices. The network is located primarily in California with additional branches in major metropolitan areas and two destination locations that include Portland, Boston, Palm Beach, Greenwich, New York, and Jackson, Wyoming. First Republic Bank has proven its worth over the year by maintaining a consistently strong capital level, asset quality, and liquidity position. Its prudent management has allowed it to weather market ups and downs while commanding investment grade ratings for its bonds and preferred stock. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., through its subsidiaries, produces, markets, and distributes fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and internationally. It operates through three segments: Fresh and Value-Added Products, Banana, and Other Products and Services. It offers pineapples, fresh-cut fruit, fresh-cut vegetables, melons, and vegetables; non-tropical fruits, such as grapes, apples, citrus, blueberries, strawberries, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries, and kiwis; other fruit and vegetables, and avocados; and prepared fruit and vegetables, juices, other beverages, and meals and snacks. The company also engages in the sale of poultry and meat products; and third-party freight services business. In addition, it manufactures and sells plastic and box products, such as bins, trays, bags, and boxes. The company offers its products under the Del Monte brand, as well as under other brands, such as UTC, Rosy, Fruit Express, Just Juice, Fruitini, Mann's Logo, Arcadian Harvest, Nourish Bowls, Broccolini, Caulilini, Better Burger Leaf, RomaLeaf, and other regional brands. It markets and distributes its products to retail stores, club stores, convenience stores, wholesalers, distributors, and foodservice operators. Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. was founded in 1886 and is based in George Town, Cayman Islands. Trecora Resources manufactures and sells various specialty petrochemical products and synthetic waxes in the United States. The company operates in two segments, Petrochemical and Specialty Waxes. The Petrochemical segment offers hydrocarbons and other petroleum based products, including isopentane, normal pentane, isohexane, and hexane for use in the production of polyethylene, packaging, polypropylene, expandable polystyrene, poly-iso/urethane foams, and crude oil from the Canadian tar sands, as well as in the catalyst support industry. It also owns and operates pipelines. The Specialty Waxes segment provides specialty polyethylene for use in the paints and inks, adhesives, coatings, and PVC lubricants markets; and specialized synthetic poly alpha olefin waxes for use as toner in printers, as well as additives for candles. The company also provides custom processing services; and produces copper and zinc concentrates, and silver and gold dore. Trecora Resources was formerly known as Arabian American Development Company and changed its name to Trecora Resources in June 2014. Trecora Resources was founded in 1967 and is based in Sugar Land, Texas. The following companies are subsidiares of Dominion Energy: 96WI 8me LLC, Align RNG Arizona LLC, Align RNG Arizona-Snowflake LLC, Align RNG California LLC, Align RNG California-Corcoran LLC, Align RNG Grady Road LLC, Align RNG LLC, Align RNG Magnolia LLC, Align RNG North Carolina LLC, Align RNG North Carolina-Bowdens LLC, Align RNG Utah LLC, Align RNG Utah-Milford LLC, Align RNG Utah-Minersville LLC, Align RNG Virginia LLC, Align RNG Virginia-Waverly LLC, Alpaca Holdings LLC, Angus Holdings LLC, Aster Holdings LLC, Atlantic Coast Pipeline LLC, BOE Holdings Inc., Bantam Holdings LLC, Bellflower Holdings LLC, Birdseye Holdings LLC, Birdseye Projects LLC, Birdseye Renewable Energy LLC, Blackville Solar Farm LLC, Blue Ocean Energy Marine LLC, BrightSuite Home LLC, BrightSuite Home Solar Inc., BrightSuite Inc., BrightSuite Solar CT Inc., BrightSuite Solar Development LLC, BrightSuite Solar SC Inc., BrightSuite Solar VA Inc., Brown Swiss Holdings II LLC, Buckingham Solar I LLC, CEA Americus LLC, CEA CO-Fort Morgan LLC, CEA Clovis LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Colorado LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Georgia LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Idaho LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Kansas LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Nevada LLC, CEA Dairy RNG New Mexico LLC, CEA Dairy RNG Texas LLC, CEA Greely LLC, CEA Mason LLC, CEA TX-Dimmitt LLC, CNG Coal Company, CNG Power Services Corporation, Canola Holdings LLC, Carolina Gas Transmission Corporation, Charolais Holdings LLC, Chester White Holdings LLC, Chicory Holdings LLC, Clean Energy Asset USA LLC, Clean Energy Enterprises Inc., Clipperton Holdings LLC, Collard Holdings LLC, Consolidated Natural Gas Company, Correctional Solar LLC, Cotswold Holdings LLC, Cove Point LNG Limited, Currant Holdings LLC, DE 700 Canal Place LLC, DE Arlington Solar LLC, DE Fluvanna Solar LLC, DE Hanover Solar LLC, DE Henrico Solar LLC, DE King William Solar LLC, DE Louisa Solar LLC, DE Newport News Solar LLC, DE Powhatan Solar LLC, DE Virginia Beach Solar LLC, DECP Holdings Inc., DEO Alternative Fuel LLC, Dairy RNG Holdings LLC, Denmark Solar LLC, Devon Holdings LLC, Dexter Holdings LLC, Dill Holdings LLC, Dillon RE Holdings LLC, Dominion ACP Holding Inc., Dominion Alternative Energy Holdings Inc., Dominion Atlantic Coast Pipeline LLC, Dominion Capital Inc., Dominion Cogen WV Inc., Dominion Energy Birdseye Holdings Inc., Dominion Energy Fuel Services Inc., Dominion Energy Gas Distribution LLC, Dominion Energy Generation Marketing Inc., Dominion Energy Inc., Dominion Energy Kewaunee Inc., Dominion Energy Marketplace LLC, Dominion Energy Nuclear Connecticut Inc., Dominion Energy Payroll Company Inc., Dominion Energy Questar Corporation, Dominion Energy RNG Holdings II Inc., Dominion Energy RNG Holdings Inc., Dominion Energy Services Inc., Dominion Energy Solar CA LLC, Dominion Energy South Carolina Inc., Dominion Energy Southeast Services Inc., Dominion Energy Technical Solutions Inc., Dominion Energy Technologies II Inc., Dominion Energy Technologies Inc., Dominion Energy Terminal Company Inc., Dominion Energy Wexpro Services Company, Dominion Equipment III Inc., Dominion Equipment Inc., Dominion Fairless Hills Inc., Dominion Fowler Ridge Wind LLC, Dominion Gas Projects Company LLC, Dominion Generation Inc., Dominion Greenbrier Inc., Dominion High Voltage Holdings Inc., Dominion High Voltage MidAtlantic Inc., Dominion Investments Inc., Dominion Keystone Pipeline Holdings Inc., Dominion Keystone Pipeline LLC, Dominion MLP Holding Company III Inc., Dominion Mt. Storm Wind LLC, Dominion Nuclear Projects Inc., Dominion Oklahoma Texas Exploration & Production Inc., Dominion Person Inc., Dominion Privatization Florida LLC, Dominion Privatization Georgia LLC, Dominion Privatization Holdings Inc., Dominion Privatization Kentucky LLC, Dominion Privatization Maryland LLC, Dominion Privatization Pennsylvania LLC, Dominion Privatization South Carolina LLC, Dominion Privatization Texas LLC, Dominion Privatization Virginia LLC, Dominion Products and Services Inc., Dominion Projects Services Inc., Dominion Resources Capital Trust III, Dominion Retail Gas Holdings Inc., Dominion Solar Holdings IV LLC, Dominion Solar Projects C Inc., Dominion Solar Projects D Inc., Dominion Solar Projects III Inc., Dominion Solar Projects IV Inc., Dominion Solar Projects V Inc., Dominion Solar Projects VI Inc., Dominion Solar Projects VII Inc., Dominion Solar Services Inc., Dominion State Line LLC, Dominion Utility Privatization LLC, Dominion Voltage Inc., Dominion Wholesale Inc., Dominion Wind Development LLC, Dominion Wind Projects Inc., Dorset Holdings LLC, ESCT-SA-Suffield LLC, Eagle Holdco Solar LLC, Eagle Solar LLC, Eastern Shore Solar LLC, Endive Holdings LLC, Energize Holdings III LLC, Flax Holdings LLC, Fremont Farm LLC, Gideon Solar LLC, Ginger Holdings LLC, Greenbrier Marketing Company LLC, Greenbrier Pipeline Company LLC, Greensville County Solar Project LLC, Guernsey Holdings LLC, Hardin Solar Energy LLC, Hecate Energy Cherrydale LLC, Hecate Energy Clarke County LLC, Hemlock Holdings LLC, Hereford Holdings LLC, Hodges Solar LLC, Hope Gas Inc., Hosta Holdings LLC, Innovative Solar 37 LLC, Joanna Solar LLC, Kale Holdings LLC, Leek Holdings LLC, Leghorn Holdings LLC, Lentil Holdings LLC, Leyland Holdings LLC, Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas, Millet Holdings LLC, Moffett Solar 1 LLC, Moorings Farm 2 LLC, Mustang Solar LLC, Mustard Holdings LLC, Okra Holdings LLC, PSNC Blue Ridge Corporation, PSNC Cardinal Pipeline Company, Phone House, Pikeville Farm LLC, Power Path Holdings I LLC, Power Path Holdings II LLC, Power Path Holdings III LLC, Prairie Fork Wind Farm LLC, Public Service Company of North Carolina Incorporated, Quail Holdings LLC, Questar Corporation, Questar Gas Company, Questar InfoComm Inc., Ridgeland Solar Farm I LLC, Rutabaga Holdings LLC, SCANA, SCANA Corporate Security Services Inc., SCANA Corporation, SRFI LLC, Safflower Holdings LLC, Scott-II Solar LLC, Seabrook Solar LLC, Sedge Holdings LLC, Shallot Holdings LLC, Siler Solar LLC, Silkie Holdings LLC, Simmental Holdings LLC, Sol Madison Solar LLC, Sorghum Holdings LLC, South Carolina Fuel Company Inc., South Carolina Generating Company Inc., Southampton Solar LLC, Strawberry Holdings LLC, Sumac Holdings LLC, Summit Farms Solar LLC, Sussex Drive Solar Project LLC, TWE Myrtle Solar Project LLC, The East Ohio Gas Company, Trask East Solar LLC, Tredegar Solar Fund I LLC, Tredegar Solar LLC, VP Property Inc., Virginia Electric And Power Company, Virginia Power Fuel Corporation, Virginia Power Nuclear Services Company, Virginia Power Services Energy Corp. Inc., Virginia Power Services LLC, Virginia Solar 2017 Projects LLC, Wakefield Solar LLC, Watercress Holdings LLC, Wexpro Company, Wexpro Development Company, Wexpro II Company, Wilkinson Solar LLC, Yemassee Solar LLC, and Yorkshire Holdings LLC. Read More The following companies are subsidiares of Molina Healthcare: Aetna & Humana - Medicare Advantage, Affinity Health Plan, AmericanWork Inc., Better Health Network, Camelot Care Centers Inc, Children's Behavioral Health Inc., Choices Group Inc., College Community Services, Dockside Services Inc, Family Preservation Services Inc., Family Preservation Services of Florida Inc., Family Preservation Services of North Carolina Inc., Family Preservation Services of Washington D.C. Inc., Family Preservation Services of West Virginia Inc., Florida NetPASS LLC, Hclb Inc., Magellan Complete Care, Maple Star Nevada Inc., Maple Star Oregon Inc., Mercy CarePlus, Molina Clinical Services LLC, Molina Healthcare Data Center Inc., Molina Healthcare of Arizona Inc., Molina Healthcare of California, Molina Healthcare of Florida Inc., Molina Healthcare of Georgia Inc., Molina Healthcare of Illinois Inc., Molina Healthcare of Iowa Inc., Molina Healthcare of Louisiana Inc., Molina Healthcare of Maryland Inc., Molina Healthcare of Michigan Inc., Molina Healthcare of Mississippi Inc., Molina Healthcare of Nevada Inc., Molina Healthcare of New Mexico Inc., Molina Healthcare of New York Inc., Molina Healthcare of North Carolina Inc., Molina Healthcare of Ohio Inc., Molina Healthcare of Oklahoma Inc., Molina Healthcare of Pennsylvania Inc., Molina Healthcare of Puerto Rico Inc., Molina Healthcare of South Carolina LLC, Molina Healthcare of Texas Inc., Molina Healthcare of Texas Insurance Company, Molina Healthcare of Utah Inc., Molina Healthcare of Virginia Inc., Molina Healthcare of Washington Inc., Molina Healthcare of Wisconsin Inc., Molina Holdings Corporation, Molina Hospital Management LLC, Molina Information Systems LLC dba Molina Medicaid Solutions, Molina Medical Management Inc., Molina Pathways LLC, Molina Pathways of Texas Inc., Molina Youth Academy, NextLevel Health Illinois, Pathways Community Corrections Inc., Pathways Community Services LLC, Pathways Community Support of Texas Inc., Pathways Health and Community Support LLC, Pathways Human Services LLC., Pathways of Arizona Inc., Pathways of Delaware Inc., Pathways of Idaho LLC, Pathways of Maine Inc., Pathways of Massachusetts LLC, Pathways of Oklahoma Inc., Pathways of Washington Inc., Providence Community Services, Providence Human Services, Raystown Developmental Services Inc., The Game of Work LLC, The RedCo Group Inc., Total Care Medicaid plan, Transitional Family Services Inc., Unisys -Health Information Management, and YourCare Health Plan. Read More National Bank of Canada provides various financial products and services to retail, commercial, corporate, and institutional clients in Canada and internationally. It operates through four segments: Personal and Commercial, Wealth Management, Financial Markets, and U.S. Specialty Finance and International. The Personal and Commercial segment offers personal banking services, including transaction solutions, mortgage loans and home equity lines of credit, consumer loans, payment solutions, and savings and investment solutions; various insurance products; and commercial banking services comprise credit, and deposit and investment solutions, as well as international trade, foreign exchange transactions, payroll, cash management, insurance, electronic transactions, and complimentary services. The Wealth Management segment comprises investment solutions, trust services, banking services, lending services, and other wealth management solutions. The Financial Markets segment offers corporate banking, advisory, and capital markets services; and project financing, debt, and equity underwriting; advisory services in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, and financing. The U.S. Specialty Finance and International segment provides specialty finance products; financial products and services to individuals and businesses in Cambodia; and investment solutions, guaranteed investment certificates, mutual funds, notes, structured products, and monetization. It provides its services through a network of 384 branches and 927 banking machines. National Bank of Canada was founded in 1859 and is based in Montreal, Canada. RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. provides reinsurance and insurance products around the world. The company was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Bermuda with offices in Ireland, Australia, Switzerland, Singapore, and the US. The company operates through two segments that include multiple underlying businesses and investment vehicles. The two main segments are Property and Casualty & Specialty. The company operates through intermediaries that include DaVinci Resinsurance Inc, Top Layer Reinsurance LTD, and RennaisanceRe Syndicate 1458 among others. Top Layer Re is the first major venture and was started in 1999. It is a joint venture with State Farm targeting high layers of the US reinsurance business. DaVinci Re was formed in the wake of 9/11 to assist with capacity and it was given added capacity in the wake of hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. Medici was formed in 2009 and is an open-ended fund intended to spur investment in the catastrophe bond market. The Property segment writes catastrophic insurance policies to insure insurance and reinsurance companies against natural and man-made catastrophes. These include but are not limited to hurricanes, floods, freezes, and terrorism. The Casualty & Specialty segment provides a wide range of consumer products including business insurance, malpractice insurance, liability insurance, workers' compensation, mortgage insurance, and health insurance among others. Among RenaissanceRes Specialty businesses is capital management. The firm offers 6 investment vehicles and has more than $11 billion under management making it the #1 ILS or insurance-linked asset manager in the US. In regards to its credit ratings, the firm and all of its vehicles carry an A or better rating from every credit rating agency. SunTrust Banks, Inc. operates as the holding company for SunTrust Bank that provides various financial services for consumers, businesses, corporations, institutions, and not-for-profit entities in the United States. It operates in two segments, Consumer and Wholesale. The Consumer segment provides deposits and payments; home equity and personal credit lines; auto, student, and other lending products; credit cards; discount/online and full-service brokerage products; professional investment advisory products and services; and trust services, as well as family office solutions. This segment also offers residential mortgage products in the secondary market. The Wholesale segment provides capital markets solutions, including advisory, capital raising, and financial risk management; asset-based financing solutions, such as securitizations, asset-based lending, equipment financing, and structured real estate arrangements; cash management services and auto dealer financing solutions; investment banking solutions; and credit and deposit, fee-based product offering, multi-family agency lending, advisory, commercial mortgage brokerage, and tailored financing and equity investment solutions. This segment also offers treasury and payment solutions, such as operating various electronic and paper payment types, which comprise card, wire transfer, automated clearing house, check, and cash; and provides services clients to manage their accounts online. The company offers its products and services through a network of traditional and in-store branches, automated teller machines, Internet, mobile, and telephone banking channels. As of December 31, 2018, it operated 1,218 full-service banking offices located in Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia. SunTrust Banks, Inc. was founded in 1891 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The following companies are subsidiares of SAP: Abakus, Abakus Europe Limited, Abakus Ukraine Limited Liability Company, Adatfeldolgozasban Informatikai Kft., Altiscale, Ambin Properties Proprietary Limited, AppGyver, Ariba, Ariba Czech s.r.o., Ariba Inc. Palo Alto, Ariba India Private Limited, Ariba International, Ariba International Holdings, Ariba International Singapore Pte Ltd, Ariba Slovak Republic s.r.o., Ariba Software Technology Services (Shanghai) Co., Ariba Technologies India Private Limited, Ariba Technologies Netherlands B.V., Beijing Zhang Zhong Hu Dong Information Technology, Business Objects, Business Objects Holding B.V., Business Objects Option LLC, Business Objects Software Limited, CNQR Operations Mexico S. de. R.L. de. C.V., Callidus Software, CallidusCloud, Christie Partners Holding C.V., Clear Standards, ClearTrip Inc., ClearTrip Inc. (Mauritius), Cleartrip MEA FZ LLC, Cleartrip Private Limited, Coghead, ConTgo Consulting Limited, ConTgo Pty. Ltd., Concur (Austria) GmbH, Concur (Canada), Concur (France) SAS, Concur (Germany) GmbH, Concur (Japan) Ltd., Concur (New Zealand) Limited, Concur (Philippines) Inc., Concur (Switzerland) GmbH, Concur Czech (s.r.o.), Concur Holdings (France) SAS, Concur Holdings (Netherlands) B.V., Concur Technologies (Australia) Pty. Limited, Concur Technologies (Hong Kong) Limited, Concur Technologies (India) Private Limited, Concur Technologies (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Concur Technologies (UK) Limited, Concur Technologies Inc. Bellevue, Contextor, Coresystems, Crystal Decisions (Ireland) Limited, Crystal Decisions Holdings Limited, Crystal Decisions UK Limited, Emarsys, EssCubed Procurement Pty. Ltd., Extended Systems, Factory Logic, Fedem Technology AS, Fieldglass Europe Limited, Financial Fusion, FreeMarkets Ltda., Frictionless Commerce, Gigya, Gigya Australia Pty Ltd, Gigya Ltd., Gigya UK Ltd, GlobalExpense Limited, Highdeal, Hipmunk, Hybris (US) Corp., Hybris GmbH, Inxight Federal Systems Group, KXEN, Khimetrics, LLC "SAP Labs", LLC "SAP Ukraine", LLC SAP CIS, MaXware, Merlin Systems Oy, Multiposting Sp.z o.o., Nihon Ariba K.K., OpTier, OutlookSoft, OutlookSoft Deutschland GmbH, PLAT.ONE, PT SAP Indonesia, PT Sybase 365 Indonesia, Pilot Software Inc., Plat.One Inc., Plat.One Lab Srl, Plateau Systems LLC, Quadrem Africa Pty. Ltd., Quadrem Brazil Ltda., Quadrem Chile Ltda., Quadrem Colombia SAS, Quadrem International Ltd., Quadrem Netherlands B.V., Quadrem Overseas Cooperatief U.A., Quadrem Peru S.A.C., Qualtrics, Recast.AI, Right Hemisphere, Roambi, Ruan Lian Technologies (Beijing) Co., SAF, SAP (Beijing) Software System Co., SAP (Schweiz) AG, SAP (Schweiz) AG Biel, SAP (UK) Limited, SAP (UK) Limited Feltham, SAP AZ LLC, SAP America, SAP America Inc. Newtown Square, SAP Andina y del Caribe, SAP Argentina S.A., SAP Asia (Vietnam) Co., SAP Asia Pte Ltd, SAP Australia Pty Ltd, SAP Australia Pty Ltd. Sydney, SAP Belgium NV/SA, SAP Beteiligungs GmbH, SAP Brasil Ltda, SAP Brasil Ltda Sao Paulo, SAP Bulgaria EOOD, SAP Business Compliance Services GmbH, SAP Business Services Center Nederland B.V., SAP CR, SAP Canada, SAP Chile Limitada, SAP China Co., SAP China Co. Ltd. Shanghai, SAP China Holding Co., SAP Colombia S.A.S., SAP Commercial Services Ltd., SAP Concur, SAP Costa Rica, SAP Customer Experience, SAP Cyprus Limited, SAP Danmark A/S, SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG, SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG Walldorf, SAP Dritte Beteiligungs- und Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH, SAP EMEA Inside Sales S.L., SAP East Africa Limited, SAP Egypt LLC, SAP Erste Beteiligungs- und Vermogensverwaltungs GmbH, SAP Espana - Sistemas Informatica, SAP Estonia OU, SAP Fieldglass, SAP Financial, SAP Finland Oy, SAP Foreign Holdings GmbH, SAP France, SAP France Holding, SAP France Levallois Perret, SAP Global Marketing, SAP Hellas S.A., SAP Holdings (UK) Limited, SAP Hong Kong Co., SAP Hosting Beteiligungs GmbH, SAP Hungary Rendszerek, SAP India (Holding) Pte Ltd, SAP India Private Limited, SAP India Private Limited Bangalore, SAP Industries, SAP Industries Inc. Newtown Square, SAP International, SAP International Panama, SAP Investments, SAP Ireland Limited, SAP Ireland US - Financial Services Designated Activity Company, SAP Israel Ltd., SAP Italia Sistemi Applicazioni Prodotti in Data Processing S.p.A., SAP Italia Sistemi Applicazioni Prodotti in Data Processing S.p.A. Vimercate, SAP Japan Co., SAP Japan Co. Ltd. Tokyo, SAP Kazakhstan LLP, SAP Korea Ltd., SAP Labs, SAP Labs Bulgaria EOOD, SAP Labs Finland Oy, SAP Labs France SAS, SAP Labs India Private Limited, SAP Labs Israel Ltd., SAP Labs Korea, SAP Latvia SIA, SAP MENA FZ L.L.C., SAP Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., SAP Malta Investments Ltd., SAP Mxico S.A. de C.V., SAP National Security Services PA, SAP Nederland B.V., SAP Nederland B.V. s-Hertogenbosch, SAP Service and Support Centre (Ireland) Limited, SAP SuccessFactors, SAP d.o.o., SeeWhy, Signavio, SuccessFactors, SuccessFactors Inc. South San Francisco, SwoopTalent, Sybase, Syclo, TopTier Software, Triversity, Vimercate, Virsa Systems, Visiprise, Wicom Communications, and conTgo limited. Read More 1. Yes. The ordinance goes against state law and is not in the best interest of the cities. 2. Yes. At the very least, it should be amended to give police officers some discretion. 3. No. Voters approved the ordinance by large majorities; the councils cant ignore that fact. 4. No. The petition process has to be given a chance to work. Leave the ordinance alone. 5. Unsure. Its hard to say how the cities should move forward regarding the ordinance. Vote View Results Under Armour, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the developing, marketing, and distributing performance apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youth. The company offers its apparel in compression, fitted, and loose fit types. It also provides footwear products for running, training, basketball, cleated sports, recovery, and outdoor applications. In addition, the company offers accessories, which include gloves, bags, headwear, and sports masks; and digital subscription and advertising services under the MapMyRun and MapMyRide platforms. It primarily offers its products under the UNDER ARMOUR, UA, HEATGEAR, COLDGEAR, HOVR, PROTECT THIS HOUSE, I WILL, UA Logo, ARMOUR FLEECE, and ARMOUR BRA brands. The company sells its products through wholesale channels, including national and regional sporting goods chains, independent and specialty retailers, department store chains, mono-branded Under Armour retail stores, institutional athletic departments, and leagues and teams, as well as independent distributors; and directly to consumers through a network of 422 brand and factory house stores, as well as through e-commerce websites. It operates in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. Under Armour, Inc. was incorporated in 1996 and is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. Telia has hit out at the Latvian governments rejection of its proposal to combine local mobile operator LMT with fixed provider Lattelecom. The Nordic group issued a caustic statement noting that it been in negotiations with Latvian authorities over the merger for the past ten years, and slammed the rejection as detrimental to the country. Over the past decade, Telia Company has put forward every single option to the government to buy, to sell, to merge and different ownership structures, which have now all been rejected, read the statement. It is disappointing that the government has not only rejected the solutions recommended by the independent consultants and its own inter-ministerial working group, but has also failed to provide an alternative strategy regarding the development of the two companies and the countrys digital sector. The negative decision is detrimental for both LMT and Lattelecom and ultimately to Latvian society and the wider economy. Telia holds a 60% stake in LMT and a 49% stake in Lattelecom, and has repeatedly stated that it believes a merger between the companies is the only solution to ensure their sustainable future. The Latvian government holds the majority stake in Lattelecom, as well as a small holding in LMT. Lattelecom itself in fact also holds a 23% stake in LMT. LMT leads the market in Latvia with 1.24 million connections. Telia had been hoping to run the operator as a converged fixed line and mobile provider, but since this has been rejected the operator is reviewing its position in the market. When billionaire Alibaba founder Jack Ma wrote in an open letter earlier this year we need to fight counterfeits the same way we fight drunk driving, his sentiments reflected how bad the global counterfeiting trend has become. Mobile phones are one of the most trafficked goods in the electronics counterfeit market. According to a recent study by OECD, approximately one in five - that is about 19% of mobile handsets sold in the world -are counterfeits, and the number has been growing in recent years. Africa and other emerging markets have long been the primary market for fake mobiles. Counterfeit phones account for 10-30% of the total handsets sold in sub-Saharan African countries, and can go up to 60% in worst case scenarios. In Tanzania, it has been estimated that 40% of the 35 million mobile users use a counterfeit handset. In Nigeria, the largest mobile market in Africa, surveys have found that more than 15 million, or over 10% of its mobile subscriber base, use fake handsets. In India this use of counterfeit handsets is growing by a shocking 12% per annum. Due to the growth of e-commerce platforms such as Ebay, Amazon and Alibaba, it has become easy for this counterfeit mobile sector to become global; these e-commerce platforms have helped make fake mobiles easily available at a fraction of the price for the original items, anywhere in the world. Research conducted by the Intellectual Property Office of EU (EUIPO) and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) revealed that counterfeiting has impacted on smartphone sales by an estimated 184 million units valued at 45.3 ($52) billion, or 12.9% of total smartphone sales. These sales losses have a domino effect - in the EU, US and Latin America markets, the losses accounted for more than 4 billion each; in Africa 1 billion; the Arab States 2 billion; and in China more than 16 billion. This economic loss has not only affected the IPR owner sales but has also international governments lose the additional revenues gathered through value-added tax and corporate income tax. Governments are making demands on mobile service providers to help stop the sale of counterfeit mobiles and help to recoup lost tax revenues. In Kenya, the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) was introduced by the National Commission of Communications (CCK) in 2011, to register and control all fake and sub-standard mobile communications accessories. More than 1.5 million Kenyan fake phones were switched off by mobile operators in October 2012, in an operation where all agreed to comply with a government directive. A joint memorandum of understanding was signed in and the Commission of Communication of Kenya agreed to pay financial compensation for any losses incurred. Mobile service providers implemented the switch-off of the handsets, which were identified by their invalid IMEI code. Other countries have followed Kenyas example. Tanzanias Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) announced an inauguration of a Central Equipment Identity Register in 2016, followed by a plan to switch off all fake and substandard phones. Shutting off counterfeit handsets without warning made many people angry as the sudden loss of connectivity made life difficult, stopped business and even put people in danger. Many people bought their devices in good faith and had paid a small fortune for them, and the impromptu cut-off didnt feel fair to them. It is almost impossible for the average consumer to spot a fake handset, especially if the design is convincing. Spotting a fake mobile phone requires a level of technical knowledge that most people do not have. Counterfeit handsets cause money losses for IPR owners and the distributors of legitimate devices, and a loss of tax income for governments. Counterfeit phones are not durable, can generate high radiation, and contain harmful levels of dangerous elements such as lead. As they are made out of cheaper elements and not subject to safety standards, these fake phones can easily explode and often have inoperable speakers, low-resolution cameras, and slow or old processors that result in a poor network connection. Device management technology can now provide operators with several ways to handle device shutdowns so that it respects the customer relationship and has the potential to turn the situation into a fruitful customer engagement. Some automatic device detection solutions can enable operators to identify in real-time whether a device is fake via its IMEI code. Based on this information, customer engagement solutions can deliver users personalised messages to inform them about their fake device and about the potential risks of carrying one. These messages can be automated in advance of the shutdown to give customers enough time to buy a legitimate handset. Operators can turn this into an upsell opportunity and send the affected subscribers discounted handset offers. This technology enables a smooth device shutdown so as not to put customers in a dangerous position. All fake handsets would first lose mobile data connectivity, with voice and SMS following only after a certain amount of time, leaving only the emergency number in use. Because of real-time detection and automated and targeted customer engagement capabilities, each fake mobile owner can be handled differently as they appear on a network. This avoids mass-shutdowns, which can ruin customer satisfaction and damage the operator brand. In the open letter, Jack Ma said law enforcement has been too lax and that Chinese authorities should raise maximum prison sentences and other penalties to deter illegal counterfeit handset makers. The only way forward is to punish mobile counterfeiters and traffickers, is by hitting them where it hurts their pockets. And, instead of punishing the handset owners by mass switch-offs they should be turned into legitimate device users by using fake device detection and personalised customer engagement. The OnePlus 5T is slated to launch on November 16. Ahead of the launch, OnePlus CEO explains why Dash charging is better than wireless charging and that the latter wont be featured on the upcoming flagship device. The OnePlus 5T has been a hot topic of discussion within the tech community as well as OnePlus fan community for a while now. The upcoming flagship killer is expected to launch on November 16 at an event in New York, after which it will be made available in India on November 21. Ahead of the launch of the OnePlus 5T, company CEO Pete Lau has reiterated the prowess of Dash Charging, explaining that it is better than Wireless charging. Lau has also confirmed that the OnePlus 5T will not be featuring wireless charging. He gives two reasons why the company decided to exclude wireless charging on the OnePlus 5T. Explaining the two reasons in a blogpost, Lau writes: Reason 1: Wired quick charging solutions like ours clearly outshine wireless on quantitative measures. Just plug your device in, and Dash Charge produces 20 watts of power, reliably giving a days power in half an hour. Reason 2: Dash Charge gives you enough power for the day with just one charging session. All you need is the Dash Charge cable and adaptor to consistently power your device at superior rate. It doesn't matter whether you're gaming or streaming video. Dash Charge stays cool and power efficient. He further explains that Wireless charging requires the smartphone to be placed perfectly aligned on the charging pad. Some of the best wireless charging pads market the theoretical potential of 15 watts of power, but that's only if you position your phone correctly. Wirelessly charging more than one device at a time further divides that number, leading to even slower charging per device, he adds. The OnePlus CEO goes another step ahead to justify the power of Dash charging over wireless charging. As per Lau, wireless charging can seem attractive, but it restricts the user from picking up the phone while its charging. He says, You cant pick up your phone to game or take a photo while charging. Given present-day infrastructures, wireless charging brings more limitations than freedom. The OnePlus 5T is a big deal for the company and it seems like OnePlus wants no criticism from users when it launches the phone. From what we know so far, the OnePlus 5T will be a major redesign with thinner top and bottom bezels and an 18:9 aspect ratio display. We have seen the smartphone leak in the form of renders and a GFXBench listing. The device is expected to feature a 6-inch display with Full HD+ resolution of 2160 x 1080 pixels. For its processing power, the OnePlus 5T will most probably rely on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset with options for either 6GB or 8GB RAM and 64GB or 128GB internal storage. We also hear that the OnePlus 5T will be priced the same as the OnePlus 5. However, there is no real confirmation of its India price yet. A day before Brexit talks resume, chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier challenged the Prime Minister and her troubled government on whether she planned on following the US's model of social and economic deregulation or continuing to operate within Europe's mainstream. Speaking in Rome on Thursday ahead of Friday's resumption of talks, Barnier told his audience the comments made by the US commerce secretary on a recent visit to Number 10 left him with several concerns. "When I hear the US secretary of commerce, Wilbur Ross, call in London for the British to diverge with Europe to better converge towards others towards less regulation, environmental, sanitary, food, probably also financial, fiscal and social I'm wondering," said Barnier. "The United Kingdom has chosen to leave the European Union. Will it also want to move away from the European model? That's another question." "There is behind this European regulatory framework the fundamental societal choices we hold: the social market economy, health protection, food security, fair and efficient financial regulation it is up to the British to tell us whether they still adhere to the European model," he added. Barnier also stated that the UK would have to offer up further details on just how much of the estimated 60bn separation settlement it was willing to pay as Germany began to apply pressure on Brussels to take a more commanding approach to negotiations and tell Downing Street, that unless an agreement was reached on the financial settlement in the coming weeks, there would be no hope of discussions on a future relationship with the EU states. Westminster has demanded that there be some sort of discussion regarding future arrangements before the settlement was agreed upon in order to aide withdrawal issues relating to financial settlement, citizens' rights and the problematic border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. But last month European leaders have agreed to move internal discussions on Brexit onto issues of trade and the exit transition - but not with the UK negotiating team due to the "insufficient progress" made in negotiations. Jacqueline Foster, deputy leader of the Tory party's MEPs, said on Thursday, "The UK set out a fair and reasonable offer on citizens' rights which is nearly ready to be signed." "The commission say it's for the member states to sort out, but tell the member states they shouldn't talk to the Brits," she added. At a summit of EU heads of state in Brussels in October, it was reiterated that moving talks to next negotiations on trade cannot begin until the UK agrees a rough financial settlement it will pay on leaving the bloc. European Council president Donald Tusk confirmed that the EU27 had given the green light for the member states to begin internal discussions on the second phase, but that this would not yet be discussed with the UK. Prime Minister Theresa May, who attended the summit, said that there were only a small number of outstanding issues left to be resolved and on Friday she refused to confirm or deny that she had been persuaded to increase her original offer of a 20bn Brexit divorce bill to the EU to progress to the next stage of talks. May would only say that the UK will go through any agreement on contributions line by line. European stocks ended the session slighty lower in the wake of weaker-than-expected data on Chinese foreign trade and ahead of tax reform proposals from the US Senate which were expected on Thursday. At the closing bell, the benchmark Stoxx 600 was 0.05% or 0.20 points lower to 394.45, alongside a marginal advance of 0.02% or 3.15 points for the German Dax which was at 13,382.42. The FTSE Mibtel meanwhile fell 0.57% or 131.29 points to 22,831.30. In parallel, euro-dollar was edging higher by 0.01% to 1.1592 and January-dated Brent crude oil futures 0.39% down at $63.44 on the ICE. The rate of growth in Chinese exports slipped from a 9.0% pace year-on-year for September to 6.1% in October (consensus: 7.0%), while import growth cooled from a 19.5% clip to 17.5% (consensus: 17.0%). Yet according to Julian Evans-Pritchard at Capital Economics the chief factor behind the 'miss' in Wednesday's figures was the shift in the Mid-Autumn festival this year. "The upshot is that, after adjusting for seasonal factors and price effects, both outbound and inbound shipments appear to have softened recently. Looking ahead, we expect any further weakening of exports to remain mild given the relatively upbeat outlook for growth in Chinas main trading partners," said Julian Evans-Pritchard at Capital Economics. Back in Europe, Spain's national statistics office, INE, reported that the country's industrial production grew at a 3.4% clip year-on-year in September (consensus: 3.2%). Meanwhile, in France, Finance Ministry data revealed a seasonally adjusted -4.7bn shortfall on the foreign trade balance in September, as expected by economists. Burberry 's new boss has vowed to move further upmarket in search of stronger profit margins after the fashion brand announced the departure of design guru Christopher Bailey. Marco Gobbetti, who became Burberry's chief executive in July, said the brand needed to be entrenched "firmly in luxury enabling us to deliver sustainable long-term value". Unveiling first-half results, Gobbetti pledged to liven up and increase Burberry's clothing, create luxury leather goods and accessories and revamp stores to make them more appealing. Gobbetti, who joined from French luxury brand Celine, said: "By re-energising our product and customer experience to establish our position firmly in luxury, we will play in the most rewarding, enduring segment of the market. This will enable us to drive sustainable growth and higher margins over time." Same-store sales rose 4% for the six months to the end of September, pushing revenues up to 1.26bn. Adjusted operating profit increased 28% to 185m, beating analysts' average forecast of 167m. But Burberry shares fell 12% to 229p at 08:25 GMT and were the biggest losers in the FTSE 100 as investors digested Gobbetti's strategy. He wants to take Burberry out of US stores where its products sit alongside less desirable goods to enhance their luxury credentials but the move will hit revenues for two years. Steve Clayton, who manages Hargreaves Lansdown's select UK growth shares fund, said investors were struggling to come to come to terms with a plan that could give Burberry the pricing power enjoyed by ultra-luxury brands. "The real focus today is on new CEO Marco Gobbettis announcement of a drive to push the brand ever deeper into luxury territory. The market is now being asked to back him in a 'no pain, no gain' strategy shift. Early evidence suggests Mr Gobbetti has not carried the crowd with him." Gobbetti set out his stall a week after Burberry announced the departure next year of Bailey, his predecessor as chief executive who joined as design director in 2001. The new boss's strategy could come as a surprise to investors who have been asked to approve multimillion-pound payouts to reward Bailey for turning Burberry into a luxury fashion brand. Bailey became Burberry's chief executive in 2014 with no experience of running a public company. He came under pressure as sales flagged in China, which had become Burberry's key market, and he gave way to Gobbetti, a veteran fashion executive. FTSE 250 builders merchant Grafton posted a rise in revenue for the 10 months to the end of October as it reaffirmed its expectations for the year. Revenue was up 9.1%, or 6.9% in constant currency terms, to 2.3bn. The UK merchanting business saw like-for-like growth of 5.4% in the four months to the end of October versus 4.5% for the first half, helped by a weak comparative in the third quarter. In the 10-month period, the UK business saw LFL growth of 4.9%. Ireland continued to see strong growth despite an expected moderation, with merchanting LFL growth of 8.4% in the last four months and 10.6% in the 10-month period. Meanwhile, the Netherlands merchanting business continued to perform strongly with the benefit of broadly based growth in the Dutch economy and increased activity in the secondary and new housing markets. It saw LFL growth of 5.7% in the last four months and 4.8% in the 10-month period. Chief executive officer Gavin Slark said: "We are pleased with the performance of the group during the period and our expectations for the full year remain unchanged. We anticipate that current trading conditions in the UK merchanting business are likely to continue over the remainder of the year while the Irish and Netherlands businesses should benefit from favourable trading conditions and strong market positions." Canaccord Genuity said: Overall a reassuring update with no big surprises and consensus looks well supported; we don't expect to see material changes today. At 1010 GMT, the shares were down 4.9% to 783p. Canaccord pointed out that the stock has performed strongly, up by around 55% in the last 12 months and 6% over the last three months. Independent News & Media lowered its profit expectations for the 2017 financial year into the red against the backdrop of revenue decline and increased legal costs. The Dublin based company announced on Thursday "a material reduction in expected full year profit before tax", mainly due to a combination of ongoing, uncertain challenging market conditions including Brexit, continued revenue challenges and higher one-off legal costs, it said. Those legal costs were in relation to the independent review and meeting the ongoing requirements of the office of the director of corporate enforcement, which were significantly higher than previously estimated. The company also said it was actively engaged in tackling the challenges it currently faced, while seeking to maximise its revenue streams. The company's preliminary results for the twelve months ending 31 December 2017, due to be announced on 9 March 2018. London-based property investment firm Wynnstay Properties had investors in a groovy kind of mood after increasing the dividend thanks to a strong rise in first-half property income and net assets bolstered by new lettings in Aylesford and Liphook, and contractual rent reviews on its properties in Lichfield and Surbiton. Wynnstay reported 16% income growth to 1.17m in the six months to 29 September and after-tax income of 581,000 against the 423,000 a year earlier thanks to profits from the sale of its Gosport and Colchester properties. As a whole, the group increased its net asset value (NAV) per share 15.9% to 685p. Wynnstay chairman Philip Collins said, "In view of the very satisfactory financial results, I am pleased to say that we are in a position to continue our recent pattern of increasing the dividend." If not quite another day paradise, it was at least a heavenly moment for investors as Collins and colleagues lifted the interim dividend an impressive 18% to 6.5p per share. Looking forward, Collins suggested against all odds of the uncertainties arising from Brexit, the board was "encouraged that the portfolio remains fully let and with rising rents being achieved and are confident about the company's future given the broad spread of the portfolio and range of tenants". As of 1430 GMT, shares were down 1.75% to 560.00p. At least 145 million Americans half the population of the United States were impacted by the recent data breach at Equifax that netted thieves personal information such as names, addresses, birthdates, Social Security Numbers and drivers license numbers. That pales in comparison to the earlier Yahoo breaches, which affected more than 1 billion accounts. However, those incidents may be just the tip of a very large iceberg, as reports of data breaches just keep on coming. Data Breach Disillusionment Consumer confidence is at an all-time low, said Paige Schaffer, COO of the identity and digital protection services global unit atGenerali Global Assistance. We did a survey with ORC International that found 40 percent of consumers believe businesses arent doing all they can to protect their personal information, she told the E-Commerce Times. Further, three in four holiday shoppers say theyre either very concerned or somewhat concerned about their financial or personal information being compromised due to a data breach this season. Still, 75 percent of holiday shoppers say theyll be doing at least some of their shopping online, Schaffer pointed out. Consumer spending will be up 3.4 percent year over year this holiday season, to total almost US$680 billion, according to the National Retail Foundation. Companies that want to nail down their share of the bonanza must not only make sure their systems are secure, but also make sure that shoppers know theyre in good hands. Here are some ways e-commerce firms can reassure skittish customers and potential customers. 1. Have a Good Cybersecurity Solution Have multifactor authentication for any user accessing information and anyone in the company handling anything related to money to make life hard for hackers, advised Ebba Blitz, CEO of Alertsec. Ensure data storage is on a secure server like Amazon Web Services, or if the data is stored in-house, encrypt all entry points and include a personal firewall, she told the E-Commerce Times. 2. Make Security a Core Policy Demonstrating a serious attitude about security at the policy level is crucial, remarked Jim Hartling, chief architect at Softvision. Companies must have processes with security at their center, he told the E-Commerce Times. They must adhere to compliance standards including PCI, and establish policies for code revision and penetration testing. Further, they must pay ongoing attention to exploits in the wild, Hartling said. E-commerce companies should promote customer data protection like other companies promote their sustainability policies, said Generalis Schaffer. Make it a part of your companys culture and reflect it outwardly in all aspects of what you do, she advised. 3. Use SSL Security Companies should use SSL bank-level security by default on all certificates, and invest in Green Bar SSL certifications, advised Christopher Walton, VP of guilds at Softvision. This is the highest level of SSL, and your customers will be assured that their transactions are secure, he told the E-Commerce Times. Dont just buy the cheapest SSL certificates, Walton warned. Choose a well-known and trusted vendor instead. 4. Dont Stint on Site Hosting Even if budgets are tight, invest in a separate e-commerce server. Dont host your e-commerce site on a computer under your desk, Softvisions Walton said. Ive actually seen this before. Use a trusted secure hosting provider that delivers solid physical or virtual servers and has the ability to scale up as business grows, he suggested. The last thing you want is for your servers to go down because you have too many orders. 5. Blow Your Own Security Horn Make sure you display your security certification logos on your website, Schaffer advised. These seals assure customers who are inputting their credit card data that your sites secure. It might be worthwhile to create a campaign focusing on demonstrating your organizations data security policies, she suggested. Think about creating a simple Why shopping with us is safe page in plain English, Softvisions Walton said. Provide visibility to all your trust marks and verbiage that explains what youre doing to deliver a safe shopping environment. Most retailers dont have the in-store technology to view customer information across various touchpoints, suggests a new study from Kibo, Technologies That Are Changing How We Think of Brick and Mortar. Fifty-eight percent of retailers who participated in the study, released last Thursday, acknowledged they did not have that capability. The study was based on questions posed to 115 retail executives during an on-site benchmarking session at the Future Stores 2017 conference. Based on its findings, it appears that a majority of businesses currently are unable to automate shoppers information on mobile devices or kiosks while they are present in their stores. In order to provide a seamless omnichannel experience to consumers, retailers must have a complete picture of all consumer activities, regardless of buying channel, said Kibo CMO Tushar Patel. Nothing is more frustrating to a consumer than a retailer who has blind spots [about] their activity, he told the E-Commerce Times. Coming Around Many retailers have been using a wide range of technologies to capture more personalized data from their customers, according to the report. Eighty-two percent of participants said they used mobile devices and tablets, 76 percent used kiosks, 41 percent used mobile point-of-sale devices, 26 percent used Bluetooth low-energy beacon technologies, and 19 percent used near-field communication. However, 64 percent of retailers felt they were only somewhat effective at capturing in-store data on customer preferences. Only 42 percent of retailers said they had the in-store technologies to view customer data across a variety of touchpoints. Personalization Plans Another key in-store technology retailers have been adopting is personalization. Fifty-two percent of participating retailers planned to invest in personalization technologies within the next 12 months or already had begun to implement the strategy. However, 22 percent of retailers said they had not begun to personalize and were not sure if they had the capacity to do so. Fulfillment Choices Offering more ways to get products into customers hands has proved daunting for many smaller retailers. Major retailers including Walmart, CVS, Sears and Target offer ship from store and in-store pickup of online orders and some have done so for years. However, more than 40 percent of retailers who participated in the Kibo study said their technologies wouldnt support those services, or that they were not ready to implement them. Retail Pressure With the exception of Amazon and Walmart, many retail stocks recently have been under severe pressure, noted Cindy Zhou, principal analyst at Constellation Research, after the SPDR S&P Retail ETF fell to its worst week since last December. Thirty-seven percent of retailers who responded to a poll she conducted during Microsofts Modern Customer event indicated their biggest challenge was delivering a consistent digital-to-physical multichannel experience to customers. Customers are using their multitude of mobile devices to research and shop for products reading reviews, asking their friends on social before making a decision, Zhou told the E-Commerce Times. The mobile shopping experience is critical, she said, but few retailers have been able to deliver a mobile app that makes it easy for customers to see availability, shop and check out items with ease. One major retailer that has undertaken a digital transformation project, Zhou said, is a company that has a retail brick-and-mortar presence, an e-commerce website and a catalog division but each is part of a separate system, and they cant communicate with each other. Personalizing in-store technology to see customer data is not as easy as one might think, observed Nikki Baird, managing partner at RSR Research. Yes there are definitely gaps in terms of needing mobile devices, she told the E-Commerce Times, but at the same time there are a lot of concerns about giving frontline employees access to personalized customer data. Facebook on Tuesday announced that it was preparing a plugin to its popular Messenger platform that will allow a websites visitors to chat with a human or bot without leaving the location. Customer Chat is one of a number of changes in the version 2.2 update of Messenger platform revealed at the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. The chat plugin, which currently is in closed beta, will be available on desktop and mobile devices. Early testers include airlines like KLM, Volaris and Air France. Chatbots deployed through the plugin reportedly can perform a number of duties, including delivering order status updates, scheduling appointments, answering questions and providing after-hours services. Businesses want to reach consumers where they are and make it convenient for them to interact with the business, noted Ross Rubin, principal analyst at Reticle Research. Businesses are already marketing to consumers, particularly younger consumers, through channels like Messsenger, WhatsApp and Snapchat, so its a natural extension to use them for service, he told CRM Buyer. Marketing and service also can feed off each other. In servicing a user, you may become aware of needs that can lead to revenue opportunities, Rubin pointed out. For Large and Small Businesses Customer Chats initial attraction may be to the Facebook faithful, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. The strongest interest is likely to be among businesses that are already using Facebook to engage with customers, he told CRM Buyer. However, the sheer size of Messenger about 1.2 billion global customers might attract others to try out the service after it exits beta, King added. The new offering has something for both small and large companies, observed Jack Kent, senior analyst for mobile media at IHS Markit. Smaller organizations may look to benefit from using Facebooks infrastructure rather than investing in their own, he told CRM Buyer, but larger companies may also benefit from having another channel to connect with users who may be less active on traditional communications channels. Unified Experience All businesses using Customer Chat will be hoping to benefit from Facebooks reach and engagement with its users, said Kent. The ability to reach consumers across platforms will also be important, he added. Customer Chat offers businesses an opportunity to present to users a consistent interface when interacting with them through chat. Up to now, businesses could engage with customers through the Messenger app, but it was a fragmented experience, explained Beerud Sheth, CEO of Gupshup. Customers coming to the businesss website would see a different experience from what they experienced with Facebook Messenger, he told CRM Buyer. With Customer Chat, website visitors not only encounter a familiar interface, but also are recognized. A first time user of a website could be greeted by name, for example, because even though the business doesnt know who the user is, Facebook does. To the user, it appears as if the business knows them, Sheth said. Thats great for the business and more engaging for the consumer. What Price Chat? Despite all its benefits, Customer Chat could have a downside for some businesses. The Facebook plugin isnt as fully featured as many dedicated and professional-quality customer chat applications, King said. Businesses that already utilize those kinds of solutions are unlikely to embrace the Facebook plugin. Theres also the danger of depending too much on Facebook. Businesses may be concerned if Facebook becomes the dominant or primary channel for customer engagement, IHS Markits Kent noted. It could impact existing multichannel marketing activities and operations and reduce the data they have themselves, he said. Moreover, the data lost by the business likely would be gained by Facebook. Like every other social media site, Facebook garners value from the data it collects during user interactions, King said. Companies that are uncomfortable with that point or with other Facebook practices should avoid the new Messenger plugin. Benefits to Social Network Facebook will benefit from Customer Chat in a number of ways, suggested Kent: It can drive engagement, increasing time spent in Messenger, as users no longer would have to use an alternative channel for customer communications. It can help Facebook gather more information about its users to support its advertising businesses. It can help drive Facebooks plans to extend the Messenger platform and grow its enterprise presence to drive further monetization. Facebook has been ramping up its focus on business features for Messenger for some time, said Kent. Adding chat support to third-party business sites is another way for Facebook to extend its presence as a communications and commerce platform to connect businesses and consumers. Nearly 60 percent of small businesses have been the victims of a cyberattack over the past year, but the vast majority didnt realize that they had been attacked, according to Nationwides third annual survey, released Monday. The insurance company tapped 1,069 businesses with fewer than 299 employees for the study. Initially, only 13 percent of the participating companies said they had been victims of a cyberattack. However, after they were shown a list of cyberattack types ranging from phishing scams to trojan horses to ransomware that figure shot up to 58 percent. Cyberattacks are one of the greatest threats to the modern company, said Mark Berven, Nationwides president of property and casualty. Business owners are telling us that cybercriminals arent just attacking large companies on Wall Street. The companies that are targeted often have fewer cyberdefense systems, less money to invest in threat protection, and less name recognition at risk from a breach. The most common forms of attack, based on the survey, were computer viruses, cited by 36 percent of respondents. Next came phishing attacks, cited by 29 percent, and then trojan horses, cited by 13 percent. Lack of preparedness was a significant problem for the companies surveyed. About 57 percent of the firms did not have dedicated employee or vendor monitoring for cyberattacks in place. About 76 percent did not have a plan for dealing with such attacks. Fifty-seven percent did not have a plan for protecting employee data, and 54 percent lacked a plan for protecting customer data. Recovery from cyberattacks in many cases was slow and expensive. About 20 percent of cyberattack victims spent US$50,000 and took more than six months to recover, while 7 percent spent more than $100,000 and took more than a year to recover. Money Matters Cyberattackers typically steal credit card information from companies with customers who make purchases from them, noted Karen Johnston, a technical consultant with Nationwide. that much They also steal personally identifiable information such as addresses, names and Social Security numbers that hackers can use to apply for new credit cards or loans, she told the E-Commerce Times. Small businesses need to make sure their systems have proper antivirus and firewall protections, and make sure their systems are password-protected and properly patched and updated with the latest versions of antivirus and operating system software, Johnston said. Companies also need to have up-to-date backups of their critical systems and customer data, and consider having cloud backups of this information, she suggested. Further, most small businesses fail to have proper cyber-risk insurance, Johnston noted or they think they are covered by existing business policies when they are not. Protections Lacking With their limited resources, small businesses tend to be more vulnerable to cyberattacks than larger enterprises. Small businesses are one of the most at-risk sectors of the market, in part because their data is equally valuable to an attacker and simultaneously their protections are significantly [less] than what you would see in a mid-size or enterprise business, explained Kevin OBrien, CEO of GreatHorn. Cyberthieves are likely to sell whatever data they find on the Dark Web, and the price per item likely will be the same, whether the firm that was breached was a Fortune 500 or a much smaller firm, he told the E-Commerce Times. The majority of attacks still arrive via email, but there recently has been a rapid increase in attacks via mobile devices and social media, observed Ryan Kalember, senior vice president of cybersecurity strategy at Proofpoint. Technology firms and companies with complex supply chains, like manufacturers, are targeted more frequently, with about 40 email fraud attempts per organization, he told the E-Commerce Times. Small businesses can be a really sweet spot for cybercriminals. They have more money to steal than a consumer and less security in place than a large business, said Kevin Haley, director of security response at Symantec. They are also often dependent on third-party vendors for their technology, he told the E-Commerce Times. Meanwhile, cybercriminals can be very successful specializing in breaching one technology or solution and working their way through the small businesses that use it. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) introduced legislation Wednesday night that would open a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas development for the first time. The bill could advance with only 51 votes in the Senate instead of the usual 60 as it complies under Congress budget resolution instructions for 2018. The Alaskan senator, who chairs the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, expects her legislation will bring in more than $1 billion in federal revenue over the next decade. Our instruction is a tremendous opportunity both for our committee and our country, Murkowski said. The legislation I released tonight will put Alaska and the entire nation on a path toward greater prosperity by creating jobs, keeping energy affordable for families and businesses, generating new wealth and strengthening our securitywhile reducing the federal deficit not just by $1 billion over ten years, but tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars over the decades to come. ANWR, the largest protected wilderness in the U.S., consists of more than 19 million acres of pristine landscapes and is home to 37 species of land mammals, eight marine mammals, 42 fish species and more than 200 migratory bird species. Last month, Senate Democrats offered an amendment to the Senates budget resolution that would block drilling in the Alaskan refuge but the measure failed 48-52 mostly along party lines. Democratic lawmakers and environmental groups criticized the GOP for sneaking the backdoor drilling provision through the budget process. Conservatives have long sought to open up the refuge and have targeted the so-called 1002 area, a 1.5 million-acre coastal plain which the U.S. Geological Survey estimates has between 5.7 billion to 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil. Murkowski calls the area a non wilderness portion but Earthjustice notes that the targeted area hosts migratory bird species, endangered wildlife and is considered to be sacred to the indigenous Gwichin people, who sustain themselves from the caribou that migrate there. Additionally, the expectation that drilling could raise $1 billion in revenue over the next decade is under dispute. Even oil industry execs anticipate a world of $50 for a barrel of oil over the next few years. Nothing in this bill can magically make these fantastical revenue assumptions materialize, said Adam Kolton, executive director of the Alaska Wilderness League, in a statement. What this bill would do is turn Americas last great wilderness into a lost wilderness. Senator Lisa Murkowski had promised some kind of new and improved directional drilling, but thats just a talking point. What we got was simply misdirection and deception. The fact is that is that the entire 1.5 million acres could be offered up in two massive lease sales. BREAKING: A bill has been introduced in the Senate that would open the #ArcticRefuge to drilling. Doing so WILL NOT solve our deficit, and 2/3 of Americans are opposed to it. Our statement: #ProtectTheArctic #NoArcticRider Alaska Wilderness League (@alaskawild) November 9, 2017 Heres what the legislation entails, as detailed by Huffington Post: As written, the bill would require Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to approve at least two lease saleseach no less than 400,000 acresin the first 10 years. The first sale would be required within four years, with the second having to be finalized within seven years. The royalties from those sales would be split in half between the state of Alaska and the federal government. The bill allows for 2,000 acres of the coastal plain to be developed with wells and support facilities. Opening the refuge is also on the Trump administrations wish list. In May, Zinke signed an order to jump-start Alaskan energy production. He said at the time that the move was an important first step in a smart and measured approach to energy development in ANWR. Additionally, the administrations 2018 fiscal year budget calls for allowing oil and gas production in the coastal plain. Murkowskis bill is scheduled for a committee hearing on Nov. 15. By Marlene Cimons Natural burialswhere bodies are buried in the soil to allow for a hasty decompositionhave already caught on. But an Australian scientist has proposed that the concept of dust-unto-dust go even further. He suggests that natural burials become conservation burials, that is, that people use the costs of interring bodies to buy, manage and preserve new land for natural burials, turning them into nature preserves or wilderness areas. Such funds could go toward supporting other conservation efforts, as well. We can create a spectacular legacy for our loved ones, said Matthew Holden, a lecturer at the University of Queensland, who outlined his ideas in a paper recently published in Conservation Letters. We can use their dead bodies to protect the most awe-inspiring and critically endangered ecosystems from disappearing from the Earth. In the U.S. alone, close to 3 million people die each year, generating an estimated funeral revenue of $19 billion, far more than the estimated $3 to $5 billion required to protect every threatened species listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Holden said. They could generate revenue that exceeds the amount of money needed to save every threatened species on the planet. Green burial practices are also less carbon-intensive than conventional burials, which produce emissions from the manufacture and transportation of embalming fluids, coffins and grave liners, as well as the maintenance of cemeteries. Natural burials are also less expensive than traditional burials. Ornamental caskets and embalming are costly, and the chemicals used in the process, such as formaldehyde, are harmful. While not every threatened species can benefit directly from conservation burials, the hypothetical revenue demonstrates substantial potential for increased biodiversity, he added. If conservation burials became as commonplace as similar types of after-death charities, such as organ donation, the biodiversity benefits would be enormous. The U.S. already has several conservation burial sites, according to Holden. These include Honey Creek Woodlands in Georgia, Ramsey Creek Preserve in South Carolina, White Eagle Memorial Preserve in Washington State, Greensprings Natural Cemetery Preserve in New York, Foxfield Preserve in Ohio, and Glendale Memorial Nature Preserve and Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery, both in Florida. In the U.S., the Green Burial Council sets the standards for non-traditional burials based on a detailed set of criteria. The concept of using burial as part of ones environmental legacy has been evolving for nearly two decades, said Joe Sehee, founder of the Green Burial Council, who first became interested in natural burials after moving to the Mojave Desert. I had always been inspired by the early monastics who used to make pilgrimages to the desert, in part, for the purposes of befriending death,' he said. It didnt take long for us to think about accommodating end-of-life vigils at our place nine miles north of Joshua Tree National Park, where we envisioned proceeds helping to play a role in the stewardship of the fierce landscape that surrounded us. Sehee, who now lives in Australia, has been encouraging policies that would allow people to purchase land adjacent to state parks that they could use for natural burials, and then give the land back to the park agency for long-term stewardship. I think conservation burial, if used properly, could be a great way of encouraging people to think about the environmental legacy they want to leave behind, and could become a meaningful form of climate action, Sehee said. It provides a way for people who mediate meaning and purpose through an environmental lens to feel as though death really can connect with life. Holden points out that most people are well intentioned and eager to create a lasting legacy for their loved ones, but spending thousands of dollars on elaborate tombstones, monuments and expensive coffins is not the way to do it, he said. Sadly, our good intentions are causing environmental damage, he said. Rather, it would be more meaningful to turn a loved ones passing into a living legacy for everyone to enjoy, he said. How beautiful would it be to visit the departed in a nature reserve, to hear a bird call and know that your loved one made that birds existence possible, he said. Your loved one, in death, created life. Reposted with permission from our media associate Nexus Media. By Jessica Corbett Animal rights advocates are celebrating a move by the Italian parliament on Wednesday to, over the next year, phase out the use of all animals in circuses and traveling shows. We applaud Italy and urge countries like the U.K. and the U.S. to follow this example and end this cruelty, said Jan Creamer, president of Animal Defenders International, which supported the launch of the bill. Traveling from place to place, week after week, using temporary collapsible cages and pens, circuses simply cannot provide for the needs of the animals, Creamer said in an Animal Defenders International statement that also featured declarations from the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and the British Veterinary Association that there are no means by which the physiological, mental and social needs of these animals can be adequately met within a traveling circus. Creamer traveled to Italy to advocate for the bills passage. Following a screening of her groups film Lion Ark which is about rescuing animals from illegal circuses in Bolivia, she addressed Italian lawmakers at a workshop to further explain how Animal Defenders Internationals undercover investigations have shown the violence and abuse that is used to force these animals to obey and perform tricks. Italy has an estimated 100 circuses with some 2,000 animals making this one of the biggest victories in the campaign to stop circus suffering, according to Animal Defenders Internationals Stop Circus Suffering campaign. The European nation joins 40 other countries and several more municipalities that have outlawed the use of animals in circuses and traveling shows. The news from Italy comes on the heels of a similar move by the Indian government, and just days before Animal Defenders International plans to host a week of action, beginning Nov. 13, to support the Traveling Exotic Animal & Public Safety Protection Act (also called TEAPSPA or H.R.1759), a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would prohibit traveling wild and exotic animal acts. Animal rights advocates celebrated the new law on Twitter, and called on other countries to follow suit: Three of the worlds largest meat producers emitted more greenhouse gases in 2016 than France, putting them on par with oil companies such as ExxonMobil, BP and Shell, a recent study found. GRAIN, a non-profit organization, collaborated with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the Heinrich Boll Foundation to estimate the greenhouse emissions of meat and dairy corporations, a figure that few companies calculate or publish. The study was published as meat and dairy industry representatives arrived in Bonn, Germany for the COP23 to emphasize their role in food security. In stark terms the study warns that if unchecked, the worlds top meat and dairy producers greenhouse emissions could lead us to a point of no return. Projections showing business-as-usual meat and dairy greenhouse emissions. GRAIN Through lobbying, major meat and dairy companies have promoted policies that have led to increased production and consumption around the world. Livestock production now contributes 15 percent of global greenhouse emissions, more than the transportation sector, according to the study. If livestock production continues to grow at the rates estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, greenhouse emissions from the meat and dairy industries will undercut attempts to keep global average temperatures below 2C. The papers authors warned that industry representatives will arrive at the COP23 in Bonn pushing their agendathe expansion of livestock productionas a solution. This will amount to criticism of small-scale farmers, which is where the solution in cutting greenhouse emissions lies, according to the authors of the study. Rather than continuing to subsidize factory farming and agribusiness that undercuts millions of small farmers, governments should redirect public money to support small-scale agroecological farms, the study suggests. Graph showing the top 20 meat and dairy companies greenhouse emissions. GRAIN Three out the worlds five biggest meat and dairy greenhouse gas emitters are U.S.-based companies. A previous study showed beef, when compared to staples like potatoes, wheat and rice, has a per calorie impact that requires 160 times more land and produces 11 times more greenhouse gases. Another study published in Environmental Research Letters calculated that a 50 percent reduction in mean per capita meat consumption in the developed world is needed by 2050 to meet global greenhouse gas emissions targets. Sea Shepherd Global has documented the grisly annual hunt and slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins in the Danish Faroe Islands. As part of its ongoing Operation Bloody Fjords campaign, the ocean conservation group sent a crew of volunteers posing as tourists to six different Faroese towns covering 19 designated whaling bays with the aim of [exposing] the continued barbaric killing of dolphins and pilot whales, campaign leader and Sea Shepherd UK Director Robert Read said. Over the course of ten weeks from this July to early September, the volunteers documented nine separate grindadrap events (what these yearly hunts are called in Faroese). According to the group, 198 Atlantic white-sided dolphins and 436 pilot whales were killed. The Faroese whaling tradition, also known as a grind, has a recorded history since 1584. During a grind, island authorities allow a flotilla of boats to drive dolphins and whales into a shallow bay. The animals are then killed with a whaling knife that severs their spinal cord. Sea Shepherd Global We witnessed the whole process from the driving in of the 50 or so pilot whales through the slaughter, the butchering and the distribution of the meat and blubber, said one volunteer in a statement provided to EcoWatch about the the Aug. 29 grindadrap in the village of Hvannasund. As the pilot whales were driven to the shoreline by the small boats the intensity of the thrashing bodies grew. Hooks were sunk into the blowholes and the whales were dragged onto the shore in a sadistic game of Tug of War. We witnessed whales seemingly bashing their heads against the stones in a frenzy. Another witness at a July 25 dolphin hunt in the village of Sydrugota remarked about the crowds and children casually gathering at such a bloody scene. As we drove into Sydrugota we knew we were in the right place as the water was blood red, we continued towards the harbor and parked up, walked to the slipway to see 16 Atlantic White Sided Dolphins already had been slaughtered, lined up neatly in two rows, guts already spilled onto the concrete and spines severed, one thing I didnt expect was the stench of blood. A crowd had gathered including small children who were poking the dolphins in the eyes while their parents watched. Sea Shepherd Global A witness at the Funningsfjordur hunt on Aug. 5where more than 100 dolphins were killedwas similarly taken aback by this disconnect. Thoughts immediately turned to the disconnect between the image of people laughing, children playing and the barbaric scene before us at the waters edge. Many of the pod still laid on the beaches, blood flowing from the kill wounds, one dolphin with a wound so deep it had almost severed the head completely, parents could be seen taking their children down to see the bodies close up, one we observed even lifting their boy up to sit on the body of a dolphin as they took photos of him, the lack of any empathy for the lives that had just been brutally taken was clear, as was an insight into how future generations are already being exposed to this brutal act. Faroese authorities told Fox News that hunting pilot whales on the islands is sustainable. The long-term annual average catch of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands represents less than percent of the total estimated stock. It has long since been internationally recognized that pilot whale catches in the Faroe Islands are fully sustainable. Sheep farming, whaling and fowling have enabled the Faroe Islands as an island nation to maintain a relatively high degree of self-sufficiency in food production, the Faroe Islands government said in its statement. In the Faroe Islands it is considered both economic and environmental good sense to make the most of locally available natural resources, and to maintain the knowledge required to use what nature can provide in a harsh oceanic environment. Sea Shepherd Global Catches are shared largely without the exchange of money among the participants in a whale drive and residents of the local district where they are landed, the statement continued. Each whale provides the communities with several hundred kilos of meat and blubbermeat that otherwise had to be imported from abroad. The island government also criticized Sea Shepherd representatives for going to any lengths to paint a negative picture of the Faroese whale hunt as barbaric, unnecessary, evil and lunacy describing Faroese as sadistic psychopaths with the aim of inciting anger and outrage against the people of the Faroe Islands. They have chosen an easy target, as whale drives in the Faroe Islands take place in the open for anyone to watch and document. Sea Shepherd, which has led campaigns to oppose the grind in the Faroe Islands since 1985, continues to speak out against this practice. 2017 has proved to be one of the worst years for the grindadrap since the mid 1990s by the men of the Danish Faroe Islands with 1203 pilot whales and 488 dolphins killed during 24 individual hunts so far, Read said, urging people to support the Operation Bloody Fjords campaign to help end this senseless slaughter. Sea Shepherd Global As a veteran theater professor, Andrew Kahn knows a great acting job when he sees one. During his twice-a-week visits to Lafayette International High School in Buffalo, N.Y., theres a newly arrived student from the Congo who pretends to struggle with his locker combination. The student knows the numbers to his combination, Kahn said, but he seizes any opportunity to connect one-on-one with someone in the school. He likes the presence of someone whos going to be with him for five minutes, said Kahn, a theater professor at the University of Buffalo, State University of New York. For students who are still learning English and those who are immigrants, forging even small connections with educators and their classmatesas simple as a hallway conversationcan be crucial to keeping those students coming to school and motivated to persevere, both educators and researchers say. With students who hail from dozens of countries and speak a wealth of languages, Kahn and the staff at Lafayette International are teaming up to do just that: create a communal experience for these newcomers, focusing less on differences and more on how theyre aliketheir shared struggle of learning a new language. The kids get it because theyre from [places] where we before me is part of their DNA, said Kahn, who directs the Anne Frank Project, an initiative that uses storytelling as a tool to help students explore their identities and build connections. Setting a Positive Tone Boosting literacy for English-learners and ensuring a greater share of such students reach proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and understanding the English language is a growing concern in the nations K-12 schools. As more English-learners land in the nations classrooms, more researchers and educators are exploring the role peers play in determining how quickly students learn the language and how they stay connected to school. Kahn and John Starkey, the principal at Lafayette International, think theyve found a formula that works. Led by the Anne Frank Project staff, the students draw up village rules that are translated into each language, all 45 of them spoken at the school, and post the rules around the building. It creates parameters and rules for our engagement with each other that really helps set a positive tone in the classroom and the school, Starkey said. Charlene Liu, a Utah educator, uses similar strategies to get English-learners in her school district connected to and vested in their learning. Even though we might be from different cultural backgrounds or speak different languages, we look to create opportunities for us to explore and find out how were so similar in so many ways, said Liu, the director of educational equity for the Granite school district in Utahs Salt Lake County. We can find those commonalities and similarities and overcome some of those obstacles. Combining Strengths Some research has questioned the effects of gritones perseverance toward goalson students and their academic performance, specifically for first- and second-generation English-learners. A study led by Colleen ONeal, an assistant professor of school psychology in the University of Marylands college of education, found that the perseverance of a students peers was twice as influential as individual grit in predicting literacy growth. The Internationals Network for Public Schools, a New York City-based nonprofit that focuses on serving immigrant students, rely heavily on project-based work that encourages students to work together. That could pave the way for students adept in a subject, such as math or science, to team up with classmates who may have a greater grasp of English. Those sorts of pairings afford students opportunities to shore up their weaknesses and capitalize on their strengths. It allows students of different strengths to combine those into something thats even stronger, said Joseph Luft, the executive director of the Internationals Network. Starkey, the principal at Lafayette International, has seen English-learner students relying on each other for years as hes transitioned from an English-as-a-second-language teacher in the Bronx to an administrator in New York City and Buffalo. Lafayettes academy for newcomers is based on a model developed by the Internationals Network. Early on, it remains important for students to sit and form bonds with people who are most like them, often students who speak the same native language, Starkey said. Over time, the school pushes students out of their comfort zone. Starkeys school, which serves English-language learners almost exclusively, has relied on the Anne Frank Project. Not only was their English strengthened, Kahn said, but their confidence was strengthened [along with] their ability to look us in the eyes and converse and be proud of what they had learned and process what they had learned. In her district and across Utah, Liu said the students and families that public schools serve have become more diverse, but the states teaching corps hasnt changed at the same rate. In her position, Liu helps teachers to confront their potential biases or misconceptions that may make it more difficult for educators to connect with students. Its not so much curriculum that were looking at, Liu said. Its the attitude of our teachers. At the start of ONeals study, students completed an eight-question survey to measure grit as well as reading-performance tasks to gauge English proficiency. The students then repeated the process twice more during a four-month period to measure progress on literacy achievement. The research team calculated peer-grit scores by using the average of the class scores. The studys 142 participantsmostly Spanish-speaking Latinoswere 3rd to 5th graders from a suburban elementary school where 95 percent of students receive free or reduced-price meals. Since almost all the participants had strikingly low literacy levels, ONeal cautioned that the research did not take into account the wide variation of language development among English-learners. Our Communities Ha Yeon Kim, an associate director of the Global TIES for Children Center at New York University, has explored how students relationships with their peers and teachers, shape their academic motivation and self-conceptwho the children think they are and what they aspire to be. Kims research on classroom experiences for Hispanic English-learners at the elementary level found that advanced English-language proficiency allowed for deeper engagement in the school experience. The research explored the role that teacher-student relationships and peer connections play in social and academic adjustment. Peer connections can hold particular importance for Latino students, Kims research found, because values such as helping others and building positive relationships are often ingrained in their culture. In the study, students who struggled with picking up the language became increasingly disengaged over time. Liu estimates that a third of the 60,000 students in Granite are current or former English-learners. Its a striking contrast from the start of her teaching career four decades ago when there were so few students tagged as ELLs in the state, the education department didnt track data on them. We need to make them feel comfortable, Liu said. These are our little communities. Photo: Foundation for California Community Colleges Lance Izumi is a Koret senior fellow in education studies and senior director of the Center for Education at the Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank. He is a regular opinion contributor to where he trades views with Bruce Fuller, on the other side of the political aisle. Read Bruce Fullers response to this essay The continuing campus protests by the Left against U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos may grab the headlines, but another real political concern for her and the president lies with her relationship with the Right. The importance of the base for President Donald Trump cannot be overstated. Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard-Harris poll, wrote last month in an opinion piece for The Hill, No poll Ive seen puts [Trumps] support from Republicans at below 80 percent, and we at Harvard-Harris have it at 84 percent, which is remarkable, given his knock-down-drag-out fight with some mainstream Republicans. Indeed, despite the recent Democrat gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey, a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Nov. 6th, the day before those elections showed that Donald Trump would still beat Hillary Clinton if the 2016 election were held today because Trump, according to the Post, has still got enough hold of his base to win reelection if there was a rematch today. Penn incisively says that it is the presidents positions on issues that undergird his strength with his base: His style is not what won him the presidency. It was, remarkably, his substance. The Trump base, therefore, evaluates the president and, by extension, his top subordinates, such as cabinet leaders like DeVos, based on their perceived adherence to the populist conservative agenda that Trump enunciated during the campaign and now in his presidency. As opposed to cabinet picks like Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, who have well-publicized views that comport with the beliefs of the presidents base, the selection of DeVos was a mystery to many of Trumps supporters and a cause of worry to others based on their perception of her previous policy positions. Take the Common Core State Standards. Jane Robbins, senior fellow with the Washington-based, conservative think tank American Principles Project, observed, One of candidate Donald Trumps biggest applause lines when campaigning was his promise to end the common core, and that promise claimed an importance with grassroots citizens. The controversy over DeVos views on common core is well known. She said she opposed common core despite the support for those standards by organizations with which she was associated. DeVos was a mystery to many of Trumps supporters and a cause of worry to others based on their perception of her previous policy positions." Zeev Wurman, a senior policy adviser at the Education Department during President George W. Bushs administration, told me that concern over DeVos stance on the common core was and is most pronounced among grassroots activists in the states, who are the mothers in Indiana, Ohio, Florida, and Missouri, who were still furious with their own state-based Republican politicians that played the bait-and-switch game on them with the common cores rename-and-retain game. DeVos problem, he said, is with the Trump base rather than with the [Washington] Republican crowd. Similarly, in an email conversation I had with Robbins, she said, up until now, not enough has been done to mollify Trump supporters and conservatives. The only education issue Trump talked about during the campaign was the common core, she said, but nothing has been done to address that. Robbins has this advice for DeVos regarding the standards: The U.S. Department of Education cant end the common core, but it can reassure states, vocally and loudly, that they may choose any standards they find appropriate and suffer no federal penalties for doing that. When I asked Wurman and Robbins about issues that DeVos could address to allay the concerns of Trumps grassroots activist supporters, both said that she should focus on student privacy and data collection. Wurman, who praised DeVos handling of new guidance on Title IX, noted that the Obama administration changed regulations for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA, to give both government and private organizations broader access to student education data. DeVos could undo these changes and argue that she is simply undoing Obamas opening the floodgates for student personal information flowing to private and noneducational players, which should make a serious impact on the grassroots [base] that [is] incensed by it. Robbins agreed and advised that DeVos should at a minimum move to withdraw the Obama regulations. Robbins agreed and advised that DeVos should at a minimum move to withdraw the Obama regulations. President Trump, more than most presidents have, depends on the support of his core base. Cabinet members such as DeVos can help the president in mobilizing this essential grassroots support, like former U.S. Secretary of Education William J. Bennett did for President Ronald Reagan. To do so, however, will require addressing issues that are important to these constituents, putting to rest their suspicions, and building their trust. The Trump administration is yanking the nomination of Tim Kelly, a Michigan state representative who President Donald Trump tapped to lead the office of career, technical, and adult education at the U.S. Department of Education, after it surfaced that he was the author of a personal blog that made offensive statements about Muslims, Head Start parents, and federal efforts to recruit women into the sciences, a source said. It became clear that Mr. Kelly had made a series of statements that were not reflective of the secretarys values, said an administration official. Sources characterized this as a decision that U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos made when she was presented with the information. The blog should have been caught in the White House vetting process, one source said. And Kelly should have disclosed it with his application, but failed to do so, this source added. Kelly did not respond to an email from Education Week, and his state legislative office declined to make him available. But Kelly told the Detroit News that his blog reflected mainstream conservative thought. This has been a terribly distressing thing over the last eight months for me and my family, Kelly told the newspaper. Increasingly, I became aware that I perhaps was not a good match for some of this given the toxicity of the swamp. Kelly, who had been scheduled for a Nov. 15 confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, would have been tasked with implementing the $1.1 billion Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education program, the largest source of federal funding for high schools, as well as initiatives dealing with adult literacy and community college. Democrats were aware of these offensive blog posts and Senator Murray certainly intended to bring this up if this nomination had proceeded. She is pleased he chose to withdraw his nomination because those types of comments cannot be tolerated in our government or elsewhere, said Mairead Lynn, a spokeswoman for Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., the top Democrat on the committee. The comments from his Citizen Leader blog date from 2009 to 2012, when Kelly was serving as a board commissioner in Saginaw County. In 2009 Kelly, a Republican, appeared to suggest that all Muslims should be placed on the no-fly list, and given the chance to clear their names individually. His comments came in the wake of a Nigerian man boarding a plane bound for Detroit with plastic explosives hidden in his underwear. (The man was caught by authorities.) Heres a snippet from the blog: "Forget for a moment, that this young man from Nigeria purchased his one-way ticket with cash, had no luggage, or that his father had warned the authorities of his radicalism. He should have been on anybody's no-fly list because his name is UMAR FAROUK ABDULMUTALLAB! Zenaphobic [sic]? No, I'm being pragmatic ... Instead of assuming that all people are interested in, let alone capable of, blowing up Western, Christian, or Jewish things, let's assume all Muslims are." A blog posting is skeptical of federally-funded programs aimed at recruiting women for STEM fields, such as Advance, which received a grant from the National Science Foundation. "Research shows that bias against women in the sciences is extremely weak. Studies point to data that indicate men and women simply have different tastes when it comes to areas of study. For instance, women may be underrepresented in the fields of engineering, but thrive in the areas of sociology and biology. ... For my money, this kind of ridiculousness in academia should not be rewarded and certainly not paid for by the American taxpayer." Those views would appear to be at odds with others in the administration. Ivanka Trump, the presidents adviser and eldest daughter, wants the Education Department to steer as much competitive grant money as possible to STEM education, including for under-represented groups, such as women. Another post, from 2010, questions the role of the federal government in career and technical education and K-12 education more generally. "Job placement, and training, until the '60's, was handled mostly by the private sector. Now it's become an administrative nightmare of federal regulations, delivered mostly by the states, with horrible results. Same with K-12 education." And a 2011 post takes aim at Head Start, a federally funded early-childhood education program for low-income families administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. In particular, the blog expresses skepticism about the programs emphasis on parent involvement, given that Head Start parents are often themselves academically and socially needy. Today is the voting day for Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election 2017. Citizens including young and adult are participating in the voting with great enthusiasm. Gauri Devi, a 101-Year-old lady took proud in casting her vote for the one she finds fit. We at EmitPost are bringing live reports to you for these Assembly Elections. The results for todays voting will be released next month. Opinion polls, people surveys, and public feedback report that Dhumal could win this election with an unprecedented jump. He might get around 60 seats out of total 68 seats in these elections. Although, most of the experts call this report big too much hopes and expect Dhumal to win around 45 to 50 seats in Assembly Election 2017 live results. Assembly Election 2017 Live Report indicates Congress clearance sell One could easily spot people favoring Bhartiya Janata Party in Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections this year. Present Congress government under Virbhadra Singhs command is already being condemned for poor employment, government policies and absence of development in the state. Indian National Congress gave the ticket to many under police investigation candidates for this Assembly Election. Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh is also one of those candidates. He is currently being investigated for charges of corruption. Opinion polls in Himachal Pradesh Elections report that Congress will be folded within a maximum of 25 seats this year. The latest HP Assembly Election 2017 Live Report indicates that Congress might have to settle with just 5 to 10 seats in hand. Public Showing great interest this year The public of Himachal Pradesh is showing huge interest in voting this year. The voting for Assembly Election 2017 might cross previous records. Analysts indicate that the total vote count might cross the records set in previous elections. Shyam Saran Negi- The Independent Indias first voter cast his vote in selecting new government at the age of 100. Similarly, Gauri Devi A 101 Years old female voted for her opinion too. A groom in Manali came forward to vote in Assembly elections before he attended other rituals for the wedding. His relatives accompanied him to the polling booth. This step is being praised in the community. New Assembly after HP Assembly Election 2017 Live Reports The live reports on Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections indicate a rise of a new government this year. The state is being run by Indian National Congress at the moment. The inclination of voting shows that the Bhartiya Janata Party will win these elections with a huge difference. The popularity of BJP leader PM Narendra Modi, Chief Minister BJP Candidate Dhoomal and unsuccessful reign of Virbhadra Singh are the major factors of this change. Opinion Polls Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections 2017 indicated same results. According to opinion polls, Congress might get its hands on 25 to 27 seats whereas BJP could bag around 45 seats in 2017 Assembly Elections. This will leave only 2 to 3 seats for Others. Whereas, present live report on Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election 2017 signs towards BJP victory on over 60 seats. More than one-third of Americans are considered obese based on their Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI measures the ratio between your height and weight. A BMI of 30 or above signals obesity. As more and more of us age, we also are likely to see an increase in the number of older people who have a difficult time maintaining a healthy body weight. That's a serious problem, since obesity can impact many parts of our health and daily life. For example, studies show people who are obese have more complications following heart surgery--an increasingly common surgery for older adults--than do people who are considered overweight (but not obese) or who maintain a "normal" weight. Although we know that obese older adults may be surviving heart surgery with more complications, few researchers have studied how well they can manage daily activities like eating, bathing, walking short distances, dressing, getting in or out of bed, and using the toilet. To learn more about this key issue, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania examined information from the University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study. They published their findings in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The researchers focused on 1,731 participants from the study (which included 20,000 participants) who had heart surgery. Of these individuals, 34 percent were obese and 66 percent were not obese. The researchers followed the participants over a two-year period. The researchers learned that: 22 percent of obese participants who had heart surgery said they were less able to perform their daily activities within two years of their surgery. 17 percent of overweight or normal weight participants who had heart surgery reported that they were less able to perform their daily activities. In the two years following heart surgery, 10.5 percent of obese participants died; 13.8 percent of non-obese participants died. The researchers said that obese older adults who survive heart surgery may live with greater degrees of functional decline in the two years following the procedure, especially in participants who were younger than 80-years-old. However, in people aged 80 and older, the relationship between obesity and the ability to function well was considered more complex. ### This summary is from "The Association between Obesity, Age, and Functional Decline in Survivors of Cardiac Surgery". It appears online ahead of print the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The study authors are Timothy G. Gaulton, MD, MSc, and Mark D. Neuman, MD, MSc, from the University of Pennsylvania. About the Health in Aging Foundation This research summary was developed as a public education tool by the Health in Aging Foundation. The Foundation is a national non-profit established in 1999 by the American Geriatrics Society to bring the knowledge and expertise of geriatrics healthcare professionals to the public. We are committed to ensuring that people are empowered to advocate for high-quality care by providing them with trustworthy information and reliable resources. Last year, we reached nearly 1 million people with our resources through We also help nurture current and future geriatrics leaders by supporting opportunities to attend educational events and increase exposure to principles of excellence on caring for older adults. For more information or to support the Foundation's work, visit About the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Included in more than 9,000 library collections around the world, the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) highlights emerging insights on principles of aging, approaches to older patients, geriatric syndromes, geriatric psychiatry, and geriatric diseases and disorders. First published in 1953, JAGS is now one of the oldest and most impactful publications on gerontology and geriatrics, according to ISI Journal Citation Reports. Visit for more details. About the American Geriatrics Society Founded in 1942, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is a nationwide, not-for-profit society of geriatrics healthcare professionals that has--for 75 years--worked to improve the health, independence, and quality of life of older people. Its nearly 6,000 members include geriatricians, geriatric nurses, social workers, family practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and internists. The Society provides leadership to healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the public by implementing and advocating for programs in patient care, research, professional and public education, and public policy. For more information, visit Johannesburg, South Africa 9 Nov 2017: Significant financial stress is associated with a 13-fold higher odds of having a heart attack, according to research presented at the 18th Annual Congress of the South African Heart Association. The SA Heart Congress 2017 is being held from 9 to 12 November in Johannesburg. Experts from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) will present a special programme.1 "The role of psychosocial factors in causing disease is a neglected area of study in South Africa, perhaps because there are so many other pressing health challenges such as tuberculosis and HIV," said lead author Dr Denishan Govender, associate lecturer, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. "The INTERHEART study 2,3 showed that psychosocial factors are independently associated with acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) in Africa but as far as we are aware there are no other published local data," said last author Professor Pravin Manga, professor of cardiology, University of the Witwatersrand. This study included 106 patients with acute myocardial infarction who presented to a large public hospital in Johannesburg. A control group of 106 patients without cardiac disease was matched for age, sex and race. All participants completed a questionnaire about depression, anxiety, stress, work stress, and financial stress in the previous month. The Likert scale was used to grade the experience of each condition. Regarding financial stress, patients were graded with no financial stress if they were coping financially; mild financial stress if they were coping financially but needed added support; moderate financial stress if they had an income but were in financial distress; and significant financial stress if they had no income and at times struggled to meet basic needs. Levels of psychosocial conditions were compared between groups and used to calculate associations with having a heart attack. Self-reported stress levels were common, with 96% of heart attack patients reporting any level of stress, and 40% reporting severe stress levels. There was a three-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction if a patient had experienced any level of depression (from mild to extremely severe) in the previous month compared to those with no depression. Both work stress and financial stress were associated with a higher risk of acute myocardial infarction. The odds of myocardial infarction was 5.6 times higher in patients with moderate or severe work stress compared to those with minimal or no stress. Patients with significant financial stress had a 13-fold higher odds of having a myocardial infarction. Dr Govender said: "Our study suggests that psychosocial aspects are important risk factors for acute myocardial infarction. Often patients are counselled about stress after a heart attack but there needs to be more emphasis prior to an event. Few doctors ask about stress, depression or anxiety during a general physical and this should become routine practice, like asking about smoking. Just as we provide advice on how to quit smoking, patients need information on how to fight stress." Professor Manga said: "There is growing recognition that many developing countries are experiencing an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases of lifestyle such as myocardial infarction, and South Africa is no exception. Our study shows that psychosocial aspects are an area of cardiovascular prevention that deserves more attention." Dr David Jankelow, Chairman of the SA Heart 2017 Congress, commented: "We know that the depressed cardiac patient is at greater risk. We as clinicians need to identify them much earlier, so that they can be referred for appropriate intervention. Cardiac rehabilitation together with counselling and reassurance will play an important role as well." Professor Fausto Pinto, ESC immediate past president and course director of the ESC programme in South Africa, said: "Psychosocial factors including stress at work, depression and anxiety contribute to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and having a worse prognosis. European prevention guidelines say that psychosocial risk factor assessment should be considered in people with, or at high risk of, cardiovascular disease to identify possible barriers to lifestyle change or adherence to medication." 4 ### A transfer technique based on thin sacrificial layers of boron nitride could allow high-performance gallium nitride gas sensors to be grown on sapphire substrates and then transferred to metallic or flexible polymer support materials. The technique could facilitate the production of low-cost wearable, mobile and disposable sensing devices for a wide range of environmental applications. Transferring the gallium nitride sensors to metallic foils and flexible polymers doubles their sensitivity to nitrogen dioxide gas, and boosts response time by a factor of six. The simple production steps, based on metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), could also lower the cost of producing the sensors and other optoelectronic devices. Sensors produced with the new process can detect ammonia at parts-per-billion levels and differentiate between nitrogen-containing gases. The gas sensor fabrication technique was reported November 9 in the journal Scientific Reports. "Mechanically, we just peel the devices off the substrate, like peeling the layers of an onion," explained Abdallah Ougazzaden, director of Georgia Tech Lorraine in Metz, France and a professor in Georgia Tech's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). "We can put the layer on another support that could be flexible, metallic or plastic. This technique really opens up a lot of opportunity for new functionality, new devices - and commercializing them." The researchers begin the process by growing monolayers of boron nitride on two-inch sapphire wafers using an MOVPE process at approximately 1,300 degrees Celsius. The boron nitride surface coating is only a few nanometers thick, and produces crystalline structures that have strong planar surface connections, but weak vertical connections. Aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN/GaN) devices are then grown atop the monolayers at a temperature of about 1,100 degrees Celsius, also using an MOVPE process. Because of the boron nitride crystalline properties, the devices are attached to the substrate only by weak Van der Waals forces, which can be overcome mechanically. The devices can be transferred to other substrates without inducing cracks or other defects. The sapphire wafers can be reused for additional device growth. "This approach for engineering GaN-based sensors is a key step in the pathway towards economically viable, flexible sensors with improved performances that could be integrated into wearable applications," the authors wrote in their paper. So far, the researchers have transferred the sensors to copper foil, aluminum foil and polymeric materials. In operation, the devices can differentiate between nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia. Because the devices are approximately 100 by 100 microns, sensors for multiple gases can be produced on a single integrated device. "Not only can we differentiate between these gases, but because the sensor is very small, we can detect them all at the same time with an array of sensors," said Ougazzaden, who expects that the devices could be modified to also detect ozone, carbon dioxide and other gases. The gallium nitride sensors could have a wide range of applications from industry to vehicle engines - and for wearable sensing devices. The devices are attractive because of their advantageous materials properties, which include high thermal and chemical stability. "The devices are small and flexible, which will allow us to put them onto many different types of support," said Ougazzaden, who also directs the International Joint Research Lab at Georgia Tech CNRS. To assess the effects of transferring the devices to a different substrate, the researchers measured device performance on the original sapphire wafer and compared that to performance on the new metallic and polymer substrates. They were surprised to see a doubling of the sensor sensitivity and a six-fold increase in response time, changes beyond what could be expected by a simple thermal change in the devices. "Not only can we have flexibility in the substrate, but we can also improve the performance of the devices just by moving them to a different support with appropriate properties," he said. "Properties of the substrate alone makes the different in the performance." In future work, the researchers hope to boost the quality of the devices and demonstrate other sensing applications. "One of the challenges ahead is to improve the quality of the materials so we can extend this to other applications that are very sensitive to the substrates, such as high-performance electronics." The Georgia Tech researchers have previously used a similar technique to produce light-emitting diodes and ultraviolet detectors that were transferred to different substrates, and they believe the process could also be used to produce high-power electronics. For those applications, transferring the devices from sapphire to substrates with better thermal conductivity could provide a significant advantage in device operation. Ougazzaden and his research team have been working on boron-based semiconductors since 2005. Their work has attracted visits from several industrial companies interested in exploring the technology, he said. "I am very excited and lucky to work on such hot topic and top-notch technology at GT-Lorraine," said Taha Ayari, a Ph.D. student in the Georgia Tech School of ECE and the paper's first author. ### In addition to Ougazzaden, the research team includes Georgia Tech Ph.D. students Taha Ayari, Matthew Jordan, Xin Li and Saiful Alam; Chris Bishop and Youssef ElGmili, researchers at Institut Lafayette; Suresh Sundaram, a researcher at Georgia Tech Lorraine; Gilles Patriarche, a researcher at the Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N) at CNRS; Paul Voss, an associate professor in the Georgia Tech School of ECE; and Jean Paul Salvestrini, a professor at Georgia Tech Lorraine and adjunct professor in the Georgia Tech School of ECE. The research was supported by ANR (Agence Nationale de Recherche), the National Agency of Research in France through the "GANEX" Project. CITATION: Taha Ayari, et al., "Gas sensors boosted by two-dimensional h-BN enabled transfer on thin substrate foils: towards wearable and portable applications," (Scientific Reports, 2017). At a glance: Depletion of a fatty molecule in human blood drives the deadliest malaria parasite to shift its priorities from infection to transmission. The discovery improves understanding of a critical yet poorly understood stage in the Plasmodium life cycle and potentially opens doors to new strategies for malaria control and treatment. life cycle and potentially opens doors to new strategies for malaria control and treatment. This study is the first to identify a factor in human hosts used by the parasites to make developmental decisions. Depletion of a fatty molecule in human blood propels malaria parasites to stop replicating and causing illness in people and instead to jump ship to mosquitoes to continue the transmission cycle, according to a new study by an international research team. The discovery, published online in Cell Nov. 9, answers a longstanding question about what controls this critical step in the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for about half a million malaria deaths worldwide each year. It could also open doors to new strategies for malaria control and treatment. The key molecule the researchers identified has the catchy name of lysophosphatidylcholine, or LPC for short. It appears to be a building block the parasites use to construct new cell membranes when they divide, the team found. "When LPC is plentiful, the parasites happily reproduce in humans," said J.P. Gerdt, a research fellow in the lab of Jon Clardy at Harvard Medical School and co-first author of the study. "When LPC drops, the parasites can't multiply anymore and commit to a different pathway." "This is a first big step in dissecting the details of what's going on," added Gerdt. The purpose of the research was to illuminate the biochemical motivators in Plasmodium's decision making. Although important, the findings won't immediately translate into new therapies, cautioned Clardy, the Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at HMS and co-corresponding author of the study. Even so, Clardy said, by pinpointing a previously unknown control switch, the work suggests new ways to try to prevent Plasmodium parasites from re-entering mosquitoes and infecting more people-a major goal of global malaria eradication programs. "Treating patients with antimalarial drugs usually kills the replicating parasites, but if you don't also block transmission, the disease will never disappear from the population," said co-corresponding author Matthias Marti, adjunct professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and professor at the Wellcome Centre for Molecular Parasitology at the University of Glasgow. Zeroing in Plasmodium parasites lead complex lives. They pass into humans through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito, congregating first in the liver and later in red blood cells, where they multiply and burst forth in cycles that cause waves of illness. Eventually, if the host is lucky enough to survive, some of the parasites stop multiplying and follow a different path known as sexual commitment or differentiation. In what Gerdt likens to a parasitic puberty, they morph from asexual into sexual creatures. If mosquitoes bite an infected person during this phase, the parasites-now male and female-travel back into the insects and breed. The transmission cycle begins anew. "Almost everything we try to do to treat malaria is at the blood stage, because that's when you know people have it," said Clardy. "Researchers are putting more effort lately into studying the transmission stage in light of campaigns to eliminate malaria." Even though sexual commitment is a linchpin in malaria dynamics, scientists didn't know much about what prompts it. Three years ago, Marti, then an associate professor at the Harvard Chan School, and study co-first author Nicolas Brancucci, then a postdoctoral fellow in Marti's lab, set out to discover whether any substances in human hosts-rather than in the parasites themselves-played a role. To find out, they combined their expertise in parasitology with the Clardy lab's specialty in tracing the source of molecular signals. Something in the blood When the researchers cultured Plasmodium cells in flasks without their usual bath of human blood serum, the parasites skipped replication and went straight for sexual commitment-hinting that a control switch lurked in the missing blood. Next, the researchers grew Plasmodium with serum. As expected, after a while the parasites lost their zest for replicating and began to undergo sexual commitment. But when the team added fresh serum, the parasites went on replicating. They were indeed grabbing something from the serum. The researchers decided to separate and study all the serum components to see if they could identify the molecule or molecules at play. "Serum is so complex; no one would do a test like that," Marti recalled. "But it actually worked. We found a single factor that's necessary and sufficient for regulating sexual commitment." With each round of parasite replication, the researchers observed that LPC levels dropped. When LPC fell low enough, the parasites switched to sexual commitment. Fluorescent microscopy revealed that Plasmodium cells were absorbing LPC from the bloodstream as they prepared to divide. "The parasites suck it up," said Gerdt. The scientists believe that when the parasites sense that their raw materials are running low, they change strategies. The researchers found similar patterns of LPC depletion in a mouse model of malaria. Their findings were further reinforced by blood serum data from previously published studies that showed LPC depletion is a hallmark of acute malaria infection in humans. Testing the waters The study is the first to identify a factor in human hosts that Plasmodium uses as an environmental sensor. "This was surprising at first, but once you know about it, it makes sense," said Marti. "Plasmodium is a blood parasite, after all, and it travels through many different environments during its life cycle. It samples those environments, and in this case, it responds to reduced LPC levels in the blood during acute malaria infection by deciding to move into the mosquito." Moving from the study findings to a malaria therapy won't be straightforward, said Clardy. For instance, doctors can't simply deplete LPC to prevent the parasites from replicating, because LPC plays important roles in the body, including forming healthy cell membranes. Nonetheless, now that they know "at least the first step and a few downstream steps" of how the parasite regulates transmission, Marti said he envisions new combination strategies that would safely block transmission while also treating the people who already have malaria. Brancucci is now at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel. ### Twenty-four additional study authors were based at the institutions listed above as well as the University of South Florida in Tampa; the University of Granada in Spain; the Lodz University of Technology in Poland; and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, an associated institute of the University of Basel. This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (Senior Investigator Award 172862, IRS Award 172805, Center Award 104111 and a Burroughs Wellcome Fund career development award), the National Institutes of Health (grants GM086258 and R01RHL139337 and NRSA fellowship F32GM116205) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants 31003A_163258 and BSCGI0_157729 and fellowships P300PA_160975 and P2BEP3_165396). Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School has more than 11,000 faculty working in 10 academic departments located at the School's Boston campus or in hospital-based clinical departments at 15 Harvard-affiliated teaching hospitals and research institutes: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Cambridge Health Alliance, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Hebrew SeniorLife, Joslin Diabetes Center, Judge Baker Children's Center, Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Schepens Eye Research Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, McLean Hospital, Mount Auburn Hospital, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network and VA Boston Healthcare System. With a readership that runs into the millions, few would argue that the New York Times doesn't influence public debate on a host of issues. But what about a news outlet with a circulation of only about 50,000? The answer, says Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor Gary King, is that even small- to medium-sized media outlets can have a dramatic effect on the content and partisan balance of the national conversation about major public policy issues. In the first large scale randomized media experiment ever conducted, King and former students Benjamin Schneer, now assistant professor at Florida State University, and Ariel White, now assistant professor at MIT, found that if just three outlets write about a particular major national policy topic - such as jobs, the environment, or immigration - discussion of that topic across social media rose by more than 62 percent, and the balance of opinion in the national conversation could be swayed several percentage points based on that coverage. "For several hundred years, scholars have tried to measure the influence of the media. Most people think it is influential, but measuring this influence rigorously with randomized experiments has until now been impossible," King said. "Our findings suggest that the effect of the media is surprisingly large. Our study's implications suggest every journalist wields a major power and so has an important responsibility." Those findings, King said, are the result of more than five years of work, much of which was spent convincing 48 news outlets to agree to take part in the study. Fortunately, about half of these outlets were represented by the Media Consortium, a network of independent news outlets, eager to find a way to measure impact and willing to help. "Much of the work leading up to this study involved finding a way to bridge the cultural divide between journalism and science," King explained. "Through years of conversations, much trial and error, and a partnership with Media Consortium Executive Director Jo Ellen Green Kaiser, we learned to understand journalistic standards and practices, and the journalists learned to understand our scientific requirements. What ultimately made it all work was a novel research design we developed that satisfied both camps." Though similar efforts have been tried in the past, they invariably collapsed as journalists chafed at the notion of being told what to report and when to report it. To address the problem, previous researchers fell back on clever tricks, such as studying areas that fell outside the broadcast area of a particular outlet but, because no one knew whether the areas were truly random, they were hard to evaluate. Such studies faced many problems, particularly their inability to control for a host of factors like race, education, or income. "From a scientific point of view, we have to be able to tell the journalists what to publish, and preferably at random times," King said. "From a journalistic point of view, these scientific requirements seem crazy, and journalists reasonably insist on retaining absolute control over what they publish. The two sets of requirements seem fundamentally incompatible, but we found a way to create a single research design that accomplished the goals of both groups." It wasn't only the participation of news outlets that made the study noteworthy, though. "If you're doing something like a medical experiment, you may randomly assign individual people to one of two groups, and then each person is your unit of analysis," he said. "But when a media outlet publishes something - no matter how small - the potential audience it could impact includes basically everybody in the country. That means our unit of analysis can't be a person; it has to be the entire country, which greatly increases the cost of the study." This means that the equivalent of an entire experiment in many other studies constitutes only one observation in this study. Because collecting each observation was so expensive, and so logistically challenging, King and colleagues used, and further developed, novel statistical techniques to enable them to collect only as much data as needed. They could then examine, after each massive national experiment, whether they now had enough data to draw reliable conclusions. "That allowed us to keep going until we got to the point where we had exactly as much data as we needed, and no more," King said. "As it turns out, we ran 35 national experiments that produced 70 observations." To achieve the experimental randomization needed for the study, King's team, the Media Consortium staff, and journalists at the 48 outlets together identified 11 broad policy areas - like jobs, the environment, or immigration. They then simulated the tendency of journalists to influence each other and publish stories on similar topics, sometimes known as "pack journalism," by choosing three or four outlets from their participating group of 48 to develop stories together that fell into the same broad policy area. "For example, if the policy area was jobs, one story might be about Uber drivers in the Philadelphia area," King said. "We would then identify a two-week period where we predicted there wouldn't be any surprises related to that topic area - so if the President was planning to give a speech about immigration in one of those two weeks, we would not run an experiment on immigration during that time." Randomization came from researchers flipping a coin to determine which of those weeks would be the publication week, and which the control week. "At first, our outlets didn't really understand what randomization meant," said Kaiser. "Our project manager Manolia Charlotin and the researchers worked very closely with all the outlets to ensure they followed the researchers' rules. This was a resource-intensive project for us, but the unexpected benefit was that outlets found they also gained many qualitative benefits from collaborating." In both treatment and control weeks, King, Schneer, and White used tools and data from Harvard-based start-up Crimson Hexagon, to monitor the national conversation in social media posts. King is co-founder of Crimson Hexagon and, with a previous generation of now former Harvard students, developed the automated text technology that was originally licensed by Harvard to create the company. He explained that this methodology "is used to evaluate meaning in social media posts. So if you have a set of categories you care about, we identify example posts in these categories, which is what humans are good at," King said. "Then our algorithm can amplify that human intelligence and, without classifying individual posts, can accurately estimate the percent of posts in each category each day." What they found, King said, is that the effect was larger than anyone anticipated. "The actual effect is really big," King said. "If three outlets (with an average circulation of about 50,000) get together and write stories, the size of the national conversation in that policy area increases a lot - it's a 62 percent increase on the first day's volume distributed over the week, just from these three little outlets." "These national conversations about major policy areas are essential to democracy," he added. "Today this conversation takes place, in part, in some of the 750 million publicly available social media posts written by people every day -- and all available for research. At one time, the national conversation was whatever was said in the public square, where people would get up on a soapbox, or when they expressed themselves in newspaper editorials or water-cooler debates. This is a lot of what democracy is about." King explained, "The fact that the media has such a large influence on the content of this national conversation is crucial for everything from the ideological balance of the nation's media outlets, to rise of fake news, to the ongoing responsibility of professional journalists." ### This research was supported with funding from Voqal and Harvard's Institute for Quantitative Social Science. On Oct. 11, 2017, five young scientists at the Institut Pasteur received 2017 L'Oreal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" Fellowships. Through their research, the three postdoctoral fellows and two PhD students are helping to advance scientific knowledge in the fields of child malnutrition, the immune system, vaccination, emerging diseases and psychotic disorders. These fellowships, awarded to thirty outstanding scientists each year, will offer greater visibility to the female scientists at the Institut Pasteur and to the "Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral Program", of which two of the laureates are alumnae. On October 11, 2017, five young scientists at the Institut Pasteur received 2017 L'Oreal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" Fellowships. Each year, the L'Oreal Foundation, in partnership with the French Academy of Sciences and the French National Commission for UNESCO, awards Fellowships to thirty young female scientists who are helping advance the frontiers of research in France. Ten PhD students and twenty postdoctoral fellows are selected for their outstanding research. The program is designed to support them in their research and as they pursue their scientific career. Two of this year's winners are graduates of the Pasteur-Paris University International Doctoral Program (PPU), launched in 2009 by the Institut Pasteur and co-funded by the EU's FP7 and Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie programs. The PPU was set up to provide training for young scientists in the fields of life sciences and biomedicine, in keeping with the Pasteurian tradition of pursuing outstanding research with the aim of improving health across the world. The PPU program is a three-year PhD program. Students from all over the world come to France to pursue their research at the Institut Pasteur, while being enrolled on a PhD at one of the Institut Pasteur's partner universities in Paris (UPMC, Paris Descartes University, Paris Sud University, Paris Diderot University and Paris-Saclay University). The five scientists awarded 2017 L'Oreal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" Fellowships for their outstanding research at the Institut Pasteur are the PhD students Juliette Fedry and Ai Ing Lim and the postdoctoral fellows Fani Koukouli, Blandine Monel and Pascale Vonasch. Through their research, they are helping advance scientific knowledge in the fields of child malnutrition, the immune system, vaccination, emerging diseases and psychotic disorders. Their discoveries are laying the foundations for the development of new treatments for several diseases. Juliette Fedry - Paving the way for the development of new vaccines: Since the 20th century, we have known that the fertilization of an egg by a sperm is the key stage in sexual reproduction. But much still remains to be elucidated about this process, especially concerning the molecule that induces the fusion of the membranes of these two cells to form a fertilized egg cell. Juliette Fedry, a PhD student in the Institut Pasteur's Structural Virology Unit, is trying to shed light on these questions. The young scientist from Lyon is fascinated by the protein HAP2, a molecule needed for fertilization in plants, algae, many invertebrate animals and some parasites such as the malaria agent. "By determining the atomic structure of HAP2, I showed that it is the first known molecule to fuse the sperm and egg membranes in several living species." The research carried out by Juliette Fedry and her colleagues revealed an unexpected resemblance between the structure of the HAP2 fertilization protein and the structure of proteins that enable viruses like Zika or chikungunya to infect cells. This suggests that viruses may be at the origin of sexual reproduction on earth, or conversely that these viruses may have acquired the fertilization molecule to infect their target cells more effectively. This new understanding about the molecular mechanism behind fertilization is therefore vitally important. It will help pave the way for the development of new vaccines to tackle several parasites, including the malaria parasite, by blocking their sexual reproduction and thereby stopping them from spreading. It brings us one step closer to the extinction of these agents that are pathogenic for humans. Fani Koukouli - Could nicotine be used to combat schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a condition which is still poorly understood today and which disrupts the lives of almost 51 million people over the age of 18 worldwide. Fani Koukouli is a young Greek postdoctoral researcher who is passionate about sailing in the Mediterranean and works with the Integrative Neurobiology of Cholinergic team at the Institut Pasteur. She has dedicated her research to this pathology, which has huge implications from medical, economic and social perspectives for patients and their relatives. The prefrontal cortex (PFC), the area of the brain that is especially associated with decision making and short-term memory, shows neuronal activity which decreases in people with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia. This cerebral deficit is due to a genetic anomaly in the nicotinic receptors which are present in the PFC, correlated with the fact that 80 to 90% of schizophrenia patients are smokers. During experiments in which she recreated this cerebral deficit, the young researcher was able to demonstrate that the repeated administration of nicotine helps re-establish neuronal activity in individuals affected by schizophrenia. "The aim of my research at the moment is to test different molecules which act on the nicotinic receptors and enable nerve cells to return to normal activity without the harmful effects associated with nicotine." At the same time, she is leading a major project investigating the role of nicotinic receptors in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common form of dementia and affects 44 million people. Her work also forms the basis of new pharmaco-therapeutic strategies. Ai Ing Lim - Zooming in on immune system intelligence: The immune system is made up of a collection of cells whose role is to defend the body. They include the recently identified "innate lymphoid cells" (ILC), which play a major role in the initial phases of the immune response. Ai Ing Lim, from Muar in Malaysia, was able to pursue her studies in science thanks to the support of her family. Now a PhD student with the Innate Immunity Unit at the Institut Pasteur, Paris Diderot University, the young researcher is working to achieve better characterization of ILCs. Through her research, she identified and isolated from human blood, a particular type of cell which can develop into four different types of ILC, and can therefore be considered an "ILC precursor" cell: "This work enabled me to come up with a new ILC genesis model in which the precursor cells circulating in the blood adapt their mechanism of action depending on the type of tissue they penetrate." Using ILC precursors, it is now possible to manufacture different types of ILC that could be used in cell therapy to treat infectious diseases, allergies and some cancers. Blandine Monel - Research to effectively tackle the Zika virus: Over the past few years, the Zika virus has shot to infamy. First discovered in 1947, the virus gave rise to a recent global outbreak that caused neurological disorders and brain development abnormalities in fetuses. In 2016, more than 16,000 cases were confirmed in Martinique alone. To date, no treatment or vaccine is capable of curbing this virus. Blandine Monel, a postdoctoral fellow in the Institut Pasteur's Virus and Immunity Unit, is trying to shed light on how the Zika virus acts, especially how it destroys human cells. "We recently discovered that Zika viruses isolated in Africa were killing human cells using an impressive process known as "paraptosis". One the cell has been infected, it develops vacuoles, or cavities, that expand until the cell implodes and dies." This process appears to be unique - it has not been observed in related viruses such as dengue. How does the Zika virus kill these cells? What defense mechanisms does the host have to protect against this process? The young scientist, who previously worked tirelessly on the HIV virus for six years, is trying to answer these questions with the aim of paving the way for new therapeutic strategies that might improve host resistance and help reduce the incidence of Zika virus disease in the long term. Pascale Vonasch - Studying microbiota to combat malnutrition: Throughout the world, one in four children is affected by growth retardation, predominantly in Africa and Asia. The number one cause of this growth retardation is chronic undernutrition. Chronic undernutrition creates the perfect conditions for infection and therefore seriously hampers the normal development of these children. It can even have serious consequences into adulthood. There is no effective treatment at the present time. The causes of this undernutrition are many, however Pediatric Environmental Enteropathy (PEE) syndrome appears to play a major role in the condition. PEE is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine, the main part of the body where nutrients are absorbed, and leads to a diminished nutrient absorption capacity. It is thought that an imbalance in the intestinal flora, known as "microbiota", may be one of the key factors in this syndrome. Pascale Vonasch, a postdoctoral researcher in the Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit at the Institut Pasteur, has been focusing her research on PEE: "The aim of my project is to study intestinal flora in young children aged 2 to 5, who are and are not suffering from malnutrition, in Bangui (Central African Republic) and Antananarivo (Madagascar). " The young Swiss researcher hopes to understand more about this syndrome in order to combat undernutrition, her dream being to "one day alleviate the extreme poverty and situations of hopelessness faced by many, the majority even, of children in this world". ### New research shows that early farmers who migrated to Europe from the Near East spread quickly across the continent, where they lived side-by-side with existing local hunter-gatherers while slowly mixing with those groups over time New research answers a long-debated question among anthropologists, archaeologists and geneticists: when farmers first arrived in Europe, how did they interact with existing hunter-gatherer groups? Prior studies have suggested these early Near Eastern farmers largely replaced the pre-existing European hunter-gatherers. Did the farmers wipe out the hunter-gatherers, through warfare or disease, shortly after arriving? Or did they slowly out-compete them over time? The current study, published today in Nature, suggests that these groups likely coexisted side-by-side for some time after the early farmers spread across Europe. The farming populations then slowly integrated local hunter-gatherers, showing more assimilation of the hunter-gatherers into the farming populations as time went on. The Neolithic transition - the shift from a hunter-gatherer to a farming lifestyle that started nearly 10,000 years ago - has been a slowly unraveling mystery. Recent studies of ancient DNA have revealed that the spread of farming across Europe was not merely the result of a transfer of ideas, but that expanding farmers from the Near East brought this knowledge with them as they spread across the continent. Numerous studies have shown that early farmers from all over Europe, such as the Iberian Peninsula, southern Scandinavia and central Europe, all shared a common origin in the Near East. This was initially an unexpected finding given the diversity of prehistoric cultures and the diverse environments in Europe. Interestingly, early farmers also show various amounts of hunter-gatherer ancestry, which had previously not been analyzed in detail. The current study, from an international team including scientists from Harvard Medical School, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, focused on the regional interactions between early farmers and late hunter-gatherer groups across a broad timespan in three locations in Europe: the Iberian Peninsula in the West, the Middle-Elbe-Saale region in north-central Europe, and the fertile lands of the Carpathian Basin (centered in what is now Hungary). The researchers used high-resolution genotyping methods to analyze the genomes of 180 early farmers, 130 of whom are newly reported in this study, from the period of 6000-2200 BC to explore the population dynamics during this period. "We find that the hunter-gatherer admixture varied locally but more importantly differed widely between the three main regions," says Mark Lipson, a researcher in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and co-first author of the paper. "This means that local hunter-gatherers were slowly but steadily integrated into early farming communities." While the percentage of hunter-gatherer heritage never reached very high levels, it did increase over time. This finding suggests the hunter-gatherers were not pushed out or exterminated by the farmers when the farmers first arrived. Rather, the two groups seem to have co-existed with increasing interactions over time. Further, the farmers from each location mixed only with hunter-gatherers from their own region, and not with hunter-gatherers, or farmers, from other areas, suggesting that once settled, they stayed put. "One novelty of our study is that we can differentiate early European farmers by their specific local hunter-gatherer signature," adds co-first author Anna Szecsenyi-Nagy of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. "Farmers from Spain share hunter-gatherer ancestry with a pre-agricultural individual from La Brana, Spain, whereas farmers from central Europe share more with hunter-gatherers near them, such as an individual from the Loschbour cave in Luxembourg. Similarly, farmers from the Carpathian Basin share more ancestry with local hunter-gatherers from their same region." The team also investigated the relative length of time elapsed since the integration events between the populations, using cutting-edge statistical techniques that focus on the breakdown of DNA blocks inherited from a single individual. The method allows scientists to estimate when the populations mixed. Specifically, the team looked at 90 individuals from the Carpathian Basin who lived close in time. The results - which indicate ongoing population transformation and mixture - allowed the team to build the first quantitative model of interactions between hunter-gatherer and farmer groups. "We found that the most probable scenario is an initial, small-scale, admixture pulse between the two populations that was followed by continuous gene flow over many centuries," says senior lead author David Reich, professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. These results reflect the importance of building thorough, detailed databases of genetic information over time and space, and suggest that a similar approach should be equally revealing elsewhere in the world. ### In recent years, the search for new cancer treatments has increasingly focused on immunotherapies that harness the body's own defenses to fight tumors. Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) is a powerful immunotherapeutic strategy that can effectively control some cancers but that also has drawbacks. To administer ACT, T cells are withdrawn from a patient and cultivated in a laboratory (ex vivo) for weeks or months, until a massive number of cells are available to be injected back into the patient. During ex vivo cultivation, the T cells often lose potency and life span. A great deal of research has been aimed at improving ACT effectiveness by enhancing anti-tumor T-cell strength and persistence. While researchers have made incremental progress by changing components of the laboratory culture, it has been difficult to create a T cell that incorporates both desirable anti-tumor attributes (i.e., long-term survival and high cancer-fighting efficacy) -- until now. Shikhar Mehrotra, PhD, associate professor of surgery and co-scientific director of the Center for Cellular Therapy at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), led a team of investigators to develop a culture protocol that successfully merged the strong effector traits of Th1 cells with the durability of Th17 cells, which have a highly stem-like phenotype. The result was a hybrid Th1/17 T cell that has the best anti-cancer characteristics of both parent cells. "We've known about how T cells can fight tumors for more than three decades. However, for a long time the focus was on Th1 cells because they seemed to be most important. They secrete interferon-gamma, which can directly kill the tumor and also draw in other cells to help fight the cancer," explains Mehrotra. "But in the past ten years we've realized that it's more important to have a T cell with long-lasting function. Th17 cells survive longer than Th1 cells because they have a more stem-like phenotype. So, we wanted to integrate both the robust interferon gamma phenotype of Th1 cells with the long-lasting phenotype of Th17 cells. But it took us some time to figure out how to put them together in a manner that they can also keep their useful traits when injected into the patient. We had to use different cytokines in the laboratory culture and combine them in new ways-it took us a while to get the right recipe." Because Th1/17 cells are a new cell type, the team extensively investigated their properties using transcriptomic and metabolic profiling and a series of confirmatory experiments. Comparative Illumina microarray analysis showed that 589 genes were exclusively expressed in hybrid Th1/17 cells, which have unique metabolic and T-cell signaling pathway gene expression. Furthermore, comparative studies in a mouse melanoma model demonstrated that adoptive transfer of hybrid Th1/17 cells provided more effective tumor control than Th1 or Th17 cells (reported earlier by this group). Importantly, when tumor-free mice were later re-challenged with the same tumor, there was no tumor growth through 150 days (the last observed time point). After demonstrating that these novel hybrid Th1/17 cells could persist long-term in the body (in vivo) while maintaining their effectiveness, the researchers next set out to determine what specific cellular mechanisms supported these characteristics. A comprehensive evaluation of principal metabolites showed that the metabolite signature of hybrid Th1/17 cells was intermediate between the original Th1 and Th17 cells. Intriguingly, Th1/17 cell levels of the metabolite nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) were 34 times higher than in Th17 cells. Furthermore, they discovered that these high NAD+ levels were sustained via glutaminolysis instead of glycolysis-making Th1/17 cells metabolically unique. This is important because metabolic commitment plays an important role in the function and survival of T cells in the tumor microenvironment. Further experiments found that their enhanced anti-tumor properties were attributable to increased NAD+ mediated histone deacetylase Sirt1 activity. The team showed that pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of either NAD+ or Sirt1 impaired the anti-tumor activity and confirmed that elevated NAD+ levels are required to maintain the anti-tumor activity and in vivo viability of Th1/17 cells. While these were all important findings, they simply laid the groundwork for what was to be the most important result of their work. Experiments revealed that inhibiting CD38, a NAD+ hydrolase that inversely correlates to NAD+ levels and co-expresses with cell exhaustion marker PD1, led to vastly improved tumor control. In other words, cells with reduced surface expression of NADase CD38 had intrinsically higher NAD+ levels and were much stronger cancer fighters. The inverse relationship between intrinsic NAD+ levels and TGF-beta-induced CD38 expression may explain how the CD38-NAD+ axis regulates T-cell function in the tumor microenvironment. Results also suggested that, since CD38 and PD1 are tightly co-expressed, CD38 plays a central role in regulating 'metabolic exhaustion' by moderating NAD+ levels in PD1+ exhausted T cells. Most impressively, the team found that blocking CD38 expression resulted in improved tumor control even in unpolarized anti-tumor T-cells. The team treated mice with established melanoma using Th0 cells derived from CD38-KO (knockout) mice. Results showed that these Th0 T cells could efficiently control tumor growth without ex vivo programming. Thus, strategies targeting the CD38-NAD+ axis could increase the efficacy of ACT. "We've known about NAD+ for almost 100 years, so, for me, the best part was when we realized that this intrinsic factor was responsible for the cells' strength," says Mehrotra. "That we could pick out one molecule, CD38, and produce this robust anti-tumor phenotype just by knocking it down was a big surprise. I actually thought that it wouldn't work-that we wouldn't get robust tumor control with the CD38 knockout cells. But it turns out that its ability to regulate the important cofactor NAD+ is so vital, that just by inhibiting it we could make the T cells work better." The MUSC team also used similar ex vivo cultivation conditions to those that produced the hybrid Th1/17 cells to program CD8+ T-cells into a Tc1/17 hybrid phenotype, which also showed potent and durable anti-tumor properties. This finding may have immediate translational value since, unlike Th17 cells, Tc1 cells are known to have better anti-tumor activity despite Tc17 cells' ability to persist longer in vivo. "Using the hybrid programming protocol, we can now use both Th and Tc cells together for ACT," explains Mehrotra. Overall, the team's experiments suggest that increasing NAD+ may be the key to improving the functionality of any T cell subset, and ex vivo programming to a hybrid phenotype with high NAD+ equates to the intrinsic NAD+ levels achieved by CD38 down-regulation. Better tumor response due to CD38 inhibition that concomitantly increases intracellular NAD+ in T cells (or other immune cells) could contribute to broader use of ACT. ### Dr. Shikhar Mehrotra and Dr. Shilpak Chatterjee are inventors on a provisional patent application covering CD38-mediated metabolic axis in anti-tumor T cell immunotherapy owned by the MUSC Foundation for Research Development. About MUSC Founded in 1824 in Charleston, The Medical University of South Carolina is the oldest medical school in the South. Today, MUSC continues the tradition of excellence in education, research, and patient care. MUSC educates and trains more than 3,000 students and residents, and has nearly 13,000 employees, including approximately 1,500 faculty members. As the largest non-federal employer in Charleston, the university and its affiliates have collective annual budgets in excess of $2.2 billion. MUSC operates a 750-bed medical center, which includes a nationally recognized Children's Hospital, the Ashley River Tower (cardiovascular, digestive disease, and surgical oncology), Hollings Cancer Center (a National Cancer Institute designated center) Level I Trauma Center, and Institute of Psychiatry. For more information on academic information or clinical services, visit For more information on hospital patient services, visit About MUSC Hollings Cancer Center The Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina is a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center and the largest academic-based cancer research program in South Carolina. The cancer center comprises more than 120 faculty cancer scientists with an annual research funding portfolio of $44 million and a dedication to reducing the cancer burden in South Carolina. Hollings offers state-of-the-art diagnostic capabilities, therapies and surgical techniques within multidisciplinary clinics that include surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation therapists, radiologists, pathologists, psychologists and other specialists equipped for the full range of cancer care, including more than 200 clinical trials. For more information, visit A number of strategies used by the police to proactively prevent crimes have proved to be successful at crime reduction, at least in the short term, and most strategies do not harm communities' attitudes toward police, finds a new report by the NASEM WASHINGTON - A number of strategies used by the police to proactively prevent crimes have proved to be successful at crime reduction, at least in the short term, and most strategies do not harm communities' attitudes toward police, finds a new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. However, the committee that conducted the study and wrote the report said there is insufficient evidence to draw strong conclusions on the potential role of racial bias in the use of proactive policing strategies. "The committee felt that the lack of data on the role of racial bias in proactive policing was startling," said David Weisburd, executive director of the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University and chair of the committee. "It's critically important that we understand not simply the impacts of proactive policing on racial outcomes, but also how race may impact the adoption of specific types of proactive policing." Police organizations apply proactive policing practices to prevent and reduce crime, which differs from standard or traditional reactive approaches in policing that focus primarily on responding to crime once it has occurred and on answering citizen requests for police service. In this report, the committee assessed the application and results of such proactive strategies, including their impact on crime, the reaction of communities, whether they are being used in a legal fashion, and if they are applied in a discriminatory manner. Impact of Proactive Policing on Crime and Disorder Overall, the committee found enough evidence to support the adoption of a number of proactive policing strategies, if the primary goal is to reduce crime. The available evidence focused on the localized impacts of crime prevention, such as specific places or individuals, and generally on short-term crime-prevention effects. Relatively little is known about whether and to what extent the strategies will have benefits at the larger jurisdictional level, for example, across an entire precinct or city or across all offenders. Furthermore, the evidence is rarely able to speak about long-term benefits. Key findings include: Available research suggests hot spots policing - a practice where police focus on locations where crime is concentrated - produces short-term crime reduction effects without simply displacing crime into surrounding areas. Studies tend to find that these programs also have beneficial crime reduction effects in immediately adjacent areas. A small group of rigorous studies show that problem-oriented policing programs lead to short-term reductions in crime. Problem-oriented policing seeks to identify and analyze the underlying causes of crime problems and to respond using a wide variety of methods and tactics, from improving lighting and repairing fences to cleaning up parks and improving recreational opportunities for youth. Evaluations of focused deterrence programs show consistent crime-control impacts in reducing gang violence, street crime driven by disorderly drug markets, and repeat individual offending. The available evaluation literature suggests both short-term and long-term area-wide impacts of focused deterrence programs on crime. These strategies attempt to deter crime among repeat offenders by understanding underlying crime-producing dynamics and implementing a blended strategy of law enforcement, community mobilization, and social service actions in response. Stop-question-frisk (SQF) - stops in which suspects are questioned about their activities, frisked, and often searched - when implemented as a general, citywide crime control strategy showed mixed results. Evaluations of focused uses of SQF targeting places with violence or serious gun crimes and focusing on high-risk repeat offenders consistently find short-term crime reduction effects. The report notes a lack of evidence on long-term impacts of focused uses of SQF on crime. Broken windows policing - a strategy to address small instances of disorder before they overwhelm a neighborhood and to restore afflicted neighborhoods - generate little or no impact on crime when applied as an aggressive tactic for increasing misdemeanor arrests. On the other hand, interventions that use place-based, problem-solving practices to reduce social and physical disorder have reported short-term crime reduction impacts, the committee said. Procedural justice policing seeks to impress upon citizens and the wider community that the police exercise their authority in legitimate ways, with the expectation that if citizens accord legitimacy to police activity, they are more inclined to collaborate with police and abide by laws. Because the evidence base is so small, however, conclusions cannot be drawn about the effectiveness of such strategies. Race and Proactive Policing In addition to crime reduction and community relations, the committee assessed the potential role of racial bias in proactive policing. The report finds that when police target high-risk places or people, a common practice in proactive policing programs, there are likely to be large racial disparities in the volume and nature of police-citizen encounters. However, existing evidence does not establish conclusively whether and to what extent such racial disparities are indicators of statistical prediction, racial animus, implicit bias, or other causes. The research gaps also leave police departments and communities that are concerned about racial bias without an evidence base that can help them make informed decisions, the report says. It highlights more research on these topics as an urgent need, both for the field to better understand the potential negative consequences of proactive policing, and so that communities and police departments may be better-equipped to align police behaviors with values of equity and justice. The committee also did not find enough direct empirical evidence to draw any conclusions about the likelihood that particular proactive strategies increase or decrease constitutional violations. Community Relations Emerging research suggests that proactive policing strategies that focus on areas with high concentrations of crime, such as hot spots policing, rarely have negative short-term impacts on community outcomes. At the same time, the evidence suggests that such strategies rarely improve community perceptions of the police. There is a virtual absence of evidence on the long-term and jurisdiction-level impacts of place-based policing on community relations, the report says. Studies on problem-solving interventions, which seek to identify and remedy underlying causes of crime problems, show consistent small-to-moderate positive impacts on short-term community satisfaction with police. Evidence also suggests that the risk of undesired negative effects from these strategies - known as backfire effects - is low. However, there is little consistency in these strategies' impacts on perceived disorder and quality of life, fear of crime, and police legitimacy. Again, there is little research on long-term or jurisdiction-level impacts. The report found that community-oriented policing, which involves citizens in identifying and addressing public safety concerns, leads to modest improvements in the public's view of policing and the police in the short term. The committee said these improvements occur with greatest consistency for measures of community satisfaction and less so for measures of perceived disorder, fear of crime, and police legitimacy. Research Needs In addition to the need for more research on racial bias, the committee called for greater investment in understanding which proactive policing strategies are cost-effective, how such strategies can be maximized to improve the relationships between the police and the public, and how they can be applied in ways that do not lead to violations of the law by police. ### The study was sponsored by the National Institute of Justice of the U.S. Department of Justice and Laura and John Arnold Foundation. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions related to science, technology, and medicine. They operate under an 1863 congressional charter to the National Academy of Sciences, signed by President Lincoln. For more information, visit A roster follows. Contacts: Riya V. Anandwala, Media Relations Officer Andrew Robinson, Media Relations Assistant Office of News and Public Information 202-334-2138; e-mail Social Media: Follow us on Twitter: @theNASEM Follow us on Instagram: @theNASEM Follow us on Facebook: @NationalAcademies Follow the conversation using: #proactivepolicing Copies of Proactive Policing: Effects on Crime and Community Relations are available at or by calling 202-334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242. Reporters may obtain a copy from the Office of News and Public Information (contacts listed above). THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES, ENGINEERING, AND MEDICINE Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education Committee on Law and Justice Committee on Proactive Policing: Effects on Crime, Communities, and Civil Liberties in the United States David Weisburd (chair) Distinguished Professor of Criminology, Law, and Society, and Director Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy George Mason University Fairfax, Va. Hassan Aden Founder Aden Group Alexandria, Va. Anthony A. Braga Distinguished Professor, and Director School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Northeastern University Boston Jim Bueermann President Police Foundation Washington, D.C. Philip J. Cook1 Sanford Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Professor of Economics and Sociology Duke University Durham, N.C. Phillip Atiba Goff Franklin A. Thomas Professor in Policing Equity John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and Co-founder and President Center for Policing Equity New York City Rachel A. Harmon F.D.G. Ribble Professor of Law University of Virginia Charlottesville Amelia Haviland Associate Professor Heinz College Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh Cynthia Lum Associate Professor George Mason University Fairfax, Va. Charles F. Manski2 Board of Trustees Professor in Economics Northwestern University Evanston, Ill. Stephen Mastrofski University Professor Department of Criminology, Law, and Society, and Director Center for Justice Leadership and Management George Mason University Fairfax, Va. Tracey L. Meares Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law Yale Law School New Haven, Conn. Daniel S. Nagin Teresa and H. John Heinz III University Professor of Public Policy and Statistics Heinz College Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh Emily Owens Associate Professor Department of Criminology, Law, and Society University of California Irvine Steven Raphael Professor of Public Policy University of California Berkeley Jerry Ratcliffe Professor Department of Criminal Justice, and Director Center for Security and Crime Science Temple University; and Member Advisory Board for the Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Philadelphia Tom Tyler Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology Yale Law School, and Professor Yale School of Management New Haven, Conn. STAFF Malay K. Majmundar Staff Officer 1Member, National Academy of Medicine 2Member, National Academy of Sciences At Northern Illinois University, Dan Gebo opens a cabinet and pulls out a drawer full of thin plastic cases filled with clear gelatin capsules. Inside each numbered capsule is a tiny fossil--some are so small they rival the diminutive size of a mustard seed. It's hard to imagine that anyone would be able to recognize these flecks as fossils, much less link them to an ancient world that was very different from our own, yet has quite a bit to do with us--or the evolution of us. The nearly 500 finger and toe bones belonged to tiny early primates--some half the size of a mouse. During the mid-Eocene period, about 45 million years ago, they lived in tree canopies and fed on fruit and insects in a tropical rainforest in what is now China. The fossilized phalanges are described in detail in a new study by Gebo and colleagues, published online this fall ahead of print in the Journal of Human Evolution. Representing nine different taxonomic families of primates and as many as 25 species, the specimens include numerous fossils attributed to Eosimias, the very first anthropoid known to date, and three fossils attributed to a new and much more advanced anthropoid. The anthropoid lineage would later include monkeys, apes and humans. "The fossils are extraordinarily small, but in terms of quantity this is the largest single assemblage of fossil primate finger and toe specimens ever recorded," said Gebo, an NIU professor of anthropology and biology who specializes in the study of primate anatomy. All of the finger and toe fossils imply tree-dwelling primates with grasping digits in both hands and feet. Many of the smaller fossils are between 1 and 2 millimeters in length, and the animals would have ranged in full body size from 10 to 1,000 grams (0.35 to 35.3 ounces). "The new study provides further evidence that early anthropoids were minuscule creatures, the size of a mouse or smaller," Gebo said. "It also adds to the evidence pointing toward Asia as the initial continent for primate evolution. While apes and fossil humans do come from Africa, their ancestors came from Asia." The newly described fossils were originally recovered from a commercial quarry near the village of Shanghuang in the southern Jiangsu Province of China, about 100 miles west of Shanghai. In recent decades, Shanghuang has become well-known among paleontologists. "Shanghuang is truly an amazingly diverse fossil primate locality, unequaled across the Eocene," Gebo said. "Because no existing primate communities show this type of body-size distribution, the Shanghuang primate fauna emphasizes that past ecosystems were often radically different from those we are familiar with today." Co-author Christopher Beard, a paleontologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence who has been working on Shanghuang fossils for 25 years, said the limestone in the quarry is of Triassic age--from the very beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs some 220 million years ago. Owing to a subsequent phase of erosion, the limestone developed large fissures containing fossil-rich sediments dating to the middle Eocene, after dinosaurs went extinct. In the early 1990s, more than 10 tons of fossil-bearing matrix were collected from the fissures and shipped to the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. There, the matrix was washed and screened, yielding fossil bones and teeth from ancient mammals, many of which remain to be identified. "Because of commercial exploitation of the quarry site, the fossil-bearing fissure-fillings at Shanghuang are now exhausted," Beard said. "So, the fossils that we currently have are all that will ever be found from this site." Gebo was initially recruited during the late 1990s to spearhead research on primate limb and ankle bones from Shanghuang. That led to two publications in 2000, when he and colleagues first announced the discovery of 45 million-year-old, thumb-length primates, the smallest ever recovered, from this same site. The work identifying body parts also helped cement the status of Eosimias, first identified by Beard on the basis of jaw fragments discovered at the site, as an extremely primitive anthropoid lying at the very beginning of our lineage's evolutionary past. In more recent years, Gebo found additional specimens, sifting through miscellaneous elements from Shanghuang both at the Carnegie Museum and the University of Kansas. He brought the delicate and minuscule finger and toe fossils to NIU for study using traditional and electron-scanning microscopes. The fossils that endured the millennia may be small but still have a story to tell. "We can actually identify different types of primates from the shapes of their fingers and toes," Gebo said. Primates are mammals, characterized by having bigger brains, grasping hands and feet, nails instead of claws and eyes located in the front of the skull. Living prosimians, or living lower primates, include lemurs and tarsiers, and have broader fingertips. In contrast, most living anthropoids, also known as higher primates, have narrow fingertips. Fossils from the unnamed advanced anthropoid are narrow, Gebo said. "These are the earliest known examples of those narrow fingers and toes that are key to anthropoid evolution," he added. "We can see evolution occurring at this site, from the broader finger or toe tips to more narrow." Unlike other prehistoric forests across the globe that have a mixture of large and small primates, Shanghuang's fossil record is unique in being nearly absent of larger creatures. The unusual size distribution is likely the result of a sampling bias, Gebo said. Researchers might be missing the larger primate fauna because of processes affecting fossil preservation, and for similar reasons scientists at other Eocene localities could be missing the small-sized fauna. "Many of the fossil specimens from Shanghuang show evidence of partial digestion by predatory birds, which may have specialized on preying upon the small primates and other mammals that are so common at Shanghuang, thus explaining the apparent bias toward small fossil species there," Beard added. Some of the primate fossils found in Shanghuang are found in other countries. Eosimias fossils have been recovered in Myanmar, for example. But Shanghuang stands out because of the presence of more advanced anthropoids and the sheer diversity of primates. "You don't find all of these fossil primates in one place except at Shanghuang," Gebo said. ### In addition to Gebo and Beard, the research team publishing in the Journal of Human Evolution includes Marian Dagosto, a professor in the Cell and Molecular Biology Department at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, and professor Xijun Ni of the Chinese Academy of Science's Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology. Processed and identified fossils will be returned to the Chinese institute. Light from a supernova explosion in the nearby starburst galaxy M82 is reverberating off a huge dust cloud in interstellar space. The supernova, called SN 2014J, occurred at the upper right of M82, and is marked by an "X." The supernova was discovered on Jan. 21, 2014. The inset images at top reveal an expanding shell of light from the stellar explosion sweeping through interstellar space, called a "light echo." The images were taken 10 months to nearly two years after the violent event (Nov. 6, 2014 to Oct. 12, 2016). The light is bouncing off a giant dust cloud that extends 300 to 1,600 light-years from the supernova and is being reflected toward Earth. SN 2014J is classified as a Type Ia supernova and is the closest such blast in at least four decades. A Type Ia supernova occurs in a binary star system consisting of a burned-out white dwarf and a companion star. The white dwarf explodes after the companion dumps too much material onto it. The image of M82 reveals a bright blue disk, webs of shredded clouds, and fiery-looking plumes of glowing hydrogen blasting out of its central regions. Close encounters with its larger neighbor, the spiral galaxy M81, is compressing gas in M82 and stoking the birth of multiple star clusters. Some of these stars live for only a short time and die in cataclysmic supernova blasts, as shown by SN 2014J. Located 11.4 million light-years away, M82 appears high in the northern spring sky in the direction of the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear. It is also called the "Cigar Galaxy" because of the elliptical shape produced by the oblique tilt of its starry disk relative to our line of sight. ### The M82 image was taken in 2006 by the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys. The inset images of the light echo also were taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys. The science team members are Y. Yang of Texas A&M University, College Station, and the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; P.J. Brown of Texas A&M University, College Station; L. Wang of Texas A&M University, College Station, and Purple Mountain Observatory, China; D. Baade, A. Cikota, F. Patat, and J. Spyromilio of the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, Garching, Germany; M. Cracraft and W.B. Sparks of the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland; P.A. Hoflich of Florida State University, Tallahassee; J. Maund and H.F. Stevance of the University of Sheffield, U.K.; X. Wang of Tsinghua University, Beijing Shi; and J.C. Wheeler of the University of Texas at Austin. The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington, D.C. For images and more information about the light echo and Hubble, visit: Donna Weaver / Ray Villard Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland 410-338-4493 / 410-338-4514 / Yi Yang Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 972-8-934-6505 NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite passed over the Philippines and saw the thirtieth tropical cyclone of the northwestern Pacific Ocean typhoon season form. On Nov. 9 at 0454 UTC (Nov. 8 at 11:54 p.m. EST) NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite provided a visible image of Tropical Depression Haikui over the central Philippines. The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument aboard NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite showed the center of the storm over the Philippine Sea and the western quadrant of the storm stretched over the central Philippines. Animated enhanced infrared satellite imagery showed a consolidating low-level circulation center with bands of thunderstorms wrapping into the center. At 10 a.m. EDT (1500 UTC) Tropical Depression Haikui was located near 14.1 degrees north latitude and 120.7 degrees east longitude. That places the center of circulation about 51 nautical miles south-southeast of Manila. Haiki has tracked west-northwestward at 14 knots (16 mph/26 kph). Maximum sustained winds were near 35 knots (34.5 mph/55.5 kph). Forecasters at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center expect Haikui to move northwest, cross the Philippines and track northwest through the South China Sea. A second landfall is expected over China's Hainan Island on Nov. 14 followed by a third and final landfall in the mainland of southern China. ### "Being exposed to non-physical sexual harassment can negatively affect symptoms of anxiety, depression, negative body image and low self-esteem," say Associate Professor Mons Bendixen and Professor Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's (NTNU) Department of Psychology. This applies to derogatory sexual remarks about appearance, behaviour and sexual orientation, unwanted sexual attention, being subject to rumouring, and being shown sexually oriented images, and the like. The researchers posed questions about sexual harassment experienced in the previous year and received responses from almost 3,000 high school students in two separate studies. The responses paint a clear picture. Worst for girls This is not exclusively something boys do against girls. It's just as common for boys to harass boys in these ways. Girls and boys are equally exposed to unpleasant or offensive non-physical sexual harassment. About 62 per cent of both sexes report that they have experienced this in the past year. "Teens who are harassed the most also struggle more in general. But girls generally struggle considerably more than boys, no matter the degree to which they're being harassed in this way," Kennair notes. "Girls are also more negatively affected by sexual harassment than boys are," adds Bendixen. Being a girl is unquestionably the most important risk factor when teens report that they struggle with anxiety, depression, negative body image or low self-esteem. However, non-physical sexual harassment is the second most important factor, and is more strongly associated with adolescents' psychological well-being than being subjected to sexual coercion in the past year or sexual assault prior to that. Level of severity Bendixen and Kennair believe it's critical to distinguish between different forms of harassment. They divided the types of harassment into two main groups: non-physical harassment and physically coercive sexual behaviour, such as unwanted kissing, groping, intimate touch, and intercourse. Physical sexual coercion is often characterized as sexual abuse in the literature. Studies usually lump these two forms of unwanted behaviour together into the same measure. This means that a derogatory comment is included in the same category as rape. "As far as we know, this is the first study that has distinguished between these two forms and specifically looked at the effects of non-physical sexual harassment," says Bendixen. Comments that for some individuals may seem innocent enough can cause significant problems for others. Many factors accounted for Not everyone interprets slang or slurs the same way. If someone calls you a "whore" or "gay," you may not find it offensive. For this reason, the researchers let the adolescents decide whether they perceived a given action as offensive or not, and had them only report what they did find offensive. The article presents data from two studies. The first study from 2007 included 1384 high school students. The second study included 1485 students and was conducted in 2013-2014. Both studies were carried out in Sr-Trndelag county and are comparable with regard to demographic conditions. The results of the first study were reproduced in the second. The findings from the two studies matched each other closely. The researchers also took into account a number of other potentially influential factors, such as having parents who had separated or were unemployed, educational programme (vocational or general studies), sexual minority status, immigrant status, and whether they had experienced physical coercion in the past year or any sexual assaults previous to that. "We've found that sexual minorities generally reported more psychological distress," says Bendixen. The same applied to young people with parents who are unemployed. On the other hand, students with immigrant status did not report more psychological issues. Bendixen also notes that sexual minorities did not seem to be more negatively affected by sexual harassment than their heterosexual peers. However, the researchers did find a clear negative effect of non-physical sexual harassment, over and beyond that of the risk factors above. Uncertain as to what is an effective intervention So what can be done to reduce behaviours that may cause such serious problems for so many? Kennair concedes that he doesn't know what can help. "This has been studied for years and in numerous countries, but no studies have yet revealed any lasting effects of measures aimed at combating sexual harassment," Bendixen says. "We know that attitude campaigns can change people's attitudes to harassment, but it doesn't result in any reduction in harassment behaviour." Bendixen and Kennair want to look into this in an upcoming study. Their goal is to develop practices that reduce all forms of sexual harassment and thereby improve young people's psychological well-being. ### Reference: International Journal of Public Health. The effects of non-physical peer sexual harassment on high school students' psychological well-being in Norway: consistent and stable findings across studies. Mons Bendixen, Josef Daveronis, Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) offer significant improvement on detection efficiency (DE) compared to their semiconducting counterparts, having enabled many breakthrough applications in quantum information technologies. The team headed by Prof. Lixing You from Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (also affiliated to CAS Center for Excellence in Superconducting Electronics (CENSE)) first demonstrated the fabrication and operation of a NbN-SNSPD with system detection efficiency over 90% at 2.1 K at a wavelength of 1550 nm, which paves the way for practical application of SNSPD (Figure 1). The results were published recently on SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy [1] as a cover image story. Dr. Weijun Zhang is the first author and Dr. Lixing You is the corresponding author. At 1550 nm, which is the most important wavelength for applications, the state of the art SNSPD made of WSi superconductor has reached a DE record of 93% [2], compared to InGaAs detector with DE ~30%. Unfortunately, WSi-SNSPD usually operates at sub-kelvin temperatures, requiring expensive and user unfriendly refrigeration equipment. Extensive efforts are made on the development of SNSPDs based on NbN, targeted at operating temperature above 2K, accessible to inexpensive and user-friendly compact cryocoolers. With a decade research, the detection efficiency of NbN-SNSPDs were gradually increased to ~ 80%. However, further improvements are not reported. Achieving DE over 90% requires the simultaneous optimization of many different factors, including near perfect optical coupling, near perfect absorption, and near unity intrinsic quantum efficiency. Previous attempts at doing this have mostly been made through a process of trial and error. This paper first reported a NbN-SNSPD system based on G-M cryocooler with system detection efficiency over 90% (at dark count rate of 10 Hz) at 2.1 K at a wavelength of 1550 nm. The efficiency of the device saturates to 92% when the temperature is lowered to 1.8 K. The success of this device has been the result of using an integrated Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) cavity offering near unity refection at the interface, and through systematic optimization of the NbN nanowire's meandered geometry. The joint efforts enable researchers to simultaneously achieve the stringent requirements for coupling, absorption and intrinsic quantum efficiency. What is more, the device exhibit timing jitters down to 79 ps, almost half that of previously reported WSi-SNSPD, promising additional advantages in applications requiring high timing precision. The devices have been applied to the quantum information frontier experiments in University of Science and Technology of China. SNSPD with near unity detection efficiency operational on economical and user-friendly compact cryocooler will provide researchers a powerful and easy accessible tool, envisage further breakthrough in quantum information areas such as optical quantum computation/simulation, quantum key distribution etc., in a foreseeable near future. Aiming to this niche and growing market, Dr. You et al also founded a start-up company (Shanghai Photon Technology CO LTD, ) to commercialize the technology. The SNSPDs with start-of-art performance from SIMIT have provided key support to quantum communication of China. Collaborated with JW Pan's group, many world records on fiber quantum key distribution have been made including the current record of the longest distance of 404 km [3]. Dr. You believes that there is still room for further improving the detection efficiency of NbN SNSPD. In the new National Key R&D Program of China kicked off in July of 2017 directed by Dr. You, the new target of the detection efficiency is 93-95%. ### This research was funded by National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0304000); Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB04010200); National Natural Science Foundation of China (91121022, 61401441, and 61401443) and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (16JC1400402) [1] W. J. Zhang, et al. NbN superconducting nanowire single photon detector with efficiency over 90% at 1550 nm wavelength operational at compact cryocooler temperature, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 60, 120314 (2017) [2] F. Marsili, et al. Detecting single infrared photons with 93% system efficiency. Nature Photonics 7(3): 210-214 (2013) [3] H.-L. Yin, et al. Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Over a 404 km Optical Fiber. Physical Review Letters 117(19): 190501. (2016) See the article: W. J. Zhang, et al. NbN superconducting nanowire single photon detector with efficiency over 90% at 1550 nm wavelength operational at compact cryocooler temperature, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 60, 120314 (2017) Simple technologies can be learned effectively through imitation, while complex methods require professional training. If Ghanaian pineapple farmers are to achieve higher yields through more sustainable agriculture, they will need to be trained in exactly these types of complex applications. This was the conclusion reached by a team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (ifW), who provide evidence for this assertion in the form of a new study with recommendations. For two months, the agricultural economist Dr. David Wupper from the Chair Group Agricultural Production and Resource Economics at TUM worked with around 400 Ghanaian pineapple farmers in a hot and humid tropical region south of the Ghanaian metropolis of Kumasi. He and Dr. Linda Kleemann from the ifW -- with the support of several other interviewers and translators -- examined the learning effects of training and imitation. A number of the farmers had already been interviewed several years ago. A Much-Too-Short Success Story For a long time, the yields of the pineapple fields, most of which are smaller than two hectares, were only intended for subsistence farming. In the 1990s, productivity increased along with exports, primarily to the European Union. There was a great sense of excitement, both among farmers as well as scientists, according to Wupper: "A true success story for African agriculture." But then came MD-2. What sounds like a robot from a popular science fiction series is actually a variety of pineapple from an American company that was bred for Costa Rica's monoculture farming. It contains more vitamin C, is sweeter, more symmetrical, and has a longer shelf life. It replaced the traditional Ghanaian varieties in European supermarkets. "MD-2 was a real setback for Ghana," the TUM scientist explained. "This is because this variety has high pest control, fertilization, and irrigation requirements. In these areas, the Ghanaian small-scale farmers are clearly at a disadvantage when compared to the more industrialized agriculture in Costa Rica." Although it is closer to the countries of the EU than Costa Rica is, Ghana has been near the bottom of the list for several years in terms of pineapple export statistics. Despite this, researchers, the UN, and the World Bank continued to remain interested in the pineapple farmers. They all wanted to help the farmers achieve economically successful harvests again -- despite their widely scattered fields, despite their still mostly inefficient extensive agriculture, and despite MD-2. Their common goal: to establish sustainable agriculture. This reduces irreversible damage to the soil (soil degradation), increases its fertility, and ultimately also its yield and income. Many stakeholders -- governmental organizations, NGOs and private companies -- are on the ground in the West African country in order to help small enterprises with training. Mainly, this involves two techniques: mulching and the use of organic fertilizer, but also the cultivation of catch crops. In mulching, the soil around the plants is covered using organic material, fabric, or plastic. This protects the ground, because it does not dry out as much, and also prevents weeds. Mulching is not complicated. It can easily be imitated and the effect is reliably identical in all types of soil. Limits of Imitation Using organic fertilizer and cultivating catch crops, on the other hand, is significantly more complex. Methods that work or plants that grow in a neighbor's field are not necessarily suitable for one's own field. Many factors play a role: the amount of rainfall, soil composition, and the location of the field. Training sessions using example fields are ideal, said Wupper. "This allows farmers to directly see the effects of various practices in the growth of the plants." However, there are too few of these fields and distances are great in Ghana. A greater focus must be placed on training in these complicated techniques, the expert summarized. They need to become more intensive and sustainable. "As a farmer, I don't anticipate many of challenges at first. So when problems occur, I need to be able to ask follow-up questions." However, because the training sessions are often limited to half a day and no follow-up support is provided, the training does not have the desired effect. The interest of the organizations conducting the training such as the GIZ is great according to David Wupper, "Because the development aid organizations want to learn." The financial means available will not change significantly, that much is clear to the scientist. But he hopes that the focus and intensity of the agricultural training sessions will change. More effective training will in turn result in higher yields and income for the pineapple farmers of Ghana. ### Publication: David Wuepper, Johannes Sauer and Linda Kleemann: Sustainable intensification amongst Ghana's pineapple farmers: the complexity of an innovation determines the effectiveness of its training, Cambridge University Press 2017. DOI: 10.1017/S1355770X1700033X Contact: Dr. David Wupper Technical University Munich Chair Group Agricultural Production and Resource Economics Phone: +49 (8161) 71 - 3458 Mail: Graduate students in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) will receive specialized training to help patients in underserved Texas communities, supported by a new grant four-year, $800,000 grant from the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA)'s Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training program. The Program for the Integrated Training of Counselors in Behavioral Healthcare (PITCH) is a four-year program that will recruit and train 12 clinical mental health counseling students a year to work in integrated behavioral health care (IBH) settings - settings in which medical and behavioral professionals work collectively. The program, under the direction of UTSA counseling professors Heather Trepal, Shane Haberstroh and Jessica Lloyd-Hazlett in the College of Education and Human Development, will help provide critical mental health services to rural and underserved populations. "The primary goal of the PITCH project is to develop a local workforce of highly trained counselors to provide integrated behavioral health to rural, vulnerable and underserved communities in primary care settings," said Trepal. Students who participate in the program will receive specialized IBH training from Dr. Stacy Ogbeide, IBH consultant, and are eligible for two $5,000 scholarships upon completion of two internships to help defer their cost of attendance. Through a partnership with UT Health San Antonio, PITCH will also establish five IBH internship sites in the local community, including the University Health System's Robert B. Green Campus in downtown San Antonio, Methodist Healthcare Ministries, and a rural medical practice in Pearsall, Texas. "I am looking forward to training the graduate behavioral health students and primary care clinics in the primary care behavioral health (PCBH) consultation model. My hope for this training program is to create health care environments in which integrated primary care will be a standard of care in Texas and beyond," said Dr. Ogbeide, assistant professor in the departments of family & community medicine and psychiatry at the Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio. "This grant leverages the collaborative strengths between UTSA, UT Health San Antonio and other health care sites in the region where the students will be completing their internships," said Trepal. Through PITCH, UTSA will also propose an IBH graduate certificate program in its Department of Counseling. Additionally, UTSA will create a virtual resource library and offer professional development trainings and workshops for local and statewide practicing counselors and health care professionals. "PITCH will provide students with cutting-edge training and opportunities to pave the way for licensed professional counselors to join integrated health care teams," said Lloyd-Hazlett. "We are thrilled to demonstrate the value of these health care best practices here in San Antonio." ### The Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training program provides grants to higher education institutions to help train students in order to expand mental and behavioral health services to rural and underserved communities. Experts are calling on the Veterans Administration (VA) to promote research, clinical care, and education in the area of elder abuse, furthering the VA's mission of serving those who have served. Such efforts will benefit not only Veterans, but also the many older individuals in the general population who face mistreatment or harm, including physical, emotional or sexual abuse, along with neglect and financial exploitation. A way forward is described in a new Journal of the American Geriatrics Society article. Many social factors--for example, a lack of support services and community resources, as well as a lack of research -- can make conditions ripe for elder abuse. At least 10 percent of older adults experience abuse, neglect, or exploitation annually in the United States. US Military Veterans may be a group at high risk of abuse based on known risk factors, but very few studies have examined older Veterans experiencing abuse. Lena Makaroun, MD, of the VA Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington, in Seattle, and her colleagues note that the VA has long been a pioneer in research, education, and clinical care for complex geriatric syndromes. "Now, in the area of elder abuse, they again have the opportunity to lead by spearheading a research agenda on studying abuse, neglect, and exploitation among older Veterans that is outlined in our paper," said Dr. Makaroun. "Progress made by this research will not only help Veterans, but as we've seen in many instances before this, advances developed within the VA have the potential to greatly impact the care of older adults nationally. While adults are living longer in this country, we also want them to live better, and part of having a good quality of life in older age, as at any age, is ensuring safety, adequate care, and justice." Dr. Makaroun also pointed to evidence that older individuals who experience abuse have higher mortality rates, increased risks of dementia, more hospitalizations, and a greater likelihood of being placed in nursing homes. "As we learn more and more about the complexities of this phenomenon, an institution like the VA that has a national scope and can partner with other federal agencies such at the Department of Justice, is uniquely positioned to be an effective leader," she said. "Our paper may be used as a starting point for leaders within the VA interested in pursuing this work, and also suggests opportunities for private-public partnerships, inter-departmental partnerships, and state-federal level partnerships as ways forward." The authors acknowledge that there have been calls for increased research around elder abuse within the VA, but to date only one study has been published that looks at abuse, neglect, and exploitation in older Veterans. No matter how old we are, we deserve to be treated justly and as full members of our communities. We can all ensure that remains a reality for us as we age by reporting these or other signs of abuse to an Adult Protective Services agency that can investigate potentially abusive situations. If you notice that someone in your community is in immediate danger, call 911 or local police as soon as possible for help. ### Additional Information The information contained in this release is protected by copyright. Members of the media may sign up for embargoed news or to request a copy of any study please contact: Dawn Peters (US) 1-781-388-8408 Follow us on Twitter @WileyNews Full Citation: "Veterans Experiencing Elder Abuse: Improving Care for a High-Risk Population About Which Little is Known." Lena K. Makaroun, Laura Taylor, and Tony Rosen. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Published Online: November 9, 2017 (DOI: 10.1111/jgs.15170). URL Upon Publication: Author Contact: Susan Gregg,of the media relations office for University of Washington Health Sciences and UW Medicine, at or +1 206-616-6730. About the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) Included in more than 9,000 library collections around the world, JAGS is the go-to journal for clinical aging research. We provide a diverse, interprofessional community of healthcare professionals with the latest insights on geriatrics education, clinical practice, and public policy -- all supporting the high-quality, person-centered care essential to our well-being as we age. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures that we bring healthcare professionals, older adults, and caregivers research with the potential to impact public policy and geriatrics care today -- and tomorrow. Since the publication of our first edition in 1953, JAGS has remained one of the oldest and most impactful journals dedicated exclusively to gerontology and geriatrics. For more information, please visit About Wiley Wiley, a global research and learning company, helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 210 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders. The company's website can be accessed at Nov. 9, 2017 - By teaching patients better strategies for coping with chronic pain, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a valuable treatment alternative for the millions of Americans taking opioids for noncancer pain, according to an article in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice. The journal is published by Wolters Kluwer. "Cognitive behavioral therapy is a useful and empirically based method of treatment for pain disorders that can decrease reliance on the excessive use of opiates," write Drs. Muhammad Hassan Majeed of Natchaug Hospital, Mansfield Center, Conn., and Donna M. Sudak of Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia. They discuss evidence supporting the use of CBT to avoid or reduce the use of opioids for chronic pain. CBT Offers Effective, Safer Alternative to Opioids for Chronic Pain Rising use of opioid (sometimes called opiate) medications to treat chronic noncancer pain is a major contributor to the US opioid crisis. But despite the aggressive marketing and prescribing of these powerful painkillers, there has been little change in the amount and severity of pain reported by Americans over the past decade. "There is no evidence that supports the use of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain for more than one year, and chronic use increases the serious risks of misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose, and death," Drs. Majeed and Sudak write. They believe that CBT is an important alternative to opioids for treatment of chronic pain. The goal of CBT is to help patients change the way they think about and manage their pain. The idea is not that pain (in the absence of tissue damage) "is all in your head"--but rather that all pain is "in the head." Cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients understand that pain is a stressor and, like other stressors, is something they can adapt to and cope with. Interventions may include relaxation training, scheduling pleasant activities, cognitive restructuring, and guided exercise--all in the context of an "empathic and validating" relationship with the therapist. These interventions "have the potential to relieve pain intensity, improve the quality of life, and improve physical and emotional function," according to the authors. "Therapy helps the patient see that emotional and psychological factors influence perception of pain and behaviors that are associated with having pain," Drs. Majeed and Sudak write. "Therapy...puts in place cognitive and behavioral strategies to help patients cope more successfully." The authors cite several recent original studies and review articles supporting the effectiveness of CBT and other alternative approaches for chronic pain. Studies suggest that CBT has a "top-down" effect on pain control and perception of painful stimuli. It can also normalize reductions in the brain's gray matter volume, which are thought to result from the effects of chronic stress. Cognitive behavioral therapy is moderately effective in reducing pain scores, while avoiding or reducing the opioid risks of overuse, addiction, overdose, and death. It can be used as a standalone treatment; in combination with other treatments, including effective non-opioid medications; or as part of efforts to reduce the opioid doses required to control chronic pain. Unfortunately, CBT and other nondrug treatments are underused due to unfamiliarity, time pressure, patient demands, ease of prescribing medications, and low reimbursement rates. Drs. Majeed and Sudak note that significant investment of resources will be needed to train practitioners and to widely integrate the use of CBT into chronic pain treatment. The authors suggest that the President's Commission on the opioid crisis might fund such training programs as a preventive strategy to curb opioid abuse. "There is a need for a paradigm shift from a biomedical to a biopsychosocial model for effective pain treatment and prevention of opioid use disorder," Dr. Majeed comments. "Increased use of CBT as an alternative to opioids may help to ease the clinical, financial, and social burden of pain disorders on society." ### Click here to read "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain--One Therapeutic Approach for the Opioid Epidemic." DOI: 10.1097/PRA.0000000000000262 About Journal of Psychiatric Practice Journal of Psychiatric Practice, a peer reviewed journal, publishes reports on new research, clinically applicable reviews, articles on treatment advances, and case studies, with the goal of providing practical and informative guidance for clinicians. Mental health professionals will want access to this journal--for sharpening their clinical skills, discovering the best in treatment, and navigating this rapidly changing field. John M. Oldham, MD, is the editor in chief and past president of the American Psychiatric Association. About Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer N.V. (AEX: WKL) is a global leader in information services and solutions for professionals in the health, tax and accounting, risk and compliance, finance and legal sectors. We help our customers make critical decisions every day by providing expert solutions that combine deep domain knowledge with specialized technology and services. Wolters Kluwer reported 2016 annual revenues of 4.3 billion. The company, headquartered in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands, serves customers in over 180 countries, maintains operations in over 40 countries and employs 19,000 people worldwide. Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global provider of information and point of care solutions for the healthcare industry. For more information about our products and the organization, visit, follow @WKHealth or @Wolters_Kluwer on Twitter, like us on Facebook, follow us on LinkedIn, or follow WoltersKluwerComms on YouTube. For more information about Wolters Kluwer's solutions and organization, visit, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Thursday, November 9, 2017 Every year on December11-12, Geneva holds an annual festival, Escalade , celebrating its victory over the Savoyard soldiers on the night of December 11-12, 1602. There is a torch-bearing procession of locals dressed in period costumes through the streets of the old town. Many restaurants have special menus for the occasion and families get-together to celebrate over food. Beginning of the Escalade procession Geneva, Switzerland is located in the heart of Europe and, as the worlds capital of peace, is filled with peace-making and humanitarian history. It is also the paradise for chocolate lovers. After all, the Swiss invented both dark and milk chocolate. I love chocolate and European history, and when the two come together, I am in heaven. December 2014, I travelled to Geneva to attend Escalade, an annual celebration of Genevas victory of a famous battle that took place the night of December 11-12, 1602 more than 400 years ago. Historically, at the time, Geneva was not yet part of the Swiss Confederation. The Duke of Savoy, determined to reclaim the wealthy city after having lost it, sent his soldiers during the cover of night to climb the fortified walls to seize it. A terrible battle ensued, many lost their lives, but several residents were courageous and are still today remembered for it. In particular, a local woman, Mere Royaume, climbed onto the city walls and poured a cauldron of hot soup over the head of an intruding Savoyard soldier. To honour her heroism, and to remember her by, Genevas chocolatiers created special chocolate pots, which are ornately designed and filled with tiny marzipan vegetables, a symbol of her cauldron of soup. Although the date of the origins of Genevas chocolate pot is unknown (chocolate in the form we have come to know was not yet invented), it has been a long tradition in this city to make these special treats for the Escalade celebrations. During Escalade, locals get dressed in period costumes and walk, or ride horses, around the old town recreating the atmosphere of the 17th century, where mulled wine fills the air, and one can try roasted boar that is cooked in the open air, and other foods of the era. On the evening of December 12th, (or the closest date to it that falls on a weekend), there is a traditional torch bearing procession with locals in costume through the streets of the old town. Unfortunately for me, this year, it poured rain the night of the procession. As I stood in the bone-chilling downpour, along with many others who braved the weather, under a canopy of umbrellas, the theatrics gave me a real sense of that time in history. A proclamation of victory is read while folks are gathered around, then many broke out into singing patriotic songs. It was worth every second. There are many other activities throughout the Escalade weekend in Geneva. Several restaurants have special menus for the occasion. Families get together to celebrate over food and, of course, the famous chocolate pots. The chocolate pots of Escalade (I made this one) According to tradition, the chocolate pot is put on the table, and then the eldest and youngest in the room join hands and together they smash it, releasing the contents of tiny marzipan vegetables for everyone to enjoy. At a restaurant in the old town, I had the privilege of witnessing a large family who gathered to celebrate Escalade. After eating their meal, a large chocolate pot was put in the centre of the table, everyone in the room broke into a traditional folksong, and grandpa and a child, together, smashed the chocolate pot to smithereens. Everyone in the restaurant cheered them on, clapping and singing. It was so much fun, I only wish I had known the songs. There is nothing like Escalade anywhere in the world. So if you enjoy history and want to try these special chocolate pots, pack your bags and go to Geneva in December. Photo credit: all small photos of Escalade courtesy of Swiss Tourism. Resources: Geneva Tourism and Switzerland Tourism Shannon Skinner is the award-winning host/creator of, radio host, international speaker, author and travel writer. *This article was originally published in Infinity Magazine. Wednesday, November 8, 2017 (NewsUSA) - Technology, the pletho- ra of devices, such as smart phones and tablets, and social media have brought convenience to our finger- tips today in ways that we didn't know were possible just a few years ago. It has made life easier for families and businesses in so many ways, more than we can count. But, with that immediate grat- ification we, as a society, have some serious consequences to con- sider and address. A new Comcast survey shows that the majority of parents across the country believe that disconnecting from devices during mealtime improves family bonding, with more than 2 in 5 (42 percent) not able to remember the last time their family had a device-free meal. However, children aren't the only ones to blame: more than half (52 percent) of parents have been told by their children to put their cell phones away during meals. A new DeviceFreeDinner campaign featuring comedian Will Ferrell captures this very issue. Comcast offers a solution for parents called Xfinity xFi, a new way for users to personalize, monitor, and control their home Wi-Fi, including the ability to instantly pause Wi-Fi connectivity by user or device. The "pause device" feature is the most popular xFi function, with users tapping "pause" about five million times since launch, most often between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Parents will be happy to learn that they are not alone in their concerns about screen time and its effects. Comcast's nationwide study of parents, conducted by Wakefield Research, also found: * Dinnertime is bonding time -Nearly every (98 percent) parent surveyed agrees that disconnecting from devices during mealtime im- proves family bonding. * Millennial parents have an especially hard time remembering the last time they sat at the dinner table without a device at the table (49 percent), compared to Gen Xers (37 percent) and Boomers (33 percent). * Sneaking screen time - Par- ents admit to taking away their children's devices an average of once per week and more than half (56 percent) have found their chil- dren trying to sneak their devices when they were banned from them. * Going to extremes to discon- nect - Nearly one-third (31 percent) of parents make their children leave their devices in a basket be- fore bedtime, while 14 percent go so far as to disconnect their modems to stop Wi-Fi usage. The American Academy of Pe- diatrics recommends that parents develop personalized plans for their children's device use, warning that excessive screen time can displace important activities such as face-to-face interaction, familytime, outdoor play, exercise, and sleep. "Technology should adapt to meet our customers' needs, not the other way around," says Eric Schaefer, Senior Vice President of Internet and Communications Ser-vices for Comcast Cable. "With xFi's 'pause device' feature, parents have the power to decide when it's time for family members to connect with each other, rather than their devices." For more information about Comcast's xFi, go to: Article Resources Link to this article: Copy and paste the following code Embed this article: Let's block ads! (Why?) by Anthony Cervino | Cowboys Correspondent | Thu, Nov 9th 3:40pm EST Dallas Cowboys beat reporter K.D. Drummond is reporting the Second Circuit Court of Appeals has denied Ezekiel Elliott's injunction on Thursday. (KD Drummond on Twitter) Fantasy Impact: With Elliott's injunction denied, his suspension will begin immediately. As a result, he will miss the next six games of the 2017 season. Once again, it's time to add Darren McFadden and Alfred Morris from waivers if they happen to be lingering on the market. They are both upside Flex options for Sunday's Week 10 matchup against Atlanta. NEW CASTLE, Pa. Ag Central, a New Castle area feed mill, has increased conventional capacity and opened doors for the organic grain market. A division of Hamco, Ag Central, has been serving the agricultural community since the 1970s. Three years ago they started the process to become certified organic. We wanted to have options for producers for better pricing, said Rob Hodge, who works at Ag Central, which is owned by his father, Ronald Hodge. About two years ago, they got into the loads of paperwork it took to get the certification, which was a lengthy process, Rob said. Expansion Around the same time, they began a million and a half dollar expansion for conventional grain. The expansion gave them the ability to dump or load a semi-truck in 30 seconds. Weve made everything speedier and more efficient for farmers, he said. This expansion also allowed for the previous facility to house organic grain. Total segregation to ensure no contamination is required, Rob said. There is a lengthy trail of sequential events that need to happen and be documented when they deal with organic grain, he added. Ag Central received its certification to be an organic handler and processor in mid-October. As a federally licensed warehouse, they can house any organic grain. Imports Its all imports for now, to allow the farmers time to transition, he said, about the organic soybeans from China they are now handling. It typically takes a farmer 212 years to transition to certified organic production. There is a demand for the organic products feed for the local organic dairy and poultry industries and an interest in producing the organic grains domestically, but farmers havent converted yet, he said. What weve seen as far as pricing is that it (organic soybeans) is triple the price, but we expect half the yields, Rob said. So there is money to be made. Ag Central has the capacity to house a half million bushels, which are now still 99.1 percent conventional. Serving farmers Weve tried to help both ends of the spectrum, better for conventional farmers and an avenue for organic farmers. Ag Central is open to serving other mills that may need to move or process organic grains. They can take organic grain off the barge or rail and store it for others. It was a big decision to get certified. We are now juggling both sides, but not neglecting conventional farms, he said. They arent going away. BEVERLY, Ohio On Oct. 25, the Fort Frye FFA headed to the 90th National FFA Convention and Expo with three other FFA chapters; Frontier, Marietta and Waterford. The chapter watched two Fort Frye FFA alumni receive the American FFA Degree. John David Gazelle III, the first male from Fort Frye to ever receive the national degree, and Josie White, the sixth female from the chapter to do so. ALLIANCE, Ohio The Marlington FFA chapter traveled with RG Drage and Minerva FFA chapters to the 90th National FFA Convention Oct. 25-28 in Indianapolis. Members attended sessions, saw piglets being born at Fair Oaks Farm and went to the rodeo, and Rascal Flatts concert. The Marlington FFA chapter and the Marlington FFA Alumni and Friends are selling Biery Cheese through Nov. 20. If interested, contact an FFA member or Brittany Sheckler at 330-823-1300, ext. 4229, or at Marlington FFA will hold a statewide Leadership Night Dec. 8, at 5 p.m., at Marlington High School. Admission for the leadership night is a donation of food for families in need. Pizza and drinks will be provided. The Marlington FFA Alumni and Friends will meet Nov. 13 in the Marlington High School Ag Room at 7 p.m. You do not need to be a past member of the FFA or Marlington to join. WATERFORD, Ohio The Waterford FFA rural soils team competed in the state soils competition Oct. 14 at the Farm Science Review rounds in London, Ohio. The team placed eighth out of 50 teams. Team members were Stefani Saunders, Gavinn Tornes, Leeann Trippett and Clay Hansell. Leading up to the state competition, the rural team placed second in the county competition, with team member Hansell placing third individually. In the District 10 competition, the rural team placed first, with Hansell placing first individually, Saunders placing sixth, Tornes placing seventh and Trippett placing 12th. MILLERSBURG, Ohio Sixteen members of the West Holmes FFA chapter traveled to National FFA Convention Oct. 25-28 in Indianapolis. Chapter members Juanita Miller, Michael Klein, and Jason Jenkins were recognized as proficiency finalists and Jenkins, William Hughes, Gabe Armstrong, Hannah Schlegel, Carter Smith, and Justin Lorentz received their American Degrees. During their trip, the chapter toured the Anthony-Thomas Chocolate Factory, the Exotic Cat Rescue, Purdue University, Fair Oaks Farms and rode horses at Ft. Harrison State Park. BELOIT, Ohio The West Branch FFA took eight members to National FFA Convention Oct. 25-28: Kelly Ginnetti, Neil Ginnetti, Curtis Irwin, Grayce McDaniel, Starr Leyman, Brad Kale and Gavin Clarke. The chapter is currently selling fruit, and will be collecting scrap metal and aluminum cans behind the Vocational Agriculture department at West Branch High School Nov. 20 from 8 a.m. to noon. Proceeds will be donated to the Nationwide Childrens Hospital. SULLIVAN, Ohio On Oct. 6, Jake Tyree, from Crop Production Services, visited Black River FFA ag classes and helped students perform a crop yield analysis on the chapters 15-acre and four-acre soybean fields. Each class period went into the fields to learn how to find the crops approximate yield, identify problem weeds like marestail, and evaluate problems or things that went well with the field during the growing season. Black River FFA chapter challenged its members to participate in the Largest Harvest competition. The winners in each category were: Kaitlyn Long with the tallest corn stalk at 12 feet, 4 inches; Jenna Hamilton with the largest pumpkin weighing 87 pounds; Jeff Owens corn cob had the most kernels with 881; and Kylie Longs soybean plant had 404 bean pods. PALMYRA, Ohio The Southeast FFA chapter took six members to the 90th annual National FFA Convention, in Indianapolis. Several Ag businesses were toured on the way and members attended general sessions as well as the FFA career show and expo. Chapter members Kelsea Ebie and Brandon Loebick were awarded American FFA Degrees. The chapter is selling citrus fruit and beef jerky through Nov. 13. HANOVERTON, Ohio Members of the United FFA chapter attended the 90th annual National FFA Convention in October. Zak Tomlinson and J.R Himes received their American Degrees. Along with attending sessions during convention, members toured the National Air Force Museum and Indianapolis Speedway, and attended the Rascal Flatts concert and The Worlds Toughest Rodeo. COLLINS, Ohio Western Reserve FFA held a Third Grade Ag Day, Oct. 20, at Western Reserve High School. Students rotated through six stations to learn about farm safety, corn plastics, wool and eggs, soybeans, dairy, beef by-products, and a petting zoo. The day Brent Bennett was arrested for attempted robbery, he knew he had hit rock bottom. When Lisa Herner heard the news her brother had been arrested, all she could think was, Bennetts dont go to jail. And when his daughter heard the news, she couldnt believe her fathers life had gotten so out of control. As he sat in his cell at the Huron County Jail, coming down from his high, Brent reflected on the path that led him there. I knew I was better than that. Off to the races Brent was in his 30s when he started experimenting with drugs. His marriage was struggling and his life was not where he wanted it to be. He went to a party at a cousins house where he was offered cocaine.So I got into a line and I liked it, of course, he said. It numbed everything. It took my problems and just kind of set them aside. From there, it was off to the races. I started spending our savings, taking money from the house that we were building, using some of that money to feed my addiction, he said. Brent went from cocaine to crack to opiates, which became his drug of choice. He was doing contract heating and cooling work at the time, which meant he was in and out of peoples homes. He would go through their cabinets, taking prescription medications like Vicodin and Percocet. He also took medications out of his in-laws cabinets. You do anything to get your fix, he said. Lie, call in sick, just to feed my addiction my habit. Numb It wasnt long before his family noticed a change. He was losing weight and disappearing from their lives. Theres a numbness that even when hes standing right in front of you, theres just no connection, said Lisa. Hes not the person that I knew. I wanted that back so bad. Lydia Bennett, now 19, was around 11 when she learned her dad was doing drugs. She remembers her parents getting into arguments, but didnt understand what was going on. The day Brent left his family, he told Lydia and her younger brother he wasnt coming back. He tried to see us, and then he stopped. Throughout the rest of her middle and high school years, Lydia didnt see much of her father. It hurt. I definitely didnt care to see him. He was spending more time with his new girlfriend and her kids than me and my brother, and that hurt. I tried not to let it bother me, she said. It was sad and it sucked, but I kept the mentality of not caring and thats what kept me from feeling hurt. Intervention Matt and Lisa Herner didnt always see eye to eye when it came to Brents addiction. This was Lisas brother her family and Matt was trying to be patient and understanding, but he was tired of the lying. It got to the point where we stopped talking about it, said Matt. We could only talk about Brent for so many minutes per day and then we were done. Brents addiction went on for five years before his family decided it was time to do something. They approached me and gave me a family intervention kind of thing, he said. Lisa, Matt and Matts father met with Brent in the Herners apartment in Norwalk. I was in total denial: no, Im all right, Im good, said Brent. It was Matt who told Brent he had put the family through enough and it was time to get some help. Brent agreed to let Lisa and Matt pay for a 30-day treatment program in Morristown, Tennessee. Triggers After the program ended, Brent moved back to Norwalk. I still didnt have things at home the way I wanted. There were still some triggers, he said. Id start experimenting again, almost like starting the same story over. Brent would go to a friends house on the weekends, get high and drink. He thought he had it under control. Then he started hanging around a group of people who were doing drugs regularly, and for three more years, Brent succumbed to addiction. Opiates such as Vicodin, Percocet and OxyContin were still his drugs of choice. In the background When Brent came back from Tennessee, Matt and Lisa knew he had fallen back into his old ways, but it was kind of out of sight, out of mind, said Matt. We knew where he was, at the drug girls house Brents girlfriend at the time. Sometimes, Matt and Lisa secretly hoped Brent would get arrested, so they would at least know he was alive and getting treatment. They also knew if they wanted Brent to get clean, they could not force him into getting help this time. During a second family intervention, Lisa and Brents father had also attempted to strong-arm his son into getting help. First, you need to surrender and realize you have a problem, said Lisa. She continued researching recovery treatment options. If Brent ever decided he needed help, we were ready to go, she said. All he had to do was pick up the phone. Signs of Addiction Accidental drug overdoses are the No. 1 cause of injury-related deaths in the U.S. Know the signs of drug addiction and start talking about it. Click the links at the left to learn more. Physical Signs of Addiction Emotional Signs of Addiction Behavioral Signs of Addiction Physical Over-active or under-active (depending on the drug) Repetitive speech patterns Dilated pupils, red eyes Excessive sniffing and runny nose (not attributable to a cold) Looking pale and undernourished Clothes do not fit the same Weight loss Change in eating habits Unusual odors or body odor due to lack of personal hygiene Emotional Irritability/Argumentative Defensiveness Inability to deal with stress Loss of interest in activities/people that used to be part of their lives Obnoxious Silly Confused easily Denial Rationalizing Offering alibis, excuses, justifications, or other explanations for their using behavior Behavioral Missing work/school Work/school problems Missing important engagements Isolating/secretive about activities Disrupted sleep patterns Legal problems Relationship/marital problems Financial problems (always needing money) Conversations dominated by using or drug/alcohol related topics Teen Challenge Lisa was working at her salon when her husband knocked on the door, phone in hand. Brent had made the call for help. But he quickly changed his mind as soon as his family stepped in. I knew I had to act fast, said Lisa. Matt and Lisa convinced Brent to take a family trip with them. Secretly, they had signed Brent up for rehabilitation at the Ohio Valley Teen Challenge program in Youngstown. Teen Challenge is a faith-based approach to helping men 18 years and older work through addiction. Matt and Lisa felt once they got him out of Norwalk, away from the drugs and the people who influenced him, they could convince him to join the program. He agreed. In the program, he joined the mens choir and a work group, and the Herners believed he was doing well. But partway through the 12-month program, Brent was sent to work a construction job in Willard, Ohio, with a group of Teen Challenge members. The group was caught drinking in the evenings, which was grounds for dismissal from the program. Finding drugs Shortly after Brent left the Teen Challenge program, his father, who was battling brain cancer, needed help around his home in Tennessee. So Brent went to live with him. I was clean, working out; I felt healthy, I felt confident, which I was for a while. Then, he started taking his fathers cancer pain medications. I thought I was always going to be an addict. When youre an addict, it doesnt take very long to figure out where to get (opiates). Just by talking to someone and knowing the right words the lingo he could find what he wanted. So, even in a small, rural Tennessee town, access to drugs was easy. I was in this town for like four hours and I could talk to someone and find it, he said. Running that race again In 2015, Brent and Lisas father died, and Brent inherited a large sum of money. He decided he was going to get himself a nice place, put some of the money away for retirement and live on the high hog for a while. He bought a place in the Crocker Park area in Westlake, near Cleveland. His ex-girlfriend, who Brent had dated while he was using drugs, found out about his inheritance and reached out to him. Youre not supposed to reconnect with people who used drugs with you in the past, explained Brent, but he let her move in. She could get (drugs) real easy and I had tons of money, he said. So I started running that race again. Brent quickly blew through his inheritance, forcing him to leave Crocker Park and rent a place from a friend back in Norwalk, until he couldnt pay his rent anymore. I always worked. I worked seven days a week for the longest time just to feed my addiction, but I was always broke because all the money I got would go right to feed my addiction. He was always lying, scamming, finding any way he could to get money not caring about anyone else. From the moment he woke up, he knew he needed to get his fix or he would be physically sick. Isnt it enough? In the background, Brents sister was praying. I remember thinking, isnt it enough that we are who we are, that you have an amazing family, two amazing children is that not enough? Lisa reached out to a friend who also had a family member struggling with addiction. She told me, Lisa, sometimes we have to get out of Gods way. Rock bottom Things got so bad for Brent that he was living out of his van. Thats how strong the pull of addiction is. Its terrible, he said. He started to feel hopeless, not caring if he died, feeling like he couldnt go back to his family for help. I cant go back to them, I already did this a couple times. They wont accept me, he thought to himself. Then he hit rock bottom. One day after work in November of 2015, Brent got into a fight with his girlfriend. She was upset because Brent couldnt get any opiates, and accused him of keeping them all to himself. When youre with another user, they think you are always hiding it, he said, because you feel good and they dont. Its always a battle. Brent had eaten three or four benzos (benzodiazepines, often taken for their sedative effects) and blacked out. He doesnt remember everything that happened that night, but he drove off in his van, hit a curb in Norwalk and got the van stuck. He remembers the police coming and towing his van, but letting him go without a citation. Still, in a fog, Brent walked to a friends house where he took more benzos. After leaving his friends place, Brent walked into Daves Food Mart a convenience store and Sunoco gas station in Norwalk pulled out a small knife and attempted to rob the store. When the police showed up, Brent admitted to his crime and surrendered. Finding God Growing up, the Bennett family had always had their faith. Now, sitting in his jail cell, Brent was ready to turn back to it. While in jail, he found a book titled Journey with Jesus, and started to read it. It emotionally took me over, it softened my heart. When you are doing drugs, he explained, you isolate yourself. I was just so hard and cold. I was all about me, I didnt care, he said. Brent started reading the Bible, a full book a day, determined to find God and restore his faith. Something inside me said, OK, enoughs enough, he said. Different this time When he was released in May 2016, he moved in with his mother and was lucky enough to find a job. I started working right away because I needed money to pay all my fines, I didnt have a license and I had child support, he said. Brent started to feel the pull to escape the piling bills one hit and all his troubles would melt away. But he was stronger this time. He committed himself to getting up at 3 a.m. each morning, reading the Bible, listening to music and journaling his thoughts. It totally changed my life, he said. Lydia said it was like her father just woke up one day. Over the past two years, Lydia and her father have been slowly putting the pieces of their relationship back together. I definitely put it all on him, she said. If he wants me to be a part of his life, he has to contact me. Its different this time, said Matt, adding Brent is hanging out with people who are clean and spending more time with the family. But Matt and Lisa are still taking things one day at a time. I think a lot of people might think, Oh, who knows, a week from now he could be right back at it, but I have chosen to embrace it on a daily basis, said Lisa. So every day is a gift and a bonus and were going to enjoy it, she added. Commentary by Farm and Dairy Reporter Catie Noyes When was the last time you changed your mind? No, Im not referring to the fifth outfit you tried on this morning before leaving for work or the last-minute decision to get McDonalds instead of Subway for lunch. But when was the last time you really challenged yourself to consider another side of an opinion or viewpoint that you hold dearly. A new documentary, Food Evolution, challenges you to do just that to think critically about the food industry, step out of your comfort zone and ask questions. The Ohio State Universitys Agricultural Technical Institute, in Wooster, held a free screening of the movie Nov. 7, inviting area farmers, foodies and anyone remotely interested in learning more about a controversial topic, GMOs. Related: Food Evolution spurs GMO discussion in Wooster Following the screening, a panel of industry professionals led a discussion on the movie and answered questions from the audience. What is a GMO? So what is a Genetically Modified Organism or GMO? In our society, the three-letter acronym has become somewhat frightening and polarizing. In the movie, a clip from Jimmy Kimmel Live shows a camera crew asking random men and women on the street that very question: What is a GMO? Some tried to stumble through the acronym, while others simply said I dont know, but I know its bad. Early in the documentary, one protester explains to the camera that GMOs are a thoughtless invasive species that are created by mad scientists. But the scientists behind genetically engineered (GE) crops are not mad other than possibly mad at the way they are portrayed by activists. Their mission is to find ways to make crops better. Genetic engineering allows plant breeders to take desirable traits, like disease resistance, and transfer that trait to a plant or organism they want to improve, or make a change to an existing trait in a plant they are developing, according to This creates a crop, like Hawaiis Rainbow papaya, which is resistant to diseases, such as the papaya ringspot virus. Hawaiis papaya production was halted in the 1990s when papaya ringspot virus decimated almost all of the $11 million industry. Dennis Gonsalves, a plant pathologist from Cornell University, was credited with developing the disease-resistant Rainbow papaya that restored production. But even though Hawaiians were enjoying a healthy crop once again, activists started to challenge how healthy they really were. Fear Food Evolution portrays how fear tactics have cast a negative light on GMOs and biotechnology. GMO opponents latch on to the most dramatic images and pieces of evidence that can persuade others to join their ranks without considering the science behind them. I think one of the scariest comments was made by Zen Honeycutt, an activist and founder of Moms Across America, who said, I trust the social media more than most medical doctors, more than the CDC, more than FDA, more than the EPA. I dont need a scientific study. What? GMOS signify a loss of people who are in touch with their food system, said Wayne County veterinarian Gabe Middleton during the post-movie panel discussion. In the case of Hawaiis papayas, American consumer activist and self-published author Jeffery Smith told Hawaiians GMOs could lead to health hazards such as developing more colds, cancer, birth defects and autism. Even though Gonsalves tried to defend this point with science, stating there is no proof that GMOs cause health hazards, the public had made up its mind and Hawaii became one of the first states to ban GMO products in 2013. This caused a ripple effect, causing more people to develop their own concerns about GMOs and causing more counties, states and countries to enact bans of their own. We live in a world that is presented to us, said Glenn Mott, vice president of compliance at Gerber Poultry Inc., in Kidron, Ohio, during the panel discussion. He described the power of technology in spreading powerful messages and how consumers are ready to suck in all that information and take it at face value without digging deeper. Changing minds During the panel discussion, Dr. Cathann Kress, dean of Ohio States College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and vice president for agricultural administration, commented on the transition she saw in the movie when activists were presented with facts. Consumers are looking for that easy and simple answer to their questions about food and GMOs, she said. Unfortunately, there is no one simple, right answer. I personally enjoyed seeing an activist start to question her own reasons for being against GMOs when a scientists informed her the information she was using was not credible. I appreciated the civil conversation they shared and that the activists were interested in learning more. I think one of the other notable points in Food Evolution was watching how a few of the states and countries that had placed a ban on GMOs out of fear started to reconsider the benefits of GMO technology once they heard the research and saw the capability of a GMO plant. Critical thinking Food Evolution was not intended to tell you how you should raise your crops or what food you should and shouldnt eat. It was intended to address the science of GMOs and help consumers make informed decisions about the food they eat. I hope this movie makes you ask more questions and indulge in discussions, said Kress, adding it doesnt matter what your perspective is, you should ask those questions and start conversations. There is an absolute need for critical thinking, said Dr. Jarrod Tudor, dean of University of Akron Wayne College. You need to read outside of your comfort zone. In the movie you see a lot of investment in GMO and you see a lot of robust discussion. In the end, the world does have a food problem, said Tudor. A lot of us are blessed with food to eat, but we all have a responsibility to look after one another, he added. In the end, all sides, whether pro-GMO, non-GMO, organic or conventional, want a safe and sustainable food supply. Its the path that gets us there that is going to continue to be the challenge. I encourage anyone to watch Food Evolution. Whether you are a traditional or organic farmer, a foodie or someone who just likes to eat, I think the movie helps get those discussions started. It may not have all the answers, but if it encourages you to dig deeper, to ask questions, or even changes your mind on a preconceived notion about agriculture or GM technology, well, then we are already a step in the right direction. A trailer for Food Evolution, streaming options and more information about the making of the movie can be found here. Dairy Crest has announced that it is increasing the milk price it pays to its farmers by 0.5 pence per litre to 32ppl from 1st December 2017. The British owned dairy giant will increase the milk price it pays to its Davidstow farmers. This has been agreed with Dairy Crest Direct (DCD). Even though dairy prices are beginning to steady again, we wanted our farmers to receive the benefits of the recent all-time high, particularly as we go into the more challenging winter months, commented Chris Thomson, Group Procurement Director at Dairy Crest. We remain committed, as ever, to supporting our farmers and paying them a fair price for the high quality milk they supply to us. DCD Chairman, Steve Bone, said: We are pleased that Dairy Crest has agreed to increase the Davidstow price by 0.5ppl. In our view this reinforces the Companys commitment to its producers by paying a competitive milk price. 'Good growth' High cream and butter prices failed to negatively affect Dairy Crests pre-tax profits which increased 871 per cent to 151.4m in the six months to September 30, according to new figures published. Mark Allen, Chief Executive, said: We have had an encouraging first half, with Cathedral City, Clover and Frylight delivering good growth in both volumes and value. Cathedral City, the nation's favourite cheese, continues to go from strength to strength and has produced exceptional growth over the period. We have delivered good profit growth despite a record high cream price, which has a temporary but significant impact on input costs in our butter and spreads business. We expect to accelerate sales of demineralised whey and GOS in the second half of this year. In conjunction with our partner Fonterra we are making good progress in developing sales channels for our products. Our strong brands and the quality and efficiency of our operating facilities mean that we are well positioned to grow. While we expect butter input costs to continue to be challenging for the remainder of the year, we are confident in delivering our full year expectations. The European Commission has once again postponed its decision on the vote for the renewal of glyphosate today. The meeting by the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF) on Thursday morning (9 November) at the European Commission followed an initial round of votes by Member States that commenced on October 25, which failed to come to a conclusion. Member States have once again failed to come to a conclusion in today's meeting. Following the lack of a qualified majority of the Member States on the proposal of the European executive, the decision will now be referred to the appeal committee, which will announce its decision by the end of November. This procedure is foreseen in cases where there is no agreement between the Member States. This committee can only examine the proposal which has been formulated by the European Commission and not a new one. Following the abstention of Germany (which represents 16% of the European population), the Member States failed to gather a qualified majority. A qualified majority is when a proposal wins approval (or rejection) from 55% of the European Union countries, representing at least 65% of the population. Expiry date Member States now only have five weeks left before the expiry of the current glyphosate license on December 15. The European Commission is struggling to gather the qualified majority needed to take a decision. The 14 countries that voted in favour of the proposal (representing 36.95% of the vote) were: the UK, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Hungary, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Sweden and Lithuania. Nine countries voted against the proposal (representing 32.26% of the vote). These were Belgium, France, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta and Austria. Five countries abstained (representing 30.79% of the vote): Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Romania. 'Playing politics' The National Farmers' Union (NFU) has urged the European Commission to take "decisive action" to reauthorise the use of glyphosate to stop the politicisation of the process. Guy Smith, NFU Vice President, said: Once again we are left in a situation where no decision has been made on the reauthorisation of glyphosate one of the safest plant protection products on the market which secures so much environmental benefit in terms of better soils and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Allowing Member States to continue playing politics over this decision despite overwhelming science and evidence showing glyphosates safety does nothing but undermine the credibility of the EUs regulatory bodies and the entire regulatory process. We ask the Commission to stand by its own science and regulatory procedure, and re-authorise glyphosate for the maximum period possible. It cannot stand by and allow the issue to be politicised any longer. A dog owner has been charged with livestock worrying following a spat with a farmer who got fined by the police. The incident went viral on social media after 28-year-old farmer Jonathan Sloan uploaded his penalty ticket on Twitter, criticising the police for not arresting the dog owner at the time of the incident. Mr Sloan, who farms in Springbank Farm near Kinross, was hit with a 40 fine for trying to rescue his flock of sheep from the out-of-control dog. Mr Sloan eventually put the situation under control by hitting the dog with his shepherd's crook to help it move away. The dog was eventually contained. The farmer then called the police after a heated argument with the dog owner, who became aggressive. But after speaking with police officers, Mr Sloan ended up with a 40 fine for "breach of peace". However, in a statement, Police Scotland said the dog owner has now been charged with an offence under section 1 of the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953. The incident follows news of a month-long campaign launched by Police Scotland to raise awareness among dog owners about the devastating effects of livestock worrying. The Procurator Fiscal will now look at the case for consideration. The UK government has overturned its previous convictions on neonicotinoids and now say an outright ban is needed due to their supposed harm to pollinators. A total ban on the pesticide in fields across Europe will be now be backed by the UK, Defra Secretary Michael Gove has revealed in The Guardian. The decision reverses the governments previous position on the worlds most widely used insecticide. Speaking about neonicotinoids following a speech in the summer where he outlined his vision for a Green Brexit, Gove said new research had raised profound concerns and that he was contemplating the need for further restrictions on their use. This includes new evidence showing neonicotinoids may have killed off 75% of all flying insects in Germany, a discovery Gove said had shocked him. The weight of evidence now shows the risks neonicotinoids pose to our environment, particularly to the bees and other pollinators which play such a key part in our 100bn food industry, is greater than previously understood, wrote Gove in The Guardian. I believe this justifies further restrictions on their use. We cannot afford to put our pollinator populations at risk. As is always the case, a deteriorating environment is ultimately bad economic news as well. 'Stronger evidence' He said pollinators help increase the yield and quality of UK crops by 400m-680m every year. He used an example of British gala apple growers, who now have to spend 5.7m a year to replace the work of lost natural pollinators. Gove explained that evidence surrounding neonicotinoids harmful effects on bees and other pollinators has grown "stronger" since 2013. In 2013, the European Commission proposed a ban on the use of three types of neonicotinoids on flowering crops. Gove explained that evidence surrounding neonicotinoids harmful effects on bees and other pollinators has grown "stronger" since 2013 At that time, the UKs assessment was that there was insufficient evidence of a link between neonicotinoids and pollinator decline, but other member states took a different view and a ban was implemented across the EU. Gove said the EU has been unable to get full support for a widespread neonicotinoid ban, but he hopes the change in the UK's stance will support it. In taking this unfrozen moment in British politics to put bees and science at the centre of our priorities for sustainable agriculture, Michael Gove may also unfreeze the EU and secure an EU-wide ban that will benefit insects across the continent, Gove said. 'Critical juncture' The National Farmers' Union has said the future of both neonicotinoids and glyphosate are currently at a "critical juncture". It has called on the Government to support their availability to farmers. The NFU has explained that farmers across the country have already suffered heavy losses through oilseed rape crop damage following restrictions to the availability of neonicotinoids. A recent survey of 400 arable farmers who all grow winter oilseed rape (OSR) report that 8.3 per cent of the crop this year has failed. And another survey paints a worrying picture for the agricultural industry, which states that 80 per cent of farmers interviewed believed that a neonic ban would have an impact on their day-to-day business. NFU Vice-Chairman Guy Smith said: If we lose key plant protection productds glyphosate, neonicotinoid seed treatments we will lose our competitiveness via a vis non-EU countries. Dr Chris Hartfield, NFU acting chief science and regulatory affairs adviser, said farmers are "acutely aware" that bees play a crucial role in food production Farmers rely on bees to pollinate crops and have planted around 10,000 football pitches of flower habitat across the country to support a healthy bee population and give them a good home. Dr Hartfield said. We deeply regret the decision the Government has taken on this issue as we dont believe the evidence justifies this abrupt change in policy. We will continue to speak to the Government about how the impact of the decision can best be mitigated so that farmers can maintain sustainable and productive cropping systems. 'Bizarre decision' Multinational chemical giant Bayer reacted strongly to the announcement, calling it a "bizarre" decision and one that "flies in the face of sound science". It said the decision is a "kick in the teeth" for British agriculture. Dr Julian Little, a spokesperson for Bayer in the UK, said: "The Government's own UK Biodiversity Indicators published only this summer show that butterfly, bee and hover fly population numbers have stabilised since 2011 and this was confirmed only earlier this week in response to a Parliamentary question. "The suggestion that the extension of this ban to non-flowering crops, which pollinating insects do not visit, will somehow improve the health of bees is farcical. "We do know from talking to farmers that such a ban would seriously impact the UK's ability to grow high quality wheat, barley, sugar beet and some vegetable crops, just as UK farmers are trying to gear up to life after European subsidies. Dr Little continued: "Farmers will have to resort to older chemical sprays to control damaging insect pests rather than the targeted seed treatments currently employed, and will have to use much larger quantities of slug pellets, just at the time when we are trying to reduce their use." 'Overwhelming evidence' Welcoming Goves decision to back tougher restriction, environmental charity Friends of the Earths said Gove should be congratulated for "listening to experts", saying the scientific evidence for a complete ban is "overwhelming". Chief executive Craig Bennett said: Tougher restrictions on neonicotinoids are essential for our precious bees and the wider environment. To their credit farmers across the UK are already finding innovative ways to successfully grow crops without neonicotinoids, even ahead of the ban being extended. But lessons also need to be learned we now need to move away from chemical intensive farming and instead boost support for less damaging ways of tackling persistent weeds and pests. The UK must follow through on todays announcement by backing current European Commission proposals to get these pesticides completely out of our fields. Solar must go on rooftops instead of farmland, charity says Recommended Video Padmavati: Sanjay Leela Bhansali Clarifies on scenes between Deepika - Ranveer character | FilmiBeat Under attack, director Sanjay Leela Bhansali today sought to scotch rumours surrounding 'Padmavati' in a video appeal calling the film his tribute to the 'sacrifice, valour and honour' of Rani Padmavati. He said rumours about a romantic dream sequence between Rani Padmavati and Alauddin Khilji's characters are not true as he was careful in depicting the 'Rajput honour and dignity'. "I want to say something to you through this video. 'Padmavati' has been made with a lot of honesty, responsibility and hard work. I have always been inspired by Rani Padmavati's story. This is a tribute to her sacrifice and honour. "The film is in controversy due to some rumours. The rumour is that there is a dream sequence between Rani Padmavati and Alauddin Khilji. I have clarified it earlier and doing it again through this video that there is no such in the film which will hurt anyone's sentiments and sensibilities," Bhansali said in the video. "We have kept the Rajput honour and dignity in mind while making this film... I am repeating again that there is no dream sequence between Rani Padmavati and Khilji in our film. There is no scene that will hurt anyone," he added. The film features Deepika Padukone as Padmavati, Shahid Kapoor as Maharawal Ratan Singh and Ranveer Singh as Sultan Alauddin Khilji. It is set for release on December 1. Bhansali, famous for his large canvas and period dramas, has been facing a lot of trouble since he began shooting the film with various Rajput groups who have accused the director of "distorting historical facts". Rajasthan BJP MLA and erstwhile Jaipur royal family member Diya Kumari has also joined the chorus against the film. Earlier this year, fringe group Rajput Karni Sena vandalised the sets of the film in Jaipur and roughed up the director. They also destroyed the sets in Kolhapur and set costumes on fire. Last month, its members destroyed a 'rangoli' created at a Surat mall for 'Padmavati' promotions and threatened further disruption. Bhansali and his team have repeatedly assured the opponents that there are no romantic scenes between Deepika and Ranveer in the film. The Karni Sena has allegedly threatened to burn the theatres if the film is played in cinema halls before it is shown to them. Telugu Dubbed Version If the latest reports are to be believed, Street Lights will be released in Telugu, as well. Speculations are rife that the makers are planning to dub the film in Telugu and the works for the same are in progress. Shot Simultaneously In Tamil & Malayalam Interestingly, Mammootty's Street Lights is a bilingual, in all senses. Both the Tamil and Malayalam portions have been shot separately with a different star cast in both the versions. Shamdatt, The Director Shamdatt is the director of this Mammootty starrer. The renowned film-maker is making his debut as a film-maker with Street Lights. Importantly, Shamdatt has had experience working as a cinematographer in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu languages and he is expected to have put in that experience in to play. Mammootty's Character In Street Lights The team has ensured not to reveal anything about the storyline of the movie. If reports are to be believed, Mammootty will be seen essaying the role of a character named Inspector James in Street Lights. When Will The Film Hit The Theatres..! Earlier, there were reports doing the rounds that Street Lights might hit the theatres in the month of November. But the makers are yet to officially announce the exact release date of the movie. Now, there are reports doing the rounds that the film might release only in the beginning of 2018. If we create a list of the Malayalam movies which made a huge impact in this year, so far, then Take Off, the film directed by Maneesh Narayanan will surely top that list. Starring Parvathy, Kunchacko Boban and Fahadh Faasil in the lead roles, Take Off gave the entire film audiences a unique experience and proved that Malayalam cinema is capable of handling global topics, as well. Celebrities from various industries started praising the movie and then came the talks of a remake. Reportedly, the film was all set to get a remake in Bollywood but now it seems like it won't happen and the reason is Salman Khan's Tiger Zinda Hai. Keep scrolling down to know more.. Gauhar Khan Slams Hina Gauhar tweeted, "Ek ladki ki izzat ke liye Jung..Aur doosri ladki ki koi izzat nahi ??It's ok to discuss a girls conduct with others n judge? Kapde phaad ke kaam milega??Not suggestive?? Not derogatory?? Hmm yaar values ho toh sabke liye ek jaise ho!! Varna galat Sab hain!!" Gauhar Supported Shilpa This is not the first time that Gauhar has slammed Hina. Earlier too, Gauhar took to Twitter and expressed her disappointment over Hina Khan's remarks over Shilpa's English. Kishwer-Hina Initially, Hina Khan had also made a comment against ex-Bigg Boss contestant, Kishwer. This didn't go well with Kishwer, who also took to the social media to explain her situation (Kishwer had spit in Rishab's drinking water during a task) and even said that she is watching her! Hansika, Kushboo & Kriti Lash Out At Hina It has to be recalled that recently, Hansika Motwani, Kushboo, and Kriti Kharbanda (who had worked in South) slammed Hina when she insulted South industry and called South actresses bulging'. Hinas Father & Her Alleged Boyfriend Rocky React Any father would be disturbed to watch his daughter cry! So was Hina's father. Not only Hina's father, her alleged boyfriend, Rocky, who has always supported her, took to social media to encourage Hina and lashed out at #HinaHaters! Hinas Father Says Hina's father was quoted by TOI as saying, "It's difficult for us to see Hina in this state. But I understand and feel her tears as Hina is a very hardworking girl, who has always given her 100 percent to her work. For her to see a loss due to her actions is extremely difficult." Hina Is Hardworking "She started in this industry about a decade ago and continued playing Akshara in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai for 8 long years. For her it has never been about taking a shortcut as she always believed in working hard and took each day as a new challenge." Hinas Father Is Glad That She Admitted Her Mistake "But I am glad that she admitted her mistake as it takes a lot for someone to admit that they were wrong and that too on National Television." Hinas Father Is Sure That She Will Not Repeat It "She has by far been one of the hardest working performers in all the tasks and for her such a failure is not easy. I'm sure though she will rise above this and not repeat it." Rocky Misses Hina Rocky too, took to social media, "I miss her and Of course it's difficult to see her going through such heart wrenching moments but that's what makes her a human being." Rocky Writes "@realhinakhanbeing what she is never said that someone else is jealous of her or insecure because of her popularity, even when she was showered abuses and cornered she fought back but never abused." Rocky Praises Hina "She never tried to escape the house. She doesn't let go any tasks n gives her best which usually becomes the top standard in the house. She never shy's away from standing for what's right just because she's a celeb or is a target." Is Rocky Aiming At Arshi Khan & Shilpa Shinde? "Some #hinahaters r supporting insane people, actors who were banned by their own association, people who want to strip on YouTube if Pakistan wins, people who r getting physical n acting to be in a relationship just to stay longer. HOW? HOW can u be so blind?" Well, is Rocky aiming at Arshi Khan and Shilpa Shinde as they have always taken a dig at Hina? Rocky Lashes Out At The Commoners "Last year commoners were actually entertaining but this year it's pathetic! If u like Cringe so much , so be it! But don't throw shit to genuine people. At least keep a difference between the inhuman people inside who represent us commoners and outside." Hina Is Strong "She's so strong that the ones chanting her name with abuses n filth will not even be seen if they don't do it ! Just imagine these psychos if they do not have someone as strong as Hina to fight with, right u can't even imagine them coz they will be invisible." Rocky Feels Hina Doesnt Need Any Footage! "N btw even if they all stay inside the #Bigboss11 house for 5 years consecutively they will not be able to match the Footage' Hina has already gotten, she doesn't need it but can't say the same for you'll!" Rocky Supports Hina & Lashes Out At #HinaHaters "We will not stand down! We will always be with Hina! She's not perfect but whatever She Is, it's the best the house has Got! #hinahaters Now do what u always do n try to catch up coz ur way behind the truth." A Norfolk farmer has spoken of his disgust after supermarket giant Tesco stopped selling eight brands of British-grown sugar in favour of brands made from imported sugar cane. Sugar beet grower David Partridge, of Poplar Farm, near Downham Market, said he had spent the past nine months trying to persuade Tesco to stock British Sugars Silver Spoon brand after the retailer switched its sourcing policy in favour of Tate & Lyle. See also: How to gear up for a bumper sugar beet harvest I grow about 3,000t which goes about seven miles to the factory about a mile from our local Tesco store, Mr Partridge told Farmers Weekly. But I have to buy sugar that has travelled some 5,000 miles. It does leave a nasty taste in the mouth. Tescos decision to stock imported cane sugar rather than home-grown beet sugar called into question its claim that it supported British farmers, said Mr Partridge. They cant have it all ways and they deserve to take some stick over this, he said. Mr Partridge, who is in his 80s, said some people might consider him a grumpy old man with too much time on his hands. But he said it was an important issue and the contribution of the sugar beet sector to the local economy deserved to be highlighted. Steam rising I just dont like it. When I stand in the field, I can see the steam rising from the sugar beet factory. Lots of people locally are employed in the sugar beet sector, not just farmers. But when I go to Tesco, they wont sell it. They are kicking us in the back. In a letter to Mr Partridge, Tesco said its aim was always to provide the best products at the best prices in a way that was fair to suppliers and farmers. We have a long and proud history of supporting the British sugar industry, it said. Tesco argues that both Silver Spoon and Tate & Lyle are an important part of the UK sugar industry. Although only Silver Spoon is made from British sugar beet, it says that Tate & Lyles London refinery, which processes imported cane, is one of the largest in the world. After careful consideration and lengthy discussions with British Sugar, we have taken the decision to move eight branded sugar lines from British Sugar to Tate & Lyle, it said. However, we will continue to sell Silver Spoon Half Spoon Sugar and an extensive range of other products. A Northern Irish farmer has been fined 1,500 for twice failing to present all his cattle for bovine TB testing, and one charge of failure to notify the deaths of nine cattle. Robert Stewart Armstrong, Gorteen, Tempo, Enniskillen pleaded guilty to both charges at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on Wednesday (8 November), and also had to pay a 15 offender levy. See also: Badgers to be tested for bovine TB in NI hotspots The control of bovine TB is dependent on identifying reactor animals at tests conducted by the department, said a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Daera). Failure to present animals for tests undermines efforts by both farmers and the department to reduce the incidence of disease. The spokesman noted disease levels in Northern Ireland have risen to levels not seen for several years. The majority of herd keepers fully comply with the requirements of the TB eradication scheme. Especially at this time, it is vital all stakeholders work together to reduce the prevalence. The offences relating to the undisclosed deaths of nine animals were discovered during a cattle identification inspection carried out by Daeras veterinary enforcement branch. Breaches of the cattle identification regulations weaken and undermine the cattle traceability system in Northern Ireland, including the integrity of the departments Animal and Public Health Information System, added the spokesman. Current interest in food safety, by both government and consumer groups, mean it is essential that the department is clearly seen to be implementing all legislation pertaining to the traceability of livestock. DuckDuckGo One of the main features of this Search engine is that it doesn't track or retain users data. Moreover, it is ad-free one, allows a private browsing and does more cool things than you can even imagine. Bing Microsoft-owned Bing is the second popular search engine, with a market share of 15%. In here, the video search is significantly better, gives twice as many autocomplete suggestion and can predict when airfares are about to go up or down as well. 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Here, the issue of privacy is managed well through its Anonymous proxy search engine. It also has Mozilla Firefox extension, to make the search for Uncensored content hassle free. Wolfram Alpha This service comes up with computational facts and curates data from a lot of reputed and trustworthy college publications/libraries, Crunchbase, FAA, Best Buy and much more. Boardreader If you want to know nook and corner about a subject, with a variety of different points of view away from the major publications, this is the one for you. This services curates result from forums, message boards, and Reddit. IxQuick With this services, none of your data is stored and no cookies are used. However, you can also save the data if you want, but it will be deleted automatically within 90 days. Creative Commons Search This service comes handy when you need to find copyright free images for your website. All you need to do is to type the image you want and click on search. Why OnePlus sticks to Dash Charge? We already know that Dash Charge is the fast charging system that was introduced by OnePlus. It will allow smartphones to receive enough backup to last for a day in just 30 minutes. Notably, the wireless charging technologies those exist right now do not offer such a convenience. The drawback with wireless charging is that when a device is subjected to charging, it has be placed on the charging pad and you can't pick it up for any reason, notes OnePlus. The company states this is not the case with the Dash Charge as it lets you use the device freely even when it is plugged into the charger. OnePlus might consider wireless charging in future OnePlus is quoted stating, "given present-day infrastructures, wireless charging brings more limitations than freedom." The company notes that they will consider implementing the wireless charging feature "when the time is right." The company could have implemented both wireless charging and Dash Charge technologies on the OnePlus 5T but it looks like they were not ready for it right now. November 16 launch confirmed It has already been confirmed that the OnePlus 5T will be unveiled on November 16 at an event in New York. Also, there will be live events happening in several cities in India and anyone can attend the same by purchasing the tickets. First sale on November 21 While it has been confirmed that the OnePlus 5T will go official on November 16, it has also been confirmed that the device will go on sale for the first time on November 21. In India, the smartphone will be exclusive to Amazon India. Will cost the same as OnePlus 5 Previously, there were reports that the OnePlus 5T might be priced around $600 making it expensive than the OnePlus 5. However, the recent updates have tipped that the OnePlus 5T will be priced similar to that of the existing flagship smartphone costing $479. New Commands, Cyber, Afghanistan on Plate for NATO Defense Ministers By Jim Garamone DoD News, Defense Media Activity WASHINGTON, Nov. 8, 2017 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg previewed the NATO Defense Ministers meeting, saying the alliance will continue to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century. Stoltenberg spoke at NATO headquarters as alliance defense ministers -- including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis -- gathered in Brussels to begin their deliberations. The meeting will help set the stage for the NATO Summit next summer, also in Brussels. NATO will continue to change to meet the threats facing it, the secretary general said. "Our command structure is the backbone of the alliance," he said during a short conversation with reporters. "It has evolved through the decades, to reflect changing security conditions. And it must continue to evolve to remain robust, agile and fully fit for purpose." NATO ministers are looking at an outline design for an adapted NATO command structure, Stoltenberg said. This will include new commands to improve the movement of troops across the Atlantic and within Europe, he said. Power projection and military mobility is essential to the alliance's deterrence and defense capabilities, the secretary general said. The alliance is also looking to update the military requirements for civilian infrastructure, such as roads, railways and airports, Stoltenberg said. "This is vital for NATO," he said. Bridges, culverts, roads and railroads, he said, must be checked to ensure they can take the stress of armored vehicles. Bridges need to be high enough to allow taller vehicles to pass under. Before the fall of the Soviet Union, NATO nations did this routinely throughout Western Europe. Now the effort must be renewed in Western Europe and extend into Central and Eastern allies, the secretary general said. Cybersecurity "Cyber is another top priority for NATO, which will be reflected in our updated command structure," Stoltenberg said. "I expect ministers will decide on ways to integrate cyber into all NATO planning and operations. So we can be just as effective in the cyber domain, as we are in air, on land and at sea." The ministers will meet with European Union Vice President for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, he said. They also will discuss threats to international security, including North Korea. "Pressure is required to find the path for peace," the secretary general said. "We will need full and transparent implementation of U.N. sanctions. Russia and China have a special role to play as neighboring countries and as permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. This is a global threat, which requires a global response." Tomorrow, the ministers will discuss developments in Afghanistan, where the security situation remains unstable. Stoltenberg said Afghan forces are making progress. The United States and other NATO allies and partners are sending more troops to the country. All this serves to "strengthen the Afghan forces so that they can fight international terrorists, and pave the way for a lasting political solution," he said. The last item is a meeting of the global coalition to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which is chaired by Mattis. That group, which now includes NATO as an entity, will examine the progress made in the effort and the moves that remain. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address U.S. Department of Defense Press Operations News Release No. NR-383-17 November 08, 2017 Readout of Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis' meeting with Turkish Minister of Defense Nurettin Canikli Pentagon chief spokesperson Dana W. White provided the following: Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis met with Turkish Minister of Defense Nurettin Canikli today at the NATO Defense Ministerial to reaffirm the longstanding defense relationship between the United States and its NATO ally, Turkey. Following their Aug. 23 meeting in Ankara, the secretary thanked the minister for Turkey's continued, critical contributions to global security and the fight to defeat ISIS. Secretary Mattis acknowledged the threats posed to Turkey, and reiterated that the U.S. will continue to stand with Turkey in its fight against the PKK and all terrorist threats. Secretary Mattis and Minister Canikli agreed to continue their full range of bilateral defense activities and consultations, and to look for ways to further strengthen defense cooperation in the future. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Doorstep statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg prior to the meetings of NATO Defence Ministers NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 08 Nov. 2017 (As delivered) Good morning. Today and tomorrow, defence ministers will take decisions to pave the way for our Summit in July, here in Brussels. Those decisions will ensure that NATO continues to adapt for the 21st century so that we can keep our people safe in a more challenging world. Our command structure is the backbone of the Alliance. It has evolved through the decades, to reflect changing security conditions. And it must continue to evolve to remain robust, agile and fully fit for purpose. That is why today, Ministers will agree on an outline design for an adapted NATO Command Structure, with new commands to improve the movement of troops across the Atlantic, and within Europe. Military mobility is key to our deterrence and defence. But it's not just about new commands. We also need to update our military requirements for civilian infrastructure, such as roads, railways and airports. This is vital for NATO. National governments, the private sector and the European Union also have key roles to play, and we are working closely with them. Cyber is another top priority for NATO, which will be reflected in our updated command structure. I expect ministers will decide on ways to integrate cyber into all NATO planning and operations. So we can be just as effective in the cyber domain, as we are in air, on land, and at sea. This evening we will be joined for dinner by High Representative Vice-President, Federica Mogherini. We will discuss threats to international security, including North Korea. Pressure is required to find the path for peace. We will need full and transparent implementation of UN sanctions. Russia and China have a special role to play as neighbouring countries and as permanent members of the UN Security Council. This is a global threat which requires a global response. Tomorrow, we will meet our Resolute Support partners to discuss our mission in Afghanistan. The security situation remains volatile. But Afghan forces are making progress and are denying the Taliban their strategic goals. The United States is already deploying more troops, and many other Allies and partners are making additional commitments. To continue to strengthen the Afghan forces so that they can fight international terrorists. And pave the way for a lasting political solution. Finally, we look forward to hosting the meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, chaired by Secretary Mattis. And with that, I'm ready to take your questions. Q (Sky): Last week the British Defence Secretary was sacked for sleaze allegations. The British International Development Secretary is currently on her way back, in the air, from Africa - summoned by the British Prime Minister, again, we think to be sacked. The Foreign Secretary is on shaky ground because of misguided comments he made earlier this week about an issue back in the UK. Coupled in with Brexit, has UK become unreliable partner on the international stage for you right now? A: Britain very reliable partner and ally, because Britain is contributing to the Alliance in so many different ways. And I welcome the strong commitment of the United Kingdom to NATO and to many different NATO missions and operations. We have to remember that the United Kingdom has the 2nd largest defence budget. Next to the United States, no-one else invests more in defence than the UK. And the UK is leading one of the battlegroups we have deployed in the Baltic countries. They are responsible for our Response Force, and they are present in Afghanistan. So I look forward to welcoming the new Secretary of Defence to the meeting today, but also to have a bilateral meeting with him tomorrow. So Williamson is a man I look forward to work together with, and continue to adapt the alliance together with the United Kingdom. Q (ARD): Could you explain once again how and why exactly the NATO Command Structure should be expanded, and what would be Germany's role in that? A: The NATO Command Structure is the backbone of the Alliance. The Command Structure is what enables us to work together, 29 nations, to deploy forces in operations and to deliver credible deterrence and defence in Europe every day. But to be able to do that, we need a Command Structure which can make sure that we have the right forces in the right place with the right equipment at the right time. And therefore we need the Command Structure to organise, to lead, to facilitate the deployment of NATO forces in missions and operations, but also of course, the fact that we are present in Europe in delivering deterrence every day. The Command Structure has to change when the security environment is changing. So when the world is changing the Command Structure must change. That has been the case before, and that's the case now. We reduced the Command Structure at the end of the Cold War, because tensions went down. And we went from being focused on collective defence in Europe to be focused on expeditionary operations outside Europe, like for instance in Afghanistan. Now we have to continue to be able to conduct expeditionary missions, or train, assist and advise missions, as in Afghanistan, but at the same time strengthen our focus, our presence in Europe, collective defence. And for instance, address also new areas like for instance cyber. And that's the reason why we are adapting, that's the reason why we are focusing on issues like, for instance, military mobility. Because to make sure that our forces are able to deploy, we need higher preparedness, we need higher readiness; but we also need infrastructure, we need means of communications, we need secure sea lines of communications over the Atlantic. All of these issues are going to be addresed through the adaptation of the Command Structure. Exactly where we are going to locate new commands is something we are going to decide later. We now have the proposal from our strategic commanders, that's based on a tasking from the Summit in Warsaw in 2016, last year. And then I hope that defence ministers will be able to make final decisions at their meeting in February, but we'll agree on the outline design today. Q (BBC): Secretary General, you stressed Britain's exemplary role in the alliance, its spending, the responsibilities it takes on. Do you share the concerns of the US European Commander, General Hodges, who told the BBC today that if Britain makes any further cuts in its defence spending, it will no longer be able to assume all these global roles? A: The UK is increasing defence spending. Because the UK is spending more than 2% of GDP on defence, and GDP is increasing. So what we have seen over the last year is an increase, and I welcome that. And I welcome also the fact that the United Kingdom is meeting the NATO guideline of spending more than 2% on defence. And what I see is that the UK is delivering key capabilities to NATO. Being part of our mission in Afghanistan, but also leading one of the battlegroups in the Baltics, and also providing forces and different military capabilities in many other ways. So the reality is that defence spending across Europe is now increasing. And more nations are also joining UK in spending more than 2% on defence. And UK is by that, also leading by example, because UK meets the target and now other Allies are following the example of the UK. Q (Mitra TV): Considering the brutal and heinous attacks against civilians in Afghanistan, as you might have seen, you know, they are sparing nobody. They are attacking mosques, they are attacking schools, restaurants and a recent one - a TV station yesterday. So that is a clear and blunt message from the Taliban they are sparing no-one and they are not embracing the reconciliation or peace process. With the US strategy in place, what is NATO's actually blunt and very message to the Taliban? A: Our message is that we're going to stay in Afghanistan to train and help and support the Afghan forces so they can fight Taliban. So they can fight terrorist organisations. So they can stabilise their own country. And we have seen a lot of progress. There are many challenges, we see a lot of violence; there is a lot of uncertainty. But we have at the same time seen that the Afghan forces are becoming more and more capable, more and more professional, and stronger and stronger. So they are able to respond every time the Taliban and the terrorists are attacking. We have seen that the Taliban has failed in reaching their main strategic goal: to control provincial capitals. And actually I think one of the reasons why we now see more high-profile attacks against civilians is that they have failed in their main goal to take control over provincial capitals. So our message is that we will continue to support Afghan forces with training, assistance and advice, but also with funding. We are not returning to a combat mission. We strongly believe that in the long run it is a better solution that Afghan forces are responsible for security in their own country themselves, and that we provide support to them. But we are stepping up our support. We are increasing the number of NATO trainers in Afghanistan from roughly 13,000 to around 16,000 next year. And we will especially focus on training special operations forces, improving the air force of the Afghans, and also schools, or education - military academies and schools. Q (VG): Secretary General, this morning President Trump was addressing the parliament in Seoul and he was again mentioning the possible use of military force to stop Pyongyang. In your mind, what would be the most helpful language towards North Korea - would that be threats of use of military force or would that be a more diplomatic language? A: All NATO Allies agree that we have to put strong pressure on North Korea. Because North Korea is responsible for reckless behaviour, irresponsible behaviour, by developing nuclear weapons, by developing missiles. And we have to put pressure on North Korea to reach a peaceful, negotiated solution. Pressure is the path to peace. We need political pressure, we need diplomatic pressure, but in particular we need economic pressure. We need the full implementation of the economic sanctions. And I welcome that the economic sanctions were strengthened by the UN Security Council in September, and I also welcome the fact that we see that the sanctions are now more thoroughly implemented than before. And we need the full implementation of the sanctions in a transparent way. Russia and China have a special responsibility, because Russia and China are permanent members of the UN Security Council and they are neighbouring countries. So we need strong pressure on North Korea to reach a peaceful, negotiated solution, and the whole Alliance agrees on that strategy. Q (WSJ): Secretary General, one of your discussions today is on maritime and beyond just the new Atlantic command. Is your message to Allies that they need to contribute more to the standing maritime forces? Is this, in part, because of increased Russian naval activity in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean? And finally, are you concerned at all about reports about cuts to Allied navies - the potential selling off of frigates from Allied navies? A: We have a very substantial defence planning process in NATO. Where we identify all the different targets, the capability targets we need, and we allocate them to different nations. So we have specific requests or targets also in the maritime domain for all NATO Allies. And yes, there are some requirements for increased maritime capabilities. That may be ships, submarines, or Maritime Patrol Aircraft, or other maritime capabilities. So yes, there is a request for more maritime capabilities. But when we discuss the new Atlantic joint force command, then we discuss not only whether we need new capabilities - that's actually more part of the defence planning process. But then we are discussing how can we best organise, how can we best lead, how can we best plan for ensuring that we have safe and secure lines of communications across the Atlantic. That's partly about capabilities, but it's also partly how they work together, and to what extent nations contribute their national capabilities into a NATO framework. And exercises and planning. So all of these issues are now on the table and they will be addressed as part of the process related to adapting the NATO Command Structure, and in particular the Atlantic command. Q (1TV Afghanistan): Mister Secretary General, this is Abdullah and I am from 1TV Afghanistan. My question is regarding the coming election, the parliamentary election and presidential elections in Afghanistan. The security stalemate in Afghanistan leads to a situation where Afghan government could not be able to hold the parliamentary election on time and there is increasing concerns among citizens in the country that the Afghan government would also not able to hold the next presidential election in Afghanistan on time. What's your message for Afghan government politically and what would be the contribution to NATO for ensuring maybe the security of the next election in Afghanistan? Thank you, sir. A: We are underlining again and again the importance of political reform. And building democratic institutions in Afghanistan, fighting corruption, and making sure that the democratic institutions are working as they should, for instance with, of course, elections which are a core element in any democratic society. So therefore elections are important, and we think it is important that Afghanistan do whatever it can to be able to hold elections - both presidential and parliamentary elections. To do that, security is important, to be able to hold elections. What we are doing, NATO is doing to help, so it's possible hold elections, or arrange elections in a secure environment, is to train the Afghan forces. We are not there in a combat operation anymore, but we are there to enable the Afghans. So the best thing we can do to help securing the elections is to step up our efforts to train Afghan police and security forces so they can make sure that it's possible to hold elections in a secure environment. And that's exactly what we're doing when we now are increasing our presence in Afghanistan - to train more Afghan soldiers and police. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the the meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Defence Ministers NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 08 Nov. 2017 (As delivered) Good evening. We have just had a very good meeting with the Defence Ministers of the NATO Allied countries. We took further decisions to continue NATO's adaptation to the challenges we face. A key component of our adaptation is a robust and agile command structure. This underpins both our strengthened deterrence and defence posture and our ability to project stability beyond NATO's borders. At the Warsaw Summit last year, we decided to launch an assessment of the NATO command structure in light of the changed security environment. To ensure it can do the job across the full spectrum of Alliance missions. Today, we agreed on the outline design for an adapted NATO Command Structure, which will be the basis for further work. Let me mention some key elements. A Command for the Atlantic, to ensure that sea lines of communication between Europe and North America remain free and secure. This is vital for our transatlantic Alliance. A new Command to improve the movement of military forces across Europe. And ways to strengthen the logistical function across the NATO Command Structure. Our military commanders will now flesh out the details. And the results of their work will be presented to Defence Ministers next February. The adaptation of the NATO Command Structure will further strengthen our ability to reinforce Allies quickly and effectively. But military mobility is not only about new commands. It's also about the ability to move forces and equipment quickly, with the right transport means and the right infrastructure. Since 2014, we have made good progress in improving national legislation. Removing many bureaucratic hurdles to allow us to move forces across Allied territory. But much more needs to be done. We need to ensure that national legislation facilitating border crossing is fully implemented. We need enough transport capacity at our disposal, which largely comes from the private sector. And we need to improve infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, railways, runways and ports. So NATO is now updating the military requirements for civilian infrastructure. Of course, military mobility is not just about the military. It requires a whole-of-government approach. So it's important that our defence ministers make our interior, finance and transport ministers aware of military requirements. It's also important that NATO coordinates with the European Union and we are indeed working closely and actively together on this issue. For instance, we share information on standards, requirements, as well as challenges related to civilian infrastructure. So I envisage that military mobility could become a real flagship of NATO-EU cooperation. Finally, we discussed ways to strengthen our cyber defences. We must be just as effective in the cyber domain as we are on land, at sea and in the air, with real-time understanding of the threats we face and the ability to respond however and whenever we choose. Today, ministers agreed on the creation of a new Cyber Operations Centre as part of the outline design for the adapted NATO Command Structure. This will strengthen our cyber defences, and help integrate cyber into NATO planning and operations at all levels. We also agreed that we will be able to integrate Allies' national cyber capabilities into NATO missions and operations. While nations maintain full ownership of those capabilities. Just as Allies own the tanks, the ships and aircraft in NATO missions. NATO is a defensive alliance, whose actions are always subject to strict political oversight and always act in accordance with international law. So we have taken many important decisions to pave the way to next year's Summit of NATO leaders here in Brussels. We will continue doing whatever is necessary to keep our territory secure and our citizens safe. And, with that, I'm ready to take your questions. Moderator: Reuters, in the centre. Q (Reuters): Thank you. I had a question on the cyber weapon issue. Would you say then that having a cyber weapon is less harmful than having a bomb? Is it the idea that bombing a server would be more dangerous than say taking down a webpage? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: Using cyber capabilities may be a more proportionate response and that's the reason why I welcome that we are now integrating national cyber capabilities into NATO missions and operations and that we have agreed the principles of doing that. For NATO, it is always our aim to use minimum force to achieve maximum effect and therefore cyber effects may be the best response. That depends very much on the situation, but we have seen that NATO allies have been using cyber capabilities against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and that has been important in the fight against ISIS, and I strongly believe that in any military conflict cyber will be an integrated part and therefore we need to strengthen our cyber defences and our cyber capabilities. We will integrate national cyber capabilities into NATO missions and operations as we integrate their conventional capabilities, being it ships, tanks, planes. It will still be under full national control, it will be national capabilities but they will be integrated into NATO missions and operations. Let me also add that we have as part of our strengthening of our cyber defences we have also decided to establish or we have established cyber as a military domain and we have also decided that cyber attacks can trigger Article 5. So integrating national cyber effects into NATO missions and operations is yet another step to strengthen cyber in NATO. Moderator: Washington Post, third row left. Michael Birnbaum (Washington Post): Hi, Michael Birnbaum from the Washington Post. Another question about cyber: do you foresee a role for cyber effects to be used in the defensive operations related to the eFP deployment or in general in that area of NATO in the Baltics and Poland? And is that something that you would announce publically if they were to have a role that they haven't had previously? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: NATO is a defensive alliance and what we do is always proportionate, it is always according to international law, and we are now integrating cyber effects into NATO missions and operations to respond to a changed and new security environment where cyber is part of the threat picture we have to respond to. I will not speculate exactly when and how we're going to use it, I'll only underline that it will be in accordance with international law, it will be national-owned and controlled capabilities, and it will be a way to respond in ways that can be more proportionate than when we are forced to only use conventional forces, but I think it will only be wrong if I start to speculate exactly on how and where. I can just refer to that NATO allies have used it against ISIS in a very effective way. Moderator: Agence France Presse, lady in green. Q (Agence France Presse): Secretary General, thank you. The Turkish Minister of Defence has sent a letter of intent today with his French and Italian colleagues. This project is about acquiring ground-to-air missile systems. Given that Turkey has created some unease or questions within the alliance when announcing a project to acquire S-400 missile systems from Russia, I was wondering how you would see this step towards a real contract. Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: So I welcome very much the cooperation between Turkey, France, and Italy on developing air defence systems. We welcome always when NATO allies are working together to develop different capabilities, and I think that this kind of cooperation is the best way also to make sure that we have the capabilities different nations need and is also a good way to make sure that when we have new capabilities they can be fully integrated into NATO air defence systems. For NATO, it's extremely important to have interoperability, and of course having three NATO allies working together that is an example of how we really develop interoperability, how nations can work together. So, yeah, so I welcome that. Moderator: Gentleman over there. Konstantin Benyumov (Meduza): Thank you. Konstantin Benyumov, from Meduza. Have you decided on the location for the coordination centre for cybersecurity? And if yes, are there going to be specific NATO forces involved in working or just the capabilities of NATO members? Jens Stoltenberg: The centre is part of the existing command structure, but to be honest I'm not able to tell you exactly where it's going to be located, but it's part of the existing command structure. Moderator: Jane's, front row here. Brooks Tigner (Jane's Defence): Yes, Brooks Tigner, Jane's Defence. Coming back to this logistics aspect of the reformed NATO command structure, I was just wondering could you explain to us in more detail what this will mean. NATO already has a number of agencies that are intimately involved in logistics management, as you well know, so are you referring to simply closer relationship with the EU to tackle these things or do you have something more substantial in mind internal to the house of NATO? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: This is about updating, modernizing the military requirements to infrastructure, taking into account the fact that we are now much more focused on the importance of moving heavy equipment across Europe, because after the end of the Cold War we didn't pay so much attention to that. The main issue was how to move lighter forces into expeditionary operations outside NATO territory, for instance to Afghanistan. But now it is about how to move forces across the Atlantic and how to move them across Europe, and we speak also about much heavier equipment, battle tanks, armoured vehicles, and that kind of equipment. To be able to do that we need infrastructure and we know that at least in many parts of Europe we don't have the standards, we don't have the strength of the bridges, of the roads, or the different types of infrastructure which can carry the heavy equipment we need to move, at least not enough, and it's about making sure that we have the means of transportation, the ships, the trucks, the planes, and to a large extent these means of transportation will be privately-owned so we need to make arrangements with the private companies on how to make these tools available if needed. It's about legislation, and of course it's about making sure that NATO allies implement those standards and those requirements. We formulate the requirements and the standards, but of course it's nations that have to implement them when they invest in infrastructure, when they make arrangements with for instance private providers of transportation. The European Union is important and I welcome the very close cooperation with the European Union on this, and I know that this is also something which the European Union has been focused on because this is partly about also European Union financing some of these investments. So we have the ability to move forces today, but we would like to move more forces more quickly across Europe and then we have to invest more in infrastructure and to meet modern NATO standards. Moderator: Wall Street Journal. Q (Wall Street Journal): Mr. Secretary General, the U.S. raised the INF Treaty violations today. Was there new information about Russian violations of this treaty raised? What was the significance of the U.S. bringing this discussion at the NATO ministerial level and what is the importance in your mind of keeping the INF Treaty in place? Jens Stoltenberg: Secretary Mattis briefed the allies on the INF Treaty and the U.S. has determined that Russia is in violation of the INF Treaty, so that was an important message in his brief. NATO allies stressed, just as they did at the Warsaw Summit in 2016, that the INF Treaty is very important and that a strong and viable INF Treaty is a pillar for European security. So they also expressed that they will follow this very closely. This is a bilateral agreement between Russia and the United States, but of course this has a great importance for all NATO allies, especially European NATO allies because the INF Treaty eliminates a whole category of weapons, intermediate range missiles, which can carry nuclear weapons. And I'm part of a political generation in Europe which really grew up with the very intense debate related to the deployment of the SS-20s and the Pershing and the cruise missiles after the Dual-Track Decision of NATO in 1979 and we also very much welcomed the INF Treaty which then eliminated all these weapons in Europe. So I think that the INF Treaty is a cornerstone, it's extremely important that it is fully implemented, so we will continue to call on Russia to address the serious concerns in a substantial, transparent and verifiable way because the INF Treaty's important for all of us. Moderator: Europa Press. Q (Europa Press): Thank you Secretary General. Going back to cyber, did any of the NATO allies today offer offensive cyber capabilities for NATO missions and operations, and also I'm wondering is this going to be, if it already isn't, fitted into the NATO defence planning process? I mean are the allies going to start getting from now on specific capability requests for cyber offensive capabilities? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: What we have done today is to agree the framework and the principles for how to integrate cyber capabilities into NATO missions and operations. Then it will be a decision by nations what kind of capabilities they are willing integrate and to use in specific missions and operations, and nations will retain full control and ownership to [sic] the capabilities. But I welcome the fact that we now can strengthen NATO missions and operations also with cyber capabilities because we know that they are important, and we know that cyber will be an integral part of any potential military conflict. It's too early for me to say exactly how we will integrate that into NATO planning processes, but as soon as this is becoming a part of NATO missions and operations we have to integrate it in one way or another in the way we plan for missions and operations. And this is just illustrating that we are adapting to a new world where cyber is becoming more and more important, but it's not that different than for instance conventional capabilities when nations have the ownership but they use them in a NATO mission and operation. And regardless of whether we speak about a plane or a tank or a cyber capability, the use of these capabilities is going to be in accordance with international law and it's going to be part of the defensive posture of NATO. Moderator: Gentleman over there. Waseem Ibrahim (Al-Ittihad): Hello, Waseem Ibrahim, from Al-Ittihad newspaper, Lebanese newspaper. Secretary General, you discussed the global challenges today and you said something before about that ISIS now has a very small risk that ISIS will focus on attacking partners or even alliance countries. Can you explain depending on what exactly you are building this assessment? And are you worried that this fight against ISIS will become also endless war like we see what's happening in Afghanistan? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: I think we have to be prepared that the fight against ISIS is a generational fight, that it will take time. It is an important achievement that we are now very close to totally eradicating the caliphate, the territory they controlled in Iraq and Syria, but ISIS or some kind of follow-up of ISIL, we have to be prepared that that may still be a threat to NATO allies and many other people in other countries. And we have seen before that terrorist organizations when they lose at one front they start to do aggressive actions in another area. We have seen that in Afghanistan for instance. I think the last couple of weeks and months where the Taliban and the insurgents have not been able to gain their main strategic goal to control provincial capitals, and then we have seen more high profile terrorist attacks against civilians. So of course nothing is certain, this is an unpredictable challenge and threat, but I'm just saying that we have to be prepared and I don't think we have the final victory over ISIL even though it is a very important step that we have been able to get them out of the territories they controlled in Iraq and Syria. Moderator: Okay, one question over there. That's AP. Q (Associated Press): Associated Press, on the other side here. A lot of what the ministers have discussed, whether it's command, mobility and so on, has been in reference to Russia, although you've not really mentioned it. Could you give us an assessment of the threat, the risk that you think Russia poses right now? In terms of Zapad you said that the personnel had left; was any equipment left? Is there anything that leads you to think that Russia poses a greater threat today than it has over the last years? Jens Stoltenberg: NATO's deterrence and defence is not directed against any specific nation, and we don't see any imminent threat against any NATO ally, and we have monitored and followed the Zapad exercise very closely, but we haven't seen that they have for instance left or remained with troops or equipment for instance in Belarus as we saw some speculations about before the exercise. Having said that, we have seen a much more assertive Russia, we have seen a Russia which has over many years invested heavily in their military capabilities, modernized their military capabilities, which are exercising not only conventional forces but also nuclear forces, and which has been willing to use military force against a neighbour: Ukraine. And of course, NATO has to be able to respond to that and we have responded to that partly with our enhanced Forward Presence with more deployment of troops in the eastern part of the alliance, but also by increasing the readiness of our forces and also increasing our ability to move forces. And we are constantly adapting and what we do in Europe now is part of that adaptation. Moderator: Spiegel. Q (Der Spiegel): Secretary General, one question also about the fight against ISIS. There has been an announcement more or less about a possible cap, like a mission in Iraq to stabilize the Iraqi army, and there has been a fact finding mission as far as I know in February, what are the results of this fact finding and is this mission in itself moving forward and will it be discussed tomorrow at the meeting after the formal NATO meeting? Jens Stoltenberg: I expect that it will be discussed tomorrow. It was also discussed today and NATO has already started training activities in Iraq. We were asked by Prime Minister al-Abadi, I met him, he sent a letter, and he asked for NATO support for training and capacity building in Iraq of Iraqi government forces. So that's something we have already started, it's still not so big, it's some training activities related for instance counter IED, it's helping them in maintenance of equipment, it's military medicine, and it's also helping them to build security and defence institutions, and in some other areas. So we are doing some training activities based on the requests from the Iraqi government. What we are now discussing is whether we should scale that up. And again, this is not about NATO going into any combat role or combat mission in Iraq, but it is about the fact that we had to be able to make sure that Iraq is stable after ISIS is defeated and therefore we need competent, capable, well-trained Iraqi forces to make sure that we're not forced back again into combat missions or operations in Iraq. So training local forces is one of the best weapons we have against terrorists, and I strongly believe that NATO can do more when it comes to training and capacity building because if our neighbours are more stable we are more secure and one of the best weapons in fighting terrorism. Moderator: Thank you very much. This concludes this press conference. Jens Stoltenberg: Thank you. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saudi airstrikes, continued blockade show Riyadh's failure, frustration in Yemen: Iran Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 03:17PM Iran has condemned a recent aerial attack by Saudi fighter jets on residential areas in the Yemeni province of Hajjah, saying intensified airstrikes by Riyadh indicate the regime's failure to achieve its goals in the impoverished country. "The intensified bombardment of residential areas, continued siege, closure of Yemen's naval, ground and sea ports, and blocking humanitarian aid and people's basic needs by Saudi Arabia indicate the country's frustration and failure to achieve its goals in attacking Yemen," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Wednesday. Arabic-language al-Masirah television network, citing Yemen's Health Ministry spokesman, reported that at least 60 people, including women and children, had been killed or injured in a series of airstrikes by Saudi Arabia in Hajjah. Medics said Saudi war planes hindered rescue operations, with at least 10 paramedics killed in the strikes, according to reports. The Iranian official slammed the international community's silence over the Saudi regime's incessant attacks on residential areas and civilian targets and blocking international humanitarian aid to Yemen. "Such measures are blatant violation of the principles of human rights," Qassemi said. He called on the United Nations and key players in the Yemeni conflict to double their efforts to put an immediate halt to Saudi attacks and take measures to protect civilian lives in the war-torn country. The Tuesday attack was the latest in a series of airstrikes by Saudi Arabia and a coalition of its allies since the war began in March 2015. In addition to airstrikes, the Saudi-led military coalition has imposed a blockade on Yemen. International human rights groups and the UN have called on Saudi Arabia to reopen air and sea ports, warning the blockade would sharply exacerbate an already dire humanitarian crisis in Yemen. A report released Tuesday by the New York-based Human Rights Watch criticized the Saudi-led coalition, saying it had "delayed and diverted fuel takers, closed a critical port and stopped lifesaving goods from reaching the population" during the war. The report said a blockade is "unlawful if it has the sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying the population goods indispensable for its survival." Yemen is also suffering from an outbreak of cholera, while roughly seven million Yemenis are on the brink of famine, aid workers say. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric has warned that "any further shocks to imports of food and fuel may reverse recent success in mitigating the threat of famine." The International Committee of the Red Cross has also urged the reopening of ports for medical supplies. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address NATO Ministers Agree To Upgrade Command Structure Amid Tensions With Russia RFE/RL November 08, 2017 NATO defense ministers have endorsed a plan to establish two new military headquarters designed to improve the movement of troops across the Atlantic and within Europe, as the alliance looks to counter the growing threat from Russia. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made the announcement on November 8, the day before an expected decision to boost NATO's mission in Afghanistan by some 3,000 troops. Speaking after the ministers' first day of meetings during the November 8-9 gathering in Brussels, Stoltenberg provided initial details on the two new commands, although he said military commanders would "flesh out the details" and present them to defense ministers in February 2018. It is the first time the 29-member alliance is expanding its command structure since the end of the Cold War, when 22,000 personnel were working at 33 commands. Numbers have been slashed since to fewer than 7,000 people and seven commands. In recent years, Russia's military actions in Ukraine have increased concerns about Moscow's intentions in NATO nations, particularly former Soviet republics or Warsaw Pact satellites of the Soviet Union. Russia occupied and seized Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula in March 2014 and backs separatists whose war against Kyiv's forces has killed more than 10,000 people in eastern Ukraine since April of that year. Aggressive Maneuvers A series of potentially dangerous close encounters between Russian and NATO warplanes and navy ships in recent months has added to the tension, with the alliance accusing Moscow of aggressive maneuvers in the air and at sea. Those actions have prompted NATO to step up its defenses in the east, deploying four multinational battle groups in the three Baltic states and Poland -- totaling approximately 4,500 troops. One of the planned new NATO command centers will be tasked with ensuring that "sea lines of communication" between North America and Europe "remain free and secure," Stoltenberg said. The other command will "improve the movement of military forces across Europe" and strengthen logistical functions across NATO. "This is vital for our transatlantic alliance," Stoltenberg told reporters. "It is about how to move forces across the Atlantic and how to move forces across Europe." "The adaptation of the NATO command structure will further strengthen our ability to reinforce allies quickly and effectively," he added. Stoltenberg said any new command must ensure that legislation easing the transportation of troops and equipment across various national borders is fully implemented. The secretary-general also said that coordination with the private sector must be in place to guarantee the availability of sufficient transport capacity. "And we need to improve infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, railways, runways, and ports. So NATO is now updating the military requirements for civilian infrastructure," he added. Locations To Be Decided Diplomats said no decisions have been made on location for the two new command centers, although Germany has expressed interest in hosting the logistics base, arguing its location in Central Europe would make it the strongest candidate. The diplomats also said Portugal, Spain, France, and the United States could be potential hosts for the new Atlantic sea command. He said NATO defense ministers also agreed on the creation of a new Cyberoperations Center to strengthen cyberdefenses and help integrate cybercapabilities into NATO planning and operations at all levels. The move follows a series of global cyberattacks that disrupted multinational firms, ports, and public services this year. "We must be just as effective in the cyberdomain as we are on land, at sea, and in the air, with real-time understanding of the threats we face and the ability to respond however and whenever we choose," Stoltenberg said. Afghan Strategy On the second day of their meeting in Brussels on November 9, the NATO ministers are expected to decide to increase the number of troops in Afghanistan from the current 13,000 to 16,000 to aid the Kabul government in its fight against the Taliban and other extremist groups. Speaking ahead of the gathering, Stoltenberg said the new troops would not have combat roles but would be part of NATO's "train, advise, and assist" mission, Resolute Support, and that about half of the additional troops will come from the United States. U.S. President Donald Trump in August announced a new Afghan strategy. In September, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that more than 3,000 additional U.S. troops will be deployed to Afghanistan. "The United States is already deploying more troops, and many other allies and partners are making additional commitments to continue to strengthen the Afghan forces so that they can fight international terrorists. And pave the way for a lasting political solution," Stoltenberg said. The United States led an invasion to drive Taliban extremists from power after Al-Qaeda militants whose leaders were sheltering in Afghanistan carried out the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. Militant Resurgence The United States, NATO, and other partners had more than 100,000 troops in Afghanistan for a time, but the Taliban has been resurgent since NATO ended combat operations in 2014. The extremist group Islamic State (IS) has also stepped up attacks. The defense ministers' meeting is also set to agree on a new plan to improve the way the alliance commands and deploys its forces, Stoltenberg said. The alliance needs a command structure to ensure "we have the right forces, in the right place, with the right equipment at the right time," he said. The meeting will endorse a plan to create two new commands -- one to protect sea lanes ferrying troops and equipment across the Atlantic, the other for land forces in Europe. It's the first time the 29-member alliance is expanding its command structure since the end of the Cold War, when 22,000 personnel were working at 33 commands. Numbers have been slashed since to fewer than 7,000 people and seven commands. North Korea's nulcear ambitions will also be on the agenda. With reporting by RFE/RL Correspondent Rikard Jozwiak, dpa, and AP Source: command-structure-stoltenberg/28842517.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump In China Amid North Korea Tensions RFE/RL November 08, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump has begun a visit to China that is expected to be dominated by talks on trade and North Korea's nuclear ambitions. Trump arrived in Beijing on November 8 from South Korea, where he issued a stark warning to Pyongyang not to test the United States' resolve. Trump and first lady Melania Trump got a lavish welcome and a tour of the Chinese capital's Forbidden City, where they watched a music-and-dance performance. They were accompanied by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, as well as senior U.S. and Chinese officials. Trump, who is on a five-country Asian tour shadowed by concerns about North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, said earlier in the day that the world "cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens it with nuclear devastation." In a speech to the South Korean parliament, Trump warned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that the nuclear weapons Pyongyang is developing "are not making you safer, they are putting your regime in grave danger." "Do not underestimate us and do not try us," Trump told North Korea, using some of his toughest language yet against Pyongyang. At the same time, Trump promised a "path to a much better future" for North Korea if it stopped developing ballistic missiles and agreed to "complete, verifiable and total denuclearization." In recent months, Pyongyang has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles and carried out its sixth nuclear explosion, prompting Trump to warn in August of "fire and fury" in response to the North's moves. China is North Korea's main diplomatic supporter and trading partner, and Trump was expected to push Xi to step up pressure on Kim to abandon his nuclear ambitions. North Korea depends on China for its economic survival and for 90 percent of its trade. With trade also high on the agenda, Trump has brought a large business delegation along, and U.S. and Chinese companies signed 19 deals worth a total $9 billion shortly after his arrival in Beijing. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang oversaw a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People but did not immediately give details about the 19 deals. Wang said the agreements were merely a "warmup" before Trump and Xi oversee their own ceremony on November 9 involving bigger deals, including in exports of natural gas and soybeans. Trump has said he would use the three-day China visit to press Xi on Beijing's massive trade surplus with the United States, which was valued at $26.6 billion last month according to official Chinese data. China's state news agency quoted Xi as saying on November 8 that Trump's first state visit to Beijing was expected to yield "positive and important" results. Trump is to travel on November 10 to Vietnam, where he is scheduled to deliver a speech to leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Russian President Vladimir Putin had also been scheduled to address the 21-country forum on November 10, but Putin's speech has reportedly been canceled. Trump said earlier that he expected to meet with Putin during his Asia tour, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on November 8 that Putin was "ready" for such a meeting and "the Americans know that." Lavrov also said that he might meet with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during the November 10-11 APEC summit. He said those talks would probably touch on bilateral relations, which he said need "serious repairs," as well as issues including "Syria, North Korea, and Ukraine." U.S.-Russian relations are badly strained over issues including Moscow's aggression in Ukraine and its alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Since his inauguration in January, Trump's only face-to-face meetings with Putin took place during a G20 summit in Germany in July. With reporting by AP, Reuters, AFP, dpa, BBC, TASS, and Interfax Source: trump-warns-north-korea-do-not- underestimate-us/28841703.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address U.S. Calls For UN Action Against Iran For Allegedly Arming Yemeni Rebels RFE/RL November 08, 2017 The United States has called on the United Nations to hold Iran accountable for allegedly supplying Yemeni rebels with missiles that have been fired at Saudi Arabia, the main backer of Yemen's government in a three-year-old civil war. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said on November 7 that Saudi Arabia had provided information showing a missile fired in July was an Iranian Qiam, which she described as "a type of weapon that had not been present in Yemen before the conflict." Haley said a ballistic missile shot down over Saudi Arabia on November 4, which precipitated a sharp escalation of tensions between Riyadh and Tehran this week, "may also be of Iranian origin." Haley said that by providing weapons to Yemen's Shi'ite Huthi rebels, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps had violated two UN resolutions, one of which prohibits Tehran from supplying weapons without UN Security Council approval, and another which bans the supply of weapons to various Huthi leaders. "We encourage the United Nations and international partners to take necessary action to hold the Iranian regime accountable for these violations," she said. "The United States is committed to containing Iran's destabilizing actions, and will not turn a blind eye to these serious violations of international law by the Iranian regime," Haley added. Iran, while openly supporting the Huthis, has denied arming them. Iran's Defense Ministry and Revolutionary Guards both denied the U.S. and Saudi accusations on November 7. Before Haley spoke, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman accused Iran of supplying missiles to the Huthis, in what he said was a "direct military aggression by the Iranian regime," which "could be considered as an act of war," in remarks carried by the Saudi Press Agency. The Saudi-led coalition, which has backed the Yemeni government with a devastating bombing campaign against the rebels since 2015, has tightened its blockade of rebel-held areas in response to the weekend missile launch in what it said was an effort to stop the smuggling of arms to the rebels. Meanwhile, the Yemeni rebels have threatened to attack ports and airports not only in Saudi Arabia but in the United Arab Emirates, another coalition member, in retaliation. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi on November 7 said the Saudis' "insinuations are false, destructive, irresponsible, and, above all, provocative." Instead of aggravating the situation with such "absurd allegations," Qassemi said, the Saudis should seek an end to the violence in Yemen through diplomatic channels. One senior Iranian official questioned how Iran could sneak missiles into the heavily blockaded country, as alleged. "Is it possible from a military point of view to send a very long missile to Yemen when all the ships surrounding Yemen are very much alert to intercept any shipments of arms to Yemen?" this official asked Reuters. "The Saudis and their supporters know this is a fake story." The European Union's foreign-policy chief, Federica Mogherini, called the recent escalation of tensions between the two Middle Eastern neighbors and rivals "extremely dangerous," and called on all sides to back down and seek "a minimum of common ground." "I know that this is not the wind that is blowing as the majority voice in the world of today," Mogherini told reporters on a visit to Washington on November 7. "But allow me to bring a little bit of wisdom as the European voice in a world that seems to go completely crazy here: It's dangerous." she said. Saudi Arabia and Iran back opposing sides not only in Yemen's civil war but in power struggles in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and elsewhere. The growing tensions between the two major oil producers has helped push oil prices this week close to two-year highs and spooked global stock markets. The missile, which was intercepted near the Riyadh international airport on November 4, was the first to reach the Saudi capital and underscored the growing military capability of the Yemeni rebels as well as the increasing fallout for Saudi Arabia from its involvement in the Yemeni war. UN and humanitarian aid officials warned on November 7 that the Saudi-led blockade of Yemen threatens to deepen the desperation of 7 million people the UN has said already are on the brink of famine in Yemen. "If these channels, these lifelines, are not kept open, it is catastrophic for people who are already in...the world's worst humanitarian crisis," said Jens Laerke, a spokesman for the UN's humanitarian coordination office in Geneva. Aid officials say their shipments to civilians in Yemen have been blocked since the weekend. The International Committee of the Red Cross also urgently called for humanitarian access to be restored. With reporting by AP, AFP, dpa, and Reuters Source: against-iran-allegedly-arming-yemeni-huthi-s hiite-rebels/28841454.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address NATO Agrees on New Command Structure to Move Forces Across Europe - Stoltenberg Sputnik News 21:19 08.11.2017(updated 22:32 08.11.2017) The move comes amid the unprecedented NATO military buildup in eastern Europe, which has been further boosted since 2014 in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) NATO members have agreed on instituting a new adaptive command structure to improve the alliance's ability "to improve the movement of military forces across Europe," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in press conference after the North Atlantic Council Defense Ministers Meeting on Wednesday. "Today, we agreed on the outland design for an adaptive NATO command structure which will be the basis for further work." According to Stoltenberg, the new command structure will further strengthen NATO's capability to reinforce allies quickly and effectively. NATO has been significantly boosting military presence near Russia's borders since 2014 under the pretext of an alleged "threat" Moscow poses for eastern members of the alliance in the wake of Ukraine's internal conflict, a claim repeatedly denied by the Kremlin. Moscow has repeatedly voiced its protest against NATO's military buildup, saying that it would undermine regional stability and result in a new arms race. Nevertheless, in 2016, the alliance has decided to approve sending four multinational battalions to each of the Baltic states namely Lithiania, Latvia and Estonia and Poland. Most recently, the Russian Foreign Ministry has stated that Moscow will do its utmost to ensure its security in case of further NATO reinforcements in eastern Europe. New NATO Cyber Operations Center Stoltenberg has also announced a new NATO cyber operations center, which aims to strenghten the alliance's capabilities and defenses,. "We discussed ways to strengthen our cyber defenses, we must be just as effective in the cyber domain as we are on land, at sea and in the air," he said, adding that the alliance will use its cyber capabilities against Daesh terrorist group in Iraq and Syria. According to Stoltenberg, the use of cyber capabilities will be in accordance to national law and used as a proportionate response. Previously, the alliance's chief stated that there will be the cyber element "in any military operation, in any foreseeable, possible military mission or operation" of the alliance. The issue of cyberdefense was brought up during the NATO session in early October in light of Lithuania's repeated calls on increasing the cybersecurity across Europe, with President Dalia Grybauskaite calling on the European Union to create a joint task force that would rapidly tackle hacker attacks targeting the bloc. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address 'Mad Dog' Mattis' Nordic Tour Results in Joint Exercises, Missile Purchase Sputnik News 11:09 08.11.2017(updated 11:31 08.11.2017) US Defense Secretary James Mattis has visited Scandinavia, where he has taken part in tripartite talks with his Nordic counterparts, which are expected to have far-reaching consequences for both Sweden and Finland. Earlier this week, James Mattis visited Helsinki and held meetings with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto, announcing that relations between the US and Finland have "never been better." Later, trilateral talks involving Finnish Defense Minister Jussi Niinisto and Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist were held for the first time. It is not yet clear whether it will become a regular event. Niinisto said a similar encounter is being planned for 2018. Niinisto explained that the goal of this format was meant to supplement, rather than replace Finnish and Swedish bilateral relations with the United States, ensuring that no new alliance is being built, despite both Nordic nations' increased cooperation with the US, the Finnish national broadcaster Yle reported. Earlier this year, US tanks made their first appearance on Swedish soil during the Aurora 17 military drills, the country's largest in decades. The Finnish Defense Minister also said that cooperation to combat hybrid warfare was one of the priority items on the agenda, given the Helsinki-based hybrid threat center, which commenced its operation earlier this autumn. Furthermore, Niinisto said he had extended an invitation to James Mattis to participate in the Nordic nation's main military drills to be held some time in 2020 or 2021. At a later conference, Niinisto told the US Defense Secretary that his country's participation would be "useful and welcome." "We see the US presence in the Baltic area and the rest of Europe as a stabilizing factor," Jussi Niinisto said. Mattis did not directly respond to Niinisto's invitation, yet congratulated Finland on its100th independence anniversary and lauded Finnish troops for their skill and work ethic. The country is slated to go to the polls in late January 2018 and the NATO membership debate inevitably flares up in non-aligned Finland before every presidential election. None of the current candidates support NATO membership except for Nils Torvalds of the Swedish People's Party, who polled a meager 1 percent in a recent survey by Yle. Finns' opposition to NATO remains stable, with opponents consistently polling over 50 percent in recent years. Following the meeting with Mattis, Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist informed the parliamentary defense committee that the government had chosen the US missile system Patriot as a replacement for the current defense Robot System 97, which is largely outdated. Hultqvist explained that the Patriot was safest supply-wise and guaranteed Sweden against ballistic missile attacks, the Swedish daily Aftonbladet reported. The price tag, however, remains unknown. Nevertheless, it is beyond question that this will become one of the nation's most expensive defense acquisitions, if not the most expensive. The idea is to equip Sweden's two air defense battalions with Patriot missiles until 2025. Previously, the cost of firing ramps and management centers alone was estimated at SEK 12 billion ($1.5 billion). A single Patriot missile costs around $3 million. Hultqvist himself admitted that there are concerns that the Patriot may become "the cuckoo in the nest" that replaces other defense efforts. Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist also argued that the tripartite meeting sent a very important security policy message. He also called it "very natural," since both Finland and Sweden have similar defense cooperation agreements with the US. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Scrambling to Track Islamic State Terrorists, Coalition Turns to Biometrics By Jeff Seldin November 08, 2017 As U.S.-backed forces made their final push into the city of Raqqa to liberate what had once been the Syrian capital of the Islamic State's self-declared caliphate, they faced a problem. Not only were the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) holding IS fighters some captured and some who had surrendered they were also encountering many Syrians who, for various reasons, had collaborated with or worked for the terror group. In the end, against their initial instincts, the U.S.-backed forces let many of them go. "[The SDF] was pressured and convinced by the civil council, the civil leadership, in that part of Syria, who listened to the tribal leaders," said Major General James Jarrard, commander of the special operations joint task force for Operation Inherent Resolve. Just how many IS followers or collaborators from the areas in and around Raqqa were ultimately freed is unclear officials with Operation Inherent Resolve have not been able to provide any numbers. As worrisome as the prospect of their release might sound, coalition officials are not concerned, assuring anyone who asks that the local IS fighters and supporters are not likely to cause trouble. "A lot of those that were captured that were local Syrians have been turned over to their tribal leadership," according to Jarrard, who briefed reporters last week. "The SDF leadership feels comfortable that the tribal leadership and the tribal code in northeast Syria will make sure that they maintain control of those individuals." Tracking IS fighters, collaborators But perhaps more critically, other protections have been put in place. "What we did do with the SDF, is we did take all of those members and we enrolled them biometricaly, so that we are able to track them into the future," Jarrard said. The collection of biometric information from those who fought for or worked with Islamic State in Raqqa is just a small part of a much wider effort encompassing other areas once under the terror group's control. The goal is to make sure those affiliated with IS are not able to go undetected and find ways to unleash terror and havoc, whether in Iraq and Syria or the West. The collected information commonly includes fingerprints, photos, DNA samples and even retinal scans, and not just from Syria. Iraqi forces and U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in Iraq have also been gathering biometric data. "This upward trend will probably increase in the months to come," he added. German officials say they have already used whatever biometric information is available to confirm the identities of family members of foreign fighters who may be seeking entry into Germany. There are also growing fears some foreign fighters, terrorist operatives and their family members may be getting some sophisticated help. "We see a lot of relationships between organized crime and terrorism, not ideologically but from old friendships sometimes," said Dutch National Counterterrorism Coordinator Dick Schoof. "Organized crime is a facilitator for weapons, for transport, for fraud documents, for identity theft." And while most of the more than 5,000 would-be jihadists who left Europe are not expected to attempt a return a feat made more difficult with a tightening of the Turkish-Syrian border counterterror officials believe there are plenty of reasons to remain concerned. "Quantity may not be the story," U.S. National Counterterrorism Director Nicholas Rasmussen said this past July at the Aspen Security Summit. "If I'm sitting in western Europe in a security service or a law enforcement organization, I'm very, very concerned about even a small number of foreign fighters from my country who come back from the conflict zone with a whole new set of skills, a whole new set of contacts, perhaps even specialized skills that go into areas of mass destruction." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Trump Arrives in China for Thorny Talks on Trade, North Korea By Steve Herman November 08, 2017 Donald Trump arrived in Beijing Wednesday, his first visit as U.S. President to a nation that has been a focus, often a negative one, in his drive to secure jobs at home. Trade is to top the agenda, but so is North Korea. White House officials say the president intends to press China - North Korea's closest ally and top trading partner - to push the North to abandon its nuclear program, the topic of a speech he gave in Seoul just hours before arriving in Beijing. In that speech to South Korea's National Assembly, President Trump had a forceful message for Pyongyang, calling on leader Kim Jong Un to give up all his nuclear weapons for a chance to step on to "a better path." Trump warned the North, "Do not underestimate us and do not try us. We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity and our sacred liberty." Backing the president's words was the presence of three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups and nuclear submarines, which the president said "are appropriately positioned" near the Korean peninsula. The U.S president referred to North Korea as "a total failure," and a "twisted regime" ruled by a cult and a tyrant who enslaves his people a characterization certain to provoke a harsh rhetorical reply from Pyongyang. "The world cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens it with nuclear devastation," said Trump in his speech. "All responsible nations must join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea to deny it any form of support." The U.S. leader had effusive praise for South Korea, contrasting its economic success with the dark situation in the North. "The more successful South Korea becomes, the more decisively you discredit the dark fantasy at the heart of the Kim regime," said the U.S. president. The speech ended on a hopeful note, which is the Korean dream: the peaceful reunification of the peninsula. But with Kim's weapons of mass destruction posing a greater threat, Trump warned, "the longer we wait, the greater the danger grows and the few the options become." President Trump generally took a more optimistic view of diplomacy during his visit to Seoul, which included meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. He said progress has been made to diffuse heightened tensions in the region, a striking departure from the tone of his tweets in recent weeks suggesting talks with Pyongyang to resolve the nuclear crisis were "a waste of time." Speaking on Air Force One on the approach to Beijing Wednesday, a senior White House official said President Trump and the South Korean leader had reaffirmed their commitment for a coordinated global pressure campaign to bring North Korea back to "authentic denuclearization talks," while also remaining committed to use a "full range of military capabilities" to defend South Korea and Japan. "Authentic" talks, the U.S. official said, would be without preconditions and would entail North Korea agreeing to "reduce the threat, end provocations, and move toward sincere steps to ultimately denuclearize." Preconditions like refusing to put nuclear weapons on the table, the official said, "is a non-starter" for the United States. The U.S. also maintains that any agreement would need to include verification of denuclearization efforts - a key sticking point in multi-nation negotiations that have been attempted in the past. The White House official said President Trump would call on Chinese President Xi Jinping to pressure North Korea by, among other things, closing loopholes that have facilitated continued trade between China and North Korea despite U.N. sanctions. In a statement issued separately, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Trump would also make a determination on whether the United States will designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism before the end of his visit to China. In addition to the North Korea nuclear crisis, Trump will also press his Chinese hosts on that nation's massive trade surplus with the U.S. In a separate development, negotiators for both countries signed up to 20 deals worth $9 billion. Details of the agreements were not revealed, but Reuters news agency says they include a pledge by Chinese eCommerce company to buy more than $2 billion of food products from the U.S. over three years. The President and First Lady Melania Trump started their visit to the Chinese capital with a stop at Beijing's Forbidden City, the palace complex of China's past emperors, where they joined President Xi for a look at the restoration of ancient relics. It is likely President Trump will continue to send out Tweets in China, despite a Chinese block on Twitter. Thanks to communications gear aboard Air Force One, the official said "The President will Tweet whatever he wants." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address USNS Comfort Restocks to Continue Post-Hurricane Care By Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Stephane Belcher, Navy Medicine East PUERTO RICO, Nov. 8, 2017 The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort replenished its medical supplies, food and other necessities, by connecting with the fleet replenishment oiler USNS Big Horn while underway off the coast of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov. 6. Since it departed from Norfolk, Virginia, Sept. 29 to provide humanitarian relief in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, the sailors aboard the Comfort have treated 1,476 patients, performed 147 surgeries and admitted 293 patients. Patients continued to be treated on the ship during the short underway period. "I am proud of the accomplishments and contributions we've made so far in our partnership with the lead federal agency, the health and human services and the Puerto Rican administrators of health and their providers," said Navy Capt. Kevin Buckley, commander of the military treatment facility aboard Comfort. "Our [Disaster Medical Assistance Teams] team partnership has worked really well, embedding them with our staff, helping screen patients and relieve human suffering." New Life During the Comfort's time in Puerto Rico, two babies have been delivered on board, a boy and a girl, the first children born aboard the ship since 2010 in Haiti. "It has been a really wonderful opportunity for our crew to see and participate in," said Buckley, discussing the two births. "And the thankfulness of the Puerto Rican people --it's Americans helping Americans. They're very appreciative of all the efforts we've had, and it shows." The Comfort received 193 pallets of food and medical supplies from the Big Horn during the underway replenishment. "There are medical supplies we need to keep frozen or chilled, so we keep them in freezers or chill boxes and limit exposure to the elements on the transit down from Norfolk," said Navy Cmdr. Scott Stahl, the Comfort's supply officer. "It was a total team effort, the civilian mariners and military working together to bring on 165 pallets via [vertical replenishment] and 28 pallets via [connected replenishment]. We work really well with the crew here." The Comfort is a seagoing medical treatment facility that has more than 850 personnel embarked for the Puerto Rico mission, including Navy medical and support staff assembled from 22 commands, as well as more than 70 civil service mariners. The Defense Department is supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which coordinates all federal assistance requested by the government of Puerto Rico to help those affected by Hurricane Maria. The Comfort's primary mission is to provide an afloat, mobile, acute surgical medical facility to the U.S. military that is flexible, capable and uniquely adaptable to support expeditionary warfare. The ship's secondary mission is to provide full hospital services to support U.S. disaster relief and humanitarian operations worldwide. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address First U.S.-Qatar Counterterrorism Dialogue Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC November 8, 2017 U.S. and Qatari officials met in Washington, DC on November 8 for the first U.S.-Qatari counterterrorism dialogue. U.S. Coordinator for Counterterrorism Ambassador Nathan A. Sales led the U.S delegation, which included officials from the Departments of State, Homeland Security, Justice, and Treasury. The 11-member Qatari delegation was led by Major General Abdul Aziz al-Ansari, Chairman of Qatar's National Counter Terrorism Committee, and included Dr. Mutlaq al-Qahtani, Special Envoy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Counterterrorism and Conflict Mediation, and officials from the Ministry of Interior, the State Security Bureau, and the National Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Finance Committee. The delegations reviewed Qatar's positive progress in implementing the U.S.-Qatar counterterrorism Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in Doha on July 11 by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Qatari Foreign Minister Mohamed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani. The MOU laid out our mutual commitments for increasing information sharing, disrupting terrorism financing flows, and intensifying counterterrorism activities. During the dialogue, both sides affirmed the progress made to date on implementing the MOU and committed to expanding our counterterrorism partnership. Topics discussed included regional terrorist threats, counterterrorism financing, regulation of the charitable sector, information sharing, and aviation security. Building on this progress, the United States and Qatar will deepen their counterterrorism cooperation further, as exemplified by the recent visits to Doha of Secretary of State Tillerson (October 22-23) and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin (October 29-30). Both visits served to underscore the broad, robust ties between Qatar and the United States, especially in reaffirming the two countries' joint efforts to defeat terrorism. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Sweden Mulls Purchase of US Patriot Air Defense System Reports Sputnik News 07:59 08.11.2017(updated 08:46 08.11.2017) The Swedish government plans to start talks with the United States on buying the US missile defense system Patriot in the coming years, local media reported on Tuesday. STOCKHOLM (Sputnik) According to the SR radio, the Swedish opposition Center Party and the liberal conservative Moderate Party have been negotiating the issue for some time, which led to the government endorsing the plans. "The Armed Forces support [the idea], which is important. Moreover, [Patriot] is a reliable system that is deployed in many countries in our region, which would increase the possibility of our cooperation with others," Hans Wallmark, the defense policy spokesman of the Moderate Party, told the radio, adding that it is "absolutely necessary" to renew the country's air defense system to be able to face modern challenges. According to the media outlet, Sweden intends to purchase four units of the system, with the deliveries starting in 2020 and ending five years later. The purchase will cost several billion Swedish kronor (millions of US dollars). Patriot is a long-range all-altitude air defense system capable of countering tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and advanced aircraft. The United States supplies Patriot systems to a number of its allies, including Germany, Israel, Japan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address US Completes Planned Ground-Based Missile Defense System, But Trump Wants More Sputnik News 01:53 09.11.2017 The US Missile Defence Agency has confirmed the installation of the last planned Ground-Based Missile (GBM) Defense system interceptor, which is supposed to protect the country from a nuclear attack. Though the effectiveness of the system remains questionable, US President Donald Trump has requested that it be expanded. The 44th and final Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) missile of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system, planned during Barack Obama's presidency, has been successfully installed in Fort Greely, Alaska, according to a Defense News report. "MDA and Boeing emplaced the 44th interceptor in its silo at the Missile Defense Complex at Ft. Greely on Thursday, Nov. 2," the agency said in a statement. The installation comes months ahead of schedule. Timely though its completion may be, the system itself has been rather spotty in testing. As Sputnik reported earlier, GMD is the only US missile defense system that can actually shoot down ICBMs (even the North Korean ones). But, judging by its test history, which was begun in the 1990s, the system's chances of successfully thwarting a nuclear armed missile attack is barely above 50 percent. In the words of the former head of the Missile Defense Agency, retired Lt. Gen. Trey Obering, the chances of successfully hitting an ICBM with a GMD are "as good as a coin toss." The 44 interceptors installed at Fort Greely are only good enough to shoot down 22 ICBMs. That's probably the reason Trump asked Congress to install 20 more. According to an Investor's Business Daily report, the Trump administration asked Congress in a supplemental budget request on November 6 to allocate $4 billion to fund missile defense programs, which include GMD and the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). The latter is effective only against short to medium-range missiles. "This request supports additional efforts to detect, defeat, and defend against any North Korean use of ballistic missiles against the United States, its deployed forces, allies, or partners," Trump wrote in a letter to Congress. Of that $4 billion, $200 million will go to building the fourth missile defense silo at Fort Greely, 13 News Now reports. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address US to Impose New Sanctions on Cuba as Part of Trump's New Policies - Treasury Sputnik News 17:02 08.11.2017(updated 18:42 08.11.2017) Donald Trump has been reconsidering many decisions by his predecessor Barack Obama, including with regard to the relations with Cuba, one of the major achievements of the former administration. Changes to the sanctions program against Cuba which were announced by US President Donald Trump in June will take effect on November 9, according to the US Treasury Department. According to the Treasury, the goal of the changes is to channel economic activity away from the Cuban military, intelligence and security services, but still allow Americans to travel to Cuba and support the country's private, small businesses. The State Department is currently putting together a list of entities and sub-entities with which people subject to US jurisdiction will no longer be allowed to conduct transactions, while the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security will be simplifying and expanding the exception that allows certain license-free exports to the Cuban private sector. According to a US administration official, now the ties between Washington and Havana depend on Cuba, while the sanctions, which are not linked to the so-called "acoustic attacks," are aimed to push the country to comply with political and economic freedoms. Washington's U-Turn on Cuba The decision comes in the wake of US President Donald Trump rolling back his predecessor's historic opening of relations with Cuba, announcing new business and travel restrictions to the Caribbean island nation. According to the White House, the United States retained the congressionally-mandated trade embargo imposed on Cuba and opposed the appeals of the United Nations and other international organizations to abolish it. Most lately, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley announced the decision to vote against the resolution condemning the US embargo against Cuba, which came amid the expulsion of Cuban diplomats under the pretext of an alleged "acoustic attack" on US officials, a claim denied by Havana. However, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has stated that the US would maintain relations with the Latin American country. The actions of the current US administration are out of tune with the policy of the administration of former President Barack Obama that announced in December 2014 the decision to normalize ties with Cuba after more than 50 years of non-engagement and hostilities. The two countries have reopened embassies in their respective capitals and have signed a dozen cooperation deals since then. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Speaking in South Korea, Trump threatens North Korea with 'destruction' Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 07:22AM US President Donald Trump has once again returned to fiery rhetoric against North Korea, threatening Pyongyang with "destruction" if it continues nuclear "provocations." Addressing South Korea's National Assembly on Wednesday, Trump attempted to portray his administration as much more willing than former US administrations to resort to military action against the North. "This is a very different administration than the United States has had in the past," Trump said. "Do not underestimate us. And do not try us," he added, apparently addressing North Korea. Trump, who was wrapping up his visit to Seoul, said, "We will not let the worst atrocities in history be repeated here, on this ground we fought and died to secure." "We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated," he added. In what he called a "direct" message to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the US president said, "The weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer, they are putting your regime in grave danger." "Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face," Trump said. "North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves." On the eve of a visit to China, he further called on countries around the world, including China and Russia, to step up their efforts to isolate North Korea by denying "it any form of support, supply, or acceptance." In earlier, confused remarks, he had threatened North Korea with military action while inviting it to make a deal with Washington. North 'to bolster nuclear capabilities' In a reaction to Trump's rhetoric, the North reiterated that it "will further bolster our nuclear, treasured sword of justice and defend our sovereignty and justice with nuclear weapons." In a commentary on Tuesday, the official publication of the Workers' Party of Korea, Rodong Sinmun, rebuked "the US and its puppets'... hostile acts and invasive attempts against" Pyongyang. It reassured that "as long as imperialism, the root of evil and injustice, is left on Earth, we will further build up our nuclear power." "US warmongers are increasing extreme tension here by holding a joint military exercise in the nearby waters of the peninsula with three nuclear aircraft carrier strike groups," wrote the newspaper, adding that North Korea expected "provocation" during Trump's Asia visit. Three US carrier strike groups are expected to carry out war games in the Western Pacific during Trump's visit this week, according to US officials, who declined to disclose the exact date. Making a pitch to sell American military equipment During his trip to Seoul, Trump praised South Korea for purchasing billions of dollars' worth of US military hardware. During his visit to Japan, he told Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that US weapons would help shoot down North Korean ballistic missiles. He encouraged the Japanese prime minister to "shoot them out of the sky when he completes the purchase of lots of additional military equipment from the United States." He even called on Abe to purchase "massive amounts of military equipment, as he should," boasting that "we make the best military equipment by far." China is Trump's next destination, where he would also discuss North Korea. He will later visit the Philippines and Vietnam during his tour of Asia. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address US Senate panel approves North Korea banking sanctions Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 05:02AM The US Senate Banking Committee has unanimously approved new sanctions against North Korea amid President Donald Trump's tour of Asia. The sanctions over Pyongyang's intercontinental ballistic missile program target all the financial institutions in China and elsewhere that help finance Kim Jong-un's government. The "Otto Warmbier Banking Restrictions Involving North Korea (BRINK) Act," which was approved on Tuesday, also aims to bolster existing sanctions on the country and congressional oversight. "The time has come for the US to take the lead to ensure that all nations work together to isolate the Kim regime until it has no choice but to change its dangerous, belligerent behavior," said Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) in a statement after the vote. The measure, which was named after a US student who died earlier this year in North Korea, was backed by all 12 Republicans and 11 Democrats on the panel to clear the way for its consideration by the full Senate. Senator Pat Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican and a cosponsor, said the bipartisan legislation is "designed to exert maximum economic pressure." "The bill sends a clear message to the world that the entire US government is committed to the strongest possible sanctions against North Korea," he noted. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), the Banking panel's ranking Democrat, said, "On a bipartisan basis, this Committee forged legislation that cuts to the heart of the North Korean regime by targeting the economic resources that Kim Jong-Un needs to stay in power and achieve his nuclear ambitions." Trump wrapped up his visit to South Korea Wednesday with a major speech on North Korea. He is due to arrive in China, where he will try to press President Xi Jinping to increase pressure on Pyongyang. Tensions have been building on the Korean Peninsula following a series of nuclear and missile tests by Pyongyang as well as threats of war and personal insults traded between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. North Korea has been under a raft of United Nations sanctions since 2006 over its nuclear tests and missile launches. Pyongyang has firmly defended its weapons programs as a deterrent against hostile policies of the US and its regional allies, including South Korea. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Germany Likely to Buy Lockheed Martin F-35s Sputnik News 22:02 08.11.2017 The German Air Force, also known as the Luftwaffe, is moving closer to buying the Lockheed Martin F-35 fifth-generation fighter. The Luftwaffe wants to replace its fleet of 85 Panavia Tornados, which date to the 1980s, with "fifth-generation" aircraft "to meet the full spectrum of our needs," Lt. Gen. Karl Muellner said Wednesday, the most visible public statement to date that Germany will procure the F-35. Last month, the aerial branch of the Bundeswehr sent out formal requests for information (RFIs) on the F-35, F-15, F/A-18 and the Eurofighter Typhoon. The service hopes for new warplanes to enter service in 2025 as the Tornadoes begin to go offline. The next fighter plane needs to be "low-observable, and able to identify and strike targets from a distance," Muellner told Reuters. A Lockheed executive told the wire service, "it's really about giving nations a deterrent capability. Because if you've got the capability to take an airplane into another country's airspace and they don't even know you're there, that's an incredible deterrent." In July, the US convened with European allies to discuss how the F-35 would be used in that theater. "Bringing the F-35 into this theater will really change the way we do business in a way that we haven't seen for decades," US Air Forces in Europe Vice Cmdr. Timothy Fay said at the time. Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey and the UK have already signed on as F-35 clients. Germany, Finland, Spain and Switzerland are possible future F-35 program participants. Germany's sent a letter requesting classified information (distinct from the aforementioned RFI) on the F-35 program in May to help Berlin conduct an "an in-depth evaluation of market available solutions." Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Rouhani urges Saudis to end hostilities, befriend Iran instead of US Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 10:01AM Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called on Saudi Arabia to cease its hostile policies against Tehran, warning against the ramifications of putting trust in the US and Israel. Speaking at his cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Rouhani reaffirmed Iran's support for the development of regional countries, including Saudi Arabia and said, "There is no way other than brotherhood, friendship and helping each other." "You are mistaken if you think Iran is not your friend, but the US and Israel are. This mentality is a strategic mistake and miscalculation," added the Iranian president. "Our path in the region is to establish and promote stability; we want the geographic borders not to change, nations to decide for themselves, and bombardments and aggression against regional nations to be stopped," he added. The president further reminded the Saudi rulers of Iran's might and influential role in the region, saying, "You are well aware of the power and status of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Those more powerful than you have failed to do anything against the Iranian nation." "The US and its lackeys mobilized all their equipment and power, but they could not do anything," he added. Rouhani pointed to the allegations about Iran's interference in regional countries, adding that such claims come while the Islamic Republic has been fighting terrorism in Iraq and Syria upon the request of those countries. The Iranian president pointed to the track record of the US and Israeli plots against regional countries, saying, "The hegemonic [states] plunder the oil and wealth of the region and, in return, they sell their a variety of weapons to fan the flames" of hostility. Saudi war on Yemen Rouhani lashed out at Saudi Arabia for waging a deadly war on its neighbor Yemen since March 2015. "How should the Yemeni nation respond to bombardment on such a scale? They are told not to use their own weapons. Well, stop the bombing and see whether or not the Yemeni nation responds positively. You do not allow delivery of medicine, food and UN assistance to the Yemenis. Is what you are doing reasonable and Islamic?" He also slammed Riyadh's hostility towards Iraq and Syria through the proxy of terrorist groups and said, "Why are you hostile towards the people of Syria and Iraq? Why did you create Daesh [terrorist group] and unleashed it on the people in the region?" Saudi interference in Lebanon Rouhani pointed to the sudden resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri in Riyadh on Saturday, calling it a result of the Saudi interference. "Why are you interfering in Lebanon's affairs and [in its] government? We cannot find an instance throughout history where a country meddling in the affairs of another country by apparently forcing the head of that country to resign. This is unprecedented in the history of the region," he pointed out. Hariri cited many reasons for his sudden resignation, including the security situation in Lebanon. He also said that he sensed a plot being hatched against his life. He accused Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement of meddling in Arab countries' affairs, an allegation the two have repeatedly denied. The surprise announcement has sparked a new political crisis at home in Lebanon, fueling speculations that the premier has been forced by the Riyadh regime to announce his resignation. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address UN Nuclear Chief Rejects U.S. Claim That Enforcement Of Iran Deal 'Weak' November 08, 2017 The UN's nuclear inspections chief has rejected claims by U.S. President Donald Trump and other administration officials that his agency's enforcement of the Iran nuclear deal has been "weak." "Some people believe that our verification activities are weak. This is not true," International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Yukiya Amano said on a visit to Washington on November 7. "We have had access to all the locations that we needed to visit, and this should continue," he said, adding that inspectors have been able to turn up at Iranian sites with as little as two hours' notice and were given access in more than 90 percent of cases. The 2015 nuclear agreement gave Iran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear activities which are verified by the UN agency. Trump cited "weak inspections" last month as a reason for not certifying that Iran was complying with the deal. But Amano said U.S. concerns have been "exaggerated." He said that in particular, whether a site is military or civilian is not "relevant," as some U.S. officials say. "The places that interest us are the places that have nuclear material, nuclear expertise, and nuclear-related equipment," he said. Amano visited Iran last week and met with President Hassan Rohani and other top officials. He said all assured him that Tehran would not be the first to pull out of the deal. A key factor enabling the UN watchdog to inspect facilities in Iran has been Iran's provisional implemention of an international protocol that gives the agency more tools to verify compliance, Amano said. It would be "a pity" if Iran were to stop allowing the agency to use those tools, he said, suggesting that pressure from the United States over the nuclear deal might prompt Tehran to backtrack at some point. Based on reporting by AFP and Reuters Source: enforcement-enforcement-iran-deal-weak/28841365.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Daesh militants besiege 10,000 civilians in western Iraq: UN Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 02:57PM The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) says members of the Takfiri Daesh militant group have laid siege to a town in Iraq's western province of Anbar, as army soldiers, backed by allied fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units, are engaged in a multi-pronged operation to retake the last remaining militant bastions in the country. The UN agency, in a statement released on Wednesday, announced that the Takfiris have taken about 2,500 families, equivalent to 10,000 individuals, hostage in Rawah, located about 300 kilometers (186 miles) northwest of the capital Baghdad, to block the progress of Iraqi forces. The OHCHR also appealed to the Iraqi government and security forces involved in the Rawah liberation operation to intensify humanitarian efforts and open safe exit routes for civilians to frustrate terrorist schemes aimed at using ordinary people as human shields. Late last month, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi formally ordered the launch of operations to purge the towns of Rawah and Qa'im from Daesh terrorists. Abadi visited the newly-liberated town of Qa'im and the nearby Husaybah border crossing in far western Iraq on Sunday, and raised the Iraqi flag at the border crossing. Meanwhile, the Iraqi Joint Operations Command (JOC) stated that army soldiers and fighters from the Popular Mobilization Units, commonly known by the Arabic name Hashd al-Sha'abi, have launched a joint offensive to retake the Rumana subdistrict from Daesh terrorists. Separately, Hashd al-Sha'abi bomb disposal units have cleared 20 booby-trapped houses in addition to a power plant in Qa'im, located nearly 400 km northwest of Baghdad near the Syrian border, days after government troops and their allies recaptured it from Daesh extremists. The pro-government volunteer fighters continue to comb the area for improvised explosive devices and mine left by the terrorists in order to facilitate the return of internally displaced persons. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saudi Arabia blocks over 1,200 bank accounts amid crackdown Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 06:59AM Saudi Arabia has blocked the bank accounts of over 1,200 individuals and companies as part of the kingdom's purported anti-graft campaign which is considered the biggest purge of the country's elite in the kingdom's modern history. The Saudi central bank has been expanding the blacklisted accounts on an almost hourly basis since Sunday, Reuters cited Saudi bankers and lawyers as saying on Tuesday. Dozens of princes, ministers and former ministers were detained on the order of Saudi Arabia's so-called Anti-Corruption Committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday in a crackdown which is widely believed to be aimed at consolidating his power. The detained individuals are facing allegations of money laundering, bribery, extorting officials and misappropriation of public office for personal benefits. Saudi authorities have warned that any assets related to the corruption cases would be seized as state property. Billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the chairman of investment firm Kingdom Holding, Nasser bin Aqeel al-Tayyar, the founder of Al Tayyar Travel Group and Amr al-Dabbagh, the chairman of builder Red Sea International are among the top business executives detained during the purge. The stocks of all three companies, which have issued statements saying they continue to operate as normal, plunged between 9 and 10 percent on Tuesday. A no-fly list has reportedly been drawn up and security forces in some Saudi airports are preventing owners of private jets from departing the country without a permit. Business uncertainty and capital flight While the crackdown has triggered uncertainty among businesses over the prospect of political instability and capital flight, the Saudi authorities are trying to reassure investors that the purge is part of the country's economic reform plan. The central bank reportedly held a meeting with some foreign banks this week, assuring them that the freezing of accounts targeted individuals and that the purge would not harm businesses, including those with ties to the arrested suspects. Moreover, Saudi Commerce Minister Majid al-Qasabi stressed that companies, including those owned by the arrested elites, will be accorded "full protection" under the law. Nevertheless, the current circumstances are fueling anxiety among investors who believe the arrests and asset freezes have left their businesses vulnerable. While the kingdom's general economic downturn and the unstable political situation have already triggered an outflow of capital in recent years, the latest anti-corruption drive has shaken the business community to the core, with major enterprises wondering who will be targeted next. Over the past year, the crown prince has become the ultimate decision-maker for the Persian Gulf kingdom's military, foreign, economic and social policies, angering some royals frustrated by his unorthodox and swift rise. Political analysts say the purge by the 32-year-old crown prince has centralized power to a degree that is unprecedented in recent Saudi history. US President Donald Trump has expressed support for the crackdown, saying some of those arrested had been "milking their country for years." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Saudi Arabia Steps Up Military Operation in Yemen and Media Campaign Against Iran By Edward Yeranian November 08, 2017 The war of words between Iran and Saudi Arabia is escalating in the media and on the ground after the weekend launch of a ballistic missile from Yemen which hit near the airport in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. The Saudis accuse Iran of arming Yemen's Houthi rebels, who fired the missile. Saudi state TV announced a fresh round of attacks by by the Saudi-led coalition forces in Yemen as tensions continued to escalate following the weekend ballistic missile launch. Saudi military forces say they shot down the missile, but shrapnel fell around Riyadh''s international airport. Television reports said Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman believes that Iran's "involvement in arming the Houthi rebels with ballistic missiles is a direct military aggression (against Riyadh) and reaches the level of armed aggression against the kingdom ... and that (Riyadh) reserves the right to respond at the right time and place" to the "Iranian aggression." A spokesman for Yemeni military forces loyal to the Saudi-supported government of President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi, Colonel Taher Hamid, told Saudi media he believes Riyadh has the "right" to respond to the latest missile attack on its soil. He says that the long-range missile attack (on the Saudi capital) sets a very dangerous precedent and he believes the kingdom has the right to respond, in accordance with article 51 of the U.N. charter. Article 51 stipulates that states "have the inherent right ... of self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a (member state of the UN) ... until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security." In Tehran, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani responded to world condemnation of the launch in remarks Wednesday, arguing that it was a "reaction" to what he termed "Saudi aggression" in Yemen. Iran supports the Houthis, but denies accusations that it is arming them. Saudi military spokesman Colonel Turki bin Saleh Al-Malki called the weekend ballistic missile attack on the Saudi capital Riyadh a "barbaric aggression," and blamed Iran for supplying the missiles. He says that the dangerous escalation by the Houthi militia group would not have occurred without the support of a nearby regional country, namely Iran, which supports the Houthi group by supplying them with ballistic missiles. Khattar Abou Diab, who teaches political science at the University of Paris, tells VOA the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran has been a "proxy war" on a number of fronts, including Lebanon and Yemen, but he worries that situation could escalate quickly into something much worse. He says the ballistic missile threat in the region is becoming more and more serious and could be the prelude to a major aggravation of the ongoing proxy war. He argues the situation could degenerate quickly if the Houthi militia group acts on its threats to attack the ports or airports of the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is a junior partner in the Saudi-led coalition. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Both ISIL and Syrian Government responsible for use of chemical weapons, UN Security Council told 7 November 2017 The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da'esh) was responsible for using sulfur mustard in a September 2016 attack in Umm Hawsh and the Syrian Government was accountable for the release of sarin in an April 2017 attack in Khan Shaykhun, the head of a Security Council-mandated investigation said Tuesday. "There has been sufficient evidence of a credible and reliable nature to make its findings," said Edmond Mulet, Head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (OPCW-UN JIM), during a briefing on the entity's latest findings, released on 26 October. He said that despite the challenges of investigating complex cases during an armed conflict, the Mechanism has taken great care to ensure that its methodology and findings were technically and scientifically sound. He said the Mechanism has been guided by the terms of reference approved by the Security Council, conducting its work "in an independent, impartial and professional manner." Mr. Mulet noted that 12 Member States provided case-specific information, including Syria. The Mechanism interviewed over 30 witnesses and reviewed 2,247 photographs, 1,284 video files, 120 audio files and 639 documents. Technical teams visited Damascus and the Al-Shayrat air base in September and October. Syria has engaged constructively with the Mechanism. Although it was too dangerous to visit Umm Hawh and Khan Shaykum, the panel considered that sufficient information had been gathered to come to a solid conclusion. The Mechanism has also obtained independent expert analysis and assessments and consulted with several international recognized experts in energetic materials and the medical effects of chemical warfare agents. It cross-checked witness statements and ensured that information gathered was credible and reliable. As for the 15-16 September 2016 incident, two women were found to have been exposed to sulfur mustard at Umm Hawsh, he said. A mortar shell containing sulfur mustard hit the house of one of the victims and a second shell containing the chemical agent was recovered lodged in the pavement. Based on the positioning of ISIL and the forensic assessment that the mortar shell came from the direction of areas held by that group, the panel is confident that ISIL was responsible for the use of the mortar shells containing sulfur mustard. As for the 4 April incident involving sarin, it killed around 100 people in Khan Shaykhun. The Mechanism examined eight possible scenarios, including that the incident might have been staged to place responsibility on the Government of Syria, he said. The Mechanism has carefully put together pieces of a complex puzzle, of which some parts are still missing. It could not establish with certainty that the aircraft which delivered the chemical bomb had taken off from Al Shayrat air base, or the type of plane involved. However, Syrian aircraft was in the immediate vicinity of Khan Shaykhun at the time of the bombing. The crater was determined by experts to have been most likely caused by the impact of an aerial bomb travelling at high velocity. In-depth laboratory study into the chemistry of sarin has revealed that the nerve gas used was very likely to have been made from the same precursor chemical that had come from the original stockpile of Syria, based on unique markers. He said the panel is confident that when taken together, all those elements constituted unmistakable evidence that Syria was responsible for the use of sarin at Khan Shaykun. It is now up to the Council to consider the next steps, he said, asking the 15-member body that in doing so, it also consider the victims of those insidious acts. "Impunity must not prevail," he said, pointing out that today, news about another instance of the use of chemical weapons in Syria has been received. Briefing on the work of the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Also briefing the Council was Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, who gave an update on the work of OPCW. Following a long-standing delay in gaining access, the OPCW is now conducting a visit to two stationary above-ground facilities to confirm their condition. This is the first step in the process of OPCW verification of the destruction of these facilities. She also expressed regret that neither the information provided during the consultations nor the latest submissions by the Syrian Arab Republic have enabled the resolution of all identified gaps, inconsistencies and discrepancies in Syria's declaration. Efforts to resolve these issues have been hampered by a lack of original historical records, as well as an ongoing lack of access to and engagement with senior leaders and officials who have an overarching knowledge of the Syrian chemical weapons programme, she said. On 2 November, the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission submitted its report on the alleged incident of the use of chemical weapons at Ltamenah on 30 March 2017. Given the limitations in some evidence, the Mission was not able to determine "with absolute certainty" the use of a chemical weapon, but was able to determine the presence of sarin on samples that came from the alleged site of the incident. These most recent findings are deeply concerning all the more so in view of the fact that the mandate of the OPCW-UN JIM is set to end on 16 November. "Allegations of the use of chemical weapons in Syria have not ceased and therefore nor has the need to identify and hold accountable those responsible for their use," she said. "The unity of the Security Council will be necessary in order to avoid impunity for the use of these abhorrent weapons." NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Syrian forces along with Lebanon's Hezbollah capture Daesh's last stronghold Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 08:11PM The Syrian forces along with allied fighters from Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement have liberated Bukamal, the last major Daesh-held town in Syria. "The last stronghold of Daesh, Bukamal, is free of the Daesh organization," said the Syrian commander of the operations on Wednesday night. Hezbollah fighters were "the foundation in the battle" he noted, adding that hundreds of the elite forces took part in the liberatoin operation. Reuters initially reported that Iraq's Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) also had a significant role in capturing of the city but later retracted the statement after it was denied by the Iraqi forces. "Our movements are carried out under orders from the commander in chief of the armed forces and our key objective is to liberate Iraq's territories from Daesh. We have no orders to cross the borders," said spokesman Ahmed al-Asadi said. Earlier, the Lebanon-based Arabic-language al-Manar television network reported that the Iraqi army and their allies crossed into the city, which is located in the country's eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr. The Syrian army and its allies broke Daesh's three-year-old siege on Dayr al-Zawr in September and fully liberated it on Friday. Dayr al-Zawr is the capital of an oil-rich Syrian province of the same name, which borders Iraq. The city used to serve as the main Daesh stronghold in Syria after the terror group left Raqqah in the north to US-backed Kurdish militants. Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Syrian army, allies enter Daesh's last stronghold on border with Iraq Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 01:04PM Syrian army soldiers, backed by pro-government fighters from popular defense groups, have entered the last major Syrian city controlled by the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group in the country's eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr. The Lebanon-based Arabic-language al-Manar television network reported on Wednesday that the Iraqi army and their allies crossed into Bukamal, which lies on the Euphrates River and the border with Iraq. The development came on the same day that Syria's official news agency, SANA, reported that army forces and their allies have launched wide-scale military operations against foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists in the country's west-central province of Hama in order to restore stability to al-Rahajan area and secure the road linking Hama to Aleppo. A military commander, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the operations are meant to destroy the fortifications of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, previously known as al-Nusra Front, terrorists. He added that army units, backed by Syrian Air Force fighter jets, have eradicated a large number of terrorists, destroyed numerous terrorist command centers and struck many vehicles, which had brought militants from Idlib in order to reinforce Jabhat Fateh al-Sham's ranks in the area. Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Russian Opposition Throws Doubt On Renewal Of UN Inquiry Into Syrian Gas Attacks RFE/RL November 08, 2017 Russia has rejected a UN investigative report blaming the Syrian government for a deadly sarin-gas attack, casting doubt on whether it will agree to extend the investigation's mandate before it expires next week. Russia vetoed a U.S. bid to renew the Joint Investigative Mechanism of the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on October 24. It has since offered to extend the inquiry's mission for six months, but only after an overhaul. "Without a comprehensive change, it will become a tool to settle accounts with the Syrian authorities," Russian UN Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov said on November 7, criticizing the report as full of "errors and systemic problems" that concluded that the Syrian forces were behind an April attack that killed dozens of civilians in the town of Khan Sheikhun. The United States and its allies defended the report and called for renewal of the UN investigative mission. "Russia is trying to shoot the messenger to cover up for the crimes of the Syrian regime," Deputy British UN Ambassador Jonathan Allen told the UN Security Council. Russia has been Syria's biggest backer in a six-year-old civil war that has killed and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Allen said Russia's call for an overhaul of the UN investigative team was "a cynical ploy to discredit a professional, independent, and impartial body" that "has very little if any support in the council and no realistic prospects of success." U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said there could be no higher priority than renewing the investigative team's mandate. The United States has drafted a resolution to extend its mandate for another 18 months beyond November 17. Haley said she revised the resolution to include some of Russia's proposals, such as embracing the importance of following high standards and sound evidence. But she said Russia continues "to push unacceptable language only meant to undermine the investigators and divide this council." Russia is one of five world powers on the UN Security Council that has veto power over resolutions. "Anyone who prevents us from achieving this goal is aiding and abetting those who have been using chemical weapons," Haley said. "They are helping to ensure, not just that more women and children will die, but that those women and children will die in one of the cruelest, most painful ways possible." Russia maintains the UN team's latest report on Khan Sheikhun is not credible because the team did not visit Khan Sheikhun or the Syrian air base where the sarin attack allegedly was launched, and instead relied on samples Moscow maintains may have been tampered with by Western intelligence. But Edmond Mulet, the head of the Joint Investigative Mechanism, said its experts were able to establish that the sarin was dropped in an air strike and that Syrian aircraft were in the area when the attack took place. Analysis of the sarin used at Khan Sheikhun matched that of the nerve gas found in Syrian stockpiles, Mulet said, adding that this composition "would be very difficult to replicate." Safronkov shot back that "the chemicals could have been produced anywhere to compromise intentionally the authorities of Syria." Mulet said his team reached its conclusions after examining 2,247 photos, 1,284 files of video footage, 120 audio files, and 639 documents, and worked according to guidelines set by the Security Council. Residents, government officials, doctors who treated victims, rescue personnel, and commanders of nonstate armed groups were interviewed as part of the probe, he said. Mulet said the team examined eight scenarios, including that the scene of the attack might have been staged by rebels to frame the Syrian government, as Russia contends. The investigation found nothing to prove the incident had been staged, "and when I say nothing, I mean nothing," Mulet said. As to Russia's criticism that the team didn't visit the site of the attack, Mulet said such a visit would have been of value, but was too dangerous to pursue, as the area is under the control of Al-Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda-linked extremist group. With reporting by AP, AFP, dpa, and Reuters Source: opposition-throws-doubt- renewal-un-inquiry-into-syrian- gas-attacks/28841505.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Tillerson Joins Other Diplomats, Signs Onto Statement Condemning Syrian Chemical Weapons By VOA News November 08, 2017 U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and several other diplomats signed onto a statement Wednesday condemning the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons against its citizens. Tillerson, along with the foreign ministers from France, Germany and Britain, released the joint statement. It followed a recent report from United Nations investigators that found the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad violated international law when it used sarin gas in the rebel-controlled town of Khan Sheikhoun earlier this year. "We condemn this heinous act and demand that the Syrian regime immediately cease any and all use of chemical weapons and finally declare to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons all chemical weapons that it possesses," the statement reads. Tillerson and the other diplomats said it is important to continue looking into instances of chemical weapons use in Syria and urged the U.N. to maintain the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) it established with the OPCW. According to the diplomats' statement, JIM investigators have reported that another sarin attack "more than likely" took place in the Syrian town of Al Lataminah just a week prior to the attack at Khan Sheikhoun. "A robust international response is now essential to hold those responsible to account, seek justice for the victims of these abhorrent attacks and to prevent such attacks from happening again," the diplomats wrote. Just last month, prior to the release of the latest chemical weapons report, Russia used its U.N. veto to block a resolution extending the mandate of the JIM investigators. The findings in the report were politically embarrassing for Russia, a staunch ally of the Syrian president. In Syria, the government is the only party to the conflict that possesses air capabilities. Russia had previously suggested that the gas was released from a bomb on the ground and not in the air. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Taiwanese Military Grounds Mirage Fleet After Jet Goes Missing In Flight Sputnik News 23:17 08.11.2017(updated 23:22 08.11.2017) The Taiwanese military grounded its fleet of French-made multirole Mirage 2000 aircraft on Wednesday after Capt. Ho Tsu-yu's plane disappeared from their radars 34 minutes after taking off. The jet took off Tuesday evening from the northeastern coast of the island, and was about 90 miles from shore went it suddenly went off the grid, the air force said. Grounding the fleet was likely taken as a precaution in the event that a technical malfunction caused the aircraft to disappear from radar. Seventeen jets were sent out to find the missing plane later on Tuesday, but so far rescue pilots have not found the Mirage or Ho, Channel News Asia reports. At least 10 Taiwan Coast Guard and Navy surface vessels are participating in the search and rescue operation as well, the Aviationist reports. The air force said it received signals that may have come from the plane's emergency equipment, the Taipei Times reports, adding that Ho communicated with some other pilots while flying. The communications data has been sent to an investigation committee, but the air force hasn't disclosed the content of those communications. Lt. Gen. Chang Che-ping called Ho an "excellent" pilot, adding that the air force hopes Ho can be "safely rescued soon." An investigation into Ho's background is ongoing, but Chang rejected the possibility that Ho defected to China. He also said the young aviator graduated pilot school in 2013 and logged more than 220 hours flying the Mirage since, according to the air force. Ho apparently had a health issue that triggered a leave of absence in 2015, but Chang did not disclose further details about Ho's health. Taiwan's Mirage 2000 jets have been involved in five accidents between 1999 and 2013, three of which were deadly, the Aviationist reports. Taiwan's fleet of 60 Mirage planes was also grounded in 2012 following the death of a pilot who was training on the jet in France. Sputnik NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address UK military cuts to hurt NATO: US general Iran Press TV Wed Nov 8, 2017 10:58AM The UK should stop making more cuts to its armed forces before hurting its position in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a top US general has warned. Speaking to BBC on Wednesday, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the commander of the US Army in Europe, expressed concerns about the British Ministry of Defense's plans for making 20 billion of efficiency savings. If the UK "can't maintain and sustain the level of commitments it's fulfilling right now, then I think it risks kind of going into a different sort of category," the general said. "I don't see how you could maintain those global commitments if you got any smaller." The government has already reduced the Army regular troops from 120,000 to 82,000. However, due to the difficulty of recruiting new staff, that number has even decreased to just over 78,000. The American general made the remarks ahead of new UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson's meeting with James Mattis, his American counterpart, during his first NATO Defense Ministers meeting in Brussels. All three branches of the British armed forces have been asked to come up with a list of options for cuts as part of the Ministry of Defense's struggles to control spending through an overall review. The Royal Navy's cuts are expected to impact the Royal Marines forces and limit the force's ability to carry out offensives on beaches. The Navy's two amphibious assault ships, HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark, might also be axed. "I'd hate to lose that particular capability... Whenever you take something off the table unilaterally then you've just made the job a little simpler for a potential adversary," Hodges said. The US general is known for consistently urging NATO allies to do more to meet what he calls a threat posed by Russia. The US-led military alliance decided last year to deploy an Enhanced Forward Presence force to the Baltic StatesEstonia, Lithuania and Latviaas well as Poland, following Russia's reunification with Crimea. Under the current plan, over 800 British troops and nearly 300 French troops are expected to be stationed in Estonia and form one of the four battalions the NATO is putting together near Russian borders. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address UK steps up commitment to European security 8 November 2017 The UK is increasing its commitment to European security as the Defence Secretary announces a package of support to stand by our allies. Speaking at the NATO Defence Ministerial in Brussels, Gavin Williamson will commit four RAF Typhoons to the Southern Air Policing mission in Romania next summer. Following a successful rotation last summer, the fast jets will be redeployed to the country, working with our Romanian allies to police the Black Sea skies. Marking a further commitment to Europe, the Defence Secretary will announce that the UK is stepping up in the Western Balkans. In addition to the troops already based in Kosovo, supporting peace in the country, and our contribution to the EU's Op Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from next year a Battalion will be held at high readiness to respond to any situation in the region. This will see 600 soldiers ready to move into the region at short notice. Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said: "In the face of an increasingly assertive Russia, the UK has significantly stepped up its commitment to Europe and today I can confirm a further package of support, showing how we remain at the forefront on European security." "We are standing by our allies across air; deploying Typhoons to Southern Air Policing in Romania, land; increasing our support to the Kosovo peacekeeping operation, and sea; with HMS Ocean returning to the NATO Standing Maritime Group." The Defence Secretary will also welcome the return of HMS Ocean to one of NATO's Standing Maritime groups, following its redeployment to the Caribbean to help in the hurricane recovery. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Armed Forces Minister reinforces UK support to Gibraltar 8 November 2017 Minister for the Armed Forces, Mark Lancaster, arrives in Gibraltar today. He will meet Gibraltar Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, Deputy Governor, Nick Pyle OBE, as well as service personnel stationed in the UK overseas territory as part of a visit to discuss Brexit and the role of the UK's military in Gibraltar. Minister for the Armed Forces, Mark Lancaster, said: "Gibraltar is of great importance to the UK, our Armed Forces and our allies. It has provided vital assistance to operations and exercises over the years, perhaps best demonstrated by the recent support to the UK's hurricane relief effort in the Caribbean." "We are absolutely steadfast in our support of Gibraltar, its people and its economy and will fully involve Gibraltar as we prepare to exit the European Union." In meetings with the Deputy Governor and The Chief Minister, Mark Lancaster will stress the UK's commitment to upholding Gibraltar's sovereignty as well as ensuring that their priorities are taken properly into account as the UK prepares to leave the EU. Whilst in Gibraltar, Mr Lancaster will also attend an event recognising the important role that personnel stationed there played as part of the UK military response to Hurricane Irma. They delivered vital assistance to HMS Ocean as she docked to load humanitarian aid and disaster relief before sailing to the Caribbean Islands to assist those devastated by the hurricane. He will also meet with Royal Navy Gibraltar Squadron who support British military activity in the region, providing force protection for visiting allied warships as well as upholding the sovereignty of British Gibraltar territorial waters. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Ukrainian Lawmaker To Propose Cutting Diplomatic Ties With Russia RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service November 08, 2017 KYIV -- A lawmaker from Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's party has told RFE/RL he plans to propose legislation that would sever diplomatic relations with Russia. Ivan Vinnyk spoke to RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service on November 8, after reports that he had already submitted the proposal prompted criticism from Moscow. The proposal comes as the Verkhovna Rada considers a bill governing what lawmakers hope will be the "reintegration" of parts of eastern Ukraine held by Russia-backed separatists whose war against Kyiv has killed more than 10,000 people since April 2014. The single-chamber parliament approved the bill in its first of two required votes on October 6. The second and final vote, which would send the bill to Poroshenko if it is approved by the Rada, is expected next week. Vinnyk told RFE/RL that he has not yet submitted an amendment that would require Ukraine to cut diplomatic ties with Moscow but intends to do so. HIs proposal would "oblige the cabinet of ministers, within three months from the date of entry into force of this law, to denounce, terminate, withdraw the signature under the protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Russia," "After that, diplomatic ties will be terminated," Vinnyk said. "This does not mean that we will not be able to support a certain amount of trade relations if necessary, [or] that Ukrainians will not be able to travel to Russia." The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the plan. Kremlin Backlash Russian officials and pro-Kremlin politicians lashed out swiftly following reports that Vinnyk had proposed cutting off ties. "If such a decision is will further complicate the situation and...damage the interests of people both in Ukraine itself and in Russia," said Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov. Peskov suggested it would undermine efforts to end the war in eastern Ukraine, which persists despite a European-brokered pact on a cease-fire and steps to end the conflict and restore Ukrainian control over separatist-held areas. Kyiv and NATO say Russia has sent troops into Ukraine and has also been arming and funding the separatists, claims that Moscow denies despite mounting evidence. The conflict broke out after Russia fomented separatism across eastern and southern Ukraine -- and seized the Crimean Peninsula -- following pro-European protests that pushed Moscow-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych from power in February 2014. Putin is likely to discuss the war in Ukraine with U.S. President Donald Trump at a possible meeting on the sidelines of a November 10-11 Asia-Pacific economic summit in Vietnam. The U.S. envoy for efforts to end the conflict, Kurt Volker, said last week that he will plans to meet with Kremlin envoy Vladislav Surkov on November 13 in Belgrade. With reporting by Interfax and TASS Source: cutting-diplomatic-ties/28842771.html Copyright (c) 2017. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Clashes near vital infrastructure in eastern Ukraine may have 'grave' impact on population, UN warns 8 November 2017 Recent escalation of fighting in close proximity of critical infrastructure and services in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, could endanger over a million lives, the top United Nations official in the country has warned. "As we enter winter, any disruption of essential services, such as water and heating amid freezing temperatures could have grave consequences," said Neal Walker, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, in a statement Wednesday. "I remind all parties to the conflict of their obligation to respect civilian infrastructure and to protect civilians. Any intentional disruption of access to quality water supply or critical heating systems is a clear violation of International Humanitarian Law," he underscored. In the past six days, the Donetsk Filter Station has been shelled for three consecutive nights. Another station, the Verkhniokalmiuska Filter Station, was hit more than a dozen times in a single night. Stations such as these provide clean water to some 1.1 million people on both sides of the 459-kilometre 'contact line' dividing eastern Ukraine. Furthermore, these stations are also essential to keep heating systems functioning. "Without sustained water supply, heating systems will stop and health conditions will deteriorate. Children, the elderly, women and people with disabilities may flee their homes in search of heat and shelter," noted Mr. Walker. At the same time, the fighting has also prompted concerns over the possible release of hazardous chlorine gas stored at the two filter stations. If a single 900-kilogram gas container is hit, anyone within 200 meters might receive fatal dose of the poisonous gas. The conflict, now in its fourth year, continues to take a toll on civilians, denying the most vulnerable of their basic needs as well as their safety and protection. "In this protracted crisis, millions of families trapped in active hostilities and people displaced are losing hope for a future," said the UN official, calling on parties to uphold their responsibility to facilitate the access of humanitarian organizations to provide critical services for the most vulnerable Ukrainians affected by the conflict. NEWS LETTER Join the mailing list Enter Your Email Address Back in May this year, Google announced that it's mobile payments service Android Pay will soon be available in five more markets around the world, including Brazil. And now, it looks like the Brazilian launch is imminent. The company has started sending out press invites for a November 14 event in the country, and it's likely that Android Pay will be officially launched in the country that day. Not only Brazil, but Czech Republic is also apparently set to get the service the same day, as November 14 event has been scheduled there as well. Via 1 2 Earlier this year, rumors said Huawei was in talks with a US carrier (later identified as AT&T) over sales of its top of the line smartphones. The last report on the matter, in August, claimed a tentative agreement had been reached. Today AT&T-branded firmware for the Huawei Mate 10 Pro has been revealed to exist, which pretty much confirms that this handset is headed to the US carrier at some point in the future. The mumblings from the summer said sales would commence in the first part of 2018, and that definitely still seems possible. Huawei is apparently only going to make the Mate 10 Pro available in the US, and not the Mate 10 too. This isn't unheard of, with other markets also only getting one of the models. As you may have expected, AT&T will require its bloatware to be pre-installed. As with the international model, the Mate 10 Pro will run Android 8.0 Oreo with EMUI 8.0 on top. Intriguingly, Mozilla's Firefox browser will be there alongside Chrome. The Chinese company could officially announce the Mate 10 Pro for the US market at CES in early January. Pricing details haven't been leaked yet, nor a specific release time frame. Source These are the best offers from our affiliate partners. We may get a commission from qualifying sales. vivo will expand to Europe and Africa in 2018 with Qualcomm's help vivo is one of the top smartphone makers yet the brand is not well known outside of its key markets China and India. That will change next year as the company expands into Europe and Africa. To bolster its position, vivo signed a $4 billion memorandum of understanding with Qualcomm. This will entail technical partnership and patent sharing to bring 5G phones to market and diversify biometric authentication features. vivo was the first to do demo a fingerprint reader below the display, but the two companies also want to develop 3D facial identification (think iPhone X), along with scanning palm prints, iris scanning and more. Recently, the company launched the X20 with Face Wake, vivos facial recognition (based on the 12MP selfie camera), and Qualcomms Snapdragon 660 chipset. Sibling company Oppo and rival Xiaomi signed similar memorandums with Qualcomm, pushing up the potential monetary value up to $12 billion (which will be spread out over 3 years). Oppo and Xiaomi are also interested in 3D scanning tech, which was reportedly co-developed by Qualcomm and Himax (which made a crucial component in the Google Glass display). A former British army soldier has been jailed for life after being found guilty of murdering a man who was stabbed to death outside a chip shop. Donal Colgan (66), formerly of Killarney Court, Killarney Street, Dublin 1, had pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to the manslaughter of 44-year-old Dav- id Sheridan, who died after being stabbed outside Luigi's takeaway on the city's North Strand Road three years ago. However, a jury unanimously found him guilty of murder following five days of evidence and six hours and 44 minutes of deliberation. Perfect "We're happy with the verdict but it doesn't bring David back," Mr Sheridan's family said in a statement. "He will be missed terribly, and we all love him." In a statement read to the court by Gda Ronan Hobbs, Mr Sheridan's son Jake Fay said his dad was "not perfect but he did his best" and did not deserve to die in the way he did. He said he would never forgive his father's murderer. Colgan's defence had argued that he lost all self-control after Mr Sheridan struck him on the head with a bag of cans. The prosecution said Colgan attacked the deceased out of anger following a row. The defendant, who was discharged from the British Army due to injuries suffered in an explosion in Libya, had spent the Sunday evening of August 17, 2014 drinking in the Sunset House pub. He went to Luigi's for a bag of chips on his way home and, while he was there, a number of young "lads" started "slagging him off". When Mr Sheridan arrived with his friend Gary Kinlan, CCTV footage showed Colgan aggressively pointing at them. As Colgan left the chip shop, he became involved in a scuffle with Mr Kinlan. Colgan alleged that Mr Kinlan had punched him before Mr Sheridan emerged from the chip shop and said: "Hit him with the bottles." Mr Kinlan had thrown a bottle at him, striking him on the forehead and knocking him to the ground. However, Mr Kinlan said Colgan had been the first to throw a punch. After being hit by the bottle, Colgan said he was "dazed" and anger and frustration took over. He had walked to his nearby apartment, retrieved a kitchen knife and returned to Luigi's seven minutes after the initial scuffle with Mr Kinlan. Colgan said he had no intention of stabbing anyone and, although he was afraid, anger and frustration took over. By the time he reached Luigi's, he had started hoping Mr Sheridan and Mr Kinlan would not be there. Colgan alleged he was att-acked by the deceased, who had hit him on the head with a bag of cans. He added: "I just lost complete control." This led to his defence of provocation, with Justice Tony Hunt explaining that, if a person accused of murder was provoked by the deceased to the point where he was no longer master of his own mind, then he would be guilty of manslaughter, not murder. Cruel Judge Hunt said yesterday that it was sometimes satisfying to send a person to prison, but this was not one of those occasions. He said Colgan had not gone out that evening with any intention of doing what he had and that, if he could turn back the clock, he would do so. He said it was clear the dec-eased had been a "nice man" who had not deserved to die in such a "cruel" way. Judge Hunt also called on the legislature to look at the defence of provocation, particularly in cases where an accused brings an offensive weapon "into play". It was the second time the case had been tried, the first trial having collapsed after a gap was discovered in the CCTV footage. Luas Cross City will open for passengers on Saturday, December 9, the Herald can reveal. Full tram services will operate from 2pm, allowing Christmas shoppers and commuters to travel from Cabra/Broombridge to the capital's main shopping areas of Henry Street and Grafton Street before carrying on to Dundrum. Those keen to continue their shopping experiences will also be able to transfer to the Red line at O'Connell Street, continuing to Tallaght, or perhaps take in a show at the 3Arena, where Andre Rieu plays that night. Training A spokeswoman confirmed full services will be running in just over four weeks' time, adding that the new service would form part of late-night services over the festive season. "Luas is being delivered on time and on target after four-and-a-half years and in advance of the Christmas rush, so commuters, businesses and shops can all enjoy Christmas with the new service in place," the spokeswoman said. Driver training is under way, and testing is continuing to ensure that services run smoothly. Some works still remain to be done, including planting, which is likely to continue into the new year. Luas Cross City will cost almost 370m and will extend the Green Line, which currently runs from Bride's Glen to St Stephen's Green. It will continue for almost 6km to Broombridge, near Cabra, where it will connect with Irish Rail services to Maynooth, Longford and Sligo. There is an interchange on O'Connell Street, where pass-engers can transfer to the Red Line, which runs to the Point Depot and on to Tallaght/Saggart. Construction work began in July 2013, and 10 million passengers a year are expected to use the service. It will take 21 minutes to travel from St Stephen's Green to Cabra, with 13 new stops along the route, eight of which are in the city centre. The new system is designed to help reduce congestion and emissions from traffic and improve air quality. One of the country's most dangerous criminals narrowly avoided being caught with a loaded firearm during a massive garda operation, it has emerged. Around 100 officers were involved in the lengthy investigation on Monday, which led to four dangerous criminals being arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder. Two of the thugs were caught with a loaded Beretta fitted with a silencer on Philipsburgh Avenue, while another two high-profile criminals were detained in the south inner city. They were on their way to take out Hutch gang associate Gary Hanley (28) when they were intercepted. Further details of one of the most significant operations in the State's history emerged last night. The Herald can now reveal that a 38-year-old thug regarded as one of the most dangerous individuals in the country was moments from being caught red-handed with the loaded gun. Expand Close Hutch gang associate Gary Hanley was the intended target / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Hutch gang associate Gary Hanley was the intended target A surveillance operation uncovered how the firearm to be used in the murder plot was handed over on the Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin. The criminal, who is a suspect in up to 10 murders, was travelling in the vehicle with the hitman and getaway driver as they were en route to carry out the shooting. However, the thug got out of the van just moments before members of the elite Emergency Response Unit (ERU) stopped the vehicle transporting the loaded firearm. Despite not being caught at the scene in possession of the handgun and ammunition, the thug was arrested moments later as he drove in a vehicle near his home in Christchurch, Dublin 8. It has also emerged that Hanley came across the scene just moments after armed gardai arrested the hit team on their way to kill him. Assault "Hanley bizarrely walked past just minutes after the ERU hard-stopped the hit team," a source said. "He asked one of the officers 'Was this for me?' and was told to get himself home." The convicted criminal was warned last month of the threat against his life, but he refused to leave the country. Hanley has more than 30 previous convictions for offences including drug dealing, serious assault and other crimes. He was once brutally assaulted in Mountjoy Prison by a convicted killer. Now a feared enforcer, he was convicted of an armed robbery when he was only 15. Sources said he had "risen through the ranks" within the Hutch gang after being released from his latest jail sentence around a year and a half ago. Gardai were last night continuing to hunt for a 33-year-old cartel associate who they want to question over the murder conspiracy. Four criminals are also continuing to be questioned over their suspected involvement in the elaborate murder plot. Those detained include the 38-year-old hitman for hire who was only recently released from prison. Another man being quizzed is a 35-year-old criminal who is a high-ranking member of the Kinahan cartel. This individual was arrested at his apartment in the south inner city by members of the Armed Support Unit. Investigators suspect that he was the person responsible for organising the hit. It emerged last night that the gangster had become an "organiser" within the cartel's operations. Also arrested was a 23-year-old thug who previously survived an attempt on his life, as well as a 37-year-old career criminal who was only recently released from prison after serving a sentence for explosives and firearms offences. This drug addict was previously busted with the high-ranking cartel member. A 39-year-old man who lives in the leafy Blackrock area is also suspected of being involved in the murder plot. Searched He has been linked to the Kinahan cartel for a number of years, and his home was searched as part of the probe into Monday night's foiled murder. Assistant Commissioner John O'Driscoll said the operation was one of the most significant carried out in the history of the State that didn't involve subversives. He also paid tribute to the officers who were involved. "Clearly with an intervention like this there is a serious level of risk assessment that takes place," said Mr O'Driscoll. "You have members of An Garda Siochana putting their own lives at risk," He also warned of more arrests. "There are people whose doors we will be knocking at," he said. Five fifth-class pupils had their mouths taped shut by a teacher when they refused to stop talking in class, a Teaching Council fitness to practise inquiry was told yesterday. They gave evidence of their treatment by the substitute teacher at the first public fitness to practise inquiry held by the council. The female teacher was facing allegations of professional misconduct at the inquiry into the incident, which happened in the primary school on March 7, 2012. "I was scared and shocked," said one of the teenagers as she recalled the incident. The school was not named and the identity of the teacher, the principal and the pupils was also not made public. The hearing ended with the three-member panel indicating that they would give their decision on the case at a later date. The teacher was not present at the hearing and was not represented. In a submission to the Teaching Council, she had denied the accusations and claimed the children had taped up their own mouths. Each of the pupils contradicted the teacher's statement. The young witnesses said six boys and five girls were in a maths class when the incident happened. They admitted that all the pupils were talking and messing about and that they did not stop talking despite the teacher telling them to "whist" on several occasions. The substitute teacher, who had started working at the school only two days previously, said she would Sellotape their mouths if they did not stop talking. "She could not control the class. We kept talking," said one witness, who is now aged 16. The witnesses said the teacher placed Sellotape on two of the girls' lips and instructed the other three girls to put Sellotape on their own mouths. The six boys in the class did not have their mouths Sellotaped, they said. According to one witness, the teacher later asked the boys if the Sellotape should be removed from the girls' mouths and the boys said "No". The tape remained on the girls' mouths for up to 30 minutes until the class ended. Upset The school principal said she was informed about what had happened by a pupil and she spoke with the five girls. "I could see they were upset. One or two were crying," she said. The girls had "little red marks" around their mouths, the principal added. When the teacher arrived back at the school later that afternoon, she put the allegations to her . The principal said the teacher did not deny it had happened and said she "didn't mean any harm by it". The teacher later informed the Teaching Council that she did not put tape over the pupils' mouths. The principal informed her that afternoon that she was not to return to her job. She contacted the parents about the incident and asked the girls to write down what had happened. The principal said she had been in contact with the Department of Education, Tusla and the HSE about the incident. She added that one of the parents contacted the Department of Education to complain. The teacher later informed the Teaching Council that she would not be capable of dealing with an oral public hearing. She said she was not giving the council permission to go ahead with the hearing. The teacher also said she did not want to receive emails or phone calls from the council. Police Accountability Boards starting work in most Maryland counties Mandated by state law after the killing of George Floyd, Police Accountability Boards have begun work in the majority of Maryland counties. C ounting down the days until Christmas has never been so inviting thanks to the festive samples and mini-bottles tucked neatly behind the cardboard doors of this year's fun-filled advent calendars. Food blogger Annem Hobson has joined forces with ASDA to launch a cheese advent calender to celebrate the festive season. Costing 8 for 24 pieces of individually wrapped portions of cheese, you can spend December munching your way through different varieties of Jarlsberg, Applewood, mature cheddar, Red Leicester and Wensleydale with cranberries. It hits the store on November 9. With a different Italian larder sample behind each door, keen cooks will love the Carluccio's advent calendar. For 75, you can squirrel away 24 delicious store cupboard essentials such as chilli pesto, wild boar ragu, fig jam and truffle butter. Including 24 different chillies from around the world alongside handy recipes, The Big Chilli advent calender is priced at 35. Have a glass of milk ready for the day you open the world's hottest chilli, the Carolina Reaper. And to keep the festive spirit rolling throughout December, Aldi has a wine advent calender for 49.99. Every day offers a new mini bottle of red, white, rose or fizzy wine. Click through our gallery above to see more advent calendars to help you count down to Christmas... A growing band of designers are delving into ancient Greek, Roman and Norse mythology, while creatives with fertile imaginations are dreaming up mythological characters of their own. There have been revivals of classical motifs through the ages, including the postmodernist architecture of the Seventies and the neo-expressionist art movement of the Eighties, whose members including Francesco Clemente and Mimmo Paladino favoured primitive, mythological imagery. Designers of the Eighties, such as Timney Fowler, also filled their work with Greek and Roman motifs from pillars and pediments to statues of emperors and gods. One difference between that decades revival and the current one is that designers today are creating objects highlighting the similarity between the ancient worlds simple, functional vessels and our own modern, streamlined homeware. Typifying this approach is the Delta collection co-created by Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin of Formafantasma, which references ancient Roman vessels. The Italian design duo scoured Roman archaeological sites and museums for inspiration, taking photos and notes that formed the basis of their designs. They were struck by Imperial Romes more mundane objects, and their Acquedotto water jug and vinegar dispenser in clay red, black or off-white emulate these age-old pots earthy colours and stripped-down shapes. 423: Titus con Manici urn by Jaime Hayon for Paola C Spanish designer Jaime Hayons pared-down New Roman tableware for Italian brand Paola C also looks to ancient Roman vessels but uses more opulent materials. Its glossy black ceramic Titus vase, which nods to the amphorae Romans used to store wine, sits on a brushed brass base. Similarly, Hayons metal Colosseum bowl rests on a copper or brushed silver-plated base featuring arches mimicking the famous amphitheatre. He says the collection is inspired by vessels of the Roman Empire but transforms antique references into a celebration of contemporary craft. 345: square green Urn Decoupage tray by Bridie Hall for Pentreath & Hall Pentreath & Hall has given a modern twist to the ancient Greek figure vase, with trays incorporating black-and-white decoupage images of urns set against punchier, contemporary hues of ruby red or moss green. The trays evoke the 18th-century revival of classical Greece and Rome the first wave of neoclassicism promoted by artists and designers returning from the Grand Tour. Price on request: Owl and Deer figures by Lena Peters, stylised versions of Roman-era artefacts found in 2015 The work of ceramicist Lena Peters reinterprets the imagery of these ancient cultures in a more personal way. Her stylised animal-shaped objects are based on real objects found in 2015 in a settlement dating from the Roman occupation of Britain near Hadrians Wall. Her project, Secrets of the Hidden North, was exhibited recently at the British Ceramics Biennial in Stoke-on-Trent. Helen M Strevens, founder of HMS Studio, says her passion for classical motifs stems from studying the history of architecture. Her Roman Graffiti plates and jewel-bright taffeta cushions, stocked by Jonathan Charles, bear linear images of slightly comic, swaggering gods, satyrs and mermen. One designer giving free rein to her imagination is Jennifer Shorto. Her Cadre Noir wallpaper mingles Op Art-inspired elements, Mexican totemic structures and horses. She was inspired by 20th-century Italian artist Giorgio de Chiricos melancholy urban scenes but depicted the horses in Smurf blue to inject humour. 38: Forest Jig cushion by Ellie Curtis for St Judes Ellie Curtiss Forest Jig fabric pictures imaginary, long-snouted creatures dancing deliriously, as if performing an ancient ritual. And the sponge-like mind of designer Emma Shipley whose silk cushions teem with phoenixes and dragons has soaked up such wide-ranging influences as medieval legends, Norse myths, Beowulf, Tolkiens Middle Earth and even Game of Thrones. O nce a forlorn little east London corner, Silvertown is poised for stardom thanks to a regeneration programme that will create the capitals first factory-built town. A factory will be built on-site to construct the components for 850 new homes as part of a 3.5 billion masterplan. Residents should be moving in by 2020. Their new homes will be part of an architectural and retail scheme that is promised strictly to be free of skyscrapers and chain stores. "We see it as a vibrant 24-hour area. And we are obsessed with design. We wont build homes that are just boxes with no character or identity" Right now there are few clues that Silvertown, stranded on a sliver of land between the Thames Barrier, London City airport and Pontoon Dock, is being put on the map. A few small developments were thrown up on disused industrial sites in the Eighties and Nineties but work fizzled out, leaving the new locals stranded. Buying a pint of milk is still a challenge in Silvertown, and if you plan on going out locally to eat or drink, you can forget it: there is nothing here but old, abandoned mills. GIANT PROJECT Olaide Oboh is spokeswoman for the Silvertown Partnership, a consortium of three developers Chelsfield Properties, First Base and Macquarie Capital leading the regeneration. Pre-fabulous: no tall towers and no chain stores at Silvertown, which will eventually have 3,000 new factory-built homes / Silvertown Partnership We see it as a vibrant, 24-hour area, she says. And we are obsessed with design. We wont build homes that are just boxes with no character or identity. They will work well and be beautiful to look at. The regeneration of Silvertown has been considered for years. There has been a lengthy preparation period, part of which was taken up with obtaining planning permission for the project from Newham council. Stripping out a ton of dangerous asbestos from the Millennium Mills, a hulking Art Deco former flour mill which will eventually become the centrepiece of the 62-acre site, was a mammoth task. But over the next few months the pace will pick up. Poised for a decision: TfL plans a new Silvertown to Greenwich road tunnel Later this year a container city of up to 250 shipping containers will be installed, providing affordable temporary workspace for small businesses. By the new year the ambitious first phase of this giant project will get under way. THE POTENTIAL TO BE SPECTACULAR The restoration of the potentially spectacular Millennium Mills, which will feature shops, bars, and restaurants plus workspace for start-up firms, will be completed by about 2019, and simultaneously a new bridge will be installed over Royal Victoria Dock, giving pedestrian access to the new super-fast Crossrail links to the City and West End when they begin next year from nearby Custom House station. Transport for London, meanwhile, is pursuing plans to dig a new road tunnel beneath the Thames from Silvertown to the Greenwich Peninsula. A government decision on whether to allow the 1 billion project is expected within days. An opening date of 2022 or 2023 has been pencilled in. Connection: a curved new Royal Victoria Dock footbridge will give access to Crossrail at Custom House / Alamy Eventually there will be about 3,000 new homes, ranging from one to five bedrooms a mixture of private, affordable, shared ownership and built to rent. Whatever their tenure, all of Silvertowns new homes will be prefabricated, their components created on-site in the purpose-built new factory. This process will be faster than regular housebuilding, and roughly 20 per cent cheaper. This saving will not be passed on to buyers, as pricing will be based on local values. However, Olaide Oboh promises other benefits. We want to deliver 100 per cent snag-free homes. "Dont think about the old idea of a prefabricated home, built like a cross between a shed and a bungalow. Prefabricated homes are now a sophisticated and universally used way of providing beautiful and well-designed, long-lasting homes. We are going to make this area look beautiful. On the water: sport and leisure will be in the mix at the docks new town The partnership is working with a seriously impressive 20-strong design team of internationally recognised architects including David Adjaye, David Chipperfield, Rem Koolhaas, Richard Rogers and AHMM, which designed the Saatchi Gallery. The first detailed designs will be revealed next year. AMBITIOUS PLANS Award-winning practice Stanton Williams has drawn up the plans for the new Silvertown Bridge, a wide concrete boardwalk curving across Royal Victoria Dock, with an opening section to allow boats and barges to sail below. The other ambitious promise made by the Silvertown Partnership is that it will not create a town just for people who work in the City and Canary Wharf but cannot afford to live there, but a self-sufficient urban town. As well as independent shops, cafes, bars and restaurants, Roundhouse, based in Camden Town, is planning to open up in Silvertown. How cool is that?: Roundhouse plans a music/education venue in Silvertown Like its north London counterpart Roundhouse East will be a music venue and education space. Silvertown will also have a new school, a health centre, and therell be plenty of job creation both during the construction and also in the new businesses that will be able to take space at the site. The drawback is that the project will take at least 20 years to complete, and residents will have to live through the building process. And its proximity to London City airport means flight path noise is inevitable: some homes will need quadruple soundproofing. The bright side is the convenience of having an international airport just half a mile away, says Olaide Oboh, while plane takeoff paths will ensure there are no high-rise buildings at Silvertown. Millennium Mills is our tallest building at 12 storeys, she says. We are going to show you can do high-density housing without having to go high rise. WHAT YOU CAN BUY NOW 500,000: a two-bedroom flat at the Barrier Point Road scheme in E16. Purple Bricks (0121 396 0867) Homes close to Londons major regeneration zones have historically tended to outperform in terms of property price growth. So buyers keen to get in on the ground and reap the benefits of Silvertown right now could buy a two-bedroom purpose-built flat close to the river for about 350,000, or a home with river views for about 550,000. There are some more glamorous townhouses to be had south of North Woolwich Road but dont expect bargains. EyeforTravel are constantly researching the trends and technologies that are set to disrupt the travel industry. Mobile innovation and the internet's control over the travel consumer is forcing travel brands to evolve the way they work, create new business models and service their customers and this conference will facilitate this change. 300 heads of mobile innovation, technology, marketing and innovation from America's biggest transport, hospitality and travel brands will meet with one goal identify the strategies, partnerships, innovations and business models that will make their companies thrive in the future. Data driven customer insight, the evolving mobile consumer and a host of other technologies are the drivers behind this change and we are looking for innovators in this space to join the speakers such as Hilton, Marriott, Air Canada, IHG, Expedia, Cathay Pacific and more to showcase how they are using digital and tech innovation to enhance the customer experience. The full agenda will be launched early December but here's a sneak peek of some of the hot topics their summit in San Francisco will cover. Personalization, hyper-segmentation, voice and chatbots as tools to enhance customer experience & optimize your marketing efforts Re-imagining the customer journey and venture beyond the transaction how can you delight customers at every touchpoint to build and retain loyalty? Perfecting your mobile marketing recipe to drive interaction and ensure a seamless customer experience Applying and integrating disruptive technologies such as AI, machine learning, VR, mixed reality and blockchain into your strategy Leveraging consumer insights to drive targeted social media and content marketing programs, and more! Sign up here to get the brand-new brochure sent to you. Here's what some of the 2017 attendees had to say: "The conference was a great opportunity to engage with key stakeholders in the industry and to hear what travel companies are doing to leverage new technologies" - Deyola Adekunle, GM, Caribbean, HotelTonight "For the travel marketer today, trends are changing quickly while consumers expect more so understanding the technology available and applications is essential. EyeforTravel creates a conference that ties this all together with actionable insights and application." - Rebecca Robinson, Director of Marketing, WayBlazer "Very informative and amazing group of assembled professionals. EyeforTravel clearly understands the tech pulse of the travel industry." - Christian Wolters, Managing Director, TourRadar A mixture of active debate, insightful presentations and 1-2-1 networking will be at the heart of this year's conference. They're also currently offering a launch discounted rate, something worth getting your hands on! This offer is available until November 17th click here to claim your discounted pass: For more details contact Renu Kannu [email protected] About Reuters Events Reuters Events is a community where the worlds top online travel brands from hotels to airlines, online travel agents, cruise, car hire firms and more come to meet to drive forward growth and innovation in the industry. We know that working in the turbulent online travel industry is as exciting as it is challenging. In this constantly evolving market place, we appreciate that keeping up with the pace of change can be tough, not to mention time consuming. You need the right information, contacts and strategic insight to succeed. Established in 1997, by Tim Gunstone, we offer a diverse product portfolio including industry analysis, insights, research, webinars, reports and conferences to suit the needs of our clients. Our clients read as a whos who of online travel. From major hotel brands to new startups, we help our 80,000 strong customer base make better decisions, build better brands, close the most lucrative deals and ultimately sell more of their product. After all, increasing travel brand profit margins in the cutthroat travel industry is the name of the game! No other online travel intelligence provider has been charting the growth of online travel as long as we have. We were here at the inception of online travel and we know the industry inside out. Whats more, were a small, friendly team. Forget impersonal hierarchies, we like to get to know our customers and work towards their exact needs. Meredith Pistulka Over 60 ministers of tourism and private sector leaders gathered on 7 November in London for the UNWTO / WTM Ministers' Summit on 'overtourism'. Moderated by CNN International's Max Foster, the Summit concluded on the need for the tourism sector to engage more and better with local communities. Community engagement, communication, congestion management, adequate planning and product diversification were highlighted as key aspects in dealing with 'overtourism'. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), said opening the Summit: "growth is not the enemy; numbers are not the enemy; the key is to manage the growth sustainably, responsibly and intelligently and use the power of growth to our advantage". "We cannot continue to build five-star hotels in three-star communities. Jobs and charity are not enough we need to diversify visitors' activities, reduce seasonality and raise awareness of less busy destinations" he added. Participants agreed on the need to build awareness among communities of the benefits of the sector, improve the use of big data to measure and manage the impact of tourists and tourist flows, and promote the development of tourism experiences that engage and benefit communities directly. The emergence of new platform tourism services, or the so called sharing-economy, was discussed at length, with participants recognizing that they will continue to expand and need to be understood and managed by destinations on a case-by-case basis. Speakers in the Summit included: H.E. Mr. Mauricio Ventura Aragon, Minister of Tourism, Costa Rica H.E. Ms. Elena Kountoura, Minister of Tourism, Greece Mr. Ryoichi Matsuyama, President, Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) H.E. Mr. Mohamed Sajid, Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicraft and Social Economy, Morocco H.E. Mr. Enrique de la Madrid, Secretary of Tourism, Mexico H.E. Mr. Khalid Jasim Al Midfa, Chairman, Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA), United Arab Emirates H.E. Mr. John Glen, Minister of Arts Heritage and Tourism, United Kingdom Mr. Istvan Ujhelyi, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism, European Parliament Ms. Gloria Guevara, President and CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Mr. Patrick Robinson, Head of Policy for EMEA, Airbnb Ms. Inge Huijbrechts, Vice-President, Responsible Business, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Ms. Kate Gibson, Vice-President, Global Corporate Responsibility, Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) Mr. Manfredi Lefebvre d'Ovidio, Chairman, Silversea Cruises About The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the United Nations specialized agency fostering tourism as a vehicle for equal, inclusive and sustainable development. Working with its Member States, international organizations and the private sector, UNWTO promotes safe and seamless travel for all. UNWTO also works to make tourism the foundation of trust and international cooperation and a central pillar of recovery. As part of the wider UN system, UNWTO is at the forefront of global efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including through its ability to create decent jobs, promote equality and preserve natural and cultural heritage. Follow UNWTO on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin. Rut Gomez Sobrino Principal Media Officer (+34) 91 567 81 60 UNWTO New York and Tel Aviv Routier, a Tel Aviv-based start up founded by intelligence experts trained by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), announced that it has built the first ever continuous communications solution to connect hotels with their guests at all times while they are on property with no downloads or installations required. The company has opened a U.S. office in Manhattan to accelerate its growth, and has added branded hotel properties in New York, London and Tel Aviv. Routier's Founder and CEO, Gal Bareket, said, "At a time when guests are demanding efficient and personalized service as they want it, when they want it, Routier is helping hotels deliver that experience while streamlining operations and increasing margins. Now partnering with branded and independent hotels on three continents, we are revolutionizing how hospitality providers connect and engage with their guests and how guests engage with providers on property, at all times." Routier's seamless communications solution tackles one of the biggest challenges facing hotels successfully connecting hotel staff and their guest at all times, to enhance the guest experience, improve operational efficiencies and drive increased guest revenue. Since the overwhelming number of guest requests are repeated over time, the data accumulated by Routier's technology can also provide the foundation for more efficient application of staff time and on property investment by hotel owners and management companies. Routier's growing client list includes luxury branded hotels such as the Hotel Indigo and the Stewart Hotel in Manhattan, and the David Intercontinental in Tel Aviv. The company expects rapid deployment in additional cities in the U.S and Europe, and is in discussions with the leading airline and cruise companies to bring its solutions to their verticals. For more information about Routier and its products, Michael Frenkel Leading travel and hospitality technology marketing agency Puzzle Partner, today announced their latest alliance with HEDNA, a global forum dedicated to the advancement of hospitality distribution anchored by a fundamental belief in strategic collaboration and knowledge sharing. HEDNA is making bold moves to lead the category and is looking to Puzzle Partner to support their initiatives and help take the association's industry impact to the next level. Puzzle Partner will be distilling and condensing working group content to ensure that HEDNA members are receiving valuable updates tailored to their needs and business, which will, in turn, also assist in driving membership for the association on a larger scale. The agency will utilize their team of writers, each with significant proficiency and insights relating to the hotel industry, to support the content and delivery of HEDNA specific publications. With the onset of this new engagement, Puzzle Partner continues to expand its reputation as the preferred marketing agency and content provider for the travel, tourism and hotel industry. "The HEDNA community creates critical, relevant content that benefits everyone in hospitality and Puzzle Partner is the right choice for us as we broaden our scope," said Sarah Fults, President of HEDNA. "It is now even more imperative that hoteliers worldwide be fully aware and educated on the dynamics of hotel distribution so that they can make the best strategic decisions regarding where and how they sell their rooms inventory." HEDNA encourages an open exchange of information, continued professional development amongst members and the global conferences focused on the latest trends and dialogue in hotel distribution. This variety of expertise lends itself to the continuous advancement of member education, a core concept which HEDNA is focused on. The non-profit organization will be hosting its next Global Distribution Conference in Austin, Texas from January 29th-31st. The event is a renowned international networking opportunity dedicated to sharing the latest information, insights, and dialogue on emerging trends that impact the hotel industry. Sessions run during the conference will provide participants with the very best in transformative ideas and information as they relate to hotel distribution, shared by industry leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, influencers and more. Alan Young, president of Puzzle Partner, adds, "The delivery of top-tier content to specific hotel-centric outlets and social networks will deliver greater brand and working group visibility, an on-going benefit to both the association and its members. We are honored to be working with the talented team at HEDNA to inspire hoteliers and very much looking forward to a very successful long-term relationship." For more information about Puzzle Partner, visit About Puzzle Partner Puzzle Partner Ltd. is a boutique marketing agency focused exclusively on complex B2B initiatives for the travel and hospitality technology industry. We are experts at combining strategy and tactical execution in a way that doesn't just maximize a company's potential; it redefines it. By delivering influential content, marketing services, and public relations rooted in the skills of our team and tested through real-world experience, we help our clients gain visibility, raise their profile and ultimately increase their sales revenues. To learn more visit About HEDNA HEDNA (Hotel Electronic Distribution Network Association) is a not-for-profit trade association whose worldwide membership includes executives and managers from the most influential companies in the hospitality industry. Founded in 1991, HEDNA's mission is to be the leading global forum for advancing hospitality distribution through collaboration and knowledge sharing. Its vision calls for HEDNA to be known for creating an environment that fosters strategic collaboration toward business development in the global hospitality industry. For more, visit Alan Young CEO Travelers continue to be concerned by terror threats when travelling - nevertheless the desire to travel is unbroken City trips are growth driver in holiday segment - ITB Berlin exclusively publishes latest results from the World Travel Monitor in January 2018 Pisa/Berlin, 9 November 2017 Despite yet another year of numerous terrorist attacks, outbound travel volume worldwide has not been affected. The global travel industry is continuing on a growth path, as the number of outbound trips has increased by 6 per cent in the first eight months of this year. Rolf Freitag, CEO of the tourism consultancy IPK International, presented these results today (Thursday) at the 25th World Travel MonitorForum in Pisa, Italy. Looking at the different outbound regions, North America showed the highest growth rate with a rise of 7.5 per cent, followed by Europe with 5.5 per cent. Compared to previous years, Asia so far performed slightly under the global average with an increase of 5 per cent. Outbound travel from Latin America also showed a growth rate of 5 per cent. Russia seems to be on a path to recovery as it showed a strong comeback with a rise of 18 per cent. On the other hand, a source market with a negative development is Mexico, where outbound trips dropped by 5 per cent, which could be due to tensions with the US. In terms of destinations, Spain is amongst this year's winners with an 11 per cent rise in visitors. In general, Europe is the region with the strongest growth, welcoming around 7 per cent more guests from abroad. Asia had around 5 per cent more international visitors followed by the Americas with a 3 per cent increase. There continues to be a relatively high perceived risk of terror when travelling. However this is mainly resulting in a change to safer destinations rather than giving up travelling altogether. Destinations such as Turkey and Egypt are still seen as unsafe. However, Great Britain and the USA, for example, have also suffered in their safety perceptions, which is likely due to recent incidents. Holidays remain the number one reason for going on a trip abroad and further grew by 6 per cent in the first eight months of 2017. Within the holiday segment, city trips are also this year the main growth driver, with a rise of 16 per cent while tour holidays at the same time further decreased by 2 per cent. Trips to visit friends and relatives (VFR trips) showed an even stronger increase of around 8 per cent, while business trips more or less stagnated. This is mainly caused by a decrease in traditional business trips, possibly as they are more and more replaced by new technologies. On the positive side for the business travel industry, MICE trips, making up for around 60 per cent of all business trips, are showing positive growth trends so far this year. IPK International is forecasting that 2018 will be yet another year with positive growth rates in worldwide outbound trips. The consultancy is estimating an increase of around 5 per cent worldwide, with the strongest growth for outbound trips coming from Asia as well as Latin America with increases of 6 per cent, followed by a 4 per cent rise from both North America and Europe. The forecasts are based on IPK's World Travel Confidence Index, which is compiled annually based on the views of the survey participants about their travel intentions for the coming 12 months. About ITB Berlin and the ITB Berlin Convention ITB Berlin 2023 will take place for trade visitors only from Tuesday, 7 to Thursday, 9 March. Since 1966, ITB Berlin has been the World's Leading Travel Trade Show. As in previous years, the internationally renowned ITB Berlin Convention will take place live parallel with the exhibition on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, with selected sessions live-streamed on In 2022 it took place as a virtual event on the brand's website and registered 60,700 attendees from 125 countries who took part in more than 100 sessions featuring 223 speakers. Taking place on one day, the Digital Business Day gave 2,500 attendees from 96 countries an opportunity to exchange views and do business virtually from anywhere in the world. International attendance was high, with 78 per cent of buyers and providers taking part from abroad. A total of 20,000 business contacts were made, resulting in 14,000 leads and 3,200 business meetings being arranged. As a virtual industry platform, the Digital Business Day augmented the ITB brand family and rounded off the trade show concept. In 2022, under the heading 'TRVLX by ITB', ITB Berlin is planning a series of B2B networking events in European markets the kick-off event took place in May in Georgia. Before the pandemic at ITB 2019, around 10,000 exhibitors from 181 countries displayed their products and services to some 160,000 visitors, including 113,500 trade visitors. Emanuel Hoger Press Spokesman and Press and Public Relations Director, Corporate Communication - Messe Berlin Group +49 30 3038-2270 Messe Berlin GmbH Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour Hotel Opens Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour has opened its doors, making it the first new-build, international luxury hotel to open in Sydney's CBD this millennium. Centrally located opposite the International Convention Centre, the $500M Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour will play a major role in the ongoing revitalisation of the vibrant Darling Harbour precinct. It also heralds the renaissance of new hotel development in Sydney, with over 40 hotels scheduled to open in the next five years to support the city's tourism growth. "Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour will be the first new-build 5-star hotel the city has seen in more than 15-years and it is going to be a flagship property not only for AccorHotels but for the Australian hotel industry," said Simon McGrath, Chief Operating Officer of AccorHotels Pacific. The hotel will offer 590 stylish guestrooms including 35 coveted suites, boasting some of the best views in Sydney. All the hotel's guest rooms feature the Sofitel MyBed and floor-to-ceiling windows with views of Darling Harbour and the city. The suites feature an in-bathroom television, double shower heads and luxurious soaking tubs for the ultimate pampering experience. The Bellerive suite is the hotel's pinnacle of accommodation and features a separate living room, dining room and butler's pantry. Exclusive to guests staying in the Club Sofitel rooms and suites on levels 28 34, the Club Millesime Lounge, located at the very top of the hotel on level 35 will offer breathtaking views over Darling Harbour and the city. Offering a refined environment, Club Millesime Lounge will present an array of personalised services. These include private check-in, use of the meeting room for more intimate gatherings and access to other special privileges. Advertisement The hotel was designed by renowned multi award-winning Sydney architect Richard Francis-Jones from Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp architects. Dreamtime Australia Design and the A+ Design Group all collaborated to create this visually inspiring property which was built by Lend Lease. On arrival, guests will be greeted by the hotel's imposing 35-storey glass exterior featuring triangular accents representing sails and a striking red ochre and blue exterior colour palette which pays tribute to the indigenous clans of the Eora nation who lived around Tumbalong the name given to Darling Harbour. A stylish porte-cochere leads guests inside the building. The hotel's public spaces and guestrooms continue to pay tribute to the maritime location and the industries that formerly occupied the site including extensive use of timber representing Sydney's strong wharf heritage through to the rope and sandstone motifs in the carpets. While recognising the links to the location's history, the hotel's cutting-edge design places it squarely at the centre of Darling Harbour's future. Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour will meet sustainability targets as part of a transformed tourism precinct with a 6-star green rating, as well as feature spectacular external lighting to enhance Darling Harbour at night with 6000 LED lights providing Sydney with stunning light displays. Three sophisticated bars and the stylish signature restaurant, Atelier by Sofitel will anchor the hotel as the place in Sydney to meet for a drink or a memorable dining experience. With its French inspired rotisserie and grill, Atelier by Sofitel on the third floor, is the hotel's restaurant, serving the very best local seasonal produce combined with the culinary techniques that highlight the origin of Sofitel's French heritage. A contemporary deconstructed bouillabaisse designed by Executive Chef, Matt Coates and his team will become a signature guest experience. The Champagne Bar, perfect for a pre-or post-dinner drink, is the largest Champagne bar in Sydney, offering 20 different types of champagne, from the smaller champagne houses like Canard-Duchene and Pol Roger to the houses of Louis Roederer and Pommery. There also will be a special Louis Roederer Champagne from the 2009 vintage in collaboration with artist Philippe Starck, representing the mix of innovation and French heritage. Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour will also be the only hotel in Australia to acquire a special edition 3L Jeroboam of Cristal Brut valued at $22,000. The bottle is encased in 24 carat gold-dipped latticework handcrafted by two master goldsmiths over four days. Esprit Noir lobby bar, located on the ground floor, offers an elegant space to relax and enjoy a cocktail. Channelling the relaxed sophistication of a Mediterranean beach meets the urban energy of Sydney, Le Rivage Pool Bar on the fourth floor will become one of the city's highly sought-after outdoor spaces. It will be emblematic of the hotel's vibrancy and Darling Harbour's transformation an idyllic place to laze the day away while sipping cocktails, swimming in the inviting 20m infinity pool or working out in the SoFit gym, while overlooking the magnificent city skyline. With nine flexible meeting spaces, including a grand 450-person Magnifique Ballroom, Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour is also well-positioned to host any style of event, from haute couture fashion shows to gala dinners and large-scale meetings or conferences with state-of-the-art audio visual technology. Every Sofitel around the world is culturally linked with a city or region in France that shares similar attributes in terms of culture, landscape and design. Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour is culturally linked with Marseille, the epitome of vibrant waterside sophistication. From industrial ports to sophisticated harbours, the energy of transformation which runs through Marseille and Sydney's Darling Harbour make them an appropriate pairing. Each Sofitel hotel internationally has a number of identifying elements which they adopt to help bring the hotel to life and as the flagship property in Australia, Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour will become the new benchmark. From a signature fragrance, to evening candle lighting ceremonies, a welcome drink, to the implementation of Sofitel Wine Days - a month of celebrating French wine and art-de-vivre - Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour will become a destination in its own right. Sofitel continues to expand its global portfolio with recent openings of Sofitel Baltimore in Paris, Sofitel Foshan, Sofitel Kuala Lumpur Damansara, Sofitel Guiyang Hunter and the latest Sofitel Singapore City Center in Asia. Sofitel Surabaya Majapahit will soon open along with several SO hotels around the world. To celebrate, Sofitel Sydney Darling Harbour is offering a Grand Opening Package which includes overnight accommodation in a Superior Darling Harbour View* room, buffet breakfast for two at Atelier by Sofitel restaurant, a Champagne degustation served at the Champagne Bar for two people, a selection of Laduree sweets and late checkout of 3pm. The Grand Opening Package is priced from $529. Aerial Rendering of the Al Najada Complex Doha Minor Hotels announced that it will open three new-build hotels in Qatar in spring 2018 under its Tivoli and Oaks brands. The three properties are owned by Katara Hospitality. Launching in April, Tivoli Al Najada Doha Hotel is in the final stages of development in the centre of the Qatari capital. Facilities in the five-storey property will include 151 guest rooms and suites, a selection of dining options, a fitness centre, a swimming pool and a business centre, with guest rooms on the upper floors offering a panoramic view of the Doha skyline including West Bay. The hotel sits within a new development surrounding a large open piazza with cafes, restaurants and shops, with the hotel offering alfresco dining on the terrace. Tivoli Al Najada will also offer an impressive ballroom, designed to host elegant social occasions and corporate meetings and events, with a capacity of 250 guests. Oaks Hotels & Resorts will make its debut in Qatar with Oaks Al Najada Doha, also set to open its doors in April 2018. The 100 serviced apartments have been tastefully designed to reinvent the conventional residential concepts of compound and high-rise accommodations, with elegant, minimalist interiors and an Arabian artistic touch. Oaks Al Najada will offer a range of premier onsite facilities including an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness centre, alfresco dining, a pool bar and 24hr room service. This will be the third Oaks in the Middle East, joining properties in Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the UAE. Oaks Hotels & Resorts services a combination of corporate and leisure guests for both short and long stays, blending contemporary accommodation with onsite leisure facilities, while a number of properties also feature food and beverage outlets and meeting and business services. Tivoli Al Najada is located alongside Oaks Al Najada and both are part of the same new development in central Doha offering the ideal base to experience local culture, enjoy traditional cuisine and relish the citys vibrant atmosphere. The hotels are within easy walking distance of the new Msheireb Downtown Doha development, Bank Street, the Museum of Islamic Arts on the Corniche and the renowned Souq Waqif. In addition, the location is just 15 minutes away from Hamad International Airport and very close to the central rail terminal, scheduled to open in 2020. Advertisement is a new five-star property blending artful Qatari tradition and top-end contemporary leisure in Souq Al Wakra, an up-and-coming seaside district just a 20-minute drive from central Doha. The hotel is destined to be a convenient and luxurious stay for business and leisure travellers alike, with close proximity to Hamad International Airport. The 101-key property comprises of two buildings, both former heritage houses where original character has been splendidly preserved. Shaped by an open and expansive layout, guest rooms and suites feature classic thatched roofs as well as sea and sand motifs, inspired by Al Wakras history as a pearling diving and fishing village. Facilities at the new hotel will include two restaurants offering International and Middle Eastern cuisines, a shisha lounge overlooking the sea, majlis areas, meeting rooms, Tivoli Spa and fitness, plus a business centre. Celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2018, Tivoli Hotels & Resorts differentiate through the range of unique experiences offered, allowing guests to enjoy the most authentic features of every destination, along with innovative and outstanding service. The launch of these three new properties in Doha will enhance the development of the local hospitality sector and contribute towards the economic diversification, as envisioned in the Qatar National Vision 2030. Dillip Rajakarier, CEO Minor Hotels, commented, The Middle East is a key growth market for Minor Hotels and we are delighted to be opening two new Tivoli hotels and debuting the Oaks brand in Qatar. We are delivering on our promise when we acquired Tivoli last year to grow the brand within Minor Hotels footprint and for sure we will see the brand grow further. Qatar will be the second GCC country for Oaks and there is also opportunity to further grow this brand. Last month Minor Hotels debuted Tivoli Hotels & Resorts in the Middle East with the rebrand of Souq Waqif Boutique Hotels in Doha to Tivoli. Minor Hotels also operates Banana Island Resort Doha by Anantara in the Qatari capital. The addition of the three new hotels in Doha will bring the total number of properties operated by Minor Hotels in the GCC region to 16 across multiple brands. In addition the group has a strong pipeline in the MENA region including new properties under development in Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Morocco, three new countries for the group. Shangri-La's Hotel Jen Brand Launches Autonomous Relay Robots Designed and built by Savioke, Relay is the first fully-autonomous delivery robot that has been deployed in over 70 dynamic busy environments such as logistics, hotels, office buildings, and high rise apartments. Hotel Jen today marks a new milestone as the first international hotel brand to use autonomous Relay robots in Asia. Teams at Hotel Jen Orchardgateway and Tanglin Singapore welcome colleagues, Jeno and Jena at their respective properties. The duo will deliver amenities and local favourites from the in-room dining menu to guests, when an order for them is placed. "Hotel Jen is proud to be the first brand in the Shangri-La group to introduce this technology. The new "colleagues" will be great team players in getting important things done well and delivered in Jen's distinctive style. Known to curate playful experiences, Hotel Jen, through the Relay robots, yet again proves that it can surprise and delight urban adventure-seekers," said Cetin Sekercioglu, executive vice president of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts. Stationed at the hotel lobby 24/7, both Jeno and Jena are unmistakable in their bright uniforms and Hotel Jen's brand colours - turquoise and pink, affixed with the signature bicycle image that evokes a sense of travel. Inspired by the concept of a butler, Toby Tan (@tobyato) from Band of Doodlers designed a jacket and tie for Jeno, and a scarf for Jena. The pair stand at almost one metre tall and come with the ability to move unmanned around the hotel at a safe speed of 2.5 km/h, half that of the average human walking speed. They can ride the elevators, make phone calls to rooms upon arrival, and are equipped with sensitive sensors that know to avoid obstacles in its path. Jeno and Jena are both integrated with a software system that can easily track their to-do list once an order is placed. Need an extra towel or bottle of water? Guests can expect one of the pair to have these delivered within 15 minutes from the time of request. Midnight hunger pangs can be eased from a supper menu featuring local flavours from midnight to 6 am. Designed and built by Savioke, Relay is the first fully-autonomous delivery robot that has been deployed in over 70 dynamic busy environments such as logistics, hotels, office buildings, and high rise apartments. Using advanced technology to navigate around people and objects, Relay delivers items quickly, safely, and reliably. Since initial commercial deployment in 2014, Relay robots have made over 150,000 autonomous deliveries. It appear some of the most powerful people in the world cant avoid good ole Jury duty, or hes just that good of a guy. But on Wednesday, our 44th President Barack Obama returned to his hometown of Chicago, Illinois for jury duty at the Richard Daley Center, where he was greeted by tons of fans & media the Chicago Tribune reports. This looks like Chicago right here, Obama said to laughter after surveying the room filled with rows of black plastic chairs, according to one of the jurors who captured it on video. I like that. Obama eventually found a seat next to some random strangers and watched a decades-old juror training video hosted by a younger, Lester Holt, who now does NBCs Nightly News. However, he wouldnt stay long as a judge dismissed Barack from the trial and sent home around noon. A spokeswoman later released a statement saying that President Obama believes the most important office in our democracy is that of citizen, and he considers jury duty a core obligation of citizenship. Like other jurors, Obama will be mailed a check for $17.20 for his days work, which he will reportedly return to Cook County a spokeswomen says. And, just like the other jurors who were passed over, Obama will be excused from jury duty for at least a year before being reassigned into the pool of potential jurors who are randomly selected to serve. I dont know of anybody who receives a summons from me and says, Oh great, I get to serve jury duty, Judge Evans joked. I hope they can see that if the former president of the United States takes his time to come, anybody ought to be willing to come. Fans who attended the courthouse & fellow jurors were able to capture some good pics of our favorite President, and it saddens me to know hes no longer in control and we have the orange man running the country now. Check out the pics from Wednesdays jury duty (below). Barack Obama Well heres another disturbing story coming out of Hollywood today. In a recent article in The National Enquirer, actor Dominick Brascia accused Charlie Sheen of raping child star Corey Haim during the filming of the 1986 movie Lucas, saying He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex, Brascia told the publication. Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested. Brascias description of the encounter was confirmed by dozens of other sources who claim that Haim said Sheen abused him during filming. Haim was just 13 at the time, while Sheen was 19, meaning the alleged encounter would have been a statutory rape even if it was consensual. However, Charlie said these accusations never happened, and Haim cant be asked because he sadly passed away in 2010 due to pneumonia. A rep for Charlie Sheen issued a statement earlier today to The Hollywood Reporter that said he categorically denies these allegations, but of course hes going to say that regardless of the facts. Apparently thats not all the evidence that suggests Sheen raped Haim though. A story about Haim being sexually assaulted during Lucas film also came up in Corey Feldmans memoir, Coreyography, in which he described an alleged encounter between Haim and an adult co-star, but he never named his name. According to Feldman, the older actor told Haim It was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was what all guys do, and added that, Haim, innocent and ambitious as he was, allowed himself to be sodomized. Los Angeles police confirmed Wednesday that an investigation had been opened into Corey Feldmans accusations. Whether or not they get to the bottom of it is another question, but theyre apparently trying to. This allegation is just the latest of many scandals & disturbing reports that have come out of Hollywood recently. Just yesterday we reported another story about Gossip Girls actor Ed Westwick allegedly raping actress Kristina Cohen a few years ago at a dinner party, which he ultimately denies of course. Well continue to keep you posted if any more on Sheen and Haims disturbing story surfaces or develops. Read more on it here if you wish. [Via] Charlie Sheen A Los Angeles-area rapper and producer has been sentenced to a decade behind bars for pimping out several women that he met online. Ramsay Tha Great, reportedly made several thousand dollars every week forcing women in Orange County to prostitute themselves, all of whom he found through social media sites, according to CBS News. Though he can be seen stunting several times on his artist Facebook page with $100 bills, Ramsay was ruthless behind the scenes, supposedly threatening at least one of his female victims with a gun and demanding that they make at least $1,000 per day, an amount that he took a cut of. The rapper had allegedly used his social media influence to talk these women into being prostitutes, not letting them quit and offering up threats of violence similar to the aforementioned gun incident. This week, Ramsay was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He plead guilty to all four counts of pimping and pandering, one count of human trafficking, and one count of assault with a firearm. It is still unknown whether or not there were more charges that were dropped during the court process. One of the women that he forced into this life, who was only 19 years old, had met the rapper on a music video shoot. You can check out video from the Los Angeles news report on the story below. The bigger sentencing story this week was that of Philly native Meek Mill, who is to serve two to four years after violating his probation. With lots of support within the hip-hop community and beyond, a petition has even been started on Meeks behalf, with the hopes that Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf will have the sentence reevaluated. The sentence was handed down after a judge decided to rule harshly on Meeks supposed reckless driving incident in New York City where he was popping a wheelie on his dirt bike. Since then, several startling revelations have come out from Mills attorney, claiming that the judge not only has a personal vendetta against the rapper, but also tried to get him to move from Roc Nation to a local Philly label in exchange for a softer touch in court. Toronto native & XO artist Nav has been relatively quiet since he teamed up with ATL producer Metro Boomin for the joint project Perfect Timing back in July, but thankfully it looks like thats about to change come tomorrow night. On Wednesday, the XO affiliate hopped on Instagram and informed fans that hes dropping a new single with Lil Uzi Vert tomorrow night called Wanted You. Tomorrow night the caption read on Navs IG post along with songs artwork. Unfortunately theres no other information about the collab, like where it will end up on or what it sounds like, but it looks like its going to belong to Nav with Lil Uzi being featured. We also know itll be arriving at midnight tomorrow, if not sooner thanks to the International markets. And dont be surprised if Nav is also the producer on the record as well as he often likes to handles his own production, but thats just speculation as of now. This wont be the first time Nav and Lil Uzi Vert will have collaborated on a record either. Back in July, the two linked up for a couple records off the Perfect Timing project with Metro Boomin, including songs like A$AP Ferg & the outro NAVUZIMETRO#PT2. The upcoming single will serve as the follow up to Navs contribution to 88Glams Bali record and Lil Uzi Verts The Way Life Goes remix with Nicki Minaj, which dropped last Friday. Itll also surface just days after Nav celebrated his 28th birthday this week in Toronto. This last year been the best year of my life Wanna thank everyone who helped it be that way, he shared on IG the other day while cutting his bday cake. So what better way is there to celebrate than with a new single this week? Check out the announcement (below) and let us know your thoughts! Whos excited to hear another Uzi & Nav collab again? UPDATE: Its here. Listen to the song. Nav Earlier in the year, Joey Bada$$ claimed J. Cole was no longer giving out features and he managed to catch the rare J. Cole guest appearance on his All Amerikkkan Bada$$ album. However, J. Cole just made an exception for Paris-born rapper Salomon Faye. Today, Faye delivers his latest single Live and Learn featuring J. Cole. Fayes been an artist to keep an eye out for. Moving from Paris to New York, hes made his waves through America with his Stimulation EP back in 2015 but hes returning to drop off another project in the near future. The rapper links up with J. Cole for his latest single Live and Learn. The Cole appearance is rare and unfortunately, he doesnt end up coming through with bars. However, Cole blesses the hook with a humble note that defies the celebrity status hes currently at. For Faye, its another example of the strength of his pen. He rides the beat softly while delivering introspective verses about life. Fayes upcoming project King Salomon is due out in just a few weeks on November 23rd. His Instagram page already gave previews of three different tracks including Live and Learn. They all vary in sounds. While this single contains a more soothing soul sound, the other two show diversity in his range. For anyone unfamiliar with Salomon Faye, get familiar and get ready for him to deliver his upcoming EP, King Salomon. Quotable Lyrics Thats why I love you because I know who you are Thats why I look at you like I seen you before I recognize you from a hole in the wall That I punched in the wall, because Im so pissed off Earlier this week we posted a story that many Stranger Things fans were upset by the shows creators forcing the kids to kiss. Many took to Twitter saying its just another inappropriate Hollywood move while others did not understand how grown men could force children to do something that made them uncomfortable when it wasnt in the script. After a video surfaced seeing one of the shows lead, Finn Wolfhard, dodging fans outside of his hotel room, once again Twitter was in an uproar calling the young star heartless for ignoring his loyal followers. Game of Thrones actress Sophia Turner was quick to have Finns back with the following tweets: Finn, who plays Mike in the spooky series, tweeted his own response to the matter saying if you are a real fan you will not harass my friends, or co-workers. Of course, the other more realistic side of Twitter rallied behind Finn in support of his comments. Stranger Things This Big Indian Joint Family Has 72 Members Living in The Same House in Maharashtra For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Please enter a valid email address Please enter a valid email address SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice Thanks for signing up to the Breaking News email {{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }} The night before Kristallnacht the infamous date in November 1938 when synagogues burned across Germany and the Nazis arrested tens of thousands of Jews my fathers family escaped from Berlin and fled to one of the few places in the world willing to take in Jewish refugees. They settled in Sosua, a remote beach town on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, whose dictator, Rafael Trujillo, had offered Jews safety for a promise to develop the land. This is the story I heard countless times. It was paradise, my 89-year-old Aunt Hella would say, weaving my familys heritage into a little-known part of Holocaust history. But the story never entirely made sense. As it was told to me, a small Caribbean country saved my family at a time when more powerful nations such as the United States and Britain refused to do the same. In return, the Jews transformed a jungle coastline into a peaceful settlement with a hospital and a school. My grandfather, a salesman by trade, became the village baker. Hundreds of others accountants, nurses, tailors learned to ride horses and clear roads. When the settlers arrived in Sosua, the beach was a quiet, peaceful spot. Today it is a site for prostitution (American Jewish Joint Distributi) The story always ended the same way, and with little explanation. Sosua had been ruined, I was told, its streets overrun by prostitutes and foreigners. The town had become a destination for sex tourism, tainted by pickpockets and drugs. My family moved away, like so many others, and never returned. My father lives in Santo Domingo, where I was raised, and his parents and two sisters ended up in Miami. People often act surprised when I tell them that Im Jewish and Dominican, and Ive yet to meet anyone who knows about Sosua. Never forget, people say about the Holocaust. But this part of Jewish history has been almost entirely lost, and the story Id been told seemed incomplete. I thought I knew the beginning and the end. In July, I left for Sosua to find out the rest. It quickly became clear why so many chose to forget. The first thing I wanted to see was the beach. I remembered seeing photos of my fathers family along the shore. The refugees would hang their clothes on sea grape trees and wade into the shallow waters. After school, the village children would often have the beach to themselves. My father warned me to stay away. The beach, he said, had become a site for prostitution and crime. Gathering place: the Codik family home (Sosua Virtual Museum) Could it really be that dangerous? I remembered going there as a kid, but I hadnt been back to the town in more than a decade. I asked Ivonne Strauss de Milz, a family friend and a descendant of refugees who lives in Sosua, to take me there. Is that the purse youre taking? she asked, then instructed me to zip it shut. The shore was strewn with mismatched umbrellas and beach chairs scattered in front of hundreds of shacks selling cigars, souvenirs, Presidente beer and Dominican aphrodisiacs. It didnt look that unsafe. But around the beach, several people later told me, tourists can find any type of sex they might want: straight, gay, sex with trans people even illegal sex with minors. Prostitution has long been a part of Dominican culture, but nowhere does it feel more entrenched than in Sosua. Elsewhere, the industry exists in the grays of life, largely unregulated, widely known but rarely seen.The sex trade took off there in the 1980s and 90s, after a nearby airport opened and foreign tourists flooded the town. Over the next few decades, the hotel industry boomed, and Dominican women, facing insecure and low-paying job prospects, headed for Sosua hoping to find more profitable work. As prostitution increased, it drew more tourists looking for sex, and the town got a reputation as a major sex-tourism destination. Today, a short walk from the beach, on the main drag of Calle Pedro Clisante, dozens of prostitutes line the sidewalk in front of the busy open-air restaurants and bars filled with foreign men. Sosua has a before and after, said Alexandra Lister, a program manager with CEPROSH, a health organization based in Puerto Plata, who has worked with sex workers in the region since the 1990s. And the after isnt pretty. The Codik family pose for a portrait in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic (Family photo) Many longtime locals, like Ivonne, are upset that prostitution has consumed Sosuas reputation. Efforts to discourage the trade have failed, and its prevalence means that the towns businesses hotels, restaurants, cafes benefit from it, whether the owners condone sex work or not. As we drove away, Ivonne pointed out one hotel. It was a three-story building, painted lime green and white, where she said my grandparents house had once stood. A man named Joe Benjamin had lived next door. Before my trip, several people had told me to speak with him. He understood why Sosua had changed. He was the one I was going to see next. Joes family arrived in Sosua in 1947, part of the last refugee group selected by the Dominican Republic Settlement Association, an organization founded by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in New York, which sought safety and relief for Jews. In 1938, Trujillo had offered to take in up to 100,000 refugees. In turn, the association funded and populated Sosua, but the outbreak of World War II and a 1941 Nazi ban on Jewish emigration meant that only about 4,000 visas were ever issued. The association gave farmers like Joes father a mule, a horse, 10 cows and 75 acres of land. In the early days, urban transplants wearing wide straw hats rode horse-drawn wagons from one plot to the next. Joe told me that his father, once a furniture maker, got up at 4:30am every day to milk his cows. On weekends, a projector would light up at the theatre in town for a matinee movie. Joe and his sister would make the two-kilometre walk back to the family farm in the dark. He never told his parents where he was going. Nobody feared anything then. The writer's aunt, Hella Blum, a teacher, with her class (American Jewish Joint Distributi) For decades, Joe, now 76, was an executive with a successful dairy and meat co-operative founded by Sosuas Jews. Today, he lives in a spacious house on the outskirts of town, in a plush development behind a guarded security gate. He told me how hed slept with his windows open as a kid. He remembered the town library, the cafe, the nights when everyone gathered around a record player to listen to opera. But I had heard those stories before. I wondered if that was all he knew. There was a long pause. What else is important for me to know? I asked. There are things you wont find in the history books, he said. Then he made a reference to a best-selling book I had never read, about a fictional small town where sex, gossip and scandal hide behind the pretence of paradise. Sosua, he said, was a small Peyton Place. I didnt understand. What did a racy novel have to do with my familys past? The few published works about Sosua read like history textbooks. But there were other texts and documents that I had never seen, and I knew where to find them. Next door to the town synagogue that the refugees founded is a small Jewish museum. The synagogue offers services only a few times a year and isnt visited much, and peeling paint covers the museum doors. Inside, I found a damaged photo of my Aunt Margots wedding. Documents on display showed the stains of age. A map of Sosua had lost one of its adhesive letters and now read only Sosu. A group of descendants, including Ivonne and Joe, had planned to raise funds for a renovation, but the efforts have yet to get off the ground. Developing the land in exchange for refuge (American Jewish Joint Distributi) The museum archives were in a tiny air-conditioned room in the back. Dozens of boxes sat on industrial steel shelves, some labelled, others not. It was overwhelming. There was so much history here, little of it digitized, none of it known to me. I started pulling tan and crinkled sheets out of folders, searching for clues. I found a file for my Uncle Max, my Aunt Hellas husband. Stashed inside, a form detailed my aunts journey from Germany to the Dominican Republic. I had to read it twice. What it said went against every story I had been told about my familys escape from the Nazis. They didnt flee Berlin the night before Kristallnacht. Theyd left a month earlier Oct. 12, 1938 and arrived in the Dominican Republic in November. A separate list of settlers revealed that the family arrived in Sosua in stages, starting in 1947, much later than Id thought. Leaving on the eve of Kristallnacht had always been a key part of our story, a hurried exit from Berlin at just the right moment, before Nazi mobs stormed Jewish neighbourhoods, killing at least 91 Jews, and antisemitism took a more violent and radical turn. So was their time in Sosua, but the reality was that they didnt arrive there until after the war. I had never asked about the timeline. Instead, I pictured them abandoning an apartment in Berlin and finding refuge in a rustic home in Sosua. It was a reminder of how stories, consciously or not, can be romanticized as we retell them, even to ourselves. Max Blum, the writer's uncle, sells homeware at his store (American Jewish Joint Distributi) I started digging deeper into the archives, looking for anything that could provide a hint about what Joe had told me. Fraying papers, many stashed haphazardly in folders and boxes, detailed transcripts of meetings, vital records, academic papers and memos sent from Sosua to the settlement association in New York. On one shelf, I saw a narrow light-blue box labeled exit interviews. Ivonne, who helps run the museum, had never seen it before, and from the looks of what was inside, nobody had seen it for years. I pulled it onto the table. Inside were several testimonials from refugees, all men, who had abandoned Sosua and were apparently questioned by the settlement association about why theyd left. I could not stay [sic] the sun, said a 29-year-old Austrian. I had nothing to do there, said a 27-year-old Romanian. The agricultural work was too hard for me, said a 34-year-old Pole. Then there were two others, Tibor Meister, a 24-year-old Hungarian textile technician, and Louis Lajos Klein, a 28-year-old Czech mechanic, who cited not the towns conditions, but tensions in Sosua that left them both feeling panicked. The synagogue in the 1940s (Sosua Virtual Museum) Meister said he was threatened by a group of German Jews in the dormitory. I have been attacked by some twelve men while sleeping in my bed, Klein said. That is why I preferred to leave Sosua of fear they might repeat it or kill me. Until then, Id heard that people left Sosua in search of better work or education. No one had ever mentioned violence. Could it have been true? The JDC doesnt have a record of the incident, but in Tropical Zion: General Trujillo, FDR and the Jews of Sosua, historian Allen Wells says the settlement association asked 45 troublemakers discontented colonists whose presence was undermining morale to leave Sosua for Ciudad Trujillo in 1942. Meister and Klein and the others could have been part of that group. Among other files, I found an analysis written by former settler Ann Bandler for Columbia University in 1956. She suggested that Sosuas administration had demonstrated an impractical idealismand blamed it for much of what had gone wrong. With proper planning and management, these middle-class, white-collar Europeans could have built the new life they had been promised. Instead, the early settlers had felt dispirited and pessimistic from the start. They came to Sosua unprepared, unexperienced, unselected, the document said. It is not sufficient to benevolently take these people away from their past sufferings and only deposit them in an undeveloped area. A parade of experts, Bandler wrote, had made plans for Sosua, advising the refugees to plant bananas, raise livestock or grow tomatoes; that last effort resulted in such a failure that a large surplus of tomatoes spoiled and was thrown into the sea. The land they had been instructed to develop turned out to be better suited for pasture than farming, and the Jews ended up finding success in a dairy and meat operation that ironically sold pork. But the administrations unkept promises and poor directions bred resentment, Bandler wrote, until antagonism toward it became the main bond among the settlers. The JDC acknowledges that Sosuas refugees faced considerable challenges. The context under which these efforts occurred was totally unprecedented: a war raging, the Holocaust in full force and many countries closing their doors to Jews, Linda Levi, director of the JDC archives, later wrote me in an email. A Star of David monument stands near the shore at Sosua (Washington Post) Still, with every page I read, the story that Sosua had been some sort of paradise, the story I had always been told, started to come apart. Documents hidden away in the archives revealed tensions I had never heard about, between Austrians and Germans, between those who lived in town and those on farms, and those who wanted to improve the community and those who wanted to abandon it and immigrate to the United States. It wasnt unusual for the Jews to fight among themselves. People screamed at each other at community meetings. Divisions emerged over who would be the boss and how to address the towns problems. On a warm night, while one refugee listened to a German radio broadcast, another became enraged by the propaganda, according to a manuscript written by a former resident, Ernest B. Hofeller. He entered his room, ripped the radio out of its socket causing a short circuit and smashed it, Hofeller wrote. One main reason Sosua fell apart, several refugees said in interviews, was simple. It wasnt only the backbreaking agricultural work, the infighting, the culture shock or the desire to find a better life in the States. There were very, very few girls, refugee Ruth Kohn, 90, now living in Springfield, Va., told me. Single men had trouble finding marriageable partners in Sosua, giving them even less reason to stay. In 1942, according to the JDC, among a population of 472 were 158 single men and 38 single women. The settlement association had looked for young men with an agricultural background who could develop the land, and women were less likely to leave Europe on their own. Trujillo also sought out men, hoping that the wave of immigrants from Europe would intermarry with Dominicans and whiten his nations people. History lesson: The Jewish Museum at Sosua (Washington Post) Settlers had to ask the administration for permission any time they wanted to leave Sosua, and the nearest major town was hours away by horseback or about an hour by car, making romance between Dominicans and Jews difficult. These conditions helped spawn cases of adultery in the small community, constantly witnessed and whispered about. You never knew in the morning when you woke up which young man had slept with a married woman, Kohn said. But it wasnt only single men sleeping with married women. The settlers gossiped about both husbands and wives engaging in affairs, Joe Benjamin told me, and the Columbia University analysis mentioned a sexual turpitude that had resulted in cases of syphilis. It made me think of a short passage in Dominican Haven: The Jewish Refugee Settlement in Sosua, one of the few books published about the town, that now made a lot more sense. In the 255-page book, a few paragraphs, easily overlooked, mentioned these dalliances: In 1942, doctors warned men to stay away from bordellos and unknown women and, assuming their advice would be ignored, to use condoms. The bordellos in question were in Charamicos, a poor neighbourhood on the south end of the beach. The refugees had populated El Batey on the north end, and those looking for sex would discreetly venture south. Todays sex industry is completely different, employing women from across the Dominican Republic and Haiti, who take spins around town and on the beach looking for clients. The beach at Sosua today (Washington Post) Everything is just much more visible, said Denise Brennan, a Georgetown University professor who wrote the book Whats Love Got to Do With It? about Sosuas sex industry. Still, it was the Jews not the tourists blamed for Sosuas demise who first visited prostitutes. But that part of the story had been conveniently lost in the retelling. When I got back from Sosua, I called my Aunt Hella and told her that the archives told a different story about our familys journey. She said that the night before Kristallnacht must have been when they arrived in the Dominican Republic, not when they left Berlin. She told me that the first few years in the country were hard my grandparents struggled to learn Spanish and earn money. Records the JDC sent me revealed more details: In Santo Domingo, then called Ciudad Trujillo, my grandfather tried selling tableware, peddling kitchen coal, working as a carpenter and serving as a messenger. But despite working hard, he said he still couldnt make a living. Maybe thats why he decided to move to Sosua. My Aunt Hella was the first to go, after marrying my Uncle Max, one of Sosuas early settlers, at 19. The rest followed her. Hella and Max stayed in Sosua only a few years. My grandparents lived there through the late 1950s, while my Aunt Margot and Uncle Vittorio remained until the 1960s. It was hard getting used to life in Sosua, Aunt Hella said, but she refused to believe the story about the attack in the barracks. That must have happened before she got there, she said. She never saw any violence like that. I asked her about the affairs. Yes, people would trade partners, she said. That was a mess. Why dont people talk about those things? I told her that Id gone to Sosua to find out what had happened. I left thinking that idealism has always been a part of the town, woven even into the stories we tell. There were challenges in Sosua, she said, but everyone could live however they wanted, far from the Nazis and without fear of persecution. They were free, she said. That was what mattered, of course. Sosuas legacy is that it saved so many lives. Its easier to hide the storys difficult aspects in a dusty box in a locked room in a small beach town, and its more comfortable to remember the town as a perfect haven. But the stories we tell ourselves become history, and the full version of what happened in Sosua is being lost. The town has become so foreign to those who left that some have vowed never to return, pushing it deep into their memories. My Aunt Hella told me about one of the last times she visited, with her brother-in-law, Vittorio, more than a decade ago. She stood in the middle of the town, stunned at how things had changed, and turned to her brother-in-law. Lets forget about this, she said. Washington Post Former prison officer Brian Stack was murdered by the IRA The son of an Irish prison officer murdered by the IRA has claimed critical witnesses were not questioned and evidence related to the killing went missing. Austin Stack, who has campaigned to find the gunmen who shot his prison officer father Brian Stack in 1983, said a minority of gardai and prison officers in the Irish Republic colluded with the Provos in the early 1980s. He said botched investigations into atrocities were more than simply poor policing and called for a public inquiry. "It's not just simply down to the poor Garda practices at the time, which is the answer we have been told," Mr Stack said. He was one of a number of people representing victims and survivors of the Troubles who raised concerns over legacy cases and truth recovery at the Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement. Karen McAnerney, whose brother Terence McKeever was abducted and murdered by the IRA in South Armagh in 1986, said she has learnt that 16 items of evidence related to the killing have gone missing from Dundalk Garda Station. She has taken her case to the Garda Ombudsman but claimed the watchdog was working "hand in hand" with the Garda. "Ten years down the line I still don't have any answers," she said. Ken Funston, of Innocent Victims United, said Mr McKeever's murder investigation was marked by bogus officers signing for evidence and a vehicle and a blood stained anorak and cigarette butts going missing. He told the committee former gardai failed to cooperate with inquiries. Mr Funston said another case in Donegal showed clear collusion by gardai. He said members of the force handed a list of names to the IRA which led to a murder and attempted murder. "We need to see honesty from both sides of the border, not just one side," he told the committee. Sitting alongside David Kelly, whose father Patrick, a private in the Irish Army, was murdered in an IRA kidnap in Ballinamore, Co Leitrim in December 1983, Mr Stack he believed collusion occurred in the Republic in the early 1980s. Mr Stack said that as part of his work with the Independent Victims and Survivors Coalition he was aware of evidence log books going missing and unsuccessful a ttempts to find original fingerprints after the flooding of a Garda archive in Santry, Dublin. "I do believe there was a very small minority of people in An Garda Siochana and prison service who aided and abetted the IRA at the time," Mr Stack said. "I think that we need to tease these matters out in full public inquiry." Mr Kelly said his family got no support from the Irish state following his father's murder. "It was all downhill. Three years later, in fact, we were living homeless on the streets of London," he said. The Independent Victims and Survivors Coalition told the committee that proposals for a truth recovery process, agreed in late 2014 between Northern Ireland politicians and the Irish and British governments, would stop well short of getting the information relatives need. Mr Kelly said: "The idea of truth ... it might not work in my case but if it gives anyone peace, closure or healing after these traumatic events in their families' lives then it's worth pursuing." Mr Stack said the proposals under the Stormont House Agreement would not let victims meet or question terrorists or those giving information. "In order for us to trust the process we need to be able to test and question the evidence. Being handed a report by a third party is not acceptable and is not truth recovery," he said. It was not until 2013 that the IRA admitted responsibility for the murder of Brian Stack, a chief prison officer in Portlaoise in the Irish Republic where high-profile IRA members were jailed. Austin Stack was driven with his brother Oliver to a location in Northern Ireland with Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams for a secret meeting. But he accused Mr Adams of only giving 70% of the truth with the rest of the information about who sanctioned his father's murder. Mr Stack also called for former justice minister Michael McDowell to be called before the committee to explain his assertions that there was a "consensus" in the Republic going back to the early 2000s that the Garda would not seek prosecutions of on-the-run terrorists for historical cases. Kenny Donaldson, of Innocent Victims United, raised concerns about letters written to IRA on-the-runs that they would not be prosecuted for legacy killings. He called for them to be rescinded and questioned why a victim would support proposed truth recovery or cold-case investigations without assurances that no-one is immune from prosecution. David Davis has visited European capitals in an attempt to build support for the UK's position The date of Brexit will be written into law as Theresa May warned Tory rebels that the process of leaving the European Union will not be derailed. Amendments to legislation going through Parliament will spell out that the UK's membership of the EU will end at 11pm GMT, midnight in Brussels, on March 29 2019. Brexit Secretary David Davis said the change will make the UK's departure date "crystal clear". And the Prime Minister issued a blunt message to pro-EU MPs, saying any attempt to block Brexit will not be tolerated. The move comes as Mr Davis was set to meet the European Union's chief negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels, where officials have been engaged in the latest round of Brexit talks. The amendment enshrining Brexit day in law will be considered by MPs when the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill returns to the Commons next week. Mrs May's fragile grip on power, relying on DUP votes for a Commons majority, means the Government is vulnerable to any Tory rebellion. Writing in the Daily Telegraph the Prime Minister said: "We will not tolerate attempts from any quarter to use the process of amendments to this Bill as a mechanism to try to block the democratic wishes of the British people by attempting to slow down or stop our departure from the European Union." Mr Davis indicated that he was talking a "pragmatic" approach to MPs' concerns by writing Brexit day into the Bill. He said: "Our amendment makes it crystal clear that the UK is leaving the EU at 11pm on March 29 2019. "We've listened to members of the public and Parliament and have made this change to remove any confusion or concern about what 'exit day' means. "This important step demonstrates our pragmatic approach to this vital piece of legislation. "Where MPs can improve the Bill, whatever their party, we will work with them. "We look forward to further debate in the House of Commons when committee stage begins next week." Ahead of the meeting in Brussels, Mr Barnier called on the UK to make clear whether it will stick with the "European model" on issues like food and environmental standards and financial regulation when it leaves the bloc. With a crunch leaders' summit in December, Mr Barnier also said the moment was approaching for a "real clarification" of Britain's position on issues like citizens' rights, the Irish border and the UK's financial settlement. If the 27 remaining EU members agree next month that sufficient progress has been made on these issues, they will give a green light for negotiations to move on to the questions of trade and transition to a new post-Brexit negotiation. The Prime Minister will attempt to win support from European businesses for her goal of moving the negotiations on to trade talks. She will meet leading business organisations on Monday to set out her vision of a "bold and deep economic partnership" between the UK and EU after Brexit. The Brexit Secretary and Business Secretary Greg Clark will also attend the Downing Street event, which the CBI has helped to organise. Groups represented include the BDI and BDA from Germany, Medef from France and the EU-wide BusinessEurope. Ministers hope that business groups can lobby their national governments to support a trade deal which will be in the interests of both sides in the negotiations. But in a sign of business unease about the impact of Brexit, motor manufacturers Honda, Ford and Vauxhall set out their concerns in evidence to a Commons select committee. In a written submission to the Business, Energy and the Industrial Strategy committee, Honda, which employs 4,000 people at its Swindon plant, said it had concerns about disruption to supply chains, regulatory divergence, restrictions on free movement of labour and the impact of tariffs. "With 35% of exports from our Swindon factory exported to the EU, and 40% of the components used to build cars at Swindon imported from EU27 suppliers, frictionless, tariff-free access to the single market and customs union is vital to our competitiveness," the Japanese motor giant said. Honda also warned that non-tariff barriers could potentially have a greater impact than import and export tariffs. Ford said any transitional deal should be a "standstill agreement" preserving current rules because "we do not believe that the new customs, border and documentation arrangements necessitated by the UK leaving the EU and customs union could be put in place by April 2019". Planning permission for a 40m redevelopment and extension of the Red Mall at Blanchardstown Shopping Centre has been granted by the local authority. The approval paves the way for the creation of up to 300 more jobs at the Dublin location, which is the country's second-largest shopping centre. Blanchardstown Shopping Centre - which is owned by US private-equity giant Blackstone - intends to add an additional 100,000 sq ft of retail space. It will see the construction of a single, 40,000 sq ft unit, as well as 18 standard units. Multi Corporation, Blackstone's pan-European retail platform, manages the Blanchardstown Shopping Centre on behalf of the $9bn (7.7bn) Blackstone fund that acquired the mall for 950m from Green Property last year. When it acquired the property, Multi Corporation said there was scope for adding a total of about 150,000 sq m (1.6 million sq ft) of retail, residential, office and leisure space to the Blanchardstown site. The shopping complex has about 12 million sq ft (112,000 sq m) of retail space. There are about 180 outlets at the centre and some tenants will be relocated in order to facilitate the new development. When it first announced the planned extension to the shopping facility in September, Multi Corporation said the building work involved would support 250 construction jobs. The centre currently supports 5,500 jobs. Dominic Deeny, the managing director of Multi Ireland, said in September that the new extension would be the second in a number of planned investments at Blanchardstown. The Irish Independent recently revealed that US doughnut chain Krispy Kreme has selected Blanchardstown Shopping Centre as the location for its first-ever outlet in Ireland. The chain, now owned by Germany's billionaire Reimann family, had been scouting for more than a year for a location in Ireland. McDonald's has also just secured planning permission to extend its drive-thru restaurant at Blanchardstown. It will add 462 sq ft to boost the size of the outlet to 3,500 sq ft. There have been changes of ownership among all three of Ireland's biggest shopping centres over the past couple of years. UK property giant Hammerson acquired 50pc stakes in Dundrum and the Ilac Centre in Dublin city centre in 2015, after paying Nama 1.85bn for 2.6bn worth of loans connected to the developments. Hammerson has also bought a 50pc stake in the Pavilion's Shopping Centre in Swords, north of the city. Last December, the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre in Dublin was sold for more than 600m to German pension scheme Bayerische Versorgungskammer. It was sold by a consortium that included HSBC, Alternative Investments, Grosvenor, and Hines. The proposed disposal by developer Pat Crean's Marlet Property Group of a portfolio of 1,205 apartments at various stages of development in Dublin is expected to proceed shortly, notwithstanding an issue relating to the title of one of the sites forming part of the deal. The expected sale of the 'Dublin Living' portfolio to London-based Round Hill Capital for a sum in the region of 450m will allow for the forward funding of apartments across four sites at St Clare's and Mount Argus in Harold's Cross, Carriglea on the Naas road and on the former CIE lands at Carlough Road in Cabra. The title issue has arisen for the Marlet Property Group at the St Clare's site, and relates to a small strip of land which, according to records held at the Land Registry, forms parts of the adjacent Parkview Mansions apartment development. This is despite the fact that it has been bounded by a wall within the grounds of the former St Clare's convent for several decades. The Irish Independent understands that Mr Crean was in contact with representatives of the Parkview Mansions management company as recently as yesterday afternoon, in an effort to resolve what he describes as a "mapping error". While Parkview's residents last week refused an offer from the Marlet ceo of 20,000, which he had proposed "as consideration" for the Deed of Transfer for the piece of land, a source familiar with the matter said that refusal should not be seen as an indication that they were opposed to the agreement of a deal. The same source stressed that Parkview's representatives had not looked for more money than the 20,000 which Mr Crean had offered to cover the costs associated with executing the Deed of Transfer. While it would be open to Marlet to pursue a claim for adverse possession of the land, the company would need to establish that it, or its predecessors in title, had enjoyed exclusive use of the property for a minimum of 12 years in order to prove its case. It is understood that Mr Crean and his team are determined to resolve the title issue with Parkview's residents on amicable terms and without the need for litigation. Commenting on the matter, a source close to the negotiations said: "Issues of title are common enough. This is straightforward and it will be sorted out." Elsewhere, and in preparation for the 'Dublin Living' sale, Marlet subsidiary, Crekav Trading GP Ltd, wrote to An Bord Pleanala on September 22 last seeking a pre-planning consultation to fast track the delivery of 421 residential units (419 apartments and two houses) at Carnlough Road in Cabra. The submission was made under the temporary legislation the Government introduced to speed up Strategic Housing Developments (SHDs) of 100 residential units and 200 student bed spaces. Apart from the delivery of 421 units in Cabra, Marlet is looking to build 180 apartments at Mount Argus, 220 apartments at St Clare's and 362 apartments at Carriglea. The four schemes are due for completion between the second half of 2018 and the early part of 2020. The firm has designed the new 43,000 Pairc Ui Chaoimh in Cork Photo: Sportsfile Pre-tax profits at the award-winning architects Scott Tallon Walker last year more than tripled to 811,983. The firm, which designed the new 43,000 Pairc Ui Chaoimh in Cork and has also co-designed Dublin's Aviva stadium, recorded the 244pc increase in pre-tax profits as revenues increased by 36pc from 7.1m to 9.6m. In response to the surge in business, it increased its workforce from 76 to 92 during 2016. "As predicted, 2016 saw ongoing recovery and confidence in the Irish market with a positive uplift in our revenues and profitability and our appointment to a number of high-level projects," the directors' report stated. The firm and the directors added that they are satisfied with the company's financial position at the end of last year. They state that in response to this increased workload, "we have recruited talented architects to deliver this work in 2017 and their costs are reflected in our operating expenses for 2016". The directors state that working closely with the firm's London office "we have also assisted our UK sister company in securing a number of flagship projects in the UK". Staff costs increased from 4.2m to 5.5m. Pay to the 12-strong board last year increased from 902,211 to 1.2m. The worsening shortage of young cattle vets has forced one large practice in Donegal to look to the southern African state of Botswana for suitable staff. Gerard Roarty of the Donegal Animal Hospital in Letterkenny said it was proving extremely difficult to hire Irish vets for big animal work and many practices were now looking to Eastern Europe and beyond to fill posts. He claimed the ongoing difficulty in hiring vets for cattle work could jeopardise the future of beef and suckler farming in remote parts of the country. "If we advertise a job for a vet for small animals only, we are inundated with applications - our email would be choked up. But nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to work with cattle," Mr Roarty said. Mr Roarty is currently looking to hire a vet but he couldn't get an Irish graduate and he is now in discussions with a vet from Botswana who studied in Glasgow. Earlier this year Veterinary Ireland claimed there were up to 110 unfilled posts for vets in large animal practices around the country. However, many in the sector believe there are even more vacant positions, with vets in some areas not advertising jobs because they know they won't get applications. Mr Roarty said the situation in some parts of the country was now becoming critical. The absence of vet cover could end up excluding farmers from keeping cattle, he claimed. "If a cow in the middle of the Bluestack Mountains or out in Gweedore needs a Caesarean section, then someone has to be there to do it," he said. However, he maintained that it was becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee veterinary cover. Mr Roarty worked as a vet in North America, Australasia and Africa before returning to establish the practice covering northwest Donegal with his brother Ciaran. "The problem now is that graduates are travelling abroad and working in small animal practices and they're not interested in taking jobs with cattle at all when they come home," he contended. The Donegal vet claimed the CAO points system and the entry criteria for the UCD veterinary college were partly to blame for the drift away from big animals. Young people who had an interest in veterinary and farming were finding it increasingly difficult to get the points for the UCD course. The entry requirement for veterinary medicine in UCD this year was 559 points. He maintained that a certain number of places on the UCD veterinary course should be reserved for students who had completed an agriculture qualification and shown an interest in working in the farming industry with large animals. Richard O'Connell was out on a Sunday hunt with the Duhallows in Co Cork the week before Christmas in 2008 - but after a freak off- farm accident the following Wednesday he was hospitalised in the Mater, Dublin. The prognosis strongly suggested he might never walk again. His life had changed utterly in an instant and his best laid plans for the farm in Mallow, where he breeds hunters and jumpers for the equestrian sector were put on hold indefinitely. He was 37 at the time, married to Niamh with four young children - Sarah (16), Emma (8) and Chloe (7) and Daniel, then aged 13 months. Richard was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury which, according to the doctors in Dublin, would probably leave him paralysed for the rest of his life. That was never Richard's plan, however. Expand Close Richard O'Connell and Family / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Richard O'Connell and Family He had an off-farm job with a road construction company to supplement his income from the horse enterprise but everything changed that Wednesday when he was working "up country in Mayo". "I fell off the lorry and rolls of wire mesh fell down on top of me, I had no feeling from the neck down. I was brought to the Mater where I was told I had the spinal cord injury," Richard recalls. "I spent a month in the Mater and nine months in the Dun Laoghaire rehabilitation hospital. "After three months there I began to get some movement in my toes and with hard work and determination I got some movement in my legs. The help and motivation I got from the nurses and physios and from my family made me determined to walk again," he says. Expand Close Richard O'Connell / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Richard O'Connell After over a year in the Dublin hospitals where, apart from his spinal injury, he also suffered badly from depression, he was discharged in a wheelchair. By 2010 Richard was continuing his recovery at home and in a private clinic in Limerick. "I started with the private physio in October 2009 and the physio told me that I would be standing by Christmas." Richard missed that deadline, but was on his feet by the following March when he took his first tentative steps to the partial mobility he has now regained. "I gradually started getting better from then on and the only thing that stops me now is my spasm," he says. "I did my test for driving a horse box when I came home full-time and last year I bought a modified John Deere for the farm. "I never thought I would have a chance of driving a tractor again, but during this summer I did the mowing and baling - and drawing the bales on the farm - just like the old days. "All my life I have been interested in horses and machinery and to this day I still am. I said 'never say never' and I can now drive my modified John Deere." Looking ahead, he wants to improve the breeding lines of his hunters and jumpers with the recent introduction of two new stallions to his stable of 70 horses. "We'll know if the move has improved the stocks early next year and I am hopeful," he says. Richard will be speaking at the Embrace Farm conference in the Midland Park Hotel, Portlaoise on Saturday, November 25 Almost two out of every three steers being slaughtered at the beef export plants are now failing to make the base classification grades, the latest official figures have revealed. The grading results were compiled from the Department of Agriculture figures on the entire throughput of steers at the export factories between July 1 and September 30, 2017, which was an excellent production period for beef animals. The grading was carried out on more than 200,000 head of steers supplied during the third quarter of 2017. The results showed that 61pc of the steers slaughtered over the period had failed to make any of the base price grades which ranges from R=/2+ to R-/4=. On a typical 350kg carcase, the penalty varies between 12c/kg and 36c/kg, reducing the return to producers by between 42 and 126/hd, with the poorer grading also adding to a further reduction of 42/hd under the in-spec bonus for some categories. The ICMSA have called for factories to supply farmers with a digitised image of the carcase for each of the animals on the day of slaughter. ICMSA beef chairman Michael Guinan said the drop in grades cannot be explained simply in terms of the increased dairy influence adding that there is ongoing disquiet around the accuracy of grading machines themselves. He said the images of the carcases should be provided to the farmer on the day of slaughter along with images of animals making the specific grades for comparison. Ireland South MEP Sean Kelly has called for an overhaul of the grading system, describing farmers as totally frustrated with the system of grading. ICSA beef chairman Edmond Phelan said serious cattle producers are getting disillusioned with the accuracy of grading machines in some factories. With the increase in dairy sourced calves, it is likely that this will get worse before it gets better. He added: The current grading machines are outdated technology and there are many who believe that they are not working accurately and that they need replacing. IFA beef chairman Angus Woods told farmers in Co Limerick that there is a lack of transparency within the beef industry. Dairy farmers know within a cent or two the value of milk and can take out a five year fixed price contract. Beef farmers cannot get a five day assurance on price and it is very hard to build an industry on that he said. Meat Industry Irelands Cormac Healy said the Department constantly monitor grading and the carcase classification system operates to a very high level of accuracy and consistency. Bord Bias Joe Burke said that there has been a big increase in the number of Hereford and Angus progeny off the dairy herd in the kill this year and average carcase weight had dropped by up to 5kg. He said that throughput for the year to date is up 75,000hd and in line with expectations. Mr Burke said factories have experienced strong market demand throughout the year and prices to producers have remained stronger than 2016. He predicted that it is not likely that any significant tightening in the supply of cattle will take place for the rest of 2017. Political indifference has turned rural Ireland into a playground for criminal gangs and drug lords, a party leader has claimed. Renua Ireland Leader Councillor John Leahy said the only response to rising crime has been closing Garda stations. This has created the situation where, be it in the West, the Border or the Midlands, the people are under siege from thieves and drug warlords intent on expanding their empires, he claimed. Rural Ireland has become a playground for criminal gangs because of political indifference to the plight of rural communities. The government has, over the last decade, staged a managed retreat from rural policing, Cllr Leahy stated. He argued that criminals are capable of making risk assessments and have, in what he believes is the absence of rural gardai, made the most of Irelands network of motorways. In a jibe at Minister for Transport Shane Ross, Cllr Leahy pointed out that crime existed in areas other than Dublin's Stepaside, a reference to a re-opening of its closed Garda Station. He insisted it was time to get tough on crime. We do not want people jailed for 20 years for stealing a Mars bar. But they should go down for terrorising a farmer and they should go down for 20 years as should paedophiles such as Tom Humphries, argued Cllr Leahy. People are losing respect for a law system that only protects the rights of defendants. Thugs and gangsters have made a playground of rural Ireland. Virtual terror has been imposed on people particularly in rural counties. Our culture, our lifestyle has been taken away from us. We no longer can leave our key in the back door, Cllr Leahy remarked. Offaly North Tipperary TD Carol Nolan also called for action on rural crime. The Sinn Fein spokesperson on Community and Rural Development said recently, almost 300 people attended a public meeting in West Offaly to discuss a significant increase in break ins in the local area. We also had a vicious attack on a local farmer last weekend, who was hospitalised after four assailants broke into his home, she remarked. Rural crime is a massive issue and rural communities are living in fear, she stated. There has been a growing concern that the closure of local Garda stations has reduced garda visibility and made rural communities vulnerable to crime, said Deputy Nolan. Meanwhile, she claimed, there are Garda cars that remained parked outside Garda stations in Offaly because there isn't Gardai to drive them to patrol communities, this is of serious concern. She maintained the closures have resulted in people feeling vulnerable, particularly in isolated areas. In addition, she said, "farmers have increasingly found themselves dealing with the theft of valuable farm machinery and livestock. Deputy Nolan expressed her belief that the government has no desire to re-open closed garda stations and was instead stalling on the issue. "This Government must take immediate action to ensure that rural communities have the resources they need to feel safe, she added. People are keeping guns beside their beds, following the vicious attack on a farmer in Offaly last week, a local Community Alert representative has said. Richie McKelvey, a 54-year-old farmer, was assaulted in his home in Brosna, outside Birr, Co Offaly earlier this week. Gardai have appealed for information on his four attackers, saying they had Munster accents and used a high-powered 4X4 vehicle. Speaking to Midlands 103, Aghancon Community Alert Chairman Joe Parlon highlighted the impact of the attack on the local area. Several people have said to me in the last number of days and it's coming from fear leading to anger that by god I have the shotgun beside the bed at the moment. That is the reaction that is there at the moment. I think as a community we have to try and do what we can to make sure that our community is more secure and that a situation is not there that Richard would feel that he could not come back and live in his own house because he is too afraid, he said. Read More Superintendent Martin Cashen said it was "a very serious incident." He said Gardai believe the public may have vital information which could lead to identifying the raiders. "We would appeal to anyone who witnessed anything suspicious or even something just out of the ordinary in the area to contact us," he said. "In particular, we would like to hear about any suspicious persons or vehicles in the Drumakeenan and Glassderrybeg areas on the N62 Birr to Roscrea Road that was noticed in the days leading up to the incident. "If anyone has any information, no matter how trivial they might think it is, please contact Birr Garda Station immediately," Supt Cashen said. Farmers and landowners in the area have already been combing their fields following a Garda appeal in a bid to trace any clothing or items that may have been discarded by the raiders following the burglary. Gardai are also checking CCTV security camera footage from towns and villages in the area to try to trace the movements of any vehicles matching the description of the powerful 4x4 believed to have been used by the raiders. Read More While Garda inquiries are only at a preliminary stage, they do not believe that Dublin gangs who have been terrorising parts of the Midlands and Munster over recent weeks are responsible for the Brosna attack. One Garda source said the farm raid is believed to have been conducted by a Limerick-based gang who have repeatedly targeted farms and agricultural facilities across Munster and south Leinster for cash and valuable farm machinery such as generators, quads and chain-saws which are then sold on. Anyone with information is asked to contact Birr Gardai on (057) 9169710 or the Garda Confidential Line on (1800) 666111. 'The latest data shows casual dining is a dominant trend, with more than a third of consumer spend on limited service restaurants.' Ireland's food service market is now valued at a record 7.8bn, according to new research from Bord Bia. The sector is now made up of 33,000 individual outlets. The latest research shows takeaway and so called 'grab-and-go', are key drivers of growth, although healthier foods trends are increasingly influencing menus. Bord Bia's 2017 Irish Foodservice Channel Insights Report tracks all food consumed outside the home - from restaurants and pubs, to workplaces, hospitals and vending machines. The sector is tipped to grow to 9bn by 2020. The latest data shows casual dining is a dominant trend, with more than a third of consumer spend on limited service restaurants. This includes casual dining and takeaway, compared to 12pc in full service restaurants and 17pc in pubs. A drop this year in pub dining figures, excluding alcohol, is attributed to Brexit which Bord Bia said has led to a decrease in weekend trips and holiday visits to Ireland from the UK. However, the two market segments showing the biggest share gain are hotels, accounting for 17pc of total food service consumer spending; and coffee shops and cafes - although the latter still only makes up 6pc of activity. Last year, 2,600 tonnes of sweets were produced at the Dublin plant Jellybean firm Cloetta Ireland last year recorded a 43pc drop in pre-tax profits to 2.2m. That is according to new accounts which show that the company - formerly Aran Candy Ltd - recorded the drop in profits after revenues decreased from 14.68m to 14.32m. In July of last year, co-founder of Aran Candy Richard Cullen received a 10.12m windfall when he sold his remaining shareholding in the Dublin gourmet sweet firm to Scandinavian firm, Cloetta. Based in Blanchardstown, the sweet business was established by father and son, Peter and Richard Cullen in 1998. Last year, 2,600 tonnes of sweets were produced at the Dublin plant - or the equivalent of 14 million jelly beans a day Cloetta Ireland exports more than 97pc of its production to 60 export markets around the globe, with its main market in the UK. The firm also exports to the US, Canada, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and South Korea. Numbers employed by the firm at its Dublin facility increased further last year, going up from 81 to 87. The accounts show that 74 are engaged in production, 11 in administration and two directors. Total pay to staff, including directors last year, increased from 2.86m to 3.13m. The amount paid to directors increased going from 422,261 to 452,780. Accumulated profits at the firm last year increased from 10.7m to 12.7m. The firm's shareholder funds totalled 13.7m while its cash pile increased from 1.1m to 1.6m. Coillte chief Fergal Leamy says there is plenty more to be done to transform the agency despite recent progress When Fergal Leamy (40) told the staff at Coillte's head office that he was looking to reduce numbers there to 17 from 90, it, unsurprisingly, didn't go down very well. He had the backing of the board and the Government for his "ambitious strategy" - making the state forestry agency leaner, increasing its operating cash and putting it in the healthy position of being able to spew out a bigger shareholder dividend each year. With plans to cut the cost base by 20m, it was time to get staff on board as well. "Was it difficult? Of course it was," he says. "The day I announced to people that we were going to 17 people as a head office, you can imagine the sheer shock." Not exactly the best route to make you Mr Popular among your new staff following his appointment as CEO in 2015. His first year in the job, he says, was spent driving around Coillte's various operations across the country to set out his vision. "There was quite a bit of emotion, because people were concerned with all of the uncertainty. We had town halls up and down the country and I would stand up in front of 60 or 70 people, and I genuinely wanted people to say what they thought. The change was uncomfortable," he says. All in all, Coillte's staff numbers have been cut by 200 through voluntary redundancy. But Leamy is able to reassure the remaining staff that the heavy lifting has now all been done. "I'd say the organisation today has been through a huge trauma, but has come out the other side and is in a good place. We have done our heavy lifting on the restructuring. "We had four phases. We completed the fourth phase, it went to union ballot in June, and the new organisation went live on the first week in September. That's done." He has good reason for optimism. Last year's annual results for the agency - which is the custodian of 7pc of Ireland's land extending to more than 440,000 hectares - showed that operating cash flow surged 130pc to just over 15m. This year it's on target to hit 30m operating cash. It had set a target of 12m for last year. It also reported record earnings of 98.3m for the year, up 10pc, while operating profit was just under 65m. But to quote the old Fianna Fail election slogan of 2002 - 'A lot done, more to do'. "We're not finished. We've got quite a bit more to go," he says. "But we're rightly primed, we're where we want to be, and we're primed to see the benefits come through. How you measure that now is through the dividend." And that's the part of his plan that looks set to make him a real golden boy in the Department of Finance. Mr Leamy believes Coillte could be paying a dividend to the State of around 30m to 40m within three to four years. That would be a significant increase on the 6.2m paid for 2016, which was up 24pc on the previous year. "We very much hope that by 2020/2021, that's where we'll be," Mr Leamy says. Although he's tight-lipped on the projected figure for this year, he expects it will be double digits. Mr Leamy said the company had agreed a dividend policy with the State - linked to the increasing operating cash pile - and that it had committed to trying to grow that dividend each year. The aim - to avoid the situation where the forestry agency can't see the wood from the trees if it suffers a bad year. "What we want is to move away from is a business that in a year of bad timber prices, historically you wouldn't have paid a dividend for years. But under this new model, because you have a enough headspace, it means you still pay a decent dividend. "It might be a little lower than you'd want it, but in the good years you pay a little bit more. It's within a range." And so to the future. "If we get this right, and we continue in the journey we're on, you'll have an organisation that is the best forestry land solutions company in Europe," Leamy says. "It has that potential. We have some very strong assets in this country." One future income stream is renewable energy. Coillte has just appointed financial advisers IBI and Capricorn to help the agency seek out a joint venture partner to help it manage its renewable energy ambitions. Between now and the end of the year, their task will be to work with Coillte and figure out what is the right plan for that side of the business. The commercial semi-State has identified around 1,000 megawatts of development for wind and renewable energy projects on its land. But it believes that to press ahead on its own would take considerable equity and "unbalance" the business. "My primary aim and the aim of our board is to have a situation where we're not giving away the family jewels," Leamy said. "We're retaining the upside on the wind side but we're not taking the risk. That is the objective, and I think we're in a position with the sites we have that we can achieve that. "We could have taken the decision to do this ourselves, but it would have been such a distraction. You would have had to think about the two parts of the business separately." Longer term, the agency doesn't see itself as a utility company, Leamy says, but more a developer of wind assets - a view that is shared by the board, he adds. "To do otherwise you would lose focus on forestry and it may well be something for a shareholder in a future point to look at. "But from Coillte's perspective, it probably would be the wrong thing for us to do because we would get distracted by it." For Leamy, the focus is to put Coillte on a sound financial footing - of particular importance given the threat from Brexit. He is upbeat about the agency's prospects for dealing with the UK's EU withdrawal. But he accepts there nonetheless remain considerable challenges for which the company needs to prepare. "There are 40,000 trucks that move between Ireland and mainland UK every year with timber products on them," he says. "That's 150 to 200 trucks a day. That's not including what goes north and south. The sheer volume here is extraordinary. "So it's making sure of simple things - like our IT systems can process documents that might need to cross the Border. We're doing a lot of that prep work at the minute." I wrongly suggest that delays for timber products at borders may not be quite as problematic as those for food products. But Mr Leamy says time is paramount as customers in the UK regard Coillte almost as a British company. "For us to support that, the slickness of the system is extraordinary. Material leaves our factories in Waterford and Clonmel and all of our customer factories across the country and is sometimes on-site 48 hours later - 24 hours later when it needs to be. "We are looking at things like warehousing in the UK. It's a different challenge to food because of their perishability. But if a B&Q in the UK begins to see us as non-homegrown and they favour the homegrown, then that is a challenge. We're actually investing more in making us as much a UK-based company in that segment as possible." And what of his own plans? The Waterford man and father of three has had an eclectic background that has included a stint as a ministerial adviser under Simon Coveney, some time in private equity at Terra Firma Capital Partners and three years in Australia as CEO of agrifood business Consolidated Pastoral after spending four years in the US as head of Greencore US. "I've spent 15 years travelling and I'm thoroughly enjoying my time in Coillte. It's always for me about coming in and leading that transformation, and we're not done yet." BANK of Ireland has owned up to thousands of extra cases where customers were denied a good-value tracker mortgage by it. The bank said it has discovered an additional 6,000 cases where customers were due the low-rate mortgage, but had been told they were not entitled to it. The new figure is understood to include 2,000 bank staff that Bank of Ireland was resisting including in its tracker remediation scheme, despite pressure from the Central Bank. The new 6,000 cases are in addition to 4,300 cases already admitted to by the bank. This takes the total to more than 10,000, the largest number of the 15 lenders examining their mortgage books for mortgage overcharging. New chief executive Francesca McDonagh has apologised for the failure to recognise that customers were due the good value rates. Expand Close BoI boss Francesca McDonagh. / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp BoI boss Francesca McDonagh. The bank has been forced to put aside between 150m and 175m to cover the cost of returning the 6,000 overcharged mortgage holders to tracker rates, refunding overpaid interest and compensating them for the loses. Ms McDonagh said: Since taking up the role of CEO at Bank of Ireland in October, making progress on the tracker issue has been a top priority. We have since made substantial progress in relation to the issue. The bank is also confirming today that c.6,000 additional customers will be part of the compensation scheme. This now gives us a clear picture of the number of impacted customers. "The compensation process is commencing, and our priority is to ensure that all impacted customers are compensated as quickly as possible. Five years ago, Google was a software and online ad company. Now, it makes hardware such as phones and laptops. It has deliberately gone for the high end in both categories. The latest incarnation of this is the Pixelbook, a 12-inch machine that has a touchscreen, a 360-degree hinge, the latest power specifications under the hood and Google's web-focused Chrome OS operating system. This latter element is the big feature that either attracts or repels potential buyers. While most people overwhelmingly use their laptops for online operation, many still like to have the promise of a deep offline reservoir of functionality - facilitated by a highly evolved operating system - that they can default to. Personally, I have always wanted to take to Chromebooks. I believe in the ascension of cloud over individual devices and have habituated lots of my work practices to it, from Google Docs and photo-editing to music, movies and other things. Twice before I've bought a Chromebook, hoping they could substitute for traditional Windows or Apple laptops. Twice before, I've faded away from them because of critical limitations in workflows. Will the Pixelbook lure me back? Anyone who has tried a Chromebook will know that one of its key traits is to act as a speedy gateway to fully functional apps and programmes that live online. The Pixelbook is a testimony to this. It's lighting fast to start up and get into Chrome - there's no 20 to 30 seconds of fidgeting as you wait for things to warm up. Another advantage is design and form factor. The 12-inch Pixelbook is very slim and very light, at just 1kg. Considering the heavyweight tech under the hood, that's great. But its biggest design feature is its 360-degree hinge, which allows you to stand the device up as a video screen (in 'tent mode') or use it as a slight heavy tablet. I like this in laptops because these devices are increasingly also being used in our downtime as Netflix, YouTube or Sky Go screens. The display on the Pixelbook is absolutely excellent - really bright (up to 400 nits) and sporting a high-end 235 pixels-per-inch resolution. To differentiate the rear casing from every other silver-coloured laptop, the Pixelbook has a white glass rectangular panel on the upper side of the casing. From afar, this looks like plastic, so don't be surprised if your first impression of the look of the machine is that it's a little cheap. Once you're used to using it, however, it's quite an attractive feature and sets it apart from the gazillions of silver laptops out there. The Pixelbook's keyboard is sleek and really nice to use. A small quibble is the backlit keyboard: the keys are lit unevenly. For example, on one of the 'shift' buttons, the 's' and the 'h' are lit brighter than the 'ift'. On the 'enter' button, the 'r' is much brighter than the 'e' beside it. There are also a few other small things to get used to. For example, camped in the place of a caps lock button is a search button. So to turn on caps lock you have to jointly press the 'alt' and search button. Don't expect many physical connectivity options here. There are just two USB-C / Thunderbolt ports on the device with a 3.5mm headphone jack. This goes back to a core point: with this machine, software and additional storage (over the 128GB to 512GB options available) is primarily accessed online. In the Pixelbook's favour, there is almost no application that you can't now get or download online. The first thing I did on this machine was to sign up to Adobe's Lightroom software (for a subscription of a fiver a month) and get to work editing photos on the machine without any noticeable lag. Google has widened the potential for app usage here, making the Pixelbook compatible with downloads from its Play Store. Obviously, very few are optimised for it. Still, this has great potential. Google says that developers are adding more beta versions of Chrome OS apps to optimise for screens such as the Pixelbook's. That said, some programs on the Pixelbook aren't really apps, but are better described as shortcuts to webpages. Coming from a pro tablet (such as the iPad Pro) or a hybrid (such as the Surface Pro), this can feel a bit cheap by comparison. Ironically, using some of Google's own apps with the touchscreen Pixelbook is not as fluid as devices such as the iPad Pro. For example, I'm a big user of Google Docs. But when you try to highlight a word or sentence using your finger, it immediately pulls up a menu, disallowing you from deciding how much more of the sentence or paragraph you want to edit. Adding insult to injury, there's no such problem using touchscreen edits on rival systems such as Microsoft Word. However, the idea that the Pixelbook is some sort of a lightweight machine that can't handle heavy software processes is increasingly a shaky one. Despite its slimness and lightweight frame, the hardware is beefy enough with 8GB of Ram (16GB is available) and an Intel i5 processor (an i7 version is optional). This is easily enough horsepower to handle almost any mainstream application, or several of them at once. For those into voice control, one of the laptop's big features is its integration with the Google Assistant. Saying "OK Google" immediately opens up the Assistant, which can help with general web queries, location information, weather, sport results and other minor queries. The more you use Google's ecosystem (such as Google Calendar or Gmail) the more helpful it is. However, it has some limitations. Sitting in an Insomnia cafe in Drumcondra, Dublin, I asked it for the nearest cafe. It gave me the name of one a mile away, despite at least three others being closer (including the one I was sitting in). But this is a small quibble. Integrated into one's workflow, this could be a very useful feature. The Pixelbook has one other trick when used with the Pixelbook Pen stylus. Using this gadget, you can circle text or images and get information instantly. This also works for some locations or public figures. Calendar entries also work using this method, too, by circling a date and a time. It's one of the best implementations of a screen stylus I've ever seen, with one drawback: the pen itself isn't rechargeable (it takes batteries) and it can't attach to the Pixelbook. Battery life is fine, although it's a stretch to say it's 10 hours, as Google guides. Expect six hours without too many exceptions. So what's the verdict? This is one seriously impressive laptop. It's easily the best Chromebook I've ever used. It's light and portable and serves me way better in downtime (for things like Netflix) than most laptops do. However, it should be said that this type of machine won't suit everyone. If you use a few custom pieces of software, particularly those you need for your work, the Chromebook format is still inherently more limited than Windows or Mac machines. But I can honestly say that there's almost nothing I use a laptop for that wasn't satisfied by the Pixelbook. I use laptops mostly for work (writing, word processing, presentations, photo-editing and web research). I suspect that's not so different from the majority of laptop use cases out there. '"There is no more than a theoretical possibility of Monarch emerging as a going concern or resuming the operation of air services," Gross told the court.' Failed airline Monarch does not have the right to sell its airport takeoff and landing slots, potentially the most valuable remaining part of the business, a court in London ruled on Wednesday, in a blow to administrators seeking to recoup money. The High Court rejected Monarch's claim that it must be allocated slots for the summer 2018 schedule and said the airline's slots will be placed into a pool for allocation. Administrators at KPMG had sought a judicial review to establish if they had the right to sell airport slots, reportedly worth 60m. Judge Peter Gross dismissed their claim, saying that as Monarch was no longer flying and was unlikely to do so in the future, Airport Coordination Limited (ACL) had no duty to assign them slots. "There is no more than a theoretical possibility of Monarch emerging as a going concern or resuming the operation of air services," Gross told the court. Lawyers for Monarch sought permission to appeal the ruling. Gross said a decision on whether to grant an appeal would be adjourned until the full judgement was written. British Airways owner IAG, easyJet, Norwegian and Wizz Air have all expressed interest in acquiring Monarch's slots, especially at London's Gatwick and Luton airports. The court's ruling means that the slots will go into the pool, and they will be assigned by ACL. A slot-allocation conference began on Wednesday in Madrid. Judge Gross also said he intended to grant a stay on the ruling until 4pm on November 17 with regards to the slots at Luton and Gatwick. There was no stay given for the ruling on Monarch's Manchester and Birmingham slots. The sudden collapse of Monarch last month meant that over 100,000 holidaymakers needed repatriation by British authorities. (Reuters) A travel agent played a spectacular prank on a guy who lost his ID outside their premises this week. Will Armstrong shared the joke on Twitter, revealing he lost his driving licence when he was "pretty drunk" and later received a letter from a local travel agents, Flight Centre, in the UK. We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Manage Preference The documents contained an itinerary for a luxury trip to the Maldives including first class flights from December 1 with Etihad Airways via Abu Dhabi to the Maldives and back. There was also a letter addressed to "Lord George William Armstrong" which stated, "Thank you so much for popping in the other day. We certainly appreciate your business and hope your [sic] beginning to get excited about your upcoming first class flight to the Maldives!" "Please keep in mind, balance is due in full on Friday, November 10th at 12.05pm." The "balance due" was a whopping 5,289.87. However, another letter revealed it was a prank carried out by Steve who works at Flight Centre. It read, "George, We're just kidding :) we've found you're [sic] driving license (enclosed) outside our shop and thought you might need it! Just amke sure you consider us for your next holiday. Take care!" Video of the Day Will shared the prank on Twitter and took a selfie with Steve, the genius prankster and PR extraordinaire. We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Manage Preference Several people expressed their suspicion over the prank given the letter is addressed to "George Armstrong" but the name on the driving licence is William George Armstrong. A 24-year-old woman who suffered problems after laser eye surgery has given evidence against a leading doctor before a Fitness to Practise committee inquiry of the Medical Council. Rebecca Kinsella was 18 when she had the Lasik eye surgery at an Optical Express clinic on Wellington Road, Dublin on April 2, 2012. The new mother who had a five-month-old son at the time told how she paid around 4,000 for the procedure. She was giving evidence at a hearing into Dr Jan Venter, of Kabeljous Road, Jeffreys Bay, in South Africa - who did not himself perform the surgery - but held a position with Optical Express in the UK. He is facing allegations of professional misconduct and poor professional performance in relation to the treatment afforded by Optical Express to Ms Kinsella, where he was Medical Director and/or Clinical Director. A number of the allegations relate to ensuring adequate systems were in place. Mr Simon Mills BL, who is representing Dr Venter has strenuously denied that his client has any case to answer. He said his client is very highly regarded, and has 44 unblemished years of service. Ms Kinsella told the inquiry she was offered a free consultation, and that happened in a different branch to the Wellington Road one on March 27th 2012. The surgery was booked and carried out a few days later on 2 April, 2012 by a surgeon there is no allegation in relation to the performance of the surgery. She subsequently attended a number of after-care appointments at the clinic, and two weeks post surgery, she told the inquiry that: "My right eye seemed to deteriorate more. "I had problems when I was trying to look at the telly. I had to blink a lot. I was very sensitive to the light. "When I was reading or anything my eyes would water. They kept watering. I noticed when I was driving at night, the lights in the cars in front of me were kind of like doubled. I made another appointment to go back and speak to them again." Lorna Lynch BL for the Medical Council said it is not disputed that the first date Ms Kinsella saw Dr Venter was 18 June 2012 for clinical review and then again on 20 August 2012, when Dr Venter was also in attendance. She said evidence will be given to the inquiry by an expert that taking a number of issues into consideration, Ms Kinsella was not a suitable candidate for Lasik eye surgery. In a statement, Optical Express said: "Optical Express performs thousands of successful procedures every year making it Irelands number one laser eye surgery provider. Our patients receive the highest level of care from the worlds most experienced laser eye surgeons... We pride ourselves on being Europes leading laser eye surgery provider and delivering professional high-level care to thousands of patients across Europe every year." The inquiry is continuing. The Teaching Council inquiry in Maynooth heard the allegations about taping of students mouths. Stock picture Five schoolgirls said their mouths were taped shut by a teacher in fifth class when they did not stop talking. They gave evidence of their alleged treatment by a substitute teacher at Ireland's first- ever public fitness-to-practise inquiry, held by the Teaching Council yesterday. The female teacher faced allegations of professional misconduct at the inquiry into the March 2012 incident in a primary school. "I was scared and shocked," said one of the girls as she recalled the incident, which is alleged to have happened when they were in fifth class. The teacher was not present at the hearing and was not represented. In a submission to the Teaching Council, she denied the accusations and claimed the children had taped up their own mouths. Each of the pupils contradicted this. The young witnesses, who are now aged between 15 and 16, said there were six boys and five girls in a maths class. They admitted that all the pupils were talking and messing and that they did not stop talking despite the teacher telling them to "whist" on several occasions. The substitute teacher, who had started at the school two days previously, said she would Sellotape their mouths if they didn't stop talking. "She could not control the class. We kept talking," said a now 16-year-old. The inquiry heard that the teacher placed Sellotape on the lips of two of the girls and instructed the other three girls in the class to put Sellotape on their own mouths. It remained on the girls' mouths for up to 30 minutes until the class ended. Read More The school principal said she was later informed what had happened by a pupil and she spoke with the five girls. "I could see they were upset. One or two were crying," she said. The girls had "little red marks" around their mouths, she said. When the substitute teacher arrived back at the school later that afternoon, she put the allegations to her. The teacher did not deny it and said she "didn't mean any harm by it". However, she later told the Teaching Council she had not taped the pupil's mouths. The principal informed her that afternoon that she was not to return to the substitute teaching job. She contacted the parents and asked the girls to write down what had happened. The principal said she had contacted the Department of Education, Tusla and the HSE. The hearing heard that attempts by solicitor Natasha Forde, acting on behalf of the Teaching Council director, to maintain contact with the teacher since a preliminary hearing in September, had been fruitless. At one stage, the teacher indicated to the inquiry team she "no longer" wished to be contacted by phone or email. Among the evidence was that, last month, a man answered a call to the contact number provided by the teacher and said it was a "wrong number". On other occasions, there was no response or the call was disconnected. Over two days last week, a summons server called to the teacher's apartment and there was no reply. One neighbour said she hadn't seen her for the previous week and that post hadn't been collected. A 10-year-old neighbour told the summons server that he believed she had "gone back to her mother's house in another county". The identity of the teacher, the school principal and the pupils were not made public at the hearing. The school was not named. The hearing concluded with the three-member panel indicating it will give its decision on the case at a later date. Since last Monday, Leaving Cert students and, indeed, any person who is interested in starting college next September can register with the CAO and begin filling out their form. I always push students to begin this process as early as possible. There is no benefit to waiting and, in my experience, once applicants get going, they are reassured by how simple it is. The most difficult part of completing a CAO application is not the actual process of filling out the form, but deciding the courses for which to apply. I have to admit that each year a large number of applicants, including my own students, fail to follow the advice to start early. Students delay because they have not yet decided which courses they would like to list or the order in which they will place them. The great thing about filling out the CAO form online is that the applicant does not have to make a decision about when the form is completed. There is no send button and there is no piece of information that cannot be changed by the candidate before the submission date. Whatever is entered on it on February 1 is the information with which the CAO will work. Since the CAO opened on Monday, it is possible for applicants to set up an account into which they can log as many times as they like. And from now until February 1, they can make as many changes to their form as they like. To get started, applicants will need to register and pay their fee. For 2018/19, the standard application fee is 45, discounted to 30 for any applicant who registers by January 20. On the form, applicants will be asked to complete their personal details and enter credit/debit card details or the number from their Bank Giro. If an applicant would like to pay by Bank Giro, they should contact their school guidance counsellor and ask them to request one from the CAO on their behalf. Once they have done this, they will receive their CAO number. The number is important as applicants will need it for logging into their form and all dealings with the CAO, as well as other CAO-related activities, such as applying for the HPAT aptitude test for medicine, or submitting a portfolio. The applicant may log into their account as often as they wish to enter application details, apply for programmes such as the HEAR or DARE, and to enter and remove courses. At this stage, it is unlikely that applicants will have more than one or two courses for their application. However, it is not necessary to enter any courses at the moment, although that should not prevent students from getting started. On the plus side, entering a few courses now, safe in the knowledge they can be removed at a later date, can help reduce an individual's stress around this process. The danger is that by not starting the process of entering courses and thinking about order of preference, many students end up in the situation where, on February 1, their form has no course choices. While February 1 is the deadline for registration, and courses and their order of preference can be entered later, it is far from the ideal situation. Even though there is nothing preventing applicants from delaying entering course choices, the spring term of sixth year is, at times, overwhelming for even the most prepared student. Deadlines, mocks and orals arrive in quick succession, while students are also preparing for final exams in June. It is not wise to attempt to make such important decisions while there are so many competing demands, and perhaps stress, in a student's life. Also, after February 1, there are certain restrictions about applying for some courses. But, most importantly, choosing a course or a career is not a lightbulb-like decision at which you will arrive if you wait long enough. It is a process, and one in which potential applicants should be engaged in every day. Beginning that process early and revisiting it regularly minimises the danger of a rushed decision and, hopefully, will lead to applicants making the optimum choices. Aoife Walsh is a guidance counsellor at Malahide Community School, Co Dublin The CAO opened for applications this week and, in theory at least, it is open to all. But the CAO cannot offer a place to someone who hasn't applied. Among those will be people who, because of some disadvantage in their lives, are under the misconception that college is only for other people. The drop-down menu of those who don't believe college is for them include families where no one has ever attended third level and where, even in 2017, it is not discussed as an option. Another category is children or adults with a learning difficulty, disability or other special needs, who lack the confidence to take their education to the next step. Many overcome those challenges and apply for a dream course, but, at the point of selection for entry, find themselves beaten in the race by others with more financial and/or social capital behind them, such as those who can afford grinds to help clinch those extra points. So the system is credited with being transparent and fair to those who arrive at the line with the same points, with no danger of any favouritism that might be associated with an interview, but the journey to get there is harder for some. Data on college entry tell us that in affluent areas 90pc to 100pc of school leavers go to college. In areas of socio-economic disadvantage, the average is 26pc, although some great work done in individual schools in raising pupils' ambitions buck that trend. Even getting to the Leaving Cert is a challenge for some. While, generally, about 90pc of those who start school sit the Leaving Cert, in disadvantaged communities, it is about 80pc. And even when students from under-represented groups make it to college, the challenges can continue. State-run schemes such as the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR), for applicants coming from backgrounds of socio-economic disadvantage, and the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) seek to level out the playing field for entry by giving a limited waiver on points. Colleges also have their own programmes where they actively reach out to target groups, such as students in DEIS schools, to nurture pupils and encourage them to see college as part of their future, even planting that seed at primary level. Both the State and colleges also fund schemes to support students post entry to college. The five-year National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education 2015-19, the third of its kind, sets targets for increased participation by six different groups, including students from lower socio-economic backgrounds, first time mature students, students with disabilities, further education graduates and Irish Travellers. A mid-term review is about to get underway. Among the initiatives under the plan is a programme specifically aimed at widening the diversity of students in teacher training programmes. Entry to the profession is dominated by young, white, Irish females and broadening that base would not only have immediate benefits for other categories of students, but would bring new role models into classrooms with the important message that teaching can be for anyone. Another plank in supporting wider access to higher education has come with the re-introduction of maintenance grants for students on post-graduate courses, now almost deemed a pre-requisite qualification level for any career. The challenges remain, but an insight into what can be done is visible in the way the Dublin City University (DCU) Access Scheme has grown since 1990. As one of its first acts in 1989, the governing authority of the then fledgling university decided to introduce an access programme to address low numbers attending third level from the neighbouring Ballymun area. The first six students entered DCU in 1990 as part of the pilot initiative. Since then, 3,997 DCU students have been supported. In the current year, there are 1,300 Access students enrolled (up from 424 in 2012/13), including 360 first years. As well as allowing entry on fewer points than is required through the CAO system, the programme offers a range of financial, social, emotional and academic supports post-entry. The access scheme works in three ways: providing entry routes for Leaving Cert students; scholarships; and an outreach programme in school communities where there is a low third-level uptake. When, in 1995, DCU targeted 16 schools in north Dublin and extended access supports to their students, the numbers increased significantly. Some 10pc of places in DCU are now allocated to students entering through DCU/HEAR Access routes. The job of the school outreach team starts well before the Leaving Cert years. As well as working with 21 second-level schools, they have links with 41 DEIS primary schools where they work to develop positive attitudes to education and encourage pupils to see third level as a viable option. Access Outreach Project Officer Susan Hawkins explains that they seek to engage with students at four different stages in their education, from fourth class up. "The programme is not about recruiting for DCU, it is about encouraging them to take one step on, to further education or higher education," she says. At primary level, it may involve encouraging students to attend weekly classes in the DCU Centre for Talented Youth. Junior Cycle students are introduced to the concept of university through initiatives such as campus tours and academic taster programmes. At transition year, they support teachers in developing student skills in areas such as technology. In Leaving Cert years, they offer a range of supports such as a schools and student mentoring. It all takes funding which is why DCU runs telethons during which current students talk to graduates (who must register an interest in taking a call), to raise awareness about and support for its Access Scholarship Programme. The latest telethon started this week and will run to November 25. During a similar initiative last June, 700 DCU graduates took calls. The recently appointed president of the University of Limerick (UL) has expressed concern about the way the university "treated some of its people in the past". Dr Des Fitzgerald said a new report into a string of controversies at the college cast light on occasions in the past where UL fell short in its duty of care as an employer. He was commenting on the findings of the review by Dr Richard Thorn, president emeritus of the Institute of Technology, Sligo, who was appointed six months ago to investigate certain matters and allegations. Dr Thorn's report is critical of college management's use of severance payments, worth 1.7m, and its handling of staff issues. A total of eight severance packages agreed between 2007 and 2015 came under scrutiny in the review carried out for the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Department of Education. In five of the cases, individuals were under investigation for what was deemed to be gross misconduct under a section of the Universities Act, but the review found that the application of the particular clause was "overly severe". At least some cases could have been dealt with differently, it stated. According to the review, a common theme across the five cases was individuals felt under pressure to agree an exit deal. The review found the severance packages breached public pay guidelines, the Department of Education was not told about them and they were not approved by the university's governing authority. Former UL president Professor Don Barry confirmed to the review that the decision to enter into the agreements was an executive one. "The review finds that management of the severances (and the events leading to them) and the communication of their facts to relevant stakeholders, was confusing," the report stated. It called on the university to prepare an account of all severances agreed and circumstances surrounding them, within a month. The severance package issue is one of a number of matters dealt with in the report, commissioned following a series of controversies over the unsanctioned severance payments, expenses and governance. Some issues raised by whistleblowers had already been investigated while other matters emerged in a report by the State spending watchdog, the Comptroller and Auditor General, and were discussed at the Oireachtas' Public Accounts Committee. In 2016, the Department of Education had sought the co-operation of the university for a full review of the allegations made, but that was not forthcoming. Prof Fitzgerald said UL would act swiftly in response to the report and he hoped outstanding issues could be resolved. Higher Education Minister Mary Mitchell O'Connor said the report was one of a number of actions being taken by the department and the HEA to strengthen governance arrangements in higher education. Gardai have arrested four men suspected of being members of a travelling gang responsible for a spate of burglaries. The arrests were carried out last night after a house was burgled in Mullingar and resulted from a co-ordinated operation involving officers in several Garda regions. The operation was hailed as the first significant result of a new winter offensive by the gardai against the travelling gangs behind the majority of burglaries in rural Ireland. The offensive, disclosed in yesterday's Irish Independent, was drawn up last week at a meeting chaired by Assistant Garda Commissioner John O'Driscoll, who is in charge of special crime operations. The four suspects, all members of an extended family ranging in age from 22 to 61, are from Tallaght in south Dublin. They were detained after a car was intercepted by officers at Lucan in west Dublin. All suspects are well known to gardai and are regarded as being linked to one of the targeted gangs. One of the key initiatives ordered by Asst Commissioner O'Driscoll was to further enhance the exchange of information between the regions on identifying members of the main travelling gangs, the locations of their home bases and their methods of operation. A senior officer said last night: "We were hoping for a good start to the winter phase of Operation Thor but we had not expected a major development so quickly." A three-pronged tactic is being used against the gangs with the aid of the intelligence exchange, pinpointing the target of the burglary, the likely route used by the criminals in their escape, and their home destination. Most of the rural burglaries are being carried out by gangs based in west and south Dublin, with two other travelling outfits based in Laois and on the Kildare-Laois border, and another with links to Limerick. Gardai have confirmed that a missing teen has been found safe and well in Dublin. They have thanked the public for their assistance. The Government has been challenged to say whether junior education minister, John Halligan, will pay the 7,500 fine levied on taxpayers because he broke anti-discrimination laws. Michael Ring, Minister for Rural and Community Development, told Today with Sean O'Rourke on RTE Radio 1 that Mr Halligan "should pay the bill himself". "I think he should make a cheque out to the Department. I think he should pay the bill. "I think they should forget about the trip (to North Korea)." Labour leader, Brendan Howlin, said there was a danger of a double-standard emerging in government practices relating to charges incurred by ministers. The former Public Expenditure Minister cited the case of current Social Protection Minister, Regina Doherty, who through no fault of hers was wrongly paid a special allowance as a junior minister. Mr Howlin said Minister Doherty later had to pay back that money out of her own pocket. The Labour leader called upon the Government to formally apologise to the woman civil servant involved. She was judged by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) to have been wrongly asked family-related questions by Mr Halligan at a job interview. The WRC ruled the Independent Alliance Minister should not have asked the woman concerned if she was married and had children during an interview for a job as his private secretary. Read More Mr Howlin said it was extraordinary that a government minister should put such a question some 20 years after laws banned it. He noted that Mr Halligans responsibilities also included equality laws. Replying for the Government, Tanaiste Frances Fitzgerald, said Mr Halligan had already acknowledged that he was in the wrong and had apologised. But she formally apologised in the Dail to the woman on behalf of the Government. We certainly regret what happened and accept the WRC decision, Ms Fitzgerald said. The Tanaiste said according to the law the fine involved was the responsibility of the Education Department. But she would await Mr Halligans response on the entire issue when he returned next Sunday from a work trip overseas. Speaking to the Irish Independent from Thailand last night, Mr Halligan said he is considering making an appeal of the decision of the WRC. But Labour Party TD Sean Sherlock called on Mr Halligan to consider his position. A Fine Gael TD for Dublin Bay South, Kate OConnell, said she was both disgusted and disappointed by Mr Halligans actions. Most people would believe such questioning belongs in the dark ages, not in modern professional workplaces, Ms OConnell said. If any employer is ever in any doubt as to whether theyre asking something inappropriate of a woman in an interview, they should simply ask themselves, Would I ask a man this? Have I asked men this? Several Fine Gael ministers privately expressed their disgust last night, but did not wish to speak on the record. But Fianna Fails equality spokesperson Fiona OLoughlin accused the minister of asking questions of an interviewee that are no longer permitted. It has been against the law to ask questions like this at interviews since 1998 and John should have been aware of this particularly when he was on an interview board as a minister of State. While he may not have been trying to offend, what he asked was deeply offensive, she told the Irish Independent. The WRC ruling found the executive officer, who has been employed by the civil service since 1993, applied for one of two posts of private secretary in May 2016 to two junior Government ministers in the same department. At the interview, Mr Halligan said to the official: I shouldnt be asking you this, but... are you a married woman? Do you have children? How old are your children? The female official answered the questions and confirmed that she was married and that she was the mother of two children, indicating their ages. In reply, Mr Halligan observed: You must be very busy. In her ruling, which found that the woman was discriminated against, WRC adjudication officer Penelope McGrath found the junior ministers comments to be so outmoded. She said: It was ill-advised of the Minister of State to have so pointedly obtained information that had nothing to do with this candidates suitability for a position and a position for which she had determined she was eligible to compete. Last night Mr Halligan said he was upset by the ruling as he feels he runs a family friendly office. I was simply trying to put the interviewee at ease. I wanted to assure her that I am as flexible as possible with members of my team with any external or non-work commitments they may have, Mr Halligan told this newspaper. All of my staff start at 10am because they need to get their kids to school and can finish early if they need to. Im upset in the sense I genuinely didnt think I was doing anything wrong. Sometimes I am wrong but I operate a family friendly environment, he added. Commandant Art Magennis, who spent 50 years searching for the body of Trooper Patrick Mullins, who has been missing in action in the Congo since 1961 A 97-year-old army veteran spent five decades trying to trace the missing body of a heroic teenage soldier killed in the Congo Civil War. Testimony from Cmdt Art Magennis in which he speaks about his quest is among a collection of first-hand interviews with former soldiers and military experts released by the Defence Forces today. Magennis, who is now resident in a nursing home, was a captain in Ireland's first-ever UN peacekeeping mission in the Congo in September 1961 when Trooper Patrick Mullins (18) from Kilbehenny, Co Limerick, was killed. His patrol was ambushed in the city of Elisabethville. Despite placing his own life in grave danger, the young soldier refused to leave the side of his friend Cpl Michael Nolan from Co Wicklow, who suffered serious shrapnel injuries. Expand Close Trooper Patrick Mullins / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Trooper Patrick Mullins The young trooper tried to get his friend medical attention but died in a gun battle in which he single-handedly tried to hold off an enemy platoon to protect his friend. While Cmdt Magennis eventually traced Cpl Nolan's body to a graveyard outside Elisabethville, Mullins's body was nowhere to be found. But he never gave up the search, devoting almost half of his life to it. Tragically, Mullins remains officially missing in action. Twenty-seven Irish soldiers died in the Congo between 1960 and 1964. The recordings, made over the past year, are part of the Military Archives Oral History Project at the Military Archives at Cathal Brugha Barracks. A workman sustained burn injuries to his face and upper body during an incident at an Easons shop in Limerick city on Thursday. The man, aged in his 50s, was seriously injured around 11.46am, Thursday, while working in the shop's "basement area", located on O'Connell Street, gardai said. The man was taken from the shop by ambulance to University Hospital Limerick, where his injuries are believed to be serious but "not life-threatening", gardai said. The man is understood to have been working on a sprinkler system in the shop when he came into contact with an electrical cable, reliable sources said. Two fire tenders attached to Limerick City Fire Service attended the scene, along with HSE paramedics and gardai. A spokesperson for the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) said they were informed the man had been "electrocuted". The spokesman said the HSA would be "carrying out an investigation" into the incident. An Eason spokesperson said: "We can confirm that an incident took place this morning at our O' Connell Street store in Limerick, in which a workman employed by an external contractor sustained injuries while carrying out work on-site. "To ensure the safety of all our customers and employees we closed the store. "Our primary concern remains the well-being of the injured person and we are currently working with his employers and the Health and Safety Authority to investigate the incident." ESB crews were present at the store assisting emergency services and HSA officials. Power was cut to the store which was closed pending further notice. An ESB statement said: "ESB Networks is aware of an incident which took place earlier today on OConnell Street in Limerick. ESB Networks is currently assisting the emergency services and the HSA as they investigate this incident. No further information is available at this time." It added: "ESB Networks would like to remind the public to always be aware of the potential dangers that electricity poses and to never approach or touch electricity wires. To report an incident, please call the ESB Networks emergency number at 1850 372 999." Garda Superintendent Derek Smart, Henry Street, Limerick, said: "The injured man is in the care of the hospital. We are treating it as a workplace accident and have referred the matter to the HSA." A man was left for dead after being repeatedly stabbed and beaten during a horrific aggravated burglary. The 49-year-old victim was attacked after a gang kicked in the front door of his west Dublin home in the early hours of the morning. He was stabbed five times, including twice in the neck, and suffered a smashed eye socket after being struck in the face with a blunt object as he lay in bed. Gardai suspect that up to four young men were involved in the incident, which occurred on the morning of November 1 in the Deansrath estate, Clondalkin. The gang beat the entirely innocent man and ransacked his home. There are now fears that the victim could lose his eye due to the severity of his injuries. The victim also suffered two knife wounds to his neck and puncture wounds to his shoulder and stomach. The thugs continued to assault the man as they ransacked his home in the hunt for items to steal. "At this stage, it seems that the perpetrators spent the best part of an hour in the house, where they assaulted and robbed the man," said a source. The gang eventually made off with the man's laptop, a quantity of cash and the keys to the victim's van. This vehicle was found burnt out later that morning. The victim was brought to Tallaght Hospital, where he was treated overnight. He has since returned to hospital due to his injuries deteriorating, and is expected to receive further medical treatment to his eye later this week. "His eye socket is completely smashed and there is severe swelling. There is a genuine fear that he could lose his eye," a source said. Gardai have confirmed that officers at Clondalkin Garda station are investigating an incident of aggravated burglary and the unauthorised taking of a vehicle. As part of the investigation, gardai have carried out door-to-door inquiries. It is understood that investigating officers have identified some of the gang involved in the vicious assault on the man, who are all males and range from their late teens to mid-20s. A number of searches have also been carried out as part of the ongoing investigation. A team from the Garda Technical Bureau carried out a forensic examination of the scene in the aftermath of the attack. No arrests have yet been made but inquiries are continuing. A man shot dead in a gangland attack on a Dublin street has been remembered today as as someone who had a big smile, a contagious laugh, and who would do anything for his family. Jamie Tighe Ennis (24) was gunned down in front of his friends on Moatview Avenue in Coolock in the early hours of Saturday October 28. He was a close associate of the chief suspect in the double killing of mother-of-six Antoinette Corbally (48) and innocent locksmith Clinton Shannon (30) in Ballymun north Dublin in August. Gardai are investigating if he was murdered as retaliation for those murders but other motives are also possible because Tighe had links to a number of different criminals. He has previous convictions for assaulting gardai and for firearms offences, and was before the courts last year in relation to a firearms charge. At the Church of Our Lady Immaculate in Darndale a large number of family, friends and neighbors gathered this morning before he was laid to rest. Expand Close Victim Jamie Tighe Ennis (24) who was shot on a footpath on Moatview Avenue, Coolock / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Victim Jamie Tighe Ennis (24) who was shot on a footpath on Moatview Avenue, Coolock In his homily parish priest Fr Leo Philomin said nobody had the right to take the life of another person. We gather because someone somewhere thought it was right to take the life of another. Someone somewhere thought it was right to deprive a family of a son, a brother, an uncle, a nephew, he said. Read More A cousin of Jamies named Stuart told of how they grew up together more like brothers. He told of how Jamie loved animals, and joked about getting a crocodile as a pet. Jamie was the happiest, most carefree person you could meet. He had the biggest smile and a laugh that was contagious, he said. During the prayers of the faithful, a member of the family prayed for victims of violence. Lord, we remember all those whose lives have been cut short by violence. Give them peace and grant them eternal rest, she prayed. Expand Close Friends form a guard of honour on motorcycles pictured at the funeral of 24 year old Jamie Tighe Ennis / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Friends form a guard of honour on motorcycles pictured at the funeral of 24 year old Jamie Tighe Ennis Outside the church more than a dozen of Tighe Enniss friends performed burnouts on their motorbikes and revved the engines to the limits, creating a noisy and smokey tribute of their own to him. His remains were then brought to Fingal cemetery for burial. Topshop has confirmed that all of its changing rooms, including its 14 Irish branches, are now considered gender neutral. Credit: travisalabanza / Instagram Topshop and Topman are one of the first high street stores in Ireland to officially announce that their changing rooms are gender neutral following a recent complaint from a customer. This official announcement comes after a trans customer claimed they were refused access to the female changing rooms in a Manchester Topshop branch. Performance artist Travis Alabanza, who identifies as trans feminine, had queued up to try on a dress in one of Topshop's changing rooms. They claim they were asked to use the male changing rooms in the Topman area of the store instead, which caters to male customers. It is understood the policy changed in the summer but staff were not clearly informed. However, it officially revealed the news following Travis' complaints. When Travis tweeted: "Hey @topshop just experienced transphobia in your Manchester store. Not letting me use the changing room....sort it out", the store claimed the policy was already in place. A spokesperson for Topshop told in a statement: "All Topshop and Topman customers are free to use any of the fitting rooms located within our stores." This policy also applies to all 14 Topshop and Topman stores in Ireland. However, the move sparked debate online. You are changing the world and opening up bits of space for others to exist in, your legacy will be massive. Solidarity, one supporter tweeted Travis. This makes me so angry! Im so sorry you had to go through this, another added. However, another said Topshop's changing rooms should only be available to women and children. "How to loose the largest amount of customers in a day, cater for the minority and not the majority of your customers. I wont by buying anymore #Privacy in #Changing rooms for women and children," she wrote. Members of the Irish public were divided today about whether they would trust Facebook with their nude photos. The social media giant is testing out a new initiative that they hope will help them to crack down on revenge porn. Users are encouraged to send intimate photos to Facebook, who will put a unique digital fingerprint on it before it is sent to the recipient. This imprint will then flag up through messenger and automatically stop it being shared on Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram. However the Irish public weren't so sure about the idea when took to the streets of Dublin today. One woman said she isn't a fan of the idea, calling it "a bit pervy." Another man said he isn't sure he would put his trust in this system. He said: "It is a bit much having to send a picture of yourself, I'd be worried that it could get into the wrong hands." One woman said that she would be in favour of this if it stops intimate images being sent without the consent of the person in them. She explained: "Revenge porn is becoming such a huge epidemic among young people, it's absolutely horrible and if there's any way to tackle it then we should take that seriously." Antigone Davis, Facebooks head of global safety, said the system is being trialled in the UK, US, Australia and Canada. She said: "The safety and well-being of the Facebook community is our top priority. "As part of our continued efforts to better detect and remove content that violates our community standards, were using image matching technology to prevent non-consensual intimate images from being shared on Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Groups and Messenger." Gino Kenny TD, People Before Profit Alliance, outside his office in Clondalkin. Photo: Tony Gavin 20/12/2016 PEOPLE Before Profit TD Gino Kenny has made a last ditch appeal to other political parties to support his Bill to legalise medicinal cannabis. Ahead of a debate on the proposed law, Mr Kenny said: "if they vote against our Bill theyll be on the wrong side of public opinion, science and history." The Oireachtas cross party health committee has recommended that the Bill does not proceed, a move Mr Kenny has described as "sabotage". The government has adopted the Committee's position amid concern that the Bill may lead to unintended consequences such as cannabis making its way onto the recreational market. Mr Kenny said that a government proposals for a compassionate access scheme are too restrictive and would not help everyone who needs medicinal cannabis. He said his Bill is backed by Vera Twomey, the mother of Ava Barry (7) who has a severe form of epilepsy and is currently being treated in the Netherlands where medicinal cannabis is legal. Mr Kenny said: "Hopefully we can get the bigger parties to change their mind on the health committees report." His PBP colleague Richard Boyd Barrett said that Sinn Fein has indicated that it may support the law and Fianna Fail is still considering its position. Solidarity TD Paul Muprhy also appealed to the larger parties not to "block and kill" the proposed law. He added: "Weve always said we're open to any changes that are necessary in order to make it workable in terms of legislation". PBP TD Brid Smith said Ireland is lagging behind other countries in legislating for medicinal cannabis. "Poland are in the process of legalising medicinal cannabis. Already in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and over 23 States in the USA have legalised medicinal cannabis," she said. Ms Smith added: "I have friends... who suffer with extreme pain because of cancer and other illnesses and theyre being deprived the use of medicinal cannabis its time we caught up with the rest of the planet." MINISTER Shane Ross has confirmed he and two other members of the Independent Alliance will not travel to North Korea for a proposed peace trip. The alliance were thrown into crisis last week when it emerged that Minister of State John Halligan had written to the North Korean Embassy in London to propose a trip to the country along with Mr Ross and Minister of State Finian McGrath. Mr Halligan said the trip would be to "ask Kim Jong Un to engage in democracy" and to discuss peace. However, Mr Ross has now said this will not go ahead. Speaking on RTE Prime Time tonight, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport said he had not even seen the letter sent by Mr Halligan to the embassy. "It's off," Mr Ross said. "The trip to North Korea, it is not government policy and we are not doing anything which is in breach of government policy. "This arose when we were in opposition many years ago, John, Finian and I spoke regularly about making trips abroad and doing things which were constructive, it was just an idea." Asked about the letter Mr Halligan sent to the North Korean Embassy, Mr Ross said: "A letter was probably written, I haven't seen that letter actually. "It never developed to a stage where we were going, I don't think we even mentioned it to Sean Canney or to Boxer Moran," he added. The strike at Irish Rail is still ongoing even though both sides will attend the Labour Court today in a bid to resolve the dispute, according to the National Bus and Rail Union (NBRU). Dermot O'Leary, general secretary of the NBRU, said three 24-hour work stoppages scheduled for November 14, November 23 and December 8 will still go ahead as planned unless there is a breakthrough at the court today. Although the hearing between Irish Rail management and the Trade Union Group, including the NBRU, Siptu and Unite, is a positive step forward, Mr O'Leary cautioned that it doesn't mean the dispute is over. "I'm not in the business of giving people false hope," he told the Irish Independent last night after 150,000 rail users were forced to make alternative travel plans on Tuesday. It was the second strike to hit the rail network this month after workers walked out over a pay dispute. They are seeking a 3.75pc a year pay increase for three years while the company is offering 1.75pc over one year. Irish Rail, meanwhile, welcomed the invitation to attend the Labour Court hearing. An analysis of the 2016 Census data by Pobal has revealed Ireland's most affluent and disadvantaged areas The 'Deprivation Index' starkly reveals multiple pockets of affluence in areas of the south and east of Dublin while there are high levels of disadvantage in parts of the north and west of the city. Expand Close Screen grab of the Dublin area electoral map on the Deprivation Index. Dark blue areas are ranked as 'affluent', while orange areas are ranked as 'disadvantaged' / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Screen grab of the Dublin area electoral map on the Deprivation Index. Dark blue areas are ranked as 'affluent', while orange areas are ranked as 'disadvantaged' Pobal draws on a number of data points to compile the index, such as employment levels and education levels, and then they apply these to a whole range of area types, from counties to electoral divisions. Drilling into the maps it is revealed that the most affluent electoral area in the country is 'Mansion House B' a section of Dublin city centre that includes Grafton Street, part of Stephen's Green and Leinster House. It has a male unemployment rate of just 5.6pc and a female unemployment rate of just 3.05pc. And 81pc of the population of 1,311 has a third level education. Meanwhile, just a few miles away on Dublin's northside, 'Priorswood B', in Darndale, is ranked as 'very disadvantaged'. Men there have an unemployment rate of 37.8pc while women have an unemployment rate of 32.8pc. Under seven per cent of the population of 2,728 have third level education. However, an area of Limerick called 'John's A' on the city's northside, is the most disadvantaged in the country. Unemployment for men stands at 69pc while for women it is 40pc. Third level education levels for the population of 759 stands at just over two per cent. Most of the major urban cities and towns have pockets of areas ranked as being above average in terms of advantage while the west, and especially the north west, have the highest frequency of areas that are described as disadvantaged. Speaking at the launch Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, said: The publication of the new updated Pobal HP Deprivation Index takes account of the significant changes experienced throughout the country since 2011. The Taoiseach established the Department of Rural and Community Development in response to the impact of the recession on rural Ireland and to ensure the recovery reaches every part of Ireland. The index provides further proof of the need for the investments my Department is providing to our rural communities and to our towns and villages. The index has enabled us to more effectively target resources and services at the most disadvantaged and is a vital tool for so many Government Departments, including my own, as well as many State Agencies. For example, my Departments RAPID Programme ,which I launched last week, relies on the Pobal HP Deprivation Index to identify the socio-economically deprived communities which the Programme aims to support. Seamus Boland Pobal Chairperson said, The index is a key resource to enable a targeted approach towards tackling disadvantage, by providing local analysis of the most disadvantaged areas throughout the state. It also allows us to look at national trends in relation to real levels of affluence and disadvantage experienced and how this changes over time and geographically. I want to commend Trutz Haase and Jonathan Pratschke for their extensive work on the Index, which will serve as an extremely valuable evidence based planning resource for Government over the coming years in the targeting and allocation of resources and services. The interactive map can be viewed here. This is the moment elite gardai raided the home of one of the main targets of a co-ordinated set of CAB raids across three counties. The raids, which took place on Wednesday, saw more than 20 properties searched. Armed gardai backed up members of the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) to carry out the extensive operation. The target was a drugs gang based in the Cabra area of Dublin, led by two brothers, who are considered dangerous criminals and have previously served jail terms for violent offences. As part of the operation the house of one of the brothers was searched. Our exclusive footage shows gardai using specialist equipment to remove a front window of the semi-detached home, which is in darkness when gardai arrive. Once the window is cleanly and swiftly removed from the home a number of armed gardai access the house through the ground-floor window, using a ladder for easy access. Gardai can then briefly be seen moving through the house. Yesterday's raids were part of an ongoing probe focusing on the gang's proceeds of crime. In particular, gardai believe that the gang is buying property and land in a bid to launder its money. In total, 24 homes and businesses were searched by gardai, who were supported by the Emergency Response Unit. The searches took place in Cabra, Finglas and Monkstown, in the capital; Gorey and Courtown, in Co Wexford; and Leixlip, in Co Wicklow. One property searched in Laraheen, north of Gorey, is estimated to have cost around 1m and was bought without a mortgage. Efforts will now be made to secure a High Court order to freeze the assets on the basis that they are suspected of being the proceeds of crime. A large amount of documentation and computers were also seized as well as around 7,300 in cash and one vehicle during the nationwide raids. The use of wild animals in circuses will be officially banned in Ireland from January 2018. Agriculture Minister Michael Creed today signed new regulations that will ban the use of wild animals in circuses. The minister said he was "happy to endorse the general view of the public at large". He also said he believes the move will "secure the future" of the circus community in Ireland, as more people will feel more comfortable with going to the circus. "This is a progressive move, reflective of our commitment to animal welfare," Minister Creed said. "I am of course allowing a modest lead in period to allow for alternative arrangements to be made for the animals in question." He said that although circus owners and operators may have regrets about the move, the ability of a travelling circus to provide fully for all the needs of animals such as camels or tigers is no longer a tenable proposition. He also said he appreciated their concern and care for the animals that have been part of their lives. "While the retirement of the small numbers of wild animals in Irish circuses might seem like a loss I am confident that this move will do more to secure the future of the circus community," Minister Creed added. "Coming in line with modern welfare standards will mean that greater numbers of the public will be more comfortable with going to the circus. The Animal Health & Welfare Act 2013 has five core principles for animals which include; Freedom from hunger and thirst; Freedom from discomfort; Freedom from pain, injury and disease; Freedom to exhibit natural behavior; Freedom from fear and distress. We are buying far fewer new cars - but seem to be switching in ever-increasing numbers to second-hand imports instead. The sharp contrast between new and used buying is shown by latest CSO figures. They show a 10.4pc fall in the number of new cars licensed for the first 10 months of the year (down to 124,850). At the same time the number of used imports that were licensed so far has increased by 38.4pc compared with the corresponding period in 2016. The official CSO figures also reflect findings of a recent report by economist Jim Power for the Simi which points to evidence of people substituting 'fresh' imports for new cars. The surge in imports had also devalued the price of a typical family car, the report said. On the basis of a typical family car, the fall in value would be around 1,800. That's because the staggering volume of lower-priced imports is now setting the benchmark for what all cars are worth. The Jim Power report forecasts import numbers will hit 97,000 this year - up markedly on the 72,000 brought in during 2016. The CSO figures for last month alone reflect this. New-car licensing tailed off significantly to 3,255 - a plunge of 15pc compared with October 2016. Yet the number of used imports rose by 23.9pc. Uncertainty around Brexit in general is also cited as a key reason for the fall-off in buyers of new cars. Meantime, and despite the bad press around diesel for more than two years now, almost two-thirds of new licensed cars (64.9pc) fell into that category. Nearly all new cars (95.7pc) came within the two lowest (A and B) bands for VRT and road tax assessment, the CSO said. However, there is growing disquiet within the motor industry that our lower-emission buying of new cars is being offset by thousands of old, 'dirty' diesel imports being dumped here from the UK. Despite its links to the emissions scandal two years ago, Volkswagen was the most popular car licensed in Ireland. Short-haul, long-haul, frills, no-frills airlines can impress in any number of ways, but which is your favourite? WINNER: Aer Lingus Aer Lingus by a country mile! you said. And you voted that way too. Aer Lingus got more than twice as many nominations as its closest rival (a much-improved Ryanair, see below), highlighting our emotional attachment to an airline and brand that remains deeply Irish despite its recent acquisition by IAG. Its that sense of being cared for by our own, the friendly welcome and attention of the staff, you said. Words like warm, personal, welcome and service cropped up over and again, with Aer Lingus staff (below) cited as excellent, well-trained, professional, kind and polite. Read the full results of our 2017 Reader Travel Awards. They are always willing to go the extra mile, you told us. There's nothing like the feeling of getting on board and feeling like you're already home. Since its acquisition by IAG, Aer Lingus has expanded its North American route network, added a new business class, and a direct service to Miami is just one addition that will make 2017 its busiest ever transatlantic schedule. Expand Close Aer Lingus Cabin Crew / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Aer Lingus Cabin Crew New flights to Porto in Portugal and Split in Croatia are coming this summer, and the airline is working on introducing Wi-Fi to its short-haul flights in the near future, too. And the prices? Readers shared a clear sense that Aer Lingus is more expensive than Ryanair, but they frame this as value repaid in terms of service and comfort on board. Its still Irelands airline," as you put it. "No matter what airport you are in abroad, its always nice to see the shamrock on the tail. Ryanair's Revolution Expand Close Frankfurt-Hahn Airport. Passengers board a Ryanair passenger plane. Photo by Ulrich Baumgarrten via Getty Images / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Frankfurt-Hahn Airport. Passengers board a Ryanair passenger plane. Photo by Ulrich Baumgarrten via Getty Images Ryanair may be a runner-up in 2017, but readers were quick to note its website and customer service improvements (our judges too, commented on simple pleasures such as being able to take a handbag on board). This, combined with its comprehensive route network, reliability and affordability, suggests Aer Lingus shouldnt rest on its laurels. What they fall down on with service and food, they make up for by providing an affordable and reliable way to travel, you told us. Holidaymakers, students, grandparents and emigrants sung the praises of an airline making adventures affordable. I remember a time when I couldnt just fly away on a sun holiday or hop on a plane for a weekend away because the cost was totally beyond my wage packet. Ryanair, it has to be acknowledged, has changed the entire airline business. I don't want fancy dinners at 30,000 feet, as one reader put it. I want fancy dinners 3,000 miles away. TRAVEL TRENDS: Going via the Gulf Expand Close Emirates Boeing 777-300, serving the Dublin to Dubai route. / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Emirates Boeing 777-300, serving the Dublin to Dubai route. In 2017, Dublin Airport will have direct flights to Dubai (Emirates), Abu Dhabi (Etihad) and a new direct service to Doha (Qatar Airways). The difference these routes are making to the way you travel to Asia, Australia and Africa was clear from your replies. One reader shared an enviable moment from their Emirates flight into Cape Town... 6.00am and just a chink of light showing through the cabin blind on opening it, the South African desert dawn was breaking on the horizon you couldn't capture the minute! More from our Reader Travel Awards 2017: Qatar Airways, which recently launched its first services from Dublin, has been named world 'Airline of the Year' for 2017. The airline topped the poll in the 2017 Skytrax World Airline Awards, described as the 'Oscars' of the aviation industry. Qatar launched direct flights between Dublin and Doha this month. Emirates, last year's winner, has dropped to fourth place, with Singapore Airlines placing second and Japan's ANA All Nippon rounding out the Top Three. Top 10 World Airlines 2017 Qatar Airways Singapore Airlines ANA All Nippon Airways Emirates Cathay Pacific EVA Air Lufthansa Etihad Airways Hainan Airlines Garuda Indonesia 320 airlines were surveyed, though just the Top 100 are listed. Aer Lingus ranked as the world's 38th-best airline, up 11 places from 49th last year. Ryanair also made the Top 100, placing 76th after last year ranking 108th. Other awards saw Aegean voted Europe's best regional airline, Air Canada win best North American airline, and Qatar Airways named world's best business class. Norwegian, which launches transatlantic flights from Ireland this week, was voted the world's best long-haul low-cost carrier, as well as Europe's best long-haul airline. Skytrax ( is a London-based air transport rating organisation that undertakes product, service and passenger audits and research studies for airlines, airports and related businesses. Its World Airline Awards, running since 1999, are compiled using what the consultancy says is the world's largest airline passenger satisfaction survey. The awards were announced at this week's Paris Air Show. Read more: From the best views to the smoothest flights and speediest exits, here's our guide to getting the best seat on the plane. If you want the best service First of all, as soon as you step onto the plane, smile and make proper eye contact with the cabin crew who greet you. According to JetBlue flight attendant Amanda Pleva, who penned an article for Flyertalk, being blanked by passengers upon entry is surprisingly common and is likely to tick them off. "To have someone clearly see me and ignore my 'hello' and walk on by is the most dehumanizing experience", she says. And if you want the fastest service? Expand Close Airplane passengers. Photo: Deposit / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Airplane passengers. Photo: Deposit Order a slightly different meal (vegetarian or no fish for example), as these always come out first. And sit at the back of the plane rather than the front. Flight attendants are less keen to respond to requests at the front because they have to parade whatever item you've requested - a pillow, or second drink, say - all the way up the gangway. This often prompts other passengers to notice and ask for the same thing, setting off an irksome chain reaction. For the best view Expand Close Airplane windows... got one? / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Airplane windows... got one? In some cases this depends on which airport you're taking off from. For example, a seat on the left side of the plane is best for catching a great view of the Hollywood sign from LAX, and the same goes for Sydney if you want a prime view over the harbour. More broadly speaking, if you're partial to a spot of window gazing, you always want to avoid a window seat that's located over one of the wings, where your view will be blocked entirely. Websites like Seat Guru can provide you with a map of your particular aircraft if you plug in your flight number, so you'll be able to see which seats are located over the wings and steer clear of them. If youre safety conscious Expand Close Is airplane headroom decreasing? / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Is airplane headroom decreasing? Airlines and plane manufacturers will tell you that all seats are equal when it comes to matters of safety. However, Popular Mechanics believe some seats are more equal than others. A 2007 study conducted by the periodical found that passengers sitting near the tail of a plane were 40 per cent more likely to survive a crash than those sitting in the first few rows. Verdict? Sit as far back as possible if youre safety conscious. Read More If you want a speedy exit Youre on a city break to Europe and youre travelling light with just a small carry case in the overhead locker. You want to maximise the amount of time you spend at your destination and minimise the time spent on the plane. Verdict? You need to grab a seat at the front of the plane on the left, which is where the exit is located and where passengers leave the aircraft from. If you want to sleep Expand Close What's the best way to sleep on a plane? Photo: Deposit / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp What's the best way to sleep on a plane? Photo: Deposit Sleep is hard to come by at 35,000 feet, where many things are conspiring against you nodding off: the hum of the engines; the passenger next to you needing the loo; the lack of neck support in your seat. Some places, however, are better than others for getting some shut eye. Window seats give you control of the window shade and a place to rest your head; they also mean you dont need to be woken up every time the passenger next to you needs the toilet. The verdict? A window seat at the front of the plane, where it is also quieter. If you want a better dining experience According to Professor Charles Spence author of Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating plane food tastes better at the front of the aircraft, where it is quieter and the air is more humid. Dry cabin air and the loud engine noise all contribute to our inability to taste and smell food and drink, he says. Verdict? Sit as close to the cockpit as possible if you want to make plane food taste better. More often than not youll also get served first. If you dont like turbulence Expand Close Airplane over Tokyo International Airport. Photo: Shunichi Yoneyama/Getty / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Airplane over Tokyo International Airport. Photo: Shunichi Yoneyama/Getty Turbulence does, of course, shake the entire aircraft, but experts claim there are some seats on a plane where lumps and bumps will feel less intense. The verdict? Sit in the middle of the plane, above the wings, which help keep the plane steady when the going gets tough. Read More If you need more legroom Seats in exit rows have more legroom than most, as do seats at the bulkhead. Such seats are, however, in high demand and can come with caveats: passengers in exit rows, for instance, must be willing to assist in the evacuation of the aircraft during an emergency. Some airlines charge for seats with extra legroom. The verdict? A seat at the bulkhead, ideally in the middle, which means fellow passengers wont have to step over you en route to the loo. Failing that, an aisle seat. If you're travelling with kids Expand Close A little boy plays on a plane. / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A little boy plays on a plane. Travelling with children, especially young children, can be something of an unknown quantity. Will they cry, will they be excitable, will they sleep like a log, will you need to accompany them on multiple bathroom visits? Perhaps all four of those scenarios will play out if youre going long haul. The verdict? Get a seat at the bulkhead, which has more room and is near the bathroom. Read More If you want to spread out Flights will often take off with empty seats and there are ways to increase your chances of sitting next to one of them. If your airline has not yet replaced its check-in staff with computers, ask the person over the counter how busy the plane is. If its not busy, ask politely if theyd be kind enough to put you next to an empty seat. It works surprisingly often. If youre dealing with a computer, check in late and choose your seat manually before printing off your boarding pass. Be warned, though: this leaves you more exposed to delays going through security and in extreme cases could result in you missing your plane. If you are flying with a companion, try booking both the aisle and the window seat. You will often find that the middle seat as it is the least favoured by passengers travelling solo has been left empty by the time you come to board. Relax and enjoy it. Telegraph Media Group Limited [2022] Paris Jackson urged fans to resist neo-Nazi and white supremacist jerks in the wake of fatal violence in Charlottesville. The model and actress, who is the daughter of late pop star Michael Jackson, told viewers of the MTV Video Music Awards to resist the fascists. If we were to all put our voices together, do you realise the difference we would make? she told the audience in Los Angeles on Sunday. We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Manage Preference If we were to all stand up united as one, our impact, it would be huge. Lets leave here tonight remembering that we must show these Nazi, white supremacist jerks in Charlottesville and all over the country that as a nation with liberty as our slogan, we have zero tolerance for their violence, their hatred and their discrimination. Her comments came after clashes at a far-right led rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, saw Heather Heyer, 32, killed when a car was rammed into her and other counter-protesters. Jackson, 19, presented the first award of the night, for best pop video, to Fifth Harmony for their collaboration with Gucci Mane on hit song Down. Expand Close Fifth Harmony / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Fifth Harmony Katy Perry began the ceremony by descending into The Forum arena in a silver space suit, joking that she had left Earth in the wake of a terrible 2016. Video of the Day Viewing the news, she realised that this year has not been much better but welcomed the nights performers because even in the apocalypse we deserve a great soundtrack. Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene attend the 2017 Princess Grace Awards Gala at The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, California on October 25, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Mark RALSTONMARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images Prince Albert II of Monaco, his wife Princess Charlene with Prince Jacques pose during the Children's Christmas ceremony at the Monaco Palace Prince Albert II of Monaco (3rdR) and his wife Princess Charlene (3rdL) arrive with their twins Prince Jacques (C-R), Princess Gabriella (C-L) and an unidentified child to take part in the traditional Monaco's picnic in Monaco, on September 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / ERIC GAILLARD Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte of Cambridge view helicopter models H145 and H135 before departing from Hamburg airport on the last day of their official visit to Poland and Germany on July 21, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images) Prince Albert II of Monaco, right, with his wife Princess Charlene and their twins, Prince Jacques, right, and Princess Gabriella, attend from the Monaco palace to the Monaco's national day ceremony, in Monaco, Friday Nov. 19, 2016. Monaco's Fete Nationale has been celebrated since the reign of Prince Charles III in 1857. (AP Photo/Claude Paris) Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco walk with their twins Princess Gabriella of Monaco and Prince Jacques of Monaco during the 'March for climate' on November 29, 2015 in Monaco, Monaco. (Photo by Gaetan Luci /Monaco Press Center via Getty Images) Prince Albert II and his wife Princess Charlene of Monaco arrive with their twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, to take part in the traditional "Pique Nique Monegasque" (Monaco's picnic) in Monaco August 28, 2015. AFP PHOTO / POOL / ERIC GAILLARD Princess Charlene of Monaco and her twins Prince Jacques (R) and Princess Gabriella take part in the traditional Monaco's picnic in Monaco, on September 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / ERIC GAILLARD A royal play date is on the horizon. Monaco's royal twins Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques are approaching their third birthday and during that time, they've seen more of the world than most of us could hope to in adulthood. It makes sense, the royals based in Monte Carlo aren't exactly known for their subtlety, but Prince Albert has revealed just exactly how well travelled his children with Princess Charlene are. Expand Close Prince Albert II and his wife Princess Charlene of Monaco arrive with their twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, to take part in the traditional "Pique Nique Monegasque" (Monaco's picnic) in Monaco August 28, 2015. AFP PHOTO / POOL / ERIC GAILLARD / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Prince Albert II and his wife Princess Charlene of Monaco arrive with their twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, to take part in the traditional "Pique Nique Monegasque" (Monaco's picnic) in Monaco August 28, 2015. AFP PHOTO / POOL / ERIC GAILLARD While they have stuck close to home at the Prince's Palace for much of this year, they will be joining their parents for appearances around the world in 2018 and are getting accustomed to public life before the year ends: first, for Monaco's National Day on November 19 and later at the royal family's Christmas party in December. "We did a cruise with them this summer and that was fine. Next summer, were going to take them on a long trip to Polynesia. Well have to break up so its not so long for them," he told People. Expand Close Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco walk with their twins Princess Gabriella of Monaco and Prince Jacques of Monaco during the 'March for climate' on November 29, 2015 in Monaco, Monaco. (Photo by Gaetan Luci /Monaco Press Center via Getty Images) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Prince Albert of Monaco and Princess Charlene of Monaco walk with their twins Princess Gabriella of Monaco and Prince Jacques of Monaco during the 'March for climate' on November 29, 2015 in Monaco, Monaco. (Photo by Gaetan Luci /Monaco Press Center via Getty Images) He plans to keep up family tradition in holding off including his children in an "official" international capacity until they're older, referencing a trip to Ireland he took with his parents Princess Grace and Prince Rainier "on the private side of an official visit"; which may explain his particularly affinity for our shores and he's often pictured here for business and leisure. "Including Jacques and Gabriella as part of any official state visit might have to wait a few years," he added. Naturally, as all royal baby coverage is required to include references to Prince George and Princess Charlotte, he said there are no immediate plans to meet up. "Are you asking me about a royal play date with Will and Kates kids? Maybe, but a state visit with the twins to any country - not just the UK - is a few years off," he explained. A former news presenter is launching an app specifically designed for making apologies. In a caps-laden Facebook post on Wednesday, former MSNBC and Fox News presenter Greta Van Susteren announced her new app, unsurprisingly called Sorry. SNAPCHAT AND INSTAGRAM are about to get some competition! This will be fun and hopefully get us all thinking.. Individuals and companies can apologise to the masses or to select people using the app. Building on the upvote/downvote buttons on other popular social networks, Van Susterens app will enable users to accept or reject the apology. FREE and COMING NOVEMBER 14 to the APP STORE! SNAPCHAT AND INSTAGRAM are about to get some competition! This will be Posted by Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 According to the Facebook post, she has been working on development of the app for more than a year. Van Susteren uses Kathy Griffins Donald Trump incident as an example of how her app will work. Imagine if you and everyone else got to vote accept or reject when Kathy Griffin apologized? she writes. Was it enough? or not? And how would she know if her apology was accepted without the vote counter? If you have an apology that you cant quite bring yourself to make face to face, you only have five days to wait until the app is released. There are currently more displaced people around the world than at any other time on record over 65 million people, according to the UN. And while plenty of African and Asian countries are doing as much as they can to host the worlds 22.5 million refugees, the overall response in the West seems to be one of suspicion. Nations have, historically, been wary of welcoming refugees into their countries. But with the leader of the United States calling for a complete ban on refugees, perceptions have to be changed in order for vulnerable people to reach safety. And thats where Syrian-born artist Mohamed Hafez and Iraqi-born writer Ahmed Badr come in. Mohamed and Ahmed have been telling the stories of refugees from around the world Afghanistan, Congo, Syria, Iraq and Sudan who have fled war zones and built new lives in America. But theyve been doing it in a very innovative way. A big misconception is that refugees and migrants all come from impoverished backgrounds, Mohamed, an architect who moved to the US on a student visa, said. The project hes undertaken with Ahmed, called Unpacked, shows exactly what some refugees are leaving behind when they flee their homes, by remodelling parts of them in ornate detail. When you see this luxurious interior in the living room, or nice furniture, nice fabrics, nice wallpaper; this is a life that existed. Comfortable lives. Some people might have left nothing but also many people have left a lot, have risked so much to get here. They did not choose to leave, they did not come here on a vacation. They had to leave. Expand Close A suitcase made by Mohamed Hafez / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A suitcase made by Mohamed Hafez Mohamed chose to display the homes in suitcases because he felt everyone would be able to grasp what they represent the emotional baggage that comes with leaving a whole life behind. Its a trauma both artists know well, with Ahmed and his family fleeing Iraq when he was seven and Mohameds sister recently becoming a refugee in Sweden. Ahmed, whose family spent two years in Syria before being resettled in America in 2008, interviewed families and saw his conversations turn into detailed models thanks to Mohamed. His interviews can be heard through headphones next to the suitcases in the museums across America where theyve been exhibited, and one of the homes in the exhibition was his own. Expand Close The inside of a house built by Mohamed Hafez / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp The inside of a house built by Mohamed Hafez Over the past three, three-and-a-half years Ive been retelling my own story. And I realised that as I was retelling my own story it was empowering me, so I wanted to give other people that same feeling, Ahmed said. This project was the first time Ahmed and his family had discussed leaving Iraq, and seeing his house recreated by Mohamed was emotional. It was really, really visceral to tangibly see something that fundamentally changed your life forever. And were seeing it not just with my story, but for others that weve featured as part of Unpacked. Some of the stories being told through Unpacked are quite remarkable. Theres that of Fereshteh, an Afghan raised in Iran, who at 22 founded an underground school in the Islamic republic for the undocumented Afghan children unable to receive education legally. The school nurtured more than 300 children each day, and Mohamed chose to build the basement where they learned for Fereshtehs suitcase. We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Manage Preference After applying for refugee status, Fereshteh arrived in the US three years later in 2011, where shes now a professor of Farsi at the University of New Haven, an active translator for refugees, and attending nursing school. Joseph, a prominent lawyer who fled the Democratic Republic of Congo, told another of the stories that stuck with Ahmed. After receiving refugee status in Kenya, Josephs son was kidnapped and is still missing. Josephs suitcase features a dining table with several chairs all around the table, except for one off to the side that represents his son. Ahmed said: When Joseph saw this he became very, very emotional, and it was very emotional for both me and Mohamed to witness that. Youre literally presenting someone with their own tragedy and their own triumph. It opens the door for many reactions. We need your consent to load this Social Media content We use a number of different Social Media outlets to manage extra content that can set cookies on your device and collect data about your activity. Please review their details and accept them to load the content. Manage Preference Mohamed believes that seeing the suitcases can have a therapeutic effect on the people they represent. They couldve been more therapeutic if they made them themselves, but with that not being a possibility I think having their stories being out in the public and people coming to them and saying your story matters, you matter you cannot escape these suitcases, you cant pass by them and pretend youve seen nothing. Mohamed also hopes his art can help people who call for travel bans and building walls to see refugees not as a monolith, but people with histories and lives and loves. We realised that if we introduced ourselves as Muslim Arab American artists we are going to get kicked out of the room immediately, because weve already been judged two million ways. So we said OK, how can we speak with our mouths shut? he said. Since starting the project Mohamed has filled 10 suitcases with aspects of the lives a family has left behind, and the duo hope to tell 50 stories to represent the 50 states. The reception it has received promises to make that a reality, with immigrants and their descendants a lot of them Jewish donating suitcases. Expand Close A car modelled my Mohamed Hafez / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A car modelled my Mohamed Hafez They resonate with this push back and xenophobia, Mohamed said. Theyve been donating to me their suitcases, their miniature dollhouses. Nothing tells a more beautiful story about diversity and living together more than Christians, Jews, Muslims and atheists coming together. A suitcase that belonged to a Jewish immigrant, donated by their grandchildren, for a Muslim Syrian artist using yesterdays immigrants belongings to tell todays immigrants stories. Expand Close A suitcase made by Mohamed Hafez / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp A suitcase made by Mohamed Hafez Through the project Mohamed and Ahmed have connected with lots of refugees living in the US from delivery drivers and doctors to professors, engineers and lawyers. Hes adamant he doesnt want his work to romanticise refugees, but humanise them, and also show that its possible to move forward. Everybody goes through hardship. It is not the whole story, it is part of the story. That is not how the story ends, he said. You can listen to Fereshteh, and other refugees, tell their stories here. Donald Trump arrived in Beijing yesterday after earlier calling on China to stop all trade with North Korea or have the regime's growing nuclear threat on its "conscience" ahead of crunch talks. The US president said China should feel no "obligation" to help its neighbouring regime and urged it to "sever all ties". US President Donald Trump and Chinas President Xi Jinping watch an opera performance at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. Photos: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst He also described North Korea as a "hell that no person deserves" and issued a warning directly to the regime: "Do not underestimate us and do not try us." The intervention came in an address to South Korea's national assembly before Mr Trump flew into China as part of his five-nation tour of Asia. Despite the tough rhetoric, Mr Trump enjoyed a tour of the Forbidden City alongside Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, as the pair's personal "bromance" was further deepened. There are reportedly hopes from Mr Trump's team that $250bn (215bn) of trade deals between companies can be agreed during the visit. China shares a land border with North Korea and remains the regime's main ally, providing most of its energy despite cutting some trade after recent United Nations sanctions. Mr Trump urged it to go further. "We call on every nation, including China and Russia, to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions, downgrade diplomatic relations with the regime and sever all ties of trade and technology," he said. "It is our responsibility and our duty to confront this danger together, because the longer we wait, the greater the danger grows and the fewer the options become. "And to those nations that choose to ignore this threat - or worse still, to enable it - the weight of this crisis is on your conscience." Mr Trump, who has already visited Japan during his tour, also issued a direct warning to Kim Jong-un, North Korea's young leader. He said: "The weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer. "They are putting your regime in grave danger. "Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face. "North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves." Mr Trump attempted to make an unexpected visit to the Korean peninsula's demilitarised zone [DMZ] but fog shrouding the border stopped the trip. While Mr Trump and Mr Xi were expected to clash over their approaches to trade and North Korea in talks, the pair enjoyed a day of sight-seeing yesterday. They struck up a bond when Mr Xi visited Mr Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, earlier this year and the favour was returned yesterday. Mr Trump was treated to tea in the Forbidden City in Beijing, which dates back to the 15th century and was used as the imperial palace for centuries. The presidents and their wives viewed antiques and historical relics from the Forbidden City's museum. They were also treated to three performances of Peking Opera, a Chinese dramatic tradition that combines music, acting, mime and singing. "Such hospitality is rarely seen in modern China," the 'Global Times', an influential tabloid, said in an editorial. Earlier in the day, Mr Trump had been greeted with children singing "Welcome to China, I love you" and waving Chinese and American flags. Mr Trump also showed off a video of his six-year-old granddaughter singing in Mandarin and reciting ancient Chinese poetry to Mr Xi, who reportedly gave the performance an "A+". Tomorrow, Mr Trump flies to Vietnam for an Apec economic leaders' meeting. ( Daily Telegraph London) Priti Patel leaves Downing Street yesterday after offering her resignation as international development secretary over meetings with senior Israeli figures Photo: AP Priti Patel has quit the British cabinet over her secret meetings with senior Israeli figures and acknowledged that her actions "fell below the high standards" expected. Her decision to resign as international development secretary came after being summoned back from an official visit to Africa for a showdown with Theresa May in Downing Street. Expand Close Prime Minister Theresa May Photo: PA / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Prime Minister Theresa May Photo: PA The UK prime minister has now lost two cabinet ministers in successive weeks and will face a politically sensitive reshuffle to replace the prominent Brexit-backer. Ms Patel had been intending to spend three days in Kenya and Uganda, but was forced to cut short her trip and return home from Nairobi to explain the disclosure of further unauthorised meetings with Israeli politicians. In a letter to the prime minister, Ms Patel said: "I offer a fulsome apology to you and to the government for what has happened and offer my resignation." In reply, the prime minister told her that meetings should have been arranged "formally and through official channels". Witham MP Ms Patel's downfall came after it emerged she had a series of 12 engagements with senior Israeli figures - including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - during a holiday in the country in August. She then held two additional meetings, one in the UK and one in the US, following her return from Israel. In a further development, the Israeli 'Haaretz' newspaper reported that during her stay in the country she visited an Israeli military field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights. Britain, like other members of the international community, has never recognised Israeli control of the area seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War. In her resignation letter Ms Patel said: "In recent days there have been a number of reports about my actions and I am sorry that these have served as a distraction from the work of the Department for International Development and of the government as a whole. "As you know from our discussions I accept that in meeting with organisations and politicians during a private holiday in Israel my actions fell below the high standards that are expected of a secretary of state. "While my actions were meant with the best of intentions, my actions also fell below the standards of transparency and openness that I have promoted and advocated." The meetings, without officials and in relation to one of the most sensitive areas of foreign policy, led to Ms Patel apologising and being given a dressing down by Mrs May on Monday. But subsequent disclosures added to pressure on Ms Patel, culminating in a meeting in Downing Street lasting around 30 minutes during which it was made clear her cabinet career was over. The prime minister could be keen to replace Ms Patel with another Brexit-backer in order to avoid further discontent among pro-Leave MPs on the Conservative benches and maintain the current balance within the cabinet. Ms Patel's resignation comes a week after Michael Fallon quit as defence secretary. A wealthy antiques dealer is accused of strangling his seven-year-old daughter with a dressing gown cord, the Old Bailey has been told. Robert Peters (55) is charged with attacking his daughter Sophia Peters at his 1 million home in the Raynes Park area of Wimbledon, south west London, according to the Telegraph. She was treated by medics but died in a south-west London hospital on Saturday. A court order put in place while the girl was fighting for her life in hospital, preventing her from being identified in media reports, was overturned at the Old Bailey by Judge Mark Lucraft QC on Wednesday following a challenge by the Press Association. Peters, of Blenheim Road, Raynes Park, south-west London, was not present for the hearing at the Old Bailey. It is believed Peters runs an antiques firm with his brother in Kensington, west London, specialising in oriental ceramics and artworks. Peters, who appeared at Wimbledon Magistrates' Court on Saturday charged with attempted murder, is due to appear at the Old Bailey on Friday. With additional reporting from Press Association The Alstom hydrogen-powered trains will be running from 2021 (AP) Rail passengers in northern Germany will be able to travel on the world's first hydrogen-powered trains in four years' time. French engineering giant Alstom has signed an agreement to deliver 14 fuel-cell trains to LNVG, a rail company in Germany's Lower Saxony state. The trains will begin operating on routes between Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervoerde and Buxtehude from December 2021. Alstom said that the Coradia iLint trains will have a range of up to 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) and a maximum speed of 140kph (87mph). Hydrogen engines emit only water vapour and are considered one of the cleanest forms of transport. The trains will replace diesel trains on non-electrified tracks. There are plans to produce the hydrogen using electricity from Lower Saxony's many wind turbines. AP Islamic State militants have withdrawn from their last stronghold in Syria following a government offensive that has effectively left the extremist group's fighters dispersed in villages and small towns in the desert. The Syrian military declared the town liberated after intense battles that killed a large number of militants, including leaders. The military said they are still chasing other IS militants in different directions in the desert. "The liberation of Boukamal is of great importance because it is a declaration of the fall of this group's project in the region generally and the collapse of its supporters' illusions to divide it, control large parts of the Syria-Iraq borders and secure supply routes between the two countries," said Army spokesman Ali Mayhoub in a televised statement. Syrian pro-government media said Syrian troops had clashed with remnants of IS militants in the town after they entered it late Wednesday. On Thursday, they reported the town clear of IS fighters. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government forces and allied troops, including Iraqi forces who linked from across the border, are combing through Boukamal after IS militants withdrew. With the collapse of IS in Boukamal, Islamic State militants have no major territorial control in Syria and Iraq and are believed to have dispersed in the desert west and east of the Euphrates River. US officials estimated that there were between 2,500 and 3,500 IS militants around Boukamal and that leading members of the group were also believed to have taken refuge in the town. The group has a small presence near the capital Damascus. IS has suffered consecutive defeats at the hands of separate but simultaneous offensives in Iraq and Syria by the Russian-backed Syrian forces and allied militias as well as US-backed Iraqi and Syrian fighters. Despite its fall, the group's media apparatus has remained active and its fighters are likely to keep up their insurgency from desert areas. The swift fall of Boukamal in eastern Deir el-Zour province was accelerated after Iraqi forces seized Qaim, the town across the border last weekend, also controlling a strategic crossing between the two countries. A senior Iraqi official said there was an agreement on Tuesday to send Iraqi paramilitaries to Syria to take part in the Boukamal operation, adding that the Syrians were to supply them with weapons and gear. Boukamal is the last urban centre for the militants in both Iraq and Syria where Syrian troops - backed by Russia and Iranian-supported militias - and US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces are vying for control of the strategic border town. Washington is wary of increasing Iran influence in the area and has backed the SDF in their bid to uproot IS from the borders with Iraq. The proximity of forces in the area has raised concerns about potential clashes between them as they approach Boukamal from opposite sides of the Euphrates River, and now from across the border with Iraq. It was not clear if the government seizure of the town means the end of the race for control of territory previously held by IS. So far the Kurdish-led SDF have focused on the area east of the Euphrates, seizing a number of oil and gas fields and securing large swathes of areas along the border with Iraq, as well as the newly liberated Raqqa city. AP Barack Obama returned to Chicago today, not to check on the progress on his presidential library being built in the city, but to report for jury duty. The 44th President of the United States arrived at the Daley Center but was ultimately not selected for the jury, with Cook County Chief Judge Tim Evans telling reporters he had been dismissed. Another nominee, Angel Martinez, posted a Twitter video of the arrival of the former president, who stopped to shake hands and crack jokes while flanked by security. According to the Chicago Tribune, Obama departed his South Side home in the Kenwood neighborhood in a motorcade, making a 10am arrival at the downtown court, parking in a secure garage and taking a private elevator usually used by judges up to the 17th-floor jury assembly room. Hes gorgeous! exclaimed court clerk Sonal Joshi, upon briefly catching a glimpse of him. "Oh my God," Martinez mouths in the video, as another onlooker nervously says: "Hi, Mr President." "How's everybody doing?" Obama says to the room, extending a hand. "Stay seated! "Thanks to everybody for serving on the jury, or at least being willing to. This looks like Chicago right here, I like that!" Prospective jurors, some of whom brought copies of Obama's books for him to sign, are paid $17.20 per day. Obama is not the first president to be called for jury duty, George W. Bush having been beckoned in 2015 to a Dallas courthouse. He was not picked for the jury either. Burberry shares dragged on the FTSE 100, tumbling 10% after it revealed plans to close stores and focus efforts on taking a slice of the higher-end luxury market. Londons blue chip index ended the day down 0.6% or 45.62 points at 7,484.1, with the fashion house emerging as the biggest faller, dropping 198p to 1,787p. Burberry said on Thursday that it will ditch its outlets within department stores and shut stores that are not found in or near communities of luxury shoppers. Expand Close Burberry plans / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Burberry plans Investors did not welcome the news. David Madden, a market analyst at CMC Markets, said: Burberry updated the market with its figures for the first six months of the year and its strategic plans, and neither went down well. Pre-tax profits jumped by 24%, but fell short of analysts expectations. The fashion house will shut down a number of stores and focus more on the higher end of the luxury goods market. The remodelling cost of the stores gave traders a reason to lock in profits. The announcement comes after Burberry recently confirmed that former boss and chief creative officer Christopher Bailey will step down from the board next year, ending his 17-year stint at the high-end fashion house. In currency markets, the pound was mixed, rising 0.1% against the US dollar to 1.313 but falling 0.3% versus the euro to 1.127. Across Europe, the French Cac 40 tumbled 1.16%, while the German Dax fell 1.49%. Brent crude prices continued their ascent, rising 0.8% to $63.96, as political tensions in the Middle East raised questions about potential supply constraints. The corruption crackdown in Saudi Arabia, and the heightened tensions between the Saudis and the Iranians is making traders fearful for future supply levels, Mr Madden said. In UK stocks, Vodafone shares were one of the best performers on the FTSE 100, up 5.9p to 221.8p after revealing it was entering into partnership with network infrastructure firm CityFibre to bring fibre connectivity to as many as five million UK homes by 2025. CityFibre surged 17.5p to 60.75p on the news. Expand Close a graph showing City Fibre's share price (PA) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp a graph showing City Fibre's share price (PA) Sainsburys fell 4.3p to 229.2p as the grocery giant reported a 9% fall in half-year profits and a sharp slowdown in sales growth amid fierce competition in the market. Shares in Redrow tumbled 44p to 597.5p as the housebuilder said that ongoing political and economic uncertainty had caused sales to slip in recent weeks compared to a very strong market last year. In a similarly grim report for the housing market, estate agency Countrywide said the environment was challenging and that the number of transactions made was likely to fall in contrast to 2016. Expand Close Shares in Redrow and Countrywide fall, as the two firms warn of a housing market slowdown (PA) / Facebook Twitter Email Whatsapp Shares in Redrow and Countrywide fall, as the two firms warn of a housing market slowdown (PA) Countrywide shares fell 3.75p to 125p. News from the two firms also weighed on the share price of rival housebuilders including Persimmon, down 110p to 2,662p, and Barratt Developments, down 23p to 612p. The biggest risers on the FTSE 100 were Informa up 29p to 731.5p, Vodafone Group up 5.9p to 221.8p, Hammerson up 7p to 528.5p, and Coca-Cola HBC up 32p to 2,593p. The biggest fallers on the FTSE 100 were Burberry, Persimmon, Barratt Developments and BHP Billiton down 47p to 1,429.5p. Italian police have detained a man caught on video head-butting a reporter from state-run RAI television amid an interview about his support for a neo-fascist movement. The violence against the RAI journalist, Daniele Piervincenzi, has led newscasts in Italy for two days. It has prompted calls by Rome's mayor for a march against organised crime this weekend. Mr Piervincenzi and his RAI cameraman were conducting interviews in Ostia after the neo-fascist, anti-immigrant CasaPound movement performed well in Ostia municipal elections on Sunday. One of their subjects, Roberto Spada, who had voiced support for CasaPound, suddenly interrupted the interview, head-butted Mr Piervincenzi, chased after him and the cameraman and beat them with a stick. CasaPound distanced itself from Mr Spada, who was detained on Thursday, and called for a full investigation. AP The Democratic Party candidates for the governorships of both Virginia and New Jersey dealt Donald Trump's Republican Party its first major electoral defeats on Tuesday night. In Virginia, which is widely viewed as a bellwether of next year's mid-term elections, Ralph Northam won a bitter race against Republican Ed Gillespie, who ran a combative campaign. The softly spoken Mr Northam successfully tapped into anti-Trump sentiments and voter regret among many Republicans. He overcame sustained attacks from Mr Gillespie, whose aggressive campaign had focused on immigration, gang crime and preserving Confederate statues. During the campaign, Mr Trump frequently tweeted his support for Mr Gillespie. However, the Republican, while attempting to appeal to the same voter base that thrust Mr Trump to the White House last November, had apparently attempted to keep the US president at arm's length owing to his historically low approval ratings. Barack Obama, the former president, and Joe Biden, the former vice-president, had both campaigned for Mr Northam. Mr Obama tweeted his support for the result yesterday, saying: "This is what happens when people vote." The current US president stated late on Tuesday night that Mr Gillespie "did not embrace me or what I stand for". Mr Northam, who enjoyed huge support from women voters, tweeted: "Tonight proved that we're stronger together." The outgoing governor is a Democrat and Hillary Clinton won the state in last year's presidential election. Turnout In a second significant election in Virginia, a transgender woman unseated one of the state's most socially conservative politicians to win election to the House of Delegates. Democrat Danica Roem, a journalist, beat Republican incumbent Bob Marshall, who had served in the House since 1992. She will make history as the first openly transgender person elected and then seated in a state legislature. In New Jersey, the result was less of a surprise, largely owing to the widespread unpopularity of Chris Christie, the former governor, and Mr Trump. Democrat Phil Murphy, who was the favourite, defeated Kim Guadagno. But Democrat winners in both Virginia and New Jersey said that the election results were a message to the White House. The new Virginia governor, Mr Northam, said in his victory speech to supporters: "Virginia has told us to end this divisiveness, that we will not condone hatred and bigotry and to end the politics that have torn this country apart." The newly elected New Jersey governor Mr Murphy declared: "Tonight, New Jersey sent an unmistakable message to the entire nation: we are better than this." The former city councillor from Brooklyn quashed his Republican challenger, 36-year-old state assembly member Nicole Malliotakis, in the largely Democratic city, where a woman has never served as mayor. With 90pc of votes counted, he was propelled into office for another four years, on a commanding lead of 65.5pc compared to 28.7pc for Trump-voting Malliotakis, the 'New York Times' reported. Even with a low turnout, that was no mean feat. Donald Trump's campaign was the same on the inside as it appeared on the outside: a bunch of political neophytes making it up as they went along, butting heads and doing everything wrong. Somehow it worked. They dispatched 15 other Republicans on their way to the party nomination before handily beating Hillary Clinton, possibly the most experienced and most prepared presidential candidate in history. In years gone by, the brains responsible would now be enjoying their rewards. Maybe a plum job in the White House or a chance to do it all again as a vote-whispering guru able to charge top dollar. That is not quite how it has worked out for Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus and the advisers who steered Mr Trump to a victory that reshaped American politics. Ask where are they now and the answer for several is that they have left politics to spend more time with their lawyers. In the case of Mr Manafort, who served as campaign manager last year, and his deputy, Rick Gates, it is possible to be pretty specific about where they are now. They are under house arrest in Virginia after being charged with laundering millions of dollars and hiding their work for foreign powers. Their position is the result of the dark cloud of collusion that hangs over Mr Trump's team as the federal probe into Russian meddling goes about its work, a symptom of how an unconventional campaign and administration is tripping itself up. Michael Flynn, the retired US army general, was the first to go after Mr Trump's inauguration. He managed only 24 days as Mr Trump's national security adviser before it emerged he lied to the vice-president about contacts with the Russian ambassador to Washington. Today he is one of the biggest targets of federal investigators. Not least because throughout the campaign he played a key role advising on national security and policies of crucial interest to Moscow. He brought in other short-lived appointments - such as Sebastian Gorka, who made up for his lack of recognised credentials with a sharp line in British-accented bombast that played well on Fox News - and was so central to the campaign that he was considered a possible running mate. Few serious foreign policy players had wanted to get involved with Mr Trump, which was why so many fringe figures - such as George Papadopoulos - took on roles. They were characters who had never had a career in Washington or had it cut short, like Mr Flynn, who lasted 18 months at the Defence Intelligence Agency. They were never keepers. Corey Lewandowski was the first campaign manager but had little experience of national politics. Roger Stone, a long-time operative with a handy line in conspiracy theories, hovered on the edges lurching from one controversy to another. Others made it through the transition and into the administration but left because of internal tensions. Reince Priebus was one of the few senior Republican officials who understood that the party would take the blame if Mr Trump lost the election heavily. He helped deliver victory and was rewarded with the post of White House chief of staff. But even he struggled to reconcile such an unconventional president with the establishment figures in Congress. He left the White House in July after months of turmoil as rival factions clashed. Steve Bannon, the ideologue behind so much of the campaign, left soon after. His reputation for encouraging Trump to be Trump put him at odds with John Kelly, the then-new chief of staff, who was busy instilling discipline in the West Wing. It marks an extraordinary rate of attrition for members of the campaign team. Yes, Jeff Sessions clings on as attorney general despite angering Mr Trump for his handling of the Russia probe, and his protege Stephen Miller prospers in the White House. But for the most part the key players who survive are members of the family and the Trump Organisation who predate the campaign - Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Hope Hicks. (The other important factions, such as the bankers and the generals, mostly arrived after the election was won.) In short, the ragged band of outsiders and insurgents who connected with the concerns of American people has been torn asunder by the realities of Washington politics. In part, it was their own doing. At one stage it seemed as if any chancer with a CV could find a place in the campaign team. The Flynns of this world are unlikely to have survived the vetting required by other more conventional campaigns or the Senate approval needed for other jobs in the administration. The best equipped to survive are either those with a long history with the president, or the ones who came with less baggage, have kept out of the limelight and built quiet alliances. In other words: Politicians. That leaves Mr Trump's family in place plus the bankers, globalists and most of the generals who joined him later. The result is an administration that has the outer trappings of a radical, populist movement - regular salvoes in the culture war - but which in Washington has been sucked into pursuing a conventional agenda of tax cuts and small government. The swamp always protects its own. ( Daily Telegraph London) Recent mass shootings have brought the risk of gun violence into sharp focus. Pictured is a memorial to victims killed in the shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland, Texas on Nov 7th Photo: Reuters/Jonathan Bachman A US private school is selling bulletproof panels for children to insert in their backpacks in case of a mass shooting. The Florida Christian School in Miami said the panels give children "another level of protection in the event of an active shooter". Parents can order the ballistic panels for $120 (103) on the school's website. George Gulla, head of security at the school, told the 'Miami Herald' the panels would protect the students' "centre mass". "It's just a tool," he said. "I'd rather be prepared for the worst than be stuck after saying 'Wow, I wish we would've done that'. We thought, yeah, let's offer it to anyone who wants it. It's not required. But it gives you extra peace of mind." He added: "It's out of the norm, but what is the norm?" Drill The school, which encourages children to wear their bags on their chest and has security guards patrolling the gates, came up with the idea during an active shooter drill. Parent Alex Cejas, who runs a body armour company, began putting the panels in his children's backpacks when they started school. "While books and stuff in your backpack may stop a bullet, they're not designed to. I wouldn't bet my life on it," he said. Gun violence in the US has come under sharper focus following the recent mass shootings at a Las Vegas open-air concert and a Texas church. On October 1, Stephen Paddock carried out the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, killing 59 after opening fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Gunman Devin Patrick Kelley slaughtered 26 members of a church congregation in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Sir Mark Lowcock warned of a famine with millions of victims unless the blockade of Yemen is not lifted (file photo) The UN's humanitarian chief has warned Yemen will face "the largest famine the world has seen for many decades with millions of victims" unless a Saudi-led blockade is lifted. Sir Mark Lowcock said there must be an immediate resumption of regular air flights to the cities of Aden and Sanaa by the United Nations and its partner organisations and immediate access to all ports for food, fuel and medicine. The former Whitehall official was speaking to reporters after briefing the UN Security Council on Wednesday, The coalition tightened its blockade in Yemen this week after a ballistic missile fired by Houthi rebels was intercepted near the Saudi capital. The UN says aid agencies were given no prior notice of the Saudi decision to shut down all land, air and seaports in Yemen. Speaking after the closed-doors Council meeting, Sir Mark said there also has to be immediate access to all ports, especially for food, fuel, medicine and other essential supplies. The coalition tightened its blockade in Yemen this week after a ballistic missile fired by Houthi rebels was intercepted near the Saudi capital - an act condemned by Sir Mark and the Security Council. The UN said aid agencies were given no prior notice of the Saudi decision to shut down all land, air and seaports in Yemen. Sir Mark said he told the council that "there will be famine in Yemen" unless five steps are taken immediately. "It will not be like the famine that we saw in South Sudan earlier in the year where tens of thousands of people were affected," he said. "It will not be like the famine which cost 250,000 people their lives in Somalia in 2011. It will be the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims." The official said the five immediate steps are: :: Resumption of air services. :: Assurances flights will not be disrupted. :: Opening of all ports to humanitarian and commercial vessels, especially those with critical supplies. :: Agreement to keep a UN World Food Program ship in waters off Aden. :: Halt to interference with all vessels that have passed inspection by the UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism "so that they can proceed to port as rapidly as possible". David Beasley, executive director of the World Food Program, told AP on Monday that out of Yemen's population of 27 million to 28 million people, 19 million to 20 million "do not know where they're going to get their next meal". The agency is reaching only seven million Yemenis, he said, "partly because of lack of funds and partly because of lack of access" by the coalition and the Houthis. Sir Mark said he couldn't put a timeline on famine if the Saudi blockade isn't lifted, but it is inevitable. "Children are losing their lives all the time in Yemen," he said, because they are malnourished and don't have the ability to fight off even a cold. The Security Council expressed concern about "the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, with 6.8 million people threatened with famine and suspected cholera cases at over 900,000". The council emphasised the importance of keeping all of Yemen's ports and airports functioning "as a critical lifeline for humanitarian support and other essential supplies". Council members also reiterated the need for the coalition and the Houthis "to provide full, safe, rapid and unhindered access for humanitarian supplies and UN personnel to the population of all affected governorates, including by air, land and sea". Library picture of the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for next month's US Senate election in Alabama, has strongly denied claims by a woman that he made inappropriate advances to her several decades ago when she was 14. The Moore campaign called the Washington Post report "the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation". Senior Republicans swiftly called for Mr Moore to step aside if the allegations are shown to be true. "The allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore are deeply troubling," said Colorado Senate chairman Cory Gardner, who leads the party's Senate campaign arm. "If these allegations are found to be true, Roy Moore must drop out of the Alabama special Senate election." Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell added: "If these allegations are true, he must step aside." The Moore campaign's statement said: "Judge Roy Moore has endured the most outlandish attacks on any candidate in the modern political arena, but this story in today's Washington Post alleging sexual impropriety takes the cake." The statement noted that Mr Moore has been married to the same woman for 33 years and has four children and five grandchildren. The Moore campaign continued: "After over 40 years of public service, if any of these allegations were true, they would have been made public long before now." The incidents are alleged to have taken place when Mr Moore, the 70-year-old former state Supreme Court judge, was serving as an assistant district attorney in his early 30s, according to the Post. The newspaper reports that Mr Moore, then 32, first approached 14-year-old Leigh Corfman in early 1979 outside a courtroom in Etowah county, Alabama. Mr Moore won the right to represent the Republicans in the December 12 special election after surviving a bruising primary election that divided the party, including President Donald Trump and his former chief strategist Steve Bannon. Mr Trump backed Senator Luther Strange in the contest, while Mr Bannon and much of the far-right portion of the party backed Mr Moore. Alabama law lists the legal age of consent as 16. In Alabama, the statute of limitations for bringing felony charges involving sexual abuse of a minor in 1979 would have run out three years later. Ms Corfman never filed a police report or a civil suit, the Post said. AP The Texas church where more than two dozen people were killed by a gunman during Sunday services will be demolished, the pastor said. Frank Pomeroy told leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention earlier this week that it would be too painful to continue using First Baptist Church as a place of worship. A national Southern Baptist spokesman said Mr Pomeroy discussed the plan with the denomination's top executives, who travelled to the rural community in a show of support. Sing Oldham said the pastor described the building as "too stark of a reminder" of the massacre. Mr Pomeroy expressed hope he could turn the site into a memorial for the dead and put up a new building on property the church owns. On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence joined Texas Governor Greg Abbott at a memorial service for the victims of the gunman. Mr Pence told the crowd that the attack was the worst mass shooting at a church in American history and called the gunman "deranged". "Whatever animated the evil that descended on that small church, if the attacker's desire was to silence their testimony of faith, they failed," the vice president added. The governor said Texans come together at times of crisis and tragedy. "It's what we do," Mr Abbott said. People in the crowd responded "amen". He also proclaimed Sunday November 12 a state-wide day of prayer. Mr Pence also visited wounded congregants at a San Antonio hospital and met with families of the dead in Floresville, not far from Sutherland Springs. He went from table to table at a high school library, attempting to console devastated family members. "The whole country is praying over you," he told one man who lost his sister-in-law. He stopped to talk with John Holcombe, whose family was decimated by the shooting. Mr Holcombe, who suffered shrapnel wounds, lost his wife, Crystal, who was pregnant with their first child. Also killed were three of her children, his parents, a brother and a toddler niece. Earlier on Wednesday, Mr Pence said President Donald Trump had ordered federal agencies to provide extensive help to the investigation, including 100 on-site FBI agents. The Texas Department of Public Safety released an official list of those killed in the rampage. The eight male victims and 17 female victims ranged in age from one to 77. Eight of the fatalities were children or teenagers. The oldest of them was 16. Authorities said the 26 dead also included Crystal Holcombe's unborn baby. All the victims died at the scene, except for one child who died in hospital. Eleven people remained hospitalised with wounds they suffered in the attack. AP Sir Mark Lowcock warned of a famine with millions of victims unless the blockade of Yemen is not lifted The UN and more than 20 humanitarian groups have condemned a blockade by the Saudi-led coalition on airports, seaports and land crossings into Yemen, saying it could bring millions of people closer to "starvation and death". The groups, including CARE, Save the Children and Islamic Relief, said about two-thirds of Yemen's population relies on imported supplies. They said more than 20 million people need humanitarian assistance, including seven million facing "famine-like" conditions. Food supplies are set to run out within six weeks, and vaccines will last one month. The groups called for the "immediate opening" of all air and seaports in the statement. The military coalition tightened its blockade in Yemen this week after a ballistic missile fired by Houthi rebels was intercepted near the Saudi capital. Hundreds of cars lined the main roads of Yemen's capital after the rebels who control the city ordered fuel stations to close on Wednesday, accusing merchants of taking advantage of the blockade to hike prices. Fuel prices have spiked by 50% since Monday. Hassan al-Zaydi, a spokesman for the Houthi-run Oil Ministry, said merchants had refused orders to keep prices fixed, prompting authorities to shut the fuel stations down. A UN official said aid agencies were given no notice of the Saudi decision to shut down all land, air and seaports, and had learned about it from media. George Khoury, head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen, said on Wednesday: "We want to be crystal clear to the international community - any disruption will have catastrophic consequence on the lives of hundreds of thousands people and children." Later in the day, the UN humanitarian chief, Mark Lowcock, warned that if the blockade continued, Yemen would face "the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims". After briefing the UN Security Council behind closed doors, he called for a resumption of air flights into Yemen for the United Nations and its humanitarian partners, and said there must be immediate access to all ports, especially for food, fuel, medicine and other essential supplies. Every month, at least seven million people depend on life-saving UN aid. The Saudi-led coalition has been at war with the Houthis, a Shiite group supported by Iran, since March 2015. Saudi Arabia blamed Saturday's missile strike on Tehran, which supports the rebels but denies arming them. AP Kolkata, Nov 9 (IBNS): Government of India's Department of Heavy Industries (DHI) under the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, on Wednesday, launched the Centre of Excellence on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, West Bengal. In the presence of Union Minister of State for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Babul Supriyo, DHI's Joint Secretary N. Sivanand signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IIT Kharagpur. The Centre of Excellence (CoE) has received a PPP funding of Rs. 65.19 crore, of which Rs. 47.62 crore (80 per cent) has been provided by GOI and the remaining has been arranged by IIT Kharagpur itself and several private industries. A key focus of the CoE will be to make the Indian Capital Goods sector globally competitive and support the imminent need to increase the depth in manufacturing through innovation and technology up-gradation in four important areas, namely Speciality Materials, Process Automation, Additive manufacturing and Digital interventions as envisaged in Industry 4.0. Talking about the CoE, IIT Kharagpur's director, Partha Pratim Chakrabarti said, "It was exactly a year back when Shri Babul Supriyo shared his vision with us and we unanimously agreed that such a Centre is the need of the hour. Consequently we came up with the proposal of the Centre of Excellence on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Heavy Industries with a strong focus on the technologies which will usher India into the emerging era of Industry 4.0." "The CoE will aim to bridge the divide between the requirements of the leading manufacturing firms of India and the ability of SMEs to meet those requirements in globally competitive terms," Chakrabarti said. Union Minister of State Babul Supriyo, who attended the event, said, "A state-of-the-art center on advanced manufacturing technologies in Eastern India has been long overdue. I have intensely felt the need for the resurgence of small and medium scale enterprises in the region, which needs to get more competitive with the rest of the country." "My vision is to achieve this through a common platform of academia, corporate houses and enterprises which must come together in a synergistic way. It is my firm belief that IIT Kharagpur, with its extensive experience in industrial research and incubation is the best choice to lead this initiative, Babul Supriyo said. Pallab Dasgupta, Dean of Sponsored Research at IIT Kharagpur, said, "It is unique for the leading industrial houses in India to come together to form a consortium and jointly support an academic Center on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies." "We chose the consortium model for industrial partnership because the need for infusion of next gen technology in the manufacturing sector transcends domestic competition and needs concerted cooperation of all industrial houses in this sector," Dasgupta said. "The consortium will also enable self-sustainability of the Center beyond the period of DHI support. The CoE is aimed to create an ecosystem for indigenization and innovations in the manufacturing sector involving small and medium scale enterprises. The Innovation Lab at the Centre will be accessible to SMEs and Startups to gain expertise in modern technology usage and upgradation, said the Institute. According to CoE's technical lead Surjya K Pal, the SMEs will receive hands-on training to develop modern technologies and capacity building to boost supply to large scale industries and this will also have a long term effect leading to import substitution. The Centre will have state of the art physical infrastructure for Additive manufacturing like 3D printing, Advanced joining facility e.g. robotic and micro friction stir welding, Diagnostic and metrological inspection systems such as CT scan, Industrial IoT with lab facilities for sensors, backend analytics and research," Surjya K Pal said. "All of these are targeted towards Industry 4.0, the next gen industrial evolution with intelligent machines, health monitoring and connected manufacturing through digital interventions, robotics and automation, he said. (Reporting by Deepayan Sinha, Images by Souvik Das/IBNS) Patna, Nov 9 (IBNS): President of India Ram Nath Kovind, launched the Bihar Krishi Road Map 2017-2022 in Patna on Thursday. Bihar Governor Satya Pal Malik and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar were also present at the event. Speaking on the occasion, the President said it was a moving and emotional experience for him to come to Bihar for the first time as President of India. He said he will always remember the regard and affection received from people of all sections and regions of the state during his tenure as the Governor of Bihar. The President said that the centenary year of the Champaran Satyagraha is being commemorated from April 2017. As such this was the best time to introduce the new 'Agricultural Road Map' in the interests of farmers. "Mahatma Gandhi had emphasised through the Satyagraha that farmers are at the centre of Indian life and policy making. And this remains true even today," he said. The President said that the Government of Bihar had launched the first Agricultural Road Map in 2008 after consulting farmers, agricultural scientists and other stakeholders. The 2017 road map is the third. The road map provides comprehensive and coordinated plans for the development of agriculture. The President expressed confidence that the third 'Agricultural Road Map' released on Thursday, which, he said, will further energise the agricultural sector's performance in Bihar and empower the farming community. Earlier in the day, Ram nath Kovind was given a ceremonial Guard of Honour at Patna Airport upon his first visit to Bihar as the President. The President also paid floral tributes at the statue of Dr. Rajendra Prasad in Patna. Images: PIB Shimla, Nov 9 (IBNS): In the Himachal Pradesh Assembky elections on Thursday, 54.9 per cent voters cast their vote till two pm, media reported. Voting began at eight am and will conclude at five pm on Thrusday. Kinnaur has recorded its highest voting percentage at 35 percent by 12pm, Indian Express reported. In the Thursday election, 50,25,941 voters are eligible to cast their vote. As many as 7,525 polling booths have been set up in the state and 37,605 polling personnel have been deputed for poll duty, according to media reports. 17,850 police personnel and Home Guards, as well as 65 companies of central paramilitary force have also been deployed, media reported. he poll is witnessing heavyweights from both the BJP and the Congress battle it out for supremacy in the state. Six-time Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, 83, a prime Congress contestant, is the oldest candidate; his 27-year-old son Vikramaditya has also made his poll debut. The octogenarian is likely to retain his position if his party is elected to power. The junior Singh has been handed Simla (Rural), which originally belonged to his father, to battle it out against BJP's Pramod Sharma, a Virbhadra protege. Two-time former chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, BJP's chief ministerial candidate is contesting from Sujanpur. The 73-year-old is pitted against Congress' Rajinder Rana, who is in his home turf and has already won the 2012 elections from the same seat. Party-wise, both BJP and Congress, have fielded 68 candidates each, while BSP has fielded 42 candidates, followed by CPM with 14. The CPI, NCP and the SP have fielded 3, 2 and 2 candidates, respectively. The independent candidate count is 112. Srinagar, Nov 9 (IBNS) : Suspected militants on Thursday shot at and injured a Special Police Officer (SPO) of Jammu and Kashmir Police in Anantnag district. Reports said that militants fired at the SPO posted outside the Deputy Commissioners Office. The injured was shifted to a hospital for treatment. The area has been cordoned off by the forces and a hunt is on to nab the assailants. (Reporting by Saleem Iqbal Qadri) Shimla, Nov 9 (IBNS): More than 64 percent votes were polled till four pm In the Himachal Pradesh Assembky elections on Thursday, media reported. Voting began at eight am and will conclude at five pm on Thrusday. Una district has recorded its highest voting at 67.09 percent till 4 pm, Indian Express reported. In the Thursday election, 50,25,941 voters are eligible to cast their vote. As many as 7,525 polling booths have been set up in the state and 37,605 polling personnel have been deputed for poll duty, according to media reports. 17,850 police personnel and Home Guards, as well as 65 companies of central paramilitary force have also been deployed, media reported. he poll is witnessing heavyweights from both the BJP and the Congress battle it out for supremacy in the state. Six-time Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, 83, a prime Congress contestant, is the oldest candidate; his 27-year-old son Vikramaditya has also made his poll debut. The octogenarian is likely to retain his position if his party is elected to power. The junior Singh has been handed Simla (Rural), which originally belonged to his father, to battle it out against BJP's Pramod Sharma, a Virbhadra protege. Two-time former chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, BJP's chief ministerial candidate is contesting from Sujanpur. The 73-year-old is pitted against Congress' Rajinder Rana, who is in his home turf and has already won the 2012 elections from the same seat. Party-wise, both BJP and Congress, have fielded 68 candidates each, while BSP has fielded 42 candidates, followed by CPM with 14. The CPI, NCP and the SP have fielded 3, 2 and 2 candidates, respectively. The independent candidate count is 112. Chandigarh, Nov 9 (IBNS): Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh has hit out at Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal over the pollution problem at the national capital, calling the latter a "peculiar man", media reports said. The two chief ministers have been engaged in verbal spats for sometime over the pollution in Delhi with stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana as one of the reasons. Blasting Kejriwal, the Punjab CM said: "Mr Kejriwal is a peculiar person who has views on everything without understanding the situation. There is 20 million ton of paddy straw, where do I ask farmers to store? So Mr Kejriwal doesn't understand this problem." While the Delhi CM wants to meet the chief ministers of neighbouring states like Punjab and Haryana, Capt. Amarinder feels the Centre can alone solve the problem. Situation is serious but Punjab helpless as problem is widespread & state has no money to compensate farmers for stubble management (1/2). Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) November 8, 2017 Mentioning Kejriwal in a tweet, the Punjab CM said: "Share your concern over stubble burning and pollution @ArvindKejriwal, Centre alone can solve the problem given its national implications." In a follow up tweet, Capt. Amarinder said: "Situation is serious but Punjab helpless as problem is widespread & state has no money to compensate farmers for stubble management..." The Delhi government on Thursday decided to re-implement its much debated OddEven' plan for cars as the national capital region continues to reel under dense smog, according to media reports. City Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot said that the 'OddEven' scheme will be enforced in Delhi for five-day period from Monday. The region has been suffering from intense smog over the past few days, which has forced the administration to declare an 'emergency'. Life have been thrown out of gear in many places, with schools shut, accidents on highways, delay in train and flight timings, etc. The National Green Tribunal has banned construction and industrial activities in Delhi-NCR till November 14, media reports said on Thursday. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has also sent notices to the Centre, and to the governments of Delhi, Punjab and Haryana in view of the life-threatening pollution levels in the Delhi-NCR region. Share your concern over stubble burning and pollution @ArvindKejriwal, Centre alone can solve the problem given its national implications. Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) November 8, 2017 In its advisory on Wednesday, the Union Health ministry has recommended those with breathing difficulty to remain indoors. Parents have been asked to keep children indoors as much as possible. Delhiites have been advised to avoid morning walks or any other strenuous outdoor activity that increases breathing rate. The advisory has suggested all to drink plenty of water and fluids; avoid smoking; minimize the use of deodorants and room sprays as much as possible; and to avoid the areas with smoke or heavy dust. For those with heart ailments and chronic respiratory disease or asthma, the ministry has recommended them to continue their medication as advised by physician. Image: Capt Amarinder Singh Twitter page Shimla, Nov 9 (IBNS): The voting for Himachal Pradesh assembly election has ended with a turnout of 74% of voters, media reports said. Voting began at 8 a.m. and concluded at 5 p.m. on Thursday. Una district has recorded its highest voting at 67.09 percent till 4 pm, The Indian Express reported. In the Thursday election, 50,25,941 voters are eligible to cast their vote. As many as 7,525 polling booths were set up in the state and 37,605 polling personnel deputed for poll duty, according to media reports. 17,850 police personnel and Home Guards, as well as 65 companies of central paramilitary force were deployed, media reported. The poll is witnessing heavyweights from both the BJP and the Congress battling it out for supremacy in the state. Six-time chief minister Virbhadra Singh, 83, a prime Congress contestant, is the oldest candidate; his 27-year-old son Vikramaditya has also made his poll debut. The octogenarian is likely to retain his position if his party is elected to power. The junior Singh has been handed Simla (Rural), which originally belonged to his father, to battle it out against BJP's Pramod Sharma, a Virbhadra protege. Two-time former chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal, the BJP's chief ministerial candidate is contesting from Sujanpur. The 73-year-old is pitted against Congress' Rajinder Rana, who is in his home turf and has already won the 2012 elections from the same seat. Party-wise, both the BJP and the Congress, have fielded 68 candidates each, while BSP has fielded 42 candidates, followed by CPM with 14. The CPI, NCP and the SP have fielded 3, 2 and 2 candidates, respectively. The independent candidate count is 112. The poll count will take place on Dec. 18. Images:, The Kolkata-Khulna Bandhan Express was flagged off from Kolkata station by unveiling e-plaque. The trio also inaugurated Second Bharirab and Titas Railway Bridges in Bangladesh and International Rail Passenger Terminus with End-to-End Immigration and Customs Clearance Facilities for the passengers of both Maitree Express and Bandhan Express at Kolkata station. Addressing on the occasion, PM Modi said that close connection and understanding between two countries requires connectivity between the people across the border. "Maitree Express and Bandhan Express trains will bring more connectivity between India and Bangladesh and strengthen further bonding," he said. The Prime Minister added that it is a great privilege for India to become the most trusted partner of Bangladesh for execution and completion of various developmental projects in that country. Seikh Hasina expressed hope for more such initiatives for increasing rail link and connectivity between the two countries. She also expressed happiness concern about convenience of the passengers of Maitree and Bandhan Express trains with reduced journey time after introduction of International Passenger Rail Terminus with End-to-End Immigration and Customs Clearance Facilities. Mamata Banerjee said that this new Passenger Train link between Kolkata and Khulna will strengthen the relationship between two countries. She expressed happiness on introduction of the new train between the two countries & recollected the traditional bonding with Bangladesh. After the introduction of Maitree Express between Kolkata and Dhaka Cantonment stations in April, 2008, the Governments of India and Bangladesh have further decided to run another passenger train viz. Bandhan Express between Kolkata and Khulna through Petrapole and Benapole route to cater to the demands of the people of both the countries for more connectivity. The Bandhan Express will be a weekly service on every Thursday. The Kolkata - Khulna Bandhan Express (13129 Up) will depart from Kolkata at 07.10 hrs.(IST) and will arrive at Khulna at 12:30 hrs.(BST) on the return journey the Khulna-Kolkata Bandhan Express ( 13130 Down) will depart from Khulna at 13.30 hrs. (BST) and arrive at Kolkata at 18.10 hrs.(IST) on the same day.The immigration and Customs checks will take place at Kolkata International Passenger Terminal for the Indian side and at Benapol border station for Bangladesh side. The second Bhairab Bridge and Titas Bridge in Bangladesh built with the assistance of Government of India are two of the most important projects in Bangladesh for infrastructure and rolling stock development. The one kilometer long second Bhairab Railway Bridge was built over the mighty Meghna river at a cost of around USD 75 million by Indian contractors and consultants. Similarly, the Titas bridge over river Titas in Eastern Bangladesh was built at a cost of around USD 25 million. Both these bridges are on the main Chittagong to Dhaka Trunk Rail Line which will help in faster movement of both passenger and freight traffic trains of Bangladesh. Ministry of Railways, with the coordination of Department of Immigration & Customs has opened an International Rail Passenger Terminus at Kolkata station with proper infrastructure and facilities of end-to-end immigration to reduce the en-route journey time of the passengers of the existing Kolkata Dhaka Cantt. Maitree Express and newly introduced Kolkata Khulna Bandhan Express,. With this new facility at Kolkata Terminal, the passengers of Maitree Express and Bandhan Express will be immensely benefitted. The journey time of Maitree Express from Kolkata to Dhaka will be 08 hrs.25mts. and from Dhaka to Kolkata will be 08 hrs.15mts. i.e. a reduction of about 2 hours. It will depart from Kolkata at 07.10 hrs.(IST) (on Mon, Tue, Fri & Sat) and arrive at Dhaka at 16.05 hrs.(BST) instead of earlier arrival at Dhaka at 18.05 hrs.(BST). On the return journey it will depart from Dhaka at 08.15 hrs.(BST) (on Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun) instead of earlier departure from Dhaka at 08.10 hrs. (BST) and arrive at Kolkata at 16.00 hrs.(IST) instead of earlier arrival at Kolkata at 18.10 hrs.(IST). Sudip Bandyopadhya, MP & Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways, Mala Saha, MLA, Harindra Rao, General Manager, Eastern Railway, Toufique Hassan, Dy. High Commissioner, Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Kolkata were present on the occasion at Kolkata station and all of them addressed the gathering. New York, Nov 9(Just Earth News): As the number of people displaced worldwide due to climate change-related events continues to grow, the United Nations and its partners are focusing on regional approaches, framed by existing international practice, to respond to the issue of climate refugees. The number of disaster displacements on annual average between 2008 and 2016 amounted to 25.3 million, according to figures released by the Norwegian Refugee Council. The five countries globally that have the highest proportion of their population affected by displacements are all island States: Cuba, Fiji, Philippines, Tonga and Sri Lanka. During this hurricane season alone for example, we saw the displacement of 1.7 million people in Cuba thats the equivalent of 15 per cent of its population, said Camila Minerva, Humanitarian Programme Manager with Oxfam in the Dominican Republic, during a press conference on human mobility and climate change at the UN Climate Conference (COP23), in Bonn, Germany. The poorest and the most marginalized are five times more likely to be displaced and to remain so for longer time than people in higher income countries and it is increasing with climate change, she added. Mariam Traore, Migration, environment and climate change specialist with the UN Migration Agency (IOM) said that it is also important to remember that the slow onset effect of climate change makes people move and migrate, sometimes in a forced way. In a country like Bangladesh, we did a survey last year and 40 per cent of the households we interviewed told us that climate change contributed directly to their decision to migrate, she added. In this context, some have suggested to create a climate refugee status, protecting those forced to leave their country because of the impacts of climate change. The refugee legal status is provided by the 1951 Refugee Convention, which is very clear on what [basis refugee status is conferred], which is basically persecution, said Marine Franck, Programme Officer (climate change), Division of International Protection, in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In the context of climate change displacement, there might be cases where there is persecution involved where this refugee status could apply but in most cases, it doesnt, she added. She recalled that in 2011, States had suggested that UNHCR create a new status of refugee for people displaced because of climate change. But some States were not ready at all for that, she stated. Franck stressed that this issue of broadening the scope of refugee protection is not necessarily desirable, because there is a risk of undermining the refugees fleeing persecution and violent conflict. Moreover, she explained: We would need also to renegotiate the Convention and there is no appetite for that from States and it might not be the most effective protection tool. UNHCR thinks it is better to look at what exists at the regional level and try to have a bottom-up approach with broadening at the regional level using practices that are effective. She mentioned humanitarian protection visas, temporary protection and stay arrangements, as well as migration laws that can provide real protection. It is much more effective because States are going to look at what their neighbours are doing and may adopt the same kind of procedures, rather than if we adopt a global convention or a new category [] it might not be easy to negotiate and it is not also sure that States will then implement it properly, Franck said. Credit: Nansen Initiative, via UNOCHA Source: The banana sector serves as an essential source of employment and income for thousands of rural households in developing countries and the manual, while initially aimed at workers in Ecuador, can be adapted >for use around the world, said the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in a news statement. Presented on Wednesday, at the Third Conference of the World Banana Forum in Geneva, the publication outlines a series of recommendations for trainers and workers on how to manage banana farm risks and more safely carry out work. It includes a wide range of guidelines covering topics, including proper handling, storage and use of agrochemicals/pesticides; measures for adequate personal protection, including first aid in emergency situations; ergonomic risk information; and ways to stop gender-related violence and other human rights abuses. The conference brought together over 300 representatives from the banana sector along with other stakeholders, including UN agencies, governments, importers, exporters, retailers, producers, consumer associations, trade unions and civil society organizations. Banana production After cereals, sugar, coffee and cocoa, bananas are the most traded agricultural product in the world. Attempts to lower production costs often lead to disastrous consequences on the rights of workers and on the environment, according to FAO. For example, banana plantations use 10 times more pesticides than conventional plantations in developed countries. Elevated exposure to these agrochemicals can cause serious health problems for workers and neighbouring communities one of the topics addressed in the manual, FAO said in the news statement. The manual also serves as a guide to identify risks and also as a source of information regarding current legislation to report on work-related accidents. Of the almost 100 million tons of bananas consumed each year globally, around 20 million are exported. Of those, almost 6 million come from Ecuador, the world's largest exporter and the country chosen by the Banana Initiative for Occupational Health and Safety coordinated by the FAO-led World Banana Forum and the non-governmental organizations Solidaridad and Bananalink as a priority country for the manuals development. The guide is the result of an unprecedented consensus between the public and private sectors and civil society, and includes all current legislation applicable to the sector in Ecuador. It is expected to be useful for some 250,000 direct workers and from two to 2.5 million workers related to banana exports in the country. Given that banana farming is carried out similarly around the world, the initiative can be adapted and replicated in banana producing countries from Latin America to Asia and the Pacific, incorporating their own legislation. Photo: World Bank/Yosef Hadar Source: New York, Nov 9(Just Earth News): The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Major Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf al-Werfalli, a commander in the Al-Saiqa Brigade accused of murdering 33 people in the context of the ongoing conflict in Libya, ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda told the United Nations Security Council. Addressing the Council in New York, the Prosecutor also urged the international community to turn over Al-Tuhamy Mohamed Khaled, former head of the Libyan Internal Security Agency, and Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi. Busayf Al-Werfalli, is a commander in the Benghazi-based Al-Saiqa Brigade, who, according to Bensouda, has been and possibly still is active in the Libyan National Armys (LNA) Operation National Dignity. In her remarks to the Council, the ICC Prosecutor appealed directly to General Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army, to demonstrate, by concrete actions, respect for international justice by ensuring Mr al-Werfallis immediate transfer to the Libyan authorities so that he may be surrendered to the court without delay. My Office continues to request States Parties, non-States Parties and organizations to assist in securing the arrest of persons subject to an ICC warrant, Bensouda told the Council. The call for accountability comes amidst continued concern over the security situation in Libya, which has been in conflict since a disputed election in 2014 following the 2011 toppling of long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi. In recent months, Bensouda said she noted with grave concern reports of unlawful killings, including the execution of detained persons; kidnappings and forced disappearances; torture; prolonged detentions without trial or other legal process; and arbitrary detention, torture, rape, and other ill-treatment of migrants in official and unofficial detention centres. Reports have also emerged that 36 male corpses were found in the totem of al-Abyar, outside of Benghazi. This is also of grave concern, she said. The bodies were reportedly handcuffed, showed signs of torture, and displayed bullet wounds to the head. The prosecutor also echoed Ghassan Salame in condemning recent airstrikes in a residential neighbourhood in Derna that appear to have resulted in the tragic deaths of civilians, including at least 12 children and women. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe Source: India using technology as weapon in war against poverty: PM Modi | After PM Modi-Rishi Sunak meet, UK gives go-ahead to 3,000 annual visas for Indians | Supreme Court orders retrial in 2018 Kathua rape-murder, accused to be tried as adult | Delhi murder: Accused Aaftab Ameen Poonawala was inspired by crime show Dexter | 'Will expose the reality of how Pakistan treated me': Singer Adnan Sami Quetta, Nov 9 (IBNS) :: A senior police officer was among three officials killed in a suicide attack on Quetta's airport road on Thursday morning, Pakistan's Geo News reported. . Around eight others, including police officials, were said to be injured in the attack on the vehicle of the senior police officer. SSP Operations Naseebullah has been quoted as saying that DIG Hamid Shakeel, who was heading the motor transport and telecommunications department, and two other police officials were martyred when the DIG's convoy was targetted in a bomb attack. The injured have been moved to the Combined Military Hospital and Civil Hospital for treatment. Two police officials are said to be in critical condition. The report quoted sources as saying that DIG Shakeel's vehicle was targetted as soon as the officer left this residence in the Chaman Housing Scheme, situated close to other government officials' residences. Ottawa, Nov 9 (IBNS): Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is satisfied with the explanation of a top Liberal fundraiser Stephen Bronfman, whose link to an offshore trust in the Cayman Islands came into light in the Paradise Papers, media reports said. Bronfman said he had neither funded nor used any offshore trust, which Trudeau felt a sufficient explanation to be satisfied. The top liberal completely ignored his business ties with Montreal-based investment company Claridge, which was leaked in the Paradise Papers. Speaking about the leak of financial details, Bronfman said he had no involvement with the trust of any kind except a loan which he took 25 years ago. He said the money was repaid by him within few months. Trudeau, while interacting with media in Hanoi, Vietnam on Wednesday, said: "We have received assurances that all rules were followed, indeed the same assurances made in the public statement released by the family, and we are satisfied with those assurances." "We have done much in regards to tax avoidance and tax evasion, including working with international partners, but we also recognize there is much more to do and you can rest assured that Canada Revenue Agency will take very seriously its responsibility to go after everyone and anyone involved in tax avoidance and tax evasion" the PM added. Though Bronfman's explanation has been able to satisfy Trudeau, it failed to impress the Opposition. Conservative leader Andrew Scheer said: "We had the Canada Revenue Agency indicate that they were going to review these files and take it seriously. And then a day later, just on the word of his friend and chief fundraiser, the prime minister is basically saying that he's satisfied that there's no wrongdoing." "We have serious concerns about who is Justin Trudeau speaking for. Is he absolving his friend and chief fundraiser of any wrongdoing in advance of any kind of review, in advance of any kind of investigation? Is he speaking for Canada Revenue? I think it's very inappropriate that he would use that type of language, and I certainly don't take him at his word on this issue," Scheer added. New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh urged the finance committee to investigation the Paradise Papers. ".......The reality is Canadians are not satisfied. Canadians expect a just and fair taxation system that that doesn't just target everyday working Canadians, but that makes sure that everyone pays or contributes their fair share, that ensures that the wealthy, the well-connected, the powerful also contribute their fair share and that's not what Canadians feel like right now and that's why this motion is so important" Singh said hitting out at the PM. Facing a barrage of questions from the Opposition on Monday about the Paradise Papers leak, the Liberal government on Tuesday ensured they will carry out a review on the Canadian names that have come up, media reports said. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in the House of Commons: "We are fully committed to fighting tax evasion and tax avoidance." "With respect to the Paradise Papers, the (Canada Revenue Agency) is reviewing links to Canadian entities and will take every appropriate action . . . . We will continue to work for a system that is fair," the PM added. National Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier confirmed that the CRA has already initiated a review and probing the names of the Canadians present in the papers. More than 300 Canadians whose names are present in Paradise Papers, described as the largest leak of financial data, are suspected to have used offshore tax havens to evade taxes. The figure is slightly around 3,300. The revelation comes from Paradise Papers, as the documents are being called by a collective of international journalists who after months of ferreting a clutch of records and internal communications from Bermuda's Appleby and Singapore's Asiaciti presented their findings on Sunday night. Paradise Papers refer to a trove - 13.4 million files - of financial data leaked from two firms The reports have shown that Canada is Applyby's one of the biggest markets after the U.S., the U.K. and China. The data has brought number of Canadian firms and individuals under the scanner who have paid very little or almost no tax as they have received the benefits from the offshore trusts and corporations which are set up in countries. It is said that Bermuda firm Appleby and Singapore-based Asiaciti helped the ultra-rich & powerful move money abroad Appleby allegedly helped clients set up offshore firms and manage bank accounts to evade taxes, manage realty, buy planes and yachts, move tonnes of money across the globe. (Reporting by Suman Das) Image: Hanoi, Nov 9 (IBNS): Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his government is in no hurry to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal at the time other countries are looking forward to seal the deal, media reports said. Trudeau said this at the APEC summit in Vietnam this week. Trudeau at a press conference said: "Let me remind everyone Canada will not be rushed into a deal that is not in the best interest of Canada and Canadians. I have always been very clear that I will stand up for Canadian jobs, for Canadian values, that's exactly what we will do here." Some of the TPP partners are however expecting any deal to take place by the end of this week. The US had pulled out of the deal earlier in January this year. According to CBC News, Canada is pushing to include chapters like environment, labour rights and gender equality in the revised TPP deal. About Canada's working on the revised deal, the Canadian PM said: "Our ministers are very much engaged and working hard on this issue of TPP11." "Canada is very much engaged in discussions of how we can move forward in a way that is beneficial to Canada and our partners. We believe progressive, solid trade deals can help citizens in all sorts of different countries" Trudeau added. Canada's push for inclusion of new elements are very much like the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations where the Trudeau government is trying to embody climate issues in the deal. (Reporting by Souvik Ghosh) Images: After CCI penalty, FHRAI writes SEBI to stop OYO IPO The Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Association of India has written a letter to SEBI to stop the proceedings of the IPO of OYO, as reported by the Economic Times. This has come after the Co... November 16, 2022 | 4:03 pm Markets end the day in Green Indian equity markets had another topsy-turve day today. Markets swung between red and green territory all through the day. Nifty 50 ended, up by 6.25 points. Sensex ended, up by 107.73 po... November 16, 2022 | 3:40 pm Passenger vehicle sales may touch 3.8 million units in FY 23, says Tata Motors MD Passenger vehicle sales in India may touch 3.8 million units in FY 23, Tata Motors MD, Shailesh Chandra, said. He also added that a large part of these sales will be because of the pent-up dema... November 16, 2022 | 3:21 pm Sai Silks Saree Retailers to launch IPO soon, gets nod from SEBI Sai Silks (Kalamandir) is one of the largest retailers of ethnic apparel. The company has received a nod to float an initial public offer (IPO) in the market to raise funds. As per the Draft Re... November 16, 2022 | 2:49 pm HAL stock price rises after it gets LOI for 9 helicopters from Indian Coast Guard In hefty trading volumes on Wednesday, Hindustan Aeronautics' shares surged 7% to an all-time high of Rs 2,697.70 on the BSE after the company obtained a letter of intent (LoI) from the Indian ... November 16, 2022 | 2:38 pm Crisis continues at Indian Health Service By Kevin Abourezk The crisis at the Indian Health Service continues as another hospital has lost its ability to access a key source of funding after a recent survey uncovered a number of problems. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Friday placed the facility on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota on immediate jeopardy status, a category used to indicate the likelihood of imminent injury, serious harm, death or impairment to patients. In a final decision, CMS terminated the hospitals provider agreement, effective November 18. That means the hospital will no longer be allowed to bill Medicare for services, which will affect its Medicaid funding as well. The IHS Pine Ridge Hospital remains open and patients are receiving care, including emergency department, inpatient, outpatient, and all other hospital services, the IHS said in a press release. Providing access to quality medical care remains a top priority for IHS. The Pine Ridge Hospital isn't the only IHS facility on the reservation. But it is the largest, serving more than 17,000 patients, most of whom are citizens of the Oglala Sioux Tribe President Scott Weston was attending at tribal council meeting Friday afternoon when the decision was announced from Washington, D.C. He said he was seeking a statement from the hospital about the loss of Medicare and Medicaid funding and declined to offer further comment when reached. Although the hospital remains open, the loss of certification represents a severe blow. The IHS, due to chronic under-funding, relies on revenue from Medicare and Medicaid to make up for shortfalls in its budget. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota), third from left, met with Oglala Sioux Tribe President Scott Weston, fourth from left, and other Oglala Sioux leaders in Washington, D.C., in February 2017. Photo: Sen. Mike Rounds Before CMS terminated certification to the IHS hospital that serves the Omaha Tribe and the Winnebago Tribe , the facility was heavily dependent on outside sources of funds. Some 77 percent of third-party reimbursements came from Medicare and Medicaid in the fiscal year prior to the 2015 decision And in the current fiscal year, IHS expects 88 percent of collections at all facilities to come from Medicare and Medicaid, according to a budget justification In response to the loss of certification at Pine Ridge, the IHS said it will work to help improve the hospitals health services so it can begin receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding once again. These issues did not happen overnight and it will take time to correct them, the agency said. But the agency's track record remains shaky. The Omaha-Winnebago Hospital in Nebraska has yet to recover from its CMS termination more than two years ago. The IHS also has been slammed repeatedly for failing to resolve long-standing problems in the Great Plains Area , a region that includes South Dakota and Nebraska. A 2010 investigation by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs warned that five facilities were in danger of losing access to Medicare and Medicaid funds. The Pine Ridge and Omaha-Winnebago hospitals have since been terminated by the CMS. Two additional facilities in the Great Plains -- Rosebud and Sioux San --- were placed in jeopardy and saw reductions in services while the IHS worked to correct deficiencies. The emergency room at Sioux San has since been shut down completely. Emergency services at Rosebud were cut for seven months, which took a heavy toll on citizens of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe The inadequate care being delivered at IHS facilities across the country has reached crisis level, Sen Mike Rounds (R-South Dakota) said when he introduced the Independent Outside Audit of the Indian Health Service Act . It is a serious issue that requires tangible solutions." His bill, S.465 , requires an independent audit to determine where improvements can be made in budget, staffing and management. The Senate Indian Affairs Committee will be taking testimony on the measure on Wednesday. In response to the loss of the CMS termination at Pine Ridge, IHS said it has begun enhancing staffing levels in the emergency department, extending deployment of U.S. Public Health Service officers to reduce staff and turnover, and improving tele-health consultation. Additionally, IHS has awarded a new contract to provide emergency department staffing services at Pine Ridge to Central Care Inc. of Alexandria, Virginia. Services will begin in mid-November. The emergency department will be federally managed, which will allow for staffing with both contractors and federal employees working together under federal direction, the agency said. IHS is working to ensure there is a smooth transition with no disruption in services. IHS also said it plans to work with tribal leaders and health care stakeholders in the Great Plains Area to pursue reforms. Members of Congress have introduced the Restoring Accountability in the Indian Health Service Act -- S.1250 and H.R.2662 -- in hopes of fixing what they have said is a "broken" federal agency. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Notice: Legislative Hearing to Receive Testimony on S. 1400 & S. 465 (November 8, 2017) Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Report: In Critical Condition: The urgent need to reform the Indian Health Services Aberdeen Area (December 2010) Join the Conversation Related Stories Genocide and The Wizard of Oz By Tim GiagoEditor EmeritusNative Sun News Today The Broadway Production of the childrens musical, Mein Kampf will be at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center on November 6 9, 2017. Now suppose you read this announcement in a local newspaper or saw it on a local television station. A childrens play based on Adolph Hitlers book? The clamor would be overwhelming. Here is a book written by a man who called for the genocide of the Jewish race. He not only wrote about it but attempted to carry it out. The billboards and newspaper ads I am mimicking are those announcing the Broadway Play, The Wizard of Oz that will be appearing in Rapid City on December 9 and 10. Why the comparison? Lets take a close look at some of South Dakotas more nefarious history because this part of it is synonymous with Hitlers efforts at genocide. On December 29, 1890, Sophie Giago was working at the Holy Rosary Indian Mission about 15 miles from Wounded Knee Creek. The troops of the 7th Cavalry had just stopped Chief Sitanka and his 300 followers at Wounded Knee. In what turned out to be one of the deadliest massacres in American history, the Hotchkiss guns mounted on the hills surrounding Wounded Knee sprang into action and began to mow down nearly 300 innocent Lakota men, women and children leaving their torn and bloody bodies scattered for miles along the Creek. Elements of the cavalry, pursuing stragglers, boldly rode on to the Mission grounds, some with blood on their uniforms and gloves, and Sophie and the other Lakota employees and students were forced to water and feed their horses. Eight days later an editorial appeared in the Aberdeen (SD) Saturday Review written by the editor, L. Frank Baum . He wrote about the massacre that had just occurred at Wounded Knee with this editorial, Having wronged them before perhaps we should wrong them one more time and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth . A view of the canyon in South Dakota where the December 29, 1890, Wounded Knee Massacre took place. Photo: Library of Congress Read that last sentence again. In plain English this newspaper editor is calling for genocide against the Lakota people. There is no other conclusion any one of normal intelligence can reach about this quote. But then again, he was just calling for the murder of Indians and that was totally inconsequential to the white settlers and so-called pioneers of that era. Sophie Giago, her friends and her entire family should be wiped from the face of the earth. That is how the Lakota people read it. L. Frank Baum wrote the book, The Wizard of Oz 10 years later. And now, this man who called for genocide against a people, is being lauded for a play based on his book. Think about it: He, just like Adolph Hitler, called for the genocide of a race of people. Now what is the difference to what Hitler wrote and what L. Frank Baum wrote? There is none. But then keep in mind that Hitler was just writing about Jews and Baum about Indians, totally inconsequential to the Master Race and the white settlers. Sophie Giago was my grandmother and so for those who want to chalk up Baums call for genocide as ancient history; they are wrong. My grandmother held me on her lap when I was a baby and so to me, and to the rest of the Giago family and the Lakota people, it is not ancient history. But the play will go on because no one, except the Lakota people, will make the connection between Hitler and Baum. When it comes to the Indian people genocide is a word that is merely whispered. The holocaust of the Jews was a real part of the worlds history, but the genocide of the American Indians was a mere footnote. Copyright permission Native Sun News Today Join the Conversation Exactly ten years ago, the audience saw a mega-debut of three actors. Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, and Sonam Kapoor. With Saawariya and Om Shanti Om, these actors made a promising debut. For Ranbir Kapoor, the film flopped at the box-office but critics and audience could see what they were up for. With a few hits and misses, Ranbir Kapoor's decade-old career is worth talking about. YouTube There was a Bombay-Velvet phase where people almost gave up on him. However, failures have hardly affected Ranbir, who has also been tabloid's favorite lover boy for his love life. A flop like Bombay Velvet can't take make us ignore the fact that Ranbir has films like Wake Up Sid, Tamasha, Barfi and Rockstar to his career. Dharma Productions Ranbir's portrayal of lover-boy is something we have always bought. If we talk about team-work, Imtiaz Ali and Ranbir make quite a fascinating team. With Rockstar and Tamasha, this dream team has only gained praises. People say that Imtiaz can bring out the best in Ranbir and we think so too. Dharma Productions In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, Imtiaz Ali chose to speak about one of his favorite actors Ranbir. Talking about Ranbir's ten-year-long journey in Bollywood, Imtiaz said, Facebook/Tamasha "Ranbir Kapoor is a 'bada janwar'. Ranbir's success or failure cannot be measured by the rat race because he is not a rat, he is a 'bada janwar'. He is meant for big things. Facebook/Tamasha The best thing about him is that he is never in a hurry and he always wants to do what is meaningful, what is new and challenging for him. That is an attitude that makes him the best actor in the film industry." Latest reports also claim that Ranbir and Imtiaz are collaborating for yet another film and fans surely have some high expectations from them. Facebook/Tamasha While neither of the two has confirmed the news, we for sure can't wait to see what they have got to offer to us. Bollywood celebrity Farhan Akhtar has always stood for equality. Whether it was for the brutal gang rape of a medical student in Delhi or speaking in defense of Hrithik Roshan during the Hrithik-Kangana controversy, the actor has been more than vocal in his support for gender equality. And now, he speaks again. This time on sexual harassment. A topic which has engulfed pretty much the entire nation revealing shocking facts and celebrity allegations. Farhan has urged victims to come out and talk about it openly. afp He says there is no point in targeting only the film industry for perpetuating sexual harassment as it exists everywhere. At a time when several women in Hollywood have come forward to voice their experience with sexual harassment in the field, Bollywood has been fairly quiet about it. People have spoken about the casting couch and some women celebrities joined the #MeToo campaign, but not many men have spoken out and women, especially budding actors, who may have even faced it, fear taking names. afp Farhan, who is also the founder of MARD (Men Against Rape and Discrimination), said: "Wherever there is an industry where the power dynamic is in play -- be it corporate, be it film industry, such issues will unfortunately occur. But I think right now, the world over, the environment is such where all the women should feel empowered and secure to come out and share their stories. "There is a constant dialogue on gender equality, gender discrimination across the globe. I think anyone who has their heart and mind in the right place, will support them." Asked if he heard any such stories from the industry people of asking to compromise for getting work in a film, Farhan said: "Well, not from the film industry that anyone has come up to me with such a story, but I do come across some such stories from different industries. afp "It is true that such situations of molestation, sexual violence at workplace exist in all industries and it is not unique to one industry." What about the sense of insecurity that actors have in naming and shaming people as far as sexual harassment is concerned? Farhan said: "If that person has come out and spoken about harassment, it doesn't mean I won't cast that person in my film. They are two completely different things and they should not be confused together." afp "What we have seen in reverse is that when somebody has come out about people who have harassed them, there has been a reaction to it. Maybe it was not the one that you expect, but there have been reactions. If someone has something to share, this is the perfect platform to come out. You will be doing yourself and others a favour by coming out and speaking." Farhan's MARD started in 2013 and continues to create awareness among youth against violence and discrimination against women. The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) of 2017 reported that India faces the enormous challenge of tackling massive social and economic problems that stem from both under-nutrition and obesity in the country. AFP/Representational Image GNR-2017 found key forms of malnutrition as one of the 'significant trending burdens' across 140-countries, including India. The issues include childhood stunting affecting 38 per cent children under-five years of age of 155 million worldwide; 21 per cent of under-fives defined as "wasted" or "severely wasted", implying they are underweight for their height, comprising 52 million children. More than 51 per cent of women of reproductive age suffer from anaemia and more than 22 per cent of adult women are obese or overweight, besides one-third of all women affected worldwide with no country on track to meet global targets. AFP/Representational Image "A well-nourished child is one-third more likely to escape poverty, learn better in school, be healthier and grow into productive contributors to their economies," said Jessica Fanzo, GNR co-chair and Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Global Food and Agriculture Policy and Ethics at John Hopkins University. The GNR also states that overweight and obesity are on the increase in almost every country, with two billion of the world's seven billion now falling in this category. Less than one per cent of this problem will be tackled by 2025. In India, 16 per cent of adult men and 22 per cent adult women are overweight, says GNR-2017. BCCL/Representational Image "India's government is recognising that the country cannot afford inaction on nutrition, but the road ahead is going to be long. The GNR-2017 highlights (what) needs to be tackled as part of its national nutrition strategy," said the report. At the global level, nutrition is recognised as key in enabling sustainable development, according to Corinna Hawkes, co-chair of the GNR's Independent Expert Group and Director, Centre for Food Policy at City, University London. "We will not achieve any of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development by 2030 unless there is a critical change in our response to malnutrition in all its forms, and action throughout the goals to tackle the many causes of malnutrition," said Hawkes. The GNR-2017 calls for nutrition to be placed at the heart of efforts to end poverty, fight disease, raise educational standards and combat climate change. AFP/Representational Image A vast majority88 per centof countries studied, face a serious burden of two or three forms of malnutrition which could have a damaging impact on broader global development efforts. "Historically, maternal anaemia and child under-nutrition have been viewed as separate problems to obesity and non-communicable diseases, but the reality is they are intimately connected and driven by inequalities everywhere in the world. Governments and their partners need to tackle them holistically," said Fanzo. Reuters/Representational Image Though rates of under-nutrition in children are decreasing globally with recent gains in some countries, it is not quick enough to meet the internationally agreed nutrition goals, including the SDGA target to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030, said GNR-2017. Donor funding for nutrition increased by just two per cent in 2015 to $867 million, representing a slight fall in the overall percentage of global aid, against the need for tripling it to $70 billion over 10 years to tackle childhood stunting, wasting and anaemia, and increase breastfeeding rates. Towards this end, the Global Nutrition Summit 2017, held in Milan, Italy, earlier this week saw new commitments of billions of dollars to achieve nutrition targets, including a pledge of $50 million for five years by the Tata Trusts, Mumbai. In the race to go digital, businesses judge India's Silicon Valley, Bengaluru, is the best host among 45 cities worldwide. linkedin/Representational Image Bengaluru, expressed the highest confidence in their digital environment based on people and skills, financial environment, innovation and entrepreneurship, new technology development, and ICT infrastructure, according to a report from the Economic Intelligence Unit, published Tuesday. "India's cities may suffer more than most from infrastructure deficits, pollution, poverty and other ills, but when it comes to the environment for digital transformation, their executives are remarkably optimistic," analysts led by Denis McCauley wrote in the report. "By contrast, developed cities account for eight of the 10 lowest readings in the barometer." Representational Image San Francisco came in second followed by two other Indian cities Mumbai and New Delhi while Tokyo, Yokohama and Berlin brought up the rear. Most in demand are people with skills in digital security, according to the report, followed by big data analytics. These beat demand for cloud computing skills, social media, and artificial intelligence. Representational Image About 48 per cent of all companies surveyed said they are willing to relocate to take advantage of a more favourable environment. 53 per cent of Asian firms answered this way, compared with 48 per cent in the US, 46 per cent in Australia and 42 per cent in Europe. Bengaluru's St. Joseph's College on Friday said it has initiated a probe into the circulation of study material that endorses dowry. The incident came to light after a female student posted a picture of a page of study material on Facebook. The page starts with "Generally, though accepted as an evil practice, dowry has its supporters," under the caption 'Advantages of Dowry'. reuters "The matter is being investigated and we are trying to find the root of the problem. Such views have never been part of the college syllabus. In fact, the department and the college are opposed to such obscurantist and oppressive patriarchal views as are contained in the page cited," college Public Relations Officer (PRO), Kiran Jeevan said. Reportedly, the students of sociology at the St Joseph's College of Arts and Commerce were handed over study material that endorsed the system of dowry, reported ANI. The study material reportedly states that the marriage of ugly girls who would otherwise have gone without a partner is made possible by offering heavy amount of dowry. "It is a useful and effective method of attracting good, handsome and sometimes unwilling boys for marriage," the text states. reuters The study material further said, "Dowry increases the status of a woman in the family. As a woman brings substantial sum at marriage, she is treated well just for her economic contribution. It affects the love and affection her husband bears for her. A poor girl who does not bring huge dowry in her marriage does not usually receive the same attention and affection that is bestowed up on a rich girl." The study material also claimed that dowry provides "An opportunity for meritorious boys of poor classes" to pursue higher education. Remember the shocking images of poisoned trees from Bengaluru, earlier this year? It appears like they have just done it all over once again. This time 30 trees have been cut illegally in what environmentalists suspect was done as the trees were blocking some advertisement boards nearby. The trees at the outer ring road were chopped down on Thursday night by unidentified people. Indiatimes Incidentally, the trees were on the same stretch of the median where the trees were poisoned in March, barely 500 meters apart. Vijay Nishanth, a conservationist and tree doctor who visited the spot told Indiatimes that the trees have been badly mutilated. Indiatimes Nishant has already begun working to rejuvenate the trees by applying a liquid bandage, and fungicide, which he says will help in curing the injuries. "We must try and heal the open wound of the tree. This is to ensure it does not contract fungal infections. If the fungal infections become severe, the tree will dry up and will die soon, Nishant said. He said it was a shocking sight to see the trees which are around five years old destroyed to that level. "There are around 50 trees in this stretch, out of which 30 have been chopped down. It is clear that this was done to increase the visibility of the hoardings," Nishanth said. Indiatimes Unlike in the case of the acid poisoning, where most of the trees were destroyed beyond repair, Nishanth said he is optimistic about their recovery. Along with working to revive the trees, Nishanth also wants to hold those responsible for the senseless act accountable. Indiatimes "Like in the previous case of poisoning, we have taken this matter to the Lokayukta. We will seek severe punishment for those responsible. We are yet to identify who was behind this act, once we get the relevant information from the hoardings department, we will pursue their case, " he added. Nishanth and his team which managed to revive three acid poisoned trees in March have now replanted the dried ones and are taking care of the new ones. Mumbai Police paid an emotional tribute to one of their brave K-9 named Ruby, who succumbed to cancer. Twitter/Mumbai Police In a touching video they posted on Twitter, Mumbai Police wrote, "Remembering our star, Ruby, whose contributions to the department are 'impawssible' to match! #RIPRuby" According to Mumbai Police, Ruby joined the K-9 bomb detection squad on June 22, 2009, and was instrumental in helping the department crack 41 cases. Remembering our star, Ruby, whose contributions to the department are 'impawssible' to match! #RIPRuby Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) November 8, 2017 "One of her most important detection was a brutal murder case in Khar East in 2015. She led cops to the culprit just by smelling a slipper," said Mumbai Police in its video tribute for Ruby. The video touched a chord with people on social media and condolences came pouring in: #1 We all Indians Salute Ruby and Mumbai Police for their exemplary courage and service to the nation. Jai hind!#RIPRuby Dhruvil V. Purani (@Dhruvil99Dp) November 8, 2017 #2 May his soul RIP. We Mumbaikars salute Ruby for his contribution. Jai Hind. Vande Mataram. Umesh Mhambrey (@MhambreyUmesh) November 9, 2017 #3 Forever indebted #RIPRuby Gratitude from all #Mumbaikar SCOrE Pawan Jhabak (@Score_Education) November 9, 2017 #4 Its hard to say goodbye to such a special companion.My thoughts are with you#RIPRuby Warren (@Warrenromaine) November 9, 2017 Around 1,38,899, people from India are Mars-bound. They have 'booked' a flight to the Red Planet via Nasa's InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission slated for launch on May 5, 2018. Nasa states that those who submitted their names were provided online 'boarding passes' for the mission. reuters The names are being etched on a silicon wafer microchip using an electron beam to form letters with lines one one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair. This chip will then be attached to the top hull of the lander. Several Indians responded to Nasa's call for names for the Mars mission. The total number of names received by Nasa from all over the world is 2,429,807. nasa According to Nasa on Wednesday, India ranks third in the global list with regard to the number of names submitted for the Mars mission. The first is the US with 6,76,773 names followed by China with 2,62,752 names. India stands at number three. reuters Space experts point out that US leading the list is not surprising since it is, after all, a Nasa mission. However, they do say that the fact that India is next to China is a matter of significance. They attribute India being ranked among the first three nations to two factors: the excitement and interest in Mars flights triggered by India's ground-breaking Mangalyaan mission, and the overall strengthening of India-US space ties. Andrew Good of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) told TOIthat the deadline to submit names was last week and "we are no longer accepting submissions". reuters Slated for landing near the Mars equator on November 26, 2018, it is a 720-day mission, which will gather data on the Martian interior by monitoring Marsquakes. Nasa states that InSight's role is not only to study Mars, but also to gain broader insight into the formation of rocky planets in the entire solar system. Amid escalated tensions between India and Pakistan over, a high-level delegation of Pakistan Rangers arrived in New Delhi to hold talks with the BSF. afp/representational image BSF is likely to raise with Pakistani officials deaths and injuries of civilians being caused by Pak troops in ceasefire violations apart from Pak army/Rangers assistance in the infiltration of trained terrorists. The 19-member Pakistani delegation is led by the director general of the Rangers (Sindh) Major General Muhammad Saeed while the Indian side will be headed by Border Security Force chief K K Sharma. The Pakistani delegation, also comprising officials from their interior (home) ministry and anti-narcotics force, is expected to return on November 10. The last time the two sides met was in July last year when the BSF delegation led by DG Sharma travelled to Lahore for the bi-annual talks. afp/representational image The BSF too, in the recent past, had claimed to have killed a number of Rangers as part of its retaliation to the ceasefire violations along the India-Pakistan International Border. The Indian side is likely to put across these issues during the talks apart from interception and neutralisation of a number of infiltration attempts along the IB from the Pakistani side over the last year. afp/representational image Issues of smuggling of drugs, especially along the international border in Punjab, arms and detection of underground tunnels will also be discussed between the two sides. The Pakistani delegation may also call on home minister Rajnath Singh during the visit. Back to Risk-On Monica Kingsley - 9 minutes ago S&P 500 hasnt truly reversed yesterday corrections are still to be bought, and the retreat in yields is especially helpful to tech as I wrote about extensively on Monday. The long end of the curve... Poland, NATO say missile strike wasn't a Russian attack AP - 36 minutes ago The NATO chief and the president of Poland both say there are no indications a missile that came down in Polish farmland, killing two people, was a deliberate attack $SPX : 3,991.73 (+0.87%) $DOWI : 33,592.92 (+0.17%) $IUXX : 11,871.15 (+1.45%) Midweek Cotton Follow Through Barchart - 1 hour ago Wednesday cotton prices are trading with triple digit gains to follow the Tuesday trade. Cotton trade bounced back Mondays weakness with 285 to 346 point Turnaround Tuesday gains. New crop Dec rallied... CTZ22 : 89.90 (+1.31%) CTH23 : 88.00 (+1.18%) CTK23 : 86.70 (+1.00%) Feeder Cattle Weaken on Tuesday Barchart - 1 hour ago Front month cattle futures ended 7 to 30 cents lower in some of the contracts, while Feb and April closed 50c and 30c in the black. Feeders worked $1.80 to $2.42 in the red. USDA reported limited cash... LEZ22 : 151.275s (-0.20%) LEG23 : 153.050s (+0.33%) LEJ23 : 156.725s (+0.19%) GFX22 : 175.675s (-0.72%) GFF23 : 177.025s (-1.35%) Hogs Higher for Week into Midweek Trade Barchart - 1 hour ago Tuesday hog futures closed with $0.45 to $1.12 gains through the front months. The USDA National Average Base Hog Price for Tuesday was $1.46 stronger to $85.54. The CME Lean Hog Index was $88.65 on 11/11,... HEZ22 : 85.325s (+0.53%) HEJ23 : 95.500s (+1.19%) KMZ22 : 95.900s (+0.24%) A Connecticut man who claims to have tipped off the FBI about extortion from a zoning official has now filed a federal lawsuit against the town where he says it took place. WTNH-TV recently acquired a copy of the lawsuit filed by Sajjad Chaudhary against East Haven, Conn., Aug. 23. In the lawsuit, Chaudhary alleges theft, negligence, negligent supervision and emotional distress caused by former zoning administrator Frank Biancur Jr. Biancur was convicted in 2015 after he pleaded guilty to one count of theft of honest services mail fraud. Prosecutors say an investigation into Biancur began in 2015 when a resident told authorities they had been extorted by the man since 2012. Now, Chaudharys attorney says there needs to be accountability. The towns attorney says he will fight the lawsuit. Information from: WTNH-TV Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Lawsuits Connecticut A fire has destroyed a popular restaurant in Massachusetts that just celebrated its 50th anniversary in business. Officials were called to Jamies Pub in Scituate, Mass., around 4:20 a.m. Sunday. Fire Chief John Murphy says it took about an hour and fifteen minutes for crews to control the blaze, and the building suffered a partial collapse. Murphy says the building is a total loss. No injuries were reported, and no other buildings were affected. The cause of the fire is still unknown. Jamies Pub had been run by the same family since it first opened in 1967. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Massachusetts China pledged to keep nudging open the door to its mammoth financial industry but it will do so at its own pace. On Thursday, amid a slew of Sino-U.S. dealmaking during President Donald Trumps visit to China, the Foreign Ministry said entry barriers to sectors such as banking, insurance, securities and funds will be substantially eased. That will happen in accordance to Chinas own timetable and road map, the ministry said, following a meeting between Trump and his counterpart Xi Jinping. The ministry also said that China had urged the U.S. to push forward an application by China International Capital Corp. for a U.S. financial license. The two countries announced Thursday $250 billion in investment deals, many of which came in the form of tentative agreements. The comments will be encouraging to foreign banks, asset managers and insurers, who have long been kept on the margins in China, the worlds second-largest economy, by various barriers. Among changes at the top of global banks wish list: permission to amass majority stakes in local securities joint ventures. Theyre currently limited to 49 percent. The cap has frustrated foreign banks attempts to compete effectively with domestic securities firms and was behind JPMorgan Chase & Co.s move to exit its venture, as it sought a new structure that would give it more say in decision making. The U.S. bank is making preparations so that it can operate a securities business in China with or without local partners, its Asia-Pacific chief Nicolas Aguzin told Bloomberg Television earlier on Thursday. The pledge for measured reform follows steps that China has already taken to gradually open up its $40 trillion financial sector. That includes allowing foreign investors greater access to its equities and debt markets through trading links with Hong Kong. The Peoples Bank of China was drafting a package of reforms which would give foreign investors greater access to the financial services industry, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg in September. In August, Chinas cabinet said the country will continue to open up various industries, including banking, securities and insurance as well as electric cars. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics Carriers USA China This year will be among the three hottest on record, the United Nations said on Monday [Nov. 6], as almost 200 countries started talks in Germany to bolster a global climate accord that the United States plans to quit. Temperatures this year will be slightly less than during a record-breaking 2016 and roughly level with 2015, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said, part of a long-term warming trend driven by greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels. We have witnessed extraordinary weather, said Petteri Talaas, head of the WMO, pointing to extreme events including a spate of hurricanes in the Atlantic and Caribbean, monsoon floods in Asia and drought in East Africa. The WMO attributed the small dip from last year to the fading effects of a natural El Nino event that released extra heat from the Pacific Ocean in 2016. In terms of economic costs, 2017 will be the most costly hurricane season on record after Harvey, Irma and Maria, it added. Delegates said sweltering temperatures and weather extremes were a spur for action at the annual conference in Bonn from Nov. 6-17, which will work on a detailed rule book for the 2015 Paris climate agreement and try to step up action before 2020. This is our moment of truth, Fijis Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, presiding at the Bonn talks, told delegates, urging them to lock arms with all other nations and move forward together. Patricia Espinosa, the U.N.s climate chief, said the very fabric of life on Earth is under threat from rising temperatures. The message cannot get any clearer. We must act right here, right now, she said. U.S. President Donald Trump, who doubts mainstream scientific findings that man-made greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate change, said in June he would pull out of the Paris agreement and instead promote U.S. fossil fuels. None of the speakers at the opening ceremony mentioned Trump by name. The meeting included a traditional Fijian warrior ceremony and children parading with models of a whale, jellyfish and polar bear to urge more action. U.S. Delegation Shrinks A U.N. list of delegates counts 48 Americans, mostly technical experts and many fewer than in recent years. The U.S. delegation office in a tent village in Bonn has less space, for instance, than those for France or Italy. A formal U.S. pullout will take until November 2020 and delegates say there are wide uncertainties about how far Washington will balance Trumps pro-coal agenda with the conferences goals. Fijis chief negotiator Nazhat Shameem Khan said the U.S. delegation had consistently signaled a willingness for constructive engagement in preparations for the Bonn conference. And some developing nations, including Iran, said all rich countries were failing to do enough, especially to cut emissions before 2020. The Paris climate agreement sets a goal of ending the fossil fuel era this century and to limit warming to well below two degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times, ideally 1.5C. But the United Nations says the world is on track for a temperature rise of about three degrees by 2100. Mondays WMO report said average surface temperatures in 2017 were already about 1.1C above the pre-industrial era in data from January to September. (Reporting By Alister Doyle, editing by David Evans and Gareth Jones) Related: Topics USA The remorseless growth of cyber crime is leading to 4,000 ransom attacks a day and gangs technological capability now threatens critical parts of the financial sector, the head of Europol said on Wednesday. Online criminals have become so sophisticated that gangs have created conglomerations with company structures that specialize in different criminal activities to carry out the attacks, Rob Wainwright, who leads the EU law enforcement agency, said. What really concerns me is the sophistication of the capability, which is becoming good enough to really threaten parts of our critical infrastructure, certainly in the financial, banking sector, he told Reuters. And while not all those 4,000 ransom attacks which demand money to restore access to files that have been frozen or encrypted are on banks, the financial services sector is seen as a key target because of the potential profits for the criminals. Even bank payment systems and ATM cash machines fall prey, Wainwright said. The launch of ransomware attacks such as Wannacry, which struck firms around the world in May and June, has changed the dynamic of such attacks, by propagating them more widely through companies computer systems, Wainwright said. The rapidly spreading extortion campaigns underscored concerns that businesses have failed to secure their networks from increasingly aggressive hackers, who have shown they are capable of shutting down critical infrastructure and crippling corporate and government networks. The real threat comes from a sort of exponential, remorseless increase in the scale and significance of cyber criminal capability, Wainwright said on the sidelines of the Web Summit technology conference in Lisbon. He said every year there now seems to be a doubling, or tripling, of one kind of threat or another, in terms of scale. He said the challenge of fighting cyber criminals is that they can be based in their bedrooms, making it difficult to find them. A majority of cyber criminals we are working against are Russian speaking, not just Russian, he said. Russia denies it is involved in hacking. Last year, police authorities in several countries smashed 20 criminal groups that had created a service-based economy for the rest of the criminal market, such as providing ways to launder money or sell drugs online. Such criminals gangs operate on the so-called dark web, which can only be accessed with special software. It is used by criminals doing everything from selling drugs to guns, but also attacking payments systems and other parts of the financial system. There is this sort of cyber criminal underworld thats a lot bigger and smarter and adept than most people think, Wainwright said. And, against it, we still have generally low cyber security standards. (Reporting by Axel Bugge; editing by Alison Williams) Topics Cyber Fraud Russia Amazon is facing a $28,000 state fine over safety violations from when a worker at a suburban Indianapolis warehouse was killed when a forklift fell on him. The Indiana Department of Labors order says Amazon didnt provide adequate training and safety procedures werent followed before the Sept. 24 accident at the companys Plainfield distribution center. Authorities say 59-year-old Phillip Terry of Indianapolis was fatally crushed when a forklifts lift fell on him while he was doing maintenance work on it. The safety order gives Amazon until Dec. 1 to correct the safety violations. It has until late this month to appeal the fine. Amazon says it doesnt comment about ongoing investigations. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Indiana Amazon During last weeks hearings about the industrys role in the 2016 presidential election, one ominous moment for Big Tech came when California Senator Dianne Feinstein, the industrys representative in Congress and a Democrat, addressed the social media companies. You bear this responsibility. You created these platforms, and now theyre being misused. And you have to be the ones who do something about it, or we will, she said. So far, the talk about a crackdown on Big Tech is just talk. But Feinstein was knowingly hinting at one of the tech industrys most prized laws Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, known as CDA 230. The law precludes companies from being held legally liable for the content their users post on their websites. This protection allowed the modern internet to come into existence, the argument goes, because no one would be dumb enough to start a social media company if it were held liable for everything its users used the platform to do. Even nibbling around the edges of the law would have disastrous impacts on the freedom of expression online and on the entire economy of the internet. Tech has been winning this debate for years. But the industrys argument has become less popular while its simultaneously being attacked for enabling Kremlin-funded internet trolls, jihadists seeking new recruits, distributors of fake news, and ad-hoc mobs singling people out for abuse. The opposing view, held by advocates for victims of crime or harassment online, is that giving tech companies immunity removes any incentive they have to conduct due diligence. Danielle Citron, a professor at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law who also serves on Twitters Trust and Safety Council, co-authored a paper this summer entitled The Internet Will Not Break, which called for making the laws immunity less sweeping. She sees political opportunity in each new revelation of techs ineffectual response to Russian meddling in last years election. When you accept ads in rubles, youre not acting responsibly, she said. Maybe they should have to internalize some of those costs. If the talk about a governmental pushback against tech has focused on geopolitics, the actual action has come on a much different issue. For years, the central front in the battle over CDA 230 has been how sites involved in sex trafficking have hidden behind it. The biggest player here would hardly be considered Big Tech. Its, a Craiglist clone that has faced multiple lawsuits for its role in the online sex trade, that has regularly cited the law in its defense. Earlier this year, 24 senators co-sponsored a bill to allow prosecutors to pursue companies whose platforms facilitate sex trafficking. Silicon Valley lined up in opposition, issuing strongly worded arguments through its trade associations. Opponents of the bill argued it was written in a way that would inspire legal action that would have little to do with human trafficking. Once the door was open, they argued, other aggrieved groups would inevitably begin pushing for the right to go after tech platforms, too, and the each ensuing exception would be easier to secure, slowly choking off the internet in installments. Tech has shown the ability to turn arguments like these into populist energy. Alphabet Inc.s Google, in particular, seemed to be preparing to go this path last month when it hired a lobbying firm run by people who nurtured the popular uprising of web users that defeated a 2012 internet piracy bill. But this time around, any such attempts failed, and opposition began to fall apart in recent weeks. The Internet Association, a trade group representing large companies including Facebook Inc., Google, and Twitter Inc., endorsed what it described as a compromise bill last week, saying the most problematic parts of the bill had been fixed in advance of a hearing this Wednesday. The companies declined to comment on the issue directly. The new language tightened the focus on specific sex trafficking violations, which solved the technical opposition but did little to address the slippery slope argument. Many interpreted this move as Big Tech giving up the fight. Evan Engstrom of Engine, an advocacy group for startups that opposed the bill, blamed the hostile landscape of recent weeks. At some point you have to say, how much more are you going to pour into this? At least with the larger tech platforms, they have a lot of issues to deal with, he said. The bill still has to go through the Senate, and then be taken up by the House and signed by the president to become law. Like most tech policy issues, the narrative surrounding the negotiations focuses on the wrangling between the government and some of the worlds most powerful companies, but if any companies are well-positioned to handle the increased cost of business that new government regulation brings, its Google and Facebook. Engstrom said smaller companies with fewer resources would be in the worst position. The Electronic Frontier Foundation accused Big Tech of rolling over on a bill that would likely end up insulating them further from new competition. The intramural hostility illustrates a common attribute of tech policy debates, which are inevitably framed as clashes between the government and the most powerful companies in the world. But Facebook and Google are uniquely positioned to absorb new costs of doing business, making them problematic advocates for smaller companies whose priorities arent necessarily aligned. Whether the about-face on the sex trafficking bill portends anything larger remains to be seen. But people in Washington see the internet as a much darker place than they did a year ago. We went a long time when technology companies were seen as saviors, and they got preferential treatment, said Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University who studies internet law. The pendulum has swung very hard in the way of fears and phobias. Copyright 2022 Bloomberg. Topics InsurTech Tech Google In early 2016, agribusiness giant Monsanto faced a decision that would prove pivotal in what since has become a sprawling herbicide crisis, with millions of acres of crops damaged. Monsanto had readied new genetically modified soybeans seeds. They were engineered for use with a powerful new weed-killer that contained a chemical called dicamba but aimed to control the substances main shortcoming: a tendency to drift into neighboring farmers fields and kill vegetation. The company had to choose whether to immediately start selling the seeds or wait for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to sign off on the safety of the companion herbicide. The firm stood to lose a lot of money by waiting. Because Monsanto had bred the dicamba-resistant trait into its entire stock of soybeans, the only alternative would have been to not sell a single soybean in the United States that year, Monsanto Vice President of Global Strategy Scott Partridge told Reuters in an interview. Betting on a quick approval, Monsanto sold the seeds, and farmers planted a million acres of the genetically modified soybeans in 2016. But the EPAs deliberations on the weed-killer dragged on for another 11 months because of concerns about dicambas historical drift problems. That delay left farmers who bought the seeds with no matching herbicide and three bad alternatives: Hire workers to pull weeds; use the less-effective herbicide glyphosate; or illegally spray an older version of dicamba at the risk of damage to nearby farms. The resulting rash of illegal spraying that year damaged 42,000 acres of crops in Missouri, among the hardest hit areas, as well as swaths of crops in nine other states, according to an August 2016 advisory from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The damage this year has covered 3.6 million acres in 25 states, according to Kevin Bradley, a University of Missouri weed scientist who has tracked dicamba damage reports and produced estimates cited by the EPA. The episode highlights a hole in a U.S regulatory system that has separate agencies approving genetically modified seeds and their matching herbicides. Monsanto has blamed farmers for the illegal spraying and argued it could not have foreseen that the disjointed approval process would set off a crop-damage crisis. Repeatedly Warned But a Reuters review of regulatory records and interviews with crop scientists shows that Monsanto was repeatedly warned by crop scientists, starting as far back as 2011, of the dangers of releasing a dicamba-resistant seed without an accompanying herbicide designed to reduce drift to nearby farms. In 2015, just before Monsanto released its soybeans seeds, Arkansas regulators notified the firm of damage from illegal spraying of its dicamba-resistant cotton seeds. Some cotton farmers chose to illegally spray old versions of dicamba because other herbicides approved for use on the seeds were far less effective. The EPA did not approve the new dicamba formulation that Monsanto now sells for use with cotton and soybean seeds XtendiMax with Vapor Grip until after the 2016 growing season. Monsantos Partridge acknowledged that the company misjudged the regulatory timeline for approval of its new herbicide. The EPA process was lengthier than usual, Partridge said. Monsanto, however, denies culpability for the crisis that followed the two-stage approval. The illegal misuse of old dicamba herbicides with Xtend seeds was not foreseeable, the companys attorneys said in a response to one class action suit filed by farmers in Missouri. Even if it were foreseeable that farmers would illegally apply old dicamba to their Xtend crops, which it was not, Monsanto is not liable for harms caused by other manufacturers products. Monsantos Partridge said in a written statement that the reports of damage from illegal spraying of dicamba on its cotton seeds in 2015 were extremely isolated. Those who applied dicamba illegally should be held responsible, Partridge said. Soybean Success Monsantos handling of the delayed herbicide approval may cause the firm legal and public relations damage, but it has boosted the companys business considerably. Instead of halting seed sales while waiting on herbicide approval, Monsanto captured a quarter of the nations massive soybean market by the start of 2017, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Even the damage from dicamba may have boosted sales. Some farmers whose crops were harmed said in interviews that they bought Monsantos new dicamba-resistant seeds as a defense against drift from nearby spraying. State regulators believe the illegal spraying of dicamba-tolerant cotton and soybean crops continued in 2017 after the EPA approved Monsantos new herbicide. Farmers would still benefit from using old versions of dicamba because it is cheaper than XtendiMax. Many growers also have dicamba on hand because it is legal to use for limited purposes. Regulators have not yet determined, however, how much damage came from illegal spraying and how much came from the legal application of XtendiMax, which weed scientists say still vaporizes under certain conditions. Monsanto concedes that XtendiMax has caused crop damage, but blames farmers who the company says did not properly follow directions for applying the herbicide. The EPA, after delaying a decision on XtendiMax, gave the herbicide a limited two-year approval as opposed to the standard 20 years in case drift issues arose. A U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesman, Rick Corker, acknowledged in a statement to Reuters that the release of an engineered seed before its companion herbicide caused problems. The department, he said, is now in talks with the EPA about whether to coordinate approvals of paired seeds and chemicals. USDA and EPA are in discussions regarding the timing of our deregulations, Corker said in a statement. The EPA did not comment on whether it planned any policy changes in response to the dicamba crisis. Early Warnings Dicamba is cheap, plentiful, and has been used as a weed killer for decades. But its tendency to damage nearby fields had caused U.S. regulators to limit its use to the task of clearing fields before planting or after harvest, when there are no crops to damageand cooler temperatures make it less likely the substance will migrate. Farmers who illegally sprayed dicamba during growing season are now facing fines of up to $1,000 for each violation of EPA rules limiting the use of dicamba, which are enforced by state regulators. Farmers with damaged crops have filed at least seven lawsuits five class-action suits and two by individuals seeking compensation from Monsanto. The suits claim the company should have known that releasing the seeds without a paired herbicide would cause problems. Monsanto officials had been repeatedly warned of the potential for damage from illegal spraying of dicamba on seeds designed to resist the chemical. In October 2011, five scientists from Ohio State University addressed a conference in Columbus focused on the future of dicamba. In attendance were agriculture researchers from across the country as well as representatives of the companies Monsanto, Dow Chemical and BASF. According to Douglas Doohan, one of the conferences organizers, three Monsanto employees, including Industry Affairs Director Douglas Rushing, attended the meeting. Monsanto had a keen interest in the topic because the company was far along in developing its new line of dicamba products at the time. In their introduction to the symposium, Doohan and his colleagues outlined what they called an increased risk of illegal dicamba spraying by farmers once dicamba-resistant seeds became available. They also argued that dicamba-resistant seeds and the illegal spraying that might accompany them would lead farmers whose crops were damaged to buy their own dicamba-tolerant seeds to protect themselves from further drift, according to conference records. In another general session, Doohan said, he and Ohio State Professor Joe Heimlich outlined the risks of illegal spraying in a memorable way a skit in which Doohan played a farmer digging out an old container of dicamba to spray on his dicamba-resistant crops, without regard for regulatory standards. Monsantos Rushing gave his own presentation about dicamba to the symposium, according to conference records. Rushing explained the need for a new herbicide-and-seed combination to replace those that had grown less effective as weeds become more tolerant to certain chemicals, according to slides outlining Rushings conference presentation. He raised the issue of damage from dicamba drift, but said the risks could be reduced by using certain kinds of sprayers and taking other precautions. Rushing could not be reached for comment. Monsanto did not directly respond to questions about the symposium. Damage Reports Years later, some of what the scientists outlined in their presentations was becoming reality. Monsanto released its dicamba-resistant cotton seed in the summer of 2015. The seed was compatible with two other legally available herbicides, giving farmers options for dealing with weeds before the EPAs approval of XtendiMax. But farmers started digging into their dicamba stockpiles anyway, and damage reports started to trickle in. Monsanto officials were among the first to see those reports, according to minutes of an Arkansas Plant Board committee meeting in July 2015. Jammy Turner, a Monsanto salesman, was on the Arkansas Plant Board, the agricultural regulator that investigated the complaints. He and Duane Simpson, a Monsanto lobbyist, attended the committee meeting. There, the boards Pesticide Division Director Susie Nichols gave a report about drift damage complaints linked to the new seed technology. At that meeting, lobbyist Simpson was asked by the board what Monsanto was doing about drift damage complaints, according to the minutes. Simpson told the committee that the firm had been telling farmers not to spray dicamba illegally, even over crops specifically designed to withstand it. He said the company would consider pulling whatever licenses Monsanto had given to offending farmers to use its technology. At an Aug. 8, 2016 meeting of the same committee, Simpson was asked again how Monsanto was dealing with farmers illegally spraying dicamba on Xtend crops. This time, he responded that Monsanto saw no way to pull farmers seed licenses over the issue. Monsanto did not comment on Simpsons statements in response to written questions from Reuters. The company said it would consider revoking a particular farmers license if asked to do so by state regulators when they have investigated and adjudicated an egregious violation. Larry Steckel, a weed scientist and professor at the University of Tennessee, said those early damage reports should have been a red flag to Monsanto against releasing its soybean seeds the following year. It turned out to be a precursor of what was to come, he said. Neither Turner nor Simpson responded to calls and emails seeking comment. Monsanto did not comment on the companys involvement in the Arkansas investigations. By the end of 2015, the damage reports linked to the Xtend cotton seeds were making the rounds among scientists. Weed scientist Michael Owen, a professor at Iowa State University, said he warned at the ISU Annual Integrated Crop Management Conference on Dec. 2-3, 2015 that no dicamba formulations had been approved for use on Xtend crops. He told attendees it wasnt clear when the formulas would be greenlighted, and that the situation was cause for concern. Monsanto representatives attended that conference, according to ISU Program Services Coordinator Brent Pringnitz, who handled the registration. He would not identify them. Owen said he also repeated his warning directly to Monsanto officials around the same time, but did not name them. Monsanto did not comment on Owens assertion that he warned the company about dicamba spraying. Flawed Assumptions Farmers who spoke to Reuters and others who gave testimony recorded in state records described a variety of reasons why they purchased Xtend seeds before XtendiMax was available. One farmer in Arkansas, Doug Masters, planted Xtend cotton in 2015 and was caught illegally spraying dicamba, according to Arkansas Plant Board records. He said the Monsanto salesman who sold him the Xtend seeds told him that, by the time the plants came up in the summer of 2015, it would be legal to spray dicamba and he should go ahead and do it, according to the board records. Masters declined to identify the Monsanto salesman to Arkansas regulators, records show. He declined again, when reached by Reuters, to identify the representative. Masters admitted that he illegally sprayed dicamba, and the Plant Board fined him $4,000, assessing the maximum penalty allowed for four violations. Monsanto did not comment on Masters testimony to the plant board. Ritchard Zolman, another Arkansas farmer caught illegally spraying his cotton in 2015, said in a disciplinary hearing held by the Arkansas Plant Board that hed planted Xtend seeds because he thought he could spray dicamba legally over his fields 14 days before his crops came up from the ground, according to records. But the Plant Board ruled it was illegal to spray dicamba onto a field where planted crops had not yet sprouted, disciplinary records show. Zolman was fined $3,000 for three dicamba spraying violations, records show. Zolman declined to comment. In Missouri, Gary Dalton Murphy III said he and his family planted Xtend soybeans in 2016 after hearing that dicamba would be legal to spray by the summer. He did not say who told him dicamba would be legal that season. When Murphy learned XtendiMax would not be available, the family got rid of their weeds by hand, hiring extra workers to help. (Additional reporting by Steve Barnes in Little Rock, Arkansas; Editing by Rich Valdmanis and Brian Thevenot) Topics USA Legislation Agribusiness Pollution Missouri Arkansas Chemicals Hanover Insurance Group announced that company veteran Richard W. Lavey has been appointed president of Hanover Agency Markets. The appointment is effective immediately. Lavey will lead the companys personal and core commercial lines businesses, as well as its field operations. He is succeeding John C. Roche, who was recently appointed president and chief executive officer of The Hanover to replace Joseph M. Zubretsky, who has left the company to become president and chief executive officer at Molina Healthcare. Lavey most recently served as executive vice president, chief marketing officer and chief growth innovation officer for The Hanover. He has served on the companys executive leadership team since 2009. Lavey brings 25 years of experience in the property/casualty industry, many of those spent working directly with the companys agents and field operations. Since joining The Hanover in 2004, Lavey has held several key business and marketing roles in the field and in the home office. He has served as president, personal lines; president, field operations; and president of the companys Northeast Region. Prior to joining The Hanover, Lavey held eadership positions in strategic marketing and the Select Customer division at The Hartford and started his insurance career at Travelers. Global insurance broker Hub International Limited (Hub) has agreed to acquire the assets of the crop insurance broker business of Wells Fargo Insurance. Terms of the agreement to buy the business, known as Wells Fargo Crop Insurance Agency, were not disclosed. With offices in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Indiana, the agency offers insurance to protect agriculture-related operations. Representing the top crop insurance providers, Wells Fargo Crop provides insurance brokerage services for more than 130 types of crops, plus standard federal multi-peril and crop hail policies. It also helps farmers protect their operations with programs such as revenue protection and state-specific offerings. Rene LeVeaux, president of Hub International Mountain States Limited (Hub Mountain), said Hub Mountain is aggressively investing in its crop and agriculture business and this acquisition will make Hub Mountain one of the largest crop brokers in the Midwest and Northwest. Following the acquisition, the Wells Fargo Crop team members will join Hub Mountain. Jeff Kemink, national crop insurance manager of Wells Fargo Crop, and Jean Hinsverk, assistant vice president and operations manager, will join Hub Mountain in leadership roles. Kemink will report to LeVeaux and Hinsverk directly to Kemink with a close partnership with Wayne Dauwen, chief operating officer of Hub Mountain. The deal continues Wells Fargos exit from the crop line. Last year, Zurich American Insurance Co. bought Rural Community Insurance Agency (RCIA) and its subsidiary Rural Community Insurance Co. (RCIC) from Wells Fargo Insurance for $700 million. The two crop businesses, which were collectively known as Rural Community Insurance Services (RCIS), are among the countrys biggest crop insurance providers. The deal also furthers Hubs interest in the crop agency market. Last October Hub purchased Mayport Insurance & Realty Inc. in North Dakota, which specializes in insurance for the agriculture and crop industry. Source: Hub Topics Mergers & Acquisitions Agencies Agribusiness Two workers were injured when a fire broke out on an oil production platform in the Gulf of Mexico early Wednesday, according to a Coast Guard spokeswoman. Coast Guard Petty Officer Lexie Preston said 46 workers were evacuated from Shell International Ltd.s Enchilada platform after the fire broke out around 2 a.m. The platform is about 185 miles (298 kilometers) southwest of New Orleans. The two injured workers were flown by helicopter to a hospital, according to Preston and Shell spokesman Philip Robinson. The extent of their injuries wasnt immediately released. Robinson said their families have been notified. Robinson said all of the workers who were aboard the platform were safely evacuated to a nearby vessel or another Shell-operated platform in the area. Shell said in a statement that its platform was safely shut down. Shell and Preston said there were no immediate reports of oil pollution in the area. Shell said it will investigate the cause of the operational incident. No harm to people or the environment is ever acceptable and Shell deeply regrets that this incident occurred, the companys statement says. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Workers' Compensation Louisiana Energy Oil Gas After a series of small to moderate earthquakes in central Oklahoma, two companies are being told to reduce the amount of wastewater they inject into the ground. About a dozen quakes have struck just south of Hennessey, about 45 miles (72 kilometers) northwest of Oklahoma City since Oct. 31, the largest being a magnitude 4.1. There are no reports of injury or severe damage. Oklahoma Corporation Commission spokesman Matt Skinner says Choate Disposal Service and Chaparral Energy were told to reduce their injection of wastewater in the area. Thousands of quakes have struck Oklahoma in recent years, many linked to the underground injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas production. Several oil and gas producers have been directed to close some wells and reduce injection volumes in others. The U.S. Geological Survey reported an another earthquake, one with a preliminary magnitude of 3.7, was recorded in central Oklahoma on Nov. 8. The quake struck at 5:47 a.m. near Covington, about 55 miles (89 kilometers) north of Oklahoma City. There are no reports of injury or severe damage. The temblor struck about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northeast of where a series of about a dozen earthquakes, including one of magnitude 4.1, have occurred since Oct. 31. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Oklahoma A chemical plant in Tennessee that will likely stay idle until next year has maintained its staff of almost 700 workers as it recovers from an explosion there in September. The Chattanooga Times Free-Press reports that Wacker Chemical expects to lose 25 percent of its global polysilicon production while it addresses the damage at its Charleston, Tennessee plant. The German company is keeping employees at work by reassigning and training them while repairs and an ongoing $150 million facility expansion continues. The Sept. 7 explosion briefly closed an interstate section and spurred shelter-in-place orders. Wacker and state and local authorities said the chemical releases were within allowable levels. Additionally, an Aug. 30 fire injured four plant workers. Information from: Chattanooga Times Free Press Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics Tennessee Chemicals A destructive Southern California wildfire this fall was ignited by windblown embers from an oak that was still smoldering after an earlier fire that is believed to have started when a vehicle struck a highway flare, authorities said Monday. The first fire damaged four homes and another structure in late September. The second fire, which erupted nearby in early October, damaged or destroyed 80 structures, including homes, in the inland suburbs southeast of Los Angeles. The original fire is believed to have started accidentally in a roadside shrub while a California Department of Transportation crew was cleaning a section of the State Route 91 freeway with a street sweeper. A Caltrans truck trailing the slow-moving sweeper was dropping flares onto the road to warn approaching motorists. Based on witness statements and evidence, it is likely that another vehicle struck the flare, causing it to spin off the freeway into the shrub, Anaheim Fire & Rescue Chief Randy Bruegman told a news conference. That fire was declared fully contained on Sept. 30. The second fire erupted on Oct. 9 as Santa Ana winds blew through the region at speeds of about 50 mph (80 kph) or greater. The investigation determined there was a smoldering clump of oak 20 feet within the original burn area, and the strong wind carried embers at least 60 feet (18 meters) into an unburned area and ignited vegetation, Bruegman said. The wind-driven flames spread through canyon lands among neighborhoods, igniting some homes and bypassing others. Thousands of people fled their homes. The Orange County Board of Supervisors launched an investigation into whether fire officials did not respond to the second blaze aggressively enough. Bruegman said protocols are under review. Addressing another controversy about the second fire, the chief said a spot fire reported by a police helicopter crew the previous night on a peak in the Cleveland National Forest was definitively not the cause. That report ultimately was handled by the U.S. Forest Service, which determined the spot fire was in a remote area, posed no threat to neighborhoods or structures and no action was necessary, Bruegman said. An ember from that peak would have had to travel several miles against the wind to be the origin of the Oct. 9 fire, he said. A Caltrans official said the agency worked closely with Anaheim fire authorities during the investigation and has begun reviewing its policies and procedures to look for ways we can make improvements. We regret that our road flare may have been involved in starting Canyon Fire (hash)1 and recognize the impact this fire had on the community, Ryan Chamberlain, director of Caltrans District 12, said in a statement. Canyon Fire 2 broke out as firestorms were ravaging wine country and other areas of Northern California. We only need to look at Northern California to see how devastating fire can be, to people, to homes, to communities and to the local economy, Bruegman said. And we all know in this business there is no perfect response to any fire situation. Copyright 2022 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Topics California Wildfire Update 2.40pm: A female student says she was "scared and shocked" when a teacher asked her to put sellotape over her mouth during class. The 15-year-old is giving evidence at the first Fitness to Teach inquiry where a teacher denies putting tape on the mouths of five girls. The student, who was in fifth class at the time, said the teacher put the sellotape on her mouth after she refused to do it. She said she had to leave the tape on for about 20 minutes and had a rash on her mouth afterwards. The name of the teacher, school and students involved are protected. 1.07pm: Latest: Fitness to practice inquiry hears pupils were 'distressed' after sellotape put on their mouths In opening this inquiry, Senior Counsel Remy Farrell said the teacher was teaching fifth class at a primary school in March 2012 when some of the students became giddy. He said it would be alleged the teacher told them if they were not quiet she would put sellotape on their mouths. Shortly after that it would be alleged, she did put sellotape on the mouths of five girls or told them to put it on their mouths themselves. It would be alleged the girls had to spend the rest of the class with their mouths taped shut and the teacher asked them to remove it when the class was over. The principal of the school was told about what happened and would say the five girls were "upset and distressed". In a statement this April, the teacher, who said she has not taught in years, denied she had physically assaulted the girls by putting sellotape on their mouths. She said she did not put the tape on them, rather they did it themselves, which shocked her and she asked them to take it off. File photo. 11.08am: Fitness to practice inquiry hears teachers put sellotape on pupils' mouths The first ever fitness to teach inquiry is underway. The teacher in question is accused of putting sellotape on the mouths of five students in March 2012. The teacher hasnt appeared before the inquiry and isnt obliged to. The inquiry was told the teacher said she wouldnt be able for the rigours of the hearing because of a medical condition. The hearing is being held in public but the teachers identity, the name of the school and all witnesses are protected. 6.47am: Council to hear first fitness to practice hearing for a teacher since legislation introduced The first hearing into a teachers fitness to practice in an Irish school is due to take place in Maynooth, Co. Kildare, this morning. Details of the complaint made against the teacher have not been made public yet and it is understood he or she will not be identified. Since the Fitness to Practice legislation took effect last July, the Teaching Council has received around 50 complaints, but only half of those have been investigated further, and this case is the first to go to a full hearing. Anyone including colleagues, parents and even children can make a complaint but those considered frivolous or vexatious will not be pursued. The council has the power to strike a teacher off the professional register, but lesser penalties include suspension and an offer of support to improve performance. The legislation provides for hearings to be held in public but they can also be held in private, either in full or in part. It is not yet clear if the public will be allowed into todays hearing, the first of its kind, but it is understood the identity of the teacher in question will be protected. The hearing has been set down for two days. Arts Yangon Art Expo Showcases Decades of Myanmar Art Yangon Art Expo 2017 has gathered the works of 72 artists from the past 60 years. YANGON Yangon, the commercial capital of Myanmar, has hosted various expos from building materials and furniture to automobiles and industrial machinery. But an ongoing expo on the 21st floor of Junction City is the first of its kindan art expo. Yangon Art Expo 2017 has gathered the works of 72 artists from the past 60 years. This is a rare opportunity for art lovers to observe how Myanmars art movement changed over time. The exhibition organized by Culture 2 All, an Italy-based cultural promotion organization, showcases the trademark impressionist works of U Lun Gywe, typical Myanmar cultural works by celebrated watercolor artist U Marlar, paintings of Sandar Khaing, who is known for her nude series, installation works by Myat Kyawt, and street art by Ko Ko Maung. This expo intends to provide aesthetic delight by creating a vibrant, open and independent urban environment, said Mauro Salvemini, chairman of Culture 2 All, at the opening ceremony of the expo on Saturday, which was also attended by the Italian ambassador to Myanmar, and Union minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Aung Ko. Culture 2 All also curated the works of 10 Myanmar artists in Milan last year. People barely collect contemporary art in our country while even our neighbor Thailand has a contemporary art museum. I am pleased with this expo, which comes at a time when we are trying to showcase our contemporary artistic creations to the world. I want the government to collect those paintings and establish a museum, said artist Ni Po Oo. The exhibition will be held until Nov. 12. A total of 144 paintings are on display, priced between US$500 and $15,000. The painters receive 70 percent of the proceeds and the remaining 30 percent will be spent on a cultural heritage and villages program, one of the projects of Culture 2 All to be carried out next year. In Person Lonely Planet Founder Urges Myanmar Youth to Travel Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler at the fourth Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Mandalay. (Zarni Mann/The Irrawaddy) Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler first wrote about Myanmar (then Burma) in the massively successful Southeast Asia on a Shoestring, released in the 1970s. The Irrawaddys Zarni Mann met him at the fourth Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Mandalay held from Nov. 3-5, where they discussed Myanmars developing tourism industry. Tell me about your first time traveling to Myanmar. In 1974, me and my wife Maureen flew into from Bangkok because flying was the only way in. It was when I was traveling around Southeast Asia. Back then, we could only get a seven-day visa. We werent allowed to go to many places as well. There werent many places to stay, too. In a week, there are only a few things we could do. So, we took a train to Mandalay from Yangon, and traveled to Bagan from Mandalay by bus. We were there for a couple of days and took a train back to Rangoon. What I remember is that the train took an incredible amount of time to reach Rangoon: it was about 24 hours or something. That was a terrible train. We took the wrong train. We should have taken another way so that we could have visited other places. In Bagan, during that time, there were lots of little guest houses in the center of the old city. All the back packers stayed in those small guest houses. They were very nice and people were friendly. Then, the military government moved them away. They were all shifted out from central Bagan to the new area. That happened during my second visit. Traveling around the city and other places back then, there was little transportation. The roads were empty. And most of the cars running were very oldold English cars and some Japanese cars, I think. And there were old Chevrolets. During that time, nobody wanted to fly, because the only airline, Union Airline, was always crashing. There were so many crashes, nobody wanted to risk their lives. So people used to take the train or busses, but they are very slow and take a long time. Are there any memorable moments from traveling during that time? On the second visit, I heard there was a possibility of getting a small truck and to travel that way. It seemed a very good way for me, because I didnt want to wait for the trains. It was in 1983. I arrived late in Rangoon and everything was closed. I walked to my hotel, the tourist office building by Sule Pagoda. Somebody just walked in and offered me a truck for hire, late at night. We hired it to travel to Rangoon, Prome, Bagan, Mandalay, Maymyo [now Pyin Oo Lwin] and Inle Lake. Since it was difficult to buy petrol outside of Rangoon, there were lots of petrol containers at the back of the truck. When we got to Prome, it was getting late and that man, the driver, said we were not allowed to go as Prome was not open to foreigners. But once you are inside Prome it is okay, he said. There were soldiers at the check points on the way into Prome, so he told us to lie down on the floor of the back of the truck and put a sheet of tarpaulin over us. It was quite an adventure. Since you are also a board member of the Heritage Trust Foundation, what do you think about the conservation and restoration work of earthquake-impacted pagodas and temples in Bagan? Bagan received very bad restoration during the military government. They wanted to paint it all gold. There are already many suggestions and messages on what is good restoration and what is bad. Hopefully the responsible person will listen and not repeat the same mistake. If people try to ruin the ancient monuments such as by writing and painting with white inks, people need to shame them. If they keep doing it, the monuments should not be allowed to be touched and would be better fenced off. Or someone has to watch it and clean them off as soon as people put their names on them with white inks. There was an example of a Chinese youth, who wrote something on the monuments in Egypt. People wrote about him on social media to shame him and when he was back in his country, he got into a lot of trouble. There are rules and regulation on what people should wear visiting certain monuments. Some of the tourists do not want to follow that. We see that in many countries. If people are so stupid not to know that, you have to keep telling them or occasionally arrest them. How does it feel to be the author of the first edition of Lonely Planet and to have traveled through so many countries over the years? I wrote the first edition of the book, and other editions. There were also other people who helped write the books. In that first edition, there was very little information. I look back on it now and I find it wasnt very good because there was nothing else. There was only about a little bit of history, and about the limited number of the places you could stay. We could only go to Mandalay, Bagan and Yangon. I didnt even know whether they allowed people to go to Inle Lake back then. It was very restricted to travel around [the country]. I was very proud to be the first one who could do the introduction of this country through Lonely Planet. Since there was not much information, I thought I was opening doors to the world. And I believe my articles and my travel experiences have somehow brought the interest of travelers. Now, there are lots of books and the country is also open to visitors. I enjoy visiting Burma very much. Because, there is that feeling that you are going to something unknown. In your opinion, what is needed to boost Myanmars tourism industry? There are still many places where people do not visit. For example, Ive been to Mrauk-U and it is a very nice place. Until now, there are only a few people who visit there, maybe because there is some unrest in Rakine State. It is the same in the other places like Karen, Kachin and Chin states. If there is peace in the country, transportation and communication will be better. And if there is easy access to visit through borders this will attract more visitors. And people who are doing business have got to be honest with the people. To be more attractive to people, there should be easy access for visitors. Im talking about visas. Making visas easy is the biggest step for tourism. What is your opinion on suggestions not to visit a country like Myanmar because of the sanctions, and now, the humanitarian matters relating to the unrest in Rakhine State? There are two things: one thing is that there is not as much danger as people say there is, but sometimes where the government says it is dangerous. If you want to visit a place, you have to decide whether it is safe for you. Im not going to tell people you should go there. But if you wanted to go there, you should look out there for stories on what has happened and what is happening there. Generally, I go. Ive been to Pakistan, which people said I should not go. But when I arrived there, things were not so bad as they said. I would also like to say to the Burmese youth who start traveling, to go out there. See the world. You have to be wealthy to travel, of course. Travel needs a lot of money. If you do, you are going to understand more. You are going to explore more about the different aspects of people, you will learn more about other cities and countries. And from that you will enrich your knowledge. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity. News China Says Will Keep Talking to Myanmar Over Stalled Dam Scheme Grraffiti is seen on a stone at the confluence of the Mali and Nmai Rivers at Myitsone, outside Myitkyina, capital city of Kachin State, Myanmar, March 30, 2017. / Reuters BEIJING China said on Wednesday it will continue to talk to Myanmar about a controversial stalled dam project, after Myanmars new energy minister cast doubt over the scheme. Valued at US$3.6 billion, the Myitsone dam project in the north of Myanmar has been a sticking point between the two countries since the previous military-backed government suspended work in 2011. Reuters reported in April that officials in China and Myanmar were discussing alternative options that would allow Myanmar to scrap the massive project amid environmental concerns. Big hydropower dams are not a priority in Myanmars strategy to tackle chronic power shortages, Energy Minister Win Khaing told Reuters on Tuesday. Speaking in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Chinas position on the Myitsone dam had not changed, which was that China had always upheld deepening cooperation with Myanmar on a mutually beneficial basis. The Myitsone hydropower station is a commercial cooperation project both sides have already agreed upon, and has already been through a complete approval process, Hua told a daily news briefing. We will continue to maintain communication with the Myanmar side and proactively and appropriately handle the problems or difficulties which arise during cooperation on the project, to allow relevant cooperation to continue to develop healthily and stably, she added. The proposed dam, on the upper reaches of the Irrawaddy River in Kachin State, would have sent most of its power across the border to Chinas Yunnan province, which now has an oversupply of electricity as it switches to less energy-intensive industries amid an economic slowdown. A government panel set up in August 2016 was still reviewing the dam, Myanmars energy minister said, adding the government was in dialogue with the Chinese operator, State Power Investment Corp subsidiary Yunnan International Power Investment. News Lower House Approves Internet-monitoring Body to Curb Fake News, Hate Speech A social media user in Yangon, Myanmar. Tin Htet Paing/ The Irrawaddy NAYPYITAW Myanmars Lower House approved a motion on Wednesday establishing a body to monitor racial and religious hate speech online, and curb the spread of disinformation on social media. The body will be overseen by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Well form a monitoring body in coordination with the Presidents Office and the Attorney-Generals Office. We will ensure that the monitoring doesnt infringe on the privacy or fundamental rights of citizens as enshrined in the [2008] Constitution, minister U Thant Sin Maung told lawmakers. Facebook is the most popular social media platform in Myanmar, with nearly 14 million users, according to a ministry estimate. Concerned that the site is becoming an organ for disseminating hate speech, the ministry has been negotiating with Facebook officials to find a way to monitor use of the platform, the minister said. The minister said that everyone has an obligation to use social media responsibly, adding that the government cannot fight hate speech alone. Facebook claims users in Myanmar do not properly read the platforms terms and conditions of use before creating accounts, and has urged the government to educate the public on the proper use of social media. The motion to establish the monitoring body was brought before the Lower House late last month by Daw Yin Min Hlaing, the National League for Democracy (NLD) lawmaker for Magwe Regions Gangaw Township. The lawmaker argued that irresponsible use of the Internet could disrupt law and order and corrupt moralsa view shared by the transportation and communications minister. It is not about levying a tax [on Facebook users], invading peoples privacy, or denying the right to information. It is about limiting the spread of disinformation, hate speech and racial and religious incitement, the NLD lawmaker told reporters on Wednesday. Military representative to the Lower House Maj Ne Win proposed registering SIM cards and Facebook users as additional measures to tackle hate speech. He called for legal action against those who intentionally spread false news on social media. NLD lawmaker U Win Win of Minbu Township stressed the need for safeguards to ensure Internet surveillance does not violate the law protecting citizens privacy and security, which was enacted by the previous session of Parliament. According to data released by the Transportation and Communications Ministry, as of September Myanmars SIM card usage stood at 56.127 million, equivalent to 108.56 percent of the population. Internet usage was 46.39 percent, with the vast majority of that occurring on social media platforms including Facebook, Messenger, Viber, and Twitter. Attempts to blacken the name of individuals or organizations or instigate racial and religious sentiments disrupt law and order and destabilize the country, the minister said. Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko News Myanmar Cardinal Urges Pope Francis to Avoid Use of the Term Rohingya Pope Francis leads his Wednesday general audience at Paul VI auditorium hall in Vatican City, Feb. 8, 2017. / Reuters YANGON Myanmars most senior Catholic prelate has urged Pope Francis to avoid using the term Rohingya during a visit this month, when he is expected to raise the humanitarian crisis faced by the Muslim minority after a Myanmar Army offensive in August. The pope is set to visit largely Buddhist Myanmar from Nov. 27 to Nov. 30, before going to Bangladesh, a predominantly Muslim neighbor where more than 600,000 Rohingya have fled to take shelter in refugee camps. In the first visit by a pope to Myanmar, Francis will meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel peace laureate who leads a civilian administration that is less than two years old, the generals it has to share power with, as well as leading Buddhist monks. Cardinal Charles Maung Bo told Reuters the pope would raise the need to provide assistance to the Muslim minority, saying, These are people who are suffering and these are the people in need of help now. Francis has used the term Rohingya when he has spoken about their suffering in the recent past. But Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has asked foreign leaders not to use the term Rohingya, because in her view it is inflammatory. Bo, appointed by Pope Francis in 2015 as Myanmars first and only cardinal, said church leaders in the country had advised him to sidestep the divisive issue of the name. We have asked him at least to refrain from using the word Rohingya because this word is very much contested and not acceptable by the military, nor the government, nor the people in Myanmar, Bo said in an interview in Yangon . It was unclear if the pope would heed the advice, Bo added, but if he did so, it would not be to politicize the issue or endorse the Rohingya right to Myanmar citizenship, but he just wants to identify this particular group who call themselves Rohingya. Many people in Myanmar regard the largely stateless Rohingya as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, and they are excluded from the 135 national races recognized by law. Regardless of Myanmars sensitivities, however, the United Nations and United States continue to call them Rohingya, upholding their right to self-identify. Importance of Dialogue Francis will highlight the importance of resolving the refugee crisis through dialogue between Myanmar and Bangladesh and with the help of the international community, Bo added. Myanmar has said Rohingya who can prove they were residents would be allowed to return, but the two countries have still to agree how the repatriation should be carried out. These are the people who do not enjoy the citizenship and are somewhat unwanted in both countries, said Bo, referring to Myanmar and Bangladesh. They are also human beings, they have a human face and they also need human dignity, so eliminating or killing any one of them, thats not justified, Bo said, referring to the group as our brothers and sisters. Francis will celebrate a mass in Yangon that is expected to draw around 200,000 people, Bo said, adding that Buddhists, Muslims, and those of other faiths were welcome to attend. Myanmar has about 700,000 Roman Catholics, said Bo, from among a population of more than 51 million. The United Nations has denounced the violence in Myanmars northwest over the past 10 weeks as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing, a charge Daw Aung San Suu Kyis administration has denied, while saying accusations of rights abuses should be investigated. Myanmars military says its counter-insurgency clearance operation was provoked by Rohingya militants attacks on about 30 security posts on Aug. 25. In the following days, the pope spoke about the persecution of our Rohingya brothers and sisters and asked Catholics to pray for them, adding that they should be given their full rights. News Tatmadaw Troops Killed and Wounded in Arakan Army Ambush The Arakan Army and the Tatmadaw clashed in Kachin State. (Photo: The Irrawaddy) YANGON At least 11 Myanmar Army troops were killed and 14 wounded during a clash with the Arakan Army (AA) in the western township of Paletwa in Chin State, according to military sources in Parliament. Retired Myanmar Army Lt-Gen Thaung Aye, a Lower House lawmaker, confirmed the causalities and injured. Two army officers and nine troops from other ranks died, he said. It was not a good situation, he added. Lt-Gen Thaung Aye explained the troops were ambushed while traveling by boat along the Kaladan River, which runs through Chin and Rakhine states from east India. One university student was killed and four women were injured in the attack, as they were also on board the military boat, according to local sources. [The AA] should not act like that. It is time for the government to make a strong decision to eliminate them, said Lt-Gen Thaung Aye. Fighting between the two sides has escalated since the first week of November, with clashes on Wednesday north of Paletwa in Nom Bu and Nge Chest villages, where the AA issued a message to locals on Nov. 5. It said the Tatmadaw has intensified offensives in the area and warned people only to travel if necessary. The AA attacked three Myanmar Army, or Tatmadaw, boats on Wednesday, according to a statement posted on the AA Facebook page, but the message did not mention any casualties or wounded. The ethnic armed group targeted the Tatmadaws Light Infantry Battalion 563 under the control of the Western Command, based in Rakhine State, according to the statement, adding that clashes have broken out in several places on the India-Myanmar border. We heard 10 Tatmadaw battalions were coming as reinforcements. They came by boats, said lawmaker U Kwe Thang of Kanpetlet constituency in Chin State. The Irrawaddy was unable to verify reports of ground fighting. Defense ministry spokesperson Gen Aung Ye Win declined to comment. About 300 civilians in Paletwa fled the clashes on Nov. 3, according to local sources, and sought shelter at a Buddhist monastery. Paletwa is an ethnic Chin township that borders Rakhine State. The AA uses the area as a base, crossing the Kaladan River to enter Rakhine. Many Chin locals dislike the AA using the township as a base, but the area has become a strategically important location for the group, which mainly stays in Kachin States Laiza townthe headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army. The AA has not signed the nationwide ceasefire agreement nor does it have a bilateral ceasefire agreement with the Tatmadaw. It is part of ethnic bloc the Northern Alliance and bases itself in Kachin and northern Shan states. The Tatmadaw does not officially recognize the AA and in statements refers to it as a Northern Alliance member. The ethnic armed group has joined conflicts against the Tatmadaw in Kokang territory and Kachin State, where the AA recruited many members in the jade mining area of Hpakant. Arakanese migrant workers in Mongla near the Chinese border and northern Shan State are also a source of recruitment for the group. News Two Years After Election, a Mixed Report Card for NLD Supporters celebrate as they watch official results from the Union Election Commission on an LED screen in front of the National League for Democracy Party (NLD) head office in Yangon, Nov. 9, 2015. / Reuters YANGON Two years ago, on Nov. 8, 2015, a majority of Myanmar voters gave the National League for Democracy (NLD) led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi a mandate to form a new government, amid much speculation over what changes the party would bring to the country after nearly six decades of rule by the military and its proxy party. That mandate saw an NLD-dominated Parliament convene on Feb. 1, 2016, and the countrys first NLD-led government sworn in on March 30 of the same year. The NLD got off to a good start, releasing hundreds of political prisoners including detained student activists downsizing ministries, scrapping oppressive laws that had long been used by military rulers to jail political dissidents, amending other controversial laws and issuing guidelines limiting the gifts civil servants may receive. Well-known human rights activist U Aung Myo Min from the rights group Equality Myanmar said the legal amendments introduced during the period were mostly satisfactory. In the legislature, we have seen lawmakers become more active, with more discussions on how to change repressive laws and enact new laws in Parliament, the activist said. Parliament revoked the 1975 State Protection Law and the 1950 Emergency Provisions Act which were widely used to jail individual political dissidents under successive military administrations. It also abolished provisions of the Ward or Village Tract Administration Law requiring citizens to report overnight guests to authorities. The measures had been used to hunt down political activists. Parliament is also working to revise the 1993 Child Law and to enact a long-awaited bill that would take steps to protect women against violence. Ko Htin Kyaw Aye, a research director at Open Myanmar Initiative, a think-tank and research center monitoring Parliament, told The Irrawaddy last month, The NLDs political objective seems to be to increase citizens rights in general. The researcher cited the partys enactment of a new law protecting citizens privacy and security, and an amendment to the telecoms law enacted in response to calls from the media and rights groups. Ma Mie Mie, a former political prisoner and member of student activist group 88 Generation Peace and Open Society, credited the executive branch with achieving some improvements in health care. The NLD has increased health spending since taking office. On her governments first anniversary, State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi cited this significant progress in the public health care sector, adding that the international community had acknowledged it. She said significant progress had been made in the fight against three diseases: tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. Myanmar, once ranked near the bottom in terms of global efforts to fight against the three diseases, is now near the top, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said. The Global Fund established to fight the three diseases has commended Myanmars achievements in this area and pledged US$500 million to fund the effort for the next three years. During the governments first year, the State Counselor said that the aspect of the administrations track record she was most proud of was the fact that her ministers were free of corruption. The countrys de facto leader has repeatedly spoken out publicly against corruption and called for the public to submit complaints against corrupt government officials, ensuring the confidentiality of all submissions. However, former Yangon Regional lawmaker Dr. Nyo Nyo Thin has accused the government of failing to effectively tackle corruption, with graft reportedly still rampant in the lower levels of the administration. Despite their vow to tackle bribery, the new government has yet to replace members of the anti-corruption commission whose terms expired along with that of the ex-president, Dr. Nyo Nyo Thin said. Political commentator Dr. Yan Myo Thein added that the NLD-led government had failed to improve the economy during the past more than one-and-a-half years. U Ye Min Oo, a member of the NLDs economic committee, responded that the economy had been in decline since 2014. Between 2015 and 2016, as the election was held and the new government assumed power, investors and business owners adopted a wait-and-see approach, he said. In 2016 and 2017, the new government was preoccupied with downsizing the number of ministries from 36 to 21, and couldnt focus much on economic development, and thus the economy continued to deteriorate, he said. He added that the unexpected escalation of unrest in Rakhine State, where the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army launched organized attacks against military targets on Aug. 25, had some economic consequences as well. While the crisis hasnt had a direct impact on businesses, as the area affected by the conflict was limited, it had influenced international opinion and that had consequences for investment flows into the country, he said. [The economic decline] didnt just start under the NLD. It has been going on for years. Commodity prices didnt fall; they increased every year. But we need to manage the increases to support income generation for businesses in the country, U Ye Min Oo said. At the same time, he acknowledged the need to strengthen the rule of law in the country, saying that economic development required the support of a robust legal system. The rule of law needs to be the same for all, including for those who have a duty to maintain it, and action needs to be taken against those who break it. But I have seen an inconsistent approach to this issue among those [in positions of authority]. NLD Yangon Regional lawmaker Ma Kyi Pyar lamented there had been no significant improvement in the judicial system. She said the Rakhine crisis had also slowed the governments work in other sectors. She stressed that the country is still in a period of struggle, noting how cabinet ministers had to cope with an old bureaucracy inherited from former governments while trying to strictly follow the new governments policies. If you asked me whether I am satisfied, I am and the nation is too. Because the party that [the people] wished to see win, won, U Ye Min Oo said. He said people enjoyed more freedom under the civilian government than during the years of military rule, which could be seen in both the mainstream media and social media, where people are not afraid to criticize government officials. Several people interviewed by The Irrawaddy shared the view that the Constitution remained a major barrier to developing the countrys democracy. Dr. Nyo Nyo Thin said the NLD-led government had failed to deliver on election promises to the people, including amendments to the Constitution. Political analyst U Maung Maung Soe concurred: I dont see much to be satisfied with only the fact that a civilian government took power, he said. It is good to see a civilian government after the junta had ruled for so long. But in reality, the military remains a powerful influence under the 2008 Constitution. Constitutional reform is no easy task for the NLD, as the military the countrys most powerful institution sees its main duty as safeguarding the charter, which guarantees that it maintains an important leadership role. Constitutionally, 25 percent of seats in all national and regional parliaments are reserved for the military. It also holds three key ministerial portfolios Defense, Home and Border Affairs and appoints a vice president. Prior to the election the NLD pushed to amend the undemocratic, military-drafted Constitution through a nationwide signature campaign that collected more than 5 million signatures. In Parliament, it has proposed changes to the constitutional article that gives the military veto power over proposed amendments to the charter and to the article barring Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from the presidency. Both of these efforts have been thwarted by the military. Nonetheless, the NLD has vowed to reform the Constitution before the current governments term expires in 2020. Myanmar still has many hurdles to overcome to achieve full-fledged democracy, U Maung Maung Soe said, adding that without constitutional amendments to bring the charter in line with democratic norms, it will be hard to move forward to the democratic federal union the NLD promised to establish. Accounting software company Xero has announced it is delisting from the New Zealand stock exchange to focus on its listing on the Australian stock exchange (ASX) and to pursue further growth in overseas markets. The New Zealand-headquartered company, which says it will cease trading on the New Zealand exchange at the end of January next year, gets 80% of its revenue from outside New Zealand. The announcement came as Xero released its first-half results, showing that subscription revenues had risen 38% to NZ$183 million over the half, while annualised committed monthly revenue rose 38% to NZ$417 million. And it reported a first ever EBITDA of NZ$5.4 million. Xero chairman Rod Drury said consolidation of the listing on the ASX would support the companys next phase of growth, and the decision to delist in New Zealand was made following an extensive strategic process which thoroughly canvassed all available options. Xero is an ambitious New Zealand company. We will remain headquartered in Wellington and domiciled in New Zealand, said Drury. We thank the NZX for providing a valuable platform to support Xeros first decade as a public company. Our success wouldnt be possible without the support of the NZX and our shareholders. While more than half of Xeros people live and work in New Zealand, 80% of our revenue now comes from outside New Zealand. Our strategy is to drive further growth in markets like the UK, North America and Southeast Asia. As Xero continues to grow, gaining enhanced access to deeper capital markets, increased liquidity and a broader base of potential investors is critical to fulfilling our ambition to be the leading global small business platform serving millions of customers. Reporting 1,199,000 subscribers at 30 September, Xero says it added more than 160,000 net new subscribers in the half-year, with operating revenue growing 37% over the same period last year to NZ$187.8 million and more than NZ$1 billion was added in total lifetime value in the past 12 months. Xero delivered another strong half-year result, achieving positive EBITDA for the first time, and is emerging as one of the largest and fastest growing listed technology companies in Australasia, Drury said. We continue to cement our position as the cloud accounting leader in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, with more than half a million subscribers in Australia, and quarter of a million subscribers in each of the New Zealand and UK markets. The demand for executives in the IT sector continues to decline, with a fall of 11% in October reversing gains made earlier in the year. According to the latest executive demand index from recruitment firm EL Consult, the IT sector has fallen despite gains it made in June and July. But, despite the decline EL says the IT sector remains approximately in the middle of its trading range for the year. In October the majority of the losses in IT came in Victoria, Queensland and the ACT, and EL Consult says Web-based advertising created the majority of the downward draft. The decline comes as EL Consult also reports that the boom in the economy, led by Victoria and NSW, is set to continue despite the fall in the countrys economic indicators. Executive demand fell across all sectors and in all of the large states, while among the states and territories, the Northern Territory managed the best result backed by a strong web performance and improved Engineering and Management sector results. EL says of the large states Queensland recorded the largest retraction due to losses in Management and Marketing. In fact, Management and Marketing made up the bulk of the monthly decrease, while despite falling compared with the prior month, in absolute terms the financial sector is the largest supplier of executive-level jobs, with Information Technology the smallest. And while the EL Consult Executive Demand Index has been recording its strongest performance since the GFC, according to EL it took a surprise dip of 15% in October. Grant Montgomery, EL Consult managing director, says the significant growth over the last few months meant that a correction was expected given the month to month volatility of any employment series. The recent gains in demand have been very strong the strongest positive movement since the GFC," he said. This has not just been an Australian experience it is a global phenomenon. But there is a precedent for volatility in both financial markets and executive demand in October the month has regularly been met with significant falls." A fake version of Windows Movie Maker, Microsoft's free video editing software that was pulled by the company in January, has been attracting a large number of downloads. Slovakian security firm ESET said the people behind the software tried to collect small sums of money from those who downloaded and tried to use the software. Screenshot of the scam website. The company said links to the software, which was hosted on, were appearing right at the top of Google search results. On Bing, the links appeared on the first page of results as well. ESET researcher Peter Stancik wrote that when users installed the fake software, they found that they had what appeared to be a trial version that needed to be upgraded to a full version if one wished to use all features. He said the user was repeatedly prompted to buy the full version, with nag screens appearing when one launched the program and also when one tried to save a file. The payment prompt displayed by the modified Movie Maker when one tries to save a document. In the latter case, the user was unable to save the file, with a pop-up asking for US$29.95 appearing on-screen and not going away. This price was presented as a 25% discount! Stancik said users who wanted a video editing tool could consider using the replacement offered by Microsoft Windows Story Remix. Graphics: courtesy ESET American security firm Cylance has refused to say whether stored malware samples that it used in a product demonstration in Melbourne were really malware as they were made out to be. The company held the demonstration, under the name "Explore the cyber crime UNDRWRLD with Cylance" on 19 October but only replied on 8 November to iTWire's queries about whether the samples used were really malware. The Melbourne demonstration was the last of a series in Australia and was held by Cylance product marketing manager Matt Stephenson and senior security technologist Richard Melick. Practically all the attendees were IT workers from various companies. The writer was the lone journalist who attended, though others had apparently been invited but did not turn up. Held in a bar in the CBD, the demonstration was slick and ran smoothly for two hours, with the audience permitted to take advantage of an open bar. During their talk, Stephenson and Melick made reference to an article published by the US website Ars Technica which had pointed out that Cylance had used files that were not malware to prove the superiority of its product over others. The two Cylance employees had one member of the Melbourne audience create a malware sample using SATAN, a malware-as-a-service site that was said to be located on the dark web. iTWire queried the location of this site, asking: "...was the SATAN site that was accessed from an internal setup in the Cylance US office or was it from the dark web? Can I have the address (.onion) of the site?" To this, Brian Robison, senior director of security technology, responded: "The SATAN site was accessed on VDI systems located in the United States. Unfortunately Cylance is unable to share the address of the site." A second query submitted by iTWire was this: "...lots of stored malware was used in the demo. Ars Technica has raised this in an article which was cited by the Cylance guys themselves and asked how one can know whether all these are really malware samples." Robison replied: "Cylance in the UWT demo actually invites audience members, who have no experience in creating malware, to create new malware, step by step on the spot in front of the audience, and this newly created malware is then tested in the demonstration." But this one piece of malware was not the only one used in the Melbourne demo; in later stages, numerous samples of what were said to be malware were accessed on the Cylance servers in the US to test the company's product. The question referred to these samples as is obvious. Robison offered a number of links for anyone who wanted to read more about anti-malware testing: 1, 2, 3, 4. He said the first was a direct response to the Ars Technica article. iTWire also asked what proportion of the Australian market Cylance had at the moment and what it was aiming for. Robison again did not offer a direct answer, saying: "Cylance doesn't breakdown its market share in specific geographic regions, but what we can say is the company recently delivered a 283% year-over-year revenue growth." He offered a link which he said contained additional details. Australias third largest telco, Vodafone, is partnering with technology educator, Coder Academy, in establishing a technology-centric course, Code Next, for Year 9 and 10 girls in select Sydney high schools. The new course is aimed at inspiring women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and Vodafones support of the Code Next programme follows a recent inquiry by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training which found that participation in STEM subjects in Australian schools is declining. Vodafones director of Human Resources, Vanessa Hicks, said there is an alarming rate of young women avoiding studying STEM subjects in school, and subsequently not pursuing careers in these areas, because there is a lack of understanding about job prospects and roles for women in male dominated STEM fields. Code Next is a great way to bridge the knowledge gap and let young women see the countless ways STEM skills can be applied, so they can make an informed decision about the future of their career. Hicks said support for programmes such as Code Next is vital to ensure young women feel empowered to reach their potential, and programmes like Code Next were the key to driving up the number of women in STEM fields. We are very proud to support the Code Next programme and give young women a strong, supportive platform to explore opportunities within STEM disciplines. Code Next is a great way to bridge the knowledge gap and let young women see the countless ways STEM skills can be applied, so they can make an informed decision about the future of their career. In its inaugural year, about 60 students from Chatswood High School, Mosman High School and North Sydney Girls High School are taking part in Code Next. Students are taught the fundamentals of coding and design including HTML + CSS learning how to build and style a static website and Ruby, a programming language to stimulate computational thinking. Students then have the opportunity to put their new skills into practice. Working in teams, they are tasked with identifying an issue and applying what they have learnt to build an app that addresses and solves the problem. Hicks said that during the programme, students from each school are supported by two female Vodafone mentors in different STEM-related roles ranging from strategy to technology security to social media management. The mentors demonstrate the opportunities for women and the variety of ways STEM skills can be applied across a range of vastly different careers. Coder Academys general manager Sally Browner said the Code Next programme has been specially designed with young women in mind and is centred on challenging, engaging and encouraging students creativity. Girls need to be able to experience what the modern workplace feels like, the plethora of careers in STEM available to them and to meet people who they aspire to become. I meet students from all types of schools and the most effective programmes are those that build their confidence to solve problems with technology as well as showing them how those skills can be applied in the workplace." Reddit Email 127 Shares By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | The Syrian regime announced Wednesday that its army, supported by the Lebanese Shiite militia, Hizbullah and Iraqi Shiite militia, took control of the city of Al-Bu Kamal, the last base for ISIL on the Syrian-Iraqi border, after battles with the terrorist organization. At the same time, an Iranian official affirmed that these forces, having proven victorious in the far east of the country, will now be redeployed to the northwest, to Idlib province, the last bastion of the armed resistance (which is dominated in Idlib by the al-Qaeda-linked Syrian Conquest Front or Nusra Front. The Syrian spokesman said that the Syrian sources had met up with their Iraqi counterparts on the border in the environs of Al-Bu Kamal, and that the Iraqi military had simultaneously taken on ISIL remnants on their side of the border opposite Al-Bu Kamal. The Syrian and pro-Syrian fighters received air support, which must have been Russian or Syrian Arab Air Force. Some civilian deaths were reported. Last week, the Iraqi army expelled ISIL remnants from the district of al-Qaim, which neighbors Syria. Some 120,000 persons have been displaced from this this district by the fighting. As ISIL declines into insignificance as a military force even as it remains a significant terrorist threat, I expect the hype around it to survive, like a ghost haunting us. related video: Wochit News: Syrian Army, Allies, Take Last IS Stronghold In Syria VANCOUVER, Nov. 9, 2017 /CNW/ - Eldorado Gold Corporation ("Eldorado" or the "Company") announces it will move the Skouries development project into care and maintenance. Dialogue has continued with Greece's Ministry of Energy and Environment ("MoE") with respect to the development of the Company's subsidiary Hellas Gold S.A.'s, Kassandra Mine assets in Halkidiki, Northern Greece. However, the MoE has failed to issue the amended Electromechanical Installation permit for the Skouries flotation plant as well as other matters including, but not limited to, the relocation of antiquities at the Skouries site. The Company has also initiated legal action within the statutory deadline in order to enforce and protect its legal rights. This legal action consists of three lawsuits which have been filed with the Council of State ("CoS"), requesting judicial protection against the Ministry's failure to issue routine installation permits, resulting in unjustifiable delays to the development of the Skouries facilities. Furthermore, the Company has filed with the CoS a petition for non-compliance of the Ministry with a previous decision granted by the CoS. The Company will re-assess its investment in the Skouries project upon approval and receipt of the required permits, coupled with a supportive government open to discussions regarding the use and implementation of best available technologies. Olympias Phase I progress on historical tailings cleanup continues and the ramp-up to commercial production at Olympias Phase II during the quarter demonstrate our commitment to high environmental standards and long term partnership with communities as well as our ability to construct and operate mines in Greece. Early indications from exploration drilling at Stratoni to extend the mine life are positive. George Burns, Eldorado's President and CEO stated, "Although we have made good progress on the Olympias mine, we require the necessary permits and government support prior to investing further in Skouries. As a consequence we are now taking the necessary legal action to enforce the Company's rights while continuing efforts to resolve outstanding matters through ongoing dialogue." About Eldorado Gold Eldorado is a leading intermediate gold producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Turkey, Greece, Canada, Romania, Serbia and Brazil. The Company's success to date is based on a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with the communities where it operates. Eldorado's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO). VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Nov. 8, 2017) - Lumina Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:LUM) (the "Company" or "Lumina") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of agents, co-led by Raymond James Ltd. and Haywood Securities Inc., (collectively, the "Agents"), that have agreed to sell, on a "best efforts" private placement basis, up to 24,193,548 common shares at a price of C$0.62 per common share, for aggregate gross proceeds of up to C$15 million (the "Offering"). It is anticipated that certain insiders of the Company will participate in the Offering. The Company plans to use the net proceeds from the Offering for the exploration and advancement of the Company's projects in Ecuador and for general corporate purposes. The Offering is scheduled to close on or about November 29, 2017 the ("Closing Date"), and is subject to certain conditions customary for transactions of this nature, including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The common shares issued in the Offering will be subject to a statutory hold period of four months and one day following the Closing Date. The securities to be offered pursuant to the Offering have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any U.S. state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, United States persons absent registration or any applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable U.S. state securities laws. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in the United States, nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. The Company understands certain related parties as defined in Multilateral Instrument 61-101 ("MI 61-101") may participate in the Offering. Any such resulting related party transaction will be exempt from the formal valuation requirement and shareholder approval requirement of MI 61-101, as will be described in the material change report to be filed by the Company in connection with this Offering, if required. About Lumina Gold Lumina Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:LUM) is a Vancouver, Canada based precious and base metals exploration and development company focused on gold and copper projects in Ecuador. The Company's Cangrejos Gold-Copper project is located in El Oro Province, southwest Ecuador, and its Condor Gold-Copper project is located in Zamora-Chinchipe Province, southeast Ecuador. The Company also recently announced a letter of intent with First Quantum Minerals Ltd. for an earn-in agreement on its Orquideas and Cascas concessions. The Company holds a large and highly prospective land package in Ecuador consisting of 135 thousand hectares. The Company has an experienced management team with a successful track record of advancing and monetizing exploration projects. The Company intends to continue to identify, acquire and advance mineral exploration properties that have large scale potential. TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Nov. 7, 2017) - Torex Gold Resources Inc. (the "Company" or "Torex") (TSX:TXG) reports that during the evening of Monday, November 6th, a group of approximately 35 persons, entered the ELG mine site and threatened the site staff. These staff members were monitoring to protect the environment, monitoring the pumps in the open pits, and maintaining the processing plant status to that required for a rapid restart of operations upon conclusion of the illegal blockade of the site access road. Of the 35 persons, about 25% were unknown to the Company, the rest were local citizens. These individuals told the ELG staff, that if they did not leave by Tuesday, November 7th, then they would be forcibly removed from site. The staff have been evacuated from the site and the off-site accommodation facilities are in the process of being evacuated. The Company has requested to the appropriate authorities that they take action to restore law and order. Fred Stanford, President & CEO of Torex, stated: "This escalation will weaken the relationship between employees and the company and between contractors and the Company. Upon resolution of the illegal blockade, the schedule to restart the operations will be dependent on how many personnel elect to return to site. This is an unknown outcome, at this time." The illegal blockade of the ELG Mine started on November 3, 2017; see press release issued by the Company on November 6, 2017. Torex is an emerging intermediate gold producer based in Canada, engaged in the exploration, development and operation of its 100% owned Morelos Gold Property, an area of 29,000 hectares in the highly prospective Guerrero Gold Belt located 180 kilometers southwest of Mexico City. Within this property, Torex has the El Limon-Guajes Mine, which announced commercial production in March of 2016 and the Media Luna Project, which is an early stage development project, and for which the Company issued a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) in 2015. The property remains 75% unexplored. TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Nov. 9, 2017) - Pasinex Resources Limited (CSE:PSE) (CSE:PSE.CN) (CNSX:PSE) (FRANKFURT:PNX) (The "Company" or "Pasinex") is pleased to announce a maiden Mineral Resource estimate by CSA Global (UK) Ltd of 200,000 tonnes averaging 31% Zn for the Company's 50%-owned Pinargozu zinc mine in southern Turkey. This resource equates to 61,600 tonnes of contained zinc metal or approximately 135,700,000 lbs of zinc. Three quarters of the resource tonnage is oxide at an average grade of 29% zinc and one quarter of the tonnage are zinc sulphides at an average grade of 35% zinc with additional silver credits. Pinargozu Mineral Resources Mineral Resource Estimate as at 30 June 2017 Reported at a cut-off grade of 10% Zn Zn Grade Zn Metal Density Pb Metal Ag Metal Classification Material Ktonnes % Ktonnes (t/m3) Ktonnes Koz Inferred Oxide 150 29 43.5 2.8 1.2 520 Sulphide 50 35 18.1 3.4 1.2 160 Total 200 31% 61.6 2.9 2.4 680 Notes: Reporting cut-off is 10% Zn for both Oxide and Sulphide Resources. The Mineral Resource Estimate has been depleted for mining up to 30th June 2017. The effective date of Mineral Resource is 30th June 2017. Figures have been rounded to the appropriate level of precision for the reporting of Mineral Resources. Due to rounding, some columns or rows may not compute exactly as shown. The Mineral Resources are stated as in situ dry tonnes. All tonnage figures are in metric tonnes. The Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council, and procedures for classifying the reported Mineral Resources were undertaken within the context of the Canadian Securities Administrators National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not demonstrate economic viability. The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues. - President and CEO of Pasinex Resources, Mr. Steve Williams, commented: "This result now formally underpins our high-grade zinc production and direct ship operation (DSO) for the next few years. We have found that mining is the best way to explore the potential of this extraordinary deposit. Underground development routinely exposes additional mineralization outside the defined resource volumes. We will now focus aggressively on resource expansion and discovery. Specifically, new underground drives are planned to get into the best locations for underground exploration drilling." Note that since the "effective date" of 30 th June 2017, the tonnage of this Mineral Resource estimate has been depleted by approximately 20,000 tonnes of high-grade direct shipping material, mined at a rate of 150 tonnes per day, about 60,000 tonnes per year. June 2017, the tonnage of this Mineral Resource estimate has been depleted by approximately 20,000 tonnes of high-grade direct shipping material, mined at a rate of 150 tonnes per day, about 60,000 tonnes per year. Note that Instrument 43-101 does not require an issuer to file a technical report to support a production decision based on mineral reserves because under Companion Policy 43-101CP, 4.2(6) - Production Decision the decision to put a mineral project into production is the responsibility of the issuer, based on information provided by qualified persons. 43-101CP, 4.2(6) - Production Decision the decision to put a mineral project into production is the responsibility of the issuer, based on information provided by qualified persons. Pasinex took this decision, in 2015, to proceed to production not based on a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating their economic viability and technical feasibility. As a result there is an increased risk of failure. The Mineral Resource is categorized as Inferred due to factors including high variability in bulk densities, locally poor core recoveries especially in some oxide drill intersections, uncertainty over stope depletion volumes, and, in some areas, drill-hole spacing. All these issues are currently being addressed with a view to improving the classification of the resource. Grade of the sulphides resource is lower than the threshold for DSO. This category includes lower grade transitional mineralization and selective mining and sorting will continue to ensure DSO grades are achieved. Exploration of the Horzum Zinc Trend Regional and near mine exploration will focus particularly on the nearby Akkaya Zinc Prospect using a new structural lineament analysis of the Horzum Zinc Trend by Murphy Geological Services in Ireland. Pasinex is working closely with its consultants to interpret the results of recent drill-core resistivity and conductivity measurements with the goal of building a much more robust geophysical model of the Horzum Zinc Trend. Finally the team is researching the use of ionic-leach technology. This maybe a way to "see through" transported alluvial fans which spill into steep canyons at the highly-prospective intersection of cross-faults with the sub-crop of the prospective carbonate host-rock. Figure 1 Inferred Mineral Resource model at a 10% Zinc cut-off, at an effective date of 30th June 2017. Looking north-west. Qualified Persons The information in this news release relating to the Mineral Resource Estimates for the Pinargozu zinc mine in southern Turkey has been prepared under the supervision of Maria O'Connor and Dr. Neal Reynolds of CSA Global and John Barry of Pasinex Resources. CSA Global (UK) Ltd ("CSA Global") has undertaken an independent Mineral Resource estimation in accordance with CIM guidelines and the requirements of Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) effective June 30th, 2017. A NI 43-101 Technical Report is currently being prepared and will be filed with the Ontario and British Columbia Securities Commissions within the next 45 days. Maria O'Connor BSc (Hons) is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Maria O'Connor is a Principal Resource Geologist and full-time employee for CSA Global (UK) Ltd and takes responsibility for the Mineral Resource Estimate reported here. Maria O'Connor has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which she has undertaken to qualify as a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43 -101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Dr. Reynolds (PhD, Economic Geology) is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Dr. Reynolds is a Director of CSA Global, and visited the Pinargozu Mine between 28 May and 31 May 2017. He is responsible for Sections 1 to 12 of the NI43-101 report relevant to this Mineral Resource Estimate. Dr. Reynolds has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he has undertaken to qualify as a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43 -101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Maria O'Connor and Dr. Reynolds are independent of the issuer as described in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101 and have reviewed and approved this news release and consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which this appears. The Company's Qualified Person is John Barry, who holds a MSc in Geology from the Pennsylvania State University and is a Professional Geologist with the European Geological Society. Mr. Barry is the Senior Technical Advisor to Pasinex Resources with 29 years of extensive global experience in exploration, mining and mine development and is a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43 -101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release, reviewed and approved its contents. About Pasinex Pasinex Resources Limited (CSE:PSE) (FRANKFURT:PNX) is a metals company which is a 50% owner of the high grade Pinargozu zinc mine which is in production and, under its DSO Program, is shipping directly to zinc smelter / refiners from its mine site in Turkey. The Company has a strong technical management team with many years of experience in mineral exploration, mine development and production. The mission of Pasinex is to build a mid-tier zinc company based on building a large land within a productive CRD district in Turkey. The Pinargozu Mine is included in the 50-50 company, Horzum Arama Isletme AS, which is a corporate joint venture between Pasinex and Turkish mining house, Akmetal Madencilik San ve Tic. AS (Akmetal AS). Akmetal AS is one of Turkey's largest family-owned conglomerates with the nearby past-producing Horzum zinc mine. Vancouver, British Columbia (FSCwire) - Maxtech Ventures Inc. (CSE: MVT) (Frankfurt: M1N) (OTC: MTEHF), (Maxtech or the Company) is pleased to announce that after a site visit, it is moving forward with further research on a potential asset located in the state of Goias, Brazil due to positive indications of potential manganese deposits. Maxtech in conjunction with Maringa Ferro-Liga, is planning to return to the Raimunda, Cavalcante claim in northern Goias for further due diligence. The Company signed a letter of interest on the existing mining operation as previously released on September 12th 2017. Initial results of the visit were positive and warrant further research activities. The exploration team from Maringa indicated that there was manganese mineralization visible in sieved stockpiles and they recommended further fieldwork to ascertain the potential resource of the site. Peter Wilson, CEO of Maxtech said Although the rainy season has begun in Brazil, it is a good time to expand research on new manganese claims and potential acquisitions. We are committed to make Brazil our base in South America while teaming up with Maringa. We are fortunate to have such an engaged and experienced strategic partner who we hope to be our key off-take partner both in Brazil and throughout the South American region. Additionally, Maxtech Ventures Inc. announces that it is undertaking a non-brokered private placement of up to $2,000,000 by the issuance of units priced at $.30 per unit, each unit being comprised of one common share in the capital of the Company and one share purchase warrant (a Warrant). Each Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one additional common share for a period of one year at an exercise price of $.40 per share. The Warrants will be subject to an accelerated expiration period in the event the Companys shares trade on a recognized exchange at more than $.60 for a 14 day period, which will include days where no shares trade, after a period that is four months and a day from the issuance of the Warrants. The Company has issued 3,000,000 million options at $.30 per share to certain officers, directors and consultants, pursuant to the Companys stock option plan. About Grupo Maringa Founded in 1946, Grupo Maringa now has over 2,000 employees with over USD $200 million in 2016 revenues. The Maringa companies are located in the states of Parana and Sao Paulo. They produce sugar cane, sugar, ethanol, energy and manganese alloy. Maringa Ferro-Liga S.A. is a subsidiary of Grupo Maringa and is located in Itapeva, State of Sao Paulo. It is the second largest manganese ferroalloy producer in South America, producing high quality silico-manganese and high-carbon ferromanganese. About Maxtech Ventures Inc. Maxtech Ventures Inc. is a Canadian based diversified industries corporation with gold and manganese mineral properties. Its focus is on mining and the products that are derived therefrom. November 9, 2017 / TheNewswire / Vancouver, BC, Canada - Guyana Goldstrike Inc. (the "Company" or "Guyana Goldstrike") (TSXV: GYA, OTC: GYNAF, FSE: 1ZT) is pleased to announce details of a planned multi -phase exploration program on the Company's 13,500-hectare Marudi Gold Project in Guyana, South America (the "Property"). The primary objective of the program is to identify new hard-rock gold mineralization in an effort to expand beyond the Property's historic resource estimate. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE EXPLORATION PROGRAM Up to 10,000 Metres of Diamond Drilling Up to 12,000 Metres of Trenching Detailed Rock, Soil and Core Sampling and Assaying Airborne Magnetic Survey over the entire Property Mr. Locke Goldsmith, P.Eng., P.Geo., and Chief Geologist for the Company states, "It is exciting to be organizing a comprehensive exploration program that will see the Marudi Gold Project advance. Only five percent of the Property has been explored to date, and therefore the opportunity for new discoveries is very favourable." Exploration Program Summary: The multi-phase program will consist of a planned 12,000 metre excavator trenching and sampling program of targeted locations. It is anticipated to be followed by up to 10,000 metres of diamond drilling in areas where successful trenching and sampling has occurred. Assays will be performed on all samples from rock, soil and core. An airborne magnetic and radiometric survey is also planned to be flown over the Property (13.5 sq. km) to ascertain a geophysical signature of the complete area. The metachert rock unit that hosts gold mineralization on the Property contains disseminated magnetite that will be detected by the survey. The data obtained from the survey will assist the Company in tracing the unit through areas of saprolite and identifying targeted sites for further exploration. Marudi North and Mazoa Hill Mineralized Zones The Company has been endowed with legacy data from previous operators which includes 141 holes (42,000 metres) of diamond drilling completed on the Property. The majority of the drilling was conducted on two main mineralized zones: Marudi North and Mazoa Hill. Both zones are open to mineralization in multiple directions and at depth, and therefore favorable to further exploration and development. The Company recently completed 3D modeling of both zones that allow rotation and viewing of the drill patterns in all directions. The 3D modelling can be viewed in full scale on the homepage of the Company's website: An objective of the exploration program will be the expansion and further definition of these two zones. Property Geology "The Marudi Property is underlain by Proterozoic metasediments of the Kwitaro Group and the younger Southern Guyana Granite Complex. The Kwitaro Group is mostly comprised of shallow water metasediments with interbedded basic volcanic strata which are metamorphosed to amphibolites facies (Berrange, 1972). The Southern Guyana Granite Complex is part of the tectono-thermal TransAmazonian Orogenic Cycle which resulted in block faulting, crustal shortening, folding, metamorphism, and anatexi (Hurley, et. al. 1967). Locally the Property is dominated by the Marudi Formation of the Kwitaro Group which includes a lower pelitic unit, a medial quartzite and meta-andesite unit with subordinate tuff and ironstone (the 'quartzite' unit). These rocks are overlain by a massive unit of orthoamphibolite (metabasalt). These metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks have been subjected to upper greenschist and lower amphibolite grade regional metamorphism. The Marudi granodiorite lies mostly north of the north flank of Marudi Mountain. Metasedimentary and metavolcanic units at the Marudi Property have been complexly deformed with at least two local and three regional generations of folding recognized. Fold axes and beds have been offset by a significant northwest striking fault which cuts the Mazoa Hill anticline. Displacement on this fault is uncertain. Gold mineralization at the Property is regarded as being related to iron-formation hosted gold deposits which occur in other cratonic greenstone belts. Iron-formation hosted gold deposits and occurrences can be divided into two sub-types: stratiform and non-stratiform. At the Marudi Property, all important gold mineralization discovered to date is associated with the medial 'quartzite' unit of the Marudi Mountain Formation. Gold occurs within the magnetite-hematite rich quartzite and in the magnetite-silicate iron formation." (Source: Strickland 2016, NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Marudi Property, Guyana). The proposed exploration program on the Property will be completed in multiple phases, as working capital and financing are made available to the Company. The Company may also elect to alter subsequent phases of the program, based on the results and success of earlier phases. The Company will continue to provide corporate and exploration updates as the program develops. Project Summary The Marudi Gold Project (the "Project") is the Company's flagship project located in Guyana, South America. The Project is unique in that it has three known gold bearing areas, specifically the alluvial areas, the saprorlite overburden, and the underlying hard-rock. There has been 42,000 metres of historic diamond drilling (141 holes) completed on the Project by prior operators. This historical work has delineated historical mineral resource estimates on the Project. For information concerning these estimates and the Project, readers are encouraged to review "NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Marudi Property, Guyana", a technical report prepared for the Company by Derrick Strickland, P. Geo., and is available on the Company's website (Click Here) and under the Company's profile on SEDAR (* There exists excellent exploration upside through the development of previously identified, highly-prospective mineralized targets on the Project. The Project has a mining license in good standing, all-season road access, infrastructure in place, with an established mining camp serviced by employees, service buildings, and a full-time mining manager. * The Company considers these estimates to be historical, and cautions that a Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources or mineral reserves in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The Company does consider these historical estimates to be relevant as they may indicate the presence of gold mineralization and favourable geology. Qualified Person Locke Goldsmith, M.Sc., P. Eng, P. Geo, Chief Geologist and Exploration Manager for the Company, is a Qualified Person in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Goldsmith has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical content of this news release. About Guyana The Republic of Guyana is located in South America between Venezuela and Suriname. The country is English speaking under British Common Law with a democratically elected government. It has an established mining act and a rich history of gold production. In 2013, 458,000 ounces of gold were produced by operators mining in the country. The Guiana Shield has over 100 million ounces of gold inventory and is world-recognized as a premier gold region.** With geological continuity with West Africa, the shield is highly prospective and under-explored. In 2016, two mines declared the commencement of commercial production: the Aurora deposit (Guyana Goldfields) and the Karouni deposit (Troy Resources). ** Independent Technical and Environmental Review Karouni Gold Project - Guyana, Behre Dolbear Australia Pty Ltd, April 29, 2016 Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 9, 2017) - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce positive drill results from the Fekola Property and Fekola Regional targets in Mali, West Africa. All dollar figures are in United States dollars unless otherwise indicated. For 2017, B2Gold has budgeted over $15 million for exploration in Mali. To date, exploration programs remain on budget and set to complete over 111,000 metres of exploration drilling between the Fekola Property and the Fekola Regional program. Highlights This news release should be read in conjunction with the Fekola and Fekola North Extension schematic long section (see below or on our website at New drill results in the upper portion of the Fekola North Extension (formerly Kiwi zone) indicate it is part of the Fekola zone and has significantly extended mineralization to depth New drill results above the deeper portion of the Fekola North Extension (formerly Fekola Deeps) have intersected wide zones of good-grade mineralization, closer to surface, and up to 600 metres north of the Fekola resource pit boundary These results, combined with the deeper, mineralized intercepts in the upper portion of the Fekola North Extension area indicate that these zones are one contiguous mineralized zone that could dramatically increase the extent of Fekola mineralization. In addition, the mineralization remains open to the north beyond the new drill results Drill results from the infill-drilling program, within the Fekola resource pit boundary, continue to convert inferred resources to indicated, confirming the potential addition of 900,000 ounces of gold Fekola North Extension Zones: New drilling below the upper portion of the Fekola North Extension and above the deeper portion of the Fekola North Extension in a previously untested area have significantly extended mineralization to the north and depth. Highlights of drill results from the upper portion of the Fekola North Extension (formerly Kiwi zone): Target HoleID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t) Fekola N. Ext FSER_023 131.00 147.00 16.00 1.35 Fekola N. Ext FSER_161 97.00 114.00 17.00 1.38 Fekola N. Ext FSER_169 129.00 142.00 13.00 1.17 Fekola N. Ext FSER_186 193.00 213.00 20.00 1.09 Fekola N. Ext FSER_191 93.00 115.00 22.00 1.07 Fekola N. Ext FSER_195 198.10 213.00 14.90 1.56 Fekola N. Ext FSER_212* 24.00 48.00 24.00 1.28 Fekola N. Ext FSER_211* 25.00 46.00 21.00 1.22 Fekola N. Ext FKD_194 276.00 300.00 24.00 1.04 Fekola N. Ext FKD_195 247.75 257.1 9.35 2.06 Note: Intervals reported above are >0.6 g/t gold, with a maximum of 5 m internal waste. Intervals indicated by (*) occur within defined resource areas and are reported >1.0 g/t gold, with a maximum of 3 m internal waste. All intervals are reported as core lengths New drilling above the deeper portion of the Fekola Northern Extension (formerly Fekola Deeps) has intercepted wide zones of good-grade mineralization in two holes, 226 and 227, 60 metres to the north of the Fekola resource boundary. In addition, two holes, 228 and 229, drilled above the Fekola upper portion of the Fekola North Extension, and up to 600 metres to the north of the resource pit boundary, intersected wide zones of good-grade mineralization, with mineralization remaining open to the north. These holes indicate the potential to extend good-grade mineralization much further to the north of the Fekola resource pit boundary. These results also indicate that the deeper portion of the Fekola Northern Extension zone extends closer to surface and indicate continuity with mineralization from the deeper drilling results from the upper portion of the Fekola North Extension. New drill results to the north of the Fekola resource pit boundary above the deeper portion of the Fekola North Extension: Target HoleID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t) Fekola N. Ext FKD_229 352.00 386.85 34.85 1.60 Fekola N. Ext FKD_228 318.00 355.00 37.00 2.82 Fekola N. Ext FKD_226 277.90 341.50 63.60 3.37 and 303.75 325.00 21.25 4.92 Fekola N. Ext FKD_227 216.00 239.20 23.20 1.57 and 260.60 308.00 47.40 1.92 Fekola N. Ext FKD_230 183.00 195.40 12.40 1.90 and 233.00 251.90 18.90 1.24 Previously released drill results from the deeper portion (formerly Fekola Deeps): Target Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t) Fekola N. Ext FKD_148 421.30 454.30 33.00 2.90 Fekola N. Ext incl. 440.30 446.30 6.00 7.97 Fekola N. Ext FKD_179 488.60 507.60 19.00 3.88 Fekola N. Ext and 515.50 529.19 13.69 1.95 Fekola N. Ext FKD_181 425.20 470.58 45.38 4.77 Fekola N. Ext incl. 425.20 434.60 9.40 10.70 Fekola N. Ext and 438.60 444.80 6.20 9.23 Fekola N. Ext FKD_182 457.30 473.10 15.80 2.98 Fekola N. Ext incl. 467.25 472.10 4.85 4.41 Fekola N. Ext FKD_183 445.10 479.30 34.20 3.27 Fekola N. Ext incl. 463.00 471.00 8.00 8.33 Fekola N. Ext FKD_184 490.00 515.05 25.05 2.37 Fekola N. Ext incl. 499.70 508.00 8.30 3.54 Fekola N. Ext* FKD_220 465.10 505.10 40.00 2.78 Fekola N. Ext* FKD_225 351.55 389.15 37.60 2.98 Note: *Indicates two new holes drilled 50 metres north of the Fekola resource pit boundary Fekola Resource Infill Drilling: Infill drilling is ongoing at Fekola, to continue to convert inferred resources to indicated, within the resource pit boundary (see table of drill results below). The resource pit boundary extends beyond the Fekola reserve pit boundary by approximately 50 metres below the reserve, 150 metres to the north, down plunge, and approximately 600 metres to the north (formerly Kiwi zone), from surface to 50 metres depth. The resource pit extension contains 720,000 ounces in the indicated category and 180,000 ounces in the inferred category, for a total potential increase of 900,000 ounces of gold. Highlights from Fekola Resource Infill Drilling: Target Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t) Fekola Infill FSER_183 119.00 136.00 17.00 1.26 Fekola Infill FKD_231 207.00 248.00 41.00 2.31 Fekola Infill FKD_232 287.00 315.00 28.00 1.77 Fekola Infill FKD_147 397.20 479.20 82.00 3.09 Fekola Infill FKRD_054 331.20 386.20 55.00 2.28 Fekola Infill FKRD_055 295.30 347.30 52.00 2.44 Note: Italics indicate previously-released holes Figure 1. Fekola and Fekola North Extension schematic long section Fekola Regional Program Drill Results Anaconda/Adder and Mamba Zones: Earlier this year, B2Gold announced the maiden mineral resource for Anaconda, part of the Fekola regional exploration program (see B2Gold news release, June 15, 2017). In 2017, over 56,000 metres of combined auger, aircore, reverse circulation and diamond drilling have been completed in this area in an effort to increase the saprolite-hosted Anaconda resource and to further explore for underlying zones of bedrock-hosted mineralization. Anaconda Area: Recent drilling has confirmed and extended the shallow saprolite inferred mineral resource and has discovered three well-mineralized bedrock (sulphide) zones (the saprolite zone) beneath the Anaconda, Adder and Mamba zones, which indicate the potential for large Fekola-style mineralized zones. Bedrock drill holes MSD_127 (20.20 m at 6.05 g/t gold) and MSD_132 (24.50 m at 4.02 g/t gold) are indications of highly prospective structures beneath Anaconda and Mamba, respectively. The intersection in MSD_132 occurs approximately 160 metres down-dip from the saprolite-hosted intersection in MSR_360 (46 m at 1.94 g/t gold), suggesting there is significant down-dip continuity along this structure. Follow up drilling is currently underway in both target areas. These holes and other selected results from the recent bedrock drilling are presented by target area in the table below: Target Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Gold (g/t) Adder MSD_119 45.60 66.00 20.40 2.03 Adder MSD_118 117.00 121.10 4.10 6.21 Anaconda MSR_427 90.00 115.00 25.00 1.64 Anaconda MSD_127 32.00 52.20 20.20 6.05 Anaconda MSD_114 52.00 59.50 7.50 2.85 Anaconda MSD_113 33.00 79.60 46.60 1.62 Anaconda MSD_111 89.50 95.45 5.95 7.11 Anaconda MSR_283 30.00 44.00 14.00 2.28 Mamba MSD_132 116.48 139.70 23.22 1.31 Mamba MSD_132 218.50 243.00 24.50 4.02 Mamba MSD_132 253.20 276.00 22.80 1.04 Mamba MSR_404 13.00 17.00 4.00 7.32 Mamba MSR_404 105.00 148.00 43.00 0.59 Mamba MSR_357 113.00 134.00 21.00 1.67 Note: Bedrock-hosted intervals reported above are >0.6 g/t gold, with a maximum of 5 m internal waste. Intervals reported are core lengths Drilling is ongoing to further test the Fekola North Extension zone, infill the Fekola resource, and further test the new bedrock mineralization beneath the Anaconda, Adder and Mamba saprolite resource. The Company is planning additional, aggressive exploration drilling programs on these targets in 2018. Fekola Ramp Up and Gold Production On September 25, 2017, the Company announced that it had completed construction of the Fekola mill on budget and commenced ore processing at the Fekola Mine, more than three months ahead of schedule. In September, Fekola produced 6,340 ounces of in-circuit gold inventory (nil ounces budgeted). Commissioning of the mill is ongoing and is expected to ramp up quickly to achieve commercial production by the end of November 2017, four months ahead of the original schedule and one month ahead of the revised schedule. In October 2017, the first full month of ramp up and pre-commercial production, the Fekola mill produced a total of 33,946 ounces of gold in the month (budget of 15,100 ounces). For 2017, the Company is projecting gold production from Fekola to exceed the upper range of its reforecast production guidance range of between 50,000 and 55,000 ounces. 2018 is scheduled to be the first full year of gold production at Fekola, yielding 400,000 to 410,000 ounces for the year at a cash operating cost of approximately $354 per ounce of gold and AISC of $609 per ounce of gold. Based on current assumptions and updates to B2Gold's current year guidance and long-term mine plans, the Company is projecting consolidated gold production in 2017 of between 530,000 and 570,000 ounces. In 2018, production is forecast to increase significantly to between 925,000 and 975,000 ounces with the inclusion of the anticipated first full year of commercial production at Fekola. About B2Gold Corp. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, B2Gold Corp. is one of the fastest-growing intermediate gold producers in the world. Founded in 2007, today, B2Gold has five operating gold mines and numerous exploration and development projects in various countries including Nicaragua, the Philippines, Namibia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Colombia and Finland. B2Gold's Quality Assurance/Quality Control The primary laboratories for Fekola are SGS Laboratories in Bamako, Mali and Bureau Veritas Laboratories in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. At each lab, samples are prepared and analyzed using 50g fire assay with atomic absorption finish and/or gravimetric finish. Umpire assays are used to monitor lab performance monthly. Quality assurance and quality control ("QA/QC") procedures include the systematic insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates into the core, reverse circulation and aircore drilling sample strings. The results of the control samples are evaluated on a regular basis with batches re-analyzed and/or resubmitted as needed. All results stated in this announcement have passed B2Gold's quality assurance and quality control protocols. Tom Garagan, Senior Vice President of Exploration of B2Gold, a qualified person under NI 43-101, has approved the exploration information contained in this news release. Documentary about area buffalo soldier now available on College of Education's YouTube channel for educational use Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017 The documentary "I was a Buffalo Soldier: The Story of Nolan Self" is now available on the Kansas State University College of Education's YouTube page. MANHATTAN Thanks to the family of a Junction City icon, a documentary providing a firsthand account of what it was like to be a buffalo solider will be available to classrooms, military personnel and history buffs alike. "I was a Buffalo Soldier: The Story of Nolan Self" was commissioned by Curtis Self in 2015 to tell the story of his father, Nolan Self, a longtime Junction City resident who served five campaigns in the 10th Calvary during World War II. After a two-year showing on KTWU, the Public Broadcasting System station in Topeka, the Self family has agreed to make the documentary available on the Kansas State University College of Education's YouTube page for teachers to share with their students. "Our father was an incredible man who lived an incredible life," Curtis Self said. "If his story can inspire others to live with the hope, joy, faith, love and commitment that defined his life and it encourages people to do the same, nothing would make my dad or our family happier." "There are few sources for education materials like this," said David L. Griffin Sr., assistant dean of the College of Education. "These personal stories draw you into a time in life that students would otherwise only to read about in passing. With this video, not only will many students learn that buffalo soldiers even existed, but they will learn what kind of lives they had before and after the war. That's a powerful resource." Nolan Self's journey to the U.S. Army began when his mother and 10 siblings moved from Leesburg, Louisiana, to Pine Bluffs, Arkansas, after his father's untimely death. He recounts the trip with about 400 young African-American men, who were to become buffalo soldiers, on the Missouri-Pacific train from Pine Bluffs to Fort Leavenworth. It broke his mother's heart to think her son was going off to war, but that's not how Nolan Self saw it. "The Army was a salvation to me and my family," he said. "I was glad to be a soldier." The Army moved the 10th Cavalry to Fort Riley to train with the 9th Cavalry. That's where Nolan Self met fellow buffalo soldier and world heavyweight champion, Joe Louis. Thanks to Louis' efforts, a dance was hosted in Topeka where Nolan Self would meet his future wife, Wilma. The couple raised eight sons and the film depicts the deep love, respect and wisdom the two have gained during their seven-plus decades together. The College of Education invites teachers everywhere to view and share this resource of little-known American history with their classes. Additional resources will be forthcoming. View the trailer and the complete documentary at Tom Switzer at CIS writes: Next week marks the centenary of the Bolshevik Revolution. November 7, 1917 was not just one of the most influential events of all time, it ushered in the most terrifying period in human history. In the matter of scale, the Russian revolutionaries and their later successors in China and elsewhere achieved a record of far more deaths than either world war. According to the London-based project to create a Museum of Communist Terror, 15-18 million people died in World War One; 40-80 million died in World War Two; and 80-100 million died under communist regimes. A Museum of Communist Terror is a great idea. Yet 100 years later, many young people in the West are ignorant of the ideology that inspired Lenin, Trotsky and millions of their worldwide followers. According to YouGov surveys, only 55% of American millennials think communism was, and still is, a problem. A third of young people believe US president George W. Bush murdered more people than Soviet dictator Josef Stalin did. And about 70 per cent of young British people have never heard of Mao Tse-Tung, the communist revolutionary whose regime murdered tens of millions of Chinese. Ignorance of the past can doom us to repeat it. Fox News reported: Nearly 45 percent of millennials polled said that they would prefer to live in a socialist country compared to the 42 percent who said they preferred a capitalist one. Yet for some reason theyre not moving to Venezuela. The report also found that one in five Americans in their 20s consider former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a hero, despite his genocide of Ukrainians and Orthodox priests. Over a quarter of millennials polled also thought the same for Vladimir Lenin and Kim Jong Un. Great role models. One of the most troubling findings of the report is that over 40 percent of Americans believe that there should be restrictions placed on the First Amendment and free speech to ensure that anything being said is not offensive. Sad little petals. Share this: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp More Pinterest Print Tumblr By Na Jeong-ju Last week's agreement between South Korea and China to normalize bilateral relations is being hailed as a diplomatic achievement of the Moon Jae-in administration. Hopes are high here that it will be a turning point for the Seoul-Beijing ties, which had been soured over the deployment of a U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea. Moon's aides proudly said the bilateral talks on resolving THAAD-related issues began right after President Moon Jae-in held a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Berlin in July. Optimism prevails now in Seoul about the prospects of relations with Beijing. Moon and Xi will meet again next week on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Danang, Vietnam, to discuss follow-up measures to the agreement. High on the agenda may be restoring the "strategic cooperative partnership" between the two countries and the scrapping of economic retaliatory measures China had taken against South Korea over the THAAD deployment. Conservative politicians here are expressing concerns about Moon's approach toward China, claiming his "pivot to China" will make the U.S. uncomfortable and could jeopardize the alliance between Seoul and Washington. For Moon, however, thawing ties with China will be an opportunity to break South Korea's diplomatic deadlock over North Korea's nuclear program. Likewise, improving relations with South Korea could mean a fresh start for Xi in addressing North Korea-related issues as China is under growing pressure from the United States to maximize the use of its leverage on the North. In this sense, embracing Seoul could be part of a new game plan against Washington by the Chinese leader, who has successfully cemented his power through the latest Communist Party congress. South Korea's efforts to restore relations with China were also a key topic at Moon's summit with U.S. President Donald Trump on Nov. 7 in Seoul. This was the first measurement of how Washington feels about Moon's diplomacy with China because the Moon-Trump summit took place only days after Seoul and Beijing agreed to bring their relations back on track. During a joint press conference after the summit, Moon made it clear that his pursuit of "balanced diplomacy" does not mean he will stay neutral between the two superpowers when they are in dispute. "That was about expanding our diplomatic frontier. I want to consolidate relations with China while keeping alliance with the U.S. strong," Moon said. "I talked about balance because we need to enhance relations with not only the U.S. and China, but also countries from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the European Union. I believe diversifying our diplomatic relations is the key to maintaining peace on the Korean Peninsula and, by extension, Northeast Asia." Trump supported Moon. And he also praised President Xi on his efforts to contain North Korea, saying he has been "really, very, very helpful" in dealing with the North. Asked about concerns in South Korea that the country has been sidelined in talks to resolve the North Korea nuclear issue, Trump said there will be no South Korea skipping. "South Korea is very important to me and there will be no skipping South Korea," Trump said. This suggests Trump thinks closer relations between Seoul and Beijing are helpful in handling Pyongyang at the moment. And this is absolutely true. China has long been criticized for using North Korea to defend its interest in its rivalry with the U.S. But there are positive signs that it is changing. While toughening its sanctions on Pyongyang, Beijing, at the same time, is calling for dialogue among concerned nations to find a peaceful solution to the nuclear problem. This would have been impossible if there was no mutual understanding between Trump and Xi that Pyongyang's nuclear program hurts their common interests in the region. From sea to rails and France to Gambia; readers share their collecting interests May 4, 2021, 3 AM One of Frances many Peace and Commerce stamps, also called Type Sage by collectors because the stamp artwork was by Jules Auguste Sage. Philatelic Foreword By Jay Bigalke From France to Gambia to the rails, collectors chimed in on some of their collecting interests. In my Nov. 6 Philatelic Foreword column, I asked collectors to share why they collect certain areas, similar to my stumbling across the French territory of Inini while flipping through the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. Patrick Reedy described why he collects locomotives shown on older stamps. He explained that in his small apartment in Brooklyn he does not have the space to build a model railroad or accumulate much railroad memorabilia. Locomotives on stamps gave me the opportunity to collect trains without needing too much space, he said. Raymond Feldman expressed his interest in collecting semipostals and ship topicals. Connect with Linns Stamp News: Sign up for our newsletter Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Gary Loew recounted, I got started with stamp collecting 64 years ago when my dad gave me his old stamp album. The stamp that truly got me hooked was the beautiful blue Gambia Cameo (Scott 2). Ive been a Gambia specialist ever since. But as I grew older, I evolved into a postal historian, collecting covers from and to Gambia. Starting a collection at an early age is a familiar story for most of us. Charles Vengrove said he became a worldwide stamp collector at age 5. By age 12 he was able to name most of the countries in the world because of his collection. A junior high school French course prompted his collecting focus on France. The French Type Sage (or Peace and Commerce) stamps, definitive stamps first issued in 1876, jumped out at him because they were very inexpensive and plentiful, probably because they were unattractive compared to other issues. Vengrove added that he is in his 88th year and busier than ever with his Sage collection. It was great hearing from everyone who responded. Postmaster general title Canada Post CEO and president Deepak Chopra referred to himself as postmaster general during the Oct. 20 joint issue between Canada and the United States, and I referred to him as Canadas postmaster general in my Nov. 13 column. Thats not his official job title, as a couple of readers have noted, but it seems to work for him. Bonobos, our close primate cousins with whom we share 99 percent of our DNA, will help strangers even when there is no immediate payback, and without having to be asked first. Bonobos, one of our closest primate relatives, could teach some humans a thing or two about helping others before being asked. These predominantly peaceful primates sometimes called "hippie chimps," as they are known to be less aggressive and more altruistic than chimpanzees tend to look out for one another and even share their food. But these courtesies aren't extended only between bonobos that are already acquainted with each other. Researchers recently found that bonobos would help unfamiliar bonobos reach a food reward, even when they didn't receive a reward themselves. And the helpful primates would lend a hand to assist the stranger whether or not the unknown bonobo asked them for help. [8 Humanlike Behaviors of Primates] "Trust," the scientists wrote in a new study, "is fundamental to social life." Modern human societies are built on trust that we often extend to people who are unfamiliar to us, a behavior known as xenophilia. Evidence of this behavior in non-human primates suggests that xenophilia may have evolutionary origins that predate the modern human lineage, likely because such behavior improves the chances of a group's survival, the scientists reported. Prior studies have shown that xenophilia is especially prevalent in bonobos. They move more easily between social groups than chimpanzees do, and when two groups interact, tensions rarely escalate into violence, the study authors wrote. In experiments, bonobos have unlocked one-way doors to share their food with unfamiliar bonobos, even when unlocking the entry would admit a group of strangers something that chimpanzees would go out of their way to avoid, according to the study. Hello, stranger In the new study, researchers worked with wild bonobos at a sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to further explore the primates' practice of connecting with bonobos that they didn't know. A female bonobo embraces a newcomer on her first day in a new group. (Image credit: Courtesy of Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary) The scientists suspended pieces of apple over an enclosure, securing the rope so that it was impossible for a bonobo in the room to reach the fruit. But the apple could be lowered to them if a second bonobo in an adjacent room climbed the fence and pulled a wooden pin to release the rope. Screens prevented the second bonobo from grabbing the apple for themselves. Yet, even when there was no reward for them and when they had to put aside a toy and go out of their way to climb the fence they released the fruit to their waiting neighbor. In some of the tests, the waiting bonobos were visible to their benefactors and could use begging gestures to indicate that they wanted the fruit. But even in trials where the bonobos had limited visual contact with each other, the helpful bonobos released the fruit without receiving any beseeching signals at all, the study authors reported. Sympathetic yawning Another experiment tasked the bonobos' responses to yawning, an activity that is known to spread between individuals humans as well as bonobos triggered by a form of empathy. But do you have to know someone, in order to empathize with them enough to "catch" their yawn? Not if you're a bonobo, according to the study. The scientists discovered that the bonobos were just as likely to join in when confronted with an unfamiliar yawner they yawned along with a stranger as often as they did when the yawner was part of their social group. When female bonobos reach adulthood, they abandon the social group of their youth for another, unrelated group. Being able to quickly bond with strangers would therefore be a critical strategy for these highly social primates, Jingzhi Tan, a postdoctoral associate with the evolutionary anthropology department at Duke University in North Carolina, said in a statement. "All relationships start between two strangers," Tan explained. "You meet a stranger, but you may meet them again, and this individual could become your future friend or ally. You want to be nice to someone who's going to be important for you." The findings were published online Nov. 7 in the journal Nature: Scientific Reports (opens in new tab). Original article on Live Science. Uber has teamed up with NASA to develop flying cars for passenger transport. Uber's planned "flying cars" will navigate crowded city skies with some help from NASA, if everything goes according to plan. The space agency has signed an agreement with Uber to help develop an air-traffic-control system for the flying-car project, which goes by the name Uber Elevate or UberAir, according to USA Today (opens in new tab). "UberAir will be performing far more flights over cities on a daily basis than has ever been done before," Uber Chief Product Officer Jeff Holden said in a statement provided to USA Today. "Doing this safely and efficiently is going to require a foundational change in airspace-management technologies." NASA has already been working to develop such technologies and help make "urban air mobility" (UAM) a reality, agency officials have said. In 2011, the agency's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) started a project called Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System (UAS in the NAS), which focused on relatively large, uncrewed vehicles flying above 500 feet (150 meters). Then, in 2015, NASA initiated its UAS Traffic Management (UTM) project, to deal with smaller, lower-flying drones. "We believe our job is to create opportunities for the UAM community to work together toward the common goal of safe, efficient and quiet operations," Rich Wahls, NASA's strategic technical advisor in the Advanced Air Vehicles Program for ARMD, said in a statement. "We have a unique role to play in leading collaborative efforts that leverage the knowledge, technologies and visions of everyone coming to the table," Wahls added. Uber said it hopes to begin flying its aerial taxis basically, small planes with wing-mounted propellers that will take off and land vertically, on the roofs of buildings by 2020. The company has announced three cities as the sites of this early push: Los Angeles, Dallas and Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Uber Elevate has other NASA connections as well. Earlier this year, Uber hired longtime NASA engineer Mark Moore to help develop the Elevate initiative. Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on What if the space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs hit another spot on Earth? The age of dinosaurs met an unlikely end because had the cosmic impact that doomed it hit just about anywhere else on the planet, the "terrible lizards" might still roam the Earth, a new study finds. The impact of an asteroid about 6 miles (10 kilometers) wide about 66 million years ago created a crater more than 110 miles (180 km) across near what is now the town of Chicxulub (CHEEK-sheh-loob) in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. The meteor strike would have released as much energy as 100 trillion tons of TNT, more than a billion times more than the atom bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. The blast is thought to have ended the age of dinosaurs, killing off more than 75 percent of all land and sea animals. Prior work suggested the Chicxulub impact would have lofted huge amounts of ash, soot and dust into the atmosphere, choking off the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface by as much as 80 percent. This would have caused Earth's surface to rapidly cool, leading to a so-called "impact winter" that would have killed off plants, causing a global collapse of terrestrial and marine food webs. [Wipe Out: History's 7 Most Mysterious Extinctions] To explain why the Chicxulub impact winter proved so catastrophic, Japanese scientists previously suggested the superhot debris from the meteor strike not only caused wildfires across the planet, but also ignited rocks loaded with hydrocarbon molecules such as oil. They calculated that such oily rocks would have generated vast amounts of soot. The amount of hydrocarbons in rocks varies widely depending on location. In the new study, the Japanese researchers analyzed the places on Earth where an asteroid impact could have happened to cause the level of devastation seen with the Chicxulub event. The scientists now find the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs happened to hit an unlucky spot had it landed in about 87 percent of anywhere else on Earth, the mass extinction might not have occurred. "The probability of the mass extinction occurring was only 13 percent," said study lead author Kunio Kaiho, a geochemist at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan. The scientists ran computer models simulating the amount of soot that asteroid impacts would have generated depending on the amount of hydrocarbons in the ground. They next estimated the climate effects caused by these different impact scenarios. The researchers calculated the level of climate change needed to cause a mass extinction was a 14.4 to 18 degrees Fahrenheit (8 to 10 degrees Celsius) drop in global average surface air temperatures. This would involve an asteroid impact sending 385 million tons (350 million metric tons) of soot into the stratosphere. The scientists found that a mass extinction would have occurred from the impact only if it had hit 13 percent of the surface of the Earth, including both land and oceans. "If the asteroid had hit a low- to medium-level hydrocarbon area on Earth, occupying approximately 87 percent of the Earth's surface, mass extinction could not have occurred," Kaiho told Live Science. The scientists are also analyzing the level of climate change "caused by large volcanic eruptions that may have contributed to other mass extinctions," Kaiho said. "It is hoped that the results will lead to further understanding of the processes behind those mass extinctions." Kaiho and his colleague Naga Oshima at the Meteorological Research Institute in Tsukuba, Japan, detailed their findings (opens in new tab) online today (Nov. 9) in the journal Scientific Reports. Original article on Live Science. A local land development, civil construction and quarrying company, Wharehine, has purchased Holcim NZs 50 per cent shareholding in Millbrook Quarry, located in the Whangaripo Valley, Wellsford. The purchase results in Millbrook Quarry being 100 per cent owned by Wharehine. Wharehine is a New Zealand owned business with strong regional ties to the Rodney area and employs about 100 staff in Rodney. Wharehine managing director Rob Gibson says the purchase reaffirmed Wharehines commitment to Millbrook Quarry and the North Auckland aggregate market. The Millbrook resource is a very high grade aggregate, and if managed correctly this significant resource has the potential to supply the aggregate needs of the Auckland region for many generations ahead, he said. Local News, Crime, Politics By Long Island News & PR Published: November 09 2017 Nicholas Rice Submitted False Timesheets, Falsely Billed Medicaid Over $6,000 For Home Care Services He Did Not Provide To A Disabled Medicaid Recipient. Rochester, NY - November 9, 2017 - Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced the sentencing of Nicholas Rice, of Rochester, NY. Rice stole over $6,000 from Medicaid by submitting false timesheets claiming that he provided home care services to a disabled Medicaid recipient. An investigation conducted by the Attorney Generals office uncovered that Rice was not present to render the services that he purported to provide. Rice will now serve 1 1/2 to 3 years in state prison. When crooks steal from Medicaid, theyre stealing money from New York taxpayers and exploiting those who depend on the programs vital services, said Attorney General Schneiderman. My office will prosecute those who misuse the Medicaid system and take advantage of the disabled for their personal financial gain. The Attorney Generals investigation, conducted by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU), revealed that Rice submitted false timesheets to Maxim Healthcare and received payment for services that he did not provide to a disabled Medicaid recipient. The recipient qualified for 116 hours of personal care per week to assist with his significant healthcare needs, including but not limited to, tube feeding and seizure monitoring. The investigation further revealed that over the course of at least three months, Rice submitted phony time sheets that were signed and verified by the recipients relativeindicating that Rice had provided daily personal care services to the Medicaid recipient when, in fact, he did not. At the time of this crime, Rice was on parole for a felony offense and was mandated to wear an ankle bracelet-tracking device. The data retrieved from the device revealed that Rice was approximately 40 miles away in Rochester, NY when he claimed to have been providing services to the Medicaid recipient in the recipients home in Geneva, NY. On October 5, 2017, before Monroe County Court Judge the Honorable Sam Valleriani, Rice admitted to improperly billing Medicaid $6,261.80 and pled guilty to Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree, a class E felony. Today, Judge Valleriani sentenced Rice to 1 1/2 to 3 years in state prison and adjudicated Rice as a second felony offender for his two prior felony convictions of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree and Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Fourth Degree. Local News, Crime By Long Island News & PR Published: November 09 2017 Officers responded and forced entry into a home when a male threatened to jump head first out of the window. NCPD reports the a rescue of a suicidal male that occurred in Hempstead on Tuesday, 11/8. Hempstead, NY - November 9, 2017 - The Emergency Service Unit reports the details of a rescue of a suicidal male that occurred in The Emergency Service Unit reports the details of a rescue of a suicidal male that occurred in Hempstead on Tuesday, 11/08/17 at 10:30 A.M. Hempstead police officers requested assistance with a suicidal male locked in a second floor bedroom on Allen Street. The Emergency Service Unit responded and forced entry into the room when the male threatened to jump head first out of the window. The aided had a toy airsoft gun and fired a few plastic BBs at the ESU members as they entered. The aided jumped out of the window and onto the roof before ESU could reach him, because of debris blocking the path into the bedroom. ESU officers blocked the aided on the roof and attempted to make contact with him. Crisis negotiators responded, along with additional ESU officers, with a large rescue truck equipped with a platform, which they used to reach the aided and safely remove him. The aided was transported to a local hospital for evaluation. On 7 November, at 6 pm, in Mexico City, in the auditorium of the Leon Trotsky House Museum, a meeting was held in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, with nearly 100 in attendance. The subject of the talk was; "Mexico and Russia: two revolutions of the twentieth century". The invited speakers were Cuauhtemoc Cardenas; Eduard R. Malayan, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Mexico; Esteban Volkov, grandson of Leon Trotsky, and the leader of the International Marxist Tendency, Alan Woods. This event is part of a series of conferences that the Leon Trotsky Museum has organised to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. Speakers: Alan Woods, Esteban Volkov, Cuauhtemoc Cardenas and Eduard R. Malayan / Image: Own work The first to speak was engineer Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, son of General Lazaro Cardenas, who was the president of Mexico who invited Trotsky to the country in the 1930s, when all the other countries were closed to him. He also directed a left split in the PRI (Revolutionary Institutional Party) in 1988, to form the PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution), and was the first leftist mayor in Mexico City. He spoke about the achievements of the Mexican Revolution, for example the right of the peasants to have land, including laborers who had previously lived in semi-slavery. Other reforms included right to work, national control over oil (shutting out foreign speculators), the Mexicanization of banking and so forth. He recognized that the Mexican Revolution was the great transformer of society and that the influence of the Russian Revolution was great in Mexico. Governors and politicians of the time referred to what the Bolsheviks did in Soviet Russia as an example. Second to speak was the Mexican ambassador to the Russian Federation, Eduard R. Malayan, who, despite Putin's disastrous policies (we note the Russian leader has not even celebrated the anniversary of the Russian revolution), has always been a good friend of the Leon Trotsky Museum. This historical monument to Trotskys life is being visited, more and more, by Russian citizens, and Malayan has translated the museum's guide into Russian. The day before, at the opening of the exhibition "Rojos" (Reds), which visually depicts some aspects of the Russian Revolution and its impact in Mexico, he said: "Today, in Russia, there is no one who questions the role of Lev Davidovich Trotsky in the October Revolution. Everyone knows that this revolution was led by two men: Lenin and Trotsky." In the exhibition on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution, among other things, he mentioned that the influence of the revolution and its consequences were felt worldwide. He also said that the revolution was never intended, by Lenin and Trotsky, to remain enclosed within the limits of the Russian borders: it was never thought that socialism could be built in a single country. He insisted that Trotsky is now vindicated in Russia, that books have been published about him and even the most popular Russian television channel has run a series about him. But then he added that today the October Revolution elicits "contradictory opinions", and quoted from an "official" poll showing only a minority in Russia have a positive opinion of the events 100 years ago. In his speech, Alan Woods answered the ambassador by quoting an English saying: "there are lies, damned lies and statistics". He added that in Mexico it is well known how public opinion polls can be manipulated. It was clear that these surveys serve the interests of the Putin government, which has outright suppressed all the celebrations of the October Revolution. After the ambassador, it was the turn of Leon Trotsky's grandson, Esteban Volkov, director of the Leon Trotsky House Museum. Esteban has dedicated his whole life to preserving Trotsky's legacy against Stalinist falsification and fighting for historical truth. Volkov began by describing the brutality of capitalism today and said that in this context the need for Marxist theory was fundamental. And it was precisely the Russian Revolution, the first victorious proletarian revolution, carried out by those who had been exploited and oppressed, which demonstrated that the working people of the countryside and the cities can rule society. Esteban recalled that it was Lenin and Trotsky who led the revolution that was subsequently undermined by the process of bureaucratic degeneration. He commented, rightly, that this degeneration was based on the material conditions of a backward country, with a low economic and cultural level, and the isolation of the Russian revolution due to the defeat of the revolution in Germany. All these conditions accentuated the fatigue of the masses and this is how the bureaucracy could take power. Stalin served as the seal upon this whole process of degeneration. 100 present at Trotsky Museum / Image: Own work Volkov's speech was full of optimism in the struggle for socialism. Closing the rounds of interventions was the British Marxist, leader of the International Marxist Tendency and editor of the popular website, Alan Woods. Alan affirmed that the Bolshevik revolution was the most important event in history, which demonstrated the superiority of a nationalized and planned economy in the concrete language of steel, coal and spacecraft: "The Russian Revolution showed that it is possible to manage a gigantic country without landlords, bankers nor capitalists and have excellent results." Alan denounced the campaign of lies orchestrated by the enemies of socialism as a gross falsification of the events of 1917. He attacked the whole campaign that has been deployed in the last period seeking to distort events in order to inhibit the participation of youth in the struggle for socialism. He said: "There are many lies that have been said about the Russian revolution, many of these come from former communists and intellectuals, including in Russia, who seek to prevent young people from carrying out a revolution." Alan explained that it is a gross lie that the revolution was useless. He recalled that Russia before the revolution was a very backward country, at the level of Pakistan at present, and that it was thanks to the planned economy (and in spite of the bureaucracy) that the Soviet Union developed to unprecedented levels, competing in some areas with capitalist powers like the US. After the introductions a brief round of questions from the audience was opened. These were very diverse, but most were about the viability of socialism. Some participants asked specific questions, for example, about the role of Stalin in the revolution, or in World War II. Someone asked Alan about the relationship between the Mexican Revolution and the Russian Revolution. Alan answered in the following way: "The Mexican Revolution was a bourgeois revolution that had the potential to go further. This revolution was betrayed by the bourgeoisie, that is the great difference with the October Revolution. It is a classic example of Trotsky's theory of permanent revolution. "The Mexican people have much to thank for to their revolution, which was reflected in cultural richness: the countrys art, literature, music and architecture. But it must be said that 100 years later the rotten Mexican bourgeoisie has destroyed the country. "This beautiful land, with so much wealth and so many possibilities, has been plundered and ruined by a voracious bourgeoisie, which in turn is totally subordinated to US imperialism. The only solution to the problems of Mexico is a new Mexican Revolution that repeats the same heroism that the Mexican people showed 100 years ago, but at a qualitatively higher level. And the only possible model for the new Mexican revolution is, precisely, the Bolshevik revolution of 1917." This was one of the most applauded interventions. And thus came to an end the first in a series of meetings on the anniversary of October, which will take place in the course of the week. by Ray Schultz , November 8, 2017 U.S. firms are more ready for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) than their European counterparts., according to Getting to GDPR Compliance: Risk Evaluation and Strategies for Mitigation, a study by Iapp and TrustArc. Of the U.S. respondents to the poll of almost 500 security pros, 84% say they will be compliant by May 2, 2018. But a fourth of EU companies will nor be prepared, the study reports. That may be because EU companies are either less concerned or more lacking in resources, it continues. Overall, 88% of those surveyed say they fall under the GDPRs scope, and 12% do not. Those that are affected include 85% of the U.S. corporations and 98% of those in the EU. U.S. companies say they are 49.27% of the way toward compliance, versus 47.31% for European organizations. Of course, different studies document varying levels of preparedness. Among all respondents, the five greatest compliance risks are seen as: Preparation for breach Data inventory/mapping Obtaining consent International data transfers Maintaining article 30 records advertisement advertisement But the order is slightly different when looking only at the U.S. There, the top dangers are: International data transfers Obtaining consent Preparation for breach Data inventory/mapping Maintaining article 30 records And in the EU, where firms are presumably more aware, the list is: Preparation for breach Data inventory/mapping Maintaining article 30 records Obtaining consent Conducting DPIAs The study also found that 17% of the U.S. firms rely on lawyers to navigate GDPR for them, compered with 9% in the EU. The EU firms are more likely to invest in training than hire outside counsel. Not appointing a data protection officer (DPO) ranked near the bottom of the list of dangers. The study notes that "it's likely this is something most organizations who must comply with the GDPR have already done, ad have thus checked it off the list of concerns. Overall, the number one risk mitigation choice is clear: training, training and training. Respondents selected investing in training as the number one risk mitigation response for all but the DPO risk. EU and UK companies made up 44.38%, and U.S. firms another 44.38%. The remainder were from Canada (4.22%), non-EU European countries s(3.21%) and other (3.82%). by Tanya Gazdik , November 8, 2017 Longtime auto marketing executive Jim Zabel joins Volkswagen of America as senior vice president, marketing. The appointment is effective Nov. 27. Zabel replaces Vinay Shahani, who left the company in late May after helping shape messaging in the wake of the automaker's emissions scandal. Shahani is now Toyota Motor North Americas vice president for integrated marketing operations. Greg Tebbutt, VW of America's senior director for marketing transformation, strategy and communications, has been acting as the interim since Shahanis departure, a VW spokesperson said. VW placed a help-wanted post for the position on LinkedIn in July. Zabel, managing director of Omni Advertising in Los Angeles, has more than 19 years of automotive and related experience, having managed brand accounts for Hyundai and Honda. Earlier in his career, he worked for Nissan North America as a manager in both dealer operations and marketing for the Infiniti brand. advertisement advertisement At Volkswagen, Zabel will be responsible for all facets of marketing for VWoA, leading the development and evolution of the Volkswagen brand to ensure long-term growth and profitability. He will report to Derrick Hatami, executive vice president, sales and marketing, Volkswagen of America. Zabels experience in building effective, integrated marketing campaigns and leading brand development in the automotive industry will serve as an asset for VWs growth strategy in the U.S. market, Hatami says. The company has a long road ahead of it in recovering from the emissions scandal that has plagued it for several years, but it is possible, says Autotrader Senior Analyst Michelle Krebs. Volkswagen needs to stay the course of continuing to re-build trust with previously loyal owners and reach out to prospective new ones with its more relevant new products, Krebs tells Marketing Daily. Volkswagen will probably need to discount more than its immediate competition to offset the cost of the damage to its reputation, says David Kiley, principal with New Roads Media and a new-product and marketing consultant. But it also needs to go back to great storytelling about this brand, some very good product and design and brand value, says Kiley, who is also the author of Getting the Bugs Out: The Rise, Fall, and Comeback of Volkswagen in America. It would be foolhardy for Volkswagen to start chasing big sales volumes as if it is Toyota or Nissan, he adds. It is not a mass brand, Kiley tells Marketing Daily. It is a unique niche brand in the U.S., and always will be, The more it chases Toyota- and Honda-like volume, the more it will devalue the brand in the U.S. It is a mass brand in Europe, but not here. by Richard Whitman , Columnist, November 8, 2017 Forrester is out with its predictions report for 2018. Its a fascinating read and doesnt contain great news for agencies. On the other hand, the world isnt coming to end for agencies, per the report, as some would have you believe. But, Adland is going to have to work a lot harder to justify its existence. I know, Adlanders, youre probably thinking, As if we werent working hard enough to do that, already! No, you are not. All the signals are clear, Forrester concludes. Customers avoiding ads; the cost of wasted or bad ads; major brands announcing massive cuts in ad spending; and agencies providing downward guidance to Wall Street. The result: Ad spend will be flat in 2018 and cause a painful correction in the agency and adtech markets. Yep, pain is in the offing. But think of it this way. Pain is the offing for a lot of industries. But the truth is, for many of you Adlanders at least, you love your jobs and youre obsessed with the challenges presented by clients. You have that at least. A lot of people cant stand their jobs. advertisement advertisement And, according to Forrester, you shouldnt think of whats coming as an advertising budget crisis. Its more about changing priorities for marketers. CMOs cant defend underperforming media spend focused on customer acquisition as churn rates escalate or stand idly by as digital platforms threaten to disintermediate their relationship with customers, the report concludes. Instead of plowing money into traditional ad spending, CMOs will increase spend on: 1. Revitalizing CX to drive affinity and stem churn. 2. Synchronizing loyalty programs to customer expectations. 3. Understanding how to decode digital platform algorithms. 4. Advancing martech to deliver individualized experiences at scale. The result: Ad spend will be flat in 2018 and cause a painful correction in the agency and adtech markets. Anyway, theres a lot more in this report and you probably ought to take a gander. You can get a summary of the broader report and access it here as long as you show proper ID. by Steve McClellan @mp_mcclellan, November 9, 2017 Los Angeles-based ad agency Idea Farmer has just launched a new content and commercial production house called Crop Circles. It will be run by former Endemol Executive Matthew Forrest, who will serve as president of the new entity. Forrest joined Idea Farmer earlier this year as its first CFO, a post he will retain while running the new production studio. He reports to Idea Farmer CEO Josh Beane. Idea Farmer, founded in 2011, began as a content studio and then evolved into a creative agency, cultivating clients such as KitchenAid, Subaru, Shutterfly and Viceroy Hotels. The commercial and other content the agency has created for its clients has largely been done in-house. Now that in-house operation will be split off to form the core of Crop Circles, which is also hiring a number of new production content creators to join the team. advertisement advertisement According to Beane, the idea is to generate a new stream of revenue from content and commercial production work via new Crop Circles-specific clients. At the same time, the entity will now handle content and creative execution from existing Idea Farmer clients. Beane said the time was right to launch the new entity, given the growing interest brands have in content beyond traditional commercials. Brands believe strongly that storytelling in many forms helps them connect more effectively with consumers, he said. Original video content is the puzzle pretty much everyone is trying to solve for, said Beane. The level of demand were seeing from marketers, companies and agencies continues to grow. With the launch of Crop Circles, we now have a standalone company totally dedicated to serving this high volume business. Prior to joining Idea Farmer earlier this year as company CFO, Forrest oversaw all production for Endemol Beyond, including branded and original content for the lifestyle network Icon and the esports and gaming network Smasher. Forrest echoed Beane: There is a ton of opportunity going forward in the original content space, given brands appetite for it. by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, November 9, 2017 In a world where the authenticity of online content and the trust in information often seems questionable, 79% of people participating in a recent BrightLocal study say they have seen a fake review in the last year. BrightLocal conducted its annual survey, The Local Consumer Review Survey, in October 2017. The findings, based on responses from 1,031 U.S.-based consumers, explore the attitudes and behavior of consumers when they are looking at online reviews for local businesses. Giving reviews is a common practice these days. When consumers buy something online at a retailer, the follow-up email typically asks to leave a review of the product purchased. Fake reviews have become a challenge for retailers and brands as they strive to maintain a positive reputation. About 25% of survey participants admit to reading "a lot" of fake reviews, but 84% admit to not always being able to spot them. For the 14% of people who admit they can never spot fake reviews and the 16% who dont know how to identify them in particular, fake reviews create problems when determining the authenticity of a review. advertisement advertisement The findings also acknowledge that consumers have changed their habits in terms of what they will do after reading a positive review. People are now less likely to go on to visit a business' website, but they are far more likely to get directly in touch with the brand or retailer via phone, email, or by visiting the physical business. In fact, only 37% of consumers will visit a business website after reading good reviews compared to 54% in 2016. And 10% of consumers now contact a business after reading a positive review. Some 26% will continue searching for more reviews after reading a positive review, up from 19% in 2016. About 10% will contact the business, up from 3% in 2016. In 2017, 68% of U.S. consumers said positive reviews made them more likely to use a business, up from 50% in 2016 -- while 40% said negative reviews make them not want to use a local business, down from 68% in 2016. About 36% of consumers said they will seek out other factors such as price and location when making a decision, down from 42% in 2016. Some 19% said they read reviews, but it doesn't influence their buying decision. Still, the majority of consumers read reviews to check a retailer's or brand's reputation. Some 93% of consumers read local reviews to decide if a business is good or not, and 35% always read reviews when seeking out a business near them. by Wayne Friedman , November 9, 2017 Although Dish reported a decline of 129,000 subscribers for the third quarter -- and lower revenues, its stock was up sharply in mid-Thursday-morning trading. In recent days, various media analysts upgraded Dishs stock, as a number of communications companies -- T-Mobile and Verizon in particular -- are possibly looking to make a deal for Dishs spectrum assets. Dish Networks stock 4.5% rose in mid-Thursday morning trading to $50.89. Hit with outages from Hurricanes in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Dish Networks pay TV subscribers sank by 145,000 in the third quarter. The satellite pay TV provider added 16,000 in 50 U.S. states during the period. Overall, Dish had a decline of 129,000 for the period. This lowered Dish's overall subscriber count -- satellite and digitally delivered via its Sling TV unit -- to 13.2 million from 13.6 million in the third quarter a year ago. Scott Goldman, media analyst at Jefferies LLC, said: Dish reported better-than-expected pay TV losses of 129,000. This was driven by better subscriber additions at Sling TV and lower churn among its customers. Revenue for the company sank 5% to $3.58 billion, with net income attributable to Dish sinking 7% to $297 million. Average customer pricing for its products dropped from $89.44 to $87.23 in year-to-year third-quarter stats. by Sara Guaglione , November 9, 2017 The Washington Post is rolling out a new module today to recommend an opinion piece with a different point of view from what a user is currently reading. Called Counterpoint, the feature appears at the bottom of select Opinion pieces, with a headline and link to a story with "a different view on the issue," according to the tagline next to the Counterpoint header. The process of tagging content with opposing views is made easier by the use of WaPo's AI technology, according to Dr. Sam Han (PhD), director of data science at the newspaper. We will continue to refine our technology and showcase the diversity of our content on external platforms and social media, Han added. Fred Hiatt, editorial page editor, stated the Opinion section provides a range of topics from a variety of viewpoints. Were excited to make the diversity of this content more prominent for our readers, he said. This is one way we can present a range of views that can help our audience be more informed and that hopefully will encourage dialogue. advertisement advertisement All of WaPos news stories carry The Post Recommends section below to suggest relevant stories. The move is a way to expand content and challenge readers' affinity for consuming news from outlets that fit their political leanings. Opinion sections get readers heated. The New York Times hire of conservative policy and politics columnist Bret Stephens this spring triggered some readers to cancel subscriptions. Business magazine Forbes shut down its opinion section this month to focus on its network of online contributors. The need for conventional opinion-style writing has lessened, Forbes Media vice president of digital news Mark Coatney wrote in an internal memo at the time. But other publishers are doubling down on the section. In October, NBC News debuted Think, a digital vertical dedicated to commentary, analysis and opinion, while BuzzFeedlaunched an opinion section this summer. In a memo, BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith said the goal is to address the rapidly changing world and contextualize it in ways that help our readers make sense of what the hell is happening. by Wendy Davis , Staff Writer @wendyndavis, November 9, 2017 The Federal Trade Commission may take another look at a 2009 settlement order that restricts Sears' ability to engage in online data collection. The order, which is slated to expire in 2029, requires the company to "clearly and prominently" disclose any programs that track consumers' online activity. Those disclosures must be on a separate screen, and must appear before the final user agreement. The disclosures must include a host of information including all types of data that may be collected, and whether that data may be used by a third party. In a rare move, Sears is asking the FTC to revise the settlement. The company, which is currently restructuring its business, says the order is causing "significant hardship" -- particularly when it comes to mobile apps, which Sears says are key to its digital commerce plans. advertisement advertisement "The inclusion of the mandatory disclosures and consents creates friction in the initial application launch process, disrupting the mobile apps user experience during a users first interaction with each mobile app -- a time that is critical to user retention," Sears says in a petition filed with the FTC late last month. "As a consequence, the timing of the mandatory disclosures that Sears must display results in an initial app flow that unavoidably discourages adoption of Sears apps as compared to similar apps offered by Sears primary competitors." The FTC said this week it is seeking public comments on Sears' request. The settlement stemmed from allegations that Sears distributed tracking software created by a third party as part of a market research program. (The FTC didn't name that third party, but Harvard Business School professor Ben Edelman reported in 2008 that Sears was working with comScore.) Sears had sent emails inviting people to download software, and promised them $10 if they kept the program for at least one month. The emails said the software would track "online browsing." But the FTC found that language insufficient to convey that the software would monitor nearly all online activity, including banking activity, video rentals, library borrowing histories and online drug prescription records. At the time, the FTC's enforcement action struck some observers as unusual, given that the company paid people who downloaded the software, and that there were not any allegations of identity theft or financial harm. Sears now argues that much has changed in the last eight years, and that the terms of the original order are "obsolete and impractical" for mobile apps. "Sears consumers expect that in order to interact with the companys sites, forms, and offerings, some data collection, use, and sharing is necessary," the company contends. The company specifically argues that the requirement to make clear and prominent disclosures before collecting data should not apply in all situations, including when the app collects data about its configuration, whether it's functioning, and information regarding consumers' use of the program. It's not yet clear whether the Republican-dominated FTC will revisit the case. But it won't be surprising if the agency does so, given the recent explosion of tracking technologies. Tanya Forsheit, a privacy lawyer with Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, points out that much has changed in the ad-tech world since 2009. "Lots of companies are doing very, very granular and personalized tracking," she says, adding that some are also appending information from data brokers about people's offline activity. She adds that it's "extraordinarily difficult" for companies to come up with a "short, user friendly privacy policy" that discloses the full extent of their tracking. The FTC is accepting comments through December 8. Lichen sclerosus is an uncommon, long-term skin condition where small patches of skin become thin and colorless. The condition can affect any part of the body but most often occurs in the skin around the genitals. Most cases of lichen sclerosus occur in women who have been through menopause, but men and children can also sometimes be affected. Lichen sclerosus can be managed with the right treatment. In this article, we take a look at the treatment options, along with the symptoms and causes of the condition. Symptoms Share on Pinterest Lichen sclerosus may cause thin, dry patches of skin that are sore or itchy. Lichen sclerosus is a skin disorder that causes small areas of skin to become thin and discolored so that white patches develop. The skin can crack and become sore, which can cause pain, itching, and discomfort. These feelings may be distressing. Lichen sclerosus can affect the skin on the arms, back, breasts, and other parts of the body, but it is usually the skin around the genitals and anus that is most often affected. Having lichen sclerosus in these areas can sometimes lead to pain during sex or when going to the bathroom. The most common symptoms of lichen sclerosus are: small, shiny spots that develop into white patches of thinned, crinkled skin itching blisters bleeding soreness and discomfort scarring In mild cases of the disease, there may be no symptoms. Who gets lichen sclerosus? Lichen sclerosus is a rare disease. When it does occur, it mostly affects women who have been through menopause aged between 40 and 60 years. It is unclear exactly how many women develop the condition. Researchers think that the number could be anywhere between 1 in 300 to 1 in 1,000 women. Men are six times less likely to develop the condition than women. Children are the least likely to be affected by lichen sclerosus. When it occurs in children, it is usually in girls who have not yet reached puberty. Causes Share on Pinterest Hormone disorders or an overactive thyroid gland may increase the risk of developing lichen sclerosis. The exact causes of lichen sclerosus are not known, but doctors think there are different reasons why some people develop the disease. Possible causes and risk factors include the following: hormone imbalances immune system problems, such as an overactive thyroid gland a family history of the disease previous damage to the skin because of other skin conditions Lichen sclerosus is not contagious and cannot be spread from one person to another, even through intimate contact, such as sexual intercourse. Complications Lichen sclerosus can cause the skin to crack and bleed. When the area around the genitals is affected, it can be particularly painful and sore. In severe cases of lichen sclerosus, scarring can cause the walls of the vagina to shrink and tighten, making sexual intercourse very difficult and painful. Lichen sclerosus does not cause cancer. However, women whose genitals are affected are at a higher risk of developing some forms of skin cancer. This cancer risk accounts for less than 5 percent of women with the condition, however. Developing cancer is more likely to happen to a woman if she has not managed her symptoms through treatment. Diagnosis Anyone who develops symptoms of lichen sclerosus should see a doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis of lichen sclerosus means that treatment can begin immediately. Prompt treatment can prevent the condition from worsening and make it more manageable. A doctor will often be able to make a diagnosis by carrying out a physical examination of the affected areas. They may want to examine a small sample of skin under a microscope to ensure that the condition is lichen sclerosus. Occasionally, lichen sclerosus may have no symptoms. When this is the case, a doctor may only diagnose the condition when they are examining the affected area for another unrelated reason. Treatment Share on Pinterest Steroid cream or ointment may be prescribed to treat lichen sclerosus depending on where it is located on the body Currently, there is no known cure for lichen sclerosus. However, there are many effective ways to relieve and manage symptoms to ease and minimise discomfort. Lichen sclerosus can sometimes clear up on its own. This usually happens when it is on parts of the body other than the genital and anal areas. There are many ways to treat lichen sclerosus around the genital areas, however. Some of these methods are outlined here, but there may be other more recent treatments available. As a result, it is important to discuss treatment options with a doctor. The most common treatment for lichen sclerosus is applying a steroid cream or ointment directly to the affected area. Steroids can be very effective in controlling inflammation, which helps to reduce itching, soreness, and scarring, and can prevent the condition from getting worse. Sometimes, a doctor may recommend surgery. For example, scar tissue can sometimes make the entrance to the vagina narrow, and, as a result, sex becomes difficult. Surgery will widen the opening to the vagina, reducing discomfort. When the foreskin of a male is affected, a doctor may suggest a circumcision. Some general self-help measures can make the condition more comfortable to live with. These include: applying an appropriate moisturizer to the affected areas avoiding scented bathing products and detergents that can irritate the skin using a lubricant during sex avoiding rubbing or scratching the affected areas wearing loose-fitting clothing and underwear made of natural fibers Symptoms in young girls often clear up entirely once they reach puberty. A doctor should always diagnose lichen sclerosus before a person starts any treatments. Women with the condition should have regular check-ups. People living with lupus may be at significantly greater risk of developing dementia than those without the autoimmune disease, a new study suggests. Share on Pinterest Researchers have uncovered a link between lupus and an increased risk of dementia. Lupus is a chronic condition wherein the immune system mistakingly attacks the bodys healthy cells and tissues. It is estimated that around 1.5 million people in the United States have lupus, and around 16,000 new cases of the disease are reported across the country each year. Lupus is more likely to strike women than men, and most people who develop the condition are between the ages of 15 and 44. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common form of lupus. This can cause damage to the joints, skin, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels, which may lead to conditions such as kidney failure, arthritis, and seizures. Research has also previously suggested that people with lupus are more likely to have problems with memory. The new study builds on such findings, after uncovering a possible link between lupus and an increased risk of dementia. What happens when Hollywood legends Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg come under one roof? An explosion of awesomeness! Seriously, this deadly combination has all the possibilities to win an Oscar. The trailer that was released recently only goes on to prove why we and every other person who has seen a glimpse of this period film might be right in considering it Oscar-worthy. 20th Century Fox We are talking about the upcoming movie 'The Post', which surprisingly marks the first ever collaboration of Hanks, Streep and Spielberg. Why did Hollywood not think of pairing the three legends earlier? Well, their 2015 release 'Everything Is Copy' cannot really be considered their first movie as it was a documentary on the life of writer and filmmaker Nora Ephron. 20th Century Fox Set in the backdrop of 1970s America, 'The Post' follows the journey of Kay Graham (Meryl Streep), the country's first female newspaper publisher of The Washington Post, who joins forces with the Editor Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks), to unravel some of the deepest and darkest secrets and lies of the government. Can the two journalists overcome their differences to expose a massive cover-up that might hold the key to the buried secrets of the government, which spanned three decades and four US Presidents? This ethical dilemma of choosing to save their skins or putting everything (their life, careers, freedom) at stake for what is right, weaves the rest of the plot. The press and the government have always been at loggerheads for reasons everyone knows but never talks about. They are like a bickering couple, who can never come to terms with each other and will always have something or the other to blame. It's a clear can't live with them or without them situation. 20th Century Fox Honestly, there could not have been a better time for Spielberg to come up with a movie like this. After Donald Trump's win in the 2017 Presidential Elections, the government's rift with the press and the media's frustration has only worsened and become more evident. Earlier, this year Streep even called out President Trump during her speech at the Golden Globes. So, it will be interesting to see how Spielberg weaves his magic around this sensitive issue and turns it into a movie that both the press and government might look forward to. 20th Century Fox 'The Post' also stars Alison Brie, Carrie Coon, David Cross, Bruce Greenwood, Sarah Paulson, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Zach Woods. The mere mention of names like Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks and the fact that they will touch base with one of the most controversial issues in the history of America, has catapulted our excitement into space. We cannot be more eager to watch this promising masterpiece that is slated to release on December 22, 2017. When it comes to flying cars, the concept has always been a fantasy ever since the automobile was first invented. However, it may not be a fantasy anymore as Uber and NASA are partnering up to develop a flying taxi that might just be ready to take over the skies by 2020. Uber The taxi-hailing company signed a deal with NASA yesterday to develop an air traffic management system so that Uber can fly their taxis safely. The partnership was announced by Jeff Holden, Uber head of product on Wednesday. The agreement was signed as a part of NASA's Space Act Agreement where it allows a collective of industry leaders and other companies to work towards safer and efficient flying taxis and unmanned aerial systems. The flying taxis will be flown at low altitudes so that it does not interfere with the traditional air traffic of jets and other aircrafts. Uber detailed how the concept will actually work and their long-term vision for the flying taxi service in a marketing video. Check it out: Uber Uber has already been investing in self-driving cars and also announced plans for flying taxis in cities like Dallas and Dubai by 2020. However, Uber has now added Los Angeles to the list of cities that will host trials for the service. Uber may just be pushing the envelope, however, there is no way to ascertain whether this service will be expanded to other countries. A self-driven taxi may never be seen in India due to the country's driving habits and lack of basic driving etiquette. We sure as hell are not expecting a flying taxi service to enter India, especially with all this smog around us! Uber However, the flying taxi service may also be the saving grace for traffic problems in a city like New Delhi. Uber predicts that a trip of 15 kilometres will take about 30 minutes as compared to 1 hour 20 minutes in a car. 09.11.2017 LISTEN The annual second Kente Dinner Dance aimed at raising fund to support Ghana Association Adopted children Intellectual Disabilities at Dzorwulu Special School took place last Saturday at Arizona (USA). Themed Wrap with Pride and Support A Good Cause, the occasion which had many Ghanaians in attendance created the 'show off' of the famous traditional Kente cloth. The Association invited Kings and Queens from each region in Ghana who live in Arizona to grace the event and their presence were incredible. These traditional leaders confidently portrayed the Ghanaian culture with their dressing and dancing in a perfect manner which tells how rich Ghana is in terms of culture and tradition. Notable amongst the queens was Ophelia Owusuaa from the Aduana clan of the Ashanti Region. She showed off her Adowa dancing skills to the amazement of everyone present. These numerous attractions drew a lot of personalities to the show. There were also guest speakers: Dr. Owusu Dormery and Dr. Peter Okra, (PHD) who spoke about maintaining a healthy life and prevention of cancer Wife of ailing actor, Asonaba Kwaku Darko, popularly known as Super OD has expressed her deepest gratitude to former President John Mahama for paying them a visit. Mary Nyarko told Hitz @1 that, her husband and the ex-president had a great relationship during his tenure as president and the bond between them still exist. Former President Mahama visited the veteran actor and his family at their residence in Agona Swedru in the Central region after the Unity Walk by National Democratic Congress (NDC) last Sunday. The wife of the veteran however disclosed that the former President gave them some money for their upkeep. Madam Nyarko explained that the actor has been very ill for a while now and finds its very difficult to speak audibly due to his illness and old age. She stated that for someone as great as former President Mahama to visit them is really an honour. The former President was in the company of some members of the NDC including Allotey Jacobs, Central Regional Chairman; Ade Coker, Greater Accra Regional Chairman; Nana Oye Lithur, former Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection; and actor Clement Bonney (Mr Beautiful). Super OD, started acting in the 1970s and gained national prominence in the 1990s for roles in popular series, Akan Drama on Ghana Television. He was part of the Oppong Drama Group which later became known as Osofo Dadzie Group. 09.11.2017 LISTEN Bonn, Germany, Nov. 8, GNA - The United Nations Migration Agency says about 25 million people, globally, are displaced annually due to climate induced disasters. In Africa, it said, floods and droughts were the main drivers of climate disasters, which were displacing many people from their natural habitats. Speaking at the on-going Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, Ms Mariam Chazalnoel Traore, the Thematic Expert on Migration, Environment and Climate Change at the UN Migration Agency, said most of the displaced people stayed within their countries and this led to economic and health issues. In the last two decades, climate induced disasters, she noted, had forced more people to migrate internally than ever before. This, the UN Migration Agency described 'as worrying', saying climate issues must be tackled by the governments seriously. Ms Traore said countries needed to put in place migration and distressed emergency plans and other relocation contingencies. However, she explained, that most people also migrated for economic reasons, while others migrated to escape political and religious persecution. . Mr Atle Solberg, Head Coordination Unit, Platform on Disaster Displacement, said in Africa, countries within the horn of the continent and some other southern African countries were the most affected by climate disasters. Somalia and Ethiopia, he said, were, particularly, affected by conflict and drought, Mozambique and Malawi were also being affected by floods. 'The main drivers in Africa are flooding and drought,' he stated. These two drivers are displacing people.' He urged countries to endeavour to use their internally developed tools relating to disaster management; civil protection; and emergency responses; to more effectively to address the issues of climate disasters, which occurred within their borders. The Climate Change Conference, which opened on November 6, is a meeting of nearly 200 nations to work on a detailed "rule book" to help guide the 2015 Paris climate accord. The agreement set a goal of ending the fossil fuel era this century, by shifting to renewable energies such as wind and solar power. Fiji's Prime Minister, Frank Bainimarama, who is presiding at the conference, has called for more urgent action to cut greenhouse gases as part of the 195-nation Paris Agreement. The conference would thus enable countries to show the extent of their commitments towards mitigating the effects and impact of Climate Change, especially in developing countries, such as Ghana. Meanwhile, many delegates have expressed optimism that the outcome of the Bonn conference would be more positive and that negotiators would have a smooth sailing with deliberations on climate change adaptation and mitigation negotiations. Parties and negotiators on day one, adopted the final agenda for the coming two weeks . Unlike in Bonn, at previous COPs, the adoption of the agenda was often used to disrupt the conference. The previous COP was held last year in Marrakesh, Morocco, where stakeholders from around the world adopted a set of voluntary climate mainstreaming principles with the aim of improving the effectiveness and transparency of climate action. GNA Leading global ICT solutions provider, Huawei has called on telecom carriers in Africa to focus on providing customers with a great user experience to achieve new value-driven growth. Paul Michael Scanlan, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Huawei's Carrier Network Business Group made the call in his keynote address at AfricaCom, the premier Pan-African technology, telecoms and media event which kicked off today in Cape Town. 'The ICT industry can play a crucial role in fuelling new growth in Africa through increased economic activity, innovation and productivity,' he said. With a fast growing population, ICT demands in Africa are far from being met. Latest statistics from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) show that a proportion of households with Internet access in Africa for 2017 is 18%, while fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in Africa for 2016 was 0.26%. The global research also found that nearly nine out of 10 young individuals not using the Internet live in Africa or Asia and the Pacific. 'A better connected digital world is fast approaching; connectivity is no longer a privilege but a necessity. We notice that African markets still have a growing, underserved user base. This presents Africa with a historic opportunity for development,' Scanlan said. As a key participant at AfricaCom, Huawei's theme for this year is ROADS to New Growth, with a focus on working together with operators and industry partners to explore ways to build a successful ecosystem that will speed up return on investment (ROI) and achieve value-driven new growth. With an improved user experience as the focus, carriers needed to respond to user demand by relooking at their entire business and operation models as well as restructuring their telecoms networks. 'We believe that the impact of Information and Communications Technology should be measured by how many people can benefit from it, that's why we strive to engineer broadband technology to the highest standard, faster than ever, for everyone, everywhere.' Scanlan said. At AfricaCom, Huawei will also host an Operations Transformation Forum for Carriers where it will share its solutions to creating additional business value while providing a better and more compelling experience. Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider, aimed at enriching life and to improve efficiency through a better connected world, acting as a responsible corporate citizen, innovative enabler for the information society, and collaborative contributor to the industry. Driven by customer-centric innovation and open partnerships, Huawei has established an end-to-end ICT solutions portfolio that gives customers competitive advantages in telecom and enterprise networks, devices and cloud computing. Huawei's 180,000 employees worldwide are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers with, products and services which are used in more than 170 countries and regions, serving over one-third of the world's population. Founded in 1987, Huawei is a private company fully owned by its employees. GNA National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central, Isaac Adongo, has accused Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia of consistently peddling falsehood about the status of the countrys economy. According to him, the recent failed attempts by the government to meet its target for the first tranche of the energy bond was an indication of the inability of the Economic management team, led by the Vice President, to manage the economy adequately. Speaking at a press conference organised by the Minority in Parliament today [Wednesday], Isaac Adongo described the team as over-hyped and stated that Dr. Bawumias eloquence had convinced Ghanaians to accept his lies about the state of the economy. Bawumia has never understood the economy of Ghana. He has always lied about the economy of Ghana. He said that our debt was about 36 billion and would end at 40 billion dollars. When he came with his budget, he said it was around 26 billion. How did John Mahama miraculously find 14 billion dollars to pay down the debt in three months before we left office? He took the people of Ghana for a ride, he said. The reality is that, he knows nothing but he's so confident and eloquent that he can confuse all of you. The reality is that he's now managing the economy and must walk the talk. But with this bond, I doubt they will attempt the four billion again because they will not get a third rematch because the investors are already away from it. The managers of the bond sought to raise 6 billion cedis under two separate bonds, but accrued a total of 4.6 billion cedis after it closed the auction. The 7-year bond received the targeted 2.4 billion cedis, whilst the 10-year bond accrued about 2.2 billion cedis, below the target of 3.6 billion cedis. Several critics have described this development as a failure by the government and a sign of the declining confidence of investors, whilst the government hailed the bond as relatively successful. According to Isaac Adongo, despite being able to raise a $2.25 billion bond in hours in April on the back of the goodwill built up by the NDC, the subsequent attempts have failed because of waning investor confidence. They rode on the back of the confidence of the economy that the NDC left, to raise a bond of $2.25 billion in four hours. What has now happened that in one month, they still cant raise it? They are destroying the fundamentals that we developed for them. When they were in their honeymoon period and were taking credit we told them to wait and that their time would come. Their time has come and we have been embarrassed, he said. Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia He claimed that the balance sheet of ESLA PLC after raising the bond was -$3.6 billion, and that no investor would put their money in such a company. Its only under the best economist that the world has ever produced, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Isaac Adongo added, tongue-in-cheek. Listen to the full address by Isaac Adongo below By: Edwin Kwakofi/ A beneficiary of the LEAP program has stated that the managers of the support scheme should extend their graces to people with the energy to start businesses with the money. Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) is a program set up by the Ghana government in 2008 to support families and individuals described as extremely poor. William Niyuni who is the Deputy Director of LEAP described extremely poor families as a household that cannot afford one square meal a day on the total income of the household. According to the director, the category of people who qualify to benefit from the program includes households with: orphans, vulnerable children, people 65 years and above and people with severe disabilities and without productive capacity. The amount given to such beneficiaries have been increased over the years and as of 2017 the figures stand at GHS64 per household if there is one eligible beneficiary, GHS76 if there are two eligible beneficiaries, GHS88 for three and GHS106 if there are four or more eligible people in the household and the money is paid every other month. Most of the beneficiaries at Apapa a community at Labone in Accra who spoke on the Joy FM Super Morning Show on Tuesday when the programme was taken to the community, expressed pleasure about the existence of the scheme but wanted the money increased. One beneficiary who spoke on the programme said she spends GHS50 on utilities and is left to with GHS14 which is not capable of doing much. Another beneficiary said her father who the grant is meant for, spends more than the grant money on medications so the money should be either increased to GHS200 or the present amount be paid monthly. Another beneficiary who spoke took a different stance when she said since the money is meant to help lift beneficiaries out extreme poverty, old and weak people like herself should be overlooked and the money given to able-bodied people who can actually use the money for a startup. Apapa in Labone was strategically chosen for the programme because it is said that the gap between the poor and rich gets wider and Labone is a community for the affluent and just across the road is Apapa which is an extremely deprived community so such an area pictures the idea behind the scheme. Story by Ghana|| Oswald K. Azumah Separatists killed two policemen in the restive English-speaking region of Cameroon, a day after an officer was shot dead there, the government said Wednesday. Neither of the attacks has been claimed, but the authorities have been swift to blame the escalation on militants demanding that anglophone regions break away from the west African nation. "Secessionist terrorists killed two gendarmes overnight in Bamenda," government spokesman Issa Tchiroma Bakary told AFP, adding that the attack was carried out "with combat weapons". The two were on guard duty at the time, one of them outside a micro-loan bank, he said. The assailants fled with the policemen's guns, said Tchiroma, who is also minister for communications. Bamenda is the chief town in the Northwest, one of two regions where unrest has broken out among Cameroon's anglophone minority. On Monday, "suspected separatists" killed a gendarme in Jakiri, about 70 kilometres (45 miles) to the east, while he was pursuing men who attacked a school, according to a local official. The officer found himself cut off and encircled by the attackers in a forest, the source said. Discrimination claims French-speaking Cameroon has a large anglophone community which comprises about a fifth of its population of 22 million. Gathered mainly in two regions, many English speakers say they suffer economic inequality and discrimination at the hands of the francophone majority, particularly in education and justice. On October 1, a breakaway movement issued a symbolic declaration of independence for their putative state of "Ambazonia," led by Sisiku Ayuk. President Paul Biya fiercely opposes secession or a return to Cameroon's former federal structure. The agitation began at the end of 2016 but has met with a crackdown that has alarmed human-rights watchdogs. At least 14 people have died in clashes, as well as five prisoners who were killed while trying to escape jail, according to a toll compiled by AFP. International monitors, in contrast, say at least 20 and possibly 40 people have been killed in clashes since late September. The International Crisis Group (ICG) think tank last month accused Cameroon of embracing a policy of "murderous repression" that, it warned, could lead to an "armed uprising". The Biya government disputes the claimed death toll and has accused the ICG of being "an agency of destabilisation, in the pay of the secessionist movements." On October 31, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said thousands of people had fled from the anglophone regions into neighbouring Nigeria, and the agency was bracing for an influx of up to 40,000. Anglophone secessionists are being backed from abroad by social media outlets calling on the public to form self-defence groups to fight "the occupation forces" and to join protests. So-called "dead city" demonstrations, in which all activities are supposed to stop, have been taking place on Mondays. Several businesses, as well as homes and schools, have been torched in previous weeks, in attacks usually attributed to separatists. But there are also tensions within the anglophone movement, with those advocating a more moderate stance under pressure. An anglophone leader who advocates federalism, Felix Agbor Nghongo, has been branded a "traitor" by secessionists and thrown out of a campaign group, the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (CACSC), which was outlawed in January. His home in Manfe, in the southwest, was burned down last month after he had called for schools to reopen. In mid-October, the home of an anglophone legislator, Bernard Forju, was burned by a mob angered by the government's decision to send envoys to the region to seek what it called dialogue. Legacy of history The anglophone minority in Cameroon is a legacy of the colonial period in Africa. France and Britain divided up the former German colony under League of Nations mandates after World War I. A year after the French-ruled territory became independent in 1961, the southern part of British Cameroons was integrated into a federal system, scrapped 11 years later for a "united republic". The Minority in Parliament has accused the Akufo-Addo administration of causing financial loss to the state with the recent issuance of the Energy Sector Bond. They want the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta to be hauled before the House to explain why the latest bond issuance did not get the desired amount. According to them, Mr Ofori-Atta ignored investment advice from the IMF among others, resulting in the underwhelming GH6 billion yield of the bond. Speaking at a press conference in Parliament, Wednesday, Minority Spokesperson on Finance, Cassiel Ato Forson, said the complex structure of the bond and unrealistic assumptions by the government, caused the failure of the bond. Lead managers of Ghanas energy bond were not able to raise the entire amount targeted for the 10-year ESLA paper which closed last Friday. Joy Business understands that managers got GH2.79 billion worth of bids from investors, but accepted GH2.29 billion as against a target of GH3.6 billion. The results showed that the amount raised for the 10-year ESLA paper was about GH1.4 billion short of what was targeted. The managers, according to sources accepted to pay investors an interest of 19.5 percent over the next ten years on the ESLA paper issued. This will translate into about GH456 million being paid every year, however, the amount would reduce to GH312 million and 156 million in the 9th and 10th year. In reaction to this, Mr Forson said, instead of them issuing a bond called plain vanilla, they decided to use this complex structure that has caused the taxpayer some 200 basis points." The 200 basis marks about two percent of theGH6 billion sought, amounting to about GH1.2 million, which he noted can help the government to finance the Free SHS that they are struggling to settle. The former Deputy Finance Minister said, if they had gone to the financial market on the strength of government of Ghana ratings, rather than the ESLA PLC which is unrated and unknown, government could have saved the aforementioned 200 basis points. On that basis, he blames government delegation in charge of the bond for woefully causing financial loss to the state as a result of their gross incompetence. Because of someones gross incompetence, the state is losing GH1.2 billion over a 10-year period, he said. For what he describes as reckless conduct and gross disrespect for the Constitution the Minority wants the Mr Ofori-Atta to be summoned to answer questions on the floor. This singular failure of the bond issuance in this administration has brought Ghanas image and integrity into disrepute in the financial market. Ghana has become a laughing stock in the financial market. Story by Ghana| | JoyBusiness National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central, Isaac Adongo, has said that despite the eloquent demeanor often displayed by economist Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia when he speaks, the Vice President actually knows nothing about the economy. Speaking at a press conference organised by the Minority in Parliament today [Wednesday], Isaac Adongo accused the Vice President of consistently peddling falsehood , but the confident way in which he speaks had convinced Ghanaians to accept his lies about the state of the economy. Bawumia has never understood the economy of Ghana. He has always lied about the economy of Ghana. He said that our debt was about 36 billion and would end at 40 billion dollars. When he came with his budget, he said it was around 26 billion. How did John Mahama miraculously find 14 billion dollars to pay down the debt in three months before we left office? He took the people of Ghana for a ride, he said. The reality is that, he knows nothing but he's so confident and eloquent that he can confuse all of you. The reality is that he's now managing the economy and must walk the talk. But with this bond, I doubt they will attempt the four billion again because they will not get a third rematch because the investors are already away from it. His comments come on the back of recent failed attempts by the government to meet its target for the first tranche of the energy bond. The managers of the bond sought to raise 6 billion cedis under two separate bonds, but accrued a total of 4.6 billion cedis after it closed the auction. The 7-year bond received the targeted 2.4 billion cedis, whilst the 10-year bond accrued about 2.2 billion cedis, below the target of 3.6 billion cedis. Several critics have described this development as a failure by the government, and a sign of the declining confidence of investors, whilst the government hailed the bond as relatively successful. According to Adongo, the recent failed attempts by the government to meet its target for the first tranche of the energy bond, was an indication of the inability of the Economic management team, led by the Vice President, to manage the economy adequately. Member of Parliament for Bolgatanga Central, Isaac Adongo Isaac Adongo described the team as over-hyped and stated that Dr. Bawumias eloquence had convinced Ghanaians to accept his lies about the state of the economy. They rode on the back of the confidence of the economy that the NDC left, to raise a bond of $2.25 billion in four hours. What has now happened that in one month, they still cant raise it? They are destroying the fundamentals that we developed for them. When they were in their honeymoon period and were taking credit we told them to wait and that their time would come. Their time has come and we have been embarrassed, he said. He claimed that the balance sheet of ESLA PLC after raising the bond was -$3.6 billion, and that no investor would put their money in such a company. Its only under the best economist that the world has ever produced, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Isaac Adongo added sarcastically. Listen to the full address by Isaac Adongo below By: Edwin Kwakofi/ 09.11.2017 LISTEN International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, co-hosts the Africa CEO Forum to stimulate private investment on the African continent. The next edition of the largest international meeting dedicated to the African private sector will take place March 26 27, 2018, in Abidjan, Cote dIvoire. The partnership with the AFRICA CEO FORUM highlights IFCs new strategic orientation on creating markets, which includes placing Africas development at the heart of its priorities. Chief Executive Officer of IFC, Philippe Le Houerou, said IFC is more focused than ever on leading development in Africa by creating markets and mobilizing significantly more private investment. The growing participation of public decision-makers at the Africa CEO Forum will also allow IFC to support public-private dialogue. The Africa CEO Forum brings major investors together to debate the regions toughest development challenges. By expanding our role in the Forum, IFC will deepen strategic relationships and encourage public-private dialogue that can lead to greater opportunities for private investors in Africa, said Cheikh Oumar Seydi, the IFC Regional Director for Sub-Saharan Africa. As co-host of the Africa CEO Forum, IFC will bring its expertise on the subjects, in connection with its strategic priorities, which will be at the center of discussions The subjects include development of capital markets, women leadership, the rise of private education, financing start-ups, improvement of good governance or youth employment. This partnership comes at a time and in an international context thats favorable to mobilizing private investment in Africa. On the occasion of the next edition of the AFRICA CEO FORUM, and further to Baden-Badens G20, we will move forward the Compact with Africa initiative with IFC by bringing together economy and finance ministers from the 10 signatory African countries and the continents most influential economic decision-makers, said Amir Ben Yahmed, president of the AFRICA CEO FORUM. The Africa CEO Forum is an event organised by Jeune Afrique Media Group, publisher of Jeune Afrique and The Africa Report, and Rainbow Unlimited, a Swiss company specialising in organising events promoting and facilitating business. Following the success of its 2017 edition, which hosted over 1,200 African and international personalities, the Africa CEO Forum definitively established itself as the leading international event focusing on the development of Africa and its companies, in a top-level professional setting conducive to business meetings. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. Working with more than 2,000 businesses worldwide, IFC uses their capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in the toughest areas of the world. In FY17, IFC delivered a record $19.3 billion in long-term financing for developing countries, leveraging the power of the private sector to help end poverty and boost shared prosperity. 09.11.2017 LISTEN Mr Kwamena Duncan, the Central Regional Minister, has signed an economic partnership agreement with the United States of America (USA) based Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to promote trade and businesses in the region. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is the largest Hispanic business organisation, contributing in excess of $661 billion to the American economy and represented 4.1 million Hispanic businesses in the US. The move formed part of the region's stepped up economic engagements to significantly promote, attract, retain and boost investments and businesses to create jobs. The partnership agreement was signed between the Central Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) and the Chamber when Mr Duncan led a delegation to tour the United States of America on renewed investments prospects. Other members of the delegation included the President of the Oguaa Traditional Council, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II, Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE) for Cape Coast, Mr Ernest Arthur, Bismark Baisie Nkum, District Chief Executive for Gomoa West and Mr. Kojo Ampah, businessman. Speaking at an engagement with the chamber of commerce, the Regional Minister, described Ghana as the most politically stable investments destination in African where there were entrenched democracy and absolutely freedom. "The tenants of rule of law operate without any inhibitions and fear regardless of one's colour, race social standing or political affiliation". He indicated that, the Akuffo Addo led government was a pro-business one, adding that the new friendship would not only deepen the friendly relations between the two countries but would also deepen economic co-operation and collaboration. Mr. Kwamena Duncan also used the opportunity to shed light on policy initiatives of the Ghana government and encouraged American investors to choose Ghana for investments. In addition to that, the Government had also instituted various systematic and pragmatic policy initiatives aimed at returning the economy of Ghana from consumption to sustained production. In this regard, the Government had initiated programmes such as the 'one district, one factory,' planting for food and jobs" among others to restart the processes of industralisation to transform the economy. To achieve that target, the Government had succeeded in prioritizing the private sector with the right investments and congenial business friendly policies to help the economic transformation and emancipation agenda. He reassured them of Government's commitment to creating enabling environment for the private sector to thrive since the sector constitute a key component in the country's economic growth. He said government was working on improving on the country's policy framework to remove any bottlenecks that hindered private investors and give opportunity to expand their businesses and employ more people Critical among the business incentives were easy port clearing system (paperless system), good legal system, abundant litigation-free arable lands, and abundance of human and natural resources which are critical to the success of private businesses. However, Mr. Frank Garcia, National President of the States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce promised to work with the Regional Minister to encourage and promote trade between Ghana and Latin American States for mutual benefits. Later, Mr Duncan, addressed the Bronx African American History Project (BAAHP) class at the Fordham University where he traced Ghana's path towards democracy and outlined programmes of the Akufo Addo-led administration to the admiration of the students and faculty members. He invited the students to visit Ghana and Africa for first-hand experience to correct the misconceptions and hardened untruth notions about Africa and Ghana in particular. In an address, Prof Mark Naison, Principal Investigator of BAAHP expressed his excitement for the collaboration between CCMA and BAAHP and for the choice of Fordham University. He lauded Ghanaian migrants for their peace-loving nature saying "Ghanaian immigrants were the reasons for the peace in Bronx". He thanked the Ghanaian community for its enormous support, saying India's trade investments had, over the years, provided jobs for many Ghanaians. The investments tour was put together by the Cape Coast Metro Investments Desk and Malaika Media Network and sponsored by the Fordham University with support from the City of Rochester, New York. GNA By Isaac Arkoh, GNA 09.11.2017 LISTEN Over a thousand youth from Labone Senior High School, Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) and the public, participated in Welt Filme's supported Premier organized by Youth Bridge Foundation (YBF). The event, which commenced YBF and Welt Filme's Mobile Cinema Tour in the Greater Accra, Central, Eastern, Western and Northern Regions of Ghana showed participant's four short films produced by selected Welt Filme trained youth from Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The project aimed at informing, educating and inspiring young people as well as advocating meaningful youth development on the continent. Mr Samuel Asamoah, the Coordinator of the Mobile Cinema Tour, on behalf of the Executive Director of YBF, said the project was set to create nation-wide awareness on the situation of young people using the films as case studies; help foster national discourse among the youth and key stakeholders on the challenges facing the youth; and, empower young people to overcome their challenges. He said, the project would distribute 1,150 Digital Versatile Disc copies of the films among young people, government institutions, CSOs, traditional and district authorities and all relevant stakeholders in Ghana. On her part, Madam Sarah Heinlin, a volunteer from YMCA, on behalf of the Executive Director, expressed the readiness of YMCA to host similar project 'ALL ON BOARD' in Ghana in March 2018. She commended Welt Filme and YBF for highlighting key issues that affected young people in Africa, and especially, for creating a learning platform for such productive youth engagement. The movies premiered included Picturing My Life, Mayilla Stony Path, Dansa and Digging for a New Life. Some excited participants after watching the movies, engaged to highlight the inherent lessons and discussion points in the movies. Picturing My Life empowered young female participants to pursue their chosen career irrespective of the challenges they encountered in their pursuit, while Dansa called on families to support the chosen careers of their children and not force them to do what they had no interest in. Mayilla Stony Path also teaching the youth the essence of resilience, why and how not to give up on their education even in the midst of adversities. Students advised themselves to avoid bad companies and associate themselves with individuals and groups that would have good influence on their personal development from 'digging for a New Life'. It cautioned young participants against stealing, smoking, drinking and other vices. YBF is a Non- Governmental youth development advocate dedicated to youth empowerment with a passion of nurturing the next generation of African Leaders and Welt Filme is a Berlin based non-profit organization set up to intensify the dialogue between the northern and southern worlds using the medium of film. GNA By Elsie Appiah-Osei, GNA 09.11.2017 LISTEN Ambassador J. E. K Aggrey-Orleans, Ghana's celebrated diplomat, Wednesday, said protocol issues in diplomacy must be uplifted to a concept of Diplomatic Behaviour in every Ghanaian so that the nation would distinguish itself in the Sub-region. He said everybody in society must be considered an agent of diplomacy, which was a secret tool for successful relations among states, representation of identities as well as negotiations between states and institutions. Ambassador Aggrey-Orleans was speaking on the topics: 'The Fundamental Principle of Protocol and The Importance of Protocol in Inter-State, Inter-Corporate and Inter-Faith Relations' at the 2017 Protocol Matters Conference, in Accra, on Wednesday. The Conference is to equip institutions, event Managers, religious organisations and hospitality operators with cutting-edge skills for the Protocol Industry since the cornerstone of all functions and events rests on the recognition and effectiveness of Protocol procedures. The Conference, which is being organised by Prosline Events Ghana Limited, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration and the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture is on the theme: The Importance of Protocol in National Development: 'Image Creation and Communication.' He said protocol services had the powers of making people's lives better if individuals committed to decency and followed its applications rightly. Mrs Catherine Abelema Afeku, the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, in a speech read on her behalf by Madam Olivia Opoku Adom, said protocol set the mood and created the right atmosphere for the Diplomatic and Political leadership to move ahead with serious diplomatic business at hand. She said protocol also showcased a country's culture and its importance to nation building could not be exaggerated. Mr Daniel Prosper Blagogee, the Executive Director of Prosline Events, said Ghana was globally recognised as a stable democracy and was thus strategically positioned for international engagement in all spheres of endeavours, especially the attraction of bilateral and multilateral businesses. This, he said, brought the country into constant interaction with people of diverse economic, social, political and cultural backgrounds. It was, therefore, imperative for protocol professionals to be abreast of current trends in the industry and to be equipped with the needed skills to ensure that the engagements with diverse people left a memorable impression of Ghana. Mr Blagogee said the protocol industry rested largely on social and interpersonal interaction and it was necessary to let the public appreciate its critical place in the conduct of informal and informal engagements. The Reverend Dr. Joyce Aryee, the Founder of the Salt and Light Ministry, and Chairperson of the Conference, said protocol was the practical aspect of communication and that ushers at events were the subset of protocol services. Other speakers at the conference were Ambassador Dr. Margret Amoakohene and Ambassador James Naadjie, who spoke on 'Using Protocol to Enhance Image and Protocol as a means of Increasing State Efficiency,' respectively. GNA By Amadu Kamil Sanah, GNA 09.11.2017 LISTEN A 23 year old petty trader who defiled a 14 year old girl after rescuing her from the grips of two other men who had defiled her, has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court. Charles Frimpong who was charged with defilement pleaded guilty. The court presided over by Mr Aboagye Tandoh convicted Frimpong on his plea. Prosecuting Chief Inspector Kofi Atimbire said the complainant Charity Agbekpornu is a businesswoman residing at Nii Boi Town and is also the victim's aunt. Prosecution said Frimpong also reside at Nii Boi Town and that on October 30, this year at about 0300 hours, Frimpong spotted the victim in front of St Michaels School crying. When Frimpong approached her, the victim disclosed that two boys had had sex with her in turns behind the school after they had lured her there and that they also collected her GHE 10.00. The prosecutor said Frimpong promised the victim that he would collect her money from those two boys for her. The prosecution said Frimpong then took her to Lapaz and asked her to wait at a spot for him to buy her food. According to the prosecutor, when Frimpong returned, he saw another man forcing to have sex with the victim, he fought with the said man and received a deep cut on his lips. Prosecution said Frimpong took the victim later to a place known as Nkobem at Nii Boi Town where he convinced and had sex with the victim on a mattress in a kiosk. After the act, Frimpong informed the victim to accompany him to Lapaz to confirm to Police that the man he (Frimpong) fought had attempted have sex with her. On reaching the Police Station the said man identified Frimpong as his assailant which led to his arrest. During interrogation by the Police, Frimpong revealed that he also had sex with the victim after he had rescued the victim from the said man who was forcing her to have sex with him. GNA By Joyce Danso, GNA 09.11.2017 LISTEN The Ghana Armed Forces Medical Services has honoured 17 gallant retired officers who have rendered selfless services to the 37 Military Hospital. The ceremony to immortalise the names of the officers, formed part of activities marking the year-long 75th anniversary celebrations of the 37 Military Hospital. Some of the officers, who had passed on as well as on retirement, were named after some departments in the hospital to reward their efforts and services. The Departments named after the retired officers are the Trauma and Surgical Emergency Unit (TSEU), named after the Late Brigadier General G.K Deh (Gh/901), the 37 Military Hospital Basic School and Medical Emergency Unit was named after Brigadier General A.B Gyening (Gh/1352), the OPD Complex after Late Brigadier General D.A Twum (Gh/1353) and the Department of Anatomical Pathology after Brig Gen. J.M Wadhwani (Gh/1454). The Intensive Care /Burns Unit was named after Brig. Gen. J.M Ayettey (Gh/1457); the Board Room named after Late Colonel J.B.B Asafu-Adjaye; Gynaecology Emergency Unit (GEU) Colonel Gladys Gifty Osei (Gh/769); Public Health Division, Colonel E.A Afari (Gh/1249); Reproductive and Child Health Center, Col. Florence Forson (Gh/1028); Paediatric Emergency Unit, Col Theresa Ofori-Akuffo (Gh/1306), and the Theatre Complex after Dr K.G Fordjour. The Armed Forces Nursing Service MESS, after the Late Lieutenant Colonel Victoria Christian (Gh/162); Allied Ward was named after Lieutenant Colonel Edith Tamakloe (Gh/297), Administration Block (Nursing and Midwery Training College) after Lt Col. Gladys Okwaning (Gh/1062); Dispensary Gate-NTC Gate Road, 175079 Late Senior Warrant Officer Neindow Iddrisu; Main Gate-Dispensary Gate, 156186 W.O1 Sefordzi Aloysius whiles Relatives Waiting Area Department of Anatomical Pathology was also named after Late Mr Attah Kumah. Lieutenant General O.B Akwa, the Chief of the Defence Staff, Ghana Armed Forces, paid tribute to the departed officers for their service and prayed that posterity would recognise their hard work and keep them in memory. Lt. Gen. Akwa said the military high command continues to pursue the core mandates of the hospital so that the logistical and personnel challenges could be addressed. He urged all individuals and departments to continue giving off their best even in 'this trying times' to keep the hospital as the best health facility in the country. 'I am hopeful this recognition ceremony will trigger the personnel to stand up to their duties and responsibilities and encourage all of us to endeavour to work hard in order to carve similar niches for ourselves and future generations,' he added. Brig. Gen. A.B Gyening (Gh/1352), Retired, on behalf of those honoured, expressed gratitude to the Ghana Armed Forces Medical Services for the honour done them. He pledged that whiles alive, they would be willing to help the Hospital whenever they are called upon, adding that, 'We accept the honour done us and we are most grateful for having offered our services to the well-being of humanity'. GNA By Samira Larbie, GNA 09.11.2017 LISTEN CalBank has warned of increased impairments in the future if the potential injection of fresh capital into the banking sector from banks meeting the Bank of Ghana's minimum capital requirement is not properly used. According to the Bank, asset quality will be greatly affected if all the banks raise fresh capital as a way of meeting the minimum capital requirements. Ms. Dzifa Amegashie, Head of Investor Relations at CalBank Limited, speaking at the Bank's second and last 'Facts behind the Figures' session at the Ghana Stock Exchange, said there was a potential of between five to nine billion cedis that could come into the sector from banks meeting the requirement; an amount which could cause future loan impairments if not well utilised. This, she said, was more pertinent due to the asset quality issues brought on high Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) in the industry and Banks' inability to grow their loan books. The BoG in September announced new GHE400 million minimum capital requirements for Banks, to be met by December 2018. Banks are expected to raise the amount by raising fresh capital, capitalising their income surplus or both. Ms. Amegashie said the Board and Management of CalBank were currently going through the options to see which would be the optimal solution for the Bank, however there are concerns about what fresh capital may do to future returns if it had to raise fresh capital, especially with the Bank's capital adequacy ratio over 22 percent and the potential risk to asset quality. 'Undoubtedly, until the asset quality issues are resolved, we fully expect that all of this money chasing a few transactions, will result in increased impairments,' she stated, but assured that the Bank would have a proposal on how it intended to meet the requirements by end of November, 2017 as stipulated by the Bank of Ghana. Mr Frank Adu Junior, Managing Director of Cal Bank, explained that the new capital will come from shareholders who will be looking for return on equity on capital employed thus managers of banks will pushed to deploy this fresh capital in order to give their shareholders this return on equity. He noted that if care was not taken, they would be booking bad loans as the market will have nowhere else to put these monies but mainly into loans and advances, and other investments. 'Anytime you deploy capital rapidly, you're bound to make mistakes,' he said and advised banks to be careful in deploying the capital otherwise they would be writing them back into bad loans 18 months down the line. Mr Adu further added that CalBank was confident of its ability to raise the minimum requirement by itself, by the 2018 deadline. He noted that while it was open to partnering with another bank if it found one, it did not necessarily need to do so in order to meet the requirement. 'If we find a willing bride; we shall marry, if not, we do not need to get married. We will meet the capital requirement by ourselves,' stated. Giving highlights of the Bank's third quarter performance, Mr Phillip Owiredu, Executive Director of CalBank, said the Bank recorded an increase in Profit Before Tax of GHE156,695 million, an increase of 13.2 percent over same quarter 2016. Profit after Tax also went up 25 percent from GHE90,920 million in the third quarter to GHE113,641 million in the quarter under review. At the same time, impairment loss increased by 46 percent from GHE33.6 million to GHE49.1 million. Mr Kofi Yamoah, Managing Director of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) commended CalBank for its commitment to the 'Facts Behind the Figures' series, adding that the GSE was looking at ways to amend its rules to make it compulsory for all listed companies. He said financial services, especially banks, constituted a major section of the market thus everything that happened in that market was of interest to the GSE. GNA By Belinda Ayamgha/Stella Asare, GNA 09.11.2017 LISTEN The Association of African Universities (AAU), having recently been appointed the Coordinator of African Union's Higher Education Cluster, will continue to fully support initiatives aimed at pushing forward Africa's higher education agenda. Professor Etienne Ehouan Ehile, the Secretary General of AAU, said the World Bank African Centres of Excellence (ACE) Project was one such key initiative which was also in line with the African Union Agenda 2063 on the "the Africa we want", in terms of its vision of providing the requisite human resources to handle all development issues. It would be recalled that the World Bank in collaboration with West and Central African countries launched the ACEs Project in 2014 to promote regional specialisation among participating universities in areas that address specific common regional development challenges. Speaking at the opening of the Joint ACE I and ACE II Project Workshop (Eighth ACE I and Third ACE II Project Workshop) in Accra, Prof Ehile expressed the gratitude of the AAU and the World Bank to the Government of Ghana for its continuous support to the African Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project, and for hosting the ACE Project Workshop for the second time. In addition to the staff of AAU and the World Bank, the three-day workshop brought together participants from the ministries of higher education of various countries in Africa, as well as university and faculty members of both ACE I and ACE II. The workshop, which is the first joint regional ACE workshop, would provide the much needed platform for learning and knowledge sharing among the two ACEs. It would present an opportunity for the provision of guidance on improving university-industry linkages and collaboration; and also help ACEs to review progress made towards results verification and planning of next disbursement. Participating countries in the Accra meeting include Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Benin, Senegal, The Gambia and Ghana. The rest are Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia Prof Ehile said though substantial progress had been made since our last meeting in Lagos, in the areas of supervisory missions, national review meetings, monitoring and evaluation, and verification of results, there still remains a lot more to be done on the side of all stakeholders to ensure the full realization of the ACE project's goal. 'I seize this opportunity to again congratulate the many Centers which have taken the lead and which have shown strong performance, and call on other ACEs to strive hard to meet the established disbursement linked indicators,' Prof Ehile said. 'We are further hopeful, that the site visit to the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP) and the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI), both situated at the University of Ghana, will add value and enrich the learning process for both ACE I and ACE II officers, the General Secretary said. Prof Ehile announced that the "Quality Assurance Training Workshop on Innovative and Quality Research Methods Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century" would take place in Uganda from 12-14 December. Mr Henry Kerali, the World Bank Country Director in Ghana, in a speech read on his behalf, commended governments and the representative ministers of the various countries for their demonstrated commitment and ownership of the African Centres of educational programme. He said the project was quite unique in the World Bank portfolio; stating that it was paving the way to re-thinking how the World Bank could support higher education and advance research in Africa. 'It has gained high level international and local attention from key partners, industry players, and stakeholders on the African continent and beyond,' he said. 'We commend the ACE's for the results achieved thus far, including strong progress on student enrolment, excellence and relevant applied research, a strong push for university-industry linkages, and relevance through revenue generation,' Mr Kerali said. Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Minister of Education, assured Centre Leaders and their teams that government recognises their effort and stands ready to assist them to build the legacy that would endure long after the World Bank support has ended. 'The strategy is an extremely laudable one and has the full endorsement of government,' he said. Dr Opoku Prempeh appealed to the nation's higher educational institutions, both public and private to start positioning themselves to develop competitive proposals that would earn them selection to the next round of call to establish ACEs Centres. GNA By Iddi Yire, GNA The Mandela Washington Fellows Association of Ghana (MWFAG), on November 7, 2017, paid a courtesy call on the Sierra Leonean High Commissioner to Ghana, Her Excellency, Umu Hawa TejanJalloh. The visit was to discuss issues of mutual benefit to both parties and commiserate with the High Commissioner and the people of Sierra Leone, following the mudslide disaster that devastated the West African country, a couple of months ago. The group made a donation as a token of support and goodwill to the people of Sierra Leone. The items donated included sanitary towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes, bathing and washing soap, clothing, and beddings, worth thousands of Ghana Cedis. President of the Association, Mr. Prosper Ahmed Amuquandoh expressed hope that this goodwill gesture would contribute to strengthening the bond that exists between Ghana and Sierra Leone, especially between the youth of both countries. Our connection with the youth of Sierra Leone started during the Mandela Washington Fellowship in the United States of America, where we had some representation from Sierra Leone. So, following the mudslide disaster, we, as an association, and feeling the pain of our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone, decided to extend support and goodwill, through the High Commission, to them, with this donation. We hope this token of support would go a long way to show them how much we care, and hence strengthen the bond of brotherhood that exists between us. He further called on the commission to consider partnering the association on strategic projects that will inure to the benefit of both countries. We wouldnt want our relationship with the High Commission to be restricted to donations during disasters; we want to relate beyond that. So, we would be coming back to the High Commission to talk about how we can collaborate with our colleague young people in Sierra Leone to develop the capacity of young people in our two countries. On her part, the High Commissioner thanked the association for the gesture and noted that this will set the tone for future collaborative projects between the High Commission and MWFAG. The people of Sierra Leone are grateful to you for this kind gesture. It is exciting to know that Africa can now boast of a new generation of young leaders who believe in the concept of Ubuntu. It is my hope that this will be the beginning of many more collaborations between the young people of both countries especially in the areas of leadership and capacity development. The Mandela Washington Fellows Association of Ghana (MWFAG) is an association of the alumni of the Mandela Washington Fellowship (MWF), a flagship program of President Barrack Obamas Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI). The Fellowship, which began in 2014, is a six to twelve week academic, leadership and professional training program in selected US institutions that seek to empower selected young people in Africa through academic coursework, leadership training, and networking. The Fellows, who are between the ages of 25 and 35, have established records of accomplishment in promoting innovation and positive impact in their organizations, institutions, communities, and countries. Story by Ghana | 09.11.2017 LISTEN The new Managing Director of Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL), Gavin Pike, paid a courtesy call on Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, at the Jubilee House on Monday, November 6, 2017. He was accompanied by Ms. Teye Mkushi, new Finance Director, Mr. Gabriel Opoku-Asare, Corporate Relations Director and Ms. Rita Rockson, Communications and Engagement Manager of GGBL. Mr Pike took over from Francis Agbonlahor who retired from the business after 27meritorious years of service in Diageo. The courtesy call was an opportunity to formally introduce the new Managing and Finance Directors of Ghanas leading beverage business to His Excellency the Vice President. Addressing the Vice President, Gavin Pike said GGBL which is a subsidiary of Diageo PLC has operated in Ghana for over 57years; making significant socio-economic contributions to the development of Ghana through taxes, sustainable job creation and impactful corporate social responsibility initiatives throughout the country, especially in the area of sourcing local raw materials such as cassava, maize and sorghum for the production of our beverages. He added that GGBL is committed to the long-term development of the country and we will continue to invest in our infrastructure, people and production processes to ensure our products are produced to the highest quality with minimal environmental impact. We are also encouraged by the macro-economic strides being made in the country and will continue to count on the favourable business environment. The Vice President, His Excellency Dr Mahamudu Bawumia commended GGBL for the contribution it is making to the socio-economic development of Ghana and expressed the commitment of his government to create the enabling environment by developing the appropriate policy framework for businesses to grow and thrive. Mr Pike joined GGBL from Diageos Headquarters in London where he was Global Head of Mainstream Spirits. He has also held many senior positions in Diageos subsidiaries in South Africa and Nigeria. Prior to joining Diageo, Gavin worked for drinks company Distel LTD PTY in South Africa, and previously in various commercial roles in the pharmaceutical industry also in South Africa. He also had an earlier career in the education sector in the United Kingdom. Teye Mkushi, the new Finance Director joined GGBL from Diageos business in Budapest, Hungary, where she served as the Diageo Group Financial Planning and Analysis Director. She is a qualified Chartered Accountant (from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland) and also holds an MA (Hons) degree in Manufacturing Engineering from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Story by Ghana | 09.11.2017 LISTEN A man cries his eyes out. Its nothing but tears of joy. Hes found hope at last. His self-confidence has returned. He thought hope has deserted him --gone forever. But he can now mingle, he can now smile. There are many like him (Kwaku) though with varied degree of physical deformities that had had hope restored in their lives after decades of isolation and stigmatisation. Indeed, society has got no clue. And society can also never measure the pain and the humiliation these folks have suffered and endured over the years. Other challenges made it increasingly difficult for them to access healthcare. Poverty was found to be the biggest problem says Restore. Until the RESTORE Mission from the United States of America made its way to the West African nation of Ghana at the beginning of this Fall. When Harvard trained board certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Michael K. Obeng and his RESTORE team visited Ghana last month October 2017 they restored hope to the image-battered, the ostracised and the low self-esteemed in the Ghanaian society. His non-profit organisation, RESTORE an acronym for Restoring Emotional Stability Through Outstanding Reconstructive Efforts made it to his native Ghana to change lives and restore hope. Whiles there the team provided reconstructive surgery to individuals with accidental or congenital deformities. Restore team correspondent Eleanor Hartley in a write-up shared on Ghana Advocacy Group (GAG) platform said: Developed societies are privileged with sophisticated healthcare systems able to support both the complex cancer treatments and care but cancer is a disease affecting all races, countries and ages. Therefore it comes as no surprise during the restore foundations mission we encountered so much of this vicious disease which eats away at not only ones body but also ones sense of self and pride. Yes, its the indiscriminate nature of the disease coupled with other factors thats compelled benevolent organisations such as Restore to commit energy, resources and time to wage an unrelenting fight against this global malady. And in Ghana the team demonstrated love, care and compassion to the sick, the needy and the poor. The young and old, men and women all received hope. The hope that theyd lost for many years. According to Dr. Obeng; it was a healing for many. The visit to Ghana was the teams third in nine years. The first one was in 2008 and they returned last year- 2016 and then 2017. In 2008, Dr. Obeng and the team focused on burns, traumatic and hand injuries. They provided surgical services to women and children who had congenital breast cancer and other breast diseases in 2016. This time while in Ghana the team provided services that ranged from extensive breast reconstructions, tumor removals to skin grafts and scar revision. The team also educated the local healthcare personnel on how to better handle specific patient cases. Meanwhile, Restore has pledged to fight back at cancers, physical and emotional scars thereby rebuilding the lives of the relentlessly strong and victorious survivors. To this end I say Bravo Restore! Well done you selfless heroes for your remarkable outreach programme. Thanks a million, Doctors Atila, West Coffee, and McClean, Schlenker and Hoyte-William and not forgetting the teams incredible anesthesiologist Dr. Freeman. I wish you all Godspeed in your future missions abroad: Whether in Gabon, Columbia,, El Salvador, Burma or Vietnam. A middle aged man who sat beside me on a VIP Bus from Kumasi to Accra revealed to me during one of our conversations that [Former president] Rawlings has a Scottish roots just like you. He tried looking for his father, but the man rejected him. To add more to this claim, a portion of an article on GhanaWeb published 1 March 2010 titled How Rawlings Came up By The Name Jerry Rawlings states that: He [Rawlings] came to Britain trying to trace his father, but the man opened the door and slammed it back on him. He didnt want to see him. That was what he (Rawlings himself) told me [Boakye Gyan] when he returned to Accra. He was bitter. This experience is indeed very bitter. On the other hand, Mr. Rawlings should be a bit happy that once in his life, he saw his father. I say this because, my grandfather Robert Dandas (Dundas) Whigham, a former foreman of Ghana Railway and Harbours never saw his father -General Sir Robert Dundas Whigham (GCB, KCMG, DSO), a British Army General who worked on behalf of the UK government in the Gold Coast, now Ghana . He was first stationed in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region and later transferred to Cape Coast (Castle) in 1907. Gen. Whigham was the Lt. of the Infantry, West African Frontier Force from 1907 to 1911. His name was in the Government Gazette on Saturday, December 14, 1907, Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa. The telegram prior to him leaving the colony reads as TELEGRAM from O.C.G.C.R., Coomassie, to Col. Sec., Accra dated 13th December, 1911:- 670/11 Decr. 13th Captain Whigham left here yesterday for Seccondee enroute to England on leave. After fathering a child (my grandfather) born on 14th October, 1911, Captain Whigham left the colony for his mandatory leave whiles his son was just two months old. He never returned. Evidence I gathered from his (my grandfather) family home in Cape Coast suggests that Captain Whigham did not leave any money for the childs upkeep. The childs mothers uncle who worked with the Captain at the Cape Coast Castle gave the name to the child after he was born. Sources say he was directed by Captain Whigham to name the child after him. However, because Captain Whigham always wrote his name as R.D. Whigham, the uncle spelt the middle name (Dundas) wrongly as Dandas. That wrong name was given to my father (also called Robert Dandas Whigham, former artisan of Ghana Railway and Ports) and subsequently given to me as well. In 2009, after painstaking investigations have been done, I swore affidavit and changed to Dandas to Dundas. This totally shows a mark of irresponsibility on the part of some foreign soldiers who came to the West African colonies, fathered children and refused to take care of them just because they had wives back home in Europe. The painful thing and extreme bitterness in my heart, just like Mr. Rawlings is that upon reading most of the documents I have intercepted, the UK Army has erased his official working here in the Gold Coast and have maintained Egypt, Sudan, and South Africa. Why has the UK government done this? A senior colleague told me that because Gen. Sir Robert Dundas Whigham was knighted, possibly it would be unfair to state that he had a son outside his marital home. Still painful! He left in 1911 and died 1950. What prevented him from coming to the Gold Coast to see the son he had fathered? I got a terrible experience when I wanted to register for the 2012 General Elections as one EC staff challenged me to provide additional evidence because he thought I was not a Ghanaian. Perhaps what got me upset was when I found a picture on the internet (from a certified source) which shows the name Whigham, Robert George Murray: He was the only son of General Sir Robert Dundas Whigham. Upon seeing this, I wrote to the office of the British Prime Minister Theresa May and a BBC WhatsApp line (+447555173285) stating that George (a former UK Army officer died at 44) was not his only son. I have since not heard from them. I do not want to go deep into the family line of Mr. Rawlings because he knows it better than I do. It is on record that James Ramsey John, A Scotsman was his father. The person who sat beside me added till today, many Scottish refer to Mr. Rawlings as the only Scottish President. Personally, I like Mr. Rawlings. The first time I saw him was the 1996 General Elections campaign when he was at the Sefwi-Wiawso traditional area in the Western Region to canvass votes for his re-election. Again this year, I submitted a petition to his office on a corruption case. Though his office never responded, I still maintain the love I have for him as a statesman. Few years ago, dozens of Kenyan women went on demonstration claiming that they were abandoned by [UK] soldiers who fathered children with them (Daily Mail, UK). I do not know very much about Mr. Rawlings father in terms of work, however, since my great grand-father did not travel to the Gold Coast on his own, but came on behalf of the UK government, I have every right to tell the UK government to recognize my family. It is not about asking for financial help, but recognizing my family will be a sign of respect and honour. Dundas Whigham, Freelance Investigative Journalist Inadequate medical supplies is worsening the health status of mentally ill people in the Northern Region who largely depend on government's support for their drugs. This situation, according to the Executive Director of Gub-Katimali Society, Sheikh Yakubu Abdul Karim, requires government's prompt action. He noted with deep concern that irregular supply and the periodic shortage of medications meant for mentally ill people is inimical to the promotion of sound mental health in Ghana. Sheikh Yakubu Abdul Karim was addressing chiefs, queen mothers, assembly members and opinion leaders in the Zabzugu and Tatale-Sanguli districts of the Northern Region. The ongoing region-wide durbar is spearheaded by Gub-Katimali Society in collaboration with BasicNeeds Ghana and funded by the DFID and USAID. He urged them to serve as ambassadors of change by condemning stigmatization and all forms of human rights abuses of mentally ill people in their communities. The purpose of organizing these meetings is to encourage you to join the advocacy in promoting quality mental health in this country. He implored the Ministry of Health to rapidly make available medications meant for mentally ill people especially those in the Northern Region where poverty is endemic. Making available medications for persons with mental illness and epilepsy will help in preempting any form of relapse of the health of those who are still undergoing treatment in various hospitals across the Northern Region. Sheikh Yakubu Abdul Karim nonetheless, commended Bole, East Gonja, Kumbungu, Karaga, Zabzugu, Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo, West Gonja and Nanumba South District Assemblies for their continuous support to people with mental illness. These districts have been giving money to PWMIE in their communities to buy their medications anytime they run short and medications from central government are not made available on time. Gub-Katimali Society and our partners, Basic Needs-Ghana also do supply them with medications. He explained that the workshop was organized as part of the implementation of a 5-year (2013 2018) DFID/USAID mental health and development project in all 26 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Northern Region. The project is aimed at supporting the government of Ghana to build a national mental health system that effectively and efficiently responds to the mental health needs of Ghanaians. This will reduce the wide mental health treatment gap currently existing in Ghana and enable men, women, girls and boys with neuropsychiatric conditions to live and work successfully in their communities. The project also seeks to increase capacity of Ghanas Mental Health Authority to effectively and efficiently run community based mental health services; and support 100,000 male and female adults as well as children with mental health needs to access quality mental health services within the proximity of their communities. Furthermore, the project is to ensure an organized and active mental health service user and care-giver movements get involved in mental health service and policy advocacy in Ghana and reduce social stigma and discrimination towards PWMIE. A Public Education and Investigative Officer at the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) in the Northern Region, Inusah Iddrisu, cautioned the general public against violating the civil liberties and human rights of PWMIE. Any citizen of Ghana who suffers from any form of mental illness still have their basic human rights and freedoms intact for them to enjoy. Such rights must be respected by their families, health personnel, employers and other members of the public as stated by the country's constitution, he stressed. Inusah Iddrisu added that, It is a crime to beat, torture, rape and deny PWMIE treatment or sack them from their places of work. The security agencies particularly the police should not delay in seeking justice for such vulnerable people when issues concerning their health and welfare come to their notice. Gub-Katimali Society (GKS) is a non-profit-making non-governmental organization based in Tamale in the Northern Region. It is committed to bringing change and improvement in the lives of the vulnerable and the downtrodden. It also seeks to sensitize, empower and enable local communities to realize their own development through collective participation, partnership and pooling of resources together for sustainable development. Since 2013, over 11 thousand PWMIE, caregivers of PWMIE, staff of MMDAs, journalists, leadership of Trade Unions, traditional leaders as well as health personnel have benefited in various ways from the DFID/USAID sponsored project which is due to phase out in 2018. By: Abdul Karim Naatogmah/ The Author 09.11.2017 LISTEN In as much as I do believe that insurance policies help to take care of unforeseen circumstances, there is compelling conviction to critical examine the issues surrounding the provision of insurance for National Service Personnel and the proposed deduction of ghc15 from their meager allowance. I submit that the proposed amount to be charged as insurance is very high considering the NSS allowance and the cost of living in Ghana. I suggest, therefore, that the amount should be reduced or abolished. Putting figures to it will make more sense. There are 91,871 service personnel for 2017/2018 year. This implies that, at the end of every month and with the ghc15 proposed deduction per head, total deductions will amount to ghc 1,378, 065/month. It has been explained that MTN will be giving 500mb data and call credit monthly to service personnel, with 15,000 Ghana cedis allocation to next of kin of a deceased service personnel and 3,000 Ghana cedis to a personnel who becomes disabled in line of service. In a situation where less or no casualties are being recorded what happens to the monthly deduction? From previous situations, where is the statistical data on catastrophic incidents recorded earlier which necessitates the deduction of ghc15 per month from every service personnel in Ghana? From my knowledge as a Former NASPA President of Ashanti Region, I doubt if the secretariat can claim that 30 casualties are recorded per month. Yes, an insurance policy is very important but it should be a burden on the merger allowance of personnel. The proposed ghc15 monthly charge can be reduced to gh5 or less and it will serve the fundamental purpose of providing insurance. Again, lets make sense with figures. A deduction of ghc5 * 91, 871 amounts to ghc459,355. This amount will be enough to address 30 casualties a month with burdening personnel. I believe by this , the service personnel will not be affected much. I am strongly of the view that access to loan of 500 cedis by service personnel can equally be sourced from the ghc459, 355. It is not a justified reason to charge personnel ghc15 per month especially when it will be paid back. More so, they will be loaning from their own money. The opportunity to watch movie is laughable. Do we have silverbird in every district? Clearly, not every service personnel will have the opportunity to go to silver bird to watch movie and since majority can not enjoy this service, it should be eliminated as well. The success of a policy lies in the extent of stakeholder engagement that precedes its promulgation. In an attempt to serve, we should respect the persons we seek to serve. I think service personnel should have the final say on this matter and not the NSS officials at the secretariat. To the NSS official, in an attempt to serve our nation, we (Service personnel) should be given the rightful privileges and respect which will make our service to the country effective and efficient. Long live National Service Long live Ghana Frank Kofi Kyei Former NASPA President of Ashanti Region Nigeria's government was on Thursday urged to order the release of a pro-Iranian Shiite Muslim group leader, who has been in custody for nearly two years since clashes with soldiers. Ibrahim Zakzaky, who heads the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, and his wife should be freed "on health grounds", lawyer Femi Falana said in a letter to President Muhammadu Buhari. The cleric lost the sight in his left eye during two days of unrest in the northern city of Zaria in December 2015 in which soldiers allegedly killed more than 300 IMN members. Now he risks losing the sight in his right eye "sequel to the brutal treatment meted out to him by the armed soldiers", Falana wrote. Zakzaky has long been at loggerheads with Nigeria's secular authorities because of his repeated call for an Iranian-style Islamic revolution Zakzaky's wife, Zainab, was said to be in a "far worse" state, according to the lawyer, who said he visited the couple in secret police detention in Abuja a few days ago. "For reasons best known to the State Security Service, some of the bullets lodged in her body during the brutal attack of December 14, 2015 have not been extracted," he wrote. "In the circumstances, she has been subjected to excruciating pain and agony on a daily basis," he added, warning her life was in danger unless she received urgent medical attention. Nigeria's government has previously ignored a court order to release the couple. Hundreds of IMN were arrested during the military crackdown in Zaria. Zakzaky has long been at loggerheads with Nigeria's secular authorities because of his repeated call for an Iranian-style Islamic revolution in Nigeria. Northern Nigeria is predominantly Sunni Muslim. On Sunday, at least three people were killed in the northern city of Kano when police shot at an IMN procession marking the Shiite day of mourning, Ashura. The march, which begins in Kano and heads to Zaria, has been a regular flashpoint. Last year, the IMN claimed police had shot and killed at least 30 without provocation. Government has asked the Petroleum Commission to ensure that all contractors and subcontractors operating in the oil and gas industry make use of local companies, service suppliers and workforce. Government also expects the Petroleum Commission to grow local content in-country and enhance the capacity of Ghanaian Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) to become competitive to deliver quality services to meet deadlines. It is to this end that the government has launched the 'Accelerated Oil and Gas Capacity Programme' aimed at accelerating capacity building in the oil and gas industry. Deputy Energy Minister, Mohammed Amin Adam, disclosed this at the opening of the 2017 Local Content Conference and Exhibition held in Takoradi yesterday. The two-day event was on the theme, Developing Competitive Local Service Providers and Personnel in Ghana's Upstream Petroleum Industry. He indicated that government was desirous of increasing upstream activity following the favourable judgment on the maritime boundary dispute with Cote d'Ivoire. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has warned all companies holding oil blocks in the country's waters to demonstrate commitment to executing their contractual obligations. Gas master plan He mentioned that his ministry had been involved in executing an ambitious gas infrastructure programme expected to be completed in 2018. It would include the completion of the tie-in of the Ghana Gas pipeline and West African Gas pipeline by the end of the second quarter. The completion of the Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) by the end of the second quarter to receive gas from Offshore Cape Three Points (OCTP) and the completion of gas pipeline to connect the 450 megawatts Karpowership stationed in Takoradi to the Regulation and Metering station, among others. He bemoaned the fact that Ghanaians missed important opportunities in the development of the country's producing oil fields. From the Jubilee field development to the TEN development and then to the OCTP project, the lost opportunities in jobs, income and value addition to our economy could translate into several billions of dollars, he added. Petroleum Commission Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Petroleum Commission, Egbert Faibille Jnr, emphasized that the Commission believes in maximizing local content urgently. He urged oil companies to hire competent Ghanaians, either resident in Ghana or the Diaspora who were willing to relocate to Ghana in order to help reduce the number of expatriate staff who are paid exorbitant salaries. Gavin Pike, new Managing Director of Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL), paid a courtesy call on Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia at the Jubilee House on Monday, 6th November 2017. He was accompanied by Teye Mkushi, new Finance Director, Gabriel Opoku-Asare, Corporate Relations Director and Rita Rockson, Communications and Engagement Manager of GGBL. Mr Pike took over from Francis Agbonlahor who retired from the business after 27 meritorious years of service in Diageo. The courtesy call was an opportunity to formally introduce the new Managing and Finance Directors of Ghana's leading beverage business to the Vice President. Addressing the Vice President, Gavin Pike said, GGBL, which is a subsidiary of Diageo PLC, has operated in Ghana for over 57years, making significant socio-economic contributions to the development of Ghana through taxes, sustainable job creation and impactful corporate social responsibility initiatives throughout the country, especially in the area of sourcing local raw materials such as cassava, maize and sorghum for the production of our beverages. He added that GGBL is committed to the long-term development of the country and we will continue to invest in our infrastructure, people and production processes to ensure our products are produced to the highest quality with minimal environmental impact. We are also encouraged by the macro-economic strides being made in the country and will continue to count on the favourable business environment. The Vice President commended GGBL for the contribution it is making to the socio-economic development of Ghana and expressed the commitment of his government to creating the enabling environment by developing the appropriate policy framework for businesses to grow and thrive. Mr Pike joined GGBL from Diageo's Headquarters in London where he was Global Head of Mainstream Spirits. He has also held many senior positions in Diageo's subsidiaries in South Africa and Nigeria. Prior to joining Diageo, Gavin worked for drinks company Distel LTD PTY in South Africa, and previously in various commercial roles in the pharmaceutical industry also in South Africa. He also had an earlier career in the education sector in the United Kingdom. Former Board Chairman of Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod), Daniel Ohene Agyekum, has thrown a challenge to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government. He has dared the current administration to appear before Antoa, the dreaded river deity in the Ashanti Region, over issues emanating from the COCOBOD scandal involving the disappearance of $400 million from the company's account. Recent news has revealed the extent of alleged corruption and mismanagement at COCOBOD under the supervision of former Chief Executive, Dr. Stephen Kwabena Opuni and the direction of the board chaired by Ohene Agyekum, former Ambassador to the United Sates. Corruption The new COCOBOD CEO, Joseph Boahen Aidoo, threw a bombshell last week when he said apart from some $400 million which his administration suspects the Opuni-led management withdrew from the coffers of the company after the NDC had lost the election in 2016, he (Opuni and others) also spent a whopping GH8 million to build a guest house at Bole, the hometown of former President John Mahama in the Northern Region, for his (Mahama's) comfort. In the ensuing debate, Mr Ohene Agyekum, who is not new to using Antoa to establish his case, told Kasapa FM 's Akwasi Nsiah in Accra on Monday that the board he chaired followed due process in approving the renovation of the Ghana COCOBOD guest house at Bole, which has become the talk of town. The Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) and the Police Criminal Investigations Department (CID) are currently probing the former COCOBOD officials over alleged corruption and face imminent prosecution. Antoa Challenge If what I am saying is not true we should go and face Antoa, he fumed, adding, It is an old guest house and it is the policy of CRIG which is a subsidiary of Ghana COCOBOD, to renovate its guest houses from time to time. Mr Ohene Agyekum insisted, The guest house project is not a new project. It has been in existence since 1975. He dared the NPP government to bring on the much-talked-about Special Prosecutor for him to face that office. They (NPP) say they are bringing the Special Prosecutor. I want to meet him in court asking me questions and when everything is done, Ghanaians will hear from me later, he challenged. According to the former COCOBOD chairman, the EOCO investigated his bank accounts but found nothing incriminating against him, although he claimed the anti-graft body was still harassing him. Absolute Nonsense He said he did not fear the Special Prosecutor because he had done nothing wrong as board chairman of Ghana COCOBOD and added, What they are doing is absolute nonsense, lies and propaganda. Ohene Agyekum, former Ashanti Regional NDC chairman, said that the current COCOBOD administration was peddling falsehood against the immediate-past team to cover up its shortcomings. How can you say we stole money? This is blatant lie. As Chairman, where did I take the money to? I am waiting for EOCO to take me to court and Ghanaians will know about it. What needs to be investigated, they are not doing it and rather targeting innocent political opponents. $400 Million Ohene Agyekum said, I came to COCOBOD in 2014. The syndicated loan is not paid directly to COCOBOD. There is a Ghana Commercial Bank in London. That is where all the money is lodged and it is transferred to the Bank of Ghana for goodness sake! he explained, adding, When COCOBOD draws its budget, they don't go to the ministry of finance. They seek approval from parliament and they go to borrow and based on the estimates that all the subsidiaries present to the board, they give approval. The head office has its share, CRIC, CMC, PBC, all have their share of the money. Nobody can take $1.8 billion to say he is going to save it in his personal account. The money is brought to the BoG so we draw on it not in dollar but in cedis. Opuni's Salary He said cheekily that the board was not 'stupid' to have given Dr. Opuni the staggering monthly salary that set tongues wagging sometime ago and added that the proposal from the ex-CEO was not outrageous. We did a comparative analysis of other top state enterprises like BoG, GPHA, SSNIT, BOST and others and we came to the conclusion that Opuni's proposal that came from management, he was not alone. The BoG and others that I mentioned, their Chief Executives were drawing higher salaries than Opuni had proposed to us. And in the comparative analysis we believed in all sincerity that the amount we were to pay him was justified. The CEO of Cocobod was managing almost about $2 billion project or industry. If it were any advanced country they will look at the quantum of money that you are managing to commensurate with your salary and when you incur debt you are sacked. He submitted his proposal, we investigated and came to the conclusion that there is nothing outrageous because COCOBOD contributes between 25 and 29% to the Ghanaian economy. When you came you said it was outrageous. Ask them if the current CEO has reduced his monthly salary. They are still enjoying from where Opuni left off, Mr Agyekum posited. Witch Hunting Mr Ohene Agyekum claimed the NPP government was witch-hunting him, saying, At COCOBOD, I am only a chairman like any other institution. This is the first time in the history of Ghana that a board chairman has been arraigned before the EOCO and charged with causing financial loss to the state. I am not a spending officer so I don't authorize payments. I authorized the award of contracts. When it comes to payment it is management. Secondly, I am not a signatory to any of the board's accounts so I don't sign cheques. I am not a Chief Executive, so which money did I authorize to be paid which constitutes causing financial loss to the state? Regret I have regretted serving as board chairman of COCOBOD. I have served this country with a profound sense of integrity, he lamented. When the minister for information, Hon. Mustapha Hamid, spoke to reporters just recently and said President Akufo-Addo would not sack Ghana's high commissioner to South Africa, H. E. George Ayisi Boateng, one's sense of deja vu was complete. The reaction of some of the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) leading lights to demands by many ordinary Ghanaians - including apolitical, well-meaning and fair-minded ones - for Mr. George Ayisi Boateng to be recalled and sacked by the president, reminded one of the obduracy of the Mahama administration - in the way it reacted with disdain to the widespread condemnation of the National Democratic Congress' (NDC) signature campaign petitioning President Mahama to grant presidential pardons to the so-called Montie 3. The question is: What is it about political power that makes politicians in Ghana who during election campaigns even groveled before voters in order to win their trust and get their votes to win power that way, suddenly become contemptuous of public opinion, and defy reasonable demands for the president to sack appointees whose actions and inactions cause widespread outrage amongst ordinary people? Have the Mustpha Hamids and the rest of them forgotten so soon that they actually happen to be servants of the Ghanaian people - not our Lords and Masters? Ebeeii. Their transformation into hard-of-hearing, Machiavellian politicians who don't care a hoot about what Ghanaians think of them is truly remarkable. Talk about being power drunk. George Ayisi Boateng's discriminatory nonsense is unforgivable and abominable - precisely because he heads a diplonatic mission of Ghana's in a sister African nation in which migrants from other sub-Saharan nations such as ours are maimed and murdered in xenophobic attacks regularly. Ghana needs patriotic and fair-minded diplomats in such sensitive posting overseas who as a matter of course will readily offer consular services to all Ghanaians requiring such services in emergency situations, regardless of their ethnic origins, religious faith and political party membership. Clearly, George Ayisi Boateng cannot be counted on to provide such honourable, honest and fair-minded leadership to the Ghanaian communities resident in South Africa. That is why President Akufo-Addo - who himself is a principled and caring leader - must recall and immediately dismiss George Ayisi Boateng without any further delay. George Ayisi Boateng is simply unfit to represent the Republic of Ghana anywhere abroad. Full stop. Haaba. Denmark is on course to wean itself off the use of fossil fuels by 2050, according to a senior adviser at the Danish Industry Association, Hans Peter Slente. The Scandinavian country currently generates 40 percent of their total power output from wind, and is also targeting a rise in this total by 10 percent in the next ten years. Speaking to the host of the Citi Breakfast Show, Bernard Avle in Denmark, Hans Peter Slente admitted that, whilst it was impossible to say for certain how they would achieve their plan, it remains their central focus. He added that they were on the right path and aim to become one of the world leaders in the use of renewable energy. It's 2050, so nobody knows exactly how to get there, but it's an ambition which drives the current green transition of our country which is on the right path, and at the right pace towards the end goal in 2050. We're not there yet and we have to invest time, effort and money into achieving it. But it's a trend that many countries in the world have embarked on. We would like to be part of it and in certain aspects be a leader in certain technologies and certain solutions, he said. Nobody knows exactly how we'll achieve it. There might be fossil fuel involved in the future, but we need to develop renewables very fast and to be more efficient with the energy we use to achieve the end goal of fossil independence by 2050. A presentation by Hans Peter Slente on Energy policies and solutions in Denmark Hans Peter Slente spoke to Bernard Avle who was in the country at the invitation of the Danish government with three other Ghanaian journalists, ahead of Danish Queen, Margrethe IIs visit to Ghana later in November. The monarch, on her maiden trip to the West African nation, is expected to be accompanied by a large Danish business delegation within three focus sectors, namely food & agriculture, sustainability, maritime, infrastructure and railways. Denmark has earned global repute for its environmentally-friendly policies which have helped it maintain a 'green' outlook despite its industrial prowess, something other countries have tried and failed to achieve. Just under half of the country's total electricity is generated from wind power, whilst the country also uses biofuels and biomass, something he describes as a crucial part of Denmarks transition to a green country. The trademark for Denmark might be the wind power as we see the windmills all over or many places in society. About 40% of the electricity generated and used in Denmark is from wind power. We're aiming at 50% by 2020. Wind power is a very big factor, but also using biofuels, biomass from agriculture and forestry, municipal waste streams to put into furnaces, incinerate it and transform it into electricity and heat, which we also use a lot in Denmark. That is really a strong part of the great Danish green transition the biomass we use is a big factor. He added that despite not being a tropical location, Denmark generates some amount of its electricity from solar power, and expects more growth in that area. We aren't really sunny and hot as a country, but we have solar power in our energy mix. It's not a big thing. We have solar for both electricity and heating, and though it's less than 5%, we see that it's growing and we expect it to grow even more. 09.11.2017 LISTEN Introduction In our last article, we stated that you can appeal the refusal of your Schengen visa. In todays post, we discuss two alternative remedies you may pursue against the refusal of your Schengen visa. These are: Application for Review; and Reapplication for a visa. Application for Review When your visa is refused, you may apply for review of the decision. This also called a remonstrance. You may pursue a review if only the national law of the Member State allows it. Not all Member States provide an option for review. If you have the option for review, this will be specified in the Notification of Refusal. What is a review? A Review simply means requesting the consulate to reconsider its decision on the basis of your representations. A different officer will consider your submissions along with your evidence to determine whether you have made a case for him to overcome the refusal and issue a visa. If you have new evidence or information that may enhance your case, you must attach them and explain its relevance to your case. Procedure for review A review need not take any particular form. It may be handwritten or typed and may be sent personally, by post or email. The review letter must state your full name, date of birth, your passport number and the date of the refusal. It must also state your full return address and email. The letter must be personally signed by you. If you use a representative, you must attach a signed letter of authorisation. The Notification of Refusal will specify the time limit within which you must submit your review. The period is usually 30 days from the date of the decision. You must submit your review at the consulate that refused your visa. Do not send your passport with your review. If your review is approved, the consulate will contact you to submit your passport for a visa to be issued. There is no fee for submitting a review. Outcome of review There is generally no fixed period for deciding a review. A decision may take several weeks and may take up to 3 months. The period is usually determined by the internal procedure of the consulate and differs from one consulate to another. In reviewing the decision, the consulate may maintain the original decision or withdraw same. If the consulate maintains the original decision, they will provide their basis for doing so. In doing so, the original decision will be withdrawn and be substituted by the review decision. You will usually have the right to appeal the review decision. If you decide to appeal the review decision, you must lodge your appeal with the appropriate authority in the Member State. The review decision will specify where you must lodge your appeal and the period within which you may do so. The consulate may also withdraw the original decision and grant you a visa. The consulate will contact you to submit your passport for your visa to be issued. They may specify certain conditions which may include the presentation of a return air ticket, a valid travel medical insurance, a travel itinerary or a new document specifying the purpose of the journey. Reapplication for a Visa You may also reapply if your visa is refused. There is no period within which you may reapply even though reapplications made immediately after a refusal often have little chance of success. Unlike an appeal and review, you will have to pay a new visa fee, complete a visa application form and submit yourself before the consulate. A reapplication is usually preferred if you were refused on the basis of a substantive document such as a cancelled hotel booking. A reapplication is also ideal if the reason for your visit is time bound. You must submit new evidence in support of your reapplication. If you fail to provide new evidence that tends to address the basis for the refusal, your visa will still be refused. Conclusion The decision to pursue an appeal, a review or reapplication may be determined by the circumstances of your refusal, the option specified in in the Notification of Refusal, among others. You will have to assess your options to decide which may be suitable for you. By Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong Disclaimer: This article only provides general information and guidance on Schengen immigration law. The specific facts that apply to your matter may make the outcome different than would be anticipated by you. The writer will not accept any liability for any claims or inconvenience as a result of the use of this information. The writer is an immigration law advisor and a practicing law attorney in Ghana. He advises on Ghana, U.S, UK, and Schengen immigration law. He is a Managing Partner for Acheampong & Associates, a law firm in Accra. He may be contacted on [email protected] or Cancerous cell work tirelessly with destructive creativity to re-design his forehead and skull until two-year old Bright looks anything but bright. It has been like this for about a year after his parents spotted a small boil on his forehead and banished the swelling as a non-entity. But the boil boiled with other ideas. Morning, noon and night, the cancerous tumor broke down issues, conquered bony matter, and bore through with cruel determination of a fall army worm. One eye has been severely punched to make way for 'luxurious' expansion works of the dangerous cells. The eye drips with a whitish-yellow discharge denying Bright even the right to shed clear tears. The other eye is swelling too, an obvious target for the insatiable destruction going on in the boy's body. And then there is this other 'small matter' of a big tummy. That one was when a small boy threw a stone which hit his abdomen, her mother says. It has been swelling since, leaving Bright with a shiny stomach. Stone at the abdomen? Stone at the abdomen? Bright closet lookalike is extra-terrestrial creatures found only on Hollywood screen of imaginative alien movies. Her mother - a single mother - was directed to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital when she first reported the growth at a health center at Battor in the Volta region. But poverty undermined her ability to take the directive seriously because seriously is an adjective for money. When she finally mustered courage to go to the hospital, the doctors at Korle-Bu told her, her son needs chemotherapy and some medical investigations. Complex medical terms whittled down to mean Bright needs 12,000 cedis. And so she came back home and carries her boy behind her back. The boy holds on to her mother like a cliff-hanger situation. She is the only one he knows to care enough to hold him and hug him. And if he does not get 12,000 cedis, Bright may one day no longer hug her. She may hold him, but he won't hold her back. Video To help Bright, kindly follow these details; Barclays Bank Multimedia Ltd Acct Number: 041-2018-095 Mobile money number: 0540122612 Pay-in as Bright Larweh Story by Ghana||Edwin Appiah|[email protected] 09.11.2017 LISTEN A married couple alleged to have stolen and forged documents covering an unregistered vehicle - a Toyota Highlander Station Wagon, have been dragged to a Kumasi Circuit Court. Kwabena Bannor Wireko and Juliet Osei Doyinah are facing charges of conspiracy, stealing and forging of official documents. The pair pleaded not guilty and they were each granted a GH25,000.00 bail with two sureties. They were ordered to make their next appearance on Thursday, November 16. Police Inspector Eric Asare told the court, presided over by Mr. John Ekow Mensah, that the said vehicle belonged one Nana Amoh, a businessman. Wireko had expressed interest in buying it and settled on the price of GHC25,000.00 after a bargain. The accused made down payment of GHC14,000.00 leaving an outstanding amount of GHC11,000.00, which he promised to pay off after two months. The prosecution said based on this understanding he was allowed to take possession of the vehicle. He did not only fail to keep to the agreed terms but together with the wife forged the original documents and used these to register it in their name as joint owners. Amo made a formal report to the police on March 19, and they were arrested. 09.11.2017 LISTEN The Asante-Akim South Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Mr. Alexander Frimpong, has called for the people to show keen interest in the activities of the assemblies. That, he said, was important to promote transparency and accountability in the management of resources meant to transform their living conditions. He was addressing the chiefs and people of Yawkwei during a visit to gauge their felt needs. Mr. Frimpong said citizens' participation was critical to good governance and asked that it was time everybody shook off apathy and pull together to bring progress. He encouraged them to make use of the various structures of the local governance system - unit committees and area councils, to make input into decisions affecting their development. They should also pay their levies and rates to the assembly to enable it generate more revenue to implement its development agenda. Mr. Frimpong used the occasion to explain government flagship programmes -the free senior high school and the planting for food and jobs, and called for their strong support. Nana Akwei Fokuo, the chief, applauded the MCE for the tireless effort to deepen the engagement with the people. UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed faced accusations from an advocacy group on Thursday that she granted illegal permits to Chinese firms to import endangered Nigerian timber when she was Nigeria's environment minister. Documents provided by Mohammed were used by Chinese importers to clear more than $300 million worth of rosewood logs held up by Chinese border authorities for months, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), a Washington-based environmental campaigning organization. The EIA said its investigation had found that Nigerian officials were paid over $1 million to help the importers release the rosewood, which was put on a list of endangered species last year by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). In January, Mohammed allegedly signed thousands of retroactive CITES permits allowing the export of 1.4 million rosewood logs in one of her last acts as environment minister before she was sworn in as deputy secretary-general in late February. UN spokesman Farhan Haq said Mohammed "categorically rejects any allegations of fraud." The signing of the permits for the rosewood exports was delayed after Mohammed insisted "that stringent due process was followed," said Haq. "She says that she signed the export certificates requested before the ban only after due process was followed and better security watermarked certificates became available," he added. Mohammed, the highest-ranking woman at the United Nations, served as environment minister from November 2015 to February of this year and had previously lead the UN's efforts to agree on a new global anti-poverty agenda. Foreign Policy magazine quoted a senior Nigerian forestry official, who asked not to be named and who said that Mohammed had signed 2,992 export certificates on January 16. Mohammed had been due to begin her new post at the United Nations on January 1, joining Antonio Guterres as he began his term as UN chief. But she delayed her move to New York to stay on as environment minister at the request of Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and was finally sworn in as deputy secretary-general in late February. The UN spokesman said Guterres has been informed of the reports and "reiterates his full support and confidence in her." Exploding Chinese demand for African rosewood, also known as "kosso", has depleted forests across West Africa, prompting CITES to impose strict restrictions last year. According to EIA, Nigeria since 2013 has become the world's largest exporter of rosewood logs, which are mainly used for luxury furniture. CITES is scheduled to discuss the Nigerian rosewood exports to China at a meeting later this month in Geneva. 09.11.2017 LISTEN Arusha (Tanzania), Nov. 9, CDA Consult Ghana represented by Justice Constant Kwaku Hometowu, Justice of the High Court on Thursday joined about 150 delegates from African Union Member States to participate in the on-going Third African Judicial Dialogue in Arusha, Tanzania. Justice Hometowu, who is representing the Chief Justice, Justice Sophia Akuffo is billed to share with the participants including Chief Justices, Presidents of Supreme and Constitutional Courts from the 55 AU Member States, as well as regional and international judicial bodies and other relevant stakeholders Ghanas experiences on the use of technology in the courts. Other countries expected to share experiences on the use of technology in Courts are: Cameroon, Rwanda, Namibia and Tunisia. Justice Hometowu again on behalf of Justice Akuffo would also moderate a session to discuss the normative and institutional challenges of accessing and using the jurisprudence of supra national and regional courts by domestic courts. Barrister Femi Falana is billed to speak on the main topic for the session; Dr Duga Titanji, would explore practitioners before national courts; whilst Dr Ibrahima Kane and Professor Chidi Odinkalu would dissect practitioner before a regional or an international court. Third African Judicial Dialogue, organised by the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights under the auspices of the African Union (AU). The Dialogue is being attended by about 150 delegates from AU Member States- including Chief Justices, Presidents of Supreme and Constitutional Courts from the 55 AU Member States, as well as regional and international judicial bodies and other relevant stakeholders. The biennial meeting is on the general theme: Improving Judicial Efficiency in Africa and is a follow up to the first edition held in November 2013 in Arusha, Tanzania, and second in November 2015, also in Arusha. The overall objective of the Dialogue is to explore ways of enhancing judicial efficiency in Africa. It also serve as platform for Africas top judiciary officials to exchange experiences on the on-going continental judicial reforms, trends on human rights jurisprudence, continuing judicial education and management of judicial institutions on the continent. The African Judicial Dialogue is organized in collaboration with the World Bank, the German Cooperation (GiZ) and the European Union (EU). Burundi has been gripped by turmoil since President Pierre Nkurunziza launched a bid for a third term in office more than two years ago. On Thursday the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a full probe into alleged crimes committed during the crisis. Between 500 and 2,000 people have been killed, according to different sources, and more than 400,000 people displaced from their homes. Here is a summary of key developments in the crisis in the central African country. Demonstrations start April 25, 2015: Nkurunziza is declared candidate for a third term by the ruling CNDD-FDD party. The following day thousands of protesters demonstrate in the capital, the start of six weeks of almost daily rallies that meet a fierce response from police. The opposition maintains Nkurunziza's move is unconstitutional and violates a peace deal that ended a 1993-2006 civil war. Failed coup May 13, 2015: A top Burundian general, Godefroid Niyombare, announces the overthrow of Nkurunziza, hours after the president flies to neighbouring Tanzania for talks with regional leaders on ending the crisis. The coup leaders surrender two days later and Nkurunziza returns. Defections June 28, 2015: Parliament head Pie Ntavyohanyuma says he has fled to Belgium, denouncing the president's "illegal" third term bid. He joins a long list of opposition leaders, journalists, members of civil society, and even disillusioned members of the ruling party who have chosen exile. Nkurunziza re-elected Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza launched a bid for a third term in office in 2015, triggering the crisis July 21, 2015: Nkurunziza is re-elected as expected in a vote boycotted by the opposition. Targeted attacks August 2, 2015: General Adolphe Nshimirimana, widely seen as the nation's de-facto internal security chief and considered the regime's number two, is killed in a rocket attack. August 3: Human rights activist Pierre-Claver Mbonimpa, who had publicly opposed Nkurunziza's bid for a third term, is wounded by gunfire. August 15: Colonel Jean Bikomagu, the former head of Burundi's army during a 13-year civil war, is assassinated. December 11: At least 87 people are killed in coordinated attacks by unidentified gunmen on three military sites that trigger a fierce riposte from the security forces. 'Risk of genocide' Burundi became the first ever to leave war crimes tribunal the International Criminal Court July 29, 2016: UN Security Council agrees to deploy up to 228 UN police in Burundi, but in early August the government in capital Bujumbura rejects the resolution. September 20: UN investigators say Burundi's government is behind systematic human rights violations, warning of the looming risk of "genocide". October 27: Burundi says it is leaving the ICC. In April, The Hague-based body had opened a preliminary examination into allegations including murder and torture. Burundi's exit is scheduled to come into force a year later. December 30: Nkurunziza hints he might seek a fourth term in office in 2020 "if the people request it". 'Rape calls' January 19, 2017: Human Rights Watch says young men belonging to Burundi's ruling party are waging brutal attacks on perceived opponents. April 18: UN rights chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein says the youth wing is repeatedly calling for the rape and murder of opposition supporters. Towards a probe September 4, 2017: UN calls for the opening of an ICC probe into crimes against humanity in Burundi. September 29: UN decides to extend the mission of an international probe into atrocities there, overriding strong opposition from the government. October 26: Government approves changes to the constitution that could pave the way to a potential 14-year extension in Nkurunziza's stay in office. October 27: Burundi's threat to leave the ICC takes effect. November 9: ICC reveals that it decided on October 25 to launch a probe into crimes committed from April 26 2015 to October 26 2017. The court "retains jurisdiction" in this area, regardless of Burundi's withdrawal, it says. The Major Mahama Trust Fund Bill was read for the third time and passed by Parliament on Thursday. The Minister of Defence, Dominic Nitiwul, laid the Major Mahama Trust Fund Bill on October 24, which will provide legal backing for the establishment of a fund to cater for the wife and two children of the Late soldier. The Finance Committee, as well as the Defence and Interior Committees of Parliament, deliberated on the Bill before a report was made to the plenary. Major Mahama, who was lynched at Denkyira-Obuasi in the Central Region in May 2017, was part of a task-force deployed to root out illegal mining in the area. The gruesome murder of an officer on duty, who was mistaken for a thief, shook the entire nation, and rekindled the debate on what has become known as mob justice and the need to end it. Major Mahama is survived by a wife and two kids Following the death, the government announced the setting up of a memorial Trust Fund with a seed money of GH500,000 to support the education of Major Mahamas children. By: Duke Mensah Opoku/ Prison authorities at the Kumasi Central Prisons are taking GHc2 from each person who comes to visit an inmate in the facility, without issuing receipts to cover the fee, the Chronicle can confirm. This conduct is in contravention of section 38 of the Prisons Service Act 1972, (NRCD 46), which does not prescribed payment of fees by visitors to the prisons. The said Act reads: 1.Every prisoner under sentence of imprisonment shall be entitled, once in every two weeks, to receive a visit from friends or relatives in the presence of a prison officer. 2.A prisoner under sentence of imprisonment, may in exceptional circumstances, be granted permission by the officer in charge of the prison to receive a visit from friends or relatives in addition to the visit to which he or she is entitled under subsection (1). 3.Every prisoner not under sentence of imprisonment shall be allowed all reasonable opportunities daily of receiving visits from friends or relatives. 4.Every prisoner shall be allowed all reasonable opportunities of receiving visits from his legal advisers. 5.If a prisoner who is seriously ill wishes to be visited by any friends or relatives, a medical officer may give an order in writing for the admission of such friends or relatives if he considers it advisable. Las Friday, when this reporter went to the said facility for the 'Justice for All Programme,' uncountable number of visitors who came to the facility to visit some of the inmates were asked to fill the visitors' pass, after which a prison officer, was seen supervising the illegal exercise of collecting the money from the visitors. This happened at the forecourt of the PRO's office. The Chronicle observed that, the visitor's form, which was half of an A4 sheet, was halfway filled, with the name of the Assistant Superintendent of Prisons (ASP) R.O. Bonsu, as the officer who appended his signature on it. The prisons officer was seen collecting the money and keeping it in a red file. It was established that visitors were asked questions like how they relate to the inmate, what items were bringing to them, as the security officer filled the visitors' pass. The Chronicle noticed that, all the visitors were ordered to thumb print. Speaking to one of the visitors (name withheld), after visiting her brother in the facility, she told the Chronicle that she has been paying GHc2 ever since her brother was thrown into jail for the past eight months. Approached by the Chronicle, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Kumasi Central Prisons, ASP Richard M. Bukari, confirmed that indeed they have been taking GHc2 from visitors, after they had filled the visitors' pass. According to him, they are not the only prison facility that takes money from visitors, and that is done everywhere in Ghana. Asked about why authorities do not issue receipts to visitors upon taking money from them, the PRO replied that they give back the pass to them, which serves as a receipt. Vegetable farmers have been told to desist from unsafe use of chemicals to help protect the health of consumers. Mr. Stephen Adigbli, the Asante-Akim Municipal Extension Officer, warned against the practice, where some of them applied chemicals used for pest control on vegetables two to three days before harvest. That, he said, was dangerous - a health hazard, and something which should never be done by anybody. Mr. Adigbli, who conveyed the warning through the Ghana News Agency (GNA) said unrestrained quest for huge profit on investment, should not blind farmers to the health safety of consumers. He indicated that, such was the hazardous nature of some chemicals that when applied on food crops, it took between three to one month for these to become safe for human consumption. It was therefore completely unacceptable for any farmer to spray their vegetable farms with these chemicals just days before harvest, adding that, even more troubling was the fact that most vegetable were eaten raw. Mr. Adigbli reminded the farmers to prioritize the health of consumers and to stick with best practices. They should frequently engage the services of extension officers to aid them to do the right things - properly and safely use agro-chemicals for optimal crop yield and returns, he added. GNA By Yussif Ibrahim, GNA Maintaining independence and editorial freedom is essential to our mission of empowering investor success. We provide a platform for our authors to report on investments fairly, accurately, and from the investors point of view. We also respect individual opinionsthey represent the unvarnished thinking of our people and exacting analysis of our research processes. Our authors can publish views that we may or may not agree with, but they show their work, distinguish facts from opinions, and make sure their analysis is clear and in no way misleading or deceptive. To further protect the integrity of our editorial content, we keep a strict separation between our sales teams and authors to remove any pressure or influence on our analyses and research. Read our editorial policy to learn more about our process. I do not believe Anas Aremeyaw ... By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Trade Airbus Deal With Bombardier Wont Last Long: Analysts [247 Wall Street]. While the deal may have saved Bombardier and was thought to be an easy pickup for Airbus, that initial reaction may have proved to be too quick. According to Moodys, the airline industry prefers larger narrow-body jets, like Boeings 737 and Airbuss A320, to smaller planes like the CS-100. The 737 seats a maximum of 172 to 230 passengers in four different members of the 737 family, and the A320 family seats from 100 to as many as 240 in four different airplanes. The CS-100 seats around 100, and Bombardier is also building a larger version of the plane, the CS-300, to seat about 125 to 150 passengers. Were talking with the administration and Congress about some mitigation efforts if that were to occur; about how we could protect our producers with that [farm] safety net based on prices that may respond negatively to any kind of NAFTA withdrawal, Perdue told reporters [Politico]. The statement from Perdue is significant as it is one of the first public, Cabinet-level admissions that preparations are underway to respond to a potential NAFTA withdrawal a move President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened. Perdue doesnt think a contingency plan will have to be put into action, however, saying that he believes NAFTA 2.0 will be successfully renegotiated. Nevertheless. Pacific rim countries are trying to revive the regions sweeping trade deal, even if the pacts biggest member wont take part. Trade negotiators led by Japan are meeting in Vietnam this week seeking a revised version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, looking past Mr. Trumps move to withdraw the U.S. from TPP [Wall Street Journal]. Theyre seeking to do that by essentially carving the U.S. out of the agreement, by suspending clauses that the U.S. had backed in negotiations under former President Barack Obama. A new deal would bring together nations with a combined GDP of more than $10 trillion. It is a far cry from what the pact would have been with the U.S., but experts say it would still wield strategic significance and would leave the door open for the U.S. to join later. Politics 2016 Post Mortem [L]ast year, in April, as Trumps shocking political ascent became impossible to ignore, Schillings 32-year-old son died of a heroin overdose. She found needles in the pockets of the clothes he wore to work in the mines before he got laid off [Politico]. Desperate for change, Schilling, like so many other once reliable Democrats in these parts, responded enthusiastically to what Trump was saying. Liberal Democrats, even today, are The Party of Government Does Stuff, even if in a half-assed, ObamaCare-style neoliberal way. Opioid deaths correllate to Trump votes, yet the Democrats have nothing to say about what government can do to prevent deaths of despair. Odd. I grant that such a program wouldnt necessarily appeal to wealthy suburban Romney supporters, but its still odd. As Ohio Goes: One Year Removed From Election Day 2016, Voters From The Ultimate Bellwether State Reflect On A Divided Nation [Belt Magazine]. (I reject the divided nation trope, which translates directly to the divisive keyword liberal Democrats deploy against critics. The country is divided depending on how you slice it; for exanple, 63% of Americans are dissatisfied with corporate influence.) This from a Clinton voter, of a Trump voter: They [the Trump voter] have a son who has a history of drug addiction. What I said was, If your son didnt have that issue, then you wouldnt have to dig him out of that hole and then have him succeed as an adult. If he didnt go backwards, he could just continue to move forward. But because he has that issue, hes had to work through that, and that has sucked up a lot of time and energy and resources both in their lives and in their sons life. If nothing else, parents worry about their kids. I think that thats a lot of what I see happening with Trump in office. I think if I were the Trump voter, I would have found that have him succeed as an adult remark a little grating. 2018 By all accounts, political spending for the November 2018 election will shatter every record [McClatchy]. Democrats today are buoyed by what they see as a prime opportunity to take back the House. As of Sept. 30, a record number of Democratic challengers some 391 had raised a not insignificant $5,000 each. Of those 391, 145 have already raised at least $100,000.. As important as the money candidates raise is cash from the parties and outside groups. Relatively new major players are the four super PACS aligned with top congressional leaders which can ask for and receive unlimited contributions. They also have the ability to inject huge amounts of late money into close races. How 15 Democrats helped tank the 2013 assault weapons ban [ABC]. Just a reminder that a Democrat wave isnt necessarily good in itself; it can be squandered, as the Democrats squandered 2006. 2017 What the Virginia and New Jersey elections tell us about public polling and Donald Trump [Brookings Institute]. The reality: Republicans and President Trump lost a winnable governors race in one state and failed to hold a Republican seat in another. While Mr. Trump might have had a marginal effect on tonights races (although the massive boosts in turnout in Northern Virginia [especially Loudoun County] may suggest that the anti-Trump resistance is real), the narrative will say otherwise. The governors races will not tell us what will happen in the 2018 midterms, but if youre a candidate for the House, Senate or a governorship next year, you have to feel better tonight if you have a D after your name. On Virginia: Here is some cold water, to keep ourselves grounded [RealClearPolitics]. [T]he [gerrymandered] map moved out from underneath Republicans while no one was looking or, while no one was willing to adjust their views in light of the facts on the ground. If we use presidential vote numbers to calculate an efficiency gap (EG) score, which is the measure of gerrymandering before the Supreme Court right now (using presidential votes avoids the problems of handling races where a candidate is unopposed, and it helps control for the candidate and campaign effects that make the metric being utilized so problematic), the House of Delegates map had an EG of -.16 in 2012. Using the 2016 data, that gap falls to -.11. You can think of this as the map losing about a third of its partisan advantage over the course of four years. I suspect that if the 2008 data were available, we would see a substantially larger gap than we saw even in 2012 We frequently see this with gerrymanders: Parties draw them to their advantage in the first year of implementation, but then time takes its toll. Partisan loyalties and attachments change, and the maps strength is eroded. Hence the Democrat Partys insistence on court cases, and not, ya know, actually registering people. Oh, wait. Republicans regain razor-thin edge in Virginia House of Delegates, pending recounts [Richmond Times-Dispatch]. The Northam campaign thinks that people who have been charged with crimes should not be allowed to vote: Statement from Northam campaign on Rick Gates leaving house arrest to go vote tomorrow Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) November 7, 2017 Quite remarkable. Philly Is About to Get a Radical District Attorney. How Much Can He Really Change? [Splinter News]. Krasner: We have a very, very long history in criminal justice of not addressing trauma. A lot of research indicates that when people are harmed and they lose control [of their own life], whether they are victimized by violence or in some other fashion that is profound, what they do is they later act out in their lives in a way so that they can be in control. [The explanation is no excuse, he says, but if we want to reduce crime] we need to address the trauma that is visited on all of these different players in the system. Respect means subordinating deeply held positionsno matter how validto winning power and containing Trump [Daily Beast]. Funny how the finger-wagging always goes only one way Trump Transition She flipped off President Trump and got fired from her government contracting job [WaPo]. (This the woman who gave the Presidential motorcade the finger while out riding her bike. [Juli Briskman] bosses at Akima, who have not returned emails and calls requesting comment, showed her the blue-highlighted Section 4.3 of the firms social-media policy when they canned her. Covered Social Media Activity that contains discriminatory, obscene malicious or threatening content, is knowingly false, create [sic] a hostile work environment, or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct will not be tolerated and will be subject to discipline up to an [sic] including termination of employment. I certainly hope Briskman gets a new job at a less craven and Puritanical company! Despite wins, Dems face an identity crisis [The Hill]. On Tuesday, Stephen Cloobeck, a major Democratic donor, expressed his frustration with the direction of the party and promised to stop donating if it becomes too progressive. I can tell you if we go far left, Im out, Cloobeck said on MSNBC. Im out. We [who?] need middle ground. It drives me nuts, Cloobeck added. So much so it would make me quit the party. And Ive made it very clear: Ill cut your money off. And others will do the same. Weve had enough . We need a new brand.' Good. Go. What the Sanders campaign showed is that you can run a first-class Presidential campaign without Cloobeck and his ilk. The Democrats should proceed forthwith to do so, and show Cloobeck the door. Realignment and Legitimacy One weird trick to end gerrymandering: cake-cutting game theory [Boing Boing]. This is very clever, and might go over better with the Supreme Court than complex statistical theories. [A]ll around the country, people have channeled the restless, do-it-yourself political energy that fueled the Womens Marches and the airport protests into the formation of locally grounded, multi-issue resistance groups [Guardian]. Nobody has an exact count of how many of these new groups exist, but more than 6,000 have registered with Indivisible, the organization that grew out of the now-famous post-election guide to congressional advocacy written by a group of progressive former congressional staffers. Indivisible instantly got good press, and I dont like the lack of agency in grew out of, either. Since progressive is a meaningless term, a good litmus test is support for #MedicareForAll, and Indivisile does not. Call me overly paranoid, but the whole thing has the smell of yet another Democrat decapitation effort, just as happened with Black Lives Matter. Now, thats not to say anything about local chapters! They have their own agency/autonomy, exactly like Black Lives Matter, distinct from the narrative forced on them by journalists who have those staffers names in their Rolodexes. Stats Watch Wholesale Trade, September 2017: Wholesale trade inventories rose 0.3 percent in September, confirming the advance report and in line with consensus expectations of a slowdown to a more sustainable pace following the outsized (though revised downward by a tick) 0.8 percent gain in the prior month [Econoday]. The stock-to-sales ratio fell a notch to 1.27, the lowest reading since December 2014, continuing the downward trend in force this year. Excluding autos, wholesale inventories were up 0.4 percent after a 0.7 percent rise in the prior month. Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index, week of November 11, 2017: Slipped two-tenths of a point [Econoday]. Current views of the economy edged up. Personal finances index declined. The index of buying climate though increased to. Jobless Claims, week of November 4, 2017: Initial claims for the November 4 week were up 10,000 to 239,000 and above Econodays consensus estimate [Econoday]. The Labor Department reported that claims taking procedures continued to be severely disrupted in the Virgin Islands while backlogged filings in Puerto Rico continued to be processed. JOLTS (Tuesday): Note that hires and quits have stopped growing, and historically both lead job openings, in yet another indication that this cycle has reversed [Econoday]. Shipping: Forwarders and shippers caught in the updraught of an air cargo perfect storm' [The Loadstar]. Forwarders and shippers are feeling the pain of a serious lack of air freight capacity in the market. The air freight market is particularly tight out of Hong Kong, mainland China and South-east Asia, with the situation worsening by the week.' Retail: Sophisticated logistics is helping build a new business in a rarely-touched corner of the food market: Leftovers. A series of startups with names like ReFED, Spoiler Alert and FoodMaven are pushing into U.S. distribution channels they say waste billions of dollars in food every year, and theyre working with companies from wholesale suppliers to restaurants to get the food moving in new and potentially profitable directions [Wall Street Journal]. That includes convincing industrial distributors like Sysco Corp., Aramark Corp. and Sodexo SA to add nodes to their supply chains. The key is to move fast when companies end up with excess supplies, find new markets for food that might otherwise be thrown out and get the goods sold and delivered in good condition. The Bezzle: Ubers flying car project Elevate came whizzing back into view today with a number of key announcements about where it will first appear, who will be working on it, and how this futuristic service will look when it ultimately takes off [The Verge]. [T]o round it all out, Uber released a glossily produced video to demonstrate what using its aerial taxi service would look like from the perspective of a working mom who just wants to get home to her kids. Of course they did Mr. Market: Is the stock market a bubble? [Calculated Risk]. [A]s long term readers know, I rarely comment directly on the stock market (although I did post on the market in 2009 since that was a turning point). Since I dont think a recession is imminent, Id generally expect further gains in the market over the next year. The PE ratio is high (around 25), and that is well above average. However it is typical for the PE ratio to expand during an economic expansion The bottom line is the U.S. economy is doing well (the global economy is doing well too). There might be some speculation with margin debt, but everyone isnt talking stocks (like in 1999). So, in general, I dont think this is a bubble. Of course, as always, we could see a 10% to 20% correction starting at any time. Ill now go back to avoiding discussing the stock market. Five Horsemen: Our Fab Five remain on the Permanently High Plateau to which they were elevated on Amazon Friday, Oct 27th. [Hat tip, Jim Haygood]. Todays Fear & Greed Index: 54 Neutral (previous close: 58, Greed) [CNN]. One week ago: 72 (Greed). (0 is Extreme Fear; 100 is Extreme Greed. Last updated Nov 7 at 7:00pm. Election Day. Health Care How Many of the Uninsured Can Purchase a Marketplace Plan for Less Than Their Shared Responsibility Penalty? [Kaiser Health News]. Just over half (54%) of uninsured individuals who are eligible to purchase a marketplace plan with or without a subsidy would better off financially if they purchased a bronze plan rather than remaining uninsured. Of the 10.7 million people who are currently uninsured and eligible to purchase marketplace coverage, around 7.7 million people will be subject to the shared responsibility penalty. Most of these people will have access to at least some subsidies (6.3 million) to purchase a Marketplace plan. Water Researchers studying the [Flint] water crisis recently found a high number of fetal deaths and fewer pregnancies in Flint since April 2014, which is when the city switched its water supply to use water from the polluted Flint River without adding anti-corrosives to treat it [Rewire]. There have been far too many miscarriages to count, local activist Melissa Mays told Rewire. Its sad because we have no idea what the heavy metals, carcinogenic byproducts, bacteria, and whatever else we have been, and are still being, exposed to has done to our bodies. Will our sons have low sperm counts? How many young girls will not be able to become mothers because their eggs are poisoned? We just dont know, and the State of Michigan just wants to sweep it all under the rug like its all in the past.' Class Warfare Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South: An Interview with Historian Keri Leigh Merritt [History News Network]. In these Deep South states in 1860, you have about one-third of white people who own slaves or live in families who own slaves. About one-third of white people could classify as middling class status yeomen who owned land and not slaves, or the up-and-coming middle class of merchants, lawyers, and bankers, and then men who were overseers and hadnt come into their inheritances yet. And the last third are poor whites.. The economists Samuel Williamson and Louis Cain came out with a paper called Measuring Slavery. .. [They] came up with a figure that purchasing a slave would cost something like $130,000 today. Thats a totally different figure than the cliometrician scholars were using in the 1970s to estimate slave prices. The American Dream Persona Non Grata [Inside Higher Ed]. For Duke University students interested in learning about hedge funds and the economic forces that drive them, Economics 381S Inside Hedge Funds, taught by Linsey Lebowitz Hughes, a lecturing fellow of economics is probably a good place to start. Theres just one small catch, found six bullet points down on the front page of the course syllabus. Anyone who is on the staff of The Chronicle is not permitted to take this class.' And here is the Duke Chronicles article about that: Emma Rasiel, professor of the practice of economics and associate chair in economics, wrote in an email Thursday that the language used in the syllabus was meant to highlight the importance of confidentiality, not to disallow Chronicle members. Rasiel apparently doesnt understand the plain meaning of English words, since disallowing Chronicle members is exactly what the syllabus does. #ThemToo [Boston Review]. [S]exual harassment happens to women (and sexual and gender minorities) at work. It is intersectional, a case of economic and gender oppression. But progress is uneven. As women become more equal as women, their rights and the power of the institutions that represent them as workers are progressively being overtaken by the prerogatives of employers and corporations. The result: it is every woman for herself, which means only a few women prevail. Those with the social capital to attract and endure media attention, primarily? News of the Wired Philadelphias Boulevard of Broken Dreams [The American Conservative]. The Benjamin Franklin Parkway. A sad article, especially since theres no solution proferred for making it come alive. And I would bet that airdropping in a new museum, the Barnes Foundation, hasnt done a thing since I was there in the earily 2000s. Any readers from Philly care to comment? How to Hire Fake Friends and Family [The Atlantic]. [Ishii Yuichis] 8-year-old company, Family Romance, provides professional actors to fill any role in the personal lives of clients. With a burgeoning staff of 800 or so actors, ranging from infants to the elderly, the organization prides itself on being able to provide a surrogate for almost any conceivable situation. Yuichi believes that Family Romance helps people cope with unbearable absences or perceived deficiencies in their lives. In an increasingly isolated and entitled society, the CEO predicts the exponential growth of his business and others like it, as a la carte human interaction becomes the new norm. Warren Mosler, MMT conference closing remarks: Takes an hour, so listen to this instead of Morning Edition [snort], and grab a cup of coffee! * * * Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, (c) how to send me a check if you are allergic to PayPal, and (d) to find out how to send me images of plants. Vegetables are fine! Fungi are deemed to be honorary plants! If you want your handle to appear as a credit, please put it in the subject line. Otherwise, I will anonymize by using your initials. See the previous Water Cooler (with plant) here. Todays plant (JK): From Mt. Hood. Readers, Im doing OK on fall foliage now, but Im so fascinated to learn that this map is off, Im going to leave the request up just to see what there is to see * * * Readers: Water Cooler is a standalone entity not covered by the NC fundraiser. So do feel free to use the dropdown and click the hat to make a contribution today or any day. Here is why: Regular positive feedback both makes me feel good and lets me know Im on the right track with coverage. When I get no donations for five or ten days I get worried. More tangibly, a constant trickle of small donations helps me with expenses, and I factor that trickle in when setting fundraising goals. So if you see something you especially appreciate, do feel free to click the hat! On the one hand, the latest public disclosure of misconduct by CalPERS executives and staff isnt earthshaking. On the other, it was still significant enough to merit a Financial Times story. And it also illustrates a thumb-nosing attitude toward the law that has become a CalPERS trademark. In a Financial Times FundFire article, Ex-CalPERS Execs Interactions With Pension Raise Red Flags [paywalled, no online source], Fola Akinnibi ferreted out that CalPERS Chief Investment Officer Ted Eliopoulos accepted the impermissible overtures of a former CalPERS employee almost immediately after he resigned and joined an asset management firm that was pitching business to CalPERS. As the article explains: CalPERS former head of infrastructure investments Todd Lapenna, who resigned from the pension in December and officially joined StepStone in January, arranged a meeting between CalPERS CIO Ted Eliopoulos and StepStone executives to discuss the changing business immediately after joining the firm. Lapenna is subject to the California Political Reform Act, which prohibits lobbying by former employees for a certain period after changing jobs, according to emails and other documents obtained via a California Public Records Act request. StepStone had been an infrastructure consultant to CalPERS, but abruptly and without explanation resigned from its contract in August of this year, even though the five-year agreement ran until February 2020. Author Akinnibi reported that StepStone was in the process of changing its strategy to give much more priority to asset management than consulting. CalPERS is attentive to the fact that consultants that are also money managers have a conflict of interest. CalPERS director of real assets Paul Mouchakkaa had noticed in October 2016 that StepStones promotional materials were touting its asset management prowess, particularly in infrastructure and real estate. StepStone had also stated in its SEC form ADV filed in March that being in the asset management and consulting business represented a potential conflict of interest. And StepStone said that was an issue with CalPERS. Again from the article: StepStone resigned its board advisor r[o]le because it determined that it could be more helpful to CalPERS in an investment advisor role, and in CalPERS structure a service provider cannot effectively be in both roles, says the spokeswoman in an email. To beef up its asset management business, StepStone had hired an infrastructure team from KPMG, including the teams leader, James OLeary, who then became head of StepStones infrastructure and real assets asset management initiative. Recall that StepStone was still CalPERS infrastructure adviser during December 2016 and January 2017. But more important, the ex-CalPERS staffer LaPenna was subject to a two-year prohibition aiding, advising, consulting with, or assisting a business entity to obtain a contract or contract amendment with his or her former agency. From the Financial Times story: On December 10, just days after Lapenna resigned from his post to join StepStone, OLeary reached out to Mouchakkaa to pitch a new line of business to the pension. As you may know, since I have joined StepStone, I have been focusing on our business being an asset management provider, not a general consultant, OLeary says in the email. While I am cognizant of our existing board advisory role at CalPERS (and will continue to support it), I do think our greatest value to funds like CalPERS will be around tailored investment solutions, leveraging my global teams experience and reach. Lapenna, the former CalPERS employee, emailed Eliopoulos on January 12, via a personal email account, looking to arrange a meeting between Eliopoulos and OLeary. OLeary followed up a week later, looking to discuss our new business model at StepStone, which is to provide SMA solutions to investment teams such as yours at CalPERS Neither Eliopoulos nor Mouchakkaa appear to have rebuffed any of the overtures, as per the documents released to FundFire Lapenna ultimately secured a meeting for StepStone executives with Eliopoulos to discuss the new private market business model, among other things, according to an email sent from his StepStone address. Lapenna did not attend that meeting. However, author Akinnibi published this document: As anyone with an operating brain cell can tell, this is too cute. Departing CalPERS employees like Lapenna get firm written and verbal instructions on the legal restrictions on soliciting CalPERS business. Lapenna signaled that he knew what he was doing wasnt kosher by first trying to pretend his business facilitation wasnt really that by e-mailng from a personal account. Reporter Akinnibi points out Lapenna did it again with the February e-mail we reproduced above. Since when does anyone put their employer name and title in a personal e-mail? This was clearly meant to be seen as official correspondence. Lapenna tried to have it both ways again by encouraging Eliopoulos to keep in contact with him in an unofficial capacity. Its a no-brainer that Lapennas interest is to assist StepStone in winning more business with CalPERS, and that is clearly verboten under the California Political Reform Act. Even if Lapenna and Elopoulos had a pre-existing, shared, non-finanace interest, like they both sat on the board of a not-for-profit theater company, it would still be hard for Lapenna and Eliopoulos to steer clear of violating the law. As any provider of professional services will tell you, the reason most people participate in activities like that isnt for the cause, its for the networking and informal selling opportunities. Having said all that, the California Political Reform Act impose sanctions only on former employees, and not on government employees and officers who take lobbying and business pitches they know they should reject. So Eliopoulos was not the one at criminal risk in this impropriety. Nevertheless, he cant pretend he didnt know that any communication with Lapenna was not on the up and up. Eliopoulos was an accomplice to the violation. And CalPERS would have every incentive to release records that showed Eliopoulos rejecting Lapennas overtures, but Akinnibi says none were provided. Elioupoulos is a lawyer. Hes been in politics for years. When his boss and mentor Phil Angelides left CalPERS, you can be sure both Angelides and Eliopoulos adhered strictly to the cooling-off requirements. Now it may have been that CalPERS, and even Eliopoulos himself, nixed Lapenna attending the February 9 business pitch, but they never should have been in communication, much the less even have scheduled a meeting with Lapenna. The reason this incident matters isnt just that it illustrates that CalPERS has a fast and loose relationship with the law. Its also that Eliopoulos, remarkably, has managed to abandon virtually all of the parts of the Chief Investment Officer job that involve making investment decisions, and has turned it into an almost entirely administrative and ceremonial post. If he cant even do that right, why is he still employed, much the less getting big bucks? By Maria Demertzis, Deputy Director at Bruegel. She has previously worked at the European Commission and the research department of the Dutch Central Bank and has also held academic positions at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in the USA and the University of Strathclyde in the UK. Originally published at Bruegel Populist shocks in the UK and US threaten the multilateral order on which the EU depends. What lies behind these earthquakes, and what does it mean for Europe? Withdrawing from the world is no solution to geo-political upheavals, but Europe needs to reassess the future of globalisation. European integration, the ever closer union of Europes states and economies, has faced a very difficult 10 years. Even as growth finally re-emerges, the legacy of the financial crisis is far from resolved. Meanwhile, poorly managed migration and refugee pressures saw huge population flows into and around the continent from the South and South-East. For many, this decade has brought echoes of old and very different eras. These long-running crises exposed major imperfections in the architecture of European integration. Internal EU reform is long overdue. But two more recent events have also forced Europe to rethink its place in the wider world. Europes allies are withdrawing. First, the US unexpectedly elected Donald Trump. This has only accelerated an existing trend: the US is questioning its role as the anchor of the global system. And this is not just about withdrawing from an active leadership position. Trumps America first rhetoric argues that the US can make better deals for itself if it acts alone possibly outside the confines of multilateral frameworks. Second, the UK voted to withdraw from the EU. The government now attempts to brand the move as the launch of Global Britain, an open country finding its own ways of engaging with the rest of the world. But the campaign rhetoric of taking back control is not all that different to the US tendency to look inwards, to protect ones turf and adopt an antagonistic rather than cooperative position with others. These are two very different events, but to European eyes they reflect a similar desire to withdraw, as a way of doing better. This is quite different from the multilateral creed the EU follows internally and in the world: work together, as a way of doing better. European integration and globalisation are both built on this idea. Are these US and UK withdrawals a sign that globalisation and multilateralism are in reverse? Or are they simply domestic reactions? If so, to what? The answers will determine Europes path. I would like to offer two possible explanations of these events, with rather different implications for the future of globalisation and Europes place in the world. The first explanation is that these political earthquakes are actually aftershocks of the worst financial crisis in 50 years. On both sides of the Atlantic, also in Europe, the last decade has brought a rise in populism, protectionism and ultimately even nationalism. In my view this is a consequence of decisions taken in order to correct large economic imbalances in the financial system. The system was saved, but there were many innocent losers. Now, while this phenomenon can be seen across most of the western world, continental Europe has managed to contain populism more effectively than the US and the UK. And while the populists, and even nationalists, are still there, electorates have held back from bringing them to power. There is as yet no withdrawal. The reason behind this difference is that Europe has been better in distributing the benefits of openness and trade to its citizens. European welfare states manage to prevent large inequalities, and as a consequence they ensure a more consistent support for globalisation. This is less the case in the US and the UK, where citizens resentment about inequality enabled populist voices to force huge changes in direction: Trump and Brexit respectively. On the upside, if inequality was all that lay behind this observed discontent, active policy could eradicate the causes of populist calls to withdraw. More effective redistribution and social protections could re-establish support for openness and global trade. However, I believe there may be another reason, more entrenched, that will prevent this: there is a slow but epochal shift in the balance of global powers. The emergence of China on the international stage, along with the US steady withdrawal from global leadership, has led to a tri-polar system of global powers shared between the US, Europe and China. But why would such shift lead to greater inwardness in the US or some European powers like the UK? One possible explanation is that tri-polar is not equivalent to truly multilateral: bargains still need to be struck. But now they are more difficult, as the rules under which countries interact can no longer be agreed between just the US and Europe; there needs to be Chinese consent as well. The west wont always come out on top. Voters and workers will notice. There are real and serious difficulties here: China has very different views, in particular about the role of the state in the marketplace. This inevitably means that the wests traditional laissez-faire ideology is now challenged. Competition wont always feel fair. Multilateral governance has never been easy, but disagreements about the very principles of economic interaction are an obstacle to globalisation for the Europeans and US alike. It could very well be that withdrawal is a reflection of this standstill on what the collective rules ought to be. The US is threatening to reject multilateral fora in favour of bilateral agreements, as a way of exerting its direct power. The UK is turning away from the world and its neighbours alike. The EU is less clear on how to proceed. On the one hand, it wants to preserve what has always been the most natural of partnerships with the US; but on the other hand, it also wants to protect multilateralism, which it cannot do alone. China is a staunch defender of multilateralism as a concept, but its economic values are quite different from Europes. The question, then, is whether the prevalence of different views on how to do business puts a natural limit to globalisation. Protectionism, and even the threat of protectionism, runs against the spirit of globalisation and threatens to destroy economic relationships made in the past. But perhaps a populist shift toward protectionism is inevitable, given the shift in global powers. Must the west withdraw, or can powers with different underlying economic ideologies still unlock the benefits of closer economic cooperation? The future of European integration depends on the answers to these questions. Here in the EU there remain major unresolved problems and populist pressures that could still push us into the trap of isolationism or even European disintegration. Withdrawing is not the way to do better. We must all find a way to do business together, but success is far from guaranteed. Hot News from the Antarctic Underground NASA Mammoth society seems to have been like that of modern elephants The Economist Why This Fungus Has Over 20,000 Sexes Discover. Where we have two traditionally recognized genders Whos we? Thailand has 14 (or possibly 18). But whos counting? Tiny human brain organoids implanted into rodents, triggering ethical concerns STAT (AB). I would have thought wed be going the other direction? How Deutsche Banks high-stakes gamble went wrong FT Me on the Equifax Breach Schneier on Security (CE). Brexit Catalan strike severs road links as secessionist leader regroups Reuters Syraqistan India China? New Cold War Trump Transition Democrats in Disarray Suburbs Rebel Against Trump, Threatening Republicans in Congress NYT and Is it finally blue? Democrats speed Virginias transformation thanks to Trump WaPo. Conventional wisdom congeals. After pledging an aggressive race against GOP Del. Jackson Miller, state Democratic Party abandons populist challenger Richmond Times. Lee Carter won anyhow. Its important to have an operational definition of unity from the liberal Democrat perspective; this is it. This also shows that the conventional wisdom is severely, and tendentiously, oversimplified, as in the articles from Pravda and Izvestia, supra. Health Care Alabama task force performs drug raid, man dies. Officials take his home, split the proceeds. WaPo (SoC). SoC: Another day, another unconstitutional (but legal) asset forfeiture except the same court that denied appeal gets a cut from the same seizure. As one of the articles bicommentators said, if it was Robert Mugabe who did this we would expect it. Our Famously Free Press Imperial Collapse Watch Nobodys Quaking in Their Boots, Anymore Patrick Buchanan, The American Conservative. I hate it when that old reprobate gets it right. Class Warfare Airbus knew of software vulnerability before A400M crash Reuters (Richard Smith). Richard: In addition to the usual weird failure mode, we have an underlying bureaucratic cockup, supplier conflicts, slapdash software controls. Only 4 dead this time. Sen. Al Franken torched Amazon, Facebook and Google for using their algorithms to maintain their massive footprints Recode. Theres lots of innovation, for sure; mostly in rental extraction from the means of consumption. Apple Is Ramping Up Work on AR Headset to Succeed iPhone Bloomberg (Re Silc). Apple hasnt finalized how users will control the headset and launch apps, but is investigating touch panels, voice-activation via Siri and head gestures. German officials celebrate doubled Twitter character limit AP. Munich police said that at last they wont need abbreviations to tweet about accidents involving forklift drivers, or Niederflurfoerderfahrzeugfuehrer. Qatar Airways plane forced to land after wife discovers husbands affair midflight Guardian. A Qatar Airways plane has been forced to land midflight after a woman who used her sleeping husbands thumb to unlock his smartphone discovered he was having an affair. The phones may be smart. Antidote du jour (via): See yesterdays Links and Antidote du Jour here. As the Philadelphia meetup, I got to chat at some length with a reader who had a considerable high end IT background, including at some cutting-edge firms, and now has a job in the Beltway where he hangs out with military-surveillance types. He gave me some distressing information on the state of snooping technology, and as well get to shortly, is particularly alarmed about the new home assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home. He pointed out that surveillance technology is more advanced than most people realize, and that lots of money and talent continues to be thrown at it. For instance, some spooky technologies are already decades old. Forgive me if this is old hat to readers: Edward Snowden has disabled the GPS, camera, and microphone on his cell phone to reduce his exposure. As most readers probably know, both the microphone and the camera can be turned on even when the phone has been turned off. He uses headphones to make calls. This makes the recent phone design trend away from headphone jacks look particularly nefarious. Laser microphones can capture conversations by shining a laser on a window pane and interpreting the vibrations. However, this isnt really a cause for worry since there are easier ways to spy on meetings. With a voice recording (think a hostage tape), analysts can determine the room size, number of people in the room, and even make a stab at the size and placement of objects, particularly if they get more than one recording from the same site. But what really got this reader worked up was Amazons Echo, the device that allows users to give voice instructions to a device that will tell your TV to stream video or audio. order from Amazon or other participating vendors, provide answers to simple search queries, like Tell me the weather, perform simple calculations, and allow you to order around smart devices in your home that are on the networks. like tell your coffee maker to make some coffee. He said, Id never take one of them out of the box. He was at a party recently with about 15-20 people when the host decided to show off her Echo. She called across the room, Alexa, tell me the capital of Wisconsin, and Alexa dutifully responded. Based on his knowledge of other technologies, here is what he argues was happening: The Echo was able to pick a voice out of a crowd engaged in conversation. That means it is capable of singling out individual voice. That means it has been identifying individual voices, tagging the as Unidentified voice 1, Unidentified voice 2 and so on. It has already associated the voices of its owners, and if they have set up profiles for other family members, for them as well, so it knows who goes with those voices. Those voices may be unidentified now, but as more and more voice data is being collected or provided voluntarily, people will be able to be connected to their voice. And more and more recording is being done in public places. So now think of that party I was at. At some time in the not too distant future, analysts will be able to make queries like, Tell me who was within 15 feet of Person X at least eight times in the last six months. That will produce a reliable list of their family, friends, lovers, and other close associates. CNET claims that Amazon uploads and retains voice data from the Echo only when it has been activated by calling to it and stops recording when the request ends. But given the Snowden revelations that every camera and microphone in computers and mobile devices can be and are used as viewing and listening devices even when the owner thinks they are off, I would not be so trusting. Even if Amazon isnt listening and recording at other times, the NSA probably can. CNET adds: Amazon Echo is always listening. From the moment you wake up Echo to the end of your command, your voice is recorded and transcribed. And then its stored on Amazons servers. Its unclear how long the data is stored, but we do know that it is not anonymized. And, for now, theres no way to prevent recordings from being saved. Reread the first paragraph. The Echo has to be listening at all times in order to respond to the Alexa command. So the only question is whether Amazon or some friendly member of the surveillance state is recording then too. This scenario ties into a recent development I find alarming: banks and other retail financial firms relentlessly offering to let you use your voice as your identifier if you wind up calling them. Every time I have called, I have to waste time rejecting their efforts to route me into that system. Ive told the customer reps I never want that done but there is no way to override that even when I call in from a phone number they recognize as belonging to a customer. Now let us play devils advocate. The Echo is awfully promiscuous in terms of who it seems to think is allowed to place orders. A parrot famously placed an order for some gift boxes: But the story in the Sun states that the African Grey Buddy was imitating his owner: Buddy activated her 150 Amazon Echo smart speaker, which connects to the internet shopping giants artificial intelligence hub. Users can bark commands at it to control heating, order a takeaway or access a host of other services. It responds to the name Alexa and hilarious footage filmed by South Africa-born Corienne now shows Buddy squawking Alexa! in her voice. Now since on a quick search, I didnt find any videos of Buddys owner saying Alexa, we have no idea of how good a mimic Buddy is (as is does the Echo allow anyone to place orders in a home who says Alexa? One would hope not, since imagine the mischief, say, an angry nanny or plumber or teenager could make). Some argued that Echo and its ilk are not a threat because speaker recognition isnt as good as is often claimed. From Scientific American: Voice recognition has started to feature prominently in intelligence investigations. Examples abound: When ISIS released the video of journalist James Foley being beheaded, experts from all over the world tried to identify the masked terrorist known as Jihadi John by analyzing the sound of his voice. Documents disclosed by Edward Snowden revealed that the U.S. National Security Agency has analyzed and extracted the content of millions of phone conversations. Call centers at banks are using voice biometrics to authenticate users and to identify potential fraud. But is the science behind voice identification sound? Several articles in the scientific literature have warned about the quality of one of its main applications: forensic phonetic expertise in courts. We have compiled two dozens judicial cases from around the world in which forensic phonetics were controversial. Recent figures published by INTERPOL indicate that half of forensic experts still use audio techniques that have been openly discredited. The recorded fragments subject to analysis can be phone conversations, voice mail, ransom demands, hoax calls and calls to emergency or police numbers. One of the main hurdles voice analysts have to face is the poor quality of recorded fragments. The telephone signal does not carry enough information to allow for fine-grained distinctions of speech sounds. You would need a band twice as broad to tell certain consonants apart, such as f and s or m and n, said Andrea Paoloni, a scientist at the Ugo Bordoni Foundation and the foremost forensic phoneticist in Italy until his death in November 2015. To make things worse, recorded messages are often noisy, short and can be years or even decades old. In some cases, simulating the context of a phone call can be particularly challenging. Imagine recreating a call placed in a crowded movie theater, using an old cell phone or one made by an obscure foreign brand. In other words, a significant problem is sample contamination, which is also can be an impediment in DNA analysis, in that contamination often has occurred at the collection site and sometime takes place in the lab. However, if you are repeatedly giving Amazon and whoever else might be interested voice samples again and again and again, you are giving them the opportunity to get a good, indeed many good recordings. And our concerned reader points out that you dont need pristine recordings to make useful inferences: Although voice identification has a margin of error that would make it unacceptable for legal identification and non-repudiation, it still has useful utility for intelligence and user experience applications, especially when paired with other available data. For example, if a sensor captures signature characteristics of a subjects voice, it may limit the potential matches to, say, 500 people, but if another sensor detects cell phone IMEI signals near by, a match with a high degree of certainty may be predicted. Similarly a facial recognition algorithm may get a match that comes back with dozens of potential matches, but when cross-referenced to the nearby voice signature matches, a high confidence match is possible. Databases in the cloud are very economical at scale. If persistent collection is stored in a database with proper meta data (e.g. Date/time, GPS, sensor type), then Bayesian algorithms will eventually retag the data for an unknown subject into a known subject (with with X probability). To understand how this may work, consider the TSA backscatter scans performed every day at airports. The first batch will produce piles of scans of unknown persons. If these scans are compared with the boarding pass scans around the same place and time, then each backscatter scan may be considered as potentially matching one of the boarding passes scanned. Now, when the same person is scanned again, the number of potential matches of similar scans and common boarding passes reduces significantly. Eventually, scans can be quickly paired to an individual with a high degree of certainty. This can be further optimized by considering which scans and boarding passes have not already been tagged to someone with sufficient certainty. But Echo and Google Home users may argue that they are allowed to erase their data, so whats the worry? Again per CNET: For those who dont take chances, theres a way to delete all voice data in one fell swoop. Head to, sign in, and click Your Devices. Select Amazon Echo, then click Manage Voice Recordings. This is not as reassuring as it might sound. Amazon collects at least your Echo instructions by default. You can wipe them manually. You cant set the Echo up not to retain your instructions nor to wipe the periodically, say daily. So Amazon (and whoever else might have access to the data) pretty much always has some voice data to work with. And remember, Amazon is not deleting the voice profile that is has been constructing on you, merely the raw data it has been using to construct and refine that profile. So you can keep wiping your data, but ever time you speak to Alexa, and perhaps at other times too, you are giving it more and more information to develop a better and better vocal fingerprint. Confirming some of the concerns described above, computer scientists at the University of North Carolina depict the overhearing of devices like the Echo and Googles home as a hacking risk (while our readers and our concern is that the overhearing is a feature, not a bug). From their paper SoundSifter: Mitigating Overhearing of Continuous Listening Devices: Having reached the milestone of human-level speech understanding by machines, continuous listening devices are now becoming ubiquitous. Today, it is possible for an embedded device to continuously capture, process, and interpret acoustic signals in real-time.Although these devices are activated upon a hot-word, in the process, they are con- tinuously listening to everything. It is not hard to imagine that sooner or later someone will be hacking into these cloud-connected systems and will be listening to every conversation we are having at our home, which is one of our most private places. Their solution is what amounts to a hardware condom: Instead of proposing modifications to existing home hubs, we build an indepen- dent embedded system that connects to a home hub via its audio input. Considering the aesthetics of home hubs, we envision SoundSifter as a smart sleeve or a cover for these devices. An indirect confirmation that this security concern is real is that Amazon is giving patently dishonest reassurances to Echo customers, as in technically accurate but utterly misleading. In a Quartz article, Amazons vice president and head scientist of Alexa machine learning Rohit Prasad claims there is no reason to worry about the Echo devices because they are too dumb. They have almost no memory, a buffer of only a few seconds, and know only four wake words. In other words, he acts as if the potential of intercepting the communication to the cloud does not exist, and worse, directs consumer attention from the fact that Amazon retains user voice recordings. One thing that may impede the spread of widespread voice-spying is that the Echo appears to be sufficiently fussy that it does not work very well in a lot of real-world settings. So only partial uptake among customers that fall squarely into its target market (upscale, tech-friendly, servant-loving) would limit how many customer profiles it gathers as well as how many parties it can listen in on. Plus Amazon seems to have trained its algos on American voices, which means if you have a pronounced accent, you may not be very happy with the Echo.1 From Clive: Apart from the creepy crawley surveillance aspect (and Google/Amazon bother me far more than the state security apparatus) I bought a couple of Apple Homekit enabled devices for home automation and Siri voice control. Absolutely useless. Works barely 60 percent of the time which is way, way less than tolerable considering the cost premium over conventional equivalents. Wth proper microphone kit, a quiet workspace and a few hours training it on your dialect, theres noting especially wrong with the principles of computer voice recognition. But it will always struggle in real-world environments and the vagaries of human speech without extensive customisation. A lot of Silicon Valleys output is what Japanese firms used to be castigated for Galapagos products which only work in a narrow niche-local market. If you are not an urban hipster in a San Francisco loft apartment with unimpeded WiFi signal strength, reliable low-latency broadband, good acoustic envelope, no street noise and so on, the tech has an embarrassing tendency to fall over in the kinds of environments the rest of us live in. Even in the US, these kinds of living conditions are atypical. City dwellers may have apartment type accommodation, but room sizes are smaller and reinforced concrete construction means the router in your hallway or kitchen will be patchy in the bedrooms. Suburban housing will be much bigger and youll need powerline repeaters to get to the outer edges of the building. CAT5 or 6 cabling isnt standard on mass built housing and even custom build doesnt normally specify it for residential development. My house is small by US standards but even I have to have a repeater to get a decent WiFi signal on the first floor. I move in a tech-y circle and everyone Ive discussed this with has tried Echo/ Siri Homekit/Google Home and has given up faced with the flakiness and demands to reconfigure their living spaces to accommodate their demands. So many of the more trusting sort of customer may be put off by the lack of reliability of these home assistants. But if you care at all about your security, I wouldnt get near one. Update 7:00 AM. By happenstance, a story just out in the Sun confirms the UK Echo is not ready for prime time point of view. From Cops raid music fans flat after his Alexa Amazon Echo device holds a party on its own while he was out: A music fan has been left with a huge bill after his voice-operated Amazon Echo device threw a house party while he was away. Cops were forced to break into Oliver Haberstrohs flat in Hamburg, Germany, after neighbours complained about deafening music blasting from inside but found the apartment empty. Mr Haberstroh claims he walked out of his flat to meet friend [sic] on Friday night after checking that the lights and music were switched off. He wrote on Facebook: While I was relaxed and enjoying a beer, Alexa managed on her own, without command and without me using my mobile phone, to switch on at full volume and have her own party in my apartment She decided to have it at a very inconvenient time, between 1.50am and 3am. My neighbours called the police. ___ 1 More from our wary reader: As part of NATO Allies ongoing commitment to transparency, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are hosting Russian arms control inspectors this week. The inspectors toured a number of military sites, including some used by multinational NATO battlegroups. NATO deployed defensive forces to the region known as enhanced forward presence following Russias aggressive actions against Ukraine. One battlegroup, roughly 1,000-strong, is now stationed in each of the Baltic countries and Poland to deter any possible aggression. In Estonia, Russian inspectors visited the Defence Forces Central Training Area, headquarters of the 1st Infantry Brigade in Tapa, and met with NATO personnel stationed there. In Latvia, the Russian inspection team visited Latvian Armed Forces units and training grounds, and were briefed by the Commander of the Mechanised Infantry Brigade and the Commander of the National Guard 2nd Brigade. They also conducted an observation flight over the central part of Latvia. In Lithuania, the inspectors conducted an overflight and visited units within the Mechanised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf in Rukla, where they were briefed by the Brigade Commander and met with NATO battlegroup personnel. All of these visits are being carried out within the framework of the Vienna Document, an agreement on military transparency reached among the 57 member nations of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in 2011. Designed to promote mutual trust and transparency, the Vienna Document commits OSCE members to accept a number of inspection visits by other members each year, in order to verify there are no undeclared military capabilities or activities of concern. NATO strongly supports efforts to build confidence and transparency on military activities. Allies respect the letter and spirit of the Vienna Document, and NATO regularly updates its schedule of military exercises online. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed today that NATO will increase its support for Afghanistan as part of its Resolute Support Mission. The United States briefed on its new South Asia strategy, under which its troop numbers in Afghanistan have increased. 27 other nations have also said they will increase their troop numbers in the coming months. As a result, NATOs Resolute Support Mission will increase from around 13,000 to around 16,000 troops. I strongly welcome the strengthened commitment and support demonstrated by Allies and partners, said the Secretary General. Defence Ministers from NATO Allies and partner nations also confirmed they will continue the fund the Afghan security forces until at least 2020. In addition to a significant financial contribution from the United States, other NATO Allies and partners will continue to provide almost a billion US dollars each year to the Afghan defence and security forces, added Mr Stoltenberg. Ministers were joined by Afghanistans Acting Defence Minister Tariq Shah Bahrami, who briefed on ongoing reforms, including on good governance, the rule of law, fighting corruption, and protecting the rights of all Afghans, including women and girls. Mr Stoltenberg said that NATO continues to support an Afghan-led peace and reconciliation process. We welcome the Kabul Process initiative launched by President Ghani earlier this year. And we urge all regional and international actors to support this process. The Secretary General was speaking following the meeting of Resolute Support Mission defence ministers at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. On Friday, 10 November 2017, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will travel to rland to attend a ceremony on the occasion of the arrival of Norwegian F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft. Mr. Stoltenberg will deliver remarks during the ceremony. The Secretary General will watch the fly by of the aircraft together with His Majesty King Harald, the Prime Minister, Mrs. Erna Solberg and the Minister of Defence, Mr. Frank Bakke-Jensen. Still and video images will be available on the NATO website after the event. Follow us on Twitter (@NATOPress and @jensstoltenberg) Defence Ministers agreed today (9 November 2017) to increase the size of NATOs Resolute Support training mission in Afghanistan from around 13,000 to roughly 16,000 personnel. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made the announcement at the end of a two-day meeting of the Alliance's Defence Ministers in Brussels. Mr Stoltenberg welcomed the fact that Afghan forces are making progress, even though the situation remains very challenging. Ministers also agreed on the importance of funding for the Afghan security forces, and welcomed Afghanistans intention to make further progress on reforms and reconciliation. In response to changes in Europes security environment, Ministers agreed an outline design for an adapted NATO Command Structure on Wednesday (8 November 2017), with new commands to improve the movement of troops across the Atlantic, and within Europe. "We need a command structure which can make sure that we have the right forces, in the right place, with the right equipment at the right time," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a press conference in the margins of the meeting. With cyber-attacks a growing threat, Ministers endorsed a set of principles for how the Alliance can integrate the cyber capabilities of its Allies into Alliance military operations. Ministers also agreed to the creation of a new Cyber Operations Centre to help integrate cyber into NATO planning and operations at all levels. This follows steps last year to recognise cyber as an operational domain along with land, sea and air. Another key focus of discussion among ministers was North Koreas illegal nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. Secretary General Stoltenberg stressed that UN sanctions need to be fully and transparently implemented. Mr Stoltenberg added that Russia and China have a special role to play both as neighbouring countries and as permanent members of the UN Security Council. In the margins of the NATO ministerial discussion, US Secretary of Defense James Mattis also chaired a meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. The NATO Deputy Secretary General, the Honourable Ms. Rose Gottemoeller will travel to Vatican City on Friday, 10 November 2017 and Saturday, 11 November 2017 for an international symposium organized by Cardinal Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. On Friday, Ms. Gottemoeller will deliver remarks as part of a panel discussion on Perspectives for a World Free from Nuclear Weapons. Follow the Deputy Secretary General on Twitter (@Gottemoeller). Also follow us at (@NATOPress). (As delivered) Good afternoon. We have just had a productive meeting with our Resolute Support partners, together with Afghanistans Acting Minister of Defence Bahrami. We reviewed the security situation. Afghan forces are making progress, even though the situation remains very challenging. I saw both the progress and the challenges during my recent visit to Afghanistan with US Defense Secretary Mattis. This year, the Afghan security forces have denied the Taliban their strategic objective of capturing a provincial capital. They have kept up the pressure on insurgents across the country and NATO remains committed to supporting them, as they develop their capabilities, strengthen command and control, and prepare the next generation of military leaders. Today, we addressed four key issues: the troop level of our mission, funding for the Afghan forces, progress on reforms and reconciliation, and continued engagement with Pakistan. Currently, around 13,000 troops from 39 different countries serve in our Resolute Support Mission. Allies welcomed the United States briefing on the implications of the new South Asia Strategy on our mission. This has already led to an increase in the US troop contribution. 27 other nations have also committed to increase troop numbers in the coming months. So the size of our Resolute Support Mission will increase, from around 13,000 to around 16,000 troops. I strongly welcome the strengthened commitment and support demonstrated by all Allies and partners. This remains critical to our progress. We also continue to support the financial sustainment of the Afghan security forces. We are committed to funding the Afghan security forces until at least 2020. In addition to the significant US contribution, other NATO Allies and partners will continue to provide almost a billion US dollars each year to the Afghan defence and security forces. At our meeting today, Minister Bahrami expressed Afghanistans appreciation for our continued support. He also made clear the Afghan governments intention is to make good on its commitments to make key reforms. For good governance, the rule of law, fighting corruption, and protecting the rights of all Afghans, including women and girls. Today, we reaffirmed the importance of finding a lasting, negotiated political solution in Afghanistan. NATO will continue to support a peace and reconciliation process that is Afghan-led and Afghan-owned. We welcome the Kabul Process initiative launched by President Ghani earlier this year. We urge the government to do all it can to ensure the conditions for peace on the ground. And we urge all regional and international actors to support this process. Pakistan has a key role to play in ensuring the Taliban find no safe havens. And Afghanistan needs the constructive engagement of all its neighbours. Because peace and stability in Afghanistan means peace and stability in the whole region. Finally, let me note that the ministers from the United Arab Emirates and Qatar joined us today. They are seeking to contribute to the Resolute Support Mission. And their presence was a strong symbol of global support to the government and the people of Afghanistan. And with that, I am ready to take your questions. Moderator: Okay, we'll go to the first row, TOLO, red scarf. Parvesh Hamal (TOLOnews): Thank you very much. I'm Parvesh Hamal from TOLOnews. I will ask how long NATO will stay in Afghanistan, and also, was it difficult to get troops for Afghanistan? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: This is now a condition-based mission, meaning that we stay there as long as we deem it necessary to stay there. But of course it's not a totally open-ended mission, the aim is to enable the Afghans to take full responsibility for their own security without NATO troops present on the ground, but as the conditions are now we see that it's an obvious need for NATO presence and not only NATO presence but also some increased NATO presence. We are not going back to a combat operation or a combat mission. What we do is to strengthen the training and the assistance and the advice to the Afghan troops. I think it's actually quite strong or quite impressive to see how committed NATO allies and partners are after 16 years. We have been there for 16 years and NATO allies and partners continue to provide troops and funding for the Afghan forces. They do so because they see that stability in Afghanistan is important for their own security. They understand that by fighting terrorists in Afghanistan we also make our own countries more secure, and by the fact that we have moved from a combat mission to a train, assist, and advice mission, I think there is strong support for this and we have many countries contributing with forces. Moderator: Ariana. Sharif Hassanyar (Ariana News): Yeah, thank you very much. Sharif Hassanyar, from Ariana News. The Afghan government committed to apply bold reforms in election commission and security sectors. Back in the country, Afghans are not satisfied. What more condition will you put on Afghan government to deliver its promises? Jens Stoltenberg: So we are sending a very clear message to Afghanistan and to the government of Afghanistan and that is that the reform is extremely important. We need to strengthen the democratic institutions, we need Afghanistan to fight corruption, and we need of course elections because elections are important for the credibility of all the democratic reforms and it is also in the long run important for the development of the whole Afghan society. So we continue to raise the importance of reform, including elections, in all our engagements with Afghanistan, and it was stressed by many allies during the meeting today. Moderator: We have VG over here, third row. Q: Thank you. My question is in regards to the coalition meeting later today and the news this morning that the Islamic State are defeated from most of their strongholds in Iraq and Syria, so I wonder how would you view NATO's role in the time to come and on the further stabilization of Iraq? Thank you. Jens Stoltenberg: NATO is already supporting Iraq and helping to stabilize Iraq. We do that partly because NATO allies through the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS contribute to that already through different training and capacity building activities. But in addition to that, we have also now started some training activities and capacity building activities in the NATO framework. We have a core team in place, it arrived in Baghdad in January, and we have started different training activities with the Iraqi forces on countering IEDs, or improvised explosive devices, on maintenance of equipment, on military medicine, and we also help them with modernizing their security and defence institutions. Many allies argued during the meeting today and yesterday, sorry, during the meeting yesterday, in favour of stepping up and increasing those training and capacity-building activities. NATO's presence in Iraq is based on a request or a wish from the Iraqi government, from Prime Minister Abadi. I've spoken to him many times, both in Baghdad and outside Iraq, and he has expressed strong support for increased NATO presence in Iraq. And the important reason to be there is of course to enable the Iraqis to stabilize their own country, to enable the Iraqis to make sure that the gains and achievements we have achieved in the fight against ISIL are lasting gains, and therefore we need to enable them to have a strong and reliable security forces and army. Moderator: Wall Street Journal, in the middle. No, over there, fourth row. Thank you. Q (Wall Street Journal): Mr. Secretary General, a while back we were talking about maybe as many as 1,500 additional non-U.S. European allies and partners for the Afghanistan mission. It seems like we have fewer than half of that for the pledge today. Are you at all disappointed with the early number? Do you expect that the number of non-U.S. allies contributing to the Afghanistan mission will grow next year? And do you anticipate some pushback from the White House given that Mr. Trump has called on NATO to do more in counterterrorism and more to support defence spending? Jens Stoltenberg: In 2017, then the number of troops in the Resolute Support Mission have been roughly 50% U.S. troops and the rest non-U.S. troops, meaning other NATO allies and partner countries. We are now in the process of increasing the troop level and we are in the process of force generation, and we havent finalized that so it's not possible to provide any final figures when it comes to how much different countries are going to contribute. But I hope and I expect that it will be roughly also 50-50 within the Resolute Support Mission also next year, but we have not finalized the force generation process so it's not possible to say that with certainty. But if we look at the broader picture, I think it's important to understand that Afghanistan is an example of how we do burden sharing, how NATO is important not only for Europe but also how NATO is important for the United States, because Afghanistan is about how NATO invoked Article 5 after an attack on the United States. That's the only time we have invoked Article 5, and that was after an attack on the United States, and hundreds of thousands of European, Canadian soldiers have served shoulder to shoulder with U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan for many, many years, and more than thousands have paid the ultimate price, so if we look at the bigger picture Afghanistan is really about that we stand together, that also European allies and Canada contribute in missions and operations which are important for Europe, but not least for the United States and this was triggered by an attack on the United States. Moderator: Salam Watandar, second row. Nasir Maimanagy (Salam Watandar): Hi, this is Nasir Maimanagy from Salam Watandar. My question is with regards to joining of Qatar and UAE in the RSM mission, could you please elaborate how big, or the significance of their joining, and also if they're going to be contributing troops and funding as well? Thanks. Jens Stoltenberg: I'll be careful being too precise on behalf of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates because I think they have to elaborate or to be more specific on what kind of contributions they foresee, but they expressed their willingness, their readiness to provide support and also capabilities to the Resolute Support Mission, but exactly what kind of support I think they have to tell themselves. I would very much welcome support from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. They were part of the ISAF mission, the previous NATO mission in Afghanistan, and I would very much welcome that they also now support and become part of the Resolute Support Mission because they have capabilities, they have knowledge which will be highly valued by the Resolute Support Mission. Moderator: BBC, fourth row. Jonathan Marcus (BBC): Yes, good afternoon Secretary General. Jonathan Marcus, BBC. Two questions. Just following on from troop numbers, is it correct that even with the existing mission you are several hundred posts short of being filled in key specialities, and isnt this going to be a problem going forward? And more fundamentally, if you compare your assessment of the situation in Afghanistan with the regular American SIGAR reports, I'd put it to you that your characterization that it remains very challenging but the Afghans are making progress is being unduly optimistic; things are actually not going very well on the ground. Jens Stoltenberg: So we are now in the process of filling the force or meeting the force requirements which our military commanders have developed and we have reached very far but we havent filled all the positions or the posts that are asked for. So that's exactly what we are addressing now. We got some new announcements from some nations during the meeting today but we still have some gaps that we will continue to work on and which we are going to then address with allies and partners to fill so we have a troop level and also not only the number of troops but also the types of troops we need to have a mission in Afghanistan next year which is able to do the job we would like to do. When it comes to the situation in Afghanistan, the security situation in Afghanistan, I think it is a very mixed picture because on the one hand we have seen violence, we have seen horrendous attacks, terrorist attacks against civilians, against Mosques, against the international community and innocent people in Afghanistan, and Afghanistan is still very volatile and there is a lot of insurgents in large parts of the country. Having said that, there are also some signs that are going in the right direction, some positive signs. First of all: the fact that the Afghan National Army and Security Forces are now responsible for the security in Afghanistan themselves. We have to remember that until 2015 NATO troops were engaged in combat operations, now the Afghans are responsible for security themselves. That's a big achievement. The other thing is that the main strategic goal, which was stated by the Taliban for this year's fighting season was to take control of provincial capitals. They have not been able to do that because the Afghan forces have proven capable, they have been professional, and they have been able to then repel every time the insurgents have tried to attack. So, yes, there are many reasons for concern, but there are also some reasons for optimism and I think we need to understand this nuanced picture to be able to understand the challenges in Afghanistan. Moderator: NHK at the back. Q (NHK): Thank you very much. Yasushi Kudo from NHK, Japan news, Japan broadcasting corporation. My question is about North Korea. In yesterday's dinner you talked about North Korea inviting Ms. Mogherini and could you explain us the result? And in China, Mr. Trump talked with Xi Jinping, urging China to use its influence on DPRK, but DPRK is now getting closer to Russia, so how do you see this tie between them much closer than before? Is it alarming for NATO and what role do you demand to Russia on this issue? Jens Stoltenberg: Russia has a special responsibility when it comes to North Korea, and we discussed the challenges and the threats posed by North Korea during our dinner yesterday because we are deeply concerned and all NATO allies strongly condemn the development of missiles and nuclear weapons, and also the fact that North Korea are now developing missiles which can reach both North American and Europe, and we have to remember that Secretary Mattis stated yesterday that European capitals are closer to North Korea than for instance Washington. So the North Korean missile and nuclear program is of course a threat to NATO's partners in the region, Japan and South Korea, but it's also a threat to global peace and security and therefore we have to put maximum pressure on North Korea. Pressure is the path to peace. Pressure is the way we can reach a negotiated political solution where North Korea stops its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Russia has a special role to play, together with China, because Russia and China are permanent members of the Security Council, which has adopted the sanctions against North Korea, but Russia and China are also neighbours and that gives them a special role to make sure that sanctions are fully implemented. I welcome the fact that the U.N. Security Council agreed stronger sanctions in September, and that it looks like the sanctions are more implemented, implemented to a higher degree now than before, and that increases the pressure on North Korea, which is the way to achieve a peaceful solution to the crisis on the peninsula. Moderator: Thank you very much. This concludes this press point. I'm sorry we couldnt take all the questions but we will see you again soon. Thank you. On Thursday (9 November 2017), Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Finland joined a long-standing multinational effort to acquire Air-to-Ground Precision Guided Munitions. During a signing ceremony, the Defence Minister of Denmark and his counterparts from the new participants signed an amendment to the existing Memorandum of Understanding to mark their official accession. This project was launched by six Allied Defence Ministers through a Letter of Intent during the Wales Summit in 2014. With Thursdays ceremony, the number of participants has doubled reflecting the potential nations see in this effort. Through this framework, participants will be able to lower their acquisition cost by aggregating their individual demands. They will also obtain greater flexibility for their munitions stockpiles as all Precision Guided Munitions acquired under this scheme can be easily shared and exchanged amongst the participants. The first multinational order is being executed by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) on behalf of the participants with delivery of munitions to nations scheduled for 2018. This first order is a major new opportunity for the nations and NSPA within the framework of US Foreign Military Sales. Additionally, this order under the PGM initiative demonstrates the benefit to nations of international cooperation in multinational logistics. A team of representatives from NATOs Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP), together with experts from Bulgaria, Germany and the United States, visited Skopje, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia from 30 October to 2 November 2017. They reviewed the governments progress on defence education reforms and identified clear priorities for the future. During the visit, the Minister of Defence, Radmila Sekerinska, emphasised the importance of the programme. I can say, with conviction, that our inclusion in this NATO programme will help us reform and develop our military education and achieve better results, she said. The DEEP team will complete an assessment report in close cooperation with Skopje. An initial action plan will then be developed to focus on defence education priorities. The DEEP project is expected to begin in February 2018 and could take up to three years. The foundations for these negotiations were laid during the meeting between Defence Minister Sekerinska and NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller in Brussels on 27 September 2017. Both expressed strong support for strengthened cooperation and emphasised that education remains a critical factor of transformation. DEEPs are tailored programmes through which the Alliance advises partners on how to build, develop and reform educational institutions in the security, defence and military domain. Projects are currently running in 12 countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1, Tunisia and Ukraine. They focus in particular on faculty building and curriculum development, covering areas such as teaching methodology, leadership and operational planning. (Natural News) Throughout Hillary Clintons second unsuccessful bid for the presidency last year, there were repeated signs that her health was not good and actually getting worse. Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, was among the first in the independent media to report on it, in fact. In August, after Clinton was photographed being helped up a short flight of steps at a residence, Adams wrote that it was just the latest proof in a multi-year body of evidence that her health was failing: For at least the last five years, scary signs of Hillary Clintons plummeting health have continued to emerge. From her bizarre in-speech blackouts to her repeated monstrous coughing fits and her seizure-like bobble head behavior, many people have legitimately wondered whether Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a neurological or cognitive collapse. For that Adams and the few other indie media outlets who were tracking Hillarys health decline were pilloried by so-called fact-checking websites like Politifact who described the reporting as hysterically false and decidedly anti-Clinton, while at the same time appearing to lend credibility to mainstream media reporting that something is mentally wrong with then-GOP presidential contender Donald J. Trump. Now, thanks to revelations contained in former DNC head and longtime Democratic operative Donna Braziles new book, Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House, we know that Adams and Natural News were right and the fact-checkers and lamestream media outlets were covering up for their preferred candidate. Braziles book has thrown open a new and very big window on 2016 and exposed yet again the consequences of the political biases of the Democratic media, writes Michael Goodwin for The New York Post, regarding the medias disgustingly dishonest lack of coverage. The missed stories are not merely the result of mistakes or sloppy reporting. Braziles book is a revelation in that it shows that many left-leaning journalists didnt so much cover Clinton as cover up for her, Goodwin noted further. (Related: Hillary Clintons worsening coughing fits point to massive hidden health problem.) Consider this, Goodwin proffered: Brazile admitted that Hillarys declining health was so much of an issue that, during the peak of her campaign, she thought of replacing her with then-Vice President Joe Biden but none of the thousands of mainstream media reporters covering her campaign ever knew that? How likely is that, especially given the many public displays of Clinton in poor health? Its not possible if the media had been playing it down the middle and holding both candidates to the same standard of scrutiny, Goodwin writes. But this massive story was missed because the coverage was so skewed in an effort to ensure Trumps defeat. By contrast, as noted in the Politifact piece referenced above, any insinuation completely devoid of facts that suggested there was something anything wrong with Trump became the lead story in the days political news cycle. But anything that might harm Clinton or make her look physically unable to hold office was downplayed, ignored outright or ridiculed. The Washington Posts political writer Chris Cillizza is emblematic of the bias. He once denounced stories about Clintons declining health as a totally ridiculous issue and a sure-fire loser for Trump. Its hard to plausibly insist, based on the available data, that Clinton is ill, Cillizza, now at CNN, wrote. Riiiight. The coverage of Clintons health was a prime example of the tilt. Her coughing fits, especially a long one on Labor Day, and a history of falling were pointed out by the popular Drudge Report, some Republicans and smaller, conservative-leaning sites to suggest she was not being honest about her health, Goodwin noted. As we know now thanks to Braziles revelations, Clintons health was so poor the DNC chief thought about replacing her. Once again, the independent media was right. Oh, and if you want real media fact-checking, head over to our network site Read more of J.D. Heyes work at The National Sentinel. Sources include: (Natural News) The Alt-Left feminist movement has no problem eating a fellow liberal when he or she isnt being Leftist enough, as evidenced by their attacks against a progressive writer who dared to advise against mothers sending their kids to daycare early. As reported by PJ Media, author Erica openly describes herself and politically liberal, and yet, when it came time for her to publish her book Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters, let alone publicizing it, she was regularly rejected by liberal media outlets. How can that be? Because Komisar, a social worker and psychoanalyst, chose fact over Left-wing political fiction in fighting the ongoing mommy war. The Wall Street Journal reported: She did appear on ABCs Good Morning America, but seconds before the camera went live, she says, the interviewer told her: I dont believe in the premise of your book at all. I dont like your book. The premise of Ms. Komisars bookbacked by research in psychology, neuroscience and epigeneticsis that mothers are biologically necessary for babies, and not only for the obvious reasons of pregnancy and birth. In other words, the interviewer dismissed Komisars fact-based research because it conflicted with her political beliefs. Never mind that Komisar, 53, spent 30 years working with parents and children directly in New York City, during which time she witnessed an increase in ADHD among boys and depression among girls that bothered her. More often than not these patients had a singular life event in common: They had mothers who were not present as often or as much as they should have been during their childs first three years of life. What I was seeing was an increase in children being diagnosed with ADHD and an increase in aggression in children, particularly in little boys, and an increase in depression in little girls, Komisar said. More young children were being diagnosed with social disorders where their symptoms greatly resembled those of autism and they were having difficulty relating to other children, having difficulty with empathy. As she started to put the pieces together, she noted that the absence of others in childrens lives on a daily basis was what I saw to be one of the triggers for these mental disorders, she said. (Related: Raising healthy kids Natural strategies to reduce the risk of SIDS, autism and other childhood diseases.) As such, she began to compile all the scientific literature she could find that reinforced what she believed was going on. It then became a preoccupation with here, she said. My husband would say I was a one-note Charlie, she told the WSJ. I would come home and I would rant and would say, Oh my God, Im seeing these things. Ive got to write a book about it. Many publishers rejected her well-researched book claiming she was shaming women and making them feel guilty as if their feelings are more important than the mental health of their children. But Komisar said guilt is a good thing in this case. My best patient is a patient who comes to me feeling guilty, she told the paper. Women who feel guilty its a signal feeling that somethings wrong, theyre in conflict. Komisar said she is a big advocate for government-mandated, employer-funded maternity benefits that include a years paid leave once a baby is born, followed by two years of flex time. While that might not be governments place to mandate and a bitter, expensive pill for companies to swallow, she makes a good point regarding the kind of society we ought to strive to be as regards to the importance we put on motherhood. What we do want, she says, is to be a child-centric society. J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel. Sources include: (Natural News) Since World War I ended, the United States has started lending a hand to countries that are in need of assistance, starting with the reconstruction of post-war Europe, going all the way to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. America led the world when it comes to giving foreign aid, but by 1994, America provided less assistance to developing countries than did Japan, and the same amount as France and Germany. In addition, the U.S.s 1996 federal outlay of international assistance to other countries equated to only $6.6 billion less than 0.5 percent of the total budget. Most of the United States financial assistance goes to food assistance, capital to multilateral banks, development aid, disaster relief, and refugee assistance. Admittedly, the U.S.s actions have jumpstarted developing countries own moves towards food self-sufficiency. Small developing countries with income levels that are constantly on the rise, like South Korea or Malaysia, will experience no difficulties when it comes to importing food, even if they are unable to match food production at the domestic level. Other countries like Thailand will continue to export food and thrive in food adequacy. (Related: Amazing edible park in Irvine, Ca., stresses importance of food independence.) Continued food self-sufficiency can be credited in the decrease of the proportion of hungry people in East Asia to 16 percent from 40 percent even while their population increased by 500 million within the last 25 years. Its food needs are expected to increase sharply over the coming decades with a projected population of almost three billion by 2050. The situation in Latin America is optimistic, albeit with some caveats. The proportion of the malnourished people in the continent declined to 14 percent from 18 percent over the past 25 years, although at the expense of the destruction of its natural forests. Africa, on the other hand, has already reached the point when population growth rates have already exceeded food production growth rates, resulting in hunger whenever bad weather, civil unrest, or war decides to poke his ugly head in. It is currently depending on imports for around 25 percent of its grain consumption, a rate that has increased over the past 30 years as per capita food production has dropped. One could say that the food independence assistance that the U.S. provides developing countries also brings empirical benefits to America. All the major crops in the U.S. corn, potatoes, barley, rice, and wheat, among others are endemic to other countries. The genetic variation that is the basis for plant breeding that created current high-yielding crop varieties in the United States was obtained from other countries. This makes the genetic variation that is available in the U.S. limited; when a new pathogen threatens the existence of such crops, there is the possibility that naturally-occurring resistance in the germ plasm that is available here wont be enough to conquer the new pests. So scientists and agriculturists look for the cure in international agricultural research centers, and Americas financial aid to sustain such centers gives the United States a moral claim to those resources. As a matter of fact, Phillip Pardey and his colleagues at the International Food Policy Research Institute has reported that by the early 1990s around one-fifth of the total U.S. wheat acreage and more than 70 percent of the American rice acreage at a combined value of $3.5 billion between the years 1970 and 1993 originated from varieties that were produced by the international agricultural research centers. In comparison, the United States gave $150 million to international wheat and rice centers and less than $1 billion to all the international centers in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) around that time. These improvements in countries around the world, in health and in income levels there has also been a big shift to democracyare helping to bring more capable states and governments that are quite helpful to us. If we want to enhance our own security around the world we need to be able to work with capable governments and states, said Stece Radelet, a professor and director of the Global Human Development Program at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. There are many, many surveys that are taken, that Americans believe that we spend something like between 10 percent and 20 percent of the federal budget on foreign aid. And in fact we spend less than one percent of the federal budget. Its a tiny share of our budget that we contribute to fighting poverty and hunger and disease around the world, Radelet added. New goals for the U.S. in its food assistance advocacy The major goal for the United States is to help developing countries acquire their own agricultural knowledge, often in partnership with other entities, as time and again it has been proven that rising agricultural productivity is vital to economic development in every country that was once not self-sustaining. The countries that the U.S. sees as the most challenging when it comes to this goal include Bangladesh, China, and India and areas such as Java, Malawi, and other highland areas of southern and eastern Africa. This is attributed to the fact that the international system is remiss in its duties to help African organizations address soil management, pest management, and water challenges. Poor roads, poor transportation, and poor marketing systems in Africa also mean that fertilizers are more expensive in that part of the world. The United States stresses the need for public investments in good roads and transportation systems, plus market information systems that would establish the development of private traders, thereby decreasing the cost of marketing of both inputs and products. For more stories on food independence, food surplus, and the ways the United States has been championing these causes, visit Sources include: Four Bay Area counties show the largest achievement gaps between Latino and white students on the most recent math assessments, according to a new study by The Education Trust-West. The report, The Majority Report: Supporting the Educational Success of Latino Students in California, looked at this years state test scores to determine the achievement gap between Latino students and white students across California. The Bay Area counties with the largest achievement gaps in math include: San Francisco (46 percentage points), Marin (44 percentage points), San Mateo (43 percentage points) and Santa Clara (43 percentage points). Researchers say the gaps in English language arts are comparable. Researchers found the majority of public school students in California are Latino. Across Bay Area counties about one in three people under age 25 is Latino. Yet, the study uncovered theres not a single county in the state where the majority of Latino students are proficient in math or English language arts. A press release for the study says it also highlights bright spots throughout the state where promising practices are helping Latino students advance academically, dispelling the myth that these gaps cannot be closed and reiterating the need for more action and urgency from state leaders. The report concludes with a series of recommendations, recognizing that failing to offer a high-quality education to our Latino students means failing to prepare the future leaders who will fuel our states economy, strengthen our communities and maintain our states cultures, traditions and values. Below is a link to an interactive map created by The Education Trust-West that shows the achievement gap between Latino and white students in English language arts and math for all California counties. A woman thrown from a Lamborghini after it crashed into a palm tree and caught on fire in downtown San Diego over the weekend has died. The San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office (ME) confirmed her death on Wednesday. The victim, Stephanie Rivera, is a fashion model in Tijuana, Mexico, according to Joaquin Meza, director of Miss Earth Baja California. Meza confirmed Tuesday that Rivera was the passenger in the Lamborghini, which crashed just before 2 a.m. Sunday on N. Harbor Drive near W. Broadway. Michael Llamas, 33, was behind the wheel, traveling northbound on Harbor Drive at over 100 mph when he lost control, officials said. The luxury car crashed into a palm tree and Was engulfed in flames. Rivera was rushed to a local hospital where she remained in critical condition for two days. On Tuesday, her father told NBC 7 she was not expected to survive. A new report indicates that San Franciscos Office of the Controller wants to discontinue cash payments for cable car rides. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that investigators posing as riders said cable car conductors did not ask them to pay on 11 of 30 rides. Riders can also pay with clipper cards or online, but the report said cash fares... Llamas died in the crash. His body was found inside the charred car after firefighters put out the flames. Doing the Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail? There's a fresh stay near Cannery Row. Meza told NBC 7 he had met with Rivera last week to talk about her future projects. He described the model as a kind, smart professional who had a good heart. "She cares a lot about the environment and is also involved in the breast cancer awareness," Meza said. A romance novel cover model from Southern California has pleaded guilty to robberies at a bank and convenience store in Connecticut that led to a nearly weeklong cross-country manhunt. David Byers, of Solano Beach, entered his guilty plea in Hartford on Tuesday. Prosecutors said Byers robbed a Chase Bank twice and a Citgo gas station in Greenwich in April before leading police on a cross-country manhunt that involved a series of vehicles thefts and high-speed pursuits. Police said the 35-year-old evaded officers in Pennsylvania and Arizona before his arrest in San Diego in May. Authorities said Byers was also responsible for a series of robberies in New York. He is now facing up to 20 years in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 18. A Los Angeles photographer previously said Byers has appeared on the covers of four romance novels. "There was never anything that would have indicated that he would do this," photographer Michael Stokes, who has worked with the model, told the Los Angeles Times. In April, prosecutors said Byers, wearing a bandana over his face, robbed a gas station in New York of $300. A day later, he took $2,107 from a Chase Bank branch in New York, according to a U.S. Department of Justice news release. Byers robbed another gas station in Greenwich April 24, then struck again in the southwestern Connecticut community a day later at a Chase bank, prosecutors said. He returned to the same bank April 26 and stolen more than $3,300, according to authorities. The one-man crime spree led to a manhunt that started April 28 after a vehicle sought in connection with the heists was located in Greenwich. Byers eluded authorities during searches in Connecticut neighborhoods that involved several law enforcement agencies. A sighting was reported later in Pennsylvania, where authorities said he again evaded law enforcement. Police used a tire deflation device in an attempt to disabled the vehicle Byers was driving, but he abandoned the vehicle before stealing a pickup with the keys left in it, prosecutors said. Investigators released security camera photos of the suspect during the manhunt, which led to Yuma, Arizona on May 1. Police in the southwestern corner of the state said Byers was seen near a hotel. He again escaped following a high-speed chase, prosecutors aid. Byers was arrested in the parking lot of a San Diego area liquor store. For their entire lives, two sisters heard stories from the father about Uncle Frank. "He's always told us he was a great big brother; he looked out for him growing up, said Lanna Sandoval. Frank Louis Masoni, raised in Gilroy, was the oldest of four boys who became a U.S. Marine. Masoni would be killed in the South Pacific during World War II in 1943. The family never knew what happened to his body. "Just that he was missing in action, said Sandoval, Frank Masoni's niece. Last year, the family requested a DNA test from the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. They did a cheek swab on their father, Richard Masoni, and sent it back. In September, Richard Masoni received a phone call. The person on the other line told him his DNA matched a marine buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu. It was his brother Frank, finally identified 74 years after he was killed. Our dad called and said, Youre never going to believe this. He said, I got a call from the Marines, they identified my brother. We said wow, said Clorinda Sergi, Frank Masoni's niece. The military sent the family service medals Frank earned, including a purple heart. They learned new information about how he died in the Battle of Tarawa on the Gilbert Islands. About 1,000 marines and sailors were killed. Masoni was working as a cook on a ship when he was sent in to fight. He was one of the ones that made it and lasted a day on the island. He died the second day, Sandoval said. My grandmother had actually sent letters (to the Marines) after my Uncle Frank's death every year, she wrote a letter saying, Please if you find his body please, I want him brought home.'" The sisters father, Richard Masoni, is 90 and still lives in Gilroy. When he was 16 years old, he dropped his brother off at the bus stop to leave for war. Franks body will soon be returned, 74 years after he died. Im just glad it's happening in my dad's lifetime, Sandoval said. And he's able to see his brother make it back to Gilroy. Police have released the names and mugshots of two young men accused in the shooting death of a high school student in Concord. The Contra Costa County District Attorney's Office filed charges Wednesday in the murder case against Kristhiam Uceda, 20, and Bryan Sermeno-Chachagua, 18, both of Concord. Uceda was charged with murder and Sermeno-Chachagua was charged with hiding the gun after the shooting, police said. Three other suspects arrested are not being named because they are minors. One of the unnamed suspects, a 17-year-old male, was charged with murder for driving the involved vehicle in the shooting. Another 17-year-old male was also charged with hiding the gun after the shooting. Police said no charges have been filed at this time against the fifth suspect. The victim has been identified as 17-year-old Lawrence Janson, who was shot and killed near Olympic Continuation High. Police said Janson was likely targeted in the shooting. A motive is still under investigation. Controversy is brewing at Stanford University over an on-campus event featuring an author known for being a harsh critic of Islam. An appearance by Robert Spencer, scheduled for Nov. 14, has triggered a petition to rescind funding for his visit to the university. Spencer is best known for his appearances on Fox News as a self-described expert on radical Islam. But students who are opposed to his appearance at Stanford question his credentials and say he poses a safety concern for the campus. "By inviting someone like Spencer and calling it free speech, theyre basically saying that hate speech is OK, and it doesnt really matter how the marginalized students feel," student Fatima Ledha said. Ledha is with a coalition of Stanford students who met Wednesday night to figure out a response to Spencers visit. Some of their concerns include questions about his academic credentials. "Hes coming under the guise of a scholar," Ledha said. "Hes coming under the guise of someone whos done a lot of work on this, and he actually doesnt have any background or formal training on Islam." "He brings nothing intellectually to this university," student Joshua de Leon said. "Bring in somebody whos conservative, please. Bring in someone who is a scholar, please. But not this man." Spencer, who has written several books and runs a blog called "Jihad Watch," said it will be his first Stanford visit, and after a series of violent clashes over free speech across the bay in Berkeley, hell be coming with plenty of security. "The freedom of speech is an indispensable foundation of any free society," Spencer said via an email interview. "There is an ongoing effort to marginalize, demonize and silence anyone and everyone who speaks honestly about the motivating ideology behind the Jihad threat." Spencer's visit is sponsored by the Stanford College Republicans. The group did not wish to comment about the event. Editor's Note: While introducing a story on Robert Spencers upcoming visit to Stanford, the image on-screen showed controversial alt-right speaker Richard Spencer. The use of the wrong image was unintentional. We apologize for the mistake. A firearms expert Wednesday testified in support of defense arguments that Kate Steinle was killed on San Francisco's Pier 14 accidentally, describing unintentional firearms discharges as "all too common." Alan Voth, a firearms forensic expert who spent 35 years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, testified Wednesday in the trial of Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, who is charged with second-degree murder in Steinle's death. Steinle, a 32-year-old Pleasanton native and San Francisco resident, was shot once in the back as she walked on the pier with family members on the evening of July 1, 2015. Defense attorneys are not contesting that Garcia Zarate, 45, fired the shot that killed Steinle, but instead are arguing that the shooting was an accident that occurred after Garcia Zarate found and picked up a gun on the pier that had been stolen from a U.S. Bureau of Land Management ranger several days earlier. Prosecutors are not required to prove Garcia Zarate intended to kill Steinle for a second-degree murder charge, but they still must prove he intended to fire the gun. Voth, who has trained law enforcement on proper weapons handling, Wednesday testified that unintentional discharges can be caused by manufacturing defects, operator error, muscle spasms, loss of muscle control or a loss of tactile sensation, such as when the hands are cold or in gloves and are "all too common" among both law enforcement and civilians. Signs that a shooting was an unintentional discharge would include if a single shot fired rather than multiple shots, if the operator was poorly trained and if the operator injured himself, Voth said. Other signs would include a lack of deliberate aiming, evidence that the person was doing something other than aiming when the gun went off, bullet strikes in illogical locations, a lack of motive or evidence of planning in the shooting and the actions of the shooter after the gun fired. No evidence has been presented to indicate any motive or planning on Garcia Zarate's part. Evidence presented in the case indicates the single bullet that struck Steinle hit the ground on the pier around 12 feet away from where Garcia Zarate sat before it hit Steinle around 90 feet away from him. Under questioning by Matt Gonzalez, chief attorney for the Public Defender's Office, Voth said it was obvious the bullet had ricocheted and that he would consider that as an "illogical bullet strike." "There's no apparent reason to fire into a concrete pier," he said. Voth said in a situation such as Garcia Zarate's, where a person who is seated fires a single bullet at the ground that ricochets and strikes someone 78 feet away from the ricochet, "I see the probability that this is an unintentional discharge." Outside court, defense attorney Francisco Ugarte said Voth's testimony corroborated statements by Garcia Zarate and his defense team that the shooting was accidental. "It has all the physical characteristics of an accident," Ugarte said. Defense attorneys Wednesday also worked to undermine the credibility of a witness who testified in court that she had seen Garcia Zarate laughing and acting strangely shortly before the shooting. Sgt. Conroy testified that the witness, Michelle Lo, did not mention the laughter when she was interviewed by police after the shooting. Michelle Lo's son, Danny Lo, testified that Garcia Zarate made him uncomfortable because he was homeless and said the defendant had looked nonchalant and bored when he saw him on the pier before the shooting. Steinle's shooting triggered a national furor over San Francisco's Sanctuary City policies after it was learned that Garcia Zarate, an undocumented immigrant with a history of deportations and drug charges, had been released from San Francisco jail several months earlier without notice to federal immigration authorities. However, Prosecutor Diana Garcia did not bring up Garcia Zarate's immigration status and criminal record during the presentation of her case, which concluded last week. Defense attorneys are expected to finish presenting their case Thursday, with closing arguments expected to take place next week. A Chino Hills man was arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty--allegedly pouring scalding water on a caged dog--during an incident recorded by a cellphone camera, according to authorities and the reporting witnesses. Authorities responded after receiving a call from two teenagers who reported hearing a dog yelp in pain, then seeing a man on an apartment balcony pouring liquid from a kettle onto a cage. The teens recorded video. The dog could not be seen in the video, but could be heard when the water was poured. The witnesses--seniors at Chino Hills High School-- told responding deputies it happened at least five times. Enping Qu, 22, was arrested Tuesday night on suspicion of animal cruelty. The teens described being startled by the "cries" of the dog. "I couldn't walk away," said Giselle, 17. "I had to call." Besides pouring the liquid, the man on the balcony also made "threatening gestures," said Jose, also 17. They were in Pinehurst Park, which is adjacent to the apartment building near the corner of Butterfield Ranch Road and Park Drive. When authorities entered the apartment to speak with Qu, they noticed a kettle containing "scorching hot water" and discovered the dog's coat was still wet and warm, according to the Chino Hills Station of the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department. Responders from the Inland Valley Humane Society measured the water temperature in a kettle at 129 degrees, authorities said. The dog, a mixed breed believed to about three years of age and named "Sophie," was taken from the apartment and is currently being treated at the Inland Valley Humane Society. The dog suffered burns, possibly second degree, and will require observation at least 3-5 days, according to veterinarian Cynthia Kinney. Sophie is the companion of Qu's girlfriend, authorities believe. She was not present during the incident. Qu is from China and speaks limited English. A digital translator was used during questioning. It appeared Qu was trying "to intimidate" the dog, said Sheriff's Deputy Daniel Renear. Qu posted bail Wednesday and was released from custody, but still faces a possible felony charge. He could not be reached for comment. A paramedic with the San Francisco Fire Department is being accused of taking a puppy from a family in the midst of an emergency medical situation. The family says they feel victimized by someone who was supposed to be there helping them. A woman, who asked NBC Bay Area to not use her name, says on October 30 her husband felt ill after a dialysis treatment. The couple is originally from Laos. She says as two paramedics were treating her husband in the ambulance, a third paramedic who stayed behind suddenly asked to take a puppy. "I say, 'you can come back tomorrow and take the dog. Take care of my husband first,'" the woman recalled. She says the paramedic insisted on taking the puppy right then there. Fearing her husband's condition would worsen, the woman says she let the paramedic take the dog because she didn't think they would leave without it. Family friend Kevin Chung tracked down the puppy with help of the fire department. The dog was reportedly given to friends of the paramedic. "It's crazy. I mean, you shouldn't be taking advantage of these people during that situation -- in her condition, in his condition," Chung said. The fire department says it is investigating the incident and declined to name the accused paramedic. But the family tells us a fire captain came Wednesday with an interpreter and said the puppy will be returned on Nov. 21 after a health quarantine. The paramedic faces disciplinary action, according to the fire department. Danica Roem, a 33-year-old journalist turned public works advocate, has won Virginias 13th District House of Delegates seat, becoming the first openly transgender person elected and seated to a state legislature in the United States. Roem beat out the districts 26-year incumbent, conservative values and government transparency champion Bob Marshall. The race attracted national attention as Marshall, 73, a conservative who proposed a bill restricting which bathrooms transgender people could use, faced off against the transgender stepmother who plays in a metal band. The district also found itself in the spotlight as one of a few Republican-governed areas that voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. Roem, speaking to MSNBC by phone following her victory, said that her campaign was based on a platform of "building up our infrastructure instead of tearing down each other." She said she didn't want to "pile on" after a hard night for Marshall and his supporters. But she said it was important to note that discrimination "is a disqualifier." THE CAMPAIGN Roem ran on a platform focused on infrastructure projects to create jobs and fix Virginia's clogged Route 28, along with raising teacher pay. Marshall put government issues at the center of his campaign, promoting government transparency, small businesses and school choice for parents. Roem spent more time in the spotlight than her opponent. Marshall refused to debate Roem and often declined interviews. In an NPR interview in September, Marshall said the election was about America's national character and Roem was going against nature. "Danica clearly is out here doing this for making a marker in the national character that you can engage in this behavior -- which clearly goes against the laws of nature and nature's God -- and hold public office to make decisions on behalf of the common good," Marshall said. "That is what is kind of at stake here." He refused to speak with News4's Julie Carey about flyers his campaign sent out last month. Those flyers referred to Roem as "him." "When Delegate Marshall realized that he cannot win on public policy issues, on traffic, jobs, schools and health care, he resorted to trash," Roem responded. Roem told News4 that when she was knocking on Virginians' doors, voters didn't ask about her gender. But across the country, a number of groups and individuals took interest in the race because of Roem's background. After President Donald Trump announced on Twitter his intention to ban transgender people from the military, Roem received $52,000 in donations in one day, News4 reported. The outside money came throughout the campaign, though. Roem was supported by Victory Fund, a national group that aims to elect LGBTQ leaders. Some of her largest campaign donations, according to Virginia Department of Elections filings, were from individuals in New York and Chris Abele, a county executive from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who donated $40,000. During the final fundraising period of the race, Roem brought in more than $300,000, significantly more than Marshalls roughly $165,000. Few of Marshalls donations came from outside Virginia. Roem becomes not only her state's first transgender legislator but also the only out trans state legislator in the country, according to the Victory Fund. In 2012, Democrat Stacie Laughton became the first openly transgender candidate elected to a state legislature. But she was never seated in the New Hampshire House after revelations that she had failed to disclose a felony conviction, The New York Times reported. Another lawmaker, Althea Garrison, came out as transgender while serving in the Massachusetts House but lost subsequent races. THE CANDIDATES Both Roem and Marshall have a long history in Virginias 13th District, which encompasses parts of Prince William County and Manassas City. Roem was born in Manassas and attended Catholic school in northern Virginia until she moved away for college. After college, she returned to Virginia and worked for the Gainesville Times, a local newspaper. She later worked for the Prince William Times and the Montgomery County Sentinel. In 2013, Roem began her transition to life as a woman. She changed her name and started hormone replacement therapy. It was great. I could just keep doing my job, Roem said on her website. Marshall was born in Takoma Park, Maryland, and moved to Prince William County with his family in 1980, according to his website. He was elected to the House of Delegates in 1991 and has served in the legislature since. In office, he fought to preserve privacy and help small businesses, supporting a measure that prohibited police from searching phones without a warrant. He also wrote a bill cutting the burden of paperwork on Virginia businesses. He has championed conservative causes. Marshall sponsored Virginias own failed bathroom bill, which would have effectively banned transgender people from using opposite-sex bathrooms in government buildings and schools. He tried to block Virginia from adding sex and gender discrimination to anti-discrimination rules. "Starting next year Delegate Marshall will be one of my constituents and I'm not going to attack my own constituents," Roem said Tuesday night on MSNBC. "I think if there's any lesson that came out of the race this year it's that attacking your constituents, singling them out, stigmatizing them and trying to make people feel bad about themselves that's not our Virginia." Abby Vesoulis contributed to this report. Our Emmy-award winning documentary series "Bay Area Revelations" presents "Cannabis Rush" in December. The one-hour prime time special takes a look at the evolution and history of pot culture in the Bay Area. California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana. And, with a new law in 2018, Northern California is on the verge of becoming the legal marijuana capitol of the world. Hear untold stories from the pioneers that fought decades for legalization. One of them, Pebbles Trippet, is so important she as a law named after her. Also, growers and busineses share their stories and concerns about the changes. And, some in law enforcement say the new law is one of the worst ideas ever in California. "Bay Area Revelations: Cannabis Rush" premieres Sunday, December 17th at 10 p.m. A man has been sentenced to 11 years in federal prison for robbing two New Hampshire banks. Thirty-four-year-old Michael Munroe, formerly of Raymond, New Hampshire, had pleaded guilty in June to robbing the Northway Bank branch in Ossipee and the Granite State Credit Union branch in Seabrook. The robberies happened last year. Court documents say Munroe committed each robbery by passing a note to a teller saying he had a gun and demanded money. There was no evidence he was armed. As part of his federal plea agreement, Munroe also admitted to assaulting a man in Epping; taking people's cars in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Munroe, who was sentenced in Concord on Tuesday, also has to pay back nearly $15,000 to the banks and others. At the Illinois State Capitol on Wednesday, lawmakers took part in the first ever sexual harassment training class. The training, which is voluntary, went into specific details on what the difference is between welcome and unwelcome contact, and comes on the heels of sexual harassment allegations that have fired controversies nationwide. Were saying to those who might perpetrate that you need to figure out what your behavior is, and to not do it, State Rep. Liteca Wallace said. The allegations in Springfield have even prompted the hiring of a new Legislative Inspector General, who will work to clear a backlog of 27 complaints of misconduct that have not been addressed since the position went vacant in 2013. Lawmakers met for the sessions behind closed doors, with Democrats meeting in the first wave and Republicans following them into the sessions. The training was led by the Illinois Department of Human Rights. A copy of the handout given to lawmakers makes clear what behavior is acceptable and unacceptable, and features a quiz that lawmakers had to take after the class was over. It opened up an opportunity for us to have conversations about race, discrimination, and sexual harassment, State Rep. Mary Flowers said. Things we havent really talked about. The hiring of a new inspector general hasnt quelled the controversy over the handling of complaints, and Republican gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives blasted House Speaker Mike Madigan for his offices handling of the situation. People did know, and people obviously filed complaints, Ives said. John Cullterton knew. Mike Madigan knew. And they failed to do anything for three years. Ives criticism comes on the heels of allegations against State Senator Ira Silverstein, who was forced to resign a senior leadership post within the Democratic party. Lawmakers at the State Capitol took part in the first ever sexual harassment training class in Springfield Wednesday. NBC 5's Mary Ann Ahern has all the details on what the class discussed. Silverstein has not resigned from his Senate seat, and when asked about whether or not he should be forced to step down, Speaker Madigan said that the decision ultimately lies with the senator. Senator Silverstein should decide what he wants to do, he said. In addition to the training, a new task force will recommend where lawmakers go from here in terms of their responses to complaints of harassment. The task force also hopes to set up a hotline for those worried that allegations will adversely affect their careers. For more than 20 years, Sgt. David Mueller has served and protected the city of Joliet as a police officer. But the department veteran says he has been discriminated against because of his ongoing military service. I feel like administration didnt have my back, he told NBC 5. I just dont understand why this is happening but it hasnt happened before. Mueller filed a federal lawsuit against the city and certain members of its police department for not paying him in 2016, when the National Guard called Mueller to serve on its counter drug task force. Joliet officials said Wednesday the city is aware of the lawsuit and has "engaged private counsel." They declined to comment further. Muellers Hinsdale lawyer says her clients employer has violated the law. The city of Joliet did not provide him with that pay differential, did not provide him with the benefit time, in fact required him to burn what time he did have and he also took a hit on his pension, attorney Heidi Karr Sleper said. Mueller says back in 2001 he went on military leave for 10 months and received the proper pay and benefits from the city. But this time, he says, a city official accused him of f-ing over the department and double-dipping" on his pay. There were certain individuals on the department that supported me, and thats why I am sitting here today, Mueller said. He says he felt he had no choice but to file this lawsuit, not just to seek justice for himself, but also anyone else in the same position. "I feel it has to be done because policy has to be changed to protect those that are in the National Guard and reserves, he said. Lake effect snow showers could bring accumulating snow to parts of the Chicago area Friday, just as northern Illinois battles a round of brutal early-winter cold. Temperatures are expected to start falling Thursday evening into the mid-20s and into the teens by the overnight hours. The cold temps could be met with wind chill values in the single digits late Thursday and into early Friday. Early morning wind chills could even dip below zero in some locations. The record-low temperature for Nov. 10 in Chicago is 18 degrees, set in 1986. Meanwhile, lake effect showers are expected to develop overnight in northwest Indiana before shifting into Chicago by daybreak Friday. The morning will see partly sunny skies inland, but mostly cloudy conditions along the lakefront as the lake effect showers begin to taper. The snow is expected to be out of the area by early afternoon, leaving anywhere from a dusting to an inch of accumulation possible. Highs for the day are expected to sit in the low- to mid-30s. Another chance for light snow showers returns Sunday, as light rain could turn to snow during the early morning hours. Weekend highs are forecast to be in the low- to mid-40s. Former President Barack Obama reported to jury duty in Chicago Wednesday morning. He arrived in a motorcade to the Daley Center in Chicago's Loop at around 10 a.m. after being called last month to perform his civic duty. He made his way to the 17th floor of the building, where he proceeded to shake hands with hundreds of people there to fulfill that very same responsibility. [[389188032, C]] Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans said the former commander in chief "promised to do his duty" and was assigned to a panel that was not called to serve on a jury. One group was called and the rest of the 220 jurors including the 44th president were dismissed, though Evans added that Obama said he was willing to serve had he been selected. Before he left, Obama went around the room to greet his fellow jurors, some of whom anticipated his arrival and brought books for him to sign, Evans said. He signed autographs and allowed videos and pictures to be taken, but, in keeping with his long-held policy, permitted no selfies. [[456151613, C]] Obama watched the entire 20-minute educational video during his time at the Daley Center, Evans said. The visit was "not disruptive at all," he added, despite heightened security, massive lines to enter the building, and plenty of onlookers. Cook County pays jurors a rate of $17.20 for each day of service, and Evans said the court will be sending Obama a check, adding that his staffers indicated that the former president will likely donate his earnings. "There is a civilian responsibility for justice to take place and that's what jury service is all about. No one is excused," Evans said after Obama's departure. "If the former president can come, anyone can come," he continued. [[381009371, C]] Evans also said that he brought letters from Cook County's juvenile detention center for Obama, some of which asked him to come visit an idea that Obama committed to, according to Evans. Obama, who currently resides in Washington, D.C., has been active in various endeavors for his new Obama Foundation, and has also teamed with the other living former presidents in raising money for hurricane victims in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. He was in Chicago last week for his first-ever Obama Foundation Summit. A 17-year-old is accused of hitting a teacher from Uganda with their car on Wednesday night in North Haven. North Haven police officers responded to Washington Avenue around 6 p.m. after a pedestrian was reportedly hit by a motor vehicle. Police discovered that two students and two teachers, who were chaperones visiting from Uganda, were attempting to cross Washington Street to go to the Exxon Tiger Mart. One of the teacher chaperones ran across the street and was struck by a 17-year-old driving northbound. The teacher sustained lower leg fractures and possibly a head injury, police said. Washington Avenue northbound between Blakeslee Avenue and Temple Street was shut down on Wednesday night. An 86-year-old man who was reported missing in Westport on Wednesday night has been found. Police issued a silver alert for Otmar Muehleisen Wednesday. It was canceled Thursday. A suspected drunken driver traveling the wrong way on Central Expressway caused a head-on, chain-reaction crash that left one person dead late Wednesday night, police say. According to police, 23-year-old Angie Gomez was driving northbound in the southbound left lane of U.S. 75 when she collided with a vehicle south of Lovers Lane at about 11:35 p.m. The impact pushed the victim's vehicle into another lane where it was struck by another driver. The victim in the initial crash was identified as Keunta Ray, 25, was killed at the scene. The second driver involved in the crash was hospitalized with injuries that were not life-threatening. Firefighters had to pull Gomez out of her car and transported her to Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. Investigators said Gomez was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash and was placed under arrest for intoxication manslaughter and intoxication assault. She was booked into the Dallas County Jail and is being held on $67,000 bond. It is not yet known if she has obtained an attorney. Gomez's mother spoke with NBC 5 Thursday afternoon. She declined to speak on camera, but said she was, "very sorry for the pain they [the victim's family] are feeling. Every life is valuable." She told NBC 5 she was watching her granddaughter and that her daughter was working at a restaurant along Lemmon Avenue until 11:30 p.m. Wednesday. Police have not confirmed if Gomez had been working prior to the crash. According to data from the Texas Department of Transportation, since 2012, along U.S. 75 between the Grayson County and Ellis County lines, there have been 21 wrong-way crashes involving alcohol that left 42 people either injured or killed. NBC 5 Investigates Wrong-Way Crashes Following a series of reports by NBC 5 Investigates, in January 2017 TxDOT began installing high-tech sensors and warning signs in Tarrant County designed to help prevent deadly wrong-way crashes. The "DO NOT ENTER" and "WRONG WAY" signs were placed closer to the ground at exit ramps making them more visible to headlights at night -- and hopefully more visible to impaired drivers. When the sensors pick up a car going the wrong direction, they not only light up warning signs, they also send a message to a TxDOT command center. From that command center, TxDOT can alert the police and post messages on light-up message boards warning other drivers that theres a car on the highway going the wrong way. In TxDOT's Dallas district officials said in January they planned to installing red reflective markers on 115 exit ramps in Dallas County in February. The reflectors show white to drivers going the correct way, and red to drivers going the wrong way. TxDOT eventually plans to install the markers on ramps throughout the Dallas district. NBC 5's Maria Guerrero and Don Peritz contributed to this report. The father of the man Texas authorities say opened fire on a small-town church, killing more than two dozen people, says his family is grieving. Michael Kelley is the father of shooter Devin Patrick Kelley. He spoke to ABC News Wednesday from his home in New Braunfels, about 35 miles north of the community of Sutherland Springs where Sunday's shooting happened. Authorities say the younger Kelley died from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound after being shot and chased by two residents when he was leaving the church. Kelley's father says he doesn't want the "media circus" surrounding the massacre to destroy "our lives, our grandchildren's lives." Kelley's family has been silent since the shooting. A motive remains unclear, but Kelley appears to have targeted a church that was long attended by his wife's family. Every day for the last 17 years since Nov. 7, 2000 at least one person has died on Texas roadways. It's a sobering streak, which has taken the lives of more than 59,000 people during that time. Now, the Texas Department of Transportation is launching a social media campaign, #EndTheStreakTX, to encourage safe driving. "In emergency medical services, we don't refer to these as accidents," said MedStar spokesman Matt Zavadsky. "They are not accidents, they're crashes." "They happen because someone was doing something that they shouldn't have been, or doing something differently than they could have to avoid that crash," Zavadsky said. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says 9 out of every 10 crashes are caused by driver error, like speeding, drinking or distracted driving. MedStar supervisor Brian White says it's impossible to count how many fatalities he's seen, but estimates he responds to at least one fatal crash each week. He says he's affected by each one. "You go home, you hug your wife harder, hug your kids and kiss them more, and just appreciate life," White said White says first responders have to find their way of dealing with the difficult task of working at fatal crashes. "What I like to do is while the paramedics are taking care of the other patients that are usually involved, I will kind of go back and deal with the family or other bystanders that may have some emotional damage," White said. To decrease the chances of roadway crashes and fatalities, TxDOT is reminding drivers to buckle their seatbelts, put phone away and avoid distractions, never drink and drive, and drive the speed limit. "Life is definitely is something that is precious, and whenever we get behind the wheels of automobiles, it becomes even more precious, because it's so easy for these automobiles to end life very quickly," White added. "So I always urge people, pay attention when you're driving. It can be fatal." It's an emergency and you call 911 for help. But the phone just rings and rings. Minutes pass before a 911 dispatcher finally answers your call. It can feel like a lifetime if you've been in an accident, or have an intruder in your home, or have a family member with a medical issue. If you dial 911 from a cell phone in Los Angeles County, that could actually happen. You may have to wait for your emergency call to be answered by a dispatcher, according to a group of California Highway Patrol insiders who are speaking with the NBC4 I-team for the first time. "Pray that you get an answer," said one CHP insider. "Good luck. Good luck getting through," said another when asked what can happen when calling 911 with an emergency. NBC4 agreed to protect the names of the CHP insiders because they fear retaliation from the CHP. "Somebody is going to die with this equipment we have. Somebody is going to die because we can't get to the calls to answer the calls. It's just a matter of time," said one insider. If you call 911 in Los Angeles County using your cell phone, it's a good chance that your call will end up at the CHP's Los Angeles Communications Center (LACC) that is staffed by both sworn-CHP officers and civilian dispatchers. The large dispatch room is calmer than you'd expect, considering the stakes. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, the dispatchers field cell phone calls from people with emergencies that run the gamut of life and death. With calming voices and a professional demeanor, these women and men are tasked with getting help quickly to those who need it. "They deal with a wide variety of things on this floor, anything from answering 911 calls of babies not breathing to suicidal subjects to freeway shooters," explained CHP Lieutenant Joe Zizi, who is part of the leadership team at the LACC. "They take that information they enter it into a computer program, they then if it is our responsibility, dispatch it to the appropriate unit," he said. Another group of dispatchers handles the radio traffic with first responders. They provide time-sensitive information and logistical support to officers, deputies and medical personnel during emergencies and help them with their daily work including running license plates and dealing with freeway problems. "I know that I signed up for a job to help people and I can't do that right now and it feels awful," said one CHP insider. That's because the LACC is severely understaffed and is using outdated equipment that can't handle the demanding needs of a County as large as Los Angeles, according to the CHP insiders we spoke with. "We don't have the staff needed to handle all of Los Angeles County," said one of the CHP insiders. "It's very well-known that we don't have the support we need, however, nothing is ever done about it." The insiders say the LACC Center handles around 2 million calls each year and serves much of Los Angeles County. But they say unfilled positions, medical leaves, vacations, and sick calls contribute to understaffing which can make it difficult to respond quickly to emergencies. "We may only have 2 people on 911s and you get a lot of angry people because they can't get through because there's not enough staffing to actually answer the 911 calls," explained one insider. The CHP tells the NBC4 I-Team that the LACC is currently answering 91 percent of its 911 calls in 15 seconds or less and they dispute the claim that only 2 people have ever been solely responsible for handling 911 calls. "I can tell you that my supervisors are required to get on the floor and also answer 911 calls as well as the radios helping out on the calls," Zizi said. "For example, if there are two people on the 911 side of the floor that you saw, there are still 12 to 14 people on the dispatch side that you saw that are required to sign on and answer 911 calls," he added. When that happens, however, the CHP insiders say the radio dispatchers who are primarily responsible for working with law enforcement are now put in a difficult position by having to do double duty. They have to work with their first responders and field 911 calls. When it gets busy, the insiders say these dispatchers have to decide which emergency is more important. "A dispatcher should not be put in a position to where they have to tell an officer no I can't fulfill your request and yes ma'am I heard everything that you're saying but I'm also working a radio," one CHP insider said. The insiders say dispatchers sometimes have a phone in one ear, speaking with a CHP officer, and a head-set on another so they can field an 911 emergency call from the public. In this case, they say, a dispatcher has to work two separate emergencies at the same time. Zizi disputes that claim and says that situation doesn't happen at the LACC. "A dispatcher won't handle two emergencies at once," Zizi said. "It's just not feasible to pay attention to both. If a 911 call rings in their ear and it is a legitimate emergency, the dispatch call that they're handling can be passed off to another dispatcher." Zizi, however, concedes that the Center has had some staffing challenges in the past. "So yes, there were some absentee bodies during this period and it was difficult to maintain staffing, however, overtime was utilized to try and meet that goal," Zizi said. According to Zizi, there are no legal requirements for answering calls in a specific amount of time but the CHP does follow the guidelines of two organizations -- The National Emergency Number Association and California's Office of Emergency Services. "We are trying to meet the guidelines of these associations that are saying this is what the communication center should do, and by in large we're doing it," Zizi said. But data provided by the CHP shows the LACC failed to meet some or all of those guidelines every month in 2016. And an internal memo obtained by the NBC4 I-Team states that "during the year of 2015, LACC, was only able to meet service standards 3 of the 12 months of the year." "These particular months you're correct, you're correct, we did not meet it, but every day we're having meetings about what we can do to better staff, what we can do to better hire," Zizi said. The insiders tell us that better is not good enough and that they are worried about the public's safety when dispatchers can't answer calls quickly. "Calls go unanswered. People hang up from being on eternal ring," one CHP insider said. The CHP insiders say they've all seen calls ring for 8 or more minutes before a dispatcher finally answered the call. Because of their concerns about the system, the insiders say they tell their own families and friends, "if they have an emergency, do not call 911 on your cell phone." But the problems don't end with staffing issues, claim the CHP insiders. They say the computer system that they use for tracking emergency calls frequently breaks down or slows down so it's unusable. "You're in the middle of a 911 call that is a true emergency and the computer just shuts down then locks you out so you can't even log back on," explained one CHP insider. Another insider explains that when the computer system fails or freezes, dispatchers are forced to use index cards for tracking and reporting emergencies. "The more calls that we have the slower the equipment gets because it's not the equipment needed for a high volume call center that takes 911s," said one CHP insider. Zizi says a new dispatch system is coming soon and that should resolve the technical problems. "We are on the cusp of getting a new telephone system and that will be installed by the beginning of next year," Zizi said. He also says the LACC recently purchased new furniture for the center. Zizi says he's not personally seen any of the problems expressed by the CHP insiders but he tells the NBC4 I-Team that the leadership team will look into the allegations. "It's hard for me to believe that you're talking to our staff because they are constantly reminded of the statistics at this center," Zizi said. "So for someone to not have faith in that, it perplexes me." But just minutes before the interview with Zizi, during our visit to the dispatch center, we overheard employees talking about the LACC's staffing issues. "It's great to have all these people on 911," said one LACC employee. "I know. Wouldn't it be nice all the time," replied another employee. "All the time, it would be wonderful," another said. The insiders say the CHP management shouldn't be surprised. They tell us they've been complaining about these problems for years. "The problem is everybody knows this problem exists but everyone's afraid to say anything. It's been like that for a long time," one CHP insider said. Until something changes, the insiders say they worry someone will be injured or killed because they can't get help fast enough when calling 911. "I would like the public to know that their safety is in jeopardy every single day and the department is very well aware of the staffing shortage," said one CHP insider. A man with gunshot wounds crashed his truck into a power pole Thursday in Santa Ana, causing a power outage. Officials transported the driver to a nearby hospital, where he remains in critical condition. Police are investigating what led up to the shooting and are considering it as possibly being gang-related. The crash was reported at approximately 12:45 a.m. behind an alley on the 800 block of South Townsend Street, the Santa Ana Police Department said. Authorities first estimated that power would be restored by 5:30 a.m., but were unable to recover electricity for the 139 customers missing it. They now expect it to be restored by noon. A driver's plan to get away from authorities in a stolen car was dashed Wednesday when he threw a dog from the moving vehicle and drove into a Palmdale cul-de-sac, where officers took him into custody after a chase that hit speeds of more than 100 mph. The pursuit began on Sherman Way and Laurel Canyon Boulevard in North Hollywood. That's where police ran a license plate check and found that the white, two-door Honda had been involved in a carjacking, officers with the Los Angeles Police Department's North Hollywood division said. When officers tried to pull the driver over, he took off and got into the Santa Clarita Valley, traveling at speeds in excess of 100 mph in light traffic on the northbound 14 Freeway. The driver got off the freeway and drove into a Palmdale neighborhood, where he swung the door open and tossed out a small white dog as he made a turn into a dead end street. With nowhere to turn, he got out of the car and attempted to run away, but stumbled on the sidewalk and was taken into custody. Police said the driver, identified as 31-year-old Saul Iban Angel of North Hollywood, was wanted for a burglary. The vehicle he was driving was carjacked on November 1. The dog, named Bobby, appeared to be OK. The family of a man who was shot and killed during a Craigslist transaction at a Davie CVS is demanding the arrest of the man who shot him. Family members of 20-year-old Andre Smith are also demanding the release of any video or photos that captured the fatal Nov. 1 shooting at the CVS on University Drive near Griffin Road. The family and their attorneys held a news conference Wednesday afternoon to discuss the incident and demand the arrest of 38-year-old Matthew Barry, the man who police say shot Smith. "My son was beautiful. My son was my life. And I'm not going to stop until I get justice for my son," mother Andrea Smith said. "If the Davie Police Department continues to deny our clients right to review the evidence, we will file a public records lawsuit," attorney Jasmine Rand said. "If the Davie Police Department refuses to arrest Mathew Jay Barry, we will ask the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Department of Justice to step in." Smith was African-American, while Barry is white. Rand has represented the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Smith's family is also represented by Jose Baez, who was the attorney for Casey Anthony and Aaron Hernandez. Davie Police say the two met at the parking lot of the CVS to complete the sale of an iPhone 7 that Smith was selling through Craigslist. But after money was exchanged, there was an argument as Barry claimed Smith and his friend were trying to take off with the phone and the cash, police said. Police said Barry tried to leave in his car but Smith and a friend who was with him blocked the car. Barry ran into the CVS, frantically telling employees to call 911, as surveillance video showed Smith and his friend follow him into the store, police said. According to police, Barry indicated to Smith and his friend that he has a concealed weapons permit and that he was carrying a weapon, but that Smith and the friend replied that they also had a weapon. Surveillance video from the store showed Smith pursuing Barry through the store, police said. At one point, Barry pushed Smith away from him, pulled out his gun and opened fire, hitting Smith several times. Barry's attorney, Ken Padowitz, said Smith followed him around the store and Barry shot in self-defense. "He told the clerk to call 911. But in the end, he had to defend himself," Padowitz said. Smith was taken to a nearby hospital where he later died. Records show the Pembroke Pines resident had a criminal history including charges for domestic violence and misdemeanors, but his mother says he was in college and close to earning his associate's degree. "A week has gone by and I have no answers regarding why the man whom shot and killed my son has not been arrested. Not only did he kill my son, he endangered all of those other people in CVS," Andrea Smith said in a statement. "My son was a college student and less than one credit away from finishing his Associates Degree. I watched this happen to Trayvon Martins family when the man that killed their son wasnt arrested. I cant believe Im watching this happen to my family. To my son. Here I am five years later demanding justice for Andre." Baez said Smith wasn't armed at the time of the shooting. "One thing is certain: Andre Smith was unarmed and did not have a weapon of any kind," Baez said. He also claims the family wasn't notified of Smith's death until it was reported by the media, and that when the family was told, officials said the media would make it seem "like a race thing." "The only mention came from the Davie Police Department when they asked we not speak with you, because of their fear of it becoming a race thing," Baez said. "The insertion of race was already initiated by the Davie police." At a news conference Thursday, Davie Police Maj. Dale Engle said no arrests have been made but the investigation into the case is still ongoing. He said Smith's family will be the first to know what the findings of the investigation are. "We are sensitive to the family's involvement in this tragedy and at the appropriate time we will share all the evidence with them prior to making it public," Engle said. Engle said police wouldn't release the evidence until the investigation was completed. "This incident happened a week ago, this isn't TV where everything happens and is resolved in 45 minutes without commercials," Engle said. "We're gonna do a thorough job, we're gonna do our job and we're gonna take every bit of evidence that we can compile and that's what's gonna be in our case." He also expressed sympathy for Smith's mother. "I can't fathom what that poor mother went through in losing a child," Engle said. Americans seeking to visit Cuba must navigate a complicated maze of travel, commerce and financial restrictions unveiled Wednesday by the Trump administration, part of a new policy to further isolate the island's communist government. Now off-limits to U.S. citizens are dozens of Cuban hotels, shops, tour companies and other businesses included on a lengthy American blacklist of entities that have links to Cuba's military, intelligence or security services. And most Americans will once again be required to travel as part of heavily regulated, organized tour groups run by U.S. companies, rather than voyaging to Cuba on their own. The stricter rules mark a return to the tougher U.S. stance toward Cuba that existed before former President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro restored diplomatic relations in 2015. They come as President Donald Trump tries to show he's taking action to prevent U.S. dollars from helping prop up the Cuban government. "These measures confirm there is a serious reversal in bilateral relations which has occurred as a result of the decisions taken by the government of President Donald Trump," said Josefina Vidal, the top Cuban diplomat for North America. Still, the policy is only a partial rollback of Obama's changes. Cruise ship visits and direct commercial flights between the countries will still be permitted. Embassies in Washington and Havana stay open. The rules are designed to steer U.S. economic activity away from Cuba's military, intelligence and security services, which dominate much of the economy through state-controlled corporations. The goal is to encourage financial support for Cuba's growing private sector, said senior Trump administration officials, who briefed reporters on a conference call on condition they not be quoted by name. To that end, the Treasury Department said it is expanding and simplifying a license that allows some U.S. exports to Cuba despite the embargo. They include tools and equipment to build or renovate privately owned buildings. "We have strengthened our Cuba policies to channel economic activity away from the Cuban military and to encourage the government to move toward greater political and economic freedom for the Cuban people," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said. Trump announced his new policy in June during a speech in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood, the cradle of Cuban-American resistance to Castro's government. The administration took several months to finalize the details of the new rules, which will take effect Thursday. The new policy maintains several categories of travel to Cuba that are permitted despite the embargo, which carries on decades after the Cold War's end. Americans can still travel on educational and "people to people" trips as well as visits designed to support the Cuban people by patronizing privately owned small businesses that have popped up across the island in recent years. But those traveling to support Cuba's people must have a daylong schedule of activities designed to expose them to Cubans and steer dollars toward citizens, such as renting rooms in private homes. Those on organized, "people to people" or educational visits must be accompanied by a representative of the U.S.-based group organizing the trip. Vidal, the Cuban diplomat who was the public face of Cuba's opening with the United States during the Obama administration, said the policy would harm Cuba's economy, American citizens and U.S. businesses. The rules were also quickly denounced by travel groups and proponents of closer U.S. ties to the island. "Cuba is still open for business," said Charel van Dam of the Cuba Travel Network. "It is still possible for people to travel, but I think these announcements will serve mainly as something to scare off people who want to visit." Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., a vocal advocate of improved U.S.-Cuban relations, noted the announcement came as Trump was in China pushing more U.S. business engagement with another communist-run country. "The hypocrisy of the White House ideologues is glaring," Leahy said. The rules come amid deep strains in the U.S.-Cuba relationship stemming from invisible, unexplained attacks that have harmed more than two dozen U.S. government personnel in Havana since 2016. The attacks led the Trump administration to order most of its diplomats to leave Cuba in September and issue a sweeping travel warning urging Americans to stay away. Officials insisted that the new, tougher rules had no connection to the attacks. The U.S. first complained to Cuba's government about the attacks in February, four months before Trump announced his broader policy intentions. Some exceptions will accommodate Americans who already plan to visit Cuba. Those who booked "people to people" trips before Trump's June announcement will be exempt, along with Americans who organized education trips before the rules start on Thursday. Business deals already reached with entities on the prohibited list will be allowed to proceed. It's unclear how aggressively the U.S. will police the new rules. Officials said they would use information obtained from several U.S. agencies to catch violators, who could be subject to penalties and criminal prosecution. The blacklist bars business with the large military-run corporations that dominate the Cuban economy. These include GAESA and CIMEX, holding companies that control most retail business on the island; Gaviota, the largest tourism company; and Habaguanex, which runs Old Havana. It also targets a new cargo port and special trade zone outside the city of Mariel that has been the focus of Cuba's efforts to draw foreign investment in manufacturing and distribution. Blacklisted hotels include the Manzana Kempinski, which opened with great fanfare this year as Cuba's first to meet the international five-star standard. The overall impact on American business with Cuba will likely be limited. Trade is sparse. Many American travelers already stay at hotels not on the no-go list, and the company that imports most American food products to Cuba is similarly unaffected. Bringing home limited quantities of rum and Cuban cigars is still allowed, officials said. The U.S. government is planning to airlift about 3,000 Puerto Ricans out of the island struggling after Hurricane Maria to Florida and New York. Federal Emergency Management Agency spokesperson Ron Roth confirmed that plans to transport Hurricane Maria survivors from Puerto Rico to the continental U.S. have been under development since Oct. 30, when the Transitional Sheltering Assistance program was announced. FEMA and Puerto Rico's government under Gov. Ricardo Rossello are finalizing plans to carry out the airlift. "At the governor's request, FEMA will be providing transportation assistance to select locations in the continental United States," FEMA said in a statement. "Priority of transportation will be available to those approximately 3,000 survivors who are still residing in shelters." Further details on the criteria used to determine who qualifies as a survivor primed for airlift transportation were not readily available. FEMA is working with officials in Florida and New York to establish an agreement for the states to accept survivors. Shortages of food and water in Puerto Rico are ongoing as only 21.6 percent of grid electricity and 71.58 percent of running water have been restored. When Hurricane Maria swept through Puerto Rico in mid-September, the storm produced widespread damage. What to Know The 75-foot tall, 12-plus ton Norway spruce comes from the home of Jason Perrin in State College, Pennsylvania The 75-foot tree will arrive in the Plaza on Saturday and be illuminated on live TV in a special on Wednesday, Nov. 29 The first Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was put up in 1931 by workers building the complex during the Great Depression Queue the Christmas songs: the 2017 Rockefeller Center Christmas tree has been cut down and is being prepped to head to New York City this weekend. The 75-foot tall, 12-plus ton Norway spruce comes from the home of Jason Perrin in State College, Pennsylvania. It was cut down Thursday morning before a horde of camera-ready spectators. It will arrive at Rockefeller Center -- by flatbed, of course -- on Saturday. The tree, 50 feet in diameter, will be the 86th to grace the Plaza for the annual weeks-long display and the third from Pennsylvania. Erika Pauze, the head gardener for Rockefeller Center, said Thursday that she saw this year's tree while driving nearly seven years ago and was quick to ask if the owner was interested in making his backyard evergreen the most famous Christmas tree in the world. "It's hard to find a tree that's nice and full that doesn't have any storm damage or is growing crooked or anything," she said. After being adorned with more than 50,000 multi-colored lights and crowned with the iconic Swarovski star, the tree will be illuminated for the first time during a live television broadcast on Wednesday, Nov. 29. It'll be on display until Jan. 7, 2018. Last year's tree, a 94-foot Norway spruce from Angie and Graig Eichler in Oneonta, was the second largest ever chosen for the holiday celebration. The first Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was put up in 1931 by workers building the complex during the Great Depression. The first official tree lighting was in 1933. A onetime New York City man is expected to face murder charges in the cold-case killing of a woman found strangled in her apartment more than a decade ago, law enforcement sources told News 4. Naples, Florida, man Christopher Gonzalez's DNA was matched to the suspected killer of Dora Delvalle Almontaser earlier this week after he was arrested in the Sunshine State for allegedly driving with a suspended license, according to the sources. Gonzalez -- who used to live in the Bronx -- is expected to be extradited back to New York to face murder charges in the death of Almontaser, who was strangled with a phone cord in her Bronx apartment in December 2000. Sources said that investigators are also investigating whether Gonzalez had any role in the 2005 death of a Yonkers woman whose body was found wrapped in a blanket on the Sprain Brook Parkway. It wasn't clear if Gonzalez had an attorney who could comment on his behalf. What to Know This year's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is a Norway spruce from State College, Pennsylvania and will be cut down Thursday morning. The 75-foot tree will arrive in the Plaza on Saturday and be illuminated on live TV in a special on Wednesday, Nov. 29. The first Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was put up in 1931 by workers building the complex during the Great Depression. Queue the Christmas music, the massive 2017 Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is being cut down Thursday in Pennsylvania. Cuts cut down the 75-foot Norway spruce at the home of Jason Perrin in State College, Pennsylvania as onlookers watched Thursday morning. It was then hoisted by a large crane onto a 115-foot long flatbed trailer. It will arrive at the Rockefeller Center in Manhattan on Saturday. Thousands of Philadelphia public school teachers and their supporters protested outside of the Philadelphia School District amid the School Reform Commissions meeting inside Thursday evening. The tree, which is 50-feet in diameter and weighs between 12 and 13 tons, will be the 85th to grace the Plaza for the annual weeks-long display and the third from Pennsylvania. After being adorned with more than 50,000 multi-colored lights and crowned with the iconic Swarovski star, the tree will be illuminated for the first time during a live television broadcast on Wednesday, Nov. 29. [NATL] Dazzling Rockefeller Center Christmas Trees From Years Past It'll be on display until Jan. 7, 2018. It will then be donated to Habitat for Humanity to be transformed into lumber for building homes. Last year's tree, a 94-foot Norway spruce from Angie and Graig Eichler in Oneonta, was the second largest ever chosen for the holiday celebration. The first Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was put up in 1931 by workers building the complex during the Great Depression. The first official tree lighting was in 1933. [[454117643, C]] This story has been corrected to show that this is the 85th Rockefeller Center tree, not the 86th. A teenager was gunned down overnight along a Delaware street. Wilmington officers arrived to the 500 block of S. Franklin Street, not far from Kosciuszko Park, around 12:15 a.m. Thursday to find 18-year-old Justin McDermott on the sidewalk suffering from a gunshot wound to his head, police said. New Castle County medics treated McDermott on the scene then rushed him to Christiana Hospital where he died a short time later, police said. The investigation into the motive and circumstances of the shooting continued Thursday morning. Anyone with information can call Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or email them at A man believed to be the first known participant of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program deported under President Donald Trump's Administration was arrested for allegedly attempting to illegally cross the border from Mexico back into the United States. Juan Manuel Montes, 23, was arrested around 11:50 p.m. Monday near the border town of Calexico in Imperial County, California, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials. Agents at the Calexico Border Patrol Station were notified by Remote Video Surveillance Systems operators that someone had made an illegal entry across the U.S.-Mexico border. Montes ran approximately 200 yards north of the international boundary fence and laid down on the ground. When agents approached him, he attempted to run away, CBP said. He was arrested after a short foot chase and transported to the Calexico Station for processing. Montes claims he was wrongfully deported to Mexico in February by Border Patrol agents and was arrested a day later while attempting to re-enter the U.S. illegally, CBP officials said. "Our agents witnessed and arrested (Mr. Montes) making an illegal entry into the United States for the second time this year," said Assistant Chief Patrol Agent David S. Kim. "Border Patrol Agents will always stop, detain, and arrest anyone making an illegal entry into the country irrespective of their immigration or citizenship status." Montes came to the U.S. when he was 9 years old and pursued a welding degree at a community college after his high school graduation. According to his attorneys, he qualified for the DACA program in 2014 and renewed his status for two years in 2016, granting him protection through 2018. On Feb. 18, according to his attorneys, Montes was on his way home from visiting a friend when he was stopped by CBP agents in Calexico. Agents asked him for identification but Montes did not have his wallet, California ID or EAD card on him. Montes was driven to a port of entry near or in Calexico and was allegedly asked the sign documents written in English by CBP agents. He was then deported to Mexico. On Feb. 19, he tried to cross back into the United States and was detained by CBP. He was again deported on Feb. 20. In April, Montes filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration seeking information about his case. According to the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, Montes sought an explanation on the legality of sending him back to Mexico despite his enrollment in DACA, which gave him protected status through 2018. CBP told NBC News at the time that Montes' DACA permit expired in August 2015 and, according to the agency's records, was not renewed. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) later said that after a detailed records search, it was determined that Montes did have a valid status via DACA through Jan. 25, 2018. However, the DHS refutes Montes account of his detainment by CBP on Feb. 18, saying that he was detained on Feb. 19 after illegally trying to enter the U.S. from Mexico. The DHS said Montes "lost his DACA status when he left the United States without advance parole on an unknown date prior to his arrest" by the border patrol on Feb. 19. The National Immigration Law Center, which represented Montes in the lawsuit, stood by its account and sought records on why their client was deported, alleging that immigration officials violated the Freedom of Information Act for failure to respond to its request beyond acknowledging receipt. A trial was set for Dec. 4, and the Justice Department agreed with a federal judge in San Diego to let Montes back into the country so he could testify on his own behalf. But in October Montes asked his lawyers to drop the case, saying he wanted to remain in Mexico where he had been living with family for eight months, according to USA Today. On Oct. 19, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel issued an order dismissing the case, USA Today reported. Curiel was thrust onto the national stage when during the campaign by then-candidate Donald Trump, who questioned the the Indiana-born judge's impartiality due to his "Mexican heritage." At the time, Curiel presided over a case alleging the now-defunct Trump University misled customers. He approved a $25 million settlement to victims in the case. CBP officials said Montes was booked into the Imperial County Jail following his arrest this week on pending charges of re-entry after removal. No further details were released. A Washington, D.C., public charter school is under investigation by D.C. police and D.C.s attorney general for failure to report a suspected sex offense by a teacher, according to officials with each agency. Police reports show the investigation stems from Capital City Public Charter Schools handling of longtime former social studies teacher Alan Coleman, who pleaded guilty last week to child sex abuse for a relationship with a 14-year-old girl he taught at a prior school in 2004. Coleman managed to find a new teaching job in Florida weeks after he was fired by Capital City Public Charter School for suspected child sex abuse, according to a News4 I-Team investigation. The I-Team investigation of Capital City Public Charter Schools handling of Colemans case raises questions about when the school notified authorities about its suspicions of the teachers misconduct. Though the school fired Coleman in March 2015, days after learning of allegations of his prior sex abuse of a student, the Metropolitan Police Department said it was not notified about Colemans abuse case until April 2016. A police official told the I-Team the agency was not first notified about Colemans suspected abuse by Capital City Public Charter School but by the victim herself. D.C. law requires any adult who learns of suspected child abuse to promptly notify police of their suspicions, according to a D.C. police spokesman. The I-Team investigation revealed Coleman secured a new teaching job at Eastside High School in Gainesville, Florida, four months after he was fired by Capital City Public Charter School. His job application, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, included a positive job reference from a fellow Capital City Public Charter School teacher. Mr. Coleman had a fantastic rapport with his students, the reference letter said. Gainesville school officials told the I-Team they conducted a mandatory background check on Coleman in summer 2015. They said the report came back clean. Gainesville school officials said they also received a positive job reference from a former principal, whod recently retired, at Capital City Public Charter School. The I-Teams investigation shows Capital City Public Charter School notified school parents about Colemans firing and arrest by letter in May 2016, weeks after Colemans arrest by D.C. police and more than a year after the school terminated his employment. We have been cooperating with the appropriate District officials and were asked to keep the matter confidential so as not to jeopardize their investigation, the letter said. Capital City Public Charter School declined multiple requests for an interview and declined to answer specific questions about when it notified police or its own staff about Colemans suspected sex abuse. In a written statement to the I-Team, a school spokeswoman said, We are confident that we discharged our responsibilities properly in this matter. We have cooperated with law enforcement in all phases of its investigation and will continue to do so. A spokesman for D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine said the offices review of individuals at Capital City Public Charter School is ongoing. The allegations in this matter are currently under investigation, and the complainant is cooperating with our office, the spokesman said. Our prosecutors will make a determination regarding whether charges will be filed in this case once our investigation has been completed. Coleman declined requests for comment from the I-Team after a court appearance in late October. According to court proceedings, Coleman pleaded guilty to a count of child sex abuse. Attorneys told the judge they expect to recommend three years prison time when Coleman is sentenced in January. According to police reports, Colemans victim was a 14-year-old student of his in 2004 at DCs KIPP DC Key Academy public charter school. A police affidavit said KIPP DC Key Academys principal met with officers in April 2016, shortly before Colemans arrest. According to the affidavit, the KIPP DC Key Academy principal told officers she declined to renew Colemans contract after the 2004 school year amid concerns Coleman had an inappropriate relationship with the student. When contacted by the I-Team last month, KIPP DC Key Academy said, If there was evidence of the misconduct Mr. Coleman was later charged with, we would have immediately alerted the appropriate authorities. The nature of the inappropriate relationship that led to us not extending Mr. Coleman an offer letter was professional in nature. The spokesman for D.C.s Attorney General said if charges were brought against individuals for failure to report a suspected case of child abuse, those people would face a maximum of six months in prison and a $1,000 fine. Full statement from Capital City Public Charter School: At Capital City, our top priority is to provide quality education to our students in a safe environment at all times. We are confident that we discharged our responsibilities properly in this matter. We have cooperated with law enforcement in all phases of its investigation and will continue to do so. Again, our students and families are our top priority and we will continue to deliver an excellent education to every student in a safe environment. Reported by Scott MacFarlane, produced by Rick Yarborough, and shot and edited by Jeff Piper. A retired Navy veteran was charged Wednesday in the death of Ashanti Billie, the 19-year-old woman who was found dead in North Carolina days after disappearing from her job at Virginia naval base, federal prosecutors say. Eric Brian Brown, 45, faces a murder charge from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and a federal kidnapping charge, the police department and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia announced Wednesday. Brown, who is homeless, worked as a day laborer and lived at buildings on and around the naval bases, according to an arrest affidavit. As a retired Navy petty officer, Brown had access to Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek in Virginia Beach. Prosecutors said the 21-year Navy veteran visited Billie's workplace almost daily. "He preyed on her," Ashanti Billie's father, Meltony Billie, said Thursday morning. Billie, a student at The Art Institute of Virginia Beach, was reported missing on Sept. 18 after she failed to show up for her job at the Blimpie sandwich shop on the naval base. Her body was found 11 days later and more than 300 miles away, outside a church in a residential neighborhood of Charlotte. Billie's parents, who both are veterans, said Thursday that they thought their daughter, who stood only 4-foot-11, would be safe on a military base. "If this was allowed to happen on a naval base, it can happen anywhere," Billie's mother, Brandy Billie said. "How was it that this guy was allowed to roam around base?" Meltony Billie asked. Brandy Billie said Wednesday that she was "grateful" Brown was charged, but had a lot of questions and wants to know how it was possible for Brown to live on the military base. "Where's the security? Something has to be done. That's not secure," she said. She said seeing Brown's picture was "like looking at a monster." "This is the person -- this is the coward that took our child's life?" she said. "This was a veteran that did this to us. [Ashanti] was a child of veterans. She's been around the military her whole life," Brandy Billie continued. Brown told a law enforcement informant on Oct. 2, after Billie's body was found, that he hated African-American women. He said they were "gold diggers" who "only want guys with all the money," court documents say. Witnesses reported Brown "attempting to flirt with Billie" on several occasions. One witness said he made a "crude sexual comment" to her. Billie left her Virginia Beach home about 4 a.m. Monday, Sept. 18 to go to work. She was supposed to start early to prepare for a scheduled health department inspection. Prosecutors say she was wearing dark-colored clothing and her white 2014 Mini Cooper was seen on camera entering the naval base around 4:45 a.m. Surveillance video shows a man who resembles brown, wearing light-colored clothes, driving Billie's car off the base at 5:33 a.m. About 5:40 a.m., a residential surveillance camera appears to show Billie's car stopped near a construction dumpster about 2 miles away. A man is seen getting out of the car and appears to throw something into the dumpster. Construction workers later found Billie's cellphone there and turned it over to police in Norfolk. "No passengers were seen seated in the vehicle other than the driver," prosecutors said the footage showed. Five days after Billie's car was seen on camera, the vehicle was found in Norfolk on Saturday, Sept. 23. It was unlocked, and the security key fob was on the passenger seat. Billie's work shirt, a pair of dark-colored pants and a shoe were found in "the rear compartment" of the car, covered in dirt. Six days later, on Friday, Sept. 29, Billie's partially clothed body was found behind East Stonewall AME Zion Church in Charlotte. Brown grew up near the church and went to vacation Bible school there as a child, prosecutors said. He was arrested on unrelated trespassing charges in October and officers questioned him about Billie's disappearance. Brown said he "blacked out" on Sept. 17, the night before Billie went missing, and had "no recollection of what he did for several days after that," prosecutors said. A review of his cellphone showed he made multiple searches for "police looking for man" and "Norfolk police looking for man in connection to homicide." DNA recovered from Billie's body was consistent with Brown's DNA profile, prosecutors said. Brown faces up to life in prison if convicted on the kidnapping charge. It could not be immediately determined if he has a lawyer. A Maryland high school school teacher is accused of inappropriate behavior with a student, according to the Charles County Sheriff's Office. Officers arrested 40-year-old LaToya Niccole Parker of Waldorf Monday after a grand jury indictment on charges of sexual abuse of a minor, displaying sexual material to a minor and solicitation of a minor. The incidents involved a student at St. Charles High School, where Parker taught, and took place between fall of 2016 and March, according to the sheriff's office. They were reported in May. Parker, a family and consumer science teacher, shared inappropriate photographs and messages with a student, according to an email sent to parents and guardians. The school district put Parker on administrative leave and temporarily assigned her to the administrative building in May, the principal's email said. The school immediately reported the accusations to Social Services, the sheriff's office and the school system. "The school systems procedure is to immediately remove any employee accused of inappropriate behavior from the school, and to prohibit the employee from having contact with students during the investigation and adjudication of the charges," Principal Richard E. Conley's email said. Parker is free on a $20,000 bond under the conditions she has no contact with minors and is monitored electronically. The principal said she began teaching at the school in August 2015. Also this week, a former Charles County Public Schools aide pleaded not guilty to 10 federal charges of child pornography. Court filings show prosecutors accused Carlos Bell of engaging in sexually explicit conduct between 2014 and 2016 with at least 10 children. The federal charges come after an announcement by Charles Countys states attorney, in which Bell was indicted on 206 charges involving the sex abuse of 42 alleged victims. Its been 46 years since the accident, and Phil Tammaro isnt sure what he remembers or what he's been told, but he knows he covered his face to protect it from the fire. My fingers are burned, he said, holding his hands to his face. You can see here - third degree burns. Tammaro was a mischievous toddler. He escaped his crib at nap time and made his way down to the basement, where he found the gas can for the lawnmower and watered the cement floor with gasoline. The building fumes found a flashpoint in the hot water heater and exploded. Wearing just a diaper - in a ring of fire - Tammaro suffered third degree burns over 35 percent of his body. Both my legs, my feet, my right arm, and then I have patches all over my body, he recalled. There was a saving grace. It was 1971, and his local hospital knew enough to rush him to the recently-opened Shriners Burn Hospital in Boston. I wouldnt have survived... no, said Tammaro, shaking his head. I had infections, I had convulsions, high fevers. My parents went through that. Every day, asking, Is he going to survive? Shriners saved his life and his legs, which he said would likely have been amputated without the specialty care. Without legs, he could never have become a firefighter. I would have had to have gotten a real job, I guess," he said with a laugh. Hes got a real job and a real calling. He's a Billerica firefighter, working in the same firehouse that answered the call for his fire decades earlier. He's the town's fire safety educator and travels the country promoting the value of burn centers. And he's a tireless volunteer at Shriners. We joined Tammaro on a recent visit. He sat with a 12-year-old girl from Belize named Michelle. She was hurt in a household accident two years ago. With burns over 50 percent of her body, Michelle has been back and forth to Shriners for surgeries and treatment. I miss my friends, I miss my family," she told Tammaro quietly. Michelle and Tamarro play Jenga. They talk doctors and surgeries, swans and snow. He is an affable playmate, poking fun at his own skills. She helps where she can. I think you have these ones here, she said, pointing out an easy Jenga move. Ooooh! delights Tammaro. Thank you! As they chat, there is no mention of the scars they both wear inside and out, although Tammaro says scars tell a persons story. We ask what story his scars tell. Im resilient, he said. Im resilient. The Jenga tower crashed down. Michelle gloated, I won again! Tammaro ducked his head. I know. I know, he said. Knocked down, getting up, reaching out. Massachusetts' governor announced the review of "serious allegations" in a state police trooper's lawsuit against top brass at headquarters should be completed soon on Wednesday, as the state police's colonel dodged questions about his future. "I think it is very important that we make sure that all the facts are vetted and determined before we make decisions about issues like this," Gov. Charlie Baker said, adding he hasn't asked Col. Richard McKeon to step aside. In a lawsuit, Trooper Ryan Sceviour said his bosses forced him to alter a police report. NBC Boston learned Wednesday evening that Gov. Charlie Baker is reviewing the information regarding the incident. "It's terrible," said Sceviour's attorney, Leonard Kesten. "What they did to this trooper is so wrong." The case stems from an incident in October, when Sceviour arrested Alli Bibaud on drunk driving charges in Worcester. The daughter of district judge Tim Bibaud, she made inappropriate statements, according to the original police report. "One was 'my dad is an [expletive] judge,' and the other was that she indicated during the booking process she was suggesting the possibility of sexual favors in return for leniency," said Kesten. Two days later, the trooper received a voicemail ordering him to the police barracks. "That's an order from the colonel, and it's got something to do with an arrest report, a judge's daughter," the message states. Sceviour's attorney says the trooper was told to remove Bibaud's embarrassing statements. "Trooper Sceviour said to the major, 'Would this be happening if this wasn't the daughter of a judge?'" Kesten said. "She said, 'no, it wouldn't, that's why you're here.'" In a statement, a State Police spokesman said, in part, the substance of the police report never changed and that The revision consisted only of removal of a sensationalistic, directly-quoted statement by the defendant, which made no contribution to proving the elements of the crime with which she was charged. Inclusion of an unnecessary statement does not meet the report-writing standards required by the department." A state police spokesperson said in a statement that only "a sensationalistic, directly-quoted statement" was removed, and that "inclusion of an unncecessary statement does not meet the report-writing standards required by the department." "That's not true," Kesten responded. "It's never taken out, you're supposed to put every communication with a suspect into your police report." On Thursday, the day troopers were honored at the state house, the head of the Mass. State Police Association said morale among troopers is low. The trooper's lawyer says he'll start subpeona'ing state police brass in mid-December. The full statement from Massachusetts State Police is below: Supervisory members of the State Police, up to and including the Colonel, may review any report and have the responsibility to order any appropriate revisions. In the report in question, the revision consisted only of removal of a sensationalistic, directly-quoted statement by the defendant, which made no contribution to proving the elements of the crimes with which she was charged. Inclusion of an unnecessary sensationalistic statement does not meet the report-writing standards required by the department. The revised report - which is clearly marked as having been revised -includes all observations made by troopers, all descriptions of physical evidence found in the defendant's possession, and summaries of statements made by the defendant relative to her possession and use of heroin, all of which constitute clear evidence against her. Furthermore, both versions of the report were submitted to the court. The removal of the inflammatory and unnecessary quotation did not change the substance of the trooper's narrative, did not remove any elements of probable cause from the report, and, most importantly, had no impact on the charges against the defendant. The defendant remains charged -- as she was initially charged -- with operating under the influence of drugs, operating under the influence of liquor, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and two other motor vehicle offenses, and she will be held accountable for those crimes based on the evidence collected by State Police. What to Know Grief counselors will be at Quaboag Regional Middle High School in Warren, Mass. Wednesday after 3 students were killed Tuesday. Authorities said two girls and a boy were driving on Douglas Rd in West Brookfield when their car left the road, hit a tree and rolled over. The identities of the victims have not yet been released. The cause of the crash remains under investigation. Two central Massachusetts towns are reeling after three teenage students were killed when their car went off the road, hit a tree and rolled over. The two girls and one boy killed in Tuesday's crash were students at Quaboag Regional Middle High School, which serves Warren and West Brookfield, around 20 miles west of Worcester. They were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, which happened around 3:30 p.m. on Douglas Road in West Brookfield. "I feel so bad for the parents of those kids. My heart goes out to them," said Laurie Jamilowski, who lives near the crash scene. "They're all so young, and that's the problem," said a woman named Barbara, whose daughter was best friends with the driver, 16-year-old Lena Noonan. Officials have not released the names of the victims, but family members told NBC Boston that Noonan, 14-year-old Jaclyn Desrosiers and 15-year-old Christian Congelos died in the crash. "These three particular individuals were exceptional kids. They were great kids," said James Gagner, chairman of the Warren Board of Selectmen. Congelos's family described the sophomore as "an amazing athelete who was beloved by his family and friends. He was just a great kid." Parents of other students at the school said their children are remembering their classmates' spirits. "I think it's real tragic - my children knew them," parent Sue Deleon said. "I just hope that all the kids can come together and be there for each other, be there for the families and show as much support as they can," parent Danielle Mastaj added. School Superintendent Brett Kustigian said that while he is "heartbroken and saddened" for the school community, he's also encouraged by the strength and resiliency being shown by students and staff. "This has been a difficult day for all of our schools," he said. "Quaboag is a small, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other and a tragedy of this magnitude affects all of us." A vigil was held on Wednesday night at the West Brookfield Town Common. The cause of the crash remains under investigation. What to Know Twin sisters from Plymouth, Mass., were reunited with their father Thursday after police say their mom took them on Wednesday. Richard Valentine said his daughters were not at the spot he was supposed to pick them up. Police found the 9-year-olds with their mom, who does not have custody, and her boyfriend, in Lewiston, Maine. The pair faces kidnapping. Twin sisters from Massachusetts were reunited with their father early Thursday morning after authorities say they were snatched away from their school bus stop by their mother and her boyfriend on Wednesday afternoon. Nine-year-olds Je t'aime and Dasia Valentine of Plymouth were reunited with their father, Richard Valentine, who said he could not find them at their meeting spot after school. "I was scared," Valentine said. "They weren't where I normally pick them up from." Valentine normally picks the girls up from a supermarket after they get off the bus. But this time, police said, surveillance footage showed a man putting them in a car. After a search, the fourth graders were located in Lewiston, Maine with their 35-year-old mother, Chereese Ford, and her 38-year-old boyfriend, Craig Beaudoin. Police said Ford hasn't seen her children for at least five years and does not have custody of them. Police suspect the couple had been planning on taking them. "There was some type of preparation and I think they just took advantage of the opportunity that the children were picked up right away," said Plymouth Police Chief Michael Boteri. Valentine said he plans to make sure something like this never happens again. "I know that my children were sitting there scared," Valentine said. "I'm going to make sure that I take all proper precautions to make sure something like this never happens again." Both Ford and Beaudoin faced a judge in Maine Thursday afternoon. Although Beaudoin waived extradition to Massachusetts, Ford's attorney said she was within her rights to take the children from Plymouth. They will then be taken back to Massachusetts to answer to kidnapping and other related charges. Police say they could also face federal charges, since they crossed state lines. Ford was indicted earlier this year on welfare fraud charges after she allegedly claimed her children were living with her to receive benefits. Two 9-year-old twin sisters from Massachusetts are safe after police say they were snatched away from their school bus stop and taken to Maine, where their mother and her boyfriend were arrested. Fourth graders Je t'aime and Dasia Valentine were dropped off by a school bus near their Plymouth home around 4 p.m., but their father, Richard, did not find them at their meeting spot. "I was scared," Richard Valentine said. "They weren't where I normally pick them up from." Valentine normally picks the girls up from a supermarket after they get off the bus. But this time, police say, surveillance footage shows a man putting them in a car. "It doesn't appear they were harmed in any way, but it does appear they were forcibly taken," said Plymouth Police Chief Michael Botieri. The investigation led police to Lewiston, Maine, where the girls were taken to the home of their 35-year-old mother, who does not have custody of them. She and her 38-year-old boyfriend were arrested. "I know that my children were sitting there scared," Valentine said. Wednesday night, speaking exclusively to NBC Boston, Valentine could not wait for his daughters to come home. "They're going to get a big hug and kiss from daddy," Valentine said. "They're going to get a big hug and kiss and I'm going to show them that they're safe." A Massachusetts State Police trooper has filed a lawsuit against top brass at headquarters, accusing even Col. Richard McKeon of wrongdoing. Trooper Ryan Sceviour says his bosses forced him to alter a police report. NBC Boston learned Wednesday evening that Gov. Charlie Baker is reviewing the information regarding the incident. "It's terrible," said Sceviour's attorney, Leonard Kesten. "What they did to this trooper is so wrong." The case stems from an incident in October, when Sceviour arrested Alli Bibaud on drunk driving charges in Worcester. The daughter of district judge Tim Bibaud, she made inappropriate statements, according to the original police report. "One was 'my dad is an [expletive] judge,' and the other was that she indicated during the booking process she was suggesting the possibility of sexual favors in return for leniency," said Kesten. Two days later, the trooper received a voicemail ordering him to the police barracks. "That's an order from the colonel, and it's got something to do with an arrest report, a judge's daughter," the message states. Sceviour's attorney says the trooper was told to remove Bibaud's embarrassing statements. "Trooper Sceviour said to the major, 'Would this be happening if this wasn't the daughter of a judge?'" Kesten said. "She said, 'no, it wouldn't, that's why you're here.'" In a statement, a State Police spokesman said, in part, the substance of the police report never changed and that The revision consisted only of removal of a sensationalistic, directly-quoted statement by the defendant, which made no contribution to proving the elements of the crime with which she was charged. Inclusion of an unnecessary statement does not meet the report-writing standards required by the department." A state police spokesperson said in a statement that only "a sensationalistic, directly-quoted statement" was removed, and that "inclusion of an unncecessary statement does not meet the report-writing standards required by the department." "That's not true," Kesten responded. "It's never taken out, you're supposed to put every communication with a suspect into your police report." The full statement from Massachusetts State Police is below: Supervisory members of the State Police, up to and including the Colonel, may review any report and have the responsibility to order any appropriate revisions. In the report in question, the revision consisted only of removal of a sensationalistic, directly-quoted statement by the defendant, which made no contribution to proving the elements of the crimes with which she was charged. Inclusion of an unnecessary sensationalistic statement does not meet the report-writing standards required by the department. The revised report - which is clearly marked as having been revised -includes all observations made by troopers, all descriptions of physical evidence found in the defendant's possession, and summaries of statements made by the defendant relative to her possession and use of heroin, all of which constitute clear evidence against her. Furthermore, both versions of the report were submitted to the court. The removal of the inflammatory and unnecessary quotation did not change the substance of the trooper's narrative, did not remove any elements of probable cause from the report, and, most importantly, had no impact on the charges against the defendant. The defendant remains charged -- as she was initially charged -- with operating under the influence of drugs, operating under the influence of liquor, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, and two other motor vehicle offenses, and she will be held accountable for those crimes based on the evidence collected by State Police. 1881 census, maps and other documents and will also be open for viewing LECKHAMPSTEAD Church will host a unique evening of music and memories from 7pm this evening (Friday). The event will feature an organ recital by the Rev Mary Harwood and a display of village memorabilia dated from 1761 onwards. The display will include items on Cpl Lawrence Thomas DCM (pictured) who fought at Gallipoli during the First World War, plus newspaper reports describing conditions at that time. Cpl Thomas was the son of William Kent Thomas of Thicket Farm, Leckhampstead, who ran the well-known carriers business between Newbury, Wantage and the surrounding area for many years in the early 20th century. His carrier wagon had the following places painted on its side: Brightwalton, Chaddleworth, Thicket, Leckhampstead, Boxford, Westbrook, Farnborough, Wantage, Bagnor, Winterbourne, North Heath, Lilley, Catmore and Newbury. The display will include a copy of the 1881 census in Leckhampstead, maps and other documents and will also be open for viewing on Saturday between 10am and 4pm. Sorry, that page not found! Please visit our Home Page for latest updates Car Makers Lining up for Lithium LOS ANGELES: If you had any doubt about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and their role in our future, news from GM should seal the deal. The giant automaker has just announced that it is working toward an all-electric, zero-emissions future. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609037 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609037 173O212O198O32) This news just places further demand on the future needs for the material that fuels the new power cells for these vehicles, Lithium.Lithium mining and production companies are seeing huge gains as the forecast demand reaches a fever pitch. These include Orocobre Ltd. (OTC: OROCF) (TSX: ORL), FMC Corporation (NYSE: FMC), Galaxy Resources (OTC: GALXF) and NRG Metals Inc. (TSX-V: NGZ) (OTC: NRGMF).Goldman Sachs has gone as far as to label Lithium the "new gasoline" for its necessity in producing the new EV products, including those built by GM.EVs depend on lithium-ion batteries for their efficient storage and effective operation. For this reason, increased demand for lithium has producers concerned about having enough of the metal to answer the rapidly growing demand.However, many lithium companies are stepping up and planning to develop more lithium or tap new supplies in known regions.A few of these are emerging companies looking to use the current positive market momentum to advance their positions.A likely lithium developer in this category is NRG Metals Inc. (TSX-V: NGZ.V) (OTCQB: NRGMF), who have a potentially huge lithium brine project in South America. The company is ideally positioned and looking to mine in the very productive "lithium triangle".Share prices of current lithium companies have been rising as the demand pours in. Leaders in the space include FMC (NYSE: FMC) the diversified chemical company that rallied 87% in 2017 based largely on its lithium unit, Australia's Orocobre Ltd. (OTC: OROCF) (TSX: ORL) who just announced its maiden year profits, as well as Galaxy Resources (OTC: GALXF), also an Australian mining concern that has continued its incredible run and rose over 5% to hit a multi-year high in October.LITHIUM IS THE FUTURE FUEL, PERIODGM's mandate is really just the sign that EVs are the future and that Lithium will be the feedstock needed to power the revolution.GM says it will begin with two new, fully electric models next year and then then at least 18 more by 2023.That product roster puts the GM in line with a large crowd of automakers who have endorsed the age of electricity. In recent months, Volvo, Aston Martin, and Jaguar Land Rover have announced their EV initiatives. All of these are promising to move away from gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles.China has even gone so far as to mandate that it will move toward a zero petroleum-powered vehicle level, but with no date attached for enforcement.All this points to new estimates for just how much lithium will be needed.Consultants Roskill have estimated 785,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent a year will be needed by 2025, amounting to a 26,000-tonne shortfall from anticipated supply, compared to 217,000 tonnes of demand versus 227,000 tonnes of supply this year.However, those numbers are ratcheting up as each new automaker and power application manufacturer chimes in with their new plans.It looks like lithium producers will have their hands full just trying to answer the increase in demand. Several are already increasing their production and refining capabilities, but that's not going to cut it if demand reaches the projected levels. We will need new lithium resources.NEWS SOURCES WILL COME ONLINEAnalysts are telling us that one new lithium mine will need to come on line each year through 2025 in order to meet the rapidly growing demand for lithium. That would answer existing demand. But in order to avert a shortfall, there's going to have to be more exploration and development.Two-thirds of proven reserves of lithium are concentrated in a small, high-elevation area of South America known widely as the Lithium Triangle for its position at the intersection of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile.In fact, only four companies account for about 86% of all global lithium production. And within that group, over 70% of lithium production based is South America around the Lithium Triangle.This is the likely area to seek near-term lithium production.Emerging miner NRG Metals is putting its lithium strategy in play the Puna Region in Argentina. It's considered one of the most productive regions in that country, which produces about 50% of the world's lithium.NRG METALS NEAR TERM OPPORTUNITYNRG Metals hails from Canada, but its' lithium interests are located in Argentina. Canadian miners like the lithium space and have fared well.NRG Metals has managed to put itself at the heart of the lithium trend. It has two projects; the Salar Escondido lithium project, a well-developed project heading into drilling, and the Hombre Muerto North lithium project in the province of Salta, now under exploration.The region is also host to the Hombre Muerto Salar. That's where major lithium producer FMC is generating about 20,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent per year. It's also the location for Galaxy Resources' large development stage Sal de Vida project.Using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) geophysical survey NRG Metals has identified what it calls "a highly conductive horizon that is interpreted to represent a brine target with potential to host lithium"In other words, they have found what it is like a salt lake, about 4 kilometers by 6 kilometers in size located at depths from 70 to 300 meters below the surface.NRG Metals has been approved and plans to drill to define the actual lithium resources available. This could be the next major lithium resource in the area.It appears clear from announcements by automakers like GM that the demand for lithium is continuing to escalate. The opportunity to respond to the demand is still wide open.As these initiatives to increase the EV market emerge, new producers and near term producers of lithium could use the window to move to production. Smaller players like NRG Metals, and the leaders like FMC are both in a position to capitalize on the lithium trend.POTENTIAL COMPARABLESOrocobre Ltd. (OTC: OROCF) (TSX: ORL.TO)Orocobre Limited operates primarily in Argentina in the mining industry. The Company engages in the production ramp up of its Olaroz Lithium Facility and the operation of Borax Argentina S.A. (Borax Argentina). Its segments include Corporate, the Olaroz project, South American Salars and Borax Argentina. Its primary focus is on exploration for and development of lithium, potash and salar mineral deposits. The Company's assets also include boron mines and processing facilities of Borax Argentina and a portfolio of brine exploration projects. Its Olaroz Lithium Facility is located in the Puna region of Jujuy Province in northern Argentina, over 230 kilometers northwest of the capital city of Jujuy.FMC (NYSE: FMC)FMC Corp. is a Philadelphia-based chemical company which is swiftly ramping up its lithium production. Last year, FMC said it was planning to triple lithium hydroxide production capacity by 2019. The first phase of the plan has already started. FMC management also said that it was not ruling out the possibility to spin-off FMC's lithium segment as a separate publicly owned company. BofAMerrill Lynch recently upgraded FMC stock to "Buy" from "Underperform," increasing the price target to $103.00 from $66.Galaxy Resources (OTC: GALXF)Galaxy Resources Limited is a lithium-focused resources company, with assets spanning Australia, Canada and Argentina. Galaxy is currently advancing plans to develop the Sal de Vida Lithium and Potash Brine Project ("Sal de Vida") in Argentina, which is situated in the Lithium Triangle, a region where Chile, Argentina and Bolivia meet. Sal de Vida is a proven high quality resource has excellent promise as a future low cost production facility. Galaxy also owns the Mt Cattlin Spodumene Mine near Ravensthorpe in Western Australia and the James Bay Lithium Pegmatite Project in Quebec, Canada. Zoom Room Relaunches High-Demand Pet Franchise Opportunity LOS ANGELES: Ready to fill the need for a fun, safe place to play, train and socialize with dogs, Zoom Room, an indoor dog gym and training facility, is set to 'Zoom' into cities nationwide through its newly relaunched franchise opportunity following a significant investment in the company. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609037 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609037 173O212O198O32) Launched in 2008, Zoom Room quickly added dozens of locations nationwide and filled a deep demand for a climate-controlled space for owners to play, train and socialize with their dogs. The company paused franchising to focus on rebuilding its franchise infrastructure and has since assembled an experienced board of directors and a new investment from multi-unit emerging brand investor Anthony Polazzi of AP Franchised Concepts, LLC to support the sustainable growth of the franchise. Polazzi and Zoom Room's CEO Mark Van Wye have made necessary changes to the brand to resume franchising and now plan to add 100 new stores over the next five years."Anthony brings a tremendous amount of expertise to Zoom Room and knows how to take emerging franchise concepts to the next level," said Van Wye. "Now that we've reinforced our franchise infrastructure with the systems and operations needed to support a large network of franchisees, we are ready to make Zoom Room the No. 1 indoor dog gym and training facility in the country."Zoom Room's motto is "We don't train dogs. We train the people who love them." Its cutting-edge curriculum focuses on deepening the bond between dog and owner, which allows people to fully understand their dog's behavior and creates a distinctly social atmosphere. In addition to being experts in dog agility - which can be taught to any dog, no matter its size, age, breed or experience - Zoom Room offers an array of specialty classes including Shy Dog, Calm Down!, Pup-lates, Scent Tracking, Urban Herding, Flyball, Rally Obedience and more.Because Zoom Room requires owners to be present with their dog at all times, the liability shifts from the store to the owner, which is unique in the pet franchise industry. Zoom Room also requires a small footprint and does not have to navigate complex zoning issues. Zoom Room locations range between 2,700 sq. feet and 3,000 sq. feet and due to the business being zoned as retail, franchisees can open a Zoom Room in any area of their desired city."Zoom Room is a highly unique concept in the $69B pet industry. It has created a fun, sporty atmosphere in its stores and is one of the few places in metro areas where an owner can relax, have fun learning with their dog and meet other like-minded pet owners," said Polazzi. "We are confident entrepreneurs will gravitate to this innovative brand and Zoom Room will become the epicenter of dog-loving communities nationwide."The Zoom Room franchise opportunity is ideal for dog-loving entrepreneurs or investors looking to diversify their franchise portfolio. No prior dog training experience is necessary to become a Zoom Room franchisee, as its extensive training program allows for dog training novices to become experts in a matter of months. Zoom Room also offers an incredibly fun and convenient lifestyle with the store open only during set business hours and the concept requiring minimal payroll and staff.Investment for Zoom Room ranges between $137,125 and $290,635, depending on size and location. For a limited time, Zoom Room's franchise fee is $39,500 for one unit and $79,000 for three units. On Jan. 1, the franchise fee will increase to $49,000 for one unit and $98,000 for three. All U.S. territories are currently available for purchase with the exception of Hawaii, North and South Dakota and Rhode Island. The Makers of the LA VICTORIA Brand Share Ways to Spice Up Traditional Fall Flavors ORANGE, Calif: With fall in full swing, the makers of the LA VICTORIA Brand, known for authentic, flavorful salsa, enchilada sauce and taco sauce, are offering five seasonal recipe ideas that put a unique spin on your favorite comfort foods. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609038 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609038 173O212O198O32) Whether preparing a Friendsgiving dinner or offering up a tasty side for game day, salsa provides an unexpected way to spice up your next seasonal gathering."In our 100-year history, the LA VICTORIA brand has seen plenty of food trends come and go, yet we know that salsa is the preferred condiment on the West Coast1," said Sebastian Friedman, LA VICTORIA Brand Manager. "While some may think of salsa as the epitome of a summer pantry staple, fall is all about bringing people together. Combined with your favorite dishes, this timeless condiment provides a modern Mexican twist on classic autumn recipes."The makers of the LA VICTORIA Brand offer the following quick recipe ideas to help you incorporate this well-loved pantry essential into fall menus:Turkey and Stout ChiliaThe perfect weekend chili is simple to make and blends brown sugar, chipotle powder and salsa for just enough kick on game day. Try it with a thick and chunky salsa for a bolder textureanearly 70 percent of consumers prefer it to salsa with a smooth consistency.1Blistered Brussels and CaulifloweraTopped with a blend of olive oil, lemon juice, almonds and salsa verde, this is a healthy and flavorful addition to any fall menu.Butternut Squash, Black Bean, and Green Chile EnchiladasaNothing says fall quite like butternut squash. For a unique and vegetarian spin on a classic, try this savory, intensely flavored dish.Salsa Baked Mac 'N CheeseaThis is comfort food at its finest. With a Mexican twist and hint of heat, this is an easy weeknight side dish or delicious contribution to a holiday gathering.Wood Grilled Adobo Squash TacoaSquash is plentiful this time of year, so get creative on taco night with a vegetarian delight. Guajillo and ancho chiles blend together for a savory adobo sauce that completes these tacos.If you're pressed for time but need to bring something to share at your family gathering, chips and salsa is a classic crowd pleaserain fact, 71 percent of consumers most often enjoy salsa with chips. When deciding how spicy to go, more than half of consumers appreciate an extra kick, opting for medium to hot salsa over mild or fruity varieties. Finally, grab the bag of traditional/triangle chips, which nearly 55 percent of consumers prefer over scoops, strips or rounds.1This year, the makers of the LA VICTORIA Brand are celebrating a delicious culinary tradition: the 100th anniversary of salsa as we know it in America. As the pioneer of jarred salsa in the U.S., the makers of the LA VICTORIA Brand have kept the Mexican tradition alive and well in the hearts and bellies of today's consumers for a century while using field-to-jar tomatoes in its salsas. Ontario Teachers' strikes new investment partnership at Bristol and Birmingham Airports LONDON: Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (Ontario Teachers'), and Australia's New South Wales Treasury Corporation (TCorp) and Sunsuper Superannuation Fund (Sunsuper), are announcing they will become investment partners in Bristol Airport and Birmingham Airport, two of the UK's leading regional airports. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609038 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609038 173O212O198O32) Ontario Teachers' has entered a definitive agreement by which it will sell 30% of its stakes in both Bristol and Birmingham to TCorp as trustee of TCorpIM Direct Investment Fund E and Sunsuper Pty Limited as trustee of Sunsuper. TCorp and Sunsuper will each acquire 15% of Ontario Teachers' stakes in Bristol Airport and Birmingham Airport. Following completion, Ontario Teachers', TCorp and Sunsuper will own 70.0%, 15.0% and 15.0% of Bristol Airport and 33.8%, 7.2% and 7.2% of Birmingham Airport respectively.Ontario Teachers' is Canada's largest single-profession pension plan. TCorp is the financial markets arm of the public sector in New South Wales, Australia, and Sunsuper is one of Australia's largest and fastest-growing superannuation funds."Working with like-minded partners who bring new ideas, capital and expertise to the table is core to our broader investment strategy," said Andrew Claerhout, Senior Managing Director, Infrastructure and Natural Resources at Ontario Teachers'. "We look forward to TCorp and Sunsuper joining us as shareholders, alongside the strong teams at Bristol and Birmingham and Ontario Teachers' enduring partnership with the District authority shareholders in Birmingham. Under the new shareholder structure we will continue to focus on creating long-term value for all stakeholders including the 19 million passengers who fly through these two airports every year."Ontario Teachers' is the largest private investor in airports in Europe, with holdings in five freehold airports: Copenhagen Airports, Brussels Airport, Bristol Airport, Birmingham Airport and London City Airport. Ontario Teachers' has been an investor in Bristol and Birmingham Airports since 2001, increasing its stakes to 100% (Bristol) and 48.25% (Birmingham) in 2014 with the intention of bringing in new partners."In addition to the attractive investment characteristics of the individual airports, TCorp was particularly interested in this investment because of the opportunity to partner with Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan and Sunsuper, both experienced and like-minded global infrastructure investors," said Stewart Brentnall, TCorp Chief Investment Officer. "We are excited about working with our partners, not only on this investment but also on future opportunities. TCorp has a strategy of building long-term relationships with other sophisticated investors, which we believe will help to deliver value to our clients and members, both for managing existing investments and for identifying new investment opportunities.""Sunsuper is an experienced investor in the Australian airport sector, and we are excited to expand our existing portfolio by adding stakes in two high-quality UK airports in Bristol and Birmingham," said Michael Weaver, Head of Private Markets at Sunsuper. "We believe that investments in the infrastructure sector provide greater scope for value creation through responsible stewardship, governance and proactive management of assets to create value for our members. We look forward to our ongoing involvement in the Bristol and Birmingham airports, with a key focus on delivering high-quality outcomes for all passengers and stakeholders."Bristol Airport is the ninth largest airport in the UK with 7.5 million passengers in 2016, and Birmingham Airport is the seventh largest airport in the UK with 11.6 million passengers in 2016.The sale is expected to complete in late November. Immanuel's The Landing Receives National Award for Excellence in Care LINCOLN, Neb: Immanuel's The Landing at Williamsburg Village is proud to announce excellence in senior living after receiving the 2017 Silver Achievement in Quality Award from the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609039 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609039 173O212O198O32) One of only 191 communities nation-wide, six in Nebraska and the only community in Lincoln, Neb. receiving the distinction, the Silver Achievement in Quality Award recognizes providers across the nation that have demonstrated commitment to improving quality of care for residents and patients in skilled-nursing and assisted living care.The Landing received the honor after demonstrating effective approaches that help improve performance and quality outcomes for residents. Silver Award recipients were recognized at the AHCA/NCAL's annual convention this Oct. and are eligible for achieving the program's highest gold status - awarded to only three communities in 2016.Nestled perfectly into the surrounding Williamsburg Village, Immanuel's The Landing provides a full range of living options for an exceptional continuum of care. From independent living amenities to the complete services of long-term care, The Landing offers compassionate health care support, enriching activities, elegant dining experiences, and AgeWell, an exclusive wellness program with qualified, professional staff.The American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) represent more than 13,000 non-profit and proprietary skilled nursing centers, assisted living communities, sub-acute centers and homes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. By delivering solutions for quality care, AHCA/NCAL aims to improve the lives of the millions of individuals who receive long term or post-acute care in our member facilities each day. For more information, please visit or 1887 Immanuel has been providing Christ-centered service to seniors, each other and the communities in which the organization serves. As a not-for-profit, serving arm of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Immanuel's house of brands includes: Immanuel Communities, Immanuel Pathways, Immanuel Community Foundation and The Immanuel Vision Foundation. More about Immanuel's brands: Immanuel Communities owns and operates 10 independent living, assisted living and long-term care retirement communities on six campuses; Immanuel Pathways operates three PACE Centers in Iowa and Neb.; the Immanuel Community Foundation, a Resident Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to independent living residents; and the Immanuel Vision Foundation extends financial support to non-profit, charitable 501(c)(3) organizations that share purposes in alignment with Immanuel's service centered mission. Mattress Firm CEO Receives Accolades Award for Foster Kids Program HOUSTON: During the 2017 Accolades Luncheon on Friday, Oct. 27, the CHILDREN AT RISK foundation honored Mattress Firm president and CEO Ken Murphy with the Accolades award for the work Mattress Firm has done for children in the Houston community through the Mattress Firm Foster Kids program. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609039 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609039 173O212O198O32) The Texas-based foundation recognizes leaders who support the company's mission to help all children thrive while making Texas a place where children's needs are a priority. CHILDREN AT RISK honored Murphy and Mattress Firm for being a powerful driving force in making a difference in the lives of children in foster care across Texas."I am truly humbled by this acknowledgement from CHILDREN AT RISK," said Murphy. "Our goal is to provide children in the foster care system and their families with the essential items they need to succeed. Alongside our non-profit partners, we hope to make a difference in the lives of foster kids and help them beat the odds."The Mattress Firm Foster Kids program, through the Ticket to Dream foundation, was created in response to requests for support from local nonprofit foster care organizations, citing needs for essential items like shoes, clothing, pajamas and school supplies for the over 400,000 foster children across the nation. As a result, the company has committed to helping these children and every year the stores host six item drives with all proceeds going to carefully selected nonprofit foster care partners across the country. Since 2015, Mattress Firm Foster Kids has raised over $7 million and collected 1.5 million essential items for foster kids."Ken Murphy and the Mattress Firm Foster Kids program are the guiding lights for children in Houston and throughout Texas," said Dr. Bob Sanborn, President and CEO of CHILDREN AT RISK. "We are recognizing Mr. Murphy because of his and Mattress Firm's commitment to advocate for those who can't advocate for themselves, not only in Texas but across the nation."CHILDREN AT RISK serves as a catalyst for change to improve the quality of life for children through strategic research, public policy, collaboration and advocacy. Through its research and advocacy programs, the foundation is a leader in understanding and educating the community and policy makers about the health, safety and economic indicators that impact children, while advocating for the importance of improving the lives of children.About Mattress FirmFounded in 1986, Houston-based Mattress Firm is the nation's first and only border-to-border, coast-to-coast specialty bedding retailer. With more than 3,000 stores across 49 states, Mattress Firm offers a broad selection of mattresses and bedding accessories from leading manufacturers and brand names, including Serta, Simmons, Dream Bed, tulo and Hampton & Rhodes. In 2016, Mattress Firm was acquired by Steinhoff International Holdings. Mattress Firm Foster Kids, a program of the Ticket to Dream Foundation, hosts six collection drives a year in communities nationwide to ensure that foster children have the resources needed to succeed. Fish and Richardson Adds Jayme Partridge as New Principal in Houston HOUSTON: Fish and Richardson today announced that Jayme Partridge has joined the firm's Houston office as a principal in its Litigation Group, where she will continue to focus her practice on complex intellectual property litigation. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609040 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609040 173O212O198O32) Previously, Partridge was a partner at Patterson + Sheridan. She also spent two years as in-house litigation counsel for ExxonMobil and worked as a mechanical engineer for six years before law school.Partridge is an accomplished trial lawyer who has tried a wide range of cases, from patent infringement to trade secrets, in diverse technologies including fiber optics, chemical processes and catalysis, filtering technology, and computer hardware and software. With an engineering background and outstanding advocacy skills, she has years of stand-up experience before both judges and juries trying cases for global companies in high profile competitor-to-competitor disputes."We are always looking for top talent to add to our deep bench of seasoned trial lawyers, and Jayme is a highly skilled IP trial lawyer who will be a tremendous addition to our team," said Kurt Glitzenstein, Fish's Litigation Practice Group Leader. "This is our second significant lateral hire this fall. These strategic hires further enhance our position as the market leader in IP litigation."Partridge received her J.D., high honors, Order of the Coif, from the University of Texas School of Law in 1991 and her B.S., cum laude, Pi Tau Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, from Texas A&M University in 1982.Fish & Richardson is a global patent prosecution, intellectual property litigation, and commercial litigation law firm with more than 400 attorneys and technology specialists in the U.S. and Europe. Our success is rooted in our creative and inclusive culture, which values the diversity of people, experiences, and perspectives. Fish is the No. 1 U.S. patent litigation firm, handling nearly three times as many cases as its nearest competitor; a powerhouse patent prosecution firm; a top-tier trademark and copyright firm; and the No. 1 firm at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, with more cases than any other firm. Since 1878, Fish attorneys have been winning cases worth billions in controversy - often by making new law - for the world's most innovative and influential technology leaders. LifeStraw's Safe Water Fund Provides Puerto Ricans With Access To Safe Water Filters And Purifiers WASHINGTON: LifeStraw, a global leader in developing innovative filtration and purification products for safe drinking water, is deploying thousands of its high-impact water filters and purifiers to Puerto Rico to provide much needed access to safe drinking water following Hurricane Maria. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609040 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609040 173O212O198O32) The filters are made possible through donations to the LifeStraw Safe Water Fund, which is powered by consumer contributions to support communities devastated by natural disasters. LifeStraw is working with emergency responders on the ground in Puerto Rico to distribute its products to areas of the island that need them most.One critical issue impacting Puerto Rico is an overwhelming lack of access to safe drinking water for the unforeseen future, as the storm dramatically affected the island's infrastructure. One month after the hurricane, CNN reported that nearly one million Puerto Ricans still remain without running water. LifeStraw's purifiers and filters serve as one solution to the country's long-term recovery effort, as they remove virtually all bacteria and parasites from contaminated water, making it safe to drink.In just one month, more than $150,000 has been raised for the Safe Water Fund by consumers to support hurricane relief efforts following the storms that damaged parts of the Caribbean, Texas, Florida, and other areas in the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks to these donations, LifeStraw has provided access to safe water for more than 20,000 residents of Puerto Rico, but the need for support continues.Contributions to the Safe Water Fund have resulted in a mix of LifeStraw, LifeStraw Go, LifeStraw Community, LifeStraw Family and LifeStraw Mission filters and purifiers deployed to Puerto Rico to provide individuals, families and entire communities access to safe water. In addition to funds raised by individual donors, LifeStraw is donating products directly, matching donations and devoting hundreds of man hours to coordinate relief efforts with partners, manage complex logistics, and conduct on-site education and training to ensure that the LifeStraw products are used effectively and properly maintained to have a sustainable impact.Individuals and organizations can continue to make an impact for people in Puerto Rico by donating to the LifeStraw Safe Water Fund. The fund is managed by an independent 501-c3 public charity and all donations are tax-deductible. In addition to hurricane relief efforts, consumers can choose to support the expansion of safe water programs in primary schools in Kenya or India or suggest a new safe water program for consideration. To date, the fund has provided safe water for victims of the Ecuador earthquake and the Haiti floods in addition to supporting the victims of the hurricanes that hit Texas, Florida and the Caribbean.LifeStraw is a global company built on the foundation that doing good is good business. We put this mission into action by innovating game-changing solutions that contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet. Technologically advanced LifeStraw water filters and purifiers are ideal for outdoor recreation, travel, emergency preparedness and humanitarian purposes. This year LifeStraw is expanding its safe water technology beyond removal of microbiological contaminants to also include removal of heavy metals including lead. Ken Riddick Promoted To President And Publisher Of Three McClatchy Media Companies In California SACRAMENTO, Calif: McClatchy (NYSE American: MNI) today named Ken Riddick as president and publisher of The Fresno Bee, The Tribune in San Luis Obispo and Merced-Sun Star. He will assume his new role November 6. Riddick succeeds Tom Cullinan, who is retiring November 3. (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609040 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 08 November 2017, 1668609040 173O212O198O32) "Ken has demonstrated great digital leadership at The Modesto Bee, as evidenced by digital-only growth of 44 percent over two years," said Gary Wortel, McClatchy's west regional publisher. "Modesto has been one of the company's leaders in audience growth as well, and he recently completed the Bee's move to a new location that beautifully reflects the future workspace of a digital media company."I am truly excited and humbled to be headed back to Fresno," said Riddick. "The chance to return and contribute to the digital future of these three media companies is a dream-come-true."Tom Cullinan, Riddick's predecessor added "Ken is the perfect choice at the right time. He'll continue our mission to be a digital driven media company and to serve the community with quality public service journalism."Riddick is returning to The Fresno Bee where he first started working for McClatchy in 1995, as Fresno's picture editor. In February of 1999, he was promoted to Fresno's managing editor for new media and was named director of interactive media that same year. Ken was then promoted to the executive director of interactive media for The Star Tribune in Minneapolis in 2003 and was named their senior vice president of interactive media in 2007. Ken's next role was vice president of digital for Hearst Newspapers where he was responsible for 16 locations.Ken returned to McClatchy in 2010 as the vice president of digital for The Charlotte Observer and became president and publisher of The Modesto Bee in 2014.Ken and his wife Catherine plan to move back to the Fresno area. These two French bands to tour India in November, December New Delhi , Nov 8 : Popular brands, Colt Silvers and Last Train are all set to take a multi-city tour in 10 cities as a part of the third edition of Bonjour India festival in the months of November and December. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609042 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609042 173O212O198O32) The Bonjour India festival is one of the biggest and the most ambitious initiatives between France and India.Hailing from the city of Strasbourg, Colt Silvers comprises of vocalist Tristan, bass player Nicolas, guitarist Florian and drummer Julien.Termed as the French Alt J by the popular magazine Les Inrockuptibles, the band produces intense indie electro rock, which is inspired by pop culture.Colt Silvers started gaining popularity beyond France within a year of their inception with the debut release 'Night of the Living Robots' in 2009.Their debut tour in India will also see them perform at this year's NH7 Weekender, Pune.A true-blue rock band from the East of France, Last Train is a story of four childhood friends - vocalist Jean-Noel Scherrer, guitarist Julien Peultier, Drummer Antoine Baschung and bass player Timothee Gerard, who have been making music together for over a decade.Their first two EPs 'The Holy Family' and 'Fragile' received critical acclaim, launching their music career.Earlier during this year, the band released a full length album 'Weathering' on their own label, 'Cold Fame Records'.Naveen Deshpande, Founder, Mixtape stated, "I had an opportunity to watch these two fun, high energy straight up rock n roll acts last year at IOMMA (Indian Ocean Music Market) and they blew my mind away. I instantly connected with their music and knew that their music is something the audience here will really appreciate.""This is by far one of the biggest projects we have done where 2 international artists will be traveling the length andbreadth of the country and I don't think any other artist has ever achieved that before. Really excited about this tour," Deshpande added. Prince Charles meets PM Modi in Delhi New Delhi , Nov. 8 : Prince of Wales Charles Philip Arthur George, accompanied by Duchess of Cornwall Camilla Parker Bowles, met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Wednesday. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609043 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609043 173O212O198O32) The royal couple is on a two-day visit to India.This visit is part of their 10-day four nation tour to Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and India.It is the ninth of the Prince of Wales to India, is aimed at strengthening the bilateral relations between the two nations.The Prince is scheduled to meet the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and discuss a wide range of issues, including that of the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, which will take place in April 2018 in the United Kingdom, Climate Change, Sustainable Development Goals, Economic cooperation and others.India-U.K. trade is at USD 12.19 billion.India is the third largest investor and the second largest international job creator in the U.K.U.K. is the third largest inward investor in India, with a cumulative equity investment of USD 24.37 billion for the period April 2000 - June 2017.The Indian diaspora in United Kingdom is one of the largest ethnic minority communities in the country, with the 2011 census, recording approximately 1.5 million people of Indian origin in the U.K., equating to almost 1.8 percent of the population and contributing to six percent of the country's GDP. Pak Rangers arrive in India for DG-level talks New Delhi , Nov. 8 : A delegation of Pakistan Rangers led by Director General (Sindh Rangers) Major General Muhammad Saeed reached New Delhi for 44th Biannual DG-level talks on Wednesday. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609043 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609043 173O212O198O32) The delegation will hold talks with top brass of the Border Security Force (BSF).The talks are likely to focus on range of issues, including ceasefire violation along the Line of Control (LOC).The meeting comes in the backdrop of ratcheting tensions between the two neighbours. Tensions have been running high between India and Pakistan since the Uri attack, with border skirmishes further aggravating the situation.Meanwhile, Indian Ambassador to China Gautam Bambawale, who was earlier the country's envoy to Pakistan, ruled out talks between the two countries unless Islamabad stops cross border terrorism."There can be no talks in present scenario with Pakistan," Bambawale said. Delhi: Lodhi Road area 'severely' choked New Delhi , November 8 : The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on Wednesday said that the air quality of Delhi's Lodhi Road area has hit 'severe' levels, showing prominent pollutants PM 10 and PM 2.5 above normal. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609044 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609044 173O212O198O32) Meanwhile, Noida and Aligarh District Magistrates have directed schools up to Class VIII to be closed tomorrow and day after, due to severe smog conditions.All government and private schools will remain closed in Punjab, from November 9 to 11, in regards to the same.Earlier in the day, the chairman of NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) had issued specific instructions to the field officials to take all possible steps to reduce contribution of the highways sector towards air pollution in the Delhi-NCR region.The steps to be taken by NHAI include: water sprinkling at all construction sites and camps, covering of all construction material / waste, including flyash, being transported in the Delhi NCR region, adherence to the air quality norms by all plants and machinery, covering of exposed soil, etcetera.He instructed the officials to inspect the construction sites regularly to ensure that all the pollution control measures are adhered to in a strict manner.A thick layer of smog has engulfed entire Delhi-NCR region since Tuesday morning. On Wednesday, the air quality index of Delhi's Lodhi Road area fell under 'severe' category with high particulate matter at 10 and 2.5.Considering the severe pollution levels, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia announced on Wednesday that all schools and colleges in Delhi will remain shut till Sunday due to alarming levels of pollution.Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also on Wednesday sent a letter to chief ministers of neighbouring Punjab and Haryana states, urging them to work jointly to resolve the air pollution issue."We have to jointly work to resolve such issues in a spirit of mutual cooperation in larger public interest to improve the air quality. One of the main reasons of air pollution in the national capital is the stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana," the letter read.He also urged the chief ministers of the two states to conduct a meeting in the coming days over the issue. Ex-WH national security adviser worries about legal exposure of his son Washington D.C. [United States] November 9 : Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed worries about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who, like his father, is under scrutiny by special counsel Robert Mueller. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609046 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609046 173O212O198O32) The special counsel is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election campaign.Interviews conducted by special counsel investigators have included questions about the business dealings of Flynn and his son, reported CNN.Flynn Jr., who served as his father's chief of staff and top aide, was active in his father's consulting and lobbying work at their firm, Flynn Intel Group.Flynn's business dealings have been the subject of federal investigation since November 2016.Flynn is also under legal scrutiny by Mueller's team for undisclosed lobbying that he did during the presidential campaign on behalf of the Turkish Government, CNN reported.Former Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates already face charges relating to their undisclosed foreign lobbying, for Ukraine.Special counsel Robert Mueller has interviewed several White House former and current officials, including former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and ex-White House press secretary Sean Spicer, according to the reports. Himachal Assembly Polls: PM Modi appeals to cast vote New Delhi , November 9 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday appealed the voters of Himachal Pradesh to step out of their houses and vote in large numbers in the state assembly elections. ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? Urging people of Himachal Pradesh to vote in recrod numbers. and mdash; Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 9, 2017 (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609046 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609046 173O212O198O32) The Prime Minister took to Twitter and said, "Today is a day of polling in God's land Himachal Pradesh. I appeal all the voters to participate in the celebrations of democracy and cast their votes in large numbers. Urging people of Himachal Pradesh to vote in record numbers. (?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ????? ????? Urging people of Himachal Pradesh to vote in recrod numbers.)"The polling in Himachal Pradesh for all the 68 constituencies begun at 8 a.m. and will continue till 5 p.m.Speaking about the Chief Ministerial candidates, Congress leader and incumbent Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh is fighting against the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Prem Kumar Dhumal, two-time Chief Minister of the state, while the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is contesting 42 seats, followed by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI (M)), which is contesting 14, Swabhiman Party and Lok Gathbandhan Party six each, and the CPI contesting three seats.The main focus of the BJP campaigning was the corruption, while the Congress hit out at the Opposition regarding the issues of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) and demonetisation.A total of 50, 25,941 voters are eligible to cast their vote and the polling will take place at 7,525 booths with EVMs and VVPAT.The counting will be done on 18 December. Hamilton not distracted by tax evasion charges London [U.K.], Nov 9 : Mercedes racing driver and Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton has said that the tax evasion allegations against him will not distract him from winning the upcoming Brazilian Grand Prix. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609046 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609046 173O212O198O32) Hamilton was recently named in a Paradise Papers leak case for avoiding paying taxes on his private jet through an elaborate scheme.He allegedly used an Isle of Man company to avoid paying a value added tax of 3.3 million pounds when he imported the aircraft into England in 2013 and is under investigation by the HM Revenue and Customs."Obviously right now, there is a bit of a storm surrounding me," The Guardian quoted Hamilton, as saying."There are many different stories around, but I don't have anything to add to the whole scenario that has happened. It doesn't distract me from my core values and also what I am here to do, which is to try and win the Brazilian Grand Prix for a second time in my life," he added.The Briton recently became the Formula One world champion for the fourth time after winning the Mexican Grand Prix recently.The 32-year-old said that by absorbing all positive energy, he will try to shine his light in Brazil as well."I have had this huge wave of positive energy and nothing can really dent that. I carry that here, and I am solely focused on trying to win the race this weekend," Hamilton said.The Brazilian Grand Prix will held on November 12. Virbhadra certain of Congress victory in Himachal polls Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) , November 9 : Congress chief ministerial candidate Virbhadra Singh on Thursday said that he is certain of the party winning with full majority in the ongoing Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609047 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609047 173O212O198O32) The longest serving chief minister of the state, Singh told ANI: "We hope for the best. I am sure that the Congress party will be achieving full majority votes in the elections. The next government too will be of the Congress. I have a very long and successful political career.""The derogatory remark by Prime Minister Narendra Modi against the Opposition does not suit him," he added.Singh has cast his vote along with his son Vikramaditya from Shimla.Singh is fighting against Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Prem Kumar Dhumal, two-time Chief Minister of the state, while the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is contesting 42 seats, followed by the Communist Party of India (Marxist), which is contesting 14, Swabhiman Party and Lok Gathbandhan Party six each, and the CPI contesting three seats.The main focus of the BJP's campaign was corruption, while the Congress hit out at the Opposition regarding the issues of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and demonetisation.A total of 50,25,941 voters are eligible to cast their votes and the polling will take place at 7,525 booths with EVMs and VVPAT.The counting will be done on December 18. Leg ulcers? Just sweat them out Washington D.C. [USA], Nov 9 : Patients with leg ulcers, you may want to hit the gym as according to a recent study, exercise may help you heal faster. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609048 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609048 173O212O198O32) In the Sheffield Hallam University study of 39 patients with venous leg ulcers who were randomized to compression therapy plus supervised exercise (including aerobic, resistance and flexibility elements) or compression therapy only, ulcer healing time was lower in the exercise group (13 versus 35 weeks).Lead author Markos Klonizakis noted that the findings suggest that people with ulcers not only enjoy taking part in a supervised exercise scheme, staying in the programme until the end, but may also draw multiple benefits from it, offering reduction in treatment costs as well."Having proven that such a programme is workable for everyone involved, we will now seek funding to test the main study hypothesis in seven regions across England," Klonizakis added.The study appears in British Journal of Dermatology. MoArmouz announces launch of new lightning to 3.5 mm audio jack with remote control for iPhone X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, and 7 Plus New Delhi , Nov 9 : MoArmouz has just announced a key enhancement of their impressive range of electronic accessories with the nationwide launch of the new Lightning to 3.5 mm Audio Jack Charge Adapter. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609049 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609049 173O212O198O32) Founded in 2014, the company has already carved a niche in the domestic as well as international markets with their highly rated USB-C Hubs, adapters, cables, Apple MFI certified cables/adapters, Qualcomm certified car chargers, HDMI-certified cables, wireless speakers, and much more.The new product from MoArmouz is a must-have accessory for the users of the latest iPhone versions including iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, and iPhone 7 Plus.The new Audio Jack Charge Adapter from MoArmouz allows users to seamlessly connect their lightning devices to accessories equipped with 3.5 mm audio plug/charge. Using this multifunctional adapter, it becomes a breeze to charge the device and enjoy music at the same time.This functionality of the product will be particularly useful for the users of the recently released iPhone X as the highly sophisticated device comes without an audio jack.Some of the most important features of Lightning to 3.5 mm Audio Jack Charge Adapter include:-Multifunctional port supporting functions such as charging, listening and data transmission.-Equipped with one function button for playing and pausing while listening to the music and for answering and disconnecting the call, and two more for increasing and decreasing the volume levels-The male port is compatible with headphones and the female supports charging and data transmission-The 3.5 mm jack delivers high-definition audios by enhancing the sound quality of iPhones from 16-bit/48 KHz to 24-bit/192 KHz. The audio range offered is 114-db.-Advanced WAKE technology for automatic detection of the insertion and removal of headphones.-With Apple MFI Certification, yields a stable system without any chance of compatibility error even if the OS of the iPhone is updated.-Aluminium housing for enhanced durability-Low power consumption of 10mW only-ASP support for up to 32-bit audio inputsAnnouncing the launch of the company's new product, one of the founder from MoArmouz Srucchi Goel mentioned, "We are extremely happy to announce the release of Lightning to 3.5mm Audio Jack with Remote Control. If you already have an iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, or iPhone 7 Plus, this is something you have been missing so far."As an introductory offer, the product is now available for a special price of Rs. 3999 including GST and nationwide shipping throughout India. Each buyer is also being offered 1-year warranty and premium customer support from the manufacturer.To order MoArmouz Lightning to 3.5mm Audio Jack Charge Adapter, please visit (ANI-NewsVoir) NEORIS Drives Innovation and Gains Momentum in the Digital Transformation Space Miami, United States : NEORIS, a global Digital Consulting Services company, announced the launch of CEMEX Go, one of its most important client projects in its history. CEMEX Go, an initiative of CEMEX, is the first-of-its-kind, fully digital customer integration platform. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609049 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609049 173O212O198O32) With a strong customer-centric approach, it allows customers to increase their productivity, make better business decisions, and have more control over their businesses.NEORIS played a critical role in the initiative by designing and developing the customer-centric strategy, as well as implementing the system.The joint effort between CEMEX and NEORIS is a step to advance the building materials industry to the interconnected business age."NEORIS has been a strategic ally for CEMEX, helping us to stay competitive in a rapidly shifting global marketplace," said Fernando A. Gonzalez, CEMEX CEO. "From the beginning, NEORIS has played a key role in the development of CEMEX Go. With multidisciplinary teams across the globe and an acute business consulting perspective, NEORIS has become one of the most successful providers in the digital transformation space."Martin Mendez, NEORIS CEO, said: "The CEMEX Go project adds momentum to our transformation as a digital consulting company. During this specific project, our objective was to help CEMEX create the best customer experience in its industry by revamping its commercial model and enabling it with the latest digital technologies."NEORIS is a leading global consultancy that unlocks business potential and drives digital innovation. NEORIS cultivates the knowledge of technology, people and design to enable the critical bridge connecting legacy technology to new digital solutions, through a holistic, scalable and sustainable customer-centric transformation. Headquartered in Miami, FL., NEORIS has a network of global delivery centers, design studios and operations in the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.More information is available at, on Facebook or Twitter @NEORIS Economic Growth in the Alibaug Region will Benefit from Ro-Ro Services Linking it with SoBo, Dr Niranjan Hiranandani Mumbai : Economic growth, as financial pundits tend to say, gets enhanced by better connectivity. Alibaug is fast emerging as the luxe-leisure spot in Mumbai's vicinity, and premium real estate development is all set to make its presence felt, economic growth will get a boost as enhanced connectivity through Roll-On Roll-Off (Ro-Ro) ferry based connectivity reduces the travel time, and brings Alibaug closer to Mumbai. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609050 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609050 173O212O198O32) Growth of tourism in the Alibaug region has been one of the key initiatives of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and various steps to enhance connectivity between Mumbai and the jetty at Mandwa have been announced by the state government, Dr Niranjan Hiranandani Founder & CMD - Hiranandani Communities & National President - NAREDCO. The passenger terminal at Ferry Wharf for east coast inland water transport to Mandwa (Alibaug) is 'work in progress', and is expected to be completed in 2018. Roll on - Roll off ferry services, which will enable taking cars across from Mumbai - Alibaug will make things easier."Leisure, if defined as absence of 'work', in terms of Real Estate developments translates into the segment of weekend or second homes where one relaxes and is it leisure - i.e. residential, not being the 'first home'," said Dr Niranjan Hiranandani. "The economic success of any leisure themed location depends upon smooth connectivity. Alibaug offers everything that the prominent leisure destination on India's west coast, Goa has: sun, sand and the sea. It is located just a few hour's drive from Mumbai, and once the Ro-Ro ferry starts operations between South Mumbai (SoBo) and Alibaug, it will become even closer," he added.From Mumbai through Alibaug and beyond, in the Konkan Region, water linkages over the years have been restricted to passenger ferry services based on launches - but things are all set to change. Catamarans and Ferries along with new jetties and road connectivity will provide Mumbai and its neighbouring coastal areas with Ro-Ro ferry based connectivity, and water transport will be the infrastructure linkage that will ensure connectivity between South Mumbai and Alibaug."Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has announced that sea-based Ro-Ro services would link South Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Alibaug; and that the services would start by end-2018. He added that the provision in this regard had been made in the new ports policy, which apart from ferries, also mentions catamaran and hovercraft services. This is definitely good news, and once this project being completed as per schedule, connectivity between South Mumbai and Alibaug will translate into a few minutes across the sea," said Dr Niranjan Hiranandani.Navi Mumbai and Panvel along with Alibaug have potential to develop into an economic powerhouse, and this sort of connectivity will provide a fillip to the positives that the Navi Mumbai Airport will bring to the region.In terms of enhanced connectivity, for a coastal city like Mumbai, the sea-based Ro-Ro services for connectivity to Mandwa would be an apt option, rather than the long, circuitous drive from SoBo via Sion and Panvel."From the perspective of connectivity between South Mumbai and Alibaug, the Ro-Ro ferry would be ideal; Mumbaikars could drive onto the Ro-Ro ferries at the New Ferry Wharf and a short sail later, drive off at Mandwa, bringing the hinterland of Alibaug closer to Mumbaikars. Better connectivity will result in higher tourism, giving the region's development as also the state's economy a fillip," said Dr Niranjan Hiranandani.It is not just leisure and tourism which will get a fillip; water-based transport linkages like the Ro-Ro would also result in better connectivity between Mumbai and other destinations in the Konkan region, through Mandwa/ Alibaug, said Dr Niranjan Hiranandani. "The Hon'ble Chief Minister said that water transport linking South Mumbai with Nerul will enhance connectivity with the Navi Mumbai airport," he added.Infrastructure growth in form of better connectivity, which includes new jetties, ferries and road linkages, will help develop coastal areas in Maharashtra from the economic perspective, while also giving a fillip to tourism development. This has the potential to create new development hubs in the Konkan region - while ensuring that Alibaug benefits from enhanced connectivity to South Mumbai," he concluded.Niranjan Hiranandani is Founder & MD, Hiranandani Group, his recent initiative is Hiranandani Communities. He is the President, National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO), which works under the aegis of Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India. Starr is Fully Committed to Singapore Insurance Market Singapore : Starr Companies wishes to reiterate its strong commitment to the Singapore insurance market. While Starr has decided to discontinue underwriting new business through the Starr Singapore Underwriting Agents representing its Lloyds Syndicate 1919, Starr International Insurance Singapore Pte. (SIIS), established in 2012, continues to operate normally. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609051 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609051 173O212O198O32) Starr is fully committed to growing its Singapore based businesses through SIIS, which also serves as an important part of Starr's Asia Pacific insurance operations.Starr's Singapore based team underwrites a variety of commercial risks including, property, construction, power, engineering, marine, and liability. Additionally, Starr underwrites accident & health related insurance.About Starr CompaniesStarr Companies (Starr) is the worldwide marketing name for the operating insurance and travel assistance companies and subsidiaries of Starr International Company, Inc. and for the investment business of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. and its subsidiaries.Starr is a leading insurance and investment organization with a presence on five continents; through its operating insurance companies, Starr provides property, casualty, and accident & health insurance products as well as a range of specialty coverages including aviation, marine, energy and excess casualty insurance.The following insurance company subsidiaries each have an A.M. Best rating of "A" (Excellent): Starr Indemnity & Liability Company, Starr Surplus Lines Insurance Company, Starr Syndicate Limited at Lloyd's of London, Starr International Insurance (Asia) Ltd., and Starr Insurance & Reinsurance Limited.For more information visit us at Taro Provides Results for September 30, 2017 HAWTHORNE, N.Y., United States : November 7, 2017-- Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE:TARO) (Taro or the Company) provided unaudited financial results for the three and six months ended September 30, 2017. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609051 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609051 173O212O198O32) Quarter ended September 30, 2017 Highlights - compared to September 30, 2016Net sales of $169.9 million decreased $58.9 million, the result of continuing increased competition and the challenging pricing environment; despite a slight increase in volumes.Gross profit of $125.1 million decreased $52.2 million, and as a percentage of net sales, was 73.6% compared to 77.5%.Research and development (R&D) expenses increased $3.2 million to $18.0 million.Selling, marketing, general and administrative expenses (SG&A) decreased $2.5 million to $18.3 million.Operating income of $88.8 million decreased $52.8 million, or 52.3% of net sales compared to 61.9%.Net Income was unfavorably impacted by a $46.0 million fluctuation in foreign exchange (FX) from income of $13.4 million in 2016 to an expense of $32.6 million in 2017, principally the result of the strength of the Canadian dollar vs. U.S. dollar.Tax expense of $6.9 million decreased $28.7 million; with the effective tax rate of 11.5% compared to 22.3%.Net income attributable to Taro was $52.4 million compared to $123.7 million, a $71.3 million decrease, resulting in diluted earnings per share of $1.30 compared to $3.00.Six Months ended September 30, 2017 Highlights - compared to September 30, 2016Net sales of $331.2 million decreased $131.3 million, the result of continuing increased competition and the challenging pricing environment; despite an increase in volumes.Gross profit of $241.7 million decreased $118.4 million, and as a percentage of net sales, was 73.0% compared to 77.8%.R&D expenses of $32.7 million remained in line with prior year expenses with all of our activities, including clinical studies, proceeding according to plan.SG&A remained relatively flat at $42.6 million.Operating income of $166.4 million decreased $117.8 million, or 50.2% of net sales compared to 61.4%.Net Income was unfavorably impacted by a $59.7 million fluctuation in FX from income of $7.5 million in 2016 to an expense of $52.2 million in 2017, principally the result of the strength of the Canadian dollar vs. U.S. dollar.Tax expense of $16.9 million decreased $49.1 million; with the effective tax rate of 13.6% compared to 22.0%.Net income attributable to Taro was $106.9 million compared to $233.6 million, a $126.7 million decrease, resulting in diluted earnings per share of $2.65 compared to $5.59.Mr. Uday Baldota, Taro's CEO stated, "We continue to navigate the current industry challenges a increased competitive intensity, pressures from buying consortiums, and higher ANDA approval rates from the FDA. In order to deliver long-term performance and a quality pipeline of products, we continue our investment in R&D. In addition, given our strong cash position, we will continue to explore and evaluate business development opportunities that meet both our operational and financial targets."Cash Flow and Balance Sheet HighlightsCash flow provided by operations for the six months ended September 30, 2017, was $138.7 million compared to $192.7 million for the six months ended September 30, 2016.As of September 30, 2017, cash, including short-term bank deposits and marketable securities (both short and long-term), increased $83.3 million to $1.5 billion from March 31, 2017. Cash reflects the $40.4 million impact from the Company's share repurchases.FDA Approvals and FilingsThe Company recently received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for the Abbreviated New Drug Application ("ANDA") Dapsone Gel, 5%. The Company currently has a total of thirty-two ANDAs awaiting FDA approval, including five tentative approvals.Company's Office Holders Compensation PolicyOn February 9, 2017, the Taro Board of Directors (the "Board"), based on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee of the Board, and in accordance with Section 276A(c) of the Companies Law, approved a renewed version of the Company's Office Holders Compensation Policy (the "Policy"). Such approval made the Policy effective until it could be reconsidered by Taro's shareholders at the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.On November 7, 2017, the Board elected, with Taro's Compensation Committee recommendation, to extend its approval of the Policy until the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in order to permit additional time to address feedback from various stakeholders.Share Repurchase Program - Returning Capital to ShareholdersOn November 23, 2016, the Company announced that its Board of Directors approved a $250 million share repurchase of ordinary shares. Under this authorization, repurchases may be made from time to time at the Company's discretion, based on ongoing assessments of the capital needs of the business, the market price of its stock, and general market conditions. The repurchase authorization enables the Company to purchase its ordinary shares from time to time through open market purchases, negotiated transactions or other means, including 10b5-1 trading plans in accordance with applicable securities laws or other restrictions. During the current fiscal year, through October 31, 2017, the Company has repurchased 410,664 shares at an average price of $103.79. Under this program, in total, the Company has repurchased 929,629 shares, with $153.1 million remaining under the authorization. On November 7, 2017, the Board extended the share repurchase program for one year.Earnings Call(8:00 am EST, November 8, 2017)As previously announced, the Company will host an earnings call at 8:00 am EST on Wednesday, November 8, 2017, where senior management will discuss the Company's performance and answer questions from participants. This call will be accessible through an audio dial-in and a web-cast. Audio conference participants can dial-in on the numbers below:Participant Toll-Free Dial-In Number: +1 (844) 421-0601 ID: 4298818Participant International Dial-In Number: +1 (716) 247-5800 ID: 4298818Audio web-cast: Details are provided on our website, www.taro.comTo participate in the audio call, please dial the numbers provided above five to ten minutes ahead of the scheduled start time. The operator will provide instructions on asking questions before the call. The transcript of the event will be available on the Company's website at Company cautions that the foregoing financial information is presented on an unaudited basis and is subject to change. EMQ Partners with WeChat Pay HK to Expand Remittance Services in Southeast Asia Hong Kong : EMQ, a Fintech innovator with an extensive remittance network in Asia, today announced its extended partnership with WeChat Pay HK, a payment service provider and a stored-value facility licensee in Hong Kong, to expand its remittance services in Indonesia. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609052 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609052 173O212O198O32) The newly launched Indonesia corridor is building on the success of the Philippines corridor, which has been fully deployed and operational since early this year."Both Philippines and Indonesia are currently among the top 10 largest recipients of remittances according to the World Bank, with millions of households relying on the financial support of the overseas workers," said Max Liu, Co-founder and CEO of EMQ. "We are proud to support and partner with Tencent's WeChat Pay HK in making the services more accessible and inclusive to the hard-working overseas workers leveraging our extensive remittance network in Asia."Powered by EMQ's scalable API platform, the partnership enables WeChat Pay HK to simplify the remittance process by allowing the overseas workers in Hong Kong to send money via a smart phone, providing a faster and seamless money transfer experience, while helping to drive greater financial inclusion across the Philippines and Indonesia. The Filipinos and Indonesians who live and work away from home can now use WeChat Pay HK to enjoy a full range of pay-out options including instant cash pickup, bank deposits to any bank, or mobile wallet wherever they are to support their families in hometown.EMQ currently has footprint in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines, with plans underway to expand across other key business markets first in Asia and then globally, covering North America, Europe and the Middle East. The company received its Fund Transfer Operator license from Bank Indonesia in March 2017.About EMQHeadquartered in Hong Kong, EMQ is a financial technology startup that is building a financial network across Asia with a focus on remittance. With a footprint across Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines, the company partners with financial institutions and other strategic partners in each country to enable and settle cross-border remittance via banks and various modes for top-up and last mile delivery. Speedcast and SES Networks Partner in Latin America to Provide Fibre-like Connectivity Sydney, Australia and Betzdorf, Luxembourg : Speedcast, a leader in providing highly reliable, fully managed, remote communication and IT solutions, and SES, the world-leading satellite operator, announced today an agreement to provide several hundreds of Mbps of connectivity into Peru. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609052 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609052 173O212O198O32) This is the first agreement between the companies in Latin America to provide Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) capacity with high throughput capabilities and low latency. The agreement marks the fourth MEO national partnership between Speedcast and SES Networks.The agreement enables Speedcast to provide network services to mobile network operators (MNOs) and enterprise customers in areas of Peru where high performance internet is in high demand and short supply, enabling a host of latency-sensitive and bandwidth-hungry applications.By utilising SES's O3b constellationathe only satellite system with the high throughput and low latency required for broadband, 4G/LTE and cloud services a Speedcast will deliver internet performance, customer support, and integration with their customers' networks on par with terrestrial fibre in the region. Speedcast is able to supply this 24/7/365 day support through its network of more than 250 field engineers."Our unique low-latency, high throughput connectivity will help Speedcast achieve its goal of providing fibre-like connectivity and a premium experience to customers," said Omar Trujillo, Vice President of Sales for Latin America at SES Networks. "We are proud of our strong relationship with Speedcast, and pleased to help support the continued growth of its capabilities and infrastructure in the region.""Speedcast is happy to deliver a new level of performance for enterprises in Peru," said Pierre-Jean Beylier, CEO at SpeedCast. "The added support from SES Networks' services will allow us to provide enterprises with the critical high-demand communications capabilities necessary to operate with speed and efficiency in today's technology-driven market. Speedcast is building the fibre, the radio links, and WiFi to extend the signal to the end users. It was a pleasure to work with SES Networks on this project as it was a real team effort." Toyota Celebrates 60 Years in the U.S PLANO, Texas: When Toyota launched its North American headquarters in a Hollywood, Calif., dealership on October 31, 1957, it was, no doubt, a frightening affair. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609053 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609053 173O212O198O32) Halloween notwithstanding, a Japanese car company making a foray into the U.S. market was a bold move 60 years ago. And its first vehicle, the Toyopet Crown, didn't turn out to be a screaming success either.But since those humble beginnings in a 3,000-square-foot, one-time Rambler dealership, Toyota has woven itself into the cultural fabric of America. Sixty years in, it encompasses a presence in every state, including 10 manufacturing facilities (14 in North America), nearly 1,500 Toyota and Lexus dealerships and 136,000 direct, dealer and supplier U.S. employees. And, the company recently unified operations by bringing together its quality engineering, sales, marketing, financial services and corporate functions in one location at a new North America headquarters campus in Plano, Texas."Celebrating our anniversary isn't just about the products we've sold the past 60 years," said Toyota Motor North America CEO Jim Lentz. "It's also about celebrating Toyota's thousands of employees who will help the company embark on the next leg of its American journey and continuing to improve our products and services for our customers."To commemorate its 60th anniversary, Toyota rededicated a 50th anniversary time capsule originally dedicated at its former Torrance, Calif., headquarters in 2007. The capsuleawhich includes items like a 2000 GT die cast matchbox edition model car, an original key for a 1977 Toyota Hilux truck and a Toyota Formula One racer scale modelawill be re-opened on the 100th anniversary in 2057. Plano Mayor Harry LaRosiliere, who attended the ceremony, said the capsule marks a new chapter for Toyota."As Toyota moved their North American corporate offices to Plano over the last three years, the entire region has experienced the positive impact of their team members unique character and culture. The entire organization exhibits a sense of purpose, innovation, and family. We are proud they call Plano home, and we are honored to be part of today's anniversary celebration," LaRosiliere said. "We look forward to the next 60 years with Toyota in the City of Plano."The MetalToyota's American journey has been fueled by the cars it makes. In the 1950s that meant the Toyopet Crown and the now-legendary Land Cruiser. Introduced in the '60s, the Corolla would go on to become the bestselling nameplate in the world.The '70s got sporty with the Celica and the beloved ASupra, while the '80s introduced the American public to Camry and 4Runner, among others.In 1989, Toyota launched its luxury vehicle division, Lexus, in the U.S. with two models, the LS 400 and ES 250.In the '90s, Toyota filled out its lineup with models like the Tacoma, RAV4, Avalon and Sienna, and from Lexus, the GS, LX and RX.In 2003, Toyota launched Scion to bring in younger customers and to test out revolutionary processes and products. As a result, the xB became an icon for a new millennium.And, Toyota changed the world by pushing hybrid technology into the American mainstream with the Prius, which surfaced in 1997 and launched in the U.S. in 2000. More than a decade later, the iconic Prius was followed by another alternative fuel vehicle, the hydrogen fuel cell powered Mirai.Manufacturing, Engineering and Captive FinanceThe '70s were critical to operations. Toyota marked its first U.S. production, signing Atlas Fabricators of Long Beach (later changed to TABC) to make truck beds. Toyota Technical Center, which just celebrated its 40th anniversary in May, opened its first U.S. R&D facility and Calty Design Research opened its doors in Southern California.Growth continued into the '80s with the launch of manufacturing facilities in California and Kentucky. In addition, Toyota Motor Credit Corporation (now known as Toyota Financial Services), began operations in the U.S. in October 1982.In the '90s and '00s, Toyota added vehicle and parts plants in Indiana, West Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Missouri and Mississippi. To support the rapid growth, Toyota consolidated its R&D and manufacturing operations under a single company in 2006.The FutureOver the years, Toyota Motor North America has transformed from just a sales company into a mobility company.In 2016, the Toyota Research Institute launched, leading the way to autonomous vehicles, robotics, vehicle safety and materials science. In the same year, Toyota Connected was created to use data to personalize the customer driving experience.What started as a single store in Southern California has evolved into an American institution that continues to bring jobs, mobility and technology to its communities. Sanya Serenity Coast Donates Money Raised at a Charity Sale Event to UNICEF CAPE TOWN, South Africa: Berthed in the harbor of Cape Town and overlooked by its iconic Table Mountain, the Sanya Serenity Coast yacht hosted an Open Day of Clipper Round the World on Oct. 29 local time. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609053 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609053 173O212O198O32) The Open Day was highly welcomed by local citizens and tourists in Cape Town, who lined up early for a chance to visit the ship. The charity sale of the yacht crew uniforms got wild support from the visitors! Nicky, a family member of our crew, hosted the charity sale and stated: "Under the support of Sanya Municipal Government, China, we organized this event and we will donate the proceeds to UNICEF to help more children in need."The charity sale event raised 12,000 RMB, all of which was immediately donated to UNICEF, the Clipper Race's official charity partner. The charity event also promoted the image of China's Sanya City to the world. University of New Haven Hacking Team Competes Nationally After Winning Regional, Connecticut Competitions WEST HAVEN, Conn: A group of computer science and cyber security majors from the Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven will be among 10 teams from major schools around the country competing in the national Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition at the Rochester Institute of Technology later this week. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609054 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609054 173O212O198O32) The University of New Haven fended off teams from Drexel and Carnegie Mellon, one of the top universities worldwide in cyber security and technology education, among others to advance through the regional competition hosted recently on the campus of Penn State.As part of the 48-hour competition, the students performed penetration testing for a fictional company -- Gotham Elections. They met with individuals playing the role of company staff and spent the next eight to nine hours attempting to compromise various devices on the company's network and documenting their findings. The team then had until eight the next morning to prepare a comprehensive report and a presentation."Experiences like this are a great opportunity for our students to practice their hacking skills, compete with other teams, and learn about professional penetration testing," said team advisor Frank Breitinger, assistant professor of computer science and co-director of the University of New Haven's Cyber Forensics Laboratory. "These events offer great opportunities to network with potential future employers. Making it to the nationals is a tremendous success for a small university like ours."The University of New Haven team also this month placed second of 23 teams at CyberSEED, a national cyber security conference hosted by the University of Connecticut. The team won $7,500, finishing behind Central Florida, which came in first and won $10,000. Cambium Networks Celebrates Six Years in Operation ROLLING MEADOWS, Illinois: Cambium Networks, a leading global provider of wireless networking solutions, is marking its sixth year providing wireless communication systems to network operators and industrial and enterprise customers around the world. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609054 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609054 173O212O198O32) "The demand for broadband connectivity continues to grow," said Atul Bhatnagar, President and CEO of Cambium Networks. "Customers have tested Cambium solutions, have experienced the affordable quality that they deliver, and are integrating the technology into their end-to-end connectivity. Each day we learn from our customers and are investing to develop the solutions that will be needed in the years to come."Logo - its six years in operation, Cambium Networks has achieved many milestones to increase the performance of wireless connectivity while reducing the cost.a14x14 Massive MU-MIMO connectivity to provide industry-leading Gigabit throughput in a small amount of RF spectrumaCloud-based or on-premise end-to-end wireless network management to speed deployment and increase the quality of serviceaCost-effective distribution networks with interference tolerance and scalability for rural connectivity applicationsaExtending indoor and outdoor enterprise Wi-Fi networks to provide high-capacity coverageRecently recognized by the Wireless ISP Association as the Manufacturer of the Year and for Product of the Year and Service of the Year, Cambium Networks works closely with service providers around the world, donating connectivity solutions to support education and aid agencies and families in the wake of disaster. Wireless broadband equipment provided by Cambium Networks has made a difference in peoples' lives in the following situations:aRapidly building an indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi network to connect refugees in Greece through a partnership with Disaster Tech LabaConnecting schools and relief centers in the remote outback in AustraliaaEnabling a library and community center in poverty-stricken remote rural IllinoisaRapid deployment of broadband and Wi-Fi connectivity in the wake of Hurricane Harvey Bone Marrow Protein May be Target for Improving Stem Cell Transplants PHILADELPHIA: Bone marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells, the precursors to every blood cell type. These cells spring into action following bone marrow transplants, bone marrow injury and during systemic infection, creating new blood cells, including immune cells, in a process known as hematopoiesis. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609055 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609055 173O212O198O32) A study by Penn Dental Medicine and Technical University of Dresden has identified an important regulator of this process, a protein called Del-1. Targeting it, the researchers noted, could potentially improve stem cell transplants for both donors and recipients. There may also be ways to modulate levels of Del-1 in patients with certain blood cancers to enhance immune cell production. The findings are reported in The Journal of Clinical Investigation."Because the hematopoietic stem cell niche is so important for the creation of bone marrow and blood cells and because Del-1 is a soluble protein and easily manipulated, one can see that it could be a target in many potential applications," said senior author George Hajishengallis, Thomas W. Evans Centennial Professor of Microbiology at Penn Dental Medicine.For Hajishengallis, the route to studying Del-1 in bone marrow began in his field of dental medicine. Working with co-senior author Triantafyllos Chavakis, he had identified Del-1 as a potential drug target for gum disease after finding that it prevents inflammatory cells from moving into the gums.Both of their labs had discovered that Del-1 was also expressed in bone marrow and began following up to see its function there. Their work revealed that Del-1 was expressed by at least three cell types in the bone marrow and promoted proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells, sending more of these progenitor cells down a path toward becoming myeloid cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils.Hajishengallis and Chavakis see potential applications in bone marrow and stem cell transplants. In donors, blocking the interaction between Del-1 and hematopoietic stem cells could be helpful for increasing donor cell numbers for transplantation. On the other hand, transplant recipients may need enhanced Del-1 interaction to ensure the transplanted cells engraft and begin making new blood cells more rapidly."It's easy to think of practical applications," said Hajishengallis. "Now we need to find out whether it works in practice, so our studies continue."The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, European Commission, European Research Council and National Institutes of Health (grants AI068730, DE024153, DE024716, DE0152 54 and DE026152). Quebec City - UNESCO City of Literature QUABEC CITY: Quebec City and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO are pleased to announce that the city has been designated a City of Literature by UNESCO's Creative Cities Network. Quebec City is the first French-speaking city to earn this distinction. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609055 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609055 173O212O198O32) "Quebec City is the cradle of French-language culture in North America. It's a creative city on the move, and its rich literary life reflects the French-speaking, English-speaking, and Indigenous people who live here," said Regis Labeaume, Mayor of Quebec City. "The city is currently home to 200 authors and over 100 organizations, publishers, and booksellers that are driving the literary revival in Quebec. Thanks to them, we're able to demonstrate our creative leadership as a UNESCO City of Literature.""Here in Quebec City, we embody and are proud to promote the accent d'Amerique," said Julie Lemieux, vice chair of the executive committee responsible for culture, heritage, and urban planning. "This recognition from UNESCO affirms Quebec City's position as a leader in library sciences, technoculture, and digital innovation and cements our status as a literary capital on the world stage.""We're thrilled Quebec City has been welcomed into this prestigious international network," said Christina Cameron, president of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. "Contributing to culture and creativity is key to sustainable urban development, and we're thrilled with the great work Quebec City's literary community has done on this front."Quebec City's application highlighted:aThe success of the Quebec City public library network (4.2 million books borrowed each year)aMaison de la litterature's contribution to the vitality of the city's literary communityaInnovative digital media companies in the book industry and creative writing organizationsaThe Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (Morrin Centre) and Aditions Hannenorak, a publisher devoted exclusively to Indigenous authorsaThe option to pursue graduate studies at Universite Laval, one of the few universities to offer a doctoral program in creative writing CyrusOne Breaks Ground on New Data Center Campus in Allen ALLEN, Texas: CyrusOne, a premier global data center REIT, broke ground Thursday morning on the first phase of their newest data center campus. The project is the first to be constructed by the company from the ground-up in North Texas and is located near the intersection of Stacy Road and Chelsea Boulevard in Allen. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609055 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609055 173O212O198O32) "We couldn't be more excited to be here to ground break on our latest, state-of-the-art data center in Allen," CyrusOne Executive Vice President and General Counsel Robert Jackson said. "Throughout this process everyone with the city and Allen's Economic Development team was a pleasure to work with and we're grateful that we could together bring this opportunity to fruition."The site's first data center will total 340,000 square feet and upon completion, the campus' three data centers will offer more than 100 megawatts of available power. The Allen facility will bring CyrusOne's total footprint in Texas to over 1.7 million square feet. The company is a global owner and operator of enterprise data centers, which are necessary to meet the ever-increasing demand for data storage in today's business and high-tech world.Allen Mayor Stephen Terrell welcomed the company to the city, noting that the facility's environmentally friendly design minimizes the use of natural resources and has nominal impact to city services. "We appreciate CyrusOne locating a facility in Allen that will provide a great deal of additional sales and property taxes, which greatly benefits our city and schools." he said.According to CyrusOne, the new site represents the next step in the company's long-term expansion plan and was selected because of its proximity to Dallas, access to energy sources and high-speed connectivity capabilities.Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) Director Dan Bowman spoke of the board's excitement regarding data centers. "A number of years ago, Cisco validated our market by locating a $500 million production data center on a site just south of this project," he explained. "That decision set the stage for this current project, which could be roughly a billion-dollar investment. It's a huge boon for our economy, a strong community partnership, and a great example of the way we do business in Allen." Brett Stratton joins NAI Northern California as Managing Director in Oakland to lead growth in the East Bay SAN FRANCISCO: NAI Northern California is pleased to announce that Brett Stratton has joined as Managing Director based at the firm's downtown Oakland office. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609056 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609056 173O212O198O32) Brett brings over 20 years of real estate industry experience on a national level including multifamily investment properties, contract negotiations, and brokerage operations. His previous background includes roles with startups and Movoto as well as real estate players like KB Home and Coldwell Banker."With demand and prices on the rise in Oakland and other cities throughout Alameda and Contra Costa counties, NAI Northern California is really focused on growing our service coverage to meet the market. Brett's real estate experience and team building expertise will definitely be key in driving exponential market share growth throughout the East Bay," remarks NAI Northern California President, James Kilpatrick.NAI Northern California's momentum in the East Bay Area is already gaining this year. The brokerage closed just over $93 million in real estate transactions across the East Bay Area in 2016. Already in 2017, the team has nearly doubled sales volume in the region to over $173 million year to date. Walker and Dunlop Adds Real Estate Finance Professional in Dallas BETHESDA, Md: Walker and Dunlop, Inc. (NYSE: WD) (the Company) announced today that it has hired Chris Harris as senior vice president in its Capital Markets group. Based out of the Company's Dallas, Texas office, Mr. Harris is primarily responsible for nationwide structured finance and equity placement. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609056 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609056 173O212O198O32) During his career, Mr. Harris has been responsible for over $14 billion in equity and debt financings for conventional multifamily, student housing, and affordable housing properties throughout the United States.Bill Wein, senior vice president and chief production officer, stated, "We are thrilled to welcome Chris to the Walker & Dunlop team! Chris has an exceptional reputation nationally in the real estate and financing community for sourcing, structuring and closing real estate development and acquisition transactions, which makes him a great fit for our Capital Markets platform. Even as we have seen incredible growth in both the number of bankers and brokers on our team and our total transaction volume, we have remained focused on our clients' needs above all else, which has led to continued growth and success for our platform."Prior to joining Walker & Dunlop, Mr. Harris was a principal and chief financial officer at Criterion Development Partners, LLC where he was responsible for finance, accounting, planning, investor relations, and risk management. Before Criterion, Mr. Harris was employed by FirstWorthing where he served as executive vice president, chief financial officer, and partner. Mr. Harris is a graduate of the Edwin L. Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University and currently serves on the advisory board of The Margaret and Robert Folsom Institute for Real Estate at SMU and is a member of National Multifamily Housing Council.In the second quarter of 2017, Walker & Dunlop originated a record $1.9 billion of brokered loans, bringing its year to date brokered originations to $3.3 billion through June 30, 2017. Didier Reynders talks at the United Nations BRUSSELS: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders took the floor today during an open debate of the UN Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict. Minister Reynders was invited to take part in this debate, opened to countries who do not sit at the Security Council, by France's Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609057 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609057 173O212O198O32) In the run-up to his intervention, Didier Reynders co-chaired yesterday an event on the release and reintegration in society of children who have been part of armed forces or armed groups. Belgium organized this event in collaboration with UNICEF, represented by its Executive Director Anthony Lake, and the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflicts Virginia Gamba.In his opening remarks, Didier Reynders deplored the fact that children are still disproportionally affected by armed conflicts. In Yemen, as an example, the United Nations verified 1,340 child casualties.The Minister underlined that prevention, including education, was the only sustainable solution for this issue. He expressed also his concerns regarding the worsening impact of violent extremism on children.Reintegration in society is essential. The Minister referred in this regard to the high level meeting which Belgium organized last year in New York in the presence of Queen Mathilde. This meeting made possible an exchange of best practices on psychosocial rehabilitation and the social integration of children who have been involved in conflicts.Didier Reynders concluded his intervention noting that Belgium was committed to remain active on this issue.During his visit to the United Nations, the Minister also participated in a meeting of the Security Council on the set-up of a joint force by five countries in the Sahel region to fight against transnational terrorism and trafficking (G5 Sahel). This force will be complementary to the United Nations' Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and to the European Union's training mission for the Malian Armed Forces (EUTM), both of which are led by Belgian generals.The Minister also had contacts with ambassadors of a number of geographical groups. He spoke to them about peacekeeping in Africa, the support to countries affected by natural disasters, the fight against racism and the situation in the Middle-East. Galerie Adds New Executive Leadership to Meet Evolving Marketplace HEBRON, Ky: Galerie, Founder Richard Ross announced today the addition of two key members of his executive team, Richard Reilly, president, and Phillip Schneider Jr., executive vice president, to meet the evolving market needs in support of their clients, licensors and consumers. Mr. Ross will remain with the company as chief executive officer. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609057 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609057 173O212O198O32) Richard Reilly joins the company with an extensive 26 year experience in the confectionery industry. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Reilly served as president of Kinnerton UK. Under his leadership, the company doubled in size, increased market share, improved speed to market by getting closer to the consumer and effectively leveraged license relationships to align with market demand. In addition, Mr. Reilly was instrumental in developing a global supply chain to capture best in class solutions that enhanced capacity planning and delivered innovation that resulted in enhanced client experience and business results. Mr. Ross stated, "we are so fortunate to have such a talented, seasoned, industry veteran join our company to help ensure that we are making the right strategic investments to support the rapidly changing market in support of our clients."In addition, the company has added Phillip Schneider Jr. as executive vice president of Sales, Marketing and Licensing. Mr. Schneider joins the company with extensive experience in leading transformational growth. Prior to Galerie, Mr. Schneider, spent 24 years with Cintas Corporation in multiple roles including leading and driving growth strategies to support the launch of new business services entered by the company to its national accounts, along with developing and driving the launch of new vertical go to market strategies to capitalize on companies' strengths. Mr. Ross stated, "Phil's experience in leading sales/marketing teams, along with his ability to evolve our go to market approach as our customer needs change, will be a great asset." Second of Seven Iranian Baha'i Leaders Released from Prison WASHINGTON: On October 31, 2017, Baha'i prisoner of conscience Fariba Kamalabadi was released from Evin prison in Tehran, Iran. Mrs. Kamalabadi was held in prison for nearly a decade. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609058 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609058 173O212O198O32) Mrs. Kamalabadi, 55, is one of seven Baha'i leaders who were arrested in 2008 for tending to the administrative affairs of their community. In September, her colleague and cellmate Mrs. Mahvash Sabet was released from prison, and the releases of the remaining five are expected over the coming year.Mrs. Kamalabadi and her imprisoned companions have drawn the admiration and attention of Senator John McCain, actor Rainn Wilson, Roxana Saberi, a journalist who was imprisoned with her, and Faezeh Hashemi, daughter of former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsjani. Mrs. Kamalabadi worked as a developmental psychologist before her arrest and imprisonment. She is also married with children."Along with the deprivations of imprisonment itself, Mrs. Kamalabadi was also deprived of irreplaceable family moments, including the birth of her first grandchild and the weddings of her daughters," said Anthony Vance, Director of Public Affairs for the Baha'is of the United States."While we are pleased to welcome Mrs. Kamalabadi home," Mr. Vance continued, "we are also eagerly awaiting the release of her remaining five companions. This is to say nothing of the over 90 other Baha'i prisoners of conscience, and, indeed, the ongoing harassment of the Baha'is in Iran."Several Baha'is were arrested in Iran last week at celebrations for the bicentenary of the birth of Baha'u'llah, the founder of their religion. Extended Stay: Quest Apartment Hotels Unveils Ambitious UK Expansion Plans LONDON: Quest Apartment Hotels, Australasia's largest and fastest growing apartment hotel operator, has marked the start of its ambitious UK expansion plans, announcing it has signed its first site in Liverpool's city centre with a GBP10m investment. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609058 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609058 173O212O198O32) Established by entrepreneur Paul Constantinou nearly 30 years ago in Melbourne, the 160 strong Quest Apartment Hotels portfolio has made its name by offering a 'home away from home' to extended stay business travellers in key cities, regional towns and suburban locations across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. With 27 properties currently in the pipeline and 12 under construction in its home markets - the brand plans to apply its successful model to open ten properties across the country in the next five years.Quest Liverpool City Centre will open in 2019 and is located on Church Street along one of the city's biggest retail strips and adjacent to the landmark Liverpool ONE complex. The building itself is a 1980s commercial office building with retail on the ground and first floors. Quest will convert the existing vacant office space on levels two, three and four and construct additional levels five and six, creating 100 serviced apartments, reception, conference room, gym and back-of-house facilities.The announcement comes on the back of new figures from the Association of Serviced Apartment Providers (ASAP) and hotel global benchmarking company STR which shows health and expansion in the sector this year.Andrew Weisz, Director of UK Development at Quest said: "Hospitality brands have a huge role to play in opening up City Centre locations for business again, but against a backdrop of economic uncertainty - it is clear that businesses want to spend travel budgets wisely. We've immersed ourselves in the UK market in recent months and can see the potential for the aggressive expansion of both our brand and the apartment hotel industry here."Encouraged by the government's Northern Powerhouse strategy, the brand has chosen Liverpool as the home of its first property outside Australasia.Michael Ward, British Consul-General and Director General, UK Department for International Trade, Australia and New Zealand said: "We're delighted to have been working with Quest on their UK expansion plans. In the past 12 months alone, DIT has assisted over 100 Australian businesses expand to the UK - more than ever before - an indication of both the ongoing strength of the UK economy and the high level of interest in the UK market from innovative Australasian companies." American Legion National Commander issues condolences to New York City terrorist victims INDIANAPOLIS: American Legion National Commander Denise H. Rohan issued the following statement regarding today's truck attack in New York City. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609059 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609059 173O212O198O32) "Today's senseless attack upon innocent civilians is just another reminder of why The American Legion is fully committed to defeating terrorism," Rohan said."We have always maintained that it will be a long protracted struggle but we must support our men and women in the military and in law enforcement. The first responders again performed admirably and we are grateful to the brave officers who stopped the attack. We pray for the victims and their families." Unrest in Cameroon's Anglophone regions sends thousands fleeing to Nigeria - UN agency NEW YORK: The United Nations refugee agency is scaling up efforts with partners to provide humanitarian assistance to thousands of Cameroonians who have fled violence in that country's Anglophone regions to south-eastern Nigeria. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609059 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609059 173O212O198O32) "UNHCR [the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees] is working with the Nigerian Government and other UN agencies on a contingency plan, readying humanitarian assistance for up to 40,000 people crossing into Nigeria," Babar Baloch, spokesperson for UNHCR, told reporters Tuesday at the regular press briefing in Geneva.However, he pointed out that "our fear is that 40,000 might actually be a conservative figure in a situation where the conflict might continue."UNHCR and its Nigeria teams are currently evaluating the situation in various locations in south-eastern Nigeria and have registered some 2,000 people so far.Additional 3,000 are awaiting registration, while more people might be stranded in forests in Cameroon when trying to cross the border.Moreover, the UN agency has distributed relief items such as mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets, cooking utensils, hygiene kits, as well as 40 tons of food in Nigeria's Cross River state."The current influx of Cameroonians seeking refuge in Nigeria poses additional challenges to the international community and a burden to an already stretched assistance," Mr. Baloch explained.Nigeria and Cameroon are already grappling with one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, with 2.5 million people displaced by Boko Haram insurgency, according to UNHCR.Cameroon's Anglophone regions have seen multiple strikes and demonstrations over the past year as tensions have mounted over what the country's English-speakers see as discrimination against them in favour of the majority French-speaking population. LKKHPG Wins the First 'Best Companies to Work for in Asia' Award in the Chinese Mainland SHANGHAI: LKK Health Products Group (LKKHPG) was named one of the Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2017 in the Chinese Mainland by HR Asia, an authoritative publication for HR professionals. The award ceremony was held in Shanghai on October 27, 2017. (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609060 173O212O198O32) (Posted on 09 November 2017, 1668609060 173O212O198O32) LKKHPG has been honored with this award for Hong Kong for two consecutive years. Winning the first-ever Chinese Mainland award further demonstrates LKKHPG's outstanding performance in employer branding.The "Best Companies to Work for in Asia" campaign is one of the most influential corporate management awards in Asia. LKKHPG was one of the 28 qualified companies this year out of the 158 nominees across 20 industries in the Mainland, based on essential criteria including working environment, HR practices, employee engagement and job satisfaction.The award was judged by an independent panel based on the Workplace and Employee Input Survey (EIS) and the Workplace and Employee Engagement Survey (WEES). "This unique combination of employee-driven endorsement and measurable judging yardsticks both eliminates the inherent bias of a judging committee, and sets the Award apart from the other programs in the market." Mr. William NG, Group Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Business Media International said.Through the anonymous survey conducted among the employees drawn randomly from the participating companies, LKKHPG received high scores in all dimensions, which meant its employees highly recognized the company in the aspects including job satisfaction, sense of ownership, good relationship with colleagues & superiors, long-term growth potential & opportunity, innovation encouragement, motivation empowered from recognition, proactivity in discovering employees' talents, thinking beyond policies and establishment of a balanced work-life culture.Mr. David Zhang, Senior Vice President of LKKHPG, said when receiving the award, "I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all colleagues. With adherence to our core values of 'Si Li Ji Ren', their persistent efforts make us achieve this recognition. Also, I would like to thank HR Asia for their professional evaluation and accreditation. We always value our employees as the most important asset. We will keep going forward to make the company a better workplace full of happiness." An experimental "golden" potato could hold the power to prevent disease and death in developing countries where residents rely heavily upon the starchy food for sustenance, new research suggests. A serving of the yellow-orange lab-engineered potato has the potential to provide as much as 42 percent of a child's recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 34 percent of a child's recommended intake of vitamin E, according to a recent study co-led by researchers at The Ohio State University. Women of reproductive age could get 15 percent of their recommended vitamin A and 17 percent of recommended vitamin E from that same 5.3 ounce (150 gram) serving, the researchers concluded. The study appears in the journal PLOS ONE. Potato is the fourth most widely consumed plant food by humans after rice, wheat and corn, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is a staple food in some Asian, African and South American countries where there is a high incidence of vitamin A and vitamin E deficiencies. "More than 800,000 people depend on the potato as their main source of energy and many of these individuals are not consuming adequate amounts of these vital nutrients," said study author Mark Failla, professor emeritus of human nutrition at Ohio State. "These golden tubers have far more vitamin A and vitamin E than white potatoes, and that could make a significant difference in certain populations where deficiencies - and related diseases - are common," said Failla, a member of Ohio State's Foods for Health Discovery Theme. Vitamin A is essential for vision, immunity, organ development, growth and reproductive health. And Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children. Vitamin E protects against oxidative stress and inflammation, conditions associated with damage to nerves, muscles, vision and the immune system. In Failla's lab, researchers created a simulated digestive system including a virtual mouth, stomach and small intestine to determine how much provitamin A and vitamin E could potentially be absorbed by someone who eats a golden potato. Provitamin A carotenoids are converted by enzymes into vitamin A that the body can use. Carotenoids are fat-soluble pigments that provide yellow, red and orange colors to fruits and vegetables. They are essential nutrients for animals and humans. "We ground up boiled golden potato and mimicked the conditions of these digestive organs to determine how much of these fat-soluble nutrients became biologically available," he said. The main goal of the work was to examine provitamin A availability. The findings of the high content and availability of vitamin E in the golden potato were an unanticipated and pleasant surprise, Failla said. The golden potato, which is not commercially available, was metabolically engineered in Italy by a team that collaborated with Failla on the study. The additional carotenoids in the tuber make it a more nutritionally dense food with the potential of improving the health of those who rely heavily upon potatoes for nourishment. While plant scientists have had some success cross-breeding other plants for nutritional gain, the improved nutritional quality of the golden potato is only possible using metabolic engineering - the manipulation of plant genes in the lab, Failla said. While some object to this kind of work, the research team stresses that this potato could eventually help prevent childhood blindness and illnesses and even death of infants, children and mothers in developing nations. "We have to keep an open mind, remembering that nutritional requirements differ in different countries and that our final goal is to provide safe, nutritious food to 9 billion people worldwide," said study co-author Giovanni Giuliano of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development at the Casaccia Research Center in Rome. Failla said "hidden hunger" - deficiencies in micronutrients - has been a problem for decades in many developing countries because staple food crops were bred for high yield and pest resistance rather than nutritional quality. "This golden potato would be a way to provide a much more nutritious food that people are eating many times a week, or even several times a day," he said. An analysis of the medical records of patients treated at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) for an often-mysterious condition involving damage to small nerve fibers supports the hypothesis that some cases are caused by autoimmune disease and also identifies the first effective treatment option. This report on 55 patients diagnosed with what appears to be autoimmune small-fiber polyneuropathy (SFPN) finds that treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin, used to treat other autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, provided symptom relief and improved nerve function for most patients, allowing some to discontinue treatment. "This is a proof-of-concept finding that dampening the body's immune system may be safe and effective for treating apparently autoimmune SFPN, a condition that most patients don't even know they have," says Anne Louise Oaklander, MD, PhD, director of the Nerve Unit in the MGH Department of Neurology and the senior author of a paper receiving advance online publication in Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. "This is the first treatment that has the potential to actually improve the nerve damage, not just block symptoms with drugs such as opioids that don't address its cause." SFPN involves widespread damage to the tiny nerve fibers that carry pain signals and control internal functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and sweating. Patients often develop chronic pain, fatigue, weakness or fainting when standing, rapid heart rate or gastrointestinal problems. Common causes of SFPN include diabetes and chemotherapy-induced nerve damage, but this paper studied some of the 30 to 50 percent in whom no cause is found when they are first evaluated, leading to a diagnosis of "idiopathic" SFPN. Studies from Oaklander's group and others have suggested that some such patients have a previously undiscovered autoimmune condition. In a 2013 study published in Pediatrics, Oaklander's team reported the first evidence that SFPN commonly affects children and adolescents. While these otherwise healthy young people didn't have any medical explanation for their neuropathy, the researchers noted that many had personal or family histories of autoimmune illness or blood test evidence of immune/inflammatory activation. This and other evidence led the team to propose the existence of apparently autoimmune SFPN (aaSFPN), in which the immune system directly attacks small nerve fibers. Several other types of nerve damage, including Guillain-Barre syndrome, are caused by autoimmune attack against large nerve fibers, and systemic autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus have been linked to SFPN, lending a solid basis to the hypothesis. Neuroscience eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today The 2013 Pediatrics study also reported that treatment with steroid drugs or immunoglobulins improved 12 of 15 treated patients. Steroids had been found helpful in a few other published cases, but since their long-term use cause significant adverse side effects, the current study focuses on the outcomes of treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin, a treatment that is FDA-approved for a wide variety of immune disorders and can be prescribed off-label for other immune conditions. The team examined medical records for 55 patients who met their criteria for SFPN diagnosis, had no evidence of non-immune causes and who were treated at MGH with intravenous immunoglobulin at a starting dose of 2 grams per kilogram of weight every four weeks. All but four were treated for at least three months, the others discontinuing because of side effects. The team studied nine types of follow-up data, all of which showed improvement - 74 percent of the 51 patients rated their symptoms as improved after treatment, as did 77 percent of their physicians. For 8 patients, symptoms improved so much they were able to taper off and eventually discontinue all treatment. "This study is wildly surprising," says Oaklander. "Although not a controlled clinical trial, it is paradigm-changing because the fact that an immunomodulatory treatment was effective is the strongest evidence so far that some people have an autoimmune cause of SFPN that can be improved. This paper offers not only a new class of treatments but also further evidence of a new disease discovery. While immunotherapy isn't for everyone with SFPN, patients with idiopathic SFPN should be systematically screened for all common causes, push their physicians to identify their specific cause and discuss disease-modifying treatment options. I'd also urge insurance companies, which are reluctant to cover this expensive treatment, to be more willing to consider covering three-month trials in appropriately diagnosed patients." An associate professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Oaklander stresses that this "real-world" retrospective case study needs to be validated in a prospective, randomized clinical trial, something her team is seeking grant funding to conduct. She notes that learning more about the mechanisms behind aaSFPN and tracking outcomes of other treatments should lead to less expensive and easier to manage immunotherapies than intravenous immunoglobulin. In the meantime, patients with SFPN and their physicians can find more information, including a list of recommended blood tests, at https:/ / NeuropathyCommons. org. The Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine is doing its part to protect the health of astronauts on long-duration missions, including NASA's Journey to Mars. The center, located at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix, is a co-principal investigator on a grant awarded to the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. The grant will fund research on the effects of simulated space radiation on the human gastrointestinal tract. Frederic Zenhausern, director of the Center for Applied NanoBioscience and Medicine and a professor at the College of Medicine - Phoenix, said UA scientists will provide microfluidic gut microsystem and biodosimetry tools to Wake Forest University scientists. The lab's share of the grant is $943,000 over four years. The innovative Human-Microbial Cross-Talk human "gut-on-a-chip" provides a platform for scientists to monitor how solar events and cosmic rays affect humans in space. The grant is one of 10 awarded by NASA's Translational Research Institute at Baylor College of Medicine for research projects in lymphatic flow, radiation damage resistance, minimally invasive surgical techniques and the effects of the microbiome on health during long spaceflights. "This is the first TRI initiative from NASA's Human Research Program that will help to solve some of the challenges of health management for astronauts on extended space exploration missions," Zenhausern said. "It represents an exciting opportunity to be part of an outstanding group of experts at Wake Forest, NASA and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory." "The University of Arizona has a longstanding and renowned history of research partnership with NASA, particularly through the Department of Astronomy and Lunar and Planetary Laboratory," said UA President Robert C. Robbins. "We are so excited to add the UA Health Sciences to this tradition of collaboration with the space agency." The human gut-on-a-chip provides a platform for studying a biological model of the human gastrointestinal tract that mimics the actual conditions and processes that occur within the gut. It allows scientists to see how cells from individuals respond to certain drugs or environmental exposure, allowing them to formulate personalized therapies. With organ-on-a-chip technology, researchers can analyze the complex interactions between human cells and the microbial ecosystems of the gut, predicting their effects on health, disease onset or even cognitive performance, and study the action of probiotics, nutritional compounds or drugs. In 2016, NASA established the Translational Research Institute to research and develop innovative approaches to reduce risks to humans on long-duration exploration missions. The institute was awarded $246 million for six years, and is led by Baylor College of Medicine with partners including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology. Source: Traditional water treatment efforts have focused on water leaving the treatment plant, but a large number of recent waterborne disease outbreaks in the U.S. can be traced to plumbing systems in buildings. Legionnaires disease outbreaks in New York City and toxic levels of lead in Flint, Michigan have raised questions about how to manage risks in aging water systems. Multiple studies assessing the risk of opportunistic pathogens in water systems and the institutional infrastructure failures that led to the Flint water crisis will be discussed at the 2017 Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting. Legionellosis is the most common waterborne disease outbreak in the U.S. and its incidence is increasing. The Legionella microbes grow well in warm, stagnant water, particularly in large distribution systems, such as those found in hospitals or hotels. Researchers from the Ohio State University will discuss the need to create a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) model to better understand how certain conditions affect Legionella's ability to cause disease. The researchers will evaluate infection rates for the microbe in normal conditions, in different genetic scenarios and under environmental stressors (such as chlorine treatment). Building this model will allow scientists to further understand how environmental conditions affect Legionella, which could help control exposure and consequently, prevent outbreaks. Legionella is just one of many opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens (OPPPs) lurking in water sources. Others include non-tuberculous Mycobacteria, pseudomonas aeruginosa, Naegleria spp., and Acanthamoeba spp. OPPPs don't often cause illness in healthy individuals, but are still a key cause of waterborne illness in the U.S. In their study, Reverse QMRA for Opportunistic Pathogens in Premise Plumbing, researchers from Drexel University discuss the benefits and feasibility of developing a risk-based strategy to determine water quality targets for buildings. "Drinking water quality can decline in between water treatment plants and the point at which we use water in our homes," states Kerry Ann Hamilton, a postdoctoral fellow at Drexel University. "This research will provide criteria for determining reasonable limits for some microorganisms most frequently linked with disease and household plumbing." Genetics & Genomics eBook Compilation of the top interviews, articles, and news in the last year. Download a copy today Changes in usage, due to innovative plumbing and low-flow water fixtures, has led to increased water age in buildings. Having older water can result in bad taste and smell, disinfectant byproducts and greater microbial levels in water. Researchers from Purdue University conducted a study, Water Chemistry and Microbiology Changes as Plumbing Ages, to understand the link between fixture water use and drinking water quality in a newly plumbed residential green building. After 72 hours, bacteria and organic carbon levels increased inside the plumbing system compared with the chlorinated municipal tap water entering the building. Metal plumbing components caused zinc, copper and lead levels to rise above levels measured at the water treatment plant. Also, use of different fixtures causes drinking water quality to vary within the same building. When the city of Flint, Michigan began using the Flint River as a drinking water source without properly implementing federally mandated corrosion control in April 2014, a prolonged period of drinking water quality problems was triggered. These problems included red water and elevated levels of disinfection byproducts, coliform, bacteria, lead and Legionella. In 2016, 91 cases of Legionellosis and 12 deaths were attributed to an unprecedented outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease during the time Flint River water was used. A new study from Virginia Tech, Links Between Physical and Chemical Water Quality, Reported Incidence of Legionnaires' Disease, and Waterborne Legionella pneumopheila in Flint, Michigan, presents several lines of evidence linking the Flint River water to the outbreak. Water quality reports and experiments revealed that Flint River water was conducive to Legionella growth. The water also leached elevated iron nutrients from water pipes and chemicals from while temperatures rose to ideal levels for Legionella growth. The water crisis brought national attention to the risks associated with aging infrastructure and inadequate drinking water treatment. Data collected from tap samples in Flint challenge risk assumptions in the Safe Drinking Water Act under the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), particularly with regard to prioritized sampling locations and effective corrosion control treatment. Researchers from Michigan State will discuss proposed changes for the LCR. GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Heres why you can trust us. Indian origin UK minister Priti Patel resigns over 'secret' meeting in Israel London : Indian-origin International Development Secretary of UK, Priti Patel, has resigned from her post amid escalating storm over her 'secret' unofficial meeting with Israel officials during her holiday trip. Patel is under pressure after it was revealed that she held unauthorised meetings with senior Israeli officials during a family holiday in August, the BBC reported. She apologised to Theresa May for holding unofficial meetings in Israel. The opposition Labour Party called for an investigation into her apparent breaches of protocol. During the visit, Patel, who paid for the trip herself, met a dozen politicians and organisations, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yuval Rotem, a senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official. She also met Yair Lapid, the leader of one of Israel's main political parties, and made visits to several organisations where official departmental business was reportedly discussed. Patel's press office confirmed that she had cut short her official trip to Africa to travel back to Britain on Wednesday, amid widespread speculation that May would be forced to sack her. She was formally reprimanded in Downing Street on Monday, where she was asked to give details about a dozen meetings she had with Israeli officials while on holiday. (IANS with added inputs) Mark Lowcock, the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs (Source: UN.ORG) New York : Yemen faces the world's largest famine in decades "with millions of victims" if aid deliveries are not resumed, a senior UN official has warned. Mark Lowcock, the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, on Wednesday urged the Saudi-led coalition to lift its blockade of the conflict-torn country, the BBC reported. On Monday, the coalition shut air, land and sea routes into Yemen after Houthi rebels fired a missile at Riyadh. Saudi Arabia said the blockade was needed to stop Iran sending weapons to the rebels. Iran denies arming the rebels, who have fought the Saudi-led coalition since 2015. Lowcock, after briefing the UN Security Council on the issue behind closed doors, said: "I have told the council that unless those measures are lifted... there will be a famine in Yemen. It will be the largest famine the world has seen for many decades with millions of victims." Earlier this week, the UN and the Red Cross warned that a "catastrophic" situation threatened millions of Yemenis who relied on life-saving aid deliveries. The Red Cross said its shipment of chlorine tablets, vital to combating a cholera epidemic which has affected more than 900,000 people, had been blocked. The UN said seven million Yemenis are on the brink of famine. Working hand-in-hand: How sustainable food independence helps the U.S. and developing countries acquire their own agricultural knowledge Since World War I ended, the United States has started lending a hand to countries that are in need of assistance, starting with the reconstruction of post-war Europe, going all the way to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. America led the world when it comes to giving foreign aid, but by 1994, America provided less assistance to developing countries than did Japan, and the same amount as France and Germany. In addition, the U.S.s 1996 federal outlay of international assistance to other countries equated to only $6.6 billion less than 0.5 percent of the total budget. Most of the United States financial assistance goes to food assistance, capital to multilateral banks, development aid, disaster relief, and refugee assistance. Admittedly, the U.S.s actions have jumpstarted developing countries own moves towards food self-sufficiency. Small developing countries with income levels that are constantly on the rise, like South Korea or Malaysia, will experience no difficulties when it comes to importing food, even if they are unable to match food production at the domestic level. Other countries like Thailand will continue to export food and thrive in food adequacy. (Related: Amazing edible park in Irvine, Ca., stresses importance of food independence.) Continued food self-sufficiency can be credited in the decrease of the proportion of hungry people in East Asia to 16 percent from 40 percent even while their population increased by 500 million within the last 25 years. Its food needs are expected to increase sharply over the coming decades with a projected population of almost three billion by 2050. The situation in Latin America is optimistic, albeit with some caveats. The proportion of the malnourished people in the continent declined to 14 percent from 18 percent over the past 25 years, although at the expense of the destruction of its natural forests. Africa, on the other hand, has already reached the point when population growth rates have already exceeded food production growth rates, resulting in hunger whenever bad weather, civil unrest, or war decides to poke his ugly head in. It is currently depending on imports for around 25 percent of its grain consumption, a rate that has increased over the past 30 years as per capita food production has dropped. One could say that the food independence assistance that the U.S. provides developing countries also brings empirical benefits to America. All the major crops in the U.S. corn, potatoes, barley, rice, and wheat, among others are endemic to other countries. The genetic variation that is the basis for plant breeding that created current high-yielding crop varieties in the United States was obtained from other countries. This makes the genetic variation that is available in the U.S. limited; when a new pathogen threatens the existence of such crops, there is the possibility that naturally-occurring resistance in the germ plasm that is available here wont be enough to conquer the new pests. So scientists and agriculturists look for the cure in international agricultural research centers, and Americas financial aid to sustain such centers gives the United States a moral claim to those resources. As a matter of fact, Phillip Pardey and his colleagues at the International Food Policy Research Institute has reported that by the early 1990s around one-fifth of the total U.S. wheat acreage and more than 70 percent of the American rice acreage at a combined value of $3.5 billion between the years 1970 and 1993 originated from varieties that were produced by the international agricultural research centers. In comparison, the United States gave $150 million to international wheat and rice centers and less than $1 billion to all the international centers in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) around that time. These improvements in countries around the world, in health and in income levels there has also been a big shift to democracyare helping to bring more capable states and governments that are quite helpful to us. If we want to enhance our own security around the world we need to be able to work with capable governments and states, said Stece Radelet, a professor and director of the Global Human Development Program at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. There are many, many surveys that are taken, that Americans believe that we spend something like between 10 percent and 20 percent of the federal budget on foreign aid. And in fact we spend less than one percent of the federal budget. Its a tiny share of our budget that we contribute to fighting poverty and hunger and disease around the world, Radelet added. New goals for the U.S. in its food assistance advocacy The major goal for the United States is to help developing countries acquire their own agricultural knowledge, often in partnership with other entities, as time and again it has been proven that rising agricultural productivity is vital to economic development in every country that was once not self-sustaining. The countries that the U.S. sees as the most challenging when it comes to this goal include Bangladesh, China, and India and areas such as Java, Malawi, and other highland areas of southern and eastern Africa. This is attributed to the fact that the international system is remiss in its duties to help African organizations address soil management, pest management, and water challenges. Poor roads, poor transportation, and poor marketing systems in Africa also mean that fertilizers are more expensive in that part of the world. The United States stresses the need for public investments in good roads and transportation systems, plus market information systems that would establish the development of private traders, thereby decreasing the cost of marketing of both inputs and products. For more stories on food independence, food surplus, and the ways the United States has been championing these causes, visit Sources include: Submit a correction >> A nation-wide reference station network has been built, and the construction of the basic system has been preliminarily completed. In 2016, the system performance was being tested, including meter and decimeter level for widearea real-time services, centimeter level for the areas within Beijing, millimeter level for postprocessing services. When the system is operational, it will provide meter and decimeter level real-time location services for users in China, even centimeter level service in some areas. BDS-based high-precision applications, such as the lane level vehicle navigation service, could be realized. 150 national wide-area reference stations (RSs), 1200 regional Reference stations National BeiDou Data Integrated Processing System, Data Backup System, 6 kinds of Industrial Data Processing Systems 3 broadcasting paths: Mobile Communication, Satellite Broadcasting, Digital Radio 4 kinds of high-precision positioning services: wide-area real-time meter level and decimeter level, regional real-time centimeter level, post-processing millimeter level Development Plan as of 2016 * 2014: Evaluation of BDS augmentation performance. * 2014-2015: Participate in dual frequency multi-constellation SBAS standard establishment through ICAO, IWG etc. * 2018 2017 : Launch the first BDSBAS GEO satellites. * 2020: Finish the launch of 3 GEOs. Start to provide dual frequency multi-constellation SBAS service for China and surrounding areas users. * 2025: Provide augmentation services for users in larger areas through international cooperation. Chinas new GPS system will go global in 2020. China has built more than 1,500 Beidou ground stations across the country to improve the systems accuracy. It also plans to set up similar bases in dozens of countries including Pakistan and Thailand to extend the high-precision service to military and government users overseas. Unicore Communications, a company producing Beidou chipsets for positioning devices in Beijing, said their latest products included support for the newest Beidou satellites. The satellites have just been launched. They still need some time for testing and calibration before we can evaluate their actual performance, a Unicore product manager said. He expected most smartphones to have a chip to receive Beidou signals in the near future. Salesforce and Google have struck a broad partnership, that pairs their corporate software and cloud-computing services. The new deal ties key, complementary services in marketing analytics and cloud-computing. Salesforce clients that dont currently use G-Suite, Googles package of workplace software, will get the offerings free for one year. The integration of Google Analytics with Salesforce Marketing Cloud had been a top request of Googles and Salesforces customers in recent months, says Google Analytics senior director Babak Pahlavan. While Google has offered APIs for companies to build on top of Google Analytics in the past, its never opened up the product to such a deep integration before, says Google Cloud president Tariq Shaukat. Amazon Web Services dominates the public cloud market with a 47.1% market share. In its most recent earnings statement for Q1 of 2017, AWS reported revenues of $3.66 billion, a 42% increase from this time last year. While Microsoft Azure is gradually catching up to Amazon, it only holds 10.0% of the market. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Googles Cloud Platform continue to grow market share, with IBM holding its own as of mid-2017. Quarterly cloud infrastructure service revenues (including IaaS, PaaS, and hosted private cloud services) are at nearly $11 billion and continue a growth rate of over 40 percent per year. This means worldwide revenues from cloud and SaaS remain on track to surpass $200 billion by 2020, according to Synergy. In Q3, the huge cloud market kept on growing by over 40% per year while Amazon Web Services (AWS) is still managing to nudge its market share upwards, despite increasingly intense competition. Microsoft, Google and Alibaba are all growing their revenues much more rapidly than Amazon and they continue to gain market share, but the reality is that in this market Amazon remains bigger than its next five largest competitors combined. Meanwhile IBM maintains its position as the third largest cloud provider in the market thanks primarily to its strong leadership in hosted private cloud services. In Q3, Synergy estimates that quarterly cloud infrastructure service revenues (including IaaS, PaaS and hosted private cloud services) have now reached $12 billion and continue to grow at well over 40% per year. Microsfot and Google have higher growth rates than Amazon in the cloud. Marty Puranik, CEO of Atlantic.Net, a leading cloud hosting provider, provides expert commentary in an interview. Atlantic.Net is a trusted and proven hosting company in web hosting industry. Their reputation is founded upon over twenty years of direction and counsel given to CEOs, managers, engineers, and IT professionals. High Availability Infrastructure There is no reason to reinvent the hosting solutions wheel when Atlantic.Net provides one that is rolling along flawlessly. They provide the best web hosting and the necessary infrastructure and allow you to focus on your core competencies. Among their competences are security, HIPAA for health applications, and PCI for ecommerce. They are easier simpler and less expensive. They are focuesed on B to B. Marty discusses : What this deal means for Google and Salesforce ? Why Google has been making so many moves in the cloud space recently ? Why now is such a pivotal time for companies to not only involve themselves in cloud computing, but significantly ramp up their efforts, as evidenced by todays partnership ? What this means for the rest of the industry, i.e. Amazon and Microsoft, moving forward ? Google and salesforce services This is part of Salesforce ongoing war with microsoft Azure (#2 cloud) and Linkedin. Microsoft bought Linkedin. Linkedin has been Salesforces major competitor. Linkedin is very strong in Human Resources and the next target is the Sales people which is three times Human Resource market. Salesforce endorsed gsuite which is an microsoft office 365 competitor. Salesforce will use AWS and will deploy onto google cloud but will not support Microsoft Azure Google Cloud moves Google brought Diane Green from VMWare, a win for Google (#3). Google has rebranded Google Docs as Gsuite. Google announced the launch of new desktop application for Google Drive users, called Drive File Stream, which is now available to G Suite customers. The app will serve as a replacement for the Google Drive desktop app that will be shut down for good next year a far enough date to give enterprise customers plenty of time to make the switch. Salesforce is #1 in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Sales. The emergence of Amazon AWS as a dominant cloud provider, largely at Googles expense. Google has a culture focused on engineering and not sales. Salesforce is good at selling and Google does not want to kill Salesforce. Google is focused on other things like self driving cars and global satellites and internet balloons. Salesforce can craft better sales messaging around cloud and cloud messaging for Google products. Why is this a critical time This is a Marketshare and midshare competition. It is still early days for the cloud segment. Amazon has the lead but this is not a locked in Monopoly yet. Netscape had the early lead with browsers but lost it to Internet Explorer and then Chrome became most popular. Moving Forward The biggest loser in this deal is microsoft in the near to mid term. AWS subsidizes retail. AWS is highly profitable and a key part of the story for Amazons high stock valuation. Google and microsoft war of attrition from other profitable businesses. AWS profit is under attack Microsoft risk, losing mindshare. There is business model risk for Microsoft. The next billion cellular connections will come from rural areas in developing markets. However, building the cellular infrastructure in these regions presents radically different challenges from building networks in urban areas: The power grid in these areas is unreliable, if it exists at all. There is no wired telecom infrastructure to run the network backbone of the cellular network. The large distance over poor roads makes site maintenance time consuming and expensive. There is little local skilled labor to support the site maintenance. Vanu has addressed all of these challenges with the CompactRAN and continues to address it with Vanus Community Connect. The benefits of the Vanu solution are: Vanu solution is a compact carrier grade outdoor base station, weighing only 9.6kg. The small form factor allows for simplified mounting on poles and alternative structures, eliminates the need to place equipment on the ground, and greatly simplifies tower construction requirements. It is built to withstand wind, sand, vandals, and temperatures of 132 F, this network-in-a-box offers connectivityand lets the company maintain and upgrade its softwarethrough such media as DSL, wireless broadband, or a satellite link. Low power consumption while transmitting two GSM carriers, enabling it to run off of alternative energy sources such as solar and wind for extended periods of time. The CompactRAN uses only 64 watts of power supplied entirely by solar panels. Conventional base stations can use 10 or more kilowatts and guzzle thousands of dollars worth of diesel fuel each month. It is solar powered to provide coverage where there is no power grid. The Community Connect is the next generation GSM/EDGE base station from Vanu Inc. It is dual TRX system, designed to support up to 10W per TRX in the GSM 850/900 MHz and DCS 1800/1900 MHz bands. The BTS is highly integrated and includes the duplexers in the enclosure. The new BTS is enclosed in an IP67 rated enclosure and weighs 9.6kg. The small form factor allows for simplified mounting on poles and alternative structures. This greatly simplifies the tower construction requirements. The BTS is low power and consumes only 64W when operating at its peak output power of 10W per channel. Utilizes a latency and jitter tolerant packet-based IP backhaul, enabling the infrastructure to use a wide variety of media for backhaul including microwave, wireless broadband, cable modem, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), and satellite connections. Software radio architecture allows for standards upgrades and bug fixes to be downloaded remotely. Vanu has performed over the air satellite upgrades from voice to data for a customer in the remote areas of Nepal. Maintenance is simplified through remote monitoring and software upgrades. Hardware fixes are simple swap-outs, that do not require specific technical training. The total cost of a siteincluding land, equipment, installation, and commissioningis $25,000. Vanu has no subscribers of its own; it offers coverage through established cellular service providers, who pay for each minute or megabyte their customers use. By signing deals with multiple competing carriers, Vanu can generate enough revenue per site to turn a profit. They set up a network in Rwanda in 2016 and within a few months, more than 100,000 of the three Rwandan carriers subscribersvillagers whod previously traveled periodically to the closest town with coverage to call or textwere using Vanus network. Many of the Poor Rwandan people already had cellphones but no service The system is now in use by over 200,000 Rwandans whod had no cell coverage at home or work. Vanu plans to connect thousands of villages in India and is considering expanding to Zambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, and Botswana in the coming years. Those countries are home to many of the worlds unconnected people: 62 percent of sub-Saharan Africans and 67 percent of Indians live in rural areas. Lifting people out of poverty with solar lights and mobile money A cellular connection also makes possible solar home lighting systems financed with phone-based pay as you go systems, digital banking services, weather and market price notifications for farmers, access to medical information for rural health workers, educational materials for teachers and students in rural schools, and more. We have a lot of evidence on the impacts of mobile money, says Tavneet Suri, an associate professor of applied economics at MITs Sloan School of Management and an expert on development in sub-Saharan Africa. Her research has shown that access to mobile-phone-based money transfers lifted 2 percent of Kenyas population out of extreme poverty, increasing peoples savings and ability to withstand financial crises. Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe You are clearly a super-user of Thats a good thing. It means you depend on independent and local news sources to keep you informed. You are a smart person. Coincidentally, independent and local news sources depend on you too. Youve read 25 articles this month and now, wed like you to be join our mission and become a NUVO Supporter. For as little as $4 a month, you can keep us alive and fighting -- and can have unlimited access to the independent news that cant be found anywhere else. By Benjamin Jumbe: Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli is set to arrive in Uganda today for a 3 day state visit. On arrival President Magufuli and his host President Yoweri Museveni will be commissioning a one stop border post at Mutukula and lay a cross border mark stone at Luzinga village for the East Africa Crude oil pipeline. Museveni together with his visiting counterpart from Tanzania Magufuli are set to Commission a One Stop Border Post at Mutukula as well as laying a cross-border mark-stone for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline during a three days working visit . During this meeting the two heads of states are set to sign key bilateral agreement including cooperation in the Transport sector, Power Projects and Uganda-Tanzania cross border issues. According to program the second foundation stone for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline will be laid on November 11th 2017 in Hoima. President Magufulis visit comes at a time when the two countries have stepped up bilateral cooperation in a number of sectors. By Ssebuliba Samuel. The president of Tanzanian Dr John Pombe Magufuli has asked the government of Uganda to expedite the process of constructing oil pipeline in the shortest time possible instead of waiting until 2020 as scheduled. Speaking to during his visit in Mutukula Kyotera on the going Commissioning of the One Stop Border Post as well as laying a cross-border mark-stone for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, Magufuli said that there is need to wait until 2020 for Uganda to start enjoying proceeds of oil. He said that Uganda must work with ready investors to have this process expedited instead of waiting for 2020 since all sectors are ready. This 1,445 km-project set for completion by 2020 at a cost of $3.55 billion Your digital subscription includes access to all content on our agricultural websites across the nation. Access unlimited content and the digital versions of our print editions - This Week's Paper. Kendallville, IN (46755) Today Occasional snow showers. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 80%. Snowfall around one inch.. Tonight Snow showers. Low 28F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%. About one inch of snow expected. Explained: Can Mukul Roy be disqualified as MLA for jumping from BJP to TMC After MP Ritabrata banerjee, software techie now trains guns at Mukul Roy India oi-Amitava By Amitava It is new found trouble for former TMC leader Mukul Roy who recently shifted allegiance to the BJP. Namrata Dutta, the software engineer who had leveled charges of rape against MP Ritabrata Banerjee, has now lodged a fresh complaint naming Roy. The complaint lodged at the Balurghat police station in the South Dinajpur district, West Bengal, named Roy along with Banerjee, his fiance Durba Sen and Archana Majumdar, a physician close to Banerjee. Sanjay Ghosh, Inspector-in-Charge of Balurghat Police Station stated that Roy has been charged under sections 120B/195A/214 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code. Dutta who is a resident of Balurghat, claimed that Majundar had called her and threatened her to withdraw the case. "Mukul Roy is a highly influential person and he is very close to Ritabrata- Majumdar had told me over the phone" alleged Dutta. She further alleged that a man had called her and stated that Rs. 8 lakhs had been deposited into Dutta's personal bank account and that she should remain silent" claimed Dutta. Police sources claim that Dutta's call records are being examined. Mukul Roy however denied the allegations. "I do know any Namrata Dutta. I have not seen her nor have I spoken to her ever. It is nothing but political vendetta" added Roy. Earlier on October 10, Dutta had lodged a complaint against Rajya Sabha MP Ritabrata Banerjee at the Balurghat police station. Namrata Dutta's police complaint stated that she had met the MP on a social network site in May 2016. A relationship developed and Ritabrata Banerjee said that he wanted to marry Dutta. He even came to Balurghat and met Dutta's mother. Alleging physical relations, the complaint stated "He lured me to his 104, South Avenue Apartment" where he allegedly physically exploited her. They allegedly met a number of times. Dutta was studying in Netherlands since October 2016 and Banerjee paid her a visit in Netherlands in December 2016 claimed the complaint. "During that time we had problems and I wanted to end the relationship. He threatened to commit suicide by consuming sleeping pills. Thus I was forced to stay in the relationship" stated the complaint. The complaint stated that now the MP is denying to marry Datta and was avoiding her calls. She also alleged that he was in a fresh relationship and has been threatening her with dire consequences. "He used me, outraging my modesty and also transferred Rs. 2.5 lakhs to my bank account as compensation for having a physical relationship with me" alleged Datta in the complaint. Incidentally Ritabrata Banerjee is a Member of Parliament (MP) who on September 17 was expelled from the primary membership of the CPIM party for grave anti-party activities, including "moral degeneration in relation to woman." The MP too had lodged a complaint against Dutta at the Garfa Police Station in Kolkata on October 6 demanded stern action against the woman stating that she has been blackmailing him and trying to malign him. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Friday, November 10, 2017, 0:53 [IST] When this mom got a surprise gift, her reaction was 'gold' | Watch 'Poor' no more: 'Moderate' Delhi air to improve further with strong winds Odd-Even formula to be implemented from Nov 13 in Delhi India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Recommended Video Air Pollution: Odd-Even formula may be opted for to combat smog problem says Kejriwal |Oneindia News The odd-even car rationing scheme will be enforced in Delhi for a five-day period from November 13, city Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot said on Thursday. Under the Odd-Even formula, vehicles with the registration number ending with an even number are allowed on roads on an even date while those ending in an odd number are allowed on odd dates. The scheme was enforced in Delhi twice in 2016 #OddEven will be implemented from November 13-17. Request people and all agencies to cooperate. Exemptions will be same like last time: Kailash Gehlot,Delhi Transport Minister ANI (@ANI) November 9, 2017 Earlier, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had said, if the need arises decision on Odd-Even formula will be taken by today or tomorrow. Delhi air pollution: NGT slams all, calls attitude shameful Kejriwal said, "For a month (from mid-October to mid-November) the whole northern India becomes a gas chamber, not just Delhi." He said that the high increase in PM (Particulate Molecules) levels in Delhi were not just due to local reasons, also, blamed crop burning for worsening air quality. However, he said that people and Government of Delhi are ready to take all steps but these steps will not be enough until a solution to crop burning is found. "Until state governments don't find economically viable solutions to crop burning it will not stop. If everyone, central govt, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana government, come together and put aside politics a solution can be found," he added. Delhi government is under fire from the NGT for failing to control air pollution in the city. A few days ago, the IMA also declared a public health emergency and cautioned people not to step out of their homes. OneIndia News Ghazwa-e-Hind in Assam: NIA roped in as Islamists plan destruction of India Assam Police arrests five militants from Meghalaya India pti-PTI Morigaon (Assam), Nov 9: The Assam Police have arrested five militants, including a self-styled commander and a cadre of the outlawed Tiwa Liberation Army (TLA), and three rebels of Garo National liberation Army (GNLA) from Salang area of Meghalaya. Acting on a tip-off, a police team from Morigaon district and security forces from neighbouring Meghalaya jointly nabbed the five militants last night, Morigaon, Superintendent of Police, Swapnanil Deka told reporters. The militants were camping at Salang area of Meghalaya with a view to do arms training there, Deka said. Self styled 'commander' of TLA, Motilal Deori had issued an extortion note to Tiwa Autonomous Council, Chief Executive Member (CEM) Paban Manta demanding Rs 50 lakh, the SP said, adding based on the CEM's FIR police launched the operation against the ultras. The five arrested were identified Motilal Deori, TLA cadre Sourav Deka and Meghalaya based GNLA militants Khasang A Marak, Smart A Marak and Arween A Marak acting as linkmen, the SP said. PTI Mamata miffed for not being invited to be part of Bangaldesh PM's India visit B'desh PM Hasina and Indian PM Modi stress on strengthening existing ties between the two nations India oi-Amitava By Amitava While inaugurating a new train service between Kolkata and Khulna in Bangladesh, through video conferencing, both Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stressed on people to people contact between the two countries for socio-economic upliftment. At around 11:30 am Bangladesh time (11:00am Indian time) Prime Minister Hasina, Prime Minister Modi and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee through video conferencing flagged off the "Bandhan Express;" inaugurated second Bhairab and second Titas Railway bridges in Bangladesh and the end-to-end immigration and custom checks for the Maitree Express from Kolkata to Dhaka. In her address Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stressed on stronger ties between the two countries. "Bondhon (ties) should not be limited to Railway services alone but it should cement ties between citizens of both the nations for the socio-economic development of both countries" remarked the Bangladesh Prime Minister. She stated that the two nations were trying to revive all the railway links that existed between the two countries before 1965. "The Bandhan train service was a long cherished dream of both the nations. It is running after 52 long years. It will not only make travel easier but will promote cultural exchange, tourism and development. It will further strengthen ties between the two nations" stated Prime Minister Hasina. The Bangladesh Prime Minister stated that there are plans to revive all the rail links that existed between the two countries before the services were halted in 1965. "With the Line of Credit from India this is being made possible. We are using the Line of Credit for improving railway services in the country along with other sectors" stated Hasina. Not only railways, India has been jointly working with Bangladesh in the avenues of internet services and space research stated the Prime Minister. "Both the nations work for the development of the common masses which ultimately will result in peace and stability in this region" stated Hasina. Incidentally the two new railways bridges in Bangladesh, built under the Second Indian Line of Credit and inaugurated on Wednesday is expected to improve the Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Sylhet train services. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi beginning his speech in Bengali stated "Aaj theke amder Maitree Bondhon aro shudriro holo" (From today our friendly ties have been further cemented.) Prime Minister Modi stated that relations should be strengthened between neighbours rising above protocol. "Protocol should not come in between two neighbouring countries. There should be visits and exchanges between neighbouring countries" stated Prime Minister Modi. However the Indian Prime Minister stressed on person to person connects. "People to people connectivity is the most important. Both the trains between India and Bangladesh namely Maitree and Bandhan will promote this person to person connectivity" stated Prime Minister Modi. The Indian Prime Minister assured that step by step the two countries will revive all the railway lines that existed between the two countries prior to 1965. "Historical links between the two countries will further be strengthened and will reach newer heights" stated West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee inviting Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to visit Kolkata. The Bandhan Express will cover a distance of 177km between Kolkata and Khulna in around four and a half hours. From Kolkata the train will travel through Benapole, Petrapole, Jessore to Khulna. Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj was also present at the inauguration video conferencing along with Prime Minister Modi. The new Bondhon Express has 456 seats in its 312 cabins along with 144 chairs. It can accommodate 418 passengers. OneIndia News Close shave: How a lone wolf attack at an election rally was thwarted in Gujarat India oi-Vicky By Vicky Recommended Video Gujarat Assembly elections : ISIS's plan of lone wolf attack busted by ATS | Oneindia News It was a close shave in poll-bound Gujarat. A person who had promised to supply a large chunk of explosives to carry out lone wolf attacks in Gujarat was arrested. Urzo Khan, 36, a resident of Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh was picked up by the Gujarat ATS. During his questioning, he said that the Islamic State was planning lone wolf attacks on election rallies and also at a Jewish synagogue in Gujarat. Two suspected operatives of the ISIS had earlier been arrested by the ATS. One of the suspects, Ubaid Mirza said during his interrogation that the arms were to be supplied by Khan. Khan is said to have assured Ubaid that he would be able to supply weapons for the attack. He said that there were two major strikes that were being planned. One strike was on a major election rally while the other was at a Jewish synagogue in Khadia. An ATS source informed the two lone wolf strikes were to be carried out by Ubaid and Mohammad Kasim Timberwala. During the discussions, Urzo said that he would be able to supply the weapons at a cost of Rs 3 lakh. He also took an advance of Rs 20,000 for the same. Investigations further revealed that Kasim and Ubaid had a common handler. The ATS source said that the attack was being overseen by a handler who goes by the alias Yusuf al Hindi. Yusuf who the Intelligence Bureau believe is Bhatkal resident Shafi Armar is said to be either in Syria or Saudi Arabia. OneIndia News Crop burning on November 1 Agriculture stubble running into millions of tonnes is burnt by farmer in north India every October. Crop burning on November 2 An estimated 35 million tonnes are burnt to make room for the winter crop. Crop burning on November 3 NASA captured this and the data shows that crop burning was really intense. Crop burning on November 4 Crop burning in fact surged between October 27 and 31. Crop burning on November 5 This practise continues despite the NGT imposing a ban on the same. Crop burning on November 6 The people in Delhi have been complaining about breathing problems. Crop burning on November 7 Arvind Kejriwal has decided to introduce the odd-even rule from next week. Crop burning on November 8 The Supreme Court too had banned the sale of firecrackers this year in Delhi. Gujarat elections: Pitroda to seek people's inputs for Congress manifesto India pti-PTI Ahmedabad, November 9: To gather inputs for the Congress' manifesto for the upcoming Assembly election, Telecom entrepreneur Sam Pitroda will interact with residents in five cities of Gujarat. The effort is to prepare a "people's manifesto" with focus on education, health, small and medium enterprises, employment generation and environment protection, Pitroda said at a press conference here today. He will visit Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Jamnagar and Surat in the next five days. "(Congress vice-president) Rahul Gandhi has sent me a message that he would like me to listen to the people...I spoke to leaders in Gujarat and collectively decided on the programme," said Pitroda, who was an adviser to the Congress vice-president's father and former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Pitroda will try to understand the people's problems and demands before making a manifesto which, he said, would include the "voices of people". "So far across the world, the developmental model is top- down. So governments all over the world focus on growth, GDP, plants, ports, roads. This is a western model which has been pushed all over the world. It is time to rethink of development from bottom-up," the entrepreneur said. "Gujarat can provide a new model of development, not only to Gujarat, India but all over the world. We are here to listen to people, understand their main points, and make a manifesto which will basically include the voices of people. It is an open process, a good process, and people should be heard," he said. Sharing his views on democracy, Pitroda said Gujarat, India and the entire world have been at a crossroads. "Democracy has been hijacked by a handful of people, and we have to bring the democracy back to people...," he said. On the issue of quota, Pitroda said it was important for the underprivileged and those who had not been given a chance in the world but added that progress was possible even without the reservation. "Reservation is important for underprivileged, and for people who have not been given chances. But that does not mean without the reservation you cannot progress. What is important is what I will do for Gujarat, and not what government will do for reservation," he said. "Even without the reservation you can get a lot more done," he said. Pitroda also laid emphasis on "collective leadership", and said the main purpose of a leader should be to listen to people and not advise them. Polling for the two-phase Assembly election in the state will take place on December 9 and 14, and votes will be counted on December 18. PTI Why NOTA, a blank vote, is a waste with no impact on election results How BJP's win in Gujarat, HP is spreading happiness in the Indian market In new Himachal Assembly, 52 out of 68 MLAs are crorepatis Himachal Pradesh Elections: Polling ends, 74% voting recorded India oi-Madhuri Recommended Video Himachal Pradesh elections 2017: BJP and Congress clash for power in the hill state | Oneindia News The polling for all 68 seats in the Himachal Pradesh Assemby began at 8 am on Thursday amid tight security arrangements. 337 candidates, including 19 women, are in the fray, with more than 50 lakh voters eligible to exercise their franchise. Polling, which began at 8 am, will end at 5 pm. 7,525 polling booths have been set up, of which nearly 1,300 have been identified as critical and vulnerable. [No exit poll on Himachal today: Wait till Gujarat elections are over says EC] For the first time, Electronic Voting Machines with Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) are being used at all polling booths. 07:00 pm: 74% voting recorded 05:45 pm: Polling ends 05:20 pm: 64.8 % voter turnout recorded till 4 pm in the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections. 02.30 pm: 54.09% polling recorded till 2 pm in the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections. 02:15 pm: Senior Congress leader Vidya Stokes cast her vote a polling booth in Shimla's Barubag. 12:30 pm: 28.6% polling recorded till 12 noon in the Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections. 11:45 am: Independent India's first voter Shyam Saran Negi casts his vote at Kalpa polling station. [Himachal Pradesh elections: Independent India's first voter to cast his vote today] 11:30 am: Union Minister JP Nadda casts his vote at a polling booth in Bilaspur. 11:00 am: In Ree polling booth in Hamirpur's Sujanpur assembly segment, VVPAT machine not working. 10:30 am: 13.72% polling recorded till 10 am in Himachal Pradesh assembly elections. 10:00 am: Virbhadra Singh and his son Vikramaditya cast their votes at a polling booth in Shimla. 9:56 am: BJP's MP from Hamirpur Anurag Thakur casts his vote. 9:55 am: BJP chief ministerial candidate Prem Kumar Dhumal casts his vote. 9:45 am: Confident of getting majority in the election, the next Government too will be of Congress, says Virbhadra Singh. 9:26 am: The state needs a senior leader like Dhumal ji to look at the affairs of Himachal: Thakur 9:25 am: People have made up their mind to get rid of Congress who looted Himachal Pradesh, says Anurag Thakur. 9:15 am: We were expecting 50 plus seat, but looks like we will get 60 plus, says Dhumal. 8:45 am: Technical glitch at polling station number 55 in Kinnaur, Reckong Peo. Polling yet to begin. 8:30 am: A teacher on polling duty reportedly booked for taking selfie. 8:15 am: Voters queue up across Himcahal Pradesh to cast their votes. Elderly woman, Barfi Devi, casts her vote at polling booth number 7 in Samirpur #HimachalPradesh ANI (@ANI) November 9, 2017 8:00 am: Polling for all 68 constituencies in Himachal Pradesh begins. 47 per cent crorepatis in Himachal Assembly elections 2017 Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, 10 ministers, eight Chief Parliamentary secretaries, Deputy Speaker Jagat Singh Negi, former chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal and over a dozen former ministers are among those who have thrown their hat in the ring. The vote count will be held on 18 December along with Gujarat's. The ruling Congress led by the chief minister and the BJP led with former chief minister Dhumal are contesting all 68 seats while the BSP is contesting 42 seats, followed by the CPM - 14, Swabhiman Party and Lok Gathbandhan Party six each and the CPI - 3. oter slips in braille and many other firsts in the Himachal assembly elections 2017 As many as 7,525 polling booths have been set up in the state and 37,605 polling personnel have been deputed for poll duty. Besides 17,850 personnel of police and Home Guards and 65 companies of central paramilitary force have been deployed, Chief Electoral Officer Pushpender Rajput said. Elaborate arrangements have been made for ensuring free and fair polls and 29 general, three police, 22 expenditure observers and 71 assistant expenditure observers, 1,561 micro observers, besides, 193 sector magistrate and 789 sectors officers have also been deployed throughout the state. Web-casting would be used in 2,307 polling stations in the state for live monitoring of polling activities in the state by Election Commission of India and polling would be held from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm, the Chief Election Officer said. Fact sheet on Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections 2017 He said the state has 100 percent Photo Identity Card (EPIC) holders and 7,525 electronic voting machines (EVMs) and Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) are being used. VVPAT machines are being used for the first time in this Assembly Election and 10 percent of total EVMs and VVPATs have been kept in reserve. The Election Commission has also allowed the electors to cast their vote by producing any one document out of the 12 identity documents. He said 983 polling stations had been declared vulnerable and 399 as critical to ensure free and fair elections in the State. Meanwhile, DGP Somesh Goyal said 11,500 Himachal Pradesh police jawans, 6400 Home guards have been deployed. 65 companies of paramilitary forces also stationed for the elections. The maximum numbers of vulnerable polling stations are 297 in Kangra district and minimum two in Kinnaur district, Rajput said. He said the Hikkim polling station in Lahaul and Spiti Assembly Constituency, which is situated at a maximum height of 14567 feet, has 194 voters while Ka polling booth in Kinnaur has a minimum of six voters. In the previous election, BJP dissidents floated the Himachal Lokhit Party (HLP) just ahead of 2012 which won only one seat but cornered 4.52 percent votes. The Congress and the BJP won 36 and 26 seats polling 43.21 and 38.83 percent votes. Independents candidates polled 15.87 votes and five independents were elected. This time there is no third force and as Congress and the BJP have been returning to power alternately since 1985, the BJP is claiming that it is their turn to stage a comeback. Key fact about Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections 2017: Polling would go on till 5 pm. Polling will take place at 7,525 booths with EVMs and VVPAT. The counting will take place on 18 December. A total of 50,25,941 voters are eligible to cast their vote. Corruption was the main focus of the BJP campaign with the party training its guns at Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh. Congress hit out at the BJP over GST and demonetisation Section 144 will be in force in the 100-metre radius around each polling booth. 50,25,841 voters will decide the fate of 337 candidates. 983 out of the 7,525 polling booths have been declared sensitive. Demonstrations, slogan-shouting and public meetings have been banned in t from November 7 to 10 and probibitory orders under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure has been imposed. The overall number of candidates has come down to 338 from 459 in the elections in 2012. There are 25,31,321 men and 24,57,032 women voters in the State. 14 transgender persons will be exercising their franchise. Web-casting would be used in 2,307 polling stations in the State for live monitoring of polling activities. The highest booth at 14,467 feet is situated in the Hikkim polling station in the Lahaul and Spiti Assembly constituency. It has 194 voters. The Ghaluwal polling station of 43-Haroli Assembly constituency is situated at 328 feet, the lowest, having 985 electors. OneIndia News (with inputs) When this mom got a surprise gift, her reaction was 'gold' | Watch 'Poor' no more: 'Moderate' Delhi air to improve further with strong winds In pictures: This is how Odd-Even was like in 2016 India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar The government of Delhi took a call to implement tried and tested formula Odd-Even from November 13 to 18. In 2016, the 'odd-even' policy, which was first implemented for 15 days in January, again implemented from April 15 to 30. Women and two-wheelers were exempted. The government has assured that the same exemptions will continue this year too. Also, a meeting of cabs and taxis has been called tomorrow to ensure that there will be no surge pricing this time. A study shows Delhi's odd-even scheme had little impact on air pollution. However, scientists, who studied last year's odd-even, say that Delhi's odd-even scheme had little impact on air pollution. In May, the study published online in the journal 'Environmental Science and Policy' found that there was only a marginal drop in the PM2.5 levels during the period. While the levels of the toxic particles came down by 8 to 10 per cent in some pockets, the rest of the capital recorded a drop of only 2 to 3 per cent. Volunteers explaining the rules Volunteers with traffic police explaining the rules to an even number car owner near the Nizamuddin Bridge as Odd-even scheme restricting movement of private cars, becomes operational in New Delhi. PTI file photo Carpooling by Kejriwal Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal carpools former Transport Minister Gopal Rai and Health Minister Satyendra Jain to Delhi Secretariat as the trial odd-even scheme comes into effect in New Delhi. PTI file photo Civil Defence volunteers Civil Defence volunteers holding placards at ITO as Odd-even scheme restricting movement of private cars, is operational in New Delhi. PTI file photo Relatively less traffic Relatively less traffic is seen at ITO as the Odd-Even scheme restricting movement of private cars, is operational in New Delhi. PTI file photo Police slap fine against BJP leader Vijay Goel BJP leader Vijay Goel being presented a rose by Delhi Police official after he violated the odd-even rule as a mark of protest against the scheme during in New Delhi on Monday. PTI file photo CBI on a massive crackdown on drug cartels; 175 arrests and 127 FIRs so far 'No supply in India': Chemist association on drugs by Indian firm flagged by WHO India fast emerging as a transit country for international drug cartel India oi-Amitava By Amitava The arrest of a Bolivian woman from the Netaji Subash Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata, along with a contraband consignment of cocaine has raised questions as to whether an international contraband drug route is operational through India. Acting on a tip off sleuths of the Narcotics Control Bureau intercepted a Bolivian national from the International Airport in Kolkata. From a secret compartment located below her suitcase 2kg of cocaine was recovered. The worth of the contraband in the international black market is to the tune of Rs. 14 Crores. According to a senior officer of NCB, the accused Saucedo Chao Yenny (45) had arrived at Kolkata from Sao Paolo, Brazil via Dubai on Wednesday. The woman is being interrogated by the NCB with a probe having been initiated. A Spanish interpreter has been engaged to help with the interrogation. NCB sleuths feel that the woman was supposed to pass the consignment to her contact persons in the city. From Kolkata, the consignment would be taken to other parts of the country or even to foreign shores. In the past also there have been arrests of Bolivian nationals carrying drugs from Kolkata giving rise to fears of India becoming part of an international drug cartel. On March 13 Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) had arrested a Bolivian national Sergio Jie Zhang Salazar with 2.8kg of fine quality cocaine from Delhi. He had admitted to working for a Bolivia-based gang and had visited Bangladesh in October 2016 to deliver a consignment of cocaine. That was the 5th seizure by the NCB within two months. On May 16 the NCB had arrested six women, four of them foreigners and unearthed a Rs. 20 crore international drug racket in New Delhi. The arrested included two women from Nigeria and one each from Spain and Bolivia. The other two arrested were from North East India. The racket involved smuggling of cocaine and amphetamine. Interestingly in September, US President Donald Trump had earmarked India along with 21 other countries as among the major illicit drug producing or transit nations. In addition to India, other south Asian countries identified as major drug transit or major illicit drug producing countries are Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar. Other countries in the list are The Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. OneIndia News Himachal was valued less on strength, more on Parliament seats before: PM Modi Its Virbhadra Singh's son vs protege at Shimla (Rural) India oi-Vikas By Vikas The electoral battle for the Shimla (Rural) assembly seat in Himachal Pradesh is between Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh's son Vikramaditya Singh and BJP's Pramod Sharma. Virbhadra Singh vacated Shimla (Rural) seat for his son Vikramaditya Singh and will be contesting from Arki seat in 2017 polls. Vikramaditya is now fighting against his father's former loyalist Pramod Sharma, who has a BJP ticket. Sharma had sought votes in the name Virbhadra Singh several times in the past when he was active in Kumarsain. Sharma is a creation of Virbhadra Singh who is said to have funded him to fight as an independent against Congress veteran Vidya Stokes in two previous elections. Sharma, who was denied a Congress ticket from Theog in 2012, had contested as an independent and polled 4480 votes. The BJP candidate had polled 8,892 votes against 28,889 votes polled by Virbhadra Singh and he selected this constituency for his son in the hope that it was a safe seat. Sharma has dubbed the election a contest between 'royalty and commoner', though he is avoiding attacking the chief minister or Vikramaditya. Sharma's campaign has picked up fast but BJP rebel Mohan Dass Sharma is also in the fray in the four-cornered contest, causing worry to the party. [BJP candidate from Shimla Rural Assembly seat in Himachal: Pramod Sharma] The polling for all 68 seats in the Himachal Pradesh Assembly began at 8 am on Thursday amid tight security arrangements. 337 candidates, including 19 women, are in the fray, with more than 50 lakh voters eligible to exercise their franchise. OneIndia News with PTI inputs For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 9, 2017, 10:53 [IST] J&K residents would be able to speak to Dineshwar Sharma directly Guns and Roses: The job of the next Governor in Jammu and Kashmir Talks a priority in Valley, but only within framework of Indian Constitution J&K: Sharma ready to walk the extra mile despite Hurriyat snub India oi-Vicky By Vicky I will try my best to meet with the Hurriyat leaders, the Centre's special representative for Kashmir, Dineshwar Sharma said. It may be recalled that the Hurriyat had boycotted the meeting with Sharma who was recently appointed interlocutor for Kashmir. "I will try my best," Sharma told reporters when asked whether he will "walk the extra mile to talk to them." Sharma made the remark after meeting lone Communist leader from Kashmir Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, former minister Ghulam Hassan Mir and independent MLA Hakim Yasin. "I met many people. I wish that peace returns to Kashmir. I will also try to meet Hurriyat," Sharma, the former boss of the Intelligence Bureau said. Sharma called on opposition National Conference leader and former chief minister Omar Abdullah at the latter's residence in Srinagar. " OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 9, 2017, 6:07 [IST] Two of 8 cheetahs released in acclimatisation enclosure at MP's Kuno National Park: Official Two cheetahs make their first kill at Kuno National Park Goat gives birth to baby with 'human face' in MP, leaves owner and locals shocked Madhya Pradesh assembly bypoll: Voters from two villages boycott voting India pti-PTI Bhopal, November 9: Voters from two villages in Madhya Pradesh's Chitrakoot Assembly constituency boycotted the by-election being held on Thursday complaining poor infrastructure in their areas. The residents of Bairhana and Bichhian villages had earlier warned the Satna district authorities that they will boycott the by-election, if proper roads and buildings were not built in their areas. The villagers are boycotting the bypoll to press for their demands of construction of roads, school and other developmental works, Madhya Pradesh's chief electoral officer Salina Singh told reporters in Bhopal. Election officials are requesting the electorate in these villages to participate in the polling, she said. Polling is underway in the Chitrakoot Assembly seat where about 33.8 per cent voter turnout has been recorded till 1 pm, an official of the Election Commission said. The voting started in the constituency at 8 am. Congress candidate Nilanshu Chaturvedi, BJP's nominee Shankar Dayal Tripathi and 10 others are in fray for the by-election in the Assembly segment, which lies bordering Uttar Pradesh. The BSP has not fielded its candidate in the bypoll. The by-election was necessitated following the death of Congress MLA Prem Singh (65) after a prolonged illness in May this year. He had won the Chitrakoot seat thrice -- in 1998, 2003 and 2013. There are 1.98 lakh voters in the Chitrakoot Assembly constituency, an EC official earlier said. As many as 257 polling booths with VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail) machines were set up for the bypoll, he said. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya and MP BJP chief Nandkumar Chouhan had campaigned for the party's candidate. Besides, Congress chief whip in Lok Sabha Jyotiraditya Scindia, former Union Minister Kamal Nath, Leader of Opposition in MP Assembly Ajay Singh campaigned for their party's nominee. PTI Gujarat Assembly election 2022 to be held in two phases; Polling on December 1, 5; Result on December 8 No exit poll on Himachal today: Wait till Gujarat elections are over says EC India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Election Commission of India has barred exit polls for the Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat assembly elections 2018 till December 14. The EC said that exit polls cannot be made public before December 14 evening. While the single-phase assembly election in Himachal Pradesh will be held on November 9, the first phase of polls in Gujarat will take place on December 9. The second phase will be held on December 14. But exit polls showing outcome of the Himachal Pradesh polls cannot be shown till both the phases of Gujarat polls are completed. A poll panel order citing election law said "conducting any exit poll and publishing or publicising by means of the print or electronic media or dissemination in any other manner, whatsoever the result of any exit poll in connection with the current general elections to the legislative assemblies of Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat shall be prohibited" between 8 am of November 9 to 6 pm of December 14. It also said displaying any election matter, including results of any opinion poll or any other poll survey, in any electronic media, would be prohibited 48 hours prior to the day of the Assembly election. The existing law allows the EC to ban opinion polls 48 hours prior to voting. In a separate statement, the commission said that TV channels, radio stations and cable networks should ensure that the contents of the programmes beamed by them 48 hours before the election day "do not contain any material, including views/appeals by panelists/participants that may be construed as promoting/prejudicing the prospect of any particular party or candidate or influencing/affecting the result of the election. OneIndia News Operation All Out: 170 terrorists shot dead and the year isnt complete as yet India oi-Vicky By Vicky Operation All Out which was launched in Kashmir has seen a tremendous success rate. Since its launch in 2017, the security forces have gunned down 170 terrorists including their top commanders as well. The killing of Talha Rashid, nephew of Jaish-e-Mohammad chief marked the death of the 170th terrorist in the Valley. The significant killings include Abu Dujana of the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, Burhan Wani's successor, Sabzar Ahmed Bhat among others. About 170 militants have been eliminated this year only (in Kashmir). This is a record going by the last ten years. Except 4 to 5 commanders, other top militants have been eliminated," Director General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir, Dr. S P Vaid said. Security forces, including the Army, CRPF and police have fiercely intensified operations to hunt top terrorists in Kashmir, he said. "There is tremendous success as far as 'Operation All-out' is concerned. The credit goes to the officers and jawans who work in the field", the police chief said. He said there was a very good coordination between the police, Army and other security agencies and claimed that "most of the top leadership of Hizbul and LeT had been neutralised" except a few odd ones. He said that recently a new phenomenon of suicide attacks by JeM was observed. "The JeM has been instrumental in carrying out suicide attacks, which is a new trend. This is an attempt from across the border to bolster the sagging morale of terrorists," he said. Asked about infiltration of militants from across the border, he said the "Army was doing a great job in checking infiltration". "We had a lot of success on the borders. But since it is a difficult border, some people are managing to enter. But in the hinterland, they are getting neutralised," Vaid said. He said that snowfall takes place around December and passes start closing so there was an effort from across the border to push as many terrorists before that. "We will continue with our operations and very soon peace will return to Kashmir. Already much (has been done). I am hopeful that things will improve further,"he added. On police personnel joining militancy, he said that two such cases had come to his notice. "We are looking into the causes. There are various reasons. After all the police is also part of the same society and you can get influenced. You live in same society, same villages. It is not a serious challenge. We have taken steps to safeguard the police force from being targeted by terrorists," he said. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 9, 2017, 8:55 [IST] India abstains on UNGA resolution calling for Russia to pay reparations to Ukraine This is the truth: All people of India are Hindus says Dr. Mohan Bhagwat New cross country train, Bandhan Express launched by Modi, Sheikh Hasina India oi-Deepika By Deepika Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina on Thursday jointly launched 'Bandhan Express,' a new passenger train service between Kolkata and Bangladesh's southwestern industrial city of Khulna. The two premiers inaugurated the service through video-conferencing. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee joined the conference from Kolkata railway station. It will operate on the Khulna-Kolkata route with an aim to facilitate travel between the two neighbouring countries. Bandhan Express will be the second train which will run between the two countries. Although the service is being launched on Thursday, it will start operating only on November 16. They would also launch two railway bridges, built with Indian line of credit, and an "end-to-end" immigration facility to ease Dhaka-Kolkata 'Maitree' train services. At present, Indians going to Bangladesh or Bangladeshis visiting India have to complete the immigration process at Darshana station in Bangladesh and at India's Gede point, where they have to wait for hours. The two new bridges have been built on the Bhairab and the Titas rivers for the second track for simultaneous operation of up and down train services from Dhaka to southeastern Chittagong and northeastern Sylhet. "We will call the new structures as the second Bhairab bridge and the second Titas bridge," a railway official said. The 984-metre-long and seven-metre-wide Bhairab Railway Bridge was built at a cost of 567 crore Taka while the 218- metre-long and 70-metre-wide new Titas Bridge has been built at a cost of 161 crores Taka by two Indian companies. With the launch of Bandhan Express ties between India and Bangladesh will further strengthen to newer heights and the new train service will clearly boost healthy friendship between the two neighbouring countries. OneIndia News INX media case: SC seeks CBI's stand on Karti Chidambaram's plea to travel abroad India oi-Deepika By Deepika The Supreme Court on Thursday adjourned the INX media case involving former Union Minister P Chidambaram's son Karti Chidambaram till November 16. The SC asked CBI to respond whether Karti Chidambaram could be allowed to travel abroad for 4-5 days and what can be the conditions imposed on him so that he does not escape. A bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices AM Khanwilkar and DY Chandrachud asked additional solicitor general Tushar Mehta, representing CBI, to seek instruction on the issue and apprise it next Thursday. Karti Chidambaram had moved the court as the government has issued a lookout circular against him - preventing him from travelling abroad - in connection with the INX Media case. During the hearing, the bench perused the documents supplied by CBI in a sealed cover relating to materials found during the investigation conducted so far. In the previous hearing, the SC rejected his plea seeking permission to travel abroad in connection with the INX Media case. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), earlier, had opposed the plea, saying Karti might tamper with the evidence in the UK, which is very crucial for the ongoing investigation. Karti's lawyer Kapil Sibal told the apex court that the former was not a 'fugitive of justice'. The case was heard by a three-judge bench, headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra. It has been alleged that Karti illegally took service charges for getting the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance to the INX Media for receiving funds from abroad worth Rs. 305 crore in 2007, when his father P Chidambaram was the finance minister in Congress-led UPA government. OneIndia News Fact Check: No, Raghuram Rajan is not the new Governor of the Bank of England Sorry, Raghuram Rajan is not interested in AAPs Rajya Sabha seat offer India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Nov 9: Former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajan once famously said, "My name is Raghuram Rajan and I do what I do." Even his latest book is titled, I Do What I Do. True to his words, the world-renowned economist, who is also the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in the US, does what he want to do. So, when the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) expressed its interest to nominate the 54-year-old economist to the Rajya Sabha, the former RBI Governor politely refused the offer. In a short statement issued on Wednesday, his office at the University of Chicago said: "While Professor Rajan is engaged in a variety of educational activities in India, he has no plans to leave his full-time academic job at the University of Chicago." In fact, only last year he went back to academics after finishing his tenure as the RBI Governor. Although Rajan himself has admitted that he was interested in a second-term in the office, but the Narendra Modi government did not offer him the job again. On Wednesday, reports stated that the AAP approached Rajan offering him a Rajya Sabha seat and might not nominate its own leaders to the Upper House. An AAP leader, who did not wish to be identified, said the party will not field any of its leaders for the three Rajya Sabha seats from Delhi that will fall vacant early next year. With its brute majority of 66 in the Delhi Legislative Assembly, a victory looks certain. Apart from Rajan, the party is also looking for an eminent jurist and a known person from the field of social service for the other two seats, the leader said. "We have approached him, but he is yet to revert to us," the leader added. Delhi sends three members to Rajya Sabha. Currently, the city-state is being represented by Janardan Dwivedi, Parvez Hashmi, Karan Singh, whose terms end in January next year. AAP leader Ashish Khetan confirmed party convener and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal's choice on Twitter. See the contrast. @narendramodi recently sent @AmitShah to Rajya Sabha. While @ArvindKejriwal wants to send Mr. Raghuram Rajan to the upper house. Ashish Khetan (@AashishKhetan) November 8, 2017 OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 9, 2017, 11:04 [IST] KJ Alphons triggers '#KannanthanamChallenge' with his sleeping pics, Twitterati just can't keep calm Union Minister Alphons elected Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Tourism Minister KJ Alphons was elected as Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan unopposed on Thursday after the opposition Congress did not put up a candidate in the fray. The seat had been vacant after former MP M Venkaiah Naidu was elected as the Vice President. The election for the seat was supposed to be held on November 16. In a cabinet reshuffle on 3 September 2017, Alphons was appointed as minister of state in the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology and Minister of State (independent charge) of the Ministry of Tourism. Since he was not a member of Parliament, he had to enter either house of the Indian Parliament within six months. Alphons's contest from Rajasthan was not easy as BJP MLA Ghanshyam Tiwari called the minister's nomination for the Rajya Sabha seat from Rajasthan as "unfair", alleging that the rights the state's party workers had been compromised. "Outsider candidates who have no mass support in their state file nominations from here which is unfair," the legislator said in a statement issued soon after filing of nomination. (With agency inputs) When Modi turns Lord Ram to fight against demonetisation India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Ranchi, Nov 9: We all know how much the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) reveres the Hindu god Lord Ram. In fact, it was because of its fight to build the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh that the saffron party managed to grab power at the Centre back in the 1990s. The BJP's love affair with Lord Ram continues even in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's era. On Wednesday, to mark the first anniversary of demonetisation, an over-enthusiastic BJP ended up putting up a hoarding of PM Modi showing him as Lord Ram fighting against "evils" confronting the country in Jharkhand. According to The Indian Express, the hoarding showed Modi armed with a bow and arrows like Lord Ram. "Four 'arrows', directed at a 10-headed demon, are labelled demonetisation, cases against corrupt, seizures of properties of corrupt and special courts for early conviction. The demon has 'kaala dhan' and 'bhrashtachar' mentioned on it," added The Indian Express. After critics mocked the saffron party for comparing Modi with the Hindu deity, the Jharkhand unit of BJP officially distanced itself from the hoarding calling it an act of an overzealous party leader. BJP spokesperson Pratul Shahdev said, "There was nothing official about it (the hoarding). But we sincerely apologise that it got circulated in the media without approval at any level. We will get it checked, as to how it happened." As the BJP is trying to distance itself from the latest controversy over "Ram", it is not for the first time that our politicians are being shown as gods and goddesses. In fact, a grand temple worth Rs30 crore is going to be built in honour of Modi in Meerut district of UP. The temple would be built in the Sardhana area of Meerut where a 100-foot statue of Modi would be installed. Even a temple in Mahbubnagar district of Telangana has been devoted to Congress president Sonia Gandhi where her idol was installed back in 2014. Often supporters of politicians try to associate their leaders with gods and goddesses to bring the angle of divinity in them. The latest attempt by the BJP to compare Modi with Lord Ram has come at a time when the party is facing flak over demonetisation, the Goods and Services Tax (GST), rise in hike of prices of fuels and essential items and lack of jobs in the market, to name a few problems of the country. On Wednesday when the Opposition held several protests across the country over demonetisation, the Modi government celebrated the day as "anti-black money day". The opposition 'mourned' the first anniversary of demonetisation as "black day". OneIndia News 29 civilians 'will die' if not evacuated from Syria's Ghouta, says UN International pti-PTI Geneva, Nov 9: Some 400 civilians are in urgent need of medical evacuation from Syria's Eastern Ghouta region, including 29 who will die if they are not allowed to leave immediately, the United Nations warned. "Around 400 men, women, children... need to be evacuated now," Jan Egeland, head of the UN's humanitarian taskforce for Syria, told reporters in Geneva, adding that 29 of them, including 18 children "will die if they are not evacuated." As of now, "we have confirmation of seven patients dead because they were not evacuated, some of them children," he said. The Eastern Ghouta region, near the capital Damascus, is one of the last strongholds of rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime. Egeland said the region was now "the epicentre of suffering" in the war-ravaged country, with some 400,000 civilians stuck in a dozen besieged towns and villages. The region, where a "de-escalation zone" deal was agreed by regime allies Iran and Russia and rebel backer Turkey in July, is now seeing increasingly dire conditions, he said. "Since September, it has been completely sealed off," he said, pointing out that UN convoys are now the only lifeline to the area, and more often than not, those convoys are unable to get through. "We cannot continue like that. If we get in only a fraction of what is needed, it would be a complete catastrophe," he said. UN staff last week entered the area for a few hours and assessed that there are now "a growing number of acutely malnourished children," meaning they are "very close to dying," Egeland said. He said many were babies whose mothers had been too malnourished themselves to breastfeed. He pointed out that since May, efforts to carry out desperately needed medical evacuations from the area have largely failed, with only about a dozen patients evacuated to date. This has created a situation where hundreds of civilians, most of them women and children, need to be evacuated. They are currently languishing "in clinics, in basements, in makeshift hospitals inside the Eastern Ghouta besieged towns and villages," Egeland said. "They range from acutely malnourished children ... to severely wounded civilians, children, women, men. We really cannot understand that they can't be evacuated," he added. More than 330,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011 with anti-government protests, before spiralling into a complex, multi-front war that drew in international forces and jihadists. PTI Israel trip row: Priti Patel resigns as UK minister International pti-PTI London, November 9: Over the unauthorised secret meetings with Israeli politicians, Britain's senior-most Indian-origin minister Priti Patel tendered resignation from her Cabinet post after a meeting at Downing Street with Prime Minister Theresa May. Patel's position as international development minister had become increasingly untenable after it emerged that she had two further meetings with Israeli officials that were not disclosed through the proper procedure. In her resignation, Patel again apologised and said her actions "fell below the standards of transparency and openness that I have promoted and advocated". It follows a week of controversies around a dozen undisclosed meetings she had with other Israelis, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for which she had been forced to apologise. Her departure from the Cabinet marks an abrupt halt to the meteoric rise of the Gujarati-origin MP, often touted as a potential future leader of the Conservative party and a prime ministerial candidate. The 45-year-old was elected as a Conservative MP for Witham in Essex in 2010 and gained prominence in the then David Cameron-led Tory government as his 'Indian Diaspora Champion'. She went on to be appointed to junior ministerial posts, treasury minister in 2014 and then employment minister after the 2015 general election, before May promoted her to secretary of state in the department for international development (DfID) last year. A longstanding Eurosceptic, Patel is among the most vocal supporters of Brexit and had steered the 'Vote Leave' campaign in the lead up to the June 2016 referendum in favour of Britain's exit from the European Union (EU). She must have hoped that the storm around her undisclosed meetings in Israel would die down after a formal apology before she flew out to Africa for an official tour of Uganda and Ethiopia yesterday. But she was unable to attend any of the scheduled meetings as she was ordered to abandon the visit and fly back to London today "at the request of the prime minister". Earlier this week, Downing Street had said that May had accepted Patel's apology over a series of meetings while she was on holiday in Israel in August without reporting them to the Foreign Office. But new revelations of further meetings with Israeli officials following that visit had made Patel's position within the Cabinet very precarious. It is understood that she met Israel's public security minister Gilad Erdan in the UK Parliament complex in early September and an Israeli foreign ministry official Yuval Rotem in New York later that month. The British premier was reportedly told about the unreported New York meeting during Patel's apology conversation at Downing Street on Monday but only learned about her unreported meeting with Erdan after the talks. Ministers are required to tell the UK Foreign Office when they are conducting official business overseas, but it emerged that British diplomats in Israel were not informed about any of Patel's meetings which included a meeting with Netanyahu and other political figures as well as charity organisations. Opposition parties had been calling for Patel's resignation as minister in charge of DfID and the country's aid budget if it emerged that she had breached the ministerial code of conduct and failed to follow established protocol. In a letter to May, Labour's shadow Cabinet Office minister Jon Trickett had called on the premier to either call in her independent adviser on ministerial standards to investigate, or "state publicly and explain your full reasons for why Priti Patel retains your confidence". In her apology statement on Monday, Patel had attributed the unreported meetings to "enthusiasm". "In hindsight, I can see how my enthusiasm to engage in this way could be misread, and how meetings were set up and reported in a way which did not accord with the usual procedures. I am sorry for this and I apologise for it," she said. Her conduct had already led May to direct her Cabinet Office to look into tightening the ministerial code of conduct to avoid any such incidents in future. Downing Street was also forced to deny that Patel's meetings in Israel had led to any change of political stance on the region after it emerged that in the wake of her visit in August, Patel had discussed potentially providing some of Britain's aid money to Israel's armed forces which run field hospitals in the disputed Golan Heights area. Britain does not officially recognise Israeli occupation of the area, seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War, and DfID was reportedly advised against any such move. According to an Israeli media report, during her August visit to Israel, Patel also visited an Israeli military field hospital in the Golan Heights. Manuel Hassassian, the Palestinian ambassador to the UK, said the offer to send aid money to the Israeli army made a mockery of the British government's claim to be "pushing for a two-state solution". "It was shocking for me a Cabinet minister breaking the ministerial protocol and meeting 12 officials, high-ranking, including Netanyahu," he added. Patel has been a longstanding supporter of Israel and also a former vice-chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel group. Meanwhile, it was also claimed that Patel deliberately avoided facing questions over the issue from MPs in the House of Commons today, by bringing forward her flight to Kenya. It was left to her junior, DfID minister of state for the Middle East Alistair Burt, to defend his boss' actions in Parliament. "The meetings were not particularly secret...If I had gone to Israel, I would have wanted a schedule like this," he told MPs. It was widely believed that the delay in dismissing Patel was because the prime minister was more at ease keeping pro- Brexit MPs close at hand to prevent them doing too much damage as opponents of government decisions on the Tory backbenches. But with her departure now, May has lost a second senior minister within a week, after Sir Michael Fallon stood down as defence minister amid allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards female journalists. Another of her close Cabinet allies, first secretary of state Damian Green, is also under investigation over misconduct allegations and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has been under fire over his handling of a case involving a British Iranian jailed in Tehran. The prime minister has been desperate not to shake up her already tenuous hold on Downing Street ever since her decision to call a snap general election in June backfired and lost the Conservative party its majority in Parliament. But Theresa May has been increasingly seen as a weak leader trying to steady a very shaky regime. PTI What is the risk of Putin using a nuclear weapon? 'If NATO clashes with Russian army, it will lead to global catastrophe,' says Putin NATO to increase cyber weaponry to combat resurgent Russia International pti-PTI Brussels, November 9: NATO is upgrading capabilities to combat a resurgent Russia, also, the alliance members agreed to increase the use of cyber weaponry and tactics during military operations. The changes are part of the alliance's biggest shakeup since the Cold War, with defence ministers backing the creation of two new command centres to help protect Europe. The revamp reflects the "changed security environment" of recent years, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said at a meeting of defence ministers in Brussels. The threat to the alliance's eastern flank has grown as a concern after Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. "We are now integrating cyber effects into NATO missions and operations to respond to a changed and new security environment where cyber is part of the threat picture we have to respond to," Stoltenberg said. "In any military conflict cyber will be an integral part and therefore we need to strengthen our cyber defences and our cyber capabilities," he added, noting that such tactics have been effective in the fight against IS in Iraq and Syria. After years of stripping back its command structure since the end of the Cold War, NATO wants to add the new command centres -- one to protect lines of communication across the Atlantic and one to coordinate the movement of troops and equipment around Europe. The creation of a new NATO cyber operations hub comes as the alliance faces hundreds of attacks on its networks every month and fears grow over the Kremlin's electronic tactics. NATO declared cyber -- where attackers disrupt websites, intercept communications and sabotage technologies used in combat -- as a conflict domain last year, putting it on a par with land, sea and air. "We have seen a more assertive Russia, we have seen a Russia which has over many years invested heavily in their military capabilities," Stoltenberg said. "NATO has to be able to respond to that. We are constantly adapting and what we are doing in Europe now is part of that adaptation." Cyber capabilities will now be included in NATO missions in the same way as planes, tanks and ships -- fully integrated but still under the control of the contributing country. Defence ministers will be joined by the EU's diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini in the two-day meet at NATO headquarters will also cover the North Korean nuclear crisis. PTI With the number of anonymous rogues from Pak rising, here's how BSF is beating down the drones Pakistan PM calls for sustained engagement with Afghanistan International pti-PTI Islamabad, November 9: After a diplomatic official serving at Pakistan's consulate general in the Afghan city of Jalalabad was killed, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has emphasised the need to promote cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan through sustained engagement. He stated this while speaking to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani who telephoned him to condole the killing of the diplomatic official Nayyer Iqbal Rana. The prime minister conveyed to the Afghan president that Pakistan was deeply saddened at the killing of its diplomat. He thanked the Afghan president for his condolences and said Pakistan expected that urgent steps would be taken by the Afghan government to apprehend the culprits of the crime and bring them to the justice swiftly. Abbasi emphasised the need for cooperation and said that to realise this objective, "it is important that our two governments should collectively work for deepening the conducive environment" of relations between the two countries. He also requested the Afghan president that the security of Pakistani nationals in Afghanistan including diplomats be strengthened. PTI No decision to provide EWS flats to Rohingya illegal migrants in Delhi: MHA What about undocumented Indians living abroad: Manish Tewari on BJP's Rohingya threat to nation comment India's stand on Rohingyas gracious so far but housing them would be risky The Rohingya influx continues as Tripura police nets seven of them Rohingya crisis: How single mothers, lost children are struggling in refugee camps International oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Dhaka, Nov 9: At least 622,000 Rohingya refugees have taken shelter in various camps in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar district since they fled Myanmar to avoid violence and persecution beginning from August 25. Aid agencies, including the United Nations (UN), working for the Rohingyas in the refugee camps have been constantly highlighting their plight. Recently, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) finished the first stage of Rohingya family counting in Bangladesh using innovative data collection technology. The survey has revealed a worrying trend: one-third of the refugee families are vulnerable. "In an innovative and revealing family counting exercise, the UNHCR teams found that one-third of the families are vulnerable," Duniya Aslam Khan, spokesperson for the UNHCR, told reporters in Geneva. Khan said that "14 per cent are single mothers holding their families together with little support in harsh camp conditions. Others are struggling with serious health problems or disabilities." The survey also revealed high proportion of elderly people at risk and unaccompanied and separated children--some of them taking care of younger siblings--in the refugee camps. In fact, children and women made up more than half of the total population. The individual biometric registration exercise, jointly conducted by the UNHCR and the Bangladesh's Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission (RRRC), took place in the Kutupalong camp, makeshift and extension areas and Balukhali makeshift areas. More than 100 UNHCR-hired enumerators have so far gathered data on 120,284 families comprising 517,643 refugees. The emergency registration was made successful thanks to the new data collecting technology, stated a press release of the UN. The geo-tagged data collection device was designed to use GPS even without network coverage, making data consolidation and analysis more efficient. The barcoded RRRC Family Counting Card has also given a shape to Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh in terms of demography and location. "Because the refugees are still on the move and site zoning is still in progress, the enumerators visit their shelters individually, meaning that refugees do not have to queue to be counted," Khan explained. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Thursday, November 9, 2017, 6:26 [IST] The events of November 10, 1898 in Wilmington, North Carolina provide added contraction to the recent claim by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly that the U.S. Civil War resulted from a failure to "compromise." On that Thursday nearly 120-years ago a rampaging mob led by a former Confederate Army officer unleashed the only successful insurrection in American history with the violent overthrow of Wilmington's legitimately elected municipal government. During that insurrection -- allowed to stand by state and federal authorities -- dozens of African-Americans were murdered. Insurrectionists ordered hundreds to leave that coastal city including liberal whites the insurrectionists felt embraced blacks by respecting the rights the U.S. Constitution extended to all including blacks. Those Wilmington insurrectionists had no desire for compromise because their intent was control through white supremacy. Since those insurrectionists sought to reestablish pre-Civil War total political and economic dominance for whites over blacks, no compromise was acceptable. The "White Declaration of Independence" issued by those Wilmington insurrectionists asserted whites in that area would, "never again be ruled" by blacks. That Declaration's "never again" phrase was unequivocal evidence the insurrectionists had no desire to compromise. Insurrectionists in Wilmington burn black owned newspaper. (Image by none) Details DMCA The stance of those Wilmington, N.C. insurrectionists, cemented in white supremacy, was similar to sentiments of the Confederates who launched an armed revolt against the authority of the United States government in April 1861. Confederates disregarded an attempted compromise in the form of a planned amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would have barred Congress from outlawing slavery. Congress approved that constitution changing amendment -- known as the Corwin Amendment -- weeks before Confederates attacked a U.S. Army fort in Charlestown, SC that started the Civil War. That war stopped the ratification process of the Corwin Amendment by individual states as required by the Constitution. That failure to compromise claim of Kelly, uttered during a recent interview on FOX News, evidenced extraordinary ignorance of American history from a man who was once a ranking general in the U.S. Marine Corps and/or engrained bigotry in the brain of President Trump's right hand man. Kelly's failure to compromise claim about the Civil War infers a false equivalence placing equal blame on officials in both the North and South. Evidence is clear that Southerners wanted white supremacy inclusive of slavery on their terms only. Kelly's false equivalence follows in the footsteps of President Trump's August utterance placing blame for the bloody, deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia equally on white racists and the counter-protestors. During that FOX interview the White House Chief of Staff praised the leader of the Confederate Army, Robert E. Lee, as "an honorable man" -- a declaration that coddled Lee's status as a traitor to the U.S. Constitution that Kelly swears allegiance to uphold. "To suggest anything honorable about the people who divided our nation in an effort to keep Black people enslaved isn't just offensive -- it's dishonorable," stated a recent email blast from the President of the NAACP, America's oldest civil rights organization founded in the wake of a white rampage against blacks ten years after the Wilmington insurrection. The perception of political oppression from blacks proclaimed by the Wilmington insurrectionists in 1898 erupted from their blinding bigotry because whites at that time held the post of Wilmington's mayor, seven of the ten city council seats and the overwhelming majority of other Wilmington city government posts from city attorney to superintendent of schools to garbage collection. "The overthrow or coup d'etat took place within the context of an ongoing statewide campaign based on white supremacy," stated a 500-page report issued in 2006 by a commission appointed by the North Carolina legislature to examine the long ignored insurrection in Wilmington. The Commission's report particularly faulted "historians" for perpetuating the falsehood that violence by the insurrectionists "was necessary to restore order." Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). (This is a reprint from NewsBred) Bharatiya Janata Party Rajya Sabha MP, Ravindra Kishore Sinha, has sought Privileges Proceedings against top brass of Indian Express, namely, (a) Vivek Goenka, chairman; (b) Rajkamal Jha, chief editor; (c) Ritu Sarin and (d) Shyamlal Yadav on its "motivated attempt to tarnish his reputation" via expose on "Paradise Papers" on November 6, 2017. In a letter written to Venkaiah Naidu, Chairman, Rajya Sabha, published as an advertisement in newspapers on Wednesday, Sinha has accused Indian Express of "unethical journalism"in the name of freedom of the press." Indian Express had alleged that Sinha was "illegally associated with (a) an offshore company, viz SIS Asia Pacific Holding Limited (SAPHL), incorporated in Malta ; (b) that his nomination papers of Rajya Sabha election in 2014 didn't declare his interest in offshore entities. In his detailed letter/advertisement, Sinha has pointed out (i) Malta has an approved jurisdiction of full Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with India and doesn't amount to "tax evasion, money laundering or any malafide intent"; (ii) His holding company recently underwent "in-depth scrutiny by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)"covering all regulations, including the Companies Act, Income Tax Act, SCRA, Stamp Act, FIPB, FEMA etc"no deficiency was found in terms of compliance." (iii) Rajya Sabha nomination form requires only "provisions of details of Assets and Liabilities of which I am the owner or direct beneficiary" which is not true in Sinha's case (see the full advertisement in pic). Sinha's anguish stems from a clearly "vested interest" of Indian Express in publishing the report--and a sneering a mocking version of it online--which he termed as "misleading and devoid of facts," despite Sinha having shared the details with Indian Express ! Over to Sinha: "These facts were transparently shared with the Indian Express team prior to publication of the news report. Despite that, they have carried the misleading report devoid of facts and indulged in reputation assassination for vested interests." "If the Indian Express claims to be the beacon of independent journalism, why are they not targeting other reputed public figures such as Sachin Pilot, P. Chidambaram, Pinarayi Vijayan etc who have all been named in the ICU Paradise Papers?" "The Indian Express report is unethical journalism in the name of freedom of the press/freedom of speech and is motivated attempt to tarnish my reputation built over decades. It is extremely sad to see the high standards of neutral and independent journalism set by Ramnath Goenka being destroyed under the current editorial leadership." In one word: Damning!!! One doesn't know if Sinha tried to put this advertisement in Indian Express for it's not in its today's edition. Or, if he did and failed in his attempt. Still, the matter is now in public domain and Express would've to come up with an explanation. At least the Privilege Proceedings against Indian Express is being sought for. Whether Editors' Guild of India reacts to it is a guess as good as yours as mine. Press Council of India, a Central Statutory Authority, under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting--Mrs Smriti Irani being at the helm--surely should step in as Fake News in Mainstream Media--Lutyens' Media--is more rampant than ever. From Smirking Chimp After 2017's election night, the Republicans are on the brink of falling apart as a national party -- and everybody who has been around politics longer than President Trump knows it. "Ed Gillespie's resounding loss in Tuesday's Virginia governor's race -- coupled with a series of other losses in lower-profile races around the country -- will likely take what was bubbling concern among Republicans about their prospects in the 2018 midterms and transform it into a frothing cauldron of panic," wrote Chris Cillizza, CNN's editor-at-large and a longtime Washington analyst. "That panic is born not from the fact of Gillespie's defeat but the way in which he lost -- and the role President Donald Trump and Trumpism played in that loss." As bad as the results were for Republicans on Tuesday (Democrats won two governors' races as well as legislative majorities in several states, and elected a deep bench of progressives to mayoral and other down-ballot posts), Trump's response in the aftermath will only make matters worse for the GOP. First, Trump tweeted that Gillespie didn't follow his cues. "Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for," Trump said. That's false, because Gillespie did what Republicans across the country thought was their best strategy: embrace Trumpism but not Donald Trump. Gillespie defended Confederate monuments, made racist attacks against Latin Americans (by accusing youths of being gang members), and pledged to outlaw sanctuary cities and repeal the restoration of voting to ex-felons. What did the president do next? His administration Wednesday issued its latest Cuba sanctions, alienating many Latinos, who according to exit polls, turned out to vote in record numbers in Virginia on Tuesday. Trump isn't going to change course. Neither is his base, nor its stalwart supporters. On Steve Bannon's, Wednesday morning's lineup completely ignored Tuesday's results. Instead, there was a gamut of stories revving up nostalgia for Trump's victory a year ago. The lead story was, "November 8, 2016: The Untold Story of Breitbart's Election Night." Down the page was its preview of Virginia's governor's race, instead of coverage of the results. "The contest between the two milquetoast and uninspiring establishment candidates represents nearly everything voters hate about politics," Breitbart claimed. Outside Trumplandia, as many Republicans and political observers know, the opposite is true. A majority of Virginia voters rejected Trump's divisive politics and embraced competent governing -- or the prospect of it. The conservative National Review's Jim Geraghty put this rejection of Trumpism as bluntly as any seasoned Republican. "If last night had brought a routine disappointment for Republicans -- say, the statewide candidates losing by a few points and only a handful of state assembly seats flipping to the Democrats -- the 'blame Trump' argument would be weaker," Geraghty wrote. "But last night was the worst night for Republicans in Virginia in a long time. Gillespie lost by the worst margin for a Republican gubernatorial candidate in the state since 1985. No GOP statewide candidate hit 48 percent. Perhaps more significantly, Republicans entered Election Day with a 17-seat margin in the state assembly and lost at least 13, with seven seats too close to call this morning." (By midday Wednesday, Democrats had won 15 of those seats, including 11 by women candidates.) What's apparent to Republicans who haven't drunk the Trump-Breitbart-Fox News Kool-Aid is that Trumpism and following the party's white nationalist fringe is a recipe for sending the GOP into the wilderness. Trump-style extremism may help copycats win low-turnout primaries to get onto fall ballots. But it's increasingly apparent that such extremism is a formula for losing in the general election. CNN's Cillizza, who used to write the Washington Post's Fix column handicapping candidates, noted Gillespie's Trump-like messaging completely failed in the party's wealthier northern Virginia suburbs, which are like many GOP strongholds across America. David Wasserman, the U.S. House editor for the Cook Political Report, noted that Trump's messaging also failed in Richmond and the suburbs around Hampton Roads, which are conservative and home to nearby military bases. As a result, six of 10 Virginians told exit pollsters they strongly disapproved of the job Trump is doing -- that is, his style, his substance and his accomplishments. "There's simply no way to explain the demolition of Gillespie in the suburbs and exurbs other than a strong distaste for Trump among those voters," Cillizza said. "And, for all of the caveats and the don't-read-too-much-into-one-race-ism by the 'smart' political reporters, the simple fact is that every single Republican politician in the halls of Congress will be paying very close attention to what happened in Virginia Tuesday night and wondering what it all means for them." He continued: "What it means -- at least as of today -- is this: Trump remains a potent and powerful force in Republican primaries. But, he is a potentially toxic taint with the broader general electorate. Which puts Republicans -- especially those facing potentially serious primary challenges or who sit in swing districts in the general election -- in a no-win position. Run away from Trump and risk losing your primary fight. Run with Trump and risk losing the general election. Badly." This no-win frame -- that standing with Trump will be an electoral death knell in next November's federal elections -- was also seen in results outside Virginia. In New Jersey, where voters were tired of the antics of another GOP bully, outgoing Gov. Chris Christie, Democrats won a complete lock on legislative and executive branch power. In Maine, where another red belligerent is governor, voters said no to dismantling Obamacare and voted to expand Maine's Medicaid program under the Affordable Care Act. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). This article originally appeared at Back in May 2013, a word came to mind that I wanted to see in all our vocabularies. It wasn't the ever-present "terrorist" but "terrarist" and I meant it to describe people intent on destroying the planetary environment that had welcomed and nurtured so many species, including our own, for so long; in other words, human beings willing to commit "terracide." I had in mind the CEOs of the biggest energy companies, the ones whose scientists understood global warming perfectly well decades ago and who still were ready to put their corporate money into supporting climate denialism. At the time I wrote: "If the oil execs aren't terrarists, then who is? And if that doesn't make the big energy companies criminal enterprises, then how would you define that term? To destroy our planet with malice aforethought, with only the most immediate profits on the brain, with only your own comfort and wellbeing (and those of your shareholders) in mind: Isn't that the ultimate crime? Isn't that terracide?" Of course, that was in the good old days before Donald Trump and his cronies filled a whole administration to the tipping point with so-called climate skeptics and outright climate-change denialists. And this continues to happen, even as one report or study after another confirms that humanity and its fossil fuels are heating the planet at a remarkable rate and filling its atmosphere with carbon dioxide at a record pace. In the end, Trump and his crew may prove to be the biggest collection of criminals -- in terms of harm to this world -- ever. And it should be considered a historical irony (of sorts) that, on this issue, the Republicans, once the American party of the environment, are with them all the way. If you want an example of what this means in practice, take Donald Trump's secretary of the interior, former Montana Republican Congressman Ryan Zinke. In June, he addressed the American Petroleum Institute's board of directors at Washington's Trump International Hotel (on the very day his department announced plans to get rid of an Obama era regulation on payments for drilling and mining on federal land) and he also chartered a plane owned by oil and gas execs at a cost of $12,000 to American taxpayers for a domestic trip that would have cost $300 commercially; meanwhile, he's been doing everything in his power to open up America's protected areas to energy exploitation, shrink the boundaries of such areas, slash the Park Service budget meant to protect them, and even make them more expensive for ordinary Americans to visit. And if you think that's a mouthful of a run-on sentence, it only begins to hint at where this administration is heading with its energy fantasies about how this planet should operate. As TomDispatchregular Subhankar Banerjee, an expert on Alaska's Arctic lands and seas, points out today, no previously protected spot is likely to be spared such attention. In this context, think of the Trump White House as the Exxon Valdez of administrations and a group of terrarists all rolled into one. Tom Drilling, Drilling, Everywhere... Will the Trump Administration Take Down the Arctic Refuge? By Subhankar Banerjee What happens in the Arctic doesn't just stay up north. It affects the world, as that region is the integrator of our planet's climate systems, atmospheric and oceanic. At the moment, the northernmost places on Earth are warming at more than twice the global average, a phenomenon whose impact is already being felt planetwide. Welcome to the world of climate breakdown -- and to the world of Donald Trump. The set of climate feedbacks contributing to further warming in the Arctic are about to be aided and abetted by President Trump, his Interior Department, and a Republican-controlled Congress. The impact of their decisions will be experienced around the world. While the United States is still recovering from the deaths, suffering, and devastation caused by extreme hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, as well as historically deadly wildfires across the West, Trump's Department of the Interior is preparing a five-year strategic plan that never once mentions climate change or climate science. It does, however, plan to open previously protected public lands of all sorts to the increased exploitation of fossil fuels -- and Arctic Alaska is anything but exempt. "Alaska [is] open for business," Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke told a cheering crowd at an Alaska Oil and Gas Association conference in Anchorage earlier this year. The secretary was visiting as part of a presidential mandate to "prepare our country to be energy dominant" -- even though the U.S. has been the largest global producer of oil and gas since 2012 and, in this era, has often been referred to as "Saudi America." What that energy-dominance slogan signals is nothing short of the beginning of a war against environmental conservation, justice, and the planet as a welcoming habitat for all life. "The only path for energy dominance is a path through the great state of Alaska," Zinke assured the Anchorage audience. What he evidently wants to do is sell off the most ecologically and culturally significant places in the state to Big Oil. On the sacrifice block is a long endangered stretch of public land, Area 1002, or the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a biological nursery of global significance and a place sacred to the indigenous Gwich'in Nation. Like her father, also a Republican senator from Alaska, Lisa Murkowski is championing the task of opening the refuge to drilling by abusing the filibuster-proof budget process rather than debating this controversial issue as stand-alone legislation in Congress. I first visited the Arctic Refuge in March 2001, spending a never-to-be-forgotten 14 months there during which, among so many other remarkable sights, I watched a polar bear mother playing with her two cubs outside their den in the Canning River Delta. As sea ice in the region continues to rapidly disappear, thanks to accelerating global warming, and as species like the polar bear that once used that sea ice as a primary denning habitat struggle for survival, the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge becomes increasingly significant as a land-denning habitat. And keep in mind that it's a place that harbors the highest density of onshore polar bear dens in Alaska. Any seismic exploration and drilling activities in the refuge are expected to severely affect those bears. (Seismic exploration is the process by which subsurface deposits of fossil fuels and minerals are detected by using shock waves.) On that first visit to the refuge, I witnessed caribou from the Porcupine River herd giving birth around our tent. Nearly 200,000 of them migrate more than 1,500 miles annually from their wintering habitats to the south to their calving grounds on the coastal plain and back again, the longest land migration of any mammal on Earth. In the summer months, I had difficulty sleeping because the sun quite literally never sets and birds sing around the clock. More than 90 species of them migrate from five continents and all 50 states to nest and rear their young on that coastal plain. No wonder the Gwich'in people call it "the sacred place where life begins." A Vast Transnational Nursery "Saddle up, it's going to be a tough fight, but we come from survivors, we come from warriors," Bernadette Demientieff, executive director of the Gwich'in Steering Committee wrote in a Facebook post, as she faced the increasingly grim Trumpian future that seems to be in store for the preserve. To understand the situation she and her people find themselves in, join me on a brief journey into what might be called multispecies justice. On December 6, 1960, after a decade-long campaign by conservationists George Collins, Lowell Sumner, and Olaus and Mardy Murie, among others, Secretary of the Interior Fred Seaton signed Public Land Order 2214 setting aside 8.9 million acres in northeast Alaska as the Arctic National Wildlife Range. Its purpose: "preserving unique wildlife, wilderness, and recreational values." Twenty years later, the "range" was renamed a "refuge" and more than doubled in size as part of the Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act, or ANILCA, signed into law on December 2, 1980, by President Jimmy Carter. Protecting the habitat of the Porcupine River caribou herd was a crucial focus of the conservationists who helped create the refuge. Just as the original refuge was being established, the Gwich'in were beginning their own advocacy for the protection of the caribou. "Our people have been raising concerns about the impact of development on the caribou since the sixties," Gwich'in elder and activist Sarah James of Arctic Village told me during my visit to Alaska last month. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Dairy Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their diaries after publishing them. To see if the diary was renamed or re-published, please click here. Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Another shooting, another day in America. Or so it seems. With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country's fragile ecosystem, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry. Take this latest mass shooting that took place at a small church in a small Texas town. The lone gunman--a former member of the Air Force--was dressed all in black, wearing body armor, a tactical vest and a mask, and firing an assault rifle. Devin Patrick Kelley, the 26-year-old gunman, was described as a "regular guy" by those who knew him. This "regular" guy's shooting rampage left at least 26 people. President Trump and the Governor of Texas have chalked the shooting up to mental illness. That may well be the case here. Still, there's something to be said for the fact that this shooting bore many of the same marks of other recent attacks: the gunman appeared out of the blue without triggering any alarms, he was dressed like a soldier or militarized police officer, he was armed with military-style weapons and clearly trained in the art of killing, and the attacker died before any insight could be gained into his motives. As usual, we're left with more questions than answers and a whole lot more fear and anxiety. That sense of unease is growing. How do you keep a nation safe when not even seemingly "safe places" like churches and rock concerts and shopping malls are immune from violence? The government's answer, as always, will lead us further down the road we've travelled since 9/11 towards totalitarianism and away from freedom. Those who want safety at all costs will clamor for more gun control measures (if not at an outright ban on weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population and greater scrutiny of military veterans, more threat assessments and behavioral sensing warnings, more CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities, more "See Something, Say Something" programs aimed at turning Americans into snitches and spies, more metal detectors and whole-body imaging devices at soft targets, more roaming squads of militarized police empowered to do random bag searches, more fusion centers to centralize and disseminate information to law enforcement agencies, and more surveillance of what Americans say and do, where they go, what they buy and how they spend their time. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Smirking Chimp Donald Trump, the Snake Oil Salesman that Conned America (Image by Beverly & Pack) Details DMCA Donald Trump was elected president of the United States a year ago this week. His ascendancy in US politics has made visible a culture of cruelty, a contempt for civic literacy, a corrupt mode of governance and a disdain for informed judgment that has been decades in the making. It also points to the withering of civic attachments, the undoing of civic culture, the decline of public life, the erosion of any sense of shared citizenship and the death of commanding visions. As he visits Asia this week in a trip that those in the White House, as usual, feared could careen spectacularly off the rails, the world will once again witness how Trump's history of unabashed racism and politics of hate is transformed into a spectacle of fear, divisions and disinformation. Under Trump, the plague of mid-20th century authoritarianism and apocalyptic populism have returned in a unique American form. A year later, people in Asia and the rest of the world are watching, pondering how such a dreadful event and retreat from democracy could have taken place. How could a liberal society give up its ideals so quickly? What forces have undermined education to the extent that a relatively informed electorate allowed such a catastrophe to happen in an alleged democracy? George Orwell's "ignorance is strength" motto in 1984 has materialized in the Trump administration's attempts not only to rewrite history, but also to obliterate it. What we are witnessing is not simply politics but also a reworking of the very meaning of education both as an institution and as a broader cultural force. Trump, along with Fox News, Breitbart and other right-wing cultural institutions, echoes one of totalitarianism's most revered notions: That truth is a liability and ignorance a virtue. As the distinction between fact and fiction is maligned, so are the institutions that work to create informed citizens. In Trump's post-truth and alternative-facts world view, nothing is true, making it difficult for citizens to criticize and hold power accountable. Education Viewed With Disdain Education and critical thinking are regarded with disdain and science is confused with pseudo-science. All traces of critical thought appear only at the margins of the culture as ignorance becomes the primary organizing principle of American society. For instance, two thirds of the American public believe that creationism should be taught in schools and more than half of Republicans in Congress do not believe that climate change is caused by human activity. Shockingly, according to the Annenberg Public Policy Center, only 26 percent of Americans can name all three branches of government. In addition, a majority of Republicans believe that former President Barack Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim, a belief blessedly skewered upon Trump's arrival a few days ago in Hawaii, Obama's birthplace. Such ignorance on behalf of many Americans, Republicans and Trump supporters operates with a vengeance when it comes to higher education. Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Big Food is miffed that the days of "it's-none-of-your-business" farming are over. Once upon a time, consumers cared only about the price and wholesomeness of food and didn't worry about--or investigate--its origins and "disassembly." Now, consumers increasingly want to know how an animal lived, died, and even what it ate in between. Worse, they think it is their business. Some of the newly engaged consumers are motivated by health, wanting to avoid hormones in milk, antibiotics in beef, arsenic in chicken and who know what in seafood. Many more are motivated by ethics--not wanting to see animals suffer. Increasingly consumers want to know how their food was produced (Image by Martha Rosenberg) Details DMCA There is no question that animal rights activists, with the help of miniaturized cameras and the Web, have forced farm animal treatment onto the national front page with a parade of cruel and upsetting exposes. To capture the farm verite all they often have to do is get hired at a factory farm or slaughterhouse. How hard is it to get hired in a slaughterhouse or on factory farm? Can you fog a mirror? Do you have a pulse? Can you start this afternoon? There is not a long line to fill jobs whose descriptions are, "Remove dead animals from 98 degree ammonia-infused pens wearing face mask, $8 an hour possible, depending on experience," or "Determine sex of newborn chicks and grind up unwanted males for dog food: $6 dollars an hour; chance for advancement." Shocked at the new brand of conscientious food consumer, Big Food has pushed back. "Congress could require U.S. farmers to supply every pig, chicken, duck, and cow with private rooms, daily rubdowns, video iPods, and organic meals catered by Wolfgang Puck," said David Martosko the Center's the Director of Research, at Congressional hearings about humane slaughter. "But even this wouldn't satisfy activists who actually believe farm animals have the 'right' not to be eaten." The Animal Agriculture Alliance, another pushback group, told journalists that "improvements in animal welfare should be based on reason, science and experience, not on the opinions of activists who have absolutely no vested interest in farm animals." Of course "not having a vested financial stake in the use of animals" is exactly what legitimizes activists' complaints----they are not doing it "for the money." So it is no surprise that states, with the help of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), have been writing "Ag-Gag" bills that criminalize producing, distributing or even possessing photos and video taken without permission at an agricultural facility. They also criminalize lying on a work application to work at an agriculture facility "with an intent to commit an act not authorized by the owner." Is such "Kill the Messenger" protectionism legal? Probably not. Two years ago, a U.S. district court ruled such a law in Idaho unconstitutional because it denied the exercise of the right to free speech even though states' ag biz "may not agree with the message." Snuffing free speech may be a lot cheaper for Big Food than reforming animal production. But Big Food can't as easily suppress the new breed of conscientious consumers who want to know their food's origins. (Article changed on November 9, 2017 at 06:34) The calamity of suffering and destruction by Hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico is on a much greater scale than what Houston and Florida suffered for a variety or reasons. First, as gleaned from media accounts, Irma struck with much greater intensity, apparently destroying all but the most durable structures, including nearly all infrastructure facilities, bringing the island country to total paralysis. Parts of Houston suffered greatly, but were adjacent to unaffected areas that could offer immediate refuge and assistance. The main damage there, if I am not mistaken, was from flooding, which at extensive cost could be expected to return to normalcy within a reasonable time period. No such prediction for return to normalcy seems feasible for Puerto Rico. The situation there is complicated by its isolation from the U.S. mainland. Furthermore, the extent of damage appears far beyond what FIMA and other emergency resources are prepared to deal with, especially with the concurrent disasters. But there are other historical factors plaguing Puerto Rico's recovery, which you can look up in Wikipedia. Puerto Rico (= Rich Port) was a comparatively wealthy Spanish colony, benefitting mainly from sugar exports. The USA took ownership after the Spanish-American War, and it gradually shifted its economy to tourism and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, textiles, electronics, and chemicals by U.S. companies attracted by special tax incentives. These favorable tax policies expired in 2013, which along with other factors, contributed to Puerto Rico's virtual bankruptcy prior to Hurricane Irma. Although its industries provided jobs, the profits from its U.S. dominated industries did not stay on the island, as is typical of colonies. Perhaps the most significant obstacle to Puerto Rico's recovery is its status relative to the USA. Although its citizens are U.S. citizens, Puerto Rico remains a territory ultimately controlled by the U.S. Congress, which can determine its political and economic fate. (The United Nations Committee on Decolonization calls for the U.S. to expedite self-determination for Puerto Rico.) Puerto Rico, then, is like a foster child of the USA, and therefore Congress should assume full responsibility for its welfare. That could mean providing all essentials for the population and evacuating them, if necessary, to the continental USA while reconstruction is in progress. As an added thought, Puerto Rico presents an unusual opportunity to be a laboratory for the future. To rebuild as it was would expose it to the predicted ravages of future super hurricanes. No - it should be rebuilt to new standards that could much better withstand the onslaught of 150 MPH winds. Houses could be built with low profiles and steel skeletons well-anchored to the earth. Power grids could be placed underground and localized, using solar power, etc. The cost would be huge, of course. Token grants and subsidies would not cover it. Congress should pass a special tax for Puerto Rico's recovery, or levy a permanent tax for environmental disasters. (Perhaps all we can expect from the current Congress is to rename it Puerto Pobre.) This is no time for general tax reforms to lower taxes. From Consortium News Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence of Indiana speaking to supporters at an immigration policy speech at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. August 31, 2016. (Image by (Flickr Gage Skidmore)) Details DMCA During his campaign and his presidency, Donald Trump has threatened to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement if Canada and Mexico refused to renegotiate a "much better deal." "A Trump administration will renegotiate NAFTA," Candidate Trump declared at one campaign stop after another, "and if we don't get the deal we want, we will terminate NAFTA and get a much better deal for our workers and our companies; 100 percent." But as with many issues, the reality of Trump often doesn't measure up to the rhetoric. I spoke to noted labor journalist and photographer David Bacon about the prospects for NAFTA and free trade under Trump, and the devastating impacts that such policies have had and will continue to have on workers and undocumented workers in particular. Bacon's books include The Right to Stay Home: How U.S. Policy Drives Mexican Migration. I spoke to him on Nov. 1, 2017 for Flashpoints on Pacifica Radio. Dennis Bernstein: During the campaign, Trump talked about getting rid of NAFTA. Where are we now in "free trade land"? David Bacon: Trump promised that he would renegotiate NAFTA, but, after all, Obama made the same promise when he was running for office. They were appealing for the votes of people who were hurt by the agreement here. NAFTA did have an enormous impact on working people in this country. The Economic Policy Institute says that NAFTA cost the jobs of about 680,000 people in the US. The Department of Labor used to keep track of job losses because people who could show that they lost their job because it was moved to Mexico were entitled to get extended unemployment benefits. By the time Bush became president, that number had already reached about half a million people and Bush told the Department of Labor to stop counting because it was becoming politically embarrassing for all the politicians who had voted for the treaty. There is no question that NAFTA did have an impact on people here and in many ways it led to a kind of displacement here that was similar to what we saw during the Depression, with people coming from the Dustbowl, but also what we are seeing with people coming here from Mexico. Although the rhetoric of Trump and the Republican Party pits workers in this country against workers in Mexico -- because we lost jobs, Mexicans must have gained those jobs -- the reality is that Mexico lost many more jobs than they gained. But one of the things that did happen to people in this country is the migration of people internally in the United States. When the Green Giant plant shut down here in Watsonville and moved operations to Mexico, a thousand immigrant Mexican women lost those jobs so that Green Giant could then pay women in Mexico one-tenth the wage to do the same work. Many of the women who lost their jobs had to go somewhere else to find work, the same way that people had to who lost their jobs in auto plants. We also saw the same thing happen with people coming here from Mexico. About 3 million farmers in southern Mexico lost their jobs because of corn dumping by big US agricultural corporations like Archer Daniels Midland, and many of those people ended up coming here to the United States. One thing that progressive unions are trying to do is point out to people the similarity of experiences on either side of the border and that the only way to deal with the impact of treaties like NAFTA is by reaching across the border in solidarity. The idea that the Trump administration is going to force General Motors to bring jobs back to the United States is just ridiculous. Dennis Bernstein: So Trump hasn't brought back thousands of jobs yet? David Bacon: No, and he's not going to. Dennis Bernstein: What has been the trend with NAFTA , where do you see this going? Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). See original here By Mark Sumner Donald Trump is tougher at a distance. His speech on North Korea notably dropped the mentions of "little Rocketman" and "fire and fury" once Trump himself was in artillery range. Arriving in China, Trump replaced the vocal criticism of Chinese trading practices with equally loud praise, saying "I don't blame China" for gaining the upper hand in trade deals and "I give China great credit." Asked about this sudden turnaround by reporters, Trump said ... nothing. Because Trump didn't allow reporters to ask any questions. "Trump and Xi faced reporters here together for the first time on Thursday, but the two leaders leaders -- the first, a vocal critic of the press and the other an enforcer of strict media censorship -- did not take questions from reporters. "Trump is the first US President to not take questions alongside his Chinese counterpart during a first visit to the country since President George H.W. Bush." First US president to ignore the free press ... seems like exactly the sort of title that Donald Trump would earn. Naturally concerned about Trump's cooperation in muzzling the press, reporters put the question to White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who had a ready answer. "Asked why Trump did not take questions from reporters as his predecessors have done in the past, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said: 'It was at the Chinese insistence there were no questions today.'" So ... Trump came to China to show how much tougher he is at negotiating than previous administrations, and the first thing he did was let the Chinese tell him that he couldn't talk to the press. That seems a lot less tough than those administrations Trump criticized. "Then-Presidents Bill Clinton in 1998, George W. Bush in 2002 and Barack Obama in 2009 each convinced his Chinese counterpart to take questions from reporters during his first state visit to China." Trump began his Chinese visit by rolling over on the fundamental right to a free press, and continued by praising the Chinese government for practices that he had called illegal during his campaign. Trump is starting out by showing the Chinese exactly what he is -- a bully who's happy to call names from a distance, but who folds like a sweat-soaked napkin face to face. It's what anyone who has looked at Trump's business history would have predicted. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Strategic Culture Is Trump Trying to Sabotage the Nuclear Deal to Lay Groundwork for War With Iran? (Image by YouTube, Channel: Democracy Now!) Details DMCA Iran has responded furiously to what it called "reckless" Saudi threats after the latter accused Iran of "an act of war" in carrying out a long-range ballistic strike near the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Iran categorically denied any involvement in the missile attack at the weekend, which reports say was mounted by Houthi rebels in Yemen on Saudi Arabia's southern border. However, the Saudi rulers were quick to accuse Iran of supplying the Houthi militants with the ballistic weapon and thereby carrying out an act of war on Saudi Arabia. No evidence was presented in support of the Saudi claims. Nevertheless, the Saudi position was immediately backed up by US President Donald Trump who, while on a tour of Asia, asserted: "Iran just took a shot at Saudi Arabia." This automatic concurrence of views between Trump and the Saudi rulers suggests a level of concerted thinking by Washington and Riyadh, with the aim of incriminating Iran. In other words, Saudi Arabia's provocative accusations against Iran -- which could serve as a pretext for a military escalation -- are not just isolated bluster from Riyadh. The alarming thing is that the Trump administration has been coordinating its hostile rhetoric towards Iran for several months now, along with Saudi Arabia and Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. All three allies have been using virtually the same talking-points, making hollow accusations against Iran of sponsoring terrorism and destabilizing the Middle East region. Trump's threat to tear up the international nuclear accord with Iran and the reimposition of economic sanctions is also part of what appears to be an agenda of stoking a confrontation with the Islamic Republic. Before its 1979 revolution, Iran was a loyal client regime of the US. Washington, it seems, has never gotten over the loss of its Persian vassal state. So, when the Saudi rulers accuse Iran of "an act of war" over the missile strike at the weekend, that suggests another step being taken in furthering a concerted agenda worked out by the US, Israel and the Saudis for setting up a conflict. All of this has to be put in a much bigger regional context in which there has been a dramatic shift in geopolitical power. Russia, Iran, Syria and Lebanon's Hezbollah have emerged as new dominant political forces in the strategically vital Middle East. The defeat of the US-led axis, including Saudi Arabia and Israel, in the proxy war in Syria is a momentous setback. The newly established dominance of Russia and Iran is anathema to the US and its regional clients. This is why the US and its client regimes are seeking to sow conflict elsewhere in the region and towards Iran in particular. It's a nefarious consolation prize for having their regime-change plans spectacularly upended in Syria by Russia and Iran. When Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri was summoned to Saudi Arabia at the weekend to tender his resignation, it was obviously a ploy to smear Iran and its ally Hezbollah. Hariri claimed in a Saudi television broadcast that he was running for his life to escape an assassination plot hatched by Iran and Hezbollah. The sensationalist claims made by Hariri were dismissed by Iran as ridiculous. Even Lebanese President Michel Aoun treated the claims with derision, saying that he expects Hariri to return to Beirut immediately and explain his "surprise" resignation while standing in his own country, not from a TV studio in some foreign capital. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). BioID face recognition steps up its data privacy and protection commitment BioID anonymous face recognition with legally compliant data centers allows for strong authentication under full data protection. BioID biometric cloud service assures online user presence under full data privacyNuremberg, Germany 08.11.2017: BioID, a leader in multimodal Biometrics as a Service, has entered into agreements with both Microsoft Cloud Germany and Deutsche Telekom to host its highly in demand BioID Web Service (BWS) in the data center of T-Systems for further enhancing data security and privacy. T-Systems, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, is acting as the data trustee in ensuring that all data is stored exclusively in data centres on German soil, and T-Systems controls all access to customer data and any associated infrastructure.Addressing the upcoming GDPROffering its service via such a data center is a necessity for BioID customers, who must be compliant with the German and European Union (EU) data protection act, particularly for the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is also an excellent added-value for other BioID customers who wish to take advantage of one of the worlds most established infrastructures in protecting the security, privacy and integrity of their online data. Adding to cloud advantages like scalability and cost savings, 89% of German IT decision-makers consider German cloud providers the most trustworthy (Bitdefender 2017). By combining various components of data safety like legally compliant data centers, private clouds, anonymous authentication processes and their superior patented liveness detection, BioID enables entrusted personal privacy protection for online service providers using biometrics.BioID is Securing Privacy by DesignPrivacy by design is the fundamental principle BioID follows while building its safe and trusted face, eye and voice recognition. Aside from adapting data privacy best practices itself, BioID also facilitates its customers and their integrated solutions to meet the necessary standards and comply with regulations. As privacy issues are handled differently all over the world, BioID starts by making its service available worldwide through data centers in many different geographical and political regions. Upon request, BioID also offers private hosting for customers who are required to have BioIDs service located within the same data center. In particular, BioID offers an additional service with German cloud provider T Systems, and makes it available to all German customers as well as to those who wish to take advantage of the service by keeping all data securely stored inside Germany. This accounts for security as well as anonymity, making BioIDs face, eye and voice recognition especially suitable for industries and applications dealing with highly sensitive data and special security requirements.We understand how challenging data security and privacy are for companies and individuals alike, so we always strive for making our service even safer and more convenient, said Ho Chang, BioID CEO. Storing and processing only pseudonymized data and keeping it inside Germany in data centers compliant with the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) is just one of the many steps we are taking towards this aim.Anonymous Face RecognitionBeing a "Biometrics as a Service" provider, BioID additionally ensures data privacy by dealing solely with pseudonymized data. To carry out its service, BioID requires only the mathematical representation of the characteristics extracted from the data uploaded. This abstract template used for the biometric operations is completely separated from other personal data. All data stored and used by the service is thus not personally identifiable. No template can be exported, re-engineered or reverse-engineered to its original format, therefore providing full anonymity and data protection.BioID is the cloud biometrics company with advanced liveness detection, offering multimodal face, eye and voice recognition with highest levels of data privacy, reliability and security. Guided by the vision that anonymous biometric recognition empowers internet users to secure their online identities with privacy, BioID offers a reliable link between a real person and digital identities by verifying the users presence in a convenient and natural way just the way you look or the way you sound. BioIDs patented liveness detection makes online face-to-face services possible without the need of a live video session, taking online services to the next level with a great customer journey and experience. Privately held with R&D based in Germany, BioID has offices in Switzerland and the US and its technology has been proven through many years of use at enterprises, banks and government organizations.BioID GmbHBartholomausstrae 2990489 NurembergGermanyPress ContactAnn-Kathrin The Coral Al Ahsa Hotel, Managed by HMH, Expands its Facilities HMH Hospitality Management Holding has announced the completion of renovation at the Coral Al Ahsa Hotel in Saudi Arabia.Mr. Ferghal Purcell, COO of HMH, said, The renovation was necessary in view of the growing demand for the hotel. As part of the upgrade, we have added 36 new guestrooms at the hotel taking its total inventory of rooms to 101 keys as well as expanded the banqueting facilities doubling the current capacity.Mr. Purcell, stressed, The Coral Al Ahsa Hotel is superbly located on King Fahad street (Dhahran road) that is the main road connecting key cities in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Over the years, the hotel has demonstrated strong performance across major segments given its outstanding location and fantastic accommodation and facilities. Al Ahsa continues to develop as a significant business hub and we have recently experienced an increase in demand for conference and event facilities. The addition of new rooms and expansion of the ballroom will allow us to take advantage of this growing demand while consolidating our position as a preferred choice in the city for both corporate and leisure guests.Decorated in a modern style, the Coral Al Ahsa Hotel is a beautiful 4-star hotel that welcomes guests with a warm and vibrant atmosphere. Included in its facilities is an exquisite all-day dining restaurant and two coffee shops with a shisha lounge, three multifunctional rooms fully equipped with the latest equipment and technology, a swimming pool, sauna, Jacuzzi and a gym.About HMHFounded in 2003 in Dubai, HMH Hospitality Management Holding is a fully integrated hotel management company that prides itself for being one of the pioneers among local groups that are specialized in the dry segment. Being the largest operator in the sector within the region, HMH provides hotel owners and developers a broad spectrum of world-class management solutions with five distinct, yet complementary, hotel brands catering to varied market segments from luxury to budget. These include Bahi Hotels & Resorts, Coral Hotels & Resorts, Corp Hotels, EWA Hotel Apartments and ECOS Hotels.HMHs strategic expansion in the Middle East and North Africa has been successful in unlocking a world of opportunities while creating value for its stakeholders, associates, staff members and customers. The existing portfolio is located in some of the most desirable destinations across the MENA region, with a pipeline of hotels under development to grow HMHs regional footprint even further.For more information about HMH please visitorFor media contact:Hina BakhtVice PresidentMPJ (Marketing Pro-Junction)Mob: +971 50 697 5146Email: h.bakht@mpj-pr.com1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE Global Reservoir Market - Analysis, Trends & Forecasts to 2025 IndexBox has just published a new report "World: Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats And Similar Containers - Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2025" ().This report is best suitable for you if you: Are planning to enter a new geographical market and wish to know which one is best for your product Are planning to enter a new product market and want to have a detailed overview of the market before entering Already work in a given market and want to update your knowledge on the topic Are developing/reviewing your company strategy and wish to know the existing trends in the market Want to find the best country to import a product from Are consulting a client in the given industry and wish to get a deep understanding of the situation in the market Are planning to open new production facilities and wish to choose the best location.The report serves the above mentioned purposes by providing a deep analysis of the key indicators of the reservoir market. It includes a market overview, which consolidates the key conclusions made from the analysis of the market survey, giving insights on the most significant markets based on the comparative analysis. The report also provides a outlook of how the market is expected to change in the coming years, based on historical trends, external and internal factors, and the main drivers changing the market. Each section contains a a detailed study of the data provided. Specifically, the report covers the historical developments and existing projections of reservoir production volumes, consumption data, as well as producer prices.The trade section provides crucial data, such as historical data on imports/exports, changes in the direction of trade, as well as import/export prices. Analysis of reservoir trade shows the opportunities that are opening before producers and suppliers in a changing market.Product coverage: Containers of iron, steel or aluminum other than for compressed or liquefied gas, of greater than 300 litres capacity; containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron, steel or aluminium.Countries coverage: Worldwide - the report contains statistical data for 200 countries and includes detailed profiles of the 50 largest consuming countries (United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Italy, Russian Federation, India, Canada, Australia, Republic of Korea, Spain, Mexico, Indonesia, Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Sweden, Nigeria, Poland, Belgium, Argentina, Norway, Austria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Denmark, South Africa, Malaysia, Israel, Singapore, Egypt, Philippines, Finland, Chile, Ireland, Pakistan, Greece, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Czech Republic, Qatar, Peru, Romania, Vietnam) + the largest producing countries.Data coverage: Reservoir market value and size; Major trends in the reservoir market; Historical data of production volumes and its dynamics; Per capita consumption data and its dynamics in recent years; Breakdown of reservoir production by region and country; Outlook of the market in the middle term; Trade volumes and prices; Profiles of major reservoir producers.Methodology:Our methodology consists of obtaining information from various trusted sources (both paid and open), which include, but are not limited to: International official statistical agencies Governmental statistical agencies Official trade statistics Paid trade databases Industrial associations Company reports Industry experts.Our analysts compare the information gathered, confirm it with sources when required, and analyze the collected data, developing a full clear picture of the market and coming up with the final numbers. It is crucial to understand the trends of the market, for which we do provide study, taking into account events in the market, in adjacent and related markets, raw material markets, and markets, which are the main demand creators for the product under research. As for the forecast, it is conducted using analytical models of country-by-country data on consumption, production, exports, imports, prices, as well as the industry trends, economic trends, consumption trends, possible political and technological trends.Source:IndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Global Camping Goods Market Trends and Opportunities Report 2017 IndexBox has just published a new report "World: Camping Goods - Market Report. Analysis and Forecast to 2025" ( no link?utm_source=opr ).This report is best suitable for you if you: Are planning to enter a new geographical market and wish to know which one is best for your product Are planning to enter a new product market and want to have a detailed overview of the market before entering Already work in a given market and want to update your knowledge on the topic Are developing/reviewing your company strategy and wish to know the existing trends in the market Want to find the best country to import a product from Are consulting a client in the given industry and wish to get a deep understanding of the situation in the market Are planning to open new production facilities and wish to choose the best location.The report serves the above mentioned purposes by providing a deep survey of the key indicators of the camping equipment market. It includes a market overview, which consolidates the key conclusions made from the analysis of the market study, giving insights on the most extensive markets based on the comparative analysis. The report also provides a outlook of how the market is expected to change in the coming years, based on historical trends, external and internal factors, and the main drivers changing the market. Each section contains a an in-depth study of the data provided. Specifically, the report reveals the historical developments and existing prospects of camping equipment production volumes, consumption data, as well as producer prices.The trade section provides crucial data, such as historical data on imports/exports, changes in the direction of trade, as well as import/export prices. Analysis of camping equipment trade shows the opportunities that are opening before producers and suppliers in a changing market.Product coverage: Tarpaulins, sails for boats etc, awnings, sunblinds, tents and camping goods (including pneumatic mattresses).Countries coverage: Worldwide - the report contains statistical data for 200 countries and includes detailed profiles of the 50 largest consuming countries (United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Italy, Russian Federation, India, Canada, Australia, Republic of Korea, Spain, Mexico, Indonesia, Netherlands, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Sweden, Nigeria, Poland, Belgium, Argentina, Norway, Austria, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Colombia, Denmark, South Africa, Malaysia, Israel, Singapore, Egypt, Philippines, Finland, Chile, Ireland, Pakistan, Greece, Portugal, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Czech Republic, Qatar, Peru, Romania, Vietnam) + the largest producing countries.Data coverage: Camping equipment market value and size; Major trends in the camping equipment market; Historical data of production volumes and its dynamics; Per capita consumption data and its dynamics in recent years; Breakdown of camping equipment production by region and country; Outlook of the market in the middle term; Trade volumes and prices; Profiles of major camping equipment producers.Methodology:Our methodology consists of obtaining information from various trusted sources (both paid and open), which include, but are not limited to: International official statistical agencies Governmental statistical agencies Official trade statistics Paid trade databases Industrial associations Company reports Industry experts.Our analysts compare the information gathered, confirm it with sources when required, and analyze the collected data, developing a full clear picture of the market and coming up with the final numbers. It is crucial to understand the trends of the market, for which we do provide study, taking into account events in the market, in adjacent and related markets, raw material markets, and markets, which are the main demand creators for the product under research. As for the forecast, it is conducted using analytical models of country-by-country data on consumption, production, exports, imports, prices, as well as the industry trends, economic trends, consumption trends, possible political and technological trends.Source: no link?utm_source=oprIndexBox is a leading market research publisher in the world. You can find more than 25,000 research reports in our web store, which cover global industries and regional markets. All the worldwide marketing data you need is at your fingertips.Company Name: IndexBoxContact Person: Kirill BezverhiEmail: +44 20 3239 3063Adress: United Kingdom, 44 Main Street, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, ML11 0QW Proton Therapy Market and Forecast United States Proton Therapy market is expected to reach nearly US$ 1 Billion, potentially US$ 7 Billion by 2025.Market growth can be attributed to factors such as rising cancer incidence, increasing number of proton therapy centers, decreasing cost of proton therapy treatment, technological advances and market adoption. However, high costs involved in the establishment of the center is likely to restrain growth in the forecast period.The research report titled United States Proton Therapy Market: Demand, Insights, Analysis, Opportunities, Growth Potential and Forecast 2018 - 2025 examines the market dynamics, competitive landscape and discusses major trends. The study describes an indepth analysis of the United States actual and potential proton therapy market.Browse the Full Report @The report contains a granular analysis of the present industry situations, market demands, reveal facts on the market size, volume, revenues and provides forecasts through 2025. A comprehensive analysis has been done on market share of US proton therapy center (installed base) and treatment room by company. The report also provides information on the proton therapy current applications and comparative analysis with more focused on pros and cons of proton therapy and competitive analysis of eight companies.The report further sheds light on the number of treatment rooms, current and upcoming proton therapy centers. In addition, the report also provides essential insights on number of patients treated at US proton therapy centers from 2008 to 2015.The report also includes assessment of US reimbursement scenario, proton therapy clinical trials and offers a clear view of the proton therapy center component analysis. Key trends in terms of venture capital investment, collaborations, partnerships, licensing and development agreements are analyzed with details. The report also explores detailed description of growth drivers and inhibitors of the US proton therapy market.The report concludes with the profiles of major players in the US proton therapy market. The key market players are evaluated on various parameters such as company overview, product portfolio, US proton therapy centers developed by the companies and recent development & trends of the proton therapy market.Key Highlights of the United States Proton Therapy Market Report: Proton Therapy Current Applications Pros and Cons of Proton Therapy, Radiotherapy and Carbon Ion Therapy Proton Therapy Competitive Analysis: By Company Market Size & Analysis: United States Proton Therapy (2012 2025) Market Opportunity Assessment: United States Proton Therapy (2012 2025) United States Number of Treatment Rooms and Forecast (2012 2025) United States Proton Therapy Center (Installed Base) and Treatment Room Market Share: By Company United States Proton Therapy Center Infrastructure Analysis: Treatment Rooms & Proton Therapy Accelerator United States Number of Patients Treated at Proton Therapy Centers (2008 2015) United States Proton Therapy Reimbursement Scenario Proton Therapy Center Component Analysis Proton Therapy Clinical Trail Insight by Phase, Institute & Country Proton Therapy Market Major Deals Key Market Drivers and Inhibitors of the United States Proton Therapy Market Major Companies AnalysisKey Companies Covered in the Report are as follows: Optivus Hitachi Ion Beam Applications(IBA) Varian Medical Systems Mevion Medical SystemsDPI Research is a business solutions firm which offer bespoke market research reports, custom research solutions and consulting across multi geographies and industry verticals. We deliver wide range of cutting-edge research solutions that helps organizations in making better decisions of the business to business needs.DPI Research provides high standard of business research reports to the clients across industry verticals comprising Life Sciences, Information Technology, Telecom & Internet, Food Beverages & Agriculture, Travel & Tourism, Consumer Goods & Retail, Education and Social Sciences. We are committed to use advanced analytical tools and methodologies to help clients with crucial industry information for decision making.DPI Research approaches for the business research led by a team of dynamic industry experts. DPI Research provides a real insight for effective decisions to help business with the help of current source and accurate data available in the market. DPI Research reach across the globe with global standards from established markets in the North America and Europe to emerging markets in South America, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa to provide the best business solutions.Maria RaiTel :+91 -7289949987Email: sales@dpiresearch.comWebsite: Comfort through adversity 30 Visits with God by Jeannie Settembre now available 30 Visits with God Things can often seem hectic or troublesome in the world today. During these times where do you seek comfort? 30 Visits with God is a contemporary guide through the book of Psalms. It represents a reconnection to God through a relatable journey that brings comfort in your relationship with Him and the Word.30 Visits with God is written in the format of a letter from God. It is a therapeutic way to talk to Him and work everything out. With thought provoking questions and lessons each day, 30 Visits with God gives you the tools needed to have a breakthrough in your relationship with God and the Word.Jeannie clarifies the complicated and leads you to Gods throne where youll receive healing for your wounds and wisdom for your life. -- Monica Schmelter, General Manager, WHTN Christian Television Network/Host of BridgesJeannie Settembre serves Gods people both within the church and on the streets of the inner city. She hits the streets in impoverished areas to bring hope to the homeless and many others living in desperate and dangerous situations. She is also a credentialed minister assisting Christian Faith Fellowship Church in the areas of empowering women through the Word of God, community outreach and teaches and speaks at womens retreats and conferences.Writing daily devotionals is a natural progression of Jeannies passion to see the desperate become filled with hope. Jeannie is married to her husband Fiore, has three grown children and enjoys a large family with many grandchildren. Jesus changed her life and she longs for others to experience the love and nurturing only the Lord can give.Bush Publishing and Associates announces the immediate release of 30 Visits With God, by Jeannie Settembre, available in hardcopy and digital download on Bulk distribution available for book stores and church bookstores through Bush Publishing & Associates. For more information about 30 Visits With God or quantity pricing contact us at: more than 15 years Bush Publishing and Associates has helped bring the stories of both first-time and seasoned authors to print through our traditional publishing program. Our publishing and marketing team have facilitated best-seller status and book to major film through our fresh approach to publicity. To learn more about publishing and publicity packages, visit our website at Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN. Email us at Plex Towers 2448 E 81st StreetSuite 4805Tulsa, OK Home Ownership to Fall in Norfolk A study has shown that Norfolks property market may be in crisis due to the amount of home owners in the region decreasing. The study, carried out by the National Housing Federation, forecasts that home ownership in the East of England will drop to under 65% by 2021, and house prices will rise higher than anywhere in the country in the next five years. The study also highlights that rent in the Hospital Solutions Help Protect Vaccines & Drugs Accsense Monitoring Systems Give Peace of MindAccsense temperature monitoring systems provide hospitals and clinics with single and multi-point monitoring in both wired and wireless models. Accsense systems provide healthcare staff with voice, email or SMS alarm notifications of unsafe changes in temperature or sudden power outages.For regulatory compliance in clinics and hospitals, Accsense provides users with peace of mind. All the temperature data and documentation is stored on our secure cloud servers to show to auditors. Using your Accsense Online Account, you can login through any Web browser to view data in real time and access each pods historic data in graph form.Call an Accsense representative today at (800) 956-4437 to learn more, or visit our website atAccsense Temperature Monitoring Features: Continuous Temperature Monitoring 24/7 Automated Operation Alarm notification via telephone voice messaging, email, and SMS texts View Real-Time Data as Graphs and Charts Secure Data Storage Regulatory Compliance Made Easy! FREE On-Call Technical Support!Where Should You Monitor Temperature in Your Hospital? Medical Refrigerators and Freezers: Medical storage units require continual temperature monitoring to help protect valuable life science inventory including drugs, blood supplies, and patient samples.Solution: The Accsense A2-05W Wireless Temperature Data Logger has inputs for two external RTD temperature probes and an additional input for a thermocouple. This makes it a low-cost way to monitor a combination medical refrigerator/freezer unit or two storage units at distributed points. Using a standard WiFi connection to the internet, the wireless data logger quickly connects to your WiFi Network. We also offer a Wired Ethernet version for LAN-based temperature monitoring. Vaccine Storage Units: Under the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, healthcare providers must adhere closely to the CDCs vaccine storage and handling guidelines. The CDC recommends using to electronically document vaccine temperature history. Since most VFC refrigerators contain vaccine inventory valued at $30,000 to $60,000, a temperature monitoring system can pay for itself by helping to avoid a loss of product.Solution: The Accsense Vaccine Storage Temperature Monitoring Kit comes complete with a NIST-traceable certificate of calibration, all hardware, and a one-year monitoring plan. With just a click you can view data online from any web-enabled devicedesktop, laptop or smartphone! Hospital Morgues: At CAS Dataloggers we offer several solutions to monitor, track and send alarm notifications about temperatures in body storage coolers and facilities.Solution: A2-05 Wired Ethernet Temperature Data Loggers helped provide a solution for Euclid Hospital located near Cleveland, Ohio. The Lab Team Leader explains why he went with Accsense for his morgue: Accsense is very convenient for our remote monitoring needs; in case anything goes wrong in the basement, Ive always got the alarm on my phone. All the alarming capabilities are greatnow we dont have to constantly go down to the basement to check on the cooler anymore. Operating Theaters: Operating theatres and surgery rooms often require temperature and humidity monitoring due to condensation dripping from the ceiling. This potential risk of patient contamination can be prevented by taking remedial action in response to an automated Accsense phone call or text notification.Solution: The Accsense A1-01a Wireless Environmental Data Logger has internal temperature and humidity sensors and will continue to log data even during power or Internet outages.State of the Art Medical Monitoring:Current Accsense customers include Boston Childrens Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, Stanford Hospital & Clinics, UCLA Medical Center and many other prestigious medical facilities.To learn more about these world-class temperature monitoring systems, call CAS DataLoggers at (800) 956-4437 or visit our website atComputer Aided Solutions, LLC. dba CAS DataLoggers is a distributor of data loggers, paperless recorders and data acquisition equipment.We have the industrys most complete selection of data logging equipment, with hundreds of different models from more than 18 manufacturers. With data loggers from 1 to 300 channels we can record temperature, humidity, force/strain, pressure, flow, voltage, current, resistance, vibration and other digital signals, in connection with serial (RS-232/RS-485), CAN/OBD or SDI-12 devices. We sell directly to end users and also work through a network of distributors and resellers throughout the United States, Canada, Central and South America.Computer Aided Solutions, LLC8437 Mayfield Rd., Unit 104Chesterland, OH 44026(440)729-2570(800)956-4437 Embrace the Fear Revolution Women's Conference Will Give the First Louise Hay Award The Embrace the Fear Revolution Women's Conference will be held on Thursday, March 8, 2018 from 7:30am until 8pm at the Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona.Phoenix, AZ, USA -- Embrace the Fear Revolution Women's Conference held on International Women's Day, will celebrate fearless women of every generation. The revolution is a time for women to stop playing small, harness their power, and feminine brilliance to set women up for even greater success.During the lunch portion of the conference, an amazing pioneer from our community will win the first Louise Hay Award. We created this award to honor the late Louise Hay and keep her amazing accomplishments alive. Through Louise Hay's healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions of women have learned to create more of what they want in their lives-more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits."Louise Hay has had such an impact on so many lives" and "What is more powerful than to receive the first Louise Hay award?" says Linda Michaels, Conference Director. We will honor her memory and all of the amazing accomplishments. Louise Hay said best, "I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts."The Embrace the Fear Revolution Women's Conference will be held on Thursday, March 8, 2018 from 7:30am until 8pm at the Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is going to be one celebration that you won't want to miss! Space is limited, so please RSVP toPlease send Press inquiries to: info(at)embracethefear(dot)meMedia Contact:Linda Michaels, Conference DirectorEmbrace the Fear Revolution16401 S. 46th Pl.Phoenix, AZ How to Improve Customer Retention Have you ever tried to cancel your Pay TV subscription over the phone? As a customer, youve decided that you no longer want the service for whatever reason, and you just want to terminate the service quickly. You called them and selected the cancel service option when prompted, and your call is answered by an agent who is very friendly and empathises with you. Theyre great listeners, receptive to your reasons for cancelling the service, and then they address each reason with a counter-argument that somehow makes your decision to cancel, seem less significant than it did earlier on and that you could have been missing out so you end up keeping the service. How did that happen?Far from being a random conversation, this example highlights what can happen when a great sales process comes into play. That call was converted from a potential loss to a win! And the customer also walks away satisfied, so its a win-win outcome.One of the top goals of most business is to increase customer retention because existing customers are more profitable. The cost of customer acquisition can be 10 times more than the cost of retaining existing customers. Improving customer retention is also one of the top 3 reasons given by businesses who are investing in contact centre solutions, accounting for 42% of all responses in a recent survey.If we examine the mechanics of this call, we can see that the call was routed via an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, to a team that is skilled in customer retention. An IVR is an automated function that interacts with callers, gathers information and routes calls. In this instance, a Skills-Based IVR System, as found in contact centre solutions like contactSPACE, correctly matched and routed the cancellation request with an agent that is skilled in customer retention.In what seemed like a natural conversation with the agent, was, in fact, guided intelligently through the conversation (rather than just scripted) The contactSPACE Call Guide software provides objection handling functionality so that the agent is able to rebut any reason that the caller offers up as grounds for cancellation. For example, if your customer says they cant afford to pay the bill, the system displays to the agent a number of available options, from payment plans to discounts and other inducements, designed to alleviate the customer of their immediate problem, and to retain them as a customer. As the call progresses, the agent can follow a proven process using contactSPACE CallGuides, an intelligent and proprietary scripting function that enables all agents to engage with confidence, using proven responses that yield the desired outcomes.Aside from aligning the callers needs with the agents skills, being able to provide good service helps with customer retention. Being efficient with customer interactions improves customer handling time; reduces repetition; reduces call queues; reduces caller frustration; improves personalisation, resulting in better outcomes. Contact centre solutions are often integrated with CRMs, which allows agents to have easy access to a customers history during the call, allowing them to quickly review and update the customer record without ever leaving the contact centre environment.Its clear that having the best contact centre technology and processes in place can make all the difference between retaining or losing a customer. So the next time youre on the phone with your service provider, take a moment to consider the technology behind the scenes and imagine how that technology can help your organisation.To learn more about contactSPACE, give us a call on 1300 360 533 or email us at .contactSPACE is a cloud-based contact centre solution which helps organisations improve the outcomes of their client interactions as well as eliminating the operational complexities which have plagued call centres for decades. The customers' reliance on costly I.T. infrastructure has been eliminated as contactSPACE requires little more than an internet connection and a headset. contactSPACE has successfully shifted the focus from the technology to the operations of contact centres.L9, 1 Chandos StreetSt. Leonards NSW Submarine Electricity Transmission Market Forecast 2017-2023 Nexans, NKT Cables, VISCAS, DONG Energy, Fujikura Submarine Electricity Transmission A market study Global Submarine Electricity Transmission Market Forecast examines the performance of the Submarine Electricity Transmission market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Submarine Electricity Transmission market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Submarine Electricity Transmission market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Submarine Electricity Transmission Market 2017 report includes Submarine Electricity Transmission market Size, Revenue, market Share, Submarine Electricity Transmission industry volume, market Trends, Submarine Electricity Transmission Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Submarine Electricity Transmission Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Submarine Electricity Transmission Market Forecast 2017:1. ABB2. Nexans3. Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke (NSW)4. NKT Cables5. VISCAS6. DONG Energy7. Fujikura8. Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)9. Prysmian10. Energinet11. Vattenfall12. SumitomoSubmarine Electricity Transmission Market : Type Analysis Mass-Impregnated Cables Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cables Extruded Insulation CablesSubmarine Electricity Transmission Market : Application Analysis Military CivilianFirstly, the report covers the top Submarine Electricity Transmission manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Submarine Electricity Transmission report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Submarine Electricity Transmission industry, Submarine Electricity Transmission industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Submarine Electricity Transmission Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Submarine Electricity Transmission research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Submarine Electricity Transmission market revenue worldwide.Finally, Submarine Electricity Transmission market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Subsea Well Intervention Market Forecast 2017-2023 Petrobras, Statoil ASA, Total SA, BP PLC Subsea Well Intervention A market study Global Subsea Well Intervention Market Forecast examines the performance of the Subsea Well Intervention market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Subsea Well Intervention market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Subsea Well Intervention market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Subsea Well Intervention Market 2017 report includes Subsea Well Intervention market Size, Revenue, market Share, Subsea Well Intervention industry volume, market Trends, Subsea Well Intervention Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Subsea Well Intervention Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Subsea Well Intervention Market Forecast 2017:1. Petrobras2. Statoil ASA3. Total SA4. BP PLC5. Royal Dutch Shell PLC6. ExxonMobil7. Aker Oil Field Services8. Eide Marine Services A/S9. Fugro-TS Marine10. Cal-Dive International11. Hallin MarineSubsea Well Intervention Market : Type Analysis Coiled Tubing Units Wire Line ServicesSubsea Well Intervention Market : Application Analysis Shallow Water Deep Water Ultra-Deep WaterFirstly, the report covers the top Subsea Well Intervention manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Subsea Well Intervention report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Subsea Well Intervention industry, Subsea Well Intervention industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Subsea Well Intervention Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Subsea Well Intervention research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Subsea Well Intervention market revenue worldwide.Finally, Subsea Well Intervention market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Li-Ion Grid Storage Market Forecast 2017-2023 SAFT, LG Chem, Samsung SDI, Toshiba, Sony Li-Ion Grid Storage A market study Global Li-Ion Grid Storage Market Forecast examines the performance of the Li-Ion Grid Storage market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Li-Ion Grid Storage market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Li-Ion Grid Storage market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Li-Ion Grid Storage Market 2017 report includes Li-Ion Grid Storage market Size, Revenue, market Share, Li-Ion Grid Storage industry volume, market Trends, Li-Ion Grid Storage Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Li-Ion Grid Storage Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Li-Ion Grid Storage Market Forecast 2017:1. SAFT2. LG Chem3. Samsung SDI4. Toshiba5. Sony6. Panasonic7. Lishen8. BYD9. Kokam10. HitachiLi-Ion Grid Storage Market : Type Analysis Lithium Manganese Oxide Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide Lithium Iron Phosphate Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide Lithium TitanateLi-Ion Grid Storage Market : Application Analysis Wind Turbines PV Arrays Diesel-generators Fuel cellsFirstly, the report covers the top Li-Ion Grid Storage manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Li-Ion Grid Storage report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Li-Ion Grid Storage industry, Li-Ion Grid Storage industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Li-Ion Grid Storage Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Li-Ion Grid Storage research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Li-Ion Grid Storage market revenue worldwide.Finally, Li-Ion Grid Storage market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Softgel Capsules Market Forecast 2017-2023 Catalent, NBTY, IVC, EuroCaps, Captek Softgel Capsules A market study Global Softgel Capsules Market Forecast examines the performance of the Softgel Capsules market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Softgel Capsules market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Softgel Capsules market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Softgel Capsules Market 2017 report includes Softgel Capsules market Size, Revenue, market Share, Softgel Capsules industry volume, market Trends, Softgel Capsules Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Softgel Capsules Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Softgel Capsules Market Forecast 2017:1. Catalent2. NBTY3. IVC4. EuroCaps5. Captek6. Strides Arcolab7. Capsugel8. Soft Gel Technologies9. Amway10. Sirio Pharma11. Baihe Biotech12. Ziguang Group13. Shineway14. Donghai Pharm15. By-Health16. Yuwang Group17. Guangdong YichaoFirstly, the report covers the top Softgel Capsules manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Softgel Capsules report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Softgel Capsules industry, Softgel Capsules industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Softgel Capsules Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Softgel Capsules research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Softgel Capsules market revenue worldwide.Finally, Softgel Capsules market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market Forecast 2017-2023 Supermax, Lord, Malhotra, Benxi Jincheng, SRBIL Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade A market study Global Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market Forecast examines the performance of the Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market 2017 report includes Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade market Size, Revenue, market Share, Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade industry volume, market Trends, Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market Forecast 2017:1. Gillette2. Edgewell3. BIC4. Supermax5. Lord6. Malhotra7. Benxi Jincheng8. SRBIL9. Treet10. Feather11. Feintechnik12. AccuTec Blades13. Kaili Razor14. Shanghai Cloud15. YingjiliStainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market : Type Analysis 0.1-0.3 mm 0.3-0.5 mm >0.5 mmStainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market : Application Analysis Razor IndustrialFirstly, the report covers the top Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade industry, Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade market revenue worldwide.Finally, Stainless Steel Double Edge Blade market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Energy Efficiency Gamification Market Forecast 2017-2023 Oroeco, Energy Time, MyEcoNavigator, Evolaris Energy Efficiency Gamification A market study Global Energy Efficiency Gamification Market Forecast examines the performance of the Energy Efficiency Gamification market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Energy Efficiency Gamification market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Energy Efficiency Gamification market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Energy Efficiency Gamification Market 2017 report includes Energy Efficiency Gamification market Size, Revenue, market Share, Energy Efficiency Gamification industry volume, market Trends, Energy Efficiency Gamification Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Energy Efficiency Gamification Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Energy Efficiency Gamification Market Forecast 2017:1. Oroeco2. Energy Time3. MyEcoNavigator4. Evolaris5. Lockheed Martin Corporation6. San Diego Gas & Electric7. Opower8. Cool Choices9. Simple Energy10. WeSpire11. Creative Roustabouts12. JouleBug13. Take Charge ChallengeEnergy Efficiency Gamification Market : Type Analysis Web-Based Energy Efficiency Gamification Mobile Energy Efficiency Gamification Desktop Energy Efficiency GamificationEnergy Efficiency Gamification Market : Application Analysis Residential Commercial IndustrialFirstly, the report covers the top Energy Efficiency Gamification manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Energy Efficiency Gamification report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Energy Efficiency Gamification industry, Energy Efficiency Gamification industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Energy Efficiency Gamification Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Energy Efficiency Gamification research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Energy Efficiency Gamification market revenue worldwide.Finally, Energy Efficiency Gamification market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market Forecast 2017-2023 Tieto, SAP, Adept, Wipro Limited Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution A market study Global Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market Forecast examines the performance of the Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market 2017 report includes Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution market Size, Revenue, market Share, Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution industry volume, market Trends, Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market Forecast 2017:1. Tieto2. SAP3. Adept4. P2 Energy Solutions (Formerly Merrick Systems)5. Wipro Limited6. Quorum Business SolutionsHydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market : Type Analysis Software Solution Services SolutionHydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market : Application Analysis Small and Medium Enterprises Big EnterpriseFirstly, the report covers the top Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution industry, Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution market revenue worldwide.Finally, Hydrocarbons Accounting Solution market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States IHE XDS.B Market Forecast 2017-2023 NEN, Bridge Head, Microsoft, Synedra IHE XDS.B market A market study Global IHE XDS.B Market Forecast examines the performance of the IHE XDS.B market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the IHE XDS.B market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of IHE XDS.B market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global IHE XDS.B Market 2017 report includes IHE XDS.B market Size, Revenue, market Share, IHE XDS.B industry volume, market Trends, IHE XDS.B Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, IHE XDS.B Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global IHE XDS.B Market Forecast 2017:1. Care Evolution2. NEN3. Bridge Head4. Microsoft5. Synedra6. Lexmark InternationalIHE XDS.B Market : Type Analysis XDR (XDS Reliable Interchange) XDM (XDS Media Interchange) XCA (Cross-Community Access) XUA (Cross-Enterprise User Authentication)IHE XDS.B Market : Application Analysis Hospitals Laboratories Ambulatory Clinics PharmaciesFirstly, the report covers the top IHE XDS.B manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the IHE XDS.B report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of IHE XDS.B industry, IHE XDS.B industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. IHE XDS.B Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The IHE XDS.B research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the IHE XDS.B market revenue worldwide.Finally, IHE XDS.B market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market Forecast 2017-2023 Samsung, Ericson, Huawei, Alcatel IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) A market study Global IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market Forecast examines the performance of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) market Size 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.Get Free Sample Of Report:The Global IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market 2017 report includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) market Size, Revenue, market Share, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) industry volume, market Trends, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2023.Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market Forecast 2017:1. Samsung2. Nokia Networks3. Ericson4. Huawei5. Alcatel-Lucent SA6. ZTE Corporation7. Oracle8. Genband Inc9. BroadSoft10. Cisco Systems11. NEC Corp12. MitelIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market : Type Analysis Fixed Access System Cable Access System Fixed Wireless System Mobile Access SystemIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market : Application Analysis Smartphone/Tablets Desktops/Laptops Cable Set-Top Box Landline PhonesFirstly, the report covers the top IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Enquiry for More Info@Further, the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) industry, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) market revenue worldwide.Finally, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:Spire Market Research is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244United States Yogurt Global Market Intelligence (2012-2022) Yogurt Global Market Intelligence (2012-2022) Boston, MAReportsWorldwide has announced the addition of a new report title Yogurt Global Market Intelligence (2012-2022) to its growing collection of premium market research reports.The report Yogurt Global Market Intelligence (2012-2022) provides market intelligence on the different market segments, based on type, application, and geography. Market size and forecast (2011-2020) has been provided in the report.The primary objectives of this report are to provide1. comprehensive global market intelligence through detailed segmentation2. market size and forecasts, growth rates, market dynamics, industry structure and developments, market situation, trends3. detailed analysis of current dynamics and trends, key market players, and strategies in the market4. detailed value chain analysis and review of growth factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants5. provide emerging opportunities in the market and the future impact of major drivers and restraints of the market and6. support decision makers in making cost-effective business decisions.To view a detailed description and Table of Contents please visit:KEY FINDINGS FROM THE REPORT - The global yogurt market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 6% from 2018 to 2022.- North America alone contributed most of the value sales in the global yogurt market, followed by Europe.- The key players in this market are Danone, Ultima Foods, Chobani LLC, Sodiaal, Nestle, General Mills, Kraft Foods, and Yakult Honsha Co, Ltd among many others.- Sprout Intelligence expert team estimated that the global yogurt market in 2016 was worth more than USD 8 billion.To Get Sample Copy of Report please visit is a leading provider of global market intelligence reports and services. With research reports from top publishers, consulting and advisory firms, offers instant online access to a growing database of expert insights on global industries, companies, products, geographies and trends.Press Contact:Abigail CrastoSenior Vice President101, Arch StreetBoston, MA 02110USPhone +1 (617) Nov 9, 2017: Power Banks Market Forecast 2023 Mophie, Energizer, Samsung SDI , GP Batteries Power Banks Market Power Banks Market Research 2017A market study Global Power Banks Market examines the performance of the Power Banks market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Power Banks market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Power Banks market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Power Banks Market 2017 report includes Power Banks market Revenue, market Share, Power Banks industry volume, market Trends, Power Banks Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Power Banks Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Power Banks Market 2017 : Mophie Energizer Samsung SDI GP Batteries Panasonic FSP EUROPE Xtorm Maxell Sony HIPER Samya Romoss MI PISEN OthersFirstly, the report covers the top Power Banks manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Power Banks report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Power Banks industry, Power Banks industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Power Banks Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Power Banks research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Power Banks market revenue worldwide.Finally, Power Banks market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 9, 2017: Vacuum Contactors Market Forecast 2023 ABB, General Electric Company, Siemens Vacuum Contactors Market Vacuum Contactors Market Research 2017A market study Global Vacuum Contactors Market examines the performance of the Vacuum Contactors market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Vacuum Contactors market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Vacuum Contactors market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Vacuum Contactors Market 2017 report includes Vacuum Contactors market Revenue, market Share, Vacuum Contactors industry volume, market Trends, Vacuum Contactors Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Vacuum Contactors Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Vacuum Contactors Market 2017 : ABB General Electric Company Siemens Toshiba Mitsubishi Electric Schneider Eaton Larsen & Toubro Rockwell Automation Crompton GreavesFirstly, the report covers the top Vacuum Contactors manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Vacuum Contactors report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Vacuum Contactors industry, Vacuum Contactors industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Vacuum Contactors Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Vacuum Contactors research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Vacuum Contactors market revenue worldwide.Finally, Vacuum Contactors market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 9, 2017: Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market Forecast 2023 3rdTech, Agave BioSystems, Anosys Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market Research 2017A market study Global Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market examines the performance of the Biomedical Nanoscale Devices market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Biomedical Nanoscale Devices market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Biomedical Nanoscale Devices market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market 2017 report includes Biomedical Nanoscale Devices market Revenue, market Share, Biomedical Nanoscale Devices industry volume, market Trends, Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market 2017 : 3rdTech Agave BioSystems Anosys Baxter Healthcare BioForceNanosciences LifeSensors Quantum Dot Triton BioSystems Zeptosens AG OthersFirstly, the report covers the top Biomedical Nanoscale Devices manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Biomedical Nanoscale Devices report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Biomedical Nanoscale Devices industry, Biomedical Nanoscale Devices industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Biomedical Nanoscale Devices Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Biomedical Nanoscale Devices research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Biomedical Nanoscale Devices market revenue worldwide.Finally, Biomedical Nanoscale Devices market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 9, 2017: Population Health Management Market Forecast 2023 McKesson, Cerner Corporation, Epic Systems Population Health Management Market Population Health Management Market Research 2017A market study Global Population Health Management Market examines the performance of the Population Health Management market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Population Health Management market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Population Health Management market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Population Health Management Market 2017 report includes Population Health Management market Revenue, market Share, Population Health Management industry volume, market Trends, Population Health Management Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Population Health Management Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Population Health Management Market 2017 : McKesson Cerner Corporation Epic Systems Allscripts Athena Health Healthagen Optum Trizetto Phytel?IBM? I2i Systems Healthcatalysts Conifer Health eClinicalWorks Meditech Greenway Health OtherFirstly, the report covers the top Population Health Management manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Population Health Management report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Population Health Management industry, Population Health Management industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Population Health Management Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Population Health Management research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Population Health Management market revenue worldwide.Finally, Population Health Management market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 9, 2017: Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market Forecast 2023 Pfizer, Fresenius, TEVA Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market Research 2017A market study Global Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market examines the performance of the Neuromyelitis Optica Drug market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Neuromyelitis Optica Drug market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Neuromyelitis Optica Drug market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market 2017 report includes Neuromyelitis Optica Drug market Revenue, market Share, Neuromyelitis Optica Drug industry volume, market Trends, Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market 2017 : Pfizer Fresenius TEVA Sandoz Intas Gyjtrs Nang Kuang Tianjin Kingyork Baxter CSL Grifols Octapharma CBOP OthersFirstly, the report covers the top Neuromyelitis Optica Drug manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Neuromyelitis Optica Drug report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Neuromyelitis Optica Drug industry, Neuromyelitis Optica Drug industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Neuromyelitis Optica Drug Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Neuromyelitis Optica Drug research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Neuromyelitis Optica Drug market revenue worldwide.Finally, Neuromyelitis Optica Drug market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 9, 2017: Creatine Kinase Market Forecast 2023 Beckman Coulter, Roche, Abbott Creatine Kinase Market Creatine Kinase Market Research 2017A market study Global Creatine Kinase Market examines the performance of the Creatine Kinase market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Creatine Kinase market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Creatine Kinase market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Creatine Kinase Market 2017 report includes Creatine Kinase market Revenue, market Share, Creatine Kinase industry volume, market Trends, Creatine Kinase Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Creatine Kinase Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Creatine Kinase Market 2017 : Beckman Coulter Roche Abbott Siemens Healthcare LSI MedienceFirstly, the report covers the top Creatine Kinase manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Creatine Kinase report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Creatine Kinase industry, Creatine Kinase industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Creatine Kinase Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Creatine Kinase research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Creatine Kinase market revenue worldwide.Finally, Creatine Kinase market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Nov 9, 2017: Ultra Slim TV Market Forecast 2023 LG, Panasonic, Samsung Ultra Slim TV Market Ultra Slim TV Market Research 2017A market study Global Ultra Slim TV Market examines the performance of the Ultra Slim TV market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Ultra Slim TV market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Ultra Slim TV market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Ultra Slim TV Market 2017 report includes Ultra Slim TV market Revenue, market Share, Ultra Slim TV industry volume, market Trends, Ultra Slim TV Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Ultra Slim TV Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Ultra Slim TV Market 2017 : LG Panasonic Samsung Sceptre Seiki Sharp Sony TCL Upstar Vizio Hisense Hair Philips ToshibaFirstly, the report covers the top Ultra Slim TV manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Ultra Slim TV report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Ultra Slim TV industry, Ultra Slim TV industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Ultra Slim TV Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Ultra Slim TV research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Ultra Slim TV market revenue worldwide.Finally, Ultra Slim TV market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Authenticom, a La Crosse-based data integrator in the automotive industry, informed 55 employees that they will be laid off effective Feb. 2 because of the companys prolonged antitrust battle with two larger companies, founder and CEO Steve Cottrell said Wednesday. I consider these people as family, Cottrell said during a phone interview Wednesday in which his voice reflected obvious anguish over the decision, which he described as a resizing mode. I deeply, personally regret this. Weve done everything in our power to avoid this, Cottrell said of the action, which will leave Authenticom with 36 employees. La Crosse's Authenticom wins injunction in antitrust suit Authenticom Inc. gained substantial traction in its antitrust lawsuit against two companies Cottrell had remained steadfast in his resolve to keep Authenticoms roughly 110 employees on the payroll as the antitrust suit against CDK Global and Reynolds and Reynolds Co. winds its way through the court system. Cottrells announcement to the affected employees came two days after the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago dealt Authenticom a blow in its suit, which the company filed in federal court in Madison on May 1. Preliminary injunction quashed The appeals court set aside a district courts preliminary injunction barring CDK Global and Reynolds from interfering with Authenticoms business. Although we are disappointed with the Court of Appeals ruling, we continue to remain confident in the ultimate success of our case and continue to work diligently through discovery in preparation for trial, Cottrell said in a letter addressed to valued partners Tuesday. The human side of the layoffs is sweeping, Cottrell lamented during the interview. One employee has been with me for 15 years and has four small children. There are employees with pregnant spouses, and some who have just bought homes. Authenticom, which tried to hold its number of layoffs to the dozen announced in August, set the Feb. 2 date to lay off the 55 to extend benefits for them, Cottrell said. They will receive help with job-placement efforts, resume writing and other assistance needed to secure new jobs, he said. These are the people who made this company, and made us a success, he said. This is a tribute to what the larger team has done. After the downsizing, Authenticom will be well-positioned and viable and able to pay bills that had piled up as CDK and Reynolds took actions that Cottrell said are intended to bankrupt the company he founded in 2002 in his sons bedroom. We have found significant opportunities outside of the automotive sector, he said. Change is on the horizon, and we are inspired by the way our industry has embraced both technological change and at the same time pushed back on the status quo of control of emerging technology by the privileged few, he said. Authenticom, which is headquartered in the Doerflinger building in downtown La Crosse, is a third-party data integrator that links car dealers to software vendors such as CDK and Reynolds. Cottrells suit alleges that CDK and Reynolds have colluded in an illegal plot to block Authenticom from access to their data, costing it millions of dollars and pushed it to the brink of insolvency. CDK and Reynolds counter that their data is proprietary and insist that Authenticom should not be allowed to scrape the information. Profits plunge nearly 80 percent The companies actions caused Authenticoms profits to plunge by 77.22 percent between the third quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of this year, according to Authenticoms suit filings. They have left Authenticom cash-flow insolvent, with insufficient earnings and resources to satisfy its outstanding debt obligations, the suit alleges. Authenticom had been unable to pay an $11 million principal payment to a bank in April, as well as a tax-related obligation of about $1.17 million that same month, among other financial setbacks, the suit contends. CDK and Reynolds are the two big dogs in the automotive data sector, in which Authenticom is the other major player. CDK is a publicly traded Delaware corporation with headquarters in Hoffman Estates, Ill. It provides DMS software and services to car dealerships throughout the country and has more than $2 billion in annual revenues. The private corporation of Reynolds and Reynolds is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio. For its part, CDK issued a statement saying, in part, We strongly believe that our policy of not allowing unauthorized intermediaries onto our systems is the best way to preserve the integrity of those systems and the security of our customers data. No court has mandated unfettered access to the data and systems operated by another company, according to the statement. We remain committed to protecting our property rights and those of third parties with data on our systems, and will continue to mount a vigorous defense against the meritless claims that have been made against us by Authenticom. Obama lauded company for growth, wages Cottrell was thrust into the national spotlight in 2015, when President Barack Obama saluted Authenticom during a major financial address he delivered at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. So this business that began in Steves sons old bedroom is now one of Americas own fastest-growing private companies based in a historic building right here in downtown La Crosse, Obama said. Now, I guarantee you Steve worked hard, he put everything he had into it. He took enormous risks, the president said. But he also is somebody who recognizes that he didnt do it by himself. Hes proud of what he accomplished, but he also talks about how fortunate hes been to be part of a community like La Crosse, Obama said. The president lauded Authenticoms practices of paying fair wages, with paid sick days, and treating employees like family. In the letter to clients, Cottrell said, We are ready to further our role as the data integrator of choice and the premier data services provider. In addition, he wrote, Authenticom plans to launch new, simplified technology and a new website for its DealerVault product. During the interview, Cottrell expressed gratitude for the support that Mayor Tim Kabat and U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, D-La Crosse, have offered his company amid the throes of the court actions. Cottrell also voiced confidence in the companys ability to rebound, saying, This is just a chapter in the book, but the book is not written. We are taking steps necessary to make this a 100-year company, he said. Nov 9, 2017: Outboard Engine Market Forecast 2023 Yamaha, Brunswick, Honda, BRP Outboard Engine Market Outboard Engine Market Research 2017A market study Global Outboard Engine Market examines the performance of the Outboard Engine market 2017. It encloses an in-depth Research of the Outboard Engine market state and the competitive landscape globally. This report analyzes the potential of Outboard Engine market in the present and the future prospects from various angles in detail.The Global Outboard Engine Market 2017 report includes Outboard Engine market Revenue, market Share, Outboard Engine industry volume, market Trends, Outboard Engine Growth aspects. A wide range of applications, Utilization ratio, Supply and demand analysis are also consist in the report.It shows manufacturing capacity, Outboard Engine Price during the Forecast period from 2017 to 2022.To Get Sample Report Click Here:Manufacturers Analysis and Top Sellers of Global Outboard Engine Market 2017 : Yamaha Brunswick Honda BRP Suzuki Tohatsu Parsun Hidea Weimin OthersFirstly, the report covers the top Outboard Engine manufacturing industry players from regions like United States, EU, Japan, and China. It also characterizes the market based on geological regions.Further, the Outboard Engine report gives information on the company profile, market share and contact details along with value chain analysis of Outboard Engine industry, Outboard Engine industry rules and policies, circumstances driving the growth of the market and compulsion blocking the growth. Outboard Engine Market development scope and various business strategies are also mentioned in this report.Browse Full Report Here:The Outboard Engine research report includes the products that are currently in demand and available in the market along with their cost breakup, manufacturing volume, import/export scheme and contribution to the Outboard Engine market revenue worldwide.Finally, Outboard Engine market report gives you details about the market research findings and conclusion which helps you to develop profitable market strategies to gain competitive advantage.About Us:"Spire Market Research" is a leading market intelligence team which accredits and provides the reports of some of the top publishers in the field of technology industry. We are as a firm expertise in making extensive reports that cover all the necessary details about the market assessments such as major technological improvement in the industry.Contact Us5001 Spring Valley Road,Suite 400 East,Dallas, TX 75244, USAWeb:Email: Fruit Market Growth and Regional Forecast 2017-2022 Reportsweb Based on the Fruit ( Excl. Melon) industrial chain, this report mainly elaborate the definition, types, applications and major players of Fruit ( Excl. Melon) market in details. Deep analysis about market status (2012-2017), enterprise competition pattern, advantages and disadvantages of enterprise Products, industry development trends (2017-2022), regional industrial layout characteristics and macroeconomic policies, industrial policy has also be included. From raw materials to downstream buyers of this industry will be analyzed scientifically, the feature of product circulation and sales channel will be presented as well. In a word, this report will help you to establish a panorama of industrial development and characteristics of the Fruit ( Excl. Melon) market.The Fruit ( Excl. Melon) market can be split based on product types, major applications, and important regions.Browse complete report @Major Regions play vital role in Fruit ( Excl. Melon) market are:North AmericaEuropeChinaJapanMiddle East & AfricaIndiaSouth AmericaOthersGet sample copy @Table of Content1 Fruit Introduction and Market Overview2 Industry Chain Analysis2.1 Upstream Raw Material Suppliers of Fruit Analysis2.2 Major Players of Fruit2.2.1 Major Players Manufacturing Base and Market Share of Fruit in 20162.2.2 Major Players Product Types in 20162.3 Fruit Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis2.3.1 Production Process Analysis2.3.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure of Fruit2.3.3 Raw Material Cost of Fruit2.3.4 Labor Cost of Fruit2.4 Market Channel Analysis of Fruit2.5 Major Downstream Buyers of Fruit Analysis3 Global Fruit Market, by Type3.1 Analysis of Market Status and Feature by Type3.2 Global Fruit Value ($) and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)3.3 Global Fruit Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)3.4 Global Fruit Value ($) and Growth Rate by Type (2012-2017)3.5 Global Fruit Price Analysis by Type (2012-2017)4 Fruit Market, by ApplicationDiscount @6 Global Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2012-2017)6.1 Global Fruit Consumption by Regions (2012-2017)6.2 North America Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)6.3 Europe Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)6.4 China Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)6.5 Japan Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)6.6 Middle East & Africa Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)6.7 India Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)6.8 South America Fruit Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)7 Global Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis by Regions7.1 North America Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis7.2 Europe Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis7.3 China Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis7.4 Japan Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis7.5 Middle East & Africa Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis7.6 India Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis7.7 South America Fruit Market Status and SWOT Analysis8 Competitive Landscape9 Global Fruit Market Analysis and Forecast by Type and Application10 Fruit Market Analysis and Forecast by Region11 New Project Feasibility Analysis12 Research Finding and Conclusion13 AppendixBuy now@We provide best in classcustomer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries. Our commitment to customer service is best exemplified by free analyst support that we offer to our clients which sets us apart from any other provider. We also offer enterprise subscriptions which provide significant cost savings to our clients.Contact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@reportsweb.com533, 6th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Alpha Destination Management Puts Up an Impressive Show at World Travel Market London 2017 Top team from Alpha Destination Management, the leading destination management company in the Arabian Gulf, is at the World Travel Market (WTM) London 2017, led by the groups CEOMr. Ghassan Aridi.Shaping the future of the travel industry, WTM offers the most effective business to business networking opportunities for the international community of travel professionals. Speaking from London, Samir Hamadeh, General Manager for Alpha Destination Management, said, World Travel Market is a leading global event for the travel industry. We have been exhibiting at the show for the last 20 years as it is one of the most important events for us due to the fact that the UK market is still a leading market into our destination and Alpha Destination Management is a well-known brand among the UK tour operators. At Alpha we cooperate with some of the top brands of UK tourism being their agents in the emirates and WTM offers us the perfect platform to connect and conduct business with them.Speaking about the significance of UK as a major feeder market for Dubai in terms of tourism, Samir stressed, There has been a major focus from the destination and its stakeholders on UK and we believe it will remain one of the top source markets in 2018 for Dubai. The message that we are conveying at WTM this year is that we are committed to offering greater added value as well as investing further into technology to enhance customer experience in the destination. Dubai is moving away from being a city you must visit, to a city you must experience.Dubai is among the top four most visited cities in the world and the best performer in the MENA region. The city recently added 17 new attractions such as the Dubai Opera, City Walk, IMG Worlds of Adventure, the worlds biggest indoor theme park, Dubai Water Canal, and Dubai Parks and Resorts, the regions largest integrated theme park resort that have all further added to Dubais appeal as well as contributed to a steep rise in leisure tourism.Samir stated, The more the destination creates attractions and tailors its product to cater to UK tourists, the better conversion it can expect. People seek experiences. Dubai is becoming a major attractions hub and it is very important that we focus on offering experiences and added value to our customer. Our approach to UK has to be different than other markets and key to that is coming up with new ideas to grow stop over business. In order to support Dubais goal to attract 20 million visitors annually by 2020 and maintain a stable momentum of growth, there is need for new packages and offers with added-value to entice transit passengers to stay for least one night rather than simply pass by. We are also focusing on Dubais strong calendar of events to excite more travellers to come over.Visitors will be able to find Alpha Destination Management at the Dubai Tourism stand on booth M300.About Alpha Destination ManagementFounded in 1996, by Mr. Ghassan Aridi and his partners, Alpha Destination Management is the leading destination management company and a pioneer in the tourism sector in the Arabian Gulf. Over the last two decades, the company has established itself as one of the most credible and reputed brands not only in the Gulf region but also in the international tourism industry. Controlling a significant market share of the lucrative tourism sector in the GCC, Alpha Destination Management is a market leader in the region with the largest annual turnover and wide network of international partners offering the highest levels of service and innovative and exciting experiences. Our extensive global and local knowledge and network, outstanding expertise and sound reputation is the key to success for us and all our partners.For more information about Alpha Destination Management visitFor media contact:Hina BakhtVice PresidentMPJ (Marketing Pro-Junction)Mob: +971 50 697 5146Email: h.bakht@mpj-pr.com1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE1110, Yes Business CenterAl Barsha, Dubai, UAE Meat Speciation Testing Market - Detailed Analysis and Forecast upto 2025 Meat Speciation Testing Market: SnapshotThe global meat speciation testing market is expected to witness a steady growth in the years to come on account of the increasing number of food fraud cases across the globe. The increasing infection among consumers on account of eating meats is also fueling the demand for meat speciation testing. The need for compliance with various labeling laws will also push the demand for meat speciation testing. In addition to this, the buyer demand for certified products, religious beliefs, and stringent rules and regulations are some of the other factors the spurring the growth of the global meat speciation testing market.With increasing meat consuming population across the globe, there has been an equal increase in the number of scandals and frauds of mislabeling meat products. This is giving rise to a high demand for meat speciation testing. There exists a wide range of products that helps in the meat speciation testing. These include ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and qualitative PCR analysis techniques. These methods identify the species of animals in raw and cooked food products. Meat speciation testing also verifies the labels on products and confirms the authenticity of meat and meat products. This assures consumers of meat food product safety. On the flip side, a lack of technology and infrastructure is one of the key challenges faced by the market. The lack of food control systems in developing nations is another factor hampering the growth of the global meat speciation testing market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Meat Speciation Testing Market: OverviewWith the growing number of meat consumers worldwide, along with the contemporary scandals stemming from the mislabeling of meat products, the market for meat speciation testing is slated to reach new heights over the next few years. Meat speciation is executed for raw and cooked meat products. Claims made by product labels are verified by meat speciation testing systems in order to confirm the authenticity of meat and meat products, thereby ensuring the safety of the consumers. Both raw and processed meats are assessed under these tests.The report presents an in-depth analysis of the major market players, wherein their products and services, their key business strategies, and market shares have been discussed. The report studies the supply and demand dynamics, key growth opportunities, trends, drivers, and challenges faced by the global meat speciation testing market. The report also covers Porters five force analysis, market attractiveness, future market outlook, key market segments, and market forecasts.Request TOC of the Report @Global Meat Speciation Testing Market: Drivers and RestraintsAs excessive processing of meat makes the identification of species difficult, the possibility of contamination and adulteration is also higher. Therefore, the market for meat speciation testing will witness substantial demand during the forecast period. The development of DNA-based detection methods that identify and quantify meat species and other meat ingredients in products is one of the key growth drivers of the meat speciation testing market. Also, numerous species-specific testing methods have been introduced for the detection of various meat types such as pork, beef, turkey, chicken, and lamb. The rapid growth of the poultry sector is also expected to boost demand.Rising consumer awareness about the quality of meat products, the prevalence of meat-related diseases such as avian influenza (bird flu), an alarming increase in the frequency of food adulteration, the implementation of strict regulatory guidelines, and the demand for certified products are the major growth drivers. On the contrary, inadequate penetration of technological advancements, particularly in developing countries, lack of infrastructure, and inadequate food control regulations might pose a threat to market expansion. However, the flourishing raw meat segment is likely to nullify the negative effects of these restraints.Get Discount @Global Meat Speciation Testing Market: Regional OutlookBased on geography, the market for meat speciation testing can be categorized into Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, North America, Europe, and Latin America. Europe is slated to emerge at the forefront, with increasing demand for meat and meat products, strict regulations, and high health awareness driving growth opportunities. The U.S. holds a major share in terms of meat consumption in the North America market.Being relatively lesser explored markets, Asia Pacific and Latin America are likely to witness phenomenal growth due to increasing urbanization, rising per capita incomes of people, changing eating habits of consumers, and the growth of animal husbandry. China is likely to appear at the forefront in this regional segment owing to the adoption of Western food habits.Companies Mentioned in the ReportSome of the major participants in the global meat speciation testing market are Eurofins Scientific SE, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Both qualitative and quantitative meat speciation testing methods are offered by these bodies.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: BFSI Segment Critical in Enterprise Performance Management Software Market MRRSE Enterprise Performance Management software is meant to assist organizations connect their business strategies to the plan of execution. Enterprise Performance Management software allows the closing of books and consolidation of results on a timeframe basis. Different components are intricately linked to management processes such as planning, forecasting, budgeting, and modelling. EPM software additionally considers important yardsticks including revenue, overhead costs, operational costs, and return of investment. The Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Software Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012-2016) and Forecast (2017-2022) has been recently added by Market Research Reports Search Engine to its repository hub. The report studies the enterprise performance management software market in exhaustive detail with the drivers, restraints, opportunities, and trends given an adequate amount of focus therein. Data analysis has been conducted for a number of parameters to arrive at accurate enterprise performance management software market forecasts over the eight-year period.Free Copy of Sample Report @Well-Structured ReportThe enterprise performance management software market report begins with the executive summary and the introduction. The executive summary provides a birds-eye view of the enterprise performance management software market and delivers the numbers that are the most relevant such as the CAGR from 2012 to 2016 compared and contrasted with that from 2017 to 2022. Information about the most attractive markets from the point of maximum revenue share and the highest CAGR are included. The introduction has a definition of the enterprise performance management software market that is both concise yet comprehensive.The next section highlights key dynamics of the enterprise performance management software market and presents a clear picture of the scope that exists for both incumbents and new entrants. The points covered here are the fiscal stimulus, enterprise bottom line, and the global economy as a whole. Subsequent sections of the enterprise performance management software market report give insights into the pricing and cost structure analysis. Key participants in the enterprise performance management software market have been assessed in a market attractiveness index by way of an intensity map.Read Full Report with TOC @Market SegmentationThe next portion of the report touches on the enterprise performance management software market by end-user, deployment, region, and product type. This section contains market numbers such as market share, revenue comparison, and Y-o-Y growth comparison. The report has given an equal amount of attention to both developed and emerging economies in the enterprise performance management software market.Competition LandscapeThe final section of the enterprise performance management software market report has the competition landscape where key stakeholders are profiled. A company and product overview, financials, recent strategies, and important developments can be expected in this chapter. It is possible to conduct a SWOT analysis of the companies in question, giving readers all the necessary information in the form of an easy-to-understand, dashboard layout. The competition landscape can be considered the most critical portion of the enterprise performance management software market report as it helps both incumbents and new entrants devise relevant plans and retain their position in the enterprise performance management software market.Enquire About this Report @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of market intelligence reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United StatesTelephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite: Military Robots 2017 Global Industry Key Players - Kongsberg Gruppen, Lockheed Marin Corporation, Saab AB, Elbit System Ltd. , Northrup Grumman Corporation, Thales Group Market Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Global Military Robots Market Global Military Robots MarketThis report mainly introduces volume and value market share by players, by regions, by product type, by consumers and also their price change details. As a Detailed Analysis report, it covers all details inside analysis and opinion in Military Robots industry.This report splits Military Robots market By Platform, By Mode of Operation, which covers the history data information from 2012 to 2016 and forecast from 2017 to 2022.Request a Sample Report @This report focuses Global market, it covers details as following:Major CompaniesKongsberg Gruppen (Norway)Lockheed Marin Corporation (US)Saab AB (Sweden)Elbit System Ltd. (Israel)Northrup Grumman Corporation (US)Thales Group (France)Qinetiq (UK)Endeavor Robotics (US)Cobham PLC (UK)General Dynamics Corporation (US)Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IL)Aerovironment, Inc. (US)Bae Systems (UK)Boston Dynamics (US)Main RegionsNorth AmericaUnited StatesCanadaLatin AmericaMexicoBrazilArgentinaOthersEuropeGermanyUnited KingdomFranceItalySpainRussiaNetherlandOthersAsia & PacificChinaJapanIndiaKoreaAustraliaSoutheast AsiaIndonesiaThailandPhilippinesVietnamSingaporeMalaysiaOthersAfrica & Middle EastSouth AfricaEgyptTurkeySaudi ArabiaIranOthersMain Product TypeMilitary Robots Market, by PlatformLand RobotsMarine RobotsAirborne RobotsMilitary Robots Market, by Mode of OperationHuman OperatedAutonomousMain ApplicationsIntelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)Search and RescueCombat SupportTransportationEODMine ClearanceFirefightingOthersAccess Report @Table of ContentsGlobal Military Robots Detailed Analysis Report 2017-2022Chapter One Military Robots Market Overview1.1 Global Military Robots Market Sales Volume Revenue and Price 2012-20221.2 Military Robots, By Platform 2012-20221.2.1 Global Military Robots Sales Market Share by Platform 2012-20221.2.2 Global Military Robots Revenue Market Share by Platform 2012-20221.2.3 Global Military Robots Price by Platform 2012-20221.2.4 Land Robots1.2.5 Marine Robots1.2.6 Airborne Robots1.3 Military Robots, by Mode of Operation 2012-20221.3.1 Global Military Robots Sales Market Share by Mode of Operation 2012-20221.3.2 Global Military Robots Revenue Market Share by Mode of Operation 2012-20221.3.3 Global Military Robots Price by Mode of Operation 2012-20221.3.4 Human Operated1.3.5 Autonomous..Chapter Five Global Top Players Profile5.1 Kongsberg Gruppen (Norway)5.1.1 Kongsberg Gruppen (Norway) Company Details and Competitors5.1.2 Kongsberg Gruppen (Norway) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.1.3 Kongsberg Gruppen (Norway) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.1.4 Kongsberg Gruppen (Norway) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.2 Lockheed Marin Corporation (US)5.2.1 Lockheed Marin Corporation (US) Company Details and Competitors5.2.2 Lockheed Marin Corporation (US) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.2.3 Lockheed Marin Corporation (US) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.2.4 Lockheed Marin Corporation (US) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.3 Saab AB (Sweden)5.3.1 Saab AB (Sweden) Company Details and Competitors5.3.2 Saab AB (Sweden) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.3.3 Saab AB (Sweden) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.3.4 Saab AB (Sweden) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.4 Elbit System Ltd. (Israel)5.4.1 Elbit System Ltd. (Israel) Company Details and Competitors5.4.2 Elbit System Ltd. (Israel) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.4.3 Elbit System Ltd. (Israel) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.4.4 Elbit System Ltd. (Israel) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.5 Northrup Grumman Corporation (US)5.5.1 Northrup Grumman Corporation (US) Company Details and Competitors5.5.2 Northrup Grumman Corporation (US) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.5.3 Northrup Grumman Corporation (US) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.5.4 Northrup Grumman Corporation (US) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.6 Thales Group (France)5.6.1 Thales Group (France) Company Details and Competitors5.6.2 Thales Group (France) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.6.3 Thales Group (France) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.6.4 Thales Group (France) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.7 Qinetiq (UK)5.7.1 Qinetiq (UK) Company Details and Competitors5.7.2 Qinetiq (UK) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.7.3 Qinetiq (UK) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.7.4 Qinetiq (UK) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.8 Endeavor Robotics (US)5.8.1 Endeavor Robotics (US) Company Details and Competitors5.8.2 Endeavor Robotics (US) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.8.3 Endeavor Robotics (US) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.8.4 Endeavor Robotics (US) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.9 Cobham PLC (UK)5.9.1 Cobham PLC (UK) Company Details and Competitors5.9.2 Cobham PLC (UK) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.9.3 Cobham PLC (UK) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.9.4 Cobham PLC (UK) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.10 General Dynamics Corporation (US)5.10.1 General Dynamics Corporation (US) Company Details and Competitors5.10.2 General Dynamics Corporation (US) Key Military Robots Models and Performance5.10.3 General Dynamics Corporation (US) Military Robots Business SWOT Analysis and Forecast5.10.4 General Dynamics Corporation (US) Military Robots Sales Volume Revenue Price Cost and Gross Margin5.11 Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IL)5.12 Aerovironment, Inc. (US)5.13 Bae Systems (UK)5.14 Boston Dynamics (US)Continued..Buy Now@Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categoriesWISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Global Car Rental Market to grow at 9.18% CAGR between 2017 to 2022 According to new market research report Global Car Rental Market- Forecasts from 2017 to 2022, published by Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence, is projected to witness a CAGR of 9.18% during the forecast period.The report has segmented the Global Car Rental market by car type (economy cars, luxury cars, executive cars, SUVs, and MUVs), by mode of booking (online and offline), application (self-drive and chauffeur-driven), rental category (local transport, airport transport, and outstation transport) and geography (North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia-Pacific). The regional segment also covers country-level segmentation of global car rental market. Growing global travel and tourism industry is the major driver of global cart rental market. Rising influx of tourists, both international and domestic, in different regions augments the demand for on-airport rental car services. Stringent government regulations against the unlicensed business of ride-hailing service providers such as Uber and Didi further boost the growth of global car rental market.Luxury Rental Car market grows at the highest CAGR between 2017 and 2022By car type, luxury rental car segment will witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This growth is majorly driven by high demand from global corporate organizations and large enterprises for business trips across the globe. People are also demanding rental luxury cars as a test-driving vehicle to make sure of which model to purchase. All these factors are attracting car rental market players to heavily invest in this car type segment. In September 2017, the P2P car rental marketplace Turo raised $92 million from Mercedes and other luxury automobile makers to boost the growth of its luxury car rental business.APAC will be the fastest-growing regional car rental marketGeographically, APAC is projected to witness the fastest regional market growth during the forecast period. Infrastructural development, rising number of hotel chains in major cities, and supportive government initiatives contribute to the escalating number of tourist arrival in APAC countries which significantly bolsters the growth of APAC Car Rental market. Rising discretionary incomes and expanding urbanization in emerging economies such as China and India is escalating the demand for rental cars for short trips. This increase demand for rental cars is supported by stringent regulations regarding the private ownership of car in countries like China and Taiwan. There is a high demand for luxury rental cars for leisure and business trips across different APAC countries. Improving internet penetration across major metropolitan cities in PAAC countries is providing benefits to booming tech-savvy population to customize travel trips and online reservations and bookings, thereby positively impacting the market growth car rental market in the region.Competitive InsightsProminent key market players in Global Car Rental market include Avis, Hertz, Europcar, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Enterprise Holding, SIXT, Irish Car Rental, and Trust Middle East Car Rental. Global car rental market players are increasingly expanding their footprints across different regions. For instance, Avis Budget acquired France Cars in December 2016 to expand its car rental business in France.Browse Related ReportsIndonesia Car Rental Market- Forecasts from 2017 to 2022 [by car type (economy cars, luxury cars, executive cars, SUVs, and MUVs), by service (self-drive and chauffeur-driven), by application (leisure activities/trips and business/corporate trips), by mode of booking (online and offline), and by rental category (local transport, airport transport, and outstation transport)]China Car Rental Market- Forecasts from 2017 to 2022 [by car type (economy cars, luxury cars, executive cars, SUVs, and MUVs), by service (self-drive and chauffeur-driven), by application (leisure activities/trips and business/corporate trips), by mode of booking (online and offline), and by rental category (local transport, airport transport, and outstation transport)]Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence is a market research and consulting firm based out of India. Driven by industry experts, the company provides syndicated reports, custom research, and consulting services. Our proprietary data analytics model blended with quality primary and secondary research data assists in generating quality reports providing crucial insights to managers and decision makers. The services offered by us help companies to gain required a competitive edge. Our expertise across 10 industries such as ICT, Chemicals, Semiconductors, Healthcare among others caters to diverse client needs.Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence2nd Floor, D-77, Sector 63Noida, IndiaCall: +1-866-714-4587 CMI Ltd. bags orders worth Rs. 32.64crore from BHEL for supply of LT XPLE power cables CMI Ltd. bags orders worth Rs. 32.64crore from BHEL for supply of LT XPLE power cablesCMI Limited, the BSE & NSE Listed Specialty Cable company, has been awarded order worth 32.64crore from BHEL(Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd), to provide LT XPLE cables.The order from BHEL to supply LT XPLE cables will be delivered within the next 4 and a half months. The cables to be supplied to BHEL will be aluminum armoured cables as well as Copper armoured cables.Our order book continues to be strong. This order from BHEL confirms our belief that the infrastructure sector in India is on a high growth trajectory. Coming quarters are likely to further witness an uptick in the Investment cycle particularly in the core infra sectors like Power and Railways which augurs well for CMI, says Mr. Amit Jain, MD, CMI Ltd.Power segment continues to be a focus area for CMI and should contribute around 20-25% revenue to CMIs topline by 2019. CMI is already a preferred supplier to the big names in the power segment including GETCO(Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited), MVVNL(Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited), JVVNL(Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited), BHEL etc.About CMI Limited:CMI is a listed, specialty cables company (BSE Scrip Code: 517330, NSE Symbol: CMICABLES). CMI closed the year 2016-17 with revenues of Rs.346.03 Crore.CMI focus is currently on new product development with the emphasis on latest technologies at its facilities. CMIs original facility is located at Faridabad in Haryana. CMI began the Commercial Production at its new facility at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh in April 2016, which was a part of its acquisition of General Cable Energy Private Limited from fortune 500 Company, General Cable Corporation. It is Indias first green factory in the segment.Today, CMI manufactures a wide variety of cables for infrastructure, Railways, Oil& Refinery industries, Engineering Companies, EPCC contractors, and the like.CMIs satisfied customers include Railways & its subsidiaries like IRCON. RITES, MRVC, Konkan Railways, DLW, DMRC & other metros; Oil& Refinery industries like IOCL, BPCL, BORL, GAIL, MRPL, HPCL, ONGC; Leading Government companies like EIL, ISRO, BHEL, NLC, NTPC, NPC, BSNL / MTNL and HEC; Private Sector EPCC companies like L&T, Alstom, Siemens, Hitachi, Linde, Thales, Lurgi, Technip and ABB; Steel plants like Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, Bhushan Power & Steel, etc. CMI has also exported cables to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Iran Railways.181, Anand Vihar, Pitampura, New Delhi-34 Agro Textile Market is expected to reach over US$ 14,363.2 Mn by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2017 to 2025 Agro Textile Market According to a new market report published by Credence Research Agro Textile Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2016 2024, the global agro textile market is expected to reach over US$ 14,363.2 Mn by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2017 to 2025.Market InsightsThe worldwide agro textile market was evaluated at US$ 8,921.9 Mn for the year 2016. Growing demand for shade net and pond liners is predicted to remain the chief aspect determining the trends of global agro textile market in the near future. Demand for organic food products is increasing due to awareness associated with health and wellbeing in people.Browse the full Agro Textile Market @Organic food industry is also advancing in term of technology which is promoting use of agro textiles in floriculture, fruits and vegetable farming applications. Rising awareness and education associated with organic farming in farmers through various schemes and workshops organized by government and non-government organizations is fueling the demand for agro textile. Indian governments aggressive promotion for shade nets through NHB and NHM is also expected to fuel the demand.Asia pacific is the dominant region in the agro textile market owing to favorable climatic conditions and abundant availability of farming land. China is also the worlds largest exporter of agro textile. Major driver for the increasing agro textile demand in European region is mainly due to the highest concentration of horticulture & floriculture industry in this region. Overall consumption of agro textile in Western Europe is expected to increase in future.Press Release:Growing demand for agro textile from different end use sectors has compelled the producers to concentrate on increase in production. Fiberweb (India) Ltd., Freudenberg & Co. KG, Garware-Wall Ropes Ltd., Gujarat Craft Industries Ltd., JX Nippon ANC, Inc., Koninklijke Ten Cate bv., Low & Bonar PLC, Shakti Polyweave Pvt. Ltd., UNIMIN India, Ltd., Acme Mills (Pvt.) Ltd., Don & Low Ltd. are few key manufacturers in the global agro textile market.ToC:Chapter 1 Preface1.1. Report Scope and Description1.2. Research Methodology1.2.1. Phase I-Secondary Research1.2.2. Phase II-Primary Research1.2.3. Phase II-Expert Panel Review1.2.4. Assumptions1.2.5. Approach AdoptedChapter 2 Executive Summary2.1. Global Agro Textile Market Snapshot2.1.1. Global Agro Textiles Market, by Product Type, 2016 (US$ Mn) and (KT)2.1.2. Global Agro Textiles Market, by Application, 2016 (US$ Mn) and (KT)2.1.3. Global Agro Textiles Market, by Geography, 2016 (US$ Mn) and (KT)....Key Trends:Rising demand for organic food productsShade nets are widely used in several agricultural applicationsLack of awareness and hesitation in adopting globally proven cost effective technologiesLeading agro textile companies focusing on acquisition and product diversificationAsia Pacific is expected to register the highest growth rateLarge demand-supply gap are expected to restrain marketCredence Research is a worldwide market research and counseling firm that serves driving organizations, governments, non legislative associations, and not-for-benefits. We offer our customers some assistance with making enduring enhancements to their execution and understand their most imperative objectives. Over almost a century, we've manufactured a firm extraordinarily prepared to this task.105 N 1st ST #429, SAN JOSE,CA 95103, United States Specialty Fats and Oils Market - Analysis Market with Current Trends Analysis upto 2025 Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: SnapshotSpecialty fats and oils find a diverse array of niche applications across a number of fields, especially in the food and beverages industry. The properties of specialty fats and oil are quite different from the general fats and oils, the latter group including cream fats, pastry fats, margarine, shortening, and a number of other products. Some of the largest applications for specialized fats and oils come from the chocolate and confectionary makers. Specialized fats, for instance, are finding a growing scope of applications in chocolate products, especially ones that are molded, including chocolate bars.The demand for specialty fats and oils is also growing among the manufacturers of chocolate products, such as chocolate wafers and biscuits, fruits and nuts, and other similar applications. Specialty oils and fats are also being used in the confectionery industry. A lot of applications of specialized fats distinguish them largely as cocoa butter alternatives, more specifically, cocoa butter substitutes, cocoa butter replacements, and cocoa butter equivalents. There is a growing but currently niche segment of exotic fats, but nearly all specialized fats find most of their applications in the confectionery and bakery goods production. Other end users of specialized oil and butters include the personal care and cosmetics markets, the manufacturers of animal feed, and the manufacturers of dairy products or processed foods.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: OverviewThe world specialty fats and oils market is prognosticated to grab a massive chuck of demand in the food and beverages industry with a number of products fetching indispensable applications. The global market is deemed to be a highly fertile ground for high-paying business opportunities. Specialty fats and oils are lavishly used in a multiple food applications and possess the capability to enhance sensory and physiochemical characteristics such as appealing flavors, creamy and rich texture, and smoothness. Most countries have already restricted the usage of trans fats that risk the consumers with fatal heart diseases. This could be a great opportunity for the manufacturers dealing with trans-free specialty fat and oil products to rake in handsome revenues.The report offered here considers the vital segmentation categories of the global specialty fats and oils market, viz. form, application, oil type, and fat type. With our customized approach, all of these segments can be comprehensively analyzed to determine the most lucrative market types and ensure a tangible business success.Request TOC of the Report @The tailor-made reports prepared at TMR Research, a market research hub, are a foolproof guideline to capitalize on the most promising and unrevealed opportunities. Buyers of this report can prepare their businesses to get aligned in just the right direction for securing a reliable growth in the international specialty fats and oils market.Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe market for cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) is anticipated to count its dominance on the application in compound coatings and chocolates. CBEs are extensively used in confectionery and bakery products. The flourishing rise of this specialty fats type segment could significantly raise the bar of growth for the world specialty fats and oils market. Since CBEs reduce the risk of heart disease by being free of trans fats and non-hydrogenated, the demand growth is expected to elevate even more in the global market. In addition to that, CBEs can be used to enrich the flavor of the ingredients used in various products. Besides CBEs, exotic fats, dairy fat replacers, cocoa butter improvers (CBIs), cocoa butter replacers (CBRs), and cocoa butter substitutes (CBSs) could fairly contribute to the market.Get Discount @The liquid form of specialty fats and oils is foreseen to hold the potential to register a higher CAGR against the dry form specialty fats and oils market because of its saturated fatty acid melting point properties. A large number of chocolate and confectionery items today are produced without trans fats. As a result, there has been an augmenting inclination toward trans-fat-free chocolate and confectionery products, which could intensify the demand in this segment. With respect to its exhaustive availability and usage in the making of different products such as confectionery fillings, palm oil is forecasted to gain traction over other specialty oils type markets.Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: Regional OutlookThe Asia Pacific region is prophesied to emerge as a leading market for specialty fats and oils with a host of remunerative opportunities in store. The global specialty fats and oils market has recently witnessed the birth of a broad-ranging scope of applications in Asia Pacific, viz. animal feed, cosmetics, and personal care. This is envisaged to mark a rising rate of demand in the region. Palm oil and other specialty oils are consumed in vast amounts in India while China, Indonesia, and Malaysia are hailed as the authoritative makers of specialty oils and fats. In this regard, Asia Pacific could record an impressive CAGR against the background of other key regional markets such as North America. Such a dominance of the Asia Pacific market is expected to be in place with reference to both value and volume.Global Specialty Fats and Oils Market: Companies MentionedThe top companies making their mark in the international specialty fats and oils market could take advantage of the new geographies yet to be explored. Salient business strategies such as collaborations with key players, investments and agreements, joint ventures, and launch of novel offerings are predicted to be implemented by most firms operating in the global market. Some of the leading organizations anticipated to take charge are AAK AB, Wilmar International, IFFCO, Bunge Ltd., and Cargill.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: We are delighted to help promote and support Friends Sharing Food throughout the year, but especially during their Food for More Challenge when each $1 contributed is matched for FSF with a pound of food for the folks in need in our very own community, said Tracy Madvig of BRCB. Through their various outreach programs, Friends Sharing Food fulfills a huge need in so many peoples lives and we are so fortunate to have them as a tremendous vehicle for us to help others. Immunooncology Market Expected to Account US$ 27,846.3 Mn By 2025-End Owing to higher efficiency as compared to conventional therapies such as radiation, chemo and surgery, doctors around the globe are increasingly prescribing immunotherapy to cancer patients. Immuno-oncology therapies have low toxicity, making it easier for the patients to undergo such treatment procedures. Increasing clinical approval of immunotherapy drugs continues to support speedy adoption of immuno-oncology treatments while higher investments to further improve immunotherapies is anticipated to create greater market opportunities for drug makers. Persistence Market Research (PMR) is its latest report projects that the global market for immune-oncology is set to witness a CAGR of 16.5% between 2016 and 2025, to reach a valuation of US$ 27,846.3 Mn by the end of the forecast period.Collaborative efforts and initiatives to identify therapies for difficult-to-treat illnesses is a key factor driving the overall immune-oncology market. However, high drug pricing, development costs and limited technical expertise are some of the challenges likely to dampen the surging spirit of the market over 2025.Request to view table of content @Currently, immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy is widely used for treating several carcinogenic disorders. Immune checkpoint inhibitor drugs help the body fight against certain proteins that are normally used by various tumors to suppress immune responses. Sales revenue from immune checkpoint inhibitors drugs is anticipated to reach US$ 7,321.7 Mn by 2017-end. Of late, a number immune checkpoint inhibitor drugs have been approved by the US FDA including Yervoy (anti-CTLA-4), Opdivo and Keytruda (anti-PD1) and Tecentriq (anti-PD-L1).Demand for these drugs is expected to further gain traction, owing to a significant investment by biopharmaceutical companies in developing a robust pipeline. Meanwhile, immune system modulator is the second most preferred immune-oncology therapy and is expected to create an incremental opportunity of US$ 659.9 Mn between 2017 and 2025. Two major approved drugs that fall in this category include interferons and interleukins.Request Sample Report @Based on therapeutic area, demand for immune-oncology therapeutics for melanoma will remain high throughout the forecast period. By end user, hospitals account for the largest revenue share of the market and are expected to represent around US$ 5,557.1 Mn by 2017-end.Amongst regions, the immuno-oncology market in North America accounted for a revenue share of around 67.1% in 2016. The regions market is expected to witness a strong CAGR of 17.1% during the assessment period and retain its top position. In terms of revenue, the US dominates the North America immuno-oncology market and is projected to continue to do so in 2017 and beyond owing to the presence of prominent drug manufacturing companies in the country.PMR is its report has profiled some of the leading companies operating in the global immuno-oncology market, which includes Amgen, Inc., AstraZeneca Plc, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Dendreon Corporation, F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Merck & Co., Inc. Novartis AG, Pfizer, Inc., Sanofi. In terms of revenue share, Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) was ranked at the top in 2016, thanks to the success of its blockbuster products Opdivo and Yervoy.Buy Immuno-Oncology Market Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Hadoop Market Study Includes Key Players 2017 - Dell, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Cloudrea & Others ReportsWeb has announced the addition of the Global Hadoop Market Forecast to 2022 This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Hadoop, the Apache Hadoop developed by Apache Software Foundation, is an open-source software framework for storing data and running applications on clusters of commodity hardware. It provides massive storage for any kind of data, enormous processing power and the ability to handle virtually limitless concurrent tasks or jobs.Scope of the Report:This report focuses on the Hadoop in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Complete report is available atMarket Segment by Manufacturers, this report coversCloudreaHortonworksMapR TechDell/EMC/PivotalIBMMicrosoftAmazon Web ServicesGet a SAMPLE Request atMarket Segment by Regions, regional analysis coversNorth America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)Market Segment by Type, coversCloud-basedOn-premisesMarket Segment by Applications, can be divided intoManufacturingRetailFinancialGovernmentOthersTable of ContentChapter 1, to describe Hadoop Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Hadoop, with sales, revenue, and price of Hadoop, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Hadoop, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Get Discount atChapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, Hadoop market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Hadoop sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data sourcePurchase this report atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.533, 5th floor, Amanora Township,Amanora Chambers, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Global Bioenergy Market will be worth US$246.52 bn during 2016-2024 This research study analyzes the market for bioenergy both in terms of volume (Billion Gallons) and revenue (US$ Bn). The bioenergy market has been segmented on the basis of product type, application type, and geography. In terms of region, the market has been divided into four segments that comprise 15 countries, which are the major players in the global bioenergy market. For the research, 2014 has been taken as the base year, while all forecasts have been given for the period from 2016 to 2024. Market data for all the segments has been provided at the regional as well as country-specific level from 2016 to 2024. The report provides a broad competitive analysis of companies engaged in the bioenergy industry.The report also includes the key market dynamics such as drivers, restraints, and opportunities affecting the global bioenergy market. These market dynamics were analyzed in detail and are illustrated in the report with the help of supporting graphs and tables. The report also provides a comprehensive analysis of the global bioenergy market with the help of Porters Five Forces model. This analysis helps in understanding the five major forces that affect the market structure and market profitability. The forces analyzed are bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, and degree of competition.Click to get Sample PDF:The high-level analysis in the report provides detailed insights into the bioenergy market globally. There are currently numerous drivers of the market. Some of the most prominent drivers are climate change mitigation and adaptation, energy security, and waste treatment. Market attractiveness analysis was carried out for the bioenergy market on the basis of geography. Market attractiveness was estimated on the basis of common parameters that directly impact the bioenergy market in different regions. The parameters include biogas and biofuel costs, government policies, bioenergy demand, and applications such as transportation, cooking, and off-grid electricity supply.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Bioenergy is a critical part of the renewable energy mix. It is the only renewable energy that can be used across all three energy sectors (electricity, heat and transport) it is projected to be another growing segment within the renewable energy market after wind energy segment. The bioenergy market is rapidly evolving and changing. It represents a growing market opportunity for both new start-up companies and traditional companies from a point of view to transfer their capabilities into this new growth market. It is also a broad and varied sector, covering a range of technologies at different stages of development.The bioenergy market was segmented on the basis of product type (bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, and others) and application type (cooking, off-grid electricity supply, transportation, and others). The bioenergy market was analyzed across four geographies: North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Rest of the World. Regional data has been provided for each sub-segment of the bioenergy market. Key players in the bioenergy market include Abengoa Bioenergy, Amyris, Inc., BP Biofuels, Butamax Advanced Biofuels, Ceres Inc., E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Enerkem, Gevo, Inc., Joule Unlimited, LanzaTech, Novozymes, POET LLC, Sapphire Energy, Solazyme Inc., and Zeachem Inc. The report provides an overview of these companies, followed by their financial details, business strategies, and recent developments.Bioenergy Market: By Product Type- Bioethanol- Biodiesel- Biogas- OthersBioenergy Market: By Application Type- Cooking- Off-grid Electricity Supply- Transportation- OthersResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Industrial Packaging Industry Business Development Analysis and Future Challenges by 2024 Global Market Insights, Inc. The latest industrial packaging market analysis and research report talks about major applications of industrial packaging, growth of these segments as well as offers insights into companies active in this industry and their information. Industrial packaging industry size is likely to expand at a significant CAGR during the forecast period. Increased international trade demands for product safety and robust packaging option to overcome damage occurred by environmental factors and transportation will drive the global industrial packaging market. This enables the manufacturers to provide easier distribution and reduce transportation losses occurred by the damage through the protective wrapping.Rising globalization and international trade are supporting the industry growth. Growing commercial industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical, construction and electronics sector further propels the demand. The developed economies are the highest producers and consumers of these products. Whereas increasing demand in emerging economies will further drive the industry growth.Request for an in-depth table of contents for this report @Increasing expenditure in R&D for materials and supporting government policies will further increase the demand. Technological advancements such as digital printing and use of robotics in workshops will result in maximizing shelf life of the product, efficient use of resources and minimizing the waste thereby increasing the revenues.However, pricing pressure on small vendors hinders the industry growth. Low and reduced profit margin to the manufacturers decreases the industry attractiveness owing to numerous local vendors. Low penetration of the market in developing countries hinders the industrial packaging industry growth. Use of bio degradable raw material for packing provides future growth opportunities for the manufacturers. Stringent government regulations regarding environment and employee safety encourages the use of bio degradable materials such as PLA and PHA plastic.The industrial packaging market can be segmented by product into drums, intermediate bulk container (IBC), crates, sacks, pails, tubes, and bulk boxes. IBC type is extensively used for the covering. Plastic sacks are replacing paper & jute sacks owing to its benefits such as low cost, light weight, durability etc.Industrial packaging industry is classified by material into metal, plastic, paper and wood and fiber. The plastic material segment is the most preferred type by the manufacturers owing to its various properties such as cost effective than other materials, can be molded in to specific shape & size and durability.By type, the industry can be classified as rigid and flexible packing. Flexible segment includes paper & plastic whereas rigid segment includes wooden, metal and plastic. Increased use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in place of heavy metal cans will impact positively on the market. The flexible type especially flexible plastic is expected to show higher growth rate owing to technological leaps in this segment.By end use or application, industrial packaging market cater to various industries such as agriculture & horticulture, building & construction, automotive, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, food & beverage, engineering, metal products, plastic & rubber, electronics, and furniture. Food & beverage segment dominated overall demand and used more than 65% of flexible packing in 2015. This segment is expected show similar trend during the forecast period 2017 to 2024.Make an inquiry for buying this report @North America is expected to show steady growth rate during the forecast period owing to developed economy, transport, and delivery infrastructures. Growing occurrence of chronic disease and increasing aging population will increase the demand in pharmaceutical and chemical segment in North America. The use of robotic systems for packages is expected to increase in demand in U.S. with the introduction of Food Safety Modernization Act.Germany and Italy are the major countries in Europe in terms of production of packaging machinery. Their major export countries include Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, Malaysia and Iran. Thus, increased export of machinery in these countries will increase the demand for industrial packaging market.Asia-Pacific region is estimated to record fastest growth in terms of rising industrialization. Increased demand is characterized by quick adoption of technological advancements, rising volume of OEMs which drives the competitors to reduce the cost per package and provide sustainable products. Moreover, low labor cost, huge scope for FDI and stable growth in industries such as automotive, construction and healthcare will impact positively foe industry growth this region.Indian industrial packaging market size exceeded USD 30 billion in 2015 and is estimated to grow over 15% CAGR. The Indian region accounts for 4% of global packaging industry. Growing packaging machinery market in Asia, Africa will further increase the demand for this industry. Enhanced automation, integrated systems and shorter turnaround time are some of the growth factors for industry growth in this region.Some of the major companies in industrial packaging market are Sealed Air corporation, Amcor Limited, International paper, WestRock, Tekni-Films, Mondi Group, Sonoco, Bemish company, Schutz, AmeriGlobe, Mauser Group, Orora Group, B.A.G. Corporation, Greif Inc, Bulk handling, East India Drums & Barrels manufacturing, Chem-Tainer industries, Corr-Pak Corporation, Halsted, Sigma Plastics Group, Wuxi Sifang Drums Limited company, Nefab, Hoovers Container Solutions, Intertape Polymer Group, Jumbo Bag, and LC packaging. The manufacturers are focusing on providing low cost, environmental friendly packaging solutions for the end users.This latest industrial packaging Market research report offers in-depth analysis, key industry insights, market sizing & forecast on a granular level for key products, applications across number of regional markets. The report also analyzes the industrial packaging industry from business strategy perspective, describing in detail growth drivers, pitfalls &challenges for participants, accompanied by a detailed competitive benchmarking including company market share analysis and detailed business profiles.About Global Market InsightsGlobal Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Contact Us:Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb: Global Male Toiletries Market Overview 2017: Growth, Demand By Region, Trends and Forecast Research Report to 2022 The global male toiletries market has witnessed a moderate growth over the past few years. Some of the major driving factors include rising image consciousness, influential advertisements, improving living standards, surging incomes and premiumization of products.Request for sample report:IMARC Groups latest report, titled Male Toiletries Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2017-2022, finds that the global male toiletries market reached a value of around US$ 24 Million in 2016. A surge in the trend of personal grooming and rising concerns about physical appearance among men have boosted the demand for male toiletry products. In line with this, most international brands have introduced male variants of their personal care and grooming products, such as deodorants, sunscreens, moisturizers, etc. A number of start-ups offering male grooming services and products have also emerged in the recent years.Highlights of the global male toiletries market:Rising consciousness about physical appearance and product endorsements by celebrities have majorly contributed to the market growth.On the basis of distribution channels, supermarkets/hypermarkets account for the majority of the sales.Europe represents the largest market, holding the majority of the global share.Aggressive marketing by the manufacturers is the major factor resulting in the expansion of the male toiletries market worldwide. Increasing portrayal of influential men endorsing the products has resulted in rising consciousness among the consumers regarding their physical appearances. This has led to a surge in the demand for male toiletries, mainly in the developed regions. Further, the prevalence of online retail has offered the consumers an option to buy the products at their convenience, thereby contributing to the growth of the market. Apart from this, targeted advertising is facilitating the expansion of the market in the emerging regions. Some of the other drivers include inflating incomes, rising standard of living, product premiumisation and expanding distribution networks. According to the report, the market is further expected to reach a value of more than US$ 29 Million by 2022, exhibiting a CAGR of around 3.5% during 2017-2022.The male toiletries market has been segregated on the basis of products. Currently, deodorants represent the most popular product type followed by hair care, skin care, and bath products. On the basis of type, the market has been segmented as mass and premium products. Based on distribution channels, supermarkets/hypermarkets hold the majority of the sales, followed by pharmacies, departmental stores, speciality stores and others. On the basis of region, Europe represents the leading market. The other major markets include Asia-Pacific, North America, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. An analysis of the competitive landscape finds that the key players operating in the market are LOreal, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Beiersdorf, Shiseido and Unilever.Read full report with TOC:The report has examined the global male toiletries market on the basis of:Type:Mass ProductPremium ProductProduct:DeodorantsHair care productSkin care productBath productsRegion:EuropeAsia-PacificNorth AmericaLatin AmericaThe Middle East and AfricaMajor Manufacturers:BeiersdorfLOrealProcter & Gamble (P&G)ShiseidoUnileverBrowse related reports:Bath Soap Market:Perfume Market:About usIMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.Contact usIMARC Group309 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, USAWebsite:Email: sales@imarcgroup.comUSA: +1-631-791-1145Follow us on twitter: @imarcglobal TestingWhiz Releasing the Newest Version TestingWhiz 6.0 TestingWhiz, a test automation solutions provider announced the release of Version 6.0 (Saturn). TestingWhiz, which is known for its commitment to provide ground-breaking, automated software testing solutions, is all set to lunch TestingWhiz 6.0 (Saturn) in the webinar titled Introduction To The TestingWhiz 6.0 (Saturn), A Test Automation Platform For The Testbirds.TestingWhiz, which is an endeavor of Cygnet Infotech, is about to bring TestingWhiz 6.0 (Saturn) for its users equipped with some of the most tremendous and stimulating features. You can learn more about the nifty and thought-provoking features of iteration 6.0 with the assistance of top-class test automation platform.TestingWhiz 6.0 (Saturn) is a result of TestingWhizs large amount of experience in software testing field, which excels in offering answers for businesses requirement for a reasonably priced, yet proficient test automation solution for internet, mobile and cloud applications. It guarantees to accelerate the prospect of displaying time-to-market but also endorses to authenticate constituents, mechanisms, and complex test automation demands.TestingWhiz Version 6.0 is well appointed with new and innovative augmentations that will allow the testers to track, monitor, and store all the data with effortlessness. Fresh features that are to be shown in this session consist of: Seamless Recording for iFrames and HTTPS SVN integration with TestingWhiz Centralized Object Repository for Team Collaboration New Operations for handling Mathematical and Statistical Functional Testing New Test Management Integrations Feature to handle Pattern-based Data Comparison Support for Multiple New Databases Feature to Merge different Test ProjectsTestingWhiz has never been the one to let a challenge go unanswered, and this time is no different. With iteration 6.0, it is offering testing automation solution to help clients test whether their application functions properly from the Web or not by meritoriously authenticating the performance of web services associated with them. As a result, with TestingWhiz 6.0, you can speed up the procedure of web services automation testing to verify whether the services meet the terms with business rationality and make sure they provide the projected output at the users end.The webinar has been arranged for date 28th November 2017 and Time: 12:00 PM-12:45 PM EST.TestingWhiz invites you to join this webinar to learn more about how TestingWhiz 6.0 helps you to work through the established tactics using its fascinating features to safeguard better test coverage.FREE - Register now for the webinar to have the latest insights on the recent innovations in TestingWhiz 6.0 (Saturn) to ensure better test coverage,TestingWhiz is a codeless test automation apparatus designed precisely for testing web and cloud applications. It is an uncomplicated, user-friendly, innate, and reasonably priced automation solution. It is based on robust FAST Automation Engine that does not need any mechanical and programming expertise for testing applications. With an exceptionally in-built interface and short educational arc, TestingWhiz takes the test automation to completely new level.TestingWhizMack-Cali Centre III,140 East Ridgewood AvenueSuite 415 ST, Paramus,NJ 07652, USAWebsite:Email: info@testing-whiz.comPhone: 1-855-699-6600Twitter: Global Portable Gas Detection Equipment Market Expected to Reach US$ 1,737.3 Mn by 2023 A portable gas detector is a safety device that detects and monitors the concentration of gases in the air. A portable gas detector uses a control system, incorporating a sensor that detects the presence of toxic and/or combustible/flammable gases in its immediate vicinity. Thus, detectors are increasingly used for a wide range of applications (gas level monitoring, portable gas detection, etc.) in multiple end-use verticals, including industry, oil & gas, mining, and building automation, to provide adequate safety for working personnel.Portable gas detectors are battery-operated devices that are used to detect gas leaks and transmit warnings using audio and visual signals even when the recipient is on the move. The demand for portable gas detectors is rising for mining activities. In mining, which occurs in a confined space, portable gas detectors are increasingly preferred over their wearable counterparts, because they can be carried around for portable gas detection. In confined spaces, access is often infrequent and the danger may be greater from oxygen deficiency than from the presence of combustible gases, requiring continuous fixed monitoring.Click to get Sample PDF:The portable gas detection equipment market is categorized based on end-use into oil & portable gas, mining, industrial, building automation, and others. In 2014, the industrial end-use segment dominated the portable gas detection equipment market, accounting for a major share of revenue. The demand for this equipment from the oil & portable gas and mining segments is also high, as the portability of a gas detector is prominent in these applications. Oil & portable gas is also anticipated to remain the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period from 2015 to 2023. Furthermore, the market for portable gas detection is also anticipated to witness growth in the building automation, waste water treatment, and educational end-use sectors.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:By product type, the portable gas detection equipment market has been segmented into wearable and non-wearable gas detection equipment. The non-wearable gas detection segment is further classified into sniffers and others. The wearable gas detection segment is anticipated to witness faster growth. This equipment can be worn on the body, not only increasing operator comfort, but also ease of work. In the non-wearable segment, sniffers account for the majority market share owing to their popularity and consequent heavy usage across industrial and non-industrial applications.The report provides in-depth analysis of the global portable gas detection equipment market based on end-use, type, and geography. In terms of geographical regions, the report segments the global portable gas detection equipment market into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. These geographical regions are analyzed in terms of revenue generation. They are further studied at the level of their constituent countries, and cross-segmentation for each one of these divisions has been provided.The report contains an analysis of the factors that drive and restrain the growth of the portable gas detection equipment market, and discussions of the prevailing market trends, prospective growth opportunities, and major strategies to increase the demand for portable gas detection equipment systems. It also provides market estimates and forecasts for all these segments in terms of revenue.Additionally, the report includes competitive profiling of the major players engaged in offering portable gas detection equipment to various end-use verticals. Major business strategies adopted by them, their market positioning, and various recent developments have also been identified in the research report. The major manufacturers providing portable gas detection equipment profiled in the report include Industrial Scientific Corporation, Dragerwerk AG & Co., KGaA, Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Mine Safety Appliances, Crowcon Detection Instruments, Ltd., Trolex Ltd., Honeywell Analytics, RAE Systems Inc., Detcon, Inc., and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Global Oral Cancer Rapid Test Kit Market Set for Rapid Growth and Trend, by 2024 Oral cancer is one of the largest group of cancers, which comes under category of Head and Neck cancer. It includes lips, tongue, throat, sinuses, and floor of the mouth. About 90% of the oral cancers are squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). According to oral cancer foundation in 2016, around 48,250 people are diagnosed with oral cancer in the U.S. and has relatively low survival rates. The death rates due to oral cancer are relatively higher due to lack of proper diagnosis test, which can detect oral cancer at the early stage. Hence, early stage diagnosis is an alternative solution that helps prevent the deaths of people infected by oral cancer.The Conventional diagnostic tests available in the market are time-consuming and costly. Currently, very few technologies are available in the market for routine screening of the oral cancers. Hence, companies are trying to develop the Oral Cancer Rapid Testing Kit (OCRTK), which can detect the stage of cancer effectively in less time to perform test at home/clinic. Vigilant biosciences developed OncAlert Oral Cancer LAB Test, which is accurate, cost effective, and uses non-invasive technology. This technology also got the CE mark in Europe that enables this product to sell all over Europe. Various companies and universities are trying to develop the rapid detection technology for oral cancer kits to detect oral cancerRequest for Report TOC @The increase in usage of tobacco, which includes smokeless tobacco, HPV-induced cancers, and consumption of alcohol are major factors that drive the growth of the market. Furthermore, increase in awareness and aging population also contribute to the prevalence the oral cancers. According to the cancer research center in U.K, globally over 3, 00,000 persons were diagnosed with oral cancer. Smoking is a major factor that is turning many men and women into victims of Oral cancer. In U.S., black males are having high incidence rate than their whiter counterparts because of cigarette smoking and heavy alcohol consumption. Lack of new diagnostic technologies in the market is a major factors that is limiting the growth of the OCRTK market.OCRTK will have higher impact in the Oral cancer diagnosis market because currently there very few rapid test kits available in the market to diagnose the Oral cancer. Government organizations are actively funding companies that are operating in OCRTK. This highlights the importance of this domain. Factors like low cost, easy process, and instant results are expected to drive the growth of the market.On the basis of product segmentation, OncAlert Oral Cancer LAB is expected to hold major market shares of the OCRTK market as it is the only available product in the market with clinical effectiveness. On the basis of principle, sensor-based devices will have a relatively higher share due to its highly sensitive nature and precision results.On the basis of End User, hospitals, and diagnostic centers hold major market share comparatively than the research centers and consumers as mainly all the operations are carried out in hospitals and diagnostic centers. However, in future the end user is expected to shift their preference towards the consumer as companies are developing techniques to perform tests easily at home.OCRTK market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa. North America is expected to hold relatively high market share due to factors such as growing awareness about the disease and rise in the aging population. However, Asia Pacific region and European regions also might have good market due to increase in incidence of oral cancer.Request for Report Sample @Some key players in the market are Vigilant Biosciences, Abviris Deutschland GmbH, Insilixa, and University of Sheffield.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesTel: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsite: Automotive Washer System Market to Witness Increase in Revenues by 2026 Future Market Insights (FMI) delivers key insights on the global automotive washer system market in its latest report titled, Automotive Washer System Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment, 20162026. Global sales of automotive washer systems including headlamp and windshield washer systems is expected to reach US$ 17.5 Bn in 2016, witnessing a y-o-y growth of 4.2% over 2015. The long-term outlook on the global automotive washer systems market remains positive, with the market expected to register a 5.4% value CAGR during the forecast period 2016-2026. Passenger car segment will account for maximum share of the total sales, extending the market share to 76.7% in 2026 as compared to 74.5% in 2016.In terms of volume, the global sales of automotive washer systems is expected to reach 1,453.4 Mn units in 2016 and is expected to expand at a CAGR 3.5% over the forecast period 20162026.Increasing vehicle production and adoption of efficient wiper and washer technologies are primary factors bolstering the sales of washer systems globally. Moreover, high replacement rate of washer system components is expected to result in high sales in the aftermarket segment. The emergence of newer wiper blade and windshield cleaning technologies is resulting in higher cost of end products, which is a major factor restraining adoption of these products among consumers. High market penetration of relatively low-cost wiper and washer system alternatives restricts demand for wiper de-icer, nozzle integrated wipers and heated nozzle washer systems.Request for Table of Contents @Segmentation highlightsThe global automotive washer system market is segmented on the basis of Component (Nozzles, Reservoirs, Hose & Connectors, Pumps, Windshield Wipers, Wiper Motor); Sales Channel (OEM, Aftermarket); Technology (Electric, Mechanical); Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicles, Heavy Commercial Vehicles); and Application (Windshield Washer System, Headlamp Washer System).Windshield wiper was the largest segment by component in 2015 and this will remain unchanged in 2016Nozzle and hose & reservoir segments are expected to be the next large segment in terms of volumeBy value, wiper motor segment is expected to remain dominant over the forecast period. The segment is expected to account for share of 45.9% in 2016 and is expected to maintain dominance over the forecast periodBy product type, windshield washer segment was the largest segment in 2015, and this segment is anticipated to hold 72.3% of the market revenue by 2026. Advancements in wiper blade technology and nozzle design will support growth of the market over near futureHeadlamp washer system segment is anticipated to witness a relatively high value CAGR than windshield washer system. Increasing sales of premium and luxury vehicle globally is anticipated to bolster the growth of headlamp washer system. Furthermore, automakers in the market are focussing on introducing value added features in their mid-range vehicles, so as to earn competitive edge in the marketRequest for Sample @Regional projectionsThe global automotive washer system market is segmented into the regions of North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, MEA, and Japan. Asia Pacific, the largest market for automotive washer systems is expected account for US$ 5.5 Bn revenue in 2016. Increasing adoption of headlamp washer systems in semi-luxury and mid-sized cars is major trend witnessed in the region. North America is expected to be the next big market, the region accounted for 21.1% of the total revenue share in 2015 and is anticipated to hold 20.7% in 2016. The recent relocation of automobile production facilities to developing nations such as Mexico will impact the OEM sales of washer systems in the region. Western Europe is expected to account for US$ 3.3 Bn revenue in 2016. The market for headlamp washer systems in the region is majorly driven by the existing stringent regulations to deploy these systems with high intensity headlamps.Vendor insightsRobert Bosch GmbH, Denso Corporation, Valeo S.A., continental AG and Mitsuba Corporation are the top five players in the global automotive washer system market, accounting for about 30% market revenue share in 2015. The leading players in the market are focusing on acquisition, collaboration and partnerships of/with technology providers to increase their product portfolio and market presence. Furthermore, expansion of production facilities, particularly in developing nations, is the key strategy adopted by major players in the market.Buy Automotive Washer System Market Report @ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Hermetic Packaging Market - Current Scenario and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Hermetic Packaging Market: SnapshotThe global hermetic packaging market is predicted to witness strong opportunities emerging from the ascendency of ceramic-metal sealing (CERTM) demonstrating a higher growth rate and share in terms of type. There are some crucial factors that could propel the demand for CERTM in the market. The assurance of failure-free operation and passenger safety in the automotive sector is anticipated to fortify the growth of CERTM sealed sensors such as differential non-contacting, chassis level, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) sensors. The growth of the market could also gain a telling impetus on the back of an elevating demand for low-porosity and thermal shock-resistant hermetic packaging materials.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Although military and defense could take a leading share in the global hermetic packaging market on the basis of application, healthcare, food and beverages, petrochemicals, and consumer electronics are also expected to be significant. The healthcare market is prognosticated to record an impressive demand while riding on major advancements in technology for medical implants and other critical fields. The need to protect food from dirt, yeasts, molds, and bacteria could intensify the demand for hermetic packaging in the food and beverages sector. Glass bottles and rigid metal cans employ hermetic packaging seals as per the standards set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Expansion and new product launch are envisaged to be some of the top strategies adopted to gain a strong foothold in the global hermetic packaging market. For instance, Amkor Technology expanded its China test factory and assembly in 2015 and Schott AG launched Puravis and autoclavable Solidur LED in 2017.Request TOC of the Report @Global Hermetic Packaging Market: OverviewExhibiting a positive CAGR between 2017 and 2025, the global hermetic packaging market is forecast to spawn into a multi-billion dollar industry by the end of the forecast period. The need to protect the sensitive electronic components used in sectors such as defense and military against invasion of moisture, oxygen, humidity, and any other forms of contaminant, which may result in system failure is the key factor spurring the demand for hermetic packaging. Besides this, with the growing use of hermetic packaging across end-use industries such as aeronautics and automobile electronics, experts see strong growth on cards for the market in the coming years.The report provides a holistic market overview, covering growth witnessed across end-use industries, key application segments, and major regions. The classifications under these segments are studied in detail. The study also includes an in-depth analysis of various drivers and restraints projected to impact the markets trajectory across the aforementioned segments. It therefore compiles exhaustive information regarding the market obtained via proven research methodologies. The market study also identifies the most lucrative segments in the market and gauges the investment feasibility for the new market players.Get Discount @Global Hermetic Packaging Market: Trends and OpportunitiesAmong major end users, the demand for hermetic packaging is considerably high in the military and defense sector. This segment is expected to gain from the high budget allocation in the defense sector in countries such as the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Besides this, the high demand from the defense industries in India and China will boost the hermetic packaging market in Asia Pacific. In the coming years, the rising demand from the aeronautics and space industry will contribute to the markets growth as well.Among other segments helping the market gain pace, the contribution of the multilayer ceramic segment is worth mentioning. The market players are expected to witness considerably high opportunities in response to the increasing adoption of multilayer ceramic packages across high-frequency applications such as wireless communication, optical communication, and data communication. Multilayer ceramics allow a large volume of electrical feed-throughs, which is a key factor fueling its demand, subsequently gaining increased traction for the overall market.In the coming years, the use of hermetic packaging transistors is expected to increase at a robust pace. This growth will be stoked by the increasing uptake of hermetically sealed transistors for designing home appliances and telecommunication circuits. Spurred by the increasing applications across diverse segment, the global hermetic packaging market is forecast to report strong growth in the coming years.Global Hermetic Packaging Market: Regional OutlookRegionally, the leading manufacturers will find a lucrative market in Asia Pacific. The region exhibits increasing demand for energy, backed by growth in the rate of GDP across emerging nations such as India and China, which will create growth opportunities for hermetic packaged electronic component manufacturers. Besides this, India, Japan, and China are now allotting increased funds in space research. The growth in space-related activities such as exploration missions and satellite launches in these countries will give impetus to the Asia Pacific hermetic packaging market. Additionally, North America and Europe will continue offering attractive opportunities to the enterprises operating in the market.Global Hermetic Packaging Market: Vendor LandscapeTeledyne Microelectronics, AMETEK, Inc., SCHOTT AG, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Amkor Technology, Legacy Technologies Inc., Micross Components, Inc., Willow Technologies, KYOCERA Corporation, and Materion Corporation are among the established players in the global hermetic packaging market. Besides in-depth assessment of the companies profiled, the report also studies the impact of the strategies they adopt on the overall market.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Jackson County has received a 50 percent matching grant from the state of Wisconsin to add a dock to the boat landing on the Indian Creek Flowage in the town of Bear Bluff. Its kind of hard to land your boat out there because once you push it off in the water, there is really no way of stepping from the shore to jump onto your boat. At one time somebody put a homemade dock out there, but the ice tore it apart and stuff so it didnt really serve the purpose, Jackson County Forestry and Parks Administrator James Zahasky said. The county put a road to the flowage about 15 years ago and have been putting gravel down over the years. The boat landing is already there. It is a rustic boat landing, just a gravel road and at the end of the gravel road we put more gravel to make a cul-de-sac on the end of the road so they can turn their cars around, Zahasky said. As reports have spread of the impressive fish in the flowage, more and more anglers have arrived. Even in the middle of the week, there always seems to be one or two cars out there. There is always someone there fishing whenever we go by it, Zahasky said. In the last five to 10 years, it has seemed to have an increase in usage out there. The grant will help fund a small 16-foot dock that the Forestry and Parks department will be able to pull in before the flowage freezes. The grant is funded by the County Conservation Aid from the state that is used to enhance and protect hunting and fishing opportunities. Jackson County will receive $2,691 from the grant and will be required to match it. We will be adding some rock there to meet our match and we will probably have some time with equipment to put this in, so most of the match will probably be with in-kind labor and there might be a little bit of money put in the dock, Zahasky said. The county will be ordering the dock over the winter and will install it after spring break-up. Microcontroller Socket Market - Analysis Market with Current Trends Analysis upto 2025 Global Microcontroller Socket Market: SnapshotThe global market for microcontroller socket is gaining traction from its increasing application across various sectors including automotive, consumer electronics, military and defense, and industrial, automation and re-automation in developing countries, and increase in IC packaging development. Currently, there is intense competition among the leading vendors, which is somewhat hindering the proper growth of the market.Based on product, the global microcontroller socket market can be segmented into Quad Flat Package (QFP), Ball Grid Array (BGA), Dual In-line Package (DIP), Small Outline IC Package (SOIC), and Small Outline Package (SOP), among which BGA microcontroller socket is anticipated to gain strong demand in the near future, driven by its use for integrated circuits and area type of surface-mount packaging. Application-wise, the prosperity of the automotive sector is projected to propel the demand for microcontroller sockets. In addition to that, escalating demand for power line communications and smart energy for metering is expected to gain traction in the near future.Request Sample Copy of the Report @This report on the global microcontroller socket market has been developed with the sole purpose of representing the present scenario as well as the future prospects, to the stakeholders connected to the value chain of this market. All important factors that may influence the demand, positively or negatively, have been analyzed and their implications have been estimated. The report also profiles a number of key companies operating in this market, estimating their market share and analyzing their product portfolio as well as recent strategic developmentsGlobal Microcontroller Socket Market: OverviewThe global microcontroller socket market is forecast to expand considerably in the coming years. Due to their increasing application in communication, industrial, and automobile sectors, the demand for microcontroller sockets is forecast to augment at a high pace. Microcontrollers are integrated in varied electronic devices in order to manage device operations. Because the technology allows seamless management of electronic devices, its demand is expected to scale higher in the near future.Request TOC of the Report @Currently, the market is witnessing high demand across automotive, industrial, consumer electronics, military and defense, and medical devices sectors. Of these, the market is forecast to see robust growth in the automotive sector, which is witnessing rapid expansion across developing regions. In the automotive segment, microcontroller sockets find application in body electronics and information devices. Based on product, some of the key market segments are ball grid array (BGA), dual in-line package (DIP), small outline package (SOP), quad flat package (QFP), and small outline IC package (SOIC).Aimed at providing a comprehensive market overview, the report covers industry factors affecting its growth across then aforementioned segments. The most lucrative opportunities are identified as well based on information obtained via proven research methodologies. Compiled with the intent of helping stakeholders gain a better perspective about the global microcontroller socket market, the report also studies the effect of Porters five forces on the overall operations.Get Discount @Global Microcontroller Socket Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe rising demand for enhanced technology in order to reduce fuel consumption is stoking the demand for lower-power embedded systems. To capitalize on prevailing opportunities, manufacturers have started producing powertrain applications. These exhibit miniaturized designs, low consumption of power, and reduced weight. Such improvements have helped improving functionality per chips with high output and input. Besides, these chips are available in smaller package size. Furthermore, the use of copper wire has increased, which has reduced the cost incurred in packaging without compromising on productivity. Spurred by these factors, the demand for microcontroller socket is projected to rise in the coming years.The market is also forecast to gain from recent developments in IC packaging enabling it deliver high application for a low cost in a low-profile and low-power design. These developments show great potential, lured by which system developers, OEMs, packaging and test subcontractors, foundries, fabless chip companies, and chip manufacturers are placing high stakes on the next generation packaging solutions. Uptake of IC packaging is therefore increasing as manufacturers look for ways of delivering better, faster, and cheaper results. This in turn will augment the demand for microcontroller socket market.Global Microcontroller Socket Market: Regional OutlookDue to the rising demand in Japan and China, the microcontroller socket market in Asia Pacific is forecast to exhibit robust growth. Besides this, the increasing demand for sockets in the regions flourishing microelectronics industry will aid growth. In North America as well, the market will witness attractive opportunities. The expansion of the smart energy and communication sectors will bolster opportunities for the microcontroller socket market in North America.Global Microcontroller Socket Market: Vendor LandscapeMill-Max Mfg. Corporation, Aries Electronics, CNC Tech LLC, and Samtec, Inc. are among the most prominent enterprises operating in the global microcontroller socket market. In order to gain pace, a majority of these companies are focusing on product development and expanding their global footprint. Business policies and marketing strategies adopted by these enterprises will also exert considerable influence on the overall market.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Inertial Measurement Unit Market Growth Opportunities Report 2024 The global inertial measurement unit market is expected to be bolstered by the rising manufacture of aircrafts on a world platform triggering the rise of the need of better navigation techniques. The requirement of equipment with greater usage ease on account of the advancement of worldwide lifestyle enabled the engagement of motion sensing technology extensively using inertial sensors. This could play a critical part in defining the market and driving its growth in the near future. Complex navigation systems equipped with inertial sensors could find an increasing demand because of the unparalleled rise in the use of unmanned automobiles across defense and civilian applications.Read Report Overview @The global inertial measurement unit market is predicted by Transparency Market Research (TMR) to reach a valuation of US$3.6 bn by 2022 end from a US$2.6 bn achieved in 2017. During the forecast timeframe 20172022, a CAGR of 6.0% could be posted by the market.Global Inertial Measurement Unit Market.jpgGlobal Inertial Measurement Unit Market: Major InsightsDeveloped regions such as North America are anticipated to set the tone for a constructive growth in the world inertial measurement unit market. This could be due to three main factors such as the massive inflow of federal investments, aggressive advancement in the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, and towering demand for commercial aircraft. Besides this, the U.S. government support for the military prioritization on inertial measurement unit could improve the growth of North America. Developing regions such as Asia Pacific, on the other hand, could amplify the demand in the global market on the back of new entrants dealing with MEMS that increasingly focus on the manufacture of advanced technology.The world inertial measurement unit market is prognosticated to be classified as per four categories, i.e. product, platform, end use, and sales channel. According to product type segmentation, there could be opportunities in markets such as gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, and attitude sensor. The report authors foresee the market to be dominated by gyroscopes in the product category, which is envisaged to expand at a 6.4% CAGR.Request Sample Report @In view of platform, there could be prospects birthing in the world inertial measurement unit market from segments such as land, airborne, and naval. By end use, the market is projected to see a classification into aerospace and defense, automotive, sports, and other industries. With respect to sales channel, important markets such as direct sales, online retail, electronic component stores, and others could create opportunities for industry players.Request Inertial Measurement Unit Market Report Brochure @Geographically, the world inertial measurement unit market is envisioned to be divided into Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific except Japan (APEJ), the Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Japan. Out of these regions, the market could testify the control taken over by North America as a larger segment while rising at a 6.4% CAGR.Buy Inertial Measurement Unit Market Research Report @About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.TMRs data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With extensive research and analysis capabilities, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques to develop distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.ContactTransparency Market ResearchState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Research on Aerosol Therapy Market Global Industry Analysis and Trends till 2024 Aerosol is suspension of liquid or solid particles in a carrier gas, which makes use of it for treatment of respiratory system related diseases. Different forms of drugs can be utilized for aerosol therapy such as solid particles, liquid particles, solutions, and suspensions. Until recently, aerosol therapy concentrated primarily on treatment of asthma and COPD for which, pressurized metered-dose inhaler device was used.However, the role of aerosol therapy is expanding beyond the initial focus. This expansion eliminated CFC-based traditional metered-dose inhalers devices. This will ultimately boost the market growth of aerosol therapy in the field of gene therapy, inhalation therapy and vaccination. Aerosol therapy is a natural and easiest way to treat asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, and broncho pulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Aerosol therapy is also used to deliver insulin, vaccines of influenza and measles, and pain medications. Aerosol treatment therapy gives an excellent and cost-efficient drug delivery. This therapy is effective for patients who cannot use metered-dose inhalers; primary inhalation devices are produced that guarantee breath-actuated aerosol delivery with minimal side effects.Request for Report TOC @Aerosol therapy provides a fast and non-invasive way for treatment of lung disorders as the drug is delivered at the receptor site. Effectiveness of the therapy depends on how deeply aerosol particles infiltrate into the bronchial track and where the particles are deposited. A particle size under 2m is ideal and can permeate up to the peripheral airways. That is why most commercially available aerosol devices produce droplets of roughly this size.As per the World Health Organization, about half the cases of asthma and COPD are due to hereditary weakness and the other cases are due to environmental factors. The effect of pollution is likely to intensify globally along with industrialization of areas, and increasing the number of vehicles. Current government activities and rising healthcare investments are drivers of aerosol therapy market, which would upgrade over the examination time frame. Increasing prices are major factor that is restraining the growth of the market in terms of value.Currently metered dose inhaler majorly contributes to the market and is expected to dominate the market over the forecast period. As per the data, COPD is third leading cause of death and fifth leading cause of disability. Also, factors like increasing pollution, improper lifestyles are the factors that drive the growth of the market.On the basis of regional presence, global aerosol therapy market is segmented into five key regions viz. North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa. Asthma symptoms were detected in 26 million persons who live in the U.S., of which, 19 million comprise adults and 7 million comprise children. With this rate, North America is expected to dominate the market. Asia Pacific (mostly China and India) market is estimated to grow at a relatively fast rate over the forecast period.Request for Report Sample @The largest manufacturers of aerosol therapy devices are Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, GlaxoSmithKline, and AstraZeneca Plc. In 2001, SmithKline Beecham and GlaxoWellcome merged together and became GlaxoSmithKline, who became a key player in this field. Also, Novartis AGTeva Pharmaceuticals, Opko Health, Omron Healthcare Co., Covidien plc., GE Healthcare Ltd., Philips Healthcare, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Ltd, GF Health Products, Inc. are other important players in this market.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMRs collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesTel: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWebsite: DNA Polymerase Market to Register a CAGR Growth of 6.5% throughout 2017-2027 Future Market Insights presents a detailed forecast and in-depth insights on the global DNA polymerase market in a new report titled DNA Polymerase Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012 2016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017 2027). According to the report, the global DNA polymerase market is anticipated to record a compounded annual growth rate of 6.5% and reach a market value of US$ 389.4 Mn in 2027.Factors Impacting Market Revenue GrowthStaggering increase in the use of DNA polymerases in point-of-care and molecular diagnostics kits is expected to continue to influence the adoption of DNA polymerases. Increasing use of DNA polymerases in epigenetics research, in addition to the increasing investments in life sciences R&D is also expected to boost revenue growth of the global market. However, high cost of reagents and availability of alternative techniques are expected to limit market growth over the forecast period.Read Report Overview @Global DNA Polymerase Market: Segmental Analysis & ForecastBy product type, growth of the eukaryotic DNA polymerase segment will be positively impacted by the introduction of various innovative products such as high-fidelity DNA polymerase that show excellent results in whole blood and other samples containing crude lysates. These products have been used in direct PCR applications, with limited sample processing, which have been a constant requirement especially for high throughput applications. In addition, the use of PCR-based technologies in point-of-care tests, companion diagnostics and other applications have led to a major boost for the DNA polymerase market. Manufacturers of DNA polymerases are entering into distribution agreements to extend product reach and collaborations to ensure they gain market share and remain competitive in global markets. Eukaryotic DNA polymerase segment is expected to hold the highest share of the market, as well as display strong growth, expanding at a CAGR of 6.7% over the forecast period. Among end use segments, molecular diagnostics companies are expected to hold the largest share of the global DNA polymerase market at over 31% market share in terms of revenue in 2027. However, the academic and research institutes segment is anticipated to expand at a robust growth rate of 7.4% over the forecast period.Request Sample Report @Global DNA Polymerase Market: Regional Analysis & ForecastFMIs report segments the global DNA polymerase market on the basis of region into North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan, Japan, and the Middle East & Africa. This report assesses key trends driving each market segment and offers analysis and insights on the DNA polymerase market across specific regions. The market in North America is anticipated to dominate the global DNA polymerase market with maximum value share by end of 2027, accounting for over 56% in terms of revenue. In terms of value, the market in Latin America is expected to be the fastest growing, registering a CAGR of 7.8% over the forecast period. The market in Asia Pacific Excluding Japan is also expected to show a significant growth of 7.7% over the forecast period.Request to View TOC @Global DNA Polymerase Market: Vendor LandscapeSome of the key competitors covered in this report include Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Roche Diagnostics, Agilent Technologies, Qiagen NV, Takara Bio Company, Merck KGaA, Genscript, Illumina, New England Biolabs, and Promega Corporation. These vendors in the global DNA polymerase market are expanding their business by launching new and innovative products tailored for both research and in-vitro applications. Companies are also focussing on emerging markets in Asia Pacific to increase their geographical presence and tap into various end use segments that have the ability to invest in R&D for life sciences as well as develop innovative diagnostics tools.Buy DNA Polymerase Market Research Report @ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market - Future Market with Current Trend Analysis upto 2025 Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: SnapshotUntil a couple of years from now, the future of the sleeker, smaller, and portable computing devices, now dubbed as ultra-mobile, looked bleak. The segment had few devices and the flagship devices failed to entice masses. But the scenario soon transformed and ultra-mobile devices charged in the burgeoning global computing devices market with immense force, a host of new products from some of the worlds most renowned brands and are witnessing massive sales.Analysts predict that ultra-mobile devices will soon supplant desktop computers in professional as well as public spaces. With the impressive rate of technological advancements that this segment of computing devices is achieving in a short span, this transition does not seem very far or difficult. Vast advances in battery, screen, processing, and material processing technologies are supplementing this change, making it technically very feasible to develop portable devices that can easily compete with the present-day ubiquitous, relatively bulkier, and mostly immobile workhorse personal computers.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The rapid influx of a number of technologically advanced and highly promising candidates in the global ultra-mobile devices arena is strengthening the position of the segment as the right candidate to claim a significant stake in the workplace computers replacement process that many organizations eagerly await. Conventional smartphones and tablets fail to be as productive and fast as desktop computers when it comes to fulfilling a number of requirements, a factor that makes the high demand for ultra-mobile devices more likely. This report gives a detailed overview of the global ultra-mobile devices market and its crucial segments.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: OverviewUltra-mobile devices (UMD), also referred to as ultra-mobile personal computers (UMPC), the notebook computers with physical features such as screen and overall size scaled down to bring about a reduction in weight make the devise more compact, have emerged as one of the largest selling computing devices in the past few years. These portable and easy to carry computing devices, which majorly pack capabilities and functionalities similar to those of a traditional personal computer, are steadily outpacing the conventional personal computer models.Request TOC of the Report @The market for ultra-mobile computing devices is expected to expand at a promising pace in the next few years as the trend of mobility gathers further pace. This report on the global ultra-mobile devices market provides a thorough analytical overview of the market in the present times and several forward-looking statements predicting the growth prospects of the market and its segments for the period 20172025, wherein 2016 is considered the base year.The report covers a detailed analytical overview of all the key trends expected to play a key role in the overall development of the market over the said period. The study highlights factors such as drivers, restraints, regulations, and opportunities expected to impact the growth prospects of the market during the forecast period.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe report states that of the key varieties of ultra-mobile devices available in the market, including basic UMD, utility UMD, and premium UMD, the segment of premium UMD accounted for the leading share in revenues in the global market. Operational capabilities equal or enhanced as compared to conventional personal computers, compact size, and high cost have made premium UMDs one of the most profitable UMD segments in the global market in the past few years.Get Discount @On the basis of operating system, the global UMD market can be segmented into Windows, Mac, Android, and open source. Presently, the Windows category accounts for the dominant share in the global market and is expected to retain dominance over the next few years as well.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsFrom a geographical perspective, the report analyzes the UMD market across regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. Of these, the North America market contributed to the leading share in the global markets revenue. The presence of an affluent consumer base and some of the worlds leading UMD manufacturers have helped the region take the top spot in the UMD market.Emerging economies across regions such as Asia Pacific and Latin America have become some of the worlds profitable destinations for the personal computers market owing to the rising population of affluent and digitally aware consumers and the burgeoning enterprise and education sectors. However, the high prices of UMDs could crop up as one of the key challenges for markets expansion in these regions, making people favor budget computing devices over UMDs. The consumer perception that UMDs lack in data processing or operating functionalities as compared to conventional personal computers could also be a factor limiting the overall demand for ultra-mobile devices to mostly business professionals and enterprise circles in these regions.The study also includes business profiles of some of the leading players operating in the global immersive simulator market with details such as recent developments, growth strategies, market share, market positioning, finances, and product portfolio. Some of the leading companies operating in the global UMD market are HTC Corporation, Google, Dell, Microsoft Corporation, Lenovo, ASUSTeK Computer Inc., Apple Inc., Sony, HP Development Company L.P., and Samsung.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: SnapshotUntil a couple of years from now, the future of the sleeker, smaller, and portable computing devices, now dubbed as ultra-mobile, looked bleak. The segment had few devices and the flagship devices failed to entice masses. But the scenario soon transformed and ultra-mobile devices charged in the burgeoning global computing devices market with immense force, a host of new products from some of the worlds most renowned brands and are witnessing massive sales.Analysts predict that ultra-mobile devices will soon supplant desktop computers in professional as well as public spaces. With the impressive rate of technological advancements that this segment of computing devices is achieving in a short span, this transition does not seem very far or difficult. Vast advances in battery, screen, processing, and material processing technologies are supplementing this change, making it technically very feasible to develop portable devices that can easily compete with the present-day ubiquitous, relatively bulkier, and mostly immobile workhorse personal computers.The rapid influx of a number of technologically advanced and highly promising candidates in the global ultra-mobile devices arena is strengthening the position of the segment as the right candidate to claim a significant stake in the workplace computers replacement process that many organizations eagerly await. Conventional smartphones and tablets fail to be as productive and fast as desktop computers when it comes to fulfilling a number of requirements, a factor that makes the high demand for ultra-mobile devices more likely. This report gives a detailed overview of the global ultra-mobile devices market and its crucial segments.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: OverviewUltra-mobile devices (UMD), also referred to as ultra-mobile personal computers (UMPC), the notebook computers with physical features such as screen and overall size scaled down to bring about a reduction in weight make the devise more compact, have emerged as one of the largest selling computing devices in the past few years. These portable and easy to carry computing devices, which majorly pack capabilities and functionalities similar to those of a traditional personal computer, are steadily outpacing the conventional personal computer models.The market for ultra-mobile computing devices is expected to expand at a promising pace in the next few years as the trend of mobility gathers further pace. This report on the global ultra-mobile devices market provides a thorough analytical overview of the market in the present times and several forward-looking statements predicting the growth prospects of the market and its segments for the period 20172025, wherein 2016 is considered the base year.The report covers a detailed analytical overview of all the key trends expected to play a key role in the overall development of the market over the said period. The study highlights factors such as drivers, restraints, regulations, and opportunities expected to impact the growth prospects of the market during the forecast period.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe report states that of the key varieties of ultra-mobile devices available in the market, including basic UMD, utility UMD, and premium UMD, the segment of premium UMD accounted for the leading share in revenues in the global market. Operational capabilities equal or enhanced as compared to conventional personal computers, compact size, and high cost have made premium UMDs one of the most profitable UMD segments in the global market in the past few years.On the basis of operating system, the global UMD market can be segmented into Windows, Mac, Android, and open source. Presently, the Windows category accounts for the dominant share in the global market and is expected to retain dominance over the next few years as well.Global Ultra-mobile Devices (UMD) Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsFrom a geographical perspective, the report analyzes the UMD market across regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. Of these, the North America market contributed to the leading share in the global markets revenue. The presence of an affluent consumer base and some of the worlds leading UMD manufacturers have helped the region take the top spot in the UMD market.Emerging economies across regions such as Asia Pacific and Latin America have become some of the worlds profitable destinations for the personal computers market owing to the rising population of affluent and digitally aware consumers and the burgeoning enterprise and education sectors. However, the high prices of UMDs could crop up as one of the key challenges for markets expansion in these regions, making people favor budget computing devices over UMDs. The consumer perception that UMDs lack in data processing or operating functionalities as compared to conventional personal computers could also be a factor limiting the overall demand for ultra-mobile devices to mostly business professionals and enterprise circles in these regions.The study also includes business profiles of some of the leading players operating in the global immersive simulator market with details such as recent developments, growth strategies, market share, market positioning, finances, and product portfolio. Some of the leading companies operating in the global UMD market are HTC Corporation, Google, Dell, Microsoft Corporation, Lenovo, ASUSTeK Computer Inc., Apple Inc., Sony, HP Development Company L.P., and Samsung.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Nail salon Market Trends,Share,Size,Growth,Status and Forecast 2022 Research Beam has added a report on Global Nail salon Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022Nail salon Market is provided in the report based on product scope and market status & outlook. The market is segmented on the basis of type, end-users/application, and geography. The report provides information about the production, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate of each type. Geographically, the market has been analyzed across North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. The status and prospect through 2012-2022 for each of these regions are listed in the report.Get Sample@The report entails the qualitative and quantitative analysis of current and future market estimations. It also divulges details about the mode of research methodology used for the study. It includes data from primary as well as secondary resources. The report is a useful resource for industry players, new entrants in the marketplace, and investors as it helps them plan their business to gain fruitful and meaningful outcomes. It makes them aware of the production, capacity, revenue, supply, consumption, export, import, the challenges and risks associated with the industry, and much more. Factors that drive the growth of the market are detailed in the study. Key players are profiled in the report and their developments in recent years are mentioned, which helps in understanding the competitive outlook of the Global Nail salon MarketEnquire About Report @The Nail salon Market report has a mention of the industrial chain, sourcing strategy, and downstream buyers. This incorporates the overall industrial chain analysis, upstream raw materials sourcing, raw materials sources of the product major manufacturers in 2015, and downstream buyers.The report also throws light on the marketing strategy used for the study. It includes marketing channel (direct marketing, indirect marketing, and marketing channel development trend) and market positioning (pricing strategy, brand strategy, and target client).The Global Nail salon Market report also covers an analysis of the market effect factors. This includes the technology progress/risk (substitutes/threat and technology progress in the related industry), consumer needs/customer preference change, and economic/political environmentalThe key players which provide solutions in the Global Nail salon Market Parisian Nailsaloon Base Coat? ZAZAZOO Polished HM Nail Salon Endless Nail Salon Lotus Nail Bar & Spa Summit Nail Bar J and J Nails & Spa? MONOGURA Nail Salon PINKY Nail Quick RounGe KIYOSA Beautiful Nails & Body Salon CambridgeCheck Full Report With TOC@About Us:Research Beams uniqueness lies in its highly ethical reports at economical rates because we value your relationship and growth more than money. Your growth is our aim. With the arsenal of different search reports, we help you here to look and buy research reports that will be helpful to you and your organization. Our research reports have the capability and authenticity to support your organization for growth and consistency.Contact Us:Global Head Quarters5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220United Statesphone+1 (800) 910-6452mail Aseptic Processing Market - Future Market, Growth & Forecast upto 2025 Global Aseptic Processing Market: SnapshotAs per the Food and Agriculture Organization, 43% of the food produced in Asia Pacific in 2014 was wasted, leading to huge financial losses for both manufacturers and retailers. Thus, the need for efficient packaging which offers long life and maintains the quality of products was felt. This gave rise to the demand for aseptic processing and the market for this technology is projected to witness a high growth in the years to come.The growing preference for eco-friendly packages is behind the high demand for aseptic processing technology, despite their complexity when compared to terminal sterilization or canning. A surge in the demand for convenience foods and pharmaceutical supplies is boosting the growth of the aseptic processing market. Aseptic processing enables longer shelf life and thus, in demand. As the disposable income of consumers is increasing, their spending capability is also growing, creating a heightened demand for various products, driving the global aseptic processing market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Players in the market are expected to witness a stupendous growth as they increase their already large production capacities. The increased demand for aseptically packaged goods has compelled manufacturers to expand their business and production capacity. The cosmetics and dairy sectors are two areas demanding aseptic processing increasingly, thus pushing the growth of the market. The dairy industry is witnessing robust growth on account of the high demand for varieties in terms of flavors, which is benefitting the aseptic processing industry in turn.Global Aseptic Processing Market: OverviewAseptic processing is referred to as the methodology through which sterile or aseptic products, mainly pharmaceutical and food is packed in a sterile container which would efficiently maintain its sterility. Sterility is obtained through a process of flash heating between a temperature of 195 and 295 degree F which recollects more nutrients and employs less energy than the traditional form of sterilization methods such as hot-fill canning or retort. The method of aseptic food preservation allows the storage of processed food for elongated periods without the use of preservatives. These type of aseptic packages are generally a mix of aluminum, polyethylene, and paper. Collectively, these materials form a constricted seal against degradation, contaminants, microbial organisms, thus removing the requirement for refrigeration. The products which packed using aseptic processing are tomatoes, gravies, liquid whole eggs, fruit juices, and milks.Request TOC of the Report @The market intelligence report investigates into the conceivable growth prospects for the aseptic processing market and the sequential growth of the market during the course of the forecast period. It also exclusively provisions the mandatory data related to aspects such as the dynamics manipulating the progress in all possible reflective manner. Numerous pervasive and non-pervasive trends have also been stated in the report. An outlook of extensive nature keeping in mind the Porters five forces analysis has been provided to make the vendor landscape transparent to the reader. The report further points out several activities related to R&D, mergers, acquisitions, and crucial conglomerates and corroborations. The companies in attention have been examined on the basis of market shares, prime products, and key marketing strategies.Global Aseptic Processing Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe global aseptic processing market is likely to witness exponential growth over the forecast period owing to rising focus on environment-friendly packaging and improvement in technologies and equipment in the packaging industry. The market is also expected to be benefitted by the mounting need for pharmaceutical supplies, growing demand for quality and convenience food products, and significant progress of the dairy beverage market. However, the market is expected to be negatively impacted by the high initial capital investment required for buying equipment and the need for advanced understanding of the technology in question in place forms of packaging forms.Get Discount @In terms of packaging, the segment of paper and paperboard is expected to lead the market in the coming years. This is because, paperboard can be easily cut and processed and is both strong and lightweight, thus making it an ideal material for packaging. Paperboard packaging is available in different grades with unique qualities. The grades are thus chosen on the basis of the respective packaging requirements.Global Aseptic Processing Market: Regional OutlookDeveloping countries such as Argentina, Brazil, India, and China are likely to contribute significantly to the revenue of the global aseptic processing market in the coming years. The growth of the markets in these countries can be primarily attributed to the hectic lifestyles of consumers and their shift towards processed and ready-to-eat meals, growth in household incomes, and favorable demographics.Global Aseptic Processing Market: Competitive LandscapeEquipment manufacturers and suppliers are focusing on offering innovative equipment in different categories along with integrating processing equipment. They are also diversifying the product offerings to strengthen distribution base. Some of the leading companies are JBT Corporation, Greatview Aseptic Packaging Co. Ltd., GEA Group, Amcor Limited, Becton, Dickinson and Co., GEA Group, Tetra Laval International S.A., E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company, and Robert Bosch GmbH.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Cut the cost of travelling With Essex Minibuses newly Introduced affordable packages End moment changes in plan lead to unnecessary expenses and delay. To avoid this, travel by comfortable minibuses.Travelling by Minibus is always exciting. It enhances the journey experience and makes the transportation easy and hassle-free. 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All of their drivers are CRB checked and have a complete four years EU license to drive the passengers vehicles.About Essex Minibuses:Essex Minibuses covers all the surrounding areas of the United Kingdom. All their minibuses are VOSA registered and fully-secured. Essex Minibuses believes in offering high-quality minibuses, and customer satisfaction is their priority. They offer clean and outstanding minibuses with all the amenities to all the occasions. So, sit back relax fully and enjoy your next London trip only with them.Call Essex Minibuses on 01708 301 302 for the cheapest quote.Or Visit websiteCONTACT:Sharif 3, Lakeside Business Village Fleming RoadGrays- RM16 6EWEssex United KingdomPh: 01708 301 302Essex Minibus believes in offering high quality and customer satisfactions minibuses. Our minibus hire Iondon covers all the prominent areas of London. Our buses available for corporate events, weedings, Hen & Stag Parties and Airport Transfers and will pick you up from any destination within the UK.Unit 3, Lakeside Business VillageFleming Road, GraysRM16 6EW Hips & Knees Reconstructive Market to Record a Sluggish CAGR of 6.4% through 2027 Future Market Insights (FMI) delivers key insights on the global hips & knees reconstructive market in its upcoming report titled Hips & Knees Reconstructive Market: Global Industry Analysis (20122016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017 2027). In terms of revenue, the global hips & knees reconstructive market is projected to register a CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period, owing to various factors regarding which FMI offers detailed insights and information in this report. A key trend witnessed in the global hips & knees reconstructive market is that manufacturers are focussing on new product innovations that are driving technological advancements, but are also cost effective. Globally, surgeons are adopting new minimally invasive surgical procedures, computer-navigated and robot-assisted surgical procedures, 3D printing technology and smart implants, which will have a significant impact on the overall growth of the global hips & knees reconstructive market.Read Report Overview @Global Hips & Knees Reconstructive Market: Segmental ForecastThe global hips & knees reconstructive market is segmented based on product type, fixation type, end user and region. Based on product type, the market segmented into hip and knee reconstruction. The fixation type is segmented into cement, cementless and hybrid fixations. Total hip and knee reconstruction is the leading product type segment in the global hips & knees reconstructive market over the forecast period. The knee reconstruction segment is estimated to be valued at US$ 8,719.9 Mn by 2017 end and is projected to be valued at US$ 16,653.2 Mn by 2027 end, growing at a CAGR of 6.8% during the forecast period. The hip reconstruction segment is expected to be the second most lucrative segment in the global hips & knees reconstructive market, with an attractiveness index of 0.8 during the forecast period.Based on fixation type, cementless fixation is the leading segment in the global hips & knees reconstructive market over the forecast period. The hybrid segment accounted for 28.1% value share in 2016 and is projected to account for 29.9% share by 2027 end. It is the second most attractive segment in the global hips & knees reconstructive market with an attractiveness index of 1.0 during the forecast period.Request Sample Report @By end user, the market is segmented into hospitals, orthopaedic clinics, and ambulatory surgical centres. Hospitals is the leading segment in the global hips & knees reconstructive market over the forecast period. Demand for hip and knee reconstruction is expected to be the highest in hospitals, and this segment is projected to register a CAGR of 6.1 % over the forecast period.Global Hips & Knees Reconstructive Market: Regional ForecastNorth America is expected to gain popularity over the forecast period, driven by an increasing geriatric population requiring hip and knee reconstruction. The North America market is predicted to dominate the global hips & knees reconstructive market, accounting for a maximum revenue share of the market by 2017 end. The North America, Western Europe, and Asia Pacific excluding Japan markets are collectively expected to account for around 79% of the global hips & knees reconstructive market value share by 2017 end. Revenue from the market in APEJ is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period.Request to View TOC @Key PlayersSome of the key hips & knees reconstructive market players covered in the report include Zimmer Biomet, Stryker, DePuy Companies (Sub. Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.), Smith & Nephew Plc, Exactech, Inc., B. Braun Melsungen AG, MicroPort Scientific Corporation, Limacorporate S.p.A., CeramTec, and ConforMIS. In this report, we have discussed the individual strategies followed by these companies regarding bringing improvements in their products, creating new manufacturing facilities, market consolidation and advanced R&D initiatives. The report concludes with key takeaways for players already present in the market and new players planning to enter the market.Buy Hips & Knees Reconstructive Market Research Report @ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Acoustic Microscope Market 2017-2022: with Focus on future Scope and Historical Analysis Market Research Future published a research report on Acoustic Microscope Market Research Report- Global Forecast to 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Market Synopsis of Acoustic Microscope MarketMarket ScenarioThe major growth driver of Acoustic Microscope Market includes rising nanotechnology sector, growing technical advancement in microscope manufacturing, and fast growing semiconductor industry and government support on R&D innovation among others.However, high cost of instruments and stringent government rules and heavy custom duty charges on equipment are some of the factors which are hindering the growth of Acoustic Microscope Market.Get Sample of Report @Key PlayersSome of the major players in Global Acoustic Microscope Market include Bruker optics, Inc. (U.S.), Applied materials, Inc. (U.S.), Carl Zeiss (Germany),Danaher Corporation (U.K.), Nikon Corporation (Japan), FEI Co. (U.S.), Hitachi High Technologies Corporation (Japan), JEOL Ltd. (Japan), Leica Microsystems (Germany) and Olympus Corporation (Japan) among others.Objective Study of Acoustic Microscope Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 10 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Acoustic Microscope To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To Analyze the Acoustic Microscope Market based on various factors- porters five force analysis, mega trend analysis, macroeconomic indicators etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW). To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by type, by methods, by applications and sub-segments. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Acoustic Microscope Market.SegmentsGlobal Acoustic Microscope Market can be segmented as follows:Segmentation by Type: Scanning acoustic microscope (SAM), confocal acoustic microscope (CSAM), and C-mode scanning acoustic microscope among others.Segmentation by Method: X-ray radiography, infrared imaging, and non-destructive testing.Segmentation by Applications: Automotive, semiconductor, aerospace, medical, industrial, and life-science industry among others.Get Complete Report @Target Audience: Research Organizations Education institutes Media Healthcare Corporate Resellers and Distributors Government AgenciesGlobal Acoustic Microscope Market Segmentation By Type By Method By Application By RegionThe report for Acoustic Microscope Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: The Tri-County Chapter #1386 of NARFE (National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees) is scheduled to meet at Pizones Restaurant in Tomah Nov. 16. Lunch is available at 11:30 a.m. The meeting starts at approximately 12 p.m. The guest speaker will be a representative from Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Health Insurance. All NARFE members, their guests and interested active and retired federal employees are welcome. Two-factor Biometrics Market Growth,Trends,Size, Share,Status and Forecast 2022 Research Beam has added a report on Global Two-factor Biometrics Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022Two-factor Biometrics Market is provided in the report based on product scope and market status & outlook. The market is segmented on the basis of type, end-users/application, and geography. The report provides information about the production, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate of each type. Geographically, the market has been analyzed across North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. The status and prospect through 2012-2022 for each of these regions are listed in the report.Get Sample@The report entails the qualitative and quantitative analysis of current and future market estimations. It also divulges details about the mode of research methodology used for the study. It includes data from primary as well as secondary resources. The report is a useful resource for industry players, new entrants in the marketplace, and investors as it helps them plan their business to gain fruitful and meaningful outcomes. It makes them aware of the production, capacity, revenue, supply, consumption, export, import, the challenges and risks associated with the industry, and much more. Factors that drive the growth of the market are detailed in the study. Key players are profiled in the report and their developments in recent years are mentioned, which helps in understanding the competitive outlook of the Global Two-factor Biometrics MarketEnquire About Report @The Two-factor Biometrics Market report has a mention of the industrial chain, sourcing strategy, and downstream buyers. This incorporates the overall industrial chain analysis, upstream raw materials sourcing, raw materials sources of the product major manufacturers in 2015, and downstream buyers.The report also throws light on the marketing strategy used for the study. It includes marketing channel (direct marketing, indirect marketing, and marketing channel development trend) and market positioning (pricing strategy, brand strategy, and target client).The Global Two-factor Biometrics Market report also covers an analysis of the market effect factors. This includes the technology progress/risk (substitutes/threat and technology progress in the related industry), consumer needs/customer preference change, and economic/political environmentalThe key players which provide solutions in the Global Two-factor Biometrics Market EMC Entrust Gemalto VASCO Authenex Authentify Authy Deepnet Security DynaPass Fortinet HID GlobalCheck Full Report With TOC@About Us:Research Beams uniqueness lies in its highly ethical reports at economical rates because we value your relationship and growth more than money. Your growth is our aim. With the arsenal of different search reports, we help you here to look and buy research reports that will be helpful to you and your organization. Our research reports have the capability and authenticity to support your organization for growth and consistency.Contact Us:Global Head Quarters5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220United Statesphone+1 (800) 910-6452mail Carnauba Wax Market - Analysis Market with Current Trends Analysis upto 2025 Carnauba Wax Market: SnapshotThe global carnauba wax market, traditionally dominated by Brazil, has emerged as a major economic avenue in recent years thanks to the steady growth of the automotive and food and beverage sectors. The cosmetics sectors growth in developing countries has also been vital for the global carnauba wax market and is likely to remain a key driver due to the growing demand for a variety of anti-pollution and anti-aging products.The automotive industry has emerged as a leading consumer in the global carnauba wax market due to the growing secondhand car industry. Carnauba wax is a precious commodity in automotive maintenance due to the superior performance it provides in terms of polish. Thus, resold cars generally require a generous application of carnauba wax, while new cars are also often treated with carnauba wax to maximize their appeal to customers. The growing automotive industry in developing countries is thus likely to be vital for the global carnauba wax market, while developed regions are home to an affluent consumer demographic that has shown a steady interest in automobile maintenance and is likely to remain a key consumer in the global carnauba wax market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @The food and beverage industry has become a key consumer in the global carnauba wax market due to the rising demand for food glazing and the increasing consumption of confectionery items such as jelly and chewing gum. The rising demand for sweets in developing countries, where the products are still novel, is thus likely to be a vital contributor to the global carnauba wax market.Global Carnauba Wax Market: OverviewThe global carnauba wax market has witnessed tremendous growth over the past few years, due to its increasing application in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector. Brazil is the leading producer as well as exporter of carnauba wax across the globe. The manufacturing of this wax involves low setup cost, however, the labor intensive nature of extraction and processing leads to a high labor cost, thereby boosting the overall manufacturing cost. Moreover, the widespread adoption of primitive tools for extraction leads to an increase in the overall extraction time. This wax commonly finds its application in food, pharmaceutical, automotive, and cosmetics.Request TOC of the Report @The report serves as a reliable business tool providing information regarding important parameters of the global carnauba wax market. It is intended to update stakeholders about the ongoing trends of the market. It provides an immaculate understanding of the market through definitions, classifications, applications, and chain structure. It gives a detailed description of the factor influencing the market and analyzes the extent to which they impact the growth. It offers qualitative and quantitative insights into the competitive landscape of the market. It profiles key players in the market and takes into account their business strategies, latest development, investment outlook, financial overview, and market shares. For a coherent understanding, the report segments the global carnauba wax market on the basis of various criteria including geography and applications.Global Carnauba Wax Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe burgeoning consumption of confectionary products such as jellies and chewing gums, particularly in developing countries, is anticipated to stimulate the demand for carnauba wax in the forthcoming years. In addition, the rising demand for food glazing agent in the food and beverage industry is bolstering the growth of the market. The growth of the market is also backed by conducive regulations enforced by regulatory authorities such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Union. On the other hand, the rising attempts of market participants to increase their margins and revenues are resulting in an increase in price, which in turn is adversely affecting the growth of the market.Get Discount @Global Carnauba Wax Market: Geographical SegmentationBased on geography, the key segments meticulously studied in the report are Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and Rest of the World. Europe and North America will account for a substantial cumulative share in the market throughout the forecast period. The growing demand for waxes for the production and maintenance of automobiles is bolstering the growth of these regions. The robust growth of the automotive care industry, due to rising automobile sales coupled with the increasing sales of pre-used cars, is translating into the greater uptake of carnauba wax.Asia Pacific will rise at a noteworthy pace during the same period, owing to the growing demand for food glazing agents in the food and beverage industry. The rapid industrialization, which is leading to the flourishing growth of various end-user industries, is also impacting the growth of the region positively. Moreover, the rising disposable income of consumers is propelling the growth of the region.Global Carnauba Wax Market: Competitive LandscapeProminent players in the global carnauba wax market are paying strong attention to improving their distribution network to cater to the global demand. The majority of players are focusing towards product customization to serve better to the requirements of end users and stay relevant in the market. The strong foothold of key players, due to their market knowledge and acumen, makes the market a highly competitive arena. Some of the key companies operating in the global metal carnauba wax market are Brasil Ceras, Tropical Ceras do Brasil Ltda, FONCEPI Comercial Exportadora Ltda, Pontes Industria de Cera Ltda, and Carnauba do Brasil Ltda.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Laminated Busbar Market - Industry Analysis,Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Global Laminated Busbar Market: SnapshotAs the switchgear market worldwide is treading along a healthy growth track, the global laminated busbar market is anticipated to rake in a healthy share of the revenue pie. Laminated busbars are used in various industries and with their widening scope of applications such as in electric and hybrid vehicles, the market is expected to experience a significant push in the coming years. However, the upward climb of the market is marred by the protean prices of raw materials. Moreover, the expansion of gray markets is leading to the greater supply of low-quality and inexpensive products, which in turn is adversely affecting the overall revenue generation of the global laminated busbar market.The demand for these busbars is likely to witness a surge in the forthcoming years, especially for alternative energy. Power generation through alternative sources of energy requires the generation of DC feeds into a capacitor circuit and insulated-gate bipolar transistor, through a low inductance laminated busbars. This enables delivery of safe and efficient power.Developing regions are expected to emerge as key destinations for prominent players in the global laminated busbars market in the near future. The emergence of smart cities, increasing number of high-rise buildings, and government policies encouraging energy saving solutions are rendering these regions highly opportunistic. Market participants are also paying high attention to contracts and agreements and new product launches to stay ahead in the global arena.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Laminated Busbar Market: OverviewThe power density requirements of present-day technologies and the highly complex and compact electronic devices require the central power distribution system to optimize the power being distributed, while also improve performance and reliability of the device it supplies. Also, the need for power distribution systems capable of making efficient use of space and providing low inductance is also deepening with rising adoption of high speed electronics and increasing switching speeds and decreasing pulse rise times of analog and digital circuits, generators, and data transmission equipment. These developments have made laminated busbar assemblies the ideal power distribution tool of late.This report on the global laminated busbar market presents a detailed overview of the markets growth dynamic in the present times and forecasts it on global, regional, and country levels. The report includes a, in-depth analytical study of the market and the factors such as growth drivers, opportunities, trends, and challenges, expected to have a prominent impact on the markets growth over the period between 2017 and 2025. The report includes several forward-looking statements about the growth prospects of the market and its segments over the said period, backed by detailed analysis of past and present trends, industry standard analytical models, and inputs from industry experts.Request TOC of the Report @The level and dynamic of competition in the market has been examined with the help of a detailed Porters five forces analysis of the competitive landscape of the market, allowing the reader a clear understanding of the opportunities that new and established companies can exploit going ahead. The report also includes an attractiveness analysis for the key segments covered under the scope of the study, benchmarked on the basis of criteria such as future growth potential, present market size, growth attractiveness, and growth rate.Global Laminated Busbar Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe global market for laminated busbar has witnessed growth at a healthy pace in the past few years and is expected to remain strong over the reports forecast period as well. Some of the key factors expected to have a notable positive impact on the overall development of the market are the rising adoption of connected infrastructures across industrial and residential setups and the rising demand for compact and high-speed electronics across these facilities.Get Discount @The increased focus on increasing the use of renewable energy sources and the subsequent need to modify power distribution infrastructures is also expected to fuel the demand for laminated busbar assemblies in the next few years. Moreover, the rising awareness regarding the need for saving and efficiently using energy is also expected to drive the increased demand for efficient power distribution tools such as laminated busbars.Global Laminated Busbar Market: SegmentationThe report segments the global laminated busbar market on the basis of criteria such as insulation material, end-use industry, and geography.Of the key materials used for insulation in laminated busbars, including nomex, epoxy powder coating, polyimide, polyvinyl fluoride (PVF), epoxy glass, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the segment of epoxy coating presently dominates the market. The material finds extensive usage in the production of laminated busbars owing to its high dielectric strength and low cost.Key industries utilizing laminated busbar assemblies for a variety of applications include transportation, power electronics, telecom, data centers, and alternative energy. Of these, the power electronics industry is presently the key consumer of laminated busbars and is expected to remain the leading contributor of revenue to the global laminated busbar market in the next few years as well.Global Laminated Busbar Market: Geographical and Competitive DynamicsFrom a geographical standpoint, the global laminated busbar market is dominated by Asia Pacific and Europe owing to the presence of established and high-growth industries such as steel, manufacturing, and automotive. Asia Pacific is expected to remain the region with the most promising growth opportunities for the laminated busbar market in the next few years owing to the continuously rising set of applications across these high-growth industries.Some of the key companies operating in the global laminated busbar market are Methode Electronics, Inc., Idealec SAS, Amphenol Corporation, Rogers Corporation, and Mersen S.A.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: Robot Teach Pendant Market Trends,Size, Status and Forecast 2022 Research Beam has added a report on Global Robot Teach Pendant Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022Robot Teach Pendant Market is provided in the report based on product scope and market status & outlook. The market is segmented on the basis of type, end-users/application, and geography. The report provides information about the production, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate of each type. Geographically, the market has been analyzed across North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. The status and prospect through 2012-2022 for each of these regions are listed in the report.Get Sample@The report entails the qualitative and quantitative analysis of current and future market estimations. It also divulges details about the mode of research methodology used for the study. It includes data from primary as well as secondary resources. The report is a useful resource for industry players, new entrants in the marketplace, and investors as it helps them plan their business to gain fruitful and meaningful outcomes. It makes them aware of the production, capacity, revenue, supply, consumption, export, import, the challenges and risks associated with the industry, and much more. Factors that drive the growth of the market are detailed in the study. Key players are profiled in the report and their developments in recent years are mentioned, which helps in understanding the competitive outlook of the Global Robot Teach Pendant MarketEnquire About Report @The Robot Teach Pendant Market report has a mention of the industrial chain, sourcing strategy, and downstream buyers. This incorporates the overall industrial chain analysis, upstream raw materials sourcing, raw materials sources of the product major manufacturers in 2015, and downstream buyers.The report also throws light on the marketing strategy used for the study. It includes marketing channel (direct marketing, indirect marketing, and marketing channel development trend) and market positioning (pricing strategy, brand strategy, and target client).The Global Robot Teach Pendant Market report also covers an analysis of the market effect factors. This includes the technology progress/risk (substitutes/threat and technology progress in the related industry), consumer needs/customer preference change, and economic/political environmentalThe key players which provide solutions in the Global Robot Teach Pendant Market ABB FANUC KUKA Omron Adept Technologies Yaskawa Motoman DENSO Robotics Epson America Festo Intelitek Nachi Robotic Systems Seiko Yamaha RoboticsCheck Full Report With TOC@About Us:Research Beams uniqueness lies in its highly ethical reports at economical rates because we value your relationship and growth more than money. Your growth is our aim. With the arsenal of different search reports, we help you here to look and buy research reports that will be helpful to you and your organization. Our research reports have the capability and authenticity to support your organization for growth and consistency.Contact Us:Global Head Quarters5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220United Statesphone+1 (800) 910-6452mail Precision Farming Market Size and Development Strategy 2017: Industry Estimated to Reach US $7 billion with CAGR of 12% by 2022 Market Research Future published a research report on Precision Farming Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Market HighlightsPrecision farming can be very helpful in the management of the crop production with very low damage to environment. By the use of site-specific knowledge, precision farming can be helpful in the division of fertilizer, seed and chemicals for the soil and in the other conditions. Precision farming collects information and knowledge from the field by the deep analysis of the every aspects of farming. A study shows that precision farming can be very helpful in the long-term sustainability of farming and can reduce the environment damage by providing the fertilizers and pesticides only when the crops and soil needs it. Use of precision farming may help in reduction of losses caused by nutrient imbalance, insect damages and many other factors.An on-farm trial conducted in Argentina provided an example of how on site information and variable rates could be used to maintain the profitability while reducing the many application. Results of this trial also showed that precision farming is a modesty more profitable than the whole field management.Get Sample of Report @Precision farming method incorporate modern technologies for the fertilizer application along with the land leveling, crop protection, irrigation. Other agronomic techniques are being helpful to the farmers for increasing yields with the lower damage to the environment and low pollution. To reduce the greenhouse gases associated with traditional irrigation system, waterharvesting and terrace farming system can be very helpful.Whereas some of the factors such as high cost of and lack of technical knowledge about the use of technologies and equipments are some of the restraints to the market of precision famring.The global Precision Farming Market is expected to grow at CAGR of 12% and estimated to reach at market size of US ~$7 billion by the end of forecast period.Market Research Future Analysis:The global market of Precision Farming is dominated by North America. U.S. holds largest market share in North America followed by Canada. The main factor which supports this is presence of key companies in this region which gives North America a competitive advantage over other countries. Also government of North America countries are promoting use of advance technology in the agriculture for low emission of greenhouse gases into environment. North America is also technologically advance country as compare to other countries which also gives a lead. Europe stands as second biggest market for Precision Farming.Presence of developed nations such U.K. Germany, France and Italy generates most of the revenue in segment of precision farming in Europe. Also, farming culture in Europe is very rich and farmers are adopting new technologies to maximize their yield and profits. Growing application areas of precision farming is leading to wide adoption in the Europe region. Asia-Pacific has emerged as fastest growing market for the precision market. Growing economy of Asian countries such as China and India and high dependency on agriculture are some of the factors which is supporting the adoption of precision farming in Asia-Pacific.Key PlayersThe prominent players identified in the market of Precision Farming are- AGCO Corporation (U.S.), Deere & Company (U.S.), AG Leader Technology (U.S.), AgEagle Aerial Systems (U.S.), Aglytix Inc. (U.S.), AgGateway (U.S.), Precision Planting (U.S.), AgJunction Inc. (U.S.), Agribotix (U.S.), Dickey-John Corporation (U.S.) among others.Some other players in this market are- Raven Industries, Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc., AquaSpy, CropMetrics, Farmobile, Granular, IBM Watson among others.Study Objectives of Precision Farming Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the Precision Farming market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the Precision Farming market based porters five force analysis etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW). To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segment on the basis of type, application, end -users and region. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market. To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Precision Farming.Segments:The Precision Farming market has been segmented on the basis of- By Components - Hardware (Displays, Sensors, Drones, GPS Systems, Mobile Devices among others), Software (On Cloud, On Premise) and Service (Managed Services and Professional Services) By Application - Yield mapping, Quality mapping, Soil properties analysis, Inventory Management, Labor management, Crop Scouting among others.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience: Software developers Semiconductor component manufacturers and suppliers OEMs Agriculture equipment suppliers Government Agriculture service providers Consulting firmsAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Optoelectronic Components Market will cross US$137 Bn by 2023 Optoelectronic components have the capability to source, identify, detect, and control light. The interaction of these components with light makes them ideal to be used in a wide range of applications. These components are primarily used in automatic control systems, aerospace and defense, telecommunications, and healthcare among others.Growing application across different industry verticals primarily owing to its low power consumption, reliability, scalability, and performance is fueling the demand of optoelectronic components globally. Furthermore, increasing application of high end optoelectronic components in security and defense, automotive and industrial sector is one of the prime contributing factors in directing the growth of the market. Growing usage of LED Driver and IC, OLED, image sensor, infrared components in telecommunication, medical devices and security systems is expected to fuel the growth of optoelectronic components market over the forecast period.Click to get Sample PDF:Comparatively high price of raw materials, requirement of huge capital investments for developing energy efficient LED displays and niche nature of application of some of the optoelectronic components are major restraining factors for the market. These factors are expected to hinder growth of optoelectronic components market during the forecast period.Convenience in terms of application of infrared components in consumer electronics and automotive industry is one of the important factors fueling the growth in adaptation of optoelectronic components across different countries. Growing popularity of infrared LEDs in consumer security cameras is one of the major driving factors contributing to the positive growth of this market globally. Each of these cameras contains a number of rings of infrared LEDs, which offer night vision capabilities. Infrared LEDs are used in handheld devices for identity verification and authentication of monetary transactions. Furthermore, proliferation of applications in telecommunication and industrial set ups spurs demand for optoelectronic components at the global level.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:By components, the market can be segmented into LED Driver and IC (General LED, HV LED), OLED, Image Sensor (CMOS Image Sensor, CCD Image Sensor, Others), Infrared Component (Infrared Emitting Diode, Irda Transceiver, Infrared Detector), Optocouplers (High Speed Optocoupler, 4 Pin Optocoupler, IGBT Gate Driver, 6 Pin Optocoupler, Isolation Amplifier, Others), Laser Diode (Near Infrared, Red Laser Diode, Blue Laser Diode, Green Laser Diode) and others. Geographically, the optoelectronic components market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW). The scope of the report offers an insight into optoelectronic components market in these regions based on revenue (USD billion).The report also includes competitive profiling of leading players in the industry and their market position to aid in strategic decision making. The market attractiveness analysis and patent analysis included in the report provide insight into market dynamics, future research scope, industry competition and strategies adopted by market leaders.The report also breaks down and reviews the various factors impacting the market growth, which can be appropriately described as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. These factors help to determine the various existing trends and their impact on the market growth. Overall, taking into consideration the various factors affecting the optoelectronic components market, the report includes a holistic analysis of the global optoelectronic components market, and provides an estimate of growth for the period 2015 to 2023.Some of the major companies operating in the optoelectronic components market are Nichia Corporation (Japan), Avago Technologies (U.S.),Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.(U.S.), Cree, Inc. (U.S.), EPISTAR Corporation (Taiwan), OSRAM (Germany), Royal Philips Electronics (Netherlands), Renesas Electronics Corporation (Japan), Toshiba Corporation (Japan), ROHM Semiconductor (Japan), Finisar Corporation (U.S.), Sharp Corporation (Japan), NXP Semiconductors N.V. (Netherlands), STMicroelectronics N.V. (Switzerland), Infineon Technologies AG(Germany), Diodes, Incorporated (U.S.), Sony Corporation (Japan), Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (U.S.), Fairchild Semiconductor (U.S.), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (South Korea), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), Maxwell Technologies, Inc (U.S.) and Texas Instruments, Inc. (U.S.).ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Kosher Salt Market Expected to Expand at a Steady CAGR through 2024 Global Kosher Salt Market: OverviewThis report covers the analysis and forecast of the kosher salt market on a global and regional level. The study provides historic data of 2015 along with forecast for the period between 2016 and 2024 based on volume (Kilo Tons) and revenue (US$ Mn).The study provides a decisive view of the kosher salt market by segmenting it based on product type, end use, packaging material type and regional demand. Application segments have been analyzed based on current trends and future potential. The market has been estimated from 2016 to 2024 in terms of volume (Kilo Tons) and revenue (US$ Mn). Regional segmentation includes the current and forecast demand for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. These have been further sub-segmented into countries and regions with relevance to the market. The segmentation also includes demand for individual applications in all regions.Download exclusive Sample of this report:The study covers the drivers and restraints governing the dynamics of the market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. Additionally, the report includes potential opportunities in the kosher salt market on the global and regional level.Global Kosher Salt Market: SegmentationsThe study encompasses market attractiveness analysis, wherein applications have been benchmarked based on their market size, growth rate, and general attractiveness for future growth.The market has been forecast based on constant currency rates. Prices of kosher salt vary in each region and are a result of the demand-supply scenario in the region. Hence, a similar volume-to-revenue ratio does not follow for each individual region. Individual pricing of kosher salt for each application has been taken into account while estimating and forecasting market revenue on a global basis. Regional average price has been considered while breaking down the market into application segments in each region.The report provides the size of the kosher salt market in 2015 and the forecast for the next nine years up to 2024. The size of the global kosher salt market is provided in terms of both volume and revenue. Market volume is defined in Kilo Tons, while market revenue for regions is in US$ Mn. The market size and forecast for each product segment is provided in the context of global and regional markets. Numbers provided in this report are derived based on demand generated from different applications and types of raw materials.Browse Market Research Report @Global Kosher Salt Market: Scope of the StudyMarket estimates for this study have been based on volume, with revenue being derived through regional pricing trends. The price for commonly utilized grades of kosher salt in each application has been considered, and customized product pricing has not been included. Demand for kosher salt has been derived by analyzing the global and regional demand for kosher salt in each application. The global kosher salt market has been analyzed based on expected demand. Market data for each segment is based on volume and corresponding revenues. Prices considered for calculation of revenue are average regional prices obtained through primary quotes from numerous regional suppliers, distributors, and direct selling regional producers based on manufacturers feedback. Forecasts have been based on the expected demand from kosher salt. We have used the top-down approach to estimate the global kosher salt market, split into regions.The product type split of the market has been derived using a top-down approach for each regional market separately, with the global product type segment split being an integration of regional estimates. Companies were considered for the market share analysis based on their product portfolio, revenue, and manufacturing capacity. In the absence of specific data related to the sales of kosher salt of several privately held companies, calculated assumptions have been made in view of the companys product portfolio and regional presence along with the demand for products in its portfolio.The report covers a detailed competitive outlook that includes market share and company profiles of key players operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include San Francisco Slat Company (U.S), Morton Salt, Inc. (U.S), Cargill, Inc. (Ireland), Redmont, Inc. (U.S), Flavor Delite, Inc.(Quebec), Qingdao Huifenghe Msg Co., Ltd. (China), Thai Refined Salt Co., Ltd. (Thailand), Marblehead Salt Co. (U.S.), Saltworks, Inc. (U.S.), K+S Windsor Salt Ltd. (Kassel, Germany), and Natural Minerals (U.S).About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Intelligent Sensor Market 2017 Global Trends, Competitive Landscape and Industry Growth Rate with 18% CAGR by Forecast 2022 Market Research Future published a research report on Global Intelligent Sensor Market Research Report- Forecast 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Market Synopsis of Intelligent Sensor MarketMarket ScenarioIntelligent Sensor is a device which has capabilities such self-learning of and adaptability. It can be used for auto correction of errors from input end as well as output end. It also holds capabilities such as self-testing, self-validation and self-identification which makes it different from other similar devices. Need of energy efficient devices in the application areas such as industrial medial and in consumer electronics are the major factor for the growth of Intelligent Sensor Market. Also, growth in the MEMS technologies and sensors with bus capabilities and embedded processing is also expected to drive the market of intelligent sensor whereas factors such as high price of raw materials and high replacement cost are some of the restraints of the market.The global market of intelligent sensor is expected to grow at US ~$60 billion by the end of forecast period with compound annual growth rate of ~18% from 2016 to 2022Key Players: Custom Sensors & Technologies, Inc. (U.S.) Delphi Automotive LLP (U.K.) ABB Ltd. (Australia) Analog Devices, Inc.(U.S.) Honeywell International, Inc. (U.S.) Robert Bosch GmBH (Germany) Meggitt Sensing Systems (U.S.) Siemens AG (Germany) Yokogawa Electric Corporation (Japan) Infineon Technologies AG (Germany)Get Sample of Report @Regional AnalysisThe regional analysis of Intelligent Sensor Market is being studied for areas such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and rest of the world. The Europe region is expected to dominate the global intelligent sensor market owing to the factors such as improving infrastructure in the European countries such as Germany, France, Italy and U.K. among others and advancements in healthcare standards. North America will experience a growth owing to the factors such as frequent replacements of electronic devices and the increase in the demand of advanced features in consumer electronics device. Rich manufacturing and IT industry in U.S. and Canada is also one of the major factor which is driving the market of Intelligent Sensor in North America. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to see a significant growth in the market of intelligent sensors. Countries such as China and India is generating huge demand for the consumer electronic products which is expected to drive the market of intelligent sensor in this region. Also, China is one of the biggest producer of semiconductor equipment leading to high demand for the intelligent sensor from manufacturing industry.Study Objectives of Intelligent Sensor Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the Global Intelligent Sensor Market To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth To analyze the Intelligent Sensor market based on various factors- supply chain analysis, porters five force analysis etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW) To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by function, by type, by applications and sub-segments. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Global Intelligent Sensor MarketSegments:The Global Intelligent Sensor Market has been segmented on the basis of technology, types, output and applications. Technology comprises of system on chip, system in package, hybrid technologies, CMOS process and IC compatible 3D micro structuring. Types include capacitive pressure centers and linear variable differential transformers among others. Output can be categorized as analog, digital and quasi digital among others. Application includes industrial, medical, automotive, consumer electronics and infrastructure among others.Get Complete Report @Intended Audience Component Manufacturers Electronic components Government bodies Research organizations Chip designers Equipment manufacturers Electronic manufacturersAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: 2017-2022 SMB Security Monitoring Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications This report studies the SMB Security Monitoring market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of players, regions, product and end Application/industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and major regions, and splits the SMB Security Monitoring market by product and Application/end industries.The global SMB Security Monitoring market is valued at XX million USD in 2016 and is expected to reach XX million USD by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.The Asia-Pacific will occupy for more market share in following years, especially in China, also fast growing India and Southeast Asia regions.United States will still play an important role which cannot be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of SMB Security Monitoring.EU also play important roles in global market, with market size of xx million USD in 2016 and will be xx million USD in 2022, with a CAGR of XX.Download Sample Report Copy From Here:The major players in global market includeOracle CloudCiscoFalanx GroupEvinox LLCCSIDEvinoxPrevalentCorporate Information TechnologiesENISAAlienvaultGeographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of SMB Security Monitoring for these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast)United StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaTable of Contents1 Industry Overview1.1 SMB Security Monitoring Market Overview1.1.1 SMB Security Monitoring Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2012-2017)1.2.1 United States SMB Security Monitoring Market Status and Outlook1.2.2 EU SMB Security Monitoring Market Status and Outlook1.2.3 Japan SMB Security Monitoring Market Status and Outlook1.2.4 China SMB Security Monitoring Market Status and Outlook1.2.5 India SMB Security Monitoring Market Status and Outlook1.2.6 Southeast Asia SMB Security Monitoring Market Status and Outlook1.3 SMB Security Monitoring Market by End Users/Application1.3.1 Small Business1.3.2 Medium Business2 Global SMB Security Monitoring Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Global SMB Security Monitoring Market Size (Million USD) by Players (2012-2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles and Key Data3.1 Oracle Cloud3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Oracle Cloud SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Cisco3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Cisco SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Falanx Group3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Falanx Group SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Evinox LLC3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Evinox LLC SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 CSID3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 CSID SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Evinox3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Evinox SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 Prevalent3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Prevalent SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Corporate Information Technologies3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Corporate Information Technologies SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 ENISA3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 ENISA SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 Alienvault3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Alienvault SMB Security Monitoring Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments4 Global SMB Security Monitoring Market Size Application (2012-2017)4.1 Global SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)4.2 Potential Application of SMB Security Monitoring in Future4.3 Top Consumer / End Users of SMB Security Monitoring5 United States SMB Security Monitoring Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States SMB Security Monitoring Market Size (2012-2017)5.2 United States SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)5.3 United States SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)6 EU SMB Security Monitoring Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU SMB Security Monitoring Market Size (2012-2017)6.2 EU SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)6.3 EU SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)7 Japan SMB Security Monitoring Development Status and Outlook7.1 Japan SMB Security Monitoring Market Size (2012-2017)7.2 Japan SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)7.3 Japan SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)8 China SMB Security Monitoring Development Status and Outlook8.1 China SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Forecast (2012-2017)8.2 China SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)8.3 China SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)9 India SMB Security Monitoring Development Status and Outlook9.1 India SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Forecast (2012-2017)9.2 India SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)9.3 India SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)10 Southeast Asia SMB Security Monitoring Development Status and Outlook10.1 Southeast Asia SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Forecast (2012-2017)10.2 Southeast Asia SMB Security Monitoring Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)10.3 Southeast Asia SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2012-2017)11 Market Forecast by Regions and Application (2017-2022)11.1 Global SMB Security Monitoring Market Size (Million USD) by Regions (2017-2022)11.1.1 United States SMB Security Monitoring Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.2 EU SMB Security Monitoring Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.3 China SMB Security Monitoring Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.4 Japan SMB Security Monitoring Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.5 Southeast Asia SMB Security Monitoring Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.6 India SMB Security Monitoring Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.2 Global SMB Security Monitoring Market Size by Application (2017-2022)12 SMB Security Monitoring Market Dynamics12.1 SMB Security Monitoring Market Opportunities12.2 SMB Security Monitoring Challenge and Risk12.2.1 Competition from Opponents12.2.2 Downside Risks of Economy12.3 SMB Security Monitoring Market Constraints and Threat12.3.1 Threat from Substitute12.3.2 Government Policy12.3.3 Technology Risks12.4 SMB Security Monitoring Market Driving Force12.4.1 Growing Demand from Emerging Markets12.4.2 Potential Application13 Market Effect Factors Analysis13.1 Technology Progress/Risk13.1.1 Substitutes13.1.2 Technology Progress in Related Industry13.2 Consumer Needs Trend/Customer Preference13.3 External Environmental Change13.3.1 Economic Fluctuations13.3.2 Other Risk Factors14 Research Finding /Conclusion15 Methodology and Data Source15.1 Methodology/Research Approach15.1.1 Research Programs/Design15.1.2 Market Size Estimation15.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation15.2 Data Source15.2.1 Secondary Sources15.2.2 Primary Sources15.2.3 DisclaimerBuy Now This Report From Here:Global QYResearch() is the one spot destination for all your research needs. Global QYResearch holds the repository of quality research reports from numerous publishers across the globe. Our inventory of research reports caters to various industry verticals including Healthcare, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technology and Media, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Heavy Industry, etc. With the complete information about the publishers and the industries they cater to for developing market research reports, we help our clients in making purchase decision by understanding their requirements and suggesting best possible collection matching their needs.Unit 1, 26 Cleveland Road, South Woodford, London,E182AN, United KingdomCall: +44 20 3239 2407 2017-2022 Luxury Hotel Design Report on Global and United States Market, Status and Forecast, by Players, Types and Applications This report studies the Luxury Hotel Design market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of players, regions, product and end Application/industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and major regions, and splits the Luxury Hotel Design market by product and Application/end industries.The global Luxury Hotel Design market is valued at XX million USD in 2016 and is expected to reach XX million USD by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.The Asia-Pacific will occupy for more market share in following years, especially in China, also fast growing India and Southeast Asia regions.United States will still play an important role which cannot be ignored. Any changes from United States might affect the development trend of Luxury Hotel Design.Download Sample Report Copy From Here:EU also play important roles in global market, with market size of xx million USD in 2016 and will be xx million USD in 2022, with a CAGR of XX.The major players in global market includeThe Gettys GroupHBARockwell GroupGenslerWilson AssociatesLeo A DalyHKSPierre-Yves RochonForrestPerkins | Perkins EastmanStonehill Taylor ArchitectsDaroff DesignGeographically, this report split global into several key Regions, with, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Luxury Hotel Design for these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast)United StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaTable of Contents1 Industry Overview1.1 Luxury Hotel Design Market Overview1.1.1 Luxury Hotel Design Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2012-2017)1.2.1 United States Luxury Hotel Design Market Status and Outlook1.2.2 EU Luxury Hotel Design Market Status and Outlook1.2.3 Japan Luxury Hotel Design Market Status and Outlook1.2.4 China Luxury Hotel Design Market Status and Outlook1.2.5 India Luxury Hotel Design Market Status and Outlook1.2.6 Southeast Asia Luxury Hotel Design Market Status and Outlook1.3 Luxury Hotel Design Market by End Users/Application1.3.1 4-Star Hotel1.3.2 5-Star Hotel1.3.3 Others2 Global Luxury Hotel Design Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Global Luxury Hotel Design Market Size (Million USD) by Players (2012-2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles and Key Data3.1 The Gettys Group3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 The Gettys Group Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 HBA3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 HBA Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Rockwell Group3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Rockwell Group Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Gensler3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Gensler Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Wilson Associates3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Wilson Associates Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Leo A Daly3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Leo A Daly Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 HKS3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 HKS Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Pierre-Yves Rochon3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Pierre-Yves Rochon Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 ForrestPerkins | Perkins Eastman3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 ForrestPerkins | Perkins Eastman Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 Stonehill Taylor Architects3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Stonehill Taylor Architects Luxury Hotel Design Revenue (Million USD) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Daroff Design4 Global Luxury Hotel Design Market Size Application (2012-2017)4.1 Global Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)4.2 Potential Application of Luxury Hotel Design in Future4.3 Top Consumer / End Users of Luxury Hotel Design5 United States Luxury Hotel Design Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States Luxury Hotel Design Market Size (2012-2017)5.2 United States Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)5.3 United States Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)6 EU Luxury Hotel Design Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU Luxury Hotel Design Market Size (2012-2017)6.2 EU Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)6.3 EU Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)7 Japan Luxury Hotel Design Development Status and Outlook7.1 Japan Luxury Hotel Design Market Size (2012-2017)7.2 Japan Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)7.3 Japan Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)8 China Luxury Hotel Design Development Status and Outlook8.1 China Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Forecast (2012-2017)8.2 China Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)8.3 China Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)9 India Luxury Hotel Design Development Status and Outlook9.1 India Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Forecast (2012-2017)9.2 India Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)9.3 India Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)10 Southeast Asia Luxury Hotel Design Development Status and Outlook10.1 Southeast Asia Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Forecast (2012-2017)10.2 Southeast Asia Luxury Hotel Design Market Size and Market Share by Players (2012-2017)10.3 Southeast Asia Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2012-2017)11 Market Forecast by Regions and Application (2017-2022)11.1 Global Luxury Hotel Design Market Size (Million USD) by Regions (2017-2022)11.1.1 United States Luxury Hotel Design Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.2 EU Luxury Hotel Design Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.3 China Luxury Hotel Design Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.4 Japan Luxury Hotel Design Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.5 Southeast Asia Luxury Hotel Design Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.1.6 India Luxury Hotel Design Revenue and Growth Rate (2017-2022)11.2 Global Luxury Hotel Design Market Size by Application (2017-2022)12 Luxury Hotel Design Market Dynamics12.1 Luxury Hotel Design Market Opportunities12.2 Luxury Hotel Design Challenge and Risk12.2.1 Competition from Opponents12.2.2 Downside Risks of Economy12.3 Luxury Hotel Design Market Constraints and Threat12.3.1 Threat from Substitute12.3.2 Government Policy12.3.3 Technology Risks12.4 Luxury Hotel Design Market Driving Force12.4.1 Growing Demand from Emerging Markets12.4.2 Potential Application13 Market Effect Factors Analysis13.1 Technology Progress/Risk13.1.1 Substitutes13.1.2 Technology Progress in Related Industry13.2 Consumer Needs Trend/Customer Preference13.3 External Environmental Change13.3.1 Economic Fluctuations13.3.2 Other Risk Factors14 Research Finding /Conclusion15 Methodology and Data Source15.1 Methodology/Research Approach15.1.1 Research Programs/Design15.1.2 Market Size Estimation15.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation15.2 Data Source15.2.1 Secondary Sources15.2.2 Primary Sources15.2.3 DisclaimerBuy Now This Report From Here:Global QYResearch() is the one spot destination for all your research needs. Global QYResearch holds the repository of quality research reports from numerous publishers across the globe. Our inventory of research reports caters to various industry verticals including Healthcare, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technology and Media, Chemicals, Materials, Energy, Heavy Industry, etc. With the complete information about the publishers and the industries they cater to for developing market research reports, we help our clients in making purchase decision by understanding their requirements and suggesting best possible collection matching their needs.Unit 1, 26 Cleveland Road, South Woodford, London,E182AN, United KingdomCall: +44 20 3239 2407 La Crosse County is nationally known for the success of its battle against mosquito-borne disease, especially the mosquito that carries the virus that causes the strain of encephalitis named after the city. Dave Geske, the vector control manager largely responsible for that success, is retiring Jan. 2, and he has some advice for people: Its probably time to invest in Off (mosquito spray) or some other material for next year. The 2018 county budget, which goes to public hearing before the La Crosse County Board on Monday, proposes a large cut in spending on mosquito control, eliminating treatment for nuisance varieties while shifting vector control responsibilities outside the county Health Department, contracting for services in the private sector. The ramifications go well beyond county borders as entities outside the county 11 other counties, two cities and a tribal nation have long had contracts with La Crosse County for mosquito control services. While county mosquito control is a tradition that goes back 40 years, its actually pretty unusual among Wisconsin counties. Outside of La Crosse County, only Milwaukee and Dane counties have programs for mosquito surveillance and abatement. The state has no requirement that county or municipal health departments do anything about mosquitoes, disease-carrying or otherwise. We are by far going above and beyond what other counties do in vector control, County Administrator Steve OMalley said. But state law does require the county to have an animal control program, and county officials are cutting mosquito spending to shift more resources to animal control after one case of animal cruelty/neglect in the town of Onalaska saddled the county with up to $130,000 in unbudgeted costs this year to care for the animals, which included horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits and rats. Forty years ago when Geske started working for the county, there were 40 cases of La Crosse encephalitis within a six-county area, and over the 10 years before there were an average of 27 cases per year of the disorder, which can cause severe brain damage. These were clinically diagnosed cases. There were probably many more cases, Geske said. Ive seen these cases. Its a horrible disease. The good news, though, is that since Geske began his vector control work, there have not even been a total of 27 encephalitis cases in that whole time. Looking at cases of mosquito-borne illness during the past 13 years across the state, OMalley noted that its hard to find evidence that the countys vector control program is making a big difference anymore. Theres no significant difference between the incidences of mosquito-borne illnesses in La Crosse County compared with other counties around the state that dont have such programs. Roughly 80 percent of the countys mosquito control spending has gone into treating for pests not known to cause diseases, and there have been many times when the treatment has not been enough to combat the nuisance mosquitoes. We can never get ahead with nuisance control, OMalley said. Still, while Geskes efforts could never eliminate nuisance mosquitoes, they did have a marked effect. Id be awful disappointed if people didnt notice if we werent doing it anymore, Geske said. But sometimes you have to make tough decisions. This years county budget involves a lot of tough decisions. The countys state-imposed levy limit rose a healthy 2 percent thanks to new construction, but that nearly $500,000 in additional property tax revenue was almost entirely taken up by increased costs and decreased revenue involved in operating the county jail. The proposed county budget calls for spending $40,000 next year for the revamped vector control program that will focus on controlling disease-causing mosquitoes in La Crosse County. This years budget included $163,183 for the program. Meanwhile, the budget for animal control tax levy for 2018 will be set at $52,681 in hopes of creating a program that would cut down on animal abuse and neglect and reduce the countys exposure to major expenses like those incurred in this years town of Onalaska case. The full animal control budget is $185,000, but about $132,000 of that will be offset by revenue from dog licenses. In past years, dog licenses fully funded the animal control program. In animal control, La Crosse County also goes above and beyond, said health department director Jen Rombalski, noting that most county health departments only focus on rabies control. Rombalski emphasized, however, that there is value in doing more animal control activities because there can be a link between animal mistreatment and child neglect. In addition to being vector control manager, Geske also has been in charge of animal control, but that was not a big focus for him. His passion and training is in bugs and biology, and the county contracts with the Coulee Region Humane Society for much of its animal control program. While Rombalski and OMalley praised the humane society for its work, they said the system will need to be revamped. Its too gray and it needs to be more black and white in terms of whos responsible for what and whos paying for what, Rombalski said. Weve got to pay more attention on how to prevent high-cost animal cases from impacting our budget, OMalley said. Although no county officials expressed explicit support for having more nuisance mosquitoes next summer, almost all voted for a resolution dealing with the health departments vector and animal control at committee meetings Tuesday and Wednesday. The county boards Executive Committee, which is made up of board members who chair standing committees, voted unanimously for the resolution Wednesday morning. Only one member of the Health and Human Services Board, Dr. Cheri Olson, voted against it, arguing that bites from nuisance mosquitoes can result in medical issues, too. There are also consequences we dont know yet, she added. For Geske, letting go of the reins is going to be tough. Its a big change. I really believe in what weve been doing for 40 years, he said. I think youve got to put the priority on disease control. ... I just really hope theyre able to orchestrate the money it takes to do it well. Global Electronic Discovery Market 2017 Operations, Services, Applications and Elite Solutions Qyresearchreports include new market research report Global Electronic Discovery Market Size, Status and Forecast 2022 to its huge collection of research reports.The report Electronic Discovery Market is a comprehensive industry study featuring qualitative and quantitative analysis. In todays complex business environment, players in the global Electronic Discovery market need to remain updated about the latest trends. The latest intelligence on the Electronic Discovery market can help companies form more informed business decisions. Furthermore, knowing the latest market trends will also help companies avoid any unnecessary business risks in the changing landscape of the global Electronic Discovery market. The research report on the global Electronic Discovery market presents to readers recent news, key deals, and other trends that are shaping the market. Furthermore, the valuable recommendations provided in the global Electronic Discovery market report will help companies form a more effective strategy, whether to penetrate a new market or expand their portfolio.Sample of this report is available upon request @The research report begins with a brief industry overview. In this section, the report offers definition, specifications, classifications, and applications of Electronic Discovery. Further to this, key data on the latest industry news and major deals is covered. This will update readers regarding the key events that are shaping the global Electronic Discovery market. Moreover, the report also provides the latest news and details regarding the regulatory framework of the global Electronic Discovery market.Lastly, the research report delivers a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape of the global Electronic Discovery market. This section covers the analysis of key companies operating in the global Electronic Discovery market with their portfolio, production data, company profile, price, revenue, and cost. In addition to this, this section also enlists the contact information of these major firms.Browse (TOC) Table of Contents of the Report @List of Tables and FiguresFigure Electronic Discovery Product ScopeFigure Global Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) (2012-2017)Table Global Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)Figure Global Electronic Discovery Market Share by Regions in 2016Figure United States Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)Figure EU Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)Figure Japan Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)Figure China Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)Figure India Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)Figure Southeast Asia Electronic Discovery Market Size (Million USD) and Growth Rate by Regions (2012-2017)About is an unimpeachable source of market research data for clients that comprise acclaimed SMEs, Chinese companies, private equity firms, and MNCs. We provide market research reports on various categories such as Energy, Chemicals, Alternative and Green Energy, Manufacturing, Machinery, Pharmaceuticals and Materials, and Glass.Contact usBrooklyn, NY 11230United StatesToll Free: 866-997-4948 (USA-CANADA)Tel: +1-518-621-2074Web:Email: Eco Friendly Bottles Market - To Dominate Eco Friendly Bottles due to Increasing Mass Participation The global eco friendly bottles market has risen at a rapid pace in recent years in response to the growing support to environmental causes from governments and the masses alike. The eco friendly bottles market has been driven by the eagerness of key competitors to cash in on the growing support to environmentalism, which has led to consistent innovation, as well as steady government support. The steady prevalence of these drivers is likely to enable rapid growth of the eco friendly bottles market in the coming years.According to Transparency Market Research, the global eco friendly bottles market was valued at US$2.5 bn in 2017 and is likely to rise to US$3.7 bn by 2022, exhibiting a strong 8.1% CAGR therein.Fill the form for an exclusive sample of this report @Polylactic Acid to Remain Dominant MaterialThe global eco friendly bottles market employs a number of materials in order to produce high-quality eco friendly bottles. Currently, polylactic acid is the dominant material segment of the global eco friendly bottles market and is likely to dominate the markets proceedings in the coming years due to its widespread usage. Polylactic acid accounted for 35.3% of the global eco friendly bottles market in 2017 with a valuation of US$902.3 mn. The segment is expected to rise to US$1,322.8 mn by 2022 at a strong CAGR of 8%. The mechanical properties of polylactic acid make it favorable for use in the production of bottles, which is likely to ensure steady growth of the segment in the global eco friendly bottles market in the coming years.Get an Exclusive Report Details @The leading regional contributor to the global eco friendly bottles market is North America, which is likely to retain its dominance through the forecast period thanks to the widespread distribution of environment-friendly infrastructure in the developed region and the steady government support for expansion of the same. The eco friendly bottles market in North America was valued at US$617.2 mn in 2017 and is expected to rise to US$1,123.4 mn by 2022, exhibiting a solid 12.7% CAGR from 2017 to 2022.Europe to Retain Steady Share, Asia Pacific except Japan Set to RiseEurope is also an important contributor to the global eco friendly bottles market and is likely to remain a key region for technological development as well as sales expansion for the eco friendly bottles market. Like in North America, the eco friendly bottles market enjoys solid government support in Europe, where environmental conservation has been a valued tenet of most governments. The Europe market for eco friendly bottles accounted for more than 32% of the global markets revenue in 2017.The Asia Pacific except Japan market for eco friendly bottles could emerge as a significant player in the coming years, with the market expected to create an absolute opportunity of US$252.2 mn over the 2017-2022 forecast period. The Japan market for eco friendly bottles is also set to rise to a strong valuation of US$228.2 mn by 2022, exhibiting a steady 6.2% CAGR upon its 2017 valuation.Global Eco Friendly Bottles Market: Competitive DynamicsLeading players in the global eco friendly bottles market include EcoXpac A/S, One Green Bottle, Earthlust, Ecologic Brands Inc., SKS Bottle and Packaging Inc., Cascade Designs Inc., Pachamama, and Pepsi-Cola Metropolitan Bottling Company.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Industrial Automation Market Research Study 2017 and Global Leaders: Siemens AG, ABB, Honeywell International, Yokogawa Electric, Ametek, Rockwell Automation, Fanuc Market Research Future published a research report on Industrial Automation Market Research Report- Forecast 2022 Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2022.Market Synopsis of Industrial Automation MarketMarket Scenario:Industrial Automation can be defined as the use of computer aided control devices to operate different industrial processes by replacing human involvement. Industrial automation helps to operate multiple processes in controlled manner. It helps for mass production by reducing time and increasing production quality.Industrial Automation consists of different levels such as sensor level, automation control level automation, supervision level and enterprise level. The sensor level can also be called as the process level that uses sensors and actuators for getting values of the process variables on periodic or continuous basis. Control devices like PCs/PLCs/DCS and others. are used by the automation control level. PLC is majorly a machine control whereas DCS leads the process control. The automation control level operates using different embedded processors, PID algorithms to control all processes.Industrial automation includes various technologies as Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), Human Machine Interface (HMI). Supervisory control and data acquisition is a controlled system architecture which uses computers, graphical user interfaces and network data communications for high-level processes. Human Machine Interface includes the electronics required to signal and control the state of industrial automation equipment. The major benefits of industrial automation can be considered as replacing human involvement from risky areas of work, greater quality of production and economy improvement.Get Sample of Report @The industry players are emphasized on increasing the efficiency of manufacturing process which is the major driver in industrial automation market. Apart from it, developments in computer aided systems, internet of things (IoT), engineering technologies are the factors driving industrial automation. Usage of robots in industrial controller mechanisms has been a market trend. The decreasing human labor has led to a threat in industrial automation. Lack of awareness and scarcity of investment for many companies could be the major restraints for industrial automation.Global Industrial Automation Market is expected to grow at USD 149 Billion by 2022, at 6% of CAGR between 2016 and 2022.Key Players Siemens AG (Germany) ABB Ltd. (Switzerland) Emerson Electric Company (U.S.) General Electric Company (U.S.) Schneider Electric SE (France) Honeywell International, Inc. (U.S.) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (Japan) Yokogawa Electric (Japan) Ametek, Inc. (U.S.) Rockwell Automation, Inc. (U.S.) Fanuc (Japan)Regional Analysis:The regional analysis of Industrial automation market is being studied for region such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. The ongoing global trend towards greater industrial automation is being reflected in an increase in the number of industrial robots into the US.Currently, there has been news in Japan that factory automation has paved a way for establishment of robot training centers. There has been an upward trend in industrial automation in the Asia pacific nations including Vietnam. It is proved that using industrial robots helps saving time and increasing product quality and production capacity leading to improve the competitiveness. This factors are expected to drive the industrial automation market in Asia-Pacific Region.Study Objectives of Industrial Automation Market: To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the Industrial Automation market. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the Industrial Automation market based porters five force analysis etc. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (ROW). To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective. To provide country level analysis of the market for segment on the basis of type, technology and end user. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market. To track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the Industrial AutomationSegments:Industrial Automation by Type: Fixed Automation Programmable AutomationIndustrial Automation by Technology: Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Distributed Control System (DCS) Human Machine Interface (HMI)Industrial Automation by end user industries: Machine manufacturing Oil & gas Aerospace & defense Electrical & electronics Automotive & transportation Chemical Pharmaceuticals Mining & metals Food & beverages Electric power generationGet complete Report @Intended Audience Process Automation and Instrumentation Manufacturers Industrial Robot Manufacturers MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management) Players System Integrators Government Organizations Research/Consultancy firmsTABLE OF CONTENTS MARKET INTRODUCTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MARKET DYNAMICS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKET FACTOR ANALYSIS GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION MARKET, BY SEGMENTS COMPETITIVE ANALYSISAbout Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.Media Contact:Akash Anand,Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Global Biodiesel Market Size, Share - Industry Trend and Forecast 2013 - 2019 Latest industry research report on: Global Biodiesel Market | Industry Size, Share, Research, Reviews, Analysis, Strategies, Demand, Growth, Segmentation, Parameters, ForecastsBiodiesel is a clean burning fuel made from readily available renewable resources. It is a domestic, sustainable, diesel fuel replacement that meets strict quality standards. Biodiesel contains no petroleum and can be mixed at any level with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel mix. As a renewable energy, biodiesel is receiving increasing attention because of the relevance it gains from the rising petroleum prices and its environmental advantages. The role of biodiesel industry is to help in creating a balanced energy policy.Complete Report Details @The global demand for the Biodiesel is driven by the Environmental, Energy security, and Economic benefits of the biodiesels technology. Biodiesel help the nations to meet goals for the net reduction of atmospheric carbon. Biodiesel is a fuel derived from organic materials; biodiesels and mix of biodiesel reduce the net amount of carbon dioxide in the biosphere. However the policy instability, deforestation and loss of Bio-diversity may hamper the growth of this market.Presently, the North America and Europe account for the highest demand of Biodiesels. In Asia-Pacific, numbers of Biodiesels initiative are taken in order to capitalize on the region's immense palm oil production capacity.Request For Sample Report @Some of the key players in the Biodiesel Industry are Green Earth Fuels of Houston, LLC United States, ACCIONA Energy Spain, OXEM Italy, Hero BX United States, Biopetrol Rostock GmbH Germany, Imperium Renewables United States, Eagle Biodiesel Inc. United States, Cereal Docks SRL Italy, Meroco Slovakia, Saras Energy Spain, Western Dubuque Biodiesel United States, and NEW Natural Energie West GmbH Germany among others.This research report analyzes this market depending on its market segments, major geographies, and current market trends. Geographies analyzed under this research report includeNorth AmericaAsia PacificEuropeRest of the WorldHave Any Query? Ask Our Expert @This report provides comprehensive analysis ofMarket growth driversFactors limiting market growthCurrent market trendsMarket structureMarket projections for upcoming yearsThis report is a complete study of current trends in the market, industry growth drivers, and restraints. It provides market projections for the coming years. It includes analysis of recent developments in technology, Porters five force model analysis and detailed profiles of top industry players. The report also includes a review of micro and macro factors essential for the existing market players and new entrants along with detailed value chain analysis.Reasons for Buying this ReportThis report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamicsIt provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growthIt provides a technological growth map over time to understand the industry growth rateIt provides a seven-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to growIt helps in understanding the key product segments and their futureIt provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitorsIt helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segmentsIt provides distinctive graphics and exemplified SWOT analysis of major market segmentsAbout is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries.Contact UsState Tower90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Website:Email: Cosmetic Bottles Packaging Market - Present Scenario and the Growth Prospects with Forecast 2022 The global cosmetic bottles packaging market is projected to improve its value to a significant high in the coming years. The buying decision of cosmetic product consumers could be influenced by the technique, material, and design of packaging. Besides marketing cosmetic products, packaging could play a critical role in protecting them from damage during handling or traveling. Cosmetic bottles packaging is foreseen to be one of the important factors considered by industry players to achieve a competitive edge over other manufacturers and keep up with changing trends.The global cosmetic bottles packaging market is forecasted to rise at a CAGR of 5.0% during the forecast timeframe 20172022 to touch a revenue valuation of US$8.3 bn by the concluding forecast year. In 2017, the market earned a valuation of US$6.5 bn.Fill the form for an exclusive sample of this report @Capacity of Below 50 ml to Clock up Spiraling Revenue Share in FutureThe world cosmetic bottles packaging market is envisioned to be segregated according to capacity, material, and application, where each category could incorporate a leading segment creating ample of favorable prospects for players. For instance, as per capacity, the market could see a segmentation into below 50 ml, 50 ml100 ml, 100 ml150 ml, 150 ml200 ml, and above 200 ml. Out of these segments, below 50 ml is prognosticated to bag a kings share in the market while expanding at a 4.9% CAGR.According to type of material, the world cosmetic bottles packaging market is prophesied to be classified into metal, glass, and plastic. In view of application, the market could be cataloged into skin care, hair care, makeup, and nail care.All of these segments are closely assessed in the report while comparing their revenue, market share, and Y-o-Y growth by region achieved between 2012 and 2022.Get an Exclusive Report Details @High Hopes Set on APEJ Expected to Lead Market with Overpowering CAGRIn terms of geographical segmentation, the international cosmetic bottles packaging market is anticipated to be segregated into different regions and a single country. While there could be little hopes of growth expected from underperforming Japan and the Middle East and Africa (MEA) markets, Asia Pacific except Japan (APEJ) is predicted to garner a higher share by the end of 2022. During the course of the forecast period, APEJ could gain 143 basis points (BPS) in its market share.Europe is prognosticated to reach a noteworthy revenue valuation of US$2.3 bn by 2022 end, presenting itself as a lucrative region for the international cosmetic bottles packaging market. North America could also be of great interest for players looking for opportunities in the market. It could grow at a higher CAGR of 5.0% than that of Europe. Latin America is expected to be another segment important to keep an eye on when operating in the market.The worldwide cosmetic bottles packaging market could experience the presence of top players such as Aptar Group, Inc., RPC Group PLC, Gerresheimer AG, Amcor Ltd., Albea Beauty Holdings S.A., Rebhan FPS Kunststoff Verpackungen GmbH, HK Cosmetic Packaging GmbH, Silgan Holdings, Inc., Quadpack Industries S.A., and Witoplast Kisielinscy Spolka Jawna.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Future Energy Nigeria Industry Awards honour Lumos Global, Ajima Farms, The Guardians Emeka Anuforo and EE expert Daniel Chimaobi Celebrating leading Nigerian energy pioneers and projects I am passionate about the energy sector in Nigeria. We have huge potential for renewable energy on the continent and I hope we see that potential tapped in my lifetime for the benefit of all. Like energy, investigative journalism is critical to the Africa of our dreams. I take this opportunity to call for greater support for science and energy journalism in Africa. So says Emeka Anuforo, Senior Science and Energy Journalist, Abuja Bureau, The Guardian, who is the recipient of the Future Energy Nigeria Industry Award for the Energy Reporter of the Year. "Our journey to get more communities electrified via clean energy is just starting." - Ms. Fatima Ademoh - Founder Waste-2-Watt" Community Initiative Award winner. Lumos is committed to bringing light to millions of Nigerians. - Yuri Tsitrinbaum, CEO of Lumos Nigeria - winner of Award for Outstanding Energy Project. It feels great to be honoured for my contribution to the power sector in Nigeria - Daniel Chimaobi winner of Award for Outstanding Contribution: Power.The fourth edition of the hugely successful awards, formerly known as the West African Power Industry Awards, took place during this years rebranded Future Energy Nigeria conference and exhibition in Lagos. The glamorous gala dinner brought together 150 of Nigerias most renowned power professionals to recognise and celebrate the leading industry pioneers and projects in four different categories.The Future Energy Nigeria Industry Awards 2017:Community Initiative AwardWinner: Ajima Farms and General Enterprises Nigeria Limited"Ajima Farms Waste-2-Watt Project is honoured to be this years recipient of the Community Initiative Award. Our journey to get more communities electrified via clean energy is just starting but we are optimistic for what the future holds and we envisage continuous collaborative partnerships with the target communities." - Ms. Fatima Ademoh - Founder Waste-2-Watt.Waste-2-Watt (W2W) is a renewable energy project by Ajima Farms and General Enterprises Nigeria Limited that focuses on converting agricultural waste (poultry, livestock, crop waste) and communal waste (kitchen and human wastes) into electricity, cooking fuel using a bio-gas digester for off-grid farming communities at an affordable cost. Through this service, Ajima Farms provides cheaper access to clean energy and create jobs for the residents of these communities, stimulate economic growth while reducing the environmental problems that land filling this waste would have otherwise created. W2W is currently servicing two off-grid communities namely Rije and Kuyizhi in Kuje Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory.Ajima Farms has profiled over 260 off-grid communities with similar needs and is currently conducting feasibility studies to deploy the solutions to the target communities; they aim to power 25 more off-grid agricultural communities which will provide electricity for an estimated 2,750 homes; 22,000 people and 250 businesses over the next three years.Waste-2-Watt is not a CSR project it is a social enterprise division of Ajima Farms with a vision to transform off-grid communities by expanding energy access for socio-economic development.Energy Reporter of the YearWinner: Emeka Anuforo, Senior Science and Energy Journalist, Abuja Bureau, The GuardianEmeka Anuforo is a leading energy reporter in Nigeria, having covered the energy beat in Nigeria for over 15 years. In that time he has helped to shape energy policies through his thought pieces and held government and private sector accountable for ensuring energy access for millions of Nigerians. His articles and thought pieces are heavily syndicated and he is held in the highest regard by other journalists, by government officials and policy makers and by a significant section of the private sector. Emeka is currently on a short leave of absence and working for the African Development Banks Communications and External Relations Department.His full statement after receiving the award was: I am honoured to receive the Energy Reporter of the Year award in recognition of my work as a senior energy correspondent for The Guardian in Nigeria. I am passionate about the energy sector in Nigeria. We have huge potential for renewable energy on the continent and I hope we see that potential tapped in my lifetime for the benefit of all.Like energy, investigative journalism is critical to the Africa of our dreams. I take this opportunity to call for greater support for science and energy journalism in Africa. I would also like to pass a message to young journalists not to give up on their dreams, to keep writing, because this award shows that hard work and perseverance pays off. I would like to thank my editors and mentors over the years and, of course, Future Energy Nigeria for naming me Energy Reporter of the Year 2016-2017.Award for Outstanding Contribution: PowerWinner: Daniel ChimaobiWinning is a wonderful feeling was Daniel Chimaobis response after receiving his award. He added: it feels great to be honoured for my contribution to the power sector in Nigeria. Every great feat, however, is an accumulation of smaller feats. Seize the little moments, give everything your best shot, never say never and the world will celebrate you.At age 30, Daniel Chimaobi NNA holds a Bachelor and Master of Science degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and also an MBA from the prestigious University of Lagos, Nigeria. A member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, he is the host of the first ever energy programme premier on the first university radio station in Nigeria, UNILAG Radio 103.1 FM since October 2013 till date with a community reach of over 40,000 students, management and teaching staff.The program creates awareness, educates and provides advisory to the public on energy issues especially renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy conservation. He is also involved in the training and mentoring of about 200 higher institution students on energy related matters and provides guidance for the identification of energy related problems within university communities and innovative solutions to solve peculiar energy problems.Presently, he is a Research Officer at the National Centre for Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Energy Commission of Nigeria.Outstanding Energy Project AwardWinner: Lumos GlobalLumos Nigeria would like to extend our sincere thanks to Future Energy Nigeria for the recognition embodied in the Outstanding Energy Project Award. Our success to date is just the beginning of our journey and is the result of a great partnership with MTN. Lumos is committed to bringing light to millions of Nigerians, providing affordable, reliable and renewable energy to homes and businesses. Inspired by the mobile revolution, we strive to become for the renewable energy sector what the mobile phone is for the communications. - Yuri Tsitrinbaum, CEO of Lumos Nigeria.Lumos Global has created the technology for a home power station in a box, which includes a solar panel activated by text messaging, that can supply sufficient clean, off-grid electricity for households and small to medium businesses in developing countries. The Lumos enterprise is widely praised for its innovative character, improving the standard of living for people in Nigeria and soon in many other locations around the globe. Lumos has also just announced its expansion plans into East Africa.Best custom standThe winner of the best custom stand at the Future Energy Nigeria exhibition was Skipper Nigeria Limited.Industry supportThe 14th edition of the rebranded Future Energy Nigeria once again enjoyed widespread support from the industry with Lucy Electric, a global secondary distribution leader in the electricity sector, and SkipperSeil Limited as platinum sponsors, while Genesis and Jubaili Bros were gold sponsors. The Indian Chamber of Commerce was also the country partner of the event this year, hosting an Indian pavilion with more than 45 members exhibiting.Future Energy Nigeria is organised by Spintelligent, a multi-award-winning Cape Town-based exhibition and conference producer across the continent in the infrastructure, real estate, energy, mining, agriculture and education sectors. Other well-known events by Spintelligent include African Utility Week, Future Energy East Africa (formerly EAPIC), Future Energy Central Africa (formerly iPAD Cameroon), Future Energy Uganda, Agritech Expo Zambia, Kenya Mining Forum, Nigeria Mining Week and DRC Mining Week. Spintelligent is part of the UK-based Clarion Events Group.Senior Communications Manager: Annemarie RoodbolTelephone: +27 21 700 3558Email: annemarie.roodbol@spintelligent.comWebsite:Postal address: PO Box 321, Steenberg, 7947, South Africa Passive Optical Network Equipment Market is Expected to Reach US$163.50 bn by the end of 2023 Market Research Reports Search Engine A new report added to the repository of Market Research Reports Search Engine Passive Optical Network (PON) Equipment Market (By Components: Optical Cables, Optical Power Splitters, Optical Filters, Wavelength Division Multiplexer/De-Multiplexer; By Structure: Gigabit Passive Optical Network, Ethernet Passive Optical Network; By GPON Components: Optical Line Terminal, Optical Network Terminal; By EPON Components: Optical Line Terminal, Optical Network Terminal) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2023 is a comprehensive repository of information, providing market share, size, and forecast.Get Free Sample Report@The global demand for PON equipment is expected to rise quickly due to the superiority of optics in networking. PONs are easily scalable, provide advanced security, are highly reliable for consistency, and help optimize the bandwidth connectivity. Additionally, PON equipment are easy to install and maintain in comparison to conventional networks and also do not emit electromagnetic radiation due to their dielectric nature.Environmental conservationists are also positive about PON implementation due to their eco-friendly nature, in comparison to conventional copper-based cable networks. PON and its passive local area network also helps eliminate the need for workgroup switches.Factors such as these are responsible for the extremely optimistic 20.7% CAGR displayed by PON equipment revenue from 2015 to 2023. This market is expected to be valued at US$163.50 bn by the end of 2023.High PON Equipment Demand in Asia Pacific Draws Global Players to the RegionAsia Pacific is currently showing a very high demand for PON structures and equipment. Most of this demand increase is attributed to the rapid network implementations of China and India. China has played a key role in the growth of PON equipment players in the recent past and is expected to continue doing so for the coming years. A factor that allows China to show a higher PON demand than most other countries is the sheer volume of data being transferred across networks. The amount as well as rate of data traffic in the country is causing many users to switch from wireless networks to wired modes, thus increasing the consumption of PON equipment.View Full Report At@India has proposed to build what the country will call the National Optical Fiber Network. The NOFN is a part of a plan to enhance the connectivity between different villages across India. The resultant dark fiber network is expected to significantly improve the nations connectivity.GPON Preferred More While EPON Developments Enable Better AdoptionBy the end of 2023, gigabit passive optical networks are expected to hold 70.24% of the market over their counterpart structure, the Ethernet passive optical network. The key reasons for the higher implementation of GPON structure and equipment include the use of GPON encapsulation method, which helps service providers develop efficient subscriber packaging with their frames in segments. GPON also permits a more diverse array of bit rate options. They are, however, largely determined by the industry standards of a regions.EPON structures, on the other hand, are proliferating at a rapid rate owing to backhaul carriage services that can be offered in 3G and 4G mobile technologies. Technological advancements are also allowing EPON structures to be completely compatible with the current Ethernet standards, which removes the need to modify speeds during connection. However, EPON structures are currently being limited in use due to the large-scale usage of GPON structures.Key PON equipment providers in the world currently are Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., ZTE Corporation, Alcatel-Lucent S.A., and Calix, Inc. They own large revenue shares of the market and are collectively creating a highly consolidated market.Enquire About this Report@About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Sea Water Pumps Market Forecast Report Offers Actionable Insights 2017 - 2027 Sea water pumps are mainly used for transferring or circulating sea water aboard (ships) for various applications. These pumps have a wide range of applications, including ballast transferring, bilge pumping, firefighting, high-pressure deck washing, etc. On some smaller vessels, the same sea water pumps are used for a wide range of general service applications. This in turn propels the demand for centrifugal sea water pumps, which require more flexibility in terms of capabilities and performance. Generally, attributing to the saltiness of the seawater, corrosion is a common challenge in stainless or brine sea water pumps, which are used for various applications, such as, distillation, thermal, hydro and nuclear power plants. In order to tackle this problem, many manufacturers use specific types of metals, which are cost effective and serve as the best alternatives.Sea water injections pumps and sea water lift pumps are two major kinds of pumps used in different types of applications. Seawater injection pumps are installed at offshore platforms and are generally centrifugal pumps, which are used to increase the pressure of the reservoir by injecting high pressure raw sea water. On the other hand, seawater lift pumps are used to lift the sea water on board so as to use that water for different applications on the vessel. These pumps are vertical, centrifugal or multistage pumps and are attached to a submersible motor. Sea water injection pumps and sea water lift pumps both required a necessary consideration of material at the time of manufacturing in order to protect them from corrosion and rusting.Request For Report Sample:Sea Water Pumps Market: DynamicsSteady growth of the ship manufacturing industry, growing international sea trade and stringent marine emission regulations are factors driving the sea water pumps market. Further, increasing awareness regarding the supply of uncontaminated water and distillation and treatment of sea water are some more factors expected to drive the sea water pumps market. On the other hand, time to time maintenance and the cost involved, limited availability of aftersales service, etc. are some of the restraints countering growth of the sea water pumps market. Aside from this, the use of bronze and other metals, which are less prone to corrosion, in the manufacturing of pumps is the emerging opportunity for the sea water pumps market.Sea Water Pumps Market: SegmentationSegmentation of the sea water pumps market on the basis of operation:AirElectricEngineHydraulicSegmentation of the sea water pumps market on the basis of orientation:HorizontalImmersedVerticalSegmentation of the sea water pumps market on the basis of pressure rating:Below 50M51M - 150M151M - 350M351M - 500MAbove 501MSea Water Pumps Market: Regional OutlookAsia-Pacific is projected to lead the market for sea water pumps, wherein presently China holds the largest market share in terms of value and is estimated to grow with a comparatively high during the forecast period. Also, India, South Korea, Japan, etc. are some of the other countries majorly contributing to the growth of the sea water pumps market if the region. The domination of the Asia-Pacific region can be attributed to the increasing awareness of water and wastewater treatment and high growth in the power sector. After the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe are pegged to register significant growth rates in the sea water pumps market. This considerable growth stems from the high consumption and strong presence of well-settled manufacturers of sea water pumps in these regions. On the other hand, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa are slated to exhibit stagnant growth in the sea water pumps market.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Sea Water Pumps Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the sea water pumps market identified across the value chain are Dab Pumps Spa, Lenntech B.V., AxFlow Holding AB, Sundyne, Desmi A/S, Waterax, Wenesco, Inc., Tsurumi Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Wanner Engineering Inc., Crest Pumps Ltd, KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Rotech Pumps & Systems Inc., Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd., etc.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Asia Pacific Excluding Japan Automotive Aftermarket to Reach US$ 218.73 Bn by 2025 Future Market Insights (FMI) announces release of its latest market outlook forecast titled Automotive Aftermarket: Asia-Pacific Excl. Japan (APEJ) Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2015 - 2025. According to this report, automotive aftermarket components in Asia Pacific is anticipated to account for US$ 218.73 Bn by 2025, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.1% throughout the forecast period.The automotive aftermarket is a secondary market, which plays a pivotal role post-sale of a vehicle, as it entails remanufacturing, manufacturing, distribution and installation of automobile components and accessories for vehicles. Components and accessories are installed post sale of a new vehicle by the dealer or service provider and this is termed as automotive aftermarket. Accessories include customized parts for convenience, safety, comfort and performance. These are designed as add-ons after vehicles are assembled by the original manufacturer. Services on the other hand include maintenance and repairs to ensure vehicles continue functioning, and providers offer options with regard to where vehicle owners can avail such offerings.Request Sample Report@The replacement part segment is expected to expand at a CAGR of 9.7%, accessories at 8.9% and services at 7.3% during the forecast period. Components segment is further sub-segmented into oils & lubricants, tyres, batteries, wear & tear parts, filters, collision body parts, starters & alternators, lighting components, exhaust components and spark plugs. Among these, exhaust components and tires dominate the other segments. Demand for interior accessories is expected to register a CAGR of 8.4%, owing to increasing demand from automobile owners to enhance functionality and appearance of their vehicles, and this trend is expected to further drive overall market growth in the near future. Services is further sub-segmented into general automotive repairs and automotive transmission and other repairs.Asia Pacific automotive aftermarket is majorly driven by growing vehicle parc, boom in vehicle sales and demand for general automotive repairs. This includes repairs and services related to transmissions, starters & alternators, brakes, lubricants, tyres, filters and batteries among others. Apart from this, increasing safety and security needs and favourable GDP growth in developing economies are major growth drivers for the ASEAN automotive aftermarket. However, despite certain technological challenges acting as growth restraints, the ASEAN automotive aftermarket is expected to experience rapid growth over the forecast period.Request for Table of Contents@This market forecast covers analysis and market value of each segment and respective sub-segment and potential of the connected automotive aftermarket in specific countries. Asia Pacific is forecast to emerge as the fastest growing market, owing to the large number of vehicles in operation and is expected to witness a steady growth during forecast period 20152025.Buy APEJ Automotive Aftermarket Research Report @ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite : Green concrete Market to Record an Exponential CAGR by 2025 Green concrete also known as geo-polymer concrete is a construction material that can withstand high temperatures, is fire resistant, has great resistance to corrosion and has good solar reflectivity. Green concrete consumes relatively less energy in production and emits less carbon dioxide in comparison to conventional cement, making it an eco-friendly solution. In United State Green Building Council has established Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program for promoting the using of recycled material for reduces the wastes. Such initiatives across the geography creates a positive growth environment for green concrete market. Existing and upcoming regulations has resulted in increased consumption of these advanced construction material. The growth prospects for the market are anticipated to remain positive throughout the forecast period. The market will witness advancement in material technology. Manufacturers in the market are anticipated to focus on cost effective manufacturing techniques, so as to reduce cost of the product, which in turn help in increasing the consumption.Request For Report Sample:Green Concrete Market: Dynamics:Drivers:Rapid industrialization and urbanization has increased the demand for roads, houses, water retention structure, tunnel, bridges and are triggering the global green concrete market. The global Green Concrete market is expected to be increased by rising inclination for environment sustainability, durability and protection. Furthermore, increasing shift of manufacturer headed for ecofriendly concrete from conventional concrete will increase this market.Restraints:Due to fluctuating crude oil price, lack of awareness, weakening of petroleum reserves, and unavailability of raw material are expected to hinder the global Green concrete market. Stringent carbon emission norms by International Energy Agency (IEA) is indirectly also expected to affect the growth global green concrete market. Another prime factor which has resulted in slow adoption of green concrete is the relatively higher cost as compared to available conventional products, with lack of awareness consumers are more attracted towards economic products. However, government bodies has been trying to promote using of recyclable material for construction.Green Concrete Market: Segmentation:The global green concrete market can be segmented on the basis of product type and application. On the basis of product type the global green concrete market can be segmented into: cement concrete and lime concrete. On the basis of design, the market for green concrete can be segmented into plain cement concrete, reinforced cement concrete, pre-stressed cement concrete. On the basis of application the global green concrete market can be segmented into: Residential, Industrial, Infrastructure and Framing.Green Concrete Market: Key Participants:Examples of some of the market participants in the global green concrete market, identified across the value chain include:Rpm International Inc.The Dow Chemical CompanyPidilite IndustriesEco Green Co.BASF SECICO Technologies LtdCemex C.BChryso SASMapei Ltd.CeraTechHansonGammonBonded Hudson NYRequest For Report Table of Content (TOC):Green concrete Market: Region-wise Outlook:Asia Pacific is expected to be among fast growing market for green concrete over the forecast period owning to increase in construction spending and domestic infrastructure by government. Countries such as India and China are anticipated to be the major contributor to the growth of the market. Furthermore, government of India has announced a five year plan for promoting the construction of roads, houses, rails and offices, this policy is also expected to result increase the demand for construction materials, which in turn will bolster growth of green concrete market. European government has implemented construction product regulation for promoting the usage of ecofriendly cement. Latin America is expected to emerge as an attractive destination for consumption of green concrete, government in the region has implemented various Infrastructure plan in different sectors such as housing, communication, water, transport and tourism which in turn will help market to grow. Furthermore, Middle East countries has always been early adopters of advanced construction technology, the market in the region for green concrete is expected to witness steady growth.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Authorities cited two men accused of running an illegal deer-hunting operation in Trempealeau County. Travis Brush, who owns Brush Ranch Outfitters in Galesville, and employee Randall Hoff lured wild deer into a fenced captive deer farm to harvest trophy bucks, according to the state Department of Natural Resources. The men altered the fence to allow wild deer to enter the ranch, where people could hunt and harvest deer year-round. They also used illegal bait and allowed hunts during closed seasons. The DNR and state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection launched an investigation after complaints from the public. In this instance, we found that the actions of Brush Ranch Outfitters created a situation where captive deer and wild white-tailed deer commingled to create a potential disease risk that, if we had not stopped it, could have had a negative impact on the deer population in this part of Wisconsin, said Paul McGraw, Wisconsin State veterinarian with the DATCP Division of Animal Health. Brush, 48, of Holmen was issued 34 citations and two misdemeanors for unauthorized use of taking a deer from the wild in Trempealeau County Circuit Court. Hoff, 61, of Galesville was issued 14 citations. Cordless Power Tools Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 Cordless power tools refers to the tools that is actuated by an additional mechanism and better as power source, rather than depending on the manual labor and conventional hand instruments to accomplish the required tasks. These conventional equipment used to sport fat Ni-Cd batteries that were difficult to handle for wielders, which over the years have witnessed significant technological and design improvements. Next generation equipment are extremely compact, sleek and are built with the aim to enhance the mobility of the instruments for any sorts of job.Ability of these ubiquitous equipment to reduce the manual labor and enhance productivity is expected to remain the primary growth driverCordless power tools market has witnessed significant traction over the last few years owing to its extensive portfolio that is broadly classified under drills, saws, sanders, grinders, nail guns, bare tools, carpentry tools, and other related accessories. These find significant applications in mending and developing household projects in conjunction with exhaustive list off applications in industries that include automotive, electronics, and industrial assembly among many others. Moreover, owing to decreasing charging times, increased voltage capacity and storage have in turn led to increased usability in the heavier work load applications. These factors reduce the manual effort, time consumption and costs associated with the tasks, which will propel the overall cordless power tools market growth over the forecast period.Request Sample Copy of this Report Cordless Power Tools Market TaxonomyOn the basis of product type, the global cordless power tools market is classified into:DrillsSawsSandersGrindersNail GunsBare ToolsWoodworking & other toolsPower tool accessoriesOn the basis of battery type, the global cordless power tools market is classified into:NiCadNiMHLi-ionOn the basis of end use, the global cordless power tools market is classified into:ProfessionalAutomotive & transportationAerospace & defenseElectronicsEnergyIndustrial AssemblyOthersHouseholdIncreasing demands for automotive production are expected to provide significant boost to the demand growthAccording to Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs dAutomobiles (OICA), international production of vehicles witnessed an increase of around 4.5% over the year, accounting for an increase of around 94 million units in 2016. Requirement of power tools to enable human workforce to support the production tasks along with the high-tech machinery is expected to drive the demands for power tools. Moreover, Substantial benefits of cordless equipment over the corded alternatives is expected to generate the demand for replacement of the conventional instruments. Chief global trends such as demand growth for electronic vehicles and do-it-yourself (DIY) are expected to augment major growth prospects to the industry.Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries segment is expected to register highest growth over the forecast periodNickel Cadmium batteries are the conventional form of batteries that have acquired significant consumer base in the cordless power tools market. Moreover, low-cost availability and large scale adoption of equipment powered by these NiCad batteries are expected to witness significant demands. Li-ion batteries have witnessed significant growth momentum owing to significant featured benefits over the Ni-Cad batteries, such as low charging times, long power backups, and high charge density. However, owing to considerable difference in the overall equipment costs, and occasional requirement in household and few other application segments, NiCad is expected to witness consistent demand.Professional end use segment is expected to continue its dominance the cordless power tools market shareMajor requirements in the professional application segments such as construction, manufacturing, automotive and high affordability of the segment industry participants is expected to provide strong foothold to the business growth. The household segment is expected to gain major traction, owing to increasing of manual labor and lack of human resource for small household projects.Increased affordability and increasing activities for transformative automotive technologies such as V2V communication and connected automotive will drive the demands for cordless power tools in the region. Improving economic conditions in Asia Pacific, and large base of manufacturing activities in the countries such as China, India, Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, are expected to present potential growth landscape over the next few years.Industry is characterized by the consolidated presence of chief players in the region sharing major cordless power tools market share. These players include Emerson Electric Co., Makita, Robert Bosch, Stanley Black & Decker and Techtronic Industries. Other key players include Atlas Copco, Hilti, Husqvarna, Hitachi, and Snap-on.For More InformationAbout Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems Market Revenue is Expected to Reach US$ 788.4 Mn by 2020 Future Market Insights (FMI) announces the release of its latest report titled, Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2015 - 2020. According to the report, the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market was valued at US$ 402.0 Mn in 2014 and is expected to reach US$ 788.4 Mn by 2020, registering a CAGR of 12.1% during the forecast period, 2015 to 2020.Global continuous glucose monitoring systems market is driven by increasing number of diabetic patients and growing number of geriatric people across the world. Moreover, usage of advanced technologies such as artificial pancreas in continuous glucose monitors and increasing awareness of people towards diabetes are driving growth of the continuous glucose monitoring systems market. However, high prices of continuous glucose monitors and inadequate reimbursement policies pose a challenge for growth of the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market.Request Sample Report@The global continuous glucose monitoring systems market is segmented on the basis of end use sector, components and geography. Moreover, company wise market share has also been indicated in the report. By end use sector, global continuous glucose monitoring systems market is sub-segmented into household and hospital & diagnostic centers. Household is a larger segment as compared to hospital & diagnostic centers and is expected to dominate the continuous glucose monitoring systems market throughout the forecast period exhibiting a CAGR of 11.9%. The household segment held 68.5% market share in 2014 and expected to account for US$ 538 Mn by 2020, owing to the convenience and ease of use offered by continuous glucose monitors at home. Hospitals & diagnostic centers sub-segment accounted for approximately 31.5% of the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market value share in 2014, and is expected to gain market share to account for 31.8% of the global market by 2020.Request for Table of Contents@On the basis of component, the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market is sub-segmented into transmitter & monitors, sensors and insulin pumps. Among the aforementioned sub-segments, transmitter & monitors is expected to dominate the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market with over 39% market share throughout the forecast period. Owing increasing trend of sedentary lifestyle in some developing and developed economies such as India, China and Japan, and increasing obesity rate globally, demand for continuous glucose monitoring is expected to increase significantly in the near future.Value wise share in the report has been provided for key players in the market, which includes Medtronic, Dexcom, Abbott and cumulative share of other players. Medtronic dominated the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market in 2014 and is expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period, expanding at a CAGR of 11.2%.Geography-wise, North America was dominant, accounting for over 50% of the global continuous glucose monitoring systems market in 2014 in terms of revenue. However, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ) is foreseen to witness a relatively high CAGR during the forecast period.Competitive LandscapeKey players considered in the continuous glucose monitoring systems market include Medtronic, Dexcom, Abbott, OmniPod, Animas, Glysens, Roche, Ypsomed and Bayer.Buy Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems Market Research Report@ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite : Solar Panels Global Market Accruals of Tremendous Growth With CAGR of 20.18% By 2023 Market research future published a raw research report Global Solar Panels Market that contains the information from 2017 to 2023. The Solar Panels is expected to grow with the CAGR of approximately 20.18% from 2017 to 2023Market HighlightsThe Solar Panel Market is driven by various factors such as increase in solar systems installations and generous government initiatives and policies that support solar energy generation. This is mainly because, solar panel power generation is less polluting and produces less carbon emissions when compared with traditional conventional energy sources such as coal, oil and petroleum. Solar power generation is helping in the fight against climate change as well as it is acting as a source of power for remote and off grid areas where still millions of global population lives. However, the growth of the market can be hindered by the low power generation capacity of the solar panels and increasing stringent regulations on the land used for solar power generation sites.Key Players:The key players of solar panel market are Trina Solar Limited (China), Canadian Solar Inc. (Canada), Jinko Solar Holding Co., Ltd. (China), JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (China), Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd., (South Korea), ABROS green GmbH (Germany), Yingli Solar (China), SunPower Corporation (U.S.A), Abengoa Solar (Spain), eSolar, Inc. (U.S.A).Request a Sample Copy @Solar PV by technology segment is expected to grow at the fastest rate and hold the largest market size in forecast period.Solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells, converts sunlight directly into electricity. Basically the name PV originates from the process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage), which is called the PV effect. The PV effect was discovered in 1954, when scientists at bell laboratories discovered that silicon created an electric charge when exposed to sunlight. Solar PV was later commercialized and brought up in the market, which are now widely used from powering space satellites to smaller items such calculators and watches. Solar photo-voltaic holds the largest share in the solar panel market with the highest installed capacity of 306.5 GW till 2016 around 2% of the worlds electricity demand. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) ranges between USD 0.11 and USD 0.12/kWh (in South and North America, respectively) to over USD 0.31/kWh (in Central America and the Caribbean). But for individual projects there are wide range of costs. In countries with decent solar resources, projects are now being constructed with an LCOE of USD 0.08/kWh, while a recent tender in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, resulted in a successful bid for a solar PV power purchase agreement (PPA) for just USD 0.06/kWh, without financial support. It is expected that the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of utility-scale solar PV projects would witness an average fall of 50% during the forecast period.Enquire about this Report @Table of Content1 Executive Summary2 Research Methodology2.1 Scope Of The Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast Model3 Market Dynamics3.1 Market Drivers3.2 Market Inhibitors3.3 Supply/Value Chain Analysis3.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis4 Global Solar Panel Market, By Technology4.1 Introduction4.2 Solar PV4.2.1 Crystalline4.2.1 Thin Film4.3 Medium Voltage4.3.1 Parabolic Troughs4.3.2 Linear Fresnel Reflectors4.3.3 Power Towers4.3.4 Parabolic Dishes5 Global Solar Panel Market, By ApplicationContinue..List of TablesTable 1 Market Synopsis 12Table 2 Global Solar Panels Market, By Technology, 2016 (%) 31Table 3 Global Solar Panels Market, By Technology, 2015-2023 (Usd Million) 32Table 4 Global Solar Panels Market, By Module Type, 2015-2023 (Usd Million) 36Table 5 Global Solar Panels Market, By Application, 2015-2023 (Usd Million) 41Continue.Browse Full Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: Composite Bearings Market to Witness Widespread Expansion During 2017 - 2025 Composite Bearings Market: IntroductionIncrease in the demand for lightweight material and to minimize the friction between the components have driven the demand for composite bearing. Composite bearings used to control friction and maintain separation among two moving parts. Composite bearing have a property of low friction, low heat build-up and no cold flow conditions. By replacing the conventional greased bronze bushings with composite bearings in industrial applications, the weight could be reduced and provides better efficiency. Composite bearing are used in various industry such as automotive, marine, construction & mining, agriculture, and aerospace among others.Composite bearings are light in design it can be one tenth the weight of the traditional rolling element bearings. No heavy metals are used in the manufacturing of composite bearing. Composite bearings are suitable components in automotive engineering and are used in various applications from powertrain to car interiors. Moreover, composite bearing could be customized to meet the individual requirement of many applications.A sample of this report is available upon request @Composite Bearings Market: DynamicsThe increase in the demand from end use industries such as automotive, marine, agriculture, and aerospace among others are driving the demand for composite bearing market. One of the factor for the increase in the demand for composite bearing is the demand for lightweight components is rising from across the industries. Other macro-economic factors which are enhancing the composite bearings market are increasing vehicle production, growth in aircraft manufacturing, rising infrastructural activities increasing the demand for construction & mining industry. Along with this, the mechanical properties of composite bearings are better than its competitor which provide long & durable life cycle with minimum maintenance costs. However, stiff competition from single metal bearings is hampering the growth of composite bearing market.Composite Bearings Market: Outlook/TrendMany different types of bearings are used in aircrafts. In recent years, due to various stringent fuel efficiency norms put in place by governments to achieve fuel economy, manufacturers are making effort to reduce the weight of bearings. Manufacturers are trying to acquire new technologies to overcome such problems. In off highway construction equipment, composite bearing are used from loaders to hydraulic transmission system. Owing to factors such as increase in global warming, rise in sea levels and eruption of extreme weather conditions, regulatory bodies such as EPA (Environment Protection Agency) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) are developing regulations which will cut carbon emissions from end use industries.Composite Bearings Market: SegmentationOn the basis of industry, the composite bearings market can be segmented into:AerospaceConstruction & MiningAgricultureAutomotiveOthers (Marine, etc.)On the basis of product type, the composite bearings market can be segmented into:Fiber MatrixMetal MatrixOn the basis of material, the composite bearings market can be segmented into:PTFE (poly tetra fluoro ethylene) compositePOM (poly oxy methylene) compositeComposite Bearings Market: Regional OutlookNorth America region is expected to be the prominent market for composite bearings due to its rising demand from the end user industries such as aerospace. This growth is due to the advanced properties of composite bearings such as lightweight, fatigue & corrosion resistance, and stability among others which has enhanced the composite bearings market. Western Europe and Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) region have significant share in the global composite bearing market. This is due to the strong presence of number of automotive, aerospace, construction, agriculture companies in Western Europe and Asia Pacific (excluding Japan).To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Composite Bearings Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants identified in the composite bearings market across the globe are:AB SKFSchaeffler GroupCIP CompositesTrelleborg ABTriStar Plastic Corp.Rexnord CorporationSaint-Gobain S.A.Federal-Mogul CorporationRBC Bearings Incorporated.Tufcot Engineering Ltd.Franklin Fibre Lamitex Corp.HyComp LLCSoucy Composites Inc.Tiodize TechnologiesAST Bearings LLCVNC Bearing, Inc.The research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data, and statistically supported and industry-validated market data. It also contains projections using a suitable set of assumptions and methodologies. The research report provides analysis and information according to market segments such as geographies, application, and industry.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsAbhishek BudholiyaPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Latanoprost Global Industry Report 2017 Potential Growth, Share, Demand and Forecast till 2022 Reports Monitor Latanoprost MarketLatanoprost market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.The research article entitled Worldwide Latanoprost Market offers very useful reviews into the generic market trends and also the features that propel this Universal market place. This sector analyses deeply covers the main features of the Global Latanoprost Market about the Industry structure including landscaping plan, the issues, require opportunities, including the anticipated industry success.The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market.The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.Request for Sample Copy of This Report Please Visit @Global Latanoprost Market: Product Segment AnalysisBrand Drug, Generic DrugGlobal Latanoprost Market: Application Segment AnalysisOpen-angle Glaucoma, Close-angle GlaucomaThe Players mentioned in our reportPfizer, Mylan, Apotex, Teva, Taj Pharma, CR Zizhu, NovartisGlobal Latanoprost Market: Regional Segment AnalysisUSA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East AsiaBrowse Full Table of Contents and Report Description @Table of ContentsChapter 1 Globalization & Trade1.1 Business Locations1.2 Supply channels1.3 Marketing strategy1.4 Barriers to EntryChapter 2 Distributors and Customers2.1 Major Distributors and contact information by Regions2.2 Major Customers and contact information by RegionsContinuedAbout UsReports Monitor ( is a platform to meet the market research and business intelligence requirements. Our aim is to change the dynamics of the Market Research industry by providing quality intelligence backed by data. Your requirement for market forecasting is fulfilled by our exclusive quantitative and analytics driven intelligence. We have a vast collection of reports, covering maximum industries worldwide. Our process is meticulously planned and executed in order to use maximum resources and explore the market for getting genuine insights. Decision makers can now rely on our distinct data gathering methods to get factual market forecasting and detailed analysis.Contact UsJay MatthewsDirect: +1 513 549-5911Email: sales@reportsmonitor.comWebsite: Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market to Record an Exponential CAGR by 2025 Automotive Electronic stability control is a vital aspect of the safety system. These safety system are meant to sense the condition of vehicle and prevent the vehicle from accidents or minimize the effect of it. Automotive Electronic stability control are used to control the vehicle from skidding or losing control and reduce the danger of accidents. This system is used to allow the vehicle to maintain strong contact with the road. The system starts working when the driver starts losing control over the vehicle. The system applies brakes and makes the vehicle to stop at smaller distance and reduce the chances of accidents. The sensors are fitted in the system which detects the condition of vehicle and applies brakes reducing the chances of skidding and brings back the vehicle in normal mode. Automotive Electronic stability control is a computer based application which along with sensors like speed sensor has various other components like valves, pump and controller. This system has become a very important part for majority of the carmakers.Request For Report Sample:Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market: Drivers & RestraintsAn Automotive Electronic stability control is largely effective and reduce the chances of errors and accidents while driving, where the errors are sole reason for accidents. In Europe and United States the government has made mandatory the use of Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) in all new passenger cars. In the coming years, the increasing demand for luxury cars in the regions such as Europe and Asia-Pacific, mainly in China, India and Japan, is expected to drive the market. Sustainable growth in the electronic stability control system will largely depend upon upcoming legislations in various countries. The major factors driving the demand for Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system are strict safety norms, increasing safety awareness, technological advancement, affordability as well as institutions such as the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) awarding safety ratings to cars based on safety performance. Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) are mandatory in developed countries, while legislations in developing countries are rapidly catching up creating high growth opportunities. The increasing trend of reliability and dependency of the customers for the electronic components is becoming a major challenge in the Automotive electronic stability control market. The customers are highly dependent on the system and are losing focus while driving their vehicles on roads.Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market: Market SegmentationThe Automotive Electronic stability control market is segmented into three parts based on the vehicle type, sales channel and geography.Based on vehicle type Automotive Electronic stability control market is segmented into:Passenger carsCommercial vehiclesHeavy commercial vehiclesBased on sales channel type Automotive Electronic stability control market is segmented into:OEMAftermarketAutomotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market: Regional OutlookRegarding geography, Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market has been categorized into seven key regions including North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market is expected to register healthy CAGR during the forecast period due to high demand of system for avoiding major accidents which are very vital in the present generation. In terms of regions, North America accounts for significant share for Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market, owing to the high growth and demand for smart packaging in the region as compared to other developed regions. In terms of developing region of Asia-Pacific, the growth of the Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market is significantly high and with comparatively high CAGR in forecast period owed to factors such as such as rapid economic development, globalization and increasing demand of the Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC).Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market: Few PlayersFew players identified in Automotive Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Market are:-Robert Bosch GMBHContinental AGDenso CorporationAutoliv Inc.Delphi Automotive PlcHitachi LtdKnorr-Bremse AGNissin KogyoAbout UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Expansion in Application of Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market - Industry Analysis Outlook Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2025 Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market Strategic study of the new report Global Workflow Automation And Optimization Software Market, and the growth forecast for the period 2017 to 2025, have been provided in this report. Under the scope of the report, competitive analysis of various market segments, based on deployment type, end-use, and in-depth cross-sectional scrutiny of the workflow automation and optimization software market across different regions, have been provided.Click here For Free Sample Report @Global Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market: Drivers and RestraintsWorkflow automation and optimization software solutions are considered as a part of Business Process Management (BPM) solutions and aids in automation, optimization and streamlining of business workflows. Additionally, workflow automation and optimization software solutions aid in betterment of product and service consistency, faster decision making and increases productivity amongst various other advantages. The growing investment in third platform technologies and fast adoption of such technologies for business processes is the primary driver for the workflow automation and optimization software market.Additionally, the advantages offered by these software solutions have also been promoting the growth of the market. The market is also being driven by the increasing usage of cloud for business processes. The growing dependence on cloud systems, coupled with the demand for fast and efficient business processes, has been promoting the demand for cloud based workflow automation and optimization software solutions.Global Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market: SegmentationIn terms of deployment type, the global workflow automation and optimization software market is segmented into on-premise, cloud and mixed. On the basis of end-use, the market has been segmented into banking, financial services & insurance (BFSI), education, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, transportation & logistics, telecommunications & information technology (IT) and others. The market revenue for workflow automation and optimization software has been provided in terms of USD million, along with the CAGR for the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. In-depth analysis of the current trends in different regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa (MEA), under the regional market analysis present in the report.Global Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market: Competitive LandscapeFor supporting strategic decision-making, the report also includes competitive profiling of leading companies of workflow automation and optimization software market, their overview, SWOT analysis, different product and business segments, unique business strategies adopted by them, revenue garnered by the companies and their regional revenue share. The SWOT analysis, provided for each of the companies profiled, focuses on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the profiled companies, thus providing a enhanced understanding of the position of the major players in this market.The regional overview, provided in the report for each region, details the current trends of the workflow automation and optimization software market for the respective regions. The market attractiveness analysis, and competitive landscape included in the report provide insight into market dynamics, competition present in the industry and the most attractive segments in the workflow automation and optimization software market. The competitive landscape, provided in the report, allows for a better understanding of the major strategies undertaken by the industry leaders and their plans for a sustained growth in this industry.The report also provides specific assessment of the various factors impacting the global workflow automation and optimization software markets growth, which are described as growth drivers, market restraints, and opportunities. These factors aid in pointing out the various existing and upcoming trends, coupled with their impact on market growth. Overall, considering the various factors affecting the workflow automation and optimization software market, the report includes a comprehensive analysis of the global workflow automation and optimization software market, and provides the anticipated growth for the forecast period 2017 to 2025.Browse Full Report with TOC @Some of the leading players in the market are Xerox Corporation (The U.S.), Oracle Corporation (The U.S.), International Business Machines Corporation (The U.S.), SAS Institute, Inc. (The U.S.), SAP SE (Germany), OnviSource, Inc. (The U.S.), Boston Software Systems (The U.S.), Flexera Software LLC (The U.S.), JDA Software Group, Inc. (The U.S.), and Reva Solutions (The U.S.) among others.The global workflow automation and optimization software market has been segmented as follows:Global Workflow Automation And Optimization Software Market, by Deployment TypeOn-premiseCloudMixedGlobal Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market, by End-useBanking, Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI)EducationHealthcareManufacturingRetailTransportation & LogisticsTelecommunications & ITOthersGlobal Workflow Automation and Optimization Software Market, by RegionNorth AmericaThe U.S.Rest of North AmericaEuropeThe U.K.GermanyFranceItalySpainRest of EuropeAsia PacificChinaIndiaJapanRest of Asia PacificSouth AmericaBrazilRest of South AmericaMiddle East & AfricaIsraelSouth AfricaRest of Middle-East & AfricaEnquire about this Report @About (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.ContactState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Automotive Relay Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis and Forecast Report 2017-2025 The Insight Partners Automotive relays are used to permit a low ampere circuit to switch on or off a higher ampere circuit such as turning on the headlights in vehicle. Encouragement of government initiatives related to vehicle safety will lead to increase the demand of automotive relay in forecast period. The high demand for electronic power steering (EPS), car interior lighting, seat control, sunroof control, communications, infotainment systems, and automatic lock systems will also boost the demand of automotive relay in the market.The factor that can act as a restraint in the growth of the market is the deficiency of standardization in the automotive industry, mostly in developing countries is expected to hamper the automotive relay market. However, the increasing encouraging government initiatives mainly concerning about vehicular safety is creating new opportunities in the market of automotive relay in the forecast period.Request Sample is Available atThe Global Automotive Relay Market Analysis to 2025 is a specialized and in-depth study of the automotive relay industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global automotive relay market with detailed market segmentation by system, services and geography. The global automotive relay market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.The report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global automotive relay market based on type, load type and application. It also provides market size and forecast till 2025 for overall automotive relay market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM). The market by each region is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report covers analysis and forecast of 15 counties globally along with current trend and opportunities prevailing in the region.Inquire before Buying atBesides this, the report analyzes factors affecting market from both demand and supply side and further evaluates market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend. The report also provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions namely; North America, Europe, APAC, MEA and South America after evaluating political, economic, social and technological factors effecting the market in these regions.Also, key automotive relay market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, products and services offered, financial information of last 3 years, key development in past five years. Some of the key players influencing the market are Beta Electric, ABB Ltd, Honda Motor Co. Ltd, American Zettler Inc., Panasonic Corporation, Denso Corporation, Nippon-Aleph, Omron Corporation, NEC Corporation, and Salzer Electronics Ltd.Complete Report is Available atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout Us:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor, Amanora Chambers,Amanora Township, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Connected Sensors Market Rugged Expansion Foreseen by 2027 Connected Sensors market in Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices is showing a dynamic growth rate in many enterprise. The physical objects that are connected will have one or more sensors. Every sensor can monitor a specific location, vibration, motion and temperature. This sensors are connected to each other and to the system and can recognize the real time information from the sensors data feed in IoT. So for enterprises this connected sensors will provide new information to enterprise system. Due to advanced technology, there is greater investment in sensor devices that are having access to real-time information and services for enterprise.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Connected Sensors Market: Drivers and ChallengesThe major driver growth for Connected Sensors market is the constant decline in price for sensors, so the demand for sensors is increasing in various sectors such as IT, automotive, healthcare, retail and manufacturing, and others.In contrast to this, complexities with the sensors while connecting the devices in a wireless networks which poses of security threats, as the signals are spread in air and it is easy for hackers to catch the signal of connected devices in the network. So there is risk of data being lost while connecting the device which is restraining the market growth of connected sensors.Connected Sensors Market: SegmentationSegmentation of Connected Sensors Market on the basis of component:HardwareSoftwareNetwork ComponentsSegmentation of Connected Sensors Market on the basis of industry:IT and TelecommunicationsManufacturingTransportation and LogisticsDefense and GovernmentBFSIHealthcareRetailEnergy and UtilitiesOthersSegmentation of Connected Sensors Market on the basis of geography:North America (U.S., Canada)Latin America (Mexico, Brazil)Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, U.K, Spain, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia)Asia-Pacific Excluding Japan (China, India, ASEAN, Australia & New Zealand)JapanThe Middle East and Africa (GCC, South Africa, North Africa)Connected Sensors Market: key playersSome of the key players for Connected Sensors are IBM, Bosch, Google Inc., Samsung, HTC Corporation, Qualcomm Inc, Honeywell International Inc, Microsoft Corporation, Siemens, ARM Holdings, Intel Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd.A sample of this report is available upon request @Connected Sensors Market: Regional OverviewOn the basis of geography, connected sensors market can be segmented into seven key regions namely North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, APEJ, Japan and Middle East & Africa. Among various regions, the connected sensors market in North America is expected to dominate during the forecast period because of strong presence of companies from different sectors and fast development in new technology in this region. North America region is expected to be followed by Western Europe and APEJ. APEJ is expected to drive the demand for connected sensors market as many companies are investing in connected sensors technology market in this region.ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Homecare Oxygen Concentrators Market trends research and projections for 2016-2024 Over the recent years, intragastric balloon market has been occupying a chunk of the ever-evolving healthcare industry. The modern day hectic lifestyle is causing a plethora of risk factors, with obesity as the prime concern in the checklist. A recent estimation by WHO depicts that global obese population has doubled since 1980, primarily driven by U.S. and Sub-Saharan region. There has always been a surge in demand for cost effective and safe weight reduction methods for the treatment of obesity. Intragastric balloons have proved to be an attractive intermediate alternative to address this need. According to Global Market Insights, Inc. Intragastric balloon market having held a revenue of USD 120 million in 2015, is projected to register a CAGR of 9.5% over the period of 2016-2024.Mostly, intragastric balloons are inflated with saline or gas. Gas-filled intragastric balloon market demand is heightening, as its three-layered bacteria resistant design ensures patients comfort in case of balloon deflation. This market is anticipated to exhibit a significant annual growth rate of 10% over the coming seven years. Saline filled intragastric balloon market dominated the industry in 2015 and is projected to generate substantial revenue in the years ahead, with an estimated annual growth rate of more than 9% over the period of 2016-2024.Based on the product types, single, dual, and triple are the three categories of intragastric balloons prevalent in the industry. Single intragastric balloon market covered more than half of the total market in terms of revenue in 2015 and is anticipated to record a striking annual growth rate of 8.5% over the coming seven years. Dual intragastric balloon industry is also projected to record significant gains with a forecast revenue of USD 85 million by 2024. Growing patient inclination toward minimally invasive surgeries over bariatric surgeries such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass etc. is pushing triple intragastric balloon market. The study estimates the triple intragastric balloon industry to register a CAGR of 11% over the timeframe of 2016-2024.Request Sample Copy of this Report @US is one of the leading regions spending heavily in healthcare programs, with a major focus on chronic ailments. Obesity is becoming a prime concern for the U.S. population taking into account the increasing premature deaths in the region from obesity driven diseases such as strokes, heart diseases, and even cancer. As per the statistics provided by the OECD, in 2014 35% of the U.S. population were examined to be obese. Driven by the aforementioned fact along the improved patient awareness level, favorable government initiatives, and advanced healthcare infrastructure, U.S. intragastric balloon market is poised to witness a lucrative roadmap in the coming years.Hospitals and clinics are the major end-use sectors of the intragastric balloon market making an appreciable revenue contribution to the global share. Intragastric balloon industry share from hospitals is likely to exceed a value generation of over USD 100 million by 2024. Moreover, increasing spending on healthcare facilities has considerably fueled the clinics market contribution which is set to display a CAGR of 10% over the period of 2016-2024.Ambulatory surgical centers are also poised to observe a steady growth potential with its enhanced quality of patient care and cost-effective services. Intragastric balloon market share from ambulatory surgical centers is forecast to register a CAGR of 9.5% over the period of 2016-2024.Make Inquiry about this report @The inclination toward enhancing the healthcare infrastructure in terms of cost, treatment methodologies, and technological developments will significantly fuel intragastric balloon industry size in the coming years. In response to this fact, India and Brazil each are estimated to record a CAGR of 10% over the coming seven years.Taking into consideration the competitive outlook, the major intragastric balloon industry players are adopting mergers & acquisitions as the key strategy to accomplish global expansion and recognition. Allurion Technologies, Obalon Therapeutics Inc., ReShape Medical Inc., Silimed, Districlass Medical and Apollo Endosurgery Inc. are few of the notable participants of the intragastric balloon market.Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.Arun HegdeCorporate Sales, USAGlobal Market Insights, Inc.Phone: 1-302-846-7766Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688Email: sales@gminsights.comWeb:Blog: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has recognized a La Crosse company for its environmental stewardship. Brennan received a DNR Secretarys Director Award Thursday for its remediation and habitat restoration work as well as its handling of barge traffic on the Mississippi River. Dan Baumann, the DNRs director for western Wisconsin, said Brennan was nominated by a former member of the agencys regulatory staff, which raises it to another level. Its always about beyond compliance, Baumann said. Theyre the company that does it right. Founded in 1919, Brennan operates the J.F. Brennan contracting company and a barge transportation and repair service under the name Brennan Marine. The family-owned business has offices in Illinois, Florida and Massachusetts and employs about 450 people during peak construction season, including about 50 divers. Everything we do is related to the water, said company president Tony Binsfeld. We like to joke if we cut our wrist, river water would come out. Binsfeld said his employees generate one or two patents a year, most having to do with environmental processes. For decades, Brennan has been a contractor for the Upper Mississippi River Environmental Management Program, a joint state-federal effort to reverse damage caused by the damming of the river in the 1930s. DNR fisheries biologist Jeff Janvrin said Brennan has been involved in more than half of more than 30 dredging and island restoration projects. The DNR also recognized Brennan Marine for efforts to keep barges off the shores and out of the way while shuttling materials in and out of the La Crosse harbor. Brennan is a sub-contractor on the Fox River cleanup, an ongoing effort to remove PCB-contaminated soil from a 13-mile stretch of the river near Green Bay. Beth Olson, the DNRs Fox River project manager, told a gathering of employees Thursday, You guys are the go-to people when other consultants say it cant be done. Automotive RADAR Market Status, Share, Trends, Development and Opportunities Report 2017-2025 The Insight Partners Automotive RADAR system plays a vital role in advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) by continuously sensing the distance between vehicles in real-time, improving driving efficiency and increasing safety. These system are mainly used for preventing and alerting vehicle from collision detection, warning and mitigation. The boosting demand for advanced innovative features such as travel control will escalate the demand for automotive RADARs and also these systems will minimize human errors while driving which will decrease the frequency of road accidents. All these drivers will increase the demand of automotive RADAR systems.The factor that can act as a restraint in the growth of the automotive RADAR market is the high initial cost of the optical and automatic parts which includes micro electro mechanical sensors (MEMS). However, the increasing interest of customers and government initiatives towards autonomous vehicles create new opportunities in the market of automotive RADAR in the forecast period.Request Sample is Available atThe Global Automotive RADAR Market Analysis to 2025 is a specialized and in-depth study of the automotive RADAR industry with a focus on the global market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of global automotive RADAR market with detailed market segmentation by range, frequency, vehicle type, application, and geography. The global automotive RADAR market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.The report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global automotive RADAR market based on range, frequency, vehicle type, and application. It also provides market size and forecast till 2025 for overall automotive RADAR market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM). The market by each region is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report covers analysis and forecast of 15 counties globally along with current trend and opportunities prevailing in the region.Inquire before Buying atBesides this, the report analyzes factors affecting market from both demand and supply side and further evaluates market dynamics effecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend. The report also provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions namely; North America, Europe, APAC, MEA and South America after evaluating political, economic, social and technological factors effecting the market in these regions.Also, key automotive RADAR market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, products and services offered, financial information of last 3 years, key development in past five years. Some of the key players influencing the market are Continental AG, Denso Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Valeo, Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI), Infineon Technologies AG, Analog Devices, Inc., Delphi Automotive PLC, and ZF TRW Automotive.Complete Report is Available atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@theinsightpartners.comAbout Us:The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We are a specialist in Technology, Media, and Telecommunication industries.533, 5th Floor, Amanora Chambers,Amanora Township, East Block,Kharadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 Global Next Generation Iv Infusion Pumps Market Surge Valuation US$ 3.2 Bn in 2025 Persistence Market Research has carried out a detailed market research on next-generation IV infusion pumps and has presented vital insights based on the market analyses in its research publication titled Next-Generation IV Infusion Pumps Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012-2016) and Forecast (2017-2025). This research report covers various macro-economic aspects influencing the growth of the next generation IV infusion pumps market along with various trends, opportunities, restraints and drivers impacting the market. These impacting factors are scrutinized across important regions considering all major market segments.Global Next-Generation IV Infusion Pumps Market: ForecastThe global next-generation IV infusion pumps market has been thoroughly analyzed and is anticipated to grow at a robust CAGR of 5.4% throughout the period of forecast 2017-2025. The global market is estimated to reach a value of about US$ 3.2 Bn in 2025 from a value of around US$ 2 Bn in 2016. This market has witnessed a positive growth path since 2012 and it is poised to continue over the following years.Request to view table of content @Global Next-Generation IV Infusion Pumps Market: DynamicsExpanding production base for smart PCA, ambulatory and syringe pumps in developing economies and rising adoption of smart pumps with huge drug libraries are opportunities that can be tapped by players involved in the global next-generation IV infusion pumps market. Emerging economies offer high opportunities as they register high rate of spread of chronic diseases. The advancements in IV infusion pumps systems, increasing research and development infrastructure due to rising investments and expenditure on research and development, favorable reimbursement for infusion therapy, rising demand for ambulatory infusion pumps, increasing strategic collaborations among leading players, improvement in distribution channel, ease in FDA approvals and clearance, strong government support for start-ups, expanding production capacity and extension of product line coupled with expanding medical device infrastructure and growing adoption of advanced medical devices have strongly supported the growth of the next-generation IV infusion pumps market. Medicine dispensing errors, product recalls due to product errors, lack of skilled personnel and lack of standard usage guidelines are few aspects which pull the adoption of next-generation IV infusion pumps thus having a negative impact on the global next-generation IV infusion pumps market.Global Next-Generation IV Infusion Pumps Market: Segmental HighlightsThe global next-generation IV infusion pumps market has been categorized by product type, by application, by end user and by region.By region, Asia Pacific is expected to witness high growth as compared to other regions, and is poised to reach a significant market share with a high CAGR of 7.8% throughout the period of forecast 2017-2025. North America region stays ahead with respect to market value to dominate the global next-generation IV infusion pumps market by region followed by EuropeChemotherapy segment by application is the fastest growing segment and is expected to reflect high market valuation by the end of 2025. This segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% throughout the forecast period to attain an estimated value of about US$ 1.1 Bn in 2025A sample of this report is available upon request @Hospitals segment by end user dominates the global market and also poised to reflect a high CAGR of 6.0% during the assessment period due to rise in adoption of infusion pumps in hospitalsLarge volumetric infusion systems to lead the global next-generation IV infusion pumps market by product type to reach a market value of about US$ 1.1 Bn in 2025. Electronic ambulatory infusion systems product segment is poised to show high potential in the coming yearsGlobal Next-Generation IV Infusion Pumps Market: Competitive LandscapeThe global next-generation IV infusion pumps market research report covers key players involved in the market such as B. Braun Melsungen AG., Becton, Dickinson Company, Fresenius Kabi AG, Terumo Corporation, Medtronic Plc., Baxter International Inc., Hospira, Inc., iRadimed Corporation, Zyno Medical, Nipro Corporation, Ambu A/S, Summit Medical Products, Inc., Smiths Medical, vTitan and Gamastech s.r.l.Buy Full Report@About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: Vision Guided Robots Market Analysis and Forecast Study for 2017 - 2027 A robot is a multifunctional, reprogrammable manipulator intended to move materials, tools, parts, or specified devices through variable programmed motions. Robots are designed to perform a variety of tasks and a robot fitted with a camera and a computer to provide visual feedback is referred to as a vision guided robot. Vision guided robots work on a technology wherein the camera(s) acts as a sensor, which provides a feedback suggestion to the robot supervisor to precisely move an object to a mutable target location(s). These robots precursory work is to capture images and transfer them to the processor, which then reports the data. Furthermore, technology and ease of usage have come together to a point where a variety of industrial applications can leverage vision guided robots efficiently. Furthermore, advanced 3D sensing technologies are taming object detection and making vision guided robots a practical solution for accidental bin picking while developing technologies are providing a tempting view into the vision guided robots markets future.Global Vision Guided Robots Market: DynamicsDrivers:Adoption of vision guided robots in the market has increased and the reason behind this is the increasing need of automation in all industries. In order to deliver highly qualitative products, industries are using vision guided robots to maintain production lines. An upsurge in the recognition of robotics by SMEs has been observed in recent times for efficient and better functioning of processes within organizations. The customization of products for specific applications increases flexibility of usage required by smaller companies, which will be met by new technological advancements. With international labor safety standards becoming rigorous, robots are being employed in unsafe environments in place of humans. Moreover, vision guided robots are deployed in situations that are deemed unsafe and hazardous for laborers to work, such as working in irregular terrains and management of harmful substances. Vision guided robots enable organizations to circumvent risks and lessen the number of work mishaps.Request For Report Sample:Restraints:The restraining factor associated with vision guided robots is the initial cost required for the preliminary set up and integration. This limits the use of robots to heavy manufacturing groups. A major regulating factor for the vision guided robots market is theout of order of the cameras and the lack of acquaintance of robot operators. Furthermore, the limitation to select the existing camera versions with different resolutions is also a restraining factor for the vision guided robots market.Global Vision Guided Robots Market: SegmentationOn the basis of application, the vision guided robots market can be segmented into:AutomobileElectrical and electronicsAerospace and defenseFood and beverageHealthcare and pharmaceuticalMetal processingOn the basis of technology, the vision guided robots market can be segmented into:3D2DGlobal Vision Guided Robots Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific is projected to hold a major share in the vision guided robots market, owing to the hefty demand from a rapidly developing industrial sector. The region has fast growing robotic technology, which can be attributed to the growing industrialization in countries, such as India and China. North America is expected to register a significant CAGR over the forecast period, owing to the fact that different SEMS and MNCs have manufacturing plants in the region. The Middle East and Africa market is expected to account for a considerable share and grow with a positive outlook over the forecast period, attributing to the increased production capability of the oil & gas industry, which in turn requires precision and safety. The vision guided robots market in Latin America is expected to remain stagnant over the forecast period and account for a small market share during the time frame.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Global Vision Guided Robots Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the global vision guided robots market are:Omron CorporationrDenso CorporationIsra Vision AGFanuc America CorporationThe Yaskawa Electric CorporationBasler AGCognex CorporationAllied Vision TechnologiesABB GroupJmp engineeringR and d equipmentAdeptComauNachi fuykashiEpsonKamasakaFauneKukaABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Steering Wheel Safety System Market to Witness Exponential Growth by 2025 Steering wheel is a combination of different components which includes various moving parts and fixed parts such as, steering handle, steering rim and grips. There are many different types of steering wheels such as, crab steering wheel, passive steering wheel, rear wheel steering wheel, articulated steering wheel, steer-by-wire steering wheel and watercraft steering wheel. Steering wheel safety system is very necessary for protection against any damage. Steering wheel safety system consists protection on the decorative parts, rim, on switches, spokes, heating and on frame. Steering wheel safety system provides safety by many different ways such as, collapsible steering column, airbags, and by crumple zone.Request For Report Sample:Steering Wheel Safety System Market: DynamicsThe major driving factor of steering wheel safety system is automotive industry. In the automotive industry steering wheel safety system is necessarily used in the cars, buses trucks and other heavy commercial vehicles. Another major driving factor is construction and mining industry, in the construction industry this steering wheel safety system is used in the heavy rollers and bulldozers. In mining industry, this system is used in the heavy cranes and load lifters. There are some restraining factors of steering wheel safety system are such as, difficulty in turning the wheel, steering wheel vibration, steering wheel slips while driving, looseness of safety system, grinding noise and screeching noise. There are some opportunities of steering wheel safety system such as, illumination technology can be used for driver air bag module and for supporting the environment, and bio-based alternative materials can be used for making of steering wheel safety system, this will reduce the greenhouse gases and weight also. There are some latest trends in the steering wheel safety system such as, vibrating steering wheel safety system is trending nowadays and hands on/off steering wheel is also beneficial for the safety purposes.Steering Wheel Safety System Market: SegmentationBased on the technology steering wheel safety system market is segmented:Normal steering wheel safety systemWith air bag steering wheel safety systemWithout air bag steering wheel safety systemControls embedded steering wheel safety systemBased on the materials steering wheel safety system market is segmented:LeatherWoodPolyurethaneBased on the application steering wheel safety system market is segmented:Passenger carHigh commercial vehicleLight commercial vehicleFarm vehicleSteering Wheel Safety System Market: Regional OverviewThe global steering wheel safety system market is divided geographically into seven regions, namely North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ), Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan and Middle East and Africa (MEA). Europe is major region in a steering wheel safety system market in terms of application and revenue sharing, because Germany is largest manufacturer of automobile steering wheel safety system .Followed by Europe, North America is expected to grow relatively at a higher CAGR during the forecast period since the use of steering wheel safety system in many vehicles. The global steering wheel safety system market in Japan is well established and expected to grow at average CAGR over the forecast period. MEA and Latin America are expected to expand at sluggish growth rate due to lack of technology advancement in this region.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Steering Wheel Safety System Market: Regional SegmentationThe growth of steering wheel safety system market in Asia-Pacific is very high due to many developing countries in this region. Overall, the global market for steering wheel safety system market is expected to grow significantly by the end of forecast period. Steering wheel safety system market in Asia-Pacific is rapidly growing due to developing economic conditions, huge population, big investment market and many manufacturing companies boosting this market. Steering wheel safety system market is growing in this region because application of steering wheel safety system is increased in various vehicles such as, in cars, buses, trucks and in loading vehicles. India and china are major countries which shows significant growth in steering wheel safety system market and in forecast period this countries shows very positive increment.About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Liquid-immersed Transformers Market - Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 20172025 Transmission and distribution of electrical energy from power generating sources to user end requires step-up and step-down of voltages at different ends that necessitate the utilization of transformers at every stage. Moreover, requirement to reduce the transmission losses and short circuit in high voltage transmission, liquid-immersed transformers that have mineral oil as an electric insulating medium to act as an arc-quenching medium and provide optimum operational temperature range are expected to drive the industry growth through the forecast period.Increasing demands for electrical energy and proliferating energy generating capacities of renewable sources are expected to fuel the industry growthAccording to International Energy Outlook 2016, by U.S. Energy Information Administration, world energy consumption is expected to witness surge of over 48% by 2040, with China and India accounting the major share of the increased demands. Moreover, increasing reliance on renewable fuels that include solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal are among the major forms of energy to for on grid installations are expected to attract major demand. Requirement to step-up the voltage and transmit the electrical energy over the long distance range is expected to be the primary growth factor over the forecast period. Moreover, increasing kWh demands in conjunction with the increasing costs of space, specifically in the urban areas, will present substantial growth prospects for the liquid-immersed transformers market.Request Sample Copy of this Report Liquid-Immersed Transformers Market TaxonomyOn the basis of dielectric fluids, the global liquid-immersed transformers market is classified into:Natural estersSynthetic estersMineral oilsSilicone oilsOn the basis of application, the global liquid-immersed transformers market is classified into:Power transformersDistribution transformersResidentialCommercialIndustriesBetter performance characteristics such as long life cycles, low noises and smaller sizes are expected to garner higher consumer inclinationMost commonly used alternative products used in the all the major applications includes dry-type and pad-mounted transformers. However, other than low cost of the dry type alternatives, liquid immersed transformers are featured with longer operating lifecycles, minimal or no annual maintenance time and costs, no outages over its lifecycles, and enhanced safety against fire hazards. Increased power capacities also result in significant decline in the overall capital expenditure, owing to the economies of scale. Moreover, capability of the equipment to repairable is among the chief advantageous factors which has led to increased applications specifically at power generation end.Transformer oil is the most widely used form of insulating medium owing to its low affinity towards oxidationWindings are insulated with cellulose which has substantial affinity to oxygen. When immersed in oil, the exposure to air is cut off. Moreover, it has been the most conventional form of fluid that has been used in these applications for arc quenching, in conjunction with other switchgears and circuit breakers. However, in order to reduce the environmental impacts and the carbon footprint, several other ecofriendly biodegradable substitutes have started gaining momentum in the industry applications. In conjunction with minimal environmental impacts, these offer enhanced life cycle and considerably reduce the maintenance requirements, in turn leading to increased inclination of the users and manufacturers.Asia Pacific is expected to remain the most dominating regional segment, primarily owing to the large scale requirements, and the presence of the largest consumer base. Technological advancements that can enhance the functioning of these equipment by several decimal units will find increased consumer inclinations owing to the energy efficiency that can be achieved owing to large scale power requirements.Key liquid-immersed transformers market participants include CG, ABB, Schneider Electric, GE, and Siemens. Industry presence is characterized by the presence of several regional participants competing in their specific region with the international players. Since pricing is the chief perspective in the transmission and distribution segment, regional players are expected to present significant challenge to the international players. Some other vendors in the industry include Altrafo Transformers, CNC Group, CELME, Dandong Xintai Electric, China XD Group EREMU, and Elsewedy Electric.For More Information About Coherent Market Insights:Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.Contact Us:Mr. ShahCoherent Market Insights1001 4th Ave,#3200Seattle, WA 98154Tel: +1-206-701-6702Email: sales@coherentmarketinsights.comVisit our news Website: Assisted Reproductive Technology Market Key Trends and Forecast Research Report 2025 Devices > Typing and then toggle on the Show text suggestions as I type on hardware keyboard setting. If you do use pen to write using the soft keyboard, youll see an improved space gesture (a vertical line) for adding a space between words, and improved handwriting recognition. Finally, Japanese users will see something special: Text suggestions from the Japanese-language AI chatbot Rinna, who will now suggest phrases as you type. Unfortunately, given the Tay debacle in the United States, dont look for the same feature to come to American users anytime soon. Petoskey library hosting food drive this holiday season The Petoskey District Library has partnered with Manna Food Project to host a food drive Nov. 14 Dec. 23 to help people in need this holiday season. Poker and Life Strategy With Martin Jacobson November 08, 2017 PokerNews Staff The World Series of Poker Europe Main Event is winding down, with the final table arriving later this week. Speaking of WSOP Main Event final tables, 2014 WSOP Main Event champion Martin Jacobson is one player who is plenty familiar with them. Jacobson took a little time in Rozvadov to speak with our Julia Lee about a few different topics, including looking back at his run to the $10 million first prize three years ago. Jacobson's win came amid the "November Nine" era for the WSOP Main Event. Now that the delay is no more, Jacobson says he believes things might have gone a little differently for him had they continued straight into the final table back in 2014. While Jacobson had a big stack for much of that year's tournament, he lost some chips late on the last day before the break to find himself in eighth position out of the final nine. You might recall how the Swedish pro managed to survive a number of well-timed shoves at that final table to work his way back into contention and eventually position himself to win. If not, check out "Pushing His Way to a WSOP Main Event Title: A Look at Martin Jacobson's All-ins" for a reminder. Jacobson discusses the pros and cons of getting rid of the delay, shares a bit regarding his participation in Raising for Effective Giving, and talks a little about the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Take a look: Stick close to PokerNews to discover who emerges from those remaining to become the next WSOP Europe Main Event champion. Rock Avenue Apartments in Viroqua has welcomed its first residents. Tenants began moving into their apartments in September. Shaun Pelton, of Rock Avenue LLC, said there are 42 units in all and plenty of vacancies; half of the units are one-bedroom and half are two-bedroom. Not every apartment is the same; some two-bedroom apartments have one bath and there are some two-bedrooms with two baths, Pelton said. They are pretty large apartments. Some one-bedrooms are larger than others. There is a nice variety. We try to accommodate as many people as we can. In addition to offering a variety of units, the secured building includes wide stairs and halls, underground parking stalls, bike racks in the underground parking area, above ground parking stalls and an elevator. The elevator is a plus for the tenants, Pelton said. Its three stories thats a lot of stairs. Rock Avenue LLC is owned by Pelton, her husband, Mark, and sons Luke and Cody. The Peltons also own a management company, PAC Management, which manages all of its units in Wisconsin, including the facility in Viroqua. The Peltons are based in Reedsburg. We have over 200 units in Baraboo, a couple in Reedsburg and the facility in Viroqua, Pelton said. Pelton said she and her family are very proud (of) their projects because they design, build and manage them. We are in it for the long haul. Pelton said she and her family were very happy with the local subcontractors they worked with on the Viroqua project. It was a good experience working with the people there, she said. Excavation work for the facility began in September 2016. In 2006, cartoonist Peter Kuper and his family relocated from Manhattan to Oaxaca, Mexico, where they remained for roughly two years. Driven out in part by Bush-era politics, and in part by the desire to take a breather and give their young daughter some experience of the world, they descended directly into the horrific 2006 state-wide teachers strike. The seven-month strike by teachers and their supporters against state corruption and in support of education funding was violently repressed by the states governor with the aid of the federal police. More than 20 people were killed during the repressive state violence, including American journalist Bradley Will. The tragic resistance by the states teachers comprises the first third of this powerful and creative book. Infuriated by the inaccurate and superficial coverage of the conflict by the world press, Kuper began doing sketches illustrating what was actually happening and sharing them with friends and family back home. Even after it was violently put down, the strike undergirds much of the rest of the book. The calm and colourful daily life of the region lies in contrast to the violence whose memory the state attempts to repress; the political silence in the wake of violent state repression is a condemnation of a different sort. But while posters and graffiti can be torn down or painted over, Kupers memory and the sketches inspired by it remain a poignant and potent tribute to the striking Oaxacans efforts to improve their lives. Diario de Oaxaca isnt just about the strike; its an eclectic and inspired collection of drawings and reminiscences of the authors two years in Oaxaca. Theres a lot packed into the period, and yet one gets the sense that even this wide-ranging collection barely pierces the surface. From monarch butterflies and endangered tortoises, to Mesoamerican ruins, to the varieties of stray street dogs and the inspired art of a radish festival, Kuper offers the reader something more than just a sketchbook or graphic travelogue. Its an impressionistic invitation to Oaxaca: a tantalizing sampling of the rich diversity the place has to offer. While acknowledging the violence that sometimes erupts in the place (as it does everywhere, including Kupers home country north of the border), he writes powerfully against the mainstream press depictions of an anarchic region paralyzed by daily violence. There I go again reiterating Oaxacas troubles, making it sound like a dangerous town, he writes, during one of the diary-like entries which offer short analytical narrations of the experiences depicted in his illustrations. Moving from light to dark and back again. Its unavoidable; its the nature of the place. Or perhaps its in my nature to use a spectrum of hues when I paint my experiences. They say theres truth in beauty, but there is also beauty in truth. Thats Oaxaca. But dont take my word for it go see it for yourself. Its the only way to paint your own picture. The art and imagery of Diario de Oaxaca is impressively eclectic, and perfect for the nature of the work Kupers produced. Ranging from crayon-like splashes of symbolic and abstract art to cartoonish line drawings, he even integrates photos along with elements of Mexicos diverse and ancient imagery. The eclectic style allows him not just to illustrate experiences but to express them, from psychedelic cultural fusions to ancient and mystical iconography. There are Mayan temples, scorpions and butterflies, market stalls and cobbled streets. There are stray dogs, riot police, bar scenes, and beaches. Everywhere, there is life, and Kupers art expresses this in profusion: the teeming omnipresence of insects; the deep and sprawling roots of ancient trees; the stoicism of a woman sitting at a market stall and the laughter of a man downing a beer. Courage on the flaming barricades and the delighted laughter of children; a fight between a couple on the beach and the bright eclecticism of Day of the Dead festivities. Kuper succeeds handily in fulfilling his desire to telegraph my enthusiasm for the place to anyone who will listen. Diario de Oaxaca is also fully bilingual, with short essays and illustrated captions alike all presented in both English and Spanish. Kuper has been traveling to Mexico for decades, and its become a sort of second home for him. Its been the inspiration for serious and complex work, like his award-winning graphic novel Ruins (also loosely based on his experiences of 2006-08). But Diario de Oaxaca is a much more personal sort of work, allowing him to reflect in first-person and adopt a more introspective tone. Originally published in 2009, the new edition includes several updated diary entries chronicling subsequent trips back to Oaxaca over the past decade, up through May 2017. Diario de Oaxaca also feels driven by a sense of political urgency in the present and unfolding relationship between Mexico and the United States. Kuper doesnt hold back any punches; he left America in part because of the mess President Bush was making of things, but hes equally critical of the corrupt and violent political leadership of Oaxaca. President Trumps anti-Mexicanism has added an entirely new dimension to the situation. Kupers work reminds us of the vibrant and inspired everyday people who live under the tyranny of petty and corrupt officials in both Mexico and the United States, and of the imperative to see the beauty of each place through the murky political fog and inaccurate, homogenizing reporting that so often obscures them. Given the xenophobic portrayals of Mexico spouted by U.S. government officials, my urgency to convey a broader vision of our neighbour is even greater today, Kuper writes in closing. With mandates to literally wall ourselves off from Mexico, its essential to question what would be lost. To narrow our vision of the planet into separate island-states is to isolate ourselves from art, culture, history and our collective means of survival. As if air can be halted by borders. As if weather can be contained by lines on a map. The ruins of fallen empires, evident throughout Mexico, are signposts our leaders would be advised to heed as they build their barricades. Rating: 8 Mark Guiliana is a drummer with a classic pedigree for his generation. He went to jazz school at William Paterson Universitys superb program (in New Jersey, yes); served a formative period as a sideman in Avishai Cohens group, touring and recording; and he started a set of collaborations with both peers and mentors in Guilianas case these included the pianist Brad Mehldau and David Bowie, on whose last recording, Backstar, Guiliana was the critical rhythmic presence. Born in 1980, Guiliana was influenced as much by rock as by jazz, and he has cited Jim Black as a role model for the way Black integrates influences across stylistic barriers. Crossing stylistic barriers is Guilianas trump card. He has become a certifiable star drummer because (1) chops, and (2) a dazzling career in electronic music. But he has become a truly respected artistic force because his talent is equally sincere and powerful when he plays jazz and in his career playing electronic music. On the electronica side (he founded Beat Music Productions), he has collaborated with people like bassist Tim Lefebvre and keyboardist Jason Lindner, who also play jazz. On the jazz side, Guiliana is precise but musical, a composer and a superbad player who blows you away with more than chops. Jersey is the second recording from Guilianas Jazz Quartet, which is set up traditionally: tenor saxophone (Jason Rigby), piano (Fabian Almazan, replacing Shai Maestro), bass (Chris Morrissey), and drums. In some ways it plays traditionally this is a band that plays primarily inside with post-bop harmonic rules and swings in the conventional sense. Listening to Jersey in the background, you might not hear it as special or different or particularly of its moment. But you would be wrong. Jersey eschews fancy footwork that calls attention to itself. It seems fair to start with the albums last song, Where Are We Now? Written by David Bowie and appearing on his penultimate recording, it is an elegiac ballad built on a simple melody and rich harmonies. Rigby plays the tune with no frills in his breathy but weighty tone, singing it utterly but calmly. The rhythm section is all taste and attention. But after a full trip through the form, Guiliana and Morrissey step aside, giving Almazan a beautiful, rubato spot of solo piano. This spell is broken by the tenor, coming in to play a ten-note phrase, which is repeated until the end of the performance as the band reenters quietly, then more, then in full force, Guiliana bringing everything to a boil and then taking over until a set of voices come in gently to sing, As long as theres me / As long as theres you along with the tenor, repeated, until the end. Chills. &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href= target=_blank&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Jersey by Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href=&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;a href= target=_blank&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;Jersey by Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; That is Jersey in a nutshell: intentional, structurally interesting (not a string of jazz solos with a repeated melody), and reliant on musicality rather than technical wizardry. If you listen, it will get to you. Not that its all quiet, all stately. The opener, Guilianas Inter-Are, is a throbbing, dancing joy. The leader and bassist Morrissey lock in at the start with a swinging, rolling pattern that forms the hip-moving rhythm for all of it. The main theme is simple and catchy, really only a single phrase played around with, and once it is established, the band cuts back to a whisper but with the groove still pumping. A saxophone solo rises and blossom into the melody again, but extended, then Almazan takes a ride on the groove, soon overtaken by that last piece of the melody. How does it end? Its the throb again, but different, mainly the acoustic bass, piano strings hand-strummed, supported by simple handclaps. There isnt another jazz performance/arrangement quite like it. And its barely longer than a pop song. Morrissey contributes two songs as well. Our Lady has a driving melody that could have been written for one of Keith Jarretts quartets, supported by a Latin pulse. The Mayor of Rotterdam begins with a formal, classical-sounding theme, then it slides into a polyrhythm built on a tricky pattern that I cant count properly, but that is played with such skill that my toe taps anyway. It is a perfect example of how this bands chops are mind-blowing but in service to the song. The band is highly skilled at making something great out of something slim. BP, written by pedal steel specialist Rich Hinman, is mostly a long build-up, but the band is so good at arrangement and interaction that you never lose interest. Guilianas September simmers at first, stating an interesting melody over a pedal point, but then it slowly unfolds around a series of unexpected chords. Jersey, a tribute to the leaders birthplace and home, is built on an enchanting bass line played on the upbeats only, around which Rigby curls a heartwarming tune and a long, interesting solo. More swinging is Big Rig Jones, but the mark of Guilianas group is that they move to a bass solo first, allow the arrangement to ease back to ballad feel, then they work back into the fleet swing and eventually a triumphant, explosive climax over the tenor solo. This being the Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet, Big Rig brings that fireworks-over-the-water climax home to a tender, quiet passage of solo piano over which the melody returns but the swing does not. Each of these performances suggests some of what I suspect Guiliana learned from his love of rock and his expertise in electronica: that there are more ways to build interest and create musical art other than theme/solos/theme, and these other ways are increasing central to jazz. Taken as a whole, Jersey is a surprising but reassuring work of art. It is as if you grabbed the ingredient normally used for a simple, known meal and combined and cooked them differently, coming up with a whole new taste. The jazz quartet is not, perhaps, reinvented here, but it is deployed with a sense of surprise and novelty that never abandons the artful. If there is a drawback here, it is only in imagining the kinds of dynamics and propulsion the group is capable of in concert, with more time and freedom at their disposal. Not that the tracks here are all that short, but the long arc of development on some of these tracks suggests that the quartet has other, higher gears it might get to. Id certainly like to hear them. Rating: 7 2017-11-09 07:47:56 Press Information Transparency Market Research Rahul Singh Marketing Head +1-518-618-1030 email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail # 436 Words Marketing Head+1-518-618-1030Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 The vendor landscape of the global air conditioning systems market is speckled with large and established companies such as Gree Electric Appliances, Inc., Daikin Industries Ltd., and Carrier Corporation; emerging players such as Panasonic Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, and The Midea Group; and promising vendors such as LG Electronics, Haier Electronics Group Co., Ltd., and Hitachi Ltd. Each of these players have been striving to strengthen their position in the air conditioning systems market and achieve sustainable growth.Read Report Overview @Transparency Market Research finds that in order to achieve these goals, companies are presently focused on integrating products so as to expand their customer base and reach out to newer audiences. Strategic partnerships and acquisitions have also been a core strategy for a number of players. A case in point would be Carrier, who, in 2011, joined hands with the Midea Group of China to manufacture as well as distribute HVAC systems in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. This joint venture not only helped Carrier form a strong distribution network in these promising countries but also established a strong foothold for the company at a global level, the lead analyst of the TMR study states.Request Sample Report @Energy-efficient Air Conditioning Systems Gain ProminenceThe growth of the air conditioning systems market can be largely attributed to the rapidly expanding construction and housing sector. Increasing construction permits, especially for commercial infrastructure, means a rising need for equipment such as air conditioning systems, a TMR analyst explains. The market for air conditioning systems is also driven by stringent government regulations, technological developments, rising consumer expectations, increased demand from the commercial sector, strong demand from Asia Pacific, and climate variations. The surge in awareness regarding the importance of indoor air quality has also generated an increased demand for advanced air-purifying technologies.Request Air Conditioning Systems Market Report Brochure @In contrast, the air conditioning systems market faces a major roadblock increased energy consumption. However, TMR finds that this challenge can be easily addressed. The emergence of ongoing trends such as green technologies, smart homes, and energy-efficient systems are driving manufacturers of air conditioning systems to focus on innovation and come up with equipment that meet the rising energy requirements of consumers and governments alike. Thus, this obstacle also presents market players with several opportunities for growth over the coming years, the author of the study states.Buy Air Conditioning Systems Market Research Report @ Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Market 2017-11-09 09:47:58 Press Information Future Market Insights Future Market Insights 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, United States T: +1-347-918-3531 F: +1-845-579-5705 Email: Website: email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail # 708 Words Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: www.futuremarketinsights.comAbhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Air travel has taken off in APEJ like never before, spurred on by rising affluence and a greater disposable income amongst consumers in this dynamic region. This is anticipated to require additional ground support equipment ensuring that the aircraft ground support equipment market grows at a healthy rate for the foreseeable future. Future Market Insights in its upcoming report titled Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012 - 2016) and Opportunity Assessment (2017 - 2027) predicts that the aircraft ground support equipment market could record a robust CAGR of 6.5%.Equipment Aircraft Service Segment Key in Aircraft Ground Support Equipment MarketThe aircraft service segment had a market share of more than half by equipment type in the aircraft ground support equipment market at the end of 2017 and is projected to grow this share by 30 BPS going forward. This is largely at the expense of cargo loading and passenger service. Aircraft service segment is greatly benefited by the high cost of different products such as aircraft tractors, de-icing, and fire fighting vehicles that explains its dominance in the aircraft ground support equipment market.Read Report Overview @ Power Electric Power Provides Spark in Aircraft Ground Support Equipment MarketThe electric segment is the most popular in the aircraft ground support equipment market and has seen rapid adoption in airport buses, de-icing vehicles, and aircraft tractors because of its reliability, support, and battery performance. Furthermore, advanced infrastructure in a number of airports in Europe and the US has led to electric chargers becoming commonplace fuelling the growth of the electric power segment in the aircraft ground support equipment market. The electric power segment is expected to cross a value of more than US$ 7.5 billion by end 2027, larger than the non-electric and hybrid segments combined.Region APEJ to Double Market Share in Aircraft Ground Support Equipment MarketIn terms of value, APEJ is predicted to double its market share during the course of the decadal study. Explosive growth in passenger traffic in China and India is largely responsible for this with the former contributing to the bulk of it. In addition to this, open sky agreements such as that recently signed between India and Japan should further the prospects of the APEJ aircraft ground support equipment market.Request Sample Report @ Ownership Rental Gaining Popularity in Aircraft Ground Support Equipment MarketThe rental/lease segment is gaining greater acceptance in the aircraft ground support equipment market because of the high cost associated with it. There is a definite shift in focus of airline companies and airport management towards rental ownership as this saves capital, resources, and time. The rental/ lease segment is estimated to witness a CAGR of 7% for the forecast period.Application Defence Unlikely to Topple Commercial Segment in Aircraft Ground Support Equipment MarketThe commercial segment holds a lions share in the aircraft ground support equipment market by application and is on track to lose 70 BPS till 2027. However, it has a two-third share of the market in 2017 on account of substantial movement of commercial aircraft, requiring evermore aircraft ground support equipment units. An incremental dollar opportunity of approx. US$ 4.8 billion from 2017 to 2027 makes the commercial segment large enough for all stakeholders in the aircraft ground support equipment market.Request to View TOC @ Competition Dashboard in Aircraft Ground Support Equipment MarketThe companies profiled in the report are JBT Corporation, ALVEST Group, Air T, Alberth Aviation Ltd., Cavotec SA, Clyde Machines Inc., Textron, Weihai Guangtai Airport Equipment Co., China International Marine Containers (Group) Co., Kalmar Motor AB, HYDRO Systems KG, Nepean Engineering & Innovation Pty Ltd., Tronair, Lektro, Charlatte Of America Inc., Schopf Maschinenbau GmbH, Mulag Fahrzeugwerk Heinz Wossner GmbH, Mallaghan Engineering Limited, SEMMCO, and DENGE Airport Equipment.Important TakeawaysAPEJ has immense potential in the long-term because of skyrocketing passenger traffic and companies would do well to focus their attention on this continent. Western companies should shift their production bases there to take advantage of lower cost coupled with manufacturing expertise. Companies must develop efficient products that have minimal maintenance and innovations in power technologies could provide the necessary breakthroughs.Buy Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Market Research Report @ 2017-11-09 18:53:50 Press Information Transparency Market Research 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 United States Rahul Singh Digital Marketing Manager +1-518-618-1030 email # 630 Words 90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207United StatesDigital Marketing Manager+1-518-618-1030 Transparency Market Research (TMR) observes in a research report that the competitive landscape in The Global Apheresis Market is likely to be intense owing to the fact that a few leading vendors hold a substantial share in the market. The future threat arising from new entrants is likely to be comparatively low over the coming years because of the license required for manufacturing equipment, technical expertise needed to venture into this field, and expensive nature of the manufacturing process, which is keeping the new players at bay. The focus on mergers, collaborations, and strategic collaborations is likely to be high in the coming years with leading companies looking forward to tighten their grip in the intensely competitive market and amid the growing cost related pressures. The leading companies in the market comprise B. Braun Melsungen AG, Cerus Corporation, Fresenius Kabi AG, Haemonetics Corporation, Terumo Corporation, and Asahi Kasei Medical Co. Ltd.View Report-According to a TMR analyst, The global market for apheresis is anticipated to exhibit a 10.2% CAGR between 2017 and 2025. In 2016, the market was worth US$1.85 bn and is likely to touch a valuation of US$4.33 bn by the end of 2025. Based on procedure, the market has been segmented into erythrocytapheresis, leukapheresis, plateletpheresis, LDL apheresis, photopheresis, and plasmapheresis. Among all these, the market was reigned by the plasmapheresis segment in 2016 owing to the growing number of procedures pertaining to donor plasmapheresis across the globe. The segment is further estimated to experience an 8.9% CAGR over the course of the forecast period. Region-wise, the market is anticipated to be dominated by North America until the end of the forecast period. This growth can be attributed to the extensive development of the healthcare infrastructure in the region.Request Apheresis Market Report Brochure -Expanding Scope of Apheresis Procedure Application to be Key Growth FacetThe huge ascent in the prevalence of chronic maladies worldwide has prompted an extensive demand for blood components for use medical products such as immunoglobulin, coagulation factors, plasma, and albumin. Additionally, strict safety regulations are prompting the expanded concentration of healthcare facilities on the security and viability parts of these items, which has prompted specialized advances in apheresis items and techniques. In this manner, the rising interest for blood parts and plasma for therapeutics is anticipated to remain a key constrain affecting the general advancement of the worldwide apheresis market in the following couple of years.The market is additionally anticipated to profit by the enlarging set of therapeutic apheresis, which is provoking the expanded utilization of apheresis methodology in the treatment of various ailments and signs. According to the American Society for Apheresis' (ASFA) Apheresis rule's 2016 version, there are 87 ailments (78 out of 2013 release) and 179 sign for apheresis. In 2016, three new hematological signs were included these rules. Such enlarging utilizations of apheresis is anticipated to drive development for apheresis market in the coming years.Request to view Sample Report -High Initial Cost Might Push End users Towards AlternativesThe set-up of apheresis includes expensive disposables and apheresis systems. Furthermore, technically skilled operators are needed to conduct these procedures. This further, raises the cost of the operations, thus, making the complete procedure expensive. This type of situation also becomes a Herculean state in developing economies. Apheresis is also termed unaffordable for treating certain other diseases in which several other alternatives are also available which are equally efficient in treating the disease and are inexpensive as well. This issue is anticipated to have a huge impact on the growth of the global market for apheresis.Apheresis Market Report is available @ US$ 5795 Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics 2017-11-09 13:19:24 Press Information market data forecast Address change chesi submit cheyandi : 531/MIG-II, Rd Number 1, Kukatpally Housing Board Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072 Abhishek Shukla Sales Manager +1-888-702-9626 email # 817 Words Address change chesi submit cheyandi : 531/MIG-II, Rd Number 1, Kukatpally Housing Board Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072Sales Manager+1-888-702-9626 Ovarian cancer is caused by uncontrollable cell growth in the ovarian tissue. Ovarian cancer is one of the major causes of death in females across the globe. The treatment procedure depends on the stage of cancer. It involves surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and biological therapy. It is also said that ovarian cancer is a chemo-sensitive cancer. Chemotherapy treatment when performed in combination with radiation therapy increases the efficiency.Get a comprehensive overview of the Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market: Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market: Drivers & RestraintsThe factors leading to growth of this market are growth of geriatric women population, discovery of drugs and efficient therapies, rise in peoples spending on healthcare, improved government financial support and increasing awareness regarding healthcare is also fueling the growth of the ovarian cancer market. Recent launching of generic drugs, and the expiring of patents of major drugs like Taxol, Gemzar, and Hycamtin are the key factors hampering the growth for ovarian cancer market.Get accurate market forecast and analysis on the Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market. Request a sample to stay up-to-date on the main trends affecting this market Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market: SegmentationBy Stages Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IVBy Cancer Type Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma Ovarian Stromal Tumors Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors Epithelial Ovarian TumorsBy Diagnosis Physical Examination Blood Tests Ultrasound PET CT Scan MRI Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Test BiopsyBy type of treatment Chemotherapy Radiation Therapy Hormonal Therapy Surgery Immunotherapy Targeted TherapyFrom simple data collation through secondary and primary research to ad-hoc research requests relating to specific information, we provide our services via customization. Get customization at Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market: OverviewThe Asia-Pacific is predicted to be the fastest growing regional market across the world. Large-scale R&D is being done in the region which support the growth of Asia-Pacific market.Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market: Region-wise OutlookOn the basis of geography, the Asia Pacific Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics market is analysed under the regions namely China, India, Japan and South Korea. The increased disposable income and rising geriatric population in developing countries like China and India has led to a lot of scope in this market.Key Questions Answered What is the current and future Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market outlook? What trends are affecting the Asia Pacific market? What is the competitive landscape and market share of major players in the Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market? What are the key market segments that currently occupy the highest market share? Which market segments are growing the fastest? What challenges are restraining the growth of the Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market? How will emerging technologies answer these challenges? What is physician perception and market outlook of HIV Diagnostics?Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market: Key PlayersMajor players in the Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics market include Aetera Zenteris Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, Roche, Amgen, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Bristol Myers Squibb Company, Novogen, Inc., GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim, AstraZeneca and Genentech Inc.Reasons to buy Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Market Report: Regional and country-level analysis and forecasts of the study market; providing Insights on the geographical areas in which this industry is prospering Segment-level analysis on basis of stages, cancer type, diagnosis and treatment along with market size forecasts and y-o-y estimations to detect key areas of industry growth in detail Identification of key drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges (DROC) in the market and their impact on shifting market dynamics Study of macro and micro environmental factors that affect the market presented in an extensive strategic analyses section containing PESTLE and Porters Five Forces Analyses A comprehensive listing of key market players along with company overview, product portfolios, key financial information (subjected to availability), SWOT analysis and Analyst overview to study and sustain the market environment Competitive landscape analysis listing out the mergers, acquisitions, collaborations in the field along with new product launches, comparative financial studies and recent developments in the market by the major companies Expertly devised Market Outlook along with Investment opportunities to provide both individuals and organizations a strong financial foothold in the marketCheckout other related studies in the Drugs and Therapeutic Segment:North America Anticoccidial Drugs Market: North America Therapeutic Vaccines Market: Anti-fungal Drugs Market: About Market Data Forecast:Market Data Forecast is a firm working in the area of market research and business intelligence. With rich experience in research across various business domains, they cater to the needs of both individual and corporate clients. From all-encompassing umbrella markets to extremely specific niche markets covering all the major regions across the globe as part of the research scope, their research services offer one of a kind specialities with competitive pricing options. For more information, kindly visit, 2017-11-09 10:03:02 Paris, 9 November 2017 - Atos, a global leader in digital transformation, launches BullSequana S, its new range of ultra-scalable servers enabling businesses to take full advantage of AI. With their unique architecture, developed in-house by Atos, BullSequana S enterprise servers are optimized for Machine Learning, business critical computing applications and in-memory environments. In order to utilize the extensive capabilities of AI, businesses require an infrastructure with extreme performance. BullSequana S tackles this challenge with its unique combination of powerful processors (CPUs) and GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit). The BullSequana S server's flexibility leverages a proven unique modular architecture, and provides customers with the agility to add Machine Learning and AI capacity to existing enterprise workloads, thanks to the introduction of a GPU. Within a single server, GPU, storage and compute modules are mixed for a tailor-made server, for ready availability of all workloads worldwide. Ultra-scalable server to answer both challenges: from classical use-case to AI BullSequana S combines the most advanced Intel Xeon Scalable processors - codenamed Skylake - and an innovative architecture designed by Atos' R&D teams. It helps reduce infrastructure costs while improving application performance thanks to ultra-scalability - from 2 to 32 CPUs - with innovative high capacity storage and booster capabilities such as GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and, potentially other technologies such as FPGA in further developments. "Atos is a prominent global SAP partner delivering highly performant and scalable solutions for deployments of SAP HANA. We have been working together to accelerate SAP HANA deployments by providing a full range of SAP HANA applications certified up to 16TB. The new BullSequana S server range developed by Atos is one of the most scalable platforms in the market, optimized for critical deployments of SAP HANA. It is expected to open new additional collaboration areas between SAP and Atos around artificial intelligence and machine learning," said Dr. Jorg Gehring, senior vice president and global head of SAP HANA Technology Innovation Networks. BullSequana S - to reach extreme performance whilst optimizing investment: Up to 32 processors, 896 cores, and 32 GPUs in a single server delivering an outstanding performance and supporting long-term investment protection, as capacities evolve smoothly according to business needs. With up to 48TB RAM and 64TB NV-RAM in a single server, real-time analytics of enterprise production databases will run much faster than on a conventional computer by using in-memory technology whilst ensuring both security and high quality of service. With up to 2PB internal data storage, BullSequana S efficiently supports data lake and virtualization environments. "To power Machine Learning and AI in enterprise IT, Atos has designed a new-generation computing platform, which accelerates our customers' digital transformation by converging business-critical computing and HPC within a single device. BullSequana S is the ultra-scalable, ultra-flexible, go-to server that delivers extreme performance while optimizing investment", underlined Arnaud Bertrand, Fellow, Head of Big Data and HPC at Atos. Availability The first BullSequana S machines manufactured at France-based Atos factory are available worldwide from today. *** About Atos Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with approximately 100,000 employees in 72 countries and annual revenue of around 12 billion. The European number one in Big Data, Cybersecurity, High Performance Computing and Digital Workplace, The Group provides Cloud services, Infrastructure & Data Management, Business & Platform solutions, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payment industry. With its cutting-edge technologies, digital expertise and industry knowledge, Atos supports the digital transformation of its clients across various business sectors: Defense, Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing, Media, Energy & Utilities, Public sector, Retail, Telecommunications and Transportation. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify and Worldline. Atos SE (Societas Europaea) is listed on the CAC40 Paris stock index. Press contact Jose de Vries | | +31 6 30 27 26 11 | @josee_de vries Intel, Xeon, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries SAP, SAP HANA and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. See for additional trademark information and notices. All other product and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. SAP Forward-looking Statement Any statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "project," "predict," "should" and "will" and similar expressions as they relate to SAP are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. SAP undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations The factors that could affect SAP's future financial results are discussed more fully in SAP's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including SAP's most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates. This announcement is distributed by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions on behalf of Nasdaq Corporate Solutions clients. The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: ATOS via Globenewswire Automotive Engine Bearings Market 2017-11-09 07:09:36 Press Information Future Market Insights CONTACT: Future Market Insights Abhishek Bhudoliya 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, United States T: +1-347-918-3531 F: +1-845-579-5705 Email: Website: email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail # 657 Words CONTACT:Future Market InsightsAbhishek Bhudoliya616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: www.futuremarketinsights.comAbhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 In an automobile internal combustion engine, the engine bearing is usually a journal or a plain bearing on which the crankshaft rotates. The function of a bearing is to hold the crankshaft in place and to prevent the dislodging of connecting rod from the crankshaft. The engine bearing also plays a vital role in prevention of the force created by the piston and its transmission to the crankshaft, instead using the forces for the conversion of the reciprocating movements into rotation. The bearing is considered as one of the most important components of the engine assembly and its proper functioning is necessary to maintain the overall efficiency of the automobile. Research and development is going on in the field of automotive engine bearings in order to innovate the best suitable bearings for longer life and improved performance of the engine.The automobile engine parts and components have high wear and tear rate owing to its continuous operation to power the vehicle. The robust operation of the engine bearings is achieved if the material of construction possesses the properties such as high strength (wear resistance, cavitation resistance and load capacity) and softness (conformability, compatibility and embeddability).Request For Report Sample: Global Automotive Engine Bearings Market: DynamicsThe market for automotive engine bearings exhibits a huge potential to grow, owing to the development and growth in the overall automotive sector. Moreover, in developed nations, high standard of living and rising disposable incomes have enabled consumers to use vehicles, which have all the aftermarket products fitted for the effective use of automobiles. Furthermore, growth in production of automobiles, is in turn, expected to fuel the growth of the automotive engine bearings market over the forecast period. The development in technology and research & development to produce more strong materials, which can sustain more load is also estimated to bolster the automotive engine bearings market growth. The replacement rate of the automotive engine bearings is high and thus automotive aftermarket holds a significant share in the automotive engine bearings market.Global Automotive Engine Bearings Market: SegmentationThe automotive engine bearings market can be segmented on the basis of product type, sales channel and vehicle type.By product type, the global automotive engine bearings market can be segmented as:Ball BearingsRoller BearingsPlain BearingsOthersBy sales channel,the global automotive engine bearings market can be segmented as:Original Equipment ManufacturersIndependent SuppliersBy vehicle type, the global automotive engine bearings market can be segmented as:Passenger CarsLight Commercial VehiclesHeavy Commercial VehiclesTwo WheelersGlobal Automotive Engine Bearings Market: Regional OutlookAsia Pacific and North America hold major shares in global automotive engine bearings market owing to the large number of automobiles present in these regions. Consumers tend to equip their vehicles with durable and robust parts so that their vehicle is in good condition and also to avoid breakdown of engines. These conditions are expected to act as catalysts for the growth of the overall automotive engine bearings market over the forecast period. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations, which are the target markets of the automobile manufacturers will contribute significantly to the growth of the overall automotive engine bearings market over the forecast period. The automotive engine bearings market is projected to grow with a noteworthy CAGR owing to the increasing adoption of these systems in motorcycles and bikes globally.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC): Global Automotive Engine Bearings Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the global Automotive Engine Bearingsmarket identified across the value chain include:ORS BearingsNachi Fujikoshi Corp.MAHLE Aftermarket Inc.Minebea Co., Ltd.SNL Bearings Ltd.CW BearingNSK Ltd. King Engine Bearings, Inc.RBC BearingsSvenska Kullagerfabriken ABSchaeffler AG.Iljin Bearing Co., Ltd.RKB BearingsJtekt CorporationTimken CompanyWafangdian Bearing Group CorpC&U Bearing NTN Corporation 2017-11-09 21:51:12 Press Information Published by ACCESSWIRE News Network 888.952.4446 e-mail # 387 Words ACCESSWIRE News Network888.952.4446 FSCwire / Press ReleaseThe following press release was disseminated by FSCwire for BeWhere Holdings Inc.--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Toronto, Ontario (FSCWire) - BeWhere Holdings Inc. (TSX Venture:BEW). has issued a press release with the following headline:BeWhere Holdings Inc. has no Undisclosed Material ChangesTo view this press release on the FSCwire website, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:If you would prefer, you can also view this press release as a PDF file, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser:For more information on BeWhere Holdings Inc., or to see additional press releases issued by this company, please either click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser: Holdings Inc.Source: BeWhere Holdings Inc. (TSX Venture: BEW, OTCQB: BEWFF)Date: November 09, 2017Time: 3:51 PM EST--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---The story mentioned above was issued on behalf of BeWhere Holdings Inc. and disseminated through FSCwire.About FSCwireFSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.), is a global newswire dissemination, SEDAR, SEDI, and EDGAR / XBRL service provider.FSCwire is a full service global newswire dissemination company and is fully approved by all exchanges in Canada and the U.S. Press releases can be distributed for all sizes of public, private or not for profit companies and any other organization requiring news distribution. In addition to individual companies; public relations, communications and investor relations firms trust FSCwire to distribute press releases for their respective clients.In addition to newswire dissemination FSCwire also offers EDGAR, XBRL, SEDAR, SEDI, and additional services for publicly traded companies. For more information, please go to our website: Maximum News Dissemination by FSCwire. Copyright 2017 - FSCwire (a division of Filing Services Canada Inc.) Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent School Edition is an inspiring musical about friends and musical/theatrical artists struggling with drug addiction, poverty and HIV/AIDS. It is based loosely on the Broadway musical by Puccinis La Boheme, with the Rent School Edition following a group of young adults for one year in the 1980s as they struggle to survive and beat the odds, which were stacked against them daily. Drama Director Julee Caspers Agar said the students have been asking to perform this musical for years, but the cast and directors quickly learned that the RENT musical has a very challenging score, even at the high school level. She said the level of emotion needed for the performance was very intense. The musical is based on the physical and emotional complications of suffering with AIDS, which complicates the lives of Roger, Mimi, Tom and Angel. A number of cast members played duel roles from main characters to the supporting cast. During the Thursday morning performance at Westby Area High School for students and staff, Roger Davis was played by Vougard Latoja; Mimi Marquez (Sharice Elbert); Tom Collins (Cody Russell); and Angel Dumott Schunard (Jack Call). Other key roles were that of actress Maureen Johnson, who deals with her chronic infidelity and was played by Amy Teadt. Her life partner, Joanne Jefferson, was played by Eva Gajewski. Benjamin Coffin III (Luke Charles) played a former friend who sells out his freindships for money and aspiring filmmaker Mark Cohen (Peter Holdorf) struggled with lifes insecurities. The main characters lives cross paths numerous times throughout the 2 hour, 30 minute performance. Roger (Latoja) and Mark (Holdorf) characters struggled to pay the rent and had to deal with an uncompassionate landlord (Charles). They tried to be there for their friends, even though they were broke and barely getting by themselves. Mark (Holdorf) was hoping to make it in film industry, but didnt want to sell his soul make it happen which left him broke and unable to pay the rent. Coffin (Charles) sold out for money and lived to make his friends life miserable. Both actors did a good job of connecting with the audience through eye contact and spoke with clarity. Maureen (Teadt) was dating Mark (Holdorf), but broke up after she fell in love with Joanne (Gajewski). It was a bitter breakup between Mark and Maureen, but bittersweet in that the two women (Maureen and Joanne) realized after months of on-and-off again disagreements that true love requires give and take from both parties involved if they hope to make their new relationship work. Roger (Latoja) was focused on writing and performing a hit song. That path to stardom was interrupted when he fell in love with Mimi (Elbert) who was addicted to drugs and believed in living every moment like it was their last. The couple struggled with trust issues, which eventually tore them apart. With the help of their friends they found their way back to each other late in the show. The vocal strength of Latoja and Elbert made you feel the pain of the characters they played in the show. Unfortunately their vocal performances were interrupted at times by cordless microphones disconnect, but despite the periodic interruptions their powerful voices still shined through. Collins (Russell) was mugged on the streets of new York, but soon found comfort and love in the arms of Angel (Jack Call). Angel, a street musician and crossdresser that had enough passion in his sole to comfort his friends when the world was bringing them down. Angel suffered from AIDS and died in Collins arms later in the show. The death of their friend was a life changing moment for many. Calls role was a very difficult one for any high school student to perform, but he did it with confidence. Russell has a strong presence on stage and did a good job of engaging the audience. The Rent School Edition was filled with exuberance and energy from the supporting cast whose vocals were strong and movements on stage were graceful and added definition to each scene. The entire cast grew more confident in their performances as the musical progressed and the final scene where Mimi (Elbert) appeared to die in Rogers arms (Latoja) as he sang the song (Your Eyes) to her brought a tear to more than one eye in the audience. The touching moment took a riveting twist when Mimi (Elbert) returned from her near death experience after seeing the light, entering a tunnel, but being stopped short of Heavens gate by Angel (Call) who died earlier in the musical. Angel (Call) sent Mimi (Elbert) back to earth for a second chance at life and love. Kudos to everyone involved. You made the school and community proud. The cast, pit band, directors and production crews did a beautiful job with a very sensitive screen play. Hopefully everyone involved will make the most of all the Seasons of Love they live and enjoy every one of the 565,600 minutes in a year. We all need to live life like there is No Day, but Today. 2017-11-09 08:09:20 Press Information Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail # 766 Words Abhishek Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a broad term used for defining progressive lung diseases like emphysema, refractory asthma, chronic bronchitis and some other forms of bronchiectasis. The symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are so common that sometimes people fail to understand that they are suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and consider it as normal cold, cough and symptoms of aging. Symptoms are sometimes not even visible in the early stages of disease and the disease remains undiagnosed for a long time. The symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease include wheezing, tightness in the chest, frequent coughing and increased breathlessness. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease can be treated using different types of drugs and therapies including oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation programs. In case of extreme severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease surgery is recommended which includes lung volume reduction surgery, lung transplant and bullectomy.A sample of this report is available upon request @According to the data of British Lung Foundation approximately 1.2 billion people were suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the U.K. alone in 2011. Also according to the COPD Foundation approximately 30million Americans were suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in 2013. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. This data demonstrates the ever increasing demand of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease treatment worldwide and hence also shows the potential that the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market holds.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapeutics Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe most important factors that are expected to drive the growth of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease market includes the ever increasing number of cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease globally. Also the change in the lifestyle is responsible for increasing the habits like smoking and increase in the number of genetic disorders which in turn are responsible for raising the number of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients. Other factors that can boost the revenue from the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market are rising expenditures on healthcare that is leading to the adoption of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease treatments in the emerging economies. Increase in the level of awareness has also lead to the early diagnosis of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease so that people can go for the treatment of the disease.Factors that can limit the growth of the therapeutic enzymes in the forecast period include the fact that not all the patients who are suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are aware of the fact that they are suffering from the disease and therefore do not go for the treatment of the disease. Also sometimes people get to know about their disease when the disease cant be cured by only medication and therapies and surgery becomes mandatory. This factor can also lead to a slow growth in the revenue from the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapeutics Market: SegmentationChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market can be segmented on the basis of components and end user.On the basis of componentDrug ClassBronchodilatorsSteroidsPhosphodiesterase-4 inhibitorsTheophyllineAntibioticsDelivery SystemsOralInhalationOn the basis of end userHospitalsPrivate clinicsOut-patientsChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapeutics Market: OverviewChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market is a growing market and is expected to see an even higher growth in the forecast period. Factors such as increase in the population suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease worldwide and increasing awareness about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are responsible for fueling the growth of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market. Betterment of the healthcare infrastructure in Asia Pacific and Middle East and Africa is also responsible for the revenue growth of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market in the forecast period.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapeutics Market: Region-wise OutlookChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market is in its growth phase and hence this market is expected to see very high growth in the emerging economies like Latin America and Asia Pacific due to high population growth in these regions. North America Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market is the most developed market in terms of revenue, followed by Europe. Middle East and Africa are also expected to see higher growth due to growing advancement in the healthcare infrastructure.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapeutics Market: Key Market ParticipantsSome of the key participants of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease therapeutics market include Pfizer Inc, Adamis Laboratories Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc. Decision management applications decision oriented evaluative software that help an enterprise to solve critical problems, manage and analyses huge data, and delivers decisive results. 2017-11-09 10:58:37 Press Information Future Market Insights CONTACT: Future Market Insights 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, United States T: +1-347-918-3531 F: +1-845-579-5705 Email: Website: Harshada Associate Consultant 3479183531 email # 633 Words CONTACT:Future Market Insights616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Consultant3479183531 Decision management applications decision oriented evaluative software that help an enterprise to solve critical problems, manage and analyses huge data, and delivers decisive results. Also, enterprises are using decision management application for minimizing error and to get accurate results within a short period of time. These application helps an organization to maximise its profitability and efficiency. According to traditional approach, decision management used to be done manually without using any technical tools or applications.Decision Management Applications Market Segmentation:On the basis of type global decision management application market is segmented into Analytical management application, business rule management application, operational optimisation application, testing management application, workflow management application, and monitoring & governance application.A sample of this report is available upon request @ On the basis of application global decision management application market is segmented into business research management, fraud management, regulatory compliance management, accounting and revenue management, human resource management, credit risk management, customer management. Business research management is sub segmented into business intelligence and analytics. Business intelligence manages database, helps in analysis, and also tracks reporting. Analytics consist of sophisticated tools with abilities to discover insights in data. In decision management application these three technology areas can perform both together and separately as well. Customer management is sub segmented into Cross-sell and up-sell, web- based purchasing, single channel management and multichannel management.Geographically, decision management application market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific excluding Japan, Japan, and Middle East & Africa. North America, Western Europe and Japan are the lucrative regions for global decision management application; where, U.S., European Union (EU)-5, Japan are the most revenue generating countries in this market. North America and Western Europe holds the majority of the market share in the decision management application market. Asia Pacific excluding Japan market for decision management application is one of the fastest growing market in terms of revenue generation. India, China, Malaysia, Singapore are the significant contributing countries in terms of revenue growth.Decision Management Applications Market Dynamics:Decision management application delivers solutions and results of a complex data. Currently, enterprises are adopting this applications in order to reduce the timeline of projects and also to optimise the affectivity of a project. These benefits are primarily driving the decision management application market. This applications are used by both service and manufacturing industries. Moreover, increasing critical data and complex business situation require strong result oriented decision, understanding the requirement developers have been improving the model of decision management. Currently, there are number of high level model of decision management application are available in the market. This technological advancement is another factor that drives the global decision management application market. However, owing to have high price, many big and small enterprises cannot effort decision management applications. Moreover, to run these applications, it requires skilled employees, which is again a cost bearing factor for the companies. These are the factor that are restraining the high growth of global decision management application market.Since, decision management application is a recent trend of a decision management market, many large scale enterprises already adopted this application, and most of the small and medium enterprises are still untapped, are the opportunity to the decision management application market globally. New models of decision management applications are always an opportunities to the decision management application market, hence decision management application companies have been developing value added decision management applications.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @ Decision Management Applications Market Key Players:Some of the key players operating in the decision management application are IBM Corporation, SAS Institute Inc., AbsolutData Holdings, Inc., Mu Sigma Inc., Manthan Software Services Pvt. Ltd., , inc., Nimble, Inc. PipelineDeals, Inc. 2017-11-09 11:03:01 One of the largest independent research firms in the U.K. has chosen Deltek ERP to optimise internal processes and improve financial control London, United Kingdom, Nov. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deltek, the leading global provider of enterprise software and information solutions for project-based businesses, today announced that IFF - one of the U.K.'s leading research firms - has selected Deltek's enterprise resource planning solution to improve visibility and control across its entire business and project portfolio. Deltek's integrated ERP is purpose-built with projects at its core to deliver the business agility, transparency and control needed by modern project-centric organisations. Based in London, England, IFF offers a full suite of social and market research services to a varied client base. The business is structured into teams which specialise in different sectors, each of which originates in public policy and administration but now reaches out to the private sector. These sectors include learning & skills, financial services, business & enterprise, regulations, employment & benefits, professional services and health & wellbeing. As IFF's project and client portfolio continued to expand, its incumbent system was unable to provide real-time visibility and granularity of reporting required by both project managers and business management. To meet the demands of its changing business, IFF initiated an extensive vendor search in Spring of 2017, identifying a potential 13 ERP vendors in its long list. With the assistance of specialist advisor, Gradient Consulting, a series of detailed demonstrations and business process discovery sessions were conducted, with Deltek emerging as the preferred ERP partner. In connecting all core business processes - from customer relationship management, project and resource planning, to financial management and reconciliation - Deltek's integrated project-based ERP platform seamlessly connects people, processes, and information. The key success factors for IFF when selecting its new ERP included: providing greater visibility to all decision makers through reporting and dashboards; improving forecasting of resource and revenue; reducing the complexity and time taken on revenue recognition; and reducing the reliance on spreadsheets and legacy databases. "As one of the largest and fastest growing independent research agencies in the U.K., possessing robust and reliable company insight is crucial. As our business expands, it is extremely important that our ERP system keeps pace to optimise internal process and enable us to continually provide a better service to our clients. From our detailed assessment of ERP vendors, Deltek stood apart from competitors due to its strong references within the market research sector, thorough understanding of our requirements, and commitment to deliver work that truly makes a difference," said Jan Shury, Managing Director at IFF. "IFF approached its ERP selection with a clear set of both functional requirements and key outcomes and metrics which will constitute success. We are thrilled that the depth of our solution's functionality, our industry expertise and our positive customer references have resulted in Deltek being selected as its ERP partner to underpin their systems transformation," said Fergus Gilmore, Deltek's VP and Managing Director, U.K. & Central Europe. About IFF IFF Research illuminates the world for organisations, businesses and individuals, helping them to make better-informed decisions. Established in 1965, IFF combine their in-depth knowledge of the issues faced by clients with a full range of data collection methodologies to ensure the success of each project. About Deltek Deltek is the leading global provider of enterprise software and information solutions for government contractors, professional services firms and other project-based businesses. For decades, we have delivered actionable insight that empowers our customers to unlock their business potential. 22,000 organisations and millions of users in over 80 countries around the world rely on Deltek to research and identify opportunities, win new business, recruit and develop talent, optimise resources, streamline operations and deliver more profitable projects. Deltek - Know more. Do more. Attachments: A photo accompanying this announcement is available at Geomembranes Market 2017-11-09 07:42:39 Press Information Transparency Market Research Transparency Market Research 90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207 Tel: +1-518-618-1030 USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453 Email: Website: email Published by Abhishek Budholiya +1-347-918-3531 e-mail # 484 Words Transparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700, Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Budholiya+1-347-918-3531 Global Geomembranes Market: OverviewInfrastructural development across the world, mainly related to the construction of new roads is benefitting the geomembranes market. Geomembranes are increasingly being used in road construction activities as their benefits are being recognized. Geomembranes are used as a basis in asphalt layovers as they help to strengthen weak soil by holding them together, thereby increasing the life span of roads.Geomembranes refer to synthetic membranes or liners that have very low permeability and are used with geotechnical engineering. Geomembranes are synthesized with the impregnation of geotextiles with elastomers, asphalt, or multilayered bitumen geocomposites.The report provides a pin-point analysis of the various factors that will the competitive dynamics of the global geomembranes market during the forecast period. The report analyzes market segments and growth trends, which is insightful for informed business decision making.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC): Global Geomembranes Market: Drivers and RestraintsThe increasing use of geomembranes for road construction activities is benefitting the growth of the global geomembranes market. The growing demand for geomembranes for drainage applications is also expected to fuel the growth of the geomembranes market. This is because geomembranes used in drainage system acts as a permeable separator that allows water to pass seamlessly.Due to the low hydraulic activity of geomembranes, they are increasingly being used in landfills resulting in low seepage rate out of the landfill. This is further boosting the markets growth. The escalating need for landfills along with the need for reducing contamination of surroundings is fuelling the growth of the geomembranes market. Moreover, mining applications are anticipated to open new avenues for the geomembranes market.Request For Report Sample: Global Geomembranes Market: Regional OutlookThe global geomembranes market can be divided into the regional segments of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. Amongst these, Asia Pacific is expected to represent as a major market for geomembranes. The heavy infrastructural development combined with innovation in geomembranes for drainage applications is expected to aid the growth of this regional market for geomembranes.Europe is expected to hold the second-largest share in the global geomembranes market. The setup of the innovation project New Road Construction Concepts (NR2C) carried out by the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories in association with the European Commission aims at repair and replacement of railways, roadways, and other infrastructure across several countries in Europe. The objective of the project also includes building and maintenance of bridges in this region. Thus, the growth of the geomembranes market in the region is expected to be benefitted. In Europe, the maintenance of the highly developed infrastructure coupled with the rising awareness for promoting vegetation growth in the region is also expected to boost the geomembranes market in this region. Global Revenue Generated by the Hybrid Power Systems Market is anticipated to rise from US$411.7 mn in 2015 to US$703.5 mn by 2024 at a 6.1% CAGR; Wind-solar-diesel Hybrid Power Systems to Maintain Lead through 2024 Hybrid Power Systems Market 2017-11-09 11:40:40 Press Information Transparency Market Research 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 Rahul Singh Head Internet Marketing +1-518-618-1030 email # 650 Words 90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Head Internet Marketing+1-518-618-1030 New product development and innovation is also an effective strategy adopted by a number of players, a TMR analyst states. The hybrid power systems market is extremely inviting to new players despite the high initial investment required to manufacture as well as assemble these systems. Thanks to government and other regulatory institution clearances and the provision of various subsidies, the competitive landscape of the global hybrid power systems market is likely to witness constant change over the coming years.Read Report Overview@ One of the major advantages presented by hybrid power systems, which is also a key driving factor for the global market, is the ability of these systems to reduce carbon emissions. Controlling carbon footprint is among the top priorities of most energy producing companies and factors such as climate change and growing social responsibility have contributed toward these companies focusing on using energy-efficient technologies in their networks, the author states.In April 2016, Vodafone Qatar announced its plans to roll out several hybrid power systems across its sites in the country as part of its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and improve the companys energy efficiency measures.Request Sample Report@ On the down side, however, high installation costs and initial investments deter companies from the setting up of hybrid power systems. Building the infrastructure for hybrid power plant, especially solar-wind-diesel systems, is immensely expensive, a lead analyst at TMR finds. Moreover, these systems have a much longer return on investment (ROI) period compared to conventional sources of energy. This threatens to hamper the growth of the hybrid power systems market.The global revenue generated by the hybrid power systems market is anticipated to rise from US$411.7 mn in 2015 to US$703.5 mn by 2024 at a 6.1% CAGR therein. By type, wind-solar-diesel hybrid power systems held the dominant share of over 45% in 2014 and this segment is likely to retain its lead throughout the forecast period. The others segment, comprising wind-hydro-diesel hybrid, solar thermal, and hybrid-solar biomass, is projected to expand at the fastest pace from 2016 to 2024.Request Hybrid Power Systems Market Report Brochure @ Only a fraction of companies in the renewable power industry are presently involved in the generation of power via hybrid power systems for rural electrification, the analyst states. However, an increasing number of upcoming power projects across the globe is likely to spur the demand for hybrid power systems. Investing in emerging economies and setting up hybrid power systems and rural electrification programs in the remote areas of Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Africa are key growth strategies for players in the hybrid power systems market, observes Transparency Market Research (TMR). For instance, Borg Energy invested a heavy sum in India in January 2014 in several projects centered on rural electrification and engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC). Likewise, Guangzhou HY Energy Technology Limited Corp., in 2011, supplied a wind-solar hybrid street light system in Tabriz, Iran and in 2012, installed a number of wind-solar hybrid systems for a telecom station in Mongolia.Buy Full Hybrid Power Systems Market Report@ discount to replacement basis, and at the time the transaction established NFR as the largest privately-held investment firm focused on acquiring and operating properties leased to regulated financial institutions. NFR significantly enhanced the portfolio value by negotiating two new leases totaling $155,000,000 with Wells Fargo and the American Bible Society. In addition, NFR and its capital partners invested several million dollars in capital improvements throughout the portfolio. "We're extremely pleased to announce this sale marking the conclusion to a very successful portfolio investment," notes Pellerito. "Our essential focus as an investor is to create value by acquiring well-located income producing properties, attracting world-class tenants and opportunistically exploring divestitures the execution of this portfolio is a clear demonstration of this strategy. The successful creation and exit of the portfolio is a showcase for NFR's track record of building long-term value, and we will continue to invest in similar opportunities going forward." About 18700 NW Walker Road Originally constructed in 1978, the 18700 NW Walker Road property is a mission-critical site for Wells Fargo operations in the Portland, Oregon market and the company recently executed a new long-term lease further reaffirming Wells Fargo's commitment to the building. The building's large floor plates addressed the lack of similar offerings in the region and capital improvement upgrades to the building are both planned and underway. The site offers a prime location within the Sunset Corridor submarket and in close proximity to major public transportation routes and Portland's light rail system. The flourishing Sunset Corridor continues to be a hot spot for technology companies and corporate campuses. About National Financial Realty Based in Los Angeles, National Financial Realty is a privately-held investment firm capitalizing on commercial real estate market inefficiencies. NFR's proven performance and multi-decade relationships create extraordinary opportunities in special situations where rapid capital deployment, transaction size, complexity, or current market conditions may impede other investors. NFR executes timely investments, typically in off-market transactions with solid fundamentals, limited and controllable risk, predictable cash flow and significant potential for appreciation. For more information visit Contact: Great Ink Communications: 212-741-2977 Tom Nolan [email protected] SOURCE National Financial Realty Related Links OYSTER BAY, N.Y., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Video piracy the copying and selling copyrighted content - has been around since the advent of the VHS tape and home video recording in 1979. Today, video piracy has shifted from pirated set-top boxes to content redistribution over broadband networks. The most common forms of piracy today include illegal fully-loaded Kodi boxes, social network live streams, torrents of exclusive series or movies, web-based redistribution via file lockers, and password sharing. Service providers lose US$6 to US$8 billion annually in revenue to piracy. "Content providers must shift their response to piracy from being device-oriented, such as traditional conditional access systems (CAS) and digital rights management (DRM) to comprehensive service-oriented approaches and modern tools against piracy," says Sam Rosen, Vice President at ABI Research. The most important tools available today include session-based watermarking coupled with real-time piracy monitoring focused on locating and identifying pirated content consumption and disruption of pirated content via terminating the source or disrupting the web services. Other tools include managing password sharing, and working with other content providers in a market to effectively drive law enforcement to respond to the threat of piracy. ABI Research, a leader in emerging technology intelligence, estimates that nearly $400 million, or about 33% of revenues in the DRM market will shift to service- or as-a-service (aaS) oriented revenues, by 2022, according to ABI Research. News and technology sites often take an ambiguous stance on piracy. For example, the New York Times reassured the public that "the government is unlikely to prosecute you" for sharing their passwords while TechRadar rated Kodi boxes similarly to how they would rate OTT boxes such as Roku and Apple TV. Piracy is a prevalent topic in the headlines, notably with HBO's Game of Thrones released on pirate sites before the broadcast and on-demand release. According to Rosen, "HBO suffered piracy via multiple avenues, including cybersecurity problems and supply chain leaks. One reassuring sign is that in the HBO supply chain case, as well as recent British Premier League cases, content owners quickly brought charges and the courts responded, showing better cooperation and urgency than has historically been the case." While protection of all Pay TV and OTT content is important, the video ecosystem today is showing significant investment in new types of content in which the dangers of piracy are greater than in the past. Investments in Exclusive content, Live Sports, early release VOD and UltraHD Content create incentives where only specific platform providers in a market have access to the content. This may drive consumers to pirate if the content is not on their preferred platform, or is perceived as too expensive. About 32% of Pay TV and OTT revenues will be associated with one of these types of high-value content by 2022. These findings are from ABI Research's Content Protection and Watermarking report. This report is part of the company's Video, VR & OTT research service, which includes research, data, and analyst insights About ABI Research ABI Research stands at the forefront of technology market intelligence, providing business leaders with comprehensive research and consulting services to help them implement informed, transformative technology decisions. Founded more than 25 years ago, the company's global team of senior and long-tenured analysts delivers deep market data forecasts, analyses, and teardown services. ABI Research is an industry pioneer, proactively uncovering ground-breaking business cycles and publishing research 18 to 36 months in advance of other organizations. For more information, visit Contact Info: Americas EMEA/APAC Deborah Petrara Denise Duffy Tel: +1.516.624.2558 Tel: +44.203.326.0142 [email protected] [email protected] SOURCE ABI Research Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Juan Monteverde, founder and managing partner at Monteverde & Associates PC, a boutique securities firm headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City announces an investigation against Cheetah Mobile, Inc. (NYSE: CMCM)("Cheetah" or the "Company") for possible violations of federal securities laws. The investigation focuses on whether Cheetah and certain of its officers and/or directors violated federal securities laws. On October 26, 2017, Prescience Point Research Group published a report asserting, among other things, that approximately 55% of Cheetah Mobile's reported consolidated revenue does not exist. On this news, shares of Cheetah fell $0.37 per share or over 4% to close at $8.05 per share on October 26, 2017. Mr. Monteverde would like to personally discuss with you how to potentially recover your monetary losses. Click here for more information: It is free and there is no cost or obligation to you. Monteverde & Associates PC is a boutique class action securities and consumer litigation law firm committed that has recovered millions of dollars and is committed to protecting shareholders and consumers from corporate wrongdoing. Monteverde & Associates PC lawyers have significant experience litigating Mergers & Acquisitions and Securities Class Actions, whereby they protect investors by recovering money and remedying corporate misconduct. Mr. Monteverde, who leads the legal team at the firm, has been recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star in Securities Litigation in 2013 and 2017, an award given to less than 2.5% of attorneys in a particular field. Contact: Juan E. Monteverde, Esq. MONTEVERDE & ASSOCIATES PC The Empire State Building 350 Fifth Ave, Suite 4405 New York, NY 10118 United States of America [email protected] Tel: (212) 971-1341 Attorney Advertising. (C) 2017 Monteverde & Associates PC. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome with respect to any future matter. SOURCE Monteverde & Associates PC Related Links DENVER, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Security leader ProtectWiseTM today announced Adam Cecil has joined the company as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). A seasoned finance executive with experience managing strategic acquisitions and IPOs, Cecil is responsible for scaling ProtectWise to successfully meet the growing demand for automated network detection and response in enterprise, cloud and industrial control environments. "I am pleased to join ProtectWise at such an exciting time in the company's history," said Cecil. "The ProtectWise leadership team is committed to delivering a new, disruptive way forward for the cybersecurity industry, and as such, the company has achieved a record year of growth. I look forward to collaborating to take ProtectWise to the next level." Cecil brings to ProtectWise more than a decade of executive leadership experience for emerging companies and has spent nearly 30 years in finance. Most recently, he was CFO of high-growth startup CommercialTribe. Prior to that, Cecil was CFO at AlchemyAI where he helped grow the business through its acquisition by IBM Watson. He previously was part of the team that led Rally Software from early stage startup through a successful IPO. "Adam is an experienced CFO with a track record for elevating technology innovators in fast-growing markets," said Scott Chasin, Chief Executive Officer, ProtectWise. "With Adam's strategic finance vision and leadership, we look forward to continuing to build on our tremendous growth trajectory in the global cybersecurity industry." About ProtectWise ProtectWise provides a new utility model for security, powering real-time, retrospective and automated threat detections for enterprise, cloud and industrial control environments. The company's platform, The ProtectWise Grid, captures full fidelity network traffic for analysis in an advanced visual presentation. Delivering security from the cloud, The ProtectWise Grid is an integrated solution that provides frictionless deployment and scalability. Founded in April 2013, ProtectWise is based in Denver and led by a team of security and SaaS industry veterans from McAfee, Palo Alto Networks, and Symantec. The company launched the Immersive SecuritySM movement in 2017 to build a new path forward for the security industry. ProtectWise has raised more than $70 million in funding. For more information, visit Contact: Jamie Mayer [email protected] SOURCE ProtectWise Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- AdRoll, the most widely-adopted independent performance marketing platform, today announced that Toby Gabriner has been named CEO as a transition from his current role as President. Co-founder and current CEO Aaron Bell will step into a full-time Chief Product Officer role, overseeing engineering, product, UX, data science and supply. The news comes as AdRoll celebrates its 10-year anniversary. The company reached profitability in 2017, and expects to close 2017 at its biggest revenue year to-date. Even as the industry faced mass consolidation in recent years, AdRoll has not only remained independent but has thrived as a result of its commitment to product innovation and machine learning-based advertising solutions. AdRoll has generated over $7B in revenue for its 35,000 clients. The company has nearly 500 employees in six offices around the world and is doubling down on its efforts in 2018 to build scalable products that meet its customers' varied needs. "AdRoll was founded around building the best technology to help businesses grow, and we have our most transformational roadmap ahead of us," said Aaron Bell, AdRoll Co-founder and Chief Product Officer. "Toby and I have forged a remarkable partnership over the last 12 months, and I look forward to continuing the work we've begun in our new roles. As a complement to Toby's leadership and talents, I welcome the opportunity to draw on my passion for innovation and take AdRoll to new heights." As a four-time CEO and five-time President of high-growth companies, Gabriner brings nearly two decades of digital advertising expertise to the executive team at AdRoll. His experience includes serving as President of Carat Interactive, one of the first large digital agencies, CEO of [x+1], one of the first demand side platforms, and President and CEO of, which, under his leadership, saw revenue grow from $200K to over $200M in just four years and was acquired by AOL in 2013 for $465M. "As the industry is evolving, so is AdRoll," said Toby Gabriner, AdRoll CEO. "Looking to 2018, we're pursuing an ambitious vision for the company, merging data, marketing, and advertising technologies to better serve our customers. With Aaron as Chief Product Officer, we are doubling down on building products that help our clients grow, and laying the groundwork for our next phase as a company. I couldn't be more excited about our progress to date, and the opportunity ahead of us." About AdRoll AdRoll is a leading performance marketing platform with over 35,000 clients worldwide. Its suite of high-performance tools works across devices, helping businesses attract, convert, and grow their customer base. The company is home to the world's largest opt-in advertiser data co-op, the IntentMap with over 1.2 billion digital profiles. AdRoll's goal is to build the most powerful marketing platform through performance, usability, and openness. AdRoll is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in New York, Chicago, Tokyo, London, Dublin, and Sydney. Learn more at SOURCE AdRoll Related Links PHOENIX, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Advisor Group, one of the nation's largest networks of independent financial advisory firms, comprised of FSC Securities Corporation, Royal Alliance Associates, SagePoint Financial and Woodbury Financial Services, today announced the appointment of Shannon Larson, Senior Vice President, Product Management and Development and Daniel Aguillon, Vice President, Digital Platform Manager. In her new role as Senior Vice President, Product Management and Development, Larson will be responsible for establishing the strategic direction of Advisor Group products to ensure that they are aligned with defined organizational priorities to support the wealth management needs of all clients from high-net-worth to small account solutions. In her new role, she will work to ensure the continued access, development, and delivery of holistic financial planning solutions, such as brokerage and advisory products to deliver on goals-based client outcomes. Larson is joining the team from investment management firm Eaton Vance, where she held the position of Vice President, Senior Global Relationship Manager. In this role, Larson worked with large independent broker-dealers, third party asset managers and financial institutions to expand distribution and drive market share growth. Prior to this, Larson held positions at Cetera Financial Group and LPL Financial, where she helped lead the development and marketing for all of LPL's advisory platforms including the building of LPL's Model Wealth Portfolios program. "Advisor Group has developed a robust reputation as a trusted resource for advisors, while simultaneously cultivating a strong internal culture that is widely regarded throughout the industry as the gold standard in promoting female professional development and leadership," said Larson. "This ethos of inclusiveness and constant self-reflection translates to exceptional client service and innovation, which resonates with a professional like me whose career has been largely driven by the question, 'how can I help advisors make better decisions for their clients?' At Advisor Group, I'm able to lead a team that is not only asking, but creating tangible answers to, that same question every day." As Vice President and Digital Platform Manager, Aguillon will be responsible for working across Advisor Group's technology stacks and aligning digitization strategy for both advisors and consumers. In this role, Daniel will be collaborating with custodians, overseeing legal procedures, forms and processes to help improve the experience for both the customers and the advisors. Aguillon joins Advisor Group from LPL Financial, an RIA custodian and independent broker-dealer. At LPL, Daniel oversaw the development of Guided Wealth Portfolios, LPL's first algorithmic digital advisory platform, and designed the advisor-intermediated model and operational workflows necessary to support it. He was also a recipient of the LPL Financial Service Excellence Award in 2017 and the LPL Financial Chairman Award in 2016. "Advisor Group's strong emphasis on technology and innovation is clearly embraced organization-wide, and represents a compelling opportunity for me to make a difference," said Aguillon. "The Company's commitment to producing best-in-class products for advisors is evident, and I'm looking forward to playing an integral role in advancing Advisor Group's invaluable technology offerings." "Advisor Group is passionate about priming independent advisors for success, which in large part means providing them with digital tools and competitive products that give them an acute advantage in an increasingly complex marketplace," said Advisor Group CEO Jamie Price. "Shannon and Daniel's combined experience in the independent advisory world represents a tremendous asset. We are confident that both will be a valuable addition to the Advisor Group family." To learn more about Advisor Group, visit For media inquiries, contact [email protected]. About Advisor Group Advisor Group, Inc. is one of the nation's largest networks of independent financial advisors serving over 5,000 advisors and overseeing approximately $190 billion in client assets. Headquartered in Phoenix, AZ, the firm is mission-driven to support the heroic role that advisors can play in the lives of their clients, offering securities and investment advisory services through its subsidiaries FSC Securities Corp., Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., SagePoint Financial, Inc. and Woodbury Financial Services, Inc, as broker/dealers, registered investment advisors and members of FINRA and SIPC. Cultivating a spirit of entrepreneurship and independence, Advisor Group champions the enduring value of financial advisors and is committed to being in their corner every step of the way. SOURCE Advisor Group, Inc. Related Links LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- AECOM and Van Alen Institute, with 100 Resilient Cities Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation, today announced four finalists for Urban SOS 2017: hOUR City, a global student ideas competition that challenged multidisciplinary teams to connect more people in regions around the world to the opportunities found in contemporary cities. An "hour city" radius the distance people can travel in one hour has historically defined the boundary of a city. However, with the forces of globalization and dramatic geographic, social and economic shifts affecting cities everywhere, the time has come to imagine new ways to connect people in suburban, rural and isolated urban communities. The four finalist proposals and teams are: Alternative Ways of Transportation, Bangkok, Thailand Submitted by Wilaiwan Prathumwong, Perada Plitponkarnpim and Patcharida Sricome, all from King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, the team developed a new, formalized multimodal pathway along one of Bangkok's many underutilized canals, connecting isolated residential communities to public transit. The Healthy City, Oakland, California Submitted by Vincent Clement Agoe, Derek Lazo, Serena Lousich, Mark Wessels and Sarah Skenazy, all from the University of California, Berkeley, the team connects communities suffering from high rates of chronic diseases (e.g., asthma, diabetes, etc.) to the physical spaces and resources of healthcare providers, using traffic calming, recreational opportunities and new transit options. The Holding Project, Belfast, Northern Ireland Submitted by Sean Cullen and Chris Millar from Queen's University Belfast, the team proposes a joint-housing and economic development plan in central Belfast, tailored to young renters aged 18-35. On publicly-owned vacant sites, the team envisions new pre-fabricated micro-units that would save construction time and costs; tenants would set aside 20 percent of their monthly rent as savings. New Suburban Living, Melbourne, Australia Submitted by Lisa Ann Garner from Universitat Der Kunste and Lauren Garner from RMIT University, the team developed designs and a planning process for new types of housing in Melbourne's Middle Suburbs to address the region's housing shortage and better meet the needs of residents. Launched in May, hOUR City invited students to tackle urgent transportation, housing, or economic development challenges facing cities around the world and to create outcomes that promote equal access to opportunity. Eighty-six teams entered, comprising nearly 300 students from 31 countries around the world and representing 114 unique academic disciplines. "In our work with cities, we've embraced a whole systems integrated approach to tackling the biggest challenges these urban centers and their surrounding regions face," said Stephen Engblom, AECOM global cities director. "It's inspiring to see how these multidisciplinary student teams have responded to the challenge to connect urban, suburban and rural communities. From multimodal pathways in Bangkok to bold new housing solutions in Melbourne and Belfast, and public health initiatives for vulnerable populations in Oakland, we believe the finalists' ideas will bear imaginative solutions to real challenges in those cities that translate globally." "In our competitions, research, and public programs, Van Alen develops solutions to create more equitable cities and communities," said Van Alen Institute Executive Director David van der Leer. "We're proud to guide tomorrow's leaders to tackle urgent questions about suburban density, creating more affordable housing, and connecting underserved communities to transit and jobs." "We are excited to see the progress of the four finalists in the coming months," said Michael Berkowitz, president of 100 Resilient Cities. "The work of building urban resilience often requires regional thinking and the solutions and approaches these teams will uncover have the potential to create significant impact." hOUR City convened juries of leading professionals from design, business, government and other sectors in Hong Kong, London, New York and Sydney who selected the four finalist teams. The finalist teams will compete for up to US$15,000 in prize money; the winning team also will receive up to US$25,000 of in-kind support from AECOM to realize a pilot project from the team's proposal. The four finalist teams will now work with experts at AECOM, Van Alen and 100 Resilient Cities to further develop their proposals, and will present their ideas in Los Angeles before a final jury and live audience on January 23, 2018. The 2017 challenge is the eighth in the Urban SOS student ideas competition series founded by AECOM, a premier, fully integrated global infrastructure firm, and the third challenge hosted in collaboration with Van Alen Institute, a design nonprofit with a 120-plus-year history of organizing competitions, and with 100 Resilient Cities Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation. Last year's Urban SOS competition, Fair Share, challenged teams to combine design with the tools and technologies of the sharing economy to create more equitable access to resources, envision more sustainable built environments and enrich the lives of urban residents. The winning team, comprising students at Washington University in St. Louis, proposed reusing United States Postal Service (USPS) post offices in Los Angeles slated for closure and excess capacity within the USPS distribution network to collect, store and deliver surplus food to neighborhoods with limited food access. Team members include Irum Javed, Anu Samarajiva and Lanxi Zhang, students in public health, architecture/urban design and landscape architecture/urban design. The team is currently developing a pilot initiative to be implemented in Los Angeles later this year. For more information about the finalists, including descriptions and images of the finalist proposals, please visit High resolution images can be found here. Additional information about the competition can be found at Urban SOS 2017: hOUR City is a project of AECOM and Van Alen Institute, in collaboration with 100 Resilient Cities Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation. Urban SOS is a trademark and registered trademark of AECOM in the U.S. About AECOM AECOM is built to deliver a better world. We design, build, finance and operate infrastructure assets for governments, businesses and organizations in more than 150 countries. As a fully integrated firm, we connect knowledge and experience across our global network of experts to help clients solve their most complex challenges. From high-performance buildings and infrastructure, to resilient communities and environments, to stable and secure nations, our work is transformative, differentiated and vital. A Fortune 500 firm, AECOM had revenue of approximately $17.4 billion during fiscal year 2016. See how we deliver what others can only imagine at and @AECOM. Website: Facebook: /UrbanSOS Twitter: @AECOMUrbanSOS About Van Alen Institute At Van Alen Institute, we believe design can transform cities, landscapes, and regions to improve people's lives. We collaborate with communities, scholars, policymakers, and professionals on local and global initiatives that rigorously investigate the most pressing social, cultural, and ecological challenges of tomorrow. Building on more than a century of experience, we develop cross-disciplinary research, provocative public programs, and inventive design competitions. Website: Facebook: /vanaleninstitute Twitter: @van_alen Instagram: @van_alen About 100 Resilient Cities Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC) helps cities around the world become more resilient to the physical, social, and economic challenges that are a growing part of the 21st century. 100RC provides this assistance through: funding for a Chief Resilience Officer in each member city who will lead the resilience efforts; resources for drafting a resilience strategy; access to private sector, public sector, academic, and NGO resilience tools; and membership in a global network of peer cities to share best practices and challenges. 100RC currently has 66 member cities. Website: Facebook: /100ResilientCities Twitter: @100ResCities AECOM Media Contact: Jason Marshall Director, Media Relations 1.646.432.8474 jason.[email protected] Van Alen Institute: Steven Thomson Programs & Communications Manager 1.212.924.7000 x 12 [email protected] 100 Resilient Cities: Andrew Brenner Senior Manager, Global Communications 1.646.612.7236 [email protected] SOURCE AECOM Related Links SAO PAULO, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Aegea Saneamento's results in the third quarter of 2017 were driven by new concessions added to the portfolio and better operating performance by existing concessions. During the period, 699,000 new clients were added to the Company's client base, which reached 2.2 million, with billed volume growing 40.7%. The highlight among new concessions is the startup of the full sub-concession in Teresina, with an estimated population of 850,000, which is equivalent to the Aguas de Guariroba concession that currently accounts for 37.8% of the Company's revenue. In the same period, the Company continued to focus on increasing its operating efficiency, which reflected in the 9.6 p.p. increase in EBITDA margin, which reached 55.8%. Among the indicators that underline the productivity gain in operations are the 18.5% reduction in electricity costs per cubic meter, the 0.5% decrease in defaults and the 1.0 p.p. reduction in water distribution losses at existing concessionaires. Other financial highlights in the period include the Company's debut in the international capital markets through a US$400 million bond issue and the R$655 million debenture issue in the domestic market through the concessionaires Nascentes do Xingu, Aguas Guariroba and Prolagos. "The funds raised in the capital markets during the period underscore the Company's credibility in the international market and the sound reputation it enjoys among investors," said Aegea CFO, Flavio Crivellari. The Company's performance was recognized through several awards. For the second time, Aegea Saneamento received the "Be Inspired Award", the premier international award in engineering, for the 2041 Sewage Master Plan developed for the concessionaire Prolagos. It was also elected the best private company in the water and sewage sector for the 3rd consecutive year by the Epoca Negocios 360o yearbook in partnership with Fundacao Dom Cabral. It was also adjudged one of the 100 most impacting companies in its sector, in terms of size and performance, according to the Empresas Mais ranking, based on a study by the O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper, Austin Rating and FIA. Aegea was also mentioned as one of the most innovative companies in Brazil, being the only private company in the segment to feature in the ranking published by the Valor Inovacao Brasil 2017 yearbook. About Aegea Aegea Saneamento is a Brazilian company that manages sanitation assets through concessionaires in several Brazilian states and manages public concessions. It serves around 5.4 million people in 48 cities across 10 Brazilian states. Created in 2010, Aegea is the second largest company in the sector, with 23.6% share of the private sanitation market in Brazil. Media relations: [email protected] 55 11 3818-8150 SOURCE Aegea Related Links "For more than 60 years, Aflac has been in the business of helping people when they need us most, and we have accomplished that through hard work, innovation and technology," Crawford said. "We believe in simplifying people's lives, and that sentiment is what we want to demonstrate whenever someone walks through these doors. We want them to be Empowered to help find solutions for our customers." "We see the possibilities that lie before us as limitless, and we want a company name and a work environment that not only reflect our optimism, but also inspire the best from every one of our employees," Khan said. "It is only fitting that our name and our brand should be without limitations, as well. So, starting today, we are Empowered: empowered to do great things; empowered to lead; and empowered to leverage our expertise and knowledge to uncover better ways of doing things." At a time when benefits enrollment and administration have become increasingly complex, Empowered provides a cloud-based benefits administration solution and state-of-the-art enrollment software, including Aflac's Everwell benefits program, which is now being used by more than 162,000 businesses across the country. The volume of business at Empowered has more than tripled in size since Aflac purchased the company in 2015, so Aflac is investing in Charlotte and Empowered with a plan to grow and bring more talent to a region of the country that is already viewed by many as the financial center of the South. While making the renovations, the Empowered team worked closely with architects, designers and builders to create a space that inspires creative thinking and innovation. The goal was to create an environment that sparks new ideas and empowers each employee to expand their creativity as Empowered continues to transform its culture and identity into a premier digital innovation center. All told, the newly expanded office has grown from 14,000 square feet to 30,500 square feet. In addition to Empowered Benefits, earlier in 2017 Aflac announced a $100 million Venture Capital Fund, headquartered in Charlotte. Aflac Corporate Ventures, which is a core part of Empowered's growth strategy, is pursuing investment opportunities with early-stage companies whose mission is relevant to Aflac's core business and designed to help the company enhance its strategic and innovative focus. Media contacts Jon Sullivan, 706.763.4813 or [email protected] Aflac analyst and investor contact David A. Young, 706.596.3264 or 800.235.2667, FAX 706.324.6330, or [email protected] SOURCE Aflac Related Links CHESTERFIELD, Mo., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Agilis Systems today announced it ranked No. 283 on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. Agilis grew 322 percent during this period. Agilis Systems' chief executive officer, Paul Inman, credits a strong product and customer satisfaction with the company's 322 percent revenue growth. He said, "Agilis is excited to join the ranks of the Technology Fast 500 for the first time, and to be the only company headquartered in Missouri on the list. Our strong revenue growth is a testament to the value we provide to thousands of small businesses who count on our GPS, ELD, and IoT solutions each day. Our growth also reflects the commitment of our entire team to providing the best product and customer support in our industry." "The Deloitte 2017 North America Technology Fast 500 winners underscore the impact of technological innovation and world class customer service in driving growth, in a fiercely competitive environment," said Sandra Shirai, vice chairman, Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. technology, media and telecommunications leader. "These companies are on the cutting edge and are transforming the way we do business. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the winners for achieving remarkable growth while delivering new services and experiences for their customers." "Emerging growth companies are powering innovation in the broader economy. The growth rates delivered by the companies on this year's North America Technology Fast 500 ranking are a bright spot for the capital markets and a strong indicator that the emerging growth technology sector will continue to deliver a strong return on investment," said Heather Gates, national managing director of Deloitte & Touche LLP's emerging growth company practice. "Deloitte is dedicated to supporting the best and brightest companies of the future in the emerging growth company sector. We are proud to acknowledge the significant accomplishments of this year's Fast 500 winners." About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About Agilis Systems Agilis Systems is a leading provider of fleet and workforce management solutions tailored to the needs of small- to mid-sized service companies and fleets. The company offers robust location-based solutions through a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that gives businesses the tools they need to improve fleet management, increase mobile worker productivity, and reduce operating costs. Services are offered through highly recognized brands such as Linxup and MOTOsafety, and include FMCSA-certified electronic log solutions to meet the federal ELD mandate. PR Contact: Colleen Lyerla 314-696-0520 [email protected] SOURCE Agilis Systems, LLC Related Links The demonstration highlights the capabilities of Algo-Logic's hardware accelerated, in-memory KVS scale-out to support data center applications. Parallel simulations of a Markov model are run and data is shared between computation nodes using Algo-Logic's networked-attached KVS that runs entirely in FPGA logic and interfaces through a software API to standard computation servers. At the SC17 conference, we will be showing KVS scale-out using multiple interconnected Intel Xeon compute servers, Intel FPGAs on Nallatech P385 cards, an Intel i7 display server, and an Ethernet switch. The distributed machine learning application runs parallel simulations for a Markov model on the compute servers and performs inference using real-time data with live results shown on the display server. Algo-Logic's scale-out KVS shares system state results between parallel processing nodes with sub-microsecond latency over standard Ethernet switches to train a car to safely drive and navigate on the highway. Within minutes, the simulated self-driving car is able to use sensor inputs to decide how to change lanes, adjust car speed, and achieve driving skills on par with a human driving experience. Algo-Logic's FPGA In-memory Key-Value Store deployments dramatically benefits the sharing of data in compute clusters: Lowers Latency: Network latency that is 88x faster than a traditional software-based database shard Increases Throughput (IOPs): 3x to 13x more operations per second than existing network-attached storage systems Reduces Power: 13x to 21x reduction in power per operation leading to lower operating expenditures Scale-up design: Direct connection of FPGA to 10G and 40G Ethernet provides best latency, throughput and power Scale-out architecture: Supports distributed computing within datacenters that have thousands of nodes Algo-Logic's KVS solutions add Gateware Define Networking (GDN) functionality to Intel Stratix and Arria FPGA platforms that come with at least two SFP+ networking interfaces, a QSFP+ port, and/or a PCIe host interface. Other applications of Algo-Logic's scale-out FPGA-accelerated KVS include fusing data from multiple sensors, accelerating NoSQL database queries, filtering IP traffic for cybersecurity, lowering latency for trading, and sharing data in AdTech exchanges. Algo-Logic's GDN products are used by storage companies, network architects, datacenter operators, and cloud services providers to lower latency, increase packet throughput, and lower energy consumption for servers in datacenters. About Algo-Logic Systems: Algo-Logic Systems Inc., is the recognized leader of Gateware Defined Networking products and solutions. Algo-Logic's GDN runs on off-the shelf FPGA platforms. The pre-built applications include software APIs to make them easy to use and deploy. Price and availability: Email [email protected], call (408) 707-3747 or visit SOURCE Algo-Logic Systems Related Links PLANO, Texas, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Alliance Data Systems Corporation (NYSE: ADS), a leading global provider of data-driven marketing and loyalty solutions, today announced its Columbus, Ohio-based card services business, a premier provider of branded private label, co-brand and business credit card programs, has signed a new agreement for private label credit card services for (, the largest online-only home improvement retailer in the U.S. Founded in 2000 and based in Chico, Calif., offers home improvement products shipped quickly from warehouses throughout the country, and operates 18 retail websites, including,,,, and, across a variety of home improvement categories. has rapidly grown into a billion dollar retailer, and expects this rapid growth to continue. Alliance Data will develop and launch a tailored card program for, featuring one credit card that can be used for purchases across all 18 websites. The customized credit-based value proposition will be designed to motivate and reward's growing base of customers. Alliance Data will also create and implement a full suite of data-driven marketing services for the card program, designed to increase brand loyalty and drive top-line sales. Alliance Data's expanding portfolio of brand partners in the home improvement space continues to increase with the growth of the industry. According to the Home Improvement Research Institute, the $248 billion consumer segment of the home improvement market grew nearly 6 percent last year compared to the previous year1. "We're all about the customer experience, and we believe this new credit program will give our shoppers another reason to buy everything they need for their home from," said Brianna Walling Burwell, the company's VP of Finance. "We know the credit card program will reflect all that our brands stand for, and we are confident it will drive sales and strengthen the relationships we have with our customers." "This new partnership drives home our commitment and proven track record of delivering customized, rewards-driven card programs to dynamic brands, and we are so excited to work with," said Melisa Miller, president of Alliance Data's card services business. "This important partner program further extends our reach within the home improvement vertical, and really speaks to the growth of the category. We know that customers choose to shop online for anything and everything for the home, and they want to get it through a quick and easy shopping experience, from device to doorstep." About Based in Chico, Calif., is the largest online-only home improvement retailer and maintains an extensive network of specialty sites. brings together personalized customer service with the convenience of online shopping and an endless selection of quality products for the entire home. Free, live Home Improvement Experts provide start-to-finish guidance in plumbing, lighting, door hardware, ventilation, appliances and more to help make every project a success. A trusted partner for professionals and consumers alike, takes the guesswork out of home improvement. For more information, visit About Alliance Data's card services business Alliance Data's card services business is a leading provider of tailored marketing and loyalty solutions, delivered through branded credit programs that drive more profitable relationships between our brand partners and their cardmembers. We offer private label, co-brand, and business card products to many of the world's most recognizable brands across a multitude of channels. We uphold our Know more. Sell more. promise by leveraging unmatched customer insights, advanced analytics, and broad-reaching innovative capabilities. It's how we deliver increased sales to our partners, build enduring loyalty to their brands, and provide more value to our cardmembers. Alliance Data's card services business is a proud part of the Alliance Data enterprise. To learn more, visit or follow us on Twitter @Know_SellMore. About Alliance Data Alliance Data (NYSE: ADS) is a leading global provider of data-driven marketing and loyalty solutions serving large, consumer-based industries. The Company creates and deploys customized solutions, enhancing the critical customer marketing experience; the result is measurably changing consumer behavior while driving business growth and profitability for some of today's most recognizable brands. Alliance Data helps its clients create and increase customer loyalty through solutions that engage millions of customers each day across multiple touch points using traditional, digital, mobile and emerging technologies. An S&P 500 and Fortune 500 company headquartered in Plano, Texas, Alliance Data consists of three businesses that together employ more than 17,000 associates at approximately 100 locations worldwide. Alliance Data's card services business is a leading provider of marketing-driven branded credit card programs. Epsilon is a leading provider of multichannel, data-driven technologies and marketing services, and also includes Conversant, a leader in personalized digital marketing. LoyaltyOne owns and operates the AIR MILES Reward Program, Canada's premier coalition loyalty program, and Netherlands-based BrandLoyalty, a global provider of tailor-made loyalty programs for grocers. Investor information about Alliance Data's businesses may be found here. Follow Alliance Data on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Forward Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events and can generally be identified by the use of words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "project," "plan," "likely," "may," "should" or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, statements that describe our business strategy, outlook, objectives, plans, intentions or goals also are forward-looking statements. We believe that our expectations are based on reasonable assumptions. Forward-looking statements, however, are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the projections, anticipated results or other expectations expressed in this release, and no assurances can be given that our expectations will prove to have been correct. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, factors set forth in the Risk Factors section in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the most recently ended fiscal year, which may be updated in Item 1A of, or elsewhere in, our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q filed for periods subsequent to such Form 10-K. Our forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made, and we undertake no obligation, other than as required by applicable law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, subsequent events, anticipated or unanticipated circumstances or otherwise. 1 SOURCE Alliance Data Systems Corporation EMERYVILLE, Calif., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Global strategic advisory and expert consulting firm Berkeley Research Group announced today that private equity and infrastructure valuation expert Federico Jost has joined as a Managing Director based in New York. Jost has more than 16 years of corporate finance and investment management experience. He has served global private equity, infrastructure, pension and sovereign funds in establishing fair-value policies and procedures, and has supported monitoring and reporting activities. For the past five years, Jost oversaw and led the private equity valuation activities at ADIA (Abu Dhabi Investment Authority), particularly focusing on private equity and infrastructure direct investments, co-investments, primary funds and credit funds. Before that, he served as a senior manager at KPMG, serving clients in the alternative investments valuation practice. He also serves on the boards of directors of several small startups. Jost graduated from Universidad Metropolitana in Venezuela in business administration and holds an MBA in international business from Thunderbird School of Global Management. Michael Athanason, BRG's Head of Alternative Investments Advisory, offered his welcome today at a BRG New York gathering: "Federico is a key addition to our Alternative Investments team. He will bring valuable perspectives as we work to promote valuation transparency between investors and investment managers in the global markets." "I am excited to join BRG's Corporate Finance practice," said Jost. "The firm has managed to attract and retain top talent in the alternative investments space and is now considered one of the 'go-to' advisors in private equity and infrastructure." About Berkeley Research Group, LLC Berkeley Research Group, LLC ( is a leading global strategic advisory and expert consulting firm that provides independent advice, data analytics, valuation, authoritative studies, expert testimony, investigations, transaction advisory, restructuring services, regulatory and dispute consulting to Fortune 500 corporations, financial institutions, major law firms and regulatory bodies around the world. BRG experts and consultants combine intellectual rigor with practical, real-world experience and an in-depth understanding of industries and markets. Their expertise spans economics and finance, data analytics and statistics, and public policy in many of the major sectors of our economy, including healthcare, banking, information technology, energy, construction and real estate. BRG is headquartered in Emeryville, California, with offices across the United States and in Asia, Australia, Canada, Latin America, the Middle East and the United Kingdom. SOURCE Berkeley Research Group Related Links Since becoming the UAE's Ambassador to the US in 2008, Minister Al Otaiba has enhanced the bilateral security relationship, increasing military, intelligence and counterterrorism cooperation. He has also worked closely with US government officials and business leaders to deepen the UAE-US economic and trade relationship. He has also helped to develop closer social, educational and cultural ties via partnerships and exchanges with the Cleveland Clinic, New York University, Children's National Medical Center, Johns Hopkins and Smithsonian, among other US institutions. Previous to his appointment as UAE Ambassador to the US, Minister Al Otaiba was instrumental in strengthening UAE's security and economic relations with other countries as Director of International Affairs for the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. In this role, Minister Al Otaiba served as one of UAE's principal security, anti-terrorism and defense liaisons to other governments, and was heavily involved in diplomatic efforts to improve regional security and defense cooperation. Minister Al Otaiba will remain in his current role as the UAE's Ambassador to the US. He will continue to oversee strategic initiatives that enhance bilateral relations, including the UAE's significant commitment to philanthropic activities that benefit underserved communities across America, enhance education for children and improve healthcare research and treatment. For media enquiries, contact: Embassy of the United Arab Emirates [email protected] SOURCE Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Related Links CARDIFF, Wales, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- - HD Truck Pune takes place on November 28, 2017 at The Westin Pune Koregaon Park, India - Opening panel debate featuring AMW Motors, Tata Motors, MAN Trucks and Cummins - 20 speakers from OEMs, suppliers and other industry stakeholders - FREE TICKETS for Automotive World site license holders and vehicle manufacturer employees Automotive Megatrends is delighted to return to Pune for the 2017 edition of HD Truck Pune, the conference which brings together the stakeholders responsible for the evolution of India's commercial vehicle industry. Great speakers, cutting-edge topics and fantastic networking opportunities will make this an unmissable event. HD Truck Pune will open with a keynote address from Umesh Madhyan, National Head - Infrastructure & Logistics, Hindustan Coca-Cola. Umesh will set the scene from the perspective of a major FMCG company. Our morning panel discussion will focus on 'India's commercial vehicle industry - the next ten years' featuring: A. Ramasubramanian, President, AMW Motors President, Joerg Mommertz , Chairman & Managing Director, MAN Trucks Chairman & Managing Director, A.K. Jindal , Vice President, Tata Motors Vice President, Jayeeta Lakhani , Marketing Director - Engine Business, Cummins To understand the role of connectivity in the future of India's commercial vehicle sector, the second high-level panel discussion of the day will focus on 'The rise of the connected truck in India'. Moderated by Wilfried Aulbur, Managing Partner at Roland Berger, this debate will feature: Seetharaman Rajappan , Technical Leader, General Motors Technical Leader, Luke Sequeira , Founder & CEO, Numadic Founder & CEO, Sourabh Jha , Business Leader, Connected Vehicles, KPIT With an agenda focused on the CV sector's future, HD Truck Pune also includes presentations on developments in powertrain technology and freight efficiency, featuring: Sanjay Sinha , CEO, Tata AutoComp Hendrickson CEO, Manoj Kusumba , General Manager, Head of Diesel Engine Development, AVL General Manager, Head of Diesel Engine Development, Dirk Wohltmann , Head of Engineering, WABCO India Head of Engineering, Selvaraji Muthu, General Manager (Design and Development), MAHLE Engine Components General Manager (Design and Development), Ravi Bulusu , CEO, Enmovil Solutions CEO, Vishal Seth , Managing Partner, Arconic of Indi a Managing Partner, Brijesh Singh , Head of Marketing & Pricing, Commercial Vehicles - Spares, Tata Motors Head of Marketing & Pricing, Commercial Vehicles - Spares, Jinal Shah , Manager - South Asia Operations, Power Systems Research For more information and to obtain tickets for this unique conference, please go to: Note: Automotive World site license holders and employees of vehicle manufacturers are eligible for FREE TICKETS to this conference. SOURCE Automotive Megatrends aruliden co-founder, Rinat Aruh explains; "As a creative leader today you need to look to a variety of innovative methodologies to become relevant product, brand, and even business model innovation it's essential to engage with the new generation in meaningful ways. Going beyond just being a great brand or product ". She continues; "Helen brings her 25+ years to lead the aruliden brand and product design teams creatively in the capacity of VP, Creative Director. Steed hails from the lifestyle, fashion + beauty worlds having been VP, Creative Director most recently at Glossier where she helped build a new kind of beauty company from the ground up together with the founding team and CEO. Prior to that she led the creative of Bumble and bumble and Jawbone. Originally from London, Steed brings a unique vision to the agency with her substantial resume and proven experience. Steed says; "I'm a problem solver and nothing gives me more joy than delving deep into an issue and creatively discovering a masterful solution." Steed believes the key to success is developing a close connection to the client's brand mission and core customer beliefs while learning about the people you work with and constantly surfacing the best work. Steed's tenure at the agency begins December 2017. aruliden is a New York City-based award-winning agency that builds brands, products and experiences across a diverse range of industries. Co-founded by Rinat Aruh and Johan Liden in 2006, aruliden's ethos is to bridge the gap between design and brand in new and groundbreaking ways. aruliden clients range from Google and Visionaire to Coty and St Regis, aruliden is internationally recognized for their branding and design work. And with a knack for beauty, current beauty clients include: Shiseido Group, Bare Minerals, Maybelline-Gigi Hadid Collection, Beauty Blende, Estee Lauder Group of brand, P&G Hair Care, Lacoste Fragrances, Hugo Boss Fragrances, Hugo Fragrance, L'Oreal Group, Coty, + MiniLuxe. aruliden is also a founding partner of "Tools at Schools," an early education initiative that encourages design thinking and problem solving in schools. Johan and Rinat have created a diverse team that crosses cultures and disciplines. aruliden has offices in NYC and San Francisco For more information please email: [email protected] or [email protected] SOURCE aruliden Related Links WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Senate Republicans today unveiled their vision for tax reform with a legislative package that includes the elimination of state-and-local tax deductions and a near doubling of the standard deduction, among other provisions. National Association of Realtors President Elizabeth Mendenhall, a sixth-generation Realtor from Columbia, Missouri and CEO of RE/MAX Boone Realty, said that as NAR reviews the legislation, Realtors are steadfast in ensuring homeownership is protected throughout the tax debate. Mendenhall issued the following statement on the bill: "While we are still reviewing the outlines of this proposal, we are watching closely for changes to current law that might leave middle-class homeowners and homeownership broadly in a worse place than it is today. We've already seen that a near-doubling of the standard deduction, combined with the elimination of other deductions like the state-and-local tax deduction, can turn the American Dream into a nightmare for families, as the rug is pulled out from under them. Simply preserving the mortgage interest deduction in name only isn't enough to protect homeownership. "America still believes in the promise of homeownership. Tax reform should reflect that belief, and as we continue to examine this proposal, that's exactly what we'll look to see." The National Association of Realtors, "The Voice for Real Estate," is America's largest trade association, representing 1.3 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. Information about NAR is available at News releases are posted in the newsroom under the "About NAR" tab. SOURCE National Association of Realtors Related Links "A close partnership between higher ed and employers is essential at a time when graduates are heading into a fast-changing economy where they need to be prepared for jobs that don't even exist yet," said Gloria Cordes Larson, president of Bentley University and the author of PreparedU: How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success . The event, which will be held on the Bentley campus, will bring together college administrators, corporate executives and students to discuss innovative practices and real-world challenges in putting students on the path to fulfilling careers. The program includes: Panel: "How Employers See the Challenges: A Conversation with Experts from a Diverse Set of Industry Sectors" Moderator: Goldie Blumenstyk , senior writer at The Chronicle of Higher Education , senior writer at Panelists: Jessica LoDolce , senior director of financial planning and analysis at Thermo Fisher Scientific; David Lucey , vice president of talent acquisition at Epsilon; and Bruce Soltys , 2nd Vice President for Talent Acquisition at Travelers. Interview: "Helping Low-Income Students Enter the Workforce" What are the barriers that first-generation students encounter in the transition from college to career, and how can institutions can help them? Scott Smallwood , managing editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education , managing editor at Guest: Hector M. Rivera Jr. , M.S.M., M.B.A., chief operations officer at Our Piece of the Pie Interview: "The Road to Career Success" The Chronicle sits down with Strada Education Network to discuss the most common challenges for graduating students in connecting with employers. Moderator: Scott Smallwood , managing editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education , managing editor at Guest: Michelle Weise , Senior Vice President, Strada Education Network Panel: "How Colleges are Responding: Experts from Academe Weigh In" Local university leaders debate best practices and new innovations in preparing students to enter the workforce. Moderator: Scott Carlson , senior writer at The Chronicle of Higher Education , senior writer at Panelists: Scott Latham , PhD, vice provost, innovation and workforce development at University of Massachusetts Lowell ; and Susan Sandler Brennan , associate vice president, university career services at Bentley University Bentley's market research has demonstrated that employers want multi-faceted employees who possess the essential "hard" technical skills such as software development and data analysis coupled with traditional "soft" skills like communication and collaboration. Read more about the skills that graduates need to future-proof their careers "Higher education should focus on preparing graduates with the skills and knowledge that will give them an edge in the workplace," said President Larson. "This means combining left-brain and right-brain thinking, integrating hands-on learning experiences with classroom learning, and exposing students to the technologies they need to be successful in today's evolving economy." Read more about what colleges and universities should be doing to drive student success "The Future of Work: The Path from College to Career" is targeted toward college administrators, career officers, corporate leaders, hiring managers, and students in the Boston-metro area. SOURCE Bentley University TORONTO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Advancing technology has contributed to a continuing boom in the mining of "special" diamonds that help keep the market buoyed, according to Paragon International Wealth Management. Paragon International Wealth Management is a Toronto-based investment firm with particular expertise in acquiring and managing fancy colored diamonds for its clients' investment portfolios. In the last five years alone, 61 diamond finds were significant enough to warrant press releases by the companies that mined them. (Publicly traded mining companies must announce developments that might impact their stock price.) Sometimes, the perceived value of the diamond comprises a large proportion of the market capitalization of the company that mined it. The 1,111-carat Lesedi La Rona recovered by Lucara Diamond Corp. in 2015, for example, was estimated at $75 million, or 15 percent of the company's total value. Similarly, Lucapa Diamond Co., with a market cap of $100 million at the time, uncovered a 404-carat stone in 2016 worth over $15 million. Announcing noteworthy diamond finds keeps market interest high, Paragon International Wealth Management noted. Rio Tinto announced the 187-carat diamond recovered from its Diavik mine in Canada as the largest ever found in North America. Similarly, a 28-carat fancy pink diamond uncovered by Alrosa was the largest of its kind found in Russia. The bigger the diamonds, especially if they are colored, the better for headlines and investor interest, Paragon International Wealth Management added. Technology has also played a role. Lucara, for example, recently equipped the processing plant of its Karowe mine in Botswana with leading technology to enable large diamonds to be identified and recovered whole. Gem Diamonds, however, has been less successful with technology at its Letseng mine in Lesotho, another source of large diamonds. Gem recently told analysts that its average price per carat included a breakage rate of 80 percent due to technology limitations. Paragon International Wealth Management said that public announcements of noteworthy major diamond finds are a helpful barometer for the market. But, they're not necessarily the last word. Some mines operators, like Rio Tinto, do it rarely and others, like DeBeers, don't announce them at all. About Paragon International Wealth Management Inc. Paragon International Wealth Management in Toronto acquires and manages fancy colored diamonds as key components of a clients' hard asset investment portfolio. The firm's expertise in colored diamonds, which experience much higher profit margins than other hard asset investments, helps clients achieve significant annual investment returns. SOURCE Paragon International Wealth Management Inc. CHICAGO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Envestnet (NYSE: ENV), a leading provider of intelligent systems for wealth management and financial wellness and the firm's President, Bill Crager, were recognized at the Hope & Heroes annual fundraising dinner, which was held last night in New York. Hope & Heroes is a non-profit organization focused on funding Columbia University Medical Center's work on childhood cancer and blood disorders. Crager received the Legacy of Hope Award, which honors those whose commitment, now and in the future, to the eradication of pediatric cancer is exemplary. Envestnet is deeply invested in the work that Hope & Heroes and the Columbia University Medical Center does to make a profound difference in the lives of the children and their families afflicted with childhood cancer and blood disorders, and is honored to be affiliated with this dedicated organization. "More than 260,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year," said Bill Crager, President, Envestnet, Inc. "Through the advanced care, support and cutting-edge research that Hope & Heroes helps to fund, children, patients and families gain access to possible new breakthroughs in treatment that can enhance and possibly save their lives. We are truly humbled to be involved with this organization and awarded the Legacy of Hope Award." About Envestnet Envestnet, Inc. (NYSE: ENV) is a leading provider of intelligent systems for wealth management and financial wellness. Envestnet's unified technology enhances advisor productivity and strengthens the wealth management process. Envestnet empowers enterprises and advisors to more fully understand their clients and deliver better outcomes. Envestnet enables financial advisors to better manage client outcomes and strengthen their practices. Institutional-quality research and advanced portfolio solutions are provided through Envestnet | PMC, our Portfolio Management Consultants group. Envestnet | Yodlee is a leading data aggregation and data analytics platform powering dynamic, cloud-based innovation for digital financial services. Envestnet | Tamarac provides leading rebalancing, reporting, and practice management software for advisors. Envestnet | Retirement Solutions provides an integrated platform that combines leading practice management technology, research, data aggregation and fiduciary managed account solutions. More than 59,000 advisors and 2,900 companies including: 16 of the 20 largest U.S. banks, 39 of the 50 largest wealth management and brokerage firms, over 500 of the largest Registered Investment Advisers, and hundreds of Internet services companies, leverage Envestnet technology and services. Envestnet solutions enhance knowledge of the client, accelerate client on-boarding, improve client digital experiences, and help drive better outcomes for enterprises, advisors, and their clients. For more information on Envestnet, please visit and follow @ENVintel. About Hopes & Heroes Hope & Heroes funds more than 50 percent of the lifesaving work on childhood cancer and blood disorders at Columbia University Medical Center -- including cutting-edge research, family support and care that always puts children first. Columbia is home to the largest and most comprehensive pediatric oncology program in the New York City metropolitan area, and one of the largest centers in the nation. Hope & Heroes ensures that every family, regardless of their ability to pay, receives the highest-quality care. SOURCE Envestnet, Inc. Related Links CLEVELAND, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- BIOHM Health, a microbiome and probiotic company guided by the cutting edge research of Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum, Ph.D., MBA, FIDSA, has launched BIOHM Children's Probiotic using BIOHM's powerful probiotic technology, but fully optimized for children. BIOHM's formulation is a combination of good bacteria and good fungi infused with a powerful enzyme that breaks through digestive plaque allowing BIOHM's 5 billion live active cultures to maintain, support, and promote the balance of the total microbiome in the digestive system. Dr. Ghannoum, one of the world's leading experts in medically important fungus and microbiome sequencing, made a breakthrough discovery when he observed bacteria and bad fungus working together to form digestive plaque in the gut. With this research, Dr. Ghannoum pioneered the first probiotic to confront the gut's total microbiome of both bacteria and fungus. "It's not bacteria alone, it's not fungi alone you have to put them together," emphasized Dr. Ghannoum. "We understand the value of overall gut health, so we want to ensure there is a product for everyone," says Afif Ghannoum, CEO of BIOHM Health. "Your child's gut contains both bacteria and fungi. Unlike other probiotics, BIOHM Children's Probiotic has been designed to address the role of fungi in digestive balance, not just bacteria - offering an all-encompassing solution to total digestive balance." So here's the scoop Powerful BIOHM Probiotic technology fully optimized for Children 5 billion active live cultures in each chewable Enteric coated to protect live active strains Tasty fruit flavor, naturally sweetened by Monk fruit Non-GMO, free-from synthetics, soy, gluten, egg and sugar No artificial ingredients or sweeteners; such as, sucralose, sucrose, saccharin, aspartame, sodium saccharin, and maltodextrin All strains are from non-dairy sources Histamine neutral 42 chewables for a six week supply No refrigeration required Heat resistant packaging to protect live active strains BIOHM's powerful probiotic technology (a combination of good bacteria and good fungi infused with a powerful enzyme that breaks through digestive plaque), BIOHM Children's Probiotic is available online starting at $39.99. ABOUT DR. MAHMOUD GHANNOUM Mahmoud Ghannoum, Ph.D., MBA, FIDSA, joined Case Western Reserve University and University Hospital's Cleveland Medical Center in 1996 from his prior position at the UCLA School of Medicine. As the acclaimed scientist who named the mycobiome (the body's fungal community), Dr. Ghannoum has spent his entire academic career studying medically important fungi and the major causes of fungal infections. He published more than 400 peer-reviewed articles and has been cited over 18,000 times by other scientists. Dr. Ghannoum lectures to the National Institute of Health (NIH) and has been a NIH-funded researcher since 1993 with $25 million in funding to date. ABOUT BIOHM HEALTH BIOHM Health was founded by Dr. Ghannoum after his breakthrough discovery that bad bacteria and bad fungus work together to create digestive imbalance. Dr. Ghannoum realized that today's probiotics and microbiome tests only had not been engineered to specifically address the role fungi plays in digestive health. As a result, he created BIOHM Health: The first company that addresses the gut's total microbiome of both bacteria and fungi. BIOHM Health was founded to be the first microbiome company. BIOHM's mission is simple: engineer elegant products and services that address the total microbiome of both bacteria and fungi, allowing you to maintain total digestive health. Media Contact: Matt Kovacs [email protected] 310-395-5050 SOURCE BIOHM Health Related Links BUCHAREST, Romania, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Bitdefender, a leading global cybersecurity technology company protecting 500 million users worldwide, today announced GravityZone XDR, a comprehensive cloud-based security solution that offers integrated endpoint detection, prevention and response capabilities from a single agent managed by a single console. Specifically designed to offer protection against cyber threats that evade traditional defense mechanisms, it empowers resource-strapped businesses with lean IT teams and/or that operate without a Security Operation Center (SOC). (Logo: ) GravityZone XDR is a layered next-generation endpoint security platform that provides industry-leading protection against the full spectrum of known and unknown cyber threats. Like other versions of GravityZone, XDR reduces the attack surface through: its firewall and patch management capabilities; blocks advanced threats at pre-execution through tunable machine learning models; detects malicious behavior through real-time process monitoring; anti-exploit protection and sandbox analysis; and protects all data at rest via full disk encryption. These components work together to continuously evolve protection of the endpoint from increasingly sophisticated attackers while supporting an organization's overall security posture. In addition, GravityZone XDR boasts a new cloud-based Threat Analytics module that performs Big Data event correlation, identifying incidents of significance for the security administrator to investigate. Employing an event recorder, it continuously streams insights on chains of events that look suspicious, based on telemetry, processes, network policies and registry entity actions. Once the level of threat is identified, security administrators can perform one-click investigations in XDR to look up VirusTotal or submit samples for behavior analysis to Bitdefender's Sandbox Analyzer. With surgical precision, admins can take immediate resolution - delete, kill or quarantine - for any indicators of compromise, and even apply policy change from the same interface to evolve the future security posture of vulnerable endpoints. According to Harish Agastya, VP of Enterprise Solutions at Bitdefender, "EDR as a technology holds much promise for the security industry, but existing market offerings are too complex to be deployed by most organizations. That is why we have specifically designed GravityZone XDR to be EDR made easy." He went on to say, "It provides security administrators with intuitive workflows and a contextual map to understand threat impact. With only the most relevant events being offered for incident response, threat hunting cost and effort are lowered. Having this EDR capability as part of a truly integrated security platform enables the holy grail of endpoint protection - prevent, detect, investigate, respond, and evolve." GravityZone XDR is available on both endpoints and servers as part of the GravityZone Ultra integrated suite. For more details, visit About Bitdefender Bitdefender is a global security technology company that provides cutting edge end-to-end cyber security solutions and advanced threat protection to more than 500 million users in more than 150 countries. Since 2001, Bitdefender has consistently produced award-winning business and consumer security technology, and is a provider of choice in both hybrid infrastructure security and endpoint protection. Through R&D, alliances and partnerships, Bitdefender is trusted to be ahead and deliver robust security you can rely on. More information is available at SOURCE BitDefender H.O.P.E. -- Healing, Opportunity, Protection and Education -- Haven will serve as transitional living quarters for the survivors in the Blazing Hope Ranch program. In 2016 Vanderbilt Mortgage donated two modular homes previously used for company housing to Blazing Hope Ranch that currently make up H.O.P.E. Haven. The four bedroom, two bathroom homes will be used to house female survivors and live-in mentors while they go through the organization's program. "We are blessed to contribute to such an amazing cause right here in East Tennessee," Eric Hamilton, president of Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., said as he addressed the ceremony attendees. "Their dedication to helping these survivors is truly inspiring and makes a direct impact to our shared community." The Blazing Hope program, operated by David and Jolien Haggard, takes in survivors of human trafficking and helps them through an 18-24-month rehabilitation program where they can learn life skills and undergo equestrian-based therapy, using horses rescued from poor or abusive conditions. The ranch sits on a 120-acre property that was donated by a local church. "Blazing Hope Ranch is doing some truly incredible work by helping to rescue people from some of the worst circumstances imaginable," Hamilton said. "It's my hope that more people become aware of this growing issue and are inspired to help in any way that they can." To hear a message from founders David and Jolien Haggard, watch the video. For more information about the Blazing Hope Ranch and ways to donate, visit About Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. is a national housing lender that specializes in financing manufactured homes. In business for more than 40 years, the company currently services more than 200,000 home loans and works hard to tailor loans to each family's needs. Vanderbilt has an A+ grade from the Better Business Bureau and is a Berkshire Hathaway company. For more information, visit NMLS Disclosure Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., 500 Alcoa Trail, Maryville, TN 37804, 865-380-3000, NMLS #1561, (, AZ Lic. #BK-0902616, Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license, GA Residential Mortgage (Lic. #6911), Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee, Licensed by the NH Banking Department, MT Lic. #1561, Licensed by PA Dept. of Banking. SOURCE Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc. Magee and C Spire executives have invited over 300 local business owners to the meeting at Studio5fifty to learn more about the opportunity to get Gigabit speed internet access for their enterprises for as low as $200 a month, the lowest price available in the nation. The goal of the meetings is to gauge interest among businesses and discuss next steps for the project. The after work session is set for 5:30 p.m. at Studio5fifty, 550 Central Avenue, in downtown Laurel. The high-tech infrastructure is expected to pave the way for more economic growth, new jobs and improved quality of life for Laurel residents and businesses. Laurel is one of at least two dozen cities chosen by C Spire to begin the first U.S. effort aimed at making Gigabit internet widely available to businesses ranging from coffee houses and restaurants to law offices, accounting and tax services. The company aims to make ultra-fast service available to one out of every five of the state's 250,000 businesses. Gigabit access for businesses is the second phase of a major private sector technology deployment by C Spire this fall that features a massive expansion of ultra-fast broadband internet and wireless fiber-based fixed internet to more than 250,000 consumers and small businesses in cities and towns across the state. C Spire has over 8,000 route miles of fiber optics and owns and has deployed more wireless spectrum in Mississippi than any other communications carrier. The broadband expansion is a key part of the C Spire Tech Movement, an outgrowth of the company's 2013 groundbreaking Fiber-to-the-Home program, one of the first of its type in the U.S. and the fastest to connect thousands of Mississippi consumers in nine communities across the state to Gigabit internet, digital television and home phone services. Laurel has been divided into three business fiberhoods designated areas that are within several hundred feet of the company's extensive infrastructure of buried fiber optic cable. Even the 1,700 businesses that are outside of the primary sphere of influence can receive the service if there is enough interest. The high-tech firm has been on a mission to expand broadband availability and boost average mobile and fixed broadband speeds in Mississippi. Overall, C Spire plans to deliver broadband Internet to over 250,000 residents and businesses with speeds ranging from 25 Mbps in underserved areas, 100 Mbps in other communities to 1 Gbps for businesses using the latest fiber optic and fixed wireless technologies, which enable faster and more widespread availability of critical services. The company also is continuing its FTTH Gigabit deployment in several communities across the state. The broadband expansion plan is part of a broader C Spire Tech Movement initiative designed to leverage the company's technology leadership and investments to help transform its service areas. Other elements of the program include leading the development of a tech workforce in Mississippi through education initiatives, expanding tech innovation and development of a state-of-the-art digital customer care platform for customers and team members. In recent years, C Spire's continuing technology investment has played a central role in recent state gains for average mobile and fixed broadband speeds in Mississippi. The company became the state's fastest Internet service provider in 2014 and more than quadrupled speeds in the state following its successful FTTH initiative. C Spire plans to share more details as it rolls out each phase of the Tech Movement, including specific markets, pricing and speeds in the programs. In the meantime, consumers and businesses can go to for more details, updates and frequently asked questions. About C Spire C Spire is a leading technology company committed to transforming Mississippi through the C Spire Tech Movement, which includes the massive deployment of broadband internet to homes and small businesses, a state-of-the-art digital experience for its customers and team members, technology innovation leadership and the creation and retention of a 21st century technology workforce in its region. The company provides world-class, customer-inspired wireless communications, 1 Gigabit consumer Internet access as well as a full suite of dedicated Internet, wireless, IP Voice, data and cloud services for businesses. This news release and other announcements are available at For more information about C Spire, visit or follow us on Facebook at or Twitter at SOURCE C Spire Related Links SECUR provides clients in industry and government with asset-based packaging, logistics and technical services that enable them safely and cost efficiently to handle a range of radioactive, hazardous, industrial and other complex wastes that are generated from environmental remediation, decommissioning and waste management activities performed globally. Headquartered near Pittsburgh, PA, SECUR was founded by longtime innovators in the radioactive and hazardous waste industries, Jennifer and John Evanko. They have been joined at SECUR by a seasoned executive management team that worked together at the Evanko-founded MHF Logistical Solutions, Inc, a pioneer in the use of rail and intermodal transportation for waste materials. The Evankos and their management team sold the company in 2006. "We are excited to be partnering with this proven management team in an industry that we find attractive," said Ben deTar Wilhite, Caruth co-founder and partner. "Logistics, transportation and disposal of waste historically has been a stable industry with high barriers to entry. We believe it is an industry poised for outsized growth in the coming years." Tim Wegener, Caruth co-founder and partner, continued, "We look to partner with outstanding management teams. We believe we are investing in the best management team in the industry. Jennifer and John have an unmatched track record, demonstrated at MHF Logistical Solutions that they grew to become the largest supplier in the industry before successfully exiting." Jennifer Evanko, SECUR chair and CEO, said that Caruth's investment will help accelerate the company's already aggressive growth strategy through the development of new packaging products and expansion of the company's transportation container assets, railcars and service offerings. "We are offering our customers new and innovative solutions," she said. "We are helping them achieve more in their waste management programs at stable, predictable cost. "We are appreciative of Caruth's foresight and trust in us. With its support, we are aiming high," Evanko said. About Caruth Capital Partners Founded by two career private equity professionals, Caruth Capital Partners ("CCP") is a private equity firm headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The founders of CCP have invested and operated in more than 100 businesses across a wide variety of industries. CCP looks to acquire controlling interests in lower-middle market businesses and partners with management to accelerate growth and meaningfully improve operations through disciplined value-creation methodologies. For more information contact- John Evanko, SECUR, john @ ( and Ben Wilhite, Caruth Capital Partners 469-551-3281 or bwilhite @ SOURCE SECUR LLC Related Links NEW YORK, November 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Chico's, the national women's clothing retailer known for bold prints and styles, aimed at women 45+, announced today it has selected The&Partnership as its creative and media agency of record after a two-month account review. The&Partnership will spearhead all aspects of Chico's brand marketing and execute an integrated campaign to support the brand's re-launch and broaden the customer base beyond current loyalists. m/SIX, the full service media agency within The&Partnership and backed by GroupM, will lead all media planning and buying. "The team at The&Partnership impressed us with their unique ideas, strategic thinking and collaborative approach. They clearly understood our challenges and opportunities and delivered bold creative that we can't wait to share with our audience. At every stage of the process it was clear that there was great cultural alignment of our teams," said Shelagh Stoneham, Senior Vice President, Marketing for Chico's. "This is a great brand, with a very authentic and powerful legacy," said Andrew Bailey, Partner and CEO, The&Partnership. "Our favorite thing is to tap every one of our disciplines across strategy, creative, media, data, PR, content creation and production to take a brand to even greater heights. We created The&Partnership to help write this exact kind of modern marketing success story." The first creative work will be delivered for the Spring Summer 2018 campaign. ABOUT CHICO'S The Company, through its brands - Chico's, White House Black Market, and Soma, is a leading omni-channel specialty retailer of women's private branded, sophisticated, casual-to-dressy clothing, intimates and complementary accessories. As of July 29, 2017, the Company operated 1,482 stores in the US and Canada and sold merchandise through franchise locations in Mexico. The Company's merchandise is also available at,, and For more detailed information on Chico's FAS, Inc., please visit our corporate website at ABOUT THE&PARTNERSHIP The&Partnership is a modern communications agency uniquely built to solve the concerns and frustrations of marketers. The multidisciplinary model operates under a single-bottom line, which creates game-changing collaboration and creativity across disciplines, delivering the right answer for today's client needs. The agency's capabilities span 10 disciplines including advertising, media, PR, CRM, data/analytics, digital, social, mobile, innovation, content and delivery/production. The&Partnership has 1,500 employees in 56 offices across 25 countries. For more information, visit the website at: Follow The&Partnership on Twitter @and_partnership and on Instagram @powerofand_na ABOUT m/SIX m/SIX is a full service media agency that combines the nimbleness of an independent shop with the buying power of GroupM. Backed jointly by GroupM and integrated marketing agency The&Partnership, m/SIX's unique model brings media planning, creative development and data management under a single roof, providing advertisers with a one-team approach for managing all aspects of their paid, earned and owned media campaigns. Digitally native with expertise across all addressable and traditional media channels, m/SIX is built for the modern media landscape offering hands-on management across all stages of the media process. Contact: Loulou Dundas The&Partnership +1-646-283-5003 [email protected] SOURCE The&Partnership SINGAPORE, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- China Yuchai International Limited (NYSE: CYD) ("China Yuchai" or the "Company"), a leading manufacturer and distributor of engines for on-and off-road applications in China through its main operating subsidiary, Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Company Limited ("GYMCL"), announced today that GYMCL's YC4A series products and YC6J series products won the Gold Award, Product of the Year, 2017 and the Market Performance Award, 2017, respectively. The awards were presented to GYMCL at the 2017 China Agricultural Machinery Industry Annual Awards Ceremony held in late October 2017 in Wuhan, China, and organized by the China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, the China Association of Agricultural Mechanization and the China Agricultural Machinery Distribution Association. GYMCL was one of two engine companies to receive these significant industry awards which were voted on by thousands of agricultural machinery experts and customers. The YC4A engine is a 4.8-litre engine designed for agriculture applications, especially to propel a variety of cereal harvesters. This engine adopts a high-pressure injection system and an exhaust gas recirculation technology. The YC6J engine is a 6.5-litre engine with a robust design for hostile working environments and is particularly used for heavy duty tractor application. Mr. Weng Ming Hoh, President of China Yuchai, commented, "We are honored to receive these prestigious awards. These awards are testament to our high performance and quality products. The agriculture market is of great importance in China as it is the government's goal to further enhance farm productivity to provide the proper food supplies to a growing population, already the largest in the world." About China Yuchai International China Yuchai International Limited, through its subsidiary, Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Company Limited ("GYMCL"), engages in the manufacture, assembly, and sale of a wide variety of light-, medium- and heavy-duty engines for trucks, buses, passenger vehicles, construction equipment, marine and agriculture applications in China. GYMCL also produces diesel power generators. The engines produced by GYMCL range from diesel to natural gas and hybrid engines. Through its regional sales offices and authorized customer service centers, the Company distributes its engines directly to auto OEMs and retailers and provides maintenance and retrofitting services throughout China. Founded in 1951, GYMCL has established a reputable brand name, strong research and development team and significant market share in China with high-quality products and reliable after-sales support. In 2016, GYMCL sold 320,424 engines and is recognized as a leading manufacturer and distributor of engines in China. For more information, please visit Safe Harbor Statement This news release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "project", "targets", "optimistic", "confident that", "continue to", "predict", "intend", "aim", "will" or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that may be deemed forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements concerning the Company's operations, financial performance and condition are based on current expectations, beliefs and assumptions which are subject to change at any time. The Company cautions that these statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of important factors such as government and stock exchange regulations, competition, political, economic and social conditions around the world and in China including those discussed in the Company's Form 20-Fs under the headings "Risk Factors", "Results of Operations" and "Business Overview" and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. All forward-looking statements are applicable only as of the date it is made, and the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to maintain or update the forward-looking information, whether of the nature contained in this release or otherwise, in the future. For more information, please contact: Kevin Theiss Phone: +1 646-726-6511 Email: [email protected] SOURCE China Yuchai International Limited Related Links NORWICH, N.Y., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Chobani, LLC, maker of America's #1 Greek yogurt brand and the second largest overall yogurt manufacturer in the U.S., today announced the expansion of the world's largest yogurt plant in Twin Falls, Idaho, by breaking ground on a 70,000-square-foot facility that will serve employees, guests and house the company's global research and development team. "I'm grateful for the specialness we share with the people of the Magic Valley," said Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder and CEO, Chobani. "Twin Falls is one of those special places where there's a strong entrepreneurial mindset, the people are incredible, and a handshake truly means something. It's a special ecosystem when it comes to food making. Our home in Idaho is not only a celebration of our employees and our community, but is also a space to inspire creativity, drive even more innovation and take us further on our mission to bring better food to more people." Inspired by the nature of the Magic Valley, the center represents the future of U.S. manufacturing with some 30,000-square-feet of glass putting transparency and sunlight at the center of its design. Employees can exercise in the 2,000-square-foot fitness center overlooking the Sawtooth Mountains and gather at a sun-filled space for shared meals and relaxation. A dedicated visitor entrance will welcome the Magic Valley community to learn more about the company's history of growth in Twin Falls, as well as its commitment to participating in local initiatives. "It's been great to watch Chobani become part of the fabric of our Magic Valley communities over the past four years," said Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter. "This new investment in Twin Falls reflects Chobani's commitment to Idaho and to the people who have responded so positively to its corporate citizenship. Congratulations to all those who are contributing to Chobani's growth, just as Chobani is contributing to ours." Committed to creating jobs and economic opportunity where it operates, Chobani hired local architects and engineers to design this facility and brought on local contractors and workers to build it. Since installing the world's largest yogurt plant in Twin Falls in 2013, Chobani has made a positive impact in the local economy by stimulating new jobs and encouraging other businesses to invest in the region. In 2016, Chobani announced a $100 million expansion of its manufacturing plant to invest in new production lines and products, and to support distribution to international markets. A closer look at the center: People First Developed to reflect Chobani's welcoming and collaborative culture, a 7,000-square-foot, sun-filled gathering space will be used for town halls, shared meals, daily relaxation and special celebrations. A 2,000-square-foot fitness center will help employees improve their health and reduce stress through exercise, while enjoying stunning views of the Sawtooth Mountains. Wellness rooms for new mothers will be available throughout the facility. A visitor's entrance will welcome the local community and invite guests to learn more about Chobani and the company's history in the region. Sustainable Design The center builds on Chobani's longstanding commitment to the environment, utilizing innovative features to increase energy efficiency. Some 4,000-square-feet of "smart glass" windows greatly enhance natural light, while regulating internal temperatures and reducing use of heating and air conditioning, driving a 20% reduction in energy consumption. An expansive skylight at the center of the building will reduce lighting needs from our environmentally-conscious all-LED lighting system, while 30,000-square-feet of "smart roofing" will reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption. To demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship, we're seeking LEED Silver certification by the U.S. Green Building Council. The new facility will come online on Summer 2018. For more information and to access visuals of the center, please visit About Chobani Maker of America's No. 1selling Greek Yogurt brand and the second largest yogurt manufacturer in the U.S., Chobani, LLC, was founded on the belief that people have great tastethey just need great options. Chobani produces high-quality authentic yogurt made with only natural, non-GMO ingredients from its plants in New Berlin, N.Y., Twin Falls, Idaho and South Victoria, Australia. Chobani is committed to using milk from regional farms and strengthening its surrounding local economies. Chobani gives a portion of its annual profits to charities worldwide through the company's charitable foundation. In 2017, Chobani was recognized by Fast Company as one of the top 10 most innovative companies in the world. All Chobani productsincluding Chobani Greek Yogurt, Chobani Smooth, Chobani "Flip", Drink Chobani, Chobani Tots, and Chobani Kids productsare kosher certified, contain live and active cultures and are made with milk from cows not treated with rBST.* Chobani products are available nationwide in the U.S., Mexico and Australia, and in countries in Asia and Latin America. For more information, please visit and Media Contact: Blair Aires / Chobani / [email protected] / 212-364-6731 *According to the FDA, no significant difference has been found between milk derived from rBST-treated and non-rBST-treated cows. SOURCE Chobani, LLC Related Links Munvo MONTREAL, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Client Spectrum Inc., a leading consulting firm helping Fortune 1000 companies develop and improve their marketing technology capabilities, announced today that the company will begin operating under the brand name Munvo. Effective immediately, all outward representations and communications will reflect this change, while Client Spectrum Inc. will function as the legal entity of Munvo. "Adopting a new name that would help enable the sub-branding of our growing products and services was the key driver. Another reason was that we wanted to adopt a shorter and easier name for our clients." Mathieu Sabourin, President "Rallying on a non-pre-existing word represented a great branding opportunity to reinforce who we are: The Marketing Solutions Specialists." Joe Maraschiello, Managing Partner, Marketing & Products After starting with four employees and two clients in 2005, Munvo has shown steady growth, increasing its head count to more than 65 employees spread across the company's offices in Montreal, Toronto and Calgary. Through a combination of management consulting, technology implementation and marketing run services we help our clients develop the marketing capabilities needed to achieve their personalization, cross-channel and interactive marketing goals. ABOUT MUNVO: Munvo is a leading consulting firm specialized in assisting global companies by maximizing their investment in their marketing solutions. Munvo services include: implementation, management consulting and marketing run services. In addition, Munvo Lab develops products, connectors and accelerators for Adobe, IBM and SAS marketing solutions. Munvo is a trademark of Client Spectrum Inc. SOURCE Munvo NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Colombia - Defense and Security: Increased spending driven by domestic discord (Strategy, Performance and Risk Analysis) Read the full report: Summary The aircraft category remains one of the key segments for Colombian defense and security with capital expenditure accounting for 66.9% of the total in 2016. This was followed by C4ISR Electronics & IT segment accounting for 3.6% of the total. Colombia's total defense expenditure recorded a CAGR of 7.3%, rising from US$6.1 billion in 2012 to US$8.1 billion in 2016. It will post a forecast-period CAGR of 5.1% to reach US$10,323.5 million in 2021 due to mounting threats from Venezuela and rebel groups. MarketLine's premium reports provide a comprehensive overview of each market within a country's defense industry; benchmark key performance indicators against regional and global peers; review industry trends and drivers; evaluate the competitive landscape and innovation potential of singular markets; and conduct data-driven SWOT analysis to ascertain a structured assessment of the performance of each territory represented. Key Highlights Colombia undertakes various procurement and modernization initiatives:Aircraft and naval ships currently used by Colombia's armed forces are aging. In order to compete with their regional rivals in terms of technology and defense capabilities, the Colombian Ministry of Defense (MoD) is undertaking plans to modernize aging hardware and procure state-of-the-art weaponry and defense systems. The government has initiated several procurement programs, including multirole aircraft, transporters and MBTs. Budget cuts impacted the country's imports industry: Colzmbia's total expenditure on imports declined at a CAGR of 63.4%, from US$207.0 million in 2012 to US$29 million in 2016. The decline is primarily due to defense budget cuts on the back of economic deceleration and a peace accord between the government and FARC. During 2012-2015, imports grew briskly as a result of a continued increase in the import of military aircraft. Colombia also imports ships, sensors, missiles and engines. Strong influence of anti-state elements within the military:The Colombian MoD recently acknowledged that cocaine smugglers and leftist rebels had infiltrated senior levels of the Colombian Army, impeding efforts to defeat guerrilla organizations and combat the drug trade. The army discovered classified military information in the computer files of guerrillas from the FARC rebel group, which led the MoD to believe that senior military officials may be sharing information in exchange for bribes. Scope - Industry Snapshot and Industry View - Key defense and security industry statistics including total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure are analysed to reveal the key issues and trends driving market performance in the Colombian defense and security market. - Industry SWOT Analysis - Discover the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats impacting market performance and investment in the Colombian defense and security market. - Industry Benchmarking - Benchmark how the Colombian defense and security market is performing compared to regional and global markets in terms of total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure to gauge potential for growth or market entry. - Competitive Landscape - Detailed overview and product offerings of the leading Defense and Security players in Colombia. Reasons to buy - How is the market performing in terms of: total expenditure, revenue expenditure, and capital expenditure? - How risky is it to invest in the Colombia defense and security industry compared to other South and Central American countries? - What is driving the performance of key industry segments such as aircraft, C4ISR electronics & IT, naval ships, helicopters, military vehicles, and others? - Who are the leading players in the Colombian defense and security industry and their overview and product portfolio? - What trends are being witnessed within the Colombian defense and security industry? - What are the Colombian defense and security industry's Strengths and Weaknesses and what Opportunities and Threats does it face? - What are the recent developments in the Colombian defense and security industry? Read the full report: About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place. Contact Clare: [email protected] US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001 SOURCE Reportlinker Related Links RESTON, Va., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- comScore, Inc., today announced a partnership with leading political data provider L2 to integrate L2's voter and commercial targeting information into comScore's television ratings measurement. By merging L2's national voter and demographic files with comScore's television measurement, marketers will have the ability to more accurately reach audiences. The combination of L2's database with comScore's attributes for analytical purposes helps clients more efficiently reach voters based on their demographics, voting characteristics, purchase behavior and interests for better targeting. L2 clients are comprised of thousands of campaigns, including almost every presidential candidate during the 2016 cycle, along with PACs, associations and non-profits. L2 is also the primary data partner for the New York Times and CBS News. "comScore is one of our most innovative partners," said L2 CEO Bruce Willise. "Pairing L2's known voter profiles with comScore's television audience data gives users the unique ability to target much more precisely." "L2 has been a trusted source for voter data for over 40 years," said comScore's Chief Revenue Officer Chris Wilson. "Having the ability to tap into their detailed national demographic segments will enhance targeting for our political clients." About L2 For over 40 years, L2 has been the country's most trusted source for enhanced voter, consumer and modeled issue data. It's data and technology are used across, the political and public affairs landscapes with nearly 200 members of Congress as current customers along with the biggest names in polling and political advising. It is the source of choice for leading news organizations including CBS and the New York Times, as well as the country's leading universities, including both Princeton and Harvard. L2's national voter file remains the most accurate and frequently updated in the marketplace and contains the largest number of detailed voter file segments for traditional and digital targeting. As a non-partisan provider, L2 can tap powerful solutions including modeled issue data from HaystaqDNA. The HaystaqDNA modeled issue segments give users a detailed view of all voters regardless of party affiliation. L2 also provides party affiliation in all 50 states by modeling party ID for voters in states without party based registration. In addition to voters, L2 maintains a robust 265-million+ adult consumer file. For more, visit About comScore comScore is a leading cross-platform measurement company that measures audiences, brands and consumer behavior everywhere. comScore completed its merger with Rentrak Corporation in January 2016, to create the new model for a dynamic, cross-platform world. Built on precision and innovation, comScore's data footprint combines proprietary digital, TV and movie intelligence with vast demographic details to quantify consumers' multiscreen behavior at massive scale. This approach helps media companies monetize their complete audiences and allows marketers to reach these audiences more effectively. With more than 3,200 clients and a global footprint in more than 75 countries, comScore is delivering the future of measurement. Shares of comScore stock are currently traded on the OTC Market (OTC:SCOR). For more information on comScore, please visit Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including, without limitation, comScore's expectations as to the financial and operational effects of StationView Essentials and comScore's entire suite of advertising products. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, comScore's ability to project the financial impact of the partnership or comScore's ability to achieve its expected financial and operational results. For additional discussion of risk factors, please refer to comScore's respective Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and other filings that comScore makes from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), which are available on the SEC's website ( Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date such statements are made. comScore does not intend or undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances or new information after the date of this press release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. SOURCE comScore Related Links LONDON, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Synopsis The US construction industry grew from US$1.0 trillion in 2012 to US$1.2 trillion in 2016, and is expected to reach US$1.4 trillion by 2021, in real terms measured at constant 2010 US dollar exchange rates. Economic recovery, coupled with government investment in infrastructure construction, healthcare, manufacturing, educational facilities and affordable housing is expected to drive forecast-period (20172021) growth. Download the full report: President Trump is focusing on infrastructure development, announcing in August 2017 plans to spend US$1.0 trillion to rebuild the nation's roads, tunnels, bridges, airports and other infrastructure by 2027, whilst also eliminating permitting regulations to speed up the construction of roads, bridges and pipelines projects. According to the US Census Bureau, total construction spending in the country increased by 6.7%, from US$13.3 trillion in 2015 to US$14.2 trillion in 2016. Moreover, it increased by 4.5% during the first eight months of 2017, rising from US$9.4 trillion in JanuaryAugust 2016 to US$9.8 trillion in JanuaryAugust 2017. However, there are risks associated with the outlook for the construction industry in the US over the forecast period. The government's strict immigration policy and high budget deficit are expected to affect construction activity. The Trump government aims to reduce federal deficit from 3.5% of the country's total GDP in FY2017 to 1.8% by FY2022. The industry's output value in real terms is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.13% over the forecast period, compared to 5.03% during the review period (20122016). Summary Timetric's Construction in the US Key Trends and Opportunities to 2021 report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights into the US construction industry, including: The US construction industry's growth prospects by market, project type and construction activity Critical insight into the impact of industry trends and issues, and the risks and opportunities they present to participants in the US construction industry Profiles of the leading operators in the US construction industry Scope This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the construction industry in the US. It provides: Historical (2012-2016) and forecast (2017-2021) valuations of the construction industry in the US using construction output and value-add methods Segmentation by sector (commercial, industrial, infrastructure, energy and utilities, institutional and residential) and by sub-sector Breakdown of values within each project type, by type of activity (new construction, repair and maintenance, refurbishment and demolition) and by type of cost (materials, equipment and services) Detailed profiles of the leading construction companies in the US Reasons To Buy Identify and evaluate market opportunities using Timetric's standardized valuation and forecasting methodologies. Assess market growth potential at a micro-level with over 600 time-series data forecasts. Understand the latest industry and market trends. Formulate and validate strategy using Timetric's critical and actionable insight. Assess business risks, including cost, regulatory and competitive pressures. Evaluate competitive risk and success factors. Key Highlights Timetric expects the residential construction market to grow at a CAGR of 5.40% in nominal terms, driven by rising residential buildings permits in the country. The total residential building permit issued in the country grew by 2.0%, rising from 1.18 million units in 2015 to 1.20 million units in 2016. Moreover, it grew by 5.7% in the first seven months of 2017, rising from 690,000 units in JanuaryJuly 2016 to 729,000 units in JanuaryJuly 2017. The government plans to invest US$1.9 trillion to upgrade transport infrastructure of the country by 2025. In addition, in March 2017, the government announced a plan to spend US$1.3 trillion on the construction of transport infrastructure. This is expected to drive the forecast period growth of infrastructure construction market. Timetric expects the energy and utilities construction market output to record a forecast-period CAGR of 3.52% in nominal terms, driven by government's focus on renewable energy infrastructure. The government aims to generate 30.0% of the total country's electricity need from renewable energy by 2025. Accordingly, it plans to construct 100GW solar power generation plants with an investment of US$130.0 billion. Timetric expects institutional construction market output to record a forecast-period CAGR of 2.74% in nominal terms, driven by the government's investment on healthcare and education. In the 2017 Budget, the government increased its spending on department of education by 2.0%, from US$68.1 billion in 2016 to US$69.4 billion in 2017. The construction industry is exposed to several risks, such as rising labors costs due to Trump's policy to restrict immigrants and the implementation of "Buy American, Hire American" policy, which may increase construction material cost and affect long-term growth. Download the full report: About Reportbuyer Reportbuyer is a leading industry intelligence solution that provides all market research reports from top publishers For more information: Sarah Smith Research Advisor at Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 208 816 85 48 Website: SOURCE ReportBuyer Related Links BURLINGTON, Mass., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- CORAVIN, Inc., maker of the innovative wine preservation opener by the same name, today announced that it has been named a 2018 CES Innovation Award honoree for its Coravin Wine Preservation Opener in the "Tech For A Better World" category during CES Unveiled New York. Products entered in this prestigious program are judged by a preeminent panel of independent industrial designers, independent engineers and members of the trade media to honor outstanding design and engineering in cutting edge consumer electronics products across 28 product categories. The Coravin Wine Preservation System is the ultimate fusion of luxury and technology and the only tool in the world that gives enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike the freedom to drink any wine, in any amount without ever removing the cork for an impeccable and unforgettable wine experience. Combining unparalleled craftsmanship and innovative design, Coravin ensures that whether a consumer wants a sip, a glass, or more, the last glass in the bottle will taste just as great as the first. The revolutionary Coravin system uses a non-coring needle to pass through the cork while it's in the bottle. Once the needle is removed, the cork naturally reseals, protecting the integrity of the wine remaining in the bottle for weeks, months, or even years. "I developed Coravin by combining my background as a medical device manufacturer with my passion for wine and technology to solve a problemlike many other wine lovers, I wanted to be able to enjoy glasses of wine without committing to the whole bottle," said Greg Lambrecht, founder and inventor of Coravin. "This recognition from CES is a testament to the rigorous design standards of our engineers and the passion of all of our employees for enhancing the way people enjoy and experience wine." The prestigious CES Innovation Awards are sponsored by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)TM, the producer of CES 2018, the global gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, and have been recognizing achievements in product design and engineering since 1976. Entries are evaluated on their engineering, aesthetic and design qualities, intended use/function and user value, unique/novel features present and how the design and innovation of the product directly compares to other products in the marketplace. Products chosen as CES Innovation Honorees reflect innovative design and engineering in some of the most cutting edge tech products and services coming to market. "As the world leader in wine technology, we are relentlessly focused on improving the way that wine aficionados across the globe enjoy their favorite bottles," said Frederic Levy, CEO of Coravin. "Our research and development team has a continuous focus on product innovation, and we are proud that this work is being acknowledged by CES." Coravin will showcase its award-winning products in booth #40555 in the Smart Home Marketplace during CES 2018, which runs from January 9-12, 2018 in Las Vegas. CES 2018 Innovation Honoree products are featured on, which lists product categories, as well as each product name, manufacturer information, description, photo and URL. To learn more about Coravin, please visit About Coravin, Inc. Coravin, Inc. is a privately held company located in Burlington, Massachusetts focused on transforming the way wine is served, sold and enjoyed. Coravin designs and markets the Coravin Wine Preservation Opener for wine enthusiasts, restaurants, wine stores and wineries. Unparalleled in craftsmanship and design, Coravin uses proprietary patented technology to access and pour wine from a bottle without pulling the cork. Wine enthusiasts can now enjoy wine sealed with corks without feeling the need to commit to the whole bottle, allowing them to enjoy any wine, any time whether they want a sip, a glass, or more. After enjoying a glass of wine, the remaining wine in the bottle will be perfectly preserved for weeks, months, or even years. For more information, please visit MEDIA CONTACT Jennifer Asaro 781-684-6639 [email protected] Adam Ouellet 781-684-6512 [email protected] SOURCE CORAVIN, Inc. Related Links "When Paolo died in 2013, he left an archive of ideas and designs. This Hand of Soleri collection is a window into Paolo Soleri's vision of natural and built environment, which was radical then and especially relevant today," said John Walsh, chairman of the board of the Cosanti Foundation. "It is the first step to introduce Paolo to a new audience and connect with his longtime admirers." The Hand of Soleri collection features jewelry, silk scarves, and ceramics. The sterling silver jewelry collection includes bracelets, earrings, and pendants, each hand cast and honed. All are based on original and iconic Soleri designs, from structures to architectural elements. Prices range from $95 to $650. The scarf collection was inspired by a bridge design competition in Luxembourg in 1958 that Paolo won. The Bridge Collection 2017 is available in six designs in two colors. The silk charmeuse scarves are 16" x 72" and each depicts an architectural drawing by Paolo. Scarves are $125. The ceramic collection is a compilation of Soleri's theory of shapes and symmetry and are functional, as well as artistic. The porcelains, each hand-glazed, range in price from $85 to $650. The collection is available at the Cosanti Foundation, 6433 E. Doubletree Ranch Road, Paradise Valley, AZ or online at Soleri is known worldwide for hand-cast bronze and ceramic Soleri bells, which have largely financed the building of the urban laboratory Arcosanti near Cordes Junction, Arizona. "This new collection will reaffirm the influence of Paolo Soleri as a maker of things, a theorist, a visionary, and an architect," said Jeff Stein, architect and co-president of the Cosanti Foundation. Cosanti Foundation, located at 6433 E. Doubletree Road, Paradise Valley, AZ, is open daily to the public. For more information, visit Arcosanti is located near Cordes Junction. For information, Contact: Strategies Pam Hait or Martha Hunter 602.952.0040 [email protected]; [email protected] SOURCE Cosanti Foundation Related Links "Average working adults spend at least 60% of their conscious time in the office, making our goal of building smarter offices much more important than what most people like to think. True smartness happens when it does the job for you without making you aware of it. Therefore, we define Smart as providing a solution where users can forget about looking for solutions to solve a problem," said Kang Zhou, CEO of CZUR TECH. Unlike expensive, cumbersome and slow process of traditional book scanners, CZUR houses Auto-Flatten and powerful hardware to build a high-speed, reliable and affordable smart book scanner, popularizing the smart office device to each enterprise and individual. And it's long been our mission. "ET Series not only provides the office with effective scanning solutions but also offers human warmth, making you forget about its presence." Wide Range of Applications For years, CZUR has been trusted by many world's most prestigious academic institutions. CZUR helps professors, PHDs and students in colleges and universities (including NYU, MIT, Harvard and Cornell) to scan and preserve their books and valuable documents. Also, ET book scanner is favored by state, university and public libraries (mainly across the US, Europe, Australia and Asia). Likewise, Archive Centers, Courts and Judiciary Authorities use CZUR to quickly build digital libraries for preservation and easy access. * It's estimated that ET16 Plus would be officially released by the end of November. About CZUR Founded in 2013, CZUR is a global high-tech company that focuses on digitalization and archiving solutions. Including the latest technologies and human touch, CZUR aims to create smart office appliances to fundamentally improve work efficiency in office environments. Please visit: for more information. Media Contact Catherine Wang Marketing Director CZUR TECH CO., LTD. TEL: +86-755-2397-4826 | E-mail: [email protected] SOURCE CZUR TECH CO., LTD Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Dashlane, one of the world's most trusted digital security companies, today announced it ranked 65 on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. Dashlane grew 2,484 percent during this period. Dashlane's chief executive officer, Emmanuel Schalit, credits product innovation across all platforms, global expansion, as well as an uptick in Dashlane's enterprise product (Dashlane Business) with the company's increased revenue growth. "We're thrilled to receive this accolade from Deloitte and appreciate the recognition of our progress," Schalit said. "Consider this nearly everyone on the Internet use passwords every day, and the average consumer has between 130 to 150 different accounts with passwords to manage. Couple that with the rising rate of cybercrime and it's obvious why Dashlane is growing exponentially." "The Deloitte 2017 North America Technology Fast 500 winners underscore the impact of technological innovation and world class customer service in driving growth, in a fiercely competitive environment," said Sandra Shirai, vice chairman, Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. technology, media and telecommunications leader. "These companies are on the cutting edge and are transforming the way we do business. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the winners for achieving remarkable growth while delivering new services and experiences for their customers." "Emerging growth companies are powering innovation in the broader economy. The growth rates delivered by the companies on this year's North America Technology Fast 500 ranking are a bright spot for the capital markets and a strong indicator that the emerging growth technology sector will continue to deliver a strong return on investment," said Heather Gates, national managing director of Deloitte & Touche LLP's emerging growth company practice. "Deloitte is dedicated to supporting the best and brightest companies of the future in the emerging growth company sector. We are proud to acknowledge the significant accomplishments of this year's Fast 500 winners." Overall, 2017 Technology Fast 500 companies achieved revenue growth ranging from 135 percent to 59,093 percent from 2013 to 2016, with median growth of 380 percent. About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About Dashlane Dashlane, one of the world's most trusted digital security companies, takes the pain out of passwords with its password manager and secure digital wallet app. Dashlane allows users to securely manage passwords, credit cards, IDs, and other important information via advanced encryption and local storage. With so many devices, the line between home and work no longer exists. Thankfully, Dashlane works everywhere, for everyone. The company has helped 9 million consumers manage and secure their digital identity and enabled over $10 billion in e-commerce transactions. Dashlane Business is trusted by 7,000+ companies to create, enforce, and track effective access management, and features the only patented security architecture in the industry. The Dashlane app is available on PC, Mac, Android, and iOS, and has won critical acclaim by top publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today. Dashlane is free to use on your favorite device for life, and costs $39.99/year to sync between an unlimited number of devices. Dashlane was founded by Bernard Liautaud and co-founders Alexis Fogel, Guillaume Maron and Jean Guillou. The company has offices in New York City and Paris, and has received $52.5 million in funding from TransUnion, Rho Ventures, FirstMark Capital and Bessemer Venture Partners. Learn more at SOURCE Dashlane DENVER, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of an ongoing series of special events to celebrate the grand opening of The Showroom Denver's ultimate luxury furniture shopping and design experience an open house for the new Stressless gallery is being held on November 11, 2017 from 11:00am 1:00pm. Made in Norway by Ekornes ASA, Stressless is Scandinavia's largest furniture manufacturer. The prominence of this event was significantly heightened by the news that the Honorary Consul to Norway, Rita I. Ehrmann, will be making a special appearance. Appointed more than 25 years ago by the king of Norway, Ehrmann currently represents Norway (the country deemed the "happiest in the world" according to the 2016 World Happiness Report) in Denver, Colorado (the city that ranked "best place to live" in 2016 by U.S. News & World Report). Now add a little Norwegian cuisine to the mix and you have a Stressless event that truly lives up to its name. According to The Showroom's lead buyer, Amy Foster, "Our November 11th Stressless Open House is the perfect opportunity for interior designers, their clientele, and discerning homeowners to experience the world's finest leather recliners for themselves. We're proud to present what is the very best in design, function, and comfort. We are also deeply honored to have Rita I. Ehrmann join us. Finally, we're delighted to once again showcase the most inspiring luxury furniture retail space in Denver and the Mountain West." The Showroom is located at located at 5445 North Bannock Street, Denver, CO. To RSVP or for more information, please contact June Biederman at [email protected]. About The Furniture Row Companies The specialty stores of Furniture Row include Denver Mattress, Sofa Mart, Oak Express, and Bedroom Expressions. Family-owned and operated with more than 330 stores in 30 states, Denver-based Furniture Row is one of America's largest furniture and bedding retailers. Visit About Stressless Stressless recliners are made in Norway by Ekornes ASA, one of the world's leading furniture manufacturers. The company also assembles sofas in an American production facility located in Morganton, North Carolina. Since 1971, Stressless has offered tailored comfort through its patented Glide system and lumbar support system designed to match the changing contours of the back. Stressless, the largest Scandinavian furniture manufacturer, is endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association. For more information, visit Contact: John Knippenberg / Furniture Row Marketing [email protected] SOURCE The Showroom @ Furniture Row Part of this one-of-a-kind collaboration furthers the company's support of organizations that work to help children and their families thrive: select items from the Disney x Kiehl's collection will make up the 9 th Annual Limited Edition Charitable Holiday Collection , and 100% of its net profits of this collection, up to $100,000 , will benefit Feeding America , the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. This donation will help provide up to 1,100,000 meals* to families this holiday. With a presence in all 50 states and Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, Feeding America's nationwide network of 200 member food banks support 60,000 food assistance programs, shelters and meal sites. Each year, Feeding America's network provides meals and resources to over 46 million people in the United States struggling with food insecurity, including nearly 12 million children. The Feeding America network secures and distributes 4 billion meals annually. *$1 helps provide 11 meals* secured by Feeding America on behalf of local member food banks. Disney x Kiehl's for Feeding America 100% of Kiehl's net profits, up to $100,000, from the following products will benefit Feeding America: All products are available at Kiehl's stores and #DisneyxKiehls #KiehlsFeedsAmerica Like @KiehlsUS on Facebook Tweet @Kiehls Tag @Kiehls on Instagram Snap @Kiehls Subscribe to KiehlsNYC on YouTube Press Contact: Rachael Kelley Email: [email protected] SOURCE Kiehl's Since 1851 Related Links Bruce Jaffe, Donuts president and chief executive officer, cited growing global demand for more descriptive, meaningful domain names and the company's strong business execution for powering its rapid revenue growth. He said, "Donuts has the world's largest portfolio of new domain names, which range from .CAREERS, .SOCIAL, .LIVE, .NEWS, and over 200 more." "Individuals and organizations have recognized the power of new domains in promoting their brands online - for their primary and ancillary websites, for their social and ecommerce platforms, and for their online advertising and marketing," Jaffe continued. "From, to, to, to - businesses of all sizes and types are embracing new domains to connect more effectively with their target audiences. We expect that Donuts' Fast 500 achievement will help to further accelerate worldwide adoption of new domains." "The Deloitte 2017 North America Technology Fast 500 winners illustrate the impact of technological innovation and world-class customer service in driving growth, in a fiercely competitive environment," said Sandra Shirai, vice chairman, Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. technology, media and telecommunications leader. "These companies are on the cutting edge and are transforming the way we do business. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the winners for achieving remarkable growth while delivering new services and experiences for their customers." Overall, 2017 Technology Fast 500 companies achieved revenue growth ranging from 137 percent to 59,093 percent from 2013 to 2016, with median growth of 378 percent. About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About Donuts Donuts Inc. offers individuals and organizations new ways to manage and promote their digital identities. Donuts holds the world's largest portfolio of top-level domains and provides its registrar / reseller customers with innovative services for the discovery, registration, usage and monetization of high-quality domain names. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Donuts, the registrar is one of the most admired brands in the industry. Donuts' headquarters are in Kirkland, WA; it has offices in Denver, CO; Washington, DC; Dublin, Ireland and Beijing, China. Contact: Judith McGarry, Donuts Inc. [email protected] 415-971-2900 SOURCE Donuts Inc. Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- E-J Electric Installation Co. (E-J Electric) is proud to announce that it has provided electrical installation services throughout 18 floors of the existing one million-square-foot Navy Yard Building 77, a previous ammunition depot in Brooklyn, New York, used by the United States Navy. This is the largest electrical infrastructure expansion within the Navy Yard since the Navy moved out in 1966. The massive $140 million renovation project consisted of furnishing and installing three 13.8 KV double-ended substations on the second floor, along with lighting, fire alarms lightning protection, grounding risers, telecom risers, generators and paralleling switchgear systems throughout the building. The project also included installing a new electrical closet. "It was an honor to have been part of the efforts to revamp the retired Brooklyn Navy Yard building into usable office space," said E-J Electric President Anthony E. Mann. "This renovation was a massive project, but the E-J Electric team was able to successfully execute all necessary actions to complete the project in a timely manner." About E-J Electric Installation Co. E-J Electric Installation Co., is active in all facets of electric contracting. Projects vary in size to over $200 million. Typical installations include: office buildings, hospitals, power plants, co-generation facilities, roadway, outdoors, airports, industrial plants, universities, sport stadiums, transit facilities and high voltage distribution. At E-J Electric Installation Co., three family generations of practical expertise have created an organization keyed to the most modern technological advances in providing rapid and efficient solutions to today's lighting, power, energy and communication needs. E-J has a 118-year reputation for unparalleled integrity, quality and service in the electrical field. Please visit our website at to learn about the company. SOURCE E-J Electric Installation Co. Related Links GENEVA, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Today EasyCare Academy announced the release of Respond 4.0, the company's new digital assessment platform and the appointment of its executive leadership team. EasyCare Academy is a social impact company focused on supporting personalized care for healthy ageing to enable people to live better as they live longer. As the global rise in the ageing population creates stress on families, communities, healthcare systems and governments, better management of activities of daily living through compassionate care and improved understanding of the biopsychosocial and environmental needs that accompany ageing can help alleviate those stresses by improving health, independence and well-being. EasyCare Academy's social mission is focused on meeting these needs. "At EasyCare Academy, we are focused on providing digital solutions for training and education to empower caregivers and others who care for people as they age to support healthier, happier lives," said Peter Nicholson, Co-Founder, President and CEO of EasyCare Academy. "Improving independence enables ageing in place and enhances overall quality of life, and the resulting cost savings contribute to the possibility of health system sustainability. Respond's holistic approach to address not only the medical needs of the ageing population but also the social, psychological and environmental needs is one answer to the looming sustainability crisis." To date, Respond has been used to assess more than 1 million older people and connect them to local resources. And, now with more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 5 for the first time in human history, the elder caregiving gap will only widen without new efforts to improve how care reaches those who need it. By equipping anyone dedicated to enhancing the lives of older people with data-driven, tech-enabled and personalized tools and resources, EasyCare Academy will enable and empower older people to stay more active, healthy and independent and live richer, fuller lives. Respond 4.0 is the social impact company's flagship digital solution Respond 4.0 is a digitized questionnaire featuring a standardized 52-point evaluation to assess an older person's needs and concerns across biological, social, psychological and environmental domains. Based on this information, the Respond 4.0 platform generates an independence score, the ERIS (EasyCare Respond Independence Score) and a customized care solution tailored to the older person's specific needs, priorities and location. "When my team and I began developing the Respond assessment 28 years ago, we envisioned a tool that could address one of the greatest challenges of the global ageing phenomenon and that is properly addressing the needs of older people and their caregivers and that meant assessing the whole person and each person individually," said Prof. Ian Philp, MD, CBE, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of EasyCare Academy. "Today, we are proud to make that capability available in every corner of the world through this fourth generation of our standardized approach, data-driven insights, personalized response methodology, and powerful digital platform." Respond has been validated by more than 90 scientific, peer-reviewed publications and has shown proven benefits for healthcare professionals, social workers, organizers of community programming, and caregivers both family and professional and those with years of experience or new to the field. Used in nearly 50 countries, Respond has consistently produced positive results, including increased functional ability, independence and community engagement in older people. During the recent WHO Global Consultation on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE), EasyCare Academy shared these findings from its work in the UK, China and Uganda, demonstrating its ability to improve lives across geographies and income levels. Moreover, the tool has enabled cost savings for healthcare and long-term care systems estimated as high as 3.3B over 15 years in reduced costs in the UK, according to a recent study. Just as importantly, Respond helps combat ageism by ensuring that the needs of older people are not overlooked a growing concern as longevity becomes a hallmark of 21st century life. In addition to customizing care for individuals, the EasyCare Academy platform is designed to collect de-identified longitudinal data at scale from Respond 4.0 assessments. With this data, EasyCare Academy can identify and analyze global, regional and local trends to inform new policies, products, services and technologies that help maintain functional ability as individuals age. The Respond 4.0 package includes training needed to become a certified assessor, consultation on integrating the tool as a business solution, licensing rights to the digital platform with its dashboard to generate ERIS independence scores and personalized care plans based on each individual's needs and priorities. Respond 4.0 is now available by visiting Peter Nicholson appointed CEO of EasyCare Academy Today EasyCare Academy also announced the appointment of its executive leadership team. A co-Founder of the company, Peter Nicholson, a 25-year veteran of the healthcare and biopharmaceutical industries and experienced entrepreneur, will serve as EasyCare Academy's President and Chief Executive Officer. A specialist in corporate strategy and business development, Nicholson also has expertise in bringing start-up companies to commercialization. Prior to founding the Academy, Nicholson served as a member of the executive leadership team of Nestle Skin Health for more than a decade, helping the company meet its global growth ambitions and launch strategic business initiatives. "By supporting active ageing, EasyCare Academy has the potential to positively impact tens of millions of lives around the world, their communities and society in general. Serving as CEO of EasyCare Academy and working with such a visionary and talented team is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," said Nicholson. "Combining these resources with our mission, our social enterprise model and our cutting-edge digital platform give me great confidence in our ability to change the future of ageing in this era of unprecedented longevity." Ian Philp named Chief Scientific Officer Prof. Ian Philp, MD, CBE has been named EasyCare Academy's Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, overseeing the organization's research and development. Philp, who is also a co-founder of EasyCare Academy and Professor of Global Ageing at the University of Stirling, UK, is the creator of the EasyCare assessment tool (now Respond 4.0) dating back to 1989. A globally recognized geriatrician, Philp served for 35 years in the UK's National Health Service as a clinician, educator, researcher and manager, and has been recognized on multiple occasions by the Queen of England for his tireless service to the care of older people. "It is an incredibly exciting time for EasyCare, as we join up our globally validated model for improving health and independence in older people with our new proprietary technology," said Philp. "I could not be more pleased to be partnering with Peter on our EasyCare business venture. With his proven expertise as a business leader, growing companies both large and small, EasyCare Academy is well-positioned for a strong future." Executive leadership brings diverse, global experience in technology and start-up management In addition to Nicholson and Philp, EasyCare Academy's executive leadership team includes three veterans in their respective areas of expertise. Lee Hampston, Vice President, Digital Innovation and Information Technology & Chief Technology Officer Hampston has over 20 years' experience in strategic development and the creation of new businesses, with a focus on the technology-enabled care markets, telecoms and IT fields. He joins EasyCare Academy from the KCOM Group PLC, where he served as a member of its senior management team, responsible for the management and innovation of propositions, products and solutions. "In my previous work experience, I've witnessed the convergence of two global trends. One is the rapid scalability of business through technology, and the second is the rapid ageing of our society," said Hampston. "EasyCare Academy marries these trends perfectly into a sustainable, mission-driven business model and a company I'm proud to call my new home." Chris Nicholson, Vice President, Finance, Treasurer & Chief Financial Officer Chris Nicholson has a long history of creating and driving successful financing strategies and the implementation of technology and other internal business systems for start-up companies. Most recently, he is credited with leading the financing strategy and raising initial funding for FinnTalon and serving as Treasurer and CFO of Core Oncology. "When I was approached about EasyCare Academy, I was ready and eager to take on the next great challenge of my career leading the financing strategy for a new and rapidly growing social impact company," said Chris Nicholson. "We've all witnessed our loved ones age and experienced the physical and emotional stress that comes along with it. EasyCare Academy is working to alleviate those burdens; it's a noble cause, and I am honored to participate as a member of the team." Kerry Wootton, Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Development & Chief People Officer Wootton has extensive and proven global expertise in achieving HR operational excellence for the companies he serves. He has led HR strategies for companies including Nestle Skin Health, Medtronic and HSBC, particularly in regions and times of rapid growth. In these roles, he has overseen major growth in operations and business activities, including a number of successful global acquisitions. "The EasyCare Academy approach is at its core about person-centricity, and this mantra applies to the communities of older people we serve around the world as well as our internal people," said Wootton. "Our people drive our mission, and our mission drives our business every single day." About EasyCare Academy Based on 28 years' experience across nearly 50 countries, EasyCare Academy is a social impact company focused on supporting personalized care for healthy ageing to enable people to live better as they live longer. Our digital platform, validated by more than 90 scientific, peer-reviewed publications, assesses biological, social, psychological and environmental domains to understand older people's concerns and generate a personalized response that connects individuals to local resources and solutions. More information about EasyCare Academy can be found at Media Contact Melissa Mitchell (O) +1 212 332 3942 (M) +1 646 404 1149 [email protected] SOURCE EasyCare Academy Related Links AMSTERDAM, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- EclecticIQ, the global provider of Cyber Threat Intelligence technology solutions and Fusion Center operator today announced a Series-B investment of 14 million. The investment round is led by Keen Ventures Partners with the participation of existing investors. This investment follows a Series-A investment in May 2016 of 5.5 million led by INKEF with KPN Ventures also participating. Investment in the organization now totals over 20 million. Founded in 2014, EclecticIQ employs a team of 60 with unique skills and strong analyst backgrounds. It holds offices in Amsterdam, London, and Herndon (Virginia, USA). The Series-B investment makes EclecticIQ one of the best-funded cyber security scale-ups in Europe. It will lead to accelerated expansion of its workforce, with a focus on expanding its portfolio of technologies and capabilities of its Fusion Center offering. EclecticIQ supports dedicated teams of threat analysts working continuously to de-risk an organization's cyber profile by building an accurate picture of its cyber threat landscape. Previously, threat intelligence capabilities were only found at organizations with the highest risks such as Governments, Critical National Infrastructures and regulated industries such as banking. Today, threat intelligence is on the agenda of many organization's boardrooms due to advanced attacks that often reach mainstream media and regulation requirements such as the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA). "EclecticIQ plays a pivotal role in supporting our customers and partners in their fight against the accelerating landscape of cyber threats. Agility and human enablement is key in bringing back balance in our fight against cyber adversaries," said Joep Gommers, CEO and founder of EclecticIQ. "We're in a unique position to not just enable analysts with the tools they require to be as productive as they can be, but also to give them access to the world's leading intelligence suppliers without the hassle of complicated integration and procurement." Watch the EclecticIQ Series-B announcement video message (1.5 minutes). EclecticIQ Platform provides an advanced analyst-centric toolset and intelligence reporting capability, including automated instrumentation of IT Security Controls for prevention and detection. It is the market-leading Threat Intelligence Platform for national governments, due to its scalability and on-premise offerings that meet the most demanding intelligence requirements. EclecticIQ Fusion Center further empowers analysts by giving unified access to the world's supply of leading threat intelligence suppliers, thereby enhancing in-house analysts' efficiency, capability, and freeing up time to research advanced threats and hunt for unknown risks. Many organizations kick-start or scale their threat intelligence capabilities as the number and complexity of cyber threats continue to rise. Actionable intelligence drives internal decision-making at various levels from Security Operations and Incident Response to C-level executives. By sharing intelligence with trusted partners, organizations collaborate to build an active shield against existing and future attacks. "Impressed by the technology, the team and the huge potential of this market, Keen is proud to further support the spectacular growth of EclecticIQ," said Alexander Ribbink, General Partner at Keen. Challenges that organizations report include, amongst others, finding threat analysts and lack of staff expertise. To make cyber threat intelligence accessible to organizations with a lower cyber maturity capability, less resources and smaller budgets, EclecticIQ will further develop its product portfolio and support mid-market through modularization. As a first step towards this goal, EclecticIQ Fusion Center Intelligence Essentials, was announced last week, enabling organizations to kick-start their threat intelligence activity. It is offered entirely online, includes a free trial, can be acquired directly and consumed immediately without complex setup. About EclecticIQ EclecticIQ helps organizations turn cyber threat intelligence into business value with a suite of products built for cyber security professionals in threat intelligence, threat hunting, SOC, and Incident Response roles. EclecticIQ Platform is the analyst-centric threat intelligence platform based on STIX/TAXII that meets the full spectrum of intelligence needs. EclecticIQ Fusion Center enables the acquisition of thematic bundles of cyber threat intelligence from leading suppliers with a single contract. In 2016, the company won Deloitte's Technology FAST50 Rising Star Award for "Most Disruptive Innovator". EclecticIQ is headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at About Keen Venture Partners Keen Venture Partners is a venture capital firm investing in high potential technology scale-ups with transformative potential. Keen's team is highly committed to helping talented entrepreneurs by leveraging its network, expertise and capital. The firm operates out of London and Amsterdam and focuses on European and select North American investment opportunities. Keen Venture Partners is a Small AIFM authorized in the UK by the FCA and registered as a manager of a 'European Venture Capital Fund'. The investment in EclecticIQ benefits from the support of the European Union under the Equity Facility for Growth established by the Council creating a Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized enterprises (COSME). For more information: About INKEF Capital INKEF Capital is an Amsterdam-based venture capital firm that focuses on long-term collaboration and active support of innovative technology companies. INKEF Capital was founded in 2010 by Dutch pension fund ABP and with 500 million under management it is one of the largest venture capital funds in the Netherlands. INKEF focuses on investment opportunities in Healthcare, Technology, IT/New Media & FinTech. For more information: About KPN Ventures KPN Ventures is the venturing arm of KPN, The Netherlands' leading telecom & ICT company. For more information: [1] Ponemon Institute, The Value of Threat Intelligence, September 2017 Photos: Press release distributed by PRLog SOURCE EclecticIQ Related Links EclecticIQ, the global provider of Cyber Threat Intelligence technology solutions and Fusion Center operator today announced a Series-B investment of 14 million. The investment round is led by Keen Ventures Partners with the participation of existing investors. This investment follows a Series-A investment in May 2016 of 5.5 million led by INKEF with KPN Ventures also participating. Investment in the organization now totals over 20 million. (Photo: ) Founded in 2014, EclecticIQ employs a team of 60 with unique skills and strong analyst backgrounds. It holds offices in Amsterdam, London, and Herndon (Virginia, USA). The Series-B investment makes EclecticIQ one of the best-funded cyber security scale-ups in Europe. It will lead to accelerated expansion of its workforce, with a focus on expanding its portfolio of technologies and capabilities of its Fusion Center offering. EclecticIQ supports dedicated teams of threat analysts working continuously to de-risk an organization's cyber profile by building an accurate picture of its cyber threat landscape. Previously, threat intelligence capabilities were only found at organizations with the highest risks such as Governments, Critical National Infrastructures and regulated industries such as banking. Today, threat intelligence is on the agenda of many organization's boardrooms due to advanced attacks that often reach mainstream media and regulation requirements such as the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA). "EclecticIQ plays a pivotal role in supporting our customers and partners in their fight against the accelerating landscape of cyber threats. Agility and human enablement is key in bringing back balance in our fight against cyber adversaries." said Joep Gommers, CEO and founder of EclecticIQ. "We're in a unique position to not just enable analysts with the tools they require to be as productive as they can be, but also to give them access to the world's leading intelligence suppliers without the hassle of complicated integration and procurement." Watch the EclecticIQ Series-B announcement video message (1.5 minutes). EclecticIQ Platform provides an advanced analyst-centric toolset and intelligence reporting capability, including automated instrumentation of IT Security Controls for prevention and detection. It is the market-leading Threat Intelligence Platform for national governments, due to its scalability and on-premise offerings that meet the most demanding intelligence requirements. EclecticIQ Fusion Center further empowers analysts by giving unified access to the world's supply of leading threat intelligence suppliers, thereby enhancing in-house analysts' efficiency, capability, and freeing up time to research advanced threats and hunt for unknown risks. Many organizations kick-start or scale their threat intelligence capabilities as the number and complexity of cyber threats continue to rise. Actionable intelligence drives internal decision-making at various levels from Security Operations and Incident Response to C-level executives. By sharing intelligence with trusted partners, organizations collaborate to build an active shield against existing and future attacks. "Impressed by the technology, the team and the huge potential of this market, Keen is proud to further support the spectacular growth of EclecticIQ" said Alexander Ribbink, General Partner at Keen. Challenges that organizations report include, amongst others, finding threat analysts and lack of staff expertise. To make cyber threat intelligence accessible to organizations with a lower cyber maturity capability, less resources and smaller budgets, EclecticIQ will further develop its product portfolio and support mid-market through modularization. As a first step towards this goal, EclecticIQ Fusion Center Intelligence Essentials, was announced last week, enabling organizations to kick-start their threat intelligence activity. It is offered entirely online, includes a free trial, can be acquired directly and consumed immediately without complex setup. About EclecticIQ EclecticIQ helps organizations turn cyber threat intelligence into business value with a suite of products built for cyber security professionals in threat intelligence, threat hunting, SOC, and Incident Response roles. EclecticIQ Platform is the analyst-centric threat intelligence platform based on STIX/TAXII that meets the full spectrum of intelligence needs. EclecticIQ Fusion Center enables the acquisition of thematic bundles of cyber threat intelligence from leading suppliers with a single contract. In 2016, the company won Deloitte's Technology FAST50 Rising Star Award for "Most Disruptive Innovator". EclecticIQ is headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at About Keen Venture Partners Keen Venture Partners is a venture capital firm investing in high potential technology scale-ups with transformative potential. Keen's team is highly committed to helping talented entrepreneurs by leveraging its network, expertise and capital. The firm operates out of London and Amsterdam and focuses on European and select North American investment opportunities. Keen Venture Partners is a Small AIFM authorized in the UK by the FCA and registered as a manager of a 'European Venture Capital Fund'. The investment in EclecticIQ benefits from the support of the European Union under the Equity Facility for Growth established by the Council creating a Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized enterprises (COSME). For more information: About INKEF Capital INKEF Capital is an Amsterdam-based venture capital firm that focuses on long-term collaboration and active support of innovative technology companies. INKEF Capital was founded in 2010 by Dutch pension fund ABP and with 500 million under management it is one of the largest venture capital funds in the Netherlands. INKEF focuses on investment opportunities in Healthcare, Technology, IT/New Media & FinTech. For more information: About KPN Ventures KPN Ventures is the venturing arm of KPN, The Netherlands' leading telecom & ICT company. For more information: 1. Ponemon Institute [], The Value of Threat Intelligence, September 2017 SOURCE EclecticIQ TSX: ELD NYSE: EGO VANCOUVER, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Eldorado Gold Corporation ("Eldorado" or the "Company") announces it will move the Skouries development project into care and maintenance. Dialogue has continued with Greece's Ministry of Energy and Environment ("MoE") with respect to the development of the Company's subsidiary Hellas Gold S.A.'s, Kassandra Mine assets in Halkidiki, Northern Greece. However, the MoE has failed to issue the amended Electromechanical Installation permit for the Skouries flotation plant as well as other matters including, but not limited to, the relocation of antiquities at the Skouries site. The Company has also initiated legal action within the statutory deadline in order to enforce and protect its legal rights. This legal action consists of three lawsuits which have been filed with the Council of State ("CoS"), requesting judicial protection against the Ministry's failure to issue routine installation permits, resulting in unjustifiable delays to the development of the Skouries facilities. Furthermore, the Company has filed with the CoS a petition for non-compliance of the Ministry with a previous decision granted by the CoS. The Company will re-assess its investment in the Skouries project upon approval and receipt of the required permits, coupled with a supportive government open to discussions regarding the use and implementation of best available technologies. Olympias Phase I progress on historical tailings cleanup continues and the ramp-up to commercial production at Olympias Phase II during the quarter demonstrate our commitment to high environmental standards and long term partnership with communities as well as our ability to construct and operate mines in Greece. Early indications from exploration drilling at Stratoni to extend the mine life are positive. George Burns, Eldorado's President and CEO stated, "Although we have made good progress on the Olympias mine, we require the necessary permits and government support prior to investing further in Skouries. As a consequence we are now taking the necessary legal action to enforce the Company's rights while continuing efforts to resolve outstanding matters through ongoing dialogue." About Eldorado Gold Eldorado is a leading intermediate gold producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Turkey, Greece, Canada, Romania, Serbia and Brazil. The Company's success to date is based on a highly skilled and dedicated workforce, safe and responsible operations, a portfolio of high-quality assets, and long-term partnerships with the communities where it operates. Eldorado's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: ELD) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: EGO). Forward Looking Statement Certain of the statements made and information provided in this press release are forward-looking statements or information within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements and forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "continue"", "projected", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "projected", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negatives thereof or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "to be", "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such forward-looking statements or information include, but are not limited to, statements or information with respect to first production at Skouries, exploration drilling at Stratoni and commercial production at Olympias. Forward-looking statements and forward-looking information by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. We have made certain assumptions about the forward-looking statements and information, including assumptions about the geopolitical, economic, permitting and legal climate that we operate in; the future price of gold and other commodities; exchange rates; anticipated costs and expenses; production, mineral reserves and resources and metallurgical recoveries, the impact of acquisitions, dispositions, suspensions or delays on our business and the ability to achieve our goals. Even though our management believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements or information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that the forward-looking statement or information will prove to be accurate. Many assumptions may be difficult to predict and are beyond our control. Furthermore, should one or more of the risks, uncertainties or other factors materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements or information. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others, the following: geopolitical and economic climate (global and local), risks related to mineral tenure and permits; gold and other metal price volatility; mining operational and development risk; foreign country operational risks; risks of sovereign investment; regulatory environment and restrictions, including environmental regulatory restrictions and liability; discrepancies between actual and estimated production, mineral reserves and resources and metallurgical testing and recoveries; risks related to impact of the sale of our Chinese assets on the Company's operations; risks related to the acquisition of Integra Gold Corporation; additional funding requirements; currency fluctuations; litigation and arbitration risks; community and non-governmental organization actions; speculative nature of gold exploration; dilution; share price volatility; competition; loss of key employees; and defective title to mineral claims or property, as well as those factors discussed in the sections entitled "Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk factors in our business" in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form and Form 40-F. The reader is directed to carefully review the detailed risk discussion in our most recent Annual Information Form filed on SEDAR under our Company name, for a fuller understanding of the risks and uncertainties that affect the Company's business and operations. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements or information contained herein. Except as required by law, we do not expect to update forward-looking statements and information continually as conditions change and you are referred to the full discussion of the Company's business contained in the Company's reports filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada and the U.S. SOURCE Eldorado Gold Corporation WASHINGTON, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recognized 18 Americans who are donating recovered-artifacts back to the Kingdom. The embassy hosted an event on Tuesday, Nov. 7 in conjunction with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's inaugural National Antiquities Forumthe Kingdom's inaugural exhibit aimed at elevating the importance of preserving the country's rich cultural heritage. The Riyadh-based forum, hosted by the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, underscores the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's deep historyand the wide reach in which its cultural antiquities have spread across the globe. "We are grateful to these individuals for helping the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia safeguard its heritage for generations to come. As the National Antiquities Forum highlights, the protection of historical artifacts feeds into the preservation of a country's national identity. Through these generous contributions, we can further showcase our heritage for those in the Kingdom, and around the world," His Royal Highness Ambassador Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States of America, said. From diving into ancient trade routes to uncovering traditions embedded among the Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah, the National Antiquities Forum will showcase antiquities from prehistoric times though the end of the fourteenth century. Separate workshops will explore the latest innovations in archaeological excavation, while addressing the role the media and citizens alike can play in cultivating a national responsibility to protect historic artifacts. The National Antiquities Forum follows a string of global events celebrating the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's antiquities. From 2010 through Oct. 2017, the Roads of Arabia Expo displayed more than 300 archaeological masterpieces in more than 10 cities across Europe and the U.S. The groundbreaking tour reflected the first display of Saudi artifacts outside of the Kingdom. The Kingdom's increasing international presence comes on the heels of ongoing efforts to enhance and expand the country's cultural footprint. The event on Tuesday at the embassy honored the Americans who donated artifacts. The Washington, D.C., proceedings live-streamed the forum from Riyadh, providing attendees a live-look at the event in the Kingdom. SOURCE Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Information Office LONDON, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- "The environmental testing market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period" Download the full report: The environmental testing market is projected to reach USD 12.75 billion by 2022 from USD 9.03 billion in 2017, at a CAGR of 7.1%. The market is driven by increasing regulations pertaining to environment protection, cost- & time-effective customized testing services, and active participation of government and regulatory bodies to monitor environmental conditions. High capital investment for accurate and sensitive analytical testing is the major restraint for this market. "Wastewater/Effluent led the market with the largest share in 2016" Wastewater/effluent testing was the largest segment in 2016. Growing environmental concerns related to waste disposal & treatment and regulations on wastewater/effluent disposal are reasons for its dominance. The water segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period due to the increase in health standards, demand for clean water, and shortage in water supply. "Organic compounds to be the dominant contaminant segment during the forecast period" The environmental testing market, by contaminant, was dominated by the organic compounds segment which is also projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period owing to its high level of emissions and sustained growth in consumption, mainly of hydrocarbons. The risk of health problems is most likely to increase by breathing low levels of organic compounds for prolonged periods of time. Exposure to organic compounds is also known to cause serious illnesses in humans such as cancer, kidney damage, and lung damage. "North America led the market with the largest share in 2016" North America was the largest environmental testing market in 2016. Several environment-governing organizations are present in the market and have enforced various environment protection policies. The North American environmental testing market addresses various environmental issues such as climate change, acid rain reduction, and greenhouse gas emissions. The market in the Asia Pacific region is projected to be the fastest from 2017 to 2022 and is driven by infrastructure development such as construction and energy-related projects, growing awareness regarding environmental pollution and sustainable transformation of environmental policies. The breakdown of the primaries on the basis of company, designation, and region, conducted during the research study, is as follows: By Company type: Tier 1 50%, Tier 2 25%, and Tier 3 25% By Designation: C-Level 35%, D-Level 25%, Others*-40% By Region: North America 12%, Europe 13%, Asia Pacific 63%, and, South America-12% *Others include sales managers, marketing managers, and product managers. Note: Tier 1: Revenue > USD 500 million; Tier 2: USD 100 million > Revenue > USD 500 million; Tier 3: Revenue < USD 100 million Key environmental testing players include the following: SGS (Switzerland) Eurofins (Luxembourg) Intertek (UK) Bureau Veritas (France) ALS (Australia) The above-mentioned companies collectively accounted for the largest portion of the environmental testing market in 2016. Other players also have a strong presence in this market. These players are as follows: Merieux (US) Microbac Laboratories (US) R J Hill Laboratories (New Zealand) Symbio Laboratories (Australia) Alex Stewart (UK) The key players in the environmental testing market adopted acquisition as their key growth strategy to increase their market share and profits. Expansions accounted for the second-highest percentage of the total developments. Research Coverage The report analyzes the environmental testing market across different contaminants and regions. It aims at estimating the market size and future growth potential of this market across different segments such as sample, contaminant, technology, and region. Further, the report also includes in-depth competitive analysis of the key players in the market along with their company profiles, recent developments, and key market strategies. Key Benefits of Buying the Report: The report will help market leaders/new entrants in this market by providing them the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall environmental testing market and the subsegments. This report will help stakeholders to better understand the competitor landscape, gain more insights to better position their businesses, and make suitable go-to-market strategies. The report will also help the stakeholders to understand the market and provide them information on key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities. Download the full report: About Reportbuyer Reportbuyer is a leading industry intelligence solution that provides all market research reports from top publishers For more information: Sarah Smith Research Advisor at Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 208 816 85 48 Website: SOURCE ReportBuyer Related Links LONDON and YVERDON LES BAINS, Switzerland and DALLAS, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- EPAL, a joint venture between Indian state-owned Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) and UK-based EnergyPro Limited (EP), is partnering with leading battery storage solutions provider Leclanche, starting with the investment of US $12 million in a previously announced and nearly completed advanced battery storage project in Ontario, Canada, known as Basin 1 and 2[1]. The high-quality project, built and owned by Leclanche and development partner Deltro Energy, is the first utility scale energy storage facility designed to balance the Ontario power grid, with a total investment of approximately US $25 million. The battery storage project will provide services to the Independent Energy Systems Operator (IESO) that oversees and manages the power grid of the province of Ontario, and is interconnected to Toronto Hydro, the largest municipal electricity distribution company in Canada. The Ontario power supply has shifted heavily towards intermittent power sources over the past three years creating additional grid management challenges for the IESO. The lithium battery storage project will improve stability on Canada's largest transmission grid by managing unbalanced supply-demand situations. The partnership has strategic importance from India's perspective as its government has set a target of achieving 175GW of renewable energy by the year 2022, equivalent to 40 per cent of the country's energy supply, up from 12 per cent now. This was a part of India's commitment during COP21. To achieve this target, India's energy supply will be dependent on intermittent power sources and ancillary services will be required to stabilise the grid. Battery storage will help achieve stabilisation, supply power to charging stations and reduce the substantial Unscheduled Interchange (UI) charges payable by the country's utilities and states (around $461.5 million annually). Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Mr. Dinesh K. Patnaik, Acting High Commissioner of India to UK, said, "This partnership marks the beginning of a significant development in the energy efficiency sector. With the ever-increasing energy consumption, technologies like battery storage will go hand in hand with efficiency to balance supply and demand. I am very hopeful that EPAL, with its excellent track record in driving the UJALA (UK Joins Affordable LEDs for All) initiative, will bring a revolution in the market with its advancement into battery storage projects." Mr Saurabh Kumar, Managing Director, EESL, and Chairman of subsidiary EPAL, said, "We are delighted to partner with Leclanche. It has been our constant endeavor to make future-ready technology solutions accessible. With a focus on long, low-carbon initiatives globally, we have partnered with the world's leading battery storage solution provider. We are confident that this partnership will help bring a new era of clean energy solutions for the world." "Working together with EESL on this project has highlighted some unique synergies between the companies," said Anil Srivastava, Leclanche CEO. "We are exploring many additional ways to integrate Leclanche's advanced lithium battery solutions into stationary storage systems as well as new mobility applications such as EV charging stations, full-electric buses and urban transportation systems." "At EnergyPro we are excited to be working with our JV partner EESL and Leclanche on this significant utility scale energy storage project. We see it as a first step to deploying energy storage solutions at a range of scales, something that will be essential to the energy transition in all economies," said Steven Fawkes, Managing Partner at EnergyPro Limited. The Indian government recently launched an ambitious investment program in new energy, both domestically and overseas, of which the investment in the Leclanche and Deltro Project forms a part. The domestic plans are driven by the government's target of increasing the contribution of renewables to the country's energy supply. As part of this, the government has mandated that by 2030 all vehicles on its roads will be electric the most aggressive such target in the world. Battery storage helps stabilize grids, which is a challenge as they become increasingly dependent on intermittent renewable energy sources. Storage also reduces the operational costs of grids and defers and reduces future infrastructure costs. Integral to its global programme, in May 2017, the Indian government announced that it would invest 155 million in clean energy initiatives in the UK's public and private sectors through EPAL. To date, EPAL's UK initiatives include an affordable LED lighting scheme (UJALA), targeted at social housing associations in London, and the acquisition of two energy savings companies serving seven clients in education and leisure. The global energy storage markets continue to experience very high growth. According to Navigant Research, in the four years to 2020 utility-scale generation and micro grids will experience a Combined Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 48 per cent; commercial and industrial battery systems, 58 per cent CAGR; and eTransport, 37 per cent CAGR. Panitek Power AG, headquartered in Switzerland, was the investment adviser on the transaction. About EPAL EESL EnergyPro Assets Limited (EPAL) is a joint venture of Energy Efficiency Services Limited, an Energy Service Company under the Ministry of Power, Government of India, and EnergyPro Ltd, an advisory company in energy efficiency. EESL is promoted by four large public-sector undertakings with a combined net worth of over $32 billion. EESL is implementing the world's largest non-subsidy energy efficiency portfolio across areas including lighting, buildings and agriculture, at a unique scale. In the UK, through its subsidiary EPAL, EESL aims to promote and implement low-carbon, energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in both the public and private sectors. About Leclanche Leclanche is one of the world's leading fully vertically integrated energy storage solution providers. It delivers a wide range of energy storage solutions for homes, small offices, large industries, electricity grids, as well as hybridization for mass transport systems such as bus fleets and ferries. Established in 1909, Leclanche has been a trusted provider of battery energy storage solutions for over 100 years. Founded in the tradition of Georges Leclanche, the inventor of the dry cell battery, Leclanche today has a rich portfolio of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) that include bespoke battery systems from industry leading lithium-ion solutions. Leclanche is listed on the Swiss stock exchange, and is the only listed pure-play energy storage company in the world. SIX Swiss Exchange: ticker symbol LECN | ISIN CH 011 030 311 9 About Deltro Energy Deltro Energy Inc. is a member of The Deltro Group of Companies which strives to empower communities through the provision of reliable electricity. Providing turnkey solutions that are scalable, practical, deployable and commercially feasible makes Deltro Energy Inc. a leading energy storage solution developer in Canada. With momentous global growth in the renewable energy industry, Deltro quickly expanded from completing subcontract installations through major Canadian construction contractors to partnering on renewable projects and entering into its own Power Purchase Agreements. While solidifying its position here in Canada, Deltro has begun its expansion into the Caribbean as well. Learn more at or connect with us on Twitter @DeltroGroup. Disclaimer This press release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to Leclanche's business, which can be identified by terminology such as "strategic", "proposes", "to introduce", "will", "planned", "expected", "commitment", "expects", "set", "preparing", "plans", "estimates", "aims", "would", "potential", "awaiting", "estimated", "proposal", or similar expressions, or by expressed or implied discussions regarding the ramp up of Leclanche's production capacity, potential applications for existing products, or regarding potential future revenues from any such products, or potential future sales or earnings of Leclanche or any of its business units. You should not place undue reliance on these statements. Such forward-looking statements reflect the current views of Leclanche regarding future events, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. There can be no guarantee that Leclanche's products will achieve any particular revenue levels. Nor can there be any guarantee that Leclanche, or any of the business units, will achieve any particular financial results. [1] Basin 1 is scheduled to undergo completion testing in December 2017 and Basin 2 will follow with commercial operations in the first quarter 2018. SOURCE Leclanche LONDON, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Connectivity and data integration experts F4F, part of Proagrica, and established Farm Management System experts 365FarmNet have announced an exciting new strategic data connectivity agreement that will, as a first priority, enable connection of machinery operation data into 365FarmNets customer portals. (Logo: ) The exclusive agreement sees two of the worlds most experienced agri-data companies join forces to heighten and simplify farmer experience, demonstrating technical capability at a level never seen before in agribusiness. As farming and machinery has become ever more sophisticated over recent years a plethora of consoles have appeared, managing ever-increasing capabilities between tractor and implement. This added complexity, while valuable, creates data transfer issues. Previously 365FarmNet has provided farmers with business information clearly set out in a single programme, this new collaboration with F4F will enhance this offering by facilitating the seamless inclusion of machinery operation data into the programme. "Imagine it's possible for farmers to simply take their operation data back into the office, plug in and then 'send and forget'. Our technology does the data transformation and delivers the operation data to 365FarmNet," says Nick Evans, Managing Director at F4F."We have drawn on our 20 years of connectivity and integration experience alongside huge knowledge gained in developing Gatekeeper, the UK's leading arable Farm Management System." Says Mr Evans, "this solution takes the complexity out of uploading applied field operation data and makes Precision farming a seamless and integral part of your day-to-day farm management." "We're really excited to bring this new level of connectivity to our customers," says Patrick Honcoop, Product Manager at 365FarmNet. "this solution will be compatible with both legacy equipment and newer cloud based systems, allowing all of our customers to take advantage of the data revolution. We're looking forward to the implementation process and working with F4F to provide a farm management solution for all farmers - independent of size or type of operation." Sarah Alexander, Arable Commercial Product Manager, Proagrica says "The project will roll-out in Q1 2018 with John Deere and Class applied job data integration. From Q2 onwards we will accelerate the capability to include all of the major machine manufacturers used by 365FarmNet customers. " Mr Evans adds, "This is only the start, our long-term vision for this strategic agreement is extensive and may include further connectivity to precision agricultural job data as well as integration with input suppliers and output operators, for example providing supply chain data straight into the 365FarmNet system." This exciting new strategic agreement is being officially announced on the Proagrica & 365FarmNet stands in Hall 15 at this year's Agritechnica in Hanover 12th-18th November. If you would like further information on how you could benefit, please contact us at [email protected] or About Proagrica Proagrica provides critical decision-support to the global agriculture industry by delivering high-value insight and data, trusted workflow tools, proven integration technology and effective channels-to-market. We're proud of our market-leading brands in Europe, as well as a growing footprint in Australia, Asia Pacific, South Africa and the US. Our portfolio includes flagship media brands Farmers Weekly and Boerderij, as well as the latest in the integration and connectivity capabilities that F4F offers across the supply chain. We're known for our industry leading farm management software Farmplan and GateKeeper, but with an increasing need for actionable insight from data and analytics, we have been developing new products in this area under our Agility brand. Proagrica is a global division of Reed Business Information and the RELX Group, a FTSE 100 company with a total market capitalisation of approximately 34.4bn/38.8bn/$45.1bn[*] .,, 365FarmNet - The digital solution for agricultural holdings 365FarmNet is Europe's largest, multi award-winning cloud-based software for the entire farm management, independent of farm size and type of operation. The 365FarmNet platform is manufacturer-independent and cross-segmental and using partner Apps, covers all functions required for operational management. Starting with cultivation planning through to harvest, including important topics in the field of pesticides and fertilizers, from field to farm, from documentation to operational analysis. 365FarmNet helps farmers deal with important issues regarding operational processes and integrates different evaluation options and special services in working practices in the simplest way possible. The basic version of 365FarmNet is free of charge. This basic version already fulfils the requirements on the necessary scope of documentation for farmers. Farmers are able to book individual components subject to a charge in an innovative and continually growing modular system and adjust the platform individually to meet their needs. Using the free 365FarmNet Apps for iOS and Android, farmers are also in the position to document via their mobile devices meeting cross compliance regulations and enter a posting wherever the work has been carried out - on the farm or out in the field. 365FarmNet together with more than 30 European partners develops innovative applications for users from more than 20 countries. At present, the platform is available in five languages: German, English, French, Polish and Bulgarian. For further information please contact: Sarah Riley Account Director rdp [email protected] +44-(0)-1452-429-175 Yasmin Mohring Communications Manager 365FarmNet [email protected] +49-30-25-93-29-901 [*]Current market capitalisation can be found at SOURCE Proagrica WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fifty-nine diverse faith leaders today delivered a letter to Congress urging lawmakers to "be merciful as your father in heaven is merciful" by rejecting current legislation to repeal D.C.'s medical aid-in-dying law and opposing this end-of-life care option nationwide. Kim Callinan, chief program officer, Compassion & Choices The letter signers are from D.C. and 23 states and collectively represent 14 faiths: Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Community of Christ, Episcopal, Interfaith, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Protestant, Seventh-Day Adventist, Unitarian Universalist, and United Church of Christ. The letter is posted at: "...centuries ago rabbinic sages recognized the importance of granting mercy in the dying process," the faith leaders wrote. "The basic premise of medical aid in dying is simple and merciful: An adult of sound mind who faces imminent death should have the option to die peacefully. We represent a range of faith perspectives from across the nation and support a dying patient's right to a peaceful death at the end of life." On Sept. 14, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an appropriations bill (H.R. 3354) that included an amendment by U.S. Rep. Andy Harris (MD) to repeal the D.C. Death with Dignity Act, which authorizes medical aid in dying in the District of Columbia. On Sept. 26, Reps. Brad Wenstrup (OH) and Lou Correa (CA), along with eight other Members, introduced House Concurrent Resolution 80, erroneously claiming medical aid in dying undermines the integrity of the health care system. "As children of God who comfort the terminally ill and their families, often at the dying person's bedside, we have seen the suffering that can occur during our final days," the letter concluded. "We believe God is a God of love and compassion, one who would not abandon a dying person who is suffering and refuse that person the means to die peacefully in whatever way is consistent with their own individual faith and beliefs." Medical aid in dying is an option for mentally capable, terminally ill adults with six months or less to live to peacefully end their suffering if it becomes unbearable in the District of Columbia and six states: California, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. There is no evidence of misuse with this end-of-life care option in the 40 years of combined experience in these seven jurisdictions. Numerous polls show strong support for medical aid in dying among both U.S. physicians and Americans across the ethnic, political and religious spectrum. "These leaders represent a wide range of faiths, and they have all reached the same conclusion: dying people should have the option to peacefully end their suffering if it is in line with their personal spiritual values," said Kim Callinan, chief program officer for Compassion & Choices. "We urge Congress to follow their example and continue allowing dying DC residents access to this humane end-of-life care option." Compassion & Choices is the nation's oldest and largest nonprofit organization working to improve care and expand options for the end of life. National Media Contact : Sean Crowley, (202) 495-8520-c, [email protected] Latino Media: Patricia A. Gonzalez-Portillo, (310) 819-0310, [email protected] SOURCE Compassion & Choices Related Links AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- FCA Foundation awards $300,000 to The Mission Continues and Forgotten Harvest for community impact and workplace development initiatives The FCA Foundation, the charitable arm of North American automaker FCA US LLC, today awarded $250,000 to The Mission Continues and $50,000 to Forgotten Harvest. The grants will support community impact and workplace development initiatives for veterans who are adjusting to life at home. "As a proud employer of more than 5,000 veterans, FCA US understands firsthand the contributions these men and women continue to make after their military service is complete," said Barbara Pilarski, Head of Human Resources, FCA - North America and Trustee, FCA Foundation. "The FCA Foundation is pleased to offer grants to organizations that provide veterans opportunities to help themselves and their communities." FCA Foundation Veteran Support Grants $250,000: The Mission Continues empowers veterans who are adjusting to life at home to find purpose through community impact. The organization deploys veterans on new missions in their communities, so that their actions will inspire future generations to serve. Operations in cities across the nation send veteran volunteers to work alongside non-profit partners and community leaders to solve some of the most challenging community issues: improving community education resources, eliminating food deserts, mentoring at-risk youth and more. "The Mission Continues is proud and excited to partner with the FCA Foundation and FCA US to empower more veterans across the country to serve again in their hometown," said Spencer Kympton, President, The Mission Continues. "As a company who cares strongly and believes in the power of veterans here at home, we know that this partnership will strengthen our ability to engage more veterans across the country, as well as FCA US employee volunteers, to have a deep impact in local communities." $50,000: Forgotten Harvest's Workforce Development Program supports the growing food and agriculture sector in southeast Michigan by expanding the numbers of skilled men and women qualified for jobs and careers in the food and agriculture business sector. The ultimate goal is to make sure everyone has a job after graduation. Veterans and others, who have had difficulty seeking employment for a variety of reasons, will learn about food processing, distribution, logistics and basic farming at Forgotten Harvest Farms. "Forgotten Harvest is honored to receive FCA Foundation support for our collaborative workforce development program for veterans with barriers to employment," said Kirk Mayes, CEO, Forgotten Harvest. "FCA's generous funding supports a food industry-focused program, which builds upon lessons learned in our 18-month pilot workforce development program." The Mission Continues in Detroit FCA US volunteers will join The Mission Continues' Detroit 2nd Service Platoon for "Veterans Day Cody-Rouge Carry On" (Saturday, November 11, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.) at Stein Park, 9258 Stahelin Avenue. The mission at the park, adopted by Motor City Grounds Crew and The Mission Continues, includes hands-on revitalization and maintenance projects working alongside youth, community members and fellow veterans. FCA US has several programs in place to support veterans. Recently, the FCA Foundation announced support of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO), including underwriting special $10 tickets for veterans to attend "Heroes Night" concerts (all in 2018) performed in Orchestra Hall. The funding will also enable the DSO to collaborate with the John D. Dingell Veterans Affairs Medical Hospital, sending musicians to perform at the hospital and providing for DSO webcasts in patient rooms. tickets for veterans to attend "Heroes Night" concerts (all in 2018) performed in Orchestra Hall. The funding will also enable the DSO to collaborate with the John D. Dingell Veterans Affairs Medical Hospital, sending musicians to perform at the hospital and providing for DSO webcasts in patient rooms. In 2011, FCA US joined forces with supplier Prestige Group, based in Clinton Township, Michigan , to offer a life-changing program for returning veterans, who earn engineering internship positions at FCA US while they finish their undergraduate degrees. More than 100 veterans have taken advantage of this program, with eight having completed their degrees. , to offer a life-changing program for returning veterans, who earn engineering internship positions at FCA US while they finish their undergraduate degrees. More than 100 veterans have taken advantage of this program, with eight having completed their degrees. FCA US received Silver Status as a Michigan Friendly Employer by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency in recognition of recruitment strategies aimed at veterans. The Company's Belvidere Assembly Plant teamed up with PepsiCo Recycling to support PepsiCo Recycling's partnership with the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities. FCA US also received the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve's prestigious Freedom award for its exceptional support of enlisted employees.FCA US currently has 23 employees on active military leave, with 434 currently serving as active or inactive reservists and guardsmen and more than 5,100 employees are military veterans. About the FCA Foundation The FCA Foundation is committed to rebalancing inequalities to promote the full realization of every human being. We seek to support outcomes in our communities that ensure people can enjoy equality and dignity. The FCA Foundation directs its resources toward the following areas of focus: Youth Development helping young people develop the leadership qualities and resiliency necessary to succeed in school, at work, and in life. helping young people develop the leadership qualities and resiliency necessary to succeed in school, at work, and in life. Education building the skills and competencies that lead to achievement and support educational access and success. building the skills and competencies that lead to achievement and support educational access and success. Military/Veterans ensuring veterans successfully transition to civilian life and that the needs of military service members and their families are supported. ensuring veterans successfully transition to civilian life and that the needs of military service members and their families are supported. Service leveraging the talents and contributions of all members of the community. SOURCE FCA US LLC Related Links According to a report released by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), FCA US LLC was one of a select group of leading employers to achieve a 100 percent rating on HRC's 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI). The annual CEI report rates employers on their LGBTQ workplace policies and benefits. A 100 percent rating indicates a company provides full parity for domestic partner benefits, not only in basic medical coverage, but in dependent care, retirement and other benefits that affect the financial and medical well-being of families. A 100 percent rating also signifies coverage for transgender individuals for medically necessary care a community the HRC notes has historically been overlooked. The HRC, the largest civil rights organization in the U.S., rated nearly 1,000 employers for the 2018 report, including the entire Fortune 500. The top-rated businesses span nearly every industry and major geography of the U.S. "FCA US is proud of our longstanding support of our LGBTQ employees, customers and communities," said Kelly Tolbert, Head of Diversity, FCA US LLC. "Our consistent record of providing an inclusive work culture and benefit parity for our LGBTQ employees represents our core belief in the talents and potential of our people." The Company was the first automaker to offer domestic partner benefits to employees in 2000 and has attained a 100 percent CEI rating 11 times since the benchmark was established in 2002. "Solid performance by FCA US on the Corporate Equality Index demonstrates the Company's commitment to creating and sustaining a supportive and inclusive work culture," said Kelly Hanlon, Chair of GALA, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance at FCA US. "Scoring a 100 percent on the CEI has been a source of pride for the Company, especially its LGBTQ employee community." GALA is one of seven business resource groups at FCA US. These employee-directed groups pursue initiatives that celebrate multicultural differences and bring value to the larger community through volunteer, charitable, career-building and strategic activities. GALA's objectives include promoting a positive awareness of LGBTQ people and issues within FCA US and to ensure that the Company's products and services are tailored to diverse customers. According to the 2018 report, "since the CEI's inception in 2002, America's largest employers, including so many with a global footprint, have embraced LGBTQ inclusion as a best business practice. Protections for employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are now non-negotiable components of business operations." The 2018 Corporate Equality Index report is available at About the Human Rights Campaign Foundation The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is the educational arm of America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community. About FCA US LLC FCA US LLC is a North American automaker based in Auburn Hills, Michigan. It designs, manufactures, and sells or distributes vehicles under the Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, FIAT and Alfa Romeo brands, as well as the SRT performance designation. The Company also distributes Mopar and Alfa Romeo parts and accessories. FCA US is building upon the historic foundations of Chrysler Corp., established in 1925 by industry visionary Walter P. Chrysler and Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (F.I.A.T.), founded in Italy in 1899 by pioneering entrepreneurs, including Giovanni Agnelli. FCA US is a member of the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. (FCA) family of companies. (NYSE: FCAU/ MTA: FCA). FCA, the seventh-largest automaker in the world based on total annual vehicle sales, is an international automotive group. FCA is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "FCAU" and on the Mercato Telematico Azionario under the symbol "FCA." Follow FCA US news and video on: Company blog: Company website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Twitter (Spanish): YouTube: Media website: SOURCE FCA US LLC Related Links XENIA, Ohio, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Nov. 6, Teamsters Local 957 members working for First Student approved an agreement with the company after five months of negotiations and the threat of a strike, which was narrowly avoided. The agreement was ratified by more than a 70 percent margin. "The bargaining unit really came together at the final hour in solidarity to ratify an agreement that is fair to everyone," said Local 957 President Kenneth Howard. "We're looking forward to a productive relationship with the company at this yard over the next few years." The successor agreement contains wage increases and increases in personal days for drivers and monitors, a key issue to the workers at the Xenia location. It also includes improvements to the grievance process and establishes quarterly meetings for a committee that works to establish positive relations between labor and management. Christine Little and Anna Shoemaker are stewards that served on the bargaining committee during contract negotiations with First Student. "The drivers and the monitors really stuck together," Little said. "We maintained solidarity and it was a good outcome." "Our business agents and the team at the local were wonderful; they were a big help in pulling everyone together," Shoemaker said. "We were focused on bringing people together on their common issues, and we got a good contract." Founded in 1903, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. Visit for more information. Follow us on Twitter @Teamsters and on Facebook at Contact: Galen Munroe, (202) 624-6911 [email protected] SOURCE Teamsters Local 957 Related Links DELRAY BEACH, Fla., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Florida Healthcare Law Firm continues to grow with addition of former HHS and DOJ Attorney Matthew M. Fischer. Fischer, a seasoned attorney with extensive experience in Medicare audits, appeals, and compliance has over a decade of criminal and civil trial experience. Prior to joining the firm, Matthew served as a Senior Attorney Advisor in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals. He advised federal administrative law judges (ALJs) on reimbursement appeals, including Medicare contractor overpayment audits (i.e., RAC, ZPIC, and PSC), statistical sampling extrapolation issues, Medicare Part D exceptions, and secondary payer appeals. Before joining HHS, he handled criminal and civil litigation matters for the U.S. Department of Justice as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney with the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and as an Assistant General Counsel with the FBI. As a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, he prosecuted narcotics distribution, weapons possession, theft, and other violent offenses. As Assistant General Counsel, he defended the FBI in Freedom of Information Act litigation preventing the disclosure of classified information in criminal, cyber, and counter-terrorism cases. "Matt's experience working for the FBI, Medicare and the Justice Department is just exemplary. His ability and enthusiasm for helping healthcare professionals and healthcare businesses is outstanding and his insight will be invaluable for our clients," said Jeff Cohen, who is board certified as a specialist in healthcare law and founded the Florida Healthcare Law Firm in 2008. Cohen goes on to say that "Clients dealing with Medicare audits, DEA Audits, Civil Investigative Demands and Medicare Payment Suspensions will especially benefit from Matt's depth of knowledge." The Florida Healthcare Law Firm is one of South Florida's leading firms serving healthcare professionals and businesses, such as medical practices, addiction treatment facilities, laboratories & pharmacies, hospitals and many more. The Firm's roots are in healthcare transactional and corporate matters and has grown to include a compliance division, a telemedicine division and an arm dedicated to helping healthcare providers and businesses get paid by managed care and defend against payor recoupment. The team of attorneys also handles professional licensing board matters, Stark Law & Anti-Kickback Law compliance, fraud and abuse and all manner of regulatory compliance for healthcare professionals. Visit the firm online at PRLog ID: SOURCE Florida Healthcare Law Firm Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Frankly Inc. (TSX VENTURE: TLK) (Frankly), the leader in transforming local TV broadcast and media companies by enabling them to publish and monetize their digital content across multiple platforms, has launched the Frankly Artificial Intelligence (AI) Initiative. Frankly's AI Initiative aims to leverage cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies to help media companies increase audience engagement, enhance content relevancy and deepen operational insights. The AI Initiative will include both in-house development and external partnerships to bring a suite of innovative products and services to Frankly's expanding customer base. "With over 200 media properties on our platform, Frankly is uniquely positioned to enable our customers to enter the next generation in media publishing and monetization by unlocking the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning," said Frankly Founder and CEO Steve Chung. "As traditional media gives way to new digital experiences for consumers, AI has the power to transform how media is created, consumed, distributed and monetized, and our goal is to be at the epicenter of that transformation through our new AI Initiative." With IRIS.TV, a leading video personalization and programming platform, Frankly AI enables intelligent video playback for consumers globally. "We selected IRIS.TV as the perfect partner to commence our AI Initiative that leverages machine learning to program the right digital video content to the right viewer in real-time with IRIS.TV's market-leading Adaptive Stream technology," said Todd Randak, head of product for Frankly. Field Garthwaite, CEO and co-founder of IRIS.TV, added, "There's a sea change happening that's affecting how media is distributed, consumed and monetized. Frankly is part of an important shift in how media platform providers innovate and customize audience experiences. Through our partnership, Frankly is able to leverage the power of AI and machine learning to serve up content that is highly relevant, engages audiences and offers up new revenue opportunities for media companies." Frankly currently processes more than 72,000 minutes of digital video per day for its media customers, and reaches over 60 million monthly active users across its full suite of products. For questions on how you can leverage the Frankly Video AI product, please email [email protected]. About Frankly Frankly (TSX VENTURE: TLK) builds an integrated software platform for media companies to create, distribute, analyze and monetize their content across all of their digital properties on web, mobile and TV. Its customers include NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX affiliates. The company is headquartered in San Francisco with major offices in New York. To learn more, visit About IRIS.TV IRIS.TV is a cloud-based personalized video programming system that allows publishers and content owners to generate more video views and engage users across all devices. The company's product suite is designed to increase video consumption and simplify operations for web, mobile, and OTT video distribution. The software integrates with existing video players using artificial intelligence and adaptive machine learning to automate streaming of personalized content based on audience preferences, user interaction, and behavioral segmentation. IRIS.TV has hundreds of customers across the world that rely on the company's video programming platform to keep their audiences watching. Based in Los Angeles, IRIS TV's investors include Sierra Wasatch, BDMI, Progress Ventures and individual backers including Machinima founder Allen DeBevoise, Lions Gate CFO James Barge as well as senior executives with Nielsen and AEG. SOURCE Frankly Inc. Related Links ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Fuddruckers and locally-based franchisee, NVBH Orange, are putting the final touches on their newest Orlando area restaurant. Located at 4311 E. Colonial Drive in Colonial Town Center, steps from Fashion Square and across from the Executive Airport, the 4,950-square-foot home of the "World's Greatest Hamburgers" is slated to welcome its first guests on November 13. This is the fourth Fuddruckers for NVBH Orange, a partnership consisting of Nick Vidalia, Ivan Reyes and Nelson Urdaneta. In addition to Orlando sites at 5250 International Drive and 12535 Apopka-Vineland Road, they also own and operate a Fuddruckers in Fort Meyers, FL. Ideal for a shopping break, business lunch on the run, family outings and date nights, the 182-seat restaurant will feature eclectic decor referencing Fuddruckers' classic, Americana origins. The interior design will incorporate whimsical elements ranging from arcade games to roadhouse signage. According to Peter Tropoli, Chief Operating Officer of Luby's, Inc., "We're always appreciative of Orlando's warm Florida welcome and are excited to be teaming up with our friends at NVBH again to make it easier than ever for locals to bite into our acclaimed burgers, salads and sandwiches." Since 1980, Fuddruckers has been obsessed with making the world happier, one great hamburger at a time. Grilled-to-order burgers feature always fresh and never frozen, 100% USDA premium-cut beef with no fillers or additives. Delicious, sesame-topped buns are baked from scratch on-site throughout the day to achieve the perfect combination of crisp crust and melt-in-your-mouth texture. And while burgers are the signature, the engaging menu offers variety for many tastes with an array of sandwiches, platters and salads. No matter what they choose, customers can customize their meal with a trip to the legendary Build Your Own produce bar, which features fantastic fixings like sun-ripened tomatoes, lettuce, sliced onions, dill pickles, pico de gallo and classic cheese sauce. About Luby's Luby's, Inc. (NYSE: LUB) operates 166 restaurants nationally: 88 Luby's Cafeterias, 71 Fuddruckers, and 7 Cheeseburger in Paradise. The Company is the franchisor for 112 Fuddruckers franchise locations across the United States (including Puerto Rico), Canada, Mexico, Italy, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Chile, and Colombia. Additionally, a licensee operates 34 restaurants with the exclusive right to use the Fuddruckers proprietary marks, trade dress, and system in certain countries in the Middle East. The Company does not receive revenue or royalties from these Middle East restaurants. Luby's Culinary Contract Services provides food service management to 23 sites consisting of healthcare, higher education, sport stadiums, and corporate dining locations. SOURCE Fuddruckers Related Links TOKYO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/-- Leading Japanese hotelier Fujita Kanko Inc. announced that the company will launch its first serviced apartment in Cikarang, located in Greater Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Construction is expected to start soon, with a scheduled opening in the fall of 2019. Offering the function and privacy of apartments with the facilities and move-in-ready condition of hotels, serviced apartments are fully furnished apartments that provide hotel-like amenities, services, and security. The typical clientele is business people, especially those relocating from overseas for a short or long-term stay with or without their families. Fujita Kanko's Cikarang serviced apartment, yet to be branded, is expected to have 214 rooms in three unit types for both single and family residents, accommodating both business travelers and expats. The facilities will include a restaurant, gym, club lounge and Japanese-style spa with outdoor bath. Cikarang, approximately 22 miles (35 km) east of Jakarta's city center, is known for its up and coming industrial developments, including Kota Jababeka, the largest industrial park in Southeast Asia. The area is attracting a growing number of international companies setting up their Indonesian offices/facilities. "Southeast Asia is a market that we've been eagerly watching, and we saw a big opportunity in Cikarang," said Akira Segawa, President and CEO of Fujita Kanko. "We have built our expertise as a hospitality company for over 60 years, so expanding into the serviced apartment business is a natural extension of Fujita Kanko's core offerings. This is a strategic move for us." Fujita Kanko currently has six overseas offices in Asia: Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok, Yangon and Jakarta, which was opened in 2015 to promote its 70+ Japanese properties, build international recognition for its businesses among travelers and other stakeholders, and develop local business. Fujita Kanko is also accelerating its new hotel openings. Its scheduled openings include Hotel Gracery Asakusa and Hotel Gracery Seoul in 2018, and Hotel Gracery Taipei in 2019. About Fujita Kanko Fujita Kanko Inc., established in 1955, is a publicly-traded tourism industry corporation headquartered in Tokyo. In addition to its core hospitality business, the company operates wedding and banquet facilities, high-end resorts, leisure facilities and related services. It has 70 properties/facilities, including its five-star flagship, Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, and 34 mid-priced hotels throughout Japan in the Hotel Gracery and Washington Hotels groups. Keiko Okano [email protected] +1-212-583-1084 (U.S.) SOURCE Fujita Kanko Inc. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Future Farm Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "Future Farm") (CSE: FFT) (OTCQB: FFRMF) is pleased to announce that it has engaged the services of Anthony Flores as marketing and brand manager to help build its Augmented Reality ('AR') platform brand. As previously announced, Future Farm has acquired the exclusive right to use AR E1, LLC's ('ARE1') patented AR technology within the cannabis industry. Future Farm and ARE1 will work together to merge AR and ad-tech with the cannabis industry through the CannaCube Live platform. See Augmented Reality Video Here: Augmented Reality Cube An overview of the business model is available for download on Future Farm's website or by using the following link: Augmented Reality Presentation Flores' ten years of experience in strategic marketing, coupled with his four years of Augmented Reality marketing, brings a unique strength to this pivotal marketing role. His wide portfolio includes strategic marketing to creative direction of innovative experiential programs for Swarovski, Pepsi, Mercedes Benz, and Zound Industries. In addition to his agency experience, Flores brings a strong background in lifestyle positioning serving the cannabis industry, having worked on strategic marketing and retail positioning campaigns for PAX and Golden State Sciences. Flores will play a key role in strategic marketing of the Augmented Reality CannaCube Live platform advancing its portfolio of Augmented Reality marketing capabilities to dispensaries, cultivation and extraction facilities and other marijuana businesses. "I am tremendously impressed with this leadership team, its progressive model and its ability to realize the vision of a modern cannabis industry that leverages Augmented Reality," says Flores. "We are pleased to have engaged the services of Mr. Anthony Flores," says Bill Gildea, CEO of Future Farm. "The AR market is estimated to grow to a $120 billion industry by 2020. Mr. Flores' services will help the CannaCube get into the hands of diverse marijuana businesses, thereby allowing Future Farm to be at the forefront of this fast growing cannabis market and fast growing technology." The AR market is expected to explode from a $10 billion market today to $120 billion over the next two years as Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Intel are now launching software and hardware to support this dynamic and fast-growing industry. Future Farm is aiming to carve out its niche in the cannabis market with augmented reality enhanced packaging for branding as well as an ad-tech driven platform where dispensaries, cultivators, processors and others will use its AR platform to create a richer customer experience in dispensaries, and at home. On behalf of the Board, Future Farm Technologies Inc. William Gildea, CEO & Chairman About Future Farm Future Farm Technologies Inc. is a Canadian company with projects throughout North America including California, Florida and Maryland. The Company's business model includes developing and acquiring technologies that will position it as a leader in the evolution of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) for the global production of various types of plants, with a focus on cannabis. Future Farm provides scalable, indoor CEA systems that utilize minimal land, water and energy regardless of climate, location or time of year and are customized to grow an abundance of crops close to consumers, therefore minimizing food miles and its impact to the environment. The Company holds an exclusive, worldwide license to use a patented vertical farming technology that, when compared to traditional plant production methods, generate yields up to 10 times greater per square foot of land. The contained system provides many other benefits including 90% less water, fertilizer and land used, less travel costs, seed-to-sale security, scalability, consistency due to year-round production, cost control, product safety and purity by eliminating environmental variability. The Company also utilizes a leading cannabis oil extraction technology, which enables the Company to process 20lbs/hour of cannabis plant to yield approximately 908 grams/hour of oil. The Company is also in the business of designing and distributing LED lighting solutions utilizing the COB and MCOB technology. The Company is focused on delivering cost efficient lighting to North America via advanced e-commerce sites the Company owns and operates., which caters to B2B customers, is a supplier of the newest and highest demand LED solutions. The Company also owns and operates, which caters to both large and small agriculture green houses and controlled cultivation centers. The Company recently acquired the exclusive right to use a patented, augmented reality (AR) technology in the cannabis industry. The Company will work with its partner to merge AR and ad-tech with the cannabis industry through the CannaCube Live[TM] platform. Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The Canadian Securities Exchange has not in any way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. This news release may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward looking. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such statements will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. We do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required under the applicable laws. For further information, contact: William Gildea CEO and Chairman +1-617-834-9467 SOURCE Future Farm Technologies Inc. LONDON, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Download the full report: Report Details Phototherapy equipment our new study reveals trends, R&D progress, and predicted revenues Where is the Phototherapy Equipment market heading? If you are involved in this sector you must read this brand new report. Visiongain's report shows you the potential revenues streams to 2027, assessing data, trends, opportunities and business prospects there. Discover how to stay ahead Our 146-page report provides 135 tables, charts, and graphs. Read on to discover the most lucrative areas in the industry and the future market prospects. Our new study lets you assess forecasted sales at overall world market and regional level. See financial results, trends, opportunities, and revenue predictions. Much opportunity remains in this growing Phototherapy Equipment market. See how to exploit the opportunities. Forecasts to 2027 and other analyses reveal the commercial prospects In addition to revenue forecasting to 2027, our new study provides you with recent results, growth rates, and market shares. You find original analyses, with business outlooks and developments. Discover qualitative analyses (including market dynamics, drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges), product profiles and commercial developments. Discover sales predictions for the world market and submarkets Along with revenue prediction for the overall world market, there are forecasts for 3 Phototherapy Equipment Types, 2 Phototherapy Applications and 2 Phototherapy End-Users, each forecasted at a global, regional and national level. Phototherapy Equipment, by Type Conventional LED-Based Fibre-Optic Phototherapy Equipment, by Application Skin Disease Neonatal Jaundice Phototherapy Equipment, by End-User Hospitals & Clinics Home Use In addition to the revenue predictions for the overall world market and segments, you will also find revenue forecasts for 6 regional and 17 leading national markets: North America: The US Canada Mexico South America: Brazil Argentina Paraguay Bolivia Rest of South America Europe: Germany The UK Italy Spain France Rest of Europe APAC: Japan China India Australia Thailand Rest of Asia-Pacific RoW: Middle East Africa Other Countries The report also includes profiles and for some of the leading companies in the Phototherapy market, with a focus on the Phototherapy Equipment segment of these companies' operations. There will be growth in both established and in developing countries. Our analyses show that the both developed and developing markets, China, India and the Australia in particular, will continue to achieve high revenue growth to 2027. Leading companies and the potential for market growth Overall world revenue for Phototherapy Equipment will surpass $810m in 2027, our work calculates. We predict strong revenue growth through to 2027. Our work identifies which organisations hold the greatest potential. Discover their capabilities, progress, and commercial prospects, helping you stay ahead. How the Neurostimulation Market report helps you In summary, our 146-page report provides you with the following knowledge: Revenue forecasts to 2027 for the Neurostimulation market and 3 different segmentations, with forecasts for 3 Equipment Types, 2 Applications and 2 End-Users at a Global, Regional and National level discover the industry's prospects, finding the most lucrative places for investments and revenues Revenue forecasts to 2027 for 6 regional and 17 key national markets North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa are forecasted, as well as the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, India, Australia, Thailand Discussion of what stimulates and restrains companies and the market Prospects for established firms and those seeking to enter the market including company profiles for 10 companies involved in the Phototherapy Equipment market Download the full report: About Reportbuyer Reportbuyer is a leading industry intelligence solution that provides all market research reports from top publishers For more information: Sarah Smith Research Advisor at Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 208 816 85 48 Website: SOURCE ReportBuyer Related Links "Around 80 percent of diabetes-related lower extremity amputations start out as a foot ulcer," said vascular surgeon Dr. Anil P. Hingorani, a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery. Vascular surgeons typically have many patients with diabetes, who need specialized vascular care to keep their feet healthy. For these patients, it is extremely important to pay attention to foot health, and to never ignore an open sore on the foot. Diabetes patients with lower extremity wounds should be evaluated by a podiatrist, physician or an advanced health practitioner, said Dr. Hingorani. If foot ulcers develop and don't heal, it may be a sign that the legs and feet are not getting enough oxygen-rich blood due to narrowed, hardened arteries that are made worse by diabetes. At that point, patients should see a vascular surgeon who can evaluate the patient's vascular health as well as the foot ulcer. That doesn't mean they will have to have surgery, but vascular surgeons are highly trained to know exactly how to treat diabetic foot complications. Patients who have regular Medicare (not an HMO) can see a surgeon without a referral. (A "find a specialist" search tool is here.) Meanwhile, if you are willing to take a few simple steps to prevent diabetic foot disease, the following tips may help: See the doctor regularly. Patients with diabetes should see a doctor or a clinician who is trained in foot care once a year or more often, depending on their level of risk for foot problems. If you have had previous foot sores, an amputation or diabetes-related eye problems, you may need to see someone more often. You should also be checked more often if you have neuropathy (a lack of sensation in the feet) ischemia (a dangerous condition that cuts off blood circulation) or if your feet are becoming deformed by diabetes. Learn to take care of your feet. Patients with diabetes should be educated about how to take care of their feet. You need to know how to check your feet for sores or cuts, the best ways to keep feet clean and dry. Wear the right shoes. Diabetes patients do not need to buy therapeutic shoes if they have an average risk of diabetic foot, but special shoes are important for high-risk patients. During your foot checkups, ask if you need special shoes. Even if you don't qualify for therapeutic shoes, it is very important to wear shoes that fit comfortably. A study of 400 diabetic patients with healed ulcers found that 50 percent of women and 27 percent of men were wearing dangerous shoes, with: open toes or heels, no laces, a shallow or narrow toe box or high heels that put pressure on the ball of the foot. Best shoes have broad and square toes, three or four lacing eyes per side, a padded tongue, are of lightweight materials and are big enough inside to accommodate a cushioned sole or orthotic inlay. Avoid preventative surgery. Newer research recommends against getting a preventative stent or surgical revascularization of your leg arteries if you don't have diabetic foot or other symptoms associated with peripheral artery disease. Stay updated on best treatments. If you get a plantar foot ulcer, the best practice is to not walk on the ulcer. Your physician may prescribe a total contact cast or a fixed-ankle walking boot. This has not always been the standard treatment, but has recently been changed. For many patients with diabetes, the illness requires careful attention to daily routine. Foot care should be part of that daily health maintenance. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) is a 5,800-plus member, not-for-profit professional medical society, composed primarily of specialty-trained vascular surgeons, which seeks to advance excellence and innovation in vascular health through education, advocacy, research and public awareness. SOURCE Society for Vascular Surgery Related Links LIBERTYVILLE, Ill., Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Hollister Incorporated, a global medical device manufacturer, today held a groundbreaking ceremony signifying the start of construction on a manufacturing plant in the Kaunas FEZ (Free Economic Zone) region of Lithuania. The multi-stage project represents a company investment of over $58 million (50 million) and is expected to create more than 300 jobs over the next several years. Upon opening in mid-2019, the new plant will produce ostomy-care products with plans to expand production to include continence-care products. The groundbreaking ceremony and reception were attended by: Hollister Incorporated President and CEO George Maliekel; Senior VP of Research & Development and Global Operations James Humphries; VP Human Resources Suzanne Erickson; VP and CFO Rob Keeley; VP of Global Operations Brendan Sugrue; and Senior Director Global Manufacturing William Ciehanski. "Our decision to invest in this major expansion project in Lithuania was made after very thoughtful consideration," said Hollister Incorporated President and Chief Executive Officer George Maliekel. "This is a key strategic initiative for the continued growth of our company and for our customers around the world who depend on medical products of the highest quality. I want to personally thank our partners here in Lithuania who have helped us to plan and prepare for this very special day." Representing the Kaunas FEZ at the groundbreaking ceremony were Kaunas City Mayor Visvaldas Matijosaitis, and Director General of Invest Lithuania Mantas Katinas, and other partners. According to Mr. Katinas, "Hollister Incorporated selected this country, region and city not only for the ideal geographical considerations and investment environment, but also for the strong skills and values of our local workforce." "Very early in the site selection process, our team realized that the Kaunas region of Lithuania offered an ideal European location, a welcoming business environment, strong community support, and an ideal combination of infrastructure and talent to meet our manufacturing needs," Mr. Maliekel stated. "Our new manufacturing plant here in Kaunas will not only help us to meet the growing needs of our customers particularly our customers in Europe but will also help us to meet the global healthcare challenges of the 21st Century." The skills and talent of the local population were critical components in making the decision to build the new facility in Lithuania. The cultural 'fit' between the company's culture and the people throughout the region were also extremely important. Educational opportunities were a significant factor as well. That is why Hollister Incorporated is committed to working closely with local educational institutions, like the Kaunas University of Technology and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, as well as institutions across the country to help enhance programs in research, engineering and technology to develop exceptional graduates and further strengthen the local talent market. The company has already hired a few engineers from Lithuania who will begin working at its Ballina, Ireland plant. They will return to the Kaunas plant after the first phase of construction is completed in 2019. About Hollister Incorporated Hollister Incorporated is an independent, employee-owned company that develops, manufactures, and markets healthcare products worldwide. The company develops and manufactures products for ostomy care, continence care and wound care, and also develops educational support materials for patients and healthcare professionals. Hollister Incorporated has been serving healthcare professionals and consumers for 95 years and is committed to making life more rewarding and dignified for people who use its products and services. Headquartered in Libertyville, Illinois, Hollister has manufacturing and distribution centers on three continents and sells in more than 80 countries around the world. Media Contact: Meredith Castro Senior Manager, Corporate Communications [email protected] 847-680-1000 SOURCE Hollister Incorporated Related Links ROCKVILLE, Md., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Homesnap announced today that it ranked 220th on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America, due to the company's revenue growth during this period. Overall, 2017 Technology Fast 500 companies achieved median revenue growth of 380 percent. Homesnap Chief Executive Officer John Mazur credits the fast adoption of Homesnap's search platform for real estate agents and their clients, as well as its partnership with the Broker Public Portal (BPP), for the company's growth. He said, "This is an incredibly exciting time for Homesnap. We are closing in on a national footprint, with over 750,000 agents across the country having access to our mobile real estate productivity platform, Homesnap Pro, and millions of consumers searching for their new home on our search platform each month. We couldn't be happier about the direction of the company." Homesnap has also introduced many new features to its app over the last year, including a real-time updated newsfeed of relevant real estate transactions in the user's key zip codes; new property types (commercial, co-op, lot/land, mobile and multi-family); Augmented Reality "Walk the Property Lines"; a redesigned Homesnap Pro tab; and an in-app mortgage calculator. Homesnap also relaunched its desktop version to closely match the mobile app, and it introduced a number of new marketing products for agents, including DIY Facebook Video Ads, Facebook Ads for Rentals, and Waze Ads for Homesnap. Homesnap was selected as the public-facing platform of the Broker Public Portal in January 2017. The Broker Public Portal is an industry-grown initiative that sends all leads from listings on the consumer-facing search platform directly to listing agents and brokers, at no charge. The real estate industry has gotten behind the Broker Public Portal, with multiple listing services (MLSs) representing over 750,000 agents sending their listing data to the portal. About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a U.K. private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the U.S. member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About Homesnap Homesnap is the highest-rated mobile real estate search platform, used by millions of consumers to explore homes and search listings. Homesnap Pro, the professional version of Homesnap, is the fastest-growing platform for agents now available to every agent in more than 100 MLSs with over 750,000 members. Both are powered by a specialized homes database that combines MLS data, property tax records, census data, geographic boundaries and more. Homesnap is the public-facing brand of the Broker Public Portal, a collaborative venture between real estate brokerages and MLSs to create a national consumer home search experience defined by simplicity, integrity and common sense. The portal aims to provide consumers with direct access to the most comprehensive, timely and complete property information while adhering to fair display guidelines. More information can be found at and PR Contact: Gayle Weiswasser, Homesnap, 202-271-3914, [email protected] Related Links Homesnap SOURCE Homesnap Related Links AUSTIN, Minn., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL) today announced that it received a perfect score of 100 percent on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) workplace equality, administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Hormel Foods joined the ranks of 609 major U.S. businesses that also earned top marks this year. "It is an honor to receive a perfect score for the third year in a row on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index," said Andre Goodlett, corporate manager of diversity and inclusion at Hormel Foods. "We believe a diverse and inclusive workforce fosters innovation and creates an environment filled with unique perspectives. As a result, diversity and inclusion help us meet the needs of customers and consumers around the world." The 2018 CEI rated 947 businesses in the report, which evaluates LGBTQ-related policies and practices including non-discrimination workplace protections, domestic partner benefits, transgender-inclusive health care benefits, competency programs and public engagement with the LGBTQ community. The company's efforts in satisfying all of the CEI's criteria results in a 100 percent ranking and the designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality. "Hormel Foods continues to grow and change to emulate the shifting demographics in our consumer base," said Steve Blevins, co-chair of the HProud & Allies employee resource group at Hormel Foods. "Our commitment to quality extends beyond our products to incorporate our people and culture. Receiving the highest marks on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index shows that people outside the company witness our values in motion. We will continue to provide an atmosphere for all people, cultures and backgrounds." Hormel Foods was also recently recognized by Forbes on its World's Best Employers 2017 list and was awarded a silver Stevie Award as an Employer of the Year in the food and beverage category. In addition, the company has been on the Best for Vets Employers List by Military Times for five consecutive years and on the 100 Best Corporate Citizens List by Corporate Responsibility magazine for nine consecutive years. For more information about the 2018 Corporate Equality Index, or to download a copy of the report, visit About Hormel Foods Inspired People. Inspired Food. Hormel Foods Corporation, based in Austin, Minn., is a global branded food company with over $9 billion in annual revenue across 75 countries worldwide. Its brands include SKIPPY, SPAM, Hormel Natural Choice, Applegate, Justin's, Wholly Guacamole, Hormel Black Label and more than 30 other beloved brands. The company is a member of the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats, was named one of "The 100 Best Corporate Citizens" by Corporate Responsibility Magazine for the ninth year in a row, and has received numerous other awards and accolades for its corporate responsibility and community service efforts. In 2016, the company celebrated its 125th anniversary and announced its new vision for the future Inspired People. Inspired Food. focusing on its legacy of innovation. For more information, visit and About the Human Rights Campaign Foundation The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is the educational arm of America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, work and in every community. Contact: Kelly Braaten 507-437-5345 [email protected] SOURCE Hormel Foods Corporation Related Links KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Houlihan's Restaurants will honor America's veterans and active-duty military on Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11, 2017 with a complimentary meal. "We are proud to honor our veterans and active duty military," said Mike Archer, chief executive officer of Houlihan's. "On Saturday, November 11, every Houlihan's across the country will provide a special offer for the men and women who have served our country, or who are currently serving." While the offer may vary in some markets, Houlihan's restaurants located in the following markets will offer veterans and active-duty military a complimentary meal from a special Veterans Day menu: Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Fort Worth, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Lansing, Pittsburgh, Saint Louis and San Antonio, as well as the Houlihan's in Rogers, Arkansas. The Veterans Day menu is comprised of guest favorites including the Houlihan's Burger, Heartland Grilled Chicken Salad, Fish and Chips, Brentwood Chicken Sandwich, Southwest Grilled Chicken Wrap, Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and a 5-oz. Petite Top Sirloin. In order to receive a free meal on Saturday, November 11, 2017, guests will need to provide proof of military service which may include a U.S. Uniform Services Identification Card, U.S. Uniform Services Retired Identification Card, Current Leave and Earnings Statement, Veterans Organization Card, photograph in uniform or wearing uniform, DD214, Citation or Commendation. For the closest Houlihan's restaurant, operating hours and to confirm the Veterans Day special for your local restaurant, visit Offer valid on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at participating Houlihan's restaurants. Dine-in only from special Veterans Day menu. Not valid with any other offer. Beverages and gratuity not included. Limit one (1) meal per veteran or active-duty military. Established in 1972, Houlihan's is privately owned by Kansas City-based Houlihan's Restaurants, Inc. There are nearly 80 company- and franchise-owned Houlihan's restaurants located primarily in the Midwest and the eastern United States. SOURCE Houlihans Restaurants Related Links With offices in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Indiana, Wells Fargo Crop Insurance Agency offers insurance solutions to protect agriculture-related operations. Representing the top crop insurance providers, Wells Fargo Crop provides insurance brokerage services for more than 130 types of crops, plus standard federal multi-peril and crop hail policies. It also helps farmers protect their operations with programs such as revenue protection and state-specific offerings. Rene LeVeaux, President of Hub International Mountain States Limited (Hub Mountain), said, "Hub Mountain is aggressively investing in its crop and agriculture business. This acquisition will position Hub Mountain as one of the largest crop brokers in the Midwest and Northwest. As such, we will continue to provide additional resources to ensure our crop and agriculture clients receive the best products and service to protect their operations." Following the acquisition, the Wells Fargo Crop team members will join Hub Mountain, continuing to service and support clients. Jeff Kemink, National Crop Insurance Manager of Wells Fargo Crop, and Jean Hinsverk, Assistant VP and Operations Manager, will join Hub Mountain in leadership roles. Kemink will report to LeVeaux and Hinsverk directly to Kemink with a close partnership with Wayne Dauwen, COO of Hub Mountain. "Our clients will continue to receive the same dedicated sales and service support from team members who have assisted them in the past with their crop and operations protection," said Kemink. "By joining Hub, they will also benefit from Hub's extensive network of insurance specialists in management liability, employee benefits and risk services to best help them protect and grow their businesses." About Hub's M&A Activities Hub International Limited is committed to growing organically and through acquisitions to expand its geographic footprint and strengthen industry and product expertise. For more information on the Hub M&A experience, visit About Hub International Headquartered in Chicago, IL, Hub International Limited is a leading global insurance brokerage that provides property and casualty, life and health, employee benefits, investment and risk management products and services from offices located throughout North America. For more information, please visit About Wells Fargo Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) is a diversified, community-based financial services company with $1.9 trillion in assets. Wells Fargo's vision is to satisfy our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financially. Founded in 1852 and headquartered in San Francisco, Wells Fargo provides banking, insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance through more than 8,400 locations, 13,000 ATMs, the internet ( and mobile banking, and has offices in 42 countries and territories to support customers who conduct business in the global economy. With approximately 268,000 team members, Wells Fargo serves one in three households in the United States. Wells Fargo & Company was ranked No. 25 on Fortune's 2017 rankings of America's largest corporations. News, insights and perspectives from Wells Fargo are also available at Wells Fargo Stories. HUB Media: Marni Gordon Phone: 312-279-4601 [email protected] HUB M&A: Clark Wormer Phone: 312.279.4848 [email protected] Wells Fargo Media: Sarah Hatch 505-818-7480 [email protected] Wells Fargo Investor Relations: John Campbell (415) 396-0523 [email protected] SOURCE Hub International Limited Related Links SOUTHBOUROUGH, Mass., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- MIS Training Institute (MISTI), the international leader in information security, audit and IT audit training, is pleased to announce InfoSec World 2018 Conference and Expo, scheduled for March 19-21. One of the longest running annual conferences dedicated to the business of information security will take place at Disney's Contemporary Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This year's agenda addresses information security issues and questions plaguing security professionals at all types and sizes of organizations. Talks cover a diverse range of topics, such as: information security best practices in the age of cloud, IoT and data analytics; building the ideal security architecture for complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems; effective incident management; and the automation and commoditization of information security, and many others. "Today's security professionals need skills to be both a business partner and enabler, and the technical expertise to prevent, detect, and respond to security challenges," said Katherine Teitler, Director of Content, MISTI. "Our goal for InfoSec World is to provide a platform that brings together security practitioners to advance their knowledge of the technologies, processes, and procedures that allow them to run a more secure, agile business, and enable them to identify, manage, and communicate information security risk throughout their organizations." The three-day main conference features expert keynote addresses, stimulating panel discussions and interactive roundtables, hands-on tech labs as well as informative breakout sessions. Additionally, InfoSec World 2018 offers hands-on pre- and post-conference workshops. Focused summits on CISO Leadership, Cloud Security and Privacy and Risk are also scheduled. To top it off, this gathering provides a rare opportunity for information security professionals to network, in an intimate yet vibrant setting, with more than 1,000 attendees from a range of industries, professional backgrounds and countries. Must Attend Sessions at InfoSec World 2018 Include: The wide-ranging agenda covers all aspects of cybersecurity, including: information security management and strategies; hacking and the threats landscape; governance, risk and compliance; and information security infrastructure and operations. Listed here are the keynotes sessions this year. "Are We There Yet?" - Getting There Is Only Half the Trip By Amelie E. Koran, Deputy CIO, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General We are now in the midst of the next wave of information security, with a more diverse and dispersed talent pool, varying and more advanced threats and millions of potential attack surfaces multiplying by the hour. Are we in good hands, or do we need to hand over the driver's seat to somebody else? This talk takes a high-level view of information security practices thus far addressing the good and the bad, where those practices have led us and what we, as a security community, need to do as we move forward. Are We Over-Investing or Under-Investing in Cybersecurity Year Over Year? How do We Know? By Devon Bryan, Executive Vice President and CISO for the Federal Reserve System In what ways can we provide defensible and quantitative responses to calculate ROI and justify the cybersecurity budget to the Board of Directors? Furthermore, how do we assure the organization's leadership, including the CFO, that the security organization is rightly prioritizing cybersecurity financial investments against the organization's riskiest items? This keynote address explores contemporary approaches to defensible cybersecurity budget and investment priorities, based on risk quantification techniques. Integration of the Electronic Storage Detection K-9 By Ian Polhemus (Detective K9 Handler, City of Seattle), Todd Jordan (K9 Electronic Detection Expert), Bear (Labrador Retriever, Electronic Detection K9, Cybercrime Fighter) Though cyber investigators can track down more digital information than most criminals think, retrieval of data from external sourceshard drives, USBs, and detachable storagecan provide additional evidence and speed up processes that might otherwise take weeks or months to uncover. But did you know that electronic storage devices can be detected by scent? This keynote address introduces attendees to the newest technology component in K-9 investigations. It provides an overview of the Electronic Storage Detection (ESD) K-9 program, including the law enforcement and civilian applications in use today. Attendees will also see a live demonstration from one of these exceptional K9 - "Bear" who became famous after finding key digital evidence in the Jared Fogle child pornography case. Getting to "Reasonable" and Learning to Love "Grey" By Whitney Merrill, Privacy, eCommerce and Consumer Protection Counsel, Electronic Arts (EA) The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the leading privacy and data security law enforcement authority, requires companies to implement "reasonable security" to protect personal information. But what does "reasonable" mean? Does PCI or SOC 2 compliance suffice? If you look at the term "reasonable security" and cringe, asking yourself, "well...where's the checkbox of things I need to have to have reasonable security," you're doing security wrong. This talk discusses the long history of "reasonableness" in law, why reasonableness should be embraced and how to approach creating a reasonableness-based data security program. Preparing Security Professionals for the Next Wave of Cyber Threats: InfoSec World 2018 introduces Tech Labs and Tech Challenges, which offer information security professionals opportunities to gain firsthand experience and learn from seasoned professionals in real-life security scenarios. Tech Labs These 2-3 hour sessions are hands-on, guided learning for participants. Students learn new skills by working through real-life red and blue team simulations. An expert mentor guides them through written instructions to complete the full exercise. Capture the Flag Tech Challenges In teams of up to four people, InfoSec World attendees, sponsors, and students are invited to participate in a prepared Capture the Flag challenge taking place among all the action in the Expo! Teams will have to combine their knowledge and skills sets to compete together and complete the challenge. Each team's real-time progress will be projected on a big screen, so bring your A-game! The listed features only represent some of the highlights of the highly interactive and topical program. For more information on the conference, its detailed agenda as well as logistics, please visit: To become a part of this vibrant community of global information security experts, register today! About InfoSec World Conference and Expo For more than 20 years security professionals have made InfoSec World the "business of security" conference. Produced by MIS Training Institute (MISTI), InfoSec World assembles information security professionals from every market and field of study, from nations around the world. About MIS Training Institute MIS Training Institute ( is the international leader in information security, audit, and IT audit training. MISTI has trained more than 200,000 delegates across five continents, offering conferences, on-site training, and seminars in Information Security, Internal and IT Auditing, SOX Compliance, Network Infrastructures, Operating Environments, and Enterprise Applications, as well as Web-based training. SOURCE MIS Training Institute Related Links KFAR SABA, Israel, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Innoviz Technologies, a leading provider of LiDAR sensing solutions, announced today that is has won the CES 2018 Innovation Awards Honoree recognition in the Vehicle Intelligence and Self-Driving Technology category for its groundbreaking InnovizPro High Definition Solid State LiDAR. Products recognized for this honor on one of technology's most exclusive lists meet the highest standards for outstanding product design and engineering as judged by a panel of highly respected experts in their field. InnovizPro will be Available in 2018 and will Enable Effective Development and Testing of Autonomous Driving Technologies Innoviz Team of Renowned Expertise in the Fields of Electro-Optics, Computer Vision, MEMS Design and Signal Processing. "We are elated to have InnovizPro recognized by the CES 2018 Innovation Awards, considered the preeminent award in the entire technology industry," said Omer Keilaf, Co-founder and CEO of Innoviz. "Our groundbreaking LiDAR solutions have not only set a new standard for performance and safety, but come at the mass market price that no other LiDAR solutions have been able to attain. Their real impact, however, lies in the fact that they are currently going into mass production, enabling the industry to move towards mass commercialization at an accelerated pace." Innoviz's LiDAR technology leverages the company's proprietary System, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Detector designs to deliver the industry's most accurate and longest-ranging autonomous vehicle sensing capabilities. The company's groundbreaking, solid-state design enables it to deliver LiDAR in a more compact, reliable device that provides higher performance than other LiDARs currently on the market. InnovizPro, a development platform designed to provide auto manufacturers, Tier 1 suppliers and technology companies with the most advanced LiDAR available for testing and development, will be available in the first quarter of 2018. Samples of InnovizOne, the company's automotive grade LiDAR device for levels 3 - 5 autonomous driving, will be available in 2019. Innoviz's precise sensing technology enables it to provide a superior algorithmic layer that uses deep learning to turn 3D vision into critical driving insights. By providing advanced software solutions in areas such as HD mapping and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping), the company is able to deliver the Object Detection and Classification capabilities necessary to move the industry towards mass commercialization. Innoviz has raised $82 million since its founding in January 2016, including from several leading stakeholders in the automotive industry such as Delphi Automotive, Magna International and Samsung Catalyst. Innoviz also signed a partnership agreement with manufacturing company Jabil Optics to mass produce InnovizPro. The company has steadily expanded its team, which now consists of 100 employees, and plans to open offices in key geographical markets in 2018. Innoviz will demonstrate its award-winning LiDAR sensor technology at the 2018 CES conference in the Smart Cities Hall, Tech East, Westgate, Booth 2101. In addition, Innoviz LiDAR will be featured in the following partner booths: Valens: LVCC North Hall, Booth 5931, Jabil: Sands Expo - Zeno, Booth 4702-4705. CES will be held January 9 - 12, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Innoviz's LiDAR will also be on display at the Innovation Awards Showcase within the Venetian Ballroom at CES Tech West. CES Innovation Awards entries are evaluated on their engineering, aesthetic and design qualities, intended use/function and user value, unique/novel features present and how the design and innovation of the product directly compares to other products in the marketplace. Products chosen as CES Innovation Honorees reflect innovative design and engineering in some of the most cutting edge tech products and services coming to market. About Innoviz Technologies Innoviz is a leading provider of cutting-edge LiDAR remote sensing solutions to enable the mass commercialization of autonomous vehicles. The company's LiDAR products, InnovizOne and InnovizPro, offer solid-state design that uses Proprietary technology to deliver superior performance at the cost and size required for mass market adoption. Headquartered in Israel, the company was founded in January 2016 by former members of the elite technological unit of the Israeli Defense Forces with renowned expertise in the fields of electro-optics, computer vision, MEMS design and signal processing. Innoviz is backed by strategic partners and top-tier investors throughout the world. For more information, visit SOURCE Innoviz Technologies Ltd Related Links BOSTON, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE: IRM), the global leader in storage and information management services, today announced that it received a perfect score of 100 percent on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) workplace equality, administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Iron Mountain joins the ranks of 609 major U.S. businesses that also earned top marks this year. "One of our goals is to build and sustain an inclusive culture where all Iron Mountain employees are able to bring their whole, authentic selves to work and pursue their potential," said Ty Ondatje, senior vice president for Corporate Responsibility and chief diversity officer, Iron Mountain. "We believe that having a diverse employee base that reflects our customers and communities not only sustains our business, but is critical for our success. Iron Mountain benefits from an exceptional global talent pool of employees with different abilities, perspectives and backgrounds, and we are committed to providing an inclusive environment for our employees to thrive. We are thrilled to have that commitment reflected in our score on the Corporate Equality Index." The 2018 CEI rated 947 businesses in the report, which evaluates LGBTQ-related policies and practices including non-discrimination workplace protections, domestic partner benefits, transgender-inclusive health care benefits, competency programs and public engagement with the LGBTQ community. Iron Mountain's efforts in satisfying all of the CEI's criteria results in a 100 percent ranking and the designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality. Iron Mountain's commitment to inclusion and diversity manifests in both internal and external programs, and recognition, that promote a workplace environment where all employees feel valued, connected and inspired contribute to the company's success. These include: The founding of an executive-sponsored employee resource group (ERG) for LGBTQ employees to help promote advocacy and awareness; Recognition by OUTstanding and The Financial Times for having a "Top 50 Executive Ally" John Tomovcsik , executive vice president and general manager for Records Management, North America supporting and promoting LGBTQ advocacy and awareness in the workplace. For more information on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index, or to download a free copy of the report, visit In addition, to read about Iron Mountain's commitment to diversity and inclusion, visit About Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE: IRM) is the global leader for storage and information management services. Trusted by more than 230,000 organizations around the world, Iron Mountain boasts a real estate network of more than 85 million square feet across more than 1,400 facilities in 53 countries dedicated to protecting and preserving what matters most for its customers. Iron Mountain's solutions portfolio includes records management, data management, cloud services, document management, data centers, art storage and logistics, and secure shredding to help organizations to lower storage costs, comply with regulations, recover from disaster, and better use their information. Founded in 1951, Iron Mountain stores and protects billions of information assets, including critical business documents, electronic information, medical data and cultural and historical artifacts. Visit for more information. About the Human Rights Campaign The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is the educational arm of America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community. Contact : Christian T. Potts Iron Mountain Incorporated (617) 535-8721 [email protected] SOURCE Iron Mountain Incorporated Related Links BOSTON, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) announced at Greenbuild International Conference and Expo that they are teaming up to enhance WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP) education for the design community. Beginning in February 2018, ASID members who have or receive IWBI's WELL Faculty designation will lead WELL AP exam preparation courses throughout the United States. ASID members will receive discounted pricing as a way to increase the opportunity for those in the design community to obtain the WELL AP credential. "ASID is excited about this opportunity to make WELL education and exam prep more readily available to our members," said ASID CEO Randy Fiser, Hon. FASID. "Healthy living begins with design and our community is leading that work. Becoming WELL AP is a way to demonstrate that one has the expertise to create a space that is focused on the health and well-being of the occupants." The WELL AP credential denotes expertise in the WELL Building Standard and a commitment to advancing human health and wellness in buildings and communities. WELL Accredited Professionals have demonstrated proficiency in the field of design, health, and wellness in the built environment through the WELL AP exam. Currently more than 2,000 people around the globe are WELL APs, with another 3,500 registered for the exam. The ASID website contains information about the special Greenbuild WELL AP promotional package that includes exam registration, an e-textbook, a study guide, and a reservation for one of the WELL Faculty-led training sessions conducted by ASID members. Following Greenbuild, ASID members and stakeholders can continue to access special discounted pricing for the exam prep bundle and training led by WELL Faculty members from ASID. Greenbuild is the official launch of the "Design Life, Design Well" campaign from ASID and IWBI. It will include marketing and promotional efforts to increase the visibility of the role of interior designers in creating healthier spaces and places. "We are proud to partner with ASID to bring these resources directly to their members and stakeholders," said IWBI Chief Product Officer Rachel Gutter. "Their market leadership demonstrates a tremendous understanding of the importance of using our buildings and communities to help improve our health and well-being. We are excited about the opportunities going forward." For more information, visit About the International WELL Building Institute The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is a public benefit corporation that is leading the movement to promote health and wellness in buildings and communities everywhere. IWBI delivers the cutting-edge WELL Building Standard and the WELL Community Standard, performance-based systems for measuring, certifying and monitoring features of buildings and communities that impact the health and wellness of the people who live, work and learn in them. It also supports the growing number of professionals who seek WELL accreditation, as administered by GBCI. About ASID The American Society of Interior Designers believes that design transforms lives. ASID serves the full range of the interior design profession and practice through the Society's programs, networks, and advocacy. We thrive on the strength of cross-functional and interdisciplinary relationships among designers of all specialties, including workplace, healthcare, retail and hospitality, education, institutional, and residential. We lead interior designers in shared conversations around topics that matter: from evidence-based and humancentric design to social responsibility, well-being, and sustainability. We showcase the impact of design on the human experience and the value interior designers provide. ASID was founded over 40 years ago when two organizations became one, but its legacy dates back to the early 1930s. As we celebrate nearly 85 years of industry leadership, we are leading the future of interior design, continuing to integrate the advantages of local connections with national reach, of small firms with big, and of the places we live with the places we work, play, and heal. Contact: Joseph Cephas, VP Communications, ASID Email: [email protected] Website: SOURCE American Society of Interior Designers Related Links WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Janus Global Operations, an international integrated stability operations company, has been tasked to provide a component of range support services for the U.S. Air Force. Janus Global's project work will be under URS Federal Services, an AECOM company, which has been awarded a 16-year, $3.6 billion Air Force contract to provide range support services. The overall project includes "mission and target management support for testing, tactics, development, advanced training, and Air Force and Joint urgent operational needs missions" at Air Force bases in Nevada and California, AECOM announced. These sites include the Nevada Test and Training Range, Leach Lake Training Range, and Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases. Janus Global Operations stability operations work is conducted by thousands of employees serving clients in North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Janus' services include munitions response; demining; intelligence support; logistics; life support; risk management; communications; and other services in some of the world's most challenging and hostile environments. The company's website is SOURCE Janus Global Operations Related Links PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Jornaya, the fast-growing consumer journey insights platform, today announced it has been named to Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 list, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. "Being named to Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 is a tremendous honor and a testament to the hard work of our employees," said Ross Shanken, CEO at Jornaya. "Our rapid growth has been a result of our dedication on continuously delivering value for our customers and partners, providing them with the highest resolution view of the consumer buying journey." "The Deloitte 2017 North America Technology Fast 500 winners underscore the impact of technological innovation and world class customer service in driving growth in a fiercely competitive environment," said Sandra Shirai, Vice Chairman, Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. technology, media and telecommunications leader. "These companies are on the cutting edge and are transforming the way we do business. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the winners for achieving remarkable growth while delivering new services and experiences for their customers." "Emerging growth companies are powering innovation in the broader economy. The growth rates delivered by the companies on this year's North America Technology Fast 500 ranking are a bright spot for the capital markets and a strong indicator that the emerging growth technology sector will continue to deliver a strong return on investment," said Heather Gates, national managing director of Deloitte & Touche LLP's emerging growth company practice. "Deloitte is dedicated to supporting the best and brightest companies of the future in the emerging growth company sector. We are proud to acknowledge the significant accomplishments of this year's Fast 500 winners." Overall, 2017 Technology Fast 500 companies achieved revenue growth ranging from 137 percent to 59,093 percent from 2013 to 2016, with median growth of 378 percent. About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About Jornaya Jornaya is the consumer journey insight platform that provides publishers, marketers, analytics, and compliance professionals with the highest-resolution view of the consumer buying journey. It is the only technology platform that witnesses both first- and third-party consumer interactions in real time and across devices. Meeting consumers at these moments of intent enables businesses to shorten the distance between data, decision, and action. Jornaya seamlessly integrates with any buyer journey decision process or toolkit. Visit for more information. Media Contact: Sebastian Pistritto Chief Marketing Officer Jornaya (267) 460-7287 X1740 [email protected] SOURCE Jornaya Related Links BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Kno2, the company that optimizes patient document exchange for everyone in healthcare, today announced that healthcare industry veteran Tom Visotsky has been named vice president of vertical market sales. With his distinguished track record as a visionary leader in healthcare business development, Mr. Visotsky's primary focus will be on supporting the dynamic growth of Kno2's industry-changing interoperability platform. Kno2 currently serves electronic health record (EHR) developers covering the majority of the post-acute care market, a largely underserved segment that often struggles to enable secure electronic patient document exchange. Its interoperability platform is also incorporated into numerous EHRs for the emergency medical services, acute and ambulatory care providers. Mr. Visotsky will manage the expansion of the Kno2 platform among its partners and their customers, empowering a multitude of providers throughout the care continuum to quickly and cost-effectively exchange electronic patient information. The Kno2 interoperability platform is currently being used to securely share electronic patient information via cloud fax, Direct messaging or document query within the current workflows of hospitals and health systems; physician practices; skilled nursing facilities; assisted/independent living communities; hospice organizations; emergency medical services; physical, behavioral and occupational therapy offices; and other providers. "I became a strategic partner with Kno2 in 2016, and from the moment I was introduced to Kno2's technology and the great team behind it, I was tremendously impressed with the possibilities of achieving full interoperability for our customer base and, more importantly, for the healthcare marketplace at large," Mr. Visotsky said. "With most technologies, you can only impact a narrow range of organizations. Kno2 offers an opportunity to walk into virtually any healthcare organization and solve one of their most pressing problemsinteroperability. I'm looking forward to working with our partners to incorporate the Kno2 platform into everyday provider workflows. It's a unique opportunity to make a real difference in the way that healthcare is delivered to all of us." Mr. Visotsky has nearly 20 years of direct healthcare industry experience. He comes to Kno2 from HCS, developers of an integrated clinical and financial IT platform for long-term acute care hospital (LTACH), senior living and behavioral health facilities, where he was executive vice president of sales and marketing. Prior to HCS, he excelled in a variety of sales and marketing leadership roles at Sutherland Healthcare Solutions, The Advisory Board, IntraNexus, Cerner and 3M. "Tom is energetic and driven by nature, and he is a true believer in our mission to connect all of healthcare simply, quickly and affordably," said Jon Elwell, CEO of Kno2. "His skills, background and experience are a perfect match to help support our significant growth in the post-acute care market. With healthcare now moving toward a value-based model, the industry is recognizing the contributions post-acute care providers make to delivering better health outcomes. The Kno2 interoperability platform addresses that need, and we are thrilled to know that someone of Tom's caliber will help drive the proliferation of our solutions to providers throughout the full continuum of healthcare." About Kno2 Kno2 optimizes patient document exchange for everyone in healthcare. The company's cloud-based platform improves the healthcare experience for providers and their patients by making the sharing of documents easy, affordable and secure. Even healthcare providers with limited resources can participate in the simple, structured exchange of patient documentswithout changing their workflow or technology infrastructure. The Kno2 platform captures and exchanges documents from virtually any source, ranging from a fax machine to an EMR/EHR. The intelligent platform determines the most interoperable format and method of exchange for a document. All of this functionality is available through a simple set of APIs or through Kno2's provider portal. Learn more about how Kno2 adds value to patient document exchange at Media Contact: Joy DiNaro Amendola Communications for Kno2 [email protected] 847.809.0406 SOURCE Kno2 Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- General Assembly (GA) today announced the formation of an employer-led Digital Marketing Standards Board, which aims to increase transparency and access to careers within the fast-growing field of digital marketing. Designed to foster collaboration at a time when employers compete for digital marketing talent, the Standards Board will identify and define skills required for success, commission skill-based assessments, and establish performance thresholds for workforce-relevant credentials. The number of job postings calling for digital marketing skills has nearly doubled in the last five years; now, four in 10 marketing job openings seek candidates with digital skills. These jobs take 16% longer to fill than traditional marketing jobs and offer a $7,000 salary premium. "Pervasive skill and equity gaps in digital marketing reflect two related challenges: lack of unbiased tools to help employers quantify and understand the skill sets that matter, and inadequate transparency for job-seekers trying to understand what employers are looking for," said Jake Schwartz, CEO and co-founder of General Assembly. "Over the last two years, we've had a team working behind the scenes with employers to create authentic, standardized assessments that measure the combination of skills that are required for success in the digital marketing profession." "As a company recognized as a school of marketing, it's a priority for us to drive the transformation of marketing in the digital era by allowing current and prospective employees to benchmark themselves globally," said Marie Gulin-Merle, Chief Marketing Officer of L'Oreal USA. "We're excited to partner with the Standards Board to drive the profession forward while engaging top talent." The work of the Standards Board will be rooted in the development and maintenance of industry-standard assessments, designed to predict job performance and match capabilities of job-seekers through the simulation of workplace demands. Employers can utilize data from assessments, already taken by thousands of employees worldwide, to quantify competencies of employees and job-seekers across a range of dimensions. "Digital marketers must master a broad range of skills from user experience to media valuation in order to navigate an increasingly fragmented network of potential consumer touchpoints," said Matthew DelRe, Director of Cross Product Solutions at Google. "As the demand for these skills continues to grow, it is critical for industry leaders to come together and create clear pathways to help aspiring marketing professionals invest in the skills they need." The Standards Board will also publish skill maps to make career pathways more transparent. By mapping the competencies required for success on the job, employers intend to expand the pool of talent and increase the diversity of candidates pursuing careers within the digital marketing field. Members of the Digital Marketing Standards Board include: Matt DelRe, Director of Cross Product Solutions, Google; Marie Gulin-Merle, CMO, L'Oreal USA; Ben Harrell, SVP of Brand & Digital Marketing, Priceline; Gail Horwood, SVP of Integrated Marketing, Kellogg; Micky Onvural, Co-President, Bonobos; Seth Rogin, CEO, Nucleus; Geoff Sanders, VP of Marketing, Betterment; Andrew Stephen, Associate Dean of Research and L'Oreal Professor of Marketing, Said Business School, University of Oxford; Joy Howard, CMO, Sonos; Greg Butler, VP of Miller Brands, MillerCoors; and Joseph Thompson, CMO, BuildDirect Technologies. Standards boards are needed to increase transparency and access to career opportunities in a wide range of emerging fields. In addition to the Digital Marketing Standards Board, General Assembly is working to bring together leaders across high-demand fields including data science and more. About General Assembly General Assembly (GA) is advancing the future of work by equipping individuals and corporations alike with the most in-demand 21st-century skills. Offering training and assessments in web development, data science, digital marketing, and more, GA is building transparent career pathways for people, and sustainable, diverse talent pipelines for employers. With 20 locations, immersive online offerings, onsite trainings for the Fortune 500, and a global community of professionals nearly 1 million strong, GA is the leading source for training, staffing, and career transitions. SOURCE General Assembly SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- LIGHTMED Corporation, a global ophthalmic medical device company, today announced it has been awarded a competitive tender for ophthalmic laser equipment from Mexico's Ministry of Health, the government department in charge of all social health services in Mexico. (L-R) Director del Seguro Social de Hidalgo Dr. Juan Carlos Bravo, LIGHTMED Sales Admin & Office Manager Elissa Berg, LIGHTMED Executive Chairman of the Board Gary Lee, Chief del Hospital Infantil de Mexico Dr. Marco Antonio Ramirez, Ing Israel Barron from Grupo Aldai S.A. de C.V. and LIGHTMED Latin America Sales Manager Arnold Flores at LIGHTMED's San Clemente, CA office on Wednesday, Nov 1, 2017 for advanced hands-on training. (L-R) LIGHTMED CEO Shlomo Alkalay, Chief del Hospital Infantil de Mexico Dr. Marco Antonio Ramirez, Ing Israel Barron from Grupo Aldai S.A. de C.V. and Director del Seguro Social de Hidalgo Dr. Juan Carlos Bravo at LIGHTMED's San Clemente, CA office on Thursday, Nov 2, 2017 for advanced hands-on training. "Winning this tender is especially important to LIGHTMED because our LIGHTLas 810 photocoagulator laser will have a significant nation-wide impact on raising patients' quality of life in Mexico. The delivery and installation of our lasers will activate Mexico's National Medical Facilities Equipment Program to combat premature retinopathy and improve the overall health of its citizens," said Shlomo Alkalay, CEO of LIGHTMED. "Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the leading cause of preventable blindness in Mexican children," said Dr. Marco Antonio Ramirez, Chief del Hospital Infantil de Mexico. Shlomo added, "The Ministry of Health acknowledged a relatively high prevalence of ROP in Mexico's population so it's a crucial time to start a proactive blindness prevention program. We are honored to collaborate with their efforts." The Mexican government chose the LIGHTLas 810 laser for its bells and whistles, including the innovative SP-Mode, LIGHTMED's microsecond pulse sub-threshold technology that enhances treatment safety, precision and versatility. Since Mexican hospitals treat a high volume of retina disease in pediatric patients, Dr. Ramirez explained that "we needed a cutting-edge, high quality 'work horse' to be able to keep up with our hospitals' demanding treatment schedules and launch our nation-wide health program. We are pleased that LIGHTMED offered the exact solution we were looking for." Under the agreement terms signed by Dr. Ramirez, US-based LIGHTMED Corporation will provide 18 LIGHTLas 810 photocoagulator lasers for use in the major ophthalmology clinics and government run hospitals in Mexico by the end of November. The lasers will be strategically placed in areas with the most urgent need, including dense patient hospitals. LIGHTMED will also provide advanced hands-on training to key Mexican surgeons in its San Clemente, CA office. About LIGHTMED Corporation: LIGHTMED is a medical device and technology company focused on developing, manufacturing and marketing a full spectrum of innovative laser systems for the ophthalmic market. The company's product suite includes advanced solutions for cataract, glaucoma, corneal, and retinal diseases. LIGHTMED has been in business since 1997 with its own R&D and manufacturing facility. All of LIGHTMED's products are backed by an industry leading warranty and are guaranteed with proactive routine inspections through its sales and service centers located worldwide. Visit for more information. Connect with LIGHTMED on Facebook (@lightmedusa), Linked In (LIGHTMED), and Twitter (@LIGHTMEDUSA). Contact Information: LIGHTMED Corporate Communications Elissa Berg (949) 218-9555 [email protected] SOURCE LIGHTMED Related Links VANCOUVER, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Mason Resources Corp. (TSX:MNR; OTCQB:MSSNF "Mason Resources" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, effective November 9, 2017, the Company's common shares will commence trading on the OTCQB in the United States, under the symbol "MSSNF". Mason Resources shares will continue to trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "MNR". Stephen Scott, President and CEO of Mason Resources stated, "The OTCQB market will provide our growing shareholder base with increased visibility and transparency by facilitating trading of our common shares in the United States. While our primary listing is on the Toronto Stock Exchange in Canada, we appreciate that some investors prefer to trade in U.S. dollars on the OTCQB market". Information relating to Mason Resources as well as Real-Time level 2 quotes for Mason Resources will be available on ABOUT MASON RESOURCES CORP. Mason Resources Corp. is a well-funded Canadian company focused on copper exploration and development in the U.S.A. The Company's key asset is its 100% owned Ann Mason Project an extensive, prospective land package located in the Yerington District of Nevada. The Ann Mason Project hosts two copper-molybdenum porphyry deposits, Ann Mason and Blue Hill, as well as numerous earlier-stage or untested priority targets. The Ann Mason deposit is currently at a PEA level and is among the largest undeveloped copper porphyry resources in Canada/U.S.A. The excellent infrastructure, year-round access, strong community support and clear permitting process are all factors that contribute to making Yerington, Nevada one of the best mining jurisdictions in the world. Mason also holds a 100% interest in the Lordsburg property, an exciting earlier-stage copper-gold porphyry project, located within an historic mining district in New Mexico. Mason Resources' strong financial position and high-quality asset portfolio provide it with a solid foundation and flexibility for growth, by advancing development of Ann Mason towards Pre-Feasibility, introducing one or more strategic development partners, exploring high priority targets or considering strategic acquisitions. Major shareholders in Mason Resources include Mantos Copper (Bermuda) Limited and Hudbay Minerals Inc., owning 17.5% and 13.9%, respectively, of the issued and outstanding shares of Mason Resources. More information on Mason Resources can be found at This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. While the Company has based these forward-looking statements on its expectations about future events as at the date that such statements were prepared, the statements are not a guarantee of the Company's future performance and are based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies, local and global economic conditions and the environment in which Mason Resources will operate in the future, including the price of copper, gold, silver and molybdenum. Uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed or implied by forward-looking statements and information include, amongst others, unanticipated costs, expenses or liabilities; discrepancies between actual and anticipated production, mineral resources and metallurgical recoveries; the size, grade and continuity of deposits not being interpreted correctly from exploration results; the results of preliminary test work not being indicative of the results of future test work; fluctuations in commodity prices and demand; changing foreign exchange rates; actions by government authorities; the availability of funding on reasonable terms; the impact of changes in interpretation to or changes in enforcement of, laws, regulations and government practices, including laws, regulations and government practices with respect to mining, foreign investment, royalties and taxation; the terms and timing of obtaining necessary environmental and other government approvals, consents and permits; the availability and cost of necessary items such as power, water, skilled labour, transportation and appropriate smelting and refining arrangements; and misjudgements in the course of preparing forward-looking statements. In addition, there are also known and unknown risk factors which may cause the actual results, performances or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements and information. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, including legal and political risk; risks associated with changes in the attitudes of governments to foreign investment; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; inability to upgrade Inferred mineral resources to Indicated or Measured mineral resources; inability to convert mineral resources to mineral reserves; conclusions of economic evaluations; future prices of copper, gold, silver and molybdenum; failure of plant, equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; delays in obtaining government approvals, permits or licences or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities; environmental risks; title disputes; limitations on insurance coverage; as well as those factors discussed in the Company's most recently filed Management's Discussion & Analysis available at There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company is under no obligation to update or alter any forward-looking statements except as required under applicable securities laws. SOURCE Mason Resources AMARILLO, Texas, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Maxor National Pharmacy Services, LLC (Maxor), a leading pharmacy services platform, announced today the appointment of Joe Ellison as Senior Vice President of Human Resources. As a member of the Maxor senior leadership team, Ellison will assume responsibility for organizational development, strategic human resource planning, talent recruitment, and employee engagement. "I am passionate about the dynamic intersection of great talent, aligned with high-quality health care services to improve the lives of others," said Ellison. Ellison brings over 20 years of leadership experience in complex, multi-site healthcare and technology businesses. Prior to joining Maxor, Ellison led nationwide HR teams in PBM, specialty pharmacy, and disease care management. "We are pleased to have Joe join the Maxor team. His extensive experience leading value-added HR contributions to fuel performance and meaningful engagement will be a fundamental enabler of our future growth," said Mike Ellis, CEO of Maxor. About Maxor Established in 1926, Maxor is a leading pharmacy services platform that consists of the following business segments: MaxorPlus, providing client and patient-focused pharmacy benefit management services; Maxor Pharmacy Management and Consulting Services, providing on-site outpatient pharmacy management, 340B audits, and consulting services to hospitals, health systems, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Disproportionate Share Hospitals, and employer groups; Maxor Specialty, providing specialty pharmacy, respiratory, and home infusion services; and PickPoint, providing the design, creation, manufacturing and distribution of pharmacy technology solutions that improve the accuracy, safety and efficiency of medication delivery. More information on Maxor can be found by visiting SOURCE Maxor National Pharmacy Services, LLC Related Links Presentations Will Provide Updates on Drug Distribution and Safety Results TORONTO and HOUSTON, TX, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Medicenna Therapeutics Corp. ("Medicenna" or the "Company") (TSX: MDNA; OTCQX: MDNAF), a clinical stage immuno-oncology company, today announced that Dr. Krystof Bankiewicz, MD, PhD, Kinetics Foundation Chair in Translational Research and Professor in Residence of Neurological Surgery at the University of California San Francisco, will present early results from the on-going clinical trial of the Company's targeted immunotherapy, MDNA55, at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuro-Oncology ("SNO") to be held from November 15-19, 2017 in San Francisco, CA. The oral and poster presentations by Dr. Bankiewicz will provide an update on drug distribution and safety data from the MDNA55 Phase 2b clinical trial in patients with recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM), the most common and deadly form of brain cancer. The details of the presentations are as follows: Title: Clinical Trials of Direct Delivery of Gliomas: Update on the MDNA55 Program Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Time: Oral Presentation: 10:25 10:45 am Session: The 2017 SNO-SCIDOT Conference on Therapeutic Delivery to the Central Nervous System (CNS) Location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, San Francisco Title: MRI-guided convective delivery of MDNA55, an interleukin-4 receptor targeted immunotherapy for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma Date: Saturday, November 18, 2017 Time: Poster Session: 5:00 PM Location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, San Francisco About Medicenna Therapeutics Corp. Medicenna is a clinical stage immuno-oncology company developing novel highly selective versions of IL-2, IL-4 and IL-13 Superkines and first in class Empowered Cytokines (ECs). Its wholly owned subsidiary, Houston-based Medicenna BioPharma, is specifically targeting the Interleukin-4 Receptor (IL4R), which is over-expressed by at least 20 different types of cancer affecting more than one million new cancer patients every year. Medicenna's lead IL4-EC, MDNA55 is enrolling patients in a CPRIT (Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas) funded Phase 2b clinical trial for rGBM at leading brain cancer centres in the US. MDNA55 has completed 3 clinical trials in 72 patients, including 66 adults with rGBM, demonstrated compelling efficacy and obtained Fast-Track and Orphan Drug status from USFDA. Unlike most other cancer therapies, Medicenna's IL4-ECs have the potential to purge both the tumor and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, offering a unique treatment paradigm for a large majority of cancer patients. For more information, please visit This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to the future operations of the Company and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "will", "may", "should", "anticipate", "expects" and similar expressions. All statements other than statements of historical fact, included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding future plans and objectives of the Company and others are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include the risks detailed in the annual information form of the Company dated June 15, 2017 and in other filings made by the Company with the applicable securities regulators from time to time. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company will update or revise publicly any of the included forward-looking statements only as expressly required by Canadian securities law. SOURCE Medicenna Therapeutics Corp. "Once again, our jury of top automotive designers was impressed by the creativity, innovation and quality of the entries," said Thom Roach, vice president of original-equipment marketing for Michelin North America. "The biggest surprise was the interest in pick-ups, or open-bedded vehicles, from so many unexpected places and how designers saw the opportunity for such vehicles to meet the needs in their respective countries or regions. "Given the surprising growth in SUV and CUV categories around the world, it will be very interesting to see if pick-ups and open-bedded vehicles also grow well beyond the traditional markets. We have already seen early signs with new concepts and vehicles from Mercedes Benz, Hyundai, PSA and others recently introduced or announced," Roach said. The three winning designs, seven additional finalists and eight honorable mentions were chosen by the jury from among more than 1,200 registrants representing 73 countries. Over 17 years, Michelin Challenge Design has received more than 12,000 entries from 126 countries. Winners of the 2018 Michelin Challenge Design: First place: Josh Sandrock of San Diego, Calif. , USA , for design entry "Volkswagen Type 10 Pick Up" of , , for design entry "Volkswagen Type 10 Pick Up" Second place: Daniel Yee of Cleveland, Ohio ; Marcus Hamilton of Columbus, Ohio ; and Claire Keys Pytlik of Cincinnati, Ohio , USA , for "Michelin ToolBOX Pick Up" of ; of ; and of , , for "Michelin ToolBOX Pick Up" Third place: Vinod Pakalapati and Surya Konijeti of Pune , India for "X Pick" Finalists of the 2018 Michelin Challenge Design (in alphabetical order): Benoit Aubertin of Ciboure, France , and Antoine Alaurent of Saucats, France , for design entry "Woodcutter Climber" of Ciboure, , and Antoine Alaurent of Saucats, , for design entry "Woodcutter Climber" Hawon Jang of Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea , for "Mini Square" of Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, , for "Mini Square" Wojciech Jurkowski of Krakow , Poland , for "Renault Subtil" of , , for "Renault Subtil" Yixing Liao , Wei Wang , Hangbin Xu , Kang Zeng , Daiqi Fan and Jiali Han of Hangzhou , China , for "UFORCE 16" , , , , Daiqi Fan and of , for "UFORCE 16" Alfred Munkenbeck of London , United Kingdom , for "Sherpa" of , , for "Sherpa" Li Pengliang and Sun Hongyang of Zhengzhou , China , for "Oasis" , , for "Oasis" Thomas Weger of Edgerton, Wis. , USA , for "MSW Pick Up" Juror Comments "As somebody who is heavily involved in truck design, seeing some of the fresh ideas coming from all around the world was really overwhelming. There's a lot of stuff there that is fresh and exciting. It was eye-opening," said Michael Gillam, FCA. "I think the story of the pick-up is the freedom they promise. We've seen so many entries from different countries and different regions in the world, and you can see that people are looking for this type of flexibility. They're coming from all over the world. They're coming from Europe, they're coming from Asia, from India, from China, everywhere you can see people have different needs," said Thomas Sycha, BMW Group Design. "There was a lot of diversity. I saw a lot of designs that show this diversity between product design and lifestyle. I was really impressed by seeing the variety of different ideas and looking at how they apply function to lifestyle as well," said Freeman Thomas, Ford Motor Company. "The basic premise of the pick-up is still pretty much the same. What has changed the most is they provide more creature comfort. Trucks were something that were used by farmers and they've become more of a vehicle for personal use and free time," said Frank Saucedo, General Motors. "There was so much variety. It's not just the North American perspective or European perspective, but so many are emerging markets where you can see the different needs that the different cultures would require from these vehicles," said Richard Plavetich, Nissan Design America. "It never fails at the Michelin Challenge (Design), you're basically reminded again that it has not all been done and that's the most fascinating aspect of being a designer, there's still much to be discovered," said Chris Chapman, Hyundai Design North America. "I think the biggest thing I saw was being able to do multiple things with the same vehicle. I was really amazed at the design work they put into it and the modular capabilities of being able to stretch and shorten and make trucks that you can park anywhere," said Rob MacCachren, off-road motorsports racer and four-time Baja 1000 winner. "Once again, we saw Michelin Challenge Design open the doors to human imagination and creativity. And seeing what people have in their hearts and how they are able to express their passion through computer design was pretty amazing," said Damien Michelin, honorary juror for Michelin North America. "I think there's consensus with the jury team that uniquely, what we term 'the pick up', and it's maybe viewed a little differently all over the world, is still an incredibly strong growth part of the marketplace in the future. So I think the consensus of our jury team is there's a massive future for what we call the pick-up truck," said Stewart Reed, jury chairman, of Art Center College of Design in California. Additionally, the jury chose to recognize the following eight entries as Honorable Mentions in the 2018 Michelin Challenge Design (in alphabetical order): (Images of the winning entries are available at Representatives from the first-, second- and third-place winners will be guests of Michelin at "Movin'On by Michelin," the premier global sustainable mobility event to be held in Montreal, May 30June 1, 2018, where their winning designs will be displayed and they will participate in a private portfolio review with members of the jury and leading designers. All finalists and members of each winning team are invited to join an exclusive online community restricted to Michelin Challenge Design winners and jurors. 2018 Michelin Challenge Design Jury: Stewart Reed : Chair, Transportation Design Department, Art Center College of Design , Consultant and Jury Chairman, Michelin Challenge Design : Chair, Transportation Design Department, , Consultant and Jury Chairman, Michelin Challenge Design Chris Chapman : Chief Designer, Hyundai Design North America : Chief Designer, Hyundai Design North America Michael Gillam : Exterior Design Manager, Ram Design, FCA : Exterior Design Manager, Ram Design, FCA Rob MacCachren: Off-Road Motorsports Racer, Four-time Baja 1000 Victor 1000 Victor Damien Michelin : Honorary Juror, Michelin North America : Honorary Juror, Richard Plavetich : General Manager, Design Business, Nissan Design America : General Manager, Design Business, Nissan Design America Frank Saucedo : Director, Advanced Design Studio, General Motors : Director, Advanced Design Studio, General Motors Thomas Sycha: Exterior Design Manger, BMW Group Design Freeman Thomas : Director, Strategic Design, Ford Motor Company About Michelin Dedicated to the improvement of sustainable mobility, Michelin designs, manufactures and sells tires for every type of vehicle, including airplanes, automobiles, bicycles, earthmovers, farm equipment, heavy-duty trucks and motorcycles. The company has earned a long-standing reputation for building innovative premium tires. In addition to tires, the company also publishes travel guides, hotel and restaurant guides, maps and road atlases. Headquartered in Greenville, S.C., Michelin North America ( employs about 22,850 and operates 20 major manufacturing plants. SOURCE Michelin Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Mining of Gold and Uranium : Although South Africa is no longer the world's largest gold producer and is now ranked sixth in the world, the gold and uranium mining sector is one of the largest components of the domestic mining industry on the basis of employment and export earnings. During 2016, South Africa produced 165.6t of gold, exported 103.7t worth R60.6bn and employed 116,479 people. The country was the world's eleventh-largest producer of uranium in 2016 and it has reasonably assured uranium resources of 237,600t or 6.9% of the world total. Read the full report: Declining Production: The current decrease in production has reduced gold's contribution to the country's economy. According to Statistics South Africa, gold contributed 3.8% to GDP in 1993, dropping to 1.2% in 2015. The issues contributing to the continued fall in production include the increasing depth of operations, continued declines in productivity, ageing infrastructure and falling gold grades. With increased travelling times for workers to reach work areas, the actual amount of time spent on production has diminished. Research conducted by the Chamber of Mines showed that if there is no substantial change in the mining methods used, local gold mining could cease in 2033. As a result, a modernisation plan comprising three stages is to be implemented by role players. Report Coverage: The Mining of Gold and Uranium describes current conditions, including the uncertainty that still exists in the regulatory environment, and discusses factors influencing the success of the industry. The report profiles 16 companies including Pan African Resources, which began the construction of the R1.74bn Elikhulu gold tailings project in Mpumalanga in September 2017. Also profiled is Sibanye-Stillwater, whose operations were negatively affected by a strike concerning illegal mining in June 2017, and which announced the retrenchment of 2,000 workers at its Cooke operations at the end of October 2017. Read the full report: About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place. __________________________ Contact Clare: [email protected] US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001 SOURCE Reportlinker Related Links HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- According to data released by Vietnam's General Statistics Bureau, Vietnam's retail market grew by 10.2% over the previous year to $118 billion in 2016. Vietnam ranked the sixth in the list of the world's most attractive retail markets, behind India, China, Malaysia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The huge potential of Vietnam's retail market has attracted many retail brands to develop in, including Japanese designer brand MINISO, which began to further develop in the Vietnamese market this year, for bringing "high quality and affordable" products to more Vietnamese people. On October 28, 2017, MINISO held a promotion conference in GEM Center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Mr. Miyake Junya, the co-founder and chief designer of MINISO, together with the directors, general manager and representatives of Vietnam were present at the conference. A large number of local investors, retailers and entrepreneurs also attended the conference. Mr. Miyake Junya addressed the conference that MINISO advocates the life philosophy of "simplicity, nature and good quality", hoping to lead consumers to establish a healthy consumption concept and a sustainable development attitude towards life by excellent design, so that consumers around the world may have a chance to enjoy the high quality and affordable products in MINISO. So far, MINISO has reached strategic cooperation agreements with over 60 countries and regions, opening more than 2,000 stores all over the world in merely four years since its establishment. By 2019, MINISO is expected to open 10,000 stores in 100 countries with global revenue reaching USD 15 billion. Vincent, MINISO's Vice President of International Operation, indicated that there are 30 MINISO stores in Vietnam so far, and this number would increase to 50 by the end of 2017. MINISO plans to open 300 stores in Vietnam by 2018 and 500 by 2019. MINISO is confident about developing in the Vietnamese market. Ms. Helen, the representative of Vietnam, believed that as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the retail industry in Vietnam has great potential, and there are new brands being introduced into Vietnam almost every day. Support of government policies, the rapid rise of the middle class and the relatively young demographic structure are the factors contributing to the rapid growth of the retail market. At the promotion conference, on behalf of MINISO, Mr. Miyake Junya signed the strategic cooperation agreement with a few Vietnamese developers, including Vincome, the largest property group in Vietnam, which is laying a solid foundation for MINISO to develop in this country. The conference was held on the anniversary day of MINISO's establishment in Vietnam. Large number of customers standing in long queues and shopped in the MINISO stores. Majority of consumers were young people. In addition to the popular products, such as makeup, digital products, perfume, etc., masks became one of the favorite products of local consumers. Because of the lack of public transport in Ho Chi Minh City and the general use of gas-guzzling motorcycles, masks have become a necessity for the local people. MINISO sticks to the customer-oriented principle and works hard to develop products that meet the needs of the local market, conveying the concept of "high quality and affordable" to every consumer. In the future, MINISO will keep on moving forward, making effort to accelerate its overseas expansion so as to realize its vision of "liberating the younger generation". SOURCE MINISO Japan CHICAGO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, the five FABTECH co-sponsors unveiled a new logo and brand identity for the FABTECH series of events. FABTECH represents the leading events in North America exclusively focused on advancing the metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing industries. The industry is evolving and the new logo reflects the innovation and emerging manufacturing technologies showcased at FABTECH. With its more modern look and feel, the new logo design better conveys the current and future direction of the FABTECH brand. "The manufacturing industry is entering a new age and experiencing an industrial revolution that is changing the way we manufacture," said John Catalano, FABTECH show co-manager and SME senior director. "And in the midst of this, FABTECH is also evolving to stay at the leading edge of the industry. We are excited to launch a new logo that demonstrates the evolution of the FABTECH brand." "While we usher in a new visual identity, FABTECH remains committed to delivering a high-quality, innovative event experience," added Mark Hoper, FABTECH show co-manager and FMA senior vice president of media and expositions. "The show will continue to meet the demands of the industry and showcase not only what's new, but what's next." Evidence of FABTECH's embrace of innovation is on display in Chicago this week with a new pavilion dedicated to the advanced technology of additive manufacturing as well as expert panels and education sessions on the future of manufacturing, including smart manufacturing, the Industrial Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, automation and more. The new logo mark and simple letter structure offers a more relevant, forward-thinking image, while still honoring and preserving FABTECH's rich history. The new logo is the first piece of a strategic branding initiative to bring a consistent, cohesive and contemporary look and feel to all FABTECH events. The evolved brand identity will be rolled out for all FABTECH events, communications and other publications throughout the next year. About FABTECH FABTECH is North America's largest collaboration of technology, equipment and knowledge in the metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing industries. The event provides a powerfully aligned hands-on, face-to-face business growth experience. FABTECH is held annually in the U.S., rotating between Las Vegas, Chicago and Atlanta. FABTECH Mexico also occurs annually rotating between Mexico City and Monterrey and FABTECH Canada occurs biennially in Toronto. These events are made possible by FABTECH's five co-sponsors, all of whom represent the varied and diverse makeup of the manufacturing industry. They include the American Welding Society, the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International, the Precision Metalforming Association, Chemical Coaters Association International and SME. SOURCE FABTECH PALM BEACH, Florida, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- A constant and continued growth of legal cannabis throughout North America is leading to expanded operations and production of new products, as well as solid stock performance as the industry continues to earn lofty revenue forecasts from analysts. ArcView, a leading research group for the legal marijuana industry, recently reported legal cannabis, hemp and marijuana sales soared in North America by 34% last year, and they're slated to grow by an average of 26% annually through 2021. That type of growth appears to be enough to attract investors to marijuana stocks such as: MYM Nutraceuticals Inc. (OTC: MYMMF) (CSE: MYM), Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) (OTC: TWMJF), Aurora Cannabis Inc. (TSX: ACB) (OTC: ACBFF), Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: MJNA), Terra Tech Corp. (OTC: TRTC). MYM Nutraceuticals Inc. (OTCQB: MYMMF) (CSE: MYM.CN) is pleased to announce that the Laval Project is on schedule for completion on December 15th, 2017. MYM will then be submitting on confirmation of readiness video and Standard Operating Procedures for Cultivation to Health Canada. All underground plumbing is complete, HVAC installation is underway and next week the storage vault will be completed. All the walls of the production rooms are insulated and have the bullet proof windows installed. MYM has completed the grow equipment purchase order and was able to cut the projected costs in half. Grow equipment will arrive in 10 days to be installed. Read this and more news for MYM Nutraceuticals at: In parallel, MYM's mega project 'Weedon' has been progressing rapidly with engineering land studies completed and the Health Canada application is progressing rapidly. The Weedon processing and packaging, distribution plant design has been completed and final implementation on the greenhouse design of the first phase of 300,000 sqft is close to completion. MYM is currently going through the process to acquire a 'Distribution and Dealers Import Export license' application with Health Canada, which will open up worldwide markets for MYM. "Demand for cannabis is growing worldwide and with MYM actively investigating all opportunities in each sector of the cannabis industry, it will develop MYM into a complete Global seed-to-sale company," said Rob Gietl, Chief Executive Officer. "MYM is working to open up cannabis distribution channels globally to accelerate our growth. Our Weedon project alone has 329 acres to expand production on. As recreational cannabis opens in more markets and as global markets expand; we plan on being ahead of the curve and have supply chains ready." In other industry news of note: Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED.TO) (OTC: TWMJF) and Delta 9 Cannabis Inc. (TSX.V: NINE) ('Delta 9' or together, the 'Companies') applaud the framework this week announced by the Province of Manitoba regarding adult-use cannabis production, distribution, and retail. The decision by the Government of Manitoba to allow for private retail distribution of cannabis while ensuring that public safety and health concerns are the focal points of its cannabis policies is a strong and welcomed approach. As responsible existing cannabis businesses, Delta 9 and Canopy Growth plan to work collaboratively within the proposed Manitoba framework to bring locally produced products as well as the best variety from across the country to future cannabis consumers throughout the province. Aurora Cannabis Inc. (TSX: ACB.TO) (OTCQX: ACBFF) announced this week that the Company has elected to exercise its right under the indenture (the 'Indenture') governing the Company's 8.0% unsecured convertible debentures due November 1, 2018 (the 'Debentures') to convert (the 'Conversion') all of the principal amount outstanding of the remaining Debentures and unpaid accrued interest thereon up to December 9, 2017 into common shares of the Company (the 'Common Shares'). Pursuant to the terms of the Indenture, the Company may force the conversion of the Debentures at the conversion price of $2.00 per Common Share when the VWAP of the Common Shares on the TSX Exchange (the 'Exchange') for 10 consecutive trading days equals or exceeds $3.00. Medical Marijuana, Inc. (OTC: MJNA) announced yesterday that subsidiary Kannaway, LLC, the first hemp lifestyle network to offer cannabidiol (CBD) hemp botanical products, has introduced Kannaway SuperGreens, a brand new way to take advantage of hemp's nutritional benefits. Kannaway SuperGreens is formulated with more than 40 different superfood and nutrient dense ingredients, Kannaway SuperGreens makes it easier to get the suggested daily intake of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, and other nutrients by using products such as wheat, barley, and alfalfa grasses, spinach, broccoli, kale, acai, carrot, beet, turmeric, flax and chia seeds, hemp flour, and Kannaway's exclusive Bi-Bong herbal extracts. Terra Tech Corp. (OTCQX: TRTC), a vertically integrated, cannabis-focused agriculture company, will release its Third Quarter 2017 results today - Thursday, November 9, 2017 after U.S. markets close. The company will also host a conference call on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 4:30 PM Eastern. - Dial-In Number: 1-857-232-0157 - Access Code: 422095 - Derek Peterson, Chairman and CEO of Terra Tech Corp., will be answering shareholder questions at the end of the call. DISCLAIMER: (MNU) is a third party publisher and news dissemination service provider, which disseminates electronic information through multiple online media channels. MNU is NOT affiliated in any manner with any company mentioned herein. MNU and its affiliated companies are a news dissemination solutions provider and are NOT a registered broker/dealer/analyst/adviser, holds no investment licenses and may NOT sell, offer to sell or offer to buy any security. MNU's market updates, news alerts and corporate profiles are NOT a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities. The material in this release is intended to be strictly informational and is NEVER to be construed or interpreted as research material. All readers are strongly urged to perform research and due diligence on their own and consult a licensed financial professional before considering any level of investing in stocks. All material included herein is republished content and details which were previously disseminated by the companies mentioned in this release. MNU is not liable for any investment decisions by its readers or subscribers. Investors are cautioned that they may lose all or a portion of their investment when investing in stocks. For current services performed MNU has been compensated forty four hundred dollars for news coverage of the current press release issued by MYM Nutraceuticals Inc. by a non-affiliated third party. MNU HOLDS NO SHARES OF ANY COMPANY NAMED IN THIS RELEASE. This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may", "future", "plan" or "planned", "will" or "should", "expected," "anticipates", "draft", "eventually" or "projected". You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a company's annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and MNU undertakes no obligation to update such statements. Contact Information: [email protected] +1(561)325-8757 SOURCE Featuring smart building technology, the "industrial modern" building is designed for companies seeking a creative and inspiring environment. The Refinery will have a total of five floors with four upper levels of 22,500 square-foot efficient floorplates over first-floor retail. The first floor will have 16' ceiling heights complimenting office floor heights of 10' 14' with floor-to-ceiling glass. The Refinery will offer panoramic views of the Queen City's skyline and a rooftop amenity that will provide additional outdoor meeting/gathering space for tenants, visitors and guests with vast views of the Queen City, including Bank of America Stadium. The Refinery's location at the Morehead Street exit off I-77 is in the highly sought-after South End/Midtown submarket and is an easy walk to a number of restaurants in the trendy Freemore West neighborhood such as Pinky's West Side Grill, Savor Cafe and Rhino Market, popular bars, retail and exercise concepts. It is a true "live/work/play neighborhood" less than half a mile from Uptown Charlotte and a short walk to Irwin Creek and Stewart Creek Greenways. The Refinery will sit adjacent to a 287-unit Class A multi-family project currently under construction. The Refinery will include free parking in a 350-space parking deck built for tenants and visitors. It will also provide electric vehicle charging stations, interior bike storage, private showers and locker rooms on the first floor, and a tenant friendly gathering space in the main lobby. "We are delighted to partner with Insite on development of The Refinery project," said David Jackson, President of Northridge Capital. "This venture represents an expansion of our ongoing relationship with Insite and our commitment to this dynamic submarket." Northridge and its investors already own the Grinnell Water Works Building two blocks west of The Refinery site, which it purchased last year from Insite and which Insite continues to lease and manage. Northridge sourced investor equity through its relationship with Cap Corp Investment Company of Kuwait. Cap Corp Investment Company was founded in 2008 as a Shariah-Compliant Kuwaiti Closed Shareholding Company, and focuses on investment products ranging from asset management, financial markets, corporate finance, and private equity to real estate development. David Etemadi, VP, Acquisitions at Northridge, added "We are thrilled to close on our financing and immediately begin construction on a Project that takes design cues from the rich historic and creative feel of Freemore West with state-of-the-art, Class A office amenities. Furthermore, with a Class A direct office vacancy rate below 5% in Midtown, we believe there is demand for this much-needed product." "We are pleased to start work on The Refinery, bringing much needed creative Class A office and retail space to the rapidly developing West Morehead corridor," said Jay Blanton, Founder and Managing Principal of Insite Properties. "The Refinery will offer an adaptive re-use feel with the features and amenities of brand new construction that will both redefine and blend into the diverse and ever-changing face of West Morehead and further solidify it as a new hot spot in the Queen City." JLL's Barry Fabyan and Charley Leavitt are representing the development team in office leasing execution; John Hadley of The Nichols Company is responsible for first-floor retail leasing. BB+M Architecture has been tapped as the architect, LandDesign is the civil engineer and Edifice Construction is the general contractor. The Refinery is slated to deliver in fall 2018 About Northridge Capital Northridge Capital, LLC, based in Washington DC since its founding in 1997, is a real estate private equity firm focused on representing international high-net worth families and institutions. As an independent real estate asset management firm, Northridge Capital has successfully generated superior risk-adjusted returns to investors since its inception, demonstrating the ability to acquire, manage and sell real estate assets across a wide variety of property types and geographic areas. On behalf of investors, the company has invested in more than 50 assets, with a combined value of $962 million. The current portfolio has a value of $528 million. About Insite Properties Insite Properties, LLC, founded in 2001, is a full-service commercial real estate firm based in Charlotte, NC with additional offices in Charlottesville, Va. Insite is regionally focused on professional and medical office development, acquisition, leasing and properties management opportunities throughout the southeastern United States. Insite acquires and develops properties directly or with a variety of joint venture partners in an effort to be involved in quality projects that add to the communities within which they exist and provide market risk adjusted returns for itself and its investment partners. SOURCE Northridge Capital, LLC Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. (NYSE: NRE) ("NorthStar Realty Europe" or "NRE"), a European office REIT, today announced its results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2017. Highlights U.S. GAAP net (loss) to common stockholders: $(6.8) million , or $(0.12) per diluted share , or per diluted share Cash available for distribution ("CAD"): $12.8 million , or $0.23 per share , or per share Implementation of operational efficiencies underway and expected to result in run rate annual cash expense savings of approximately $4-5 million by the end of 2018 ( $0.07 - $0.09 per share) by the end of 2018 ( per share) $1.4 million ( $0.03 per share) of annual cash saving from an amendment to a $562 million senior mortgage loan ( per share) of annual cash saving from an amendment to a senior mortgage loan 47,000 square meters of new leases or lease renewals signed year to date (14% of the portfolio), expected to add approximately $2.3 million per annum to same store NOI next year per annum to same store NOI next year Declared a cash dividend of $0.15 per share for the third quarter 2017 Amended the terms of NRE's management agreement with an affiliate of Colony NorthStar, Inc., effective January 1, 2018 , creating further alignment with NRE stockholders by bringing the fee structure, term and termination more in line with customary market standards Third Quarter 2017 Financial Results During the third quarter 2017, U.S. GAAP net (loss) attributable to common stockholders was $(6.8) million, CAD was $12.8 million and NOI was $26.0 million. For more information and a reconciliation of each of CAD, NOI and same store NOI to net (loss) attributable to common stockholders, please refer to the tables on the following pages. Mahbod Nia, Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We are pleased to announce another positive quarter in which we successfully implemented a number of asset management initiatives that we anticipate will result in an approximately $2.3 million per annum increase in same store NOI next year and further enhance the value of our portfolio. In parallel, we began the process of implementing certain operational efficiencies that we expect will result in up to $0.09 per share of run-rate cash saving by the end of 2018." Mahbod Nia continued, "The agreement between Colony NorthStar, Inc. and NRE to amend NRE's management agreement, bringing the fee structure and term of the agreement more in line with customary market standards, is a clear reflection of the continued commitment from all parties towards unlocking NRE's trading discount to NAV." Real Estate Portfolio Overview $2.2 billion portfolio market value1 ("Portfolio Market Value") comprising $2.2 billion real estate portfolio value based on the 2017 mid year independent valuation by Cushman & Wakefield LLP and a $35 million preferred equity investment. Real Estate Portfolio Leasing Activity 2 As of September 30, 2017, NRE's real estate portfolio included 26 properties located across five European countries with approximately 344,000 rentable square meters, 86% weighted average occupancy and a 6.4 year weighted average remaining lease term to expiry ("WALT"). The core portfolio consisted of 20 properties with 232,000 rentable square meters, 94% weighted average occupancy and a 6.4 year WALT as of September 30, 2017. Year to date, NRE has signed 47,000 square meters (14% of the portfolio) of new leases or lease renewals, of which 35,000 square meters were executed in the third quarter, and are expected to add approximately $2.3 million to the same store NOI from January 1, 2018. Proforma portfolio occupancy of 88% and core portfolio proforma occupancy of 97% Proforma portfolio and core portfolio WALT of 6.6 years Same Store Net Operating Income In the third quarter 2017, same store sequential quarter-over-quarter total revenue decreased by $(0.9) million, or (2.6)%, and same store sequential net operating income decreased by $(0.4) million, or (1.5)%, as a result of value enhancing lease extensions signed at the Maastoren property (including approximately $0.3 million related to the retroactive nature of the lease). Core portfolio same store sequential quarter-over-quarter total NOI increased by $0.2 million, or 1.1%, excluding the recently signed lease with Deutsche Bundesbank at the Trianon property. Same store portfolio year-over-year total revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2017 decreased by $(1.8) million, or (5.2)%, as a result of the value enhancing lease extensions signed at the Maastoren property ($0.7 million down in the third quarter) and vacancy at the Trianon property which has now been relet ($0.7 million per quarter contractual rent). Same store year-over-year net operating income decreased by $(1.7) million, or (6.3)%, driven by the leasing activity described above and the timing of certain recoverable expenses. Acquisitions and Dispositions For the three months ended September 30, 2017, NRE sold two non-core properties the Netherlands and Spain for $11.3 million, releasing approximately $8.6 million of equity. Cash Expense Savings Management has commenced implementation of cost saving initiatives that are expected to result in approximately $4-5 million per annum ($0.07 - $0.09 per share) of net run rate savings in other expenses and general and administrative expenses from the end of 2018, related to the internalization of certain asset management, accounting and other services and a reduction of corporate costs. These expense savings equate to approximately 25% of NRE's other expenses and general and administrative expenses, based on annualized year to date 2017 actuals (or 15% inclusive of the third party management fees). Liquidity and Financing As of October 31, 2017, total liquidity was $81 million, comprising $46 million of unrestricted cash and $35 million of availability under NRE's revolving credit facility. As of September 30, 2017, leverage was 56.2% based on the Portfolio Market Value. In the third quarter of 2017, NRE amended and restated the SEB portfolio senior loan agreement to reduce the margin from 1.80% to 1.55%, resulting in an expected $1.4 million annual savings, and also extended the maturity date by two years. Stockholder's Equity NRE had 55.8 million shares of common stock, operating partnership units and restricted stock units ("RSUs") not subject to performance hurdles outstanding as of September 30, 2017. As of September 30, 2017, total equity was $618 million (U.S. GAAP depreciated value), or $11.07 per diluted share. EPRA3 net asset value, or EPRA NAV, was $17.77 per diluted share as of September 30, 2017, based on the Portfolio Market Value compared to $17.29 per share as of June 30, 2017. For more information and a reconciliation of EPRA NAV to total equity, please refer to the tables on the following pages. Amended and Restated Management Agreement and Ownership Waiver On March 23, 2017, the Board established a Strategic Review Committee ("SRC") consisting solely of independent directors of NRE to, among other things, review, evaluate, negotiate and approve any modifications or amendments to the original management agreement. With the assistance of its financial and legal advisors, Moelis & Company LLC and Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP, the SRC negotiated with its external manager, an affiliate of Colony NorthStar, Inc. ("CLNS" or the "Manager") the terms of an amended and restated asset management agreement (the "Amended Management Agreement"), which has been unanimously approved by the SRC, and was entered into by the Manager and NRE on November 9, 2017, effective January 1, 2018. The SRC is committed to continuing its work to promote the best interests of the NRE stockholders. The table below illustrates some of the key terms of the Amended Management Agreement. Please see NRE's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and the exhibits thereto for additional details relating to the terms of the Amended Management Agreement and for a copy of the Amended Management Agreement. Key Terms Initial Term and Renewal Initial 5-year term and subsequent 3-year term renewals unless terminated by either party Termination During the initial 5-year term, only for certain "cause" events. Thereafter, NRE may elect to terminate without cause at the end of each term Following the initial term, NRE may also terminate at any time upon a Change of Control (as defined) of NRE Termination Payment 3.0x LTM Base Management Fee at the end of each term if terminated by NRE or upon a Change of Control Base Management Fee 1.5% per annum of EPRA NAV (as defined) amounts up to $2.0 billion plus 1.25% of EPRA NAV amounts above $2.0 billion, based on the prior quarter EPRA NAV The fee is variable (upwards and downwards) Incentive Fee 20% of the excess of the Total Stockholder Return (as defined, and subject to a high water mark established when an incentive is realized) over a cumulative 10% annual hurdle rate The first measurement period for the incentive fee will begin on January 1, 2018 Consideration Base Management is payable quarterly in cash but the Incentive Fee is payable, at NRE's election, in cash, restricted shares of common stock or unrestricted shares of common stock or combination thereof If payment is made in common stock, shares are valued at the higher of Market Price (as defined) and EPRA NAV per share (as defined), subject to a lock up with staggered releases over a 3 year term (1/3 released each year) Expense Reimbursements NRE is responsible for its direct costs. In addition, NRE will reimburse CLNS for costs related to internalization services (as defined) subject to the following caps (per annum): 0.15% of gross asset value (as defined) amounts up to $2.5 billion, plus 0.125% of gross asset value amounts between $2.5 billion and $5.0 billion, plus 0.10% of gross asset value amounts above $5.0 billion Equity Based Compensation The aggregate annual grant amount, if any, must be approved by NRE Compensation Committee Under the Amended Management Agreement, beginning with NRE's 2018 annual stockholders' meeting, the Manager will have the right to nominate one director (who is expected to be one of NRE's current directors employed by the Manager) to NRE's board of directors. In addition, NRE provided CLNS with an ownership waiver under NRE's charter, which allows CLNS to purchase up to 45% of NRE's common stock subject to certain voting restrictions. In connection with the waiver, CLNS agreed that for all matters submitted to a vote of NRE's stockholders, to the extent CLNS owns more than 25% of NRE's common stock, it will vote the excess shares in the same proportion that the remaining NRE shares not owned by CLNS are voted. Please see NRE's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and the exhibits thereto for additional details relating to the terms of the ownership waiver. Appointment of Chairman and Election of Mahbod Nia to the Board of Directors On November 6, 2017, David T. Hamamoto, the chairman of the board of directors (the "Board") of NRE, informed the Board of his decision to retire, effective as of January 11, 2018. Additionally, on November 8, 2017, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of NRE recommended, and the Board approved, effective as of January 11, 2018, (i) the appointment of Richard B. Saltzman, the Chief Executive Officer and President of CLNS, as Chairman of the Board and (ii) the election of Mahbod Nia, Chief Executive Officer and President of NRE, to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Hamamoto's resignation. Mr. Nia will not receive any compensation in connection with his service on the Board. Third Quarter Disclosure Supplement Presentation A third quarter 2017 disclosure supplement presentation will be posted on NRE's website,, which provides additional details regarding NRE's operations and portfolio. Third Quarter 2017 Conference Call NRE will conduct a conference call to discuss the results on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. ET. Hosting the call will be Mahbod Nia, Chief Executive Officer, Keith Feldman, Chief Financial Officer and Trevor Ross, General Counsel. To participate in the event by telephone, please dial +1 866 966 5335 (U.S. Toll Free), or +44 (0) 20 3003 2666 (International) or 0808 109 0700 (U.K. Toll Free), using passcode NorthStar. The call will also be broadcast live over the internet and can be accessed from NRE's website at For those unable to participate during the live call, a replay of the call will be available approximately two hours after the call through December 9, 2017 by dialling +1 866 583 1035 (U.S. Toll Free), or +44 (0) 20 8196 1998 or 0800 633 8453 (UK Toll Free), using passcode 5902766. About NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. is a European focused commercial real estate company with predominately prime office properties within key cities in Germany, the United Kingdom and France, organized as a REIT and managed by an affiliate of Colony NorthStar, Inc. (NYSE: CLNS), a leading global equity REIT with an embedded investment management platform. For more information about NorthStar Realty Europe Corp., please visit Investor Relations Gordon Simpson Finsbury +1 855 527 8539 or +44 (0) 207 2513801 [email protected] NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. Consolidated Balance Sheet ($ in thousands, except per share data) (Unaudited) September 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 Assets Operating real estate, gross $ 1,751,141 $ 1,614,432 Less: accumulated depreciation (96,805) (63,585) Operating real estate, net 1,654,336 1,550,847 Preferred equity investments 49,728 Cash and cash equivalents 35,086 66,308 Restricted cash 8,516 10,242 Receivables, net of allowance of $611 and $553 as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016, respectively 8,114 6,015 Assets held for sale 76,141 28,208 Derivative assets, at fair value 8,054 13,729 Intangible assets, net 123,141 148,403 Other assets, net 26,117 21,640 Total assets $ 1,989,233 $ 1,845,392 Liabilities Mortgage and other notes payable, net $ 1,272,758 $ 1,149,119 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 25,318 28,004 Due to related party 3,483 4,991 Derivative liabilities, at fair value 5,547 Intangible liabilities, net 29,911 30,802 Liabilities held for sale 2,453 2,041 Other liabilities 29,996 28,918 Total liabilities 1,369,466 1,243,875 Commitments and contingencies Redeemable non-controlling interest 1,809 1,610 Equity NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. Stockholders' Equity Preferred stock, $0.01 par value, 200,000,000 shares authorized, no shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 Common stock, $0.01 par value, 1,000,000,000 shares authorized, 55,313,294 and 55,395,143 shares issued and outstanding as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016, respectively 554 554 Additional paid-in capital 937,195 925,473 Retained earnings (accumulated deficit) (340,198) (282,769) Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 15,281 (51,424) Total NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. stockholders' equity 612,832 591,834 Non-controlling interests 5,126 8,073 Total equity 617,958 599,907 Total liabilities, redeemable non-controlling interest and equity $ 1,989,233 $ 1,845,392 NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. Consolidated Statements of Operations ($ in thousands, except for per share data) (Unaudited) Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues Rental income $ 27,747 $ 29,798 $ 79,308 $ 98,622 Escalation income 5,641 7,828 16,360 19,825 Interest income 704 1,001 Other income 171 149 708 899 Total revenues 34,263 37,775 97,377 119,346 Expenses Properties - operating expenses 7,519 9,493 22,521 27,263 Interest expense 6,536 9,301 19,641 33,484 Transaction costs 332 150 1,565 2,633 Impairment losses 27,468 Management fee, related party 3,585 3,548 10,716 10,548 Other expenses 1,996 2,848 6,604 9,579 General and administrative expenses 1,723 2,199 5,875 5,181 Compensation expense (1) 2,839 5,194 20,094 12,225 Depreciation and amortization 14,396 13,989 39,479 51,264 Total expenses 38,926 46,722 126,495 179,645 Other income (loss) Unrealized gain (loss) on derivatives and other (3,472) (4,982) (12,068) (19,775) Realized gain (loss) on sales and other 1,681 3,814 8,632 6,188 Income (loss) before income tax benefit (expense) (6,454) (10,115) (32,554) (73,886) Income tax benefit (expense) (352) (2,655) (316) (2,515) Net income (loss) (6,806) (12,770) (32,870) (76,401) Net (income) loss attributable to non-controlling interests 36 49 303 792 Net income (loss) attributable to NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. common stockholders $ (6,770) $ (12,721) $ (32,567) $ (75,609) Earnings (loss) per share: Basic $ (0.12) $ (0.22) $ (0.59) $ (1.28) Diluted $ (0.12) $ (0.22) $ (0.59) $ (1.28) Weighted average number of shares: Basic 55,155,440 58,239,941 55,004,888 58,923,027 Diluted 55,602,078 58,928,421 55,565,341 59,612,985 Dividends per share of common stock $0.15 $0.15 $0.45 $0.45 (1) Compensation expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 is comprised of equity-based compensation expenses. For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, compensation expense includes the impact of substantially all time based and certain performance based awards vesting in connection with the change of control of NRE's manager (the "Mergers"). Non-GAAP Financial Measures Included in this press release are Cash Available for Distribution, or CAD, net operating income, or NOI, same store net operating income, and EPRA net asset value, or EPRA NAV, each a "non-GAAP financial measure," which measures NRE's historical or future financial performance that is different from measures calculated and presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States, or U.S. GAAP, within the meaning of the applicable Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, rules. NRE believes these metrics can be a useful measure of its performance which is further defined below. Cash Available for Distribution We believe that CAD provides investors and management with a meaningful indicator of operating performance. We also believe that CAD is useful because it adjusts for a variety of items that are consistent with presenting a measure of operating performance (such as transaction costs, depreciation and amortization, equity-based compensation, realized gain (loss) on sales and other, asset impairment and non-recurring bad debt expense). We adjust for transaction costs because these costs are not a meaningful indicator of our operating performance. For instance, these transaction costs include costs such as professional fees associated with new investments, which are expenses related to specific transactions. Management also believes that quarterly distributions are principally based on operating performance and our board of directors includes CAD as one of several metrics it reviews to determine quarterly distributions to stockholders. The definition of CAD may be adjusted from time to time for our reporting purposes in our discretion, acting through our audit committee or otherwise. CAD may fluctuate from period to period based upon a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, the timing and amount of investments, repayments and asset sales, capital raised, use of leverage, changes in the expected yield of investments and the overall conditions in commercial real estate and the economy generally. We calculate CAD by subtracting from or adding to net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders, non-controlling interests and the following items: depreciation and amortization items including straight-line rental income or expense (excluding amortization of rent free periods), amortization of above/below market leases, amortization of deferred financing costs, amortization of discount on financings and other and equity-based compensation; unrealized gain (loss) on derivatives and other; realized gain (loss) on sales and other (excluding any realized gain (loss) on foreign currency derivatives); impairment on depreciable property; non-recurring bad debt expense; acquisition gains or losses; transaction costs; foreign currency gains (losses); impairment on goodwill and other intangible assets; and one-time events pursuant to changes in U.S. GAAP and certain other non-recurring items. These items, if applicable, include any adjustments for unconsolidated ventures. CAD should not be considered as an alternative to net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders, determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP, as an indicator of operating performance. In addition, our methodology for calculating CAD involves subjective judgment and discretion and may differ from the methodologies used by other comparable companies, including other REITs, when calculating the same or similar supplemental financial measures and may not be comparable with these companies. The following table presents a reconciliation of CAD to net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 (dollars in thousands): Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders $ (6,770) $ (12,721) $ (32,567) $ (75,609) Non-controlling interests (36) (49) (303) (792) Adjustments: Depreciation and amortization items(1)(2) 17,096 20,870 61,656 71,300 Impairment losses 27,468 Unrealized (gain) loss on derivatives and other 3,472 4,982 12,068 19,775 Realized (gain) loss on sales and other(3)(4) (1,449) (3,714) (6,944) (7,283) Transaction costs and other(5)(6) 438 4,564 2,480 7,333 CAD $ 12,751 $ 13,932 $ 36,390 $ 42,192 CAD per Share(7) $ 0.23 $ 0.23 $ 0.65 $ 0.69 (1) Three months ended September 30, 2017 represents an adjustment to exclude depreciation and amortization of $(14.4) million, amortization expense of capitalized above/below market leases of $0.8 million, amortization of deferred financing costs of $(0.7) million and amortization of equity-based compensation of $(2.8) million. Three months ended September 30, 2016 represents an adjustment to exclude depreciation and amortization of $(14.0) million, amortization of above/below market leases of $0.1 million, amortization of deferred financing costs of $(1.8) million and amortization of equity-based compensation of $(5.2) million. (2) Nine months ended September 30, 2017 represents an adjustment to exclude depreciation and amortization of $(39.5) million, amortization expense of capitalized above/below market leases of $0.3 million, amortization of deferred financing costs of $(2.3) million and amortization of equity-based compensation of $(20.1) million. Nine months ended September 30, 2016 represents an adjustment to exclude depreciation and amortization of $(51.3) million, amortization expense of capitalized above/below market leases of $(2.2) million, amortization of deferred financing costs of $(5.5) million and amortization of equity-based compensation of $(12.2) million. (3) Three months ended September 30, 2017 CAD includes a $0.2 million net gain related to the settlement of foreign currency derivatives. Three months ended September 30, 2016 CAD includes a $0.1 million net gain related to the settlement of foreign currency derivatives. (4) Nine months ended September 30, 2017 CAD includes a $1.7 million net gain related to the settlement of foreign currency derivatives. Nine months ended September 30, 2016 CAD includes a $(1.1) million net loss related to the settlement of foreign currency derivatives. (5) Three months ended September 30, 2017 represents an adjustment to exclude $(0.3) million of transaction costs and $(0.1) million of taxes associated with the capital gain tax on the sale of real estate investments. Three months ended September 30, 2016 represents an adjustment to exclude $(0.3) million of transaction costs and $(4.3) million of taxes associated with the capital gain tax on the sale of real estate investments. (6) Nine months ended September 30, 2017 represents an adjustment to exclude $(1.6) million of transaction costs relating to the Mergers and transaction fees related to our preferred equity investment and $(0.9) million of payroll taxes associated with the acceleration of equity awards due to the Mergers. Nine months ended September 30, 2016 represents an adjustment to exclude $(3.0) million of transaction costs and $(4.3) million of taxes associated with the capital gain tax on the sale of real estate investments. (7) CAD per share is based on 55.8 million weighted average shares (common shares outstanding including operating partnership units and RSUs not subject to performance hurdles) for the the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017, respectively. Based on 60.5 million weighted average shares (common shares outstanding, including LTIPs and RSUs not subject to performance hurdles) for the three months ended September 30, 2016 and 61.0 million weighted average shares (common shares outstanding, including LTIPs and RSUs not subject to performance hurdles) for the nine months ended September 30, 2016. (8) CAD per share does not take into account any potential dilution from restricted stock units subject to performance metrics not currently achieved. Net Operating Income (NOI) We believe NOI is a useful metric of the operating performance of our real estate portfolio in the aggregate. Portfolio results and performance metrics represent 100% for all consolidated investments. Net operating income represents total property and related revenues, adjusted for: (i) amortization of above/below market leases; (ii) straight-line rent (except with respect to rent free period); (iii) other items such as adjustments related to joint ventures and non-recurring bad debt expense and less property operating expenses. However, the usefulness of NOI is limited because it excludes general and administrative costs, interest expense, transaction costs, depreciation and amortization expense, realized gains (losses) on sales and other and other items under U.S. GAAP and capital expenditures and leasing costs necessary to maintain the operating performance of properties, all of which may be significant economic costs. NOI may fail to capture significant trends in these components of U.S. GAAP net income (loss) which further limits its usefulness. NOI should not be considered as an alternative to net income (loss), determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP, as an indicator of operating performance. In addition, our methodology for calculating NOI involves subjective judgment and discretion and may differ from the methodologies used by other comparable companies, including other REITs, when calculating the same or similar supplemental financial measures and may not be comparable with these companies. The following table presents a reconciliation of NOI of our real estate equity and preferred equity segments to property and other related revenues less property operating expenses for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 (dollars in thousands): Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Rental income $ 27,747 $ 29,798 $ 79,308 $ 98,622 Escalation income 5,641 7,828 16,360 19,825 Other income 171 149 708 899 Total property and other income 33,559 37,775 96,376 119,346 Properties - operating expenses 7,519 9,493 22,521 27,263 Adjustments: Interest income 704 1,001 Amortization and other items(1)(2) (789) 166 (257) 2,815 NOI(3) $ 25,955 $ 28,448 $ 74,599 $ 94,898 (1) Three months ended September 30, 2017 primarily includes $0.8 million of amortization of above/below market leases. Three months ended September 30, 2016 primarily includes $(0.1) million of amortization of above/below market leases. (2) Nine months ended September 30, 2017 primarily includes $0.3 million of amortization of above/below market leases. Nine months ended September 30, 2016 primarily includes $(2.2) million of amortization of above/below market lease and $(0.6) million of non-recurring bad debt expense. (3) The following table presents a reconciliation of net income (loss) to NOI of our real estate segment for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 (dollars in thousands): Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Net income (loss) $ (6,806) $ (12,770) $ (32,870) $ (76,401) Remaining segments(i) 10,319 13,935 46,272 46,174 Real estate segment adjustments: Interest expense 6,325 7,132 18,896 24,249 Other expenses 1,974 2,850 6,389 9,547 Depreciation and amortization 14,396 13,989 39,479 51,264 Unrealized (gain) loss on derivatives and other 951 4,330 1,912 18,715 Realized (gain) loss on sales and other (1,621) (3,691) (7,116) (10,841) Income tax (benefit) expense 352 2,655 316 2,515 Impairment losses 27,468 Other items 65 18 1,321 2,208 Net (income) loss - Real estate segment 22,442 27,283 61,197 125,125 NOI $ 25,955 $ 28,448 $ 74,599 $ 94,898 (i) Represents the net (income) loss in our corporate and preferred equity segments to reconcile to total net income (loss). Same store net operating income We believe same store net operating income is a useful metric of the operating performance as it reflects the operating performance of the real estate portfolio excluding effects of non-cash adjustments and provides a better measure of operational performance for a quarter-over-quarter comparison. Same store net operating income is presented for the same store portfolio, which represents all properties that were owned by us at the end of the reporting period. We define same store net operating income as NOI excluding (i) properties that were acquired or sold during the period, (ii) impact of foreign currency changes and (iii) amortization of above/below market leases. We consider same store net operating income to be an appropriate and useful supplemental performance measure. Same store net operating income should not be considered as an alternative to net income (loss), determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP, as an indicator of operating performance. In addition, our methodology for calculating same store net operating income involves subjective judgment and discretion and may differ from the methodologies used by other comparable companies, including other REITs, when calculating the same or similar supplemental financial measures and may not be comparable with these companies. Same store portfolio is defined as properties in operation throughout the full periods presented under the comparison, excluding the impact of foreign currency changes, and included 26 properties. The following table presents our same store analysis for the real estate equity segment, which excludes properties that were acquired or sold at any time during the three months ended September 30, 2017 and June 30, 2017 (dollar in thousands): Three Months Ended Increase (Decrease) September 30, 2017 June 30, 2017(1) Amount Percentage Occupancy (end of period) 85.5 % 84.7 % Core Portfolio Occupancy (end of period) 93.9 % 92.7 % Rental income(2) $ 26,799 $ 27,231 $ (432) Escalation income 5,526 5,728 (202) Other income 187 423 (236) Total revenues 32,512 33,382 (870) (2.6) % Utilities 1,892 2,108 (216) Real estate taxes and insurance 1,337 1,549 (212) Non-recoverable value added tax (VAT) 536 499 37 Management fees 589 580 9 Repairs and maintenance 2,446 2,543 (97) Ground rent(2) 193 197 (4) Other 332 327 5 Properties - operating expenses 7,325 7,803 (478) (6.1)% Same store net operating income $ 25,187 $ 25,579 $ (392) (1.5)% Core Portfolio Same Store NOI $ 22,235 $ 21,991 $ 244 1.1 % (1) Three months ended June 30, 2017 is translated using the average exchange rate for the three months ended September 30, 2017. (2) Adjusted to exclude amortization of above/below market leases. The following table presents a reconciliation from net income (loss) to same store net operating income for the real estate equity segment for the three months ended September 30, 2017 and June 30, 2017 (dollar in thousands): Same Store Reconciliation Three Months Ended September 30, 2017 June 30, 2017 Net income (loss) $ (6,806) $ (10,538) Corporate segment net (income) loss(1) 11,023 12,860 Other (income) loss(3) 22,442 22,936 Net operating income 25,955 24,961 Sale of real estate investments and other(4) (64) 915 (5) Interest income(2) (704) (297) Same store net operating income $ 25,187 $ 25,579 (1) Includes management fees, general and administrative expense, compensation expense, corporate interest expense and corporate transaction costs. (2) Represents interest income earned in the preferred equity segment. (3) Includes depreciation and amortization expense, transaction costs and other expenses in the real estate equity segment. (4) Represents the impact of assets sold during the period. (5) Three months ended June 30, 2017 is translated using the average exchange rate for the three months ended September 30, 2017. The following table presents our same store analysis for the real estate equity segment, which excludes properties that were acquired or sold at any time during the three months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 (dollar in thousands): Three Months Ended September 30, Increase (Decrease) 2017 2016(1) Amount Percentage Occupancy (end of period) 85.5 % 86.0 % Core Portfolio Occupancy (end of period) 93.9 % 94.7 % Rental income(2) $ 26,799 $ 27,977 $ (1,178) Escalation income 5,526 6,200 (674) Other income 187 128 59 Total revenues 32,512 34,305 (1,793) (5.2)% Utilities 1,892 2,063 (171) Real estate taxes and insurance 1,337 1,236 101 Non-recoverable value added tax (VAT) 536 478 58 Management fees 589 435 154 Repairs and maintenance 2,446 2,735 (289) Ground rent(2) 193 177 16 Other 332 313 19 Properties - operating expenses 7,325 7,437 (112) (1.5)% Same store net operating income $ 25,187 $ 26,868 $ (1,681) (6.3)% Core Portfolio Same Store NOI $ 22,235 $ 23,410 $ (1,175) (5.0)% (1) Three months ended September 30, 2016 is translated using the average exchange rate for the three months ended September 30, 2017. (2) Adjusted to exclude amortization of above/below market leases. The following table presents a reconciliation from net income (loss) to same store net operating income for the real estate equity segment for the three months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 (dollar in thousands): Same Store Reconciliation Three Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 Net income (loss) $ (6,806) $ (12,770) Corporate segment net (income) loss(1) 11,023 13,935 Other (income) loss(3) 21,738 27,283 Net operating income 25,955 28,448 Sale of real estate investments and other(4) (64) (1,580) (5) Interest income(2) (704) Same store net operating income $ 25,187 $ 26,868 (1) Includes management fees, general and administrative expense, compensation expense, corporate interest expense and corporate transaction costs. (2) Represents interest income earned in the preferred equity segment. (3) Includes depreciation and amortization expense, transaction costs and other expenses in the real estate equity segment. (4) Represents the impact of assets sold during the period. (5) Three months ended September 30, 2016 is translated using the average exchange rate for the three months ended September 30, 2017. EPRA Net Asset Value (EPRA NAV) We believe that disclosing EPRA NAV, a non-GAAP measure used by other European real estate companies, helps stockholders compare NRE's balance sheet to other European real estate companies; however, EPRA NAV should not be considered as an alternative to net assets determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP as a measure of NRE's asset values. EPRA NAV is derived from NRE's U.S. GAAP balance sheet with adjustments reflecting NRE's interpretation of the EPRA guidance. As NRE's entire portfolio is based in Europe, NRE calculates EPRA NAV to compare its balance sheet to other European real estate companies and believes that disclosing EPRA NAV provides investors with a meaningful measure of NRE's net asset value. We calculate EPRA NAV based on the EPRA best practices recommendations. EPRA NAV makes adjustments to net assets as determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP in order to provide stockholders a measure of fair value of the company's assets and liabilities with a long-term investment strategy. This performance measure excludes assets and liabilities that are not expected to be realized in normal circumstances. EPRA NAV includes the revaluation of investment properties and excludes the fair value of financial instruments that NRE intends to hold to maturity, deferred tax and goodwill that resulted from deferred tax. All other assets, including real property and investments reported at cost are adjusted to fair value based on periodic appraisals. This measure should not be considered as an alternative to measuring NRE's net assets in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The following table presents a reconciliation of EPRA NAV to total equity as at September 30, 2017 (dollars in thousands, other than per share data): September 30, 2017 Total Equity $ 617,958 Adjustments Operating real estate and net intangibles (1,822,610) Fair value of properties 2,204,104 Adjusted NAV 999,452 Diluted NAV, after the exercise of options, convertibles and other equity interests 999,452 Fair value of financial instruments (7,747) EPRA NAV 991,705 EPRA NAV per diluted share $ 17.77 (1) Based on 55.8 million common shares, operating partnership units and RSUs not subject to performance hurdles outstanding as of September 30, 2017. EPRA NAV per share and total equity per share does not take into account any potential dilution from restricted stock units subject to performance metrics not currently achieved. Safe Harbor Statement This press release contains certain "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward looking statements are generally identifiable by use of forward looking terminology such as "may," "will," "should," "potential," "intend," "expect," "seek," "anticipate," "estimate," "believe," "could," "project," "predict," "hypothetical," "continue," "future" or other similar words or expressions. Forward looking statements are not guarantees of performance and are based on certain assumptions, discuss future expectations, describe plans and strategies, contain projections of results of operations or of financial condition or state other forward looking information. Such statements include, but are not limited to, the expected use of proceeds from the sale of any non-strategic or other properties; the expected run rate cost savings as a result of operational efficiencies, the time required to achieve such run rate cost savings; the expected impact on contractual rent and same store NOI as a result of recent leasing activity; the expected increase in occupancy rates and weighted average lease term due to recent leases; expected annual saving a a result of margin reduction in the SEB portfolio senior loan agreement; anticipated run-rate operating expenses; the extent to which NRE's portfolio will be impacted by geopolitical uncertainty across Europe and whether Europe's macro economic fundamentals will result in continued expansion in the region; the ability to execute on NRE's strategy; whether properties currently being evaluated for sale or under contract will ultimately sell and if any such sales occur whether they will be consummated at prices expected; NRE's ability to maintain dividend payments, at current levels, or at all; and NRE's ability to generate stable and recurring income streams with the potential for capital growth over time. Forward looking statements are necessarily speculative in nature, and it can be expected that some or all of the assumptions underlying any forward-looking statements will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results. Variations of assumptions and results may be material. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from NRE's expectations include, but are not limited to, NRE's liquidity and financial flexibility; NRE's future cash available for distribution; the pace and result of any asset disposals contemplated by NRE; NRE's use of leverage; and the anticipated strength and growth of NRE's business. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward looking statements are specified in NRE's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016, and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Such forward looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. NRE expressly disclaims any obligation to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in its expectations with regard thereto or change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any statement is based. Disclaimer As an opinion, the valuation by Cushman & Wakefield LLP referenced in this release is not a measure of realizable value and may not reflect the amount that would be received if the property in question were sold. Real estate valuation is inherently subjective due to, among other factors, the individual nature of each property, its location, the expected future rental revenues from that particular property and the valuation methodology adopted. Real estate valuations are subject to a large degree of uncertainty and are made on the basis of assumptions and methodologies that may not prove to be accurate, particularly in periods of volatility, low transaction flow or restricted debt availability in the commercial or residential real estate markets. For example, in the appraisal, a number of the properties were valued using the special assumption that such properties would be purchased through a tax-efficient special purpose vehicle, and is therefore subject to lower purchaser transaction expenses. If one or more assumptions are incorrect, the value may be materially lower than the appraised value. Endnotes The $2.2 billion portfolio market value comprises $2.2 billion real estate portfolio value based on the independent valuation by Cushman & Wakefield LLP and $35 million preferred equity investment (please refer to Note 11, "Fair Value" in the NRE Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2017 included in Part I Item 1. "Financial Statements"). The external third-party valuation was prepared by Cushman & Wakefield LLP in accordance with the current U.K. and Global edition of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' (RICS) Valuation - Professional Standards (the "Red Book") on the basis of "Fair Value", which is widely recognized within Europe as the leading professional standards for independent valuation professionals. Each property is classified as an investment and has been valued on the basis of Fair Value adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board. This is the equivalent to the Red Book definition of Market Value. The Red Book defines Market Value as the estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction after proper marketing where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion. The Cushman & Wakefield LLP valuation assumes that certain properties would be purchased through market accepted structures resulting in lower purchaser transaction expenses (taxes, duties, and similar costs). This Cushman & Wakefield LLP valuation is as of June 30, 2017 , adjusted for FX as of September 30, 2017 . Excludes preferred equity investment. Occupancy and weighted average remaining contractual lease term based on rent roll as of September 30, 2017 . FX rates used as of September 30, 2017: EUR/USD = 1.1813, GBP/USD = 1.3391. Core portfolio comprises primarily office properties in key cities within Germany , the United Kingdom and France . Proforma occupancy and weighted average remaining contractual lease term based on rent roll as of September 30, 2017 , adjusted for new leases signed, but commencing through remainder of 2017 and early 2018. EPRA = European Public Real Estate Association. SOURCE NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Why are some US GHD brands standing out more than others? There are various options available to US endocrinologists to treat growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Clearly some of these options are achieving greater levels of loyalty and satisfaction than others but why? What are the key factors driving physician choice and how does each of the leading brands compare to its competitors? Read the full report: NPS+ Growth Hormone Deficiency (US) gives a unique insight into the overall brand health of 7 leading treatments for GHD currently being used in North America. 100 adult and paediatric endocrinologists were surveyed on key issues including brand messaging, prescribing behaviour and satisfaction levels. The results provide valuable insight for brand marketers seeking new ways to stand out. Top Takeaways Promoters are in the minority: Only one brand has noticeably more Promoters than Detractors. Which one is it, and why is it the outlier? Loyalty is proving difficult to achieve: Loyalty scores of 4 or more are what brands are aiming for, but for GHD treatments, even the highest scores are not even close in this latest survey. Is clinical differentiation really that low? Some dissatisfaction is apparent: Why are endocrinologists unhappy with the numerous drugs on offer? Who stands to gain the most market share if Detractors could be converted to Promoters? Marketing messaging could be the key: Which brands are associated with key issues such as safety, efficacy, convenient administration and cost effectiveness? Could more be done to promote key benefits? In their own words: What do doctors say each brand means to them? For example, which brand is described as the 'gold standard delivery device' and which brand is 'nothing unique or special'. Insight into 7 Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatments Humatrope (somatropin; Eli Lilly) Norditropin (somatropin; Novo Nordisk) Genotropin (somatropin; Pfizer) NutropinAq (somatropin; Roche) Omnitrope (somatropin; Sandoz) Saizen (somatropin; EMD Serono) Zomacton (somatropin; Ferring) A Report Based on Expert Knowledge We surveyed 100 US adult and paediatric endocrinologists chosen from the largest community of validated physicians in the world. We conducted the survey between 1st and 7th June 2017. Explore Important Brand Loyalty Issues NPS+ Growth Hormone Deficiency (US) explores key issues affecting brand loyalty for drug manufacturers. You'll learn: How satisfied doctors are with available treatments. How loyal doctors are to your brand. How many other brands your Promoters recommend. Which other brands your Promoters and Detractors recommend. How much market share your brand has among Promoters and Detractors. How much market share you stand to gain by converting Detractors into Promoters. Which messages Promoters, Passives and Detractors associate with your brand. Your brand DNA: what doctors really think of your brandin their own words. What is Net Promoter Score? NPS is a customer loyalty metric developed by (and a registered trademark of) Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix. It was introduced by Reichheld in his 2003 Harvard Business Review article One Number You Need to Grow. How does NPS work? NPS measures overall brand satisfaction and loyalty by asking one simple question: "How likely are you to recommend this brand to a colleague?" Responses - given on a scale of 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely)are used to classify respondents into 3 categories: Detractors are those who answer 0 6. Passives are those who answer 7 8. Promoters are those who answer 9 - 10. How is NPS calculated? The percentage of detractors - the percentage of promoters = NPS. For example, 25% Promoters, 55% Passives and 20% Detractors give you an NPS of +5. NPS can range from -100 (everybody is a Detractor) to +100 (everybody is a Promoter). The higher the score the healthier the brand. What is FirstView NPS+? NPS+ turns your Net Promoter Score into actionable information by answering key questions about brand loyalty. Each NPS+ report examines doctors' relationships with the brands used to treat a major disease areameasuring brand loyalty and showing you how it affects your market share. NPS+ also examines "brand DNA", revealing in doctors' own words what brands mean to them. Instead of one simple metric, NPS+ gives you a detailed picture of brand health that highlights areas for improvement, and helps you see exactly what steps you need to take next. Read the full report: About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place. __________________________ Contact Clare: [email protected] US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001 SOURCE Reportlinker Related Links PK AIM, the first and only 2-in-1 advanced bipolar and monopolar hybrid device, provides surgeons with the ability to mobilize target anatomy, transect tissue, and seal and cut vessels (up to and including 3 mm), tissue bundles, and lymphatics with precision and control. The device combines the performance of both advanced bipolar forceps and traditional monopolar functionality and provides improved operating efficiency over alternative devices that do not integrate the 5-in-1 functionality of grasping, dissecting, coagulating, cutting, and sealing. Fewer instrument exchanges can help decrease procedure time and allows the surgeon to focus on the surgical site. Used in a range of procedures, PK AIM's integrated advanced bipolar energy can also reduce the need for clips and sutures, further helping to reduce procedure time. The PK AIM was designed to positively impact the following metrics for clinical satisfaction: Procedure Time Surgical Field Focus Suture/Clips Usage Operating Efficiency Instrument Exchanges Hemostatic Control Demand on OR Staff PK AIM was conceptualized by the Olympus Surgical Technologies of America (OSTA) Surgical Discovery Team via extensive observation and interviews with surgeons and staff across a wide range of procedures. The team discovered a specific unmet need that consistently plagued surgeons and staff: the exchange of multiple devices throughout the course of a procedure for various purposes was constant and detracted from the surgical flow of the case while also adding time. The winners of the 9th annual ESP Awards were determined by the magazines' readers, commonly surgeons who have had hands-on experience or first-hand demonstration of the innovations being nominated. Readers voted for the companies and products they felt were most deserving by selecting those that contributed most to surgical performance, efficiency and safety. "Olympus is honored to receive this recognition from Surgical Products for the fourth time," said Randy Clark, Group Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Olympus America Inc. "The PK AIM is an exciting addition to Olympus' growing portfolio of energy solutions, developed with the patient and physician in mind. We are thrilled to provide the market with an innovative energy product that enhances clinical efficiencies." Other Olympus products previously recognized as Excellence in Surgical Products award winners include: 2016: VISERA 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD) 2013: HD 3D Video Laparoscope 2012: THUNDERBEAT The Olympus PK AIM will be showcased for its award recognition in the November issue of Surgical Products magazine and well as in the magazine eDaily newsletter. For more information please call 1-800-848-9024 or visit us at About Surgical Products Magazine Surgical Products is a publication for surgeons, anesthesiologists and department heads in charge of operating/emergency rooms, ICU/CCUs, infection control, OR materials management and other areas. Surgical Products has been published for 35 years, has a circulation of 55,000 and is published 10 times a year. About Olympus Medical Systems Group Olympus Medical Systems Group, a division of global technology leader Olympus, develops solutions for healthcare professionals that help improve clinical outcomes, reduce overall costs and enhance quality of life for their patients. By enabling less invasive procedures, innovative diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, and early stage lung cancer evaluation and treatments, Olympus is transforming the future of healthcare. For more information visit Olympus at SOURCE Olympus Related Links JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Open enrollment is underway for Magnolia Health's Health Insurance Marketplace product, Ambetter, in Mississippi for 2018. Ambetter from Magnolia Health will be available in all 82 counties in the state of Mississippi. "Magnolia Health has been committed to ensuring that healthcare is accessible to all Mississippians for years, and now we're excited to expand that mission by offering Ambetter health plans on the Health Insurance Marketplace," said Aaron Sisk, President and CEO of Magnolia Health. "Our Ambetter plans offer affordable coverage for members for healthcare provided in their local communities from our network of high quality providers." This year, Ambetter from Magnolia Health offers a variety of benefits and plan designs. Mississippians may also be eligible for government tax credits to help reduce monthly premium amounts, including plans with a $0 premium. To find out if you qualify and to connect with a local agent, visit Magnolia Health has been serving the state of Mississippi since 2011 and currently serves 349,000 members through its Medicaid, CHIP, Marketplace and Medicare Advantage plans. The Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment period concludes on Dec. 15, 2017. Mississippi citizens interested in learning more about Ambetter from Magnolia Health or signing up during the open enrollment period may visit About Magnolia Health Magnolia Health is a long-term solution to help the state of Mississippi enhance care for Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) recipients, while most effectively managing taxpayer dollars. A physician-driven, Mississippi-based Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), Magnolia is backed by its parent company, Centene Corporation (Centene). Centene has more than 30 years of experience in Medicaid, CHIP and other government-funded programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and long-term care. For more information about Magnolia, visit SOURCE Magnolia Health Related Links PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Eight hundred Portland families in need will receive enough food to supplement meals for a week plus daily essentials, thanks to a partnership between PepsiCo and Feed the Children. The event kicks off on Thursday, November 9 at 11 a.m. at 4040 SE 82nd Ave., Portland, Ore. This is the first year PepsiCo and Feed the Children have partnered to help feed families in Portland, where more than 18 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. This distribution event is part of a larger initiative between the two organizations to help feed communities in cities throughout the United States. The receiving families have been identified and preselected by the Salvation Army. "We're excited to partner with Feed the Children, the Salvation Army and Fred Meyer helping our friends and neighbors in the Portland community," said Terry Taillard, sr. director, human resources, Pacific NW region, PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division. "Frito-Lay and PepsiCo are committed to giving back to our communities where we live and work, and providing enough food to supplement meals for a week is a small way we can help make a difference." Each qualifying recipient at today's event will be given: One 25-pound box of nonperishable food items One 15-pound box of personal-care items One box of AVON products Books from Disney Publishing Worldwide Frito-Lay snacks PepsiCo beverages Life Original Cereal Quaker Standard Oats Chewy Granola Bars Peanut Butter from Fred Meyer Volunteers from PepsiCo and Feed the Children will be onsite serving families and assisting with distribution during today's event. About Feed the Children Established in 1979, Feed the Children exists to defeat hunger. It is one of the largest U.S.-based charities and serves those in need in the U.S. and in 10 countries around the world. It provides food, education, essentials and disaster response. Domestically, it operates 5 distribution centers (located in Oklahoma, Indiana, California, Tennessee and Pennsylvania). In fiscal year 2016, through its domestic and international programs, Feed the Children distributed 105 million pounds of food and essentials worldwide with a total value of $415 million, working with partner agencies to benefit 5.9 million people globally. It is accredited by GuideStar Exchange and the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. Visit for more information. About PepsiCo PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated approximately $63 billion in net revenue in 2016, driven by a complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Quaker and Tropicana. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales. At the heart of PepsiCo is Performance with Purpose our fundamental belief that the success of our company is inextricably linked to the sustainability of the world around us. We believe that continuously improving the products we sell, operating responsibly to protect our planet and empowering people around the world is what enables PepsiCo to run a successful global company that creates long-term value for society and our shareholders. For more information, visit SOURCE PepsiCo Related Links DUBLIN, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Phenol: 2017 World Market Outlook and Forecast up to 2021" report has been added to Research and Markets' offering. The present report is an essential resource for a one looking for detailed information on the world phenol market. The report covers data on global, regional and national markets including present and future trends for supply and demand, prices, and downstream industries. In addition to the analytical part, the report provides a range of tables and figures which all together give a true insight into the national, regional and global markets for phenol. Report Scope: The report covers global, regional and country markets of phenol It describes present situation, historical background and future forecast Comprehensive data showing phenol capacities, production, consumption, trade statistics, and prices in the recent years are provided (globally, regionally and by country) The report indicates a wealth of information on phenol manufacturers and distributors Region market overview covers the following: production of phenol in a region/country, consumption trends, price data, trade in the recent year and manufacturers Phenol market forecast for next five years, including market volumes and prices is also provided Key Topics Covered: 1. INTRODUCTION: PHENOL PROPERTIES AND USES 2. PHENOL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 3. PHENOL WORLD MARKET 3.1. World phenol capacity - Capacity broken down by region - Capacity divided by country - Manufacturers and their capacity by plant 3.2. World phenol production - Global output dynamics - Production by region - Production by country 3.3. Phenol consumption - World consumption - Consumption trends in Europe - Consumption trends in Asia Pacific - Consumption trends in North America 3.4. Phenol global trade - World trade dynamics - Export and import flows in regions 3.5. Phenol prices in the world market 4. PHENOL REGIONAL MARKETS ANALYSIS Each country section comprises the following parts: - Total installed capacity in country - Production in country - Manufacturers in country - Consumption of in country - Suppliers in country - Export and import in country - Prices in country 4.1. Phenol European market analysis Countries covered: - Belgium - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Italy - Poland - Romania - Russia - Spain - Ukraine 4.2. Phenol Asia Pacific market analysis Countries included: - China - India - Japan - Singapore - South Korea - Taiwan - Thailand 4.3. Phenol North American market analysis Countries under consideration: - USA 4.4. Phenol Latin American market analysis Countries overviewed: - Brazil 4.5. Phenol Africa & Middle East market analysis Countries examined: - Saudi Arabia - South Africa 5. PHENOL MARKET PROSPECTS 5.1. Phenol capacity and production forecast up to 2021 - Global production forecast - On-going projects 5.2. Phenol consumption forecast up to 2021 - World consumption forecast - Forecast of consumption in Europe - Consumption forecast in Asia Pacific - Consumption forecast in North America 5.3. Phenol market prices forecast up to 2021 6. KEY COMPANIES IN THE PHENOL MARKET WORLDWIDE 7. PHENOL FEEDSTOCK MARKET 8. PHENOL END-USE SECTOR 8.1. Consumption by application 8.2. Downstream markets review and forecast For more information about this report visit Media Contact: Research and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager [email protected] For E.S.T Office Hours Call +1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call +1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900 U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 SOURCE Research and Markets Related Links SOUTH PLAINFIELD, N.J., Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Prolong Pharmaceuticals today announced that researchers will present interim results from a Phase II trial of SANGUINATE (PEGylated carboxyhemoglobin bovine), an investigational treatment under evaluation for vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC) in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). The data will be presented as a poster at the 59th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), which will take place December 9-12, in Atlanta, Georgia. In a separate poster presentation at ASH, researchers will present data from a novel rat model of acute VOC demonstrating the ability of SANGUINATE to promote resolution of VOC by restoring blood flow in blood vessels and surrounding microvasculature. The two SANGUINATE data sets will be presented in ASH poster sessions at the Georgia World Congress Center, Building A, Level 1, Hall A2, at the following times: Saturday, December 9, 2017 , 5:30-7:30 PM (EST) *, Session 114, Hemoglobinopathies, Excluding Thalassemia Clinical Poster I: Jubin R, et al., PEGylated Carboxyhemoglobin bovine (SANGUINATE ) Restores RBCs Roundness and Reduces Pain During a Sickle Cell Vaso-Occlusive Crisis. Abstract #969. * Poster will be on display from 9:00 AM 7:30 PM (EST) , *, Session 114, Hemoglobinopathies, Excluding Thalassemia Clinical Poster I: Jubin R, et al., Abstract #969. * Poster will be on display from Monday, December 11, 2017 , 6:00-8:00 PM (EST) *, Session 113, Hemoglobinopathies, Excluding Thalassemia Basic and Translational Science: Poster III: Song BK, Nugent WH, PEGylated Carboxyhemoglobin (SANGUINATE) Restores Blood Flow and Tissue Oxygenation in a Novel Rat Model of Acute Vaso-Occlusive Crisis. Abstract #3517. * Poster will be on display from 10:00 AM 8:00 PM (EST) To learn more about Prolong Pharmaceuticals and SANGUINATE visit booth #1351 during ASH 2017. About Sickle Cell Disease Sickle cell disease is a group of chronic genetic disorders that affect an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 Americans.1 VOC, the most common complication of SCD, is an extremely painful, potentially deadly condition characterized by abnormal hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to tissues and organs in the body and carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs.2,3 Cells affected by VOC become sickle- or crescent-shaped, a deformity that prevents them from flowing freely through blood vessels, potentially causing excruciating pain and other symptoms that may lead to death.4 VOC results in approximately 197,000 emergency department visits each year in the U.S. and costs an estimated $356 million annually for pain management alone.5 About SANGUINATE SANGUINATE is the only biological product currently in clinical development for the multiple comorbidities of SCD, and has received an Orphan Drug Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. SANGUINATE facilitates the transfer of oxygen to oxygen-deprived cells and tissues and has also been shown to down-regulate the inflammatory response in blood samples of patients with SCD. Many of the comorbidities of SCD are caused by a spiraling cycle of sickling, hemolysis and blood vessel inflammation. These comorbidities include VOC, acute chest syndrome, leg ulcers and pediatric and adult stroke. By correcting oxygen levels and down-regulating inflammation, SANGUINATE may be effective in treating many of the debilitating, acute comorbidities associated with SCD. Prolong is exploring SANGUINATE as a potential treatment for patients with other hematological disorders caused by anemia or hypoxia and ischemia. SANGUINATE is not approved by any regulatory agency. SANGUINATE is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug administration. About Prolong Pharmaceuticals Headquartered in South Plainfield, New Jersey, Prolong Pharmaceuticals, LLC, is developing products to treat several diseases and their debilitating comorbidities associated with reduced quality of life, increased medical cost and significant mortality. Prolong's senior management team includes inventors of the most successful drug delivery technology in pharmaceutical history, PEGylation, now responsible for the development of a dozen drugs improving the quality of life for sufferers of hepatitis, kidney disease, and a number of other life-threatening diseases. References 1Genetics Home Reference. Sickle cell disease. 2016. 2National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Evidence-based management of sickle cell disease. Expert panel report. 2014. 3National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. 2017. 4National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. What is sickle cell disease? 2016. 5Wilson BH, Nelson J. Sickle cell disease pain management in adolescents: a literature review. Pain Manag Nurs. 2015;16(2):146151. SOURCE Prolong Pharmaceuticals, LLC (Logo: ) Browse 63 Market Data Tables and 35 Figures spread through 115 Pages and in-depth TOC on "Quantum Cryptography Market" Early buyers will receive 10% customization on this report The major forces driving the growth of the Quantum Cryptography Market include growing incidents of cyber-attacks and increasing data security and privacy concerns. Moreover, the rising adoption rate of cloud storage and computing technologies and evolving next-generation wireless network technologies are also some of the factors that are driving the market growth. The deployment and integration services segment is expected to be the fastest growing service in the quantum cryptographymarket during the forecast period. The deployment and integration services is gaining traction, as integration services help to integrate the vendor's security offerings with the client's business functions and existing security mechanism. Integration services collect the customer requirements, and then install, integrate, test, and rollout the quantum cryptography solutions and hence quantum cryptography is gaining traction in the enterprises for modernizing and deploying their solutions to meet the rising demand for secure data transmission. Request Report [email protected] The IT and telecom is expected to hold the largest market share in the Quantum Cryptography Market during the forecast period. The IT and telecom vertical is constantly developing and is at the epicenter of innovation and growth. The telecom business function generates voluminous data on a daily basis, which mandates the critical need for reliable quantum cryptography solutions. The telecom operators are adopting quantum cryptography solutions and providing secured information to the customers while complying with regulations, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Furthermore, the rise in the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into multiple verticals including IT and telecom, along with increasing cyber-attacks, have increased the need of security and safety. The business is expected to come with an emerging need for managing more complex networks of digital identities along with the technologies required for federation across emerging as well as developed economies. North America is expected to have the largest market share in the Quantum Cryptography Market during the forecast period. North America is expected to hold the largest market share and dominate the Quantum Cryptography Market during the forecast period. The region has always been a hub for high investments in research and development (R&D) activities, thereby contributing to the development of new technologies. The growing concerns for the security of IT infrastructure and complex data in North America have mandated the enterprises in this region to adopt quantum cryptography and reliable authentication solutions. The rise in cyber-attacks, adoption of connected devices, adoption of BYOD, and cloud-based applications into enterprise system have resulted in tremendous growth of technology adoption in this region. This has also triggered a rise in next-generation threats and added more complexities and concerns in the IT infrastructure. North America suffers the highest frequency of cyber-attacks and stringent compliance regulations in the world. Hence, causing more threats, intrusions, and security breaches, and as a result, it has the largest number of security vendors. The major vendors in the Quantum Cryptography Market include ID Quantique (Switzerland), MagiQ Technologies (US), Nucrypt (US), Infineon Technologies (Germany), Qutools (Germany), QuintenssenceLabs (Australia), Crypta Labs (UK), PQ Solutions (UK), and Qubitekk (US). Make an enquiry @ Browse Related Reports Encryption Software Market by Component (Solution and Services), Application (Disk Encryption, File/Folder Encryption, Communication Encryption, and Cloud Encryption), Deployment Type, Organization Size, Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2022 Cloud Encryption Market by Component (Solution and Service), Service Model (Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Software-as-a-Service, and Platform-as-a-Service), Organization Size, Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2022 Know More About our Knowledge Store @ About MarketsandMarkets MarketsandMarkets provides quantified B2B research on 30,000 high growth niche opportunities/threats which will impact 70% to 80% of worldwide companies' revenues. Currently servicing 5000 customers worldwide including 80% of global Fortune 1000 companies as clients. Almost 75,000 top officers across eight industries worldwide approach MarketsandMarkets for their painpoints around revenues decisions. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the "Growth Engagement Model - GEM". The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write "Attack, avoid and defend" strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors. MarketsandMarkets now coming up with 1,500 MicroQuadrants (Positioning top players across leaders, emerging companies, innovators, strategic players) annually in high growth emerging segments. MarketsandMarkets is determined to benefit more than 10,000 companies this year for their revenue planning and help them take their innovations/disruptions early to the market by providing them research ahead of the curve. MarketsandMarkets' flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, "RT" connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. Contact: Mr. Rohan MarketsandMarkets INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA: +1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Visit Our Blog @ Connect with us on LinkedIn @ SOURCE MarketsandMarkets DETROIT, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Quicken Loans, the nation's second largest mortgage lender, was today again named #1 for client satisfaction in mortgage origination in the country by J.D. Power, putting the company at the top of the list of America's more than 50,000 mortgage originators. This is the 8th consecutive year Quicken Loans has earned the J.D. Power accolade, which is based entirely on client feedback collected by the independent research firm. Earlier this year, the nation's leading FinTech innovator also was named #1 in J.D. Power's study of mortgage servicers for the 4th consecutive year topping the list every year it has been eligible. This brings Quicken Loans' total #1 rankings from J.D. Power to 12 the most of any mortgage lender in the history of the report. "Our company is defined by our obsessive commitment to client service. Every inch matters to us. Every second counts to all of our team members who are singularly focused on delivering our clients the best experience they could possibly imagine when closing on what typically is the biggest financial transaction in their lifetimes," said Dan Gilbert, Founder and Chairman of Quicken Loans. In addition to ranking #1 overall, Quicken Loans finished #1 in nearly every category J.D. Power measures including: Loan Offerings Website Satisfaction Application/Approvals Process Loan Closing Client Onboarding According to the J.D. Power study, 94% of clients surveyed stated Quicken Loans team members always called back when promised compared to an industry average of 88%. Additionally, 90% of Quicken Loans clients who responded to the survey said they were provided status updates throughout the entire process from application to closing. Quicken Loans' Rocket Mortgage redefined the mortgage industry when it was rolled out nationally nearly 2 years ago, giving homebuyers and homeowners access to a completely online and on-demand mortgage process for the first time ever. "Quicken Loans is constantly setting the bar for the industry when it comes to both innovation and client service. There is no doubt that both are essential for creating the home loan experience that has led to our continued success," said Jay Farner, Quicken Loans CEO. "We are fanatical about investing our time and resources into technology that enables us to provide the best mortgage process in the nation. We are proud that we have ranked #1 in the country for 8 years running and that speaks volumes to our thousands of caring team members as well as our millions of clients who trust us with financing their homes." In 2010, Quicken Loans moved its headquarters to downtown Detroit. There are now more than 17,000 team members from the Quicken Loans Family of Companies working in the city's technology-driven urban core. About Quicken Loans Detroit-based Quicken Loans Inc. is the nation's second largest retail home mortgage lender. The company closed more than $300 billion of mortgage volume across all 50 states between 2013 and 2016. Quicken Loans moved its headquarters to downtown Detroit in 2010, and now more than 17,000 team members from Quicken Loans and its Family of Companies work in the city's urban core. The company generates loan production from web centers located in Detroit, Cleveland and Scottsdale, Arizona. The company also operates a centralized loan processing facility in Detroit, as well as its San Diego-based One Reverse Mortgage unit. It is also operates a special division that caters to credit unions and small banks providing various origination and closing services in Charlotte, North Carolina. Quicken Loans ranked "Highest in Customer Satisfaction for Primary Mortgage Origination" in the United States by J.D. Power for the past eight consecutive years, 2010 2017, and highest in customer satisfaction among all mortgage servicers the past four years, 2014 2017. Quicken Loans was ranked No. 10 on FORTUNE magazine's annual "100 Best Companies to Work For" list in 2017, and has been among the top 30 companies for the past 14 consecutive years. The company has been recognized as one of Computerworld magazine's "100 Best Places to Work in IT" the past 13 years, ranking #1 for eight of the past 12 years, including 2017. The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rock Holdings, Inc., the parent company of several FinTech and related businesses. Quicken Loans is also the flagship business of Dan Gilbert's Family of Companies comprising nearly 100 affiliated businesses spanning multiple industries. For more information and company news visit Twitter: @QLnews SOURCE Quicken Loans Given the ICO hype, it seems as if anyone with a white paper, a good idea and a team of advisors can launch an ICO. Many ICOs are funded at the very first stage of their life cycles which represents significant product development risk for token holders. As a result, studies show that most ICOs fail. This leads to overall fatigue from hyped-up ICOs that have seen the value of their tokens depressed post-listing. The outstanding success of the QASH Token Sale poses the question of what it would take for a company to win the trust of public investors and hold a successful ICO. QUOINE's success in raising 350 million QASH with an oversubscribed placing over 3 days can be attributed to the following factors: 1) The team at QUOINE is comprised of banking and finance veterans from global top tier investment banks. CEO and Co-founder Mike Kayamori has more than 20 years' experience in investments, business management, IT and venture capital. Both CEO Mike Kayamori and Chief Financial Officer Katsuya Konno were from Softbank. Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder Mario Lozada came from Credit Suisse and Merrill Lynch. Chief Compliance Officer Ken Mazzio came from Merrill Lynch and Barclays. Chief Strategy Officer Ray Hennessey is a Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch veteran. Head of Operations Seth Melamed was also at Goldman Sachs for more than 10 years. Chief Trading Officer Andre Pemmelaar has experience in automated trading systems for more than 15 years. The combined financial and technical expertise of QUOINE team members stand behind the quality and security of QUOINE's trading platforms and exchanges, which include QUOINEX, QRYPTOS and now QUOINE LIQUID. QUOINE LIQUID will be a revolutionary platform to solve one of the most crucial problems in the global utilization of cryptocurrencies, which is the lack of market liquidity in the crypto economy. 2) QUOINE is the First Global Cryptocurrency FinTech Company to Receive A License from Japan Financial Services Agency As a leading global fintech company, QUOINE provides trading, exchange, and next generation financial services powered by blockchain technology. The company has been in existence for 3 and a half years with offices in 3 locations: Tokyo, Singapore and Vietnam. QUOINE adopts a pro-regulation stance, as the team believes that regulatory compliance will help foster a safe, secure environment for cryptocurrencies to help shape the future of the financial services. 3) The QUOINE LIQUID platform is the driving force behind the QASH Token Sale and leverages QUOINE's international network of trusted fintech partners. The funds raised from the QASH Token Sale will strengthen the development of QUOINE LIQUID platform. The QUOINE LIQUID platform is a solution that will transform the crypto economy by providing liquidity, a much needed element across crypto markets. QUOINE's mission to unite all major exchanges to one single QUOINE LIQUID platform attracted great interest from the crypto and traditional finance communities, that acknowledge the importance and urgency of liquidity in the crypto space. More powerful than any existing platform in the marketplace, QUOINE LIQUID features the World Book, a globally sourced trading platform and Prime Brokerage, a suite offering direct market access, fiat management, crypto/fiat credit facilities and real-time reporting. QUOINE has strong relationships with many of the world's top financial institutions, Asia regulators, cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and fintech startups. Among these major partners include: Bitfinex, Dash, Binance, Blockwave,,,, and CEX.IO. With a proven team, proven platforms, and a pro-regulatory practice, QUOINE is partnering with cryptocurrency exchanges around the world to build a Global Liquidity Alliance, as part of the QUOINE LIQUID platform. By proactively developing long term partnerships with all major cryptocurrency exchanges and industry players, QUOINE is perfectly poised to bring about global liquidity for the crypto economy. So what is the next step for QUOINE after the QASH Token Sale? The QASH Token Sale is only the beginning. After sufficient funds are raised, the QUOINE team will be working hard to develop the QUOINE LIQUID platform to meet the huge demand for liquidity in the crypto markets. Tentatively, QASH will be listed on QUOINEX, QRYPTOS and partnered exchanges by December 1st. Regarding the huge success of the QASH Token Sale, CEO and Co-founder Mike Kayamori commented: "I would like to thank everyone who participated in our QASH Token Sale. Our responsibilities are bigger now. We have a clear fiduciary responsibility now to our token holders. First, from the product development perspective, we have to deliver our product as promised. QUOINE LIQUID already has the core development, and now we are moving into refining the user experience. Second, we have to provide liquidity by making sure that besides QUOINEX, QRYPTOS and QUOINE LIQUID platforms, other exchanges will be listing our QASH tokens, that there will be price stability, and there is an upward appreciation to all token holders. I would like to thank everyone, including our team members for your commitment and continued support. And I would like to invite everybody to be a part of this exciting journey." ABOUT QUOINE QUOINE is a leading global fintech company that provides trading, exchange, and next generation financial services powered by blockchain technology. With offices in Japan, Singapore and Vietnam, QUOINE combines a strong network of local partners with extensive team experience in banking and financial products to deliver best in class financial services for its customers. More information is available at In 2014, QUOINE launched Quoine Exchange, now known as QUOINEX, which became one of the largest bitcoin exchanges in the world by transaction volume. QUOINE offers powerful trading features, a sophisticated user dashboard, and secure regulatory compliance to individual and corporate customers. QUOINEX provides trading services for bitcoin and fiat currency pairs in Japanese yen, US dollar, Euro, HK dollar, Indonesian rupiah, Singapore dollar, Philippine peso, Indian rupee, Australian dollar, and Chinese Renminbi. QUOINEX has exceeded USD12 billion in transactions in the past two years. In September 2017, QUOINE Corporation became the first global cryptocurrency exchange to be officially licensed by the Japan FSA. More information can be found at In June 2017, QUOINE launched a fully digital cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform called QRYPTOS, exclusively for cryptocurrency trading in desktop version at In October 2017, QUOINE became the first licensed global cryptocurrency exchange in Japan to launch a global Initial Coin Offering (ICO), also known as the QASH Token Sale. QUOINE Corporation was officially licensed by the Japan FSA on 29th September 2017. In November 2017, QUOINE successfully raised 350M QASH (the equivalent of 350K ETH or ~USD105M) in a significantly oversubscribed ICO at, to fund the growth of the QUOINE LIQUID platform. More information can be found at: QASH Token and QUOINE LIQUID website: Whitepaper download: QUOINE ICO Brand Reel: QUOINE LIQUID Reel: Telegram: CONTACT DETAILS Contact Person: Katherine Ng Email: [email protected] Website: Telegram Community: Twitter: @QUOINE_SG Facebook: LinkedIn: Reddit: Steemit: Youtube: SOURCE QUOINE Related Links BELLEVUE, Wash., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Radiant Logistics, Inc. (NYSE American: RLGT), a third-party logistics and multi-modal transportation services company, today reported financial results for the three months ended September 30, 2017. First Fiscal Quarter Financial Highlights (Quarter Ended September 30, 2017) Revenues were $198.0 million for the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2017 , up $2.9 million or 1.5% compared to revenues of $195.1 million for the comparable prior year period. for the first fiscal quarter ended , up or 1.5% compared to revenues of for the comparable prior year period. Net revenues were $46.1 million for the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2017 , down $2.9 million or 5.9% compared to net revenues of $49.0 million for the comparable prior year period. for the first fiscal quarter ended , down or 5.9% compared to net revenues of for the comparable prior year period. Net income attributable to common stockholders was $0.3 million , or $0.01 per basic and fully diluted share, compared to a net income of $1.4 million , or $0.03 per basic and fully diluted share for the comparable prior year period and includes $0.3 million in customer start-up costs associated with the Company's expanded materials management and distribution ("MM&D") solution offering in Canada . , or per basic and fully diluted share, compared to a net income of , or per basic and fully diluted share for the comparable prior year period and includes in customer start-up costs associated with the Company's expanded materials management and distribution ("MM&D") solution offering in . Adjusted net income attributable to common stockholders was $2.7 million , or $0.05 per basic and fully diluted share for the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2017 , compared to adjusted net income of $4.0 million , or $0.08 per basic and fully diluted share for the comparable prior year period. , or per basic and fully diluted share for the first fiscal quarter ended , compared to adjusted net income of , or per basic and fully diluted share for the comparable prior year period. Adjusted EBITDA was $6.5 million for the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2017 , down $0.8 million or 11.0% compared to adjusted EBITDA of $7.3 million for the comparable prior year period. Acquisition Update On September 1, 2017, the Company announced that it acquired the assets and operations of Sandifer-Valley Transportation & Logistics, Ltd. ("SVT") through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Radiant Global Logistics, Inc. SVT is expected to transition to the Radiant brand and will expand the Company's cross-border capabilities with Mexico providing a full range of domestic and international services with operations in McAllen, Texas. CEO Comments "Given the recent market headwinds, we reported Adjusted EBITDA of $6.5 million on revenues of $198.0 million and net revenues of $46.1 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2017," said Bohn Crain, Founder and CEO. "On a comparable year over year basis, revenues were up $2.9 million or 1.5% while net revenues were down $2.9 million or 5.9%. These quarterly net revenue results reflect the impacts of excess capacity and related pressures on transportation margins (down $4.2 million) that continued through most of the quarter, partially offset by an incremental $1.4 million in net revenue contribution attributed to our acquisition of Lomas Logistics which expanded our materials management and distribution ("MM&D") capabilities in Canada. Most of the compression in our net transportation margins was offset by a corresponding reduction in commissions paid to our operating partners (down $3.7 million). In addition, our quarterly results were negatively impacted by approximately $0.3 million in start-up costs associated with adding new and reconfiguring existing Canadian facilities to further expand our MM&D solution offering which we believe will be a meaningful financial contributor in future quarters. Looking forward, we believe we are well positioned to benefit from a more favorable market environment as capacity tightens and demand accelerates. We believe this will lead to expanding transportation margins and improved financial performance for both our forwarding and brokerage operations over the next several quarters. In addition, we are seeing strong demand for our Canada-based materials management and distribution solutions offering and have secured contracts with 8 new customers that we estimate will contribute an incremental $3.5-$4.0 million in incremental annual MM&D and transportation net revenues that will come on line over the next two quarters. We believe our strategic decision to bundle value added materials management and distribution solutions with our core transportation service offering will continue to gain momentum and allow us to enhance our margins and accelerate our organic growth." Crain Continued: "We also made meaningful progress on the technology front this last quarter with the successful pilot of our new SAP-based transportation management system in Phoenix, Arizona. This was an important milestone for the Company and puts us in position to begin a more broad-based roll out of the system in the first calendar quarter of 2018. As we have previously discussed, we believe our ongoing investment in technology provides us with a unique opportunity to deliver a state-of-the-art technology platform for our strategic operating partners and the end customers that we serve. At the same time, our new technology set will enable a number of productivity initiatives to stream-line our back-office processes and accelerate the realization of back-office cost synergies associated with existing and future acquisitions and can ultimately help facilitate revenue synergies across the platform." September 30, 2017 Financial Results For the three months ended September 30, 2017, Radiant reported net income attributable to common stockholders of $0.3 million on $198.0 million of revenues, or $0.01 per basic and fully diluted share. For the three months ended September 30, 2016, Radiant reported net income attributable to common stockholders of $1.4 million on $195.1 million of revenues, or $0.03 per basic and fully diluted share. For the three months ended September 30, 2017, Radiant reported adjusted net income attributable to common stockholders of $2.7 million, or $0.05 per basic and fully diluted share. For the three months ended September 30, 2016, Radiant reported adjusted net income attributable to common stockholders of $4.0 million, or $0.08 per basic and fully diluted share. For the three months ended September 30, 2017, Radiant reported Adjusted EBITDA of $6.5 million, compared to $7.3 million for the comparable prior year period. Normalizing these results to exclude non-recurring transition costs associated with the interim operation of Service by Air's back-office operations, Adjusted EBITDA would have been $6.5 million and $7.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016, respectively. Earnings Call and Webcast Access Information Radiant Logistics, Inc. will host a conference call on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 4:30 PM Eastern to discuss the contents of this release. The conference call is open to all interested parties, including individual investors and press. Bohn Crain, Founder and CEO will host the call. Conference Call Details DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 4:30 PM Eastern DIAL-IN US (877) 407-8031; Intl. (201) 689-8031 REPLAY November 10, 2017 at 9:30 AM Eastern to November 23, 2017 at 4:30 PM Eastern, US (877) 481-4010; Intl. (919) 882-2331 (Replay ID number: 22344) Webcast Details This call is also being webcast and may be accessed via Radiant's web site at or through About Radiant Logistics (NYSE MKT: RLGT) Radiant Logistics, Inc. ( is a third-party logistics and multimodal transportation services company delivering advanced supply chain solutions through a network of company-owned and strategic operating partner locations across North America. Through its comprehensive service offering, Radiant provides domestic and international freight forwarding services, truck and rail brokerage services and other value-added supply chain management services, including customs brokerage, order fulfillment, inventory management and warehousing to a diversified account base including manufacturers, distributors and retailers using a network of independent carriers and international agents positioned strategically around the world. This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Actual results may differ significantly from management's expectations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to: trends in the domestic and global economy; our ability to attract new and retain existing agency relationships; acquisitions and integration of acquired entities; availability of capital to support our acquisition strategy; our ability to maintain and improve back office infrastructure and transportation and accounting information systems in a manner sufficient to service our revenues and network of operating locations; the ability of the Wheels operation to maintain and grow its revenues and operating margins in a manner consistent with recent operating results and trends; our ability to maintain positive relationships with our third-party transportation providers, suppliers and customers; outcomes of legal proceedings; competition; management of growth; potential fluctuations in operating results; and government regulation. More information about factors that potentially could affect our financial results is included Radiant Logistics, Inc.'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and subsequent filings. # # # Investor Contact: Radiant Logistics, Inc. Todd Macomber (425) 943-4541 [email protected] Media Contact: Radiant Logistics, Inc. Ryan McBride (425) 943-4533 [email protected] RADIANT LOGISTICS, INC. Consolidated Balance Sheets (In thousands, except share and per share data) September 30, June 30, 2017 2017 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,767 $ 5,808 Accounts receivable, net of allowance of $1,830 and $1,599, respectively 123,260 116,327 Employee and other receivables 271 251 Income tax deposit 658 432 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 6,256 6,902 Total current assets 136,212 129,720 Technology and equipment, net 15,607 15,227 Acquired intangibles, net 73,311 74,729 Goodwill 66,997 66,779 Deposits and other assets 3,158 3,085 Total long-term assets 143,466 144,593 Total assets $ 295,285 $ 289,540 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued transportation costs $ 85,008 $ 85,490 Commissions payable 11,466 10,843 Other accrued costs 5,302 4,778 Current portion of notes payable 3,548 3,382 Current portion of contingent consideration 3,830 4,130 Current portion of transition and lease termination liability 1,343 1,210 Other current liabilities 349 143 Total current liabilities 110,846 109,976 Notes payable, net of current portion 42,083 37,040 Contingent consideration, net of current portion 6,015 5,790 Transition and lease termination liability, net of current portion 622 804 Deferred rent liability 980 857 Deferred tax liability 10,205 10,826 Other long-term liabilities 1,099 782 Total long-term liabilities 61,004 56,099 Total liabilities 171,850 166,075 Stockholders' equity: Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 5,000,000 shares authorized; 839,200 shares issued and outstanding, liquidation preference of $20,980 1 1 Common stock, $0.001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized; 49,187,768 and 49,177,215 shares issued, and 49,095,970 and 49,085,417 shares outstanding, respectively 30 30 Additional paid-in capital 116,570 116,172 Treasury stock, at cost, 91,798 shares (253) (253) Retained earnings 7,713 7,397 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (740) 65 Total Radiant Logistics, Inc. stockholders' equity 123,321 123,412 Non-controlling interest 114 53 Total stockholders' equity 123,435 123,465 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 295,285 $ 289,540 RADIANT LOGISTICS, INC. Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income (Loss) (In thousands, except share and per share data) Three Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 Revenues $ 197,977 $ 195,133 Cost of transportation 151,829 146,124 Net revenues 46,148 49,009 Operating partner commissions 19,692 23,351 Personnel costs 13,993 12,778 Selling, general and administrative expenses 6,848 5,782 Depreciation and amortization 3,575 3,006 Transition and lease termination costs 107 476 Change in contingent consideration (300) 250 Total operating expenses 43,915 45,643 Income from operations 2,233 3,366 Other income (expense): Interest income 7 4 Interest expense (771) (639) Foreign exchange gain (loss) (85) 201 Other 130 194 Total other expense: (719) (240) Income before income tax expense 1,514 3,126 Income tax expense (626) (1,252) Net income 888 1,874 Less: Net income attributable to non-controlling interest (61) (12) Net income attributable to Radiant Logistics, Inc. 827 1,862 Less: Preferred stock dividends (511) (511) Net income attributable to common stockholders $ 316 $ 1,351 Other comprehensive income (loss): Foreign currency translation gain (loss) (805) 221 Comprehensive income (loss) $ (489) $ 1,572 Net income per common share - basic and diluted $ 0.01 $ 0.03 Weighted average shares outstanding: Basic shares 49,085,545 48,861,511 Diluted shares 50,642,953 49,534,395 RADIANT LOGISTICS, INC. Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted Net Income, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Normalized Adjusted EBITDA (unaudited) As used in this report, Adjusted Net Income, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Normalized Adjusted EBITDA are not measures of financial performance or liquidity under United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). Adjusted Net Income, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Normalized Adjusted EBITDA are presented herein because they are important metrics used by management to evaluate and understand the performance of the ongoing operations of Radiant's business. For Adjusted Net Income, management uses a 36% tax rate for calculating the provision for income taxes before preferred dividend requirement to normalize Radiant's tax rate to that of its competitors and to compare Radiant's reporting periods with different effective tax rates. In addition, in arriving at Adjusted Net Income, the Company adjusts for certain non-cash charges and significant items that are not part of regular operating activities. These adjustments include depreciation and amortization, change in contingent consideration, amortization of loan fees, write-off of loan fees, impairment of acquired intangible assets, acquisition related costs, transition costs, lease termination costs, legal costs and non-recurring costs. Adjusted EBITDA means earnings before preferred stock dividends, interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, which is then further adjusted for changes in contingent consideration, expenses specifically attributable to acquisitions, lease termination costs, extraordinary items, share-based compensation expense, legal costs, non-recurring costs, material management and distribution ("MM&D") start-up costs, write off of loan fees, impairment of acquired intangible assets and foreign exchange losses or gains. Normalized Adjusted EBITDA represents the Adjusted EBITDA but also adds back transition costs associated with the SBA back-office that is projected to be eliminated. We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures, as presented, represent a useful method of assessing the performance of our operating activities, as they reflect our earnings trends without the impact of certain non-cash charges and other non-recurring charges. These non-GAAP financial measures are intended to supplement the GAAP financial information by providing additional insight regarding results of operations to allow a comparison to other companies, many of whom use similar non-GAAP financial measures to supplement their GAAP results. However, these non-GAAP financial measures will not be defined in the same manner by all companies and may not be comparable to other companies. Adjusted Net Income, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA and Normalized Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for any of the consolidated statements of operations prepared in accordance with GAAP, or as an indication of Radiant's operating performance or liquidity. Three Months Ended September 30, Reconciliation of net income to adjusted net income: 2017 2016 Net income attributable to common stockholders $ 316 $ 1,351 Adjustments to net income (loss): Income tax expense 626 1,252 Depreciation and amortization 3,575 3,006 Change in contingent consideration (300) 250 Lease termination costs 107 3 Acquisition related costs 78 145 Legal costs 24 36 Non-recurring costs 6 Amortization of loan fees 62 80 Transition costs associated with acquisitions 455 Adjusted net income before income taxes 4,488 6,584 Provision for income taxes at 36% before preferred dividend requirement (1,800) (2,554) Adjusted net income $ 2,688 $ 4,030 Adjusted net income per common share - basic and diluted $ 0.05 $ 0.08 Weighted average shares outstanding: Basic shares 49,085,545 48,861,511 Diluted shares 50,642,953 49,534,395 Three Months Ended September 30, Reconciliation of net income to normalized adjusted EBITDA 2017 2016 Net income attributable to common stockholders $ 316 $ 1,351 Preferred stock dividends 511 511 Net income attributable to Radiant Logistics, Inc. 827 1,862 Income tax expense 626 1,252 Depreciation and amortization 3,575 3,006 Net interest expense 764 635 EBITDA 5,792 6,755 Share-based compensation 350 331 Change in contingent consideration (300) 250 Acquisition related costs 78 145 Legal costs 24 36 Non-recurring costs 6 Lease termination costs 107 3 MM&D start-up costs 347 Foreign exchange loss (gain) 85 (201) Adjusted EBITDA 6,483 7,325 Transition costs 455 Normalized adjusted EBITDA $ 6,483 $ 7,780 Adjusted EBITDA as a % of Net Revenues 14.0 % 14.9 % Normalized Adjusted EBITDA as a % of Net Revenues 14.0 % 15.9 % SOURCE Radiant Logistics, Inc. Related Links NEW YORK and TORONTO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Neuberger Berman, a global, independent, employee-owned investment manager, further enhanced its quantitative investment capabilities announcing that Ram Ramaswamy has joined as Managing Director, Head of Investment Solutions for the Neuberger Berman Breton Hill team. Using the Neuberger Berman Breton Hill research platform, Mr. Ramaswamy will develop portfolio insights and assist clients by providing thoughtful and innovative investment solutions. He will work closely with institutional and high net worth clients, globally, to help them think through and realize their investment objectives. Prior to this role, Mr. Ramaswamy spent 16 years at Goldman Sachs Asset Management in the Alternative Investments and Manager Selection group. He has an MBA from The Wharton School. The Neuberger Berman Breton Hill team, based in Toronto, Canada, utilizes rigorous quantitative research and proprietary technology infrastructure informed by deep capital markets experience. Neuberger Berman Breton Hill's investment solutions range across the risk and return spectrum, with a focus on alternative risk premia and investment solutions spanning equities, currencies, commodities and rates. The group manages capital for a diverse investor base comprised of institutions, ultra-high net worth individuals and retail investors across various vehicles. The team manages approximately $2 billion in quantitative strategies and has 15 investment professionals. Ray Carroll, Chief Investment Officer, Neuberger Berman Breton Hill, commented "Success in quantitative investing requires the best investment professionals. We look forward to Ram driving client solutions through his deep understanding of quantitative investing. We will continue to build the team as we strive to produce the best investment outcomes for our clients." About Neuberger Berman Neuberger Berman, founded in 1939, is a private, independent, employee-owned investment manager. The firm manages a range of strategiesincluding equity, fixed income, quantitative and multi-asset class, private equity and hedge fundson behalf of institutions, advisors and individual investors globally. With offices in 19 countries, Neuberger Berman's team is approximately 1,900 professionals, as of September 30, 2017. The company was named the #1 firm in Pensions & Investments 2016 Best Places to Work in Money Management survey (among those with 1,000 employees or more). Tenured, stable and long-term in focus, the firm fosters an investment culture of fundamental research and independent thinking. It manages $284 billion in client assets as of September 30, 2017. For more information, please visit our website at All information is as of September 30, 2017 unless otherwise indicated and is subject to change without notice. Firm data, including employee and assets under management figures, reflects collective data for the various affiliated investment advisers that are subsidiaries of Neuberger Berman Group LLC. Firm history/timeline includes the history of all firm subsidiaries, including predecessor entities and acquisitions. This material is being issued on a limited basis through various global subsidiaries and affiliates of Neuberger Berman Group LLC. Please visit for the specific entities and jurisdictional limitations and restrictions. The "Neuberger Berman" name and logo are registered service marks of Neuberger Berman Group LLC. 2017 Neuberger Berman Group LLC. All rights reserved. SOURCE Neuberger Berman Related Links TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- ReliaQuest, a leading provider of IT security solutions for the Fortune 1000, today announced it ranked 171 on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. ReliaQuest grew 624 percent since 2013. ReliaQuest CEO Brian Murphy credits the company's strong culture and talented team members for the company's growth trajectory. "It's amazing to see what groups of individuals can accomplish together when they're driven by the same goals and values," Murphy said. "Security is a team sport. I'm proud of the impact we make every day, side-by-side with our customers, because of our focus on continuous advancement of our people and our security capabilities." "The Deloitte 2017 North America Technology Fast 500 winners underscore the impact of technological innovation and world class customer service in driving growth, in a fiercely competitive environment," said Sandra Shirai, vice chairman, Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. technology, media and telecommunications leader. "These companies are on the cutting edge and are transforming the way we do business. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the winners for achieving remarkable growth while delivering new services and experiences for their customers." "Emerging growth companies are powering innovation in the broader economy. The growth rates delivered by the companies on this year's North America Technology Fast 500 ranking are a bright spot for the capital markets and a strong indicator that the emerging growth technology sector will continue to deliver a strong return on investment," said Heather Gates, national managing director of Deloitte & Touche LLP's emerging growth company practice. "Deloitte is dedicated to supporting the best and brightest companies of the future in the emerging growth company sector. We are proud to acknowledge the significant accomplishments of this year's Fast 500 winners." Overall, 2017 Technology Fast 500 companies achieved revenue growth ranging from 135 percent to 59,093 percent from 2013 to 2016, with median growth of 380 percent. View all winners at ReliaQuest has been continually recognized for its growth, success and commitment to maintaining a positive company culture. Earlier in 2017, the company was designated as a national "Great Place to Work," and was listed among Fortune Magazine's Top 100 Medium Workplaces. Also in 2017, CEO Brian Murphy was named Entrepreneur of the Year for Florida. About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About ReliaQuest ReliaQuest advances the delivery, reliability and outcomes of IT security through co-management. Founded in 2007 and serving Fortune 1000 organizations in diverse industries, ReliaQuest helps customers better understand security threats to stay ahead of the curve. The company takes a collaborative approach, developing custom solutions based on each organization's risk profile and business goals, while leveraging existing investments in security hardware and software. ReliaQuest provides Detection and Response, Security Engineering, Security Analytics and Threat Management solutions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from Security Operations Centers in Tampa, FL, and Las Vegas, NV. ReliaQuest's model is recognized by industry experts as the emerging standard for large and complex organizations. The company has also received numerous accolades for its commitment to maintaining a positive company culture. In 2017 ReliaQuest CEO Brian Murphy was named EY Entrepreneur of the Year for Florida. Media contact: Kim Wilmath Director of Communications 813-857-5397 [email protected] SOURCE ReliaQuest Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA) was formed following the merger of Vodafone Australia with Hutchison Telecoms, each entity owning half of the new company. Read the full report: Hutchison and Vodafone now operate under the business name VHA, with products still marketed under the Vodafone brand. Vodafone's infrastructure has seen a fundamental overhaul, largely due to the successful refarming of its 850MHz concessions which allowed it to convert 3G to LTE across the country. Vodafone Australia has begun committing major resources to evaluating a potential fixed-line play over NBN. It is also targeting leadership in the next generation of mobile, announcing that it will start running 5G lab trials and demonstrations. Vodafone Australia is also looking to take leadership in the growing Internet of Things space, drawing on the expertise of the Vodafone Group globally. Vodafone has begun a large half-decade network transformation project: virtualizing both its core and IP networks in its transition to a 5G environment. It is planning to launch fixed broadband service via the NBN in selected areas by 2018 and has been investing heavily to establish its own NBN infrastructure. BuddeComm surmises that if Vodafone did not enter the fixed-line business despite the obvious opportunities in place it may become a target for fixed-line players. Companied covered in this report include: Telstra, Optus, VHA, Vodafone, 3, Hutchison (HTA). Read the full report: About Reportlinker ReportLinker is an award-winning market research solution. Reportlinker finds and organizes the latest industry data so you get all the market research you need - instantly, in one place. __________________________ Contact Clare: [email protected] US: (339)-368-6001 Intl: +1 339-368-6001 SOURCE Reportlinker Related Links ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- RG was awarded a modification to a sole source contract for the Programmed Depot Maintenance Scheduling System (PDMSS) to perform the Enterprise Application (EA) Server Migration Effort for the U.S. Air Force (USAF). RG (Robbins-Gioia, LLC) will deliver a solution that migrates PDMSS off the legacy EAServer and PowerBuilder code, and implements Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) compliance to provide a modern platform for the USAF. RG expects to extend the lifetime of PDMSS, increase compatibility, ease maintainability, and enhance system stability and supportability. "RG is pleased to continue its support of the Air Force maintenance community by modernizing PDMSS and moving off the legacy code," says Jeff Philippart, RG's Director of Defense Business. "Our wealth of knowledge related to the Air Force's technology architecture and business processes for depot level maintenance make RG a natural partner for the modernization of this legacy system. These efforts will ensure the Air Force maintains the required readiness to sustain the warfighter," says Chris Samulski, RG's Director of Software. At RG, we provide management consulting, managed services, and JFAST software. We partner with our clients to test and refine every solution to meet their exact needs. We take pride in tackling complex management challenges with fresh and innovative insights and in transforming our clients' vision into reality. Contact: Lindsay Phillips Director, Marketing RG 703-739-5663 [email protected] SOURCE RG Related Links SAINT LOUIS, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Fully Managed cloud hosting provider RoseHosting is proud to sponsor the 2017 WordCamp US in Nashville, Tennessee. The 2017 WordCamp US in Nashville, Tennessee, is a great opportunity for the WordPress community to get to know each other, everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and discuss news, updates, and best-practices for WordPress in general. RoseHosting provides expertise in Linux server deployment services, including website migration, server configuration, server monitoring, maintenance, and full backup services. Offering ultra-fast SSD Linux virtual private servers, RoseHosting provides cloud hosting for businesses and individuals that need an online presence, in a fast, secure and isolated virtual private environment. RoseHosting is an ideal sponsor for the 2017 WordCamp in Nashville, TN as WordPress users who require superior hosting for their WordPress sites can turn to RoseHosting to meet their needs. For example, RoseHosting provides a fully managed WordPress hosting for companies that want to publish content online without having to worry about managing and configuring a web hosting server. Nashville's WordPress users are a community in the truest sense of the word, which is why they are so excited to host WordCamp US this year and blow it out of the water with the fellow WordPress enthusiasts around the country! The third annual WordCamp US 2017 will be held at Music City Center in the heart of downtown Nashville, and will take place on December 1-3, 2017. RoseHosting will be present to provide insight on the cloud hosting services they offer. RoseHosting is a privately owned St. Louis-based company, in business since 2001. Back then, they were the first and only company in the world to offer commercial Linux virtual servers. Now, they offer several hosting solutions to thousands of customers around the world. Their data center is located in St. Louis, Missouri, less than 100 miles from the population center of the USA. Media Contact: Jeff Wilson Phone: 888.767.3467 Email: [email protected] Related Links RoseHosting WordPress Hosting SOURCE RoseHosting DALLAS, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Acclaimed Dallas trial attorneys Richard A. "Dick" Sayles and Mark Werbner of the law firm Sayles Werbner have been selected for the 2018 edition of Benchmark Litigation, a leading legal guide to America's top litigators. Benchmark has recognized both lawyers for their work in commercial litigation. In addition, Sayles is honored for his litigation work in energy and natural resources as well as insurance. Both have been listed in Benchmark's guides every year since 2013. Benchmark Litigation compiles its list following an extensive interview process with trial lawyers and their clients, an examination of casework and feedback from peers. Sayles and Werbner are no strangers to high honors for their legal work. The two are widely respected for their courtroom techniques and successes in high-profile cases, including a groundbreaking terrorism lawsuit that led to the first civil liability verdict against a foreign bank for providing material financial support to terrorists. Sayles is Board Certified in both Civil Trial Law and Personal Injury Trial Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Werbner is Board Certified in Civil Trial Law and Criminal Law. The firm co-founders were recently selected to the 2017 Texas Super Lawyers list and Werbner was honored as a Top 10 attorney in the state for business litigation. He joined Sayles on the list of Top 100 attorneys in the state and in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Each has been recognized by Super Lawyers annually since 2003. Additionally, The Best Lawyers in America included the duo in its 2018 edition and named both Lawyers of the Year for their respective practice areas. Chambers USA also has recognized the name shareholders as top commercial litigators. Sayles Werbner maintains an international reputation as a proven trial law firm in complex business litigation, life-altering personal injury cases, and practically every type of case that requires courtroom expertise. To learn more, visit Media Contact: Sophia Reza 800-559-4534 [email protected] SOURCE Sayles Werbner Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Scott+Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP ("Scott+Scott"), a national shareholder and consumer rights litigation firm, is investigating whether certain directors and officers of Lannett Company, Inc. ("Lannett" or the "Company") (NYSE: LCI) breached their fiduciary duties to the Company and its shareholders. If you are a Lannett shareholder, you are encouraged to contact Scott+Scott for additional information. Lannett develops, manufactures, markets and distributes generic versions of brand pharmaceutical products. On July 16, 2014, Lannett disclosed that it had received interrogatories and a subpoena from the State of Connecticut Office of the Attorney General concerning its investigation into the pricing of Digoxin, one of Lannett's generic drugs. By November 3, 2016, media outlets reported that Department of Justice ("DOJ") prosecutors were considering filing criminal charges against Lannett and several other generic pharmaceutical companies by the end of 2016 for unlawfully colluding to fix generic drug prices. On January 5, 2017, the Antitrust Division's Washington Criminal I Section submitted an Uncontested Motion of the United States to Intervene in an antitrust action captioned In re Generic Digoxin and Doxycycline Antitrust Litigation, in which Lannett, among others, is named as a defendant. In its motion, the DOJ asserted that "this litigation shares common questions of law and fact with an ongoing federal criminal investigation. Continued litigation of this consolidated action is likely to result in the disclosure of information that will harm the ongoing criminal antitrust investigation." On January 6, 2017, the DOJ's uncontested motion to intervene was granted. What You Can Do If you are a Lannett shareholder, you may have legal claims against Lannett's directors and officers. If you wish to discuss this investigation, or have questions about this notice or your legal rights, please contact attorney Joe Pettigrew at (844) 818-6982, or at [email protected]. About Scott+Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP Scott+Scott has significant experience in prosecuting major securities, antitrust, and employee retirement plan actions throughout the United States. The firm represents pension funds, foundations, individuals, and other entities worldwide with offices in New York, London, Connecticut, California, and Ohio. CONTACT: Joe Pettigrew Scott+Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP (844) 818-6982 [email protected] SOURCE Scott+Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP Related Links LAS VEGAS, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Hardware Show was held on May 9-11, 2017 in Las Vegas. The show featured business representatives from across the globe exhibiting 15 major hardware product categories. The show's layout was laid to help people connect with exhibitors and to know the insights of branded hardware products. The exhibition also enlightened the importance of new and emerging brand opportunities and money-saving deals. Shanghai Rolling Threads Tech Ltd. Shanghai Rolling Threads Technology Ltd. participated in this event and showcased its various plumbing products in collaboration with The company was represented by Mr. Jim Zhou, president of the company. He introduced his newly launched plumbing products in the event that included rolled threaded pipes and pipe cutting machines. President of the Shanghai Rolling Thread Technology Jim Zhou in a discussion with a local journalist expressed that, "It has been a great experience participating in the National Hardware Show and it's wonderful to see the number of participants increasing from last year." He further added, "The show has got everything that an exhibitionist looks for; it provides an opportunity to showcase the depth of products you have and to let people know what innovation you are coming up with." Technical Support Engineer, Kimi Yang said that, "The major reason behind the increasing participants of the show is the featuring of new and innovative products. The National Hardware show helped us to build brand popularity of a completely new hardware product line such as ours." About Shanghai Rolling Threads Technology Ltd. Shanghai Rolling Thread Technology Ltd., established in 1998 and located in China, executed its operations with the objective of bringing innovative gas piping solutions. Taking this dream into reality, in 2016, Shanghai Rolling Threads introduced its rolling thread pipe nipple technology that gained overwhelming appreciation by the customers across all regions. The company has mastered the hardware and piping industry with its innovatively tailored threaded pipe nipples widely used for oil and gas piping applications. We have expanded our rolling thread technology to USA & Europe due to its increasing demand. Sources: Contact Details: James Park International Sales Manager Rm.502, Nr.1122 Xinjinqiao Rd, Pudong Shanghai, China. Phone: 0086-21-61462116 Email: [email protected] SOURCE Shanghai Rolling Threads Tech Ltd. Related Links NEWINGTON, Conn., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Sharpe Capital, a family-owned and operated brokerage firm, has developed a new "Growing Businesses Building a Community" program, which will benefit the Connecticut Children's Medical Center. As a lender with a heart, Sharpe Capital has developed a co-marketing relationship with the medical center and pledged one percent of its total receivables or commissions to be used for the nonprofit's general fund. Sharpe Capital The Connecticut Children's Medical Center Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Connecticut Children's Medical Center based in Hartford. The medical center is the only hospital in Connecticut dedicated exclusively to the care of children. Connecticut Children's Medical Center is a nationally recognized nonprofit that has more than 1,000 medical staff providing comprehensive, world-class health care in more than 30 pediatric specialties and subspecialties. The foundation raises critical funding that provides for the financial resources for Connecticut Children's Medical Center to invest in people, research, technology and state-of-the-art equipment in order to ensure the care children need and deserve. "We are very proud and excited to announce our new 'Growing Businesses Building a Community' program, benefiting Connecticut Children's Medical Center," says Brendan P. Lynch, CEO of Sharpe Capital. "Connecticut Children's Medical Center is a leader in child patient care, and we couldn't be more excited to work with such a great organization." Sharpe Capital has more than 15 years of business financial experience and is at the forefront of the country's quickly changing economy. The firm provides a range of business loans, including SBA loans, term loans, lines of credit, merchant cash advances, equipment leasing and purchasing, and more. To learn more about the company and their new partnership with Connecticut Children's Medical Center, visit About Sharpe Capital Sharpe Capital is a family-owned and operated brokerage firm that helps their clients achieve and retain the greatest possible funding success. With more than 120 funding platforms in their network, Sharpe Capital has solutions for every business. To learn more, visit Related Images image1.jpg ccmc in support of logo image2.jpg SHARPE LOGO image3.jpg CCMC OUTSIDE image4.jpeg BLYNCH PIC #1 image5.jpeg blynch pic #2 SOURCE Sharpe Capital Related Links New York-based startup QuiO, winner of the 2017 Accenture Global HealthTech Innovation Challenge, is at the vanguard of digital technologies that allow injectable therapies to reach their full potential. QuiO technologies include the ConnectedRx, a first-of-its-kind cloud-based solution for patient support. SHL and QuiO believe that connectivity is the key to taking user experience to the next level. The idea of the device as not only a drug carrier, but as a data collector, opens up unique opportunities to support patient adherence and monitor treatment outcomes. The strategic partnership is a valuable match that will add to SHL's wide range of products and provide a sophisticated software platform. QuiO's fully integrated solution combines novel device concepts, software and services and is expected to take patient care to the next level. "SHL has pushed to stay at the leading edge of advanced drug delivery for more than 20 years. As the healthcare industry embraces digital and people increasingly take their treatment into their own hands, our natural next step is connectivity that seamlessly captures high-quality data to form a detailed picture of the patient to improve clinical decision-making," SHL Group founder and CEO Roger Samuelsson said. QuiO CEO Alexander Dahmani said: "QuiO is excited to contribute hardware technology and provide the full software-stack for SHL's connected devices. Our ConnectedRx solution captures data directly from medical devices, structures and stores it in a secure cloud environment, and serves it to a suite of powerful applications that enable patients, clinicians, and customers to benefit from the data." For SHL, partnering with QuiO is an important milestone that will provide entrepreneurial spirit and excellent capabilities to support its ambitions to lead the digital healthcare industry. About QuiO QuiO is a connected therapeutics company that provides software and services enabled by smart medication devices. The company's solution helps chronic disease patients succeed on long-term therapies, and helps stakeholders track the real-world performance of these therapies. To learn more about QuiO, please visit About SHL Group SHL is a world-leading solution provider in the design, development and manufacturing of advanced drug delivery devices such as auto injectors and pen injectors. With locations in Taiwan, Sweden, China and the U.S., it develops product enhancements and breakthrough drug delivery solutions for pharma and biotech clients globally. Visit for more information. SOURCE SHL GROUP Related Links MODESTO, Calif., Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- LUX Wines, an importer and purveyor of fine wines within an independent division of E. & J. Gallo Winery (Gallo), announced today that it has been awarded the exclusive rights to distribute Sicily's Tornatore wines in the United States, effective January 1, 2018. Tornatore is the latest addition to LUX Wines, a growing portfolio of elite brands from the most noteworthy appellations in the world. Tornatore is a family-owned winery located in the Sicilian town of Castiglione di Sicilia on the northeastern slopes of Europe's largest and most active volcano, Mt. Etna. Benefiting from the region's unique growing conditions and native varieties, the local Tornatore family produces very complex and distinctive wines. Mt. Etna is an exceptional terroir. Located in northeastern Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and Italy's fourth largest wine producing region, there is abundant sunshine and warmth. There is also a cooling effect from sea breezes and high elevation, which together preserve acidity, enhance structure and bring complexity to Tornatore wines. The region's volcanic soils are both fertile and well drained and therefore ideally suited to viticulture. Many grapes thrive on Mt. Etna's slopes, but it's the native red Nerello Mascalese and white Carricante grapes that produce the region's most special wines. Tornatore relies almost exclusively on these two varieties for their single vineyard and regional blends. "Although the number of wineries on Mt. Etna continues to rise due to the region's increasing popularity, the Tornatore family has been there for generations. Their deep understanding and respect for the land is evident in their beautifully structured and balanced wines," said Joseph C. Gallo, Vice President in Gallo's Premium Wine Division. "My first commercial vintage was 2012," said founder Francesco Tornatore. "However, it was my great grandfather who was the first in our family to plant vines here in 1865." Having grown up among the vines on Mt. Etna, Francesco had access to the best lots for planting, all of which today are within a few kilometers of his childhood home and the winery. The national roll-out of Tornatore is scheduled for Q1 2018. About LUX Wines Founded in 2014, LUX Wines is an importer and purveyor of fine wines from around the world created by E. & J. Gallo Winery as a distinct selling and marketing division. LUX Wines hand-selects truly singular, terroir-driven wines from highly acclaimed wineries around the world that transcend time and are deeply rooted in tradition. LUX is led by Managing Director Giovanni Nencini, who has a profound understanding of the fine wine business with more than 25 years of high-level experience in sales, marketing and exporting. Nencini oversees an elite team of wine professionals who have lived, worked and traveled in the world's most renowned winegrowing regions. For discerning American wine enthusiasts, LUX offers a growing international portfolio of iconic wines. About E. & J. Gallo Winery Founded by brothers Ernest and Julio Gallo in 1933 in Modesto, California, E. & J. Gallo Winery is the world's largest family-owned winery and the acclaimed producer of award-winning wines and spirits featured in more than 90 countries around the globe. A pioneer in the art of grape growing, winemaking, sustainable practices, marketing and worldwide distribution, Gallo crafts and imports wines and spirits to suit a diverse range of tastes and occasions, from everyday offerings to boutique, luxury bottlings. The Gallo portfolio is comprised of more than 80 unique brands, including Barefoot Cellars, Dark Horse, and Gallo Family Vineyards, as well as premium box wines The Naked Grape and Vin Vault. Premium offerings include Apothic, Carnivor, Chateau Souverain, Columbia Winery, Ecco Domani, Edna Valley Vineyard, J Vineyards & Winery, Louis M. Martini, MacMurray Estate Vineyards, Mirassou, Orin Swift, Talbott Vineyards, and William Hill Estate, along with highly acclaimed imports, such as Alamos, Brancaia, La Marca, Las Rocas, Martin Codax, Whitehaven, and LUX Wines, importers of Allegrini, Argiano, Jermann, Pieropan and Renato Ratti. Gallo Spirits offers New Amsterdam Vodka and Gin and E&J Brandy, in addition to imported Scotch whiskies from Whyte & Mackay, including The Dalmore, Jura Single Malt and John Barr Blended. SOURCE E. & J. Gallo Winery Related Links SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- SiteLock today announced it was named to the Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. The company also garnered recognition as Arizona's fastest growing software company for the third consecutive year, and earned distinction as the fastest growing company in Arizona overall, boasting a growth rate of 603 percent during a three-year period. SiteLock President, Neill Feather, credits the company's continued growth and recognition to a deliberate focus on product innovation and targeted customer acquisition strategy, both driven by exceptional customer service and support. Software innovations include SMART DataBase, a scanning tool designed to automatically find and remove known malware from WordPress databases, and the SiteLock Risk Assessment, a proprietary predictive model used to determine a website's likelihood of attack. "We are honored to be included once again in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500. Earning recognition as the fastest growing software company in Arizona for the third consecutive year is a direct result of our continued focus on addressing a growing need in the market, and delivering superior technology specifically designed to help small and medium sized businesses thrive on the internet," said Feather. "Our mission is to protect every website on the internet. As cyber threats and breaches continue to dominate headlines, helping website owners become proactive about website security has never been more important." "The Deloitte 2017 North America Technology Fast 500 winners underscore the impact of technological innovation and world class customer service in driving growth, in a fiercely competitive environment," said Sandra Shirai, vice chairman, Deloitte Consulting LLP and U.S. technology, media and telecommunications leader. "These companies are on the cutting edge and are transforming the way we do business. We extend our sincere congratulations to all the winners for achieving remarkable growth while delivering new services and experiences for their customers." "Emerging growth companies are powering innovation in the broader economy. The growth rates delivered by the companies on this year's North America Technology Fast 500 ranking are a bright spot for the capital markets and a strong indicator that the emerging growth technology sector will continue to deliver a strong return on investment," said Heather Gates, national managing director of Deloitte & Touche LLP's emerging growth company practice. "Deloitte is dedicated to supporting the best and brightest companies of the future in the emerging growth company sector. We are proud to acknowledge the significant accomplishments of this year's Fast 500 winners." SiteLock was included on the 2015 and 2016 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 and also recognized as the fastest growing software company in Arizona both years as well. About Deloitte's 2017 Technology Fast 500 Deloitte's Technology Fast 500 provides a ranking of the fastest growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies both public and private in North America. Technology Fast 500 award winners are selected based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2013 to 2016. In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company's operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL"), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the "Deloitte" name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. About SiteLock SiteLock, the global leader in website security solutions, is the only provider to offer complete, cloud-based website protection. Its 360-degree monitoring detects and fixes threats, prevents future attacks, accelerates website performance, and meets PCI compliance standards for businesses of all sizes. Founded in 2008, the company protects over 12 million customers worldwide. For more information, please visit SOURCE SiteLock Related Links GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- On November 8th, a special ceremony was held in Guangdong International Financial Center to celebrate the official unveiling of the headquarters of Southern Finance and Economic Omnimedia Group. according to the Information Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province. Ren Xuefeng, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Committee and Guangzhou Party Chief, and Shen Haixiong, a standing committee member of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and head of Guangdong's publicity department, attended the ceremony. During the ceremony, 8 MoUs were inked between the group and professional organizations including Guangzhou Tianhe District Government, Guangdong Branch of Poly Group, Guangzhou Industrial Investment Fund, Guangdong New Media Industry Fund, Shenzhen Press Group and so on. Agreements were tailored to pave the way for the headquarters' moving into Guangzhou International Financial Center, as well as co-building the Southern Think Tank and also a subordinate enterprise for holding and financing. Besides, these will boost the group's data business, and help the group gain access to the capital markets. Established in November of 2016, the group integrates premium finance and economics media resources and productive assets of Nanfang Media Group and Guangdong Radio and Television Station. The group is a key project for Guangdong to implement the central government's deployment and promote the supply-side structural reform in the field of media. It is introduced that since its foundation, the group has focused on "Media + Finance" strategy, developing the media convergence and forming a media network covering the newspaper, television, radio and online websites. Now the group has accelerated its data business with the core of Guangdong Free Trade Zone Information Port and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Institute, also the framework of its trading business has gradually been developed, laying importance to Guangdong South Cultural Equity Exchange and Hengqin International Commodities Exchange Center. SOURCE Information Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP, Ohio, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized Springfield High School & Junior High with the Energy Star Building Label, representing the school's achievement in placing among the most energy efficient K-12 school facilities in the United States and making it the only K-12 building in Summit County to have earned the distinction to date for 2017. GARDINER presents Sprinfield's staff with Energy Star Award (L-R, Kevin Pugely from GARDINER, Mike Smith and Dustin Boswell from Sprinfield Local School District, and Nate Smik from GARDINER) A relatively new facility, GARDINER identified how to more efficiently operate Springfield High School & Junior High's existing HVAC systems Representatives from GARDINER, the district's partner in identifying and implementing energy conservation strategies, were on hand to present district Business Manager Dustin Boswell and Maintenance Supervisor Mike Smith with the Award. "When we opened this facility in 2014, our promise to the community was to be as efficient as we could with the operating dollars that we had," said Boswell. "Although the building was new, we identified early on that we weren't getting the most from our new systems. The Energy Star award really symbolizes that we've stayed committed to that promise for our students and the community." "Anything we can do to make the environment better for students and save money at the same time, is a win-win. The superintendent and the board have really been supportive on this effort," added Smith. "It's great recognition for the district." EPA's Energy Star energy performance scale helps organizations assess how efficiently their buildings use energy relative to similar buildings nationwide. A building that scores a 75 or higher on EPA's 1-100 scale may be eligible for Energy Star certification. Springfield High School & Junior High has moved from a score of 69 a year ago to an 86 today, earning the Award. The GARDINER and Springfield teams worked closely together to identify both mechanical and control improvements, with Springfield's Smith and Gardiner's Nate Smik being particularly critical to the effort. "The approach that GARDINER took was unique," said Boswell. "It was very customized and collaborative with our staff. We identified specific issues with our building and how we could operate it better and saw things improve in a gradual, systematic way." "Dustin, Mike and the whole team were really committed to the program, working to improve both the learning environment for the teachers and students, as well as their energy efficiency," said Smik, an Energy Engineer with Gardiner. "The Energy Star Buildings label really illustrates for the community what Springfield Local Schools has been doing for a couple years now to save the district thousands of dollars while improving comfort in that facility." About GARDINER GARDINER is a full service HVAC, energy services and professional building services company serving Northern Ohio's commercial, industrial and institutional facilities, engineers and contractors since 1962. More than 2,500 clients in Northern Ohio trust GARDINER to solve their building comfort, reliability, energy, facilities planning, and project funding challenges. To learn more call 440-248-3400 or visit, Media contact: Dan Babic [email protected] 440-248-3400 SOURCE GARDINER Related Links QUEENS, N.Y., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- St. John's University School of Law announced today that it will accept Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores starting with applications for Fall 2018 admission to its J.D. program. St. John's and Columbia Law School are now the only two law schools in New York State accepting GRE scores. In addition to the LSAT (Law School Admission Test), the School of Law will now accept the GRE, or both scores, for Fall 2018. The announcement was made by St. John's University School of Law Dean Michael A. Simons, who said the decision came after a Faculty Council discussion. Vice Dean Larry Cunningham spearheaded the process for St. John's. "This decision follows an extensive review process we undertook with the ETS (Educational Testing Service), the educational testing and assessment organization that administers the GRE," noted Dean Cunningham. "After correlating GRE performance to performance in the first year of law school, we're confident that the GRE predicts student success in law school." Notably, while the ABA (American Bar Association) requires all accredited law schools to utilize a valid standardized test as part of the application process, it doesn't specify that the test must be the LSAT. "The GRE also opens the Law School's doors to a broader, more diverse set of applicants, increasing access to legal education," Dean Cunningham added. "Not only is the GRE offered throughout the year at an extensive network of locations, it meets the needs of a growing number of applicants who pursue a law degree after obtaining a graduate or doctorate degree in another field, and who have already taken the GRE." "Accepting the GRE and creating a more expansive and inclusive applicant pool is consistent with our mission," Dean Simons said. "St. John's Law has provided underserved populations access to a top legal education since we first opened our doors in 1925. Today, with our decision to accept the GRE, we continue that proud tradition." About St. John's University School of Law Established in 1925 and located on the beautiful Queens, NY, campus of St. John's University, St. John's School of Law prepares students with the skills and values required for global legal practice. Over 700 Juris Doctor (J.D.) and Master of Laws (LL.M.) students achieve academic excellence through rigorous teaching, scholarly research, and hands-on application of knowledge in clinics, externships, and other programs. The National Law Journal named St. John's Law the #38 "2017 Go-To Law School" for placing graduates in the 100 biggest law firms, and the Law School ranks #28 for placing graduates in full-time, long-term legal jobs (2016 ABA Employment Summary). St. John's bar passage rate for first-time July 2017 exam takers was 89.2%, exceeding New York's statewide average of 86%. St. John's Law has a strong, worldwide network of over 16,000 alumni, including distinguished public servants, leaders of preeminent international law firms and corporations, and pioneering global entrepreneurs. For more information, please visit SOURCE St. John's University Related Links "Global demand for bourbon continues to bring significant economic impact to Kentucky through jobs, investment and tourism," said Gov. Bevin. "This new project by Stoli Group in the heart of bourbon country will serve to accelerate this trend. Stoli Group will offer numerous employment opportunities and support many families in and around Nelson County. I congratulate the company and look forward to seeing this concept come to life over the coming years." Stoli Group was established in 2013 and is responsible for the management, distribution and marketing operations of SPI Group's global spirits portfolio. One of the world's leading wine and spirits organizations, SPI Group is an independent company committed to a mission of building a respected portfolio of select premium brands, which it achieves by controlling and perfecting every stage of the process, from cultivation through distribution. Additionally, SPI Group develops large-scale real estate projects, including the Finos Tequila distillery in Jalisco, Mexico and the award-winning Bayou Rum distillery and visitors center in Lacassine, Louisiana, and farms 14,000 acres of agricultural land, including for its Stoli and elit Vodkas in Tambov, Russia. "Stoli Group will put great resources into these endeavors both the distillery experience and the growth of this very important category for our company. As master blender, Dixon Dedman will continue to manage the production of Kentucky Owl the crown jewel of the new division, which will remain a small batch offering," said Dmitry Efimov, Head of Stoli Group's American Whiskey Division. "This site will be home to additional brands that we will create or acquire. With the continued strength and growth of American whiskies and bourbons, we are beginning to evaluate those opportunities." Sen. Jimmy Higdon, of Lebanon, said Stoli Group promises to grow the state's strong reputation in the bourbon industry. "I am so pleased to hear Stoli Group has chosen this Bardstown location to be Kentucky's newest bourbon-based economic development project," Sen. Higdon said. "Kentucky's signature bourbon industry has showed no sign of slowing, and with this huge investment in the region and the creation of new Kentucky jobs, I have no doubt that Stoli Group will join the ranks of great distillers." Rep. Chad McCoy, of Bardstown, said the project will have a substantial impact on the already thriving local bourbon industry. "Stoli Group understands the rich tradition of bourbon in the commonwealth, and we are thrilled the company is expanding a recently acquired family business to Bardstown," said Rep. Chad McCoy, who serves as vice-chair of the Licensing, Occupations and Administrative Regulations Committee. "The distillery is a boon for our community and will cement Bardstown's transformation into the premiere bourbon destination for Kentuckians and people from all over the world." Bardstown Mayor Dick Heaton said the company has found the perfect home in Nelson County. "We are extremely happy to have Stoli Group's American Whiskey Distillery join our growing family of distilleries in Bardstown and Nelson County," Mayor Heaton said. "Bardstown is known as the Bourbon Capital of the World. This new investment is a testament that there is no better place to make bourbon, educate and entertain visitors than Bardstown, Kentucky. The announcement comes as a result of much hard work by many people in the public and private sector here. The City of Bardstown is proud to be a part of this exciting project." Nelson County Judge-Executive Dean Watts said the project will have a positive impact on the community. "The announcement of Stoli Group's American Whiskey Distillery coming to Nelson County is excellent economic news," Judge-Executive Watts said. "We appreciate their investment in our community and look forward to helping with their success." About Stoli Group Part of SPI Group one of the world's leading premium spirits businesses Stoli Group was established in 2013 as the division responsible for the management, distribution and marketing of SPI's global spirits portfolio. SOURCE Stoli Group Related Links MIAMI, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- TIKD, an innovative technology company transforming how people handle traffic tickets, today sued The Florida Bar and a law firm in federal court for conspiring to restrain trade in the market for legal services. In its lawsuit, TIKD charges that The Florida Bar, which licenses attorneys and enforces their legal monopoly on legal services, is conspiring with a private ticket defense law firm to drive TIKD out of business. "The Bar appears to be a willing participant in reducing competition, limiting consumer choice, and denying consumers access to affordable and convenient legal help," said Chris Riley, founder and CEO of TIKD. "All TIKD wants is a level playing field to compete, but The Florida Bar and The Ticket Clinic are preventing that. TIKD is good for drivers, good for lawyers, and is operating within the rules defined by law. We hope the Bar will come to its senses, end its 'investigation,' and let TIKD operate without interference. But if not, this is an important fight and we look forward to presenting our case to a jury." Traffic citations are common in America. More than one in five registered drivers will receive a ticket each year, with speeding being the most common violation. Only five percent of tickets are challenged in Court. The national average ticket fine amount is more than $150, nearly all of the monthly discretionary income of 60 percent of U.S. households. Unable to meet the debt obligation and placing drivers at odds with a system in which poverty is criminalized, unpaid traffic tickets result in suspended drivers licenses in 43 states and the District of Columbia. A simple unpaid traffic ticket can place drivers in a debt spiral accumulating late charges, license suspension, and even jail time.* TIKD, which has served more than 5,000 Floridians since it launched there in February 2017, offers drivers financial protection from traffic fines with ticket defense provided by independent lawyers. For a one-time charge that is always less than the face amount of a ticket, TIKD provides drivers access to a private attorney and guarantees they will pay no more money for fines, costs or other fees. If the ticket is not dismissed, TIKD pays any fines imposed, and if the driver gets "points," TIKD provides a full refund. The lawyers do the lawyering; TIKD helps drivers avoid the hassle, distraction and embarrassment of dealing with the ticket and provides a financial guarantee and administrative convenience. TIKD's innovative service has drawn the ire of a competitor, The Ticket Clinic, which also provides speeding ticket defense. The Ticket Clinic's attorneys complained to The Florida Bar, which began "investigating" TIKD for "the unauthorized practice of law" in January 2017, even before its official launch. Ten months later, the Bar's "investigation" is still going on, with no end in sight. In the meantime, The Ticket Clinic's lawyers have filed grievances against every lawyer who has represented a TIKD customer, threatening to have them disbarred. The Florida Bar has abetted this anti-competitive conduct by dragging out its "investigation," secretly issuing an unauthorized and incorrect "opinion" that suggests TIKD is violating Florida law, and refusing to dispel claims that The Bar has "decided" TIKD's business is illegal even though the Bar has no authority to make such a decision. TIKD has repeatedly tried to meet with The Florida Bar to explain that its service is perfectly legal and is good for both consumers and lawyers. To date, The Bar has shut TIKD out. TIKD has been forced to file the lawsuit to stop the illegal and anti-competitive actions. "TIKD is challenging the legal profession, which has an unfortunate history of putting the interests of its members ahead of the interests of consumers," said TIKD's lead attorney Ramon Abadin, himself a recent past president of The Florida Bar. "The Florida Bar has an obligation to help make legal services accessible and affordable to everyone, but its treatment of TIKD is reducing access, not increasing it. We had to file this lawsuit because The Bar has refused to engage in meaningful dialogue with TIKD." Abadin noted the lawsuit is filed on behalf of TIKD, but it is also for consumers and companies that are trying to modernize the delivery of legal services. "We are using technology to make it easier and cheaper for drivers to handle their traffic tickets right from their phones and computers," said Robert Garvy, TIKD's chairman. "We are providing a superior service and are working with local lawyers who are already handling traffic cases for clients who walk into their offices." State bar associations are no longer immune from antitrust lawsuits. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2014 that professional associations that regulate their own monopolies can be made to pay treble damages under the Sherman Antitrust Act, just like any other person or company that monopolizes a market. LegalZoom sued The North Carolina State Bar in 2016 for $10.5 million for violating the Sherman Act. That bar association quickly stopped interfering in LegalZoom's sale of legal plans in North Carolina. TIKD's legal team includes Pete Kennedy, the architect of LegalZoom's lawsuit against The North Carolina State Bar, former Florida Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero, and another former Florida Bar president. Greenberg Traurig's Tim Kolaya helps lead TIKD's national efforts, but neither he nor the firm is involved in the litigation against The Florida Bar. "When I launched TIKD, my goal was to help people handle their traffic tickets and save time and money," said Riley. "It is ironic that TIKD like many other tech startups is now wasting time and money defending itself against the very legal profession it seeks to support with its technology platform." About TIKD TIKD is a Florida startup providing drivers with a simpler, more cost-effective way to handle traffic tickets directly from their smartphones and computers. TIKD uses technology, big data and the law of large numbers to offer customers a multitude of benefits including convenience, cost savings on the face value of their traffic ticket, affordable access to legal services and the opportunity to minimize the negative financial impact of getting a traffic ticket. TIKD is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. It is available in select counties across Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Washington DC and California. In other locations, customers can simply pay their traffic ticket fine using BetterPay by TIKD, the first of its kind online payment plan for traffic tickets. More than 7,000 customers have used TIKD since it launched in February 2017. Find out more at and on our fact sheet. * Sources: Statistic Brain Research Institute, Princeton Survey Research Associates International, Legal Aid Justice Center, How Stuff Works, Pew Research Center SOURCE TIKD Related Links CHICAGO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Forecasting critical changes to the foodservice industry over the next five years will be the central topic of discussion at Technomic's upcoming 2018 Foodservice Planning Program conference. Set to take place Jan. 8-10, 2018, in Newport Beach, Calif., the conference will analyze its theme, "The Power of Change," through three new exclusive and comprehensive Technomic studies: The Changing Menu Development Process Within Chains Noncommercial 2022: Outlook and Opportunities Critical Strategic Issues Facing Foodservice Manufacturers to the Year 2022 Foodservice leaders from across the nation will converge to hear findings from Technomic experts and senior-level peers. "Our Foodservice Planning Program brings together prominent influencers from across the industry to share important Technomic insights and individual learnings," says Joe Pawlak, managing principal at Technomic. "It is a valuable conference for those engaging in strategic business planning over the next several years." Top executives imparting their knowledge and experience at this year's conference include: Liz Matthews , Chief Food Innovation Officer, Taco Bell Corp. , Chief Food Innovation Officer, Taco Bell Corp. Brian Todd , Senior Vice President, Merchandising, Sysco Corp. , Senior Vice President, Merchandising, Sysco Corp. Patti Oliver , Director of Nutrition, UCLA Healthcare , Director of Nutrition, UCLA Healthcare James Howland , CDM, CFPP, Dining Services Director, Watermark Retirement Communities , CDM, CFPP, Dining Services Director, Watermark Retirement Communities Kris Klinger , Assistant Vice President, Auxiliary Services, University of Southern California , Assistant Vice President, Auxiliary Services, Rick Mariam , Director of Nutrition Services, San Dieguito Union High School District To learn more or register for this year's Technomic Foodservice Planning Program conference, please visit or contact one of the individuals listed below. Contacts: Press inquiries and program details: Bernadette Noone, (312) 506-3853, [email protected] Purchasing details: Patrick Noone, (312) 506-3852, [email protected] About Technomic Technomic Inc., a Winsight company, delivers a 360-degree view of the food industry. It impacts growth and profitability for clients by providing consumer-grounded vision and channel-relevant strategic insights. Its services range from major research studies and management consulting solutions to online databases and simple fact-finding assignments. Its clients include food manufacturers and distributors, restaurants and retailers, other foodservice organizations, and various institutions aligned with the food industry. Visit Technomic at About Winsight LLC Winsight LLC is a recognized leader in business-to-business media and information services for the convenience-retailing, foodservice and grocery industries. Winsight has an extensive media portfolio, including five publications: CSP, Restaurant Business, FoodService Director, Convenience Store Products and Winsight Grocery Business. Winsight also offers a suite of digital products, including websites, e-newsletters, webinars, video products, mobile and tablet apps, and custom marketing solutions. In addition to more than 12 major EduNetworking conferences and advisory meetings, Winsight also produces seven exclusive, large-scale executive-level conferences: Restaurant Leadership Conference, Global Restaurant Leadership Conference, Outlook Leadership Conference, Convenience Retailing University, FSTEC, MenuDirections and Restaurant Directions. Winsight acquired Technomic Inc., a provider of primary and secondary market information and advisory services for the food industry. For more information on Winsight and its brands, go to SOURCE Technomic Related Links During the charity luncheon, guests heard a young mother's heart-wrenching story of her seven-year-old daughter's two-time fight against a rare and aggressive blood cancer, underscoring the continued need for supporting what St. Jude provides to children and families facing health crisis. "This little girl and her mother have experienced unimaginable challenges and they bravely stood in front of our guests to share their struggle, emphasizing how financial support for the service and care provided at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital can give others the opportunity for life-saving treatment," says Salim Asrawi, Chief Operating Officer at Texas de Brazil. "We are grateful for the generosity shown by our guests and committed to continued support of this cause in the future," he adds. This year, Texas de Brazil partnered with St. Jude in a campaign that allowed guests to donate directly to the cause at the bottom of guest checks. No purchase was required, and for every $5 donated Texas de Brazil provided a $5 bounce-back certificate as incentive. The finale luncheon and funds from a silent auction of items donated by vendors and hospitality associates were also added to the final tally to support St. Jude in its life-saving mission: Finding cures. Saving children. Since 2013, Texas de Brazil has donated nearly $400,000 to St. Jude. St. Jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 to 80 percent since the hospital opened nearly 50 years ago, and they won't stop until no child dies from cancer. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. St. Jude freely shares the discoveries it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Watch for details about the 2018 Texas de Brazil fundraising campaign at About Texas de Brazil Texas de Brazil is an authentic churrascaria featuring a continuous dining experience that blends the unique culture of Brazil with the generous hospitality of Texas. The menu features a vast selection of grilled meats, a 50-item salad area, an award-winning wine list and a la carte dessert selections. Founded as a family-owned business in 1998, Texas de Brazil now has 54 domestic and international locations. Stay connected. Follow @texasdebrazil on Instagram and Twitter and like Texas de Brazil on Facebook. For more information, visit About St. Jude Children's Research Hospital St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. It is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since the hospital opened more than 50 years ago. St. Jude is working to drive the overall survival rate for childhood cancer to 90 percent, and we won't stop until no child dies from cancer. St. Jude freely shares the discoveries it makes, and every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. Join the St. Jude mission by visiting, liking St. Jude on Facebook ( and following us on Twitter (@stjude). SOURCE Texas de Brazil Related Links CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Angiogenesis Foundation announced today the release of the white paper, Improving Long-Term Patient Outcomes for Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. The Foundation, leading retina specialists, AMD patient advocacy groups, AMD patient advocates, and caregivers contributed to the white paper. It identifies current barriers to and solutions for improving the long-term vision outcomes of people living with exudative age-related macular degeneration, more commonly known as wet AMD. "Before angiogenesis-based medicines, wet AMD meant almost certain blindness," said Dr. William W. Li, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation. "Today, people living with wet AMD are able to maintain their vision while receiving these medicines. But we must raise awareness of the importance of early detection and intervention, receiving these medicines on a regular schedule, and the very real danger of undertreatment, so that patients get these medicines as promptly as possible and at appropriate intervals over the long term to preserve their vision." "The research shows long-term clinical outcomes in patients with wet AMD vary based on the frequency and consistency of treatment," said Dr. Rishi P. Singh, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Staff Surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute. "This white paper is a pivotal step toward helping people with AMD achieve even better vision outcomes." Age-related macular degeneration, which primarily affects people over the age of 50, is the leading cause of blindness in the world. An estimated 11.2 million Americans are affected by AMD, and that number is expected to rise significantly in the coming years as the U.S. population continues to age. Thus, the solutions for optimal patient-centered outcomes outlined in the white paper are critically important. Recommendations in the white paper include promoting AMD awareness in the general population, developing evidence-based treatment guidelines, promoting the use of home-monitoring for early detection of wet AMD, addressing undertreatment in the clinical setting, encouraging treatment of the "whole patient" including offering access to low-vision support services, and developing a real-world, late-stage research agenda for the treatment of exudative AMD. The white paper was developed by the Angiogenesis Foundation with the following co-authors: Mark G. Ackermann, M.S. (Lighthouse Guild International); Andrew N. Antoszyk, M.D. (Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates); Odysseus Argy, M.D. (Patient Advocate); Carl W. Baker, M.D. (Paducah Retinal Center); Dan Berkery (Patient Advocate); Elizabeth Berkery (Patient Advocate); W. Lloyd Clark, M.D. (Palmetto Retina Center); Pravin U. Dugel, M.D. (Retinal Consultants of Arizona); Roger A. Goldberg, M.D., M.B.A. (Bay Area Retina Associates); Juan Grunwald, M.D. (University of Pennsylvania); Jeffrey S. Heier, M.D. (Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston); Allen C. Ho, M.D. (Wills Eye Hospital); Michelle Jenney (Patient Advocate); Peter Jenney, M.D. (Patient Advocate); Matthew Levine, M.F.A. (American Macular Degeneration Foundation); Vincent W. Li, M.D., M.B.A. (The Angiogenesis Foundation); William W. Li, M.D. (The Angiogenesis Foundation); Quan Dong Nguyen, M.D., M.Sc. (Byers Eye Institute); Sunil S. Patel, M.D., Ph.D. (West Texas Retina Consultants); John S. Pollack, M.D. (Rush University Medical Center); Diana Saville (The Angiogenesis Foundation); Rishi P. Singh, M.D. (Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute); Michael W. Stewart, M.D. (Mayo Clinic); Ivan J. Suner, M.D., M.B.A. (Retina Associates of Florida); Demetrios G. Vavvas, M.D., Ph.D. (Massachusetts Eye and Ear); Charles C. Wykoff, M.D., Ph.D. (Retina Consultants of Houston). The white paper will be officially released at the American Academy of Ophthalmology's annual meeting in New Orleans on November 11, 2017, and is also available online. The Angiogenesis Foundation is focused on optimizing the clinical benefits of antiangiogenesis therapies. To learn more about the Angiogenesis Foundation, please visit Established in 1994, the Angiogenesis Foundation's mission is to improve global health through angiogenesis-based treatment and prevention. For more information, visit SOURCE The Angiogenesis Foundation Related Links The award recognizes a citizen who, in the spirit of Barbara Bush, has tirelessly worked to help our nation's heroes. The inaugural recipient is Dava Guerin, an author, former president of her own communications firm, and advocate for wounded warriors and their families. She is the coauthor , along with Kevin Ferris, of Unbreakable Bonds: The Mighty Moms and Wounded Warriors of Walter Reed and their newest book, Vets and Pets: Wounded Warriors and the Animals That Help Them Heal , both published by Skyhorse Publishing. "Even though I am not with you today in Largo, I am there in spirit. It's such an honor that you not only named an award for me, but chose Veterans Day to present it," said Mrs. Bush. "George and I have known Dava for years, and she's always been a giving, generous person. But she truly touched our hearts with the two books she recently coauthored with Kevin Ferris: Unbreakable Bonds and Vets and Pets. Dava, along with Kevin, have inspired millions of Americans with their stories of true sacrifice and undying love among veterans and the peopleand animalswho love and care for them," she added. Vets and Pets tells fifteen emotional and inspirational stories of the bonds between wounded warriors, veterans, and other service members and their service and companion animals. A portion of the proceeds of the book will be donated to Pets for Patriots, a nonprofit that places shelter dogs and cats with veterans across the country. Unbreakable Bonds told the stories of mothers who spent years aiding the recovery of their children who have suffered severe injuries during the War on Terror. The 2017 Veterans Day event hosted wounded warriors and veterans featured in Vets and Pets. The ceremony also included a video tribute by actor and philanthropist Gary Sinise, whose Gary Sinise Foundation has helped build homes and rebuild lives for severely injured veterans and first responders. "Veterans Day holds a very special place in my heart. I've devoted much of my time to helping veterans like you and will never forget your service and sacrifice. Congratulations to the current and future recipients of this award. Happy Veterans Day and God bless," said Sinise. "We salute the veterans here with us today and congratulate Dava Guerin as the first recipient of our annual Barbara Bush Citizen Patriot Award," said Greg Brown, head of Largo's Parks Division. "We thank Mrs. Bush for being part of this meaningful award, as well as Congressman Clement, who is also a veteran, and the great Gary Sinise. We look forward to recognizing future American volunteers who have helped others in the spirit of Mrs. Bush," Brown added. For more information or to nominate a 2018 Barbara Bush Citizen Patriot Award nominee, call Greg Brown at (727) 586-7415 or visit Vets and Pets: Wounded Warriors and the Animals That Help Them Heal By Kevin Ferris and Dava Guerin Forewords by Barbara Bush and Andrea Arden Skyhorse Publishing hardcover, also available as an ebook September 26, 2017 ISBN: 978-1-5107-2193-7 $21.99 Book press requests: Tony Lyons [email protected] SOURCE Skyhorse Publishing; The City of Largo Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Jed Foundation (JED), a nonprofit that exists to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for teens and young adults, and The Steve Fund, a nonprofit created to address the mental health needs of young people of color, today announced the Equity in Mental Health Framework (EMH Framework) to help colleges and universities support and enhance the mental health of students of color. Research indicates that students of color at American colleges and universities are almost twice as likely not to seek care when they feel depressed or anxious compared to white students. Additionally, a recent online Harris Poll of 1,000 college students conducted by JED and the Steve Fund (with equal samples of African American, Latinx, white and Asian American students) found that students of color (in comparison to white students) are significantly less likely to describe their campus as inclusive (28% to 45%) and more likely to indicate that they often feel isolated on campus (46% to 30%). These statistics indicate a need for a more tailored approach to protecting the mental health of students of color. The EMH Framework provides academic institutions with a set of ten actionable recommendations and key implementation strategies to help strengthen their activities and programs to address the mental health disparities facing students of color such as mentioned above. With expert input from the College Mental Health Program at McLean Hospital, the EMH Framework was developed using the national Harris Poll of 1,000 college students, a scientific literature review, a national convening of higher education leaders, and an electronic survey of higher education administrators. "The Equity in Mental Health Framework fills an urgent gap at colleges and universities, and across our society" said Evan Rose, President of the Steve Fund. "Inequity in mental health is a dire national problem which impedes well-being of communities of color. Our young people face daunting challenges as they transition to adulthood, including those fortunate enough to pursue higher education. These expert recommendations build understanding of the challenges while equipping colleges and universities to better address our students' needs. This effort is critical to the mental health, college completion, and life chances of the nation's most rapidly growing demographic and the population which drives our workyoung people of color." The investigative efforts behind the EMH Framework included a comprehensive examination of studies on the unique mental health challenges students of color face and a number of current interventions and programs aiming to meet their needs. "We created the Equity in Mental Health Framework to provide colleges and universities across the country with accessible information, ideas and examples to inform and strengthen their mental health supports and programs for students of color," said John MacPhee, JED Executive Director. "Our goal is to stimulate discussion and new research while helping more schools prioritize these efforts in order to ensure mental health equity for our nation's college students." Videos on the EMH Framework site feature supportive statements by higher education leaders from Morehouse College, the University System of Maryland and Trinity Washington University. "I favor increasing the level of support available to students of color at our national college and university campuses," says John J. DeGioia, President of Georgetown University "This is a very special moment and we need to seize the opportunities present here to provide the best communities for all of our students. I think every college and university president must understand how urgent it is to tend to these dynamics." Please visit to access the EMH Framework and other valuable resources. About JED JED is a nonprofit that exists to protect emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation's teens and young adults. JED partners with high schools and colleges to strengthen their mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention programs and systems; equips teens and young adults with the skills and knowledge to help themselves and each other; and encourages community awareness, understanding and action for young adult mental health. Learn more at Check out JED's programs including: JED Campus (, Set to Go (, ULifeline (, Half of Us ( and Love is Louder ( Connect with JED: Email | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn About the Steve Fund The Steve Fund (TSF) is the nation's only organization focused on supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color. The Steve Fund works with colleges and universities, non-profits, researchers, mental health experts, families, and young people to promote programs and strategies that build understanding and assistance for the mental and emotional health of the nation's young people of color. The Fund holds an annual conference, Young, Gifted & @Risk, and offers a Knowledge Center with curated expert information. With multicultural mental health experts, it delivers on-campus and on-site programs and services for colleges and non-profits, and through tech partnerships it provides direct services to young people of color. Learn more: Steve Fund Website | Young, Gifted & @Risk Conference | Programs and Services | Facebook | Twitter About the Survey The survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll between January 26 and February 21, 2017 among 1,056 students who were US residents, 17-27 years old, identified as Black/African American (n=260), Hispanic (n=283), Asian (n=255), or white (n=258), currently attends a 2-year or 4-year college in the U.S., and currently attends the majority of their college classes in-person. Data are weighted where necessary by age within gender, race/ethnicity, income, enrollment status, year in school and region to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population. For More Information: Andrea Morgan 917-213-5506 [email protected] Ryan Daniels 202-466-8585 [email protected] SOURCE The Jed Foundation SAN ANTONIO, November 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- TransAct Energy Corp (OTC: TEGY) announced today that they were a presenter at the International Conference on Proper Disposal of Urban Solid Waste ("Seminario Internacional Destinacao Adequada dos Residuuos Solidos Urbanos") on November 6th, 2017 at the OAB/DF (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Seccional Distrito Federal) Headquarters in Brasilia, Brazil. The Conference was focused primarily on the rapidly growing problem of urban waste, including innovative solutions to combat the issue. Brazil is the largest country, by population, in South America, and it is recognized for being a newly industrialized nation that has taken a lead in environmentally friendly initiatives. With a large population and rapidly expanding industrialization, waste optimization strategies are being lauded as an alternative to the use of traditional landfills. The 2016 Summer Olympic Games were held in Rio, Brazil, with the primary themes being sustainability and environmental protection. "We are honored that TransAct Energy was asked to speak at the Conference, specifically regarding our zero-emissions waste optimization plant (Z.E.W.O.P.[TM] ) as the solution to the global epidemic of urban waste. Brazil and the city of Brasilia are both regionally and globally recognized as leaders in the international commitment to waste optimization," said TransAct Energy President & CEO, Rod Bartlett. "Our South American team has developed an excellent working relationship with the Brazilian government at all levels, and we recognize the unique opportunity that Brazil represents to our Company." About TransAct Energy Corp. TransAct Energy Corp. is a Nevada organized company that owns proprietary technology called Zero Emissions Waste Optimization Plants (Z.E.W.O.P[TM]) which takes Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and produces multiple products without any residuals returning to the environment. These by-products include 18 different product streams including potable water, fuels, heavy metals, scrap metals, aluminum, glass, waxes, sugars and carbon which may be resold back into the marketplace at a profit. The Company intends to develop its ZEWOP[TM] technology in conjunction with municipalities globally who are facing waste-management growth while trying to alleviate environmental impacts. Please visit for more information or follow us on twitter at [email protected] . Safe Harbor This press release contains certain statements that may include "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are often identified using forward-looking terminology such as "believes," "expects," "anticipate," "optimistic," "intend," "will" or other similar expressions. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors, including those discussed in the Company's periodic reports that are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on its website at . All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these factors. Other than as required under applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements. Contact: Phone +1-210-888-0785 [email protected] SOURCE TransAct Energy Corp VANCOUVER, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Trilogy Metals Inc. (TSX, NYSE-MKT: TMQ) ("Trilogy Metals" or "the Company") has filed a National Instrument 43-101 technical report with the Canadian securities regulators relating to the Arctic Project which supports the resource estimate previously announced on April 25, 2017 which is of sufficient quality to support the Arctic pre-feasibility study ("PFS"). The technical report is entitled NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Arctic Project, Northwest Alaska, USA and prepared by Bruce Davis, Robert Sim and Jeff Austin, all of whom are "Qualified Persons" under NI 43-101 (the "Technical Report"). The Arctic Project is estimated to contain at a base case of 0.5% copper equivalent cut-off grade, an in-pit indicated resource of approximately 36 million tonnes of copper grading 3.07% (see Table 1) that are expected to form the basis for the PFS and the Company's first reserves in the Ambler Mining District. The PFS is on target to be released in the first quarter of 2018. Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse, President and CEO of Trilogy Metals, commented, "We are excited in the progress made to date towards finalizing the pre-feasibility study for our high-grade Arctic Project in Q1 2018. Arctic is pretty special we predict it will be one of the highest grade open pit copper projects in the world. Arctic is also located in the geographic center of a 100 Km long belt containing over two dozen known grade polymetallic deposits and occurrences. It is not hard to envision a central milling concept with the other deposits potentially feeding the mill beyond the mine life at Arctic. With the Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project ("AMDIAP") now in the formal permitting process and public scoping meetings taking place, it is exciting to see the Ambler Access Road finally taking shape." Table 1. Estimate of Mineral Resources for the Arctic Deposit Average Grade: Contained metal: Class M tonnes Cu % Pb% Zn% Au g/t Ag g/t Cu Mlbs Pb Mlbs Zn Mlbs Au koz Ag Moz Indicated 36.0 3.07 0.73 4.23 0.63 47.6 2,441 581 3,356 728 55 Inferred 3.5 1.71 0.60 2.72 0.36 28.7 131 47 210 40 3 Base Case cut-off grade of 0.5% CuEq. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of the Mineral Resources will be converted into Mineral Reserves. See "Cautionary Note to United States Investors." Resources stated as contained within a pit shell developed using metal prices of US$3.00 /lb copper, US$0.90 /lb lead, US$1.00 /lb zinc, US$1300 /oz gold, US$18 /oz silver, mining costs of US$3.00 /tonne, milling and G&A costs of US$35 /tonne, metallurgical recoveries of 92% for copper, 77% for lead, 88% for zinc, 63% for gold, 56% for silver and an average pit slope of 43 degrees. Inferred resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to whether they can be mined legally or economically. It is expected that a majority of the inferred resources will be converted to indicated mineral resources with continued exploration. The sensitivity of mineral resources, contained within the resource limiting pit shell, is demonstrated by listing resources at a series of cut-off thresholds as shown in Table 2. Table 2. Sensitivity of Mineral Resources to Cut-off Grade Average Grade: Contained metal: Cut-off CuEq% M tonnes Cu % Pb% Zn% Au g/t Ag g/t Cu Mlbs Pb Mlbs Zn Mlbs Au koz Ag Moz Indicated 0.25 36.0 3.07 0.73 4.22 0.63 47.61 2,441 582 3,356 729 55 0.5 36.0 3.07 0.73 4.23 0.63 47.62 2,441 581 3,356 728 55 0.75 35.9 3.08 0.73 4.23 0.63 47.72 2,440 582 3,355 728 55 1.0 35.7 3.09 0.74 4.26 0.63 47.97 2,436 581 3,353 728 55 1.5 35.5 3.11 0.74 4.28 0.64 48.22 2,432 580 3,349 727 55 Inferred 0.25 3.8 1.58 0.56 2.52 0.34 26.76 133 47 212 42 3 0.5 3.5 1.71 0.60 2.72 0.36 28.69 131 47 210 40 3 0.75 3.0 1.93 0.65 3.04 0.36 31.99 129 44 203 35 3 1.0 2.5 2.29 0.73 3.52 0.37 37.04 124 39 192 29 3 1.5 2.3 2.46 0.76 3.71 0.39 39.32 122 38 184 28 3 Base Case cut-off grade of 0.5% CuEq is highlighted in table. Mineral resource estimates are made from a 3D block model based on geostatistical applications using commercial mine planning software (MineSight v11.60-2). The block model has a nominal block size measuring 10 x 10 x 5 m and utilizes data derived from 152 drill holes in the vicinity of the Arctic deposit. The resource estimate was generated using drill hole sample assay results and the interpretation of a geological model which relates to the spatial distribution of copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver. Interpolation characteristics were defined based on the geology, drill hole spacing, and geostatistical analysis of the data. The effects of potentially anomalous high-grade sample data, composited to two metre intervals, are controlled by limiting the distance of influence during block grade interpolation. The grade models have been validated using a combination of visual and statistical methods. The resources were classified according to their proximity to the sample data locations and are reported, as required by NI 43-101 (as defined herein), according to the 2014 CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. Model blocks estimated by three or more drill holes spaced at a maximum distance of 100 metres are included in the Indicated category. Inferred blocks are within a maximum distance of 150 metres from a drill hole. The estimate of Indicated and Inferred mineral resources is within a limiting pit shell derived using projected technical and economic parameters. A copy of the Technical Report is available on the Company's website at and under the Company's profiles on SEDAR at and EDGAR at Qualified Persons Mr. Bruce Davis, FAusIMM, the president of BD Resource Consulting Inc., and Mr. Robert Sim, P.Geo., of Sim Geological Inc., have reviewed the technical information related to the Arctic deposit in this news release and approve the written disclosure contained herein. Messrs Davis and Sim are independent "qualified persons", within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101- Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). Neither Bruce Davis of BD Resource Consulting Inc., nor Robert Sim of Sim Geological Inc., nor any associates employed in the preparation of the Arctic Project resource estimation have any beneficial interest in Trilogy Metals. Messrs Davis and Sim are not insiders, associates, or affiliates of Trilogy Metals. The information in this press release is not dependent upon any prior agreements concerning the conclusions to be reached, nor are there any undisclosed understandings concerning any future business dealings between Trilogy Metals and Messrs Davis and Sim who were retained by Trilogy Metals to prepare the Arctic Project resource estimate and are to be paid a fee for their work in accordance with normal professional consulting practices. About Trilogy Metals Trilogy Metals Inc. is a metals exploration company focused on exploring and developing the Ambler mining district located in northwestern Alaska. It is one of the richest and most-prospective known copper-dominant districts located in one of the safest geopolitical jurisdictions in the world. It hosts world-class polymetallic VMS deposits that contain copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver, and carbonate replacement deposits which have been found to host high grade copper mineralization. Exploration efforts have been focused on two deposits in the Ambler mining district - the Arctic VMS deposit and the Bornite carbonate replacement deposit. Both deposits are located within the Company's land package that spans approximately 143,000 hectares. The Company has an agreement with NANA Regional Corporation, Inc., a Regional Alaska Native Corporation that provides a framework for the exploration and potential development of the Ambler mining district in cooperation with local communities. Our vision is to develop the Ambler mining district into a premier North American copper producer. Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This press release includes certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation including the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including, without limitation, statements related to the timing of completion of the PFS, anticipated activity and development at Arctic and the Ambler Access Road are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "potential", "possible", and similar expressions, or statements that events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could", or "should" occur or be achieved. These forward-looking statements may include statements regarding perceived merit of properties; exploration plans and budgets; mineral reserves and resource estimates; work programs; capital expenditures; timelines; strategic plans; market prices for precious and base metals; or other statements that are not statements of fact. Forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include the uncertainties involving the need for additional financing to explore and develop properties and availability of financing in the debt and capital markets; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of drilling results and geological tests and the estimation of reserves and resources; the need for cooperation of government agencies and native groups in the development and operation of properties as well as the construction of the access road; the need to obtain permits and governmental approvals; risks of construction and mining projects such as accidents, equipment breakdowns, bad weather, non-compliance with environmental and permit requirements, unanticipated variation in geological structures, metal grades or recovery rates; unexpected cost increases, which could include significant increases in estimated capital and operating costs; fluctuations in metal prices and currency exchange rates; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended November 30, 2016 filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and in other Company reports and documents filed with applicable securities regulatory authorities from time to time. The Company's forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law. Cautionary Note to United States Investors The Arctic Technical Report have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ from the requirements of U.S. securities laws. Unless otherwise indicated, all resource and reserve estimates included in this press release have been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Canadian standards, including NI 43-101, differ significantly from the requirements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), and resource and reserve information contained therein may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by U.S. companies. In particular, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the term "resource" does not equate to the term "reserves". Under U.S. standards, mineralization may not be classified as a "reserve" unless the determination has been made that the mineralization could be economically and legally produced or extracted at the time the reserve determination is made. The SEC's disclosure standards normally do not permit the inclusion of information concerning "measured mineral resources", "indicated mineral resources" or "inferred mineral resources" or other descriptions of the amount of mineralization in mineral deposits that do not constitute "reserves" by U.S. standards in documents filed with the SEC. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors should also understand that "inferred mineral resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an "inferred mineral resource" will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimated "inferred mineral resources" may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies except in rare cases. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of an "inferred mineral resource" exists or is economically or legally mineable. Disclosure of "contained ounces" in a resource is permitted disclosure under Canadian regulations; however, the SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute "reserves" by SEC standards as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. The requirements of NI 43-101 for identification of "reserves" are also not the same as those of the SEC, and reserves reported by the Company in compliance with NI 43-101 may not qualify as "reserves" under SEC standards. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth in this press release or the Bornite Technical Report may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards. SOURCE Trilogy Metals Inc. Related Links SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Triple-S Management Corporation (NYSE:GTS), a leading managed care company in Puerto Rico, today announced its third quarter 2017 results. Quarterly Consolidated and Other Highlights Net income of $21.9 million , or $0.91 per diluted share, versus net loss of $1.9 million , or $0.08 per diluted share, in the prior-year period; , or per diluted share, versus net loss of , or per diluted share, in the prior-year period; Adjusted net income of $18.7 million , or $0.77 per diluted share, versus adjusted net loss of $6.3 million , or $0.26 per diluted share, a year ago, reflecting ongoing improvements in our Managed Care operations and the negative impact on the Company's 2016 third quarter results from unfavorable prior-period reserve developments. The results also reflect, to a lesser extent, the net impact of the recent hurricanes, which represented approximately $0.09 of the improvement in the third quarter diluted earnings per share; , or per diluted share, versus adjusted net loss of , or per diluted share, a year ago, reflecting ongoing improvements in our Managed Care operations and the negative impact on the Company's 2016 third quarter results from unfavorable prior-period reserve developments. The results also reflect, to a lesser extent, the net impact of the recent hurricanes, which represented approximately of the improvement in the third quarter diluted earnings per share; Total revenues of $738.2 million , a 0.9% decrease, compared with $744.7 million in the prior-year period; , a 0.9% decrease, compared with in the prior-year period; Operating revenues of $731.1 million , a 1.0% decrease from the prior-year period, reflecting lower premiums in the Managed Care segment; , a 1.0% decrease from the prior-year period, reflecting lower premiums in the Managed Care segment; Consolidated operating income of $28.3 million ; ; Consolidated loss ratio of 81.7%; Medical loss ratio (MLR) of 82.4% and The establishment of a $30.0 million Class B share repurchase program, under which Class B share repurchase program, under which 539,034 shares were repurchased during the quarter at an aggregate cost of $12.6 million and 322,000 shares were subsequently repurchased at an aggregate cost of $7.7 million . "The impact of two major hurricanes on Puerto Rico within a two-week period during the quarter was a historic event with significant economic and social impact," said Roberto Garcia-Rodriguez, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Seven weeks after Maria, basic infrastructure is not yet fully functional, with power generation at 42% of average, potable water at 83% of its capacity and telecommunications bandwidth still limited in many parts of the island. Despite the hardship, however, the residents of Puerto Rico have demonstrated tremendous resolve, working tirelessly to help their neighbors and communities recover. We are particularly grateful to our employees and business partners who made it possible for Triple-S to resume operations within days after Maria landed, our medical groupsmany of whom are providing services despite challenging conditionsand the many volunteers who have crisscrossed the island by our side to reconnect patients with doctors. "We have focused our efforts on ensuring the well-being of our employees, helping our providers resume operations, enabling access to healthcare services, and promptly processing property insurance claims to accelerate the rebuilding of our economy," continued Mr. Garcia-Rodriguez. "Healthcare services are steadily returning to normal, although still somewhat tied to the recovery of Puerto Rico's infrastructure. Over 87% of our primary medical groups are now operational, but utilization of healthcare services overall is below average, reflecting the general population's continued focus on relief and recovery. It is still too early to tell how utilization patterns, the acceleration of outward migration, and reconstruction efforts will impact future results. "Our third quarter was also characterized by ongoing improvement in our Managed Care operations, reflecting continued strides with our clinical and contracting initiatives. Capitation agreements in home health care, vision care, and durable medical equipment, as well as the re-contracting of our ESRD network, are yielding meaningful savings, and additional initiatives will be implemented as we enter 2018. "Hurricanes Irma and Maria have, of course, caused an unusual quarter for our P&C segment as well, with a spike in claims in the quarter for property damage. Given the composition of our catastrophic coverage portfolio, current modeling estimates and our robust reinsurance program, however, we believe the financial impact of these storms has been fully recognized in the third quarter. "As Puerto Rico concentrates on its recovery, our goal is to enhance its health and well-being through the development of value-based, integrated healthcare delivery models. Our multi-year transformation is on track, and we have both the management team and capital resources necessary to support this strategic agenda," concluded Garcia-Rodriguez. Selected Consolidated Quarterly Details Consolidated premiums earned were $714.3 million , down 1.0% from the prior-year period. The decrease reflects lower premiums in the Managed Care business, primarily due to the impact of the Medicaid profit sharing accrual recorded in 2016, the suspension of the HIP fee pass-through and lower additional Medicare risk score revenue, partially offset by higher average premium rates in the segment's Commercial and Medicaid businesses. With the Medicaid contract extension that became effective July 1, 2017 , the average premium rates for this business increased by approximately 9%. In addition, premiums earned were impacted by approximately $3.0 million of estimated reinsurance related costs, including estimates for catastrophe reinsurance reinstatement costs for the rest of the year. , down 1.0% from the prior-year period. The decrease reflects lower premiums in the Managed Care business, primarily due to the impact of the Medicaid profit sharing accrual recorded in 2016, the suspension of the HIP fee pass-through and lower additional Medicare risk score revenue, partially offset by higher average premium rates in the segment's Commercial and Medicaid businesses. With the Medicaid contract extension that became effective , the average premium rates for this business increased by approximately 9%. In addition, premiums earned were impacted by approximately of estimated reinsurance related costs, including estimates for catastrophe reinsurance reinstatement costs for the rest of the year. Consolidated claims incurred were $583.6 million , down 7.2% year over year, mostly due to lower claims in the Managed Care segment and partially offset by an increase in claims in the Property and Casualty business. The decrease in Managed Care claims primarily reflects lower claims incurred across all businesses in the segment, mostly driven by favorable fluctuations in prior-period reserve developments in the Commercial and Medicare businesses, as well as by the estimated utilization decrease stemming from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Estimated gross Property and Casualty losses related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria were $5.0 million and $613.0 million , respectively; however, after the application of reinsurance, the segment's estimated net retained losses related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria were approximately $3.5 million and $10.5 million , respectively. At 81.7%, the consolidated loss ratio improved 550 basis points from the prior-year period. , down 7.2% year over year, mostly due to lower claims in the Managed Care segment and partially offset by an increase in claims in the Property and Casualty business. The decrease in Managed Care claims primarily reflects lower claims incurred across all businesses in the segment, mostly driven by favorable fluctuations in prior-period reserve developments in the Commercial and Medicare businesses, as well as by the estimated utilization decrease stemming from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Estimated gross Property and Casualty losses related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria were and , respectively; however, after the application of reinsurance, the segment's estimated net retained losses related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria were approximately and , respectively. At 81.7%, the consolidated loss ratio improved 550 basis points from the prior-year period. Consolidated operating expenses decreased $4.2 million , while the operating expense ratio improved 40 basis points year over year, to 16.6%. The reduction in operating expenses reflects the $11.6 million decrease in the HIP fee due to the 2017 moratorium, partially offset by an increase in personnel costs, hurricane-related expenses, provision for doubtful accounts, and other general administrative expenses totaling approximately $7.3 million . , while the operating expense ratio improved 40 basis points year over year, to 16.6%. The reduction in operating expenses reflects the decrease in the HIP fee due to the 2017 moratorium, partially offset by an increase in personnel costs, hurricane-related expenses, provision for doubtful accounts, and other general administrative expenses totaling approximately . Consolidated other income increased $2.7 million in 2017, mostly due to a special distribution of $2.4 million , net of tax, received from the Puerto Rico Joint Underwriting Association. in 2017, mostly due to a special distribution of , net of tax, received from the Puerto Rico Joint Underwriting Association. Consolidated income tax expense was $11.8 million , an increase of $19.7 million from the prior-year period, primarily reflecting a significant increase in the Managed Care segment's taxable income, which has a higher effective tax rate than other businesses. , an increase of from the prior-year period, primarily reflecting a significant increase in the Managed Care segment's taxable income, which has a higher effective tax rate than other businesses. As of September 30, 2017 , the consolidated balance sheet reflects approximately $614 million within claim liabilities of unpaid estimated gross losses related to the aforementioned hurricanes, as well as $604 million within premiums and other receivables of catastrophe-related losses recoverable from the Property and Casualty reinsurance program. Selected Managed Care Segment Quarterly Details Managed Care premiums earned were $654.1 million , down 1.0% year over year. , down 1.0% year over year. Commercial premiums were down 3.6% when compared with the third quarter last year, to $198.9 million , resulting from lower fully-insured member month enrollment offset by higher average premium rates. Also contributing to the premium decline was the suspension of $3.6 million in HIP fee pass-throughs in 2017. , resulting from lower fully-insured member month enrollment offset by higher average premium rates. Also contributing to the premium decline was the suspension of in HIP fee pass-throughs in 2017. Medicare premiums of $264.3 million rose 3.5% year over year, largely reflecting an increase in member month enrollment of 24,000 lives, offset, in part, by a $6.1 million decline in additional risk score revenue adjustments and a reduction in Medicare reimbursement rates. rose 3.5% year over year, largely reflecting an increase in member month enrollment of 24,000 lives, offset, in part, by a decline in additional risk score revenue adjustments and a reduction in Medicare reimbursement rates. Medicaid premiums fell 4.3% from the prior-year period to $190.9 million . The decrease primarily reflects the 2.5% excess profit sharing accrual that increased last year's premiums by $15.6 million , a membership decline, and $2.8 million associated with the 2017 HIP fee suspension; partially offset by the impact of the new rates that became effective July 2017, which increased average premiums by approximately 9%. . The decrease primarily reflects the 2.5% excess profit sharing accrual that increased last year's premiums by , a membership decline, and associated with the 2017 HIP fee suspension; partially offset by the impact of the new rates that became effective July 2017, which increased average premiums by approximately 9%. Managed Care MLR of 82.4% improved 810 basis points from the prior year, mostly reflecting the estimated decrease in utilization caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017 and favorable prior-period reserve developments. Excluding the impact of prior-period reserve developments, and moving the Medicare risk score revenue adjustments and other premium adjustments to the corresponding period, the Managed Care MLR would have been 83.8%, 260 basis points lower than the comparable metric a year ago. The estimated decrease in utilization related to the aforementioned hurricanes lowered the segment's claims incurred and adjusted MLR by approximately $28 million and 430 basis points, respectively. and favorable prior-period reserve developments. Excluding the impact of prior-period reserve developments, and moving the Medicare risk score revenue adjustments and other premium adjustments to the corresponding period, the Managed Care MLR would have been 83.8%, 260 basis points lower than the comparable metric a year ago. The estimated decrease in utilization related to the aforementioned hurricanes lowered the segment's claims incurred and adjusted MLR by approximately and 430 basis points, respectively. Managed Care operating expenses were $89.0 million , down $4.8 million , or 5.1%, year over year, primarily reflecting the HIP fee decrease, partially offset by an increase in personnel costs, hurricane-related expenses, provision for doubtful accounts and other general administrative expenses, as discussed above. Consolidated Nine-Month Recap For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, consolidated operating revenues decreased 2.2% year over year, to $2.2 billion, primarily reflecting a $52.8 million decline in Managed Care segment premiums. The premium decrease is mainly due to lower membership in the segment's Medicaid and Commercial businesses, the impact of the suspension of the HIP fee pass through, and lower Medicare risk score adjustments. Consolidated claims for the nine-month period were $1.8 billion, down 3.3% over last year, mostly due to lower claims in the Managed Care segment offset by increased claims in the Property and Casualty segment. The decrease in Managed Care claims primarily reflects lower claims incurred in all of the segment's businesses, driven by an enrollment decline in the segment's Commercial and Medicaid businesses and the estimated decrease in utilization caused by the two hurricanes, as well as favorable fluctuations in the prior-period reserve developments in the Commercial and Medicare businesses. The Property and Casualty segment's estimated net retained losses related to Hurricanes Irma and Maria were approximately $3.5 million and $10.5 million, respectively, after the application of reinsurance. The consolidated loss ratio and MLR were down 90 basis points and 160 basis points, to 84.9% and 87.2%, respectively. Consolidated operating expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2017 were $348.8 million and the operating expense ratio was 16.2%. Adjusted net income for the nine-month period was $23.4 million, or $0.97 per diluted share, based on weighted average shares outstanding of 24.2 million, compared with a $0.2 million adjusted net loss, or $0.01 per diluted share, based on weighted average shares outstanding of 24.6 million, at the same time last year. 2017 Outlook Triple-S has previously provided directional guidance for its Commercial and Medicare businesses and last quarter also provided directional guidance for its Government Health Plan (GHP), since the contract extension gives the Company more visibility into the outlook of that business. The directional guidance provided below was prepared considering the economic situation in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, as well as the expected impact in the Company's Managed Care and Property and Casualty segments: Commercialexpect full-year at-risk member month enrollment to be approximately 4.0 million, plus or minus 5%, reflecting some attrition as well as the addition of new groups. Full-year MLR is revised from a range of 83% to 85% to between 79% and 81%. Medicare Advantageanticipate full-year member month enrollment of about 1.5 million, plus or minus 5%. Full-year MLR is unchanged remaining between 90% and 92%. GHPexpect member month enrollment of 4.6 million, plus or minus 5%. Full-year MLR is expected to be between 91% and 93%. Full-year Life insurance and Property and Casualty premiums have been revised and are now expected to reach $160 million and $81 million , respectively, plus or minus 5%. and , respectively, plus or minus 5%. Full-year investment income is expected to be approximately $50 million and full-year administrative expenses are revised to a range of $468 million to $472 million . Conference Call and Webcast Management will host a conference call and webcast on November 9, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss its financial results for the three months and the nine months ended September 30, 2017. To participate, callers within the U.S. and Canada should dial 1-855-327-6837 and international callers should dial 1-631-891-4304 about five minutes before the call. To listen to the webcast, participants should visit the "Investor Relations" section of the Company's website at several minutes before the event is broadcast and follow the instructions provided to ensure they have the necessary audio application downloaded and installed. This program is provided at no charge to the user. An archived version of the call, also located on the "Investor Relations" section of Triple-S Management's website, will be available about two hours after the call ends and for at least the following two weeks. This news release, along with other information relating to the call, will be available on the "Investor Relations" section of the website. About Triple-S Management Corporation Triple-S Management Corporation is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. It is one of the leading players in the managed care industry in Puerto Rico. Triple-S Management has the exclusive right to use the Blue Cross Blue Shield name and mark throughout Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Costa Rica. With more than 55 years of experience in the industry, Triple-S Management offers a broad portfolio of managed care and related products in the Commercial, Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid markets under the Blue Cross Blue Shield marks. It also provides non-Blue Cross Blue Shield branded life and property and casualty insurance in Puerto Rico. For more information about Triple-S Management, visit or contact [email protected]. Non-GAAP Financial Measures This earnings release presents information about the Company's adjusted net income, which is a non-GAAP financial metric provided as a complement to the results provided in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). A reconciliation of adjusted net income to net income, the most comparable GAAP financial measure, is provided in the accompanying tables found at the end of this release. Forward-Looking Statements This document contains forward-looking statements, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include information about possible or assumed future sales, results of operations, developments, regulatory approvals or other circumstances. Sentences that include "believe", "expect", "plan", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "project", "may", "will", "shall", "should" and similar expressions, whether in the positive or negative, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements in this news release reflect management's current views about future events and are based on assumptions and subject to risks and uncertainties. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed here as a result of various factors, including all the risks discussed and identified in public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In addition, the Company operates in a highly competitive, constantly changing environment, influenced by very large organizations that have resulted from business combinations, aggressive marketing and pricing practices of competitors, and regulatory oversight. The following factors, if markedly different from the Company's planning assumptions (either individually or in combination), could cause Triple-S Management's results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements shared here: Trends in health care costs and utilization rates Ability to secure sufficient premium rate increases Competitor pricing below market trends of increasing costs Re-estimates of policy and contract liabilities Changes in government laws and regulations of managed care, life insurance or property and casualty insurance Significant acquisitions or divestitures by major competitors Introduction and use of new prescription drugs and technologies A downgrade in the Company's financial strength ratings A downgrade in the Government of Puerto Rico's debt debt Litigation or legislation targeted at managed care, life insurance or property and casualty insurance companies Ability to contract with providers consistent with past practice Ability to successfully implement the Company's disease management, utilization management and Star ratings programs Ability to maintain Federal Employees, Medicare and Medicaid contracts Volatility in the securities markets and investment losses and defaults General economic downturns, major disasters, and epidemics This list is not exhaustive. Management believes the forward-looking statements in this release are reasonable. However, there is no assurance that the actions, events or results anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if any of them do, what impact they will have on the Company's results of operations or financial condition. In view of these uncertainties, investors should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which are based on current expectations. In addition, forward-looking statements are based on information available the day they are made, and (other than as required by applicable law, including the securities laws of the United States) the Company does not intend to update or revise any of them in light of new information or future events. Readers are advised to carefully review and consider the various disclosures in the Company's SEC reports. Earnings Release Schedules and Supplementary Information Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets Exhibit I Condensed Consolidated Statements of Earnings Exhibit II Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Exhibit III Segment Performance Supplemental Information Exhibit IV Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures Exhibit V Exhibit I Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (dollar amounts in thousands) Unaudited September 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 Assets Investments $ 1,468,794 $ 1,433,392 Cash and cash equivalents 269,942 103,428 Premium and other receivables, net 930,972 286,365 Deferred policy acquisition costs and value of business acquired 201,467 194,787 Property and equipment, net 73,609 66,369 Other assets 142,008 134,658 Total assets $ 3,086,792 $ 2,218,999 Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Policy liabilities and accruals $ 1,835,042 $ 1,102,237 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 322,150 219,191 Long-term borrowings 32,870 35,085 Total liabilities 2,190,062 1,356,513 Stockholders' equity: Common stock 23,902 24,272 Other stockholders' equity 873,507 838,891 Total Triple-S Management Corporation stockholders' equity 897,409 863,163 Non-controlling interest in consolidated subsidiary (679) (677) Total stockholders' equity 896,730 862,486 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 3,086,792 $ 2,218,999 Exhibit II Condensed Consolidated Statements of Earnings (dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data) Unaudited For the Three Months Ended For the Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues: Premiums earned, net $ 714,325 $ 721,187 $ 2,139,489 $ 2,188,770 Administrative service fees 3,391 4,146 12,318 13,749 Net investment income 12,395 12,337 37,109 36,570 Other operating revenues 941 871 3,027 2,598 Total operating revenues 731,052 738,541 2,191,943 2,241,687 Net realized investment gains (losses): Total other-than-temporary impairment losses on securities - - - (1,434) Net realized gains, excluding other-than-temporary impairment losses on securities 3,753 5,376 8,143 8,388 Net realized investment gains on sale of securities 3,753 5,376 8,143 6,954 Other income, net 3,409 734 6,521 5,468 Total revenues 738,214 744,651 2,206,607 2,254,109 Benefits and expenses: Claims incurred 583,625 629,169 1,815,785 1,877,950 Operating expenses 119,145 123,406 348,811 367,498 Total operating costs 702,770 752,575 2,164,596 2,245,448 Interest expense 1,709 1,893 5,116 5,729 Total benefits and expenses 704,479 754,468 2,169,712 2,251,177 Income (loss) before taxes 33,735 (9,817) 36,895 2,932 Income tax expense (benefit) 11,824 (7,873) 6,622 (2,457) Net income (loss) 21,911 (1,944) 30,273 5,389 Less: Net loss attributable to the non-controlling interest 1 3 2 6 Net income (loss) attributable to Triple-S Management Corporation $ 21,912 $ (1,941) $ 30,275 $ 5,395 Earnings per share attributable to Triple-S Management Corporation: Basic net income (loss) per share $ 0.91 $ (0.08) $ 1.25 $ 0.22 Diluted net income (loss) per share $ 0.91 $ (0.08) $ 1.25 $ 0.22 Weighted average of common shares 24,142,192 24,386,076 24,177,344 24,534,647 Dilutive weighted average of common shares 24,208,022 24,386,076 24,231,708 24,605,279 Exhibit III Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (dollar amounts in thousands) Unaudited For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 Net cash provided by operating activities $ 191,849 $ 83,011 Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from investments sold or matured: Securities available for sale: Fixed maturities sold 287,223 227,631 Fixed maturities matured/called 15,503 32,308 Equity securities sold 38,318 67,054 Securities held to maturity - fixed maturities matured/called 1,546 1,220 Acquisition of investments: Securities available for sale: Fixed maturities (260,538) (258,378) Equity securities (75,507) (153,399) Securities held to maturity - fixed maturities (1,550) (1,124) Increase in other investments (2,207) (1,939) Net change in policy loans (696) (471) Net capital expenditures (15,949) (3,517) Net cash used in investing activities (13,857) (90,615) Cash flows from financing activities: Change in outstanding checks in excess of bank balances 8,371 (1,035) Repayments of long-term borrowings (2,028) (1,230) Repurchase and retirement of common stock (12,553) (21,371) Proceeds from policyholder deposits 12,130 12,488 Surrender of policyholder deposits (17,398) (13,543) Net cash used in financing activities (11,478) (24,691) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 166,514 (32,295) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 103,428 197,818 Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 269,942 $ 165,523 Exhibit IV Segment Performance Supplemental Information (Unaudited) Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, (dollar amounts in millions) 2017 2016 Percentage Change 2017 2016 Percentage Change Premiums earned, net: Managed Care: Commercial $ 198.9 $ 206.3 (3.6%) $ 607.4 $ 636.8 (4.6%) Medicare 264.3 255.3 3.5% 788.5 789.4 (0.1%) Medicaid 190.9 199.4 (4.3%) 560.3 582.8 (3.9%) Total Managed Care 654.1 661.0 (1.0%) 1,956.2 2,009.0 (2.6%) Life Insurance 40.9 38.9 5.1% 121.4 116.8 3.9% Property and Casualty 19.9 22.0 (9.5%) 63.4 65.0 (2.5%) Other (0.6) (0.7) 14.3% (1.5) (2.0) 25.0% Consolidated premiums earned, net $ 714.3 $ 721.2 (1.0%) $ 2,139.5 $ 2,188.8 (2.3%) Operating revenues (loss): 1 Managed Care $ 663.0 $ 669.8 (1.0%) $ 1,984.6 $ 2,037.5 (2.6%) Life Insurance 47.0 45.3 3.8% 139.9 135.5 3.2% Property and Casualty 22.0 24.3 (9.5%) 69.6 71.6 (2.8%) Other (0.9) (0.8) (12.5%) (2.2) (2.9) 24.1% Consolidated operating revenues $ 731.1 $ 738.6 (1.0%) $ 2,191.9 $ 2,241.7 (2.2%) Operating income (loss): 2 Managed Care $ 34.8 $ (22.0) 258.2% $ 19.2 $ (26.4) 172.7% Life Insurance 4.5 4.2 7.1% 13.4 14.9 (10.1%) Property and Casualty (11.1) 4.0 (377.5%) (5.2) 9.5 (154.7%) Other 0.1 (0.2) 150.0% (0.1) (1.8) 94.4% Consolidated operating income (loss) $ 28.3 $ (14.0) (302.1%) $ 27.3 $ (3.8) (818.4%) Operating margin: 3 Managed Care 5.2% (3.3%) 850 bp 1.0% (1.3%) 230 bp Life Insurance 9.6% 9.3% 30 bp 9.6% 11.0% -140 bp Property and Casualty (50.5%) 16.5% -6,700 bp (7.5%) 13.3% -2,080 bp Consolidated 3.9% (1.9%) 580 bp 1.2% (0.2%) 140 bp Depreciation and amortization expense $ 3.4 $ 3.3 3.0% $ 9.8 $ 10.6 (7.5%) 1 Operating revenues include premiums earned, net, administrative service fees and net investment income. 2 Operating income or loss include operating revenues minus operating costs. Operating costs include claims incurred and operating expenses. 3 Operating margin is defined as operating income or loss divided by operating revenues. Managed Care Additional Data Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, (Unaudited) 2017 2016 2017 2016 Member months enrollment: Commercial: Fully-insured 994,409 1,039,842 3,009,252 3,199,546 Self-insured 495,616 534,653 1,504,283 1,617,900 Total Commercial 1,490,025 1,574,495 4,513,535 4,817,446 Medicare Advantage 368,102 344,167 1,095,086 1,059,702 Medicaid 1,138,162 1,205,792 3,480,525 3,634,029 Total member months 2,996,289 3,124,454 9,089,146 9,511,177 Claim liabilities (in millions) $ 356.3 $ 349.1 * Days claim payable 57 54 * Premium PMPM: Managed Care $ 261.57 $ 255.23 $ 257.91 $ 254.52 Commercial 200.02 198.40 201.84 199.03 Medicare Advantage 718.01 741.79 720.03 744.93 Medicaid 167.73 165.37 160.98 160.37 Medical loss ratio: 82.4% 90.5% 87.2% 88.8% Commercial 73.1% 87.4% 79.1% 86.4% Medicare Advantage 83.3% 93.6% 89.3% 90.0% Medicaid 91.0% 89.7% 92.9% 89.7% Adjusted medical loss ratio: 1 83.8% 86.4% 88.2% 88.6% Commercial 75.7% 81.2% 80.0% 84.9% Medicare Advantage 85.0% 87.5% 90.4% 90.4% Medicaid 90.6% 90.1% 93.3% 90.1% Operating expense ratio: Consolidated 16.6% 17.0% 16.2% 16.7% Managed Care 13.5% 14.1% 13.2% 13.8% *Information provided as of December 31, 2016. 1 The adjusted medical loss ratio accounts for subsequent adjustments to estimates, such as prior-period reserve developments and Medicare premium adjustments, and presents them in the corresponding period. Managed Care Membership by Segment As of September 30, 2017 2016 Members: Commercial: Fully-insured 328,777 344,311 Self-insured 163,721 177,683 Total Commercial 492,498 521,994 Medicare Advantage 123,194 113,950 Medicaid 379,199 402,358 Total members 994,891 1,038,302 Exhibit V Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures Adjusted Net Income (Loss) (Unaudited) Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30, (dollar amounts in millions) 2017 2016 2017 2016 Net income (loss) $ 21.9 $ (1.9) $ 30.3 $ 5.4 Less adjustments: Net realized investment gains, net of tax 3.0 4.3 6.5 5.6 Private equity investment income, net of tax 0.2 0.1 0.4 - Adjusted net income (loss) $ 18.7 $ (6.3) $ 23.4 $ (0.2) Diluted adjusted net income (loss) per share $ 0.77 $ (0.26) $ 0.97 $ (0.01) Adjusted net income is a non-GAAP financial metric and should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Management believes that the use of this adjusted net income and adjusted net income per share provides investors and management useful information about the earnings impact of realized investment gains and other non-recurring items impacting the Company's results of operations. This non-GAAP metric does not consider all of the items associated with the Company's operations as determined in accordance with GAAP. As a result, one should not consider these measures in isolation. SOURCE Triple-S Management Corporation Related Links ATLANTA, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Tropical Smoothie Cafe, the leading fast casual cafe concept known for its better-for-you food and smoothies with a tropical twist, announced today that two industry veterans have signed multi-unit franchise agreements for development in Texas, which will bring eight new locations to markets throughout Dallas-Fort Worth. Tropical Smoothie Cafe's accelerated growth in Dallas County emphasizes the brand's aggressive development efforts in the market and nationwide, having signed more than 140 franchise agreements this year alone for continued expansion across the country. Industry veteran Steve Milam signed an agreement to develop three Tropical Smoothie Cafe restaurants over the next few years. His first cafe is slated to open in early 2018 in Frisco, located at 5110 Eldorado Parkway. Milam has plans for additional development in the market and is looking to open two more restaurants by 2019. An experienced multi-unit operator, Milam is also a Wingstop franchisee and owns four locations throughout Texas. Furthering the brands statewide momentum is new franchisee Smit Shah of SP Tropical Investments, LLC, who, along with the company's chief financial officer, Prachee Patel, will develop five new units throughout Dallas County. Shah is a foodservice industry veteran and has operated both Subway and Bahama Bucks restaurants throughout Texas. From the group's very first visit to Tropical Smoothie Cafe, they recognized the brand's vast potential in this growing health-conscious market and plan to open a total of 10 to 15 locations throughout Dallas and Houston over the next five years. "We believe the potential for success in Dallas is unlimited and we are thrilled to be expanding our presence with partners like Steve Milam and Smit Shah who bring decades of franchising and food service experience to the table," said Mike Rotondo, CEO of Tropical Smoothie Cafe. "We have no doubt that their diverse and impressive backgrounds will be a valuable resource in driving our momentum and growing our footprint throughout Texas. With nearly 30 additional new locations in the pipeline for the market, we're excited to tap into the wealth of opportunity that still lies ahead for our brand in the Lone Star State." The food and smoothie franchise currently has franchise opportunities across the U.S. in markets such as Indianapolis, Nashville, Houston, Dallas, Cincinnati and Minneapolis, among others. Fueled by its ongoing product innovation and consistent positive comp sales, Tropical Smoothie Cafe has experienced a surge of franchise development throughout the state that reinforces the brand's role as a leader in the fast casual segment. By 2020, Tropical Smoothie Cafe plans to have 1,000 stores open across the U.S. Tropical Smoothie Cafe is looking to add qualified franchisees to its growing brand. Candidates should have business experience; $125,000 in liquid assets and a minimum net worth of $350,000; and an initial investment of between $222,770 and $525,400. The better-for-you food franchise currently boasts an average unit volume (AUV) of more than $662,000 the highest in the company's 20-year history with the top 50 percent reporting an AUV of more than $846,000. Tropical Smoothie Cafe's aggressive franchise growth is backed by the entrepreneurs at the BIP Franchise Accelerator, a division of venture capital firm BIP Capital, which invested in the brand in 2010. BIP Capital has invested more than $250 million in emerging, high-growth brands across the franchising, software, and technology and consumer products industries. BIP Capital created the BIP Franchise Accelerator to leverage its leadership team's deep franchise experience to help emerging brands accelerate their growth. In addition to Tropical Smoothie Cafe, the BIP Franchise Accelerator's portfolio includes Tin Drum Asian Kitchen, which has grown to 11 locations in Georgia. For more information about opening your own Tropical Smoothie Cafe franchise, please visit About Tropical Smoothie Caf e Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2017, Tropical Smoothie Cafe is a fast-casual restaurant concept inspiring healthier lifestyles across the country, with more than 600 locations nationwide. With snack and meal options for any time of day, Tropical Smoothie Cafe serves better-for-you smoothies, salads, wraps, sandwiches, and flatbreads. Upgraded app technology and enhanced mobile ordering capabilities further elevate the digital and dine-in cafe experience and emphasize the brand's focus on convenience. The rapidly growing franchise has received numerous accolades including being ranked on Entrepreneur's 2017 Franchise 500, 2016 Fast Casual Top 100 Movers and Shakers, Franchise Times' Top 200+ and Nation's Restaurant News' 2016 Top 200. About the BIP Franchise Accelerator The BIP Franchise Accelerator is a division of BIP Capital, an Atlanta-based venture capital firm with over $250 million invested in over 26 companies in emerging, high-growth brands across the franchising, software, technology and consumer products industries. BIP Capital created the BIP Franchise Accelerator to leverage its leadership team's deep franchise experience to help emerging brands accelerate their growth. The BIP Franchise Accelerator not only provides investment capital, but also uses proven strategies to help companies evolve into mature, thriving brands. From fast casual and QSR concepts to service brands and healthcare and education concepts, the BIP Franchise Accelerator has invested in emerging brands driven by people with an entrepreneurial spirit that have a great growth potential. Its current portfolio includes Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Tin Drum Asian Kitchen and BIP Franchise Finance. For more information on BIP Franchise Accelerator, visit MEDIA CONTACT: Fish Consulting Courtney Whelan [email protected] 954-893-9150 SOURCE Tropical Smoothie Cafe Related Links "Donna is an expert in the transportation field and her ability and willingness to always help solve problems makes her the perfect recipient for this award," said Senior Vice President and Unit Manager Matthew Payne. "This award is a testament to her commitment to the trucking industry, her clients, colleagues and community." When Cook started with Lockton in 1998, the company was much smaller but the culture of outstanding client service was the same. "I was honored to be recognized because there are so many passionate and outstanding people in the transportation arena," Cook said. "Everyone is very down to earth and always willing to share any information that will make the industry better as a whole." This was the first time TIDA recognized a broker since the award was created in 1994 to honor late TIDA charter member John T. Biezup. TIDA honored Cook, who has been a part of the professional organization for more than a decade, during the 25th Annual Transportation Industry Defense Association (TIDA) Meeting in Las Vegas. They honored her commitment to the trucking industry and her eagerness to help clients and colleagues alike. Cook is very active in the transportation industry and recently chaired the 2014 Annual TIDA Conference. She has also spoken at the Defense Research Institute Conference and participates in charitable work whenever given the opportunity. Cook services transportation clients with renewals, contract reviews, language clarification, and anything else they may need. She says that no two days at Lockton are alike but her commitment to her clients remains the same. About the Award The John T. Biezup Memorial Service Award was created to honor John Biezup, a charter member of the Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA) who died suddenly in 1994. John was a partner in the Philadelphia law firm of Palmer, Biezup and Henderson. He was a tireless and innovative lawyer who was constantly trying to find new ways to protect his clients' interests. His clients were as dedicated to him as he was to them. It was to honor that spirit of service that TIDA created an award bearing his name. Annually, the TIDA Board of Directors chooses a member of TIDA whom they believe best exemplifies John's spirit of service, not only to TIDA, but to his or her clients and the trucking industry. About Lockton Lockton is a global professional services firm with 6,500+ Associates who advise clients on protecting their people, property and reputations. Lockton has grown to become the world's largest privately held, independent insurance broker by helping clients achieve their business objectives. For nine consecutive years, Business Insurance magazine has recognized Lockton as a "Best Place to Work in Insurance." To see the latest insights from Lockton's experts, check Lockton Market Update. SOURCE Lockton Related Links AUBURN HILLS, Mich., Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Unique Fabricating, Inc. ("Unique" or the "Company")(NYSE MKT: UFAB), which engineers and manufactures multi-material foam, rubber, and plastic components utilized in noise, vibration and harshness management and air/water sealing applications for the automotive and industrial appliance market, today announced its financial results for the third quarter ended October 1, 2017. Third Quarter 2017 Financial Highlights Revenue of $41.2 million in the third quarter 2017, down 7.9% compared to $44.8 million in the third quarter 2016 in the third quarter 2017, down 7.9% compared to in the third quarter 2016 Net income of $0.7 million , or $0.07 per basic and diluted share in the third quarter 2017, compared to $2.5 million , or $0.26 per basic and $0.25 per diluted share in the third quarter 2016 , or per basic and diluted share in the third quarter 2017, compared to , or per basic and per diluted share in the third quarter 2016 Adjusted EBITDA of $3.7 million in the third quarter 2017, including $1.6 million for non-cash charges specifically related to depreciation and amortization and non-cash stock awards, compared to $5.9 million in the third quarter 2016, including $1.5 million for non-cash charges specifically related to depreciation and amortization and non-cash stock awards (1) in the third quarter 2017, including for non-cash charges specifically related to depreciation and amortization and non-cash stock awards, compared to in the third quarter 2016, including for non-cash charges specifically related to depreciation and amortization and non-cash stock awards Adjusted diluted earnings per share of $0.10 in the third quarter 2017 versus $0.26 in the third quarter 2016 (1) in the third quarter 2017 versus in the third quarter 2016 Declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.15 per share payable on December 7, 2017 for stockholders of record as of November 30, 2017 (1) For a reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP results for Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted diluted earnings per share please refer to the financial tables below. "The third quarter highlighted the continued shift in customer preference from passenger cars to light trucks and SUV's,", commented John Weinhardt, Chief Executive Officer. "The shift resulted in a larger than anticipated decline in overall production levels in the third quarter as production capacity was adjusted to align with this new sales trend. Our financial results are trending with the broader automotive industry, and our outlook has been adjusted to account for the most recent revisions in independent forecast projections that reflect a further production decline this year and a return to growth in 2018. Our third quarter results were also negatively impacted by the shutdown of an automotive assembly plant due to a labor impasse in Canada where we provide a significant amount of content for a major SUV." "While we were not satisfied with our top-line sales, we booked a significant amount of new business in the third quarter," added Weinhardt. "We expanded our customer base and much of our new business was our higher value-added molded products. We anticipate that these new bookings will positively impact our performance in 2018 & 2019. These bookings also give us increased confidence and visibility in our growth prospects over the next 18-24 months." "The underlying fundamentals of our business remain strong, and we are well-positioned to grow in excess of the automotive market, while continuing to generate cash and pay a healthy dividend," Weinhardt added. "The ongoing and increasing desire of automakers to elevate the driving experience with quieter, more comfortable vehicles, while reducing vehicle weight is bolstering our business, creating robust demand for our solutions. I am very encouraged by our recent business awards that incrementally add to our book of business for 2018 and beyond and reinforce our confidence over the next two years." Third Quarter Financial Summary Total revenue for the quarter ended October 1, 2017 declined to $41.2 million, down 7.9%, or $3.6 million from $44.8 million during the same period last year. The decrease was primarily driven by a decline in North American auto production of almost 12% quarter compared to the same quarter last year, partially offset by increased market penetration. Gross profit for the quarter period ended October 1, 2017 was $9.0 million, or 21.8% of total revenue, compared to $11.3 million, or 25.1% of total revenues, for the corresponding period last year. The decrease in gross profit as a percentage of sales was primarily a result of lower than planned revenues due to the less than anticipated vehicle production volumes during the third quarter, manufacturing inefficiencies caused by excessive turnover at some plant locations, and an increase in direct and temporary labor hours incurred as a result of an unfavorable product mix. Net income for the quarter ended October 1, 2017 was $0.7 million, or $0.07 per basic and diluted share, compared to $2.5 million, or $0.26 per basic and diluted share, in the third quarter of 2016. The decrease in net income was primarily due to lower sales quarter over quarter as well as lower gross profit as a percentage of sales as described above. Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter ended October 1, 2017 was $3.7 million compared to $5.9 million in the third quarter of 2016. The decrease is primarily a result of lower sales and gross margins described above. Please refer to the financial tables below for a reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP results. Adjusted diluted earnings per share for the quarter ended October 1, 2017 was $0.10 compared to $0.26 in the third quarter of 2016. The decrease is primarily a result of lower earnings, as described above. Please refer to the financial tables below for a reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP results. Further non-cash purchase accounting impacts associated with the Company's acquisitions are detailed in the Purchase Accounting Impacts and Other Effects table below accompanying this release. Year to Date Financial Summary Total revenue for the first nine months of 2017 increased to $133.6 million, up 5.4%, or $6.8 million from $126.8 million during the same period last year. The increase was driven by the acquisition of Intasco which closed on April 29, 2016, as well as from the introduction of new products and increased market penetration, but was offset by an almost 4% drop in overall North American auto production levels during 2017. Gross profit for the first nine months of 2017 was $30.7 million, or 23.0% of total revenue, compared to $29.9 million, or 23.6% of total revenues, for the corresponding period last year. The decrease in gross profit as a percentage of sales was primarily the result of lower revenues due to lower than anticipated vehicle production volumes during the first nine months, and the manufacturing impacts described above. Net income for the first nine months of 2017 was $4.4 million, or $0.45 per basic and diluted share, compared to $5.0 million, or $0.51 and $0.50 per basic and diluted share, respectively, in the comparable period last year. Adjusted EBITDA for the first nine months of 2017 was $14.1 million compared to $14.7 million in the same period last year. The decrease is primarily a result of lower gross margins described above. Please refer to the financial tables below for a reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP results. Adjusted diluted earnings per share for the first nine months of 2017 was $0.52 compared to $0.61 in the same period last year. The decrease is primarily a result of the margin decrease described above. Please refer to the financial tables below for a reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP results. Further non-cash purchase accounting impacts associated with the Company's acquisitions are detailed in the Purchase Accounting Impacts and Other Effects table below accompanying this release. Balance Sheet Summary As of October 1, 2017 the Company had approximately $1.0 million in cash and cash equivalents, as compared to January 1, 2017 when the Company had $706,000 in cash and cash equivalents. Total debt outstanding as of October 1, 2017 was $53.9 million compared to $50.6 million as of January 1, 2017. As of October 1, 2017, the Company had $7.6 million of available unused capacity, further subject to borrowing base restrictions and outstanding letters of credit, under its $30.0 million revolving credit facility. 2017 Outlook For the full year 2017, Unique Fabricating is updating its outlook based on revised industry production projections of 17.2 million light vehicles for the year, based on independent industry research published in October, and the mix of production by light vehicle platform contained in such research. This production estimate compares to a July industry projection of 17.55 million light vehicles: Previous Guidance Updated Guidance Revenue $177 million to $181 million $173 million to $177 million Adjusted diluted earnings per share $0.76 to $0.80 $0.64 to $0.68 Adjusted EBITDA $19.5 million to $20.5 million $18.0 million to $19.0 million Declaration of Dividends Unique's Board of Directors approved payment of a quarterly cash dividend of $0.15 per share on November 9, 2017. The dividend will be paid on December 7, 2017 to stockholders of record as of the close of business on November 30, 2017. Quarterly Results Conference Call Unique Fabricating will host a conference call and live webcast to discuss these results today at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time. To access the call, please dial 1-877-705-6003 (toll-free) or 1-201-493-6725 and reference conference ID 13672929. The conference call will also be webcast live on the Investor Relations section of the company's website at Following the conclusion of the live call, a replay of the webcast will be available on the Investor Relations section of the Company's website for at least 90 days. A telephonic replay of the conference call will also be available from 12:00PM ET on November 9, 2017 until 11:59PM ET on November 16, 2017 by dialing 1-844-512-2921 (United States) or 1-412-317-6671 (international) and using the pin number 13672929. About Unique Fabricating, Inc. Unique Fabricating, Inc. (NYSE MKT: UFAB) engineers and manufactures components for customers in the automotive and industrial appliance market. The Company's solutions are comprised of multi-material foam, rubber, and plastic components and utilized in noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) management, acoustical management, water and air sealing, decorative and other functional applications. Unique leverages proprietary manufacturing processes including die cutting, thermoforming, compression molding, fusion molding, and reaction injection molding to manufacture a wide range of products including air management products, heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC), seals, fender stuffers, air ducts, acoustical insulation, door water shields, gas tank pads, light gaskets, topper pads, mirror gaskets and glove box liners. The Company is headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan. For more information, visit . About Non-GAAP Financial Measures We present Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share in this press release to provide a supplemental measure of our operating performance. We define Adjusted EBITDA as earnings before interest expense, income tax expense, depreciation and amortization expense, non-cash stock award, non-recurring integration expense, non-recurring step-up of inventory basis to fair market value, transaction fees related to our acquisitions, restructuring expenses, and one-time consulting and licensing ERP system implementation costs as we implement a new ERP system at all locations. We calculate Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share based upon earnings before non-cash stock awards, non-recurring expenses, transaction fees, and restructuring expenses, including the tax impact associated with these adjusting items. We believe that Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share are useful performance measures used by us to facilitate a comparison of our operating performance and earnings on a consistent basis from period-to-period and to provide for a more complete understanding of factors and trends affecting our business than measures under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (GAAP) can provide alone. Our board and management also use Adjusted EBITDA as one of the primary methods for planning and forecasting overall expected performance and for evaluating on a quarterly and annual basis actual results against such expectations, and as a performance evaluation metric in determining achievement of certain compensation programs and plans for Company management. In addition, the financial covenants in our senior secured credit facility are based on Adjusted EBITDA, as presented in this press release, subject to dollar limitations on certain adjustments and certain other addbacks permitted by our senior secured credit facility. These non-GAAP financial measures may have limitations as analytical tools, and these measures should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for analysis of Unique Fabricating's results as reported under GAAP. Safe Harbor Statement Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters discussed in this news release include forward-looking statements, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or to future financial performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the Company's or the Company's industry's actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements including statements relating to the Company's 2017 Outlook to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by this press release. Words such as "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "anticipate," "predict," "potential," "continue," "expects," "intends," "plans," "projects," "believes," "estimates," "outlook," and similar expressions are used to identify these forward looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding, among other things, our expectations about revenue, Adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted diluted earnings per share. All such forward-looking statements are based on management's present expectations and are subject to certain factors, risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, outcome of events, timing and performance to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those discussed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, for the year ended January 1, 2017 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in particular the Section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Annual Report on Form 10-K, as well as any updates to those risk factors filed from time to time in our periodic and current reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release, and Unique Fabricating does not intend to update this information, unless required by law. Reference to the Company's website above does not constitute incorporation of any of the information thereon into this press release. Investor Contact: Hayden IR Brett Maas/Rob Fink 646-536-7331/646-415-8972 [email protected] UNIQUE FABRICATING, INC. Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited) Thirteen Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirteen Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Net sales $ 41,231,366 $ 44,753,565 $ 133,606,501 $ 126,784,289 Cost of sales 32,256,440 33,503,217 102,858,323 96,842,757 Gross profit 8,974,926 11,250,348 30,748,178 29,941,532 Selling, general, and administrative expenses 7,268,812 6,949,034 22,455,833 20,668,621 Restructuring expenses 35,054 Operating income 1,706,114 4,301,314 8,292,345 9,237,857 Non-operating income (expense) Other income, net 39,673 (1,511) 83,748 (25,203) Interest expense (770,149) (525,167) (2,089,056) (1,739,243) Total non-operating expense, net (730,476) (526,678) (2,005,308) (1,764,446) Income before income taxes 975,638 3,774,636 6,287,037 7,473,411 Income tax expense 260,532 1,254,437 1,856,684 2,520,389 Net income $ 715,106 $ 2,520,199 $ 4,430,353 $ 4,953,022 Net income per share Basic $ 0.07 $ 0.26 $ 0.45 $ 0.51 Diluted $ 0.07 $ 0.25 $ 0.45 $ 0.50 Cash dividends declared per share $ 0.15 $ 0.15 $ 0.45 $ 0.45 UNIQUE FABRICATING, INC. Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited) October 1, 2017 January 1, 2017 Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,016,308 $ 705,535 Accounts receivable net 28,972,129 26,887,945 Inventory net 17,031,955 16,731,608 Prepaid expenses and other current assets: Prepaid expenses and other 3,771,880 2,087,069 Refundable taxes 900,767 783,139 Total current assets 51,693,039 47,195,296 Property, plant, and equipment net 22,959,606 21,197,922 Goodwill 28,871,179 28,871,179 Intangible assets net 20,666,921 23,758,342 Other assets Investments at cost 1,054,120 1,054,120 Deposits and other assets 312,913 266,369 Deferred tax asset 399,405 193,577 Total assets $ 125,957,183 $ 122,536,805 Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Current liabilities Accounts payable $ 13,404,097 $ 13,451,816 Current maturities of long-term debt 3,506,248 2,405,446 Income taxes payable 84,383 610,825 Accrued compensation 3,195,607 2,734,155 Other accrued liabilities 1,117,899 1,065,740 Other liabilities 168,880 Total current liabilities 21,308,234 20,436,862 Long-term debt net of current portion 28,364,454 28,029,041 Line of credit-net 22,065,563 20,176,058 Deferred tax liability 3,964,663 3,836,281 Total liabilities 75,702,914 72,478,242 Stockholders' Equity Common stock, $0.001 par value 15,000,000 shares authorized and 9,757,563 and 9,719,772 issued and outstanding at October 1, 2017 and January 1, 2017, respectively 9,758 9,720 Additional paid-in-capital 45,677,445 45,525,237 Retained earnings 4,567,066 4,523,606 Total stockholders' equity 50,254,269 50,058,563 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 125,957,183 $ 122,536,805 UNIQUE FABRICATING, INC. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Cash flows from operating activities Net income $ 4,430,353 $ 4,953,022 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash used in operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 4,703,909 3,996,472 Amortization of debt issuance costs 113,412 94,537 Loss on sale of assets 12,442 13,867 Loss on extinguishment of debt 60,202 Bad debt adjustment 96,531 (168,830) (Gain) loss on derivative instrument (188,054) 183,402 Stock option expense 115,245 126,733 Deferred income taxes (77,446) (509,408) Changes in operating assets and liabilities that provided (used) cash: Accounts receivable (2,180,715) (6,777,982) Inventory (300,347) 269,870 Prepaid expenses and other assets (1,829,809) (194,521) Accounts payable 758,356 3,186,895 Accrued and other liabilities (12,831) 209,308 Net cash provided by operating activities 5,641,046 5,443,567 Cash flows from investing activities Purchases of property and equipment (3,466,432) (2,443,251) Proceeds from sale of property and equipment 29,347 12,181 Acquisition of Intasco, net of cash acquired (21,030,795) Working capital adjustment from acquisition of Intasco 212,823 Net cash used in investing activities (3,437,085) (23,249,042) Cash flows from financing activities Net change in bank overdraft (806,075) 846,220 Proceeds from debt 32,000,000 Payments on term loans (2,574,545) (1,839,212) Debt issuance costs (514,441) Proceeds from revolving credit facilities, net 5,837,324 7,716,220 Pay-off of old senior credit facility term debt (15,375,000) Proceeds from exercise of stock options and warrants 37,001 103,989 Distribution of cash dividends (4,386,893) (4,354,106) Net cash provided by financing activities (1,893,188) 18,583,670 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 310,773 778,195 Cash and cash equivalents beginning of period 705,535 726,898 Cash and cash equivalents end of period $ 1,016,308 $ 1,505,093 Supplemental disclosure of cash flow Information cash paid for Interest $ 1,953,206 $ 1,304,890 Income taxes $ 1,793,316 $ 2,519,010 Supplemental disclosure of cash flow Information non cash activities for Common stock issued for purchase of Intasco USA, Inc. $ $ 890,726 UNIQUE FABRICATING, INC. Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA Thirteen Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirteen Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 GAAP Net income $ 715,106 $ 2,520,199 $ 4,430,353 $ 4,953,022 Plus: Interest expense, net 770,149 525,167 2,089,056 1,739,243 Plus: Income tax expense 260,532 1,254,437 1,856,684 2,520,389 Plus: Depreciation and amortization 1,596,272 1,488,722 4,703,909 3,996,472 Plus: Non-cash stock award 40,229 40,736 115,245 126,733 Plus: Non-recurring integration expenses 27,415 35,744 30,794 104,913 Plus: Non-recurring step-up of inventory basis to fair market value 39,352 318,518 Plus: Transaction fees 10,437 23,235 858,688 Plus: Restructuring expenses 35,054 Plus: One-time consulting and licensing ERP system implementation costs 276,312 $ 815,307 Adjusted EBITDA $ 3,686,015 $ 5,914,794 $ 14,064,583 $ 14,653,032 UNIQUE FABRICATING, INC. Reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share Thirteen Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirteen Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 GAAP Net income $ 715,106 $ 2,520,199 $ 4,430,353 $ 4,953,022 Plus: Non-cash stock award 40,229 40,736 115,245 126,733 Plus: Non-recurring integration expenses 27,415 35,744 30,794 104,913 Plus: Non-recurring step-up of inventory basis to fair market value 39,352 318,518 Plus: Transaction fees 10,437 23,235 858,688 Plus: Debt extinguishment costs 60,202 Plus: Restructuring expenses 35,054 Plus: One-time consulting and licensing ERP system implementation costs 276,312 815,307 Less: Tax impact (91,850) (39,531) (290,766) (437,502) Adjusted Net income $ 967,212 $ 2,606,937 $ 5,124,168 $ 6,019,628 Diluted weighted average shares outstanding 9,898,273 9,918,956 9,903,240 9,885,949 Net income per share Diluted - GAAP $ 0.07 $ 0.25 $ 0.45 $ 0.50 Diluted - Adjusted $ 0.10 $ 0.26 $ 0.52 $ 0.61 UNIQUE FABRICATING, INC. Purchase Accounting Impacts and Other Effects Thirteen Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirteen Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 1, 2017 Thirty-Nine Weeks Ended October 2, 2016 Non-cash purchase accounting impacts Customer relationships amortization $ 837,522 $ 837,520 $ 2,510,570 $ 2,208,223 Trade name amortization 72,926 72,926 218,779 196,204 Non-compete amortization 44,162 44,162 132,486 132,486 Unpatented technology 76,529 76,529 229,587 129,511 Less: Tax impact (272,326) (322,481) (896,001) (861,745) Net income effect $ 758,813 $ 708,656 $ 2,195,421 $ 1,804,679 Net income per share impact GAAP - Basic $ 0.08 $ 0.07 $ 0.23 $ 0.19 GAAP - Diluted $ 0.08 $ 0.07 $ 0.22 $ 0.18 SOURCE Unique Fabricating, Inc. Related Links WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Nov. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- United Franchise Group (UFG) is pleased to announce the dedication ceremony for the new Titus Center for Franchising at Palm Beach Atlantic University, in West Palm Beach, FL. The event will be held on Nov. 15 at the university's Rinker School of Business, which is located at 901 South Flagler Drive. The Center will be officially dedicated by Robert Cresanti, President and CEO of the International Franchise Association, at 10:00 a.m. Last year, UFG's CEO, Ray Titus, made a $1.5 million endowment to fund the Titus Center for Franchising, which enables the university's business management students to elect a concentration in franchising. Students who are looking to one day own and operate their own business can be educated and trained in franchising and entrepreneurship at the Center, which is part of the university's Rinker School of Business. Veteran franchise practitioner and educator, Dr. John P. Hayes, will serve as director of the center and as a professor in the Rinker School of Business. Hayes is responsible for the development and implementation of the franchise curriculum. As the first of its kind in Florida, the Center's academic coursework will include internship programs and training opportunities at UFG's headquarters in West Palm Beach. UFG's 50,000 square foot headquarters includes mock stores where franchisees can train in real-life learning labs, gaining valuable experience about owning, operating, and working for a franchise business. "The Titus Center for Franchising is an opportunity to help create future experts in the franchising industry," said Titus. "Through this center, we're passing valuable knowledge and experience on to the next generation of professional franchisees. I expect many graduates to eventually become employees in the UFG family of companies and even own their own franchise." UFG is a global leader in entrepreneurship, with over 1,400 franchise locations spanning 80 countries, including the brands Signarama, Jon Smith Subs, Fully Promoted, Transworld Business Associates, Experimac, Accurate Franchising, SuperGreen Solutions, Venture X and Paramount Tax. Titus has been interested in the franchise business since he was a child, and launched Signarama when he was 23. Franchising is truly a family business for Titus. His father began the Minuteman Press International Inc. franchise in 1972, and all three of Titus' children work at UFG. Palm Beach Atlantic University offers over 50 degree programs. The franchising concentration is part of the university's Bachelor of Science in Management program. About the Titus Center for Franchising The Titus Center for Franchising at Palm Beach Atlantic University, the only academic center of its kind in Florida, offers academic coursework, internships, job shadowing and training at area franchises, including the global headquarters of United Franchise Group in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Center, based in the Marshall E. Rinker Sr. School of Business, was established in 2016 through a gift from Ray Titus, founder and CEO of United Franchise Group. Dr. John P. Hayes was appointed the Center's director. Contact the Titus Center at About Palm Beach Atlantic University Palm Beach Atlantic University is a private, independent university offering undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees in West Palm Beach, Orlando and online. The University is dedicated to the integration of Christian principles to prepare students for lifelong learning, leadership and service. For additional information, visit our website: About the International Franchise Association Celebrating 57 years of excellence, education and advocacy, the International Franchise Association is the world's oldest and largest organization representing franchising worldwide. IFA works through its government relations and public policy, media relations and educational programs to protect, enhance and promote franchising and nearly 733,000 franchise establishments that support nearly 7.6 million direct jobs, $674.3 billion of economic output for the U.S. economy and 2.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). IFA members include franchise companies in over 300 different business format categories, individual franchisees and companies that support the industry in marketing, law, technology and business development. Learn more About United Franchise Group Led by CEO Ray Titus, United Franchise Group is home to a variety of internationally recognized brands including Signarama, Fully Promoted, Experimac, Jon Smith Subs, Venture X, SuperGreen Solutions, Transworld Business Advisors and Paramount Tax. With over three decades in the franchising industry and more than 1,400 franchisees throughout the world, United Franchise Group offers unprecedented leadership and solid business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Media Contact Ashley Soto 305-631-2283 [email protected] SOURCE United Franchise Group Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Investments by North American utilities in green and renewable energy, as well as digital technologies, have the potential to reduce carbon emissions, and provide greater energy choices and lower costs to consumers, according to Capgemini's World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO) report. Despite the United States' decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement and uncertainty around other government initiatives, utilities and consumers are driving a significant transformation of the energy system. There is a great deal of uncertainty and contradiction on the future of climate action in North America, driven by the United States' announcement to pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Not only does this decision have implications for North America's climate action targets, it will also impact climate aid programs in the developing nations, as the U.S. reduces its commitment to help fund these programs. Additionally, the report projects that coal may become the leading source of electricity generation by 2019, potentially retaining that position through 2032, if the Clean Power Plan is not approved or stripped down. These impacts may be offset by the natural course of political compromise that occurs in the U.S. between the two dominant political parties and the Federal and State governments. Despite this political uncertainty, utilities have increased investments in green and renewable energy. Within the power and utilities sector, efficiency program spending has almost tripled since 2007, from US$2.2 billion to $6.3 billion in 2015. 2016 was a record year with renewable energy capacity additions of over 22GW. With the growth in renewable energy, enhancing infrastructure and grid modernization will be instrumental in the future of the North American electricity infrastructure and adequacy of supply. For example, advanced grid analytics platforms can utilize big data from SCADA, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, weather forecasting, and IoT sensors to provide actionable information in support of daily operations and intelligent planning of future investments. This is just one promising technology that is essential for the success of the U.S. Department of Energy's Grid Modernization initiative. As investment and adoption of green and renewable energy increases, a significant transformation of how utilities deliver energy, and consumers receive it, has begun. As renewable energy sources grow, so will the risk of congestion-driven outages. In the longer term, achieving grid stability will likely require big data, analytics, and automation versus human-based processes and procedures to allow the electric grid to remain stable. "The North American utilities market is exposed to several significant, global variables in play those not only impact how we consume and source energy in the near-term, they ultimately factor into our ability to achieve success during this time of transition," said Bart Thielbar, Vice President, North America Utilities Practice Lead, Capgemini. "The U.S. energy market has shown growth in renewable energy projects and an increase in new technology investments which shows a focus on building a successful future, despite uncertainties in today's climate." These findings are included in the 19th edition of Capgemini's WEMO report that highlights the main indicators of the global electricity and gas market, and analyzes the developments and transformations in these sectors. This is the first year Capgemini's annual study has published a detailed, region-specific analysis of the energy landscape for North America. The authors examined: uncertainty around climate change; how the generation, consumption and delivery of energy is shifting; the impact of infrastructure on energy supplies; costs for residential consumers; the benefits and risks of technologies such as IoT, big data, machine learning and robotics; and the financial performance of utilities. Link to infographics: North America For more information: To download a full copy of the report, go to: Links to other regional infographics: Global, Europe, South-East Asia, Australia Global findings of WEMO: here and in appendix below The World Energy Markets Observatory is an annual publication by Capgemini that monitors the main indicators of the electricity and gas markets in Europe, North America, Australia and South-east Asia, and reports on the developments and transformations in these sectors. This 19th edition, which is drafted mainly from public data combined with Capgemini's expertise in the energy sector, refers to data from 2016 and winter 2016/2017. Special expertise on regulation, climate challenges and customer behavior is given respectively by De Pardieu Brocas Maffei, the I4CE Institute for Climate Economics and VaasaETT research teams. About Capgemini A global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation, Capgemini is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients' opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. Building on its strong 50-year heritage and deep industry-specific expertise, Capgemini enables organizations to realize their business ambitions through an array of services from strategy to operations. Capgemini is driven by the conviction that the business value of technology comes from and through people. It is a multicultural company of 200,000 team members in over 40 countries. The Group reported 2016 global revenues of EUR 12.5 billion. Visit us at People matter, results count. APPENDIX Globally the three main findings of the 2017 edition of the World Energy Markets Observatory are: 1. Rapid evolution of generation technologies makes the renewables penetration unstoppable, thanks to their competitiveness gains, and despite the end of feed-in tariffs in Europe During the past 12 months, the costs of renewable energies have continued to fall: onshore wind and utility scale photovoltaic (PV) costs are becoming competitive in some countries, compared to traditional electricity generation resources (nuclear, coal, gas). A recent auction for solar PV generation plants recorded a lower cost in sunny Saudi Arabia, with only 17$/MWh. Battery storage costs decreased also by about 20%. The ingredients now gathered favor Energy Transition with limited political intervention. According to Colette Lewiner, Energy and Utilities senior advisor at Capgemini, "Efforts in R&D and industrialization are boosting renewable energy development, even when considering extra network investments linked to intermittence and energy generation distribution. Today, their intermittency coupled with the absence of pricing reforms, mean the impact of renewable energy on the wholesale markets prices threatens electricity supply and impacts negatively utilities' finances." 2. Empowered Smart Energy consumers are pushing Utilities to deliver new energy services. All customers (residential, tertiary or industrial) now expect from their suppliers' offerings better management of their energy (examples include self-consumption, Smart Home, Smart Building, Smart Plant, electric mobility). With the participation of the customer in energy communities, the way energy is purchased or managed collectively is also now evolving. For Perry Stoneman, Head of the Energy and Utilities sector at Capgemini, "We observe many Utilities creating new customer divisions that are focused on chasing the Holy Grail: the differentiating services valued by the customer, allowing the development of new revenue streams with better margins. With variations from one country to another, the vast majority of players are moving in that direction, but very few, for the moment, have found the appropriate recipe. Innovation capabilities and agility for a rapid and successful go to market are generally missing." 3. Established Utilities, heavily hit by Energy Transition and customers' evolving expectations, have started large transformations. It's now time to accelerate by leveraging Digital Transformation. Most of the big players have launched transformation plans that they are executing with a particular attention. This is also the case in North-America, where the Utilities' finances are less challenged than in Europe, thanks to a lower pace of Energy Transition and different market rules. In addition to simplifying their internal processes, these transformation plans generally focus on the downstream business (networks, green energy and customers' energy services), designing and managing new operations and business models. Gains could also be sought in the generation side of the value chain. Digital technologies are evolving continuously to provide new solutions (for example Robotic Processes Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, or Blockchain were not available a couple of years ago). The value of managed data Analytics - remains also largely unexploited. SOURCE Capgemini Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Ipreo Private Capital Markets (PCM), the premier provider of portfolio data collection, analysis, valuation, and communications solutions for the private capital industry, announced today that Vinci Partners, a Brazil-based alternative investment platform specializing in asset management, equity management, and financial advisory services, has chosen Ipreo's iLEVEL platform to help them streamline data collection and deliver new levels of transparency and reporting efficiency to their investors. Vinci is one of the leading Private Equity companies in Brazil, focused on growth equity, control oriented transactions. The focus is in Brazilian companies in sectors with competitive advantage, promising growth rates and in which Vinci Partners' experience and capacity to execute will drive substantial productivity gains and value creation. "We chose iLEVEL to replace an existing solution, because we wanted to enhance our reports and controls," said Bruno Zaremba, Head of Private Equity at Vinci Partners. "iLEVEL will be very helpful in increasing the availability and quality of information to our LP community, while at the same time freeing up valuable time for our investment team to focus on driving operational change in our portfolio, which is our core competence." Vinci Partners was also impressed with iLEVEL's usability, which makes portfolio data more accessible to everyone in the firm. The firm singled out iLEVEL's investor reporting as a key capability, because it supports a higher degree of transparency and trust between the firm and its clients. For Vinci Partners, the fact that iLEVEL is recognized as a leading reporting platform among the investor community and that a number of their clients were already using iLEVEL was also a significant advantage. "We are proud to welcome Vinci Partners to the fast-growing community of fund managers in Brazil and across Latin America," said Melissa Ferraz, Managing Director, Ipreo Private Capital Markets. "Vinci Partners is clearly dedicated to demonstrating the highest levels of investor alignment in their operations, and it is a privilege to be able to support Vinci Partners in delivering exceptional levels of service and transparency to their clients." iLEVEL streamlines and consolidates portfolio data in the cloud, making it easier for both Limited Partners and General Partners to access, update, analyze, verify, and share it with colleagues, auditors, investment boards, and clients. iLEVEL dramatically reduces the time and effort expended by front and back offices while supporting enhanced levels of integrity, insight, and responsiveness. Headquartered in New York, Ipreo PCM also has offices in Nashville, San Francisco, London, and Hong Kong. Since 2014, the number of clients outside of North America has increased by 400%. About Vinci Partners Founded in 2009, Vinci Partners is one of Brazil's leading alternative investment and asset management firms. Vinci's extensive knowledge of the Brazilian economy, complementary backgrounds and wide ranging relationship network distinguish the expertise of its more than 180 professionals. Strong ethics, a holistic approach to the market and complete alignment of client and shareholder interests continue to strengthen the reputation that Vinci has built from the outset. Vinci's separate divisions could easily operate independently, but their integration produces significant synergies for both company and clients. The business platform, product offerings and close collaboration have fueled an increase in assets under management from USD 2.32 billion at inception to approximately USD 6.5 billion in seven years of operation. For more information, please visit About Ipreo Ipreo is a leading global provider of financial services technology, data, and analytical services, supporting all participants in the capital-raising process including sell-side professionals, finance officers at private and public companies, institutional investors, and asset managers. Ipreo's Private Capital Markets' solutions are the premier choice for the private capital industry to address growing pressures for transparency and regulatory compliance. Our full range of products offers solutions for portfolio assessment, valuations, investor reporting, operating metrics, or investment performance. Ipreo is private-equity held by Blackstone and Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division, and has more than 1,700 people serving clients in every major financial hub around the world. Learn more at SOURCE Ipreo Related Links NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Global luxury travel network Virtuoso has determined 2018 will be the year for discovering less-visited destinations. Virtuoso's 2018 Luxe Report, which forecasts what to expect in travel for the year ahead, shows the desire for unspoiled natural beauty continuing to motivate travelers. The annual report, which has firmly established Virtuoso as a recognized trend spotter, reveals consumer preferences in high-end and experiential travel, as discerned from a comprehensive survey of the network's travel advisors worldwide. Five must-take trips for 2018, according to Virtuoso advisors: Cold is hot. Seasoned travelers in search of fresh destinations are setting their sights on chillier climes. Iceland continues to surge in popularity, placing high in several Luxe Report categories this year. Cruisers are enthusiastic about Alaska , and adventurers about Antarctica and the Arctic. One trip of a lifetime mentioned by Virtuoso's expert advisors: seeing the Northern Lights. Exploring new destinations is the year's top trip motivator, and travelers are embracing the opportunity to push beyond their comfort zone. Virtuoso advisors suggest that people check out at least one new place a year, and challenge themselves to try something unexpected during their sojourn: swim with marine life like dolphins or mantas, go zip-lining or ballooning, or take a helicopter tour. Connecting with family through travel. After topping the list of trends since 2010, multigenerational travel has firmly established itself as a travel niche. Following close behind is travel with immediate family, also a consistent trend that will carry forward in 2018. Whether renting a European villa for a celebration with loved ones, cruising to the Galapagos Islands, or snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, a family trip creates lifelong memories, strengthens bonds, and plays a pivotal role in childhood education. Experience Africa . From culturally rich South Africa , also 2018's top adventure destination, to the wilds of Botswana and Kenya , to the souks of Morocco , Africa is one of the world's most diverse continents. Virtuoso's advisors say a safari is an integral part of the African experience, particularly with wildlife preservation a priority for today's sustainably savvy travelers. Be a traveler rather than a tourist. Immersive experiences not found in a guidebook or brochure, opportunities to meet locals, wandering neighborhoods and making spontaneous discoveries are the best ways to experience a destination, according to Virtuoso advisors. Whether it is wine tasting, or learning a traditional craft or a new language, travelers will be seeking out the true culture of that area they are visiting. The desire for experiences that foster genuine human connection is a key driver for today's travelers. No activity is too unusual for the clients of Virtuoso travel advisors, as some of the more surprising requests show. Travelers are asking for everything from reaching the edge of space in a MiG-29 flight in Russia, to herding cattle in Australia, to hosting a celebration in a private capsule aboard the London Eye. They also seek rare accommodations such as an igloo in Norway, a private castle all to themselves, and sleeping under the stars in the desert no tent required. With the focus on far-flung exotic destinations in 2018, it is not surprising that luxury travelers are embarking on international trips of two weeks or longer, which are seeing strong demand. Week-long international trips and three- to five-day domestic trips continue to be popular as well. What is surprising, though, is that Virtuoso advisors also noted more interest in shorter international trips, such as Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands in less than a week. Conversely, some travelers are requesting longer trips of three to five weeks. Key findings from the 2018 Virtuoso Luxe Report: Top Travel Trends Top Emerging Destinations 1. Multigenerational travel 1. Iceland 2. Active or adventure trips 2. Croatia 3. River cruising 3. Japan 4. Food and wine travel 4. Cuba 5. Celebration travel 5. Portugal Top Global Destinations Top Adventure Destinations 1. Italy 1. South Africa 2. Iceland 2. Iceland 3. South Africa 3. New Zealand 4. France 4. Costa Rica 5. Australia and New Zealand (tie) 5. Antarctica Top Millennial Destinations Top U.S. Destinations 1. Thailand 1. New York, NY 2. Italy 2. Maui, HI 3. Iceland 3. Miami/South Beach, FL 4. Costa Rica 4. Las Vegas, NV 5. Australia and South Africa (tie) 5. Napa Valley/Sonoma, CA Top Family Travel Destinations Top Honeymoon Destinations 1. Italy 1. Italy 2. Mexico 2. Maui, HI 3. Orlando, FL 3. French Polynesia 4. Hawaii 4. Maldives 5. Costa Rica 5. Bali Top Cruise Itineraries Top Travel Motivations 1. Mediterranean 1. Exploring new destinations 2. Alaska 2. Crossing off bucket-list items 3. European river 3. Seeking authentic experiences 4. Caribbean 4. Rest and relaxation 5. Greek Isles 5. Personal enrichment Advisors from Virtuoso-affiliated travel agencies in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa and the Middle East were polled, drawing on their expertise and client requests to offer insight into 2018's biggest trends. About Virtuoso Virtuoso is the leading international travel agency network specializing in luxury and experiential travel. This by-invitation-only organization comprises over 800 travel agency partners with more than 16,000 elite travel advisors in over 45 countries throughout North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Drawing upon its preferred relationships with 1,700 of the world's best hotels and resorts, cruise lines, airlines, tour companies and premier destinations, the network provides its upscale clientele with exclusive amenities, rare experiences and privileged access. More than (U.S.) $21.2 billion in annual travel sales makes Virtuoso a powerhouse in the luxury travel industry. For more information, visit Media Contacts: Misty Ewing Belles Lauren Wintemberg Managing Director, Global Public Relations Account Director Virtuoso Alice Marshall Public Relations Phone: 202.553.8817 Phone: 212.861.4031 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] SOURCE Virtuoso Related Links According to the Orange County Health Profile, heart disease is the leading cause of death in Orange County, Calif. Roughly 70 percent of cardiac arrests that occur outside a hospital, occur at home and 90 percent of those victims do not survive due to people around them not knowing how to administer CPR. Education and CPR training is the best defense in preventing the devastating effects of heart disease. By providing Anaheim high school students with CPR training, the hope is that more lives could be saved in Anaheim and Orange County. "Visit Anaheim's 'Heart-to-Heart' campaign is a way we can directly giveback to our local Anaheim community, which is a fundamental part of what we do as an organization," said Jay Burress, president & CEO, Visit Anaheim. "The idea for the campaign was inspired by American Heart Association's decision to host their 2017 Scientific Sessions at the Anaheim Convention Center after a 16-year absence. The program celebrates them and their mission to help educate and train our future to fight heart disease." Today, "Heart-to-Heart" was launched at Katella High School in Anaheim, one of two schools to receive CPR Kits in the program's first year of implementation. The event was attended by Anaheim City Council Member, Stephen Faessel; Visit Anaheim President & CEO, Jay Burress; Anaheim High School Superintendent, Mike Matsuda; Executive Director of the American Heart Association, Orange County Division, Danielle Sapia and celebrity/actress Jennie Garth, who is an advocate of heart education. "This training could not be possible without the incredible generosity of Visit Anaheim," said Danielle Sapia, Executive Director of the American Heart Association, Orange County Division. "Our goal is to double, or even triple, the survival rates of people experiencing cardiac arrest." Heart-to-Heart Campaign Details In collaboration with American Heart Association, Orange County Division, eight CPR in Schools Training Kits will be delivered to Anaheim High School and Katella High School by the end of 2017. AHA will also facilitate a CPR demonstration to each school's faculty to ensure proper CPR training is offered to students. Each CPR kit includes 10 mannequins to train up to 70 students at one time. By 2021, Visit Anaheim pledges that all eight Anaheim Union District High Schools are equipped with enough CPR kits to train each student in each school. Jennie Garth Participation in Heart-to-Heart Launch Event Jennie Garth, 90210's Kelley Taylor, is no stranger to heart disease and the devastating effects it can have on one's family. Jennie's own father struggled with heart disease before his death in 2008. In her 30s, Jennie was also diagnosed with a leaky heart valve and has made it her mission to educate and prepare herself should her current condition develop into something worse. CPR in Schools Training Kit Information The American Heart Association's CPR in Schools Training Kit enables students to learn the lifesaving skills of CPR in just one class period. Plus, the kit teaches AED use and choking relief. The easy-to-use kit is designed specifically for the needs of schools. The kit's brand new wheeled bag allows for convenient movement from classroom to classroom and easy storage. It's also reusable one kit can train hundreds of people. Visit Anaheim Giveback Efforts Anaheim is a premier destination for meetings and conventions attracting nearly one million convention attendees per year. Many of the events and trade shows hosting meetings at the Anaheim Convention Center and surrounding hotels incorporate give-back programs that positively impact the community. Engaging in philanthropic projects that serve the residents of Anaheim and surrounding Orange County continue to benefit the local community long after convention attendees and visitors return home. Images will be available after 1:00 p.m. PST here: For more information on Visit Anaheim's giveback efforts, please visit: About Visit Anaheim Founded in 1961, Visit Anaheim is a 501 (c)(6) nonprofit destination marketing organization. Visit Anaheim's mission is to develop, promote, market and sell the destination as a premier visitor destination benefiting the economic vitality of the local community. In 2017, the Anaheim Convention Center, the largest convention center on the West Coast, is celebrating its 50th anniversary and ACC North, a 200,000 square foot expansion. To learn more about Visit Anaheim, visit: follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. About the American Heart Association The American Heart Association is devoted to saving people from heart disease and stroke the two leading causes of death in the world. We team with millions of volunteers to fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies and provide lifesaving tools and information to prevent and treat these diseases. The Dallas-based association is the nation's oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. To learn more or to get involved, call 1-800-AHA-USA1, visit or call any of our offices around the country. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. SOURCE Visit Anaheim Related Links ISNES, Belgium, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- VolitionRx Limited (NYSE American: VNRX) today announced financial results and a business update for the third quarter ended September 30, 2017. Volition management will host a conference call tomorrow, November 10, at 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time to discuss these results. Conference call details may be found below. Mr. Cameron Reynolds, President and Chief Executive Officer of Volition, said, "We have made fantastic progress this quarter, moving our clinical product development strongly forward in Asia, Europe and the U.S, and broadening our potential revenue base with our recently announced research kit sales. We have further expanded our talented scientific team, with four new hires to the R&D team, financially supported by the local government in Belgium." Mr. Reynolds added, "We continue to announce large trials at very affordable costs in our efforts to gain worldwide adoption of our products. We look forward to achieving our upcoming clinical and commercial milestones, while continuing to keep close control on our cash burn, which has remained relatively stable." Third Quarter 2017 and Recent Company Highlights Clinical As the cornerstone of our frontline screening colorectal cancer test for the all-important U.S. market, we entered into an agreement to participate in a large, multi-center study with the Great Lakes New England Clinical Validation Center, funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Early Detection Research Network. The objective is to validate Volition's Nu.Q Colorectal Cancer Screening Test in a large, asymptomatic population for U.S. regulatory purposes. The study provides approximately 13,500 asymptomatic screening samples of people aged 50 or over who have not previously undergone screening or a diagnostic colonoscopy. The study will come at a cost of no more than $3 million , paid in equal, quarterly installments. Intellectual Property We secured four additional patents, in the U.S., Europe , Mexico and Australia , further solidifying Volition's intellectual property portfolio worldwide. , and , further solidifying Volition's intellectual property portfolio worldwide. The patents are complementary to those previously granted. Volition now has 5 granted patents in the U.S. and 8 more patents in other territories. Operational In line with our goals to best utilize our Nucleosomics platform and to broaden our revenue base, we announced the initial order of a bespoke Nu.Q TM clinical research use only kit from a large multi-national pharmaceutical company together with plans to launch a range of Nucleosomics clinical research use only kits in the first half of 2018. platform and to broaden our revenue base, we announced the initial order of a bespoke Nu.Q clinical research use only kit from a large multi-national pharmaceutical company together with plans to launch a range of Nucleosomics clinical research use only kits in the first half of 2018. The kits based on our proprietary Nucleosomics technology are expected to: technology are expected to: allow researchers to explore patterns of epigenetic modifications in circulating nucleosomes across a broad range of clinical applications including cancers, inflammatory and infectious diseases. The kits can be used for many purposes, for example as an aid to drug development and treatment selection. represent the first revenue from the Nu.Q TM platform and potentially provide an additional licensing revenue stream beyond the commercialization of our blood-based cancer tests on the same platform of assays. platform and potentially provide an additional licensing revenue stream beyond the commercialization of our blood-based cancer tests on the same platform of assays. We commenced a project to investigate the use of Nucleosomics to purify or enrich nucleosomes from cancer. This aims to provide purified circulating tumor DNA to help address the main technology barrier in this emergent field of cancer diagnostics. to purify or enrich nucleosomes from cancer. This aims to provide purified circulating tumor DNA to help address the main technology barrier in this emergent field of cancer diagnostics. We were awarded $1.5 million in non-dilutive funding from SOFINEX and the Walloon Region of Belgium , bringing the total amount of non-dilutive funding from various agencies in the region to nearly $2.5 million Third Quarter 2017 and Other Financial Results For the three months ended September 30, 2017, Volition reported a net loss of $3.89 million, or $0.15 per share. This compares to a net loss of $3.48 million, or $0.15 per share in the third quarter of 2016. Cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2017 totaled $13.84 million, compared with $12.53 million as of September 30, 2016. Upcoming Milestones Volition is targeting several important clinical and commercial milestones, including: Selection of the panel for our frontline Nu.Q TM Colorectal Cancer Screening Test by the end of 2017. This panel will be subject to validation in a 4,300-subject trial in the first quarter of 2018 followed by a more than 10,000 subject cohort in second quarter of 2018. It is expected that the product will have CE marking by the third quarter of 2018, which would allow the sale of the product in all 28 European Union countries (where there is a total screening market of over 150 million persons). Regulatory approval will follow in Asia in early 2019. Colorectal Cancer Screening Test by the end of 2017. This panel will be subject to validation in a 4,300-subject trial in the first quarter of 2018 followed by a more than 10,000 subject cohort in second quarter of 2018. It is expected that the product will have CE marking by the third quarter of 2018, which would allow the sale of the product in all 28 European Union countries (where there is a total screening market of over 150 million persons). Regulatory approval will follow in in early 2019. In line with our strategy to launch colorectal cancer products worldwide through working with world-class collaborators on large, cost effective trials, we hope to announce our clinical trial program in Asia . . Completion of the Logistics and Pathway design study currently underway in Denmark . . Launch of the Total Nucleosome Assay Research Use Only kit with an extended range in the first quarter of 2018, with increased revenue expected commencing in the second quarter of 2018. Update on our progress utilizing Nucleosomics to purify or enrich nucleosomes of tumor origin. to purify or enrich nucleosomes of tumor origin. Obtaining additional non-dilutive funding. Conference Call Volition will host a conference call tomorrow, November 10, at 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time, to discuss its financial and operating results for the third quarter of 2017, and to provide an update on recent developments. To participate in the call, please dial 1-877-407-9716 (toll-free) in the U.S., 0-800-756-3429 (toll-free) in the U.K., and 1-201-493-6779 (toll) internationally. A live audio webcast of the conference call will also be available via link from the investor relations page of Volition's corporate website at The conference ID is 13673016. The call will be hosted by Cameron Reynolds, President and Chief Executive Officer, along with David Vanston, Chief Financial Officer and Scott Powell, Executive Vice President. About Volition Volition is a multi-national life sciences company developing simple, easy to use blood-based cancer tests to accurately diagnose a range of cancers. The tests are based on the science of Nucleosomics, which is the practice of identifying and measuring nucleosomes in the bloodstream or other bodily fluid - an indication that disease is present. As cancer screening programs become more widespread, Volition's products aim to help to diagnose a range of cancers quickly, simply, accurately and cost effectively. Early diagnosis has the potential to not only prolong the life of patients, but also to improve their quality of life. Volition's research and development activities are currently centered in Belgium, with additional offices in London, Texas and Singapore, as the company focuses on bringing its diagnostic products to market first in Europe, then in the U.S. and ultimately, worldwide. For more information about Volition, visit Volition's website ( or connect with us via: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: YouTube: The contents found at Volition's website address, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube are not incorporated by reference into this document and should not be considered part of this document. The addresses for Volition's website, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube are included in this document as inactive textual references only. Media / Investor Contacts Safe Harbor Statement Statements in this press release may be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that concern matters that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or projected in the forward-looking statements. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "aims," "targets," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "optimizing," "potential," "goal," "suggests," "could," "would," "should," "may," "will" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements relate to the effectiveness of Volition's bodily-fluid-based diagnostic tests as well as Volition's ability to develop and successfully commercialize such test platforms for early detection of cancer. Volition's actual results may differ materially from those indicated in these forward-looking statements due to numerous risks and uncertainties. For instance, if Volition fails to develop and commercialize diagnostic products, it may be unable to execute its plan of operations. Other risks and uncertainties include Volition's failure to obtain necessary regulatory clearances or approvals to distribute and market future products in the clinical IVD market; a failure by the marketplace to accept the products in Volition's development pipeline or any other diagnostic products Volition might develop; Volition will face fierce competition and Volition's intended products may become obsolete due to the highly competitive nature of the diagnostics market and its rapid technological change; and other risks identified in Volition's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, as well as other documents that Volition files with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about Volition's business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release, and, except as required by law, Volition does not undertake an obligation to update its forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances. Nucleosomics, NuQ, Nu.QTM and HyperGenomics and their respective logos are trademarks and/or service marks of VolitionRx Limited and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referred to in this press release are the property of their respective owners. Additionally, unless otherwise specified, all references to "$" refer to the legal currency of the United States of America. SOURCE VolitionRx Ltd Related Links MONTREAL, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- VOTI Detection received a Companies-to-Watch award that recognizes early-stage companies with strong growth potential. As part of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 program, the Companies-to-Watch Award category honours Canadian technology companies that demonstrate promising potential to be a future Technology Fast 50 candidate. VOTI Detection(TM) VOTI Detection's CEO Rory Olson credits the innovative 3D Perspective technology and its software-first approach with the company's record growth, greatly exceeding the current industry rate. Olson said, "Bringing technology innovation to an industry that has not seen any in over 50 years and the ability to utilize the vast x-ray security screening data to optimize detection enables us to save lives, protect people and assets." Companies-to-watch winners are a class of companies that possess effective management experience and superior technology. They must also be headquartered in Canada and devote a significant portion of their operating revenues to creating proprietary technology or intellectual property. Recipients exemplify common traits of Deloitte Technology Fast 50 award winners. "Companies-to-Watch winners deserve recognition for their early achievements and future potential," said Erica Pretorius, partner and National Leader for the Technology Fast 50 program at Deloitte Canada. "They demonstrate courage to take calculated risks. These outstanding companies are key to the future success of the technology sector." About the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 - The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 program is Canada's pre-eminent technology awards program. Celebrating business growth, innovation and entrepreneurship, the program features three distinct categories including the Technology Fast 50 Ranking, Companies-to-Watch Awards (early-stage Canadian tech companies with the potential to be a future Deloitte Technology Fast 50 candidate) and the Leadership Awards (companies that demonstrate technological leadership and innovation within the industry.) Program sponsors include Deloitte, Aequitas NEO Exchange, Bank of Montreal, Bennett Jones, CBRE, OMERS Ventures and Wellington Financial. For further information, visit About VOTI DETECTION Established in 2008, VOTI DETECTION is a leading-edge technology company that develops latest-generation x-ray security systems based on breakthrough 3D Perspective technology. VOTI's technology produces remarkably sharp and more-revealing x-ray images that are competitively superior while delivering enhanced threat detection capabilities and a vastly improved user experience. Since its inception, VOTI DETECTION has consulted heavily with government agencies and security specialists worldwide to develop feature-rich and easy-to-use scanners that meet the sophisticated needs of modern security screening operations. For more information about VOTI, visit Contact: Catherine Boules VOTI Detection [email protected] Related Files Deloite 50 pr-2017-11-09.pdf SOURCE VOTI Detection(TM) Related Links WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) urges Congress to quickly pass the Fair Access to Insurance for Retired (FAIR) Heroes Act. The FAIR Heroes Act will provide the most severely injured warriors the ability to choose between Medicare and TRICARE, a choice they've earned through their service that could save their families over a thousand dollars each year in premiums alone. TRICARE is a low-cost health insurance program available to service members, retirees, and their families. Many of the most severely injured warriors qualify for both Medicare and TRICARE. They earn TRICARE upon medical retirement and qualify early for Medicare if they cannot work for a sustained period of time. Although these veterans earned TRICARE through their service, they lose the chance to remain on this plan if they cannot work and have to purchase Medicare Part B, which is more costly. "Wounded Warrior Project thanks Senators Bill Nelson and Richard Blumenthal for recognizing this problem and introducing the FAIR Heroes Act," said Rene Bardorf, WWP senior vice president of government and community relations. "For far too long, some of our most severely injured veterans have been forced to participate in more expensive Medicare coverage instead of being allowed to use the TRICARE they have earned. This new legislation will finally help our warriors choose which health care plan works best for them and their families." An estimated 29,000 veterans could be affected by this issue, according to a recent report by the Center for New American Security, who would benefit from the financial relief provided by the FAIR Heroes Act. "It is our hope that this legislation will move quickly through the process to fix this issue for our warriors. They and their families deserve a choice between TRICARE and Medicare, rather than having that decision made for them," Bardorf said. To support the FAIR Heroes Act, visit About Wounded Warrior Project Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) connects, serves, and empowers wounded warriors. Read more at SOURCE Wounded Warrior Project Related Links The HRC's Corporate Equality Index (CEI) is based on a number of principles for equality and inclusion, including workplace practices and programs aimed to support a fully inclusive workplace for all. Wyndham Worldwide's score reflects the Company's continued commitment to diversity and inclusion, with full leadership support, to its employees, partners and customers. "For over ten years, Wyndham Worldwide has been an employer of choice among the LGBTQ community, and one that encourages associates to bring their whole selves to work," said Patricia Lee, senior vice president of Human Resources and chief diversity officer, Wyndham Worldwide. "This recognition shows that we continue to do the right thing in ensuring the environment we're cultivating is in the spirit of hospitality." Recognizing that embracing inclusivity is simply good business, Wyndham Worldwide appeals to diverse consumers, cultivating welcoming environments in its hotels and resorts, in addition to supporting its associates. An important element of this culture is WYNPride, an associate business group dedicated to fostering a culture of acceptance and equality within Wyndham Worldwide. With local chapters in each corporate location, WYNPride members raise awareness of LGBTQ issues, lead community support activities, and drive a positive impact on business practices and goals. Supporting all associates is an important aspect of Wyndham Worldwide's commitment to diversity and inclusion. "Hospitality is our business, but welcoming people is our mission," said Mary Falvey, executive vice president and chief human resources officer, Wyndham Worldwide. "In order to ensure the Company's diverse and inclusive culture is reflected in its benefits decisions, Wyndham Worldwide continuously assesses the needs of the LGBTQ community and provides medical, dental and life insurance benefits to both same-sex and opposite-sex unmarried/domestic partners, as well as their children, regardless of adoption finalization." The CEI rates companies on specific LGBTQ-related policies and practices, including non-discrimination workplace protections, domestic partner benefits, transgender-inclusive health care benefits, competency programs, and public engagement with the LGBTQ community. Over the past 15 years, the CEI has become the gold standard for corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ employees and their families. For more information on the 2018 Corporate Equality Index, or to download a free copy of the report, visit About Wyndham Worldwide: Wyndham Worldwide (NYSE: WYN) is one of the largest global hospitality companies, providing travelers with access to a collection of trusted hospitality brands in hotels, vacation ownership, and unique accommodations including vacation exchange, holiday parks, and managed home rentals. With a collective inventory of nearly 130,000 places to stay across 110 countries on six continents, Wyndham Worldwide and its 38,000 associates welcome people to experience travel the way they want. This is enhanced by Wyndham Rewards, the Company's re-imagined guest loyalty program across its businesses, which is making it simpler for members to earn more rewards and redeem their points faster. For more information, please visit SOURCE Wyndham Worldwide Related Links SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- YouCaring, the world's trusted leader in free crowdfunding for personal, medical, and charitable causes, today released its first State of Compassion Report, uncovering new geographic, demographic, and social trends in fundraising across the platform. YouCaring is uniquely positioned to spot trends in online giving as the leader in Compassionate Crowdfunding since 2011 and a certified B Corporation that has helped Americans faced with hardship raise over $900 million to date. In contrast to other fundraising platforms, YouCaring does not take a cut of each donation, but instead relies on voluntary donor tips to fund operations. While the report shows the range and depth of Americans' compassion, it also highlights the increasing social, economic, and environmental challenges of modern-day America. Most fundraisers are launched by people in need or by those close to them, yet many others address larger issues, raising funds for social or environmental causes. The report is based on the rigorous analysis of aggregated and anonymized data from almost 350,000 YouCaring active campaign profiles and provides a unique snapshot into a society's generosityand its struggles. Trending: Gender Reassignment and Social Justice Fundraisers In a year in which issues of gender, race, immigration, social justice, and the environment stand at the forefront of the national conversation, YouCaring crowdfunding campaigns reflected these topical issues. The number of campaigns addressing gender reassignment increased by 78 percent year over year, while fertility treatments increased by 36.5 percent and social justice causes by 34 percent. Strikingly, the number of fundraisers with "immigration" as a key topic increased by 117 percent in the last year, and those with "climate change" by 112 percent, though both represent a relatively small proportion of all YouCaring fundraisers. Overall, campaigns that raise money to cover medical expenses make up the largest and fastest-growing category of fundraisers on YouCaring. Within this category, the number of fundraisers aiming to help those fighting cancer grew the fastest, 67 percent year over year. Most Compassionate Cities and States The District of Columbia, Colorado, Massachusetts, Washington, California, and New York top YouCaring's quarterly "10 most generous" list of states that donated the largest amounts of money per household average. In Q3 2017, they were joined by Texas, Wisconsin, and Illinois, all of which moved into the top 10, largely thanks to fundraisers for Hurricane Harvey relief. One such fundraiser, initiated by the Houston Texans' JJ Watt, raised a record-breaking $37 million. Meanwhile, Texas and Florida, hardest hit by Harvey and Irma, were among the 10 most active organizer states. Houston, TX, tops the crowdfunding platform's list of the most compassionate cities in the US for Q3 2017. The list of cities from which most YouCaring fundraisers were launched this past quarter was also topped by Houston, and includes Tampa and Miami, both hit hard by Hurricane Irma. Gender "Giving Gap": Highest in South Carolina; Lowest Among Millennials According to YouCaring's data for 2017, women are on average two times more likely to donate money online than men, with younger generations displaying a smaller gap between genders. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that when they do donate online, men tend to give larger sums than women. The smallest giving disparity between genders was for those 1824, with one male for every four female donors, and the largest disparity is for those aged 55 and older, one male for every seven female donors. On a state-by-state basis, the smallest giving disparity between men and women was in New York state, with one male likely to donate money on YouCaring for every three females. The largest difference was found in South Carolina, where only one male donated for every 32 females. Download the State of Compassion report and infographic. About YouCaring YouCaring, currently the home of the largest crowdfunding campaign in history, JJ Watt's Houston Relief Fund, has been the trusted leader in free online crowdfunding since 2011. With a focus on Compassionate Crowdfunding, YouCaring believes no one should have to face hardship alone. Our users have raised over $900 million in support of personal, medical, and charitable causes. Unlike other crowdfunding sites, YouCaring does not charge fundraisers a fee and relies on voluntary contributions from donors to fund operations. As a Certified B Corporation, YouCaring is committed to consumer advocacy and advancing social good. Press Contact: Camelia Gendreau [email protected] 415 686 2120 SOURCE YouCaring Related Links "We built the franchise by focusing on convenience, affordability and a friendly, supportive atmosphere," said Chuck Runyon, the CEO and a co-founder of Anytime Fitness. "That will never change. But we've sustained and, in many areas, accelerated our growth by expanding our programming and benefits for members. Specifically, our new group training sessions and our mobile app which serves as a personal trainer in your pocket have been wildly popular and will contribute to our future growth." GROUP TRAINING Video Last year alone, Anytime Fitness opened 388 new gyms. The franchise expects to top that number this year, opening more than 400 new facilities by the end of 2017, including its very first gyms in Thailand and Bahrain. System-wide sales for Anytime Fitness exceeded $1 billion for the first time in 2016. Total revenues for Anytime Fitness, its parent company, Self Esteem Brands, and its master franchisees are expected to top $2 Billion in 2018. "Our purpose, very simply, is to help people get to a healthier place," said Dave Mortensen, the president and co-founder of Anytime Fitness. "To help as many people as possible, we're constantly striving to provide our franchisees with the support, the tools and the technology they need to best serve their members. We've been successful because we work hard, not merely to meet the ever-changing preferences of fitness consumers, but to anticipate them." JOIN IN SEATTLE, WORKOUT IN SYDNEY OR SHANGHAI One of the benefits of an Anytime Fitness membership, and a contributor to the company's rapid growth, is the franchise's "Anywhere Access" policy: Join one Anytime Fitness gym and you can use any of the chain's 3,700 gyms worldwide at no additional cost. That gives members the option of exercising not only whenever they choose (Anytime Fitness gyms are open 24/7/365), but virtually wherever they like. And with gyms in all 50 states and nearly 30 countries (including Australia, the United Kingdom, Spain, China and Japan), the "Anywhere Access" policy can be a real cost-saver especially for frequent travelers. FITNESS INDUSTRY LEADER During the 15 years since Anytime Fitness opened its first gym in Cambridge, MN, countless other fitness fads and concepts have come and gone. A primary reason Anytime Fitness has thrived in such a competitive industry is its efficient business model, which benefits gym members and owners alike, regardless of where the gyms are located. "The diversity of the places where Anytime Fitness gyms are flourishing is truly amazing," said Jay Ablondi, the Executive VP of Global Products for the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association. "Qatar, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Malaysia not to mention Des Moines, Denver and Little Rock. Clearly, members appreciate what the gyms have to offer, while many Anytime Fitness owners are doing well enough financially to open multiple gyms." PEOPLE, PURPOSE, PROFITS AND PLAY The co-founders of Anytime Fitness believe that another key to their success has been a constant focus on workplace culture, based on what they refer to as "The 4 P's" People, Purpose, Profits and Play. In a nutshell, Runyon and Mortensen believe the best way to foster an engaged, productive workforce is to help employees grow as individuals, celebrate your company's positive impacts, re-invest to evolve the business, and have fun while you're at it. In fact, they believe so strongly in the importance of a positive work environment that they recently published a book about how to inspire a high-performing work culture. TATTO LEVEL BRAND LOYALTY The net result of all this positivity is that an incredible number of Anytime Fitness corporate staffers, franchisees, gym managers and members have expressed an unusual level of loyalty to the brand. Nearly 4,000 brand advocates care so deeply about Anytime Fitness that they have tattooed themselves with the company's Runningman logo. Each has his or her own personal reason for doing so. But they all share one thing in common: A heartfelt love and appreciation for the world's fastest-growing gym. OTHER RECENT ANYTIME FITNESS NEWS: About Anytime Fitness Ranked #1 on Entrepreneur's prestigious Top Global Franchise list, Anytime Fitness is the fastest-growing gym franchise in the world, with more than 3,700 gyms serving 3,000,000 members on five continents. Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, Anytime Fitness prides itself on providing its members with convenient fitness options and friendly, personal service in well-maintained facilities which feature top-quality exercise equipment. Gyms are now open in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, The Republic of Ireland, Wales, Grand Cayman, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, Qatar, India, Chile, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Belgium, Italy, Sweden and the Philippines. All franchised gyms are individually owned and operated. Join one gym and use them all. SOURCE Anytime Fitness Related Links "Charlotte, Raleigh, and Durham's reception to Zeel's massage service has been incredible," says Zeel's founder and CEO, Samer Hamadeh. "It became clear that we needed to provide in-home massages to even more cities in North Carolina, and so we made that happen fast. We're looking forward to delivering massage therapy's wellness benefits with the ultimate convenience to the residents and visitors of Greensboro and Winston-Salem." Zeel's in-home massage membership is the only one of its kind in the country. Member benefits include a discounted massage each month, discounts on all other massages booked, and a free massage table with a deluxe sheet set. There's no initiation fee to join, and a 90-day trial option is available. Discounts can be shared with household members at the customer's location. Massages delivered through Zeel are competitively priced compared to high-end spas in the area. The cost of a 60-minute Zeel massage in North Carolina tip and tax included is $105. Customers can also take advantage of Zeel's membership savings and pay only $87. An 18% gratuity is always included in the payment so there's no need for a customer to have cash available. Zeel massages are personalized by choosing the time, length, and location for the massage; the preferred gender of the massage therapist; the massage technique; and the option of adding notes such as a reflexology request or special attention to an injury. Swedish, deep tissue, sports, prenatal, couples, and sleep massages can be scheduled with start times as early as 8am and as late as 10:30pm, 365 days a year. Massages are booked on the iPhone or Android app, or on Massages booked with Zeel are delivered by one of the nearly 10,000 vetted, licensed, insured, and experienced massage therapists in Zeel's network. Massage therapists bring the massage table, music, and everything needed for the highest quality massage experience at home. Zeel guarantees standard-setting security, reliability, award-winning customer service, and a fully customized massage experience, in as little as an hour. Zeel is also home to Zeel Spa, the award-winning staffing solution for spas; Zeel Concierge, which enables hotels to provide in-room massage bookings for guests; and Zeel Corporate Wellness, which brings chair massages to companies, events, and workplaces. About Zeel Zeel created the Massage On Demand category in 2012 and was the first company to bring same-day, in-home massages to customers. Ranked #167 on Inc. Magazine's 2017 Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing companies in the U.S., Zeel is the leading and largest on-demand massage provider with nearly 10,000 licensed massage therapists in its network of over 70 U.S. cities. Zeel offers the most reliable on-demand massage service in as little as an hour, 365 days a year, with start times as early as 8am and as late as 10:30pm. Zeel delivers the highest quality, five-star massages from licensed, vetted massage therapists to homes, hotels, workplaces, and events. With best-in-class security protocols and white glove customer service, Zeel customers enjoy massages in the comfort, convenience, safety, and privacy of the place and time of their choosing. Booking, scheduling, and payment are made easy with the Zeel app for iPhone and Android. Zeel is also home to Zeel Spa, the on-demand staffing solution for spas; Zeel Concierge, which enables hotels to provide in-room massage bookings for guests; and Zeel Corporate Wellness, which brings chair massages to companies, events, and workplaces. SOURCE Zeel Related Links AXA Investment Managers - Real Assets has completed the acquisition of a Grade-A office building, located in the dynamic Bicocca business district of Northern Milan for c. 44 million. Acquired from Effepi Real Estate, a fund managed by Generali Real Estate S.p.A. - Societa di Gestione del Risparmio, the acquisition [] Stage Capital, advised by the JLL Capital Markets team, has sold their logistics portfolio located in Plzen region, totalling approximately 150,000 sq m. The assets were acquired by CBRE Global Investors. The portfolio comprises two income producing logistics parks with further development potential. At the moment the parks are 100% [] Core Logic measures housing affordability in four different ways, the methodologies of which are detailed below: The ratio of median dwelling prices to median gross annual household income. Utilising median household income data which has been modelled by the Australian National University Centre for Social Research and Methods (ANU) and median dwelling price data from CoreLogic we determine the ratio of dwelling prices to household income over time. For example, a dwelling price to income ratio of 5 implies that the typical household will spend five times their annual gross income to purchase the typical dwelling outright within the same region. For example, a dwelling price to income ratio of 5 implies that the typical household will spend five times their annual gross income to purchase the typical dwelling outright within the same region. The number of years of gross annual household income required for a 20% deposit. Using the ANUs modelled household income data we provide a measure of affordability for those households that dont yet own a home. This analysis looks at how many years of a households annual gross income is required to pay a 20% deposit, based on the median priced dwelling. For example, a city where the median dwelling price is $600,000, a 20% deposit would equate to $120,000. If the median household income was $100,000, the deposit would comprise 1.2 years of the gross annual income for the household. For example, a city where the median dwelling price is $600,000, a 20% deposit would equate to $120,000. If the median household income was $100,000, the deposit would comprise 1.2 years of the gross annual income for the household. The proportion of household income required to service an 80% loan to valuation ratio (LVR) mortgage. This measure is based on mortgage serviceability and is more applicable for households that already servicing a mortgage. Assuming the owner has borrowed 80% of the median selling price (i.e. they had a 20% deposit) and are making their mortgage payments based on the discounted variable mortgage rate for owner occupiers (4.5% as at June 2017), we measure the proportion of annual household income required to service the mortgage. For example, for a region with a median dwelling price of $600,000, the typical loan amount based on an 80% LVR would be $480,000. Based on the current discounted variable mortgage rate and annual household income of $100,000, the household would be dedicating 32.0% of their gross annual household income to servicing the mortgage. For example, for a region with a median dwelling price of $600,000, the typical loan amount based on an 80% LVR would be $480,000. Based on the current discounted variable mortgage rate and annual household income of $100,000, the household would be dedicating 32.0% of their gross annual household income to servicing the mortgage. The proportion of gross annual household income required to pay the rent. Utilising household income data and the median weekly rent we measure what percentage of household income is required to service their rental payments. For example, a household with $100,000 annual gross income who is paying $600 per week in rent would be dedicating 31.2% of their annual gross household income to pay their rent. The latest data to June 2017 indicates that, despite the cash rate remaining stable at record lows, housing affordability has generally worsened over the most recent quarter. The changes in affordability at a national level are detailed below: Dwelling price to household income ratio The national dwelling price to household income ratio was recorded at 6.8 in June 2017, with a higher ratio for houses (7.0) compared with units (6.3). The ratio increased over the quarter for houses and units however, 15 years ago the ratios were much lower at 4.5 for houses and 5.1 for units. The measure for houses is currently at an historic high while for units it has moderated slightly from a high of 6.5 in early 2015. The ratio increased over the quarter for houses and units however, 15 years ago the ratios were much lower at 4.5 for houses and 5.1 for units. The measure for houses is currently at an historic high while for units it has moderated slightly from a high of 6.5 in early 2015. Years of household income required for a 20% deposit A 20% deposit was equivalent to 1.36 years of gross household income at the end of June 2017, with the figure recorded at 1.40 years for houses and 1.26 years for units. At the same time in 2002 it took 0.92 years to save a 20% deposit, 0.89 years for houses and 1.02 years for a unit. As the cost of housing has increased and household income growth has slowed it has become increasingly challenging for some segments of the market to raise a 20% deposit which has required a longer period of savings in order to enter the housing market. At the same time in 2002 it took 0.92 years to save a 20% deposit, 0.89 years for houses and 1.02 years for a unit. As the cost of housing has increased and household income growth has slowed it has become increasingly challenging for some segments of the market to raise a 20% deposit which has required a longer period of savings in order to enter the housing market. Proportion of household income required to service an 80% LVR mortgage At the end of 2016-17 financial year it took 36.2% of the median gross annual household income to service a mortgage, with the proportion higher for detached houses (37.2%) and lower (33.7%) for units. Although mortgage rates have fallen over the past year, the ongoing increases in dwelling prices and low level of household income growth means serviceability has deteriorated. Despite the higher reading over the June quarter, mortgage serviceability is currently at similar levels to what was recorded in early 2004, highlighting how lower interest rates have made it easier for home owners to service and pay off their mortgage debt. Although mortgage rates have fallen over the past year, the ongoing increases in dwelling prices and low level of household income growth means serviceability has deteriorated. Despite the higher reading over the June quarter, mortgage serviceability is currently at similar levels to what was recorded in early 2004, highlighting how lower interest rates have made it easier for home owners to service and pay off their mortgage debt. Proportion of gross annual household income required to rent a home Over the past 15 years there has been very little movement in the proportion of household income required for rent. This highlights that increases in rental costs are constrained by movement in household incomes. At the end of June 2017, 27.6% of the median gross annual household income was required to pay rent with the figures similar for houses (27.2%) and units (27.6%) across the country. The data also highlights that despite historic low interest rates, it generally remains cheaper to rent than to take out a mortgage in many areas. For the purposes of this analysis we have just focussed on two metrics, the dwelling price to household income ratio and the proportion of household income required to service an 80% LVR mortgage. Dwelling price to household income ratio The above charts highlight how much of the deterioration in housing affordability, based on a dwelling price to household income ratio, is occurring in Sydney and Melbourne. Five years ago Sydneys ratio was 6.7 times and Melbournes was 6.5 times, fast forward to June 2017 and the ratios sit at 9.1 times and 7.5 times respectively. Over the past five years, median dwelling prices in Sydney have increased by 59.6% and Melbourne prices are 29.9% higher. Meanwhile, Sydney household incomes are 18.4% higher and Melbourne household incomes are up 13.2%. Outside of Sydney and Melbourne, most other capital cities have actually seen very little change in affordability over the past five to ten years based on this metric. This highlights that while deteriorating housing affordability is viewed as a national problem, Sydney and Melbourne (where 40% of the population live) is very much the focal point. Proportion of household income required to service an 80% LVR mortgage This analysis takes into consideration mortgage rates and the impact of changes in them over time. Keep in mind that this analysis relates more to the cost of servicing a mortgage so is related more so to someone that already owns a property whereas the price to income ratio is more about the cost of entering the housing market. This analysis highlights that not only is it more expensive to enter the market in Sydney and Melbourne but once you own a home the mortgage currently eats up a much larger chunk of household income than it does elsewhere. Mortgage rates for owner occupiers are at historic lows however, someone buying under these conditions would still be spending 48.4% of their gross annual household income to service that debt in Sydney and 39.9% in Melbourne. Of course, these figures have been higher peaking at 54.4% in Sydney in March 2008 and at 49.1% in June 2008 in Melbourne. Importantly, in March 2008 mortgage rates sat at 8.7% and in June 2008 they were 8.85% compared to rates of 4.5% in June 2017. Outside of Sydney and Melbourne the cost of servicing a mortgage is much lower but again, it is important to remember that mortgage rates for owner occupiers are at historic lows and likely to start moving higher at some stage, potentially in 2018 or 2019. The data presented highlights that housing is expensive across the country and that over recent years housing affordability has deteriorated however, much of that deterioration has occurred in Sydney and Melbourne where the pace of capital gains has far exceeded growth in household incomes. The latest CoreLogic Home Value Index data shows that dwelling value growth is slowing however, moderate falls are unlikely to result in a significant improvement in housing affordability. As mentioned, despite mortgage rates for owner occupiers tracking at record lows, servicing a mortgages is taking-up a large proportion of household incomes in Sydney and Melbourne. Should mortgage rates start to rise without a commensurate rise in household incomes it will mean that households will have to spend an increasingly greater proportion of their household income to service their mortgage. If that was to occur it would likely impact on other areas of the economy, particularly with regards to areas of expenditure such as retail trade. Many council areas within Adelaide have undergone zoning changes in recent times, the valuation firm, Herron Todd White recently noted. "This is encouraging higher density in-fill development in many areas, it noted. "Smaller projects involve the demolition of an older style dwelling and construction of at least two courtyard style dwellings on the site. "There is increasing developer activity in areas where higher density developments are being approved." The report pinpointed suburbs such as Magill, Tranmere and Prospect as experiencing good demand from developers as a result. "There are increasing numbers of dwellings being constructed on smaller allotments which will eventually change how many residents live in these areas." A two-bedroom unit at 2/2A Camroc Avenue, Tranmere sold for $322,500. The selling agents were Tom Hector and Jarred Stamoulis of Harris. But HTW noted the majority of larger households in Adelaide are still not very accepting of unit living. "It is typically still the domain of smaller households and renters. "Given the increased developer activity in many suburbs around Adelaide, this may one day begin to change, but it is not something that will occur in the short term," the HTW report noted. In Adelaide, many householders constructing on smaller allotments are still building substantial dwellings. They are seeking lower maintenance allotments but still want large living areas and space to entertain. The average allotment size in Adelaide continues to decrease to counteract the already far reaching urban sprawl. "Although there will be smaller properties built by investors for rental accommodation, households with families will continue to seek larger accommodation. "This will be a continual balancing act for local councils and developers in the market place," it advised. The Sydney auction clearance rate was now approaching levels associated with prior price declines, AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver has suggested. Oliver tweeted the Domain weekend's result of 66 percent for Sydney, and its prior weekend result being revised after late results to 56 percent, was at levels similar to when there were price declines in 2008-09 and 2011-12. But Gaby Kennard, the first Australian woman to fly around the globe by airplane, scored the nation's top auction result when her Woolloomooloo Wharf apartment sold for $5.55 million. The three bedroom, two bathroom harbour front apartment was snapped up pre-auction having had $5 million to $5.5 million price guiduance through BresicWhitney Darlinghurst agent Nic Krasnostein. Kennard, who had renovated after paying $3.31 million in 2013, is remembered for her accomplishment taking 99 days to complete a journey circling the world in the late 1980s. She covered 29,000 nautical miles (54,000 kilometres) and followed Amelia Earhart's route as much as possible. Adelaide had the cheapest weekend sale when $222,500 was paid for a one bedroom house. The 340 sq m Waite Street, Ethelton offering was marketed as set for demolition. There were significantly fewer homes taken to auction across the combined capital cities on the weekend, after last weekend's year-to-date high of 3,713. There were a total of 2,019 auctions held returning a preliminary auction clearance rate of 66.8 per cent, a tad up on last weeks final clearance rate of 64.5 per cent, CoreLogic advised. Over the corresponding weekend last year, 73.6 per cent of the 2,517 auction held were successful. Melbourne saw a notable decrease in volumes given the spring racing festivities, with only 309 auctions. CoreLogic calculated 77.3 per cent sold across Melbourne with its dearest result unusually in Wheelers Hill at $2.82 million. The 2 Latrobe Court home was a modern rendered 60 square residence. Sydneys preliminary auction clearance rate sat at 67.4 per cent, according to Coreogic, who put last weeks final auction clearance rate at 58.3 percent, its lowest recorded since early 2016. There were 1,217 homes taken to auction across Sydney last week, including 900 plus on Saturday, virtually unchanged from prior week. Performances across Sydneys sub-regions were mixed, with Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury recording a 78.8 percent success rate across 41 auctions, while the outer South West region of Sydney recorded a much lower clearance rate of 33.3 per cent across 18 auctions. The south west results included Sydney's cheapest notified sale when $470,000 was paid at Rosemeadow. The three bedroom Tamora Street offering was a 1960s brick veneer home on its 442 sqm Campelltown district block. The preliminary auction clearance rate in Brisbane was 53.5 per cent, increasing from 44.8 per cent over the weekend prior. Auction volumes were lower this week across Brisbane with 169 auctions held, down from 190 last week. Brisbane's top price was a modern three level riverfront that fetched $4,125,000. The 29 Laidlaw Pde, East Brisbane offering was five bedroom, three bathroom house, which Ray White agent Dean Yesberg said was "one of only 25 homes that enjoys this irreplaceable position." Brisbane's cheapest result was a loss taker near Goodna. The sale of the three bedroom home at 5 Drysdale Avenue, Collingwood Park at $240,000 was down on its prior $293,000 sale in 2009, and just above its $232,000 sale in 2005. Adelaide saw an auction clearance rate of 65.5 per cent, across a total of 125 auctions, increasing from the previous weeks 62.5 per cent, and similar to the 65.6 per cent one year ago. Adelaide's dearest sale was $1.32 million when a three bedroom house at 21 Northgate Street, Unley Park was sold. The sandstone house on 890 sqm had $1,295,000 price guidance through Scarce Real Estate. Canberras preliminary auction clearance rate of 68.2 per cent was down on the weekend prior when the final auction clearance rate was 72.6 per cent. Its top sale was a Forrest house designed in 1927 by Oakley & Parkes, who had previously designed The Lodge. The home on its 1500 sqm Barkly Crescent block last sold in 1997 at $525,000. There were 48 Perth auctions this week with only 30 per cent clearing. The real estate industry is set to shed up to 25 percent of its workforce, according to the REIA, as the property market rebalances after five years of strong conditions especially in Melbourne and Sydney. Real Estate Institute of Australia president Malcolm Gunning said the shedding of jobs was inevitable. What we see is a lot of opportunists come into the market when its a bull market, and yes we will see jobs shed because we will see less turnover of property, Mr Gunning told The Australian. This is really a market for experienced real estate agents and I would expect about 20-25 per cent of our residential agents will leave. Mr Gunning predicted that low-cost operators would be among the first to go as the momentum swung back to full service agencies. Low-cost operators really cant afford to put a lot of resources behind them, and people will quickly get sick of paying a fee up front and getting no results, he said criticising the low-cost operator as one "who lists and waits for the inquiries. Mr Gunning said this weeks earnings downgrade by the McGrath agency could be seen as a reference point to the shift in the property cycle when the agency issued a downgrade based partly on the market slowdown. John (McGrath) floated at the pinnacle of all the hype surrounding the property market; he picked the sweet spot very well, Mr Gunning said. That will always be a reference point as to what was the high water mark for that period. Gayla Currie, who worked for Century 21 Max Comben real estate agency in Perth, has been caught presenting more than 20 fake contracts for fake property sales. The real estate agent has been banned from working in the industry for life after being found guilty of fabricating purchase offers on numerous properties. The forged contracts pretended to be prospective buyers. The punishment was imposed by the State Administrative Tribunal on Currie, who worked as a sales representative in 2015 and 2016. Ms Currie began working for the agency as a sales representative in February 2015 and was supervised by Mr Comben. Ms Currie held a sales representative certificate from October 2012 to October 2015 but failed to renew her certificate of registration until February 2016. She continued her sales activities with the agency between October 2015 and February 2016, despite not holding a certificate of registration. Curries employer and sales supervisor Maxwell Comben were also fined by the SAT for breaching the Real Estate and Business Agents Act. The SAT found as supervisor, Comben had failed to notice that signatures on the offers were in Curries handwriting, finance letters from banks were forged, phone numbers were made up and none of the sales ever settled. Consumer Protection commissioner David Hillyard said there had been a serious lack of proper supervision on Combens part. "Property owners who put their trust in the agency have endured great inconvenience and financial disadvantage, he said. Max has been selling in the Real Estate industry for over 41 years and all of these 41 years have been in the local area. Max Comden commenced selling in 1975. Max has been inducted into the prestigious Century 21 Hall Of Fame which is the highest individual award offered by Century 21. He is a "Centurion" level salesperson putting him in the top 2% if sales people in the largest real estate system world wide. Curries employer Sakar Pty Ltd, trading as Century 21 Max Comben, was fined $2,000 and sales supervisor Maxwell Comben was fined $3,000 by the SAT for breaching the Real Estate and Business Agents Act by failing to exercise due care, skill and diligence and continuing to employ a sales representative in the time period that the sales representatives certificate of registration had expired and was therefore no longer valid. The agency and Mr Comben were reprimanded and ordered to also pay costs of $1,200. The SAT findings: Pat Hutchins, author-illustrator of such beloved picture books as Rosies Walk and Good-Night, Owl!, died on November 8 at age 75, at her home in London. Hutchins was born in Yorkshire, England, on June 18, 1942, and grew up in the surrounding countryside with her six siblings. Her passion for art was fostered from an early age by a local couple, the Bruces, who gave Hutchins her first sketchbook and rewarded her with chocolate in return for her drawings. At the age of 16, Hutchins received a scholarship to attend a nearby art school, Darlington School of Art, where she trained for three years. She went on to enroll at Leeds Arts University, studying illustration. Following graduation, Hutchins moved to London in hopes of launching her career in childrens books, but she was met with rejection by publishers. Discouraged, she began work as a junior art director at the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency. It was there that she met her husband, Laurence Hutchins, a fellow artist. When Laurence was offered a job at the companys New York office, the two married and relocated to the U.S. The move turned out to be a fortuitous one. In New York, Hutchins met Susan Hirschman, then editor-in-chief of the childrens department at Macmillan. Hirschman encouraged her to write and illustrate her own story, and in 1968 Hutchins published her debut picture book, Rosies Walk, which garnered international acclaim. Hutchins later returned to England with her family, but continued to publish with Hirschman, who in 1974 had launched Greenwillow Books at William Morrow (in 1999, the imprint was absorbed into HarperCollins with its purchase of Morrow). In all, Hutchins created more than 40 books for young readers, many of which are considered classics and six of which were named ALA Notable Books. Titch (1971), which stars a boy inspired by the authors sons Morgan and Sam, was adapted into a popular television series in the U.K. Hutchins earned the Kate Greenaway Medal in 1974 for The Wind Blew. Other titles by Hutchins, including Dont Forget the Bacon! (1976), 1 Hunter (1982), and The Doorbell Rang (1986) have become staples in classrooms around the world. In an interview with Communication Arts, Hutchins said of her writing, I like to build my stories up, so the reader can understand what is happening and, in some cases, anticipate what is likely to happen on the next page. I think one can get quite complicated ideas across to small children as long as they are presented in a simple, satisfying way. Throughout her career, Hutchins frequently visited the Greenwillow offices in New York City, along with her husband. Virginia Duncan, v-p and publisher at Greenwillow, said, We loved working with Pat; her visits were lively and memorable, and her carefully constructed and irresistible books were a joy to work on and publish. New stores open in Illinois, New York and Kentucky; North store sold to employees; the Paris bookstore on a barge; and more. Chicago Gets a New Bookstore: The Dial Bookshop opens tomorrow. Bookstore Opens in Upstate New York: Bookburgh Books has opened in Plattsburgh. North Carolina Store Sold to Employees: The co-owners of Durham's The Regulator bookstore are retiring next March and are selling the store to two long-time employees. Kentucky Bookstore Opens this Weekend: Brier Books in Lexington is having its grand opening on Saturday. France's Floating Bookstore: LEau et Les Reves, or Water and Dreams, is a bookstore on a barge in a Paris canal. It been open for business since 2014. New Morocco Museum Contains Bookstore: The new Yves Saint Laurent museum in Marrakech houses a bookstore and library dedicated to fashion. THE second day of strikes by RMT conductors has begun, and three operators are affected today. Of these, Greater Anglia and Southern expect to run almost normal services, but South Western Railway is likely to lose 40 per cent of services during the day, and 30 per cent in the peaks. Two other operators, Merseyrail and Northern, were affected by 24-hour strikes yesterday, along with Greater Anglia, SWR and Southern. The industrial situation remains mixed, because ASLEF drivers on Southern have accepted a five-year deal while the RMT is standing firm, repeating its call for the government to intervene. RMT general secretary Mick Cash said: On behalf of RMT I repeat the demand that Theresa May and Chris Grayling call off the centrally imposed blockade on serious talks in these disputes and allow us to get on with genuine negotiations with their contractors." If the Government allows normal industrial relations to recommence it would free the union up to negotiate deals like the ones we have successfully struck in Wales and Scotland that guarantee a guard on the trains. The RMT has also described the settlement with ASLEF drivers on Southern as shoddy. The result of a drivers' ballot has confirmed by 731 to 193 a deal recommended by the ASLEF executive. This includes a five-year pay settlement worth a total of 28.5 per cent between 2016 and 2020, and therefore covers the rest of the present Govia Thameslink Railway franchise. Recent reports have suggested that the GTR contract, which includes Southern, may not be awarded again in its present form. ASLEF general secretary Mick Whelan said: The agreement means we will have a second safety-trained person on every train covered by this agreement except in exceptional circumstances. That person will have all the relevant safety competence including the skills to evacuate passengers in an emergency. "The agreement also confirms the terms and conditions under which our members at Southern are employed." ASLEF also emphasised that the new settlement only applies on Southern. Mr Whelan added: "Its important to stress that this deal is company-specific and does not have implications for any other train operating company." Mick Cash of the RMT, meanwhile, claimed that the settlement had been achieved partly because of the threat of growing legal costs. GTR took a dispute with ASLEF over longer trains to the High Court in April last year, preventing walkouts on Gatwick Express. Mr Cash described "a massive financial stick that the Courts had handed over to beat the union and its members with. RMT believes that threat had a decisive impact on this result." A spokesman for ASLEF told Railnews: "We have had three ballots, and the most recent was a vote by our members to accept. The legal costs position has not changed since the beginning of 2017 and was not a factor contributing to this settlement." Nick Brown, who is chief operating officer at Govia Thameslink Railway, said: "This dispute has been difficult for our passengers in particular and we are pleased that we can now move ahead and deliver stability by finally concluding this deal with ASLEF. "Our trains will be planned to have a second person on board and this has been the arrangement we have operated over the last year. More on-train staff are on more trains with more passengers than ever before. The on-board service concept has been welcomed by our passengers across the board. "Should, in certain circumstances, a train not have that second person on board then it will still be able to run until a replacement can be provided. Avoiding cancellations is key to delivering a resilient and reliable service." The European integration process has been motivated by political and economic concerns. The EU Single Market, which has led to the removal of barriers to trade in goods and services, as well as capital and people, across the European Union, aimed to promote intra-European trade, increase competition, create more jobs and make Europe more attractive to foreign direct investment. However, despite allowing greater competition and boosting trade between EU member states, an argument exists that the Single Market has still not yet reached its full potential. There are still many regulatory barriers within the EU that means the Single Market remains incomplete and fragmented. Several studies have highlighted the huge economic gains from a complete Single Market. The overview report from the European Parliament has shown that these range from between 650 billion and 1.1 trillion per year, the equivalent of between 5 and 8.6% of the EU's GDP. More recently, a RAND Europe study for the European Parliament investigated the economic impact of lower trade barriers on the Single Market. According to the study, the impact of improved trade flows, economic growth and job creation due to lower trade barriers would lead to economic benefits of between 183 and 269 billion per year. The end result would be a more integrated and complete Single Market. Looking beyond the free trade of goods and services, one area where significant financial gains could be achieved is through the EU's digital economy. A fully functional and integrated EU Digital Single Market would bring many benefits to European businesses and consumers. The European Commission states that it would promote innovation, contribute 415 billion to the EU economy each year and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. The size of the potential economic benefits leads to questions about why the EU is not doing more with the Single Market and more specifically, the Digital Single Market. Challenges Remaining Ultimately, there are still many barriers which make the full integration of the Single Market challenging. These are mainly associated with regulation, private law issues, tax issues, logistics and other more nuanced differences across EU member states. Another challenge is that the economic benefits linked with a more closely integrated Single Market may not be equally distributed across EU member states. It is likely that the newer member states will gain disproportionally. The potential benefits and effects will also vary across different sectors and different companies, depending on their size. There are many policy measures that could help to overcome these barriers and help retrieve some of the potential economic gains. For example, further harmonising product market regulation across EU member states would help the free movement of services and goods. In unlocking the potential of the Digital Single Market, significant financial gains could be made by increasing the use of online services and improving digital infrastructure within the EU. An overview report from the European Commission recommends moving towards a fully functional e-procurement regime and e-invoicing. For example, estimates suggest that a full transition to e-procurement could generate 50 to 75 billion a year, if all public procurement was managed online. There is still enormous potential in the Single Market. Numerous studies have made a robust case for it to be more fully integrated. The growing digital economy in Europe provides yet more opportunities, with the potential economic gains being realised through a greater integration of digital services across EU member states. The economic benefits are clear, but closer integration requires political buy-in from individual member states and the EU. Ultimately, it is up to both sides to make the most of the many opportunities within the Single Market and emerging Digital Single Market. Marco Hafner is a senior economist at RAND Europe. He led the research project The Cost of Non-Europe in the Single Market: Free Movement of Goods. This commentary originally appeared on Open Access Government on November 8, 2017. Commentary gives RAND researchers a platform to convey insights based on their professional expertise and often on their peer-reviewed research and analysis. xG Technology has signed a memorandum of understanding with Argentinas Tesacom for the resale of video communications and mobile broadband solutions in Latin America. The partnership will focus on the defence, security and commercial markets, particularly for use in remote and challenging environments. Buenos Aires-based Tesacom provides integrated telecommunications solutions in Latin America, supplying technology to many government and commercial sectors, including military, maritime, oil and gas, mining and transportation.George Schmitt, executive chairman and CEO, xG Technology , said: This agreement represents a major endorsement of the xMax system as one that is compelling in environments where traditional systems have limitations. We are to work together with Tesacom to identify opportunities to develop and deploy solutions that allow the leverage the benefits of the xMax, IMT and Vislink product lines in Latin American markets.The partnership will see the deployment of xMax mobile broadband system projects, and the sale of IMT and Vislink equipment in Latin America. IMT and Vislink are well established brands in the delivery of secure video communications and solutions for law enforcement, defence and homeland security.This agreement will allow us to offer rapidly-deployable communications services that deliver the maximum security and interference resistance for events and situations that demand these features, added Jose Sanches Elia, CEO of Tesacom. Thanksgiving travel: What to expect at the Indianapolis airport Thanksgiving at the Indianapolis International Airport will be defined by inflated prices, nearly pre-pandemic crowds and competitive seat booking. Crimean Tatar leaders Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz were unexpectedly released from custody in their Russian-occupied homeland in October. Both are deputy chairmen of the Mejlis, the Crimean Tatar self-governing body that has been outlawed by Russian authorities. Immediately after their release, they were flown to Turkey on October 25, thanks partly to an intervention by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. They have vowed to return to Crimea to campaign for the release of other prisoners. Kateryna Nekrecha, a correspondent with RFE/RL's Crimea Realities service, spoke with Chiygoz about his detention. BISHKEK -- During a visit to Bishkek, Europe Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has expressed the blocs readiness to start negotiations on a new bilateral agreement between the EU and Kyrgyzstan. Mogherini held talks on November 9 with Kyrgyzstans President-elect Sooronbai Jeenbekov, outgoing President Almazbek Atambaev, and Prime Minister Sapar Isakov in the Kyrgyz capital -- the first leg of her two-day Central Asian trip that will also take her to Uzbekistan. During her meetings, she reiterated the European Union's continued support to the reform processes in the Kyrgyz Republic in the area of electoral reform, as well as in the rule of law and the reform of the judiciary, according to a statement issued by her office. Mogherini's visit to Bishkek comes one month after an EU decision to launch negotiations on "a new, ambitious, and comprehensive" bilateral agreement between the 28-member bloc and Kyrgyzstan to replace one that was adopted in 1999. The EU and neighboring Kazakhstan concluded a new agreement last year. Both Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have close ties to Moscow and are members of the Eurasian Economic Union, a grouping of ex-Soviet republics that is dominated by founding members Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. Speaking to RFE/RL ahead of the visit, a spokeswoman for Mogherini, Maja Kocijancic, said that the human rights situation in Kyrgyzstan is among the issues Mogherini will discuss in the meetings. "We believe that...respect for human rights is a very important aspect of our relations and for the Kyrgyz Republic as a democracy. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms are all values enshrined in the country's constitution and its international commitments," Kocijancic said. On November 10, Mogherini is set to attend the 13th annual EU-Central Asia ministerial meeting in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, where she will meet with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoev and foreign ministers of Central Asian countries. Relations between the EU and Central Asia's most populous nation of more than 30 million people were strained in 2005, when Uzbek government forces shot and killed hundreds of mostly peaceful protesters in the eastern city of Andijon. The bloc reacted to the crackdown by imposing sanctions and an arms embargo against Tashkent. However, the EU and Uzbekistan have engaged in fence-mending moves in the past years. The EU and Tashkent signed an agreement on energy cooperation in 2011 and the bloc set up a diplomatic representation in Tashkent the following year. And in 2013, Mogherinis predecessor, Catherine Ashton, visited Uzbekistan and held talks with then-President Islam Karimov. In July of this year, the EU-Uzbekistan council held its first session since 2015. Ahead of the gathering in Brussels, EU officials told RFE/RL of their hope for "renewed engagement" with Uzbekistan and said they had been encouraged by some liberal steps taken by Mirziyoev, who came to power after Karimov's death was announced in September last year. Before leaving Brussels for Kyrgyzstan, Mogherini said that Central Asia was a very important region for the EU. "From security to countering radicalization and extremism, from trade to the support of civil society, the EU and the countries of the region are strong partners. Our annual meeting gives us a chance to review what has been achieved over the past year and to look ahead to a new agenda to foster growth, security and stability in our regions, for the benefit of our citizens," Mogherini said. With reporting by RFE/RL's Kyrgyz and Uzbek services and Rikard Jozwiak in Brussels Welcome back to the China In Eurasia briefing, an RFE/RL newsletter tracking Chinas resurgent influence from Eastern Europe to Central Asia. Im RFE/RL correspondent Reid Standish. Before we get started, a few announcements: The newsletter is now biweekly, rather than going out only on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. To subscribe, click here. And I will also be launching Talking China In Eurasia, a new podcast. It will air live on Twitter Spaces and later be available on RFE/RLs website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you get your podcasts. We will be taking questions live starting at 2 p.m. CET/8 a.m. EST on November 16. Ill be joined by the Royal United Services Institutes Raffaello Pantucci to talk about Xi and Putin. Tune in here. Xi Gets Pragmatic About Russia At The G20 It was light on optimism, but U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping injected a healthy dose of pragmatism back into the U.S.-China relationship with their meeting in Bali at a time when global anxiety is rising over Russias war against Ukraine. Finding Perspective: The meeting on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit was far from a breakthrough, but it did repair some damage from the recent backslide in relations between both countries and send some signals that the world isnt necessarily destined for Cold War 2.0. The more than three-hour talks saw some blunt exchanges over contentious issues like Taiwan and North Korea, but the two leaders also pledged more frequent communications and decided that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Beijing for follow-up talks in 2023. Of particular note, Biden raised Russias invasion of Ukraine and threats by Russian President Vladimir Putin to use nuclear weapons. Both leaders reiterated their agreement that a nuclear war should never be fought, according to a White House readout. While far from a sea change for Chinese policy, thats notable. The credibility of Beijings claims to be neutral on the Ukraine war continue to come under scrutiny, and China has shown discomfort of late with the Kremlins nuclear saber-rattling. Xi made similar comments after a November 4 summit with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and during another G20 meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, according to the French readout. Why It Matters: Xi is not abandoning Putin, but this marks the latest shift for Beijings balancing act over Russias invasion of Ukraine. Four Chinese officials briefed on the February 4 meeting between Xi and Putin, where they declared a no-limits partnership, told the Financial Times that Putin didnt tell Xi the truth about the invasion and that Beijing was caught off guard by it. What Xi knew about Putins war plans has been a topic of debate, and there is evidence to support both the idea that Xi was aware and that he was caught off guard. Many analysts are of the opinion that Xi knew about Putin's decision to invade but expected a quick victory, which perhaps was what Putin believed at the time. Others point to a steady stream of dismissals from Chinese officials and experts about the likelihood of an invasion in February and the fact that Beijing did not evacuate its citizens from Ukraine like Western nations did as evidence that China was not expecting a war. China certainly has its own interests in keeping a distance from Moscows war and using that space to do some upkeep with the West. But perhaps the most important point here is that even if Putin did blindside Xi, China has stuck with Russia despite its battlefield failures, political isolation, and the atrocities its troops are accused of committing. Again, this is pragmatism more than anything else. As Chinese experts often say, even if Russia is looking unattractive these days, why would Beijing abandon its main anti-Western partner as China continues to be in the crosshairs of rising American pressure? Read More Want to hear more about Russia and Chinas complex relationship amid the Ukraine war? Then tune in to the debut of Talking China In Eurasia today at 2 p.m. CET/ 8 a.m. EST. You can listen live here and find the episode on RFE/RLs website and wherever you listen to your podcasts. Condemning Russias invasion of Ukraine and its global fallout is shaping up to be the key theme of the G20, with the Financial Times reporting that a joint communique from the summit takes aim at Moscow. Expert Corner: The Future Of The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Readers asked: Did Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharifs recent trip to Beijing breathe new life into the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? How do Islamabad and Beijing really feel about the project after all these years? To find out more, I asked Filippo Boni, an expert on China-Pakistan relations at the Open University in Britain: Shehbaz Sharif's visit to China was high on symbolism and relatively low on substance. While the two sides were keen to reaffirm and emphasize the strength of their strategic partnership, no significant new commitment was made. Apart from a few memorandums of understanding and attempts from the Pakistanis in the run-up to the trip to address some of CPECs issues including payments to Chinese independent power producers nothing major came from the visit. This is despite Sharif's attempts at revitalizing CPEC since April and the very close ties he enjoys with the Chinese leadership. The outcome of this visit is not entirely surprising, especially if interpreted against the backdrop of Pakistan's current domestic predicaments. The security situation for Chinese nationals has deteriorated, the economy is struggling, and political instability is at one of its highest points in recent years. All these dynamics, coupled with the global scaling down of Belt and Road Initiative financing, have likely impacted Beijing's lack of commitment to new projects. After almost 10 years and $25 billion worth of projects, there seems to be a general consensus on both sides that the first phase of CPEC the one focused primarily on energy projects was largely successful. The same cannot be said for the second phase, including the slow progress on the development of Special Economic Zones, and for the port of Gwadar, where little progress has been made for the ports full commercial functioning. Do you have a question about Chinas growing footprint in Eurasia? Send it to me at or reply directly to this e-mail and Ill get it answered by leading experts and policymakers. Three More Stories From Eurasia 1. 'Sweep It Under The Rug' Recent allegations of China operating 54 overseas police stations have fueled controversy around the world and sparked investigations, but in Hungary and Serbia the new findings are being met with swift denials by authorities, despite growing evidence. The Details: My colleagues Akos Keller-Alant from RFE/RLs Hungarian Service, Mila Durdevic from RFE/RLs Balkan Service, and I reported on the fallout from these revelations and the slew of probes launched in many European countries recently. The stations are overseas operations of the public security bureaus from two Chinese provinces and are used to persuade citizens to return to China, including through pressure on family members at home. While most of those involved appear to be suspected of crimes such as telecommunications fraud or corruption, dissidents have also reported that the stations have been used to monitor and threaten them. Fourteen governments have already launched investigations into the overseas police stations, and the Dutch and Irish governments have ordered China to shut down the facilities in their countries. But in Hungary and Serbia two countries where Beijing is said to operate such facilities and whose governments prize their warming political and economic ties with China officials appear to be trying to sweep it under the rug, as one analyst characterized it, despite growing scrutiny from opposition lawmakers in each country. 2. Global Ripples Hit Central Asia Political and economic shocks from Moscows war in Ukraine, coupled with added strains from tensions between Beijing and Washington, are taking their toll around the world, especially in Central Asia, where countries in the region are closely tied to both China and Russia. What It Means: As RFE/RLs Uzbek Service reported, Vladimir Norov, the countrys foreign minister, warned about geopolitical tensions affecting stability in the region and beyond while addressing his counterparts at an Organization of Turkic States meeting in Samarkand. The breakdown in global cooperation is felt particularly strong in Central Asia. While some economies have been able to benefit by becoming a new home for businesses and capital relocated from Russia, others are seeing investment dry up and their economies coming under strain. World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Anna Bjerde recently warned that Uzbekistan needs to continue with its market reforms in order to withstand the global economic shocks that are to come. RFE/RLs Kyrgyz Service also reported that the countrys government is trying to court more investment but that questions remain from investors about Kyrgyzstans stability and investment climate. According to official statistics from January to June of this year, China is the leading source of foreign investment, with $129 million during that span. 3. The Tech In Moscows Iranian Drones A new investigation by Schemes, the investigative unit of RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service, looked into electronic components underpinning Tehran's production of the Mohajer-6 drone, which Russia has used in its war in Ukraine, and found that theyre far from homegrown. What You Need To Know: The Mohajer-6 drones contain components produced by companies from the United States and the European Union, both of which have sanctions restricting the export to Iran of technology that can be used for both civilian and military purposes. The investigation also found drone components produced in China, including a real-time mini-camera made by a Hong Kong firm. The drone also contains a microchip bearing the logo of a California technology company and a thermal-imaging camera that Ukrainian intelligence says may have been produced by a firm based in Oregon or China. The international tech in the drone not only highlights the complex ecosystem that allows firms and buyers to circumvent sanctions slapped on both Iran and Russia, but also the close networks between Chinese and Western tech companies that still exist, despite a recent push to break some of those linkages. Across The Supercontinent On The Mainland: The watchdog group Freedom House recently launched a new project called the China Dissent Monitor, which tracks protests and other forms of dissent inside China. Read it here. Censored: Chinese authorities behind a major trade expo in Shanghai pulled an opening ceremony address by European Council President Charles Michel that was set to criticize Russia's illegal war in Ukraine and call for reduced European dependency on China, Reuters reported. Backtracking: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has softened his countrys stance toward China, moving away from his predecessor Liz Trusss decision to label it a threat. One Thing To Watch How long will Chinas stringent COVID policies stay in place? New infections are rising as a winter wave hits and popular frustration continues to boil over inside the country as investor confidence stays dented over the measures. New footage also showed crowds of residents in the southern metropolis of Guangzhou escaping a compulsory lockdown and clashing with police. Thats all from me for now. Dont forget to send me any questions, comments, or tips that you might have. Until next time, Reid Standish If you enjoyed this briefing and don't want to miss the next edition, subscribe here. It will be sent to your in-box on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The blast in NATO-member Poland that killed two people was likely caused by a Ukrainian air-defense missile but it was Russia that was ultimately responsible because it started the war, alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg has told a news conference in Brussels. The Polish Foreign Ministry said a Russian-made missile fell on November 15 on the village of Przewodow, a village in eastern Poland about 6 kilometers from the border with Ukraine, killing two people and raising global alarm that the Ukraine war could spill into neighboring countries. "Our preliminary analysis suggests that the incident was likely caused by a Ukrainian air-defense missile fired to defend Ukrainian territory against Russian cruise missile attacks," Stoltenberg told a news conference after an emergency meeting of NATO ambassadors on November 16. "An investigation into this incident is ongoing and we need to await its outcome. But we have no indication that this was the result of a deliberate attack," Stoltenberg said. "But let me be clear. This is not Ukraine's fault. Russia bears ultimate responsibility as it continues its illegal war against Ukraine," he added. Stoltenberg said the incident proved the risks of the war in Ukraine but added that there was no indication Russia was preparing offensive military actions against NATO allies. The preliminary findings came after U.S. President Joe Biden, citing information about the trajectory of the projectile, said November 16 that it was "unlikely" that Russia fired the missile before adding, "I'm going to make sure we find out exactly what happened." Poland, meanwhile, signaled it may in the end not invoke NATO's Article 4, which provides for consultations among allies in the face of a security threat, since the blast was likely caused by a Ukrainian air-defense missile and not by Russia. "From the information that we and our allies have, it was an S-300 rocket made in the Soviet Union, an old rocket, and there is no evidence that it was launched by the Russian side," Polish President Andrzej Duda said. "It is highly probable that it was fired by Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense." WATCH: Russia launched a barrage of missiles against Ukraine on November 15, hitting energy infrastructure facilities in regions across the country and plunging Kyiv and other cities into darkness. The incident occurred during what Kyiv said was Russia's most intensive wave of missile attacks on cities across Ukraine since the start of the war in February. Ukraine says it shot down most of the incoming Russian missiles with its own air-defense missiles. Ukraine's Volyn region, just across the border from Poland, was one of the many Ukraine says was targeted by Russia's attacks. Russia has denied its missiles hit Polish territory, saying the reports were "a deliberate provocation" to escalate the situation. Biden, speaking after convening emergency talks with leaders of Western allies in Indonesia on the sidelines of a G20 summit, pledged support for Poland's investigation into what it had called a "Russian-made" missile. Live Briefing: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine RFE/RL's Live Briefing gives you all of the latest developments on Russia's ongoing invasion, Kyiv's counteroffensive, Western military aid, global reaction, and the plight of civilians. For all of RFE/RL's coverage of the war, click here. Biden stressed that investigations into the incident were still ongoing, but said there was "total unanimity" among world leaders in supporting Poland in its efforts to establish the circumstance of the incident. "It is unlikely in the lines of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia, but we'll see." The Kremlin on November 16 hailed Washington's "measured" response to the incident. "In this instance, attention should be paid to the measured and more professional response from the American side," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. Peskov said that, as opposed to the U.S. response, a number of countries had made "baseless statements" about Russia's involvement "without having any idea of what had happened." "We have witnessed another hysterical, frenzied Russophobic reaction, which was not based on any real data," Peskov told reporters. The Russian Defense Ministry said on November 16 that its strikes on Ukraine on the previous day were no closer than 35 kilometers from the Polish border, RIA Novosti news agency reported. Biden spoke by phone with Duda, offering "full U.S. support for and assistance with Poland's investigation," the White House said. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and French President Emmanuel Macron -- all leaders of NATO member states -- voiced solidarity with Poland. The incident came as Russia unleashed one of the heaviest missile attacks since the start of the war on sites across Ukraine aimed at crippling the country's energy infrastructure.Ukrainian officials said that more than 90 missiles were fired in the attacks. Biden on November 16 called those attacks "barbaric," and Zelenskiy described them as a "slap in the face" for the G20 summit. The summit has been dominated by the Ukraine war, with members struggling to find common ground on Russia's unprovoked invasion of its neighbor. In a joint statement issued November 16, leaders came together to condemn the war's effects but remained divided on assigning blame. With reporting by Reuters, AP, AFP, and BBC BISHKEK -- Kyrgyzstan's Foreign Ministry says a former senior member of the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) who was expelled in August has asked for political asylum in the United States. The ministry said on November 9 that the Kyrgyz Embassy in Washington had been informed that Renat Samudiniov and his wife, Elnura Moldokadyrova, were detained by U.S. Customs officers on October 18 after arriving without proper entry documents. According to the ministry, the couple asked for political asylum and were in the custody of U.S. immigration authorities. Samudinov and U.S. authorities could not immediately be reached for comment. Samudinov, who headed the SDP's youth wing, was expelled from the SDP in August for what the party said was a "violation of the party's charter and discipline." It did not give details. After he was kicked out, Samudinov publicly accused the party of "betraying democratic principles and serving oligarchs." Moldokadyrova, a journalist, was fired by state television channel OTRK, also in August. She claimed that her dismissal was politically motivated, which OTRK denied. President Almazbek Atambaev and President-elect Sooronbai Jeenbekov, who takes office on November 24, are SDP members. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says NATO defense ministers have agreed that Russia has "violated" a key nuclear arms-control treaty and have discussed ways to bring Moscow back into compliance. "The discussion included a consideration of the Russian Federation's violation of the Intermediate[-Range] Nuclear Forces Treaty and our collective efforts to bring Russia back to compliance, Mattis told reporters on November 9 in Brussels following a two-day meeting of NATO defense ministers. This is absolutely necessary to sustain confidence in the arms-control agreement," he added. Signed in 1987, the treaty, known as the INF, eliminated an entire class of cruise and ballistic missiles in Europe and is considered a bedrock treaty for U.S.-Russian arms control. The U.S. State Department's annual arms-control compliance report, issued in April, asserted for the fourth consecutive year that Russia had developed a ground-launched cruise missile in violation of the treaty. Moscow rejects the U.S. accusations and says the United States deployment of antimissile systems in Romania and Poland contradicts the treaty provisions -- something Washington denies. "The bottom line is -- you have to have respect for other nation's security when you make agreements, when you sign treaties, you have to live up to those treaties, and we have a firm belief now over several years that the Russians have violated the INF and our effort is to bring Russia back into compliance, it is not to walk away from the treaty, Mattis said in Brussels. The U.S. defense secretary said that many NATO nations have their own evidence that Russia is violating the INF treaty, adding that the United States and the alliance would be engaging with Moscow to try and resolve the issue. Speaking at a news briefing in Brussels on November 8, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said the NATO allies stressed -- just as they did at the Warsaw summit in 2016 -- that the INF treaty is very important and that a strong and viable INF treaty is a pillar of European security." Russian legislators denied that Russia has violated the treaty and said the United States itself has plans to develop an intermediate-range missile that would be in violation and would prompt Russia to design a similar weapon, Russian news media reported. Although Mattis said the United States does not intend to "walk away" from the treaty, Russian legislators also said the United States is accusing Russia of treaty violations to create an excuse to withdraw from the agreement. "Russia has not violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty," the Russian news agency Interfax quoted Viktor Bondarev, the chairman of the Russian Federation Council committee on defense and security, as saying on November 9. "The United States has repeatedly threatened to withdraw from the INF Treaty," the legislator was quoted as saying. "If the threats eventuate, then Russia, of course, will respond in a prompt and tit-for-tat manner." "Russia should struggle to the end to preserve the treaty...But if and when the Americans pull out of this treaty, certainly Russia won't be bound by any obligations under this treaty... We will be free to act," Russian news agencies quoted RussianFederation Council Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Konstantin Kosachyov as saying in Moscow on November 9. On the broader issue of NATO's new command structures announced at the Brussels meeting, Aleksandr Grushko, Russia's envoy to NATO, told Russian news agencies on November 9 that the new arrangements amount to a return to Cold War defenses. "NATO members were apparently inspired by Cold War-era strategies," and have adopted "a copy of the structure which existed until 2002," Grushko was quoted as saying. Besides discussing military strategy, Mattis said on November 9 that NATO defense ministers also discussed at length Russia's now-constant efforts to intercede in our sovereign democratic processes." The U.S. Justice Department and lawmakers are investigating alleged Russian interference in last years presidential election in the United States. Moscow has also been accused of trying to influence votes in France, Germany, and other European countries. More recently, Spanish media have accused Russian state-funded media of playing a destabilizing role in the crisis triggered by Catalonia's controversial October 1 independence referendum. Asked about the claims, the commander of NATO forces in Europe, U.S. General Curtis Scaparrotti, said, "It is something that we've seen in the United States, we've seen it in a number of countries here." "It should stop meddling in other nations, [in] what is their sovereign right to determine their government and how it works," he told reporters in Belgian capital on November 9. Russia denies trying to influence foreign elections. With reporting by Reuters, AFP, TASS, and Interfax BRUSSELS -- NATO has announced it will increase the number of troops in Afghanistan from the current 13,000 to 16,000 to aid the Kabul government in its fight against the Taliban. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made the announcement on November 9 at the end of a two-day meeting of the alliance's defense ministers in Brussels. Stoltenberg reiterated that the extra troops would not be involved in combat missions but would be part of NATO's Resolute Support mission, whose aims is to train, advise, and assist the Afghan government forces. "Currently, around 13,000 troops from 39 different countries serve in our Resolute Support mission," Stoltenberg told a news conference after the meeting. "Allies welcomed the United States briefing on the implications of the new South Asia strategy on our mission. This has already led to an increase in the U.S troop contribution, and 27 other nations have also committed to increase troop numbers in the coming months," Stoltenberg said. "So the size of our Resolute Support mission will increase, from around 13,000 to around 16,000 troops." U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis lauded the commitment shown by most NATO member states toward beefing up the Afghan mission. "Over two dozen nations have stated that they intend to raise the troop numbers that they have on the ground there now, including some very small nations for whom this is the largest overseas deployment they have been engaged in," Mattis said after the meeting. "We appreciate their commitment to stabilizing the South Asia region." However, the alliance's pledge still falls short of commitments, U.S. commanders said November 9. They told the defense ministers' meeting that nearly three months after Trump announced his South Asia strategy, the promised troop numbers don't expand the NATO training presence as much as hoped. They declined to say what percentage had been filled after the meetings, but acknowledged that there was still a shortfall. NATO officials speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed after the meeting that there would be a shortfall approaching 10 percent. "We have made it very clear to the allies that we really need their help in filling these billets that we have identified," General John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan and head of Resolute Support, said after the Brussels meeting. The gap, Nicholson said, has contributed to the lowest level of capabilities and the "highest level of risk we faced" in the 16-year war. U.S. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, NATO's top military officer, also stressed that the level of troops was still not high enough. "Coming out of today, it won't be at 100 percent today," he said. "We're still in discussion with more than a few nations that are looking at an increase above the initial one.... So, I'm encouraged," he added. Two unnamed diplomats told Reuters that at this stage, the United States is likely to provide 2,800 troops, while non-U.S. NATO allies and partners will send an additional 700 troops, potentially making up a 3,500-strong personnel increase. The United States led an invasion to drive Taliban extremists from power after Al-Qaeda militants whose leaders were sheltering in Afghanistan killed nearly 3,000 people in the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. The United States, NATO, and other partners had more than 100,000 troops in Afghanistan for a time, but the Taliban has been resurgent since NATO ended combat operations in 2014. The extremist group Islamic State (IS) has also stepped up attacks. With reporting by Rikard Jozwiak in Brussels, dpa, and AP Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says the Pakistani government has told the international charity to close its last remaining facility in the violence-plagued tribal region along the Afghan border. MSF on November 9 said that the Interior Ministry refused to issue it a no-objection certificate," leaving it unable to provide medical services in the Bajaur Agency of the impoverished Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). It said the closure will bring to an end four years of MSF working in the agency. The move comes less than two months after the Geneva-based charity, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres, was told to close its facilities in FATA's Kurram Agency following 14 years of operation. The aid group said it has 120 staff members, all Pakistani nationals, in Bajaur, which has a population of 757,000. "Health care services are very limited in the area, and most of our patients cannot afford to pay even for basic medical care," said Azaad Alessandro Alocco, the group's representative in Pakistan. "As the only major hospital providing free, quality health care in the area, the closure of MSFs activities will leave a major gap and have serious negative implications for the health of people living in Bajaur," he added. Reuters news agency reported that Pakistan's Interior Ministry did not respond to a request for comment. Much of FATA has been subject to attacks by militant groups battling Pakistan's army the past decade, devastating health care, education, and housing services. On September 17, Pakistani officials said a roadside bomb blast killed a government administrator and six tribal police officers in Bajaur. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. With reporting by Reuters and The Express Tribune Four Pakistani police officials, including a senior inspector, were killed on November 9 in a Taliban suicide bombing in the southwestern city of Quetta, officials say. The suicide bomber targeted a vehicle carrying Deputy Inspector General Hamid Shakeel, who was leaving his residence, police said. Three other officers who were traveling with Shakeel were also killed, Pakistani officials said. Nine people, including police officers, were wounded in the attack. Shakeel played a key role in arresting militants and members of small separatist groups in recent years, police said. Hours after the attack, the Pakistani Taliban, known as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, claimed responsibility. In a statement, police said the attacker used 15 kilograms of explosive material. TV footage showed badly destroyed police vehicles and rescuers transporting victims to hospitals. Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in a statement praised the slain officers for sacrificing their lives. Quetta is the capital of Balochistan province, which has been the scene of a low-level insurgency by Baluch separatist groups. Islamic militants also operate in the region. Based on reporting by AP and Russian President Vladimir Putin is to meet with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev in the Urals city of Chelyabinsk on November 9. Putin aide Yury Ushakov told reporters in Moscow that the two leaders would a gathering called the 14th Forum of Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation. Several documents related to development of economic, cultural, educational, and political ties will be signed during the Nazarbaev's visit, Ushakov said. Before travelling to Chelyabinsk, Nazarbaev visited Kazakhstans Qostanai region, which borders Russia's Chelyabinsk region, on November 8. At a meeting with foreign investors in Qostanai, Nazarbaev said: "We have to support Russia when it finds itself under harsh international sanctions." Western governments imposed sanctions on Russia after it seized the Crimean Peninsula and fomented unrest in eastern Ukraine, where more than 10,000 people have been killed in a war between Kyiv's forces and Russia-backed separatists since April 2014. Russia and Kazakhstan share the world's second largest border, which stretches almost 7,000 kilometers, and are leading members of the five-nation Eurasian Economic Union. Kazakhstan has close ties with Moscow but also cultivates relations with others including China and the West. Based on reporting by TASS, Interfax, Tengrinews, and The URL has been copied to your clipboard The code has been copied to your clipboard. Ilnaz Pirkin, a young man in the Russian city of Nizhnekamsk, committed suicide on October 19 after being held nearly a day by police. He left a gruesome final video in which he alleged horrific police brutality. (RFE/RL's Russian Service) A court in Moscow has ordered the seizure of property belonging to theater and film director Kirill Serebrennikov, who has been charged with embezzlement in a case Kremlin critics say is politically motivated. Basmanny district court spokeswoman Yunona Tsaryova told reporters on November 9 that the court froze bank accounts, containing $79,500 in rubles, dollars, and euros, and seized control of Serebrennikov's Moscow apartment and a car. Serebrennikov is under house arrest, confined to the apartment. He was charged in August with using fraud to organize the embezzlement of 68 million rubles ($1.1 million) in state funding allocated for a creative project. The case has drawn international attention and prompted accusations that Russian authorities are targeting cultural figures who are at odds with President Vladimir Putin's government. Serebrennikov has taken part in antigovernment protests and voiced concern about the increasing influence of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has close ties to the state. Putin has dismissed concerns about Serebrennikov's case, claiming on October 30 that it had nothing to do with politics. Based on reporting by Rapsinews and Interfax BRUSSELS -- A group of security and foreign-policy experts says Western governments have been "limited and weak" in their response to the Kremlin's barrage of "hostile actions" toward democracies. In a declaration initiated by the Prague-based think tank European Values titled How The Democratic West Should Stop Putin, some 70 experts said steps need to be taken to halt what they called Russian President Vladimir Putin's plan to play "divide and rule in the Euro-Atlantic area." "Vladimir Putin has decided to intimidate and harass democracies and a large part of the Western political establishment has not realized it yet," the declaration, published on November 9, states. "Some countries get intimidated by threats, others are given promises such as seemingly sweetheart energy deals if they adopt a more anti-Western, antidemocratic and antiliberal posture," it continues. "Regardless, almost all countries are attacked with a mixture of espionage, corruption, organized crime, and unceasing multilevel and multichannel disinformation campaigns." The declaration comes ahead of a November 13 meeting at which European Union foreign ministers will take stock of how the bloc's strategic communication with its eastern neighbors is working. The think tank's declaration urges political leaders to acknowledge the threat Russia poses to Western democracies and to investigate and expose its hostile activities. "Putin's Russia poses a major threat to Western democracies. Its use of subversive tools to project hostile foreign influence in the internal affairs of democratic countries is unacceptable and should be countered with resolute defensive actions to deter further hostile conduct," the declaration says. EU leaders responded to Russia's disinformation campaign in 2015 by creating the East Stratcom task force aimed at promoting the bloc's values and policies in the "Eastern neighborhood." 'Call It Out By Name' The task force also aims to increase public awareness of disinformation activities by external actors such as Russia and improve EU capacity to anticipate and respond to such activities. The EU has also imposed asset freezes and visa bans on more than 150 people after Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, but only a handful of those are high-ranking officials in Moscow. But the group of signatories says these efforts have fallen short, creating an "urgent need to deliver basic knowledge concerning threat assessment, understanding the modus operandi and reasonable policy options to people outside the specialist community." "There is comparatively limited understanding of Russian subversive methods in Western European countries; therefore, Central and Eastern European governments and civil society groups need to actively engage in delivering lessons learnt from countering Moscow's hostile influence operations," the statement says. The declaration comes after eight of the bloc's foreign ministers, mainly from Central and Eastern Europe, sent a letter to EU foreign-policy chief Federica Mogherini asking her to enhance the capabilities of East Stratcom. Mogherini is criticized in the declaration, which claims she has "spent the last two years trying to avoid naming Russia as the main source of hostile disinformation." "If Europe wants to defeat this threat, its leaders need to call it out by name. Russian leaders need to hear from European representatives that these hostile subversive efforts against our democracies must stop," the declaration says. Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticized Washington's alleged demand for state-funded Russian television channel RT to register as a foreign agent in the United States as "an attack" on Russia's media and vowed a "tit-for-tat" response. However, Putin said that a plan being discussed by Russian lawmakers to retaliate by declaring U.S. media operating in Russia as foreign agents might be a little too harsh. Putin said on November 11 that the Kremlin was still formulating its exact response to measures adopted by Washington towards Russian media in the United States. RT, which used to be known as Russia Today, said in a statement on its website on November 9 that it had been given a November 13 deadline by the U.S. Justice Department to register under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). RT said it would go to court to challenge the measure. The U.S. Justice Department, which has repeatedly refused to either confirm or deny ordering RT to register under FARA, declined to comment to RFE/RL on November 9. RT says it received a letter demanding registration in September, but it has not made that document public. RT and the state-owned news agency Sputnik have been accused by U.S. intelligence of spreading misinformation during last year's presidential campaign and election which may have influenced the vote's outcome. "An attack on our media is an attack on freedom of speech," Putin told journalists at the APEC summit in Vietnam. "We are disappointed, as they say in these situations," Putin said. "There is not and cannot be any confirmation that our media was meddling," he said. "Media express a point of view," Putin said. "You can contest it but not by closing them down or creating conditions in which they cannot continue professional work." "They went the route of de-facto closure [of RT]," Putin said. "There will be a proper tit-for-tat response." On November 10, Russian officials said Moscow will adopt new legislation targeting U.S. media in the country as soon as next week. State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said the legislature would amend its existing law on "foreign agents" to include foreign media. Deputy Duma speaker Sergei Neverov said the changes could also affect Western social media such as Facebook and Twitter. With reporting by AP and TASS Russia's communications regulator has said that it will soon check whether Facebook is complying with a Russian law requiring social networks to store the personal data of Russian citizens on Russian servers. Roskomnadzor has repeatedly warned Facebook and other social networks that they could be banned next year unless they comply with the law. "In the near future Roskomnadzor will plan a series of supervisory activities aimed at analyzing the activities of the administration of Facebook in terms of the processing of Russian users' personal information," it said in a statement carried by the Russian news agency Interfax on November 8. Russian authorities say the law, introduced in 2014, is aimed at protecting Russians' personal data. Critics, however, see it as an attempt to tighten control over social-media networks that have been particularly popular with Russian opposition activists. Last year, Roskomnadzor blocked access to LinkedIn to comply with a court ruling that found the networking service guilty of violating the same data-storage law. LinkedIn has yet to come to an agreement with Russian authorities to restore public access to the service. Roskomnadzor said on November 8 that Twitter had agreed to comply with the storage law. Twitter did not comment on the assertion, however, and AFP quoted an anonymous source as saying that Twitter was still reviewing the matter. The AFP source said that Twitter wanted to ensure that using storage sites in Russia "does not create a security risk or any vulnerability for Russian users and their accounts." Last month, Twitter banned advertisements from Russia's state-controlled RT and Sputnik media outlets in response to U.S. intelligence findings that they sought to spread misinformation during the 2016 presidential election. Facebook has also taken steps to banish ads and posts placed by Russian operatives on its U.S. network. Based on reporting by AFP and Reuters The last time that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met, four months ago, both the U.S. and Russian presidents reiterated that they were committed to shifting the tone of relations between the two nuclear powers, relations that were already spiraling downward. The White House and the Kremlin discussed scheduling a second meeting of the two leaders on the sidelines of a November 10-11 Asian-Pacific leaders' summit in Vietnam, but that was ruled out by the White House as Trump arrived in Danang early on November 10. Still, both the Kremlin and the White House said a less formal encounter was still possible or even likely if Putin and Trump "bump into" each other in Danang or later at another regional conference in the Philippines. Since their first encounter, relations have deteriorated significantly. The Trump administration faces a drumbeat of U.S. investigations into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and interactions between Trump campaign staff and Russian officials. A Justice Department probe resulted recently in two criminal indictments and a guilty plea from former Trump advisers. Congressional pressure has also mounted on Trump to punish Moscow for the suspected election interference, including through sanctions signed into law in August that target Russian military and intelligence services. The Pentagon has also proposed providing lethal aid to Kyiv as it battles Russia-backed separatists that control swaths of Ukrainian territory, a plan that would anger Moscow if it went forward. For his part, Putin's grip on power at home remains unrivaled. But even with a Russian presidential election four months away and the expectation that he'll win a fourth term in office, the Kremlin might be nervously eyeing the country's continuing economic malaise, rampant corruption, and other issues that could erode Putin's popularity. A former KGB officer whose tenure atop Russian government has spanned four U.S. presidencies, Putin has sought to assert Russian relevance in international affairs from Eastern Europe to Syria and the Korean Peninsula. "There are things to discuss and we are ready for it," Putin's lead foreign affairs adviser, Yury Ushakov, told reporters in Moscow on November 8 in connection with a possible Putin-Trump face-to-face. What "things"? Here are a few that could top the agenda of any eventual Trump-Putin meeting: North Korea Trump has made the issue of North Korea's nuclear and missile programs a top priority for his administration. In his diplomatically unorthodox approach, he has exchanged insults and threats with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. During the Cold War, Moscow was a stalwart supporter of the North Korean regime, providing subsidies and critical economic support. That assistance dried up with the Soviet collapse, and longstanding personal ties between Russian officials and North Korea's leadership are also said to have withered. Still, there are those who believe that Russia, which shares a border with North Korea, may be the only country after China that Pyongyang will at least listen to, and Trump is hoping Putin can help bring additional pressure on the North. In a speech to South Korea's parliament on November 8, Trump signaled that he will press Putin, and China's leadership. He said he wants Moscow and Beijing to fully implement United Nations sanctions, severing trade and technology ties, and downgrading diplomatic relations in order to squeeze Pyongyang. "You cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept," Trump told South Korean lawmakers. Syria The fight against international terrorism, and against Islamic State (IS) militants in particular, is an area of potential Russian-U.S. cooperation that Trump has repeatedly heralded. In Syria and Iraq, both U.S. and Russian forces have pounded IS fighters for months now, rolling back their territorial gains, and putting them on the verge of battlefield defeat. But Russian bombardments have also targeted U.S. allies who oppose President Bashar al-Assad's leadership in Damascus. And competing units on the ground, backed by the two powers and their allies, have operated in close proximity as they consolidate their holdings, and skirmishes have again raised the prospect of an inadvertent clash between U.S. and Russian forces, "de-conflict" efforts notwithstanding. Moscow and Washington are also on opposite sides of the question of the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons, reported by UN-backed international monitors. The United States and its allies have repeatedly condemned such weapons' use and sought to use the UN Security Council to further pressure Damascus. Moscow, meanwhile, has used its influence to deflect more aggressive UN investigations and condemnation of Syria. In a statement released on November 9, about a week after international monitors confirmed the use of sarin gas by Syrian forces in an April attack, the White House called Moscow out explicitly in an effort to nudge Russia and other Security Council members to hold Assad's government accountable. "Those countries that do not support renewal or are attempting to water down the JIM's mandate -- such as Russia -- are protecting the Assad regime and the terrorists who continue to use chemical weapons," Trump's administration said in a reference to the investigation, the so-called UN/Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons' Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM). "We urge Russia to change course before the JIM expires, and we believe all responsible nations must vote in favor of extending this critical body." In Iraq, meanwhile, as Islamic State fighters have been routed, Russia moved quickly to sign major oil deals in the restive Kurdish north, which has historically been closely allied with Washington. Those deals could give Moscow bargaining power at a time when already-tense relations between the Kurds and the central Iraqi government have worsened, and Washington has tried to prevent all-out conflict. Ukraine Fighting in Ukraine's east has returned to a slow simmer, with daily exchanges of gunfire but no large-scale fighting. At least 10,000 people have been killed since April 2014, when the conflict erupted between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian government troops, and Russia maintains its occupation of the Crimean Peninsula. To date, the only reasonably successful efforts at a political settlement have been the so-called Minsk agreements, but they have gone largely unfulfilled. In September, Putin floated the idea of UN peacekeeping forces deploying to eastern Ukraine. But Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has insisted that such peacekeepers should patrol the two countries' international border, where Russian forces, mercenaries, and materiel are routinely shipped in and out. The Russians, however, have pushed for peacekeepers to monitor the unofficial cease-fire line near the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, and suggested changing how violations are logged and reported. Critics of Russian actions in Ukraine, including former U.S. Ambassador to Kyiv Steven Pifer, have warned that Moscow's peacekeeping proposals appeared aimed at maintaining a "frozen conflict," similar to unresolved disputes in other parts of the former Soviet Union where a lack of resolution gives Moscow leverage over the region. Trump has been publicly cautious in his statements on Ukraine, though he appointed veteran diplomat Kurt Volker as a special representative for resolving the crisis, and Volker has been blunt in his criticism of Russia's actions. In recent weeks, U.S. officials have suggested that the White House may be close to heeding Kyiv's request for more defensive weaponry like antitank missiles. Bilateral Relations The Kremlin is openly scornful of Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama. Before and after Trump's election, Moscow made no secret of its hopes that a Trump administration would be less antagonistic and more conciliatory. That included the return of two diplomatic compounds that had been ordered seized by Obama in December in retaliation for Russia's alleged meddling in last year's election. Those hopes have been dashed -- or at least put on hold -- as the Trump administration has continued its refusal to return the compounds. Congress added its heft by passing new sanctions legislation to further punish Russia, over the White House's objections. Moscow eventually responded by ordering a sharp cut in U.S. diplomatic staffing in Russia, which was followed by similar moves by Washington, including the outright closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco. Adding further to the tensions are suspicions that have hung over Trump regarding his associates' contacts with Russian officials before and after the U.S. election. Aside from the criminal indictments of former campaign manager Paul Manafort and a business partner, a guilty plea by former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, and other indictments said to be expected soon, congressional investigators have been scrutinizing a salacious report compiled by a former British spy on Trump known as the Steele Dossier. They've also been digging into Russian-controlled social-media accounts on Facebook and Twitter that appear to have sought to influence Americans on hot-button social issues and topics that arose during the campaign. Russian officials have appeared eager to deflect attention from the allegations of interference in internal U.S. politics, instead blaming holdovers from the Obama administration for a poisonous bilateral atmosphere. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov echoed that approach in remarks shown on state-run TV this week, predicting that any agreement the two might reach would be undermined by "political infighting." "They will immediately become an element of internal political fighting, internal political games aimed at making President Trump's life and activities as difficult as possible," he said. U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin shook hands and exchanged greetings as leaders gathered for a group photo at an Asia-Pacific economic summit in Vietnam. The brief encounter on November 10 followed days of back-and-forth over whether Trump and Putin would meet on the sidelines of the November 10-11 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Danang. It also came hours after the White House said that there would be no formal meeting between the two presidents, whose only previous face-to-face meetings since Trump's January inauguration took place at a G20 summit in July. "Regarding a Putin meeting, there was never a meeting confirmed, and there will not be one that takes place due to scheduling conflicts on both sides," White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters before Air Force One landed in Danang. Sanders said at the time that they could have a less formal encounter, either in Danang or later in the Philippines when Trump and Putin attend another regional conference. "Now, they're going to be in the same place. Are they going to bump into each other and say hello? Certainly possible and likely," she said. "But in terms of a scheduled, formal meeting, there's not one on the calendar and we don't anticipate that there will be one." 'Little Bureaucrats' Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on November 10 that attempts to arrange a meeting at APEC summit were continuing. Peskov said later that Russia was receiving "contradictory" statements about a possible meeting and added: "To put it simply, both presidents are in town and will meet one way or another." Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov lashed out when asked whether there would be a meeting, saying in televised comments: "Ask the Americans, because we are not talking about this issue." Lavrov said that Russia had heard comments "from Trump himself" indicating that he wanted to meet with Putin, adding: "What the rest of his little bureaucrats are saying, I don't know -- ask them." Strained Relations U.S.-Russian relations are badly strained over issues including Moscow's aggression in Ukraine and its alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The only face-to-face meetings between the two presidents since Trump's inauguration in January took place during a Group of 20 (G20) summit in Germany in July. At those talks in Hamburg, Trump and Putin discussed accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election but indicated that they agreed to focus on moving forward rather than arguing about past actions. Relations have been further strained since then, however, amid multiple U.S. investigations into the alleged election meddling and whether associates of Trump colluded with Moscow. Putin denies that Russia interfered, and Trump says there was no collusion. Under pressure from Congress, Trump signed a bill strengthening sanctions against Russia in early August. Moscow ordered the United States to make major cuts in its embassy and consular staff in Russia, and Washington took retaliatory steps. Meanwhile, tensions over Russia's seizure of Crimea and support for separatists fighting Kyiv's forces in eastern Ukraine -- as well as Russia's role in the devastating war in Syria -- persist. Trump said on November 5 that he expected to meet with Putin during his current Asia trip, and Peskov said on November 8 that there was a "high probability" they would meet. With reporting by Reuters, Interfax, dpa, RIA Novosti, FP, and TASS U.S. President Donald Trump, who is on a state visit to China, has urged Beijing to use its influence to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and stressed that bilateral trade had been unfair to the United States. Trump spoke on November 9 alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping, announcing the signing of about $250 billion in commercial deals between U.S. and Chinese firms. In recent months, Pyongyang has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles and carried out its sixth nuclear explosion, prompting Trump to warn in August of "fire and fury" in response to the North's moves. Trump, who wants Xi to put further pressure on North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons, said that "China can fix this problem quickly and easily," calling on Beijing to cut financial ties with North Korea and also calling on Russia to help. China is Pyongyang's main ally and trading partner. Xi said China's economy -- the world's second-largest after the U.S. economy -- would become increasingly open and transparent to foreign firms, including those from the United States. Trump has said he would use the three-day China visit to press Xi on Beijing's massive trade surplus with the United States, which was valued at $26.6 billion last month according to official Chinese data. Trump made clear that he blamed his predecessors, not China, for the trade imbalance, and repeatedly praised Xi, calling him "a very special man." In unprecedented treatment offered to a foreign leader, the welcoming ceremony outside Beijing's Great Hall of the People overlooking Tiananmen Square was broadcast live on state television. Earlier on November 9, Xi said he had a thorough discussion with Trump and reached consensus on numerous issues of mutual concern. "For China, cooperation is the only real choice, only win-win can lead to an even better future," he said. Trump blasted China's trade practices during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and threatened to take action once in office. But he has since refrained from any major trade penalties, making clear he was giving Beijing an opportunity to make progress on the North Korea issue. Trump is to travel on November 10 to Vietnam, where he is scheduled to deliver a speech to leaders at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Russian President Vladimir Putin had also been scheduled to address the 21-country forum on November 10, but his speech has reportedly been canceled. Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said on November 9 that Putin and Trump were "most likely" to hold a meeting on November 10 on the sidelines of the summit. However, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said no decision had been made on whether Trump will have formal talks with Putin at the summit. Tillerson, who is accompanying Trump on his Asia tour and spoke to reporters in Beijing, said the question was whether a Trump-Putin meeting would have sufficient substance. Trump said earlier that he expected to meet with Putin during his Asia tour, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on November 8 that Putin was "ready" for such a meeting and "the Americans know that." With reporting by Reuters, AP, AFP, Interfax, and RIA Novosti Major Western powers have set up a showdown with Russia before the UN Security Council by demanding the renewal of a UN mission charged with determining who staged chemical-weapons attacks in Syria. In a joint statement on November 8, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, Britain, and the United States said they have "full trust" in the "professionalism and independence" of the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) of the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and called for renewal of its mandate. The Western demand came one day after Russia rejected the investigative team's conclusion that the Syrian government was behind a sarin-gas attack that killed dozens in April in the town of Khan Sheikhun and called for an overhaul of the investigation process. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on November 8 that Moscow opposed the Western resolution to extend the UN team's mandate for another 18 months past its expiration on November 16. Russia last month vetoed a similar resolution. Later on November 8, the White House called on Russia to "change course" and vote with "responsible nations" to keep the investigation alive. Russia is the biggest backer of the Syrian government in a more-than-six-year civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government has denied using chemical weapons, despite the UN team's findings that the Syrian government was responsible for the majority of toxic-gas attacks it has investigated in Syria. Syria agreed to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons in a 2013 deal brokered by Russia and the United States after a nerve-gas attack killed hundreds of people in the Damascus suburbs. It maintains it has abided by that agreement. In their joint statement, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, and U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Syria to finally end all use of poison gas and disclose to the world all the chemical weapons it possesses. "There is more work for the JIM to do" and "it is vital for the international community to continue to investigate cases where chemical weapons have been used in Syria," the foreign ministers said. The April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun was the most deadly of recently reported attacks, killing nearly 100 people including many children, and prompting U.S. missile strikes days later against a Syrian air base Western governments said was used to launch the attack. The UN team had previously found that Syrian government forces were responsible for three chlorine-gas attacks in 2014 and 2015, and that Islamic State militants had used mustard gas in a 2016 attack. With reporting by Reuters, AP, and AFP A former Yahoo executive has blamed "Russian agents" for a massive data breach in 2014 at the Internet company and said no company is immune from such threats. At a U.S. congressional hearing on growing cyberattacks on major U.S. companies on November 8, former Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer said that the company put in place numerous safeguards to prevent such breaches, but "Russian agents" who were later prosecuted by the FBI found a way to overcome them. "Unfortunately, while all our measures helped Yahoo successfully defend against the barrage of attacks by both private and state-sponsored hackers, Russian agents intruded on our systems and stole our users' data," she told the Senate Commerce Committee. "As we all have witnessed, no company, individual, or even government agency is immune from these threats," Mayer said. In March, U.S. prosecutors charged two Russian intelligence agents and two hackers with masterminding the 2014 theft of 500 million Yahoo accounts, the first time the U.S. government had criminally charged Russian spies for cybercrimes. Those charges came amid controversy relating to alleged Kremlin-backed hacking of the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible links between Russian figures and associates of President Donald Trump. Russia has denied trying to influence the U.S. election. Meanwhile, Yahoo disclosed a second, larger breach in 2013 that last month it said had affected all 3 billion of its e-mail accounts. The FBI has said the 2013 breach was unrelated to the 2014 one, and that an investigation of the larger incident is continuing. Mayer told the Senate committee under questioning that she did not know if Russians were responsible for the 2013 breach. Mayer said even "robust" defenses were not enough to defend against such state-sponsored attacks and compared the fight with hackers to an "arms race." "We now know that Russian intelligence officers and state-sponsored hackers were responsible for highly complex and sophisticated attacks on Yahoo's systems," Mayer said. She said a "really aggressive" pursuit of hackers was needed to discourage the efforts, and that even the most well-defended companies "could fall victim to these crimes." With reporting by AP and Reuters Kentucky-based MosquitoMate will infect the males, which dont bite people, with Wolbachia pipientis bacterium. The hope is the males mate with female Asian tiger mosquitoes, which do bite humans, and are carriers of dangerous viral diseases, such as yellow fever and Zika. Technically and proved in laboratory, eggs fertilized this way dont hatch, because the bacteria frazzles the dads genetic contribution. This a better alternative to pesticides, the scientists say. Mosquitoes in laboratory Its a non-chemical way of dealing with mosquitoes, so from that perspective, youd think it would have a lot of appeal, University of Maryland entomologist David OBrochta told the media. The company could start selling its infected mosquitoes this summer via government contracts, or direct to consumers. EPA on Nov. 3 registered MosquitoMates mosquito as a biopesticide, with a five-year license. In April, the MosquitoMte company began a 12-week field trial that involved releasing 20,000 male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Stock Island, in the Florida Keys. In Chinas southern city of Guangzhou, scientists used a similar method to control the insects population by building a mosquito factory that produced millions of Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes last year. Notes: What if Navy blitz becomes blueprint? Notre Dame 'would welcome that' A report by NASA's inspector general warned budget reserves for key NASA exploration programs like the SLS were far below recommended levels. WASHINGTON As NASA prepares to update the schedule for the first flight of its Space Launch System, a report by the agency's inspector general warns a lack of budget reserves could lead to more delays in the future. The Nov. 6 report by the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG), addressing what it considers to be the agency's top management and performance challenges, also identified potential cost and schedule issues with a pair of science missions scheduled for launch in 2018. In the report, OIG noted that SLS had budget margins far below what is usually mandated for programs under development. Citing procedures established at the Marshall Space Flight Center, the lead center for SLS, "the standard monetary reserve for a program such as the SLS should be between 10 and 30 percent during development," the report stated. "The SLS Program did not carry any program reserves in fiscal year (FY) 2015 and only $25 million in FY 2016 approximately 1 percent of its development budget," the report stated. "Moving forward, the SLS Program plans to carry only minimal reserves through 2030, which in our view is unlikely to be sufficient to enable NASA to address issues that may arise during development and testing." The Orion crew vehicle program also has budget reserves of less than one percent, the report noted. NASA, though, plans to increase the reserves "to a more appropriate level" starting in 2019 or 2020 in advance of the first crewed Orion flight in the early 2020s. How those limited budget reserves will affect the schedule for future missions remains to be seen. NASA has yet to announce a new launch date for the first SLS mission, named Exploration Mission (EM) 1, but notified Congress this summer that the launch would take place no earlier than October 2019, 11 months later than previously scheduled. Agency officials said last month at the American Astronautical Society's Wernher von Braun Symposium in Huntsville, Alabama, that they expected a revised EM-1 launch date to be finalized within the next month. Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA associate administrator for human exploration and operations,testified about the status of NASA's exploration programs at a House space subcommittee hearing Nov. 9 The OIG report identified issues with the October 2019 launch date, such as welding problems with the core stage of the SLS. "Notwithstanding the 1-year launch delay, testing and delivery of the core stage remains on the critical path with little schedule margin available to manage problems that may arise during the integration and test phase before an integrated SLS/Orion launch," the report stated. Schedule concerns extend to EM-2, the first crewed mission, which will also be the first flight of the SLS with a more powerful upper stage called the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS). That will require changes to both the SLS itself as well as ground systems at the Kennedy Space Center. The OIG warned in its report that the Ground Systems Development and Operations program, responsible for the SLS/Orion ground systems, "has identified a budget shortfall associated with EUS upgrades that will need to be addressed." The report separately raised questions about the status of some NASA science missions. Among them is Parker Solar Probe, a mission to travel closer to the sun than any previous spacecraft. The spacecraft is in the final stages of assembly and testing for a launch in mid-2018 during a 20-day window. According to the OIG report, issues with both instruments and spacecraft subsystems had consumed some schedule reserve, as well as budget reserves held by NASA Headquarters. "As the Project begins spacecraft-level environmental testing, solving any remaining technical issues in time to meet the launch window is imperative if NASA is to avoid a minimum 10-month launch delay," the report concluded. NASA Acting Administrator Robert Lightfoot, in a response included in the report, remained optimistic that Parker Solar Probe would launch on schedule. "The Project currently holds adequate schedule and cost reserves to achieve an August 2018 launch," he said. OIG also warned of potential cost increases in Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), which has already suffered problems during its development. Difficulties with its single instrument, a laser altimeter, delayed its launch by more than a year from May 2017 to September 2018, and increased its cost by nearly 25 percent to $1.06 billion. In the report, OIG said that a failure of one of the two lasers built for that instrument during tests last year caused a three-month schedule slip from June to September 2018, "and costs may increase to support the additional work." This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry. A new NASA competition, the Earth and Space Air Prize, will reward the best aerosol-sensor design, intended to help protect astronauts on the International Space Station. Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the air. They constantly surround us in everyday life, but they can become a health hazard at high concentrations, according to a new NASA video about the competition. The crew and experiments aboard the space station constantly release tiny particles into the air. Fortunately, the space station's robust filter system keeps these aerosol levels low. But NASA wants to know more about the air the astronauts breathe, and the agency is looking for help from the public. That's why NASA sponsored its new Earth and Space Air Prize. "We cannot put a full-sized aerosol instrument on the space station," NASA engineer Marit Meyer said in the video, so the agency is seeking compact new designs. NASA has partnered with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), a health-focused philanthropy organization, to launch a $100,000 prize to "promote development of robust, durable, inexpensive, efficient, lightweight and easy-to-use aerosol sensors for space and Earth environments", according to the video's description. NASA and the RWJF said they hope the innovations spurred by the competition will find uses in the space station and aboard future deep-space missions, as well as down on Earth. Registration for the competition closes on Dec. 13, and designs are due by Jan. 31. Three finalists will be awarded $50,000 each to build a prototype sensor based on their proposals and compete for the $100,000 grand prize. Visit the competition website for more information. Email Harrison Tasoff at or follow him @harrisontasoff. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on It stood taller than the Statue of Liberty, was more massive than six Boeing 747 jetliners and generated more thrust than two dozen of the jumbo jets. The tallest, heaviest and most powerful rocket ever successfully flown launched for the first time 50 years ago Thursday (Nov. 9). NASA's Saturn V booster, which carried 24 astronauts to the moon and lofted the United States' first space station into Earth orbit, is now instantly recognizable as an icon of the U.S. space program. It made its debut in flight on Nov. 9, 1967, launching the Apollo 4 mission on an "all-up" test of the vehicle. "[If] we shall send to the moon ... a giant rocket ... capable of withstanding heat and stresses several times more than have ever been experienced, [and] fitted together with a precision better than the finest watch then we must be bold," stated President John F. Kennedy in a 1962 address at Rice University in Houston. [10 Surprising Facts About NASA's Saturn V Moon Rocket] Five years later, that bold rocket stood poised to be the first booster to launch from NASA's Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Designed by a team led by rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, and assembled from more than three million parts furnished by an army of workers at 20,000 companies, universities and government facilities, the 363-foot-tall (110-m) Saturn V rocket was an unprecedented feat of engineering. The towering booster leapt off Earth on its maiden mission at one second past 7:00 a.m. EST (1200 GMT), as its five, first-stage F-1 engines pushed the rocket slowly skyward. "We have lift-off!" announced NASA's launch commentator Jack King. Fifteen seconds later, he noted the vehicle had "cleared the tower." Despite being more than 3 miles (5 kilometers) away, King witnessed firsthand the effect of the launch. "The vibration from the Saturn V showered us with dust and debris from the ceiling of the Launch Control Center, which was brand new at the time," he said. At CBS's mobile studio, where anchor Walter Cronkite was broadcasting the launch on live television, they had to hold a large picture window from being blown in by the Saturn V's shockwave. [How NASA's Saturn V Moon Rocket Worked (Infographic)] Launch of the Apollo 4 (AS-501) mission, on NASA's first test flight of the Saturn V rocket, from Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday, Nov. 9, 1967, at 7:00 a.m. EST. (Image credit: NASA) "It's terrific, the building is shaking!" stated Cronkite. "Look at that rocket go into the clouds at 3,000 feet! Oh, the roar is terrific!" The Saturn V, with what is now its familiar black and white roll pattern, continued to climb until about two minutes and 20 seconds into the flight, when the S-IC first stage cut off its five F-1 engines and, depleted of its fuel, dropped away. The S-II second stage then ignited, continuing to push the vehicle beyond the 50 miles downrange (80 km) that the rocket had already traveled. The launch placed the Saturn V third stage, the S-IVB, and the Apollo 4 command and service module that rode atop it into an almost circular, 100-mile-high (190 km) orbit. The S-IVB stage was later reignited to boost the spacecraft to an apogee of 11,234 miles (18,079 km) above Earth. [NASA's Gutsy First Launch of the Saturn V Moon Rocket] The 8 hour, 36 minute and 59 second mission ended with the Apollo 4 spacecraft re-entering Earth's atmosphere at almost 25,000 miles per hour (40,1000 k/ph), simulating a return from the moon and splashing down to the northwest of Midway Island in the northern Pacific Ocean. The Apollo 4 capsule was recovered by the carrier USS Bennington. NASA declared the first flight of the Saturn V a resounding success. "It was really an expert launching all the way through from lifting off exactly on time to the performance of every single stage," said von Braun, then director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. "The maiden [flight] of the Saturn V dramatically increased the confidence of people across the nation," stated George Mueller, NASA's associate administrator for manned space flight at the time. The Apollo 4 mission (also known as AS-501, the Saturn V designation number) was followed by a second and final uncrewed test flight of the mighty rocket, Apollo 6 (AS-502) in April 1968. Despite that mission encountering significant issues, the Apollo 8 crew became the first to launch atop a Saturn V and fly to the moon just eight months later. An early moment of the first Saturn V test flight, photographed by a ground tracking camera on the morning of Nov. 9, 1967. (Image credit: NASA) In total, NASA launched 13 Saturn Vs between November 1967 and May 1973. The final flight of the booster lofted a modified S-IVB stage into orbit to become Skylab, the first U.S. space station. Two more Saturn V rockets, and a facilities demonstrator, were built but not flown. Today, they are on public display at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the Johnson Space Center in Texas and U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Alabama. The Apollo 4 command module, the only part of that first Saturn V mission to be recovered, is now on exhibition the Infinity Science Center in Mississippi. NASA is now working toward the first flight of the Space Launch System (SLS), a heavy-lift rocket that in advanced configurations will stand taller and be more powerful that the Saturn V. The maiden SLS flight on NASA's uncrewed Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) is targeted for late 2019 or early 2020. Watch a vintage NASA film about the first launch of the Saturn V rocket at collectSPACE. Follow on Facebook and on Twitter at @collectSPACE. Copyright 2017 All rights reserved. H ere's a test for you: what was the last interesting thing the Prime Minister said? The thing we noticed, that stood out, that took a stand and risked controversy in pursuit of a cause? The answer is: you cant recall. Since the general election debacle earlier this year she has been largely irrelevant to the political conversation in this country. That is because she lost her authority when she lost her majority. So instead of doing things, things are done to her. That now includes the composition of her Cabinet. The loss of two Cabinet ministers, Sir Michael Fallon and Priti Patel, in one week confirms the old rule in politics that when it rains it usually pours. They could be followed out of the door by Damian Green if the Cabinet Office inquiry finds against Mrs Mays deputy, or just possibly Boris Johnson, if the situation facing Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe in Iran materially deteriorates as a result of the Foreign Secretarys incompetence. As we report today, and contrary to Johnsons claims to Parliament, his remarks are being used by the Iranian regime to justify its imprisonment of this British citizen. Precarious situation But what is more revealing is the inability of the Prime Minister to use these Cabinet departures for a wider reshuffling of her team. For the clue to reshuffles is not whos arriving but whos leaving. The new appointments, beaming as they walk up Downing Street in the gaze of the cameras, generate all the excitement on the day. But its the disappointed, queuing up outside the Prime Ministers parliamentary office to be fired in private the night before, who generate all the trouble. Strong premiers take that in their stride being willing to be a good butcher is required by the job. Weak prime ministers dont have the option. Theyre stuck with the team theyve got. At present theres lots of breathless commentary about promoting the stars of recent Tory intakes and it is right that there is considerable talent there. Some of it has already been put to service in the front line. Those who call for the advancement of the 2010 intake seem to have forgotten that the Home Secretary, Communities Secretary, Defence Secretary, Culture Secretary, Welsh Secretary, Chief Secretary and Chief Whip were all elected in 2010 as was the outgoing International Development Secretary, Ms Patel. Yes, it would be good to see more now of the 2015 intake and, in time, the 2017 cohort. But the arrival of one or two fresh faces into the junior ministerial ranks isnt going to change the ailing fortunes of the Government. For every new arrival there has to be a departure. And the truth is that Mrs May simply cannot get away with firing a load of existing ministers. If she does, they may turn around and fire her instead. Such is the precariousness of her situation. Thats what happens when you have as the Evening Standard pointed out first in June a Prime Minister in office but not in power. Theres only one kind of reshuffle that will change that. Loading.... Time to remember Big Ben has been silent for almost three months for repairs but it will chime again at 11 oclock on Saturday for Armistice Day the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the time at which hostilities ceased in the Great War, in 1918. It was the end of that historic carnage, but not, alas, the last of the casualties visited on British and other troops in wars since. Today, Prince Harry visits the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey to lay a cross of remembrance at the graves of unknown soldiers from the world wars; after that he meets more recent veterans. Remembering the sacrifice of soldiers in war is a task for each new generation, now as much as ever. BBC Children in Need has today launched its first ever collection of designer Pudsey Ears. Joining forces with a host of top models and high-end designer brands, the one-off pieces have been created by some of the biggest names in fashion for the collection curated by Katie Grand. Burberry, Fendi, Gigi Hadid x Tommy Hilfiger, Gucci, Louis Vuitton x Supreme, Miu Miu, Prada and Selena Gomez x Coach are the brands behind the designs which will be auctioned off online here and available to the highest bidder from 9am November 9 to November 19 with all proceeds going to Children in Need. In addition to the Pudsey Ears, Louis Vuitton x Supreme have created a one-off 28 inch version of Pudsey Bear from denim fabric from the iconic collaboration. Designer Pudsey Ears - in pictures 1 /13 Designer Pudsey Ears - in pictures Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Burberry Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Prada Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Louis Vuitton X Supreme Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Gucci Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Fendi Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Miu Miu Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Gigi Hadid X Tommy Hilfiger Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Selena Gomez X Coach Children in Need Pudsey Ears by Fendi Children in Need 28 inch version of Pudsey Bear by Louis Vuitton X Supreme Modelling the collection are the new face of British Vogue Adwoa Aboah, Thylane Blondeau, Edie Campbell, Kaia Gerber, Neelam Gill, Selena Gomez, Taylor Hill, Georgia May Jagger, Iris Law, Amber Le Bon, Erin O'Connor, Eric Underwood and Suki Waterhouse. Speaking of the collection, Katie Grand said: "I am delighted to be involved in this year's BBC Children in Need Appeal and to have curated the 2017 Designer Pudsey Ears Collection." "What an incredible collection of exquisite designs! Each designer has surpassed themselves in adding their own unique identity to their headpiece." "I hope fashion fanatics across the UK and beyond are encouraged to get bidding on these fabulous creations." "All money raised will go on to help support disadvantaged children and young people across the UK, so what are you waiting for?" To bid or in finding out more information on the 2017 Designer Pudsey Ears Collection visit And if you miss out on the Designer Pudsey Ears Collection you can still get your hands on a pair of original Pudsey Ears priced from 2.50 via She is a Spice Girl, designer, mother-of-four and icon for many, but Victoria Beckham credits her entire success to the devotion of her family. Speaking on film to British Vogue, Beckham said: "My Mum and Dad used to really give me a lot of confidence, I believed that I could achieve anything." "The support of my family has always been incredible. Whenever I said that I can't do it my Dad just wouldn't hear it." "'What do you mean you can't do it, why can't you do it?'," she recalls him saying. "And I do that to our children as well. I've never been the sort of person to give up." Posing for the magazine's December issue - the first under the direction of new Editor-in-Chief Edward Enninful - Beckham was photographed by Paul Wetherell wearing a pink check pyjama-inspired two-piece from her Resort 2018 collection. Victoria Beckham SS18 at New York Fashion Week 1 /32 Victoria Beckham SS18 at New York Fashion Week Victoria Beckham at NYFW David and Brooklyn sit alongside the new British Vogue editor Edward Enninful Reuters Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway as David and Brooklyn watch on Rex Victoria Beckham at NYFW David and Brooklyn await the start of the show REUTERS Victoria Beckham at NYFW David and Brooklyn take their front row seats AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW David and Brooklyn Beckham arrive at the runway venue together REUTERS Victoria Beckham at NYFW David heads to his seat AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Brooklyn poses for photographers ahead of the show REUTERS Victoria Beckham at NYFW David smiles as the show gets underway Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW A model walks the SS18 runway AFP/Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Models walk the SS18 runway Getty Images Victoria Beckham at NYFW Victoria greets her runway audience Getty Images Perched on a bed with toys to one side, the British fashion designer revisited her roots as she opened up about her childhood bedroom. "When I was a child my bedroom was very pretty. I had Laura Ashley wallpaper and it was very girly." "My mum's friend used to give me her empty bottles of Coco Chanel and I used to put them on my dressing table." Joining Beckham in the video entitled Back to my Roots are fellow designers Christopher Bailey, Simone Rocha, Jonathan Anderson and John Galliano. The video comes as Edward Enninful revealed his debut for the magazine featuring Adwoa Aboah on its cover. See the full shoot in the December issue of British Vogue, on sale Friday. S uffragete shop assistants who plotted their campaigns in the cafes of the West End are among the forgotten figures being brought back to life in a new exhibition. The Museum of Londons show will tell the untold stories of women who took the campaign for votes into their own hands. It includes items used for research by Carey Mulligan, star of 2015 film Suffragette, and its director Sarah Gavron. The actress visited the museum before playing Maud Watts, a laundry worker caught up in the struggle. Curator Beverley Cook said she wanted to move away from the stereotypical image of the suffragette smashing windows, being arrested and being sent to prison ... I wanted to look under the skin of some of those women. They were amazing organisers, inspirational speakers and really good at fundraising. Among those featured is Vera Wentworth, who joined the secretive Young Hot Bloods, who took orders directly from campaign leader Christabel Pankhurst. Ms Cook said: They met every Saturday at 4.30pm in a tea room in Oxford Street where they would plot activities. These women were using the West End, which had become much more female-friendly by then. We have her name embroidered on this amazing banner every woman who served a period of imprisonment and hunger strike in 1910 had made their signature on this. Also on show are surveillance photos of women exercising at Holloway jail, used to try to track them after release. One shows Grace Marcon, alias Frieda Graham, who was jailed for six months after damaging five paintings at the National Gallery in the militant campaign for votes. Another, Mary Richardson, slashed the gallerys Rokeby Venus. The Votes For Women exhibition, from February to January 2018, includes a new documentary, a bus tour, and a festival to mark the centenary of the Representation of the People Act, when about 40 per cent of women were given the vote. S ince its 2012 makeover, Stratford has become the home of Olympic glory, Westfield and West Ham United. If none of those tantalising prospects quite float your boat, then there are a few considerably tastier reasons to tempt you to the former Olympic Village. In and around E20 (no, not the Eastenders set, this postcode is a real place now) you can find a growing number of foodie delights, from Italian bakeries to Iberian-influenced menus. Take a look at our pick of the bunch. Darkhorse Darkhorse is exactly that a thoughtful, ambitious and ultimately impressive food and drink spot in an entirely unassuming part of London. This hidden gem can be uncovered in the newfound suburbia of the former Olympic Athletes Village it may only be a 10-minute walk but this is a world away from the hipster hangouts of Hackney Wick. A mixture of the best-loved and under-explored bits of both Italian and Spanish cuisine, Darkhorse's food is low on cliches, high on ingredient-led intrigue. Its fresh burrata is served with Bertha grilled grapes and Pedro Ximenez sherry balsamic vinegar a prime example of Darkhorses penchant for marrying an Italian light-touch with a delicious Iberian twist. It takes little encouragement to accompany this with a well-chosen wine and spirits list, served by knowledgable, passionate staff. 16-19 Victory Parade, East Village, E20 1FS, Hand Its easy to overlook Hand: its red plastic primary school-style chairs dont scream must-try London restaurant and the pastry counter in front of a mammoth barista machine plonks the vibe firmly in the cafe category. Hand even calls itself a cafe and this East Village outlet does very good Square Mile coffee (they're the people behind 46b Espresso), yet its all a cunning (and faintly baffling) cover for the excellent kitchen out the back. Hand serves up really good Greek food (see above). Pungent Mediterranean-meets-north-African flavours are in abundance, bedecked with lashings of olive oil and oregano. Warming pots of fragrant Gigantes bean and lentil stews, shakshuka-style eggs star alongside the aforementioned pastries including filo rolls stuffed with spinach, feta and a fragrant hint of lemon (a nod to Greek favourite spanokopita) or sausage rolls (less Greek but still good) made with Hill & Szrok meat. 10-11 Victory Parade, East Village, E20 1FS, Village Vanguard Village Vanguard is the restaurant for the eternally indecisive. If you and your better half regularly find yourself in a crushing food-choosing dilemma, then you can be pretty sure youll find something to satisfy that elusive craving in this corner of Stratfords East Village. This restaurant-meets-bar sees friendly staff serve up good beers and reasonably-priced cocktails (with 2-4-1 deals aplenty), as well as a surprisingly wide range of dishes. A restaurant that serves both eggs benedict and lamb shawarma may worry some, but Village Vanguard does a darn good job at both. Its buttermilk fried chicken is a winner (particularly when served up dirty, rolled in honey and sriracha sauce), crunchy on the outside and silky on the inside. A close second is its chicken shish kebab, perfectly chargrilled juicy chicken thighs served up on a fresh hearty tomato salad and khobez flatbread. Village Vanguard isnt fine dining, but its just what you want to eat right now. Village Hall, 1 Liberty Bridge Road, East Village, E20 1AS, Signorelli Theres little to doubt around the freshness of Signorellis fare when you can see flour-flecked bakers elbow deep in dough in the next room. This Italian bakery is at the heart of East Villages newfound suburban cafe culture (read: prams everywhere), and puts an emphasis its produce. Bread is Signorellis star bake and what they put on top of it makes it a favourite foodie pitstop. Brunch is slight on the portion size, but high-quality ingredients matched with sourdough means you cant lose and getting one of its Florentine style focaccias, topped with egg and spinach, is never a bad decision. At Signorelli, order anything with Italian sausage either with scrambled eggs for breakfast or stuffed inside one of their paysan rolls with goats cheese, rucola and black pepper. Sweet treats litter the delectable (and ever-changing) counter at Signorelli, with low-sugar options sneaking their way on keep your eye out for a marvellously moist fruit-filled yoghurt cake. 7 Victory Parade, East Village, E20 1FS, Fish House Every neighbourhood needs a chippie. Fish House has found its second home in Stratford but hails originally from the other side of Victoria Park, and both locations live something of a double life. For feet-up-on-the-sofa Friday nights, flaky battered cod and proper chip-shop chips can be picked up in a soothingly straightforward cardboard box, or eaten in. All the trimmings are on hand including some very worthy tartare and yes, even curry sauce. If your Friday fish fancy requires a little more finesse, Fish House has plenty more in the sea. The flipside of its menu features an array of ethically sourced seasonal seafood cooked with flavours from around the world. Its fried fish tacos are a hit, served with a lime and coriander slaw, avocado and pickled jalapenos, or look out for whole roasted sea bream dishes served with changing accompaniments but always perfectly cooked. 36-39 Victory Parade, East Village, E20 1FS, Levi Roots Caribbean Smokehouse Its been more than 10 years now since Jamaican-born Levi Roots appeared on BBC Ones Dragons Den with his Reggae Reggae sauce and a little song that made everyone love him a little bit. Roots is now serving up the Caribbean cuisine that he has so passionately championed in his Westfield Stratford restaurant (yes, its technically in a shopping centre, but you can only just tell so just dont think about it) and the food is as joyous as Rootss sunny disposition. Get your jerk just how you like it: simply smoked, Levis BBQ Reggae glazed or smokehouse jerk-style (the spiciest and the best). If youre a saltfish fan, then its Bajan fishcakes are lightly spiced delight, seasoned with scallion and scotch bonnet (the super spicy chilli with a signature Caribbean sweetness). If youre feeling the cold, a warming portion of curry goat is in order, served with a light and flaky roti, or get in the sunshine spirit with the hands-on Beach Shack Food menu of filled wraps and rotis. Westfield, The Street, Montfichet Road, E20 1EJ, F orget stickily warm Kopparberg sloshed down your back at teen music festivals, or the existential hangover-inducing scrumpy of post-exam celebrations and please, please dont mention snakebite. Cider is being redeemed, one pint of single variety at a time. Starting in Bermondsey. While Druid Street is known among craft beerophiles as the start of the Bermondsey Beer Mile, packed with blood orange double IPA-producing microbreweries, there is a new craft pint puller in town. Hawkes Cidery bills itself as the first urban cider maker, and founder Simon Wright is on a mission to get us sinking good cider. For years, mainstream cider has been mass produced, and of mostly poor quality, he says. Craft cider has been a thing for a very niche group of people in places such as Somerset or Herefordshire. But British apples are wonderfully varied, theyre also cheap and provide nuanced flavour profiles when you play with them. Weve had the craft gin revolution, and craft beer just gets bigger and better, so I truly believe its high time that cider has its day in the sun. Ciders in the taproom are ranked by their various levels of sharpness, sweetness and tannin, with some of the super-dry, super-tannic tasting almost like Syrah. Brothers Toffee Apple this is not. Its own brand, Hawkes Urban Orchard, is not challenging cider its simply very crisp, alcoholic apple juice, easy sipping at 4.5 per cent and, when I visited on one hungover Sunday, blissfully revitalising. There is an apple donation scheme for anyone with an overloaded fruit tree dropping Granny Smiths quicker than you can say Newtons law of universal gravitation. You are given one bottle of Urban Orchard for every 3kg (about 15 apples) donated and on 11 November you can even brew your own Bramleys at its Urban Cider Making Masterclass. Rose outlook: Sassy Cidre The revival of cider is long overdue the UK has for some time been pipped to the post by the States, where craft cider is big business. Still, London is finally getting aboard the apple cart. Scandi-inspired restaurant Rok is pouring its own brewed ciders at its new pop-up spot in Old Spitalfields Market, while at the new Farm Girl cafe in Sweaty Betty Carnaby Street, you can chase your in-store Paolas Body Barre with a glass of hydrating Hoila, an Alpine cider made in South Tyrol and served in an extremely Instagram-friendly bottle. The same can be said of French brand Sassy Cidre and its admirable determination to make cider cool again with graphic bottles and a rose variety. Need something to soak up the juice? The Cider Box, campaigners for real cider, hosts regular cider and cheese evenings most recently at Kenningtons Old Red Lion to encourage consumption of Braeburns in booze form and Brie. And if youre steering clear of the booze but need to keep warm this season, sip yourself silly on Dominique Ansels hot cinnamon apple booze-free cider while insulating yourself for the winter with a cronut or six. What are you waiting for? Get some cider inside ya. T here's a danger in declaring any new technology the greatest innovation of the 21st century. Were only 17 years in. We have a habit of overstating the importance of the novel. We never know when the Back to the Future hoverboards might finally be with us. And yet, here it is what many have decreed the greatest innovation of the 21st century: animoji karaoke. Many iPhone X owners will not have been at peak productivity in the office this week. Instead they have been mastering the phones biggest advance an advance we never knew we needed to create virtual catnip, marrying much-loved songs with the animated emoji menagerie. A cynic might note that this is Apple showing its greatest strength as a tech company: persuading customers to advertise its products for free. It is certainly an entertaining advert, though. One user gave us the animoji barbershop quartet: the chicken, alien, rabbit and unicorn singing the ballad Sweet Adeline. Another made the pig, the cat and the chicken shake their heads to Solomon Lindas The Lion Sleeps Tonight. The chicken is clearly the superstar, the Justin of the emoji world his solo of Taylor Swifts Look What You Made Me Do used wiggling wattles to stirring effect. Perhaps the best of all these tracks, though, was a version of Queens Bohemian Rhapsody, with the fox playing Freddie Mercury and a chorus of cats. Put on a happy face: trying out the new animoji feature, which turns you into a live, moving emoji / AP These have all been posted to Twitter and gone viral, so those of us who didnt shell out almost $1,000 for a phone can at least be passive consumers, even if not active creators. Other users have been even more inventive. Derek Duncan, a father based in St Louis, tweeted that he had spent entirely too long on his Star Wars animoji karaoke. It begins with the famous phrase A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... before turning into a nine-part a capella group singing the theme. People have also used animojis to add animal heads to famous scenes from both film and TV screen. The best, by YouTube user Braziliandanny, has a fox head on Dustin Hoffman as he looks through Mrs Robinsons legs in The Graduate, the chicken proclaiming This is Sparta! in 300 or the poo emoji delivering Ricks line in Casablanca, Heres looking at you, kid. He also includes a clip from 2016s presidential debates: Hillary Clintons robot head declares her rival a puppet, while Donald Trumps face is replaced by the poo emoji. Of course. iPhone X - in pictures 1 /9 iPhone X - in pictures iPhone X is water resistant Apple The home button has been removed to allow for a full-screen look Apple The black 'notch' at the top of the display has proved a controversial design for some long-time Apple fans Apple The dual-lens back-facing camera has been redesigned with a vertical configuration Apple iPhone X is compatible with Qi wireless chargers Apple Face ID on the iPhone X unlocks your handset just by looking at it Apple The iPhone X, front and back Apple Initially, animoji was supposed to be for Apples messaging app. It meant users could have their audio iMessages delivered by the smiling monkey or the sparkly unicorn. Having a rabbit say your message makes an anodyne missive like, Im running late more exciting. So, like many a great technological leap forward, animoji karaoke came about by accident. Users realised they could save the animojis, edit them and transform them into animoji karaoke. For those with iPhone Xs, once you have sent someone an animoji you can use the phones sharing feature to save it as a video, meaning you can then upload it to social media. So how does it work? The feature identifies a users facial expressions and the way their mouths move and copies them onto the emojis face. There are currently a dozen animoji options, with more to be added soon too. The genius who first tested this idea was Fast Companys Harry McCracken, who decided it might be fun to lip-sync a song to an animoji and have it mimic my performance. He wrote that some people said that it redeemed animoji or justified buying a thousand-dollar phone. McCracken advises that if you want to get beyond the animoji 10-second limit, you should use iOS 11s new screen-recording feature instead of recording yourself inside the messages app, and that while you can record your soundtrack with the iPhone Xs microphone as you lip-sync, you can also use iMovie to give a better version of the audio and line it up with your lip movements in post-production. To get the animoji to seem properly animated, you also have to exaggerate your facial movements. It makes you gurn. In acting terms, you need to over-emote. A half-raised eyebrow is not enough you need to go for the full arch. But if you can manage that, your phone is your animoji karaoke booth. A n acid victim who took his own life at a euthanasia clinic after he was left paralysed identified his ex-girlfriend as his attacker with his tongue and an alphabet, a court has heard. Mark Van Dongen, 29, was paralysed from the neck down, "grotesquely scarred" and all but blinded by the attack in September 2015. The alleged victim's father Cornelius told a jury at Bristol Crown Court that it was four months after the attack before he was able to communicate with his son by using an alphabet. It was another five months before he regained his speech. "He stuck his tongue out and he spelt out 'Berlinah'," he said. His ex-girlfriend Berlinah Wallace, who is on trial for murder and applying a corrosive fluid, was said to have told him before the attack: "If I can't have you, no one else can." The alleged victim later took his own life at a euthanasia clinic because "he had nothing left to live for", his father told the court. A courtroom sketch of Mr Van Dongen's father testifying (Elizabeth Cook/PA ) / Elizabeth Cook/PA He ran out into the street screaming in pain in the Westbury Park area of Bristol before a neighbour took him to a nearby flat, put him in a shower and called 999 after the alleged attack on September 23. Dutch-born Mark Van Dongen suffered 15 months of pain before he travelled to the euthanasia clinic in Belgium to die in January, his father said. Giving evidence for the prosecution, his father told the court that at the time of the attack: "He was lying in his bed and she was suddenly behind his bed and she shouted 'she couldn't have my life. If I can't have it nobody else will get it'. "These are the words I remember he said. He stepped outside and shouted really loudly for help." Cornelius Van Dongen, giving evidence through a Dutch interpreter, said his son was transferred from a care home in Gloucester to the hospital in Belgium in November last year because he was distressed and could not settle. "He wanted to return to a normal life - that's what he wanted...The fact that he couldn't move his arms was the straw that broke the camel's back. "He completed his application for euthanasia. He said that, 'My life has come to nothing and there is nothing left...He said, 'All I have is a different ceiling to look at'." The court heard that Mark Van Dongen had developed an acute lung infection which would require a tube being inserted in his throat and a 95 per cent chance of him losing his voice. Adam Vaitilingam QC, prosecuting, asked Cornelius Van Dongen: "What did he say about not wanting the tube in his throat?" The witness replied: "He didn't want any more pain and didn't want any more surgery and wanted to be able to talk to me until the last seconds. He didn't want to go on any further and he just wanted to die." He confirmed he was present when his son died on January 2. He also told the jury his son was scared of Wallace and had called the police "several times" about her but "received no support". "He was scared and he was afraid of her. You can see what happened," he said. Wallace, of Ladysmith Road, Westbury Park, Bristol, denies charges of murder and applying a corrosive fluid. She claims she thought she was throwing a glass of water at Mark Van Dongen. A "callous" hit-and-run driver who paralysed a young mother and left her needing round-the-clock care has been jailed for two and a half years. Pascoe Petgrave, 21, ploughed his grey BMW into Chanelle Higgins, 30, and her friend as they walked along the pavement in West Norwood on their way home from a night out. The pair were thrown into the air and crashed to the ground on Norwood High Street in the horrific crash before driver Petgrave sped off. Ms Higgins was paralysed from the chest down in the crash and is now confined to a wheelchair. Her friend, Nikisha Cox, 29, was hurt but not seriously injured. Petgrave, from Croydon, claimed he was innocent of dangerous driving and told jurors he mounted the pavement as he sped away from two men who he believed were armed with weapons. Wheelchair-bound: Chanelle Higgins was left with life-changing injuries after the crash CCTV footage shows the moment the car mowed down the two women, leaving them laying on side of the pavement. He was caught when his grey car with a smashed windscreen was spotted by a local police officer. The car was seized and Petgrave was arrested when he reported a stolen vehicle to the police. Petgrave was found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving in the crash, which happened at 4.30am on May 29, 2016. He was convicted after a three-day trial at Inner London Crown Court. He was jailed for two and a half years on Thursday. When he is released from prison, he will be disqualified from driving for two years and must take an extended driving test if he wants to get behind the wheel again. Jailed: Pascoe Petgrave, 21, was jailed after being found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving Petgraves defence lawyer claimed he drove along the pavement to speed away from two men who were threatening to hurt him. The jury were read a letter from a PC to Croydons police gang task force recommending that Petgrave be moved out of the area for his safety. The letter read Petgrave had previously been chased by men armed with knives and he was at risk of gang violence. Ms Higgins sat in court in a wheelchair with her body covered with a blanket just a few feet from Petgrave. Ms Higgins paralysed on the ground in the aftermath of the crash, in CCTV which was shown to jurors Claudette Hamilton, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: This callous individual, who was uninsured at the time, drove into both women from behind and fled the scene. He did not report the collision to police, forcing the victim to take part in media appeals to identify him. We used CCTV footage to demonstrate to the jury the total disregard Petgrave took for his actions. Ms Hamilton added: This incident has had profound consequences for one victim. Her life has changed dramatically and she will now require round-the-clock care as a result of Petgraves actions. Dangerous driving can shatter lives and I hope this successful prosecution goes someway in bringing comfort to the victims and their families. N early 860,000 calls to Scotland Yards non-emergency 101 number were abandoned in the past 12 months, figures revealed today. They also show that more than 42,000 people dialling the emergency 999 number and asking for a police response failed to complete the call. The number of uncompleted 101 calls in September was 78,008 a rise of more than a third on the 57,734 for October last year. The figures were revealed to Labour London Assembly Member Andrew Dismore after a question to the Mayor. It raises fears that Londoners trying to report low-level crimes could be giving up in frustration. Separate figures obtained after a Freedom of Information request show the number of 101 calls taking longer than 16 minutes to answer rose from 435 in January to 30,746 in June. The number answered within 30 seconds fell from 142,322 in January to 60,197 in June. The worst month for uncompleted 101 calls was also June, with 151,147 more than half the total of 284,704 calls received. There were also 7,908 uncompleted 999 calls that month, though this was only 3.5 per cent of the total 205,382 received that month. Police point out that June was the month of the London Bridge terror attack and the Grenfell Tower fire, which put emergency services under huge pressure. Scotland Yard also said there were many reasons why callers hang up. One is that people dialling 101 decide to report crimes online after hearing a recorded message about this service. An abandoned call can also be due to a mobile phone losing its signal. Londoners turn to the internet to report crime Thousands of Londoners are reporting crimes online as Scotland Yard says that fewer people are choosing to go to police stations over minor offences. The Met released figures today showing that 9,000 crimes were reported online in June compared with 900 in February when this internet service was launched. In total there have been 51,000 crimes or incidents reported online in London in the past six months. The Met said about eight per cent of crime reports were now done using a computer or smartphone. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mark Simmons said: Research shows that while most people want to contact us by phone, the second preference is to contact us online. Since February, officers have dealt with 85 crimes reported online which needed officers to attend. These included reports of burglaries, sex offences, domestic abuse and a historical rape. Mr Simmons said: I want to reassure people that this is not an automated service each report will be handled by one of our experienced call handlers, the same ones who take 999 and 101 calls, within 45 minutes of a report being submitted. Police say most crimes can be reported online unless there is a suspect on scene and a risk to life or property. They still want people to call to report a missing person or antisocial behaviour. However, senior officers admit that the Mets call handling centre has been short-staffed. In August, the force advertised for 190 new call handlers. The figures come as the Met faces 400 million of cuts. The force plans to close more than half its 73 police stations and sell the buildings to raise 165 million. Mr Dismore said he had received numerous complaints about long waits on the 101 service. People are hanging on for half an hour and then giving up. I think the Met are trying to sort it out but people do not expect to call police and be kept waiting for 20 minutes or half an hour, he said. There is a real concern about what happens to the reporting of some so-called low-level crimes if Londoners inevitably give up and abandon efforts to get through to an operator due to delays in call-answering. He added: With plans to close stations across London, theres a risk that some people who would use 101 as an alternative, as suggested by the police, will struggle to report crimes and other problems. Until the 101 number is operating as it should, plans to close stations should be deferred. He said Londoners such as pensioners who might not use online services and those on low incomes without computer access would struggle most. Chief Superintendent David Jackson, head of the Mets Command and Control department, said there had been a 12 per cent rise in the number of calls to the Met in the past year, which had had an impact on services, particularly for 101 calls as 999 calls are given priority at times of high demand. He added that June was the Mets busiest month for 999 and 101 calls in two years. He said: I know that our staff and officers really appreciate the support that all emergency services have received from the public following some awful events, and the public can help us by only using 999 in an emergency. If you need to contact police in a non-emergency, then visit our website to see if your matter can be dealt with on there, or if you call us on 101, then please bear with us at this time. T housands of cancer patients a year are to be offered game-changing treatment at a London hospital using one of the worlds most advanced radiotherapy machines. The Royal Marsden will be the first hospital in Britain to use a 10 million MR Linac, which delivers precision blasts of radiotherapy to 3mm accuracy while scanning patients in real time to ensure the tumour is targeted. Doctors hope this could lead to major advances in treatment and survival rates for prostate, breast, lung and pancreatic cancer - the deadliest of all major cancers. Professor Robert Huddart, consultant oncologist at the Royal Marsden and Institute of Cancer Research, said the machine was able to deliver higher bursts of radiation at greater precision than other equipment treating the tumour more effectively without the risk of damaging healthy tissue. This could mean prostate cancer might require only several treatments while breast tumours could be eradicated in a single session. We hope it will be for many, many patients a game-changer, he told the Standard. The giant machine is built in a bunker dug into the Sutton campus shared by the Marsden and The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR). It was funded by the Medical Research Council after a 230 million investment in UK science announced by the Treasury in 2014. Just don't get an itch... Evening Standard reporter Ross Lydall tried out the machine Youre not claustrophobic, are you? asked Professor Robert Huddart. For the first time I felt uneasy about being entombed in a radiotherapy machine for up to an hour. I had been given the chance to be the first healthy volunteer to test the Marsdens MR Linac. Id taken some convincing. What if they found something? Clad in scrubs, with earplugs and ear defenders protecting me from the grinding noise of the imaging magnets, I was slid backwards into the tunnel. I closed my eyes and tried to stay focused, wondering if this is what life is like for astronaut Tim Peake. Try to stay still, advised lead research radiographer Helen McNair. The magnets whirred and beeped. After 10 minutes came the urge to scratch my upper lip. After 30 minutes my feet cramped. It was painless and thankfully nothing was detected. For patients, this machine could be the difference between life and death. A second machine is being installed at The Christie hospital in Manchester. The Marsden will be the first to treat patients, starting by next summer. Magnetic fields created by the Linacs MRI scanner detect signals sent out by the bodys water molecules to create detailed images of internal organs. This locates the tumour and enables the radiation beams to be tailored to the target. Lung tumours move as a patient breathes, while tumours in the kidney, bladder and prostate can move even during a 30-minute scan, for example as the patients bladder fills. Unlike CT scans, there is no radiation. Professor Uwe Oelfke, head of physics at the Marsden and ICR, said the Linac used adaptive radiation therapy to provide maximum benefit to patients. He said: The fresher the images, the more valuable they are. Its almost like eating fruit: the fresher, the better. Healthy volunteers are helping radio-graphers test the Linacs imaging capabilities. Cancer patients will join tests by the end of the year. Prostate patients are expected to the first to be treated with eight or nine cancer types eventually targeted, including cervical, abdominal, bladder and rectal. The plan is to treat 20 to 25 intermediate or high-risk patients a day. The machines are also being trialled at five sites in Europe, Canada and the US, where early work suggests success with pancreatic cancer. C ity Hall has stepped up efforts to end its controversial deal with fossil fuel firms, but it still invests almost 70million in companies that drive up carbon emissions. Sadiq Khan last year pledged to strip back his authoritys investment in the fossil fuel industry, which new data suggests until earlier this spring amounted to more than 200m. Amid fierce pressure from campaign groups, a spokesman for the London mayor said a significant amount of cash invested in the industry has now been pulled. According to the mayors office, the figure now stands at 69m. But campaigners said City Halls approach to this process known as divestment has been inconsistent compared to other cities across the globe. Pollution seen hanging over the city of London. Campaigners say controversial investments in fossil fuel industry pose a threat to climate (Evening Standard / eyevine) / Jeremy Selwyn "London should be making a proud public statement about its intentions to cut ties with the industry driving climate change, said Ellen Gibson, of the UK Divestment campaign. While other world cities have committed to meaningful divestment, City Hall has chosen an inconsistent approach, which lets big polluters off the hook. London should be a climate leader - but on this, we've fallen behind. City Hall invests in the industry through the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA). Mr Khan and the LPFA have agreed on a policy to - where possible - pull its funds from fossil fuel companies. London Pollution - In pictures 1 /20 London Pollution - In pictures PA Sunrise: Pollution lingered over London on Tuesday morning Jeremy Selwyn A cyclist wearing a face mask rides between taxis taking part in a protest to highlight congestion and air pollution Getty Images A smog filled traffic rush hour in the East End of London Jeremy Selwyn Pollution detector App 'Blue Air' near the Houses of Parliament Blue air Thick smog hangs over London's Docklands PA Traffic pollution in North London Jeremy Selwyn Air pollution surrounds The Shard in London Jeremy Selwyn Getty Images Sunrise over a misty polluted London from Primrose Hill Jeremy Selwyn St. Paul's Cathedral is seen among the skyline through the smog AFP via Getty Images A thick layer of smog was visible above London William Smith/@williamsmithorg A cold layer of air can be seen trapping pollution close to the ground and across the London skyline Pete Buckney This image taken near the Royal Observatory in Greenwich shows a thick layer of fog hanging over London Anna Rolls The City of London covered in smog seen from Hampstead Heath Getty Images On the campaigners claims, a spokesman for the mayor said: Sadiq believes that the new LPFA climate change policy is one of the strongest and most sophisticated of any city in the world and will help to fulfil his manifesto commitment to take all possible steps to divest the fund of its remaining investments in fossil fuel industries. He particularly welcomes the LPFAs commitment to implement all necessary divestment by 2020 and is pleased that the fund has already successfully divested many of its assets. Research carried out by City Hall has also revealed that the scale of divestment is on a far bigger scale than other cities and is of a more complex nature. According to data compiled from a series of Freedom of Information requests by divestment groups, until March this year, London local authorities together invested a total of almost 2billion in fossil fuels. Campaigners say the investments pose a huge threat to climate, and contradict Paris Agreement pledges made by the UK government. Martin Watters, of Divest London, said: The fact that London funds continue to invest in the companies responsible for the crisis flies in the face of this agreement, and of all the citys efforts being made to reduce emissions and combat climate change. Sadiq Khan: The London mayor has moved to cut City Hall's ties with fossil fuel firms / PA Almost all councils in London, like City Hall, invest in the industry through pension funds of which they manage. The returns on these investments are then paid out as pensions. While the majority of local authorities in the capital continue to invest in the industry, several have made commitments to lower their fossil fuel exposure. Waltham Forest and Southwark councils became the first in the UK to commit to a divestment of funds. Hackney and Haringey have made partial commitments. Simon Miller, former chair of Waltham Forest councils pension fund committee, said: Given current pressures on Local Authority budgets, our pension funds have a key role to play, not only in making our economy greener and our communities healthier, but as driver of sustainable, future focused investment in local areas. While two local authorities have made firm commitments to divest, other London councils continue to invest significantly in the industry. Hammersmith and Fulham, until at least March this year, invested 9 per cent of its pension fund into fossil fuel companies - the highest of all of the capitals boroughs, according to the campaign groups figures. A spokesman for the council said it had in March committed to end investments in fossil fuel companies, but did not provide a date for when this is likely to happen. S adiq Khan joined tearful mourners at a vigil to remember the victims of the Croydon tram crash a year after seven people were killed in the tragedy. Victims relatives, emergency crews and officials laid floral tributes following an emotional service marking the first anniversary of the crash. Some 51 people were injured when a speeding tram derailed at a sharp junction outside Sandilands station last November. Philip Logan, 52, Dane Chinnery, 19, Philip Seary, 57, Dorota Rynkiewicz, 35, Robert Huxley, 63, Mark Smith, 35, and Donald Collett, 62, all died in the disaster which occurred at 6.07am. Emotional speech: The Mayor of London speaks at the vigil / Mayor of London Passengers were ejected or partially ejected through shattered windows as the tram overturned and slid 25 metres, having been travelling at 46 miles per hour on a bend which had a 13 miles per hour speed limit. A private service was held for victims and family members at a newly unveiled memorial at Sandilands today. A public ceremony was held at a second newly created site in Central Parade, New Addington. The Mayor of London, Croydon Council leader Tony Newman, emergency service leaders and relatives of those killed made moving speeches ahead of a one minute silence. Mr Khan said: "Our public transport system should be a place where people are always safe. "I've demanded reassurances from Transport for London and First Group that changes have been made to the network, and I'll ensure that lessons are learnt and acted upon. "We owe this to the victims, the families and to all Londoners." Consultant Paramedic Paul Gates, who managed the ambulance service's response on the day, said: "Our thoughts remain with everyone affected by this tragic incident and the wider community in Croydon." Sergeant Chris Morbey from the British Transport Police struggled to hold back tears during a speech. The granddaughter of victim Philip Logan, who died in the crash, ran to comfort him, the Croydon Advertiser reported. Emergency services took to Twitter to send messages of support to those affected by the crash. The London Fire Brigade wrote: Our thoughts are with the victims of the #Croydon Tram Crash & their friends & family on the first anniversary. Firefighters who worked so hard to rescue as many commuters as possible will attend a memorial service today. The London Ambulance Service added: Today we'll be standing with the #Croydon community to remember the seven people who died and over 50 people who were injured in last year's tram crash. Devastated survivors today told the Standard that lessons must be learned to prevent another disaster. Matthew Parnell, 44, lost his HGV licence and his job after suffering a brain injury in the crash. Seven people died and 51 were injured when the speeding tram derailed / PA He said: The anniversary is a difficult time as it is a reminder of the cause of loss to so many people, for my own part the accident has changed my life. An interim report by the Rail Accident Investigation Bureau (RAIB) said the late application of the brakes, and the absence of emergency braking, suggested the driver, 43-year-old Alfred Dorris, from Beckenham, had lost awareness. Dorris was arrested at the scene and questioned on suspicion of manslaughter. He was questioned again by police two months ago and released under investigation as officers prepare a report for the Crown Prosecution Service. Loading.... Since the crash, four drivers have admitted to falling asleep while operating trams at the same location. Following the interim RAIB report, TfL installed devices in tram cabs that monitors drivers eyes for distraction or fatigue and alerts them with a noise and vibration if they appear to be falling asleep. A major search has been launched for a three-year-old girl from east London who has gone missing with her schizophrenic mother. A High Court judge has asked the public to help find Elliana Shand, also known as Elliana Richards, who is believed to be in the UK with Jessica Richards. Mr Justice Hayden said in London on Wednesday that he was "very concerned indeed" for the safety of Elliana, who turns four next month. "In optimum circumstances, the mother's capacity to meet her daughter's needs was barely satisfactory, he said. "But, it is abundantly clear that under stress, perhaps not taking her anti-psychotic medicine, perhaps in the grip of auditory commands which are hallucinatory, she poses, despite her love for her daughter, a very real risk to her safety." The judge said that, in May, the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham concluded that Elliana's placement with her mother no longer provided her with the essential safety and security that she needed and was her right. During court proceedings, which were likely to see Elliana taken into care, her maternal grandmother, Sharon Shand, also known as Richards, took matters into her own hands and flew with the child to Jamaica to spend time together on a "farewell final holiday". Mrs Shand maintained that she handed Elliana over to her mother on her return to the UK in September and did not know where they are now. The judge said his assessment of the family was that Mrs Shand would not let Jessica, who also has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Elliana out of her sight for one minute more than was necessary. "I have utterly no doubt that she is in contact with her daughter and, almost certainly, her granddaughter." The judge said the "very significant" risk which Jessica posed to her child was one that Mrs Shand was unable to accept or acknowledge. It was very clear that, for all her difficulties, Jessica Richards had a warm and affectionate relationship with Elliana and Mrs Shand was similarly close to the child, he added. "This is a very much loved little girl. In that she is immensely fortunate." He said it was easy to see from Elliana's photo why Mrs Shand was so proud of her. "She is a strikingly beautiful little girl." He said he hoped that putting the information into the public domain would facilitate the return of Elliana to "circumstances where she is safe". The local authority's plan was for her to remain within her family but on the paternal side. S prinklers should be fitted to all council and housing association high-rise blocks in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy and the Chancellor should set aside money to pay for the measure, Jeremy Corbyn said. The Labour leader is launching a campaign in an attempt to force Philip Hammond to use his Budget to announce 1 billion of funding to retrofit sprinklers in residential blocks. Mr Corbyn will also hit out at Government cuts to fire services and the "dangerously neglected" state of social housing. Ahead of a major speech, Mr Corbyn said: "Five months on from the Grenfell Tower fire, still only 2% of tower blocks have sprinklers and councils claim they have been denied funding for these vital measures. Labour is calling on the Chancellor to use the Budget to retrofit sprinklers in council tower blocks / AP "The Government is failing to learn the lessons from this tragedy. I urge the Chancellor to use the Budget to urgently provide the funds needed to retrofit sprinklers, ensuring people in thousands of tower blocks across our country are living in safety and with peace of mind. "The Grenfell Tower fire was an entirely avoidable human disaster that must not be repeated." Labour is calling on the Chancellor to use the Budget on November 22 to fund the retrofitting of sprinklers in all council and housing association tower blocks, starting with buildings that are 30 metres - 10 storeys - or higher. Mr Corbyn said: The Grenfell Tower fire was an entirely avoidable human disaster that must not be repeated / Paul Hackett/Reuters Mr Corbyn will use his speech in London to hit out at the "staggering" cuts to fire services. He will say: "Firefighters across the country have faced the harsh reality of politically driven austerity. Along with the other emergency services across the country they have been forced to deal with repeated budget cuts since 2010. "In the last seven years, 10,000 frontline firefighter jobs have gone - equivalent to one in six positions." He will add: "Because of the continual loss of firefighters' jobs, if the fire at Grenfell had occurred outside of London, there would not have been enough firefighters in the vicinity to tackle a blaze of that size." Following the Paradise Papers revelations, Mr Corbyn will also step up his calls for action to tackle tax avoidance. "While people are living in potential death-trap homes without essential safety protections such as sprinklers, it is an obscenity that we have super-rich elites and major corporations who are allowed to avoid paying their taxes," he will say. A nine-year-old London schoolboy stood up in class to declare his support for the Islamic State after watching execution videos online, the Home Office revealed today. The boy was among thousands of British children - including more than 500 girls under the age of 15 - identified as a potential extremists, the Home Office revealed today. He said he had seen beheadings and the burning of people by IS after searching the internet for terrorist material following the Paris attacks two years ago. The disclosure - which came as Home Secretary Amber Rudd met tech giants in the US to raise her concerns about extremist material online - was made as the government published the most detailed figures so far about the number of people referred to its Prevent counter-radicalisation programme. The statistics, which cover the 12 months up to the end of March last year, show that 7,631 were referred to the scheme. Of these, just under 5,000 were reported by schools, health staff, social workers or others over suspected Islamist sympathies, with a further 10 per cent referred over right-wing extremist fears. Concerns about 381 people were so serious that they were placed onto a specialist programme, known as Channel, to address their radicalisation. One in six of these withdrew before their courses were complete, with the remaining risk that they posed being left to police to address. Amber Rudd met tech giants in the US to raise her concerns about extremist material online / REUTERS The most striking feature of the figures is the proportion of children and young people being reported over suspected extremist sympathies. They include 2,127 children aged under 15 - equivalent to 28 per cent of all Prevent referrals - and another 2,147 aged between 15 and 20. Across all age groups, females accounted for 1,597 referrals to Prevent, representing a fifth of the overall total. Officials said that more and more cases involved children seeing extremism material online and gave the disturbing example of the nine-year-old London boy, given the pseudonym Haroon. He stood up in class and said I support Islamic State, a senior Home Office official said. He had seen execution videos, beheadings and burning people. Officials added that 2,000 pieces of online terrorist propaganda are currently being removed each week by police. The disclosures will heighten concern about the ongoing threat posed by extremist content on social media and the danger that young minds, in particular, are being polluted by online violence. The figures published today also show that a quarter of those referred to the Prevent programme during 2015/16 were from London. Of these 1,915 people, a total of 1,386 were referred over concerns about Islamist extremism. Another 483 were referred over unspecified or other concerns. The remaining 46 were referred because of fears about right wing extremist sympathies. More than a third of the 759 referred over right wing extremism were aged between 15 and 20. Right wing referrals were highest in the North East, which accounted for 21 per cent of the total. Security minister Ben Wallace said the government was publishing the statistics to improve transparency and insisted that the scheme was working. He added: The voluntary Channel scheme has seen real results in helping divert people away from terrorism and violence. There is still a way to go to improve the approach and awareness of how to better safeguard our children and vulnerable adults, but the policy is going in the right direction. Since 2015, teachers, university staff, health and social workers, and other public employees have a statutory duty to refer people about whom they have extremist concerns to the Prevent scheme. After assessments are made, no further action is taken against most of those referred. But those about whom there are continuing concerns are asked to go on the voluntary Channel programme. Some refuse and others withdraw before completion but Home Office officials insist that most cases price successful and lead to the person abandoning their extremist sympathies. The nine-year-old boy who watched the IS videos is understood to have returned successfully to mainstream education and to be no longer viewed as an extremist risk. B oris Johnson today faced new calls to step down as Foreign Secretary after Iranian state TV reportedly claimed he had publicly confessed that jailed London mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been training journalists. The Cabinet minister came under fresh pressure to quit amid fears the Iranian regime was using his remarks to justify the imprisonment of Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe, 38, who has a three-year-old daughter. Mr Johnson wrongly told a Commons committee last week that the Hampstead mother, who has dual British-Iranian citizenship, was simply teaching people journalism during a visit to the country last year. He clarified his statement on Tuesday, saying that he was referring to Iranian allegations that she had been training journalists. He backed her family and employer, the Thomson Reuters Foundation, in saying she had been on holiday when she was arrested at Tehran airport in April 2016. But Iranian state TV seized on his words in a report yesterday, which Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffes husband Richard Ratcliffe believes she is likely to have watched in prison. BBC Persian journalist Hadi Nili highlighted the report, tweeting: #Iran stateTV welcomes @BorisJohnsons remarks about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe as an unintended confession of the UK gov ab the real plot behind her trip to Iran & a proof of #IRGCs (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) accusations against her. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe with her husband Richard Ratcliffe and their daughter Gabriella / PA The broadcast is also reported to have said that Mr Johnson had retracted his words about teaching journalism. His original comments are also believed to have been cited when Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe was summoned back to court on November 4, raising fears that her sentence could be lengthened from five years to 16. The broadcast could have stemmed from regime hardliners seeking to reassert themselves over the case. Boris Johnson: Remarks 'had no impact' on jailed British-Iranian woman In Britain, it sparked fresh anger against Mr Johnson. Former Tory minister Anna Soubry said: His words were wholly inaccurate. If they are continuing to damage this womans well-being and putting her in more peril of continuing unlawful incarceration, then the Foreign Secretary must step down and he must go immediately. Shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry called on Mr Johnson to admit he had got his facts wrong and to apologise unreservedly to Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffes family. If he does not have the basic gumption to do that, he deserves to lose his job immediately, she added. Mr Johnson, who spoke to Irans foreign minister Javad Zarif on Tueday, has insisted his remarks have not hampered efforts to free Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe. Her family have always said that her 2016 visit was for her daughter, Gabriella, to meet her grandparents. A Foreign Office spokesman said: The Iranian foreign minister assured the Foreign Secretary that his earlier remarks at the Foreign Affairs Committee will have no bearing on Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffes case and that he remains committed to working with the UK government to secure her release on humanitarian grounds. The Foreign Secretary made clear in Parliament that Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe was visiting Iran on holiday and that was the sole purpose of her visit. Her local MP, Tulip Siddiq said the Foreign Secretarys role was to protect British citizens abroad and that he had failed in the gravest way. She added: This is about a young mothers life, and he must now resign. Another MP said: Remember who the true villains are here. Mrs Zaghari-Ratcliffe is serving a five-year sentence for allegedly plotting to topple the government in Tehran, although the official charges have never been made public. Mr Ratcliffe said the state broadcast was a clear hardening from authorities over his wifes case. He now wants Mr Johnson to step up his efforts over her release and wants the British Embassy to try harder to visit her in jail. Mr Ratcliffe said: I think he [Mr Johnson], and the Government, need to be aware of the gravity of the situation and make it completely clear to Iran that Nazanin is innocent and making it clear in Iran and make this a personal priority of the Foreign Secretary to bring her home. A minister who once appeared on a reality TV show was appointed as Priti Patel's Cabinet replacement this afternoon. Work and Pensions minister Penny Mordaunt, a Brexit supporter, was named as International Development Secretary by Theresa May in the second emergency Cabinet reshuffle in a week. The 44-year-old MP for Portsmouth, who is a Royal Naval Reservist, became best known to the public through appearing on Splash!, the TV contest where celebrities were taught to high dive. The appointment of the only female Minister of State who was a strong Brexit backer became inevitable when Brexit backers warned Mrs May not to appoint a Remainer to succeed Ms Patel, a passionate pro-Leave campaigner. Ms Mordaunt became best known to the public through appearing on Splash! / Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Renowned at Westminster for her ripe sense of humour, Ms Mordaunt once raised eyebrows by confessing to making a Commons speech packed with innuendos to win a bet with a group of Royal Navy officers. Penny Mordaunt appeared on the ITV show Splash / PA Her 2013 address, ostensibly on poultry welfare, contained the word cock six times. The paratroopers daughter also joked during her TV appearances that her bosom would not pass the so-called pencil test, saying: I could probably hold Her Majestys Stationary Office under my bosoms. Ms Patel resigned last night after admitting to more unauthorised meetings with Israeli government figures. She had been accused of trying to change foreign policy via backchannels and was ordered home from Africa to be dismissed. Her downfall came a week after Sir Michael Fallon quit over allegations of improper conduct, and with Mrs Mays deputy Damian Green still under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct. Friends of former International Development Secretary Ms Patel revealed she may speak out in next weeks critical Commons debates on the EU Withdrawal Bill confirming she intends to be an outspoken pro-Brexit force on the backbenches. Rumblings about Mrs Mays leadership intensified, with one ex-minister saying she could be gone within weeks because at least 40 Tory MPs felt they were in a leadership crisis. Under party rules, 48 names would trigger a confidence vote. Resigned from the Cabinet: Priti Patel / Getty Images The former minister said more MPs felt Mrs May should depart. There is a crisis of leadership in the party, he said. It is inevitably going to end only one way, and I would prefer her to go with dignity. Sir Craig Oliver, who served at No 10 under David Cameron, said Tories were crying out for someone to take a firmer grip. He urged Mrs May to take the risk of a full reshuffle and assert her authority. Theres nothing to lose now, he said. Be on the front foot and show you are in charge. Earlier, former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith warned that only a minister with strong Brexit views would be acceptable to MPs. The balance on having strong Brexit views is one that in all probability the Prime Minister will certainly look for, he told the BBC. The former party leader, a figurehead for pro-Brexit MPs, backed Mrs Mays continued leadership. Theresa May is the one person that can actually unite the Cabinet, unite the party, he said. Ms Patel was in her Witham constituency this morning after being summoned back from Africa yesterday and resigning over undisclosed meetings with Israeli officials. She said her conduct had fallen below the standards required of her post. Priti will be speaking up for our amazing country and our people next week, said a friend. Sources indicated that plans for a wider reshuffle are on hold. P riti Patel has thanked supporters in her first tweet since she resigned from her Cabinet position amid growing fears in Europe that the government could collapse after a series of scandals. Ms Patel quit her post as International Development Secretary after she was ordered to return home from an official trip by the Prime Minister in farcical scenes yesterday following revelations about her undocumented meetings with Israeli politicians. In her first public message since her resignation, she thanked her friends, colleagues and constituents for the support they showed her. She wrote on Twitter: An enormous thank you to friends, colleagues, constituents & the public for the support & kindness you have shown me over the last few days. Priti Patel: She resigned after recent revelations about her meeting with Israeli officials / REUTERS It comes amid reports EU leaders are putting plans in place in the event Theresa May is ousted as PM. One European leader told the Times: 'There is the great difficulty of the leadership in Great Britain, which is more and more fragile. 'Britain is very weak and the weakness of Theresa May makes negotiations very difficult.' Brussels is reportedly preparing for two eventualities - a change in leadership in the UK or elections which could lead to Labour coming to power. Ms Patel had only been in Kenya for a matter of hours before the Prime Minister ordered she make the return trip. It was revealed Ms Patel held 12 undisclosed meetings with Israeli politicians - including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - while on a "family holiday". Ms Patel was said to have broken the ministerial code by failing to report these meetings to the Foreign Office or the Government. In her resignation letter she offered a "fulsome apology" and said her actions had fallen below the standards of "transparency and openness that I have promoted and advocated". Mrs May's said that "it was right" that Ms Patel had decided to resign. Loading.... Her resignation is the second in the space of seven days, after Sir Michael Fallon quit as defence secretary last week. He was replaced by Gavin Williamson. A replacement for Ms Patel - who was a key figure in the Vote Leave campaign - is expected to be announced on Thursday. The Prime Minister could be keen to replace Ms Patel with another Brexit-backer in order to placate Eurosceptic MPs on the Conservative benches and maintain the current balance within the Cabinet. Iain Duncan Smith said his instinct was that the PM would seek to keep the balance in the Cabinet but that her number one consideration was to "find the person she thinks is most able to do the job". Loading.... Speaking to BBC Breakfast, the Tory MP played down suggestions that the Cabinet was in chaos or that Ms Patel's departure would spark a reshuffle. "Theresa May is in full charge of this Cabinet and I have no doubt at all her appointment today will reflect the nature of that.," he said. Responding to reports that EU officials were preparing for a possible change in government, Mr Watson said: "If Theresa May collapses, then the country is in a very bad place and would require a general election. "It does seem to me that we are in a very unstable situation at the heart of government and that random events could bring the Government down. We are ready with our manifesto, we would be prepared to go into a general election with a bold set of policies." T heresa May is facing a make or break month after Priti Patel became the second minister forced to quit the Cabinet within a week. She is expected to pick a new International Secretary today as European leaders question whether the UK government is in a fit state to continue Brexit negotiations. Ms Patel resigned in dramatic fashion on Wednesday night after flying back from Africa to confront Mrs May about a series of secret meetings held with Israeli officials. It comes just seven says after Michael Fallon resigned as Defence Secretary amid the sexual harassment scandal sweeping Westminster, saying he had fallen below the high standards required. Priti Patel leaves no 10 Downing Street after quitting the cabinet / AFP/Getty Images Her decision to appoint Gavin Williamson as his replacement was openly criticised by some of her MPs and Mrs May will be anxious to avoid creating further unrest in her fragile administration. The Prime Minister could replace Ms Patel with another Brexit-backer in order to placate Eurosceptic MPs on the Conservative benches and maintain the current balance within the Cabinet. Possible contenders Sir Alan Duncan - Boris Johnson's deputy in the Foreign Office, a Remain supporter Penny Mordaunt - The Work and Pensions Minister is another female Brexit-backer Rory Stewart - A former soldier, diplomat and writer, the Penrith and the Border MP backed Remain Anne Milton Has held frontbench roles since 2006, rising to Minister of State in the Department for Education Alistair Burt - A veteran who is currently a joint DfID-Foreign Office minister. Backed Remain Theresa Villiers - Resigned from government when Mrs May took office and replaced her as Northern Ireland secretary. A prominent Brexit-backer Prominent Tory Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg suggested that disgruntled Remainers could have been behind the leak which led to Ms Patel's downfall. He said that generally "conspiracy theories are wrong" because "people aren't behaving according to some grand Marxist plan". "But nonetheless there are still some people who are still very bitter about the result a year ago and inevitably that colours their behaviour," he told BBC's Newsnight. "If you go into how did Priti Patel's visit come out in the first place, was it leaked by the Foreign Office, was it leaked by somebody at the Foreign Office who resented her and probably the Foreign Secretary's role in Brexit, you may find something." With Brexit talks resuming in Brussels, Mrs May's domestic difficulties are having repercussions in European capitals, with preparations reportedly being made in case her administration collapses. An unnamed European leader told the Times: "Britain is very weak and the weakness of Theresa May makes negotiations very difficult." A senior Conservative MP told the Independent: There is cumulative effect and there is a danger for the Prime Minister that she could be perceived as having lost control of events. He added: This next month to six weeks is make-or-break time. Not just domestically, not just with the EU withdrawal Bill and the Budget, but with the European Council in December and whether we get sufficient progress in Brexit talks. Witham MP Ms Patel was forced to cut short an official trip to Africa and return home for a showdown with Mrs May on Wednesday at which it was made clear her Cabinet career was over. Priti Patel travels back to London Her downfall came after it emerged she had a series of 12 engagements with senior Israeli figures - including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - during a holiday in the country in August. She then held two additional meetings, one in the UK and one in the US, following her return from Israel. In a further development, the Israeli Haaretz newspaper reported that during her stay in the country she visited an Israeli military field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights. Britain, like other members of the international community, has never recognised Israeli control of the area seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War. Priti Patel and Theresa May at a meeting at the UN General Assembly in New York / PA Wire/PA Images The meetings, without officials and in relation to one of the most sensitive areas of foreign policy, led to Ms Patel apologising and being given a dressing down by Mrs May on Monday. But subsequent disclosures added to pressure on Ms Patel, culminating in the meeting in Downing Street which lasted around 30 minutes. In her resignation letter Ms Patel said: "I accept that in meeting with organisations and politicians during a private holiday in Israel my actions fell below the high standards that are expected of a Secretary of State." In a possible indication that she could be a standard-bearer for Brexiteers on the backbenches she vowed to "speak up for our country, our national interests and the great future that Britain has as a free, independent and sovereign nation". In her letter to Ms Patel, the Prime Minister said: "As you know, the UK and Israel are close allies, and it is right that we should work closely together. "But that must be done formally, and through official channels. "That is why, when we met on Monday, I was glad to accept your apology and welcomed your clarification about the trip to Israel over the summer. "Now that further details have come to light, it is right that you have decided to resign and adhere to the high standards of transparency and openness that you have advocated." P rince Charles today warned that humanity seemed hellbent on testing this beautiful and singular planet of ours to destruction, in a major speech in the Indian capital. He said the one-size-fits-all approach to globalisation cannot be the answer and will, I am convinced, lead us into a sterile, monocultural homogeneity that creates ever greater problems. Such a society would rob the planet of solutions to climate change and resource depletion, he said, as water, energy and food insecurity stalk our most vulnerable populations. In his speech at the British High Commission in New Delhi, the prince also hailed the extraordinary cultural, religious and geographic diversity of the Commonwealth. Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall arrive for a wreath laying ceremony at the All India War Memorial at the India Gate in New Delhi / EPA He said it offered an unparalleled means to build bridges between our countries and fairer societies within them so that understanding and aspiration might be the inheritance of the generations that follow us. Charles will play a leading role, alongside the Queen, at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London and Windsor in April. His mother was invited to be head of the Commonwealth on her ascension to the throne and the leaders of the 52 member states will decide if Charles follows her. The prince, who had dinner with Indian PM Narendra Modi last night, said in his speech: The world can learn so much from India today, as indeed it has done through history and as I have done through my own life. Earlier, Charles and Camilla laid a wreath at the India Gate war memorial. They arrive back in Britain today after their 11-day tour, which also took in Singapore, Brunei and Malaysia. T he last Paddington Bear book written by the late Michael Bond is set to be published. The English author, who penned more than 150 books, died in June, aged 91, following a short illness. He was inspired to write Paddington At St Paul's, a picture book, after getting involved in the National Service of Thanksgiving to mark the Queen's 90th birthday. His Reflection On The Passing Of The Years was read at the service in St Paul's Cathedral by Sir David Attenborough, who, like Mr Bond, was born in the same year as the Queen. Paddington stars in this year's M&S Christmas advert / Marks and Spencer In Paddington At St Paul's, chaos ensues when the bear is mistaken for a choirboy during a visit to the London landmark. The announcement of the new book was made days before a memorial service is due to take place for the author at the cathedral. Bond's daughter, Karen Jankel, said: "If the outpouring of wonderful messages of condolence we received from my father's fans is anything to go by, there will be many people who will be delighted to learn there is another Paddington book to look forward to. "Our family feel immensely proud that we will be honouring his life at St Paul's Cathedral and the fact that this is the setting for his final story makes it very special indeed." HarperCollins Children's Books executive publisher Ann-Janine Murtagh said: "We are deeply honoured to be publishing the final Paddington story from our most cherished author, Michael Bond. "Paddington At St Paul's is Michael's parting gift to all his fans - a simply classic Paddington story, brimming with curiosity, charm and affectionate exuberance." She added: "It is illustrated by Bob Alley, who worked closely with Bond for many years and, in a beautiful serendipity, is set in St Paul's Cathedral where we will be celebrating Michael's life and works next week." Bond became a beloved giant of children's literature after his first book, A Bear Called Paddington, was published in 1958, about the bear from Peru who loves marmalade. A n upskirting victim campaigning for changes to sexual offence laws is a step closer to success after a group of MPs backed her petition. Gina Martin, 25, was appalled that the man who took a photo up her skirt at a music festival in Hyde Park this summer faced no consequences, so set up a petition calling for upskirting to be added to the Sexual Offences Act 2003. It has now amassed more than 71,000 signatures. Ms Martin, a writer, was told that despite the picture potentially falling under the offence of outraging public decency in England and Wales, it did not qualify as a sexual offence because she was wearing underwear. The Met closed her case five days later. However, under Scottish law upskirting is a sexual offence and today all 12 Scottish Conservative backbench MPs announced their support for Ms Martins campaign. Gina Martin set up a petition online Aberdeen South MP Ross Thomson has also written to Secretary of State for Justice David Liddington about the issue. Mr Thomson said: Gina is one of thousands of women who are abused in this way every year. Stamping down harder on this type of offending will send a message that womens bodies are not property and sexual assault is not a prank. Ms Martin told the Standard: I think women in general are told to brush off something like having a pervy photo taken of you as if its not a massive deal, but its harassment and its happening all the time. I am delighted to have secured support from Scottish Conservative MPs, and were looking forward to securing support from their English counterparts in the days ahead. It is important that the law recognises this as a sexual offence and not a public nuisance, so that women of England and Wales are supported just as Scottish women are. Ryan Whelan, of Gibson Dunn, representing Ms Martin, added: While it may take time to work through the detail of law reform, we see no reason why the Government should not make a decision in principle immediately. The 12 Scottish Conservative MPs who have backed the campaign are: Andrew Bowie, Colin Clark, David Duguid, Luke Graham, Bill Grant, Kirstene Hair, Alister Jack, Stephen Kerr, John Lamont, Paul Masterton, Douglas Ross and Mr Thomson. View the petition here. T he husband of a jailed British-Iranian mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has begged Boris Johnson to take him to Iran so he can see his wife and young child for the first time in 18 months. Richard Ratcliffe has not seen his partner or three-year-old daughter Gabriella since his wife was imprisoned on suspicion of propaganda charges in April last year. She denies the charges and claims she was taking her daughter to visit her grandparents in Tehran. The Foreign Secretary wrongly said the charity worker, from Hampstead, was simply teaching people journalism during her trip which is now being used as jurisdiction to extend her jail term. Mr Johnson was forced to apologise to MPs on Tuesday for the mistake, and faced calls to quit. Boris Johnson: Comments he made were reportedly being used in Tehran as a justification to extend the jail sentence imposed on a Ms Zaghari-Ratcliffe / PA He promised to fly out to the country following his gaffe, but her husband is now eager to join him so he can see his family for the first time in more than a year. The Foreign Office is now understood to be planning a visit before Christmas, and Mr Ratcliffe wants to accompany Mr Johnson. He said: "I think it would be a way of being able to get there and see Nazanin and certainly my daughter Gabriella." Gabriella, now three, was with her mother when they were stopped by guards as they boarded a plane to leave Iran on April 3 last year. She has since been looked after by her grandparents. "I've been struggling for months, not being able to get a visa to Iran. This would also show the Foreign Secretary is showing personal interest in solving Nazanin's case now. "One thing she has picked up on, even in an Iranian prison, is that he was coming to visit and she was very pleased with that. She put in an application with the Iranian authorities to accept the request. So we are waiting for the Foreign Office to make it happen finally. "That's what I wanted our government to do all along offer her more protection." INazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe with her husband Richard Ratcliffe and their daughter Gabriella / PA The couple's MP Tulip Siddiq said: "Richard has tried for the last 19 months to get a visa to Iran - but it hasnt been successful so far. "He is desperate to see his daughter, as any parent would be when they havent seen their child for 19 months. "Richard has become a Skype parent - thats the only way he can communicate with his daughter, and shes forgetting her English and now only really speaks Farsi. "If Boris could take my constituent with him to Iran, Richard could see Gabriella. "I acknowledge Boris cant guarantee that Richard will see his wife, but going on an official delegation with the foreign secretary would enable him to see his daughter. "It is the least Boris could do about his damaging comments last week - it would be a very appropriate gesture from the Foreign Secretary. E mergency services have joined in taking advantage of Twitters new 280 character limit by imitating the sounds their vehicles make, weeks after police were criticised for putting gimmicks ahead of fighting crime. London Ambulance Service sparked the bizarre display of banter among response teams by tweeting NEE-NAW, NEE-NAW. Retweeting the post, their Air Ambulance colleagues replied: We go WOKKA-WOKKA WOKKA-WOKKA, alongside several helicopter emoji icons. It quickly became a trend as emergency services teams, including Metropolitan Police units and British Transport Police (BTP) accounts, all joined in the fun. It comes weeks after police forces across the country were criticised for a series of pointless stunts and time-wasting which included officers going on fairground dodgems while on duty, painting their nails and wearing Halloween masks. Police were criticised for the gimmicks by senior officers. A stunt in South Wales saw police wearing high heels on duty to raise awareness of domestic violence. Deputy Chief Constable Simon Chesterman wrote online: The issues are serious and real, but this is an embarrassment. He added a thumbs down symbol. BTP London took the phonetic fun to the next level, by tweeting a step by step emoji-based guide to how they respond to calls all within 280 characters. It comes after the social media giant introduced a new rule that allows twice the usual 140 characters in every post. Shocked social media users were quick to show their appreciation for the unusual posts which have been shared thousands of times. One delighted Twitter user wrote: Now this is what the internet was invented for. Another said: Absolutely hysterical. Another said: If there is a better use of 280 characters then I will have to see the proof. Others urged their local emergency services to get involved, with one Twitter user posting to Essex and Hertfordshire Air Ambulance: Are you going to sit on your helipad and say nothing? P rince Harry fuelled speculation of an engagement to Meghan Markle as he joked with a war veteran about bringing her to a Westminster Abbey event next year. Harry, 33, looked relaxed as he chatted and laughed with Matt Weston, a bomb disposal expert in Afghanistan, who asked where his US actress girlfriend was during the Remembrance event on Thursday. Mr Weston, 28, said: I took the Mickey and asked where his missus was and he said she wasnt here. "I asked if she would come next time because she's awesome, and he said he couldn't hide her anywhere, but I said you wouldn't have to hide her. "I would love to meet her - I think she's very cool. He's a very lucky man and she's brilliant." Prince Harry lays poppies at Westminster Abbey 1 /17 Prince Harry lays poppies at Westminster Abbey Prince Harry fuelled speculation over a possible announcement between himself and Meghan Markle AP Harry speaks to veterans as he attends the official opening ceremony of The Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP The Prince laid a poppy at the ceremony Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP He shared a joke with an onlooker which fuelled speculation about his plans to marry Meghan Markle Neil Hall/EPA Getty Images Harry salutes during his visit to the Field of Remembrance Neil Hall/EPA Thumbs up: Prince Harry smiles for cameras at today's ceremony Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP Harry joked he couldn't hide Meghan Markle anywhere in response to a cheeky question by a well-wisher Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP Prince Harry pets Staffordshire Bull terrier Watchman V, the former mascot of the Staffordshire Regiment, at Westminster Abbey's Field of Remembrance where he honoured the fallen ahead of Armistice Day Jeremy Selwyn Prince Harry meets veterans at Westminster Abbey's Field of Remembrance Jeremy Selwyn Prince Harry salutes to a child at Westminster Abbey's Field of Remembrance where he honoured the fallen ahead of Armistice Day Jeremy Selwyn Prince Harry shakes hands with a child at Westminster Abbey's Field of Remembrance where he honoured the fallen ahead of Armistice Day. Jeremy Selwyn Prince Harry salutes, during a ceremony ahead of Armistice Day, at the Fields of Remembrance Jeremy Selwyn Prince Harry has been dating the star of legal drama Suits since about May last year. There have been reports that Harry and Meghan, who holidayed in Botswana in August, are already engaged. Rumours went into overdrive in mid-October when it was reported that Meghan and the Queen had met and spent an hour together in Buckingham Palace drinking tea. Prince Harry was at Westminster Abbey's Field of Remembrance to lay a cross during a service ahead of Armistice Day, in memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pictured together for the first time at Invictus Games / Getty Images for the Invictus Ga He looked relaxed as he chatted and laughed with veterans from past and present conflicts. Mr Weston, from Taunton, Somerset, lost both his legs when an improvised explosive device exploded in 2009 while he was serving with the Royal Engineers 33 Regiment. Prince Harry lays a wreath at the event (EPA) / Neil Hall/EPA "It was great seeing him again, I met him before at the Afghanistan and Iraq memorial unveiling," he added. Harry also stopped to talk to seven-year-old Harrison Degiorgio-Lewis, who he recognised after meeting him at the Abbey last year. Harrison's uncle, Lieutenant Aaron Lewis, of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, was killed in Afghanistan in December 2008 when insurgents attacked a forward operation base he jointly commanded with Danish troops. Harrison, who was accompanied by his grandmother, Helen Lewis, was wearing his uncle's campaign medals and beret. "He has been coming here for four years now to represent his uncle," said Mrs Lewis, 61, who lives near her grandson in Rochford, Essex. She added: "Harry recognised him - they have a bond, as they share a birthday. Harry asked him about his uncle Aaron, and he said how proud he was." The Prince, dressed in his Household Division frock coat and peaked cap, laid a cross in the grounds of Westminster Abbey when he arrived. He solemnly saluted and stood in silence with hundreds of veterans as the Last Post was played. Harry later stopped to talk to Joan De-Vall and Diana Lidstone, who served with the Auxiliary Territorial Service, the women's branch of the British Army, during the Second World War. Mrs Lidstone, 93, from Luton, said: "He asked how we were and if we're staying down over the weekend." Mrs De-Vall, 92, added that was "wonderful" to meet Harry on the 100-year anniversary of women serving in the British military. The Prince shared a joke with D-Day veteran George Chandler, 93, who has been coming to the event for 15 years. Mr Chandler, who served with the Royal Navy Coastal Forces, said: "Last year he asked me what's in my bag and I said a bottle of water and a machine gun. "This year I told him I didn't bring them and he laughed at that." Around 70,000 tiny crosses, many carrying handwritten messages, are laid on 380 plots in the Abbey grounds representing military regiments, units, organisations and other groups. Harry served for 10 years in the Army, and was twice deployed to Afghanistan. N ew proposals could see the Scottish government allow adults and children to legally change their gender at the age of 16. Currently in Scotland, an individual must be 18 to apply to a panel for a gender recognition certificate. The new proposals plan to offer legal recognition of non-binary people for individuals who identify as neither male nor female. It also plans to make it legal to self-declare which gender they want to be. This means that people who want to change gender will no longer have to provide medical evidence of diagnosis or treatment. The new proposals also include legal recognition for non-binary people such as gender-neutral passports. Speaking to the BBC, Scottish National Party Equalities Minister Angela Constance said: Scotland rightly has a reputation as one of the most progressive countries in relation to LGBTI legal and human rights equality in Europe but we need to do more to progress equality for trans people, She said: Both our Fairer Scotland action plan and this years programme for government commit to renewing the 2004 Gender Recognition Act. This act was once considered ahead of its time but it now needs updating so we can ensure we are creating a fairer Scotland for those who are transgender and non-binary, she added. Scottish Trans Alliance manager James Morton described the current gender change process in Scotland as "humiliating, offensive and expensive". Mr Morton told the BBC:"Being able to change the gender on their birth certificate to match their other identity documents is important primarily to uphold trans people's privacy and dignity but also to ensure that their pensions, insurance policies, civil partnerships and marriages are all administered correctly. "We urge the Scottish government to also provide legal gender recognition for non-binary trans-people so that all trans people can have equal inclusion and acceptance within Scottish society." A ctor Corey Feldman has filed a report with police claiming he was sexually assaulted by Hollywood figures as a youngster. The eighties child star, now 46, has previously alleged industry figures molested young actors including himself and Corey Haim. The Los Angeles Police Department said it is investigating the claim and that no arrests have been made. Feldman appeared on 'The Dr. Oz Show' last week to discuss his claims of widespread harassment in Hollywood. He said he was sexually assaulted as a young actor and witnessed the sexual abuse of other young performers. Feldman said in a lengthy online post Wednesday that he is "forever grateful" to the women who came forward with sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein because the story has resurrected interest in Feldman's claims of abuse. The actor also defended his plans to make a film about sexual abuse in Hollywood and is seeking $10 million (7 million) in funding. A spokeswoman for Feldman did not immediately respond to a request seeking further comment. H undreds of New Yorkers collectively screamed at the sky in a protest to mark a year since Donald Trump was elected president. Similar protests were held in cities across the US including Philadelphia, Dallas and Austin on Wednesday, although pictures suggested fewer people than expected turned up. In New York, anti-Trump protesters gathered in Washington Square Park holding placards and signs. Footage from the scene showed the crowd howling up at the sky in anger. Manhattan resident John Eng told the Patch: "I'm here to protest everything our president stands for. I believe the whole year has been a nightmare. When you wake up one day, you believe it can't get any worse, you can't get any more angry. Then something happens the next day." Eva Sahana, from the group Refuse Fascism, added: "We are screaming in rage, we are screaming in pain, but we are screaming in unity and solidarity cause we have a plan and a way forward. A group of Trump supporters also reportedly attended the protests, handing out ear plugs to passers-by. In Austin, Texas, reports on social media suggested just six people had turned up. In Philadelphia, footage from the scene showed a small group of around 10 people at one point. Pictures suggested a similar number of people attended the protest in Dallas. Demonstrations have taken place since Mr Trump was elected in 2016, including the Women's March after his January 20 inauguration and protests at airports in opposition to his controversial travel ban. A poll by CNN revealed that only 40 per cent of Americans think he is doing a good job, while another 40 per cent believe he can bring the change the county requires. Among Republicans, impressions of Mr Trump have worsened, with just 30 per cent saying they think he can unite the country, down 13 percentage points from last November. P lans to sell off swathes of Americas last great wilderness to oil and gas developers have sparked outrage among environmentalists. The move is expected to generate more than 763 million ($1 billion) in federal revenue. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), home to polar bears, moose and hundreds of species of migratory birds, could soon see corporations drilling for resources on its land. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski introduced legislation on Wednesday that would designate a portion of the 19 million acre area of Alaska to energy production. If passed in the senate, the bill would allow 400,000 acres of the ANWR to be sold off to energy companies. Demonstrators protest the threat to Alaskan polar bears during a hearing of the House Select Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee / Getty Ms Murkowski said the legislation would put Alaska and the entire nation on a path toward greater prosperity by creating jobs, keeping energy affordable for families and businesses, generating new wealth, and strengthening our security. She added it would reduce federal deficit not just by $1 billion over ten years, but tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars over the decades to come. But the plans have sparked backlash among conservationists. Adam Kolton, executive director of the Alaska Wilderness League, said in a statement that nothing in this bill can magically make these fantastical revenue assumptions materialize." The reserve covers a 19 million acre area / Getty What this bill would do is turn Americas last great wilderness into a lost wilderness, Kolton said. Democrats have also recoiled at the idea of drilling in the pristine natural landscape. Senator Maria Campbell said: If you want to open up the Arctic refuge, you should just admit youre going to destroy the wildlife refuge. A measure to prevent the ANWR bill from moving forward was blocked by Senate Republicans last month. Ms Murkowski defended the bill against claims lawkmakers are prioritising short-term economic gains over environmental protection. This is not a choice between energy and the environment, she said. We are past that. A committee hearing on Murkowskis bill is scheduled for 15 November. B oris Johnson has dubbed Donald Trump a great global brand in an interview on American TV channel Fox News. The Foreign Secretary was himself praised for being a great guest and made for television by the interviewer, who quizzed Mr Johnson on his opinion on US relations with Russia. Asked about the perception of President Trump abroad, Cabinet minister Mr Johnson lavished praise on the billionaire businessman and said: I think youve got to realise the American president is just one of the huge great global brands. He is penetrating corners of the global consciousness that I think few other presidents have ever done. So his method of tweeting early in the morning - no matter how rambunctious those tweets may be - theyre communicating with people and yes, a lot of people dont like it but a lot of people relate to it. And in an age when people have been turned off politics its more direct and its more communicative than a lot of previous presidents have managed. Watch the latest video at At the end of the interview, the TV host thanks Mr Johnson for his time and tells him: Boris, you were made for television. I like the way you turned in the middle, thought about things. You are just a great guest. The Foreign Secretary appeared on the President's favourite news channel. / FoxNews His interview, in which he urged the US to keep the pressure on Russia to act over Syria and North Korea, was on Fox News President Trumps favoured news outlet which often portrays him in a good light. It comes as Boris Johnson faced growing calls to quit after his most serious blunder yet. It emerged Mr Johnson had told the Foreign Affairs Committee that jailed mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been training journalists in Iran. The innocent holidaymaker is serving a five-year prison in the country over allegations of being involved in propaganda against the regime. Mr Johnsons comments sparked fears her sentence could be doubled. Theresa May was the first foreign leader to pay a visit to Mr Trump after he was inaugurated in January. T his was the moment Barack Obama stunned members of the public when he turned up for jury service in Chicago. The former US president was ultimately dismissed from jury duty at the Richard J. Daley Centre, but only after having caused a major commotion. He was photographed outside by people who had read news reports that he had been summoned. In the courthouse lobby, people craned their necks for a glimpse of him and took mobile phone pictures. As Mr Obama arrived in the room, mobile phone footage recorded by another nominee, Angel Martinez, shows him smiling and raising a hand. He asks: "How's everybody doing?" He then quickly tells the other nominees to stay seated as they begin to rise for him. He adds: "Thanks to everybody for serving on the jury, or at least being willing to. This looks like Chicago right here, I like that!" People rush to take photos of the former president / AP Mr Obama was not the first former president to be called for jury duty. In 2015, former president George W. Bush answered the jury duty call in Dallas. He was not selected to sit on a jury. In 2003, Mr Bush's predecessor in the White House, Bill Clinton, reported for jury duty in federal court in New York City. He also was not selected. TV star Oprah Winfrey was on a Chicago jury that convicted a man of murder in 2004. A former US newsreader has accused Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting her teenage son. In a tearful press conference, Heather Unruh said the actor had bought her son "drink after drink" after they met at a restaurant in Massachusetts in July 2016. She then accused him of sticking his hand down the 18-year-old's trousers and touching his genitals. It is the latest accusation made against Oscar-winning Spacey, who is being investigated by police in the UK over an alleged sexual assault in Lambeth in 2008. Accused: Kevin Spacey has faced a backlash after allegations of sexual assault / AFP/Getty Images Ms Unruh told reporters: "To Kevin Spacey, I want to say this: Shame on you for what you did to my son. "Nothing could have prepared my son for how that sexual assault would make him feel as a man." She said her son had not reported the alleged assault at the time because he was embarrassed. He filed a report with police last week, she added. Nantucket police chief Bill Pittman said that Massachusetts law does not allow them to confirm or deny a report of sexual assault. Netflix has cut ties with the House Of Cards star and suspended the show's sixth season indefinitely since allegations first emerged. It comes after Spacey was sensationally accused of making a drunken sexual advance towards Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp Rapp says he was just 14 at the time of the alleged assault. Since then, three more men have spoke out against Spacey, including a West Sussex barman who alleged the actor offered him a 5,000 watch when he was 19-years-old to keep him quiet after exposing himself. A lawyer for Spacey has been contacted for comment. A merican man John Lewis is warming up for an annual onslaught of Twitter messages as the retail chains Christmas advert comes out. The father-of-four is frequently confused for the high street brand on social media, as customers tweet him at the handle @johnlewis instead of @johnlewisretail. And each year the long suffering teacher calmly responds to scores of users who message him in error. The retail company will release its much anticipated promo, hailed by many as the start of the festive season, on Friday morning, What are believed to be teasers for the trailer are already out there, along with plenty of speculation around the content of the advert. And Mr Lewis, from Blacksburg, Virginia, has already started his trademark responses. Referring to a hashtag widely believed to be associated with the advert, he tweeted on Tuesday: Trust me, no one wants to know what's under my bed. #UnderTheBed. When mistakenly asked by one Twitter user when the famous advert would be released, he responded: "Any moment now, or so I'm told by 1.79 quadrillion people." When Mr Lewis was asked by one Twitter user: Where is your contribution to the Christmas advert wars?! @marksandspencer had #PaddingtonBear lets see yours," he responded: "I'm more like Winnie the Pooh, truth be told. Meanwhile another person said: Ironically #UnderTheBed is where the eternally patient @johnlewis is planning to spend the coming weeks of @johnlewisretail advert hysteria. Mr Lewis profile reads: Computer science educator, father of four, social liberal, atheist, and not a retail store. Last year after being inundated with tweets, he was sent a Christmas package by shop bosses. He wrote: "Received a huge package from @johnlewisretail including this amazing embroidered cushion. So cool! Thank you very much!" U S Vice President Mike Pence has said the American Air Force is partly to blame for the mass shooting at a small church in Texas which left 26 dead. Mr Pence spoke at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon outside the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, where the shootings happened. He criticised the Air Force for failing to record information about gunman Devin Kelleys criminal history that could have blocked him from buying a gun. He said: We now know it was a crime that the assailant was ever able to purchase a firearm in the first place. Investigators at the scene of the mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs / AP He lied on his application, had a history of mental illness and there were bureaucratic failures. Im informed by Sec. Heather Wilson that the Air Force is moving aggressively to review why this error occurred and that review will be completed in days, not weeks. Mr Pence began his trip to Texas by visiting Brooke Army Medical Centre at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio to meet with victims wounded in the shooting. Devin Kelley Then he, his wife and Texas officials met with victims' families, first-responders and two men who pursued the gunman. Mr Pence said President Donald Trump had authorised a full complement of federal resources to the investigation, including 100 on-site FBI agents. Ex-airman Kelley killed 26 people and injured another 20 when he attacked a church outside San Antonio. Trump argues that tougher gun laws might have led to more deaths in Texas It has since been revealed he was court-martialled for domestic violence in 2012 and barred from owning or buying guns. However, last year he was able to purchase the rifle he used in Sundays attack, which was reportedly motivated by a row with his in-laws. He was found dead in his car after being chased from the church by armed bystanders. Police said he died from what appeared to be a self-inflicted wound. The Air Force said in a statement: "Initial information indicates that Kelley's domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations." It said an investigation had been launched into the failure, in conjunction with the Department of Defense. Kelley is believed to have been dishonourably discharged from the Air Force for allegedly assaulting his spouse and child, and was sentenced to 12 months' confinement after a 2012 court-martial. T he Prince of Wales showed off his romantic side today, by calling the Duchess of Cornwall his mehabooba. Charles used the phrase, which means darling or beloved in Urdu, during his speech at the British High Commission. An official said: He was planning to refer to Camilla as his darling in the speech but asked for the Urdu translation. You would not call your wife mehabooba every day - only on special occasions, so today was the perfect opportunity for him to use it. The prince also undertook his first interview of the Commonwealth tour when he was quizzed by children for his plans when he is king. Primary school children aged from seven to nine were given the chance to ask him questions on his final day in New Delhi. Asked by a pupil for his favourite book, Charles replied: Have any of you read the Harry Potter books yet? They are very good books. A second child then asked for his favourite actor, with the prince saying: Gracious me, when I think about it there are so many of them. There is a very good actor called Sir Antony Sher who is a brilliant Shakespearean actor, and everything else. There are lots of others though. The prince spent time with children from Lajpat Nagar-III School at the British Council, as the thick New Delhi smog forced a change of venue. A third pupil, a nine-year-old girl named Pragya, had a more specific question, asking: When you become king, will you build a fort? Exclaiming I will! to make the children laugh, he went on to to clarify he had no serious plans for a fort-building. Meanwhile, the Duchess of Cornwall gave her royal seal of approval to a womens taxi service as she hopped in one of their cars for a drive. Camilla was learning more about "Women on Wheels", an award winning social initiative that enables women from disadvantaged backgrounds to be trained as drivers in the bustling Indian capital, while also offering safe transport options to female travellers. A photo of the last northern white rhino in the world capable of breeding has won the heart's of the internet amid claims he is 'waiting for extinction'. The death of Sudan, a male white rhino, will mark the extinction of the sub-species unless artificially assisted reproduction efforts are successful. The 42-year-old is one of three rhinos of his sub-species left on the planet. All three remaining rhinos are housed at the Ol Pejeta reserve in Kenya. Biologist Dan Schneider posted a picture of Sudan on Twitter this week to raise awareness of the northern white rhinos' plight. He was retweeted more than 40,000 times. Sudan is the last hope for the species as his two fellow remaining female rhinos are incapable of natural production. Northern white rhinos have been driven to extinction in the wild after their home range of Uganda, Chad, Sudan the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo was ravaged by poachers and civil war. In 2009, the price of rhino horn was approximately $3,000 (2,288) per kilogram. In some places it fetches up to $60,000 (45,764). Sudan, who was born in the wild in Southern Sudan in 1973, was captured and put in the Dvur Kralove Zoo in the Czech Republic at the age of two. In 2009, he was moved to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in a project to save his species. He even appeared on Tinder earlier this year as part of the Most Eligible Bachelor campaign, where users could donate to the cause if they swiped left. Conservationists say artificially assisted reproduction is the only hope for the sub-species. Sudan entering a transport box on his way from a Czech zoo to the Ol Pejeta reserve (Getty / Michael Cizek ) / Getty / Michael Cizek Its future depends on the development of in-vitro fertilisation techniques and stem cell technology to help the females get pregnant. These procedures are costly, and the Ol Pejeta Conservancy is trying to raise $9 million (6.87m) to go towards Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Mathieu Plassard, the Regional Managing Director of Ol Pejeta Conservatory, said in a statement: "We are in a race. A race against the extinction of the northern white rhino species. We urgently need to raise awareness and funds for Sudan. To donate to Sudans GoFundMe page here. A US family on a five-year campervan tour of South America have told of their traumatic ordeal after surviving an attack from pirates. The young family-of-four from California set off in October 2012 and since then have been documenting their thrilling adventures to tens of thousands of social media followers. But couple Adam and Emily Harteau and their two daughters, aged six and three, went missing in Brazils Amazon rainforest, sparking fears they had been kidnapped. Last week they were rescued by a ferry captain who heard shouting and saw the desperate family pleading for help. Recounting their ordeal, Adam and Emily Harteau told how a gang of pirates had taken over a riverboat they were travelling on and held the terrified family hostage at gunpoint. The family were missing for days after pirates attacked their boat. / AP In the dead of night as the pirates were busy offloading cargo, Mr and Mrs Harteau took their daughters into the river and swam a mile and a half to the opposite river bank. They used a surfboard to keep afloat and, once on the other side of the river, hid in the jungle for the next three days. On their fourth day living in the forest, which is home to jaguars, poisonous spiders and anacondas, and after covering a distance of six miles, the family decided to flee for help and swam towards a passing ferry. Dinei dos Santos, the manager of the boat which rescued them, told the Wall Street Journal: They were very, very scared, hungry and covered by insect bites. The family with police and residents in Para, Brazil, after being rescued. / AP They climbed onboard and rushed to a corner. I think they only wanted to feel safe. The family posted a photo to Instagram of them safe and well next to the surfboard which helped bring them away from danger. We couldnt be more ecstatic to say that WE ARE ALIVE! the family wrote. The afternoon of Sunday, October 29th marked the beginning of a gruelling and terrifying 100-hour nightmare. Armed pirates boarded the vessel we were on, taking our family hostage in the remote Brazilian Amazon. We escaped on a surfboard and were on the run for our lives until we chose to be spotted by a large passenger ferry on our fourth day in the wilds. Our ransacked van remains in Brazil, but we have returned stateside and are in the loving embrace of our family and friends. The couple added: As we process these traumatic events, we will be looking inward to focus on the healing of our family. We are so grateful for all of your well wishes in these difficult times and want to relay our love for Brazil, which remains even after the hell we survived. To the Brazilian authorities and the US Embassy for their recovery efforts and assistance in our safe passage back to the USA: our deepest gratitude will not sufficiently address the mark these kindnesses have stamped in our hearts. We bow in deepest thanks. According to the Wall Street Journal, piracy and drug trafficking are frequent in the mammoth Amazon forest. In the Para state, where the family were ambushed, there have been 641 pirate attacks from 2011 to October 2017. The Amazon jungle is the world's largest tropical rainforest and covers part of Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Countries & Areas Search for country or area A Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan B Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi C Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Costa Rica Cote dIvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia D Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic E Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia F Fiji Finland France G Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana H Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary I Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy J Jamaica Japan Jordan K Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan L Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg M Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique N Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea North Macedonia Norway O Oman P Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Q Qatar R Republic of the Congo Romania Russia Rwanda S Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria T Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu U Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan V Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Y Yemen Z Zambia Zimbabwe The presidents of Sudan (Bashir) and South Sudan (Kiir) met for two days of meetings on the 1 st and agreed to settle their border dispute and begin reopening the ten closed border crossings and enforcing the demilitarized zone. The two leaders also reaffirmed their earlier agreement not to support rebels from the other Sudan. South Sudan also agreed to begin repaying $3.2 billion in oil pipeline fees for moving oil to foreign customers via Sudanese pipelines. The initial payment of $262 million will be made using oil (which South Sudan has), not cash (which it has little of). Continued payments apparently depend on Sudan preventing smugglers from moving weapons to South Sudan. Oil revenue supplies nearly all the South Sudan government income. But the oil cannot be easily sold unless Sudan allows that oil to move through Sudan to an export facility via a pipeline. Foreign diplomats stationed in South Sudan report that all remained calm in the capital while the president Kiir was negotiating in Sudan. Despite the continuing unrest throughout the South Sudan and anger at the Kiir government there is still a lot of South Sudanese who want peace and change. Rebel leaders have been urging that peace talks be revived by ignoring Salvaa Kiir and Riek Machar and seeking other South Sudan leaders to negotiate a peace deal. This suggestion has some appeal. South Sudan president Salvaa Kiir is Dinka. The senior rebel (SPLM-IO) leader, Riek Machar, is Nuer. The civil war, from the beginning, was a very personal feud between Kiir and Machar made worse by the traditional rivalry of those two tribes. It is generally agreed that Kiir is corrupt and mainly out for himself and his Dinka supporters. Machar has opponents within the SPLM-IO and that is one reason why he remains in exile in South Africa. Back in South Sudan the government finds that the main cause of the rebellion, corruption, was still widespread and causing more pro-government groups to rebel or become neutral. What this proposal comes down to is persuading Kiir and Machar to go into exile, with an amnesty and help with their financial security. Kiir has already stolen and exported a lot of cash while Machar (who is more outspoken and hostile about corruption) does not. Removing these two men from the scene has a certain appeal but is unlikely to happen. Kiir still believes he can prevail, which is possible in the short run. But that would produce a lasting blood feud between the Dinka and most of the other tribes of South Sudan. In South Sudan refugees in camps around the capital complain that foreign aid groups running the camps are working with the government to conceal the wretched living conditions most of the refugees (nearly all South Sudanese) have to endure. Another example of the culture of corruption that prevails in Sudan and South Sudan. Up north Sudan leader Bashir, under indictment for war crimes in Darfur, accuses foreign aid groups of exploiting the misery in Darfur to keep locals dependent on the refugee camps. Bashir has been playing nice lately, trying to generate some good will in the UN to get the war criminal business dismissed and the peacekeepers out of Sudan. Corruption is a problem on both sides of the civil war and the UN has had some success on freezing bank accounts and finding stolen funds belonging to senior leaders on both sides who have had individual sanctions imposed. But the aid donor nations are not happy with the endless calls for more money to keep refugee camps growing and going on what seems to be a permanent basis. Everyone wants change but doesnt quite know how to go about it. Meanwhile the neighbors are not pleased with the continuing chaos in Sudan, particularly South Sudan. In eastern Congo (North Kivu province) there are at least 400 South Sudan rebels taking refuge from their civil war across the border. The chaos in South Sudan makes it easier for all manner of outlaws to move around and do what they want (as long as they can bribe or intimidate the locals). November 7, 2017: In South Sudan the army lost another dozen or so Dinka officers to the rebels along with about 200 troops. This group switched allegiance to SPLM-IO rebels because of the corruption and mismanagement in the capital. The defectors complained of troops not being paid and favoritism shown to tribal affiliation when it came to promotion. Most of the defectors were also unhappy at how the former chief of staff Paul Malong was being treated. November 6, 2017: In Sudan the president declared a state of emergency for Gezira state (100 kilometers southeast of the capital) because political factions in the state were escalating their disputes and chaos was becoming common. November 5, 2017: In Sudan the government revealed that last week, in western Sudan (South Darfur) RSF paramilitaries seized 19 tons of hashish after a brief gun battle with the smugglers. RSF received a tip that the smugglers would be moving the drugs (from South Sudan and Ethiopia) to Khartoum, the Sudan capital. November 3, 2017: In the South Sudan capital the government encountered resistance when they ordered general Malong to give up most of his 30 bodyguards. Since the end of August former army chief of staff General Paul Malong has been "confined to his home for security reasons." If it sounds like house arrest, it probably is, even though the government denies Malong is under arrest. Malong was fired as chief of staff in May after other generals accused the army of tribal bias. Malong is a Dinka and has many supporters in the army. November 2, 2017: The South Sudan the government admitted that it was broke and that, not corruption, was the reason may troops (and other government employees) had not been paid on time. In southern South Sudan (Yei River state) army and SPLM-IO rebels fought over control of the town of Ombachi Payam. November 1, 2017: In South Sudan (Northern Liech state) rebels clashed with soldiers blocking the way to a UN refugee camp where the rebels were bringing some of their wounded. The rebels apparently withdrew before suffering any more casualties. Refugee camps frequently become informal bases for the people responsible for the violence. In this case the government forces are guarding the main roads and other routes refugees would use to reach the camp. October 31, 2017: In western Sudan (Darfur) RSF militiamen ambushed some armed smugglers headed east towards the capital (Khartoum) and seized two truckloads of hashish (19 tons of it). The RSF were operating in Darfur as part of a major security operation that began in mid-October. Some 20,000 paramilitary (Janjaweed) fighters of the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) were sent, under army and police supervision, to forcibly disarm 8,000 former Janjaweed fighters belonging to the SRAC (Sudanese Revolutionary Awakening Council) and led by a prominent local tribal leader Musa Hilal. The RSF was also told to crack down on all sorts of criminal behavior as well. The RSF was formed in 2013 from members of Janjaweed (pro-government tribal militias) that participated in some of the more notorious operations in the Darfur region. In 2013 some pro-government Arab tribes had turned to fighting each other because subsidies (for fighting black African tribes) from the government have been cut in the last few years because the government lost control of the oil in the newly independent South Sudan. For more than a decade the government has been trying to deal with the side effects of using the Janjaweed. One aspect of this was imposing more discipline on the RSF and improving their pay and benefits. The fact that the RSF turned over 19 tons of smuggler hashish is a good sign. Several more tons of hashish may also have disappeared along the way but that wont be clear for a while. Meanwhile president Bashir is using the better behavior of the RSF to support his call for the refugee camps in Darfur to be closed and the refugees, as well as the non-Sudanese foreign aid workers, to all go home along with all the other UN personnel, including the peacekeepers. The UN is inclined to go along with this, under right conditions, because there are more pressing need for foreign aid and peacekeepers (both in limited supply) elsewhere. October 30, 2017: In the south (Maridi State) there were several clashes between the army and rebels over the weekend, leaving at least six dead. October 26, 2017: In the northwest (Aweil State) some 70 rebels from the SSPA/SSPM rejoined the government forces. October 25, 2017: The South Sudan government ordered tribes that move their herds of animals freely along the southern states of Jubek, Yei River, Imatong, Maridi and Amadi must no longer cross state borders seeking pasture and water for their animals. This order is in response to growing complaints from farmers in all those states because herders from other states come around and destroy crops while seeking pasturage for their animals. October 23, 2017: In central South Sudan (Gok state) the state governor has asked the national government to discourage members of parliament from Gok state encouraging more fighting between factions of the Dinka tribes. This violence has been more frequent this year and in the last week over a hundred have died and many more wounded. The violence is getting worse and it is generally over ownership of cattle and access to territory. October 20, 2017: In South Sudan a rebel faction (SSDF, South Sudan Democratic Front) has left the main rebel alliance (SPLM-IO) and joined another rebel organization. This is becoming more common because SPLM-IO negotiated a 2015 peace deal that fell apart and the SPLM-IO leader, former vice-president Riek Machar is stuck in South Africa. He arrived there in late 2016 when he feared for his life in the South Sudan capital. Machar soon found himself confined to a house outside of Pretoria, though that is disputed by South African authorities. Nevertheless Machar is not available in South Sudan. October 18, 2017: In southern South Sudan (near the White Nile River and the Ugandan border) two rival rebel factions have been fighting for nearly a week and at least three people have been killed and many more wounded. The fighting was apparently over control of a supply route from Uganda that many rebel factions depend on. October 16, 2017: In South Sudan an army officer accused of leading 2016 attacks on foreign aid workers was found dead in his cell, where he was awaiting trial. Doctors, after about a week, concluded it was natural causes and at that point the media was told. October 14, 2017: In southeastern South Sudan Toposa tribemen crossed the border into Kenya and attacked a high school, killing a teacher and six students. This was part of a feud between Kenyan and South Sudan students at the school. The Toposa are herders and have long feuded with other tribes in South Sudan and Kenya. Amazon on Wednesday began shipping its latest smart home product, a security camera that works with its Alexa personal assistant and Echo speakers. The Amazon Cloud Cam allows customers to live-stream activity inside their home 24/7. It features 1080p full HD resolution, two-way audio for communicating with family members or pets, night vision technology, and sophisticated algorithms that use machine learning to figure out if the stranger entering your house is the building super or a possible burglar. The smart cam, which retails for US$119.99, is incorporated into Amazon Key, which raised a ruckus upon its introduction late last month. The system allows drivers to open the doors of Prime members who want to have packages left inside their homes. Delivery Watch Customers using the Amazon Key program will need a compatible smart lock from Yale or Kwikset that allows delivery drivers to enter the home during a specified delivery time window. Users can watch as the driver opens the door, sets the delivery inside, and closes the door. Amazon plans to coordinate the secure home entry system with more than 1,200 different service and delivery companies, including Merry Maids and dog walkers. Intelligent home security devices are likely to disrupt the traditional home security monitoring industry over the next few years, said Andrew Howard, chief technology officer at Kudelski Security. Paying for remote physical security monitoring may soon be a relic of the past, as consumers can save money and often receive better service while maintaining the same piece of mind with many of the same home security devices being offered by companies like Amazon and Google, he told TechNewsWorld. The Amazon Cloud Cam uses the Alexa voice technology to connect with smart speakers like the Echo Show and Echo Spot, as well as Amazon Fire TV devices and Fire tablets, to let users see who is inside or entering their home. Users can watch the video feed from anywhere in the home using one of those devices, or they can watch remotely on their mobile devices using an iOS or Android app. When users are away from home, the Cloud Cam can be set up to send notifications to their phones, alerting them when motion is detected. For an additional subscription, Amazon will support additional cameras in the home and provide increased storage and unlimited downloads. The subscription also allows for person detection, a way to flag human activity inside the home. The machine learning technology can tell when the motion is caused by something expected, like a pet, or by something unexpected like an intruder. There is a growing market for automated home security cameras, with more than 90 different makers around the world shipping about 10,000 units per year, noted Blake Kozak, principal analyst for smart home and security technology at IHS Markit. The market in the U.S. is currently estimated to be worth about $460 million, and has grown about 13 percent from a year ago, he told TechNewsWorld. Amazon introduced the Cloud Cam as a way to build out its home automation ecosystem, Kozak said. Given the companys expanding grocery business and the $13 billion acquisition of Whole Foods, this likely is just the beginning of the process. Thats really going to really let Amazon deliver a more customized home experience, he said. Featured Rivals Rival devices from Nest and other firms offer higher-end technology than the Amazon Cloud Cam. For example, the Nest Cam IQ includes SuperSight technology, a 4K sensor with HDR, close-up tracking, familiar face alerts with a NestAware subscription, noise cancellation and echo suppression. Integration with Google Home is slated for this winter, and the company plans to introduce Nest Hello video doorbells by 2018. Nest recently introduced the Nest Secure alarm system, which includes motion detectors, voice control, and optional remote security monitoring. Despite the increasing activity, the smart home cameras impact on the home security market likely will be limited until the devices capabilities expand, suggested William Malik, vice president for infrastructure strategies at Trend Micro. Amazons weakness in the home security market is the absence of a real person to speak with, he told TechNewsWorld. Intrusive Tech Despite the increasing interest in these devices, privacy advocates have expressed concerns about the risk to consumers who might lose control over their private information versus the benefit of having these devices in their home. The Electronic Privacy Information Center two years ago asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Alexa voice technology, and asked the Department of Justice whether such listening devices violated provisions of federal wiretapping laws. Some privacy advocates feared Alexa was monitoring users everyday activities. A lot of tech experts are expressing serious skepticism about [Internet of Things] in the home, Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told TechNewsWorld. The benefits are overstated, and the risks are substantial. The size of the 2013 hack on Yahoo was incredible. After initially announcing that one billion users had been affected, the company later admitted that every one of its 3 billion+ accounts had been compromised, making it one of the biggest tech fails of the last decade. Four years after the incident, former CEO Marissa Mayer has apologized and said the details are still a mystery. Speaking before the Senate Commerce Committee after being subpoenaed last month---she had previously denied multiple requests to testify---Mayer said: "As you know, Yahoo was the victim of criminal, state-sponsored attacks on its systems, resulting in the theft of certain user information. As CEO, these thefts occurred during my tenure, and I want to sincerely apologize to each and every one of our users." "Unfortunately, while all our measures helped Yahoo successfully defend against the barrage of attacks by both private and state-sponsored hackers, Russian agents intruded on our systems and stole our users' data." Mayer stepped down from her position as Yahoo CEO just after the company was acquired by Verizon in June. Last month, it was revealed that every Yahoo account was affected by the 2013 hack. Verizon said it learned the new information after the purchase and disclosed it within a week. Back in March, the Department of Justice indicted two Russian intelligence agency officers, along with two others, in connection to a 2014 cyberattack on Yahoo that compromised 500 million of its accounts. Mayer has said that she doesn't know if Russian operatives were also behind the 2013 hack. Exactly how the attacks were carried out is still unknown. "To this day we have not been able to identify the intrusion that led to this theft," Mayer said. "We don't exactly understand how the act was perpetrated. That certainly led to some of the areas where we had gaps of information." Yahoo did not know about the breaches until US agencies presented it with evidence in November 2016. The 2016 San Bernardino iPhone controversy resulted in a very public feud between the FBI and Apple, and it looks as if the animosity from that incident still remains. Earlier this week, the feds indirectly blamed the company for not being able to access Texas gunman Devin P. Kelley's iPhone, but Apple said it would have happily helped if it had been asked. It even contacted the FBI to offer its assistance. At a press conference on Tuesday, FBI special agent Christopher Combs said the phone, since identified as an iPhone, that belonged to the deceased Kelley had been transported to the agency's Quantico headquarters in the hope of obtaining some important information. "Unfortunately, at this point in time, we are unable to get into that phone," he said. "It highlights an issue that you've all heard about before, with the advance of the technology and the phones and the encryptions, law enforcement, whether that's at the state, local or federal level, is increasingly not able to get into these phones," Combs added. But Apple told Business Insider that the FBI still hasn't asked for its help. In a statement, the company said it reached out to the agency after the press conference to offer assistance and "expedite our response to any legal process." The Washington Post reports that the FBI didn't ask anything of Apple at this point as it was trying to determine other methods of accessing the phone's data, a process that could take weeks. The fact the FBI never accepted Apple's assistance within 48 hours of the shooting, which left 26 dead and many injured, means it missed a vital window of opportunity to access the handset. Assuming Touch ID was enabled, Kelley's fingerprint may have been able to unlock the device. But Touch ID is disabled 48 hours after it was last activated or when the phone is powered off. The FBI will now need to find other ways to access the information, which could involve serving Apple with a court order for Kelley's iCloud data. Apple's refusal to create a backdoor so the FBI could access San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook's iPhone 5c led to a nationwide privacy vs. security debate. The agency eventually turned to a third party for assistance, suspected to be Israeli firm Cellebrite. PC cooling specialist Cryorig turned to Kickstarter earlier this year to fund production of Taku, a retro-inspired Mini-ITX PC chassis that doubles as a monitor stand. Solid effort aside, the campaign came up well short of its $100,000 funding goal with just $48,051 raised from 138 backers. It looked like the end of the road for the case but this story will have a happy ending after all. In what can only be viewed as good news for interested parties, Cryorig has elected to move forward with production despite the setback. The company said the response from the PC community and media outlets was enough to encourage them to continue with the project alongside co-developer and manufacturing partner Lian Li. The chassis, if you recall, is meant to house a high-end Mini-ITX machine in a space-saving design. It utilizes a slide-out hardware tray with support for two 2.5-inch drives, a single 3.5-inch hard drive and a graphics card measuring up to 280mm in length. CPU coolers up to 48mm tall are also compatible. Cryorig, which has been working on the case for over two years, will launch Taku in the US, Japan and Taiwan in December at an MSRP of $299. Kickstarter backers will have the option to pre-order the case with delivery guaranteed by the end of the year. Backers will also receive a complementary Cryorig C7 cooler. Cryorig will bring the case to additional markets in the first half of 2018, we're told. A tour guide in Hawaii lost his GoPro camera in a lava flow but when he fished it out later, he was surprised to find that it had survived. Eric Storm runs a guide business called Kilauea EcoGuides which tours the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii. He was guiding a group about 16 months ago when he decided to place his GoPro in a fissure to film the lava flowing down the crack. He was telling a story to the tourists and had forgotten about the camera - until it caught on fire. He told PetaPixel, "[Later] I used a geology rock hammer to pull it out of the lava and thought it was a total loss." However, after getting the camera back home and chiseling off the hardened rock, he noticed the Wi-Fi light was blinking. He pulled out the SD card, and the video was fully intact, even up to and after being covered with molten lava. "The camera even still worked although not a well as it did before," he said. "Truly amazing it survived!" GoPro cameras have always been known for their rugged nature. They are the go-to choice for anybody that needs a camera that can survive a tumble down a snowy mountain or a plunge into a lake. I don't think engineers intended for it to ever have to face off with a volcano but the fact that it survived does say a lot about the camera's durability. Video and Image courtesy PetaPixel Tuesday's polling was not just about politicians being voted in or out. There were also plenty of referenda on the ballots that voters got to pass or nix. In Fort Collins, Colorado, citizens were asked to approve or decline a measure that would allow the city to create a city-run broadband utility to provide Internet services. The official results show Ballot Question 2B passing with over 57 percent of the vote. The passage of the measure does not require that the city council create the utility but instead gives it the option to do so and authorizes it to enter into partnerships with private companies to get it done. The Coloradoan reports that the council is leaning toward building a fiber network and has already scheduled a work session for later in the month to discuss how to move forward with the plan. The adoption of 2B was a huge slap in the face to Comcast and other big-telecom special interests that lobbied against the measure. "I was very encouraged with the passage today, and particularly with the headwinds of incumbents trying to misinform the electorate," said Mayor Wade Troxell. "And also, I was very disappointed in the (Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce) playing an active role in misinformation. I think there is some accountability that has to come out post-election." Telecoms campaigned against the proposal through the local political group Priorities First Fort Collins and the Chamber of Commerce. The group reportedly spent $451,564 opposing the measure. That total is 50 times what grassroots efforts spent supporting 2B. The Fort Collins Citizens Broadband Committee only spent a little over $9,000 promoting the ballot question, mostly through social media. "The city could do a better job of delivering fast and affordable Internet service than private service currently available in the city," the group maintained. Local business owner Bob Carnahan said, "This to me is the tip of the iceberg when we have such a population in this country that believes bigger government is better government." Bigger government is not always the best solution to a problem. However, there is a widespread issue of big telecoms coming into an area and buying up local providers, then providing sub-standard service to customers at premium prices only because they have no other competition in the area. In this particular instance, a governmental solution might be the best answer, especially considering that Fort Collins residents are not happy with the current service being provided. Chattanooga, Tennessee, was in a similar situation last spring, only to have the state step in and forbid the will of the people. Fort Collins residents can only hope that special interests don't petition the state to subvert their wishes as well. Vice President Rodriguez reiterated that the 1966 Geneva Agreement is the only legal instrument in force to achieve a solution on the dispute over the Essequibo. | Read More Bob Lutz Confirms The Auto Channel's Vision On The Possible Demise of The Auto Industry SEE ALSO: Silicon Valley On Its Way To Disrupt The Auto Industry and The Historic Need For Traditional Car Companies SEE ALSO: Autonomous Driving May Kill The Automobile Industry And Our Freedom Of Mobility Michael J. Coren writing for MSN COMPLETE ARTICLE) reported in an interview with Bob Lutz the ultimate car guy that its not every day a titan of industry predicts the demise of his own. But Bob Lutz, the former chairman of General Motors, believes the auto industry is not long for this world. It saddens me to say it, but we are approaching the end of the automotive era, he writes this month for Automotive News. Our daily travel, he predicts, will migrate to standardized passenger modules as the demolition of the traditional auto industry accelerates. Within five years, he expects, people will start selling their cars for scrap or trade then in for autonomous passenger modules as self-driving cars take over transportation. Within 20 years, human-driven vehicles will be legislated off highways. Companies like Lyft, Uber, Google and other technology companies will take charge of an industry now centered in Detroit, Germany, and Japan. The end state will be the fully autonomous module with no capability for the driver to exercise command, he writes. You will call for it, it will arrive at your location, youll get in, input your destination and go to the freeway. Fleet owners like FedEx and UPS will be the first to defect to self-driving vehicles. Cost savings from autonomous (likely electric) vehicles are just too great. Others have predicted the same thing: RethinkX, a Bay Area think tank, expects shared autonomous electric vehicles will account for almost all road travel by 2030 thanks to their low maintenance and fuel costs, as well as their ability to work around the clock. Lutz started his automotive career at GM in 1963, then went on to have senior leadership roles with BMW, Ford, and Chrysler until retiring in 2010. His view of legacy car companies is nothing short of apocalyptic. He predicts the companies that actually manufacture cars will become less valuable as the importance of those that own fully autonomous fleets grows. Expect the relationship between companies like Ford and Uber to resemble the one between Foxconn and Apple: manufacturing companies make products in obscurity, while technology companies grab most of the visibility and profits. Premium-car makers and dealerships are doomed. As transportation is commodified into an on-demand service, the market for individually owned cars will shrink, and be kept afloat by only a few car fanatics. This death sentence could be premature, argues Sven Beiker, who spent 13 years at BMW before joining Stanford University. The auto industry that has anchored the US economy for generations with about 4 million jobs from manufacturing to retail in the US, and as much as $953 billion in economic activity. Its transformation will not happen overnight. Typically, we extrapolate a lot: I know what an automobile is, therefore I know what an autonomous car is, he says. Thats just not true. Silicon Valleys tech giants, while adept at bits and bytes, have not yet proven themselves as successful at rearranging atoms for something as large and sophisticated as a car. Even Tesla, Silicon Valleys standout in the industry, has only manufactured about 250,000 vehicles during its 14-year lifetime. Volkswagen, Toyota, and GM each sell about 10 million cars per year. AUTO LAB TALK RADIO LIVE FROM NYC SATURDAY MORNING! 7-9 AM November 11, 2017 Auto Lab Talk Radio The Auto Lab Radio Show LIVE every Saturday 7 to 9 AM On New York City's WNYM Radio AM 970 and Streamed Worldwide On The Auto Channel This Weeks Show Broadcast Date: November 11, 2017 Car Question or Concern? Call Toll Free 888-692-7234 Auto Lab is a 28 year old interactive automotive-focused New York area radio call-in show hosted by Professor Harold Wolchok. Each week a cadre of experienced hands-on automotive experts are in-studio with advice for the New York area's 12 million people, providing listeners with honest, practical and street-smart car repair and buying advice. Auto Lab is also about the automotive industry, its history, and its culture, presenting the ideas and advice of leading college faculty, authors, and automotive practitioners in a relaxed, conversational interactive format. Listeners can hear the past 18 years of archived Auto Lab shows as simulcast on Listen - Auto Lab Page (Includes Audio-on-Demand Archives, Auto Programs at Community College Database, Guests Pictures This Weeks Show: November 11, 2017 IN STUDIO: Auto Lab's Real World Experts Answer Your Questions; Discuss: Repairs, Second Opinions, Regular Maintenance, How To's, Safety, Used and New Car Buying, Ombudsmen Suggestions Harold Bendell - Major Auto Fred Bordoff - Bronx Community College Automotive Technology Department-CUNY Libby Demarco-Broadway Sunoco AAA NJ Howard Lepzelter - Retired, Bronx Community College's Automotive Technology Department,CUNY Jerry Pastore-D & J Diagnostic Johanna Pastore-D & J Diagnostic Joanne Porcelli, Esq Michael Porcelli - Auto Mobile Services Nicholas Prague- MTA and Rockland Community College, SUNY Broadcast Date: November 11, 2017; Auto Lab Correspondents Remote Interviews: Featuring Auto Safety News, New Car Reviews, Technology and Latest Auto World Information That Will Effect You! Robert Erskine, Senior European Correspondent, Suffolk England PICKUPS PICK UP IN EUROPE John Russell and Sharon Sudol, Senior Correspondent TOYOTA PRIUS PRIME Russ Rader, Vice President Insurance Institute for Highway Safety REDESIGNED VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN EARNS TOP SAFETY PICK AWARD" Robert Sinclair- AAA NORTHEAST DRIVING IN COLD WEATHER Ed Westwick. Photo: 2017 Getty Images Days after actress Kristina Cohen alleged that Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick raped her at his home, a second actress has come foward. In a Facebook post on Wednesday, former actress Aurelie Wynn (known professionally as Aurelie Marie Cao) claimed that Westwick raped her in 2014. Westwick has denied the allegations. In her post Wynn wrote, [A]nd like Kristina, I said no and he pushed me face down and was powerless under his weight. I was wearing a one piece bathing suit that he ripped, I was in complete shock, I am also very tiny. Wynn wrote that she told her boyfriend at the time, Glee actor Mark Salling, about the incident. Salling, who has since pleaded guilty for possession of child pornography, allegedly broke up with her and blamed her. She also wrote that she was encouraged by friends to stay quiet and that people would think she was just out trying to get my 10 seconds of fame. Westwick responded to Cohens claims on Tuesday in an Instagram post saying he did not know Cohen and had never raped anybody. A post shared by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on Nov 7, 2017 at 8:46am PST Cohen filed a report with the Los Angeles Police Department, which is now investigating if the suspect forced victim to have sexual intercourse inside his residence three years ago. Following Wynns allegations, Westwick posted a second denial on Instagram on Thursday. A post shared by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on Nov 9, 2017 at 9:52am PST This post has been updated to include Westwicks second statement. In 1998 designer Polly Fawcett and her former husband sold their home. The seven-bedroom 13,077-square-feet La Loma, one of the great historic mansions in Palm Beach, was designed in 1929 by John Volk and Gustav Maass. The Mediterranean-style house boasted a double staircase with wrought-iron railings, seven bedrooms, arched windows with leaded glass, a regal fireplace in the living room, a coffered ceiling, and Cuban floor tiles. It was grand, but tempered with comfort. Since then, after a series of downsizing moves, Fawcett has happily landed in a pint-sized 300-square-feet studio in Brooklyn Heights, where shes near her daughters growing family. Fawcett grew up around women who designed: her mother, Claire Ellingwood Osborn, started her own design firm in 1953, and Fawcett joined in 1989. My sisters and I grew up surrounded by beautiful things and loving parents, Fawcett says. My mother created beauty wherever she lived. Fawcett has the same talent as her epic downsizing illustrates. The trick to downsizing, according to Fawcett, is to only take your favorite things (no Kondo-ing necessary). The Staffordshire dogs were part of her mothers vast collection, and they remain among her treasures today. Photo: Wendy Goodman. Prewar apartments typically come with a graceful entry hall and foyer, instead of landing you smack in the middle of a room. Here, Fawcett has maxed out the charm of a tiny alcove between the entrance hall and living room with a needlepoint hunting scene in a gilt gold frame, hung over a family heirloom gilt console. Right now theyre paired with two branches leftover from Christmas, until she finds the right sconces. Photo: Wendy Goodman. A pair of Brunschwig & Fils curtains flank Bibliotheque wallpaper on a paneled screen, giving the impression that the space is much larger than it is. The painted portrait of Fawcett is by her sister Susannah Talley, also a decorator. Photo: Wendy Goodman. The sitting area of the studio features a family sofa with The Orchard by Herbert Barnett found in Childs gallery, hanging above. This doubles as a dining area for dinner parties where Fawcett serves her famous stew. The Portuguese needlepoint rug was found at a consignment shop in Manchester, Massachusetts, 20 years ago. Photo: Wendy Goodman. Every surface is used for hanging art, including a closet door featuring Marguerite Kirmses signed and hand painted, The Fox and The Hound. Photo: Wendy Goodman. Look 12 from Birds of Paradise, Duro Olowu, fall/winter 2013/2014. Photo: Courtesy of Collection of Vitra Design Museum In 1964, while the U.S. rivaled the Soviet Union during the Cold War and the Space Race, a Zambian elementary-school science teacher named Edwuard Makuka decided to send the first African astronauts to the moon. He began training a 17-year-old girl, one of the crews first members, and established the Zambia National Academy of Science. But the program was denied funding by UNESCO and several other countries and never moved past initial stages their only donation came from a young boy in India, who gave ten rupees. Decades later, director Frances Bodomo detailed the powerful story in her 2014 short film The Afronauts. The film is one of more than 120 works of art featured in the traveling art exhibition Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design, which recently debuted in the U.S. at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, after stops in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain. It examines Africas cultural influences by showcasing entrepreneurs, artists, architects, and fashion designers, featuring innovative work by the likes of fashion designer Duro Olowu and a Wale Oyejide handkerchief that portrays the Madonna as a black woman. Click ahead to preview the exhibition, on view until January 7. Photo: Keith Franklin Photographic Pro The Madonna Ikire Jones, from The Untold Renaissance Series, 2014, wool and silk. Collection of Vitra Design Museum. Wale Oyejide. Look 12 from Birds of Paradise Duro Olowu, fall/winter 2013/2014. Cape: Embroidered pure silk; trousers: silk and viscose; top: viscose, georgette and silk. Skhayascraper, Rendering (Limited Edition of 20) Justin Plunkett, 2013, Justin Plunkett, Kapstadt/Cape Town. Vigilism, Where Theres Gold: Mining Way Station 2014, Three-Dimensional Model. Olalekan Jeyifous, Vigilism, New York Ponte City, Windows Mikhael Subotzky, 2009, Duratran Print. Mikhael Subotzky & Patrick Waterhouse, Johannesburg. Lethabo Tsatsinyane Chris Saunders, photographed for Dazed Magazine from the Smarteez Series, 2010, archival inkjet print on Hahnemule Museum etching paper. Collection of the artist. Chris Saunders, Kapstadt/Cape Town. Taali M Pierre-Christophe Gam, 2012, image from website for the French-Congolese. Collection of the artist. Africas Legends Image from Game by Leti Arts (Eyram Tawia and Wesley Kirinya), 2013, Digital Comic and Mobile Game Series. Leti Arts. African Sun Cyrus Kabiru, 2012, Image from the C-Stunners photography series, Cyrus Kabiru Photo: Teddy Kwok/EyeEm/Getty Images For years, Ellen, a former staffer for a Republican on Capitol Hill, worked with a serial sexual harasser. His methods were myriad: Hed make sexually explicit comments in the middle of meetings. Hed come up behind her desk chair and grind himself against it. The staff offices on Capitol Hill can be snug, and he would take advantage of this, coming into her workspace while she was meeting with constituents and standing so close that his penis was touching her arm through his pants. Once, at a work function they both were attending, he walked up to her, interrupted the conversation she was having, and slapped her on the butt. Both Ellen and the person she was talking to were too stunned to say anything about it. She was far from his only target. He was notorious for getting too drunk at after-work events and then kissing or groping other women. He made aggressive passes at the younger aides in the office, including interns. Those he slept with were quickly discarded; those who rebuffed him were punished: their projects would be withheld, hed lodge complaints with their superiors. Ellen and her female colleagues tried to stop him. They reported him, repeatedly, to his supervisor. Each time, they were told something would be done, but nothing ever changed. The best they felt they could do was look out for each other and try to warn new co-workers. If Ellens story were to follow the trajectory of other high-profile sexual-harassment stories that have been in the news for the last month, this would be the part where the serial harasser was named, shamed, and drummed out of his position. But thats not going to happen. Ellen, who like most of the women in this story asked for anonymity because of fear of retribution, has come to the same conclusion as a lot of women in Washington: Its not safe to speak up. Theres an anti-snitch thing you dont air your dirty laundry. It gives the other side power. Anne Gregory Teicher, Democratic campaign manager I dont want publicity. I dont want trouble, she told me. Im sorry Im so paranoid. This town is so damned small, and no one can keep a secret. The sexual-harassment revolution is coming more slowly to Washington. Even the four female lawmakers who recently told the Associated Press of sexual harassment they faced from their male co-workers didnt feel comfortable sharing the names of their harassers. Im not sure women in D.C. would be rewarded for their bravery [if they came forward], its just a different business, Ellen says. The thing about this town is that everyone is connected. The people who get ahead keep the peace and angle everything to their advantage. Add to that the tribal nature of politics: Most aides are terrified of doing anything that might bring bad press for their boss, or their side. Theres an anti-snitch sorta thing you dont air your dirty laundry, says Anne Gregory Teicher, a Democratic campaign manager. It gives the other side power. And it doesnt stop when the campaign is over. Staffers are told from day one that they do not talk to press, full stop, says Travis Moore, a former legislative director for the now-retired representative Henry Waxman, a California Democrat. As a Waxman aide, he says, I spoke to a reporter once, on background, and I was incredibly nervous going into it people are socialized not to ever talk about whats wrong in the institution because it could reflect poorly on their member of Congress. Theres a culture that doesnt accept criticism unless youre talking about partisanship. Its really bad for the institution. I heard similar rationales from the other women I reached out to. Were all a bit more scared. We dont have platforms like big-name actresses do, says Alyssa, a public-policy expert who regularly interacted with politicians through her job at a think tank. Once, she remembers, a former GOP White House official came up behind her at work and started rubbing her shoulders. At a work dinner on another occasion, a now-former senator rubbed her legs beneath the table until she got up and hid in the bathroom. Men who work in less-visible positions of power seem to operate with the knowledge that they will likely never be exposed. Daniela, who started working at a D.C. think tank before moving into the federal sector, remembers a male mentor regularly asking her to lunch, under the guise of offering her career advice. At the end of each meeting, hed inevitably stick his tongue in her mouth. It took her years to even acknowledge to herself that it wasnt a mistake. And when she did, the most she could think to do was cut him off. The fear of retribution is the first thing you learn when you move here, she says. Connections are everything, and if your connection, or a connection of your connection, has heard a story about you, or that youre a problem, or that you tend to go over peoples heads, then thats going to really impact your ability to move up and go higher in this incredibly insular city. For the vast majority of women I know, thats why theyve never spoken up, unless theyre leaving D.C. for good. They worry it would come back to haunt them. When Miryam, another Hill staffer, was 22, two older male staffers from a neighboring congressional office invited her out for drinks after work. What she thought would be a networking experience soon turned sexually threatening: The men drove her to a bar in Georgetown, where they sat close to her and tried to give her shoulder rubs. When she asked to be driven home, one of them jumped in the back seat beside her and groped her, attempted to kiss her, and asked her to join him for one last drink in a hotel room. I remember thinking, What if he hadnt driven me home? she says. It was an education, of sorts, into the power dynamics on Capitol Hill. She still sees the men all the time at her job. The sexual dynamics of politics arent limited to Washington. In statehouses, especially, the power of male lawmakers is often less scrutinized by the press and public than it is inside the Beltway. Sexual harassment exists in every sort of profession that has a transactional component to it I need something and they have the power its like being a waitress, says Kirsten, a lobbyist working in a statehouse in the Northeast. For me and my young peers that are lobbyists, weve all been grabbed, weve all been solicited, weve all been asked to trade sex for bills. Thats just how it is, thats the way it works. We all have these conversations that we cant be the ones to say that, other men should be the ones who are holding other men accountable. We shouldnt be in a position where we have to put ourselves and our ability to work within this mans industry out there in order to make a change. The reporting process for sexual harassment varies by statehouse, but its often woefully inadequate. The system depends too heavily on the character of those in leadership and puts too much of the burden on the victim who reports, says Missouri House of Representatives Democrat Lauren Arthur. The same is true on Capitol Hill. As Slate reported last week, staffers with sexual-harassment complaints are, in theory, supposed to report them to the Office of Compliance. Most arent aware it exists. Even when they are, the reporting system is byzantine and complicated. Theres no formal requirement that all members and staff take training on workplace harassment as a result, many offices dont have any training at all. But the national sexual-harassment reckoning that the Harvey Weinstein allegations produced may yet reverberate in Capitol Hill. The House Administration Committee announced a hearing on sexual harassment in Congress next week, following Speaker Paul Ryans email to staff requesting that every office participate in prevention training. Before the hearing, the chairman and all leaders of the House and Senate will receive a letter demanding Congress reform its sexual-harassment training and prevention programs. The letter was written by Moore, the Waxman aide, who says he was inspired to start circulating it after watching Representative Jackie Speier, another California Democrat, recount being forcibly kissed by a chief of staff when she was a young congressional aide. Current staff cant speak out on this, Moore says, but for those of us that are out here, theres an obligation to stand up for them. Photo: Elena Garcia/Getty Images Cuffing season is upon us a time of flannel, soups, and curling up next to whatever suitable mate you found for the cold, dark months ahead. But once cuffed-up, an important question arises: how to navigate sex when its too cold to be naked? One minute youre eating Thai food and watching Top Chef together on your couch and the next, boned up on Tom Colicchios icy blue eyes and stern but fair criticism of an overcooked risotto, you begin to fool around. When it comes time to disrobe, though, you both falter, cowed by the frosty air. You look at each other sadly, apologetically, and turn back to the TV defeated and horny, but warm. But fear not! Winter doesnt have to be a time of cooking showinduced sexual frustration. Here are some outfits that will keep you warm on your visits to Bone Town (population, TBD). Long johns: Lumberjack lingerie allows you to enjoy the toasty embrace of fleece while still providing easy access to your sex parts. Just unclip and go! Photo: Design Pics / Darren Greenwood/Getty Images/Design Pics RF A baggy hoodie from college: Comfortable, sentimental, and loose enough that your partner can still feel you up. The truly experimental among you can even try wearing a hoodie as pants. Not only is there a hole between your legs, any partner capable of staying aroused while you look like some kind of bizarre, cotton beaver is a keeper for sure. Photo: Cathy Crawford/Getty Images Ski masks: A face sweater that allows you to kiss while keeping the rest of your head warm, ski masks can also add drama and intrigue for a sexy role play where youre both freezing 20-somethings who forgot to pay their gas bill. Photo: Evgeniy Anikeev/Getty Images/iStockphoto Shapewear: A full coverage pair of Spanx with a hole in the crotch lets you enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, keeps you warm, and smooths out your figure. Photo: Beeldbewerking/Getty Images/iStockphoto A down coat: Sexy trench coats get all of the attention, but what about a floor-length hooded puffer jacket that you keep fully zipped? Wear nothing underneath, lie in the middle of the bed like a snow angel, and let your partner find their way. Photo: DOMINIK PABIS/Getty Images/iStockphoto A hat, gloves, scarf, socks, and fleece sweater (no pants): Like a sexy, wintertime Porky Pig. Photo: JGI/Jamie Grill/Blend Images/Getty Images/Blend Images Whatever the heck this thing is: Finally, the sweatpants of lingerie. When things start to heat up (pun intended!!) tell your partner youre going to slip into something more comfortable, and come back out in this little number. For some kinky foreplay, ask your partner to undo the crotch snaps with their teeth. 3-Year-Old Boy with Dairy Allergy Dies After School Served Him Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Family Says A 3-year-old boy died after a New York City school served him a grilled cheese sandwich despite knowing that he was severely allergic to dairy, the childs family said. Elijah Silvera went into anaphylactic shock after eating the sandwich at Seventh Avenue Center for Family Services in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City on Nov. 3, PIX11 reported. Elijah was rushed to the pediatric emergency room at Harlem Hospital, according to a GoFundMe page set up for the family. Doctors at the hospital could not save the boy. Authorities in New York shut down the school following the tragic incident. The school failed to follow its written safety plan and failed to adequately supervise the child, both of which are in violation of the health code, authorities said. The boys family is heartbroken. He leaves behind his father, Thomas, mother, Dina, and 5-year-old brother Sebastian. The parents are taking time off from work to rest, grieve, and heal. Our family is only beginning the long and painful process of adjusting to a world that does not include Elijah in it, the familys GoFundMe page states. The family said that Elijahs death was preventable, citing that 1 in 13 children in the United States has food allergies. We can and must do more to protect our children from life-threatening allergic reactions in U.S. schools, the familys GoFundMe page says. According to a family member who spoke to PIX11, the school called Elijahs mother instead of an ambulance when the boy went into shock. The mother then rushed the boy to a hospital 10 blocks away from the school. The family said they are not sure where exactly the blame falls, the pre-K program or the hospital. We want to find out exactly where, if any, breakdowns may have occurred, at either the school or the hospital, they wrote on GoFundMe. The parents hope to use the funds donated to GoFundMe to fund an independent autopsy. The family is also looking to hire a therapist who can help Elijahs brother with the shocking loss. I went there when I was a kid, Michelle Daniels, a woman who attended Elijahs school as a child, said. That person should be really investigated. Really they should. Because if that was my child, I would be all over the place. If Im sending my children someplace, and Im entrusting my children in your care, youre supposed to follow those guidelines, Daniels added. After Elijahs story was carried by a local television station, his parents received an outpour of messages from families who lost children with allergies. Our hearts are breaking for your struggles and losses, the family wrote on GoFundMe. After hearing from all the parents, the family decided to donate part of the proceeds from their GoFundMe page to a nonprofit working on behalf of the food allergy community. From Alleged Bank Robber Caught After Giving Interview to Local TV A Georgia man sits in jail after he failed to resist the allure of appearing on TV. Eric Rivers, 24, allegedly robbed two banks in Gwinnett County, Georgia in recent weeks. Shortly after he allegedly robbed a Chase Bank in Lawrenceville on Tuesday, Nov. 7, he was approached by a CBS46 reporter Ashley Thompson at a local shopping center. She wanted to ask about the local traffic situation and Rivers was willing to oblige, taking off his hat and a du-rag before the interview. Gwinnett County doesnt really have its own transportation, he said according to CBS46. So MARTA coming out here will really help out a lot. Around that time, the police were interviewing a manager of a BB&T Bank, who told them the robber was seen exiting a Fifth Third Bank in Lawrenceville and walking towards a CBS46 news truck. Police then called the reporter and asked whom she interviewed. Since Rivers gave her his real name, police were able to track him down and arrest him that day. I think you caught him off guard. I think you surprised him, Det. Scott Pendergrass of Lawrenceville Police Department told Thompson. Police said Rivers hit up five banks and managed to rob two by handing the tellers a note with demands and a claim hes armed. He kind of has a skit that he plays, said Pendergrass. He goes into them and spends an extended amount of time in the banks. Rivers was busy that day, according to police. Right after he allegedly robbed the Chase Bank and was interviewed, he went into a nearby Fidelity Bank. As a reporter, I speak with all types of people from all over, but I never thought an alleged bank robber would let me interview him in between his hits, Thompson said. Rivers was charged with two counts of robbery, according to Gwinnett County Jail online records. Police said he acted alone. Last year, 4,251 banks were robbed or burglarized, a 4-percent increase since the year before, according to the FBI. The payoff, however, continues to decline, with just about $3,500 per heist in 2016down from over $4,200 in 2004. You see, in todays society it is actually very very difficult to be a successful bank robber, Lawrenceville Police Department wrote on Facebook. It is with almost certainty that you will be caught. It may take us little while to find you, but we will find you and you will go to prison. Please take our advice and stay away from the bank robbery business. Police catch almost 80 percent of bank robbers, NewsNet5 reported in 2015. While youre here We work hard to deliver the most important and interesting news of the day for you, but would like to ask a little favor in return: Would you mind sharing this story with your friends? You can just click the share button below. Thank you! Former prime ministers Brian Mulroney (front L) and John Turner, with Joe Clark (rear L) and Paul Martin as they mark the 150th anniversary of the first meeting of the first Parliament of Canada, in Ottawa on Nov. 6, 2017. (The Canadian Press/Justin Tang) Canada in Brief, Nov. 9-15 Canadas Parliament marks 150th anniversary Federal politicians and former prime ministers of all partisan stripes gathered in the House of Commons on Nov. 6 to mark the 150th anniversary of Canadas first Parliament. Former prime ministers John Turner, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, and Paul Martin were among those who watched and listened from the Commons visitors gallery as tributes were read into the official record, with speeches from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, and Green party Leader Elizabeth May. Earlier in the day, the four men sat together and shared a few memories with House Speaker Geoff Regan and former Commons speakers as they celebrated the moment. New Quebec laughs fest organized in response to Rozon scandal The recent sex-assault controversy involving the founder of the Just For Laughs festival has prompted the creation of a new comedy bash. Several dozen mainly francophone Quebec comedians have joined forces to put together an alternative festival, expected to be launched in 2018. Organizers admit its being created as a direct response to the scandal that recently shook Quebec. Just For Laughs founder Gilbert Rozon recently stepped down as president of the organization following allegations from at least nine women he either sexually harassed or sexually assaulted them. Canadas immigration attitudes hardening, poll suggests A newly available internal government survey suggests Canadian attitudes toward immigration could be hardening. The federal Immigration Department conducts a public poll every year prior to putting together its annual immigration plan. This years survey, which collected input from 2,503 people, shows a modest increase in the number who think the country is letting in too many immigrants. The survey also showed a slight decline in the number of people who believe they, their province, or the country benefits from immigration. Edmonton couple says adoption nixed over their views on sexuality A Christian couple from Edmonton is accusing Alberta of discrimination, claiming their application to adopt a child was rejected over their religious views on gay marriage and homosexuality. The married couple say they submitted their application last year and passed a required course for potential adoptive parents. But during a follow-up by officials this year, they ran into trouble when they answered questions about sexuality, according to an affidavit filed in support of an application for a judicial review of the governments decision. The couple, who arent named, say they accept that same-sex marriage is a legal reality, but they dont support it and believe that homosexuality is wrong. Angelina Jolie to give keynote address at Vancouver peacekeeping summit Academy Award-winning actress Angelina Jolie is expected to lend her star power to next weeks peacekeeping summit in Vancouver. A draft program for the two-day meeting leaked to The Canadian Press says Jolie will deliver a keynote address at the event, appearing as a special envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and co-founder of the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative. The other keynote address will be delivered by Patrick Shanahan, the U.S. deputy secretary of defence. Representatives from 80 countries are expected to attend the summit, which kicks off Nov. 14. With files from The Canadian Press A North Korean man (bottom R) sells items to Chinese tourists on the Yalu river near the North Korean town of Sinuiju, opposite the Chinese border city of Dandong in Liaoning Province on September 5, 2017. (Greg Baker/AFP/Getty Images) China Halts Tourism Into North Korea Move strikes a blow at source of hard currency for the beleaguered regime In Chinas latest attempts to rein in North Korea and its expanding nuclear program, China has halted all tours into the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. Chinese tour operators based in the Chinese border city of Dandongwhere most tours bringing Chinese tourists to North Korea start outwere informed by the Dandong Tourism Bureau on Nov. 7, the day before U.S. President Donald Trumps first official visit to China, according to anonymous sources who spoke with Reuters. During Trumps two-day trip to Beijing, talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping about North Koreas development of nuclear weapons is expected to top their agenda. The U.S. has been pressuring China to do more to rein in its neighbor and ally. Tourism is one of the few remaining ways North Korea earns hard currency, as the United Nations has ramped up sanctions on the country over the past year, curbing key exports such as coal, iron, and textiles. China had signed onto the latest round of United Nations sanctions in September, which included oil restrictions. According to energy news website, close to 90 percent of North Koreas documented crude oil supply comes from China. Within the same month, in a move that China said was to strictly enforce U.N. sanctions, the countrys central bank gave orders to Chinese banks to wind down loans with existing North Korean customers and not provide any future financial services to new customers. Chinese banks have been known as conduits for funding to and from North Korea. Days later, Chinas Ministry of Commerce instructed North Korean companies doing business in the country to close down within 120 days. The orders applied to China-North Korea joint ventures as well. Dandong-based tour companies were told that, as of Nov. 8, they were only permitted to run one-day tours to Sinuiju, the North Korean city opposite Dandong, which is a popular destination for Chinese tourists making day trips. Longer trips to Pyongyang and other parts of North Korea were banned until further notice, the sources told Reuters. Many Chinese tour operators run multi-day tours into North Korea. Chinese tour operators were surprised at the announcement. It was very unexpected, we had no idea this was going to happen until we received the notification today, one told Reuters. This is devastating news for us, he said. The sources Reuters interviewed all requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue. The sources said Chinese authorities had not given any official explanation for the changes. The Korea Maritime Institute, a think-tank in South Korea, estimates that tourism generates about US$44 million in annual revenue for North Korea. About 80 percent of all North Koreas foreign tourists are Chinese. In light of Trumps Beijing visit, the timing of the instructions seems like the Chinese are looking to cooperate with the United States a bit. Reuters contributed to this report. President Donald Trump and China's leader Xi Jinping arrive at a state dinner at the Great Hall of the People on Nov. 9, 2017 in Beijing. (Thomas Peter - Pool/Getty Images) China Unequivocal on North Korea Not Getting Nuclear Weapons: Tillerson Trump and Xi affirm position on North Korea during state visit The United States and China may struggle to resolve ongoing trade disputes, but are in complete agreement on North Korea, according to the leaders themselves and a more detailed account by the U.S. Secretary of State. Neither the United States nor China will accept a nuclear-armed North Korea, President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping affirmed during their public and private meetings in China this week. All nations must come together to ensure that this rogue regime cannot threaten the world with its nuclear weapons, President Trump said at a business gathering in Beijing on Thursday, Nov. 9, with Xi beside him. We must act fast, and hopefully China will act faster and more effectively on this problem than anyone, he added. Xi affirmed the Chinese regimes position at a joint press conference on Thursday. On the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, we reiterated the firm commitment to achieving denuclearization of the Peninsula and upholding international nonproliferation regime, Xi said. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson gave a more detailed account of their talks at a press conference in Beijing on Thursday, saying the Chinese leadership was in full agreement about North Koreas nuclear program. They will not accept a nuclear-armed, nuclear-weaponized North Korea, he said. Theyre unequivocal in that statement. Tillerson said that Trump and Xi had a very, very detailed exchange on what each side was doing, with Xi sharing specific actions the Chinese have taken, including blocking North Korea from accessing Chinese banks. If there was a difference of opinion, it was in the timeline. Tillerson said Xi took the view that sanctions would take time and would not have immediate results, though the North Korean regime was feeling the pressure. Tillerson appeared to echo that view, saying it has taken five months just to get the sanctions passed by the United Nations. Sanctions themselves always require some time for inventories to be used up, for alternatives to be closed off, he said. Trump, however, left no room to relax in his public remarks. While complimenting Xi often throughout his public statements, Trump also maintained his position on Chinas role in bringing the Kim Jong Un regime to the bargaining table to discussion denuclearization. China can fix this problem easily and quickly, and I am calling on China and your great President to hopefully work on it very hard, Trump said. I know one thing about your President: If he works on it hard, it will happen. Theres no doubt about it. Tillerson said the United States had been gratified by the Chinese position, saying everyone was in agreement. Theres no space between both of our objectives, said Tillerson before adding that there were distinct views on the tactics and timing, which was a focus of much of the talks. Our President has been very clear with President Xi that he takes the view that you are a very powerful neighbor of theirs; you account for 90-plus percent of their economic activity; youre a strong manyou can, Im sure, solve this for me,' Tillerson said. And so he was very clear with him and said he believes it can be solved. While Kim has yet to indicate any willingness to negotiate denuclearization, there are signs that pressure on the North Korean regime is mounting. Recent reports from inside North Korea reveal that the military is struggling to maintain food supplies and security has been increased at monuments and sites glorifying the Kim family. There has also been a more concerted effort to stifle foreign media and opinions from entering the country. Tillerson said there were clear signs that the impact of sanctions was taking hold. It is creating some stress within North Koreas economy and with some of their citizens, potentially even within some of their military, he said. Corey Feldman Officially Opens Hollywood Pedophilia Case With LAPD The Los Angeles Police Department has opened a case on the Hollywood pedophiles that Corey Feldman has alluded to for years, Daily Mail reported. Feldman has shared that he experienced and witnessed sexual abuse as a child actor for years. He has also claimed that police didnt take his claims seriously. But now the LAPD is officially opening a case. After allegations against Harvey Weinstein poured in, there has been an endless stream of accusations of various types of sexual abuse in Hollywood. Revelations of Hollywood pedophilia are nothing new, but Corey Feldmans claims became particularly relevant after Anthony Rapp accused Kevin Spacey of inappropriately touching him. Corey Feldman had a series of recent TV interviews after announcing a crowdfunding campaign to make a movie about his life and expose his experiences with pedophiles in dramatic form. He was grilled in interviews with Megyn Kelly and Matt Lauer. But in an interview with Dr. Oz, the host said he was just speaking on the phone to police. IMPORTANT CAMPAIGN UPD8: I JUST COMPLETED A FORMAL SIT DOWN INTERVIEW W @LAPDHQ SPECIAL DIVISION, & GAVE THEM ALL THE INFO I KNOW! THIS WAS Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) November 7, 2017 OFFICIALLY THE 1ST FORMAL REPORT EVER TAKEN ON ANY OF MY CASES, AS SBPD NEVER FOLLOWED UP BACK IN 1993, & HAS NO RECORD OF MY COMPLAINTS. Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) November 7, 2017 THE LAPD WILL BEGIN AN OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION NOW! THINGS R HEATING UP, IM PRAYING 4 SAFETY! PLEASE HELP: Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) November 7, 2017 The world came away with the names of two convicted pedophiles from those interviews. Jon Grissom, Feldmans former assistant, was revealed as the pedophile he calls Ron Crimson in his book Coreyography; and Marty Weiss, previously openly named in the book and in the 2014 documentary movie An Open Secret, was named again as a Hollywood pedophile. Feldman announced his success in opening a case in a series of tweets dated Nov. 6. His Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign had raised over $217,000 towards Feldmans goal of $10 million by end of day Nov. 7. A naked man running through rush-hour traffic thats backed up for miles jumpstarts Wonder Valley, author Ivy Pochodas enthralling look at people mired in a nomadic existence, anonymous to most, yet longing for a connection with another. With its large cast of characters and unconventional storytelling, Wonder Valley works as the literary version of the Oscar-winning film Crash. Not every character is sympathetic, but the increasingly heightened drama that surrounds each characters life never falters. These are people who are alone, even when surrounded by those to whom they should be closest. Adding to the feeling of anonymity, the novel is nearly two-thirds finished before a last name is evoked. Married lawyer Tony becomes obsessed with that naked man that he leaves his car to run after, feeling a tingling sense of freedom in the mans unburdened stride. There is Ren, who has traveled to Los Angeles to find his mother, who refuses to leave her little corner of Skid Row. Britt is running from her past when she ends up at a ranch in Twentynine Palms before eventually making it to Los Angeles. And there are Blake and Sam, two violent drifters in search of Wonder Valley where they plan to settle. For these two, Wonder Valley is the stuff of dreams, a near-mythical place thats really just a half-abandoned community of run-down cabins. Pochoda deftly moves each of these characters together, making their connection realistic while pulling Wonder Valley from the past to the present to illustrate what led each to this particular moment. Los Angeles and Southern California emerge as vital characters, too, showing how the area affects each person. This look at a broad segment of people imbued Pochodas last novel, Visitation Street, which was one of the bright spots of 2013. Pochoda delivers a compassionate look at the displaced that treats each with respect and humanity in Wonder Valley. Oline H. Cogdill, AP Florida Couple Shoots Themselves to Fake Insurance Claim A Florida couple shot themselves in an elaborate ploy to claim insurance money, according to police. The couple, from Volusia County, was hospitalized with gunshot wounds on Oct. 26, which they said occurred during a home robbery. Nearly two weeks later, however, the police were no longer looking for the phantom masked attackers, they were arresting the couple for providing false information to law enforcement, a misdemeanor charge. They shot themselves for the purpose of committing insurance fraud, Volusia County Mike Sheriff Chitwood said on Nov. 7, announcing the arrests. They were going to sue the homeowner to collect money. Chitwood told the Daytona News Journal that the couple even had retained an attorney for the insurance proceedings. Their story was that two guys entered the house. But we were able to determine no one broke into their home, Chitwood said. If this incident just occurred and they called police right away, why would you have dried blood and why do we have bleach all over the house, Chitwood said. Police were called to the house of Doug Teixeira, 35, and his wife Lindsey Pelton, 36, on Oct. 26 to investigate a shooting and home invasion. In a media interview at the crime scene, Sheriff Chitwood appeared to take at face value the initial account provided by the couple. The couple told deputies two men entered their home through a back sliding glass door. After a brief exchange with the suspects, the husband was shot in the leg and the wife was shot in the arm. The suspects then fled in an unknown vehicle, said the initial police report. The victims were transported to Central Florida Regional Hospital by ambulance with non-life-threatening injuries. The couple claimed the intruders had made off with a small safe containing $7,000 and jewelry. During the course of the nearly two-week investigation, detectives learned Teixeira and Pelton had no money, and Peltons father was paying their living expenses. The crime scene appeared staged, said the Nov. 7 report posted on Facebook. Although the couple claimed to have been in the shower when the intruders came in, the shower and bath mat were completely dry. There were no signs of forced entry or tire-spin marks outside. Bloody footprints appeared to have been cleaned up, and there was a black hat that contained a sock that contained .22 caliber bulletsthe same size round used in the shootingsaid the report Surveillance footage in the area revealed no sign of any vehicles stopping near the house, other than a school bus. There were no signs of any suspects coming to or going from the house. Lindsey Pelton, 36, has a criminal past, including a history of frauds and scams, according to Chitwood. File photo shows Priti Patel, now Britain's Home Secretary, leaving after a cabinet meeting in Downing Street London, on June 27, 2016. (Reuters/Toby Melville) In New Test for British PM, British Aid Minister Resigns LONDONBritish aid minister Priti Patel was forced from office on Wednesday over undisclosed meetings with Israeli officials after Prime Minister Theresa May sought to reassert her diminished authority as she negotiates Brexit. Patel, a Brexit campaigner who is popular in the ruling Conservative Party, had to abandon a trip to Africa earlier on Wednesday after being summoned by May to answer questions on more unsanctioned meetings that breached diplomatic protocol. Over 22,000 people used flight tracking website, Flightradar24, to watch Patel fly back to London, expecting her to be sacked when she landed. More than 22,000 users are currently tracking flight #KQ100 en route to London. According to media #PritiPatel is on board this flight. Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) November 8, 2017 After a hastily arranged meeting not long after Patel landed in London, Mays office released her ministers letter of resignation, in which Patel said her conduct in Israel had fallen below the high standards required of her post. While my actions were meant with the best of intentions, my actions also fell below the standards of transparency and openness that I have promoted and advocated, Patel wrote in the letter to May. I offer a fulsome apology to you and to the government for what has happened and offer my resignation. Priti Patel says her actions fell below the standards of transparency and openness in her resignation letter to Theresa May Press Association (@PA) November 8, 2017 May responded in a letter, saying: Now that further details have come to light, it is right that you have decided to resign and adhere to the high standards of transparency and openness that you have advocated. In her response, Theresa May says it is right that you have decided to resign but commends Patel for her work as International Development Secretary Press Association (@PA) November 8, 2017 It was not clear who would replace Patel, who held the meetings during a holiday in Israel earlier this year. Under British protocol, a cabinet minister would normally organize meetings through the foreign office and be accompanied by officials, and visits with Israelis would typically be balanced with meetings with Palestinians. It is the second resignation in Mays top team in a week, underlining her weakness at a time when she faces the complicated task of unravelling more than 40 years of ties with the European Union and holding a deeply divided party together. Patels meetings with Israeli officials, which Mays office said they were not aware of, and a reported visit to an Israeli army field hospital in the Golan Heights, have increased the pressure on the prime minister, who depends on a Northern Irish party in parliament to pass legislation. Friend or Foe But while acting quickly to force Patel to resign, the loss of an enthusiastic Brexit campaigner from her cabinet team of top ministers could mean that May faces greater pressure from lawmakers to pursue a clean break from the EU. Priti is more popular than Theresa, and has more contacts and influence overseas, a senior Conservative source said. If I was May, I wouldnt want Priti unleashed on the back benches, the source said, using a term to describe lawmakers. Patel was sacked a week after Mays ally Michael Fallon, her defense secretary, resigned in a sexual harassment scandal that was also caught up two other ministers, including her deputy, Damian Green. In a week of crises, her foreign minister, Boris Johnson, on Tuesday was pressed to apologize over remarks he made about a jailed aid worker in Iran, which critics said could prompt the Islamic Republic to hand her a longer jail term. With Brexit talks all but hamstrung over how much Britain should pay to leave the European Union, opposition lawmakers and other critics are now openly questioning whether May can continue as prime minister. There are times when a government has the stench of death about it, Pat McFadden, a lawmaker from the main opposition Labour Party, told parliament on Tuesday. By Elizabeth Piper and Andrew MacAskill US President Donald Trump (R) and Chinese leader Xi Jinping (L) prepare to shake hands during dinner at the Mar-a-Lago estate in West Palm Beach, Flo., on April 6, 2017. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images) Lets Make a Deal: US Natural Gas May Be on Chinese Regimes Shopping List Trade is top of the agenda during U.S. President Donald Trumps visit to China. Trump wants to tackle the enormous trade deficit with Chinatotaling $347 billion last year, according to the U.S. Department of Commercebut will Beijing concede? Judging from an article that has been republished by the state mouthpiece Xinhua, it appears the Chinese could be interested in buying up American natural gas. The article was originally published in National Business Daily, a Chinese publication, but appeared online on Xinhuas website, which communicates the Chinese regimes official viewpoint. Quoting a research expert from Chinas Ministry of Commerce, the article notes that about half of Chinas energy resources come from imports. The U.S. needs a big international market for its energy exports, and China is an ideal choice, said Bai Ming, deputy head of the Ministrys research institute tasked with studying international markets. Currently, Chinas main source of energy comes from coal, which makes up 64 percent of the countrys total energy productioncompared to 31 percent in the United States. Natural gas makes up less than 6 percent of the nations energy production, according to official data from Chinas National Energy Administration. In the article, another research expert, at the state-affiliated think tank Chinese Academy of Social Sciences called a potential natural gas sales deal with the U.S. advantageous, noting too that Americas desire for Sinopec, the Chinese state-run oil company, to invest in American petroleum, would be a favorable outcome for China. The two countries are currently negotiating a $7-billion investment plan with U.S. firms and Sinopec to build a pipeline in Texas and expand an existing oil storage facility in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Indeed, many of the 29 business executives who are accompanying Trump in Beijing are big players in the U.S. energy sector. Alaska Gov. Bill Walker is also tagging along; the state is home to large deposits of natural gas. Meanwhile, the article remarked that Chinese experts believed the United States should loosen restrictions on U.S. high tech exports if the United States wanted more headway on the trade deficit issue. The United States probably wont budge on this, though, as the Chinese regime has consistently made doing business in China difficult for foreign high-tech firms. China recently adopted intellectual property rules that would force foreign firms to enter partnerships with local companies in order to gain more access to the Chinese market, while the regime has banned products by companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Cisco from being used in government offices, giving local brands a competitive edge. In August, Trump signed a memorandum to investigate whether Chinas trade policies encourage the theft and forced transfer of American intellectual property. When Uber tried to launch in China, for example, it lost against domestic rivals like Didi Chuxing (Beep Beep Travel in English). Uber lost roughly US$2 billion in China in two years. In August 2016, Uber sold its China business to Didi in exchange for a 17.7 percent, or US$7 billion, share. David Byers, 35, faces up to 20 years in prison for a string of robberies in the northeast United States. (Yuma Police Department) Male Fitness Model Could Face 20 Years for Multiple Robberies David Byers had a good career as a fitness model, but he wanted to branch out a little. He decided that a part-time job as a robber would be just what his resume needed. The 35-year-old Californian traveled to the Northeast and set out on his new career. He started small, wrapping a bandana around his face and showing a gun in his first holdup at a gas station in Nesconset, Long Island, on April 19. He got away with $300. Byers then headed to Stony Brook, New York, where the next day he hit up a Chase Bank for $2,107. Four days later, he hit up another gas station, this one in Greenwich, Connecticut, for $223. While still in Greenwich, he robbed another Chase Banktwice, on consecutive days. More of David Byers A post shared by Michael Stokes (@stokes_photo) on Jun 2, 2015 at 12:16pm PDT Instagram removed my photo of David. I hope this one is okay. Jeez! A post shared by Michael Stokes (@stokes_photo) on Jan 25, 2015 at 5:27pm PST He netted $8,722 on his first bank robbery on April 25, and $3,391 from his second holdup there on April 26, according to the Justice Department. Byers went to the same teller for both robberies. The second time he told the teller, You know why Im here, reported the New York Daily News. At all these robberies he showed what looked like the butt of a handgun. As part of his plea deal, he will have to pay nearly $15,000 in restitution, according to the Daily Mail. Looking for Love and Money A friend of Byers told CBS8 News that the former model traveled across the country from his home in Solana Beach to try to meet up with an old girlfriend who now lives in New York. He emailed the woman after starting his crime spree, allegedly sending her a photo of himself with stacks of stolen money, a criminal complaint says, according to Greenwich Time. Police nearly nabbed Byers in Greenwich when they saw him driving, but he drove away at a high rate of speed, according to the Justice Department, and fled on foot, evading capture. 3 Robberies in 48 hours, no injuries. Call our tipline if you have information 1 (800) 372-1176 or Greenwich PD PIO (@GreenwichCTPD) April 26, 2017 Chase Bank Robbery suspect image was obtained from a nearby establishment. Contact tipline with info 1(800)372-1176 or Greenwich PD PIO (@GreenwichCTPD) April 29, 2017 He traveled about three miles to Port Chester, New York, where he pretended to be a valet parking lot attendant and drove off in a black Range Rover after he changed the license plates. After Pennsylvania State Police tried to stop him using a tire deflating device, the Justice Department said he abandoned the vehicle and continued his escape on foot into a residential neighborhood. There he stole a truck that had the keys in it, later disguising it with Maryland license plates he stole at a rest stop. He made it as far as Arizona in that vehicle, but Arizona police noticed it was stolen and gave chase. He was again able to evade capture through aggressive driving, and again ditched the vehicle and fled on foot. Somehow Byers made it all the way back to his home in San Diego, where he was arrested outside a convenience store on May 2 by a team of FBI agents. He was extradited in August, Greenwich Time reports, and on Nov. 7, faced a judge in Hartford, Connecticut, where he accepted a plea deal after pleading guilty to charges of first-degree robbery and felony reckless endangerment. Byers faces as many as 20 years in prison for his crimes. Sentencing is set to begin on Jan. 30. David Byers A post shared by Michael Stokes (@stokes_photo) on Jun 13, 2015 at 10:33am PDT Decent and Respectful A friend of the heavily tattooed model and personal trainer was shocked to hear about his criminal escapades. Photographer Michael Stokes featured Byers in his Instagram portfolio, which has 158,000 followers. I know hes an unusual guy, but bank robbery doesnt seem like his thing, Stokes told the Greenwich Time. Hes always been so decent and respectful with me. Besides being a fitness model and a personal trainer, Byers was also part-owner of a gym, Greenwich Time reports. He faced several charges for stealing gym equipment in California, and his extradition had to be delayed while San Diegos justice system dealt with those charges. He eventually pleaded guilty to burglary in that case. He had prior arrests for resisting arrest and driving under the influence, Greenwich Time reports. It's David's day today A post shared by Michael Stokes (@stokes_photo) on Jun 13, 2015 at 12:15pm PDT From NTD Man Seen in UK Repeatedly Throwing Greyhound Into Sea A man in the United Kingdom was seen throwing his greyhound into the cold sea. The RSPCA is now searching for the identity of the man, who witnesses say grabbed the dog and threw it into the water in Hartlepool, County Durham, according to The Telegraph. GREYHOUNDS THROWN INTO ROUGH SEAS IN HARTLEPOOL IN CRUEL EXCERCISE PRACTICE All information we have received regarding the identity of the greyhound trainer has been forwarded to Pete Rosney of the @gbgb and the @RSPCA_official C.A.G.E.D.NationWide (@CAGEDnw) November 9, 2017 The man pulled the dog back on a leash and threw it back into the sea again. The incident took place last week. Witnesses said they saw three men with nine muzzled greyhounds on the pier. RSPCA search for man who appeared to repeatedly throw 'terrified' greyhound into freezing sea The Telegraph (@Telegraph) November 9, 2017 They were being carried out to the end of the structure and unceremoniously flung in from a height of about 4ft and a distance, through the air, of 6ft, one witness said. The waves were quite strong and my first thought was, once they had surfaced, what if they were propelled by the crashing waves into the rusting sides of the pier? There was a significant number of dogs in the group and it appeared that they were being taken out one by one. HARTLEPOOL U.K. Just in, a man has thrown a greyhound into the sea. (source: Hartlepool News) stop dog racing aus (@AusStop) November 9, 2017 John Stephenson, the head of Greyhound Rescue North East, told the Daily Mail: I have never heard of anything like this before, there is just no logic to it. Why on earth would anyone throw a dog into the sea like this in freezing cold conditions, it is just stupid. A spokesperson for the RSPCA said the agency is still making inquiries after we received a concerning report that a group of men with a number of dogs were seen in Hartlepool repeatedly throwing one of the dogsa greyhoundinto the water. RSPCA release photo of man appearing to throw greyhound into the North Sea Breaking News (Tees) (@BNTeesside) November 9, 2017 An inspector launched an investigation and attended the scene, but the group were no longer there. Since then we have been contacted by a member of the public who provided photos of what appears to be a man throwing the dog into the water. These images are very distressing and we would urge anyone who may have witnessed this, or may have more information which could help an investigation, to contact us on 0300 1234 999. Mexican Citizen Executed in Texas for Killing Cousin A Mexican man on death row in Texas was executed on Wednesday night, Nov. 8, in the murder of his 16-year-old cousin who was abducted from her familys apartment and fatally beaten. Mexicos President Enrique Nieto weighed in. Ruben Ramirez Cardenas, 47, was administered a lethal injection after several federal court appeals. He was convicted in the 1997 murder of Mayra Laguna, the 16-year-old. When he was asked to make a final statement, Cardenas told the warden: No, sir. About 21 minutes after the execution began, he was pronounced dead, CBS reported. But the move drew ire from Nieto. I express my firm condemnation of the execution of the Mexican Ruben Cardenas Ramirez in Texas, which violates the decision of the International Court of Justice. My deepest condolences to the mourners, he tweeted. Cardenass attorney, Maurie Levin, said that the testimony against him was sketchynoting that there was little physical evidence that linked him to Lagunas murder. Levin also said a confession that he gave to police was done after 22 hours of police questioning and isolation. The lawyer also said that officials didnt act correctly when they didnt tell him that he could get help from the Mexican Consulate. I am extraordinarily disappointed with this outcome and at the same time overcome with pride at the efforts made by his lawyer, Maurie Levin, and her team of lawyers, said Gregory Kuykendall, an Arizona attorney speaking on behalf of Mexico, according to And Im equally proud of the Mexican government for so diligently pursuing every avenue of defense conceivable. Cardenas thanked his family and the Mexican Consulate for their help. Now! I will not and cannot apologize for someone elses crime, but, I will be Back for Justice, Cardenas wrote. You can count on that! Prosecutors, however, said that Cardenas led investigators to the girls body, tossed in a canal. This guy is guilty as sin, Hidalgo County prosecutor Ted Hake said weeks before the execution. According to Fox News, Cardenas said in a statement to police that he was high on cocaine. He and friend Jose Antonio Lopez Castillo drove around with Laguna in his mothers car. When he untied her, she came at him and attacked him. I then lost it and started punching her on the face, he told detectives, adding that he hit her in the neck and she started to cough up blood. After trying to revive her, he tied her up and rolled her down a canal bank. Condemnation of Organ Trafficking Crimes Continues Momentum for Resolution That the Chinese Consulate Wants Silenced Panels at San Diego universities feature Nobel Peace Prize nominees speaking of an unprecedented evil, the atrocity of forced organ harvesting SAN DIEGOThe state senator spoke with passion about what really gives meaning to public service. There are very few issues in our lives that we can stand strong and really make a difference, said California State Senator Joel Anderson (R-El Cajon). And standing up for human rights, no matter where they are in the world, I believe is that issue. Anderson had acted on his words by sponsoring Senate Joint Resolution 10 (SJR 10) in July. In speaking at a panel on human organ trafficking at San Diego State University (SDSU) on Nov. 1, he was working to gain support for his resolution. He and his fellow panelists also spoke at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) on Nov. 2, with both events hosted by the International Coalition to End Organ Pillaging. Hon. David Kilgour, Canadas former Secretary of State, and international human rights lawyer David Matas, joined Senator Anderson to raise public awareness about an unprecedented form of evil on this planetforcibly extracting vital organs from innocent human beingsan extreme form of organ trafficking that has been industrialized by the Chinese communist regime. SJR 10 would condemn any government-sanctioned persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, including forced organ harvesting, in China or elsewhere. After it received bipartisan support in the Senate Judiciary Committee, it was tabled by the Senate leadership immediately after a three-page letter from the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco was received. With the legislature in recess, SJR 10 remains stuck in the Rules Committee. Consequences to the crimes against humanity When the allegation surfaced in 2006 that innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China were killed for their organs, Mr. Matas and I were asked to conduct an independent investigation, Kilgour said. I was a prosecutor for 10 years, so I know something about evidence. Our investigation found evidence of large-scale organ seizures from unwilling Falun Gong practitioners. Their vital organs, including kidneys, livers, corneas, and hearts, were seized involuntarily for sale at high prices, sometimes to foreigners, who normally face long waits for voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries, Kilgour said. Kilgour and Matas published their investigation report, Bloody Harvest, in 2006. Because of their work, Kilgour and Matas were both nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. They have since lectured in over 55 countries about their findings. In 2016, along with Ethan Gutmann, investigative journalist and author of The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and Chinas Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem, Kilgour and Matas published An Update to their original report. The updated report is 680 pages long with 2,400 footnotes, 80 percent of which came directly from Chinese sources, according to Matas. Kilgour said, In our update last year, we concluded there were a minimum of 60,000-100,000 transplants taking place in China every year. And if you take the lower figure of 60,000 and divide it by 365 days in the year it works out to 164 people a day in China are being killed for their organs. Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) is a traditional Chinese spiritual practice that adherents say strengthens and improves mental and physical health through meditation, gentle exercises, and living according to the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Taught for free and spread through word of mouth, the practice attracted over 70 million people in China by early 1999, according to a state survey; practitioners say 100 million had taken up the practice by then. The Chinese communist regime, fearing the number of people doing Falun Gong and the attractiveness of its teachings, launched a massive eradication campaign against the practice in July 1999, which continues today. Its important that the Chinese government knows that theres consequences to the crimes against humanity, which theyve been committing. They shouldnt be granted impunity, and people shouldnt be turning a blind eye. said Matas. Systematic Screening of Healthy People Other panelists included China scholar Dr. Shizhong Chen and former judge Grace Li. Ever since the crime of murderous organ extraction from live Falun Gong practitioners was first exposed in 2005, China has been categorically denying it. One fact that not even the Chinese communist regime can deny is that as of today, China still does not have a database of patients who need organ transplantation, Chen said. The U.S, Canada, Europe and most parts of the world that perform ethical organ transplantations maintain and even share databases of organ transplantation patients. The people in these databases are benefited in times of unpredictable tragedies. Yet China builds a completely different kind of database by systematically screening healthy people. What predictable tragedies wait for those who are in such databases? All these should send a chill down our spines, and our innate response should be an outrage. Yet, Sen. Anderson just gave us an example of how even our outrage is suppressed by the very regime that caused our outrage in the first place. This should send a second chill down our spine, Chen said. Once a highly respected judge in China, Li was jailed and tortured for her belief in Falun Gong. I was sent to a forced labor camp without a trial. I worked 16-17 hours a day. She witnessed other jailed Falun Gong practitioners being tortured and blood tested. Although at the time, she said, no one knew why. Only after did I realize that they were harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners. Support for SJR 10 In an interview with NTD, Matas said What we see in China is something we havent seen before. We do see organ transplant abuses elsewhere but it isnt institutionalized, industrialized, used as a state policy anywhere else but in China. Anderson urged the approximately 200 attendees to sign his petition in support of SJR 10. I want legislators to unite and stand against this holocaust, as we have always come together to stand against other genocides. Thats what I am going to be remembered for, Anderson said. It wont be whether I raised your taxes or lowered your taxes, or fixed your roads or didnt fix your roads, it will be because I stood on the righteous side of humanity and so I am asking people, if you agree with me, sign this petition to support our resolution. If you sign up and support, my colleagues will see there is great momentum for this. Mr. Eric Frost, director of the Homeland Security Graduate Program at SDSU, gave opening remarks at the Nov. 1 panel. He encouraged the audience members to keep an open mind and really think about what each one of us can do. Upon hearing about the SJR 10 story, many audience members were shocked. One SDSU Senior majoring in Computer Science and Political Science said, I was wondering why China was singled out on the organ trafficking issue. Now I know. Another recent graduate said, We cant allow the Chinese government to dictate our own state affairs. Dr. Manuel Belandres, the man behind the 2013 Medical Society of Virginia Resolution condemning forced organ harvesting by the Chinese regime, said, SJR 10 should receive bipartisan support. I would want to know where my State Senator stands on this issue. Retired Judge Quentin Kopp: I should like to testify A few days prior to the panels, retired judge Quentin L. Kopp, who served as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and in the California State Senate, wrote a letter to Sen. Anderson regarding SJR 10. Kopp wrote, I know the subject matter well. I have expended time and effort to secure rights of public assembly in San Francisco for members of Falun Gong, and am aware of the suppression of their rights by undue influence of the Peoples Republic of China upon the Mayor and other San Francisco public officials. As a member of the CA First Amendment Coalition Board of Directors, I am indignant about the discrimination against Falun Gong members in the use of public spaces and the persecution of members in China by the national government. I surmise SJR 10 is now a two-year bill. I should like to be notified of further committee hearings during the recess and next year regarding SJR 10 so that I may try to testify in support. The letter was also sent to the Senate President pro tem Kevin de Leon, Governor Brown, and other public officials. A young girl does her homework in her dining room in Centreville, Md., after class at Centreville Elementary on April 30, 2013. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images) Mother Leaves Internet Baffled After Sharing Her Daughters Third Grade Math Problem A third graders math problem has left the internet stumped after the students mother went online to ask for help. Last Tuesday on Oct. 31, mother of two, Dusty Sappington posted a photo on Reddit showing the strange question in her 8-year-old daughters homework, HuffPost reported. In the photo, Sappington circled the problem which asked: Janell had 15 marbles. She lost some of them. How many does Janell have now? Her daughter, Izzy, left a question mark in the answer field. According to the Daily Mail, Sappington, 40, is a native of Terry, Mississippi. Sappington told HuffPost that Izzy has dyslexia. She said her daughter currently attends a private school that offers both traditional cases and also specializes in learning disabilities. Later the mother posted a comment, If someone can answer this correctly, my child will be done with her homework!! In a reply to another user, Sappington wrote that the homework did not come with additional instructions and that it was not multiple choice. Nope, no instructions, just a really confused 3rd grader, Sappington commented. I havent found out the answer, but hope to see her graded paper soon, Sappington told HuffPost. To be honest, Im unsure if it was printed in error or was a question to test her knowledge of less than and greater than, which she has touched on in the past. Redditors were just as confused as the mother and could not come up with a numerical answer. But they did offer her some different solutions to the confusing question. The top answer to Sappingtons post was a Reddit user that wrote: < 15 but I dont think thats a fair 3rd-grade question. Others suggested 15 -x, but that answer did not seem to match the worksheets content, which only included straightforward questions with numerical answers. Another wrote that the answer could be somebut a reply to that answerif some are lost, then most remain seemed to further muddy the waters. In an updated post the mother said the answer was revealed after she talked to her daughters teacher. Sappington said she only posted the question on Reddit mainly for amusement. Being the mother of a third-grader and a fifth-grader, I have seen a lot of homework over the years that has our family laughing at the absurdities, scratching our heads and relying too much on Google, she told HuffPost. The mother hopes that the moment can encourage people about the importance of education and the need for better teachers wages. I hope this adds more fuel to the fire to better fund our educational systems, she said. From Conservative MP Scott Reid in the foyer outside the House of Commons on Nov. 7, 2017. (NTD Television) MP Asks Trudeau to Seek Release of Canadian Detained in China Scott Reid makes repeat of similar request in 2002 to then-Prime Minister Jean Chretien OTTAWAConservative MP Scott Reid is hoping Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will raise the issue of a Canadian citizen detained in China during the APEC summit, following a tradition where Reid made a similar request when then-Prime Minister Jean Chretien attended APEC 15 years ago. Reid recently wrote a letter to Trudeau suggesting that when he meets with Chinese leader Xi Jinping during the APEC summit in Vietnam, he should press for the release of Vancouver resident Sun Qian, who is currently detained in China for practicing Falun Dafa. Sun is a China-born businesswoman who immigrated to Canada as an investor and became a Canadian citizen. She founded the Beijing Leadman Biochemistry company and was on the Hurun Reports list of Chinas top wealthiest people from 2012 to 2016. According to her relatives, Sun began practising the Falun Dafa self-improvement and meditation discipline in 2014, which helped her recover from chronic health conditions. Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong, is a spiritual meditation discipline that has been severely persecuted in China under the Chinese communist regime since 1999. Many years ago, in 2002, I made a similar request to your predecessor, Jean Chretien, shortly before his departure to another APEC meeting, Reid wrote Trudeau. At that time, Reid tabled a parliamentary motion asking Chretien to call for the release of about a dozen imprisoned Falun Dafa adherents who had relatives in Canada when he met with the Chinese leadership during that years APEC summit. The motion passed with unanimous support. All of the adherents were eventually released and allowed to come to Canada. Cross-party goodwill In an interview, Reid recalled his 2002 parliamentary motion and how it got unanimous support from different parties. That spirit of cross-party goodwill towards Falun Gong practitionersrecognizing that these are peaceful people who simply want to practice their spiritual beliefsthat spirit continues to exist today, he said. As far as I can see, Canadians, parliamentarians of all parties, continue to be very supportive of Falun Gong practitioners. Irwin Cotler, a former Liberal MP and minister of justice, says its important that the Chinese authorities realize they cannot violate the rights of a Canadian citizen with impunity. I think that the prime minister has expressed himself that theres no contradiction between pursuing trade and protecting human rights, and this is a case study of how we can go to a conference and promote trade, but not at the expense of human rights, he said. Peter Kent, a Conservative MP and former environment minister, said Trudeau should make a point of raising Canadas concerns about the detainment of Sun and other Falun Dafa adherents. We know that with regards to [Sun], she has been detained, she has suffered what can be properly characterized as torture, mistreatment, Kent said. I think the prime minister should make a point of raising Canadas legitimate concerns not only about this single case, but about the infringement of the rights of other Chinese Canadians, or of the families of Chinese Canadians, who are being persecuted merely for their beliefs, he said. Green Party leader Elizabeth May also expressed hope that the prime minister can pursue diplomatic means to ensure Sun is released. The treatment of practitioners of Falun Dafa or Falun Gong is an egregious violation of human rights and rights of religious freedom, rights to speak freely, and most of the MPs in the ParliamentI know whenever I raise the issue, we have a lot of support on all sides of the House, she said. NDP MP Helene Laverdiere agreed that Trudeau should raise the issue of human rights during APEC, including all consular cases. I know that the prime minister is going to Vietnam, and I think it will be very important for him to raise human rights concerns, she said. New Looks for Snapchat, Twitter in Bid for More Users SAN FRANCISCOStruggling social-media darlings Twitter and Snapchat are taking on new looks as the services seek wider audiences from under the shadow of Facebook. Twitter has rolled out a 280-character limit for nearly all its users, abandoning its iconic 140-character limit for tweets. And Snapchat, long popular with young people, will undergo a revamp in hopes of becoming easier to use for everyone else. Both services announced the moves on Nov. 7 as they look for ways to expand beyond their passionate but slow-growing fan bases. Twitter has said that 9 percent of tweets written in English hit the 140-character limit. People ended up spending more time editing tweets or didnt send them out at all. By removing that hurdle, Twitter is hoping people will tweet more, drawing more users in. German bureaucratsnotorious for their ability to create lengthy tongue twisters consisting of one single wordcelebrated on Nov. 8. Germanys justice ministry wrote that it can now tweet about legislation concerning the transfer of oversight responsibilities for beef labeling. The law is known in German as the Rindfleischetikettierungsueberwachungsaufgabenuebertragungsgesetz. In Rome, student Marina Verdicchio said the change will give us the possibility to express ourselves in a totally different way and to avoid cancelling important words when we use Twitter. Others were not impressed, including at least one who quoted Shakespeare: Brevity is the soul of wit. And, as Snap Inc. CEO Evan Spiegel noted, change does not come without risk. We dont yet know how the behaviour of our community will change when they begin to use our updated application, he said. Were willing to take that risk for what we believe are substantial long-term benefits to our business. Snap, Snapchats parent company, did not provide details on the upcoming changes. During the third quarter, Twitter averaged 330 million monthly users, up just 1 percent from the previous quarter. Snapchat added 4.5 million daily users in the quarter to 178 million, which amounts to a 3 percent growth. The company does not report monthly user figures. Those numbers pale next to social media behemoth Facebook, which reported that its monthly users rose 16 percent to 2.07 billion. The one thing that we have heard over the years is that Snapchat is difficult to understand or hard to use, and our team has been working on responding to this feedback, Spiegel said. As a result, we are currently redesigning our application to make it easier to use. His comments came on a conference call with industry analysts after the company posted the lacklustre user-growth numbers and revenue that fell well short of Wall Street expectations. Snaps stock was bludgeoned on Nov. 8, falling almost 15 percent to close at $12.91. The Venice, California, company went public in March at $17 a share. As for Twitter, the move to 280 characters was first started as a test in September. People in the experiment told us that a higher character limit made them feel more satisfied with how they expressed themselves on Twitter, their ability to find good content, and Twitter overall, said project manager Aliza Rosen in a blog post. Authorities say workers digging in the western German city of Aachen have uncovered an ancient Roman road. Aachen city archaeologist Andreas Schaub told the dpa news agency the road is about six meters wide and is thought to possibly date back to the second century. Schaub says the road could have connected the important settlement in Aachen to what is today the Dutch city of Maastricht. Experts are now trying to determine how long the road might have been in use. The road was discovered as workers dug to install security barriers to secure the citys annual Christmas market. A dozen people were killed in Berlin last year when a man drove a truck into a crowded Christmas market in the capital. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in this undated photo released by state media. North Korea threatened South Korea on Nov. 9, 2017. North Korea Threatens South Korea Following Trump Visit Communist North Korea is threatening South Korea just two days after Donald Trump visited Seoul. North Korean state media described the South as suicidal for considering new sanctions on the North. Earlier this week, South Korea announced new sanctions against a number of high ranking North Korean officials. The officials are linked to North Koreas nuclear and missile programs, as well as its financial institutions. Targeting the financial flows to North Korea has been a key part of Trumps efforts to increase pressure on the regime to abandon its nuclear weapons program. We expect this will contribute to blocking North Koreas main sources of foreign exchange and its developing of weapons of mass destruction, a South Korean government official told Reuters. Defense Secretary Gen. Jim Mattis (L) and Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, arrive to speak to the press about the situation in North Korea at the White House in Washington on Sept. 3, 2017. (NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images) The North Korean regime, which is increasingly straining under sanctions, threatened South Korea, saying they would pay a dear price. In recent months the regime in Pyongyang has threatened the United States, South Korea, and Japan repeatedly with the use of nuclear weapons. While the North has not been successful yet in developing a nuclear weapon that can be delivered on a ballistic missile, military and intelligence experts believe its just a matter of months before that is the case. Whether its three months, or six months or 18 months, it is soon. And we ought to conduct ourselves as though its just a matter of time and a matter of a very short time before North Korea has that capability, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford Jr. said before Congress on Sept. 26. The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan conducts joint drills with the South Korean navy at sea Oct. 19, 2017. REUTERS/Tim Kelly During the Japan and South Korea legs of his Asia tour, Trump reaffirmed Americas commitment to working with its allies in the region to counter the North Korean threat. The United States has sharply increased its military presence in the region in recent months. Three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups are currently deployed in the Western Pacific for military drills. The United States also has at least one nuclear-powered submarine in the region. It is a rare opportunity to train with two aircraft carriers together, and even rarer to be able to train with three, said U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. Scott Swift in a statement. It is the first time since 2007 that three carrier strike groups operated together in the Western Pacific. USS Nimitz (CVN 68), USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63), and USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) carrier strike groups steam in formation during a joint photo exercise (PHOTOEX) during the Valiant Shield exercise on Aug.14, 2007. In a speech before the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on Nov. 7, President Trump described the stark contrast between a free and prosperous South Korea, and a repressive and poverty-stricken North Korea. What you have built is truly an inspiration. Your economic transformation was linked to a political one, Trump told the National Assembly. President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-In walk towards a guard of honor during a welcoming ceremony at the presidential Blue House in Seoul on Nov. 7, 2017. (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images) Trump underscored in his speech the importance his administration places on free and prospering societies that have freedom of religion versus the death and destruction brought by communist ideology. The Korean miracle extends exactly as far as the armies of free nations advanced in 195324 miles to the north. There, it stops, it all comes to an end. Dead stop. The flourishing ends, and the prison state of North Korea sadly begins, Trump said. Oslevar boat listed on UNESCO's 'Intangible Cultural Heritage' list The Oselvar boat was selected in 2016 for inscription on UNESCOs Register of Good Safeguarding Practices, part of the effort to maintain traditional learning procedures. Previously, western Norways main method of transportation was the wooden oselvar boat, also used for recreation. The introduction of modern boats in the 1940s, however, as well as government price restrictions, forced builders to find other work. Greater access to better roads also made the building of wooden boats fall into disfavour. Interest in the Norsemen, the name used by Europeans in former times for the Scandinavian Vikings who raided the coasts of Europe in the 9th and 10th centuries, has been revived by the fascinating exhibition Vikings which opened Nov. 4th at the Royal Ontario Museum. I was fortunate to see it in Gatineau at the Museum of History last year. According to museum notes, the Vikings who were skilled shipbuilders and seafarers, were capable of navigating the seas without instruments and navigational calculations using knowledge about winds, tidal currents, weather phenomena, and travelling times by many generations of ancestors. To help safeguard the traditional practice of boat building, the Os Batbyggjarlag boat-builders guild of the Os Municipality of and Hordaland County, supported by the Arts Council of Norway, founded the non-profit boatyard and workshop foundation named Oselvarverkstaden. This foundation has operated since 1997. It recruits boat builders as well as transmitting the expert know-how on building techniques (normally passed down from father to son). It attracts active builders, provides them with infrastructure and supports the entire oselvar manufacturing process. To date, more than 85 boats have been made and 40 repaired. Five of the six apprentices are active and four builders participate. They have access to a workshop where skills sharing is encouraged, as well as materials and tools. Constructing the 5m to 10m boats which are made for racing, freighting, or fishing is a 500 to 600-hour process. It includes negotiating with material suppliers to rigging and testing the final product. The builders also conduct field studies, demonstrations and participate in seminars and exhibitions, both locally and internationally. Dai Xianglong, Chairman of China's National Council of Social Security Fund, speaks during the International Finance Forum (IFF) 2011 Annual Conference at China World Trade Center Tower 3 on Nov. 9, 2011 in Beijing. (VCG/VCG via Getty Images) Paradise Papers Reveal Son-in-Law of Former Bank of China Governor Had Murky Stock Dealings This is version 2.0 of the Panama Papers. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has published findings from another batch of leaked documents, called the Paradise Papers, showing how the richest in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East have used offshore accounts to hide their wealth or shift their money around in secretactivities that are considered legal, but are a slap in the face to their respective countries taxation systems. In China, the Paradise Papers revealed that Che Feng, son-in-law of Dai Xianglong, the former governor of Chinas central bank, had, through a complicated set of transactions, ended up with HK$114 million (about US$14.6 million) in preferred stocks through his offshore company registered in the British Virgin Islands, between 2009 and 2013. Hong Kong newspaper HK01, as one of 100 media companies that have partnered with ICIJ in the investigation, published the report on Che. The investigation into Che Fengs finances exposed his ties to Chinese officials in the finance sector and state security apparatus. Ches stock dealings were traced to the Charoen Pokphand Group, a Thai conglomerate located in Bangkok and run by Dhanin Chearavanont, CEO and chairman of the company and its subsidiary C.P. Pokphand, which is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In December 2009, C.P. Pokphand bought a portion of assets under Orient Success International Limited (OSIL), also a subsidiary of the Charoen Pokphand Group, by offering up to 6.62 billion preferred stocks at the price of HK$0.3255 per stock (US$0.04). The price was a 40 percent discount since the stock price that day was HK$0.62 per stock (US$0.08). About 190 million shares of those preferred stocks were later transferred to Ever Union Capital Ltd., a company registered in the British Virgin Islands on July 22, 2010, according to the Paradise Papers, even though the stock price for which they got sold off was never publicly disclosed. Then, on July 28, 2010, these transferred shares were converted to common stocks at the price of HK$0.60 per stock (US$0.08). In other words, Che had come into possession of stocks that were worth HK$114 million. HK01 also reported that Ever Union, with businesses in telecommunication, energy, commerce, and financial sectors, had Che as the only director and stockholder. Ches whereabouts have long been a mystery, ever since he was taken away for investigation in Beijing in June 2015, according to Hong Kong newspaper Oriental Daily, which also reported that he was found guilty of money laundering and asset transfers. The investigation into his finances exposed his ties to Chinese officials in the finance sector and state security apparatus, leading to those officials being investigated as well, according to the newspaper. The most notable mention was Ma Jian, the former executive deputy minister of Chinas Ministry of State Security, who was sacked in 2016. News of Che resurfaced in January 2016, when Chinese news portal NetEase reported that he was being detained in Changsha, the capital of central Chinas Hunan Province. A recent investigation by HK01 revealed signs of him showing up in Hong Kong, where he is based. Che was also connected to Xiao Jianhua, the abducted businessman who was a key money launderer for former Chinese Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin and his political faction. Che and Xiao bought Digital Domain, a visual effects studio based in Los Angeles, for US$30 million in 2012, according to South China Morning Post. Dai, the 10th governor of Chinas central bank from 1995 to 2002, was reportedly taken away in April 2015, under Chinese leader Xi Jinpings anti-corruption campaign, according to Bloomberg. However, Chinas anti-corruption watchdog, the Central Committee for Discipline Inspection, has yet to make a formal announcement. His current whereabouts are unknown. The B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver. A system geared to meet the needs of victims would do a lot to counteract court delays, says the federal ombudsman for victims of crime. (The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck) Reduce Court Delays by Supporting Victims of Crime: Ombudsman OTTAWAMaking sure those who experience the biggest impacts of crime have the support they need would do a lot to speed up the wheels of justice, says the federal ombudsman for victims of crime. We have to have a criminal justice system that is effective and efficient, Sue OSullivan said in an interview ahead of the Nov. 7 release of a set of reports on how the Liberal government could keep victims in mind as they prepare to introduce reforms. Lets look for a system that is going to meet the needs of victims instead of looking for alternatives when the system isnt working. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould the mandate to review changes to the criminal justice system and sentencing reforms the previous Conservative government brought in as part of its tough-on-crime agenda, including mandatory minimum penalties. The need to improve the criminal justice system has been given an increased sense of urgency since last summer, when the Supreme Court released its groundbreaking ruling R v. Jordan, which came down hard on serious delays that can mean years pass by between the laying of charges and the conclusion of a trial. The top court imposed strict new ceilings on the amount of time a case could take to make its way through the system18 months in provincial courts and 30 months in superior courts. The only remedy for going over the limit is a stay of proceedings, no matter how serious the charge. The impact that court delaysand having cases tossed as a resultcan have on victims of crime was one of the issues that came up over the summer as OSullivan held cross-country consultations to gather perspectives from victims and advocacy groups on criminal justice reforms. Court delays are typically cast in terms of the rights of the accused but not the rights of victims, said one of the five reports released Nov. 7. Yet victims also have an important interest in a criminal justice system that is not delayed, the report said. Having charges stayed as a result of delays hurts victims. Remedies that emphasize both the rights of the accused and the rights of the victim must be found. In an interview, OSullivan argued that giving victims of crime the resources and information they need can cut down on judicial delays. She pointed to a pilot program in England and Wales that boosted support for victims and witnesses, including with basic needs such as child care, addressed concerns such as fear of intimidation and provided them with greater communication throughout the process. There was an increase in the number of victims and witnesses that could testify, she said. There was an increase in early guilty pleas. OSullivan said those who took part in her engagement process understood systemic root causes of crime often blur the line between victim and perpetrator, but they would like to see a greater balance between their rights and the rights of the accused. One of the reports focused on bail reform, including the Liberal campaign promise to create a reverse onus on bail for those who have previously been convicted of intimate partner violence. A commitment to toughen bail conditions in domestic assault cases was also in the mandate letter. The report urges the federal government to act on this, but also recommends ensuring victims are considered in all aspects of bail reform, such as by requiring judges to ask whether a victim has been consulted about their safety and security needs as they decide whether to grant bail. The mandate letter for Wilson-Raybould said sentencing reform should result in greater use of restorative justice. Many of those who participated in the consultations expressed apprehension over this, including the concern it could be a way to reduce penalties, or avoid them altogether. There were also concerns about restorative justice being used for gender-based violence, given the power imbalance these cases can involve. A common theme throughout the reports is that victims need stronger and better enforced rights, but also more information about what those rights are in the first place. OSullivan said that could be helped by involving everyone in the justice system, from police officers to the federal government, in doing more to create awareness of the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. Wilson-Raybould said in a statement that she has included victims groups in her consultations on criminal justice system reform, including a roundtable devoted to these issues. From The Canadian Press US Begins $4.05 Billion Madoff Fund Payout, Thousands to Recoup Losses NEW YORKThe U.S. government said it has begun distributing $772.5 million from a $4.05 billion fund to compensate victims of Bernard Madoffs Ponzi scheme, ending a nearly nine-year wait for thousands of people to start recouping their losses. A total of 24,631 checks from the Madoff Victim Fund are being mailed to individuals, government entities, schools, charities, and pension and retirement plans in 49 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and 119 other countries. More than two-thirds of the recipients, or 16,557, had received no prior compensation for their losses. They will receive about $545 million from the payout, which is structured to cover 25 percent of recipients losses. Rod Rosenstein, the deputy U.S. attorney general, in a statement on Thursday called the payout, from the Department of Justices victim compensation program, the largest restoration of forfeited property in history. NEW: Dept. of Justice begins compensating 24,631 Madoff victims with funds acquired from asset forfeitures, calling it the single largest distribution of forfeited funds in the history of the Departments victim compensation program. ABC News (@ABC) November 9, 2017 Richard Breeden, a former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission chairman, oversees the $4.05 billion fund, which was set up in November 2013. He declined to comment. Madoff, 79, is serving a 150-year prison term for running what prosecutors called a $65 billion Ponzi scheme, which was uncovered in December 2008. Payouts from the Madoff Victim Fund are eventually expected to go to 37,214 claimants from 124 countries, and whose losses exceeded $7.5 billion. Nearly all had invested indirectly with Madoff, such as through feeder funds. In a separate recovery effort, Irving Picard, a trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, has recouped $12.74 billion for the swindlers victims. Picard, however, is making payouts to people who invested directly with Madoff, not indirectly, and has approved just 2,625 claims. He has said customers with approved claims lost about $17.5 billion. The Justice Department and Breeden had drawn criticism over the lack of payouts from the government fund, in part fueled by reports over bills by Breedens firm for its services. Most money in the fund came from settlements with the estate of Jeffry Picower, a Madoff investor from Florida, and JPMorgan Chase & Co, once Madoffs main bank. Im pleased the government is finally beginning to compensate the victims, Vern Buchanan, a Florida congressman who had complained about delays, said in an email. These people were cheated out of their life savings and have been waiting years to get some of their money back. Its long overdue. By Jonathan Stempel Yemen's Shiite Houthi rebels shout slogans during a gathering to mobilize more fighters to battlefronts to fight pro-government forces, on June 18, 2017, in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. (Mohammed Huwais/AFP/Getty Images) US Calls for Investigation Into Whether Iran Is Fueling War in Yemen After an Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen fired a ballistic missile into Saudi Arabia, the White House condemned the attack, in solidarity with Saudi Arabia, and called for an investigation into whether Iran is fueling the war in Yemen. These missile systems were not present in Yemen before the conflict, and we call upon the United Nations to conduct a thorough examination of evidence that the Iranian regime is perpetuating the war in Yemen to advance its regional ambitions, said the White House, in a statement. It also called on all nations to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its repeated violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions 2216 and 2231, which ban arms transfers to the Houthis and prohibit Iran from exporting all arms and related materiel and specifically ballistic missile-related items. The Trump administration has taken a strong stance against the Iranian regime, which fuels sectarian violence in the Muslim world and is attempting to develop nuclear weapons. The regime also calls for the destruction of Israel and the United States. The new strategy on Iran, released on Oct. 13, says that the United States will prevent Iran from destabilizing other nations and from supporting terrorist and militant groups. The U.S. strategy will also revitalize alliances to build bulwarks against Iranian subversion. We call upon the United Nations to conduct a thorough examination of evidence that the Iranian regime is perpetuating the war in Yemen to advance its regional ambitions. From a statement by the White House It also states it will deny funding to the Iranian militarys Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. (IRGC), which Iran uses as a weapon for subversion and terrorism. Iran is under the control of a fanatical regime that seized power in 1979 and forced a proud people to submit to its extremist rule, President Donald Trump said on Oct. 13 when he announced his strategy on Iran. This radical regime has raided the wealth of one of the worlds oldest and most vibrant nations, and spread death, destruction, and chaos all around the globe, he said. The stance is a sharp break from the Obama administrations policy on Iran, which provided Iran with $1.7 billion in 2015 in exchange for the Islamist regime agreeing to delay its nuclear weapons development until 2026. The Obama administration also paid Iran $400 million as part of a deal to release American hostages in August 2016. In Yemen, the situation is growing more dire, as Iran continues to back Houthi rebels in a fight against the local government. This has led to extreme famine, as 70 percent of Yemenites now rely on humanitarian aid for survival, and Houthi rebels have been targeting civilians and aid workers. The situation of the civilian population is dire, and millions of people face starvation, stated ReliefWeb, a service of the humanitarian branch of the United Nations, on March 20. During an Oct. 19 press briefing, State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said the United States views the crisis in Yemen as one thats manmade, noting that 21 million of Yemens people are in need of humanitarian aid and 842,000 may be suffering from cholera. Nauert addressed the conflict again during a Nov. 7 press briefing, stating: Weve seen the activities of Iran in Yemen. Weve seen the hand of Iran in Syria. Weve seen the hand of Iran elsewhere. Where they show up, trouble tends to follow. The recent White House statement said the Houthi missile attack against Saudi Arabia was enabled by Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and that the attacks threaten regional security and undermine U.N. efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict. The United States seeks a negotiated settlement to the conflict and the provision of humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni people, it stated. The United States will continue working with other like-minded partners to respond to these attacks and expose the Iranian regimes destabilizing activities in the region. United States President Donald Trump speaks to Chinese leader Xi Jinping, as First Lady Melania Trump and Xi's wife Peng Liyuan look on, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 9, 2017. (Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images) During Trump Visit, China Agrees to $250 Billion Worth in Trade Deals With US While President Donald Trump was in Beijing, he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping announced that $250 billion worth of business deals were signed between the two countries, though some were long in the making before Trumps visit, and many of the deals were non-binding. Most of the deals involved Chinese investment in American energy and agricultural products, or American energy companies doing business in China. The move was Chinas way of showing it was willing to address the U.S.China trade deficit, which reached $347 billion last year, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce statistics. The deals included a memorandum of understanding with Chinese state-owned energy company China Energy Investment Corp. to invest $83.7 billion in shale gas, power, and chemical projects in West Virginia. Meanwhile, state-owned oil company Sinopec agreed to help develop a $43 billion natural gas project in Alaska. The American soybean industry also signed letters of intent to sell $5 billion worth of soybeans to China, and major Chinese online retailer agreed to buy over $2 billion worth of U.S. food products. In his public remarks in Beijing, Trump was careful with his words, noting that he wanted a fair and reciprocal trade relationship with China. He stopped short of blaming the country for the trade imbalance. After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens? I give China great credit, he said, adding that past U.S. leaders failed to do their part. In actuality, I do blame past administrations for allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take place and to grow. Despite the massive business deal, greater problems with Chinas policies remain unaddressed. State Secretary Rex Tillerson acknowledged as much when he addressed the press in Beijing, noting that theres still a lot more work to do and that the Chinese side was also aware of that. One of the looming problems is intellectual property (IP) theft. According to the U.S. Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, the annual cost of IP theft could reach as high as $600 billion. And China is the worlds biggest culprit. The Commission found that Chinas industrial policies maximize the acquisition of foreign technology and information. Also, China continues to steal trade secrets from U.S. companies operating within its borders, often through pressuring them to transfer IP. In August, Trump signed a memorandum to investigate whether Chinas trade policies encourage the theft and forced transfer of American intellectual property. Personal Relationship The two leaders seem to hit it off well. Trump called Xi a very special man, and noted that their dinner on Nov. 8 was supposed to last about 25 minutes, but they ended up chatting for about two hours. We enjoyed every minute of it, he recalled to the press before a meeting with Xi on Nov. 9. Meanwhile, Xi was courteous and diplomatic with his words, noting that the Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate both China and the United States in a joint press statement. Reuters contributed to this report. The Berlin Wall has been breached after nearly three decades keeping East and West Berliners apart. At midnight East Germanys Communist rulers gave permission for gates along the Wall to be opened after hundreds of people converged on crossing points. They surged through cheering and shouting and were be met by jubilant West Berliners on the other side. Ecstatic crowds immediately began to clamber on top of the Wall and hack large chunks out of the 28-mile (45-kilometre) barrier. It had been erected in 1961 on the orders of East Germanys former leader Walter Ulbricht stop people leaving for West Germany. Since 1949 about 2.5 million people had fled East Germany. After 1961, the Wall and other fortifications along the 860-mile (1,380-kilometre) border shared by East and West Germany have kept most East Germans in. Many of those attempting to escape have been shot dead by border guards. The first indication that change was imminent came earlier today when East Berlins Communist party spokesman, Gunther Schabowski, announced East Germans would be allowed to travel directly to West Germany. The move was intended to stem an exodus into West Germany through the back door which began last summer when the new and more liberal regime in Hungary opened its border. The flow of migrants was intensified last week when Czechoslovakia also granted free access to West Germany through its border. West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has hailed the decision to open the Wall as historic and called for a meeting with East German leader, Egon Krenz. Courtesy BBC News In context The opening of the Berlin Wall was preceded by a series of momentous events in East Germany. They included the removal of the countrys hardline Communist leader, Erich Honecker, and the resignation of the entire cabinet. East Germanys new leader, Egon Krenz, called for free democratic elections. But it was not enough to turn the tide and once the Berlin Wall was breached, East Germany disintegrated. On 3 October 1990 the two Germanys merged to form a new united country. In 1997 Egon Krenz received a six-and-a-half year jail sentence for the manslaughter of people killed by border guards when trying to escape to the West. Most students in Macao are now halfway through their first semester, or in some high schools, have probably completed their first term. This is a time when the hustle of the beginning of the school year is over and everyone is settled in their new class, or new school for some students. For graduating classes, aside from preparing for all the external examinations, the soon to be high school graduates are being bombarded with information about universities as they decide where and what to study. Unless one is determined to pursue a licensed profession such as doctor, social worker, lawyer or psychologist, students choice of university major does not really matter in Macao. In countries where the unemployment rate is high, choosing a major with high employability is an important consideration. However, there are more vacancies than available candidates in Macao. On top of that, there is ample support for young entrepreneurs to create an alternative career if they are not able to find the right job. There are also many kinds of scholarships and interest-free tuition loans that provide opportunities for most students to attend the institution or university of their choice. Most young people in Macao have the advantage of being able to enjoy their undergraduate lives studying something they like, be it philosophy, fine arts or even theology, and they do not need to worry about not being able to find a job after graduation. In fact, there are more important things to do during the four years of university life, such as networking, partying and falling in love. Yes, these are more important than what ones major is if the plan is to find a well-paid job in a large international organization. Why? Because these activities help develop the qualities that most employers are looking for. According to different human resources professionals from large organizations, one of the most important qualities they look for in candidates is their attitude to work. But what constitutes a good attitude? The general replies are willingness to take on more tasks and pro-activeness in helping other colleagues. But good work attitude cannot be learnt in any major, it is rooted in the upbringing of a person. Someone who is not used to doing anything at home or fending for himself may not be willing to do much at work either. But meeting more people and seeing how others interact may change this attitude. Thats why its important to get out of ones home, go meet new people and party in college. Whats more, having a fun time can develop a more positive attitude in life which would contribute to a better work attitude too. Another important quality that managers look for in candidates in Macao is a strong communication skill set; more specifically the ability to carry on a conversation clearly and showing confidence when speaking to people. Even for back office jobs that do not require staff to communicate with guests or customers, the ability to convey information clearly between departments is considered an important trait. Surely communication skills can be learnt in the classroom, but it is better developed through practice. Participating in networking activities and accumulating experience in talking to strangers is a better way to improve ones communication skills than taking a class in communication. Finally, fluency in English is also in high demand, but one does not need to major in English to be fluent in the language. Most high school graduates from Macao have already gone through years of English lessons and what is needed is the opportunity to practice. And the best way to practice is, of course, to talk with non-Chinese speakers, or better yet, to date one. Defense lawyers in the trial of two women accused of killing the estranged half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sought yesterday to establish there was a political motive in the brazen airport assassination, with many key suspects linked to the secretive state. Siti Aisyah of Indonesia and Doan Thi Huong of Vietnam are the only two suspects in custody. They are accused of smearing the banned nerve agent VX on Kim Jong Nams face at a Kuala Lumpur airport terminal on Feb. 13. They pleaded not guilty at the start of their trial on Oct. 2 and face a mandatory death sentence if convicted. Prosecutors have accused four North Korean men, who fled Malaysia on the day of the killing and remain at large, of conspiring with the women to plot the murder. We are able to establish that it is not a simple murder. There are a lot of political connotations. All the suspects are North Koreans and the North Korean Embassy was not cooperative in helping police, Aisyahs lawyer, Gooi Soon Seng, told reporters after the court session. In this case, the motive appears to be political more than anything else [] and the girls would not have any political motive whatsoever. Key parts of yesterdays session that tried to show the North Korean connection: CAR USED Police investigating officer Wan Azirul Nizam Che Wan Aziz told the court that the car used to ferry three of the North Korean suspects to the airport on the day of the murder was bought by a North Korean Embassy official known as Chal Su four months earlier. But he said the vehicle was registered under the name of Ri Jong Chol, a North Korean man. Ri, a chemist, was arrested four days after Kim was killed. He was later released due to a lack of evidence and deported because he did not have valid travel documents. Wan Azirul said Ri did not drive the suspects to the airport and told police before he was deported that Chal Su used his name to buy the car in October last year. He said he couldnt verify Chal Sus status because the North Korean Embassy refused to cooperate. N. KOREA OFFICIALS Airport security video showed that Hyon Kwang Song, then the second secretary at the North Korean Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and Kim Uk-Il of Air Koryo, North Koreas national carrier, arrived at the main airport terminal 40 minutes before Kim was attacked. The two men were later seen meeting with the North Korean suspects, and Wan Azirul said they assisted the four in leaving the country. Wan Azirul said police had issued arrest warrants for the two but couldnt interrogate them because they were hiding at the North Korean Embassy. The two were later allowed to leave Malaysia in exchange for nine Malaysians stranded in North Korea, in a deal to end a diplomatic row. Wan Azirul said police interviewed the two suspects before they left but didnt seize their cellphones or laptops to obtain further information. He has said the two claimed it was their duty to assist North Korean citizens flying off. Wan Azirul said three of the four suspects flew to Indonesias capital, Jakarta, right after Kim was killed, but couldnt confirm a defense assertion that they then flew to Dubai and to Vladivostok in Russia before landing in Pyongyang routes that the defense said are through countries with friendly ties with North Korea. Wan Azirul said he didnt know if the three men worked for the North Korean Embassy. When asked by the defense whether the fourth suspect flew to Phnom Penh, Cambodias capital, and stayed there for two days before flying to Bangkok, he said he did not know. CONSTRAINTS Wan Azirul said his investigation into the North Korean suspects has been partly hampered because its a case involving another country, and that he needed approval from his superior before he could take any action involving the men. He also said he had sought to take a statement from another North Korean suspect, Ri Ji U, known as James, but didnt receive the green light. Defense lawyer Gooi has said James is believed to have recruited Aisyah. Eileen Ng, Shah Alam, AP A Senate committee unanimously approved legislation that would impose mandatory sanctions on Chinese banks and other financial institutions if they are found to be helping North Korea evade existing penalties from the U.S. and U.N. Security Council. Members of the Republican-led Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee voted 23-0 for the bill named after Otto Warmbier, the college student from Ohio who was imprisoned by North Korea for more than a year before he returned home in June with brain damage and died days later. The legislation also would punish companies that knowingly import coal, iron, lead and seafood products from North Korea. Those goods are estimated to be worth more than USD1 billion, about one-third of the countrys estimated $3 billion in exports in 2016. President Donald Trump would be required to notify Congress before terminating or suspending the sanctions, according to the bill. Proponents said that provision is similar to a mechanism in Russian sanctions legislation that Congress passed this year and Trump signed into law. Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio, the committees top Democrat, said the bill forces banks to make a choice: either do business with North Korea or the United States, but not both. Approval of the bill comes more than a month after administration officials asked the committee not to pass any legislation that would undercut their push for a diplomatic resolution with North Korea. When our hands are tied in different ways, it keeps us from being agile in the way that you would want us to be agile in order to maximize that economic pressure, Sigal Mandelker, Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, told the committee in late September. But Republicans and Democrats on the committee said they aimed to fill holes in existing North Korean sanctions by isolating Pyongyangs enablers. Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, the committee chairman, said the bill will further restrict North Korea from developing nuclear weapons and the long-range missiles needed to deliver them. Trump, who is in China, urged the North to come to the table and make a deal on its nuclear weapons program. He stopped short of saying whether he wanted direct diplomatic talks. AP On Demand We have a new story every day on the front page of Also like us on our Facebook page ( and be the first to watch all the new stories. Finally you can watch any segment, any time by going to where all the stories are listed for you to enjoy. All our programs can be enjoyed in High Definition when watching on the internet. In-Room VDO How to watch and what to know about Northern Iowa at South Dakota Responding to what one travel expert categorized as a wake-up call, TripAdvisor has begun placing symbols next to hotels and resorts that have been identified as locations of sexual assault and other major concerns. Based on news reports as well as comments from the TripAdvisor community, the warnings are designed to identify health, safety and discrimination issues in all of the websites travel categories, said a company spokesman, Kevin Carter. These badges will remain on TripAdvisor for up to three months. However, if the issues persist we may extend the duration of the badge, he said. These badges are intended to be informative, not punitive. Decisions to add or remove a badge will be made by an employee committee, he said. Listings will not be removed from the TripAdvisor website regardless of the number of complaints. We want consumers to see good and bad reviews of businesses, Carter said. Comments from users will continue to be posted on the site. Three resorts in the Playa del Carmen region of Mexico were those flagged by TripAdvisor, including the hotel ranked at No. 2 by users, the Grand Velas Riviera Maya; the hotel ranked at No. 4, the Iberostar Paraiso Maya; and the fifth-ranked hotel, the Iberostar Paraiso Lindo. Each had received thousands of reviews. TripAdvisor issued a public apology a week ago to Kristie Love, 35, of Dallas, after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that TripAdvisor had repeatedly deleted her 2010 forum post about the Paraiso Maya resort, where she said she had been raped by a security guard. TripAdvisor said it had run afoul of a former policy that allowed only family-friendly language. A subsequent guest at the same resort told The Journal Sentinel that she tried to write about a sexual assault that occurred there in 2015, but eventually gave up because TripAdvisor said parts of her review relied on information that wasnt firsthand. In that review theres a line about a doctor making a medical diagnosis. Because it was a third-party medical diagnosis, it constituted hearsay, a TripAdvisor spokesman, Brian Hoyt, told The New York Times last week. As part of its new policy, TripAdvisor will try to be more clear about why reviews are rejected. Our new email communications will clearly articulate the phrase or sentences that are in violation of our policy, inviting the reviewer to make edits and resubmit their review, Carter said. Thousands of women are identifying themselves as victims of sexual harassment or assault following a call to action propelled by Alyssa Milano in the wake of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein's downfall over of allegations of sexual misconduct. (The Associated Pre I think its a good thing that TripAdvisor is warning people of difficulties at these hotels, Simona Jellenik, senior partner at Jellenik Law, told the Star. It should make hotels more pro-active in their security, not only in terms of hiring people but in their ongoing security for guests in the hotel. The badge that will appear on TripAdvisor does not explicitly reference sexual assault, but says that the company has been made aware of media reports or events concerning the hotel or resort, and advises readers to perform additional research before making travel plans Gil Zvulony, a libel lawyer at Zvulony & Company, told the Star that the vagueness of the badge helps to protect TripAdvisor from being sued for defamation. That statement is very vanilla, said Zvulony. Theyre not saying anything defamatory, theyre saying buyer beware. Reviews that allege sexual assault also pose legal challenges to TripAdvisor, said Zvulony. Under Canadian law, the platform where a comment is published can be held responsible if the comment is defamatory. This law does not exist in America. Complaints of sexual assault on travellers are not new, and there are many posts on TripAdvisor written by travellers who say they were raped in various countries. The U.S. government also identifies locations where sexual assaults occur. For instance, under Country Information for Mexico, the State Department cautions that, Rape and sexual assault are serious problems in resort and other areas. Many of these incidents occur at night or during the early morning hours, in hotel rooms, or on deserted beaches, or through drugging of drinks. The Journal Sentinel reporting about TripAdvisor came at a time of a national conversation around sexual assault that was brought about by the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the #MeToo social media campaign. The confluence of those events served as a wake-up call to TripAdvisor, said travel analyst Henry H. Harteveldt, the president of San-Francisco-based Atmosphere Research Group. Its 100 per cent true that in 2017, and certainly going forward, no travel website can arbitrarily censor or remove posts just because they may address an uncomfortable topic or be awkward, he said, noting that the travel sites have a responsibility to businesses to ensure that the allegations are accurate and verifiable. The health, safety and discrimination badge is the third that TripAdvisor is using to mark businesses with potential concerns. A badge is used to identify a listing that may be violating posting guidelines; for instance, by putting up fake reviews. Another badge is used to note when TripAdvisor freezes reviews during major news events where posts may not reflect the opinions of actual guests. That was used next to the Mandalay Bay listing in Las Vegas last month after a gunman killed 59 people and injured more than 500. Harteveldt said he believes that TripAdvisor should link to government warnings as well. I think that travel websites have a responsibility to be an advocate for their customers. It is helpful, and adds frankly to the trust, if they were to provide links to State Department advisories, he said. Carter said that TripAdvisor thinks that its 455 million users provide the necessary checks and balances. As always, we encourage consumers to do additional research outside of TripAdvisor. With files from Star staff SHARE: Its got a heck of a long title, but Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri just might be the movie of the moment. The new film from Martin McDonagh (In Bruges), in theatres nationwide on Dec. 1, roots itself in the fury of a mother, Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand), whose daughter has been raped and killed and seemingly forgotten by laconic local police. Dissatisfied with a seven-month-long investigation thats going nowhere, Mildred sends the authorities up in flames by renting three billboards outside her small town. In block letters, the caustic mom takes on the police chief (Woody Harrelson), demanding to know why more isnt being done. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but Mildred Hayes would put the fear of God in the devil himself, wrote USA Todays Brian Truitt in his four-star review. By the way, its also a comedy. Now industry observers are wondering if increased topicality may send Three Billboards cresting a wave of indignation past best picture favourites that focus on stories of white men, like Second World War tales Dunkirk and Darkest Hour. This was going to be a best-picture contender anyway, says Anne Thompson, editor at large for film news site IndieWire, noting the films equally deft storytelling around mens confusion and frustration about sexual violence. This is just adding wind to the sails. After a strong debut on the fall film festival circuit and a 97% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the film arrives in cinemas as conversations around sexual harassment and assault are hitting a national high, with allegations in every sector, including restaurant owners, high-profile journalists, fashion photographers and Hollywood giants like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. Thats not necessarily enough to push it to the top of the best-picture race at the Oscars, says Tom ONeil, founder of awards prognostication site I dont think its a realistic rival to win at this point. But that can change, he says. Whats notable this year and in this fraught climate, he says, is a best-picture category that looks stacked with films about the female experience, from The Shape of Water and Three Billboards to I, Tonya and Lady Bird. Its rare that films shot from a female perspective are welcomed to the Oscar race in the best picture contest, he says. When you look down the list, its very noticeable that were seeing a lot of girl power in the mix. So far, audience reaction has been telling. In September, Three Billboards was a surprise winner of the audience award at Toronto International Film Festival, the festivals top prize. More recently, Fox Searchlight moved the film from a comedy contender to the more competitive best-drama category at the Golden Globes. In the thick of the sexual harassment scandal, you cant help but bring real life into the theatre, says Amy Nicholson, film critic for Variety and Uproxx, who witnessed whoops and cheers inside a L.A. industry screening last week. The atmosphere in the room, whenever Frances dug in her heels and refused to back down, was really electric and cathartic, she says. It felt amazing to watch a woman who had passed her breaking point, passed her threshold of dealing with nonsense. It feels were in a time where people are forced to take extraordinary measures. And historically, voters like to send a message on Oscar night, says ONeil. Oscar voters are not all the time voting for the best movies, but the most important ones, he says. Movies that make a statement. SHARE: Its been just over a year since Ottawa native Eliza Reid became the first lady of Iceland after her husband, Gudni Johannesson, won the countrys presidential election in June 2016. Since then, Reid, a writer and editor, has taken on championing Icelands literary culture. Reid is in Toronto to host a free literary talk at the Spoke Club at 6 p.m. on Nov. 9, part of the annual Taste of Iceland festival which runs until Nov. 12. Shortly after she landed Tuesday, we talked over the phone about her role as first lady, Reykjaviks burgeoning food scene, Christmas culinary traditions and, of course, Bjork sightings. How has the past year been as a first family? Going from regular family life I was working as an editor and my husband was a professor to being heads of state with no experience in public life, I think in any other country the change would have been much more significant. There have been changes; we have four young children and we had to move to the official residence in a new neighbourhood and they had to go to a new school. We get recognized when we go out. But we try to maintain a regular lifestyle as much as possible. Theres nothing that keeps you in reality more than waking up in the morning and changing bed sheets and tidying up after your kids. And youre still running the writers retreat you founded before becoming first lady. My friend and I co-founded this event called the Iceland Writers Retreat. To paraphrase another Canadian, its 2016 and Im not going to change my job because my husband got a new job. Youre here to promote Icelandic culture, but what other roles do you have as first lady? There is no handbook. The advantage of that is that I can make it my own. Just last week, for the ninth year in a row, Iceland was voted the most gender-equal country in the world, and Im keen on working on issues of gender equality and empowering girls and women. Within the country I try to do a lot of events whether its delivering remarks or a speech. Its important that as a spouse, when the two of us are often seen together, that I also have my own voice and opinions and not be a silent accessory. How would you describe Icelandic cuisine? Broadly speaking within the Nordic family of food, its about simplicity and food at the source. There arent a lot of bells and whistles. Its flavourful from the herbs youll find on the landscape, but its not a spicy cuisine. The cuisine builds on centuries-old techniques of pickling and dairy-making. Reykjavik is actually a great destination for foodies and I recommend just going there for a weekend to eat, even if you dont want to climb a glacier or see a volcano. There are very fresh ingredients, the vegetables are grown in greenhouses, the lamb is free-range and (fed on) moss and seaweed. My parents have sheep here in Ontario and they say Icelandic lamb is better. How is Reykjaviks food scene? Its a burgeoning food scene and we have visitors to thank for that simply because the size of the local population wouldnt support the number of restaurants that are there now. Theres a restaurant called Dill that got Icelands first Michelin star earlier this year and it uses almost exclusively local ingredients so you wont find chocolate or olive oil, but they do wonderful things with herbs, fish and dairy. The trends overall are simplicity and sourcing locally, just like with global trends. Ten years ago I used to write restaurant reviews for a local paper and it was all about how much dry ice you can have at the table or imported kangaroo that was barbecued. There isnt as much what youd call international cuisines so youll have a harder time finding Korean food, but theres a fabulous Indian restaurant I take people to. People often think of three foods when it comes to Icelandic cuisine skyr, hotdogs, fermented shark. What is your honest opinion of them? Skyr: Love it. Its very Icelandic and very old. Its high in protein, low in fat, not piled with sugar and great for kids lunches. If theres one thing thats unique and versatile that can be eaten alone or used in cooking, this would be it. Hotdogs: Overrated. Oh, if the Icelandic media reads this thats going to be the story: First lady says Icelandic hotdogs are overrated. But Im going to stand by that. Hotdogs are an inexpensive meal and are different because they have crispy-fried onions on top and the hotdogs are boiled, but I wouldnt go out of the way to try it. Fermented shark: Tourist food. Ive had it several times and you will meet Icelanders of a certain generation or one of my sons, who love it, and think its amazing. If you want to tick off a box, then you should do it. Is there anything in Icelands food scene you think should get more attention? Like I mentioned before, the lamb. We also have a great beer scene. Every restaurant will have a Christmas buffet menu on offer and everyone goes to at least one. There are all kinds of salads, Danish-influenced crackling pork, lamb, risalamande (Danish rice pudding), this thin fried flat bread called laufabraud that you put butter on, potatoes cooked in sugar. The sweet tooth really comes out around this time. Is there such a thing as Icelandic hospitality? If I were to come to your house for dinner, what should I expect? First youll have to take your shoes off; people always do that when they enter a home. If youre really trying to showcase food for guests, you would never serve fish as the main course because fish is so common. Lamb would usually be the main unless youre a vegetarian. There would be vegetables and a sauce on the side, and some sort of a shellfish like a lobster soup or a fish starter. There may be a skyr cake for dessert. Now that youre in Toronto, is there anything youre dying to eat? When I come to Toronto I try to eat international cuisines so I hope to get in some dim sum, some Ethiopian food, I might grab some Korean for lunch. Im going to see my parents in Ottawa so I hope mom makes her roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Youve said in past interviews that in Iceland youll see Bjork at a restaurant or the community pool. Is it accurate to say the country has a small-town vibe? Its not a large population; its 340,000 people in the whole country so statistically you end up running into people. I used to joke that you know youve arrived in Iceland when youve had your first Bjork sighting. So if I spend a week there, what are my odds? Theyre not that small. I had dinner with my brother in his first week visiting here and there she was at another table. This interview has been edited and condensed. The Taste of Iceland festival is running until Nov. 12. Visit for information. Read more about: SHARE: China pulled out all the stops for President Donald Trumps Beijing airport arrival: honor guard, marching band, jumping children. The ceremony accompanying Trumps arrival yesterday afternoon was elaborate even by Chinas lavish standards. Heads of state are usually given a low-key reception at the airport, with the real pomp and circumstance reserved for his or her arrival at the Great Hall of the People in the center of Beijing. As they exited Air Force One, Trump and first lady Melania Trump were met by Chinese and American dignitaries, soldiers standing stiffly at attention, a band playing martial music and smartly attired children waving miniature Chinese and American flags while chanting, Welcome, welcome. The president and first lady appeared pleased, smiling and accepting flower bouquets, with Trump at one point throwing his arms open and appearing to exclaim, Wow. As Trumps motorcade pulled away, the tempo increased, with children jumping up and down while they waved and chanted. Protocol is extremely important in Chinese governance and diplomacy, and such events are always carefully choreographed down to the smallest detail. Spontaneous interactions between visiting leaders and ordinary Chinese are rare, although visiting U.S. presidents have in the past been permitted to deliver speeches and meet with university students. Welcoming ceremonies have grown increasingly elaborate under Chinese President Xi Jinping, who has lavished more time and energy on advancing Chinas diplomatic agenda than any of his predecessors. Thats included devoting hundreds of hours a year to welcoming ceremonies, meetings and receptions, in addition to hosting major multilateral events such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders meeting and the G-20 summit. OTTAWAThe Liberal government says it extended a year-long search for a new ethics watchdog last spring because it was unhappy with the result of a search that produced an insufficient pool of qualified candidates, according to a document filed in federal court. That search is ongoing, now into its 19th month, as Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson is in the midst of handling several sensitive cases that touch the governments two most powerful officials: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau. Democracy Watch released Wednesday an affidavit filed by the federal government in answer to the groups court challenge of the interim reappointments of Dawson and Lobbying Commissioner Karen Shepherd. The groups lawsuit claims the two commissioners whove seen their terms in office extended repeatedly are weak lapdogs and biased in favour of the Liberal government that keeps renewing their contracts. But the government denies that, saying it just cannot come up with the right people for either job under its rigorous selection processes. The affidavit quotes a Privy Council official who says the selection process to replace Dawson that began in May 2016 did not yield a sufficient pool of qualified candidates. In April 2017, the Privy Council office the central department that supports the Prime Ministers Office launched another selection process all over again. In the case of the ethics watchdog, the affidavit blames rigorous statutory requirements for the job for the governments failure to find Dawsons replacement. It quotes PCO special advisor Kathleen McKillop who said the application period will remain open until a qualified candidate has been identified and an appointment has been made. A separate affidavit about the search for a new lobbying commissioner says that selection process ran from May 2016 to January 2017 and yielded nobody up to the job. While a significant number of candidates submitted their applications, at the end of the process there were no candidates judged to be qualified for recommendation for appointment to the position, the affidavit says. In June 2017, that search was also re-launched. Duff Conacher, co-founder of Democracy Watch and an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawas political science and law schools, dismisses the governments claim in both cases, especially given that I and likely other fully qualified candidates applied for the lobbying commissioner position. As for the ethics watchdog, Conacher said the Liberals decided that it wasn't a sufficient pool of qualified candidates but that doesn't change the fact that they had a pool of qualified candidates. And instead of consulting with opposition party leaders to determine if one of the candidates was acceptable to them, they chose to reappoint Dawson for another six months. Trudeau recused himself in May from the decision on Dawsons replacement because her office is investigating his 2016 Christmas trip to the Aga Khans island. Contacted Wednesday, PCO refused to say whether it had one or more qualified candidates for ethics job last spring, or to say why no names were put to the Opposition parties. (Under the Parliament of Canada Act, the appointment of the ethics commissioner is made after consultation with leaders of all recognized parties in the Commons.) PCO spokesman Stephane Shank said the government is committed to identifying the most qualified candidates through an open, transparent and merit-based selection process, and will take as long as is required to find the right person for this important position. He declined further comment, saying the matter is before the court. NDP ethics critic Nathan Cullen calls the Liberals selection process to replace several parliamentary watchdogs a total sham. Dawsons performance as ethics watchdog is under increasing scrutiny precisely because she has several high-profile sensitive files on her desk. The prime minister is the subject of two probes by her office, after he came under fire in January for his holiday to the billionaire Aga Khans private island in the Bahamas. Dawson recently said she hoped to be done before her current term ends on Jan. 8. Dawsons office also declined to say how she is proceeding on the NDP complaint about Finance Minister Bill Morneaus involvement in a pension bill. She is looking into the matter, said spokesperson Jocelyne Brisebois. Read more about: SHARE: HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAMPrime Minister Justin Trudeau is scheduled to hold a bilateral meeting with Burma leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in Vietnam. Suu Kyi is an honorary Canadian citizen and Nobel laureate who has faced widespread international criticism for not speaking out against the violence against her countrys Muslim minority. This will be their first meeting since a crackdown by security forces that began in late August and has forced 900,000 Rohingya Muslims into exile in neighbouring Bangladesh. Read more: Canada wont be rushed into signing revived TPP, Trudeau says in Vietnam Trudeau satisfied with response by fundraiser Stephen Bronfman to Paradise Papers Trump met with praise, pomp and pageantry in Asia, particularly in China Canadian officials, who have spoken on the condition of anonymity, have said Ottawa has been reluctant to overtly blame Suu Kyi for the violence against Muslims in her country because it believes Myanmars military is using it to undermine her celebrated global reputation. Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and the United Nations have said the violence against the Rohingya amounts to ethnic cleansing. Before his meeting with Suu Kyi, Trudeau will be briefed Friday by Bob Rae, Canadas special envoy for the Rohingya crisis, on his findings in Burma. Rae is also expected to use the 21-member APEC summit to meet other regional players to push for a co-ordinated solution to the crisis. Trudeau has said hes reached out to Suu Kyi about the atrocities being committed against the Rohingya. He spoke with her in September and also wrote her a letter to outline what she and the government of Burma must do to protect innocent lives and act according to the expectations of Canada and the world. The Liberal government has come under pressure to strip Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship. Trudeau continued his visit to Vietnam today by taking part in a roundtable with business leaders in Ho Chi Minh City. Many of the leaders in attendance already have business connections to Canada. Trudeau was also a guest at the city's stock exchange where he rang a gong three times to get the trading day started. His itinerary also includes an armchair discussion with the chairman of the Ho Chi Minh People's Committee, a visit to a university and an evening reception before he heads to Da Nang for Friday's Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will not be pressed into signing an updated version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement if it doesnt align with Canadas best interests. (The Canadian Press) One of the key issues facing APEC members is the future of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. U.S. President Donald Trump has pulled his country out of the pact and the remaining TPP economies are trying to keep it alive. There has been speculation that some kind of deal could be reached by the end of the summit. However, Trudeau said Wednesday that he will not be pressed into signing an updated Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty too hastily, even if some of Canada's partners are keen to secure a quick agreement. He will travel to Danang on Friday for the APEC summit, where participants will include Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Read more about: SHARE: Its not just that they were all tangled up in ruinous lies. Who loves whom and whos sleeping with whom and whos seducing whom like characters in a trashy pulp novel. The outright savagery and self-absorption complete lack of empathy is what drips like poison from the social media record. Before one of them ended up dead, another charged with first-degree murder, and a third, well, shes an elusive protagonist, a peek-a-boo presence flitting across the slag heap of evidence at a trial now into its third week. Read more: She found Laura Babcock on a park bench days before Babcocks death and took her in. Would you have?: Mallick Laura Babcocks final cellphone call connected with cell tower near Dellen Millards home, court hears Accused killer Dellen Millard appears to be getting comfortable acting as his own lawyer: DiManno Theres been no indication that the Crown intends to call Christina Noudga to testify, a curious strategic decision. But shes certainly in the courtroom, in spirit and in bile. Noudga, who, the jury has heard, sent a skanky text message to Laura Babcock a couple of months before the 23-year-old was last seen alive, boasting about the first time shed had sex with Dellen Millard on the evening, a year previously, of Babcocks birthday party. And from the there, the prosecution maintains, were sown the seeds of murder, because two mutually hostile women Babcock, the girlfriend past; Noudga, the girlfriend present were engaged in a toxic wrangle for Millards affections, an accused who has described himself in court as chronically, unrepentantly unfaithful. A man who, says the Crown, killed Babcock because she had become too much of an aggravation, threatening his relationship with Noudga. Did you have sex with Laura? Noudga demands to know, in a text message sent to Millard on April 16, 2012. Millard: Nope. Noudga: Are you being honest? A useless question to put to her feckless boyfriend, as even Noudga must have known by that point in their relationship, as all the principle players these three and an assortment of their clique insiders coupled and uncoupled and gossiped endlessly about each other, lurid bulletins zinging back and forth. Because thats where they appeared to really live their lives out loud, in internecine around-the-clock dispatches, using a fistful of phones and avatar designations. Millard insisted he hadnt been intimate with Babcock since long before he became involved with Noudga, years before, when theyd dated briefly and remained friends afterwards. I have higher standards than Laura, Millard assured, vainly. Noudga remained troubled and upset. She actually managed to annoy me to the point where my blood pressure went up. I was all shaken and heart pounding. Its unclear which incident Noudga was referring to specifically. But the jury has heard that Babcock responded to Noudgas birthday shot with a tit-for-tat thats fine, I slept with him a couple of weeks ago. Babcock, who disappeared just after Canada Day, 2012 her body has never been found and the Crown says Millard burned it in an incinerator with co-accused wingman Mark Smich had spent the previous months couch-surfing, at odds with her parents and working for an escort service. Court has heard shed been suffering from mental illness and had been variously diagnosed as bipolar, depressive and a borderline personality. Millard, according to texts, had grown weary of the burden that Babcock had become. From her dealings with me, I pity her . . . she really is mentally ill . . . but mental illness is no defence, he told Noudga. Im going to hurt her. Allegedly, he meant that literally. Im just telling her, you know, she knows your p---- smells better than hers. Every act of kindness, he complained, had drawn him only further into Babcocks psychosis and his patience had run out. Noudga was even more fed up with the whole psychodrama, although simultaneously from the tone of her texts revelling in it. F--k, shes like a virus, like herpes. Always there but only shows up once in a while with a whole lot of annoying lesions. Millard: Theres a difference. Herpes you cant really get rid of. It just feeds off you until you die. First Im going to hurt her, then Ill make her leave. A few weeks later, in a middle-of-the-night exchange, Millard and Noudga returned to their favourite metaphors, likening Babcock to a parasite, and that removal of the parasite should accelerate riddance of her. Noudga was only slightly conflicted its not clear she grasped malice intent as a reality but also rather thrilled by it. I dont know but when you say things . . . I feel really loved and warm inside. Its not cause Im sinister or sadistic and want her hurt. Its just, I dont know how to explain it, it feels like you want to protect me and I feel safe, in a sense. Many of these implicating social media missives had already been referenced by the prosecution and recounted by earlier witnesses. But on Wednesday, Crown attorney Ken Lockhart went through the material methodically a trove of texts and messages, data retrieved from three computers seized by police at Millards home, which included backup copies of his phone texts. Much of the correspondence had been erased but Jim Falconer, recently retired detective sergeant with the OPPs technical crime unit, indicated that recovering nearly all of them off the hard drive hadnt been difficult. For hour upon hour, Falconer provided a forensic narrative, reading each message out loud, noting the phone numbers from which they originated and the phone numbers which received them, the date and the time. Footprints we leave behind. From inside that hoard emerged compelling evidence that Babcock, whatever her mental health issues, was not the crazy girl, the stalker, as shed been depicted in exchanges between Millard and Noudga. It had been established, already, that Millard was having sex with Babcock however insignificant the intimacy had been to him during those months, after her breakup with boyfriend Shawn Lerner, when she was clearly feeling fragile and lost. Babcock had written to Millard in December: He wants to end it. We arent officially over but now all these thoughts are here . . . I love Shawn. Hes my best friend. I feel sometimes I want other people. But I always want Shawn . . . . My anxiety level is abnormally high. Later, after theyd definitively called it quits: Oh well. Im out. Wooohoo. F--k, I wanna get laid. And: I want you to hurt me as you f--k me. Millard was at least initially cool to the idea. Going to Naked F--ksville with you not happening. Dont get me wrong, it would be fun. I just dont want the drama that would come out of it. But he did embrace the drama, after all. Did you tell her? Babcock afterwards asked, meaning Noudga. I assume so since youre so open with each other. Millard: Tell what to who? In those final months, Laura Babcock was living slapdash, haphazardly. She was using drugs heavily and, with her engaging personality, coaxing many kindnesses from many strangers. She bragged to Millard and this was probably a fanciful invention about having taken up with a rich guy and that they were maybe getting married; she was supposed to pick out an expensive ring. A part of her still believed in happy endings. A part of her believed in Dellen Millard. You already know, but I really do love you, Millard wrote back: Love is a wonderful & terrible thing. I am thankful for your feelings. It would be better for you if you found someone else to love. Rosie DiManno usually appears Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. SHARE: A large demonstration at Queens Park called on Canadian governments to phase out nuclear power and opt for renewable energy sources, instead. First Nations people and environmentalists from around Ontario joined in solidarity on Thursday Initially, they had gathered to attend a panel discussion on Wednesday at the University of Toronto. Some held placards baring the words Protect the sacred. They formed a drum circle at one point. Activists say waste generated by nuclear energy must be regulated more efficiently, and that future production of nuclear power will only lead to more waste, so it should be terminated in order to safeguard human and environmental health. Collectively, were addressing the nuclear industry and what is to be done with the waste afterwards, said Quinn Meawasige, 24, a member of Bawating Water Protectors, a grass-roots organization. Were raising awareness. We dont want to burden our future generations with this problem. We need to act now. Before settlers arrived in what was to become Canada, all land belonged to Indigenous people, Meawasige said. Now its home to industry, he added. First Nations remain steadfast in their opposition to a waste repository at the Bruce nuclear facility, located near Lake Huron. The federal government has yet to sign-off on the project proposed by Ontario Power Generation. Theres no burial or transportation of radioactive waste without the free, prior and informed consent of the Indigenous communities, the First Nations who would be impacted, Meawasige said. We need to be working toward a renewable future. Radioactive waste disposal is tightly regulated and is safe, said a spokesperson from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, the federal agency tasked with monitoring and regulating the nuclear industry, and issuing licenses to producers. CNSC imposes rigorous reporting requirements on the operators of nuclear waste management facilities, and verifies that facilities comply with established safety requirements through inspections and audits, said spokesperson Aurele Gervais, adding that current, licensed radioactive waste facilities do not adversely affect bodies of water. Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee is focused on the solution, he said, which starts with individual environmental stewardship. You can write letters to the editors of papers. You can write letters to your member of parliament, petition environmental ministers, he said. Would you poison your mother? Thats really what were doing when we poison mother earth. Were saying we got to stop this nonsense. Dr. Gordon Edwards, the president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, takes aim at the federal and Ontario governments, saying they do not have adequate policies in place to manage nuclear waste. Both levels of government have been basically abdicating responsibility to the nuclear industry, said Edwards. Edwards said that the nuclear commission spearheads environmental assessments for these projects. But it has never refused to grant licenses to industry players, he said. Were concerned about their lack of objectivity. Now, were getting to the point where the industry wants to abandon this waste, he said, adding that storage locations are mainly located near major rivers and lakes, which can have an impact on First Nations and municipalities. Its scary prospect, because many of these wastes remain dangers for hundreds of thousands of years, he said. Angela Bischoff, outreach director for the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, said it is high time Ontario switches to renewable energy entirely. The Pickering nuclear plant was supposed to shutdown a decade ago, she said, but it keeps getting license extensions. She added that its current operating license is set to expire in 2018. It starts with making a deal with Quebec, she said. They have surplus water power and (they are) offering it to Ontario at a fraction of the cost of keeping our aging nuclear fleet alive. SHARE: A former patient, who refuses to testify at the discipline hearing of the doctor accused of sexually abusing her, wants to stop Ontarios medical regulator from forcing her to attend. A lawyer for Patient A, whose name is covered by a publication ban, told a five-member discipline panel of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario on Thursday that he will be bringing a motion to quash the colleges summons for the woman to testify. Lawyer Neil Perrier said the patient maintains shes being coerced by the college into testifying against Toronto doctor Suganthan Kayilasanathan, and refuses to appear. The hearing was adjourned until Nov. 20 for legal arguments on the motion. The college certainly does not agree that there has been coercion with respect to this patient, college lawyer Carolyn Silver told the panel. She said the patient previously consented to the college accessing her medical records and was co-operative in the early part of the colleges investigation. Silver said the college has begun the process of asking a Superior Court judge to enforce the summons and issue what is known as a bench warrant. If granted, my client will be arrested by the police and forced to attend this hearing, Perrier told the panel. The college alleges Kayilasanathan wrote the patient two doctors notes within the span of a week in 2010 to avoid taking exams, and that the two had sex one night during that week at a Mississauga hotel. He denies the allegations. If found guilty of sexual abuse, Kayilasanathan will automatically be stripped of his licence. The patient never complained to the college; the regulator became aware of her case from another doctor. Physicians are required by law to report to the college when they become aware of doctors and patients having sex. The colleges position on the summons is different than in a previous case involving Kayilasanathan this past spring. Along with another doctor, Amitabh Chauhan, he was facing a discipline proceeding on professional misconduct charges for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting a woman. (The pair had been acquitted of the same allegations in 2014 following a high-profile judge-alone criminal trial. The burden of proof at the college level is lower than in criminal court.) But the alleged victim in that case also did not appear to testify, and in that instance, Silver, who was also the colleges lawyer on that case, said the college would not be enforcing the summons and withdrew the allegations against the two doctors. The process of testifying has been gruelling and has had a significant detrimental impact on Ms. X, said a letter from the womans lawyer that Silver read into the record in May. She is simply not able to subject herself to the psychological, emotional and physical harm of another hearing. In that case as well, the woman had not complained to the college. The regulator launched its own investigation in the wake of the criminal trial. SHARE: One of two men accused of killing Laura Babcock and burning her body ordered a large animal incinerator called The Eliminator days before the young woman disappeared five years ago, a Toronto court heard on Thursday. The Eliminator was operational a few weeks after Babcock disappeared, according to text messages recovered by police. Retired forensic officer Jim Falconer guided jurors through a lengthy presentation about the haul of data found on three computers seized at the home of Dellen Millard. What temperature is cremation done at? read a screen capture of an online search taken from Millards phone at 10:38 p.m. on July 23, 2012. Best answer: 1700 degrees and it takes about 1 hour for the first 100 pounds and hour for each 100 after that. Read more: Millards texts reveal savagery, self-absorption, lack of empathy: DiManno Trial hears about bitter feud in alleged love triangle involving Laura Babcock Babcocks father, Clayton, who sat in the courtroom, held his hand to his mouth as he listened to the testimony. The Crown contends Millard and his friend, Mark Smich, killed Babcock and then incinerated her body. Falconer, a former detective sergeant with the Ontario Provincial Police, showed court a series of photographs and videos taken from Millards phone at a hangar he owned at the Region of Waterloo International Airport on the same night. One photo, taken at 11:14 p.m., shows Smich standing in front of the incinerator, smiling and holding a black pole. Another photo, taken at 11:20 p.m., shows flames inside the incinerator. A video recorded at 11:45 p.m. shows embers floating in the air, a streetlight in the distance and a rumbling sound in the background. About an hour later, a note was created on Smichs iPad. It read: The bitch started off all skin and bone, Now the bitch lay on some ash stone, Last time I saw her was outside the home, And if u go swimming u can find her phone WARNING: Contains profanities. Video showing Mark Smich rapping is among evidence shown at the first-degree murder trial of the Ontario man, who is accused with Dellen Millard of killing Laura Babcock in 2012. Both men have pleaded not guilty. (The Canadian Press) The jury then saw a video of Smich rapping those lyrics, which was recorded on Sept. 25, 2012, at Millards home. The Crown alleges Millard, 32, of Toronto, and Smich, 30, of Oakville, Ont., killed Babcock because she was the odd woman out in a love triangle with Millard and his girlfriend. Prosecutors say Millard and Smich burned the 23-year-old womans remains in an incinerator that was later found on Millards farm near Waterloo, Ont. Both men have pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder charges. Falconer told court that back on June 18, 2012, Millard asked a man named Shaner to order an animal incinerator that could burn a 250-pound animal. Cost on small 250 lb incinerator is 11390. Next model is 500 lb and sells for 13440. Tax and shipping extra, Shaner wrote to Millard. Put an order in for the larger one. Use the red Visa, Millard wrote. The total cost of the incinerator, which Millard and Shaner referred to as the BBQ, came to more than $15,000 after taxes, according to texts from Shaner. Millard struggled to get the incinerator operational, according to a slew of texts between he and Shaner. But they got it working by July 23. At 3:07 p.m. that day, Millard wrote to Smich: bbq has run its warm up, its ready for meat. On July 3, court has heard, Babcocks phone pinged off the same cell tower as Millards phone at the same time near Millards house in Torontos west end. Her final outgoing phone call came at 7:03 p.m. At 7:30 p.m., Millard texted Smich: Im on a mission, back in 1 hr. Court has heard that Babcocks phone stopped connecting with cell towers at 11 a.m. on July 4. At 2:40 p.m., an image from Millards phone showed a dog sitting beside an object wrapped in a large blue tarp, with the GPS co-ordinates showing it was taken at Millards farm near Waterloo, Ont. On July 7, a calendar event was created on Millards phone with the note: Barn smell check. SHARE: It took four years battling her estranged husband in German and Canadian courts before Kate Baggott was finally allowed to settle with her two children in Canada. On Thursday, the St. Catharines woman hopes to begin the final chapter of her struggle when the Supreme Court of Canada examines the workings of an agreement that determines the fate of children caught up in international child custody and abduction cases. Ultimately, the courts ruling could change the way Canadian authorities decide what country these children should live in and result in a more child-centric approach. In Baggotts case, the years of legal wrangling meant that her children lived in limbo, moving back and forth between Germany and Canada, disrupting their education and making it impossible to put down roots. Ultimately nothing was gained from having gone through this process, Baggott told the Star in an interview. She described the experience as surreal and said the court process was too focused on legal arguments instead of what is best for the children. The Supreme Courts ruling will have no effect on Baggotts case, after a German court finally awarded her full custody of her son, 15, and daughter, 11, from their father John Paul Balev and let the three return to Canada in April. But the court decided to proceed anyway with the appeal of Ontario Court of Appeal ruling as it recognized the importance of the issue. All the parties at Thursdays hearing hope the high court can provide guidance on the definition of habitual residence under the Hague Convention, an international child protection agreement recognized by 98 countries. The designation determines where a child in a custodial dispute should temporarily stay while the case is ongoing and which country has the authority to adjudicate the case. This comes down to how we figure out where a childs habitual residence is. Right now, there is no national consistency on this, said Patric Senson, a co-counsel for the Baggott, one of eight parties with standing before the Supreme Court. Whatever comes out, it will provide some clarity for everybody involved in this situation so everyone will be working from the same page . . . reduce the amount of litigation and stress for the child and litigants. In Canada and elsewhere, different courts have different interpretations of habitual residence, with some defining it as the last place of the residence agreed upon by the parents prior to the removal of the child by one party, while others base it on the childrens best interests. The appeal to the Supreme Court was brought by the Office of the Childrens Lawyer (OCL), a Ontario body that represents children under age 18 in court cases involving custody, access and child protection, as well as in civil, and estates and trusts cases. Baggott, a writer, and Balev, a computer programmer, married in Toronto in 2000 and moved to Germany on work permits the following year for his job. Their two children were both born there but were not eligible for German citizenship. The couples relationship fell apart but the family still lived together in the same house when the mother and their two children moved back to Canada in 2013 after the father agreed to let the children stay with their mother in Canada for 16 months. However, according to Baggotts submission to the high court, Balev later went to German authorities claiming Baggott abducted their children, sparking the four-year legal battle. Last September, the Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed the childrens objections to returning to Germany and ruled that the mother breached the Hague Convention and they must all go back because Germany was their habitual residence. In its factums to the Supreme Court, the OCL said the appeal court decision to return Baggotts two children to Germany was wrong because it failed to consider the best interests of the minors, who at that point had lived in Canada for three years, were in school and had friends and support in the community. The goal of deterring abduction and protecting the interests of children generally was prioritized over the rights of the individual children before the courts, said the OCL in its submission. As a result, (the children) were harmed by the operation of the very Convention that was meant to protect them. In this appeal, the OCL urges an interpretation of the Convention that is child-centric, consistent with Canadas obligations. However, the attorneys general in Ottawa, Ontario and British Columbia argue the current approach in determining the childs residence offers an objective guide for Canadian authorities to follow. The Convention is intended to combat international child abductions, including the wrongful retention of children in foreign states and to protect children from their harmful effects, said the submission from the federal attorney general. The submission said the prompt return of the child to the state of habitual residence best protects the interests of children by respecting rights of custody under domestic laws. The Convention is not intended to determine the custody arrangement that is in the best interests of the child. Ontario warns in its submission that the child-centric approach proposed by the appellant would incentivize parents to subject their children to harmful manipulation developing artificial attachments to their new environment in order to influence the childs perspective about their habitual residence. While the case is still up in air, both Baggott and Balev said in their submissions the fight has exhausted their financial resources. The Hague Convention is meant for genuine cases of abduction when one parent disappears with the child in the night, said Baggott, who is still struggling to turn a new page of her life with her two children. It is not meant for cases like ours. SHARE: What started out as a justifiable strike to protect the rights of vulnerable college teachers has spiralled into an unjustifiable power struggle over whos right. Four weeks later, as many as 500,000 paying students are paying a disproportionate price. And learning a disappointing lesson in how far teachers and college administrators will go to prove a point right down to the last student. From the first, the union rightly stressed the plight of precarious workers contract teachers who form the vast majority of staff at Ontarios 24 colleges. OPSEU reminded us that piecework professors are the dirty little secret of the provinces sprawling educational-industrial complex. This strike has remained surprisingly below the radar. Unlike the bitter work stoppages that play out on the front pages when schoolchildren are involved, hundreds of thousands of students have suffered in silence, their petitions largely ignored by a hands-off government. On the Liberals watch, our community colleges have strayed from their original mandate of offering functional, applied schooling for young people trying to navigate an increasingly precarious job market. Shortchanged by provincial funding, todays colleges make up the difference by exploiting instructors while expanding into the terrain of universities. The resulting paradox of precarity instructors ghettoized into unstable short-term contracts while trying to equip students for steady employment proved profoundly embarrassing for the colleges. OPSEU demanded that the number of part-time and contract teaching faculty rise to 50 per cent a battle worth fighting, as I argued in a column last month. To its credit, the union shamed college employers into recognizing their hypocrisy at the negotiating table. With new legislation requiring employers to pay part-timers on the same scale as full-timers, the colleges grudgingly agreed to a provincial task force to examine the issue in depth. At that point, compensation negotiations came to within a quarter of a percentage point of resolution. Then the talking stopped. And the rhetoric took over, with both sides digging in on the more vexing issue of academic freedom. OPSEU sought what amounts to a power-sharing arrangement that would effectively give teachers veto rights over what and how they teach. Ontario college students lent support to striking faculty members Oct. 25 at a rally outside the provinces advanced education ministry in Toronto. One student says the length of the strike, which began Oct. 15, is nerve-wracking. (The Canadian Press) Under the guise of academic freedom, such lofty demands disguise more mundane workplace disputes. Employees in all workplaces are sometimes subject to seemingly arbitrary demands and capricious interventions by employers. But management rights (right or wrong) are normally vested in management with disagreements resolved in the grievance process or human rights tribunals. For college instructors to elevate their disputes to the realm of academic freedom is a conceit borrowed from cutting-edge professors in the rarefied world of research universities. Perhaps OPSEU has been infected by the same university-creep that has animated college administrators seeking to expand their empires. But colleges are not collectives, nor are they universities. Workplace disagreements on their campuses are not conceptually different from the clashes in Ontario high schools, where academic freedoms are not codified in such a way. While the union got bogged down in an ivory tower war of attrition, the College Employer Council plotted a sneak attack of its own. It invoked the employers one-time right to force a vote by the union membership on its final offer a controversial and potentially poisonous move in labour relations. Now, we are stuck with a strike for at least another week until members can cast ballots. Even more mischievously, the employer asked OPSEU to end its work stoppage immediately, knowing full well they had put the union in an impossible position. OPSEU is vulnerable, having won a strike vote of barely two-thirds in September a relatively modest mandate in the posturing game of labour negotiations. No union wants to see its own members cross a picket line, nor refuse their own advice to reject a final offer and no one wants to see a union undone. Labour dynamics are always unpredictable, but disputes in the public sector cause collateral damage. This strike has gone on far too long, with neither side knowing when to quit and seemingly oblivious to the impact on students with the clock ticking on their term. Making the best of a bad hand, OPSEU has countered by asking the employer council to return to the table immediately. And its hard to imagine why the colleges wouldnt agree, having exacerbated an already pointless confrontation. Kathleen Wynne has taken a hands-off approach until now, but times up. The premier needs to remind the colleges that talking is better than attacking. And the union needs to remember that bargaining is about compromising not just for the sake of students in the classrooms, but teachers in the membership. If they dont, all sides will have to live with the long-lasting consequences for our colleges: the Liberal government, college presidents, union leaders, and not least the nearly 500,000 students now missing classes. Martin Regg Cohns political column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday., Twitter: @reggcohn Read more about: SHARE: A chemical plant near Sarnia evacuated workers Wednesday afternoon after a hydrogen sulphide leak, a plant worker said. Staff at the Nova Chemicals site in Corunna, south of Sarnia, were told to evacuate at about 4:45 p.m., the plant source, who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisal, told the Star and Global News. An alert issued by the nearby First Nations community of Aamjiwnaang stated the chemical spilled was hydrogen sulphide. Its not clear when the leak began. The same source said Nova staff were told Wednesday morning that a leak happened last (Tuesday) night and (was) still not contained. The company, which employs about 500 people at the plant, called an all-clear just after 6 p.m. A spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, which must legally be told about any chemical spills, didnt say if Nova notified the government of the incident but said its now aware of an alarm at the plant. The ministry has reached out to Nova Chemicals, Environment spokesperson Gary Wheeler said via email. Nova will provide information to us as soon as possible if there are any environmental issues that require ministry involvement. Ministry staff will respond as soon as possible, if necessary. Nova didnt respond to questions about when the leak began, if the leak affected the surrounding community, whether it has done air monitoring, or what results that air monitoring may have shown. Last month, a joint investigation by the Star, Global News, National Observer, the Michener Awards Foundation and journalism schools at Ryerson and Concordia universities revealed a troubling pattern of secrecy and potentially-toxic leaks in the Sarnia area. There are 57 polluters within 25 kilometres of the city registered with the Canadian and U.S. governments. The investigation also raised questions about whether companies and the provincial government are properly warning residents of Sarnia and Aamjiwnaang when potentially toxic substances are leaked. Hydrogen sulphide, also known as sour gas or H2S, has a rotten-egg odour. At high enough concentrations, it can paralyze the human sense of smell and cause death. Workers at Novas plant in Corunna received written instructions to wear half- and full-respirator masks in certain areas when they arrived Wednesday morning, the source said. Nova didnt answer questions about how high H2S levels typically reach before staff are asked to wear protection. These communications are shared twice a shift with the Corunna Site workforce (by email, safety meetings, etc.) to ensure they are aware of the changing personal protective equipment requirements in isolated areas during the shutdown and restart of facilities, said Nova spokesperson Meaghan Kreeft via email. Aamjiwnaang sent out a public alert about the leak 5 p.m. The City of Sarnia didnt send notice of the incident to its residents. With files from Carolyn Jarvis, Global News SHARE: LONDONOne of the men tortured in Sri Lanka said he was held for 21 days in a small dank room where he was raped 12 times, burned with cigarettes, beaten with iron rods and hung upside-down. Another man described being abducted from home by five men, driven to a prison, and taken to a torture room equipped with ropes, iron rods, a bench and buckets of water. There were blood splatters on the wall. A third man described the prisoners as growing accustomed to the sound of screaming. It made us really scared the first day but then we got used to it because we heard screaming all the time. Raped, branded or beaten repeatedly, more than 50 men from the Tamil ethnic minority seeking political asylum in Europe say they were abducted and tortured under Sri Lankas current government. The previously unpublished accounts conjure images of the countrys bloody civil war that ended in 2009 not the palm-fringed paradise portrayed by the government. One by one, the men agreed to tell their stories to The Associated Press and to have the extensive scars on their legs, chests and backs photographed. The AP reviewed 32 medical and psychological evaluations and interviewed 20 men. The strangers say they were accused of trying to revive a rebel group on the losing side of the civil war. Although combat ended 8 years ago, the torture and abuse occurred from early 2016 to as recently as July this year. Sri Lankan authorities deny the allegations. Piers Pigou, a South African human rights investigator who has interviewed torture survivors for the past 40 years in the worlds most dire countries, says the sheer scale of brutality is nothing like he has heard before. The levels of sexual abuse being perpetuated in Sri Lanka by authorities are the most egregious and perverted that Ive ever seen. Most of the men say they were blindfolded as they were driven to detention sites. They said the majority of their captors identified themselves as members of the Criminal Investigations Department, a police unit that investigates serious crimes. Some, however, said it appeared their captors and interrogators were soldiers based on the types of uniforms and insignia they were wearing. In an interview last week in Colombo, Sri Lanka Army Commander Lt. Gen. Mahesh Senanayake denied the torture allegations. The army was not involved and as for that matter Im sure that police also were not involved, he said. Theres no reason for us to do that now. The Sri Lankan government minister in charge of the police agreed to an interview with the AP last month but did not follow through. Despite its denials that widespread torture still persists, Sri Lanka has repeatedly failed to investigate war crimes allegations stemming from its 26-year civil war between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, who were fighting for an independent homeland, and the Sinhalese-dominated government. The Tigers, as they were known, were designated as a terrorist organization after a wave of suicide bombings. The governments forces were accused of targeting civilians, which is considered a war crime under international law. At the end of August, human rights groups in South America filed lawsuits against Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya, Sri Lankas ambassador to Brazil and other South American nations. He is accused of overseeing military units that attacked hospitals and killed, disappeared and tortured thousands of people at the end of the war. Upon the ambassadors return to Sri Lanka, President Maithripala Sirisena vowed that neither Jayasuriya nor any other war hero would face prosecution a pledge that rights groups said illustrates the governments refusal to investigate its own soldiers accused of war crimes. Nevertheless, Sri Lankas international profile is on the rise. In May, the European Union restored the special trade status that Sri Lanka lost in 2010 after the country had failed to implement key international conventions. Sri Lanka is also paid to participate in UN peacekeeping missions and was recently asked to sit on a UN leadership committee trying to combat sexual abuse. An AP investigation earlier this year found that 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers participated in a child sex ring in Haiti that persisted for three years and no one was ever prosecuted. Zeid Raad al-Hussein, one of the UNs top diplomats who has pushed for accountability in Sri Lanka, was aghast at the APs accounts of the 52 tortured men. While the UN is unable to confirm this until we mount an investigation, clearly the reports are horrifying and merit a much closer inspection from our part, especially if they occurred in 2016 and 2017, said Zeid, the UNs High Commissioner for Human Rights. The International Truth and Justice Project has gathered testimony from more than 60 Sri Lankans across Europe 52 of whom were part of the APs investigation. The group has been lobbying governments and international organizations to get justice for victims. Staff assigned the men witness numbers to protect their identities and the AP agreed to share their stories on condition of anonymity because the men fear that they or their families in Sri Lanka could face reprisals. The men said they were accused of working with the Tamil Tigers, but the government insisted in its interview with the AP that the rebel group is no longer a threat. Nearly all of the men were branded with tiger stripes. One man had nearly 10 thick scars across his back. Most of the men said they were sexually abused or raped, sometimes with sticks wrapped in barbed wire. Though rape carries a significant social stigma, the victims said they felt obligated to tell their stories. I want the world to know what is happening in Sri Lanka, a 22-year-old known as Witness #205 told the AP during an interview in July. The war against Tamils hasnt stopped. A white van abduction Unlike most of the victims, Witness #249 admits to having been a member of the Tigers nearly a decade ago, joining up when their ranks had been depleted in the final stages of the war. He walks with a limp, caused when a piece of shrapnel left in his leg from a battle in which nine of his friends were blown up. After the war, he returned to the family farm, helping his father. Last year, he married his high school sweetheart, and began collecting donations for victims of the war. Soon after his wedding in 2016, he said, he was snatched off the streets, arriving at a torture room hours later. They heated up iron rods and burned my back with stripes, he told the AP, closing his eyes and rocking back and forth. On another occasion, they put chili powder in a bag and put the bag over my head until I passed out. They ... raped me. His father eventually bribed the security officers to free him. He was hospitalized for 10 days after his release. Most of the men said their families paid an average bribe of around $3,250 (U.S.) and up to $20,000 to be smuggled into Europe hefty sums that sometimes forced their families to sell parcels of land. Many of the other victims said they had never worked for the Tamil Tigers. But all told similar tales: they were abducted at home or off the streets by men in white or green vans, they were tortured for days or weeks or months, a family member often secured their release through a bribe, and they made their way to Europe using smugglers. I didnt even get a chance to say goodbye to my wife before I fled for England. Now, after all he has endured, Witness #249 relates to the tragic characters in the works of his beloved Shakespeare: broken and cursed. Last year, Sri Lankan authorities were called to Geneva to testify before the UN Committee against Torture. When questioned about allegations of continued use of torture against suspects in police custody and impunity for alleged perpetrators, Sri Lankas Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya said the countrys constitution prohibited torture and that strengthening human rights was a cornerstone of its current agenda. He also said strict action would be taken against perpetrators of human rights violations. But advocates say that hasnt happened. Unless those responsible for these crimes are tackled head on and held accountable, this will not end, said Frances Harrison, project manager for the International Truth and Justice Project. Many Tamils contend that the government continues to target them as part of a larger plan to destroy their culture. Tamils speak a different language and are largely Hindu, unlike the largely Buddhist Sinhalese majority. More than 100,000 people were estimated to have died in the war, including at least up to 40,000 civilians in its final months, according to UN estimates. Sri Lankan authorities have denied targeting civilians and dispute the toll. Witness #205, who reported that he was held for 21 days and tortured, said he was accused of belonging to the Tamil Tigers. He, like the majority of the other victims, said one of his captors identified himself as a member of Sri Lankas Criminal Investigations Department. These survivors are the walking wounded of an invisible war in which rape has become the ultimate covert weapon, said Harrison. Sixty cigarette burns Many of the victims meet each week at a London church for English classes and counselling sessions. In July, a new member of the group stepped forward revealing at least 60 cigarette burns on his legs and chest. At 19, he was the youngest victim of the group and trembled when speaking of his sexual abuse. Whats striking is that Im seeing men who are younger and younger, meaning that they would have had very little to do with the war, said Dr. Charmian Goldwyn, who has seen nearly 200 Tamils who say they were tortured. Some of the cases occurred before 2015 but she has also seen men who have described more recent abuse. She assesses their mental and physical health and often testifies in their asylum hearings. Branding and scars often make it easier to prove torture for an asylum claim but it becomes more difficult to prove sexual abuse. Gary Anandasangaree, a Tamil lawmaker in the Canadian government, said there is a large degree of distrust from asylum seekers who fear for the families they left behind. He said people who sought asylum in Canada had calls to their families intercepted. The families in Sri Lanka were then questioned by the Criminal Investigations Department. The reports of recent torture are not surprising, he said. I heard similar stories on a visit last year. Though the men are relieved to be in Europe, asylum can take years, and even if granted it isnt necessarily permanent. Britain, like many countries, is buckling under pressure from anti-immigration groups. For a 34-year-old taxi driver known as Witness #199, the fear of being rejected for asylum is crippling. In 2014 while still in Sri Lanka, he visited his wife in the hospital after she gave birth to a son. With the war behind him and a new life ahead, he was overjoyed to be starting a family in his homeland where he finally felt safe. After leaving the hospital, a man standing next to a white van started calling my name, he said. I wasnt scared at that point so I just got in. The men asked him to pay a bribe and when he told them he couldnt, they released him on the condition he pay in two weeks, he said. My uncle said the men would keep coming back to ask for money so he advised that it would be best if I left the country. He fled to Switzerland, but was rejected for asylum eight months later. Back home, he said, he was visiting friends when he was abducted again. This time, he was held 23 days, branded with iron rods and raped after a group of men entered his cell and forced him to drink a bottle of alcohol, he said. Some forced him to perform oral sex on them and beat him when he refused. He lost consciousness. When he woke up, he was naked, covered in semen and bleeding from his rectum. Seeing the bottle left in his cell, he broke it and tried to slash his wrists. Two days later, he was released and made his way to the U.K. Within days of arriving and applying for asylum, he tried to kill himself again, this time by drinking bleach. He hasnt seen his baby boy since he was born. The torture room Some have cast doubt on the mens stories, saying that the marks could have been caused during the war or even that the men could have inflicted the injuries themselves to gain sympathy on asylum applications an assertion that that medical and academic experts say is not credible. Witness #203 said he was forced to join the Tigers as a child soldier at 16. He was studying to be a teacher when he found himself on the battlefield. For four months, he was tasked with collecting the body parts of fallen fighters killed in the extensive shelling soldiers so they could be buried. Then, last year seven years after the war ended he said he was abducted in a white van and driven for two hours. From his location, he believes he could have been taken to the notorious Joseph Camp, a military installation in the north of Sri Lanka that has been the source of numerous torture claims over the years. For 11 days, he says men stripped him, touched his genitals and forced him to touch theirs. The 12th day was worse. I was put on a bench face down with my hands tied under it and my feet tied to it, he told the AP. After refusing to sign a confession written in Sinhalese, the majoritys language, he said his torturers threw a rag soaked in petrol into a bag and shoved the bag onto his head. He passed out. When he awoke he was in a torture room. It was there that the soles of his feet were thrashed and his back was beaten with a metal pipe. His captors then heated up long metal rods so they could brand him with the marks of a tiger. He was released on the 13th day after his father paid a bribe and found a Muslim trafficker to arrange for a fake passport for passage to the U.K. In the same month after he arrived, he tried to hang himself with a wire rope. More than a dozen of the victims have tried to kill themselves. From all of the beatings, especially on the soles of my feet, the pain had taken over. But what haunted me the most is all of the sexual torture that went on. Many of the men said they signed false confessions after the torture. The road to recovery will be no easy journey for the men, acknowledges Caroline Roemmele, who supervises some of their counselling. A mixture of antidepressants, sleeping pills and pain medication brings comfort to some. Others find solace in telling their stories even though each word awakens memories of their traumas. Its a long process, said Roemmele. But the human race wouldnt have survived if we couldnt survive trauma. Read more about: SHARE: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte stopped construction work on a newly formed sandbar in the disputed South China Sea after China protested, the defense chief said yesterday, disclosing details of the territorial spat for the first time. The dispute over a string of sandbars called Sandy Cay emerged in August and prompted China and the Philippines to consider negotiating some sort of arrangement to prevent such incidents from spiraling out of control, Lorenzana said. The rift over the tiny sandbar, where Filipinos planned to erect fishermens shelters, in the group near Philippine- occupied Thitu island in the Spratlys archipelago remains unresolved but both sides pledged not to occupy any new territory, he said. Chinas claims to most of the South China Sea overlap those of the Philippines and four other governments. Despite that, tensions have eased since Duterte took over as president last year and took steps to thaw once-frosty relations with Beijing. Duterte has courted Chinese trade and assistance and taken a nonconfrontational approach to their territorial disputes. He has refused to immediately take up with China a ruling by a U.N.-linked tribunal that invalidated Beijings sprawling claims in the South China Sea, sparking criticism from nationalists and left-wing groups, which wanted him to demand immediate Chinese compliance with the landmark decision. We tried to put some structures in one of the sandbars near our island and the Chinese reacted, Lorenzana told a diplomatic and security forum in Manila, adding that Duterte later ordered, Lets pull out. Duterte made the decision after Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano advised him of an agreement involving China and the Philippines for a halt on new construction in the disputed waters, Lorenzana later told a news conference. We brought up people there to occupy, to put up structures for our fishermen, Lorenzana said. He said the Chinese complained that we are occupying a new feature. Philippine foreign affairs and military officials refused to divulge details of the dispute at Sandy Cay in August. A government security report seen by the AP in August said three Chinese navy ships, a Chinese coast guard ship and 10 Chinese fishing vessels took positions off Sandy Cay after spotting the Filipinos on the barren sandbar. The nearest sandbar in Sandy Cay is about 4.6 kilometers from Philippine-occupied Thitu Island. On Aug. 15, a blue Chinese helicopter flew low off Thitus southwest coast, the report said. The Chinese military presence off Sandy Cay sparked concerns in Manila. Philippine Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, who has studied the disputes extensively, said then that the Chinese navy ships and other vessels encroached in the Philippine islands 22-kilometer territorial waters. In short, Sandy Cay is a Philippine land territory that is being seized, to put it mildly, or being invaded, to put it frankly, by China, Carpio said. The long-unresolved disputes are among issues expected to get the spotlight at an annual summit of Southeast Asian nations and their Asian and Western counterparts in Manila next week. China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which includes four governments involved in the sea feud, agreed earlier this year on a framework for a long-proposed nonaggression pact in the disputed waters. The framework is to serve as a roadmap for negotiations on a so-called code of conduct in the often-volatile waterway. ASEAN, currently led by the Philippines, has come under criticism for failing to take more effective steps to rein in aggressive behavior in the disputed waters, including Chinas transformation of seven disputed reefs into islands with landfill. Many of the 10-nation blocs members depend largely on China for trade, investment and aid. If ASEAN pursues an over-abundance of caution, it risks becoming only a bystander to the events within its own region, former Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario told the Manila forum. Jim Gomez, Manila, AP Our latest episode in our never-ending series on airplane trips gone astray because of human frailty comes from east Asia though it could just as easily have happened in the skies over Los Angeles or Australia or anywhere else on the planet. It begins in Doha, Qatar, on Sunday morning, when a married couple boarded a Qatar Airways flight for what the Hindustan Times reported was supposed to a holiday in Indonesia. Youll notice we said couple. This should immediately create a sense of tension and foreshadow trouble to come. Will our holidayers find the kind of trouble that a man and woman got into on a Delta Air Lines flight in last months story, when police accused them of having oral sex in their seats? Or will they wind up like a Citigroup vice president and his girlfriend last year jailed for disorderly conduct on a flight to California? Not quite. The husband on Qatar Airways Flight 962 fell asleep about an hour after takeoff, according to India Today. As he drifted into upholstered oblivion, his wife picked up his phone. (A brief reminder that sleep is no guarantee against calamity. Never forget the bedbug infestation on board British Airways Flight 84.) The wife carefully lifted up her sleeping husbands index finger and pressed it against the scanner on the phone, according to the Times of India. She was a few drinks down by then, the outlet wrote, as she began to read what on her husbands private screen and realized that he was allegedly cheating on her. Some reports about the Qatar flight say the wife began to hit her sleeping husband, while others describe shouting and some unspecified misbehaviour that proved beyond the flight crews ability to control. In any case, Indian federal police told the Times that the pilot had to make a sudden landing at an airport in Chennai, where the couple and their young child were kicked off. The arrival of a misbehaving passenger into the arms of airport authorities is often the climax of sad plane stories. In May, a sort of rally formed inside a Shanghai airport, as dozens of put-out passengers chanted Lock him up! while police escorted a belligerent man off their flight. Our married couple was in fact locked up in Chennai, the Hindustan Times reported, though only because they didnt have Indian visas. The woman sobered up, discussed who-knows-what with her husband, and the family were eventually returned to Doha without further incident. A little anti-climactic, as such stories go. But theres always the next one. Read more about: SHARE: WASHINGTONNAFTA has helped fuel the comeback of the big American automakers, and those three companies are very concerned that the renegotiation will collapse because of President Donald Trumps extreme demands, a representative said Thursday. Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council, which represents the policy interests of General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler, said the North American Free Trade Agreement has been important to the companies transition from dire straits to booming sales. Killing the deal would impose a $10-billion (U.S.) tariff cost on them, he said, equal to, essentially, the capital investment were making on an annual basis. He did not detail how he arrived the figure. Blunt said he retains some optimism. But he made clear that the automakers believe the negotiations are going poorly because of Trumps proposals think there is a real risk Trump will follow through on his frequent threat to terminate NAFTA entirely. Given the U.S. demands, and the Mexican and Canadian response, were very concerned that the negotiations could break down, collapse. We think other people ought to be concerned about that. Because the ramifications for not having a NAFTA are severe, he said at a Washington International Trade Association panel discussion. The U.S. auto industry is vehemently opposed to the Trump auto proposal that Canada and Mexico consider a non-starter. Though the U.S. government usually enters trade negotiations bearing auto proposals that are favoured by the powerful domestic industry, the Trump administration has so far dismissed the industry outcry and pursued the protectionist agenda on which the president campaigned. Trumps team has proposed that a car should not qualify for tariff-free treatment unless 50 per cent of it is made in the U.S. itself there is no U.S. content requirement at all in the current agreement and that the requirement for North American content be raised from 62.5 per cent to 85 per cent. Blunt, former Republican governor of Missouri, called this an extreme proposal and totally counter to the objectives of the Trump administration. As independent industry experts have explained, Blunt said it would likely cause automakers to do more of their manufacturing outside the NAFTA zone rather than prompt them to hire more U.S. workers simply paying the tariff rather than eating the larger cost of complying with the requirement. The business decision here is not very difficult, he said. Blunts words add to the gloom surrounding the state of the negotiations as the fifth round of talks approaches. The fourth round ended in public acrimony between Canada and the U.S., with Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland accusing the U.S. of trying to undermine the agreement and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer calling Canada and Mexico overly resistant to change. Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland criticized others at the negotiating table for what she called unconventional proposals after the latest round of NAFTA talks ended in Washington. The talks are now being pushed into 2018. (The Canadian Press) Lighthizer also railed against trade deficits, one of Trumps main focuses even though economists say they are a poor way to measure the health of a trading relationship. Blunt predicted that killing NAFTA would actually cause U.S. trade deficits to increase. Kevin Dempsey, senior vice-president of the American Iron and Steel Institute, said the same, and he called NAFTA a success for the steel industry Trump campaigned on championing. Dennis Darby, chief executive of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, said the death of NAFTA is probably our worst nightmare. The fifth round is scheduled to officially begin next Friday, Nov. 17, in Mexico City, with some additional talks in the two days prior. . Read more: Another Trump poison pill for NAFTA? Ottawa slams demand for 50% U.S. content in cars Top Trump official says U.S. isnt offering anything to Canada in exchange for NAFTA demands Ted Cruz warns of profound damage to U.S. economy if Trump kills NAFTA Read more about: SHARE: Suppose you spent a week throwing rocks through your neighbours windows, and then you spent the following week selling everyone burglar alarms and vandalism insurance. Once they knew what you were up to, nobody would pat you on the back for saving the neighbourhood. Yet a pat on the back is exactly what Airbnb is hoping to get from politicians in Vancouver and Toronto in the next few weeks. Even though the multinational company is a huge contributor to both cities housing crises, Airbnb now calls itself an economic lifeline for the middle class and a housing market solution to everyone who will listen. This month, the cities of Vancouver and Toronto will send their draft short-term rental bylaws to their city councils for approval. Vancouver has already held public hearings on its own proposed bylaw. Not coincidentally, both cities are suffering from severe housing crises. In Vancouver, the CMHC expects that vacancy rates might rise to 1.1 per cent by 2019, but until then, rates well below 1 per cent are more routine. Torontos vacancy rate is a little higher thanks to a large number of condo rentals, but its still brutally tight. In the preliminary hearings in Vancouver, Airbnb and its hosts pushed the idea that selling rooms on a short-term basis is a lifeline for those who cant afford high-priced mortgages on one or more homes that they own. Its a line theyve used in other cities before. No one admitted that prices are high and lifelines are needed because investors are hoarding units zoned, approved and built for long-term residents and selling them as ghost hotels instead. Airbnb is telling every legislator it can that the majority of Airbnb hosts are individuals renting out their principal residence while theyre on vacation, or homesharers renting out a spare room. And thats true. But this carefully-chosen stat sidesteps the real picture. In Toronto, while only 16 per cent of Airbnb hosts rent out more than one unit, those 16 per cent control 38 per cent of Airbnbs total unit inventory. Over half of Airbnbs local revenue comes from those ghost hotel operators. And to give you a sense of the scale of these ghost hotels that take homes off the market, the largest Toronto operator has more than 60 listings on the platform. This is the pattern around the world. Homesharing was once a cute, authentic way to set up an occasional B & B in your spare room. Now, measured by room-nights sold, Airbnb is the largest hotel operator in dozens of cities around the globe. Airbnb attacks pro-housing coalitions like for accepting modest financial support from hotel unions (to date, we havent got one dime from an actual hotelier). But Airbnb itself is a multinational that has deployed vast sums of money in paid lobbyists in Toronto in the last month alone. Thats why the coalition and the bylaws and ordinances in so many global cities focuses efforts on allowing short-term rentals only for principal residences. Thats why is pushing hard to make sure government ID is needed to register a principal residence for short-term rental just as Airbnb requires government ID for its own guests before theyre allowed to rent units in the Neptune towers in Toronto under an agreement announced last month. And thats why wants condo boards to be able to exclude entire towers from short-term rental licensing if they choose to, since thats where so many of the ghost hotel and investor units are taking out housing supply in both cities right now. Housing long-term residents is the most basic point of having a city at all. Despite the claim that Airbnb can help individuals solve the housing crisis it helped to create, mayors and councilors in both Metro Vancouver and Toronto have so far been open-minded on regulations to protect our housing supply. Most support reasonable regulation, just as we do. But its telling that many councillors on both the political left and right have asked us why Airbnb hasnt been banned completely already, given current laws. Theyre asking that question because existing laws, if enforced, would put hundreds of ghost hotel units out of business already. In public hearings on the proposed Vancouver bylaw, many Airbnb hosts insisted that the rules were unfair because they had already bought secondary suites, second homes or condos solely to rent them on Airbnb or other platforms. They insisted the units werent lost to the rental market because they had no interest in renting them to long-term tenants in the first place. Remember, these were units zoned for residential use and in a tough housing market, were supposed to believe changing laws to accommodate this is fair or a lifeline because it helps these hosts get a faster return on their risky investment. This is why youre going to start hearing Airbnb talk about how its a lifeline as the debate ramps up in the coming weeks to build sympathy for those who can afford to take a mortgage risk on big home, or a second or third home, when our sympathy should be for those who cant even afford to rent their first home because of a shortage of rental supply. If you listen carefully, that ambulance-chasing sound you hear is the sound of a rock going through your housing markets window. And when the doorbell rings, just remember who threw that rock before you buy that lifeline insurance policy. Thorben Wieditz is a researcher with Unite Here Local 75, which represents hotel workers in the Greater Toronto Area, and a member of the coalition. Read more about: SHARE: Climate Barbie and the art of the insult, DiManno, Nov. 8 It was sad to read Rosie DiMannos column about Environment Minister Catherine McKenna. It is hard to understand why a female journalist would criticize another woman for standing her ground against an insensitive, chauvinistic male. We need many more McKennas in this still-paternalistic society. Calling McKenna a snowflake was the final insult to a brilliant, accomplished woman. Ruth MacLean, Richmond Hill Rosie DiManno takes aim at Environment Minister Catherine McKenna for calling out a Rebel reporter for referring to her as Climate Barbie. DiManno says politics is a rough and tumble business and argues against powerful, accomplished women who present themselves as delicate flowers who should be protected from mean men. All right, yes, she probably doesnt need that kind of protection. But isnt she allowed to criticize back? Mike Allen, Burlington What I understood from Rosie DiMannos column is that women should not take name calling personally and should suck it up and make return jokes. The reference to Catherine McKenna being a Climate Barbie sends the message to all of us that she is a Barbie doll airhead and should not be taken seriously. This includes all women. I dont believe there is anything wrong with her defending herself rather than accepting the idea that her brain works like that of a sexy, plastic toy model. Hurray for Catherine, I am on her side. Barbara Bowes (I am no Barbie!), Toronto Hooray for Rosie and yet another brilliant and entertaining article this time encouraging common sense, practicality and realism. There are too many journalists who seem to only see the dark side of everything we say and do. Thank you, Rosie. You made my day. Maurice Sacco, Toronto Rosie is one of the best journalistic wordsmiths in the business and I usually grasp the meaning of some rarely used words by the context of the writing. But today, when she used pestiferous flibbertigibbet, I had to run to my computer. Keep writing, Rosie. Bill Marsh, Burlington SHARE: One hundred years ago, youd have to bypass Toronto to get to Hollywood North. In Trenton is all the Hollywood we have in Ontario the only fully equipped motion-picture studio in Canada, wrote Merrill Denison in a column in The Toronto Weekly Star on Feb. 26, 1927. For a considerable time, the town about 170 km east of Toronto was the motion picture-making capital of Canada as Trentons Film Plant studio churned out more than 1,500 silent films from 1917 to 1934, employing locals in jobs from extras to crews. A stone cairn with a film strip-inspired plaque was erected in 1992 to mark the studio site on Film St. and theres a growing awareness of Trentons starring role in Canadian movie history. The Hollywood North Film Festival is named with a nod to the regions past. The third edition of the fest, runs Nov. 10-12 in Belleville, Trenton and Picton with the theme: Celebrating 100 years of film in Quinte. And the inaugural 2017 Quinte Canadian FilmFest, which wrapped in October, launched with an acknowledgement of Trentons rich film history. How many small towns on Ontario can boast that? said Trenton writer Peggy Dymond Leavey, whose book The Movie Years has just gone into its second printing with publisher Kirby Books. ( While much has been written on Canadian filmmaking, the Trenton chapter was so tiny, said Leavey, who has also written a book about Toronto-born silent film star, producer and studio head, Mary Pickford. When she learned about Trentons movie past in the 1980s, Leavey began interviewing locals who had been part of the towns film industry. When the Trenton Film Plant opened 100 years ago, it operated under different owners in a challenging fledgling industry, she said. Rented by various filmmaking companies, the studio was the birthplace of several commercial silent films in its early days, including The Great Shadow, starring Tyrone Power Sr. The Ontario government purchased the building in 1923 as a production hub for the Ontario Motion Picture Bureau and to rent out to other moviemakers. The OMPB made educational documentaries and travelogues, as well as feature-length drama, Cinderella of the Farms. With the popularity of Talkies, the Film Plant struggled to compete with studios better equipped for making movies with sound. Ontario Premiere Mitchell Hepburn announced the province had no reason to be in the movie business anyway, shutting the studio in 1934 and ordering the film reels destroyed. The silent films that were saved are now in the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa. In Trentons movie heyday, shoots went on in main studio on Film St. and secondary studio space, including a cold storage warehouse where the roof had partially collapsed in a fire, making it ideal for night shoots. It was even used to recreate a Paris street. The nearby forests, fields and farms, Sandbanks beaches, the lakefront and Kingston, Belleville and Trenton city streets and hotels made for varied locations. Hollywood North Film Festival director, filmmaker and photographer Jacob Cote, said he didnt know much about Trentons filmmaking backstory initially. As he learned more, it seemed fitting to honour that legacy with a film festival. The festival has grown to 64 films, from features to experimental shorts. We have a lot of history regarding the early days of film and nobody seems to know a lot about (Trenton) and to me that was intriguing and theres a story there that needs to be told, Cote said. Before each screening at this weekends festival, audiences will see a vignette from Belleville filmmaker Doug Knutsons documentary Hollywood of the North. Knutson said he became aware of Trentons moviemaking past in a film history class at Queens University in Kingston the 1980s. I lived in Belleville my whole life and it just blew me away when I heard that story, he said. Inspired, Knutson filmed the 1992 unveiling ceremony for the commemorative cairn outside the Trenton Film Plant. Locals who had appeared in or worked on the movies were there for the occasion and Knutson interviewed seniors who recounted the thrill of their fleeting film careers as $4-a-day extras. Gordon Sparling, then age 92, had a lengthy career as a filmmaker and appears prominently in the documentary. He was the assistant director on Carry on, Sergeant! a silent film about Canadians in the First World War, billed as Canadas first epic production. Not to be confused with the similarly named 1958 British comedy, Carry on, Sergeant! it had its gala world premiere at Torontos Regent Theatre on Nov. 10, 1928. Hollywood of the North includes archival footage of men in silk top hats and women in furs exiting limousines beneath the marquee outside the brightly lit theatre. British Empire Films rented the Trenton studio in 1927-1928 to make Carry on, Sergeant! as part of a government mandate that required British movie houses to screen Empire-made films. British Empire Films hired popular First World War cartoonist Bruce Bairnsfather to be writer-director on his first movie. There were rumours there wasnt much of a script for the film, which cost $500,000. Locals shared stories in Hollywood of the North of how dirt was trucked into the cold storage warehouse to build battlefield trenches and the enthusiastic use of explosives. Lying in the cold mud for hours playing dead in a battle scene was made more tolerable by the shot of rum everyone got after Bairnsfather called cut! The movie ran in Toronto briefly, as well as in a few theatres around the province. But it never made it to Great Britain or Hollywood. Knutson explained Trentons moviemaking past when he sought permission to use a vintage clip of the original Hollywoodland sign in Hollywood of the North. They were floored and said this is a fascinating story, he said. Coming from the real Hollywood, I take that as a compliment. Share your story suggestions at To read more stories on Once Upon A City, click here. Visit us on Facebook at or on Twitter: @StarHistoricPix SHARE: Here are five things you must know for Thursday, Nov. 9: 1. -- U.S. stock futures pointed to a weaker start for Wall Street on Thursday, Nov. 9, following Donald Trump's two-day visit to China and amid lingering questions over the fate of domestic tax reform. European stocks traded lower while Asian shares finished Thursday's session mostly to the upside. Japan's Nikkei 225 bucked the trend, however, and fell 0.2%. Trump criticized U.S.-China trade relations, describing them as "unsustainable." "As we all know America has a huge annual trade deficit with China, a number beyond anything that anyone would understand," the president said. "Both the United States and China will have a more prosperous future if we can achieve a more level playing field." As for tax reform in the U.S., Senate Republicans are set to unveil their version on Thursday with billions in tax cuts for people and corporations, repeal of the federal deduction for state and local taxes, and a likely compression of the personal income tax brackets to four from seven, according to a report from the Associated Press. The tax plan from the House, meanwhile, is nearing approval by the tax-writing committee after last-minute changes by Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Kevin Brady. The economic calendar in the U.S. on Thursday includes weekly Jobless Claims at 8:30 a.m. ET. If you'd like to receive the free "5 Things You Must Know" newsletter, please register here. 2. -- Donald Trump capped his visit to China on Thursday with a litany of new commercial contracts for some of America's biggest companies even as he continued to criticize trade relations between the world's two biggest economies. Around $250 billion in new and existing deals between U.S. and Chinese companies were touted by the president and his team as they departed from the third leg of Trump's 11-day Asia tour and celebrated the anniversary of his shock election victory last November. Boeing Co. (BA) - Get Free Report , General Electric Co. (GE) - Get Free Report , Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) - Get Free Report , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) - Get Free Report and Ford Motor Co. (F) - Get Free Report were just some of the names on the list of deals and contracts linked to the Trump visit and the broader ambitions of an economic policy he began trying to coordinate with China President Xi Jinping earlier this year. Boeing was perhaps the biggest recipient of what China's Commerce Minister Zhong Shan called a "miracle" of trade deals, agreeing to terms on the sale of 300 jets with a list value of around $37 billion to China Aviation Suppliers Holding Co. Some of the orders, however, could have been blended into past agreements, analysts said, making it difficult to judge how much the announcement will change Boeing's order book. Boeing shares rose slightly in premarket trading on Thursday. General Electric is a holding in Jim Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS Charitable Trust Portfolio. Want to be alerted before Cramer buys or sells GE? Learn more now. 3. -- Twenty-First Century Fox Inc. (FOXA) - Get Free Report reported fiscal first-quarter revenue that beat analysts' expectations, while earnings of 49 cents a share were in-line with Wall Street forecasts. Fox's better-than-expected results came as investors continued to wonder what to make of a CNBC report earlier this week that said Fox executives recently spoke with their counterparts at Walt Disney Co. (DIS) - Get Free Report about selling their film and TV production studio along with their Star India networks and 39% stake in Sky PLC, the enormous European satellite-TV operator. The two parties currently aren't holding discussions, according to reports. CEO James Murdoch said he wouldn't respond directly to deal speculation but did say that Fox has "a great set of brands and businesses that we really like." 4. -- Speaking of Disney, the media giant is expected to report earnings after the closing bell on Thursday. Other companies scheduled to issue reports Thursday include Kohls Corp. (KSS) - Get Free Report , Macy's Inc. (M) - Get Free Report , Nvidia Corp. (NVDA) - Get Free Report , D.R. Horton Inc. (DHI) - Get Free Report , DISH Network Corp. (DISH) - Get Free Report , Hertz Global Holdings Inc. (HTZ) - Get Free Report and Office Depot Inc. (ODP) - Get Free Report . Nvidia is a holding in Jim Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS Charitable Trust Portfolio. Want to be alerted before Cramer buys or sells NVDA? Learn more now. 5. -- Retail giant Walmart Stores Inc. (WMT) - Get Free Report kicked off the holiday shopping season, saying that select deals via its website would kick off on Thursday. Walmart's Black Friday deals will begin on at 12:01 a.m. ET on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23. The majority of Black Friday deals found in Walmart's brick-and-mortar locations also will be available online. The in-store event begins at 6 p.m. local time on Thanksgiving day. Walmart stores will be open all day on Thanksgiving. Here's Walmart's full plan to win the holiday season: This story has been updated from 6:07 a.m. ET. More of What's Trending on TheStreet: Panera Bread CEO Ron Shaich has created one hell of playbook on a how to achieve greatness in the restaurant industry and reward shareholders in the process. And now, he is ready to take his message -- one rooted in long-term investing -- to wage a war with short-term minded activist investors. The JAB Holdings owned salad and sandwich chain said Wednesday that Shaich, 63, will step aside as CEO on January 1, 2018 while remaining on the board. Replacing Shaich will be restaurant industry veteran Blaine Hurst, who before joining Panera Bread as president in 2010 had executive level stints at Papa John's (PZZA) - Get Free Report and Boston Chicken. It was also announced that JAB Holdings will acquire 304 store sandwich chain Au Bon Pain. "I have a limited time in life, and there is a limited time in a day -- I would like to pursue some of my personal interests in addition to Panera," Shaich told TheStreet in an interview. One of those interests is in getting the word out on the importance of long-term investing if a public company wants to truly win and create shareholder value. Shaich says investing has become too short-term focused, in large part to the rise of activists and the overall trading environment. "Are activists really good for the economy? I think they inhibit GDP growth," Shaich explained. Panera Bread found itself in the crosshairs of activists twice: in 2007 with Shamrock Activist Value Fund LP and in 2015 with Luxor Capital, Fortune reported. The latter battle led Panera to issue $500 million in new debt to buy back shares to appease Luxor. To be sure, Shaich is coming to war with an impressive resume. At age 27 and a only few years removed from Harvard Business School, Shaich (pronounced 'shake') opened a cookie store in Boston called the Cookie Jar in 1980. Ever the people watcher, Shaich began ordering baguettes and croissants for his store from a nearby Au Bon Pain after observing that many folks weren't buying cookies before noon. Sensing an opportunity to sell more exotic sandwiches than the standard ones on whole wheat or rye, Shaich approached venture capitalist Louis Kane, who was running Au Bon Pain at the time, about joining the bakery chain. The two formed a partnership in 1981. By 1993, Au Bon Pain, which went public in 1991, had spread across the U.S., and purchased St. Louis Bread, a regional restaurant chain known for its fresh ingredients and inviting environment. Shaich wanted the company to shift its attention toward St. Louis Bread instead of Au Bon Pain and after he prevailed in a board fight, Au Bon Pain was sold to a private-equity firm in 1999. Shaich then took the helm at St. Louis Bread and changed its name to Panera, which is Latin for "bread basket" or "bread bowl," in order to appeal to a wider audience. From there, Shaich led an aggressive roll-out of Panera Bread restaurants across the country that led its stock to return more than 1,500% under his leadership. In 2010, Shaich chose to step aside as CEO but retain the role of executive chairman so he could pursue philanthropic interests such as driving awareness of hunger in America. At the request of long-time friend and CEO Bill Moreton, however, Shaich returned to Panera as chairman and CEO in 2013 (Moreton is now executive vice chairman), in a move similar to Howard Schultz's return to the helm at Starbucks (SBUX) - Get Free Report . Today, Shaich hands off the baton to a restaurant chain with more than 2,000 locations, under new owners in JAB Holdings and with a ton of momentum in digital ordering. Hat tip to an American success story. Starbucks is a holding in Jim Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS Charitable Trust Portfolio. Want to be alerted before Cramer buys or sells SBUX? Learn more now. More of What's Trending on TheStreet: Billionaire Carl Icahn's investment firm is cooperating with an inquiry by federal prosecutors into the activist's work for President Donald Trump, an unpaid advisory post he relinquished after questions over whether he improperly benefited from energy policies he recommended to the White House. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan "has not made any claims or allegations against us or Mr. Icahn," Icahn Enterprises LP (IEP) - Get Free Report said in a regulatory filing this month. "We maintain a strong compliance program and, while no assurances can be made, we do not believe this inquiry will have a material impact on our business." A representative for Icahn didn't immediately respond to a message seeking comment. The prosecutor's subpoena was disclosed about six months after Democratic senators including Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts regulators to investigate whether Icahn's "actions in the market for renewable fuel credits" had violated any laws. As the majority owner of CVR Energy Inc. (CVI) - Get Free Report , Icahn had bet in 2016 that the price of renewable fuel credits would decline, the senators said in the May 5 letter. Afterward, while serving as Trump's unpaid adviser, he recommended policies and personnel appointments -- including that of Environmental Protection Agency Director Scott Pruitt, a critic of the credits program -- that led to a drop, netting $50 million, they wrote. "We have no way of knowing at this time whether Mr. Icahn made any of his renewable fuel credit trades or decisions about trades based on material, non-public information or otherwise manipulated the market," the senators said. "But the publicly available evidence is troubling." Three months later, Icahn sent a resignation letter to Trump, saying he didn't want "partisan bickering" about his role to cloud the administration. "I sincerely regret that because of your extremely busy schedule, as well as my own, I have not had the opportunity to spend nearly as much time as I'd hoped on regulatory issues," he added. Less than two months later, however, Warren and another Democrat were raising more questions about Icahn's work with the White House, asking Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin whether the investor had influenced the Financial Stability Oversight Council's decision to lift American International Group Inc.'s (AIG) - Get Free Report designation as a systemically important financial institution. The label, applied after the insurer received a $182 billion bailout during the height of the 2008 financial crisis, subjected AIG to stricter regulatory oversight and required executives to maintain higher capital reserves. Icahn, who holds a stake in the company, had urged former CEO Peter Hancock to break it up in order to escape that designation, though he stopped doing so publicly when Hancock stepped down and was replaced by Michael Duperreault, a lieutenant of legendary AIG chief Maurice "Hank" Greenberg. In letters written to each of the council's members individually, Warren and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, asked whether Icahn had a role in the decision, which was made in a hastily convened meeting and with scant explanation. Queries in a previous letter to Mnuchin about Icahn's communications with council members weren't answered, she noted, "meaning the existence of or precise extent and nature of any contacts is still unclear." More of What's Trending on TheStreet: President Donald Trump capped his two-day summit in China Thursday with a litany of new commercial contracts for some of America's biggest companies even as he continued to criticise trade relations between the world's two biggest economies. Around $250 billion in new and existing deals between U.S. and Chinese firms were touted by the President and his team as they departed from the third leg of his 11-day Asia tour and celebrated the anniversary of his shock election victory last November. Boeing Co. (BA) - Get Free Report , General Electric (GE) - Get Free Report , Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) - Get Free Report , Goldman Sachs (GS) - Get Free Report and Ford Motor Co. (F) - Get Free Report were just names on the list of deals and contracts linked to the Trump visit and the broader ambitions of an economic policy he began trying to co-ordinate with China's Xi Jinping earlier this year. "Addressing the imbalance in China trade has been the central focus of collaborative discussions between President Trump and President Xi," said Trump's Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross. "Achieving fair and reciprocal treatment for the companies is a shared objective." Boeing was perhaps the biggest receipient of what China's Commerce Minister Zhong Shan called a "miracle" of trade deals, agreeing to terms on the sale of 300 jets with a list value of around $37 billion to China Aviation Suppliers Holding Co. Some of the orders, however, could have been blended in to past agreements, analysts said, making it difficult to judge how much the announcement will change Boeing's order book. Boeing shares were marked 0.2% lower in pre-market trading in New York, indicating an opening price of $265.03. Another major announcement from the ceremony linked GE to three separate deals with China-based firms valued at around $3.5 billion while chipmaker Qualcomm, which is the mulling a $103 billion bid from Broadcom (AVGO) - Get Free Report , inked $12 billion in non-binding agreements to sell semiconductors to China-based firms Oppo, Vivo and Xiamoi over the next three years. Ford also announced a $756 million Joint-venture with China's Anhui Zotye Automobile to build electric cars. Goldman Sachs also said it would establish a $5 billion investment vehicle with China Investment Corp., the country's sovereign wealth fund. The deals may soften the blow of data published yesterday showing China's trade surplus topped the $300 billion mark over the first ten months of the year, a faster pace than in 2016, amid a stronger U.S. dollar and robust global economic growth. China's customs office said total exports from the word's second largest economy grew an annual 6.9% last month, slowing from the 8.1% pace recorded in September. Import growth, however, was impressively strong at 17.2%, although again slower than the 18.1% pace notched in the previous month. The figures also reveal a 37.8% increase in China exports to the United States which, when set against an 11.1% rise in imports translates to a trade surplus of $26.6 billion. That's down from last month's record high of $28 billion but still puts the year-to-date tally at just over $300 billion - more than $12 billion head of last year's pace, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. "As we all know America has a huge annual trade deficit with China, a number beyond anything that anyone would understand," the President said "Both the United States and China will have a more prosperous future if we can achieve a more level playing field." However, Trump was quick to note, on Xi's home turf, that he didn't blame China for the historic imbalance. "After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens," he reasoned. "I give China great credit, but in actuality I do blame past administrations for allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take place." More of What's Trending on TheStreet: A Taiwanese fighter jet has gone missing while flying above the East China Sea north of Taiwan during a routine training exercise, the air force said yesterday. The Mirage-2000 disappeared from radar screens just over a half-hour after taking off Tuesday evening from an air base in Hsinchu, south of the capital, Taipei, according to an air force statement. Navy and coast guard ships and more than a dozen aircraft have been dispatched to search the area but with no result as yesterday afternoon, the air force said. It said the pilot, Ho Tzu-yu, joined the air force more than a decade ago and had 227 hours of flight time in Mirages. Air Force Deputy Commander Lt. Gen. Chang Che-ping told reporters there had been no abnormal transmissions from Hos plane before it dropped off the radar screen at 6:43 p.m. Tuesday while flying at an altitude of 1,585 meters. He said there was no indication Ho had ejected. The military will continue searching day and night until the person is safely rescued. There is no so-called golden 72-hour limit, Chang said, referring to the time frame after which finding a pilot alive becomes increasingly unlikely. Taiwan purchased 60 Mirage-2000 jets from France during the 1990s, despite stiff opposition from China, which claims the island as its own territory and threatens to use military force to bring it under its control. The planes have experienced mechanical problems in the past due to the harsh environment and high usage rates, but those problems were believed to have been largely overcome through technical upgrades. AP Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) - Get Free Report is on every street corner in the U.S., but you should see it in China. The ubiquitous coffee chain's founder and executive chairman Howard Schultz said at the DealBook Conference Thursday, Nov. 9, that Starbucks opens a new location in China every single day. China, Schultz said, is the company's most profitable region at the store level currently. Starbucks is currently undertaking major expansions in the region, even as competitors fall flat on similar aspirations. "There is going to be a big consolidation of all brick and mortar retailers. Starbucks is going to be a big winner," Schultz said. In the same appearance, Schultz reiterated that he is not considering running for President at the moment. But Schultz added that he is "deeply concerned about the direction of the country, our standing in the world and the number of Americans who are not participating in the economy," according to reports on Twitter. Schultz, who served as CEO of Starbucks until April 2017, pointed out the flaws in contemporary bipartisan politics that isn't reminiscent of the "spirit" of America. "I don't think any company or CEO should take a political position for personal vanity or personal gain," Schultz added. Schultz tacked on comments about proposed tax reform currently working its way through Washington. "I don't believe that corporate America needs a 20% tax cut ... when so many Americans live paycheck to paycheck," Schultz said. "This is not tax reform. This is a tax cut. This is fool's gold," Schultz added. Starbucks stock fell 1.3% to $57.17 in mid-morning trading Thursday. Starbucks is a holding in Jim Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS Charitable Trust Portfolio. Want to be alerted before Cramer buys or sells SBUX? Learn more now. More of What's Trending on TheStreet: Britains international development secretary cut short a trip to Africa yesterday amid demands she be fired over unauthorized meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians. Britains Press Association news agency and other media reported that Priti Patel was flying back to London after Prime Minister Theresa May ordered her to return. She had been due to attend events in Uganda. Patel has been under pressure since it was revealed that she held 12 meetings with Israeli groups and officials, including Netanyahu, during a vacation in the country in August and that she hadnt told the prime minister or colleagues about it. Patel later discussed with her department the possibility of British aid being given to the Israeli army to support medical assistance for refugees from the Syrian civil war arriving in the Golan Heights. Israels Haaretz newspaper reported yesterday that Patel visited an Israeli military field hospital in the Golan Heights during her August trip. Britain regards Israel as illegally occupying the territory, which it captured from Syria in 1967. Patels situation has been made worse by her contradictory statements about the meetings. When news broke about the August trip, Patel insisted that Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson knew about the visit. Her department was later forced to clarify the statement, saying the foreign secretary did become aware of the visit, but not in advance of it. Patel apologized, saying the meetings did not accord with the usual procedures. It has since emerged that she also met in September with Israeli public security minister Gilad Erdan and a foreign ministry official, without any other British officials present. If May fires Patel, she will be the second member of the increasingly unstable Cabinet to leave their job in a week. Defense Secretary Michael Fallon resigned Nov. 1 after sexual harassment allegations against him emerged. Several lawmakers have been suspended by their parties amid a growing scandal over sexual harassment and abuse in British politics. Mays deputy prime minister, Damian Green, is facing a civil service investigation after a young party activist accused him of unwanted touches and text messages. In another headache for the government, Johnson apologized Tuesday for saying a British-Iranian woman imprisoned in Iran had been training journalists when she was arrested. The family of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe says she was on vacation, and accused Johnson of putting her at risk of a longer prison sentence with his misleading comments.Jill Lawless, London, AP U.S. and Chinese companies yesterday signed business deals the two sides valued at USD9 billion during a visit by President Donald Trump in a tradition aimed at blunting criticism of Beijings trade practices. Chinas biggest online retailer said it pledged to buy $1.2 billion of American beef and pork but no other details of the 19 agreements signed at a ceremony attended by U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross were immediately released. Such contract signings are a fixture of visits by foreign leaders to China and often involve agreements negotiated weeks or months earlier that Beijing saved to showcase its importance as a market. Trump has made narrowing the multibillion-dollar U.S. trade deficit with China a priority of his administration. He is due to hold talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Addressing the imbalance in China trade has been a central focus of collaborative discussions between President Trump and President Xi. And achieving fair and reciprocal treatment for the companies is a shared objective, said Ross. Todays signings are a good example of how we can productively build up our bilateral trade. Online retailer said it would buy beef from the Montana Stock Growers Association and pork from Smithfield Foods Inc. over the next three years. Smithfield is owned by Chinas WH Group, the worlds biggest pork packer. said it would buy $2 billion of U.S. goods over three years. Chinas trade surplus with the United States in October widened by 12.2 percent from a year earlier to $26.6 billion, according to Chinese customs data released yesterday. The total surplus with the United States for the first 10 months of the year rose to $223 billion. The chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, William Zarit, expressed hope ahead of Trumps arrival that the signing of business deals wouldnt draw attention away from structural issues including Chinese limits on foreign activity in finance, health care and other industries. China is the No. 3 export market for the United States after Canada and Mexico. U.S. exports to China rose 77 percent from 2007 to 2016 but Washington reported a $347 billion trade deficit with China last year. AP Spreen, Bedford North Lawrence give Bloomington South a hard time No. 4 BNL shows off all its weapons to go to 4-0 on the season Second Progress Report on the Implementation of the Africa Climate Business Plan This report provides an overview of the progress made in 2017 in implementing the Africa Climate Business Plan (ACBP), a blueprint for climate action in Sub-Saharan Africa that the World Bank launched during the 21st meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in November 2015. Since the launch of the ACBP at COP21 in November 2015, significant progress has been made: The World Bank has worked with client countries, development partners, and the private sector to flesh out the ACBPs program of work. As of June 30, 2017, the number of projects contributing to the ACBP reached 204, a net increase of 57 over 2016. The World Banks Board had approved $8.8 billion for 107 projects by June 30, 2017. The implementation of projects started generating concrete results and outcomes. This report provides an update on resource mobilization, describes the climate co-benefits provided by the ACBP portfolio, and details implementation progress by ACBP cluster and component. In addition, to better measure and monitor results and inform future project design, it reports on two new pieces of analysis undertaken this year: a review of the ACBP contribution to implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of Sub-Saharan Africas countries; and a review of the ACBP portfolio from the perspective of its contribution to resilience building (following the resilience pathways approach). Context and scope of this update The Paris Agreement entered into force on November 4, 2016. As of October 31, 2017, 169 parties had ratified it, marking the first time governments agreed to an overarching framework to combat climate change. Countries and observers around the world hailed the passage of the accord the fruit of more than two decades of often tortuous international negotiations on combating climate change. Forty-eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa communicated their post-2020 climate commitments and priority areas through their (I)NDCs, demonstrating their resolve to address climate change. Their commitment is critical, because resilience to climate variability and change is vital to the regions ability to reduce poverty and protect the hard-earned development progress made in recent decades. Indeed, climate drivers are involved in most of the shocks that keep or push African households into poverty. The funding needed to address climate change, particularly adaptation, in the region is massive, and it will increase as climate change unfolds in the coming years. According to the World Bank Group Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), more than 60 percent of countries in Africa have estimated and reported adaptation financing more than twice the share in other regions suggesting national policy makers recognition of the urgency of adaptation action. The ACBP aims to build a pipeline of innovative and transformational projects to tackle climate change across sectors and establish a platform to mobilize investments, thereby contributing to filling the climate financing gap in the region. Including the transport component, which was added after the Paris launch, the plans goal is to raise $19.3 billion by 2020, for investments that will strengthen, power, and enable resilience in the region. The plan focuses on more than a dozen priority areas, clustered in three groups. The first cluster (strengthening resilience) includes selected initiatives aimed at boosting the resilience of the regions assets, including its natural capital (agricultural land, landscapes, forests, inland bodies of water, and oceans); physical capital (cities, physical assets in coastal areas, and roads); and human and social capital. The second cluster (powering resilience) relates to opportunities for scaling up low-carbon energy sources in Sub-Saharan Africa, thereby contributing to increasing access to energy (a key ingredient for resilience) and mitigating climate change. The third cluster (enabling resilience) provides data, information, and decision-making tools for promoting climate-resilient development across sectors, by strengthening the regions hydro-meteorological systems at the regional and country levels and building the capacity to plan and design climate-resilient investments. Fundraising targets of the ACBP The ACBP is expected to mobilize $19.25 billion by 2020, including $8.48 billion in World Bank funding. According to the results framework included in the original plan, one indicator of the plans financial performance is the share of resources mobilized at various stages of implementation. The targets are for 25 percent of funding to be mobilized by June 2017 (end of the IDA17 cycle), 50 percent by December 2018 (mid-term of the IDA18 cycle), and 75 percent by June 2020 (end of IDA18). Applied to the World Banks share of the financing plan, these shares yield targets of $2.11, $4.22, and $6.33 billion, respectively. ACBP contribution to NDC implementation As of October 30, 2017, 169 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change had ratified the Paris Agreement, thereby formalizing their commitment to pursue the goal of the agreement through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). In Sub-Sharan Africa, 48 countries have communicated their post-2020 climate commitments and priority areas through (I)NDCs. As one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change impacts, Sub-Saharan Africa has shown remarkable ambition in setting up its NDC commitments, particularly in adaptation. To assess the extent to which the ACBP provides support to NDC implementation and to identify opportunities for further assistance, this progress report reviewed the development objective and components of every ACBP project; assessed whether they align with one or more NDC sectoral and sub-sectoral commitment (policies, targets, plans, actions) at the country and regional level; and determined whether the project directly contributes to NDC implementation. The analysis covers all 38 countries in which ACBP projects are being implemented. It does not include Botswana, Eritrea, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Namibia, Somalia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, where no ACBP projects have yet been launched. In any given country, ACBP projects are considered to contribute to NDCs if their development objectives correspond to priority areas identified in that countrys NDCs. As of October 2017, 163 of 204 ACBP projects (80 percent) met this criterion. Commitments for these projects totaled $18.3 billion 83 percent of the Banks total financial commitment under the ACBP. The number of projects that contributed to NDC implementation rose from 101 in October 2016 to 163 in October 2017, an increase of 63 percent. Financing of these projects more than doubled, from $9.1 billion to $18.3 billion. The ACBP project makes contributions to NDCs in the following sectors: agriculture; cross-cutting areas (capacity building and knowledge transfer, disaster risk management, and climate services); energy; the environment; land use; land-use change and forestry (LULUCF); social development; transport; urban; and water. It shows that the ACBP portfolio contributes to a significant percentage of Sub-Sahara African countries NDC implementation efforts in the following sectors: transport agriculture, cross-cutting areas, energy, social development, LULUCF, and the environment. The ACBP portfolio supports NDC commitments in the transport sector in 90 percent of countries. It supports NDC commitments in agriculture in more than 80 percent of countries. It contributes to NDC sectoral commitments in cross-cutting areas and energy in more than half of the countries in which it has projects (57 percent in cross-cutting areas, 53 percent in energy). At the subsector level, the ACBP portfolio makes important contributions to NDC implementation and targets related to development of infrastructure and roads (ACBP presence in 20 countries, i.e. 91 percent of all countries identifying the subsector as an NCD priority), climate-smart agriculture practices (22 countries or 85 percent of all countries), establishment of social safety nets (9 countries or 75 percent of the total), enhanced capacity building and knowledge transfer (16 countries or 73 percent), sustainable land management practices (11 countries or 69 percent of the total), and deployment of solar power initiatives (18 countries or 55 percent). Opportunities for future progress Current ACBP projects already provide significant support to the implementation of NDC commitments in Sub-Saharan Africa, and there is significant potential for enhancing efforts to scale up NDC implementation at both the country and regional level. Current and upcoming ACBP projects will continue to make explicit linkages to NDC sectoral / subsectoral priorities at critical stages of the project planning and design process. New projects will take into consideration country-specific NDC implementation support needs, including the need to establish an institutional framework and coordination mechanism; develop Measuring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems; craft NDC implementation and investment plans; and mobilize climate finance. Note: The full progress report will be posted on-line by the World Bank before the end of 2017. African trade and development policy events underway in Abuja: (i) Fourth Meeting of the Technical Working Groups of the Continental Free Trade Area (6-17 November). It will be followed by the 8th Meeting of the CFTA Negotiating Forum (20-25 November, also in Abuja). (ii) 9th Steering Committee and Experts Meeting for the Abidjan-Lagos Highway Corridor Development Programme: road infrastructure experts from Benin, Cote dIvoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo will review progress on the implementation of the Technical Design and Preparatory Studies for the corridor. (iii) The 2017 CEO Forum of African DFIs In Kampala today: EASSI workshop on enhancing the capacity of CSOs to advocate for gender responsive trade policies. The workshop is based on the EAC Gender Equality and Development Pilot Barometer, released earlier this year. In Brasilia today: The Fifth BRICS Competition Conference. The conference marks the culmination of the first cycle of competition policy conferences held under the BRICS banner. Featured African trade commentaries, from the latest Bridges Africa compendium on the theme The WTOs Buenos Aires Ministerial what is at stake for Africa and LDCs?: (i) Chiedu Osakwe: Strengthening the WTO on the strategic and welfare necessity of addressing new and traditional issues. Ahead of the WTOs Eleventh Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires, some WTO members have expressed interest in including aspects of the so-called new economy, in particular investment facilitation and e-commerce, in multilateral trade talks. Why should African countries engage on those topics? [The author is Chief Trade Negotiator for Nigeria, Director-General of the Nigerian Office for Trade Negotiations, and Chairman of the Negotiating Forum for the CFTA] (ii) Carlos Lopes: Give Africa policy space for structural transformation. Ahead of the WTOs Eleventh Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires, some WTO members have expressed interest in including aspects of the so-called new economy, in particular investment facilitation and e-commerce, in multilateral trade talks. Why should African countries engage on those topics? [The author is Professor, Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice, University of Cape Town, and Visiting Fellow, Oxford Martin School, Oxford University] Ten years on, ICBC Standard deal starts to show its worth (Euromoney) In the 10 years since ICBCs $5.5bn acquisition of a 20% stake in South Africas Standard Bank Group, there has still been no bigger single China-Africa investment. Looking back now, the deal was remarkable for the speed and relative ease with which it came together. But has it worked? [The author: Chris Wright] Mozambique: Sharp fall in imports during 2016 (Club of Mozambique) The economic crisis that hit Mozambique in 2016 was so severe that the countrys foreign trade declined by more than 27%. According to the latest trade data, published on Wednesday by the National Statistics Institute, the total value of trade declined from $11.747bn dollars in 2015 to $8.334bn in 2016, a fall of 27.35%. Despite the fall in commodity prices, Mozambican exports were not that badly hit, falling from $3.413bn in 2015 to $3.328bn in 2016, a decline of 2.49%. The steep fall came in the countrys imports, which declined by an enormous 37.53%, from $8.334bn to $5.206bn. When the foreign investment mega-projects are excluded from the figures, the fall is even sharper 38.46%, a fall from $7.372bn to $4,537bn. [Downloads: INE report Volume 1 - Imports, Volume 2 - Exports] Zimbabwe: Import bill drops 11,2% June-Sept (The Herald) The countrys import bill has dropped by 11.2% between June and September to $439,6m, trade figures from the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency show. According to latest figures released by Zimstat, the import bill during the period under review has been on a downward trend from $495,1m in June. In July, the import bill went down to $482m before going down further to $448m in August. Since last year, the countrys import bill has been dropping largely driven by tight policy interventions the Government adopted to control imports. Despite the drop on the import bill, the country was still affected by a trade deficit as exports amounted to $326,5m in August. In January, the value of exports was $292m. Zimbabwe largely exports goods such as minerals and agricultural produce to countries such as Singapore, China, Zambia, South Africa, Belgium, Mozambique and the United Arab Emirates. [Export incentive set to increase] Kenyas sugar imports rise threefold as cane harvests drop (The East African) Kenyas sugar imports increased by more than 300% in the first nine months of this year, at a time the countrys cane production has fallen to its lowest in nine years. The latest market data from the Sugar Directorate shows that the volume of imported sugar rose to 933,844 tonnes from 219,118 over the corresponding period last year a 3%. The increase in table sugar imports is attributed to an amplified shortfall due to low production in the country and the drought, the directorate said. According to the latest figures from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the countrys production has fallen to 2.1 million tonnes over the past six months compared with 3.2 million tonnes over the same period last year. Mays production of 231,000 tonnes was the lowest the country has recorded in nine years. Ghana records $7.4m in exports to Morocco (Business Ghana) Ghanas exports to Morocco stood at $7.4m as of 2016, representing less than 1% of the countrys total exports, the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Carlos Kingsley Ahenkora, has said. However, imports from Morocco for the same period amounted to $87.9m, he said. It is obvious that the trade potential of the two countries remains largely untapped, hence there is the need to deepen bilateral relations to reverse the less than satisfactory trend, Mr Ahenkora said at the first Africa Power Road Symposium in Accra. Ghana and Morocco have had trade relations with trade and investment countries visiting both countries at various times. However, trade flows between our two countries have not been favourable over the past five years, Mr Ahenkora said. South Africa: IMF statement South Africas slow growth and inefficiencies in public enterprises have taken a toll on public finances by generating a substantial revenue shortfall and prompting unplanned expenditure, as described in the 2017 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement. Against this background, IMF staff welcomes the National Treasurys candid acknowledgement of the challenges and its call to the Presidential Fiscal Committee to implement reforms to unlock the economys potential. Specifically, IMF staff urges the Presidential Fiscal Committee to approve, in a timely fashion, fiscal measures to avoid undue increases in the debt-to-GDP ratio, including by strengthening tax revenue compliance and cutting unproductive outlays. The economy will also benefit from expeditious action from the Presidential Fiscal Committee to signal the political will to tackle long-standing issues that have led to deteriorating market sentiment. Reforms to improve governance and procurement practices and remove any obstacles to investment are essential. Mozambique: Chinese companies worried about limits on wood processing and exports Chinese entrepreneurs involved in the purchase, processing and export of timber in Sofala province are worried about the extent to which activity will only be carried out by forest concessionaires from next week. About 30 companies affiliated with the Chinese Merchants Association in Sofala expressed concern yesterday during a meeting with provincial governor Maria Helena Taipo to discuss the operation and the contribution of firms to the Governments Five Year Programme, especially to economic growth in this part of the country. Figures indicate that 80% of milling and timber exports are concentrated in Sofala and involve around 5,000 Mozambican workers, hence their importance to the national economy. Other concerns presented by the Association of Chinese Merchants in Sofala related to delays in licensing processes, which, they said, jeopardised activities. Ghana: Heavy duty truck drivers cautioned on excess loads (Ghana News) Mr Emmanuel Adongo Awuni, the National Coordinator of Axle Load of the Ghana Highways Authority, has commended heavy duty truck drivers for their effort to reduce the weight of goods being conveyed to acceptable levels. He said a recent survey has revealed that out of ten trucks weighed, only two or three of them would be found to have excess load which ranged between one to five tonnes as compared to the previous period where over ten tonnes of excess load were even found on some trucks. Food Outlook: Biannual Report on Global Food Markets (FAO) While food commodity prices have been generally stable, the cost of importing food is set to rise in 2017 to $1.413 trillion, a 6% increase from the previous year and the second highest tally on record according to FAOs latest Food Outlook report (pdf) published today. The higher import bill is driven by increased international demand for most foodstuffs as well as higher freight rates. Of particular concern is the economic and social implications of the double-digit increases in the food import bills for Least-Developed Countries and Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries. Accelerating climate-resilient and low-carbon development: second progress report on the implementation of the Africa climate business plan (World Bank) This report provides an overview of the progress made in 2017 in implementing the Africa Climate Business Plan (ACBP), a blueprint for climate action in Sub-Saharan Africa that the World Bank launched during the 21st meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris in November 2015. This report provides an update on resource mobilization, describes the climate co-benefits provided by the ACBP portfolio, and detail implementation progress by ACBP cluster and component. In addition, to better measure and monitor results and inform future project design, it reports on two new pieces of analysis undertaken this year: a review of the ACBP contribution to implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions of Sub-Saharan Africas countries; and a review of the ACBP portfolio from the perspective of its contribution to resilience building (following the resilience pathways approach). [AfDB approves its second Climate Change Action Plan for 2016-2020] Ghana to host third Green Financing for Sustainable Development conference (ITC) The conference (21 November) will provide an opportunity to review the current status of green finance in Ghana and the countrys efforts to green its economy. Ministers and representatives from the Ghanaian public sector will share their experience and lessons learnt from implementing the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda II, and the National Climate Change Policy. Participants from other countries will explore the perspectives of regulators and finance providers and the changes required to spur the development of new products and services. EU trade agreements deliver tangible benefits (Europa) The EU has today published a report assessing the implementation of its existing trade agreements. This horizontal report is the first of its kind and sheds light on what happens after trade agreements are negotiated and have entered into force. Overall, EU agreements are shown to lead to more EU exports and growth, with major export increases to, for example: Mexico (+416% since 2000), Chile (+170% since 2003), South Korea (+59% since 2011), Serbia (+62% since 2013). The report shows that it is often the EU agricultural and motor vehicles sectors that benefit the most. For example, exports of cars to South Korea have increased by 244% since 2011, and in the case of the agreement with Colombia and Peru there was a 92% and 73% increase, respectively, in the exports of EU agricultural goods. [Various downloads are available] A transgender candidate defeated an incumbent Virginia lawmaker who sponsored a bill that would have restricted which bathrooms she could use. Democrat Danica Roem, a former journalist, is set to make history as the first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature in the United States. She unseated Republican Del. Bob Marshall, one of the states longest serving and most socially conservative lawmakers. The race was one of the years most high profile, drawing international attention and big money to the northern Virginia House of Delegates district outside the nations capital. Its historic. [] It sends a message to politicians everywhere that the politics of bigotry is over, Democratic House Caucus Chair Charniele Herring said. Roem will be the first transgender member of the House of Delegates and will become the first out transgender person to win and serve in a state legislature, according to the Victory Fund, a political action committee that works to get openly LGBTQ people elected and has supported Roem. Roem openly discussed her gender identity during her campaign, but it was far from her focus. Instead, she focused on jobs, schools and, with particular fervor, northern Virginias traffic congestion. She started pursuing therapy to begin her gender transition when she was 28, and said in an interview with The Associated Press during the campaign that politics should be inclusive of all. No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship or who you love, if you have good public policy ideas, if youre qualified for office, you have every right to bring your ideas to the table, she said. She also argued that Marshall, who has served in the House since 1992, has spent too much time on social policy. A lightning rod for controversy, Marshall often drew the ire of even his own party. In addition to this years bathroom bill, Marshall was also the author of a now-void constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between one man and one woman, and sponsored a bill banning gay people from openly serving in the Virginia National Guard. On the campaign trail, Marshall and other Republicans repeatedly misidentified Roems gender. In a statement posted on his Facebook page, Marshall said: For 26 years Ive been proud to fight for you, and fight for our future. Though we all wish tonight would have turned out differently, I am deeply grateful for your support and effort over the years. Roem, who sings in a metal band in her spare time, said she learned to listen to different perspectives and digest complicated policy as a reporter for the Gainesville Times and Prince William Times, skills she would bring to bear as a delegate. Roem wasnt the only transgender candidate elected yesterday. Tyler Titus, who is openly transgender, won a seat on a western Pennsylvania school board, The Erie Times-News reported. 2017 will be remembered as the year of the trans candidate and Danicas heroic run for office the centerpiece of that national movement, Aisha C. Moodie-Mills, president & CEO of Victory Fund, said in a statement. AP VIETNAM The scenic Vietnamese city of Hoi An rushed to dig itself out of mud and debris yesterday after major flooding just days ahead of a regional summit in the nearby city of Danang. INDONESIAs top court has overturned a law that denied recognition and legal rights to followers of indigenous faiths in a surprise advance for religious freedom in the worlds most populous Muslim nation. SRI LANKA Raped, branded or beaten repeatedly, more than 50 men from the Tamil ethnic minority seeking political asylum in Europe say they were abducted and tortured under Sri Lankas current government, according to an investigative report by The Associated Press. Sri Lankan authorities deny the allegations. IRAN-SAUDI ARABIA Irans President Hassan Rouhani criticized Saudi Arabia yesterday over what he called unprecedented interference in Lebanese affairs, adding his voice to those who suspect the Gulf kingdom forced Lebanons prime minister to resign. TANZANIA An official says at least five children have been killed and 24 others injured in a bomb explosion at a primary school in Tanzania. Police in the East African nation are investigating the source of the bomb. EGYPTs highest appeals court yesterday upheld a five-year prison sentence for Alaa Abdel-Fattah, an iconic figure of the countrys pro-democracy movement convicted for taking part in a peaceful demonstration in 2013. EU-TURKEY European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says he wants some of the funds earmarked for Turkeys EU membership process to be shifted to bolster the countrys judiciary. POLAND The Polish government is encouraging citizens to go forth and multiply like rabbits. The health ministry of Poland, which has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe, has put out a short video praising rabbits for producing many offspring. SPAINs Constitutional Court has ruled illegal the ousted Catalan parliaments recent vote to declare the region independent from Spain. The ruling yesterday came as pro-independence protesters blocked roads and stopped commuter trains in the northeastern region as part of a strike to protest the jailing of ousted Catalan government officials and secessionist activists. BRITAIN In the latest crisis for Britains beleaguered government, the international development secretary cut short a trip to Africa yesterday amid demands she be fired over unauthorized meetings with Israeli politicians, including the prime minister. VENEZUELA A journalist said Tuesday that he had been released following two days of captivity and torture after photographing criminal gang activities inside a prison. Most if not all these questions have been answered in other various posts. I have replied and posted a few times in both the Jamaica and St Lucia forum. I think basically sky is the limit. Whatever you want they will " try " to accommodate. At 1 visit I knew a couple who hated the El Dorado rum that was served ( when they switch from Appletons a few years back ). Butler went to the store and bought some for the guest for in the room. IF you really don't like the Red Stripe, they " may " go to the store and get something else you like for the room. You can order full meals from the restaurants during their operating hrs and even 2 different if you really want to. Breakfast I would say no, just off the room service menu. Unless you have an OTWB butlers usually start working for the guests about 9am till about 10pm, give or take so you won't have them at 3am for them to get you a snack. If you have a special day ( anniversary or BD ) they will do what you like - flowers, bubble bath, room decorated, special cake, maybe even get a Happy Birthday song sung by the staff ). If you can think it, it just might be possible. Hello, Guys! It's been only two years since our last trip to Australia with my girlfriend (now future wife) and we are currently thinking about another one. (honeymoon) :) In August 2015 we visited the eastern coast - Sydney, Brisbane, Port Douglas, Cairns and the region. (2 weeks) This time we will have some more time, around 18-19 full days and want to see different parts of the country during the Aussie summer - sometime in December. Our plan is to Fly into Perth and then fly out of Melbourne with an open jaw ticket from Europe. And this is all, which we have planned for now - the period, the fly in city and the fly out city. All in between is to be discussed, but the information here and on the internet in general is so much, that I don't know where to start. Some main points, which we have: 1. Road trip from Perth to Esperance - Are 6-7 days enough? Should we take a one-way rental or drive back to Perth and catch our next flight from there? Looking for the cheaper option. Also - are there some other options for a trip out of Perth? I chose Esperance, since from what I read on the internet the beaches there are great and also the Pink lake looks very different and interesting thing to see. 2. What should we include for the rest of the days after we fly into Melbourne. We don't want to spend much time in the city, just to see the highlights. The Great Ocean Road is a must. Will we have enough time to include Tasmania ? I suppose if I fit in Tasmania, then Adelaide will be out of the question... I would like to start with these two questions and then work our way further. Preferably, we would like to feel and see more diverse nature (not only beaches for example) That is why I want to include Tasmania, because I feel it will be somewhat different down there. During our first trip we saw the GBR, the Daitree Rainforest and the cities (Brisbane and Sydney), which was a great expirience. For this trip I fell like 1 full day for Perth and 1-2 for Melbourne will be enough. The rest we would like to spend in small towns, exploring the nature etc. Hopefully you understand my point and I'm looking forward to your suggestions! Edited: 5 years ago Hi there, I've been reading several posts in this forum, did some homework and just need to check if I'll reach my destination as this is a first time visit to NY! Plan to take the AirTrain from JFK to Jamaica station where we'll take the subway (E line) to head to Manhattan. We will be staying at "The Manhattan at Times Square", so closest station according to what I can see will at 7th Ave / 53rd Street? Am I correct? I think it really depends on what you want to do. I just returned from a week at Playa Hermosa in Guanacaste and did not rent a car. We were fine without it there because we spent most of our time on the beach and were able to easily walk to restaurants and the supermarket. We did get a cab one day to visit Playa del Coco. It was $15 each way from Playa Hermosa to Playa del Coco for the cab. I apologize, Im still trying to get my bearings regarding the different areas. Would it be more helpful (or accurate) to say the central pacific beaches of Costa Rica?? All we know for sure, is that we would like to stay on the west coast of Costa Rica, and would like a hotel on beautiful white sandy beach, and preferably an area nearby some good snorkeling (or maybe CR is not really the place for good snorkeling??) We do enjoy all sorts of water activities - paddle boarding, snorkeling/diving, sailing, kayaking, etc. and would are interesting in other outdoor activites that may be nearby. If you are asking about this airline, just google, plenty of reviews. E.g., . There are plenty of the reviews on TA, too. You can filter them by clicking on Tijuana among the key words listed above the most recent review. . I am meeting my 75 year old mother in Hanoi in February 2018, right after Tet. Timing is not my choice and I know traveling around Tet can be complicated. We are stuck with that timing. That said, I've drafted an itinerary and would love some feedback: Day One: Arrive Hanoi late pm. Hanoi Pearl Hotel Days 2-3: tour Hanoi Day 4: Leave Hanoi for Ha Long Bay 2D 1N cruise (not yet arranged) Day 5: HLB to Ninh Binh transfer (not yet arranged), arriving mid afternoon, tour one sight (Hoa Lua or Trang An or Tam Coc). Maybe the Hidden Charm Hotel Day 6: AM tour of what we didn't see the day before; check out and head straight to Noi Bai for flight to Da Nang (9pm flight) Day 7: Da Nang (not sure which beach area hotel) Day 8: Da Nang until later afternoon then transfer to Hoi An (Vinh Hung Riverside Hotel) Day 9-10: Hoi An Day 11: midday flight to Saigon Day 12-13: Saigon (seeing family) Day 14: Fly back to US A few questions: - Given my mother's age and mobility, what should be try to see/do in Ninh Binh? - Instead of doing the Hanoi-HLB-Ninh Binh-Noi Bai loop, should we consider doing a day trip to Ninh Binh from Hanoi on Day 3 instead? Hanoi for Day 4 and then do HLB on Day 5? Would that spread out the travel/transfers in a good way? - Any suggestions for Da Nang hotel around $100 USD per night? Thank you. >> I was wondering if we need to pre-reserve our shinkansen/train tickets or if we can buy them at the station day-of? I think you should be fine to buy Hikari Shinkansen tickets on the go on 25th Dec from Nagoya to Odawara. If you're worried, buy them in JR Ise station on the day. If I were you, I'd visit Nikko earlier when in Tokyo to avoid EOY crowds travelling on long distance trains. OTOH, Kamakura and Yokohama can be visited as easy day trips from Tokyo by frequent commuter trains in less than 1 hour. My rough estimation is that no JR Pass can payoff in your itin. Just buy tickets. Consider the Tobu Nikko city pass travelling from Tokyo. use to check train fares. Hello everybody, we will spend 14 days in Japan from 27th december to 8th january. Since this is our third trip to Japan, we'd like to find new places to visit. We will flight to/from Tokyo. We have already visited Kyoto, Kamakura, Kusatzu, Hakone, Osaka, Shirakawago, Odawara. I'd like to visit some onsen around Tokyo, because we want to relax and take it easy. Maybe the weather will be bad, so I'm not making tight plans of travel. Can you suggest typical onsen? Can we live without JRpass? Surely we will spend 4-5 night in Tokyo, because we have a lot of fun even watching people passing by ;) Thank you in advance for your precious help! Hello! I will be travelling to Japan with my wife this April and we have a night at Hakone between our trip from Tokyo to Kyoto/Osaka on 5-6 April and we are looking for an authentic experience of a japanese Ryokan. We dont mind if it is a bit westernized but essentially what we are looking for is a room with a private hot spring bath (open air would be great), kaiseki dinner and to be friendly to first timer westerners!! Budget is around 300-350 eur for the night. We are litteraly overwhelmed with all the options and we are looking for some suggestions if possible. We did find some rooms in Mizunoto and Hotel Okada but there are so much more and aince its one night only we want to do it right. Thanks! How do I get from the airport (JFK, LGA, or EWR) to Manhattan? What To Do During Layovers? Vacation Apartment Rentals Violate NYC Laws Hotels: Kitchenettes and kitchens in 100+ Manhattan Hotels Hotels: Two queen beds plus a kitchen/kitchenette Hotels: Guests under 21 years old (but at least 18) Hotels: Which ones charge an additional Resort or Facilities Fee Hotels: When is the best time to go for cheaper rates? What are the Must-See's and Must-Do's? How Do I Ride the Subway (UPDATED)? Tips, Hint and Suggestions for First Timers SCAMS to avoid in NYC What Will the Weather Be Like During My Trip? Any Good Websites for Researching My Trip? How Safe is New York? Where to Eat in NYC Where to eat in NYC - Part 2 Celiac in the City? (gluten free) Which Area Should I Stay In? Is There Cheaper Lodging Outside Manhattan? How Much Do I Tip People? Are the New York Pass, Explorer Pass or CityPass worth it? How Do I Hail a Taxi? Public restrooms/toilets. Where do you go when you GOTTA GO? Where are the best areas for shopping? How do I find Discount Tickets for Broadway Shows? What are the NYC Halloween events for 2021? Thanksgiving 2021 in NYC: What to Do & Where to Eat Christmastime in NYC 2021: Dates for the Trees-Windows-Markets-Ice Skating+MORE! Christmas Day 2021 in NYC: What to Do & Where to Eat What Should I Do on New Year's Eve? How Will I Survive the Cold Weather? Where are the Farmers Markets and Street Fairs? What is there to see and do near WTC/SOL/Brooklyn Bridge/SI ferry? What should I know about visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum? What Is There to See and Do in Brooklyn? How Do I Get to the Brooklyn Bridge? What Is There to See and Do in Queens? Exploring neighborhoods - where should I go and what should I see? Which is the best? ESB or TOTR or OWO? Which are the significant churches in Manhattan? Hidden Gems in the city - not so touristy How do I get from NYC to the Meadowlands and back? I'm Getting Married in NYC...what do I need to do? Should I Buy Knock-Off Purses? What to Do with Kids and How to Do It? What should we do at night -- especially with kids or under 21's? Places to eat (and drink) with a view Where is the Old FAQ? Trip Reports: Families with Young Kids - Add yours! Trip Reports: Groups of Friends - Add yours! Trip Reports: Couples - Add yours! Trip Reports: Families with Teenagers - Add yours! Trip Reports: Solo Travelers - Add yours! Trip Reports: Families of Adults - Add yours! Is your company in need of the most reliable and efficient best Best Jasmine Tea s in the market? Your good luck led you to the ideal situation, so congratulations! You are in the best possible place. By eliminating the need to read through dozens of Best Jasmine Tea reviews, we are saving you time and stress. Many customers find it difficult to decide which Best Jasmine Tea product to buy. The dilemma is brought about by the many types of Best Jasmine Tea in the market. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a clear understanding of how you may choose the most suitable Best Jasmine Tea available in the market. - The National Super Alliance has called off its peaceful protests in Nairobi scheduled for Friday,November 10 2017 - The cancellation which came on the eleventh hour is owed to the on-going debate in the county Assemblies to allow the formation of a Peoples Assembly - The Alliance said it will announce a new date in due course The National Super Alliance (NASA) has cancelled the peaceful protests it had called for in Nairobi on Friday ,November 9, 2017. As reported by earlier,the Alliance had called on its supporters to resume street protests from Friday, November 10. The NASA,through its top officials claimed the protests aimed at shunning electoral injustice and ending electoral impunity in the county. READ ALSO: Benki za humu nchini zamjibu Babu Owino kwa kutishia kususia NASA cancels planned street protests. Photo: Nation READ ALSO: Inside NASA's People's Assembly Motion which has caused jitters in Jubilee govt understands that NASA,through its resistance wing dubbed National Resistance Movement (NRM) even wrote to Nairobi Police Commander Japhet Koome to notify him of the planned demos. However,in a fresh turn of events,the Alliance has called off the peaceful protest at eleventh hour. Breaking the news to the public through an official statement,Siaya Senator James Orengo said the cancellation is owed to the on-going debate in the county Assemblies to allow the formation of a Peoples Assembly. READ ALSO: NASA governors approve formation of People's Assembly NASA cancels planned street protests at the last minute. Photo: Nasa Coalition/Facebook READ ALSO: NASA's Peoples Assembly will do Kenyans more harm than good According to Orengo,the creation of Peoples Assembly is way important since it will help Kenyans find solutions to electoral stalement in the country. The National Super Alliance wishes to notify its supporters that the peaceful protests for electoral justice that had been scheduled to take place in Nairobi tommorow,November,10 2017 ,have been postponed until furthe notice.Orengo said in a statement seen by NASA cancels planned street protests at the last minute. Photo:Facebook 'This is to enable the Coalitions leaders and supporters to concentrate on and support the initiative that is intended to have the people exercise their sovereignty directly and chart their future through a Peoples Assembly.Orengo added. READ ALSO: Vihiga county becomes third to rubber-stamp Raila Odinga's push for People's Assembly Orengo assured NASA supporters that a new date will be announced in due course. ''A new date will be announced in due course. NASA in the meantime wishes to congratulate the County Assemblies that have so far debated and passed the Motion on Peoples Assembly and encourages those yet to do so to move with speed and give Kenyans a chance to decide their destiny.''concluded the statement. ALSO WATCH:Uhuru Kenyatta nursery teacher tells it all -On TUKO TV Source: The Ministry of Health is reminding the public of the dos and donts when it comes to dealin Russian-backed militants launched 19 attacks on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in ATO area in Donbas in last day. This is reported by the ATO press center. "Over the past day, illegal armed groups violated the ceasefire 19 times. The Ukrainian Armed Forces opened fire on the enemy 13 times. As a result of fighting, one Ukrainian soldier was killed, one was wounded and two more sustained injuries," the statement reads. In Donetsk direction, illegal armed formations used anti-tank grenade launchers to shell Ukrainian positions near Zaitseve (67km north-north-east of Donetsk). In Mariupol direction, militants opened fire from 120 mm and 82mm mortars and weapons on infantry fighting vehicles on the defenders of Pavlopol (30 km northeast of Mariupol). In Luhansk direction, Russian-backed militants fired at positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine outside Krymske (42.5km north-west of Luhansk), Novooleksandrivka (65km west of Luhansk), Luhanske (59km north-east of Donetsk) and Katerynivka (64km west of Luhansk), using infantry weapons. ish Lithuania unconditionally supports Ukraine, and it is ready to supply lethal weapons to the state. Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis said this in comments to an Ukrinform correspondent at the NATO Headquarters. "As for the lethal weapon, we already provided it several years ago. Our position remains unchanged: we are ready to supply lethal weapons in the future, but, of course, on the basis of our capabilities," the Lithuanian defense minister said. He recalled that Lithuania gave all possible assistance to Ukraine. "First of all, our priority is training of Ukrainian servicemen and assistance in carrying out defense reform. We are included into the advisory group on the defense sector reform," he said. Karoblis also stressed that Lithuania accepted Ukrainian wounded soldiers for treatment. ish Ukraine has fulfilled two key requirements to receive a 50 million tranche for the Energy Efficiency Fund from the European Union. Yevhen Chervyachenko, the advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities of Ukraine, said this at a press conference in Ukrinform. "Yesterday the Government introduced the first transition to money relations between suppliers and companies providing services. This is a leap to an open gas market," Chervyachenko said. In addition, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on housing and utility services today. "This was a condition for allocating 50 million for the Energy Efficiency Fund. These were two conditions, and I can tell my colleagues from the European Union today that they have been fulfilled," he stressed. ish Former Prime Minister of Lithuania, MP Andrius Kubilius initiates an appeal from the Seimas of Lithuania to the Hungarian deputies with a request not to block decisions that would allow Ukraine to get closer to the European Union. This is reported by the Delfi portal. "We are unpleasantly surprised and even shocked by the Government's ultimatum statements threatening to block Ukraine's rapprochement with the EU or NATO if Ukraine does not change its new education law at the request of Hungary, which stipulates specifics of the education of persons belonging to national minorities," the statement reads. The appeal initiated by Kubilius was signed by 37 members of the Seimas. "Such ultimatums are categorically unacceptable; they are absolutely not European and even more incomprehensible when it comes from one of the states of Central Europe. We all know very well that our own integration into the EU was geopolitically important for us, the states of Central Europe and the Baltics," the Lithuanian MP said. ish The New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) supports the introduction of a visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens. This was said in the response of the leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, to the request of the author of the petition for visa-free travel, Nicholas Krawetz, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. "As a leader of the New Democratic Party, I pledge our continued support for short-term visa-free travel to Canada by Ukrainian citizens," Singh responded to Krawetz's request. According to him, the cancellation of visas for the citizens of Ukraine by Canada is beneficial to both states. As reported, last summer, a private e-petition to lift visas for short-term (90-day) stays for the citizens of Ukraine traveling to Canada was submitted to the Canadian Federal Parliament by Nicholas Krawetz from Winnipeg, Manitoba. ish The initiative of the Ukrainian side to hold a meeting of the Consultative Committee of Presidents of Ukraine and Poland in the near future is positive, and such a meeting should help discuss recent events in Polish-Ukrainian relations, the office of the Polish president has reported. "The Chancellery of the President has already handed over to the Ukrainian Presidential Administration the information about the readiness of Minister [at the Chancellery of the President of Poland Krzysztof] Szczerski to accept the Ukrainian co-chairman with the delegation," the statement reads. It notes that this will be another attempt to "present to the Ukrainian side the Polish expectations regarding the most important issues in Polish-Ukrainian relations." "President Andrzej Duda also counts on the personal actions of President Petro Poroshenko in the context of the current state of bilateral relations," the report says. As reported, Poroshenko initiated an extraordinary meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Presidents of Ukraine and Poland. According to presidential press secretary Svyatoslav Tsegolko, this is necessary to strengthen strategic partnership between Ukraine and Poland and avoid further escalation of tension in bilateral relations. The co-chairmen of the Consultative Committee of the Presidents are Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Kostiantyn Yeliseyev and Minister at the Chancellery of the President of Poland Krzysztof Szczerski. op Ukrainians will now need fewer documents to obtain a long-term visa to Canada, the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine has told an Ukrinform correspondent. According to the report, the simplification concerns the requirements for confirming the applicant's financial condition. When applying for a Canadian visa, Ukrainian applicants who have travelled to Canada in the last ten years or currently hold a valid United States non-immigrant visa and can provide proof (entry stamps in passport, proof of the valid visa), no proof of financial support is needed. This was made possible by including Ukraine in the global CAN + program, which includes a number of other states, including Mexico, India, and China. The new changes came into force on November 1 and apply to all Ukrainian applicants who file applications at visa centers in Ukraine or online. However, they do not apply to work and study visas. The changes will also not lead to changes in the cost of applying for a visa to Canada. Last year, Canada started issuing multiple-entry visas to Ukrainian citizens for a period of ten years and gradually increasing the share of applicants receiving such long-term entry visas. op President's wife Maryna Poroshenko and Head of Rivne Regional State Administration Oleksiy Muliarenko have signed a Memorandum on Rivne regions joining the all-Ukrainian project on developing the inclusive education system. This has been reported by the press service of Rivne Regional State Administration. Rivne region has joined the Poroshenko Charitable Foundations All-Ukrainian project on the development of inclusive education. President's wife Maryna Poroshenko and Head of Rivne Regional State Administration Oleksiy Muliarenko signed the corresponding Memorandum of Cooperation," reads the report. The Rivne Regional State Administration also informed that ate present there are 158 inclusive schools in Rivne region, where 368 pupils with special educational needs study. Also, special training courses on inclusive education are available for Rivne teachers. iy Talking nutrition Northern Province has a high prevalence of stunting among children under 5, according to WHO standards. Stunting, particularly during the first 1,000 days of a childs life, can have very serious long-term effects, including impaired cognitive development, a lower IQ, a weakened immune system and, later in life, greater risk of such diseases as diabetes and cancer. Awas mother-to-mother support group, organized by local NGO Association Solidarite et Entraide Mutuelle au Sahel (SEMUS) in partnership with UNICEF, is one way to help mothers like her avoid the trap of stunting. Awa joined when she was three months pregnant. As Awa settles the twins, a community health worker is talking about food diversity. The group meet on a monthly basis to work on topics related to nutrition. Todays topic is complementary feeding. Awa listens carefully and answers the questions the health worker asks. Like Awa, the mothers are here to make sure that they are providing their children with the best nutrition possible, and practising good hygiene, so the children will have the best start in life. Nurturing Sakinatou and Abdoul Latif The practices she has learned through the group have helped Awas children thrive, but it has not always been easy. She married into a polygamous family when she was 20 years old and, when she gave birth, had pressure from her new family on how to nurture the babies. My mother-in-law was insisting on giving infusions and water to my children, she says, but the community health worker taught us the importance of exclusive breastfeeding until the age of six months. With the learning from the group, Awa did her best to breastfeed the twins exclusively. But feeding the babies wasnt without its own challenges. Abdoul wasnt willing to take her breast as often as Sakinatou. Awa says her familys pressure made breastfeeding even more difficult; her mother-in-law would taunt her when she would breastfeed the babies: You were given water when you were born, and here you stand, alive and married to my son. Prime Minister Hun Sen will attend the Asean summit in Manila, the Philippines, this weekend with an entourage of top ministers as political tensions at home continue to prompt concern from the international community. Accompanying Hun Sen to the meetings in Manila, held between November 12 and 14, will be Prak Sokhon, foreign minister, Pan Sorasak, commerce minister, and Hang Choun Naron, education minister. The meetings come as Cambodia is experiencing a period of political instability as observers say is unprecedented in its modern history. The government has jailed the leader of the opposition, Kem Sokha, and most Cambodia National Rescue Party MPs have left the country, also fearing arrest. The CNRP is expected to be dissolved after a forthcoming Supreme Court decision in a case widely seen as politically motivated. Hun Sens government has also targeted independent and U.S.-funded media outlets for closure and expelled the democracy promotion group, the National Democratic Institute, from the country. Chheang Vannarith, a research associate at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, said in an email that it was unlikely that human rights and concerns over political freedoms would be on the agenda at the Asean meetings. U.S. President Donald Trump is scheduled to attend the gathering after a visit to Vietnam. Phay Siphan, a government spokesman, said: They can meet on the sidelines of the meetings in a bilateral manner, because the [official] agendas have to be implemented as a plural meeting, which cannot touch on each countrys affairs, he said, adding that no informal meetings had been arranged in advance. During his visit to Manila, Hun Sen plans to meet with the leaders of Laos, Vietnam, China, Australia, India, and Russia, as well as Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations, according to officials. He is also scheduled to tour the Clark Freeport Zone at the invitation of former Philippines president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Meas Ny, a political analyst, said he was skeptical that the U.S. would mention the Cambodian crisis because the Cambodian government has targeted the U.S. On Wednesday, the Trump administration announced it would tighten travel and business restrictions for Americans traveling to Cuba. The policy shift is part of President Donald Trumps pledge to cancel what he has called a one-sided deal between Cuba and the United States. VOAs Elizabeth Cherneff looks at what this announcement means for Americans and Cubans going forward. The state of Alaska took a major step toward realizing a long-sought pipeline to move natural gas from the North Slope to Asia, siding with interests from China after major oil companies stepped back from the project. The agreement Alaska Gov. Bill Walker signed Thursday in Beijing with Sinopec, China Investment Corp. and the Bank of China does not guarantee a pipeline will be built, but it gives the lingering liquefied natural gas project a jolt of life. Having the largest LNG buyer in the world participating in this project means the Alaska LNG project has favorable market engagement at the highest level, Walker said in a release. The agreement was signed as both U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping watched. No financial terms were released, but it's been estimated that the project could cost $43 billion. The agreement means all parties will work on various aspects of the project, including marketing and financing with a status check in 2018. Today's agreement brings the potential customer, lender, equity investor and developer together with a common objective of crafting mutually beneficial agreements leading to increased LNG trade between Alaska and China, said Keith Myer, president of the Alaska Gasline Development Corp., a state-sponsored entity advancing the project. The pipeline as envisioned would rival the famed trans-Alaska oil pipeline, a major building project of a generation ago. The natural gas pipeline is intended to tap into the rich natural gas reserves on the North Slope. Similar in length to the oil pipeline, it would transport the gas 800 miles (1,287 kilometers) to the coast on the Kenai Peninsula, where it would be liquefied and shipped to Asia. Such a pipeline has been a dream for Alaskans for years, seen as a way to provide economic certainty as oil production from the North Slope declines. Estimates have put proven gas reserves on the North Slope overall at 35 trillion cubic feet. Alaska could provide a generation's worth of liquefied natural gas to China, Walker told the Chinese president when Xi stopped in Anchorage on a layover in April. Millions have been spent a pipeline project, which has been marred in recent years by changes in direction, waning interest among state legislators and low natural gas prices. The state took lead on the project with the blessing of major oil companies, who plan to provide gas to the project from their leased North Slope fields but focused priorities elsewhere. Walker has said this would be a make-or-break year for the proposed project, and he's been working to secure commitments from countries in Asia to buy the gas or be partners in the project. The state opened an office in Tokyo to help market its gas, and Walker himself has traveled abroad looking for commitments. This comes on the heels of a June announcement that the state-owned Alaska Gasline Development Corp. signed an agreement with the Korea Gas Corp., establishing a cooperative framework for the development of Alaska's natural gas infrastructure. Serbian and U.S. paratroopers will jump side-by-side during a joint exercise aimed at strengthening military ties with Serbia, the U.S. general in charge of NATO's Allied Air Command said, a move that could trigger protests from Moscow. In the exercise, which is taking place at the invitation of the Serbian government, paratroopers from both countries will jump side-by-side from 2 C-130J transport planes built by Lockheed Martin in a so-called insertion exercise. About 100 U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army personnel will participate in the event, General Tod Wolters, who also oversees U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Africa, told Reuters. "They will actually get their paratroop wings as a result of these activities. These are confidence-building activities - relationships that will last for a lifetime. And they will certainly enhance the technical expertise of the Serbs," he said. It was not immediately clear how many Serbian forces would participate. Wolters said tensions in the Balkans remained a challenge for NATO and the U.S. military, but engagement was key. "It will continue to be a challenge, but we've got the right command focus. We've got the right resources. We've got the right dialogue and time will tell what unfolds," he said. Any NATO-related activities in Serbia are a red flag for Russia, which worries about NATO expansion in the former communist east. Moscow has also sought to bolster military ties with Belgrade with the donation of six MiG-29 fighter jets. Serbia has been performing a delicate balancing act between Russia and the West, rejecting calls by U.S. officials to pick a side. The largest of the states to emerge from the collapse of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, Orthodox Christian and Slavic Serbia has natural affinity with Moscow, but it is keen to join the European Union. Although the EU is Serbia's single largest trade partner and investor, Russia controls its oil and gas supplies. The author of a South African book that sheds light on the unpopular president's illegal dealings has attracted anonymous death threats and spawned demands by the state security apparatus for it to be withdrawn. Unsurprisingly, that sent the book's popularity soaring in a nation plagued by high-level corruption scandals, leading it to quickly sell out and go into reprint just weeks after hitting the shelves. More than 1,000 people crowded into the mezzanine of a high end Johannesburg mall late Wednesday, full wine glasses in hand, to meet the author of South Africas latest literary sensation. Dishy details Journalist Jacques Pauws The Presidents Keepers sold out just two days after hitting shelves. That wasnt only for the books content -- though it reads like hardboiled fiction, with Pauw, the intrepid investigator, digging into a South African underworld of sleaze and skulduggery, ruled by nightmarish mobsters and ruffians. Barely a week after its release, the book got a boost from two unlikely sources: the state security agency and the tax authority. The security agency last week sent a cease-and-desist letter to Pauw demanding that he withdraw his book in two days. When that deadline expired - and the book was breaking sales records -- they reissued the letter. The nations tax authority also said that they may seek to investigate Pauw for releasing confidential taxpayer information. Pauw also says he received a death threat this week. Thats because the targets of Pauws book are no ordinary mobsters and ruffians. Among the many explosive claims in the book are allegations the nations spy chief set up a parallel, shadow spy agency and poured nearly $100 million into it. Pauw also takes on scandal-tainted President Jacob Zuma, who Pauw alleges drew a monthly income of $100,000 during his first term, and did not report it to authorities. Pauw stands by his claims. The books popularity, he says, stems from South Africans growing hunger for the truth. Scandal has dogged Zuma for years, and he has weathered eight no-confidence votes in parliament, due to the majority held by his ruling African National Congress. There are signs, however, that the powerful party, too, is turning on him, and all eyes are on the partys political conference next month in which Zuma may be sidelined. I think a tide has started, and I dont think anybody is going to stop it, is that people want the truth to be released, Pauw said. And whether its me or whether its anybody else, I think the pomegranate has burst open, the pips are falling out, and its going to continue to fall out. Publishers, booksellers resist Pauws publisher and booksellers are refusing to give in, calling the government agencies' demands censorship. They have also made light of the demands. I must also thank our marketing agency, the state security organization, for what they have done to help us sell the book, said Benjamin Trisk, CEO of the popular Exclusive Books chain, who hosted this weeks well attended launch, which ended early after the malls power suddenly went out and a backup generator also failed to work. Nicky Stubbs, sales and marketing manager for NB Publishers, says the books runaway popularity has shocked even the publishers. In its first days on the shelves, the title sold more than 16,000 hard copies and more than 5,000 e-books - a South African record. And, she told VOA, its not letting up. Its a reprint to the scale that we ran out of paper in South Africa, Stubbs said. And weve had to reprint the second reprint, I think, on different paper, while we wait for extra paper to be shipped in. VOA called the ANC and the presidents office seeking their thoughts on the book. They did not answer our calls, and have not commented publicly. When Wilmot Collins knocked on doors across Helena, Montana, residents wanted to know what he would do to address homelessness, affordable housing and other municipal issues. They didnt once ask me if you think a black person can win a race in this town, the Liberian immigrant told The Associated Press a day after his election. Fifty years to the date after the nations first black mayor was elected to lead a large American city, voters in more than a half-dozen large and small cities chose black candidates as mayors Tuesday. Most of the mayors are Democrats, but some of the races were nonpartisan. Political experts say the results could have national political consequences as the Democratic Party looks to build its bench with a more diverse pool of candidates and the mayors seize opportunities to bring about change at the local level in an era of gridlock in Washington under President Donald Trump. Vi Lyles was elected mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina, becoming the first black woman to run North Carolinas largest city. City Councilman Melvin Carter was elected the first black mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota. Voters in Cleveland and in Flint, Michigan, re-elected black mayoral incumbents. The result in Ohio came 50 years after Carl Stokes made history in Cleveland in becoming the nations first big-city black mayor. Stephanie Mash Sykes, executive director of the nonpartisan African American Mayors Association, said there are about 30 black mayors of U.S. cities with more than 100,000 residents. The 2010 Census lists more than 200 cities and regional areas that size. Those 30 black mayors include Randall Woodfin, who defeated black incumbent William Bell last month in Birmingham, Alabama. New Orleans will be on that list as two black women are in the runoff for mayor. Atlanta City Councilwomen Keisha Lance Bottoms, whos black, and Mary Norwood, whos white, are headed to a runoff for Atlanta mayor. Not all black candidates found success. Tito Jackson, a black city councilor in Boston, was defeated Tuesday by incumbent Mayor Marty Walsh, whos white. And in Detroit, Coleman Young II, the son of the citys first black mayor, lost to incumbent Mayor Mike Duggan, who first was elected in 2013 as Detroits first white mayor since 1973. Well win some. Well lose some, Sykes said, but voters are looking for a leader thats effective in developing innovative solutions for jobs, access to affordable housing. The victories could translate to national politics, according to Paul Watanabe, political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston. For most of these mayors from the Democrat party, they may provide an answer to the question: Is there any new leadership on the Democratic side? Watanabe said. Perhaps one might look to governors or to mayors, particularly, for candidates of color who might be new or fresh on the scene. To some political observers, Tuesdays general elections also were a referendum on the divisive politics and policies emanating from Washington, where Republicans control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Helena voters shut all that down, said Collins, a psychology instructor at Helena College who left West Africa as a refugee about two dozen years ago. The people of Helena told (Washington) that they are an accepting community, said Collins, who will become the citys first black mayor since the 1800s. We want diversity. Sykes, who didnt have a historical record showing if the number of black mayors was the most ever, said the candidates elected Tuesday have an opportunity to play a large-than-usual role in setting the agenda with Washington leaders struggling to get much done. We dont see much of anything to impact local communities, particularly communities of color, she said. These mayors are the hopes and opportunities to create solutions on the ground. Tuesdays elections also saw Ravi Bhalla, a Sikh, win the mayors race in Hoboken, New Jersey. In Flint, Karen Weaver fended off a recall effort and beat a number of challengers to complete the last two years of her term. The recall focused on Weavers decision to hire a trash hauler that became connected to a federal corruption investigation. It didnt refer to Flints lead-tainted water crisis. The city was under state control when it switched from Detroits water system to the Flint River in 2014 to save money. But the river water wasnt properly treated, causing lead from pipes to leach into drinking water. Weaver made the water problems a focus of her successful 2015 mayoral campaign and said she believes her win Tuesday gives a voice to an urban agenda. Boeing Co said it signed an agreement on Thursday to sell 300 planes to China Aviation Supplies Holding Company worth $37 billion at list prices, one of several deals announced during a state visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to Beijing. General Electric Co said it had signed jet engine deals worth $2.5 billion and a $1 billion agreement for power plant equipment and services. State-run China Aviation Supplies, which leases planes to Chinese airlines, said the Boeing agreement covered 260 B-737s and 40 B-777s and B-787s. The breakdown between firm orders and non-binding commitments was not immediately available. Analysts said, however, that some of the orders may be among more than 300 from undisclosed buyers posted this year, and it was not clear how much of the China deal was new business. The new agreement also may overlap substantially with a similar, 300-plane agreement Boeing signed during Chinese President Xi Jinping's 2015 visit to the United States. . That deal, valued at $38 billion at the time, included orders and commitments for 190 B-737s and 50 Boeing wide-body planes, as well as leases for an additional 60 B-737s. A spokesman for the planemaker declined to comment on what proportion of the new China agreement represented new or existing orders, but it was believed that some of the orders were already in Boeing's backlog. Boeing typically lets plane buyers determine what details to reveal about orders.Boeing shares were down 1.4 percent at $260.30. Strong demand Boeing says one out of every four jetliners now rolling off its assembly lines is being delivered to Chinese customers, suggesting Chinese demand is strong, despite vagueness about how many actual Chinese orders it has won. Plane makers also acknowledge a multi-step wooing process with customers such as China. The government first determines how many airplanes its airlines will need, allowing detailed contract discussions to take place. After talks conclude, the government must give final approval to the contracts before the orders become firm. Some customers ask Boeing to not identify them as buyers even on firm orders, and China is typically among those, according to industry experts. Boeing had 323 orders by unidentified customers as of Nov. 7, of which 282 were for its737 narrow body family. Separately on Thursday, Boeing said it had received orders for 42 B-737 MAX jets and 10 B-787-9 Dreamliners from CDB Aviation, a unit of China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co. The order was worth $7.4 billion at list prices. Boeing and European rival Airbus have been jostling for market share in China, the world's fastest growing aviation market, with both opening assembly plants in the country. China's owned aircraft fleet is currently equally split between Boeing and Airbus, but going by order book trends, Boeing seems to have gained a big lead in terms of the number of aircraft orders from China, said Corrine Png, chief executive of transport research firm Crucial Perspective. China Aviation Supplies has also played a prominent role in deals announced during previous government exchanges. In July, it agreed to buy 140 aircraft from Airbus in a deal worth $23 billion at list prices during a visit by Xi to Germany. It also was among three Chinese companies involved in the 2015 Boeing order. Boeing's latest signing in China follows an order for 39 wide-body jets from Singapore Airlines last month. Earlier on Thursday, General Electric said it had signed deals worth $3.5 billion in China. They included a $1.4 billion agreement for GEnx engines for 10 B-787-9 Dreamliners, signed with Juneyao Airlines Co Ltd and ICBC Leasing, the leasing arm of state bank Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. It also included an order valued at $1.1 billion for 80 LEAP engines made by CFM International, a joint venture between GE and Safran SA of France. GE's power division also signed a partnership agreement with China Datang Group to provide gas- and steam-powered turbines and components, plus services and digital technology for power projects in China. It valued that deal at $1 billion. A GE spokesperson said its engine orders were new, and deferred to Boeing on how much of aircraft order was new. A Supreme Court judge in Spain had ruled Catalan parliament speaker can be released on bail, pending an investigation into her role in the push for independence. But, Carme Forcadell will remain in custody until she can post the $175,000 bail. Four other Catalan leaders were granted $29,000 bail and one was set free. Forcadell reportedly told the court the independence vote was declarative and symbolic an apparent step to minimize liability if she is charged with disobeying the Constitutional Court. Forcadell's spokesman said as Catalan parliamentary speaker she did not "have the freedom to stop a vote" in the chamber on independence. Within hours of the parliamentary vote, the Madrid government disbanded the Catalonian parliament and removed its president, calling for new elections to be held on December 21. The independence declaration was annulled Wednesday by Spains Constitutional Court, which had initially suspended the declaration last month. Ousted Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and four of his ministers have fled to Belgium, where they are challenging Spain's arrest and extradition orders. Eight of Puigdemont's former ministers and two activists were jailed while the Spanish court considers possible charges of rebellion against them. It was heartbreaking for Jennifer Berrones to explain to her 7-year-old daughter Kaylee that her friend and classmate Emily was not coming back to school after Sunday's church massacre in rural Texas. "At first my daughter didn't understand what had happened," said Berrones, 36, an assistant at Floresville South Elementary School, where her daughter and Emily Garcia were in second grade. "She asked me if Emily was sleeping, and I had to tell her that she was never going to wake up. I told my daughter that Emily is now with God in heaven." Floresville is about 11 miles (18 kilometers) southwest of Sutherland Springs, where Devin Kelley opened fire on a Baptist congregation on Sunday, killing 26 people and wounding 20 in Texas' deadliest mass shooting. At least 14 of those killed were children. Many of Sutherland Springs' children go to school in Floresville, and no school was harder hit than Floresville South Elementary, which lost two students and had three wounded, according to Floresville's school superintendent. On the school's Facebook page, smiling students wearing black T-shirts saying "Strength through Hope" in comic-book script put on defiant superhero poses next to their teachers. But inside the school, the mood has been grim. "The first few days were rough. Teachers, students and the principal were crying," Berrones said Wednesday. The school has brought in counselors to help students and staff deal with the grief and trauma. "There are a lot of caring people here, and that is going to help us get through this," Berrones said. Floresville High School hosted a memorial service Wednesday for the victims; Vice President Mike Pence attended. It was part of a long and painful healing process for a group of tightly knit rural communities about 40 miles (64 kilometers) southeast of San Antonio. Sutherland Springs lost about 5 percent of its population of 400. The town's children go to school in nearby communities. The official release of the names of the dead on Wednesday changed rumors to facts and brought more pain, residents said. "We may need more grief counselors," Stockdale Independent School District Superintendent Daniel Fuller said. Mary Beth Fisk, chief executive of the San Antonio-based Ecumenical Center, brought about 20 counselors to Sutherland Springs. "It will be a long process of recovery. Often people take one step forward and three steps back," Fisk said. Sandy Phillips knows that process. Her daughter Jessica was one of 12 people killed when a gunman opened fire in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, on July 20, 2012. Phillips set up a support group for survivors of mass shootings and plans to visit Sutherland Springs next week to help families. "What they don't understand is that their whole community has been damaged and traumatized," said Phillips, who traveled to Las Vegas and Orlando in the wake of mass shootings in those cities. Hows this for awkward? The United States has a delegation at international climate talks in Bonn that will be telling other nations what they should do on a treaty that the president wants no part of. President Donald Trump has promised to withdraw the U.S. from the 2015 Paris climate pact where nations set their own goals to reduce the emissions of heat-trapping gases, but because of legal technicalities America cant get out until November 2020. Its like having a guest at a dinner party who complains about the food but stays anyway, said Nigel Purvis, who worked climate issues in the State Department for Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and dealt with a similar situation. In 2001 Purvis was a climate negotiator for the U.S. State Department when the new president, George W. Bush, pulled out of a landmark global warming agreement the previous administration had championed. The U.S. position is not just awkward, its potentially bad for the environment, scientists say. Weaker rules Most of the Bonn meeting will be coming up with rules on how countries report emissions of heat-trapping gases and how transparent they are. The United States used to be the leading force in pushing for tougher rules and more openness, Purvis and other experts said. The rules probably wont be as strong now, Purvis said. If its left to Chinese leadership, which is whats left, you will have less transparency, said Massachusetts Institute of Technology management professor Henry Jacoby, who co-founded the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change. The United States government is becoming increasingly isolated on climate change. On Tuesday, the Syrian government, mired in war and the last United Nations country not to sign the Paris accord, announced it would sign the pact. That means the United States will be alone when it pulls out. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert responded to the Syrian decision by attacking its government. If the government of Syria cared so much about what was put in the air, then it wouldnt be gassing its own people, she said. In a not-so subtle jab at Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron plans a separate One Planet Summit in Paris to push his Make Our Planet Great Again agenda on Dec. 12, the anniversary date of the climate accord. He invited more than 100 world leaders to his event, but not Trump. Instead, he invited lower level U.S. diplomats. The rest of the world needs to get on and negotiate ... and treat the U.S. as more of an observer in the process and the U.S. should act that way, said Greenpeace International Director Jennifer Morgan, who has been at these negotiations for more than 20 years. Thats not what the U.S. plans. US will engage As meetings started Monday, U.S. negotiator Trigg Talley said, The president has made clear that we will engage countries on energy and climate change related issues and we look forward to working with colleagues and partners to advance the work here over these two weeks and beyond. The administration is hosting a panel on the clean and efficient use of fossil fuels and nuclear power, White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said Tuesday. It is undeniable that fossil fuels will be used for the foreseeable future, and it is in everyones interest that they be efficient and clean. Of the major fossil fuels, coal is by far the biggest climate change culprit. In 2014, coal accounted for 46 percent of the globes carbon dioxide emissions, but was only 29 percent of its energy supply, according to the International Energy Agency. Other Americans Three U.S. governors, some mayors, corporate leaders and students will also be attending the Bonn talks. We have one major major player who is on the sidelines, California Gov. Jerry Brown told The Associated Press. The rest of us will do everything we can to keep advancing efforts and keep doing what is needed to reduce carbon emissions. There is no time to wait. Nashville, Tennessee, Mayor Megan Barry said, the power lies within cities ... we know that we can make a significant difference with or without the federal government. If the U.S. remains out of the Paris accord and tries to dismantle President Obamas initiatives to curb emissions, the Earth will warm by an additional one or two tenths of a degree, said Glen Peters, a Norwegian scientist who is part of the Global Carbon Project. Scientists say that even a few tenths of a degree of warming can have dramatic impacts on ecosystems and day-to-day life for people. Purivs said countries will be frustrated and resentful toward the Trump administration at the negotiations. But he added: Many nations will understand the rules of the Paris agreement are going to be more important and more durable than any U.S. administration and there will be a strong desire to get it right. Executives from Google, Facebook and Twitter faced anger from lawmakers last week over their platforms' roles in Russian interference into the 2016 election. But for Silicon Valley, the biggest challenge lies ahead as tech companies look for ways to work with a U.S. Congress intent on closing legal loopholes before 2018 midterm elections. Congressional scrutiny showed U.S. law has fallen behind the rapid growth of social media. Without rules governing paid political advertising on social media, foreign agents were free to post false or inflammatory material in an attempt manipulate public opinion. But lawmakers remain optimistic about the opportunity to learn from the past. "If there is a place that has ever understood change, it's Silicon Valley. It is based on disruption. It's based on people taking risks," Representative Anna Eshoo, a California Democrat, told VOA. Greater transparency Eshoo, whose congressional district covers part of Silicon Valley, has been a longtime advocate for greater transparency in the more traditional fields of TV and print political advertising. "When citizens know who has paid for something, it has an effect on their thinking," Eshoo said. "It doesn't mean that there wouldn't still be Americans that would like that divisive ad. But at least they'll know where it comes from, and you can have a much clearer debate about who is saying what and what they are attempting to do." The HONEST Ads Act, a legislative proposal recently introduced in both houses of Congress, follows along those lines. If passed, the bill would regulate online political ads under the same rules as broadcast advertisements, requiring companies to keep a public database storing those ads and providing information about their funding. "Americans deserve to know who's paying for the online ads," Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, a co-sponsor of the bill, said last month. "Even if the Russian interference hadn't occurred, we should still be updating our laws. Our laws should be as sophisticated as those who are trying to manipulate us." "Creating a database like that is going to be hard and complicated and messy. It's a good idea that's going to have a tough execution," Dave Karpf, a professor of political communication at George Washington University, told VOA. Karpf said that while there are no perfect solutions, it's important to recognize the tech companies for what they've become. "Facebook and Google are media companies they're just different media companies then we're used to seeing," he said. "They're not broadcasters, but they are information platforms. And they're quasi-monopolies even a benevolent monopoly is a bad thing for public discourse and public knowledge." But none of the social media heads would fully commit to support of the bill as it now stands during their congressional testimony, appearing instead to favor a self-policing approach. Battling fake news Addressing paid political advertisements on social media platforms is just one part of the puzzle. The 2016 election revealed a vast ecosystem of fake news that will be almost impossible to police. "What's an even greater problem is that the Russians and others are setting up sites to deliberately disseminate misinformation false news, fake news, what have you they are not identifying themselves as Russian-sponsored," said Mark Jacobson, a professor at Georgetown University and co-author of an October 2017 report on Russian cybermeddling. "This is the larger problem for Facebook and other social media companies how to handle the deliberate disinformation and I'm not so sure the solution is legislative," Jacobson said. Eshoo downplayed talk that these challenges signal a downturn for tech innovators, saying it's time lawmakers, companies and citizens took on a shared responsibility. "We need to do a much better job with this," she said. "We're going to need them to cooperate with us. I don't think that there has to be a slugfest on this." She said the social media companies need to tell Congress how, in terms of their engineering and their algorithms, they can best accomplish what lawmakers set forth. Cuban opposition leaders said they failed to get anyone nominated as a candidate for municipal elections, falling at the first hurdle as the Communist-run island embarks on a political cycle that will end 60 years of Castro brothers' rule. This month's municipal elections are the first stage in a process that will conclude with a new national assembly voting in February for a president to replace 86-year-old Raul Castro, who has promised to step down after two five-year terms. Some Cubans hope the handover of power from the leaders of the 1959 revolution to a new generation will bring more political openness. Others neither expect nor want much to change, pointing out that Castro will remain head of the Communist Party, the only legal party in Cuba. In the one part of Cuba's political cycle where dissidents stand a chance of winning, neighborhood nomination assemblies have in recent weeks chosen candidates for elections to 12,515 ward positions in towns across the nation of 11 million people. Several hundred dissidents had sought nomination - an unprecedented number - although none made it through to the list of 27,221 candidates, according to opposition electoral platforms Otro18 and Candidates for Change. Dissident leaders blamed their failure partly on repressive tactics by authorities, but said they had shown there were viable political alternatives. "The process of democratization from below has started," said Manuel Cuesta Morua, spokesman for Otro18. The government did not reply to a request for comment. Reuters was unable to verify the opposition's figures and their efforts were not reported by state-run media, meaning most ordinary Cubans did not hear about them. In Cuba's provincial and national votes, candidates are nominated by commissions composed of representatives of Communist Party-controlled organizations such as the trade union federation. Cuba's leaders say the country's elections are more democratic than western models, which they say are characterized by big business and corruption. The fractured opposition has traditionally called Cuban elections a farce and boycotted them. Even so, opposition electoral platforms have emerged over the past few years, saying the time is ripe to change Cuba from within the system. Security threatened me The election comes at a delicate time, as Cuba battles to keep a detente with the United States alive and its economy afloat as aid from key ally Venezuela dwindles. Several dissidents told Reuters that authorities prevented them from attending or speaking at neighborhood nomination assemblies, shifting the dates or seeking to intimidate them. "State security threatened me," said Abdel Legra, who decided against nominating himself as he did not want to get his neighbors, most of whom work for the state, in trouble by backing him. "The problem is that the vote is by hand count, it's public." The postponement of the electoral cycle by a month, which authorities said was due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma, put a spanner in the works for several dissidents, who had already planned trips abroad. The Communist Party says it does not intervene in the elections. But in a leaked video, First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel, Castro's probable successor, said the party would seek to discredit "counter-revolutionary" candidates. Cuba brands all dissenters as mercenaries funded by foreign governments and exiles, out to topple the government. In 2015, two dissidents managed to get nominated but said election officials altered their autobiographies to say they had ties to "counter-revolutionaries" based or financed abroad. One of those, Hildebrando Chaviano, said he did not attend his assembly this year, saying he felt it would be a "circus." Authorities visited his neighbors days before, he said, warning them not to vote for him. That assembly ended up nominating the current municipal delegate, a party veteran. Many dissidents said they would continue taking part in grassroots politics to get their voices heard. Chaviano said he was giving courses on leadership and economics. "This is just the beginning," he said. One of Britains most celebrated dancer-choreographers, Akram Khan, is tackling the rise of xenophobia in his latest work, which he says will be his last as a leading performer. The production, Xenos, is Khans tribute to the Indian soldiers of the British Empire who fought in World War One. It focuses on the story of a shell-shocked Indian soldier, but also tackles contemporary political issues. Xenos means a foreigner or alien or stranger in Greek, i.e. xenophobia, and it just seems apt and relevant to my reflection of the world today and how xenophobia is growing, he told Reuters. Khan, 43, will dance a segment from Xenos at the opening night of the Darbar Festival, an annual festival of classical Indian music, on Thursday in London. Following its full premiere next year in Athens, Xenos will tour Australia, North America, and Europe, with a staging at Sadlers Wells theater in London in 2018. Born in London to Bangladeshi parents, Khan was awarded an MBE in 2005 for services to dance. His style is a hybrid of Indian classical, traditional Indian kathak and contemporary dance. Khan says he is going to step down from dancing in full-length productions as a lead, but will still dance smaller roles. Besides wanting a respite from physical demands of dancing, he wants to focus on other areas. I want to focus more on choreography. Im working a lot on film. Im fascinated by film and that medium and what movement, how you can tell stories through the camera, he says. There just came a time where I felt: OK, enough is enough. You know, Ill keep training but not to the severity or the intensity that I do to prepare myself for a full-length solo. President Donald Trump suffered a political setback Tuesday when Democrats won easy victories in governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey. In addition, Democrats cheered a turnout that could have major implications for next year's congressional midterm elections, when all 435 House seats and one-third of the Senate will be on the ballot. Democrats are pointing to exit polls in both Virginia and New Jersey that showed that anger at Trump was a major factor in stimulating Democrats to get to the polls. They also note Democratic gains in the battle for state delegate seats in Virginia, another sign of grass-roots enthusiasm that could help Democrats in races for lower-level offices across the country. Sending a message In New Jersey, Governor-elect Phil Murphy, a Democrat, saw his election as a direct rebuke of the Republican president. "New Jersey sent an unmistakable message to the entire nation. We are better than this!" Murphy told cheering supporters at his victory rally. In Virginia, Democrat Ralph Northam defeated Republican Ed Gillespie in a campaign that focused, in part, on Trump and his policies, especially on immigration. At a news conference Wednesday, Northam said his victory showed that Virginians had a message for the country and the world. "The divisiveness, the hatred, the bigotry, the politics that is tearing this country apart, that is not the United States of America that people love and it certainly not the Commonwealth of Virginia that they love," he said. Political analysts said Democratic enthusiasm and a focus on Trump were clearly on display in both states. "We have heard for months and months about all this energy on the left. It had not materialized until tonight," said Steve Peoples of the Associated Press. "A big night for Democrats and, really, it was a repudiation of sorts of the Trump nationalist message." Even some Republicans saw the results as a rejection of the Trump political brand. Representative Scott Taylor of Virginia told the New York Times that he believes the president's "divisive rhetoric" helped the Democrats on Tuesday. "I do believe this is a referendum on this administration," Taylor said. Embracing the president During his trip to Asia, Trump tweeted that Gillespie lost in Virginia because he didn't "embrace me or what I stand for." Divining why Gillespie lost is likely to spark a resurgence of the Republican debate as to how closely members of Congress should back the president as they look toward next year's elections. If Democrats continue to use Trump as a motivator to boost turnout, it could spark trouble for Republicans in next year's midterms. "I think the danger signs are that it looks like Democratic voters are energized and it is easy to mobilize them and turnout, particularly in swing states, is going to favor Democrats," said Rutgers University political scientist Richard Harris via Skype. Harris also noted that both Murphy in New Jersey and Northam in Virginia emphasized the importance of governance in their campaigns, which he believes shows Democrats are willing to go beyond simply positioning themselves as anti-Trump. Alternative agenda Democrats must be prepared to offer real alternatives to Trump and Republican policies, argues Jim Kessler with Third Way, a center-left public policy advocacy group. "If voters believe the Democrats are focused on jobs and the economy, even if they don't know the details, then that will give them more wind at their back in the 2018 elections, so I think they are inching in the right direction," Kessler said. In the short term, the Democratic wins in Virginia and New Jersey are likely to put greater pressure on congressional Republicans to pass tax reform reasonably soon so that they have something to show voters next year. "The pressure on them was probably about a 9.5 on a 10-point scale, and now it is probably 9.9, so it was high already and it is just going to get more intense," said Richard Harris. The election results dominated the one-year anniversary of Trump's election, and Tuesday's Democratic victories could signal a shift in the political fortunes of a president whose public approval rating has remained near or below 40 percent for much of his presidency, a historic low for a new president. An Egyptian lawmaker is introducing a draft bill that would imprison those engaging in or promoting same-sex relations, a copy of the draft seen by Reuters on Thursday showed. Amnesty International said the bill is another nail in the coffin for sexual rights in Egypt and should be scrapped. It would introduce sentences of to up to 10 years in prison for people engaging in or promoting same-sex relations. The law is part of a wider crackdown against homosexuality that started in September when a group of people were seen raising a rainbow flag at a concert, a rare public show of support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in the conservative Muslim country. If passed, this law would further entrench stigma and abuse against people based on their perceived sexual orientation, said Najia Bounaim, North Africa Campaigns Director at Amnesty International. The Egyptian authorities must urgently scrap this draft law and put an end to this alarming wave of homophobic persecution, Bounaim added. The crackdown comes as Egypt, a main Western ally in the Middle East, is under fire for its human rights record and the United States has withheld some of its $1.3 billion in annual military aid. At least 70 people have been arrested and some have been subjected to anal examinations that amount to torture since September. Homosexuality is not specifically outlawed in Egypt but discrimination is rife. Gay men are frequently arrested and typically charged with debauchery, immorality or blasphemy. Egyptian authorities do not deny going after gays. Gay men and rights activists say the LGBT community has been facing an aggressive crackdown since 2013, when general-turned-President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi as military chief ousted Egypt's first freely elected civilian President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. Emerging nations pressed developed countries Wednesday to step up cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 to kick-start the Paris climate agreement, saying the rich were wrongly focused on 2030 goals. "We came here needing to hit the accelerator, not the brakes," Brazil's chief negotiator Antonio Marcondes told Reuters on the sidelines of the November 6-17 negotiations in Germany on limiting global warming. In 2015, almost 200 governments agreed on the Paris accord to end the fossil fuel era by 2100 and remained united last year in declaring action "irreversible" after Donald Trump, who has called man-made climate change a hoax, won the U.S. presidential election. But that unity is fraying. Under the Paris Agreement, most governments set targets for cutting emissions by 2030, with little focus on shorter-term milestones. Brazil and nations including India, China and Iran now want to fill the gap with more action by 2020 to cut greenhouse gas emissions, especially by the rich, which have burned the most fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution. "While action on [the] post-2020 period under the Paris Agreement has gained momentum, the discussions on pre-2020 actions have lagged behind," India's chief negotiator Ravi S. Prasad said this week. Actions defended Developed nations say they are acting. European Union officials pointed to proposals on Wednesday for tougher car emissions targets, including a credit system for carmakers to encourage the rollout of electric vehicles. Nazhat Shameem Khan, chief negotiator for Fiji, which is presiding at the meeting, said: "Clearly, there is strong appetite for a constructive and focused discussion on pre-2020. "I think it's a generalized view ... that there hasn't been enough discussion" about what to do before 2020, she said. Overall, she said, the talks, also working on a detailed rule book for the Paris Agreement, were advancing well and that the United States delegation was being "constructive and helpful." Trump said in June that he would pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, a process that will take effect in 2020, and instead promote coal and oil. A pullout will isolate the United States since Syria, the only other nation outside the pact, said Tuesday that it would join. Under the Paris Agreement, the period to 2020 is a gap partly because backers of the 2015 pact assumed it might take years for parliaments to ratify it. The deal entered into force in record time last November. Camilla Born, of the E3G think tank, said the Paris Agreement was now a victim of its own success. "It's right now to shine the spotlight on more action by 2020," she said. European Union negotiators are readying themselves for the collapse of Prime Minister Theresa Mays government as it lurches from one crisis to another, say officials in Brussels. And Britains Opposition Labor Party is eagerly standing by, with its deputy leader warning Thursday that the ruling Conservative government is so fragile random events could bring it down. Another Day, Another Crisis, was the Daily Telegraphs headline Thursday in the wake of May having to fire two key Cabinet ministers in a week Michael Fallon as her defense secretary over sexual harassment claims, and the ambitious International Development Minister Priti Patel late Wednesday over 14 unauthorized meetings with Israeli ministers, business people and a high-profile lobbyist during a family vacation to Israel. Weakened government Britains beleaguered prime minister and her aides are dismissing suggestions her government is near collapse, saying her ministers are getting on with the job. Weakened by her gamble last year to hold snap parliamentary elections, which led to the Conservatives losing their majority in the House of Commons, May has been able to hold on to her job because a split Conservative party has been fearful of what would follow her departure and which party faction would win a leadership competition, say analysts. The ruling party is divided between those who want a clean and total break with the European Union and those who want Britain to maintain close ties with the economic bloc, the countrys biggest trading partner. This weeks ministerial departures add pressure on Mays minority government following a string of controversies that she appears unable to contain from a burgeoning sexual harassment scandal that is affecting all parties, but the incumbent Conservatives the worst, and could lead to the departure of her deputy, Damian Green to rebelliousness among her ministers as they maneuver for political advantage and plot their own policies without paying much heed to Downing Street. Along with all of that, several ministers have triggered alarm with gaffes that have real-life consequences. Demands have been mounting across the political spectrum for May to dismiss Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson after he misspoke, when he said a British-Iranian woman jailed in Iran had been training journalists when she was arrested. Johnsons critics say the ill-advised remarks risk Tehran lengthening the five-year sentence handed to Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, purportedly on national security grounds. Her employer, Thomson Reuters, says the characterization that she was in Iran to teach people journalism is false. Johnson has since said he "could have chosen his words more carefully." Its hard to remember a time when a British government was so racked by crisis after crisis, acknowledged political writer Sonia Sodha of Britains leftist The Guardian newspaper. Few replacement candidates Sodha believes May could survive until 2019, when Brexit talks are scheduled to have concluded, if for no other reason than no one else in the Conservative party wants to take up the poisoned chalice of navigating the country through its exit from the European Union. And some Conservative lawmakers concede privately that the only reason they want May to continue is that a leadership upheaval could trigger an early election which Labor would likely win. Other Westminster-watchers arent as confident that May a virtual prisoner of warring party factions over Brexit can survive much longer. Governments often survive sleaze scandals, recessions and even the most disastrous of wars. Few, if any, ever recover when they become laughing stocks, objects of pity and ridicule. That, tragically, is the direction in which Theresa Mays rudderless government is fast heading, according to Conservative commentator Allister Heath. More challenges ahead Much will likely depend on whether the sexual harassment crisis rocking Westminster claims other officials. The government also risks defeat in the coming days on amendments to EU withdrawal legislation. Additionally, another key factor in May's survival is likely to come when later this month, the government reports on the state of the public finances they could be worse than expected and require further unpopular cuts. Some analysts are likening Mays position to that of a Conservative predecessor, John Major, whose 1992-1997 government was in disarray almost from the start due to scandals, divisions over Europe and a recession. Major was enraged by the disloyalty of his Cabinet and in an outburst picked up by a television microphone he thought was switched off, labeled three of his ministers bastards. Despite its instability, Major's government managed to soldier on for nearly five years. EU leaders arent so sure May can repeat Majors achievement. For EU, many unknown Officials say Brussels is preparing contingency plans for May leaving before the new year and Britain holding early elections months later. An unnamed European leader told the British newspaper The Times, There is the great difficulty of the leadership in Great Britain, which is more and more fragile. Britain is very weak and the weakness of Theresa May makes negotiations very difficult. Talks between British and EU negotiators were resuming Thursday in the sixth round of talks over Brexit. May is hoping her negotiators can secure a breakthrough and persuade the EU to start moving on to talks about a future trade deal even before there is a final deal on the rights of EU citizens living in Britain, what will become of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and the divorce bill. London has suggested that since an agreement is near on the divorce terms, trade talks should start immediately, but the Europeans have a different take. Speaking Thursday, a top EU lawmaker, Sophie in t Veld, warned there has been little progress, saying, A year-and-a-half has passed since the Brexit vote and we havent moved an inch and the situation is getting very, very worrying. She accused the British government of not being clear about its negotiating position. Fears are mounting that Britain will crash out of the EU without a trade deal with its neighbors. On Monday, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross warned that losing access to Europes financial markets after Brexit would damage Britains chances of negotiating a successful trade agreement with Washington. His warning came after the heads of U.S. banks told him they were preparing plans to move staff from London and relocate them to other European cities. The European Commission said Wednesday it wants to cut emissions of carbon dioxide from cars by 30 percent by 2030 and boost the use of electric vehicles by making them cheaper and easier to charge. The proposal stops short of imposing fixed quotas for emission-free vehicles and is more modest than goals already set out by some EU members. Still, European automakers said the commission's targets were too drastic, and Germany's foreign minister warned against the proposal. Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic insisted that the plan is the most realistic compromise between Europe's ambitions to blaze trails on clean energy and the costs that the continent's powerful car manufacturers will have to bear to overhaul workforces and production. Current targets require automakers to achieve the average permitted emission for new models in the European Union of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometer for cars, or 147 grams for light commercial vehicles by 2021. The new proposal foresees a further reduction of 15 percent by 2025 and 30 percent by 2030, compared to 2021 levels. Car companies that fail to meet those targets face substantial fines of 95 euros ($110) per excess gram of carbon dioxide - per car. Automakers that manage to equip at least 30 percent of their new cars with electric or other low-emission engines by 2030 will be given credits toward their carbon tally. The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, an industry body, criticized the 2025 target, saying it does not leave enough time to make the necessary technical and design changes to vehicles, in particular to light commercial vehicles given their longer development and production cycles. The lobby group also said the targeted cut of 30 percent by 2030 was overly challenging and called for a 20 percent reduction instead, saying that was achievable at a high, but acceptable, cost. The current proposal is very aggressive when we consider the low and fragmented market penetration of alternatively-powered vehicles across Europe to date, the group's secretary general, Erik Jonnaert, said. Germany's foreign minister wrote to the commission last week to say the new rules shouldn't suffocate the ability of automakers to innovate. In a letter obtained by The Associated Press, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said all European countries benefit from the jobs the auto industry creates and warned that the time frame for emissions cuts mustn't be too restrictive. The letter caused friction within the German government, which is currently hosting a two-week United Nations meeting on implementing the 2015 Paris climate accord. The contents of this letter weren't coordinated within the Cabinet, a spokeswoman for Germany's environment ministry, Friederike Langenbruch, told reporters in Berlin. Germany is predicted to fall short of its own climate goals, in large part due to continued high emissions from coal-fired electricity plants and vehicle traffic. The European executive's plan also includes 800 million euros in funding for the expansion and standardization of electric charging stations Europe-wide. A former television news anchor is accusing Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey of sexually molesting her son last year when he was 18 years old. An angry Heather Unruh told reporters Wednesday that the alleged incident occurred in a restaurant on Nantucket island, a popular Massachusetts tourist spot. "Kevin Spacey bought him drink after drink after drink, and when my son was drunk, Spacey made his move and sexually molested him," she said. Unruh said her son panicked and could not remove Spacey's hands from his pants. He ran out of the restaurant to his grandmother's house when Spacey left the bar to go to the bathroom. Unruh described her son as being "starstruck" by Spacey, but also too embarrassed to call the police at that time and waited until just last week. She said a criminal investigation was underway. But Nantucket police would not confirm or deny an investigation, saying Massachusetts law barred them from discussing sexual assault allegations. "I just want to see Kevin Spacey go to jail," Unruh said. "Not just for my son but for the many others." At least two other men accuse Spacey of sexually molesting them when they were teenagers. British news reports say London police are also looking into an alleged sexual assault there in 2008. The actor, who recently came out as gay, said he did not remember an alleged encounter with actor Anthony Rapp when Rapp was just 14. But he apologized if there was such "drunken behavior." Netflix has fired Spacey from its hit television series House of Cards. The show-business newspaper Variety also reported that Sony Pictures had pulled a new film starring Spacey, All the Money in the World, from the upcoming American Film Institute film festival. South Sudans former army chief of staff, General Paul Malong, who has been held under house arrest by the Kiir administration since May, has been freed. His wife, Lucy Ayak, told VOA's South Sudan in Focus program that Malong was released Thursday. My husband has been released and has been allowed to go for a medical checkup in east Africa, she said. Recently, dozens of tanks and troops were deployed along the road leading to Malongs home in Juba after Malong refused a presidential order to release a platoon of 30 soldiers guarding him. Ayak told VOA on Monday that some of the men deployed to her husbands home were police while some were from military intelligence. They came and surrounded all of the house, Ayak said. Ayak said she would hold President Salva Kiir responsible if anything happened to her husband. Ayak also said she had written Kiir several times pleading with him to release her husband, but received no response. Lual Dau, the former deputy governor of Lol state, told South Sudan in Focus on Tuesday that most soldiers in the South Sudan army hail from Malongs home area of Aweil and were not happy about the way in which President Kiir was treating Malong. Dau resigned his position in May after accusing the Lol state governor of being corrupt. Talks continued all week to peacefully resolve the standoff between Malong and the Kiir administration. The U.S. Embassy in Juba on Monday posted a security alert on its web site to American citizens regarding the deployment of soldiers. Although there is an increased military presence in a number of locations, the security situation in Juba is unchanged, read the message. But the embassy also advised U.S. citizens to review your personal security plans, remain aware of your surroundings, and monitor local news stations for updates. Order to surrender bodyguards On Wednesday, Information Minister Michael Makuei told reporters in Juba Malong was informed several days ago that he must surrender his bodyguards to authorities. When he came back here, he was allowed to go into his house and stay with his forces, but being a former chief of staff, you cannot be allowed to continue with your platoon in your house, Makuei said. At the same time, Makuei said he was confident the standoff would be resolved peacefully. Garang defects Meanwhile, Lt. Colonel Chan Garang said this week he has joined the SPLA-in Opposition, but a government spokesman says he left the army to escape prosecution for crimes including rape and murder. Brigadier General Lul Ruai Koang said in Juba Thursday he learned of Garangs defection on South Sudan in Focus. The news of his defection came to us not long ago. We heard about his defection on Voice of America, said Koang. Koang accused Garang of committing several crimes since 2003, such as murder and rape. Garang is accused of looting and cattle rustling. Koang says Garang was sentenced to death by firing squad in the past but escaped detention and later joined a militia under the command of Abdul Bagi Ayii in former Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State. Koang said when Garang joined the SPLA in 2006, he was given amnesty, but Koang said Garang continued to commit crimes, noting that fewer than two months ago, Garang stole a truck from a civilian. All these crimes he had committed reflected in the verdict and a decision was made that he would be dismissed from the SPLA without post-service benefits. He disappeared, only for us to hear on the Voice of America, South Sudan in Focus that he had defected, Koang said. Garang told the program earlier this week he defected because he believes President Kiirs regime is unjust and has wronged many people. Garang is said to be a close ally of Malong, but Garang told the program he has no connection with the former army chief. Visiting Berlin in the midst of sensitive coalition talks, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire urged Germany to seize a historic window of opportunity to reform Europe, warning that the bloc could succumb to nationalism if they failed. The visit comes six weeks after a German election forced Chancellor Angela Merkel into negotiations with parties, including the Free Democrats (FDP), that are sceptical of French President Emmanuel Macron's ambitious vision for Europe. By holding talks with leading members of those parties, including FDP leader Christian Lindner, Le Maire said he hoped to convince members of the next German government to leave the door open to a European deal with France as they hammer out a coalition blueprint for the next four years. We are of the view that there is a unique window of opportunity to improve the situation and make the eurozone stronger, Le Maire said. I hope that they will take into account the necessity to preserve a room of maneuver for negotiation, he added. Because if everything is already decided in the German coalition agreement, what should we negotiate? This is one of the key reasons for my trip to Berlin. After nearly a decade of economic and financial crisis, and following Britains decision to leave the EU, Macron is pushing for a leap forward in European integration, including the creation of a budget for the eurozone and closer cooperation in defense and migration matters. Merkel has welcomed many of his ideas, but members of her own conservative bloc and the FDP are sceptical, particularly on French plans for the eurozone, fearing Germany will be asked to pay for the policy failures of reform-wary southern states. Europe faces choice Speaking to reporters after meeting with Lindner, Le Maire said he believed that the differences could be overcome. None of the difficulties are insurmountable. I found a man who is conscious of his political responsibilities, conscious of his historic responsibilities, he said. Earlier in a speech to a Franco-German business forum, Le Maire likened the current situation in the eurozone to standing in the middle of a strong-flowing river where the currents were most dangerous. He said Europe faced a choice: turn back to the shore from where they came, embracing nationalism and isolation, or say now is the time and press on to the opposite bank by pursuing closer integration of the eurozone. That status quo is not an option, Le Maire said. He spelled out four steps for a reform of the 19-nation single currency bloc. In the first, Europe would complete its banking union, capital markets union and harmonise its tax regimes, particularly in the area of corporate taxes. Second, Europe would bolster its rescue fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), and third, it would introduce a budget for the eurozone to fund investments in areas such as transport, energy and artificial intelligence, and help the bloc cope with economic shocks. In a last step, member states could appoint a finance minister for the eurozone, he said. Switching between fluent German and French, Le Maire said Franco-German working groups should be created to discuss reform on a weekly or even daily basis. He said other countries should be brought into the process, naming Spain and Italy. In his speech to the business forum, Le Maire urged the bloc to unite in pushing back against powers like China and the United States that he said were determined to shape the world according to their national interests. German politicians have been sceptical of Macron's lEurope qui protege (Europe that protects) pledge, fearful of a return to old-fashioned French protectionism. But Le Maire said Europe should no longer be naive in the face of economic challenges from abroad, accusing the Chinese of killing off the European solar panel industry and the Americans of using extra-territorial sanctions to shape global trade rules in their favor. Europe needs to stop being scared of its own shadow, Le Maire said. Divided we are nothing. Together we are everything. The House intelligence committee is preparing to interview a Russian-American lobbyist who attended a meeting last year with President Donald Trumps son as part of its probe into Russian election interference. The panel is also expected to interview Attorney General Jeff Sessions in coming weeks, according to people familiar with the interviews. The House interview with Rinat Akhmetshin is scheduled for next week, and Sessions interview is planned for Nov. 30, according to one of the sources. Dates for witnesses have often been pushed later. Congressional investigators are probing the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr, as is special counsel Robert Mueller. Akhmetshin already has been interviewed by the Senate intelligence panel, according to a person familiar with that interview. All of those disclosing the interviews spoke on condition of anonymity because the meetings are not publicly announced. The interviews come as the House panel has ramped up its schedule in its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election sometimes holding two-hour interviews in one day. Some Republicans have expressed interest in wrapping up the probe by the end of the year, though it likely will spill into 2018. Lawmakers have been interested in Sessions knowledge about interactions between Trump campaign aides and Russians. Sessions did not attend the Trump tower meeting. Sessions recused himself from overseeing an investigation into the Trump campaign in March after acknowledging two previously undisclosed conversations with former Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign. Since then, he has downplayed his own knowledge about communications between campaign aides and Russian officials and intermediaries. But former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page testified last week that he alerted Sessions of a trip he was taking to Moscow last summer. Sessions testified publicly before the Senate intelligence committee earlier this year. At that hearing, Sessions called any implication that he colluded with Russians a detestable lie. Akhmetshins testimony is part of an effort by both the House and Senate intelligence panels to talk to all of those who attended the Trump Tower meeting. In emails ahead of the meeting, Trump Jr. enthusiastically agreed to the sit-down with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and others after he was promised dirt on his fathers rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton. He has since denied such material ever materialized. Akhmetshin is a former military officer who has attracted congressional scrutiny over his political activities and has been shadowed by allegations of connections to Russian intelligence. The House panel last week interviewed Ike Kaveladze, also known as Irakly Kaveladze, who was also at the meeting as a representative of a Russian developer who once partnered with Trump to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow. Trumps son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and his then-campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, were also in the meeting. Kushner met with both intelligence panels privately this summer and Manafort met with the Senate panel. Trump Jr. had a private interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee in September, but hasnt met with the intelligence committees. North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, has said that he wants to wait to interview Trump Jr. until after committee staff has interviewed other participants in the meeting. Asked this week if the committee has interviewed all of those other people, Burr said, I think all but one. Also attending the Trump Tower meeting were publicist Rob Goldstone, who set it up with the promise of dirt on Clinton, and a translator. Also next week, the House intelligence panel will interview Glenn Simpson, a co-founder of a political research firm behind a dossier of allegations about President Donald Trumps connections to Russia. Simpson struck a deal with the committee this week to testify after initially balking. Amid global efforts to crack down on sex harassment in the workplace, India is reaching out to women in the private sector, urging them to report sex pests via an online portal previously restricted to government staff. Activists dismissed the change, saying a portal would not stamp out sexism at work, be it the lewd comments, stalled promotions or unwanted advances that women routinely face. "This is a proactive step taken by [the ministry] in the wake of the worldwide social media campaign #MeToo," Maneka Gandhi, minister for women and child development, said in a statement released Tuesday. "The government is completely committed to provide a safe and fair environment to working women," she said. The SHe-box, or sexual harassment e-box, was launched earlier this year for women in government offices to register complaints of sexual harassment at work. The online portal will now be available to women in private companies, too. Floodgates Tens of thousands of women across the world recounted tales of sexual harassment or assault with the hashtag #MeToo on social media last month, in the wake of claims against movie producer Harvey Weinstein. The scandal soon leached to other sectors be it Britain's parliament, the global fashion industry or India's film sector. India in 2013 passed a law to tackle sexual harassment of women at the workplace. Employers were required to set up grievance councils to investigate all complaints. But India has an uphill climb when it comes to equal treatment for women in the home, as well as the workforce. India's capital New Delhi and Brazil's Sao Paulo were paired as the world's worst megacities for sexual violence against women in a poll published last month by Reuters. Unsafe workplaces keep educated women out of the labor force in India, where nearly two-thirds of women with college degrees are without jobs, leading to among the worst rates of female labor force participation in the world. Since the launch of SHe-box in July this year, nearly 350 complaints have been recorded, Gandhi said. When a complaint is submitted, it is sent to the employer's internal complaints committee. The ministry, as well as the complainant, can monitor the progress of the inquiry. Complaints can range from lewd jokes and intimidation to denial of promotion after a spurned advance, Gandhi said. But activists said simply registering a complaint will not curb sexual harassment at work. "Most offices do not even have a committee to look into sexual harassment, as mandated by law. So who will follow up on these complaints?" said Flavia Agnes, a co-founder of women's rights organization Majlis in Mumbai. "The focus should be on implementing the 2013 law and improving the workplace environment for women, rather than setting up more avenues to complain," she told Reuters. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Thursday NATO defense ministers are considering ways to bring Russia into compliance with a key arms control treaty. The U.S. has maintained that Russia has deployed cruise missiles in violation of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, which prohibits the deployment of land-based U.S. and Russian short- and intermediate-range nuclear missiles. "We have a firm belief now over several years that the Russians have violated the INF and our effort is to bring Russia back into compliance," Mattis told reporters as he met with Thursday in Belgium with his NATO counterparts. Mattis said NATO's discussions about Russia were held with an eye toward sustaining other arms control pacts as well. "This is absolutely necessary to sustain confident arms control agreements and were doing so in a substantial, transparent and verifiable fashion. Russia has repeatedly denied the claims and accused the United States of violating the treaty. Moscow contends the U.S. Patriot missile systems deployed in Poland and Romania could be customized to launch missiles at Russia. Mattis, who added that several other NATO nations also had evidence Russia was not in compliance, said he and the other NATO defense ministers would have discussions with Russia to try to resolve the issue. The treaty was signed in 1987 by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, the then leader of the Soviet Union. The first presidential election to allow independents on the ballot was supposed to be a step forward for Mexico's costly, unwieldy electoral system, which has long been dominated by widely resented political parties. But independent candidates are being forced to use a smartphone app to collect the 866,000 signatures they need to get on the ballot in a country where coverage is spotty and only a minority can afford smartphones. Independents from all ends of the political spectrum are calling the app faulty at best, and downright racist at worst. Mexico's registered political parties get on the ballot automatically and are supposed to be almost completely funded by taxpayer money. The National Electoral Institute, or INE which designed the app will spend $1.3 billion for the July 1 presidential elections and other races next year. Critics say the institute is bloated, out-of-touch and in thrall to the political fat cats. The app is designed to take a photo of a person's voter ID card and upload it, along with other data, to the National Electoral Institute's databases. But it's so buggy that independent candidate Margarita Zavala, the wife of former President Felipe Calderon, issued a mocking video pretending to demonstrate how to use it. "I'm going to show you in two easy steps how to collect a signature," she says on the video as upbeat music plays. But the app bogs down with error messages, and the video shows her supposedly a half-hour later still trying to make it work as the background music slows down to a dirge and she finally gives up. And that was recorded on a terrace in Mexico City. Imagine trying to do the same in the mountains of rural Chiapas state, where homes are still lit with candles and heated with fires. That is what bothers Maria de Jesus Patricio, known by her nickname, MariChuy. Support for the Nahua woman, the first independent indigenous candidate, runs deepest among the Zapatista rebels who staged a brief armed uprising for indigenous rights in Chiapas in 1994. Many of their communities lack phone lines, much less good cell coverage. "Maybe they designed the process with another country in mind that isn't Mexico," a group of her supporters said in a statement Tuesday. They suggested the app "might work in countries like Switzerland or Sweden." Paper option The electoral institute says the app is meant to avoid situations like those in past elections where candidates signed up dead people, or registered the same person multiple times. But it requires a speedy data connection and will work only on more expensive models of smartphones. The institute says that it has approved allowing campaigns to gather signatures on paper the way it was previously done in local races in about 5 percent of Mexican townships that comprise the country's poorest areas. But campaigns have had to file for individual exemptions to use paper, and everyone in Mexico knows that cellphone coverage is faulty in far more than 5 percent of the country. Even the most extensive cellphone data network doesn't claim to cover a majority of Mexico. Patricio's campaign noted that the average cost of smartphones that will work with the app is about three times the minimum monthly wage. "Are there problems with the app? Yes," acknowledged electoral chief Lorenzo Cordova in an interview with the Televisa network. He promised an update or patch for the software. That promise and the pledge of a one-week extension to the Feb. 12 deadline for gathering signatures rang hollow among the indigenous candidate's supporters. 'Deep Mexico' "Our campaign is being run primarily in the 'deep Mexico,' where no other candidate goes, where there is no cell coverage, where there are no copy machines, where there often isn't even electrical power," the campaign supporters wrote. "We are not complaining about their rules. We knew them and decided to compete under them, even though they are racist, classist and discriminatory." Zavala on Wednesday suggested the electoral institute should make its 300 district offices nationwide available as signature-gathering centers for independent candidates. So far there has been no official response. It's not the first time that Mexico's political elites, often educated abroad, have erred by behaving as if they were still in the First World. In 2003, the administration of then-president Vicente Fox drew a storm of criticism when it opened consultations with farmers and farm workers on agricultural policy but said proposals had to be submitted in the PowerPoint presentation program, even though few farm workers who often struggled to earn enough to eat had computers. Americas national parks are a popular destination for tourists and vacationers from across the country and around the world. More than 330 million people visited them in 2016, enjoying the spectacular scenery and natural wonders and increasing the need for road repairs, additional park staff and habitat restoration. For over a century, the federal government has paid to protect the parks through subsidies, plus entry fees at the most popular parks, fees that have remained relatively low and unchanged for more than 50 years. That may change next year, when the National Park Service plans to more than double the cost of a day pass at 17 of the most popular parks, including Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. The great outdoors Although not as well-known as Yellowstone and Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain National Park is the fourth most visited park in the country, with more than 4.5 million visitors last year. An entry fee of $30 lets a carload of visitors in for a week. Many pay just for an afternoon to drive through the 100,000 hectare wilderness and admire the snow-capped mountains and pristine meadows. The park includes a huge network of hiking trails and an abundance of wildlife. As children from Pueblo, Colorado, skip through a pine forest back to their car, their father says hes enjoyed their visit. We just came, like I said, to tour around a little bit." But when he learns that next year, the entry fee might jump to $70 a car, this dad lets out a gasp. That's pretty pricey. . . . Just to drive up and down and just look at a view. But increasing it? I think that's a little bit too much. It would also be too much for a Houston, Texas, couple, who are finishing their first-ever mountain hike. The husband says a fee of more than $30 or $40 "would start scaring me away. Money for the parks, nearby businesses What's scaring park officials is the prospect of budget cuts. Next year, federal funding for the parks is expected to drop 10 percent, a cut of $300 million. The plan to raise entry fees at 17 of the nations most popular parks wont replace that money, but it might generate an additional $70 million a year. The parks plan to use those funds to slowly help with an $11 billion backlog in overdue maintenance for aging roads, bridges, campgrounds, waterlines, bathrooms, and other wear and tear caused by visitors who sometimes love Nature to death. The increased fees will also impact businesses in towns near those parks, where tourism is the economic engine. In Estes Park, Colorado, just up the road from Rocky Mountain, large crowds amble in and out of picture-perfect shops that offer everything from fancy jewelry to year-round Christmas ornaments and candied apples. Jewelry shop manager Norma Wiggins gives a thumbs up to higher entry fees. We're thinking it will be a good thing," she says, predicting that people will not be upset with the rate hike "because you can pack up a car, a full car, and I believe the amount is $70. Correct? And I think people will pay it. Down the street, coffee shop owner Richard Mazza wonders whether higher entry fees are a strategy to increase revenue while reducing overcrowding. Disney World, I guess it was maybe about a year back when they had raised the prices from wherever it was to about $100 a day to get in. And I think it was part of a control mechanism to decrease the amount of people coming into the park so that it would increase the experience. Over the years, we're moving up to five million visits in the Rocky Mountain National Park. And you know I think it's being used quite heavily. Back inside Rocky Mountain National Park, a reduction in visitors is exactly what a nature lover from Fort Collins Colorado fears. Coupled with the administrations proposed budget cut, she worries that the nations commitment to the parks will weaken. The National Parks are the soul of this country. Truly so. And it almost makes me cry. But a couple from Pennsylvania is more optimistic, at least about themselves. "Whatever it takes, I'm willing to pay to enjoy the scenery and nature, the husband says. But his wife has a different perspective. "We're able to do that," she points out. "But I'm a little concerned it would be cost prohibitive, for families that can't afford $70 to come into the park." Her husband admits, "That's a good point, as she nods knowingly. The National Park Service is taking comments on their website about the proposals until Thanksgiving. It notes that there are no plans to raise the price of the $80 annual pass, which provides entry to all federal lands, including parks, and that all but 118 of the 417 national park sites have no entrance fee. The U.S. military says a formal investigation into last months deadly ambush in Niger is not expected to be completed until January. The military investigation team, led by Army Major Gen. Roger Cloutier, will travel to the U.S., Africa and Europe to collect information needed to determine what happened during the October 4 attack, according to a Pentagon statement issued late Wednesday. Family members of the deceased Americans have been notified of the investigation timeline, the Pentagon added. Pentagon and Nigerien defense officials said Islamic State fighters ambushed their forces on October 4, killing four American soldiers, four Nigerien soldiers and a Nigerien interpreter. A group of 12 members of a U.S. Special Operations Task Force accompanied 30 Nigerien forces on a reconnaissance mission from the capital, Niamey, to an area near the village of Tongo Tongo. Members if the team had just completed a meeting with local leaders and were walking back to their vehicles when they were attacked, U.S. officials told VOA. The soldiers said the meeting ran late, and some suspected the villagers were intentionally delaying their departure, one of the officials said. It will soon look a lot like Christmas in New York City thanks to a tree from Pennsylvania. Workers on Thursday will cut down a 75-foot (23-meter) Norway Spruce at the State College home of Jason Perrin that was chosen as the 2017 Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. The tree, which weighs between 12 and 13 tons, will be hoisted onto a trailer and arrive Saturday in New York City. There it will be decorated with more than 50,000 lights and topped with a Swarovski star. It is the 86th tree to adorn the plaza and the third from Pennsylvania. The tree will be illuminated on Nov. 29 and remain on display until Jan. 7. It will then be recycled and donated to Habitat for Humanity to be transformed into lumber for building homes. U.S. President Donald Trump and Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte have some things in common. Both rose to power by vowing to shake up their political establishments. They refuse to back down, no matter how hot the controversy. They attack critics with blistering insults, and they have shown a strong dislike for Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama. Now the two mavericks will meet face to face Monday amid questions about whether they will get along or something will set off a conflict between two alpha males that will further fray strained U.S.-Philippine relations. Trump arrives Sunday for a summit to mark the 50th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Duterte recently issued a terse warning to Trump to avoid criticism of the draconian measures he has imposed to tackle the Philippines' many problems. But it seems unlikely the U.S. leader will jab at the most sensitive subject, Duterte's war on drugs, considering that Trump already has praised the effort. 'Lay off' "You want to ask a question, I'll give you an answer: Lay off," Duterte told reporters in Manila. "That is not your business. That is my business. I take care of my country and I will nurture my country to health." Riding an anti-crime, anti-corruption platform that resonated with voters weary of holdups, kidnappings for ransom and terror attacks, Duterte has been in office about half a year longer than Trump. He has maintained a strong approval rating, despite the bloody war on drugs that by most counts has left nearly 4,000 people dead. There appears to be an understanding by much of the public that the country had to suffer some pain to roll back the steady decline that left investors and tourists hesitant to commit to the sprawling archipelago, despite its beaches, diving and a populace of 100 million where English is widely spoken. Duterte has acted decisively, setting curfews that left the country's lively nightlife businesses groaning, cutting soaring crime rates, and telling police he would back them if they killed drug dealers and addicts. He has brusquely, and vulgarly, lashed out at those who claim his methods amount to widespread human rights violations, including the United Nations and the United States, specifically Obama. The Philippines' relationship with the United States is best described as complicated. The United States was the colonial power for decades after Spain departed, and while Washington has provided significant aid, including humanitarian assistance for the disaster-prone country, many bristle at the perception that Washington still treats it like a colony. Duterte has plugged into that sentiment by threatening to break ties completely and cozy up to China. He has courted Chinese aid and investment, and he has managed to play Beijing's desires to spread its clout against U.S. concerns of losing influence in the region. Chinese spending The result has been billions of dollars in commitments from China and a rise in business confidence in the country without the severing of U.S. security ties that Duterte had threatened. Only two of dozens of annual joint exercises and engagements with U.S. forces have been eliminated. Others have been shifted to other parts of the country to avoid possible conflict with China over his buildup in the disputed South China Sea. And while polls show that perceptions of U.S. importance have slipped and those of China have risen, the changes have been considerably less than Washington had feared. One of the key areas of cooperation with Washington, the war on terrorism, has been left untouched. American military counterterror trainers flowed in after the then-al-Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf group carried out mass kidnappings and terror attacks in the early 2000s. In what the U.S. called the second front in the war on terror after its invasion of Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, that aid has continued and the format has been used by Washington as a model in Indonesia and elsewhere. The training and donations of American arms, ships and aircraft have bolstered the underfunded Philippine military and raised its professionalism. Duterte most likely will have a wish list for Trump as he continues to play his balancing act between Washington and Beijing. With the United States eager to maintain a presence in the region amid Chinese expansionism and North Korea's threats, it's likely the deal-making Trump will have an open mind and try to cultivate a lasting friendship. The pace of deaths quickened on Puerto Rico immediately after Hurricane Maria well beyond the number of deaths officially attributed to the Category 4 storm. Officials in the U.S. territory on Wednesday reported the island had an average of 82 deaths a day in the two weeks before Maria hit Sept. 20. The average increased to 117 deaths a day through the rest of the month, but the rate then fell below usual in October. The truth is, thats not normal, said Jose Lopez Rodriguez, a demographer with the islands Demographic Register. We saw a difference, and it was a significant difference. The territorys government has said 55 people died during the hurricane or later as a direct result of the storm, which knocked out power across the island. The overall daily death figures hint that the storm could have caused other, harder-to-detect fatalities as well, though officials at the governments forensic institute said they did not have evidence to attribute them to Maria. They also rejected some media reports that suggested hundreds of people had died as a direct result of the hurricane. Those figures of 200, 400, 1,000 no. Those deaths have not been reported to the institute, said Edwin Crespo, director of the island's Bureau of Forensic Science. The institute has no reason to hide bodies. Crespo said death certificates sent to his agency involving natural deaths didnt state whether a lack of power could have been a factor. If the hospital or doctor didnt make the connection, he said, then paused before adding: We werent there. Hector Pesquera, secretary of Puerto Ricos Department of Public Safety, acknowledged that some deaths classified as natural possibly might have been linked to the hurricane. Yes, they could have occurred, he said. We cannot deny that categorically. Wanda Llovet, director of the Demographic Register, said a total of 2,838 deaths were reported for September, a 20 percent increase from the 2,366 deaths reported for the same month in 2016 and up from 2,242 in September 2015. But, she said, the number of deaths last month totaled 2,119, which was down about 10 percent from 2,353 in October 2016 and 2,379 in October 2015. Pesquera said the government does not plan to investigate whether any deaths should have been classified as having a link to the hurricane. Why would there be an investigation? he asked, saying a doctor would not risk losing his license by signing an erroneous death certificate. Disguised Russian agents on Twitter rushed to deflect scandalous news about Donald Trump just before last year's presidential election while straining to refocus criticism on the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton's campaign, according to an Associated Press analysis of since-deleted accounts. Tweets by Russia-backed accounts such as "America_1st_" and "BatonRougeVoice" on October 7, 2016, actively pivoted away from news of an audio recording in which Trump made crude comments about groping women, and instead touted damaging emails hacked from Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta. Since early this year, the extent of Russian intrusion to help Trump and hurt Clinton in the election has been the subject of both congressional scrutiny and a criminal investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. In particular, those investigations are looking into the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. AP's analysis illuminates the obvious strategy behind the Russian cyber meddling: swiftly react, distort and distract attention from any negative Trump news. The AP examined 36,210 tweets from Aug. 31, 2015, to Nov. 10, 2016, posted by 382 of the Russian accounts that Twitter shared with congressional investigators last week. Twitter deactivated the accounts, deleting the tweets and making them inaccessible on the internet. But a limited selection of the accounts' Twitter activity was retrieved by matching account handles against an archive obtained by AP. "MSM [the mainstream media] is at it again with Billy Bush recording ... What about telling Americans how Hillary defended a rapist and later laughed at his victim?" tweeted the America_1st_ account, which had 25,045 followers at its peak, according to metadata in the archive. The tweet went out the afternoon of Oct. 7, just hours after The Washington Post broke the story about Trump's comments to Bush, then host of Access Hollywood, about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women, saying, "when you're a star, they let you do it." Within an hour of the Post's story, WikiLeaks unleashed its own bombshell about hacked email from Podesta's account, a release the Russian accounts had been foreshadowing for days. "WikiLeaks' [founder Julian] Assange signals release of documents before U.S. election," tweeted both "SpecialAffair" and "ScreamyMonkey" within a second of each other on Oct. 4. "SpecialAffair," an account describing itself as a "Political junkie in action," had 11,255 followers at the time. "ScreamyMonkey," self-described as a "First frontier.News aggregator," had 13,224. Both accounts were created within three days of each other in late December 2014. Twitter handed over the handles of 2,752 accounts it identified as coming from Russia's Internet Research Agency to congressional investigators ahead of the social media giant's Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 appearances on Capitol Hill. It said 9 percent of the tweets were election-related but didn't make the tweets themselves public. That makes the archive the AP obtained the most comprehensive historical picture so far of Russian activity on Twitter in the crucial run-up to the Nov. 8, 2016, vote. Twitter policy requires developers who archive its material to delete tweets from suspended accounts as soon as reasonably possible, unless doing so would violate the law or Twitter grants an exception. It's possible the existence of the deleted tweets in the archive obtained by the AP runs afoul of those rules. Earlier activity The Russian accounts didn't just spring into action at the last minute. They were similarly active at earlier points in the campaign. When Trump reversed himself on a lie about Barack Obama's birthplace on Sept. 17, declaring abruptly that Obama "was born in the United States, period," several Russian accounts chimed in to echo Trump's subsequent false claim that it was Clinton who had started the birther controversy. Others continued to push birther narratives. The Russian account TEN_GOP, which many mistook for the official account of the Tennessee Republican Party, linked to a video that claimed that Obama "admits he was born in Kenya." But the Russian accounts weren't in lockstep. The handle "hyddrox" retweeted a post by the anti-Trump billionaire Mark Cuban that the "MSM [mainstream media] is being suckered into chasing birther stories." On Sept. 15, Clinton returned to the campaign trail following a bout with pneumonia that caused her to stumble at a 9/11 memorial service. The Russian account "Pamela_Moore13" noted that her intro music was "I Feel Good" by James Brown then observed that "James Brown died of pneumonia," a line that was repeated at least 11 times by Russian accounts, including by "Jenn_Abrams," which had 59,868 followers at the time. According to several obituaries, Brown died of congestive heart failure related to pneumonia. Racial discord also figured prominently in the tweets, just as it did with many of the ads Russian trolls had purchased on Facebook in the months leading up to and following the election. One Russian account, "Blacks4DTrump," tweeted a Trump quote on Sept. 16 in which he declared "it is the Democratic party that is the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow & the party of opposition." TEN_GOP, meanwhile, asked followers to "SPREAD the msg of black pastor explaining why African-Americans should vote Donald Trump!" Saudi Arabia has asked its citizens in Lebanon to leave the country as soon as possible. A foreign ministry source quoted Thursday by the Kingdom's official news agency said, "Due to the circumstances in the Lebanese Republic, the kingdom asks its citizens who are visiting or residing" there to leave as soon as possible. Riyadh has also discouraged its citizens from traveling to the neighbor country in the wake of Lebanon's prime minister announcing his resignation Saturday during a visit to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia supported Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his allies during years of political conflict in Lebanon with Iran-backed Hezbollah. Hariri's departure is widely seen as imposed by his backers in the Saudi Arabian monarchy in reaction to the growing influence of Shiite Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hezbollah in the region. Riyadh denies the claims it forced Hariri to resign. Sheikh Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi is a billionaire, and by most estimates, one of the richest African-born people in the world. He travels the globe managing his businesses and meeting with heads of state. But he now finds himself in the midst of an anti-corruption sweep in Saudi Arabia. He was arrested in the Saudi kingdom last Saturday, and he is one of dozens of elite detainees sleeping on mattresses on the floor of a well-guarded ballroom at the Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh, awaiting the next steps by Saudi authorities. The exact charges are unclear, but in an email to VOA, Tim Pendry, al-Amoudis London-based spokesman, insisted the arrest would not affect al-Amoudis international business empire. As inquiries take place in Saudi Arabia concerning certain allegations, which the Sheikh strongly refutes, this is an internal matter for the Kingdom, Pendry said. We have no further comment to make other than to say that the overseas businesses owned by the Sheikh remain unaffected by this development. The Saudi government released a statement on Tuesday aimed at reassuring investors with ties to any of the individuals arrested. It said that only personal bank accounts have been frozen, and related businesses would not be affected. Ethiopian origins Al-Amoudi was born in Dessie, Ethiopia, in 1946 to an Ethiopian mother and a Saudi father. He immigrated to Saudi Arabia in the mid-1960s and made his first billion two decades later with a construction contract to build an underground oil storage facility. Since then, his empire has grown across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and it includes Swedens largest petroleum refiner. According to Bloomberg, his net worth is just shy of $10 billion. Ethiopians are closely watching developments in the case. Henok Gabisa, a visiting academic fellow at Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, Virginia, has tracked al-Amoudis career, and says al-Amoudi has invested a large portion of his portfolio - $3.4 billion - in Ethiopia, where he holds interests in oil, gold mines, agriculture and cement. Gabisa questions al-Amoudis legal ownership of these investments. Saudi Arabia doesn't recognize dual citizenship, so al-Amoudi would have given up his Ethiopian passport when he emigrated. Even though he was born in Ethiopia, hes a Saudi citizen, Gabisa said. Ethiopian law is very restrictive as to how foreign citizens can invest in Ethiopia, but this guy has an opening. He literally has a blank check as to how he invests in Ethiopia. Oromia difficulties In recent years, al-Amoudi has run into difficulties in his country of birth. He is invested heavily in the restive Oromia region, where his Derba MIDROC company operates a pumice mine for cement, along with a gold mine. Following protests and attacks on local businesses by unemployed youth, local governors stopped work at his mine and demanded that al-Amoudi allow local youths to operate the mine, according to Bloomberg. Recently he had a falling out with the Oromia regional governors because they were trying to take away some of these businesses and redistribute them to the youth, said Gabisa. Gabisa said that people from Oromia have not, for the most part, benefited from al-Amoudis investments. If you see the livelihood of some of the people in Lega Dembi - they dont have any school, access to clinic or employment, Gabisa said, speaking of the billionaire's gold mine in the region. But most of the fortune of this billionaire comes from this area. He harvests about 5,000 kilograms of gold [annually] from that area. The mounting allegations of sexual assault involving Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey are taking a mounting toll on his career. Sony Pictures says it will remove Spacey from its upcoming feature film, All the Money in the World, and replace him with another veteran Oscar winner, Christopher Plummer. Director Ridley Scott is rushing to reshoot the new scenes with Plummer in order to make the films scheduled release date of Dec. 22. Spacey played the late oil tycoon J. Paul Getty in the film, which dramatizes the 1973 kidnapping of his grandson, John Paul Getty III, and the elder Gettys refusal to pay a ransom for his release. Sony had announced it was pulling All the Money in the World from the upcoming American Film Institute film festival in Los Angeles. Spacey has suffered a rapid fall from grace since actor Anthony Rapp, who starred in the 2005 musical Rent, accused Spacey of making sexual advances toward him in 1986 when Rapp was 14. Spacey announced he was gay in a statement apologizing to Rapp, while claiming he did not remember the alleged incident. The actor has since been accused by more than dozen men of either sexually harassing or assaulting them. The allegations have led to his firing from the hit television series House of Cards by the streaming service Netflix, which has also refused to release a film in which Spacey stars as the late American writer and critic Gore Vidal. The latest accusation against Spacey came Wednesday, when a former television news anchor accused him of sexually molesting her son last year when he was 18. Heather Unruh told reporters Wednesday the alleged incident occurred in a restaurant on Nantucket island, a popular Massachusetts tourist spot. She says a criminal investigation is under way. But Nantucket police will not confirm or deny an investigation, saying Massachusetts law bars them from discussing sexual assault allegations. British news reports say London police are also looking into an alleged sexual assault there in 2008. A suicide blast in southwestern Pakistan has killed a senior police officer and his two subordinates. The anti-state Pakistani Taliban claimed credit for plotting Thursdays deadly attack in Quetta, capital of Baluchistan province. Police said slain deputy inspector general Hamid Shakeel was traveling to work from home when a suicide bomber struck his vehicle on a busy road of the city. The blast wounded at least nine people, including passers-by, with some receiving life threatening injuries, according to doctors. The slain officer had played a key role in arresting militants and members of separatist groups operating in Baluchistan, senior police official, Naseeb Ullah, told reporters. A provincial government spokesman, Anwar-ul Haq Kakar, condemned the attack, saying it demonstrates the sacrifices police is making in the war against terror outfits in Baluchistan. The largest Pakistani province, which borders Afghanistan and Iran, has long been in the grip of a low-level separatist insurgency. Islamist and sectarian militants also operate in Baluchistan and often claim attacks on security forces and government installations. The Afghan Taliban is allegedly also sheltering in the province and planning insurgent attacks in Afghanistan. In recent years Islamic State has emerged as a new threat for the authorities in Baluchistan. The terrorist outfit has taken credit for some recent attacks targeting security forces and worship places of the minority Shiite community. Separately, the Pakistan military reported Thursday one of its soldiers was killed when terrorists fired from across the Afghan border in the remote Rajgal valley of the Khyber tribal district. Pakistani officials have blamed the absence" of government control on the Afghan side of the porous frontier for such attacks. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says there is no disagreement on North Korea between the United States and China following talks in Beijing between U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Tillerson, who is in the Chinese capital with Trump, spoke with reporters Thursday after the two leaders held bilateral talks focused on North Korea and trade. He said the two men also had frank exchanges on human rights and maritime disputes in the South China Sea. Concerning Pyongyang, he said the Chinese have been clear and unequivocal over two days of talks that they will not accept a North Korea with nuclear weapons. Theres no space between both of our objectives, Tillerson said. We have our own views of the tactics, the timing and how far to go with pressure and thats what we spend a lot of time exchanging views on. Trump, according to Tillerson, told Xi: Youre a strong man, Im sure you can solve this for me. WATCH: Trump: Civilized World Must Unite Against North Korea North Korea Earlier President Trump said the United States and China must work together to liberate the region and the world from what he called the very serious threat posed by the murderous regime in North Korea. Trump made the comment as he stood alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping as they delivered successive prepared remarks, but did not take questions from journalists. Trump added that Washington and Beijing agreed not to repeat the mistakes of the past in dealing with Pyongyang, which over the years has managed to rapidly advance its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. Trump earlier said excellent progress was made in his talks with Xi. The entire civilized world must unite to confront the North Korean menace, he added. In his prepared remarks, Xis tone was more muted regarding North Korea, saying, We reiterated the firm commitment to denuclearize the peninsula. I believe there is a solution to that, as you do, Trump told Xi during an extended bilateral meeting on Thursday morning in the Chinese capital. Later, while he and Xi spoke to a meeting of business leaders, Trump said, I thank President Xi for his recent efforts to restrict trade with North Korea and cut off banking ties. China can fix this problem easily and quickly. Bilateral trade The talks between Trump and Xi are also dealing with bilateral trade, a touchy subject because Trump has long complained about the trade imbalance between China and the United States. Tillerson said, The things that have been achieved thus far are pretty small, despite long hours of trade talks between the U.S. and China, adding the U.S. concerns about the pace of progress was communicated to Chinese officials Thursday. For the first 10 months of the year, Chinas trade surplus with the U.S. was $223 billion, according to recent data released by Chinas General Administration of Customs. Trump said the U.S. trade deficit with China is, shockingly hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Past administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter. But I dont blame China. I give China great credit, Trump said. WATCH: Trump: US Is Very Behind on Trade With China President Xi said there is a wider and prosperous future for U.S.-China cooperation on trade, adding that $250 billion worth of business deals were signed during President Trumps visit to China and that, Chinese investment in the United States is rising rapidly. But the roughly 15 agreements unveiled in Beijing are mostly non-binding memorandums of understanding and, according to Bloomberg News could take years to materialize if they do at all. Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute is pessimistic that such deals will do much to address the real hindrances to trade relations with China. The president likes deals, and he likes big numbers, but were not going to change something he doesnt like, like the trade deficit without changing Chinese trade practices, Scissors said. China has to have a different approach to trade in the world than it does. Scissors said that more than the deficit, it is what is behind the numbers, such as the fact that Chinese state owned enterprises never go out of business. Which means American goods and services cant ever win in the China market, he said. WATCH: Xi: The China-US Relationship Is at a New Starting Point In his joint statement, Xi said there needs to be in-depth discussions on the trade imbalance with the United States, among other issues. The Chinese leader predicted there will be a wider and prosperous future for cooperation on trade, specifically mentioning the oil and gas sector, beer, agricultural products, education and service contracts. He also invited more American companies to participate in Chinas One Belt One Road initiative, an effort to create the worlds largest platform for economic cooperation, inspired by the ancient Silk Road trading network. The United States and China, respectively, have the worlds largest economies and most powerful militaries. The two leaders walked side by side on a red carpet at a welcoming ceremony early Thursday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The U.S. and Chinese national anthems were played by a military band and ceremonial cannon fire from Tiananmen Square saluted Trump. An exuberant crowd of school children waved U.S. and Chinese flags. Business deals The Trump administration is showcasing several business deals signed during the China trip, including a deal for Chinas biggest online retailer to buy $1.2 billion of American beef and pork. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has said such business deals are a good example of how the United States can productively build up our bilateral trade. Trump also met Thursday with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, whose position is similar to that of a prime minister. Trump and his wife, Melania, were received with great pageantry on their arrival to China. The Trumps were also treated to a private visit to the Forbidden City, Chinas ancient imperial palace. They also viewed an outdoor opera featuring costumes, music and martial arts. WATCH: Trump Message to North Korean Leader The U.S. president arrived in Beijing a day after delivering a speech in Seoul, South Korea, in which he called on other nations to unite and isolate the brutal regime of North Korea. You cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept, he added. In that speech to South Koreas National Assembly, Trump had a forceful message for Pyongyang. He called on leader Kim Jong Un to give up all his nuclear weapons for a chance to step on to a better path. Trump warned the North, Do not underestimate us and do not try us. We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity and our sacred liberty. Backing the presidents words was the presence of three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups and nuclear submarines, which the president said are appropriately positioned near the Korean Peninsula. VOA's Bill Ide and Marissa Melton contributed to this report. President Donald Trump is more popular with likely voters than he is with the general public, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that underscores why Republican lawmakers have largely stuck with the polarizing president despite his plunging approval ratings. The poll, released Wednesday, shows he polls better among people who voted in the 2016 presidential election than with the overall U.S. adult population - a group that includes both voters and non-voters. Only about 60 percent of the voting-age public took part in last year's election. In October, for example, 44 percent of 2016 voters said they approved of Trump's performance in office, compared with 37 percent of the general population. Among Republicans, 82 percent of voters approved of Trump in October, compared with 75 percent of all Republicans. Some 85 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2016 said they would do so again, the poll found. The findings suggest that Republican candidates in the 2018 congressional elections who shun the president risk alienating his followers, Republican strategists and political scientists said. At the same time, those who embrace him in the early primary races that choose party candidates risk losing moderate voters in the general election. "It's very difficult for any Republican candidate to distance themselves from Trump," said Michael McDonald, an expert on voter turnout at the University of Florida. That dilemma played out in Virginia on Tuesday, when Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate in the governor's race, was soundly beaten by his Democratic opponent. Gillespie had adopted some of Trump's hardline positions but had avoided campaigning with the unpopular president. Gillespie's strategy had been closely watched within the party to see if it could provide a template for other Republican candidates in 2018, when control of the House of Representatives and the Senate will be up for grabs. Gillespie's loss sparked debate among Republicans on the way forward on Wednesday. Trump suggested in a tweet that the outcome could have been different had Gillespie fully embraced him, but critics pointed out that exit polls showed that a third of Virginian voters had turned out to signal displeasure with Trump, double the number who cast ballots to express support for the president. Tuesday's results clearly signal that opposition to Trump has grown, even though he remains popular among 2016 Republican voters, said Elaine Kamarck, an expert in presidential politics at the Brookings Institution. For Republicans, "the hurdle won't be with getting out the base," Kamarck said. "It will be in getting anyone else to vote for you" in elections where Republican voters are outnumbered. Trump's demographic Reuters/Ipsos was able to compare the opinions of voters with the general public by creating two separate surveys: a poll of voters and a poll of the public. For the voter poll, Reuters/Ipsos reconnected with people who took its exit poll on November 8, 2016, the day of the U.S. presidential election. Those voters were sent additional questionnaires in May, July and October that asked if they approved or disapproved of the president. Their responses were then compared with the results of a separate survey - the Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll - that surveys all adults in the United States. In May and July, the results of both polls were nearly identical, with about 40 percent of voters and the general adult population expressing approval for the president. The two polls diverged in October, however, with voters expressing stronger levels of approval than the general public. Jan Leighley, an expert on political behavior at American University, said it makes sense that Trump is more popular among people who voted in the 2016 election. They were more likely to be white and less likely to identify with Democrats than the general public, she said. The Reuters/Ipsos poll is conducted online in English throughout the country. Some 1,206 of those 2016 voters took the survey between May 10-12, followed by 1,296 who took the July 11-12 survey and 1,195 who took the survey between October 18-19. Individual responses were weighted so they would reflect the latest population estimates, as well as the support their presidential pick received in the election. Each of the voter polls had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points for the entire group and 5 percentage points for Republican voters. Theres nothing official yet, but sources close to President Donald Trump are hinting he is likely to hold talks Friday with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific economic summit in Vietnam. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, traveling with the president on his 12-day Asian tour, kept the rumor mill going Thursday. "Clearly the leaders are going to be at the summit together. It wouldnt be at all unusual if they ended up with some kind of a pull-aside, he told reporters. At the same time, the U.S.'s top diplomat suggested the meeting might not be a full-blown bilateral discussion, wondering aloud whether such a formal meeting would be worthwhile. "When the two leaders meet, is there something sufficiently substantive?" he asked rhetorically. "No conclusion has been made on that. If we're going to have a meeting, let's make sure it's a meaningful meeting, Tillerson said. The Russian side is talking as if a bilateral chat is in the works. Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov told Russian news agencies that the two leaders would meet while they are both in Danang for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Later, however, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said only that the possibility of a meeting was being discussed, according to Reuters. Peskov predicted that the two men would cross paths one way or another. Tillerson acknowledged that Moscow and Washington are working behind the scenes on a "number of difficult areas." But less than 24 hours before the summit is to begin, he cautioned that U.S. officials have not decided whether it's the right time for a follow-up to the first Trump-Putin meeting at the G-20 summit in Germany last July. That meeting in Hamburg lasted more than two hours, more than twice as long as scheduled. Trump was reported to have pressed Putin at that meeting on the question of alleged Russian meddling in U.S. elections. Later in the day, the two men were reported to have spoken again informally during a dinner for G-20 leaders, with only a Russian interpreter present. Since then, however, ties between Moscow and Washington have deteriorated. In August, Trump grudgingly approved new congressionally mandated sanctions against Russia. The Kremlin responded by ordering Washington to substantially cut its diplomatic staff in Russia. Trump himself mentioned the possibility of a follow-up meeting last weekend, telling reporters aboard Air Force One that he expected to meet Putin in Vietnam to ask for help in reining in North Korea's nuclear weapons development. He made a similar comment Thursday in Beijing after meeting with Chinas President Xi Jinping. Tillerson said officials from the two countries also are discussing conflicts in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East, while Trump also said that Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election also remains on the table for discussion. Several scholars of U.S.- Russia relations are leery of direct Putin-Trump talks at this delicate time in the relationship. Kremlin critic Andrei Piontkovsky, a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, says Putin stands to gain much more from the meeting than Trump. It would be better if the United States and Russia have good relations, but the fact is, Putin is challenging the U.S. everywhere in the world, including on their own turf, and Trump doesnt seem to consider that is hostile to western values, democracy and human rights, Piontkovsky told VOA. Its very strange because Trump declines to notice these worrisome facts. Piontkovsky considers it foolish to ask for the Kremlins help in lessening the North Korean threat. That ignores the fact that the tremendous progress of the North Korean nuclear program is enabled by Russian help, Piontkovsky argued. Putin is much more an enthusiastic supporter of Kim Jung Un than Xi Jinping. He demands that the U.S. reconcile itself with the idea of a new nuclear power. Charles Stevenson, associate director of the foreign policy program at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, called a Trump-Putin meeting risky for U.S. interests. Presidential-level meetings can be helpful in smoothing over misunderstandings and allowing exchanges beyond the glare of publicity or even the knowledge of subordinates, Stevenson said in a written reply to VOA. But they can also be extremely risky if not coordinated in advance in order to achieve some agreed communique. I have real doubts that President Trump is skilled and knowledgeable enough to reach any substantive agreements with President Putin. President Donald Trump struck a markedly softer tone on touchy subjects like North Korea and trade with President Xi Jinping of China Thursday, and highlighted his "incredibly warm" feeling toward his counterpart. During joint statements after talks in Beijing, Trump expressed optimism the U.S. and China will resolve the North Korea nuclear crisis. "I do believe there's a solution to that, as you do," Trump said. Trump said he has "great respect" for Xi's leadership on trade and noted the U.S. must change its policy. "It's too bad that past administrations allowed it go get so far out of kilter," Trump added. "But we'll make it fair, and it will be tremendous for both of us." Trump concluded remarks by touting his "great chemistry" with Xi. The Chinese leader said Beijing's relationship with Washington "now stands at a new starting point" and vowed to "enhance communication and cooperation on the nuclear issues on the Korean Peninsula" and other key topics. "For China and the United States, cooperation is the only viable choice, and win-win cooperation can take us to a better future," said the Chinese president. Trump is on a 12-day, five-nation tour of Asia that will take him to Danang, Vietnam, on Friday, where he will speak at a meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). North Korea Much of Trump's Asia tour has focused on North Korea, which is developing a nuclear and missile program in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. Trump pressed Xi privately on the North Korea nuclear issue, according to Trump administration officials. According to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Trump told Xi, "You're a strong man, I'm sure you can solve this for me." Speaking in Beijing, Tillerson noted "there is no disagreement on North Korea" between the United States and China. The diplomat pointed out the Chinese have been clear and unequivocal over two days of talks that they will not accept a North Korea with nuclear weapons. "There's no space between both of our objectives," said Tillerson. "We have our own views of the tactics, the timing and how far to go with pressure and that's what we spend a lot of time exchanging views on." Later, Trump and Xi spoke to a meeting of business leaders. Trump said, "I thank President Xi for his recent efforts to restrict trade with North Korea and cut off banking ties. China can fix this problem easily and quickly." Bilateral trade The shift in Trump's rhetoric on trade was especially notable because the U.S. leader has long complained about the trade imbalance between China and the United States. For the first 10 months of the year, China's trade surplus with the U.S. was $223 billion, according to recent data released by China's General Administration of Customs. Trump said the U.S. trade deficit with China is, "shockingly hundreds of billions of dollars" annually. Xi said there is a wider and prosperous future for U.S.-China cooperation on trade, adding that $250 billion worth of business deals were signed during Trump's visit to China and that, "Chinese investment in the United States is rising rapidly." But the roughly 15 agreements unveiled in Beijing are mostly non-binding memorandums of understanding, and according to Bloomberg News, "could take years to materialize if they do at all." Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is pessimistic that such deals will do much to address the real hindrances to trade relations with China. "The president likes deals, and he likes big numbers, but we're not going to change something he doesn't like, like the trade deficit, without changing Chinese trade practices," Scissors said. "China has to have a different approach to trade in the world than it does." Scissors said that more than the deficit, it is what is behind the numbers, such as the fact that Chinese state-owned enterprises never go out of business. "Which means American goods and services can't ever win in the China market," he said. In his joint statement, Xi said, "there needs to be in-depth discussions on the trade imbalance" with the United States, among other issues. After the trade talks, Secretary Tillerson said the accomplishments were "pretty small," adding the U.S. concerns about the pace of progress was communicated to Chinese officials Thursday. Human rights Trump and Xi also had a "frank exchange" on human rights, according to Tillerson, though human rights did not appear to be a major part of Trump's agenda. The U.S. president made no public mention of China's alleged human rights abuses during his stop in the country, which is ruled by a one-party, authoritarian government that severely restricts dissent. That is in contrast to many of Trump's predecessors, including Barack Obama, who on his trips to China would often bring up human rights concerns during addresses to students or other members of the Chinese public. While Trump has not forcefully and publicly raised human rights concerns in authoritarian countries such as China, White House officials have suggested that he is doing so in private a strategy they say is more effective than public shaming. "Show me the money," said Sophie Richardson, China director for Human Rights Watch. "All I see is a half-sentence reference in Tillerson's remarks from yesterday that he and Trump discussed human rights. I have no idea what those were, or if anybody actually suggested that one side improve." But it was unclear how effective such a public condemnation would be coming from Trump, who at various times has referred to Xi as a "terrific guy," a "great leader," and a "very special man," Richardson said. No questions taken Many rights activists also were concerned after Trump did not take questions from reporters during an appearance alongside his Chinese counterpart on Thursday. Such a move reinforces China's "authoritarian impulses," according to Richardson, even while noting that Obama also did not take reporters' questions during his first visit to the country in 2009. "It is a catastrophically stupid thing to do in China, where the press is already deeply limited, and in fact, Chinese journalists get locked up for honest reporting all the time," she said. When asked why Trump did not take questions from reporters, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "It was at the Chinese insistence," according to CNN. U.S. President Donald Trump is holding talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in which the U.S. leader has said he intends to press Beijing to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program. At a welcoming ceremony early Thursday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the two leaders walked side by side on a red carpet. The U.S. and Chinese national anthems were played by a military band and ceremonial cannon fire from Tiananmen Square saluted Trump. A crowd of jumping and gleeful schoolchildren waved American and Chinese flags. The two leaders began talks behind closed doors. In the early afternoon, they are to appear jointly before journalists and make statements. It is the first visit by Trump to China, which is North Koreas closest and only remaining significant ally. The U.S. president is expected to request China expel North Korean workers from the country and eliminate some of its other significant remaining dealings with Pyongyang. In remarks made during their extended bilateral talks, Trump said to Xi, regarding North Korea: "I believe there is a solution to that as you do." The talks between Trump and Xi will also deal with trade, a touchy subject because Trump has long complained about the trade deficit between China and the United States. Chinas trade surplus with the United States has widened by 12.2 percent in the past year, reaching a total of $26.6 billion, according to Chinese customs data. "Past administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter," Trump said. Business deals Yet, the Trump administration is showcasing several business deals signed during the China trip, including a deal for Chinas biggest online retailer to buy $1.2 billion of American beef and pork. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has said such business deals are a good example of how the United States can productively build up our bilateral trade. Trump is also to meet Thursday with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, whose position is similar to that of a prime minister. Trump and his wife, Melania, were received with great pageantry on their arrival to China. The Trumps were also treated to a private visit to the Forbidden City, Chinas ancient imperial palace. They also viewed an outdoor opera featuring costumes, music and martial arts. After touring the Forbidden City, Trump told reporters, Were having a great time. The U.S. president arrived in Beijing a day after delivering a speech in Seoul, South Korea, in which he called on other nations to unite and isolate the brutal regime of North Korea, Trump said in his speech. You cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept, he added. In that speech to South Koreas National Assembly, Trump had a forceful message for Pyongyang. He called on leader Kim Jong Un to give up all his nuclear weapons for a chance to step on to a better path. Trump warned the North, Do not underestimate us and do not try us. We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity and our sacred liberty. Backing the presidents words was the presence of three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups and nuclear submarines, which the president said are appropriately positioned near the Korean peninsula. 'Total failure' The U.S president referred to North Korea as a total failure, and a twisted regime ruled by a cult and a tyrant who enslaves his people a characterization certain to provoke a harsh rhetorical reply from Pyongyang. The world cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens it with nuclear devastation, said Trump in his speech. All responsible nations must join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea to deny it any form of support. The U.S. leader had effusive praise for South Korea, contrasting its economic success with the dark situation in the North. The more successful South Korea becomes, the more decisively you discredit the dark fantasy at the heart of the Kim regime, said the U.S. president. WATCH: Trump Message to North Korean Leader The speech ended on a hopeful note, which is the Korean dream: the peaceful reunification of the peninsula. But with Kims weapons of mass destruction posing a greater threat, Trump warned, the longer we wait, the greater the danger grows and the few the options become. President Trump generally took a more optimistic view of diplomacy during his visit to Seoul, which included meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. He said progress has been made to diffuse heightened tensions in the region, a striking departure from the tone of his tweets in recent weeks suggesting talks with Pyongyang to resolve the nuclear crisis were a waste of time. Speaking on Air Force One on the approach to Beijing Wednesday, a senior White House official said President Trump and the South Korean leader had reaffirmed their commitment for a coordinated global pressure campaign to bring North Korea back to authentic denuclearization talks, while also remaining committed to use a full range of military capabilities to defend South Korea and Japan. Authentic talks, the U.S. official said, would be without preconditions and would entail North Korea agreeing to reduce the threat, end provocations, and move toward sincere steps to ultimately denuclearize. Preconditions like refusing to put nuclear weapons on the table, the official said, is a nonstarter for the United States. The U.S. also maintains that any agreement would need to include verification of denuclearization efforts a key sticking point in multi-nation negotiations that have been attempted in the past. In a statement issued separately, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump would also make a determination on whether the United States will designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism before the end of his visit to China. It is likely the president will continue to send out tweets while in China, despite a Chinese block on Twitter. Thanks to communications gear aboard Air Force One, the official said The president will tweet whatever he wants. VOA's Bill Ide and Marissa Melton contributed to this report. U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said the United States and China must work together to liberate the region and the world from what he called the very serious threat posed by the murderous regime in North Korea. Trump made the comment as he stood alongside Chinese President Xi Jinping as they delivered successive prepared remarks, but did not take questions from journalists. Trump added that Washington and Beijing agreed not to repeat the mistakes of the past in dealing with Pyongyang, which over the years has managed to rapidly advance its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. Trump earlier said excellent progress was made in his talks with Xi. The entire civilized world must unite to confront the North Korean menace, he added. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is accompanying the president, told reporters after the meetings that the Chinese, have been clear and unequivocal over the two days of talks that they will not accept a North Korea with nuclear weapons. Theres no space between both of our objectives, said Tillerson. We have our own views of the tactics, the timing and how far to go with pressure and thats what we spend a lot of time exchanging views on. Trump, according to Tillerson, told Xi: Youre a strong man, Im sure you can solve this for me. In his prepared remarks, Xis tone was more muted regarding North Korea, saying, We reiterated the firm commitment to denuclearize the peninsula. I believe there is a solution to that, as you do, Trump told Xi during an extended bilateral meeting Thursday morning in the Chinese capital. Later, while he and Xi spoke to a meeting of business leaders, Trump said, I thank President Xi for his recent efforts to restrict trade with North Korea and cut off banking ties. China can fix this problem easily and quickly. Bilateral trade The talks between Trump and Xi are also dealing with bilateral trade, a touchy subject because Trump has long complained about the trade imbalance between China and the United States. For the first 10 months of the year, Chinas trade surplus with the U.S. was $223 billion, according to recent data released by Chinas General Administration of Customs. Trump said the U.S. trade deficit with China is, shockingly hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Past administrations allowed it to get so far out of kilter. But I dont blame China. I give China great credit, Trump said. President Xi said there is a wider and prosperous future for U.S.-China cooperation on trade, adding that $250 billion worth of business deals were signed during President Trumps visit to China and that, Chinese investment in the United States is rising rapidly. But the roughly 15 agreements unveiled in Beijing are mostly nonbinding memorandums of understanding and, according to Bloomberg News could take years to materialize if they do at all. Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute is pessimistic that such deals will do much to address the real hindrances to trade relations with China. The president likes deals, and he likes big numbers, but were not going to change something he doesnt like, like the trade deficit, without changing Chinese trade practices, Scissors said. China has to have a different approach to trade in the world than it does. Scissors said that more than the deficit, it is what is behind the numbers, such as the fact that Chinese state owned enterprises never go out of business. Which means American goods and services cant ever win in the China market, he said. In his joint statement, Xi said there needs to be in-depth discussions on the trade imbalance with the United States, among other issues. The Chinese leader predicted there will be a wider and prosperous future for cooperation on trade, specifically mentioning the oil and gas sector, beer, agricultural products, education and service contracts. He also invited more American companies to participate in Chinas One Belt One Road initiative, an effort to create the worlds largest platform for economic cooperation, inspired by the ancient Silk Road trading network. The United States and China, respectively, have the worlds largest economies and most powerful militaries. Welcome to Beijing The two leaders walked side by side on a red carpet at a welcoming ceremony early Thursday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The U.S. and Chinese national anthems were played by a military band and ceremonial cannon fire from Tiananmen Square saluted Trump. An exuberant crowd of schoolchildren waved U.S. and Chinese flags. The Trump administration is showcasing several business deals signed during the China trip, including a deal for Chinas biggest online retailer to buy $1.2 billion of American beef and pork. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has said such business deals are a good example of how the United States can productively build up our bilateral trade. Trump also met Thursday with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, whose position is similar to that of a prime minister. Trump and his wife, Melania, were received with great pageantry on their arrival to China. The Trumps were also treated to a private visit to the Forbidden City, Chinas ancient imperial palace. They also viewed an outdoor opera featuring costumes, music and martial arts. South Korea The U.S. president arrived in Beijing a day after delivering a speech in Seoul, South Korea, in which he called on other nations to unite and isolate the brutal regime of North Korea. You cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept, he added. In that speech to South Koreas National Assembly, Trump had a forceful message for Pyongyang. He called on leader Kim Jong Un to give up all of his nuclear weapons for a chance to step onto a better path. Trump warned the North, Do not underestimate us and do not try us. We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity and our sacred liberty. Backing the presidents words was the presence of three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups and nuclear submarines, which the president said are appropriately positioned near the Korean Peninsula. Total failure The U.S president referred to North Korea as a total failure, and a twisted regime ruled by a cult and a tyrant who enslaves his people, a characterization certain to provoke a harsh rhetorical reply from Pyongyang. The world cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens it with nuclear devastation, said Trump in his speech. All responsible nations must join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea, to deny it any form of support. The U.S. leader had effusive praise for South Korea, contrasting its economic success with what he characterized as the dark situation in the North. The more successful South Korea becomes, the more decisively you discredit the dark fantasy at the heart of the Kim regime, Trump said. The speech ended on a hopeful note, which is the Korean dream: the peaceful reunification of the peninsula. But with Kims weapons of mass destruction posing a greater threat, Trump warned, the longer we wait, the greater the danger grows and the few the options become. President Trump generally took a more optimistic view of diplomacy during his visit to Seoul, which included meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. He said progress has been made to diffuse heightened tensions in the region, a striking departure from the tone of his tweets in recent weeks suggesting talks with Pyongyang to resolve the nuclear crisis were a waste of time. VOA's Bill Ide and Marissa Melton contributed to this report. The United Nations has warned that unless a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition allows humanitarian aid access into Yemen, it will lead to the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims. Since Monday, all humanitarian operations to Yemen, including U.N. aid flights, have been blocked after Saudi Arabia forced every single air, land and sea port in the country closed. The move came in response to the interception of a missile fired toward the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Saturday. 'There will be a famine' Saudi Arabia justified the blockade, saying Houthi rebels were being supplied with weapons from Iran, and has accused Tehran of direct military aggression. But Iran denies arming the rebels, who have fought the coalition for more than two years. United Nations aid chief Mark Lowcock told reporters Wednesday, I have told the council that unless those measures are lifted ... there will be a famine in Yemen. The country relies on imports for virtually everything civilians need to survive, but now neither food, fuel nor medicine can get in. Guterres talks with Saudi Arabia Lowcock said the U.N.s World Food Program is feeding 7 million people a month in Yemen. What we need is a winding down of the blockade ... so that we can save the lives of those people. He added that U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had spoken with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir earlier on Wednesday and called for an immediate resumption of humanitarian access. According to the U.N., more than 8,670 people, most of them civilians, have been killed and 49,960 injured in airstrikes and fighting on the ground since the coalition intervened in Yemen's civil war in March 2015. U.S. forces conducted an airstrike against al-Shabab in Somalia on Thursday, killing "several militants," according to the U.S. military. The drone strike hit targets in the Bay Region of Somalia, about 160 kilometers west of the capital, Mogadishu, Pentagon spokeswoman Audricia Harris told VOA. No civilians were killed in the strike, Harris said. According to a statement from U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), the strike occurred about 3 p.m. local time in Somalia in coordination with the Somali government. "U.S. forces will continue to use all authorized and appropriate measures to protect Americans and to disable terrorist threats," AFRICOM said. The strike came less than a week after U.S. airstrikes targeted Islamic State fighters in the country's north. Jama Mohamed Qurshe, the chairman of the town of Qandala, told VOA Somali that the U.S. strikes last Friday hit a base for IS militants at Buqa village, about 60 kilometers south of his town, in the semiautonomous region of Puntland. An AFRICOM official told VOA those two strikes killed "fewer than five" IS fighters. They were the first U.S. airstrikes against IS militants in Somalia. U.S. military personnel are taking part this week in the largest international army operation ever held deep in the Amazon jungle of northern Brazil, in a sign of closer U.S.-Brazil defense ties. Troops from Brazil, Colombia and Peru will set up a temporary military base in their tri-border region for a weeklong logistics exercise in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, Brazilian army officials said. About 50 U.S. personnel will be present for the exercise, including 19 observers and 31 members of the Montana Air National Guard who will be based out of Manaus, providing air transportation, a U.S. Embassy statement said. The United States will provide a Hercules C-130 transport plane to move personnel and equipment, the Brazilian army said. The presence of U.S. military personnel in Brazil's Amazon region underscored improving defense relations between the two most populous countries in the Western Hemisphere after more than a decade of distancing under leftist Brazilian governments. In March, Major General Clarence K.K. Chinn, who was then the commander of the U.S. Army South, visited military installations in the Amazon and was decorated in Brasilia. Bilateral agreements on defense cooperation and information security have taken effect recently after years of stalling in Brazil's Congress. Crisis preparation General Guilherme Gaspar de Oliveira, a Brazilian army logistics commander, told local media it was the first time such a large military exercise had been held in the Amazon. He said the exercises helped prepare armed forces for a humanitarian crisis such as mass migration. Brazil has kept a close eye on economic and political upheaval in neighboring Venezuela that could trigger such an exodus. More than 30,000 Venezuelans have already fled over the border into the northern Brazilian state of Roraima, according to federal police. The Brazilian army said Venezuela was one of the 19 countries sending observers for the November 6-13 United America Operation. Brazilian Defense Minister Raul Jungmann will attend the jungle exercises on the weekend and then fly to Washington for three days of talks with Pentagon officials, his press representative said. Proposed sanctions against the Myanmar military should move quickly through the U.S. Congress due to strong bipartisan support, lawmakers told VOA. The Burma Sanctions Bill in the House of Representatives and a companion bill in the Senate would apply economic pressure on military generals with the aim of ending the ongoing violence inflicted on Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, also known as Burma. "This sends a very strong message to the Burmese military that we're not going to tolerate business as usual while they reap economic profits at the same time as they are perpetuating ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya people," said Representative Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the crisis last month, Chairman Ed Royce called on Myanmar's de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, to be more forceful in condemning the crisis that has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Many have fled to neighboring Bangladesh. "Those responsible for these atrocities must face justice. She and the military generals must rise to this challenge," Royce said. "This is ethnic cleansing." Engel said it is important for Aung San Suu Kyi to speak out about the crisis, "but we also have to take it in the context where her hands are tied because she's not able to do things because of the way the constitution was written." A spokesman for Myanmar's leader told the Reuters news service, "We need internal stability to improve the country's economy. Imposing international sanctions directly affects the people in travel and in business investments, and there are many bad consequences." The House bill's Republican co-sponsor told VOA the sanctions are meant to give Aung San Suu Kyi more leverage with the military. "We would be able to work with her perhaps to relieve sanctions once in place if the military does reform itself and does certainly cease the hostilities and the atrocities that have occurred," said Representative Steve Chabot, a Republican member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. If passed, the legislation would stop U.S. military cooperation with Myanmar in training and regional exercises, as well as reimposing bans on the country's lucrative gem trade that then-U.S. President Barack Obama lifted by executive order last year. If hostilities do stop, the bill also provides economic assistance to foster development in Myanmar and encourage the return of Rohingya. "The goal here is to get those who have been displaced and in general have gone to Bangladesh to allow them to return to Burma to return to their homes, although a lot of those homes have been burned to the ground by the military, so there's an awful lot of economic development that's going to be necessary," Chabot told VOA. Senate support The Senate version of the sanctions bill is co-sponsored by Republican John McCain and Democrat Ben Cardin. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a longtime supporter of Aung San Suu Kyi, dating back to her time under house arrest. McConnell told reporters in September that he does not support a congressional resolution calling on Aung San Suu Kyi to be more forceful in condemning the crisis. WATCH: US Congress Weighs Tough Sanctions on Burmese Military for Rohingya Crisis "I think she's the greatest hope that we have to move Burma from where it has been, a military dictatorship, to where I hope it's going," McConnell said. Even with time running short for Rohingya, the lobbyists who have mounted years of effort on their behalf are hopeful. "This is one issue where everybody across the political spectrum comes together in support of human rights in Burma," said Simon Billenness, executive director of the International Rohingya Campaign. "We think that bodes very well for the progress of this bill and getting it to the president's desk." Engel said he hopes to see the bills pass Congress by the end of this year. "There's no reason why it shouldn't happen what's happening with the Rohingya is documented; it's not as if we have a question about it; we know the military are the perpetrators of it and the United States cannot just do business as usual," he said. The U.S. State Department is ending the Central American Minors (CAM) refugee program established to stem the flood of children attempting to enter the United States from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The program, established in 2014 by the Obama administration, allowed certain parents lawfully residing in the U.S. to request a refugee resettlement interview for their children and eligible family members. But the Trump administration said it would end the program as part of its overall review of the refugees admissions process. The State Department said the deadline to apply for the program is Thursday. While people from those countries seeking refugee status may still be eligible, they must use the normal refugee screening process, the department said. Since 2014, more than 1,500 children and eligible family members have arrived in the United States as refugees under the CAM program, and another 13,000 have applied for refuge, the State Department said. The decision to end the program comes the same week that the administration announced that it was ending the immigration benefits for nearly 2,500 Nicaraguan nationals living and working in the U.S. under a program called Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The Department of Homeland Security gave the Nicaraguan TPS recipients 12 months after the Jan. 5 expiration of their protected status to arrange their affairs and either leave the country or obtain legal status through a different visa category. Another 195,000 Salvadorans and 46,000 Haitians are awaiting the decision on their fate, as DHS must decide in coming weeks what to do with TPS recipients from those countries whose legal residency will expire early next year. The federal judge overseeing the upcoming criminal trial of two top former Trump aides has imposed a gag order in the case. Judge Amy Berman Jackson Wednesday ordered defendants Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, their lawyers, and all possible witnesses to refrain from making statements to the media or in public settings that could pose a substantial likelihood of material prejudice. In all criminal cases, it is always possible that making statements for or against the defendants in the media could make it very hard to find an impartial jury one whose members have not already made up their minds. Former Trump campaign chairman Manafort and his associate Gates have been charged with 12 criminal counts over Manaforts financial dealings with Ukraines former pro-Russian government. The charges include money laundering, failing to register as agents of a foreign government, and failing to disclose foreign bank accounts. Manafort and Gates have both pleaded not guilty and are under house arrest. The charges stem out of special counsel Robert Muellers probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to steer the 2016 election in Trumps favor. The White House has strongly denied the allegations and the Kremlin said it did not interfere in the election. House and Senate negotiators have agreed on an annual defense policy bill that authorizes $700 billion for the Pentagon in the 2018 fiscal year, a dramatic increase over the amount President Donald Trump sought as lawmakers aim to restock what they say is a depleted U.S. military. The bill allots just over $634 billion for core Pentagon operations and nearly $66 billion for wartime missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, according to summaries of the legislation released Wednesday by the House and Senate Armed Services committees. The funding boost pays for more troops, jet fighters, ships and other weapons the bill's backers said are needed to halt an erosion of the military's combat readiness. Trump's 2018 request sought $603 billion for basic functions and $65 billion for overseas missions. Republican defense hawks in particular were surprised the president didn't seek more given his bullish campaign talk about rebuilding the armed forces. But they kept their criticisms largely to themselves as they set about boosting the Pentagon's budget to a level higher than at any point during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet the lawmakers pushing the hardest for the big increase still face an uphill battle. For the billions of additional dollars to actually materialize, Congress first will have to agree to roll back a 2011 law that set strict limits on most federal spending. But that won't be easy. Lifting the budget caps will face resistance from Democrats who also are seeking to increase the budgets for domestic agencies. The policy bill would give U.S. troops a 2.4 percent pay raise, which is slightly higher than the wage increase the Pentagon had proposed. The blueprint calls for 7,500 additional active-duty Army soldiers and 1,000 more National Guard and Army reserve troops. The Navy would get 4,000 more active-duty sailors and 1,000 additional reservists. The Marine Corps will see an increase of 1,000 active-duty Marines, and the Air Force is due for 4,100 more active-duty airmen, 900 National Guardsmen and 800 reservists. The defense bill provides money for 90 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, 20 more than Trump asked for, as well as 24 F/A-18 Super Hornet jet fighters, 10 more than requested. The budget also includes three Littoral Combat Ships, two beyond the budget request. The ships are new to the fleet and operate in congested areas near the shore against small boats and mines. Overall, the bill provides $6.3 billion more than Trump sought for five additional battle force ships, according to the Senate summary. The legislation folds in the nearly $6 billion Trump requested Monday for urgent missile defense improvements to counter the threat from North Korea, increased U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan and speedy repairs to Navy ships in the Asia-Pacific theater. A large chunk of the money would be used for the construction of an additional ground-based interceptor field at Fort Greely, Alaska; the initial procurement of 20 new ground-based interceptors; ship-based missiles; and interceptors for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, a U.S. mobile anti-missile system. Many of these specific increases had already been addressed in earlier versions of the bill. The bill also covers the $1.2 billion Trump sought to allow the Defense Department to deploy an additional 3,500 U.S. troops to Afghanistan as part of the president's new strategy for the country where the U.S. has been fighting since 2001. The legislation also fully pays for repairs to the USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald. Both ships from the Pacific-based 7th Fleet were damaged in deadly collisions that led to eight top Navy officers, including the 7th Fleet commander, being fired from their jobs. The legislation is expected to be released as soon as Thursday. The defense bill is essentially silent on Trump's proposal to exclude transgender people from military service, according to congressional staff members who weren't authorized to discuss the legislation publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. Trump had ordered a reinstatement of the long-standing policy that barred transgender individuals from joining the military; service members who were revealed to be transgender were subject to discharge. A federal judge last month barred the Trump administration from proceeding with the plan. The Trump administration on Thursday hit another 10 current and former Venezuelan officials with financial sanctions over corruption and abuse of power allegations related to President Nicolas Maduro's ruling partys crackdown on opposition. The Treasury Department said the penalties were imposed following what it called flawed regional elections last month in Venezuela. Those elections were marred by irregularities that strongly suggest fraud helped the ruling party unexpectedly win a majority of governorships, it said. The sanctions freeze any assets that the affected officials have in U.S. jurisdictions and bar Americans from doing business with them. Among the officials named are the countrys former communications and food ministers, Ernesto Villegas and Carlos Osorio, along with others involved in organizing elections. Treasury said the officials all had a role in undermining electoral processes, media censorship, or corruption in government-administered food programs. As the Venezuelan government continues to disregard the will of its people, our message remains clear: the United States will not stand aside while the Maduro regime continues to destroy democratic order and prosperity in Venezuela, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. We will maintain our vigorous efforts to sanction Venezuelan government officials who are complicit in Maduros attempts to undermine democracy, violate human rights, inhibit the freedom of expression or peaceful assembly, or engage in public corruption, unless they break from Maduro's dictatorial regime. The U.S. has targeted dozens of current and former Venezuelan officials and companies with sanctions since the government in August set up a constitutional assembly that has been given virtually unlimited powers. Pope Francis has ordered a ban on the sale of cigarettes inside the Vatican from next year because of health concerns, a spokesman said on Thursday. "The motive is very simple: the Holy See cannot be cooperating with a practice that is clearly harming the health of people," spokesman Greg Burke said in a statement. He cited World World Health Organization (WHO) statistics that smoking causes more than seven million deaths worldwide every year. Cigarettes have been sold at a discounted price to Vatican employees and pensioners. Vatican employees are allowed to buy five cartons of cigarettes a month. Many Italians ask their non-smoking friends who work in the Vatican to buy cigarettes for them because they cost much less than in Italy, where they are subject to heavy taxes. Burke acknowledged that the sale of cigarettes has been a source of revenue for the Holy See, adding, "However, no profit can be legitimate if it is costing people their lives." The spokesman said the sale of large cigars would continue at least for the time being because the smoke is not inhaled. The Vatican, a tiny walled city-state surrounded by Rome, is one of the few states to ban smoking. Bhutan, where smoking is deemed bad for one's karma, banned the sale of tobacco in 2005. President Donald Trump suffered the sharpest political setback of his presidency Tuesday when Democrats swept to easy victories in governors races in Virginia and New Jersey. Tuesdays results have major implications for both political parties as they look ahead to next years midterm elections. A number of female members of Congress told the Associated Press on Friday they had been sexually harassed by male colleagues in incidents that occurred years or even decades ago. They declined to identify the men responsible. When I was a very new member of Congress in my early 30s, there was a more senior member who outright propositioned me, who was married, and despite trying to laugh it off and brush it aside, it would repeat. And I would avoid that member, Rep. Linda Sanchez told the news organization. Sanchez said a different male colleague stared at her once and, she said, touched her inappropriately, but tried to make it appear accidental. Sanchez refused to name either man because she said she doesnt think it would be helpful. The problem is, as a member there's no HR (human resources) department you can go to, there's nobody you can turn to. Ultimately they're employed by their constituents, she said. Another congresswoman, Mary Bono, told the AP a male colleague told her hed been thinking about her in the shower. Bono said she confronted the colleague and he didnt make any more suggestive comments. It is a man's world, it's still a man's world, Bono said. Not being a flirt and not being a bitch. That was my rule, to try to walk that fine line. She declined to name the colleague, but said he is still serving in Congress Former Rep. Hilda Solis said she received from a male colleague what the AP referred to as repeated unwanted harassing overtures. She, too, declined to name the colleague or detail exactly what those overtures included. It's humiliating, even though they may have thought they were being cute. No, it's not. It's not appropriate. I'm your colleague, but he doesn't see me that way, and that's a problem, Solis said. The International Criminal Court on Thursday gave prosecutors the go ahead to investigate alleged war crimes committed by the government of Burundi against its political opposition between April 2015 and October 2017. In a statement, judges said there is "a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation in relation to crimes against humanity." The war crimes, judges said, include murder, rape and torture that led to the deaths of more than 1,000 people and prompted 400,000 to flee the country. The decision was handed down on October 25, just two days before Burundi made the decision to withdraw from the criminal court. The decision was kept under seal until Thursday, but the court will still have jurisdiction over crimes committed while Burundi was a member. Burundi erupted into protests and violence in 2015 after President Pierre Nkurunziza announced he would seek a third term. Critics said he was defying term limits in the constitution and the agreement that ended Burundi's civil war. Soldiers put down a coup attempt while Nkurunziza was out of the country. Burundi protests executive order U.S. President Donald Trump recently signed a continuation of a 2015 executive order that declared a national emergency to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the security in Burundi. In an interview this week with VOA's Central African service, Burundian Foreign Affairs Minister Alain Aime Nyamitwe took issue with the executive order, saying no one in Burundi, including Americans, feels unsafe. He said Burundi has made tremendous strides from the political chaos that started in May 2015 and that peace and security in all parts of the country have been restored. Burundi is now peaceful. The people of Burundi have defeated those who wanted to seize power by force, and the entire country is now peaceful. We are really puzzled when we hear reports that Burundi threatens the security of the region and the security of Americans, he said. Nyamitwe also said that the continuation of the 2015 executive order which the government had objected to from the outset stems from the fact that the U.S. and some European countries continue to receive wrong information about what is really going on in his country. "The only thing that may trigger such a decision is the disinformation campaign spread by those who have their own agenda," he said. Burundi has called for the refugees who fled in 2015 to return; but, residents of camps in Rwanda and Uganda recently told VOA that killings of perceived government opponents in Burundi continue, and they would not feel safe returning home. The "Paradise Papers, millions of confidential documents on offshore investments that were leaked this week, have shed light on the financial affairs of world leaders such as Queen Elizabeth II and the president of Colombia. They also cite several prominent politicians in the worlds fourth largest country, Indonesia, including children of its famously corrupt late dictator Suharto, who skimmed over $30 billion in his lifetime. The documents cite Suhartos daughter Mamiek and son Tommy, a playboy businessman and convicted murderer; Sandiaga Uno, an entrepreneur and the current deputy of Jakarta; and Prabowo Subianto, a businessman, former army general, and current opposition coalition leader who narrowly lost the 2014 presidential election. We found 215 Indonesian names in total, said Wahyu Dhyatmika, who was the only Indonesian member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) team that shared the documents. He said the remaining names 200 individuals and 15 companies would become public as the complete documents are shared in coming weeks. The Indonesian names that have been released so far are only a small, albeit prominent, sample. The documents are drawn from the offshore law firm Appleby in Bermuda, corporate services providers Estera and Asiaciti Trust, and business registries in 19 tax havens worldwide. They list over 120,000 names of people engaged in offshore investments. Prominent names According to the documents, Prabowo was director of a company called Nusantara Energy Resources that opened in Bermuda in 2001 and closed in 2004. Tommy Suharto was director of a company registered in Bermuda called Asia Market Investment, which opened in 1997 and closed in 2000. Sandiaga, whose name also came up in last years Panama Papers leak in relation to shell companies in the British Virgin Islands, was shown to have worked with a Canadian oil and gas exploration company called NTI Resources. It is difficult to penalize the offshoring of assets as it is rarely illegal. But in Indonesia, the revelations have come during a year of aggressive crackdowns on tax evasion from the Finance Ministry. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani told reporters this week that she would examine the records of everyone named in the Paradise Papers, although a spokesperson for the ministry said they could not comment on their findings until the remaining 215 Indonesian names have surfaced. Tommy Suharto showily declared over $910 million last year in the ministers flagship tax amnesty program to recover overseas assets, more than doubling the revenue at that point. As a journalist, I just want people to know how the world works, said Drew Sullivan, one of the leaders of the ICIJ effort. Countries like Russia, China. Brazil and Indonesia have too much of their economies, their industries, their wealth and assets moving through opaque structures that hide corruption and wealth. That is not good. You cant do business in the dark because its dangerous and helps corruption thrive. We will try to obtain more comprehensive and detailed data on the individuals named in the Papers as part of efforts to ensure taxpayer compliance, said Hestu Yoga Saksama, spokesman for the Directorate General of Taxation. Were not shocked by the names that have surfaced, said Firdaus Ilyas of Indonesia Corruption Watch. Particularly for the Suhartos there have historically been very few consequences for that family. And Prabowo and Sandi are prominent figures, but they usually campaign on identity politics, he said, so corruption allegations are unlikely to seriously impact their image or electability. The challenge of accountability The offshoring implied by the Paradise Papers is very typical of Indonesian business, said Wayne Forrest, who leads the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce. The companies registered probably were established in the 1990s keeping money offshore is standard practice when your currency can devalue, as it did during the Asian financial crisis and the fall of Suharto. Frankly were not sure the Directorate General of Taxes is brave enough to investigate the Paradise Papers further; we still havent even heard any follow-up to the Panama Papers, said Firdaus. [Finance Minister] Sri Mulyani is the best hope for now. But there are high costs to investigating the claims: Tommy Suharto once plotted the murder of a judge who served him a corruption charge in 2000; Prabowo organized the kidnappings of pro-democracy activists in 1997 and 1998. There is low incentive for Indonesian journalists to follow up on these figures, even though it is the crucial next step said Andreas Harsono, a former journalist and current researcher with Human Rights Watch in Jakarta. We need to connect the companies cited in the Papers with the acts they did within Indonesia. Otherwise they are just names. Harsono cited the example of Goerge Aditjondro, a journalist who made it his mission to surface the details of Suharto family wealth in the late 1990s. It was a lonely quest, and he died with hardly a penny to his name, said Harsono. The fact that he did it is amazing. But working on asset recovery in Indonesia is usually a thankless task. The United States says it is monitoring the political situation in Zimbabwe amid stern warnings from President Robert Mugabes government for accredited diplomats to desist from interfering in the countrys 2018 general elections. In a statement, the U.S Embassy Harare said, This week Zimbabweans were inundated with false social media reports regarding the Embassy following political developments in Zimbabwe. We are following the developments taking place in all sectors closely and will continue to monitor the situation. The recent developments in the government of Zimbabwe are a matter of internal party politics, in which the U.S. Government does not take sides. We encourage all parties to follow democratic, transparent and peaceful processes, both in internal party matters and in general elections. Foreign Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi told heads of diplomatic missions in Harare that they should stay out of the current political processes in the country, including the proposed 2018 general polls. He is quoted by the state-controlled Herald newspaper as saying, I want to inform you that the election season beckons and l would urge you not to become referees and players in the same. Instead, I exhort you to remain steadfast in your dignified roles of impartial observers as has been already pronounced by His Excellency the President, Cde R.G. Mugabe. As with previous elections, the Zimbabwe government has always guaranteed a peaceful environment, before, during and after elections. Its zero tolerance to violence policy as we approach 2018 elections, is a matter of public record. The internal strife in Zimbabwes ruling party is pitting President Mugabes sympathizers and others loyal to former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who was expelled from Zanu PF on Wednesday by a faction of the party said to be led by First Lady Grace Mugabe known as Generation 40 or G40. Zanu PF activists affiliated to another party faction, Team Lacoste, which was allegedly led by Mnangagwa, are fuming saying his ouster is designed to elevate Mrs. Mugabe to the post of Zanu PF vice president. They claim that the first lady does not have the liberation credential to occupy that position, noting that it is reserved for people who fought in the 1970s guerilla war. Meanwhile, Mnangagwa is claiming that he will remove Mr. Mugabe from power within weeks when he returns home. In a hard-hitting statement, he said, You (Mugabe) and your cohorts will, instead, leave Zanu PF by the will of the people and this, we will do in the coming few weeks as Zimbabweans in general now require new and progressive leadership that is not resident in the past and refuses to accept change. As I leave this post for now, I encourage all loyal members of the party to remain in the party, to register to vote, as we will, very soon, control the levers of power in our beautiful party and country. Let not your hearts be troubled for peace, love, unity, development and prosperity are around the corner. I will be communicating with you soon and shall return to Zimbabwe to lead you. But Morgan Tsvangirai, founding president of the Movement for Democratic Change, immediately rubbished Mnangagwas claims, saying the former vice president has been part of the machinery that has completely destroyed Zimbabwe and therefore he cant lead any opposition movement. Observers say it still remains to be seen whether Mnangagwa will remove Mr. Mugabe from his post through the ballot or other means as former Home Affairs Minister Dumiso Dabengwa has warned that a coup cannot be ruled out in the southern African nation. Support us - Help us upgrade our services! Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources. We're aiming to achieve uninterrupted service wherever an earthquake or volcano eruption unfolds, and your donations can make it happen! Every donation will be highly appreciated. Improved multilanguage support Tsunami alerts Faster responsiveness Design upgrade Detailed quake stats Additional seismic data sources Download and Upgrade the Volcanoes & Earthquakes app to get one of the fastest seismic and volcano alerts online: Android | IOS to get one of the fastest seismic and volcano alerts online: We truly love working to bring you the latest volcano and earthquake data from around the world.We need financing to increase hard- and software capacity as well as support our editor team.If you find the information useful and would like to support our team in integrating further features, write great content, and in upgrading our soft- and hardware, please PayPal or Online credit card payment )., these features have been added recently: The 2016 presidential election inspired fierce partisanship in Hollywood, whose executives and creatives often deployed for Hillary Clinton. But a group of independent filmmakers had a different response: Document the many types of U.S. voters, on the day they were doing the voting. The result is one of the more unusual nonfiction film projects in recent history: 11/8/16, a snapshot of the lives of scores of people across the country as the historic day unfolded. The movie highlights how the film industry is looking for ways to reflect the views of a diversity of Americans at a time when it often seems unabashedly liberal, whether due to Meryl Streeps anti-Trump speech at the 2017 Golden Globes or films like George Clooneys new identity-politics-infused Suburbicon. Because what we hear on the news is about groups as voting blocs, we dont understand the people who make up those groups, said the projects curator, Jeff Deutchman, describing an approach at odds with the current moment. And because we tend to gravitate to like-minded people and media, the perception is that we live in a country more similar to ourselves than it really is. What we wanted with this film, he added, to cut through all that. Made for less than $1 million, 11/8/16 required the involvement of 50 documentarians. Deutchman commissioned the directors, many of them award winners, and had them follow a variety of Americans on Election Day. He and a team of editors then chose 16 submissions and threaded them together in a single feature a two-hour look at 320 million people (or at least their avatars). A coal miner in West Virginia, a radio reporter in Pennsylvania, a DACA dreamer from California and an entrepreneur in Massachusetts all are captured on camera emoting about presidential politics. Some of those feelings are visceral: The dreamer worries about being deported after more than 25 years in this country and seeks to mobilize others to support Clinton. Others are practical: The entrepreneur, because of employer health-care costs, believes he will not be able to run his business unless Donald Trump changes the system. A few are muted: The public-radio reporter, filmed by the free-speech-minded director Alison Klayman, must keep his emotions at bay as he becomes one of the first journalists to report on a potential Trump upset. And sometimes they are unexpected: A Latino man from Miami supports Trump because he felt let down by Clinton during his time in the military. Its very rare to have a film that tries to survey an entire national mood, said Yung Chang, who directed a story line about the fringe Vermont lieutenant governor candidate Boots Wardinski. You almost imagine a new model in which you can describe how a lot of different people are feeling at once by sending directors to every corner of a country. That said, Chang noted, I was happy I didnt have to be a part of the editing process. Whether the movie can succeed in a world where preaching-to-the-converted equals ratings remains to be seen. Executives at The Orchard, the independent distributor that has made the film available on iTunes and Netflix in addition to a small theatrical run, say the early answer is yes. We released three trailers one only with subjects on the left, one only with subjects on the right and one nonpartisan trailer with both, said the companys executive vice president, Paul Davidson. And what was interesting is that the most animated Facebook comments were on the nonpartisan trailer. With the other two everyone kept quiet, like they just watched what they agreed with and had nothing more to say. The approach seems to be working according to at least one metric: 11/8/16 has become the No. 1 documentary on iTunes. Though many of the filmmakers including Deutchman acknowledge opposing the president, he said he had no qualms about omitting political broadsides. Just making an anti-Trump movie was not interesting to me, said Deutchman, a veteran of Paramount Pictures and IFC Films. I dont want to live in a world where we can only make movies about ourselves. Part of the films charge comes from watching subjects emotions as they fluctuate throughout the day. A Clinton volunteer goes gradually from joyous to crestfallen at the candidates election-night rally in New York. Meanwhile, a coal miner and his family watch with growing triumph at Trumps victory and a liberal demise. The West Virginian rolls his eyes as the progressive Van Jones gives his famous tearful speech on CNN. But the movie also plays differently through the prism of news events many months later. The DACA subplot, for instance, takes on a different tint as Congress debates the Dream Act. Whats incredible about the document, said Klayman, the director, is that it keeps changing. I dont even think we understand whats in it yet. Columnist There are times that you run across something thats so preposterous that its hard to believe its true. But in this case, it is. Im talking about the multiple and permanent set of tax breaks that some of the Trump administrations mega-wealthy appointees and their heirs stand to get if the estate tax repeal in the House GOP tax bill becomes law. The appointees Im talking about are those with a net worth above $11 million (which is a lot of them) who sold assets that the Office of Government Ethics said would pose conflict-of-interest problems in their new gigs. Combine the rules that cover such sales with terms of the proposed estate tax repeal, and these people get a multi-level, multi-generational bonanza. A gift that would keep on giving (and giving and giving). [A tax cut bill only Donald Trump could love] I couldnt believe what I was reading, and figured that I might be overly eager to uncover gifts to the ultra-rich in the House tax cut bill, which is by no means tax reform because it hurts millions of taxpayers in my home state of New Jersey and other places that arent reliably Republican, but bestows plenty of breaks on big businesses and the rich. So I asked tax expert Bob Willens of Robert Willens LLC, whom Ive consulted for decades, to show me where I was making a mistake. It turned out that Willens couldnt believe what he was reading, either, when he parsed the proposed estate tax repeal provisions. I had to read that about eight times, Willens told me. It defies description. Its unheard of. Its unbelievable. Now, let me show you why. And why mega-wealthy Trump appointees and their heirs would get level after level after level of tax goodies, even more than regular rich people would get. Under Section 1043 of the tax code, enacted in 1989, eligible federal appointees (such as an energy secretary who owns oil stocks) who sell conflict-posing assets and reinvest the proceeds in something permissible, such as an index mutual fund, dont owe any tax until the replacement asset is sold. At that point, they pay taxes on the gain between, to use our example, the mutual fund shares they bought compared with the cost of the assets they had to sell. In other words, the only benefit they get under current law is a deferral in their capital gains taxes. They dont get to permanently escape taxes. I have no problem with this tax deferral, by the way. I dont think people should have to shell out serious money in order to work for the government. If they happen to benefit by being able to diversify their portfolios on a tax-deferred basis, the way former ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson could diversify out of his Exxon stock and long-time Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn could diversify out of his Goldman holdings, that doesnt bother me, either. Besides, until now people who have gotten very large Section 1043 tax deferrals have been almost certain to be wealthy enough to trigger estate tax no, its not a death tax, it applies to only about 1 in 500 estates when they die. Some 99.8 percent of estates dont pay tax because about $5.5 million of assets are exempt from estate tax for a single person, and about $11 million for a married couple. Now, watch where the outrageous part comes in. Under current law, heirs have to pay estate tax based only on the value of the inherited assets on the day the person who bequeathed them died. They dont have to pay a penny on the assets gains while the dearly departed owned them. (The adjustment is known as a basis step-up in tax jargon.) But of course, the estate has to pay estate tax of 40 percent of the amount by which the inherited assets exceed the $5.5 million/$11 million threshold. The tax-free basis step-up allows heirs to avoid having to pay both capital gains tax and estate tax on the assets they inherit, which strikes me as a reasonable thing. However, under the Republican plans estate tax repeal, not only would heirs collect everything tax-free, but they would also get a tax-free basis step-up in the assets they inherit. By contrast, when the estate tax was repealed for a year in 2010 as part of the George Bush tax cut bill, the step-up in basis was largely negated, which stopped heirs from getting a mega-windfall. [How the GOP could repeal the estate tax and rip off 99.8 percent of us] I assumed that would be the case in whatever plan the Republicans proposed this time. In fact, I predicted that in a January article that I wrote with Cezary Podkul, then a ProPublica colleague, currently a Wall Street Journal reporter. We felt that even if the estate tax were repealed, the heirs of Donald Trumps appointees would be subject to capital gains tax when they sold the assets their benefactors had acquired to solve conflict-of-interest problems. Besides, even Trump, who campaigned on eliminating the estate tax, wasnt proposing that heirs get a totally free ride. He was proposing something details of which were never made clear that seemed to involve estates paying capital gains tax on unrealized gains above $10 million. That idea of taxing estates in any way seems to have disappeared entirely from Trumps public statements these days. And I realize now that I was naive to think that Trump might ever promote anything that might cost him or his family any money. To return to where I started, Im just astounded by the multiple tax breaks Trump appointees and their heirs stand to get if the House version of estate tax repeal becomes law. So is Bob Willens, the tax expert. You get to diversify tax-free, he said, a tone of wonder in his voice. Then you get to bequeath your portfolio tax-free. And the most amazing part is that your heirs get to step up their basis in the inherited assets tax-free. A great deal for these people. A terrible deal for the rest of us, who would have to pick up the tab for it. FEDERAL AGENCIES Senate panel advances Trumps NASA pick A Senate committee on Wednesday narrowly backed President Trumps nominee to serve as the next NASA chief. Republicans on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee used their slender majority to overcome objections from Democrats to advance the selection of Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.). The party-line vote was 14 to 13. Bridenstine, 42, is serving his third term representing a conservative district in northeast Oklahoma. Democrats criticized comments he made in which he appeared skeptical that global warming is primarily caused by humans. They also raised concern about Bridenstines harsh criticisms of Democratic lawmakers and fellow Republicans over the years, and questioned whether he would keep the space agency from becoming mired in political battles. Bridenstine appeared before the committee last week and promised to run the space agency on a consensus agenda driven by science. Associated Press FUEL INDUSTRY Icahn subpoenaed in federal probe Federal investigators have issued subpoenas for information on Carl Icahns efforts to change biofuel policy while serving as an informal adviser to President Trump, according to regulatory filings. The U.S. attorneys office for the Southern District of New York is seeking production of information pertaining to Icahns activities regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard, according to a document Icahn Enterprises filed Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The investigators also want information on Icahns role as an adviser to the president, the document says. Icahn left that post in August. We are cooperating with the request and are providing information in response to the subpoena, Icahn Enterprises said in the filing. Icahn, the majority owner of oil refiner CVR Energy, has drawn criticism for pushing a change in U.S. biofuel policy that would benefit the company. Specifically, he wanted the Environmental Protection Agency to change who must comply with annual biofuel quotas, shifting the burden away from fuel refiners. Bloomberg News federal courts Tenn. governor says hes not on witness list Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (R) said Wednesday that he is not on the list of potential witnesses at the federal fraud trial of former executives and sales representatives at the truck stop chain owned by his family. Pilot Flying J was founded by the governors father, Jim Haslam, and is run by his brother, Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam. None of the Haslams have been charged in the investigation that has led to guilty pleas by more than a dozen former members of the Pilot sales team and to the ongoing trial of the four former Pilot employees, including its onetime president. Bill Haslam has not held an active role at Pilot since he was elected mayor of Knoxville in 2003. He said he was not aware of whether his brother will testify. Im not involved at all, the governor said. Fourteen former members of the Pilot sales team have pleaded guilty to charges related to ripping off trucking company customers they deemed too unsophisticated to realize they werent receiving the rebates they had negotiated. Pilot ultimately agreed to an $85 million settlement with most of the defrauded customers as well as a $92 million penalty to the government. Associated Press Also in Business The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Wednesday that it has filed a lawsuit against Freedom Debt Relief, the largest U.S. debt-settlement services provider, and its co-chief executive Andrew Housser, alleging they deceived consumers. The CFPB alleges "that Freedom charges consumers without settling their debts as promised, makes customers negotiate their own settlements, misleads them about its fees and the reach of its services and fails to inform them of their rights to funds they deposited with the company." From news reports Panera Bread said Wednesday it is buying bakery chain Au Bon Pain to boost its presence in airports, hospitals and colleges. The two chains were part of the same company in the 1990s until Au Bon Pain was sold in 1999 to a private equity firm and Panera became the focus. Panera did not say how much it will pay for Au Bon Pain, which operates more than 300 locations. Panera has more than 2,000 restaurants. Coming today 8:30 a.m.: Labor Department releases weekly jobless claims. 10 a.m.: Freddie Mac releases weekly mortgage rates. 10 a.m.: Commerce Department releases wholesale trade inventories for September. Earnings: Macy's. From left, Caroline Dubberly, Jessica Lefkow, Alexandra Maria Palting, Amanda Forstrom and Karina Hilleard play women across the centuries in Top Girls. (Cameron Whitman) Theater critic The opening act of Caryl Churchill's 1982 "Top Girls" is still breathtaking as women ranging from the ninth-century Pope Joan to 13th-century concubine Lady Nijo and Victorian-era explorer Isabella Bird gather for a vivacious dinner party hosted by a modern employment agency manager who is celebrating a promotion. The final act of Thatcher-era class warfare knifes into our Trumpian divisions as sharply as anything in Jon Robin Baitz's absorbing new "Vicuna." It's a masterful work. In the new Keegan Theatre staging, director Amber Paige McGinnis guides her cast through the choppy waters of that sometimes hilariously busy and fantastical first act. These women all have vivid stories to tell and no shortage of opinions. The give-and-take has a musical swing as Susan Marie Rheas bold Isabella Bird charges into conversations, Alexandra Maria Paltings Lady Nijo gets interrupted a lot and Caroline Dubberly reliably getting laughs with grunted one-liners quietly pillages the table as the warrior Dull Gret, swiping full wine bottles and hiding the bread. The party is rounded out by Jessica Lefkows smooth, commanding Pope Joan and Amanda Forstroms meek Patient Griselda, who seemingly lets her husband put their two children to death. Thats a theme: the outrages perpetrated by men that in some cases were fatal. Things seem better for modern women as Churchill pivots to the 1980s, but then you get an earful of the prickly interviews at the London job placement agency. Shrewdly, the plot zeros in on the newly promoted Marlene (a brusque Karina Hilleard) and her poor suburban sister Joyce (Rhea, shrugging off the bravado of the explorer Bird for an all-too-real single mothers exhaustion). Dubberly persuasively changes from Dull Gret to Angie, Joyces Visigoth-like 15-year-old; Angie slowly emerges as the real object of Churchills attention. The plaintively designed production doesnt look as good as it could, and two Helen Reddy songs during transitions are notably awkward. But the acting is sensitive and intelligent, especially in the imaginative opening act and during the earthy, realistic sisterly showdown of Act 3, which crackles with surprisingly up-to-the-minute political friction. Suzanne Edgar, foreground, and Erin Lee Hanratty in Venus Theatres The Ravens. (Mike Landsman) The job in Alana Valentines The Ravens is the oldest profession, and like Top Girls, the play explores women exploiting women against a large misogynist backdrop. Kira is trying to quit the life and hard drugs; Marg is a bird of prey angling for the money Kira just won in some sort of settlement. Nina is a new social worker who takes up for Kira; we learn about the struggles of sex workers through Ninas naive eyes. Its a straightforward drama, blunt about Margs violence and clear-eyed about how frightened and manipulative people like Kira can be. As Kira, Suzanne Edgar keeps you hooked in Venus Theatres intimate storefront production, which features a pole for pole dancing in the middle of the small stage. Directed by Deborah Randall, Edgar does the good-girl-bad-girl thing well enough to have you rooting for her and then despairing. Valentine laces her play with one of Shakespeares poems, but the dramas strength is how clearly, especially in Edgars understated contradictions, it depicts this victims dilemma. Top Girls, by Caryl Churchill. Directed by Amber Paige McGinnis. Set, Matthew J. Keenan; costumes, Alison Samantha Johnson; lights, Laura J. Eckelman; sound design, Justin Schmitz and Gordon Nimmo-Smith. With Daven Ralston. About 2 hours and 45 minutes. Through Dec. 2 at Keegan Theatre, 1742 Church St. NW. Tickets $45. Call 202-265-3767 or visit The Ravens, by Alana Valentine. Directed by Deborah Randall. Lights and set, Amy E. Belschner Rhodes; costumes, Deborah Randall; sound, Neil McFadden. With Erin Lee Hanratty, Alison Talvacchio and Ashley Zielinski. About 100 minutes. Through Nov. 26 at the Venus Theatre Play Shack, 21 C St., Laurel. Tickets $40. Call 202-236-4078 or visit Hummingbird Cake from Succotash. (Goran Kosanovic/For The Washington Post) From the first moment he tried it, when his girlfriend (now wife) made it for him, chef Edward Lee was hooked on hummingbird cake. The Southern staple is served in a giant wedge at his Succotash restaurants in the District and National Harbor. "The cake itself is pretty standard," explains Lee, with spices, oil and mashed banana creating a dense, moist crumb. But thanks to its ingredients, the dessert is packed with flavor and character. You may know hummingbird cake as the most requested recipe from Southern Living magazine, where it was first published in February 1978. Consumers of The Washington Post might even remember a nearly identical recipe from May 19, 1977, printed by reader request. While that recipe's headnote calls the cake's derivation "baffling," late food historian Gil Marks writes in a post on that the dessert stems from 1960s Jamaica, where it was known among other names as doctor bird cake. (The doctor bird, or swallow tail hummingbird, is Jamaica's beloved national bird.) Around Washington, youll find several interpretations of the cheery cake. 1. Topping Chopped pecans, walnuts or, as at Succotash, shredded coconut provide the finishing touch. 2. Cake Typically, oil (rather than butter) is the fat of choice; cinnamon is the main spice, but you might find nutmeg and others in the mix. Chopped pecans or walnuts add texture; at Succotash, Lee adds chopped dates and sweetens the batter with molasses. 3. Frosting As with carrot cake, hummingbird cake is most often layered with cream cheese frosting, perhaps in an attempt to achieve a tangy-sweet balance. 4. Fruit Here the cakes tropical origins shine: Bananas chopped or mashed add moisture and flavor, while crushed pineapple adds sweetness and a bit of acidity. Keith Heard, a DC lobbyist and president of Key Impact Strategies, is often mistaken for Steve Bannon. (Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post) Keith Heard, former chief of staff for Sen. Thad Cochran, is a lobbyist and president of Key Impact Strategies. Heard, who is 61 and lives in Mississippi, keeps an apartment on Capitol Hill, not far from his doppelganger, Breitbart chairman and former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon. When did you realize you are a dead ringer for Steve Bannon? I didnt know for a while. But on election night my text messages started blowing up: Saw you in New York. What are you doing up on the stage? I texted back, Everybodys gotta be somewhere. But I didnt pay much attention. It didnt hit me that it was Bannon they were talking about. Bannon has compared himself with Dick Cheney, Darth Vader and Satan. How does that make you feel? Prettier than him. Its interesting a friend and I, we were at a meeting here in Washington, standing outside the Hyatt on New Jersey [Avenue NW], and a union was having a meeting there. Some guys were looking at us, staring at us. We went inside and a couple came up and wanted to know [if I was Bannon]. I said, No, Im not. They were nice to me, but they were giving me some tough looks at first. One night, we were at the National Building Museum for a big fundraiser that the president always comes to. My table happened to be up front, to the side of the podium. A congressman comes over, gives me his card and asks me to meet some of his constituents. When I told him, Im not who you think I am, he reached over, grabbed his card out of my hand and walked off. Whats interesting is that its not just political people. Its all demographics. A homeless man told me, You looked good on 60 Minutes the other night. At the Capital Grille, a Democratic congressman wanted me to meet his constituents. When I told him, he said, Oh, hell, come on anyway. They wont know the difference. You said you move in the same circles as Mr. Bannon. What are those circles? Just Republican political circles. But I walk every morning, about 2 miles, [and] going down the street I saw a guy going by, and hes a pretty good-looking fellow. And then it dawned on me: [Bannon]. I would have liked to say hello and see if we do look the same. I guess its kind of vain that I thought he looked good. Whats the biggest difference between you and Bannon? We have a lot of similarities. Im a populist conservative, but Im a big supporter of the Republican Party. Our biggest difference would be in tactics. I dont think beating [establishment Republicans] and potentially having a Democrat take their place is good for the country. Now that Bannon has left the White House, would you agree to becoming Trumps chief strategist? I would enjoy that. I was a Trump delegate from Mississippi. What advice would you give him? Work with Congress and get something passed. NOV. 13, 1982 On this date, thousands of Vietnam veterans marched down Constitution Avenue to a spot along the Mall not far from the Lincoln Memorial, to dedicate the national Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Etched into the V-shaped granite wall were nearly 58,000 names of the dead and missing in action. "It was a day of flags and tears and stirring music, of marching Green Berets in jungle fatigues and Gold Star Mothers in cream-colored capes," Phil McCombs wrote in The Washington Post. Jan C. Scruggs, a wounded former specialist, led the group that built the memorial. The minimalist design, by then-student Maya Lin, had been controversial. Opponents included Jim Webb, H. Ross Perot and Pentagon lawyer Tom Carhart, who called it "a black trench that scars the Mall." As a compromise, a statue of three soldiers was added nearby. In 1993, another sculpture featuring a trio of female figures caring for a wounded soldier was erected to recognize the 265,000 women, including military nurses, who served in the conflict. (A total of roughly 9 million U.S. military personnel served on active duty in Vietnam between Aug. 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975.) Today, the entire site is one of the most-visited monuments in Washington. Annys Shin Dave Chappelle at Radio City Music Hall in New York earlier this year. (Mathieu Bitton) Comedian Dave Chappelle's mention of the D.C. Public Schools during the 2017 Emmy Awards in September was the sort of absurd eruption that live television and the Internet love. As he and Melissa McCarthy strayed off script before presenting an award after Chappelle himself had already scored an Emmy a week prior for his post-election appearance on "Saturday Night Live" Chappelle told the audience, "Now I'm going to read this teleprompter. Please forgive me. Shout-out to D.C. Public Schools." John Oliver soon picked up on the random reference ("Like Dave Chappelle, I would like to unexpectedly thank D.C. Public Schools because I think it would be great if it started trending on Twitter for no reason tonight whatsoever") and the next thing America knew, #DCPublicSchools was indeed trending across social media. The school system deftly responded with its own tweet of a little girl looking cutely astonished. The aside may have seemed casual, but Chappelle, 44, is in fact deeply devoted to the D.C. public school that he graduated from in 1991: the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. Less than two weeks after the Emmys, when he was in town for a series of stand-up shows at the Warner Theatre, Chappelle took the opportunity to visit Ellington. I thought it was a good chance to explore how a D.C. school may have helped shape one of the great comic artists of our time. Chappelle has been returning to Ellington since early in his career. From his first breaks in television and film through the creation of the groundbreaking Chappelles Show in the early 2000s and his periodic comedy specials since, he has stayed in touch with teachers and classmates. Hes a financial supporter of the school, which must raise $500,000 a year for its specialized arts curriculum. Two years ago, he gave the commencement address. [Dave Chappelle gets serious about his alma mater] This time, students filled the state-of-the-art theater of the newly remodeled building, waiting for Chappelle. They started scream-cheering as he pulled up a stool onstage. Im not going to lie to you: I hated school, he said. The students hooted appreciatively at this off-message crack in the presence of star-struck school and city officials, who had just handed Chappelle the key to the city. However, he continued, after he graduated and almost immediately enjoyed success, he began to appreciate what Ellington did for him. And as a token of thanks, he said he had brought a gift. The students screams exploded again when they saw the golden trophy: Chappelles Emmy. I want you guys to have this, just so you know that even though the odds are wildly against it, this can happen for you, he said. And every once in a while, you guys take a look at it, and just know that I started earning this Emmy at this school. Chappelle presents his alma mater, Washingtons Duke Ellington School of the Arts, with the Emmy he won this year. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) Chappelle's path to Ellington was indirect. He grew up in Silver Spring, Md.; Yellow Springs, Ohio; and Capitol Hill, spending time in his parents' separate homes after their marriage ended when he was young. His late father, William David Chappelle III, was a music professor and social activist, and his mother, Yvonne Seon, was a pioneer in establishing African American studies as a university discipline. When he moved back to Washington to attend high school, he started at Eastern, but he was having trouble adjusting. And he wanted to get out. His mother bought him a Time magazine with Bill Cosby on the cover, which inspired him, at 14, to plot a career as a comedian. For him it was a calling, Seon told me. I knew that was the direction he wanted to go in, and I was going to support him to find his way. She urged him to visit comedy clubs, where an older comedian told him that to become a comedian he should study acting. After less than a year at Eastern, he and his mother decided he should transfer to Ellington. He almost blew his audition for the theater department, though, when he forgot parts of his monologue. As he recalled during his recent visit to the school, one of the audition judges asked why he wanted to act. I dont want to act, he replied. I want to be a comedian. When young Chappelle crossed the portico of the historic school for the first time, he found himself in a new world. This was the pinnacle of my formal education, Chappelle told me after his address to the students. He never attended college. I was really oddly prepared for what I faced once I got out of high school. A lot of it just had to do with them cultivating confidence in taking risks in artistic expression, which is not an easy thing to do, and in the context of today is becoming increasingly more difficult. To express yourself freely without fear of repercussions. Chappelle mentioned classes that had an impact, including non-arts courses in subjects such as D.C. history and street law, and a workshop on how to engage with police officers. He took classical acting, modern acting, improvisation, technical theater and script analysis. But rather than detailing specific life-changing epiphanies, he circled back to a broader spirit of support that he felt in the Ellington environment. Just becoming more broadly culturally aware, he said. It kind of unpacked me out of whatever box that I was in and put me in proximity with different walks of life. ... There was an idea that people were very invested and interested in our well-being that was ingrained in the culture of the school. And I think the students were actually invested in one anothers well-being. One factor in his Ellington preparation seems mundane, yet he referred to it both in his speech and during a tour of the building, as if it might be key: the long hours. Students take traditional high school courses until early afternoon, then pursue one of eight arts majors until about 5 p.m. Rehearsals, exhibitions and productions typically keep them at school into the night. "Years later," he said in his address to the students, "when I had my own television show and I was working 16-hour days, it felt easy to me because I had school days longer than that." Former teachers and classmates are left to sift for their own clues as to how Ellington helped mold Chappelle. The image of the tall and skinny teen donning tights to play a prancing horse in a daring production of "Macbeth" set in Haiti remains vivid. "He did not delude himself to believe he was going to be the next Macbeth," says Tia Powell Harris, who taught in the theater department at the time and now is chief executive of Ellington. "After all, he was the horse. But he knew that the training and preparation that came out of that experience were going to serve the thing that he did want to do. And he was very clear about what he did want to do. He was very good about taking what he needed and leaving the rest behind." After full days at Ellington, Chappelle spent many nights at clubs such as the Comedy Cafe and Garvins. These were like internships that the self-starter arranged for himself. His mother chaperoned. He joked about Jesse Jackson running for president and ALFs spaceship landing in a black neighborhood. Harris caught his act one night. It was these kernels of ideas made big, she recalls. I thought I was going to be rolling over laughing ... and I wasnt, because half the time I was thinking. She saw a certain professionalism, a command of the stage and a rapport with the audience that she considered an Ellington stamp. By day, Chappelles teachers could sense an idiosyncratic mind at work. He was interested in the thing that makes something happen, the motivation behind things, says Donal Leace, whose theater history class was a freewheeling forum for students to try out monologues and scenes. Years later, in tribute to one of his favorite teachers, Chappelle brought a camera crew back to Leaces classroom to film a scene for Chappelles Show. One of Chappelles chores as an underclassman was to sweep the stage. I noticed him because he was paying attention, says Tracie Jenkins, a senior at the time. Usually when youre the freshman in there, youre sweeping the stage to get it over with and goodbye. But he was checking in and listening and observing. So you felt him when you were in rehearsal. Chappelle has the same memory, from his point of view: I used to watch the seniors dance and all that stuff. It inspired me. And made me want to do better. And we all pushed each other in a real friendly and loving way. Jenkins, who is now director of arts at Ellington, saw Chappelle when he hit New York, where, just months after graduation, he made it into some of the hottest comedy clubs. "He owned the stage and everybody in the room," Jenkins recalls. "From sweeping the stage to owning the stage." We dont make the stars here, Harris says. They come with something, and we give them the technique and creative freedom and the humanity to do that thing. ... Dave came with something, and we gave him what we could. I would tend to believe that he would have kept going in that direction even if he hadnt come to Ellington. But we readied him for an immediate jump into that place. On his tour through the school, Chappelle views a painting by student Jada Michelle Logan Smith, center. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) A few hours after seeing Chappelle speak at Ellington, I watched him perform at the Warner. In the tradition of Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor, he is fundamentally a storyteller. "We learned a particular way of doing it at Ellington," Jenkins would tell me. "There are all of these pieces and parts that you have to have in building a story that I have definitely seen in his work." He started the show by saying that, for inspiration, he writes punchlines on scraps of paper and keeps them in a jar. When he needs new material, hell pull out a punchline and write a joke to go with it. To illustrate, he gave an example so unprintable and disturbing that it was inconceivable to imagine what the setup could possibly be. Nearly an hour later, the performance reached its emotional peak when Chappelle asked for those not born in the United States to raise their hands. He was about to give a history lesson, probing the motivation behind the things that happen just as Leace remembered him doing in high school. Addressing himself to a Pakistani woman, he proceeded to tell the story of Emmett Till, whose murder and legacy he got around to relating in a mind-bending Chappellian way to the election of Donald Trump. He ended not just the lesson but the entire show with the same profane punchline that he had planted in the beginning and it worked, in its own shocking way. Only then did it become clear that the entire evening was one long story about making comedy, inlaid with smaller stories about Chappelles America. Earlier that day, after his speech, Chappelle had strolled through Ellingtons light-filled atrium. Groups of students representing the schools artistic disciplines were stationed around the room to give quick demonstrations of their work. As he proceeded from station to station, Chappelle was treated to literary media students riffing on James Baldwin; theater majors updating Edgar Allan Poe; dancers fluttering in the spirit of Alvin Ailey; musicians jamming to Brahms, Miles Davis and (of course) Duke Ellington. More than once during these performances, Chappelle seemed transfixed, and I watched his face relax into a tender smile, as if he were seeing himself in these young people getting ready to make their own bold leaps. David Montgomery is a staff writer for the magazine. Email us at For more articles, as well as features such as Date Lab, Gene Weingarten and more, visit The Washington Post Magazine. Follow the Magazine on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Theres a new sign over the door at Hillyer Art Space. But an even bigger change is afoot inside the Dupont Circle carriage house where the gallery now called IA&A at Hillyer in a nod to its parent organization, International Arts & Artists is located. David Furchgott, IA&As president and founder, is retiring. Im 70, says Furchgott, who created the nonprofit arts organization 22 years ago. Thats the record thats playing in the back of my mind. Im not 32 anymore. I cant operate on four hours of sleep anymore. IA&A is poised to begin the search for its new president, which could take 18 months or more. Im not leaving tomorrow, Furchgott allows. But if somebody great popped up tomorrow, whos ready to go, and the board decided they wanted to do that, I would step aside, hopefully with a good amount of graciousness. Conceived as a venue for organizing museum-scale traveling art exhibitions, IA&A also runs an international cultural-exchange program and operates a design studio that supports its own activities and those of other arts groups. It has arranged almost 100 shows at more than 400 museums worldwide. Few of IA&As shows ever get seen in the Washington area, in part because theyre too large for the groups 1,040-square-foot exhibition space. Inspiring Beauty: 50 Years of Ebony Fashion Fair was recently on view at the George Washington University Museum and the Textile Museum. Another exhibition, spotlighting Filipino artist Luis Lorenzana, is scheduled to be shown at the American University Museum in 2020. But the ground-floor gallery, operating since 2006 in a courtyard behind the Phillips Collection and the Cosmos Club, is better known in local art circles than IA&A, whose offices are one flight up. Were doing a lot of things that we havent tied tightly together, in the publics eye, Furchgott says of IA&As work. People who come here, by the hundreds, dont know what the organization is, and what our focus is. Theres more to redefining the gallery than simply changing its name. The venue is known for exhibiting local artists, which will continue, but in recent months it has featured shows of Italian and Iranian art. The international focus was always planned, Furchgott notes, but curtailed by recession-era economic pressures. In 2009, he recalls, we saw museums dropping off the face of the Earth, virtually some of them on occasion with exhibitions that we had booked. We owed money because other people owed us money. Now were in very solid shape. Its a good time for passing on. The new name also is compatible with potential expansion, Furchgott says. If we decide to open another exhibition space around town, which is always possible, it could be IA&A at wherever. Hosting international exhibitions, and the larger crowds they draw, required a few of IA&As unseen changes: renovating the buildings exterior and the imminent replacement of its air-conditioning and humidity-control systems. Both were partly funded by grants from the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Recently, weve gotten a huge increase in the people who are showing up for the First Fridays. Ranging over the course of an evening from 500 to 800 people, Furchgott says. Nearly 1,400 people attended the event the gallery staged as part of Septembers citywide Art All Night program. Furchgott admits with a laugh that hes not sure whats driving the bigger turnouts. One of the reasons its time for me to retire is that I havent figured out millennials yet. Im not sure that other people have either. We get a large number of young people, he adds. If I engage them individually, they are interested in art . . . and they seem to be somewhat knowledgeable. But when I look at the crowds not just here, any openings I go to people are engaged with each other. Furchgott says he wont leave an agenda for his successor. But among the things he thinks IA&A might do is create support systems for local artists and acquire a warehouse so the organization could add to its own holdings. It now owns only the 374 tool-related artworks collected by John Hechinger, whose family started what was once Washingtons leading building-supply retailer. Potentially, IA&A might operate a sort of art bank that would support its touring shows and contain pieces available for loan to other institutions. Too many museums, Furchgott suggests, have too much of their art in storage rather than on display. If IA&As next president doesnt begin an art bank, though, Furchgott says thats fine with him. My legacy is the creation of the organization, not what its going to be doing in the future. And Im happy with that. So many people think that Washington D.C. is broken, said Rep. Pete Aguilar D-Calif.), right, talking with Rep. Scott Taylor R-Va.), center, at Anheuser-Buschs Brew Across America event on Capitol Hill. But what they dont see is that we actually do get along with each other. (Mark Gail/For The Washington Post) They mingled in a stately hall near Capitol Hill, a sea of dark suits and lanyards and sensible heels under glowing strands of white lights. Staffers, journalists and Beltway insiders grazed on elegant appetizers (date-and-gorgonzola-stuffed pears, anyone?) and sipped craft beers created by the nights celebrity brewmasters: nine sitting members of Congress five Republicans and four Democrats. It was an oddly festive scene Wednesday night at the inaugural Brew Across America hosted by Anheuser-Busch: Just one day after Democrats claimed key electoral victories across the country that were viewed as a referendum on a Republican president, once again exposing the deep divide between and within the political parties, here was a vast crowd of lawmakers and political staffers clinking glasses in seeming harmony. Then again, it did seem as if everyone on the Hill was ready for a drink. Im feeling great! Im excited, said Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), co-creator of a fruity IPA dubbed the Oh Beatty Berry Brew, hours before the competition was to take place. Ive had better nights, said Rep. Scott W. Taylor (R-Va.), whose staffers helped him craft an oatmeal-chocolate-chip-cookie-flavored stout that he said was sure to be the winner of the competition. In a capital rocked by scandal, federal investigations, combative tweeting and contentious elections, there are still certain lighthearted, lobbyist-sponsored bipartisan traditions that have carried on seemingly unscathed: The Animal Health Institutes Pet Night reception. The American Meat Institutes hot dog lunch. The International Dairy Foods Associations Capitol Hill Ice Cream Party. And now, an aisle-crossing brewing contest that organizers hope will join the ranks of those annual festivities. The beer conglomerate used the event to help promote one of its favored charities, Folds of Honor, a scholarship fund for relatives of fallen or disabled service members. Rep. Joyce Beatty's D-Ohio) serves up her Oh Beatty Berry Brew at the event, organized to promote one of Anheuser-Buschs favored charities, Folds of Honor. (Mark Gail/For The Washington Post) Hey, this might be the only safe, shared terrain we have left. Who doesnt like hot dogs? Or actual dogs? Or booze? Looking for some deeper meaning here? Well, Anheuser-Busch touted a poll it conducted last year that showed that two-thirds of U.S. voters think the political system would work better if lawmakers discussed serious issues facing the country over beers in a friendly setting. Thats a dreamy idea, right? said Doug Bailey, the companys vice president of industry affairs. But thats at our core. Beer is all about bringing people together, and who needs coming together more than folks in Washington, D.C., right now? Beatty liked the idea even if she couldnt resist a jab at the commander in chief. If you have a country thats going to be mean-spirited and is going to be controlled by one person without engaging in bipartisan politics, people understand that thats just not right, she said. So I think events like this, I think theyre great. It allows you to see a different side of another member, it allows you to learn about their district and the people they serve, and even the type of beers that they like to drink. . . . And then maybe we can find at least one or two things to work on together. Brayden Murphy and Haley Brady taste the Oh Beatty Berry Brew by Rep. Joyce Beatty. (Mark Gail/For The Washington Post) Taylor agreed, though with a slightly different take. "Considering the division in the country and the divisive rhetoric on both sides," he said emphatically, "there's probably nothing better than to have a fun event like this, with a little beer." He paused, then laughed: "Not too much beer, because then it might turn into something bad. But just a little beer, that's great." By the time the judging was underway shortly before 7 p.m., the hall was packed with staffers sipping beers and snapping selfies in front of banners emblazoned with the hashtag #BrewDemocracy. Roland Foster, senior policy adviser for Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), stood near a table of hors doeuvres with Andrew Dockham, staff director and chief counsel of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and Joe Donoghue, veteran legislative director for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). We need more of these things, Donoghue said. Susan Davis, a judge for the competition, samples the Stars and Stouts beer brewed by Rep. Barry Loudermilk R-Ga.) (Mark Gail/For The Washington Post) I think beer is the only thing we have bipartisan agreement on at the moment, Foster said. Its much easier to talk about things over a beer, Dockham added. But Donoghue, a Senate veteran of 30 years, insisted that things arent really as bad as theyre made out to be. I have friends who are Democrats and Republicans who Ive known a long time, and Im as close to them now as I was five, 10 years ago, he said. There is plenty of disagreement in Washington, he allowed, but the conventional wisdom about it is a little overblown, a little overhyped. Meanwhile, as the judging panel of beer industry savants and journalists (including a Washington Post reporter, but not this one) made its way through the nine tasting stations, Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) raised objections to the gentleman from Virginias brew branding approach. Hes trying to buy peoples love by giving away chocolate chip cookies, Aguilar said of Taylors entry. I disagree with that. I think the beer should speak for itself. The two congressmen laughed and joked together in front of the cameras; the jabs remained focused on the contest at hand. So many people think that Washington, D.C., is broken. But what they dont see is that we actually do get along with each other, Aguilar said. And events like this really reinforce that. The upshot of this camaraderie? Aguilar hinted that maybe Taylor can co-sponsor the Dream Act with me. Really? He shrugged. But thats not the main reason Im here tonight. And giving him a hard time is just fun. Rep. Al Lawson D-Fla.), left applauds Rep. Jason Smith R-Mo.) for his first-place finish. Lawson competed with his Florida Sunshine Stout. (Mark Gail/For The Washington Post) Ultimately, Beattys brew came in third place. Aguilars IPA finished second. And, to enthusiastic applause, Rep. Jason T. Smith (R-Mo.) walked away with the inaugural Brew Democracy Brewing Cup for his Gateway IPA. The contestants congratulated one another onstage as cameras flashed, capturing a brief glimpse of across-the-aisle cheer. And then though the music kept blaring, and the beers were free until 10 p.m. the crowd gradually began to thin. It was a weeknight, after all. They grabbed their coats and headed for the doors, the fading strains of Journeys Dont Stop Believin trailing behind them into the cold night. Puerto Rico Education Secretary Julia Keleher, left, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello, middle, and U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos tour the Loaiza Cordero School in San Juan, one of many that remains shuttered because of storm damage from Hurricane Maria. (Puerto Rico Education Department) Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Wednesday visited schools in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands where Hurricanes Maria and Irma battered schoolhouses and shut students out of classes for weeks. Federal education officials have been in communication with administrators on the island territories, aiding with logistical issues and helping them connect with schools on the mainland that are receiving their students. DeVos met with Puerto Rico Education Secretary Julia Keleher and Governor Ricardo Rossello to discuss how the Education Department might help the schools there, some of which have been closed since Hurricane Maria made landfall in mid-September. The trio visited Loaiza Cordero Elementary in San Juan, a school badly damaged by the storm. Rainwater seeped into classrooms and sewage backed up onto an outdoor patio, leaving a dark stain, Keleher said. She said she hopes DeVos recognized the challenge of opening all of the islands schools when so many face critical damage. Its a significant challenge to overcome, Keleher said. But the spirit is there. The islands education department has opened 614 of the 1,113 schools in Puerto Rico, but the vast majority do not have electricity. The department said 44 of the schools are so badly damaged they will probably be shut down. Their students, at least for this year, will be transferred to other schools. The school system faces other challenges: The storm spurred many more families to leave the island, taking their children with them. Keleher estimates about 14,000 students have left. About 6,000 have enrolled in Florida schools alone. The island is home to one of the nations largest and poorest school systems. Before Hurricane Maria landed, 347,000 students attended schools scattered across the island. The school system was beleaguered by financial difficulties long before Hurricane Maria hit. As an economic crisis deepened, families left Puerto Rico, taking their children with them, and the school system has lost about 18,000 students over the last year. As the island grappled with a deepening debt crisis, Keleher moved to close 179 schools to save $7 million. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, DeVos visited Charlotte Amalie High School in St. Thomas and the University of the Virgin Islands. Schools on the islands only started to reopen in early October, when they were able to get generators. In 2014, about 14,000 students were enrolled in schools on the U.S. Virgin Islands, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The U.S. Virgin Islands suffered some of the worst damage on American soil from the storms, taking significant hits from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Princeton University in New Jersey has one of the nations largest endowments. (Mark Makela for The Washington Post) Higher education leaders are mobilizing against a House Republican proposal to tax the endowments at dozens of private schools, including Ivy League universities and liberal arts colleges in the nations heartland. A provision in the sweeping tax-overhaul bill expected to come to a vote soon in the Republican-led House would impose a 1.4 percent excise tax on investment income at private schools with endowments worth at least $250,000 per full-time student. About 60 to 70 private schools could be affected, analysts have found. They include big names such as Princeton, Harvard and Stanford universities and some that are lesser known, including Agnes Scott, Berea and Grinnell colleges. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Tex.) said this week that the provision aims to put endowments of those nonprofit colleges and universities on equal footing with private foundations that are also taxed. College and university leaders say that comparison is unjustified because colleges and foundations have different missions. They fear that a new tax could drain essential funds and deter potential donors. [House GOP trims total of colleges targeted for new endowment tax] Were deeply concerned about it and think it could be very damaging to the excellence of higher education in America, Princeton President Christopher L. Eisgruber said. He said Princetons $22 billion endowment is a crucial source of funding for financial aid and other operating expenses. Theres a basic principle at stake here. You should not tax charity to raise revenue. Congressional analysts estimate that the proposal would raise nearly $3 billion over a decade. From time to time, Congress has scrutinized the endowments that colleges have amassed through generations of fundraising and investment. Skeptics often ask why wealthy schools hoard cash while middle-class families strain to cover ever-rising tuition bills. Colleges have a ready answer: They say their endowments actually help contain the cost of higher education, providing a steady source of money for salaries, research, financial aid and other expenses. Large portions of endowments are restricted to uses that donors stipulate. The money also helps colleges weather ups and downs in economic cycles. And, of course, endowment values can be volatile. Some plummeted in the 2008-2009 financial crisis. At Grinnell, the $1.6 billion endowment provides more than half of annual operating funds. The liberal arts college in rural Iowa spends $50 million a year on financial aid and has an economically diverse student body. Federal data shows that 90 percent of its 1,700 undergraduates receive grants or scholarships. The proposed tax could siphon away at least $1.5 million a year, Grinnell President Raynard S. Kington said. Its a crude instrument thats going to have a lot of collateral damage, he said. Kington said he has written Iowas congressional delegation mostly Republicans to urge them to drop the endowment tax. At Berea, the $1 billion endowment enables the Kentucky college to cover tuition for all of its roughly 1,600 students. More than four-fifths of Berea students have enough financial need to qualify for federal Pell grants. The college estimates it would have to pay the federal government about $1 million a year if the excise tax is approved, enough to cover tuition for about 30 students. The unintended consequence of some of the proposed revenue provisions, if enacted, would represent very appreciable burdens on the college and its commitment to providing a no-tuition education to students who could not otherwise afford to attend college, Berea President Lyle Roelofs said. He has made his case against the tax to the Kentucky congressional delegation, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.), a Ways and Means committee member, applauds Bereas model. He said he would support an exception to the tax for schools that use a large percentage of endowment funds for financial aid. This is a start to the process, he said Wednesday of the tax proposal. There needs to be some accountability with where the money is going. There is a culture of excess, a culture of abuse, and we really need to put a spotlight on it. People deserve to know where the money is going. This is tax-free money were talking about. Many colleges oppose the endowment tax and other provisions in the tax bill that they say are likely to deprive colleges of revenue or drive up costs for students, including a proposal to eliminate a student loan interest deduction. The American Council on Education and 45 other education groups sent the Ways and Means Committee a letter this week expressing "grave concerns" with the bill. The committee plans to send the bill soon to the House floor. Officials at several affected schools were reluctant to speak publicly against the endowment tax, aware that perceptions about their wealth can be a political disadvantage. Some said they are working behind the scenes to block the proposal in the GOP-led Senate. Susan I. Fitzgerald, associate managing director at credit rating agency Moodys Investors Service, said the proposed tax could prove painful for some schools. It really adds budgetary pressure to those schools that are dependent on endowment income, she said. If the tax were to go through, the question becomes how will those schools make up the difference. Would they raise tuition? Cut spending? A look at what became of the corridors in the city that saw the most riot damage in the aftermath of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Pictured, a view toward the northeast corner of Seventh and P streets NW. (Unknown/The Washington Post) Columnist Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the riots that erupted in Washington after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. It also will mark the 50th anniversary of a fascinating, if ultimately unsuccessful, attempt to rebuild some of the frayed bonds between the city's black residents and its police officers. Or maybe it was trying to build some nonexistent bonds. It was called the Pilot District Project, and if you remember it, a District museum wants to hear from you. "I know there are people in town who were around then who either remember the Pilot District Project because they thought it was helpful, maybe, or because they remember it as a joke," said Sarah Leavitt, curator at the National Building Museum. In March, the building museum and the Historical Society of Washington will open an exhibit on the PDP. What was the PDP? Well, Washington has often been used as a policy petri dish, and this $2 million experiment grew out of the Office of Economic Opportunity, one of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society projects. It was obvious that a pervasive mistrust between residents and the police permeated many D.C. neighborhoods. The PDP aimed to involve citizens in policing, get more cops out of their cars and onto the sidewalks, institute sensitivity training and encourage black candidates to enter the police academy. The PDP was planted in what was then the 13th Precinct, a large swath of downtown that included the 14th Street corridor. From the start, problems arose. The plan called for an elected citizens board, and this process was fraught with tension. As part of the project, the OEO commissioned a documentary and several training films. The documentary "The People and the Police" was shelved, but you can find it on the National Archives website. It makes for fascinating, if at times uncomfortable, viewing. Some white police officers come across almost as invaders. Some black residents describe the police as "pigs." As a dashiki-wearing community leader in the film puts it: Everybody and his mother knows that the police is the number-one problem in America. Less than a decade later, that man would oversee the city's police department. He was Marion Barry. If you have firsthand memories of the PDP or if your attic or basement holds material like fliers or posters send an email to Sarah at The golden bowl People feel strongly about their breakfast cereal. I know, because I heard from many of them after Tuesdays column on new Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios. Some readers said they miss the sweet cereals of their youth Puffa Puffa Rice, for example. Others are happy with their All-Bran Original. Or would be if they could find it. Joe Keyerleber of the District reports that the Kellogg's brand is impossible to find. "[It] seems to be completely out of stock, and has been for at least several months," he wrote. [Et tu, Cheerios? The breakfast cereal now comes in chocolate peanut butter flavor.] Online, boxes of All-Bran Original fetch as much as $15. On its website, Kelloggs explains that the company is experiencing a disruption in our production schedule. I wondered whether the vast bran mines of the Midwest are tapped out. Should we turn to the Strategic Bran Reserve? Kelloggs says All-Bran Buds and All-Bran Complete Flakes are still around. Kellogg's spokeswoman Kris Charles would not divulge exactly what's going on, but in an email she wrote that the shortage began over the summer, adding that "we are so glad to report that we are replenishing supplies now and should be back on [shelves] at normal levels before the end of the year." Meanwhile, Jim Zaiser of Bowie, Md., pines for his cereal of choice, Grape-Nuts Flakes. His local Giant stocks regular GN, but not GNF. Jim is convinced that the myriad flavors of Honey Bunches of Oats are crowding out his beloved Grape Nut Flakes, like an invasive species. I have complained to my local Giant store and also sent several emails to Post imploring them to provide at least one row of Grape-Nuts Flakes among the myriad rows of HBoOs, all to no avail, he wrote. He has to drive several miles to another Giant that is in the flake zone. Finally, my old colleague Steve Fehr of Reston, Va., has a theory why manufacturers such as General Mills are coming out with chocolate and peanut butter versions of old favorites. Wrote Steve: "Part of me thought that the company is responding to the growth in legal weed and trying out new flavors for late-night snacks." Is it only a matter of time before we see Marijuanios? Twitter: @johnkelly For previous columns, visit THE DISTRICT Man is found deadin burning SUV A man who was found dead in a burning sport-utility vehicle in Northeast Washington on Tuesday night is believed to have been reported missing in Maryland, D.C. police said. Authorities said they had tentatively identified the victim but did not make his name public, saying they are awaiting confirmation from forensic tests by the medical examiners office. A D.C. police spokesman said that foul play is not suspected. Police and firefighters found the 2013 Toyota Highlander about 11:30 p.m. on railroad tracks east of Route 295 at Benning Road, behind the Deanwood Metro Station. According to a police report, the vehicle was on fire and a man was found inside. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of the fire was under investigation Wednesday. Peter Hermann VIRGINIA Man jumps out of bush, grabs woman A woman was walking in Woodbridge when a stranger jumped out of a bush and grabbed her, authorities said. The assault happened just before 7 a.m. Wednesday in the area of Walnut and Sycamore streets in Prince William County. The woman broke away from the assailant and ran to a business. Police were called, and the women was taken to a hospital. Police are investigating the incident. Dana Hedgpeth THE REGION Mystery of Md. zoos baby giraffe is solved Four months after a baby giraffe died at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, scientists said they now have a clue as to why its health was so troubled in its short life, officials said. A necropsy done by doctors at the Johns Hopkins Hospital found that the giraffe calf, named Julius, had lesions on the left side of his brain. Juliuss health worsened shortly after he was born in mid-June. Zookeepers found that he could not nurse, meaning that he was unable to get needed antibodies from his mothers milk to build his immune system. Zookeepers tried other ways to help and care for him, even using a bottle. About a month after Julius was born, veterinarians decided to euthanize him. Experts knew that something was wrong with Julius shortly after he was born and had trouble nursing and gaining weight. They didnt know of the lesions on his brain until the necropsy. He would never be a healthy giraffe, Mike McClure, general curator at the Maryland Zoo, told the Baltimore Sun, which first reported on the lesions. Dana Hedgpeth Former Prince Georges County state delegate Aisha N. Braveboy on Thursday launched her campaign to become the suburbs next top prosecutor, setting off a head-to-head contest with another longtime elected official in the June 2018 Democratic primary. Braveboy, who ran unsuccessfully for Maryland attorney general in 2014, declared her candidacy for states attorney at a District Heights union hall. She will compete for the nomination which in Prince Georges is tantamount to winning the general election against state Sen. Victor Ramirez (D-Prince Georges), 43, who announced his run in September. Incumbent Angela Alsobrooks (D), who has served two terms as state's attorney, is running for county executive. Braveboy, 43, is a native Prince Georgian who graduated from county public schools, attended the University of Maryland at College Park and obtained her law degree from Howard University School of Law. State Sen. Victor Ramirez is also seeking the Democratic nomination for states attorney. (Linda Davidson/The Washington Post) She won her first political race in 2006, filling the House of Delegates seat vacated by Anthony G. Brown after he was tapped to serve as lieutenant governor. During her time in Annapolis, Braveboy shepherded legislation to combat domestic violence, curb mass incarceration, and protect homeowners from lending practices that led to the foreclosure crisis and contributed to the collapse of the Prince George's housing market. She also chaired the Legislative Black Caucus. In 2014, Braveboy who was not well funded or well known outside Prince George's jumped into a three-way Democratic primary for state attorney general, along with then-Del. Jon S. Cardin and then-state Sen. Brian E. Frosh, the eventual winner. Although Braveboy won just 1 in 5 votes statewide, she was immensely popular in her home county, carrying Prince George's with 46 percent of the vote. After the 2014 elections, she said many Democrats stayed home and did not participate because they felt disconnected from the political process. Braveboys primary rival, Ramirez, is also an attorney who was raised in Prince Georges County. He has served in the state legislature since 2003 and was the first Latino elected to the senate. Ramirez, who was born in El Salvador, has spent his career advocating legislatively for immigrants, pushing for measures that provided drivers licenses to undocumented residents and extended in-state tuition to students who are in this country illegally. He most recently helped lead a failed attempt to pass the Maryland Trust Act, which would codify limits to the states cooperation with federal immigration authorities. The 40-foot World War I memorial cross in Bladensburg, Md. A ruling by a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit concluded the memorial "excessively entangles the government in religion." (Algerina Perna/Baltimore Sun/AP) A cross-shaped monument, known as the Peace Cross, in Prince Georges County has created anything but peace between Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and Democrat Brian E. Frosh. On Wednesday, Frosh said in a letter to the governor he had not decided whether to file an amicus brief, as directed by Hogan, in the federal court's ruling that the monument, which sits on public land, is unconstitutional. Instead, he said he would continue to monitor the situation. Froshs letter resulted in a strong rebuke from Hogan. Frosh also took a swipe at the governor for not responding to his multiple requests seeking his advice and comment on legal actions the attorney generals office has taken against President Trumps administration on health care, education, immigration and the environment. All of these actions by the Trump administration, as well as many others brought to your attention by this office, are illegal, Frosh wrote. Yet you have not responded to any of my letters seeking your comment or input. Nor have you lifted your voice in any meaningful way to protect our constituents from President Trumps reckless, lawless actions. We would welcome your support in these matters in which the health, safety and well-being of Marylanders are at stake. Hogan, who has called the court's decision "an affront to veterans" that "should not be allowed to stand," directed Frosh last month to support a legal challenge against the ruling. In a letter responding to Frosh on Wednesday, Hogan said the filing deadline for the brief was Wednesday. The state of Maryland may have lost its only opportunity to be heard in this case, which has implications beyond the Peace Cross, Hogan wrote. It is fundamentally inconsistent with your constitutional and ethical duties to the State to wait until the day of a deadline to suggest that you do not intend to perform as instructed. Your failure in this instance is a dereliction of these duties and a disservice to all Marylanders. Raquel Coombs, a spokeswoman for Frosh, said nearly 40 briefs have been filed in the case and Frosh will continue to review the matter. She added that Hogan has filed briefs on his own in other legal actions and could have filed it himself if it was that important to him. Hogan spokeswoman Amelia Chasse dismissed Frosh's criticism that Hogan has not weighed in on issues dealing with the Trump administration. She pointed out that Hogan has vocally opposed several efforts by Trump and congressional Republicans, including the elimination of President Barack Obama's federal health-care law. Chasse also noted that earlier this year, the Democratic-majority General Assembly gave Frosh the authority to move forward in federal lawsuits without needing the governor's approval. Asking the governor to weigh in on something he no longer has any authority over shows that this entire action was about politics, not substance, Chasse said. The governor will continue to speak out against actions he believes will hurt Marylanders, whether at the federal or state level. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) said Thursday that he plans to propose legislation during the 2018 legislative session to eliminate state taxes on all retirement income for military veterans. Not only is this a deserved benefit for those who have served our country, this bill will also make Maryland more competitive with other states in our region that already offer this benefit, Hogan said in a news conference the day before the federal holiday for Veterans Day. The proposal would be an expansion of a current tax credit for veterans. Two years ago, the General Assembly passed legislation that increased the tax exemption on military pensions from $5,000 to $10,000. Hogan proposed exempting all military retirement income from state taxes in 2015 and 2016, but the General Assembly did not approve those bills. In 2018, the governor said he plans to push the heck out to get it done. Hogan declined to say how much the tax cut he was proposing would cost. Legislative aides say previous proposals were projected to cost $100 million over four fiscal years. At the news conference, Hogan said he was "outraged" over what he called "disturbing" results in a recent audit of graduation rates in Prince George's County. An investigation found that nearly 5,500 students in the school district during the past two years had their grades changed in the days before graduation. The 211-page report pointed to problems in grading and student absenteeism but did not find that tampering was ordered by the school districts leadership, including schools chief executive Kevin Maxwell. Maxwell has called the probe political but also said the school system would take appropriate disciplinary action as needed and problems would be corrected with a sense of urgency. Hogan said the countys response so far doesnt seem urgent enough. I was frankly not only outraged at the report findings but I was somewhat outraged at the response again by Prince Georges County that doesnt seem to want to take it seriously, Hogan said, answering a reporters question. They better start taking it much more serious. Montgomery County Police at the scene of a homicide in the White Oak section of Silver Spring. (Dan Morse/The Washington Post) A 50-year-old man accused of killing his fiancee in their Maryland townhouse choked her and, after seeing one of her hands move, held a pillow on her face for at least 30 seconds, a Montgomery County prosecutor said in court Wednesday. He described himself as having snapped, Montgomery County Assistant States Attorney Deborah Feinstein said. The defendant, Anthony Strong, was ordered to remain in jail on no-bond status. He is due in court again Dec. 1. The victim, Chaunya Michalyn Blackwell, 43, was a native Washingtonian and real estate broker, according to friends and her Facebook profile. She died of blunt force trauma and asphyxia, the state medical examiner ruled Thursday. She was always friendly, always laughing, always smiling, a close friend, Teresa Mozie, said Wednesday, adding that she never had the same feeling about Strong. He didnt have the happy spirit she had. He seemed controlling. Strong and Blackwell lived together on Bradbury Manor Court in a tidy townhouse community in the White Oak section of Montgomery County, north of Washington. It was from there, at about 6:46 a.m. Tuesday, that Strong called 911 and asked for police to come out because he had killed his fiancee, according to arrest records filed in the case. A 911 dispatcher sent out a priority alert, describing the limited information provided by the caller. All he said is Its bad and then said, I killed her, according to a recording of scanner traffic captured by The dispatcher added that authorities called Strong back and that he said where police could find him outside the home. He said hes outside with his hand on the truck, that she spent all the money and that he snapped, and that he is crying now, the dispatcher said, adding that Strong was wearing a gray shirt and gray sweat pants. He is saying he doesnt have access to weapons. That he is outside, and then it looks like shes upstairs. Officers arrived and handcuffed Strong without incident. A neighbor, three doors down, recalled a surreal scene: The swarm of police cars in a neighborhood shes always known to be safe with Strong hardly moving while handcuffed. He was completely calm, said the neighbor, Carol Gurin. Police took Strong to their headquarters in Gaithersburg, where detectives interviewed him. He told them that the couple had argued the previous evening and that he had killed Blackwell, according to court papers filed by detectives. In court Wednesday, Feinstein argued that he be held in jail without bond as his case proceeds through the court system. She described the extreme violence of the attack. Strong strangled Blackwell, then put his thumbs in the victims eyes and gouged her eyes and, wanting to be certain she was dead, smothered her with the pillow, Feinstein said. Theres an element of suffocation in addition to the strangulation, she said. In court, Montgomery County Assistant Public Defender Leonard Addison did not address the allegations against Strong. But he spoke about Strongs limited record of violence and his work history, saying they should be weighed when considering whether Strong should receive a bond that would allow his release pending further court actions. The only previous case that could possibly qualify as violent in Strongs history, Addison said, was a charge of battery from more than 20 years ago. Addison said Strong had been working in the construction business for 29 years, most recently trying to launch his own business. He had just started a new home renovation business that he had been getting off the ground for about a year and a half, Addison said. Strong has five children, between the ages of 14 and 28, and pays child support, Addison said. But District Judge Patricia Mitchell said there were too many factors weighing against Strong being released. If indeed this was some incident where you just snapped because you were angry, she said, then I am concerned that something could happen again to another victim. A 23-year-old Prince Georges County man has been arrested and charged with possession and distribution of child pornography. Maryland state police said they charged Austin Whyte of Accokeek, Md., with nine counts of distribution and possession of child pornography. Whyte was arrested Wednesday at his home without incident, according to police. Austin Whyte of Accokeek, Md., faces several charges related to child porn. (Courtesy of Maryland State Police) The state polices Internet Crimes Against Children task force had a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about child pornography from a specific Internet address. After an investigation, authorities found the home and issued a search warrant. Authorities searched the home and electronic devices that belonged to Whyte and found multiple files of child pornography, police said in a statement. D.C. police on Wednesday arrested a suspect in connection with the death of a 42-year-old woman who was found shot in March inside her residence in Southeast Washington. Jordan Smith, 30, of no fixed address, was charged with second-degree murder while armed. Police said the victim, Yashika Green, was found injured about 12:35 a.m. on March 1 in her residence in the 200 block of Wayne Place SE. She was taken to a hospital where police said she died on July 21. Police announced the arrest on Thursday but did not offer any details about the suspect or a possible motive. Smith could make an initial appearance in D.C. Superior Court later Thursday, at which time additional details will be made public. A second Libyan militant brought to the United States to face charges in the 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, that killed ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans pleaded not guilty Thursday in Washington. Mustafa al-Imam, 45, captured by U.S. Special Operations forces in Misurata, Libya, on Oct. 29, was ordered to remain in custody by U.S. Magistrate Deborah A. Robinson, as he has since being flown to the federal courthouse in Washington on Nov. 3. Imam was indicted Thursday and faces up to life in prison if convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support and resources to terrorists resulting in death in the Sept. 11-12, 2012, attacks on a U.S. diplomatic compound and nearby CIA post. He was initially charged by sealed complaint on May 19, 2015. [Thirteen days in the history of the accused leader of the Benghazi attacks] Ahmed Abu Khattala, an accused ringleader of the attacks, is on trial in Washington, where an FBI agent said that while in custody after his capture in June 2014, Abu Khattala said he knew Imam from when both were imprisoned by Moammar Gaddafis regime. The FBIs lead Benghazi agent, Michael M. Clarke, testified that Abu Khattala said Imam was carrying a map stolen from the U.S. diplomatic mission when both left the area after the attacks in the same vehicle. Imams court-appointed defense lawyer, Matthew Peed, said Imam was a simple looter who knew Abu Khattala because they lived in the same neighborhood. [U.S. captured Benghazi suspect in secret raid] At least a dozen others are known to have been charged in sealed U.S. criminal complaints in connection with the Benghazi attacks, although none before Abu Khattala and Imam are known to have been apprehended. [Meet Ahmed Abu Khattala, alleged ringleader of the Benghazi attack] Brock Stone, a transgender sailor based out of Ft. Meade, speaks to reporters outside of federal court in Baltimore with his legal team. (Jason Andrew/For The Washington Post) President Trumps proposed transgender military ban stigmatizes an entire group of people and probably is already having a negative effect on active-duty service members trying to plan for future military assignments, a federal judge said Thursday. The comments from U.S. District Judge Marvin J. Garbis came during a court hearing in Baltimore in one of four cases across the country brought by transgender service members challenging the administrations policy slated to take effect in March. They are certainly suffering a stigma that exists by virtue of the presidents statements, Garbis said, later also referring to the order. Attorneys for the six active-duty service members in Maryland are asking the judge to block the order, which would prohibit transgender men and women from enlisting, possibly subject current service members to discharge and deny certain medical care. The order reverses an Obama administration policy allowing transgender men and women to serve openly and to receive funding for sex-reassignment surgery. Government lawyers said in court filings that the challenge is premature because the presidents policy is not yet in effect and is still being reviewed by the Defense Department. In the interim, the government said, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has made clear that no service members will be discharged or denied reenlistment solely because they are transgender. The president did not decide to discharge all transgender people after March 23, said Justice Department lawyer Brett Shumate. It is speculation built on speculation. More broadly, Shumate said the court should not second-guess the president when it comes to military affairs. The Maryland lawsuit initially was filed days after Trump formally ordered the Pentagon to ban the recruitment of openly transgender people. He had surprised military leaders and members of Congress in July when he abruptly announced the proposed ban in several tweets. In announcing the change, Trump said he was doing the military a great favor by coming out and just saying it. As in other lawsuits challenging the presidents policies, Trumps words were used against him in court Thursday. Taking the president at his word in his tweets and in his memo is not speculation, said American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Joshua Block, the lead attorney for the transgender service members. If you read the presidents words, it is clear what he means. The hearing in federal court came one week after a judge in Washington sided with a separate group of transgender service members in issuing a preliminary injunction against the policy and saying that it does not appear to be supported by any facts. Garbis rejected the governments request to put the Maryland case on hold pending its appeal in the D.C. lawsuit and focused his questions on the section of the presidents order that would halt government funding for sex-reassignment surgery. Garbis did not indicate when he would rule, but he repeatedly used the word negative to characterize the impact of the order, particularly on service members seeking long-term assignments who have to worry that they may be canned under the new policy. [Federal judge in D.C. blocks part of Trump's transgender military ban] In the D.C. case, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly wrote: There is absolutely no support for the claim that the ongoing service of transgender people would have any negative effect on the military at all. In fact, there is considerable evidence that it is the discharge and banning of such individuals that would have such effects. Kollar-Kotelly, however, did not rule specifically on the provision that bars funding for medical care because she said none of the plaintiffs had shown they were likely to be affected. In the Maryland case, Block told the court Thursday that two plaintiffs are in the process of trying to schedule transition-related surgical care and will not be able to receive surgery before the policys March start date. Seated in the front of the courtroom Thursday was Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Brock Stone, who is based at Fort Meade and has served in the Navy for 11 years, including a nine-month deployment to Afghanistan. Stone has been receiving treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and is trying to schedule surgery related to sex reassignment in 2018, according to the lawsuit. People have medical plans. They need to move forward with their lives, Block said. But the government lawyer told the court that no one has yet been denied treatment and that it is too soon to say whether exceptions in the policy that allow for funding certain surgical procedures already underway would apply to the plaintiffs. They may very well fall in that exception, Shumate said. I cant make any commitment. Garbis seemed dissatisfied with the governments answer. Youre not willing to say they will meet the exception? he asked. [Trump directs Pentagon to implement ban on transgender service members] Estimates vary widely about the number of transgender military members. One recent study by the Rand Corp. put the number on active duty at about 2,500, while another from the Williams Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles School of Law estimated that there were 15,500 on active duty, in the National Guard and in the reserves. Eighteen other countries allow transgender troops to serve. The latest version of President Trumps entry ban will face a pair of legal challenges in the span of a few days next month in federal appeals courts on opposite coasts. The Richmond-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit announced this week it would consider the third iteration of Trumps travel order sitting with a full complement of judges on Dec. 8. Those arguments will come two days after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit is set to hear a separate challenge to the restrictions on U.S. entry before a three-judge panel in Seattle. The third version of Trumps policy bars certain travelers who are citizens of Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Chad, Somalia, North Korea and Venezuela. The administration said the revised restrictions came after a thorough review in which officials identified eight countries that were unwilling or unable to provide information needed to vet those seeking to travel to the United States. Before the policy could take effect last month, a federal judge in Hawaii halted the ban for various immigrants and travelers from all but two of the countries North Korea and Venezuela. U.S. District Judge Derrick K. Watson said the president had likely overstepped his authority when it comes to setting immigration policy. The appeal at the 4th Circuit follows a more limited ruling last month from a federal judge in Maryland. U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang stopped the administration from enforcing the ban only for those with close family or professional ties to a person or business in the United States. Chuang said that despite the revisions, the presidents own words on the campaign trail and on Twitter meant the policy was still effectively an unconstitutional ban on Muslims. [Federal judge blocks Trump's third travel ban] The twin cases being heard in December are the latest challenges to the administrations attempts to bar entry it says is needed for national security. Government officials rewrote the policy after judges found the ban to be discriminatory, based on religion in part by targeting travelers from majority-Muslim nations. Both appellate courts have already ruled against the administration in challenges to the second version of the travel ban. The Supreme Court, however, vacated the decisions by the two appeals courts, meaning that the rulings are no longer on the books as precedent. Even with the review and the revisions, Chuang wrote last month that the government offered no evidence, even in the form of classified information submitted to the Court, showing an intelligence-based terrorism threat justifying a ban on entire nationalities, and he asserted that even the new measure generally resembles President Trumps earlier description of the Muslim ban. Justice Department lawyers said in court filings that Chuangs ruling threatens to disable the president permanently from addressing immigration-related national-security risks in countries that pose the greatest concern. [Justice Department files notice of appeal to judge's block of travel ban] At the 4th Circuit, the court announced Monday that it would again bypass the traditional three-judge panel and have a full set of judges review the challenge. Two judges J. Harvie Wilkinson III, a Ronald Reagan nominee, and Allyson K. Duncan, a George W. Bush nominee will not participate. Wilkinsons son-in-law, Jeffrey B. Wall, is a deputy solicitor general and argued the governments case last May. Duncan did not publicly elaborate on her recusal. At the 9th Circuit, the case will be heard Dec. 6 by a panel made up of three judges Michael Daly Hawkins, Ronald M. Gould and Richard A. Paez, who all were nominated to the court by Bill Clinton. Matt Zapotosky contributed to this report. A closed meeting of Task Group 1 in July, in Reston, Va. On Wednesday, in Seattle, the group offered a view into its work at a public meeting of the federal Drone Advisory Committee. (Reza A. Marvashti for The Washington Post) Federal advisers met Wednesday to try to advance U.S. drone policy, with some offering concrete suggestions for opening the nations skies and others decrying months of dysfunction and mismanagement they say has tainted the advisory process and some of the materials being presented. The meeting of the Drone Advisory Committee whose charge is to advise the Federal Aviation Administration on the burgeoning industry comes two weeks after President Trump signed a memorandum intended to broadly expand how drones are used in the United States using a new pilot program. San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee (D), in a sharply worded letter distributed to the group headed by Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich, cited the lack of transparency and poor management of one of the committees subgroups. In January, the FAA gave that panel, known as Task Group 1, the difficult job of determining what role federal, state and local officials should play in regulating drones buzzing over communities at low altitudes. There is a stark imbalance of perspectives and viewpoints favoring industry interests at the expense of local and state governments and members of the public, Lees letter said. Because the process was flawed, the recommendations produced by that process are also flawed. [San Francisco mayors letter on drones] The Washington Post reported last month that Task Group 1 has held months of confidential meetings, which some critics said could violate the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and that the proceedings had been riven by distrust and accusations of outsize industry influence. A presentation prepared for Wednesdays meeting, posted on the advisory committee website and marked final, listed nine common principles developed by Task Group 1. But there was no consensus on four of those principles, participants said. Those four covering how drones could impact private property rights, how takeoffs and landings should be regulated, how altitude measurements might be taken, and the role of local governments in overseeing safe drone equipment and operations were each, confusingly, listed a second time in the presentation as a common principle with an alternate opinion response. That prompted Lee to allege that the work has been misrepresented. A representative of RTCA, a contractor that manages the group for the FAA and bills itself as a public-private expert in developing consensus on aviation, declined to answer questions. But responding to an outpouring of criticism from members of Task Group 1, RTCA created a second version of the final slide presentation for display at the session Wednesday, with clearer language listing Option 1 and Option 2 on principles where there was disagreement. The damage was done, however. [A U.S. drone advisory group has been meeting in secret for months. It hasnt gone well.] This is not what a consensus process should be, Lee wrote. The ability to reasonably regulate to ensure public safety, privacy, and to minimize public nuisance are cornerstones of the role of local government, and the principles presented do not protect that cornerstone, he said. After a top Lee aide read parts of the letter, Brendan Schulman, a lobbyist with Chinese drone manufacturer DJI who co-chairs Task Group 1, rejected the mayors critique. Schulman describes his leadership role as constructive and inclusive. The mayors letter couldnt be more wrong about the task group process, Schulman said in a statement. We have been welcoming of broad participation from the beginning. The issues at stake are vast, touching on questions of federalism, surveillance and security and an industry worth billions. While the federal government controls the nations navigable airspace, local officials have long had police powers over such crimes as voyeurism and control over land-use issues. Finding the balance between those without suppressing innovation or undercutting public safety has been a major challenge. FAA Deputy Administrator Dan Elwell told the advisory committee, which was hosted by Amazon in Seattle, that Task Group 1 had been given a seemingly impossible task. The lack of consensus with Task Group 1 was neither unexpected nor a fatal flaw. Congress itself couldnt reach agreement on many of the questions we asked of you, Elwell said. Elwell said Task Group 1 will be reconstituted and given a new job away from policy and politics. Instead, it will be asked to provide the technical and operational recommendations we need to implement the pilot program Trump administration officials announced last month. Under the pilot, states and localities, teamed with industry, can apply to do things with drones that are not generally allowed under FAA rules. Those include flying at night, over people or out of the range of what the operator can see. [Trump administration to allow quick and dramatic expansion of drone use] Elwell said the pilot will create a mechanism for the private sector and state, local and tribal governments to make experience-based and data-driven contributions to integrating drones. An FAA official said Wednesday that 633 entities among them cities, counties, academic institutions and emergency responders have indicated they plan to apply for the pilot program. Task Group 1 members have included Amazon, which is pursuing drone package delivery; Facebook, which is developing drones as part of an Internet service; American Airlines; which has assorted aviation industry interests; and representatives of state and local governments. (Amazon chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos owns The Washington Post.) One point of agreement amid the discord on the group was that a public process, including things such as hearings and notices, should be used to make sure any possible regulations are reasonable. A second Drone Advisory Committee panel, Task Group 2, pushed forward Wednesday with its recommendations that the FAA create a program easing the way for companies to fly drones far beyond a controllers line of sight. Such operations are required for the kind of delivery services and other commercial efforts that have captured the imagination of industry. STERLING, VA. - OCTOBER 30: Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) stumps for Virginias GOP on Oct. 30 in Sterling, Va. Gillespies loss, part of a Democratic wave, increases Comstocks re-election challenge next year. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) One year. Thats how long Rep. Barbara Comstock has to figure out how to protect herself from her constituents disdain for President Trump, borne out by a blue wave across Virginia during Tuesdays elections. The only Northern Virginia Republican in Congress watched her friend Ed Gillespie lose the governor's race. Next, the Democrats wiped out seven GOP-held state delegate seats with whom she shares territory. No one who knows Comstock is counting her out shes a relentless campaigner and operative but as the polls closed Tuesday night, a new reality set in: She could do everything right and still lose at the hands of Democratic voters bent on defeating anyone who shares a party affiliation with Trump. "If I'm Barbara Comstock, I'm very worried, absolutely," Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said in an interview during the Democrats' election night celebration. "Look at the turnout! I think every Republican is on notice tonight. This is what Donald Trump has done to their party." Comstocks campaign points to her six-point win last year while sharing a ballot with Trump as evidence of her staying power. She also won more votes in 2016 in precincts that overlap with six of her GOP House of Delegates colleagues than they did Tuesday, according to her campaign. Democrats have continually underestimated and discounted Congresswoman Barbara Comstock and her accomplishments and depth and knowledge of her district and their priorities, said Ken Nunnenkamp, a campaign spokesman. Barbara has always overperformed, and that wont change in 2018. Her district spans Washington suburbs, extends into rural counties along the West Virginia border and includes all of bellwether Loudoun County, where roughly half of the Democratic voters in the district reside. Gov.-elect Ralph Northam won the county by 20 points, far more than McAuliffes four-point margin of victory in 2013, making it hard for some to see a path to reelection for Comstock if Democrats stay engaged. [Reverting to quiet bedside manner, Northam says Virginia rejected Washingtons divisiveness] The political environment would have to improve a lot for Republicans or the Democratic candidate would have to implode, said David Wasserman, who analyzes House races for the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. Right now, shes a clear underdog. Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.) surveyed the list of seven Northern Virginia Republicans who lost Tuesday and wondered how Comstock could survive what he termed a realignment election that could deliver Democrats the House of Delegates majority. Four of the contests are too close to call and will undergo a state-funded recount. Democrats would make a big mistake underestimating my colleagues staying power and political skills, including her survival skill, he said. But sometimes, he said, the numbers you just cant deny. Advice for Comstock poured in from Northern Virginia GOP observers, who agreed Tuesday's result is a warning shot to members of Congress from wealthy suburban districts. View Graphic The latest stories and details on the 2017 Virginia general election and race for governor. Hold town halls, said Tom Davis, a former GOP congressman from Northern Virginia. Comstock has avoided unscripted public forums with constituents who have spewed venom at her colleagues, such as Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) Face the music, Davis said. Youve got to let people scream at you a little bit, let them get it off their chest. Del. Dave Albo (R-Fairfax), who did not seek reelection in part because he couldnt afford to support his family and put in the work needed to win in a competitive year, said Comstock should continue focusing on local issues and attending every ribbon cutting she can find. I dont think theres anything else she can do, he said. Shes just got to stay the course. Pete Snyder, Gillespies campaign chair, said Comstock can combat the epic tsunami of this election by diving in heart first and working harder than anyone else. Chris LaCivita, a GOP strategist, put it this way: One thing Barbara wont be is ill-prepared. Republican supporters give Comstock credit for voting no on the House health-care bill and voting yes on maintaining an Obama-era practice of government funding gender-transition surgery. And she called the "Access Hollywood" tape "disgusting, vile, and disqualifying" for Trump. Thats not enough for Democrats, including those in the nine-way contest to challenge her. Sen. Jennifer Wexton (D-Loudoun), the only elected official running for the nomination, noted Comstock missed two recorded votes to join Trump in the Oval Office when he signed a bill she sponsored. I have yet to hear Barbara Comstock stand up against Donald Trump on anything, she said Tuesday night from the Democrats victory party, where shellshocked volunteers struggled to absorb their unexpected gains. Taking a particular vote out of political expediency isnt the same as standing up for your constituents. Alison Friedman, a McLean Democrat who is competing for the chance to challenge Comstock, debuted a new line of attack linking Comstock to Gillespie, who lost by nine points and turned off some voters by failing to criticize some of Trumps most provocative tweets and musings. It was a bad night for Gillespie, and it was a bad night for Gillespies best friend, Barbara Comstock, she said. That race has proven that you cant equivocate on Donald Trump, and thats what shes done. Activists galvanized by Trump's win rejoiced online and on Facebook pages. Comstock, this district is going blue by big points . . . you are so screwed next year! Where can we see the results? I have never been more interested in an election. Fake news this. Hard-right conservatives didn't overtly attack Comstock, who faces a nomination challenge from little-known candidate Shak Hill. Asked about Comstocks 2018 fate, Del. Dave LaRock, one of the few Northern Virginia GOP delegates to survive Tuesday, said he was too busy to follow her record but spoke generally about federal lawmakers. Promises made, results delivered, he said. Any member of Congress that deviated from that is probably going to have to answer for that. Ominous warnings aside, Davis, the former congressman, said a year is a long time in politics. The landscape will change, he said. It could be better. It could be worse. I guarantee you it will be different. Virginia gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart speaks at his primary election watch party in Woodbridge, Va., June 13, 2017. Ed Gillespie's narrow victory against former Trump state campaign chairman Stewart provided the night's biggest surprise. (Linda Davidson/The Washington Post) Corey Stewart, the bombastic Prince William County Board chairman and disciple of Donald Trump, is calling for the resignation of the Virginia state Republican Party chairman after the Tuesdays widespread GOP losses at the polls. Stewart, whose hard-edged attacks on illegal immigration and support for Confederate monuments led him to almost beat eventual GOP gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie in the June primary, said Wednesday that Republicans will keep losing unless they embrace the populism that propelled Trump into the presidency. If I had been the nominee or if Ed Gillespie had embraced the president, Republicans would have won, Stewart said at a small press conference in Washington Wednesday afternoon. Ed treated the president as if he had typhoid. [Steve Bannon on Stewart: I was a Corey Stewart fan] Stewart, who often boasted he was "Trump before Trump was Trump," said the Republicans, Democrats and media are incorrectly assuming Tuesday's election was a repudiation of Trump. Both state Sen. Jill Vogel (Fauquier), the GOP nominee for lieutenant governor, and John Adams, the Republican nominee for attorney general, had outpolled Gillespie by 50,000 votes and 30,000 votes, respectively, he noted. Both campaigned with Stewart, hired former Trump strategists and talked up President Trump on the campaign trail. Gillespie struggled to strike the right approach to Trump and did not want the prefind The losses of the top ticket, as well as the Democratic takeover of at least 15 seats in the House of Delegates, means that state party chair John Whitbeck should surrender his post, Stewart said. Whitbeck could not be immediately reached for comment. Stewart, who is planning to run for the GOP nomination to challenge Sen. Tim Kaine (D) next year, pointed to himself as the answer. I think that Republicans arround the state are looking to me for leadership at this point, he said, adding that Gillespie and Whitbeck had failed to inspire the party faithful. [Virginia politicians of all stripes condemn white nationalists - except one] View Graphic The latest stories and details on the 2017 Virginia general election and race for governor. Gillespie struggled to strike the right approach to Trump. He needed to attrach white, rural Trump supporters in the southern part of the state who voted for Trump without alienating moderates and independents in northern Virginia who oppose Trump. He studiously tried to avoid reacting to the daily barrage of Trump controversies, largely bypassing the mainstream press in favor of appearances before friendly groups he could later trumpet on social media. But from his initial emphasis on the economy and taxes, Gillespie steered toward illegal immigration and Confederate statues a strategy that Stewart promoted and polling suggests helped Gillespie firm up support among Trump voters. He rolled out a series of controverisal ads in September that appeared to link Northam to violent Latino street gangs. But it was clear that the candidate never really believed in that message, Stewart said. [Ed Gillespie went from big tent Republican to culture warrior] If Eds stump speech had reflected what he was saying in the ads at the end, it would have changed the result, Stewart asserted. Its very different when the top of the ticket is weighing down the rest of the ticket. Stewart said he didnt believe he will face competition within the party to become the GOP Senate nominee next year. When your house burns down, its a bad thing, but I think its also an opportunity for rebuilding, he said. Supporters of Democrat Ralph Northam erupt in joy as it is announced he won the governorship over Republican Ed Gillespie, at a rally at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., on Tuesday. (Michael Robinson Chavez/The Washington Post) The sweeping gains won by Democrats in Tuesday's elections complete Virginia's transformation into the only blue state of the old Confederacy. Where the Harry Byrd machine once conspired to keep black students out of white schools, now a transgender delegate will take her seat alongside Latino women, a socialist and only the second African American elected statewide since Reconstruction. The old edifices are falling faster than the state's Confederate statues but those are under scrutiny in Richmond these days, too. Even Virginia's most politically powerful corporation Dominion Energy is being rattled: Some 14 of the newly elected Democrats have pledged to refuse contributions and challenge the priorities of a company that's known as the state's shadow government. Change has been coming to the increasingly diverse state for years, but the evolution was turbocharged by the provocative influence of Donald Trump. [Her opponent used male pronouns to describe her. Tuesday, she made history] The presidents victory last fall and subsequent knife-twisting tweets inspired a surge of Democratic candidates to run for office and pushed many voters to the polls. This election, more than anything else, was a Trump-effect election, said Stephen Farnsworth, a political scientist at the University of Mary Washington. Democrat Ralph Northam won the governors race over Republican Ed Gillespie by a comfortable nine-point margin, but Farnsworth said the outcome could have been much tighter if not for highly motivated anti-Trump voters. So many people in this election told pollsters they were voting against Trump more than for or against the actual candidates for governor, Farnsworth said. That was particularly evident in the states suburban regions, where Northam racked up wide margins and Democratic challengers unseated Republican incumbents in the House of Delegates. The sentiment turned up in voices across the state. In Fairfax Station, where Pam Rodriguez, 44, showed up in the chilly evening rain to vote for Northam partly because she is not a fan of Trump . . . I loved the commercial where Northam called him a narcissistic maniac, she said. It was in eastern Henrico County outside Richmond, where a few days before the election Nick Hall was all set to vote for the Democrat for governor even though he wasnt sure of his name. Hall just wanted to strike back at the party of Trump. Trump is an idiot, he said. In exit polling, more than a third of voters said they came out to the polls to express opposition to Trump. Half that many said they voted to support Trump. An especially striking aspect of that anti-Trump fervor was that most of those new candidates he inspired were women. Of the 15 Democrats who were on track to flip Republican seats in the House of Delegates, 11 were women. View Graphic The latest stories and details on the 2017 Virginia general election and race for governor. All of the delegates they will replace are men. There were only 17 women among the 100 members of the House of Delegates in its most recent session. Tuesdays gains will bring that total to 28 its highest level in history. Make no mistake about it: 2017 is the year of the woman in Virginia politics, Farnsworth said. The election stunned both sides. Republicans had enjoyed a seemingly untouchable 66-34 majority in the House of Delegates and even designated a new speaker of the House for next year Del. M. Kirkland Cox (Colonial Heights) who has been assembling a staff and preparing his office. Northam drew ire from fellow Democrats just a few weeks ago, when he told Cox during a moment of bonhomie that he looked forward to working with him as speaker. That role is in question now as Democrats appear headed for at least a 50-50 split in the House, pending the resolution of a handful of close races. [Potential chaos ahead as control of Va House of Delegates hangs in balance] Some Republicans saw Tuesdays result as a tsunami that couldnt have been avoided thanks, of course, to Trump. Im for 90 percent of what President Trump wants to do, but Im against 90 percent of what comes out of his Twitter, said former Republican delegate Dave Albo, who stepped down this year and on Tuesday saw his seat in Fairfax County go to a Democrat. The president whipped Democrats into a frenzy, Albo said. One of the rules of politics, he said, is pissed-off people show up. He said its not accurate to call Virginia more Democratic in the wake of the election. This is not a purple state. Its like, dark red and dark blue spots, Albo said. [How Northam gained in a more polarized Virginia] The results did, in fact, amplify the states divisions. Blue regions got bigger, as more suburbs flipped for Democrats especially in the outer D.C. suburbs and around Richmond and Hampton Roads. But rural red areas went for Gillespie in great numbers, sometimes even more than for Trump last year. And the Democratic Party itself, for all its huge gains, is going to have serious issues to resolve. Were not unified in Virginia yet. We just made this momentary historic gain because we were strategically unified, said Josh Stanfield of the progressive group Activate Virginia, which worked for many of the new Democratic House of Delegates candidates. That should not imply that the party is not fractured. Some of the progressive candidates such as democratic socialist Lee Carter, 30, who defeated incumbent Del. Jackson H. Miller in Manassas were not aided by the Democratic Party of Virginia and are nursing grievances, Stanfield said. Whats more, it was Stanfields group that came up with the anti-Dominion pledge signed by so many of the new candidates. Other Democrats, including Northam, have taken large contributions from Dominion, the states largest corporate political donor, and favor the controversial natural gas pipeline it is building in rural parts of the state. The new Democratic wave could lead to chaos. Pipeline protesters disrupted several of Northams campaign appearances, and protesters who favor sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants briefly halted Northams victory speech Tuesday night. One thing thats for sure: This should not be interpreted as a kumbaya moment, and from now on, theres some sort of unified Democratic Party, Stanfield said. On Wednesday, Northam said he thought Democratic voters had turned out in such force to call for just that a more unified and cooperative approach to government. He invoked "the Virginia way," the old idea that the state's lawmakers govern through civility and cooperation. It was an anachronistic reference at a time when the state seems to have put on a fresh face. Im not convinced we have that old Virginia way left anymore, said Quentin Kidd, a political scientist at Christopher Newport University. But theres something else that might still limit the pace of change. A lot of these candidates were novice candidates, Kidd said. So when they get to Richmond, theres going to be a massive learning curve. . . . There is something to be said for institutional inertia. Rachel Chason, Jenna Portnoy and Scott Clement contributed to this report. WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 26: Committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) questions witnesses during a House Judiciary Committee hearing concerning the oversight of the U.S. refugee admissions program, on Capitol Hill, October 26, 2017 (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Two days after Republicans suffered sweeping defeats up and down the ballot in Virginia, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced Thursday he will not seek reelection. The 13-term congressman from Roanoke will end his congressional career after much contemplation and prayer, he said in a statement. With my time as chairman of the Judiciary Committee ending in December 2018, he said, this is a natural stepping-off point and an opportunity to begin a new chapter of my career and spend more time with my family, particularly my granddaughters. House rules bar Goodlatte from serving another term as chairman of the influential committee. He was previously chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. Goodlatte joins more than a dozen mostly Republican members of the House and Senate who plan to retire at a time when the GOP-controlled Congress has struggled to pass major legislation, such as a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. On a call with reporters, Goodlatte said the political climate didnt play a role in his decision. If he ran again, he could have faced a tough fight for the GOP nomination. As an elected official for more than a quarter-century, he has been a target of activists with disdain for entrenched politicians. There are a lot of legitimately angry people out here who are frustrated with the inaction of Washington generally and are focusing their anger on incumbents who they perceive as being part of the problem, said state Del. C. Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah), a Goodlatte ally whose district overlaps his. If you have been there as long as Bob has been, you rightly wear part of that criticism. [Waiting for Goodlatte: Some residents frustrated by congressmans absence] Within hours of his announcement, two Republicans a conservative state delegate who once worked for Goodlatte and a GOP national committeewoman announced they would compete for the nomination. Both are setting themselves as Washington outsiders. Goodlatte, 65, the most senior Republican in the states congressional delegation, is known as a student of policy who closely follows state and local GOP politics. Over the next 14 months, he said, he hopes to bolster enforcement of immigration laws and overhaul the legal immigration system as well as simplify the tax code, enact criminal justice reform and repeal the Affordable Care Act. View Graphic The latest stories and details on the 2017 Virginia general election and race for governor. He would do this while advancing protections of the freedoms and liberties enshrined in our Constitution, he said. The congressman made news in January when his plan to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics prompted public outcry and critical tweets from the incoming President Trump, whose policies Goodlatte has publicly supported. Last year, Trump easily carried his district, which stretches from the Shenandoah Valley to the Roanoke Valley and east to Lynchburg, the home of Liberty University. Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for governor, won 61 percent of the vote in the district this week, despite losing the state by 9 points. Despite a solid conservative voting record, Goodlatte has drawn the ire of Republican activists in his district, including those who run the influential party apparatus. Cynthia Dunbar, a GOP national committeewoman, and Del. Benjamin L. Cline (R-Rockbridge), Goodlattes former chief of staff, said Thursday they are running for the GOP nomination. Dunbar said she has witnessed firsthand the disarray and dysfunction inside Congress which is crippling our Republic when it comes to the national debt, taxes and immigration policy. As constitutional conservatives, we can no longer allow career politicians to focus on the next election as opposed to current problems facing our nation, she said. Cline announced his campaign with similar rhetoric, saying he was fed up with the dysfunction gripping Washington. For far too long, Washington insiders have ignored families outside their insular Beltway. Again and again they have proved they are out of touch and tone deaf to our struggles, he said, while thanking his former boss for his service. Democrats Sergio Coppola and Peter Volosin are running, and Andy Parker, the father of a broadcast journalist who was killed on live television two years ago, said he is considering joining the Democratic field. [Andy Parker, the face of gun control in Virginia] Eric Cantor, the former House majority leader who was beaten in 2014 in the Republican primary by Rep. Dave Brat, said Goodlatte dispatched with past primary challengers with what looked like relative ease. But it wasnt something that just came by chance, he said. He always was deliberate about making sure he was there for the people of Roanoke Valley and the 6th District. [Cantor resurfaces, feeds buzz about possible comeback] Virginia Democrats Rep. Robert C. Bobby Scott, who entered Congress the same year as Goodlatte, and Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine noted they didnt often agree with his policies but thanked Goodlatte and his wife, Maryellen. The son of a manager of Friendlys restaurants in Massachusetts, Goodlatte studied government at Bates College in Maine and earned a law degree from Washington and Lee University. He likes to visit the homes of former presidents of both parties. He ran for Congress in 1992 with the help of Tim Phillips, now president of Americans for Prosperity on a promise to serve only 12 years. He later abandoned the pledge, saying everyone must agree to term limits for the policy to work. As Judiciary Committee chairman, he rejected calls from within his party to try to impeach President Barack Obama and the IRS commissioner, saying there was insufficient evidence. Goodlatte said he was proud of his work on the USA Freedom Act, which kept phone data out of government hands and revised federal government surveillance practices, and the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act, which affirmed the ban on Internet taxes. He recently co-sponsored a bill introduced by Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) that would expand the authority of the federal government to deport or detain noncitizen immigrants who are gang members or suspected of gang activity. The legislation, a response to an increase in killings perpetuated by the MS-13 gang, was panned by the American Civil Liberties Union and immigrant right groups. In a speech on the House floor, Goodlatte said whether immigrants are here illegally or have visas or permanent resident status, it is time to send the message that this behavior simply will not be tolerated. Surveying Goodattes service, Mark J. Rozell, dean of the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, said the political climate is discouraging incumbents at the state and federal level. Members not only have to worry about challenges from the opposing party but a growing level of opposition from within their party if they are not complete purists on every issue, he said. For that reason, he said, its understandable if members become frustrated and say, I dont need this anymore. The Virginia delegation has been losing clout in recent years through the retirement or defeat of senior members. In addition to Cantors loss, Democrat James P. Moran and Republican Frank R. Wolf retired in 2014. Reps. Scott Rigell (R) and Robert Hurt (R) declined to seek reelection last year, the same year Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R) lost his seat in a primary after switching districts. Rep. H. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), who has been friends with Goodlatte since the 1980s, said hell miss his colleague but that the job isnt meant to last a lifetime. Every politician has a shelf life, he said, its just different for everybody. Residents in Montgomery and Prince Georges counties will soon see changes in their water bills as their utility seeks to make them more predictable and fair to larger households. Whether customers of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission will pay more or less will depend on how much water they use and which pricing system the utilitys board adopts in June. Under three proposals that the WSSC staff recommended to the board Wednesday, households with one or two people generally would see higher bills while those with nine or more would pay less. Under one option, a three-person household with average water consumption would pay about $4.60 more per quarter. That same household would pay $4.80 or $21.30 less per quarter under the other two options. The Maryland Public Service Commission ordered WSSC in March to change its pricing system after ruling that it is unduly discriminatory and unreasonable because it can cause larger households to pay more per gallon. [Md. commission rules WSSC rates discriminate against larger households] WSSC provides water and sewer services to nearly 2 million people in the Washington suburbs. WSSC officials say they also need a more stable revenue stream to upgrade aging pipes, pumps and other infrastructure. Those costs are mounting even while water consumption drops as more homes are renovated with low-flow toilets, shower heads and appliances. Carla A. Reid, WSSCs general manager, told board members the utility believes very strongly that any of the three proposals would meet the public service commissions order that WSSC come up with a reasonable pricing system. She said the proposals also reflect what WSSC heard from customers at 20 public meetings and hearings. A new rate structure will take effect in July 2019, after WSSC can update its billing system, officials said. All three options would keep a tiered system that seeks to encourage conservation by charging more per gallon as customers use more water. However, all three would come with a big change. [Water utilities charge more to offset losses from low-flow faucets, toilets] WSSC is believed to be the only U.S. water utility to charge the highest-tier rate for the entire bill, going back to the first drop and that can lead to drastic fluctuations in bills depending on water usage. Under the new proposals, WSSC would follow the industry standard of charging customers for water usage that falls within each tier. The proposals also would reduce the number of pricing tiers from 16 to three or four. WSSC officials say the changes will keep customers bills more stable. While some customers will pay more and some less, WSSC officials say, the changes are designed to bring in the same amount of money overall that WSSC collects now. We still want to encourage conservation, but this is a more fair and sensible way to do it, said Joe Beach, WSSCs chief financial officer. However, Richard Boltuck, the Montgomery resident who filed the pricing discrimination complaint that led to the public service commissions order, said keeping a tiered system would still leave larger households paying more per gallon. Under one of the proposals, he said, seven people in one home would pay $523 more per year than if each of them lived alone. [Meet the Maryland man who took on one of the largest U.S. water utilities] Boltuck, a retired economist, said he believes WSSC wont do more to even out the costs because it doesnt want to face political pushback from customers who live alone or with one other person. Theyre making it better, but they still want to avoid complaints from smaller households, Boltuck said. Theyre really just locking in an inequity. Illinois Juror No. 44 shows up but is not selected Former president Barack Obama showed up at a courthouse in downtown Chicago for jury duty on Wednesday morning. Then he heard the words that many prospective jurors hope to hear: Youre dismissed. The 44th presidents motorcade considerably smaller than the one he had when he lived in the White House left his home in the Kenwood neighborhood on the citys South Side and arrived at the Richard J. Daley Center shortly after 10 a.m. Obama wearing a dark sport coat and dress shirt, but no tie waved to people who had gathered outside. Shortly before noon, Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans told reporters that the former president had not been selected for jury duty. But Obama was ready to serve if told to do so, Evans said. Associated Press Kentucky Paul says his injuries include 6 broken ribs Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he ended up with six broken ribs after he was attacked by his neighbor last week while he was mowing his lawn. Paul wrote on Twitter Wednesday: I appreciate all of the support from everyone. A medical update: final report indicates six broken ribs & new X-ray shows a pleural effusion. A pleural effusion is excess fluid around the lungs. It remains uncertain when Paul will return to the Senate. His longtime neighbor, Rene Boucher, 59, was charged with misdemeanor fourth-degree assault. Associated Press THE SENATE Changes to decency act to face little opposition A bill that would amend the Communications Decency Act to allow prosecutors and victims to pursue action against websites engaged in online sex trafficking unanimously passed the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday and appears to have little opposition as it heads to a floor vote. The bill was launched because sites such as have evaded prosecution and civil liability by citing the Communications Decency Act, the 1996 law that protects websites from liability for content posted by third parties. The bill would amend that act and a federal anti-sex-trafficking statute to allow state and federal prosecutors to target such sites if they are knowingly assisting or facilitating trafficking. The bill, known as the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, drew opposition from big Internet companies such as Google and Facebook, but they backed down in recent weeks. Facebooks chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, endorsed the bill Tuesday. Tom Jackman Menendez jurors deliberate a second day: Jurors finished a second full day of deliberations without reaching a verdict Wednesday in the bribery trial of Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.). They gave no indication as to which way they might be leaning or what legal issues they are pondering in the jury room. Associated Press Twenty-six crosses, one for each person killed in Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church, stand in Sutherland Springs, Texas. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post) A few dozen families gathered in the yard of the First Baptist Church on Tuesday, Oct. 31, their children dressed as Dalmatians and pirates as they ran through a bounce house and crowded around a metal tub to fish for rubber duckies. The modest fall fest gathering aimed to provide an alternative to Halloween an attractive innovation in a deeply conservative region. For Michelle Shields, the event included a positive development: Her son-in-law, Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, was in the crowd. Thered been recent tension in the family, so she hoped Kelleys appearance with her granddaughter meant things were on the upswing. The next night, Kelley and his wife, Danielle, seemed fine as they joined another couple for dinner at the other familys home. He was happy, laughing, giggly, holding his kids, holding my kids. Smacking his wife on the butt, you know, I love you, baby kind of stuff, said the husband, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he and his wife have received threats. I have no clue as to what really happened. He was fine, and that was Wednesday. On Sunday, Kelley returned to the church, this time dressed in all black, wearing body armor and a mask and carrying an assault-style rifle. He shot the associate pastor, and the church secretary, and children as they cried for their parents. He killed about half the people in the church and shot many of the rest. His intention, according to his own declaration during the rampage, was to kill everyone. Authorities have not offered an official explanation of Kelleys motive but have revealed that he was in the midst of a domestic quarrel with, and had sent threatening text messages to, his mother-in-law. But she wasnt even there that day. The mass murder came at the end of a turbulent period for Kelley, whose adulthood was filled with marriages and children but also troublesome signs of mental health problems, domestic violence, a stint in jail and a bad-conduct discharge from the Air Force. Some friends who interacted with Kelley recently said hed become erratic. Hed told at least one friend that he had begun taking a panic disorder drug and wanted to borrow money to pay for a psychiatrist. His final Facebook posts consisted of complaints of headaches and gripes about lingering neck and head pain from a motorcycle accident in 2014. Damn, my heads been hurting for three days now, he wrote in one of his last posts. Ah f---. Im a wreck, he added in another, ultimately his final public statement before he headed to the church, where many of the same families and the same children who had attended the fall fest gathered to pray, where he would commit one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. This account of Sundays mass shooting is based on interviews with witnesses, survivors, law enforcement officials and a review of other news accounts. An "incident ahead" sign is seen outside Sutherland Springs, near the site of the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs shooting. (Rick Wilking/Reuters) The shooting No one knows precisely how many people live in Sutherland Springs, a tiny town outside of San Antonio, only that there are fewer now. There are maybe 600 people within a half a mile or so of the crossroads of U.S. Highway 87 and Farm Road 539, the center of town, with a Valero gas station on one corner, the post office on another, and the First Baptist Church just a couple hundred feet off U.S. 87, buffered by a grassy field that hasnt been mowed in a long time. Terrie Smith, 54, and her fiance, Lorenzo Flores, 56, had just walked into the Valero gas station that houses the small Mexican food kitchen that she runs and where he works as a cook. When theyd parked next to gas pump No. 3, just a few moments before, the soft singing of a hymn was drifting across the street from the church. Now, the singing had gone silent. The sharp sound of gunshots pierced their ears. They ran outside, and thats when they saw him: Kelley, dressed in all black, carrying a long rifle and standing across the street, beneath the tall, blue sign that reads First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs. A few houses away, Kevin Jordan was changing the oil on his Ford Focus when he heard the gunshots. He stood up and turned his head, spotting a man wearing body armor, a vest and a mask walking down the sidewalk toward the church. Jordan, 30, ran into his house and grabbed his son as he screamed to his wife to take cover. As they all hid in the bathroom, Jordan dialed 911. When he reached the church, Kelley began moving rapidly around the exterior in a crouch, like a G.I. Joe character. For about two minutes he quickly circled the building, firing through its walls, wielding his weapon just below his chest as the horrified worshipers inside began to scream and duck beneath pews as bullets burst through sanctuary windows. Kelleys body shook as he sprayed the outside of the church. Smith and Flores scrambled on all fours back into the gas station, screaming to the few customers there to find cover. Then, for a moment, the shooting stopped. Kelley walked into First Baptist. Then the gunfire started anew. This undated file photo provided by the Texas Department of Public Safety shows Devin Kelley, who shot and killed 26 people at a Texas church. (AP) Bryan Holcombe, 60, the church's associate pastor, had just walked up to the pulpit to begin preaching when he was struck. His wife, Karla, 58, was also hit. By the time the shooting stopped minutes later both of them, along with six other family members and a pregnant woman's unborn child, would be dead. Most in the sanctuary tried to hide, and Kelley shot at those who ran. Then he made his way up and down the aisle through the small room, firing into prone bodies. When the children clustered near the front of the sanctuary began to wail, he fired at them. If Kelley saw someone reaching for a cellphone hed shoot at it. [The lives lost in Sutherland Springs, Tex.] Farida Brown, 73, a member of the church for the past decade, was struck four times in her legs as she lay hiding in the back row. Four shots hit the woman to her right. Brown held her hand, assuring her that it would be over soon, that she was headed to heaven. With every shot, she was crying, David Brown, Faridas son, said of the woman. She was just staring at my mom while she tried to comfort her. Lying a few pews away, all Rosa Solis could see was the stalk of the killers black boots. Next to her lay a young boy who had been shot and was crying out for his mother. But she didnt speak. She held her breath, hoping the man in the mask would think she was already dead. Rosanne Solis and Joaquin Ramirez, who were both shot in the church massacre and survived. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post) He was mostly shooting at the children, recounted Sue Soto, Rosas sister, who drove Solis who had a gaping shoulder wound and Joaquin Ramirez, Soliss boyfriend, to the hospital. A single, blood-covered man emerged near the side of the church and sprinted across a grassy lot to the gas station, desperately pounding on the glass door. He started killing everybody, the man blurted out, collapsing to his knees. My familys in there. They all looked out the window. No one else was leaving the church. All I could think about was that my friend Joann was in there with her kids, Smith recalled. I knew everybody in there. They were all my customers and friends. Terrie Smith, in the kitchen at the Valero gas station in Sutherland Springs, prays. She witnessed the start of the massacre when she heard shots outside the church. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post) Smiths friend, Joann Ward, was among those killed. Shed shoved her eldest daughter away from the shooting before throwing herself on top of her three youngest children. Two of them died there with her. The third, her 5-year-old son Ryland, was shot in the stomach, groin and arm and remains hospitalized. There had been between 50 and 60 worshipers that morning. The number who remained unharmed when the gunfire finally stopped could be counted on one hand. Kelley turned his back on the bloody carnage and walked out the front door. The confrontation, chase Stephen Willeford, 55, was at his home on Fifth Street, a block from the church, when his daughter told him she could hear gunfire. A certified shooting instructor, Willeford grabbed an assault-style rifle and ran out of the house so fast that he didnt have time to put on shoes. He approached the church on Farm Road 539, barefoot, just as Kelley was exiting. The two men made eye contact. "It was surreal to me. It couldn't be happening. I could not believe it," Willeford, still shaken a day later, said in a TV interview with a local Texas station. Willeford, a former NRA instructor, took up a protective position behind a pickup truck and fired at Kelley, hitting him twice. Kelley returned fire, then dropped his rifle and got into his Ford SUV, using a handgun to fire another couple of rounds at Willeford through his side window. Willeford kept firing. Kelley sped away, northeast on 539, through the blinking light at the crossroads. Johnnie Langendorff, 27, had been on his way to visit his girlfriend when he spotted a barefoot man in what looked and sounded like a shootout with a man in all-black clothing. As Kelley drove away, Willeford ran up to Langendorffs white pickup truck and jumped directly into the passenger seat. He just shot up the church! Willeford shouted. We have to get him! Lets go, Langendorff replied. The strangers sped behind Kelley, calling 911 and staying on the line with the dispatcher. We blew through this intersection, we were doing about 90, 95, going up 539, Langendorff said later. I was trying to calm the gentleman, stay on the phone with dispatch and keep up with this other guy. When they finally caught up to Kelley, about 11 miles away, his SUV had veered off the road and crashed into a ditch. Both men jumped out of the truck. Get out! Get out! Willeford screamed at the gunman. There was no movement. Willefords hands clutched tightly around his rifle as Langendorff waved his arms to try to keep other vehicles away from the scene. There was no movement in Kelleys car. At some point during his final flight hed called his father. Hed been shot, he said. He wasnt going to make it. Then Kelley shot himself in the head. He was dead by the time police arrived. A tarp hangs in front of the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs after the shooting. (Scott Olson/Getty Images) The aftermath Ted Montgomery had skipped church that morning because his wife, First Baptists Sunday school director, wasnt feeling well. When he heard about the shooting he rushed to the sanctuary, helping carry seven or eight of the wounded children out on stretchers. A single bloody body lay in the churchs front yard and another to the side of the building, both eventually covered with yellow tarps. Wounded churchgoers wandered the lot, drying blood covering their arms and legs. Some victims were being whisked away in the back of helicopters. I havent seen anything like this since I left Vietnam, Montgomery told reporters at a vigil on Sunday night. It was a slaughter. David Casillas, 55, who lives nearby, said he raced to the scene immediately after the shooting and was horrified. People were dazed: Most of them couldnt even talk. Church leaders began discussing what comes next. Pastor Frank Pomeroy had been in Oklahoma City that morning when his phone began ringing. His 14-year-old daughter was among the dead. Updating the church website with information would have to wait the webmaster was in the hospital taking care of his daughter. Theyd both been shot. The Rev. Van Jordan, of Port Arthur, Texas, leads a group prayer while setting up crosses to honor the shooting victims along the edge of a field next to the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post) Its unclear if what remains of First Baptists sanctuary will ever host another worship service. My gut instinct says that probably ought to become a memorial site and we build a new sanctuary elsewhere, said Mark Collins, 57, who spent 12 years as the associate pastor before moving on to his own church six years ago. Tambria Read, 59, a high school art teacher who is heavily steeped in town history, would like people to know that Sutherland Springs is a beautiful place with a proud past. We dont want the world to remember Sutherland Springs for this, she said. Read had raced into action when she heard about the shooting. She opened the towns historical museum so that first responders could use the copier machine. Then she drove to the community center, a modest building two blocks from the church. Inside, family members of people killed or wounded were meeting with police. As Read stood outside next to two county officials, Michelle Shields, Kellys mother-in-law, emerged from the community centers front door. Shields own mother, Lula White, 71, the church secretary, had been slain. Shields saw Read and approached, and the two embraced in a tight hug. Then, Read recalled, Shields looked at her, then at the two county officials, and declared: I know who did it. A pile of flowers, gifts and notes lays under police tape near the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Tex. (Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post) Read more: Texas church gunman escaped mental health facility in 2012 after threatening military superiors The persistent crime that connects mass shooters and terror suspects: Domestic violence Inside the Texas church, she thought it was her turn to die. Then outside, a man appeared. Holley, Rosenberg and Achenbach reported from Texas; Lowery reported from Washington. Abigail Hauslohner and Eva Ruth Moravec in Texas and Samantha Schmidt, Mark Berman and Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report. Regarding the Nov. 6 front-page article "In search of Trump country" : I hope the Swedish ambassador and her entourage get a full understanding of the Trump phenomenon, but her tour guide, a former aide to President Barack Obama, may not be much help. Apparently, opponents of President Trump see his followers condescendingly as weird zoo creatures: Do Trump voters go to libraries? Indeed. What we have here is a rebellion. A large-enough fraction of the population felt ignored, abandoned and held in contempt by the power elite. They had tried voting responsibly before and ended up with more of the same. The Democratic campaign helped by choosing to focus on minority rights and liberal cultural issues that are irrelevant or even antagonistic to the mainstream. Instead, they should have focused on the perception that our economy was being sold overseas, with fat cats pocketing the proceeds. Revolutions are messy things, and the results often are counterproductive. So Trump voters sacrificed their own economic interests to address their frustration at being culturally marginalized. Thats what really happened. Stephen Parks, Derwood It is unseemly for any foreign ambassador to examine American voters' formulation of their views. It is particularly offensive that this is being done by a politician of a country that arrayed itself against the United States and all Europe in World War II, when instead of joining the war against Nazi Germany, Sweden chose to supply it with iron ore essential to the Nazi war machine. The ambassador should be sent packing, and Sweden should be required to apologize before another ambassador is received. William H. Kuehnle, Alexandria Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, is majority leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Steny H. Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland, is House minority whip. We recently led a bipartisan congressional delegation to the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the Florida Keys to survey the damage caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and to bear witness to the suffering of families and communities still without the basic necessities of power, water, fuel and access to health care. Only once we had arrived could we fathom the full scale of destruction wrought by the storms and understand that smart rebuilding will require not only significant federal funding but also key changes in federal law to help protect these vulnerable areas from future damage. Our bipartisan group was fortunate to be joined in St. Croix by U.S. Virgin Islands Del. Stacey Plaskett (D), who took us to a condemned school and a hospital that experienced severe damage and was limited in its ability to care for patients. As we drove from the school to the hospital, we passed home after home that had been completely destroyed and others with piles of clothes, furniture and other water-damaged belongings heaped in front. Virgin Islanders are doing everything they can to rebuild their lives, but they are counting on Congress to ensure that they have the resources necessary to do so. In Puerto Rico, 3.4 million Americans continue to live in a state of frenzied recovery. We joined Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rossello and Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon (R) in Utuado, a municipality in the mountainous interior of the island. Ours was the first bipartisan, multi-member congressional delegation to visit the interior, and on the way we saw how lack of access to clean drinking water continues to be an issue. Cars lined the road where people had stopped to collect untreated stream water from a PVC pipe. As we walked through a barrio in Utuado, electrical lines hung low and debris was piled along nearly every road. Many residents spoke of how landslides devastated their property. They still had no access to electricity. Food and medicine were scarce, hope for a swift recovery even scarcer. We had departed Washington as Democratic and Republican members on a mission to see for ourselves the devastation caused by the hurricanes. We returned as fellow Americans imbued with a shared sense that Congress must work together to do more to help the people we met and uplifted by their extraordinary resilience in the face of hardship. One way we can provide this help is by changing the law to allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Army Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies to rebuild damaged infrastructure including buildings, roads, bridges and the power grid not merely to the vulnerable state they were in before but to modern, 21st-century standards that can withstand future storms. Amending the law will ensure that we can better prepare communities for future risk and use taxpayer dollars as wisely as possible. It makes little sense to require, as under current law, that buildings and infrastructure be rebuilt in the ways that made them so vulnerable to Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Instead, we ought to work across the aisle to give these communities the chance to come back stronger. Making those investments now will save taxpayer dollars in the long run. Both of us are committed to advancing this issue and working to bring our colleagues on board in this effort. Furthermore, we are determined to ensure there is strong bipartisan support for the next supplemental emergency funding package so that affected areas such as those we visited have the resources they need. As part of our visit to Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Florida Keys, we distributed aid to struggling families. Perhaps, though, the most important resource we brought with us was the reassurance to all those affected by these storms that their fellow Americans on the mainland have not forgotten them and that we will not leave them vulnerable to the next storm. SAUDI ARABIA has charged that a missile launched from Yemen toward Riyadh's international airport on Saturday was supplied by Iran and assembled by Tehran's Lebanese client, Hezbollah. It says this could be considered "an act of war" and claims the right to "respond to Iran in the appropriate time and manner." Yet the only action taken so far by the de facto Saudi ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, has been to besiege some of the world's most desperate people the cholera-stricken and literally famished civilian population of Yemen. The press of multiple international crises and President Trump's monopolization of media attention have helped obscure the severity of the humanitarian emergency in Yemen, a poor country of 28 million that has been devastated by civil war and a Saudi-led military intervention. According to the United Nations, it is suffering the fastest-growing cholera epidemic ever recorded, with about 895,000 cases and nearly 2,200 deaths since April. At the same time, it is facing the world's biggest food emergency, with 7 million people requiring urgent assistance. Children have been disproportionately afflicted. According to U.N. figures, 27 percent of the cholera victims are under the age of 5. Officials estimate that juvenile cholera cases will reach 600,000 by the end of the year. Meanwhile, hunger has left half of children under 5 stunted, and 2.2 million are affected by either moderate or severe malnutrition. Saudi Arabia bears heavy responsibility for this suffering. For 2 years, it has pursued a ruthless but unwinnable war against ethnic Houthis who have captured much of the country, including the capital, Sanaa, and the largest port, Hodeida. Bombing raids have repeatedly struck hospitals and food markets. Worse, in the name of preventing Iran from delivering weapons to the Houthis, the Saudis and their allies have blockaded the country by sea and air, closing Sanaas airport to commercial traffic and slowing food imports at Hodeida. Now, in reaction to the missile firing, the Saudis have announced a more thorough closure of "all Yemeni ground, air and sea ports." Though a government statement said it would take "into consideration the continuation of the entry and exit" of humanitarian supplies and aid workers, U.N. officials say that aid flights have been blocked. The World Food Program warned that hundreds of thousands of children would be "on the brink of starvation" if the blockade lasted even for two weeks. Saudi officials say the siege is meant to prevent what they claim was the smuggling of missile parts into Yemen from Iran. It has offered no proof of the rocket's origin, and experts point out that Yemen is known to have imported Scud missiles from North Korea before the war. In any case, the blockade will not deter either Iran or the Houthis, but it could trigger a full-blown famine among innocent children. The Trump administration, which has blithely backed Crown Prince Salman in his reckless adventures, should consider the cost. An earlier version of this op-ed incorrectly stated that the South Dakota legislature repealed a ballot initiative on campaign finance and political corruption in an emergency session. The measure was passed in regular session under an emergency clause. This version has been updated. Josh Silver is founder and director of Represent.Us. Less than a day after voters in Maine voted to expand Medicaid in their state, Gov. Paul LePage (R) moved quickly to subvert their democratic will, announcing Wednesday that he will not implement the expansion until it is "fully funded by the Legislature." This is not the first time that elected officials in the state have blatantly ignored voters in this way. Last year, Mainers approved an innovative reform known as "ranked-choice voting," as an effort to ensure that their governor wins with a majority of the vote. But the state legislature did not agree with that decision, so it recently voted to delay and potentially repeal the initiative. In fact, it brazenly meddled with every single ballot measure passed by the state's voters in 2016. The news out of Maine is part of an ominous pattern: state legislators across the country resisting the will of the people by gutting or even repealing citizen initiatives. This is a shockingly undemocratic trend at a time when U.S. voters are already deeply unsatisfied with their elected leaders. The citizen initiative in which a group of voters brings a proposed law or constitutional amendment to the ballot for the public to approve or reject exists in 26 states and the District. It has long been a critical tool for advancing key issues that are popular with the public but unlikely to make it through legislatures or city councils. But more and more legislators have been willing to effectively deny their constituents' political voices. Perhaps the most egregious repeal of a voter-approved initiative in modern history took place this year in South Dakota, where voters passed a suite of ethics and campaign finance reforms aimed at eradicating political corruption endemic to the state's politics. The state's legislature swiftly declared a legislative emergency and repealed the citizen-approved measure intended to regulate their own corrupt behavior. Unfortunately, South Dakotans and Mainers are not alone. In Massachusetts, the legislature amended and delayed implementation of a 2016 voter-approved ballot measure to legalize marijuana sales. The Missouri legislature has repealed measures covering a range of issues, from school funding to gun safety to animal cruelty. Missouri lawmakers are also exploring new rules to make it harder to get an initiative on the ballot. Lawmakers in Michigan have the same objectives, but they employ different tactics. They have specialized in undercutting or superseding a proposed initiative before it has a chance to even pass a process known as preemption. And a year before the October massacre in Las Vegas, Nevada voters approved a ballot initiative to require background checks for gun purchases. A month later, the state's attorney general said the measure could not be enforced. This pattern of legislative tampering should alarm all Americans. When our elected officials repeal voter-approved laws designed to improve the very nature of our democracy, it hurts voters from across the political spectrum. Thankfully, there are better paths: In 1996, Arizona voters approved a measure to legalize medical marijuana by a margin of 30 points, only to have it gutted by the legislature the next year. Enraged, Arizonans went back to the ballot in 1998 to pass Proposition 105, which blocks politicians from meddling with voter-approved laws if legislative changes do not "further the purpose" of the measure. We also find hope in places such as California, where the legislature is completely prohibited from changing the text of an initiative that has been enacted by voters. Nebraska requires a legislative supermajority to change or repeal a ballot initiative. Borrowing from these examples, we can support efforts to pass anti-tampering laws in the two dozen states that allow the initiative. We can advocate for supermajority requirements to amend or repeal any initiative, or better yet, we can forbid all tampering that fails to further the purpose of an initiative. One such campaign, which my organization has led, has taken shape in South Dakota. Last week, grass-roots activists submitted more than 50,000 signatures to the secretary of state to place an amendment on the ballot. The proposal would finish what last year's now-overturned initiative started by restricting lobbyist gifts to politicians, creating an independent citizen ethics commission, making political bribery a felony and perhaps most important preventing the state legislature from changing any initiative unless that change is first approved by the voters. If voters across the political spectrum can stand up in the face of this legislative resistance, theyll ensure that the true protectors of our democracy the people themselves have their voices heard in the fight against corruption. PRESIDENT TRUMP has made his rapid appointment of federal judges a point of pride. But in the president's rush to appoint nominees and the Senate's rush to confirm them, lawmakers risk giving too little scrutiny to potential judges whom the American Bar Association has rated unqualified for the job. With the exception of the George W. Bush administration, previous presidents have used recommendations by the nations largest professional association of lawyers to screen out potentially problematic nominees before seeking Senate approval. Mr. Trump, following in Mr. Bushs footsteps, departed from that process by cutting the ABA out of the loop. The ABA instead has provided its views on nominees qualifications after candidates have been unveiled. Many conservatives feel that the ABA, which often takes liberal positions on policy issues, is unfair to Republican nominees. While some ABA ratings have provoked controversy, the organization provides valuable professional evaluations of nominees' competence and temperament. Shutting out the ABA risks embarrassment when the group makes the rare decision to deem a candidate "not qualified" as it has now done for several of Mr. Trump's nominees. At issue are three candidates for federal district judgeships in Oklahoma, Kansas and Alabama, along with Leonard Steven Grasz, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. The ABA found all four unqualified, unanimously in the cases of Mr. Grasz and Brett Talley, the Alabama nominee. In Mr. Talley's case and that of Holly Lou Teeter, nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas, the Senate Judiciary Committee held confirmation hearings before the ABA had announced its ratings. Now, only days after receiving the ABA's vote of no confidence in Mr. Talley and Ms. Teeter, the committee is still planning to move forward briskly with their nominations. At Mr. Grasz's hearing, the senators from his home state of Nebraska sought to discredit the ABA's evaluation as liberal distaste for a deeply conservative candidate. There might be truth to this if Mr. Grasz's judicial philosophy were all that was at stake. The ABA points to an article in which Mr. Grasz described court decisions on abortion as "a word game" but the judge whose ruling Mr. Grasz critiqued has himself written that this essay should not be disqualifying. Far more worrying, however, is the ABA's reporting that Mr. Grasz's colleagues found him to be "gratuitously rude." Some allegedly feared "adverse consequences" from speaking out against the nominee due to his connections in Nebraska politics. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) has promised to hear testimony from ABA representatives next week before the committee votes on Mr. Grasz's nomination. Republican senators as well as Democrats should take the opportunity to ask serious questions about the concerns raised over Mr. Grasz's temperament a matter of professional qualification, not partisan one-upmanship. And the committee should slow down and ask more questions about Mr. Talley and Ms. Teeter before endorsing them for lifetime appointments to the bench. Cristobal Alex is president of Latino Victory Fund. A week before Virginia voters went to the polls, Latino Victory Fund, of which I am the president, released "American Nightmare," a television ad highlighting how Republican gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie's use of harmful stereotypes and defense of racist symbols hurt communities of color. The spot attracted plenty of criticism not only from conservatives but also from the mainstream media. We understand the backlash. Never had a Latino organization been so aggressive in its defense of our community. When facing vicious, racist attacks, we usually turn the other cheek or point our finger at the bully. This time we threw a jab to the throat. And we will continue to stand up to these attacks in the future. After months of failing to gain momentum as a Romney Republican, Gillespie decided to borrow the Trumpian tactics of his primary challenger, Corey A. Stewart. This new plan involved maligning Latino immigrants, demonizing the formerly incarcerated and defending racist symbols. In September, he released his first ad linking "sanctuary city" policies, which allow undocumented victims and witnesses to report crimes to police, to the MS-13 street gang. Gillespie claimed that the Democratic nominee, Ralph Northam, had "increas[ed] the threat of MS-13" by voting against banning sanctuary cities, even though there isn't a single sanctuary city in the commonwealth. The images used in the ad were taken not in Virginia but a few thousand miles away in a Salvadoran jail. Yet Gillespie continued to air his xenophobic spots, trying to deceive Virginians into believing gang members were around every corner, ready to "kill, rape, control." Gillespie also appealed to voters worst instincts with ads defending the same Confederate monuments whose removal incited racial violence on the streets of Charlottesville. The message was simple: He was for keeping racist symbols up, and Northam was for taking them down. Our communities had been slandered, insulted and attacked for far too long, and we could not remain silent. It was our moral imperative to raise awareness about Gillespies tactics and help increase Latino turnout against bigotry in a tight race. Latino Victory Funds 60-second ad depicted a white man in a pickup truck with a Confederate flag and a Gillespie bumper sticker chasing a group of minority children. We wanted to send the message that, by borrowing the lexicon of white supremacists and refusing to disavow racist symbols, Gillespie made his campaign a haven for hate. Furthermore, the powerful ad portrayed the stress and worry haunting immigrant families in an increasingly hostile political and social environment. Our ad elicited strong reactions on the left and right. Advocacy organizations and other liberal groups praised our ad, saying it reflected the fear of their communities under the Trump administration. The far right exploded in anger. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said we were "stoking political racism" while Rush Limbaugh mobilized his listeners to call our office. Gillespie and the Virginia GOP responded with crocodile tears. Some conservatives expressed personal offense that we were calling Gillespie's campaign racist. Not one condemned or questioned Gillespie's tactics. But the criticisms from the mainstream media stung. The Post's editorial board called the ad "vile," arguing that just because Gillespie used controversial tactics, it didn't give others license to do the same. But we never intended to paint all Gillespie voters as racist; rather, we set out to show that the candidate had embraced the underbelly of the Republican Party and how that embrace endangered our communities. The editorial board also rightly noted that Gillespie had been tougher on the white supremacists who marched on Charlottesville than President Trump had. That's true, but it's also true that Gillespie did not criticize the president's assertion that there were "very fine people" on "both sides." Then Gillespie turned around and threw his full support behind statues rooted in the pain of millions of American citizens, and he continued to paint immigrants as criminals. The message behind our ad was undeniably effective. An election-eve poll by Latino Decisions found that once white voters saw ads or discussions of Gillespie as anti-immigrant, half became less enthusiastic about Gillespie. That preference was similar among Latino voters. Unsurprisingly, Republican voters turned out for their candidate. Theres a lot to be learned from our experience about how far weve come as a country and the work that still lies ahead. There are things we could have done differently, better. But it has also reaffirmed that we cant pull punches when it comes to fighting hate. If other Republicans seek to replicate Gillespies approach, dont expect us to sit on the sidelines. Columnist Such is the federal government's sprawl, and its power to establish new governing precedents, mere Washington twitches can jeopardize venerable principles and institutions. This is illustrated by a seemingly small but actually momentous provision of the Republicans' tax bill a 1.4 percent excise tax on the endowment earnings of approximately 70 colleges and universities with the largest per-student endowments. To raise less than $3 billion in a decade less than 0.005 percent of projected federal spending of $53 trillion Republicans would blur important distinctions and abandon their defining mission. Private foundations, which are generally run by small coteries, pay a "supervisory tax" on investment income to defray the cost of Internal Revenue Service oversight to guarantee that their resources are used for charitable purposes. In 1984, however, Congress created a new entity, an "operating foundation." Such organizations often museums or libraries are exempt from the tax on investment earnings because they apply their assets directly to their charitable activities rather than making grants to other organizations, as do foundations that therefore must pay the supervisory tax. Most university endowments are compounds of thousands of individual funds that often are restricted to particular uses, all of which further the institutions educational purposes. Hence these endowments are akin to the untaxed operating foundations. Yet the Republicans, without public deliberations, and without offering reasons, would arbitrarily make university endowments uniquely subject to a tax not applied to similar entities. Are Republicans aware, for example, that Princeton University's endowment earnings fund more than half its annual budget and will support expansion of the student body? They also enable "need-blind" admissions: More than 60 percent of undergraduates receive financial assistance; those from families with incomes below $65,000 pay no tuition, room or board; those from families with incomes below $160,000 pay no tuition. No loans are required. PhD candidates receive tuition and a stipend for living costs. Furthermore, the endowment has funded a significant increase in students from low-income families: Princeton has recently tripled to 22 percent the portion of freshmen from families with the most substantial financial needs. The idea that Princeton is largely populated by children of alumni is a canard slain by this fact: Such "legacies" are only 13 percent of this year's freshman class. For eight centuries, surviving thickets of ecclesiastical and political interferences, the worlds great research universities have enabled the liberal arts to flourish, the sciences to advance and innovation to propel economic betterment. Increasingly, they foster upward mobility that fulfils democratic aspirations and combats the stagnation of elites. It is astonishingly shortsighted to jeopardize all of this, and it is unseemly to do so in a scramble for resources to make a tax bill conform to the transitory arithmetic of a budget process that is a labyrinth of trickery. Great universities are great because philanthropic generations have borne the cost of sustaining private institutions that seed the nation with excellence. Donors have done this in the expectation that earnings accruing from their investments will be devoted solely to educational purposes, in perpetuity. This expectation will disappear, and the generosity that it has sustained will diminish, if Republicans siphon away a portion of endowments' earnings in order to fund the federal government's general operations. Its appetite whetted by 1.4 percent, the political class will not stop there. Once the understanding that until now has protected endowments is shredded, there will be no limiting principle to constrain governments those of the states, too in their unsleeping search for revenue to expand their power. Public appetites are limitless, as is the political classs desire to satisfy them. Hence there is a perennial danger that democracy will degenerate into looting scrounging for resources, such as universities endowments, that are part of societys seed corn for prosperous tomorrows. Government having long ago slipped the leash of restraint, the public sectors sprawl threatens to enfeeble the private institutions of civil society that mediate between the individual and the state and that leaven society with energy and creativity that government cannot supply. Time was, conservatisms central argument for limiting government was to defend these institutions from being starved of resources and functions by government. Abandonment of this argument is apparent in the vandalism that Republicans are mounting against universities endowments. This raid against little platoons of independent excellence would be unsurprising were it proposed by progressives, who are ever eager to extend governments reach and to break private institutions to the states saddle. Coming from Republicans, it is acutely discouraging. Disclosure: George F. Will is a former Princeton University trustee. Read more from George F. Will's archive or follow him on Facebook. THERES A long list of issues on which the Trump administration, and Republicans generally, are out of step with most Americans, yet on few of them is the chasm so broad or so deep as on health care. On Tuesday, voters made that clear in a pair of purple states, Virginia and Maine, while for the past week Americans across the country have been surging to sign up for health-care coverage under the Affordable Care Act, which the White House and congressional Republicans have tried to repeal and, failing that, sabotage. The health-care message was hammered home in Virginia and Maine by huge electoral margins. In exit polls across the Old Dominion, 2 out of 5 voters identified health care as their top concern more than twice as many as named any other issue. Among those health-care voters, 77 percent favored the Democratic candidate, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, who supports Obamacare and expanding Virginia's Medicaid program under the law; just 23 percent backed the Republican, Ed Gillespie, who opposes both. In Maine, a referendum to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, which would extend health insurance to some 80,000 low-income adults, won in a landslide, 59 percent to 41 percent. That was a direct rebuke to the Republican governor, Paul LePage, who vetoed Medicaid expansion five times after it was approved, also five times, by the state legislature. The outcome in Maine, which would become the 32nd state to expand Medicaid under Obamacare but the first to do so by referendum, may prompt similar ballot measures in other GOP-dominated holdout states. Nationwide, some 2.5 million uninsured adults who could gain access to Medicaid live in the remaining states that have balked at expansion; about 15 million Americans have signed up for Medicaid under the expansion. Its not that Americans havent heard Republican arguments that expanding health coverage to vulnerable adults will translate into a long-term expense for states although under Obamacare the federal government will cover at least 90 percent of the cost. In fact, voters have taken into account those warnings as well as the likelihood that expanded Medicaid will create jobs and bolster the finances of some hospitals and decided they favor expansion anyway. The Trump administration and Capitol Hill Republicans are deaf to the fact that too many Americans lack health insurance. Even after Congress's attempts to repeal Obamacare; even after the administration slashed outreach and marketing efforts for the open-enrollment period; and even after Mr. Trump killed subsidy payments to insurers, threatening higher premiums for some policies, sign-ups through had roughly doubled in the enrollment period's first week, through Nov. 7, compared with the previous year. No matter how often Mr. Trump and the GOP call for a federal retreat from ensuring decent health care and insurance, Americans are plainly unconvinced. In fact, there is every indication, including rising approval ratings for Obamacare itself, that the public has rejected the Republican health-care agenda in favor of an active government role. They delivered that message about as clearly as imaginable on Tuesday. Will Republicans in Virginia and around the nation finally pay heed? A wave of Democratic victories ignited a ferocious debate across the Republican Party on Wednesday over whether President Trumps unorthodox behavior and polarizing agenda are jeopardizing the GOPs firm grip on power in Congress, governors mansions and state legislatures. The recriminations sparked by Tuesdays results a decisive rebuke of Trump and his policies in Virginia and elsewhere threatened the fragile GOP push to pass sweeping tax cuts by the end of the year and raised deeper questions about Republican identity and fealty to a historically unpopular president. A year ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, Republicans are increasingly uncertain about keeping their majorities on Capitol Hill and are worried about how damaging Trumps jagged brand of politics may become to the party. Donald Trump is an anchor for the GOP, said veteran party strategist Mike Murphy, a Trump critic. We got that message in loud volume in Virginia. The canary in the coal mine didnt just pass out; its head exploded. The unease was palpable among vulnerable lawmakers, especially in suburban districts with the kind of voters who roundly rejected Ed Gillespie in Virginia. The Republican gubernatorial nominee ran on countering gang crime and illegal immigration and protecting Confederate history cultural issues that Trump has made a touchstone of his presidency but lost to Democrat Ralph Northam, 54 percent to 45 percent. Establishment Republicans are blaming Trump and talking about Armageddon, but what is their alternative? one Republican strategist asked. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) said Tuesdays contests were a lesson to Republicans that catering to the partys conservative base with hard-line appeals and incendiary language turns off the moderate voters they need to win in states like his own. He said his party must choose between a political message of blaming and scapegoating or a more hopeful pitch centered around everyday issues such as health care and the economy. This is a repudiation of the politics of narrow, Kasich said. In an apparent reference to Trumps 2016 victory, the governor added, The politics of anger may work for a moment in time, but it does not last, thank goodness. [Election results suggest ground is shifting beneath GOP] But other party leaders warned against drawing overly broad conclusions about Trump and his political strength from defeats in a handful of states including two, Virginia and New Jersey, that Democrat Hillary Clinton won in last years presidential election. Democrats say this is a repudiation and this is an anti-Trump vote, but to me the case doesnt stick, said Robin Hayes, chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. Donald Trump is extremely popular in a lot of places. His promise to drain the swamp resonated and still does. Said Gov. Bill Haslam (R-Tenn.): When you see one night of elections, you see one night of elections. There is always natural wind at your back if youre not in the White House, and wind in your face if you are. Still, even among Trumps allies, there were complaints about the White House being disengaged and unready to deal with the partys mounting challenges. The White House isnt paying attention to the suburbs, and there has never really been a political operation there, said Edward J. Rollins, the strategist for the Great America Alliance super PAC, a pro-Trump group. They have to develop a strategy where its not just Trump alone winning, where the whole party is able to win. Andy Surabian, an adviser to the group and an associate of former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, said blame cast upon Trump and Bannon for lurching the GOP to the right was misplaced. Establishment Republicans are blaming Trump and talking about Armageddon, but what is their alternative? Surabian asked. White House officials defended Trumps efforts to help fellow Republicans, noting that he has held numerous fundraisers and other events to help the party. And they argued that the best way for incumbents to navigate the political turbulence would be enacting tax cuts and other Trump policies. [Her opponent used male pronouns to describe her. Last night, Danica Roem made history.] The American people expect Republican majorities to deliver on their promises of boosting our economy, cutting taxes and repealing the disastrous Obamacare law, said Raj Shah, a White House spokesman. Nothing would help the political standing of Republicans in Congress more than delivering on the presidents agenda. Trumps friends at the Capitol said the divisions are more about style than substance. The difficulty is, we have a president who didnt come from the Washington structure, so its really hard for people inside the structure or outside the structure to evaluate him, Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said. The fresh discord comes after weeks of escalating tensions inside the GOP. Three prominent Republican senators John McCain and Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee have publicly condemned Trumps leadership and questioned his fitness for office. It also comes amid an exodus of House Republicans. This week alone, Reps. Frank A. LoBiondo (N.J.) and Ted Poe (Texas) announced they would not seek reelection next year, joining a list of more than two dozen colleagues who are retiring or running for a different office. Democrats see many of those vacancies as ripe territory as they look to win back the House majority. Democrats will need to capture 24 additional seats next year to reach the 218-seat threshold to control the House. Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.) conceded that the election results present challenges for incumbents like him. He represents a suburban Philadelphia district that Democrats are targeting aggressively in a region where Democrats won some local and county races for the first time in more than a century. We dont know if itll be a wave. What we saw yesterday suggests that hypothesis has some merit, but remember, congressional districts are still one by one, Costello told reporters on Capitol Hill. Im very confident that Ive given 110 percent effort to this job. Democrats are grappling with problems of their own. As celebratory and cathartic as Tuesdays victories were for a party demoralized by Trumps victory, Democratic leaders know Northams success in Virginia does not necessarily mean there will be a nationwide upswing next November. Virginia is a microcosm of a large portion of the nation, but it doesnt represent every community or every state, said Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.). We have to make sure that we are fighting for the people where theyre at in the rural and urban communities and reflect their struggle to have better lives. Ruiz added, Running purely against Trump is not the full picture. [GOP handed an old-fashioned thumping in Virginia] Democratic leaders have echoed that sentiment, saying the party must develop its own affirmative message and must strive to connect with voters everywhere, in particular regions where Trump remains popular. There remains a lot of work to do in reaching those small-town or rural Democratic voters, Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. (D-Pa.) said. They are the ones who need to hear from us, too. Those are the voters our party has had a problem with over the years. We need to speak to them about the lack of wage growth and the opioid crisis. We may not even win in those areas, but we could narrow the margins. Republican strategists said the partys image has suffered from nearly a year of stalemates, fits and failures to govern, despite the partys control of both chambers of Congress and the White House. That is one reason the proposed tax code overhaul has taken on such urgency among GOP leaders. Robert J. Dole, a former Republican Senate leader and presidential nominee, said that it was premature to assess the political environment for the midterms and that his party could improve its standing if it manages to pass major legislation. While I am disappointed in the overall results of yesterdays election in Virginia, I dont believe we can measure the full impact on the GOP just yet, Dole said. If Congress passes the tax bill this year, this will help the presidents popularity. As a party, we should have a better sense of where things are headed in six months or so. Republican consultant Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), said Tuesdays losses should prompt the partys lawmakers to act quickly on taxes. It provides all the motivation they need to get something done, Holmes said. In part, what happened on Tuesday is a reaction to whats not being done and a warning sign that they need to move. They dont have any choice but to do the tax plan. [Women racked up victories across the country Tuesday. It may be only the beginning.] But with aspects of the tax plan fluid as Republicans squabble over its details, Murphy and other Republicans said lawmakers will have to make decisions that allow them to appear independent from Trump in case the tax legislation fails to pass or the presidents approval ratings decline further. Republican members of Congress in swing districts cannot be Trump lemmings. They have to create their own strong identities, Murphy said. In the states where Republicans have won control of a majority of gubernatorial offices and state legislatures over the last decade, GOP leaders said the path forward was much the same: protect yourself. People get in trouble when they try to wear someone elses clothes, Haslam said. Each candidate has to decide for himself or herself whether [Trump] is something to focus on or if theyre running for governor of their state and saying, Im going to run my race. Good candidates rise or fall on their own. Ed OKeefe contributed to this report. A man who allegedly attacked Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in his yard last week and broke at least six of his ribs pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge Thursday. Rene Boucher, 59, a retired anesthesiologist, appeared in Warren County District Court on Thursday morning with his attorney. He faces a possible 12-month sentence and a $500 fine if he is convicted of fourth-degree assault, according to County Attorney Amy Milliken. It remains unclear whether more serious federal and state felony charges are on the way, with Kentucky State Police and FBI investigations continuing. New details emerged Thursday about the day of the attack, when five hours apparently elapsed from the time police responded to Pauls home to the moment they arrested Boucher. But the mysterious nature of the attack remained unsolved. Police, and Paul himself, were unaware initially just how serious his injuries were and Paul did not immediately seek medical attention, police said. In addition, no new evidence emerged Thursday to help explain a motive for the altercation. Rene Boucher, center, appears in court for an arraignment hearing with his attorney Matt Baker, left, on Thursday. (Austin Anthony/DailyNews/AP) During the initial investigation, all indications pointed toward a minor injury to the Senator, Trooper Jeremy Hodges, a spokesman for the Kentucky State Police, said in a text message, explaining why it took five hours to arrest Boucher. He had not been checked by a doctor. We cant arrest for a misdemeanor assault without a warrant in Kentucky unless its domestic violence-related or it happens in an officers presence. Pauls Senate office offered no comment Thursday. Fourth-degree assault is the most serious charge prosecuted by the Warren County attorney. More serious state charges would come from Commonwealths Attorney Christopher T. Cohron. Federal charges, in turn, would fall to the U.S. attorneys office in Louisville. Stephanie Collins, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorneys Office in Louisville, offered no information on the likelihood of a federal prosecution. Matthew J. Baker, Bouchers attorney, said that his client had not been home since the incident. Baker also told reporters that the incident was unequivocally not about politics. Earlier in the week, he had characterized the incident as a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial. Doug Stafford, a senior adviser to Paul, on Thursday disputed Bakers characterization of the incident. The senator was vigorously assaulted by someone in his neighborhood. This is a serious criminal matter involving serious injury, and is being handled by local and federal authorities, Stafford said in a statement. As to reports of a long-standing dispute with the attacker, the Pauls have had no conversations with him in many years. The first conversation with the attacker came after Sen. Pauls ribs were broken. This was not a fight, it was a blindside, violent attack by a disturbed person. Anyone claiming otherwise is simply uninformed or seeking media attention. A political motivation would drastically increase the likelihood of federal charges under a law that makes it a crime to assault a member of Congress on account of the performance of official duties. That charge comes with a possible sentence of eight years 20 if a weapon is involved as opposed to the 12-month sentence and $500 fine Boucher faces. The potential for federal charges are a concern. I hope that doesnt happen, Baker said. But based on his research and understanding of the case, he does not think federal charges will be warranted. Boucher has no criminal history, and prosecutors are not aware of any previous incident between the two men, Milliken said. The courtroom was packed for the arraignment with out-of-town reporters there to see for the first time the man who allegedly attacked Kentuckys junior senator, who also ran unsuccessfully for president in 2016. The scene was so out of the norm for locals that the judge and prosecutor both pulled out their cellphones to take pictures of the large crowd, marveling that theyd never seen the courtroom so full and possibly never will again. According to Baker, Paul has retained personal injury lawyer Thomas N. Kerrick of the Kerrick Bachert firm in Bowling Green. A message left at Kerricks office had not been returned as of late Thursday morning, and a receptionist said the attorney was traveling. Boucher often frequented Spencers Coffee, a popular spot on the square in Bowling Green, said barista Ben Fox-Ezell, 29, of Auburn, Ky. Bouchers habit of wearing a beret and ascot made him conspicuous, Fox-Ezell said. Boucher often brought a chessboard and played with a friend. Hes always really nice and super soft-spoken, said Fox-Ezell, who added that while Boucher used to talk with staff and customers, he never heard Boucher discuss politics. Dominic Lanphier, 51, of Bowling Green and a mathematics professor at Western Kentucky University, does not know either man but noted t hat it is peculiar that the reported details of the attack have shifted from Paul suffering only minor injuries, to revelations that he has several broken ribs and is unable to travel to Washington. Its one of those things that I think you only get the whole story as it leaks out bit by bit, Lanphier said. OKeefe reported from Washington. Jennifer Carroll Foy won an open seat in the Virginia House of Delegates previously held by a Republican. Foy gave birth to twins during the campaign. She defeated her Republican opponent by 26 points. (Katherine Frey/The Washington Post) Until yesterday, only 17 of the 100 members of the Virginia House of Delegates were women. Now, the number will surge to nearly 30. Women racked up victories across the country on Tuesday, and are being credited with the Democrats big night overall. It is a testament to the remarkable explosion of women candidates who have entered the political stage since Donald Trump was elected president one year ago. The wave is likely to continue. In 2018, 40 women are already planning to run for governor. Dozens more are considering congressional and other statewide office bids. And Tuesday's result has already become a rallying cry for activists seeking to draw even more women into the public square. This is huge, said Stephanie Schriock, president of Emilys List, the political group that backs female Democratic candidates who support abortion rights. This is how we build momentum for 2018. Women are going to lead the way. It was a night of historic wins for women and minorities across the nation. In Helena, Mont., a refugee from Liberia became the first black mayor. Seattle elected its first female mayor in almost a century, and in Charlotte, a black woman won for the first time. Danica Roem, the first transgender member of the Virginia House of Delegates, defeated a long-serving conservative Republican in what happen been the Republican-leaning outer suburbs of Washington. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) All of it revealed a dramatic election night fueled by opposite forces to those at work in 2016: A surging coalition of women, minorities and immigrants angered by Trumps election and presidency and eager for their voices to be heard in politics. I am stunned, said Jennifer Lawless, director of the Women and Politics Institute at American University. [Tuesdays elections offer fresh evidence that the ground is shifting beneath GOP] It is not just the number of women running, but their success rate. The Democrats new strength in the Virginia legislature moving up from 34 seats to at least 49 was build on a strikingly diverse range of candidates, including a woman who immigrated from Peru, a female refugee from Vietnam, an openly gay woman and a transgender woman. Many of the ousted Republicans were white men who had held office for years. With four races still too close to call, 11 of the 15 Democratic challengers who won in districts held by Republicans were women. Two of victors will be the first Hispanic women to serve in the House of Delegates. In 2016, Emilys List had discussions with a record 920 women interested in running for office, part of what was called the Hillary bump. Since that election, nearly 20,800 women have expressed an interest in running for office, according to its own tally. Ashley Bennett defeated a Republican incumbent for a seat on the Atlantic County, N.J., board. The Republican, John Carman, had shared a meme on Facebook asking whether participants in the Womens March in January would be home in time to cook dinner. Angered, Bennett ran against him and won. (Wayne Parry/AP) Many of the newly elected women heading to the statehouse had never run for office before. In New Jersey, Ashley Bennett, a first-time candidate and hospital employee, defeated Republican John Carman for a seat on the Atlantic County board. Carman had shared a meme on Facebook during Januarys Womens March in Washington asking whether the protest would be over in time for them to cook dinner. Bennett, outraged, decided to run and won. Jennifer Carroll Foy, a public defender and former foster mother gave birth to premature twins during her campaign for the Virginia House. She won an open seat in the Washington suburbs by 26 points. The fear and anger and frustration she felt after Trumps victory pushed her to run, she said. She also was angry about what she considered the anti-women proposals coming from the legislature, such as a bill that would have made the anniversary of Roe v. Wade a day of mourning in the state. Such a waste of time and energy, she said. The slow trot to gender equity sprinted a solid half-mile last night, said Geoffrey Skelley, a political analyst at the University of Virginias Center for Politics. Many Democratic groups, such as the Latino Victory Fund, have put new focus on state legislative races, adding funding and staff to help candidates. Elizabeth Guzman, an immigrant from Peru who ran for a state House seat in what had long been the Republican-leaning outer suburbs of Washington, trounced Scott Lingamfelter, a retired Army colonel who had served since 2002. Guzman campaigned as an immigrant who like so many others had juggled several jobs to pay for her apartment and education. She ran, she said, to protect the American Dream and because she was saddened to hear children say that the president of the United States does not like people who speak Spanish. Hala Ayala, a single mom who had helped organize buses to go to the Womens March, beat an incumbent Republican who had run unopposed in 2015. Her district, near Manassas has grown increasingly ethnically diverse. I built my campaign on the promise of fair and equal representation of our community in all of its wonderful diversity, Ayala said in her victory statement. Democrats were far more aggressive at fielding candidates this year. In the past, many GOP incumbents had gone unchallenged. In 2013, for instance, Democrats fielded candidates in only 67 House races, compared to 88 in 2017, Skelley said. There was a noticeable uptick this year, he said and notable success by women. Lawless, from American University, said the lesson from Virginia, where so many usually safe incumbents lost, is to mount more challenges and not merely go for open seats. In the four Virginia races still contested as of Wednesday evening, two of the Democratic candidates are African American men. A third, Shelly Simonds, is a school board member from southeastern Virginia who trailed the incumbent Republican by 12 votes. Women voters were key in Ralph Northams resounding gubernatorial victory. The Democratic candidate won women by a 61 to 39 percent margin. Among black women, he won against Republican Ed Gillespie by 91 to 8 percent, according to exit polls. Its pretty simple. We have had a very divisive president, and women in particular are fed up, Schiock said. They got mad and they got active. Kathy Tran, who was a baby when she and her parents fled Vietnam in a boat, won an open seat in the Washington suburbs against Republican Lolita Mancheno-Smoak, an immigrant from Ecuador. Danica Roem, a journalist who has written for local newspapers and sings in a rock band, will be the first openly transgender person to serve in the Virginia legislature. She unseated Robert Marshall, 73, who advocated against same-sex marriage, allowing gay people in military and other issues that the LBGT community supported. He has served since 1992. [Danica Roem of Virginia to be first openly transgender person elected, seated in a U.S. statehouse] Kelly Fowler, a former schoolteacher and real estate agent who won a Republican-held seat in Virginia Beach, is the granddaughter of immigrants from the Philippines. Lawless said that when Democrats have a good night, women do well. But that means that in the future, if Republicans have an upswing, these gains may not be permanent, she said. Lawlesss research has found that women continue to show more reluctance than men to run for office and to doubt their qualifications. One big difference, she said, is the effort that the Democratic Party is putting into recruiting more women to run. That can mitigate your doubts substantially, she said. Democrats gained a majority in Washingtons state Senate this week, securing control of all branches of governments in the three states along the West Coast. With most mail ballots counted, Democratic prosecutor Manka Dhingra won the race in Washingtons 45th District over Republican Jinyoung Lee Englund, a former Capitol Hill staffer, after a campaign that cost both candidates and a swarm of outside groups nearly $9 million. The Associated Press called the race on Thursday afternoon. Dhingras victory puts Democrats firmly in command of a state that had been trending bluer and will allow the party to pursue a progressive agenda that had been bottled up by Republicans. Democrats have won at least 27 state legislative seats across the country since the start of the year, marking a turnaround after losing more than 1,000 legislative seats during the Obama years. Weve put the last brick in the big blue wall against the Trump agenda, across the whole West Coast, said Washington Democratic Party Chairwoman Tina Podlodowski. We have $4 billion in projects that were held up by the Republican senate 19,000 jobs that can now get started. We can fully fund K-12 education. Well look at affordable housing, health care and making voting fairer. Dhingra had run specifically on enabling Democrats to pass that agenda, telling voters in one of her last debates with Englund that they could change the fact that were not governing. The Republican warned that total Democratic control of the state would lead to surging tax rates; her TV ads showed smug Seattle residents getting ready to impose their values on the suburbs. But the surge of outside money into the race largely benefited Dhingra. Democrats attacked Englund over her support from Republican groups and publicized a tweet in which the nominee had praised President Trump. Dhingra largely avoided a backlash for her outside support; Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, billionaires who have upped their investments in progressive causes, each gave $250,000 to the Democrat. Manka Dhingras critical win means the Washington state Senate will be led by strong supporters of important environmental protections, opening the door to legislative action on climate change something that will benefit . . . Washingtons economy and the health and safety of everyone who resides there, Steyer said in a statement. Tuesdays victory made Washington the eighth state run by a Democratic trifecta, with the party in control of the governors mansion and both houses of the state legislature. Read more at PowerPost After an election night that surpassed their wildest hopes, Democrats returned to a familiar squabble: How should they run to win in 2018? Ralph Northams victory in the Virginia governors race, part of a blue wave that spread across the country, gave Democrats confidence they had not known since the hours before Hillary Clinton lost the presidency. Some Democrats even saw an end or at least a pause to infighting between a much-derided establishment and their left-wing base. Jobs, health care and education for all we run on the basics, said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who stumped across his state for Northam and successful House of Delegates candidates. We avoid stupid infighting. Its not quite that peaceful. In interviews, memos and a flurry of conference calls, left-wing groups created or rebuilt since the 2016 election claimed the electoral wins as a victory for their philosophies and gave little ground in the battle over what direction the party should take or which issues win. But a larger conclusion also emerged for many Democrats that the litmus tests of a restive base can linger without unraveling campaigns or keeping voters at home. Tom Steyer, a billionaire whose environmental group, NextGen America, poured money into Virginia, said the race was too important to stay out of despite disagreements about pipelines. Many more voters than expected agreed this week a model for more victories next year, even for candidates who dont fit every Democrats vision of perfection. Danica Roem, a Democrat who won a House of Delegates seat in Virginia on Tuesday, falls to her knees after getting a congratulatory call from former vice president Joe Biden. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) I think the reason people are voting for them is that they want to say, Were going to elect everybody that we think would upset Donald Trump, said Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.). We think Donald Trump would be upset to see Latinos and women and gays and different people from different religions. Anything that isnt white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant? Well vote for that. For NARAL, an abortion rights group, Northam proved that pro-choice candidates can run and win on their support for reproductive freedom. Run for Something, founded by Clintons 2016 email director, helped first-time down-ballot candidates across the country outperform the top of the ticket. Democratic Socialists of America celebrated the victory of Lee Carter, a Marine veteran who won a Virginia House of Delegates seat in a race the state party considered unwinnable. We saw a lot of reverse coattails in Virginia, driven by inspiring candidates, said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. At least 13 of the 15 delegate candidates backed by the PCCC were victorious. Most Democrats dodged the argument altogether. Tuesdays victories were broad, pulling Democrats into power in once-conservative suburbs and helping far-left candidates in cities win landslides. [Republicans seek new path after failure of Trumpism without Trump] Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.), a moderate from southern Illinois who is helping Democrats craft an economic-focused campaign message next year, said she was especially heartened by Virginia Democrat Danica Roem, who became the first openly transgender person to win a seat in the House of Delegates, defeating one of the states most conservative, divisive lawmakers. Look what she was talking about, Bustos said. She wasnt talking about the fact that she was transgender other people were talking about that. She was talking about transportation. No matter who our candidates are or what their candidates are, the number-one lesson is, focus on the economy. Vi Lyles, the next mayor of Charlotte, celebrates her victory with her granddaughters Tuesday. (Jeff Siner/Charlotte Observer/AP) Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said that national political dynamics were beginning to look like they did in late 2005, a year before Democrats retook control of Congress. President Trumps unpopularity seemed to have stoked what Schumer expected last year a suburban rejection of Republicans who are stumbling over how to handle their president. We are getting our best candidates to run. We are unified like the party was in Virginia. We are winning in places we didnt think possible, and the other side is busy fighting with each other, Schumer told reporters Wednesday. Our Republican colleagues in the House and the Senate, while they grumble about him to us privately, are afraid to change course. Until Tuesday night, it had been the Democrats, roiled by fresh arguments about the 2016 presidential primary, who were grumbling privately. Their victories, like Trumps, suggested that party infighting was not necessarily important to voters seeking change. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.) said that his suburban Philadelphia district saw more first-time candidates whod never thought about running this cycle than all the other cycles Ive been in politics and that most of them won. Over the summer, Boyle delivered a keynote speech at a fundraiser for Democrats in Delaware County, Pa., a county outside his congressional district that had been dominated by Republicans for more than a century. At the fundraiser he met Brian Zidek, a man who woke up the morning after the election in 2016 and decided to run for a County Council seat. On Tuesday, Zidek was one of two Democrats elected to the five-member council, breaking a century-long Republican grip. Until Tuesday night, that was one of the question marks I had in my mind: To what extent would voters treat their local Republicans the same way they view Trump? Boyle said. It was clear Tuesday night they made no distinction. Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.), who watched his Fairfax County turn deep blue on Tuesday, called the president the gift that keeps on giving for local Democratic candidates. I dont think theres any simple formula, and I dont think it mattered, he said. What mattered is that they were Democrats. [They got mad and they got active: Female candidates make history] Other Democrats argued that the party had won by sharpening voters focus on why government had stopped working for them. Former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr., who leads a well-funded campaign to end legislative gerrymandering by electing Democrats, said he was pleased to see that Northam campaigned on a pledge not to approve new legislative and congressional maps unless they are drawn up by an independent commission. I think that ultimately resonated with people looking for fair line-drawing after the census in 2020, Holder said. Thats something, and particularly out of Virginia, about which Im very optimistic. [Anti-Trump backlash fuels a Democratic sweep] Democratic centrists, meanwhile, argued that the Virginia race proved that the party needed to tack away from the left. In a tweet, former Tennessee congressman Harold Ford Jr., who once led the moderate Democratic Leadership Council, said that Northams victory was a win for Blue Dog moderates, a dwindling element in the party. Matt Bennett, a spokesman for the center-left Third Way, also emphasized that Northam had won after defeating progressive primary challenger Tom Perriello, a former congressman who had been endorsed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Democrats in Virginia took a look at both approaches, and they rejected rigid ideology and litmus test politics and chose a broad, inclusive path, Bennett said in a statement. The general election voters of Virginia ratified that choice in a resounding fashion. Perriello, reached Wednesday evening, was amused by the Third Ways analysis. If weve reached the point where Third Way is celebrating a $15 minimum wage, free college and criminal-justice reform, Ill take it, Perriello said. We saw Ed Gillespie spend a couple of months trying to make the classic tax and spending attacks stick, and they didnt, either with swing voters or base Republicans. Northam had faced criticism from the left, something Republicans attempted to exploit. His first debate with Gillespie, the Republican nominee, was interrupted by a protester decrying Northams neutral stance on building energy pipelines. His victory speech was delayed by protesters heckling him for opposing sanctuary cities in the commonwealth. In the campaigns waning days, reporters asked why Sanders had not campaigned for Northam, and a left-wing group condemned his sanctuary-city stance as racist. But Northam, running in a state that has trended away from Republicans, made few other concessions to the center. In a memo to reporters after Northam won his primary, Gillespies campaign warned that his endorsement of a $15 minimum wage and stiff pollution controls opposed by friends of the coal industry would make him unelectable. Ralph Northam is far to the left of the incumbent Democratic governor, previous Democratic governors and gubernatorial nominees, and, most importantly, the Virginia electorate, wrote Gillespies campaign manager, Chris Leavitt. In an interview Wednesday, Sanders said the reason he did not stump for Northam was that he was not asked to, and he dismissed the idea that the election validated centrist politics at the expense of the populist left. Northam won because people today, more than perhaps any time in my lifetime, realize that you cant sit it out, Sanders said. Whether Tom Perriello would have done better than Northam nobody knows that. Read more at PowerPost A growing chorus of Republicans, including President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), have called on Senate candidate Roy Moore to withdraw from a special election in Alabama if allegations prove true that the former judge initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl nearly four decades ago. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who was accompanying Trump as he traveled from China to Vietnam on Friday, said, Like most Americans, the president does not believe we can allow a mere allegation, in this case one from many years ago, to destroy a persons life. However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, Judge Moore will do the right thing and step aside. McConnell, in a formal statement on behalf of all Republican senators, said, If these allegations are true, he must step aside. Other Republican senators weighing in included Jeff Flake of Arizona, David Perdue of Georgia, John Thune of South Dakota, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Cory Gardner of Colorado, Richard C. Shelby of Alabama and Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called on Moore to step aside as well and without couching his statement with if true language. The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying, McCain said. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn R-Tex.) quickly makes comments to journalists about Senate candidate Roy Moore on Thursday. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post) Vice President Pence also found the allegations in the story disturbing and believes, if true, this would disqualify anyone from serving in office, said spokeswoman Alyssa Farah. [Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32] Moore has denied the allegations and given no indication that he will exit the race. "Our children and grandchildren's futures are on the line," he tweeted Thursday. "So rest assured I will NEVER GIVE UP the fight!" Moore also emailed a fundraising pitch off the revelations. "I believe you and I have a duty to stand up and fight back against the forces of evil waging an all-out war on our conservative values," he wrote. The state Republican Party has the power to disqualify Moore from the election, according to the Alabama secretary of state. If that happens, McConnell and other Republicans would face the challenge of figuring out which candidate would run in Moores place and how to win an election in which it is too late to replace the former judges name on the Dec. 12 ballot. Under Alabama state law, the ballot cannot be changed within 76 days of an election. However, in the event of either disqualification or withdrawal, votes cast for Moore would not be certified. In addition, state law allows write-in votes to be cast in general elections, as long as the names are for living people and written in without using a rubber stamp or stick-on label. Despite a state law barring candidates from appearing twice on ballots in the same election cycle, Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.), who lost in the primary to Moore, would be an eligible write-in candidate, said John Bennett, an official at the state secretary of states office. Several state Republicans suggested Thursday that the party is unlikely to disqualify Moore. Samuel H. Givhan, the senior vice chairman of the state party, described The Washington Post story as allegations from somebody who has been silent for over 40 years who was speaking out just weeks before an election. When asked about the Senate majority leaders call for Moore to step aside if the accusations are found to be true, Givhan said, Im not sure Sen. McConnell has any say so in this. Jonathan P. Gray, a Republican consultant in Alabama who is not working with any of the Senate candidates this year, was more pointed: I think it was already perfectly well stated that no one in Alabama gives a s--- what Mitch McConnell or John McCain thinks we should do. A group close to McConnell that spent millions of dollars to oppose Moore in the primary called on Gov. Kay Ivey (R) and the state party to investigate the allegations. If theres even a shred of evidence to these accusations, Gov. Ivey and the Alabama Republican Party need to do everything in their power to remove Judge Moore from the ballot, said Steven Law, chief executive of the Senate Leadership Fund. There is no place in our party for sexual predators. Strange avoided reporters questions in the Capitol on Thursday, but Shelby, his Alabama colleague, said: Luther Strange is a good senator, hes a friend, and I support him. I dont know what hes going to do, but well see what develops. In an extensive report published Thursday, The Post detailed the allegations against Moore by the then-14-year-old and three other girls who were between the ages of 16 and 18 when they said the incidents occurred. None of the women sought out The Post. While reporting a story in Alabama about supporters of Moores Senate campaign, a Post reporter heard that Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls. Over the ensuing three weeks, two Post reporters contacted and interviewed the four women. All were initially reluctant to speak publicly but chose to do so after multiple interviews, saying they thought it was important for people to know about their interactions with Moore. The women say they dont know one another. The news struck the Capitol with a thunderbolt Thursday afternoon. As senators headed in for an afternoon vote on a Transportation Department nominee, reporters swarmed Republicans in a bid to get their reaction. McConnell was hounded more than usual as he headed to the Senate Chamber, with reporters shouting questions at a lawmaker they know usually stays mum when asked questions in the hallway. Once he stepped onto the floor, McConnell quickly voted and conferred with aides. Moments later, Strange came to the floor and headed straight for McConnell. They conferred for several moments before McConnell asked an aide to track down his top spokesman, Don Stewart. You cant make this up, mouthed one of McConnells aides to another colleague. Stewart came to the floor and told McConnell and Strange that a statement was being sent to reporters. In it, McConnell called on Moore to step down if the allegations are true. Strange, seemingly unsure of what to do, was instructed to vote and leave the chamber as quickly as possible. McConnell then conferred with other senators, including Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Thune. Stewart also assured the senators that a statement was out but then, realizing that reporters were watching from above, instructed McConnell, Please go. He walked toward the back door of the Senate Chamber, paused momentarily and stepped out. Several reporters were waiting for him in the Ohio Clock Corridor. McConnells inner circle spent late Thursday morning discussing the repercussions and how Republicans should move forward and grousing that if Strange, their preferred candidate in the primary, was still the nominee, they would not be answering questions about Moores conduct. If its true, the Republican Party doesnt have any place for pedophiles and he should step down immediately, said Josh Holmes, a McConnell confidant and his former chief of staff. Steve Bannon is responsible, he added about the McConnell foil and former White House chief strategist, for enabling candidates such as Moore who are out of the GOP mainstream. That view was shared by Scott Reed, a political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who opposed Moores nomination. Here we go another Steve Bannon special, Reed said. Ed OKeefe, Karoun Demirjian, Paul Kane and David Weigel contributed to this report. Read more at PowerPost Brick semidetached duplexes shaded by old oaks and elms are a hallmark of Michigan Park. (Kathy Orton/The Washington Post) 1 of 15 Full Screen Autoplay Close Skip Ad Where We Live | Michigan Park in Northeast Washington View Photos Residents appreciate the return of families, but lament the potential loss of some cherished open space. Caption Residents appreciate the return of families, but lament the potential loss of some cherished open space. Kathy Orton Buy Photo Wait 1 second to continue. The quiet residential streets in the Districts Michigan Park neighborhood are lined with brick semidetached duplexes what my Mom calls half-a-double, said David Conrad, president of the Michigan Park Citizens Association. Built mostly in the 1920s and 30s, they are framed by porches and front yards and in the summer are shaded by old oaks and elms. This Northeast neighborhood in Ward 5 is crisscrossed by two major traffic corridors South Dakota and Michigan avenues and blessed with some sprawling private institutions in or near the neighborhood that provide open green space, as well as facilities such as Turkey Thicket Recreation Center. These include Providence Hospital, St. Josephs Seminary, St. Anselms Abbey Benedictine Monastery and St. Anselms Abbey School, Whitefriars Hall, and the Howard University School of Divinity, once the Franciscans Holy Name College. The community is a jewel because of these large properties that are amenities to the residents, said John J. Feeley Jr., one of four Michigan Park advisory neighborhood commissioners. [Good location, good schools, amenities abound in Arlingtons Glebewood] The neighborhood seems like a throwback to earlier times because it does not have the preponderance of new construction, development and pop-ups common in nearby Brookland, Bloomingdale and Petworth. Lavinia Wohlfarth, one of the old-timers, has lived there her whole life. My grandfather built my house in 1935, she said. The neighborhood always had a lot of stability and has always been family-based. Gentrification helped us because it brought back people who wanted to have families. Thats what we had in the past, and now we have them again. There was a big exodus after the riots [in the late 1960s] when the city government didnt redo what needed to be redone, said Wohlfarth. Today, theres a friendly energy. People here speak to one another on the street. Itd be odd if someone doesnt, she said. Loss of open space: But there is development, and mixed feelings about it. St Josephs wants to develop the north end of its property with townhouses. It has sold the property to EYA, a real estate developer. Besides upheaval across the land, a line of statuesque evergreens would be cut down. The grassy eight-acre site has been a neighborhood asset for a long time. The citys comprehensive plan calls it the lungs of the neighborhood, said Conrad. Thats why itll be a big loss. This is where my son, Simon, and I played ball, ran the dog and met a lot of friends, he recalled. Simon, 25, has since flown the nest. In its place, the seminary proposes a permanent public easement on its south end that it would maintain as open space in addition to building a playground and conferring historic landmark status on the building. [Low key, eclectic and community-minded: Cabin John, Md., has its own vibe] The Divinity School is also considering developing part of its property, and development of the hospital site is under discussion. It has been kind of quiet here, but now the pace of development has found us, said Conrad, an architect and resident since 1994. Feeley, born and raised there, said he sees increasing concern about development, something we never had to worry about. The proposed development at St. Josephs is huge and contested, he said. Some citizens hired a lawyer to argue that the development isnt in keeping with the neighborhood. Theyre considering a lawsuit. A case brought against the zoning commission was successful two years ago in D.C. Appellate Court and overturned a planned unit development in Brookland. The people I meet are some of the young families who bought here in the past 10 years in part because of the open space. People are beginning to wake up to the fact that these institutions are considering development and the city isnt making any moves to take over the property and protect it as open space, said Feeley. I believe the city should make a commitment to work with the institutions to set aside some space for parks. If nothing is preserved by the city, well be in a very bad way because open parkland in Ward 5 doesnt exist. I believe that if intensive development is shoved down peoples throats, well see more lawsuits, he said. What's nearby: Conrad and his wife, Kaye Brubaker, a University of Maryland professor, shop in Brentwood, often at Giant and Yes! Organic Market. Adjacent Brookland has galleries, shops and restaurants. Wohlfarth founded Wohlfarth Galleries 29 years ago. She is showing the landscapes of a local oil painter, Lisa Farrell, in November. WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 11/4/17: Districts Michigan Park neighborhood in Washington, DC on {month name} 11/4/17, 2017. (Kathy Orton/The Washington Post) Living there: Michigan Park, Zip code 20017, sits between Fort Totten and North Michigan Park. It is bounded by Gallatin Street NE on the north, South Dakota Avenue on the east, Taylor Street NE to the south and Puerto Rico Avenue to the west. Housing includes duplexes, triplexes and single-family dwellings. Four properties are for sale, according to Larry Bivins, a sales associate for Long & Foster, ranging from a four-bedroom, four-bathroom single-family home for $639,997 to a three-bedroom, two-bathroom unit in a building zoned for mixed use for $729,900. Six properties are under contract, ranging from a four-bedroom, four-bathroom single-family short sale for $375,000 to a four-bedroom, four-bathroom single-family home for $674,900. In the past year, 21 homes sold, ranging from a three-bedroom, two-bathroom single-family house for $425,000 to a five-bedroom, five-bathroom single-family home for $869,000. Schools: Bunker Hill Elementary, Brookland Middle, Theodore Roosevelt High. Transit: The Brookland-CUA Station on the Red Line is the closest Metro stop. Several bus lines the 80, E and R run through the community. Residential streets offer parking spaces. Crime: According to the D.C. police, there were six burglaries, eight assaults with a dangerous weapon and nine robberies in the neighborhood in the past year. When President Trump landed in Beijing on Wednesday, he was whisked through quiet streets to the Forbidden City, where he got a history lesson from President Xi Jinping and caught an opera at the Pavilion of Pleasant Sounds. It was an apt opener. After twice tweeting out his gratitude, Trump on Thursday met Xi at the tightly guarded Great Hall of the People, where, surrounded by corporate chief executives, he oversaw the signing of $250 billion in trade deals and continued to praise his authoritarian host. The two-day trip was orchestrated to project the image of remote and absolute power that Xi enjoys and Trump admires. There were no protests, no questions from the press, no ordinary people nothing but pleasantries and soothing tones. Trump brought up North Korea but said Xi could solve it. He raised the trade deficit but said it was not Chinas fault. He said the Chinese people are very proud of Xi. After all the sweet talk, the United States is expecting a lot in return from Beijing but Xi, in the ascendant, may not budge. That could lead to disappointment in the United States and friction down the road in the relationship. From left, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump visit the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (Andy Wong/AP) While both sides were pleased to see a high-stakes visit end without incident, there are questions about what was gained and what, perhaps, was lost. "Talk about embracing the Leninist political system," said Evan S. Medeiros, who heads the Eurasia Group's coverage of the Asia-Pacific region and was the National Security Council's Asia director in the Obama administration. "In Trump's effort to ingratiate himself with Xi, is he inadvertently ceding American primacy to China?" The United States, Medeiros argued, is the anchor power in Asia because of the rules, institutions and values it represents. Trump fundamentally calls that into question when hes praising the Chinese political system and not getting much in exchange. Xi, said analysts, may have calculated that the really tough negotiations with the United States, on a range of issues, still lie ahead and that China can play a strong hand. Until then, he can sit tight. My expectation is that not much will come from China, said Max Baucus, until the beginning of this year the U.S. ambassador to China. And that is going to put Trump in a bit of a box. William Zarit, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, applauded the trade deals but also wondered what comes next, whether the Trump administration would be able to use the momentum to tackle tougher issues in the U.S.-China economic relationship, such as market access for U.S. firms in China. The question remains: What is being done about these structural issues? he asked. We hope to see proactive measures by the Chinese to address the imbalances in the relationship, as pressure is building in the U.S. to take reactive reciprocal actions. As a candidate, Trump often lashed out at Beijing, blaming the Chinese economy for a host of U.S. ills. But when Trump hosted Xi at the presidents Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, his tone changed. In an apparent effort to secure Xis help on North Korea, Trump has curtailed his criticism and shifted his focus to areas where he thinks he can win. The focus on signing deals in front of the cameras as opposed to, say, hammering out solutions to long-standing economic issues makes some sense, experts said. Trump lacks diplomatic experience and has been slow to make appointments to several key Asia roles. We havent yet had the bandwidth in the U.S. administration or the time to have detailed conversations with the Chinese side on market access and other systemic issues, said Timothy P. Stratford, managing partner of Covington and Burlings Beijing office and a former assistant U.S. trade representative. Unless youve had time to discuss these very difficult and complicated issues in some detail, you cant expect the two presidents to announce anything that is concrete and detailed and meaningful, he said. I fully expect these very tough discussions to begin in the next few months. Chen Dingding, a professor at Guangzhous Jinan University, said the visit was a starting point a first offer on the way to the next deal. Whats the alternative? No trade deals? Often you cant get your best deal you can get your second best, get your third and move from there. Both the Chinese and U.S. sides, of course, are casting Thursdays agreements as first rate. At a briefing after the meeting, Commerce Minister Zhong Shan said the deals were a miracle. Chinas Communist Party-controlled press seems pleased, for now, with Trumps visit, for what he said and didnt say. The Global Times, a newspaper known for its nationalist rhetoric, ran an editorial Thursday headlined, What do most Chinese people like about Trump? The piece noted Trumps frank character and pragmatic approach to U.S.-China ties, mentioning specifically that he does not bring up human rights. One of the main reasons China likes Trump is that Trump likes Xi, the paper argued. He respects our head of state and has repeatedly praised President Xi Jinping in public. The paper noted in particular that Trump had been quick to call Xi after the recent 19th Party Congress. This is respect for the Chinese system. The question is what happens if the friendly rhetoric changes if Trump, for whatever reason, stops being so positive about Xi. With the mood in the United States turning increasingly skeptical about China and the benefits of the bilateral relationship, that has to be a real possibility, experts said. President Xi and the Chinese leadership will think that they have done an awful lot to give President Trump face: Theyve done a state visit plus, theyve rolled the red carpet out with all the pomp and ceremony, they did all these business deals, and they come away thinking the relationship is on a solid footing, said Paul Haenle, director of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing. But President Trump may go home to a domestic political environment where people are disappointed he hasnt achieved more progress on trade and economics and North Korea, he said, and you may see a shift towards a much harder line. Amber Ziye Wang and Yang Liu in Beijing contributed to this report. Read more: In Beijing, Trump declines to hit President Xi Jinping on trade: I dont blame China Trump unaware as Abe falls in bunker during golf game Chinas panda-shaped solar plant is part of a bigger challenge facing Trump Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world Like Washington Post World on Facebook and stay updated on foreign news As Spanish leaders and Catalonia's separatists battle over the fate of the would-be breakaway region, a shadow from the past is looming over the conflict: Francisco Franco, the dictator who held his nation in an iron grip from 1939 to well into the 1970s. With Catalan leaders exiled and locked behind bars, Catalan media outlets under threat and national police using truncheons to break up last month's independence referendum, many here in Catalonia say that their repressive history is making an ugly return. They point to the no-negotiation stance of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who they say has sought to quell separatism not by persuasion but by force and fear. And they say his center-right Popular Party never fully purged itself of its past after having been founded by Franco-era officials. Rajoy and his allies dismiss the criticism, saying they are democratically elected leaders operating within the bounds of Spains constitution and that they long ago repudiated Francos dictatorship. Any comparison is unfair, they say, as the nations leader takes legal action to hold the country together. Ahead of Dec. 21 regional elections, Rajoy said this week that he hoped they would open a new political era of coexistence, in which the rules are respected. But Spanish leaders, too, have occasionally reached toward the opposite side in their nations bitter history. Pablo Casado, a spokesman for Spains ruling party, recently warned that if former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont declared independence, he could wind up with a fate similar to a previous Catalan leader during the Spanish Civil War who was executed by firing squad in 1940. [Catalonias leaders are jailed a week after the region declared independence] For many Catalans, Rajoy's takeover of Catalonia last month and the dismissal and imprisonment of its leaders "represented a return to Francoism," said Pelai Pages, a historian of the Spanish Civil War at the University of Barcelona. "History is not so far away." He said the chilly climate was visible not just in the streets but even in his university classrooms, where he said administrators have pressured him to teach according to their lesson plans, not his. I began teaching in the Franco years, and I never have been questioned as much about what Im teaching as now, Pages said. Bitter memories of Francos rule are just beneath the surface in Catalonia, where their language, a cousin to French and Spanish, was banned from schools and people were forced to adopt Spanish given names. Many Catalans hold special contempt for Spains national police force, which they see as an heir to Francos repression. The group reinforced its negative image during the Oct. 1 independence referendum when its officers plunged into peaceful crowds and beat up elderly voters who were taking part in a vote that the national government deemed illegal. Many in Catalonia say that vestiges of the Franco era never fully went away, even if Spain made a transition to democracy in the years after the 1975 death of the man known as the Generalisimo. In Germany, a reckoning with its Nazi past has been pursued with such fervor that it has its own multisyllabic word, Vergangenheitsbewaltigung. But in Spain, the Franco era was handled with a pact of forgetting that left painful history unsettled. Francos tomb outside Madrid is a place of pilgrimage for those who miss his law-and-order, no-dissent approach to civil life. Inside the capital city, pro-Franco advocates last month successfully stymied an effort by the left-wing mayor of Madrid to rename 52 streets that commemorate Franco-era events and officials. The country is scattered with mass graves from the Franco period, many of them unexcavated and unexamined. Small groups of far-right activists waving Franco-era flags and showing fascist salutes have sometimes been on the fringes of pro-independence demonstrations. They also have taken part in pro-union rallies, although they remain a tiny fraction of the half of Catalans who want to remain part of Spain, most of whom loathe Franco. We want to make sure were present on the street to get across the idea that there is another Catalonia, said Josep Alsina, the leader of a far-right activist group called Somatemps, or Minutemen, which has staged counterprotests at pro-independence rallies and also marched on Catalonias pro-independence regional radio station. Since the death of Franco, the state in Madrid has gradually been emptied of its powers, and it has also lost power on an international basis, said Alsina, a retired high school science teacher, who said he wanted to help rebuild the country as a robust democratic force. [Catalan separatists counted on support from the E.U. But they got the cold shoulder.] Even more worrisome to those fearful of the Franco past, the countrys top military commander wrote last week that probably the biggest challenge of our democracy was the situation in Catalonia. Let no one doubt it: We are always prepared when we are called upon to respond, General Fernando Alejandre wrote in an editorial marking a Spanish military holiday. Catalans say reminders of the ugly past are everywhere. In a crowded military-antiques shop in a leafy Barcelona neighborhood, owner Xavier Andreu said that Francos enduring appeal could be measured even through market forces. Busts of the ex-dictator are still manufactured and a popular item in Madrid and elsewhere, he said. This is what is not a market mover: Artifacts of the losing, anti-Franco Republican side of the Spanish Civil War or of the Catalans that were a big part of the fight. I used to go to a military fair in Madrid once a year, Andreu said. Now I wont go. I took a Republican flag and people said, Thats a provocation. I took a Catalan flag, and they wouldnt let me take it out. The ideological split has alienated Andreu from fellow military buffs in the rest of Spain, he said. Catalan society thinks that the Popular Party is a carry-over from Franco, said Andreu, 58, who said that the Spanish authorities tortured him for his Catalan nationalist views during the waning days of the dictatorship. Right-wing activists revel in the revival of Spanish nationalism that has been the flip side to the independence effort. Here in Spain, nationalism is a kind of taboo, said Jordi de la Fuente, a leader of the anti-immigrant Platform for Catalonia political party. We think that it was a mistake that patriotism was demonized 40 years ago. Several historians said that the finger-pointing about Franco risks misdiagnosing the source of the conflict. The real problem is the crisis of the democratic system built after Francos death, said Xavier Casals, a historian at Barcelonas Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University who focuses on far-right movements. At this moment in Spanish politics, there are no rational messages, just emotional ones. Rajoy has embraced the post-Franco constitution as the source of most of his authority as he quells the Catalan breakaway effort. But some say that constitution is overdue for a revision. The writing of the constitution was an unequal negotiation in that power was on the side of the ex-Francoists, said Sebastian Balfour, an emeritus professor of contemporary Spanish studies at the London School of Economics. Anti-Franco forces, including those who wanted more autonomy for Catalonia, had to make most of the compromises, he said. I dont think that were seeing the response of an old Francoism in the present, Balfour said. What were seeing is a sort of repressive constitutionalism: This is the constitution, and were not negotiating it. But some Catalan nationalists say the situation is far less complicated: The Spanish government is using fear tactics, just like in the Franco years. They want to alienate the Catalan population from the Spanish government. And they want to impose it through fear, said Ermengol Gassiot, the head of the Barcelona branch of the hard-line CGT trade union. Given the legal repercussions, they hope people will cease to push for independence. This is a return to the strategy employed by the Franco years. Braden Phillips contributed to this report. Read more How Catalonias independence went from dream to defeat in just a month The world has nearly 15,000 nuclear weapons. This years Nobel Peace Prize honors the quest to abolish all of them. Latvias cellphones stopped working. Russias war games may be to blame. Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world Like Washington Post World on Facebook and stay updated on foreign news Iraqi forces stand guard near the al-Qaim border crossing between Syria and Iraq on Nov. 8, 2017. (Suleiman Al-Anbari/AFP/Getty Images) Syrian government forces said Thursday they have recaptured the Islamic State's former border stronghold of Bukamal, shrinking the group's remaining territory and leaving the militants with only a few enclaves. The move into Bukamal, also called Abu Kamal, in eastern Syria choked off a key route for the Islamic State across the border with Iraq. The Syrian state news agency said Wednesday that pro-government forces had linked up with Iraqi troops to clear what remained of the collapsed militant group in the area. The Islamic States self-declared caliphate, announced three years ago, once stretched across Syria and Iraq to occupy an area the size of Belgium. Now, after a series of defeats, the militants have been penned into a string of Syrian towns and villages along the Euphrates River. In a message read aloud on Syrian state television, the militarys general command described the recapture of Bukamal as the victory that marked the fall of the Islamic States project in the region. Despite the Islamic States promise to fight to the last man, the group has appeared to withdraw from its former Syrian bases without a major fight. Read more: Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world Like Washington Post World on Facebook and stay updated on foreign news When Saad Hariri's jet touched down in Beirut early Thursday, Lebanon hoped it would bring an end to a crisis spurred by his abrupt and mysterious resignation as prime minister, delivered in a speech from Saudi Arabia last week. But he was not aboard, according to local media and an airport employee. For five days, Hariri has been in the shadows, his whereabouts and status the subject of fevered speculation in this fragile state. Aides said they have hardly spoken to him. His own political party has anxiously demanded his return. A growing conviction that Saudi Arabia is restricting his movements has shaken Lebanon, fueling fears that the country, yet again, was becoming a battleground for destructive regional rivalries. When Hariri resigned on Saturday, during what appeared to be a routine trip to Riyadh, the Saudi capital, he blamed Iran, saying it had created a "state within a state" in Lebanon, a reference to the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement that is the country's dominant political force. But the resignation a dramatic gesture that seemed to come out of nowhere blindsided Lebanon, including Hariri's supporters. It was perhaps better explained by the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, a feud that has simmered for decades and, in the past few days, left the region fearing the outbreak of new wars. Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf allies fumed in recent years as Iran reached a deal over its nuclear program with Western countries and expanded its influence in the region, including in Syria and Iraq. [Saudis accuse Iran of possible act of war as regional tensions rise] The 32-year-old crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, has helped lead an aggressive gulf effort to counter the Iranians most visibly, by mustering a military coalition to fight in Yemen against a rebel group that the Saudis regard as an Iranian proxy force. And President Trump has emerged as one of Saudi Arabias closest allies, repeatedly praising the kingdom and its anti-Iranian stance. In Lebanon, there was immediate suspicion that Hariri whose speech echoed Saudi Arabias own combative rhetoric had in fact been forced to step down by the Saudis, and become a pawn, along with his country, in the Saudi-Iranian feud. Global struggles and antagonisms are often reflected in small countries, and Lebanon is one of them, said Imad Salamey, a professor at the Lebanese American University. It is a complicated place because there are multiple confessional groups aligned with regional powers and trying to coexist. We are seeing that reflected back onto the country now, with more confrontation than peace. On Tuesday, a few days after his speech, Hariri was seen in the United Arab Emirates, a close ally of Saudi Arabia. Hariri, who has also long been backed by the Saudis, met an Emirati leader, Mohammed bin Zayed, who wished him all the success in his endeavors to ensure Lebanon overcomes its ordeals and achieves the aspirations of the Lebanese people, according to the Emirates News Agency. It seemed a strange thing to say to a politician who had just resigned. By Wednesday, Hariri was back in Riyadh, according to a statement from his office, which said he met with diplomats from the United States, Britain and the European Union. On Thursday, the statement said, Hariri received the French ambassador. There was speculation that Hariri was among scores of people detained by the Saudi authorities in the last week, including princes, officials and some of the most prominent businessmen in the country. While Saudi officials insist the arrests of more than 200 people so far are part of an aggressive anti-corruption campaign, the sweep is also widely seen as an effort by the crown prince to eliminate rivals and consolidate power. [What the royal purge means for Saudi Arabia and its oil] Many analysts agreed it amounted to a radical restructuring of Saudi Arabias political order, a spectacle that riveted the Middle East. But back in Lebanon, the anxiety only grew. We are still in the phase of the unknown, a senior Lebanese official said Thursday. We have been meeting with foreign ambassadors and no one has any relevant information. No one was able to talk to Hariri beyond: Hi, how are you? Im fine. The Saudis had forced the prime minister to resign, said the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive political crisis. Its not voluntary. The Reuters news agency, citing two anonymous U.S. officials, said the Saudis had encouraged Hariri to leave office. In a statement on Thursday, Hariris Future Movement political party said his return was a necessity. Saudi Arabia ordered its citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible, citing the situation there, according to the Saudi Press Agency. Other gulf states allied with the Saudis, including Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, did the same. If anyone tells you he knows what is going on, then hes lying, said Misbah Adnan Eid, an official in the Beirut district of Basta. There is a sense of loss, a sense of the unknown. We dont know when this ends. Fahim reported from Istanbul. Read more: Saudi Arabias arms deals are buying the Wests silence over Yemen, activists allege Heres what the Saudi royal purge means for investors Saudi Arabia wants to return to moderate Islam. Skeptics say its a marketing ploy. A new Saudi blockade could worsen Yemens cholera crisis Todays coverage from Post correspondents around the world Like Washington Post World on Facebook and stay updated on foreign news In an effort to stem the increasing opioid-related overdose deaths, the Justice Department announced Thursday that anyone who possesses, imports, distributes or manufactures any fetanyl-related substance can be criminally prosecuted. Justice officials said that overseas chemical manufacturers, aided by domestic distributors, try to evade regulatory controls by using analogues or structural variants of fentanyl that are not directly listed under the controlled-substance law. That has forced prosecutors to overcome difficult evidentiary hurdles to convict traffickers under another law, Justice officials said. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that the departments action to include all fetanyl-related substances on the Drug Enforcement Administration drug schedules will give his prosecutors an important tool amid the nations opioid overdose epidemic. By scheduling all fentanyls, we empower our law enforcement officers and prosecutors to take swift and necessary action against those spreading these deadly poisons, Sessions said. [Fentanyl linked to thousands of urban overdose death] Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid, sometimes mixed into heroin or cocaine. Most illicit fentanyls come into the United States through the mail or express shipping systems or are imported across the southwest border, according to the Justice Department. Every day, 55 Americans die from overdoses of synthetic opioids, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The overdose death rate from synthetic opioids approximately doubled between 2015 and 2016 when more than 20,000 people died of overdose deaths, a Justice official said. Last summer, the DEA warned police officers, firefighters and other first responders who might come into contact with fentanyl to be careful about touching or inhaling any powdery white substance. In a case in Ohio, an officer passed out about an hour after brushing the substance off his shirt. He was revived with four doses of naloxone, which blocks the effects of opioids. In October, federal prosecutors charged two Chinese nationals who sold fentanyl to Americans over the Internet in a large international conspiracy case. When Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein announced the charges, he said that one of the men charged, Xiaobing Yan, operated websites that sold fentanyl to U.S. customers and also ran at least two chemical plants in China that could produce tons of fentanyl and fentanyl analogues. Rosenstein said then that fentanyls chemical structure can be modified to create analogues inside the bounds of U.S. and Chinese law. Thursdays action is aimed at targeting those modifications. A Justice official described the effort as way to stop the dangerous Whac-A-Mole game being played when manufacturers and distributors tweak the chemical structure of fentanyl to evade the law. [Justice Department reveals charges against Chinese fentanyl distributors] DEA is seeing new fentanyl-related substances crop up at alarming rates, said a DEA official. This ... action gets us ahead of the chemists, ahead of the dealers, who would engage in this mad chemistry to avoid controlled substances. The Justice Departments action on fentanyl variants is a temporary change to the DEAs drug schedule and will last up to two years, with a possible one-year extension. I also urge the many members of Congress who clearly share our concern and alarm over fentanyls role in our opioid overdose epidemic to do their part by permanently scheduling these lethal substances, Sessions said. RT, a Moscow-headquartered website and television channel that the U.S. government says is a propaganda outlet for the Kremlin, will register with U.S. authorities as a foreign agent, its editor said Thursday. The registration follows a months-long back-and-forth between RT and the Justice Department over whether it was required by U.S. law to register as an agent of the Russian government. The American Justice Department has left us with no choice, RTs editor in chief Margarita Simonyan said in a statement posted on the organizations website. Our lawyers say that if we dont register as a foreign agent, the director of our company in America could be arrested, and the accounts of the company could be seized. In short, in this situation the company would not be able to work. Between those consequences and registering as a foreign agent, we are forced to choose registration. She added: We will continue to work and continue to fight this as long as its possible. Formerly known as Russia Today, RT disputes that it is an agent of the Russian government, arguing that it offers alternatives to mainstream news coverage. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the network and website push relentlessly anti-American propaganda at the behest of the Russian government. Russian state-owned television station RT logo is seen at the window of the company's office in Moscow on Oct. 27, 2017. (Pavel Golovkin/AP) [Facebook temporarily blocked RT] The Russian Embassy in Washington suggested Thursday that U.S.-based news organizations with reporters in Moscow could face retaliation. In a statement, the embassy said RT was given an ultimatum to register as a foreign agent by Nov. 13 and if the company doesnt comply, the U.S. government is threatening to start arresting staff and freezing bank accounts. The embassy warned that restrictions on the activities of Russian media would inevitably entail immediate and reciprocal measures. Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked about the controversy at a foreign policy event last month. In response to a question from Simonyan, Putin said, As soon as we see any efforts to limit our mass media, we will reciprocate immediately. Russian news media reported in October that the upper house of the Russian parliament had drawn up a blacklist of at least five U.S. media outlets whose activities in Russia could be restricted in response. A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment. A January assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies described RT America TV as a Kremlin-financed channel operated from within the United States, (which) has substantially expanded its repertoire of programming that highlights criticism of alleged US shortcomings in democracy and civil liberties. The assessment also said RT America has positioned itself as a domestic US channel and has deliberately sought to obscure any legal ties to the Russian government, but behind the scenes, The Kremlin staffs RT and closely supervises RTs coverage, recruiting people who can convey Russian strategic messaging because of their ideological beliefs. The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), passed in the run-up to World War II as a means of exposing pro-Nazi propagandists in the United States, requires that Americans working on behalf of foreign governments register as such with the government. The requirements are enforced by the Justice Department, but some critics, including the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), have said the department has a poor track record of making firms and individuals follow the law. The issue of Russian propaganda in the United States has become a hot topic in the wake of the 2016 presidential election, as lawmakers and intelligence officials have pointed to thousands of social media accounts directed from Russia that posed as Americans voicing their opinions on domestic political issues. U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia sought to interfere with the U.S. election to help Donald Trump get elected. As RTs work has come under greater scrutiny from the Justice Department, the company has accused the United States of trying to infringe on the rights of a free press. Other foreign news organizations operating in the United States have filed under FARA with little observable impact on their business. Read more: Twitter bans Russian government-owned news sites RT and Sputnik from buying ads Putin says Olympic disqualifications are sign of U.S. meddling in Russias elections Strained relations between the United States and Turkey will not improve unless Washington takes steps to address Turkish concerns over its actions in Syria and its failure to extradite a Turkish cleric sought by Ankara on terrorism charges, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said in Washington on Wednesday. Yildirim said he would take up these and other issues in a meeting Thursday with Vice President Pence, in hopes that the two countries can start a new era of cooperation. But there were no signs that the Trump administration is moving toward addressing Turkeys demand that it extradite Fethullah Gulen, a U.S. permanent resident who Ankara says was the mastermind behind a coup attempt in July 2016 in which hundreds were killed. The Justice Department has said it is still studying evidence presented by Turkey, which so far has not been deemed sufficient to present to a federal court that must make the final decision on extradition. They have not given any answers. No steps have been taken, Yildirim said in a meeting with American reporters. Turkey considers the coup attempt akin to the September 2001 al-Qaeda attacks in the United States, the prime minister said, and the Turkish public increasingly views American failure to act on its request as an indication of U.S. involvement in a Gulenist plot. The head of a terrorist organization Gulen is being hosted by our ally, our friend, and nothing is being done, Yildirim said. That is the biggest obstacle to improvement in relations. When President Trump met at the United Nations in September with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he said the NATO allies were as close as they have ever been. Just a month later, the two suspended issuing visas to each others country following the arrest of two local employees of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Turkey, part of a massive post-coup crackdown that has led to the arrests of tens of thousands of Gulen followers and ordinary critics of the government. The crackdown has brought widespread international criticism. This week, both countries announced they would resume limited visa issuance. But Yildirim said that Turkey remains disappointed in the Trump administration. Its sad, he said. Nothing has changed since relations nose-dived under former president Barack Obama. In addition to the Gulen situation, Turkey was outraged when Trump decided in the spring to provide U.S. weapons directly to Syrian Kurdish forces the United States has used as its main ground force in offensives against the Islamic State in Syria. At the time, Turkey intimated that it might refuse U.S. access to Turkeys Incirlik Air Base, from which airstrikes are launched against the Islamic State. Turkey considers the Kurdish force an extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, a separatist group that both Turkey and the United States have designated a terrorist organization. Unfortunately, an ally of Turkey, the United States, resorted to the Kurds to lead the fight against ISIS, Yildirim said, using an acronym for the Islamic State. This was wrong. The Americans, he recalled, said it was a necessity, and that the United States would part ways with the Kurdish force once the militants had been defeated. Instead, the Syrian Kurds have expanded the territory they control inside Syria, and weapons provided by the United States have been used in attacks against government forces inside Turkey, Yildirim said. They are a greater threat now that they have all sorts of weapons, thanks to our American friends, he said. These weapons need to be taken back. Turkeys recent agreement to buy a sophisticated antimissile defense system from Russia came only after the United States refused to address Turkeys needs, Yildirim said. We wanted to do it with the Americans, he said. We are obliged to defend our country. We will tackle all of these issues in an open manner with Pence, Yildirim said. We have a positive outlook. We are hopeful. Elaine Duke, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, meets with Britains home secretary on Oct. 20. Duke refused to bow to pressure from White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly to expel tens of thousands of Hondurans living in the United States under protected status, officials said. (Andreas Solaro/AFP/Getty Images) On Monday, as the Department of Homeland Security prepared to extend the residency permits of tens of thousands of Hondurans living in the United States, White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly called acting secretary Elaine Duke to pressure her to expel them, according to current and former administration officials. Duke refused to reverse her decision and was angered by what she felt was a politically driven intrusion by Kelly and Tom Bossert, the White House homeland security adviser, who also called her about the matter, according to officials with knowledge of Mondays events. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. As with many issues, there were a variety of views inside the administration on a policy. The Acting Secretary took those views and advice on the path forward for TPS and made her decision based on the law, DHS spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement, referring to a form of provisional residency called temporary protected status. He added that it was also perfectly normal for them to discuss the issue before she had reached a decision. [DHS ends protected immigration status for Nicaraguans, but Hondurans get extension] A White House official confirmed the calls to Duke on Monday but said Kellys frustration had to do with Dukes lack of decisiveness. With the extension of the Hondurans residency permits, Kelly told her that the TPS decision keeps getting kicked down the road and that the additional delay prevents our wider strategic goal on immigration, the White House official said. Duke, who was confirmed by the Senate in April, has informed Kelly that she plans to resign, the officials said. Hoffman said there is zero factual basis to the claim that Duke has said she will step down, and he disputed the claim that Kelly called to pressure Duke, insisting she had reached out to him to solicit advice on the TPS decision. DHS had until the end of the day Monday to announce its plans for some 57,000 Hondurans and 2,500 Nicaraguans who were allowed to remain in the United States under TPS after Hurricane Mitch hit Central America in 1998. An additional 50,000 Haitians and 200,000 Salvadorans were nervously awaiting the decision, as their residency permits will expire early next year. Trump administration officials have repeatedly cited the TPS program as an example of what they say is U.S. immigration policy gone awry, because a program designed to be temporary should not be used to grant long-term residency in the United States. [A Haitian woman asks, How would I survive back there?] Duke had decided to end the TPS designation for the Nicaraguans, giving them until January 2019 to leave the United States or change their immigration status. But Duke felt that she did not have enough information for the much larger group of Hondurans, so she deferred, granting them a six-month extension, administration officials said Monday when they announced the TPS decision. As DHS officials prepared to make that announcement, Kelly made an urgent call from Japan, where he was traveling with President Trump. He was "irritated," administration officials said, and did not want his handpicked nominee for DHS secretary, Kirstjen M. Nielsen, to face potentially uncomfortable questions about TPS during her confirmation hearing. White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly listens as President Trump speaks during a meeting on tax policy with business leaders in the White House on Oct. 31. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) He was persistent, telling her he didnt want to kick the can down the road, and that it could hurt [Nielsens] nomination, one administration official said. Duke held her ground, the official said. She was angry. To get a call like that from Asia, after shed already made the decision, was a slap in the face. They put massive pressure on her, said another former official with knowledge of the call. Duke wanted to proceed cautiously, because the Central Americans have lived in the United States for two decades or more, and she had been contacted by former U.S. diplomats who implored her to weigh the decision carefully. Congress created the TPS designation in 1990 to refrain from deporting foreign nationals to nations too unstable to receive them following natural disasters, civil strife or a health crisis. Previous administrations have repeatedly renewed the residency permits every 18 months, and over the years TPS has become a target of immigration hard-liners who say the law has been abused. Trump wants to overhaul the U.S. immigration system, replacing a model based in part on family reunification with a merit-based approach to favor skilled labor. The White House official said Kelly did not mention Nielsen by name during the calls with Duke but told her that this shouldnt be a problem for the next secretary to deal with. The pressure from the White House ended up delaying Mondays announcement, which DHS officials did not make until an 8 p.m. conference call with reporters, just hours before the deadline, as tens of thousands of immigrants and their families remained in suspense. In public, at least, the White House has deferred questions about TPS, calling the decision a prerogative of Homeland Security officials, in consultation with the State Department. Last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sent a letter to Duke essentially giving DHS a green light to send the Nicaraguans and Hondurans back, telling her that conditions in Central America had improved. White House officials said Kelly acknowledged during the call that the decision was Dukes to make. But she felt the pressure amounted to a direct intervention in the process, administration officials said. Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) said the White House had given assurances that it would not interfere in the TPS decision-making process. They told us one thing and turned around and did something completely different, Van Hollen said in an interview. Im glad the acting secretary stuck to her professional opinion. Maryland has 22,000 TPS recipients, he said. Duke, a DHS veteran, has informed Kelly that she will resign once Nielsen takes over, according to several officials, even though Trump has publicly asked her to remain in the deputy role. Nielsen, who is Kelly's deputy at the White House and was his chief of staff when he ran DHS between January and July, appeared to breeze through her Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday and did not face especially tough or contentious questioning. No one asked her what she planned to do with the 300,000 TPS recipients who will lose their legal status and face deportation if their residency is not renewed. Their families include an estimated 275,000 U.S.-born children. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs postponed a vote on her nomination scheduled for Thursday, citing "a large number of questions" about Nielsen's testimony to the panel Wednesday. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the committee chairman, said members had submitted 197 written questions for Nielsen, far more than any previous nominee. He rescheduled the committee vote for Monday. Senate aides say the White House is pushing for a full vote on Nielsen to get her confirmed before the Thanksgiving recess. Duke, who returned to DHS to be Kellys deputy earlier this year, was never among the top candidates for the secretary job, lacking the law enforcement and counterterrorism credentials typically associated with that role. But she is considered a skilled manager and has earned praise for her stewardship of the massive federal agency, which has 240,000 employees, 22 subagencies and a $40 billion budget. Nielsen, a cybersecurity expert, began her career as a Senate staffer, then crafted legislation and policy at the Transportation Security Administration. She was a White House adviser for emergency preparedness and disaster management under President George W. Bush, a job that put her at the center of the administration's bungled response to Hurricane Katrina. Kelly brought Nielsen to the White House to be his deputy, and she earned a reputation as a disciplinarian , with unwavering loyalty to the retired Marine Corps general. Read more: Protected status no longer justified for Central Americans and Haitians in U.S., State Dept. says These are the 11 countries whose refugee applicants the U.S. considers too high risk Striking Sri Lankan elephant safari Thumping along a muddy track, not a wild thing moving under the hot Sri Lankan sun, a big pungent pile of steaming dung sends everyone in our jeep into a giddy state of excitement. Necks craned, cameras poised, for just around the bend perhaps over the next rise we are finally about to encounter our first Sri Lankan elephants in the wild. And suddenly, there they are: four enormous females, bristly infants at their feet, grazing silently on tall lime grasses in a tiny pocket of Sri Lankas Hurulu Eco Park, rendering us awestruck with each nonchalant flap of their big wrinkled ears. As our jeep slows a silent stop, the elephants patiently ignore us, turning their backs and carrying on grazing while we gaze on mere metres away with the inevitable rapture of first-timers. The intimacy of the encounter has me transfixed, drawn to tiny details: eyes staring out beneath big, curling eyelashes, the pinkish tinge of unexpectedly mottled blue-grey skin, a trunk curled around an equally wrinkled infant, coaxing it gently and safely underfoot. I cant say just how long we watched that first little matriarchal unit but, of all the marvellous elephant scenes we witnessed that afternoon, this elephant encounter is the one most vividly imprinted in my memory. The gap between our jeep and the herd closes; they graze and watch, graze and watch, until quite suddenly I realise Im eyeballing an elephant thats so close I could reach out and touch her. As the afternoon sun shifts slowly overhead, our expert local guide navigates on, detouring along unmarked trails to encounter more and more elephants that amble across our path, shepherding infants along invisible routes to join great grazing herds of 20 or 30 beasts. Only when we have clicked a thousand images and our expectations have been blown sky-high do we make our most amazing discovery: an enormous male, close enough to see the mating musk glistening on his cheeks in the afternoon sun. He mills around a group of females on the ridgeline above us and then, to our amazement, the mating begins. Its a brief, noisy scene that lacks longevity but afterwards, when the females move on, they head straight for us: four mothers, one grandmother and three infants, the smallest bundle of bristles just four or five months old. As we watch, the elephants wariness wanes and they move closer, slowly bringing their remarkable physical individualities into clear view. The gap between our jeep and the herd closes; they graze and watch, graze and watch, until quite suddenly I realise Im eyeballing an elephant thats so close I could reach out and touch her. Immobilised by her presence, no one speaks and no one moves, but I spy our guides hand poised on the ignition, ready to flee if the elephants flex their significant muscle. Eventually the herd shuffles on, leaving us reeling as we watch them disappear into towering grassland. We climb a granite knoll to catch our breath and capture ourselves in beaming photographs, standing above the plains where distant herds have come to graze in the golden hour before sunset. Covering more than 10,000 hectares in the heart of central Sri Lankas Cultural Triangle, Hurulu Eco Park is part of a much bigger forest reserve and biosphere declared in 1977 to provide sanctuary primarily for Sri Lankan elephants. Female-led elephant herds migrate seasonally between Hurulu and neighbouring Minneriya and Kaudulla National Parks, as well as Ritigala Strict Nature Reserve and other nearby sanctuaries, in search of water and food. Immediately sensing our presence, the leopard stretches and yawns, revealing its spectacular dentition and long, slender limbs, then rolls onto its back and resumes its slumber. When water levels at Kaudulla and Minneriya Tanks are high, covering the tasty fresh pick that elephants love, the beasts move on. Frequently, they head for Hurulu Eco Park, which was officially opened on the edge of Hurulu Forest Reserve in 2008 to cater for visitors. Although the elephants share Hurulus dry evergreen forests with endangered Sri Lankan leopards and rusty-spotted cats, they are undoubtedly the parks biggest drawcard and what drives a popular safari business. From the town of Habarana, a 20-minute drive from the parks entrance, open-top jeep safaris set out in the cool of the afternoon, spending three to four hours locating and observing the elephants. The simplicity of this adventure one jeep, one driver and a prompt hotel pickup is matched only by its affordability. In all, our afternoon with the elephants, including jeep hire and park fees, set us back less than AU$60 for three, a fraction of what youd expect to pay in Sri Lankas more famous Yala National Park. Despite its undeniable shabbiness, Habarana makes a convenient base for adventures into Hurulu and neighbouring wild lands, including Sigiriyas World Heritage-listed archaeological ruins, located on the summit of an imposing, flat-topped mesa, and the sacred caves at Dambulla that house 2000-year-old Buddha relics and vast rock art canvases. Online digging will direct you to quality hotels in the hills that surround Habarana, all providing meals and transport to nearby cultural attractions. Ritigala Ruins On a rugged rainforested hill outside Habarana, Ritigala Strict Nature Reserve provides an intriguing escape and a rigorous uphill stroll to discover monastic ruins and meditation caves that date back to the 4th century BC. Abandoned for almost a thousand years, this ancient refuge is a tumbledown affair but several eye-catching structures remain, including a magnificent pond at the park entrance, monastic buildings complete with stone urinals, a hospital with grinding stones and stone baths, and a palace. Poking through the forest, we follow a path to a chiselled stone lookout providing views down the river valley and marvel at enormous quarried stone foundations and fantastic staircases, all but hidden among the undergrowth. Entrance fees and mandatory guides have both been abandoned at Ritigala, leaving travellers free to enjoy an amazing walk and the forest wildlife. Cheeky macaques are easily spotted on the climb and, while driving through the lowlands, we sight mongoose, peacocks, jungle fowl and enough elephant poo and tracks to raise our hopes. Make a donation and hire a park guide if you please and allow about two hours to hike and explore. Beat the heat by setting out early from Habarana, an immensely scenic AU$10 return trip away by three-wheeler. Wilpattu National Park For travellers keen to tick off a more diverse species list, you cant beat a safari into Sri Lankas largest national park, the freshwater wetland of Wilpattu. Located far off the beaten track on the countrys northwest coast, the park, whose name means natural lakes, supports an incredible ecosystem dominated by elephants, sloth bears, spotted deer, sambar, wild boar, mugger crocodiles and that most sought-after creature of all: Sri Lankan leopards. Protected since 1938 and closed during Sri Lankas long, war-torn years, Wilpattu reopened in 2003 and rapidly gained a reputation as one of the best places in the country to spot elusive leopards. This fact alone should lure the kinds of crowds that seek out the utterly overrun Yala National Park in the islands far south. Yet travellers who make it to Wilpattu regularly report the serenity of sharing their visit with only a handful of other jeeps, as was the case on our recent adventure. Difficult public access and the lack of a tourist scene in the neighbouring towns of Saliyawewa and Kala Oya keep this destination off the radar of many short-stay visitors. It guarantees a great wildlife experience but youll need to be pretty motivated to get there yourself. Our epic journey from Negombo is an all-day affair, spent riding a trio of local buses to a tiny two-room guesthouse at Saliyawewa, a 20-minute drive from the park entrance. Despite significant language issues, the friendly guesthouse owner manages to find us a jeep and driver for the next day and puts together a humble menu; his spacious but spartan rooms might well be recommended if it were not for the bed bugs that devour us overnight. Our safari begins under the cover of darkness and, after handing over pricey park entry fees and picking up our compulsory guide, we bounce off into the wilderness. At 1317 square kilometres, about the size of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Wilpattu is an enormous destination to explore in a single day, so theres no telling what you might encounter. Jungle fowls kick-start our spotters list, a proud and attractive looking bird that Sri Lankans love to point out is their countrys national bird. We stop counting them when our tally hits 15, hungry to see creatures that look a little less like a chicken. A hush falls over the jeep when we spy our first pair of spotted deer grazing in the undergrowth and, soon, a promising pile of elephant dung and footprints across the track. We follow these into the scrub, spooking a big herd of wild boar and sending monitor lizards scrambling up trees. Theres a big, solitary sambar, tiny, flighty barking deer that disappear quickly into the scrub and lots of birds serpent eagles, pond herons and black hooded oriels but no prized leopard in the hours before we pull over for breakfast. Stopping at a scenic lakeside clearing alongside a handful of other tourist jeeps, we unpack our Sri Lankan breakfast of steamed hoppers, dunking the little nests of thin, rice noodles into still-warm bowls of curried potato and coconut soup while gazing across the lake, hoping to spy elephants on its distant shores. Our safari begins under the cover of darkness and, after handing over pricey park entry fees and picking up our compulsory guide, we bounce off into the wilderness. With plenty of ground to cover and a rather slim spotters list so far, our driver eagerly moves us on, searching down track after track for that one creature everyone silently yearns to see. Suddenly our jeep is buzzing, arms are pointing and we jump up to catch sight of a big, lazy cat sleeping out the mid-morning heat under a nearby bush. Immediately sensing our presence, the leopard stretches and yawns, revealing its spectacular dentition and long, slender limbs, then rolls onto its back and resumes its slumber. When it finally rises to its feet and stalks slowly away, we gush, awestruck by its brilliant spotted physique: the defining moment of our Wilpattu wilderness experience. Lost in the exhilaration of our leopard encounter, we exit the national park past distinctly rural scenes of farmers drying corn and grains on the hot bitumen road and green rice in soggy fields. Past bungalows that might provide a convenient base for safaris, we return to our guesthouse to recount the experience over cold Lion beers. Some naturalists say Sri Lankas once war-torn interior can offer wilderness experiences that rival any East African safari. That might be raising expectations a little far, but these two wild destinations do provide ultra-affordable, utterly memorable safaris that can be organised with ease and shared with few. What really shines about a visit to Wilpattu in particular is what you dont see: the hundreds of jeeps that compete for wildlife sights elsewhere in the country and the carnival atmosphere this invariably creates. Theres no denying the diversity and density of animals and birds you can discover at Wilpattu, but what really thrills is the sheer pleasure of exploring its pristine lakes and grasslands in perfect near-solitude. Elephants under threat? An extensive Sri Lankan government-led survey conducted across the country in 2011 put the elephant population at around 6000 in the wild, with numbers predicted to be on the rise. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) paints a less optimistic picture, currently listing Sri Lankan elephants as endangered, numbering between 2500 and 4000 and with mortality rates due to elephant-human conflict of 6 per cent per year. Want more? Discover our rule of thumb for healthy, mindful travel and learn how to green your travel. Donald D. Lawrence Audio Article Friends and family of Compatriot Donald D. Lawrence are deeply saddened to announce his passing on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022,... Guadalupe Lupe Campos Audio Article Guadalupe Lupe Campos of La Vernia, Texas, passed away in his home on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022. Lupe was born... Manuel A. Acevedo Audio Article Manuel A. Acevedo passed away in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022, at the age of 76 years... Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 09/11/2017 (1833 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Canadas first tri-modal inland port CentrePort Canada has marked another milestone with the announcement of its first new industrial development offering fully serviced land. The new 100-acre development is located within the existing Brookside Industrial Park, and will be ready for development by next summer. Unlike the other land that already has been developed on the 20,000-acre CentrePort site, the new lots can be connected to a central water and sewer system. Some of the other lots had a water hookup, but required their own septic fields, and others required both a septic field and a well. CentrePort Canadas announcement of its first 100 acres of fully serviced land which will be ready for development by next summer is a milestone for the dry port, and good news for businesses that have been waiting for water and sewer hookups. The land will be located within the existing Brookside Industrial Park. Heidi Spletzer, vice-president of Crystal Developers the Winnipeg company that co-developed the second phase of the Brookside Industrial Park and is the lead developer for the third phase that was to be announced today said most of the companies that didnt require fully serviced land have already made their purchases. And the ones who do require fully serviced land have had to wait on the sidelines for several years until some became available. So this is something that was needed, she said. CentrePort president and CEO Diane Gray said the introduction of fully serviced land is an important milestone for CentrePort, and should lead to more new investment on the CentrePort site, which is located on the west side of the city and in the neighbouring Rural Municipality of Rosser. The park will be a major draw for companies in key sectors like advanced manufacturing, agribusiness and transportation and logistics, Gray said, noting that since 2009, 52 new businesses employing more than 1,400 people have set up shop in the port, which has direct access to truck, rail and air cargo services. The exciting part about this is that now that we have fully serviced industrial land available for private industries to locate on, there will be more jobs created going forward, she said. Lee Garfinkel, deputy reeve of the R.M. of Rosser, said municipal officials have a good working relationship with Crystal Developers, and are excited to now have fully serviced land available in the municipality. The new land is being marketed by Cushman & Wakefield Winnipeg. Associate vice-president Stephen Sherlock said new, fully serviced industrial land is hard to come by in Winnipeg, particularly in the northwest quadrant of the city. So this land becoming available in the Brookside Industrial Park will provide much needed inventory, Sherlock said. With all of the pent-up demand, we anticipate this land will sell quickly. He said they already have a conditional deal with the National Research Council (NRC) for a 9.8-acre parcel of land in the Phase III development. As earlier reported, the NRC hopes to build a $60-million Factory of the Future research centre on the site. Sherlock said that although Cushman & Wakefield Winnipeg is only now beginning to market the development, thanks to word of mouth, it has already been getting calls from a number of interested companies. While many of them are looking for land for their own use, its possible some investors may be looking to buy a parcel of land with the idea of developing leasable space. Our vacancy rates are low, so definitely there is an opportunity for an investor to buy land either to put a multi-tenant building on there, or a build-to-suit (single-tenant building), he said. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 09/11/2017 (1833 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Ive been reflecting on how individual citizens speak to people with political power, and how those at the top get their message. Other than at the ballot box. The question occurred to me again this week, when a retired Winnipeg Transit driver contacted the Free Press because Mayor Brian Bowmans office hadnt acknowledged receiving his email about the citys treatment of veterans on Remembrance Day. PHIL HOSSACK / FREE PRESS FILES Retired transit driver George Morrison at a bus stop near the St James Legion. As I wrote Tuesday, George Morrison had complained for years about Winnipeg being one of the few large Canadian cities that doesnt offer military veterans free bus rides on Nov. 11. (Just up the road, theres a smaller city that has been doing so for veterans and others for years. Selkirk provides free service every Nov. 11 to anyone wearing a poppy, and poppy boxes are placed on the buses in the days leading up to Remembrance Day.) I queried the citys media handlers, and late Monday they finally answered by saying its a question for the mayor and council. The next day, I emailed a spokesperson for Bowman, asking for the mayors position on honouring veterans with complimentary transit rides the way Winnipegs two largest cab companies, Unicity and Duffys, are by giving them free round-trip rides to Remembrance Day services, and Applebees Grill & Bar is by offering free meals to veterans and active-duty military members on Nov. 11. The response from the mayors office was not only prompt, but positive: Mayor Bowman certainly supports providing free transit to veterans and their families on Remembrance Day. The response went further. Mayor Bowman has asked the public service to determine whether this is something that can be implemented in time for Remembrance Day this year. He is also supportive of making this recognition permanent on a go-forward basis beginning next year, if it cannot be implemented in time for Remembrance Day this year. Thats all Morrison wanted to hear. So what took so long? It brings us back to the broader issue of how do those with little political power get the ear of people with great power? Late last summer, another reader, with a couple of different issues, ran into the same problem as Morrison when she tried to contact Bowman and Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister, via a Canada Post-delivered letter. Retired school principal Aurise Kondziela didnt receive a response. As it happened, her city councillor, Brian Mayes, would take care of the matter about the snow-removal mess left on a boulevard near her home. But in the meantime, Kondziela had contacted someone she thought might listen to another concern. Good evening Mr. Sinclair, she began the Aug. 23 email. I note from your columns that you often deal with personal queries. I merely wanted to ask if you are aware that our elected representatives do not respond to personal letters. I have written to mayor Bowman on July 6, and to our premier (copied to our health minister) on July 19. I am quite surprised that I have not even received an acknowledgment of my letter. In the past, I have often dealt with the health minister, Dave Chomiak, with the justice minister, Gord MackIntosh, as well as with the judicial council. I have always received a response to my letters. Is this the new trend? That is, to ignore letters received from the constituents? My first thought was to contact the offices of the mayor and premier and ask for an explanation. Just how many letters and emails do they deal with? Or, perhaps more to the point, how many dont they deal with? If letters arent the way to reach the mayor or premier, what is? Mayor Bowman is very committed to being accessible and available to Winnipeg residents, while also balancing the reality that he is a father with two young children, a spokesperson answered in an email. The mayors office strives to respond to invitations, meeting requests, questions or concerns arriving in the office through email, fax, Canada Post, telephone, social media or via websites. From time to time, correspondence can be missed. We are not perfect! The spokesperson didnt say how much correspondence the mayors office receives, instead saying Bowman is connected with almost 80,000 people via social media. The spokesperson said Kondzielas letter was received and forwarded to the public works department. The mayors office will be following up with the department to see what has been done to respond to their concerns. As for the premiers office, his press secretary reported that he received 7,000 forms of correspondence in July and all are logged, tracked and responded to. She appeared to qualify that answer later, saying: It is the goal of the premiers office that all forms of correspondence be addressed in some cases, letters may be referred to the appropriate responsible minister to respond. Again, thats what happened with Kondzielas letter to the premier; it was forwarded to the health ministers office because it concerned health care. When I asked if Kondziela could anticipate a response, the premiers spokesperson said: A reply was sent this morning. The public doesnt anticipate their concerns will be personally read, and much less answered by the mayor or premier. But every citizen has the right to expect at least an acknowledgement from their offices that their concern has been heard and will be answered by someone. It may not be democracy 101 to Brian Bowman and Brian Pallister, but it should be courtesy 101 for their offices. As for how individual citizens speak to people with political power, other than the ballot box? Youve just read one answer. Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 08/11/2017 (1834 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. A diverse range of businesses are enthusiastically accepting the Manitoba governments invitation to apply to operate legal marijuana stores in the province. Tuesdays announcement that the private sector will be responsible for retailing cannabis in Manitoba attracted immediate interest from would-be weed-store operators. Those hopefuls have already been excluded from operating retail cannabis sales in Ontario, Canadas most populous province, which plans to restrict the sale of legal marijuana exclusively to government-owned stores. New Brunswick is taking a similar approach and Quebec is expected to adopt a public-sector sales model as well. I had a feeling Manitoba was going to go against the grain, said Clint Younge, CEO of MMJ Canada dispensaries, who plans to respond to the request for proposals. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette Alan Gertner CEO of Tokyo Smoke, a cannabis-lifestyle brand that operates four marijuana accessory stores in Toronto, plans to respond to the request for proposals by the provincial government for would-be weed-store operators. MMJ Canada operates retail marijuana dispensaries in British Columbia and Ontario. Some of the companys B.C. locations are municipally licensed to sell cannabis, Younge said. The Ontario locations are not. Were fighting for regulations in a grey market, Younge said. If Manitoba were to allow MMJ Canada to operate as a private retailer, Younge said, Manitobans could expect wellness-focused dispensaries with a focus on compassion and mental health. Tokyo Smoke, a cannabis-lifestyle brand that operates four marijuana accessory stores in Toronto, also plans to respond to the RFP, CEO and co-founder Alan Gertner said. Manitobas decision open up marijuana sales to the private sector gives me comfort that we have the opportunity, as Canadians, to lead the world in cannabis retail, Gertner said, describing potential Tokyo Smoke cannabis stores as a unique, engaging, approachable, delightful retail experience. National Access Cannabis, which operates a medical cannabis clinic on Broadway and has partnered with the Opaskwayak Cree Nation, will also be throwing its hat in the ring. This is a fantastic opportunity for the Manitoba First Nations community to build out and operate these legal retail dispensaries on both urban and First Nations sites throughout the province, Chief Christian Sinclair said in a press release. Winnipegs Delta 9 Cannabis, a federally licensed producer of cannabis for medical users, has announced a partnership with Canopy Growth Corp. to pitch retail cannabis stores to the Manitoba government. (Ontario-based Canopy Growth, which holds a number of cannabis-production licences through its subsidiary companies, is Canadas most valuable legal marijuana producer by market capitalization.) Delta 9 CEO John Arbuthnot said the stores would be clean, well-appointed and certainly professional. The stores would sell marijuana sourced from Delta 9, Canopy Growths subsidiaries and Canopys other partners. Under the terms of the deal, Canopy would also distribute Delta 9s product to other provinces. The Canadian Cannabis Co-op, a collaboration between 12 federally-licensed marijuana producers that includes Winnipeg-based producer Bonify, will also be responding to the RFP with its own retail vision, co-op co-chair Darren Karasiuk said. Manitobas request for proposals appears to be geared towards large players, according to Trina Fraser, who practices business law with a focus on cannabis as a partner at Brazeau Seller Law in Ottawa. You have to either have an established network of retail stores, or demonstrate the potential to establish a network of stores, said Fraser. So clearly theyre saying, If youre just intending to be a mom-and-pop stand-alone shop, dont bother applying.' Because the RFP isnt based on an existing licensing regime with clear requirements, added Fraser, respondents will have their work cut out for them. Theres a lot of work that would have to go to putting a compelling package together to respond to this, because it is asking you to develop policies, procedures, standards, et cetera, and all of those things involve a detailed understanding of the law at all levels of government, she said. @sol_israel Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 09/11/2017 (1833 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. OTTAWA The federal Liberals say theyve acquiesced to Manitoba senators push to eliminate sex discrimination in the Indian Act. But some in the Red Chamber are pushing Ottawa to go even further. After a dramatic standoff led by Sen. Marilou McPhedran and supported by Sen. Murray Sinclair, the Liberals effectively rewrote a bill they tabled a year ago, pledging Tuesday the legislation would now enshrine in law the removal of all gender discrimination in the Indian Act. Ottawa introduced Bill S-3 a year ago, to restore Indian Act status to women who lost it by marrying non-Indigenous men, as well as their descendants. The bill came in response to an August 2015 court ruling, saying the Indian register would have to shut down if it didnt stop such discrimination. Adrian Wyld / The Canadian Press files Sen. Murray Sinclair The Liberals wrote the original version of Bill S-3 to deal with those who lost their Indian status from 1951 onward. But in May, McPhedran amended the bill at the request of First Nations activists. Dubbed the all-the-way amendment, the change would restore status to all cases dating to 1869. Proponents claimed it would rectify discrimination against women, and possibly extend federal mental-health and dental benefits to numerous Manitobans. McPhedran and two Indigenous senators convinced most of their colleagues to support that change. This spring, the Liberals warned of apocalyptic scenarios, causing as many as two million Canadians to flood First Nations band rolls and exhaust their services. They claimed their original bill would make 35,000 people eligible for status, and start a consultation process, an idea many Indigenous groups met with cynicism. This summer saw a dramatic showdown involving sobbing MPs, rare procedural moves and a stinging court rebuke, before a judge gave Parliament until Dec. 22 to pass the bill. On Tuesday, the governments representative in the Senate, Peter Harder, introduced multiple changes, which would bring the original bill into force, but also hold the Liberals feet to the fire to deal with those who lost their status prior to 1951. The changed bill would have the government consult with First Nations groups on how to bridge the gap, and report to Parliament on that process within five months, a year, and then three years of the bill becoming law. Harder urged his Senate colleagues pass the bill Thursday, before a 10-day break. The Liberals changed prompted applause from the Red Chamber, and support from some of its fiercest critics. I almost broke down and cried, Sen. Lillian Dyck told the chamber, her voice shaking. Its a giant leap forward for First Nation women, and their descendants. On Wednesday, Sen. Sinclair cautioned parliamentarians will have to hold the government to its opened-ended pledge to rectify earlier discrimination, but voiced his support for the new bill. Any attempt to amend it, or delay debate on it, is simply going to make things worse, he said. Justin Tang / The Canadian Press Senator Patrick Brazeau speaks to reporters as he arrives at the Senate on Parliament Hill. But others are pushing for a deadline to implement the changes, with Sen. Patrick Brazeau fretting a new government might not take the consultation process as seriously. Sen. Serge Joyal, a constitutional lawyer, said the new bills phrasing wouldnt pass muster if it came out of a human rights settlement, because it has no deadline. If the government is moving forward in good faith, why rely on the role of parliamentarians to push the government, instead of the government taking upon itself the responsibility? he asked. Sen. Kim Pate said she was deeply worried the motion before us asks Indigenous women and their descendants to take another risk, to settle for smaller victories now. The Free Press has learned at least one senator will ask the Red Chamber to convene a committee of the whole, in the hopes of amending the bill to implement a two-year deadline. Harder also publicly tabled demographic research Tuesday, which did not do much to clarify how many people could be eligible for status under McPhedrans amendment. Over the summer, the Free Press revealed Ottawa had commissioned Winnipeg demographer Stewart Clatworthy to tabulate how many people would be eligible for Indian status under four iterations of the bill. The government is making this demographic data public in the interest of transparency, but does not believe it is a reliable way to estimate its potential impacts, Harder told the Senate after tabling the $28,000 research. As of 2016, there are 1.02 million Canadians eligible for Indian status. The original bill seems to add an extra 34,355 people, while McPhedrans bill would likely raise that number to 86,917 people becoming eligible for Indian status. But that option seems to include members of the Metis Nation, who are not eligible for Indian status, and have resisted being folded into general First Nations categories. It includes all people who describe themselves as First Nations or Metis, and Harder stressed not all of them would necessarily apply for Indian status. Clatworthys reports outline four options of varying complexity. MIKE DEAL / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES Marilou McPhedran Ottawa could not make anyone available Tuesday or Wednesday to explain the various categories, and has told Clatworthy to stop giving media interviews. Clatworthy referred the Free Press to senior bureaucrat Eric Guimond, who did not returns voicemails either day. His reports cites ambiguity in McPhedrans amendment, which hampered estimating how many people it would effect. Clatworthy took a look at the 2016 census data released this month, and found the number of Manitobans eligible for Indian status could double under the amendment but that number would include Metis people (whose leadership suspect many Canadians are falsely claiming Metis roots). In a stricter scenario, the all-the-way amendment would increase the number of Manitobans with Indian status to 89,897 from the current 66,211. On Tuesday, the office of Carolyn Bennett, minister for Crown-Indigenous affairs, said its hopeful the Senate passes the bill, which would sidestep these complex calculations. Our government is committed to working with First Nations, parliamentarians, impacted individuals and experts to ensure all gender-based discrimination is eliminated from registration under the Indian Act, wrote a spokeswoman. The Liberals and most Indigenous senators have the end-goal of ending the Indian Act, but for now its seen as one of the few tools for enforcing First Nations treaty rights. Stewart Clatworthy's demographic reports on Bill S-3 Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 09/11/2017 (1833 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. OTTAWA More than a week after raising the alarm about hundreds of fuel trucks travelling the icy highway to Thompson, the northern Manitoba citys mayor said hes still waiting for assistance from federal officials. I havent heard anything, Thompson Mayor Dennis Fenske said Wednesday. In recent weeks, Hudson Bay Railway owner Omnitrax has halved its rail service to Thompson to once a week, saying its no longer profitable to operate its line from The Pas, where the company has also laid off staff. ALEX DE VRIES-MAGNIFICO photo Glen Behl of Fluey Trading says a deal to repair the rail line could increase Chinese interest in the Port of Churchill. That has led local suppliers to opt for fuel trucks as many as 250 per month despite torturous driving conditions along Highway 6 from Winnipeg. The Omnitrax cuts appear to have started after Ottawa ratcheted up its rhetoric around the Denver-based companys refusal to repair flood-damaged sections of the rail line leading to Churchill. Federal Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr, a Winnipeg MP, said officials are keeping an eye on the situation. We are very concerned for the people of northern Manitoba, Carr said from a conference in Paris. We are working very diligently on both the short term and the long-term answers to the transportation issue. Fenske said Transport Canada told him 10 days ago it was going to review regulations on dangerous goods, to see whether there was any way to mitigate the risks posed by an increase in fuel trucks on Highway 6. In The Pas, Mayor Jim Scott said Omnitraxs locomotives are still sitting unused in the rail yard. Though the town is still served by the CN Rail tracks from Winnipeg, hes worried about local businesses that ship north, and said Ottawa hasnt reached out. It just seems ridiculous that we have a railroad, and someone owns that railroad, and theyve just walked away from it, he said. When asked about the two communities, Transport Canada instead sent a statement regarding economic problems in Churchill. The government is exploring all options toward the repair and long-term operation of the rail line, wrote spokeswoman Annie Joannette. She also said Omnitrax has not responded to an Oct. 13 legal threat, asking to repair the line by Nov. 12 or face a $18.8-million clawback of federal funds invested in 2008 to rehabilitate the rail line. Both Fenske and Scott said they believe their communities transport woes started as a result of that legal threat. A local entrepreneur said hes struggled to get any official interest on a Chinese state-owned company thats offered to fix the rail line. Glen Behl, operations manager of Fluey Trading, is behind hundreds of shipments of canola oil, fish and other Canadian products to China. He recently helped shepherd a Chinese firms attempt to get its cold-weather pothole sealant onto Winnipeg roads. However, he said he has had far less success with the feds, the province and Churchill itself. Behl said Qilu Transportation Development Group was looking in late August for infrastructure projects the company could invest in, make a profit from a decade-long levy and return to local hands. Based in Shandong province, the state-run company reportedly has a mandate to invest US$7 billion of government funds abroad. Traditionally, China loves Canada; its just a historical thing, Behl said. Sources familiar with the towns operations said Churchill has been approached by dozens of foreign companies, proposing everything from airships, pipelines and tunnels, to new types of rail tracks. Behl feels his idea is more trustworthy. Thats a head-scratcher, he said. You think youd want to call back someone from your own province. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 09/11/2017 (1833 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Author Frank MacKinnon once persuasively argued that the Governor General provides Canadians with a non-partisan figure to identify with, even when they strongly disapprove of the prime minister and government of the day. Because the Governor General is unelected, Canadians can continue to see her as a focus of loyalty in her largely symbolic role as the head of states representative. while still vigorously opposing the party in power. Opposing the government in Canada doesnt necessarily entail opposing the regime or the country. This seems like a banal point until you compare our politics with those of our southern neighbour. In the U.S., the head of state, presently U.S. President Donald Trump, is elected and deeply involved in the political battles of the day. Unlike in Canada, there is no impartial head of state for Americans to identify with when they become disenchanted with and alienated by the actions of the president. In this situation, opposition to the government can lead to dangerous opposition to the regime. Ill take the Canadian system, thank you very much. Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus recent decision to appoint Julie Payette as Governor General was, I thought, one of the most inspired and thoughtful choices ever made by a prime minister. Surely a former astronaut was well positioned to inspire near universal support from Canadians. So my jaw hit the floor last week when Payette used the occasion of a speech to dismiss religious Canadians who think there was a divine role played in the creation of humanity. In her speech, Payette expressed wonderment that we are still debating and still questioning whether life was a divine intervention or whether it was coming out of a natural process let alone, oh my goodness, a random process. Payettes exasperated mockery was met with agreeing laughter from her sympathetic audience. Who exactly was Payette making fun of? A 2011 Ekos poll found that 33 per cent of respondents thought that Canadians were either created in their present form or that there was some divine role played in the process of evolution. So, Payettes mockery was aimed at about a third of all Canadians. So much for the Governor General as a point of loyalty and pride for all Canadians. Turns out that its hard to feel loyal toward someone who mocks you and your beliefs. In a liberal democracy, we want governments to make decisions that are in accordance with the wishes of the majority, but not in such a way that the rights of minorities are violated. Elections empower governments to act on behalf of the majority, but the Charter of Rights and Freedoms limits the extent to which they can do so out of a recognition that governments can quickly tread on the rights of minorities. As citizens, the challenge can be to square this with our own beliefs and interests. Its easy to champion minority rights when our views align with theirs. Its a lot harder when their interests or beliefs diverge from ours, and even harder still when minorities seem eccentric or even alien. Thats an important point to make because, to outsiders, the most deeply held beliefs of religious Canadians may indeed seem eccentric. A lack of public support for religious minorities has meant that its traditionally been easy for governments to run roughshod over their rights. It doesnt take much effort to find examples from Canadian history. In 1919, the government banned the immigration of Mennonites into Canada in part as a result of opposition to their religious doctrine of conscientious objection. In the lead-up to the ban, newspaper editorials condemned Mennonites as draft-dodgers and shirkers, and a member of Parliament called them cattle. Public opinion seemed to support the ban. The order-in-council that banned Mennonites referred to them as undesirable, owing to their peculiar customs Conrad Stoesz, from the Mennonite Heritage Centre Archives in Winnipeg, argues that Mennonites were seen to be lacking in Canadian values. The ban was finally lifted in 1922, which allowed Mennonites who had been experiencing targeted oppression and violence following the Russian Revolution to flee to Canada. Now, its not much of a stretch to imagine the proponents of the historical bans on Mennonites expressing the same mocking incredulity about the beliefs of these religious groups as Payette expressed about people who believe in creation. And that matters in part because citizens take cues from political elites. For example: in a response to Payettes comments, a media commentator tweeted that not believing in natural selection is as ridiculous as horoscopes. The Governor General is supposed to be an impartial point of loyalty and pride for all Canadians. Instead, Payette has incited others to equate the most deeply held beliefs of religious Canadians with reading a horoscope. Truly, what a shame. Royce Koop is an associate professor and head of the department of political studies at the University of Manitoba. Opinion Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 09/11/2017 (1833 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. I have to admit, I spent much of Saturday watching on repeat the video clip of federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna in a scrum after meeting with her provincial peers. No, it wasnt because I was in awe of the Manitoba governments plans for carbon tax (Im not), but McKennas single-handed slicing and dicing of a Rebel reporter for using a sexist nickname to reference her was a sight to behold. Here we have a strong minister of the Crown, holding a reporters feet to the fire for an offensive name that is crass and does nothing to help the debate on an important topic. But the Twitterverse was also interesting last week because Globe and Mail health columnist Andre Picard said no to a manel and started another discussion about women, representation and empowerment in this post-Harvey Weinstein fall. Whats a manel? A manel is an all-male discussion panel and Picard was asked to participate on such a panel for the 2017 Trottier Public Science Symposium at the end of October at the McGill faculty of science in Montreal. When he found out it was an all-male panel, he said no and did so publicly, saying: Regretfully, Ive withdrawn from the #TrottierSymposium roundtable, because it consists of 10 men. #NoMoreManels. When I asked Picard why he took this stand he was straight up: I believe in equity; Im tired of attending, and embarrassed to participate in, panels that are non-representative of conference audiences; and because the excuse no women are available is lazy and tiresome. Reports have suggested women are under-represented on television as experts as well. To explore that further, and to find out just how many female experts our local television stations used in Winnipeg, I sat down in front of my TV with a loaded PVR and calculator in hand. Last Friday night, I counted how many times experts were used to comment and whether the expert was male or female. I didnt count victims, people who were the topic of the story such as patients in a hospital or the anchors or reporters, unless they were acting as pundits. I was interested in who the media relied on to put the story into context, to explain and provide information. Now this is hardly a scientific undertaking because it took place in just one night and it doesnt go into details such as how much time experts of each gender were allowed to speak and the order in which they appeared. But it still provided some insight. First, lets look at Winnipegs No. 1 TV newscast: CTVs News at Six, hosted by Gord Leclerc and Maralee Caruso. For the six stories in which there was an expert who commented, CTV relied on five men and four women statistically a pretty even representation. Compare this with CBCs Winnipeg at 6:00 newscast anchored by Janet Stewart. The Friday newscast used experts in seven stories, plus it had a political segment that provided an overview of the week. Overall, eight of CBCs experts were male and two were female. Perhaps it was an off night for the CBC, but the gender differences were surprising. And its one story where CTV provided a female expert and the CBC failed that was also most interesting: the lead story. On Friday, both television stations opened with the story about an Elmwood physician charged with a number of sexual assaults. While both stations interviewed the victim and the male police officer (which counted as an expert), CTV went the extra step and interviewed a female Klinic sexual assault counsellor who talked about why women would wait to report a sexual assault. That could have been an easy way for the CBC to provide a womans voice as an expert, particularly on a story in which women too often are seen as only the victims. Look, I get it. Its easy to sit on a couch watching recorded news programs or reading through lists of panel names at conferences and complain about the lack of womens representation. Its tough slogging sometimes when youre in the midst of it all, desperate to get the work done and fill the news hour and go home. But, we do need to be careful about the picture were painting for a little girl watching in the wings. That girl can hear whats being said about McKenna and then hear her stand up for herself. Or hear Picard say no to manels. Or hear a harried political science professor say broaden your scope and make women the experts. And wont that take some of the power away from Harvey Weinstein forever? Shannon Sampert is an associate professor in the department of political science at the University of Winnipeg and the director and editor in chief of Tens of thousands of people protested yesterday in Catalonia against the detention of Catalan nationalists as political prisoners by the Spanish central government after the October 1 Catalan independence referendum. The protestcalled as a strike by the small, Catalan-separatist Intersindical-CSC unionpointed to wider opposition to the suspension of Catalonias elected government by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, and Rajoys moves towards authoritarian rule. It came the day after the central government took the unprecedented step of seizing control of the finances of the capital city, Madrid, to impose more austerity by fiat. Protesters set up roadblocks in downtown Barcelona, blocked highways and high-speed train lines, and joined a large march for the freedom of Catalan nationalists Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart. Spanish police, who have received thousands of reinforcements as Rajoys Popular Party (PP) government imposed direct rule of Catalonia by invoking Article 155 of Spains 1978 Constitution, charged and assaulted protesters manning roadblocks and pickets in the city. The protest proceeded despite a torrent of attacks from politicians, Catalan business figures, and the Spanish trade union bureaucracy and the stepped-up police presence across Catalonia. The Catalan Foment del Traball business federation took legal action to try to obtain an injunction banning the strike. Nevertheless, in Barcelona, La Vanguardia reported that 40 percent of public administration personnel joined the strike, together with significant sections of university students. In the Spanish Congress in Madrid, the leader of the Citizens party, Albert Rivera, attacked the PP for not suppressing the strike, which he denounced as an act of blackmail by strikers. What are you doing so that Catalonia does not become lawless territory? he asked Treasury Minister Cristobal Montoro at a questions session, adding: What are you doing so that Catalan citizens can go to work today? The main Spanish trade unions opposed the strike and came out in barely veiled support of the PP governments drive towards authoritarian rule. The Stalinist Workers Commissions (CCOO) and social-democratic General Union of Labor (UGT) unions denounced the November 8 strike call. They published a joint communique explaining their refusal to support the strike by boasting that they are politically plural spaces independent of any political force. CCOO General Secretary Unai Sordo came out against any intervention of the working class into the political crisis in Spain, claiming that such issues cannot be brought into the sphere of labor. He denounced the strike for its extremely scant support. Echoing the language of Rajoy, CCOO General Secretary for Catalonia Javier Pacheco attacked the strike, which he called divisive and ever more opposed to our ability to live together. He added that only CCOO and UGT have legitimacy to call strikes. Protesters marching in Barcelona booed UGT General Secretary for Catalonia Camil Ros as he tried to address the crowd. The protest came amid signs of a growing radicalization of workers across Spain. Even though the unions stifled and rapidly wound down major strikes in the Spanish national port system and by Barcelona airport security workers this year, strike activity is rapidly rising in Spain. According to the Spanish Confederation of Employers Organizations (CEOE), the number of man-hours lost to strike activity this year has risen 70 percent from the same period in 2016, to 6,479,156. The number of striking workers has more than doubled, increasing 124 percent to 199,759. The Spanish trade union bureaucracy and its political allies, the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and the various Stalinist and petty-bourgeois tendencies in and around the Podemos party, have reacted to this by tacitly backing the PP, even as it invoked Article 155. They remained silent on the dictatorial implications of Madrids policyeven after army chief of staff General Fernando Alejandre declared last week that the army was planning possible military action against Catalonia. The only way forward in the struggle against the drive to authoritarian rule in Spain and across Europe is the independent political mobilization of the working class. After a decade of European Union (EU) austerity policies since the 2008 Wall Street crash, with tens of millions unemployed across Europe, there is explosive social and political anger. The only way to combat the strategy of the ruling class, which reacts with police build-ups and states of emergency across Europe, is to a revolutionary struggle of the working class for power on a socialist, internationalist program. Workers can only carry out such a struggle in revolutionary opposition to the social-democratic, Stalinist, and petty-bourgeois forces. This includes not only the forces around the PSOE and Podemos who have adapted to Rajoys policies, but the Catalan separatists, whose perspective of building an independent Catalan capitalist state oriented to the EU is bankrupt. Reflecting the interests of layers within the Catalan bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie, it serves only to divide the workers of the Iberian peninsula. Despite the significant support it obtained, yesterdays protest in Catalonia highlighted the political bankruptcy of the Intersindical-CSCs call for a general strike against Rajoy. Not only does its Catalan-nationalist appeal offer nothing to workers in the rest of Spain, in southern France and across Europe who are opposed to Rajoys onslaught, it has limited support within Catalonia itself. Industrial workers in Catalonia, among whom there is little support for Catalan separatism, did not respond to the Intersindical-CSC strike call. The PP, which runs a fragile and unpopular minority government in Madrid, is exploiting the bankruptcy of its opponents and pressing its advantage, moving to consolidate control of the state machine. In an unprecedented move Tuesday, it announced that it would exercise weekly control of finances of Podemos-backed Madrid mayor Manuela Carmena. Even though Carmena and Podemos carried out a reactionary austerity policy, imposing 2 billion in social cuts to repay the citys debts to the banks, the PP demanded more cuts. Spanish budget ministry officials insisted that budget overruns allowed their ministry to impose coercive measures on this administration. There are calls from the PP and the Citizens party to impeach and remove Carmona as mayor, as was done against Catalan regional premier Carles Puigdemont. Podemos General Secretary Pablo Iglesias reacted Tuesday with a reactionary whitewash of his partys anti-worker record in Madrid, blaming the decision on the PPs alleged opposition to parties that save money and carry out social policy. Yesterday, Madrid escalated its offensive by announcing that it is also preparing charges against the Podemos-backed mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, on sedition charges apparently related to the October 1 referendum. Such charges carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. The charges underscore that the December 21 elections in Catalonia called by Madrid under Article 155 are a reactionary fraud. Held at gunpoint, amid a massive Spanish police presence, and with threats of prison sentences for peaceful political activity hanging over many candidates, they are designed to provide a fig leaf for dictatorship and austerity imposed by the PP and the EU. By appealing yesterday to the EU for assistance in running in these elections from exile in Belgium, Puigdemont is simply doing his part to give democratic credentials to this political fraud. In Brussels, together with officials of the far-right separatist Vlaams Belang of Belgium and Northern League of Italy, he pledged to respect the outcome of the poll. Addressing EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Parliament President Antonio Tajani, he asked: Would you accept the Catalans vote or continue to support Rajoy and his coup detat? In fact, PP spokesman Rafael Hernando had made clear the day before that Madrid does not intend to respect the outcome of the December 21 vote unless it produces a defeat for the separatists. If the independence movement returns to its old ways, there will be a new 155, Hernando said. Inside the European bourgeoisie, there is no support for backing Puigdemont in a confrontation with Madrid. Berlin, London and Paris have repeatedly issued statements stressing that in Spain, they will negotiate only with Rajoy. Yesterday, the Flanders regional parliament in Belgium decisively voted down a Vlaams Belang motion to unequivocally condemn Spanish repression and ask the federal government to recognize Catalonia as an independent sovereign state. The motion received no support from outside the Vlaams Belang. Chinas feting of US president Donald Trump this week speaks volumes about the class interests being served by the regime headed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its paramount leader, Xi Jinping. Trump, a billionaire chauvinist and advocate of trade war and military confrontation with China, has been accorded the highest state honors by the corrupt representatives of the Chinese capitalist oligarchy. Yesterday, children waving American and Chinese flags greeted Trump at the Beijing airport. Along with First Lady Melanie Trump, he was driven immediately to the Forbidden City, the former palace of the Chinese emperors, for a private, guided tour with Xi and his wife, along with staged photographs and an afternoon tea. In the evening, following a banquet and a performance of Chinese opera, a child actor, swept up in the adoration of the US president, exclaimed to him, I love you! Today, Trump was accorded an open-air welcome ceremony in front of the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square, complete with a military guard of honor, the presence of dozens of the highest ranking CCP officials, and more children waving the Stars and Stripes. This official obsequiousness has been duplicated in the state-controlled media. The Global Times, which often publishes Chinese nationalist denunciations of US foreign policy, wrote in its editorial today: Trump is one of the most popular heads of state on the Chinese internet, and generally the Chinese public holds a positive attitude toward him It wasnt until his election victory that the Chinese public realized they had been cheated by the American media. Many leading US media outlets are now discredited among the Chinese public, partly because of their fake reports during the elections and subjective opposition against Trump. Chinese appreciate his directness, which is sharp contrast to Hillary Clinton, who always puts on airs He has also showed his respect for Chinas leader, publicly praising President Xi Jinping several times The Chinese publicthat is, the countrys multi-millioned working class and rural poorhas been left largely in the dark about Trumps ultimatum, delivered just hours before he arrived in Beijing, that the US will attack North Korea if it fails to dismantle its nuclear and missile programs. Preparation for war with North Korea, on the pretext that it poses a worldwide threat, has been at the forefront of Trumps 12-day tour of the Asian region. It was the key issue discussed during his visits to Japan and South Korea, and will be a main agenda item in the behind-closed-door talks in China. It will also dominate the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), which convenes in Vietnam on Friday, and the East Asia Summit (EAS), which will take place in the Philippines on Monday. The signal emanating from Beijing is that, despite its formal military alliance with North Korea, it is prepared to throw the Pyongyang regime to the wolves. The response of the Chinese foreign ministry to Trumps speech in South Korea was to declare that China was committed to realising the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and resolving the issue through dialogue and consultation. It is likely that Beijing is applying immense pressure on North Korea to bow down to US dictates and strip the Trump administration of its pretext for war. Thus far, the response from Pyongyang has been to denounce Trump as a mad dog, and call for the lunatic old man to be ousted as US president. The strategic orientation of the Chinese regime is to avoid an open clash with Washington for as long as possible, combined with concerted efforts to expand its economic and diplomatic influence at the expense of US imperialism. In what appears to be an attempt to forestall Trumps protectionist threats, Chinese conglomerates have committed, during his visit, to large-scale investments in the US and purchases of American products. According to Bloomberg sources, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross gloated yesterday to the American business heads accompanying Trump to China, that up to $250 billion in US-based projects and trade agreements could be signed. Bloomberg has reported the details of some of these deals. The state-owned Chinese Investment Corp will contract with Goldman Sachs to invest as much as $5 billion in American energy company stocks. Mobile phone corporation Xiaomi will partner with US-based Qualcomm. Sinopec, the massive state-owned Chinese energy corporation, will invest as much as $7 billion in Texas oil and gas fields. Chemical company Sinochem will partner with Alaska Gasline Development. General Electric will receive investment funds from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Other deals include Chinese online retailer JD.Com entering into contracts to purchase up to $2 billion in US beef, pork and other commodities; the US Soybean Council has been granted additional exports; US transnational Honeywell International has reportedly signed a service agreement with Spring Airlinesthe largest Chinese budget airlineand a memorandum of understanding to process ethane with Oriental Energy; Bell Helicopter and Caterpillar are receiving additional orders from Chinese companies. The underlying conflict between the US and China over hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, will nevertheless emerge sharply at APEC and the EAS. At both summits, the Trump administration, which has repudiated the planned Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trading bloc, to the dismay of its allies such as Japan and Australia, is issuing threats of trade war if Asian countries do not purchase more American exports. China, in contrast, will be offering regional states expanded trade and investment opportunities, through the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a rival bloc to the TPP, which excludes the United States. It is also seeking to draw countries into its orbit through involvement in its massive One Belt One Road projects, aimed at developing a network of energy and transport links between Asia and Europe, which likewise marginalises the US. The US is being propelled toward military confrontation with China by the struggle over dominance of resources, markets and profits. War against North Korea is viewed, in American strategic circles, as a means of both changing the balance of forces in the region, and of positioning Washington for what it views as inevitable war with China itself. Around 200 workers formerly employed to maintain Esso Australias onshore and offshore oil and gas operations in Victoria are continuing an around-the-clock protest outside the Longford gas plant in Gippsland. The demonstrations are part of an ongoing dispute that erupted after EssoExxon-Mobils Australian armawarded a five-year maintenance contract to UGL, an engineering and mining company, in February. Under the new contract, UGL will provide maintenance and other related services to Essos onshore oil- and gas-processing plants at Longford, the Long Island Point fractionation plant and Barry Beach Marine Terminal, offshore oil- and gas-producing platforms in Victorias Bass Strait and crude oil, LPG and gas pipelines. Announcing the deal, the CIMIC Group, UGLs parent company, declared, Securing this contract reflects UGLs commitment to delivering cost effective, innovative solutions which optimally maintain our clients critical asset. In May, UGL made clear what it meant by cost effective. It issued an ultimatum to workers that to keep their jobs, they would have to sign up with one of its subsidiaries, MTCT Services, under an enterprise agreement (EA) that substantially reduced wages and working conditions. MTCTs work agreement would see workers rehired as casuals, meaning they would lose a raft of permanent-employee entitlements. Pay will be slashed by between 15 and 35 percent, depending on workers trade classifications. Week-on, week-off rosters are to be replaced with fortnightly rotations, meaning workers will spend longer blocks of time away from their families. Annual leave arrangements are reduced along with a number of other allowances. The MTCT agreement, which Esso and UGL are now attempting to impose, was not negotiated with the workers concerned. It was approved by five MTCT employees in Western Australia, who are not involved in Essos oil and gas operations, and then transferred to the companys Victorian employees. The manoeuvre is fully in compliance with Fair Work industrial laws introduced by the federal Labor government in 2009, with the support of the unions. It is designed to circumvent a three-year bargaining dispute over new EAs between UGL and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), the Australia Workers Union (AWU) and the Electrical Trades Union (ETU). The unions are seeking to maintain their position as labour bargaining agencies and an industrial police force to deliver UGLs demands. They are dismayed that UGL, backed by Esso, decided in this instance to dispense with their services and move to a more direct means of imposing the cuts. The unions willingness to assist the companys cost-cutting drive was made clear in a letter written by Gippsland ETU organiser Peter Mooney to the Gippsland Times. Published in the October 24 edition, the letter confirmed that throughout the EA negotiations, the unions offered to freeze wages for a number of years and to look at other offsets to support the new contractor (UGL). Mooney pointed to the unions record in suppressing wages, noting that The UGLK offshore workforce has not had a pay rise since 2014. The attack on the UGL workers is part of a sweeping offensive by Esso to slash costs across its entire operations. Last December, around 600 workers at the companys offshore and onshore gas operations in Victoria threatened to strike indefinitely after the breakdown of two-year EA negotiations. The strike, which could have affected gas supplies across four states, was blocked by the federal Fair Work Commission (FWC) acting on a termination application by the Victorian state Labor government of Premier Daniel Andrews. Under Fair Work legislation, the FWC has the power to terminate industrial action it decides would cause significant damage to the Australian economy or part of it. This is just one of a raft of provisions that can be used to ban strikes and industrial action. The AMWU, the ETU and the AWU all hailed the strike-breaking intervention by the FWC and the Andrews government as the only way to resolve outstanding issues, including the companys regressive changes to rostering and shift arrangements, through arbitration. Any claim that FWC-enforced arbitration would ensure a favourable result for workers is a fraud. Since its creation in 2009, the FWC has repeatedly intervened in disputes to impose the dictates of the employers. Last year, for instance, rulings brought down by the commission cleared the way for mass sackings at Energy Australia in New South Wales and at Anglo-Americans German Creek coal mine in Queensland. In reality, the unions supported the FWCs termination of the Esso strike as a means of strait-jacketing workers while resuming closed door negotiations to broker a sell-out deal. As early as August last year, the AWU declared it was willing to consider one week rotation rosters, opposed by the workforce. In April, the unions pushed through a regressive enterprise agreement covering production workers. It provided for ongoing changes to shift times, based on the demands of the company, to be secured through company-union negotiations. Underscoring its pro-business character, the deal stated that this was to ensure that production and business targets are met in Essos changing and competitive business environment, i.e., through continuous cuts to workers conditions. In other words, the unions cleared the way for the current attack on maintenance workers. The unions have restricted all action to an impotent protest outside the Longford plant, which has no impact on Essos production. The unions are working to prevent any unified industrial and political action by workers across Essos operations and the entire gas and oil sector. If the company, with the assistance of the unions, is able to inflict a defeat on the UGL workers, the same type of operation will be carried out against other sections of the Esso workforce. The record shows that the UGL workers can only take forward a struggle in defence of their jobs and conditions by breaking with the corporatised unions, and establishing new organisations of struggle, including rank-and-file factory committees. Above all, what is required is a socialist program, aimed at establishing a workers government that would place the major oil and gas corporations under public ownership and workers control. The author also recommends: Australia: CIMIC Groups takeover of UGL foreshadows more job cuts [1 December 2016] Sixteen years of war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria have drained $5.6 trillion from the United States economy, according to a new study entitled Costs of War released by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University. This staggering figure, which is more than triple the estimate offered by the Pentagon itself, factors in huge costs that the US military does not include when tallying up the bills for its wars. These include medical expenses for wounded and disabled veterans, war-related spending by the Department of Homeland Security, and the increased cost of borrowing money to pay for military operations. The Costs of War report does not include spending on US military operations elsewhere in the world, including the escalating intervention in Chad, Niger and throughout the African continent, US participation in the genocidal Saudi-led war against Yemen, and special operations interventions on virtually every continent. The cost of the wars dealt with in the report is over and above the annual Pentagon budget of nearly $700 billiona level of military spending that outstrips the worlds next 10 largest military powers combined. The authors of the report readily acknowledge that the eye-popping $5.6 trillion figure does not begin to cover the immense slaughter, destruction and human misery caused by Washingtons wars. They write: Moreover, a full accounting of any wars burdens cannot be placed in columns on a ledger. From the civilians harmed and displaced by violence, to the soldiers killed and wounded, to the children who play years later on roads and fields sown with improvised explosive devices and cluster bombs, no set of numbers can convey the human toll of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or how they have spilled into the neighboring states of Syria and Pakistan, and come home to the US and its allies in the form of wounded veterans... These are, of course, ledgers that are not kept and figures that are not entered into any columns by those responsible for these wars. We dont do body counts, was the way the Gen. Tommy Franks, the US commander of the invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq put it. Credible estimates, however, have put the number of lives destroyed by the US war in Iraq alone at over one million, while another 175,000 have reportedly been killed in Afghanistan. Many millions more have been wounded and turned into homeless refugees. The trillions of dollars worth of destruction wrought by US wars that have decimated entire societies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen are not the subject of the Brown University report. It does, however, provide a sober view of the vast social wealth of the United States itself that has literally gone up in smoke as a result of American militarismresources that could have been invested in education, health care and raising the living standards of the working class. Among the steepest long-term costs not included in the Pentagon estimate of war spending are those associated with the damage inflicted on the people sent to fight these wars, who return with physical and mental problems that are woefully underestimated and underserved. The report cites a Veterans Administration report from May which states that the demand for services from veterans of the US wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan has increased by 215 percent over the past seven years. While officially the number of troops wounded in action in Iraq and Afghanistan totals 52,000over 1,700 of them suffering limb amputations and 6,500 of them severe penetrating brain injuriesthis figure vastly underestimates the real toll. More one million veterans of these wars are receiving disability payments, with roughly 875,000 of them classified as 30 percent or more disabled. Fully 327,000 of these veterans had been diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury as of August of this year, while roughly one third of those returning from the wars have been diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or other mental health issues. Reflected in these wars, both in the criminality with which they were initiated and fought, and in the way they were funded, are the financial parasitism and socially destructive forms of speculation that pervade the workings of American capitalism. The $5.6 trillion figure given by the Brown study as the cost of US wars is almost exactly the equivalent of the US national debt in 2001, on the eve of Washingtons launching of its global war on terror. In the intervening 16 years, that debt has more than quadrupled, attributable in no small part to the ever-growing cascade of military spending. In an attempt to quell popular opposition to US militarism, successive administrations and Congress have avoided any taxation to pay for the wars, which are fought using all volunteer armed forces, consisting in large part of economic conscripts, and with borrowed cash. Instead of including them in the Pentagons budget, the wars are classified as Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO), treated as unforeseeable emergencies after more than a decade-and-a-half of continuous combat. The price of keeping these military operations off the books is a steady rise in the US national debt, whose full weight will be imposed on the backs of the working class through a redoubled attack on living standards and social rights. According to the report: Future interest costs for overseas contingency operations spending alone are projected to add more than $1 trillion to national debt by 2023. By 2056, a conservative estimate is that interest costs will be about $8 trillion. The American oligarchy rakes in billions in profits from the business of war. The Brown University report came out at the same time that Donald Trump was in Asia combining war threats against North Korea with the hustling of arms sales in behalf of US military contractors. Among the retinue of more than two dozen corporate heads accompanying the president were the CEOs of such defense industry giants as Boeing and Bell Helicopter, Textron. The wars have been initiated and continued by Democratic and Republican administrations alike. Both parties in Congress have maintained this method of funding them, while voting in lock-step for whatever gargantuan budget the Pentagon demands. Meanwhile, there is the continuous refrain that there is no money for health care, public education, infrastructure and Social Security. The victims of so-called natural disasters such as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Mariawhose toll in terms of human suffering is the product of pre-existing conditions stemming from spending cuts, neglect of infrastructure and mass povertyare left to fend for themselves. Nearly 60 percent of Puerto Ricos 3.5 million people are still without power six weeks after Hurricane Maria struck, and 20 percent lack access to safe running water. The nearly $6 trillion squandered by Washington on its wars of aggression over the past 16 years is also roughly equal to the combined wealth of the worlds billionaires, almost half of which is concentrated within the US. The threat of Washingtons multiple military interventions coalescing into a nuclear third world war is driven by this immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a parasitic oligarchy, which relies on militarism abroad and increasing repression at home to defend its power and privileges. Only the working class can answer these threats through the mobilization of its independent strength, independently of the Republicans and the Democrats and in opposition to the capitalist system and its state. The demand must be raised for the dismantling of the vast US military and intelligence apparatus and the redirection of the trillions wasted on slaughter and destruction to meet the social needs of working people in the US and internationally. This must be coupled with a redistribution of the wealth of the super-rich to solve the pressing problems of housing, education, health care and infrastructure, and the placing of the banks and corporations under public ownership to serve human needs rather than the demand for profit. Several thousand planned job cuts by Siemens Group will hit the companys sectorsPower Generation, Oil and Gas (PG) and Process Industry and Power (PD)as well as its subsidiary, Siemens Gamesa, which manufactures wind turbines. On October 19 Manager Magazin, citing corporate circles, reported extensive plans for job cuts at PG involving the closure or selling off of eleven of 23 plants worldwide. PG has a total global workforce of 30,000 including 12,000 in Germany. When one includes the organizationally independent service sector, then the PG dependent workforce totals 14,200 employees. Some 2,200 jobs have already been lost following the end of a program launched at the end of 2014 and now another 3,000 to 4,000 jobs are due to go. In the PD sector the workforce is currently been trimmed down by 2,500 jobs, including 1,700 in Germany. Now, according to press reports more jobs are at risk due to the companys weak order books in the oil and gas industry. This week Siemens Gamesa announced the slashing of up to 6,000 jobs in 24 countries. In the next three years, one in five of the sectors 26,000 employees are expected to lose their jobs. The company was formed just in April by the merger of the wind energy business of Siemens with its Spanish competitor Gamesa. Siemens holds a stake of 59 percent and the second largest shareholder is the Spanish energy utility, Iberdrola. Since the merger, sales have plummeted by 12 percent. The savings plans at PG affects all sites in Germany, including Gorlitz (Saxony), where currently a total of 800 employees build small steam turbines, Erfurt (generators, 500 employees), Mulheim an der Ruhr (steam turbines and generators, over 4,000 employees), Berlin (dynamos, 3,700 employees), Erlangen (sales, engineering and project management, 2,300 employees), Duisburg (compressors, 1,800 employees) and Offenbach (sales and project management, 600 employees). Although Siemens itself has not yet issued concrete numbers, the job cuts have been confirmed indirectly. On 3 November, Siemens head of personnel Janina Kugel told the news agency dpa that massive changes were imminent. Kugel reported that the market for large gas turbines had shrunk by 40 percent and steam turbines had fallen by 70 percent and she could not rule out redundancies. One tries to find socially compatible solutions, she declared, but one must also honestly state that this will not be possible for everyone everywhere. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung commented, The company wants to break two taboos: plant closures and redundancies. There have been no such comparable major cuts in the past few decades in the company despite frequent restructuring. More detailed information about Siemens plans is expected from CEO Joe Kaeser at the companys annual press conference in Munich on Thursday 9 November. In mid-November, representatives of the works council and IG Metall are to be officially informed about the companys plans. The background of the redundancy plans in the Power & Gas division is the slump in the market for large gas-fired power plants and expensive gas turbines due to the increase in renewable energy sources. Siemens is still sitting on an order backlog of nearly 40 billion euros, not least thanks to a major Egyptian contract, struck by CEO Kaeser in 2015 with the Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah al-Sissi. At the same time orders are falling rapidly across the globe. In 2011 more than 250 gas turbines with a capacity of more than 100 megawatts were sold worldwide, compared to 120 this year. Siemens major international competitors, General Electric and Mitsubishi, are also bidding for the same contracts. Siemens also bought the US oil and gas supplier Dresser-Rand for a record $ 7.8 billion in 2014. Shortly afterwards oil prices collapsed and the purchase proved to be a loss-maker. Now the Siemens workforce has to pay the price. The IG Metall trade union and its works councils, which have collaborated closely with Siemens management on all previous rounds of austerity, are now preparing to neutralise and suppress any opposition to the latest job cuts. The union is adhering to its usual policyfirstly expressing its surprise and indignation, and then organising a few harmless protests while its prepares a sell-out behind closed doors. We find it intolerable that once again thousands of employees are made so insecure in this way, commented IG Metall, after Manager Magazin reported the Siemens plans on 19 October. In the Augsburger Allgemeine IG Metall board member Jurgen Kerner, who also sits on the supervisory board of Siemens, criticized the fact that the workforce first learnt of the job cuts through the media. He expects the company executive to pay heed to employees and explain why there is a need for new action. In fact, Kerner had been informed of the plans long before the media reports. This was confirmed by Siemens CEO Kaeser in a letter to the federal Economics Minister Brigitte Zypries (SPD), in which he denied claims that the representatives of the union and works councils had not been informed in advance. Initial discussions with the employee representatives had already started over a year ago and continued in May, Kaeser wrote. On 25 October, the IG Metall shop stewards organised so-called five to twelve protest actions in front of several Siemens factories aimed at emphasising the merits of the individual plant, i.e., that one plant was more competitive and profitable than all others and therefore should not be closed. The action was supported by local and state politicians. One day later, on October 26, union representatives left a meeting of the Siemens Economic Committee claiming that they had not been given adequate information. In particular, they were upset that Siemens had violated the Radolfzell Agreement reached in 2008. In the agreement IG Metall and Siemens had agreed to refrain from plant closures and compulsory redundancies. Instead jobs were to be shed in a socially acceptable manner. In a leaflet of October 24, the union leaders bitterly complained that their close cooperation with the management in the destruction of thousands of jobs was not being sufficiently recognised: In the areas of PG and PD in the years 2015 and 2016, far-reaching reorganisation began and is still ongoing. In both cases, employees have made significant sacrifices to ensure the future of their factories. Personnel boss Kugel, however, declared that Radolfzell Agreement remained in force and that she foresaw close cooperation with union representatives when economic conditions necessitated redundancies and plant closures. We want to maintain good dialogue, she said. We also expect unions to undertake the turn around with us. On Tuesday, Manager Magazin reported that Siemens management wanted to reach out to employees. It cited a high-ranking manager as follows: Maybe you have to give up a percentage point margin, if you can then give people a perspective. Apparently, Siemens is considering relocating some jobs in plants located in structurally weak regions, such as Gorlitz in Saxony, to avoid closures. In return, major locations such as Berlin, Mulheim or Erlangen would have to make more sacrifices commented the Wirtschaftswoche. This form of solidarity will undoubtedly win support in trade union circles. It serves exclusively to play off individual plants against each other and prevent a joint struggle to defend all jobs. The perspective of the union is thoroughly nationalistic and reactionary. It translates the slogan of US President Trump, America first, into Germany first. On October 21, the works councils and representatives of many Siemens plants met in the Frankfurt headquarters of the IG Metall and adopted a statement, Future for Germany as an industrial location. It appeals to the executive to work together with union representatives to develop a long-term strategy for Germany. This nationalist orientation divides Siemens workers from their colleagues in other countries and subordinates them entirely to the profit interests of company shareholders. Using the same nationalist rhetoric, IG Metall supported the recent merger of Siemens rail technology division with the French Alstom groupa fusion which also endangers numerous jobs. IG Metall executive member Kerner demanded the active support of the German government in waging international trade war: In Europe we need a potential mobility group vis-a-vis growing Asian competition. He continued: France has an industrial policy geared to national job interests. It should be the same in Germany. But our state railway has opened an office in China and wants to buy trains there. In their function as handsomely paid co-managers, IG Metall officials and its works councils are working to ensure that the attacks on workers jobs and conditions are carried out as smoothly as possible. The chair of the joint works council and deputy chairman of the supervisory board of Siemens, Birgit Steinborn, is one of the ten highest paid supervisory board members in Germany. For her work on the company supervisory board she receives 463,500 euros from Siemens annually. Workers must break with trade unions and works councils and build their own independent rank and file committees. The defence of jobs requires an international socialist perspective, which unites workers at all plants in all countries and places workers interests above shareholder profit. A new study, published in the journal Science (Loci associated with skin pigmentation identified in African populations, 12 October 2017), elucidates the genetic mechanisms controlling human skin color and demonstrates that racial conceptions regarding skin color and its supposed marking of distinct groupings of human beings have no scientific foundation. The traditional view has been that early humans had dark skin as an evolutionary adaptation to protect themselves from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the harsh African sun. As humans spread to other continents and higher latitudes, where solar input was less intense, lighter skin developed to permit greater production of vitamin D, an essential nutrient, which is produced in the skin using sunlight. However, the actual geographic distribution of populations with varying skin tones does not neatly fit this simple scenario. The new research, while not denying this mechanism, reveals a much more complicated picture. Until recently, while the basic factor leading to variation in skin tone due to differing concentrations and kinds of the pigment melanin was known, there was very little understanding of the biological basis of how an individuals skin color was determined, and most of that was based on studies of European populations, providing only a very narrow view of the total range of variation. As the birthplace of humanity, Africa has the most diverse human gene pool (populations there having had the longest time for genetic variation to develop) and is, therefore, likely to provide useful data on genetic variation, including that influencing skin color. The data used in the new research, conducted by a team of nearly 50 co-authors from more than a dozen different institutions in the US and several African countries, was derived from a study of 2,092 volunteers in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Botswana, of diverse ethnic and genetic backgrounds. Their skin color was measured and the genomes of 1,570 people were analyzed in detail. This resulted in the identification of six genetic regions (genes) that are, in combination, significantly associated with determination of an individuals skin color, collectively accounting for 29 percent of the observed variation. Each of the gene loci has variants (alleles) associated with different skin tones, ranging from relatively lighter to darker. The results were then compared with existing genetic data from West African, Eurasian, and Australo-Melanesian populations. The fact that 71 percent of the variation is unaccounted for by the genes identified so far strongly suggests that the genetic determination of skin color is even more complicated than the current research has disclosed. Significantly, most of the variants, for both light and dark skin, were found to have originated in Africa. It is also important to note that the identified genes are located on several different chromosomes, indicating that their transmission is not closely linked in reproduction. The actions of the various genes were tested by introducing them into lab mice and zebrafish, and observing the results. The finding that skin color is controlled by multiple genes, each with a range of variants, demonstrates conclusively that any individuals coloration is the result of a complex mix of multiple factors, dialectically interacting with each other. Each persons exterior appearance (phenotype) is the expression of a balance resulting from the combination of this genetic color palate (genotype). Furthermore, this may not simply be an additive process. As with so many other biological characteristics, some gene variants, singly or in combination, may be dominant in their expression over others, known as recessive, making the outcome even more complex. In addition to clarifying the genetic mechanisms controlling skin color, the analysis also provides insights into the evolutionary history of these mechanisms. According to the study, at least some of the variants are quite old, having evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago. With regard to variants associated with lighter skin color, seven are at least 270,000 years old and four are over 900,000 years old. One of the latter is found both in Europeans and San hunter-gathers of Botswana. Among the significant implications of this finding is that these variants either coincide with or substantially predate the appearance of modern humans, which occurred 200,000 to 300,000 years ago. In other words, a complex variation in skin color has been part of human evolution for a very long time. Another finding is that at least some skin color genes have changed significantly over time. Three of the variants that produce the darkest skin appear to have evolved from lighter color versions. Another variant, which originated relatively recently among people in Europe and the Middle East, has spread into Africa, possibly in association with migrations of early agriculturalists. It is likely that the wide range of skin color variation originally evolved as small early human populations adapted to a myriad of local environments, influenced by many different selective factors. Subsequent population movements, spanning hundreds of thousands of years, including interbreeding between modern humans, Neanderthals and perhaps other local populations, mixed and remixed the genetic pool, creating an array of physical characters that often were only partly reflective of the environmental settings where they wound up. As one of the studys authors, Sarah Tishkoff, points out, chimpanzees, our closest living evolutionary relatives, are light-skinned below their body hair. So, it is likely that early hominins were similarly light-colored and that darker skin developed later, once they moved from forested areas onto the savannah. The multiplicity of genetic controls over skin color means that there are no fixed categories based on this essentially superficial characteristic. The myriad array of skin tones that currently exists across the globe merely reflects a moment in the constantly changing variation that has typified human evolution over millions of years. As with numerous other scientific studies, this latest research confirms, yet again, that the concept of race among humans is a social construct without any objective biological basis. Those who view skin color as a marker of distinct racial groupings, associated with other characteristics such as intelligence, choose, consciously or unconsciously, to ignore the vast range of variation that exists among contemporary humans. The study published in Science demonstrates forcefully that the genetic control over the color of a persons skin is extremely complex and, therefore, not susceptible to simplistic classification. That is not to say, however, that racism has no objective basis, although it is social and not biological. In capitalist society, racial, ethnic, religious, and linguistic distinctions have been and continue to be a weapon in the hands of the ruling class to keep workers divided in the face of class-based oppression. The author also recommends: The anti-scientific character of race as a concept [3 August 2016] New Zealands Labour Party Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern visited neighbouring Australia on November 5. It was her first overseas visit since Labours coalition government with the Greens and the right-wing NZ First Party was officially sworn into office on October 25. Ardern and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull emphasised that the change of government in New Zealand, after nine years of conservative National Party rule, would not alter the close relationship between the two countries, above all their military alliance. Turnbull told the media the fact the two leaders came from different political traditions was irrelevant. Arderns warm discussion with Turnbull was particularly significant because Canberra has established itself as one of Washingtons most strident allies. It has supported the US encirclement of China, as well as President Donald Trumps threats of war against North Korea. The visit further confirms that the Labour-NZ First-Green government represents a shift toward more open support for US warmongering. The anti-Asian populist NZ First Party decided to form a coalition with Labour, rather than National, following extraordinary public comments by US ambassador Scott Brown, who criticised the National governments hesitancy to fully endorse the US drive to war. The Labour-led government is already seeking to whip up anti-Chinese xenophobia, nationalism and militarism. NZ First, backed by much of the media, has demanded an inquiry into Chinese influence in New Zealand politics, similar to what Australias intelligence agency ASIO has advocated. Turnbull opened a joint press conference by glorifying the two countries shared military history. He declared: Weve been partners in freedoms cause for ever. We saw in Israel just a few days ago the commemorations of the Battle of Bersheeba, the way in which Anzacs [Australian and New Zealand forces] fought in freedoms cause there, bringing to an end the Ottoman domination of the Middle East. The bloody World War I campaign, in which tens of thousands of Australian and New Zealand soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Ottoman forces died, had nothing to do with freedom. It was part of the effort to cement British imperialist rule over the Middle East. Turnbull praised the Australian and NZ forces currently in Iraq as part of the US-led war to dominate the region. Ardern has committed to keeping more than 100 New Zealand soldiers there for at least another year. Turnbull said he and Ardern reconfirmed our commitment to ensuring the North Korean regime ... stops its reckless and illegal destabilisation and threats of nuclear war. In reality, it is Washington that is threatening nuclear war. Ardern made no criticism of the Australian governments embrace of Trumps threats to totally destroy North Korea with fire and fury like the world has never seen. During the New Zealand election campaign, the danger of war was barely discussed and Ardern refused to say whether Labour would support a US attack on North Korea. Her posture alongside Turnbull, and her commitments to New Zealands military relations with the United States, leave little doubt about that. Media coverage of Arderns visit focused on New Zealands standing offer to resettle 150 refugees from Australias detention centres on Nauru and Papua New Guineas Manus Island. The Australian governments brutal treatment of asylum seekers on Manus Island provoked significant protests over the weekend. Arderns attempt to project a humanitarian concern for refugees fell flat. She made clear that her government supports Australias flagrant violation of legal and democratic rights through its border protection regime. Ardern raised no objection to Turnbulls preposterous claim that Australia was a very generous nation when it comes to refugees. Instead, she defended Canberra, telling Radio NZ: New Zealand is not in this situation. We are not having to deal with boat people making it to New Zealand. After Turnbull rejected New Zealands offer, Ardern ruled out bypassing Australia to take refugees directly from Papua New Guinea. She said: I absolutely understand the priority being placed around the agreement with the United States. The Obama administration agreed with Canberra to resettle some refugees in the US, subject to extreme vetting. One year later, only about 50 have been accepted. A New Zealand Herald editorial praised Arderns stance, stating: While it is easy to sympathise with people so desperate to escape poverty and perhaps personal danger, it is not as easy to suggest solutions that would not compromise Australias immigration control. The Green Party, a partner in the Labour-led government, made no criticism of Arderns support for Australias anti-refugee policies. As recently as October 30, Green MP Golriz Gharhraman hypocritically denounced the former National government for being complicit by its silence in one of the worst human rights violations... indefinite detention which is defined as torture in international law. Self-styled left columnists, such as Bryce Edwards and Chris Trotter, lamented Arderns capitulation to the Turnbull government. This undermines the progressive image they sought to cultivate for Labour during the election campaign. Trotter nevertheless defended Ardern on the Daily Blog, asking rhetorically, what, realistically, could she have done? Successive governments, led by Labour and National, have been complicit in Australias border protection regime. In 2013, the National government signed an agreement with Australias Greens-backed Labor government for asylum seekers intercepted while trying to reach New Zealand to be taken to Australias detention centres. Labour has promised to gradually increase New Zealands tiny annual intake of refugees, but only from 750 to 1,500 by 2020. Ardern emphasised that any refugees taken from Nauru and Manus Island would be taken out of this quota. In June, the United Nations refugee agency reported that the number of people displaced by war and persecution throughout the world almost doubled from 33.9 million in 1997 to 65.6 million in 2016, the highest number ever recorded. The Ardern government intends to cut immigration by as much as 40 percent, or 30,000 people per year. For years Labour and NZ First have waged a nationalist campaign to scapegoat immigrants, especially Chinese people, for the housing crisis, low wages and underfunded public services. The chauvinist campaign has dovetailed with a push for more open alignment with Washington against China. In line with the global trend of governments stoking nationalism, the once relatively free movement across the Tasman Sea has been restricted. Since 2001, New Zealanders living in Australia have lost access to welfare services and the path to Australian citizenship has become more difficult. Now the Turnbull government is threatening to dramatically increase university fees for New Zealand students. Ardern responded with a threat to increase fees for Australians studying in New Zealand. Arderns visit to Australia underscores the fraud perpetrated by Labours liberal and middle class pseudo-left supporters, who hailed the new government as an emissary of hope and change. This layer is politically complicit in the Labour-NZ First-Green coalitions right-wing policies, including its attacks on immigrants and the boosting of the military in preparation for war. The author also recommends: New Zealand government complicit in Australias persecution of refugees [19 June 2015] New Zealand political leaders feign sympathy for refugees [9 September 2015] Defend the rights of New Zealanders in Australia! Support the Socialist Equality Party! [11 August 2016] President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump attend the closing ceremony of the US-China Business Exchange in Beijing on Thursday. The two presidents delivered speeches at the event. WU ZHIYI/CHINA DAILY China's oil major China Petroleum and Chemical Corp, Bank of China and CIC Capital Corp have agreed to help develop Alaska's liquefied natural gas sector by providing assistance to building a pipeline project. The three State-owned companies signed a joint development agreement with Alaska Gasoline Development Corp and the State of Alaska on Thursday to jointly build an integrated LNG system including a long-distance gas pipeline connecting a gas treatment plant at the North Slope of Alaska with a liquefaction plant in Nikiski Bay in south-central Alaska. The system, rated at 20 million metric tons a year of production, would include other interconnecting facilities. Sinopec said it will participate in later commercial discussions on the Alaska LNG project to contribute to China-US energy cooperation. The agreement was signed on Thursday in Beijing during US President Donald Trump's state visit to China. Xiao Lian, director of the Center for US Economic Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Sino-US energy cooperation will be a win-win for the world's two largest economies. "It will create employment for the US while ensuring a long-term oil and gas supply for China, while having a significant role in global oil and gas stability," he said. "With more players on the global oil and gas market, the sector will be no more monopolized by a few players, which plays a significant role in price stabilization and energy security." While China is the world's largest oil and gas importer, the United States is expected to become one of the top oil and gas exporters with its increasing exploration of shale oil and shale gas, he said. Li Li, an energy research director at ICIS China, a consulting company that provides energy market analysis, said the US is expected to become a major export hub of liquefied natural gas. The US already has energy cooperation with South Korea and Japan, and it is believed the cooperation will soon extend to China, the biggest potential market for natural gas, she said. Platts Analytics forecasts that China will surpass South Korea to become the world's second-largest LNG importer next year. While South Korean LNG demand is expected to remain under 40 million tons in 2018, Chinese LNG imports are expected to continue to grow aggressively, reaching nearly 50 million tons in 2018. Chance the Rapper often shouts out his native Chicago in his music (You cannot mess with the light/ look at little Chano from 79th, he famously rapped in fellow Chicagoan Kanye Wests Ultralight Beam), but he doesnt limit his Windy City advocacy to song form. On Wednesday, Chance (real name Chancellor Bennett) showed up unannounced to Chicagos City Hall for a city council meeting, arguing that the assembled aldermen should vote against Mayor Rahm Emanuels proposal for a new $95 million police academy. Chance said the city government should instead invest such funds in Chicago Public Schools. My name is Chance the Rapper. Im here representing the city of Chicago: The students, principals, parents, and teachers of Chicago, Chance began. I think you guys are familiar with the work that Ive been doing. Were doing a lot of work with Orr Academy, which is just down the street from where this proposed police academy is gonna be at. This school, with just $100,000 in 3 years, is about to make some transformative changes. Itd be awesome, though, if we could get pools at their school, or a new library, or a museum, or any of the things that are proposed in the budget for this $95 million cop academy There are a lot of different services that need to be funded. Obviously schooling is my big thing, but there are a lot of ways to transform the city without policing. This is not the first time Chance has publicly advocated on behalf of CPS. Back in March, Chance even met with Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner amid a high-stakes budget negotiation to convince him not to withhold funding from Chicagos schools. When that didnt work, he personally donated $1 million to CPS, and called for others to follow suit. The difficulty of that struggle influenced his stance on the proposed training facility, as he made clear on Wednesday. What are we doing? Ive been asking for money for over a year now to fund these classrooms, Chance told the aldermen. But on the Fourth of July weekend, they announced theyre proposing a $95 million cop academy. What is yall doing? It doesnt make sense, and Im very confused. You guys have a lot of power here, and thats the reason why I showed up at 8 am. I feel like, maybe if you guys hear me say it Story continues When Chance showed up to City Hall on Wednesday, he was joining a crowd of protestors who had already gathered. Unfortunately, their efforts did not make much of a difference, at least on Wednesdays vote. The city council overwhelmingly voted to acquire land for the proposed academy, with only Alderman Carlos Rosa voting against. A set back for now, but theres a grassroots army rising up to break every chain, end racist policing, and put working and poor Chicagoans of all backgrounds first, Rosa tweeted after the vote. There will be other votes and this is just the beginning. A set back for now, but there's a grassroots army rising up to break every chain, end racist policing, and put working and poor Chicagoans of all backgrounds FIRST. There will be other votes and this is just the beginning. Ald. Carlos Rosa???? (@CDRosa) November 8, 2017 City Council aldermen voted to approve $10 million in spending to buy land for the mayors new state of the art police training facility Lil Chano From 79th (@chancetherapper) November 8, 2017 #BREAKING Former Boston TV anchor Heather Unruh says Kevin Spacey sexually abused her son in 2016. WPEC CBS12 News (@CBS12) November 8, 2017 Since October, when actor Anthony Rapp claimed Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted him when he was a minor, the once-celebrated Hollywood star has found himself seemingly cut off. Netflix and House of Cards have cut ties with him, his scheduled appearances at various events have been canceled, and additional alleged victims have come forward with their stories. If all of this werent enough in and of itself, however, Spacey found himself accused of sexually assaulting the teenage son of a former Boston-area TV journalist during a press conference on Wednesday. Im here not as a journalist today, but as a mom, Heather Unruh tearfully told reporters. In July 2016, actor Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted my son. It happened late [at] night inside the Club Car restaurant and bar on Nantucket island. The victim my son was a starstruck, straight 18-year-old young man who had no idea that the famous actor was an alleged sexual predator. Or that he was about to become his next victim. Her son, whose name was not given during the press conference, filed a police report last week. Former TV news anchor Heather Unruh delivers message to Kevin Spacey, who she alleges sexually assaulted her son. NBC Boston (@nbcboston) November 8, 2017 Kevin Spacey bought him drink, after drink, after drink, and when my son was drunk, Spacey made his move and sexually assaulted him, Unruh continued. She then praised an unknown witness who, after seeing what was happening between the actor and the young man, encouraged the latter to leave the restaurant. I dont know how much she saw. I dont know if she saw Kevin Spacey put his hand in my sons pants. That much I dont know, Unruh said while pleading with the witness to come forward. What I do know is that she saw my son was very shaken. As for Spacey himself, Unruh referenced his initial response to Rapps accusations, which were vilified on social media and elsewhere. Shame on you for what you did to my son, and shame on you for using your apology for Anthony Rapp to come out as a gay man, she said. That was an appalling attempt to turn attention away from what you actually are: a sexual predator. (Via WCVB and NBC Boston) Actress Kristina Cohen says she was raped three years ago by former Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick, who has denied the allegation. Cohen posted the claims yesterday on Facebook, and her manager who did not know about the allegations until contacted by Deadline last night later confirmed it was Cohen who authored the post. Westwick today vehemently denied Cohens allegation. I do not know this woman, the England-born actor tweeted. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape. Cohen, who says she remained silent until now out of fear of reprisal, wrote that a producer she was dating three years ago took her to Westwicks home, where the actor allegedly suggested that they all have sex together. She says she declined the offer and wanted to leave, but her boyfriend, not wanting to make their host feel awkward, asked her to stay just a little while longer, and Westwick suggested she take a nap in the actors guest bedroom. She agreed and soon fell asleep, but awoke, she says, with Westwick on top of her. The producer, whom she did not identify, reportedly now lives in Australia, and Cohens publicist said the only person she told of the rape her mother since has died of cancer. Even now, I grapple with feelings of guilt, she wrote on Facebook (see the full post below). Unfounded worry that in some way I was to blame. I dont know where these feelings come from. Social conditioning that everything is always the womans fault? That a mans inability to keep himself off of our bodies is somehow because of us, not him? Ive grown considerably in the three years since my assault, so to revisit is painful. To dig in and relive this night in order to accurately share the events, feels like a continued violation. My stomach is in knots, scared as hell to share this publicly, as even fully reconciling with myself has been a tough process. Story continues Heres her full post: Related stories LAPD Investigating Rape Allegations Against Ed Westwick 'Snatch' Crime Comedy Gives Nod To Guy Ritchie Movie - TCA 'Wicked City' Review: ABC's Sunset Strip Crime Anthology Not Bad At All The fallout from the allegations swirling around Kevin Spacey continues: CBS is cutting the actors appearance from an upcoming Carol Burnett Show anniversary special, according to our sister site Variety. RELATEDHouse of Cards: Kevin Spacey Fired In the special celebrating the 50th anniversary of the beloved variety show, taped last month in Los Angeles and set to air on Dec. 3, Spacey performed a musical number with Carol Burnett, Kristin Chenoweth and Bernadette Peters. Spacey will no longer be featured at all in the special, though parts of that musical number may still make it to air. Spacey was fired from his Netflix series House of Cards last week in response to multiple allegations of sexual harassment and assault directed at the actor, including several from House of Cards crew members. The Emmy-winning drama is reportedly planning to write out Spaceys character, former President Frank Underwood, for its sixth and final season. RELATEDKevin Spacey Created Toxic House of Cards Environment Through Sexual Assault/Harassment, Staffers Allege NBCs This Is Us even had to change its plans due to the Spacey scandal: A mention of the actor was removed from last Tuesdays episode in light of recent events. Related stories Young Sheldon Recap: Trip to the ER Foreshadows a Family Tragedy Stranger Things Cast Form Motown Group With James Corden -- Watch Young Sheldon First Look: Annie Potts' Meemaw Makes Her Debut Getty Image Following an intense month of allegations of sexual assault, harassment and rape made against Harvey Weinstein, and the more recent claims levied against Kevin Spacey, Corey Feldman entered the fray with his own accustations on Megyn Kelly Today. Somebody tried to kill me the other day. Ive been arrested. This is no joke, he claimed, saying he feared his life was in danger because of his forthcoming documentary about Hollywoods pedophilia ring. Whether or not the actor turned musicians story about being nearly killed by two speeding trucks on a highway proves true, the Los Angeles Police Department is investigating. According to BuzzFeed News, Feldman took his first official action by filing a report with the LAPD earlier this week. On Tuesday, the department confirmed Feldman had filed a report with them, and that they were investigating the Goonies actors claims, though no details were given regarding the reports specific contents. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, LAPD detective Ross Nemeroff confirmed they were investigating Feldmans child sexual abuse accusations: When a report is filed on something as severe as this, an investigation is opened by the robbery/homicide division (which also handles sex crimes). Related Links: (Via BuzzFeed News and The Hollywood Reporter) A 34-year-old man has been arrested in Illinois on murder charges out of Pennsylvania, where he is accused of snapping the neck of a woman who did not accept his marriage proposal, PEOPLE confirms. Christopher Tucker, of Albany Township in Pennsylvania, has been charged with murder and criminal homicide for allegedly killing Tara Serino, 19, on Halloween night. Authorities describe the two as friends, according to court documents obtained by PEOPLE but police believe that didnt stop Tucker from popping the question last month inside his home. When Serino declined, Tucker allegedly lost it, grabbing the young woman by the neck and strangling her until her spine popped. Court papers further claim that Tucker poked the womans eyes out and used a hatchet to then pummel her body. He is also accused of using a 25-lb. weight plate in the brutal slaying. Tara Serino Once he believed her to be dead, Tucker allegedly wrapped Serino in a rug and fled to Illinois, where he was picked up by officers from the Urbana Police Department. Under interrogation, Tucker allegedly told Urbana investigators that after rejecting his proposal, Serino told him she was sleeping with other men and said that he should just kill her, court records show. Tuckers alleged account of the killing was consistent with Serinos injuries, the court documents state. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Christopher Tucker In addition to homicide and murder, Tucker also faces two counts each of aggravated assault and possession of an instrument of crime. He remains in the custody of the Champaign County Sheriffs Office in Illinois. He will soon be extradited to Pennsylvania where he will face a judge. It was unclear Wednesday if Tucker has a legal representative who could comment on his behalf. He has not entered a plea. Efforts to reach Serinos family were unsuccessful. Story continues The Allentown Morning Call reports that Tucker was arrested for allegedly driving drunk just days before the killing after being pulled over for speeding in Pennsylvanias Indiana County. According to the paper, he was also charged with several traffic offenses and for allegedly possessing both marijuana and another controlled substance. He was released from jail the next day, after posting bail. The disposition of those charges was not immediately clear. Crystal Holcombe, a devoted mother who was reportedly eight months pregnant with her sixth child, had high hopes for her familys future when she went to church on Sunday at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Widowed and left with five children in 2011, Crystal, 36, had met John Holcombe at the church, where he taught Sunday school and managed the audio system. They married in 2012. United in their faith and love of family, they forged a happy new life together. It was about to become even richer because they were expecting their first child together next month. All that ended on Sunday, when Crystal, three of her five children Greg, Emily and Megan and her unborn baby were among the 26 worshippers fatally shot in a massacre at the very church that had brought them together. John married [Crystal,] a widow with 5 children, took them as his own family friend L. David Givler wrote online. Now, as he and Crystal were preparing to have their first together, this horrific murder took his wife and unborn child. Crystal Holcombe Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Twenty other worshippers were wounded when a lone gunman, identified as former Air Force member 26-year-old Devin Kelley, began firing from outside the tiny church before entering its doors and spraying terrified families, children and a baby with gunfire. Four other members of the Holcombe family died in the worst shooting in the states modern history: Johns father, Bryan Holcombe, the churchs associate pastor, his mother, Karla, his brother Marc and his toddler, Noah, who was 17 months old. The Holcombe family People are distraught, Tambria Read, a high school teacher and longtime Sutherland Springs resident, tells PEOPLE. We have lots friends. Our friends have lost family members and community members. That church was so accepting of everybody. Story continues Johns grandfather, Joe Holcombe, tells PEOPLE that his grandson is in good health physically but is not well emotionally. Crystal was wonderful, Joe says. She was a beautiful, devoted mother, and she homeschooled all of her children. A Wholesome Lady and an Amazing Mother No stranger to tragedy, Crystal had finally found happiness with John, say family friends. In April 2011, her husband of 12 years, Peter Hill, died of a heart attack at age 30, leaving her a young widow with five small children. When she married Peter, he knew he had heart trouble, says Read. It got worse over his lifetime. I think she knew he wasnt going to live as long as she would. Leaning on her faith, she attended church with her children at the First Baptist Church, where residents of the tiny town often gathered for church services and family-centric events, such as socials, holiday parties and picnics. It was at church where she met John, an incredibly good guy, as his friend Givler, described him in an online post. He always has a smile on his face, says Read. The Holcombe family John and Crystal were well-matched, say friends and family. Like John, who teaches Sunday school and runs the audio for church services, Crystals faith was everything to her, says Read. She had very strong Christian beliefs, she says. PEOPLEs special edition True Crime Stories: 35 Real Cases That Inspired the Show Law & Order is on sale now. She was known for being traditional and old-fashioned, as one friend described her online. Read describes her as a very wholesome lady and an amazing mother. She was full of spunk and wanted to raise very smart children. Crystal worked in the home and took pride in homeschooling her children. She was homeschooled and that is what she wanted to do, says Read. John, says Read, is a good provider and a loving stepfather. As John prepares for life without Crystal, residents are still reeling from a tragedy they never thought would happen in their town. With reporting by CHRISTINE PELISEK and DIANE HERBST Scotland Yards investigation into Harvey Weinstein over alleged sexual assault continues to grow after an eighth woman made a formal complaint, the Met Police confirmed to Deadline. The latest accusation was made to the UK police force on October 31 and states that an allegation was received that the man sexually assaulted a woman outside the jurisdiction of the UK in 1991. The allegation will be passed to the local police force in due course. The victim has not been named. However, Laura Madden, an Irish production assistant who worked at Miramax, has previously alleged that starting in 1991 Weinstein had prodded her for massages while he was staying at hotels in Dublin and London. Madden, who was from County Monaghan, told the New York Times: It was so manipulative. You consistently question yourself am I the one who is the problem? There are now a total of 12 allegations of assault made by women that are being investigated as part of Operation Kaguyak, which is being overseen by Scotland Yards Child Abuse and Sexual Offences unit. Police are looking into allegations from women ranging from the early 1980s to 2015. It is the third allegation to have been made outside of the UK. No arrests have been made, and Weinstein has denied all allegations of non-consensual sex. It comes after a report yesterday in the New Yorker that Weinstein hired a private investigation firm to collect information about the women who accused him of sexual misconduct and reporters who were investigating his past. According to the New Yorker, the disgraced Hollywood producer employed Black Cube, which is run mostly by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies. With offices in Tel Aviv, London and Paris, the firms operatives are highly trained when it comes to intelligence. He also hired Kroll, one of the worlds largest corporate-intelligence companies. Related stories BBC Investigating 25 Sexual Harassment Cases In Aftermath Of Weinstein Scandal Story continues Harvey Weinstein Hired Private Investigators To Spy On Accusers And Block Stories From Reporters, New Yorker Says Harvey Weinstein Gets Lifetime Ban From TV Academy Terry Crews has filed a report to the Los Angeles Police Department almost a month after he made sexual assault allegations against a high level Hollywood executive. On Wednesday, Crews, 49, met with officers in the LAPD Hollywood Station, an LAPD spokesperson told PEOPLE. Crews confirmed to TMZ that he filed the report and said of his reasoning, People have to be held accountable. He also revealed that he is planning to file a lawsuit against his perpetrator: Were going to go all the way. In early October, the Brooklyn Nine-Nine star revealed on Twitter the details of an incident in which he alleges a high level Hollywood executive groped him. He cited the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault and harassment scandal as his motivation for coming forward. This whole thing with Harvey Weinstein is giving me PTSD. Why? Because this kind of thing happened to ME, he tweeted, revealing the alleged ordeal in a series of further posts. Crews said the incident happened at a Hollywood function in 2016 and claimed the executive came over to him and groped my privates. Terry Crews opens up about his experience with sexual assault and harassment in Hollywood. This is why telling these stories is important. Katie Barnes (@katie_barnes3) October 10, 2017 Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk, alleged Crews, adding in another tweet, I was going to kick his a right then but I thought twice about how the whole thing would appear. The 6-foot-3 star said, 240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho would be the headline the next day, adding, Only I probably wouldnt have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left. Crews said he spent the rest of the evening and the next day speaking to everyone I knew that worked with the exec about what happened, and added that the man behind the alleged assault called him and apologized. But [he] never really explained why he did what he did, said Crews, adding, I decided not 2 take it further becuz I didnt want 2b ostracized par 4 the course when the predator has power n influence. I let it go. And I understand why many women who this happens to let it go. Crews declined to name the executive, and said he has empathy for those who have remained silent. Ed Westwick is being investigated by the LAPD after actress Kristina Cohen accused him of rape According to The Hollywood Reporter, the LAPD is officially investigating Ed Westwick for rape. On Monday, November 6th, actress Kristina Cohen accused Ed Westwick of rape in a candid Facebook post, writing that she finally felt comfortable coming forward in the wake of so many victims sharing their stories in recent weeks. Westwick denied the allegations in a post to both Instagram and Twitter the following day, claiming that he has never met Cohen and has never forced himself on anyone. However, THR reports that Cohens sister, Catalina Colgate, and close friend, Blaise Godbe Lipman, have since corroborated her story and told authorities that they heard about the incident directly after it happened in 2014. The last month has been incredibly difficult. Like so many women I too have a story of sexual assault, and the... Posted by Kristina Cohen on Monday, November 6, 2017 A post shared by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on Nov 7, 2017 at 8:46am PST Cohens description of what happened that night is highly disturbing. She claims Westwick invited her to take a nap in his guest room, and she later awoke to him on top of her. I was woken up abruptly by Ed on top of me, his fingers entering my body, she wrote. I told him to stop, but he was strong. I fought him off as hard as I could but he grabbed my face in his hands, shaking me, telling me he wanted to f*ck me. I was paralyzed, terrified. I couldnt speak, I could no longer move. He held me down and raped me. The actress wrote that in the following days, the producer she was dating blamed her for the rape and advised her to not come forward and be that girl. Aside from her ex-boyfriends toxic influence, feelings of fear, blame, and shame ultimately kept Cohen quiet. After Westwicks denial, Cohen filed a police report with the LAPD. Both parties have not further commented about the incident. We sincerely hope that the LAPD conducts a thorough investigation into this matter and that Cohen receives the justice she deserves. They say a dog is mans best friend. When its time to say goodbye and a loved one is bedridden at a hospital, even with hospitals strict no-pets policy, families sometimes go to great lengths to make sure that the person and pup have a few moments together before saying goodbye forever. Ellie Miguels grandfather, David King, was losing his battle with cancer. He was at a hospital in Missouri without knowing if hed be able to go back home and say goodbye to his beloved pup. His wife, Cindy, took matters into her own hands, and with the help of the nurses, she was able to sneak their Yorkie mix in for one last goodbye. Grandfather says goodbye to his dog with the help of nurses and his family. (Photo: Twitter/@elliemigueel) Ellie, 17, captioned her tweet, My grandpa is losing his battle with cancer so the nurses helped my grandma sneak their dog into the hospital to say goodbye. Her tweet quickly gathered the sympathy of family, friends, and strangers with more than 500 likes. My grandpa is losing his battle with cancer so the nurses helped my grandma sneak their dog into the hospital to say goodbye El (@elliemigueel) November 7, 2017 Ellie tells Yahoo Lifestyle, My grandpa loved his dog Lil Fee; she would follow him around everywhere. He would bring her everywhere he could, she says. My grandpa had been battling cancer for the past couple years, but last week it took over his whole body. He spent about a week in the hospital, and my grandma brought pictures of the dog to hang up. Ellies grandfather died last night, but not without saying goodbye to Lil Fee. With the help of nurses, Ellies aunt was able to bring Lil Fee to her human. The nurses always heard my grandma talking about Lil Fee. So they encouraged her and helped her get the dog in. They had my aunt carry the dog in a really big purse, she says. Ellie says it was very emotional for all the members of the family. For the first time that day, he moved his arm in attempts to pet his Lil Fee, she says. It was a moment Ill never forget. Story continues Ellies family is not the only one who has sneaked in pets to bring comfort to loved ones at a hospital. This past summer, Shelby Hennick, 22, from California, smuggled her grandmothers beloved dog into the facility, disguising it as a baby, as her grandma wanted to see her dog. My grandma is in the hospital right now and wanted to see her dog. So I made it look like I was carrying a baby and we made it Shelbae (@HennickShelby) June 11, 2017 Shortly after Hennick shared the photos, her tweet went viral with more than 540,000 likes and more than 2,500 comments. It prompted others to share their stories of bringing pets to the hospital to see their owners when they are ill. Did the same thing for my grandpa when he was in the hospital but ours wasn't as easy to sneak in micah (@micah0510) June 12, 2017 I did the same but a nurse helped us smuggle him in!! Mariah (@ryescaf) June 13, 2017 There is nothing like having your best friend comfort you during your time of need. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. Olivia Wilde is no stranger to making big statements. In just the past few years, the Vinyl and House actress has waded into absurdist parenting controversies over breastfeeding and lip kissing, spoken out against the Trump administration and sexism in Hollywood, and starred in 1984, a Broadway play so disturbing it reportedly made Jennifer Lawrence puke. And then there are the documentaries shes executive produced, on heavy topics from the Ebola crisis in Liberia to post-earthquake Haiti. Now Wilde adds this stunner to that list: Fear Us Women, a documentary short (viewable in its entirety at the bottom of this story) that explores the woman-led ISIS military resistance in Syria through the eyes of one volunteer soldier, Canadian citizen Hanna Bohman. The film, directed by David Darg and produced by Ryot (part of the Oath brands, as is Yahoo), packs a hard punch in just 27 minutes, as a mind-bogglingly brave Bohman takes viewers into the violent, traumatizing world of an all-female Kurdish army, YPJ (which stands for, in translation, Womens Protection Unit), on the front lines of terrorism. Hanna is such an incredible protagonist, Wilde tells Yahoo Lifestyle. I can do my own part as an activist, but Im not doing anything nearly as dangerous as these women in putting their actual lives on the line. I was really moved by that. Bohman, 48, explains in the film that she was inspired to leave her comfortable life as a model-turned-sales worker in Vancouver to go into battle, in 2014, for the rights of women and children who are frequently kidnapped, raped, enslaved, and killed by ISIS. Ive been called crazy by a lot of people, she says in the film, made of woven-together footage documented by both herself and Darg over the course of a year. For me to go back and do nothing, and pretend that there isnt a war here and people arent being murdered? To me, thats crazy. She speaks to the camera with an astonishing calm, her AK slung over her shoulder, about how her marksmanship quickly made her a sniper, and about how she basically lives with the other soldiers in the dirt, shooting, and that its no big deal. Its just camping with guns, she says at one point, and hunting people instead of deer. She later adds, We all die one way or another. Story continues Bohman tells Yahoo Lifestyle she came to that acceptance after a series of health scares in Canada a head injury, a motorcycle accident, and a heart issue. It just kind of made me rethink living and dying. We spend our life thinking of death as some faraway, intangible thing when really it could happen at any time. In her life, precipitating her going to Syria, she says she felt lost. Her job was boring, her accident shook her, and shed been dating a man who went on a trip to his native Lebanon and came back with a bride (though the breakup was a very small part of the picture, she emphasizes). Regarding her lack of fear about going into battle, Bohman insists that its not bravery, its just commitment, and notes that perhaps her relative comfort with such violent situations is a product of her difficult upbringing. I grew up with violence. Every male role model in my life up until the age of 18 was an abuser. So thats probably why its not scary so much, she says. We also lived on a horse ranch and had guns to chase off animals. But Im not a fan of guns. I bought my first one when I was in Iraq [her first stop being smuggled into Syria], and then I left it there. Shes currently back in Vancouver, trying to help get a former comrade safely to Canada. Memories still haunt her, but she says it gets easier with the passage of time. When Darg learned about YPJ, he was intrigued, and was soon led to Bohman, who was perfect as a subject, he tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Not only because of her insights from front-line experience, but also because shed been documenting a lot of it with her own camera. Darg had merged his past as a humanitarian aid worker with his love of storytelling by cofounding Ryot with Bryn Mooser; this is the third film theyve worked on with Wilde. Regarding this one, he says, My big takeaway was a positive note, because Id seen so much misery over there but here you have young people willing to stand up and fight. So Im very encouraged to know there are people like Hanna and like the locals, who are willing to put themselves in harms way. Wilde says she sees Bohmans story as a crystallization of the many acts of political resistance on the part of women, from the Womens March to the more recent #MeToo movement in response to sexual abuse in Hollywood. Its like weve hit a breaking point, and what I find so fascinating is that Hanna now seems like the perfect illustration of that, Wilde says. Shes a woman who decided she could no longer stand to sit at home in Canada and read about these stories in the news, and that she had to go put her body in danger in order to stand up for whats right. In a certain sense, that seems to be whats happening to a lot of women to step out into dangerous situations, whether its Im going to come forward with my story of being raped, or Im going to come forward and run for office even though Im terrified, or Im going to come forward and step into roles that are traditionally held for men. So I feel like theres a groundswell. Even though the story is specific to a very intense, high-stakes, and unusual situation, she adds, as a kind of metaphor of whats happening to women around the world, it feels really appropriate. Watch the full 27-minute film, Fear Us Women, below. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. President Donald Trump is making his first official visit to Asia this week with stops in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The 11-day journey will mark the longest stay in Asia for any president in the last 25 years. Along the way, Trump will stop to participate in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vietnam, where he will take part in the Economic Leaders Meeting alongside alongside other world leaders including Russian President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping at the five-star InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort. Related: Donald Trump Is Visiting Pearl Harbor on His Way to Asia This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for us to host such an important and significant event at the resort, Juan Losada, GM of InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, told Conference and Meeting World. For months, our team has been working hard under the instructions and guidance of the APEC Committee, Danangs Government and Sungroup management team to make sure everything is perfect. While we are sure there will be plenty of hard work and tough discussions at the meeting, there will also be some inevitable monkey business thanks to the resorts peculiar features. Related: The Lawsuit Over the Monkey That Took a Selfie Is Finally Settled You see, the InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort is well known not only for its luxurious amenities but also for its unique decor including monkey heads mounted on the walls, monkey sculptures, monkey paintings in every room, a banana-themed movie theater, a monkey-themed nightclub called Cheeky Monkey, and even real monkeys swinging from the trees outside the hotels windows. And its those monkeys, the staff says, that are the real stars of the show. These forests are full of monkeys, Bill Bensley, the U.S.-born resort architect, told Travel + Leisure. They're docile, elegant, beautiful animals and they almost never come down from the trees. Story continues Related: Hang Out With Howler Monkeys at This Nicaragua Resort Indeed, all the decor and the hotel itself is an homage to Bensleys favorite local primate, the douc langur. During construction we had to enforce very strict rules for the construction guys not to touch the monkeys, because they're endangered, but also the natural food for some people in the area, Bensley said. As the South China Morning Post explained, the doucs are currently listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. In total there are fewer than 300 left in the wild. And what makes them so unique, according to Van Hong Hia, a researcher with the Douc Langur Foundation, is just how peaceful these monkeys really are. We haven't recorded any cases of them fighting, even when different families stay and eat at the same place, he told T+L. They are so different to other monkeys. And as Bensley added, the hotel is more than happy to host anyone, including world dignitaries, as long as they understand that we are the guests here in the home of one of the world's most beautiful, docile, quiet, and endangered species. Perhaps the world leaders will learn a thing or two from these primates and bring that peace, love, and silent energy to the world stage. Syria has promised to join the Paris climate agreements, leaving the U.S. as the only country in the world refusing to be part of the deal. The accords, which were struck in 2015, are a set of non-binding agreements that aim to slow the effects of climate change worldwide. One of the agreement's main goals was to prevent the world from warming by 2 degrees Celsius, and each country set goals based on their consumption of fossil fuels as well as their financial limitations. Climate change affects many of travelers' most beloved destinations, including islands in the Caribbean, the Statue of Liberty, and Venice, Italy. U.S. President Donald Trump announced his decision to pull the country out of the deal in June, citing potential disadvantages for U.S. businesses. Dozens of companies, including Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft, countered this claim and called for the U.S. to stay in. Technically, the U.S. cannot pull out of the agreement until 2020, but the U.S. was not invited to the climate summit set to take place in Paris in December, according to the BBC. At the time of Trump's announcement in June, the only other two countries who had refused to participate were Nicaragua and Syria. Representatives from Nicaragua said that they would join in October. Trump is currently on a five-nation diplomatic trip to Asia and did not immediately comment on the development. 5 ways to help victims, survivors, and families after the mass shooting in Texas Communities across the nation are still mourning as details unfold about the mass shooting that took place in Sutherland Springs, Texas on November 5th. This shooting comes only a month after the Las Vegas shooting, the largest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Here is what we know so far: Dressed all in black and outfitted with a ballistic vest and military-style rifle, a single gunman, identified as Devin Patrick Kelley, opened fire on parishioners at First Baptist Church. 26 people were killed and dozens more injured. After fleeing the scene, Kelley was found dead in his car after being chased down by two heroic bystanders. In the wake of a tragedy of this magnitude in a society where so many politicians avoid taking action it can be difficult to feel like, as an individual, you can help. If you want to rally around the victims and their families in order to offer support and assistance, here are a few ways to do so. A post shared by ADRP (@adrpgiveblood) on Nov 6, 2017 at 12:51pm PST 1. Donate blood The South Texas Blood & Tissue Center (STBTC) has provided more than 200 units of blood to hospitals in South Texas in order to treat Sundays shooting victims. If you are in or around the Sutherland area and able to donate blood, STBTC is asking for donors with O-positive or O-negative blood types. The center is also asking for platelet donations to help replenish the bank. Sutherland Springs shooting 2. Donate to GoFundMe pages for the victims Among those who lost their lives were eight members of the Holcombe family, including associate pastor Bryan Holcombe. A GoFundMe account has been established to help with medical and funeral expenses incurred by the Holcombe family. In addition to Bryan Holcombe, other family members who died in the shooting were Bryans wife, Karla, the couples 36-year-old son, Marc Daniel, Marc Daniels daughter, Noah Holcombe, and daughter-in-law Crystal Holcombe, who was pregnant. Three of Crystals children, Emily, Megan and Greg, were also killed. Another affected family, the Wards, have also established a GoFundMe account. Joann Ward and her two daughters were among the victims of the shooting, while her youngest son was wounded. Their aunt set up the account to help with funeral expenses for the daughters, as well as medical bills for Joanns son as he recovers in the hospital. 3. Donate directly to the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church is accepting donations to help pay monthly bills and keep its doors open to those seeking solace in the senseless shootings aftermath. You can donate via their website just look for the yellow Donate button on the lefthand side of the page. Americans should be able to worship without the threat of gun violence. Join the movement for common-sense gun safety: Text ACT to 64433 #sutherlandsprings #texas A post shared by Everytown for Gun Safety (@everytown) on Nov 5, 2017 at 2:48pm PST 4. Contact your elected officials Perhaps the step with the most lasting impact is calling and writing to your elected officials to inform them we need better gun laws. Some officials try to discourage these discussions after a mass shooting, asking for time to heal first. However, with a total of 377 mass shootings recorded in the United States this year alone, we cannot feasibly wait for these discussions to happen next week or next month. If you are unsure of how to contact your officials, check out this form from Everytown for Gun Safety that will easily and quickly help you find the number to call. You can also visit the following pages to search for contacts of U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, and Governors. If we truly want to stop seeking out articles explaining how to help victims and survivors of countless mass shootings, we need to speak up and hold our officials accountable for the legislation they do (or do not) pass. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez just repeated the well-known 4chan hoax that the shooter's name was Sam Hyde. That name is circulated EVERY shooting Brandon Wall (@Walldo) November 5, 2017 5. Double check what you share The past few months have seen increased scrutiny of social media rumors and irresponsible reporting. We need everyone reporters, political officials, social media users, ourselves to double check their facts. Accuracy is needed to ensure public safety and to respect the gravity of the situation. In response to the Texas shooting, Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez told CNN anchor Ana Cabrera that he had been told that the shooter was a man named Sam Hyde. Not only is this incorrect, it is a common hoax repeated time and time again after these kinds of tragedies. Processing your emotions after these recurring atrocities is important for your health and for your ability to help others. It is okay to first take a step back in order to work through what has happened and what continues to happen in such quick succession. It is and will continue to be difficult, but together we can move forward by creating a community of support. By Jon Herskovitz and Lisa Maria Garza SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas (Reuters) - The man who carried out one of the deadliest U.S. mass shootings escaped from a mental health facility in 2012, the same year he was convicted by a U.S. Air Force court-martial of domestic abuse, according to a police report. Devin Kelley, who massacred 26 people at a church in rural southeastern Texas on Sunday, was convicted of assaulting his first wife and stepson while serving in the U.S. Air Force in 2012, according to the Pentagon. That same year he briefly escaped from a mental health facility in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, according to an El Paso, Texas, police report. The person who reported Kelley's escape warned police that he could be a danger to himself and others and had been caught sneaking weapons into Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, where he had been stationed, according to the police report. He had attempted to "carry out death threats that (Kelley) had made on his military chain of command," the report stated. Police found Kelley in El Paso and turned him over to New Mexico police to return him to the facility, according to the police report. The attack at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, ranks as the fifth deadliest by a single gunman in U.S. history. The dead ranged in age from 18 months to 77 years and including the unborn child of a pregnant woman who was killed. Twenty others were wounded, with 10 still in critical condition on Tuesday, officials said. Kelley died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his getaway vehicle, where authorities found two handguns, said Freeman Martin, a spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety. Kelley was also wounded by a resident of the town of about 400 people who heard the gunshot, grabbed his rifle and raced to the church, shooting the 26-year-old twice as he fled. DOMESTIC DISPUTE Kelley was involved in a domestic dispute with the parents of his second wife, whom he married in 2014, authorities said, and had sent threatening text messages to his mother-in-law before the shooting. Story continues "We have some indication of what the conflict was between the family," Martin told a Tuesday press conference. Although Kelley's in-laws occasionally attended services at First Baptist, they were not there on Sunday. Kelley's cell phone has been sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's crime lab at Quantico, Virginia. Specialists have been unable to get into the device to see if it holds details on the cause of his attack, said Christopher Combs, the FBI's special agent in charge in San Antonio. The Air Force said it had failed to transmit information about Kelley's conviction into the National Criminal Information Center system, a federal database used by gun dealers to check prospective buyers for criminal backgrounds. The Republican chairman of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee called the failure to enter Kelley's record "appalling." "The failure to properly report domestic violence convictions may be a systemic issue," Representative Mac Thornberry of Texas said in a statement. The Air Force opened an inquiry into how it handled the former airman's criminal record, and the U.S. Defense Department has requested a review by its inspector general to ensure other cases have been reported correctly, Pentagon officials said. Firearms experts said the case involving Kelley, who spent a year in military detention before his bad-conduct discharge from the Air Force in 2014, has exposed a previously unnoticed weak link in the system of background checks. It is illegal under federal law to sell a gun to someone who has been convicted of a crime involving domestic violence against a spouse or child. The massacre stirred an ongoing debate over gun ownership, which is protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Guns are part of the fabric of life in rural areas. U.S. President Donald Trump told reporters he believed stricter reviews of gun purchases would not have stopped Sunday's massacre. "There would have been no difference," Trump said during a visit to South Korea. He added that stricter gun laws might have prevented the man who shot Kelley from acting as he did. "You would have had hundreds more dead." (Additional reporting by Andrew Hay in New York, Patricia Zengerle in Washington and Idrees Ali traveling with U.S. Defense Secretary Mattis; Writing by Scott Malone and Steve Gorman; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe, Lisa Shumaker and Paul Tait) As expected, deer harvests appear to be down so far this year and elk harvest is tracking similar to last year, but theres plenty of season left and whitetail hunting is moving into its prime season. Hunters have been reporting the progress of their seasons at Fish and Games check stations and through harvest reports. Fish and Game collects data from a number of sources, but game manager Jon Rachael warns that although they are an indicator of trends around the state, theyre not completely reliable. We do make some inferences as to how the harvest is going, but we have to be cautious, he said. Check station data dont always track real well with end-of-the-season harvest data from harvest reporting. Having said that, harvest data from the 17 check stations around the state, some which were run several times, indicated were going to be down considerably for deer harvest, thats the early feel. Rachael said. Harvest reports submitted by hunters online and by phone also back that up, but theyre also inconclusive because most hunters who reported have already harvested, while those who havent harvested, but may still, are waiting until their seasons ends. Through Nov. 2, hunters reported killing 5,605 deer, which compares with 6,993 by that date last year. Elk harvest is tracking closer with 3,376 elk reported killed by hunters, which compares with 3,672 last year through Nov. 2. To put the early numbers in perspective, hunters killed 66,923 deer and 22,557 elk last year. While many general, any-weapon elk hunts are wrapping up, there are lots of seasons left, and hunters have 10 days to report after they harvest, or 10 days after their season ends. Part of the drop in the deer harvest is fairly easy to explain. Most of southern Idaho had an abnormally harsh winter and many areas lost a large portion of the mule deer fawn crop. The male fawns lost last winter would have been spikes and two-points this fall, and that age class usually makes up the majority of the deer harvest. Along with that, Fish and Game cut back on controlled hunts for antlerless deer, and either-sex hunting opportunity for youth deer hunters. Antlerless hunts tend to have a higher success rate than buck hunts, so thats another portion of last years harvest that wasnt available this year. Reducing opportunities to harvest does was intentional to preserve them and increase the number of deer available after the hunting season to produce the next generation. We cut back a lot of does harvest to aid deer herds in bouncing back more quickly, Rachael said. Deer are very capable of bouncing back quickly after one bad winter. Of course, theres no guarantee this winter will be mild, but if its closer to normal, deer herds are likely to increase. Rachael also pointed out the states mule deer herds were growing for several straight years previous to last winter, and there has also been a corresponding increase in hunters. More hunters and fewer deer means success rates are likely take a hit. While Fish and Game biologists knew many fawns were lost last year, they also knew there was a good carryover of mature deer, which have been reflected in the harvest this year. Weve seen some fantastic bucks taken, Rachael said. Although hunters can typically take whitetails during October, November is when whitetail bucks start the rut. Whitetails account for about 40 percent of Idahos deer harvest, and the most popular whitetail hunting areas in the Clearwater and Panhandle regions saw winter weather that was closer to average. BEIJING (Reuters) - A top Chinese coal miner, Yankuang Group, and U.S. industrial gas supplier Air Products and Chemicals Inc on Thursday said they planned to build a $3.5 billion coal-to-synthesis gas (syngas) plant in China. The announcement on the facility in the province of Shaanxi comes as part of U.S. President Donald Trump's state visit to China, the world's biggest consumer of coal. The deal is yet to be finalised, although the companies said in a statement that they would look to do this as soon as possible. Syngas is a combination of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and some carbon dioxide that is typically manufactured by gasifying a solid hydrocarbon fuel. It can be used to create energy or to help churn out products such as methane or methanol. Under the agreement, Air Products and Shaanxi Future Energy Group Co (SFEC), a subsidiary of Yankuang, will form a joint venture, in which Air Products will have a majority stake. It will build, own and operate an air separation, gasification and syngas clean-up system in the city of Yulin to supply SFEC, the firms said in a statement. The air separation units are expected to produce about 40,000 tonnes per day (TPD) of oxygen to support the production of about 2.5 million normal cubic meters an hour of syngas. SFEC will supply coal, steam and power and receive syngas under a long-term, onsite contract. Air Products currently supplies SFEC's Phase 1 project in Yulin with 12,000 TPD of oxygen. The addition of Phase 2 would make the complex one of the largest coal-to-fuel and chemicals facilities in China, with SFEC Phase 2 producing 4 million tonnes per year of liquid fuels and downstream chemicals, it said. The companies expect the overall project to come onstream in 2021. (Reporting by Muyu Xu and Josephine Mason; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Joseph Radford) Just over four years ago, Amazon introduced Smile, a new way to donate to charitable organisations. Instead of visiting the normal website, customers load up the special AmazonSmile address and shop as they would normally. The company then gives 0.5% of the total net spend to the charity of their choice. With $62 million raised for 230,000 charities, the company has decided to bring it this side of the Atlantic. It's now giving Brits the opportunity to generate a little extra money for Cancer Research UK, The British Red Cross, Royal British Legion and other charitable organisations. Amazon's UK initiative works the same as it does in the US: 0.5% of purchases (excluding VAT, shipping fees and returns) are donated to UK-specific charities when bought via At launch, Cancer Research UK, The British Red Cross, Royal British Legion, Magic Breakfast, Marie Curie, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Charity, RSPCA, Save the Children, Scottish Women's Aid and Stonewall are on board. Amazon said it will extend the programme to all UK registered charities regardless of size or locality in "early 2018." Danica Roem (PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images): AFP/Getty Images The sister of the conservative politician defeated by Danica Roem the first openly transgender person to be elected to Virginias state legislature has roasted her brother for his treatment of Ms Roem during the campaign. Bob Marshall, who has referred to himself as Virginias chief homophobe, refused to debate Ms Roem in person and only used male pronouns to describe her. That was my brother who lost his seat in the House of Delegates race in Va, wrote Paula Nucci on social media. He wouldnt debate her. He wouldnt call her her or she. Maybe if werent so judgmental and homophobic, he could have lost with dignity. Im not happy my brother lost his job, but all I can say is, karma brother. Ms Nucci had posted her comments on her private Facebook account. It appears that someone then screenshotted her words and posted the image on Twitter. Once Ms Roem is sworn in January, she will also be the first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature in the US, according to the Victory Fund, a political action committee that works to get openly LGBTQ people elected, and has supported Ms Roem. Actress Paula Marshall Nucci, whose brother Bob Marshall just lost his seat in the VA House of Delegates to #Danica Roem. #VirginiaElections Almost Kevin (@almost_kevin) November 8, 2017 While Ms Roem openly discussed her gender identity during the campaign, the topic was not her main focus. Instead, she campaigned on issues regarding jobs, schools and with particular fervour northern Virginias traffic congestion. Discrimination is a disqualifier, Ms Roem said after her victory. You can serve if you have good public policy ideas, youre well qualified and you have a commitment to do the work of the people youre running to represent. Story continues On the campaign trail, Ms Roem said that Mr Marshall, who has served in Virginias House of Delegates since 1992, spent too much time on social policy. Mr Marshall had recently proposed legislation for a bathroom bill similar to what passed with great controversy in North Carolina last year. His bill would have required people to use the restroom that corresponds with the gender on their original birth certificates. He later toned down the language on the bill, to remove the word original but blasted the Republican committee that stuck the revised bill down as disgusting. Back in 2006 he had also labelled himself Virginias chief homophobe when defending his views on gay marriage. In addition to this years so-called bathroom bill, he was also the author of a now-void constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between one man and one woman, and sponsored a bill banning gay people from openly serving in the Virginia National Guard. The New York Times PHOENIX Kari Lakes defeat in the governors race in Arizona has set off a high-stakes tug of war within the Republican Party, as Lakes right-wing allies pushed her to mount a Trump-style challenge to the results, while some establishment leaders including a former Republican governor urged her to concede her loss and move on. Lakes next move could prove a turning point for her party and the far-right faction of election deniers that propelled her rapid rise this year. Lake stands as the A New York woman who pleaded guilty in the death of her fiance has been sentenced to up to four years in state prison but may be released as early as next month, her defense attorney said. Angelika Graswald, 37, was ordered on Wednesday to serve 16 months to four years for the April 2015 death of 46-year-old Vincent Viafore, who prosecutors said drowned in the Hudson River after Graswald tampered with his kayak, News 12 Westchester reported. A defense attorney for the Latvia native, who spoke to reporters after the Orange County court hearing, said she may be paroled late next month, with her having already served two-and-a-half years toward her sentence. Angelika Graswald, who pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide in July, may be paroled as early as December, her defense attorney said. (Photo: Handout . / Reuters) Viafores family is suing Graswald for wrongful death, the Poughkeepsie Journal reported. And they are furious about what they consider to be a soft sentencing. Four years for taking someones life? No way, Viafores mother, Mary Anne Viafore, told reporters. Justice was not served for my son. In court, Viafores sister also had urged the judge to lock Graswald away for a much longer term. My brother did not deserve to have his life end this way, Laura Rice said, according to the Poughkeepsie Journal. Our family feels Angelika should be held accountable for the actions she has admitted to a short, four-year-sentence does not seem just. Serving a portion of that sentence seems even more unjust. Vincent Viafore died during a kayaking trip on the Hudson River in April 2015 after his boat took on water and capsized. (Photo: Handout . / Reuters) Graswald, who was initially charged with Viafores murder, pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide in July. Authorities said she admitted to removing a plug from Viafores kayak before they went into the water. She also said that she knew one of his paddles was missing a locking clip, that he wasnt wearing a life vest or wetsuit, and that their trip along the river was during dangerously low temperatures and rough water. Viafores boat capsized, but instead of quickly calling for help, prosecutors said Graswald waited for him to drown. Her alleged plan was to collect his life insurance, of which she was listed as the primary beneficiary. Story continues Authorities testified that Graswald admitted to wanting her fiance dead and that she was unhappy in their relationship. In a statement read by defense attorney Richard Portale, Graswald defended that she is not a murderer, that she still loves and misses Viafore, and she would bring him back if she could. I dont believe I was treated fairly. This entire process has been entirely one-sided and unjust, she said. Related... Kayaker Rescues Naked Skinny Dipper Clinging To Riverside Tree 'Kayak Killer' Accused Of Drowning Fiance Pleads Guilty 2 NYPD Detectives Quit After Being Charged in Rape Investigation Trooper Sues After Being Forced To Alter Arrest Report Of Judge's Daughter Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. If you know just one Stranger Things fan, then you won't be surprised to hear that thousands of them crashed a science museum's website in an attempt to buy replicas of a sweatshirt worn by Gaten Matarazzo on the show. Per a report from Newsweek, folks at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul were delighted to see Matarazzo's character Dustin donning a sweatshirt featuring one of the museum's vintage merchandise designs a print of a Brontosaurus skeleton. "Yes, we want one too," a museum representative wrote in a Facebook post from October 27. "Working on it!" SEE ALSO: These 'Stranger Things' waffles are super easy to make By Nov. 1, it was official. "We're rereleasing our '80s Brontosaurus apparel in a few days," a Facebook post from the museum read. "Say no to knockoffs!" In a press release, the museum said demand for the sweatshirt came quickly. But how, exactly, did old Science Museum of Minnesota apparel end up on a major Netflix show? As Stranger Things costume designer Kim Wilcox told the Star Tribune, she spotted the original design on an old sweatshirt while searching for '80s apparel online. She purchased the sweatshirt and had a smaller size printed to fit Matarazzo. His character Dustin wears the design in the first episode of Season 2. When the Science Museum of Minnesota finally put new sweatshirts up for sale on Tuesday, thousands of fans rushed online to buy merch for themselves, crashing the museum's website in the process. "Orders are thundering in for Brontosaurus apparel," a museum Facebook post from Tuesday reads. "Due to demand, our website is slow. We have an unlimited supply online be patient!" But despite the all-out chaos including a few snippy Facebook comments from eager prospective buyers the Star Tribune reports the museum had sold a whopping $400,000 worth of merchandise by Tuesday afternoon. Story continues A selection of six items all featuring the dinosaur print and offered in both adult and child sizes are available for purchase at the museum's website, and range in price from $14.95 to $36.95. Now, if we could just get our hands on Nancy's amazing collection of sweaters... These reactions = priceless. #SaveTheMusic A post shared by VH1 Save The Music (@vh1savethemusic) on Sep 25, 2017 at 2:16pm PDT Sway Calloway knows firsthand the life lessons kids receive while learning to play instruments. Mastering the song flute, clarinet and alto saxophone fostered a love for music that he eventually turned into a career as one of the most well-known hip-hop journalists today. What I learned from music is a lot about melody and thats how I communicate, the Oakland native told HuffPost, citing his interview strategy. I learned a lot about rhythm and as I got older, I learned how to make that translate into social skills, how to communicate with people, how to talk to folks, when you talk to folks, when you jump out, when you interject. Sway Calloway speaks onstage at VH1 Save The Music 20th Anniversary Gala in New York City. (Photo: Jason Kempin via Getty Images) He may not professionally play an instrument today, but music education opened up doors for Calloway whose family was on public assistance when he was younger that he may not have found otherwise. Music programs in schools have been proven to keep students engaged in the classroom; improve early cognitive development, math and reading skills; develop critical thinking skills; and foster confidence among students, according to the National Association of Music Merchants. But despite the lasting impact music education has on students, many children in low-income communities still dont have access to it. Thats why Calloway and the board members and team behind VH1 Save The Music Foundation have been working to bring music programs to underserved schools. Since the nonprofit was founded in 1997, VH1 Save The Music Foundation has allotted grants to more than 2,000 public schools in 42 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. These grants have benefited more than 2 million kids. Recently, students in Newark, New Jersey, and Berkeley and Jefferson Counties in West Virginia received $45,000 worth of musical equipment from the program. Replacement strings are important for elementary orchestra teachers to have on hand. If one breaks, or an instrument needs to be restrung, a ready supply ensures the violin is ready for the next rehearsal . Get these and other items for schools in Chula Vista, CA through our @amazon wish list! A post shared by VH1 Save The Music (@vh1savethemusic) on Oct 11, 2017 at 10:59am PDT Chiho Feindler, senior director of programs and policy, said the foundation has not only benefitted students and their communities by bringing marching bands and orchestras to their cities, but also by improving graduation rates and reducing absenteeism. Story continues [Rewards vary from] a student telling us that in his home life, its just such a chaos that being able to play flute on his stoop for his young siblings just brings a peace into his home to better graduation rates to the student whos now interning to go to college studying music education, Feindler said. Stuff like that and just ... giving them the reasons to thrive. She added that the nonprofit is looking to give schools tech grants in the near future as well. Calloway, who hosted VH1 Save The Music Foundations 20th Anniversary Gala in October, said that its especially necessary for children today to have a creative outlet that they can lean on during times of trauma. I think its therapeutic for a lot of kids to learn how to play instruments and give you a chance to vent, give you a chance to release some of the dark energy that were all surrounded by right now, he said. I think music just allows another way to escape it or another way to process it. And a lot of times, we feel bad in a day and we put on our favorite music to make us feel better. And so imagine if youre somebody who can make the music, he continued. You and others feel better so its just extremely gratifying. I think it helps our kids therapeutically, I think it helps our kids intellectually and not only that, its fun to do. Learn more about VH1 Save The Music Foundation by visiting its website. Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Lorde Nicki Minaj Demi Lovato Hailee Steinfeld Katy Perry Kesha Millie Bobby Brown Lil' Yachty Jack Antonoff Jack Lawless, Joe Jonas, JinJoo Lee and Cole Whittle of DNCE INGLEWOOD, CA - AUGUST 27: (L-R) Jack Lawless, Joe Jonas, JinJoo Lee and Cole Whittle of musical group DNCE attends the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards at The Forum on August 27, 2017 in Inglewood, California. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images) 21 Savage and Amber Rose Chanel West Coast Pink Tomo Milicevic, Shannon Leto and Jared Leto Tiffany Haddish Noah Cyrus Cardi B Laura Perlongo and Nev Schulman Heidi Klum Vanessa Hudgens Mel B Alessandra Ambrosio This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Apple's free coding curriculum, which launched for high schools and community colleges in May, has been growing in popularity over the last few months. It had six community college systems on board at launch and in August, the company announced that over 30 had worked the curriculum into their course offerings for the 2017-2018 school year. Now, Apple has gone global with its coding instruction and over 20 colleges and universities outside of the US have now adopted the App Development with Swift Curriculum. Universities in Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the UK are among those that have signed on. RMIT University, Australia's largest higher education institution, has adopted the year-long course as well, which it will be offering online, and its students will also be able to enroll in a new on-campus vocational course. Additionally, RMIT is offering scholarships for school teachers who want to take courses in coding and will host a free summer school course for high school students. Apple has been working on providing coding learning tools to all age ranges, with the Swift Curriculum geared towards older students and its Swift Playgrounds app aimed at the youngest aspiring coders. Other in-school coding initiatives have also been developed by the BBC and while earlier this year, GM gave Girls Who Code a grant to bring after-school STEM clubs to underserved areas of the US. "We launched the Everyone Can Code initiative less than a year ago with the ambitious goal of offering instruction in coding to as many people as possible. Our program has been incredibly popular among US schools and colleges, and today marks an important step forward as we expand internationally," Apple CEO Tim Cook, said in a statement. "We are proud to work with RMIT and many other schools around the world who share our vision of empowering students with tools that can help them change the world." FBI special agent Christopher Combs complained how the agency couldn't get into the Texas shooter's phone during a press conference. Turns out all they had to do was ask Apple for help. In a statement the tech titan has released to the media, it said it "immediately reached out to the FBI after learning from their press conference on Tuesday that investigators were trying to access a mobile phone." Cupertino offered its assistance and even promised to "expedite [its] response to any legal process." It added that it "work[s] with law enforcement every day" and "offer[s] training to thousands of agents so they understand [its] devices and how they can quickly request information from Apple." The company told Business Insider that the FBI has yet to ask for help accessing the phone. That pretty much confirms Reuters' report that officials missed the 48-hour window that would have allowed them to unlock the device simply by using the shooter's fingerprint. If the gunman had fingerprint access enabled, Apple could've told authorities that they had 48 hours to use his prints to unlock the phone before the feature ceased to function. Now that it's past 48 hours, the agency has to find a legal means to get to the phone's contents. Officials will now have to serve Apple with a court order to be able to get their hands on his iCloud data. It's unclear if the FBI is already securing a court order, but it might have decided not to work with Apple after having a tough time convincing the company to unlock the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone. Apple refused to open the device for the agency even after the FBI took the company to court. In the end, the feds paid big money for a third-party company's tool that was able to unlock the device. Apple has released its first diversity and inclusion report since naming Denise Young Smith as VP of diversity and inclusion in May. It's also Apple's first report since Donald Trump took the office of president of the United States. Let's get into the numbers, which are as of July 2017. Apple is still 32 percent female worldwide. In the U.S., Apple is 54 percent white (down two percentage points from last year), 13 percent Hispanic (up one percentage point), nine percent black (no change), 21 percent Asian (up two percentage points), three percent multiracial (up one percentage point) and one percent other (no change). From July 2016 to July 2017, Apple says half of its new hires in the U.S. were from historically underrepresented groups in tech (women, black, Hispanic, Native American, Native Hawaiian & Other Pacific Islander). Apple's new hires also reflect more diversity than its current employees. For example, 11 percent of Apple's new hires were black compared to its current black employee population of nine percent. While Apple has a larger percentage of black and Hispanic employees than many other tech companies, it's important to note that some of them are in lower-paying retail roles. Eighteen percent of Apple's retail employee base is Hispanic, 13 percent are black, 7 percent are Asian and 57 percent are white. At the leadership level, Apple is still predominantly run by men who make up 71 percent of the leaders at Apple worldwide. And white people make up 66 percent of the leaders at Apple in the U.S. Only 3 percent of Apple's leaders in the U.S. are are black, only 7 percent are Hispanic and just 1 percent are multi-racial. Diversity at the leadership level is a bit of a heated subject. Apple shareholder Tony Maldonado has called on Apple several times to implement an accelerated recruitment policy in order to increase diversity at the senior management level and board of directors. Story continues But Apple's board of directors has repeatedly shot it down. In January, the board said the policy is not necessary or appropriate because we have already demonstrated our commitment to a holistic view of inclusion and diversity and made detailed information about our inclusion and diversity initiatives, and the progress we have made with respect to these initiatives, available on our website at Apple, of course, is a large company, with 130,000 employees worldwide and 83,000 in the U.S. It's a large company with high retention rates, sources say. That means change may happen slowly. [gallery size="medium" ids="1565667,1565666,1565665,1565664,1565663,1565662"] Apple laid out the information on an updated diversity and inclusion site, which now prominently features a video with a female Muslim employee wearing a hijab as the still image. This is notable given Trump's racist policy attempts against Muslim people. Above the video, the text reads: Humanity is plural, not singular. The best way the world works is everybody in. Nobody out. The video goes on to talk about how Apple celebrates differences, and embraces different faiths and cultures. Some data that's missing from this report includes people with disabilities, age, veterans, LGBTQ status and intersectional identities. According to Apple's 2016 EEO-1 report, we do know that 9 percent of employees at Apple were women from underrepresented racial groups in tech. As I mentioned, this is the first report under Smith's leadership. Smith previously served as head of worldwide human resources at Apple for three years, but had been involved in diversity programs at Apple for years. Last month, Smith came under fire for some comments she made during a panel at the One Young World Summit in Bogota, Colombia. She later apologized, saying she regretted her word choice in her answer to a question regarding whether or not black women were a priority for her in her role. Moving forward, the spotlight will remain on Apple, especially as the company approaches a trillion-dollar market valuation. PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona man was found guilty on Wednesday of murder and other charges in the death of a 10-year-old girl who was locked in a small bin for taking a Popsicle without permission, a court official said. The verdict by the Maricopa County jury allows the trial of John Allen, 29, to move to the penalty phase, in which the panel will determine if he should face the death penalty, court spokesman Vincent Funari said in a statement. That phase begins on Thursday and could take weeks, he said. Sammantha Allen, John Allen's wife, was sentenced to death in August after she was also convicted of murder in the 2011 death of 10-year-old Ame Deal, who was her cousin. Police said the child, who was left in the Allens' care, was forced to exercise intensely for hours in the summer heat as punishment for taking the frozen treat. The couple then ordered her to get a hinged, plastic container and climb into it, police have said. Sammantha Allen watched as her husband padlocked the girl in the box and the couple then fell asleep, police said. The dead girl's body was found inside the small container, which only had tiny air holes at its handles. The jury found John Allen guilty of first-degree murder, three counts of child abuse and conspiracy to commit child abuse, officials said. Family members initially told police Deal died in a hide-and-seek game that turned tragic. Police unraveled that story during their investigation. In John Allen's trial, jurors watched a video of him confessing to locking the girl in the box and going to sleep. Arizona has not executed an inmate in three years. The state's last execution took nearly two hours, and resulted in a lawsuit by several inmates who claimed the state's lethal injection protocol caused prolonged suffering. John Allen's attorney argued that his client took full responsibility and did not intend for the girl to die. Maricopa county prosecutors and Allen' attorney, Gary Beren, could not be reached for comment late on Wednesday. (Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles and David Schwartz in Phoenix; Editing by Paul Tait) Montreal (AFP) - The Canadian government is making a significant diplomatic push to secure the establishment of a UN peacekeeping force in Ukraine, the foreign minister announced on Thursday. "Around the world Canada has been leading conversations with a number of countries about the viability and utility of peacekeeping and policing in Ukraine," Chrystia Freeland said in a statement. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pressed the issue with his German counterpart, Chancellor Angela Merkel, she added. Freeland also said she "personally explored the feasibility and prospects of such a mission" with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, with US Special Envoy Kurt Volker, and with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week. "Our government has been at the heart of international efforts to support Ukraine and we are working hard to ensure any peacekeeping effort guarantees Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Freeland said. Proposals have been floated at the United Nations in recent months for a peacekeeping force in eastern Ukraine but failed to get unanimous agreement, with Russia -- which has a veto on the Security Council -- preferring a small UN force to protect international observers monitoring the conflict zone. About 1.2 million Canadians, including Freeland, have Ukrainian ancestry, and consecutive Canadian governments have sided with Kiev in its conflict with Moscow since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Like other Western nations, Canada has imposed sanctions on Russian officials -- the latest round last week provoking reciprocal sanctions from Russia. Earlier this year, Ottawa also announced the extension of a military mission to train Ukrainian soldiers until 2019, and the two countries formalized a defense cooperation pact. In September, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said during a visit to Canada to expect more stability in eastern Ukraine with the Canadian presidency of the G7 in 2018. Canada is also leading a NATO multinational battle group in Latvia, on Russia's doorstep, described in March by Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan as "a strong message of deterrence" to Russia. Hong Kong (AFP) - Chinese investors' penchant for Hong Kong real estate is well-known and as they take aim at the city's most prestigious buildings and office space, mainland cash is driving one of the world's priciest markets to break new records. With the Communist Party's hand seen behind the latest record purchase, some analysts raised questions about where the enormous cash flows would go as the Chinese government strengthens control over the former British colony. Beijing's growing restrictions on overseas investment including in property have held back some Chinese conglomerates as the country's leaders seek to stem capital flight and counter a weak yuan. But the sale last week of a landmark skyscraper by Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing to a China-led consortium for a record of more than $5 billion indicates the citys property sector continues to boom. "(Chinese companies) want to let the world know, 'we are going international, we have establishments in Hong Kong and have been able to buy such good assets'" says Antonio Wu, deputy managing director of Colliers International. "Trophy assets always help to build a brand." Li's sale of The Center was the world's largest commercial property deal for a single building, according to data from services firm CBRE. The city's fifth-tallest building, it was featured in Hollywood blockbuster The Dark Knight. - 'The best place' - Chinese companies often use the office towers and floors they have snapped up as their headquarters and as a base for expansion -- in some instances kicking out other tenants as they grow -- while benefiting from limited supply and climbing prices. Mainland firms occupation of Hong Kong offices surged 52 percent in the decade to 2015, according to real estate firm JLL. "To grow your business offshore, Hong Kong is still the best place," said Denis Ma, head of research for Hong Kong at JLL. Story continues The city remains the most "attractive gateway" as a first step for Chinese companies to expand their global reach, he added. Cash-rich Chinese firms have targeted highly visible buildings in urban neighbourhoods -- most prominently Evergrande's purchase of a harbourfront tower -- and office space in the prime Central district. The Center was seen as an especially rare commodity, combining both the sought-after Central location and an iconic asset available en bloc. Meanwhile, a number of foreign banks have been priced out of Central, and housing across the space-starved city remains unaffordable for many, an issue growing increasingly political. Some analysts say the shopping spree in Hong Kong is also part of Beijing's strategy to tighten its grip on the territory. State-owned enterprises began to buy up properties to boost their businesses in Hong Kong in the 1980s, ahead of the 1997 handover from Britain, says Victor Shih, associate professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. "It's to integrate the economies of Hong Kong and that of China, to make the whole process of reunification smoother," he argues. - Cash flows - Corporate filings reveal a Chinese Communist Party organisation is at the top of the ownership chain of The Center. A statement from Li's CK Asset Holdings named the buyer as C.H.M.T. Peaceful Development Asia Property Limited, incorporated under the British Virgin Islands and set up as a "special purpose vehicle" specifically for the acquisition. Its largest shareholder is Beijing-based China Energy Reserve and Chemicals Group, according to the South China Morning Post and Wall Street Journal. The energy behemoth links back to the party -- one of its four major shareholders, China Hualian International Trade Company, is owned by the China Economic Cooperation Center, corporate filings show. The entity, according to various Chinese government sites, is controlled by the International Liaison Department, a Communist Party arm known for handling its foreign affairs. Shih said such big deals could challenge the party's internal governance at a time when President Xi Jinping is warning against corruption and profligate spending. He points out The Center will generate millions of dollars of rent each year. "The challenge for (the party) is whether they have the personnel and the framework to audit and monitor what must be enormous cash flows going through them," says Shih. Numerous mainland officials, their family members and businesses have set up shell companies in Hong Kong to siphon wealth to an off-shore location to diversify their risks, Shih added, creating a mutual dependency between the two economies. "Hong Kong remains one of the biggest loopholes in China's capital control," he said. Beijing (AFP) - While media coverage of Donald Trump's meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping Thursday focused on trade and North Korea, it was the wide-eyed crooning of the US leader's granddaughter that stole Chinese netizens' hearts. In a video that Trump showed Xi during their stroll through the historic Forbidden City Wednesday, his granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, greets "Grandpa Xi and Grandma Peng (Liyuan)" with several Mandarin ballads and a recitation of ancient Chinese poetry. China's Xinhua state news agency, which circulated the clip widely on social media, reported that Xi said the six-year-old girl's Mandarin skills deserved an "A+". The Chinese public agreed, according to Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying. "As a little ambassador of Chinese-American friendship, Arabella has already received the love of a vast number of Chinese people," Hua said during a regular press briefing Thursday. "This kind of special arrangement is actually very sweet and warm-hearted. We believe that this has helped to further bring closer the affection and distance between the Chinese and American people." Arabella also played a starring role at the state dinner organised by Xi in Trump's honour at the Great Hall of the People on Thursday night. The full video, which Trump brought as a gift for Xi, was played on screens in the room, earning her a mention in her grandfather's toast. "Our children so often remind us of our shared humanity and true dignity," Trump, 71, said. Weibo, China's Twitter-like platform, was filled with praise for Arabella's performance Thursday, though it was unclear how many comments related to Trump's visit had been censored. "She's too cute!" users gushed. "Let's hope that she marries into a Chinese family." Others made light of the fact that apparently no one can avoid the arduous task of memorising ancient Chinese poetry -- not even the US president's granddaughter. Story continues It's not the first time Arabella has played a role in Sino-American diplomacy. When Xi visited Trump's Mar-a-Lago Florida resort in April, Arabella recited for Xi the "Three Character Classic", a time-honoured text from the Song Dynasty that was also included in her latest clip. Ivanka Trump, Arabella's mother and a White House adviser, has said in interviews that her children have a Chinese nanny who teaches them Mandarin. Ivanka Trump frequently posts videos of Arabella speaking or singing in Chinese to her social media accounts, and she brought her daughter to a Lunar New Year event organised by the Chinese embassy in Washington. Related: For more news videos visit Yahoo View. Volunteers The AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program needs volunteers to provide tax assistance and preparation services for seniors and low-income taxpayers from Feb. 1 through April 15. Volunteers with good computer skills are needed to assist with electronic filing tax returns in Glenns Ferry, Gooding, Hagerman, Hailey, Jerome, Shoshone, and Twin Falls which has a need for at least 12 volunteers. Free tax law and computer training, followed by completion of an IRS Certification Test for volunteers, is scheduled for two weeks from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, beginning Jan. 2 to Jan. 12, at the CSI Evergreen Building, Room C93. Some evening and Saturday classes will be scheduled for those that work but are willing to volunteer Saturdays during tax season. Preregister so sufficient training materials can be provided. Register at or Information: Jim Simpson, 208-733-1808 or Drivers The American Cancer Society is looking for volunteer drivers for its Road to Recovery program. Volunteers are needed to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatment facilities, especially for appointments in Twin Falls. The Cancer Society trains volunteer drivers and schedules rides for patients for free. Drivers must have a current and valid drivers license, a good driving record, a reliable car, and proof of car insurance. Volunteer drivers donate their time and the use of their vehicles. The program is flexible for volunteers to provide as many rides as they want. Information: 1-800-227-2345. Volunteers Idaho Home Health and Hospice needs volunteers who will bring compassion, support and dignity to those facing a serious, life-limiting illness and their families. Volunteers can choose between offering respite to family caregivers or provide support with administrative tasks. Information: Heidi Walker, 208-734-4064 or Volunteers Horizon Home Health and Hospice is looking for volunteers to join their team to provide quality compassionate care to patients through the following activities: companionship, socialization, respite, and support for patients and families and much more. Information: Cynthia Nixon, 208-800-8085 or Volunteers St Lukes Home Health and Hospice is looking for new volunteers to join its team to share compassion and increase the quality of life for patients and their families. This program is designed to offer companionship and socialization to patients as well as respite and support for the caregivers. Information: Marie Sharp, 208-814-7603 or Volunteers Community volunteers are needed to become CASA volunteer advocates to represent the best interest of abused children during the court process. Volunteer candidates must pass a background check and receive training and continued support as they speak up and make the difference in the lives of abused children. The program covers all eight counties in south-central Idaho. Information: Tahna Barton, 208-735-1177. Volunteers Pomerelle Place Senior Living in Burley is looking for volunteers to play bingo, games and cards with the residents, complete crafts, cook, or help paint fingernails for the ladies. Information: Carla Thompson at Pomerelle Place, 208-677-8212. Volunteers The Twin Falls County Historical Society is seeking volunteers for various programs and general support. Volunteers are needed to paint, clean or work on docent projects and fundraising. No minimum amount of hours, commitment is flexible. Fill out an application at the Twin Falls County Historical Museum (Union School at Curry), open noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Information: 208-736-4675. Volunteers The Jerome County Historical Society is looking for volunteers to help at the Depot Museum with duties to include answering the phone, some filing, and showing visitors the artifacts. Volunteers will receive training on duties. To volunteer, call 208-324-5641 from 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. One mans question for Christians about a transgender politician has quickly backfired. After Democrat Danica Roem became Virginias first openly transgender elected official, defeating incumbent Del. Robert G. Marshall on Tuesday, one Nashville man took to Twitter with a question. Andrew T. Walker, the director for the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, appeared to voice concern about how Christian parents would prepare their children for the history-making news. Christian parents, the nations first transgender elected official enters into American history tonight. What are you doing to prepare your children for this new world? he asked in a tweet Tuesday night. Christian parents, the nation's first transgender elected official enters into American history tonight. What are you doing to prepare your children for this new world? Andrew T. Walker (@andrewtwalk) November 8, 2017 Christians parents and non-parents, people of the cloth, priests, rabbis and plenty of believers had answers. One theme stood out: resounding love for everyone. Walkers tweet quickly spread on the wings of critics blasting him for his question, as many of the responses invoked scripture. His original tweet has garnered nearly 6,000 responses and 289 retweets as of Wednesday. Were celebrating, one Christian parent shared, continuing, Were preparing our son to embrace difference, not fear or discriminate against it. Another user, turned to Bob Dylans iconic 1964 song The Times They Are A-Changin' that explored progress of the times. See below for a sampling of the many responses. Good question. Here's a possible answer: everyone, no matter who they are or what they look like, is a beloved child of God, with infinite dignity and beauty, and should be reverenced as a beautiful creation. James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) November 8, 2017 Christian parent here. We're celebrating. We're preparing our son to embrace difference, not fear or discriminate against it. Rachel Held Evans (@rachelheldevans) November 8, 2017 Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is Rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand. The times, they are a changing. Michael Tisserand (@m_tisserand) November 8, 2017 Well, my trans wife and I high-fived each other. Then we told our trans daughter *3* trans people were elected last night. And today I'll probably call my Christian mom who will be just as excited as we all are because she's not a bigot. Back to you, Andrew. Amanda Jette Knox (@MavenOfMayhem) November 8, 2017 Tell them that if they are trans, they too can run for elected office and beat transphobic bigots. Broderick Greer (@BroderickGreer) November 8, 2017 Im a Christian Mom, and I can say this woman is not a threat to my family, but AR-15s with bump stocks sure as hell are. Eden Sarbanes (@EdenSarbanes) November 8, 2017 Im a Jewish parent. Ive already prepared my son by teaching him not to be a narrow-minded hate-filled bigot. Charles GetCoveredBa (@charles_gaba) November 8, 2017 Teaching my surviving child that Christians should love everyone. Unequivocally. Like Jesus did. #WednesdayWisdom Nelba Marquez-Greene (@Nelba_MG) November 8, 2017 So like, I know it goes against every internet instinct you have, but I honestly recommend reading the comments to this post. Rani?Something?Baker (@destroyed4com4t) November 8, 2017 I'd tell them: God is great. The diversity of our nation is its' strength, and that good people stand against small-minded bigotry. Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) November 8, 2017 As a Jewish parent, I've been talking with my children a lot about how God creates with intention and that every human is a gift. They get it. May you open your heart and love your neighbor as your self. Bible 101. Rabbi Latz (@RavMABAY) November 8, 2017 Hi Andrew! This Christian parent will point her kids to scripture: in Christ, there is no male and female. Ill remind them that the most repeated scripture is: FEAR NOT. Ill remind them to rebuke fear mongers like you. Ill remind them that fear might get votes: but Love Wins. Glennon Doyle (@GlennonDoyle) November 8, 2017 Cant wait to bring children into a world where differences are celebrated instead of osctracized. Last night was a beautiful moment, and praise God for it. Rev. Rob Lee (@roblee4) November 8, 2017 Even if you disagree. Even if youre confused. Even if you dont understand. Even if youre uncomfortable. Even if you think youre right. Love your neighbor as yourself. Thats what Ill teach them. And thats what the new world needs. Nate Pyle (@NatePyle79) November 8, 2017 Warning them about people like you. Scott Weinberg (@scottEweinberg) November 8, 2017 Danang (Vietnam) (AFP) - When President Donald Trump lands in Danang, once a key US wartime air base, he'll receive a mixed welcome from American veterans who fought on Vietnamese soil but now call the coastal city home. Trump fans among Danang's community of war vets are keenly awaiting an "America First" clarion call by a man they are proud to have as president when he addresses the APEC summit of world leaders on Friday. Others are strikingly less enthusiastic. Former marine David E. Clark, 68, is convinced "Trump the chump", as he dubs him, will drive the United States into ruin. "He's going to start a war, there will be a recession, he'll triple the national debt," Clark said, poring over meticulously-kept notes about previous presidents' economic records. "It will be the greatest depression the United States has ever seen." Clark left Danang in 1969 an angry young man after 13 months as a combat engineer, vowing to never return to the country he once thought of as "the asshole of the world". Now, in a twist of history, he lives in the coastal city a stone's throw from Marble Mountain, where he was posted, during a bloody, bitter war that ended in 1975. Today, the 68-year-old recovering alcoholic is married to a Vietnamese woman and some charity work with Vietnamese victims of the war. He says he knew he wanted to move to Vietnam soon after his first trip back in 2007, in an effort to "make amends" with the people he once considered an enemy. - 'He's not a wimp' - The city he now calls home looks nothing like it did nearly 40 years ago as Vietnam's economy surges and its people embrace consumerism -- much of it American-tinged. Budweiser is on offer in the fast-growing city's many bars, and five-star resorts dot the coast where the first American marines landed in 1965 to fight communist-backed Viet Cong soldiers from the north. Story continues On the outskirts of the city, the US launched phase two of a dioxin clean-up campaign last year, an area where millions of litres of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange were stored. Not all vets share Clark's acerbic views on the president. He knows one fellow vet back in the US planning to travel to Danang hoping to catch a glimpse of Trump. Former marine Chas Lehmann is equally happy to see Trump in Danang, a city he's lived in since 2012. "He's got backbone, he's not a wimp, and he's not obligated to (political) parties," said Lehmann, who arrived in 1965 as a serviceman and spent 18 months in the conflict. The billionaire businessman has come under fire for deferring the Vietnam draft five times -- including once reportedly for bone spurs. Neither of the Danang-based veterans would be drawn on Trump's draft dodge. So far, the president is not scheduled to speak about the war on his visit, which will also include a stopover in Hanoi to meet with Vietnam's top communist leadership. He also sparked controversy for saying US veteran John McCain, whose bomber was shot down in Hanoi in 1967, is not a war hero because was captured. And during a 1998 interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern, Trump compared avoiding sexually transmitted diseases from his active love life to the travails of fighting in Vietnam. "It's Vietnam," he said. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful." To Vietnamese vets, Trump is not as easy to love as some of his predecessors. "He seems odd, he doesn't pay much attention to Vietnam unlike Clinton or Obama," former Vietnamese soldier Nguyen Thu, 72, told AFP. But none of that phases Lehmann. He offered to drive Trump in his war-era American Jeep that sits in his driveway in Danang. The White House still hasn't replied to him. WASHINGTON Allegations that Roy Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama, sexually assaulted a 14-year-old and sought or maintained relationships with other teenage girls when he was in his early 30s has prompted calls from his fellow Republicans for him to step aside. But with the election only about a month away, options to replace Moore are limited. Alabama election law prohibits a candidate from withdrawing from the ballot within 76 days before an election. The Senate special election between Moore and Democratic Party nominee Doug Jones is set for Dec. 12, or 33 days away. This means Moore cannot be replaced on the ballot with another Republican; not easily, at least. Here are a few of the options for Republicans, based on information discussed by Pepperdine University election law professor Derek T. Muller on his blog and Twitter: Moore withdraws Moore can technically withdraw from the race, but he cannot be replaced on the ballot with a different candidate. If Moore were to withdraw, votes for him would not count. In that case, the Republican Party would not have a candidate who could receive votes on the ballot. If Moore withdraws from the race and still receives the most votes, the second-place finisher would be elected. Unless... Someone launches a write-in campaign Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) was appointed by the former governor (who has since resigned over a corruption scandal) to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but Strange lost the Republican primary to Moore on Sept. 26. Strange was supported by President Donald Trump and some Senate Republicans. The main super PAC affiliated with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to endorse or spend money to help Moore. Its no surprise that Senate Republicans dont really like Moore even though many of them have endorsed him since his primary victory. That sets up an easy change of heart for Republicans to back a write-in candidate. In fact, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has already spoken to Strange about a write-in campaign. Story continues That is a process Murkowski knows well. She is one of three Americans to win a U.S. Senate seat by running a write-in campaign. In 2010, she lost the Republican primary to tea party challenger Joe Miller. This was a very similar situation to Moores defeat of Strange. Both Miller and Moore were backed by far-right groups railing against the Republican establishment. Murkowski waged a write-in campaign and won the general election with 39.5 percent of the vote. The other two write-in winners were Sen. William Knowland, a Republican from California, in 1946 and Sen. Strom Thurmond, a then-Democrat from South Carolina, in 1954. While Alabama technically has a sore loser law forbidding primary losers from running in the general election under the banner of another party, it allows a primary campaign loser to participate in the general election as a write-in candidate. Further, Alabama has no prefiling requirement for write-in candidates. That means Strange is eligible. Strange could run regardless of whether Moore withdraws from the race. If Moore does not withdraw and Strange runs a write-in campaign, it sets up a race among Moore, the Republican; Jones, the Democrat; Strange, technically an independent; and any other write-in candidates. If Moore withdraws, the recipient of the most votes among Jones, Strange and other write-in candidates would win. A replacement name goes on the ballot (which appears unlikely) After winning the Democratic Party nomination for Senate in 2002, then-Sen. Bob Torricelli (D-N.J.) pulled out of the race on Sept. 30 among accusations of a string of ethical abuses. Democrats sued to put a different candidate on the ballot even though the legal time frame to replace Torricelli had passed. The New Jersey Supreme Court ultimately issued a unanimous ruling allowing Democrats to put Frank Lautenberg on the ballot. Rick Hasen, an election law professor at the University of California-Irvine, wrote a defense of this decision for providing a real democratic choice to voters, which he calls the Democracy Canon. He said that canon could apply when the replacement of a candidate expands the ability of voters to properly choose elected representatives without disenfranchising other voters. (Not everyone agrees with this.) In a blog post, Hasen initially said that he believed the same principles behind the New Jersey decision should apply in Alabama (i.e., Republicans should be able to replace Moore on the ballot with another candidate). But absentee ballots have already been sent out, most importantly to members of the military serving overseas. If those overseas voters have already cast ballots for a person who will no longer be a candidate, then they have essentially been disenfranchised. It may be too late to get them new ballots, making it much less likely Alabama courts would allow a replacement following a withdrawal, Hasen wrote to HuffPost in an email. Nothing Moore stays on the ballot. No one wages a write-in campaign. Voters will decide between Moore and Jones. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Danica Roem (PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images): AFP/Getty Danica Roem has made Virginia history by being the first openly transgender person to be elected to the House of Delegates ousting one of the commonwealths longest serving and most socially conservative lawmakers. Once Ms Roem is sworn in January, she will also be the first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature in the US, according to the Victory Fund, a political action committee that works to get openly LGBTQ people elected, and has supported Ms Roem. To every person whos ever been singled out, whos ever been stigmatised, whos ever been the misfit, whos ever been the kid in the corner, whos ever needed someone to stand up for them when they didnt have a voice of their own, Ms Roem said. This one is for you. The former newspaper reporter unseated Republican delegate Bob Marshall, who had sponsored a bill that would have restricted which toilets she could use. Mr Marshall had proposed legislation for a bathroom bill similar to what passed with great controversy in North Carolina last year. His bill would have required people to use the restroom that corresponds with the gender on their original birth certificates. He later toned down the language on the bill, to remove the word original but blasted the Republican committee that stuck the revised bill down as disgusting. Back in 2006 he had also labelled himself Virginias chief homophobe when defending his views on gay marriage. Althea Garrison, elected in Massachusetts, was the first openly transgender person to serve in a state legislature, but did not campaign as an openly transgender person during her race in 1992. The race between Ms Roem and Mr Marshall drew international attention and big money to the district in northern Virginia, located not too far from the Democratic bulwark of Washington, DC. Democratic House Caucus Chair Charniele Herring called Ms Roems victory historic. It sends a message to politicians everywhere that the politics of bigotry is over. Story continues Aisha C Moodie-Mills, president and chief executive of Victory Fund, said that 2017 will be remembered as the year of the trans candidate and Danicas heroic run for office the centrepiece of that national movement. Ms Roems supporters celebrated after the result came in having raised nearly $500,000 in donations, much of it coming from LGBT advocates and supporters from across the US. But conservative groups denounced her win. This is what happens when the radical transgender lobby pours more than $600,000 into a small state race and conservative donors largely sit the race out Democrats cruise to victory and claim a mandate on an issue they were too afraid to outwardly campaign on, said Terry Schilling, executive director at the Washington-based American Principles Project, which supported Mr Marshall. Ms Roem was not the only openly transgender candidate elected on Tuesday. Tyler Titus won a seat on a western Pennsylvania school board, according to the Erie Times-News. While Ms Roem openly discussed her gender identity during the campaign, the topic was not her main focus. Instead, she campaigned on issues regarding jobs, schools and with particular fervour northern Virginias traffic congestion. Discrimination is a disqualifier, Ms Roem said after her victory. You can serve if you have good public policy ideas, youre well qualified and you have a commitment to do the work of the people youre running to represent. She also promised that she would definitely fix the traffic congestion issue. She has thanked her grass-roots supporters, saying they made it possible for her to run without relying on campaign contributions from corporations. Ms Roem said she refused to accept money from Dominion Energy, which she argues has too much influence over politicians. We have got to change the culture in Richmond, she said in a TV interview. The 33-year-old spoke publicly about being transgender in 2013, after having begun her gender transition when she was 28. She emphasised on the campaign trail that politics should be inclusive of people from all backgrounds. Ms Roem, who sings in a heavy metal band in her spare time, said she learned to listen to different perspectives and digest complicated policy as a reporter for the Gainesville Times and Prince William Times skills she could utilise as a commonwealth delegate, she said. She won awards from the Virginia Press Association seven times. No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship or who you love, if you have good public policy ideas, if youre qualified for office, you have every right to bring your ideas to the table, she said. Ms Roem also argued that Mr Marshall, who has served in Virginias House of Delegates since 1992, spent too much time on social policy. During his 13 terms, Mr Marshall became a lightning rod for controversy. In addition to this years so-called bathroom bill, he was also the author of a now-void constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between one man and one woman, and sponsored a bill banning gay people from openly serving in the Virginia National Guard. On the campaign trail, Mr Marshall and other Republicans repeatedly misidentified Ms Roems gender. In a statement posted on his Facebook page, Mr Marshall said: For 26 years Ive been proud to fight for you, and fight for our future. Though we all wish tonight would have turned out differently, I am deeply grateful for your support and effort over the years. A dangerous warning posted by a police department in Arkansas about fentanyl on shopping carts quickly went viral, but has since been deleted over concerns the guidance was overblown and not a genuine threat. Earlier this week, the Leachville Police Department shared an alert urging the public to wipe down their shopping cart handles before using them. In the post, the department said deadly drugs, namely fentanyl, could be left behind on the handle and enter the next persons body through skin contact. "All you'd have to do is rub your nose or touch your child's mouth," the department wrote. "Children just being exposed to the powder or residue is a bad situation that can turn deadly." However, while some experts say the accidental ingestion is technically possible, most say it would be highly unlikely to occur from a person touching a cart handle. RELATED: Learn more about fentanyl Dr. Christopher Hoyte, associate medical director for the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center and faculty member for the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, told CBS News he can't say it's "impossible," but said that the claim is "very improbable." "I never say never, but it is highly, highly, highly, unlikely someone could become that systemically ill just from having fentanyl touch their skin," Hoyte told the outlet. "It's not absorbed just touching it." "I will say if they touched it and then rubbed their nose and breathed it in through that way that would be a possibility," he added. Franklin County Lt. Scott Reed from the Multi-County Narcotics and Violent Crimes Unit told WKYC that the chances of being poisoned by fentanyl from touching a grocery cart are highly unlikely. He further told the outlet, that if a user had enough of the drug in their system to the point that it could transfer to another, they would be unconscious. The police department has since deleted that post and apologized for the confusion. Republican party faces first major electoral defeat of Trump presidency Democrats presented race as referendum on White House The Democrat Ralph Northam won a decisive victory on Tuesday as the Republican party suffered its first major electoral defeat since Donald Trump took the White House. With 88% of precincts reporting, Northam had bested Republican Ed Gillespie by a margin of 53% to 46% to win Virginias governorship, in a wave election that saw a Democratic landslide in the state. The race had long been framed by Democrats as a referendum on Trump, who tweeted copiously about it but did not appear on the campaign trail with Gillespie. Northam ran a television ad in which he called Trump a narcissistic maniac in the primary and then often tried to put the race in a broader context. He told the Guardian in an interview the night before the election: Virginia is a bellwether for this country and the world. In contrast, while Republicans ran television ads focused on Trump-associated issues such as Latino gangs and Confederate monuments, Gillespie stayed focused in campaign appearances on bread-and-butter issues such as economic development and taxes. After Gillespies concession speech, Republican congressman Scott Taylor described the election as a referendum on the administration and said Trumps divisive rhetoric prompted and helped usher in a very high Democratic turnout in Virginia. He expressed his shock that unknown no-name Democrats had won state legislative seats despite running weak campaigns. Northam, the states lieutenant governor, managed to win despite a campaign that was heavily criticized by many Democrats in recent weeks for its halting response to Republican attacks and the backlash to a campaign ad run by a supportive Super Pac that featured a man in a pickup truck with a Gillespie bumper sticker and Confederate flag chasing after Hispanic and Muslim youths. Despite those pitfalls, voters swarmed the polls in well-educated parts of northern Virginia that have swung heavily Democratic in recent years, where they overwhelmingly supported Northam. Exit polls showed the Democratic candidate outperforming Hillary Clinton in key demographics including female voters and college graduates. Story continues Nor did Northam suffer any significant dropoff among African American voters, a key demographic in the state. Herbert Williams Jr, a 46-year-old African American business owner and navy veteran, said that he supported Northam in an attempt to combat extremism. In his opinion, Virginias election would penetrate across the country as a referendum against extremism. However, Gillespies embrace of a Trump-like message struck many as inauthentic. A former chair of the Republican national committee and George W Bush White House staffer, the Republican nominee was a pillar of the Republican establishment. Andy Surabian, a close ally of Steve Bannon and senior adviser to the Great America Pac, said Gillespie was hurt because he came across as inauthentic. Ed Gillespie proved tonight that the way forward for the Republican party is to run authentic candidates who can believably connect with voters on issues they care about like illegal immigration, Surabian said. Trump also rushed to blame the losing Republican. In a tweet from his foreign trip in South Korea, the president wrote: Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Dont forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before! Gillespie had pushed towards more populist positions after nearly suffering an embarrassing primary loss to Corey Stewart, a local elected official who campaigned on the issue of Confederate monuments and his steadfast support for Trump. Taylor told the Guardian that Trumps tweet was profoundly wrong and that the results would have been a lot worse if Ed wasnt the candidate, a lot worse. Instead, he emphasized that candidates should be authentic and be explicit about when they agreed with Trump and when they didnt. Gillespies results lagged far behind those of two other statewide candidates from his party, who were on the ballot for lieutenant governor and attorney general. However, Democrats held on to both positions as Justin Fairfax became the second African American to win statewide office in the commonwealth and the attorney general, Mark Herring, won re-election to a second term. Gillespies poor performance was a boost for local Democrats, who picked up at least 14 seats in the state house of delegates, potentially giving them a chance to flip the chamber. Among the winners was Danica Roem, who became the first transgender woman elected to a state legislative seat in American history, besting the conservative firebrand Bob Marshall in the outer suburbs of Washington DC. Democrats did well in other key races on Tuesday night as well. In New Jersey, the Democrat Phil Murphy romped to victory against the states incumbent lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno, in a race that national Republicans had long written off. In neighboring New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio won re-election as expected. In Maine, a referendum pushed by Democrats to expand Medicaid in the state passed. The Republican governor, Paul LePage, had previously vetoed six bills passed in the state legislature to expand the healthcare program for low-income Americans under the provisions of Obamacare. In Washington, Democrats won a special election for the state senate that gives them total control of the state. Democrats also won competitive mayoral races in Charlotte, North Carolina, St Petersburg, Florida, and Manchester, New Hampshire. The big Democratic night bodes well for 2018 as signs of backlash against Trump, whose approval rating is mired under 40% grow. Republicans currently have a 24-seat majority in the House of Representatives. When asked if his party could hold on to the House of Representatives if Trumps rhetoric and tweets remained the same in the next year, Taylor said thats an interesting question. I think it will handicap the ability for that to happen. Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump suffered a triple defeat as Democrats won high-profile state and mayoral elections to underscore his unpopularity on Wednesday's first anniversary of his dramatic election win. The Tuesday night results amounted to a sweeping repudiation of what critics have called Trump's politics of division, and a test of his influence ahead of electoral battles looming on the state and national level. The most damaging defeat was in Virginia, a state bordering Washington seen as a bellwether for national politics with the country gearing up for 2018 congressional elections and the next presidential contest in 2020. The Virginia governor's race had all the makings of a nailbiter, but in the end, Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam trounced his Republican rival Ed Gillespie by an unexpectedly wide nine percentage points in the southern battleground state. In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy reclaimed the governorship with a victory of about 13 percentage points over his rival following eight years of Republican Governor Chris Christie, a onetime ally of Trump. And in New York, progressive Mayor Bill de Blasio rode a wave of hometown distaste for Trump to cruise to re-election in America's most populous city. Murphy and Northam painted their wins as rejections of the polarization that to a large extent characterized Trump's 2016 campaign and much of his first year in the White House. "Tonight, New Jersey sent an unmistakable message to the entire nation: we are better than this," Murphy declared. The results mark a revival of political fortunes for the Democratic Party, which had failed to win a number of previous special elections in several states this year triggering concern about how to counter Trump's influence in US politics. "This is a referendum on American values," Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said on CNN, speaking of the Tuesday night sweep. Story continues In a statement, the Committee said it had won not just in Virginia and New Jersey but "up and down the ticket across the country" by maintaining or flipping mayoral and state house seats in six other states. In Virginia, Democrat Danica Roem, 33, made history by becoming the state's, and possibly the nation's, first openly transgender state legislative delegate. A victory for Gillespie would have served to validate Trump's aggressive style, and form a blueprint for how mainstream Republicans can embrace Trump issues without necessarily embracing the controversial man himself. Now they might be forced to rewrite their playbooks. In his typically combative style, Trump swiftly sought to distance himself from Gillespie, who did not campaign with the president in Virginia. "Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for," Trump wrote in a scathing tweet from South Korea, where he is in the midst of a tour through Asia. - 'Bloodbath' - The president insisted that with the US economy doing well, "we will continue to win." But some analysts said the results suggest a Democratic wave might be on the horizon. Virginia was a "bloodbath" for Republicans, Michael McDonald of the University of Florida told AFP. Even though Gillespie aired ads that fueled a debate on race, guns, illegal immigration and the fate of Confederate statues, his attempt to distance himself from Trump specifically just did not work. "Trump sucks up a lot of the air in American politics, so it's difficult for any Republican to run away from Donald Trump," he said. If Trump had not proven a drag on Virginia voters, it would demonstrate his overwhelming power to draw Americans to polls despite poor approval numbers. Compounding the Republican woes in Virginia, Democrats also won contests for lieutenant governor and attorney general. The party gained several seats in the 100-member House of Delegates, putting Republicans under threat of possibly losing control of the state legislature. "There will be a lot of Republicans who are concerned" about how such a development might translate into losses in 2018's congressional mid-term elections, McDonald said. "If they can lose control of a legislative chamber, they can certainly lose control of the US House of Representatives," said the professor. All 435 seats in the US House are up for re-election every two years. Republicans currently hold a comfortable majority, but if they lose that advantage, Trump's legislative agenda, including his longstanding effort to repeal and replace the existing health care law, would come under threat. New York (AFP) - New York's Bill de Blasio on Tuesday became the first Democratic mayor in 32 years to cruise to re-election in America's financial capital, a progressive politician riding a wave of disgust for Donald Trump. The former city councilor from Brooklyn quashed his Republican challenger, 36-year-old state assembly member Nicole Malliotakis, in the largely Democratic city where a woman has never served as mayor. With 90 percent of votes counted, he was propelled into office for another four years, on a commanding lead of 65.5 percent compared to 28.7 percent for Trump-voting Malliotakis, The New York Times reported. Even with a low turnout, that was no mean feat in the most populous US city, where the left-leaning de Blasio presides over an annual budget of $85 billion, a payroll of 295,000 and 8.5 million New Yorkers. The vote was seen as a ringing endorsement for de Blasio's anti-Trump stance in a city where 80 percent of the electorate voted for Hillary Clinton and Trump, a real-estate Manhattan billionaire, is despised. "Tonight, New York City sent a message to the White House," de Blasio told his victory party in Brooklyn. "Our message was this: you can't take on New York values and win, Mr president. If you turn against the values of your hometown, your hometown will fight back," he said to cheers and applause. Since Trump swapped Fifth Avenue for the White House, the mayor has emerged as a strident opponent, fighting his attempts to restrict immigration, repeal Obamacare and exact tax cuts on the wealthy. With a fresh victory in hand, de Blasio pledged to continue his progressive agenda. "We've got to become a fairer city and we've got to do it soon and we've got to do it fast," he said. "You ain't seen nothing yet." He has won praise for achieving his signature campaign promise of launching universal pre-kindergarten education for four-year-olds, and already rolling out a phased induction of three-year-olds. Story continues - 'Bluer tonight' - He has pledged to impose a millionaire's tax to fix the city's decrepit subway. The economy is doing well and crime is at record lows, yet enthusiasm for the man has always been lackluster. "He ain't the greatest but we have to have a Democrat," said voter Peter Schnieder, 71, in de Blasio's home district of Park Slope, an uber wealthy, progressive enclave of Brooklyn. The mayor, physically imposing at six foot five (nearly two meters) has been criticized for schlepping out to his Brooklyn gym, lateness and for lacking charisma of his billionaire predecessor Michael Bloomberg. Despite investigations into his fundraising, no charges have been brought. An early confrontation with police -- having warned his biracial son to take "care" with officers, has long since dropped off. De Blasio lacks a cozy relationship with Wall Street -- his politics too center-left for comfort when it comes to the wealthiest powerbrokers, and he has come under fire over the rising homeless population. Yet the mayor has consistently defended immigrants, and in a city where 38 percent of the population is foreign-born, that counts. He was also bolstered by strong support among Latinos and African Americans. "We may not have won this race but we have made our voices heard," said Malliotakis, the daughter of Cuban and Greek immigrants. Besides the mayoral election, two gubernatorial elections also took place Tuesday, in what could be bellwethers of sentiment a year after Trump's election and a year before the 2018 mid-terms. In Virginia, Democratic Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam defeated his Republican rival Ed Gillespie in the southern battleground state, a rejection of Trump's policies and his scorched-earth 2016 campaign. With a Democrat also projected to win the governor's mansion in New Jersey, replacing outgoing Trump ally Chris Christie, the results are being interpreted as a revival of political fortunes for the party. "I bring you tidings of joy this evening because America got a little fairer tonight, America got a little bluer tonight," de Blasio said. Ed Koch was the last Democratic incumbent mayor to win re-election in New York. De Blasio's two immediate predecessors were the Republican-turned independent Bloomberg and Republican Rudy Giuliani. Critics say Trump does not understand the consequences of military strike Trump repeats warnings and points out array of US military hardware nearby Donald Trump in the conservation science lab of Chinas Forbidden City on Wednesday. Briefings from the administration seemed to put an emphasis on military options. Photograph: Andy Wong/AFP/Getty Images Democrats in Congress say they are concerned that Donald Trump does not understand the consequences of a pre-emptive strike on North Korea and believes there is a military solution to the nuclear standoff. On his visit to Seoul on Tuesday, Trump repeated his warnings to Pyongyang and pointed to the array of US military hardware gathering around the Korean peninsula. In doing so, he took the unusual step of revealing the presence of a nuclear submarine in the region, without clarifying whether he meant a nuclear-armed or nuclear-powered vessel. But in his remarks in Seoul, Trump also left the door open for possible talks. It makes sense for North Korea to come to the table and to make a deal thats good for the people of North Korea and the people of the world, he said. The comments marked a reversal of his earlier insistence that talks with Pyongyang were a waste of time but Democratic critics of the president expressed concern that Trumps apparent conversion to diplomacy might be fleeting and illusory. The presidents rhetoric during his trip has been uncharacteristically diplomatic but lets not kid ourselves. The braggadocio and the loose talk is going to come back the minute that he is alone inside the residence upon his return, Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, told reporters. Members of Congress have been unnerved by briefings from the administration on North Korea that appeared to put an emphasis on possible military options and downplay the potential for dialogue. It frightens me that they think there is such a thing as a limited strike on North Korea, Ruben Gallego, a marine combat veteran and Democratic congressman from Arizona. Gallego and fellow congressman Ted Lieu wrote to the Pentagon in September to ask for its assessment of the impact of any North Korean retaliation for a US strike. The reply, signed by Rear Admiral Michael Dumont, vice-director of the joint staff, pointed out: The only way to locate and destroy with complete certainty all components of North Koreas nuclear weapons programmes is through a ground invasion. Story continues Dumonts response did not try to estimate a consequent casualty figure but a new report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service said a conflict could affect upwards of 25 million people on either side of the border, including between 100,000 and half a million US citizens. Even if the DPRK uses only its conventional munitions, estimates range from between 30,000 and 300,000 dead in the first days of fighting, given that DPRK artillery is thought to be capable of firing 10,000 rounds per minute at Seoul, the report said. Senator Tammy Duckworth said she was confident that US military leaders understood the risks of any attempt of a preventive strike against North Korea, but worried that Trumps past threats raised questions over whether the message was getting through to the Oval Office. I am not confident that the president has looked at all the options and fully understands the consequences of all the options and what would happen, even with a limited military strike. And I worry that the folks with that information will not be allowed to present those options to him when he makes that decision, Duckworth, a Democratic senator from Illinois, said. It sounds like he is listening to his advisers today but I have no idea whether next week he is going to listen to them. Lieu, a Democratic congressman from California and a former air force officer, said: The problem is we cant control whether its a limited strike or not because we cant control what they would do. And in every scenario, theres nothing that guarantees North Korea doesnt just escalate immediately and go berserk. Thae Yong-ho, a senior North Korean defector has said that an overwhelming response to a preventive or pre-emptive strike is programmed into Pyongyangs military doctrines. North Korean officers are trained to press their button without any further instructions from the general command if anything happens on their side, Thae told the House foreign affairs committee last week. Trumps recent remarks have also given the impression that he has an exaggerated appreciation of missile defence systems and their ability to shield the US and its allies from a North Korean attack or counter-attack. In October, Trump boasted: We have missiles that can knock out a missile in the air 97% of the time, and if you send two of them its going to get knocked down. And this week he questioned why Japan a country of Samurai warriors did not simply shoot down the missiles that North Korea test-fired over Japan. The various missile defence systems arrayed against North Korea in the region have a mixed record in exercises and have never been tested in battle. This myth that we have some kind of technology that can shoot nuclear missiles out of the air we do not, said Joseph Cirincione, the head of the Ploughshares Fund, an arms control advocacy group. But the president thinks we do. Cirincione said he was also worried that the progress of the special counsel investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow, and which has already led to the indictment of a former campaign manager, could panic Trump into war as a diversionary tactic. As this Russian investigation intensifies and it is just getting started how does that affect the calculations of the president of the United States or his mental condition? he said. He would not be the first president to be tempted by using a military adventure to distract from domestic difficulties. Asked about the possibility of such a wag the dog scenario, Senator Murphy said: I certainly dont want to speculate that would ever be the presidents motivation but the uncertainty about the factors that would go into the presidents decision to launch a military strike against North Korea is a big reason why Republicans and Democrats should make it clear that he has got to come to Congress first. Democrats have drafted two bills aimed at limiting Trumps capacity to go to war without congressional approval. The first would prohibit him from launching a nuclear first strike on his own, and the second would prevent him ordering unilateral action against North Korea. The two bills so far have attracted little overt Republican support, but Murphy argued that, as nervousness over Trumps behaviour spreads, they would eventually get passed. Weve got a lot of support on the Democratic side of the aisle, the senator said. Ill say we have a lot of quiet support from our Republican friends, who are not necessarily willing to sign on to our legislation but I imagine would support if it ever came to the Senate or a Senate committee on a vote. And we are going to exercise all our options to get it to a vote. HAILEY A former Blaine County Sheriff's deputy who was convicted by a jury of stealing from a police program for children could spend up to 14 years in prison. Chad Schiermeier was sentenced Tuesday to six to 14 years in prison for a charge of felony grand theft. Schiermeier, 40, was employed by the sheriffs department between 1999 and 2015, working as the Wood River Middle School resource officer and director of the Police Activities League, a non-profit summer program for children aimed at preventing juvenile violence and crime by building relationships among police, children and the community. After Schiermeiers arrest, Sheriff Gene Ramsey released a statement saying his office uncovered discrepancies in the PAL account and possible thefts committed by the deputy. Schiermeier was suspended by the sheriffs office in November 2015 and fired a month later. In October 2016, he was indicted after an investigation by the Idaho State Police. Prosecutors said he spent about $80,000 of the program's money on personal items including high-end outdoor equipment like binoculars and truck accessories. Schiermeier was originally indicted by a Blaine County grand jury on six felony counts of misuse of funds over $300 by a public employee. Those charges were dismissed, but in September a jury found him guilty of grand theft. Schiermeier and his lawyer contended he was authorized to make every transaction he made. They claimed that Blaine County leaders failed to provide Schiermeier with any financial oversight or training and that Blaine County Sheriff Gene Ramsey neglected the PAL program until 2015, when he worked with the prosecutors office to press charges to cover up his own neglect of the program. Democrat Ralph Northam won the closely watched race for Virginia governor by a comfortable margin. Given the stakes of the contest, its not surprising that the victory dominated headlines. But the more stunning news came down ballot in the Virginia House of Delegates, where Democrats flipped 16 Republican seats nearly seizing control of the chamber. The scale of the House victories was a shock to even the most dedicated partisans, one of whom predicted, days before the election, that picking up six to eight House seats would count as a success. Asked on a Wednesday call with reporters which individual wins surprised him the most, House Democratic Leader David Toscano joked, How bout 16? What surprised me was how many there were, Toscano continued. All of these people ran very good campaigns, and you could see how they could win, you just didnt think they would all win. The final results are in flux. In five races, the victor won by a margin of 1 percentage point or less, which is the threshold for a candidate to request a recount. Democrats won two of those races, while Republicans won three. (Photo: Alissa Scheller/HuffPost) If the current count of 16 Democratic pickups sticks an effective 32-seat swing the parties would be tied 50-50 in the House, prompting an unusual power-sharing arrangement in which they divide committee chairmanships and other key posts. Either party may yet pick up an additional seat through the examination of provisional ballots or a recount. The most promising opportunity for Democrats is in the 94th District, where Republican David Yancey defeated Democrat Shelly Simonds by just 12 votes. Even if Democrats total gain were to decline by a seat or two in the coming days, it is impossible to overstate how much the election will shift the Houses balance of power. Republicans now hold a 66-34 majority that they had solidified through partisan gerrymandering conducted in 2011. With a tie, or even less, Democrats could approve major legislation by swinging just one or two Republicans, Toscano noted. Story continues Some priorities that Toscano suggested are now in reach include expanding Medicaid to cover 400,000 more low-income Virginians, passing a bill providing paid family leave for state residents and raising the states minimum wage. There is no doubt the dynamic is going to change dramatically this January, Toscano predicted. Democrat Danica Roem is set to become the country's first transgender state lawmaker. She was part of the wave of Democratic victories in the Virginia House of Delegates. (Photo: J. Lawler Duggan/For The Washington Post via Getty Images) The Democratic caucus itself is due to become more progressive as well, especially when it comes to issues of monopoly power and corporate influence. Thirteen Democratic candidates who made the progressive group Activate Virginias pledge to refuse donations from the state-regulated power companies Dominion and Appalachian Power were victorious. The party is now likely to have a livelier debate about a bill introduced by a Democratic state senator that would prohibit lawmakers and candidates from accepting contributions from any state-regulated utility, which includes power providers and telecommunications companies. That bill is going to come up, and there is going to be a lot of support for it. Well just have to see how much support there is, Toscano said. Of course, if major legislation passes the House, there is no guarantee that it will become law, since Republicans hold a 21-19 majority in the state Senate. But there is also no telling whether that Senate majority, which faces reelections in 2019, will march in lockstep now that Democrats have pulled off such a stunning performance in the House. The single biggest factor behind the success of House Democrats at the polls is the same one that propelled Northam to victory in the governors race: President Donald Trump. Democratic rival Hillary Clinton defeated Trump by 5 percentage points in Virginia last year. And, notwithstanding the GOPs gerrymandering of the state legislative districts, voters in 17 GOP-held House districts voted for her as well. (As of Wednesday afternoon, Democrats had flipped 15 of those 17 seats and one seat in a district where Trump won.) The math provided Democrats with a prime candidate recruitment opportunity. But, for the most part, the candidates came to them, galvanized by anger over Trumps election to become civically engaged. They were teachers, lawyers, techies, veterans, civil servants and at least one former TV news anchor; they were black, white, Latino and Asian; they were cisgender and transgender; and they hailed from all corners of the state, rural, suburban and urban alike. At one point in March, months before the Democratic primaries, the party had reeled in 74 candidates to contest 47 GOP-held districts. In the end they were able to run candidates in 88 out of 100 House districts, more candidates than they have had since anyone in the party can remember. We found that the enthusiasm we had was unprecedented, and we began to see Virginia as a potential bellwether election as a test of the Trump presidency, Toscano recalled. Women were especially motivated to jump in the race, thanks in no small part to the Jan. 21 Womens March. Hala Ayala, delegate-elect in Virginias 51st District, organized a massive contingent of participants in the main Washington, D.C., march from Virginia. Kelly Fowler, delegate-elect in the 21st District, took her daughter to the march on her 8th birthday and came away from the experience inspired to run. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. HUGE WIN in VA Beach! Kelly Fowler went to the women's march in January and ended up on the ballot. @VoteforFowler is an inspiration. Tom Perriello (@tomperriello) November 8, 2017 In the end, 11 more Democratic women were elected to House seats, bringing the total number of House Democratic women to 23, or nearly half. When you look at the margins of victory, it speaks to the strength of these womens candidacy and their ability to connect to both male and female voters, House Democratic Caucus Chair Charniele Herring said on the call with reporters. Voter excitement mirrored that of the abundant pool of candidates. Democrats were not only more motivated than Republican voters, but they consolidated behind Democratic candidates earlier in the cycle, according to Joshua Ulibarri of Lake Research Partners, who conducted polling for the caucus. Ten to 15 percent more Democrats were saying they were voting for Democrats than two years ago, Ulibarri said on the Wednesday press call. In the past, in these districts, [some Democrats] would hold out before they decided or they would vote for Republicans. Given the Republican bent of many of the gerrymandered districts and the reality that not even Republican-leaning voters disdain for Trump would be enough to get them to vote out Republican delegates, however, the party needed more than just anti-Trump fervor, according to Ulibarri. Ulibarri devised district-specific ways to define these Democrats as separate from other Democrats, and to define these Republicans as exceptionally worse than any other Republican. For example, to boost Ayalas bid, Ulibarri worked early on to emphasize her background as a cybersecurity specialist for the Department of Homeland Security. It was really hard ... to say Hala is weak on crime or immigration or MS-13 [gang activity] when weve defined her as a cybersecurity specialist, Ulibarri said. In terms of specific policies that helped Democrats politically, expanding access to affordable health care was consistently a top-three issue in Virginia, in a way that it hadnt been in previous cycles, according to Ulibarri. In 2015, Ulibarri recalled, expanding health care access resonated moderately with voters, mainly as a pragmatic question of creating health care jobs and taking advantage of the federal funding for Medicaid expansion. This year, however, in the wake of Republican efforts in the U.S. Capitol to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Virginians were much more receptive to arguments that giving people more access to affordable health care, period, was an intrinsically positive value, Ulibarri said. Not jobs ... not something formulaic like that but the value, he said. We really boiled this down to the values. Democrat Chris Hurst campaigns for a state House seat in southwest Virginia. The former TV anchor unseated a three-term Republican on Tuesday. (Photo: Jay Westcott/For The Washington Post via Getty Images) Individual Democrats who won in swing districts also emphasized the importance of an aggressive bricks-and-mortar ground game in generating high turnout among key voter groups in the states notoriously quirky off-year elections. Lee Carter, delegate-elect in the 50th District, which includes the outer Washington suburb of Manassas, knocked on about 20,000 doors in the last four days of his campaign. Carter, a former Marine and outspoken leftist, had a dispute with the state party that resulted in it cutting off assistance to him. Carter also raised less than half of the funds of his opponent, Del. Jackson Miller, the GOP majority whip. But with the help of his fellow members of the Democratic Socialists of America, who Carter estimated knocked on half of the doors in the final stretch, he won by nearly 10 percentage points. The things that we were talking about were things that were immensely popular with the Democratic Party voter base and the Democratic Party coalition as a whole, Carter told HuffPost. We were going out and talking about making lives better for working people, making Virginia the kind of place where anyone can live and work and not worry about how theyre going to put food on the table or how theyre going to make the rent. The result is a stunning electoral performance that produced a class of Virginia House Democrats that will be the most diverse in the partys history. The newcomers include many people who are the first of their minority group to hold the office. Danica Roem, delegate-elect for the 13th District, is the states first transgender state lawmaker. Roem dispatched Republican Bob Marshall, whose social conservatism is so notorious that LGBTQ groups dubbed him Bigot Bob. Marshall introduced a bill banning public school students from using the bathroom of their choice and refused to call Roem by her preferred pronoun of she during the campaign. Elizabeth Guzman, delegate-elect for the 31st District, and Hala Ayala will be the chambers first Latina members. Fowler, delegate-elect for the 21st District, and Kathy Tran, delegate-elect for the 42nd who came to Virginia as a Vietnamese refugee when she was a child, will be the first Asian-American women in the lower chamber. Dawn Adams, delegate-elect for the 68th District, will become the states first openly lesbian lawmaker. The new batch of Democrats also features its share of lawmakers with compelling personal stories. Chris Hurst, delegate-elect for the 12th District, is a former TV news anchor inspired to run for office by the tragic on-air shooting death of his girlfriend. The partys performance was so strong that there is even evidence the House races boosted Northams numbers for governor. Its the reverse of the top of the ticket typically helping candidates farther down the ballot. In Republican-held precincts with a Democratic House challenger, there was a 20 percent jump in votes for the Democratic gubernatorial candidate relative to 2013, according to an analysis of voter data conducted by Reed Shaw, a former Barack Obama presidential campaign data specialist, and shared with HuffPost. In GOP precincts without a Democratic House challenger, there was no change from the 2015 gubernatorial numbers, Shaw found. The state Democratic Partys coordinated campaign, in which it pooled efforts to elect Northam, other statewide candidates and House candidates, knocked on more doors at the behest of House Democratic operatives, according to Ulibarri. The staffers thought that more canvassing was necessary to clinch races for House Democrats, but it likely had the effect of increasing Northams margin as well, Ulibarri posited. I dont think we take credit for [Northams win] for sure, but from a 5- to an 8-point lead, I think there is a lot going into that on the House side. Also on HuffPost Alabama State Capitol (Montgomery, Ala.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin) Alaska State Capitol (Juneau, Alaska) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Chris Miller) Arizona State Capitol (Phoenix) Pictured on Friday, April 23, 2010. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Arkansas State Capitol (Little Rock, Ark.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston) California State Capitol (Sacramento, Calif.) Pictured on Thursday, Jan. 5, 2006. (Photo by David Paul Morris/Getty Images) Colorado State Capitol (Denver) Pictured on Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006. (Photo by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images) Connecticut State Capitol (Hartford, Conn.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1999. (AP Photo/Bob Child) Delaware State Capitol (Dover, Del.) Florida State Capitol (Tallahassee, Fla.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/John Raoux) Georgia State Capitol (Atlanta) Pictured on Tuesday, November 13, 2007. (Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images) Hawaii State Capitol (Honolulu) Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Ned Dishman/NBAE via Getty Images) Illinois State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.) Pictured on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman) Indiana State Capitol (Indianapolis) Pictured on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images) Iowa State Capitol (Des Moines, Iowa) Pictured on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Kansas State Capitol (Topeka, Kan.) Pictured on Thursday, April 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) Kentucky State Capitol (Frankfort, Ky.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 12, 2006. (AP Photo/James Crisp) Louisiana State Capitol (Baton Rouge, La.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Matthew HINTON/AFP/Getty Images) Maine State Capitol (Augusta, Me.) Pictured on Monday, Oct. 17, 2011. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach) Maryland State House (Annapolis, Md.) (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) Massachusetts State House (Boston) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) Michigan State Capitol (Lansing, Mich.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) Minnesota State Capitol (St. Paul, Minn.) Pictured on Friday, July 1, 2011. (Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images) Mississippi State Capitol (Jackson, Miss.) Pictured on Thursday, June 10, 1999. (AP Photo/Rogelio Solis) Missouri State Capitol (Jefferson City, Mo.) Pictured on Friday, Oct. 16, 2000. (Photo credit should read ORLIN WAGNER/AFP/Getty Images) Montana State Capitol (Helena, Mont.) Nebraska State Capitol (Lincoln, Neb.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1998. (AP Photo/S.E. McKee) Nevada State Capitol (Carson City, Nev.) New Hampshire State House (Concord, N.H.) Pictured on Friday, Dec. 28, 2001. (Todd Warshaw//Pool/Getty Images New Jersey State House (Trenton, N.J.) Pictured on Friday, Aug. 13, 2004. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images) New Mexico State Capitol (Santa Fe, N.M.) New York State Capitol (Albany, N.Y.) Pictured on Sunday, March 16, 2008. (Photo by Daniel Barry/Getty Images) North Carolina State Capitol (Raleigh, N.C.) Pictured in 1930. (AP Photo) North Dakota State Capitol (Bismarck, N.D.) Pictured on Thursday, April 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Dale Wetzel) Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio) Pictured on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. (Photo by Mike Munden/Getty Images) This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Donald Trump - seen here with beauty pageant contestants on September 15, 2014 in Briarcliff Manor, New York - was allegedly offered women when he was in Moscow promoting Miss Universe, a separate pageant: Photo by Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images A Russian involved in a 2013 Moscow beauty pageant offered to send five women to Donald Trumps room, according to NBC News. The account flowed from testimony Mr Trumps former bodyguard Keith Schiller gave to the House Intelligence Committee, the news network reported, and Mr Schiller said he promptly shot down the offer. We don't do that type of stuff, Mr Schiller reportedly replied. In a statement to NBC, Mr Schillers attorney Stuart Sears decried partisan insiders who he said leaked details of Mr Schillers testimony to the media. The Chairman and Ranking Member should investigate and hold accountable whoever is responsible for leaking false and misleading versions of Mr Schillers testimony, Mr Sears said. The House panel is conducting one of multiple investigations into potential interactions between the Russian government and Mr Trumps presidential campaign. Among other things, investigators are looking into a controversial dossier that makes salacious claims about Mr Trumps conduct when he was in Moscow to stage a Miss Universe contest there. The President has rejected the dossiers contents as false, and according to NBC Mr Schiller emphatically did the same. The NBC story does not identify the Russian who allegedly offered to send women to Mr Trumps room. But a July story by the Associated Press stated that Emin Agalarov a Russian pop star who helped arrange a campaign meeting between Donald Trump Jr and a Russian lawyer offered to send prostitutes to Trump's hotel room during his 2013 trip to Moscow but was rebuffed by Mr Schiller. US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump stand with Chinese President Xi Jinping - AP Donald Trump has flouted the Chinese government's ban on Twitter by sending a series of tweets to his 42 million followers during a visit to the country. The US president marked his arrival in Beijing on Wednesday by tweeting: "thank you for the beautiful welcome China!" but the message openly disregards the country's firewall, which blocks its citizens from using the social media site. Observers have seen Mr Trump's tweets as a mark of showmanship during his visit to the country. "The president will Tweet whatever he wants," a senior US official told reporters aboard Air Force One shortly before Trump landed in Beijing. "That's his way of communicating directly with the American people. Why not? So long as he can access his Twitter account because Twitter is banned in China along with Facebook and most of the other social media." Looking forward to a full day of meetings with President Xi and our delegations tomorrow. THANK YOU for the beautiful welcome China! @FLOTUS Melania and I will never forget it! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2017 Mr Trump will most probably be connected to a US-based service provider, leaving him outside reach of China's heavily monitored service providers. The president's aircraft also has its own secure wifi system, the US official told reporters: "I'm sure we've got the gear aboard this airplane to make it happen". The US president spent Wednesday afternoon at Beijings Forbidden City before attending a private dinner with Xi Jinping, the Chinese president. Chinese nationals can be imprisoned for posting political messages on social media while a number of news and blog sites are completely blocked. Story continues U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. first lady Melania visit the Forbidden City with China Credit: Reuters The US president also has a secure cell phone and has sent at least two dozen tweets in the first four days of his trip to Asia. Chinas cellular network is believed to be entirely compromised by its security services. The White House declined to say whether Trump would be bringing his phone on the trip, but tweets sent by him since hes departed Washington are marked as being sent from an iPhone. Chinese officials appeared to recognize Mr Trump's love of tweeting. Asked whether Trump would be able to tweet from Beijing, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang told reporters: We take everything into account on receiving foreign heads of state so you should have no reservations about Mr. Presidents ability to keep in touch with the outside. The American Civil Liberties Union argues the Pentagon has yet to present any evidence Donald Trump's administration has detained an American citizen at a secret jail in Iraq for nearly two months, denying him access to a lawyer and refusing to release his name. The unidentified American, who has not been charged, surrendered to US-backed fighters around 12 September and allegedly fought with Isis militants in Syria. He has been detained as an unlawful enemy combatant, although the American Civil Liberties Union argued the Pentagon has yet to present any evidence. "An American citizen has been locked up for nearly two months and repeatedly asserted his constitutional right to a lawyer. But the Trump administration is doing all within its power to deny him that basic protection," said Jonathan Hafetz, a senior staff attorney with the ACLU in New York. Last month, the ACLU filed a petition in the US District Court in Washington, DC, challenging the man's detention and seeking to provide him legal counsel. In a response filed last week, US attorneys argued the ACLU is asking to represent and provide legal counsel to an individual it does not know, has never met and does not officially represent. The government said the ACLU's "attempt to interject itself as the advocate for an individual who came into US military custody less than seven weeks ago, was identified as an enemy combatant and is currently detained in Iraq pending a determination of his further disposition is improper, unnecessary and should be dismissed." The government said the International Committee of the Red Cross had visited the detainee. The Red Cross could contact his relatives, who could seek legal representation on his behalf, it added. The ACLU countered by saying the Red Cross' mission is not to obtain legal counsel for detainees it meets. Mr Hafetz said there is no indication the detainee wants to or can contact relatives or whether they would be willing to risk reprisal by seeking a lawyer for him. The ACLU and other civil rights groups have claimed the detainee has been held too long without access to counsel. Story continues But the government argued that the Supreme Court has recognised that in the case of military operations, the executive branch should be given a reasonable period of time to determine a detained individual's status. The Defence Department "is still within that initial reasonable period" of time, the government attorneys wrote. Steven Dalbey, director for the Defence Department's office of detainee policy, which receives and reviews all reports filed by the Red Cross, said the American surrendered to Syrian Democratic Forces on or around 12 September. Those US-backed forces turned him over to American forces which identified him as an enemy combatant and detained him in Iraq. "This location is within an armed conflict zone with restricted civilian access based on military operational concerns, security concerns and political sensitivities of the host nation," Mr Dalbey said. "As a known security risk, there is no capability to provide this detainee with an unclassified system for a video-teleconference in a private setting to discuss legal matters." He said the Red Cross was granted access to the detainee on 29 September and 23 October. The Red Cross has not commented on the individual's identity, location or conditions of his detention. In a blog post about the ongoing case, the ACLU said: "By opposing the ACLUs efforts in this case, the Trump administration is taking a very dangerous step: It is blocking an Americans citizens access to his own countrys courts. It is also undermining the bedrock guarantees of habeas corpus, which for centuries has served as the greatest check on unlawful government detentions. "Now, were fighting to stop the governments unconstitutional attempt to create a new rights-free zone." Additional reporting by AP President Donald Trump, who once called China an economy enemy whose trade relationship with the United States amounted to rape, put forth a notably softer stance when visiting the country on Thursday. I dont blame China for trade imbalances, Trump said during a joint signing of new business deals worth $250 billion with Chinese President Xi Jinping. After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens? I give China great credit. Trump instead blamed his predecessors for allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take place and grow. Calling Xi a very special man, Trump described their relationship as very warm and having great chemistry. The Chinese leader, who is more powerful than ever, did not offer the same level of effusive praise. Of course there are some frictions, but on the basis of win-win cooperation and fair competition, we hope we can solve all these issues in a frank and consultative way, Xi said. Later on Thursday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did some damage control during his own Beijing news conference, telling reporters that Trumps remarks were a little bit tongue in cheek. He emphasized Trumps point that the blame lies with past administrations, who left the door open for China a developing nation to trample over the U.S. Trump attends a welcoming ceremony on Nov. 9, 2017. (Photo: Thomas Peter / Reuters) Trump said the new business deals with American companies such as Boeing, General Electric and chip giant Qualcomm would be fair and tremendous for both of us. Trumps approach to dealing with China has been full of surprises from the start. After repeatedly attacking the country during his campaign, vowing to rebalance the trade deficit, he hosted Xi at his Mar-A-Lago resort in April. It was then that Trump began to scale back his rhetoric, expressing his personal affinity for Xi and outlining a strategy for dealing with North Korea which placed China front and center. China, hes said, holds the key to de-escalating tensions with the rogue regime. Story continues Trump is about halfway through a 12-day visit to Asia, where the focus has so far been on the North Korean nuclear threat. His next stop is Vietnam, where he will attend an economic conference, followed by the Philippines, where he will meet with strongman president Rodrigo Duterte. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Donald Trump has praised China for carrying out the unfair trade practices which he had previously lambasted after enjoying an official welcome to Beijing filled with pomp and pageantry. Mr Trumps comments on the second day of a state visit to China seem far removed from the rhetoric he used when he rode a nationalist wave to win the US presidency last year, accusing Beijing of raping our country and destroying American jobs. Speaking in the Chinese capital on Thursday he shifted the blame for the huge trade deficit between the worlds two biggest economies to previous administrations. "I don't blame China," he said. "After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens?" To applause from officials and business leaders from the US and China, Mr Trump added: "I give China great credit." Donald Trump's in Asia tour, in pictures Mr Trump also described the US-China trade relationship as very one-sided and unfair, and said the deficit between the two countries was shockingly" large. The US president was speaking after a colourful welcome ceremony in Tiananmen Square, where children waved US and Chinese flags at the two leaders and a military band played the national anthems. Mr Trump also held bilateral talks with Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, at Beijings cavernous Great Hall of the People on Thursday. Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping (not shown) make a joint statement at the Great Hall of the People on November 9, 2017 in Beijing Credit: Getty Images He urged the Chinese leader to step up efforts to rein in North Korea, which has alarmed the world this year by testing a series of missiles and carrying out its sixth and most powerful nuclear test. "We must act fast, Mr Trump said. And hopefully China will act faster and more effectively on this problem than anyone. The day included announcements that the US and China had signed agreements valued at more than $250 billion (191 bn) for products including US-made jet engines, auto parts, liquefied natural gas and beef. Story continues Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, and Donald and Melania Trump pose for group photos at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China Credit: Barcroft Media Many of the contracts appeared to represent purchases that Chinese businesses would have made anyway, but were saved for Mr Trump's visit. China's trade surplus with the United States in October widened by 12.2 percent from a year earlier, to $26.6 billion, according to Chinese customs data released Wednesday. The total surplus with the United States for the first 10 months of the year rose to $223 billion. Mr Xi pledged to improve the business environment in China, saying that China will not close its doors and will open them "even wider". He also said US-China relations were at a "new historic starting point," in comments which seemed to underline what many see as a developing bromance between the two leaders. Mr Xi also sought to allay fears that Beijing is becoming increasingly assertive in foreign affairs and a growing threat to peace as it continues to expand its military reach. "The Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate both China and the United States," he said. Mr Trump is visiting China as part of a mammoth five-nation tour of Asia which has already seen him make trips to Japan and South Korea. President Xi, thank you for such an incredible welcome ceremony. It was a truly memorable and impressive display! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2017 He stepped up his warnings to North Korea on Tuesday and called on China to further sever its trade links with the country to help pressure the regime to give up its nuclear weapons. Mr XI also addressed Pyongyang during his speech on Thursday, reiterating his desire to see the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula. Mr Trump is clearly enjoying the highly-choreographed welcome he has received in China. US First Lady Melania Trump and China's First Lady Peng Liyuan are surrounded by students after a cultural performance during a visit to Banchang Primary School in Beijing on November 9 Credit: AFP He described his visit to the Forbidden City with Mr Xi on Tuesday as an unforgettable afternoon and evening, while he Tweeted that his welcoming ceremony was a truly memorable and impressive display. The US president attended an official banquet in his honour on Thursday evening after he met with Li Keqiang, the Chinese prime minister. Tucker Carlson, Donna Brazile (Photo: Fox News) Fox Newss new favorite author, former interim Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile, was interviewed on Tucker Carlson Tonight Wednesday. Because of remarks she makes in her new memoir, Hacks, that are critical of Hillary Clinton and her 2016 campaign, Brazile is suddenly being lionized as a fearless truth-teller on Fox News. Well, not entirely: Shes also being laughed at. Carlson asked her about the widely reported leak of a debate question to the Clinton campaign, which she is accused of doing. When Brazile responded with a feeble excuse I didnt want them to be blindsided Carlson guffawed loudly, momentarily stopping the show. Then he semi-apologized, saying, I dont typically laugh in the middle of an interview. This is, of course, not true: Its one of Carlsons regular devices; when hes overwhelmed with contempt for his guest, he often erupts in gales of laughter, as can be seen here, here, and here. An hour later on Hannity, Sean Hannity was having his rabid nervous breakdowns over what he called Wednesday night the fake-news-anti-Trump-Russian-propaganda-lying dossier. He wiped the froth from his jaw momentarily, however, to sing the praises of Brazile for the Tucker appearance she had just made: Donna Brazile continues to spill the Democrats dark secrets! he crowed, playing excerpts from the Tucker set-to. Its amazing, the gall the Fox News zoo-crew displays in embracing Brazile now that shes airing her grudges against their common target: Hillary. During the campaign, Brazile was not considered a brave spiller of beans she was constantly pilloried by Fox News hosts, as a devious sneak who leaked debate info. Megyn Kelly, then at Fox, grilled her grimly here. Watch The Fives Eric Bolling say, What Donna Brazile did was shameful and treasonous, to nods of agreement from four Five hosts here. The hypocrisy, whenever its convenient, is perpetually shocking. Less shocking was the appearance of former Donald Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon on Wednesdays Hannity. Booked to post-mortem the Republicans Election Day loss in Virginia, Bannon looked like someone had thrown an open can of tomato sauce at his face. Blaming the Democratic victory on an insufficiently Trumpian candidate, Ed Gillespie, Bannon soon veered off topic to start babbling randomly. The Clintons have been corrupt for so long, he said not that Sean had asked a question about the Clintons. To bring unity to the party, Mitch McConnell should tender his resignation tomorrow, he said. In fact, he liked the phrase tender his resignation so much, he said it two more times in the same segment. Story continues And, ye gods, Bannon started in again on Hannitys super-favorite topic: the Uranium One deal. Kids, have I ever shown you Joy Reids brisk demolition of that pseudo-scandal? I have? Well, enjoy it again here. We are one year into the Trump presidency as of yesterday, friends, and Fox News is doing its best to keep reminding you of two things you already know: Donald Trump won, and Hillary Clinton lost. Sometimes you watch Fox and realize they wish the reverse was true, so theyd have their favorite person around to hate 24/7. Tucker Carlson Tonight airs weeknights at 8 p.m. on Fox News. Hannity airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on Fox News. Read more from Yahoo Entertainment: Theresa May has been accused of lying about her knowledge of Priti Patels undisclosed meetings in Israel (Getty Images) Downing Street has been accused of lying about their knowledge of Priti Patels secret meetings with high-ranking Israeli officials. The International Development Secretary is thought to be facing almost certain dismissal after being ordered to cut short an official visit to Africa following the apparent disclosure of further unauthorised meetings with Israeli politicians. She has been reportedly summoned by Theresa May to explain herself amid claims she failed to disclose a series of meetings with senior Israeli figures during a family holiday to Israel in August. Ms Patel admitted on Monday that she had held 12 meetings. But on Tuesday night, it emerged she had held two additional meetings, one in the UK and one in the United States. Downing Street initially said it had been left in the dark over these meetings. But, according to bombshell claims made by the Jewish Chronicle, Number 10 instructed Ms Patel not to include at least one of those meetings with Israels foreign ministry official Yuval Rotem held in New York on her list of unauthorised meetings, which was made public on Monday. Downing Street has denied the claims. A spokesman said: Its untrue that Number 10 asked DfiD to remove any meetings from the list that was published. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Theresa May earlier this week. The Jewish Chronicle says this was done so as not to embarrass the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The paper has also claimed Mrs May may have been made aware of Ms Patels unsanctioned meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just hours after it occurred. A spokesperson for Mrs May previously claimed the PM knew nothing about the meeting until Friday. These claims are also denied outright by Number 10, according to BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg. No 10 has just flatly denied the Jewish Chronicle story that said PM knew about some of the Patel-Israeli meetings Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) November 8, 2017 On August 24 the day of Ms Patels meeting with Netanyahu notes from a meeting between Middle East minister Alistair Burt, British Ambassador to Israel David Quarrey, and Michael Oren, Deputy Minister at the Israeli Prime Ministers Office, refer to a successful meeting between Ms Patel and Mr Netanyahu. Story continues Information about the meeting was said to have been passed to Number 10. It was reported earlier this week that the Prime Minister only found out about the meeting on Friday after it was reported by the BBC. The disclosure of the two additional meetings have left Ms Patel clinging to her job by her thread one which may be terminally cut before the day is out. It is understood she met Israeli public security minister Gilad Erdan in Parliament on September 7, and foreign ministry official Yuval Rotem in New York on September 18, following the August meetings in Israel. No British officials were present and like her meetings in Israel, she did not report them to the Foreign Office or Government in the usual way. She was accompanied at all the meetings bar one in Israel by honorary president of the Conservative Friends for Israel lobbying group Lord Polak. SHOSHONE For a second time, Shoshone voters rejected a school bond. During Tuesdays election, the $6 million ballot measure received 307 yes votes and 173 no votes, falling short of the required two-thirds supermajority. Right now, were just kind of processing emotionally what happened yesterday and havent really gotten down into the details about what the next steps would be, Shoshone School District superintendent Rob Waite said Wednesday. The school district first attempted a $6 million bond in August. Both times, the bond was slated to pay for remodeling the existing school, constructing a new multipurpose building including a stage and gymnasium and a new vocational building and small building with a couple of alternative-school classrooms. The measure would have cost taxpayers $6.67 each month per $100,000 of taxable value. Waite said he expects school officials will move forward in the next few weeks with deciding what to do next. In informal discussions, the general consensus is the overwhelming majority of voters wanted to do the building project, but not two-thirds, he said, and school leaders want to be sensitive of that fact. Las Vegas first driverless shuttle hit the streets on Wednesday and was promptly hit by a truck. The shuttle was performing a test ride with passengers downtown when it was grazed by a delivery truck around noon, the city said. The human driver of the truck, who was backing out at the time, was cited by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department for the crash, which KSNV-TV reported occurred within the first hour of the shuttles operation. The shuttle did what it was supposed to do, in that its sensors registered the truck and the shuttle stopped to avoid the accident, the city said in a statement. Unfortunately the delivery truck did not stop and grazed the front fender of the shuttle. Had the truck had the same sensing equipment that the shuttle has the accident would have been avoided. This driverless vehicle was involved in a fender bender during its first ride around Las Vegas on Wednesday. (Photo: City of Las Vegas) Passengers onboard the vehicle confirmed that the shuttle did stop but in the path of the truck. The shuttle just stayed still and we were like, Oh my gosh, its gonna hit us, its gonna hit us! and then, it hit us! passenger Jenny Wong told KSNV. And the shuttle didnt have the ability to move back, either. Like, the shuttle just stayed still. Fortunately, no humans were injured in the crash, the city said. The eight-passenger shuttle is currently offering free rides to people along a half-mile loop in the citys Fremont East Innovation District. The operation is part of a 12-month pilot program, the city said. Its touted by Las Vegas as the countrys first autonomous shuttle thats able to communicate with traffic signals and surrounding smart infrastructure. Related Coverage Feds Are Investigating Google's Driverless Car Crash Why You Should Never Sleep While Your Tesla Drives Itself Experts Weigh In On Autonomous Weapons Dominos Tests Driverless Delivery Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Quito (AFP) - Ecuador's attorney general on Thursday accused Vice President Jorge Glas of unlawful association in the giant corruption case involving Brazilian constructor Odebrecht. Glas is in pre-trial preventive custody and has not been formally charged, but attorney general Carlos Baca said on Twitter he was seeking an indictment on "charges against the vice president and 12 others in the crime of unlawful association." The crime carries a penalty of three to five years in prison. The prosecution has previously warned that Glas and other defendants in the case could also be charged with more serious crimes, such as bribery and illicit enrichment. Glas was taken into custody on October 2, the highest-ranking politician to be connected to the multi-million Odebrecht kickbacks case, which has cast a cloud over politicians in several Latin American countries, including Mexico, Peru, Panama and Venezuela. He told AFP in an October 14 interview in Quito's Penitentiary 4 prison that he was a victim of the construction giant's revenge after he was instrumental in kicking the company out of Ecuador in 2008 following a dispute over repair of a hydroelectric plant. Glas, who was minister of strategic sectors before becoming vice president in 2013, has denied any link to the Odebrecht scandal, though his uncle, Ricardo Rivera, has been arrested for his alleged involvement. Under investigation by the US Justice Department, Odebrecht agreed in December to pay a record $3.5 billion fine after admitting to paying $788 million in bribes across 12 countries to secure contracts. The LAPD is reportedly investigating Kristina Cohen's claim: AFP/Getty The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is reportedly investigating an allegation of rape against Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick. Mr Westwick has publicly denied the claims actress Kristina Cohen made in a Facebook post on Monday. On Twitter, he said: I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape. Ms Cohen filed a complaint with the LAPD, whose sex crime unit is now investigating, according to The Los Angeles Times. She claimed she was attacked as she slept at a house party three years ago. A British-born actor living in Los Angeles, Mr Westwick gained fame as a main character in The CW drama Gossip Girl which ran between 2007 and 2012. He made his film debut in 2006s Children of Men and is currently starring in the BBC Two comedy series White Gold. The LAPD is also investigating Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul whose downfall has precipitated a wave of claims of sexual misconduct against public figures. The Metropolitan Police is investigating seven claims against Mr Weinstein. By Ahmed Aboulenein and Malak Ghobrial SHARM AL-SHEIKH, Egypt (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Wednesday he was against military strikes on Iran or the Tehran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, saying there was enough turmoil in the Middle East. In a meeting with a group of journalists, Sisi also pledged support for Saudi Arabia in its stand-off with Iran. Asked about the prospect of attacks on Iran and Hezbollah - two days after Saudi Arabia had accused Lebanon of declaring war because of Hezbollah's "aggressive actions", Sisi stressed the importance of de-escalation. "I am always against war," Sisi said, without spelling out who might be involved in military action. Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia called for sanctions against Hezbollah this week and accused Iran of supplying Yemen's Houthis with missiles used to target it. "I have said it once and I will say it again, Gulf national security is Egyptian national security. I have faith in the wise and firm leadership of Saudi Arabia," Sisi said. Sisi said the situation in the kingdom was "reassuring and stable" following last weekend's arrests of 11 princes, former and current ministers and a group of elite businessmen on corruption allegations. They face allegations of money laundering, bribery, extortion and exploiting public office for personal gain. Sisi stressed his backing of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states, which have showered Egypt with aid ever since the general-turned-president led the military's ouster of former President Mohamed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013 following mass protests. Lebanon has been thrust to the center of regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran since the Saudi-allied Lebanese politician Saad al-Hariri quit as prime minister on Saturday, blaming Iran and Hezbollah in his resignation speech. Hezbollah is both a military and a political organization that is represented in the Lebanese parliament and in the Hariri-led coalition government formed last year. Its powerful guerrilla army is widely seen as stronger than the Lebanese army, and has played a major role in the war in neighboring Syria, another theater of Saudi-Iranian rivalry where Hezbollah has fought in support of the Syrian government. (Reporting by Ahmed Aboulenein and Malak Ghobrial; Writing by Ahmed Aboulenein and Amina Ismail; Editing by Samia Nakhoul) Beijing (AFP) - Donald Trump showered Chinese leader Xi Jinping with praise during talks in Beijing Thursday, but prodded his host to work fast to help resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis, warning "time is quickly running out". Speaking on the second day of a trip to Beijing marked by pomp and pageantry, the US president also decried China's "one-sided and unfair" trade surplus with the United States but told Xi "I don't blame China", as the two countries signed more than $250 billion in business deals. Xi hosted Trump at the imposing Great Hall of the People, next to Tiananmen Square, for the main event of the US president's five-nation tour of Asia. While the two leaders exchanged pleasantries in keeping with their professed friendship -- with Trump calling Xi a "very special man" -- the former property magnate made clear that he expected China to do more to rein in North Korea. "We must act fast. And hopefully China will act faster and more effectively on this problem than anyone," Trump said. "China can fix this problem easily and quickly, and I am calling on China and your great president to hopefully work on it very hard," the US leader said. "I know one thing about your president: If he works on it hard, it will happen. There's no doubt about it," he said, while thanking Xi for his efforts to restrict trade with Pyongyang. The US administration thinks China's economic leverage over North Korea is the key to strong-arming Pyongyang into halting its nuclear weapons and missile programmes. Xi said the two countries reiterated their "firm commitment" to the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula and the implementation of UN resolutions. He also repeated his plea for the issue to be resolved through negotiations, saying China was ready to discuss the "pathway leading to enduring peace and stability on the peninsula". Story continues Though China has backed UN sanctions, US officials want Chinese authorities to clamp down on unauthorised trade along the North Korean border. But China has resisted taking more drastic steps, such as halting crude oil exports to the North. Beijing fears that squeezing Pyongyang too hard could cause the regime to collapse. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said there are signs that sanctions are "creating some stress within the North Korean economy" but that Xi told Trump they could take "a little while" to make a dent. Trump, who may meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin at an Asia-Pacific summit in Vietnam on Friday, also urged Russia to "help rein in this potentially very tragic situation". - Trade deals - Washington has made no secret of its frustration at China's massive trade surplus with the United States, but at a signing ceremony for over $250 billion in US-Chinese business deals -- including $37 billion worth of planes from Boeing -- Trump said he did not blame Beijing. "After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the sake of its citizens?" He blamed past US administrations "for allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take place and to grow". The Trump administration has aggressively pursued trade remedies in commercial relations with Beijing -- investigating Chinese trade practices on intellectual property and in aluminium and steel. "There has been some friction on bilateral trade," Xi acknowledged, while pledging to open up China's economy "wider and wider". While US and Chinese officials played up the deals, several of them were nonbinding memorandums of understanding, which can take years to materialise or never become firm contracts. Tillerson downplayed the outcome of the trade talks: "Quite frankly, in the grand scheme... the things that have been achieved so far are pretty small". - 'Beautiful welcome' - The trip comes as Trump faces the lowest approval ratings for a US president in seven decades, and with the one-year anniversary of his election Wednesday spoiled by big Democrat wins in state and mayoral votes. Xi, by contrast, cemented his status as the most powerful Chinese leader in a generation at a Communist Party congress last month, when his name was inscribed into the constitution. On Trump's first state visit to China, ceremonial cannon fire erupted and the two leaders reviewed a military honour guard just across from Tiananmen Square -- the site of the army's deadly crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in 1989. Xi later hosted Trump to a lavish state dinner, during which screens played a video of the US leader's six-year-old granddaughter, Arabella Kushner, singing ballads in Mandarin. "China and the United States, once involved in animosity, have grown into a community with our interests converging," Xi toasted. Bonnie Glaser, China expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said "emphasising pomp over substance is the Chinese way", hoping it will impress Trump "and buy China some goodwill". Trump circumvented China's internet censorship system to thank Xi for the "incredible welcome ceremony" on Twitter, which is banned in the country. "My feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one. As we said there's great chemistry and I think we're going to do tremendous things for both China and the United States," Trump told Xi during their meetings. Despite the public bonhomie, Chinese history expert Sam Crane said the "flattery will not have significant substantive effect." Electric cars are set to become an increasingly lucrative investment target, if they continuing enjoying the strong support of global initiatives to lower emissions and put clearer vehicles on roads. So expect more funding like the reported $1 billion that Niobium's (formerly NextEV) has raised from a host of investors led by Tencent, per Reuters. The Chinese carmaker has already set a launch window for its first all-electric car, a seven-seater SUV which is going to be available in the middle of next month. Nio is hoping to then also bring an autonomous EV to U.S. shores by 2020, and it raised $600 million in a round that closed just this past March. The Shanghai based company added some new investors during this round, according to Reuters, including U.S. hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, and the round values the young automaker at around $5 billion. Niobium's is working with Chinese automaker Chongqing Changan Automobile on a joint venture focused on development and sales of EVs, too. Will Ferrell really wants LeBron James to make a play for the White House. On Wednesdays Late Night with Seth Meyers, the actor recalled how he recently bumped into the Cleveland Cavaliers star at a Boston hotel gym and encouraged him to run for office. Youre from the Midwest, youre very famous, youre very popular, and youre very articulate, please run for office, Ferrell reportedly told James. On Meyers show, Ferrell stared intently into the camera and doubled down on his plea. LeBron, Im telling you now. We need you, he said. The Daddys Home lead appeared uncharacteristically serious with his appeal for James to challenge President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. He couldnt help make light of the situation soon after, however, by trying to score some free shoes as part of a joke that ran throughout the segment. Its unclear whether James was moved by Ferrells plea. He hasnt commented on the TV appeal. But with actor Dwayne The Rock Johnson also being urged to run, a James candidacy could make for a star-studded Democratic primary. Related Coverage Folks Are Sharing How Much Theyve Changed In The Year Since The Presidential Election Samantha Bee Thinks Ivanka Trump Will Be The First Female President Bill Clinton Reveals What He Misses Most About Being President Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Police are issuing a warning to owners who take their dogs to the park after an incident at a Florida dog park left owners terrified. Local authorities said at least seven fish hooks were found placed in nine meatballs at the Bicentennial Park in Ormond Beach Tuesday, WFTV reported. Two park-goers told the local station they discovered the hooks after one of their dogs started eating a meatball. RELATED: Click through some of the most outrageous mugshots and crimes There were fish hooks inside the meatballs and I got very concerned because the meatball that my dog had dropped when I called him was just half of one, one owner, identified as Rita, told the outlet. So I was afraid that he had ingested something. Shortly after, Rita rushed her pup to the veterinarian, where it was determined it had fortunately not ingested any of the hooks. I was very stressed out, she said. I was livid. I could not imagine something happening to him. SEE ALSO: Cops find creepy 'coat hook' hidden cameras in public bathrooms The Volusia County Parks and Recreation has since closed the park while authorities investigate the incident. Fair to say that the miserable excuse for a human being who did this has a cold lump of meat for a heart!! Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood wrote on Twitter RUPERT Minidoka County Joint School District are celebrating after voters approved a two-year, $2.25 million-per-year plant facilities supplemental levy on Nov. 7. The levy is an increase of $600,000 over the existing levy. The measure received 622 votes in favor and 433 against. This means that we can start making better progress with our building projects, Superintendent Ken Cox said. Some of these projects have been on hold for a long time. Cox said the district would like patrons who voted no to weigh in with their reasons. Was it the money or something were doing? Cox said. Eight hundred thousand dollars of the levy money will be used for technology, $50,000 for bus leases and the remainder for maintenance throughout the district. Projects will include buying more laptops for high school freshmen, repairs on school playgrounds, asphalt and paint and renovating the food service building and replacing the roof. The money will also be used to update doors and locks on buildings and update video and security systems at schools along with other projects. Cox said the district plans to hold a series of town-hall meetings in the spring to discuss future needs at the district. Former Boston news anchor Heather Unruh has accused Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting her son in 2016 at a Nantucket restaurant. Unruh, together with her attorney, held a press conference Wednesday in Massachusetts to allege how Spacey put his hands down her then 18-year-old sons pants. An unidentified woman apparently saw Unruhs son after the assault and encouraged him to run away. I want to see Kevin Spacey go to jail, Unruh told reporters. I want to see Kevin Spacey have the hand of justice come down on him, not just for my son but for the many others who have yet to speak their truth. Unruh, who previously worked for WCVB, is repped by attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who represented victims of the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal. She and Garabedian thanked the mystery woman who intervened on her sons behalf. I dont know how much she saw. I dont know who she is. She saw Kevin Spacey put his hand in my sons pants, said Unruh. What I do know was that she saw that my son was very shaken and I would guess that she probably knew he was underage. He didnt look 21, and I know that she had presence of mind and was disturbed enough by what she had seen to approach this young man whos almost 6-feet tall and ask if hes okay. Since first tweeting about the incident on Oct. 13, Unruh said she has heard from other victims of Spacey some of whom arent ready to share their story, she says. Since Anthony Rapp revealed on Oct. 29 that he was allegedly assaulted by the House of Cards actor, at least 13 men have come forward with accusations of sexual misconduct. The torrent of allegations has prompted Netflix to halt production of the sixth season of House of Cards and to boot the actor from the drama. Spaceys talent agency, CAA, has also dropped him. A community is developing. Ive been contacted by a lot of them, Unruh told reporters. They feel a connection to me and my family because I came forward and spoke and a lot of them feel like they havent been able to speak. Some of them want to but there are some who have been suffering for decades and havent told anybody until they told me. Theyve got a long way to go. I think what this did was open up a wound and a lot of people are feeling it. I think thats what happened with the Harvey Weinstein case. Story continues Unruh also said she believes there is at least one more victim of Spacey from the Nantucket area. Garabedian didnt rule out civil action. A rep for Spacey did not immediately respond to a request for comment from EW. Spacey has faced multiple allegations recently that he made unwanted sexual advances toward young male actors. Last week, he announced that he is seeking treatment. Following Rapps report last month, Spacey issued a statement on Twitter saying he didnt remember Rapps alleged incident and apologizing for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior. Paris (AFP) - France will oppose a European Commission proposal to renew authorisation for controversial weedkiller glyphosate for five years instead of 10, saying Wednesday the new cutoff should be three years. "France's position is three years," Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot, a celebrity green activist, told French media ahead of a vote by the 28 EU member states in Brussels on Thursday. The Commission, the EU's executive arm, had originally recommended approving the herbicide's use for another decade from December 15 but experts balked amid growing uproar over its alleged dangers. Monsanto, the US agro giant that makes weedkiller Roundup, insists glyphosate meets the standards required to renew its European licence. Glyphosate critics, led by environmental campaigners Greenpeace, are calling for an outright ban in Europe and last month activists handed the EU a petition signed by more than 1.3 million people backing such a move. They point to a 2015 study by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer that concluded it was "probably carcinogenic". However, the European Food Safety Authority and the European Chemicals Agency both say glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans, in line with a 2016 review carried out by WHO experts and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. "The big change is that we are talking about an end, not simply a renewal," Hulot told French television BFMTV. "France is in the vanguard on this issue." The minister said he sympathised with farmers "who are a bit overwhelmed by all the constraints imposed on them (but) over these three years we will be able to work towards alternatives" to glyphosate. The current licence for using glyphosate expires on December 15. PARIS (Reuters) - France's foreign ministry said on Wednesday it was taking accusations by the United States that Iran had violated two U.N. Security Council resolutions seriously and urged Iran to comply with all its international commitments. The United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley accused Iran on Tuesday of supplying Yemen's Houthi rebels with a missile that was fired into Saudi Arabia in July and called for the U.N. to hold Tehran accountable for violating two U.N. Security Council resolutions. "We take these American indications seriously and attach utmost importance to Iran's compliance with all of its international obligations, including the weapons' transfer bans provided for in UN Security Council Resolutions 2216 and 2231," deputy foreign ministry spokesman Alexandre Georgini told reporters in a daily briefing. He did not respond when asked whether Paris supported potential measures at the Security Council. France's Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has said that he expected a "challenging" meeting with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran when he travels there later this month. He is due to discuss Iran's ballistic missile program, which Paris says goes against U.N. Security Council resolutions, and its regional activities. "We have deep disagreements with Iran (on the ballistic issue) ... and the way in which Iran is discreetly or through proxies trying to create a direct channel to the Mediterranean," he said after a Security Council meeting at the United Nations on Oct. 31. (Reporting by John Irish; Editing by Ingrid Melander) By Geert De Clercq PARIS (Reuters) - A cloud of radioactive pollution over Europe in recent weeks indicates that an accident has happened in a nuclear facility in Russia or Kazakhstan in the last week of September, French nuclear safety institute IRSN said on Thursday. The IRSN ruled out an accident in a nuclear reactor, saying it was likely to be in a nuclear fuel treatment site or center for radioactive medicine. There has been no impact on human health or the environment in Europe, the IRSN said. IRSN, the technical arm of French nuclear regulator ASN, said in a statement it could not pinpoint the location of the release of radioactive material but that based on weather patterns, the most plausible zone lay south of the Ural mountains, between the Urals and the Volga river. This could indicate Russia or possibly Kazakhstan, an IRSN official said. "Russian authorities have said they are not aware of an accident on their territory," IRSN director Jean-Marc Peres told Reuters. He added that the institute had not yet been in contact with Kazakh authorities. A spokeswoman for the Russian Emergencies Ministry said she could not immediately comment. It was not immediately possible to reach authorities in Kazakhstan or the Kazakh embassy in Moscow. Peres said that in recent weeks IRSN and several other nuclear safety institutes in Europe had measured high levels of levels of ruthenium 106, a radioactive nuclide that is the product of splitting atoms in a nuclear reactor and which does not occur naturally. IRSN estimates that the quantity of ruthenium 106 released was major, between 100 and 300 teraBecquerels, and that if an accident of this magnitude had happened in France it would have required the evacuation or sheltering of people in a radius of a few kilometers around the accident site. The ruthenium 106 was probably released in a nuclear fuel treatment site or center for radioactive medicine, Peres said. Because of its short half-life of about a year, ruthenium 106 is used in nuclear medicine. The IRSN ruled out an accident in a nuclear reactor, as that would have led to contamination with other radionuclides too. It also ruled out the crash of a ruthenium-powered satellite as an IAEA investigation has concluded that no ruthenium-containing satellite has fallen back on earth during this period. Measurement from European stations showed high levels of ruthenium 106 in the atmosphere of the majority of European countries, at the beginning of October, with a steady decrease from Oct. 6 onwards. The IRSN said that the concentrations of ruthenium 106 in the air that have been recorded in Europe were of no consequence for human health and the environment. The institute also said that the probability of importation into France of foodstuffs, notably mushrooms, contaminated by ruthenium 106 near the site of the accident is extremely low. (Reporting by Geert De Clercq in Paris, additional reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin in Moscow; Editing by Alison Williams) By Riham Alkousaa BERLIN (Reuters) - The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party called on Thursday for the repatriation of half a million Syrian refugees living in Germany, saying the war there was nearly over and that President Bashar al-Assad had urged refugees to return home. Earlier on Thursday, Syria's army declared victory over Islamic State, saying its capture of the jihadists' last town in the country marked the collapse of their three-year, hardline reign in the region. However, fighting is continuing in many areas, the United Nations says, in a complex civil war in which millions have been killed or forced to flee their homes, many to neighboring countries or to Europe. The AfD's proposal for repatriating Syrian refugees is its first since it swept into Germany's lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, in September's federal election on an anti-immigrant platform. It is the third largest party in the new Bundestag but the proposal is very unlikely to win approval as mainstream parties including Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives, the biggest bloc, have refused to work with the AfD. In its proposal, the AfD said the new German government should immediately start talks with Syrian authorities over a deal to repatriate the refugees. "This deal should ensure that the returnees will be accepted in Syria and accommodated only in safe areas," the AfD said in a statement adding that Damascus must guarantee not to persecute citizens who escaped the military draft. The proposal said Syrian refugees' children in Germany should now be taught the Syrian school curriculum, either by Syrian teachers already resident in Germany or by teachers sent by the Syrian government for this purpose. "HEARTLESS" The statement, signed by the two party leaders Alexander Gauland and Alice Weidel, said the Syrian government should work with Germany to finance the repatriation, which they said should be free for the individual refugees. The Greens party, which is expected to join Merkel's new conservative-led coalition, said the AfD proposal showed the party to be "irresponsible, inhumane and heartless". "No subject is too abysmal, no populism is too dirty for you. Shame on you!" Greens politician Luise Amtsberg said on her Facebook account, commenting on the proposal. Immigration is one of the difficult issues where Merkel's conservative bloc, the left-leaning Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) are struggling to forge a common stance in their coalition talks. Since the beginning of the year, some 156,000 people have applied for asylum in Germany, more than 25 percent of them from Syria, making them the biggest national group, data from the Federal Interior Ministry showed on Thursday. (Reporting By Riham Alkousaa; Editing by Michael Nienaber and Gareth Jones) WASHINGTON Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and a slew of other Republicans called on Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama to step aside if new allegations that he had sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl in 1979, when he was 32 are true. Less than an hour after the Washington Posts bombshell report, Republicans were disavowing Moore, who ran as an outsider and defeated the more establishment Sen. Luther Strange, R-Ala., in a recent primary. The special election to fill the seat, previously held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is scheduled for Dec. 12. If these allegations are true, Roy Moore should step aside for all the obvious reasons very disturbing allegations, McConnell told reporters. The Post story is based on an account by a woman named Leigh Corfman, now 53. According to the story, she supports Republicans and voted for Donald Trump last year. McConnell and other Republicans did not specify what would convince them that the allegations are true. Three other women accused Moore of pursuing them, according to the Post. All four were quoted under their full names by the newspaper, and other witnesses confirmed they shared their stories with them at the time. Roy Moore, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Alabama, at a campaign rally on Sept. 25 in Fairhope, Ala. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images) Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, the Senates No. 2 Republican who recently endorsed Moore, said the conduct described in the story was deeply disturbing and troubling. He said the next steps for the race are up to the governor of Alabama and its people. Asked whether Moore should represent his state, Alabamas senior senator, Richard Shelby, replied: I supported Senator Strange you all know that. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, called the report horrifying. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., released a statement calling upon Moore to step down immediately. The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying, McCain said. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. Story continues Moore denies allegations that he had sexual contact with the 14-year-old and that he pursued relationships with other teenage girls while he was in his 30s. This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation, his campaign said in a statement. Republican senators have been slow to endorse Moore, with just five including Cornyn backing him so far. Moore espouses more extreme views than most U.S. senators, arguing that consensual sex between adults of the same gender should be outlawed and suggesting that the 9/11 attacks could have been punishment for the country distancing itself from God. Moore is questioned by the media in the Capitol on Oct. 31. (Photo: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images) The judge made a trip to Washington at the end of last month to court senators, telling reporters in brief remarks that they werent telling the truth about him in their newspapers. I dont hate people, he said. Its unclear what will happen to Moores candidacy if he seeks to pull out before the special election against Democrat Doug Jones. Alabama law appears to say that it is too late to replace his name on the ballot even if he files a notice of withdrawal. The state GOP did not immediately respond to a request for comment. At this point ballots have already been printed and absentee voting has begun in our 67 counties, said Brent Beal, the deputy attorney general in Alabamas secretary of state office. Because of this, no change to the ballot can be made for the Dec. 12 election. Gabby Kaufman contributed to this report. Read more from Yahoo News: On Thursday, hundreds of students across the country walked out of class to demand that Congress take swift action to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation. Just over two months after President Donald Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program putting nearly 700,000 young undocumented immigrants at risk of losing jobs and being deported when their protections expire hundreds of students in the D.C. area left their schools and gathered with other members of the public at the Hart Senate Office Building to call for Congress to pass the Dream Act. The legislation, which protesters were demanding be passed by the end of the year, would provide legal status to young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. At the rally on Thursday, organized by immigrant advocacy group United We Dream, protesters filled the building, chanting and holding banners that read: Congress pass the clean Dream Act now. Every floor of the Hart Senate Office Building has been occupied by hundreds of local high school and college students who have walked out today to call for a Clean #DreamActNOW! CWS (@CWS_global) November 9, 2017 By a clean Dream Act, organizers mean that the legislation should not be attached to other policies that would potentially harm immigrants, United We Dream field communications manager Sheridan Aguirre told HuffPost. The rally drew around 500 students from four D.C. colleges and at least one high school. They joined around 350 young, undocumented members of United We Dream who had traveled from across the country. Students at a dozen schools in a handful of cities across the country, including New York City, San Diego and Houston, also staged local walkouts in solidarity. Story continues Happening now: GW students walking out to join @UNITEDWEDREAMs rally calling for a clean Dream Act. #DreamActNOW Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) November 9, 2017 While United We Dream regularly organizes rallies in support of immigrants, Aguirre said Thursdays rally was the largest group of undocumented youth they had ever gathered in the nations capital. When Trump chose to terminate DACA, what he didnt know was he was awakening a sleeping giant, Aguirre said. U.S. citizens across the country who werent as vocal before [are now] coming out in support of DACA. Im excited to continue seeing that support. As people tweeted about the walkouts on Thursday, the hashtag #DreamActNow trended on Twitter. Proudly support all of the young people protesting and demanding that the Senate pass a clean DREAM Act. #DreamActNOW Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) November 9, 2017 Dreamers and allies flooding the Senate building to make our voices heard. We need a clean #DreamActNow Nat'l Imm Law Center (@NILC_org) November 9, 2017 During Thursdays rally, several Democratic lawmakers, including Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) tweeted in support of the student rallies for the Dream Act. Harris joined protesters at one point and raised a fist in the air in solidarity. After Trump rescinded DACA in September, he left it up to Congress to pass legislation to protect undocumented youth. On Wednesday, over two dozen House Democrats threatened a government shutdown, saying they wouldnt approve a year-end spending bill unless it included deportation relief for the more than 1 million undocumented youth brought to the U.S. as children, The Hill reported. Early on Thursday, a group of House Republicans said they wanted a vote on a bill to help Dreamers as soon as possible, at the very least by the end of the year. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) later told reporters that discussions about a Dreamer package were underway, but he said he wouldnt commit to acting before the end of the year. We have until, I believe, March is the deadline we have with the president, he said at a press conference. So I dont think theres really any need to have artificial deadlines within the one we already have. But organizers are trying to pressure Ryan to move faster, Aguirre told HuffPost. Although the speaker, Trump and other Republicans have been referring to March as the deadline, the decision to end DACA is already having an effect. Trump allowed DACA recipients whose protections were set to expire before March 6 to apply to renew them, but about 21,000 of the people who were eligible didnt apply in time, according to the government. Immigrant youth want this Dream Act passed and we want it to happen with urgency, Aguirre said, citing data from the liberal Center for American Progress that estimated that close to 8,000 undocumented people have already lost their protections since Trump ended DACA in September. Thats why its important for us to have this bipartisan, clean legislative solution by the end of the year, Aguirre added. We already have people experiencing the threat of deportation. Elise Foley contributed reporting. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Also on HuffPost April 2015 At an event hosted by Texas Patriots PAC: Everythings coming across the border: the illegals, the cars, the whole thing. Its like a big mess. Blah. Its like vomit. June 2015 At a speech announcing his campaign: "When Mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre not sending you. Theyre not sending you. Theyre sending people that have lots of problems, and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." August 2015 On NBC's "Meet the Press": Were going to keep the families together, we have to keep the families together, but they have to go." September 2015 On CBS's "60 Minutes": Were rounding em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And theyre going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesnt sound nice. But not everything is nice. November 2015 On MSNBC's "Morning Joe": You are going to have a deportation force, and you are going to do it humanely." February 2016 At a GOP primary debate: We have at least 11 million people in this country that came in illegally. They will go out. They will come back some will come back, the best, through a process. March 2016 At a press conference when asked if he would consider allowing undocumented immigrants to stay: "We either have a country or we dont. We either have a country or we dont. We have borders or we dont have borders. And at this moment, the answer is absolutely not. April 2016 At an event hosted by NBC's "Today Show": Theyre going to go, and were going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally, OK? But it has to be done legally. ... Theyre going to go, and then come back and come back legally. July 2016 At the Republican National Convention: "Tonight, I want every American whose demands for immigration security have been denied and every politician who has denied them to listen very closely to the words I am about to say. On January 21st of 2017, the day after I take the oath of office, Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the United States are enforced." September 2016 At a rally: Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country. Otherwise we dont have a country. September 2016 On "The Dr. Oz Show": Well, under my plan the undocumented or, as you would say, illegal immigrant wouldnt be in the country. They only come in the country legally. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Rome (AFP) - Italian screen legend Gina Lollobrigida has called on victims of sexual abuse to report it immediately, saying she was assaulted twice but was too afraid to say anything. The 1950s star, now 90, initially told an interview on a television show broadcast late Wednesday that unearthing old episodes of misconduct, from harassment to rape, felt a bit like "looking for publicity". But she then quietly revealed she herself had been the victim on two occasions of "fairly serious" assaults. "You must have the courage" to speak out when it happens, she said, but "I lacked that courage, I kept quiet, I said nothing." The actress, once a famous Italian pin-up, is perhaps best known for her performance in the 1953 comedy "Bread, Love and Dreams" and the 1956 US movie "Trapeze", in which she starred alongside Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis. She said she was assaulted by an Italian and a foreigner, but did not identify them by name. "The first time, I was innocent, I did not know love, I knew nothing. So it was serious. And the person was very well known. I was 19 years old, I was still in school," she said. "The second time, I'd rather not talk about it," she said, revealing just that it happened after her marriage in 1949 to Slovenian doctor Milko Skofic, with whom she had a son. The couple divorced 20 years later. "Sexual abuse, when it's serious, it stays with you and marks your character. It's something you can't cast off, it stays with you. Your actions are always subject to that terrible memory," she said. Accounts of abuse by Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein that were published last month have sparked a cascade of allegations engulfing film, politics, finance and journalism. Weinstein has denied the allegations. In Italy, several actresses have leapt to the defence of director Giuseppe Tornatore, the man behind the 1988 classic "Cinema Paradiso", who has been accused of assaulting a showgirl 20 years ago -- a claim he has denied. TWIN FALLS Many government offices and other facilities will be closed Friday in observance of Veterans Day. Most city offices will be closed, including those in Twin Falls, Jerome, Burley, Rupert, Gooding, Hailey, Ketchum and Kimberly. The Shoshone City Hall will be open. County, state and federal offices will be closed along with the College of Southern Idaho. The Twin Falls Public Library and the Herrett Center for Arts and Science will be closed Friday but open Saturday. The Twin Falls City Pool is closed for installation of a new bubble dome. Post offices will be open Friday and there will be no mail delivery on Saturday. Most banks will be open Friday and many will be closed Saturday. The Times-News offices in Twin Falls and Burley will be open Friday. Magic Valley Mall will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Trash collection will follow the regular schedule. President Donald Trumps tenure in office has reportedly been a rocky time for daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, whom one family insider has said are in a world of s**t. He may seem cool, but hes sweating, and shes like her father," a source close to the family told Vanity Fair in a new story looking back at the couple's first year in D.C. "Shell never acknowledge it and [will] blame the media. But shes been working on her reputation forever, and now its going to suffer horrifically. And for what? As the piece points out, their initial ascent in Washington was marked by a hope that they would provide a moderating perspective within the administration, but they have since been dogged by a lack of big victories, constant criticisms, and legal woes. In fact, Ivanka has spoken about the backlash she has experienced. Some people have created unrealistic expectations of what they expect from me, she told the Financial Times in September. That my presence in and of itself would carry so much weight with my father that he would abandon his core values and the agenda that the American people voted for when they elected himIts not going to happen. Her father has since defended her, saying earlier this month that Ivanka has been treated very unfairly. Ivanka and Jareds path into politics has also reportedly affected many of their prior relationships. SEE ALSO: Someone photoshopped President Trump to see what he would look like with 'normal hair' Kushner appears to have even cut ties with some friends who expressed their dismay about the election. He told Forbes late last year, I call it an exfoliation. Anyone who was willing to change a friendship or not do business because of who somebody supports in politics is not somebody who has a lot of character. But an earlier Vanity Fair piece from October suggested he and Ivanka may be the ones getting snubbed by the D.C. elite and their former New York associates. Despite the challenges both of their brands have faced since joining the administration, and the Russia investigation which looms over Kushner, they are reportedly continuing to work on key issues like child tax credits and others. A film due out next month is being reshot to remove Kevin Spacey from a key role amid sexual assault allegations against the actor. He will be replaced by Christopher Plummer in the role of J. Paul Getty in All the Money in the World, directed by Ridley Scott, according to Deadline. The website reported that the cast, including Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams, and crew unanimously agreed to reshoot the scenes to remove Spacey. Variety cited sources as saying that work would be completed in the coming weeks and that the film would still be released as planned on Dec. 22. The film was complete and had been set to close the AFI Fest next week, but it was pulled from the schedule after the accusations against Spacey emerged, the Los Angeles Times reported. A statement from Sonys TriStar Pictures at the time said the film would still be released as planned. "[A] film is not the work of one person, the statement said. There are over 800 other actors, writers, artists, craftspeople and crew who worked tirelessly and ethically on this film, some for years, including one of cinemas master directors. It would be a gross injustice to punish all of them for the wrongdoings of one supporting actor in the film. Last month, actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of sexual harassment when he was 14 years old. Since then, a number of others have also come forward. On Wednesday, former Boston TV news anchor Heather Unruh said the actor sexually assaulted her son last year after giving the 18-year-old alcohol. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Federal student loan borrowers who cannot work due to an illness or injury may have their loans discharged due to total and permanent disability. Borrowers can qualify for this discharge in one of three ways: with doctor certification, Social Security benefits or certification from the Department of Veterans Affairs. This last scenario recently made headlines when a wounded veteran had $223,000 of federal student loans discharged -- and then received a $62,000 tax bill in its place. How did this happen? It has to do with how the government treats forgiven and discharged student loans. [Explore three ways a student loan could be discharged.] Forgiveness vs. Discharge Federal student loans offer a variety of means to eliminate your remaining balance, which is one of the many reasons the Student Loan Ranger recommends them over private student loans. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, for instance, gets a lot of positive media coverage for forgiving the remaining balances of nonprofit and public service employees after 10 years. But federal student loans can be discharged if borrowers suffer unfortunate personal circumstances or when schools improperly handle the loans. The major difference between forgiveness and discharge is the amount forgiven under federal forgiveness programs like PSLF is considered tax-free. That means you won't have to claim the forgiven amount as taxable income on your federal tax returns. But this isn't the case with discharge programs. [Learn to prepare wisely for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.] Tax Consequences While the Department of Education offers discharge programs to alleviate borrowers' student debt, the Internal Revenue Service sees this discharged amount as taxable income. What are the consequences of this? Your lender will issue you a 1099-C form indicating the amount of your discharge. This amount is considered income for tax purposes, and you can estimate a tax bill of 25 to 30 percent of the forgiven amount. Story continues If you make $40,000 the year of your discharge and have a $50,000 student loan balance discharged, you can expect a tax bomb of $12,500 just for the discharged amount. But if you're approved for a TPD discharge, you're deemed unable to work. So how can the IRS expect you to pay such a large tax bill? [Find out about new help available for disabled student loan borrowers.] Relief Options The only way to avoid the tax ramification of a student loan discharge is to apply for an insolvency exclusion. For the IRS to consider you insolvent, you need to show that your debts exceeded the value of your assets at the time of the loan discharge. You also need to complete IRS Form 982 to apply for this exclusion. Keep in mind that if you are eligible for an insolvency exclusion, it may not be for the full amount of your loan discharge. You can estimate the value of the exclusion using the worksheet in IRS Publication 4681. Anyone who has had his or her student loans canceled due to TPD or other taxable discharges can seek relief with the insolvency exclusion. However, the Student Loan Ranger is not a tax professional and recommends borrowers considering this option to speak with one. If you're ineligible for an insolvency exclusion or only partially eligible, you are responsible for your IRS bill. The IRS does allow short- and long-term installment plans, though, if you cannot afford to pay your bill immediately, and you can apply for these online or by mail or phone. A short-term installment plan -- up to 120 days -- has no associated fees, but fees are assessed on long-term plans, with lower fees for direct-debit plans. Ashley Norwood, consumer and regulatory adviser, regularly advises consumers on planning and paying for college. She provides training and guidance regarding financial aid and student loans, works with individuals to resolve student loan issues, and recommends improvements to federal financial aid policies. Norwood worked in higher education financial aid prior to joining American Student Assistance and holds a bachelor's in economics from College of the Holy Cross. Los Angeles (AFP) - Police in Los Angeles announced Tuesday they are investigating a rape allegation made against British "Gossip Girl" actor Ed Westwick. Los Angeles Police Department official Drake Madison told AFP there was an "ongoing investigation" taking place, after actress Kristina Cohen accused him of rape Monday in a Facebook post. "I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on any woman. I certainly have never committed rape," Westwick, 30, wrote on Twitter. Cohen alleged Westwick raped her three years ago at his house, shortly after propositioning her and a producer she was dating. "Ed insisted we stay for dinner. I said I was tired and wanted to leave, trying to get out of what was already an uncomfortable situation," she wrote, adding she was then persuaded to stay by the producer and went to rest in the guest room. "I eventually fell asleep, I was woken up abruptly by Ed on top of me, his fingers entering my body. I told him to stop, but he was strong," she said. "I was paralyzed, terrified. I couldnat speak, I could no longer move. He held me down and raped me." Cohen -- who has played roles in series such as "Californication" and "The Middle" -- added the producer blamed her and suggested accusing Westwick would ruin her career. The accusation is the latest in a string of allegations of sexual misconduct in Hollywood, which follow the publication of an expose on movie mogul Harvey Weinstein in early October. By Laila Bassam and Tom Perry BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon believes Saad al-Hariri is being held in Saudi Arabia, from where he resigned as Lebanese prime minister, two top government officials in Beirut said, amid a deepening crisis pushing Lebanon onto the frontlines of a power struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran. A third source, a senior politician close to Saudi-allied Hariri, said Saudi Arabia had ordered him to resign and put him under house arrest. A fourth source familiar with the situation said Saudi Arabia was controlling and limiting his movement. In a televised statement indicating deep concern at Hariri's situation, his Future Movement political party said his return home was necessary to uphold the Lebanese system, describing him as prime minister and a national leader. Hariri's resignation last Saturday, read out on television from Saudi Arabia, came as a shock even to his aides and further embroiled Beirut in a regional contest between Riyadh and Tehran. Hariri's exit fueled wide speculation that the Sunni Muslim politician, long an ally of Riyadh, was coerced into stepping down by Saudi Arabia as it seeks to hit back against Iran and its Lebanese Shi'ite ally, Hezbollah. In his resignation speech, Hariri denounced Iran and Hezbollah for sowing strife in Arab states and said he feared assassination. His father, a former prime minister, was killed by a bomb in 2005. Saudi Arabia has denied reports he is under house arrest. But Hariri has issued no statements himself to that effect, and has not denied that his movements are being restricted. RESTRICTED FREEDOM "Keeping Hariri with restricted freedom in Riyadh is an attack on Lebanese sovereignty. Our dignity is his dignity. We will work with (foreign) states to return him to Beirut," said the senior Lebanese official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the government had yet to declare that position. Saudi Arabia says Hariri resigned because Hezbollah, which was included in Hariri's coalition government, had "hijacked" Lebanon's political system. Hariri aides had until Thursday denied he was under house arrest but took a dramatically different tone after a meeting of the Future Movement convened at Hariri's Beirut residence on Thursday. A statement read by former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said his return was "necessary to recover respect for Lebanon's internal and external balance, and in the framework of full respect for Lebanese legitimacy". Hariri's aunt, Bahia, sat next to Siniora as he read the statement. The party stood behind his leadership, it said. Hariri came to office last year in a political deal that made the Hezbollah-allied Christian politician Michel Aoun head of state and produced a coalition government grouping most Lebanese parties including Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia blessed the government at the time, but has been fiercely critical of the Hariri-led government since he stepped down, saying it failed to act against Hezbollah, whose guerrilla army is far more powerful than the weak state. Saudi Arabia had wanted Hariri to take a tougher stance toward Hezbollah, and he failed to do so, the fourth source said. "He was functioning as if it is business as usual, so the Saudis had to accelerate the process and to force a resignation." Saudi Arabia this week lumped Lebanon together with Hezbollah as parties that are hostile to it, breaking with a long-established policy that has drawn a line between them and raising concerns of further Saudi measures. SAUDI ARRESTS Hariri flew to Saudi Arabia last Friday. The top Lebanese government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: "Lebanon is heading toward asking foreign and Arab states to put pressure on Saudi Arabia to release Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri." The official said Hariri was still Lebanon's prime minister, echoing other Lebanese government officials who say his resignation had not been received by Aoun, and his government therefore remained in place. The resignation of Hariri, a business tycoon whose family made its fortune in Saudi Arabia, happened at the same time as a wave of arrests of Saudi princes and businessmen accused of corruption by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The senior Lebanese politician close to Hariri said: "When he went (to Saudi Arabia) he was asked to stay there and ordered to resign. They ordered him to read his resignation statement and he has been held under house arrest since." Two U.S. officials said the Saudis, led by Crown Prince Mohammed, had "encouraged" Hariri to leave office. The fourth source said: "He is under controlled movement by the Saudis, limited movement." Hezbollah's parliamentary bloc said Saudi Arabia must halt its interference in Lebanese affairs. He made a one-day flying visit to the United Arab Emirates, a close Saudi ally, earlier this week before returning to Saudi Arabia. Hariri's office said in a statement he had received the French ambassador to Saudi Arabia at his Riyadh residence on Thursday. He had also met the head of the EU mission to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, and on Tuesday the British ambassador and the U.S. charge d'affaires. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert confirmed U.S. Charge d'Affaires Chris Henzel met with Hariri. Asked about reports Hariri was being held in Saudi Arabia, Nauert declined to elaborate on his status or what was discussed, calling the talks "sensitive, private, diplomatic conversations." Nauert indicated the United States would not treat the Lebanese government any differently as a result of the uncertainty over Hariri. Saudi Arabia warned its citizens on Thursday against travel to Lebanon and said those already there should leave. It has issued similar advice about Lebanon to its citizens before. Lebanon's Maronite patriarch will visit Saudi Arabia next week and has received "a positive response" from Saudi officials over the possibility of seeing Hariri, his spokesman said. Patriarch Beshara al-Rai's visit "had been decided on a long time ago. In light of the developments, his mission has become national," Walid Ghayyad said. The patriarch will take a message to the kingdom that "Lebanon cannot handle conflict." (Additional reporting by Samia Nakhoul, Tom Perry, Ellen Francis, Sarah Dadouch and Lisa Barrington in Beirut and John Walcott in Washington; Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Toby Chopra and Peter Cooney) Beirut (AFP) - Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil on Thursday demanded the return of prime minister Saad Hariri from Saudi Arabia, where he announced days ago his shock resignation. "Today we demand the return to the nation of our Prime Minister Saad Hariri," tweeted Bassil. The foreign minister is the son-in-law of Lebanese President Michel Aoun, who has not yet accepted Hariri's resignation and is awaiting his return before taking any decision. Hariri announced in a televised speech from Saudi Arabia on Saturday that he was stepping down, citing Iran's "grip" on Lebanon and threats to his life. The shock announcement raised fears that Lebanon -- split into rival camps led by Hariri and the Iranian-backed movement Hezbollah -- could once again descend into violence. It also raised questions about the fate of Hariri, who also holds Saudi nationality, as it coincided with the announcement in Saudi Arabia of an anti-corruption purge in which dozens of princes, ministers and businessmen have been rounded up. Al-Akhbar newspaper, which is close to Hezbollah, has suggested that Hariri was being held "hostage" in Saudi Arabia. "We have no information (concerning Hariri). We just want him to return" home, Moustapha Allouch, a member of Hariri's Al-Moustaqbal (Future) party told AFP, commenting on that report. The party itself issued a statement on Thursday saying Hariri's return was "necessary" and essential for "total respect of Lebanon's sovereignty". On Sunday, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said Hariri announced his resignation from Riyadh because it had been imposed by Saudi authorities, and wondered what would happen to the prime minister. "Is he at home? Will they let him return? These are legitimate concerns," he said, referring to the anti-graft sweep in which Saudi Arabia now says 201 people were held. As questions about Hariri's fate mounted, the resigned premier's media office on Thursday said he had met at his "Riyadh" home with the French ambassador to Saudi Arabia Francois Gouyette. Two days earlier he had met in Riyadh with the US charge d'affaires and with the British ambassador Simon Collins. On Tuesday, official media in the United Arab Emirates said Hariri visited Abu Dhabi where he met Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. (SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico) Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda made sandwiches, took selfies and announced a partnership with a nonprofit group for a $2.5 million hurricane recovery fund during a trip Tuesday to Puerto Rico. Miranda said seven local groups already have received grants from the New York-based Hispanic Federation, which helps Latino agencies. The organization said it will award at least 25 grants ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 for reconstruction projects. A portion of a grant can be used for emergency relief efforts including food, water or shelter, officials said. Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on Sept. 20 as a Category 4 storm, destroying homes and power lines and leaving tens of thousands of people without work. Nearly 40 of Puerto Ricos 78 municipalities are still without power and nearly 20 percent of the island remains without water. The road to recovery in Puerto Rico is not a simple one nor is it one that relies solely on aid from the American government on the mainland, Miranda said. Together, we will cultivate, fund and execute practical and actionable solutions to kick-start and continue the islands road to recovery for years to come. Miranda also is scheduled to meet with students on Wednesday at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras. A polar bear and two cubs are seen on the Beaufort Sea coast within the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Reuters) WASHINGTON Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) introduced legislation Wednesday night that would open a portion of a pristine wildlife refuge in her state to oil and gas development, a move expected to bring in slightly more than $1 billion in federal revenue over the next decade. The bill would open up part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), described by some as Americas Serengeti, which covers more than 19 million acres in northeastern Alaska. The region is home to polar bears, caribou, moose and hundreds of species of migratory birds. Its considered one of the states crown jewels. In a statement, Murkowski called it a tremendous opportunity for the country. The legislation ... will put Alaska and the entire nation on a path toward greater prosperity by creating jobs, keeping energy affordable for families and businesses, generating new wealth, and strengthening our security while reducing the federal deficit not just by $1 billion over ten years, but tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars over the decades to come, she said. Will put AK&nation on path toward greater prosperity by creating jobs, keeping energy affordable & reducing deficit. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (@lisamurkowski) November 9, 2017 The bill comes just days after Murkowski, who chairs the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, held a hearing to discuss allowing oil and gas production in the refuges 1.5 million-acre coastal plain, also known as the 1002 Area. The Senate budget plan includes a provision that requires the committee to find $1 billion in additional revenue over the next decade to help pay for tax reform. Murkowski said the Congressional Budget Office estimates the ANWR legislation would raise $1.092 billion over the next 10 years from the sale of leasing rights. Story continues The legislation requires just a simple 51-vote majority, rather than the 60 typically needed to avoid a filibuster, to pass in the Senate because it is part of Congress 2018 budget plan, which is being considered under special reconciliation provisions. Efforts by Democrats to bar such a bill from moving forward were voted down by almost every Senate Republican last month. Sen. Lisa Murkowski's bill would open up an area of the Arctic wilderness to oil drilling in hopes of bringing in about $1 billion in federal revenue. (Photo: Bill Clark via Getty Images) In 1980, with the passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, Congress expanded ANWR but opted not to give wilderness status to the 1002 Area, setting it aside for potential oil and gas development. Granting leases for that purpose, however, requires an act of Congress. During last weeks hearing, Murkowski said Alaskans have waited decades for the right technologies to come along in order to ensure the environment would remain protected. And she swung back at accusations that she and other Alaska lawmakers are putting short-term economic gains over environmental protection This is not a choice between energy and the environment, she said. We are past that. As written, the bill would require Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to approve at least two lease sales each no less than 400,000 acres in the first 10 years. The first sale would be required within four years, with the second having to be finalized within seven years. The royalties from those sales would be split in half between the state of Alaska and the federal government. The bill allows for 2,000 acres of the coastal plain to be developed with wells and support facilities. Opening the refuge is also on the Trump administrations wish list. In May, Zinke signed an order to jump-start Alaskan energy production. He said at the time that the move was an important first step in a smart and measured approach to energy development in ANWR. Additionally, the administrations 2018 fiscal year budget calls for allowing oil and gas production in the coastal plain. While Murkowski and the administration are confident about the economic benefits that would come from drilling in the refuge, their estimates have been highly disputed. Adam Kolton, executive director of the Alaska Wilderness League, said in a statement Wednesday that nothing in this bill can magically make these fantastical revenue assumptions materialize. What this bill would do is turn Americas last great wilderness into a lost wilderness, Kolton said. Senator Lisa Murkowski had promised some kind of new and improved directional drilling, but thats just a talking point. What we got was simply misdirection and deception. The fact is that the entire 1.5 million acres could be offered up in two massive lease sales. Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), the committees ranking minority member, was among many Democrats last week who blasted the idea of drilling in the unspoiled Arctic landscape. If you want to open up the Arctic refuge, you should just admit youre going to destroy the wildlife refuge, Cantwell said. In 50 years whats going to matter most is whether weve preserved a place as unique as the #ArcticRefuge #ProtectTheArctic Sen. Maria Cantwell (@SenatorCantwell) November 9, 2017 Environmentalists have said moves to open up such a pristine part of the country to energy companies represent an assault on American conservation. This is a really big deal, Niel Lawrence, Alaska director of the Natural Resources Defense Council, told The New York Times in September. This is a frontal attack in an ideological battle. The Arctic is the holy grail. A committee hearing on Murkowskis bill is scheduled for Nov. 15. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. By Justyna Pawlak WARSAW (Reuters) - Lithuania said a growing rift between some eastern and western European Union states over issues such as migration posed a threat to the bloc at a time of increased Russian military assertiveness. Frictions between ex-communist states in Europe's East and the wealthier West have increased since the 2015 migration crisis and Britain's decision to leave the bloc, as leaders try to quell popular disenchantment with the EU. Nationalist politicians in Poland and Hungary have called for sweeping reform to bring more power back to member states at the expense of Brussels bureaucracy and refused to take part in efforts to relocate migrants from the Middle East. "I believe it's a worry," Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius told Reuters on the sidelines of a security conference in Warsaw, when asked about Polish and Hungarian assertiveness within the EU. "We would like to see more cohesion," he said. "I know who is gaining. Those who are not happy with our cohesion," Linkevicius said, adding that he was referring to Russia. "We are taking it very seriously not to help those who would like to divide East and West." Lithuania, alongside Poland, has been particularly worried about Russia since Moscow annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014. NATO has sought to reassure allies in the region by sending troops to the Baltics, Poland and the Black Sea, setting up a network of NATO outposts, holding more exercises and preparing a rapid response force. Some western officials have expressed concern that parts of the Baltic states, which have large ethnic Russian minorities, could be seized by Moscow, much as Russia took control of Crimea. Linkevicius said good relations with EU powerhouses Germany and France within the EU were crucial because of their ability to help militarily. Poland, in particular, has seen ties with Paris and Berlin deteriorate since 2015, when the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party took power, over issues such as military procurement, wartime reparations and the EU's single market rules. (Reporting by Justyna Pawlak; editing by Ralph Boulton) A law enforcement officer helps a man change a flag to half-staff near the scene of a shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs to honor victims, Nov. 6, 2017, in Sutherland Springs, Texas. (Photo: Eric Gay/AP) Just two days after the horrific mass murder in a Texas church Sunday, Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., introduced legislation to close the background check loophole exploited by the Sutherland Springs, Texas, shooter. Their bill, the bipartisan Domestic Violence Loophole Closure Act, is intended to ensure that any individual convicted of domestic violence whether it is in criminal or military court cannot legally purchase a firearm, the two senators said. It immediately received praise from the pro-gun-control group Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, which pointed to its own analysis of FBI data and media reports from every mass shooting between January 2009 and December 2016, finding that 54 percent of mass shootings are related to domestic violence or family abuse. The link between domestic abuse and gun violence has been well documented, and long before Devin P. Kelley opened fire on a small Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, killing at least 26 people and injuring several more, federal restrictions were already in place to ensure that convicted perpetrators of domestic violence do not have access to guns. But in this case, they didnt work. The federal Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, better known as the Lautenberg Amendment, grew out of efforts to strengthen the Gun Control Act of 1968 by expanding the governments tools to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which became law in 1993, generally banned convicted felons from owning firearms. Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., listens as Attorney General Jeff Sessions testifies during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice, Oct. 18, 2017. (Photo: Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images) In 1994, Congress passed an amendment to the Gun Control Act prohibiting anyone subject to a restraining order from obtaining a firearm. But once the order was lifted or expired, the ban on gun ownership was lifted as well. That loophole prompted Lautenberg in 1996 to propose a broader amendment, which sought to ban anyone whod ever been convicted of a domestic violence offense, even a misdemeanor, from buying or owning a gun. Story continues The act was opposed by the National Rifle Association, which argued, according to an article in the Associated Press at the time, that the proposal denies the constitutional rights of those convicted of misdemeanors. The organization said legislators should make domestic abuse a felony if they really want to stop violence. But Lautenberg and his allies objected that in most states, domestic violence cases are either charged as a misdemeanor or reduced to one in a plea agreement. Years later, Lautenberg, who died in 2013, would tout the law as plain and simple: If you are convicted of assaulting your wife or beating your child, we are not going to allow you to arm yourself with a gun. Lautenbergs amendment passed with near-unanimous support and was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1997. It wasnt until after its passage, though, that it began to really draw scrutiny particularly from the military and law enforcement communities. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., center, leads a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, July 24, 2012, to criticize the sale of high-capacity magazines for assault rifles that are sold to the public. He is joined by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., left, and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y. (Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP) Prior to Lautenberg, federal gun laws exempted police officers and military personnel even those with felony convictions under the public interest exemption. Lautenberg, however, included no such exemption, creating what Alison J. Nathan, now a U.S. District Court judge for the Southern District of New York, described as a felon-misdemeanant anomaly. Nathan wrote in the Cornell Law Review in March 2000 that police and military personnel with felony convictions of any kind are permitted, via the public interest exception, to possess weapons, while under the Lautenberg Amendment those with domestic violence misdemeanor convictions are not. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., with the backing of the National Association of Police Organizations and the Fraternal Order of Police, proposed a bill to add a public interest exemption to the Lautenberg Amendment. The bill failed, but in succeeding years, law enforcement organizations and individual officers mounted a series of legal challenges to Lautenberg. Police and military members argue that the gun control provisions should exclude them because enforcement will result in the firing or dismissal of a substantial number of officers and soldiers, Nathan wrote in 2000. However, according to advocates of the Lautenberg Amendment, this argument merely suggests that a large number of police and military are committing acts of domestic violence. In case after case, federal judges ruled that the amendment does not violate police officers constitutional rights to equal protection under the law, nor does it infringe upon their Second Amendment right to bear arms. Challenges to the Lautenberg Amendment have also come from outside the law enforcement world. In 2016, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the amendment in a case brought by two civilian men from Maine, who argued that they should not be prohibited from owning guns because of misdemeanor convictions for acts of domestic violence theyd committed recklessly, or in the heat of the moment, rather than intentionally. The court ruled that reckless or not, all assaults resulting in a domestic violence misdemeanor are subject to the federal Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban. A memorial is seen at the site of the shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, Nov. 7, 2017. (Photo: Jonathan Bachman/Reuters) And yet, after withstanding all these challenges over two decades, the Lautenberg Amendment failed to prevent Kelley who had a court-martial conviction for assaulting his then-wife and infant stepson while he was stationed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico from obtaining at least two assault rifles and perpetrating one of the worst mass shootings in modern history. The Air Force has admitted that it failed to properly report Kelleys 2012 conviction. But Flake and Heinrich argue that Kelleys ability to pass more than one background check in order to purchase guns as recently as this year is indicative of a troubling loophole in the system: the military, unlike civilian courts, doesnt recognize domestic abuse as a separate category of crime. Currently, the Uniform Code of Military Justice does not have a specific charge of domestic violence, instead charging such cases as general assault, read a statement released by Flake and Heinrich Tuesday. This can complicate the enforcement of the domestic-violence ban on gun purchases, as happened with the shooter responsible for the deaths of 26 people in Sutherland Springs, Texas, this week, whose crime of domestic violence did not disqualify him from purchasing a firearm. The statement went on to highlight part of the most up-to-date records index from the FBIs Criminal Justice Information Services Divisions National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), stating, Despite the Lautenberg amendments intentions, since the NICS database was modernized in 2007, only one case of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence conviction has been reported by the U.S. Department of Defense (PDF). Graphic: Yahoo News, AP The Flake-Heinrich proposal has already received some initial pushback from conservatives who argue that it was simply the Air Forces error, not a major loophole, that allowed Kelley to slip through the cracks. But Gary Barthel, a retired U.S. Marine and attorney at the Military Law Center in San Diego whos written about the implications of the Lautenberg Amendment on members of the military, told Yahoo News that he thinks adding a specific category for domestic violence to Article 128 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which broadly covers assault, is a good idea. Not only would such a categorization accurately label the type of assault the individual was convicted of, but, Barthel said, it would promote more accurate reporting and would ensure the requirements of the Lautenberg Amendment are met. Of course, he added, the reporting requirements and the enforcement of the Lautenberg Amendment are only effective if someone actually makes the required report. Read more from Yahoo News: The White House has condemned a missile attack by Yemen's Houthi militias on Saudi Arabia and said Iran "enabled" the attacks which had threatened stability in the Middle East."Houthi missile attacks against Saudi Arabia, enabled by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, threaten regional security and undermine UN efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict," it said in a statement, reported by Reuters Wednesday morning. The statement comes after Saudi Arabia accused Iran of being behind a ballistic missile attack on Saturday carried out by Houthi rebels in Yemen . Iran has been accused of backing the militias and supplying missiles, but Iran's UN Ambassador Gholamali Khoshrou described the allegations as "unfounded," according to the Tasnim News Agency . Saudi Arabia said the missile on Saturday was intercepted as it headed towards the Saudi capital Riyadh.The ongoing civil war in Yemen is akin to a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and their competing ideologies of Sunni and Shia Islam, respectively. While Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia backs the government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, its rival Iran backs the pro-Shia Houthi movement that is loyal to the country's former president Ali Abdulla Saleh. Saudi Arabia said it viewed the missile attack as an "act of war" by Iran, increasing the possibility of a military clash between the two regional rivals.Allies and enemies The White House's comment comes after U.S. President Donald Trump gave his backing to Saudi Arabia and called on the Kingdom and its allies to isolate Iran and counteract its influence in the Middle East. It also comes amid action from Saudi Arabia's royal leadership to reform the country and crack down on corruption , actions that have been praised by Trump . Timothy Ash, a strategist at BlueBay asset management, said in a note Wednesday that for the Trump administration "the threat from Iran remains and is rising" and that it was likely to ally itself more with Saudi Arabia."The U.S. needs to return to old, tried and tested relationships, with Israel and Saudi Arabia being cornerstone U.S. allies in the region," he said.Ash believed Saudi Arabia's reform plan was "meant to make U.S. re-engagement with Saudi Arabia easier as (Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman) is offering a reform vision for Saudi Arabia and a reform vision for Islam, to counter the risks of religious extremism."The ramping up of bellicose rhetoric from Saudi Arabia has prompted concerns that a military conflict with Iran could be on the horizon, although not all analysts share that view."Saudi Arabia is not going to be entering into any hypothetical war while it is purging senior members of its own military nor while it seeks to carry out its Vision 2030 (economic reform) strategy," James Pothecary, a political analyst at global risk consultancy Allan & Associates, said in a note Wednesday."Likewise Iran, reintegrating into aspects of the world economy, will make no such move. This kind of rhetorical saber-rattling occurs regularly just this May, Iran's defense minister threatened to leave 'only Mecca and Medina' untouched. A distinction must be made between rhetoric aimed at appeasing domestic populations and genuine intention to launch large scale military operations," he said. The White House has condemned a missile attack by Yemen's Houthi militias on Saudi Arabia and said Iran "enabled" the attacks which had threatened stability in the Middle East. "Houthi missile attacks against Saudi Arabia, enabled by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, threaten regional security and undermine UN efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict," it said in a statement, reported by Reuters Wednesday morning. The statement comes after Saudi Arabia accused Iran of being behind a ballistic missile attack on Saturday carried out by Houthi rebels in Yemen . Iran has been accused of backing the militias and supplying missiles, but Iran's UN Ambassador Gholamali Khoshrou described the allegations as "unfounded," according to the Tasnim News Agency . Saudi Arabia said the missile on Saturday was intercepted as it headed towards the Saudi capital Riyadh. The ongoing civil war in Yemen is akin to a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran and their competing ideologies of Sunni and Shia Islam, respectively. While Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia backs the government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, its rival Iran backs the pro-Shia Houthi movement that is loyal to the country's former president Ali Abdulla Saleh. Saudi Arabia said it viewed the missile attack as an "act of war" by Iran, increasing the possibility of a military clash between the two regional rivals. Allies and enemies The White House's comment comes after U.S. President Donald Trump gave his backing to Saudi Arabia and called on the Kingdom and its allies to isolate Iran and counteract its influence in the Middle East. It also comes amid action from Saudi Arabia's royal leadership to reform the country and crack down on corruption , actions that have been praised by Trump . Timothy Ash, a strategist at BlueBay asset management, said in a note Wednesday that for the Trump administration "the threat from Iran remains and is rising" and that it was likely to ally itself more with Saudi Arabia. "The U.S. needs to return to old, tried and tested relationships, with Israel and Saudi Arabia being cornerstone U.S. allies in the region," he said. Ash believed Saudi Arabia's reform plan was "meant to make U.S. re-engagement with Saudi Arabia easier as (Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman) is offering a reform vision for Saudi Arabia and a reform vision for Islam, to counter the risks of religious extremism." The ramping up of bellicose rhetoric from Saudi Arabia has prompted concerns that a military conflict with Iran could be on the horizon, although not all analysts share that view. "Saudi Arabia is not going to be entering into any hypothetical war while it is purging senior members of its own military nor while it seeks to carry out its Vision 2030 (economic reform) strategy," James Pothecary, a political analyst at global risk consultancy Allan & Associates, said in a note Wednesday. "Likewise Iran, reintegrating into aspects of the world economy, will make no such move. This kind of rhetorical saber-rattling occurs regularly just this May, Iran's defense minister threatened to leave 'only Mecca and Medina' untouched. A distinction must be made between rhetoric aimed at appeasing domestic populations and genuine intention to launch large scale military operations," he said. More From CNBC It was a good night to be a Democrat, as the party's candidates won a slate of closely watched races stretching from Virginia to Washington state on Tuesday. At the gubernatorial level, Democrat Ralph Northam defeated Republican Ed Gillespie in a hotly contested race in Virginia , which many analysts viewed as a referendum on President Donald Trump . The victory was "a backlash to Trump and Trumpism, pure and simple," wrote Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia. Larry Sabato tweet: Dear Pundit Friends, please stop attributing this D landslide in VA to "changing demographics". VA hasn't changed that much since last Nov. 8 (Hillary by 5%). The bigger explanation is a backlash to Trump and Trumpism, pure and simple. # VAGov In New Jersey , Democrat Phil Murphy won a gubernatorial race against Republican Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, who struggled to get out from under the shadow of the deeply unpopular outgoing governor, Republican Chris Christie. Moving down the ballot, Democrats in Virginia also won competitive races for lieutenant governor and attorney general. In January of 2018, Democrat Justin Fairfax will be sworn in as lieutenant governor, making him the first African American elected to statewide office in Virginia since 1989. And the state's attorney general, Democrat Mark Herring, was reelected after a bitter campaign. In Virginia's legislature, Democrats flipped at least 10 seats in the Republican controlled House of Delegates, and it was still unclear late Tuesday night which party would control the chamber, which has been under a Republican majority since 1999. Razor thin margins in at least five races Tuesday made it likely that provisional and absentee ballots would need to be counted, potentially delaying results. The party's victories in Virginia energized Democrats across the country, as Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe (D) told The Washington Post. "This, what a sparkplug," he said. "This is the revitalization of the Democratic Party in America. This isn't just about Virginia tonight." In Washington state, control of the state senate also went to Democrats, when Manka Dhingra won a special election, giving the party a one-seat majority, and putting the state government fully under the control of Democrats, who hold the governorship and the majority in Washington's House of Representatives. Mayoral races, too, produced a swath of Democratic victories, most notably in New York City , where mayor Bill de Blasio cruised to victory over Republican Nicole Malliotakis. Voters in Charlotte, N.C. elected the city's first African American female mayor, Democrat Vi Lyles. In Hoboken, N.J., City Councilman Ravi Bhalla (D) beat five other candidates to become the city's first Sikh mayor, according to The Associated Press. Democrats attributed much of their success Tuesday to an energized party base that is deeply opposed to Trump's policies and his rhetoric. Former Vice President Joe Biden captured what many in the party were feeling: Joe Biden tweet: "A resounding defeat tonight for President Trump. Voters around the country rejected the ugly politics we have seen this past year. Instead, they chose candidates who unite and inspire us." WATCH: Eric Cantor: Virginia's GOP has 'bigger problems' following election loss More From CNBC Times are tough for Idahos working people. Our wealth and wages are among the lowest in the nation. Our schools do not have the resources they need to help our children succeed. And tens of thousands of our friends and neighbors do not have access to basic health care. While my colleagues and I fight every day to change that state of affairs to bring opportunity to all Idahoans the threat of dark money from corrupting special interests casts a shadow over the progress we want for Idaho. Its time we shine some light into those shadows. Democratic state lawmakers have been pushing campaign and ethics reform for the better part of a decade. Ive introduced or co-sponsored several bills myself to make sure everyone qualified to do so can register to vote and has ample time to cast their ballots. I represent four rural counties in my legislative district Gooding, Lincoln, Camas and Blaine so I know my constituents often have to travel long distances to their polling places. Furthermore, you should have confidence that the people you are voting for are not bought and paid for by special interests and dark money. I bring those principles to the Campaign Finance Reform Legislative Work Group which continues its efforts to reform Idahos moribund campaign finance laws. Given the values I try to bring to the committee, you can imagine my shock when at our very first meeting this summer Idahos Secretary of State Lawerence Denney said, If some company wants to buy a legislator, from my point of view, thats all right as long as I know whos paying for that. I was surprised to hear this coming from our states top election official a man charged with making sure your elections are fair and above board. I was equally dismayed when it was suggested at our last meeting to eliminate the limits on campaign contributions to candidates. My colleague, Rep. Mat Erpelding, posed the obvious question to the committee: If there are no limits, then what is there to investigate? The suggestion to eliminate contribution limits was quickly voted down. Despite these fits and starts, I believe the committee is making real headway in reforming our state campaign finance laws. Consensus is building around the idea of transparency by shining light on who donates to political campaigns the opposite of dark money. Members of the bipartisan committee are pushing for online reporting standards that will make it easier for candidates to disclose contributions and expenditures and more importantly easier for you to see where candidates money is coming from and how theyre spending it. I am also pushing for tougher penalties for those caught violating campaign finance laws. Right now, the fine is as low as $250. With penalties that skimpy, breaking Idahos campaign finance laws is almost part of the cost of doing business. Not only do we need to modernize our campaign finance laws, we must ensure those who violate them are held accountable in a meaningful way. At the same time, I know the challenges that rural candidates have that our urban counterparts do not. Whether they are running for state or local office, rural candidates spend a lot of time in their vehicles traveling from town to town and even house to house. In the city you can travel a couple of miles and meet with dozens of voters. In our legislative district it can be just the opposite you can travel dozens of miles just to meet a couple of voters. While I will continue to fight for more transparency when it comes to campaign contributions and expenditures, I think it is important the committee consider the plight of rural districts when it comes to implementing and enforcing any new campaign finance laws. Idaho has the slowest internet speeds in the country. Many of the small towns and counties in my district are not equipped to handle fundamental changes to our reporting rules as quickly as urban districts. All candidates and the people who enforce our campaign laws should be held to the same standard. However, I will continue to urge the committee to take into account the challenges rural districts face when building the infrastructure for any new campaign finance system. We can bring reform while being fair at the same time. The committee meets later this month perhaps for our last time before the 2018 legislative session. We hope to have recommendations and even draft legislation before the year is out. While my colleagues and I in the state Senate will be pushing bills to bring more prosperity to all Idahoans, I also will support legislation that brings more transparency to our campaign process. Money should not and cannot be allowed to influence good policy. As elected lawmakers, our guide should be working for a better and brighter Idaho for everyone. By Sylvia Westall and Stephen Kalin DUBAI/RIYADH (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Riyadh on Thursday for hastily scheduled talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman amid rising tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, notably over Lebanon and Yemen. Macron, who flew in from a visit to the United Arab Emirates, had earlier declined to discuss a wave of high-level arrests for corruption in Saudi Arabia, but said it was vital to work with the kingdom for the stability of the region. He told a news conference in Dubai that the decision to go to Riyadh had been made on Thursday morning, and that his first face-to-face talks with the prince would focus on "regional questions, in particular Yemen and Lebanon". Two top Lebanese government officials said on Thursday that Riyadh was holding Lebanon's Saad al-Hariri captive and a third told Reuters that the Saudi authorities had ordered Hariri to resign while he was in Riyadh last weekend, and put him under house arrest. Saudi Arabia has denied that he is under house arrest, but Hariri himself has not denied that his movements are being restricted. France has close ties with Lebanon, a former colony, and with Hariri, who has a home in France after spending several years in the country. Macron said there had been informal contacts with Hariri, but no request to transfer him to France. Two French diplomats also said they were unaware of any plans to bring Hariri to France. Macron said he would "emphasize the importance of Lebanese stability and integrity" in his talks in Riyadh, adding: "My wish is that all Lebanese political officials live freely in Lebanon ... which means having a very demanding stance on those who could threaten any leader." Television pictures showed a smiling Macron being met at Riyadh airport by the crown prince. In recent years, France has been able to nurture new links with the Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab states due to its tough stance on Iran in nuclear negotiations, and the broad similarity of their policies on conflicts across the Middle East. However, the 32-year-old crown prince has emphasized closer ties with U.S. President Donald Trump at a time when Macron has in turn sought to improve relations with Iran, Saudi Arabia's Shi'ite rival for regional influence. "STRONG CONCERNS ABOUT IRAN" In Yemen, the Saudi-led military coalition fighting the Houthi movement said on Monday it had closed all air, land and sea ports to stem the flow of arms to the Houthis from Iran. The United Nations said the move risked causing "the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims". Macron said he would insist to Prince Mohammed that Riyadh must open the borders to allow humanitarian access. On Iran, Macron repeated that he wanted to keep the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, which U.S. President Donald Trump has challenged. But he said he was "very concerned" by Iran's ballistic missile program, mentioning a missile fired from Yemen and intercepted by Saudi Arabia on Saturday, and raised the prospect of possible sanctions with regard to those activities. "There are extremely strong concerns about Iran. There are negotiations we need to start on Iran's ballistic missiles," he said. "Like what was done in 2015 for the nuclear activities, it's necessary to put a framework in place for Iran's ballistic activities and open a process, with sanctions if needed, of negotiation that would enable (that)." Iran has denied providing ballistic missiles to Yemeni Houthi rebels and says its missile program is purely defensive and should not be linked to the nuclear deal. Macron reaffirmed his intention to go to Iran as part of efforts to talk to all the actors in the region, but warned about decisions that could destabilize the region further. "Iran is a regional power ... there should be no naivety in terms of Iran, it is about standing beside our allies, in particular the United Arab Emirates, but it is about not having any policy that could create imbalances, conflicts in the region." (Additional reporting and writing by John Irish; Editing by Kevin Liffey) Can the Marburg virus kill you? 5 reasons why its one of the deadliest illnesses in the world The World Health Organization (WHO) released a statement yesterday confirming that the Marburg virus has claimed three lives in the Kween District of Eastern Uganda. Marburg is an extremely rare and contagious virus, and is similar in symptoms and deadliness to Ebola. The current outbreak of Marburg has a fatality rate of 100%, considering that all three reported cases (within the same family) have resulted in death. In an effort to contain it from spreading, health workers are currently tracking the virus. Based on past outbreaks of Marburg (such as the 1967 Marburg, Germany episode that prompted the viruss name), the fatality rate usually ranges between 23-90%. Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for Marburg and coupled with its contagiousness, the virus can cause an epidemic if left to spread beyond initial outbreak areas. A Marburg outbreak in a single district of Uganda is global news because of the viruss deadliness. Although outbreaks are rare and the virus has claimed less than 10 lives in the past 10 years, Marburg has the potential to spread quickly and become a worldwide pandemic. Below, weve listed reasons why Marburg can be considered one of the deadliest illnesses in the world, and have also noted whats being done to stop its progression. 1. The virus acts quickly when introduced into the blood stream. According to WHO, Marburg takes anywhere from two to 21 days to show symptoms. Those infected will begin to exhibit high fevers, intense headaches, muscle pains, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Patients faces begin to look gaunt, and ghost-like, as WHO describes, as they show little expression and act lethargic. Image of health workers Those in more advanced stages of the illness will begin to experience hemorrhaging from locations like the gums, nose, or, for women, vagina. They will also become confused or irritated due to the high fever. In fatal cases, death occurs about eight days after symptoms begin to show. Story continues 2. Its extremely contagious. The virus was initially transmitted to humans by infected fruit bats and/or monkeys, like in the original 1967 outbreak when lab workers were infected by African green monkeys imported from Uganda. However, human-to-human transmission can be the most deadly. Humans can spread the disease through contact with infected blood, secretions, mucus, skin, and even by touching surfaces or materials that an infected person has touched. 3 people in Uganda died from the Marburg virus. What's that? TIME (@TIME) November 8, 2017 Ugandan burial ceremonies often include touching dead bodies, which is one of the biggest threats when it comes to the Marburg virus spreading. 3. The virus can stick around in those who have recovered from past Marburg infections. Some cases show that women who became infected with Marburg while pregnant had traces of Marburg left in their placenta, amniotic fluid, and fetus. Similarly, women who were infected while breastfeeding may still have traces of the virus in their breastmilk after recovery. The Marburg virus may also persist in the testicles and inside the eye of previously infected patients. WHO states that relapse-symptomatic illness in the absence of re-infection in someone who has recovered from MVD is a rare event, but has been documented. 4. It can be hard to diagnose patients infected with Marburg. Because the symptoms of the Marburg virus are so similar to those of malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, meningitis, and other viral haemorrhagic fevers, WHO states that diagnosis can be delayed, thereby increasing dissemination time. A series of tests must be run on a patient thought to be infected, and the samples taken to run these tests are considered biohazard material. Special precautions must be taken to run the tests and transport the samples. 5. The virus can spread to domesticated animals. WHO reports that experiments have shown pigs are susceptible to filovirus infections (including Ebola and Marburg) via fruit bats and said pigs can spread the infection. Because of this, farmers could easily contract the virus from their animals and, as a result, precautionary measures must be taken during outbreaks to contain the virus. As of right now, health workers are doing their best to track the current outbreak. They are working closely with Ugandan and Kenyan locals to educate them on how to stay safe. npr If theres one abiding passion in Chance The Rappers life, its his efforts to make sure that the children of Chicago receive a proper education through the citys public school system. Hes done more than just talk about this issue. Time and again, Chance has reached into his own wallet, putting up $1,000,000 of his own money, while raising millions more through outside sources. Today, he showed up to a city council meeting to speak to some of Chicagos leaders about the importance of funding education. Well, he tried to talk to some of the citys leaders anyway. Chicagos mayor, Rahm Emanuel walked out on Chance before he even had the opportunity to open his mouth. Specifically, Chance was on-hand to oppose Emanuels efforts to invest $95 million into a brand new police academy for the city, citing the huge gap in education funding. I guess the mayor had to step out, but its cool, its cool because Im here to talk to you guys right now, he said near the top of his speech. Its a very simple thing you guys have to do, we should understand financially that this proposed plan doesnt make sense. We dont have $95 millionthere are a lot of different services that need to be funded. You can watch Chances full remarks in the video above. Melania Trump made a bold fashion statement as she arrived in South Korea Tuesday wearing a deep plum coat with enormous sleeves. Read: Barron Trump's Fashion Turns Heads as First Family Visits Camp David The shoulders had a large pleat and the back was equally sculptural. It was designed by Jesus Del Pozo and it was specially ordered from Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. The coat retails for $4,100. The coat is tea-length and Mrs. Trump wore contrasting, vivid purple Christian Louboutin pumps. "First ladies are supposed to represent our country they have to look their best," Fashion expert Katrina Szish told Inside Edition. "Sometimes paying the price for fashion is a way to do that." For the state dinner, she was stunning in a sheer lace dress with appliques. The first lady's been a fashion plate since she and the president landed in Asia over the weekend. Read: Ivanka and Melania Trump Raise Eyebrows With Fashion Choices at Congressional Speech She wore a Fendi coat in Japan and a midnight blue Dior dress. She was the lady in red for the state dinner in a Valentino frock, which cost $4,900. "What I love about Melania's wardrobe choices is that they are appropriate for the occasion," Szish told Inside Edition. Related Articles: Melania Trump is flawless in floral! The first lady has stepped out in one stunning outfit after another during her 5-day tour of Asia alongside President Trump, but it was her custom Dolce & Gabbana gown (which is thought to have cost at least $3,975) that has stood out from the pricey pack of designer ensembles. The 47-year-old arrived at Beijing's Great Hall of the People on Thursday morning wearing the custom black look that featured intricate pink floral designs, a little detail that is perhaps a nod to her hosts' cultural heritage. She kept her long brunette tresses in a blown out style despite opting for intricate updos for most her time in Asia. Just a couple of hours later, Melania risked ruining her designer gown as she tried her hand at the art of calligraphy with her Chinese counterpart Madame Peng Liyuan at Banchang Primary School. The two first ladies were photographed smiling and clapping as a huge group of young schoolchildren surrounded them. RELATED: Melania Trump's outfits as FLOTUS: It's safe to say that Melania has bolstered her reputation as one of the most stylish first ladies in American history with her stunning sartorial show during her tour of Asia. Her arsenal of looks included pieces from high-profile designers like Fendi, Dior and J. Mendel. Melania will end her time in Asia on Thursday, making one last appearance at a state dinner, complete with a cultural performance, later this evening. For all the looks Melania has worn during her time in Asia, click through the slideshow above. President Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrive for the state dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinas first lady, Peng Liyuan, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 9. (Photo: Thomas Peter/Pool Photo via AP) Melania Trump played the sartorial diplomacy game at a state dinner in Beijing on Thursday. The first lady attended the event at the Great Hall of the People wearing a satin floor-length gown in a traditional cheongsam silhouette. From Alessandro Micheles fall 2016 Gucci ready-to-wear collection, the black piece features pink and green floral embroidery as well as other figures throughout the nature-inspired motif. For some extra flair, the dress has magenta mink cuffs as well as a high leg slit. President Donald Trump, accompanied by first lady Melania Trump and Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan, arrives for a state dinner at the Great Hall of the People on Nov. 9, in Beijing. Trump is on a five-country trip through Asia traveling to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. (Photo: AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) She paired the dress, the same design Margot Robbie wore at the Legend of Tarzan premiere in June 2016, with a pair of bubble=gum-pink Manolo Blahnik heels. First lady Melania Trump and Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinas president, Xi Jinping, arrive at a state dinner in honor of President Trump at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 9. (Photo: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst) The origins of the cheongsam, also known as a qipao or a mandarin dress, trace back to the 17th century, but the modern version originated in the 1920s and is formfitting. Trumps fellow first lady, Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinas President Xi Jinping, opted for something similar with her black sheer topper embroidered with poppies overlaying a deep red satin dress. First lady Melania Trump attends a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 9. (Photo: Reuters/Damir Sagolj) First lady Melania Trump and Chinas first lady, Peng Liyuan, are escorted by a student after a cultural performance during a visit to the Banchang Primary School in Beijing on Nov. 9. (Photo: Greg Baker/Pool photo via AP) First lady Melania Trump and Chinas first lady, Peng Liyuan, are surrounded by students after a cultural performance during a visit to Banchang Primary School in Beijing on Nov. 9. (Photo: Reuters/Greg Baker/Pool) Earlier in the day, the pair visited the Banchang Primary School after being greeted at a welcoming ceremony. FLOTUS opted for a black Dolce & Gabbana gown with light pink floral lace applique. The piece was custom made for her (alterations included adding sleeves and a longer hemline), but a similar version retails for $2,475. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. Washington (AFP) - The US state of Texas on Wednesday executed a Mexican convicted of murdering his teen cousin, sparking condemnation from President Enrique Pena Nieto and adding to tensions between the two countries. Ruben Cardenas Ramirez, 47, received a lethal injection and was pronounced dead at 10:26 pm (04:26 GMT Thursday) despite last-minute intervention by his lawyers and concerns raised by the United Nations. "I will not and cannot apologize for someone else's crime, but, I will be back for justice!" Ramirez said in a written final statement. He was found guilty of the 1997 kidnap, rape and murder of a 16-year-old cousin, Mayra Laguna. In his statement, he thanked "every government official" who tried to assist him. The Mexican president expressed his "strongest condemnation" of the execution on Twitter, saying it violated a ruling by the International Court of Justice. Mexico abolished the death penalty in 2005 and had asked the United States not to carry out the execution. The case came alongside tensions over President Donald Trump's plan to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it as part of his administration's broader efforts to restrict the flow of immigrants and refugees. Trump has also threatened to scrap a free trade pact between the US, Mexico and Canada if renegotiation doesn't work. One of Ramirez's lawyers, Greg Kuykendall, had filed in vain a series of last-minute appeals, including to the US Supreme Court, in hopes of a stay of execution. Mexican officials insist that Cardenas was not promptly given access to an attorney or the consular assistance that is allowed under the 1963 Vienna Convention. - US breached 'human rights' - "For the government of Mexico this is not an issue about culpability or innocence, but about respect for human rights and due process," said Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, the Mexican consul general in the Texas capital Austin. Story continues Since the start of the case Cardenas "was denied the right to due process of law, as he was not granted prompt access to consular assistance," he wrote in an opinion piece in the Austin-American Statesman newspaper. UN human rights experts had also urged the US government not to carry out the execution. "The US government will have implemented a death penalty without complying with international human rights standards," wrote Agnes Callamard and Elina Steinerte, two UN human rights experts. "(Cardenas) did not have access to a lawyer for the first 11 days of his detention," they said. "Some of the statements he made during this period were relied on by prosecutors during the trial." Neither was Cardenas informed of his right to seek consular assistance, the experts said. In 2004 the UN's International Court of Justice found that the United States had "breached its obligations under international law by not notifying Mexican authorities about the arrest of 51 of its nationals," including Cardenas, "thus denying them the right to consular assistance from their government." Washington at the time rejected the court's ruling. For the family of Laguna, the murdered high school sophomore, the execution of Ramirez brought "true peace," her sister said in a statement. Fifty-four Mexican nationals have been condemned to death in the United States and another 75 are being prosecuted for crimes that could result in a death sentence. Also on Wednesday in Florida, Patrick Hannon was put to death for a double homicide in 1991. The Florida Christian School sells ballistic panels for bags to protect children against mass shootings (Google) A school in the United States has started selling bulletproof panels for backpacks so students can be better protected in case of a mass shooting. The Florida Christian School in Miami has put up the 90 panels on their website in order to give pupils another level of protection in the event of an active shooter. The news of the panels comes just days after gunman Devin Kelley killed 26 people at the First Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas. George Gulla, head of security at the school, described the panels as a tool. He told the Miami Herald: Id rather be prepared for the worst than be stuck after saying Wow, I wish we wouldve done that. Parents can buy the 90 panels from the school website (Grab) We thought, yeah, lets offer it to anyone who wants it. Its not required. But it gives you extra peace of mind. He added: Its out of the norm, but what is the norm? The school encourages children to wear their backpacks on their chest for maximum protection. MORE: Teenager, 19, convicted of trying to import explosive from dark web that police replaced with dummy device MORE: Brexit pledge of 350m for the health service must be honoured, says NHS chief Parent Alex Cejas, who runs a body armour company, began putting the panels in his childrens backpacks when they started school. He argued: While books and stuff in your backpack may stop a bullet, theyre not designed to. I wouldnt bet my life on it. The private school also has security guards patrolling the gates to ensure student safety. Devin Patrick Kelley shouldnt have been able to buy the gun he used to kill 26 people and wound at least 20 others at a Texas church on Sunday. The U.S. Air Force, of which Kelley was a member for four years before receiving a bad-conduct discharge in 2014 for assaulting his wife and infant stepson, admitted as much on Monday. The military branch acknowledged it failed to report Kelleys domestic violence conviction to a federal database used for background checks on gun sales. This glaring breakdown allowed Kelley to pass multiple background checks and purchase firearms even though, under federal law, he couldnt legally own them. Now, four days after the deadliest mass shooting in modern Texas history, it remains unclear exactly how Kelley fell through the cracks. Requests for comment from the Air Force, Department of Defense, FBI and Department of Justice failed to provide much clarity about whether the military is routinely submitting domestic violence records to the background check system, as they are required to do under federal law. As a result, its unclear whether Kelleys case was an anomaly, or if there are potentially hundreds or thousands of other convicted domestic abusers whose records were not entered into the background check system by the military. The responses HuffPost received or did not receive as well as a review of military procedural documents, lay bare a lack of cohesion in protocol across federal agencies and a bureaucracy that may be preventing the federal background check system, known as the National Instant Background Check System, or NICS, from performing effectively. What Should Have Happened Under federal law, certain categories of people are prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms. A full list is here. It includes people with domestic violence convictions. In 1996, Congress passed the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, known as the Lautenberg Amendment, which bars individuals convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes from owning or purchasing firearms. Story continues States and federal agencies are expected to report relevant convictions to the FBI, which operates the federal background check system. When a person tries to purchase a gun from a licensed dealer, their name is run through the National Instant Background Check System, which checks records in three databases the Interstate Identification Index, the National Crime Information Center, and the NICS indices to determine if they are disqualified from accessing firearms. Applicants with a domestic violence conviction should be rejected. This happens all the time: From 2006 to 2015, an estimated 89,000 individuals with domestic violence records were stopped from purchasing a gun because of background checks. But it didnt happen with Kelley. After he was court-martialed in 2012 for assaulting his spouse and cracking his stepsons skull, his conviction should have been entered into the background check system by someone at the Air Force. It wasnt. Its unclear what protocol the Air Force failed to follow or even if there is one. Devin Kelley Patrick killed 26 people when he stormed First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday and opened fire. (Photo: HuffPost/Reuters/Getty) What Actually Happened The Air Force said in a press release Monday that Kelleys domestic violence conviction should have been entered in the National Crime Information Center, one of the databases searched by NICS. The statement said inspectors general for the Air Force and the Department of Defense would conduct a complete review to understand what happened, and to ensure that records in other cases have been reported correctly. Based on comments from Air Force representatives on Tuesday, the review is needed. Email correspondence with these representatives suggested there isnt a clear understanding of Air Force protocol for reporting domestic violence convictions or how it may have broken down in Kelleys case. An Air Force spokesperson said it wasnt clear which database the service should enter domestic violence convictions into. Another Air Force spokesperson, as well as a Defense Department spokesperson, referred HuffPost to a Department of Defense instruction from July 2010 that governs the militarys process for reporting domestic violence convictions. But the 13-page directive fails to mention domestic violence or the Lautenberg Amendment. Department of Defense Instruction (July 9, 2010) by Hayley Miller on Scribd This likely is because there is no defined domestic violence charge under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. In domestic violence cases, abusers are charged with other crimes, such as assault. The Department of Defense still recognizes these crimes as domestic violence. Another instruction notes that any crime involving the use or attempted use of physical force, or threatened use of a deadly weapon, is to be considered domestic violence for the purposes of the Lautenberg Amendment if it is committed by a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian, or by a person similarly situated to a spouse, parent or guardian of the victims. Rachel E. VanLandingham, a national security law expert and former Air Force judge advocate, described the omission of domestic violence in the 2010 directive as a really big problem. Its really shocking, VanLandingham told HuffPost in an email. An example of a huge bureaucracy where everyone is assuming someone else is doing what needs to be done. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), along with Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) is spearheading legislation that would require the military to promptly report members of the armed forces convicted of domestic violence offenses to the background check system. While that already appears to be the law, Flake pointed to an online FBI report that shows that the Department of Defense has only entered one domestic violence record into the background checks system since 2007. It is unclear if the chart he was referring to accurately represents all reports by the military to the federal background check system. NICS Indices Statistics as of December 31 2016 by Hayley Miller on Scribd The possibility that Air Force reporting failures extend beyond Kelley isnt far-fetched. According to a 2014 Defense Department inspector generals report, from August 2012 to January 2013, the Air Force failed to submit any information about criminal convictions into the background check system. The report blamed the failure on Defense Incident-Based Reporting System program administrators leaving their jobs before replacements were trained on their responsibilities. It added: The reporting lapse was immediately corrected based on our observation. Its unclear whether Kelleys conviction was part of this lapse, or if the correction meant records of convictions that had been left out of the database were retroactively submitted. In the end, the only thing crystal clear is a lack of transparency in how the Air Force is following the law to report domestic violence convictions to the database. While the Air Force conducts its review, Americans are left to wonder how many other offenders like Kelley are buying guns. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Related... Devin Patrick Kelley's Former Classmates Say Texas Gunman Seemed 'Off' In Recent Years Air Force Failed To Enter Church Shooter's Domestic Violence Record In U.S. Database Also on HuffPost Haley Krueger, 16, was among those killed in the shooting. Krueger's mother, Charlene Marie Uhl, said that her daughter dreamed of being a neonatal nurse. "She was a vibrant 16-year-old that loved life," Uhl told CNN. A GoFundMe page has been set up by family friend to help Uhl handle the financial burden of losing her daughter. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. A North Carolina mother has been accused of taking her 2-year-old daughter along for the ride as she broke into a home and posted video of the unlawful entry on YouTube. Read: Scantily Clad Thief Admits to Stealing From Uber Driver's Tip Jar: 'It Made Me Relevant' The video starts with the mom, Ashley Ball, her 13-year-old sister and the toddler carefully scoping out the house, which appears to be under renovation. The little girl is seen wearing only a diaper as the three survey the property. They got in through an unlocked window and began exploring the inside the house with the toddler in tow. Other videos on Ball's YouTube page show her inside other buildings. The Randolph County Sheriff's Office later posted video of her arrest after getting an anonymous tip about her YouTube videos. I probably shouldn't have took along my daughter, but she goes everywhere with me and I didn't feel there was any danger, Ball, 22, told Inside Edition while cuddling her daughter, Crystal. She added that she believed the house was abandoned. Ball told Inside Edition she didn't take anything from the house, and was only urban exploring, the act of touring vacant structures. Another video Ball had posted was taken inside a now-abandoned hospital. Read: Hungry Bears Break Into Pizzeria, Feast on Salami and Dough When asked if she should be breaking into homes, she denied any wrongdoing, saying: Well, that's what Im being charged with, but I wouldn't necessarily call it that. Ball has been charged with misdemeanor breaking and entering, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Related Articles: Liz LeBrun (right) with her children, adopted siblings Maria and Andy, and her husband. (Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption) When Heidi Pritchard Payne brought home her son from South Africa nine years ago, people shocked her with one question repeatedly: how much did you pay for the child? Pritchard Payne, who now works with Adopt4Life , an organization for adoptive parents in Ontario, says that while adopting internationally was costly, it should never be thought of as paying for a child. Youre not paying for the child, youre paying for the process, says Pritchard Payne. Its a big commitment, if thats the route you want to go. In addition to being a huge emotional and physical commitment, adopting internationally can be a costly endeavor, depending on where the child is from. But international adoption isnt the only option for parents in Canada looking to grow their family through adoption, and some of the other options cost almost nothing. There are three kinds of adoption available to Canadians: Private infant adoption is defined as an infant being adopted through an agency or adoption attorney within the country; Foster care adoption is the adoption of a child who is no longer being cared for by his or her parents due to the termination of their rights; International adoption is when a child whose birth parents are from a different country is adopted. A study conducted earlier this year by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption looking at some of the preconceived ideas people have about adoption found that Canadians thought adoption was more expensive than it actually is, in some cases. Overall, Canadians tended to assume that adoption is either somewhat expensive or very expensive; 76 per cent thought international adoption was expensive, 71 per cent thought private infant adoption was expensive, and 30 per cent thought foster care adoption was expensive. People believe that no matter what kind of adoption, its expensive to adopt, says Rita Soronen, President and CEO of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. The reality is that the price of adoption can range from $0 (for the actual adoption process) to more than $35,000, depending on the kind of adoption parents are interested in. Story continues Common needs Regardless of the kind of adoption you pursue, there are a few costs adoptive parents will face. A police check is mandatory for all forms of adoption, and runs about $20-$70, depending on the region. Depending on the province of adoption, you may also require a mandatory training course. In Ontario, parents must complete nine weeks of PRIDE training, which costs about $1,500 per couple, or $900 for a single person. If you are adopting through the foster care system, the cost of the training is likely covered. If you opt to do a private course, however, youll be paying out of pocket. Theres a public option for everything, says Kimberly Sanzo, a mother of two who adopted her children through the foster care system in Ontario. But if you want to expedite it, itll cost you. All prospective parents also require a home study, when a public social worker or representative from the private adoption agency will assess the appropriateness of a familys home and life. The process takes places over three or four visits as part of the home study, during which the worker studies your home, your parenting style and identifies an age group that would best fit with your lifestyle. Sanzo and her partner opted to expedite their home study, and paid $3,500 to do so. For international adoption, the home study is arranged through the adoption agency, and can cost more due to the file management fees and associated expenses. Parents must also undergo a medical exam, which can cost about $50-$150 and is also only valid for two years. International adoption costs The most expensive route for adoption is international. According to Soronen, international adoption can cost $20,000-$30,000, or more depending on the situation. When I talk about these individual differences, its not to say that one [form of adoption] is better, its simply the structure under which these children exist and the embedded cost, says Soronen. The international adoption process must be done through an agency that works within the country the prospective parents wish to adopt from. For Pritchard Payne, the costs began with exploring other avenues to having children first. After a failed private adoption match and looking into fertility treatments, her family elected to grow through international adoption instead. She brought home her son in 2008, and her daughter in 2013, both from South Africa. The fee Pritchard Payne paid of around $26,000 to the agency covered the agencys fee, lawyers fees and the adoption fee. It also covered line items like the $2,500 registration fee (which includes a one-day mandatory seminar) and the child proposal coordination, a meeting with a private adoption practitioner from the agency to determine the child that would best fit with your family, which ran about $3,500 in 2013. Other miscellaneous costs include file forwarding, care for the child while youre out of the country and administration fees for the program. Once the initial costs of the adoption were covered through her fee to the agency, Pritchard Payne had to pay out of pocket for actually traveling to South Africa. Depending on the country parents are adopting from, the requirements for how long they must stay in the country varies. For her first adoption, Pritchard Payne was required to be there for three weeks, but for her daughter, she needed to be there for six. She estimates that for their six-week stay, she and her family spent about $9,000 on airfare, accommodations, attractions, food and souvenirs and that was a pretty budget-conscious trip, she says. With international adoption, depending on the country, there are also costs when the child comes home. Follow-up reports must be conducted by a representative of the agency twice a year for the first three years, then an annual report for the next two years. Parents need to cover the cost of the worker visiting the country. Pritchard Payne says that while it was a costly undertaking to adopt overseas, it was well worth it, both for connecting with her children and for the experience overall. We were paying for this amazing trip is the mindset we had going into it, Pritchard Payne says. Yes we took on some debt to be able to do that, but well look after that in the coming years. Private adoption costs In Canada, private adoption often runs parents about $10,000-$20,000, depending on the agency, the counseling involved and other factors. That fee paid to a private agency covers the agency fee, attorney fees and support for both the adoptive parent and the parent surrendering the child. The huge variance in cost depends on how long it takes for a successful placement to occur, according to Canada Adopts. Most of the fee you pay goes towards the administration fees and legal fees for the adoption, with a portion going towards the travel costs and accommodation for the mother. In Canada, no money can be paid directly to the mother, nor can the adoptive family give her any gifts. Timelines in the private adoption process are hard to predict, ranging anywhere from a couple of months to a couple of years, depending on how many infants are available for adoption and how picky the prospective parents are. Mothers carrying the babies up for adoption also have the option to change their mind during the process and keep the child, which can extend the timeline for prospective adoptive parents, too. Sanzo says the significant cost deterred her from pursuing private adoption in Canada, because she knew there would be other costs she would incur later. If we went the private route, wed use a lot of our savings to bring a child home, Sanzo says. Foster care adoption costs Sanzo, who also works for Adopt4Life, opted to expand her family by adopting a sibling pair in 2015 through foster care. We thought, why do it twice when you can only do it once? says Sanzo. According to ABBA Canada, about 2,000 children were adopted in Canada last year, most of them internationally. Right now, there are an estimated 30,000 children waiting to be adopted in Canada. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, which focuses on promoting foster care adoption, stresses that many of the costs which people associate with adoption can be paid for by the adoption agencies. Because these children are crown wards, the costs to adopt tend to be absorbed be the agencies, says Soronen. The cost ranges from nothing to, quite honestly, about $3,000. Parents who want to expedite any of the required checks or mandatory training will be paying out of pocket to do those things privately, instead of through the agency. Lisa Lebrun, who adopted her two children eight and three-and-a-half years ago, says she only spent about $200 on the whole process. The only other expenses that would come up are the cost of going to visit, I had some driving to do, but it was within an hour, says Lebrun. I dont know how it would work if you were adopting out of province. For me it was within a reasonable travel time. Lebrun said she was pleasantly surprised to discover just how insignificant the financial barrier would be to expand her family. Its not an expensive process at all, says Lebrun. If thats a myth people are dealing with, that piece shouldnt be a worry at all. For parents who are adopting through foster care, many of the costs come after the actual adoption is finalized. Because parents dont know the age of the child they will be adopting, chances are theyll have to buy age-appropriate toys, furniture, clothes and other necessities in short order. There may also be special needs that the child will need to have addressed, too. Particularly when were talking about foster care adoption, there may be some structural things that people dont think about, Soronen says. [For example] if its a child with special needs, they may need a special van. Sanzo says the best thing to do is prepare to have those unexpected costs and have money set aside for when they inevitably come up. Financial Assistance Regardless of the form of adoption, parents in Canada qualify for assistance from the federal and provincial governments. At the federal level, adoptive parents can claim up to $15,453 of eligible adoption expenses for any child under the age of 18 (but the amount you can claim changes annually). This is a one-time tax credit available in the tax year that the adoption process concludes. Financial support bursaries are also available to families who adopt, and these often follow children throughout their childhood, offsetting the cost of raising a child. To find out about what bursaries are available, contact your provincial adoption agency or a national organization like the Adoption Council of Canada. The reality is, no matter what kind of adoption a family chooses to pursue, a lot of the real costs come once that child comes home, just like when parents who give birth to their children bring them home from the hospital. Its sort of like pregnancy and birth, theyre so focused on those nine months, says Soronen. I think its the same thing with adoption. Getting through the cost of adoption, youre then presented with the cost of a child. Download the Yahoo Finance app, available for Apple and Android. Brussels (AFP) - NATO countries have still not agreed how many extra troops they will send to Afghanistan to boost local forces in their fight against the resurgent Taliban, the alliance's chief admitted Thursday. NATO this week announced it wanted to send around 3,000 extra troops to Afghanistan, bringing the Western military footprint up to about 16,000 soldiers to help the Afghans break the stalemate in the 16-year fight against the Taliban. But after talks with the alliance's 29 defence ministers in Brussels, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg acknowledged there were still "gaps" in the roster that needed to be filled. "We are now in the process of increasing the troop level," Stoltenberg said. "We haven't finalised that so it's not possible to provide any final figures when it comes to how much different countries are going to contribute." The additional troops, most of them American, will help train and advise local Afghan forces who have struggled to hold Taliban and Islamic State extremists at bay while suffering heavy casualties. Washington has asked NATO allies to contribute 1,000 extra troops for Afghanistan to add to 2,800 US forces, but diplomatic sources say they may have to be content with just 700. Stoltenberg said NATO had made progress but was still in the process of gathering troop commitments. "We got some new announcements from some nations during the meeting today but we staill have some gaps that we will continue to work on," he said. NATO leaders are optimistic that 2018 could see Afghan forces start to gain momentum against the Taliban, thanks to renewed training efforts, a growing air force and thousands of extra Afghan commandos. Plus US President Donald Trump has given American forces greater leeway in how and when they can hit the Taliban, and Afghan forces are increasingly going on the offensive. But the Taliban poured scorn on NATO claims of success. Story continues "The Taliban are those who, in defence of their belief and country, forced the half-million NATO-led world forces equipped with modern weaponry and technology to kneel down," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said. - IS fight - Immediately following the summit, US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis hosted a separate meeting with partners from the coalition fighting the Islamic State group in the Middle East, where the jihadists continue to lose territory. Mattis said coalition partners are looking to the United States for a clear plan about what follows the physical defeat of IS. "Maybe three-quarters of the questions I am getting asked now is (about) going forward. It's not about are we going to be able to stop ISIS, are we going to be able to overcome ISIS. They are now saying: 'What's next? How is it looking?'" Mattis told reporters this week using another acronym for the group. Following back-to-back losses, including of their Syrian and Iraqi strongholds of Raqa and Mosul, IS fighters are down to defending their last holdouts along the Euphrates River valley. America's military involvement in Syria has until now been focused solely on fighting IS, but with the jihadists on the ropes, Washington must articulate its longer-term interests and what role, if any, US forces will play in Syria. A French source said allies were keen to hear what Mattis had to say about the role of Iran -- a key supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad -- following Trump's tough rhetoric against Tehran. "We are wondering how the speeches by top US officials on the need to push back the Iranian presence in the region is going to manifest itself in real terms in the military strategy," the source said. - Cyber role - NATO members agreed Wednesday to increase the use of cyber weaponry and tactics during military operations, with the alliance also upgrading other capabilities to combat a resurgent Russia. The changes are part of NATO's biggest shakeup since the Cold War, with defence ministers backing the creation of two new command centres to help protect Europe. The North Korean nuclear crisis has also been high on the agenda in Brussels. Tensions have soared since Pyongyang carried out its sixth nuclear test -- its most powerful to date -- and Stoltenberg said the crisis demanded a united international effort. Producer Ram Bergman, left, writer-director Rian Johnson, and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy on the set of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (Photo: Lucasfilm) We might be down to the last Jedi, but that galaxy far, far away still has plenty of stories to tell. Lucasfilm announced Thursday afternoon that Rian Johnson, the writer-director behind the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi, will create a completely new trilogy that wont focus on the extended exploits of Luke Skywalker but will instead introduce characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored. Johnson, who turned down a chance to direct 2019s Episode IX, the final film in the Skywalker Saga, which will wrap up the story that George Lucas started in 1977, will team with his longtime producing partner, Ram Bergman, for the new venture. No plot details have been announced, nor have any release dates for the films, but all parties are predictably stoked. We all loved working with Rian on The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said in a statement. Hes a creative force, and watching him craft The Last Jedi from start to finish was one of the great joys of my career. Rian will do amazing things with the blank canvas of this new trilogy. We had the time of our lives collaborating with Lucasfilm and Disney on The Last Jedi, Johnson and Bergman added in a joint statement. Star Wars is the greatest modern mythology, and we feel very lucky to have contributed to it. We cant wait to continue with this new series of films. Thursday has proved to be momentous for Force fanatics. In addition to the announcement of the Johnson-helmed trilogy, Disney boss Bob Iger revealed that a live-action TV series set in the Star Wars universe would arrive on the studios forthcoming streaming service in 2019 to coincide with the release of Episode IX and the opening of the Star Wars: Galaxys Edge lands at Disney theme parks. The Last Jedi is due in theaters Dec. 15. Watch the cast of The Last Jedi demonstrate their best blaster noises: Read more from Yahoo Entertainment: Managua (AFP) - Nicaragua's government said Wednesday its consulates in the United States will provide assistance for 5,300 of its citizens soon to lose temporary protection status under the termination of a US program. The diplomatic missions in Florida, New York, Washington DC, California and Texas "are at the disposition of our compatriots" to help with their US migration status before the end of the program on January 5, 2019, the presidency said in a statement. The US government on Monday announced it was ending the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program extended to Nicaraguans. The decision came as President Donald Trump's administration tries to restrict the flow of immigrants and refugees on many fronts. Nicaragua said it was working with migrant support groups in the United States to contact its citizens and establish their plans in light of the announcement. The program will not end for more than a year, a deadline intended to give eligible Nicaraguans time to seek alternative legal status in the US or arrange their departure. Nicaraguans, Hondurans and Salvadorans were granted temporary protected status in the US after Hurricane Mitch slammed Central America in 1998, with renewals granted following other natural disasters. Thousands of Haitians later also received TPS following the 2010 earthquake that devastated their nation. Most TPS migrants arrived in the United States without legal papers, but were allowed to stay and work because of instability in their home countries. The US Department of Homeland Security was renewing TPS status for Hondurans for another six-month period, until July 2018, while it makes a final decision on whether to end the program for them, too. Lagos (AFP) - Nigeria's government was urged on Thursday to order the release of the leader of a pro-Iranian Shiite Muslim group who has been in custody for nearly two years since clashes with soldiers. Ibrahim Zakzaky, who heads the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, and his wife should be freed "on health grounds", lawyer Femi Falana said in a letter to President Muhammadu Buhari. The cleric lost the sight in his left eye during two days of unrest in the northern city of Zaria in December 2015 in which soldiers allegedly killed more than 300 IMN members. Now he risks losing the sight in his right eye as a result of "the brutal treatment meted out to him by the armed soldiers", Falana wrote. Zakzaky's wife, Zainab, was said to be in a "far worse" state, according to the lawyer, who said he visited the couple in secret police detention in Abuja a few days ago. "For reasons best known to the State Security Service, some of the bullets lodged in her body during the brutal attack of December 14, 2015 have not been extracted," he wrote. "In the circumstances, she has been subjected to excruciating pain and agony on a daily basis," he said, adding that her life was in danger unless she received urgent medical attention. Nigeria's government has previously ignored a court order to release the couple. Hundreds of IMN were arrested during the military crackdown in Zaria. Zakzaky has long been at loggerheads with Nigeria's secular authorities because of his repeated call for an Iranian-style Islamic revolution in Nigeria. Northern Nigeria is predominantly Sunni Muslim. On Sunday, at least three people were killed in the northern city of Kano when police shot at an IMN procession marking Ashura, the Shiite day of mourning. The march, which begins in Kano and heads to Zaria, has been a regular flashpoint. Last year, the IMN claimed police had shot and killed at least 30 without provocation. Story continues Hundreds of IMN supporters were arrested and detained during the 2015 protests and put on trial for charges including breach of the peace, unlawful assembly and rioting. But on Thursday, 10 of them were acquitted and released after a judge at the Kaduna state high court approved a defence submission that they had no case to answer. It was not immediately clear how many IMN members were still in custody and on trial but in February 2016, police charged 161 with illegal possession of firearms and public disturbance in connection with the clashes. All the suspects pleaded not guilty. Photographer Pete Souza has reflected on eight years looking at former President Barack Obama and throwing shade at President Donald Trump through his Instagram account. His new book Obama: An Intimate Portrait showcases some of Mr Souzas favourite images from the nearly two million he took during the Obama presidency. Some have become posts on his Instagram account, usually timed with Mr Trumps often-controversial tweets. Mr Souza told National Public Radio that he is aware of his reputation for throwing shade at Mr Trump and joked he had to look up the term because he was not sure what it meant. I kind of laughed I guess, he said. However, he does his best to be somewhat subtle and respectful in the words that I write and said he feels his feed, compared to what some people write on Twitter, is very respectful. I think people can interpret them [however they want to], Mr Souza said. Some of his more popular posts include responding to Mr Trump's comment in the wake of four US soldiers' deaths in an ambush in Niger when he said previous presidents, particularly his predecessor, had not called or spent time with Gold Star families. This was Mr Souza's response to the President's tweets criticising fellow Republican and Senator Bob Corker for disagreeing with him after Mr Corker said the White House resembled a "day care". President Obama talks with Sen. Bob Corker inside The Beast after arriving at an event in Tennessee in 2015. The President often disagreed with the Senator but at least talked to him in person or on the phone. A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Oct 8, 2017 at 10:05am PDT During the first week of Mr Trump's presidency he signed the travel ban executive order, barring travellers from six Muslim-majority countries including Syrian refugees fleeing violence in that country, Mr Souza posted this picture of Mr Obama smiling and speaking with a child refugee. Story continues Talking with a young refugee at a Dignity for Children Foundation classroom in 2015. A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Jan 29, 2017 at 5:16am PST He also reflected on trying to be a piece of the woodwork during his years at the White House, as he was a silent presence at sensitive national security meetings, briefings about national tragedies, and the more light-hearted moments Mr Obama often shared with children visiting the Oval Office. Mr Souzas book includes now-iconic images ranging from the moment in the Situation Room just ahead of the assassination of terrorist Osama bin Laden to when Mr Obama leaned over to a staffers young African-American son to let him touch his head so the boy could see they had similar hair. "I was there all the time.I wasn't talking to [Obama] all the time, but I was always in every meeting and pretty much every situation that he had as president, Mr Souza noted. BOSTON (Reuters) - One person was dead and one in critical condition following a morning car chase in Providence, Rhode Island, officials said, after the state police said a patrol vehicle was stolen during a Thursday morning traffic stop. "We had an officer-involved shooting that resulted in the death of a suspect," Providence Public Safety Commissioner Steven Pare told reporters near the scene of the shooting. Pare did not identify the male suspect who was slain and said that a woman, whom he also did not identify, was critically wounded. The shooting occurred on Interstate 95, which passes near the Providence Place mall. The pair was stopped in a pickup truck that police had chased. Television images of the scene showed the truck was riddled with what appeared to be bullet holes. Pare said it was not immediately clear if the people involved in the shooting were tied to the theft of the patrol car, which had been recovered. Live television video showed large numbers of police vehicles as well as a truck from the state medical examiner's office parked around the Providence Place mall. (Reporting by Scott Malone; Editing by Dan Grebler) BUILD, Go90 and RYOT invite you to "Fear Us Women," from Oscar-nominated director, David Darg. The film follows Hanna Bohman, a Canadian civilian who has spent the last three years in Syria as a volunteer soldier battling ISIS. A member of the YPJ, an all-female Kurdish army, Hanna gives an inside look at the brave women fighting for liberation in the world's most dangerous country. The film is executive produced by Olivia Wilde. Join Wilde, director David Darg and Bohman as they take the BUILD stage to discuss the film. What do you see in the Opel logo? That's right, a lightning bolt. As the German automaker dramatically restructures its future plans, electric cars are in the core of Opel's survival. With attempts to stop leaking money, Opel is speeding up its secession from GM technology, launching nine new models by 2020 with the aim to complete transition to PSA hardware by 2024, leaving only two Opel platforms. This is all part of Opel's freshly announced PACE turnaround plan, which is crucial for the company's survival, according to CEO Michael Lohscheller. "PACE will unleash our full potential. This plan is paramount for the company, to protect our employees against headwinds and turn Opel/Vauxhall into a sustainable, profitable, electrified, and global company," says Lohscheller. Competitiveness will be improved by reducing per-car costs by 700 euros, and by cutting marketing costs by 10 percent. Regarding Vauxhall's future, the statement still includes the British brand. When the Opel sale agreement was reached between PSA and GM in March, the plan was to start implementing PSA technology in 2019, completing the transition in eight years, as Automotive News says. The new business plan is noticeably faster. By 2020, with full access to PSA's electric tech, Opel would have a fully electric next-generation Corsa hatchback and a PHEV version of the Grandland X SUV, which is already based on Peugeot's 3008 model. Currently, there are nine Opel platforms and 10 engine families. By 2024 there should be two platforms and four powertrains; the number of diesel engines in use remains to be seen, and all product lines would include an electrified model. There would be an SUV and a midsize vehicle based on PSA's EMP2 architecture, with the former built in Eisenach formerly known as the town that built East German Wartburg cars before its Opel era and the latter built in Russelsheim, where Opel HQ is located. The Russelsheim hub will become PSA's global "competence center," where all Opel/Vauxhall vehicles would be engineered not Paris. Plans include avoiding any factory closures or personnel layoffs. The PACE statement also mentions Opel's entrance to all of 20 new export markets, with a specific mention of China and Brazil, countries which have traditionally seen Opels sold as Chevrolets. Will the United States be included in that export plan? While current Regals are still very much "Buick Opels," it was decades ago when anything with an Opel badge was last sold in the USA. Related Video: Opel to electrify all model lines by 2024, speeding PSA transition originally appeared on Autoblog on Thu, 09 Nov 2017 10:30:00 EST. By Miriam Berger and Ali Sawafta RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's administration said on Wednesday it had resumed security coordination with Israel in the occupied West Bank, frozen in July, and sought sole security control of the Gaza Strip, where Hamas Islamist forces dominate. The remarks, by the Palestinian police chief, left open the question of how Abbas might bring his former rivals in Hamas to heel given their refusal to disarm as demanded by Israel and the United States. An Egyptian-brokered reconciliation deal last month formally restored Abbas's administrative control of Gaza after a 10-year schism with Hamas, though the details of implementation have yet to be worked out fully. Palestinians hope the pact will ease Gaza's economic woes and help present a united front in their drive for statehood. The vision includes the West Bank, where Palestinian security forces have tried to tamp down violence, often sharing intelligence and cooperating across jurisdictions with Israel, despite a three-year impasse in diplomacy between the sides. Under interim peace deals with Israel, Abbas' Palestinian Authority exercises limited self-rule in the West Bank. Abbas halted security coordination with Israel on July 21, demanding it remove metal detectors it had installed outside a Jerusalem compound housing Al-Aqsa mosque in response to the killing of two of its police guards by gunmen holed up there. Amid Palestinian and Jordanian unrest, and U.S. mediation efforts, Israel dismantled the walk-through gates within days and said it would install less obtrusive security measures. SECURITY COORDINATION Police chief Hazem Attallah told foreign reporters in a briefing that the suspension of ties had ended two weeks ago. "Security coordination between Palestinian and Israeli services have resumed as it used to be before it stopped," Attallah said, adding that he was referring to joint efforts to prevent militant attacks, as crime-fighting police cooperation between the sides had never stopped. Attallah said his police forces were ready to impose order in Gaza, likening the situation there to the West Bank a decade ago, where the Palestinian Authority set about disarming and dismantling Hamas and other armed factions. "We will have 'one gun' in Gaza," Attallah said. "How can I do security when there are all these rockets and guns? This is possible? This doesn't work." In Gaza, Hamas has a guerrilla army believed to include tens of thousands of fighters and rockets. Hamas continues to police Gaza with nearly 13,000 security personnel. Fatah plans to discuss security responsibility further in talks with Hamas and other factions in Cairo on November 21. (Additional reporting by Nidal Almughrabi; Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Gareth Jones) By Colin Packham and Tom Westbrook SYDNEY (Reuters) - Papua New Guinea began dismantling a shuttered Australian-run immigration detention centre on Thursday and warned it will use force if necessary to evict nearly 600 men if they refuse to leave within two days, according to a notice posted at the camp. The asylum seekers have barricaded themselves inside the Manus island centre for the past nine days, defying attempts by Australia and Papua New Guinea to close the camp in a standoff the United Nations describes as a "looming humanitarian crisis". The men fear violent reprisals from the Manus island community if they move from the camp to three transit centres, pending possible resettlement to the United States. The camp was closed on Oct. 31 and water and power have been cut off. "You may become very sick under these conditions of overflowing sewerage, heaps of rubbish, no clean running water, no electricity and no food," Papua New Guinea's Immigration and Citizenship Service Authority said in a two-page notice reviewed by Reuters. "You are therefore instructed to vacate this compound immediately...if necessary, force may be used to relocate those who refuse to move voluntarily for your own sake." The men inside the camp, who include asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Syria, said they will continue to defy attempts to shut the camp. They said they had exhausted their food supplies and were relying on rainwater to drink. Several of the men told Reuters that nearly 100 of them had fallen sick. The notice added that demolition of fences would begin on Thursday. Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish journalist from Iran who has been detained on Manus island for more than four years, said on Twitter that workers had begun that task. "The refugees are watching them fearfully...(they) are extremely scared by immigration threat but still saying we will not leave this prison camp for another prison camp," he said. Story continues "Using force against ppl who've been suffering nearly 5yrs is no solution. If you're going to solve this problem send us to safe third country." Australia has used the Manus island centre, and another on the tiny Pacific island of Nauru, to detain asylum seekers who try to reach its shores by boat. It says boat arrivals will never enter Australia, even if they are found to be refugees, as this would encourage people smugglers in Asia. Papua New Guinea's High Court ruled last year that the Manus centre, first opened in 2001, was illegal and the camp closed on Oct. 31, when Australian-funded security staff withdrew. Thursday's PNG government notice said the camp will soon revert to the control of the nation's military and anyone there unlawfully will be liable for arrest. Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill on Wednesday said "appropriate means" would be used to apprehend those responsible for "disruption". Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said on Thursday that the situation was "unacceptable...but the government won't be backing down". The PNG Supreme Court rejected an application by one of the men to restore services on Tuesday, despite pleas from the United Nations to make food, water, medical supplies and power available. Lawyers for the asylum seekers are due to lodge an appeal against later on Thursday. (Reporting by Colin Packham and Tom Westbrook; Editing by Paul Tait) The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Thursday agreed to hear an expedited argument in a case challenging the states congressional map, setting the stage for a potential decision on the constitutionality of the map ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. The League of Women Voters and nearly 20 Pennsylvania voters filed the lawsuit against the state in Commonwealth Court in June. They claim the states Republican-drawn congressional map violates the state constitutions protections on freedom of expression and equal protection, because it deliberately dilutes the influence of Democratic voters in the political process. The Brennan Center for Justice has described the map as one of the most egregious examples of a political party drawing a map for its own benefit a process often called gerrymandering. In 2012, Republicans were able to win 13 of the states 18 congressional seats, and were able to retain a similar share of seats in 2014 and 2016 even though the partys share of the statewide vote only went up by a few points. The plaintiffs in the state want the court to block officials from using the plan in future elections and require the legislature to draw a new plan. We will leverage this expedited process to ensure the map is struck down and a new map that complies with the constitution is created in time for the 2018 election, Mimi McKenzie, legal director of the Public Interest Law Center, one of the groups representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement. The case is one of two redistricting lawsuits challenging Pennsylvanias congressional map. The other suit is moving through federal court. In October, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a challenge to Wisconsins state electoral map in which plaintiffs alleged that the map violates the U.S. Constitution. The case is being closely watched because the high court has never articulated a standard for judging whether a map is unconstitutional. The case moving through the Commonwealth Court does not depend on the outcome of that case, because it deals with alleged violations to the Pennsylvania constitution, not the U.S. Constitution. Story continues Also on HuffPost Alabama State Capitol (Montgomery, Ala.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin) Alaska State Capitol (Juneau, Alaska) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. (AP Photo/Chris Miller) Arizona State Capitol (Phoenix) Pictured on Friday, April 23, 2010. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Arkansas State Capitol (Little Rock, Ark.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston) California State Capitol (Sacramento, Calif.) Pictured on Thursday, Jan. 5, 2006. (Photo by David Paul Morris/Getty Images) Colorado State Capitol (Denver) Pictured on Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006. (Photo by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images) Connecticut State Capitol (Hartford, Conn.) Pictured on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1999. (AP Photo/Bob Child) Delaware State Capitol (Dover, Del.) Florida State Capitol (Tallahassee, Fla.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 3, 2011. (AP Photo/John Raoux) Georgia State Capitol (Atlanta) Pictured on Tuesday, November 13, 2007. (Photo by Jessica McGowan/Getty Images) Hawaii State Capitol (Honolulu) Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Ned Dishman/NBAE via Getty Images) Illinois State Capitol (Springfield, Ill.) Pictured on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman) Indiana State Capitol (Indianapolis) Pictured on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012. (Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images) Iowa State Capitol (Des Moines, Iowa) Pictured on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Kansas State Capitol (Topeka, Kan.) Pictured on Thursday, April 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner) Kentucky State Capitol (Frankfort, Ky.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 12, 2006. (AP Photo/James Crisp) Louisiana State Capitol (Baton Rouge, La.) Pictured on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008. (Matthew HINTON/AFP/Getty Images) Maine State Capitol (Augusta, Me.) Pictured on Monday, Oct. 17, 2011. (AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach) Maryland State House (Annapolis, Md.) (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) Massachusetts State House (Boston) Pictured on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007. (Photo by Darren McCollester/Getty Images) Michigan State Capitol (Lansing, Mich.) Pictured on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images) Minnesota State Capitol (St. Paul, Minn.) Pictured on Friday, July 1, 2011. (Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images) Mississippi State Capitol (Jackson, Miss.) Pictured on Thursday, June 10, 1999. (AP Photo/Rogelio Solis) Missouri State Capitol (Jefferson City, Mo.) Pictured on Friday, Oct. 16, 2000. (Photo credit should read ORLIN WAGNER/AFP/Getty Images) Montana State Capitol (Helena, Mont.) Nebraska State Capitol (Lincoln, Neb.) Pictured on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1998. (AP Photo/S.E. McKee) Nevada State Capitol (Carson City, Nev.) New Hampshire State House (Concord, N.H.) Pictured on Friday, Dec. 28, 2001. (Todd Warshaw//Pool/Getty Images New Jersey State House (Trenton, N.J.) Pictured on Friday, Aug. 13, 2004. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images) New Mexico State Capitol (Santa Fe, N.M.) New York State Capitol (Albany, N.Y.) Pictured on Sunday, March 16, 2008. (Photo by Daniel Barry/Getty Images) North Carolina State Capitol (Raleigh, N.C.) Pictured in 1930. (AP Photo) North Dakota State Capitol (Bismarck, N.D.) Pictured on Thursday, April 19, 2012. (AP Photo/Dale Wetzel) Ohio Statehouse (Columbus, Ohio) Pictured on Tuesday, March 8, 2011. (Photo by Mike Munden/Getty Images) Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Globalisation has pressed the brightest workers from poor Southeast Asian countries to move overseas in a brain drain that must be reversed if real development is to be achieved, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday. In an impassioned appeal by a leader better known for expletive-flecked outbursts, Duterte said the efforts of poorer countries to rise up the value chain are being undercut by mass migration of skilled workers. "Globalisation to a certain extent has really damaged poor economies," he said in a speech to CEOs gathered in Danang, Vietnam, ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. By way of example he said, "the best of our young (Filipinos)... tend to go to the places where the economy is thriving," such as the United States. More than 10 million Filipinos work overseas, around 10 percent of the population, remitting billions of dollars back to the country each year. He acknowledged Donald Trump's complaints that globalisation has also sent American manufacturing jobs to cheaper countries such as China. But Duterte said poorer nations faced the hardest edge of global commerce as they are stripped of labour and raw materials to fuel a world economy they can not compete in. He urged ASEAN -- the 10-member Southeast Asian bloc of nations -- to speed up economic integration to power the region up the manufacturing chain, retain its skilled workers and educate those "left behind". "We only provide the raw materials" which are then sent back by richer manufacturing countries for "four times the price", he said, adding "that is globalisation." He vowed to "forcefully" carry the message of unity to the ASEAN summit which he is hosting in Manila from Monday. Globalisation and the rules of trade are under the microscope in Vietnam this week, where world leaders including Trump, China's Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are set to converge from Friday for the APEC summit. burs-apj/amz When Mount Vesuvius in southwestern Italy erupted in A.D. 79, it engulfed the city of Pompeii so quickly that residents barely had time to react to the impending disaster before it killed them. Their final moments were frozen in time as people were buried in layers of hot ash, their lives snuffed out in moments. But even before the volcanic eruption, Pompeii was harboring another hidden and potentially deadly threat, one that flowed through its water system and into its homes. Recent tests of a lead water pipe fragment from the ancient city show evidence of antimony, a highly toxic metallic element that was historically mixed with lead to strengthen it. [Preserved Pompeii: Photos Reveal City in Ash] Lead pipes, which were widely used as water conduits throughout the Roman Empire, are now known to be a poor choice for carrying drinking water. Though lead is less prone to corrosion than other metals, lead particles leach into water and can build up in the human body, causing lead poisoning. Over time, accumulation of lead in adults can harm the kidneys and the nervous system, and can even cause strokes or cancer, Live Science previously reported. Children and babies are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can lead to developmental delays. But the metallic element antimony may have posed an even greater threat to the health of the ancient Romans, according to the new analysis of the pipe fragment from a home in Pompeii. Based on the amount of antimony found in the fragment, the city's water supply system would have contained sufficient quantities of the metal to cause daily bouts of diarrhea and vomiting, potentially resulting in severe dehydration and even liver and kidney damage over time, the researchers reported. Toxic infrastructure Since the early 18th century, historians have argued that the systems of lead pipes branching through Roman cities would have led to chronic lead poisoning that eventually caused the empire's fall. Story continues But lime in the water likely prevented that, the study authors wrote. In recent decades, other researchers suggested that the inner surfaces of Roman pipes would have quickly calcified with limestone after a few months at most, shielding the water from harmful lead particles thereafter. However, antimony is much more toxic than lead. Before protective calcite layers formed in the pipes, even small amounts of antimony that seeped into the water would have sickened people very quickly, leading to cardiac arrest in severe cases, the scientists wrote. To identify the compounds in the pipe fragment, the researchers used a method capable of detecting even small amounts of metallic and nonmetallic elements. They dissolved a sample in concentrated nitric acid and then heated it to 10,832 degrees Fahrenheit (6,000 degrees Celsius) to ionize the elements adding or removing electrons to change their charge so they could be identified and analyzed within a mass spectrometer. Based on their analysis, the antimony concentration in the pipe was about 3,680 micrograms, approximately 0.0001 ounces. This may not sound like much, but in actuality it's an "alarming level" to find in proximity to drinking water, and would have been sufficient to cause serious symptoms of antimony intoxication, the study's authors wrote. And Pompeii's nearness to the volcano may have made their antimony problem worse than other Roman cities with similar water systems. Antimony occurs naturally in the groundwater close to volcanoes, and Pompeii's proximity to Mount Vesuvius could have provided toxic antimony concentrations in the water that were even higher than in a typical Roman city at the time, according to the study. As their tests were carried out on only a small fragment of pipe from Pompeii, further tests would be needed to confirm how widespread this problem may have been throughout the Roman Empire, investigating more lead pipes as well as human remains from the period for traces of antimony in their bones and teeth, the researchers noted. The findings were published online Nov. 5 in the journal Toxicology Letters. Original article on Live Science. Editor's Recommendations By Lidia Kelly and Pawel Sobczak WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland wants to be sure that Christian traditions are not subject to "ideological censorship" in the European Union, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Thursday, emphasizing her party's opposition to Muslim immigration. Along with Hungary, Poland has refused to take in any of its quota of the wave of refugees from Syria and elsewhere who have come to Europe since 2015, on the grounds that Muslim immigrants are a threat to their national security and stability. Szydlo's eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party appeals directly to the more socially conservative sections of Poland's overwhelmingly Roman Catholic population. In a foreign policy speech marking the midpoint of the parliamentary term, Szydlo said Christians in Europe should not need to feel uncomfortable or ashamed about their faith and traditions. "We are in favor of (an EU) where Christian traditions are not subject to ideological censorship," she told a conference organized by the Polish Institute of International Affairs. Opinion polls in Poland - one of the most ethnically and religiously homogenous countries in Europe - indicate that about three-quarters of Poles are against accepting refugees. Apart from refusing its quota, Szydlo's government has triggered a series of disputes with the EU executive, the European Commission, over policies that Brussels says undermine democracy and the rule of law. In a veiled criticism of France and Germany, the traditional motors of EU integration, Szydlo said that countries such as Poland should be a greater part of the bloc's decision-making process. "The EU's principle of respect for the rights of its citizens will cease to be an empty one only when the debate about the future of the European Union takes place with the participation of all concerned, not in three or four capitals," she said. Opinion polls suggest up to 80 percent of Poles back EU membership, though many are also opposed to deeper EU integration and joining the euro currency. Szydlo reiterated that Poland would stay in the EU, but said that growing euroscepticism in several countries was a sign that "some politicians" were unwilling to recognize the problems within the bloc. "It's not enough to stigmatize tens of millions of Europeans in different countries as immature and dangerous populations, or to put Poland in a corner," Szydlo said. (Writing by Lidia Kelly) Ashley Bennet was aghast after New Jersey politician John Carman posted a meme during the Womens March this January, asking if the protest would be over in time for them to cook dinner; however, she put her anger to good use, running against Carman and defeating him to win his seat as an Atlantic County freeholder. According to the AP, the sexist meme was the catalyst for the first-time candidates Bennetts decision to run. I was angry about (the Facebook meme), because elected officials shouldnt be on social media mocking and belittling people who are expressing their concerns about their community and the nation, she said. Carman, who said that the meme was a bad choice but felt that the women he knew were strong and confident enough not to be offended by its sexism, was running for a second term. This isnt the first time that Carman has made headlines for controversial behavior; in October, he was criticized for sporting a motorcycle jacket with a patch that had a Confederate flag on it. (MOSCOW) Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump have a full agenda for their likely encounter on the sidelines of a Pacific nations summit this week, the Kremlin said Wednesday. Putins foreign affairs adviser, Yuri Ushakov, said the Russian leader will meet Trump during sessions of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders meeting that opens Friday in Danang, Vietnam. Ushakov said the U.S. and Russian leaders may also have an extensive one-on-one meeting, although a specific time has not been set. There are things to discuss and we are ready for it, Ushakov said, adding that the agenda would include the Syrian war, the standoff over North Koreas nuclear and missile programs and a crisis in bilateral ties. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russian and U.S. officials are trying to carve out a time slot for Trump and Putin to meet separately. The probability for a face-to-face meeting of the two presidents is quite high, Peskov said. He said Putin discussed preparations for the summit with members of the presidential Security Council on Wednesday. Moscows hopes for an improvement of Russia-U.S. relations under Trump have been scuttled by the ongoing investigations into alleged collusion between Trump campaign officials and Russia. Trump and Putin first met in July at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Since then, dealings between the two countries have become more strained, with Congress imposing new sanctions on Russia, Moscow capping the number of U.S. diplomatic personnel in Russia, and the closure of Russian diplomatic offices by the U.S. Putin has blamed Trumps political foes in the U.S. for preventing him from fulfilling his campaign promise to forge a better relationship and said Russia remains open to cooperating with Washington. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov struck a similar note, saying Wednesday in Vietnam that the effort to improve bilateral ties fell victim to U.S. political infighting. We may reach agreements, but regrettably they immediately become an element of internal political fighting, internal political games aimed to make President Trumps life and activities as difficult as possible, Lavrov said in televised remarks. Nchelenge (Zambia) (AFP) - Recounting horrific stories of rape and murder allegedly by government soldiers, thousands of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo have sought safety on the Zambian side of Lake Mweru. About 6,000 Congolese residents have fled across the border since late August, triggering an emergency response from the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) which has struggled to provide basic food rations and shelter. DR Congo's huge eastern region has long been wracked by violence, but fighting between government soldiers and militia groups, as well as inter-ethnic clashes, has increased this year. The UNHCR said that the unrest had caused the largest influx into Zambia for the past five years, with many refugees blaming DR Congo President Joseph Kabila's troops for the worst of the violence. "I witnessed an incident where one pregnant woman was raped, her stomach ripped open and the baby killed before they killed her," Kaimba Kazili, 39, a former subsistence farmer, told AFP at the Kenani transit camp in Nchelenge, northern Zambia. "It is not safe to live in Congo any more because government soldiers are killing people," she said. On her journey to the camp, Kazili gave birth to triplets Ari, Kalangila and Kanaila -- two boys and a girl -- who were born on August 20, before she finally arrived in Zambia on September 14. - 'Never go back' - "It was not an easy thing but luckily we found a man driving a minibus who gave us a lift," said Kazili, originally from the Kivu region of DR Congo. The triplets were shown to Zambian President Edgar Lungu when he visited the camp last week accompanied by UNCHR officials and reporters. But Lungu had an uncompromising message for the refugees. "You have run away from lawlessness, so don't bring lawlessness here," he told them. "We have laws which should be obeyed by everyone. If we jail you, when you finish your jail, we will send you back to Congo." Story continues Despite Lungu's harsh words, Pierrine Aylara, the UNHCR head in Zambia, told the president that she wanted "to applaud your hospitality towards those displaced by war and conflict." For those in the camp, the only priorities have been the safety of their lives and getting enough to eat. "Thank God that we all arrived safely as a family with my husband and all the four children," said Mauno Rukogo, 42. "I will never go back to Congo because war is tough. Kabila's government was supposed to protect citizens but is killing its people." Rukogo said she had been repeatedly displaced inside DR Congo, where the eastern region has been roiled by conflict for more than two decades, before she fled to Zambia on September 9. The UNCHR said the refugees have fled inter-ethnic violence and clashes between the army and myriad militia groups, particularly in Haut Katanga and Tanganyika provinces since end of August. Earlier this year, security worsened sharply in the Pweto area of Haut Katanga, which shares a border with Zambia. Many refugees said that they feel safer in Zambia but that food rations were scarce and children were not getting enough to eat. "We are also asking for medical clinics for the children," Rukogo added, with rampant malaria and diarrhoea posing major health problems. - Wife 'killed by troops' - The UNHCR has set up tents and grass-thatched shelters at the 56-hectare (140-acre) site, as well as sunk two boreholes and nearly 300 pit latrines. An agency official said that they provide 400 grammes of maize (14 ounces) and 60 grammes of rice a day for each family, as well as other food supplies. "I saw my wife be killed by government troops and I only just managed to run away with my three children," said Minga wa Minga, a 40-year-old school teacher. "I had to keep going until I found some Congolese heading to Zambia," he added. "The UN have described the situation as a humanitarian crisis but let them do something to stop Kabila from destroying the country." Kabila failed to step down after his second and final term last December. Elections were re-scheduled for this year, but have now been announced for December 2018. DR Congo's military spokesman in Kinshasa could not be reached for comment on the refugee's accusations. Every year, thousands of Catholic pilgrims trek for 30 days along the long, dusty Camino de Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain the Way of Saint James hoping to pay their respects at the burial place of the beloved saint. Irreligious folks might scoff at the hordes, dismissing them as childish and irrational for believing in the Churchs old tales, but research on these pilgrims published Wednesday in Scientific Reports suggests its wrong to jump to those conclusions. In the study, scientists from Coventry University and the University of Oxford show that having religious beliefs has nothing to do with how rationally a person thinks, or how much they prefer to trust their gut instincts. Their findings contradict research trends over the past 20 years, which suggested that people with strong religious beliefs naturally think less analytically and more intuitively, supporting broad stereotypes that religious people think irrationally and that people are born believers. The new research, which involved the UK scientists actually going out to northern Spain and conducting experiments on 89 pilgrims along the Camino de Santiago, shows that the levels of rational thought in religious people arent unusual at all. So, the researchers conclude, fervent religiousness must come down to other, non-cognitive factors. Religious belief is most likely rooted in culture rather than in some primitive gut intuition, said lead author Miguel Farias, Ph.D., in a statement Religious pilgrims walk along the Camino de Santiago, which leads to the burial city of Saint James. The researchers set out to test whether there was actually a relationship between the way people think and their belief in the supernatural along the Camino de Santiago. On the path, the team first asked pilgrims about the strength of their supernatural beliefs then had them play a game designed to measure a persons tendency to think intuitively (making decisions based on a gut feeling) or rationally. Their observations suggested there was no link between the two, and furthermore, there was no relationship between the amount of time a person had been on pilgrimage and their level of intuitive thinking. Older theories would have suggested that, a person who had been on pilgrimage for a long time would have naturally spent more time engaging with supernatural ideas, leading them to think more intuitively (rather than rationally), but the teams observations suggest that simply isnt the case. Story continues The follow-up experiment was designed to test whether the pilgrims faith could be decreased by decreasing their intuitive thinking. The researchers had the pilgrims do an extremely rational exercise solving math puzzles then tested their belief in the supernatural. Still, there was no relationship between the two. In the last experiment, the researchers went straight for the pilgrims brains, stimulating a part of the brain thats involved in suppressing supernatural ideas in atheists. Perhaps, they thought, if this part of the brain was extra-active, then the pilgrims religiosity would decrease. It didnt. The researchers stimulated the inferior frontal gyrus (red), which is associated with suppressing supernatural thoughts. All of their observations point to the fact that theres no relationship between a persons belief in the supernatural and the way their brains are wired to think. This is not to say that there is not something different about people who are religious it just points out that the difference may not lie in their cognitive processes. Most likely, the researchers write, its a persons upbringing, together with the social and cultural environment they were raised in, that ultimately influences their belief in the supernatural. While it seems unlikely that humans are naturally wired to seek out gods, it remains unclear whether human societies could have formed and thrived without collectively believing in a higher power and whether well still need religion in the near future. Photos via Flickr / Staffan O Andersson, Wikimedia, Flickr / echiner1 Photos via Flickr / Staffan O Andersson, Wikimedia, Flickr / echiner1 Written by Yasmin Tayag More articles by Yasmin Follow Yasmin on Twitter tweetshare More From Inverse GOP senators call on Moore to drop out of race as aides say report that he had inappropriate sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 is fake news Roy Moore has long been a controversial figure in Alabama politics. Photograph: Brynn Anderson/AP Roy Moore, the Republican Senate nominee in Alabama, has been accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32. A Moore campaign adviser, Dean Young,told the Guardian: For the next 33 days, Alabamians are going to be tested whether they can be tricked by fake news and the establishment. If they pass the test, our nation has hope. But if they can beat Judge Roy Moore in Alabama, they can beat anybody, anywhere, anytime and our nation will continue to go down in a spiral. The Post reported that Moore took Leigh Corfman to his house in 1979, stripped down to his underwear and made her touch his genitals. Under Alabama law, such conduct would be sexual abuse in the second degree, although the statute of limitations would have long passed. Corfman told the Post: I wasnt ready for that I had never put my hand on a mans penis, much less an erect one. The story also details allegations from three other women about Moore dating them when they were underage. Although one told the Post that Moore had ordered her cocktails when she was below the legal drinking age, there were no other accusations of illegal behavior. The report comes five weeks before Moore faces off against Democrat Doug Jones in the fiercely competitive special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he became US attorney general. He won the Republican nomination in September, besting the appointed incumbent, Luther Strange, by a margin of 55%-45% despite Stranges support from Donald Trump and the entire machinery of the Republican party. Moore, though, did receive the support of the former White House strategist Steve Bannon. Moores campaign used the allegations to fundraise in an email sent out hours after the Washington Post article was posted. The email said the campaign was in a spiritual battle against the forces of evil and characterized the Posts reporting as an attack: The Obama-Clinton Machines liberal media lapdogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me Ive EVER faced. Story continues Shortly before the Washington Post article was published, Breitbart, the conservative website run by Bannon, published an article featuring the Posts request for comment to the Moore campaign, which detailed the accusations against him, and the Alabama Republicans response to the allegations. Top Republicans immediately took steps to distance themselves from Moore. The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, who actively supported Strange, said in a statement: If these allegations are true, he must step aside. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado, who runs the National Republican Senate Committee, also put out a statement saying: The allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore are deeply troubling. If these allegations are found to be true, Roy Moore must drop out of the Alabama special Senate election. Senator John McCain of Arizona, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008, said bluntly in a statement that Moore should drop out. The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying, said McCain. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. Among the handful of Senate Republicans who have endorsed Moore, only Mike Lee of Utah weighed in on the allegations. Lee said in a statement: If these allegations are true, Judge Moore should resign. The Alabama state auditor, Jim Ziegler, a Moore ally, came to the embattled Republicans defense, telling the Washington Examiner: There is nothing to see here. Ziegler went on to compare the allegations to biblical stories. Also take Joseph and Mary, he said. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus. Moore has long been a controversial figure in Alabama politics. He has been twice removed as chief justice of the state supreme court, first for refusing to remove a monument to the Ten Commandments from the grounds of his courthouse and more recently for refusing to implement the US supreme court ruling legalizing gay marriage. Moore also has a long history of incendiary comments on social issues. He has argued that homosexual conduct should be illegal, said the United States could be described as the focus of evil in the world for promoting bad things like gay marriage and that a Muslim congressman should be prohibited from serving in the House of Representatives. The campaign for Moores opponent, Jones, said: Roy Moore needs to answer these serious charges. Although recent polling gave Moore a steady lead in the high single digits, the scandal gives Democrats even more of an opening in the deep red state. The Montgomery-based Democratic pollster Zac McCrary said Jones was already running a strong campaign but this report could push Democrats over the edge. McCrary said: A majority of Alabamians were looking for a reason to not elevate Roy Moore to the Senate and not make him the face of Alabama. By Amanda Becker and Susan Heavey WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives forged ahead on Tuesday with legislation to reshape the federal tax code, while a top credit-ratings agency said the bill would balloon the budget deficit and give only a temporary boost to the economy. As the House tax committee weighed amendments to a bill that Democrats have blasted as a give-away to corporations and the rich, the Washington tax reform debate was fast shifting to the Senate, where Republicans hold only a slim majority. Senate Republicans are expected to unveil their own tax bill at the end of the week, and early indications suggest it could differ significantly from the House legislation. The House is aiming to vote on its bill next week, a senior Republican said. Tax reform has been a priority for President Donald Trump, who says it will stimulate economic growth. But Republicans have yet to score a major legislative accomplishment since Trump took office in January, even though the party controls both chambers of Congress as well as the White House. Trump made another pitch for Democratic support on Capitol Hill, where his top aides met with about a dozen Senate Democrats and Trump himself phoned in from his Asia trip. "He said, 'Look I want to do it in a bipartisan way,'" Senator Joe Donnelly told reporters. Fitch Ratings predicted that a Republican tax plan would win passage in both chambers, but did not see it offering long-term benefits. "Such reform would deliver a modest and temporary spur to growth. ... However, it will lead to wider fiscal deficits and add significantly to U.S. government debt," Fitch said, revising up its medium-term U.S. government debt forecast. The U.S. national debt now exceeds $20 trillion. Republicans once firmly opposed adding to the debt, but their emphasis has changed. Congress' Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) said the House bill would add nearly $1.5 trillion to the national debt from 2018 through 2027. Trump and congressional Republicans say the proposed tax cuts would boost economic growth enough to generate new revenues that would offset the tax cuts. Few economists agree. The House bill slashes tax rates for large corporations, small businesses and wealthy Americans, while sharply reducing or eliminating tax breaks that benefit many middle-class Americans such as deductions for state and local taxes, college tuition and home mortgage interest. JCT estimates that the House bill could raise taxes on as many as 38 million people who earn between $20,000 and $40,000 per year, beginning in 2023. House Republicans, who have an overwhelming majority, drafted their bill in secret, ignoring Democrats. But the House bill is unlikely to be taken up in the Senate, where Republicans have a 52-48 seat majority and they need to pay heed to moderates within their own ranks as well as Democrats, lobbyists and analysts said. Two conservative Republican senators, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, have already voiced concern that the House tax bill could raise taxes on some middle-class Americans. The Senate bill could delay the proposed corporate tax cut by one year, may not allow any deductions for local property taxes, and may not collapse the current seven individual brackets to the four proposed by the House, according to the Washington Post. PRESSURE TO DELIVER Republican leaders have pushed for the House to vote on the tax bill before the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 23. My donors are basically saying, get it done or dont ever call me again, Republican Representative Chris Collins said. U.S. tax legislation must begin in the House. "We'll bring it to the floor next week," House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady told Fox News. In party-line votes on Tuesday, Bradys tax committee voted down eight Democratic amendments that would have preserved or expanded tax breaks for the middle class, nullified the tax legislation if it increased the deficit in future years and maintained taxes on foreign profits of U.S. corporations. Brady offered a sweeping amendment on Monday that tweaked at least half a dozen provisions of the 425-page bill. One related to carried interest income, a share of an investment fund's profits paid out to the fund's general partners and which represents a large portion of many fund managers' incomes. Carried interest currently is taxed at the capital gains rate, which is substantially lower than the personal income tax rate for higher earners. Brady's amendment would lengthen to more than three years from one the time period assets must be held in order to be eligible for the capital gains tax rate. The amendment would also reduce the amount of carried-interest income eligible for the lower rate. (Additional reporting by David Morgan and Susan Cornwell in Washington, Richard Leong and David Randall in New York; Writing by Alistair Bell; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh and Leslie Adler) A restaurant owner in Memphis is accused of attacking and choking a customer who complained about her fries being cold. The alleged incident happened on Nov. 3 at Crumpys Hot Wings when the victim, Rinesha Moore, came in to pick up an order. I saw that my food was kinda. its usually smoking but it wasnt smoking this time, it was kinda dry so I said, Can I get some fresh fries? Moore told local station WREG. Crumpys owner Donald Crump told her she was late picking up her order, which made Moore angry. He was just like, naw, being nonchalant like he didnt care, just bad customer service right off the back, she told the station. Still, she admitted that she was late for the pick-up. I was probably a little bit late but they told me 25-35 mins over the phone and usually they dont have the food ready when I get there, so I gave them just a little extra time, Moore explained. The two argued over the fries for minutes, according to four witnesses who said they saw Moore throw her food on the floor, according to Memphis station WHBQ. Thats when Moore says 61-year-old Crump allegedly came out from behind the counter, grabbed her by the neck and started strangling her. He pushed me with his two hands and like pushed me into the fish bowl then I laid back, and he came like this with his two hands, Moore told the station. Crump told WMC that he never choked Moore, but did grab her, trying to remove her from the business. He told the station that he will release surveillance video later this week that vindicates him. Meanwhile, Crump was charged with aggravated assault and was later released on bond. Also on HuffPost Donald Crump Police in Memphis charged Donald Crump, 61, with aggravated assault after he allegedly strangled a customer who complained of cold fries. Mitchell Harris Feinberg Mitchell Harris Feinberg, 39, is accused of shattering the front door of a Waffle House restaurant in Brookhaven, Georgia, because he was mad they raised the price of sausage biscuits by 50 cents. Natasha West Natasha West, 27, is accused of assaulting a Denny's waitress who wouldn't let her share her all-you-can-eat pancakes with her friends. Thomas Washburn Washburn was a 54-year-old kindergarten teacher in Mesa, Ariz. when he allegedly punished a crying 6-year-old girl by taking off her shirt and leaving her half-naked for 10 minutes. The student started crying because Washburn had allegedly shouted at the two dozen kids in his class in January, 2014. Delbert Huber Delbert Huber, 82, shot Timothy Larson, a local teacher, after their argument over a missing $50 and farm equipment escalated. He pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Shirley Nunez Oregon woman Shirley Nunez, 47, was charged with attempted murder for allegedly running over her cop-husband with a Ford F-150 after pointing a gun at a woman he suspected him of cheating on her with. Randy Zipperer This Floridian was so angry at his brother during an argument about missing macaroni and cheese that he allegedly stabbed him. Or, as Zipperer allegedly told cops, "I poked him a little with the knife, but I didn't mean to." Read the whole story here. Deborah Burns Burns allegedly threw a kitchen knife at her boyfriend, cutting his abdomen, because he farted in her face. Jillian Martone Martone is accused of punching a man and threatening him with a knife after he refused to call her his girlfriend following their first date. Holly Solomon Solomon is accused of running over her husband in her SUV because he didn't vote in the 2012 election. Allen Casey Casey was accused in October, 2012 of hitting his boyfriend with a plate for listening to nothing but Alanis Morissette music. Charlene Idelle Hunziker Hunziker is accused of causing a disturbance at a P.F. Chang's in West DDes Moines in October, 2012. She allegedly told police they didn't need to be there because "she was a Republican," according to a police report. Zachary Davis This 15-year-old boy will be charged as an adult in the sledgehammer murder of his mother in August, 2012. Davis allegedly killed his mother and then lit his home on fire in an attempt to kill his older brother while he slept. Read more Disturbed Sleeper Justin Michael Byars, 21, allegedly was so unhappy about being woken up that he assaulted the guy in the head who did it, punching the man in the head before throwing him into a fish tank. Read the whole story here. Lluvia Rodriguez Rodriguez is accused of biting her sister's nose off during a fight. The nose was successfully reattached. Couple's Orgy Goes South Tina Norris and James Barfield, a Florida couple, had an orgy at their house in August 2012. Mid-way through, they apparently agreed that they didn't much care for orgies. They started beating on one another, and not in the good way. Both were charged with domestic battery and locked up. Sheriff officers examine crushed cruisers at the Orleans County Sheriff's Department in Newport, Vt., Thursday, Aug. 2, 2012. Authorities say 34-year old Vermont farmer Roger Pion, angry over a recent arrest last month on charges of resisting arrest and marijuana possession, used a large tractor like a monster truck, destroying seven police cruisers. (AP Photo/Northland Journal, Scott Wheeler) Robert Gernot Germot was accused of threatening his neighbor by saying, "When I get done taking a s--t, I'm gonna kick your f---ing a--!" Christopher Dabney Christopher Dabney, 22, allegedly attacked a US Army veteran in a wheelchair on Halloween, knocking the 35-year-old out of his chair. Dabney reportedly believed that the victim's Army uniform--and wheelchair--were fake, and was angry at what he perceived as an offensive Halloween costume. Read the whole story here. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Mr Spencer has rose to prominence with the rise of Donald Trump: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer has been taken to task for his white supremacist views during an interview that was cut short by the reporter, who said Spencer didn't know what he was talking about. During an interview with British journalist Gary Young, the American insisted that the United States was built by white people, and laughed off the fact that the White House was built by black slaves, justifying his ancestors' involvement by saying they'd ordered the slaves to build it. At one point, Mr Spencer seemed to admit that he supports America's history of slavery, because he embraces "all of it." Mr Spencer, who was visibly surprised to find out that his interviewer was a black man, later attempted to tell Mr Younge that he would "never be an Englishman" because of his race. At that point, Mr Younge ended the interview, calling Mr Spencer a "ridiculous man" who had failed to explain the intellectual movement behind America's modern right-wing ethno-nationalist movement. "You don't get to tell me what I will be," Mr Younge objected. "You, sorry, you're a ridiculous man. This interview is over." "I was looking for someone who could give some intellectual ballast into whats going on in this country in terms of race, in terms of white people, but I found the wrong guy. Because you dont know what youre talking about," Mr Young continued before walking away. Mr Spencer has been one of the most prominent figures in the far-right movement that has found a leader in President Donald Trump, who Mr Spencer has described as a nationalist. On a personal journey across white America, writer Gary Younge came face to face with alt-right leader Richard Spencer @Channel4 Thurs 10pm Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) November 7, 2017 Just after the 2016 election, Mr Spencer was captured in a video giving a passionate speech accompanied by the Nazi salute and shouts of "hail Trump", in an apparent reference to the salutes of soldiers during Nazi Germany during Adolph Hitler's reign. Story continues During the interview between Mr Younge and Spencer, the alt-right figurehead argued that African Americans who were enslaved in the US were better off than their counterparts who now live in Africa, pointing toward high life expectancy rates in the United States, a developed country, compared to those in Africa, where many countries are still developing. Mr Younge took issue with the comparison, noting that the US benefited from the practice of forcibly removing Africans from their communities and bringing them to America. "Its such a ridiculous notion that people forcibly removed from their homes and taken to this country to work for nothing for a couple of centuries and that benefited them," Mr Younge said. "Have you ever for a second considered that if they were able to stay in the countries where they were born and lived and werent forcibly removed that those continents might be in a better state now?" "I seriously doubt that," Mr Spencer responded. The explosive allegations of sexual misconduct against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore may have an unintended casualty: Steve Bannon, the former adviser to Donald Trump who is leading an insurgency against the GOP establishment. At least, thats what Bannons chief target, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is hoping. When Bannon first backed Moore in the Republican Senate primary in Alabama, it looked like a shrewd move. Moore led in the polls by double digits in the runoff with Sen. Luther Strange, whod been appointed to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. And Bannon was looking for a way to establish himself as a kingmaker, after leaving his post as senior White House adviser to President Trump. When Bannon endorsed Moore, he told allies that he wasnt opposing Strange whom Trump backed to spite the president. Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore greets supporters, Sept. 26, 2017, in Montgomery, Ala. (Photo: Brynn Anderson/AP) His real target was McConnell, he said, and he expanded on this theme in a highly publicized interview with 60 Minutes in early September. Days before Moore beat Strange in the primary runoff, Bannon said that those who wished to defeat Moore cannot take the righteousness people like Judge Moore represent. Moores decisive primary win helped cement the idea that Bannon was now a powerful figure on the right whose endorsement would be key for Republican candidates. It was a step toward wresting control of the GOP from McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. McConnells allies hit back in late October. An outside group that supports the Senate leader, the Senate Leadership Fund, began criticizing Bannon on Twitter and said it planned to run ads in Republican primaries against Bannon-endorsed candidates, such as Kelli Ward in Arizona. Bannons well-documented, toxic views and alt-right paper trail could become a liability for candidates who are perceived as closely tied to him, SLF President Steven Law told the Washington Post at the time. On Thursday, McConnell and his Republican Senate colleagues were quick to distance themselves from Moore after the Post reported on four women who allege that Moore pursued them and initiated sexual contact when they were teenagers. One woman was 14 at the time, another 16. Story continues If these allegations are true, he must step aside, McConnell said in a statement on behalf of all Senate Republicans. Moore will face off against Democratic nominee Doug Jones in the Dec. 12 special election. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., didnt qualify or hedge his comments; he said unequivocally that Moore should drop his candidacy. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of, McCain said. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks to reporters about allegations made against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, Nov. 9, 2017. (Photo: Aaron P. Bernstein/Reuters) McConnell allies wasted no time in piling on to make sure that Bannons name was dragged into the uproar over the allegations against Moore. Dear GOP, send your thank you cards to the Breitbart embassy attn: Steve Bannon, tweeted Josh Holmes, a former McConnell chief of staff. Holmes went further in a comment to the Post: If its true, the GOP doesnt have any place for pedophiles and he should step down immediately. And the SLF foreshadowed a possible line of attack in future campaign ads, contrasting Senate Republicans with Bannons Breitbart News, which defended Moore against the allegations. SLF linked to a clip of Breitbarts Joel Pollak downplaying the allegations against Moore. Hes being accused of relationships with teenagers. Now to me thats not accurate, Pollak said. The 16-year old and the 18-year old have no business in that story because those are women of legal age of consent. SLF tweeted: While Senate Republicans fight for @realDonaldTrumps tax reform, Bannons @BreitbartNews is arguing the age of consent for teens. Bannon did not respond to a request for comment. Read more from Yahoo News: The Saudi administrations crackdown on alleged corruption is about to include a massive asset seizure, according to a new report. The Wall Street Journal quoted unnamed sources as saying the government was planning to seize up to $800 billion in cash and assets, on the basis that they were amassed through corruption. The kingdoms reform-minded young crown prince, Mohammed Bin Salman al Saud, has in recent days moved to consolidate his power by taking on a variety of potential threats. Having already cracked down on critics, including those in the clergy and media, in September, the government last weekend arrested some of Saudia Arabias richest men, including the prominent investor Alwaleed bin Talal. Prince Mohammeds power play comes with the endorsement of U.S. president Donald Trump, which many have theorized is tied to the potential flotation of Saudi oil giant Aramco on the New York Stock Exchangean uncertain outcome, given the transparency requirements that would accompany it. Apart from helping the crown prince secure the throne, the crackdown could also bring a much-needed financial boost to the state coffers, which have been hit by low oil prices. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority said Tuesday that it had frozen some peoples bank accounts, while their corruption charges run their course. The WSJ reported that the government may be able to reclaim as much as $800 billion in assets. However, a lot of those assets are abroad, which will make it more difficult to pull them in. The government has banned many people, including royals, from leaving Saudi Arabia for the moment. Apart from Prince Alwaleed, an investor in the likes of Apple aapl and Twitter twtr , the crackdown also nabbed Bakr bin Ladin, the chairman of the Saudi Binladin construction group (and the half-brother of Osama bin Laden). According to the WSJ, he faces bribery charges connected with his firms contract for expanding the grounds of the Great Mosque in Mecca. Riyadh (AFP) - Saudi Arabia said Thursday 201 people are being held for questioning over an estimated $100 billion in embezzlement and corruption, after the biggest purge of the kingdom's elite in its modern history. Princes, ministers and a billionaire business tycoon were among dozens of high-profile figures arrested or sacked at the weekend, as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman consolidates power. The purge comes amid heightened regional tensions, with Saudi Arabia and Iran facing off over a missile attack from Yemen and a political crisis in Lebanon after prime minister Saad Hariri's shock resignation announced from Riyadh. "A total of 208 individuals have been called in for questioning so far... Seven have been released without charge," the Saudi information ministry said in a statement, quoting attorney general Sheikh Saud al-Mojeb. Authorities have frozen the bank accounts of the accused and warned that assets related to the alleged corruption cases would be seized as state property, as the government appears set to widen the crackdown. "The potential scale of corrupt practices which have been uncovered is very large," the statement said. "Based on our investigations over the past three years, we estimate that at least $100 billion has been misused through systematic corruption and embezzlement over several decades." High-profile figures, including billionaire tycoon Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, were arrested or sacked in the crackdown -- just after an anti-graft commission headed by the crown prince was established. - Rising tensions - Prince Mohammed, the son of 81-year-old King Salman, is already seen as the country's de facto ruler controlling all the major levers of government. With the purge, which analysts describe as a bold but risky power play, the crown prince has centralised power to a degree that is unprecedented in recent Saudi history. The crackdown comes as he moves to accelerate his Vision 2030 programme to modernise the conservative kingdom, but also as Riyadh takes a more aggressive stance in its wider region. Story continues After a failed missile attack against Riyadh airport on Saturday, which was claimed by Iran-backed Huthi rebels in Yemen, the kingdom has accused Tehran of "direct aggression". Iran vehemently dismissed the charge that it supplied missiles to the Huthis and warned Saudi Arabia of its "might", prompting fresh acrimony between the regional heavyweights. French President Emmanuel Macron flew to Riyadh on Thursday to discuss the rising regional tensions in his first face-to-face talks with Prince Mohammed. The tensions appear to be playing out in Lebanon, a former French colony and the latest front line of the power struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran. On Saturday, Hariri cited Iran's "grip" on Lebanon and threats to his life when he announced his resignation in a televised speech from Riyadh, precipitating a new political crisis in Beirut. Saudi Arabia on Thursday urged its citizens to leave Lebanon "as soon as possible" and also called on them not to travel to the country, without specifying any threat. Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil on Thursday demanded the return of Hariri from Saudi Arabia, amid media reports that he was being held in the kingdom. The regional tensions could escalate the proxy conflict between Riyadh and Tehran, which back opposing sides in wars and power struggles from Yemen to Syria. DUBAI (Reuters) - Three Gulf states advised their citizens against traveling to Lebanon on Thursday and asked those already there to leave as soon as possible, amid rising tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran over Lebanon and Yemen. The official Saudi Press Agency, citing an official Foreign Ministry source, said the kingdom was asking citizens who were visiting or residing in Lebanon to leave as soon as possible. Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates also warned nationals against travel to Lebanon via official news agencies later in the day. Bahrain had urged its citizens to leave Lebanon on Sunday. Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri resigned on Saturday while in Saudi Arabia, accusing Iran and the Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah of sowing strife in Arab states and saying he feared assassination. On Thursday, two top Lebanese government officials accused Riyadh of holding Hariri captive. A third told Reuters that the Saudi authorities had ordered Hariri to resign and had put him under house arrest. Saudi Arabia and members of Hariri's Future Movement have denied reports that he is under house arrest. The Saudi minister for Gulf affairs has accused Lebanon of declaring war against the kingdom, and alleged that the Lebanese Shi'ite group Hezbollah was involved in firing a missile at Saudi Arabia from Yemen on Saturday. Hezbollah's parliamentary bloc called on Saudi Arabia on Thursday to stop interfering in Lebanese affairs. French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he would make a previously unscheduled trip to Saudi Arabia on Thursday to see Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and discuss "regional questions, in particular Yemen and Lebanon". (Reporting by Dahlia Nehme and Katie Paul; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Kevin Liffey) Dubai (AFP) - Saudi Arabia's arrest of prominent royals and businessmen under the banner of battling corruption could in fact be more a case of internal power politics, Human Rights Watch said Wednesday. Late Saturday, authorities in the Gulf powerhouse launched what they said was an anti-graft drive which netted dozens of high-profile businessmen and politicians. Those detained included billionaire Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal and the head of the national guard, Prince Miteb bin Abdullah. Powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was behind the arrest orders after he became head of the Anti-Corruption Committee created earlier the same day. "The middle-of-the-night simultaneous establishment of a new corruption body and mass arrests over corruption raise concerns that Saudi authorities detained people en masse and without outlining the basis of the detentions," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at the New York-based HRW. "While Saudi media are framing these measures as Mohammed bin Salman's move against corruption, the mass arrests suggest this may be more about internal power politics," she said. HRW said the mass arrest of princes, current and former government ministers and officials as well as prominent businessmen raises human rights concerns. Saudi authorities should immediately reveal the legal and evidentiary basis for each person's detention and ensure that each can exercise due process rights, it said. Riyadh has defended the arrests as legal, saying that the suspects had been subjected to extensive investigation. The authorities also said they were freezing the bank accounts of the accused and promised they would be tried in a court of law. "It's great that Saudi authorities are declaring that they want to take on the scourge of corruption, but the right way to do that is through diligent judicial investigations against actual wrongdoing, not sensationalistic mass arrests to a luxury hotel," Whitson said. The Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh is rumoured to be the site where many of those arrested are being held. Self-described "alpha male" Sebastian Gorka will be joining Fox News. (Photo: Mary F. Calvert/Reuters) Sebastian Gorka, the endlessly controversial former aide to President Donald Trump, has been hired by Fox News. Host Sean Hannity announced Wednesday that Gorka, who left his White House job in August under disputed circumstances, will serve as a national security strategist for Fox. Gorka is known for espousing aggressively anti-Islamic views during his numerous TV appearances on behalf of the president both before and after the election. In August 2016, while also advising Trumps campaign, he told law enforcement officials at a FBI course that all Muslims are either already radicalized or soon to be radicalized, the Daily Beast reported. (The FBI subsequently terminated his gig as a lecturer.) And in August of this year, he was reportedly upset that Trump did not use the phrase radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism in a speech about Afghanistan. Yet for all his self-professed knowledge on the topic, Gorka has spent little time in the Middle East and does not speak Arabic. Also troubling are Gorkas ties to Nazi sympathizers. In January, he wore a medal given to him by his father that signified his fathers membership in Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian group that had collaborated with Nazis during World War II. Im a proud American now and I wear that medal now and again, British-born Gorka told Breitbart News. He said it was to remind him what his parents had suffered. An investigation by Forward magazine found that Gorka had worked with anti-Semitic groups and public figures between 2002 and 2007. When he was asked about those people, Gorka deflected by noting that his parents had lived through the nightmare of WWII and the horrors of the [Hungarian] Nyilas puppet fascist regime. After Trump won the election, Gorka boasted that the alpha males are back. Shortly before the Charlottesville protests that turned violent, he insisted that white supremacists are not the problem. So it seems Gorka will be a perfect fit for Fox News. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Al Franken has again raised alarms about how Facebook and Google are misusing the "unprecedented power" they wield over how the public gets information. In a speech yesterday, he pointed out that while the firms control 75 percent of all news traffic referrals, both allowed Russia to interfere in US politics despite obvious signals. "The government has a responsibility to ensure that these corporations do not endanger our national security, our democracy or our fundamental freedoms," Franken said. The Minnesota Senator noted that news publishers spend money, time and talent chasing down stories, but are beholden to companies concerned with revenue, not informed public discourse. "The content creators that rely on [those] platforms to reach consumers have lost all their leverage," he said. "Google, Facebook and Amazon have used their algorithms to extract unfair terms and fees from those dependent on their platforms." With this unprecedented power, platforms have the ability to redirect into their pockets the advertising dollars that once went to newspapers and magazines. No one company should have the power to pick and choose which content reaches consumers and which doesn't. A recent example of that is Facebook's recent "pay to play" experiment that relegated publisher's articles in six markets from the main News Feed to a harder-to-reach area called the Explore Feed. That caused a stark drop in organic traffic for sites in those countries, something that would force publishers to make up the deficit by buying ads instead. Facebook said that it wasn't planning on releasing the service globally, but many publishers found the mere presence of the test alarming. The speech came just a few days after US Congress grilled laywers from Facebook, Twitter and Google about their role in Russian meddling and abuse on the platforms. Franken participated in one of the three hearings, and was particularly critical over Facebook's inability to detect Russian-based ads. "People are buying ads on your platforms with rubles ... you can't put together rubles with a political ad and go, hmm, those two data points spell out something bad?" he asked. Facebook recently said that it would sacrifice profit to tackle the problem of fake news, but that doesn't address it (and Google's) outsize influence over the publishing industry. That could turn into an anti-trust issue, and with that, much closer government scrutiny. "With this unprecedented power, platforms have the ability to redirect into their pockets the advertising dollars that once went to newspapers and magazines," he said. "No one company should have the power to pick and choose which content reaches consumers and which doesn't." By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic Senator said on Tuesday he wants answers from top Justice Department officials about why a career prosecutor was asked to resign days before a special counsel unveiled the first criminal charges in an investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 U.S. election. Dana Boente was asked to quit in late October as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, whose district has played an important role in the investigation. Just days later, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigators charged President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort and another aide, Rick Gates, with conspiring to launder money and other charges. It was also announced on Oct. 30 that a third former Trump adviser, George Papadopoulos, had pleaded guilty earlier in the month to a charge of lying to the FBI. U.S. Senator Chris Coons, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he was writing to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to ask if Boente's departure was "normal or justified." "I'm concerned about the abrupt departure of Dana Boente after a career as a federal prosecutor ... There's a lot of circumstances that connect the ongoing Mueller investigation to the Eastern District," Coons said in an interview. A Department of Justice spokesman said the agency does not comment on personnel matters. Boente could not immediately be reached for comment. Investigations into whether Republican Trump's campaign associates colluded with Russia last year to help him defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for the presidency arose after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded Russia carried out a campaign of hacking and propaganda to interfere in the election. Russia has repeatedly denied meddling allegations and Trump has denied any collusion. A Justice Department veteran, Boente has stepped in to help stabilize the law enforcement agency in frequent periods of turmoil during the first year of the Trump administration. Boente has also been temporarily serving as the acting assistant attorney general for the department's National Security Division. He previously was acting attorney general after Trump fired the prosecutor in that post, Sally Yates. After that, Boente also briefly was acting deputy attorney general. A person familiar with the matter confirmed that Sessions, a former Alabama Republican senator and close Trump ally, asked Boente to tender his resignation in late October. Boente will step down as head of the National Security Division once Trump's nominee John Demers is confirmed by the Senate. After that, Boente will continue as head of the Eastern District in Alexandria, Virginia, until he is replaced. Trump has not yet nominated anyone for that post. The Eastern District post is the fourth most powerful position in the department's line of succession. A judge in the district approved the search warrant for the Alexandria, Virginia home of former Trump campaign manager Manafort in July. A grand jury in the district earlier this year became part of Mueller's probe of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who is under scrutiny for his work as a lobbyist for a Turkish businessman. (Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch, editing by Kevin Drawbaugh and Grant McCool) South Park acknowledged Trumps election anniversary this week by bringing back President Garrison and welcoming Mike Pence, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to the show. Mr. President, you need to be a little more careful, said the parodied Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan as he told Garrison that a worker with ties to Russia was found raped and executed. The shows Mitch McConnell also chimed in, saying, Mr. President, people are starting to question your oath to the office, to which Garrison basically stated that his oath to the office was that he would screw everyone to death. He then told them to be quiet and just go out and put a positive spin on everything. How are we supposed to put a positive spin on it? asked Ryan. Its getting pretty hard to keep defending you. Maybe its time we put our foot down. However, that was definitely not the right answer and, later, when a reporter asked Ryan how he thought the President was doing on his election anniversary, Ryan shared, Hes great. Were doing great. A lot of people judge him and just see the negative. People dont know how great the President can be behind closed doors. They dont get to see all his good qualities. Pence, Ryan and McConnell were later seen in a dark room colluding over President Garrisons latest approval ratings, hoping that if the President tanks, theyd have an out. Ive been researching our own independent poll. The president is tanking. These numbers are so low that we might just have an out, said Ryan to McConnell and Pence. It means that the swing voters are turning against him. Its those people who matter. Those are the ones who can finally turn this thing around! However, in the end, despite learning of his numbers, Garrison said Everythings gonna be fine, as the Republican leaders apprehensively looked ahead to the future. South Park airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central. Check out South Park tackling the opioid crisis in a bizarre way: Story continues Read more from Yahoo! Entertainment: Tell us what you think! Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Kylie Mar, on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government could again revise down the country's 2018 economic growth forecast due to the political crisis in Catalonia, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Thursday. "It is affecting tourism, it is affecting some entities and it is affecting trade. We have seen some worrying figures. And it could be that next year effectively this will lead to a cut to growth," Rajoy told reporters in the city of Salamanca. The government already revised down 2018 growth from 2.6 percent to 2.3 percent last month. Rajoy said he would respect the decision of the Spanish Supreme Court which on Thursday is hearing sedition allegations from state prosecutors against the Catalan parliament speaker and five other Catalan lawmakers. (Reporting by Jesus Aguado; Writing by Angus Berwick) Sometimes simple is best. But that doesn't mean boring; this engagement shoot is far from that. It's just simply stunning. With a view as gorgeous as this one, with the sea literally sparkling, and a couple as stylish as these two, there is no need for extra fluff. Keep it simple. Rebecca Yale captured all the sweet moments, the laughter and the love, making this engagement shoot, well, pretty perfect. It's as simple as that. From Rebecca Yale... Kate and Andre, who are San Francisco dwellers, chose to have their engagement sessions in one of their favorite places - the beaches of Santa Cruz where Kate's family has a vacation home. They're getting married in the city and wanted the contrast between the two locations for these photos. We started at a beautiful cove with giant rock formations that the Northern California coastline is famous for and finished up walking along the water near Santa Cruz Harbor at sunset. From the Bride-to-be... We met at a friends birthday party in Santa Cruz in July of 2009. There was a spark (and some banter) but the timing wasnt right I was moving to Chicago the next week! Almost a year later, Andre and some other friends came to visit me in the Windy City. After a long night of dancing and deep dish, we were the last two standing. We walked to Oak Street Beach and watched the sunrise. Little did he know, I would be waking him up to watch the sunrise hundreds of times over the next seven years. Within the next six months, we had both moved to San Francisco. The following years were a blur of friends, travel, Giants Games, hiking, concerts and exploring northern California (typically in search of spicy food and the perfect Old Fashion). Growing up, I spent my summers in Santa Cruz. Andre (or Dreamy Dre as my friends call him) proposed on a cliff overlooking Seabright Beach - it was perfect! Our wedding planner, Kate Siegel, introduced us to Rebeccas work and we fell in love! I love that she shoots on film and the way she captures light. Andre suggested Santa Cruz (a location he now calls one of his favorite places in the world) for engagement pictures and it just seemed right. We dont typically go to the beach in cocktail attire, but Rebeccas photos makes us want to do it again! Story continues Photography: Rebecca Yale Photography | Event Planning: Kate Siegel Fine Events | Pink Dress: BCBGMAXAZRIA | White Pants: Topshop Stocks slammed as details of the Senate tax plan come out, and huge after hours earnings await. Plus Big earnings reports with Disney and Nvidia coming up, well have those for you. And Sean Parker says social media sites are exploiting you is Washington listening? Plus despite todays jitters, does the current bull market have more room to run? We check the charts. Catch The Final Round at 3:55 p.m. with Jen Rogers and Yahoo Finance markets correspondent Nicole Sinclair. Winners and losers Stocks getting hit today include IAC/Interactive Corp as the College Humor and Daily Beast parent missed on profit as expenses rose in the quarter, Canadian Solar as the panel maker missed on the bottom line, and Snap shares of the Snapchat parent down again as Morgan Stanley downgrades the stock to underweight citing monetization challenges. Stocks getting a boost include 21st Century Fox as higher ad sales led to a revenue beat, specifically in its cable unit, Macys as earnings beat forecasts, and did not lower its holiday forecast as some expected, and Roku shares popping here as the streaming device maker reported a much lower loss than expected with revenue beating as well. Searching for yield Fixed income, as an asset class, especially high quality government debt has been over-loved according to our next guest. Henry Peabody is a Portfolio Manager at Eaton Vance and joins us now. A former New York City resident was arrested in Florida on Wednesday in connection with two separate, decade-old cold case murders, according to WPIX. Christopher Gonzalez, 36, was discovered by police working at a Toys R Us in Naples after a fingerprint left behind during a 2000 murder in the Bronx borough of Manhattan was linked back to him 17 years later. Photo: WPIX Gonzalez's first alleged victim, 19-year-old Dora Delvalle Almontaser, was found by her mother on Dec. 2, 2000, strangled to death with a phone cord in her familys Bronx apartment. Although bodily fluids were recovered from the young victim and one fingerprint was left behind at the scene, they could not be identified at the time, WPIX reported. On Sept. 3, 2005, state police found the body of Angel Serbay, a 25-year-old mother from Yonkers, New York, wrapped in a blanket and dumped on the shoulder of a state parkway. The victim has been strangled, and bodily fluids recovered from her contained the same unknown DNA profile that was found on Almontaser. Both cases went cold until this year when NYPD detectives decided to resubmit the fingerprint taken from the murder scene where Almontaser's body was discovered. The print matched with one on file that belonged to Gonzalez, who had been arrested in April 2017 by the Collier County Sheriffs Office in Naples, Florida, for driving without a license. Gonzalez, who is now married, was served a murder warrant for the killing of Almontaser and is reportedly fighting extradition to New York. State police are currently leading an investigation into whether Gonzalez is connected to the second murder. A law enforcement source also told WPIX that Gonzalez lived within blocks of each victim's New York homes. RELATED: Notable cold cases through history: Stockholm (AFP) - Sweden announced Tuesday it has chosen the US Patriot missile defence system over that of a Franco-Italian rival, in an estimated one billion-euro deal. The choice is in line with 2015 strategy to avoid "the degradation" of regional security, and boost the country's armed forces operational capacity after years of austerity, the Swedish defence ministry said in a statement. No details of the deal were given by the ministry, but the body in charge of military acquisitions has valued the contract at 10 billion krona (1 billion euros, $ 1.3 billion). The deal is also in line with an accord signed by Stockholm and Washington last year to boost bilateral military cooperation. Washington and top US political figures have been demanding that the allies share more of the defence burden since NATO was set up in 1949 to hold back the Soviet Union. The Swedish decision to choose the Patriot system, manufactured by US defence contractor Raytheon, means Franco-Italian rival Eurosam's SAMP/T missile system misses out. The Swedish announcement came just hours after NATO said it is set to create two new command centres, including one protecting Atlantic shipping lanes, as it revamps its structures to better counter the threat posed by Russia. Sweden hopes to receive the ground-to-air missiles between 2020 and 2025. The longer-range Patriot system will replace the US Hawk missile system employed in Sweden. A Syrian pro-government forces member patrols in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor on November 4, 2017 - AFP The last major town held by Islamic State in Syria was reported to have fallen to government forces on Wednesday night, leaving the terror group near complete collapse. The offensive to retake Albu Kamal in eastern Syria was launched several days ago after regime troops and allied militias, under the cover of Russian airpower, captured the last Isil-held city of Deir Ezzor. On Wednesday fighters from the Iran-backed Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Unit (PMU) crossed the frontier to squeeze the group from the east. Its commander announced the complete liberation late last night, but there was no immediate confirmation from the Syrian government. Isil, which once controlled a caliphate the size of Britain spanning Iraq and Syria, has lost more than 95 per cent of its territory. Isil map They are now confined to a small pocket of desert inside Syria along the border, where they are putting up a final stand. Omar Abu Layla, director of Deir Ezzor 24 news agency, told the Telegraph he believed the jihadists now numbered in the low thousands and many of them were foreign. Isil was preserving the foreign fighters for the biggest battle at the end, he said. They are fighting for their life in the desert, they wont give up easily like they did in Deir Ezzor. Displaced Syrians collect water from a tank at a camp housing people who fled the fighting in Deir Ezzor, Mayadeen and Albu Kamal, on October 14, 2017, in the town of Arisha in the neighbouring province of Hasakeh Credit: AFP The Syrian government has sworn to recapture the whole of Syria, including Islamic States former capital Raqqa and oil and gas fields lying east of the Euphrates which is currently being held by Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces. On Tuesday, Bouthaina Shaaban, a senior adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, described the US forces aiding the SDF in Syria as illegal invaders. Washington has not spelled out how its military support for the SDF would evolve after Islamic States defeat. By Laila Bassam and Angus McDowall BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria's army and its allies, spearheaded by Lebanon's Hezbollah, captured Islamic State's last stronghold in Syria on Wednesday, a commander in the alliance said, bringing the self-declared caliphate close to complete downfall. "The last stronghold of Daesh (Islamic State), Albu Kamal, is free of the Daesh organization," said the commander in the military alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Islamic State has been all but destroyed over the past two years. At the height of its power in 2015, it ruled an expanse of Iraq and Syria, eradicating the border, printing money, imposing draconian laws and plotting attacks across the world. On Wednesday, after a months-long advance through central and eastern Syria, the Syrian army and allied Shi'ite militias encircled and attacked Albu Kamal. Hezbollah was "the foundation in the battle of Albu Kamal", said the commander, adding that hundreds of the elite forces of the Iran-backed Shi'ite group took part in the battle. Syrian state television declared "Albu Kamal is liberated". But a war monitor, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said it was not true that Albu Kamal was taken and there was still fighting in the area. Albu Kamal is located on the border with Iraq on the bank of the Euphrates. During the battle, Hezbollah forces entered Iraq and the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces crossed into Syria to help capture the town, the commander said. Islamic State retains control over some areas of desert and villages nearby, as well as a town and some other villages in adjacent areas of Iraq, and in scattered pockets elsewhere in both countries. CONTINUING THREAT Despite its losses, Islamic State still has a territorial presence in Libya and elsewhere, and many governments expect it to remain a threat even after it loses the caliphate it declared from Mosul, Iraq, in 2014. It has already carried out guerrilla operations in both Iraq and in Syria, and has continued to inspire lone militants to attack civilian targets in the West. In Syria, the end of major operations against Islamic State may only prefigure a new phase of the war, as the rival forces which have seized territory from the jihadists square off. The Syrian army, alongside Hezbollah and other Shi'ite militias, and backed by Iran and Russia, have seized swathes of central and eastern Syria in the advance against Islamic State this year. Russian official media have in recent weeks reported a surge of strategic bombing and cruise missile strikes on Islamic State targets in eastern Syria as the army advanced. A U.S.-backed coalition has supported a rival campaign by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias that have pushed Islamic State from much of the country's north and east. NEW PHASE OF WAR The Syrian government has sworn to recapture territory held by the SDF, including Islamic State's former capital Raqqa and oil and gas fields east of the Euphrates. In areas controlled by the SDF in northern Syria, Kurdish-led groups have established autonomy, announcing elections and setting internal policies. On Tuesday, Bouthaina Shaaban, a senior adviser to Assad, described the U.S. forces aiding the SDF as illegal invaders. Washington has not spelled out how its military support for the SDF would evolve after Islamic State's defeat. Shaaban also pointed, in a television interview, to the example of Iraq, where the government retaliated against an autonomous Kurdish region after it held an independence referendum. Iraqi military officials say small groups of Islamic State militants are still entrenched in the town of Rawa and the border desert strip with Syria. Scattered villages near al-Qaim, close to Albu Kamal, are still under militant control in an area called Rummana. The Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), an alliance of militias, earlier on Wednesday denied it had crossed the Syrian border and was attacking Albu Kamal. "Our movements are carried out under orders from the commander in chief of the armed forces and our key objective is to liberate Iraq's territories from Daesh. We have no orders to cross the borders," PMF spokesman Ahmed al-Asadi said. (Reporting by Laila Bassam, Angus McDowall and Sarah Dadouch in Beirut, Ahmed Rasheed in Baghdad and Raya Jalabi in Erbil; Editing by Robin Pomeroy) Berlin (AFP) - Syrian refugees in Germany backed by human rights groups said Wednesday they had filed new criminal complaints accusing President Bashar al-Assad's regime of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The 13 Syrian men and women named 17 suspects they considered "most responsible for Assad's brutal policies of repression", said non-profit legal organisation the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR). The latest complaint in Europe seeking international arrest warrants was filed under the principle of universal jurisdiction, which allows German courts to handle cases where neither the victims nor the perpetrators are German citizens. Among the accused are top officials of Syria's National Security Bureau, Air Force Intelligence Directorate, defence ministry and military police. "For me, the criminal complaint in Germany is currently the only way to fight for justice," said one plaintiff, Yazan Awad, 30, who recalled being tortured for months at the al-Mezzeh Air Force intelligence investigation branch. "It's not just about me, it's about all those who are still being held in Assad's torture prisons." - Beatings, electric shocks - Awad said he was arrested for anti-regime activism in November 2011 with three friends and, while in custody, beaten with cables and nail-studded sticks by guards who also broke his jaw. "I can still hear their voices now, their screams," he told AFP about his fellow inmates, his voice shaking. "I can hear the sound of the hits on their bodies". "We need justice now," Awad said. "It's my dream to free all the detainees." Shappal Ibrahim, 40, who said he was held for one-and-a-half years at the Saydnaya military prison, said he wanted "to help ensure that the German authorities issue arrest warrants for the people responsible". The Syrian Kurd and father of four told AFP in fluent German that in captivity he suffered "beatings without interruption for three to four hours" at a time and was also tormented with electric shocks. Story continues "We were naked when it was very cold, we had almost nothing to eat, we were sometimes deprived of water for three days, and we were blindfolded," said Ibrahim, who claimed he lost nearly half his weight during his detention. The prison near Damascus had become "a synonym for unimaginable torture, systematic degradation and mass executions", said the ECCHR, which cooperated on the case with Syrian lawyers Anwar Al-Bunni and Mazen Darwish. Rights group Amnesty International has accused the Assad regime of carrying out up to 13,000 hangings in five years in the prison. - 330,000 dead - More than 330,000 people have been killed and millions displaced in the six-year-old war between the Assad regime, backed by Russia and Iran, and rebels who have been supported by Turkey and other countries. German and French prosecutors are already looking into claims of torture committed under Assad since 2011. A Syrian defector code-named "Caesar", who says he is a former military police photographer, has handed tens of thousands of digital images that he says show 11,000 dead detainees and handed them to investigators, including in Germany. In an earlier case in Germany last March, seven Syrian torture survivors backed by the same initiative filed a complaint seeking international arrest warrants against six Syrian secret service officials. According to witness testimony, the prisoners were beaten with pipes, sticks and meat hooks on chains, given electric shocks, burnt with cleaning chemicals and stabbed with pencils. The ECCHR's Wolfgang Kaleck said the legal complaints might yield results years down the road, citing the case of Chile's 1973-90 dictator Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet was arrested in London in 1998 under an international arrest warrant for human rights abuses, although he was released on grounds of ill health and returned to Chile in 2000. One of the most prestigious honors at the annual Country Music Association Awards is the Song of the Year. This year, the accolade went to the 2016 single Better Man, which was made famous by Little Big Town. However, the Song of the Year award goes to the songwriter, not the performing artist, so Taylor Swift who wrote Better Man was the recipient of the honor. As the story goes, Swift wrote the song and, given its harmonies, thought of her friends in Little Big Town as prime candidates for it. Swift isnt one to let her compositions go to other performers, which makes this a very special instance. Swift was not able to attend the show, so the members of Little Big Town accepted the award on her behalf. We didnt write this, clarified the groups Karen Fairchild. Were really grateful Phillip [Sweet] checked his email one night, and that song was in his email! She couldnt be here tonight but Taylor, wherever you are, thank you for this song and loving songs, and loving Nashville, Fairchild concluded. As for Swift, she was in New York City preparing for her eagerly anticipated upcoming appearance on Saturday Night Live, but she took a moment to post her gratitude to social media. In NYC for SNL rehearsals. I LOVE YOU @littlebigtown and CMAs, she tweeted. In NYC for SNL rehearsals. I LOVE YOU @littlebigtown and CMAs. Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) November 9, 2017 The 2017 CMA Awards were aired live from Nashvilles Bridgestone Arena on Nov. 8. Little Big Town additionally won the Vocal Duo of the Year award at the 2017 CMA Awards. Tears for Fearss Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith (Photo: Universal Music) Tears for Fears Everybody Wants to Rule the World deservedly remains a favorite pop anthem today, a singalong smash in concert and a staple on every radio stations best-of-the-80s playlist. The groups Curt Smith, who is revisiting that song with the release of TFFs new greatest-hits compilation, Tears for Fears Rule the World, (out Nov. 10), says the 1985 chart-topper is as politically relevant today as it was three decades ago, and maybe even more so. I think a lot of these songs, now that Ive listened back to them, are kind of just as poignant as they were then, but just towards different people, different areas of the world. Back when we were doing Songs From the Big Chair and Everybody Wants to Rule the World, we were really discussing the Cold War, he says. But it was the U.S. and Russia then, and now the concern is more the U.S. and Korea. I find that fascinating. Smith, whos lived for almost 30 years in the States 10 in New York, and 19 in L.A. is among the many musicians out there who are not fans of Americas current president. I am one of those people that as soon as I hear Trump talk on the radio, I have to turn it off, he says. I feel like I am in a different reality when I hear him and realize he is president of the United States. I feel like Im in the upside-down world of Stranger Things. Still, Smith, who grew up in England and was not a fan of the Brexit vote for the U.K. to leave the European Union, finds room for optimism in these trying political times. I say this about America and I say this about England, which are the two groups I obviously have close ties to looking at the younger generation here and the younger generation in Britain, my optimism comes from the fact in my demographics of voting in the U.S. and in Britain, the younger generation overwhelmingly here voted for Hillary, and in Britain voted to stay in Europe, he points out. I think that most of these things the whole build-a-wall, keep-the-Mexicans-out, white nationalist fervor in America and Brexit in England are driven in large part by old white men desperately trying to keep the power and scare-mongering. And I think you can fool people once, but now that theyve seen what the consequences are, certainly directly in America, and how they will feel on the consequences, things will change. Story continues Smith is also heartened by the election results in much of the United States this week, which included wins for five transgender candidates. When I was watching CNN, as one does, or listening to the news in the car to find out what all the results were, yeah, it was cause for optimism, he says. Its a little too soon to extrapolate from that yet, but there was a certain joy in the fact [Danica Roem] won in Virginia. I certainly felt more optimistic than I have in a long time. But of course, [the next day] you read the news and see that Trump said they lost because they did not embrace him. I feel he lives in a different reality than everyone else. Looking back on Tears for Fears catalog, Smith says they were never an overtly political act, but realizes, I think that consciously or subconsciously, [politics] always affect you. A lot of songs weve written have been political, but theyre also personally political. Obviously, a lot of our songs are kind of political, Seeds of Love or Mad World, even though thats kind of personally political. I think people do relate to them more. And were finding a younger generation live that relates to our music. Thats something new for us thats happened over the last few years, and thats very gratifying and wonderful. Like so many songwriters whose music has endured for decades, Smith and musical partner Roland Orzabal have crafted songs that capture a universality by blending the political with the personal. So when Smith listens to their new compilation, which also includes two new songs, he hears more than 30 years of his life. That brings up many memories of TFF mingling with their heroes, whether its David Bowie, Paul McCartney, and Stevie Wonder (with whom Smith sang at Wonders 40th birthday at Londons Wembley Arena), or the duos very surprising place in hip-hop and R&B, something Smith did not expect at all when he moved to the States initially. When I first moved to America, what I was shocked by and amazed by [was] the amount of people in the R&B world that were fans, he says. And I guess you noticed that when you see Kanye [interpolate] Memories Fade from The Hurting, or Nas sample Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Even meeting the hardcore rap groups like Gang Starr in New York, [who are] huge Tears fans, was just weird and wonderful. However, Smith knows that it is not always a blessing to meet ones heroes. Thats why, when asked who hed like to tour with similar to the trek Tears for Fears did this year with Daryl Hall and John Oates in America, and will do next year in the U.K. with Alison Moyet he is unsure how to answer. Oh God, I dont know. Its hard to really know when it comes to touring, because it could be one of your favorite ever bands and they could be a**holes. So you dont really know, and Im very aware of that, because some of your heroes you meet, youre like, Oh wow, wish I never met you, its ruined everything. So, did Smith ever meet Kanye West or Nas and get a chance to ask them about what makes TFFs music so sample-worthy? No, I have not met them, he says. Kanye, I fear, would be on that list of people you dont want to meet. Tencent, the Chinese internet giant valued at $470 billion, may have a hand in rebooting the Snapchat app to make it more competitive with Instagram and Facebook. Off the back of some very poor financials announced this week, parent company Snap said it is retooling the messaging app "to make it easier to use." Now Tencent, which upped its stake in Snap with the purchase of 12 percent of the company -- forking out around $2 billion in the process -- may be on hand to help. It said is positioned to enable Snap to dig into its experience of growing WeChat, China's dominant messaging app which boasts 800 million monthly users worldwide, and potentially tap into other business lines, including its games business which includes Clash Of Clans maker Supercell. "The investment enables Tencent to explore cooperation opportunities with the company on mobile games publishing and newsfeed as well as to share its financial returns from the growth of its businesses and monetization in the future," a Tencent spokesperson told Reuters in a statement. Tencent first invested in Snap in 2013 although the size of its stake in the company is not public information. As backers go, the company brings considerable clout and know-how in the messaging space. Most impressive is the manner in which it turned WeChat from a messaging app into a social 'Swiss army knife' that users in China turn to for a range of services including payment, e-commerce, local services, investments, banking and more. Tencent also has a long-standing interest in U.S. tech companies, and it hasn't been shy backing a number with investments. Its U.S. portfolio includes chat app Kik, Tesla and games firm Activision, while it has invested in global messaging apps like Hike in India and South Korea's Kakao. This experience is likely to be welcomed by Snap as it looks for what trends will come next in messaging and alternative ways it can engage users to compete with Instagram. [Update: Snap confirms to TechCrunch that this purchase of shares by Tencent was done on the open public market for non-voting Class A shares, so Tencent will not have direct influence on Snapchat's roadmap.] Photo credit: Mike Coppola/Getty Images From Esquire UK Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Terry Crews has reportedly spoken to police over claims that he was once groped by a Hollywood executive. The actor filed an incident report with the Los Angeles Police Department on the grounds of sexual assault on Wednesday (November 8), law enforcement sources told TMZ. After leaving the LAPD's Hollywood precinct, Crews spoke with the news outlet about why he filed a police report and also confirmed that he also planned to pursue a civil lawsuit against this executive. "People have to be held accountable," he insisted. "We're going to go all the way." Crews went public last month with allegations that an unnamed executive "groped [his] privates" in front of his wife and others at a Hollywood party back in 2016. The actor shared his disturbing story with fans on Twitter in hopes of encouraging others to come forward with their own experiences with sexual harassment and assault. "I love what I do," he wrote. "But it's a shame and the height of disappointment when someone tries to takes advantage of that. He knows who he is. But sumtimes Uhav2 wait & compare notes w/ others who've been victimized in order 2gain a position of strength." Crews went on to write: "Hopefully, me coming forward with my story will deter a predator and encourage someone who feels hopeless." Over the last few weeks, a number of male celebrities have joined a chorus of top Hollywood actresses like Laura Dern, Reese Witherspoon, Anna Faris and Riverdale's Lili Reinhart in sharing their stories of experiencing harassment. Among those who've spoken out include Dawson's Creek's James Van Der Beek, Simon Cowell and Star Trek Discovery's Anthony Rapp. You Might Also Like Crime scene tape remains stretched along a road near the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs: Scott Olson/Getty Images The Texas church where 26 people were killed in a mass shooting will not reopen its doors, its pastor has said. Pastor Frank Pomeroy of the First Baptist of Sutherland Springs told the Wall Street Journal that services would continue as usual in a community centre down the road. Theres too many [people] that do not want to go back in there, he said of the church building, where a lone gunman opened fire on Sunday. Mr Pomeroys daughter was killed in the shooting. The pastor added that the church may be turned into a memorial, but were playing it day by day right now. Temporary memorials have already sprung up around the church. Dozens of stuffed animals, flowers, and candles lay under the police tape that currently cordons off the building. Twenty-six white crosses were arranged in a field nearby, representing the 26 dead. Outside a gas station next door, someone placed a candle, a flower, and a teddy bear on the ground in an impromptu tribute to the victims. An impromptu memorial has popped up outside a gas station in Sutherland Springs (Emily Shugerman/The Independent) Some outlets have reported that the church building will be torn down, but a spokesperson for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) told The Independent this had yet to be confirmed. Frank Page, president of the SBCs executive committee, and Steve Gaines, SBC's president, visited Mr Pomeroy recently to discuss the shooting. During the conversation, Mr Pomeroy expressed his personal desire that perhaps the church would be raised, said Roger Oldham, SBCs Vice President of Communications. Mr Oldham emphasised that the church itself would continue operations no matter what happened to the building. The church didn't close, he said. The church is the people. An anonymous donor has already agreed to fund the construction of a new building, Mr Page told the National Catholic Reporter. But Mr Pomeroy has said it is too soon right now to tell whether the building will be rebuilt. I want to get through all the funerals before I do anything, he told the Journal. Story continues Several organisations, including the Southern Baptist Convention, have offered to pay for the funeral services. One funeral home in San Antonio has already offered free caskets. Several GoFundMe pages have also been started to help survivors pay for the funerals of their family members and friends. One such fundraiser has already raised nearly $237,000. It is unclear how much it would cost to rebuild the church, or turn it into a memorial. The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, where nine people were killed in a church shooting in 2015, raised almost $42,000 for the construction of a memorial this year. Architect Michael Arad, known for creating the World Trade Centre Memorial in New York, has agreed to design it. But other memorials to mass shootings have proved controversial. Adam Lankford, a professor of criminology at the University of Alabama, said memorials can sometimes become a pilgrimage site for other potential mass shooters. If you have something that specifically marks the site, that could be something that these copycats and at-risk individuals want to visit, Mr Lankford previously told The Independent. It creates a landmark. The best option, Mr Lankford said, is to let the locations fade into history, in the same way we hope the memory of these offenders do. The smartphone in our pockets has redefined how we interact with people, engage with the world and get ourselves around. A constant connection to the world may be making some of us miserable, however, with a recent South Korean study suggesting that more than 10 percent of internet-using teens are at risk for depression. This may explain the explosion in the number of services, like Talkspace, that enable people to seek help with a mental-health professional online. Rather than trek to a lavishly-appointed therapist's office uptown, users can simply reach into their pocket and get help. These e-therapy platforms offer a variety of options, from a Skype-esque video and phone calls through to a more instantaneous, text-based chat protocol. Talkspace claims to have around 500,000 users engaging with more than 1,000 professionals. In fact, you can expect to hear more from Talkspace in the very near future, as it recently signed a deal with medical giant Magellan Health. At some point soon, Magellan's clients will be able to access on-demand psychotherapy, provided by Talkspace, through its own assistance program. That means if Magellan runs your employer's health-care provision, you'll have the option of contacting a therapist online as part of your package. Talkspace emphasizes the benefits of online therapy, including the pros of having an on-demand, asynchronous relationship with their caregiver. Time-poor folks who struggle to carve out a couple of hours each week to journey to a clinic can still get the help they need. Plus, it's cheaper: An hourlong session in the real world could cost hundreds of dollars and may require wrangling with your insurance provider. By comparison, Talkspace's plans begin from $32 a week, for which you can talk to a therapist once per day via text. For $39 a week, you're entitled to two check-ins per day, while for $49 a week, you can get that, plus an additional half-hour "live session" with your therapist each month. Other services charge similar prices, with rivals 7Cups charging $150 a month and Betterhelp asking $280 monthly. Story continues Talkspace's Scott Christnelly believes that this push online has been beneficial. As well as overseeing therapist performance for the service, he is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist. Before joining Talkspace, Christnelly worked at a community organization offering therapy to individuals with chronic physical and mental illness. "The job became more about paper and chart compliance and less about the healing relationships I formed with clients," he said. Talkspace enabled him to quit his job and build up an independent practice by going directly to individuals. The challenges are different when offering therapeutic services online, especially when compared to the real world. Face-to-face, therapists are able to read a person's nonverbal cues in order to understand the subtext of what they're saying. "It's definitely a unique experience," says Christnelly, adding that "there is a learning curve in figuring out how to bridge that gap." For his part, he says that experts also need to "learn how to communicate warmth and empathy and understanding through the written word." Another issue is the belief that, because it's online, the client's journey toward gratification or success is shorter. Christnelly says clients make more progress when they drop their need for an instant response or an ostensible cure. "It takes time for some clients to adjust to asynchronous communication," although he believes that the delay is actually "beneficial." The extra time between missives "gives the therapist and client time and space to explore their actions." Technical issues aside, Christnelly doesn't believe that there's a big difference between therapy online and in the real world. "The issues are the same that I saw when working with clients face-to-face," he explained, and the clients are the same, too. "Everyone has different life circumstances," says Christnelly, "but share the same internal struggles as everyone else." Woman having a conversation with her therapist One of the benefits of online therapy is that the interactions can be instant, but also asynchronous, and you ultimately have the ability to choose how engaged you are. But when your motivation flags, or life gets in the way, it's easier to walk away from the project than a real-world therapist. Much like that gym subscription you bought January 3rd, a Talkspace account may be left fallow for long periods of time. Neglect could, over a year, amount to the better part of $2,000-worth of wasted money. Talkspace will only unsubscribe you if a therapist marks you as absent -- unless it's related to a complaint. Then there are the risks and dangers inherent with switching from a direct doctor-patient model to an Uberized marketplace. In 2016, former Talkspace therapists blew the whistle, telling The Verge about the company's apparent failure to properly safeguard those who may be at risk. Whereas traditional mental-health professionals have a duty of care to notify law enforcement when individuals could be in danger, Talkspace users are anonymous to their therapists. Other controversies have also hurt the service somewhat, including cutting off a therapist from clients when the therapist filed a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services. Todd Essig, a prominent critic of TalkSpace, wrote in Forbes that the company behaved in a "hasty, ill-advised and hurtful," way. Essig has also said that online therapy platforms are no substitute for the real thing, creating "momentary feelings of being understood, which should never be confused with actually being understood." Talkspace CEO and co-founder Oren Frank says that the platform has remedied a lot of these issues, revising and updating its approach as it goes. He told Engadget that it has been a process to "learn and improve our understanding of how remote delivery of therapy is different." Frank, a former advertising creative, founded the site with his wife in 2012 with the aim of making therapy cheaper and accessible "to all." The CEO says that the service has received "overwhelmingly good feedback," For all of Talkspace's potential pitfalls -- of which some therapists may believe there is many -- the company's success may not be tied entirely to its business. In fact, online therapy platforms more generally may be helping to make mental health care more accessible to more people. Talkspace even cites an extensive study concerning almost 99,000 veterans with mental-health issues before and after exposure to long-distance psychiatric help. It claims that online therapy managed to reduce instances of hospitalization by around 25 percent. There are still, however, caveats, like the sort found by Gabrielle Moss when she tried Talkspace out for Bustle back in 2015. Moss, who has lots of experience using real-world therapy, found it far too easy just to ignore the app's requests for contact. "I hadn't realized that much of what I was paying for," she wrote, "was the accountability." "Since there was no appointment," she added, "and since I could erase those push notifications without even reading them [...] I fell off the web-therapy wagon almost as quickly as I started." Talking to Engadget two years later, Moss said that, on reflection, "in-person therapy is the gold standard for a lot of reasons -- not least of all because you can easily ignore an email from an online therapist." "The fact that it's hard to cut and run on an in-person therapist is positive," because, she added, "when you feel the urge to flee, it's tied to the fact that it's bringing up scary feelings or memories that you don't want to deal with." The distance created by online therapy, as Moss says, makes it "just too easy to end things because I was being pushed even slightly out of my comfort zone." That's not to say that online therapy has no value, however, and she believes that it can be a "great tool" for people who "can't physically access a therapist." Be it because of cost, geography, mental health or any other barrier, online therapy "can bring therapy to people who would not have been able to access any other form." Although, in her mind, it remains a useful but not entirely satisfying substitute for the real thing. In the future, the service's sheer availability could well help reduce the stigma around mental health and encourage more folks who need help to seek it. Not to mention that having ubiquitous access to a calm, helpful voice on the other end of your smartphone or computer should reduce potential crises. Online therapy cannot replace more direct interventions that are required in serious cases. If a person is in direct risk as a consequence of their own feelings or those of others, then the platforms discussed in this article are not a suitable place to seek help. In those instances, people are advised to reach out to agencies like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or the emergency services. Image Credit: Wavebreakmedia via Getty Images New Delhi (AFP) - Schools closed across large swathes of north India on Thursday as a hazardous fog of toxic pollution cloaked the region for a third day, with growing calls for urgent government action to tackle what doctors are calling a public health emergency. Punjab's government said it was closing all 25,000 schools in the state for the rest of the week due to the acrid air blanketing north India and parts of neighbouring Pakistan. The decision came a day after Delhi authorities ordered all 6,000 schools in the capital to shut until Sunday. Low winds and the annual post-harvest burning of crop stubble in Punjab and neighbouring areas have caused the levels of dangerous pollutants in the air to spike to many times the levels considered safe. Air quality typically worsens before the onset of winter as cooler air traps pollutants near the ground and prevents them from dispersing into the atmosphere, a phenomenon known as inversion. Figures on the US embassy website showed levels of PM2.5 -- the smallest particulates that cause most damage to health -- spiked at over 1,000 on Wednesday afternoon in Delhi, though by Thursday they had fallen to 590. The World Health Organization's guidelines say 25 is the maximum level of PM2.5 anyone can safely be exposed to over a 24-hour period. Doctors say the microscopic particles can penetrate deep into the lungs, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. "Delhi once again has become a veritable gas chamber with denizens finding it difficult to breathe," The Times of India said Thursday, joining growing calls for government action to curb the chronic pollution, which the Indian Medical Association this week termed a public health emergency. "Air pollution during winter months has become a catastrophe for large parts of north India," the country's most read English-language newspaper said in an editorial blaming "political apathy". "It's high time the question is asked: why can't authorities enjoying jurisdiction over the national capital of an aspiring great power... come up with concrete measures to tackle the world's worst air pollution." Story continues As pressure mounted on the government, authorities in Delhi ordered a ban on all construction work and barred lorries from entering the city. Around 50,000 mostly diesel-fuelled lorries pass through India's capital every night and they are a major contributor to the pollution plaguing the city. - Struggling to respond - It is the second year running that Delhi -- now the world's most polluted capital with air quality worse than Beijing -- has faced such high levels of PM2.5. Media reports said the thick smog had also led to a series of road accidents in north India. Eight students were killed late Wednesday when a truck ploughed into them as they waited for a bus on a roadside in Punjab. Since 2014, when WHO figures showed the extent of the crisis, authorities in Delhi have closed power plants temporarily and experimented with taking some cars off the road. But the temporary measures have had little effect. Under pressure to respond, Delhi's Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday sought to blame stubble burning by farmers in neighbouring states. "We we will continue facing this every year until the neighbouring state governments resolve the issue of crop burning," he told reporters in Delhi. The practice of burning crop stubble remains commonplace in north India despite an official ban. Kejriwal said his government would decide in the next day or two whether to reintroduce restrictions on driving cars in the city. (Photo: HuffPost) (Photo: Jonathan Ernst / Reuters) TOP STORIES (And want to get The Morning Email each weekday? Sign up here.) GOP PUSHES FORWARD ON TAX PLAN FOLLOWING ELECTION LOSSES Despite a growing sense that a Democratic wave could be coming in 2018, House Republicans showed little sign of letting up on their tax proposal Wednesday, with a bill set to move out of committee on a party-line vote Thursday and onto the floor as early as next week. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the current GOP tax plan would add $1.7 trillion to the national debt. [HuffPost] [Tweet | Share on Facebook] HOW DEMOCRATS WON SO BIG IN THE VIRGINIA STATEHOUSE And why it matters. [HuffPost] ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER WAVE OF REVELATIONS AND ACCUSATIONS A second woman has accused Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick of sexual assault. Portia De Rossi says movie star Steven Seagal unzipped his pants during an audition. Jeffrey Tambor has denied acting improperly with a former assistant. Prison Break star Robert Knepper has been accused of sexual assault while filming a 1992 movie. And Kevin Spacey has been accused by a former news anchor of sexually assaulting her son. [HuffPost] THE YEAR WOMEN FOUND THEIR RAGE But in 2017, saccharine slogans have been replaced with a flood of righteous anger. Turns out, hell hath no fury like thousands of women treated as disposable by their country. [HuffPost] TRUMP SIGNS $250 BILLION IN DEALS WITH CHINA Boeing Co., General Electric Co. and chip giant Qualcomm Inc. all walked away with major deals. [Reuters] TWITTER VERIFIED THE ACCOUNT OF THE ORGANIZER OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE WHITE SUPREMACIST RALLY The company says its to mark authenticity, not an endorsement, but people are not happy to say the least. [HuffPost] WE HAVENT SEEN THE FULL RETAIL APOCALYPSE YET But the mountain of debt is catching up with the retail industry, and there will be displaced low-income workers, shrinking local tax bases and investor losses on stocks, bonds and real estate. [Bloomberg] Story continues WHATS BREWING KEVIN SPACEY HAS BEEN COMPLETELY CUT FROM ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD Spacey, who had been seen as an Oscar contender in the role of J. Paul Getty, has been recast by Christopher Plummer in last-minute reshoots amid growing allegations of sexual assault. [HuffPost] PAUL MANAFORT HAS A SIDE HUSTLE And it involves indestructible cell phones. [HuffPost] LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA IS RETURNING TO THE HAMILTON STAGE This time, in Puerto Rico. [HuffPost] KATE MIDDLETON ROCKED SOME FALL SHADES To complement her growing baby bump. [HuffPost] TIFFANYS IS STRAIGHT UP TROLLING EVERYONE With an everyday objects line that retails a tin cup for a cool $1,000. [HuffPost] WHEN BERGDORF SERVED CHITLINS AND CHAMPAGNE The curious case of soul food in department stores. [Racked] BEFORE YOU GO Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Topshop has changed its policy on gender-specific changing rooms. (Photo: Getty Images) Topshop has made a big move to promote gender equality: Stores will have gender-neutral changing rooms. The retailer did not return Yahoo Lifestyles request for comment; however, on Wednesday, a representative told the Daily Mail, All TOPSHOP TOPMAN customers are free to use any of the fitting rooms located within our stores. The news dropped only days after customer Travis Alabanza, a performance artist who, according to BuzzFeed, identifies as trans feminine and uses the pronoun they, was prevented from entering a Topshop womens changing room. More from @officialtskenya , a new, Black owned, high heel company working with size 7-14 feet. Fuck yes to gender inclusive shopping A post shared by Travis (@travisalabanza) on Nov 3, 2017 at 5:22am PDT I normally online shop for this reason, Alabanza told the publication. But we were going in a group [to an event] so I thought it would be fun to go shopping in a group. We were in quite a good mood and all found outfits that we all wanted to wear. That day, Alabanza was wearing a dress and makeup and after waiting in line for the womens room, was told by a store clerk and a manager to use the rooms one floor down at Topman. I said, Im not going to be safe down there. What do you want me to do? and they just kind of shrugged, Alabanza told BuzzFeed. Hey @Topshop just experienced transphobia in your Manchester store. Not letting me use the changing room I decide is shit, sort it out. Travis (@travisalabanza) November 5, 2017 Gendered changing rooms , effect and put queer and trans shoppers at risk from harassment from other shoppers. It's dated and dangerous Travis (@travisalabanza) November 5, 2017 Who made you in charge of deciding who is woman enough to use ur changing room? U just lost an easy sale and money. Travis (@travisalabanza) November 5, 2017 Later that day, Alabanza tweeted the following note. Hey @topshop, I just experienced transphobia in your Manchester store. Not letting me use the changing room I decide is s***, sort it out. Story continues Many of Alabanzas supporters offered their support, with one sharing a photo of all-gender fitting rooms at Urban Outfitters, as a positive example. Here's an example @TopShopUK of @UrbanOutfitters not being shitty with their changing rooms look how easy it is??? Travis (@travisalabanza) November 6, 2017 However, theres been confusion over how long Topshop has maintained gender-neutral changing rooms. One Twitter user responded to Alabanzas tweet with a screenshot of a July email from the store, which read in part, We do not tolerate discrimination in any form in response to an unspecified incident. @Topshop @TopshopHelp why is this still happening if you've reviewed your policy? Honestly there are only so many times you can apologise terfs r all uglie (@B00B_DYLAN) November 5, 2017 Another follower posted a note in what appears to be from Topshop, stating that, At this time, our changing rooms are gender-specific. However, we expect our staff to be sensitive to the needs of our customers this is the bullshit reply i got clearly they need some actual lgbt+ (especially t) training at some level ffs shit face (@pipsuxx) November 5, 2017 Yahoo Lifestyle reached out to Alabanza for comment but did not hear back. Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for nonstop inspiration delivered fresh to your feed, every day. Danica Roem - AFP American voters have elected one of their first openly transgender lawmakers in one of the year's most high profile election races. Democrat Danica Roem, a 32-year-old former journalist, unseated one of the US state of Virginia's most socially conservative politicians to win election to the House of Delegates. Republican Bob Marshall who had served in the House since 1992, had led a combative campaign, describing himself as Virginia's "chief homophobe". The race between Ms Roem and incumbent Mr Marshall has drawn national and international attention to the northern Virginia district, which includes outer suburbs of Washington D.C., the nation's capital. Ms Roem is set to make history as the first openly transgender person elected and then seated in a state legislature. Danica Roem, center, who ran for house of delegates against GOP incumbent Robert Marshall, is greeted by supporters as she prepares to give her victory speech Credit: Jahi Chikwendiu She has championed gay, transgender and immigrant rights during the election race but her campaign focused on a promise for more jobs, schools and to improve the district's traffic congestion. Mr Marshall had a strong record of opposing equality legislation and co-sponsored a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage in Virginia in 2006. Danica Roem has been elected to the House of Delegates Credit: AP A vocal supporter of US president Donald Trump, Mr Marshall has regularly courted controversy throughout his career, even at times drawing criticism from members of his own party. Earlier this year the veteran Republican proposed a bill that would have banned transgender school students from using the bathrooms of their choice. Ms Roem's election will make her the first openly transgender seated in the House. Her only known predecessor is Althea Garrison, won a seat in the Massachusetts legislature in 1992 but only came out as a transgender woman after she had been elected and was defeated in all her subsequent bids for office. Transgender woman Stacie Laughton won a seat in New Hampshire's legislature in 2012 but resigned before taking office. Ralph Northams victory over Ed Gillespie for governor in Virginia headlined a triumphant election night for many Democrats. But Trevor Noah saw beyond the voting results. You know who really won big in last nights elections? Karma, the host said on The Daily Show. Noah proceeded to highlight races in which incumbents were defeated by the very things they were being dicks about. They included Republican John Carman, who lost his freeholders seat to Democrat Ashley Bennett in Atlantic County, New Jersey. Carman had posted a meme to Facebook during Januarys Womens March asking, Will the Womens March protest be over in time for them to cook dinner? Angered by the move and Carmans refusal to apologize at a meeting, Bennett decided to run and won. He was worried about women having time to make dinner, Noah said. Now karma has given him all the time he needs to make his own dinner. Enjoy your Hot Pockets, byotch! Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. TripAdvisor rolled out a new label identifying businesses where claims of sexual assault and other serious safety issues occurred, but the language used in the new badge lacks any keywords that would clearly warn travelers or indicate the nature of the claims. After an investigative report by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel found the review site removed posts from travelers alleging rape and sexual assault at a Mexico resort, the company responded by rolling out a badge that would warn travelers of health, safety, and discrimination issues in all of the websites travel categories. But the warning, which was affixed to the review pages of three Mexico resorts this week, does not include the words health, safety or discrimination. The new badge reads: Message from TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor has been made aware of recent media reports or events concerning this property which may not be reflected in reviews found on this listing. Accordingly, you may wish to perform additional research for information about this property when making your travel plans. The message appears in a big red box at the top of the review page, indicating a warning, but a traveler would not necessarily know the label refers to events as serious as alleged rape, sexual assault, injuries, health concerns or discrimination issues. Additionally, TripAdvisors highest recognition, the 2017 Travelers Choice award badge, remains on clear display directly below the red message, which could add to potential confusion or perhaps downplay the intended severity of the new badge. A screenshot of the new warning TripAdvisor is affixing to some businesses' pages. (Photo: TripAdvisor) When asked about the messages language, TripAdvisor spokesman Kevin Carter said the label is a first version of the badge, which the company considers consistent with other examples in the market. As with any product development in the Internet industry, there will always be continued iterations as we work to improve how we provide travel information to consumers, he added. We do believe the first version of this badge is designed to be a catalyst for consumers to do additional research outside of TripAdvisor if our reviews may not readily communicate issues related to health, safety and/or discrimination issues, and spur a traveler to do a keyword search in TripAdvisor reviews. If a business is receiving this badge, a simple Internet search should present relevant information that is necessary when making a travel decision. Story continues Last week, the Journal Sentinel published its report on TripAdvisors removal of reviews in which travelers claimed they had been raped and sexually assaulted at Iberostar Paraiso Maya, a resort located between Cancun and Playa del Carmen. TripAdvisor issued a public apology to one of the women, Dallas native Kristie Love, whose 2010 post was removed because it violated the sites former family friendly content guidelines. The site has maintained that the post was not removed because it alleged rape, and it republished her original post (where it falls chronologically, behind thousands of other posts). Also on HuffPost Colima Volcano, Mexico "Powerful eruption of Colima Volcano in Mexico on December 13th, 2015. That night, the weather was dry and cold, friction of ash particles generated a big lightning of about 600 meters that connected ash and volcano, and illuminated most of the dark scene. On [the] last part of 2015, this volcano showed a lot of eruptive activity with ash explosions that raised 2 to 3 kilometers above the crater. Most of night explosions produced incandescent rock falls and lightning." Sergio Tapiro Velasco (Grand prize winner) General Carrera Lake, Patagonia "My dad and I traveled to Patagonia this year, and we wanted to see something off the beaten path. After a 10-hour drive and traversing a long, dirt trail, we finally came upon the marble caves in General Carrera Lake. We chartered a boat to take us closer, and I waited for the perfect light to capture these intricate blue swirls. The extra effort it took to reach the caves was worth it." Clane Gessel (Honorable mention, Nature) Lofoten Islands, Norway "This football field in Henningsvr in the Lofoten Islands is considered one of the most amazing fields in Europe, and maybe even in the world. The photo was taken during a 10-day sailing trip in Norway in June 2017. We arrived to Henningsvr after a week of sailing through the cold and rainy weather. Upon our arrival, the weather cleared up. I was really lucky that the conditions were suitable for flying my drone, and I managed to capture this shot from a height of 120 meters." Misha De-Stroyev (Third place winner, Cities) Tavarua, Fiji "I recently traveled to Tavarua, Fiji to do some surf photography with pro surfer Donavon Frankenreiter at Cloudbreak. I'm always looking for new angles and perspectives. The usual surf shots have all been done, so we decided to get a little creative. Makes you look twice." Rodney Bursiel (Third place winner, People) Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia "Mount Bromo volcano is a small but active volcanic cinder cone on Java, Indonesia. Early [in] 2016, I happened to be in Mount Bromo during the increase of seismic activity [which] triggered the alert status to the second highest." Reynold Riksa Dewantara (Honorable mention, Nature) New Delhi, India "A beautiful photo of a father and son sitting in white traditional attire with beautiful blue sky on the day of Eid al-Fitr in a mosque in New Delhi, India. The photo shows the beautiful bond which these two generations have been building up in a very simple and lovable manner." Jobit George (Honorable mention, People) Al Ain, United Arab Emirates "New buildings rise from the desert floor near Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates." Andrzej Bochenski (Honorable mention, Cities) Kabukurinuma, Osaki, Japan "Swans glide over the water in Kabukurinuma, Osaki, Japan, a protected wetland. Since many of Japans wetlands have been lost, this area has become a rare wintering place for birds and may be a last paradise for them. I was particularly impressed by the swans, and careful not to disturb them when taking pictures. I took into account wind direction and shutter speed to capture the strength and elegance of their flapping wings." Hiromi Kano (Second place winner, Nature) Tongi Railway Station, Gazipur, Bangladesh "The photo was taken on 23rd of July 2016 at Tongi Railway Station, Gazipur, Bangladesh. I was there taking photos and waiting for a moment. A train from Dhaka toward another district had reached and stopped at the platform for 5 minutes for lifting passengers. It was raining. Suddenly I found a pair of curious eyes looking at me through the window, and on his left an umbrella had been put to protect from the rain. I got the moment." Moin Ahmed (Honorable mention, People) Rio Tarcoles, Costa Rica "This image was captured in Costa Rica when I was traveling from Monteverde to Playa Hermosa. As you cross over this river, you can stop and peer over the edge of the bridge. Below reside over 35 gigantic crocodiles, relaxing on the muddy banks of the river. I wanted to capture the stark difference between the crocodiles on land and in the water. In the murky waters, the body contours of these beasts remain hidden, and one can only truly see their girth as they emerge from the river." Tarun Sinha (Third place winner, Nature) Whampoa Garden, Hong Kong "The Kowloon Walled City was the densest place on Earth. Hundreds of houses stacked on top of each other enclosed in the center of the structure. Many didnt have access to open space.This notorious city was finally demolished in 1990's. However, if you look hard enough, you will notice that the city is not dead. Part of it still exists in many of the current high-density housing apartments. I hope this series can get people to think about claustrophobic living in Hong Kong from a new perspective." Andy Yeung (Second place winner, Cities) Tamba, Japan "This photograph was taken in the evening hours of a humid early summer day in the forest of a small remote village in the Tamba area of Japan. It beautifully captures the magical atmosphere of princess fireflies carpeting a stairway leading to a small shrine revered by the local people." Yutaka Takafuji (Honorable mention, Nature) Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam "Museum visitors curiously watch Rembrandt's painting 'Syndics of the Drapers' Guild' [which gives] the illusion that the people on the paintings too are curiously watching the visitors." Julius Y. (Second place winner, People) Stuttgart, Germany "The modern interior of the city library in Stuttgart. With its wide-open space in the center, where natural light comes from through the windows on the top, it has a very unique atmosphere where you can broaden your knowledge." Norbet Fritz (First place winner, Cities) Gardens of the Queen "Gardens of the Queen is a remote marine area south of Cuba. Caribbean reef sharks are usually shy, so I placed my camera on a rock where I know they frequent and used a remote trigger to click away as they came in and bumped my camera around." Shane Gross (Honorable mention, Nature) Konya, Turkey "Willing Dervish in an historical place of Sille Konya, Turkey. The 'dance' of the whirling dervishes is called sema and is a symbol of the Mevlevi culture. According to Mevlana's teachings, human beings are born twice: once of their mothers and the second time of their own bodies." F. Dilek Uyar (First place winner, People) Gifu Prefecture, Japan "This building is a 20-minute drive from my office -- it's a functioning apartment complex in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, where people live. The modern style of the building is a strange contrast to my sleepy country town, and for a long time I couldnt quite capture its character. The woman dressed in red was perfectly consonant with the mood of this image. Without her, I couldnt have made this image." Tetsuya Hashimoto (Honorable mention, Cities) Besakih Temple, Bali "Besakih Temple has been known as Bali's 'mother temple' for over 1,000 years and is perched 1000 meters high on the southwestern slopes of Mount Agung. Here, Balinese often come to offer up prayer and take blessing from the temple priests, or 'pemangku,' who reside there." Michael Dean Morgan (Honorable mention, People) Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. US President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping make joint statements at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing: REUTERS Donald Trump did not to take questions from reporters during a key press conference on his first state visit to China. It was at the Chinese insistence there were no questions today, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, later said. Most of Mr Trumps predecessors including Bill Clinton and George W Bush agreed with their Chinese counterparts to take questions at official press conferences, according to CNN. While he also did not take questions on his first China trip, Barack Obamas 2014 conference with Xi Jinping became particularly awkward when a US reporter asked the leaders about press freedom a thorny issue in Chinas atmosphere of censorship. Thursdays appearance by Mr Trump and Mr Xi was billed as a news briefing, and constituted a reduction of already minimal press interaction during previous visits by American leaders. At the event Chinese companies signed contracts to buy American jetliners, soybeans and other goods. The visit comes at a time when Mr Trump faces uncomfortable questions at home about Russia and possible gun control following deadly mass shootings. Mr Xi almost never takes questions from reporters. Meanwhile, as Chinese television showed Mr Trump and Mr Xi visiting the imperial palace in Beijing, censors scrubbed comments about Mr Trumps visit from Chinas lively internet forums. Reports by propaganda outlets including the ruling Communist Partys main newspaper, the Peoples Daily, dominated posts on the popular Twitter-like microblog service, Sina Weibo. The comments function on most posts, which can attract witty remarks from Chinese internet users, appeared to have been disabled or limited. Only a few dozen carefully chosen comments with positive messages were allowed. According to Free Weibo, a site that tracks online censorship, posts that were deleted include humorous comments about the remarkable lack of traffic congestion in Beijing as Trumps motorcade passed Tiananmen Square. Additional reporting by agencies By Christine Kim and Josh Smith SEOUL (Reuters) - By the time Donald Trump departed Seoul on Wednesday, the sometimes bellicose American president seemed to have mollified South Koreans who had been bracing for more confrontational rhetoric over North Korea, trade, and defense spending. Throughout his 24-hour swing through South Korea, Trump, who in a September speech at the United Nations had threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea and had dismissed dialogue with Pyongyang as a "waste of time", took a more restrained tone. In his first trip to South Korea as president, Trump also significantly toned down his criticism of what he once called a "horrible" free trade deal with South Korea. He says now he will "find a fair and reciprocal" deal after earlier threatening to terminate the pact. The apparent newfound bond between Trump and liberal South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and the U.S. Presidents willingness to make a deal with North Korea - albeit on his terms - could begin to assuage fears of a catastrophic war with nuclear-armed North Korea. Trumps willingness to talk about revising the bilateral trade agreement, rather than scrapping it entirely, could also reassure markets worried about the fallout on major exporters such as Samsung, Hyundai and LG Electronics. Trump's speech to South Korea's National Assembly on Wednesday, interrupted by applause about 20 times with a standing ovation at the end, praised a "free and flourishing" South, in contrast to "the horror of life in North Korea." On South Korea's largest internet portal,, some of Moon's supporters welcomed the address. They said Trump displayed a greater knowledge of the two Koreas than his previous statements had indicated. "Far from the 'madman' the media portrays, Trump came across as perfectly normal, smart, and well-mannered," read one of the more than 1,200 posts on Another wrote: "Wow, best speech ever. I feel so safe to have such a great U.S. president who is so determined to resolve North Korean issues." blocks out the usernames on comments to keep them anonymous. DEEP U.S. PRESENCE South Koreans were feeling a little less safe earlier this week when the Pentagon, in a letter to U.S. lawmakers, gave a blunt assessment of what war on the Korea peninsula would look like. A ground invasion would be the only way to locate and secure all North Korea's nuclear weapons with complete certainty, and Pyongyang could use biological and chemical weapons in any conflict, it said. Seoul, the densely populated capital with some 25 million residents, lies an hour's drive from the border. The U.S. military presence in South Korea has long been seen as a bulwark against the North and its nuclear threat. The United States decisively intervened in the 1950-53 Korean War, which has left the two Korea's technically still at war, since it ended in a truce, not a peace treaty. While the sprawling U.S. military bases housing some 28,500 troops have not been without controversy - some critics contend they undermine the country's sovereignty - the U.S. security umbrella is also deeply embedded in the national psyche. Underscoring the importance Seoul attaches to the alliance at a time of increased tensions with Pyongyang, South Korean officials rolled out a reception fit for the first state visit by an American president in 25 years, according to the presidential Blue House. Moon, who took office in May, had campaigned for more dialogue with North Korea. He appeared to be the target of criticism from Trump, who said after North Korea's nuclear test in September: "South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they only understand one thing!" But Moon led a charm offensive, proclaiming a "special bond forged between President Trump and myself" after a lengthy meeting at the presidential Blue House. He personally joined Trump during a tour of a U.S. base, as well as during an ultimately aborted visit to the demilitarized zone on the border with North Korea. "I wouldnt say we didnt have any concerns, a South Korean government official said. But the fact that he received a standing ovation (for his speech) could mean that he dispelled such concerns, delivered the message we wanted him to deliver, and wrapped up his trip successfully," said the official who asked for anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the matter. 'NO WAR' In his speech to the National Assembly, where several lawmakers brandished signs reading "No war, we want peace", Trump paid homage to the 67-year-old alliance that "divides the oppressed and the free". He noted that in "less than one lifetime, South Korea climbed from total devastation to among the wealthiest nations on earth". Trump also reassured South Koreans the Korean War would not be repeated. "We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated. And we will not let the worst atrocities in history be repeated here, on this ground we fought and died so hard to secure," he said. And while Trump painted a dystopian picture of life in North Korea, he refrained from any threats of pre-emptive action against the North. On Tuesday, Trump said it would in the North's interest to "come to the table and to make a deal". It all seemed reassuring to an anxious South Korean public. "I think people might have felt they got to see the real Trump after he visited South Korea," said Kim Jun-seok, a political science professor at Dongguk University. "And we heard many things that were positive about South Korea. It was all enough for people to think, 'Is this the Trump we know?'" (Additional reporting by Heekyong Yang and Hyonhee Shin in Seoul, Editing by Soyoung Kim and Bill Tarrant) Seoul (AFP) - US President Donald Trump on Wednesday offered North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un what he called "a path towards a much better future" as tensions soar over Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. "The weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer," Trump said in an address to the South's parliament, in what he described as a direct message for Kim. "They are putting your regime in great danger," he added. "Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face." Trump denounced Pyongyang as a "cruel dictatorship" and told Kim, who is the third generation in the country's ruling dynasty, that: "North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves." But "despite every crime you have committed against god and man," he went on, "we will offer a path towards a much better future". It would have to start, though, with North Korea stopping its development of ballistic missiles and "complete verifiable and total denuclearisation", Trump said. President Donald Trump broke with tradition during his Asia trip on Thursday as he refused to take reporter questions during or after his meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The decision makes him the first president since George H.W. Bush to not take questions during a visit to China in more than two decades. While Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping warmly welcomed each other, the U.S. president turned a cold shoulder to the press as they both declined to take reporter questions. Unlike the United States, which guarantees a free press through the First Amendment, China has no protections for the press, and the government has severely limited restrictions on publishing. President Xi visited the important state-controlled media outlets as recently as 2016 to demand they follow the Chinese Communist Party agenda. Chinese Presidents havent wanted to do it with those 3 US presidents either. But the White House made a point of insisting they take at least one question each in the past," CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond said in a tweet. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that it was at the Chinese insistence that there were no questions. SEE ALSO: Japan's prime minister falls over and rolls into a bunker while playing golf with Trump It was at the Chinese insistence there were no questions today," Sanders said, according to reports. Former press secretary under President Obama Jay Carney blasted the decision. "The Chinese try this every time. Its a test of will and principle. Letting them dictate press access is an embarrassing capitulation," Carney said in a tweet. Trump's next stop is Vietnam where he'll attend the APEC summit that brings together all major countries bordering the Pacific Ocean. SEE ALSO: Trump and Putin to meet on Friday He will then head to the Philippines where hell sit down with controversial President Rodrigo Duterte. BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping would be focusing "very strongly" on the U.S opioid crisis, which he has declared a public health emergency. Trump said shortly before arriving in Beijing he would discuss as a "top priority" stopping the "flood of cheap and deadly" fentanyl "manufactured in China" when he meets Xi. "Every year drug trafficking destroys millions and millions of lives," Trump said in Beijing, standing next to Xi at the end of formal talks between the two. "Today President Xi and I discussed ways we can enhance coordination to better counter the deadly drug trade and to stop the lethal flow of poisonous drugs into our countries and into our communities," he added. "A special emphasis will be placed on the new phenomenon - fentanyl - destroying lives by the millions. We're going to be focusing on it very strongly, the president and myself," Trump said, without elaborating. Speaking later to reporters, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Trump and Xi agreed to take new steps. "On the critical issue of opioids, we made some good progress to curb the flow of harmful narcotics into the United States in order to save American lives," Tillerson said. "The president committed to taking new actions including agreements to control the export and movement of fentanyl precursors, sharing intelligence on drug trafficking, and exchanging trafficking information," he added, referring to Xi. China's drug control agency last week disputed Trump's claim that most of the synthetic drug fentanyl at the heart of the U.S. opioid crisis was produced in China. Opioids include prescription painkillers, heroin and fentanyl, a highly addictive synthetic drug 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. The Centers for Disease Control estimated that 20,000 Americans were killed by fentanyl last year, surpassing common painkillers and heroin for the first time. American law enforcement agencies and drug control experts say most of the fentanyl distributed in the United States, as well as precursor chemicals, originate from China. While Chinese officials dispute these claims, Beijing has taken steps to crack down on the production and export of synthetic drugs, and has placed fentanyl and 22 other related compounds on its list of controlled substances. (Reporting by Steve Holland and Philip Wen; Writing by Ben Blanchard) By Steve Holland and Christian Shepherd BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump pressed China to do more to rein in North Korea on Thursday and said bilateral trade had been unfair to the United States, but praised President Xi Jinping's pledge that China would be more open to foreign firms. On North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes, Trump said "China can fix this problem quickly and easily", urging Beijing to cut financial links with North Korea and also calling on Russia to help. Trump was speaking alongside Xi in the Chinese capital to announce the signing of about $250 billion in commercial deals between U.S. and Chinese firms, a display that some in the U.S. business community worry detracts from tackling deep-seated complaints about market access in China. Xi said the Chinese economy would become increasingly open and transparent to foreign firms, including those from the United States, and welcomed U.S. companies to participate in his ambitious "Belt and Road" infrastructure-led initiative. Trump made clear that he blamed his predecessors, not China, for the trade imbalance, and repeatedly praised Xi, calling him "a very special man". "But we will make it fair and it will be tremendous for both of us," Trump said. Xi smiled widely when Trump said he does not blame China for the deficit and also when Trump said Xi gets things done. "Of course there are some frictions, but on the basis of win-win cooperation and fair competition, we hope we can solve all these issues in a frank and consultative way," Xi said. "Keeping opening up is our long-term strategy. We will never narrow or close our doors. We will further widen them," he said. China would also offer a more fair and transparent environment for foreign firms, including U.S. ones, Xi said. MODEST PROGRESS Trump is pressing China to tighten the screws further on North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons in defiance of U.N. sanctions. At least modest progress is hoped for, although there are no immediate signs of a major breakthrough, a U.S. official said earlier. Story continues Referring to Xi, Trump said: "I do believe there's a solution to that, as do you." Xi reiterated that China would strive for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula but offered no hint that China would change tack on North Korea, with which it fought side-by-side in the 1950-53 Korean war against U.S.-led forces. "We are devoted to reaching a resolution to the Korean peninsula issue through dialogue and consultations," Xi said. Briefing reporters after the talks, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Trump told Xi: "Youre a strong man, Im sure you can solve this for me." Tillerson said both leaders agreed they could not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea but he acknowledged they had some differences over tactics and timing. Tillerson pointed out that Trump, in a speech in Seoul, had "invited the North Koreans to come to the table," in line with the Chinese desire for a negotiated solution. He added, however, that Trump was prepared for a "military response" if he deemed the threat serious enough, but "that's not his first choice". "We are going to work hard on diplomatic efforts as well," he said, but did not elaborate. In a show of the importance China puts on Trump's first official visit, Thursday's welcoming ceremony outside Beijing's Great Hall of the People overlooking Tiananmen Square was broadcast live on state television - unprecedented treatment for a visiting leader. Earlier on Thursday, Xi said he had a deep exchange of views with Trump and reached consensus on numerous issues of mutual concern. "For China, cooperation is the only real choice, only win-win can lead to an even better future," he said. Xi said China and the United States strengthened high-level dialogue on all fronts over the past year and boosted coordination on major international issues, such as the Korean peninsula and Afghanistan. "Relations between China and the United States are now on a new historical starting point," Xi said. Trump and Xi hit it off at their first meeting in April at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and continued their "bromance" on Wednesday with an afternoon of sightseeing together with their wives. However, divisions persist over trade and North Korea. And while Xi is riding high after consolidating power at a twice-a-decade Communist Party Congress last month, Trump comes to China saddled with low public approval ratings and dogged by investigations into Russian links to his election campaign. 'HORRIBLE' TRADE SURPLUS Trump has ratcheted up his criticism of China's massive trade surplus with the United States - calling it "embarrassing" and "horrible" last week - and has accused Beijing of unfair trade practices. For its part, China says U.S. restrictions on Chinese investment in the United States and on high-tech exports need to be addressed. Several corporate chief executives were in Beijing as part of a delegation led by U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, with General Electric and semiconductor maker Qualcomm Inc among those announcing billions of dollars in sales to China. [L3N1NF2IA] But Qualcomm's agreement to sell $12 billion worth of components to three Chinese mobile phone makers over three years is non-binding, and critics say such public announcements are sometimes more show than substance. "This shows that we have a strong, vibrant bilateral economic relationship, and yet we still need to focus on levelling the playing field because U.S. companies continue to be disadvantaged doing business in China," said William Zarit, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China. Trump railed against China's trade practices during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and threatened to take action once in office. But he has since held back on any major trade penalties, making clear he was doing so to give Beijing time to make progress reining in North Korea. A U.S. official said both sides were "in sync" about wanting to minimise friction during the visit and recreate the positive tone of the April summit. Trump was not expected to put much emphasis in his talks with Xi on thorny issues such as the disputed South China Sea and self-ruled Taiwan, claimed by China as its own, although the leaders' aides may deal with those matters privately, the official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. China has repeatedly pushed back at suggestions it should be doing more to rein in North Korea, which does about 90 percent of its trade with China, saying it is fully enforcing U.N. sanctions and that everyone has a responsibility to lower tension and get talks back on track. (Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick, Matthew Miller, Philip Wen and John Ruwitch; Writing by Ben Blanchard and Tony Munroe; Editing by Clarence Fernandez and Nick Macfie) President Donald Trump arrived in Beijing for his first official visit to China, with North Korea and billions of dollars in trade deals high on the agenda.Trump and First Lady Melania will spend two days in China's capital, hosted by China's President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, which senior Chinese officials are describing as a "state visit plus."Analysts said the summit would feature plenty of pomp, ceremony and corporate deals, but likely little substantive progress on trade and investment imbalances between the world's two largest economies. Likewise few are expecting much progress on tackling the problem of North Korea.Trump has signaled that this trip would be unlike previous U.S. presidential visits to China, which usually include meetings with human rights representatives, much to the annoyance of Chinese hosts.Trump's schedule included no reference to any such meetings. Shen Dingli, a professor of American studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, said: "Such meetings are very unlikely to happen. Such a move would hinder [Trump's] agenda to make American great again. This would annoy China, and it doesn't look like Trump will do this." More from Financial Times: Wall Street warns Trump team of Brexit 'point of no return' Bill Clinton's oratory marries argument and passion Venezuela's debt struggle poses more questions for investors Instead, Trump congratulated Xi on his re-anointment as paramount leader by the 19th Communist party Congress last month, tweeting before his flight to Beijing: "I very much look forward to meeting with President Xi, who is just off his great political victory." The first item on the itinerary was a tour of Beijing's Forbidden City, the former imperial residence in Beijing. Trump and First Lady Melania are scheduled to attend a private dinner with Xi and Peng, with more substantive meetings between the two presidents scheduled for Thursday. The famously smoggy skies in Beijing were uncharacteristically clear for the occasion, while Beijing was under virtual lockdown the Forbidden City had been shut to tourists since late on Tuesday to prepare for Trump's visit, many roads were closed, and Beijing was blanketed with a heavy police and military presence.ChinaUS deals agreed during Trump, the Chinese e-commerce group, agreed to buy $1.2 billion of U.S. pork and beef over the next three years, one of the biggest deals signed during the state visit on Wednesday.The agreement includes buying at least $200 million of beef over three years from the Montana Stockgrowers Association, a deal made possible after China lifted a ban on beef exports from the United States in May, one of the few concessions granted to the Trump administration during its first 100-day period of talks with China.JD will also invest $100 million to build the first beef-processing facilities in Montana to build up its supply chain there.Separately, Minnesota-based wastewater treatment company Viroment also signed $800 million of deals, to build plants with various partners in China. Aside from individual business deals, many of which were agreed separately to the state visit, no broader trade deal was announced.Wilbur Ross, the U.S. Commerce Secretary, said that $9 billion in new corporate deals had been signed on Wednesday between Chinese and U.S. companies, with more to come on Thursday. The U.S. trade delegation accompanying Trump is dominated by manufacturing and industrial companies, such as Boeing and DowDuPont."Addressing the imbalance in China trade has been the main focus of collaborative discussions between presidents Trump and Xi. Achieving fair and reciprocal treatment for the companies is a shared objective," Ross said.However, observers are skeptical that the contracts can make a dent in the US' $347 billion annual trade deficit in goods with China."We are hoping the contracts do not overshadow the need for structural changes in the economic relationship," said Bill Zarit, a former U.S. diplomat who now heads the American Chamber of Commerce in China. "There are ways for the Chinese to show they are addressing the deficit without addressing the structural issues."Mark Duval, president of Terex China, said of the deals: "I imagine these are mostly memoranda of understanding being signed today, but [the state visit] does increase the speed and the scale of deals."Just ahead of Trump's 11-day, five-nation tour of Asia, U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer promised a tougher approach. "We have tried it [China's] way for 25 years," Lighthizer told Fox News. "The result of their way [will be] a $750 billion goods deficit and an overall goods-and-services deficit of $500 billion. These are staggering numbers. We ought to try something else."But Trump has also been the first U.S. president to link economic and strategic goals in his dealings with China, implying that he will soften trade demands in return for Xi's help in reining in North Korea's nuclear program.According to Chinese analysts, this approach has made it difficult for Beijing to work with the Trump administration. "Trump's foreign policy is instinctive and fragmented," said Teng Jianqun, an American expert at the China Institute of International Studies. "It is very difficult for us to guess what he wants."A high-level Sino-U.S. "comprehensive economic dialogue" established in April to tackle contentious issues has produced few concrete results. During the first meeting, the Chinese offered the United States a deal to cut steel overcapacity that was endorsed by Ross but subsequently vetoed by Trump.While the United States championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact under former President Barack Obama, only for Trump to scrap it on his first day in office, Xi last month consolidated his grip on power and outlined a 30-year vision for China. Some Chinese analysts agree that Beijing can do more to open its markets. "China has lagged behind a little on trade, tax and investment reforms since joining the World Trade Organisation [in 2001]," said Cui Fan, a professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. "We are a much larger entity now and should open up faster."But they also warn that a more confrontational U.S. approach on trade issues will backfire. "China will become the world's largest importer by 2020," said Liang Hong, chief economist at CICC, a Chinese investment bank. "Any country that uses trade protectionism to deal with China risks losing access to the world's largest fast-growing consumer market. Cooperation is the only answer." By Tom Mitchell, Demitri Sevastopulo, Charles Clover and Yuan Yang, of the Financial Times. Additional reporting by Xinning Liu and Sherry Fei Ju. President Donald Trump arrived in Beijing for his first official visit to China, with North Korea and billions of dollars in trade deals high on the agenda. Trump and First Lady Melania will spend two days in China's capital, hosted by China's President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, which senior Chinese officials are describing as a "state visit plus." Analysts said the summit would feature plenty of pomp, ceremony and corporate deals, but likely little substantive progress on trade and investment imbalances between the world's two largest economies. Likewise few are expecting much progress on tackling the problem of North Korea. Trump has signaled that this trip would be unlike previous U.S. presidential visits to China, which usually include meetings with human rights representatives, much to the annoyance of Chinese hosts. Trump's schedule included no reference to any such meetings. Shen Dingli, a professor of American studies at Fudan University in Shanghai, said: "Such meetings are very unlikely to happen. Such a move would hinder [Trump's] agenda to make American great again. This would annoy China, and it doesn't look like Trump will do this." More from Financial Times: Wall Street warns Trump team of Brexit 'point of no return' Bill Clinton's oratory marries argument and passion Venezuela's debt struggle poses more questions for investors Instead, Trump congratulated Xi on his re-anointment as paramount leader by the 19th Communist party Congress last month, tweeting before his flight to Beijing: "I very much look forward to meeting with President Xi, who is just off his great political victory." The first item on the itinerary was a tour of Beijing's Forbidden City, the former imperial residence in Beijing. Trump and First Lady Melania are scheduled to attend a private dinner with Xi and Peng, with more substantive meetings between the two presidents scheduled for Thursday. The famously smoggy skies in Beijing were uncharacteristically clear for the occasion, while Beijing was under virtual lockdown the Forbidden City had been shut to tourists since late on Tuesday to prepare for Trump's visit, many roads were closed, and Beijing was blanketed with a heavy police and military presence. ChinaUS deals agreed during Trump visit, the Chinese e-commerce group, agreed to buy $1.2 billion of U.S. pork and beef over the next three years, one of the biggest deals signed during the state visit on Wednesday. The agreement includes buying at least $200 million of beef over three years from the Montana Stockgrowers Association, a deal made possible after China lifted a ban on beef exports from the United States in May, one of the few concessions granted to the Trump administration during its first 100-day period of talks with China. JD will also invest $100 million to build the first beef-processing facilities in Montana to build up its supply chain there. Separately, Minnesota-based wastewater treatment company Viroment also signed $800 million of deals, to build plants with various partners in China. Aside from individual business deals, many of which were agreed separately to the state visit, no broader trade deal was announced. Wilbur Ross, the U.S. Commerce Secretary, said that $9 billion in new corporate deals had been signed on Wednesday between Chinese and U.S. companies, with more to come on Thursday. The U.S. trade delegation accompanying Trump is dominated by manufacturing and industrial companies, such as Boeing and DowDuPont. "Addressing the imbalance in China trade has been the main focus of collaborative discussions between presidents Trump and Xi. Achieving fair and reciprocal treatment for the companies is a shared objective," Ross said. However, observers are skeptical that the contracts can make a dent in the US' $347 billion annual trade deficit in goods with China. "We are hoping the contracts do not overshadow the need for structural changes in the economic relationship," said Bill Zarit, a former U.S. diplomat who now heads the American Chamber of Commerce in China. "There are ways for the Chinese to show they are addressing the deficit without addressing the structural issues." Mark Duval, president of Terex China, said of the deals: "I imagine these are mostly memoranda of understanding being signed today, but [the state visit] does increase the speed and the scale of deals." Just ahead of Trump's 11-day, five-nation tour of Asia, U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer promised a tougher approach. "We have tried it [China's] way for 25 years," Lighthizer told Fox News. "The result of their way [will be] a $750 billion goods deficit and an overall goods-and-services deficit of $500 billion. These are staggering numbers. We ought to try something else." But Trump has also been the first U.S. president to link economic and strategic goals in his dealings with China, implying that he will soften trade demands in return for Xi's help in reining in North Korea's nuclear program. According to Chinese analysts, this approach has made it difficult for Beijing to work with the Trump administration. "Trump's foreign policy is instinctive and fragmented," said Teng Jianqun, an American expert at the China Institute of International Studies. "It is very difficult for us to guess what he wants." A high-level Sino-U.S. "comprehensive economic dialogue" established in April to tackle contentious issues has produced few concrete results. During the first meeting, the Chinese offered the United States a deal to cut steel overcapacity that was endorsed by Ross but subsequently vetoed by Trump. While the United States championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact under former President Barack Obama, only for Trump to scrap it on his first day in office, Xi last month consolidated his grip on power and outlined a 30-year vision for China. Some Chinese analysts agree that Beijing can do more to open its markets. "China has lagged behind a little on trade, tax and investment reforms since joining the World Trade Organisation [in 2001]," said Cui Fan, a professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. "We are a much larger entity now and should open up faster." But they also warn that a more confrontational U.S. approach on trade issues will backfire. "China will become the world's largest importer by 2020," said Liang Hong, chief economist at CICC, a Chinese investment bank. "Any country that uses trade protectionism to deal with China risks losing access to the world's largest fast-growing consumer market. Cooperation is the only answer." By Tom Mitchell, Demitri Sevastopulo, Charles Clover and Yuan Yang, of the Financial Times. Additional reporting by Xinning Liu and Sherry Fei Ju. More From CNBC Beijing (AFP) - Donald Trump toured the Forbidden City with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Wednesday as the US president began the crucial leg of an Asian trip intended to build a global front against North Korea's nuclear threats. After warning the North's "cruel dictatorship" in a speech in Seoul against testing the United States, Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were met by Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan for tea at the former imperial palace. The genial gathering will be followed on Thursday by a full day of thorny talks, with Trump looking to prod Xi into doing more to squeeze North Korea economically and to address China's massive trade surplus with the United States. The Trump administration sees Beijing as the key to controlling Pyongyang, which depends on China for its economic survival and for 90 percent of its trade. Earlier, Trump congratulated Xi on his reappointment as China's Communist Party chief, tweeting: "I very much look forward to meeting with President Xi who is just off his great political victory." Trump's use of the term "political victory" for the outcome of last month's Communist Party congress was seen by analysts as a conciliatory move before tough talks. "He's laying it on thick to put Xi in a good mood because he will have unpleasant things to tell him," said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, China politics specialist at Hong Kong Baptist University. Xi has prepared an extravagant "state visit-plus" for Trump, who was greeted by children waving US and Chinese flags at the airport. He was treated to a Peking Opera performance at the Forbidden City. - Tweet inside Great Firewall - Xi said during the Forbidden City tour that he expected Trump's visit to yield "positive and important" results. Trump later posted his first messages on Twitter since arriving China, breaking through the country's "Great Firewall" which blocks the social media website. Story continues "THANK YOU for the beautiful welcome China! @FLOTUS Melania and I will never forget it!" wrote Trump, who also posted an AFP photo of his visit. He also tweeted another warning against North Korea, saying Pyongyang "has interpreted America's past restraint as weakness. This would be a fatal miscalculation. Do not underestimate us. AND DO NOT TRY US." In addition to discussing North Korea, Trump plans to prod Xi over trade but the two leaders are also expected to oversee the signing of $20 billion in deals between US and Chinese companies. - North Korean cult - Hours earlier, in an address to the South Korean parliament, Trump gave a preview of what he will ask Beijing to do regarding North Korea. "You cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept," he said, urging China and Russia to fully implement UN sanctions, downgrade diplomatic relations and sever all trade and technology ties. A senior White House official said China is doing "much more than it's ever done in the past" but it could try harder to curb trade at the border with North Korea. "There are still some financial links that exist that should not under those (UN) resolutions... We're going to work closely with the Chinese to identify that activity and end it," the official said. Trump will also decide at the end of his Asian tour next Monday whether to re-designate North Korea as a "state-sponsor of terrorism", the White House said. In his speech, Trump painted a dark picture of North Korea as "a country ruled as a cult". "At the centre of this military cult is a deranged belief in the leader's destiny to rule as parent protector over a conquered Korean peninsula and an enslaved Korean people." South Korean lawmakers applauded as the US president, whose tour of Asia has been dominated by the nuclear-armed North, vowed not to be intimidated and warned Pyongyang it should not test American resolve. The North carried out its sixth, and most powerful, nuclear test in September, and has fired dozens of missiles in recent months. Two have overflown Japan -- which Trump visited at the start of his Asian tour -- and Pyongyang says it can mount a nuclear warhead on a rocket to bring the US mainland within range. "We will not permit America or our allies to be blackmailed or attacked," Trump said. But Trump made overtures to leader Kim Jong-Un, who has overseen rapid advances in North Korea's weapons technology. In what he said was a direct message to the young leader, Trump told him: "North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves." "Yet despite every crime you have committed against God and man, we will offer a path towards a much better future." It would have to begin, though, with the North stopping ballistic missile development, Trump said, and "complete verifiable and total denuclearisation". burs-jca-lth/ceb President Donald Trump has made no secret of his animosity toward CNN. Using it as a stick in any federal approval of an AT&T-Time Warner merger would not be a healthy sign. (Photo: LEE JIN-MAN/AFP via Getty Images) The only encouraging ideological trend in the United States over the past two years has been the nations steady awakening to the political problems posed by monopoly power. Corporate mega-mergers, once viewed as an inevitability carrying, at most, modest implications for consumer prices, are coming to be understood as a threat to the foundations of democracy. Companies that control access to information Facebook, Google, telecom giants and media conglomerates are suddenly receiving a level of scrutiny from politicians and the general public they have not experienced in decades. The proposed $85.4 billion merger between AT&T and Time Warner should be intolerable. AT&T already controls a huge swath of the broadband market. It also owns DirecTV, a television distribution network that carries hundreds of channels. The Time Warner deal would add the Warner Bros. film studio, the Warner Bros. Television empire and DC Entertainment (a vehicle for Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and other superheroes), along with HBO, Cinemax and the array of Turner Broadcasting properties: TNT, TBS, TruTV, Turner Classic Movies, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, HLN and CNN. No single entity should have that much power. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Al Franken (D-Minn.) and several other Senate Democrats have raised serious objections to the deal. Anti-monopoly experts have been attacking it ever since it was announced. This merger would give one bad company way too much power, wrote Candace Clement, free press campaign director for the advocacy group Free Press. The federal government has been greenlighting mergers like this for years. In 2011, the Obama administration approved Comcasts acquisition of NBCUniversal, allowing allowing the cable provider to swallow CNBC and MSNBC. Nevertheless, there are established legal theories that indicate these deals should not go through. AT&T would have an incentive to create problems for competitors of TNT, TBS, TruTV and CNN either over its DirecTV television network or through its broadband and wireless services. Story continues On Wednesday afternoon, The New York Times, Politico and The Financial Times published reports declaring that the Department of Justice was holding up the deal. The stories, all posted within minutes of each other, indicated that the DOJ was considering forcing AT&T to sell off CNN as a condition for approval. CNBC and The New York Times indicated that the Justice Department had told AT&T it would have to sell off either DirecTV or the entire Turner broadcasting suite. But anonymous quotes to FT and Politico were more ominous: The only reason you would divest CNN would be to kowtow to the president because he doesnt like the coverage, one source told Politico. It would send a chilling message to every news organization in the country. The Justice Department told CNNs Brian Stelter that AT&T privately offered to sell CNN during talks, an allegation AT&T Chief Executive Officer Randall Stephenson denied. DOJ insisted to HuffPost that it does not comment on any pending investigation and that it is committed to carrying out its duties in accordance with the laws and the facts. Its no secret that President Donald Trump loathes CNN. He has assailed the network all year as fake news, ridiculed its reporters at press briefings and even posted video online of himself body-slamming a man with a CNN logo superimposed over his face. Trumps consistent attack on the press has had obvious authoritarian overtones, and interfering in the business operations of a network he doesnt like is not a healthy sign. But neither is the prospect of a duopoly governed by AT&T-CNN and Comcast-MSNBC, even if Trump-friendly Fox News might end up getting the short end of the stick. We have four decades with nonpolitical scientific merger control, and look at the economy were living in, noted Columbia University law professor Tim Wu at an antitrust event in Washington on Wednesday. We really need to get serious about this problem. The anti-monopoly movement in the United States is ascendent. Silicon Valley behemoths are targeting groups like the Open Markets Institute for a reason. But the fact that Trump has explicitly assailed just about every major media enterprise except Fox News and Breitbart makes him a uniquely terrible messenger for a gospel concerned with free speech. The AT&T-Time Warner deal should die. Not, however, without some skepticism about the motivations behind its execution. CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article misidentified Randall Stephenson as the chief financial officer of AT&T. He is the chief executive officer. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. In his ads, Ed Gillespie hit all the same notes as Donald Trump. He argued that his Democratic opponent was soft on MS-13, a brutal gang with origins in Central America. He criticized sanctuary cities, even though Virginia doesnt have any. He argued for keeping up Confederate monuments. But unlike Trump, he lost. In a race closely watched by Democratic and Republican operatives from across the country, the former Republican National Committee chairman spent millions on ads that sounded Trumpist themes of the risks of immigration and the need to protect Americas heritage. But Democrat Ralph Northam, the states not-particularly-inspiring lieutenant governor, roundly defeated Gillespie, 54 to 45 percent, as Democrats rode a wave of victories in other statewide offices and the states House of Delegates. The nations foremost expert on all things Trump, one Donald J. Trump of New York City, had an explanation: Gillespie just wasnt Trumpy enough. Taking advantage of Twitters new 280-character maximum, the president of the United States explained Tuesday night that Gillespie did not embrace me or what I stand for. Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Dont forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2017 Its somewhat true that Gillespie did not embrace Trump. The president did not campaign for the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia, even though its a short drive from the White House, making him the first president since Richard Nixon not to do so. And Gillespie missed other opportunities to play up his connections, even as the president tweeted his praise. But he more than embraced what Trump stands for, as evidenced by his campaign ads. Story continues Theres another explanation. Trump was the ultimate outsider: a reality TV personality and billionaire developer who had never run for office or served in an elected position who pledged to drain the swamp. Gillespie was a creature of the swamp, a former party official who advised George W. Bush and Mitt Romney, worked as a lobbyist and ran unsuccessfully for Senate. When Trump attacks MS-13, voters hear a guy who launched his campaign by going off-script to argue that Mexico is sending rapists to the United States. When Gillespie attacked, it was clear he was singing from a borrowed hymnal. And then theres the views of political scientists. For all its history as the heart of the Confederacy, Virginia is a state whose demographics are trending blue. Trumps approval rating is lower than any modern president. And Virginia has tended to vote for governors from the opposite party of the incumbent president in recent years. Maybe a loss was baked in. All of these explanations hold some truth to them, but most of them are not good news for Donald Trump. If Trumpism only works with Trump on the ticket, the president is going to find his Republican allies thinning out. If Trumpism only works when the candidate is a true believer, the president may find there arent enough people who fit the bill and have the wherewithal to win a race. (Thats one reason former Trump advisor Steve Bannons potential picks for 2018 included several wealthy people who could self-fund.) And if Trumpism is subject to the usual rules of politics something Trump managed to evade in his unlikely 2016 campaign then the president will find his party losing seats in the upcoming midterm elections. There were other signs on Election Night that Trump could be in trouble. Elsewhere in Virginia, Democrat Danica Roem defeated the states most socially conservative lawmaker, Del. Robert G. Marshall, to become one of the first openly transgender elected officials in the U.S. The win was doubly sweet for LGBT advocates, as Marshall was the author of a failed bathroom bill, once called himself the states chief homophobe and referred to Roem using male pronouns. That could be bad news for Trump, who has taken moves to bar transgender troops from serving in the military. In New Jersey, Democrat Phil Murphy decisively defeated Republican Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, second-in-command to Trumps erstwhile ally, Chris Christie, in a campaign in which he called on the blue state to turn an even deeper shade of blue. A one-time Goldman Sachs executive who has never held elected office before, Murphy advocated for legalizing marijuana, raising the minimum wage to $15 and fighting the Trump Administration. Basically every part of the preceding sentence is bad news for Trumpism. In Maine, voters overwhelmingly approved a referendum to expand Medicaid under terms set by the Affordable Care Act, a move that Republican Gov. Paul LePage vetoed five different times. Thats not a positive sign for Trump, who vowed to repeal Obamacare as president. And while each of these races can be explained away by local factors, the accumulation of results matters. Democrats have already begun citing Tuesdays results to prospective 2018 candidates, while more Republican incumbents may be looking to join their colleagues who have already exited stage right. The future of Trumpism remains an open question. But after Tuesday, the future of Trump looks much more cloudy. By Matthew Tostevin DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Whether they like President Donald Trump or not, the U.S. veterans who gather at Hoa's Place in Danang show little concern that he avoided the war that marked their lives. Trump flies into the Vietnamese resort of Danang on Friday for a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders, landing in a city that for many Americans of his generation was their first sight of Vietnam - and of war. "Hell finally be able to put on his resume that he was in Vietnam," said David Clark, 68, who is originally from Akron, Ohio and calls Trump "a joke". After serving in Vietnam from 1968 to 1969 with the Marine Corps, he has now returned to help with projects to address the legacy of the war. Trump never served in the military. He received five deferments during the Vietnam War, including one for bone spurs in his heel, the New York Times reported last year. The paper quoted Trump as saying the bones spurs had been "temporary". "Everyone I know tried to avoid it," said draftee Keith Soukkala, sipping a beer at Hoa's Place, a favored bar of veterans near Danang's "China Beach". "I stayed out as long as I could but I didnt have any bone spurs," said Soukkala, who splits his time between Vietnam and Alaska and said he voted for Trump. At 73, he is two years older than Trump and recalls landing in Danang to the humid heat and "a certain smell in the air" at the start of a 13-month tour with the Marine Corps dodging bombs hidden by the communist Viet Cong guerrillas. TROOPS CAME ASHORE The seaside resort of Danang has a special place in U.S.-Vietnamese history: it was here that the first U.S. ground troops disembarked in 1965 in the escalation of a war that would last another decade before the communist victory. Close to some of the heaviest fighting in central Vietnam, Danang had a big U.S. air base. China Beach was a relaxation spot for U.S. soldiers back from combat. Now, Danang's beachfront hotels draw tourists from around the world. Gleaming office towers mark it out as one of Vietnam's most modern cities and one the communist government sought to showcase with the hosting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit which Trump will attend. It's also home to a community of U.S. veterans who returned to a country where a recent Pew Research survey showed the United States was viewed favorably by 84 percent of people. Clark came back in 2013 for a year and is still in Danang, busy with projects to destroy unexploded U.S. bombs and help families affected by the Agent Orange defoliant linked to illness and deformity. Mark OConnor, 67, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and once part of a helicopter assault team, visits as often as he can to provide bicycles to children in hill villages. On this visit, though, he said he had come back in the hope of seeing Trump - his support unaffected by the fact the president had not served in Vietnam. "You know, more power to him," he said. "You cant feel bad about him and not feel bad about everyone who went to Canada to avoid the draft." (Editing by Ralph Boulton) Jason Kessler, the organizer of the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August that left one person dead, was verified on Twitter. The Daily Beast reports that the white supremacist got the official badge next to his name Tuesday. The social media company, which recently made public statements about fighting hate speech on its platform, says the blue check mark is used to inform people that an account of public interest is authentic. A verified badge does not imply an endorsement by Twitter, the sites policy states. Still, the verified status caused a swift backlash from other users on the platform. Hey @jack: very active user, 2.1M followers here: this is disgusting. Verifying white supremacists reinforces the increasing belief that your site is a platform for hate speech. I don't want to give up Twitter, but I may have to. Who do you value more, users like me or him? Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) November 9, 2017 Hi @Twitter, Hope you realize there's no such thing as being neutral when it comes to Nazis. Verifying Jason Kessler is a political act -- and one that puts you on the wrong side of history. Simran Jeet Singh (@SikhProf) November 9, 2017 Oh wait my bad @jack my bad. Nazis are ok for another couple weeks. Ill follow-up w/you about your verification of Jason Kessler, known Nazi & organizer of rallies that end in murder, on the 22nd. Feminist Porg Queen (@missykaybm) November 8, 2017 Twitter just verified Jason Kessler, the organizer of the Charlottesville neo-Nazi rally. Why do they do this shit? Matt Novak (@paleofuture) November 8, 2017 A day after @Twitter verifies Jason Kessler, who created the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, he tweets "Rose McGowan should be held accountable for being a thot that will do anything for attention." Ben Collins (@oneunderscore__) November 8, 2017 @twitter, get Jason Kessler off of Twitter. Youve banned others for violent tweets. This is a dangerous man. ejwbooth (@enidjanebooth) November 9, 2017 .@Twitter, @TwitterSupport: is there a reason why that you decided to verify Jason Kessler? Look how he celebrated it? Jack Sinclair (@jacktweetslife) November 9, 2017 Kessler previously called Heather Heyer, the woman who was killed when a car plowed into the crowd demonstrating against the white supremacists that descended on Charlotesville, a fat, disgusting Communist. He added that her death was payback time. Story continues This is the organizer of the Unite the Right rally where Heather Heyer died. Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) August 19, 2017 Police identified James Alex Fields Jr., a white supremacist, as the driver who hit Heyer and others at the protest. He has been charged with multiple felonies, including one count of second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and one count of failing to stop at an accident resulting in a death. Last month, Kessler was indicted on a felony perjury charge after video surfaced showing that he had lied to a judge about the reason he punched a man in the face in January. Kessler claimed the man he assaulted had been the aggressor, but video showed otherwise. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey responded to the backlash on Thursday, saying that the company needed to reconsider its verification process, a system he described as broken. We failed by not doing anything about it, he wrote. We shouldve communicated faster on this (yesterday): our agents have been following our verification policy correctly, but we realized some time ago the system is broken and needs to be reconsidered. And we failed by not doing anything about it. Working now to fix faster. jack (@jack) November 9, 2017 As a result, Twitter will halt its verification process while it examines how it authenticates users on the platform. The social media company acknowledged that the blue check mark is interpreted as an endorsement or an indicator of importance. We recognize that we have created this confusion and need to resolve it, the company said in a statement. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. Verification was meant to authenticate identity & voice but it is interpreted as an endorsement or an indicator of importance. We recognize that we have created this confusion and need to resolve it. We have paused all general verifications while we work and will report back soon Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) November 9, 2017 Still, Kesslers account remains verified. A screenshot of Kessler's account page, captured Friday morning. (Photo: Twitter) Also on HuffPost Neo-Nazis and white supremacists encircle and chant at counter-protesters at the base of a Thomas Jefferson statue on Aug. 11, 2017, after marching with torches through the University of Virginia campus in Charlottesville, Virginia. Neo-Nazis and white supremacists take part in the "Unite the Right" rally. The group marched through the University of Virginia campus with torches. A man wears Nazi regalia before the "Unite the Right" rally. Counter-protesters arrive at the "Unite the Right" rally. White supremacists carry Nazi flags on Aug. 12, 2017. A white supremacist carries the Confederate flag as he walks past counter-demonstrators. White nationalists march through the street. A sign on a business in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia. Police arrive at the scene of protests after a state of emergency is announced in Charlottesville, Virginia. A man is down during a clash between white nationalist protesters and a group of counter-protesters. White nationalists and counter-protesters clash. A protester receives first-aid during a clash between white nationalists and counter-protesters. A man makes a slashing motion across his throat toward counter-protesters as he marches with other white nationalists and neo-Nazis during the "Unite the Right" rally. A white supremacist stands behind militia members after he scuffled with a counter-demonstrator. Virginia State Police use pepper spray as they move in during a clash between white nationalist protesters and counter-protesters. Hundreds of white nationalists and neo-Nazis march down East Market Street toward Lee Park during the "Unite the Right" rally. A smoke bomb is thrown at a group of counter-protesters. Virginia State Troopers stand under a statue of Robert E. Lee. White nationalists descended on Charlottesville to protest the statue's removal. Anti-fascist counter-protesters wait outside Lee Park to hurl insults as white nationalists and neo-Nazis are forced out after the "Unite the Right" rally was declared an unlawful gathering. A group of counter-protesters rally against white nationalists. A man is seen with an injury during a clash between white nationalists and counter-protesters. Protesters and counter-protesters after being pepper-sprayed and/or maced. David Duke (C), participates in the white nationalist rally. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Two suspected human smugglers were arrested in Italy this week after the bodies of 26 Nigerian women and girls, all of them believed to be teenagers, were found dead on the Mediterranean Sea. The Guardian reports that the two suspected smugglers, identified as Al Mabrouc Wisam Harar from Libya and Mohamed Ali Al Bouzid from Egypt, are accused of trafficking at least 150 people, but prosecutors have not directly linked them to the deaths. It is still unclear exactly how the women and girls died, but autopsy results are expected soon. Investigators suspect that the women and girls, some as young as 14, may have been murdered while attempting the dangerous smuggling route between Libya and Europe. The bodies were reportedly discovered by an anti-trafficking rescue boat called the Cantabria at the site of two separate shipwrecks. By the time aid workers arrived, survivors were clinging to the mostly sunken remains of a rubber dinghy while deceased floated nearby, an Italian police official told CNN. The recovered bodies were brought to shore Sunday in Salerno, Southern Italy, along with an unknown number of survivors who were among almost 400 migrants rescued in recent days. Read more: This is Hell on Earth. Eyewitness to a Harrowing Rescue on the Mediterranean While deaths are common along the migrant sea route to Europe, it is unclear why the victims from this crossing all appear to be young women. Salerno police chief Lorena Ciccotti told CNN that investigators were still trying to determine if the girls had been tortured or sexually abused. More than 150,000 migrants and refugees have survived the journey over the Mediterranean Sea and entered Europe this year as of Nov. 1, according to the International Organization for Migration. Most, or about 75%, have arrived in Italy, with the rest ending up in Greece, Cyprus or Spain. More than 2,800 people have died while attempting the crossing this year, down from 4,150 in 2016. BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China had a frank exchange of views on the disputed South China Sea during a visit to Beijing by U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said. China claims almost the entire strategic waterway through which about $3-trillion worth of goods pass every year, building and militarising artificial islands. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have conflicting claims. The issue is likely to feature prominently at two regional summits starting this week, one in Vietnam and the other in the Philippines, which Trump and several leaders will attend. Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the Vietnam meeting. "We had a frank exchange here in China on maritime security issues and the South China Sea. The U.S. position remains unchanged," Tillerson told reporters. "We insist on upholding freedom of navigation, that claimants be consistent with international law and that claimants should stop construction and militarisation of outposts in order to maximise prospects for successful diplomacy," he added. Both Xi and Trump expressed support for the protection of peace and stability in the South China Sea, China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement following the leaders' talks. Both leaders also support the peaceful resolution and management of the dispute via talks and in accordance with "accepted international law", it added. "Both sides support the protection of freedom of navigation and overflight for all countries, in accordance with international law," it said.The United States has angered China with freedom of navigation patrols close to Chinese-controlled islands in the South China Sea, which have been continued by the Trump administration. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, in an apparent policy shift, said on Wednesday he planned to ask China to make clear its intentions in the South China Sea, during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in Vietnam. Story continues Since coming to office 16 months ago, the firebrand leader has been conciliatory to Beijing, despite a ruling by an international arbitration court favouring the Philippines in its territorial dispute with China. In the past, Duterte has repeatedly said he will raise the sea dispute at the proper time and avoided the issue when Manila hosted two regional meetings this year. (Reporting by Philip Wen and Matt Spetalnick; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard and Christian Shepherd; Editing by Clarence Fernandez) By Pablo Garcia TABATINGA, Brazil (Reuters) - U.S. military personnel are taking part this week in the largest international army operation ever held deep in the Amazon jungle of northern Brazil, in a sign of closer U.S.-Brazil defense ties. Troops from Brazil, Colombia and Peru will set up a temporary military base in their tri-border region for a week-long logistics exercise in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, Brazilian army officials said. About 50 U.S. personnel will be present for the exercise, including 19 observers and 31 members of the Montana Air National Guard who will be based out of Manaus providing air transportation, a U.S. embassy statement said. The United States will provide a Hercules C-130 transport plane to move personnel and equipment, the Brazilian army said. The presence of U.S military personnel in Brazil's Amazon region underscored improving defense relations between the two most populous countries in the Western Hemisphere after more than a decade of distancing under leftist Brazilian governments. In March, then-commander of the U.S. Army South, Major General Clarence K. K. Chinn visited military installations in the Amazon and was decorated in Brasilia. Bilateral agreements on defense cooperation and information security have taken effect recently after years of stalling in Brazil's Congress. The Brazilian general in charge of the operation said he was "astounded" by criticism of the U.S. involvement in the exercise in a globalized world where Brazil maintains good relations with China, Russia and the United States. "It's a senseless conspiracy theory raised by leftist parties," General Guilherme Theophilo Gaspar de Oliveira, the Brazilian Army's logistics commander, told reporters, as he praised deep U.S. experience and know how in disaster relief. The Brazilian Army said it was the first time such a large military exercise has been held in the Amazon and would help prepare the armed forces of the three neighboring countries for a humanitarian crisis such as mass migration. Story continues Brazil has kept a close eye on economic and political upheaval in neighboring Venezuela that could trigger such an exodus. More than 30,000 Venezuelans have already fled over the border into the northern Brazilian state of Roraima, according to federal police. The Brazilian Army said Venezuela is one of the 19 countries sending observers for the so-called United America Operation. Brazilian Defense Minister Raul Jungmann will attend the jungle exercises on the weekend and then fly to Washington for three days of talks with Pentagon officials, his press representative said. (Writing by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Lisa Shumaker and Diane Craft) UberEATS, Uber's standalone app for on-demand food delivery, has added in-app restaurant reviews in order to help people make more informed decisions about what to eat. "We had heard from our consumers for a long time that they were interested in more information in general to help them make a decision of which restaurant to eat at," UberEATS Product Manager Ambika Krishnamachar told me at Uber's SF headquarters earlier this week. "In particular, users are looking for a vote of confidence, given what other people in their community think. We saw it was effective on the rides side, so we wanted to bring it over to EATS as well." Now, in addition to being able to rate their delivery person, consumers can also rate the restaurant on a scale from one to five stars and the particular menu items they received from that restaurant on thumbs up/thumbs down basis. For those browsing through the app for places to eat, the restaurant rating reflected will be based on the last 90 days of data. "Ratings as a concept through the transparency it provides is not only just good for the consumer it also benefits the marketplace as a whole," Krishnamachar said. With ratings, restaurants can have a better idea of what their consumers like, what they dislike and how the restaurant can improve. Unlike Uber's rating system for drivers, there is no particular rating restaurants need to maintain in order to remain on the platform. However, restaurants do need to meet certain standards around quality, inappropriate behavior, not complying with food regulations and other elements laid out in Uber's community guidelines. Uber is also launching personalized menu recommendations for each restaurant and an easier way to see the restaurants you've favorited. "Through this type of work and exploration of this data, we've started to gather really interesting insights on consumer demand patterns -- what are people looking for, what are the elements that are going into this decision-making and choice," Krishnamachar said. "We started to think about how we can use this information to sort of shape the marketplace and improve selection and quality overall for people." Story continues This is where the idea of virtual restaurants comes in. Virtual restaurants, which UberEATS has been testing for a little while, are restaurants that exist only within the UberEATS app. UberEATS does this by first looking at specific neighborhoods within cities and analyzing what people are searching for. Imagine, Krishnamachar said, that there's a neighborhood where people are frequently searching for mexican food, but there's no restaurant nearby that offers that. "We can take that demand insight and go to restaurants in that area who maybe don't serve Mexican good but have similar ingredients or equipment that might work," Krishnamachar said. If the restaurant is interested, they could put up another business on UberEATS and brand it separately. The virtual restaurants concept is still in its early days, but there are some restaurants already doing this with UberEATS. One is Chicago pizzeria Si-Pie Pizzeria. UberEATS realized people were searching for chicken nearby Si-Pie Pizzeria but there wasn't much available. So the owner of Si-Pie Pizzeria, who already had a fryer on hand, decided he could also make fried-chicken. But instead of adding that to his pizza menu, he branded it as Si's Chicken Kitchen, which is only available via UberEATS. It turns out that move was good for business. In October, after running the virtual kitchen for about year, the owner's sales of chicken surpassed delivery sales of pizza. "It's an opportunity to increase selection overall for consumers but also an opportunity to really optimize and maximize the potential of each restaurant," Krishnamachar said. Washington (AFP) - It will have to wait until President Donald Trump has finished his tour of Asian capitals, but the United States is expected to return North Korea to its list of state sponsors on terror. In itself, the designation will not have much practical impact on a pariah state already facing an array of US and international sanctions and intense diplomatic pressure. But the imminent decision marks another turn of the screw as Washington ratchets up rhetoric designed to convince Kim Jong-Un he will not win his latest nuclear stand-off. It will also add Pyongyang to a very exclusive list. Only Iran, Syria and Sudan are still blacklisted as terror sponsors, and Sudan is expected to be relieved of the title soon. - When will it happen? - Trump's spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said Wednesday that no decision will be made before the president returns from his Asia trip, on which he is rallying opposition to Pyongyang. This would imply no sooner than November 15 after the Southeast Asian summit, but for some in Washington that is already late. While the White House has been mulling a decision on the designation since coming to office in January, in July Congress passed a bill demanding an answer by October 31. Lawmakers have been chivvying the State Department for a ruling since then, but officials privately argue Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson needed time to consult allies. - Why now? - The United States and North Korea have been enemies since the 1950 to 1953 war that split the peninsula between the communist North and the westward-leaning South. In 1988, Pyongyang was added to the US list of state sponsors of terror after Korean Air Flight 858 exploded in midair on a flight between Baghdad and Seoul in November 1987. Some 115 people were killed and a North Korean agent later confessed to the bombing. In 2008, then US president George W. Bush's administration removed North Korea from the list as an incentive to join a round of negotiations on its nuclear program. Story continues Those talks eventually failed and, since Kim Jong-Un took over as dictator from his late father Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs have made rapid progress. Foreign policy hawks in Washington now want to tag the North again, citing in particular Pyongyang's presumed implication in the murder of Kim's older brother and rival, Kim Jong-Nam. The elder Kim died in February after suspected agents of his brother's regime sprayed a nerve agent in his face in an airport in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. "North Korea was removed from the list in 2008 in part because Pyongyang had promised to end its nuclear weapons program, another promise the Kim regime did not keep," said Anthony Ruggiero, a sanctions expert with the Federation for Defense of Democracies. "The determination should make it easier for the Trump administration to draw a line with countries, noting that continued business with Pyongyang aids a state sponsor of terrorism." - Which decision? - All signs point to Trump deciding that North Korea deserves to return to the list. "The president's cabinet is looking at this as part of the overall strategy on North Korea," National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters last week. "But a regime who murders someone in a public airport using nerve agent and a despotic leader who murders his brother in that manner, that's clearly an act of terrorism that fits in with a range of other actions, so this is something that's under consideration. You'll hear more about that soon." In addition to the assassination, US officials have been infuriated by the death of Otto Warmbier, a young US student who was arrested in North Korea for a petty offense and held for more than a year before he was released in a comatose state. Warmbier died, aged 22, shortly after his unconscious body was flown home and, although North Korea claimed he had contracted botulism in detention, Trump has since alleged that he was tortured in custody. Jeff Flake condemns egregious oversight after Texas shooting suspect was able to buy gun despite domestic assault conviction The investigation continues in the mass shooting at the First Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Photograph: via Zuma/Rex/Shutterstock Two senators said on Tuesday that the US military had a widespread problem that went far beyond the failure to report the Texas church shooting suspects domestic violence records to the nations background check system for gun sales. Domestic abusers are prohibited from owning guns under federal law, but Senator Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, said at a news conference on Tuesday evening that a systemic failure had allowed the alleged Texas church shooter to purchase guns despite domestic violence convictions he received while in the air force. This egregious oversight has allowed individuals such as the Texas shooter, who otherwise should not have been able to legally purchase a firearm, to do so, Flake said. The air force said in a statement on Monday night that Devin Kelley, the alleged Sutherland Springs gunman, should have been legally prohibited from buying or owning firearms. But the Holloman air force base office of special investigations had failed to enter the record of Kelleys conviction for domestic abuse into the national background check system, according to initial information. The air force and defense department said on Monday that they had launched investigations into this failure, as well as whether other criminal records had been properly reported. A 2015 report from the defense departments inspector general found the navy, air force and marine corps had made many errors in reporting criminal record conviction records to the FBI. The report found that 30% of the records that should have been reported were missing. Spokespeople for the air force, the defense department, and the FBI were not able to clarify on Tuesday whether and to what extent military domestic violence records were being submitted to the background check system. Story continues At the press conference, Flake said there had been only a single domestic violence record submitted from the armed services to the background checks system since 2007. Unless were to assume theres been only been one case of domestic violence in the military over that point of time, we have a problem. We have a loophole here that needs to be closed, said Flake, who, with Senator Martin Heinrich, a Democrat, announced they were co-sponsoring legislation to close the loophole. But Flake referenced a chart from a 2016 FBI report, which cautions that the chart only refers to a subset of records within the entire background check system, and that some records might be submitted through other databases. Flake and Heinrichs offices did not immediately respond to requests to clarification on whether the chart had been misinterpreted. I dont know if [the chart] paints a full and accurate picture of the Department of Defense total reporting on these issues, Thomas Crosson, a defense department spokesperson, told the Guardian before Flakes press conference. In response to Flakes press conference, some experts questioned whether new legislation was needed. The military is already required to report domestic violence records to the background checks system under federal law, and under a previous instruction from the Department of Defense, said Geoffrey Corn, a military law expert at the South Texas College of Law. Im not sure the answer here is another statute, he said. I dont think this is a case of malice. I think its just a case of too many cooks in the kitchen and nobody knows whos doing what. After high-profile mass shootings in the past decade, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (Nics) has repeatedly come under scrutiny for faulty reporting, missing records and bad procedures, including after the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting and the 2015 white supremacist attack on a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina. Advocates have led campaigns to correct failures to report the appropriate state mental health records to the background check system. In 2012, the Texas gunman Devin Kelley, an airman at the Holloman air force base in New Mexico, was convicted by a court martial on two charges of domestic assault and sentenced to a year of confinement. He left the air force in 2014 with a bad conduct discharge. Law enforcement officials said Kelley went on to buy at least four guns, two in Colorado and two in Texas, in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. On Sunday, officials said, Kelley opened fire on a tiny church during morning services, killing 26 people, many of them children. New York (AFP) - A Massachusetts mother on Wednesday accused Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting her 18-year-old son on the holiday island of Nantucket last year and said police had opened a criminal investigation. Former television news anchor Heather Unruh told a news conference in Boston that the double Oscar winner assaulted the teen after plying him with alcohol late at night in a Nantucket bar in July 2016. Police told AFP that they could not confirm or deny any such report was filed. "Reports of sexual assaults are confidential under Massachusetts General Law," a spokesperson for the police department said. Unruh described her son at the time as a "star-struck, straight" 18-year-old. "Kevin Spacey bought him drink after drink after drink, and when my son was drunk, Spacey made his move and sexually assaulted him," she told a news conference in Boston. "Spacey stuck his hand inside my son's pants and grabbed his genitals," Unruh said. Her intoxicated son, whom she did not name, panicked and froze. When the "House of Cards" star left briefly to use the bathroom, he allegedly fled to his grandmother's house, where he allegedly told his sister what had happened. "Last week my son filed a police report and handed over evidence, and now a criminal investigation has begun," Unruh told reporters. The scores of women who have accused Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, and actor Anthony Rapp levelling the first public accusations against Spacey had motivated them to speak publicly now, Unruh said. "I want to see Kevin Spacey go to jail," she said. "Not just for my son but for the many others," she added. Unruh said her son did not report the incident at the time "largely because of embarrassment and fear." The family lawyer also told reporters Wednesday that his client had spoken to Nantucket police, who were investigating. Story continues Unruh previously alleged via Twitter on October 13 that Spacey had "assaulted a loved one," but had not previously identified that person as her son. Netflix late week dropped Spacey, its star actor on hit series "House of Cards" whose career is in free-fall over spiraling assault accusations. According to British media, London police are also investigating him for an alleged assault in 2008. He has been publicly accused of attempting to rape a 15-year-old boy in New York and of making advances on actor Anthony Rapp when he was 14 years old, 31 years ago. USS Ronald Reagan is one of three aircraft carriers involved in display of military might: ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP/Getty Images The US Navy is set to carry out a rare military exercise involving three aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific. Timed to coincide with the last leg of Donald Trump's Asia tour, it will be the first time in a decade the USS Ronald Reagan, the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Nimitz have operated together. The display of military might comes amid heightened tensions in the region over North Korea's nuclear missile programme. The operation will take place over the weekend and into early next week, the US Navy said in a statement. It is thought the drills will take place in the Sea of Japan, which borders the secretive communist state. "It is a rare opportunity to train with two aircraft carriers together, and even rarer to be able to train with three," said US Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Scott Swift. "Multiple carrier strike force operations are very complex, and this exercise in the Western Pacific is a strong testament to the US Pacific Fleet's unique ability and ironclad commitment to the continued security and stability of the region." The strike force plans to conduct air defence drills and defensive air combat training, the navy said. It is the first time that three carrier strike groups have operated together in the Western Pacific since exercises in 2006 and 2007 off the coast of Guam. Earlier this week, Mr Trump issued a stern warning to North Korea, repeating his vow that the US will defend itself and its allies against Pyongyang's nuclear aggression. He directly addressed the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, telling him the weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer, they are putting your regime in grave danger. Mr Trump is currently in China on 12-day tour of five Asian countries. Earlier this week he was forced to scrap a surprise visit to the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea because of bad weather. April the giraffe captivated the world this spring when millions of viewers tuned in to a livestream to anxiously watch the birth of her fourth calf, Tajiri, who came into the world on April 15 at Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, New York. Now, seven months after one of the most viral births in history, everyone's favorite giraffe mom might be pregnant again. During a Thursday morning appearance on "Good Morning America," Animal Adventure Park owner Jordan Patch was asked by host Amy Robach how soon the world could expect another April pregnancy. After taking a long pause, Patch replied "I cannot confirm nor deny the possibility of another pregnancy," which was met by wild reactions from the hosts and the show's live audience. "If it is going to happen, will we be able to see it online?" co-host Michael Strahan asked once the cheering died down. "Are we ready for another giraffe cam, world? You tell me," Patch said, fueling speculation. Is April the Giraffe pregnant again!? "I cannot confirm nor deny the possibility of another pregnancy!" @AnmlAdvntrPark owner says. Good Morning America (@GMA) November 9, 2017 April's 2017 pregnancy, which lasted 65 days, went viral after a live-stream of the pregnant giraffe was posted on YouTube by Animal Park Adventure. Interestingly enough, the zoo took to Facebook again in October to say that "love is in the air" for April and her mate, Oliver, and that the mom of four had been cleared for another pregnancy. So, will we be treated to another April livestream in 13 - 15 months? Only time will tell. See photos of April and her baby: AMMAN (Reuters) - The top adviser to Iran's supreme leader said he expects the Syrian army to soon recapture rebel-held Idlib province, as well as eastern Syria, an area where U.S.-backed militias hold swathes of territory. Iran is a close ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Iranian official, Ali Akbar Velayati, was speaking in Aleppo, from which the Syrian army drove rebels after a siege last year with help from Tehran. The military alliance backing Assad, which also includes Russia and Shi'ite Muslim militias, has this year focused on the war in central and eastern Syria against Islamic State (IS) militants. But Damascus is now setting its sights on territory held by Kurdish-led forces backed by a U.S.-led coalition that has also been fighting the Sunni Muslim IS in northern and eastern Syria. "Soon we will see the eastern Syria cleared, and then the Idlib area in west," said Velayati, the top aide to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in comments reported by Mehr news agency. He also hailed the success of Iranian allies across the region, including Lebanon's Hezbollah, in remarks likely to infuriate Tehran's main regional foe Saudi Arabia, lauding a "resistance line" from Tehran to Beirut. Assad's forces have also made some advances into rebel-held areas in northwest Syria adjacent to Idlib, a region that represents the insurgents' biggest remaining stronghold. Visiting Aleppo, Velayati was quoted by a military news outlet run by Hezbollah as saying Tehran's involvement in the Syrian civil war had averted wider violence. "The resistance line starts from Tehran and passes through Baghdad, Damascus and Beirut to reach Palestine," he was quoted as telling a group of Shi'ite militia volunteers by a military news outlet run by Hezbollah. Irans role, first by providing military advisers and then by training and arming Shi'ite militia in support of Assad, has not only helped shape the Syrian conflict, it has strengthened Tehran's own hand across the region. REVOLUTIONARY THEOCRACY For the first time, Iran's revolutionary theocracy is exerting decisive authority in an arc of influence that Sunni Arab powers, particularly Saudi Arabia, have been warning about for years. The Hezbollah news outlet said the fighters Velayati was addressing had come to defend the Sayeda Zeinab shrine in Damascus, a magnet for thousands of Iraqi and Afghan Shi'ite militia recruits who go there before being assigned to front lines to fight Sunni rebel groups opposed to Assad. Almost every Shi'ite militiaman bears insignia on his combat fatigues with the words "For your sake, Sayeda Zeinab". Velayati's visit was the second by a senior Iranian official to the war-torn country in nearly two weeks, showing how Tehran is openly raising its support for the Syrian government. Irans military chief of staff paid a rare visit to Syria last month in which he warned Israel against breaching Syrian air space and territory a day before he visited a frontline position near Aleppo. Saudi Arabia, its Arab allies and regional powerhouse Israel accuse Iran of seeking to expand its influence in the Arab world with the goal of carving out a land route through Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean. The Syrian opposition also say Shi'ite Iran's military presence in Syria stokes sectarian conflict and blames its militias for demographic changes that have uprooted Sunnis. (Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi in Amman and Bozorgmehr Sharafedin in London; editing by Mark Heinrich) The Trump backlash has begun. One year after their stinging defeat, Democrats bounced back in the off-year elections on Nov. 7 with a surprise sweep from coast to coast, delivering an ominous rebuke to an unpopular President and his party. By resounding margins, Democratic candidates took the marquee gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey. But those triumphs were only the start of a blue wave that crashed across the map. Democrats won control of the Washington state senate and ushered in the first Democratic mayor of Manchester, N.H., in 14 years. They passed progressive ballot measures in Maine and New York; won key local races in Georgia and Florida; and elected a slate of candidates that mirrored the diversity of the party, from Ravi Bhalla, the first Sikh to become a mayor in New Jersey, to Virginias Danica Roem, the first person to run and win a legislative seat as an openly transgender individual. We are taking our country back from Donald Trump, one election at a time, crowed Tom Perez, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. For the beleaguered party, it was the first proof that the anti-Trump fervor that has galvanized the Presidents opponents could be channeled into significant election victories. Until this week, despite Trumps abysmal approval rating and a gridlocked GOP Congress, the opposition had failed to notch a win at the ballot box. Throughout 2017, Democratic candidates running in congressional special elections in red states had narrowed margins but fallen short of victory. Democrats have yet to show they can win in GOP strongholds. But the off-year election wave was a sign that antipathy to the Trump Administration is a force powerful enough to shake the nation in 2018 and beyond. The election returns reflected surging enthusiasm among college-educated suburbanites, minorities and women. Turnout was up 16% over four years ago in Virginia, where Democrat Ralph Northam, the commonwealths lieutenant governor, won an unexpectedly easy nine-point victory over Ed Gillespie, a Republican lobbyist and former national party chairman. The moderate Northam had ended his campaign on a messy note, with progressive organizations denouncing his pledge to sign legislation barring the establishment of so-called sanctuary cities that do not enforce federal immigration laws. But just as a divided and rudderless GOP succeeded in the Obama era, the Democrats internal dramas may not matter if public opinion keeps cresting in their favor. The elections also were a testing ground for tactics the left hopes to take national in next years midterms. In a bid to rebuild the partys bench, new grassroots groups like Indivisible, Run for Something, Swing Left and Flippable poured money, volunteers and tech savvy into low-profile contests. Last December, a prosecutor in suburban Seattle named Manka Dhingra, disturbed by the presidential election, attended her first Democratic Party meeting. On Nov. 7, she won a Republican-held seat in the Washington state senate, flipping control of the chamber. She called her win a rejection of the politics of tribalism, misinformation and mistrust. In Virginia, more than 30 different organizations coordinated to contact more than a million voters. The partys 88 state legislative candidates nearly doubled the previous field. The resultmore than a dozen delegate seats flipped from Republican to Democratcould, pending local recounts, swing the chamber from a Republican supermajority to narrow Democratic control. It is these down-ballot races that have given Democrats hope of taking back the U.S. House of Representatives with next years elections. Republicans had dominated the Virginia House of Delegates in part by drawing legislative maps that aided their candidates. Democrats will have to overcome similar obstacles to defeat congressional incumbents in Republican-friendly territory. That prospect, once improbably, looks brighter now. For the first time since last November, one giddy Democratic strategist says, the sky is above us and the ground is below us. Beyond the results themselves were even graver signs for the GOP. Only 40% of Virginia voters said they approved of how the President was doing his job, and 34% said they cast their ballot to send a signal of their opposition. Six in 10 voters said they had an unfavorable view of the Republican Party. Health care was the top issue of Virginia voters, according to exit polls, and those concerned about it overwhelmingly voted for Democratsa sign that Republicans are taking the blame for their failure to reform the health-care system. In Maine, a ballot measure calling for the expansion of Medicaid won easily, over the objections of the states Republican governor and an ugly campaign that cast it as a welfare handout. Despondent Republicans worry that their predicament may only get worse. They fear that the voters who said Trump needed some time to get his sea legs are beginning to go wobbly on him. Special counsel Robert Muellers investigation into Russias involvement with the President and his campaign may continue to dog the GOP all the way to the midterms. Strategists are comparing the looming threat to the ethics scandals that hobbled the party in the 2006, helping hand Democrats majorities in the House and Senate. The rage Trump channeled to win the White House doesnt translate naturally to governing, and lawmakers have struggled to deliver on their promises to an angry base. The challenge is one reason the GOP is seeing a wave of retirements: already 29 current House Republicans and three GOP Senators have left or are leaving their jobs. All this is especially bad news for the Republicans running in the 23 districts that also supported Hillary Clinton last year. Each of them will have to make the tough call next year of whether to strike the same edgy chords that carried the President into office. For his part, Gillespie, despite his establishment credentials, ran TV ads castigating immigrants for job losses and blaming Hispanic gangs for violence. In the weeks after a white-nationalist march on Charlottesville, Va., erupted in violence, he defended Confederate monuments as the last vestiges of tradition. At the same time, he sought to differentiate himself from the President, rarely uttering his name on the campaign trail. Gillespie learned you cant be half-pregnant when it comes to the President. Moments after the loss, Trump weighed in from Asia, blaming the candidates defeat on his unwillingness to fully embrace the President and his brand of politics. But if this weeks results are to be believed, there is indeed a Trump effectand its helping the Democrats. Its been five weeks since the mass shooting in Las Vegas, the worst in U.S. history, and little has changed. A brief conversation about banning bump stocks the devices used by Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock that allow semiautomatic rifles to essentially function as automatics fell out of the headlines and nothing was done. Now, in the wake of another grisly shooting, which left 26 dead in a Texas church on Sunday, those in the Republican-controlled Congress who support stricter gun control Democrats, namely are bitterly cynical about the prospect of change. It just strikes me that we see tragedy after tragedy and no action because of the power of the [National Rifle Association], Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin told TIME while waiting for the Senate subway on Tuesday. Its just heartbreaking. It is very nearly certain that no comprehensive gun control legislation will surface in Congress in the aftermath of Sundays shooting. When measures are proposed in the wake of mass shootings, they tend to be partial and patchwork: efforts that target one marginal component of firearm safety that relates specifically to the tragedy that just transpired. After Las Vegas, it was bump stocks. Now, after the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Republican lawmakers are saying they would be open to repairs to the federal background check system, noting that the shooter, 26-year-old former Air Force member Devin Patrick Kelley, might not have been able to buy a gun had the Air Force properly noted his domestic violence conviction in the national background check database. (One convicted of domestic violence cannot lawfully possess a firearm.) I believe that theres an opportunity here to work together on a bipartisan basis to come up with a way to address this solution to a very real problem, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas told reporters on Tuesday. Cornyn has introduced a bill that would incentivize federal agencies to upload criminal conviction records into the background database. Theres enormous problems with the background check system. Thats one of the areas of consensus on a very contentious topic. Story continues But recent history suggests that doing so will not prove a particularly high legislative priority. After the Las Vegas shooting, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who has long been a vocal supporter of gun control, introduced a bill that would ban the sale and use of bump stocks. That was a month ago. Though several Republicans have criticized bump stocks, even writing to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to inquire why they were legal, they have not pressed the matter. Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Iowa Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Politico on Monday that he would soon convene a hearing on the matter of bump stocks, but that it had not been finalized. Senate Republican leadership could not offer any more specifics on Tuesday. I think that hearing will occur, Cornyn said. He also declined to say whether he would support Feinsteins bill, saying the current moment was premature. On Tuesday, NPR reported the Texas-based gun accessory vendor Slide Fire would resume its sale of bump stocks on its online store after indefinitely suspending them after last months shooting. A woman in Manchester, New Hampshire, is facing an animal cruelty charge after she allegedly killed her roommates pet ferret by cooking the small animal the oven. Ivana Clifford, 26, was arrested early Wednesday morning after officers responded to a report of smoke in an apartment building. The smoke detector woke us up, her roommate, Cara Murray, told CBS Boston. The smoke was coming from the apartments oven. When her boyfriend, James Klimavich, opened the appliance, he found a dead ferret inside, she said. The ferret was Angel, one of three belonging to Murray. Angel was very friendly, she was so cute, she was very energetic, she would run around with the other ferrets, Murray told CBS Boston. An angry roommate allegedly put this ferrets sister in the oven & killed it #7News Kimberly Bookman (@KimberlyBookman) November 8, 2017 How can someone be so cruel to put an animal in your oven? Cooking it alive? Murray said in an interview with WHDH. Firefighters confirmed to the station they found a ferret covered in burn marks in the apartment. We love our animals so much. It was just devastating, Murray said. Murray and Klimavich fingered Clifford as the suspect, and told police she was staying with them because she was 8 months pregnant, according to New England Cable News. Clifford was charged with one count of animal cruelty. She pleaded not guilty during her arraignment on Wednesday. Ivana Clifford in a police booking photo. (Photo: Manchester Police Dept) Clifford allegedly told police she killed the pet because Murray had stolen her clothes, but Murray believes did it because Angel bit Clifford a few hours earlier. Just nipped her, didnt even draw blood, and thats why she killed our ferret, Murray told New England Cable News. Judge Gillian Abramson said the allegations against Clifford display a profound sense of sadism and set bail at $10,000, according to WMUR TV. Story continues Murray is worried about Cliffords ability to mother a child once she gives birth. If she can throw a live ferret in the oven, what makes you think she wont throw a baby in the oven if it cries? Murray told NH1 News. Also on HuffPost Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. "Young L.A. Girl Slain; Body Slashed in Two" L.A.'s Daily News On Jan. 15, 1947, the remains of Elizabeth Short were found in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. What made this discovery the stuff of tabloid sensation, however, was the Glasgow smile left on the aspiring actress' face made with 3-inch slashes on each side. This, coupled with Short's dark hair, fair complexion and reputation for sporting a dahlia in her hair, led her to be dubbed "The Black Dahlia" in headlines. What followed was a media circus filled with rumors and speculation about the 22-year-old's checkered past. What haunts theorists to this day, apart from the victim's uniquely nightmarish visage, is that the case remains unsolved after some 200 suspects were interviewed and ultimately released, making it one of Hollywood's most lurid legends. "I Am Not Guilty - Thus Lizzie Borden Pleads Before Judge Hammond at New Bedford." Boston Journal "Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one." So goes the lurid nursery rhyme to one of the most mystifying crimes ever. The nature of the deaths of Andrew J. Borden and his wife, Abby, are trumped only by the identity of the alleged perpetrator: their daughter Lizzie. Inexplicably found "not guilty" in contrast to the era's more usual swift justice, Lizzie's legacy was to be immortalized as one of the most perplexing cases of parricide in history. "Texas Mother Charged with Killing Her 5 Children" CNN In a case of mother-gone-mad that startled a nation, Andrea Yates appeared to her few friends and family to be a recluse suffering from postpartum depression leading up to the birth of her fifth child. That all changed on June 20, 2001, when she drowned five of her children in their home's bathtub. She was convicted in 2002 of capital murder, carrying a sentence of life in prison with possible parole. In a 2006 retrial, however, a Texas jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity. She was committed to a mental health facility. "Buttafuoco Admits to Sex with Amy Fisher" New York Times Known as the "Long Island Lolita," Amy Fisher became involved with Joey Buttafuoco in May 1991. Shortly after the two began a sexual relationship (she was 16, while he was 35 and married with two children), his presence and influence in her life became all she cared for. Although he's since denied this, Buttafuoco would go on to help Fisher plan the murder of his wife, culminating in Fisher putting a bullet in Mary Jo Buttafuoco's head, but failing to kill her. In the highly publicized trial that ensued, Fisher accepted a plea deal for 15 years in prison in exchange for a testimony against Joey, who served out charges of statutory rape. "Murder of a Little Beauty" People Magazine With her face gracing the covers of nearly every news and gossip rag during the winter of 1996, it's hard to suggest that the death of child beauty pageant queen JonBenet Ramsey had little effect outside the city of Boulder, Colorado. She was found dead from a blow to the head and strangulation in the family's basement. There was a ransom note left on the staircase asking for $118,000 (conveniently or coincidentally, nearly the same amount Mr. Ramsey received as a bonus that year) and no obvious signs of forced entry into the house. The evidence appeared to be stacked against parents John and Patsy, who maintained their innocence throughout the investigation. The case reopened in 2010, but critics cite poor handling of the crime scene as why the mystery of the events of that Christmas day continues. "F.B.I. Joins Probe in Slaughter of 8 Nurses" Nashua Telegraph Tattooed with "Born to Raise Hell" on his arm, Richard Speck made good on his mantra through a history of violence, theft, alcoholism and spousal abuse. He achieved infamy when, on July 13, 1966, he walked into a dormitory armed with a knife and left eight student nurses dead in his wake. Only one, Cora Amurao, was spared, hiding under a bed until 6 a.m. Speck was found guilty of murder and died of a heart attack in prison. As one of the most press-worthy crimes of the decade, the grim events were used as the backdrop for an episode of "Mad Men." "Sharon Tate, Four Others Murdered" Los Angeles Times Perhaps the most terrifying figure in American crime to have never actually killed anyone himself, Charles Manson founded a "family" of wayward individuals who hailed him as a prophet. So strong was his manipulation that on the night of Aug. 8, 1969, he ordered four of his followers to kill everyone at the residence of 10050 Cielo Drive including movie director Roman Polanski's wife, Sharon Tate, and her unborn child. Tate was stabbed 16 times, and her blood was used to write "pig" on the house's front door. The next night, Manson accompanied six of his family to the residence of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, helping to bind them before ordering their deaths. In 1971, Manson and three of his fellow defendants were found guilty of murder in the first-degree and several other crimes. At the time, it was the longest murder trial in American history, spanning nine and a half months, as well as the most expensive, estimating $1 million. Manson was died in prison in 2017 at age 83. "Lindbergh Baby Kidnapped from Home of Parents on Farm Near Princeton; Taken from His Crib; Wide Search on" The New York Times Used as the basis for an Agatha Christie novel (Murder on the Orient Express) and dubbed "the biggest story since the Resurrection" by famed journalist H.L. Mencken, the kidnapping and murder of aviator Charles Lindbergh's infant son continues to fascinate theorists today. Charles Jr. was discovered missing from his second-floor bedroom on March 1, 1932, along with a note demanding a then-unimaginable $50,000, igniting a media frenzy like no other. The tabloid pandemonium prompted many tips and leads, but none as concrete as a package containing the boy's pajamas and another message demanding the ransom. After some misdirection from the presumed kidnapper, Lindbergh's child was discovered in the woods along a road near the family residence. Notwithstanding the evidence stockpiled against the easily vilified illegal German immigrant Bruno Hauptmann (who was sentenced to death), speculation prevails as to the true identity of the individual responsible for this tragic tale. "Not Guilty as Sin" New York Post Still fresh in the minds of many and not to be easily forgotten, the trial of Casey Anthony turned Orlando, Florida, into anything but the "happiest place on earth." Following a series of lies, misdirection and manipulation by then-22-year-old Casey, her daughter Caylee's skeletal remains were found five months into the investigation, setting the stage for what could only be described as the most incessantly publicized and shocking trial in recent memory. The media had a field day that went on for months, highlighting the young, pretty party-girl image used against Casey Anthony in court as the prosecution tore apart an aimless defense or so it seemed. After throwing her own family under the bus, incriminating people entirely made-up ("Zanny the Nanny"), and fabricating elaborate stories for the police, Anthony was found not guilty of murder due to evidence deemed mostly circumstantial and not meeting the burden of "beyond reasonable doubt," inciting much debate regarding whether true justice was served. "An American Tragedy" Time It was heralded as the "trial of the century." Former football star and actor O.J. Simpson found himself in the middle of the nation's biggest, most-televised trial following the deaths of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, but not before fleeing an all-points bulletin in his Ford Bronco with 20 units in tow, interrupting game 5 of the NBA Finals. With a dream legal team including Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, and Robert Kardashian, the defense claimed Simpson was merely a victim of police fraud with regard to contaminated DNA evidence. Cochran famously quipped, "If it [the glove] doesn't fit, you must acquit." On Oct. 3, 1995, an estimated 100 million people from around the world tuned in to watch the jury hand down a verdict of not guilty, costing an estimated $480 million in lost productivity. The case incited a discussion of race in the judicial system that continues to this day. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. A New York woman who admitted to causing her fiances drowning death during a kayaking trip on the Hudson River has been sentenced to up to four years in prison. Angelika Graswald, 37, received the maximum sentence allowed Wednesday after pleading guilty to negligent homicide in the death of Vince Viafore, who was killed when his kayak capsized and disappeared on April 19, 2015. Viafores kayak began sinking during the expedition after investigators say Graswald secretly removed a drain plug. He was not wearing a life vest or a wetsuit during the trip. His body was recovered more than a month later, on May 23, 2015. Graswald was arrested and originally charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in what prosecutors called a plot to kill her fiance to collect some of the $250,000 from his life insurance policies. During a 12-hour taped police interrogation 10 days after Viafore disappeared, Graswald repeatedly denied killing him. She also said she was OK with Viafores death and wanted him dead. Read: Could Woman Who Admitted Sabotaging Fiance's Kayak Before His Death Be Deported? Graswald in July agreed to plead guilty to the lesser felony charge of negligent homicide. The plea deal came weeks before Graswald was set to go to trial and in it, she admitted she should have perceived the risks and dangers of going out on the water that day. Viafores family was in court for the sentencing hearing and shared how much they loved their relative and how his death has affected their lives. "My brother did not deserve to have his life end this way," Viafore's sister, Laura Rice, said. "Our family feels Angelika should be held accountable for the actions she has admitted to where a short four year sentence does not seem just... The world lost a truly amazing person and we can never get him back. Read: Drunk Driver, 70, Sentenced to Just 30 Days in Jail After Fatally Striking 5-Year-Old Graswald has always maintained that she never meant to kill Viafore. Story continues I loved Vince very much and miss him terribly, Graswald said in a statement to the court through her lawyer, Richard Portale. I dont believe I was treated fairly. This entire process was incredibly one-sided and unjust. Graswald has been in prison since her arrest in 2015. She may be out of prison as early as this December, The Poughkeepsie Journal reported. After completing 16 months of parole, Graswald, a native of Latvia and a permanent U.S. permanent resident, may face deportation, prosecutors said. That would fall to the discretion of a federal judge. Related Articles: A woman says GOP Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Leigh Corfman, now 53, told The Washington Post in an article published Thursday that Moore, then a 32-year-old assistant district attorney, took off her shirt and removed his clothes in the 1979 incident. He touched her over her bra and led her hands to touch him over his underwear, she said. I wanted it over with I wanted out, Corfman told the paper. Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over. Three other women said Moore also made sexual advances to them when they were teenagers around the same time, according to the newspaper. Wendy Miller said she was working as a Santas helper at a mall when she was 14 when Moore first approached her. By the time she was 16, she said Moore was asking her out on dates. The age of consent was and continues to be 16 in Alabama. Moore, in a written statement to the Post, denied doing anything inappropriate. These allegations are completely false and are a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party and the Washington Post on this campaign, Moore said. In a series of tweets Moore posted on Thursday evening, he blamed the Obama-Clinton Machines liberal media lapdogs for launching a vicious and nasty round of attacks, and vowed not to back out of the Alabama race. We are in the midst of a spiritual battle with those who want to silence our message, Moore said. Rest assured, I will never give up the fight. A Moore spokesman called the accusations garbage and fake news. Judge Roy Moore has endured the most outlandish attacks on any candidate in the modern political arena, but this story in todays Washington Post alleging sexual impropriety takes the cake, campaign chairman Bill Armistead told HuffPost in a statement. National liberal organizations know their chosen candidate Doug Jones is in a death spiral, and this is their last ditch Hail Mary. Story continues This garbage is the very definition of fake news and intentional defamation, Armistead added. A special election for the U.S. Senate seat in Alabama vacated by now-Attorney General Jeff Sessions takes place Dec. 12. Moore is up against Democrat Doug Jones. In a statement released to HuffPost, Jones said, Roy Moore needs to answer these serious charges. Its unclear whether the allegations will affect Moores candidacy. The Alabama GOP didnt immediately respond to HuffPosts request for comment. Alabamas Republican secretary of state, John Merrill, had no comment on whether Moore should withdraw, but noted Moores name will still appear on the ballot in December. He called the allegations just another piece of information voters will have to consider. Other Moore supporters in the state were more direct. Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle whos running for governor and recently came under fire for offering his support to Moore told HuffPost, The allegations made against Roy Moore are very serious. If the allegations are true, then he does not need to be the Republican candidate for Senate. Senate Republicans quickly moved to distance themselves from Moore. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called the report disqualifying, saying in a statement that Moore should immediately quit the race. Other GOP senators called on Moore to withdraw if the allegations are true, including Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, David Perdue of Georgia, and in Moores home state of Alabama, Richard C. Shelby. The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) November 9, 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), meanwhile, told reporters Moore should step down if these allegations are true. James Lomax, an Alabama Republican who has attended party functions supporting Moore, told HuffPost that if the allegations are true, Moore should be removed from the race. If Roy Moore has had a bosom in one hand and a Bible in the other, he needs to immediately remove himself from this race and go find the God that he is always peddling, Lomax said. No amount of pithy campaign slogans can cover up these sins if real. Alabama politics have reached the height of hypocrisy. Moore has railed against same-sex marriage, referred to Islam as a false religion, and said the Sept. 11 terror attacks were punishment for the United States godlessness. He rose to chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court before being kicked off the bench for telling judges to defy federal court orders allowing gay marriage. I have prayed over this, Corfman told the Post. All I know is that I cant sit back and let this continue, let him continue without the mask being removed. According to Alabama reporter Beth Shelburne, Corfman told WBRC Friday she stands by her claims. I stand by my comments. The article is very detailed, anyone with questions should please re-read it. And I want to say thank you to my friends and others who have supported me and my story. This article has been updated with quotes from Twitter posts from Moore and comments from Corfman. Love HuffPost? Become a founding member of HuffPost Plus today. This article originally appeared on HuffPost. Mr Mugabe speaks at his party headquarters to show support to Grace Mugabe, right, becoming the party's next vice president - AFP Zimbabwes former vice president yesterday vowed to return home to fight for democracy as he revealed he had fled the country after being sacked and labelled a traitor. Emmerson Mnangagwa, 75, left his government office on Monday, several hours before Robert Mugabe, 93, the president, dismissed him and accused him of being deceitful and disloyal. The ex-vice president, reported to be in either Mozambique or South Africa, released a five-page statement via his family in Harare in which he said he would return to Zimbabwe to campaign against Mr Mugabe in elections next year. I will fight tooth and nail against those making a mockery of Zanu-PF founding principles, ethos and values, he said. Mr Mugabe yesterday told thousands of supporters that Mr Mnangagwa was a deviant, adding that he the deposed official had told supporters the president would retire in March. Upon realising that I wasnt, he started to consult traditional healers on when I was going to die. At some point, he was told that he would die before me, Mr Mugabe said. Emmerson Mnangagwa was labelled a 'traitor' by Zimbabwe's first lady Grace Mugabe Credit: AFP The move to sack Mr Mnangagwa clears a path to the presidency for Grace Mugabe, Zimbabwes first lady, who on Sunday labelled the ex-vice president a traitor. Mr Mnangagwa, who served the government for 37 years, was one of the first to launch armed attacks against white-minority Rhodesia and served 10 years in prison before going into exile in Mozambique. He then served at Mr Mugabes side as his personal assistant and bodyguard. Yesterday, the countrys War Veterans Association, which is loyal to Mr Mnangagwa, said it had expelled Mr Mugabe as its leader and formed a revolutionary council to take over Zanu-PF. Mr Mnangagwa addressed the president in his statement: This party is not personal property for you and your wife to do as you please... I have been accused of treasonous acts dating from 1980. This is not only fake but laughable the president knows this. He said Zanu-PF had been captured by minnows and the first family, but said he had never previously criticised Mr Mugabe. Story continues He accused Mrs Mugabe of corruption, said the country was undeveloped and that he hoped to transform Zimbabwe according to the original values of Zanu-PF. Let us bury our differences, and build a new and prosperous Zimbabwe, a country that is tolerant of divergent views, that respects opinion of others, that does not isolate itself from the rest of the world, because of one stubborn individual who believes he is entitled to rule this country until death, Mr Mnangagwa said. Mrs Mugabe is expected to be appointed to fill Mr Mnangagwas position as deputy to her husband at a Zanu-PF special congress next month. JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was fired by President Robert Mugabe this week, is safe and will travel to South Africa "very soon", the head of the war veterans Chris Mutsvangwa said on Wednesday. Mnangagwa's removal on Monday was a boost for Mugabe's wife, Grace, who has been a vocal critic of the former vice president and is seen as a potential successor to her husband. Mutsvangwa, a close ally of Mnangagwa, told reporters in Johannesburg that Grace was behind the purge of Mnangagwa and his allies. (Reporting by Ed Cropley; Writing by Joe Brock; Editing by James Macharia) By MacDonald Dzirutwe HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe said on Wednesday the route to leadership was long and full of "pitfalls and death", as he accused his fired deputy and former protege of showing impatience in his bid to succeed him. Addressing supporters at the headquarters of his ZANU-PF party in Harare, 93-year-old Mugabe accused Emmerson Mnangagwa of consulting witchdoctors and prophets as part of a campaign to secure the presidency. Mnangagwa, who was sacked by Mugabe on Monday and expelled from the ruling Zanu-PF party on Wednesday, said he had fled Zimbabwe because of death threats and was safe. "My sudden departure was caused by incessant threats on my person, life and family by those who have attempted before through various forms of elimination including poisoning," he said in a statement on Wednesday. The head of the influential war veterans association, Chris Mutsvangwa, said that Mnangagwa, 75, would travel to Johannesburg in neighbouring South Africa "very soon". Mugabe said Mnangagwa, nicknamed "Crocodile", had made the same mistakes as Joice Mujuru, who was the president's deputy for 10 years until she was fired in 2014. "You should not try to say because the journey is long, then I should take a short cut to arrive quickly. The road has lions. There are pitfalls. There is death, beware," he said. "There is no short cut to being the leader of the people. Just as there was no short cut to our independence." ZANU-PF would move to discipline Mnangagwa's "co-conspirators", Mugabe added. Mnangagwa has not been seen in public since his dismissal from government but his ally Mutsvangwa said he was "safe and beyond the reach of the assassins". Mutsvangwa ruled out trying to remove Mugabe by force and said war veterans, who had publicly backed Mnangagwa and broke ranks with the president last year, would form a broad front with the opposition in elections next year. Story continues "We don't want to abuse the military to resolve a political problem. We don't want them to become the arbiter of political power," Mutsvangwa said. He was critical of Mugabe's wife Grace, who looks set to become vice president after a special ZANU-PF congress in December. "This is a coup by marriage certificate ....and it will be resisted," he said. (Additional reporting by Ed Cropley and Joe Brock; Editing by James Macharia and John Stonestreet) You are the owner of this article. The UN and the Red Cross said a catastrophic situation threatened millions who rely on life-saving aid after Saudi Arabia decided to seal off all Yemens land crossings as well as ports and airports. Saudi Arabia decided to proceed to the closings of Yemens outlets in retaliation for a missile strike intercepted near the Saudi capital last week and fired by the Shia Houthi militia in Yemen. The United Nations on Tuesday urged the Saudi authorities to reopen the air routes and ports, fearing the blockade would sharply exacerbate an already dire humanitarian crisis in a country that has suffered through more than two years of a civil war, according to Reuters news agency. We are in touch with our counterparts and were trying to see whether we can get our normal access restored, and were hopeful that we will be able to continue our normal operations, U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said. Meanwhile, The International Committee of the Red Cross said Tuesday it was unable to get clearance to ship chlorine tablets used to prevent cholera from Saudi Arabia into Yemen, where a massive outbreak of the disease has affected more than 900,000 people. A spokeswoman for the Red Cross, Lolanda Jaquemet, said the shipment of chlorine tablets, while not huge, was critical, given the scale of the cholera outbreak. She also expressed concern about a shipment of 50,000 vials of insulin that were being shipped to the southern Yemeni port of Aden and due to arrive next week. According to the UN, more than 8,670 people 60% of them civilians have been killed and 49,960 injured in air strikes and fighting on the ground since the coalition intervened in Yemens civil war in March 2015. King Mohammed VI who was among the heads of state attending the opening Tuesday of the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi offered the Museum artworks dating back to the 19th century, namely a Holy Quran manuscript, a rifle, a sword and a cedar wood door from Fez. Moroccos King who is on a visit to Abu Dhabi took part in unveiling the Louvre Museum alongside French President Emmanuel Macron, who was accompanied by his spouse Brigitte macron, the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalifa President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in addition to UAE rulers and scores of other guests. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashed Al Maktoum, Vice Pres-dent of the UAE and Governor of Dubai, underlined in an inaugural address that the Louvre Abu Dhabi is an additional asset to the human heritage, and that the museum is a work of art that brings together the East and the West. The message of Louvre Abu Dhabi is that we draw our strength as humans from our interaction our strength is in our cultural exchange and in learning from each others experiences. Our strength is in thinking alike, in amity among peoples and in the alliance of civiliza-tions. The Museum is an inter-civilizational bridge, he said. A symbol of tolerance and communion, this museum stands for our capacity to fight evil forces of violence and hatred, said Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid, calling for a genuine inter-civilizational coalition to preserve human civilization. Echoing him, President Emmanuel Macron said the Louvre Abu Dhabi stands as a universal museum which ambitions to fight obscurantism. This Louvre of desert and light is a bridge between generations, cultures and East and West. By bringing together these masterpieces with other masterpieces from Arab antiquities, Islamic art, pre-Columbian art, and Chinese art, with artists from beyond ages as contemporary artists from Morocco, UAE and China, we are contemplating an epic fresco of civilizations coming together, said the French president. President Macron also congratulated the architect of the museum, Jean Nouvel, for having built a temple for beauty. Beauty builds a bridge between continents and generations, he said. This museum had a universal message, he added, referring to the UAEs role as pivotal and at the heart of a region with some of the worlds greatest challenges. The project was built under an agreement between France and Abu Dhabi in 2007 at the initiative of Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces. Its opening was initially set for 2012 but was delayed because of the global financial crisis and plummeting oil prices, sending the final cost soaring over its original $654 million budget to about $1 billion. The Abu Dhabi building, topped by a huge silver dome that weighs around 7,500 tons, is designed like an Arab medina (an ancient quarter of a city). It features a geometric structure of 7,850 stars and as the sun passes above, its light filters through the perforations in the dome to create an inspiring effect within the museum known as the rain of light, inspired by the palm trees of Abu Dhabi. First universal museum in the Arab World, the Louvre Abu Dhabi reflects through its 12 galleries (First Villages, First Great Powers, Civilizations and Empires, Universal Religions, Asian Trade Routes, From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, The World in Perspective, The Magnificence of the Court, A New Art of Living, A Modern World, Challenging Modernity, A Global Stage) the shared history of humankind via the different cultures and civilizations, embodies the dynamism of the contemporary Arab World and celebrates the regions multicultural heritage. The new museum, which boasts a permanent rich collection of over 600 artworks ranging from antiquity to present time, in addition to some 300 artefacts loaned from French museums, includes also a temporary exhibition area and other facilities. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Wednesday warned Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed ben Salman not to try warfare with his country. The warning came after Riyadh accused Iran of direct military aggression following the landing of a missile launched by Iran-backed Yemen Houthi rebels in Saudi Arabia over the weekend. Besides the firing of the missile into Saudi Arabia by the Yemeni rebels opposed to Saudi-backed President Abd Rabbuh Hadi, tensions between the two countries further flared up after Riyadh-backed Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri accused Iran for sowing tensions in the region in his resignation statement aired from Saudi Arabia. Rouhani, responding directly to Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, said Iran has overcome more powerful forces. You know the might and place of the Islamic republic. People more powerful than you have been unable to do anything against the Iranian people, Rouhani said. The United States and their allies have mobilized all their capabilities against us and achieved nothing. Rouhani was seemingly referring to the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988, in which the Revolutionary pushed off Iraqi invasion led by Saddam Hussein who enjoyed the support of western powers and Gulf Arab states. The Iranian leader reiterated that the Islamic Republic seeks peace with rivals in what could bring stability to the entire region while rejecting claims that it equips the Yemeni rebels. We want the welfare and development of Yemen, Iraq and Syria, and of Saudi Arabia too. There are no other paths forward than friendship, brotherhood and mutual assistance, he said. Rouhani also indicated that Riyadh is making a strategic mistake by becoming too cozy with the United States and Israel. Riyadh late last month denied reports that Crown Prince in September secretly travelled to Israel to meet with Jewish authorities. If you think that Iran is not your friend and that the United States and the Zionist regime (Israel) are, you are making a strategic and analytical error, the Iranian leader said. An Egyptian cassation court Wednesday lowered the prison sentence against activist Alaa Abdel Fattah to five years and dropped an accompanying term of hard labor. The defendant had been previously sentenced to 15 years in prison for challenging a protest ban in February 2014. Abdel Fattah, who has already been imprisoned for three years and half in prison, will have to serve the remaining year and half. The court verdict also put him on probation for five years after serving his term. Aged 35, Alaa Abdel Fattah, is a political activist who stood out for his fight for the independence of the judiciary under autocratic leader Hosni Mubarak. Known as a leading voice of liberal young Egyptian activists, he made a name for himself in the 2011 revolution that ousted Mubarak. A previous court ruling sentenced him for 15 years for staging an unauthorized protest in defiance of a 2013 law banning protests not green-lighted by the police. Abdel Fattah is still facing another charge for insulting the judiciary and a verdict is scheduled for December. If guilty, the activist may be given up to three years in jail. Abdel Fattah was represented in court Wednesday by his lawyer Khaled Ali, another prominent right activists and critic of President Fattah al-Sisi. Ali Monday announced his candidacy for 2018 presidential election. Thousands of activists have been hauled in prison since 2013 on fabricated charges. Some have been subject to forced disappearance. Al-Sisis regime on grounds of the war against terrorism has rolled back the gains of the 2011 revolution, which millions of Egyptians believed would bring prosperity, development and freedom. Palestinian Airlines is making its return in the skies of the Middle East once more after its first flight from Amman in Jordan to EL-Arish in Egypt was completed. It was the first flight of the airline since it was grounded in 2005. The company operated four airplanes under its possession but they have been reserved to the airports hangar due to the conditions imposed by Israel. The runaways of the airport were bombed in 2001 and torn by Israeli forces to make it inadaptable neither for landing nor takeoff. It also imposed restrictions on the airport thereby forcing the airline to suspend all its operations in Gaza. The airport, Yasser Arafat International Airport, is named after the 1st President of the Palestinian National Authority, chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and the leader of the Fatah political party, the late Yasser Arafat. Palestinian Airlines, founded in 1995, is the countrys national carrier. It flew to several destinations in the Middle East from Gaza international airport before 2005. It is now hoping to build on it again. After its first flight to Egypt, destinations such as Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates will soon start according to the airlines director general, Zayed Albad. He also added that the operations of the airline will ease the travel burden on the Palestinian population because the nearest airport is an average journey of 400-500 kilometres. Of their fleet, two Fokker airplanes are now active with two flights a week to El-Arish. Plans are also being made to serve pilgrims as the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia is approaching. The dispute over Western Sahara took a new turn when Rabat withdrew its confidence from United Nations envoy, Christopher Ross. He was sent as the UN Secretary Generals personal envoy to mediate between the two sides and help in finding a sound solution. In an official government statement, Christopher Ross was accused of being biased and having an unbalanced guidance in his decisions. He was also criticized for going against the conditions and guidelines for a neutral negotiation set at the UNs Security Council. Due to these reasons, Morocco has decided to withdraw its confidence in the personal envoy of the United Nations Secretary General for the Sahara, the statement mentioned. A UN report released last month about the dispute didnt escape criticism too. Moroccos Foreign Minister told Ban Ki Moon earlier last week that its contents were worrying. The official government statement went on further to insist that the abuses identified in the latest report of the U.N Secretary General on the Sahara, the worn out process of negotiations which still offers no prospects or opportunities for progress and finally paradoxes raised in the actions of the Secretary Generals personal envoy Christopher Ross . The UN report accused Morocco of implementing strategies that undermined efforts of the UN to report on events in the Sahara. The UN stood firm beside Christopher Ross saying that the Secretary General has complete confidence in Christopher Ross. Annexed by Morocco after the departure of the Spanish in 1975, the territory has witnessed conflicts between Morocco and the Polisario Front, whom are fighting for independence. In a move to settle their differences, the Kingdom has decided to give the Sahara an autonomy status under Moroccos sovereignty. The Polisario Front and Algeria have rejected the proposal while it is gaining more support worldwide. France has renewed its backing to Moroccos plan to grant autonomy status to Western Sahara in a bid to resolve the decades-old territorial dispute opposing the North African Kingdom to Polisario front. Morocco has offered to make Western Sahara largely autonomous while keeping it under its sovereignty but the Polisario, which is supported by Algeria, has rejected the proposal. Paris firm stand on this issue was voiced by French development minister, Pascal Canfin at a joint press conference held in Rabat. French position has not changed, said Mr. Canfin. We support Moroccos autonomy plan which remains for us the only realistic proposal on the negotiating table, added the French official during his trip to Morocco. He also said that his country backs efforts seeking a political solution to the Western Sahara conflict within the frame of the United Nations and relevant resolutions. The same view was expressed lately by former French foreign minister Alain Juppe and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, describing Moroccos plan as serious, credible and realistic. But the Algerian-backed Polisario Front, which is fighting for independence for Western Sahara, continues to turn down the Moroccan offer, putting UN-brokered talks on this issue in a deadlock. In a report released by the United Nations, the lack of necessary infrastructure in water, health, education and sanitation will make the Gaza Strip not to be a liveable place by 2020 if required actions are not implemented. The population is also set to past the 2 million mark in the same year as it stands at 1.6 million presently, according to estimates. The report also warned that Gaza is being affected by a housing shortage. It also needs twice the number of schools in eight years. However, its unique source of fresh water, the coastal aquifer, might become unusable as early as 2016. The reported claimed that the blockade of Gaza as a major contributor to the situation. UN officials point to the difficulty of improving the situation given the closure of the Gaza Strip, violent conflict, and the pressing need for Palestinian reconciliation. Israel tightened a blockade on Gaza after the Islamist movement Hamas came to power in the territory in 2007 saying it will help limit weapons reaching Hamas. The blockade is in collaboration with Egypt. UNs humanitarian chief in Gaza, Maxwell Gaylard, said an urban area cannot survive without being connected, and Gaza has neither sea nor air ports. Its economy relies heavily on outside funding and smuggling through tunnels under the Egyptian border but the recent assault on the Egyptian army in the Sinai region has brought a halt to such activities. Even though Gaza has experienced some economic growth in recent years, the report says it does not seem to be sustainable and finds that population is worse off now than in the 1990s. King Mohammed VI of Morocco is undertaking a new tour to Gulf countries that started by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where he arrived on Tuesday. The sovereign is expected to spend five days in the UAE, the first leg of his Gulf tour before he heads to Qatar on November 12. The king visit coincides with the official inauguration Wednesday of the Abu Dhabi Louvre Museum, the first universal museum in the Arab world to promote tolerance against fanaticism. The Monarch is accompanied during this visit by an official delegation composed of three of his advisors as well as minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation. The Gulf crisis opposing Qatar to a quartet, made up of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, is expected to top the kings talks with his hosts. At the outbreak of the Gulf last June, Morocco announced it would remain neutral in the conflict and King Mohammed VI offered to mediate among the conflicting countries. Experts say Moroccos decision to play the card of neutrality in the Qatar-GCC rift is strategic as it is preserving the balanced relationship between King Mohammed VI and the Gulf rulers. The West African Development Bank (BOAD) has granted a $70 million loan to Burkina Faso to support three priority projects of the West African nations National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES). The loan will allow the country to develop its infrastructure. It will fund the feasibility study of three dams; the development of 600 hectares of land on the Faga river; and the maintenance of the interconnected electricity grid, according to the Lome-based bank. These three loan agreements bring to more than $898 million the total commitments of the sub regional bank in Burkina Faso. President Roch Marc Kabore, who was elected in 2015, has announced an infrastructure development plan that aims to create jobs and boost economic growth of the landlocked nation. According to Kabore, Burkina needs to improve access to water, healthcare and education. The government has committed $819 million for infrastructure projects earlier this year to prioritize the building of schools, roads, medical facilities, and water infrastructure. The country of 19 million produces cotton and gold but remains impoverished. Its economy has slowed due to lower global commodity prices and reduced investment during a democratic transition between 2014 and 2015. President of Botswana Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama will step down as president in April next year when his term officially ends. In an address to the nation, Khama who was re-elected for a second term in 2014 said he will leave the office to the Vice-President Mokgweetsi Masisi in April 2018. The late will serve as interim president until the elections in 2019. President Khama, who also leads the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), said the country can achieve its vision by coming together to build the country. The 64 year-old leader who is also the son of Sir Seretse Khama, Botswanas first post-independence leader, took over as president in April 2008. He was re-elected for a second term in 2014. Botswana is one of Africas most stable countries and the continents longest continuous multi-party democracy. The landlocked nation boasts one of the highest rates of income per capita in the world. Under Khamas leadership, the diamond-rich nation was relatively free of corruption and has a good human rights record. However, critics describe him as an authoritarian leader. According to Reuters, the wealthy southern African country, whose main exports are diamonds and beef, has struggled to grow its economy at faster pace since 2015 when commodity prices collapsed. Five students at Algiers 3 University have been handed jail terms ranging from 12 months to 18 months for physically assaulting lecturers in an incident early this year. A court in the city of Bir Mourad Rais pressed the terms against the students who were accused of aggressing lecturers from the school of Political Science and Information after breaking into the National Council of Higher Education Teachers (CNES)s meetings in February. The students, according to one teacher, interrupted a meeting and physically assaulted their lecturers. The lecturers also accused the University Rector Rabah Cheriet of involvement in the aggression. Reports say the incident took place in connection with a case of falsification of the results of the doctoral study competition in European Studies in which the director was implicated. The court ruling sentenced three of students to 18 months in prison on absentia. The other two were handed 12-month jail terms. A security officer reportedly involved in the incident was handed a suspended one-year prison sentence. The students may also face immediate dismissal from the university, one teacher further noted after indicating that the case has been brought to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will strengthen links between EU, Eastern Partners, says EU The European Union (EU) has welcomed the opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and said it is a major step in transport connections linking the EU, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Central Asia."The European Union welcomes the new rail corridor which, coupled with investments, improved infrastructure and logistics coordination will provide for better connectivity, new business opportunities and increased trade. This is at the heart of its Eastern Partnership as well as of its Central Asia strategy, the EU said in a statement.It added that the EU has always supported projects aiming at improving connectivity with its neighbouring partner countries.It said that with further improvements of transport links between Turkey and Bulgaria as well as between Azerbaijan and Central Asia, this project will provide fast and reliable land connection between Europe and Asia along the ancient Silk Route."We are also supporting the Southern Gas Corridor which will provide similar energy interconnection, the statement added.Azerbaijani and Turkish presidents, prime ministers of Georgia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, and ministers of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, participated in the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway opening on Monday.Initially the railway is expected to carry nearly 1 million passengers and 6.5 million tons of freight annually before unlocking a freight transportation potential of up to 50 million tons per year.The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway is a key link in the modern Silk Road Railway that aims to carry goods between Beijing and London. Saakashvili does not intend sit quietly in Georgian prison By Messenger Staff Georgias ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili, who is now in Ukraine, talked about his possible extradition to Georgia in his interview with TV Company Rustavi 2, saying he is not going to sit quietly in a Georgian prison.Saakashvili, who currently has no citizenship, claims the Ukrainian authorities will not be able to extradite him under legal procedures and the only chance is to "kidnap" him and transfer him to his home country, where he is wanted for four charges.He underscored that the scenario will accelerate the end of the ruling of both Petro Poroshenko, Ukraines President, and Bidzina Ivanishvili, founder of the Georgian Dream coalition, who is described as a real ruler of the country by Saakashvili and the Georgian opposition."Although they made some maneuvers - our three boys were kidnapped by the special forces, a completely unprecedented case. They are creating problems, this is their style, Saakashvili said referring to the body guards who have been extradited from Ukraine to Georgia under rough conditions several days ago.It is nonsense that they will extradite me. They are not able to do this either politically or legally, Saakashvili added.There are many people in Georgia, especially those supporting the United National Movement party, who hope that Saakashvili will return and change the current state leadership.However, the other significant part of the population believes that the former president will never come back and in case he does, most likely he will be incarcerated. @NewsbySmiley In South Florida, where exile politics still weighs heavy, Tuesday's election in the city of Miami had a surprising result. Not the mayoral election of Francis Suarez, born the son of Cuban exiles and a lock to win the election. But the 1,393 votes cast for his closest competitor, Socialist Workers Party candidate Cynthia Mason Jaquith. That's 5.5 percent of the vote. Jaquith, 70, ran a bare-bones campaign that reported just $102 raised the Friday before the election. During a candidates' interview with the Miami Herald Editorial Board, she suggested the city look to communist Cuba for inspiration on good governance. So, is Miami slowly warming to big government? Or did Jaquith get votes as the only woman on the ballot and a candidate eligible for all anybody-but-Suarez votes. In an interview Thursday, Jaquith said she got a good reception while door-knocking during the campaign, but isn't making a big deal of the results, which still amounted to less than 1 percent of Miami's registered electorate. "The great majority of workers we spoke to said 'Yes, we need a different party, not Democrat or Republican.' We talked about building a workers party," she said. "But I wouldn't say this now proves something." @alextdaugherty Florida Sen. Bill Nelson is a member of the Senate Finance Committee tasked with drafting the chamber's tax overhaul after the House of Representatives released their version last week. He isn't happy with how things are going. When asked if there are any areas of potential compromise for Democrats and Republicans on a tax bill, Nelson chuckled. "How can I answer that when I don't know that they're going to do?" Nelson said, adding that Finance Committee chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, "doesn't seem to be cooperating at all." "They're cutting out the members of the Finance Committee who happen to be Democrats," Nelson said. "They're accelerating saying that they're going to file it (the tax bill) today or tomorrow and that we're going to markup on Monday. That's no hearings, nothing. This is not the way to make complicated tax law." Nelson, who often touts the benefits of bipartisanship, is one of 12 Democrats on the Finance Committee. A leaked memo of the Senate tax plan released Thursday sets the child tax credit at $1,650, $50 higher than $1,600 House proposal but lower than the $2,000 proposal championed by Sen. Marco Rubio. Rubio has said that he will not vote for a tax plan if the current $1,000 child tax credit tax credit doesn't at least double. Nelson, Florida's only Democrat holding statewide office, is up for reelection in 2018 and is likely to face a challenge from Gov. Rick Scott. @alextdaugherty Miami Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo had a Capitol Hill sitdown with Ivanka Trump on Thursday, as the president's daughter has become a fixture in Congress while the House and Senate debate a proposal to overhaul the nation's tax code. Curbelo, who did not support Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, is a member of the House tax writing committee responsible for drafting the details of a tax proposal. "Great to have Ivanka Trump in the Capitol today to discuss the pro-family Tax Reform being considered by the Ways and Means GOP Committee," Curbelo tweeted. Great to have @IvankaTrump in the Capitol today to discuss the pro-family #TaxReform being considered by the @WaysandMeansGOP Committee. Rep. Carlos Curbelo (@RepCurbelo) November 9, 2017 Trump met with Sen. Marco Rubio on multiple occasions to discuss an expansion of the child tax credit to at least $2,000 in recent months, though Rubio isn't happy that the initial House proposal only expands the current $1,000 credit to $1,600. The House tax plan, dubbed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, can pass with a simple majority of Republicans in the House and Senate. @PatriciaMazzei Philip Levine, the newest entrant into Florida's Democratic race for governor, collected more than $1 million for his political committee in October, according to his campaign. Levine, a multi-millionaire who formally launched his candidacy last week, raised a little less than $900,000 and donated a little more than $100,000 to his All About Florida committee, his campaign said Thursday, touting his total haul so far: about $5.8 million. None of the candidates' monthly financial reports, either for their campaign or committee accounts, have yet to be posted by to the Florida Division of Elections' website, because they're not due until Monday. Levine didn't have a campaign account yet because he wasn't officially in the race. "In the year ahead -- as more Floridians learn about Philip and his progressive vision for our state -- we believe voters will continue to provide us with the necessary resources to take our message to every corner of the state, from the Panhandle down to the Keys," Christian Ulvert, a Levine senior adviser, said in a statement. The only other Democratic candidate who has announced his October fundraising, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, said Tuesday that he drew about $80,000. Gillum brought in a new finance director last month after losing his campaign manager and deputy campaign manager. Gillum's fundraising languished over the summer after an FBI investigation into City Hall became public. "With under one year until Election Day 2018, Mayor Gillum and our entire team around the state are thrilled about our grassroots fundraising momentum," Gillum's campaign said in a statement. "Everyday Floridians are giving us the resources we need to communicate with our voters through the primary and general election next fall, and we're excited for the road ahead." Gillum, who has said he's not the target of the investigation, took in a single contribution in October, for $2,500, to his Forward Florida committee, according to its website. Last month, former Tallahassee Rep. Gwen Graham brought in more than $180,000 for her campaign and about $165,000 for her committee, Our Florida, her campaign said Thursday, bringing her total raised thus far to more than $4 million. "From Pensacola to Key West, Floridians are fed up with Trump-style politics and they are engaged like never before," Graham said in a statement that added she has received contributions from more than 10,000 individuals, a "milestone." "Our campaign is building a coalition of Floridians from every part of this state and every community. That's how we won in 2014 and that's how we're going to turn Florida blue in 2018." Orlando entrepreneur Chris King's campaign said it raised nearly $152,000 in October. His committee, Rise and Lead, Florida, raked in about $55,000 during the month, for a total of about $2.7 million since launching the campaign. The committee has about $1.6 million cash on hand, the campaign said. @PatriciaMazzei @FrancoOrdonez Denouncing last months regional Venezuelan elections as irregular, the Trump administration imposed new individual sanctions Thursday against 10 Venezuelans it accused of undermining democracy, censoring the news media and engaging in the corrupt administration of government-run food programs. The Treasury Department froze U.S. assets, banned U.S. travel and prohibited Americans from doing business with top allies of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, including his chief of staff, two sitting ministers and one of the all-powerful Constituent Assemblys vice presidents. As the Venezuelan government continues to disregard the will of its people, our message remains clear: the United States will not stand aside while the Maduro regime continues to destroy democratic order and prosperity in Venezuela, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement obtained by the Miami Herald ahead of its planned release. The Constituent Assembly swore in the winners of an Oct. 15 election the Treasury Department said was marked by numerous irregularities that strongly suggest fraud that helped Maduros ruling socialist party win a majority of governorships. The government ignored opposition calls for an independent audit of the results. Thursdays penalties brings to 40 the total number of Venezuelans sanctioned by the U.S. for undermining the South American countrys democracy including Maduro himself, whom Mnuchin has labeled a dictator. All four pro-Maduro members of Venezuelas five-member National Electoral Council are now on the list. More here. Photo credit: Ariana Cubillos, Associated Press Chinese e-commerce giant has struck a $300 million beef deal with the Montana Stockgrowers Association, including $100 million for a new packing plant. signed the agreement with Montana's largest livestock organization in mid-October, but kept it quiet until President Donald Trump's visit Wednesday to China. is the world's third largest Internet retailer, behind Amazon and Google. Stockgrower's Executive Vice President Errol Rice and Miles City Rancher Fred Wacker were in Beijing for the signing ceremony. " is wanting these cattle from the great state of Montana, known for its fresh water and its clean air and tasty, tender beef," Wacker said. "We're now at the point where we go to ranchers and get them signed up." Ranchers will supply $200 million worth of Montana-sourced beef to beginning in January 2018 and continuing through 2020. At a minimum, JD is expected to buy 80,000 to 90,000 cattle, Wacker said. The agreement is expected to increase 2018 Montana beef exports by almost 40 percent, according the U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics. The agreement is nonbinding. The $200 million beef buy will be progressively stepped in over three years, topping out at $80 million in 2020. Construction on a packing plant and feedlot is expected to begin next spring, according to the terms in the October memorandum of agreement. The location for the slaughterhouse hasn't been announced. The deal stems from a Sept. 9 meeting with Chinese officials in Maudlow arranged by U.S. Sen Steve Daines, R-Mont. At the meeting, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Cui Tianka, flanked by representatives from the China Chamber of Commerce U.S., laid out terms Montana ranchers would have to meet to do business in China. Daines scored the meeting after traveling to China in April to talk beef with China Premier Li Keqiang. On that trip, the senator presented Li with a small Coleman cooler containing Montana steaks. "Its just remarkable to think that its gone from Maudlow to Beijing in the course of a couple months, and I give all the credit to Fred Wacker and Errol Rice, who are out there advocating on behalf of Montana beef, Daines told The Gazette. And I dont want anyone to forget that when we took those steaks to the premier of China back in April, those were steaks that I hand-carried from Fred Wackers ranch in Miles City. From the beginning, Wacker said he wanted Montana to break away from the processing herd by butchering its own beef and selling it under the Montana brand. That's a tall order in a country where cattle from multiple states are funneled into a few large meatpacking plants where the animals' state identity is lost. At the September meeting, Cui suggested that acquiring Chinese investors would give Montana beef a leg up in China. By October, that investment focused on creating a feedlot and packing plant in Montana. Bank of China has signed onto the memorandum of agreement as financier. Montana's agriculture community is no stranger to foreign investment. Many grain elevators in the state are owned by Japanese companies determined to secure supply and control quality of U.S. wheat. U.S. beef trade with China only recently thawed after a 13-year ban stemming from a 2003 Washington state case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as mad cow disease. During the 13-year ban, China's demand for beef grew with the nation's burgeoning middle class. American ranchers watched with their noses pressed up against the glass as Chinese restaurants and supermarkets served up increasing amounts of beef from other countries. China imported 825,000 tons of beef in 2016. Wacker's Cross Four Ranch raises antibiotic-free, implant-free Angus cattle for Whole Foods. The Miles City ranch is already marketing the kind of cattle sold in China's high-end beef market. Wacker said most Montana ranchers are very close to meeting the same requirements. There are other nations selling beef into China that can out-compete U.S. producers on sales in lower- and mid-range quality grades. Shipping costs put U.S. producers at a disadvantage when competing against competitors like Australia, which by ship is 10 days closer to the nearest Chinese port. To turn a dollar, Montana producers have to target the high-end market. Wacker said Montana can meet the order. "The rules are very simple. They have to have source and age verification. They have to have and EID tag in their ear, a branch that says this is the ranch they were born and raised on. And they have to not have had any implants," Wacker said. Ranchers would be assured the highest market price on the day their cattle were sold, Wacker said. Because the contract with is with the Montana Stockgrowers Association, the group will be taking on more of a cooperative role with members committed to delivering on a sale. MSGA traditionally focuses on state and federal policy issues. "We want to focus on policy advocacy as kind of our core business in the state Legislature and in Washington," Rice said. "But we also want to focus on how can we create value for our cow-calf sector in Montana through efforts that can commoditize beef through the supply chain," Rice said. "Obviously this discussion has been around, 'Can we create infrastructure in Montana that can grow our feeding capacity and we actually invest in processing to put attributes on cattle that fit a unique and dynamic market like China?'" Montana sells about one million head of cattle annually. The Chinese are already investing in Montana, to the tune of $17 million, according to Cui. Beijing-based Goldwind, the world's second-largest manufacturer of wind turbines, built a 14-turbine wind farm near Shawmut in 2012. The turbines are made in China. The wind farm will supply electricity to NorthWestern Energy into the 2030s. The beef agreement announced Wednesday would be China's first direct investment in Montana agriculture production. Its been nearly 33 years since Montana had a meatpacking plant of significant size. Among the last, Pierce Packing Co., tore a 500-job hole in the Billings economy when it closed in 1984. Pierce was a regional giant, but the consolidation in the U.S. meatpacking industry pushed the 50-year-old company to extinction. Midland Packing Co. closed in Billings in February of 1985. There have been several attempts to revive Montana meatpacking, but most production is small scale. "When you think about what we need to do in Montana over the next 10 years to make sure we keep growing our operations, getting production up, getting prices up, this could be a game changer," Daines said. The Montana Wilderness Associations Shining Mountains Chapter hosts a free presentation on grizzlies in the Gobi desert by Douglas Chadwick, wildlife biologist, natural history journalist and author of 14 books, including The Wolverine Way, and numerous articles on subjects from snow leopards to great whales to grizzly bears in the Gobi desert. U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., said Thursday that Roy Moore, the conservative GOP candidate for Alabama's empty Senate seat, should withdraw from the race if allegations that he sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl are true. These are very serious allegations and if true he should step down, said Daines, who had endorsed Moore earlier this week. The Washington Post on Thursday reported that Moore sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl in 1979, when he was a district attorney in Alabama. The newspaper also reported three other women said Moore pursued them when they were between 16-18 years old and Moore was in his 30s, but said he did not force them into a sexual relationship. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, also called on Moore to withdraw. If these allegations are true, he must step aside, McConnell said in a statement. In September, Moore defeated Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the Senate seat vacated when Jeff Sessions became attorney general. Strange was supported by Republican President Donald Trump. Moore is running against Democrat Doug Jones, a former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama. The special election is Dec. 12. Moore released a statement Thursday calling the Post's story a "baseless political attack," claiming if the allegations were true they would have been made public earlier. In endorsing Moore earlier this week, Daines called him "a principled conservative, and he will help reform Washington and return power to the people of America. I look forward to working with Judge Moore on ideas to cut taxes, rein in the national debt, and boost job growth. As a member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, I welcome Judge Moores perspective on strengthening the military and protecting American soil. Roy Moore served honorably in Vietnam as an Army officer, and he has the mud-on-the-(boots) experience we need in the U.S. Senate. I am proud to endorse his candidacy. Moore, a former Alabama Supreme Court judge who was removed from the bench for refusing to remove a carving of the 10 Commandments, was also endorsed by Republican Sens. Mike Lee of Utah; Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Ted Cruz and John Cornyn of Texas. BEIJING Montana already has a hoofprint in the Chinese restaurant world, even if the burger comes from Australia. The Blue Frog restaurant chain features a Montana hamburger piled high with onion rings, bacon strips and barbecue sauce on its menu in high-end shopping malls throughout the Chinese capital city. Harlowton native Bob Boyce started the business in 1999, and had franchises in almost every major Chinese city by 2015. Whether the chain will be able to capitalize on a new deal between Montana beef producers and the Chinese online retailer remains to be seen. U.S. beef faces several hurdles even though it won access to the Chinese market in 2016. The most obvious is price: Chinese retailers charge nearly twice as much for American beef as they do for the same cuts of steak from Australia or South American suppliers. Part of that has to do with more favorable import tariffs those older trade partners enjoy, and part is the relative scarcity of the American supply. Overall, beef is a premium ingredient at Chinese grocery stores, with choice cuts selling for $20 a kilo or more. Custom will be another challenge. Chinese diners consume lots of pork in a fantastic variety of forms, but have significantly fewer beef recipes. Hamburgers and steaks fall in the category of foreign food in China; a novelty for special occasions rather than a routine meal. The Montana burger at Blue Frog costs $15. Then theres the meat itself. Several Chinese shoppers told the Missoulian that U.S. beef looks different more reddish than the Southern Hemisphere beef theyre accustomed to. And American expatriates said they despaired of finding a steak in Beijing that had the mouth feel and richness they enjoyed back home. Sen. Steve Daines, who worked in China for Proctor and Gamble earlier in his career, said the new market will take some time to find its steady state, and Montanans have to be patient as it develops. Were just in an early stage, said Daines, a Republican. It will take some time to adjust to Chinese requirements. But as I was joking with the Chinese premier, Australian beef has a distinct kangaroo taste. Veterans Day in Missoula will have a different feel to it this year. For one thing, the county courthouse lawn is fenced off and under renovation. American Legion Post 101s annual program of speeches and tributes under the World War I doughboy statue wont take place there Saturday morning but at the pavilion of the new Fort Missoula Regional Park across town. For another, Dan Gallagher and Dan Krieg will be there in memory only. The Dans, both Vietnam veterans, were leaders of Forgotten Warriors Post 101 and movers behind its Veterans Day ceremony since they helped start the post and the November tradition 36 years ago. They died last December within 12 days of each other, and their absences are profoundly felt in the days leading up to Nov. 11. To my knowledge they pretty much put it all together, said Clinton Decker, Post 101s Junior Vice Commander. Were trying our best to fill some tall shoes. Gallagher was ailing last November and his children, two of whom are members of Post 101, helped organize the ceremony. Colin Gallagher lives in Las Vegas and he stops in every time hes in Missoula, Decker said from Post 101 headquarters at the Old Post Pub on West Spruce Street. Hes got a wealth of knowledge. Were still trying to pick his brain. The losses of the Dans created another, deeper void. It kind of left the post in question about what was going to happen to it, said Decker. With their passing they hadnt really passed the torch. The Montana American Legions District 5 leaders held an emergency meeting in January to address the situation. Thats when we all joined, said Decker. Hes 35 years old. New post commander Sergej Michaud is 34, and a Purple Heart winner from the Iraq war. The Forgotten Warriors post was established for Vietnam veterans, and there are still those, including chaplain Keith Jensen, among its 43 members. But Michaud, a graduate student at the University of Montana on the GI Bill, said most are veterans of the Iraq-Afghanistan war era are in their 20s and 30s. Thats far younger than the average Legionnaire age of 64. Were actually one of the youngest posts, at least in Montana, so its been kind of a short period of time revamping it, restructuring it and reorganizing it where it can be, No. 1, more efficient and, No. 2, do its primary job giving back to veterans and families in the community, said Michaud. That doesnt mean forgetting Veterans Day and Post 101s traditional role in its observance. We are going to continue as we always have, Michaud said. Our main goal is continue the legacy. The post committee agreed the speeches should be kept short and, considering the weather, the whole ceremony will limited to an hour, tops. That will keep it more fluid, but still touching, Michaud said. Its going to be our first one for the younger guys, so itll be kind of like a trial. Well have an after-action to see what can be improved on next year. He misses Gallagher, Michaud said. He was the one who recruited me four years ago. He and I used to sit at the Old Post and talk about history. Wed sit down for a 20- or 30-minute lunch and talk for three or four hours about Missoula history, the history of his family, his Irish heritage. Wed trade stories between Vietnam and Iraq. As usual, Mayor John Engen is on Saturdays slate of speakers. So are representatives from the Missoula County Commission and the offices of U.S. Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines. As post commander, Michaud will speak in the role so many times assumed by Gallagher, who in 2006 closed his address by thanking attendees for enduring the cold November wind. It provided, he said, a small taste of the sacrifices war veterans made for them. They need to hear of the pride and love that's held for them," Gallagher said that day. "No amount of pride and honor at a ceremony can replace the warmth of a simple thank you." The new University of Montana president will be paid a $313,845 annual salary as proposed in contract terms the Montana Board of Regents will consider next week. However, deferred compensation such as $500,000 packages earlier given to flagship presidents is not included in the contract, according to the agenda item posted Wednesday. This fall, Montana Commissioner of Higher Education Clayton Christian announced General Electric executive Seth Bodnar would be UM's next president. The news followed a national search for candidates, visits to campus by four finalists, and public input. The Regents will take up the hiring contract at their November meeting. Bodnar, considered the nontraditional candidate because his career has been spent mostly outside academia, will receive a salary that, if approved, is at the same level as interim UM President Sheila Stearns' and Montana State University President Waded Cruzado's, according to the Commissioner's Office. "We were able to complete this recruitment without having to make any commitments or arrangements on deferred compensation," said Kevin McRae, deputy commissioner for communications in the Commissioner's Office. It is possible that Bodnar and Christian will discuss deferred compensation over the course of the next year, McRae said. But he said the university system has never been able to hire a new president at the same salary level as its current presidents. "The good news is that the salary is certainly a deal," he said. Engstrom was paid a few thousand dollars less in his final year as president. This summer, a national Chronicle of Higher Education survey put the pay at Montana's flagships at 73 percent of the median. The average salary was $501,398, up 5.3 percent from the previous fiscal year, according to the Chronicle. McRae did not know the reason deferred compensation was not part of Bodnar's contract, but he said it typically has been used as a retention tool. *** In 2010, when former UM President Royce Engstrom and MSU's Cruzado took their campus leadership posts, Montana University System salaries were low compared to those in surrounding states, according to the Commissioner's Office at the time. The difference was around $60,000 a year, and to offer competitive compensation without having to fund a higher salary up front, the Regents agreed the presidents each would qualify for $500,000 in deferred compensation after five years' service. The presidents would receive annual $50,000 installments paid from age 65 to 75, according to the Commissioner's Office. In November 2015, the Regents approved another $500,000 in deferred compensation for Cruzado. One year later, Engstrom gave up the chance at a second round himself; he said he did not believe it would be appropriate for him to request another contract given the stressed financial situation at UM. An enrollment decline has continued to affect the UM budget. Other items in the incoming president's contract include the following: University-owned residence "with the expectation that a reasonable amount of university-related events and university business shall be conducted there," A monthly vehicle allowance; the contract does not specify an amount but does note it will be provided in accordance with the Regents' policy, Retirement, health, life and disability insurance benefits, and An initial term through June 30, 2020, with a start date to be finalized between the commissioner and next president. A committee to search for the University of Montana's next provost is seated, incoming UM President Seth Bodnar and Dean Chris Comer announced this week. "In building the committee, we worked with shared governance leadership with the goal to assemble a representative group of thoughtful individuals who can bring a wealth of perspectives in making this important selection," wrote Bodnar and Comer in an email to campus. "The committee is a mix of members from the previous provost search, the presidential search, representatives from our shared governance senates, and students, faculty and staff." The members are: Christopher Comer , dean, College of Humanities & Sciences (search committee chair) , dean, College of Humanities & Sciences (search committee chair) David Beck , professor, Department of Native American Studies , professor, Department of Native American Studies Jason Begay , assistant professor, School of Journalism , assistant professor, School of Journalism Mary-Ann Bowman , associate professor and BSW Program director, School of Social Work , associate professor and BSW Program director, School of Social Work Richard Bridges , Regents professor, Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences , Regents professor, Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Alex Butler , ASUM Ssnator , ASUM Ssnator John Cech , deputy commissioner Academic, Research, and Student Affairs, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education , deputy commissioner Academic, Research, and Student Affairs, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education John DeBoer , associate professor, School of Theatre and Dance , associate professor, School of Theatre and Dance Stephanie Domitrovich , academic advisor, Department of Health & Human Performance , academic advisor, Department of Health & Human Performance Doug Emlen , professor, Division of Biological Sciences , professor, Division of Biological Sciences Stacey Gordon , associate professor and director of the Jameson Law Library, Alexander Blewett III School of Law , associate professor and director of the Jameson Law Library, Alexander Blewett III School of Law Terri Herron , professor and MAcct Program director, School of Business Administration , professor and MAcct Program director, School of Business Administration Marci Lewandowski , Graduate & Professional Student Association , Graduate & Professional Student Association Brenna Love , ASUM vice president , ASUM vice president Shannon OBrien , dean, Missoula College , dean, Missoula College Andrea Rhoades , program coordinator, Office of Academic Enrichment , program coordinator, Office of Academic Enrichment Matt Riley , chief information officer , chief information officer Sara Rinfret , associate professor and MPA Program director, Department of Political Science , associate professor and MPA Program director, Department of Political Science Hillary Stowell, director of Academic Fiscal Affairs, Office of the Provost UM hopes to name the next provost before the end of the academic year, according to the email. Updates will be posted online here. The campus currently has interim officials in three top cabinet posts. Although he already is involved in UM operations, General Electric executive Bodnar officially will take the helm in January from interim President Sheila Stearns. In a text this week, Bodnar said he wants to ensure a smooth transition from interim Provost Beverly Edmond to the permanent provost once hired, but UM officials haven't yet decided whether Edmond will continue in an interim capacity through the search. She's served as interim provost since summer 2016. Rosi Keller has been serving as interim vice president of administration and finance since the start of this semester, and Bodnar said the timeline for this search has not been determined. In their email update to the campus, Bodnar and Comer said the search for a provost will be expeditious and thorough. The committee plans to bring finalists to campus in early 2018 and will invite the campus community to participate. "We're excited about the provost search and look forward to finding an excellent and accomplished academic leader and scholar to help chart the course ahead," Bodnar said in a text. After finishing its categorization Wednesday of all the academic programs and administrative services at the University of Montana, the prioritization task force chose not to publicly release any of the vote counts or the reports it used in making decisions. Following significant discussion, task force members said they would only release the reports and the final votes to people on campus with a UM digital login, but wouldnt post them for the public to see. It has no value for people outside of the university community, said Scott Whittenburg, vice president for research and creative scholarship. Professor Paul Haber, another task force member, had pushed for everything to be posted online for public review. Its a public institution. I think its the law actually. Thats called transparency, he said. UM legal counsel Lucy France said members of the public could make individual public information requests if they wanted to see reports or votes, which would subject the reports that will be easily accessible to students and faculty to a lengthy review process. Theres no legal requirement that it has to be instantaneously available, she said. The task force categorized the final 17 administrative services Wednesday to wrap up this stage of the schools process to bring its budget in line with falling enrollment. The panel placed programs into four potential categories: priority for development and growth, consider for development and or modification, priority for substantial modification, or insufficient evidence. None of the administration programs graded on Wednesday were put in the bottom category for potential cuts or elimination. The heads of each of the academic or administration programs that were ranked will have the chance to formally respond to the category they were put in before the task force puts together final recommendations to send to President Sheila Stearns. Haber also clashed with the panel after the categorization process ended about what form their recommendations to the schools administration will take. He said in order to make recommendations that can withstand stakeholder scrutiny, the task force must acknowledge the limitations of its methodology and be transparent about its strengths and weaknesses. Were launching into a recommendation phase thoughtlessly. And Ill have no part of it, he said. Some members said they should provide specific recommendations of what should be done with programs, while others said just the categorizations alone were sufficient. No firm decision was reached. *** The academic advising center at Missoula College was one of the administration services categorized for potential growth. The vote was initially tied, with some panelists saying that growing the advising center while Missoula College enrollment was trending down seemed out of order. But other panelists in favor of expansion argued that the service was already understaffed, and a subsequent vote pushed it into the category to be considered for more investment. The Campus Writing Center also received universal praise from the task force members and was put into the growth category, as was the Math Learning Center. Success in math is one of the primary factors determining whether students keep going, said task force member Elizabeth Putnam, chair of the department of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. Staff professional development received enough votes to be put in the top category. Task force member Stephanie Domitrovich, academic adviser and adjunct in the department of health and human performance, said the service has slowly been drained to the point that this year, there was no funding. Theres no professional development for staff occurring on this campus currently, she said. This story has been corrected to properly characterize Haber's comments about the task force. A lot of people talk about the important role federal and state lands play in protecting wolves. But Diane Boyd, a wolf and carnivore specialist, said those public landscapes often are at high elevation and don't harbor wintering populations of deer and elk. In fact, the scientist said Wednesday that wolves need both private and public lands protected, and the private swaths are critically important. "They hold the key, in addition to the federal lands, to maintaining grizzly bears, wolves, elk, deer, everything," Boyd said. Boyd made her remarks at the University of Montana W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation at a seminar to honor the late Bob Ream. Ream, who died in March 2017, was a UM professor, state legislator, and chair of both the Fish and Wildlife Commission and the Montana Democratic Party. To a standing-room-only audience in a large classroom in the forestry building, Dean Tom DeLuca said many people in attendance knew Ream as a faculty member and dean of the college. "Bob was a very influential researcher and teacher here at Montana," DeLuca said. "His work with wolves left a legacy that Diane is going to share with us today." In her talk, Boyd discussed her hope that conflicts among interest groups will decrease. She outlined the incredible trajectory of wolf recovery in Montana, and she shared her suspicion that human harvest is having an impact on the wolf population. *** Ream was Boyd's mentor starting in 1979, she said. She was a misanthrope who spent most of her time in the field with wolves, and some time sleeping on the couch upstairs. "This is home for me," she said of the forestry building. She kicked off the seminar with a brief review, or "wolf ecology 101." They're social carnivores, obligated to hunt as a pack, "terrific" at dispersing, highly territorial, and "breed like rabbits if conditions are right." Most importantly, though, they're highly adaptable, Boyd said. At one point, wolves had the largest distribution of any mammal on the planet with the exception of humans. By the 1930s, though, wolves were mostly wiped out in North America, and the last of the loners was gone by maybe 1950, she said. Then, in 1973, the Endangered Species Act passed and granted them protection, and with it came Ream's vision for the Wolf Ecology Project to track the animals' recovery. In 1979, Boyd said a lone female wolf trotted south from the Canadian border, and no one but Ream knew she had arrived. He and a couple of researchers captured her and put a radio collar on her, and the wolf, Keshnina, eventually mated and produced a litter of pups in 1982. Wolf recolonization occurred in Northwest Montana through dispersal, and not through human reintroduction, Boyd said. In a short time, the population began to expand, and in 1986, researchers found the first den in the western United States in 50 years. "We got the gold nugget," said Boyd, with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. *** The wolf recovery plan called for reintroduction in central Idaho and Yellowstone National Park. But Boyd said she and Ream opposed reintroduction, noting wolves were already dispersing well on their own. "If wolves get there on their own, they're better tolerated by local communities instead of the government shoving it down their throats," she said. Nonetheless, in 1995, 1996 and 1997, scientists introduced 31 wolves in Idaho and 35 in Yellowstone, she said: "It was successful beyond belief." The recovery goals were met in 2002, and wolves were delisted in 2011 in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Utah. At the end of 2016, Montana counted at least 477 wolves, compared to the 150 it had as a recovery goal, she said. The state counts 109 packs, and 50 breeding pairs compared to the recovery goal of 15. It counted 255 wolves harvested that year, and 57 livestock confirmed killed by wolves. It paid out $60,000 in livestock losses. The growth, from one wolf in 1979 to 109 packs in 2016, is significant. "We're way above what is federally and statewide mandated, but the trend has been going down," Boyd said. *** Wolves need three things to survive, she said: wild ungulates; large, undeveloped landscapes and freedom from persecution. "Truly, wolves would live anywhere that we would tolerate them," Boyd said. Since 2011, though, wolves have been hunted in Idaho and Montana, and Boyd said she believes it's having an impact. She said an estimated 80 percent to 85 percent of wolf mortality is human-caused, some legally. "I believe that the human harvest is significant enough it's causing a slow and steady decline," she said. For one thing, killing alphas changes pack dynamics, she said. Much information from the field is coming from hunters. A hunter that's been in one area for 30 years might have observed one large pack in the past with 10 or 14 animals, but now may see three smaller packs instead, for example. "Everywhere you go, you see wolf tracks, but they're smaller packs," she said. To survive, she said, wolves need large, undeveloped land, and private landowners are key, as is a livestock reimbursement program. Generally, she said, she wants to see less conflict among interest groups. "I don't want to make bad guys out of anyone," she said. "There is a middle ground, and there is a way to make it work." President Donald Trump's long-time confidant Keith Schiller privately testified that he rejected a Russian offer to send five women to then private-citizen Trump's hotel room during their 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, according to multiple sources from both political parties with direct knowledge of the testimony. Schiller, Trump's former bodyguard and personal aide, testified that he took the offer as a joke, two of the sources said. On their way up to Trump's hotel room that night, Schiller told the billionaire businessman about the offer and Trump laughed it off, Schiller told the House intelligence committee earlier this week. After several minutes outside of Trump's door, which was Schiller's practice as Trump's security chief, he said he left. Members of the committee raised the matter because of salacious allegations laid out in a dossier compiled by former British agent Christopher Steele, an opposition research document funded by Democrats detailing alleged ties between Trump and his associates with Russians. During this week's closed-door hearing, House lawmakers walked through a Daily Caller article, which raised some of the allegations about Trump's Moscow trip from the dossier and discussed an alternative story involving Schiller's role in rejecting the Russian offer of sending prostitutes to Trump's room. The dossier's claims about Trump's activities in Moscow are some of the most incendiary claims in the memos compiled by Steele, which claimed that Russia obtained "kompromat," or dirt, on Trump to use as blackmail. Trump has long denounced the dossier and flatly denied its assertions. Stuart Sears, an attorney for Schiller, said the chairman and ranking member of the committee should investigate individuals leaking "misleading versions" of Schiller's testimony, calling the conduct "indefensible" and questioning the credibility of the House inquiry. "We are appalled by the leaks that are coming from partisan insiders from the House Intelligence Committee," Sears said in a statement. "It is outrageous that the very Committee that is conducting an investigation into leaks - purportedly in the public interest - is itself leaking information and defaming cooperative witnesses like Mr. Schiller." During the testimony with the House investigators, Schiller denied knowing about the salacious allegations contained in the dossier. He was also asked about a wide-range of issues, including meetings between Trump associates and Russians, and he denied having knowledge of many of those interactions, sources said. Moreover, he denied knowing about the deliberations around the firing of FBI Director James Comey, saying he was only called into deliver a letter with the news to the FBI. White House officials declined to comment. While Trump and the White House have long rejected the dossier as an attempt to discredit the presidency, the FBI has corroborated some information in the dossier and used it as justification to obtain a surveillance warrant on Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page, CNN has reported. But federal investigators have not verified the most salacious allegations regarding Trump's activities on his 2013 trip for the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow. Schiller was asked about the Daily Caller article, and he confirmed a Russian made the offer to send the women to Trump's room which was raised around lunch-time, sources said. He was asked who made the offer, but he could not recall the identity of the individual, sources said. Multiple sources said the offer to send women to Trump's room came from a Russian who was accompanying Emin Agalarov, a pop star whose father is a billionaire oligarch close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and who worked with Trump to bring the pageant to Moscow. But Schiller said the offer did not come from Agalarov himself, the sources said, disputing the Daily Caller report on that matter. "Emin has no knowledge of that ever happening," said Scott Balber, an attorney for Agalarov. Dossier subject of controversy Trump has vehemently denied the allegations in the dossier since it was made public in January. At a press conference weeks before taking office, Trump said that he tells his staff before overseas trips, including to Russia, to "be very careful" in their hotel rooms because "you're gonna probably have cameras," and that they could end up on the news if they weren't cautious. Trump has also ramped up his attacks after it became public that the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, through the law firm Perkins Coie, paid opposition research firm Fusion GPS to compile the material that led to the dossier. "Clinton campaign & DNC paid for research that led to the anti-Trump Fake News Dossier. The victim here is the President," Trump tweeted last month. Yet before Trump was inaugurated, Comey briefed Trump and outgoing President Barack Obama about the existence of the dossier. Additionally, Comey testified that Trump personally denied to him, on two occasions, that he participated in the salacious activities alleged in the dossier. This all came before Trump fired Comey in May. "The President returned to the salacious material I had briefed him about on January 6, and, as he had done previously, expressed his disgust for the allegations and strongly denied them," Comey said about a dinner with Trump in late January. "He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn't happen." Comey said Trump gave a more explicit denial in a March phone call. "He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia," Comey testified. A fateful Moscow trip Investigators probing potential Russia collusion asked Schiller to detail what happened during the 2013 Moscow trip when Trump was in charge of the Miss Universe pageant there. Trump brought the pageant to Moscow with the help of Aras and Emin Agalarov, the Azerbaijani-Russian billionaire oligarch and his pop-star son. The November 2013 event was held at one of their properties in Moscow. Video obtained by CNN in July shows Trump, Schiller, the Agalarovs and music publicist Rob Goldstone attending a July 2013 dinner in Las Vegas. The day after that gathering, the Trump Organization announced it would bring Miss Universe to Moscow. In June 2016, Goldstone connected with the President's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., at the request of Aras Agalarov to set up the meeting at Trump Tower with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. Close confidant to Trump Schiller, who is one of Trump's closest confidants, left the White House in September after serving as director of Oval Office operations. As a longtime adviser to Trump, Schiller has been present for some of the most controversial moments of Trump's political career. Trump dispatched Schiller in May to hand-deliver a letter to the FBI headquarters informing Comey of his termination, although Comey was in Los Angeles at the time. UPDATE: This story has been updated with comment from Emin Agalarov's attorney. CNN's Marshall Cohen contributed to this story. DARBY A contentious mayoral race here became even more heated after a last-minute dispute arose over what Mayor JC McDowell said was a get-out-the-vote effort. McDowell said he heard that some people hadnt received ballots through the post office, and others who filled them out and sent them to the Ravalli County Clerk and Recorders office said their ballots werent showing up as having been returned. He also worried that Darby residents might not realize that it was a mail-in ballot only, and that they would show up at their typical polling place, only to learn they couldnt vote. Based on these concerns, McDowell offered to provide rides to Hamilton, so that anyone who wanted to vote at the last minute would be able to do so. He said he personally wouldnt drive people, but he had friends who would do so. Voters just needed to come to his business, Bandit Brewery, by 5 p.m. to catch a ride. We offered to help carpool people up there so they wouldnt have to drive, McDowell said. I never personally said I would take their ballots up there. This was just a get-out-the-vote campaign But if you called Town Hall and explained you had no way to get your ballot to Hamilton, you were told you could drop it off at Bandit Brewery or at the post office, and the ballot would be delivered to the Ravalli County Clerk and Recorders office in Hamilton. While that wouldnt cross any line legally in Montana, it did create at least the perception of impropriety, said Ravalli County Clerk and Recorder Regina Plettenberg. Theres a perception if you collect ballots or the spouse of a candidate does, that somethings going on. I discourage it, Plettenberg said. But in big elections, for absentees, a lot of times non-partisan groups will go out and collect ballots for people and turn them in. Sometimes the parties will do it as well. But other people collecting ballots has been a concern. In Colorado in 2014, unease ran high over what is called ballot harvesting, when campaign workers went door to door asking voters for their mail-in ballots. In Arizona in 2016, a federal court judge upheld a ban on ballot harvesting in that state. Plettenberg said she cautions voters against giving their ballots to anyone they dont know. If you call my office, we tell you not to give it to strangers, she said. Turns out that in this case, it was a moot point. Officially, no one came to carpool or hand in a ballot at Bandit Brewery, McDowell said. Montana may have chipped in an easy trade win as President Donald Trump begins his visit to China on Wednesday after Sen. Steve Daines announced a $200 million beef deal with a Chinese retailer. In what some observers called a tweetable deliverable, the agreement between Inc. and the Montana Stockgrowers Association was signed in Beijing with U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang in attendance. It was part of a larger move where, Chinas second-largest online retailer, agreed to buy about $2 billion in U.S. goods over the next three years. Stockgrowers Association Executive Vice President Errol Rice and Cross Four Ranch owner Fred Wacker represented Montana at the signing. The deal caps several years of trade diplomacy by Daines and former Montana senator and ambassador to China Max Baucus. In addition to the $200 million in Montana beef purchases, also sealed a memorandum of understanding to invest another $100 million in a new slaughterhouse facility in Montana. The ability to ship beef there is a huge opportunity, Daines said in an interview with the Missoulian in August. This agreement was 14 years in the making. Youve got to keep in mind the size of the prize. China is the second-largest beef import market in the world. It also presents a unique challenge for Montana ranchers. Most of them raise calves that are born in winter or early spring and then shipped out of state for fattening and slaughter in the fall. The resulting steaks and burger get mixed into the national beef commodity market. It would take a lot of work, but somebody can find a niche market for Montana beef, Baucus said in an August interview. The Chinese think of Montana as Yellowstone Park, open spaces and the Big Sky. We could have cachet as providers of Montana beef. That means marketing the meat by its Montana provenance, just as Japanese cattle dealers brag about their premium Kobe or Wagyu steaks. And thats likely to take a lot of face-to-face dealing even after the ink dries. A lot of it is just showing up and being there, Baucus said. The Montana governor would have to go over many times, and set up some kind of plan to market Montana beef, similar to what weve done with Japan and Korea. Baucus made opening the Chinese beef market one of his priorities as ambassador after he retired from the Senate in 2014. China had banned U.S. beef since 2003 after a Washington state producer reported a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as mad cow disease. Baucus helped negotiate a re-opening of the Chinese beef market in 2016, but the door barely cracked because of Chinese restrictions on hormone use in U.S. cattle production. Daines rode the issue as well, on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. I hand-carried four tenderloin steaks from Fred Wackers ranch to the vice- premier when I went to China in April, Daines said. We put them in a Coleman cooler, which was probably made in China, but the steaks were made in Montana. They want to see the quality and traceability. I showed them the pasture where the calf was born and tagged to slaughter. He followed up with a personal barbecue dinner with Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai at Daines home in Bozeman in September. Chinese business representatives met with Montana agricultural producers at a Belgrade roundtable to discuss future trade deals. Ranchers have watched with their noses pressed up against the glass as Chinese restaurants and supermarkets served up increasing amounts of beef from other countries. China imported 825,000 tons of beef in 2016. Most of that came from Australia and South America. When export of Montana beef to China is more or less stabilized, and channels are established, we could find your main buyers in China, Chinese companies that import a lot of Montana beef, Cui said during his Montana visit. And maybe with the help of some Chinese banks, like China Bank in New York, they could invest in the infrastructure here, insure a stable and long-lasting supply. Wacker also raises antibiotic-free, implant-free Angus cattle for Whole Foods. He told the Chinese delegation how state ranchers could provide a rare, Montana-specific beef sale to China. We have the land, we have the cattle, we have the quality, we have the water, Wacker said. We have the interest in putting in a major processing plant here, and we also have a very high-quality product. That makes the second part of the deal crucial for Montanas local branding effort. The state hasnt had a major meatpacking plant for 33 years, since Billings Pierce Packing Co. closed in 1984. The slaughterhouse employed 500 people before national consolidation of the meatpacking industry pushed the 50-year-old company to extinction. Its something we are lacking in Montana, and something wed like to see happen, Montana Stockgrowers Association spokeswoman Kori Anderson said. It would provide infrastructure to process beef here in state. We only have a couple of very small feedlots as it is, and the vast majority of our cattle is heading out of state for processing. Montana shipped almost 1.5 million calves to slaughter in 2016. Nationwide, U.S. beef producers raised about 35 million beef calves. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates Montanas contribution to $6.3-billion beef export market was worth about $132 million in 2015. But that relatively small share could be an advantage for Big Sky ranchers. The Chinese want to know where that calf has come from, Anderson said. Its a lot more paperwork, but we are able to make those adjustments a lot quicker. We produce some of the finest beef in the world. We just have to work through a process for marketing Montana-raised cattle. Billings Gazette Reporter Tom Lutey contributed to this story BOZEMAN A Gallatin County District Court judge has scheduled a two-week trial for a Bozeman man accused of killing his wife with a frying pan. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported Wednesday that 33-year-old Jake Collins' trial is scheduled to start Aug. 13. He is charged with deliberate homicide and felony tampering with evidence in the death of his 32-year-old wife Crystal Collins. He pleaded not guilty to the charges and remains in the Gallatin County jail on $750,000 bond. Crystal Collins' mother reported her missing Jan. 2, prompting police to interview Jake Collins. Officers say Collins acknowledged killing his wife, saying he was intoxicated and hit her in the head with a cast-iron frying pan and cut her throat. As Missoula Countys sheriff, my No. 1 priority for my community is public safety. This goes for all the brave men and women who put on their uniform every day to respond to emergencies and keep families and kids safe. We are in the process of implementing the recently-adopted Jail Diversion Master Plan, which will get folks the mental health and/or substance abuse help they need early on, reducing the pressure on our overcrowded jail and the Montana State Hospital. Overcrowded county jails across the state hamper our ability to serve in many communities, they are the largest mental health providers. This spring, Gov. Steve Bullock and legislators joined together to address this issue. They passed sweeping bipartisan legislation from the Sentencing Commission to help transition offenders successfully back into our communities, reduce the risk that these folks will end up back in our jails, and allow us to do our jobs to keep Montanans safe. These pieces of legislation were all data-driven and designed to relieve pressure on our county jail holds and save taxpayers an additional $69 million over the next six years. And while I applaud the efforts of legislators and our governor to invest in criminal justice reform, we can say goodbye to this ever happening if deep budget cuts are enacted at the Montana Department of Corrections. If Governor Bullock is forced to make the proposed 10 percent budget cuts at the Montana Department of Corrections, efforts to increase the number of alternative beds through transition centers or provide offenders with substance abuse treatment will be reduced. Additionally, we will see the following programs cut or eliminated: Funding for forensic interviews of child victims of abuse or neglect Funding for domestic violence shelters Youth crisis diversion to keep kids out of the system and with their families Chemical dependency treatment services County jail diversion programs, like the one currently in the Missoula County Detention Facility Crisis intervention funding, providing ongoing training to law enforcement on how best to respond to those in crisis Legislators need to be serious about working with Governor Bullock to find alternative solutions to these harmful cuts that do not put an increased burden on county property taxpayers. We saw bipartisanship in the making when 10 pieces of legislation to reform Montanas criminal justice system were signed into the law. I believe that we can see it again if legislators put the same mind to it. We are all better off when we work together and find long-term solutions to best serve Montanans. We cannot afford to forsake all of the progress that we have made on the issue of jail crowding and diversion. State Sen. Pat Connell (guest column, Nov. 3) offers the timeworn, and simple, solution for dealing with a budget imbalance: raid the piggy bank! The piggy bank is Montanas coal severance tax endowment fund. Coal mining, while benefiting many current Montanans, depletes a natural resource. The coal severance tax endowment ensures that the depletion of coal reserves provides permanent benefits to Montanans. Without income generated from the endowment, still higher future taxes will be needed to deliver state public services. Fifty percent of the coal severance tax is currently spent in a variety of areas, and 50 percent flows to endowment funds that generate income to benefit future as well as current Montanans. In 1980 I hosted a symposium on the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund (AHSTF), a fund established by Montanas Canadian neighbor. A 1976 Alberta law required 30 percent of the provinces non-renewable resource revenues (mainly from oil and gas) to be saved. The AHSTF quickly grew to U.S. $7.5 billion and would now be over U.S. $100 billion had Albertans the patience and discipline to follow the 1976 policy. But fiscal discipline broke down. The value of the AHSTF is now less than in the 1980s. It was easier to raid the piggy bank than to raise taxes or cut spending. Bad habits often persist. Once broken, a piggy bank is difficult to reassemble. Adequate levels of state spending require tax increases, or even new taxes such as a sales tax or carbon tax. That is reality. The alternative is a level of state services and infrastructure not worthy of this great state. Yes, cut spending where warranted (this is always desirable), but Senator Connell and his colleagues should face the reality that increased state tax revenues are needed for good government now and in the future. This year, a staggering 1,600 Montanans will die from tobacco use the leading cause of preventable death. Montana also faces a staggering $220 million budget shortfall, forcing the state to cut vital health programs and/or seek ways to raise new revenue. Theres a proven solution to save money, raise vital revenue and most importantly, save lives. The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), American Heart Association and American Lung Association urge lawmakers to pass a permanent cigarette tax increase of $1.50 per pack this upcoming special session. A $1.50 per pack cigarette tax increase is projected to save 3,900 Montanans from premature smoking-related death and reduce youth smoking rates almost 16 percent. Its can also help 7,200 current smokers quit. And, it saves Montana money. Smoking alone costs Montana $440 million in annual health care costs. With state budget woes, shouldnt we permanently try to improve our economy? We pushed for a $1.50 cigarette tax increase this year. Big Tobacco spent $200,000 killing our efforts because they knew it would hurt their profits. This special session, we again urge lawmakers to side with public health and say no to Big Tobaccos attempts to lure future tobacco users. Regular, significant tobacco tax increases are proven to prevent youth from starting and prompt current users to quit. It only works if price increases are significant enough to offset Big Tobaccos ploys. The temporary 50 cents per pack tax thats currently being considered is grossly inadequate and bad for Montana. Heres why small tobacco tax increases dont work: Big Tobacco regularly uses coupons and discounts to minimize the sticker shock price increase for consumers. In 2015, Big Tobacco spent more than $8.2 billion on cigarette marketing. Nearly 73 percent of that money went to price discounts and coupons intended to reduce cigarette prices. After a tax increase takes effect, tobacco companies often discount prices 40 to 50 cents. After Louisiana raised its tax by 50 cents per pack, some companies distributed 50 cent coupons, effectively eliminating the taxs impact and health benefit. To account for price discounting, we need a $1.50 per pack increase to ensure a meaningful impact on reducing tobacco use and improving public health. This tax increase must be permanent and implemented all at once, not phased in over months or years. To protect our kids, we must significantly increase the price of all tobacco products something Montana hasnt done since 2005. Every state thats significantly increased its tobacco tax has seen tobacco sales decrease, leading to fewer kids starting to smoke and less preventable death and disease. This revenue must be used to fund programs that improve public health, help people quit and protect kids from tobacco use. An ACS CAN poll shows increasing tobacco taxes to address revenue shortfall is strongly supported across party lines with 77 percent of Montana voters favoring a $1.50 per pack cigarette tax increase with revenue used to fight tobacco use and fund state health programs. When our legislators meet for the special session, they must find $229 million in revenue and/or cut programs. Our proposed $1.50 per pack cigarette tax increase will generate roughly $44 million in new annual revenue. Please pass this permanent tobacco tax to save lives, save money and generate revenue. Dont let Montanas fiscal and physical health go up in smoke! In this troublesome era of anger, violence and blame, its well to look back to a kinder time, and the good and heartwarming story of a remarkable Montana character. Dorothy Johnson grew up in poverty in Whitefish, and despite a life of crushing adversity, her achievement as a writer has been compared by some critics to that of Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Mary Austin, Willa Cather and Mari Sandoz. She has been described as possibly the greatest writer of western fiction who ever lived. Johnsons tough trail to the top is illustrated by a photo taken by later Pulitzer Prize winner Mel Ruder of the Hungry Horse News, which she found hilarious and used on her personal stationary. It shows her from the backside struggling to mount a horse in a maneuver that even Mels dog found embarrassing. From her early years Dorothy Johnson showed great promise as a writer, but her life was always a struggle. Her father died on Christmas Eve when she was 10 years old. In her teens Dorothy survived by finding work as a telephone operator and the stringer covering Whitefish for the Kalispell Daily Inter Lake. Inspired by University of Montana Professor H.G. Merriam, Dorothy graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in English. On her meager salary as a stenographer, she paid off the gambling debts of the deadbeat husband who had deserted her. A short story she wrote at that time was published by the Saturday Evening Post. Encouraged, Dorothy soon moved to the great publishing center of New York City. Dorothy was able to support herself and her mother primarily as a proofreader and editor. Writing at night in her tiny Greenwich Village apartment, she sent literally scores of beautifully crafted short stories to dozens of publishers. For an agonizing 11 years, she did not sell a single story. Steadfastly believing she was the greatly talented writer Professor Merriam had assured her she was, determined Dorothy resolutely refused to give up. In her papers from that period, though, was found, It always breaks my heart when I get turned down. It doesnt get any easier to take. You should be able to get calluses on your soul. Mostly male editors and publishers who received her stories couldnt believe their readers would accept that the author of these powerful and often violent stories was a woman. When her stories finally began to be published in the World War II years, her bylines usually appeared as D.M. Johnson. Returning to her beloved Whitefish in 1945, Dorothys story sales again slumped. When her work at the Whitefish Pilot newspaper couldnt support her and her aging mother, she accepted a faculty position in the University of Montana School of Journalism and as manager of the Montana Press Association. Her never-ending night writing continued in Missoula, and sales again picked up. Her big break suddenly happened when her story The Hanging Tree was made a movie in 1959. Starring fellow Montanan Gary Cooper, it was a blockbuster. No longer disguised as D.M., Dorothy Johnson was suddenly and dramatically recognized for who she was. "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance," staring John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart, soon followed on the silver screen, with similar blockbusting success. Dorothy Johnsons life was a tough struggle in a mans world before there was a womens movement. She bravely broke the barriers of her time. Looking back, Dorothy noted that her characters were purely imaginary. She commented, no doubt with a twinkle in her eye, that she regrets this because I would like to meet some of them. We have read about cuts to the state library, cuts to the university system, cuts to the departments of Commerce and Labor. But the brunt of the cuts affect human services the poor, the disabled, people who depend on government assistance to live their lives. This de facto attack on the disadvantaged was not the intent of the Legislature when it approved the budget. Nobody wants people to suffer. The suffering is the result of the budget that was passed, and the state law that stipulates that if tax revenue is not sufficient, there will be cuts. And now the most vulnerable in our society are once again pawns in a political battle the have no part in. Jesus stood with the poor and the disadvantaged, with the outcasts and the disabled. He healed the sick, he taught the crowds, and he admonished his followers to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit the imprisoned, care for the stranger. Montana is a place of many faith traditions, all of which teach compassion and care for those who are in need. As a Christian faith leader, I join my interfaith and ecumenical colleagues in urging the Legislature to find ways to care for the most vulnerable. As a person of faith and as a citizen, I believe that we have a responsibility towards our neighbors. Our communities and houses of worship have food pantries and homeless shelters, and we work hard at finding ways to serve our neighbors in need. We pray for the poor. And we pray for those who govern. It is not an easy task, with increased demands and decreased revenue. We can also make our priorities known, and stand with the poor and the broken, as Jesus did. As citizens and people of faith, we have the right and the opportunity to make our priorities known to the legislators, to the governor, to the people who are in a position to make decisions on where and how to balance the needs of the most vulnerable people in our society with the decisions of a Legislature determined to cut spending. We can do better. And we must do better. It is a moral imperative. The public spoke and the county commissioners listened. Recently, south Bitterroot Valley legislative Rep. Theresa Manzella scheduled a meeting with the commissioners to ask them to meet with Karen Budd-Falen. Westerners are certainly familiar with Budd-Falen, or if theyre not, they should be. She is a Wyoming attorney who never met a national forest or national grassland she could love. Shes made a legal and political career of fighting conservation groups and by representing Cliven Bundy, another anti-public lands zealot whose name is well known to those who love our public lands. Budd-Falen rejects the very concept of public lands and works around the West supporting the transfer of public lands to state and local control, which is just a euphemism for the ultimate goal of selling off our public lands to private buyers. Manzellas pitch to the commission was confusing and not particularly well thought out, and it seems she was relying on her status as a Republican legislator to make her case for her. It appeared that she wanted the commission to meet with Budd-Falen publicly for four hours on Nov. 17 to write a growth policy or write amendments to the five-year-old natural resource policy. It was not really clear what she wanted and the commissioners, understandably, were a bit baffled. But to their credit, they were also skeptical. They asked probing and thoughtful questions that Manzella seemed unable to answer coherently. In fact, Manzella, and other fellow travelers in the just say no to public lands movement fail to answer a lot of questions. She simply cannot make a case that the costs or owning and managing public lands in the West can be borne by state or local taxpayers. She cannot explain how local or state ownership of federal public lands is even constitutional probably because it isnt. She doesnt explain whether the odious public lands transfer idea extends to all public lands in the U.S. Or is it just the Bitterroot National Forest she wants taken out of public hands? More importantly, she cannot answer this simple question: Who supports the transfer of our precious public lands into some other ownership, be it local, state or private? The answer to that one is easy: No one, except ideologues who oppose all things public, including schools. The American people certainly do not support turning over their public lands to anyone. In the end, the commissioners listened to the 20 or so people, all members of Bitterrooters for Planning, who attended and urged their elected representatives to reject a meeting with Budd-Falen. Manzella was not prepared for the questions the commission had for her, and had no allies in her support. Ultimately, she agreed to extend personal invitations to the unnamed local individuals who she said agreed to fund Budd-Falens trip here, and to hold the meeting at an unidentified private residence. She extended invitations to the commission, but she had no takers. The commissioners did the right thing and they deserve public recognition for it. I hope the voters recognize that in Theresa Manzella, Ravalli County has an elected representative to the Montana Legislature who supports transferring national forests to, ultimately, private ownership. If you support the notion of keeping public lands in public hands, then please dont support Theresa Manzella. Montanas Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services is in crisis. Since March 2017, no new services have been offered due to budget constraints. Clients with open cases are still receiving services, but new clients are put on a two-year waiting list in the hopes that when a category for which they are eligible for services opens up, they will be first to receive them. In the meantime, they must put their educational and vocational plans on hold. The National Federation of the Blind of Montana thinks this is unreasonable. The National Federation of the Blind of Montana acknowledges that in order to deal with this budget crisis, changes will need to be made. However, we feel that the current and proposed budget cuts target the elderly and disabled, including the blind, disproportionately. We strongly urge Gov. Steve Bullock and our state legislators to find other ways to balance the budget that do no harm to the blind, elderly and disabled, and to maintain and preserve the quality of services for the blind of Montana, so that we can continue to be contributing, taxpaying citizens of our state and nation, and live the lives we want. Joy Breslauer, president, National Federation of the Blind of Montana, Great Falls Most children dont imagine themselves becoming economic development advocates when they grow up, and as a child Joe Willauer was no different. Today, however, Willauer would likely tell you that helping businesses thrive is what gets his blood flowing in the morning. Willauer took over as Butte Local Development Corp. executive director in August after the former director Pam Haxby-Cote left in March to become Montanas commerce chief. Willauer holds an undergraduate degree in geography from Central Washington University and a masters in urban and regional planning from Eastern Washington University. He has about four years of experience in economic development. He took his first position in the field in 2013 when he headed the Food and Agriculture Development Center at Headwaters RC&D an economic development organization that serves entrepreneurs and businesses in southwest Montana and later became its executive director. Willauer said the best part of his experience at Headwaters was getting to work one-on-one with clients, helping them compose business plans and come up with financial projections what he calls the dreaming phase of starting a business. Its really satisfying both personally and professionally meeting with someone, especially early in their business, and hearing what their dreams are, said Willauer. Although Willauers new role will mainly be about recruiting new businesses to Butte and retaining existing ones, he said working with clients on the dream phase gives him an understanding of the challenges and the successes that small business owners experience. Willauer says he has high hopes for the BLDC in the years ahead, including continuing relationships with existing businesses. Priority number two, he said, will be getting more entrepreneurs to set up shop in Butte. But doing so is easier said than done in a state like Montana that has seen marked population growth in recent years. Theres just a lot of places (to locate a business in Montana) and its all about selling our community. And that parts easy, said Willauer. The best thing about Butte is just how passionate people are about Butte. Ive lived a lot of places and theres nowhere that has the sense of pride and the sense of community that Butte does. Period. Willauer said navigating expectations can be a challenging aspect of a leadership role in economic development. He pointed out that some wanted to see Butte put in a bid for Amazons new headquarters, but that the company is looking to locate in a city of more than one million people, roughly the population of the entire state of Montana. For him, Willauer said, economic development isnt about going for the biggest fish in the sea. Instead, he said, its about recognizing where we are and taking advantage of existing assets. Theres so many opportunities we have here, be it our geographic location on the I-90 interchange or just being in Montana in general with the great natural resources, said Willauer. Willauer cited sectors important for economic development in Butte as manufacturing, education, health care and the entrepreneurial ecosystem, among others. As you know, Montana four years running is the best state in the country to be an entrepreneur in, said Willauer, referring to the Kauffman Index of Startup Activity. And thats just the Montana way, the executive director said. I think it speaks a lot to just the people of Montana and the mentality of I want to do my thing and make my own job, he said. The Montana Standard asked what it would take for Butte to take an economic step forward. Willauer said doing so means telling a new story about Butte. I think so much of it is how we represent ourselves, said Willauer. Changing that narrative and talking about the great things we have here. Talking about the concerts and the film festival and how close we are to fishing, hiking and hunting. Talking about all the cool food we have and talking about how you can walk between breweries Uptown (to) just really celebrate our successes instead of dwell on the negatives of the past. With $77 million left to remove metals from the Clark Fork River, the Department of Environmental Quality is in danger of running out of money to finish the Clark Fork Superfund cleanup, DEQ officials said during a meeting in Deer Lodge Tuesday. This has led to a slowdown on the 44-mile planned removal of the rivers heavy metals arsenic, lead, copper, zinc and cadmium left behind from more than 100 years of mining and smelting in Butte and Anaconda. The original settlement of $134 million came out of the Environmental Protection Agencys lawsuit against Atlantic Richfield Company, the corporation responsible for the damage, in 2008. Of that, DEQ received $95 million to take the lead and get the work done. EPA provides support to the project. An additional $12.5 million went into a reserve account to protect against cost overruns and the Natural Resource Damage Council got $26.5 million to do restoration work along the 44-mile stretch. With eight miles of the river cleaned up, DEQ is now putting the brakes on the project and extending its life so its not expected to be finished until 2032. Previously, DEQ estimated the cleanup would be complete around 2026, said state project manager Joel Chavez. Because of the slowdown, DEQ did no work beyond minor matters, such as weeding and replacing temporary culverts, during the 2017 construction season, Chavez told The Montana Standard Tuesday. By putting off any significant construction in 2017, DEQ gained $250,000 in interest on the principal. But at this point, thats only a drop in the bucket. DEQ hopes to resume the cleanup next spring, getting started with removing metals from Grant Kohrs Ranch, a national historic site commemorating western cattle ranching downstream of Deer Lodge. Chavez estimates that DEQ's tab to ship dirty dirt by truck from Grant Kohrs Ranch to the Opportunity ponds toxic waste repository alone will be around $4 million. The work at the ranch was supposed to have begun this year. The 44-mile cleanup of the Clark Fork River, from Warm Springs Ponds to Garrison, has been ongoing since 2011. The work began along the river in Deer Lodge and included pasture removal of soils along East Side Road where ranchers had irrigated with metal-laden water from the river. Since then, DEQ has removed around 1.3 million cubic yards of contaminated soils. Rancher William Pauley, who has riverfront property, was among the approximately 45 residents who attended the meeting at the Elks Lodge in Deer Lodge Tuesday evening. Pauley said that for the local ranchers, this news comes as no surprise. A lot of ranchers thought theyd run out of money, he said. They shouldve planned better. Chavez said that in addition to slowing down the work, DEQ is considering creating toxic waste repositories along the way instead of shipping the dirty dirt all the way back to Opportunity ponds north of Anaconda. Chavez said the public will have ample opportunity to weigh in on that decision and DEQ wont resort to that measure unless there is public buy-in. Chavez said the areas DEQ is going to study for potential toxic repositories would be state-owned land halfway between Deer Lodge and Opportunity on the east side of Interstate 90 and state-owned land halfway between Deer Lodge and Garrison on the west side of Interstate 90. Chavez is also asking NRD to contribute more toward restoration. So far, NRD has put between $2 and $3 million toward revegetating the cleaned-up sections of the river, NRD environmental science specialist Tom Mostad said. Mostad said NRD is putting in a fishing access site this winter in Racetrack Creek as part of its restoration efforts on the Clark Fork. Mostad said NRD has talked a lot about pitching in more, with DEQ. The slowdown doesn't appear to be good news for fish any more than it is for the ranchers along the river waiting for the work to get done. Fish, Wildlife and Parks fisheries biologist Nathan Cook said hes seeing an increase of copper showing up in trout as fish move downstream. Copper is showing up in the gills, stomachs and livers of the fish. Cook has been conducting studies on the fish to monitor the amount of metals accumulating in their bodies since 2008. Cook said the fish can deal with it to a certain point. But the cumulative effect is contributing to high fish mortality. The copper could also be impacting their growth and reproduction, but thats hard to measure, Cook said. Another elevated metal FWP is seeing in trout in the Clark Fork is zinc, which is also toxic to fish. Chavez said DEQ hopes to get to work at the beginning of construction season next spring, but an agreement with BNSF Railroad has not been signed yet. DEQ has to travel across the railroad tracks for the project. BNSF Railroad public affairs director, Ross Lane, said, via email, from Billings Wednesday that BNSF is currently discussing the terms of the agreement with DEQ. The agreement would enable DEQ to install a haul road and establish a temporary private crossing across BNSF track. BNSF wants to ensure safety while evaluating DEQs request, according to Lane. Rancher Paul Relf, whose land includes river frontage, has been going to meetings on the Clark Fork cleanup for 20 years. He has mine and smelting waste on his property. With the slowdown, he estimates it will take DEQ another five to six years before the agency can get to his land. Relf said he tried to do work himself to remove the toxins but the major flood in 2011 washed away the dirt hed brought in and brought more toxins to the surface, killing the brush that had been perfectly healthy and growing along the bank. Im really affected by whats going on, he said. Many of us are keeping an eye on tax reform legislation and considering how federal changes could impact our livelihoods here at home. I want to help make Montanans aware of one federal program that has been working under the radar for the past 10 years to improve local economies, create good jobs and stimulate growth in large and small communities across our state. The tax bills proposed repeal of this program would deprive our communities and the hardworking people who live here of crucial funds needed to revitalize and bolster Montanas economy. If youve ever sought medical care at the Bullhook Community Health Center in Havre, seen a film at the Cinemark Theater in Helena, toured the historic Sears Building in Uptown Butte, shopped for groceries at Town & Country Foods in Bozeman, attended a swim meet at Mission Valley Aquatics in Polson, stayed at the Home2 Suites in Billings or picked up food from the new Missoula Food Bank, you have seen the direct impact of New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC), a federal program that incentivizes investment and economic growth in low-income urban and rural communities. Since 2008, Montana & Idaho Community Development Corporation has used this program to support the development of 23 catalytic projects in Montana, totaling over $270 million. They range from nonprofits and community facilities to commercial and mixed-use buildings, hotels and community health centers. The projects have created and retained nearly 2,000 jobs, provided vital resources to the people who need them most, and generated development in economically underserved areas. None of these projects would have been possible without the financing provided by New Markets Tax Credits. NMTC is not a partisan program; rather, its one of those rare federal programs that has been supported by Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The current legislation has received strong, bipartisan backing among House and Senate lawmakers, including U.S. Sens. Jon Tester and Steve Daines, who have both co-sponsored legislation multiple times to make the tax credit permanent. However, the current tax bill has omitted this program entirely. Whatever the broad benefits of tax reform to the economy, Montanans will continue to need access to flexible capital to promote revitalization and foster economic growth in our rural state. The NMTC is the most cost-efficient way to deliver this financing; in fact, the repeal of NMTC represents a savings of just a tenth of a percent of the $1.5 trillion in the current tax plan. New Markets Tax Credits are a powerful tool that allows us to redirect federal tax dollars back into our Montana communities generating jobs, financing businesses and community facilities and boosting local economies. This repeal is a serious misstep that would be felt by communities across our state. Please act now by contacting Congressman Greg Gianforte (202-225-3211) and telling him to fight to keep NMTC in the tax code to help ensure a thriving and inclusive economy in Montana. Please also call Senator Tester (202-224-2644) and Senator Daines (202-224-2651) to ask them to include NMTC in the Senate bill. NOTICE: TO BE CLEAR: WE HAVE OUTLINED UNDER OUR RECORD MAINTENANCE POLICY WHAT WE BELIEVE TO BE A FAIR PROCESS FOR ALL. 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MUSCATINE Two people residing in Columbus Junction were sentenced to prison Wednesday after being charged with selling identification documents and aggravated identity theft. Ari Hernandez-Chacon, 47, was a native and citizen of Mexico, illegally residing in Columbus Junction. In a plea agreement, he admitted that on Feb. 25, 2016, he sold three real Social Security cards and three real birth certificates to an undercover agent, while knowing the documents belonged to U.S. citizens, according to the United States Attorney's Office. Magali Marroquin-Garcia, 38, who is also a citizen of Mexico illegally residing in Columbus Junction, admitted in a plea agreement that on May 12, 2016, she also sold three Social Security cards and three birth certificates to an undercover agent, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in a news release. Hernandez-Chacon and Marroquin-Garcia were sentenced in Cedar Rapids by U.S. District Court Judge Linda Reade. Both suspects were sentenced to 43 months in prison and must also serve a three-year term of supervised release following imprisonment, according to a news release. There is no parole in the federal system, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. The suspects are being held in the U.S. Marshal's custody until they are transported to a federal prison, according to a news release. The Louisa County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved a $392,139 final design contract for the County Highway 99 replacement bridge at Wapello. The new contract with HR Green of Johnston, Iowa, will cover a variety of work, including geo-technical studies, final bridge designs and cost estimates. HR Green also received an initial contract of about $650,000 in 2015 to conduct a variety of environmental studies, preliminary design and planning and other work. Although some of that work still remains, company representative Stan Stallsmith told the board that he expects work under the new contract will be completed in time to begin construction next year. (This will) take the project up to bidding, he said, adding there could be a bid letting in June and construction could start in July or August. Stallsmith indicated the construction will take about one year to complete. That would include demolition of the current bridge, because the new structure would be constructed in the same place. A key issue will be completion of soil borings where the replacement bridge piers will be placed. Stallsmith said boring equipment could be placed on the existing bridge and holes punched in its deck to access the river bed. County Engineer Larry Roehl said that will make a barge unnecessary. Both said one-lane traffic could continue to use the existing bridge while that work is completed. Supervisors Randy Griffin and Brad Quigley initially questioned whether they should approve the new contract or wait until Supervisor Chair Chris Ball, who did not attend the meeting Tuesday, was present. After they agreed they want the project to move forward, they approved the contract. FEMA - Puerto Rico In other action, Roehl said he is waiting for the Federal Emergency Management Administration to contact him about traveling to Puerto Rico to assist with hurricane relief. An email from last week indicated monitoring workers will be used until Thanksgiving. After their work is completed, Roehl said, he will join other road and bridge inspectors sometime after Christmas. New lanes - Highway 61 During his report to the board, Roehl said the new lanes on the realigned US Highway 61 at Grandview are expected to be open Nov. 20. He said shoulder work is being finished, with striping and signage next. Farm access? Griffin told Roehl about the need for a field entrance south of 145th Street. Griffin said a resident who farms in the area had made the request. Roehl said the resident should follow the DOTs permitting regulations to get access. Grandview bypass Assistant County Engineer Adam Shutt also reported a pre-construction meeting with Coles Construction, Keosauqua, is scheduled for next week. He said once communication lines in the area are relocated, the company could begin grading and other work to upgrade the dirt road to a gravel bypass around Grandview. In other action, the board: Approved requests from Interstate Power and Water and Eastern Iowa Light & Power to construct new utility services on county right of way to a rural residence on S Avenue, Morning Sun, and for a site on 125th Street, Columbus Junction; Agreed to transfer $17,375 from sales tax to debt service to cover an interest payment for the Louisa County Jail construction bond, which expires in 2022. MUSCATINE In the presence of their new families, two judges, and rows of Beanie Babies, seven children were officially adopted on Wednesday afternoon in conjunction with National Adoption Day. The day is a collective effort to raise awareness for the more than 110,000 children in foster care waiting for permanent and loving families. Since its inception, nearly 65,000 children have been adopted through the event. Last year, 4,700 youth were adopted by families as part of the day's celebration. Judge Nancy Tabor, district court judge of the 7th judicial district, has worked in juvenile court since 1989, first as an assistant county attorney in Clinton County and then as a juvenile court judge. "I feel really passionate about the fact that we all celebrate Thanksgiving and count our blessings as a family and these children, that's just their dream to have a 'forever family.'" Tabor said. "And some of them it never happens so that's why days like today are so important." A forever family is just that; a permanent home that a child can join and remain a part of. "For them it is having a place that is consistently their home," Tabor said. "A place they can always go back to and the same people will be there. A lot of these kids go from foster home to foster home, and they've never had what we call a forever home." The eldest of the seven placed in homes today was 18-year-old Alexandria Love LaPlant Bishop. "I'm pretty excited and thankful to just be adopted and finally have a family that accepts me for who I am," Bishop said. "It's been about 2 and half years. It's just positive energy. I'm feeling really happy and ecstatic." "Obviously, it is one of the nicest things we do," said Judge Gary Strausser. "Helping children find their forever families, it's just a joy to be a part of it. I handle most of the cases involving children here in the county and to see the final day in the process, it's just a really nice feeling." Strausser said that for several of these cases, he has been with the child since the beginning. "The goal is to keep the kid safe with their biological family," Strausser said, "but when that is no longer possible, they still need a childhood. They still need parents who are going to take care of them." According to Tabor, finding that forever home often means more than just a consistent environment to grow up in. "The other thing you will see is that they don't have stability in education either," Tabor said. "They go from school to school to school and so they are always kind of behind. That impacts our community as well because we don't have kids that our getting the benefits of our education system." Tabor brings it back to community. By joining these families, towns like Muscatine get a little bigger. "Not only does it enrich the family and the individual but different persons come into our community. It enriches us," Tabor said. "They bring another perspective. They broaden our world view. I think they enhance our community. Not only are the children blessed by having parents, but the parents in the community that they are exposing these kids to will come back to give back to Muscatine." Shanghai police on Nov 8 detained three suspects in a child abuse case that took place at online travel agency Ctrip's in-house day care center. The suspects - a cleaner, a child-care worker and the teacher in charge of the class have been charged with child abuse. The head of the day care center, who is not detained, is being charged with dereliction of duty. Video evidence of the child abuse went viral on the Internet on Nov 6. Ctrip alerted police to the incident on Nov 7. The footage shows that teachers at the day care center were rough in their handling of the children, causing some to fall and suffer injuries. Some children were also forced to swallow items which was later identified as mustard. According to the police, the children involved in the case are aged between 18 and 24 months. All classes in the kindergarten have been suspended since Nov 9. The operations of the day care center is managed by a company called Modern Family Magazine. The Shanghai Women's Federation, which is the shareholder and direct supervisor of the company, announced on its official Weibo account on Thursday that it will "deal with the incident seriously and strengthen management of its subordinate units." The federation also said that the day care center has sacked the four suspects and apologized to the families of the affected children. On Nov 8, the top management of Ctrip apologized over the incident and said it would continue assisting the police in their investigations. "On behalf of the company, I extend my sincere apologies to the involved families and children," said Sun Jie, CEO of Ctrip. According to Sun, Ctrip has also set up an investigation team which will review the day care center's surveillance footage in the past three months. MUSCATINE Current Muscatine city council members, candidates and residents agreed the results of Tuesday's city election were largely impacted by contention between the city council and mayor over the past two years. Previously ousted Muscatine Mayor Diana Broderson won re-election with 59 percent of the votes, and three newcomers won seats on the city council. Since Broderson first took office in 2015, tensions have been high between her and the city council. After a year of claiming Broderson was willfully violating city code and making false accusations, the council voted unanimously to remove her from office in May. She was then reinstated by a district court judge, and last month, a judge ruled the council's removal is vacated, claiming the proceedings violated Brodersons right to due process. With record-breaking voter turnout Tuesday, candidates and residents said the mayor's removal was a main driving force behind the voter participation and final results of the election. "Of course it did; it had a lot to do with it," said current 2nd Ward Councilman Michael Rehwaldt, who was unseated by newcomer Osmond Malcolm. "It's all related to the mayor. Everything." Current At Large City Councilman Santos Saucedo, whose seat will be up for election in two years, said the mayors removal encouraged more people to go to the polls this year. I think the media had a lot to do with how that perception of what that process was and a lot to do with the publics view, Saucedo said. I think there was a lot brought into the question of was [the mayors removal] done correctly or if it wasnt, or if it should have been done at all. People wanted to voice their opinion and get out and vote. Broderson said her win was affirmation that residents want their views represented in city government. "Since the people elected me, all I have done is try to fulfill their wants and their needs, and that did not play well," Broderson said Tuesday. "I think the people want to be heard. They want their agenda to be the priority ... It certainly has not been the priority of local government. They are stepping up to say, 'Hey, wait a minute. You work for us.'" A supporter of Broderson, resident Roger Strong, said he voted for the mayor because "her platform was excellent." "Family, kids, bullying ... she just seemed to be for the little man," Strong said. "We are Muscatine. And I think she has the biggest heart for everybody in Muscatine and I really think she can do a lot of good if they'll just maybe listen to her. And work with her." Resident Chris Clark said she was in favor of three new faces on the city council. "I was not so happy with things going on right now and the amount of money spent on this fiasco," Clark said. "If (council members) were unhappy with the mayor, there were a lot of things they could have done, but they didn't do that. They weren't being prudent." A resident of the 4th Ward, Clark said she supported winner Nadine Brockert, and hopes Muscatine's Southend will receive the same care other parts of the city do. "I wanted to see Nadine win and I'd want to see more women on the board," Clark said. "And she's qualified. There were more qualified people and quality candidates this time than I've ever seen." Newcomer Kelcey Brackett's winning of the at-large seat was one of the closest races, with him earning 1,855 votes, incumbent Scott Natvig winning 1,439 votes and newcomer Kerry Denison receiving 786 votes. Denison took a stronger approach than Brackett when it came to the need for change in city government. In campaigning, he spoke about the need for the city to restore its city code and make elected officials' roles clearer. Brackett said he believes it is still safe to say voters were working to replace the three incumbent council members. "Natvig got 35 percent of the vote and the rest of the vote was against him," Brackett said. "Denison's 20 percent was 20 percent against Natvig... The existing council should see the writing on the wall. The residents made a big statement [Tuesday] night and if they want to retain their seats in two years, they may need to rethink their actions." Current and newly elected council members agreed, however, it will take more to make change in Muscatine's city government than just electing new faces to the council. "The change is going to happen gradually and it's not going to happen overnight," said Brockert, who won in the 4th Ward with nearly 49 percent of the votes. "We have to figure out what's going on and figure out what's best for the city." Saucedo, whose seat was not up for election this year, said he is optimistic the remaining councilmen will be able to work with the incoming members. "I've always sincerely been interested in just the success of our community and I hope they have the same interest as well," Saucedo said. "I hope that's a goal for them as well and we can move forward because people have wanted to see that." People across the United States marked the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trumps election by screaming at the sky on Wednesday night. Anti-Trump protesters took to the streets in cities such as New York and Philadelphia to "scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election." Protesters gathered at Washington Square Park in New York City and at Philadelphia City Hall, among other locations across the U.S. One year ago on Nov. 8, 2016, Trump was victorious in the U.S. presidential election by winning the Electoral College vote by a comfortable margin despite losing the popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes to Hillary Clinton. Les emplois a Rennes sont abondants et varies. Il y a quelque chose pour tout le monde. Que vous soyez a la recherche dun emploi [] Les blattes ou cafards (Blatta orientalis) sont des insectes qui appartiennent a la famille des Blattoptera. Ils se caracterisent par leur forme allongee, leurs ailes [] Charles E. Chuck Adkins, 78, passed away on October 13, 2017. He was born in Missoula, Montana. Chuck spent most of his childhood in Woodland, California until he moved to Napa in 1966. After high school he joined the Navy and served a four year term. Chuck met his wife, and married on September 7, 1968. Chuck worked 30 years for Chevron as a welder. He enjoyed camping, fishing, playing his guitar, riding his motorcycle and mostly enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Chuck is survived by his wife, Margie Adkins of Napa; daughters, Leann Adkins of Napa, Jennifer Moser (Darrell) of Washington; brother, Roy Beals of Marysville; and 6 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his mom, Velma Beals; stepdad, Roy Beals. For friends considering memorials to Mr. Adkins, the family suggests donations to the American Red Cross or Salvation Army. Memories may be shared at Cherri was born in Napa Valley. She passed peacefully on October 28th, 2017 after a long illness. She is survived by her husband Michael Bliton, aunt Diana Johnsen, sister Rose Florence and her niece Jessica Blaylock whom she helped raise. Cherri loved the Napa Valley and was always proud to say she was from there. She graduated Vintage High School and attended Napa Junior College. Cherri worked several jobs including real estate, running a tanning salon and her own small business. Fashion was a big part of her life, everything had to match head to toe. She collected more clothes and shoes than she could ever wear. Cherri enjoyed traveling especially to tropical places. She loved all animals, cats meant the world to her, and she always had one or two that she would spoil and dress up. Services will be held November 11, 2017 at Tulocay Funeral Home in Napa, California. Visitation will be held from 10:00AM12:30PM followed by a graveside service at 1:00PM. Words of sympathy may be sent to the family on-line at Cherri wished all donations to be make to the SPCA. Maybe its because it is a Wednesday morning or because this is a screening of three documentary shorts, but Chuck and I are easily the youngest people at the Copia Theater. No matter. Our Napa Valley Film Festival experience has officially begun. I like the Copia Theater. We saw a film here last year. Its cozy. Not too big, not too small. Its recommended that you arrive 30 minutes before a screening, but Chuck and I managed to slip in 5 minutes before showtime. Wednesday morning probably had a lot to do with that as well. Before I go into my thoughts about the documentaries we watched, I have to offer this disclaimer: There will by typos. Im going to try to make these entries as coherent as possible, but Im writing on the fly in between screenings and attempts at balanced meals. It may get weird. It may get sloppy, but hold tight. The Napa Valley Film Festival is grouping together short films in blocks so that you see two or more in one viewing. Short Features 2, which will screen again on Sunday, Nov. 12, at Freemark Abbey in St. Helena at 5:15 p.m., includes Standing/Still Standing, Little Warriors, and Love 99. Standing/Still Standing was the least polished of the docs, but it packed the most heart. We meet paraplegic yoga instructor Matthew Sanford as he offers his healing strategies to three people who have lost control of their bodies in one form or another. Bruce has lost most control of his body due to ALS, Britt was injured in an IED attack while serving as a Marine in Afghanistan, and Angie was injured when she fell from a trapeze. All three were in good physical form, living active lives, when fate had a different plan. Each of their stories are heart-wrenching on their own, but their determination, guided by Sanford, is so inspiring. You meet these people in their darkest time, but Sanford is able to use yoga as a spark that lights this internal flame of perferverance. Its raw, but incredibly beautiful. I would have rather seen a full length documentary about this and skipped the other two. Not that Little Warriors and Love 99 werent good, but I just didnt feel connected to them. Little Warriors is a look at how a group of Indiana school children lead an effort to get a Climate Recovery Resolution passed in Indianapolis. It is inspiring to see young people so passionate about the well being of the Earth, but the viewing experience is passive. Perhaps it is because the film description spoils that they succeed, so I wasnt as invested in the process. But perhaps I wasnt the target audience. This film would have more impact if it is shown to school-aged children to show them that they do have a voice, and that if they band together, they can accomplish great things. I wouldnt mind seeing kids here in Napa take on such a task. Love 99 follows theater actors in Los Angeles as they battle with their stage actors union to save the creative spaces in the city known as the 99-seat theater community. Its far more complicated than that but that is what it boils down to. Academy Award winner Helen Mirren is the narrator. This is a film about artists striving to save art. It is a struggle that we see all over the country, but this story didnt move me much. Then again, I dont live in L.A. I dont know of these theaters. I dont know what these theaters mean to the community as well as the actors who bring the stories to life. Again, Im probably just not the right audience. Im not an actor. I thought I wanted to be an actor when I was a kid. This film made me glad I didnt, and that was clearly not the point. 4:38 p.m. After the documentary shorts, we grabbed lunch at Filippis Pizza and then killed time exploring the Oxbow before returning to Copia for a culinary demo. Anyone with a film pass has dibs on a seat in the CIA culinary theater, but you need to show up early because the theater seats about 70 people. Sponsors, Patrons and Pass Plus folks get first seating and then everyone else in line is allowed to enter until all the seats are full. Ive taken a few classes at CIA at Copia, but this is the first time Ive seen a full culinary theater. And it makes sense. When we sat down, there were three glasses of wine for sampling, a bamboo plate with three gorgeiously stacked fritters and a chocolate-wine candy treat already waiting for us. I have a feeling the culinary demos will grow in popularity as the Festival continues and word-of-mouth spreads. Chuck and I are already considering rethinking our schedule based on our expereince. The demo we attended was called Next Level Food and WIne For Film. Translation movie snacks for adults. The chirizo and shrimp fritters rested on a white bean puree. We were given a fork and knife, but the fritter made for perfect finger food. I dont like shrimp, but I didnt mind these fritters. I crispy golden crunch with a burst of flavor and a swirl of cheese. Heaven! Chef Sandy Sauter walked us through the preparation and we got a recipe card so that we can try the recipe out at home. The Film Festival is only 5 days, but the classes at Copia happen every week, so I recommend you check these out. Maryann Woriec from The Wine Spectator offered commentary about pairing wines with movie snacks. She had some great tips, but I was too content sipping my wine and snacking to write any of them down. Robin Akhurst representing Swanson Vineyards, based in Rutherford, delivered the details about the rose, merlot and sweet Angelica we were offered. We tried the wines and snacked on gourmet popcorn. I know I was feeling spoiled and the Ooohhs and Mmmms coming from my fellow demo attendees makes me think that everyone was having a good time, even if you dont like wine. There will be celebrities visiting the CIA culinary theater later in the festival. Elijah Wood is supposed to be there tomorrow. I wouldnt mind sipping wine with Frodo Baggins, even if he is across the room. Chuck and I are headed to the Uptown Theater in the heart of downtown Napa in hopes of catching The Upside and The Year of Spectacular Men. Ill be checking in after the shows to share my thoughts and give you a wrap up of day one. Ill even sprinkle in some hyperlinking and other online magic. 11:34 p.m. I was a little concerned that Chuck and I weren't going to make it into the screening for "The Upside" when we saw that the line move up Third Street and turned the corner at Franklin Street. However, since the Uptown seats more than 800 people, I was feeling hopeful. As we inched our way to the front of the line, I caught a glimpse of actor Tate Donovan. First celebrity sighting: check! Donovan would be the only high profile representative for the film, which stars Bryan Cranston, Nicole Kidman and Kevin Hart, but that's OK. It's flattering that any big names come out for our young and evolving film festival -- especially if they aren't being celebrated at any of the tributes or fancy dinners being held across the valley in conjunction with the festival. "The Upside" was the big premiere of the day, so it felt pretty cool to have a seat to the show when half the theater was blocked off from "reserved" seating. The film was scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., but when you've got VIPs making their way into your theater, you hold the show. It was worth the wait. "The Upside" is delightful. It's the story of a paralyzed billionaire (Cranston) and the friendship he forms with an unlikely caretaker (Hart). Bryan Cranston can do no wrong in my book. I even liked him in "Godzilla". He delivers another quality performance in "The Upside", but it is Hart who shines. Naturally, the comedian offers comic relief in a story that could easily be a depressing, woe-is-me tale, but he offers levity that you don't expect from this story. There is a buddy comedy undertone that feels organic, and the bromance is what carries the film. You can catch "The Upside" at Cameo Cinema in St. Helena on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 8:15 p.m. The film is flagged under "Award Season Screenings." I didn't get award season vibe from this film, but I was charmed and would recommend it. Even though Chuck and I planned to see the next film playing at the Uptown, we were ushered outside to line up again, only this time it was raining. We joined a mass of people forming an umbrella shield against the heavens. All seemed well until word in the crowd spread that the lines had been changed from the previous showing. If we have to stand in the rain, we'd better be in the right line .... right? We were getting a lot of mixed information, so I left the cover of umbrellas to confirm that the lines had indeed switched so the "blue" line was now against the wall instead of on the far end of the sidewalk just a few hours ago. People were not pleased about this inconsistency. They seemed more upset by the line switch then the fact that it was starting to rain pretty steadily. Chuck and I took it in stride. Hopefully "The Year of Spectacular Men" would be worth the wait and the wet. "The Year of Spectacular Men" is Lea Thompson's directorial debut. The film was written by her daughter Madelyn Deutch, and sister Zoey stars in the film with Lea and Madelyn. The movie is a true family affair, and Lea and Madelyn giddily welcomed film festival guests to the screening and were kind enough to hang out after the show for a Q&A. "The Year of Spectacular Men" isn't about the men but about adorably flawed Izzy as she tries to figure out her life post college. Part of this journey includes falling in and out of love with a variety of men who seem to bring out her worst and best sides. The film is about growing up, and the struggles you encounter when you're technically an adult and yet you have no idea how to be an adult or a functioning member of society. But what I love about this film is that it is about family -- family that you are born into and the family you forge along your way through life. And its about how your love for these two types of families help make your life make sense even when life is messy. This is an indie flick you want to watch with your girlfriends while drinking wine and eating chocolates. There is something cathartic about it for the millennials who have already run the gauntlet and made it to the other side. We identify with Izzy. She's a mess, but you know she's going to be OK. "The Year of Spectacular Men" screens Friday, Nov. 10, at Cameo Cinema in St. Helena at 5:15 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 11, at Charles Krug Winery in St. Helena at 1:30 p.m. His voice hoarse from talking to claim adjusters, Napa insurance executive Kent Imrie on Tuesday afternoon addressed a gathering of local business people interested in information about financial assistance and other opportunities as a result of the October wildfires. There is no rule book, per se for settling insurance claims from a disaster like this, he said. It can be a daunting process. Imrie was one of several speakers who presented information about insurance, claims, disaster loans and other capital resources for those impacted by the fires. The event was hosted by the Napa Chamber of Commerce and held at the Silverado Resort and Spa. That property was itself threatened by the Oct. 8 wildfires that destroyed more than 500 homes and a number of businesses in Napa County. One thing that makes this community so special is how we all try to assist each other in these situations, said Travis Stanley, Napa Chamber president and CEO. There are opportunities and resources people probably arent fully aware of and thats what we hope to help them with. Imrie said one common question is whether a business that suffered a loss of revenue from cancelled reservations, bookings and appointments can receive any kind of insurance benefits via a business interruption policy. The quick answer is that there is no insurance for that kind of loss, he said. In most cases, There has to be a direct physical loss to your premises for any such business interruption insurance coverage to apply, he said. A forced evacuation, such as occurred in Calistoga, is different, according to Jeff Erickson, an insurance broker with ISU Sander Jacobs in Napa. In that case, because the entire town was evacuated, some insurance benefits from a business interruption policy may be applicable. Talk to your agent, turn in your claim and see where it goes from there, Erickson advised. Sally Xu-Plants, the owner of the Inn on Randolph, said she attended the meeting to find out about available resources. Its always good to know whats out there, she said. Perhaps some of her staff might benefit from available aid. While her Inn didnt have any fire damage, cancellations from guests caused her off season to start a little earlier than normal, she said. However, Its a short set back, said the inn owner. Were not going anywhere. RE/MAX Gold Realtor Bob Frappia said he came to the event so he could inform his clients about options when it comes to cost recovery or financing. Frappia said a lack of inventory for buyers is one concern for the Napa real estate market. For example, after the fires, we had four listings that got pulled and turned into rentals, he said. Frappia said the owners of those homes saw an opportunity to help people who have been displaced and at the same time improve their cash flow. But that also means four less homes are listed for sale in an already tight market. Bill Koontz, who works in disaster assistance for the U.S. Small Business Administration, recommended that business owners consider an SBA loan and register with FEMA even if they dont think they need assistance right now. Ive talked to a lot of business owners who four weeks in have thought, Ive got enough insurance to rebuild, said Koontz. However, In my experience, you really dont know whats ahead and how much youll have to pay. You may not know what your insurance settlement will be. That process will take time, he said. The SBA can give you a short term cash solution. As for help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, There could be later some kind of assistance that we dont know about today, such as new grant programs. How will they know to call you if you havent registered with FEMA? Koontz also pointed out that due to other disasters, including the recent string of hurricanes, there is a backlog in the SBA application process. We help folks on a first come, first serve basis, he noted. Getting a loan can take up to four weeks. There is no fee to apply and if approved, you dont have to accept the loan, he said. Dan Aguilar, senior vice president, Mechanics Bank, said the bank was already helping clients in different ways including waving some ATM fees, offering free cashier checks and providing access to safety deposit boxes after keys are lost due to the disaster. Now were starting to plan for the future, said Aguilar. Specifically, We know capital will be needed for rebuilding. Construction loans will be critical. Unfortunately, since the great recession fewer banks are offering such loans. That has got to change, said Aguilar. There needs to be cooperation that is almost unprecedented between regulators, governments and banks so we can be more helpful to our clients. Its a real tall order and something that will be sorely needed. Michael Cummings, a FEMA spokesman, applauded the coordinated relief efforts already implemented in the area. Those include efforts by the Napa Valley Community Foundation, the California Governors Office of Business and Economic Development and the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) other agencies also represented at the Chamber event. In the other disasters hes been involved with, Ive seen many times when this kind of conversation doesnt happen for months or years down the road, Cummings said. Take advantage of these people up here, he said of the program participants. They are here to help you. Cummings also noted one silver lining. Sometimes rebuilding after a disaster like the fires can lead to unanticipated improvements. Ive seen many (areas) come back even stronger after such a disaster, by adding innovation, critical infrastructure improvements, different construction techniques and other technology, he added. A south Napa County park-to-be with several miles of planned trails looks like it will be as large as its creators envisioned. The Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District is poised to buy an additional 298 acres for Suscol Headwaters Preserve. That will boost the preserve to a total of 709 acres. Various funding pieces to buy the additional land for $2.6 million came together in time for the Oct. 31 deadline. What remains is for the checks to clear and escrow to close. District officials say Suscol Headwaters has that classic real estate attribute of location, location, location. Most county residents wont have to travel far to reach it. It includes hills north of Highway 12 at the entrance to Jameson Canyon, near both the city of Napa and American Canyon. Eighty percent of the population lives within 10 minutes of what will be the trailhead, District General Manager John Woodbury said. Its unclear when Suscol Headwaters might open to the public. Woodbury said the optimistic view might be a year, if everything falls in place. The preserve could open in phases. When we open, well make a lot of noise, Woodbury said. Well be so excited its open, well make sure everyone knows. About half of the property burned in backfires set by firefighters to battle the recent Atlas Fire, Woodbury said. That includes a ridge with sweeping views of the Bay Area. It was rangeland, he said. A few trees burned. But other than that, the fire was probably a good thing for the environment chaparral was designed to burn. People probably wont notice the burned areas as rains turn the land green, he said. Napa County in one sense owes the Suscol Headwaters expansion to the official state amphibian, the California red-legged frog. In 2014, Caltrans finished building a wider Highway 12 through the frog habitat of Jameson Canyon. Under endangered species laws, it had to protect frog habitat at another location. The agency is meeting this obligation by contributing $2.1 million toward the Suscol Headwaters expansion purchase. But the frogs need a pond to live in. The Open Space District will create one at a cost of about $172,000 and has found the site on the preserve. Its already a natural spring, Woodbury said. Its sort of a pond already. We have to make it a little deeper and larger and get some exclusionary fencing. No red-legged frogs have been found at the site. Woodbury said the pond might attract them. Also, he said, it might be possible to bring red-legged frogs to the pond. On Sept. 28, the state Coastal Conservancy contributed another $400,000 needed for the purchase of the additional 298 acres for Suscol Headwaters. The property includes prime steelhead habitat and potential habitat for 63 rare species, an agency report said. In addition, Suscol Headwaters trails will allow hikers to link with trails to the north, on the Tuteur Ranch and in Skyline Wilderness Park, the report said. The expansion purchase in particular closes a small gap in this system. The Napa Valley Transportation Authority, Solano Transportation Authority and Open Space District also contributed money to the Suscol Headwaters expansion purchase. Suscol Headwaters was once part of a large ranch owned by Kirkland Cattle Co., the Coastal Conservancy report said. In 2008, an agricultural investment group bought 2,100 acres. The investment group now known as Suscol Mountain Vineyards, LLC, has a county permit allowing vineyards to be planted on much of the property. The group agreed to sell part of its land to the Open Space District to become Suscol Headwaters Preserve. In 2015, the Open Space District bought 411 acres from Suscol Mountain Vineyards for $900,000. Woodbury said the second phase purchase of 298 acres is costing more at $2.6 million because part of this land has vineyard approvals, though no vineyards. Yountville leaders were poised on Tuesday to order the founder of an Old Town restaurant to replace lettering that was removed from its historic storefront five months ago. But a last-minute letter to the town has put that demand on hold for at least two weeks. The Town Council was scheduled to vote on a demand that Frank Altamura, co-creator of the Ciccio restaurant at 6770 Washington St., put back the word MARKET that once adorned the century-old building when it housed the Tonascia Market. A vote in favor would have compelled Altamura to restore the six white block letters to the red wooden facade within 10 days, despite his assertion that the masthead was not original but a much later addition from as late as the 1970s. However, the vote never took place. Instead, Mayor John Dunbar announced a postponement after a lawyer for Altamura sent the town an eight-page letter two minutes before the meetings 6 p.m. opening alleging legal roadblocks to a forced restoration of the grocery-themed signage at Ciccio, which has operated since 2012 as a dinner-only, table-service Italian eatery. The council then voted to move back discussion of Ciccios future to Nov. 21, although Dunbar suggested those talks would take place in closed session, as state law allows for matters of litigation. Altamura has fought Yountvilles efforts to return the MARKET lettering to the building, where Tonascia Market, which operated from 1916 to 1983, spent most of its existence. In August, he convinced the town zoning board to accept the change after the fact after arguing not only that the masthead was added decades after the storefronts opening but also that the signage had been taken down and replaced various times in the last 40 years and that its continued existence still confuses visitors expecting to find a grocery where none exists. (The building has functioned exclusively as a restaurant since 2000.) The dispute came to a head during a testy Oct. 17 Town Council meeting in which Altamura accused Yountville leaders of ignoring historical research to justify a popular, if inauthentic, symbol of the towns past a claim Dunbar angrily denied. Councilmembers stood firm, saying the removal of the MARKET lettering violated the town permits Altamura had agreed to, whatever his justifications. I would have been open to that conversation had you been willing to follow the rules the way they are set out for everybody, Dunbar told him last month. I dont feel like you did that. That sigh you hear is Antonio Villaraigosas relief that Eric Garcetti wont be running for governor next year. Garcetti, the current mayor of Los Angeles, would have been a strong contender vis-a-vis Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the frontrunner in all polls. But the most immediate beneficiary of Garcettis recent announcement of non-candicacy is Villaraigosa, his predecessor in the mayors office, who has been running second in the polls. Thats especially true because of the unique dynamics of the states top-two primary system. Had Garcetti made the run, he would have siphoned not only Southern California voter support, but Southern California money, away from Villaraigosa, who was already having trouble raising the many millions of dollars a California gubernatorial campaign requires. For both reasons, a Garcetti candidacy would seriously erode Villaraigosas chances perhaps even erased them of finishing in the June primarys top two and thus securing a place in the November runoff. A September poll of potential voters by the Public Policy Institute of California confirmed that Villaraigosa needs strong support in Southern California, and among Latino voters, to have a shot at the November ballot. Could Garcetti have won it all had he run? Well never know. While Los Angeles mayors have never done well in their bids for the governorship Tom Bradley lost twice in the 1980s Garcetti would have been a formidable candidate. A mano-y-mano duel with Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco, would have been a high-stakes, high-dollar interregional shootout by two relatively young, ambitious and infinitely glib California politicians that would have elevated the survivor into the ranks of presidential contenders. So what now for Garcetti? Hes just 46 and a change in dates for Los Angeles city elections gives him an extra year and a half in the mayors office, allowing him to serve until 2022. I am passionate about my city and my family; both are here in Los Angeles, he said in one of his tweets announcing his decision. We have a lot of work left to do to build a stronger city, state, and nation and I know I can best build on our progress here in LA. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinsteins declaration for re-election closed out that option for Garcetti and opened the door for another ambitious young Los Angeles politician, state Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, to challenge her for the seat. Garcetti quickly declared support for Feinstein and could be in the mix for her seat in 2024 if she wins re-election and serves out her six-year term. And he could be in the mix for a Senate appointment by the next governor should Feinstein give up her seat before then, as many political insiders believe is possible or even probable. Finally, Garcetti may be exploring a presidential run in 2020. Hes visited key primary states, had discussions with key Democratic donors and will travel to South Carolina site of an early 2020 primary next year. I think all the rules are off, he said when asked by a Wisconsin television interviewer in June about a potential presidential run. No African American could be president until one was. No reality star could be president until one is. Villaraigosa and Newsom dont care what Garcetti does next, as long as its not seeking the governorship of California. MOUNTAIN HOME, Ark. - The crumpled hills that cup this southern Ozarks city are dressed in russet, and the hollows are steaming in the chilly dawn. Deer season is here. That's no incidental fact in a place where the forest exerts a primal pull; where men, women and children alike dress in camo at school, Hobby Lobby and the public library; where a scan of the FM radio band finds tips on field-dressing a trophy buck to ensure that the taxidermist has enough skin to work with. The annual youth hunt was this past weekend, when children 15 and under had shooting privileges. This weekend, the adults take over. Even after a massacre in a Texas church -- on the heels of a bloodbath in Las Vegas not long after an attack on members of Congress in Virginia while memories were still fresh of a slaughter in Orlando and so on, so horribly on - you won't find much support for new gun-control laws around here. The cultural foundations beneath that sentiment trace through generations. But one essential element is a sense of simple justice: People don't like the idea that they should pay for the offenses of others. What we have here is a failure to communicate, fueling mistrust and feeding on misunderstanding. Many millions of safety-conscious and law-abiding gun owners don't accept that their rights are to blame for mass murder. They see themselves as living, harmless proof that the gun is not the problem; it's the person holding the gun. "This isn't a guns situation," President Donald Trump said for them after the Texas massacre. ". . . This is a mental-health problem at the highest level." Think of drunken driving, which kills some 10,000 Americans per year. Is the problem in the driver or the car? The answer seems every bit as obvious to people in places like Mountain Home as the need for more gun laws seems to editorial writers in America's newsrooms. So obvious, in fact, that a lot of them are convinced that gun-control advocates must have some larger, more ominous, agenda in mind. But suspicion runs both ways, as it so often does. The reflexive shift to mental health has come to feel more like a dodge than a diagnosis. Trump and his supporters would be more credible if they delivered a plan of action worthy of a "problem at the highest level." Instead, from Trump on down, the United States falls short in this department - as any family that has tried to access treatment for a suffering loved one can tell you. More than half of American adults with mental illness do not receive care, according to Mental Health America's 2017 annual report. This is due in part to widespread shortages of mental-health professionals, who are - due to skewed priorities - among the lowest-paid specialists in the health-care sector. The problem runs deeper, though. While advocates rightly stress that the vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent, the insidious nature of mental illness dictates that many of the sickest individuals are among the least likely to seek help; the Texas killer, it turns out, escaped from a mental-health facility in 2012. Deficiencies and delusions that make a person dangerous can also blind him to his own madness. And what if the trouble is even deeper still? The mental malfunctions that can metastasize in mass murder are varied and complicated - killers have shown signs of schizophrenia, sociopathy, depression, bipolar disorder and so on. But almost by definition they betray the self-pity, self-absorption, grandiosity and lack of empathy that define narcissistic personality disorder. As the late Christopher Lasch argued, narcissism may be the defining pathology of the modern age. Our atomized, individualized society, focused on self-fulfillment and drunk on celebrity, brews narcissism as lavishly as $5 coffee and pours it out freely from Rodeo Drive to Pennsylvania Avenue. In Texas, local law enforcement and the FBI took a small but important step by deciding, after initial briefings, not to speak the name of the Sutherland Springs church killer. Media outlets should join this nascent movement to limit the amount of celebrity conferred on mass murderers. Perhaps fewer narcissists would be motivated to turn their personal pain and failure into deadly spectacles. But dimming the spotlight won't by itself solve the epidemic of mass shootings. A problem of such an American nature needs a response that brings Americans together, rather than drive us apart. And that will require a change of heart on both sides of the gun-rights divide. From gun owners, we need a real commitment to safety and responsibility: closing loopholes, respecting background checks, beefing up databases and supporting adequate mental-health funding. With rights come responsibilities, gun rights included. And from gun controllers, we need a new spirit of genuine respect for the fact that Americans who own firearms are not doing anything wrong. Until they trust you on that fundamental score, you'll get nowhere. I was born and raised in Napa. When I was 8 years old, two years after I went to live with my grandparents, my grandfather won a baby turkey as one of his prizes for coming in first at a Whist Card Tournament at the local Grange. The turkey was just a little fluffy, peeping thing in a shoe box when my grandfather handed him to me and said, Violet, I want you to feed and raise this turkey so we can have him for Thanksgiving Dinner. I remember thinking that I had been given a very important task. This turkey would be part of the Thanksgiving Dinner the same way that chickens were often part of our Sunday dinners. On the Sundays when we were having chicken, Grandpa took one of the chickens from his flock of 1,500. After he killed it, he brought it into the house. That is when Betty and I went into action. Betty was my aunt who had some special physical and mental needs and she was my best friend and helped me with the chicken plucking chore. Betty held the chicken and I pulled its feathers off. When we finished plucking the chicken we put it in the savory pan for Grandpa to prepare it for roasting. When the chicken was cooked, our family enjoyed a very special meal. As far as I could tell, this turkey I was going to raise with Bettys help would make our Thanksgiving Dinner a very special meal. That meant I could not make any mistakes in raising him. I knew that the first thing I needed to do was to prepare a home for him. I found a cage that would serve as his home. I put some newspapers on the floor of the cage and I found a couple of dishes I could use for his chicken mash and his water. When I finished preparing his cage, I put him it. He did not move toward his food or water. He just stood there. Grandma, who had been observing my actions, suggested that I bring the turkeys head down to the water so he would know he was to drink it and then to bring his head down to the mash so he would know he was to eat it. I was a little nervous about doing that, but I gently put his beak in the water several times. Finally, he drank some water. I did the same for the mash and finally he began to eat. I remember feeling very proud of myself for teaching the little turkey how to eat and drink. I wasnt sure if I was supposed to keep the turkey by my bed at night so I asked Grandma. She said No, the turkey cannot stay in the house. He needs to be outside. Now that I knew I was raising the turkey outside, I realized I had to find a place for his cage. Grandma suggested that I put his cage somewhere in the garage. That way, the little turkey would have a place to sleep indoors and I would not have to go very far in the morning to feed him and clean his cage. That made sense to me. All I had to do was find a place in the garage where I could put his cage. As I pondered this issue, a picture of the perfect place flashed before my eyes. The cowboys sleeping room. That room was in the middle of our garage behind the third stall and at the time, we had no cowboys sleeping there. I brought the cage over there and put the cage on one of the cots. Perfect, I said to myself. Then I told the little turkey that this would be his house and that I would come see him in the morning. Every morning after that, before I left for school, I changed his newspaper and gave him clean water and mash. He soon outgrew his cage so I prepared a bigger one for him. When I changed out his cage, Grandpa told me to start giving him regular chicken grains instead of mash. When he outgrew his bigger cage, Grandpa told me I could take him out of the cage and just let him walk around the yard. He said the turkey was used to us by now, so he wouldnt run away. So I took him out of the cage and put him on the ground. He not only didnt run away, he didnt walk away. He just stood there and looked at me. I wasnt sure what that meant, so I started walking away from him. As soon as I did that, he ran right up to me, like a little dog. From then on, whenever I was outside, the turkey followed me everywhere. It was like I was his mother. When I went inside the house in daytime, he would lie down outside the washroom door and wait for me to come out. For the first few nights after I let him loose, I had him follow me back to the cowboys sleeping room. I pushed him inside and closed the door so he could stay there overnight. He soon learned, that after I went into the house for the night, he was to go back to the room by himself and find a place there to spend the night. As soon as I went outside in the morning, the turkey ran up and attached himself to me again. Grandma told me I should ask Auntie Margaret (her sister) to help me straighten out the turkey. Auntie Margaret was a turkey expert. She raised turkeys on her ranch. Soon after that when we visited Auntie Margaret, I told her about the turkey following me everywhere and asked her what was going on with him. She told me that the turkey had imprinted on me. Violet, she warned me, That is not a good thing for a Thanksgiving Turkey or for you. Now that your Thanksgiving Turkey has become a pet, it is going to be very hard on you when Grandpa kills him for your Thanksgiving Dinner. I think I understood what she was telling me, but Thanksgiving was still far away. I was mostly interested in the fact that I now had a pet. Since he had become my pet, I needed to give him a name. The only name I could think of for a turkey was Gobble so that became his name. Soon after that, summer came and school was out. Gobble and I began to spend more time with each other. Gobble literally became my shadow. When I had to go to town with Grandpa, he would watch me get in the car. When we returned and he saw the car coming up the driveway, he would run up to the car and wait for me to get out. Then he would waddle up to me and follow me around everywhere until I had to go into the house for the night. Gobble became so attached to me that when Grandpa wasnt looking, Grandma would let Gobble follow me into the house. On those occasions, when I saw Grandpa walking toward the house, I would take Gobble out the front door before Grandpa got inside from the washroom door. When school began in the fall, Gobble learned to walk down the road with me, He watched me get on the bus then walked back up the road to where Betty was waiting for him. In the afternoon, when he heard the bus coming down Vichy Avenue, he would run down the road to greet me when I got off the bus. Everything was fine with Gobble until November came and I began to hear talk in the family about our upcoming Thanksgiving Dinner. That talk frightened me. Now that Gobble was my pet, the thought of Grandpa killing Gobble became almost unbearable. I was lying awake in bed at night thinking about it. Finally, one day after school I got up enough nerve to talk with Grandma about my fear for Gobble. I explained to Grandma that since he had become my pet, I didnt want us to eat him. She said she understood. I asked if maybe we could get Auntie Margaret to give us one of her turkeys for Thanksgiving. Grandma said she would talk to Grandpa about it. That eased my fears a little, but I kept worrying about it until Thanksgiving Day. Finally, on Thanksgiving Day, I stopped worrying. That morning Grandma told me that Grandpa had decided that we should eat a different turkey. Gobble remained my pet for several years. Then one day, we noticed that Gobble was limping. His left foot was swollen and infected. Grandpa said he had to put the turkey out of its misery. I dont know how Grandpa put Gobble out of his misery but I do know that afterward Grandpa had me look in a wheel barrow. Gobble was lying peacefully in there, head intact. Grandpa told me to get a shovel and wheel Gobble down to our Flat and bury him. I wheeled Gobble down to the Flat and over to the shore of Sarco Creek. It took me a little while but I finally dug a hole large enough to fit Gobble. I gently laid him in it and covered him with the dirt I had dug up. I sat there for a while and cried. Then I said good-bye to him and pushed the wheel barrow back up the hill. Our family ranch has since been sold and re-sold. Homes have been built and vineyards have been planted where chickens and prune trees had been. Lots of activity has occurred since Gobble was laid to rest there almost 70 years ago. But to this day, I cannot drive down Vichy Avenue without stopping at La Grande Avenue and looking over the Sarco Creek Bridge and wondering if Gobbles bones ever flowed under it. Violet Hover Yountville A Napa Superior Court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by neighbors of a McCorkle Avenue housing project who claimed the city wrongly exempted the project from an extensive environmental review. On Nov. 8 Judge J. Michael Byrne rejected claims by David and Vickie Bradshaw, suing on behalf of the McCorkle Eastside Neighborhood Group, that St. Helenas Planning Department had improperly declared the eight-unit housing project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and that the Planning Commission and City Council had been denied the opportunity to challenge the exemption. The Bradshaws said they intend to appeal the decision to the First District Court of Appeals in San Francisco. If you stay with your tentative (ruling in favor of McGrath and the city), were going to be in the appellate court for two to three years, David Bradshaw told the judge during the hearing. In the meantime, applicant Joe McGrath can continue working on the project. Hes also responsible for paying for the citys legal defense. In a letter to the Star, he said he has spent nearly $250,000 in legal fees. In a separate statement to the Star, McGrath said hes pleased with the ruling and called the lawsuit a gross perversion of justice. The Bradshaws never intended to win this case on the merits, he said. Their strategy all along was to send a warning shot to all small, sensitive developers to go elsewhere by effectively attempting to bleed me dry financially until I abandoned the project. Their indication today that they will take this Petition up through the Court of Appeals is further testament to that. City Attorney Tom Brown declined to comment, saying the ruling speaks for itself. During public hearings on the project in late 2016 and early 2017, the Bradshaws and other neighbors raised various environmental concerns, including toxic contamination caused by a previous property owner whom neighbors described as a hoarder of old cars and junk. The county required McGrath to haul away the contaminated soil before starting construction. At the time the project was under review, the cost of the clean-up was estimated at $100,000. Clean-up work costing less than $1 million may still be considered exempt from CEQA. During public hearings, Planning Director Noah Housh and City Attorney Tom Brown said the project was exempt from CEQA under a provision that exempts infill housing projects. As a result, they said the Planning Commission and City Council should only consider the projects design review, not the broader environmental concerns raised by neighbors. In his ruling, Byrne agreed that since the project qualified for a CEQA exemption and was considered a permitted use under the citys Municipal Code, staff and the council were correct in limiting their review to matters involving design review. Byrne also ruled that it was too late for the Bradshaws to introduce new evidence suggesting that the cost of cleaning up the contaminated soil might be higher than previously anticipated. Even after McGrath excavated 4,500 square feet of contaminated soil to a depth of two feet, samples of the remaining soil still showed elevated levels of chromium-6 and lead, according to an Oct. 30 letter from the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, which is monitoring the clean-up. The cost of the clean-up will still be well under $1 million, according to Amanda Monchamp, McGraths attorney. In a statement, McGrath said the detection of chromium-6 was due to a flawed testing process. - UN says Millions of people in Yemen are set to die of famine. - Calls for the coalition blockade to be lifted to allow aid pass through. - Researchers want world leaders to do more rather than express their concerns in words. The United Nations has warned that millions of people in war torn Yemen will die as it prepares to face the world's worst famine crisis in decades unless the current blockade set by the Saudi-led military coalition is lifted. After briefing the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Mark Lowcock, the UN's humanitarian chief, said the move will worsen a "catastrophic" humanitarian crisis that has pushed millions to the brink of famine and has caused a mass cholera epidemic. "I have told the Council that unless those measures are lifted ... there will be a famine in Yemen," Lowcock, who visited Yemen late in October, told reporters on Wednesday. "It will not be like the famine that we saw in South Sudan earlier in the year, where tens of thousands of people were affected. It will not be like the famine which cost 250,000 people their lives in Somalia in 2011," he added. "It will be the largest famine the world has seen in many decades, with millions of victims." Kristine Beckerle, Yemen researcher at Human Rights Watch, said it was "far past time" the members of the UN Security Council "made it very clear" to Yemen's warring sides that there will be "concrete consequences" in cases of obstruction to humanitarian assistance. "The Council already has a mechanism for sanctioning people in Yemen who are committing gross violations," she told Al Jazeera. Beckerle said government officials in countries such as the US, UK and France are typically "issuing broad recitations of concern", without, however, acting upon it. "It's not enough for the US or the UK to say we are worried about famine in Yemen. "At this point, it's up to the Security Council members, and particularly those allied with Saudi Arabia, to be using all the leverage at their disposal to be pushing these people to actually make changes to the ways in which they are fighting this war and certainly for them to stop impending access to aid." Southern Illinois Dance Company to showcase many styles by Andrea Hahn CARBONDALE, Ill. A blend of distinct elements to form a beautiful conjunction of style thats Synergy: Southern Illinois Dance Company in Concert. The dance company started at Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 1975. This dance concert highlights the companys evolution, spurred as its been by hard work and artistic expression. The concert is 7:30 p.m., Nov. 10, and 2 p.m., Nov. 11, in Shryock Auditorium. This showcase presents diverse dance styles, including contemporary, jazz, tap, hip-hop and tribal fusion belly dance. Dancers from the Willow Street Studios Dance Company in Carbondale join as featured performers along with several brand-new members of the SIDC. SIDC has remained committed to its mission for more than 30 years promoting and elevating the art of dance by showcasing student, community and faculty dance artists, Lori Merrill-Fink, co-artistic director and director of the University Honors Program, said. The diversity of the show and the powerful performances will keep the audience on their toes. Darryl Clark is co-artistic director. Tickets are $12, with student and senior tickets priced at $7, and tickets for those under 15 years old and younger priced at $5. Tickets are available at the door beginning one hour before the performance. Be it the iconic villain who communicated by tapping on a glass in Karz (1980) or the terrifying saint in Sanyasi (1975), when one heard the name Prem Nath, terror struck every house during the 70s and 80s. The legendary actor, Prem Naths versatility saw him don many hats he was a frightening villain and a formidable comedian. Dedicating the month of November (which happens to be the month of his birth & death anniversary), Zee Classic, with its proposition Woh Zamana Kare Deewana, will air a four-week festival titled Prem Nath Film Festival starting 11th November 2017. As a part of this special initiative, Zee Classic will showcase an iconic Prem Nath film followed by a special feature created by his son, Monty Nath, titled Amar Prem Nath every Saturday. Amar Prem Nath boasts of never seen before rare interviews of Dharmendra, Vinod Khanna, Manoj Kumar, Dilip Kumar, Shammi Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor, Jeeetendra, Shatrughan Sinha, Subhash Ghai, Amrish Puri amongst many others. View Schedule for the Prem Nath Film Festival With over 150 movies to his credit, Prem Nath showcased a different style with every movie. While many actors prefer to become heroes, Prem Nath opted to be the dreaded villain. Prem Nath shot to fame with Raj Kapoors directorial debut Aag in 1948 as its parallel lead. However, he preferred to thrill audiences as an antagonist. The special feature, Amar Prem Nath is a tribute to the actor by his son Monty Nath. A filmmaker himself, the feature is a retelling of his fathers journey in the film industry, and his rise as Indias much-loved villain. Commenting on the airing of this feature, Monty Nath said, Even in his time, Dad was a visionary. His approach towards movies was very different. He didnt want to be the hero, he just wanted to entertain everyone. He soon realized that playing the antagonist brought him a real thrill. Amar Prem Nath is my way of showing the world what kind of person my father was, and I am really thrilled to be able to share this film with the younger generation and everyone. I would like to sincerely thank Zee Classic for celebrating my fathers life journey! A little-known fact is that the icon was the maternal uncle of the Kapoor family Randhir Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor and Rishi Kapoor. Reminiscing the time spent with his maternal-uncle, Randhir Kapoor said, I am very honored, elated and thrilled that Zee Classic is airing a movie on my uncle, Prem Nath. There never was and will never be a replacement, at least not yet, to the kind of entertainer my uncle was. The fondest memory of my uncle was working with him in Bobby. I have done several movies with him but this one, in particular, is very close to my heart. As an uncle, he was very loving and extremely fond of me. I will always be grateful to him. Shashi Kapoor said, He would work as an extra for Rs.75. His lunch usually comprised of sugarcane juice and ground nuts. I still remember that he and my elder brother, Raj, would travel in a rickshaw with loudspeakers to publicize the play in small towns. Raj Kapoor and Prem Nathji were not only related but also enjoyed each others company; they were young and full of enthusiasm. They would say, Come on people, come watch the play presented by Prithvi theatres with famous actors Raj Kapoor and Prem Nath. They would seldom mention the name of Prithviraj Kapoor. After getting his first break in the movie Ajit, he had to return to where it all began. When RK films was being conceptualized, it comprised of the theatre group members like Shankar Jai Kishan, Ram Ganguly and Prem Nath himself. Rishi Kapoor said, I havent seen any actor emote so well in my entire career. When the tailor brought the clothes for the role of Jack Breganza in the movie Bobby, Prem Nath uncle looked extremely disappointed and said that it wouldnt go well with the character. In a huff, he stepped into the car and drove off. Everybody on the sets thought that he was upset until he returned an hour later. He was carrying a bag with a very old suit of his and said, This is the suit that will go well with the character of Jack Breganza. To essay the role of Jack Breganza, he lived among the fishermen to learn and understand the way they live and behave and observe the way they dress. He would really immerse himself in the character he was playing. View Schedule for the Prem Nath Film Festival Shatrughan Sinha said, I have seen many of his films and admired his work like Barsaat, Rustom Sohrab and Aan have been terrific films. What made him stand out was that whatever he did, he was original. He was a very daring, authoritative powerful and an excellent man. He never aped anyone and neither was he jealous of any actor, in fact, even the greatest actors would feel inferior to him. They say nobody is indispensable but with Prem Nathji that holds no truth. Dharmendra said, His manliness was often the talk of the town and as college students, we would always say that one should have a physique like Prem Nathji. Prem Nathji would do his stunts himself and never used a body double. For the fight scene with him in the movie Loafer, he asked me not to use a stuntman and that we would do the fight scene ourselves. I agreed although I was afraid that he is older to me and may get hurt. Dilip Kumar said, He had the facility to do many different roles. Everybody was elated that Bina Rai and Prem Nath got married. Manoj Kumar said, He played the role of a villain opposite his closest friend. The villains role overshadowed the heros role and left a lasting impression. He was not jack of all traits but the master of all traits. He knew 72 raagas. In the film industry, there is no actor who even knew 12 raagas. Parikshit Sahni said, He had written three books in Hindi and English. One was titled Tears of the Heart, and in Hindi he had written Shraddhanjali. The books reflected his maturity. Subhash Ghai said, He had perfect timing and a fabulous knowledge of music. He had become so famous that producers would shiver at the thought of approaching him. Prem Nathji has played a very big role in my career. For my first movie, Kaalicharan, I did not know whom to cast for the role of the Inspector General, which was the most difficult role of the movie. My director refused to speak to Prem Nathji and asked me to convince him. My director also said that he may not like to work with a newcomer. After narrating the script to him at 4 am, he shook hands with me and said that the movie will be a super hit and thats when I asked him to essay the character of IG. Prem Chopra said, He was highly knowledgeable; you could discuss any topic with him. He was a very dedicated and devoted actor. Whenever given a role, he would research thoroughly to understand that character. Along with these celebrities, the documentary will also feature inputs from other celebrated actors who have spoken about the actor at length. These include actors Shammi Kapoor, Amrish Puri, Ajit, Pran, Vinod Khanna, Dara Singh, Feroz Khan, Beena Rai, Sunil Dutt, Om Prakash, etc. Schedule for the Prem Nath Film Festival Date Day Time Movie Time Documentary 11-Nov Saturday 8:30 AM Kaalicharan 11:30 AM Amar Prem Nath Part 1 18-Nov Saturday 8:30 AM Kabeela 11:30 AM Amar Prem Nath Part 2 25-Nov Saturday 8:30 AM Gautam Govinda 11:30 AM Amar Prem Nath Part 3 2-Dec Saturday 8:00 AM Johny Mera Naam 11:30 AM Amar Prem Nath Part 4 To reminisce Prem Naths incredible film journey, tune in to watch Prem Nath Film Festival followed by a special feature Amar Prem Nath at 11:30 AM on Zee Classic every Saturday starting 11th November Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 02:11:32|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close Marios Blanas and his companion dog start hunt truffle in Peloponnese, southwest Greece on Nov. 5, 2017. At an altitude of 1,500 meters, 51-year-old Marios Blanas and his companion dog Lacta, an Italian Griffon, start their routine day hunting "black diamonds", the valuable delicacy of truffles in Menalon Mountain, in Peloponnese, southwest Greece. (Xinhua/Lefteris Partsalis) by Alexia Vlachou ATHENS, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- At an altitude of 1,500 meters, 51-year-old Marios Blanas and his companion dog Lacta, an Italian Griffon, start their routine day hunting "black diamonds", the valuable delicacy of truffles to be found in Menalon Mountain, in Peloponnese, southwest Greece. Known to the French as the "black diamonds of gastronomy", while Greece does not have a truffle hunting tradition like France and Italy, the situation has changed radically over the last ten years. As an alternative activity during the economic crisis that hit Greece, many turned to truffles, one of the most expensive foods in the world, especially in the mountains of central and northern Greece. According to Blanas, in Peloponnese and in the mountainous Arcadia region, there are only two or three truffle hunters. Not many know that these treasures are buried in the fertile soil of Menalon mountain, and truffle hunting is not an easy job. First, the truffle hunter has to find the right place, then he lets the dog do the rest by guiding it properly. Truffles grow wild, underground, usually at the base of a tree. "The dog can detect the truffle smell that comes out only from those truffles that are mature enough," Blanas told Xinhua in a recent truffle hunting demonstration with his trained dog Lacta. Trained to sniff this rare underground treasure, the dog starts digging the ground to bring it up to the surface. As soon as Lacta finds the truffle, the hunter takes it away before she can ruin it. Before becoming a truffle hunter, Blanas ran his own company in the construction sector in Athens, but he lost everything after the outbreak of the debt crisis in late 2009. Moving to Kalamata with his wife, he decided to start over. To support his family, Blanas began to explore truffle hunting five years ago. As his great grandparents' origins were a traditional village located in a fir tree forest in Menalon Mountain, he rented a small house there and started his truffle venture. He stays up to four days a week on the mountain, hunting with his dogs for truffles around six to eight hours every day. On the other days, he supplies the special delicacy to his customers, mainly restaurants in Athens, Kalamata, and Greek Islands like Mykonos and Santorini. How much does truffle cost? "800 euros per kilogram," he said. A restaurant orders up to around four kg per month. Blanas can collect up to 100 kg of truffles in an year, but this year has not been good for him due to long periods of drought. "It is not easy, that's why there are not so many truffle hunters in the region and in Greece in general," he told Xinhua. Truffle hunting is not a low-cost activity. When Blanas started, he had a dachshund named Clio. Later, he got Lacta for 8,000 euros from Italy, and now he has a total of six dogs that help him in hunting. He trained all of them himself to save on costs. During autumn and winter, he hikes up to an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 meters to find wild truffles called tuber melanosporum, while in spring and summer he starts from sea level up to 500 meters to collect the tuber aestivum truffle. Despite the difficulties, he enjoys every second he has with his companions in nature. In the future, he would like to combine truffle hunting with providing small seminars or demonstrations to visitors, Blanas said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 02:36:44|Editor: yan Video Player Close OSLO, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Norwegian Fishermen's Association has asked the authorities to legalize the fishing of "endangered" porbeagle sharks, a move strongly criticized by the world's leading organization in wildlife conservation, public broadcaster NRK reported Wednesday. According to the association, there are more porbeagles in the sea and that is why the fishermen asked the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to allow fishing of this species of mackerel shark. "We want, of course, to take care of all the species in the ocean. But when we see that it is a resource that is not exploited, we must take the opportunities that the ocean gives," said Kjell Ingebrigtsen, leader of the Norwegian Fishermen's Accociation. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reacted strongly against this preposition, calling the porbeagle an endangered species. "It is very sad that people want to fish more of an endangered shark kind. The fishermen's association believes the stock is most likely on the way up, but the knowledge and international red list show that stocks throughout Europe are endangered and in decrease," said Fredrik Myhre, advisor for fisheries and marine conservation at WWF-Norway. "If the stock should show signs of improvement, that does not automatically mean that people should fish more. It is not the case that we should keep the porbeagle stock at an artificially low and critical level," Myhre said. The porbeagle can be three meters long and around 200 kg heavy. Although it is the most common mackerel shark in Norwegian waters, it has not been caught much since 1970. Viable porbeagle can, according to the Institute of Marine Research, only be taken as bycatch and set free during recreational fishing. There is little tradition of eating porbeagle in Norway, and in the past it was exported mostly to central Europe as a delicacy. According to Ingebrigtsen, the market asks for this type of fish, whose catch was so large before that the fishermen had their own sales team in Norway. The fishermen's team wants a regulation and the leader of the Norwegian Fishermen's Association said the amount of bycatch shows that this is not an endangered species. "The regulation does not allow fishermen to fish it. This means that we miss important value creation along the coast. The Norwegian Fishermen's Association and the fishermen would never suggest fishing fish for which there is no biological fundament," Ingebrigtsen said. Myhre, however, believes that it is the fishermen's association that creates a market for the fish. "This is an attempt to create legitimacy to fish such highly endangered species. WWF expects Norwegian fisheries authorities to continue to take care of the porbeagle in line with international obligations," he said. File Photo: A United Nations chemical weapons expert, wearing a gas mask, holds a plastic bag containing samples from one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Ain Tarma neighbourhood of Damascus, Syria, Aug. 29, 2013. (Xinhua/REUTERS) WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a joint statement with his British, French and German counterparts on Wednesday that "robust international response" and actions are needed so that "those responsible for the use of chemical weapons" in Syria "will be held accountable." FOUR NATIONS: ROBUST INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE, ACTIONS In a statement with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, Tillerson said the four countries "have full trust" in the findings of a report released on Oct. 26 by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM). The report concluded that the Syrian government is responsible for the use of sarin in Khan Shaykhun on April 4 of 2017, and that the Islamic State was responsible for a sulfur mustard attack on the town of Um Housh in September 2016 on two consecutive days. "We have full trust in the JIM's findings, its professionalism and independence," said Tillerson. Adding Syria "violated international law, including the Chemical Weapons Convention." "We condemn this heinous act and demand that the Syrian regime immediately cease any and all use of chemical weapons and finally declare to the OPCW all chemical weapons that it possesses," said the U.S. top diplomat. "We condemn the use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere." The four nations said that "it is vital for the international community to continue to investigate cases where chemical weapons have been used in Syria" and urged the UN Security Council to "maintain the JIM's investigative capacity." "We also call on the OPCW Executive Council to take action in response to the JIM report to send an unequivocal signal that those responsible for the use of chemical weapons will be held accountable," he added. "A robust international response is now essential to hold those responsible to account, seek justice for the victims of these abhorrent attacks and to prevent such attacks from happening again," said the four foreign ministers. "After such a report, the Security Council and all its members have a common responsibility to protect the international non-proliferation regime and live up to their previous commitments." RUSSIA: INVESTIGATION "UNPROFESSIONAL" Last week, Russia blocked a UN Security Council draft resolution on the extension of the JIM mandate, citing the need to examine its latest report which the Foreign Ministry called "superficial and unprofessional." Moscow also said on Nov. 2 that it will agree to continue a UN investigation into use of chemical weapons in Syria if the quality of the group's work drastically improves. "We are for the extension because the very fact of using chemical substances as a weapon is a totally unacceptable phenomenon for us, and I hope, for our many partners in the UN Security Council," said Mikhail Ulyanov, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Nonproliferation and Arms Control Department. But the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) created to investigate chemical attacks in Syria "should really start working, not as it is doing now," he said at a press conference. Ulyanov and experts from Russia's Defense Ministry and Industry and Trade Ministry provided at the press conference technical proof that the Syrian government was innocent of perpetrating the chemical attack, contrary to the report's allegation. They said that members of the JIM based their conclusions on secondary and unconvincing evidence, without personally visiting the location of the incident. Ulyanov said that Russia later on Thursday would present its own draft resolution at the UN Security Council on the extension of the JIM mandate with recommendations for the UN General Secretary and the OPCW head. A chemical attack was reportedly launched on Khan Sheikhoun in Syria on April 4 and killed dozens of people. The Syrian government has repeatedly dismissed Western accusations of its responsibility. The Khan Sheikhoun attack prompted U.S. President Donald Trump to launch missile strikes on Syria's air base in Shayrat, which Western governments say was used to launch the gas attack. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 03:37:07|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close Priti Patel delivers her keynote speech during the Conservative Party Annual Conference 2017 in Manchester, Britain on Oct. 3, 2017. Priti Patel resigned on Nov. 8, 2017 as UK international development secretary amid controversy over her undeclared meetings with Israeli officials, local media reported. (Xinhua/Han Yan) LONDON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Priti Patel resigned Wednesday as UK international development secretary amid controversy over her undeclared meetings with Israeli officials, local media reported. Patel become the second cabinet member who resigned within a week. She was ordered back from an official trip in Africa by the prime minister and summoned to Downing Street, amid questions about earlier private meetings. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 04:32:25|Editor: yan Video Player Close LUANDA, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Angolan Public Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday called for sentences of three to four years for four of six Angolans accused of belonging to terrorist organizations and pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group. The call was made by prosecutor Jose Henriques during presentation of final allegations at the trial of the six Angolans, five of whom have been in custody for almost a year. However, the defense called for the acquittal of all the defendants, aged between 23 and 39, whose sentence is scheduled for Nov. 22. The Public Prosecutor's magistrate said that the trial, which has been held since Oct. 16 in Luanda Provincial Court, "reiterated most of the accusations" on those involved. According to the magistrate, the remaining defendants "must be acquitted and set free." Sebastiao Assurreira, one of the defense lawyers, said "all defendants should be acquitted and not just two." The six, including a woman awaiting trial in freedom, face charges under the 2011 Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act. According to the indictment, the suspects founded a "radical Islamist group called 'Street Da Was'" in 2015, disseminating "issues of a radical nature" through social networks. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 05:17:35|Editor: yan Video Player Close WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Senator Steve Daines and ranchers from the northwestern state of Montana on Wednesday applauded a 300-million-U.S. dollar beef deal between Chinese commerce giant and the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA). "This landmark agreement has the potential to substantially increase Montana opportunity and agricultural exports to the fastest growing overseas market for beef," Daines said in a statement. JD signed the agreement with Errol Rice, executive vice president of MSGA, on Wednesday in Beijing as U.S. President Donald Trump began his three-day state visit to China. According to the terms in the memorandum of agreement (MOA), JD intends to import Montana-sourced beef from member companies of MSGA to China and directly sell to Chinese consumers through its e-commerce platform. Bank of China will provide financial services to facilitate these imports and settlement process. The procurement agreement is for an initial three years starting from Jan. 1, 2018, with a minimum commitment of 200 million dollars in beef to be imported by JD from MSGA members. It is estimated that JD's purchase will increase Montana beef export sales by as much as 40 percent in 2018. JD also intends to invest up to another 100 million dollars to build a brand-new slaughter house and feedlot infrastructure in Montana to help set up its supply chain there, with construction beginning as early as the spring of 2018. Following reopening Chinese markets to U.S. beef earlier this year, ranchers in Montana are eager to tap the huge potential of Chinese markets, which have around 300 million middle class consumers. "While there's a lot of work that needs to be done, this MOA represents a great step in the right direction for selling more U.S. beef in China and developing productive relationships between Montana ranchers and Chinese consumers," said Rice. The agreement follows an agricultural roundtable meeting in early September between a Chinese delegation and Montana farmers and ranchers, hosted by Daines at the Morgan Ranch House, near downtown Bozeman, Montana. Fred Wacker, owner of Cross Four Ranch in Miles City, Montana, said at the meeting that it would cost him about 80 dollars a head to send cattle to feedlots and processing plants in the Midwest, so as to ship beef products to China and other overseas markets. He would like to seek partnership with Chinese companies to build a world-class processing plant in Montana. "It's a really smart place for China to put in investment and to partner with Montana to have a really good packing industry and processing plant here," Wacker said, arguing that would help bring down logistic costs and guarantee stable supply of high quality beef to China, a win-win deal for both sides. Officials and staff from China's embassy in the United States, China General Chamber of Commerce - U.S.A., and Bank of China (USA) all offered advice for identifying potential Chinese companies to partner with Montana on the processing plant and build brand awareness. "The MOA shows how much interest there is in China for high quality cattle and beef from Montana," said Wacker, adding "China's market has the potential to be a game-changer for Cross Four Ranch and Montana ranchers more broadly." "If we're going to grow our economy in Montana, we need to grow our agricultural community. China is the second largest beef import market in the world. This is a tremendous opportunity for Montana," echoed Danies. The agreement is also a part of an overall commitment by JD to purchase two billion U.S. dollars of goods across a wide range of categories, including pork from Smithfield Foods, over three years. "These groundbreaking agreements bring together two of America's most trusted and in-demand meat suppliers with China's leading e-commerce platform, to the benefit of both U.S. producers and Chinese consumers," said Richard Liu, chairman and CEO of The beef and pork will be cold-chain transported from the United States and stored in JD's own warehouses in China, according to the commerce giant. JD's extensive cold chain logistics capabilities will ensure the U.S. meat products arrive at customers' doors safely and rapidly. Chinese consumers have a mounting appetite for fresh and high-quality meat products. In the first half of 2017, volume from direct sales of meat on JD increased more than 780 percent year-over-year, with imported meat accounting for more than 30 percent of those sales. The beef agreement reflected that economic cooperation between China and the United States could bring win-win results to companies and peoples of the two countries, experts said. "As long as both sides have the intention of creating a win-win solution, respect the issues each is facing, and proactively and constructively resolve them, this will push the U.S.-China trade relation to be more fair, balanced, and mutually beneficial," said Dominic Ng, chairman and CEO of East West Bank. China has become the largest trade partner of the United States, while the U.S. is China's second largest. Bilateral trade surged to 519.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 from 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in 1979 when the two countries established diplomatic ties. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 05:32:40|Editor: yan Video Player Close RABAT, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The MEDays International Forum has kicked off on Wednesday in the Moroccan city of Tangier to tackle global economic, political upheavals. Themed "From defiance to challenges: the era of upheavals," the forum brings together more than 3,000 participants and 150 high-level speakers, including current and former heads of states and government representatives, ministers, political decision-makers, business leaders, academics as well as civil society and media representatives. The four-day forum receives the Chairperson of the African Union and Guinean President Alpha Conde as the guest of honor of its 10th edition. The new economic power of Africa, sustainable development priorities, and the current geopolitical world order, are among the topics of the MEDays 2017 Forum. Sessions dedicated to sustainable development will examine among others world energy policy and social topics such as sustainable smart cities as well as the health sector and education system in Africa. As for the geopolitical discussions, the forum will also be focused on relations between the United States and the Islamic world in the era of President Trump, cyber-war and transnational threats as well as the European Union challenges due to Brexit. Finally, the forum will look at national and regional concerns such as the sessions dedicated to Morocco's membership to Economic Community of West African States and the African Union, challenges of the energy independence in western Africa. The forum has become one of the main international geo-strategic events in Africa and in the Arab World. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 06:48:01|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close HELSINKI, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- People in Finland could in the future get married on the internet, without having to go to meet a civil servant at a Magistrates Office. The vista came on Wednesday from the Finnish Innovation Fund, SITRA. The digitization of "tying the knot" was part of a report about the future of magistrates offices, made by former member of parliament Jouni Backman. There are currently nine magistrates in Finland, giving employment to 600 people. Backman concluded that the advancement of digitization has reduced the importance of the physical existence of the magistrates offices. In Finland, the law requires that people notify their addresses, but these days citizens give the information via the internet. "Need for magistrates offices would be further reduced, if people could get married on the internet as well," Backman concluded. He suggested that magistrates would merge with the Finnish Population Registry in 2020. Besides magistrate staffers, also priests of religious organizations continue to have the right to confirm marriages. Backman did not take a stand on the future use of the internet in marriages administered by religious organizations. On receiving the report from Backman, Minister for Municipal Affairs and Reforms Anu Vehvilainen promised "rapid decisions" about the future. Also the Finnish Population Registry welcomed the plan and said it would improve customer service and the development of digital service. There was no immediate comment from religious organizations. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 07:03:03|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close MEXICO CITY, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Mexican negotiators in North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks will defend the country's stance on maintaining current automotive rules of origin requirements, said Eduardo Solis, president of the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA), on Wednesday. "Our proposal is unique and we are not preparing any other," said Solis at a press conference after revealing Mexico's automotive statistics for October. Negotiators from Canada, Mexico and the U.S. will meet from Nov. 17-21 in Mexico City for the fifth round of NAFTA renegotiation talks, which is set to tackle some of the most controversial topics. The fourth round finished in Washington on Oct. 17, with new challenges facing Canada and Mexico over differences concerning U.S. proposals. In terms of automotive rules of origin, Mexico and Canada have stood firm on their desire to maintain them at their current levels, 62.5 percent for vehicles and 60 percent for autoparts. However, the U.S. government is seeking to raise this to 85 percent, including 50 percent reserved for the United States. Solis said the U.S. demands were unacceptable, and said that current levels had proven to be successful for all three NAFTA partners. Besides rules of origin, the fifth round will tackle other hard topics such as local content for the textile industry, government purchasing, agricultural trade, and the elimination of a chapter on dispute resolution. "It seems to me that the serious negotiation is just starting," explained the AMIA chief. Mexico, Canada and the U.S. have been renegotiating NAFTA since August, at the request of Trump, who feels the agreement has hurt American interests. Photo taken on Nov. 2, 2017 shows a local resident marinating beef that imported from the United States, in Shanghai, east China. (Xinhua/Meng Dingbo) WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Senator Steve Daines and ranchers from the northwestern state of Montana on Wednesday applauded a 300-million-U.S. dollar beef deal between Chinese commerce giant and the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA). "This landmark agreement has the potential to substantially increase Montana opportunity and agricultural exports to the fastest growing overseas market for beef," Daines said in a statement. JD signed the agreement with Errol Rice, executive vice president of MSGA, on Wednesday in Beijing as U.S. President Donald Trump began his three-day state visit to China. According to the terms in the memorandum of agreement (MOA), JD intends to import Montana-sourced beef from member companies of MSGA to China and directly sell to Chinese consumers through its e-commerce platform. Bank of China will provide financial services to facilitate these imports and settlement process. The procurement agreement is for an initial three years starting from Jan. 1, 2018, with a minimum commitment of 200 million dollars in beef to be imported by JD from MSGA members. It is estimated that JD's purchase will increase Montana beef export sales by as much as 40 percent in 2018. JD also intends to invest up to another 100 million dollars to build a brand-new slaughter house and feedlot infrastructure in Montana to help set up its supply chain there, with construction beginning as early as the spring of 2018. Following reopening Chinese markets to U.S. beef earlier this year, ranchers in Montana are eager to tap the huge potential of Chinese markets, which have around 300 million middle class consumers. "While there's a lot of work that needs to be done, this MOA represents a great step in the right direction for selling more U.S. beef in China and developing productive relationships between Montana ranchers and Chinese consumers," said Rice. The agreement follows an agricultural roundtable meeting in early September between a Chinese delegation and Montana farmers and ranchers, hosted by Daines at the Morgan Ranch House, near downtown Bozeman, Montana. Fred Wacker, owner of Cross Four Ranch in Miles City, Montana, said at the meeting that it would cost him about 80 dollars a head to send cattle to feedlots and processing plants in the Midwest, so as to ship beef products to China and other overseas markets. He would like to seek partnership with Chinese companies to build a world-class processing plant in Montana. "It's a really smart place for China to put in investment and to partner with Montana to have a really good packing industry and processing plant here," Wacker said, arguing that would help bring down logistic costs and guarantee stable supply of high quality beef to China, a win-win deal for both sides. Officials and staff from China's embassy in the United States, China General Chamber of Commerce - U.S.A., and Bank of China (USA) all offered advice for identifying potential Chinese companies to partner with Montana on the processing plant and build brand awareness. "The MOA shows how much interest there is in China for high quality cattle and beef from Montana," said Wacker, adding "China's market has the potential to be a game-changer for Cross Four Ranch and Montana ranchers more broadly." "If we're going to grow our economy in Montana, we need to grow our agricultural community. China is the second largest beef import market in the world. This is a tremendous opportunity for Montana," echoed Danies. The agreement is also a part of an overall commitment by JD to purchase two billion U.S. dollars of goods across a wide range of categories, including pork from Smithfield Foods, over three years. "These groundbreaking agreements bring together two of America's most trusted and in-demand meat suppliers with China's leading e-commerce platform, to the benefit of both U.S. producers and Chinese consumers," said Richard Liu, chairman and CEO of The beef and pork will be cold-chain transported from the United States and stored in JD's own warehouses in China, according to the commerce giant. JD's extensive cold chain logistics capabilities will ensure the U.S. meat products arrive at customers' doors safely and rapidly. Chinese consumers have a mounting appetite for fresh and high-quality meat products. In the first half of 2017, volume from direct sales of meat on JD increased more than 780 percent year-over-year, with imported meat accounting for more than 30 percent of those sales. The beef agreement reflected that economic cooperation between China and the United States could bring win-win results to companies and peoples of the two countries, experts said. "As long as both sides have the intention of creating a win-win solution, respect the issues each is facing, and proactively and constructively resolve them, this will push the U.S.-China trade relation to be more fair, balanced, and mutually beneficial," said Dominic Ng, chairman and CEO of East West Bank. China has become the largest trade partner of the United States, while the U.S. is China's second largest. Bilateral trade surged to 519.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 from 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in 1979 when the two countries established diplomatic ties. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 07:58:10|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close HOUSTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Some members of the Texas Legislature on Wednesday pushed for their fellow legislators and other top officials to examine whether the state's gun laws need to be changed. At a news conference organized by Texas Gun Sense at the state capitol, State Reps. Poncho Nevarez and Nicole Collier urged state leaders to declare gun violence a public health issue and reform existing gun regulations. According to the Houston Public Media, Collier urged state leaders to declare gun violence a public health issue, comparing it to other health crises such as obesity and the opioid epidemic. State Rep. Gina Hinojosa spoke at the same news conference, offering a list she authored of steps to prevent gun violence. Her suggestions include increasing public education on safe gun usage and requiring a license to carry for long guns. The press conference came a day after state Rep. Jason Villalba urged state leaders to create a bipartisan commission tasked with recommending "common sense" gun reforms ahead of the next scheduled legislative session in 2019. Nevarez and Hinojosa stressed that they did not advocate eliminating Texans' access to guns. Nevarez did, however, criticize state leaders for not offering "anything that amounts to any real solution" to gun violence. Texas public safety officials said 26 people were killed after gunman Devin Patrick Kelley opened fire on Sunday at a church in Sutherland Springs, a community of fewer than 400 residents and about 300 km west of Houston. The gunman was later found dead nearby in his car, apparently of a gunshot wound, after he fled the scene. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 08:33:14|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close SYDNEY, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Australian researchers have discovered a new type of cell in the eye of a deep-sea fish, offering a new understanding of vision in low-light conditions. The team from the University of Queensland found the new type of cell in pearlside fish, a tropical species usually found deep in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Pearlsides are different from most deep-sea fish in that they are mostly active at dusk and dawn compared to most fish living at depths greater than 200 meters which are active in the dark. Fanny de Busserolles, a researcher from the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland, said that the retina of most vertebrates are made up of rods for vision in dim light and cones for daytime vision. "Previously it was thought that pearlsides had retinas composed entirely of rods, but our new study has found this isn't the case," Busserolles said in a media release on Thursday. "Humans use their cones during the day and rods at night, but during twilight, although not ideal, we use a combination of both. "Pearlsides, being active mainly during twilight, have developed a completely different solution. "Instead of using a combination of rods and cones, they combine aspects of both cells into a single and more efficient photoreceptor type." The research discovered that the cells, which they named "rod-like cones," were perfectly suited for the unique light conditions the fish experience. "(The study) improves understanding of how different animals see the world and how vision might have helped them to conquer even the most extreme environments, including the deep sea," lead researcher Justin Marshall said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 09:18:24|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close by Faird Behbud SHIBERGHAN, Afghanistan, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- War-weary Afghans continue to face numerous adversities originating from militancy and terrorist activities in addition to widespread corruption, intense poverty and devastating addictions. The recent internal clashes between two rival militant groups of the Taliban and Islamic State (IS) have added considerably to the miseries of the Afghan villagers. "Our living conditions are becoming intolerable following clashes between Taliban insurgents and IS fighters," Abdul Quddos, a displaced villager, told Xinhua on Tuesday. "The clashes forced villagers to flee their homes despite the harsh winter drawing near. We are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance to survive the upcoming bone-chilling winter," said Quddos. More than 2,000 families have recently been displaced and fled to neighboring provinces. This has been as a result of IS-affiliated militants, during a ferocious two-month campaign, repelling the Taliban and taking control of their key bases held for eight years in the restive Qushtipa and Darzab districts of Jawzjan province, in northern Afghanistan, according to local officials. Hundreds of internally displaced families are now living under tents in the vicinity of the provincial capital Shiberghan city and surrounding villages, with the mercury plunging daily as winter approaches. While both IS and the Taliban have suffered heavy losses following the clashes in the troubled districts, it is the local people who are predominantly paying the price, since the skirmishes began two months ago. "After eight years of dominance, the Taliban lost control of their key bases to the IS militants in the Darzab and Qushtipa districts, following the two-month clash, forcing more than 2,000 families to leave their houses," deputy provincial Governor Abdul Rahman told Xinhua Monday. After taking control of the two strategic districts from the Taliban, the IS militants stripped the local people of their possessions. The IS fighters took more than 500 livestock by force from the residents during the mass exodus, it was reported. Quddos, who is barely existing in a poorly erected tent in the Shiberghan locality, said that when the battle started between the two rival groups, only women and children managed to escape the conflict zone, along with the elderly. "When IS came, they checked my pockets and even took a five afghani (about 7 U.S. cents) banknote and then angrily asked under whose rule were we happy? But we couldn't respond out of fear," he said. Shah Wali is another victim displaced by the protracted conflicts in the Qushtipa district who said IS fighters torched his harvest after he refused to repay the levies, as he had already paid taxes to the Taliban. "The brutal IS fighters, soon after entering the district, burned my harvest to ashes and beat me almost unconscious," Wali said. Up to 10 children and three elderly people have so far lost their lives due to cold and hunger in Jawzjan in past weeks, according to local reports. The deputy governor, who has pledged to launch a clean-up operation in the two districts, however, while confirming that some children and elderly people had died, did not provide exact figures. The Islamic State, since its emergence in 2015, in some eastern border provinces of Afghanistan, not only began fighting against the Afghan security forces, but also opposed the Taliban hardliner outfit. Hundreds of fighters from both sides have been killed or wounded in the two key rivals' conflicts, in the areas under both groups' control. More than 1.1 million people have been displaced by the conflict over the past 16 years in militancy-plagued Afghanistan, with over 250,000 people being displaced so far this year, according to statistics released by Afghan officials. The government has been providing humanitarian assistance and temporary shelters to displaced families across the country. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 09:28:27|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close TOKYO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Japan's core private-sector machinery orders declined 8.1 percent in September from a month earlier to 810.5 billion yen (7.11 billion U.S. dollars), the Cabinet Office said in a report on Thursday. Private-sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and from electric power companies, decreased a seasonally adjusted 8.1 percent in September, the Cabinet Office said. The total value of machinery orders received by 280 manufacturers in Japan dropped by 10.2 percent in the recording period from the previous month on a seasonally adjusted basis, the Cabinet Office said. For the July-September period, orders increased by 7.3 percent compared with the previous quarter, the government report showed. Looking ahead to the October-December period, the total amount of machinery orders is expected to fall by 1.9 percent and private-sector orders, excluding volatile ones, are projected to retreat by 3.5 percent from the previous quarter, according to the Cabinet Office. Machinery orders are a key advance indicator for corporate capital spending and the government uses the data to predict the strength of business spending in a six to nine months period ahead and such business investment accounts for roughly 15 percent of Japan's gross domestic product. Types of machinery included in the monthly government survey comprise engines and turbines, heavy electrical machinery, electronic and communication equipment, industrial machinery, machine tools, railway rolling stock, road vehicles, aircraft, ships, water crafts, as well as sub types in the aforementioned categories. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 10:08:41|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- A United Nations (UN) official warned on Wednesday that there will be a devastating famine in Yemen unless the current air, sea and land blockade imposed by the Saudi-led coalition is lifted. "It will be the largest famine the world hasn't seen for many decades, with millions of victims," Mark Lowcock, UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, told reporters after he briefed the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Yemen. Lowcock asked for five steps to avert the imminent humanitarian tragedy, including a resumption of flights by the UN and partners to Yemeni cities Sanaa and Aden, assurances that the air services will not be disrupted, and an agreement on the pre-positioning of the World Food Program vessel in the waters off Aden and assurances that its functions will not be disrupted. The rest of the steps are a resumption of humanitarian and commercial access to all seaports of Yemen, especially for essential supplies, and a scaling back of interference with all vessels that have passed UN inspection so that they can proceed to ports in Yemen as rapidly as possible. The humanitarian chief was asked to brief the Security Council, which held a closed-door meeting over Yemen at the request of the Swedish Mission to the UN. Yemen has been in civil war since 2015, pitting Sanaa-based Houthi forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh against forces of the incumbent government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, based in Aden. A Saudi-led coalition uses airstrikes to restore the Hadi government. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 10:33:47|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close by He Jing BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Leaders of 21 Pacific rim economies are set to renew their endeavors to advance regional integration and forge stronger partnership at the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang, Vietnam. Chinese initiatives that emphasize the concepts of openness, cooperation and sharing in global economic governance are believed to steer APEC members toward achieving their development goals and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation. LEADING ECONOMIC INTEGRATION The Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP), a manifestation of China's steadfast pursuit for globalization, has been envisioned as a major instrument for ensuring an open economy in the Asia-Pacific amid worries over trade protectionism and lack of growth momentum. Hailed as "a strategic initiative critical for the long-term prosperity of the Asia-Pacific" by Chinese President Xi Jinping in his keynote speech at the APEC CEO Summit in Lima, Peru, last year, the FTAAP has been gaining steam especially after a collective study on the trade bloc was approved at the 2016 APEC Summit in Lima, the first substantial step toward its eventual realization. "We need to stick to our agenda and take more effective actions to realize the FTAAP at an early date, thus bringing about an Asia-Pacific economy with greater openness," Xi stressed. By encompassing all 21 APEC economies through trade liberalization, the FTAAP, once established, will become the world's largest free trade zone, covering 57 percent of the global economy and nearly half of world trade. "The FTAAP, being highly inclusive, can embrace economies at different levels of development and fully accommodate their development needs and comfortability, and once established, will deliver economic gains dwarfing any existing regional FTAs," Zhang Jun, director-general of the Department of International Economic Affairs at the Chinese Foreign Ministry, has said. Promoting the FTAAP on the basis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a very ideal plan as the TPP is in an impasse and the RCEP also faces big challenges due to different levels of development in its member economies, Wang Jiangyu, associate professor at Faculty of Law of National University of Singapore, opined. The RCEP is a free trade pact involving the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations and six other countries -- China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. China can carry out bilateral free trade negotiations with countries willing to open their markets within the RCEP framework and upgrade existing bilateral free trade deals to promote the formation of the RCEP, he elaborated. REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY While all 21 members have demonstrated leadership in one way or another, China has shown strong leadership in APEC on a whole range of initiatives, Alan Bollard, executive director of the Singapore-based APEC Secretariat, told Xinhua recently. The APEC Connectivity Blueprint 2015-2025, which promises tangible action on physical, institutional and people-to-people connectivity, was adopted at the 2014 APEC meeting in Beijing to bring the APEC region closer. As a significant action plan for the Asia-Pacific's long-term development, the blueprint also reflects the common aspiration of APEC economies for improved connectivity. The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative has also contributed in this regard, Wu Hongying, director of the Latin America office of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, noted. With a focus on connectivity, the Belt and Road Initiative has been aligned with many regional and national development strategies and produced tangible results after being launched in 2013. By May 2017, China's overall investment in the Belt and Road countries had surpassed 50 billion U.S. dollars. Chinese companies had set up 56 economic and trade cooperation zones in over 20 countries, generating some 1.1 billion dollars in tax revenue and 180,000 jobs. China had also signed cooperation agreements with over 40 countries and international organizations, and established industrial capacity cooperation mechanisms with more than 30 countries. Between 2014 and 2016, total trade volume between China and other Belt and Road countries exceeded 3 trillion dollars. "It is a very big project, which is different from a trade agreement so we see it as a whole series of infrastructure projects and economic connectivity. The economic connectivity part is much in line with the APEC's connectivity blueprint. It's interesting to see what it can produce," Bollard has said. Besides, China has played a positive role in creating shared interests for regional economies along with its own development through such proposals as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Silk Road Fund. The AIIB had provided 1.7 billion dollars in loans to nine projects carried out in the Belt and Road countries by May this year while the investment from the Silk Road Fund had amounted to 4 billion dollars. INNOVATION & STRUCTURAL REFORM In the midst of a slow and fragile global economic recovery, reform and innovation are being heralded as a recipe to the lackluster economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. "China's stance is incredibly important at this particular time. To realize its full economic potential, it'll have to take significant reform and move forward on that," Peter Drysdale, head of the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research of Australian National University, told Xinhua. The ongoing supply-side structural reform and supportive policies for innovative entrepreneurship in China have produced positive effect on economic growth. It has led to a retreat of overcapacity and flourishing high-tech, service and other new industries. China meanwhile aims to boost high-standard, two-way opening-up to push for shared and green development to make life better for its people. The Chinese innovation is inspiring for many Asia-Pacific economies, according to Zhong Feiteng, a research fellow on Asia-Pacific and global strategy from the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS). In Drysdale's view, if the APEC members press ahead with their own reform agendas together in a collective way, it will reinforce each other's liberalization and reform programs. In this context, "Asian countries must lead in global economic governance because they are the focus of the world's attention. They are the ones that have to deliver," he said. (Xinhua reporters Xu Haijing in Canberra and Wang Lili in Singapore also contributed to the story.) Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 10:43:49|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close Ambassador Zhang Ming (L), new chief of the Chinese Mission to the European Union (EU), presents the credentials to European Council President Donald Tusk in Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 8, 2017. (Xinhua) BRUSSELS, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- European Council President Donald Tusk on Wednesday hailed the "clear and important message" conveyed by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Tusk made the remarks when he received the credentials presented by Ambassador Zhang Ming, the new head of the Chinese Mission to the European Union (EU). The CPC congress conveyed a clear and important message that China will maintain its stability and predictability for quite a long time, Tusk said, stressing that it has a significant impact not only on China, but also on the world. The EU attaches great importance to China and prioritizes EU-China relations in the bloc's foreign policy, said Tusk, adding that he sets a premium on the good working and personal relations with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. "I believe that the EU and China will cooperate in broader areas with brighter prospects," said Tusk. Tusk was briefed by Zhang on the CPC congress held on Oct. 18-24 in Beijing. In his report to the CPC congress, Xi said that the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a "new era." He spelled out a two-stage development plan for the country to become a "great modern socialist country" by the middle of the century. In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, China will build on the foundation created by the moderately prosperous society with another 15 years of hard work, to ensure that socialist modernization is basically realized, according to the plan. By the mid-21st century, China will become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence, Xi said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 10:58:52|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close SEOUL, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Three U.S. aircraft carriers planned to stage joint maritime drills in waters near the Korean Peninsula from this weekend, Yonhap news agency reported Thursday. Without elaborating on sources, Yonhap reported that the U.S. carriers would conduct joint exercises in international waters near the peninsula and that the strike groups also planned a joint drill with the South Korean Navy in waters off the east coast of South Korea. The U.S. 7th Fleet said in a press release on its website that the USS Ronald Reagan, USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt will commence a three-carrier exercise in the Western Pacific from Nov. 11 to Nov. 14. The strike groups will conduct coordinated operations in international waters, the Pacific Fleet said. "It is a rare opportunity to train with two aircraft carriers together, and even rarer to be able to train with three," said U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Scott Swift. The strike groups planned to conduct air defense drills, sea surveillance, replenishments at sea, defensive air combat training, close-in coordinated maneuvers and other training, according to the press release. South Korea's defense ministry spokesman Moon Sang-kyun told a press briefing Thursday that the joint exercise between the U.S. aircraft carriers and the South Korean Navy was in consultation. The spokesman, however, said there has been no plan to conduct a trilateral maritime drill, including Japan. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 11:09:01|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close CANBERRA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- A Senator of Australian Tasmania state is the latest politician to be embroiled in Australia's political citizenship saga. Jacqui Lambie, leader of the Jacqui Lambie Network, on Thursday insisted that she does not hold a Scottish citizenship despite her father being born there. Under Section 44 of the Australian Constitution, anyone who is a citizen of a country other than Australia is ineligible to be elected to federal parliament. The saga has seen six parliamentarians disqualified from their positions by the High Court with as many as three others also under pressure to provide documents relating to their status. Lambie said that she discovered in recent weeks that her father had migrated to Australia from Scotland as an infant. "I'm happy to put on record that I'm satisfied that my parents are both Australian citizens and I have no concerns about me being a dual citizen because of where they were born or came from, in the case of my father, as an infant," she told News Limited on Wednesday night. "His father, my grandfather, came to Australia to enlist in the Army in fact. As far as I'm concerned all their affairs are in order as are mine. "A citizenship audit of all parliamentarians will clear the air once and for all which is why I'm supporting such a move 100 percent." Under United Kingdom (UK) law, the offspring of a British-born father automatically assume British citizenship. Fiona Nash, a Senator for the Nationals Party, was ruled ineligible to serve in parliament by the High Court after it was found she held a British citizenship on account of her father also being born in Scotland. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has refused to enable an audit of all 221 remaining federal politicians, instead opting for new laws that will force all parliamentarians to declare their citizenship status by Dec. 18. Turnbull requires the support of the Opposition Australian Labor Party to pass the bill, however, and opposition leader Bill Shorten has not budged from his position that all documents should be declared by Dec. 1. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 11:14:03|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni attends the ceremony marking the 64th anniversary of independence in Phnom Penh Nov. 9, 2017. Cambodia commemorated the 64th anniversary of its independence from France at the Independence Monument on Thursday. (Xinhua/Sovannara) PHNOM PENH, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia marked the 64th anniversary of its independence from France in a one-hour-and-a-half ceremony at the Independence Monument here on Thursday. King Norodom Sihamoni, accompanied by Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen, laid a wreath and lit the ceremonial victory fire inside the Independence Monument to symbolize the country's independence from the French colonial rule. The victory flame will be kept burning for three days. Live televised on the state-owned National Television of Cambodia (TVK), the celebration was attended by about 15,000 people, who are senior officials, foreign diplomats, armed forces, civil servants, residents and students. At night, there will be a firework display over the Tonle Sap River in front of the Royal Palace. The Southeast Asian nation gained full independence from the French protectorate on Nov. 9, 1953. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 11:14:04|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close SEOUL, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Moon Jae-in's approval rating fell this week on media reports that prosecutors' investigation into Moon's senior secretary was launched, a pollster said Thursday. According to the Realmeter poll, support for Moon was 69.3 percent this week, down 1 percentage point from the previous week. It was based on a survey of 1,516 voters conducted from Monday to Wednesday. It had 2.5 percentage points in margin of error with a 95 percent confidence level. Moon's senior secretary for political affairs was suspected of being involved in embezzlement charges, levied against his three former aides who were arrested earlier this week. Moon's approval rating, however, was bolstered by U.S. President Donald Trump's two-day state visit to South Korea. The daily support for Moon tumbled to 67.3 percent when the arrest of three former aides of the senior presidential secretary for political affairs was reported on Tuesday. It rebounded Wednesday to 70.4 percent as Trump closed out his state visit by delivering a speech in the National Assembly to praise the fast development of South Korea. Support for Moon's ruling Democratic Party declined 2.9 percentage points over the week to 48.8 percent this week, but it kept the top post by a wide margin. The main opposition Liberty Korea Party gained 19 percent of support, up 2.2 percentage points from the previous week. The centrist People's Party garnered 6 percent in approval scores, with the minor progressive Justice Party and the minor conservative Righteous Party winning 5.2 percent and 5.3 percent respectively. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 11:34:09|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said cooperation is the "only correct choice" for China and the United States. Xi made the remarks during talks with visiting U.S. President Donald Trump at the Great Hall of the People Thursday morning. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 11:49:12|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close by Matthew Rusling WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- At a time when tensions on the Korean Peninsula are at a decades-long high, U.S. President Donald Trump took a more measured tone in Wednesday's speech from South Korea, U.S. experts say. Trump was "far more measured" in his remarks than some of his previous statements on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), said Bruce Klingner, senior research fellow for Northeast Asia at the Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies Center, and Dan Mahaffee, senior vice president and director of policy at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, in recent interviews with Xinhua. MORE DISCIPLINED APPROACH "Trump seems to continue stepping back from previous hints and threats of preventive attack" against the DPRK over that nation's nuclear program, Klingner said. Klingner spent 20 years with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency, and has testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. "If Trump's new tone and approach continue, then American allies will be less nervous... But everyone is now waiting for the other Tweet shoe to drop," Klingner said, referring to Trump's tendency to make outrageous statements via social media platform Twitter. On Wednesday morning, Trump spoke before South Korea's National Assembly, highlighting the 70-year alliance between the two nations, at a time when tensions between Washington and Pyongyang are at a high not seen in decades. In the first state visit to South Korea by a U.S. president in 25 years, Trump praised the relationship. He warned the DPRK not to continue on its path toward nuclear weapons, but avoided any bombast. Recent months have seen much sabre-rattling between Washington and Pyongyang, with Trump vowing "fire and fury" if the DPRK threatens the United States. In August, Pyongyang's official daily Rodong Sinmun put out a statement, saying: "The day the U.S. dares tease our nation with a nuclear rod and sanctions, the mainland U.S. will be catapulted into an unimaginable sea of fire." The DPRK also threatened the U.S. territory of Guam. Mahaffee said Trump's speech "highlighted the importance of the alliance" between the United States and South Korea. "This is significant given that he has often questioned the value of alliances to the United States," Mahaffee said. Trump carefully avoided direct confrontation or provocation, such as hurling insults at DPRK's leader Kim Jong Un and mocking him with names. Instead he focused on laying out the continued danger of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, said the experts. "Overall, his speech reflected a more disciplined approach to (the DPRK) compared to past statements," said Mahaffee, adding that Trump also called for diplomacy and a united international front to end the DPRK's nuclear and missile programs. Klingner said there had been great trepidation and concern as to what tone and message Trump's speech would have, before Wednesday's address. The speech saw "no faux pas and his less bombastic tone will be appreciated by his (South Korean) hosts. The bar was set low and Trump far exceeded it," Klingner said. A RETURN TO TALKS WITH DPRK? Klingner said Trump's comments during the South Korea leg of his Asia trip, which suggest a greater willingness to return to talks, will be dissected for whether they reflect a flip-flop in policy, or were all part of a strategy. However, in a broader context, when the speech is stripped of all its rhetorical flourishes, Trump seems to have articulated what is basically a continuation of successive administrations' DPRK policy, Klingner said. "Consistent messages across administrations, though stated differently, are: You attack the U.S. or its allies, we will respond firmly, resolutely, and overwhelmingly; the international community must increase pressure but the path is open to negotiations; and the objective must remain comprehensive, verifiable, irreversible dismantlement" of nuclear weapons, he said, referring to a concept also known as CVID. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 11:59:18|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said Wednesday that he is against any military action against Iran and its Shiite ally Hezbollah in Lebanon. "The region has had enough turmoil in the past seven years... I believe that any new problems related to Iran or Hezbollah should be dealt with cautiously," Sisi told a group of Egyptian and foreign reporters at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on the sidelines of the ongoing week-long World Youth Forum. The Egyptian president urged cooling the tensions in the region, "but not at the expense of the security and stability of the Gulf." He stressed that the security of the Gulf is part and parcel of Egypt's security. "Gulf security is a red line for us and others should not interfere in their affairs," he said. The tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran has hit a new high after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Tuesday accused Iran of direct military aggression against his country by supplying missiles to the Houthi militia in Yemen. After Saudi air defenses intercepted a Houthi ballistic missile heading toward Riyadh on Saturday, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi militia in Yemen said Iranian support resulted in a dangerous escalation. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 12:04:21|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said Wednesday that his country has always supported a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sisi made the remarks at a meeting with the press at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on the sidelines of the ongoing week-long World Youth Forum. The president noted that the end of the decade-long internal split in Palestine is an important step for efforts to advance peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. "We believe that achieving an internal Palestinian reconciliation will help pave the way for the resumption of peace talks," he said. In October, Palestinian rival movements Fatah and Hamas agreed to end their long-time rift following talks mediated by Egypt in Cairo. Under the agreement, the consensus government under Fatah will have full control of Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip by Dec. 1. Their reconciliation will also reduce pressure in the Gaza Strip and curb extremism there, added Sisi. Sisi also reaffirmed that Egypt will not give up any land in the Sinai Peninsula as part of the so-called deal of the century, a proposal promoted by U.S. President Donald Trump for resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Several senior Egyptian officials have expressed objection to the idea of ceding part of Sinai for the establishment of a Palestinian state. Egypt has been working with other international players to bring the Palestinians and the Israelis to the negotiation table to end their seven-decade conflict. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 12:24:30|Editor: Xiang Bo Video Player Close MUMBAI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Indian markets opened higher Thursday after correction seen in previous two consecutive sessions, backed by positive global cues and a bit of short covering in beaten down stocks. The benchmark S&P BSE Sensex opened at 33,374.15, 155.34 points or 0.5 percent up compared to its previous close at 33,218.81. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 13:44:49|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- New occupations, such as blogger, jogging buddy and drone trainer, are making employment more flexible in China. According to a survey by China Youth Daily, 58.7 percent of the 2,010 people interviewed would be willing to choose a new occupation. "It is enough for me to make a living as a jogging mate," said Cui Jian in southwest China's Kunming city, "I can earn 100-200 yuan (15-30 U.S.dollars) just running for two hours." "People are more interested in living a free life as the economy grows, so it is inevitable to have new occupations," Jiang Jianrong of Nankai University was quoted as saying. The new occupations enable young people to work for their dreams, not only for money, according to Jiang, while Cui believes the new occupations will create more jobs when they link interests and work. A total of 71.8 percent of the people interviewed thought the new occupations would change employment structure. However, as new occupations emerge, their future remains obscure, said Huang Wan, a graduate student in Beijing. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 13:49:52|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close HANOI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- China and Vietnam need to "deepen cooperation and foster new prospects for our interconnected interests," Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday in a signed article published prior to his scheduled trip to Vietnam. The Chinese leader called on the two sides to enhance the complementarity of their development strategies and work for substantive progress in bilateral cooperation in key areas such as infrastructure, trade, industrial capacity, cross-border economic cooperation zones and agriculture. Xi will pay a state visit to Vietnam and also attend the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled for Nov. 10-11 in the Vietnamese city of Da Nang. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 13:59:57|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Russia supports the idea of establishing a free trade area (FTA) in the Asia Pacific region, which is believed to enhance the country's position in the Asia Pacific market, President Vladimir Putin said in a signed article published here on Thursday. "We support the idea of forming an Asia-Pacific free trade area. We believe this is in our practical interest and represents an opportunity to strengthen our positions" in the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific markets, Putin said in an article entitled "The 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang: Together Towards Prosperity and Harmonious Development." The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Summit will be convened on Nov. 10-11 in Vietnam's central Da Nang city. Over the past five years, the share of APEC economies in Russia's foreign trade has increased from 23 to 31 percent, and from 17 to 24 percent in exports, according to Putin. "And we have no intention of stopping there," reads the article. The Russian president suggested that the large-scale project to create the APEC FTA be carried out with due account of the experience gained from implementing key integration formats in the Asia-Pacific region and Eurasia, including the Eurasian Economic Union in which Russia cooperates with Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. On a related note, Putin mentioned the Russian idea to create the Greater Eurasian Partnership, suggesting forming it on the basis of the Eurasian Economic Union and China's Belt and Road Initiative. As comprehensive development of infrastructure will serve as the basis for effective integration, Russia is actively modernizing its sea and air ports in its Far East, developing transcontinental rail routes, and building new gas and oil pipelines, the article saidEnditem Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 14:10:01|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close CHICAGO, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. soybean industry is very optimistic about the future relationship with the Chinese soybean processing and utilization industries, a business official said in an email interview with Xinhua. "We expect China's economy to grow, consumers' income to increase and urbanization to expand," Paul Burke, North Asia regional director of U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), said. Those trends, along with China's goals to eliminate poverty, will lead to increased demand and consumption of animal protein and vegetable oil, resulting in increased imports of U.S. soybeans, he added. USSEC Chairman Jim Miller is in the delegation accompanying U.S. President Donald Trump on his visit to China that started on Wednesday. Burke disclosed that USSEC just signed a letter of intent about soybean purchase deal with Chinese counterpart during the visit in Beijing. "Through participation in this trade mission, USSEC will highlight to both the Chinese and the USA governments the importance of the bilateral trade in soybeans," Burke said. Burke pointed out that U.S. soybean exports to China generate 14.5 billion U.S. dollars in revenue for U.S. soybean producers. China also needs soybeans to meet its growing consumer demand for meat and vegetable oil. Soybean is a staple product China imports from the United States. "In those 35 years U.S. soybean farmers invested over 150 million dollars in projects that transferred technology and management expertise to modernize China's soy processing, feed manufacturing and livestock, poultry and aquaculture production," he said. U.S. soybean producers are proud that their strategy of "win-win" industry development has contributed to China, Burke said, adding that they "intend to continue to invest in the programs in the future to further its relations with the Chinese soy processing and utilization industries." Burke told Xinhua that U.S. soybean producers had their fourth record exports to China in 2016, as China purchased and imported nearly 30 percent of the soybeans produced in the United States. China is the world's largest soybean importer. According to statistics of China Customs, China imported 83.91 million tons of soybean in 2016, rising by 2.7 percent from 2015 and hitting a historical high. Some 38.2 million tons of the amount came from the United States, accounting for 40 percent of the total. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 14:20:03|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close Investigators inspect the site of a suicide attack in Mazar-i-Sharif, capital of north Afghanistan's Balkh Province, Nov. 9, 2017. A prominent businessman was killed and two people were wounded when the attack ripped through a hotel in Mazar-i-Sharif on Thursday. (Xinhua/Yaqoub Azorda) MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- A prominent businessman was killed and two people wounded after a suicide bomb attack ripped through a hotel in Mazar-i-Sharif city, capital of Afghanistan's northern province of Balkh on Thursday, local police said. "Hajji Abdul Ghani was killed after a terrorist detonated his suicide vest roughly at around 7 a.m. local time at a hotel near the Blue Mosque in central neighborhood of the city," Sayyed Sarwar Housaini, police spokesman of 707 Pamir Police Zone based in the region, told Xinhua. "The assailant was also killed on the spot. Ghani's son and one of his guests were injured in the explosion," Housaini said. The blast also damaged several shops and nearby vehicles. Earlier, a local official told Xinhua that four people, including the attacker, were killed in the blast. The Taliban outfit and Islamic State (IS) militant group often target civilians and religious clerics as well as local leaders for their support to the Afghan government and the U.S.-led forces stationed in the country. More than 650 Afghans were killed and over 560 others wounded by the targeted attacks in 2016 across the country, according to official figures. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 14:30:11|Editor: liuxin Video Player Close YANGON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Trade between Myanmar and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reached 5.7 billion U.S. dollars in the first half of the current fiscal year 2017-2018, official Global New Light of Myanmar reported on Thursday. During the period, Myanmar's export shared with 2.29 billion dollars while import amounted to 3.42 billion dollars. Among the country's ASEAN trade partner countries, neighbouring Thailand topped with 2.45 billion dollars, followed by Singapore with 1.86 billion dollars and Malaysia with 534 million dollars in FY 2017-2018. The country's trade with ASEAN trade partner countries was 9.6 billion dollars in last FY 2016-2017. The country mainly exports agricultural products, fishery products and minerals. Food and beverages, electronic devices, capital goods, automobile vehicles and consumer goods are usually imported into the country. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 14:35:12|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia had exported 142,768 tons of milled rice to China in the first 10 months of 2017, a 59-percent rise over the same period last year, according to the latest report on Thursday. The report released by the Secretariat of One Window Service for Rice Export showed that China is the top buyer of Cambodian rice, followed by France and Poland. Export to China accounted for 29 percent of the country's total rice export, the report said, noting that the total export was 492,115 tons during the January-October period this year, up 17 percent over the same period last year. The Southeast Asian nation is expected to export 200,000 tons and 300,000 tons to China in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Cambodia produces more than 9 million tons of paddy rice a year. With this amount, it has over 3 million tons of milled rice for annual export. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 14:55:19|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- John Rice, vice chairman of General Electric (GE), said the experience in China has made GE a better company and China's opening up is creating great opportunities. "China's opening up drive is also encouraging companies like GE to participate in the development of markets outside China," said Rice, who is accompanying US President Donald Trump on his visit to China. He pointed to the Belt and Road as an example of how GE can benefit from China's opening up. "In many cases, we are well equipped in being a great partner along the Belt and Road and we can also benefit from that," Rice told Xinhua. To date, GE has partnered with over 30 Chinese EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) companies in more than 70 markets across Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe. On the role of Chinese market in GE global strategy, Rice said, "In many aspects, our experience in China made us a better global company." The veteran U.S. entrepreneur, who made his first visit to China nearly 30 years ago, said he had been impressed by the changes in the country. "There are always new chapters and new things to think about. And the lesson for us as a global company is you cannot stand still, you have to observe what's changing in your markets and respond to that," he said. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, GE was one of the first multinational enterprises to enter the Chinese market over a century ago. During the visit, GE is expected to sign deals with Chinese partners, concentrating on power and aviation sectors, said Rice, adding that the deals would be "in the billions." On China's economic slowdown , Rice said, "When the world's second largest economy grew at 11 or 12 percent, everyone was excited about that. This year, China's growth at 6 percent or so is orderly and planned. I I believe it's more sustainable and predictable, and will lead to better outcomes." The slower but still robust economic growth of China is of great significance to investors, Rice said. "The world economy is growing at about 3 percent while the second largest economy is growing at over 6 percent, which is very attracting under any circumstances," he said. "If you look around the world, when the economy of that size grows at that speed, it's very significant. Even though it's lower than five years ago, it's still very healthy and good for investors," he added. Asked about his take on China-US economic and trade ties, Rice said it is of great importance for the world's two largest countries to work together. On trade imbalances, Rice said, "There are understandable reasons for the frictions to be resolved in a constructive way. I don't think either country is at advantage if there's a trade war." Questions can be resolved in a productive and constructive way, Rice said, adding that companies like GE can be a part of that solution. GE is working with Chinese partners in infrastructure projects which incorporate goods made in the U.S. and other countries. "These both show as our exports to China, but they are created by the work we do with Chinese partners as well as partners along the Belt and Road," he said. On industrial internet that GE is good at, Rice saw China as one of the potential leaders of the new sector, as the country is doing well in "combining the power of data and the industrial side like manufacturing." "If you look at human capital and what China has done on the consumer side, there's no reason to think that China won't be a leader in industrial side," said Rice, citing the fact that half of the global top ten digital e-commerce companies are in China. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 15:10:25|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close DA NANG, Vietnam, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh inaugurated here a theme park of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) on Thursday during the ongoing APEC Economic Leaders' Week. Minh and Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh as well as ministers and heads of delegations from the 21 APEC economies unveiled a stone-carved APEC 2017 logo, planted trees and enjoyed the artistic sculptures. The piece from China, "A Common Vision of A Shared Future" made up of 21 colorful intertwined ribbons, is emblematic of unity, harmony and win-win cooperation among the APEC members. "This APEC Park is an effort to expand and deepen understanding of APEC, connecting people-to-people and advancing cultural exchange," Minh said at the ceremony. He highly valued the support from APEC members, who contributed selected works of art showcasing the Asia-Pacific region's rich culture and highlighting the theme of APEC 2017 of "Creating New Dynamism, Fostering a Shared Future." "Located by Han River, at the heart of the dynamic city of Da Nang, the APEC park is dedicated to you, your economies and your people. I hope it will be a symbol of APEC's innovation, vigor and spirit of cooperation, and one of the must-visit attraction for any traveller in Da Nang," Minh said. APEC leaders and more than 2,000 trade officials, delegates and entrepreneurs are gathering in the central Vietnamese port city for the annual APEC Economic Leaders' Week. Established in 1989, the 21-member APEC is Pacific Rim's premier economic forum aimed at supporting sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 15:20:29|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Russia supports the idea of establishing a free trade area (FTA) in the Asia Pacific region, which is believed to enhance the country's position in the Asia-Pacific market, President Vladimir Putin said in a signed article published here on Thursday. "We support the idea of forming an Asia-Pacific free trade area. We believe this is in our practical interest and represents an opportunity to strengthen our positions" in the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific markets, Putin said in an article entitled "The 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang: Together Towards Prosperity and Harmonious Development." The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Summit will be convened on Nov. 10-11 in Vietnam's central Da Nang city. Over the past five years, the share of APEC economies in Russia's foreign trade has increased from 23 to 31 percent, and from 17 to 24 percent in exports, according to Putin. "And we have no intention of stopping there," reads the article. The Russian president suggested that the large-scale project to create the APEC FTA be carried out with due account of the experience gained from implementing key integration formats in the Asia-Pacific region and Eurasia, including the Eurasian Economic Union in which Russia cooperates with Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. On a related note, Putin mentioned the Russian idea to create the Greater Eurasian Partnership, suggesting forming it on the basis of the Eurasian Economic Union and China's Belt and Road Initiative. As comprehensive development of infrastructure will serve as the basis for effective integration, Russia is actively modernizing its sea and air ports in its Far East, developing transcontinental rail routes, and building new gas and oil pipelines, according to Putin. Russia also pays special attention to integrating its Siberian and Far Eastern territories into the network of the Asia Pacific region economic ties. "These efforts include a whole range of measures to enhance the investment appeal of our regions, and to integrate Russian enterprises into international production chains," Putin said. For Russia, the development of our Far East is a national priority for the 21st century, which includes creating territories of advanced economic growth in the region, pursuing large-scale development of natural resources and supporting advanced high-tech industries, as well as investing in human capital, education and healthcare, and forming competitive research centers. The Russian president, in this regard, calls for foreign partners, primarily from APEC economies, to play an active role in implementing these program and projects. Meanwhile, Russia has an equally serious approach to involving small and medium-sized businesses in APEC economic integration processes, and supporting female entrepreneurship and start-up companies run by young entrepreneurs, the article reads. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 15:50:35|Editor: Lu Hui Video Player Close HANOI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday reviewed the China-Vietnam friendship "forged with blood" by the older generation of leaders and the two peoples and called on both sides to make greater efforts to promote bilateral ties. Xi made the remarks in a signed article published in Nhan Dan, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The Chinese leader is expected to pay a state visit to Vietnam and also attend the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting scheduled for Nov. 10-11 in the Vietnamese city of Da Nang. Describing the two countries as "close neighbors connected by mountains and rivers," Xi said that China and Vietnam have had a long history of exchange and mutual learning dating back to ancient times. In modern times, the two peoples fought shoulder to shoulder and forged a special bond of "camaraderie + brotherhood" in their struggle for independence and liberation, the article wrote. "In the new era, our two peoples have worked closely to pursue reform and renewal, and advance the cause of socialism. We have explored socialist development paths suited to our own national conditions, created miracles in our respective development, and achieved marked progress in our bilateral ties," Xi said. Noting that the two sides face many identical or similar new problems and challenges amid evolving global and regional situation, Xi said China and Vietnam need, more than ever, to work in joint efforts in their pursuit of dreams of national strength and prosperity. The Chinese leader called for deepening cooperation and exploring new prospects for "our interconnected interests." The two sides need to enhance the complementarity of their development strategies and work for substantive progress in bilateral cooperation in key areas such as infrastructure, trade, industrial capacity, cross-border economic cooperation zones and agriculture, Xi said. He also urged the two countries to "stay committed to seeking a fundamental and durable solution to their maritime issues acceptable to both sides through friendly consultation." "We need to fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, actively advance the consultation on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea and jointly uphold peace and stability there," he said. The Chinese president also wished Vietnam a great success hosting the upcoming APEC meeting, saying that China looks forward to a "highly productive meeting that contributes to the common development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific." Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 15:55:38|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close TOKYO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Six people were arrested on suspicion of possessing a record quantity of what the health ministry has described as "dangerous drugs" with a similar composition to banned narcotic substances, anti-drug authorities said Thursday. According to the health ministry's anti-drug officials, 20 kg of the drugs, comprising herbs and chemicals, were found in a house belonging to a 50-year-old man in Kawasaki city, south of Tokyo, in September. Anti-drug enforcement officers in a subsequent search of the house also uncovered 180 kg of the drugs, which included other ingredients such as powder, along with 1.6 tons of herbs, in the largest-ever seizure of such dangerous drugs. According to Japan's public broadcaster NHK, the street value of the drugs is estimated to be over 3 billion yen (in excess of 26.36 million U.S. dollars). The officers also uncovered equipment likely used to produce or mix the drugs including centrifuges, NHK reported. Of the six that were arrested, 50-year-old Manabu Iwamura has admitted the charges and was quoted as saying that he began the illicit business three years ago and over the past two years had been netting a monthly revenue of 180,000 U.S. dollars. In total, the suspects are believed to have sold 9 million U.S. dollars-worth of the drugs through online sales, with investigators currently trying to determine more information about the sizable operation. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 16:10:45|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close HARBIN, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Universities in China and Russia have signed an agreement to set up a joint school for translation and interpretation with the aim of cultivating language talent. Heilongjiang University and Lomonosov Moscow State University will offer a joint master's degree at the new school, according to Zu Xueqing, deputy head of the Sino-Russian School at Heilongjiang University in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. Students will complete their first year in Harbin and those who pass a test will study in Russia for their second year. Students who complete the two-year program will receive diplomas from both universities, according to Zu. The new school aims to train bilingual Chinese and Russian translators and interpreters. "We look forward to the cooperation and how it can serve exchanges between China and Russia," said Liu Dequan, Party chief at Heilongjiang University. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 16:15:51|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and U.S. companies signed deals worth more than 250 billion U.S. dollars during President Donald Trump's state visit to China. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday revealed the figure after he and President Trump witnessed the signing of the agreements. China and the United States have huge potential in reciprocal economic and trade cooperation, Xi said. Deals include purchases of Boeing aircraft, Ford automobiles, U.S. soybeans and joint development of liquified natural gas in Alaska. Being the world's biggest developing economy and developed economy, China and the United States are highly complementary rather than competitive, Xi said when meeting with business delegates from both countries. "We are willing to expand imports of energy and farm produce from the United States, deepen service trade cooperation. We hope the U.S. side will increase exports of civil technology products to China. We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to invest in the United States. We also welcome U.S. companies and financial institutions to participate in the 'Belt and Road Initiative'," he said. Given the rapid growth of bilateral trade, it's unavoidable to have friction, said Xi. The two sides should uphold the principles of equality and mutual benefit, mutual understanding and accommodation, and handle disputes through dialogue and consultation, he said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 16:20:52|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close XIAMEN, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- With her fingers dancing along a four-tier keyboard and her head swaying with the rhythm, Fang Site sits in front of a four-storey high pipe organ, the audience watching her in awe. The instrument is the largest pipe organ in the Chinese mainland. It is currently being restored but Fang, 34, played it for guests at BRICS Summit held in September in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province. Now that the restoration is nearly complete, Fang will share stories about both the well-known organ and her hometown with musicians from all over the world. Standing 13 meters tall, 12.5 meters long and weighing 35 tonnes, the Casavant Opus 700 pipe organ was built in 1917, under the supervision of American organist Lynnwood Farnam. "The organ is very famous in the United States," said Justin Berg, an American organist. "Many well-known organists have played with it or have listened to music played on it." Berg first saw the organ when it was at the Emmanuel Church in Boston, which still holds many famous concerts. In 2007, Hu Youyi, an Australian-Chinese pianist, bought the organ from the church and donated it to his ancestral home, the island of Gulangyu in Xiamen, where a museum was specifically built to house the instrument. The organ was dismantled and packed into five containers which took around three weeks to travel from Boston to Xiamen. Next month, Fang, curator of the museum, will host an event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the organ, inviting musicians from all over the world to Gulangyu. "Guests will not only experience the music of the majestic organ, but also the local musical culture," Fang said. Gulangyu was listed as a UNESCO world cultural heritage site in July this year, due to its varied architecture and multi-cultural history. It is also famed as an "Island of Music" as it is the hometown of many accomplished Chinese musicians. "Music has always been part of Gulangyu's history," said Fang. "That has inspired many older generations of musicians, like Hu, to play their part." Hu, who died in 2013, spent most of his money collecting pianos and organs, which he ultimately donated to Gulangyu to set up China's first piano and organ museums. "An older overseas Chinese brought the precious organ here, now we, the younger generation, are obligated to share its story with the world," said Fang. Organs are less commonly seen in China than in the United States, but Fang said she considers it a good way to improve mutual understanding. Berg visited Gulangyu in September, on Fang's invitation. "Seeing the Casavant in Gulangyu was like seeing an old friend," he said. To further promote cultural exchange, Fang plans to invite organists from Boston to share stories about the Casavant, and wants to adapt the story of Hu purchasing the organ into a musical. "Chinese and American cultures are very different," said Berg. "But we can always create new room for communication and understanding." Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 16:46:07|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close NAIROBI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Over 100 delegates are expected to attend an International Film Conference in Kenya next week to seek ways of promoting and accelerating development of film industry. The Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture and Arts Hassan Wario said the conference will help create a platform for actors in the region to exchange ideas and network with others from different parts of the globe. "The conference will help harness the potential of the creative arts in East Africa region," Wario said in a statement on Thursday. The Nov. 15-17 meeting is a collaborative effort between the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB), the European Union (EU), the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the French Embassy in Kenya. Wario noted that the convention will lead to better understanding of the opportunities available in the industry by promoting co-productions to further shared values. "The wide range of participants will provide a rare opportunity for Kenyan film makers to exchange ideas with some of the best actors from the global arena," Wario added. The theme of the convention is "Taking the audio visual and film industry in Eastern Africa to the next level." Franch Ambassador to Kenya Antoine Sivan revealed that there is growing international interest in the potential of the cultural and creative industries to drive sustainable development. "The industry contributes to economic growth with estimated revenue of 250 billion U.S. dollars a year besides creating 29.5 million jobs globally," he added. Sivan observed that the industry is a potential and important contributor to social cohesion and nation building through the promotion of intercultural dialogue, understanding and collaboration. Delegates are expected to come from France, United States of America, India, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi. Established film makers from Hollywood, Bollywood and Nollywood are also expected to attend. Delegates from France will present the various government measures, laws and regulations that govern and oversee the audio-visual and film sector in France. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 16:51:09|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close TAIYUAN, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese restorers have selected 89 original fresco paintings, some centuries old, for what will be the largest fresco exhibition to be held in China. The exhibition will run for three months at the Shanghai Museum starting from Nov. 30 and will be open to the public free of charge. The fresco paintings dating back to the Northern Dynasties (386-581) and Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) were all recently restored by the Shanxi Museum. Among the paintings is China's oldest Zodiac chart, the largest fresco painting depicting hunting, a Yuan Dynasty religious painting and the largest Taoist temple fresco. The original works will be on display for the public for the first time, Chen Fenxia from Shanxi Museum told Xinhua on Thursday. They were all either cut from temple walls or unearthed from ancient tombs in north China's Shanxi Province. The largest piece selected for the show is the hunting fresco dating back more than 1,500 years. It is 13.2 meters tall and 3.5 meters wide and was unearthed from the Jiuyuangang Tomb in Xinzhou. The piece was a part of a 200 square meter colored mural found in the tomb, which depicts scenes of hunting animals such as tigers, bears, goats and deer during the Northern Dynasties. Zhang Qing, a relic restorer at Yongle Palace, a Yuan Dynasty Taoist temple in Ruicheng County, said to restore fresco paintings they must cut the paintings along with peeling walls piece by piece and join them again after reinforcing each section and treating it for erosion. She said the paintings are like picture books, with 286 supernatural beings, each wearing different costumes and adornments. Restoring damaged murals is the best way to prevent them from being destroyed. After restoration they must be stored in temperature- and humidity-controlled rooms, said Chen. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 17:11:15|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The United States on Wednesday announced new restrictions on U.S. business and travel with Cuba. Under the new rules announced by U.S. Treasury Department, U.S. people-to-people nonacademic educational travel to Cuba will have to be carried out as part of groups licensed by U.S. Treasury Department. "Individual people-to-people nonacademic educational travel will no longer be authorized as announced by the president," said U.S. Treasury Department in a statement. U.S. citizens will also be banned from staying at over 80 Cuban hotels which U.S. State Department has designated as being owned by or benefiting Cuban government officials. The new rules unveiled on Wednesday offered detail to a presidential memorandum signed by U.S. President Donald Trump in June, in which he pledged to toughen U.S. policies toward Cuba that had been relaxed by his predecessor Barack Obama. In December 2014, in the most sweeping change in U.S.-Cuban relations in five decades, Obama announced plans to normalize ties with Cuba in a move that quickly sparked much controversy in the United States. Since then, improvements have been made in U.S.-Cuban diplomatic, social and commercial ties, with the United States opening an embassy in Cuba, increasing flights to Cuba, and some U.S. businesses expanding into the island nation for the first time in five decades. United States severed ties with Cuba in 1961, shortly after Fidel Castro launched a revolution that toppled a U.S.-friendly government, and the two countries had been at loggerheads ever since. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 17:16:16|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close KIGALI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The trial of former Rwandan Mining Minister Evode Imena, who is accused of nepotism and favoritism, started in an intermediate court here on Wednesday. Prosecutors allege that Imena committed nepotism and favoritism in illegally awarding a mining concession to Mwashamba Mining Company, ignoring standing concession by another firm, Nyaruguru Mining Company, in 2013. Imena denied all charges against him and argued that the former Minister for Natural Resources Stanislas Kamanzi had already revoked Nyaruguru's concession before he took office. In his defence, the former minister slammed the holes in prosecution evidence, arguing that some letters presented as evidence in court were dated before his appointment as minister. Imena's lawyer denied any relationship between his client and any of the two companies in contention. He requested the court to absolve his client of any criminal liability. The court adjourned the hearing to Dec. 7. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 17:21:19|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The 2017 Antique Book Fair featuring rare and old books, some dating to the 15th century, kicked off here Wednesday. The five-day book fair, organized by the Argentine Association of Antique Booksellers (ALADA), is held in the Kirchner Cultural Center, a cultural center in downtown Buenos Aires. "This year, we have a very wide spectrum (of books) at different stands as always. You can see a variety of books ranging from the 15th and 16th centuries to the 20th century," Lucio Aquilanti, owner of the same-named bookstore, told Xinhua. "Books are defined as antique for a variety of reasons. It could be the paper or the signatures," he added. Among the valuable antique pieces is the first edition of "Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism," written in 1845 by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1868-1874), former Argentine president, journalist and writer. Other notable volumes include a limited-edition print of "Six Scandinavian Poems" by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, which has only 84 copies, and a print of "In Praise of Folly" by Dutch theologian Desiderius Erasmus in 1641. Javier Moscarola, bookseller of Libros La Teatral, displayed a notebook dating to 1831 that belonged to Rufina de Cambaceres, mother of Argentine writer and politician Eugenio Cambaceres. "There are her drawings in the notebook, from which we could also know that she took French classes and, most interesting of all, (there is) a series of cooking recipes ... History is not only about major battles or big political events, but it's also about everyday lives of people who lived in Buenos Aires at the beginning of the 19th century," said Moscarola. The ALADA gathers more than 40 antique booksellers and specialty bookstores. The fair attracts mainly collectors of rare and vintage books, maps, photographs and other published materials. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 17:21:20|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close by Tao Jun, Le Yanna DA NANG, Vietnam, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The upcoming state visit to Vietnam by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and his attendance at the APEC Leaders' Week "is a significant event with historic meaning to Vietnam-China relations," said a dignitary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). "We believe that the visit will be a milestone for the development of the relations between the two parties as well as the two countries," Hoang Binh Quan, head of the Commission for External Relations under the CPV Central Committee, told Xinhua in a recent interview. Vietnam looks forward and attaches importance to the approaching visit by Xi, who is also the general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said Quan. This will be Xi's first overseas trip after the 19th CPC National Congress. At present, Vietnam and China are on a crucial stage of their renewal, reform, opening-up, national construction and socialism development, Quan said. Within this context, he said, it is the historic mission and objective requirement for the stability and development of the two countries to consolidate the Vietnam-China traditional friendship and to promote the sustainable, healthy and stable development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two nations, bringing about practical benefits to the two peoples, the region and the world. Exchanges between the CPV and the CPC have helped push forward the development of bilateral relations, said Quan. The two parties have had close relations since their establishment and forged solidarity, assisted each other, and worked shoulder-by-shoulder to overcome many hardships and challenges during their causes for revolutionary struggle and national liberalization. "Exchanges and cooperations between the two parties are crucial to the socialism construction and development of the two countries, acting as a political foundation and overall guidance for the relations between the two countries," said the CPV official. Over the past years, the traditional friendship and consensus reached by top leaders of the two parties and the two countries have created new driving forces and new positive changes for Vietnam-China relations, he stressed. The ties between the two parties have recently developed broadly and deeply, and gained many significant achievements. First and foremost, high-ranking contacts between the two parties have reached important consensus on many issues, while the two parties have established exchange and cooperation mechanisms of different levels among their departments, broadening the scope and the field of cooperation, said Quan. Activities such as theoretical seminars, experience exchange, and cooperation on training cadres have also been deepened, while people-to-people exchanges, especially those between the young people, have been fostered, said the Vietnamese official. In addition, the CPV and the CPC have always had close coordination on international forums regarding political parties, he said. The ties between the two parties are an important channel to enhance political trust and bolster the healthy and stable development of the Vietnam-China relations. The CPV Central Committee is ready to work with its Chinese counterpart to bring the Vietnam-China relations to a new high, said Quan. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 17:31:22|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi meets with the press on the sidelines of the ongoing week-long World Youth Forum in Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh Nov. 8, 2017. (Xinhua/Meng Tao) SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said on Wednesday that he has not decided if he will run for a second term yet. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the World Youth Forum being held at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, Sisi said he respects the Egyptian constitution that limits the president's number of terms in office to two. Sisi, a former army chief who ousted his Islamist predecessor Mohammed Morsi in 2013 and was elected president a year later, stressed that he is against amending the constitution to allow the president to run for a third term. The 2018 presidential elections will be held in March or April as scheduled, he added.p Sisi's remarks came as some parliament members called for amending the constitution to change the eight-year limit of presidential terms in his favor. Though the Egyptian president has not officially announced an intention to run for reelection, he is widely expected to do so and to earn a landslide victory due to the absence of real challengers in the presidential bid. The constitution of Egypt requires that election proceedings shall not begin earlier than 120 days from the end of the current presidential term, which falls on June 7, 2018, and the results shall not be announced later than 30 days before that date. Meanwhile, Sisi said he will submit the achievements done throughout the last four years, adding he will let the Egyptian people judge his government's performance, and then he will decide whether he can run for a second term. Some lawmakers and independent figures have launched nationwide petition campaigns to urge Sisi to run again for president, saying they garnered so far some 3 million signatures to support his second presidential run. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 17:41:27|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- Brazilian Finance Minister Henrique Meirelles denied Wednesday that the government gave up on submitting the entire the social security reform bill to vote. According to the minister, the "mistaken" information caused a sharp fall in the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange during the day. "What upset the markets was the mistaken information that the government threw in the towel on the matter of the congressional approval of the social security reform," he said. Earlier in the day, local media reported that the government had given up on trying to approve the entire reform, and was instead focusing on approving a much simpler bill. Meirelles did not deny that a simpler version of the reform is a possibility. He reiterated that the government still intends to submit the reform to vote in 2017. The social security reform bill is a constitutional amendment proposal that requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate to be approved. However, the reform is deeply controversial and the congress has only a month before the end-of-year recess, so there is little time to approve a broad reform bill which is likely to stir up a lot of discussion. While the government says the reform will help tackle a huge deficit in the social security system, ensuring that the next generations are able to collect their retirement pensions, the opposition holds that the calculations showing a deficit in the system are fraudulent. Rodrigo Maia, head of the House of Representatives, whose Democrats party is part of President Michel Temer's coalition, said Wednesday he will not submit the reform to vote as there is no chance for approval. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:11:37|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close ISTANBUL, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Turkey believes the new leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will continue the country's path toward "a better and productive future" and put forward new ideas for international cooperation, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Commenting on the 19th CPC National Congress and the report Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered at the opening session in an email interview with Xinhua earlier this week, he said, "The strategic vision set by President Xi in the Congress is an indicator of the following stages of this journey." "The Party has demonstrated a resolute stance in harmonizing continuity and renewal, which is reflected in the composition of the new leadership," added the minister. "The Congress also affirms that emerging challenges require new perspectives," he said. "The emphasis on the concept 'new era' in the opening speech of President Xi Jinping in the 19th Congress underlined the importance of this approach." Xi's report has provided a "comprehensive picture" on the future of China, he said, noting that the Chinese government is committed to deepening the reform process. "The synthesis of discipline, authority, planning on the one hand, and creativity, innovation and openness on the other underlines the Chinese characteristics toward development," he said. "We wish the CPC and the Chinese Government success in their efforts to build a prosperous future." The minister said he believes that China will continue to put forward "new and fresh ideas" toward international cooperation. "Building new partnerships, focusing on development, prioritizing mutual respect are all key factors for the future," he added. "The emphasis on the win-win approach also continues to be a key aspect for the 'new era'. We believe that China would take into consideration the expectations of all its partners to be able to realize the potential set by this approach," he noted. "From this perspective, recent large-scale initiatives such as 'Belt and Road' are important for the benefit of all participants," he said. Turkey has agreed to align its Middle Corridor project with China's Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along and beyond the ancient Silk Road trade routes. On Turkey-China relations, Cavusoglu said the two countries "share a common will for the peaceful resolution of conflicts as part of their foreign policy visions." He noted that bilateral relations have been "elevated to a very positive and constructive level" in recent years, which features regular bilateral meetings through various consultation mechanisms and multiple meetings between Xi and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "Our strategic cooperation is strong; our economy and trade relations are stable and still offer a huge potential for further improvement," said the minister. "Turkey is also enthusiastic about playing a more active role in regional and global cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank," he added. "We have been able to develop our bilateral relations through mutual confidence, respect and understanding," he said. "Globalization is pushing us toward new approaches to cooperation." Describing bilateral cooperation on counter-terrorism as "a significant aspect of our relations," he stressed that "we should not forget that there are global threats requiring common responses." "We are well aware of each other's sensitivities," he noted. "It is important that we keep communication channels open." He also expressed hope for more people-to-people contacts, expecting the Turkish Year of Tourism in China in 2018 to give the relations "a huge boost." "There is an increasing interest in Turkey about China and Chinese culture. We see the same trend in China," he said. "President Xi's sincere approach toward Turkey is matched by President Erdogan's strong will to improve our ties with China," said Cavusoglu. "I have no doubt that this vision and determination would continue to yield positive results." Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:11:39|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close Graphics shows the value of deals signed by Chinese and U.S. companies during U.S. President Donald Trump's state visit to China. (Xinhua/Ma Yan) BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and U.S. companies signed deals worth more than 250 billion U.S. dollars during President Donald Trump's state visit to China. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday revealed the figure after he and President Trump witnessed the signing of the agreements. China and the United States have huge potential in reciprocal economic and trade cooperation, Xi said. Deals include purchases of Boeing aircraft, Ford automobiles, U.S. soybeans and joint development of liquified natural gas in Alaska. Being the world's biggest developing economy and developed economy, China and the United States are highly complementary rather than competitive, Xi said when meeting with business delegates from both countries. "We are willing to expand imports of energy and farm produce from the United States, deepen service trade cooperation. We hope the U.S. side will increase exports of civil technology products to China. We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to invest in the United States. We also welcome U.S. companies and financial institutions to participate in the 'Belt and Road Initiative'," he said. Given the rapid growth of bilateral trade, it's unavoidable to have friction, said Xi. The two sides should uphold the principles of equality and mutual benefit, mutual understanding and accommodation, and handle disputes through dialogue and consultation, he said. Xi reaffirmed China's commitment to opening up and reform and said China will not close its door to the world, and it will only become more and more open. Overseas-invested companies, including the U.S.-invested firms, will enjoy a more open, transparent and standard market environment in China, he said. Xi said China's economic outlook will look bright for a long time. The Chinese economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development with improving economic structure. It has the foundation, condition and impetus to sustain the good momentum. China is the United States' largest trading partner while the U.S. is China's second largest. Bilateral trade surged to 519.6 billion U.S.dollars in 2016 from 2.5 billion dollars in 1979 when the two countries established diplomatic ties. Over the past decade, U.S. exports to China increased 11 percent annually on average, while China's exports to the United States only rose 6.6 percent. China holds a surplus in goods trade with the United States while the United States maintains service trade surplus with China. Two-way investment is gaining steam. Jobs created by Chinese-invested firms across America had jumped ninefold since 2009 to 140,000 last year, according to a recent report by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and Rhodium Group. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:16:40|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- As socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold into a new era, the country's journalists are encouraged to tell its stories well and spread its voice. It will be an era that sees China moving closer to center stage and making greater contributions to humanity, Xi Jinping said at the opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October. China never lacks stories about how the country has achieved an economic miracle and accomplished impossible missions under the leadership of the CPC. "A community of shared future for humanity," "Belt and Road Initiative," "socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era"... These phrases are frequently heard in media reports around the world. China is receiving unprecedented attention from the rest of the world. Last Friday, Time magazine declared "China won" on its cover in both English and Chinese. For Chinese news workers, a better understanding of the country itself is required to convey its stories. Journalists should strengthen their confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, said President Xi Jinping Wednesday in a congratulatory letter to the All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) on its 80th anniversary. Xi also said he expects journalists to maintain close connections with the people, record the events of the great times, tell China's stories well and spread China's voice. Media workers must create people-oriented content and be creative in expressing them. A four-minute video "Four Great Modern Inventions" was a good example which was applauded by both domestic and overseas viewers after being shared on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in August. The clip, produced by China's official Xinhua News Agency, featured how shared bikes, e-commerce, mobile payments and high-speed railway have changed people's lives in China. A Facebook user commented, "Thanks guys you are giving me a totally new perspective on China!" China is expanding its media presence worldwide. On Oct. 10, 2017, the China Global Television Network News Center was established, producing media products for TV, mobile applications, the Internet, social media and news agencies in multiple forms, languages and channels. The People's Daily, the flagship newspaper of the CPC, launched an English-language app on Oct. 15. Xinhua now operates around 180 overseas bureaus, reaching over 200 countries and regions. The media outlets enable more China's voice to be heard and increase the country's soft power. With new content, tools and channels for telling China's stories, the country's journalists are ready to present China's stories in multi-dimensional manner and from overall perspective in the new era. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:16:41|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close by Xinhua writers Gu Zhenqiu, Wen Xiqiang SHEFFIELD, Britain, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The whole world is eyeing China now for new development opportunities following the successful conclusion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October, a Chinese global credit rating expert told Xinhua. "After the successful conclusion of the CPC national congress, the whole world is turning its eyes to China to see new development trends in China and the country's response to what is going on in the outside world," Guan Jianzhong, chairman of Dagong Global Credit Rating Group, told Xinhua in a recent interview on the sidelines of the 2017 Horasis China Meeting, a two-day forum kicked off here on Sunday. "This is totally different from what happened in the previous years," said Guan, head of the 23-year-old credit rating agency based in China. "In the past, we Chinese worked very hard to brief foreigners on the new situation in China, but the efforts were not very much effective." "At present, foreigners no longer passively receive our information. Instead, they ask us for China-related information very actively," he said. He noted that the positive change took place after many countries found that relevant Western theories failed to create new impetus for global economic growth. "Instead, the new experience and concepts which emerged from China's development practice over the past years are worth being promoted across the world," he said. The effective implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative will play a great role in boosting economic development in participating countries and regions, Guan said. The Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by China in 2013, comprises an overland Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and aims to revive and expand cooperation and exchanges along and beyond the ancient Silk Road routes, which nurtured trade between Asia and the outside world in the past. The blueprint for sustainable development, which was hammered out at the CPC national congress, is conducive to spurring economic growth in China and worldwide, he added. About 300 businessmen, scholars and government officials attended the above-mentioned two-day forum. They are from countries including Belgium, Britain, China, France, Germany, Haiti, India, Mozambique, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands and the United States. Introduced in 2005, the forum has become one of the foremost global business gatherings on China. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:21:46|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 8 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations' (UN) humanitarian chief warned on Wednesday of an appalling famine in Yemen unless the current air, sea and land blockade imposed by the Saudi-led coalition is lifted. Mark Lowcock, UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, told reporters about the issue after he briefed the Security Council on the situation in Yemen. "It will not be like the famine that we saw in South Sudan earlier this year when tens of thousands of people were affected. It will not be like the famine that caused 250,000 lives in Somalia in 2011. It will be the largest famine the world hasn't seen for many decades, with millions of victims," he said. Lowcock asked for immediate steps to mitigate the imminent humanitarian disaster, including a resumption of flights by the UN and its partners to Yemeni cities Sanaa and Aden, assurances that the air services will not be disrupted, and an agreement on the pre-positioning of the World Food Program vessel in the waters off Aden and assurances that its functions will not be disrupted. The rest of the steps are a resumption of humanitarian and commercial access to all seaports of Yemen, especially for essential supplies, and a scaling back of interference with all vessels that have passed UN verification and inspection so that they can proceed to ports in Yemen as rapidly as possible. Lowcock, who visited Yemen at the end of last month, was asked to brief the Security Council, which held a closed-door meeting over Yemen at the request of the Swedish Mission to the UN. Before the briefing, Carl Skau, deputy permanent representative of Sweden to the UN, noted Yemen faces the worst humanitarian situation in the world. About 7 million Yemenis are on the verge of famine, and 21 million people need humanitarian assistance. There are also almost 1 million cases of cholera, he said. "I don't even want to imagine what the consequences would be should the current closure continue," Skau told reporters. After the late-afternoon briefing, Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi of Italy, president of the Security Council for this month, said the council was concerned about "the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen." The Security Council stressed the need to keep all seaports and airports functioning, including the seaport of Al Hudaydah, a critical lifeline for humanitarian aid and other essential supplies, Cardi told reporters. The council demanded parties provide "full, safe, rapid and unhindered access" for humanitarian supplies and UN personnel to all affected governorates in the war-torn country, he said. Yemen has been in civil war since 2015, pitting Sanaa-based Houthi forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh against forces of the incumbent government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, based in Aden. A Saudi-led coalition uses airstrikes to restore the Hadi government. Cardi said the Security Council condemned Saturday's missile attack against the Saudi capital Riyadh, which Saudi Arabia claims was launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen. The missile, which allegedly targeted a densely populated area in the city, was shot down. The United States indicated Tuesday that the missile, together with one launched by the Houthis into Saudi Arabia in July, might be of Iranian origin, and demanded action on Iran from the UN. Cardi said Wednesday that the provision of weapons to Houthis in Yemen violates UN Security Council Resolution 2216. He said the council supports a political solution to the Yemeni issue and asks all parties to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:31:48|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close MANILA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine military said on Thursday that six soldiers have been killed and four others wounded in fierce fighting with Abu Sayyaf militants in Basilan, an island province in southern Philippines. The military said the fighting broke out around 12:41 p.m. on Wednesday in a remote village while government security forces were conducting "strike operation" in the area. Capt. Jo-Ann Petinglay, a spokesman for the military in the Western Mindanao, said an undetermined number of Abu Sayyaf extremists have also been killed or injured. "As they edged towards the circumstantial road, operating troops were met with heavy fire by lawless elements believed to be relatives and sympathizers of the Abu Sayyaf bandits," Col. Juvymax Uy, commander of the military's joint task force operating in Basilan. Western Military Commander Lt. Gen. Carlito Galvez vowed to intensify combat operations against the extremists to totally defeat the terrorists. The Abu Sayyaf group was set up in the early 1990s. The militants are notorious for kidnapping-for-ransom, bombings and killing their captives when their multi-million-dollar ransom demand is not paid. The group helped the fully-armed IS militants in taking over the southern Philippine city of Marawi in May. The Marawi conflict, which had lasted five months, claimed the lives of more than 1,100 people, including more than 900 extremists and 165 soldiers and policemen. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:31:49|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close JAKARTA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Soldiers and policemen would pursue a group of gunmen who has killed a policeman and taken hostages over 1,000 civilians in Papua province, National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said here on Thursday. The group has also attacked policemen who were in charge at a subsidiary of U.S. Freeport McMorant in Tembagapura of the province, and used more than 1,000 gold miners there as shield, the general disclosed. "One of our personnel has been shot dead. The group has applies a hit-and-run method, using gold miners as shield. We and armed forces will jointly chase them,"Karnavian said at Jakarta metropolitan police headquarters. However, the general also said a soft approach would also be undertaken to address the problem. According to Police Chief in Papua province Inspector Gen. Boy Rafly Amar, the group comprises about 100 persons. Papua province is situated in eastern Indonesia, home to separatist group of Free Papua Movement, also known as the OPM, which has been using guerrilla wars to achieve the independent goal. Soldiers, policemen and workers of the U.S. subsidiary firm have been frequently targeted by the group, leaving dozens of casualties. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:41:52|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close China's large passenger aircraft, the C919, are seen on the tarmac in Shanghai, east China, Nov. 9, 2017. The Chinese-produced large passenger jet, C919, will make its first long-distance flight on Friday, leaving Shanghai for Yanliang base in northwest China's Shaanxi Province where it will undergo further testing. It will remain at the Yanliang base to undergo more complicated testing in order to acquire its airworthiness certificates. With a standard range of 4,075 kilometers, the C919 jet is comparable to the updated Airbus 320 and Boeing's new generation 737 planes. (Xinhua/Ding Ting) SHANGHAI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese-produced large passenger jet, C919, will make its first long-distance flight on Friday, leaving Shanghai for northwest China's Shaanxi Province where it will undergo further testing. The plane will take off in Pudong Airport in Shanghai and fly to Yanliang Testing Base in Xi'an, according to Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), the Shanghai-based manufacturer of the jet. The company plans to produce six test planes, with the second expected to make its maiden flight at the end of this year. The first C919 completed its maiden test flight in May and has now made a total of five test flights. It will remain at the Yanliang base to undergo more complicated testing in order to acquire its airworthiness certificates. Cai Jun, captain of the maiden flight, said the aircraft will fly at a height of 7,800 meters and complete the 1,400-km journey in around three hours. "We have prepared a detailed work plan to ensure the safety of the flight from Shanghai to Yanliang," he said. COMAC has received orders for 730 C919 planes from 27 domestic and international clients. With a standard range of 4,075 kilometers, the C919 jet is comparable to the updated Airbus 320 and Boeing's new generation 737 planes. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:41:53|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close NEW DELHI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- As the Indian capital has come under the grip of suffocating smog this week, the lack of political will and refusal to act on this public health emergency with a sense of urgency have caused people extreme suffering. The deteriorating air quality in Delhi, which emerges unfailingly around this time every year, is clearly the doing of the governments that have failed its people, environmental experts said. Through its indifference and inaction and political blame-game instead of a coordinated action with necessary agencies and environmental non-governmental organization, the state and the central governments brought the situation to where it stands today, the experts say. A similar smog engulfed Delhi last year as well due to the burning of biomass and other farm residue in the neighbouring northern states of Punjab and Haryana. Last year, the Delhi government had shut schools and imposed measures like the car rationing schemes and also called upon people to use public transport. But once the situation improved, issues like air pollution, climate change and increased warming were pushed to the sidelines. While activists and environmentalists kept trying to keep the impending situation warm, the governments showed no interest in taking a comprehensive measure before it was too late. This was at the time when world leaders were mulling on the Paris Accord that deals with climate change and unites all nations in committing themselves to deal with it. "Construction dust, vehicular pollution, and domestic and industrial emissions as other major factors besides burning of biomass cause smog in Delhi. This was brought to the attention of the government. Unfortunately, they fail us," said environmentalist Harsh Aggarwal. "Some positive measures like ban on crackers in Delhi and its adjoining cities before Diwali (the Hindu festival of lights) were only enforced due to the whip cracked by India's Supreme Court but in itself, governments of Delhi, Punjab and Haryana, along with the central government, totally failed to take any comprehensive measures before we reached this point where it has become impossible to breathe in the national capital," he added. Several world studies clubbed the Indian capital among most polluted cities in the world last year. "This should have been an enough nudge to take proper actions," said K.P. Singh, a former Delhi University professor. "However, it is unfortunate that we did not learn from last year. And whatever is happening now is even worse. While we choke and expect strong and stringent measures, the government is only responding in a lukewarm manner. The chief ministers of Delhi and Punjab are engaged in a war of words over smog when they should be working hand-in-hand towards the welfare of the citizens," he added. While Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sought time from his Punjab counterpart, Amrinder Singh to discuss the issue, the latter put the responsibility on the central government to allot funds to farmers for stubble burning even as he referred to the situation as one with national implication. The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party also issued a statement, blaming the Delhi government for failing to maintain a working relationship with the neighbouring chief ministers. Doctors, however, believe it is too late to act and some sections of senior pulmonologists even called for evacuation of the national capital. "Even at this time I am seeing no strong action. In such a situation, the city should be shut down. We are worried for children and elderly but the government doesn't seem bothered," said Jayant Prakash, a lung surgeon working with a private hospital. The National Green Tribunal has, however, taken cognizance of the sorry state of the situation. Slamming the Delhi government, the green court has said, "You have made a mess of Delhi. You have done what you had to, now we will decide what you have to do. Why didn't you issue any direction for shutting down polluting industries and construction?" While schools have been shut in Delhi, construction halted and parking fees raised, the important thing now is what can be immediately done concretely to improve the situation in the coming years. It is time for the political leaders to be react to the situation with urgency. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:59:22|Editor: Jiaxin Video Player Close Staff members work on China's large passenger aircraft, the C919, at the assembly line in Shanghai, east China, Nov. 9, 2017. A second C919 jet had its engines switched on for the first time on Nov. 2, before taxiing test and a maiden flight. (Xinhua/Ding Ting) Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 18:56:59|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close WELLINGTON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Japan's decision to continue whaling in the Southern Ocean is "out of step" with international opinion and defies scientific advice, New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters said on Thursday. Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research announced on Thursday that the Japanese whaling fleet had departed Japan for the Southern Ocean. "While the world calls for greater protection of the ocean's ecosystems, Japan's whaling vessels will be heading to the Antarctic to hunt over 300 minke whales," Peters said in a statement. New Zealand has long been opposed to whaling and has repeatedly urged Japan to end its whaling program, Peters said. Japan's decision to conduct whaling in the Southern Ocean "flies in the face of the clear recommendations of the International Whaling Commission, its Scientific Committee and its expert panels," he said. "Japan can achieve its stated research objectives without killing whales," the foreign minister said, adding that this is an outdated practice and needs to stop. A video recording from Xinhua showing Arabella Kushner, US President Donald Trump's granddaughter, singing Chinese songs and reciting Chinese literary classics caused another internet sensation in China Wednesday night. In the video clip, Arabella, wearing a traditional embroidered Chinese dress, greets President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan. The six-year-old sings two songs Our Fields, Beautiful Fields, and My Good Mom. The former, written in 1953 and adored by Chinese teenagers for decades, expresses one's love and affection for the motherland and nature. The latter is a popular nursery rhyme widespread in China. She also displayed knowledge about Chinese literature by reciting Three Character Classic, a Confucianist volume to educate young children, and two ancient poems of Li Bai, Watching the Fall of Lushan Mountain, and Departing from Baidi City in the Morning. Xi spoke highly of the child's Mandarin abilities and said her performance deserved an "A Plus". He said Arabella was already a star in China and hoped she would visit China one day. Numerous media websites and netizens reposted the video. It has received 2.3 million clicks on Sina Weibo, China's popular social media platform, as of press time. "What a talented and smart girl she is!" Weibo user Yumeiren said. "I hope she can make more contributions to fostering China-US friendship in the future." "Bravo, kiddo!" Alvin Valeriano said on Youtube. "Good ambassador of goodwill, you are Arabella. JIA YOU!" Earlier this year, during President Xi's visit to the United States, Arabella has already performed for the president and his wife at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, on April 6. Standing alongside her parents, Arabella sang Jasmine, a Chinese folk song with her brother Joseph. Following are two ancient poems recited by Arabella Kushner. Watching the Fall of Lushan Mountain Sunlight streaming on incense Stone kindles a violet smoke, Far off I watch the waterfall flunge to the long river, Flying waters descending straight three thousand feet, Till I think the Milky Way has tumbled from the ninth height of Heaven. Departing from White King City at Dawn At dawn I left the walled city of White King, Towering among the many-colored cloud; And came down stream in a day One thousand li to Jiangling. The screams of monkeys on either bank Had scarcely ceased echoong in my ear When my skiff had left behind it Ten thousand ranges of hills. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:07:02|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close NEW DELHI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The local government in New Delhi Thursday announced it would roll out "odd-even" formula of private cars in the capital city from next week, officials said. The announcement was made by local transport minister Kailash Gahlot. "Odd-even car rationing scheme will be enforced in Delhi for a five-day period from Monday," Gahlot said. The decision to impose the formula was made in the wake of rising air pollution levels in the national capital. Under the arrangement, private cars with odd registration numbers are allowed to run on odd dates while even-numbered cars would ply on even dates. Last year the scheme was enforced twice, from Jan. to Jan. 15 and April 15 to April 30. Since Tuesday morning, Delhi was covered with thick smog, following which health officials issued advisory to elderly and children to avoid venturing out. All schools in Delhi, adjoining areas and Punjab were closed until Sunday in view of the pollution. The entry of trucks except those carrying essentials has been banned in the national capital, besides work on civil construction sites was suspended. The deadly smog chocks air causing breathlessness and lung difficulties, besides badly affecting the visibility. Delhi is considered to be the most polluted city in the world. Last year the city's high court described the capital as "gas chamber". Air pollution is a leading cause of premature death in India. Pollution in Delhi gets aggravated during winter months. Ahead of winters people burn agricultural waste to clear cropland, which contributes to the choking of already polluted air. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:17:06|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and U.S. First Lady Melania Trump, pose for a group photo with students after watching their performances at Banchang Elementary School in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 9, 2017. Melania Trump, accompanied by Peng Liyuan, visited the school on Thursday morning. (Xinhua/Yan Yan) BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- U.S. First Lady Melania Trump on Thursday morning visited Banchang Elementary School in Beijing, accompanied by Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping. In a high-spirited atmosphere, Peng and Trump joined the students in their English, astronomy and Peking Opera classes, and watched their singing and dancing performances. Peng told Trump that Banchang is a public school. Teaching facilities have been improving in recent years, and the standard of education has been rising. The students showed their self-designed Qipao, a kind of traditional Chinese dress, and invited the guests to help finish their wash painting of a little panda. In a cookery class, Peng and Trump joined the pupils in making a famous Beijing snack and apple pie. The students also presented their calligraphy and handicraft to the ladies, and gave performances at the school auditorium. Peng and Trump agreed that Chinese and American children could and should know more about each other and make friends. Melania Trump is in Beijing with U.S. President Donald Trump for a three-day visit. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:22:09|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close ATHENS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) --- Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and his Cypriot counterpart Nicos Anastasiades reiterated on Thursday a joint call for the resolution of the Cyprus issue without guarantees and military presence on the divided island. "Greece continues to seek a solution, but one that respects international law and the European acquis, and has no occupation troops or guarantees," Pavlopoulos made the remarks when welcoming Anastasiades in Athens, according to Greek national news agency AMNA. "There can be no solution to the Cyprus problem with the parameters set by Turkey ... Turkey's insistence on guarantees and a military presence on the island prevents a solution," Anastasiades said for his part. "We remain committed to the need to find a solution, but within the framework of international law and the European acquis," he stressed. Anastasiades made the visit to Athens to attend a forum aimed to boost dialogue and cooperation between European and Arab countries. The latest UN-mediated bid to put an end to the 43-year-long division of the Mediterranean Sea Island failed in July in Switzerland when the Greek and Turkish sides did not agree on security arrangements. Each side blamed the other for the failure. Turkey maintains troops in Cyprus since it occupied its northern part in 1974, in reaction to a coup by the then military rulers of Greece. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:22:10|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close by Justice Lee Adoboe ACCRA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The way Ghana handled its energy bond, which failed to raise the target amount despite extension, could suggest a state of desperation to borrow which may alienate investors, John Gatsi, an economist and senior lecturer at the University of Cape Coast, has said. At the end of the extended period for the bonds backed by the Energy Sector Levy Act (ESLA), the government raised 4.71 billion Ghana cedis (1.06 billion U.S. Dollars), still short of a targeted 6 billion cedis. "At the first closure date, we could not get our target; we extended for one week, yet we could still not get it. Now you have issued another statement that you will issue a three-year domestic bond. You are signaling desperation to borrow which by itself can also create a problem," the economist told Xinhua in an interview late Wednesday at the end of a two-day seminar by Bank of Ghana and regional bank, ECOBANK. The Ghanaian government is set to issue a three-year domestic U.S. Dollar Bond on Thursday in an amount yet to be specified which analysts believe is to compensate for the shortfall in the ESLA Bond. Gatsi attributed the weak response to the bonds issuance to the lack of clarity in the process and the instrument. Since the law says part of ESLA should be used to finance energy sector infrastructure, and part of it should be used to pay off energy sector debts, the investor will be interested in knowing whether the purpose of the government borrowing on the back of levy is in line with the law, according to him. "If the investor has the feeling that part of the money will be used to pay off part of the debt and the rest will be used to finance other activities that are not captured in the Energy sector levy then that becomes a risky investment for the investor and the investor may advise himself," Gatsi said. Another point of lack of clarity he said is about the terminal point of the ESLA conflicting with the tenor of the bonds. "ESLA is not a levy forever so if the ESLA will end for example the next four years and you are issuing seven-year bond, a 10-year bond and a 15-year bond, the understanding is that you will be using the ESLA to be paying the coupon, but what happens after the exit period? Are you going to ask the people of Ghana to extend the sunset clause to cover the 15 year period? "If that is not clear to the investor then the investor thinks that there is some risk element that he will not be able to accommodate, so the investor will be very selective in dealing with the bond that you are issuing," he added. Gatsi also attributed the low interest in the ESLA Backed bond to the associated political risk due to the way affairs are managed by the ruling class in Ghana. If parties in power think only people who belong to their parties can hold public positions, that won't help generate much interest in such long-dated instrument, according to him. The economist said the situation where people who are closer to economic management of the country in recent times talk about revising all previous contracts and agreements also creates apprehension that should government change power again with a different party coming to power, a similar thing might be repeated. "So anything happening in the economy sends signals as to how people should behave towards us when we need their assistance by buying into our bonds," he said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:27:13|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- China will significantly ease market access to the financial sector, reduce tariffs on cars, and try out lifting foreign ownership restrictions in the new energy vehicle (NEV) industry, a senior diplomat said Thursday. Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang made the remarks when briefing the media on the consensus reached by Chinese President Xi Jinping and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump during their talks earlier Thursday. "In accordance with its timetable and roadmap for further opening up, the Chinese side will significantly ease market access to the financial sector, including the banking, securities and fund, and insurance industries," Zheng said. The government will also "gradually and properly" reduce tariffs on automobiles, he said. On a trial basis, restrictions will be lifted on foreign ownership in utility vehicle and NEV industries in pilot free trade zones by June 2018, said Zheng. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:37:18|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close WINDHOEK, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Namibia has the potential to light up Southern Africa, given its strategic location and ambitious plan for private investments in the power generation sector, according to the Finance Minister Calle Schlettwein. The public sector alone cannot respond to the enormous investment needed to meet the growing demand for electricity in the country, the minister said on Thursday at a Publi Private Partnership (PPP) Conference held in Windhoek. "We must therefore leverage on private sector resources to finance, build and operate power infrastructures, in order to help take electricity to all corners in Namibia where households and businesses are presently deprived of this enabling facility," he said. According to Schlettwein, as per the country's Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5), the majority of the upcoming electricity generation projects are expected to be developed through private sector investments. "Namibia is fortunate to be endowed with many natural resources that we can exploit to become power self-sufficient. We have one of the highest solar radiation resource, for free and suitable for PV and concentrated solar power (CSP) installations. We also have suitable locations and available space for wind energy generation," he added. Schlettwein said for the country to champion in the renewable energy sector, Namibia must take learning from the success of renewable energy program in South Africa, which has paved the way for renewable energy investments in Southern Africa. Currently Namibia is a net importer of electricity and imports power from South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:42:21|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close RABAT, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Morocco will set up a new seawater desalination factory in the southern city of Chtouka to meet increasing demand for drinking water, local media reported on Thursday. The project, which will serve the southern region on the kingdom, will be built with nearly 400 million U.S. dollars, the financial daily L'Economiste pointed out. The project will be implemented by partnership between the Moroccan government and private operators and will be ready by 2020, the same source noted. The factory will also serve to support local agriculture, which has been affected by recent drought, and whose products are being exported to Europe and Russia. Morocco has revealed recently that it is planning to set up another factory for seawater desalination, which will supply water to the northeastern provinces of Al Hoceima and Nador. Morocco is suffering from recurrent drought. To ensure the country's water security, the Moroccan government worked in 2015 a National Water Plan which aims at providing universal access to drinking water, improving the output of drinking water supply networks and water use efficiency. It also seeks to enhance water storage, boost desalination projects, encourage the reuse of treated wastewater, and the possibility of transferring water from areas having excess to those suffering shortage. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 19:52:24|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Afghanistan, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Twelve militants were killed and six others wounded in a cordon operation in northern Afghanistan's Balkh province, a local official said Thursday. "Among the killed militants were Taliban shadow district governor of Chamtal -- Mullah Gulnabi, an insurgents' commander Sardar Subhani, and a member of the Taliban military commission," Sayyed Sarwar Housaini, police spokesman of 707 Pamir Police Zone, based in the region, told Xinhua. Afghan air force supported the ground forces during the raid launched by army, police and intelligence agency in Chamtal district. The security forces also confiscated three vehicles, arms and ammunition during the raid, the source said, adding that security forces have suffered no casualties in the incident. The Afghan security forces have beefed up security operations against militants as the militants have been attempting to take territory and consolidate their positions ahead of the winter in the mountainous country. The Taliban militants, who are fighting the security forces in some distant districts of the province, have yet to make comment on the incident. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:02:27|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- China Aviation Suppliers Holding Company (CASC) Thursday signed an agreement with Boeing for 300 aircraft, valued at more than 37 billion U.S. dollars at list prices. The agreement was part of the U.S. trade mission to China, according to Boeing. It includes both orders and commitments for 300 Boeing single-aisle and twin-aisle aircraft, made up of planes from the 737, 787 and 777 families. China has seen a surge in the civil aviation transportation market in recent years. The CASC has undertaken bulk purchases of Boeing aircraft to allow aviation transport companies to continuously expand their capacity and fleet structure, the CASC said in a press release. The agreement is a result of an overall consideration of the country's air transport market and the production schedule of Chinese-produced passenger aircraft, said the CASC. "China is a valued customer and key partner, and we are proud that Boeing airplanes will be a part of its fleet growth for years to come," said Kevin McAllister, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes. "Boeing and China have a strong history of working together based on great mutual respect, and these orders build on that foundation," he said. Boeing and China will continue to work on mutually beneficial ways to grow and support the aviation market, according to Boeing. These efforts include industrial cooperation, the development of technologies to reduce the environmental impact and enhance sustainability of the aviation industry. Both sides will continue cooperation to support the safety, efficiency and capacity of China's air transport system. In May, Boeing started construction of the first overseas production center for its most popular 737 family of aircraft in the east China port city of Zhoushan, including a completion center and delivery center. According to Boeing's latest market outlook, China is expected to need 7,240 new aircraft over the next 20 years, valued at nearly 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars. Of these, 5,420 would be single-aisle aircraft. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:02:28|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close HARARE, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Zimbabwe's flagship airport, the Harare International Airport, was on Thursday renamed Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport in honor of the country's veteran leader Robert Mugabe. The airport was built in the 1950s during the colonial era and was later upgraded and commissioned in 2001. It has one of the longest runways in Africa, measuring 4,725 kilometers. It has a handling capacity of 2.5 million passengers per year and the government is planning to further upgrade and expand it to increase its capacity to 6 million passengers per year and turn it into a regional air transport hub. Officiating at the event, President Mugabe thanked the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development for honoring him through renaming the airport after him. "I want to thank most sincerely for the honor bestowed on me by renaming the Harare International Airport to Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport," Mugabe said. "It is indeed a great honor for me and it is indeed a great gesture." He said the honor was a source of pride not only for him but his family and the entire nation. He reaffirmed the government's commitment to the development of the country's air transport systems to facilitate economic development. His government, he added, was taking steps to liberalize the country's air space in line with the Yamoussoukuro Decision of 1999. The airport becomes the second to be renamed after the country's leaders following the Bulawayo Airport which was upgraded from domestic to international airport and renamed Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport after the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo in 2001. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:17:32|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close KAMPALA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Ugandan military on Thursday said it is ready to deploy 5,000 troops in Somalia outside the African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) mandate for an all-out offensive operations against the Al-Shabaab militants. Brig. Richard Karemire, the military and defense spokesperson, told Xinhua that Uganda as a Pan-Africanist country is ready to send the troops as long as the international community commits resources for the operation. "We are always ready to deploy such a number and even more as a country and Pan-Africanists. We need some support somewhere," said Karemire. Karemire said there are many rules to operate under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) which sometimes may hinder the elimination of the militants. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is reported to have told Donald Yamamoto, acting U.S. assistant secretary of state for African affairs in September that Uganda is ready to deploy additional 5,000 troops to strengthen the military operations of the AMISOM. Museveni told Yamamoto that the east African country would only send more troops to Somalia if the international community commits to regular funding, donates military equipment, force enablers and multipliers such as attack helicopters for the operations against the insurgents. The comments by the Ugandan military come shortly after the Special Representative of the African Union Chairperson for Somalia, Francisco Madeira announced on Tuesday that some 1,000 soldiers from the 22,000 strong force will be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31. AMISOM is comprised of troops drawn from Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Uganda provides the bulk of the force. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:32:38|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close TOKYO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Japan's environment ministry confirmed Thursday that a wild swan found dead in western Japan was infected with a highly pathogenic bird flu. The dead swan was found near Lake Shinji in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture Sunday and tested positive for bird flu in a simple test. Further tests at the Tottori University confirmed that the swan was infected with the highly pathogenic H5N6 influenza strain. It was the first bird flu case confirmed in Japan this season, according to the ministry. The environment ministry has since Sunday strengthened monitoring of wild birds within 10 kilometers of the place where the dead swan was found. It also raised on Thursday the country's bird flu alert from one to two on a scale of three. In March, hundreds of thousands of chicken at poultry farms were culled in Miyagi and Chiba prefectures due to the outbreak of a highly pathogenic bird flu. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:37:41|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close by Maria Spiliopoulou ATHENS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Dimitris Koufodinas, a leading "November 17" (17 N) terrorist group member who is serving 11 life sentences for murder, was granted his first prison furlough in 15 years, Greek national news agency AMNA reported on Thursday. The exit of Koufodinas from Korydallos maximum security prison on a 48-hour leave has sparked strong reactions by opposition parties in Athens. Koufodinas has been identified as "17 N"'s main hit man during the trial that followed his arrest and the dismantling of the group in 2002. He was convicted in 2003, along a dozen other group members, for their roles in more than 100 attacks carried out between 1975 and 2000 that killed 23 Greek, U.S., British and Turkish nationals. Among the victims were businessmen, politicians, diplomats and citizens who were considered "collateral damage" such as Thanos Axarlian, a 20-year-old student who was killed in 1992 during an attack against then finance minister. Koufodinas had requested a temporary leave many times in the past, but his request had been rejected. Government sources told AMNA on Thursday that the decision to grant furlough was reached unanimously by the Appeals Justices' Council. The Greek Federation of Prison Guards noted in a press statement that Koufodinas could have received the temporary leave sooner should Christodoulos Xiros, another leading "17 N" member had not vanished during a similar furlough in January 2014. Xiros was arrested again a year later. While he was on the run he had threatened with more attacks and police discovered in his hide out weapons and explosives. Koufodinas must report twice a day to the police station near his residence. Koufodinas' release was criticized by parties from the Right to the Left of the political spectrum. "Granting any furlough to Koufodinas is inconceivable. Not only for his heinous actions against Democracy, but also because he has never expressed any remorse for them and remains the ideological leader of the new generation of terrorists," main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted. The decision was also slammed by Athens Mayor Yorgos Kaminis, a centre-Left lawyer and former ombudsman, and centrist River Party leader Stavros Theodorakis. They argued that criminals like Koufodinas who have not shown remorse should not be allowed out of prison. In books written from prison, Koufodinas defended his actions. Soldiers stand guard during the formal inauguration ceremony of the United Nations Guard Unit (UNGU), a defensive military enity mandated to protect UN staff and installations in Mogadishua, capital of Somalia, May 18, 2014. The UNGU is made up of troops provided by the Uganda People's Defence Forces. (Xinhua/Faisal Isse) KAMPALA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Ugandan military on Thursday said it is ready to deploy 5,000 troops in Somalia outside the African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) mandate for an all-out offensive operations against the Al-Shabaab militants. Brig. Richard Karemire, the military and defense spokesperson, told Xinhua that Uganda as a Pan-Africanist country is ready to send the troops as long as the international community commits resources for the operation. "We are always ready to deploy such a number and even more as a country and Pan-Africanists. We need some support somewhere," said Karemire. Karemire said there are many rules to operate under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) which sometimes may hinder the elimination of the militants. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is reported to have told Donald Yamamoto, acting U.S. assistant secretary of state for African affairs in September that Uganda is ready to deploy additional 5,000 troops to strengthen the military operations of the AMISOM. Museveni told Yamamoto that the east African country would only send more troops to Somalia if the international community commits to regular funding, donates military equipment, force enablers and multipliers such as attack helicopters for the operations against the insurgents. The comments by the Ugandan military come shortly after the Special Representative of the African Union Chairperson for Somalia, Francisco Madeira announced on Tuesday that some 1,000 soldiers from the 22,000 strong force will be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:47:44|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close ISLAMABAD, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan on Thursday rejected NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's recent remarks that Taliban still have bases in Pakistan, which he had described as a "big challenge" to efforts aimed at bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan. "We have to address the big challenge that the Taliban, the insurgents are working also out of bases in Pakistan. And we have raised that several times," Stoltenberg told reporters at NATO's headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday. Pakistan Foreign Ministry's spokesman Muhammad Faisal dismissed the charges at his weekly briefing. "We completely reject baseless allegations of bases in Pakistan. There are no organized bases of any terrorist organizations anywhere in the country. Such fallacious assertions are counter-productive and detrimental," the spokesman said when asked about his comments on NATO secretary general's accusations against Pakistan of harbouring terrorists and terrorist safe havens in its territory. "Pakistan has made unmatched sacrifices, both in blood and treasure in fighting terrorism. No country has done more than Pakistan, or suffered more than Pakistan in combating the menace of terrorism," the spokesman said. To a question on the issue of troops surge in Afghanistan by NATO, he said Pakistan has previously made many statements on this issue. "Pakistan believes that there is no military solution to the Afghan conflict, and a political solution is imperative for lasting peace and stability. It is very important for Afghanistan to be at peace with itself and its neighbours," he said. The spokesman said Pakistan has undertaken comprehensive and successful counter-terrorism operations in the last four years in line with its own national resolve to rid the country of terrorism. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 20:47:45|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close COLOMBO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Over 21,000 Chinese tourists arrived in Sri Lanka last month, resulting in a 6.2 percent growth when compared to the same period last year, statistics from Sri Lanka Tourism Bureau showed here Thursday. So far this year, over 230,000 Chinese tourists have visited the island country, with the government recently stating that they were expecting higher numbers during the peak months starting October. Sri Lanka has become a famous tourist destination among Chinese travelers and the government hopes to attract at least 1 million Chinese tourists per year by 2020. Sri Lanka's tourism industry has witnessed a boom since the end of the country's three-decade long civil war which ended in May 2009. Over 1.5 million tourists have arrived in the country so far this year and the government is expecting to achieve a 2.5 million arrival target by the end of 2017 and a 5 million arrival target by 2020. According to the central bank, Sri Lanka has earned over 2 billion U.S. dollars from tourism so far this year. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 21:02:52|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close NAIROBI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- An international expert on Thursday challenged African governments to embrace inclusivity to avoid losing out in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Belay Begashaw, East Africa's Director General of Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa (SDGCA), a regional body that manages the UN development goals, said that to achieve growth, countries must minimize trade-offs, maximize synergies, and ensure that guidelines of SDGs are followed. "We have to plan, execute, evaluate and value impacts and significantly change behaviors and mindsets in the implementation of SDGs," Begashaw said during a Bioeconomy symposium in Nairobi. He observed that economic growth, environmental protection and social inclusion are the key pillars of achieving the goals, warning that there should be no trade-offs amongst the three pillars, instead their synergies should be exploited to the maximum. "We have to do everything possible to minimize or even remove trade-offs amongst the three pillars in order to achieve strong sustainable development as aligned in the SDG Agenda 2030," Begashaw added. He said governments focus on investing in infrastructure and national and international non-governmental organizations efforts in environmental conservation are doomed to fail if the poor and marginalized groups of our societies are not included in the programs. He warned that if not guarded, the SDG agenda runs the risk of being hijacked if attention is given to the ecological lobby by politicians as well as other development interests of the rich, which mainly focus on economic growth at the cost of the other aspects. Begashaw said it is unfortunate that the continent still imports food and also has the highest number of poorest people in the world yet its potential to produce for export is huge. Out of 800 million people suffering from chronic hunger globally, 230 million live in Africa while it spends about 68 billion U.S. dollars per year on food imports. The continent largely exports primary and semi-processed agriculture and minerals products with minimum benefits due to lack of value addition. "Africa must increase its usage of irrigation since rain fed agriculture in drylands is extremely risky, yet three-quarters of the agricultural land area in Sub Saharan Africa is on drylands," he said. He attributed lack of agricultural transformation in the continent to low investment in agriculture system yet in most of the countries; drought has become a new normal business. "Water has to be considered as a critical and determining input component for agriculture transformation to succeed since studies have shown that irrigation is capable of increasing yields by 91 percent in the drylands," he added. Begashaw called for change of focus to make agriculture profitable for the African small scale farmers and to transition from subsistence farming to a commercial venture. "Let's run farms as businesses by raising the productivity of the farms and add value to the produce through strengthening their link to the manufacturing sector in the international markets," he said. He called on agricultural researchers to engage farmers at early stage when developing improved seed varieties, introducing fertilizers and irrigation since agriculture presents the easiest path to kick-start industrialization and economic transformation. He said modernization of agriculture coupled with right marketing policies that integrates small holder farmers into value chains and connects them to the international markets. "Let's attract the youths into the sector by introducing the use of technology and innovations and develop clear policies," he added. According to the expert, Africa's youth are currently not interested in agriculture yet academically equipped with education systems that do not prepare them for farming. The contribution of agriculture to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Sub-Saharan Africa is less than 25 percent. Agriculture's higher share in employment than in GDP reflects the sector's low productivity and explains the high poverty levels. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 21:07:53|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close NAIROBI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Kenya plans to reduce its fiscal deficit in order to achieve public debt sustainability, a senior government official said on Thursday. Cabinet Secretary in the National Treasury Henry Rotich told journalists in Nairobi that the country's fiscal deficit is expected to close at 6.5 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the 2017/2018 financial year, down from 8.5 percent the previous year. "Our goal is to maintain government borrowing at levels that are consistent with sustainability parameters," Rotich said. The National Treasury is seeking to lower the fiscal deficit to less than six percent for the 2018/2019 financial year and thereafter maintain it at less than four percent in the medium term. Rotich said Kenya's public debt currently stands at approximately 50 percent of the GDP. "This is well below the International Monetary Fund (IMF) debt distress levels," he added. Rotich said the country will only contract debt to fund priority sectors such as infrastructure. Rotich noted that the government is implementing austerity measures in order to achieve its fiscal deficit targets. He said the economy is expected to expand by 5.1 percent in 2017, down from the six percent projected earlier in the year. "The economic slowdown is largely due to drought and the prolonged electioneering period occasioned by the repeat presidential polls," Rotich said. He noted that the drought in the first half of the year negatively affected agricultural output which contributes a quarter of GDP. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 21:17:55|Editor: Zhou Xin Video Player Close KIEV, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Ukraine's conflict-hit eastern region of Donbas has received 273 tons of humanitarian aid from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Ukraine State Border service said Thursday. A total of 14 trucks have delivered relief supplies to people living in Donbas, which falls beyond the government's control, the agency said in a statement on its website, adding that the aid included food sets, hygienic kits and office materials. This year, the ICRC plans to allocate a total of 60 million U.S. dollars to help civilians in eastern Ukraine, who have been affected by the conflict between the government troops and pro-independence insurgents. The United Nations has estimated that the confrontation, which started in April 2014, left some 3.8 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 21:58:07|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close NEW YORK, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is an "indispensable economic forum" for the Asia-Pacific, the world's powerhouse for economic growth amid rising protectionism in the West, said a renowned U.S. scholar. "APEC does not get the credit that it deserves but it is an indispensable economic forum for the Asia-Pacific. Especially at a time when the ugly head of protectionism has reared itself," Sourabh Gupta, resident senior fellow at the Institute for China-America Studies, told Xinhua in a recent interview. APEC provides a "common umbrella" under which parties can "gather and move ahead on the basis of consensus" as rival trade liberalization initiatives are under discussion or re-negotiation in the Asia-Pacific and trans-Pacific region, he said. "If a future Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) is to formally take shape, APEC is the platform where such liberalization discussions will be initiated," he said. By encompassing all 21 APEC economies through trade liberalization, the FTAAP, once established, will become the world's largest free trade zone, covering 57 percent of the global economy and nearly half of world trade. "Even if the momentum on FTAAP flags in the near-term due to the U.S.reluctance, APEC still can play a valuable role in setting high standards and best-practices in a number of new areas of cross-border commerce, such as digital trade," Gupta noted. The vision to build FTAAP, proposed at the APEC meetings in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2006, was translated into reality at the 2014 APEC meetings in Beijing with the endorsement of a roadmap. The FTAAP was finally approved at the APEC meetings in Lima in 2016. "This is what APEC excels at -- creating 'pathfinder' groups among its membership that draw up best practices in a number of cross-border and 'beyond-the-border' areas of commerce, such as the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules system, which are then endorsed by the full membership," he added. A report from the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council has estimated that the FTAAP, when realized, will add 2.4 trillion U.S. dollars to the global economy. The 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting will take place in the Vietnamese city of Da Nang on Nov. 10 and 11. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 22:03:10|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Journalists from across China have said they were inspired by Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks on journalism and would endeavor to spread China's voice. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, called on journalists to "strengthen their confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics." He made the statement in a congratulatory letter to the All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) on its 80th anniversary Wednesday. "We are lucky to work as journalists in the new era and we will strive to present new aspects in our work," said Zhang Tie, deputy director of the commentary department of the People's Daily, the flagship newspaper of the CPC. In the letter, Xi said he expected journalists to "maintain a close connection with the people, record the events of the great times, tell China's stories well, spread China's voice, herald the message of victory and raise national morale, for the realization of the Two Centenary Goals and national rejuvenation." "Xi has repeatedly emphasized that journalists should care for the people," said Hou Kaidi from China Central Television. "We need to focus on the stories of the ordinary people." "In order to tell stories of the Chinese people, journalists from Chongqing Daily have spent three years reporting on more than 500 people, recording their love for the country and home as well as their endeavor to make a better life," said Jiang Chunyong, deputy editor in chief of the newspaper. "We will continue to improve media convergence and reach Internet audience and young people through integrated media products," said Qian Tong, executive deputy director of Xinhua All-Media Service. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 22:08:12|Editor: Lu Hui Video Player Close Chinese President Xi Jinping holds talks with U.S. President Donald Trump at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 9, 2017. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday agreed on maintaining the strategic leading role of head-of-state diplomacy in developing bilateral relations. "Both sides should draw the future roadmap for the development of China-U.S. ties, and increase trust and defuse doubts on major and sensitive issues in line with the goal set by the heads of state," Xi said during their talks in Beijing. Trump also pledged to maintain close communication with Xi and promote the development of bilateral ties and cooperation on international affairs. The two sides agreed to increase exchanges at various levels, give a full play to the four high-level dialogue mechanisms initiated by Xi and Trump -- the diplomatic and security dialogue, the comprehensive economic dialogue, the law enforcement and cyber security dialogue, and the social and people-to-people dialogue. DEFINING THE RELATIONS "We believe Sino-U.S. relations concern not only the well-being of both peoples, but also world peace, prosperity and stability," Xi said during the talks. The presidents agreed that cooperation is the "only correct choice" for China and the United States, and a better future would only be achieved through win-win cooperation. Xi noted that the Sino-U.S. relations are "at a new historic starting point" and China is willing to work together with the United States to respect each other, seek mutual benefit and reciprocity, focus on cooperation, and manage and control differences. Trump said the two countries have a great relationship and their cooperation accords with fundamental interests of both and is crucial to resolving world problems. HIGH-LEVEL DIALOGUES During their talks, the two presidents were briefed on the progress of the four high-level dialogue mechanisms, which were initiated by them during their first face-to-face meeting at Mar-a-Lago, Florida in April this year. Before Trump's state visit to China, they also met in Hamburg, Germany on the sidelines of the G20 summit in July. The dialogue mechanisms should not only focus on issues of overall and strategic significance, but also on individual cooperation projects, expand mutual interest and remove disruptions in a timely and proper manner, said Xi. The mechanisms should play an important role in serving as accelerators for increasing mutual trust, incubators for fostering cooperation and lubricant for managing and controlling differences, according to Xi. DIPLOMACY & SECURITY Xi stressed that diplomacy and security concern the overall development of bilateral ties and strategic mutual trust. The Taiwan issue is the most important and most sensitive issue at the core of Sino-U.S. ties, which concerns the political foundation of bilateral relations, Xi said. He urged the United States to continue to abide by the one-China principle to prevent disturbance to the overall situation of Sino-U.S. ties. Military relations should serve as a stabilizing factor in China-U.S. ties. "The Pacific Ocean is vast enough to accommodate both countries," Xi said. Stating that common interests of China and the U.S. in the Asia-Pacific far exceed differences, Xi said the two sides should cooperate actively in the region so that more regional countries can work with them to jointly contribute to regional peace, stability and prosperity. Trump said the U.S. government adheres to the one-China policy. During the talks, the presidents stressed that the two countries have common goals in eventually solving the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation, and reiterated the commitment to promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. ECONOMIC COOPERATION Xi said the two sides should draw up and launch economic and trade cooperation plans for the next stage as soon as possible and push for "larger scale, higher level and broader fields" of cooperation. He called for advancing healthy development of Sino-U.S. economic ties in the direction of "a dynamic equilibrium, mutual benefits and win-win results." "Economic and trade cooperation is the stabilizer and ballast of Sino-U.S. relations," Xi said. He noted that the Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations are mutually beneficial in nature, saying that cooperation brings huge gains to both countries and their people. China will break new ground in pursuing opening up on all fronts and implement policies for high-level liberalization and facilitation in trade and investment, according to Xi. The Chinese president also wanted the two nations to coordinate and cooperate more in multilateral mechanisms, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Group of 20 and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, to jointly work for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth of the world economy. In addition, the presidents agreed to make bigger the "cake of economic cooperation" to solve the problems arising from the rapid development of economic relations between the two countries. CULTURE & LAW ENFORCEMENT People-to-people exchanges are a long-term cause and crucial to the development of China-U.S. relations in the long run, Xi noted. He called for the two sides to implement cultural cooperation programs and exchanges between young people, and enhance mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese and American people, to inject fresh impetus into the sustainable development of bilateral ties. Noting law enforcement and cyber security are vital to the security and happiness of the people in both countries, Xi said that he is looking forward to more cooperation in drug control, illegal immigration control, crackdown on online crime and cyber terrorism, and cyber security protection. Xi and Trump agreed to deepen bilateral cooperation in hunting fugitives and repatriation of illegal immigrants and promote exchanges in education, science and technology, culture and healthcare. DEALS SIGNED After the talks, Xi and Trump witnessed the signing of agreements between Chinese and U.S. companies in sectors including energy, manufacturing, agriculture, aviation, electronics and automobiles. The contracts and two-way investment agreements are worth more than 250 billion U.S. dollars. Prior to the talks on Thursday morning, Xi held a welcome ceremony for Trump at the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People. Other senior officials including Vice Premier Wang Yang also attended Thursday's activities. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 22:13:14|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) meets with U.S. President Donald Trump at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 9, 2017. (Xinhua/Zhang Ling) BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with visiting U.S. President Donald Trump Thursday, saying the two countries should further open up to each other and create a fair business environment for their companies. Trump arrived in Beijing Wednesday afternoon for a three-day state visit to China, and held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping early Thursday. Li said the talks were "fruitful," with important consensus reached on plans for bilateral cooperation. "By maintaining high-level exchanges and close communication, the two countries will inject new impetus into their cooperation and push their relations to a new level," he said. The Sino-U.S. relations were moving forward steadily, the premier said, noting that a pattern of economic cooperation with deeply intertwined interests had been formed. "The positive trend in the Chinese and U.S. economies is good news for both countries and the rest of the world," Li said. He told Trump that the two nations had huge potential for cooperation as China was the biggest developing country, with a vast market and rich human resources, while the United States was the biggest developed country, with advanced technology and experience. "It is inevitable that there are differences and frictions, such as the trade deficit issue the U.S. side is concerned about," Li said. "China never pursues a trade surplus with any country, and the rapid development of Sino-U.S. economic and trade ties over the past decades since the establishment of their diplomatic ties has proved that their cooperation is highly complementary and relatively balanced," the premier said. He said he welcomed the United States expanding service trade with China, increasing high-tech exports and achieving mutually beneficial results through cooperation. Li told Trump that as permanent members of the UN Security Council and important countries in the Asia Pacific region, both China and the United States had a responsibility to maintain regional peace and prosperity. He said China was ready to strengthen work with the United States on international and regional issues. The premier said he hoped the upcoming leaders' meetings for East Asia cooperation would realize positive signals for the stability and development of the region. Li plans to attend a series of high-level meetings: the 20th China-ASEAN (10+1) leaders' meeting, the 20th ASEAN-China, Japan and Republic of Korea (10+3) leaders' meeting, and the 12th East Asia Summit in the Philippine capital Manila from Nov. 12 to 16. Trump spoke positively about the outcomes of his visit, saying he hoped the two countries would work together closely to tackle challenges, and promote fair and balanced economic ties. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 22:23:18|Editor: Liangyu Video Player Close WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- India is overtaking China as the world's largest emitter of human-caused sulphur dioxide (SO2), a toxic air pollutant that causes haze and acid rain, a new study based on satellite data showed Thursday. Emissions in China have declined by 75 percent since 2007 while those in India have increased by 50 percent, according to the study published in the latest edition of journal Scientific Reports. OPPOSITE TRAJECTORIES "The rapid decrease of SO2 emissions in China far exceeds our expectations and projections," first author Can Li, an associate research scientist at the University of Maryland, told Xinhua. Li and colleagues examined data from the U.S. space agency NASA's Aura spacecraft to study SO2 pollution changes in China and India from 2005 to 2016, with results verified by aircraft measurements. The emissions from China, it showed, peaked at about 37 megatons in 2007, and have since been on a generally decreasing trajectory. At 8.4 megatons in 2016, the level was just 26 percent of that in 2005, the study said. Previously published studies, which relied on inventory data and published policies, projected that China's sulfur dioxide emissions would not fall to current levels until 2030 at the earliest. The estimated emissions for India, on the other hand, indicated relatively steady growth during the same period. For 2016, the emissions from India were at about 11 megatons. "This could be the first time in almost 20 years that a country is surpassing China in SO2 emissions," said Li, who is also a research associate at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. CHINA'S EFFECTIVE POLLUTION CONTROLS China and India are the world's top consumers of coal, which typically contains up to three percent sulfur. Most of the two countries' sulfur dioxide emissions come from coal-fired power plants and coal-burning factories. In particular, Beijing suffers from severe haze problems because of the many coal-burning factories and power plants located nearby and upwind. Starting in the early 2000s, China began implementing policies such as fining polluters, setting emission reduction goals and lowering emissions limits. According to the results of the current study, these efforts are paying off, though coal usage in the country increased by about 50 percent and electricity generation grew over 100 percent during the study period. "The rate of the SO2 emission reduction in China is staggering, demonstrating how effective China's pollution control measures are," said Li. By contrast, the emissions from India, which has yet to implement emission controls like China, increased by 50 percent over the past decade. "Right now, India's increased sulfur dioxide emissions are not causing as many haze problems as they do in China because the largest emission sources are not in the most densely populated area of India," Li said. "However, as demand for electricity grows in India, the impact may worsen." MORE EFFORTS NEEDED Despite the large drop in SO2 emissions, haze remains a severe environmental issue in China. "The persistent haze events in China indicate that other species, in addition to SO2, need to be controlled," Renyi Zhang, an atmospheric science professor at Texas A&M University, who was not involved in the study, told Xinhua. "Those compounds include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and ammonia (NH3), which have been demonstrated to contribute importantly to the major constituents in (forming haze)," said Zhang. Since VOCs and NOx have major sources in traffic, while ammonia is mainly from agricultural activities, Zhang said "the traffic and agricultural emissions would need to be focused on in China." Another expert, Qiang Zhang, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Tsinghua University in Beijing, called the study "very significant." "The ultimate goal of air quality improvement would be reached as the result of coordinated multi-pollutant emission reductions," Zhang said. "In the future, we should pay more attention to NOx and VOCs emission reductions while effective SO2 control should be continued." Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 22:58:28|Editor: yan Video Player Close ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- As Ethiopia strives to become the manufacturing hub of Africa, more and more Chinese companies are showing an interest in investing in the east African country. The latest Chinese company that will soon establish a presence in Ethiopia is the Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Mill, which is part of the Guolian Development Group and one of the largest textile manufacturers in China, according to the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC). The company has signed an investment agreement with the Ethiopian government to establish an integrated textile industry in Ethiopia's second largest city Dire Dawa, some 446 km east of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa. According to the EIC, Chinese companies, with close to 379 projects that were either operational or under implementation in 2012-2017 period, are on top of Ethiopia's investment landscape, both in number and financial capital. Among these companies, 279 were operational in Ethiopia with projects that worth over 13.16 billion Ethiopian birr (over 572 million U.S. dollars) during the reported period, while the remaining 100 are under implementation. In terms of employment creation, Chinese companies have created more than 28,300 jobs in various sectors in Ethiopia during the reported period, of which over 19,000 were created in Ethiopia's manufacturing as it is the leading sector in attracting companies from China. In a statement sent to Xinhua on Thursday, the EIC indicated that the Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Mill and the Guolian Development Group will bring state-of-the art manufacturing technology, knowhow and excellence accumulated over a span of 100 years to Ethiopia. Noting that the company currently has a weaving capacity of 26,000 tons of yarns and 30 million meters of gray fabrics yearly, the EIC expects Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Investment Company to play a big role in Ethiopia's ambition in putting its export industry in the map. As part of the investment agreement, which was signed in Wuxi City in China on November 2 between the EIC and officials of the company, the Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Mill has agreed to invest in a large scale and integrated fabric mill and spinning plant in Dire Dawa, targeting the export market. The Ethiopian government also envisages that high profile companies, such as Wuxi No.1 Cotton Mill which is said to be known for supplying leading global brands where 75 percent of its products are mainly exported to Europe, America, Japan, and Southeast Asia, will help push Ethiopia to be the leading player in Africa's apparel and textile manufacturing sector. Abebe Abebayehu, Deputy Commissioner of the EIC, believes the arrival of such investors in the country will help Ethiopia realize its target. "This investment would contribute immensely to our government's vision to build a sustainable, vertically integrated and export-oriented, apparel and textile manufacturing hub in Ethiopia. Indeed, our vision is to make Ethiopia the leading manufacturing hub in Africa," the statement quoted Abebayehu as saying. According to the EIC, in addition to creating direct employment opportunities and boosting Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves through exports, this investment is expected to create significant backward and forward linkages in the country's fast growing textile and garment industry. In a bid to create better market opportunities for large scale cotton production in the country, the project plans to purchase raw materials such as cotton from local sources, it was noted. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 23:18:35|Editor: yan Video Player Close LONDON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Pension Minister Penny Mordaunt has been appointed as the new International Development Secretary following the resignation of Priti Patel, local media reported Thursday. The work and pensions minister, 44, was a prominent Brexit supporter during the EU referendum campaign. Local media reported she had a meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday afternoon at Downing Street and then left for her new department. Patel quit on Wednesday, admitting unauthorised meetings with Israeli officials had "lacked transparency". Her resignation was the second major blow within days for May following the resignation of defense secretary Michael Fallon in the so-called "sex pest" scandal currently engulfing British politics. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 23:48:43|Editor: Mengjie Video Player Close BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Central Military Commission (CMC) has ordered all units of the People's Liberation Army and armed police to "carefully study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)." "Studying and implementing the CPC congress spirit should be a primary political mission for the armed forces," the CMC said in an instruction made public Thursday. "The armed forces should inform all servicemen and women, veterans and civilian staff of the Party congress spirit, officers in particular," the document said. By the end of next year, officers at regiment-level and above should all receive education courses, and the CMC would conduct inspections "in appropriate time." From now to June next year, the CMC will dispatch lecturers to major military command areas, while the headquarters of different forces will also send out lecturers to lower units. Media and academic institutes attached to the military are also required to take an active part in the education campaigns. Such efforts matter to the overall situation of the work of the Party and the country, the long-term development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the fundamental interests of the general public, according to the CMC document. It asked Party committees at all levels within the military and armed police to strengthen the organization and leadership in this regard with a "clear political attitude" and "strong political responsibility." The CMC instruction requires "comprehensive and precise studying and understanding, scientific and prudent publicity, as well as concrete implementation." "Party committees must strictly perform their duty in ideological work, allowing no channel for wrong ideas and messages to spread," the document said. It urged the military and armed police forces to seek profound comprehension of the congress's theme, the historic status and rich connotations of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the historic changes over the past five years. It also required a "profound understanding of the change in the principal contradiction facing Chinese society, the CPC's mission in the new era, Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military and major policies national defense modernization." The armed forces should firmly regard Xi's miliary thought as the guideline in strengthening national defense and military, and safeguard the authority and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core, said the document. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 23:48:43|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close RIYADH, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Arabia on Thursday warned its citizens against travelling to Lebanon and asked those who are in Lebanon to leave as soon as possible. "Due to the situation in Lebanon, the kingdom calls on its citizens, visitors and residents to leave Lebanon as soon as possible," said a brief statement by Saudi Foreign Ministry. On Saturday, Lebanese outgoing Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his resignation in Riyadh. He accused Iran, a major foe of Saudi Arabia, of interfering in Lebanese internal affairs through the militant group Hezbollah, and said his life is in danger. But Hezbollah accused Saudi Arabia of forcing Hariri to resign and putting him under house arrest. Lebanese President Michel Aoun has said he would not consider Hariri's resignation until he returns to capital Beirut to make explanations. A worker goes about her work at Bole Lemi Industrial Park in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, April 6, 2017.(Xinhua/Michael Tewelde) ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- As Ethiopia strives to become the manufacturing hub of Africa, more and more Chinese companies are showing an interest in investing in the east African country. The latest Chinese company that will soon establish a presence in Ethiopia is the Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Mill, which is part of the Guolian Development Group and one of the largest textile manufacturers in China, according to the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC). The company has signed an investment agreement with the Ethiopian government to establish an integrated textile industry in Ethiopia's second largest city Dire Dawa, some 446 km east of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa. According to the EIC, Chinese companies, with close to 379 projects that were either operational or under implementation in 2012-2017 period, are on top of Ethiopia's investment landscape, both in number and financial capital. Among these companies, 279 were operational in Ethiopia with projects that worth over 13.16 billion Ethiopian birr (over 572 million U.S. dollars) during the reported period, while the remaining 100 are under implementation. In terms of employment creation, Chinese companies have created more than 28,300 jobs in various sectors in Ethiopia during the reported period, of which over 19,000 were created in Ethiopia's manufacturing as it is the leading sector in attracting companies from China. In a statement sent to Xinhua on Thursday, the EIC indicated that the Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Mill and the Guolian Development Group will bring state-of-the art manufacturing technology, knowhow and excellence accumulated over a span of 100 years to Ethiopia. Noting that the company currently has a weaving capacity of 26,000 tons of yarns and 30 million meters of gray fabrics yearly, the EIC expects Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Investment Company to play a big role in Ethiopia's ambition in putting its export industry in the map. As part of the investment agreement, which was signed in Wuxi City in China on November 2 between the EIC and officials of the company, the Wuxi No. 1 Cotton Mill has agreed to invest in a large scale and integrated fabric mill and spinning plant in Dire Dawa, targeting the export market. The Ethiopian government also envisages that high profile companies, such as Wuxi No.1 Cotton Mill which is said to be known for supplying leading global brands where 75 percent of its products are mainly exported to Europe, America, Japan, and Southeast Asia, will help push Ethiopia to be the leading player in Africa's apparel and textile manufacturing sector. Abebe Abebayehu, Deputy Commissioner of the EIC, believes the arrival of such investors in the country will help Ethiopia realize its target. "This investment would contribute immensely to our government's vision to build a sustainable, vertically integrated and export-oriented, apparel and textile manufacturing hub in Ethiopia. Indeed, our vision is to make Ethiopia the leading manufacturing hub in Africa," the statement quoted Abebayehu as saying. According to the EIC, in addition to creating direct employment opportunities and boosting Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves through exports, this investment is expected to create significant backward and forward linkages in the country's fast growing textile and garment industry. In a bid to create better market opportunities for large scale cotton production in the country, the project plans to purchase raw materials such as cotton from local sources, it was noted. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-09 23:58:50|Editor: yan Video Player Close DUBAI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- French President Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed on Thursday his country's commitment to strengthening political and economic ties with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He made the remarks during his speech at the UAE-French Business Forum in Dubai, the Dubai Chamber of Business, Commerce and Industry said in a statement. Macron highlighted the need to "create a new world for the young generation, based on respect, tolerance and reason," adding that business and education are important to achieve the goal. He stressed the shared values of culture, civilization and economy between the UAE and France, hailing the progress that the two countries have made in terms of promoting innovation and building smart cities. Earlier this year, Dubai media reported that bilateral trade between the two countries was estimated at 5.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2016. Around 80 percent of UAE's exports to France was crude oil, according to reports quoting figures provided by the Abu Dhabi Chamber. The UAE-French Business Forum was attended by ministers, key decision makers and business leaders from the UAE and France. Technicians check solarenergy equipment on a roof in Cixi City, east China's Zhejiang Province, May 10, 2017. (Xinhua/Xu Yu) WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- India is overtaking China as the world's largest emitter of human-caused sulphur dioxide (SO2), a toxic air pollutant that causes haze and acid rain, a new study based on satellite data showed Thursday. Emissions in China have declined by 75 percent since 2007 while those in India have increased by 50 percent, according to the study published in the latest edition of journal Scientific Reports. OPPOSITE TRAJECTORIES "The rapid decrease of SO2 emissions in China far exceeds our expectations and projections," first author Can Li, an associate research scientist at the University of Maryland, told Xinhua. Li and colleagues examined data from the U.S. space agency NASA's Aura spacecraft to study SO2 pollution changes in China and India from 2005 to 2016, with results verified by aircraft measurements. The emissions from China, it showed, peaked at about 37 megatons in 2007, and have since been on a generally decreasing trajectory. At 8.4 megatons in 2016, the level was just 26 percent of that in 2005, the study said. Previously published studies, which relied on inventory data and published policies, projected that China's sulfur dioxide emissions would not fall to current levels until 2030 at the earliest. The estimated emissions for India, on the other hand, indicated relatively steady growth during the same period. For 2016, the emissions from India were at about 11 megatons. "This could be the first time in almost 20 years that a country is surpassing China in SO2 emissions," said Li, who is also a research associate at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. CHINA'S EFFECTIVE POLLUTION CONTROLS China and India are the world's top consumers of coal, which typically contains up to three percent sulfur. Most of the two countries' sulfur dioxide emissions come from coal-fired power plants and coal-burning factories. In particular, Beijing suffers from severe haze problems because of the many coal-burning factories and power plants located nearby and upwind. Starting in the early 2000s, China began implementing policies such as fining polluters, setting emission reduction goals and lowering emissions limits. According to the results of the current study, these efforts are paying off, though coal usage in the country increased by about 50 percent and electricity generation grew over 100 percent during the study period. "The rate of the SO2 emission reduction in China is staggering, demonstrating how effective China's pollution control measures are," said Li. By contrast, the emissions from India, which has yet to implement emission controls like China, increased by 50 percent over the past decade. "Right now, India's increased sulfur dioxide emissions are not causing as many haze problems as they do in China because the largest emission sources are not in the most densely populated area of India," Li said. "However, as demand for electricity grows in India, the impact may worsen." MORE EFFORTS NEEDED Despite the large drop in SO2 emissions, haze remains a severe environmental issue in China. "The persistent haze events in China indicate that other species, in addition to SO2, need to be controlled," Renyi Zhang, an atmospheric science professor at Texas A&M University, who was not involved in the study, told Xinhua. "Those compounds include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and ammonia (NH3), which have been demonstrated to contribute importantly to the major constituents in (forming haze)," said Zhang. Since VOCs and NOx have major sources in traffic, while ammonia is mainly from agricultural activities, Zhang said "the traffic and agricultural emissions would need to be focused on in China." Another expert, Qiang Zhang, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Tsinghua University in Beijing, called the study "very significant." "The ultimate goal of air quality improvement would be reached as the result of coordinated multi-pollutant emission reductions," Zhang said. "In the future, we should pay more attention to NOx and VOCs emission reductions while effective SO2 control should be continued." Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 00:59:09|Editor: yan Video Player Close NICOSIA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Cypriot government approved Cyprus' participation in the permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) mechanism, an EU tool aiming to increase defense cooperation among members, an official statement said on Thursday. According to an announcement by the Defense Ministry, the Cypriot cabinet has authorized Defense Minister Christoforos Fokaides to notify the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels of Cyprus' intention to participate in the establishment of PESCO. PESCO is an initiative promoting the establishment of a European defense policy, to assist member states in undertaking additional commitments within the EU's Common Foreign and Defense Policy. Member states participating in PESCO have to increase defense budgets, invest in research and technology and enable the deployment of European formations by making available means, capabilities and infrastructure. After notifying the EU, member states also need to submit a national implementation plan regarding their commitments. Fokaides said in remarks to the press that this was a very important decision with "obvious" benefits for Cyprus. "The more the EU enhances its capabilities to defend Europe's common security, the more Cyprus should feel secure," he said, adding Europe's defense presence in Cyprus increases deterrence against any intervention. He said that Cyprus will make available the military base in Pafos and the naval base in Mari, on the south shores of the eastern Mediterranean island, which will undergo extensive development. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 01:34:20|Editor: yan Video Player Close LONDON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- A bird once extinct in Britain has been rescued from the brink, with numbers reaching a record high, it was announced Thursday. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) described a drive to save the bittern as one of Britain's biggest conservation success stories. Related to the heron family, male bitterns are the noisiest birds in Britain. Unlike the sweet, singing tweets of many species, they have a foghorn-like call. It's that call that has enabled the RSPB to announce that there are now at least 164 males recorded at 71 sites across the country. The society said the once extinct bird has enjoyed its best year since records began, according to the latest survey. Bitterns are highly secretive wetland birds and live most of their time within dense stands of reed, making them very difficult to survey. Scientists count bitterns by listening for the male's foghorn-like booming call, and this year numbers increased to at least 164, recorded at 71 sites, a positive sign that bitterns are back from the brink and thriving. The annual monitoring, organized by the RSPB, found that the number of booming males in Somerset increased to 49 boomers, although there was a slight drop this year in the core areas in eastern England; Suffolk Coast, Norfolk Broads and The Fens. Booming was also reported from three new sites, and there was an increase in Wales this year. Bitterns were considered extinct as a breeding species in Britain by the 1870s. Following recolonization early in the 20th century, numbers of bitterns increased, but by 1997 there were only eleven booming male bitterns in Britain, mainly in Norfolk and Suffolk and Lancashire. Simon Wotton, Senior Conservation Scientist at the RSPB, said: "In the late 1990s, the bittern was heading towards extinction once again in the UK. But, thanks to conservation efforts to restore and create its preferred habitat of wet reedbed, the bittern was saved and we're delighted to see another record year for this amazing bird." Almost half of Britain's breeding bittern population occurs within Special Protection Areas (SPAs), however more than half of the still vulnerable population is at sites with have no protection. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 01:44:24|Editor: yan Video Player Close MADRID, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Mobile World Congress (MWC), the biggest event of the mobile phone industry, is thinking about leaving Barcelona due to political instability in Spain's northeastern region of Catalonia, local media reported on Thursday. John Hoffman, from GSMA, which represents the interests of over 800 mobile operators and over 250 firms in the mobile ecosystem, visited Barcelona on Wednesday when a general strike was taking place, which had an impact on public services and some roads and streets were blocked by protestors. Hoffman admitted to be thinking about moving the MWC, scheduled to be held in Barcelona between Feb. 26 and March 1 next year, to somewhere else if there is not enough political and social stability in the city. Meanwhile, the local government said to be confident that Barcelona had the resources and capacities to hold the MWC beyond the political crisis happening in the region. Barcelona's mayor, Ada Colau, said the city council would work to solve the political crisis in the best and the fastest way possible. GSMA calculates that the MWC has an economic impact of 465 million euros (541.4 million U.S. dollars) and creates around 13,200 temporary jobs in the city. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 01:44:25|Editor: yan Video Player Close DAR ES SALAAM, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa on Thursday ruled out the possibility of resuming a process to write a new constitution in the near future. "The focus of the fifth phase government is on the provision of social services and the development of an industrial economy," Majaliwa told the National Assembly in the political capital Dodoma. He said billions of shillings was needed in order to restart the constitution-writing process and the government was not ready to use such colossal amount of money on the remaking of the constitution instead of serving taxpayers. The prime minister was responding to a question posed by Abdallah Mtolea, a Member of Parliament for Temeke constituency on the ticket of opposition Civic United Front (CUF), who had wanted to know the government's plan to revive the constitution-writing process. Majaliwa said the government was aware of the importance of having a good constitution but that was not among its priorities now. "We will revive the constitution writing process after we had stabilized the economy and after we had provided social services to people across the country," said Majaliwa. He said the government will continue using the current constitution since it had key instructions on how the country should be managed. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 01:54:29|Editor: yan Video Player Close BANJUL, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Gambia's Vice President Fatoumatta Jallow Tambajang took her oath of office at a swearing in ceremony on Thursday at the president's office in Fajara. Speaking at the ceremony, the vice president affirmed her commitment to combating the past two decades of "bad governance and mismanagement." "Gambian women are working towards gender parity. My signing here today is a confirmation that women will continue to be part of your Excellency's government," she said. "Therefore my aspiration for this nation is to provide all the required support to you Your Excellency Adama Barrow, for you to realize your national development objective," she said after signing the oath book. She said that the Gambians in the public and private sectors are working hard to support the government in achieving its visions in peace, unity, private sector-led inclusive growth, sustainable development by 2021 within the framework of the national blueprint. Jallow was first appointed in January amid controversies regarding her age as she exceeded 65 years, which is against the Constitution. As a result, her appointment was rescinded. However, she was later appointed on September 8 following the National Assembly's amendment of the upper age limit in the Constitution. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:14:35|Editor: yan Video Player Close LONDON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Britain supports European Commission's proposed tougher restrictions on the use of neonicotinoids pesticides due to their effects on bees and other pollinators, a British official said on Thursday. Tougher restrictions on neonicotinoid pesticides are justified by the growing weight of scientific evidence that they are harmful to bees and other pollinators, said Britain's Environment Secretary Michael Gove in a statement. Unless the scientific evidence changes, the British government will maintain these increased restrictions post-Brexit, according to the statement. Since December 2013, the EU has banned the use of three neonicotinoids, namely Clothianidin, Imidacloprid and Thiamethoxam, on a number of crops attractive to bees, such as oilseed rape. The European Commission has proposed restricting the same three neonicotinoids to only allow their use on plants in glasshouses. Currently, their use is banned for oilseed rape, spring cereals and sprays for winter cereals, but they can be used to treat sugar beet and as seed treatments for winter cereals. Should this proposal be adopted, Britain would have the right to consider emergency authorizations. Previously, British government's advisory body on pesticides said that scientific evidence now suggests the environmental risks posed by neonicotinoids, particularly to bees and pollinators, are greater than previously understood, supporting the case for further restrictions. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:19:37|Editor: Lifang Video Player Close Ferrari cars are displayed during an exhibition for the 70th anniversary of Ferrari at the Motor Museum in Athens, capital of Greece, on Nov. 9, 2017. The Motor Museum collects 110 car models covering a history from the late 1800s to the end of the 20th century. (Xinhua/Marios Lolos) by Alexia Vlachou ATHENS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Strolling in the Motor Museum in Athens is like travelling in time. Its collection of 110 car models covers a history that begins at the late 1800s until the end of the 20th century. The oldest exhibit is a 1895 Hunnia horse drawn carriage with water pump which was used as a firetruck, while among the most recent ones in the collection is a 1980 Ferrari 308 GTSi. At a short distance from the National Archaeological Museum in the center of Athens, the "Capitol" complex, which houses the museum, has a collection of cars which emerged over time as milestones in the history of automotive industry, the general director of the Museum, Marina Filipoussi told Xinhua in a recent interview. Visitors can admire unique exhibits of famous brands from the past that no longer exist such as Avion Voisin, Adler, Delage and Dino, models of famous brands such as Bentley, Bugatti, Astron Martin, Bristol, Ferrari, Maserati and other historical models of highly popular manufacturers. "The idea behind the museum belongs to Theodoros Charagionis, founder of the museum. Everything started from his love for automotive industry and car races," Filipoussi said. He acquired among others a Maserati Mistral, a Rolls Royce Wraith, a couple of Jaguar of E-type, a couple of Austin Healey 3000 and three Dino cars of which one was a Ferrari, so since the early 1990s he had a collection of 25 cars. Dedicated to technology and four wheels evolution, the museum opened its doors in March 2011 in an area of 4,000 square meters in the last three floors of the building. Each exhibit has a different story to tell. "Among the popular cars of the collection is the pink colored Imperial Crown Convertible Chrysler which belonged to the front man of the rock group 'Led Zeppelin', the legend Robert Plant," Filipoussi noted. It was built in 1959 and only 555 units of this model were produced at a price tag of 5,774 U.S. dollars which was considerably high for the period. "The Bugatti models are also very important, since they were very unique and custom made. Also, Ettore Bugatti, the former owner, would sell his models only if he liked the buyer," she explained. Acquiring through auctions abroad or in Greece, all the models belong to the museum. Every exhibit is priceless, as Filipoussi highlighted. "You can say that they are like paintings. Their price depends on how much anyone is willing to pay in order to acquire it. But, in the last years many wealthy markets have emerged, willing to pay a lot of money in auctions to have them," she said. The significant size of the collection allows its continuous renewal, not only by way of thematic exhibitions, but also by replacing the museum pieces, she added. "For the 70th anniversary of Ferrari, the museum hosts an exhibition of 14 Ferrari cars, also we celebrate the 60 years of FIAT 500 and the 50 years of NSU," Filipoussi marked. In a special place in the museum, visitors can also find the permanent exhibition "MADE BY HELLAS" for cars manufactured, assembled or designed in Greece. As a private funded organization, the museum cannot be supported only by the tickets, Filipoussi said. "We lease the areas of the museum for company and social events. Since 2011, we have had over 30,000 visits through special events, not including school and individual visitors," she stressed. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:39:43|Editor: yan Video Player Close JERUSALEM, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Israeli police investigators questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday evening as part of criminal investigations into two corruption affairs in which Netanyahu is a suspect, local media reported. Police spokeswoman Luba Samri declined to comment, citing a police policy not to divulge information about ongoing questionings. According to the Hebrew-language Ynet news site, officers with the police 433 Lahav anti-corruption unit were seen arriving at the official prime minister's residence in Jerusalem in the afternoon. It was the fifth time that police investigators arrived at the residence to question Netanyahu in this pair of long-run graft investigations. One of the affairs involves suspected receiving luxury gifts from Israeli-U.S. Hollywood tycoon Arnon Milchan, and the other involves alleged secret deals to receive favorable coverage in Yediot Aharonot, one of Israel's largest daily newspapers. The current questioning comes about three months after Netanyahu's former aide, Ari Harow, had signed an agreement to become a state witness. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:44:44|Editor: yan Video Player Close TRIPOLI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Libya's Higher Council of State on Thursday condemned the country's representative to the United Nations for "defending criminals" in a speech before the UN Security Council. "We express our strong protest and condemnation against the speech of the Libyan representative to the UN, which did not sufficiently stress the horrific crimes committed in eastern Libya recently," said Head of the Higher Council of State Abdurrahman Swehli. "We expected the Government of National Accord to officially address the UN Secretary General to look into this matter, however, we were surprised to see the Libyan representative defending the criminals without condemning them," said Swehli. Addressing the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Mehdi Al-Maghrabi said that the Libyan judiciary and the Office of the Attorney-General are "capable of fulfilling their obligations to conduct fair and impartial trials, despite difficult circumstances in the country." "Despite the integrity and capacity of the Libyan judiciary, it remains unable to play its role in the absence of an internationally-recognized legitimate executive authority in some parts of the country, leading to a policy of impunity," said the head of the council. "This is why we seek help from the Security Council and the International Criminal Court to reduce such crimes and violations," he added. Libyan army has denied responsibility for an airstrike by an unknown warplane on the eastern city of Derna last week, which killed and wounded dozens of civilians. The army also confirmed starting an investigation into the attack. In July 2016, 14 handcuffed bodies were found near the headquarters of Benghazi Social Security Fund. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:49:46|Editor: Lifang Video Player Close WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Treasury Department announced sanction against 10 current or former Venezuelan government officials, who it said "are associated with undermining electoral processes, media censorship, or corruption in government-administered food programs in Venezuela." The sanctioned officials included Freddy Alirio Bernal Rosales, Venezuela's minister of urban agriculture, Ernesto Emilio Villegas Poljak, the newly appointed minister of culture and the former minister of communication and information, and Julian Isaias Rodriguez Diaz, ambassador to Italy. As a result of the actions, all assets of these individuals subject to U.S. jurisdiction will be frozen, and U.S. persons will also be generally prohibited from dealing with them. The sanction followed the Venezuelan national elections on Oct. 15. The U.S. Treasury Department said in an announcement that they were marked by "numerous irregularities that strongly suggest fraud helped the ruling party unexpectedly win a majority of governorships." "Despite calls for an independent audit of the election results, the Venezuelan government proceeded to swear in the winning candidates through an oath of office," said the department. "Our message remains clear: the United States will not stand aside while the Maduro regime continues to destroy democratic order and prosperity in Venezuela," said Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin in the announcement. The United States in June announced sanctions on 13 current and former Venezuelan government officials. The sanctions came ahead of the planned July 30 election of the controversial National Constituent Assembly (ANC), which the U.S. Treasury Department says "will have the power to rewrite the Venezuelan constitution and may choose to dissolve Venezuelan state institutions." In response, Venezuela rejected the U.S. sanctions. "We emphatically reject the pretensions and intentions of the U.S. Treasury Department against eight people, among them citizens who have had the privilege of being elected by their own people to the ANC," said Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza on Aug. 8. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:49:46|Editor: yan Video Player Close by Lidia Moise, Lin Huifen BUCHAREST, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Modernizing old infrastructure, balancing the energy mix and moving towards interconnectivity in the region are common goals of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries grouped in the "16+1" cooperation format, top officials said Thursday. Representatives at the "16+1" ministerial conference on energy welcomed China's interest in CEE's energy sector and expressed the need to obtain financing, eventually from Chinese banks or by including energy projects into the Belt and Road Initiative. "Energy isn't a national affair anymore, is a regional business. This is why we have to act together. With financial support of projects from China, we can change the future of energy in the region," said Serbian Minister of Energy Aleksandar Antic. On its side, China is willing to learn more about the needs and to clarify the projects advanced by CEE partners, said Nur Bekri, vice chairman of China's National Development and Reform Commission, and director of the National Energy Administration. "In this respect, there is need for studies, for establishing creative think tanks and for strengthening strategic cooperation," Nur added. The region's countries resuscitated plans to enhance their nuclear power plants in the coming years, a strategic move which reflects the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and diversify production. At the 16+1 Energy Fair held together with the conference, Romania's Nuclearelelctrica company stand was facing that of China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), a sign of the cooperation between the two partners in the 7.2 billion euro (8.36 billion U.S. dollars) nuclear project for construction of two new units at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant in Romania. Renewable energy is high on the agenda of CEE countries, which are hoping to cooperate with Chinese companies in smaller projects. Balkan countries are focusing on clean energy, as they need to recalibrate the energy balance. "Smart grids are a sector of interest into the 16+1 group and we are looking for investments into projects that address properly the issue of decarbonizing energy in the future. Clean energy is in the center of preoccupation of Slovenia," said Slovenia's Minister of Infrastructure Peter Gaspersic. Albania is planning to develop solar and wind farms with Chinese know-how, said Deputy Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Dorina Cinari. Croatia's commitment to reduce pollution and enhance the clean energy is looking for Chinese investments into geothermal energy projects, added Marijan Krpan, head of energy sector in the Ministry of Environment and Energy. "We see a potential in cooperation with China's companies in the construction of solar and geothermal power plants," said Mile Vasic, the Bosnian Ambassador to Romania. Hydro power plants are the most efficient investments in clean energy, but is an expensive exercise, and should be attentively evaluated, Dorin Badea, president of Hidroelectrica, told Xinhua. However, the modernization of coal plants is also high on the regional agenda. "We are partners with China Huadian Engineering for developing a thermoelectric project in Rovinari. We believe that the investment in new technologies will provide cleaner coal energy," Sorin Boza, board member of the Oltenia Energy Complex, said. Serbia's minister of energy Antic said long-term energy projects are worth the effort. "I invite other countries to cooperate with China's companies because they are really good organizers and they deliver excellent results," he said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 02:54:49|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close HANOI, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Vietnamese scholars and experts have highly lauded Chinese President Xi Jinping's signed article titled "For a New Vista in China-Vietnam Friendship," published Thursday on mainstream Vietnamese media Nhan Dan. The article was published ahead of Xi's state visit to Vietnam, where he will also attend the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Da Nang. In the article, The Chinese president reviewed the China-Vietnam friendship "forged with blood" by the older generation of leaders and the two peoples and called on both sides to make greater efforts to promote bilateral ties. "It is a nice surprise that before his visit, President Xi sent messages to Vietnamese public via such a friendly channel," noted Tran Viet Thai, deputy general director of the Institute for Foreign Strategic Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. "His words recalled unforgettable memories when we two peoples stood side by side as comrades, supporting each other in our fight for liberty and independence. That is really touching," Bui Tri Dung, editor at Vietnam's Investment newspaper told Xinhua. Luu Bich Ho, former director of the Institute of Development Strategy under the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment, also said that he was impressed by Xi's article. President Xi expressed the hope that the two countries jointly create a new vista in China-Vietnam relations. "These words are remarkable," Ho noted to Xinhua on Thursday afternoon. According to the expert, the vista is being driven by three factors. Firstly, Vietnam and China are both entering new periods of pursuing development, reform and innovation. Secondly, China and Vietnam are making great efforts to lift cooperation to a higher level which will bring more practical benefits for peoples of both sides. Thirdly, given changing global context, cooperation is crucial to ensure stability and development not only for Vietnam and China, but also for the region and the world. Do Tien Sam, former director of the Institute of Chinese Studies under Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, told Xinhua that he strongly agreed with Xi's thoughts on deepening cooperation and foster new prospects for "our interconnected interests." In his article, Xi said that the two sides need to enhance the complementarity of their development strategies and work for substantive progress in bilateral cooperation in key areas, including infrastructure, trade, industrial capacity, cross-border economic cooperation zones and agriculture. "Xi's words stressed the need to bring more practical benefit to peoples," said Sam, noting that this is a long-awaited direction. The article also stressed that two countries should strengthen coordination and create new highlights in multilateral cooperation. Sam noted that Vietnam and China have huge potential to work together on this aspect as both countries are members of several multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the United Nations, APEC, China-ASEAN cooperation frameworks and the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism. Like other experts, Sam is looking forward to the success of Xi's visit to Vietnam. "I hope that the visit will mark a milestone in Vietnam-China friendship, creating new momentum for pragmatic development of our bilateral relations," he told Xinhua. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 03:04:55|Editor: Yang Yi Video Player Close The launching ceremony of the Lao language version of the book "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" is held in Vientiane, Laos, on Nov. 9, 2017. "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" is a book outlining the full political ideas of Chinese President Xi Jinping and the top leadership. (Xinhua/Liu Ailun) VIENTIANE, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Lao language version of Chinese President Xi Jinping's book on governance has been officially launched Thursday in Lao capital Vientiane. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Guo Weimin, deputy director of the State Council Information Office of China, said the publication of the book's Lao version is of great significance on the occasion of the successful conclusion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the upcoming visit by General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping to Laos. The Lao version of the book "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" will help Lao people learn more about Chinese development concept, development path as well as domestic and foreign policies, he said, adding that this also helps promote the exchange of experiences in governance between the two parties and two countries. According to Guo, the book, together with its newly published second volume, features the rich contents of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and offers an important window for the international community to fully, objectively and rationally understand contemporary China. At the ceremony, Chinese Ambassador to Laos Wang Wentian said the publication of Lao language version of the book will strengthen mutual trust and respect between the two parties and the two countries, enhance understanding of Lao people about China, promote people-to- people connectivity, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, constantly consolidate the traditional friendship, and further build a solid foundation for the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Laos. For his part, Kikeo Khaikhamphithoune, member of Secretariat of the Central Committee of Lao People's Revolutionary Party and Head of the Party's Commission for Propaganda and Training, said the publication of the book is a valuable gift for the Lao party and people on the occasion of the upcoming visit of Xi Jinping to Laos. The Lao language versions of Xi Jinping's report at the 19th CPC National Congress and his book on governance are of practical significance for the Lao side to study and learn from China's theory and experience, said Kikeo. The book "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" collects 79 speeches, talks, interviews, notes and letters of the Chinese leader between November 2012 and June 2014. Since its first launch in September 2014, the book has been translated into 24 languages, 27 versions and over 6.6 million books have been published worldwide. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin speaks at a daily briefing to address sanctions on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro at the White House in Washington D.C., United States, on July 31, 2017. The United States on Monday slapped sanctions on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro after Venezuela held its National Constituent Assembly (ANC) on Sunday. (Xinhua/Ting Shen) WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Treasury Department announced sanction against 10 current or former Venezuelan government officials, who it said "are associated with undermining electoral processes, media censorship, or corruption in government-administered food programs in Venezuela." The sanctioned officials included Freddy Alirio Bernal Rosales, Venezuela's minister of urban agriculture, Ernesto Emilio Villegas Poljak, the newly appointed minister of culture and the former minister of communication and information, and Julian Isaias Rodriguez Diaz, ambassador to Italy. As a result of the actions, all assets of these individuals subject to U.S. jurisdiction will be frozen, and U.S. persons will also be generally prohibited from dealing with them. The sanction followed the Venezuelan national elections on Oct. 15. The U.S. Treasury Department said in an announcement that they were marked by "numerous irregularities that strongly suggest fraud helped the ruling party unexpectedly win a majority of governorships." "Despite calls for an independent audit of the election results, the Venezuelan government proceeded to swear in the winning candidates through an oath of office," said the department. "Our message remains clear: the United States will not stand aside while the Maduro regime continues to destroy democratic order and prosperity in Venezuela," said Secretary of the Treasury Steven T. Mnuchin in the announcement. The United States in June announced sanctions on 13 current and former Venezuelan government officials. The sanctions came ahead of the planned July 30 election of the controversial National Constituent Assembly (ANC), which the U.S. Treasury Department says "will have the power to rewrite the Venezuelan constitution and may choose to dissolve Venezuelan state institutions." In response, Venezuela rejected the U.S. sanctions. "We emphatically reject the pretensions and intentions of the U.S. Treasury Department against eight people, among them citizens who have had the privilege of being elected by their own people to the ANC," said Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza on Aug. 8. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 03:50:15|Editor: yan Video Player Close PARIS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- French Defense Minister Florence Parly on Thursday hailed United Arab Emirates (UAE)'s order of two Gowind-class corvettes from the state-owned shipbuilder Naval Group, calling it "a new success for French exports". "This decision further strengthens the strategic and military partnership between France and UAE," the minister said. "Exports of military equipment are part of France's defense and security policy. Vital to our defense industry and the equipment of our armed forces, they also contribute to our country's strategic autonomy and influence," she added. Defense is one of France's key businesses with reported orders worth 14 billion euros (16.3 billion U.S. dollars) in 2016. Currently, the sector employs 165,000 workers. The figure is expected to increase to 200,000 in the next decade, according to defense ministry data. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 03:55:17|Editor: yan Video Player Close By Keren Setton JERUSALEM, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli air forces are in the middle of a strategic change to seek for global partners instead of looking inward. Hundreds of pilots from eight different countries gathered recently in Israel's Uvda air base to join the largest international air force exercise ever conducted in the country. Countries participating in the exercise include Israel, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, India, Poland and the United States. The drill is held in Israel's unpopulated desert, which compromises about 60 percent of its territory but only 30 percent of its population, and is expected to last until the end of next week. The event signals a major shift from the isolationism policy that Israeli air forces adopted traditionally. "This is a change in our mindset. We always perceived ourselves as alone," said Lt. Col. Richard Hecht of the international affairs branch of the Israeli air forces. "We were very insular. Now we understand that we need to build a common language with others," he added. Hecht said the Israeli air forces are now engaging in "aerial diplomacy." "As challenges are becoming global, the exercise creates an option to form a coalition against threats," said a senior air force commander. While often criticized for its stance in the Arab-Israeli conflict and its policy on Palestinians, Israel has used the opportunity to showcase that its bilateral relations remain unharmed. Walking in the air base, pilots with mixed nationalities can be witnessed everywhere. Italian pilots sit on benches, as Israeli soldiers also take a break on the grass. "It is a real privilege to take part in the exercise," says Cpt. B., a young Israeli F15 pilot. "It is incredible to see others, to learn from other countries and them learning from us." Dubbed the "Blue Flag," a total of 61 aircraft participated in the drill. According to several officers at the base, there is no specific target or enemy that the forces are practicing against throughout the drill. "We are using generic scenarios and we are very careful to stay away from specific targets. We put these things aside as they are very sensitive and try to stick to the common ground of each air force," said an Israeli pilot who spoke on condition of anonymity. "We have a common goal - fighting terrorism," said Hecht. The exercise provides an opportunity of exchanging experience for every air forces. For example, European forces have to deal with air traffic congestion in their home countries that does not exist in the skies above the Israeli desert. The open skies allow pilots to train at a low altitude, something difficult to do in a crowded air space. Flying at a lower altitude is riskier but benefits from avoiding sophisticated radar systems. For German forces, their first time participating in the drill is symbolic. It conveys the message of a strong relation between Israel and Germany despite a complicated history between the two. "On a strategic level, we are interested in cooperation and on an operational level, we are interested in learning how other air forces plan their operations," said Lt. Cl. Von Fritschen of the German air forces. "It is an excellent and very intense playground, hi-tech and cutting-edge," said a senior Israeli commander. It is also a new type of playground for the Israeli forces - a change from an introvert elite air force, to a force actively learning from the outside world and to cultivate multilateral cooperation. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 04:00:18|Editor: yan Video Player Close DAR ES SALAAM, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese ambassador Wang Ke on Thursday said that China will continue to strengthen cooperation with Tanzania and contribute to the east African nation's industrialization drive. Wang said China's cooperation with the east African nation will become stronger and opener, bringing more opportunities for bilateral cooperation and the development of Tanzania. "I believe that in the future, under the leadership of President Magufuli and the fifth phase government, with the common efforts of Tanzanian people, the 'Tanzanian Dream' of turning into an industrialized and middle income country will surely become true," she told her maiden news conference in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam. The envoy said Tanzania enjoyed many unique advantages like geographic location, rich natural and human resources, and the long traditional friendship with China. She said: "Tanzania lies in the natural extension of 'Belt and Road' initiative in Africa, and is among the pilot countries for China-Africa capacity cooperation." "As the new Chinese Ambassador, I will spare no efforts in fulfilling my mission... and strive to achieve more real results through cooperation..." said Wang. She said Chinese companies have built a number of mega projects in Tanzania, including roads and bridges, creating 150,000 jobs. "Their work have made remarkable contribution to the development of infrastructure, job creation and human resource training in Tanzania," said Wang. The diplomat added that China has been the largest trading partner of Tanzania for many years with 350,000 Tanzanians engaging in jobs relevant to trade with China. "There is no excuse for China-Tanzania cooperation to fall behind. Joint efforts are needed... Enterprises should enjoy support and policy facilitation from governments," said Wang. File photo taken on Feb. 26, 2015 shows German former male nurse Niels H. hiding his face behind a folder as he waits next to his lawyer Ulrike Baumann (R) for the opening of another session of his trial at court in Oldenburg, northwestern Germany. (AFP/DPA/CARMEN JASPERSEN/ Germany OUT) BERLIN, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The former German nurse Niels. H was responsible for the murder of around 100 patients, a toxicological assessment published on Thursday by the Oldenburg State Prosecution Office finds. Niels. H has already been sentenced to life in prison on six separate charges for having injected patients with lethal doses of medication. The perpetrator confessed seeking to reanimate his poisoned victims in an attempt to be seen as a hero at the Oldenburg and Delmenhorst clinics where he was employed. An assessment on Thursday has now come to the conclusion that at least 100 patients were killed by the nurse in this fashion. A special commission established by police to investigate the case had to exhume more than 130 deceased former patients of Niels H. to conduct toxicological tests. According to the investigators, a large number of murders could have been prevented. Despite the availability of statistics which showed that the number of deaths and reanimations rose suspiciously during shifts of Niels. H, the Oldenburg clinic did not warn the Delmenhorst clinic which he subsequently transferred. Instead, the murderer received a positive professional reference upon his departure. As a consequence, two doctors and a head nurse now face trial for manslaughter. The German Foundation for the Protection of Patients (Deutsche Stiftung Patientenschutz) has described the case as a large-scale failure on the part of healthcare authorities and complained that screening mechanisms at hospitals in Germany were still inadequate. The Oldenburg State Prosecution Office is expected to formally file charges against Niels H. for the outstanding murder cases early next year. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 04:35:29|Editor: yan Video Player Close CAIRO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's top court cancelled on Thursday the seven-year jail verdict against a former minister and ordered his retrial over corruption charges, official MENA news agency reported. The Court of Cassation accepted the appeal presented by former Irrigation Minister Mohamed Nasr El-Din Allam against the seven-year sentence issued by a criminal court earlier in February. Allam and fugitive businessman Ahmed Abdel-Salam Qura were convicted of selling vast areas of agricultural lands in Giza's Ayyat district for construction and wasting public funds of over 37 billion Egyptian pounds (2 billion U.S. dollars). The case is part of a large-scale anti-corruption campaign launched by Egypt over the past few years that led to the arrest and imprisonment of several officials and senior employees and the retrieval of large amounts of money. In April 2016, Egyptian former Minister of Agriculture Salah Helal and his deputy minister were sentenced to 10 years in prison over receiving bribes to grant state-owned land licenses to a prominent businessman. They both were fined a total of 1.5 million Egyptian pounds. Likewise, former Supplies Minister Khaled Hanafy resigned in August 2016 amid sharp criticism over using millions of dollars allocated for subsidies to purchase wheat that existed only on papers; Egypt is the most populous Arab state and the world's largest wheat importer. Hanafy was also accused of costing 7 million Egyptian pounds to stay at a luxurious hotel in Cairo since he took office in 2014, yet the minister denied the charges. In December 2016, a court confirmed a three-year jail term against former Housing Minister Mohamed Ibrahim Suleiman and ordered him to refund over 255 million Egyptian pounds to the state over selling vast areas of state-owned lands in new cities to a real estate mogul below market prices. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 04:35:31|Editor: yan Video Player Close CAPE TOWN, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- South African President Jacob Zuma on Thursday urged citizen to face the reality that radical economic transformation is critical for inclusive growth. In any country, the majority of the population must play a key role in the economy, but in South Africa this has not happened due to the legacy of apartheid that many still choose to deny, Zuma told the National Council of Provinces, the Upper House of Parliament. He emphasized that radical economic transformation is a government policy and arises from the ruling African National Congress (ANC), and not from outside the country as many rumor mongers claim. The ANC decided in 2012 that economic transformation takes center stage as the next phase of liberation, characterized by more radical policies and decisive action to effect socio-economic and continued democratic transformation. Radical socio-economic transformation was then declared a priority for 2017/18, Zuma said. "We defined radical economic transformation referring to fundamental change in the structure, systems, institutions and patterns of ownership, management and control of the economy in favor of all South Africans, especially the poor, the majority of whom are African and female," Zuma said. The government is already busy with the implementation of radical economic transformation to ensure that work should be done in the priority sectors that have been targeted for attention in order to reignite growth, include the meaningful participation of black people who were excluded in the past, said Zuma. These sectors include mining, manufacturing, agriculture, energy, tourism, ICT (information, communication and technology), water and sanitation, industrialization and others, Zuma said. South Africa has introduced programs such as promoting and supporting black industrialists and black small businesses so as to change the patterns of ownership of the economy. "This is an example of what we mean by radical economic transformation," Zuma explained. Accounting officers in the government have been informed that small businesses must be paid on time, within 30 days of submitting legitimate invoices so that they are not disadvantaged further, Zuma said. Paying suppliers on time will contribute immensely to radical economic transformation, he added. "In this way, this program is not just rhetoric, it is about changing the status quo in order to promote growth, expansion and sustainability in our economy," Zuma said. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 05:20:47|Editor: yan Video Player Close GAZA, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Egypt has officially invited on Thursday Palestinian factions and political powers to a broader Palestinian reconciliation dialogue that is scheduled to be in Cairo on Nov. 21, officials said. Ismail Haneya, Islamic Hamas movement's chief, said in an official press statement that Egypt invited his movement to the broader national Palestinian dialogue that will be held in Cairo later this month. "Hamas is to form a high-ranking delegation that will include leaders from inside and outside the Gaza Strip to join the dialogue and carry on with finalizing the Palestinian reconciliation," it said. Holding a comprehensive dialogue, which will include leaders of all Palestinian factions and powers, was decided in an agreement reached in Cairo between the two rivals in Oct. 12. Meanwhile, the Palestinian left-wing Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced that it has also received an official invitation from Egypt to send a delegation to Cairo on Nov. 21 for a comprehensive dialogue. Sources close to the dialogue said the factions are to discuss implementing a reconciliation agreement reached in Cairo in 2011, including the formation of a unity government and setting up a date for holding the general Palestinian elections. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 06:11:06|Editor: Yamei Video Player Close A boy rides his bicycle in a ravaged neighborhood in al-Qarayatayn Town, Homs Province, central Syria, on Oct. 29, 2017. The Syrian army liberated the town on Oct. 21, 2017 after the Islamic State (IS) militants stormed it for the second time last month. (Xinhua/Ammar Safarjalani) DAMASCUS, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The self-declared caliphate by the Islamic State (IS) is falling apart so fast, and their very existence is close to becoming a history or a catchy scenario for a Hollywood horror movie as the terror-designated group becomes stripped of its major strongholds in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, the group's large swathes of control started shrinking rapidly and they lost their de facto capital of Raqqa last month to the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and this month they lost their major stronghold of Deir al-Zour city to the Russian-backed Syrian government forces. The Syrian army continued to advance after wresting control over the capital city of Deir al-Zour province, capturing several areas to liberate finally the city of al-Bukamal, which was the last IS stronghold in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border. The Syrian army captured al-Bukamal in the eastern countryside of Deir al-Zour province on Wednesday and officially declared its victory on Thursday. In a statement Thursday, the army said the liberation of al-Bukamal constitutes a "strategic achievement and a base for eradicating remnants of the terrorist organizations with its various names along the Syrian territories." "The liberation of the city is of great importance since it represents an announcement of the fall of IS terrorist organization project in the region, in general, and a collapse of the illusions of its sponsors and supporters to divide Syria," the statement said. The army also hailed what it described as "the continuous coordination" between the Syrian and Iraqi armies," saying it has played a big role in clearing large swathes of the border area and in preventing the infiltration of IS militants across the border. Such coordination between both forces is what made it possible for the army to swiftly strip IS of the city, as the Syrian forces and Iraqi troops met at the border on Wednesday and that's when the city was fully besieged before the declaration of full liberation on Thursday. The Iraqi forces recently captured the city of al-Qaim, where there is a border crossing with Syria under the same name near al-Bukamal. Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said Thursday that the victory in al-Bukamal "is a victory for anyone fighting terrorism and an irrevocable downfall of the myths and illusions of IS." The speaker of the Syrian parliament, Hamoudeh Sabagh, said the liberation of al-Bukamal has a strategic importance as it brought down the foreign-backed schemes to fragment Syria. He referred to the U.S. as having a project to divide Syria by "planting terrorist cells" in the country. Meanwhile, Sabagh hailed the Iraqi forces for liberating border areas between Syria and Iraq and securing roads between both countries. He said the victory in al-Bukamal proves that the Syrian army is "at the height of his power." After losing it, the IS militants have lost all of their strongholds in Syria, maintaining just a few pockets in different parts of Syria, mainly in northeastern and eastern parts. A source based in Deir al-Zour told Xinhua on Thursday that the IS still holds areas in the desert and between the cities of al-Bukamal and al-Mayadeen in eastern Deir al-Zour as well as some towns on the northern bank of Euphrates River. But no major strongholds are left, he said. The total defeat of IS will help boost the political talks to resolve the crisis, analysts say. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 06:36:14|Editor: yan Video Player Close QUITO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Ecuador's Prosecutor General Carlos Baca on Thursday officially charged Vice President Jorge Glas and 12 others of conspiracy in relation to a bribery scheme involving Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht. During the hearing held on Thursday morning, Baca presented evidence linking the vice president to the scheme. Glas, who has been in jail since Oct. 2 awaiting trial, has denied any wrongdoing. The accused include the former comptroller Carlos Polit, who had fled to the United States, as well as former executives of Odebrecht. At the hearing, Baca said Glas' uncle Ricardo Rivera, acting on behalf of Glas, requested and received more than 13 million U.S. dollars from Odebrecht. Brazilian citizen Jose Conceicao Santos, former superintendent director of Odebrecht in Ecuador up to 2016, was initially among those charged, but will not face trial here because he has already been convicted and given an eight-year sentence by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court. However, Baca made it clear that Santos was the key operator of the scheme, bribing government officials to secure lucrative public works contracts. The scheme was Odebrecht's modus operandi in some 12 countries from 2007 to 2016, arranging payouts of more than 33.5 million dollars in Ecuador alone, said prosecutors. Source: Xinhua| 2017-11-10 06:41:17|Editor: yan Video Player Close LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- A 32-year-old Chinese man, voyaging from U.S. California to Asia in an ocean rowboat, was rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard near Hawaii after his friend reported that the boat had developed a communication failure, the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles confirmed on Thursday. Amanda Lezvasseur, spokeswoman of the U.S. Coast Guard, told Xinhua late Wednesday night that Yu Ruihan, a Chinese national, had been rescued Tuesday morning approximately 35 miles (about 56 kilometers) northeast of Maui island, and 26 miles (42 kilometers) southeast of Honolulu. "We talked with him today, He wants to stay in Maui, waiting for repair parts and a new Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon, so he can repairs his boat and continue his trip," she said, adding "his final destination is Australia." According to a press release of the Coast Guard Wednesday, watchstanders at Sector Honolulu first learned of Yu's situation at 8:16 a.m. local time Tuesday, via a relayed call from Coast Guard Sector San Francisco stating a friend of Yu's reported him in a potentially distressed situation due to a text message received from Yu on a two-way satellite communication device. Watchstanders launched a HC-130 Hercules to the scene and established communication with Yu one hour later by dropping him a VHF radio. Then the Coast Guard sent a fast response cutter in Honolulu to take the vessel in tow and transited it to harbour in Maui. "It's always a good feeling to save someone at sea, and yesterday was no different," the press release cited Peter Driscoll, executive officer of the cutter, saying "we were able to assist Mr. Yu and he can now attempt repairs and completion of his voyage safely." Yu, who departed from California on June 9 in a 18-foot (about 5.5 meters) green vessel, has not any health issue or danger now, the Coast Guard said. The 25th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, to be held in Da Nang, Vietnam, on Friday and Saturday, has elicited much international attention. It is the first APEC meeting hosted by Vietnam, as well as the first to be attended by US President Donald Trump, as part of the longest trip to the Asia-Pacific taken by a US president since 1992. The world's eyes will be focused on Da Nang, especially on what transpires at what is usually described as one of the most significant annual summit meetings. Regional integration and free trade have been high priority areas for quite some time. In fact, the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership has made considerable headway over the past few years and shown much promise. Unfortunately, it does not include any country from the Americas, which limits its potential to enhance trans-Pacific trade, although there is no reason why this could not be remedied in the future, say, by opening it up to "non-regional" members. Then there is the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, APEC's grand project, whose feasibility study was submitted to the members at the 24th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Lima, Peru, in November last year. But still there is a long way to go before it is realized. Another is the "TPP 11", a variant of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, minus the United States. A fourth includes the four members of the Pacific Alliance (a Latin American integration scheme), that is, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, plus Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore, whose joining the alliance as associate members is currently being negotiated. As can be seen from the veritable smorgasbord of alternatives on free trade and regional integration in the Asia-Pacific region, neither is particularly easy to implement or all-encompassing in its reach. Yet that is no reason not to keep pushing for them or for not exploring their complementarities. Beyond these mega-regional agreements, which seemed to be the wave of the future only a few years ago, but now face serious obstacles, we should keep in mind that the cause of free trade can also be propelled bilaterally, one FTA at the time, as it were. That is exactly what Chile and China did when they signed their FTA way back in 2005, the first such agreement China inked with any single country. Bilateral trade has increased fourfold since then, reaching $31 billion last year, and is widely considered a great success. Yet much has happened in these 12 years, and the FTA text has been upgraded to widen its focus from just trade in goods to also cover services which is fast moving closer to center stage (in fact, services already represent more than half of China's GDP). This upgrading was done in the course of four negotiating sessions this year, and a protocol dealing with such cutting-edge disciplines as e-commerce, government procurement and competition policy has been agreed on and will be signed in the presence of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Da Nang during the APEC meeting, thus deepening and strengthening the FTA. There is a lesson here for all those who want to see it. At a time when protectionism and isolationism have raised their ugly heads in a number of countries, China and one of its leading trade partners in Latin America are moving forward to further liberalize trade and open themselves up to trans-border commerce. Starting in the 1990s, Chile has been at the forefront of developing what has come to be known as a "lateral" international trade policy, based on the pursuit of bilateral or "plurilateral" FTAs with as many economies as possible, and today it has the largest number of FTAs of any country (25 with some 64 countries). In the early 2000s, this was new terrain for China, but it has been catching up fast, as subsequent FTAs with New Zealand, Australia and the Republic of Korea show. However that may be, China and Chile both are considered to be among those that have made the most of globalization by opening up their economics and seizing the many opportunities offered by the global economy. Yes, we must continue to push for inter-regional trans-Pacific agreements that facilitate and promote more trade and investment across the world's largest ocean, and APEC is a critical forum for this purpose. But we should not forget that free trade should be propelled on all frontsbilateral, "plurilateral" and multilateraland no instance is too small for that. The author is the ambassador of Chile to China. A World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement panel in Geneva, Switzerland has ruled in Japan's favor in a dispute over South Korean restrictions on imports of Japanese seafood imposed after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. The panel notified the two sides of the result on 18 October. Japan lodged a complaint at the WTO in 2015 against South Korea's import bans on fish caught from eight prefectures near Fukushima, imposed in 2013. The ban applies to all fisheries products from Fukushima prefecture as well as the prefectures of Ibaraki, Gunma, Miyagi, Iwate, Tochigi, Chiba and Aomori, as well as on additional testing requirements for seafood from other prefectures. The ban was put in place in September of 2013 after large releases of contaminated cooling water from the damaged reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was released into the ocean. Japan made inconsistent statements about the amount of radiation being released, which caused Korea to doubt the reliability of Japanese data. Prior to the ban, in 2012, South Korea imported 5,000 tons of fishery products from the eight affected prefectures, out of a total of 40,000 tons of seafood imports from Japan. Details of the final result will be available to WTO member nations in January and will be open to the public afterwards, but the Japanese government said it was "consistent with Japan's position." The WTO dispute settlement process lets parties appeal panel decisions. Ryu Young-jin, South Korea's minister of food and drug safety, told lawmakers in the National Assembly that the country would appeal any ruling against it by the panel "in the interest of public health," according to a Yonhap News Agency report. Under WTO rules, South Korea has 60 days to appeal to an appellate body, which could delay imports of Fukushima-related seafood for another two years during the deliberation period. Accordingly, the ban -- even if ruled to be counter to WTO rules -- could stay in place until 2019. The ruling could affect similar restrictions on Japanese seafood by other counties. For example, in 2016, when a new government took office in Taiwan, it proposed keeping the ban on products from Fukushima while imports from Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Chiba prefectures would be allowed after inspection. The government began public hearings, as required for changes to regulations, but it did not observe the legal requirement that all such meetings be announced at least 10 days in advance, instead announcing the hearings only one or two days prior to their being held. The hearings were violently disrupted by opposition lawmakers and consumer safety campaigners, who overturned tables in an effort to halt the proceedings, saying that safety and public opinion were being ignored. The protests forced them to delay any moves for an early lifting. Taiwan's original ban, preventing imports of food from Fukushima and nearby Ibaraki, Gunma, Tochigi and Chiba prefectures, was put in place in 2011 by the administration of Ma Ying-jeou of the Koumingtang (KMT) Party over radiation concerns following Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. This is similar to the current Korean ban, except that the number of prefectures was fewer. Japan will spend roughly 800 billion yen ($7.01 billion) to expand its free preschool program, part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to increase human resources investment. The expansion will render all 3- to 5-year-olds eligible for assistance, regardless of their parents' income, making preschools free for an additional 2 million children. Currently, 2.5 million children in that age group attend either nursery school or kindergarten in Japan. The Abe government has put together a 2 trillion yen package -- around $17.5 billion -- for what he calls "revolutions in productivity and human resources development," promising programs such as free university education for students in low-income households. Nearly 1.7 trillion yen in revenue expected from a consumption tax increase in October 2019 will finance the package, with the corporate sector contributing the remaining 300 billion yen. Japan's consumption tax rate is scheduled to rise to 10% from 8% currently. As the higher rate will apply during only part of fiscal 2019, the free preschool program will cover only 5-year-olds in that fiscal year, before expanding to 3- and 4-year-olds the following year. High-income earners who enroll children in a private kindergarten still will pay at least part of the cost. Japan already provides free preschool for low-income parents and will maintain the current method of paying the average fee, which currently stands at 25,700 yen a month. Care for children up to age 2 will be free for households that make less than 2.6 million yen a year and are exempt from municipal residency tax. Nearly 10 billion yen will be earmarked to fund this effort. As sad as these tales are, they do little to deter people who are hell-bent on escaping Africa. Many more people will leave, convinced they are better off taking their chances than staying back to whittle away with despair and frustrating idleness. No injunction can stop such resolve; it is an imperative of the human soul to drift towards lights especially when they live in circumstances where their sun never rises. Why worry about dying on a ramshackle boat when death is coming for you at home anyway? They do have a point. If one runs through the news articles in the Nigerian media in the past few months, one would have to be a foreigner to ever be shocked how cheap death is in our country. If people are not dying in hospitals due to the poverty of their folks who cannot afford medical care, they die of snake bites. Or, capsized boats! Or suicide! Right here in Nigeria, people who do not leave her shores still died at sea. Between August and October alone, there were a recorded 72 deaths in Lagos and Kebbi states when passenger boats capsized. Some other victims were declared missing. Add to those figures the number of those who have been victims of Boko Haram and sectarian violence. Again, add to all those are the Nigerians who have been failed in one way or the other and, left as the walking dead, move between cycles of realistic and surrealistic wants. People do not see gold at the end of the rainbow and are fleeing the country cannibalising them. Those who have the means will go by visas they have planned to overstay even before they are granted one; others will take hazardous routes through the desert and the sea. If Nigerian leaders are paying attention, they will hear the groan of pain and despair pervading the land. People are tired, hungry, and desperate. The future does not seem to hold many promises. The annual assurances our leaders make when they read joyless budgets, like the one read yesterday by the President, they have labelled with fanciful names to our weary ears are unconvincing. The hope and faith that drove Nigerians to the polls to demand change two and half years ago have mostly waned. The Promised Land we thought we glimpsed now seems like a mirage. After going through various cycles of repetitive dysfunction, come 2019, Nigerians may get too disillusioned to care. The prospect of being continuously saddled with an unimaginative government that can galvanise Nigerians energies is a frightening one. Over the weekend, I read an article by the Presidents Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, where he mentioned that President Muhammadu Buhari took his time to read through the report of the panel of inquiry submitted on Babachir Lawal and Ambassador Ayo Oke before they were dismissed from service. Adesinas claim that Buhari took his time to pore through the documents which, according to him, was written in six hefty volumes was alarming! Nowhere in the world does a president read through such reports in detail, they rely on advisers who give them a brief and advise them on various decisions and their consequences. The president then chooses which to execute. Adesina thinks Buharis snails pace is a virtue and cannot be stampeded no matter how much impatient Nigerians try to harry him. Unfortunately, he fails to acknowledge that Nigerias case requires an adrenalin shot and Nigerians destinies cannot wait for Baba to pore through hefty texts just because he needs to take a single decision. When will he start reading and acting on the multitude and hefty volumes on issues such as economic and political reforms? Why does he have advisers and ministers if he still needs to wade through documents himself? At this point, the Nigerian government, at the federal level and equally critically, at the state government where they run a far less inspiring mode of governance needs to wake up to reality and create a new governing order that arrests our drifting. Regardless of the present propaganda that Nigeria was bled out by previous governments, the truth is that we have consistently failed to establish a socio-political order with a moral vision that can inspire a more productive habit of thinking, acting, governing, and which ultimately promotes social flourishing. For now, what we seem to have, are mainly policies and ideas that gnaw at the base of enormous problems, none of them delivering many tangible results in either the short-term or long-term. The government and their minions are the only ones who, looking through their rose-tinted glasses, see reasons to be optimistic. Most people are not, and that is because they choose not to live in a self-deluded reality. Some of those who are tired of waiting for the goodies that never trickle down are taking the death trips to Europe while others are helping themselves in every way possible. Nigeria and her leaders need to realise that they are hurting the most vulnerable among us and we cannot continue this way. I have lived through different stages of the Nigerian dysfunction but I cannot remember the last time it was this bad. In the meantime, Nigeria owes it to those who died on the Italian ship to do right by them, whatever it costs, however large, and however late. For starters, they should cooperate with the Italian government in investigating the circumstances of these womens deaths, request their bodies from them, and at least give them a decent burial right at home. We know it will not right the wrongs that led to their deaths but at least, they deserve better than they got. Whatever this diplomacy and burial cost the Nigerian government, they need to be done. They were Nigerians, after all. Teodorin Obiang Nguema, the son of the Equatorial Guinean president is not moved by the confiscation of his assets in France where he was sentenced for three years in absentia for embezzling public funds. The vice president of the oil-rich country flaunted his lavish lifestyle on an Instagram Live video a week after the sentencing as he flew in a private jet and vacationed at an unknown water slide. He was convicted for embezzling tens of millions of dollars from his government and laundering the proceeds in France. The Paris court also seized his assets in France valued at over $115 million. The 47-year-old plundered the public funds between 2004-11 when he was agriculture minister under his father Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has been in power since 1979. The country failed to stop the Paris court from trying him in the case that was opened in January this year. Other countries including the United States, The Netherlands and Switzerland have seized millions of dollars of his property believed to have been acquired with state funds. Obiang handed over $30m worth of properties to U.S. officials including a large villa in Malibu, California, and a dozen luxury cars, but kept his $38 million private jet and Michael Jackson memorabilia. His 76-metre yacht, $200 million mansion in Paris, $2.8 million Swedish-manufactured vehicle and a $2 million Bugatti Veyron were all seized in Europe. Ibrahim Zakzaky, who heads the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, and his wife should be freed on health grounds, lawyer Femi Falana said in a letter to President Muhammadu Buhari. The cleric lost the sight in his left eye during two days of unrest in the northern city of Zaria in December 2015 in which soldiers allegedly killed more than 300 IMN members. Now he risks losing the sight in his right eye sequel to the brutal treatment meted out to him by the armed soldiers, Falana wrote. Zakzakys wife, Zainab, was said to be in a far worse state, according to the lawyer, who said he visited the couple in secret police detention in Abuja a few days ago. For reasons best known to the State Security Service, some of the bullets lodged in her body during the brutal attack of December 14, 2015 have not been extracted, he wrote. In the circumstances, she has been subjected to excruciating pain and agony on a daily basis, he added, warning her life was in danger unless she received urgent medical attention. Nigerias government has previously ignored a court order to release the couple. Hundreds of IMN were arrested during the military crackdown in Zaria. Zakzaky has long been at loggerheads with Nigerias secular authorities because of his repeated call for an Iranian-style Islamic revolution in Nigeria. Northern Nigeria is predominantly Sunni Muslim. On Sunday, at least three people were killed in the northern city of Kano when police shot at an IMN procession marking the Shiite day of mourning, Ashura. The march, which begins in Kano and heads to Zaria, has been a regular flashpoint. Last year, the IMN claimed police had shot and killed at least 30 without provocation. He said despite the passage of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015, criminal cases were still moving at a snails pace in the courts largely due to poor case management. A statement on Wednesday quoted Osinbajo as saying this at a symposium organised last week in Abuja by a group, Initiative for Socio-Cultural Fairness and Equity, in conjunction with the Conference of Western Attorneys General Africa Alliance Partnership. The Vice-President, according to the statement, was represented on the occasion by the Chairman of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission, Prof. Bolaji Owasanoye. He maintained that once ministers in the temple of justice show more commitment to proper case management, the problem of delayed justice would have been largely solved, and this would in turn inspire confidence in the Nigerian legal system. A former Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Adolphus Karibe-Whyte, who was chairman on the occasion, urged defence lawyers in criminal cases to shun dilatory tactics, including application for unnecessary adjournments. He said judges must always stand their ground and reject such request for adjournments. Karibe-Whyte said judges must take advantage of the Plea and Case Management Hearing, which, he said, was specifically designed to enable the court to deal, before hand, with all the issues about the case that may derail or cause delays of the trial. The Director, CWAG-AAP, Markus Green, harped on continuous training for judicial officials, noting that the symposium was aimed at improving justice delivery in Nigeria, in line with CWAG AAPs mandate of promoting the rule of law and international cooperation. Nigeria has successfully traced and recovered $2.9 billion or N738.9 billion from looters between May 2015 and October 2017, the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Ibrahim Magu, has said. According to Magu, who spoke at the ongoing 7th Session of the Conference of State Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption holding in Vienna, Austria, disclosed that the amount did not include smaller currencies such as Dirham and British Pounds. Giving a breakdown of the recovered cash, Magu listed the sources as: $43 million recovered from Diezani Allison-Madueke, Nigerias former Minister of Petroleum and N2 billion spread in seven accounts in three Nigerian banks laundered from the Federal Capital Territory Police Command Salary Accounts. Magu also said that employing the mechanism of the non-conviction-based forfeiture provided under Section 17 of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act, 2006, the EFCC has also made a lot of recovery locally. The acting chairman boasted, Within this year alone, the commission recovered stolen assets running into several millions of US Dollars and billions in naira. This include the sum of $43 million recovered from Diezani Allison-Madueke, Nigerias former Minister of Petroleum and N2 billion spread in seven accounts with three Nigerian banks laundered from the Federal Capital Territory Police Command Salary Accounts. Apparently bolstered by the recovery effort, the international community has begun to rte Nigeria as one of the countries now taking serious steps to tackle financial crimes and corruption. The commendation was made during a meeting between the Acting EFCC Chairman, Mr Ibrahim Magu and Dr. Nassar Abaalkhail, Head of International Collaboration, National Anti-Corruption Commission, Saudi Arabia. The meeting was sequel to a paper delivered by Magu yesterday, at the ongoing 7th Session of Conference of the State Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption holding in Vienna, Austria. The 10-page paper entitled, International Cooperation in Relation to Technical Assistance: The Nigerian Experience, gave detailed account of efforts by the Commission at tracing and recovering all stolen treasures from the countrys coffers. Dr. Abaalkhail said, From what I have heard, Nigerias effort at asset tracing is remarkable. Nigeria is indeed a role model for countries, including developed countries. We have so much to learn from Nigeria. Iranian National Focal Point for the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Dr. Mohsen Mardal, also commended the Nigerian presentation. The Commissioner, Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Agency, Ady Macauley, also said the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, ably represented by Mr. Magu, is not only formidable, but a pride to the African States. My men were in Nigeria a fortnight ago to understudy your operations, I must confess, we have a lot to learn in investigation, prosecution and asset recovery. In his presentation, Magu who was a panellist at the Implementation Review Group attended by over 100 delegates, detailed the Nigerian efforts in asset recovery, including the progress made in the specific cases related to Abacha loot, Malabu Oil, Diezani and associates and the Arms procurement scandal. These efforts, he said, cut across Switzerland, USA, UK, UAE, Jersey Island and Panama. According to him, EFCC monetary recoveries from May 2015 to October 20, 2017 were in excess of N738.9 billion, which is equivalent to over $2.9 billion. This does not include smaller currencies like Durham, CRA and British Pound, he added. Magu also said that employing the mechanism of the non-conviction-based forfeiture provided under Section 17 of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act, 2006, the EFCC has also made a lot of recovery locally. Within this year alone, the commission recovered stolen assets running into several millions of US Dollars and billions in naira. This include the sum of $43 million recovered from Deziani Allison-Madueke, Nigerias former Minister of Petroleum and N2 billion spread in seven accounts within three Nigerian banks laundered from the Federal Capital Territory Police Command Salary Accounts, he explained. In his recommendations, Magu sought for improved coordination and cooperation among State parties in asset recovery through the consideration and adoption of measures that will remove traditional barriers such as bank secrecy consistent with Article 46(8) and dual criminality Article 46(9) as well as simplify legal technicalities in the recovery and repatriation of stolen funds. The EFCC boss in his paper, further sought for measures to reduce cost of recovery of assets for developing countries and ensure speedy return of all stolen assets to victim States in line with the current resolution sponsored by Nigeria. He also urged for sanction and prosecution of any financial institution that violates AML/CFT measures and the maintenance of a public register on beneficial ownership. We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. King Mohammed VI was among the heads of state attending the opening of the 1 billion dollar Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi. Moroccos King who is on a visit to Abu Dhabi took part in unveiling the Louvre Museum alongside French President Emmanuel Macron, who was accompanied by his spouse Brigitte macron, the King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Issa Al Khalifa as well as President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani. On this occasion, King Mohammed VI offered the Museum gifts namely artworks dating back to the 19th century, such as a Holy Quran manuscript, a rifle, a sword and a cedar wood door from Fez. At the beginning of the ceremony, Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashed Al Maktoum, Vice President of the UAE and Governor of Dubai, underlined that the Louvre Abu Dhabi is an additional asset to the human heritage, and that the museum is a work of art that brings together the East and the West. It is an inter-civilizational bridge. A symbol of tolerance and communion, this museum stands for our capacity to fight evil forces of violence and hatred, said Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid, calling for a genuine inter-civilizational coalition to preserve human civilization. Echoing him, President Macron said this Louvre of desert and light is a bridge between generations, cultures and East and West. By bringing together these masterpieces with other masterpieces from Arab antiquities, Islamic art, pre-Columbian art, and Chinese art, with artists from beyond ages as contemporary artists from Morocco, UAE and China, we are contemplating an epic fresco of civilizations coming together, said the French president. Addressing the museums architect, Jean Nouvel, President Macron told him: You have built a temple for beauty. Beauty builds a bridge between continents and generations, he said. The museum had a universal message, Macron added, referring to the UAEs role as pivotal and at the heart of a region with some of the worlds greatest challenges. Earlier, Macron hailed the museum as a decisive turning point in ties with the UAE in an interview with local daily Al-Ittihad published on Wednesday. The project, agreed between France and Abu Dhabi in 2007, was initially intended to open in 2012 but was delayed by the global financial crisis and plummeting oil prices, sending the final cost soaring over its original $654 million budget. The Paris Louvre is a landmark in the French capital and the worlds largest art museum, with millions of visitors a year. The Abu Dhabi building that brings to mind an Arab medina (an ancient quarter of a city) features a geometric structure of 7,850 stars. As the sun passes above, its light filters through the perforations in the dome to create an inspiring effect within the museum known as the rain of light, inspired by the palm trees of Abu Dhabi. The giant mosque that is being built to stand as a hallmark of President Bouteflikas legacy has come to represent all that is wrong with financial governance in Algeria. The mega project, initially launched with a price tag of $1 billion, has drawn funds exceeding $2 billion so far. The monument is becoming a black hole consuming funds at a time Algeria braces for austerity measures to curb the impact of the slump in oil prices, the countrys main source of revenue. Works to achieve the project were launched in 2012 with the aim to be complete in 2017. Yet, this goal seems distant as the mosque, like several infrastructure projects in the country, is left behind schedule. Construction firms estimate that the project will be ready in 2020 at best. Besides financial challenges, a set of technical issues are also casting doubt on the resilience of the Algerian mosques minaret to earthquakes. These concerns are fed by Algerias location sitting astride two major plates regularly hit by earthquakes, especially along the Mediterranean coast. The fund-consuming mosque raises the issue of graft in Algerias infrastructure projects. Algerias East-West highway worth $13 billion highway project is one of the most expensive in the world due to several graft scandals involving local officials and foreign firms. The highway mushroomed into a major scandal as it ran into repeated delays because of corruption investigations. In another graft scandal involving foreign suppliers, a group of former top officials from the Algerian state oil company Sonatrach were indicted on corruption charges. Algeria sank in the 2016 corruption perception index established by Amnesty International from 100th position to 108th out of 177 countries. The cost of US wars in the Middle East and Asia was estimated at $5.6 trillion said The Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University in a newly released study. The cost covers the US wars since 2001 in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan. According to the Wall Street Journal, that cost is more than triple the Pentagons narrow estimate of $1.5 trillion, which was released by the Defense Department this year. The Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs deemed that the Pentagons estimates failed to consider the costs that were not taken on by the Defense Department in the first place. War costs are more than what we spend in any one year on whats called the pointy end of the spear, the studys author, Neta Crawford, told the Journal. There are all these other costs behind the spear, and there are consequences of using it, that we need to include. The study estimates include recurring expenses such as long-term medical care for veterans and war costs incurred by the State Department. Roy Moore in the Capitol last month. Photo: Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call,Inc. Vice-President Mike Pence and more than a dozen Republican senators on Thursday called for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore to withdraw from next months special election if recent allegations of sexual misconduct with minors are true. Moore, a far-right demagogue whose rise to prominence was based in part on his homophobia, is accused of pursuing relationships with underage women while he was in his 30s. Four women went on the record for the Washington Post, three of them telling the paper of advances Moore made when they were between 16 and 18. A fourth accused him of initiating sexual contact with her when she was 14. Moore, who would have been 32 at the time and is 70 now, denied the allegations. If these allegations are true, he must step aside, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement issued Thursday afternoon. If thats true, then he wouldnt belong in the Senate, Alabama senator Richard Shelby told reporters. Arizona senator Jeff Flake echoed the sentiment: If there is any shred of truth to the allegations against Roy Moore, he should step aside immediately. Im horrified and if its true he should step down immediately, Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski said. She also told reporters that she has spoken with Alabamas current senator, Luther Strange, who lost the GOP primary to Moore, about mounting a write-in campaign next month. A handful of other senators made similar statements, most with the caveat that Moore should step aside if the allegations are true. Two GOP senators were willing to go further. Ohio senator Rob Portman made a similar statement as those above but added that Moores accusers are on the record, so I assume their allegations are true. On Thursday evening, Vice-President Mike Pence expressed similar sentiments in a statement issued by his press secretary. President Trump, who is in Asia, has yet to comment. From @VPPressSec on ROY MOORE: The Vice President found the allegations in the story disturbing and believes, if true, this would disqualify anyone from serving in office. Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) November 10, 2017 Then there was Arizona senator John McCain, who is apparently willing to take Moores accusers at their word and unequivocally called on him to step down. The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) November 9, 2017 This post was updated to include Vice-President Pences statement. South Carolina Supreme Court chief justice Donald Beatty. Photo: Mary Ann Chastain/AP In the United States, many municipalities rely on fines from traffic violations and other misdemeanors to fund basic government services. The upside of this means of revenue generation, from a political perspective, is that its invisible to most voters, and painless for rich people (who are often campaign donors). But the policys downsides are considerable. For one thing, you generally need to milk those fines from the most disempowered community in your area (any police chief who aggressively cracks down on every little misdemeanor rich, well-connected people commit wont be in office for long). But the thing about disempowered people is, they dont have a lot of money. So it can be a real hassle to get them to pay up. And then, if they wish to contest their fine in court, youve got to provide them with an attorney. Pretty soon, youre spending more on collecting the fines than theyre even worth. South Carolina found a pair of elegant solutions to this conundrum: (1) Intimidate poor people into dutifully paying their fines by imprisoning those who dont (debtors prisons may be a tad costly, but youve gotta spend money to make money). (2) Dont inform poor defendants that they have a constitutional right to an attorney. This worked really well for a while. As the American Civil Liberties Union demonstrated in a 2016 report, the South Carolina municipalities of Beaufort and Bluffton were able to extract fines from thousands of poor people every year, without ever providing them access to a public defender. Meanwhile, South Carolinas Lexington County sent a strong message to its fine-evading poor, by sending hundreds of impoverished people to modern-day debtors prisons. Alas, on November 1, South Carolina Supreme Court chief justice Donald Beatty informed summary court judges that the Constitution requires them to honor poor defendants rights to an attorney, and prohibits debtors prisons and as judges, they actually do kinda need to adhere to that document. The instructions came during a training session, and followed studies and lawsuits from the ACLU, drawing attention to the myriad due-process violations in the states court system. The chief justice told the summary judges that violating someones constitutional rights is an offense and that there are consequences for an offense, according to the Post and Courier. After learning that they could face legal consequences for violating the Constitution, these summary judges decided that they may have issued an improper arrest warrant or two thousand. As the Post and Courier reports: Tens of thousands of South Carolinians wanted for arrest for skipping court dates or blowing off fines might be breathing a sigh of relief as judges have stopped jailing some of these low-level offenders under instructions from the states chief justice Many summary courts, which include county magistrates and municipal judges from the Lowcountry to the Upstate, have suspended all arrests on bench warrants as they scramble to figure out which cases are affected. Ninth Circuit Solicitor Scarlett Wilson said the victims are her primary concern. But she was startled to learn, she said, that even defendants who had bond hearings on magistrate-level offenses were not told of their rights. By recalling all those bench warrants, it seems the judges are admitting that failure, she said. It is a positive step that the chief justice is correcting this huge flaw in the magistrate court process. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasnt for that meddling ACLU. Trump and Putin at the G20 Summit in July. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images President Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet once again at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vietnam, Kremlin officials said Thursday. Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov confirmed to Russian news agencies that the meeting will happen and said the timing is still being discussed. Putin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the format of the meeting is still up in the air. A formal meeting could still happen, or they may just run into each other and have an informal pull-aside. As for the content of the meeting, there is no agreed agenda, Peskov said. In his most recent comments on the meeting, which is expected to include discussions of North Korea, Syria, and Ukraine, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson seemed sour on the idea of a formal meeting between the two leaders. Were in contact with them and the view is that the two leaders are going to meet if theres something sufficiently substantive to talk about that would warrant a formal meeting, Tillerson said Thursday in Beijing. He added that a less formal meeting on the sidelines of the summit is likely. Trump has made it clear that he wants to sit down with Putin in Vietnam. On Sunday, he told White House reporters that he will want Putins help in dealing with North Korea. Some of Trumps aides, however, are not so sure its a good idea for him to be seen with the man thought by some to be his puppet master, especially with special counsel Robert Mueller starting to hand out indictments. As BuzzFeed reports, White House aides had hoped the Asia trip would provide a reprieve from the wall-to-wall coverage of the Russia investigation. But as long as there are cameras in Vietnam when Putin and Trump come face to face, that reprieve wont come. Paul Ryan professes to think all those Democratic voters on November 7 really want Congress to move on tax cuts. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images Polls, focus groups, and strategic thinking by smart people can all be useful tools in charting a political partys course. But theres nothing like actual elections to provide crucial feedback, particularly for the party in charge of everything in Washington. So you would think November 7s very bad results for the Republican Party might provide a teachable moment, and persuade GOP leaders to think twice about implementing their not-very-popular agenda. But instead, for a variety of reasons, most leading Republicans are treating their poor public standing as a reason to more urgently press that agenda. House Speaker Paul Ryan set the tone by claiming that the off-year election just puts more pressure on making sure we follow through with tax cuts, and keep our promises. This echoes the year-long conservative claim that Republicans are betraying the base and their principles if they dont keep returning to the poisoned well to repeal Obamacare. Interpreting Democratic victories as providing a mandate for Republican policies is a sign that the GOP is a party whose leaders dont want to listen to feedback at all beyond the ranks of hungry donors and angry ideologues. So far the tax-cut package (and particularly its central feature, the big corporate tax-rate reduction) has anemic support, despite being described relentlessly by its sponsors as an incredibly tasty, sugar-free, no-carb dessert. The bill is only going to get more unpopular as the various interests the bill hurts pound it relentlessly in the days ahead. Obamacare became more popular the more Republicans tried to repeal it. The presidents approval ratings are stubbornly very low despite the good economic news for which he keeps taking credit. And now there are the 2017 election results, which cannot be spun as anything other than a bad sign for Republicans, and a strong indicator that a Democratic wave election could be forming for 2018. The danger indicators on the console are blinking red, but the people driving the GOP seem determined to ignore them. There are certainly multiple reasons for this willful refusal to change course. Sheer inertia is one factor. The GOP legislative agenda was set before Donald Trump even took office, and the failure to deal with health care, cut spending, or stay on schedule has naturally intensified the determination of Republican leaders to get something done by the end of this incredibly disappointing year. Pausing for reflection at this point is the last thing Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell want to do. In addition, the tax bill is very important to GOP donors, who are already furious at their hirelings for their legislative incompetence. The more Republicans pay attention to the demands of donors that they defy public opinion, the more they need those donors to finance campaigns that swim upstream against public opinion: Its truly a vicious circle. The demands of the base matter, too, particularly given the possibility of right-wing primary challenges to members of Congress who are too accommodating to mainstream public opinion. It is often forgotten that the vast majority of Republicans in both chambers of Congress are personally invulnerable to the general elections that could destroy their majorities and their power. Blind ideology drives some of them as well. And theres nothing inherently wrong with doing something politically dangerous as a matter of principle. Republicans, after all, tend to think tax and spending cuts are the answer to every problem facing the nation, in good times and bad. And that is why they often think tax and spending cuts are what the people really want and need, no matter what they say. That can lead to some really delusional thinking. Heres an example: Maine voters approved a referendum by a landslide 59/41 margin to force their state to accept the Affordable Care Acts Medicaid-expansion option, which atavistic GOP governor Paul LePage has repeatedly blocked. Some congressional Republicans are viewing that as a sign they should keep trying to repeal the Obamacare law that made the expansion possible. As Talking Points Memo reports: Despite polls showing that more Americans approve of Obamacare than at any time since its implementation, and the vast majority disapprove of Republican bills to repeal it, GOP members said the message they got from Tuesdays elections was that their failure to deliver results is what is hurting Republicans, not their repeated attempts to gut the ACA. And how about that Maine vote? Asked about Maines resounding endorsement of Medicaid expansion, [Rep. Mario] Diaz Balart insisted that voters arent concerned with health care policy specifics. They dont care whether its Medicaid expansion or whatever. Thats Washington talk, he said. When I go home people dont tell me specifics about a bill, they tell me to solve problems. People want a health care system that works for them, and if Republicans dont have answers, theyre going to seek other answers. Keep in mind that the Medicaid expansion has been debated incessantly in Maine for years; thats why the expansion referendum was on the ballot. We are supposed to believe that the voters who supported that measure didnt know what they were voting for, and might have been just as happy with a GOP health plan. Under this construction of events, Republicans can interpret any bad news from the electoral front as good news for what they want to do anyway. Meanwhile, at the White House, the prevailing sentiment is that if Republican candidates had spent most of their time singing hymns of praise to Donald J. Trump, Tuesdays bloodbath would not have occurred. So the two most common lessons Republicans are taking away from November 7 is that they need to double down on Trump, or double down on Trumps agenda. Electoral signals may be wasted on these people, unless a really big wave crashes down on them in the midterm elections a year from now and sweeps Paul Ryans gavel right out of his hand. Marked man? Photo: Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call Earlier today, the Washington Post released a story alleging that Alabamian GOP nominee for U.S. Senate, Roy Moore, molested a 14-year-old girl and dated three other underage girls. The allegations are dated back to the late 70s and early 80s. Immediately after the story broke, many of Moores future-would-be Republican colleagues in the Senate began to release statements calling for Moore should step aside should the allegations prove true. Your intrepid journalists at the Daily Intelligencer began to break down the political implications of the news. Now we join the DI politics chat, already in progress. Jon: Can Republicans stick with this whoa, if true position? Eric: I think they can stick with it, but it may limit their ability including, possibly, Trumps ability to rally around his candidacy in the home stretch. Ezekiel: I think a lot depends on what happens next. Moores blanket non-denial (?) is not convincing. He doesnt distinguish between any of the allegations in his denial, which strikes me as particularly damning. Is he really denying that he took some of these girls on multiple dates with the blessing of their mothers? Olivia: By any normal standard, step aside, if true couldnt be a viable long-term position, but by current Republican standards, I think its completely possible for any Senator or Congressman to just say that, refuse to comment further, and wait it out. Its not the right response, but politically, I dont think itll get anyone into trouble. Eric: Is Trump capable of toeing that line? Hard to believe there wont be a tweet condemning the Fake News medias attacks on Loyal Roy. Jon: fyi: Alabama elections division spox tells me it's "too late" to replace Moore on the ballot. Ballots already being printed; absentees already sent out. Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) November 9, 2017 Jon: I am happy to role play how I think Republican Senators will handle this. Ezekiel: Lets have it. Olivia: NSFW. Jon: I am Senator Mitch McConnell. I am here to talk about the issue the American people care about. Olivia: Hello, Mitch. Jon: I am ready for your questions. Seems like mah friends in the liberal media are a little tongue-tied, heh heh. Eric: Senator McConnell, now that 15 women have all said that Roy Moore tried to date them as teenagers, do you believe its time for him to drop out of the race? Jon: I have said that if true, he should not be a senator, but this is a matter for the courts to decide. We have a legal system in this country. Now, we are working very hard to create jobs. Eric: But senator, the statute of limitations bars any legal action on these allegations. Jon: If a credible investigation finds that there is truth, then he should step aside. Old hazy allegations that a judge denies should not end a mans career. Olivia: I dont think McConnell would say that, Jon. That last part. Eric: Yeah, me neither. Jon: Hmmm. Ezekiel: [throws popcorn] Jon: The Washington Post is not going to play judge and jury on this important question? Eric: Better. Ed: What does step aside mean? Isnt it too late to substitute another Republican candidate? Olivia: Well thats the thing, step aside is meaningless here. Or it seems to be, anyway, based on whats been reported about the process. Eric: Can the Senate refuse to seat him? Ezekiel: Its not meaningless, right? He cant get his name off the ballot, but he can say hes no longer running. Olivia: But they cant install anyone else in his place. Ezekiel: It would mean a write-in campaign. Olivia: Am I wrong that that would be like the Republicans just opting to sit this one out altogether? Theres no way a write in would work, right? Ed: Part of the political problem here is that theres no obvious substitute, unless Sessions quits and comes back. Olivia: Trump might like that actually. Ed: Write-ins worked for Murkowski in Alaska. Olivia: But there are like eleven people in Alaska Jon: Murkowski won by consolidating a big chunk of the center-left vote. The Democrat got under 12%. Thats how she won. I dont see Doug Jones disappearing like that. Ezekiel: I feel pretty confident that its going to be a mess. Olivia: lol. Im with Ezekiel. Eric: If tax reform didnt hang in the balance, better two years of Doug Jones than a lifetime of Roy Moore would be a compelling argument. Jon: Tax reform, hell, Jones could give Democrats 51 seats after the midterms. I expect them to pick up Nevada and Arizona. Decent shot of holding every incumbent seat. Ed: Yeah, as I pointed out in a post on the politics of this, Moores RCP lead over Jones is just 6 percent. Ed: So its like Akin in 2012. Olivia: But back to the initial question: what would make if true politically untenable for someone like McConnell? I dont see it. Jon: Im guessing several more on the record accusers. Ezekiel: And collapsing polls. Jon: Yeah. Ezekiel: I think the GOP can stomach anything if it looks like hes going to win anyway. If it looks like the voters are going to abandon him, though, under the bus he goes Eric: That is the lesson of grabem-by-the-pussygate. Olivia: I guess what Im most curious about is, does Trumps ability to survive politically despite a dozen accusations of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct mean that Republicans more broadly can survive this now? Or is Trump, as he often is, an anomaly? Jon: What Trump does will matter a lot, too. Ed: With every day that goes by, any option other than taking a dive or backing Moore anyway begins to vanish. Jon: Jon: Big thumbs down. Ed: Wow, is this ever moving fast. Eric: Republicans werent saying If this is true about Trump in the last weeks of the campaign. Ezekiel: You know, I think the if true is really bad news for Moore. The way to inoculate the public against the allegations would be to rally around with fake news, etc. Olivia: But Republicans also thought Trump would lose the last weeks of the campaign. His own staff thought hed lose. I think he thought hed lose. Jon: Yup. Eric: But they thought he had a chance. Ezekiel: Right. What matters is the polls. Eric: Right after the Access Hollywood thing broke, they expected a landslide. Paul Ryan told his caucus he wouldnt support Trump. Then Trumps polling remained competitive. And they just moved on. My point is: I dont think you can say on the eve of the Alabama election We dont know for certain that the GOP candidate is a child sex predator, so please go out and vote for him. Jon: Not sure if weve gone over this, but Strange cannot run as a write-in: Big Luther cannot run as a write-in candidate. 'Bama's got a sore-loser law: "This provision basically allows every candidate only one opportunity to run for an elected position in any given year." Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) November 9, 2017 Olivia: But so what is their option? Just stay quiet and let him die slowly and painfully? Eric: I think they need to decide this is fake news, that Doug Jones is just as bad because he once watched a film produced by Harvey Weinstein, or just forfeit their ability to discuss the race at all. Olivia: I think the latter is the only viable option. Eric: Yeah. Ed: Unless some deus ex machina like Sessions appears. Eric: Or, unless theyre able to discredit some small part of the story. So Sessions can reclaim his seat at any time? Ezekiel: Yeah, whats the Sessions path? Ed: Write in. Hes the only person who could pull it off. The minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Maj. Gen Kahinda Otafiire has said changes in the Constitution including lifting of the age limits are inevitable. Otafiire was responding to Bishop Robert Muhiirwa's comments on the amendment of the Constitution to remove the presidential age limits. Bishop Muhiirwa used his sermon in a mass for Catholics from Mbarara Archdiocese on their annual pilgrimage to the Martyrs Shrine in Namugongo on Sunday to remind leaders about the oath they take while holding the bible. "The word of God must not be played with. The leaders of this country must not joke with the Bible. They held a bible in their right hand and swore to defend the Constitution," he said. Minister Otafiire (R) arrives for a meeting with NRM leaders However while meeting National Resistance Movement (NRM) leaders from Fort Portal municipality and Kabarole district on Monday in Fort Portal town, Otafiire said that although he respects Muhiirwa's opinion on the age limit, amendments and changes in society are inevitable. According to Otafiire, Jesus left only one church under St. Peter but now there are many churches with different religious leaders implying that the constitution of the church was changed which led to the emergence of different religions and bishops. He added that since there is change in religion, the same should apply in politics. "Jesus left only one church under St Peter but there are four bishops in Kabarole. If they had not changed the constitution of the church, how would the different denominations have arisenSo like theres time for change in religion there is also time for second thoughts in politics", Otafiire said. Muhiirwa and Reuben Kisembo, the Bishop Ruwenzori Diocese have been consistent so far on their stance against removing the age limits. They have spoken at different functions and written letters urging President Yoweri Museveni to retire and allow another leader to take over. Otafiire also criticised some NRM members of parliament who are against the amendment of the constitution. He said that as party members, they are supposed to support and respect decisions taken by the party's organs. After speaking to the leaders, Otafiire then ordered journalists out of the hall, saying that the leaders were going to discuss internal matters of the party. He also ordered his army escorts to ensure the journalists were not in the vicinity of the venue. Margaret Muhanga, the member of parliament for Burahya county and a supporter of removal of the age limit, said that some NRM members of parliament and members of the opposition are wasting time opposing the proposed amendment of the constitution. Displaying a list of names, Muhanga claimed that 330 NRM MPs and all the 10 Uganda People's Defence Forces-UPDF representatives are in favour of amending the constitution. The mathematical (and other) thoughts of a (now retired) math teacher, Yesterday saw one of the more bizarre episodes in modern politics as journalists tracked the International Secretary's plane in real time, all the way from Uganda to the UK on social media and then followed her ministerial car from a camera on a helicopter as it travelled back to Westminster from the airport. It was the event of the day and took journalistic stalking to a new level.The summoning of a minister back from an overseas trip so she can be handed her resignation letter is in itself unprecedented. The media attention that surrounded that journey turned it into a Monty Pythonesque circus.The loss of two cabinet members within a week, with another one under pressure to go because of an unforgiveable gaffe and a fourth under investigation has put tremendous position on Theresa May's already precarious position. It is little wonder that metaphorical knives are being sharpened all around her.The Independent reports that the Prime Minister faces a make-or-break month with Tories giving her until Christmas to turn things around. One minister told the paper that the loss of her ministers does not in itself pose a terminal threat to Mays Government, but argued that the direction of travel had to change. S/he believes that there is cumulative effect and there is a danger that May could be perceived as having lost control of events.The paper adds that the Prime Minister's authority will be under intense scrutiny as she handles difficulties faced by other ministers. They add that she cannot be seen to be letting ministers get away with mistakes or misdemeanours, but can ill-afford to further destabilise her administration by sacking more of her cabinet.It is a difficult tightrope to walk not least because the Brexit talks continue to stall due to the government's own cluelessness and with the impossible job facing May of balancing her cabinet to reflect an increasingly divided Tory Party adding to her problems.Her one salvation is the incompetence of the main opposition party, who seem determined to prop up her Brexit strategy no matter how disastrous it proves to be. MEDIA CONTACT: Stephen Fee, media relations manager, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR);; +1 917 679 0110 Today, in the small village of Kavumu in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 18 defendants are set to go on trial for the systematic rape of 46 young children over a period of four years. The case represents a landmark step in the fight against rape in Congo, a country marked by widespread sexual violence for decades. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) along with TRIAL International, Panzi Hospital, and a host of Congolese partners has worked to ensure evidence as well as survivors testimony will come to light in an open justice proceeding. A few years ago, a trial like this would have been unthinkable, said Karen Naimer, director of PHRs Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones. For too long, perpetrators of rape in Congo have believed they were invincible, shielded from accountability because the country lacked the forensic and legal infrastructure to prosecute difficult cases of sexual violence. Slowly, signal cases are beginning to demonstrate that impunity is not inevitable. Alongside our national and international partners, PHR has worked to ensure doctors, nurses, police officers, judges, lawyers, and community members have the tools and expertise they require to effectively secure justice. Absolute desperation Nestled in the countrys eastern South Kivu province, Kavumu has been overwhelmed by the abduction, rape, and mutilation of at least 46 young children, some as young as eight months old. The pattern emerged in April 2013, when a five-year-old girl was admitted to Dr. Denis Mukweges Panzi Hospital in nearby Bukavu with significant injuries related to sexual violence. Over the course of many months, as more patients with similar injuries presented at Panzi Hospital, it became clear this was not an isolated case. Children were apparently being spirited from their homes in the dead of night, raped and often mutilated, and left in the fields outside the village. As the toll mounted over months and years, the communitys suffering, the hospitals pleas, and the urgent appeals of human rights organizations were met with silence and inaction by government authorities. I think its hard for people to comprehend the absolute desperation this campaign of rape inflicted on the people of Kavumu, said Susannah Sirkin, PHRs director of international policy and partnerships. Theres an abject terror that comes from seeing a communitys youngest and most vulnerable be subjected to such unthinkable violence that has continued unchecked for years. No matter the outcome of the trial, the justice process is a clear signal to communities across Congo and indeed across the region that such violence is intolerable and must be met with a coordinated response from the medical, legal, and law enforcement communities, as well as civil society, which demands the political will to prosecute these cases and support the survivors and their communities. After the first cases were identified in 2013, PHR convened its local partners to look for patterns, collect information and evidence, and establish a working group alongside the UN mission in Congos Joint Human Rights Office, civil society activists, and medical and legal professionals. PHRs medical, legal, and justice experts helped analyze records of the case, categorize injuries to help establish a pattern of criminality, and assisted in the collection of physical and psychological evidence. A priority case In March 2016, PHR and its partners urged Congolese authorities to deem the crimes a priority case and pursue these crimes as a single matter, constituting crimes against humanity. In March 2016, military justice assumed jurisdiction of the case and began its investigation. In June of that year, after intense pressure from national and international advocates and media, Congolese national authorities arrested several individuals believed to be responsible for these crimes, as well as a string of murders in the area. This process has been painstaking, and it would not have resulted in the trial were witnessing today had it not been for the Congolese experts who risked their lives to ensure these survivors would have a chance to obtain justice, said PHR legal and justice expert Georges Kuzma. These first responders have endured threats to their lives and the lives of their families, yet they insisted on doing the arduous work of collecting evidence and advocating on behalf of survivors. Its a testament to the commitment that health professionals and other partners in Congo have to ensuring crimes of sexual violence are effectively prosecuted. The 18 suspects standing trial, including a local member of parliament, face charges of murder, as well as broader charges of crimes against humanity by rape, crimes against humanity by murder, and the organization of an armed group. The trial is expected to last three weeks and is being in conducted in a mobile court, a mechanism in which Congos military justice system conducts public trials in the communities where crimes have been committed. Judges are expected to hear testimony and will consider monetary and other reparations for survivors. When we started the Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones in 2011, our goal was to ensure that sound, unimpeachable evidence would be used to prosecute offenders of horrific crimes, said PHRs executive director, Donna McKay. While we dont know exactly how this trial will proceed, the fact that it is happening sends a signal to perpetrators not just in Congo, not just in central and eastern Africa, but globally that human rights advocates, empowered by science and medicine, will not let your crimes go unpunished. PHRs Work in Democratic Republic of the Congo The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has witnessed some of the worlds highest levels of sexual violence over the last two decades, and, as a result, has been a focus of global initiatives to prevent, stop, and punish rape in armed conflict. PHRs Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones launched a training and advocacy initiative in eastern DRC in 2011 to help improve skills for forensic documentation and the collection and preservation of evidence of sexual violence. Over the last six years, we have trained more than 1,100 clinicians, police officers, lawyers, and judges in the DRC to collect and document forensic evidence of sexual violence to support local prosecutions of these crimes. A Timeline of the Kavumu Cases In April 2013, PHR was notified of a series of sexual violence cases coming into Panzi Hospital in Bukavu. Young children were presenting with significant abdominal and pelvic injuries related to sexual violence. In May of that year, a PHR medical advisor worked alongside doctors in Panzis sexual violence clinic to conduct the first forensic medical evaluations of survivors. In the subsequent months, PHRs network of medical and legal experts convened and traveled to Kavumu to gather more information on the emerging pattern of cases. Georges Kuzma, PHRs police and justice expert based in Bukavu, led PHRs efforts to track the cases. More than a dozen cases emerged with a similar pattern: children kidnapped at night from families houses and then assaulted nearby. By April 2014, PHR began working with the UN mission in Congos Joint Human Rights Office to establish a working group to investigate these cases as a single criminal campaign, with PHR taking on the role of principal technical advisor. PHRs medical and justice experts began assisting in collecting data gathered by the provincial police as well as Panzi Hospital, analyzing forensic medical forms and records to identify similar cases. Working alongside local investigators previously trained by PHR, PHR experts put together a full case review in May 2014, and in June of that year organized a crime scene investigation. Meanwhile, members of civil society organized demonstrations against child rape and accompanied security patrols in the community. By August 2014, officials had identified 26 cases fitting the overall pattern of attacks. PHR continued to provide technical support to investigators. PHRs expert medical consultant, Muriel Volpellier, MA, MD, trained health professionals in the sexual violence unit at Panzi Hospital on how to conduct comprehensive forensic medical evaluations and how to document their findings using a form developed by PHR. She mentored the two clinicians responsible for responding to the Kavumu cases. In late 2014, PHR facilitated contact between civil society leaders in Kavumu and the DRC presidents special representative on sexual and gender-based violence, Jeannine Mabunda Lioko Mudiayi, based in the countrys capital of Kinshasa more than 1,000 miles away. At the same time, the Congolese national police appointed a former PHR trainee to lead the sexual violence unit. In November 2014, a PHR delegation traveled to Kinshasa to meet with diplomats and raise concern about the Kavumu cases. Kavumu receives international attention After PHR and partners began calling attention to these cases in multiple international venues, journalists began reporting on the Kavumu story. By July 2015, a total of 33 cases had been identified. PHR continued working closely with health professionals at Panzi Hospital and among civil society leaders in Kavumu on the preservation of biological evidence to be used in the event the cases moved forward. Under the leadership of a PHR-trained police officer, the investigation was renewed in the last quarter of 2015. The Congolese police sexual violence unit deployed two new investigators to Kavumu in November 2015. Evidence emerged of the involvement of a provincial deputy, Frederic Batumike, allegedly the leader of an armed militia. As a parliamentarian, he had some degree of criminal immunity. By March 2016, PHR and partners approached military justice officials and convinced them to deem the matter a priority case and to pursue charges of crimes against humanity because the patterns of violence had widespread and systematic elements. Military justice officials assumed jurisdiction over the matter because militia members were allegedly involved and because the military justice system is well-positioned to pursue charges of crimes against humanity under international standards. Also in March 2016, a PHR delegation traveled to Kavumu to meet with civil society leaders and families of survivors. PHRs Susannah Sirkin published an op-ed on the cases with CNN. In subsequent months, political pressure began to grow to revoke Batumikes immunity and urge the prosecution of the Kavumu cases. In June of that year, military justice officials arrested Batumike along with dozens of suspected militants in Bukavu and Kavumu. They were held in Bukavu Central Prison and charged with crimes against humanity by rape, crimes against humanity by murder, organization of an armed group, and other charges. Since the arrests, there have been no reports of similar rapes in the area. In a major setback in late 2016, unknown assailants burned down the Kavumu Justice Hall, destroying numerous records on the Kavumu cases from 2013. Nonetheless, by years end, PHR, TRIAL, Panzi Hospital, and the UN Joint Human Rights Office in Congo launched a comprehensive review of the physical and psychological evidence being gathered for trials. As of December 2016, there were 42 total cases. Putting together a case At the end of 2016, PHR pediatric psychological consultant Dr. Jacqueline Fall and a Panzi psychologist conducted three dozen interviews of young survivors and worked together to document the psychological findings. PHR set up a secure video link to the interviews so that investigators could observe the proceedings. PHR expert medical consultant Dr. Volpellier and a physician at Panzi Hospital together examined survivors to establish additional medical findings and take DNA samples, which were then transferred into police custody. The Panzi physician took the lead and Dr. Volpellier provided support in writing up the forensic medical findings for the court. In early 2017, PHR experts analyzed mobile phone data to provide mapping information to military justice officials preparing their case. PHRs police and justice expert, Georges Kuzma, traveled to Bukavu Central Prison to take forensic photos of 14 alleged perpetrators and to collect DNA samples to pass along to military prosecutors. By early summer, Panzi Hospital transmitted its final medical findings from the December 2016 case review. In September 2017, the case was scheduled to go to trial under case number RMP1653/BMG/NSK/WAV/2016. PHR and partners worked to organize a mobile court setting at a local church. Proceedings began in November 2017 against 18 alleged perpetrators with 46 victims and 20 witnesses (though many of the survivors will not need to testify). PHR and partners are set to observe the full proceedings. As many of the defendants still have sympathizers in the region, security is expected to be heightened. With the trial now getting underway, PHR continues to express our hope that the families of Kavumu can obtain justice for these crimes and that the community can ultimately live in peace. We also believe that the extraordinary collaboration between the medical and legal communities, as well as the involvement of national and international NGOs, can sustain a system of effective response to prevent or support investigations into future incidents of sexual violence. The impending release of prison escapee Joel OKeefe has prompted police in Washington County to organize a summit of past and present local law enforcement to talk about his possible role in unsolved homicide cases in which he was considered a person of interest. OKeefe has served nearly 23 years in state prison for numerous felonies committed in 1994, followed by three more prosecutions for crimes in prison. He is most well-known for a September 1994 escape from State Police, which led to a massive, 13-day manhunt around the region. He could be released as early as Nov. 25, which has caused concern among officers who investigated his violent past crimes. Washington County Sheriff Jeff Murphy said his office is pulling old files for a fresh review of cases that may be connected to OKeefe. He said the creation of a cold case squad to review unsolved homicides was also under consideration. Were going to sit down and discuss the past and present so that everyone knows his background, Murphy said. We have a lot of guys here who werent working then and dont know about him. Murphy acknowledged that open homicide cases, in which police in the mid-1990s acknowledged that OKeefe was a person of interest, were among those to be reviewed. OKeefe has long been under suspicion for the unsolved double homicide of two men in Hartford during the summer of 1988. Fredrich J. Pauling, 56, and James Checkush, 37, were slain near Paulings part-time residence on Dick Hill Road. One was shot, the other bludgeoned. Checkush was reputed to be involved in marijuana trafficking, as was OKeefe, who had a 1990 felony marijuana possession conviction and lived a short distance from Paulings seasonal home. One of the men had written OKeefe a $1,500 check days before his death, authorities said. OKeefe, though, has maintained he was not involved in the deaths, and he was never charged. The killings were among three unsolved homicides that occurred that summer in Washington County, with a man shot to death in Cambridge weeks before the Hartford case. Washington County District Attorney Tony Jordan said police are doing the right thing by taking proactive steps to look at the prior cases. Police and prosecutors discussed offering a plea deal to OKeefe in 1995 that would have packaged his pending escape/burglary/sodomy case charges with manslaughter charges for the killings. Robert Winn was Washington County district attorney at the time. He did not consent to the deal, because, he said at the time, he believed the sentence was not long enough for a double murder. The Post-Star reported on the plea discussions in November 1995, after the Hartford investigation became a focus of the county sheriffs race, because claims were made that evidence and the investigative file had not been properly preserved. The paper withheld OKeefes name at the time, in light of the ongoing investigation and the fact that he had not been charged. Winn said Thursday he had no comment on the case and referred questions to Jordan. Local police were notified Monday that the 57-year-old Argyle native was nearing his release date, which has caused concern among officers and former officers who knew OKeefes history. He was seeking to live in Washington County upon his release, but his address has not been determined. Jordan said he and Murphy have been discussing OKeefes release with the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. They are trying to figure out how the agency determined OKeefes good time, which makes him eligible for release 6 years before completing his maximum sentence, and what supervision will occur by parole officers. He was prosecuted for three different attempted escape and contraband cases while in prison. The point we want the public to know is local law enforcement is working hard to make sure that when he does get out, his supervision is significant and adequate, Jordan said. Republicans in Congress have passed a budget resolution. But in the Senate, it cleared only narrowly, 51-49, with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., the only Republican vote against it. Total price tag for the budget? $4 trillion. Even by todays standards, thats hefty. For now, it seems, the party of fiscal responsibility is gone. But established Republicans worried about the death of what was once a marquee feature of GOP politics shouldnt be quite so concerned. Fiscal responsibility will never go fully out of style. This is a period of transition for the Republican Party. Although its still too early to be quite sure what the national party is going to transition into, one thing has stayed the same over the past several decades. Vice President Dick Cheney once quipped that deficits dont matter. He was speaking somewhat narrowly about the cost of fighting a war to win with the memory of Americas deficit-financed Cold War win still fresh. Today, the constituency for a balanced budget has become very small, and the constituencies who in effect depend on deficit spending for their share of subsidies, entitlements or other federal benefits is quite large. It encompasses Americans at every economic level, in both parties. It includes corporations and business interests. For the time being, there just isnt enough of a coalition to impose fiscal responsibility as we knew it toward the end of the 20th century. To be honest, deficit hawks havent always helped burnish the reputation of budget-cutting. Sometimes it has appeared that the importance of the position was primarily to unify Republicans around something they could all agree on because it looked good but would never really have to happen. Then along came President Donald Trump, well attuned to the fact that many Republican voters had a broadly nationalist and populist interest in protecting some massive government outlays, and only a narrower ideological interest in paring back other kinds of government expenditures and programs. These voters wanted their share, too and, inevitably, it would not come entirely out of revenues. Finally, Republicans this year have strained to notch a legislative win, which they sense is important both for matters of pride and for electoral purposes. Congress remains less popular than the president. But with the repeal and replace of Obamacare a lost cause, attention has focused on tax relief, which, in turn, required the passage of the budget resolution to smooth the way. Republicans are now scurrying to determine how revenues and tax cuts will be squared in the new budget. For sheerly political reasons, which shouldnt be mocked in a democracy going through political change, it makes sense for the GOP to have dialed down the volume on fiscal responsibility. Nevertheless, Republicans ought to know like it or not that they can run from budgetary prudence for a time, but they cant hide. Democrats will never take a stronger line, ensuring that the GOP owns the basic idea of keeping federal deficit spending manageable at a minimum, and hopefully steadily shrinking. Thatll take much better economic times, however. Most Americans, including the many saddled with their own debts, cant see a way to get there without more deficit spending. That may be the case for now. But it wont always be. This editorial appeared in the Orange County Register on Oct. 28. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Best Travel Apps For 2022 Finding Peace of Mind: Discover These Five Places in Europe to Unwind DES MOINES -- Republicans have complete lawmaking control in the nations capital, and they want that arrangement to last longer than two years. So theres no letting up, the partys national chairwoman said Wednesday night in Iowa. This is not a time to rest, Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, told reporters Wednesday night before speaking at the Iowa GOPs annual fall fundraiser. Theres no saying, Hey, we won, now we can sit back. Weve got to keep driving forward if were going to protect our majorities. McDaniel and former White House press secretary Sean Spicer were the main speakers at the Republican Party of Iowas Reagan Dinner, which was attended by roughly 550 party faithful at the Iowa Events Center in downtown Des Moines and held, coincidentally, on the one-year anniversary of the 2016 election that put Donald Trump into the White House. Spicer happily noted that anniversary with Iowa Republicans, who played a critical role in the outcome. Iowa went for Trump by 9 percentage points after going twice for Democratic President Barack Obama. Spicer drew laughter when he said he would not stand behind the podium after being parodied on network television during his stint in the White House. He mirrored McDaniels message that Republicans have to fight to keep their majorities from unraveling in the 2018 mid-term elections. We cannot let our success get to us, Spicer said. It is our party that has the better ideas. There is a stark difference between the worst Republican and the best Democrat. McDaniel acknowledged that, historically, a political party suffers losses in the first non-presidential election after taking power. But she said she does not think the results of gubernatorial and statehouse elections this week in Virginia, New Jersey and Washington -- which featured strong Democratic performances -- represent a prediction of what is to come in 2018. She noted previous special elections this year in Congressional districts that stayed in Republican hands, and said Virginia is a state that has been trending to favor Democrats and that the New Jersey gubernatorial election was not a surprise given how unpopular Republican Gov. Chris Christie had become there. It means that were at the status quo, and I think it means that were going to go into a very competitive 2018, McDaniel said. Those races were very state specific. I dont think you can put everything at the presidents feet when it comes to these elections. Democrats, naturally, saw this weeks election results differently. (Tuesday) night was a referendum on our values and the American people spoke loud and clear that their values are the Democratic Partys values, Tom Perez, chairman of the national Democratic Party, said in a conference call with reporters Wednesday morning. (Republicans) paid the price for their disastrous agenda last night. ... Our values were on the ballot, and they won. Republicans attempted to put fear and division on the ballot, and voters rejected them. Democrats are framing their victories this week as voters repudiating Trump; McDaniel said Republicans have and the GOPs candidates should embrace the president despite his low approval numbers -- just 33 percent in a Quinnipiac Poll in August and a 38.2 percent average in polls tracked by Real Clear Politics. As evidence, McDaniel said the national GOP has experienced record fundraising this year, surpassing $100 million for the first time in a non-presidential year. Thats enthusiasm for the president, McDaniel said. Theres no problem running as the party of Donald Trump. State party chairman Jeff Kaufmann said Iowa Republicans are not shying away from the president. We are staunchly for Donald Trump, Kaufmann said. We dont bend here and were not going to bend here. McDaniel also said she expects Iowas presidential caucuses to remain first in the nation. She said the national party will go through its normal process, but she does not anticipate any changes in the order of early voting states. I dont see anything changing, McDaniel said, recalling the time she spent in Iowa during the 2012 caucuses with her uncle, Mitt Romney. I saw firsthand how seriously the voters took it here when I came in for the straw poll. I think its an important state that takes that role very seriously, and I dont see any changes happening. CLINTON In the fall of 2015, Ted Cruz boldly predicted Hillary Clinton would lose Clinton County, Iowa. At the time, it seemed absurd. The last time a Republican won a presidential election in Clinton County was 1984. Of course, Cruz was pursuing the Republican nomination himself at the time, surely thinking that he would be the one to win this Democratic stronghold. Then, and for months afterward, few dreamed it would be Donald Trump. But on Nov. 8, 2016, as Trump shocked the world by winning the presidency, Clinton County Democrats watched as Cruz's not-so-absurd prediction came true. Drew Kelley, a young engineer who previously lived in the Republican strongholds of Texas and South Dakota and who counted among the blessings of his move to Clinton that he'd settled in a state whose politics more closely aligned with his own it was a shock. "It was heartbreaking," he said. A year later, Democrats have dusted themselves off and set their sights on making 2018 different. Change follows change There will be no presidential race next year, of course. It will be another three years before Democrats here and across the state get another chance to pull Iowa back from the abyss that, to many, is implied with the label "red state." But there is a race for governor at the top of next year's ticket, along with the knowledge the Republicans didn't win the Statehouse and three of Iowa's four congressional seats overnight. The change took place over several elections, and if the tide is going to turn again, it is likely to happen over time. If there is a shift to take place at all, it's places like Clinton County, along with other Mississippi River counties, that will be a key to stitching back together a winning coalition. It's not just Clinton County that voted for Trump. Nine of the 10 counties bordering the Mississippi River did the same. In 2012, all 10 went with Obama. The idea that places like Clinton County have gone irreversibly red is in dispute. Bill Jacobs, chairman of the Clinton County Democrats, is quick to point out that there are Democrats who won last year in Clinton County U.S. Rep. Dave Loebsack and state Rep. Mary Wolfe, to name two. Not in dispute is that Democrats here have work to do. Jacobs became the new chair this spring, succeeding Jean Pardee, who for years led the county Democrats and was looking to hand over the reins. A soft-spoken man who was a teacher at Ashford College, Jacobs jumped back into the Iowa caucuses in 2016 for the first time since the early 1990s. Bernie Sanders' ideas on the economy and health care were attractive to him. "I just felt connected to Bernie's message," Jacobs said. When Clinton won the nomination, Jacobs took charge of the local Democrats' absentee ballot program in the fall. Now, he and others are seeking to improve connections with Democrats, updating voter lists and finding out the best way to make contact. They're encouraging Democrats already active in the party to talk to like-minded people around them. "I call it the love-your-neighbor campaign," Jacobs said. The party also is ramping up its social media presence. Facebook and Twitter accounts that previously served merely as platforms for spreading the word about fundraisers and meetings now are pushing out news articles and opinions. "Republicans drive the nail into the coffin of the 'Party of fiscal responsibility' myth," reads a recent Tweet related to the GOP tax plan. "My hope is people will see these tweets; they'll like them or retweet them," said Kelley, the engineer who has taken the helm of the party's social media accounts. But party leaders across the state acknowledge it will take a change in approach to turn losses to wins next year. Already, the party's candidates for governor are trying to make greater appeals to rural areas. And much of the message has to do with the economy, health care and kitchen table issues some believe were lost in last year's election. "We've got to have an economic message about jobs and wages that speak to peoples' concerns," said Joe O'Hern, who managed Loebsack's 2016 campaign and now is heading state Sen. Nate Boulton's run for governor. Improving the economy can be complicated Growing jobs in smaller communities and rural Iowa isn't easy. Iowa's unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the country, at 3.0 percent in September. In Clinton County, it was 3.9 percent. That's better than what it was a year ago, when it was 4.8 percent. But that dip hasn't happened because more people have jobs. Iowa Workforce Development figures say 22,120 people were employed in the county in September, 430 fewer than the year before. Essentially, the unemployment rate is down because there are fewer people in the labor force, which is defined as those who are employed or are looking for work. That fell from 23,680 to 23,010. On a chilly, drizzly November evening, state Sen. Rita Hart, a Wheatland Democrat, convened the first of a half dozen forums she's holding across the county to talk about jobs. About 15 people showed up at the DeWitt Community Center. Hart acknowledged her meeting had some heavy competition. Game 7 of the World Series was on at the same time, and there was a meeting nearby about expanding the public library. "It's a nasty night out there, so I appreciate you coming in," Hart began. Over the next 80 minutes, all of the people in the room introduced themselves and brought up their set of interests. A range of topics was aired, including homelessness, the need to bring wages up, complaints about the availability of housing and the difficulty in navigating the cumbersome tax-credit system. Over coffee the next morning, Hart said the forum showed her that myriad issues are entangled in growing an economy. "It's complicated," she said, adding that she's eager to find a way to promote more partnerships between area manufacturers and school districts. Hart, who represents the 49th district, is likely to face a stiff election challenge in 2018. The district, like Clinton County itself, is one that blends large tracts of farmland and small towns. The district stretches from Lost Nation and Delmar in the north to DeWitt and Grand Mound, then on to northern Scott County, where LeClaire and Princeton are folded in along with a handful of rural precincts. There were 11,748 Democrats, 10,903 Republicans, 121 Libertarians and 17,549 independents registered to vote in the 49th at the end of October. Hart won the seat in 2012, but, because of redistricting, had to run again in 2014. Even with a Republican wave coursing through the country, she narrowly edged out her opponent with 52 percent of the vote. However, Trump won the district by 9 percentage points over Hillary Clinton last year. That was a change from 2012, when Barack Obama won the district, largely on the strength of the 15,141 votes he pulled out of Clinton County about 5,000 more than Hillary Clinton got last year. Hart said last year's election has caused the party to reassess. For her, she said, "It's always been about the economy" and trying to find ways to improve peoples' lives. Still, she acknowledges that elections, especially ones like last year's, can get chaotic. "We have to lay the groundwork and make sure that we are being accountable to people and that we are listening to them and doing everything we can to make it reality for them that the Democrats are interested in your best interests," she said. "If they believe that, if we can prove that to them, were going to do just fine." Republicans 'steeling' themselves for 2018 To get to the Vista Grande banquet hall, you go up an unpaved driveway just off Mill Creek Parkway in Clinton. This week, close to 100 people got together there for the county GOP's fall fundraiser. It was just two days short of the one-year anniversary of the presidential election. The featured speaker, Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann, praised the county party. "I don't worry about Clinton County," he said. "You're doing things right here." But that was about as far as the self-congratulations went. For much of the evening, party leaders warned of a tough fight in 2018 and the need to stay vigilant and engaged against a political swamp centered in Washington, D.C., and an East Coast that doesn't understand the way of life here. Kaufmann urged that any doubts about Trump's manner be pushed aside in order to fight a bigger threat a veer toward socialism linked to Sen. Bernie Sanders' rise in popularity. "We have a Republican president for the first time in eight years, and we're worried about tweets affecting us? I've got students who no longer know what socialist means, folks. Seriously," he said. "We all remember the Soviet Union. We all remember Tiananmen Square. We all remember that in here. Your grandkids don't. And we all of a sudden have a party that almost elected a socialist, and it's becoming mainstream," he said. Kaufmann later softened his remarks, saying the U.S. would not actually end up resembling the Soviet Union. But if the other side is victorious, "We are not going to be able to understand what our country stands for anymore. We are going to have a Supreme Court where Ruth Bader Ginsburg is mainstream if we don't win this thing and we don't look at the big picture," he said. There appeared to be few Trump doubters in the room, and some said they are as energized now as they were prior to last year's election. Brian Schmidt, who ran unsuccessfully against Hart for the state Senate seat four years ago, said he believes Trump would win Clinton County if he were on the ballot today. "President Trump is doing exactly what he said he'd do," Schmidt said. Another Republican, Harold Stansbarger, a retired truck driver from Camanche, blamed the media for hamstringing the president. "If the news media would leave him alone, he'd get a lot done," he said. Governor's race at top of the ticket There may be no race in Iowa as important next year as the contest for governor. Seven Democrats are running, and the candidates are eagerly courting places where Trump did well last year. In Clinton County, Jacobs, the Democratic chair, said he's neutral. He said its important that candidates present a strong economic message. He also believes they should counter the idea that immigration and bad trade deals are the major drivers of Clintons economic ills. Jacobs said he believes automation in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors are doing more damage. "I think a bigger factor is businesses don't need as many people," he said. Earlier this year, in the immediate aftermath of Trump's victory, Democrats saw thousands of people turn out for rallies and marches. And during the legislative session, weekend forums also drew large crowds. The turnout, party leaders said, was a sign of a more engaged and active Trump opposition, eager to put the 2016 election behind them and turn things around in the next elections. As the year has worn on, there have been fewer of those big, media-attracting events. Instead, party leaders are going about the day-to-day work of rebuilding the party. The 2018 election still is a year away. Even the primary is seven months down the road. But, on Feb. 5, the party's precinct caucuses will be held. Of course, nobody expects the turnout will be like it was last year, a presidential year. But Jacobs says much of what is being done to organize the party and bring people together is aimed at that date. The candidates for governor also will be eyeing that date carefully, because it's the first step in determining delegates to the state convention, which could decide the party's nominee for governor if no one gets 35 percent of the primary vote. As a result, pundits will be watching closely what happens on that day. "What the caucus turnout will be," Jacobs said, "that will be the first real test." Davenport Mayor Frank Klipsch's duties have taken on an international flair this week as he and St. Gabriel, Louisiana, Mayor Lionel Johnson are representing the mayors along the Mississippi River at the United Nations Climate Challenge Conference in Bonn, Germany. Klipsch and Johnson, co-chairs of the Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative, are taking part in the climate conference for four main reasons: working with the international community on food and water security issues as most of the world's food production and freshwater withdrawals come from river basins speaking out against disengaging from the Paris Accord because it jeopardizes jobs and the economy emphasizing the need to protect the $164 billion in commodity trade profiling Mississippi River region partnerships on a global level Klipsch noted that the region has sustained more than $200 billion in disaster impacts since 2005 and no state has endured less than $5 billion in impact over the same period. "It is imperative we take action to make our corridor more resilient and keep our commodities economy strong," Klipsch said in a news release. "One of the reasons we're going to COP23 is to present to the international investment community on the partnerships necessary to meet the challenges we're facing at scale." On Friday, Klipsch and Johnson will make presentations to various international organizations and national leaders on the importance of reinforcing natural infrastructure. As a sign of commitment, both mayors will participate in the signing of the Bonn Declaration to support "restoring, protecting, and enhancing the environmental services of water-based systems, and promoting the international food and water security agreement negotiated in Paris during COP21." On Saturday, Klipsch and Johnson will join former Vice President Al Gore in presenting financing options for infrastructure renewal projects. One of projects they will present together with Walmart is regarding a sustainable agriculture partnership to improve water quality along the 20 million acres running through the Mississippi River Basin. Water quality of the Mississippi River has a profound impact on both the health of residents and businesses in the region. Twenty million people depend on the drinking water from the Mississippi River. The top seven economies in the region depending on freshwater generate $500 billion in annual revenue in addition to providing 1.5 million jobs. 'America First should not mean America Alone," Johnson said. "The mayors of one of the worlds most important rivers stand united to pursue solutions to the dramatic and persistent disaster challenges we are facing together. Count us in." Found Objects Patrick Nagatani, 1945-2017 Nagatani once wrote of his work and unique tapist process that, the Zen of the material and process moves me to spiritual happiness. I've been in the zone off and on for over 30 years with this work. Most things seem to now have a place in the cosmic meaning of things I believe that the pieces have a life of their own and will change very slowly in time, much like mummies from ancient Egypt have lasted through the centuries but nevertheless have changed. The work of Nagatani, a longtime faculty member of UNM's renowned photography program, will certainly endure, though it is with great sadness that friends, family, students, admirers and the art community at large marked his passing during the last week of October. Nagatani was born in Chicago in 1945 to Japanese-American parents who had survived internment during World War II. Nagatani later moved to Los Angeles, where he earned his MFA in 1980. He produced numerous photographs during his storied careerkeen inquiries into staged scenes and studio set-ups. These images, and much of his work, often explored the topics of Buddhism, nuclear power, history and the multitudes of identity. In 1982 he began his tapist workthat is, transforming found printed photographs into icons, relying heavily on the often disregarded material of masking tape. In 1987, Nagatani joined the UNM Departments of Art and Art History, where he was a much admired educator, receiving many accolades and awards during his tenure, which ended when he retired in 2007. Through his photography and teaching, Patrick devoted his life to finding and sharing the deep generosity of the soul. His art revealed the location where creativity, interior life and the life of the spirit are mysteriously woven together, Director of the UNM Art Museum, Arif Khan wrote in an announcement last week. For those of us who will continually return to Nagatani's work, through all the years and all its inevitable changes, what will never be altered is its abiding soulfulness. The Iowa Board of Medicine has issued an emergency adjudicative order suspending the medical license of cosmetic surgeon and obstetrician Dr. LeRoy L. Yates Jr., saying in its order that Yates continued treatment of patients constitutes an immediate danger to the public health, safety and welfare. A hearing on the adjudicative order will be held Dec. 14-15 at the Iowa Medical Boards office in Des Moines. Yates is the director of Diamond Medical Spa and Vein PC. According to the adjudicative order issued Oct. 27, on July 29, 2016, the board filed charges against Yates alleging that he violated the laws and rules governing the practice of medicine in Iowa when he failed to provide appropriate cosmetic surgical care to multiple patients in Davenport between 2013 and 2015. Among its charges the board alleges that Yates had inappropriately delegated anesthesia services to unqualified medical staff, as well as performed cosmetic surgical procedures under intravenous sedation in an unsafe office setting and failed to establish or document appropriate safety measures. The board also alleges that Yates performed cosmetic surgery on patients who were not appropriate candidates for the procedures, failed to maintain appropriate monitoring during procedures and failed to maintain appropriate medical and anesthesia records, as well as failed to obtain appropriate informed consent. Yates also is charged with failing to provide appropriate follow-up care and experienced excessive postoperative infections and complications by failing to diagnose and treat postoperative complications. The board also has charged Yates with failing to obtain appropriate hospital privileges, and that he performed a large volume of liposuction procedures under intravenous sedation in an office setting without appropriate monitoring or hospital privileges to manage patients postoperatively. Yates also is charged with performing a cosmetic surgical procedure on a member of his family to whom he prescribed controlled substances. The board also is accusing him of making misleading representations regarding his competency to perform cosmetic surgery, as well as his complication rates and his success rates. The board also accused him of making untruthful or improbable statements in advertisements. According to the Iowa Board of Medicine, Yates agreed to undergo a clinical competency evaluation at the Center for Personalized Education for Physicians. That evaluation concluded that Yates medical knowledge was marginally adequate with some significant deficiencies. The evaluation found that Yates most significant weaknesses were in the area of postoperative patient evaluation and counseling, current surgical procedures for liposuction and fat transfer procedures, and the ultrasonography and management of varicose veins, according to the Iowa Board of Medicines list of charges. The evaluation also found that Yates' clinical judgement and reasoning were inadequate, with significant weakness in areas such as his ability to gather information in a logical and complete manner, understanding his own limitations, and in the appropriate application of knowledge of clinical practice. The Iowa Board of Medicine also stated that it had received information that indicates Yates suffers from a medical condition that impairs his ability to independently practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety at this time. Yates was issued a license to practice medicine in Iowa on April 23, 1990. Before being suspended, his license is next set to expire May 1, 2019. Genesis Medical Center spokesman Craig Cooper said that until recently Yates had medical privileges with Genesis. Cooper said that Yates has not been with Genesis Health Group since 2012. Efforts to reach Yates by the Quad-City Times were not successful. The tax reform proposal currently in the U.S. House eliminates a number of tax credit programs, including new market credits that began to be offered in 2001 as a way to spur community and economic development. In the Quad-Cities, the Kone Centre, in Moline, became "the first deal in the country done with new market tax credits, coupled with disaster bonds," developer Rodney Blackwell said in 2012. The credits also were used to help finance renovation of Davenport's Adler Theatre and are being used for the construction of the Urban Campus of Scott Community College in the block between Brady and Main streets, facing 3rd Street. A nonprofit called Central States Development Partners, an offshoot of Economic Growth, based in Rock Island, was awarded $45 million in new market tax credits in late 2016. Some of those credits have been used to expand Hill & Valley bakery in Rock Island, creating 50 new jobs. (Hill & Valley since has been sold to J&J Snack Foods Corp.) This money also has financed projects in Iowa, Illinois and Indiana focusing on manufacturing, distribution and education that created 1,400 new jobs, Brian Hollenback, president/CEO of Central States, said. The bill states that elimination of the credit would increase federal revenues by $1.7 billion over 2018-27. Hollenback said he is working with elected officials to try to retain these credits. Eliminating them would be "a significant change as it relates to jobs," he said. The Quad-Cities Chamber of Commerce also is concerned about the elimination of the new market tax credits, but it is focusing its mobilization efforts on another section of the reform bill that would eliminate federal historic tax credits. "The historic tax credits is really the big one," Henry Marquard, the chamber's director of government affairs, said. The historic credits have helped transform downtown Davenport, as well as communities across the country, he said. In addition to Davenport, historic tax credits have been used to help finance projects in Rock Island, Muscatine, LeClaire and Maquoketa, Iowa. While the new market credits have ben an important tool, "we understand that to do reform, some things have got to go," Marquard said. "New market tax credits are good but they are expensive. We would like to see some reform. They are high on overhead. We think that's a program that could use a good cleaning." At least one teenage girl and her mother in the Quad-Cities celebrated Boy Scouts of Americas historic decision last month to expand its opportunities for young females. We were really excited because I have a lot of sister siblings who want to do Boy Scouts, said Claire Lilius, whose mother, Kristy, accompanied her to a scouting seminar Saturday in East Moline. But the mother-daughter duo wondered if there will be any stipulations whether girls may attempt to earn the same merit badges as boys, for example, to achieve the prestigious Eagle Scout rank. I really hope they dont change anything because that just means they dont value girls as much as boys or they dont think theyre as capable, Kristy said. As a mom of five (girls), I know they are. Tom McDermott, CEO of the Illowa Council, which oversees 82 Boy Scout troops in Iowa and Illinois, reassured them and others the organization plans to use its traditional curriculum for its future girls program. He addressed a crowd of about 125 people during the councils recent leadership training event, called University of Scouting, at United Township High School. Theyre not going to water down or change any of the requirements, said McDermott, director of the Davenport-based council for the past 11 years. A young lady making Eagle Scout will have to do the exact same things as a young man. Family-friendly plan Beginning in 2018, families may begin enrolling their daughters, age 6-10, in Cub Scouts. Further details about girls earning the Eagle Scout rank, for scouts age 11-17, will be announced in 2018, with a projected launch date of early 2019. Under the new guidelines, existing Cub Scout packs are not required to allow girls into their groups, known as dens. The chartered organization that sponsors the pack may make that decision, establish a new all-girl pack or create one that consists of separate boy dens and girl dens. McDermott, a father of four former Girl Scouts, predicted sisters of current Boy Scouts will make up the majority of the first registrants. I meet so many parents and leaders who have sons and daughters, and I see their pride when their son makes Eagle Scout, he said. I know those parents would be just as proud to see their daughters reach that pinnacle. Orion, Illinois, resident Damon Seys hopes his 9-year-old daughter becomes the first female Eagle Scout from their small town in Henry County, about 20 miles south of the metro Quad-Cities. Seys serves as the chartered organization representative for United Methodist Church in Orion, which sponsors Boy Scout Troop 123. Girl Scouts really wasnt for her, he said of his daughter, who witnessed her older brother participate in various outdoor adventures as a Boy Scout. She was very disappointed when she went into Girl Scouts because she thought it was going to be different. Seys brought his daughter with him to the Illowa Councils annual Halloween campout last month at Loud Thunder Scout Reservation in Illinois City, where they endured torrential rains and muddy terrain. Were ready, he said. Girl Scouts: 'We know them better' During a phone interview Wednesday, Diane Nelson, CEO of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois, touted the range of opportunities her organization offers, including the ability to pursue the distinguished Gold Award. Its very difficult to get, she said of the highest achievement in Girl Scouts, noting it presents just as much or more of a challenge than the Eagle Scout rank. This past weekend, McDermott referred to the Gold Award as a tremendous accomplishment, adding, This is not a move to steal any youth away from Girl Scouts. Nelson also stressed the importance of learning in a single-gender setting, advantages McDermott acknowledged as well. Research shows theyre more willing to raise their hand, speak up and feel more confident in an all-girl environment, she said. Its unfortunate that the Boy Scouts have gone in this direction, but I also know that our families are very dedicated to Girl Scouts." After leading a class on boy behavior at University of Scouting, Chris Wulf, a volunteer for the Boy Scouts, said integrating boys and girls may lead to both problems and benefits. For the most part, boys socialize much more physically and girls socialize much more verbally, said Wulf, who works as a high school guidance counselor in Columbus Junction, Iowa. Boys and girls will learn how to communicate and interact with each other on a much different level than they do at school. The Bettendorf-based Girl Scouts council, which operates several other offices throughout the region, has about 16,000 youth members and 4,000 adult members. "We're going to stick to growing our girls," Nelson said. Girl Scouts is built by girls for girls, so we know them better than anyone. This 'isn't anything new' After two years, Claire Lilius of Silvis dropped out of Girl Scouts. At 14, she signed up for Venturing, a co-ed youth development program for outdoors enthusiasts, age 14-21, introduced by Boy Scouts of America in 1998. It means a lot to me, she said. I get to hang out with other people, which is what I needed because Im home-schooled and it helps me make friends and connections with people." Claire, now 16, especially enjoys camping and hiking and organizing outings involving those activities. This past summer, the member of Venture Crew 119 in Moline attended the National Scout Jamboree, a 10-day celebration of scouting held every four years in West Virginia. Camping for me is a break from reality, said Claire, who hopes to inspire her younger sisters to follow suit. Venturing is one of four co-ed programs offered by the Boy Scouts. In 1971, the organization allowed girls to join Exploring, which focuses on building life and career skills. Having girls involved in our programs isnt anything new, McDermott said, calling the recent shift in policy a product of evolution. If any young girl in our area wants to join, well do everything we can to find her a home in scouting, Between sessions at University of Scouting, Gabe McKinley, a 14-year-old member of Boy Scout Troop 383 in East Moline, pledged his support for the changes. "They (girls) deserve the same opportunity as us," he said. "I think it will be exciting to see more people in Boy Scouts." The YWCA raised more than $72,000 in net donations the largest fundraiser in the organizations history during its Nov. 3 luncheon, according to a news release from the Rock Island organization. The luncheon featured Jill Biden, educator and wife of former Vice President Joe Biden. It also celebrated the organizations 100 years in the Quad-Cities, and 100 influential Quad-Citians who have inspired change and given freely and unselfishly to improve the lives of others, specifically in the areas of racial justice and civil rights, empowerment and economic advancement and health and safety. The organization credits the generosity of the attendees along with sponsors for the success of the fundraising event. It is overwhelming to see the response of our community, said Julie Larson, president, YWCA. Everyone in the audience took Dr. Jill Bidens words to heart and stepped forward in such a profound way. We couldnt believe the generosity in the room, and we are grateful. We are on a mission to level the playing field for every family in our community, said Amy Balensiefen, member of the YWCA Board of Directors. To do this, we need to start with our youngest children. Within five miles of our center, two in every five children live in poverty, she said. We know we can help more children, and we are working up plans now to change the story for our youngest community members. Sponsors included: Royal Neighbors of America, presenting sponsor UnityPoint Trinity, VIP sponsor Quad-City Bank and Trust, QCR Holdings and Arconic, gold sponsors Modern Woodmen and Rhythm City Casino, silver sponsors Local 4 News, the Quad-Cities CW, the Quad-City Times, Event Solutions Group and Shenea Brockman Designs, media and event promotion sponsors Crown Trophy, Deere Employees Credit Union, the Doris & Victor Day Foundation, Mel Foster Co., MWA Bank, One Step Printing, Per Mar Security, the Quad-Cities River Bandits, RSM US LLP, Stern Beverage, Total Solutions and Tri-City Electric were Friend of the YWCA QC-level sponsors. For more information and to see the full list of honorees, visit Another mass shooting, and once again America mourns the victims of violence. On almost a daily basis, our own local news media shares reports of shootings and domestic abuse in our own community. When will this violence end? Not until we stand up, and continue to stand up, until effective action is taken at every level of government, from local to national. It pains me to report that this past summer, One Human Family QCA failed in its attempt to launch a program in our community which we called "Violence Isn't the Answer." Our initial goal was to hold mini-events in significant local venues, which would introduce the program and invite others to join in our efforts. Much to our surprise and disappointment, when we approached those in charge of those venues, seeking permission to hold these events on their property, our requests were rejected. While there were various reasons given, the most common, and disturbing, was that "It is too political." Standing against violence is too political? Do they mean to say there is a political party that actually endorses violence? Are there elected officials that mourn the shooters rather than the victims? That is hard to believe. Until we stop viewing standing up against violence as a partisan political issue and start viewing it as a moral imperative and a pressing matter of public safety, the latest victims in Sutherland Springs, Texas will not be the last we will find ourselves mourning. When will we say "enough is enough?" Rabbi Henry Jay Karp Davenport Editors note: Karp is a member of One Human Family QCA How many Americans have to die at the hands of radical Christian terrorism? The most recent case as of Sunday, of the shooting of the church congregation in Sutherland Springs, Texas, is only one in a long, long, series of radical Christian terrorism attacks stretching back many decades, taking the lives of more Americans than terrorists from any other country in the world. Where is the outcry for Christian pastors to acknowledge the problem and to speak out against radical Christian terrorism to their congregations? Also, of course, the presidents administration and Congress have done little or nothing to solve the problem of radical Christian terrorism and need to be equally encouraged to take some meaningful action. Since all of the radical Christian terrorists so far have been radicalized while in the United States, the problem is likely to spread very rapidly. Maybe lawmakers and the administration can work to identify such radical Christian terrorists and deport them? Kenneth D. Sherman Blue Grass Students at Black Hills State University are honoring the service of local veterans and their families with the Veterans Legacy Program, an online collection of public history materials telling the story of Americas veterans buried in the five national cemeteries in the Black Hills region. In early 2017, BHSU faculty began working on the project with the National Cemetery Administration under the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The project has developed into a website ready for use by educators, students, and visitors. The goal was to come up with ways to not only research these cemeteries, but also make that research readily accessible to the public, said Kelly Kirk, instructor of history and primary investigator for the project. Kirk, along with over 20 BHSU faculty and students, curated 37 biographies of veterans interred at the five national cemeteries in South Dakota: Black Hills National Cemetery, Fort Meade National Cemetery, Hot Springs National Cemetery, Lakota Freedom Veterans Cemetery, and Rosebud Sioux Tribe Veterans Cemetery. Walking tours with veteran biographies are now available at each cemetery. The project website includes lesson plans for educators and complete veteran biographies for use in the classroom. Each one of these veterans is very much a part of history, Kirk said. We ask, how did their experiences in the service change their life? What did they do after coming home? We want to connect that local, personal story to much larger world events. There is still an opportunity for veterans to be included in the project. Kirk encourages those interested in having their family members' biographies included on the website to contact her at or call 605-642-6935. BHSU has a long history of serving veterans. More than 60 years ago, BHSU first began offering classes at Ellsworth Air Force Base. The university has repeatedly been recognized nationally for service to military students. In 2014, BHSU President Tom Jackson Jr., who currently serves in the National Guard Reserve, debuted a reduced-tuition rate for military at BHSU-Rapid City. The reduced-tuition rate covers the full cost of a military students education when taking into account the federal governments tuition assistance for military personnel. The program has since been expanded throughout South Dakota. David Dodson, veterans resource coordinator at BHSU, said the university accepts up to 32 credit hours of nontraditional coursework and training that veterans can apply toward a degree. We are committed to helping veterans use their education benefits. We have a Veterans Center in both Spearfish and Rapid City. Its a place on campus where vets can study and share their military experiences, Dodson said. Current members and veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, dependents, and military personnel who are new to college, transferring to BHSU, or current students are eligible for the services provided by Veterans Affairs at BHSU. In Dr. Brad Wilburns Philosophy classes at Chadron State College just about anything can get questioned. And for every question, there are many possible answers. Wilburn, English and Humanities Professor and Department Chair, who has taught at CSC since 2005, challenges students to think broadly about ideas and questions during his philosophy and logic courses. The interesting thing about philosophy is that it is a combination of deep, open ended questions that humans have asked for thousands of years and philosophers still wrestle with. Thats one aspect, but the other aspect of philosophy is how philosophers focus on reasons and arguments, Wilburn said. For philosophy its not just spinning an answer, its what sort of argument you can give for that answer. Philosophy methodology is important in terms of reason, logic and argumentation. So theres a deep, open-ended aspect in terms of the questions, but theres a very rigorous analytic side to philosophy. Aspects of the analytic side of philosophy is conveyed in Symbolic Logic (PHIL 333), which Wilburn will teach in the spring 2018 semester. Wilburn said symbolic or formal logic teaches students how to get at the form of an argument and learn the procedure themselves to prove complex arguments. A logical argument can take several forms, but Wilburn shared a common example he uses in his class: All humans are mortal. Socrates is human. Socrates is mortal. Wilburn said that if first two sentences are true, then its logically impossible for the third sentence or conclusion to be false. He also said that when the first two sentences are presented, many people are able to fill in the final sentence because they innately possess logic. We all have the ability to use logic and process arguments, its part of our mental tool kit. Philosophy teaches you to use both sides of your brain, Wilburn said. The Symbolic Logic course is rooted in the Humanities because it helps students make sense of the world while broadening their intellectual curiosity. Philosophy goes back to the idea that this is what humans do we think about stuff. Our evolutionary advantage is the brain we have. All the activities we engage in and everything we create is the result of a lot of human thinking. Thinking is fundamental to whom we are as humans, Wilburn said. What philosophers are engaged in is thinking about thinking. We are examining this fundamental aspect of how we operate. Symbolic Logic isnt the only Philosophy course CSC offers. Introduction to Philosophy, Classical Chinese Philosophy, Ethics, Biomedical Ethics and Environmental Ethics, among others, are offered to students. In order for a student to earn a minor in Comparative Philosophy, he or she must complete three Philosophy courses and 12 other credits from a list of 11 classes. Wilburn said students have expressed a renewed interest in obtaining a minor in Philosophy. He also said its a recommended minor by CSCs Legal Studies department because Philosophy students do well on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). If you take a philosophy course youll have better skills at thinking, writing carefully and evaluating arguments, he said. If you go through a class questioning your assumptions, you get good thinking about the questions that are out there. That is a genuine job skill. Any sort of job that youre going to get with a college degree, the employer wants the employee to think for themselves. Philosophy at CSC is also part of the Essential Studies Program and fosters an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Philosophy will help teach you to think outside the box, question assumptions, ask for arguments, and evaluate arguments. These are really basic skills that are important to learn they work so well with every other discipline, he said. EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. | A B-52 Stratofortress from the 419th Flight Test Squadron is sporting new nose art to commemorate its storied past. Renowned aviation artist Mike Machat completed the artwork earlier this month on B-52 #60-0036. Machat recently completed nose art on an Edwards B-1B Lancer and was again commissioned by the 412th Test Wing for this project. About 50 years ago, the bomber was used in a top secret test program named Tagboard. The program, which has since been declassified, involved testing the D-21, which was a ramjet-powered reconnaissance drone that could reach Mach 3 speed. The new nose art is a re-application of the original work, which has since been painted over following routine maintenance, according to Master Sgt. David Peralta, 912th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Bomber Aircraft Maintenance Unit superintendent. Lt. Col. Middleton (419th FLTS commander) brought the original artwork on the nose of aircraft 0036 to the maintenance units attention, said Peralta. Since we had recently went through the process of getting approval and the painting completed on the B-1 to honor Desert High School, our AMU sought approval to restore the original artwork from the 60s and 70s because of its historical significance. According to Air Force Test Center History Office documents, all manned flights over the Soviet Union were discontinued by President Dwight Eisenhower after Francis Gary Powers U-2 spy plane was shot down May 1, 1960. While the U.S. government was planning on using satellites for reconnaissance, the technology was still a few years away and the Central Intelligence Agency determined unmanned drones could fill the gap until satellites became viable. The D-21 required a mothership to launch given its ramjet engine, which needed to be air-launched at a certain speed to activate. Initially, Lockheed testers used an M-21 (essentially a modified SR-71 Blackbird) to air launch the D-21 drone. The D-21 would be launched from the back of the M-21. Ideally, after conducting its reconnaissance mission it would eject a hatch with photo equipment to be recovered either mid-air or after the hatch landed. However, on the fourth flight test, the D-21 experienced an asymmetric unstart as it passed through the bow wake of the M-21 causing the mothership to pitch up and collide with the D-21 at Mach 3.25. Crewmembers Bill Park and Ray Torick ejected from the M-21, but Toricks flight suit became ripped and filled with water when he plunged into the ocean where he drowned. Nose art pays tribute to B-52s top secret past A D-21 reconnaissance drone is on display at Blackbird Air Park at U.S. Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California. The D-21 was a ramjet-powered reconnaissance drone that could reach Mach 3 speed. The drone required a mothership to air launch it. (Courtesy photo by Danny Bazzell/Flight Test Historical Foundation) After the accident, the M-21 launch program was cancelled but testers still believed the D-21 would make a valuable reconnaissance vehicle and decided to launch the drone from B-52Hs, one being #0036. The new code name for the D-21 project became Senior Bowl. After several failed launch attempts, the first successful D-21 launch from a B-52 occurred June 16, 1968. The drone flew 3,000 miles at 90,000 feet. After a few more flight tests, the CIA and the Air Force decided to conduct four operational launches that all ended in failure in some way. Two flights were successful, however the imagery could not be recovered from the D-21s hatch. The other two operational flights ended with one being lost in a heavily defended area and the other D-21 simply disappeared after launch. The D-21 program was cancelled July 15, 1971, and both B-52s used for the program were returned to operational Air Force units. The B-52 #60-0036 currently assigned to the 419th FLTS at Edwards, arrived in 2001 where it has been used as a test bed ever since. Most of these maintenance and operations units, and many of these old planes, have a storied past. It is great to be able to embrace that heritage and history, while sharing it with the next generation, Peralta said. Peralta added that the artwork also was done in conjunction with the 419th FLTS 75th anniversary of existence. Information for this article provided by the Air Force Test Center History Office Slow down and research Councilwoman Laura Armstrong's suggestion to finance a new civic center by a public/private partnership and do not squeeze it into the middle of town. Update the Barnett Civic Center now and at a later time explore the sale to a private company. Thank you South Dakota DOT for having reflectors at the edge of the road. When a small snowstorm hit after dark while on my way home through Nebraska, the snow covered the lines and with no reflectors showing the edge of the road I had to spend the night in a small town causing me to miss some work. What does the cost of operating parks, pools, skating rinks in Rapid City have to do with what it costs in other cities? Does no one in management in Rapid City know how to determine operating costs? Even though several U.S senators are outraged that the Air Force failed to prevent the domestic abuser from buying assault weapons, the issue will soon disappear as the NRA demands the 11,000 additional abusers retain their "gun rights." Same thing happened with the bump-stock outrage once the NRA decided they won't allow any ban. The Catholic Church celebrated Respect Life Month in October. Building a culture of life goes beyond this one month a year, or specific events or initiatives. It happens through our daily actions, how we treat one another, and through policies we value and promote. The greatest failure in our society today is the lack of respect for the human dignity of others from conception to lifes natural end. Human life is valued less now than ever abortion on demand, increase in all types of violence, racism, the rise in assisted suicide laws and the continued use of capital punishment. In his 2015 address to Congress, Pope Francis spoke of his mission to end the death penalty: The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development. This conviction has led me, from the beginning of my ministry, to advocate at different levels for the global abolition of the death penalty. The death penalty violates the sanctity of life. It is contrary to the Gospel because it promotes the inhumane treatment of a person created in Gods image and likeness as we all are. Yes, the state has an obligation to hold violent criminals accountable for their actions and to protect society from those who are a threat. Non-lethal means to defend and protect are sufficient in South Dakota. Violence in response to violence doesnt relieve personal anguish or result in societal protection, but only adds to the cycle of violence that plagues our country. State-sanctioned executions do not heal or redress wounds. Only forgiveness can do so. The death penalty disproportionately impacts people who are vulnerable and marginalized. These individuals are the ones whom Jesus so loved and whom we are called to love in spite of what they may have done. In South Dakota, we depend heavily on the Department of Corrections to care for individuals with severe mental illness who have committed crimes. But according to a 2017 report from the Office of Research and Public Affairs, those living in South Dakota with a severe mental illness who are convicted of felony crimes are not sent to the state hospital for treatment. They are sent to the South Dakota State Penitentiary in Sioux Falls. This misguided policy is tragically compounded by the death penalty because those condemned to die disproportionately suffer from severe mental illness. A 2016 report from the Death Penalty Information Center reveals that at least 60 percent of those executed in the U.S. showed significant evidence of intellectual disability, mental illness or brain impairment. This significant overrepresentation of our mentally vulnerable brothers and sisters forces us to confront the fact that some of the most marginalized members of society have been put to death. The death penalty is always an inhumane and inappropriate punishment. In condoning capital punishment we greatly diminish our capacity to embrace Christs command to "love all" and respect the dignity of every human life. All life is sacred. Instead of death, should we not create solutions which are restorative and allow Gods grace and mercy to transform our society into one that is holy? I pray that South Dakota joins the many other states that respect the dignity of life by ending the death penalty in particular for those with severe mental illnesses. Three new mayors will take the reins in the Bitterroot valley at the beginning of 2018, and while some incumbent council members were ousted, others retained their seats. Dominic Farrenkopf led the race for Hamilton mayor for most of Tuesday night over Travis Martinez, with a final vote of 894 to 362. Farrenkopf pulled in 71 percent of the vote compared to 29 percent for Martinez. Current Mayor Jerry Steele decided not to seek another term. "I'm very pleased with the results," Farrenkopf said. "I'm very grateful to everyone who supported me, and I thank them for their confidence to elect me as mayor." In Darby, Willard "Buck" Titus upset incumbent Mayor JC McDowell 176 to 67 votes, with Titus getting 72 percent of the vote to McDowell's 27 percent. Although it's typically difficult to beat an incumbent, Titus said he didn't feel like it was an upset. "Living here in Darby nearly 50 years, you get to know people and I think that was the main thing," Titus said on Wednesday. "I think people are excited to get the team concept going again." In the three-way Stevensville race, Mayor Jim Crews garnered 174 votes (35 percent), while Brandon Dewey ousted him with 221 votes, or 45 percent of the ballots cast. Mark Adams was a distant third with 98 votes (20 percent). Dewey said he's eager to start a transition and open the channels of communication among the town and the community, but also between himself and the council. As part of that, he's also hopes to employ more social media and improve the town's website. "I think we'll see some customer service improvements not only in how people deal with the town, but also opening some social media channels that we haven't in the past," Dewey said. In the Hamilton Ward 1 race, incumbent Kristi Bielski won with 54 percent of the vote over challenger Eric Monson, at 233 to 194. No one opposed Rod Pogachar in Ward 2, and challenger Claire Kemp took 62 percent of the vote over incumbent Ken Bell in Ward 3, with 264 votes to 155. Bielski said she's thrilled to build upon her four years of experience, and Kemp said she's excited to take on her new role. In the Darby council race, Bill De Spain had 120 votes to Pamela Hart-Schlapman's 103 for the council's at-large seat. Bret Rider led the Ward 2 unexpired term race over Jason Lewis 67 to 39; George Costello was running unopposed for the Ward 2 full term and George Cuff was unopposed for the Ward 1 seat. In the Stevensville council races, incumbent Robin Holcomb beat challenger Laura Miller 122 to 88 for the Ward 1 seat, and Ray Smith was elected with 121 votes compared to 106 for Jerry Phillips for the open Ward 2 seat. The actual vote count for all races won't be official until next week's canvass. Leaders of the Hamilton-based MAPS Media Institute are in Washington, D. C., today to be honored by federal arts and culture agencies as one of the best after-school and youth development programs in the nation. The awards for MAPS effectiveness in engaging youth in the arts or humanities come from National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. MAPS, the brainchild of the Irwin and Florence Rosten Foundation, Inc., will be recognized for achieving a wide range of positive outcomes, including increases in academic achievement; growth in graduation and college enrollment rates; and improvements in literacy and language abilities, communication and performance skills, and cultural awareness, according to the press release. Clare Ann Harff, executive director for MAPS, said the award is quite an honor. It recognizes the dedicated work of the entire MAPS community: founders Peter and Susan Rosten, students and families past and present, funders, clients, and our community supporters, Harff said. It reinforces MAPS core belief that investing in our youth is investing in our future. By creatively engaging students through relevant media arts, MAPS better prepares them for success in school, in their careers and in their community. Media Arts in the Public Schools teaches life skills around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) using technology, design, film, music, and entrepreneurship. The classes are free to students in grades 812. MAPS founder Peter Rosten began the program in 2004 as an in-school class at Corvallis schools. MAPS is now an after-school program in Ravalli County and has expanded to three reservations, with a goal of developing a statewide educational program. Peter Rosten passed away in April 2017, leaving a legacy of curiosity, learning, humor, and hope. He retired from a successful behind-the-scenes Hollywood career to Montana and, according to his wife, Susan Rosten, He was enamored at the honesty and sincerity of the people here, especially teenagers. MAPS is his proudest accomplishment. Peter Rosten was a 2016 Silver Circle inductee of the Northwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. A 2015 New York Times article presented Rostens vision and work for Montana's rural youth. Chosen from 285 nominations, MAPS is one of 12 national awardees recognized as leaders in creative youth programming. Some of the other after-school programs selected are from Florida, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Arizona, and Canada. Its a big deal, Harff said. We are the second organization from Montana to ever receive this award. The first one was the Orphan Girl Theatre years ago. Samentha Moore, associate of the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program, said the youth programs that are being honored are inclusionary. The majority of the thousands of kids each organization serves are predominantly African American, Latino, and other students in communities of color; teens in rural areas in the West and some Native American reservations; children and teens with disabilities and special needs; and youth in economically disadvantaged communities throughout the country, Moore said. Most of the 14 students coming this year to receive the award or perform at the ceremony are students of color. The ceremony on Thursday will include a live performance by vocalist Lourde Childs and pianist Michael Rodriguez, from the Phoenix Conservatory of Musics College Preparatory Program and remarks by youth speaker, Samantha Joseph from the Newark Museum Explorers Program. The ceremony will be live streamed today at 1 p.m. EST: MAPS was among the top 50 finalists for this award in 2014 and 2016. In addition to national recognition, MAPS will receive $10,000 to support its programming end engage more Montana youth. The MAPS team has recorded Montana leaders congratulating them on their award. Those videos featuring Governor Bullock, Superintendent Arntzen, Montana Arts Council, and the Montana Film Office can be seen at Cinda Holt of the Montana Arts Council said the MAPS Media Institute has become not only an exemplary organization, but also is considered the Gold Standard of arts-driven youth education of youth in the Treasure State. MAPS turns under-served students into capable media artists and communicators, and is truly a life-changing program for its participants, Holt added. In a press release from MAPS, Gov. Steve Bullock said the organization makes a positive difference. MAPS better prepares our Montana students for the jobs of the future while they explore their passion in the media arts, he said. While this award is for everyone, without Peter Rosten, there would be no MAPS. Peter was always willing to share his talents and make the world around him a better place. Sen. Jon Tester visited MAPS last year. I was impressed with both the high quality of their work and the enthusiasm of the students, Tester said in the MAPS press release. Investing in the arts makes our communities stronger and more vibrant and it opens the doors to new ideas and innovation. MAPS student Myles Smith said MAPS is where he gets to be creative and work with students from all over the valley. We learn about making art, but we also learn how to communicate and gain confidence by bringing our ideas to life," Miller said. "All high school kids should have a place like MAPS. For more information about the MAPS Media Institute, visit For more information about the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards, visit HAMILTON Alexis Deborah Wagner, born June 3, 1954, passed away in search of farther trails, forests, and waterways on October 26, 2017. She was born in Nagoya, Japan, the daughter of Al and Sis Smith, joining her older brothers Philip and Jerry in mischief. As an Air Force brat, Alexis spent her early years living in various countries such as Japan and France. Eventually the family settled in Redlands, California, where she went to high school and met her first husband, Mike Wagner. They were married in 1972. Alexis gave birth to her first and only biological son, Joshua Philip, in 1975. She gave him his middle name to honor her brother, who she loved deeply, and lost to the Vietnam War. The family lived a year in Hawaii as part of YWAM before Alexis went to nursing school at Loma Linda University, then moved to Scotts Valley, California, in 1979 where she attended Stanford University Medical School. She was awarded two degrees, on as a nurse practitioner and the other as a physicians assistant. In 1986 Alexis and her family moved to Hamilton, Montana. She worked at Marcus Daily Hospital and the Bitterroot Clinic before opening her first clinic in 2004. After spending some time back in California with her mother, Alexis returned to Hamilton and married her second husband, Steve Wilcox, in 2010. She worked in sleep medicine for a couple years, sharing an office building with her son in Missoula by complete coincidence. She started a new clinic in Hamilton in 2013, which will remain open as her legacy. She touched and healed countless hearts and lives throughout the Bitterroot Valley. Her passion for medicine and love for the community manifested in many ways, not least of which was the undivided attention she offered to anyone she encountered. In 2012 her husband Steve was diagnosed with Carcinoid Cancer. From that day on her life became a crusade to understand this obscure illness, seek out the best treatment for Steve, and support the broader community of those who battled alongside him. All her life, Alexis expressed a profound love of nature. She enjoyed silent hours with oceans, forests, and fields. Her brother once worked on MGs, and she felt connected to his memory by cruising around in her own. She was obsessed with the movement involved in discovering the natural worldwhether her mode of transportation was driving, riding motorcycles, airplanes (and even jumping out of one), scuba diving, cruise ships, and often simply on foot. She loved to seek out beauty and tranquility of nature, but she also had a hankering for shooting guns and blowing things apart. Paper targets were never good enough and insisted on replacing them with soda cans, pumpkins, or anything else that would explode. She loved to read, learn, and discover. Always interested, always curious. Alexis is survived by her husband Steve, his children Melissa, Jason (and Tiffany), Tanya, Cody (and Marie), Steves 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild, her first husband Mike, and her son Josh. Memorial services will be held at the Corvallis United Methodist Church on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 1 p.m. Condolences may be left for the family at The family recommends the Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network ( for friends desiring to make memorial contributions. The fight against this devastating illness was near to Alexis heart. Comments and links to reports on science, and its applications. Kathmandu, Nepal: The dream of having railway service in Nepal would be materialized if the recent initiation taken by the Chinese government to link Nepal with its railway service comes into implementation. The high-level technical team of the Chinese government that had arrived here for the site visit of the Kyirong-Kathmandu-Pokhara-Lumbini Railway Project on last week has prepared initial report regarding the railway service in Nepal by linking with the Chinese railway service. It is said that the Chinese technical team accompanied by the officials at the Department of Railways (DoRW) visited Rasuwagadi, the entry point from Kyirong to Nepal, Pokhara and Lumbini as part of the site visit. Following the site visit, the technical team would hold discussions with the officials of the Nepal government to prepare a report, which would be submitted to the Chinese government to conduct further study of the project. Chinese government has given high preference to link Nepal with its railway service. Earlier, another technical team had arrived here for the preliminary study of the project. The government of Nepal and the Chinese government had agreed on economic and technical assistance for the railway project on March 21, 2016. The imitation taken by the Chinese government to link Nepal with its railway service is taken cautiously by the southern neighbor India even though it has not made any official comment in this regard. BEIJING: After a brief truce with China to cooperate on North Korea, President Donald Trump arrived in Beijing on Wednesday amid mounting US trade complaints, with limited prospects for progress on market access, technology policy and other sore points. The strains between the worlds two biggest economies are fueling anxiety among global companies and advocates of free trade that they could retreat into protectionism, dragging down growth. Washington accuses Beijing of backsliding on market-opening promises, and Trump said last week that the US trade deficit with China $347 billion last year is so bad that its embarrassing. I dont want to embarrass anybody four days before I land in China, but its horrible, said Trump. His government has raised import duties on Chinese aluminum foil, stainless steel and plywood, and is investigating whether Beijing improperly pressures foreign companies to hand over technology. If they discuss trade during the two-day visit, Chinese President Xi Jinpings government is unlikely to offer enough to appease US negotiators, said John Davies of BMI Research. That is likely to lead to more protectionist measures on the part of the US, said Davies. While Trump is looking to boost sagging public approval ratings, the Chinese leader enters their meeting on a political high. The ruling Communist Party added Xis name to its constitution at a twice-a-decade congress last month, giving him status equal to Mao Zedong, founder of the communist government, and Deng Xiaoping, who launched economic reforms in 1979. At the congress, Xi promised to open the economy wider but affirmed plans to build up state-owned companies that dominate industries including finance, energy and telecoms. That, along with plans for government-led development of electric cars and other technology, makes foreign companies worry that Beijing is squeezing them out of promising fields. The chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, William Zarit, expressed concern that Trump appears to have done too little to prepare and said some companies worry his focus on trade in goods will mean he does too little about such structural issues. Zarit said those include limits on access to finance, health care and other industries. In contrast to advance work for previous presidential trips to Beijing, there really hasnt been much of that for this visit, which makes us a bit concerned that there may not be much discussion on the structural issues, said Zarit, a former American diplomat. A senior administration official who briefed reporters in Washington denied that Trump hasnt adequately prepared. Weve analyzed this probably more than most administrations, said the official, who spoke on condition that he not be identified further. The official said Beijing has shifted to moving away from market-based principles and Washington wants movement toward a market-oriented system. That echoes complaints by foreign companies that despite a 2013 pledge by the ruling party to give market forces a decisive role, restrictions on them in some industries are increasing. That led to a 1.2 percent fall in foreign investment in China in the first seven months of this year, breaking a series of annual double-digit gains. Business groups have warned that Beijings efforts to shield its fledgling competitors in electric cars, clean power and other fields are fueling a backlash against globalization. A possible US response might be closing down certain industry sectors that are now open to Chinese investment, said Zarit. I know we do not want to see any kind of a tit-for-tat, which could end up in a trade war. For its part, Beijing is pressing Washington and the European Union to grant market economy status to its state-dominated system. That would make it harder for trading partners to bring anti-dumping and other cases against China. China says that when it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, it was promised that status would take effect last December. The United States, Europe and Japan reject that and say Beijing has yet to meet market-opening goals to qualify. Chinese economists argue their country isnt to blame for US problems. They say global companies benefit from low-cost Chinese labor and a growing consumer market. The loss of American factory jobs is due not to Chinese exports but to US manufacturers moving to lower-wage countries, said Sun Lijian, an economist at Shanghais Fudan University. In the end, it is US companies that have gained large profits, said Sun. Trump temporarily set aside trade complaints in April after meeting Xi for the first time in Florida and said he hoped Beijing would help discourage North Korea from pursuing nuclear weapons. They issued a 100-Day Plan under which Beijing agreed to discuss expanding market access for electronic payments and financial services. Despite renewed criticism on trade, the US needs continued Chinese cooperation over North Korea, economist Rajiv Biswas of IHS Markit said in an email. That means Trump will feel compelled to negotiate instead of using blunt bilateral trade measures that could endanger the overall bilateral geopolitical relationship, said Biswas. Potential options for a possible new package of immediate measures include raising Chinese ownership limits in fields including securities, in which foreign firms can own only 49 percent of a venture, said Zarit. If you raised it to 51 percent, I think that would be progress, he said. China criticized Trumps order in September to investigate whether Beijing violates its free-trade commitments by pressing foreign companies to hand over technology in return for market access. They complained that Trump was jeopardizing the global system by launching the probe under US law instead of the World Trade Organization. Few American companies have provided evidence for the investigation, possibly due to fear of Chinese retaliation. The US Commerce Department also is investigating whether Chinese exports including metal tubing, industrial resin and polyester fiber benefit from improper subsidies. Trade is a smaller share of Chinas economy than it was a decade ago and the US market is losing importance for its exporters as sales to other developing markets grow. That blunts the potential impact of American tariffs or other sanctions, but the United States still accounts for about one-third of Chinas trade surplus, and export industries employ millions of workers. The US does have leverage to realistically threaten to damage Chinas economic prospects, said BMI Researchs Davies. LOS ANGELES: Friends star Jennifer Aniston is coming back to television and shes partnering with Reese Witherspoon. The Apple streaming service said Wednesday the actresses will star in and produce a behind-the-scenes drama series about a TV morning show. Aniston came to fame as Rachel on the hit NBC comedy Friends, which aired from 1994 to 2004. She then focused on films, including Office Space, Bruce Almighty and Marley & Me. The Oscar-winning Witherspoon (Walk the Line) made a TV splash last season with HBOs Emmy-winning series Big Little Lies, which she starred in and produced with Nicole Kidman. The new series marks a TV reunion for its stars: Witherspoon and Aniston played sisters on an episode of Friends. Landing the buzzed-about project represents a coup for Apple, which said its ordered two seasons but didnt announce the shows title, release date or whether the shows will be distributed on iTunes or a different platform. The series was described by Apple as an inside look at the lives of the people who help America wake up in the morning, exploring the unique challenges faced by the women (and men) who carry out this daily televised ritual. It will draw on Top of the Morning: Inside the Cutthroat World of Morning TV by Brian Stelter, CNN senior media correspondent. The 2013 book relates the rivalry between NBCs Today and ABCs Good Morning America. Stelter is a consultant on the drama, and Jay Carson (House of Cards) is writing the pilot and is an executive producer along with Witherspoon and Aniston. The show and Steven Spielbergs reboot of his Amazing Stories 1980s anthology series are the first two original dramas ordered by Apple and follow the hiring earlier this year of Zack Van Amburg and Jamie Erlicht to oversee video content. Guwahati : As the biggest move against corruption by the Sarbananda Sonowal-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Assam, the Assam police on Wednesday had arrested 15 officials of Assam Civil Service (ACS), Assam Police Service (APS) and other allied services in connection with the cash-for-job scam in the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC). According to the reports, the scam was took place during the previous Congress regime. Dibrugarh police had arrested the 15 officials from different parts of the state in the wee hours of Wednesday, who were declared successful in the 2013 APSC examination and appointed by the state government in 2015. A top police official said that, 10 more officials are likely to be arrested soon. "All the officials were arrested after forensic reports confirming that, they have been involved in illegal process to get jobs under APSC. The investing team of Dibrugarh police led by Additional SP SS Panesar had collected handwriting samples of 25 officials on June 9 last and the samples were sent to the forensic laboratory. The investigating team collected handwriting samples of the officials after their answer scripts found doubtful," the top police official said. Earlier, Dibrugarh police had seized 1265 answer scripts of the APSC examination held in 2013 and 2015 from the strong room of the commission office in Guwahati. The arrested officials are Harshajyoti Bora, DSP (Border), Guwahati, Sabira Imran, DSP, 12th Assam Police Battalion, Sonitpur, Jayanta Kumar Nath, 7th Bn DSP, Kokrajhar, Sudipta Goswami Bhattacharya, Employment Officer, Karimganj, Debajit Bora, Election Officer, Hamren, Pallabika Sarma Choudhury, Circle Officer, Darrang, Hemanta Hillol Saikia, DSP, Special Branch, Jorhat, Dipankar Khanikar, ACS, Sivasagar, Anirudha Rai, Circle Officer, Lakhimpur, Himangshu Choudhury, Circle Officer, Agamani, Amarjit Das, Employment Officer, Sonitpur, Raju Saha, Labour Inspector, Barpeta, Kunal Das, Circle Officer, Nalbari, Dithun Borgoyari, Circle Officer, Margherita, Jatindra Prasad Baruah, DSP. Meanwhile, Assam DGP Mukesh Sahay said that, few more officials on charges of allegedly bribing their way to get job would likely to be arrested soon. On the other hand, the Dibrugarh police had grilled the arrested officials at the head quarter of Assam police Special Branch, Kahilipara in Guwahati. Earlier, Dibrugarh police had arrested three ACS officers Bhaskarjyoti Dev Sharma, Bhaskar Dutta and Amit Sharma in connection with the scam and later the state government had dismissed their services. The BJP-led Assam government had unearthed the scam in 2016 and Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal had directed the Assam police to probe into the scandal. The cash-for-job scam in the APSC took place during the previous Congress government tenure led by Tarun Gogoi. Police had already arrested former chairman of APSC Rakesh Paul, his two associate members Samedur Rahman, Basanta Doley, Pabitra Koiborta, Nabakanta Patir. On August 31 last, the Gauhati High Court had granted bail to 10 accused, who were arrested in connection with the cash-for-job scam of Assam Public Service Commission (APSC). Meanwhile, Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal appreciated police action of arresting 15 ACS, APS and allied service officers from different parts of the state in APSCs cash for job scam. In a press statement, Chief Minister Sonowal reiterated state governments commitment of zero tolerance against corruption and asserted that the fight against this social evil will continue unabated. He also reaffirmed that no accused in the scam could evade arrest by hiding and mentioned that no one would be spared. Sonowal further directed the police to speed up operation to nab all the accused officers. The Assam CM also expressed confidence that administration would be more transparent as a result of governments steps against corruption and asserted that full authority has been given to police for carrying out operation against graft cases. He also appealed to the people of the state to stand up against corruption and report all graft cases to the anti-corruption wings of the government for appropriate action. (Reporting by Hemanta Kumar Nath) Guwahati: The sleuths of Assam Chief Ministers vigilance on Wednesday had arrested a contractor in connection with the multi-crore rupees scam in Labour department, which took place in the previous Congress regime. A top official of the investigating agency said that, following directive by CM Sarbananda Sonowal, CM vigilance had registered a case (no 9/2017) in connection with Rs 121 crore scam in the Labour department took place during 2013-16. On Wednesday, the investigating agency had arrested a contractor named Priangsu Boiragi and produced him before a local court in Guwahati. The top official said that, CM vigilance has also registered case against erstwhile Commissioner of Labour department Sohan Doley and Director Gautam Baruah. (Reporting by Hemanta Kumar Nath) Guwahati : Security forces on Wednesday had apprehended two militants belonging to the banned outfit NDFB-S in Assam's Chirang district, officials said. Chirang district SP Shankar Raimedhi said that, based on intelligence input, army and police had launched operation under the leadership of SDPO, Bijni and OC, Panbari police station at Dwimuguri village under Panbari police station in the BTAD district and nabbed two militants. The nabbed militants were identified as Sukron Basumatary alias B. Saorailang and Badam Goyari. Security personnel had recovered one Country made Pistol with live rounds and large amount of rations and logistics support stores in possession from them. According to recent intelligence inputs it has come to light that, B. Saorailang was inducted into Chirang to probably meet Bedai group to provide much needed administrative and logistics support and strengthen the dwindling number of cadres active in the area. "The apprehension of B. Saorailang with his accomplice has given a severe jolt to the efforts to revive logistics support network of NDFB-S and has further degraded the morale of cadres attempting various unlawful activities," the top cop said. They have been brought to Panbari police station for thorough interrogation. (Reporting by Hemanta Kumar Nath) Deputy Prime Minister and Nepali Congress leader Bijay Kumar Gachhadar INARUWA: Deputy Prime Minister and Nepali Congress leader Bijay Kumar Gachhadar asserted that his partys victory was a must for democracy in the country. Leader Gachhadar said this while addressing the election assembly held at Duhabi of Sunsari on Wednesday. There is no alternative of NC win for safeguarding democracy and realising the dreams of freedom fighters and martyrs of the country who fought for the sake of democracy and civil liberty. The country will see economic prosperity only when democracy becomes stronger, he said, calling for the voters to cast votes to NC for democracy. He also said that the communist alliance is opting for bringing authoritarian regime in the country which would never be acceptable for them.RSS Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. This Novembers election will mark Lompocs first under a district-based format, so to help voters prepare for the new system, the city has sc Toni Weitzel is the owner of the Best of Everything, featuring unique gifts and gift baskets, and a former president of the Nipomo Chamber of Commerce. Nonprofit and other community organizations may submit items for this column by contacting her at 343-0283 or If you are currently a print subscriber but don't have an online account, select this option. You will need to use your 7 digit subscriber account number (with leading zeros) and your last name (in UPPERCASE). House members reintroduce the Safe, Accountable, Fair, and Effective (SAFE) Justice Act | Main | Florida and Texas carry out executions on same night The title of this post is the headline of this notable new New York Times piece, which gets started and ends this way (with inks from the original): Most theories for the great crime decline that swept across nearly every major American city over the last 25 years have focused on the would-be criminals. Their lives changed in many ways starting in the 1990s: Strict new policing tactics kept closer watch on them. Mass incarceration locked them up in growing numbers. The crack epidemic that ensnared many began to recede. Even the more unorthodox theories around the rise of abortion, the reduction in lead or the spread of A.D.H.D. medication have argued that larger shifts in society altered the behavior (and existence) of potential criminals. But none of these explanations have paid much attention to the communities where violence plummeted the most. New research suggests that people there were working hard, with little credit, to address the problem themselves. Local nonprofit groups that responded to the violence by cleaning streets, building playgrounds, mentoring children and employing young men had a real effect on the crime rate. Thats what Patrick Sharkey, a sociologist at New York University, argues in a new study and a forthcoming book. Mr. Sharkey doesnt contend that community groups alone drove the national decline in crime, but rather that their impact is a major missing piece. This was a part that has been completely overlooked and ignored in national debates over the crime drop, he said. But I think its fundamental to what happened.... As Mr. Sharkey publishes his findings, crime rates are now diverging after a generation in which violence fell reliably year after year nearly everywhere. Its not clear yet whether the great crime decline he writes about will continue. But he argues that its time for a new model of violence prevention, one that relies more heavily on the kind of work that these community groups have been quietly doing than on the aggressive police tactics and tough sentencing that the Trump administration now advocates. The model that weve relied on to control violence for a long time has broken down, Mr. Sharkey said. If communities want police to step back, he is pointing to some of the people who can step in. This gives us a model. It gives us another set of actors who can play a larger role. Liem said that Vietnam and Japan have enjoyed encouraging educational cooperation, including the Hanoi-based Vietnam-Japan University. He expressed his belief that this cooperation will be fostered, particularly when the two countries mark the 45th founding anniversary of their diplomatic ties in 2018. The number of Vietnamese students in Japan has risen by almost 20 times over the last decade, reflecting Vietnamese peoples demand for and respect of the education quality of Japan, the official noted. Local authorities are ready to provide favourable conditions for Soshi to set up a representative office in HCM City, he said, pledging optimal conditions for foreign companies to do long-term business. Tetsuya asked HCM City to help the group open an office here to connect families with their children studying in Japan and help Vietnamese graduates find jobs. He noted that Soshi, which has opened offices and universities in many countries, wants HCM City to help it establish an international university to share more tertiary education experience, support foreign students in HCM City and help attract foreign investment into the city. Soshi is a major education group of Japan that owns more than 120 educational establishments from the preschool to tertiary levels in Japan and New Zealand, serving about 30,000 students, including some 700 Vietnamese. Vietnamplus The pangolins were seized on November 6 in two separate raids in Malaysias northern state of Kedah. In the first incident, a Malaysian man was caught with 85 pangolins in the town of Changlun near the border with Thailand. Later, Malaysian officials stopped a Thai man at a roadblock near a crossing into Thailand and found 55 sacks, each containing a live pangolin, and bags full of scales. Officials did not give an estimate for the value of the seized animals. As the world's most heavily trafficked mammals, pangolins fetch a high price on the black market as their meat is prized as a delicacy and their body parts are used as ingredients in traditional medicine in parts of Asia and Africa. By Vietnamplus. SIOUX CITY | United Way of Siouxland announced Thursday that "Good Morning America" anchor Amy Robach will be the keynote speaker for the 18th annual Womens Power Lunch in April. Robach has been anchor of ABC's morning show since 2014. She has crossed the globe covering major news events, including the terrorist bombings in Brussels and the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. She contributed to network-wide coverage on election night 2016 from Donald Trump headquarters. Robach is author of Better: How I Let Go of Control, Held On To Hope, and Found Joy in My Darkest Hour," which is a New York Times bestseller about her journey with breast cancer. The Womens Power Lunch will be held April 25 at Delta Hotels Center. The 11:30 a.m. lunch will be preceded by a VIP reception at 10:30 a.m., where guests will be able to meet Robach and have a photo taken with her. Individual tickets and table sponsorships are available at: If you're looking for a good book to curl up with this fall or want to start your holiday shopping list, check out these suggestions from Good Register for more free articles. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Satisfy your cravings With our weekly newsletter packed with the latest in everything food. Sign up! Already a Subscriber? Already a Subscriber? Sign in Terms of Service Privacy Policy SIOUX CENTER, Iowa | An elementary teacher at Sioux Center Christian School arrested last month for committing a lascivious act with a student at the school has been charged with an additional 84 counts of sexual abuse involving "numerous" children, police said Wednesday. Curtis Van Dam, 35, of Sioux Center, was arrested Oct. 23 after a complaint was lodged against him five days earlier for inappropriate conduct with a student. The latest charges are tied to incidents that occurred over a four-year period, between August 2013 and last month. Van Dam now faces 101 felonies and 39 misdemeanors. The felonies include 72 counts of second-degree abuse, 12 counts of third-degree sexual abuse, 14 counts of sexual exploitation by a teacher, and three counts of lascivious acts with a child. The alleged acts took place at various locations, including the private school, the release said. Police Chief Paul Adkins said the investigation is continuing, and additional charges are possible. Adkins declined to identify the number of alleged victims or their ages. Van Dam, a fifth-grade teacher at the school, was fired following his arrest last month. Police searched Van Dam's residence on Oct. 21, two days before his arrest. He is booked into the Sioux County Jail. Van Dam started teaching at the school after he graduated from Dordt College in 2004. Sioux Center Christian School was founded in 1905. According to the school's website, the school has 509 students in grades K-8 for the 2017-18 school year. In a statement, the school said it removed Van Dam from the school immediately after hearing the initial complaint and terminated him on Oct. 19. The case, the school said, is now "in the hands of our criminal justice system and we trust that justice will be served. "Though the number of charges do not necessarily reflect the number of students, we are grieved again as we hear the extent of the charges," the school said in the statement. "Weve wept, now its time to weep again. Weve prayed, now we need to continue praying. Weve brought our anger and fears to the Lord, and now we need to lay those feelings again at His feet." The school also encouraged students and their parents to contact authorities if they have more information regarding Van Dam. "If this news especially hurts because you have suffered or are suffering abuse, we encourage you to bring it out of the realm of secrecy, so that it loses its powerful grip on you. We encourage you to talk to a professional Christian counselor," the statement said. The school said it is providing "daily support and guidance to students as needed through their teachers and professional counselors." A group session for parents with All Things New Therapy Services was scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the school. Another session for parents and 5-8 grade students is scheduled for Nov. 15. SIOUX CITY | Sioux City's Parks and Recreation Department will hold the fourth annual Rock On! Climbing Competition Dec. 2 at the Long Lines Family Rec Center. Open to climbers ages 5 and above, the competition will include four divisions: --Youth (under 18). --Beginner (5.7 to 5.9 and VB-V1). --Intermediate (5.9+ to 5.11a and V2-V4). --Advanced (5.11b and up, V4 and up). Climbers under 18 are not required to sign up in the youth category if they do not want to. Registration is $30 before Dec. 2 and $35 the day of the competition. Those who register prior to Nov. 18 will be guaranteed a free T-shirt. Registration is open online at, as well as in-person at the Long Lines, 401 Gordon Drive, or by calling the Parks and Recreation administrative office at 712-279-6126. All participants must sign a waiver and photo release prior to competing. These can be signed upon arrival at the competition. Minors must have a parent or legal guardian sign the waiver and photo release. Check-in begins at 11 a.m. The competition will be noon to 3 p.m. Those wishing to be belay qualified can come at 10 a.m. SIOUX CITY | The Sioux City Parks and Recreation Department will hold a public meeting Nov. 30 to seek feedback on the development of the Sioux City Riverfront project. At the meeting, which will begin 7 p.m. on the fifth floor of City Hall, 405 Sixth St., designers will share an overview of the current Riverfront Master Plan, and community members will have an opportunity to participate in the schematic design process. "We want to make sure we give everyone an opportunity to provide input toward the development of such an important part of our community," Parks and Recreation Director Matt Salvatore said in a city news release. Sioux City kicked off the design phase for the riverfront development earlier this year. Madison, Wisconsin-based SmithGroup JJR Inc. will complete surveying, schematic design and administration services connected to the planned project at the former site of the Argosy casino. The city has set a budget of about $12 million for the development project, according to the agreement. Amenities could include an interactive fountain, sport courts, overlooks, a dog park, a yoga lawn, restrooms, added parking and other amenities. Other suggested features have included a pedestrian bridge and Ferris wheel. A steering committee is fund-raising for the park and has identified potential grants to help with the project. The schematic design process is anticipated to be complete by the start of 2018. SIOUX CITY | A Castana, Iowa, man was sentenced Thursday to two years in prison for having sex with a teenage girl against her will while she was babysitting. Colby Mauch, 25, had pleaded guilty in Woodbury County District Court to one count of assault with the intent to commit sexual abuse, an aggravated misdemeanor. In addition to the prison sentence, Senior Judge Mary Jane Sokolovske placed Mauch a 10-year special sentence in which he will be on parole after completing his prison sentence. If he were to violate terms of the special sentence, he could be sent to prison. Sokolovske also ordered Mauch to register with the Iowa Sex Offenders Registry and pay a $625 fine and $250 civil penalty. According to court documents, on Sept. 3, 2016, Mauch traveled to the then-17-year-old girl's Morningside home, where she was babysitting six children. While the children were in the back yard, Mauch grabbed the girl, started to kiss her and forcibly pulled her pants and underwear down and had sex with her. The girl told a friend what had happened, and the friend notified a school resource officer, who told the victim's mother. Mauch later texted the victim's mother and apologized. During police questioning, Mauch admitted to initiating and having sex with the victim, but claimed the sexual activity was consensual. SIOUX CITY | The Sioux City Police Department is warning people to monitor their credit card activity daily, after likely cloning incidents where about 20 local residents reported unauthorized transactions on their cards. Lt. John Horton in a Thursday release said the department on Nov. 2 began receiving multiple reports of unauthorized activity on cards. He said while the investigation is in early stages, it appears some card information was obtained from data breaches at a Sonic Drive-In and the Kmart before it closed earlier this year. National reports in recent years show cyber criminals have gained access to the point in a retailer's system where customers make purchases. The thieves install malicious software to collect and retrieve data from the magnetic stripes on the backs of debit and credit cards. "We are seeing a new trend in credit card cloning and the theft involved. The cloners can see the location the card was issued from, then they travel to that location. They make an Internet transaction, then cancel it to insure the card is active, then make a small purchase, usually for a prepaid card," Horton said. He explained such small-dollar purchases don't get detected, since they don't meet the requirements for many fraud alert systems. Horton said if people see strange card activity, they should contact both the police department and the financial institution that issued the card. He said the data breach at the former Kmart took place from September 2016 to April 2017. The breach at Sonic happened from April through October this year. SIOUX CITY | A host of activities and events will be held in Sioux City and nearby to commemorate Veterans Day through the weekend. FRIDAY 9 a.m., Hinton, Iowa -- A Veterans Day assembly will be held at Hinton High School, under a project created by senior student Laura Brighton. The event is the first such assembly held at the school in at least 15 years, and Brighton said it is important to honor military veterans on the special day. The public is invited and refreshments will be served. 10 a.m., Lawton, Iowa -- Veterans Day assembly, with display of World War II Army uniform, medals and other military memorabilia from Ernest Christiansen, at Lawton-Bronson High School building in Lawton. Christiansen is a 1936 graduate of L-B. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sioux City -- Western Iowa Tech Community College, Room L416-417 of the Dr. Robert E. Dunker Student Center. Josh Knaack, a graduate of Western Iowa Tech and a probation officer with the 3rd District Department of Correctional Services, is the guest speaker. The event will also include a complimentary lunch. SATURDAY 11 a.m., South Sioux City -- American Legion Post 307 and VFW 10753 will hold its traditional observances at Siouxland Freedom Park. The event timing coincides with the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the signing of the World War I armistice. What was once called Armistice Day eventually became Veterans Day. There will also be an orientation tour of the new Siouxland Freedom Park Interpretive Center. The day's events will culminate at 4:30 p.m. with the return of a large U.S. flag to full staff. 11 a.m., Sioux City -- The Woodbury County Commission of Veteran Affairs is sponsoring a Veterans Day observance at the downtown Woodbury County Courthouse. The speaker will be Vietnam veteran John Mansfield. Several military groups will take part, and there will be a special presentation for Korean veterans who never returned home. SUNDAY 2 p.m., Sioux City -- Serving Her Country: Women in the Military, a photo exhibit honoring women veterans, will open at the Betty Strong Encounter Center in partnership with the Sioux City Journal. Admission is free and a reception will follow. The exhibit and opening program by Journal feature writer Tim Gallagher will culminate The Journals 20-part series, Serving Her Country: Women in the Military, produced by Journal newsroom staff. Gallaghers illustrated program will explore stories and images in Serving Her Country and their impact on readers. Todays top picks from our online calendar. Find more events at One Book, One Sioux County Community-wide reading event. Public invited to attend a free panel discussion based on the book "The Boys in the Bunkhouse" by Dan Barry 7 to 8 p.m. at B.J. Haan Auditorium, Dordt College, 98 Fourth Ave NE, Sioux Center, Iowa. Visit for more information. FAFSA assistance Morningside College is offering students and families free assistance to complete the 2018-2019 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 5 to 8 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. This application is used to determine a students financial aid eligibility for higher education. Held in Weikert Auditorium on the second floor of Buhler Rohlfs Halls on the Morningside campus, 1701 Morningside Ave. Visit for more information. Morningside College Jazz Band The Morningside College Music Department will present a jazz band concert 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Eppley Auditorium, 3625 Garretson Ave. The concert is free and open to the public. Visit for more information. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst are among a bipartisan group that has introduced a resolution that would mandate sexual harassment prevention training for all employees of the U.S. Senate. Elected officials should meet the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct, according to Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Last week, he wrote to the Senate Rules Committee asking it to make sexual harassment prevention training mandatory for all Senate employees. Grassley was a sponsor of the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 that required Congress to follow the same civil rights, labor, workplace safety and health laws that applied to other government agencies. Sexual harassment training is important to maintain a respectful, productive and safe workplace environment, Grassley said recently. For quite a while now, everyone who works for me has been required to complete this sort of prevention and anti-discrimination training, he told reporters. He requires members of both his Judiciary staff and his personal staff to take anti-harassment training. The executive branch and some private employers have instituted similar training requirements for their employees. A lot of this should go without saying, but obviously its something that needs to be addressed, he said. Grassleys letter and the resolution introduced along with Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va.; Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; Cory Booker, D-N.J.; Lisa Murkowski, R-Ark.; and Ernst follow a cascade of revelations of sexual harassment complaints against businessmen and elected officials. As a body of elected officials, we senators have an obligation to set an example, Grassley said in announcing the resolution. Establishing a healthy and productive work environment should be no exception to that obligation. We should do everything possible to make sure our colleagues and staffs dont have to endure harassment if we can prevent it. There is no place for sexual harassment on our college campuses, in our workplace, our gyms, our military or anywhere else, Ernst added. It is critical that Congress has zero tolerance for such inappropriate behavior and action in our society. The Senate Training on Prevention of Sexual Harassment or STOP Sexual Harassment resolution requires all Senate members, staff, interns, fellows and detailees to complete the sexual harassment prevention training offered by the Office of Compliance or the Office of the Senate Chief Counsel for Employment. The training must be completed no later than 60 days after starting work in the Senate. The resolution also calls for an anonymous survey to be administered by the sergeant-at-arms to gather information about instances of sexual harassment or related behavior in the Senate. This is not an onerous requirement, and its one thats long overdue, Grassley said. Training materials on harassment already exist. Sen. Chuck Grassley wont say if he would support legislation banning bump stocks devices that dramatically accelerate a semi-automatic weapons rate of fire but the Iowa Republican says it would make sense. Grassley has scheduled a Judiciary Committee hearing on firearms accessories for Tuesday and expects bump stocks, the device infamously used by Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock to shoot more than 500 people, to be part of the discussion. Grassley also predicted that the Air Forces failure to send the name of Sutherland Springs mass shooter Devin Kelly to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System will come up at the hearing, too. The database, known as NICS, lists those prohibited from buying guns because of crimes or other circumstances. Kelly received a bad conduct discharge from the Air Force after being court-martialed for assaulting his wife and injuring his stepson. His discharge, conviction and year in jail should have been reported to NICS and could have made it more difficult to legally buy a gun. This is something that will come up in the hearing, for sure, Grassley said during a conference call Wednesday with reporters. This is very embarrassing to them. Theyre studying what went wrong. I presume that if they dont take action, we will. Legislation to ban bump stocks has been introduced in Congress. Nine senators, including Iowa Republican Joni Ernst and Judiciary Committee members Republicans John Cornyn of Texas and James Inhofe of Oklahoma, have asked the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms bureau of the Department of Justice to review its Obama administration rule allowing bump stocks. The devices allow a semi-automatic rifle to be shot faster than a person can pull the trigger. Inhofe suggested that bump stocks should be illegal if they are used to simulate automatic weapons, which are regulated. Grassley seemed to agree. I dont understand why it would be right for ATF to issue such a regulation when submachines have been outlawed since the 1920s or 30s, he said, adding that 1986 legislation made automatic weapons illegal. It seems to me that common sense would say they ought to restrict it, I mean, do away with the rule, Grassley said. Grassley warned that the hearing may have to be rescheduled because the Department of Justice may not be prepared. He also noted that in 2013, after the Sandy Hook, Conn., school shooting, his legislation to require states and local governments to submit the names of people who should be barred from buying guns to NICS got 57 votes three votes shy of the 60 needed to send it to the Senate floor for a vote. With AmeriHealth Caritas Iowas departure one of the three private insurers managing the states Medicaid program only three weeks away, legislators expressed concerns regarding the transition during an oversight meeting Wednesday. Iowas Department of Human Services announced at the end of October that it could not reach an agreement with AmeriHealth the Medicaid insurer that not only has the highest number of members, but the highest concentration of special-needs members. It will raise the remaining two managed-care organizations capitation rates the per-member, per-month fees by 3.3 percent. The state said Tuesday that is would move all 214,000 AmeriHealth members to UnitedHealthcare of the River Valley plans. Consumers who would rather switch to Amerigroup Iowa can do so by Nov. 16 and be eligible for coverage Dec. 1, the state said. Medicaid members have until March 1 to finalize their choices. What happened? Why are you leaving? asked State Sen. Liz Mathis, D-Robins, during a five-hour Health Policy Oversight Committee meeting, which included members from both the Senate and House. It comes down to very simple statement, AmeriHealths Cheryl Harding said. Not to minimize this because it was not an easy decision. But after months of much negotiation, we really couldnt get to an agreement on future rates and terms it is not about our commitment to the members we serve, its not about the running of the program. We couldnt get to an agreement to rates and terms. While the companys exit means hundreds of its employees soon will be out of work, Harding said AmeriHealth workers will remain in Iowa for the next year to pay outstanding provider claims, resolve member appeals and work with DHS. Meanwhile, UnitedHealthcare and Amerigroup Iowa are working to hire additional staff, especially case managers; to contract with providers that may only be part of AmeriHealths network; and to evaluate staffing needs. Weve had over 300 applications come through the door and interviewed 50 people yesterday, UnitedHealthcares Kim Foltz said. We are certainly working with a sense of acceleration and a sense of urgency. The state and insurers promised a smooth transition, but providers told legislators on Wednesday that plenty of questions and concerns remain. So with the Dec. 1 deadline rolling around ... there are some significant issues involved with that, said Craig Syata, policy director for the Iowa Association of Community Providers. We are not here to complain about managed care or anything, but we are here to work productively. The group represents 150 health care providers around the state that work with Iowans who have disabilities, mental health issues or brain injuries. About 80 percent of the clients the organizations serve are on AmeriHealth, he added. Syata proposed extending authorizations for client services, waiving reimbursement penalties for out-of-network providers and extending a grace period to providers working to get credentialed the collecting and verification of provider qualifications. More recently, Democratic legislators have floated the idea of carving out the long-term services and supports population the most complex and costly Medicaid group and moving it back into a traditional fee-for-service program outside of managed care. And several attempted to get the insurers to admit that putting this group into managed care was a mistake. AmeriHealth has more than 23,300 beneficiaries receiving long-term services and supports, compared with Amerigroups 7,700 and UnitedHealthcares 6,500. Long-term enrollees include elderly Medicaid beneficiaries as well as those with disabilities receiving waiver services. Amerigroup and UnitedHealthcare responded by saying that other states are beginning to move those populations into managed-care plans, and the insurers appropriately manage these populations elsewhere. The specifics of should we or shouldnt we have to lie with the state, AmeriHealths Harding said. It can be very successful with all the right situations. DES MOINES - Gov. Kim Reynolds said Wednesday she hopes 2018 is the year the state can eliminate "the disconnect" between high-demand jobs and the educational and skills training it takes for many Iowans to land them. The Reynolds administration has a Future Ready Iowa goal for 70 percent of Iowa's workforce to have education, training or recognized certification beyond high school by 2025 and an alliance of leaders in business, industry, education and other fields have formulated a strategic plan to achieve the desired result. "I really feel like everything is starting to coalesce," Reynolds told participants at an Excellence in Education Summit hosted by the Greater Des Moines Partnership and United Way of Central Iowa. "There's been a lot of great efforts happening across the state over the past several years and they're really all starting to align." To achieve the goal, Reynolds said an additional 127,700 Iowans need to earn post-secondary degrees and other credentials so they have the qualifications for jobs that are in demand and pay a living wage - given that careers now and in the future require advanced knowledge and technical skills beyond what is learned in high school. Among the strategies the alliance recommended was the establishment of a "Last-Dollar" Scholarship and Future Ready Iowa Grant Program to help bridge the financial divide with money for Iowans seeking up to an associate degree at Iowa colleges and universities or for Iowans seeking a bachelor's degree who already have earned more than half the credits in a major leading to a high-demand job. Other ideas called for better aligning and expanding the existing "ecosystem of support" for Iowans who are beginning or returning to complete college or career training with a focus on low-income Iowans and Iowans who are underrepresented minorities, and expanding high-quality work-based learning experiences in high-demand careers to all students with employer-based pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship and internship programs. "We talk a lot about growing the economy and right now that means workers," Reynolds said after the meeting. "I believe there is an opportunity for us to build on some of the programs that are already in place" along with public-partnerships and better coordination for what business groups, educators and others already are doing. Reynolds said she won't know until next month how much new state money will be available for fiscal 2019 when the Revenue Estimating Conference meets but she expects money for education and the workforce initiatives will get priority consideration. "I don't know how much but I definitely want to put some money behind it because it's one of my No. 1 priorities," she said. "We're going to have to be strategic about where we're putting it." LINCOLN, Neb. -- Nebraska's attorney general has chosen Norfolk killer Jose Sandoval as the next condemned prisoner to die, after a 20-year hiatus in executions in this state. No request to the Nebraska Supreme Court for an execution warrant has been made, but Corrections Director Scott Frakes served notice to Sandoval Thursday of the lethal injection drugs that would be administered to cause his death if an execution takes place. State regulations require the prisons chief to notify condemned inmates 60 days prior to the attorney general requesting an execution warrant. Attorney General Doug Peterson said he is prepared to request the Supreme Court issue Sandoval's execution warrant after at least 60 days have elapsed from the notice. Corrections officials have chosen a new protocol for administering lethal injection drugs and have purchased diazepam, fentanyl citrate, cisatracuriam besylate and potassium chloride. The drugs were purchased in the United States and received into the department's inventory Oct. 10, said Dawn-Renee Smith, spokeswoman for the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. She would not name the company or suppliers from which they were purchased, or say whether the supplier was local or a compounding company. The Journal Star is pursuing the answers to those and other questions. Nevada has a similar drug protocol, but uses three drugs: fentanyl, diazepam and cisatracurium. That protocol is in question after a judge said Wednesday she may cut a paralytic (cisatracurium) from the states previously untried lethal injection plan, after hearing that it could mask movements reflecting awareness and pain, according to The Associated Press. The Nebraska department has tested its drugs for quality, according to a Corrections news release. Sandoval, 38, is housed on death row at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution. He was convicted and sentenced to death 13 years ago for killing five people at the U.S. Bank branch in September 2002. Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers, a longtime opponent of the death penalty, said in spite of the notice he doubted an execution was going to be carried out any time soon. He and others need to know where the drugs came from, and whether there was a private compounding company manufacturing them, he said. Other issues that have to be resolved, he said, include whether or not this combination of drugs has been used anywhere else, even though that would not bind Nebraska; whether or not the combination of drugs would be effective in accomplishing an execution; and whether they were designed to be used to take someone's life. The Associated Press reported in April that a German pharmaceutical company spokesman said potassium chloride the Nebraska Corrections Department had purchased in 2015 was not intended to be sold to a state corrections department. A distributor had tried unsuccessfully to get the department to return the drugs. The fact that the department is withholding certain information, Chambers said, indicates it is not fully transparent and may feel there are weaknesses in what they are doing. Chambers charged that the notice of intended execution drugs is timed to coincide with Gov. Pete Ricketts re-election campaign. Ricketts responded saying: "Last year the people of Nebraska reaffirmed that the death penalty remains an important part of protecting public safety in our state." Thursday's announcement is the next step to carrying out the sentences ordered by the court, he said. ACLU of Nebraska Executive Director Danielle Conrad said the organization was horrified" that the department planned to use Sandoval as a "test subject for an untested and experimental lethal injection cocktail." "This rash decision will not fix the problems with Nebraskas broken death penalty and are a distraction from the real issues impacting Nebraskas Department of Corrections: an overcrowded, crisis-riddled system," she said. America is a nation turning away from the death penalty, Conrad said, with more and more states seeing that ending capital punishment means improving public safety. Fiscal conservatives, faith leaders and public safety officials are increasingly leading efforts to replace the death penalty. The ACLU will continue to discuss the states misguided plan with experts locally and nationally and evaluate the grave constitutional, legal and policy questions associated with this untested protocol, she said. The attorney general said in a statement he agrees with the notice that was given to Sandoval. "Sandoval planned the Sept. 26, 2002, Norfolk bank robbery when, in less than a minute, five innocent people were brutally shot and killed," Peterson said in a news release. The dead included bank employees and customers. Sandoval personally killed three people, two more people were killed, and three more were in the midst of the gunfire that day. Sandovals crimes were captured on video. The Nebraska Supreme Court upheld Sandovals convictions and death sentence. The U.S. Supreme Court then denied further review of the sentence. Sandoval never filed any challenges to the Supreme Court decisions, Peterson said. The last execution in Nebraska was Robert Williams in December 1997. It was carried out with an electric chair. We want to know what you think about the movies. You can Tweet us your reviews @scweekender or share them on Facebook, We'll pick the best comments on Monday before the next Weekender. Here are this week's movies: Thor: Ragnarok Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Cate Blanchett Story: A villain threatens to destroy Asgardian civilization while Thor is busy fighting for survival in a gladiatorial contest. Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive material Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender A Bad Moms Christmas Starring: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell Story: Our foul-mouthed and under-appreciated mothers rebel against the challenges and expectations their families have during Christmas. Rated: R for crude sexual content and language throughout, and some drug use Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender Jigsaw Starring: No one you know Story: Bodies start turning up around the city and their gruesome demises point to the killer known as Jigsaw. Rated: R for sequences of grisly bloody violence and torture, and for language Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender Suburbicon Starring: Matt Damon, Julianne Moore Story: A home invasion rattles a peaceful and quiet community, revealing the town's dark underbelly. Rated: R for violence, language and some sexuality Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender The Snowman Starring: Michael Fassbender and some snow people Story: Detective Harry Hole (snicker) investigates the disappearance of a woman whose scarf is found on a spooky snowman. Rated: R for grisly images, violence, some language, sexuality and brief nudity Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender Same Kind of Different as Me Starring: Renee Zellweger, Greg Kinnear Story: An art dealer struggling to save his marriage befriends a dangerous homeless man, leading the three on a unique journey. Rated: PG-13 for thematic elements including some violence and language Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender Marshall Starring: Chadwick Boseman, Josh Gad Story: Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, battles through one of this career-defining cases. Rated: PG-13 for mature thematic content, sexuality, violence and some strong language Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender The Foreigner Starring: Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan Story: When a humble businessman's daughter is killed in an act of terrorism, his buried past catches up to him as he seeks justice. Rated: R for violence, language and some sexual material Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender Blade Runner 2049 Starring: Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford Story: After discovering a long-buried secret, a young blade runner comes across former blade runner Rick Deckard, who was missing for 30 years. Rated: R for violence, some sexuality, nudity and language Verdict: Blade Runner 2049 offers dark, thoughtful sci-fi & top-notch cinematography, but the ending leaves more questions than answers. -@sizynski My Little Pony: The Movie Starring: A bunch of colorful ponies Story: When an evil force threatens Ponyville, the Mane 6 team up with new friends and conquer exciting challenges using the power of friendship. Rated: PG for mild action Verdict: Your movie review could go here. Tweet us @scweekender 'Murder on the Orient Express' (Rated PG-13 for violence and thematic elements) -- The Agatha Christie novel is brought to life as one man attempts to solve a crime aboard a train with 13 stranded passengers. 'Daddy's Home 2' (Rated PG-13 for suggestive material and some language) -- Brad and Dusty have settled their differences from the first film but must now deal with their intrusive fathers during the holidays. 'Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri' (Rated R for violence, language throughout, and some sexual references) -- When the culprit of her daughter's murder isn't found, an angry mother personally challenges local authorities to solve the case. New DVD Releases for this week: 'Atomic Blonde' 'Aquarius' 'The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature' 'Wind River' Defense sector analysts see a growing market for warplanes among Middle East nations over the next five years despite slumping oil prices in recent years. During the Dubai Airshow, which runs from November 12 to November 16, plenty of aircraft manufacturers will be angling to sell their aircraft to attendees. In recent years, Bahrain, Morocco, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been shelling out cash left and right to grow their air forces. "A lot of these contracts have come to completion," Derek Bisaccio, analyst at Forecast International, tells Defense News. "They've started signing orders. They've been approved. So that does limit what they need to be purchasing for the time being." To name a few, In March, US President Donald Trump lifted an arms embargo on Bahrain based on state-sponsored human rights abuses, thus allowing a deal for 19 F-16 jets to move forward. In June, Qatar and the US signed off on a $12 billion deal for F-15s. "What I think is notable is that a lot of these countries feel they need to get more. They definitely have the budgets for it, the resources for it, even with the collapse of energy prices," Bisaccio told Defense News. The Teal Group's Richard Aboulafia expects Middle East nations to buy at least 245 "new-build," versus modernized or refurbished, aircraft in the next five years. The question is who will supply them. The biggest suppliers of combat aircraft are overwhelmingly the US and Russia. In descending order, the F-16, F-18, Su-27, F-15, MiG-29, MiG-21 and Su-25 have been the top 7 sellers worldwide since production started for each plane, according to Motley Fool. France has carved out an interesting niche in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region too. Jordan flies French-made Mirages, and Dassault Rafale fighters are "top contenders" for the next UAE, Bahraini, Jordanian and Kuwaiti contracts, according to a Defense News infographic. Further, Egypt and France held discussions October 24 regarding the potential sale of 12 new Rafales, according to Bisaccio. Israel is on pace to buy 50 fifth-generation F-35s, and the first F-35I Nadirs are slated to become operational in just under a month. The UAE may become the first Middle East partner not named Israel to get approval to buy F-35s after the Trump administration decided to "consider" a longstanding request from Abu Dhabi. Since January 20, the Pentagon and State Department approved aircraft sales of F/A-18 Super Hornets to Canada, F-16Vs to Bahrain, A-29 Super Tucanos to Nigeria, C-17s to India, MD 530 choppers and weaponized Air Tractors to Kenya, P-8A Poseidons to New Zealand, Bell 429s to Slovakia, CH-47Ds to Greece, and Apache attack helicopters to Kuwait, according to a Global Security review of public filings. The gravity of the existential threat we face from Islamic Jihad is truly of epic proportions. It is essentially a battle pitting free-civilized man against a totalitarian barbarian. What is at stake is the struggle for our very soul - namely who we are and what we represent. The lives that were sacrificed for individual rights and freedoms that we've come to cherish are being chiseled away from right under our noses by the stealth jihadists. And many of us are in denial and totally clueless. The left's appeasement and pandering to evil is nothing new. What makes their utopian delusions so infuriating and unpardonable is that it is not only they who will have to pay the consequences, and deservedly, so, they are thwarting and undermining our best efforts at resistance and are thus dragging us down in the process as well. By Peter Lancz,, the head of the Raoul Wallenberg World Campaign Against Racism. The Ad POPs (Pride in Online and Print) reward the best representations of LGBT individuals in online and print advertising in regional LGBT media. Ad POP is a production of the National Gay Media Association, a group of the nations leading LGBT newspaper publishers, located in New York (Gay City News), Washington, D.C. (Washington Blade), Boston (Bay Windows), Philadelphia (Philadelphia Gay News), Detroit (Between the Lines), Chicago (Windy City Times), Dallas (Dallas Voice), Los Angeles (The Pride), San Francisco (Bay Area Reporter), Atlanta (Georgia Voice), Ft. Lauderdale (SFGN) and Orlando (Watermark). Winners were selected from both the national and regional levels. Here are the winners from Ad POPs local contest. Outstanding International LGBT Support Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau 101 NE 3 Ave. # 100 Fort Lauderdale 954-765-4466 A new destination brand initiative by the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau [GFLCVB] aims to make all international visitors to the Greater Fort Lauderdale area, including LGBT individuals, feel welcome and accepted. Released in September, the initiative includes a video highlighting various individuals, including LGBT couples, at locations around Broward County. The YARD in Wilton Manors and Funky Buddha in Oakland Park are two of the locations featured in the #GreaterTogether video. It ends with We are all human. We are all one. We are all welcome. The GFLCVB calls it an unprecedented campaign. In Broward County, we are making sure that we let the traveling public understand that we are a welcoming destination to all people across the world regardless of the color of their skin, whom they choose to love, or what religion they believe in. We want to make sure that our message gets through despite the negative clutter they see on their nightly news, every day, said Stacy Ritter, President/CEO of the GFLCVB, in a press release. Best Local LGBT Outreach JM Lexus 5350 W. Sample Road Margate 954-972-2200 In naming JM Family Enterprises one of the 50 best places to work, Great Place to Work highlighted the companys diversity, which included written policies prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. LGBT employees who are parents are also given parental leave. But JM Lexus, which is under Family Enterprises, its parent company, also values its LGBT customers and the LGBT community in South Florida. JM Lexus has participated in local LGBT events, including placing one of its vehicles in the parade of the Stonewall Street Festival in Wilton Manors. Writing on the car read Its A Pride Thing. More recently, JM Lexus was the presenting sponsor for the art-centric ARTOPIA. Held at the Galleria Mall on Nov. 2 and organized by the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerces Gay & Lesbian Business Exchange, ARTOPIA is an LGBT fundraiser for the arts. There was art, music, film, and fashion, all in service of raising money for the Gay Mens Chorus of South Florida, The Stonewall National Museum & Archives, Island City Stage and OUTshine Film Festival. Best Small Business Campaign Oakland Park Dental 3047 N. Federal Hwy. Fort Lauderdale 954-719-0305 Dr. Howard Cunningham was recently asked, When are you going to bring back the ads with the hot guys? He said those ads are par for the course at Oakland Park Dental. Weve always tried to do things that were a little fun, and a little edgy. Its an outward sign of the LGBT-friendly nature of Cunninghams practice, which he bought in 1999. When he bought it, he says it was a very traditional, very old Fort Lauderdale practice. Cunningham, who is gay, said he encountered patients who still had not come out to their doctors. I had patients who were gay who didnt want to admit it within the office because they didnt want to be treated differently. But now, he says its a place where gay and straight patients feel equally at ease and comfortable. So am I, he said to LGBT patients who come out. That environment, he says, also extends to patients with HIV/AIDS. There were a lot of people not being treated kindly or well because of their HIV status. With us, they knew they could be honest and no one was going to treat them badly. No one was ever going to judge them. Best Non-Profit Campaign Poverello 2056 N Dixie Hwy. Wilton Manors 954-561-3663 Getting people to understand the link between Poverellos food pantry and thrift shop is the key to getting them to donate, said Poverello CEO Thomas Pietrogallo. People dont realize that when they donate something we sell it and convert it to cash, Pietrogallo said. That cash is used to fund the food pantry, which serves both LGBT and non-LGBT individuals in need. People can see what theyre donating to, he said, when they park in the back of Poverello to buy something from the thrift store and see clients walking out of the food pantry with groceries. Around 50 percent of our clients arent LGBT. Some LGBT organizations exist to serve the LGBT community. We exist to serve our community, the whole community. Its really a gift from the LGBT community to the straight community, Pietrogallo said. The money raised also funds Poverellos other programs, including the Live Well Center. Poverello provides a gym, cooking classes, massages, acupuncture, haircuts, anger management, help to those living with HIV/AIDS and cancer, and more. Live well, eat well, and be well, Pietrogallo said. We try to help people live well. Here are SFGN's "Best of 2017" winners in the places category in Broward County. Best Beach Sebastian Beach Intersection of A1A and Sebastian Street Fort Lauderdale Beach Parking: City of Fort Lauderdale Sebastian Lot 3031 Sebastian Street; $2.50 2 hours What can be said about Fort Lauderdales Sebastian Street Beach that hasnt been said before? Like the City of Wilton Manors (see Best City to Live), Sebastian Beach has won its category every year since 2011, when SFGN began its annual Best of issues. And while Wilton Manors now faces some competition from the likes of Oakland Park and Palm-Aire in Pompano Beach, Sebastian is still the only gay beach in Broward County. At Sebastian, women and children are scarce and male bathing suits are noticeably shorter than elsewhere on the Beach. Aficionados of the male form will find all ages, races and body shapes represented on Sebastian Beach. In addition to its eye-candy appeal, Sebastian Beach is conveniently close to many of our LGBT guesthouses and resorts, which only serves to draw tourists from all over the world. We can only agree with Out Traveler, which in 2014 named Sebastian Beach the Hottest U.S. Gay Beach. JM Best City to Live Wilton Manors When Wilton Manors chose its tagline Lifes Just Better Here in 2015, the city had already been named Best City to Live five times. Since the tagline was chosen, the city has won Best City to Live twice more, including this year. I want to be braggadocios, said Commissioner Tom Green at the time the tagline was approved. Theres no shortage of residents who say theres plenty to brag about. Josue Diaz recently celebrated his fourth year living in this Gayborhood and says hes glad he moved here. I must say, Ive had an amazing time here. Its a community. I have built new friendships and strengthened others. I have been able to build a life I love to live here. Bill Woeppel has lived here with his partner, Kevin Knorr, since 2006 and said he certainly would agree with the city winning the award. It's an easy place to live in without a lot of the bothers of living in some of the other cities in South Florida. It is rated as walkable as some of the big Northeastern cities, and we have the benefits of being in Florida and having this climate. MDO Best Museum/Best Art Gallery Stonewall National Museum & Archives 2157 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors 954-530-9337 That the Stonewall National Museum & Archives was chosen by SFGN to be the Best Museum in Broward County is no surprise. No other local Museum does as good of a job as this one to promote understanding through preserving and sharing the proud culture of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their significant role in American society. But Stonewall was also chosen the Best Art Gallery, which is often defined as a small business that sells the art that it exhibits, unlike a Museum. If Stonewall is a Museum and not a business - can it be an Art Gallery? Chris Rudisill, Stonewalls Executive Director, does not see a contradiction here: This question often comes up when defining our space in Wilton Manors. The museum believes artists tell a unique story through their art, and many of our exhibitions feature contemporary artists who are documenting LGBTQ lives, their personal experiences, and history through a variety of medium. While we dont sell artwork through the museum, we celebrate artists through our Mona Pittenger Gallery at the Stonewall National Museum in Wilton Manors and thank the community for recognizing us as a cultural destination. Meanwhile, the Stonewall Museum and Art Gallery continues to strengthen our collection and examine LGBTQ history and culture through an exciting season of exhibitions in the coming year. A few to mention include Mascara, Myth & Mayhem: Independence Day on Fire Island; the Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals in partnership with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum; and Nightbirds: A Retrospective of Michael Fazakerlys photography. There is enough going on to make any museum proud. Or any art gallery. JM Astronaut Joe Acaba works on U.S. spacesuit gear inside the Quest airlock. Credit: NASA. NASA The Expedition 53 crew explored ways to protect astronauts from space radiation as well as dust particles floating inside a spacecraft. The residents of the International Space Station also worked on cosmic ray gear, a U.S. spacesuit and audio equipment. European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli tested a personal radiation shielding garment today. Water, used for its shielding properties, is placed in garment containers that cover organs that are especially sensitive to cosmic radiation. NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei studied how gases and dust in the stations atmosphere impact breathing aboard a spacecraft. He set up ultra-sensitive monitors that analyze exhaled air to detect crew health impacts. Results will help doctors and engineers improve conditions for future astronauts traveling longer and farther into space. NASA astronaut Joe Acaba worked on a U.S. spacesuits water system before changing out a hard drive and installing new software on a support laptop for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer cosmic ray detector. Commander Randy Bresnik replaced faulty electronics gear inside the Harmony module restoring power to an internal audio speaker unit. On-Orbit Status Report Personal Radiation Shielding for Interplanetary Missions (PERSEO): Today the crew performed an initial checkout of a radiation shielding garment for the Italian Space Agency (ASI) PERSEO Project. They filled the garment with water, donned the garment, and later doffed the garment before draining the water. PERSEO evaluates the efficacy of a personal radiation protection system, easily wearable by the astronaut and aimed at risk reduction for exposure to cosmic radiation, particularly in case of solar particle events. The garment has containers that are positioned to shield the more radiosensitive organs. Water is used because of its shielding properties and its ready availability on the ISS. The radiation protection strategy will be tested with dedicated measurements of shielding efficacy. Airway Monitoring: The crew set up the Airway Monitoring system in the US Laboratory module today and powered on the Enhancement Unit and the Portable Pulmonary Function System (PFS) for a software upgrade from the ground. With dust particles present in the ISS atmosphere, Airway Monitoring studies the occurrence and indicators of airway inflammation in crewmembers, using ultra-sensitive gas analyzers to analyze exhaled air. This will help to identify health impacts and support maintenance of crewmember well-being on future human spaceflight missions, such as to the Moon and Mars, where crewmembers will have to be more self-sufficient in identifying and avoiding such conditions. Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)-02: On Sunday the AMS-02 laptop hard drive failed. Today the crew changed out the drive and installed software on the new hard drive. AMS-02 has collected and analyzed billions of cosmic ray events, and identified millions of these as electrons or positrons (anti-matter). The number of high energy positons increases steadily rather than decaying, which is different than projections from theoretical models and indicates a yet to be identified source of positrons. Researchers have also observed a plateau in the positron growth curve and need additional data to determine why. Results suggest that high-energy positrons and cosmic ray electrons may come from different and mysterious sources. Solving the origin of cosmic rays and antimatter increases understanding of our galaxy. Story Time From Space: A crewmember participated in the Story Time from Space project by reading I Wonder Why Stars Twinkle today while being videotaped. The recording will be downlinked and used for educational purposes. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related childrens books on orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. Remote Power Controller Module (RPCM) N21B4A-B R&R: This morning, the crew replaced RPCM N21B4A_B via a Hot Demate/Mate (HDMM). No powerdowns were required during this operation. A new RPCM was installed and successfully established communication with the MDM. Downstream loads have been successfully powered on. This R&R has recovered the Node2 ATU1. EVA Mobility Unit (EMU) Maintenance: Today the crew performed EMU maintenance, replacing the water line vent tube assembly on EMU 3003 and refilling water tanks. Node 2 Overhead InterModule Ventilation (IMV) Reconfiguration: The crew reconfigured the N2 Overhead IMV by replacing ductwork and installing a new high speed fan. This will provide airflow to Pressurized Mating Adapter 3 (PMA-3). Todays Planned Activities All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry Subject Public Affairs Office (PAO) Social Media Event Setup N1 camcorder to downlink view ?????????-2. ?????????? ??????? ?? ???-? ? ?????????? ?? ???. ?? 1 ? ??? ???????? Sensor Changeout ARIS Hardware Consolidate Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Hard Upper Torso (HUT) Water Line Vent Tube Assembly (WLVTA) Remove and Replace On MCC Go, Regeneration of Micropurification Unit (???) ?1 Cartridge (start) AIRMON Setup and Power On Photography of the ??-2 treadmill belt edge and screen form of Belt tab PROBOY. Connecting cable 17??.600? 8260?47-10 ??? maintenance PROBOY. Acoustic Signal Converter Unit (????) activation and Software Update. CONSTANTA-2. Preparation and Execution 6. Tagup with specialists Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Water Recharge ESA Nutritional Assessment EveryWear Application Conference Rotate Rack Down at NOD2S4 Location Down for RPCM R&R Access Node 2 RPCM (Remote Power Control Module) R&R at NOD2S4 Location Return N1 camcorder to its nominal location Rotate Rack Back Up at NOD2S4 Location after RPCM R&R MELFI 3 Ice Brick Insert 3 Earth Imagery from ISS Crew Preference Target Operations Cleanup Operations from Node 2 Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Operations PROBOY. RS?1 Laptop Ops PROBOY. Penetration Simulator Ops Node 2 IMV (Intermodule Ventilation) Diffuser Photos at NOD2OP3 and NOD2OP4 locations Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup AIRMON Power Off Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink PROBOY. Copy and Downlink Data On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) Self study Session PROFILAKTIKA-2. ???-01-? Health Check. Tagup with specialists AMS Hard Drive Changeout AMS Software Load Laptops RS2, RS3 Inspection and Cleaning Node 2 Forward Endcone Stowage Relocation On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Radiation Shield Garment Prep and Fill Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Reconfiguration at Node 2 Overhead Location On MCC Go RS1 Laptop Inspection and Cleaning. Tagup with specialists as necessary Story Time Book I Wonder Why Stars Twinkle Read Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Deactivation Water Recovery and Management Condensate Pump Gather Radiation Shield Garment Drain and Stow VIZIR. Experiment Ops URAGAN. Observation and Photography using VSS Node 2 Camcorder deactivation. Crew Discretionary Event Regenegation of Micropurification unit (???) ?1 cartridge (finish) Completed Task List Activities EVA Tool Stow EVA Wipe Audit EVA Zip Tie Audit ECG Device relocation PMM Rack Front Cleanup Part 2 Polar Desiccant Swap VEG-03 Plant Pillow Water VEG-03 Plant Pillow Water Ground Activities All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Standard commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Wednesday, 11/08: Airlock RPCM R&R, Airway Monitoring Thursday, 11/09: Lab CDRA Maintenance, IWIS TAA R&R, ITCS FSS Refill Friday, 11/10: Cygnus OBT, Stowage Consolidation, Earth Imagery, CBCS Install, HRF Operations QUICK ISS Status Environmental Control Group: Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [???] 1 SM Air Conditioner System (SKV1) On [???] 2 SM Air Conditioner System (SKV2) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full Up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off When he was a young child, John Como, Jr. would sit on his fathers shoulders to see over the crowd and share in the excitement of watching horses battle down the stretch. As an adult, Como has enjoyed the exhilaration of seeing his own horses, such as stakes winner Bolt The Duer, charge to victory. Now he hopes the future will be filled with more trips to the sports big dances with Astaire. Como bought Astaire, a New York-eligible pacing colt by American Ideal out of the stakes-winning mare Dancinwiththestarz, for $115,000 during Wednesdays session of the Standardbred Horse Sale at the Pennsylvania State Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. It was the third and final yearling session at the sale, which will begin its two-day mixed sale on Thursday. Astaire was Wednesdays second-highest priced horse, following only trotting filly Amanda Blue Chip, who sold for $130,000 to Ken Jacobs. We liked his look and I like American Ideal, said Como, who competes under the name All Star Racing. And we wanted a New York-bred. We tried for a few others and didnt get them, so I got lucky and got (Astaire) today. Hes a really nice-looking colt, well built. And (consignor) Concord Stud does a great job with their yearlings. Im real happy to get him. Amanda Blue Chip and Astaire were the only horses to bring six figures on Wednesday, but 10 others sold for at least $70,000, which helped produce a near-record yearling average for the sale. The three days averaged $39,675 for 851 horses, a 2.64 per cent increase over last years $38,652 for 867 horses. The top average came in 2007, when 1,048 yearlings sold for an average of $40,824. Trotting colts (196 sold) led the average, at $42,069. They were followed by pacing colts (251) at $41,984, trotting fillies (186) at $38,546 and pacing fillies (216) at $35,938. This years gross of $33.76 million surpassed last years $33.51 million. We certainly made a great recovery from a somewhat slow Monday, Standardbred Horse Sales Company President and CEO President Pete Spears said, referring to a 4.28 per cent dip in the first days average compared to 2016. Were very pleased with the results. I think the entire day today was very strong. Most Wednesdays have some fairly significant lulls in the action, but I think it was quite strong throughout the day. If anything, it seemed to pick up as the day went on. Now, of course, were hoping for an equally strong mixed sale. The momentum should carry through. If everything is dictated by supply and demand, not only are yearlings in relative short supply, but broodmares and broodmare prospects are in fairly short supply too. I would hope the very attractive broodmares and broodmare prospects offered (Thursday) and Friday will be in big demand. Como knew he would have to pay a price for a potential stakes-calibre yearling. He hopes Astaire, who will be trained by Pete Foley, can find his way to success. Quality was going for good money; it really was, Como said. My father started this business in 69, and one thing he told me all along was that you have to buy top breeding and quality if you want to have a chance in stakes races. I had a taste with Bolt The Duer, and once you have that taste, you want to get it back again. Como and his father, who passed away in 2013, saw Bolt The Duer win the 2012 Adios and several years earlier also enjoyed stakes victories with female pacer Shanghai Lil. I love the horse business, said Como, who has 15 horses. Ill always have horses. I basically grew up with it and its always a thrill to have a good one. You always have something to shoot for. Ive been lucky. Ive always had a few horses that can compete at the higher levels. Thats what makes it fun. Jacobs Amanda Blue Chip is a daughter of Chapter Seven out of the mare Cantata. Her family includes stakes winners Creamy Mimi, Pizza Dolce (a Dan Patch Award winner) and Mars Bar. Two horses brought $85,000 on Wednesday: colt pacer Woodside Cody, purchased by Linda Toscano, and filly pacer Highmoon Sunshine, purchased by Paul Reid, as agent. Woodside Cody is a son of American Ideal out of the mare Filly Buster. His second dam is multiple Dan Patch Award winner Loyal Opposition. Highmoon Sunshine is a daughter of Sunshine Beach out of the mare Ozone. Her family includes stakes winners Wind Me Up and Northern Sky. A total of 170 Ontario-sired yearlings sold for an average $32,703 over the past three days. Progeny of trotting stallions E L Titan and Kadabra commanded average prices of $62,500 and $50,538 respectively. Bettors Delight yearlings averaged $39,510, Sunshine Beach offspring averaged $36,066, and Mach Three rounded out the top five top-yielding Ontario sires at an average purchase price of $30,385. This story courtesy of Harness Racing Communications, a division of the U.S. Trotting Association. For more information, visit Important Links: After having bore the winter months with his horses for the last 40 years, Richard Remillard is enjoying his new setup south of the border. Remillard has made his first trip to Cal Expo from Canada this season with 11 performers in tow, and he relates hes having a great time. Everybody here has been treating us great, he has told Cal Expos publicity arm. Its nice to get away from the cold and I cant remember the last time Ive enjoyed the driving and training so much. The 62-year-old native of Winnipeg, Manitoba has always been around horses. He fell in love with the trotters and pacers when he was introduced to harness racing by his brother-in-law as a teenager. Remillard has spent most of the last 40 years dividing his time between his day job as a meat cutter and market manager and driving and training horses, all while maintaining a ranch in Winnipeg. It was only about two years ago that I decided to concentrate solely on the horses, he explained. My partner, Val, recently retired, and after taking to Quentin Schneider, we decided to come down and give California a try before we get too old. When asked about his all-time favourite performers, Remillard mentioned Incognito Chris, Elkinin and Baylor Out, the latter being one of the pacers who made the trip down with him for this Cal Expo invasion. (With files from Cal Expo) It's Election season and our editor's mailbox is overflowing. Who do your neighbors support? Read about it here. Tubby earns Eagle Scout Ethan Walter Tubby, the grandson of Mel and Marge Ofstun of Longview recently received his Eagle Scout rank with bronze and gold palms. He also earned 31 merit badges and is a member of the Order of the Arrow Brotherhood. A member of Troop 728, the Court of Honor was held at Oak Hills Church in Beaverton on Nov. 4. The scout is the son of Ronald and the late Annie (Ofstun) Tubby of Portland. Kelso grad enrolls at Knox College Kelso High School graduate Kaitlyn Haase has enrolled for the first term at Knox College in Galesburgh, Illinois. Hallett earns Eagle award Brett Charles Stockton Hallett was awarded his Eagle Scout Award on Oct. 7 at the Kelso United Methodist Presbyterian Church, which sponsors his troop, No. 695. With that honor, he is a third-generation Eagle Scout in his family. Brett earned his rank of Eagle shortly after graduating from Kelso High School in June 2017. For his Eagle project, Brett performed and organized work at the Oregon Primate Center. Part of that work involved building a jungle gym-type apparatus inside one of the large monkey cages. Brett also received a Silver Palm at his Eagle Court, which represents the 15 merit badges he earned beyond the 21 badges required for the Eagle Scout Award. He finished his Scouting trail with 39 merit badges, but he many other unfinished badges were close to completion. During his journey to earning his Eagle, Brett had many scout adult leaders, according to information his father, Richard Hallett, submitted to The Daily News. They included Elton Doc Strange, who was his first Cub Scout master and then Scout Master; former Scout Master Dr. Michael Grubbs; Dr. Chris Shaw; and the bishop in his church, John Mansfield. Brett is the son of Richard and Cindy Hallett. Sudar receives doctorate degree Sam Sudar received a doctorate of philosophy (PhD) degree in computer science from the University of Washington in August. His thesis was on building technology for the developing world. Sudar is a 2009 graduate of the U of W with a bachelor degrees in English, philosophy and neurobiology. He was a Gates Cambridge Scholar at the University of Cambridge in England where he earned a master of science degree in neurobiology in 2011. Sudar returned to the UW in 2011 to study computer science. The 2004 graduate of Mark Morris High School is the son of Robert and Lisa Sudar of Longview. Fullmer is an award winner Kirk Fullmer of Educational Maps and Globes, who has over the years sponsored Rainier Revisited hosted by members of the Rainier Junior/Senior High School History Club, won the Friend of Social Studies award at the recent Oregon Council for the Social Studies Conference. KSCA welcomes new members Three Kelso residents recently joined the Kelso Senior Center Association. They are Donald Chris Bornstedt, Randy Forrest and Jo M. Frazier. The KSCA annual membership fee is $12, payable by cash, check or debit/credit card at the front desk of the center, 108 N.W. Eighth Ave., Longview. Woman attends award ceremony Carol Amundsen-Lane recently attended a medalists luncheon and award ceremony in Portland honoring Medalists, people who have lived with Type 1 diabetes or juvenile onset diabetes for 50 years or more. Amundsen-Lane has had diabetes for 56 years. The event is sponsored by the Joslin Diabetes Center, the American Diabetes Association of Oregon and Southwest Washington and the Oregon Health Science University Harold Schnitzer Endocrinology and Diabetes Health Center. The Medalist program, founded a few years ago, was named by the Joslin Diabetes Center. The Daily News RAINIER Rainiers sewage treatment plant has violated seven state environmental laws over the past few years, according to a report the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality sent to the city last week. Among the most serious allegations are that the city falsified monthly reports about sewer plant operations to the DEQ and that city discharged raw sewage into the Columbia River and did not report those episodes to the state. The state is giving the city until Nov. 30 to answer the allegations, and the state will issue a final enforcement notice afterward. It was not immediately clear Wednesday what penalties the city may face, but possibilities are fines and orders to improve the plant operation. Rainier Mayor Jerry Cole and City Manager Debra Dudley released the DEQ report at a press conference Wednesday. They said theyve been aware of troubles at the plant since May, when a Daily News report based on documents and interviews with former employees highlighted mismanagement and performance troubles at the plant. Cole said Wednesday he was shocked by the May allegations, but he vowed that the city will looked into them. Heres the thing about any allegation, I dont care what it is: All allegations are taken seriously by myself, by staff, by council, Cole said. The city already has taken some steps to solve the problems, he and Dudley said. DEQs Nov. 6 letter to the city makes these allegations, based on a review of city documents requested for sewer plant operations for a three-year period between August 2014 and August 2017. The city fabricated reports for the plants operations. DEQ noted that data were identical in April and June 2013; Sept. 1-24 in 2012 and 2013; February and March 2014; and June and July 2014. The probability that legitimate monitoring would produce identical data to the degree reported is extremely low, DEQ noted. The city failed to maintain required records, as there are significant data gaps for the period from August 2014 to August 2017. The city discharged raw sewage into the Columbia River 36 times in 2016 and 2017. Most were not reported to the state, as required by law. The telephone line used to alert operators of problems did not work before Feb. 18, 2016; and a control system that would have detected the sewage overflow system was not monitored until November 2016. The city failed to monitor turbidity levels in treated wastewater before January 2016. An RV dump station and a hauled waste (septic tank waste) receiving station were added at the plant without DEQ approval. All modifications to a sewer plant must be state reviewed and approved. The plan exceeded its limits on total suspended solids released to the river by double the allowed rate during the week of July 23-29 this year. Six of these seven violations were ruled as Class I violations, which are the most serious. Cole and Dudley said the city in May hired Sue Lawrence, an independent consultant, to review sewer operations. Her June report found problems such as solids found on walls of the plant, grass and other plants found growing in the effluent launders and incomplete record keeping. Lawrences reports did not document any cases of discharging untreated wastewater, nor did she find any evidence that ultraviolet lights used to disinfect sewage were off for a two-year period, as the former operators had alleged. Dudley and Cole said the city is cooperating with DEQ and giving the agency all the data it has requested. If there was something wrong (done) by our employees, we wanted them to know. We were totally cooperative with DEQ, Cole said. However, they pushed back at DEQs allegation that records have been falsified. Its possible for monitoring data from two different time periods to be identical, they said. In addition, they noted that one of the periods in question dates from 2013 and early 2014, which is beyond a three-year statute of limitations. We were somewhat surprised to see that in the report, because its not in the period that they asked for records, Dudley said. By Jan. 15, DEQ wants Rainier to make sure the sewer plants monitoring system is fully operational. It also wants the city to submit plans for the already-built hauled waste receiving station and RV dump station. Dudley and Cole said the first was already addressed a couple months ago with the help of Sue Lawrence. Dudley and Cole said they have hired Lawrence to do an unbiased, independent study of DEQs allegations to see if they are legitimate. There appears to be some supposition in DEQs report, Dudley said. We deal in facts, so well be reviewing that information to see if we can ascertain what is the fact of the matter, not what their guess is. Dudley and Cole said theyre trying to clean it up and keep it clean. Cole said the city hired an inspector from Clackamas Countys South Fork Water Board to perform a surprise review on the water plant in early October. The mayor said the inspector was pleased with what he saw. Dudley added that the city plans on having an independent consultant inspect the water and sewer plants every year or every other year, just to prevent another disaster like this year. Were not ever going to take a chance that something like this happens again, Dudley said. Britain's senior-most Indian-origin minister Priti Patel has resigned from her Cabinet post over her unauthorised secret meetings with Israeli politicians while on a holiday in the Jewish country. Patel's position as international development minister had become increasingly untenable after it emerged that she had two further meetings with Israeli officials that were not disclosed through the proper procedure. The 45-year-old minister resigned late last night after a meeting at Downing Street with Prime Minister Theresa May. In her resignation, Patel again apologised and said her actions "fell below the standards of transparency and openness that I have promoted and advocated". It follows a week of controversies around a dozen undisclosed meetings she had with other Israelis, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for which she had been forced to apologise. [...] A longstanding Eurosceptic, Patel is among the most vocal supporters of Brexit and had steered the 'Vote Leave' campaign in the lead up to the June 2016 referendum in favour of Britain's exit from the European Union (EU). She must have hoped that the storm around her undisclosed meetings in Israel would die down after a formal apology before she flew out to Africa for an official tour of Uganda and Ethiopia yesterday. In addition to her unauthorized meetings with Israeli government officials over which she resigned yesterday, former British Secretary of State for International Development Priti Patel also visited the Golan Heights during her trip to Israel in August, Haaretz reported. [...] On Tuesday, Downing Street officials confirmed that Patel had discussed during her meetings in Israel the possibility of granting British aid to IDF-run field hospitals in the Golan Heights providing humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees. As sadly expected, Patel paid the price for something honestly petty:The UK leftists - and even the pretentious rightists - would not let it go, alas.Interestingly, Patel, if it wasn't clearly reported before, visited the Golan Heights Even that wasn't enough for the British left, nor her own Tory colleagues. Labels: Israel, Knesset, londonistan, Moonbattery, political corruption Bir Protik Habibur grilled at RAB office Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) on Thursday interrogated freedom fighter Bir Protik Habibur Rahman here about a global extortion racket. Commanding officer of Rab-1 Lt Col Sarowar Bin Kashem said they asked Habibur to pay a visit to the Rab battalion office in the afternoon as they found his telephonic connection with the racket. A victim earlier filed a complaint with the elite force that an international extortion gang, "Kalu Bahini", comprising mostly of Cameroon citizens conned him out of Tk 2.5 crore, said the Rab officer. At one stage of investigation into the complaint, Rab found that Habibur had telephonic conversations with the racket, he added. During interrogation, the gallantry award winning freedom fighter told the elite force that the racket also embezzled $ 11,000 from him, Sarowar said, adding that but he did not file any complaint in this regard. "Habibur's statement seemed to be confusing. Further details will be disclosed later as we're now probing the matter," he added. Indigenous Comic Con is returning for year two, bringing all things Indigenerd to Albuquerque Nov. 10 through 12 at Isleta Resort & Casino (11000 Broadway Blvd. SE). The expansive weekend-long festival features everything you'd expect of a comic concelebrities, cosplay, panels, vendors and moviesbut this one also has robots, puppetry, a maker space and so much more! Indigenous Comic Con, which celebrates the expansiveness of Indigenous comic culture, is bringing to Albuquerque the likes of Eugene Braverock best known for his role in 2017's Wonder Woman, the actresses/ models/ gamers/ entrepreneurs The Baker Twins and a myriad of local and regional artists, like Jason Garcia, creator of Tewa Tales of Suspense!, who hails from Santa Clara Pueblo. Looking to his upcoming appearance at the second annual Indigenous Comic Con, where he will display work and deliver a talk on Pride and Power: Reimagining Indigenous Identity, Garcia took some time out of his preparations to answer some questions about his history, inspirations and work. Alibi: Tell me about your first introduction to the arts and the arts your family practiced? Garcia: I come from a family of artistspotters, painters, jewelers and various crafts people. I grew up in a very immersive, creative artistic environment. My parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles all work with pottery in some way. I grew up by attending various gallery shows and exhibitions that my parents were involved in and in a sense, didnt know anything else. What was your first introduction to comic books? Through my older brother. I learned a lot from him, [he] exposed me to different types of music, movies and comic books. While my parents were participating in gallery shows ... we would research comic book stores in different cities and visit them. Also the local barber shop was next door to a grocery store and we would often stay for an hour after our haircuts and read comics and buy some with the leftover change. I've always been immersed in popular culture and have interests in movies and collecting comics and action figures. What appeals to you about the medium? I've always loved the graphic format of comic books and the stories that they tell [and] the ability to take you to different worlds and universes. When did you develop of the idea for Tewa Tales of Suspense!? I began developing the idea for Tewa Tales of Suspense! around 2005, when I was visiting multiple sites related to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, plus I knew that I wanted to document and research this important story/historical event related to my own Tewa culture. Plus, also creating a way to visually tell this story and make it easier for a younger audience [was important to me]. Children, including my own, that have learned their history and choices made by their ancestors that have allowed us to maintain, sustain and keep our Tewa and Pueblo cultural identities intact despite 500+ years of contact. The first clay tile piece was created in 2007 and since then I've created multiple pieces in the series using different mediums. Traditional clay tiles mimic the size of comic books. I've also created pottery that tells stories in a circular manner. The exhibition Tewa Tales of Suspense! is currently at the Poeh Museum in Pojoaque Pueblo and runs until January 2018 and is a seven serigraph print suite illustrating the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. This work was part of my MFA in printmaking work at the University of Wisconsin. How do you translate Native culture and stories into imagery like this? The majority of the work comes from personal research which includes reading various historical documents, books and other writings regarding the Pueblo historical events. I also speak with Pueblo elders and people to gain the Native/Puebloan perspective, I visit ancestral sites and places to see on the ground the area where this history took place, along with researching museum collections to see artifacts associated with the event. What is your highest hope for readers and viewers of your work? That younger Native audience members become interested in their own tribal histories, family lineages, and culture and want to investigate and share their own stories with the world. What excites you about Indigenous Comic Con? That there are more and more Indigenous/Native people/ artists/ creators/ writers that are expressing themselves with the comic and graphic novel format. Plus, that there will be other artists that I personally know and others that I do not know personally, but I enjoy and am inspired by their work. What will you discuss in your talk at Indigenous Comic Con? I will be discussing and explaining my background, influences, creation of the work in all types of media and my exhibition [at the Poeh Museum]. Trump sees `solution` to NKorea crisis in talks with Xi Jinping China\'s President Xi Jinping (left) and US President Donald Trump attend a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday. AFP, Beijing : US President Donald Trump said he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping believe the North Korean crisis can be solved as the two men held talks in Beijing on Thursday. Trump made his remarks as the two leaders met in Beijing's Great Hall of the People for talks focused on North Korea's nuclear threats and China's huge trade surplus with the United States. "Our meeting this morning... was excellent in discussing North Korea and I do believe there's a solution to that, as you do," Trump said as he sat across from Xi. He did not elaborate but Trump is likely to press Xi to further restrict trade between China and North Korea, whose economic well-being depends on its commerce with the world's second largest economy. Xi, who has repeatedly urged the United States and North Korea to hold negotiations to resolve the crisis peacefully, told Trump that their nations should "strengthen communication and coordination in major international and regional issues including the Korean Peninsula and Afghanistan". On trade, Trump said previous US administrations had let the trade imbalance get "out of kilter". "We will make it fair and it will be tremendous for both of us," Trump said. The US leader heaped more praise on Xi, whom he first met at his Florida resort in April. "My feeling toward you is an incredible warm one. As we said there's great chemistry and I think we're going to do tremendous things for both China and the United States." Xi, who spoke first, told Trump: "For China and the United States, cooperation is the only correct choice and only a win-win (situation) can lead to a better future." "At present, the Sino-US relations are at a new historical starting point. China is willing to work with the United States to respect each other, offer mutual benefits, focus on cooperation, manage and control differences." Meanwhile, three US aircraft carriers will stage joint drills in the western Pacific for the first time in a decade, the US Navy said Thursday, as tensions in the region over North Korea reach fever pitch. The USS Ronald Reagan, USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt will conduct "coordinated operations in international waters", the navy said, as US President Donald Trump's high-stakes trip through Asia takes him to China. The operation shows Washington's "ironclad commitment to the continued security and stability of the region," said Scott Swift, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, in a statement. On Wednesday, Trump warned North Korea not to "try" the United States but appeared to moderate his bellicose tone somewhat, offering Pyongyang's young leader Kim Jong-Un a "path to a better future." The president meets Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Thursday for talks dominated by the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear and missile programme. Beijing and Washington have also been at odds over Chinese naval operations in the South China Sea. UN spl envoy in BD to assess trends of sexual violence against Rohingyas United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict Pramila Patten is now visiting Bangladesh to better understand the patterns and trends of the sexual violence related to the conflict in Myanmar. The Special Representative has already visited several field locations, including the Bangladesh-Myanmar border itself. She will meet relevant Bangladeshi authorities in Dhaka and Cox's Bazar, including the security services, to discuss strengthened collaboration and coordination with the UN to respond to sexual and gender based violence, as well as potential protection concerns arising from the unprecedented influx of Rohingyas into Bangladesh. The scope of this mission is to bring greater and more focused attention on the patterns and trends of sexual violence in the affected communities; and to foster a coordinated and enhanced response in terms of services to survivors as well as fact-finding and documentation of violations, said an official on Thursday. Ultimately, the aim of the Special Representative is to carry the voices of Rohingya women and children to the Bangladesh authorities, the United Nations Security Council and the international community. She will also meet media before concluding her Dhaka visit. The mandate of the Special Representative is focused on protection and prevention of conflict-related sexual violence, with particular emphasis on fostering accountability for such crimes as a critical aspect of deterrence. The mandate stresses a 'survivor cantered approach' in every aspect of work, and encourages national ownership and responsibility in addressing sexual violence. Catalan secessionist parties fail to agree on unity ticket for December vote Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont (2nd L) and former cabinet members Antoni Comin (L), Clara Ponsati Meritxell Serret (2nd R) and Luis Puig Gordi stand during a meeting with Catalan mayors in Brussels. Reuters, Madrid ; Catalan secessionist parties on Tuesday failed to agree on a united ticket to contest a December snap regional election, making it more difficult to rule the region after the vote and press ahead with their collective bid to split from Spain. Catalonia's secessionist push has plunged Spain into its worst political crisis in four decades, triggered a business exodus, forced Madrid to cut its economic forecast and reopened old wounds from Spain's civil war in the 1930s. Pro-independence groups have called for a general strike in the restive region on Wednesday. Catalan political parties had until midnight on Tuesday to register coalitions ahead of the Dec. 21 vote, but the two main forces which formed an alliance to rule the region for the last two years did not manage to agree on a new pact in time. While they could still find an agreement after the vote, political analysts say the lack of a deal on a joint campaign may also trigger a leadership fight at the top of the movement. This is because center-right PdeCat (Catalan Democratic Party) of sacked Catalan president Carles Puigdemont is expected to be overtaken by leftist Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) of former regional vice president Oriol Junqueras. Puigdemont and Junqueras are the two main leaders behind the current secession bid that last month led to a unilateral declaration of independence which Spain thwarted by imposing direct rule on the region. Junqueras is currently in custody pending a potential trial on charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds. Puigdemont, who faces the same charges, is currently in self-imposed exile in Belgium and has said he would oppose extradition. An opinion poll released on Sunday by Barcelona-based newspaper La Vanguardia showed Junqueras' ERC could garner between 45 and 46 seats in the 135-strong regional assembly while Puigdemont's PdeCat would win between 14 and 15 seats. In order to reach the 68-seat threshold for a majority, they would then have to form a parliamentary alliance with anti-capitalist CUP, which is expected to get seven or eight seats. Palestinians resume security ties with Israel Reuters, Ramallah : Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's administration said on Wednesday it had resumed security coordination with Israel in the occupied West Bank, frozen in July, and sought sole security control of the Gaza Strip, where Hamas Islamist forces dominate. The remarks, by the Palestinian police chief, left open the question of how Abbas might bring his former rivals in Hamas to heel given their refusal to disarm as demanded by Israel and the United States. An Egyptian-brokered reconciliation deal last month formally restored Abbas's administrative control of Gaza after a 10-year schism with Hamas, though the details of implementation have yet to be worked out fully. Palestinians hope the pact will ease Gaza's economic woes and help present a united front in their drive for statehood. The vision includes the West Bank, where Palestinian security forces have tried to tamp down violence, often sharing intelligence and cooperating across jurisdictions with Israel, despite a three-year impasse in diplomacy between the sides. UK aid minister resigns over undisclosed meetings in Israel London (Reuters) : British aid minister Priti Patel resigned on Wednesday, saying her actions had fallen "below the high standards that are expected" of her position when she failed to disclose meetings with Israeli officials during a holiday. After meeting Theresa May, the prime minister's office released Patel's resignation letter in which she apologized for causing "a distraction" from the work of government. May responded in a letter to say she believed Patel's decision was "right". UN, aid groups warn of `starvation and death` in Yemen A girl scavenges at a garbage dump in a street in Sanaa, Yemen. The United Nations and more than 20 aid groups said on Thursday that the Saudi-led coalition\'s tightening of a blockade on war-torn Yemen could bring millions of people closer to \"starvatio AP, SANAA, Yemen : The United Nations and more than 20 aid groups said Thursday that the Saudi-led coalition's tightening of a blockade on war-torn Yemen could bring millions of people closer to "starvation and death." The announcement comes a day after the U.N.'s humanitarian chief warned that unless the coalition lifts its blockade the nation will face "the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims." About two-thirds of Yemen's population relies on imported supplies, said the aid groups, which include CARE, Save the Children and Islamic Relief. Over 20 million people need humanitarian assistance, including 7 million facing "famine-like" conditions, they said. Food supplies are expected to run out within six weeks while vaccines will last only a month. They urged an "immediate opening" of all air and seaports. "If I have to compare Yemen to a person, I would say that this person is very sick, this person is very weakened, and is being drip-fed, so if you want to keep the patient alive, we need to reactivate drip-feeding as soon as possible," International Committee of the Red Cross Regional Director for the Near and Middle East Robert Mardini told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The blockade has already led to a fuel crisis in the rebel-held capital, Sanaa, where hundreds of cars lined the roads Wednesday after the Houthis ordered the closure of fuel stations. The rebels said they closed the stations after merchants refused to fix prices. The price of fuel has risen by 50 percent since the coalition tightened the blockade. Mark Lowcock told reporters after briefing the U.N. Security Council behind closed doors Wednesday that there must be an immediate resumption of regular air flights to the cities of Aden and Sanaa by the U.N. and its humanitarian partners. "What we need to see is a reduction of blockages on all sides, not an increase on them," he said. The coalition closed all ports and halted humanitarian shipments after Yemen's Houthi rebels fired a ballistic missile over the weekend that was intercepted near Riyadh. Saudi Arabia blamed the strike on Iran, which supports the Houthis but has denied arming them. The U.S. has also accused Iran of supplying advanced weapons, including ballistic missiles, to the Houthis. On Thursday, the Houthis rejected the U.S. allegations, saying they built the missile themselves and fired it in response to coalition bombings that have killed civilians and the ongoing blockade. "Washington aids the forces of aggression, politically and militarily, and has pushed them into dangerous pitfalls," Houthi spokesman Muhammad Abdul Salam said on the group's Al-Masirah TV channel. AFP adds: - Yemen is facing a mass famine that will affect millions of lives unless the Saudi-led coalition ends its blockade and allows aid deliveries into the country, the UN aid chief warned Wednesday. HC rules on legality of shutting Lakehead School Staff Reporter : The High Court (HC) on Thursday issued a rule asking the government to explain why suspension of academic activities of three branches of Lakehead Grammar School in Dhaka on charges of patronizing religious extremism and militancy would not be declared illegal. The HC bench of Justice Syed Muhammad Dastagir Hosain and Justice Md Ataur Rahman Khan passed the order after hearing three writ petitions challenging the legality of the government's decision. Respondents, including Education Secretary, have to comply with this rule. The court fixed November 12 to hold hearing on the rule. During hearing the HC said, "Why the Education Ministry shuts school and college? They will make complain to the Home Ministry. More than one thousand and 100 students study there. What will be happen to their future? Why they shut a school suddenly?" Former Attorney General A F Hasan Ariff and Barrister Akhter Imam took part in the hearing in favour of the school while Attorney General Mahbubey Alam stood for the State. AF Hasan Ariff told the journalists that the HC issued the rules on the grounds that the government stopped functioning of the school branches without issuing any prior notice to the authorities concerned of the institution. The government can take action against any person of the school if he or she is involved any criminal activities, but, the educational activities of its students cannot be stopped, he said. The district administration of Dhaka on November 7 sealed three branches of Lakehead Grammar School, shutting all its activities for alleged links to extremism and militancy. On November 6, 2017, Education Ministry directed Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka through a notification to stop all education activities of Lakehead Grammar School -- one branch at Dhanmondi and two branches at Gulshan. The school did not take permission of the government, read the notification. It was also said in the notification that the school was patronizing religious extremism and militancy. Earlier, three writ petitions were filed with the High Court (HC) on Thursday challenging the legality of the government's decision to stop the functions of three branches of Lakehead Grammar School in Dhaka. Proprietor of the school Khaled Hasan Matin and guardians of 12 students submitted the petitions praying to the High Court to stay the government decision. In the petitions, they said, the educational activities of the school have been hampered due to the government decision and therefore the education of the students has become uncertain. Lakehead Grammar School was established in 2006 at Dhanmondi. It has two branches in Gulshan. Rohingya row to BD as Suu Kyi runs summit gauntlet Cox'S Bazar/Yangon (Reuters) : Blessed by calmer seas, several hundred more Rohingya Muslims on Thursday joined a multitude of refugees in Bangladesh, as calls grew for upcoming regional summits to exert more pressure on Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi to stem the crisis. Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they wait permission from Border Guard Bangladesh to continue after crossing the Bangladesh-Myanmar border, at Shah Porir Dwip near Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh November 9, 2017. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar A Myanmar military operation has driven out more than 600,000 Rohingya since late August and the latest refugees to find sanctuary in predominantly Muslim Bangladesh say many thousands more are still trying to leave. Ariful Islam, of Bangladesh's Border Guard, said about 200 people arrived on Thursday morning on the stretch of coast he commands at Teknaf, at the southern tip of Cox's Bazar district. More than 200 Rohingya have drowned in the strong currents and high surf trying to reach Bangladesh from Buddhist-majority Myanmar over the past two months. But the sea was fairly flat on Thursday morning as Abdus Sabir came ashore at Shamlapur along with a large group of Rohingya after a six-hour boat journey to complete an escape begun weeks ago. "We fled because the military is still burning our houses," Abdus, who had abandoned his home in the Rathedaung region of Myanmar's Rakhine State, told Reuters. Nearby, Husain Shorif, from the Buthidaung region, said he had rowed for four hours to help bring across 56 people on a raft cobbled together from bamboo and plastic jerrycans. "Some boatmen were asking for huge money we didn't have. So we made our own boat and came," Shorif said, adding that thousands more Rohingya were still stranded at Pa Nyaung Pin Gyi at the mouth of the Naf river. Reuters was unable to verify that claim as Myanmar's military has restricted access to northern parts of Rakhine, where it launched a clearance operation it says was aimed at Rohingya militants behind attacks on 30 security posts on Aug. 25. UN officials described the operation as "ethnic cleansing", an accusation Myanmar has denied. The storm of opprobrium over the humanitarian crisis will expose Myanmar to more diplomatic pressure, at least from leaders of Muslim-majority countries and the United States, during three summits hosted by Vietnam and the Philippines. Suu Kyi, the de facto leader of Myanmar's less than two-year-old civilian administration, left on Thursday to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vietnam's central seaside resort of Danang. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for standing up to the generals who had ruled the country for nearly half a century, Suu Kyi now has to share power with them, under a constitution drawn up in 2008 when junta was still in control, and has little control over what they do. After Friday's APEC gathering, Suu Kyi will meet leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) grouping in Manila on Sunday, followed by an East Asia Summit in Angeles, just north of the Philippine capital. Setting up a regional trade block, and concerns over North Korea's ambitions to become a nuclear-armed state are priorities, but New York-based Human Rights Watch beseeched the Asian leaders to ensure stronger action by Myanmar to end the crisis. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will meet Suu Kyi on Nov. 15 for talks on the Rohingya crisis, and they are expected to hold a joint news conference. "World leaders shouldn't return home from these summits without agreeing to targeted sanctions to pressure Burma to end its abuses and allow in independent observers and aid groups," Brad Adams, Asia director of Human Rights Watch, said in a statement that referred to Myanmar by its old name. Desperate for help to cope with the massive influx of people, Bangladesh is lobbying furiously for pressure to be put on Myanmar. "We want international communities to continue building pressure on Myanmar. Otherwise, they won't resolve the crisis," a foreign ministry official in Dhaka told Reuters, adding that ministers from Germany, China, Japan and Sweden were expected to visit both countries later this month. HRW's Adams said leaders meeting Asia should discuss how to investigate alleged rights abuses and atrocities in Rakhine, and refer them to the International Criminal Court in the Hague. The rights group also urged the Security Council to impose an arms embargo, economic sanctions and travel bans targeting Myanmar military officials. Some U.S. senators are pressing for the United States to impose its own sanctions, also targeting the military. The Security Council this week opted for a strongly worded statement scolding Myanmar, as diplomats said China and Russia would have vetoed any resolution. China has publicly supported the Myanmar government's efforts to "maintain stability" in Rakhine. The stance taken by China and other Southeast Asian governments fighting insurgencies by Muslim militants should spare Myanmar from any harsh spotlight in the summits' final communiques. "On the Rohingya, the leaders will agree that there is no quick fix to the long-standing inter-communal problem with deep historical roots that needs to be carefully managed," an ASEAN diplomat told Reuters, adding that the group aimed to deliver $500,000 of relief supplies to Myanmar. Rohingya return still a far cry Myanmar`s attitude towards formation of joint working group not positive: Terms of reference likely to be fixed during FM's Myanmar visit this month Taking life risk, the displaced Rohingyas are now using makeshift rafts made of plastic jerrycans and bamboos to cross waterways in a bid to enter Bangladesh. The above picture shows several Rohingyas, mostly women and children, reached the coastal villag Sagar Biswas : Dhaka is now putting hope in formation of a joint working group with the involvement of Naypyidaw to repatriate the displaced Rohingyas who have entered Bangladesh following an aggressive cleansing operation conducted by the Myanmar army. Diplomatic sources think, it would be a major breakthrough in Rohingya repatriation process, if the joint working group was formed within the desired timeframe - by November 30. But at the same time they fear, the repatriation of Rohingyas would be a far cry until the Myanmar authorities would not change its present negative attitude towards the ethnic minorities of the Rakhine state and consider them as their nationals. Expressing hope, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Thursday said the joint working group would be constituted in line with an agreement signed between Bangladesh and Myanmar and it would take all decisions about the repatriation. A 12-member delegation led by Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal visited Myanmar in an official visit on October 23 and met his counterpart Lieutenant General Kyaw Swe and the state counselor Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar to discuss the Rohingya issue. "The joint working group will be formed with equal number of representatives from both countries. They will decide how and which way the repatriation will begin Development of their lifestyle will also be considered by the group," Kamal said after attending a meeting at Nalitabari in Sherpur. But Naypyidaw's attitude towards Rohingya repatriation seems not positive at all. Myanmar's permanent secretary of Foreign Affairs Kyaw Zeya has said his government prefers to ensure the repatriation process to be in line with international standards by 'following a step-by-step approach'. "Of course, their side [Bangladesh] would like to repatriate quickly, if possible, but there are certain procedures, the terms of references, to follow," he told the media recently. Significantly, there is no timeframe for repatriation of Rohingyas. Besides, Myanmar authorities still did not clear whether they would also take back the 500,000 Rohingya refugees who fled to Bangladesh before August 25. It is not the end. Though the refugees would be verified by the joint working group, Myanmar has strong reservation not to involve United Nations in the procedure. It is also uncertain where the Rohingyas would go if they were returned to Myanmar while many of their villages have been burned down in a military operation which the United Nations has called a "textbook case of ethnic cleansing". Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been severely criticised for her failure to curb the military crackdown on the Rohingyas, recently said that Myanmar would take back only the 'verified' refugees. "And this would be done according to the criteria set between the two countries in 1993," she said. In this backdrop, Bangladesh's Foreign Minister A. H. Mahmud Ali is likely to visit Myanmar on Nov 22-23 for finalization of the 'terms of reference' of the proposed joint working group in accordance with a bilateral 'arrangement' on Rohingya repatriation. Earlier, the decision of forming a joint panel for the repatriation of Rohingyas came in a meeting between Foreign Minister A. H. Mahmud Ali and Myanmar's Minister for the Office of the State Counsellor Kyaw Tint Swe held in Dhaka on October 1. The draft of the treaty was also handed to the Myanmar delegation. "As Myanmar proposed taking back Rohingya refugees, we've agreed on forming a joint working group to oversee the repatriation process," Mahmood Ali said after the meeting. Over 7,00,000 Rohingya people - an estimated 80 per cent of them women and children - have crossed into Bangladesh since 25 August, when ethnic Muslim militants attacked 24 police posts and one army base. Apart from them, about 5, 00,000 Rohingya refugees are staying in Bangladesh since 1982, officials said. "In fact, the Rohingya crisis has appeared as a big challenge before us. We've given shelter to them seeing their intolerable sufferings. The Rohingya population is almost three times more than the local population of Teknaf and Ukhiya. So, we're facing various challenges. The ecological balances along with hills and trees have been damaged by the new settlers," Asaduzzamn Kamal said. Fourth industrial revolution and its dramatic impact on society Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General : I am an engineer and, for the time being, I am also Secretary-General of the United Nations and we are all here because we believe in the force of Science, Innovation and Technology. From my perspective, what is important is to combine innovation and technology, innovation and public policy to make sure that innovation works for the good of humankind. But let's look a little bit in the recent past to be able to project the near future. For the past few decades, we have witnessed the enormous impact of innovation, science and technology combined with globalization in our world, our economies, our societies, our lives. That impact was essentially good. Enormous increase in growth of trade and economy, huge growth of the global middle class, and drastic reduction in the number of absolute poor. Very meaningful improvement in the living conditions of the overwhelming majority of the population, growth in life expectancy, decrease of child mortality, soaring literacy rates - globally, it is clear that our world has been moving for the good. But there was some collateral damage to this enormous growth, and I will like to notice two points: first climate change, second growing inequality. I believe climate change is a defining threat of our times, and climate change, combined with a different set of megatrends, population growth, chaotic urbanization, food insecurity, water scarcity, being climate change the main accelerator, and this interrelation in creating - as we all see- what is probably the biggest threat to our planet today. We see hurricanes and other natural disasters becoming more and more frequent, more and more intense, and with more devastating humanitarian consequences. We see, at the same time, desertification making progress, human environment being destroyed, people having to flee, massive movement of populations, refugees and migrants, and at the same time we see a larger competition for resources that triggers instability or conflict and makes climate change also a security problem in today's world. At the same time, growing inequality - eight men (because they are men, not women), own as much wealth as the poorest half of humanity. As we live in a time of global prosperity, it is more difficult for people to feel that they are left behind, people, but also sectors and regions in the rust belts of this world, [..] looking at the rest of the world, what's going on, feel sometimes discriminated, they feel angry, and these are factors of instability and conflict. It is undermining the trust of people in relation to institutions. The trust of people in relation to government, in relation to international organizations, in relation to political establishment. These have also helped the development of forms of populism and xenophobia and racism that undermine the social cohesion of our societies. This means we need to be aware that globalization is a force for good, that the development of new technologies is a force for good, but we need to be attentive to be able to respond to the eventual collateral damage that exists. There is a way to respond. To respond to climate change with climate action, to respond to increasing inequality with a struggle for a fair globalization. The international community was able to come to two historic agreements, one is the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the second is the Agenda 2030, approved by all nations in the world with a perspective of inclusive and sustainable development with the so called Sustainable Development Goals with the objective of leaving no one behind. The problem, as you can imagine, is a problem of implementation. It's very good to have the Paris Agreement on climate change, but first of all, the Paris Agreement is not enough. Even if the Paris commitments are met, the temperatures in the world will be rising over three degrees by the end of the century and this will be catastrophic and on the other hand, it is also clear that not all countries are abiding by the commitments made in Paris, which means that we need to have an enhanced ambition in relation to climate change. The same applies to fighting for a fair globalization. We need to be able to combine efforts of governments, companies, the business sector, financial markets and civil society in order to make sure that we are able to eradicate poverty, bring education for all, clean the oceans, and do a number of other things that are essential for the life in our planet to be sustainable and to be inclusive. Again, this is difficult. The problem is implementation. But the good news is that science is in our side. Look at climate action. Today it's clear that thanks to new technologies, thanks to green technologies, the green economy is the economy of the future. The green business is the good business and you can at the same time, make money and do good. The same applies to the combination of new technologies that represent what we call today, the fourth Industrial Revolution in relation to information and communication technologies, and namely artificial intelligence that has been so many times mentioned tonight. But also, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, and other forms of innovation, that will allow us to create the conditions to be able to have indeed, a growth and development that benefits everybody and to create the conditions to combine simultaneously what was the spectacular development we witnessed in the last decades, but with taming the climate and being able to make sure that the benefits of development are distributed by all. Science is on our side. I am a true believer that this fourth Industrial Revolution can be the answer to the main questions that we are putting ourselves today facing the enormous difficulties that we are still facing in the different aspects of social inequality, of the deterioration of the environment and other threats to our collective life. As in relation to the past, we need to be able now to look into the near future with the strategic vision and combining the actions of governments with the private sector, with researchers, academia, the civil society, in order to be able to make sure that this fourth Industrial Revolution, is indeed in all its aspects a force for good. It is clear that this fourth Industrial Revolution will have a dramatic impact in our societies, in our way of life, but also in labour markets. It's very important to anticipate the potential net negative impacts of this technological evolution. For example, in the country where I live today in the US, the profession that has more people working in it is driving. Now very probably in a few years' time, we will not need drivers for cars, driver for trucks, and drivers for the majority of the equipment we have to handle. We risk having massive unemployment, both in the developed and the developing world with the development of some of the new technologies that we are facing. The answer is not of course to stop development, the answer is to be able to adapt the way we work in our societies in order to be able to anticipate these trends instead of responding to it when it comes, and doing it too late as it sometimes has happened in the past. That means a revolution and the massive investment in education and training. The education we need for future is different from the education we are used to discuss. It's not how to learn to do things but to learn how to learn not to learn because the things we do will not be done tomorrow. The way we think our educational systems need to be essentially rethought. Safety nets, social safety nets also need to change and even the way we look at work and leisure, the way we divide our times, the way we divide our lives, will have to change quite dramatically. It is absolutely essential that governments, the civil society, the business sector, the academia work together, discuss together, raise these issues that have been ignored in the public debate because those are the issues that will allow us to be able to face the future and to avoid the mistakes of the past. My appeal those that are in this web summit, again governments, businesses, academia, researchers, scientists, is to start seriously discussing the impacts of the fourth industrial revolution in the societies of tomorrow. Then, as it was said in several of the interventions we heard, science and technology are not value neutral. We can use genetic engineering to get rid of diseases and that is fantastic, but we can use genetic engineering to produce monsters, and that is terrible. We can use the cyberspace to facilitate our lives in everyday work that we do and in all other aspects of the way we live in a community, but we can also use the cyberspace to facilitate the recruitment of terrorists for terrorists organizations. When we are aware of this fact, I think it's important to think how we can make sure that innovation is a force for good. And there are I think two things really to avoid. First, the stupid reaction to say: let's stop innovation. It is stupid because it is impossible, and because it will not allow to take benefit of all the positive aspects of innovation, so those that say "this is too dangerous, too complicated, it's better to stop it," I think that they have no point. Second thing is to avoid the naive approach to think that traditional forms of regulation like the ones we have today for energy or for the financial system or the insurance system can solve the problem. The truth is that those forms of regulation that are usually managed by governments or by inter-governmental organizations take time, they are complex, they are one-sided and obviously they are not able to respond to the fast-changing world we are now facing with these new technologies and new forms of innovation. Which means that the only way to be able to establish mechanisms of regulation for the future will have to be different, will have to combine all stakeholders, will have to bring together governments, companies like the ones we heard today, scientists, like Stephen Hawking that spoke to us, but also the civil society, the academia, and again establish platforms of discussion, how to do norm-setting, how to establish regulatory frameworks that are flexible, that allow to combine the freedom of innovation that is absolutely essential for the future of humankind, but to combine it with the protection of human rights that is absolutely essential also to preserve the social cohesion of our societies. Governments cannot do it alone. Inter-governmental organizations like the UN cannot do it alone. This needs to be done by all actors coming and discussing it together, and this is why the Web Summit is so important here today. To do it properly we need to make sure that we combine our energies to make sure that we are able to put all experiences together, and that we use opportunities like these to seriously discuss the problems that we face and at the same time to maximize the potential of the enormous advantages that the innovations we are discussing can provide to our world. I do believe that this Web Summit is an opportunity for us to come together and coming together to make sure that the power of science, the power of technology and the power of innovation are a power for good to make a better world and for the benefit of us all. `A Delightful Journey` by Art Stories Sheikh Arif Bulbon : Art Stories is a platform for artists with the primary aim to facilitate its artists realise their ideas and conceptions that consequently can be transformed into intriguing pieces of art. The artists of Art Stories make use of their own unique ways to express their distinctive style through a variety of media. This exploration begets characteristic artworks that are sure to provide a fillip to the viewers. Alliance Francaise de Dhaka (AFD) organised a week-long group art exhibition by Art Stories titled A Delightful Journey from November 3 to 10 at its La Galerie last Friday in the citys Dhanmondi area. Noted actor, stage director and theatre producer Ramendu Majumdar attended the ceremony as the chief guest and eminent artist Prof Nisar Hossain appeared as the special guest on the occasion. The group exhibition A Delightful Journey is the title of the first group exhibition by Art Stories. Artists Bitap Shavan Bachhar, Dewan Nazrul Bappe, Didarul Alam Dipu, M R Deedar, Md Elias Hossain, Md Habib Ullah Bahar, Nasima Khanam Queenie, Rokhsana Akhter Banu, Selina Chowdhury Mili, Shammy Yasmin, Tanjila Siddiqye, and Umme Tania - who all happen to be cherished friends - have come together to exhibit their artworks which, as the title suggests, recount the delightful journey they have shared together. n Yemen facing massive famine if blockade not lifted UN Aid Chief warns that seven million people are already at risk of famine in Yemen as a result of the conflict. BBC Online : Millions of people will die in Yemen, in what will be the world's worst famine crisis in decades, unless a Saudi-led military coalition ends a devastating blockade and allows aid into the country, the United Nations has warned. The Saudi-led alliance fighting Yemen's Houthi rebels tightened its air, land and sea blockade of the country after a ballistic missile was fired on Saturday towards the Saudi capital, Riyadh. Since then, the country's already inflated food and fuel prices have skyrocketed, while flights delivering much-needed humanitarian aid have been prevented from landing. After briefing the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Mark Lowcock, the UN's humanitarian chief, said the move will worsen a "catastrophic" humanitarian crisis that has pushed millions to the brink of famine and has caused a mass cholera epidemic. "I have told the Council that unless those measures are lifted ... there will be a famine in Yemen," Lowcock, who visited Yemen late in October, told reporters on Wednesday. WATCH: 'Situation is catastrophic' as Saudi tightens blockade on Yemen (1:59) "It will not be like the famine that we saw in South Sudan earlier in the year, where tens of thousands of people were affected. It will not be like the famine which cost 250,000 people their lives in Somalia in 2011," he added. "It will be the largest famine the world has seen in many decades, with millions of victims." Despite Lowcock's stark warning, the Security Council, which strongly condemned the firing of the missile by the Houthi rebels, announced no immediate action over the blockade. Italian Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi, who holds the council's presidency, expressed concern about the "dire humanitarian situation in Yemen" and stressed "the importance of keeping all Yemen's ports and airports functioning," added Cardi. Al Jazeera's James Bays, reporting from the UN headquarters in New York, said the Council's response "seemed very guarded". He said the comments by Lowcock, who visited Yemen late last month, had brought some of the "reality from Yemen to the Security Council, but for now, they've responded with very carefully chosen words rather than any concrete action". Kristine Beckerle, Yemen researcher at Human Rights Watch, said it was "far past time" the members of the UN Security Council "made it very clear" to Yemen's warring sides that there will be "concrete consequences" in cases of obstruction to humanitarian assistance. "The Council already has a mechanism for sanctioning people in Yemen who are committing gross violations," she told Al Jazeera. Beckerle said government officials in countries such as the US, UK and France are typically "issuing broad recitations of concern", without, however, acting upon it. "It's not enough for the US or the UK to say we are worried about famine in Yemen. "At this point, it's up to the Security Council members, and particularly those allied with Saudi Arabia, to be using all the leverage at their disposal to be pushing these people to actually make changes to the ways in which they are fighting this war and certainly for them to stop impending access to aid." WATCH: Saudi Arabia blames Iran for missile attack (2:49) Yemen has been devastated by more than two and a half years of war after Houthi rebels, believed to be backed by Iran, captured the capital, Sanaa, and overthrew President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government. A Saudi-led coalition was formed in 2015 to fight the Houthi rebels and army troops allied with them. According to the UN, the conflict has killed more than 10,000 people and left over seven million in need of food assistance. Millions of others do not have adequate access to health, water and sanitation services. The country has also been hit by a cholera outbreak, with some 900,000 suspected cases since April. Calling for a five-point action plan, Lowcock on Wednesday urged the Saudi-led coalition to reopen the airspace for humanitarian flights into Yemen and provide assurances that access would not be disrupted again. He also called for an agreement to allow a World Food Programme ship to anchor off the Yemeni coast, the re-opening of all seaports, to allow food, fuel and medical supplies to enter the country, and a "scaling back of interference" with vessels that have "passed inspection by the UN verification and inspection mechanism". WATCH: 'Saudi Arabia's blockade is a death sentence for all Yemenis' (3:04) Earlier on Wednesday, 15 humanitarian agencies expressed deep concern about the Saudi-led blockade, demanding that humanitarian operations are allowed to resume immediately. "In less than a day, this blockade already hiked up fuel prices in some governorates by as much as 60 percent as people scramble to stock up, and led to disruption of public transportation," the groups, including Oxfam, Save the Children and the International Rescue Committee, said in a statement. "The closure of all sea and land ports means urgently-needed lifesaving medical supplies have ceased, potentially affecting hundreds of thousands of people." Saudi Arabia said the closure of was aimed at preventing the smuggling of weapons into Yemen and accused its regional rival Iran of providing the missile that was launched by the Houthis on Saturday. Khaleda's plea for permanent bail rejected Court Correspondent : The Special Judge Court-5 of Dhaka on Thursday rejected the permanent bail petition of BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia in the Zia Orphanage Trust graft and Zia Charitable Trust graft cases lodged against her. Judge Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman of the special makeshift court in city's Bakhshibazar area rejected the bail plea after hearing on it yesterday noon. BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia arrived at the makeshift court around 11:45am. Earlier, on October 12 the issued arrest warrant against Khaleda Zia cancelling her bail petition in the two cases in her absence. Later, on October 19, the BNP leader surrendered before the court and the court granted her bail in the cases. The BNP Chief yesterday told the court that she would not indulge in politics of vengeance against her political rival Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in spite of her abusive remarks against the several members of former President Ziaur Rahman. The former PM said this while delivering her self-defence statement before the makeshift court in connection with the Zia Orphanage Trust graft case. Later, the court fixed November 16 for delivering further self-defence statement of Khaleda Zia. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed the Zia Orphanage Trust graft case for embezzlement of over Tk 2.1 crore forming a "fake" Trust which existed only on paper. In 2011, the anti-graft watchdog filed another case, accusing four persons, including Khaleda Zia, on charges of abusing power in setting up Zia Charitable Trust. Noor Hossain Day today UNB, Dhaka : The Shaheed Noor Hossain Day, commemorating the martyrdom of a young pro-democracy activist during the anti-Ershad movement in the late 80s, will be observed today in a befitting manner. Different socio-political organisations have chalked out elaborate programmes to mark the day. Awami League and BNP will pay tributes to the martyr by placing wreaths at the Noor Hossain Square in the morning. The 'Zero Point' in the capital's Gulistan area was renamed as 'Noor Hossain Chattar' (square) after the young man was gunned down near it by police on November 10, 1987. Meanwhile, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have issued separate messages on the occasion. In his message, Abdul Hamid recalled with gratitude the supreme sacrifice of Noor Hossain to restore democracy in the country. He also said the Shaheed Noor Hossian's sacrifice did not go in vain as democracy was restored in the country in 1990. The President expressed the hope that all will continue their efforts to uphold the advancement of the country's democracy, which was achieved through the sacrifices of lives of courageous people like Noor Hossain. In her message, Sheikh Hasina said Noor Hossain had joined a procession of the Awami League-led 15-party Okyo Jote as part of the anti-autocracy movement on this day in 1987. On November 10, 1987 Noor Hossain, a leader of Awami Jubo League, was killed in police firing when he had staged protest against the autocratic rule of then Lt Gen HM Ershad at the capital's Zero Point near Gulistan by painting the historic slogan 'Gonotantra Mukti Pak, Swairachar Nipat Jak' (Let democracy be freed, down with autocracy) on his back and chest. Qatar accuses blockading countries of fragmenting GCC Al Jazeera News : Qatar has accused the blockading countries of being responsible for the dissolution of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The comments were made by Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani in a joint press conference with his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari in Doha on Wednesday. "The developments in the region that resulted in the actions undertaken by the blockading countries against Qatar has backfired and caused a crisis in international diplomacy for them," Al Thani said. The Qatari minister added that international efforts to combat terrorism and resolve crises in the region have been affected by what he called obstinacy of the embargo countries. For his part, Ibrahim al-Jaafari said that his country believes that dialogue is the best course of action in case of a disagreement, adding that Iraq was against "isolating and besieging" any other country. Al Jazeera's correspondent Imran Khan said that the press conference between the two countries was a "strategic one". "It was a much friendlier and much more positive press conference we've seen with Iraq and Qatar in the past," he said. The conference reviewed ways of boosting bilateral relations and the reconstruction of Iraq post-Islamic State. "They touched upon the GCC crisis and talked about Iraq's potential role in any mediation that might take place," he said. The two countries had real problems during the first Gulf War in 1991 and broke off diplomatic relations. It was not until 2015 that the new Qatari embassy in Baghdad was opened. In June, Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE cut off diplomatic relations with Qatar and imposed a land, sea and air blockade after accusing it of supporting terrorism. Qatar has strongly denied the allegations. BNP calls Inus diatribes against govt honeymoon break BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Thursday said Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inus diatribes against the government have exposed that there is a break in the honeymoon of the Awami League-led alliance. We cant understand the reason behind the interruption of honeymoon. Lavishing praising on the government and always criticising BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia were once the menace of Hasanul Haq Inu to remain as a minister, he said. Rizvi came up with the comment at a press conference at BNPs Nayapaltan central office as reporters sought his comment on Inus remarks against Awami League. Rizvi said Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader explained a bit about the reason behind the interruption of honeymoon of Awami League and the information minister. You (journalists) can seek further explanation from him as he often runs boat above the hill. At a programme in Kushtia on Wednesday, Inu said Awami will not be able to return to power even in thousand years without the support of his party, Jatiya Party and other major partners of the 14-party alliance. Rizvi also voiced concern over the sudden rise in the incidents of enforced disappearance, killing and abduction. He said a private university teacher and a BNP leader were made disappeared in the capital while a businessman fell victim of it in Khulna recently. The incidents of enforced disappearance and killing have turned epidemic. If you are looking for the new Immoral Minority posts, you should know that they can be found here at our new home Please stop by to get caught up on politics, join the conversations, or simply check out the new digs. The best bang for your buck! This option enables you to purchase online 24/7 access and receive the Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday print edition at no additional cost * Print edition only available in our carrier delivery area. Allow up to 72 hours for delivery of your print edition to begin. Print edition not available for Day Pass option. CAIRO The following political leaders have visited Cairo since the public housing crisis in Illinois southernmost city came to a head: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, both Democrats U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro Delta Regional Authority Federal Co-Chairman Chris Masingill State Sen. Dale Fowler, R-Harrisburg State Rep. Natalie Phelps Finnie, D-Elizabethtown Former State Rep. Brandon Phelps, D-Eldorado Former Illinois Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno, of Lemont State Treasurer Mike Frerichs Democratic gubernatorial candidates J.B. Pritzker, Chris Kennedy and Daniel Biss and former candidate Ameya Pawar Meanwhile, one prominent Illinois political leader has not visited Cairo since HUD announced in April its decision to relocate about 400 people from two derelict public housing complexes that have been deemed beyond repair: Gov. Bruce Rauner Its also been difficult for The Southern to get much detailed information about what Rauners administration is doing alongside the federal government to assist public housing residents and the city through this housing crisis, or to address the related health and economic issues facing southernmost Illinois. A shortage of affordable housing in Cairo and access to basic amenities and jobs means most residents are relocating to other communities, generally in excess of an hour away. Rauner has said the situation involving the nearly bankrupt Alexander County Housing Authority is largely a federal issue. But as HUD officials have noted, the underlying economic crisis facing the Cairo region is not the sole, nor primary, responsibility of HUD. Also, housing authorities are entities of state and local government. And across the country, many state leaders also are tackling issues of affordable housing as they recognize that solutions to the housing problems facing struggling rural regions and fast-growing urban cities must be multifaceted and require long-term planning. Since July, The Southern has discussed the situation with at least seven different officials in Rauners communications office. There have been numerous staff changeovers since that time, and many of those people are no longer in the governor's employ. Patty Schuh, Rauners current spokeswoman, who recently transitioned from her role as spokeswoman for the Senate Republicans, said that though the governor himself has not been to Cairo since April, the office is plugged in to the situation. She said the issue for the governors office at this time is that state officials have not been able to obtain the information it needs from HUD to develop the appropriate state response. Schuh said the governors office is seeking information on how many people want to stay in the region who have been unable to locate housing, and what financial needs related to the relocation that the families may have that are not being covered by HUD, such as deposits or replacement furniture. As well, she said the governors office needs a clear timeline of when HUD intends to close the McBride and Elmwood complexes, and more overall information on HUDs relocation plans. Then we can review our options, she said. She added that the governor's office does not want to give false hope about what it can do once it receives the information it seeks from HUD, but stressed that the fact-finding mission is the first step. Of note, The Southern has published dozens of stories about the housing crisis in Cairo dating back to the fall of 2015, including numerous updates on the relocation effort that began in April. The governors office has been actively involved in the discussions about Cairo but there very clearly is federal action that has to take place. We need information, she said. We dont feel like were getting the full story yet. Asked about the comments from the governor's office, HUD spokesman Jereon Brown said HUD stands ready to work with any public officials in Illinois to provide whatever information is needed. He offered to reach out to the governors office directly. In a follow-up interview, Schuh said that wasnt necessary because during a task force meeting on Cairo in July, which a representative of the governors office attended, it was decided that the federal delegation would handle the communication with HUD so as not to duplicate efforts or create confusion. Therefore, Schuh said that the governors office has not directly reached out to HUD, and isn't requesting HUD reach out to Rauner's office to provide the information they are seeking. Rather, she said, Rauner's office has been working through Bost's office to seek the information. I know that request has been made to HUD. I know Congressman Bost did it last. Hes (Bost) still pursuing a clear timeline, she said. As of press time, the newspaper was unable to obtain clarity on why the governor's office would not speak with HUD directly for the information it needed when the offer was made, given that's what Schuh said is holding up the administration's response. Meanwhile, HUD is moving forward with relocating families from the complexes that have been deemed unsafe and unfit for habitation. In a letter dated Oct. 19 that Secretary Carson wrote to Mayor Coleman, Carson noted that after his visit to the city in early August, he instructed his staff to re-examine the possibility of salvaging some of the buildings within Elmwood and McBride. Unfortunately, our latest analysis confirms our prior assessment rehabilitation is not a viable option and both developments must be vacated and demolished. While the department has not yet established a definitive date for everyone to move from these properties, at some point in the very near future, we will have to set a date certain for all families to vacate Elmwood and McBride, Carsons letter to Coleman stated. Brown has said that if the boilers that heat the units break during the winter months, the agency may have to relocate families temporarily while they continue to look for housing. Brown said the housing authority, which HUD is operating in receivership, cannot afford to spend excessive amounts of money on repairs of complexes slated to be torn down while there are other developments within the ACHA's portfolio also in need of rehabilitation. Carson told the mayor that the passion and commitment the people of Cairo show for their hometown, coupled with the citys location at the confluence of two major rivers, suggests that brighter days may indeed lay ahead for the city. The solution for Cairos future must be driven by more than the rehabilitation of federally assisted housing and must harness the private market. It also requires creative thinking at the local, regional, state and national levels, the letter continued. As it relates to the state's response to the dire economic situation facing Cairo and the surrounding region, Schuh theres no one-size-fits all solution. She said the governors office has been involved in numerous ways in trying to help where it can in the short term, as well as in developing long-term strategies. She said a representative of the governor's office was part of the delegation that toured the site of a potential port operation in Cairo in May with Masingill, the DRA federal co-chairman. Local officials have been seeking funds to begin engineering work and environmental studies for the port, but no money has been identified to date. The state's budget woes have dramatically slowed infrastructure projects. Schuh also said representatives from Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity helped local officials write grant proposals to the Delta Regional Authority, which were recently awarded. A $161,560 grant was awarded to the city to support road improvements to Bunge, an oilseed production facility and one of the towns largest employers. A $118,489 grant was awarded to strengthen the local health clinics information technology infrastructure to support an Electronic Health Record system. Shuch said that representatives of the Illinois Housing Development Authority also visited in the spring to survey the existing private housing market and provided a study to the city about whats available for rent. Asked why Rauner has not been among the many regional and statewide officials to visit the city and meet directly with the residents, Schuh said he's been tethered to Springfield as session ran long this summer, and for the current veto session. "Given the distance, I'm not sure he's gotten that far down in Southern Illinois in recent months," she said. Since April, when HUD announced the relocation decision, Rauner has traveled on trade and research missions to China, Japan and Israel and announced his 2018 re-election plans. CARBONDALE The decline in enrollment at Southern Illinois University has had a wide range of effects on Carbondale, and one consequence on the distant horizon is the potential loss of the citys home-rule status. Municipalities containing at least 25,000 people are automatically granted home rule, a legal standing first introduced in Illinois in 1970 that allows communities more control in financial engineering and privatization of services. Historically, Carbondales population has hovered right around or just above the 25,000 mark. In 2010, the United States Census Bureau counted 25,509 people in Carbondale, but the city has since lost residents, according to City Manager Gary Williams. One of the questions folks always have for us is How many (SIU) students are counted in the census? Williams said. And the answer is we really dont know, but we would assume a lot of them. So with the decline in enrollment, we havent really seen other housing growth here. We obviously have a concern that in the 2020 census, well be below the 25,000, and that puts our home-rule status at risk. Home rule gives municipalities, villages and counties freedom from reliance on state statutes to deal with management of day-to-day operations. Such units have greater autonomy to craft laws and ordinances pertaining to the municipality and to establish new revenue streams. Carbondales home-rule sales tax is currently 2.5 percent, and that revenue funds a number of city services necessary to a university town, Williams argued. Home-rule authority also provides the ability to have building code enforcement; Carbondale inspects rental properties every three years. Were a university town and we have a high daytime population, so that alone calls for more law enforcement, and more law enforcement requires more pension obligation. Theres more wear-and-tear on our streets, which requires more street department people. Because were a university town, we have a lot of rental housing, so people have an expectation of having code enforcement. Theres a cost of that, Williams said. Outside of population, municipalities can obtain home-rule authority by referendum. If the 2020 census indicates that Carbondales population is below 25,000, the city will have to bring the item to a vote in the 2021 general election. The good thing about doing a referendum is you always have it, Williams said. But anti-tax sentiments and general mistrust of local government could prompt voters to reject the measure. Our fear would be that there certainly would be an anti-home rule lobby, as there are in all cities that try this, but at the same time, we have a lot of services we know we need to provide, because were a service center for the region, and theres a cost to be in that service center, Williams said. Illinois Realtors, a private property advocacy group, opposes home rule because it allows municipalities to put more red tape and taxes on real estate transactions and to impose new inspections and fees, according to the organizations website. But losing the home-rule sales tax would mean the city would need to make up the revenue for services, likely by raising taxes on real estate. If we lose the ability to collect home-rule sales tax, were going to have to make up for it in real estate tax. So I would think that argument alone would incentivize people to understand the value of home rule and how important it is to Carbondale, Williams said. Although the possibility of a referendum is still a long way off, the matter has been on the citys radar for some time. Its a concern of ours. Its definitely a risk, and SIU is making a lot of attempts to turn things around, but its going to take time, Williams said. PINCKNEYVILLE Once upon a time, Pinckneyville Community High School was listed as one of the "lowest performing schools in the state," with a "very small percentage" of its students being considered college ready. The release of a State Report Card last week on this district and others, reflects that Pinckneyville has made great strides in preparing its students for their next educational pursuit, said the school's principal, Dustin R. Foutch. "We are very pleased with the growth that has been demonstrated in our student achievement over the last several years," he said via email. "In 2012, we were listed as one of the lowest performing schools ... "I am very proud to say that in 2017, our students performed right with the state averages in reading and math and we also performed very well when compared with schools of similar demographics in our geographical area. I was also very pleased that we have reduced the number of our graduates that are required to take remedial coursework when they enter college." This marks the first year that the report card reflects the state-administered results of the SAT, which state officials opted to use to measure proficiency in language arts and mathematics. Results from that test are used to indicate whether 11th grade students "partially meet," "approach," "meet" or "exceed" academic performance standards. The percent of the SAT deemed proficiency is a combination of a school's percent of students who "meet" and "exceed" performance standards. Overall, students' scores improved in English language arts achievement on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessment, the four-year graduation rate, college enrollment rates, Advanced Placement participation and success, the community college remediation rate, ninth-grade students on track to graduate, and eighth-grade students passing Algebra I, according to a news release from The Illinois State Board of Education. The state averaged 39 percent of its 11th graders "meeting" or "exceeding" academic standards on the ELA and math tests, based on results from the new SAT testing. Statewide, 87.1 percent of freshmen were on target; 87 percent graduated from high school within four years; and 51 percent of graduating seniors were college ready (meaning they scored a 21 or higher on an ACT test). In 2015, more than 50 percent of Pinckneyville High School students were enrolled in remedial post-secondary coursework, he said; that rate has now been reduced to 25 percent, with only 2 percent of the district's students needing to take remedial reading courses after they graduate. "When our remedial coursework percentage is compared with the state average of 47 percent," Foutch said, "it shows that we are doing an excellent job of preparing our students for post-secondary success." In Benton, students have the opportunity to dual-enroll in college courses through a partnership with Rend Lake College, the school's superintendent, Aaron Mattox, said. The high school's college readiness rate is 42 percent and its graduation rate is 82 percent. Some 81 percent of its freshmen were on track. "The challenge that the district has faced is improving academic achievement while trying to balance the resources that are available to promote college and career readiness for all of the districts students," Mattox said. "Benton High School has implemented SAT preparation courses to help prepare students for testing and has put in place a student incentive program to help maximize academic achievement." He said the district also partners with the Franklin County Vocational Cooperative to offer students more vocational opportunities. For other districts, the college readiness of their student body is reflected at: Anna-Jonesboro HS: 42 percent college readiness; 91 percent of freshmen on track; 91 percent graduation rate; and 32 percent proficient, SAT. Benton Consolidated HSD 103: 42 percent college readiness; 81 percent of freshmen on track; 82 percent graduation rate; and 23 percent proficient, SAT. Cairo USD 1: 16 percent college readiness; with 83 percent of freshmen on track; 73 percent graduation rate; and 6 percent proficient, SAT. Carbondale CHSD 165: 71 percent college readiness; 87 percent of freshmen on track; and an 85 percent graduation rate; 40 percent proficient, SAT. Carterville HS: 73 percent college readiness; 90 percent of freshmen on track; 94 percent graduation rate; and 54 percent proficient, SAT. Du Quoin: 36 percent college readiness; 91 percent of freshmen on track; 92 percent graduation rate; and 32 percent proficient, SAT. Harrisburg: 24 percent college readiness, 88 percent of freshmen on track; 81 percent graduation rate; and 20 percent proficient, SAT. Herrin HS: 40 percent college readiness; 89 percent of freshmen on track; 88 percent graduation rate; and 33 percent proficient, SAT. Marion: 61 percent college readiness; 76 percent of freshmen on track; 84 percent graduation rate; and 29 percent proficient, SAT. Murphysboro HS/CUSD 186: 40 percent college readiness; 89 percent of freshmen on track; 85 percent graduation rate; and 28 percent proficient, SAT. To view your district and other school's results reflected on the state's Report Card, visit the documents online at ENFIELD With Woolsey Operating Company walking back its efforts to frack for oil in Enfield, what was seen as a potential boon to the states rural economy has been dashed. Citing onerous rules and regulations, Woolsey, a Kansas-based oil and natural gas company, earlier this month terminated its hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, permit with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The reasons for terminating were explained in a company statement. The process we have gone through to receive a permit was burdensome, time consuming and costly due to the current rules and regulations of the State of Illinois and it appears that this process would continue for future permit applications, the statement read. Mark Sooter, vice president of business development for Woolsey, said the company received a letter Nov. 6 from the IDNR, releasing them from the permit. When asked why the nature of regulatory process was news to the company after it got going, Sooter said the company knew about the process broadly, but wanted a live trial to fully understand the process. We thought it would be best to go through the process with this first one to see just exactly what it entailed, Sooter said. We also see that even though we got the permit on this first one the realization is that future permits were going to be difficult to obtain as well. Woolsey was the first company to be approved for a fracking permit under the Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory Act. It was approved in September. Fracking is an oil and natural gas cultivation process that relies on high-pressure use of water and chemical injections to break up deep-rock formations, releasing oil and gas. When asked what portion of the law specifically gave Woolsey trouble, Sooter deferred to the companys statement. The drilling and completion requirements under the Act are stringent which will make future development costs of the New Albany Shale excessive and the obligations for compliance on our staff demanding, the statement reads. That's the most specific the statement gets in terms of citing specific regulatory problems. Enfield Mayor Tom Harbour was disappointed by the news. He said while there was little the village would directly receive from the wells, there would have been positive residual effects for the community. I hated it for our local economy, Harbour said of the news. They had a local drilling contractor, they are from Carmi, and they used local people for their rigs. So thats another low downfall of it. Sooter said the company's plan is to let existing land leases expire. In the companys statement, it said Woolsey was still of the opinion that the New Albany Shale has potential however, Sooter said until laws change and oil prices improve the company statement also said low oil prices were a factor in their decision their fracking operation in Illinois was likely to stay in the abstract. Maybe there needs to be some legislation changes, he said, adding that Woolsey itself does not currently have lobbyists working on the issue, nor have they reached out to any potentially sympathetic law makers. Orangeburg County Council has denied a rezoning request for Highway 33, citing neighbors complaints. Councilman Willie B. Owens, who represents the area, said Twice, my constituents have turned this down. I am with my constituents. We do not want a Dollar General located there. Council voted unanimously Monday to deny Greg Googers rezoning request. Googer wanted to build a new Dollar General store near the intersection of Highway 33 and Old Cameron Road, where the old gas station used to be. The land is zoned Residential General. Neighbors claimed that Googer had not even met with them to see if they would agree to the store, but Googer said he arranged a community meeting with them. Unfortunately during that meeting I was interrupted so many times, I didnt even get through my presentation, he said. Property owner Daisy Orr said her mother purchased the property around 30 years ago but no one expressed any interest over the years until Googer. She and her sisters have been paying taxes on the property. Nothing has been on that property but the trees and whatever it is now. No residential, no store, no nothing, Orr said. There are several homes in that area, but no one has ever shown an interest in that until this gentleman came. Councilman Harry Wimberly asked what the biggest opposition to the rezoning seemed to be. They just dont want it period, Googer said. They dont want any development along 33, which Im concerned for Orangeburg under those statements because thats a main corridor for you. He noted the countys comprehensive plan designates Highway 33 as a growth corridor with the possibility of it being entirely commercialized. Owens said, Its not along 33. They welcome your development farther up on 33. Owens said even if the store was built, residents have said theyll boycott the business. Owens made the motion to deny a related resolution and ordinance. In other business: Concerned citizen Robert Decelles spoke during the public comments section of the meeting, saying the county has a problem with EMS services. He said four or five medic crews work double shifts. The outcome is overworked employees and long response times that can be up to and over an hour. Decelles claimed that Orangeburg County Administrator Harold Youngs grandmother had to wait more than an hour for service. Young said, To the men and women who work in this county as first responders, I cannot sit here and let him say that it took them an hour to get to my grandmother. They gave her the best care she could have her last days in life, he continued. She passed away at the hospital after months of fighting through. They did not take an hour to get to my grandmother. Wimberly said, This council realizes that we do have an EMS situation in this county that needs to be addressed. This council sits up here and we took more heat over imposing a business license to raise money to fix EMS than any council in the state of South Carolina took, he added. If there had been money in this county, wed have fixed it, but we had to find a way to fix it. Council gave first reading by title only to an ordinance authorizing a fee-in-lieu of taxes agreement with a company operating anonymously as Project Huntley. The ordinance also places the project in a multi-county industrial park. The business is a solar farm that will be constructed on approximately 550 acres. Project Huntley promises a minimum investment of $150 million in machinery and equipment. County Attorney Jerrod Anderson said there are no new jobs promised but there will be long-term employment related to the ongoing operation of the facility. Council passed first reading by title only of an ordinance authorizing tax agreements for a company operating anonymously as Project MB. The company promises a minimum investment of $10 million, with $250,000 in buildings and $9.7 million in machinery and equipment. Anderson said it comes with the promise of 100 new jobs. He said 50 jobs have been created since Jan. 1 of this year. The location is already included in the multi-county industrial park. Council passed first reading of an ordinance authorizing an agreement to buy and sell real estate between the county and Mark Linder. After doing a study throughout the county, we have looked at certain situations in the county where we had a company come in and analyze a lot of the facilities, Young said. This was one of the facilities we felt like could be refurbished or sold. The contract price is $55,000. The property would be used by Linder as a storage warehouse for his construction company. Council passed two ordinances in first reading authorizing an infrastructure credit agreement between the county and F I of Santee, LLC and placing the project in the multi-county industrial park. The company promises an investment of $5 million and 15 new jobs in the town of Santee. Council passed second reading of an ordinance rezoning property on North Road from Forest and Agriculture to Commercial General. Two nearby churches, Orangeburg Baptist Tabernacle and Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, have opposed the rezoning, stating they do not want a business near the church disturbing their normal proceedings. Also, if the property is rezoned to Commercial General, any business could potentially locate there. Council passed a resolution to restate the authorization for an installment purchase plan for certain capital projects in the county, including the new detention center. Young said the resolution is for the sole purpose of supporting the issuance of tax incentives. He said it was passed last year but needs to be renewed to move forward. Council passed second reading of an ordinance rezoning property at 782 Lake Edisto Road from Residential General to Forest and Agriculture for a dog grooming business. Council approved a request for an exemption from the procurement code for Edisto River Debris Removal Phase I. County Attorney DAnne Haydel said they will go with the second-lowest bidder for the contract. Young said the original company did not meet the delivery or start time and another storm impacted the river even more. Council approved the low bid of $442,807 from Skip Welch Construction for the rebuilding and relocation of the Orangeburg County Sheriffs Department storage and K-9 facility. Council read a resolution honoring Bishop Paul J. Jenkins. Council went into closed, executive session to discuss economic development updates for projects operating anonymously under the names Project Huntly, Project Recycle, Project Arrow, Project MB and Project 01. The Orangeburg County Sheriffs Office is asking for the publics help identifying the gunman who robbed a Vance-area convenience store on Wednesday. Investigators were called to the First Stop Food Mart just after 9 p.m. when a clerk reported the robbery, according to Sheriff Leroy Ravenell. The clerk told investigators a male wearing a grey hoodie and dark grey pants entered the Old Number Six Highway business while pointing a weapon at him. After the gunman took a small amount of cash, he fled out of the front door. Security video shows he ran to a waiting vehicle parked across Old Number Six on Camden Road. If anyone has any information on the robbery, they are asked to call the sheriffs office at 803-534-3550 or Crimestoppers at 1-888-CRIME-SC. ROCK HILL Southern black residents are more likely to be religious than white residents but are less likely to believe that America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation, according to the latest Winthrop Poll conducted in 11 Southern states. Three-fourths of blacks surveyed said religion is important in their lives. Yet fewer blacks than whites agreed on the religious principles that the United States was founded on. Poll Director Scott Huffmon suggested several possible interpretations. African Americans, who tend to be more devout in their Christianity, may not connect their religious beliefs to their historical beliefs, or they may see the United States as founded on slavery, which is inherently unChristian. Irrespective, this finding warrants more research. The latest Winthrop Poll asked residents about their attitudes toward race, religion, Confederate monuments and the economy, among other issues. The Southern state residents contacted were Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Race Overwhelmingly, Winthrop Poll respondents of all races across the South said all races should be treated equally, and that America should protect and preserve its multi-cultural heritage. Yet both whites and blacks felt uneasy regarding their relative safety and position in the country. When asked if white people were under attack, 46 percent of whites agreed or strongly agreed. And more than three-fourths of black respondents said racial minorities are currently under attack in the United States. When asked if America must protect and preserve its White European heritage, 30 percent of all respondents agreed, while more than half disagreed or strongly disagreed. Interracial marriage seems to have grown in acceptance across the region. Half of the respondents strongly disagreed that marriage should only be allowed between people of the same race. Southerners also were united in saying that people of different races should be free to live wherever they choose. Respondents seem frustrated that political correctness threatens the liberty of Americans to speak their minds. Around two-thirds of residents said they agreed or strongly agreed. Confederate monuments With hundreds of monuments standing across the country in parks and outside government offices, the majority in the South, many politicians have pushed for the removal of statues, memorials, and other monuments that celebrate Civil War era figures. The Winthrop Poll asked residents what should be done with the statues commemorating Confederate War heroes, or memorials to Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War. Forty-three percent of Southerners said to leave the memorials to those who died in the Civil War just as they are, while one-fourth said add a plaque for context and historical interpretation, while another one-fourth said to move them to a museum. Half of the black respondents said they should be moved to a museum. As far as statues honoring Confederate war heroes, residents were less supportive. Forty percent said to leave them where they are, 24 percent said add a plaque and 27 percent said to move them to a museum. Nearly half of blacks said to move them to a museum, while a fourth said to remove them completely. Southern attitudes When poll respondents hear someone referred to as Southern, almost three quarters imagine that person to be close to their family. More than half think of the hypothetical Southerner as religious, though whites were more likely to say that than blacks. They also dont think of Southerners as racists only 15 percent said yes. A fourth of black respondents said they think of Southerners as racists. Economy More than 60 percent of Winthrop Poll respondents in the South said our country is headed in the wrong direction. Yet more than two thirds of Southern residents said our countrys economy is very good or fairly good. More than half (54 percent) think the economic conditions in the country as a whole are moving in a positive direction, though 63% of blacks said they were getting worse and 57% of all respondents described their own financial situation as good or excellent. Southerners said the most important problem facing our country is racism, followed by politicians/government, President Donald Trump, and the economy. Black residents were more than twice as likely to list racism as the most important problem, followed closely by Trump. Black Southerners also think that all people in the United States do not have an equal chance to succeed if they work equally hard: 61% of whites said yes, while 65% of blacks said no. And 60% of blacks strongly agreed that generations of slavery and discrimination make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class. The Winthrop Poll is paid for by Winthrop University with additional support from The West Forum on Politics and Policy at Winthrop University. The City of Bamberg will observe Veterans Day with a program at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 11, at the Bamberg Civic Center. Co-chairs for this year's event are Douglas and Lisa B. Stokes. All veterans, their families and friends are invited to attend this patriotic celebration. South Carolina Adjutant General Robert Livingston Jr. will be the guest speaker. Maj. Gen. Livingston serves as the head of the Military Department of the state of South Carolina. He administers the affairs of the South Carolina Army and Air National Guard, the Emergency Management Division, the State Guard and the Youth Challenge Academy. The governor, by law, is the commander-in-chief, and the adjutant general is a constitutional officer with the rank of major general. Livingston graduated from Hampden-Sydney College, earning his Bachelor of Science in chemistry. He attended the Georgia Institute of Technology and earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in electrical engineering. He also earned a master's in business administration from the University of South Carolina. Livingston completed United States Army War College in 2001, earning a Master of Science in strategic studies. He is president, CEO and owner of Gregory Electric Company Inc. headquartered in Columbia. Gregory Electric Co. is a provider of complete commercial and industrial electrical, utility and telecommunications services with operations in nine states. Livingston and his wife, Barbara Flora Livingston, have four children and five grandchildren. Douglas Stokes, a retired master sergeant in the South Carolina Army National Guard, said the city will honor several local veterans. The late Kenneth Carter Sr. and Lillie Marie Smith had five children who served in the military. Stokes said noted that Kenneth Carter Jr., Bryan O. Carter, Aaron D. Carter, Bridget M. Franklin, Yolanda L. Davis and Charlene M. Smith (deceased) all served in some branch of the military. If Bamberg has a ... family who has more siblings that have served than these five, we would certainly like to know about it, Stokes said. Along with Bamberg Mayor Nancy Foster, Livingston will also honor the late Brig. Gen. Jasper B. Varn Jr., who was one of the founding members of the Bamberg National Guard Unit. Nancy Kemp Watson and Karen Herndon are spearheading a patriotic essay and poster contest in Bamberg School District 1. Those winners will be recognized at the Veterans Day Program. Other program participants will include: Craig Walker, director of the Bamberg County Veterans Affairs Office; Paul Eubanks, presentation of the White Table and Military Memorabilia; Bo Griffin, who will make presentations to essay and poster winners on behalf of Home Federal Savings and Loans of Bamberg; Nancy Kemp Watson, who will recite patriotic poetry; the American Legion of Bamberg, which will have a display and Bruce Watson, who will preside over the program and sing the National Anthem. After the program, guests will be served heavy hors d'oeuvres while listening to patriotic music provided by Stokes. At 1 p.m. guests are invited to meet downtown at the corner of U.S. 78/301 for the citys Flag Ceremony. For more information, contact Douglas or Lisa B. Stokes at 803-682-3379/0538 or Bamberg City Hall at 803-245-5128. The Stokes may also be contacted at By Trend Azerbaijani presidents assistant for public and political issues Ali Hasanov met with a delegation of heads of municipalities of the Cukurova Municipalities Union of Turkey in Baku on November 8. At the meeting, Hasanov said that Azerbaijan and Turkey are two fraternal states with common national and moral values and historical roots. "The expression we are one nation, two states by Azerbaijans national leader Heydar Aliyev and the statement Azerbaijans joy is our joy, its sorrow is our sorrow by Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, are the thoughts defining the philosophy of Azerbaijan-Turkey relations," noted Hasanov. He said that as a result of joint efforts of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the relations between the two countries have strengthened and reached the level of strategic partnership. The cooperation between the relevant government agencies and local self-governing bodies of Turkey and local executive authorities of Azerbaijan is of great importance in further development of mutual trust between Azerbaijan and Turkey, added the Azerbaijani top official. In this sense, it is essential to organize mutual visits, said Hasanov. Noting the support of local municipalities in the effective activity of Azerbaijans diaspora organizations in Turkey, Hasanov noted that exhibitions, concert programs, scientific-practical conferences and other events held regularly are followed with great enthusiasm in Azerbaijan. It was noted that the feeling of love and respect for the Azerbaijani peoples national leader Heydar Aliyev in Turkey is also observed in the activities of municipalities. Construction of the Heydar Aliyev park and monument complex in Adana Provinces Ceyhan City, Adana Metropolitan Municipalitys decision on giving the name of the national leader to one of the existing parks, plans on establishing a university named after Heydar Aliyev, construction of parks named after Heydar Aliyev in the Mersin Provinces Tarsus City and Hatay Provinces Payas town, and others once again confirm this. Moreover, monuments, parks, museums dedicated to Azerbaijan have been created and other works have been done at the initiative and organization of Turkish municipalities. It was noted that the establishment of relations of sister cities between different cities of Azerbaijan and Turkey is of great importance for sharing local self-governance experience. Currently, Azerbaijans Ganja and Turkeys Izmir, Kars, Bursa, Ordu, Ankara, Elazig, Eskisehir, as well as Azerbaijans Sumgayit and Turkeys Ceyhan, Bakus Khatai District and Tarsus, Nasimi District and Izmit, Shaki City and Meram, Mingachevir City and Golbasi, Shamakhi and Sharur cities and Igdir are sister cities. Hasanov said the relations between the municipalities of Azerbaijan and Turkey are also developing within various conferences and exhibitions. It was noted that memorials on graves of Turkish soldiers killed in the battles against Armenian Dashnak armed units in Azerbaijan in 1918 were reconstructed or repaired and that memorial ceremonies are held in front of the Turkish Martyrdom monument on September 15 every year. By Azernews By Kamila Aliyeva The U.S. administration is determined to consistently and proactively implement the law on tightening the regime of unilateral sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. This was stated by U.S. Treasury Under Secretary Sigal Mandelker at a hearing in the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress on November 8, TASS reported. "We are very consistent in our sanctions efforts against Russia... We are also working steadfastly to fulfill the requirements of "Law on Counteracting America's Enemies through Sanctions"... and we are making essential guidelines for action [for the business community] which will continue to tighten the sanctions regime against Russia. This is an effort in which we will need to maintain consistency in order to enforce [business sanctions], and we are extremely committed to it," she said. Mandelker oversees financial intelligence and issues of combating the financing of terrorism. The law mentioned by her actually shackled the hands and feet of U.S. President Donald Trump in terms of using the powers that enable him to soften and abolish the already existing restrictive measures against Russia, Iran and North Korea. The law provides that the head of the U.S. administration will be able to take such steps only with the permission of the Congress. It is possible to completely eliminate the toughened sanctions regime only by adopting a separate law for this purpose, which will require considerable effort. The current executive branch of the U.S. government, led by Trump, was categorically opposed both to such attempts on his authority, and to giving the new power of anti-Russian sanctions to the law. Meanwhile, a new meeting of Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is expected to take place soon. They will meet in Vietnam on Friday, November 10, according to Russian Presidential Aide Yuri Ushakov. Ushakov earlier said that Putin and Trump could discuss at the meeting in Vietnam on the sidelines of the APEC summit the situation in Syria and on the Korean Peninsula and bilateral relations, which have reached a low point. President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, saying he wanted to improve ties with Russia. Putin also spoke favorably of Trump. However, the ties have been damaged by accusations from U.S. intelligence officials that Russia interfered in the presidential election. Moscow has denied the accusations. Trump in August grudgingly signed off on new sanctions against Russia, a move Moscow said ended hopes for better ties. At the same time, Moscow ordered the U.S. to reduce the number of its diplomatic and technical staff in Russia to 455 people. In response, the U.S. embassy in Moscow announced that non-immigrant visas will no longer be issued in the three U.S. consulates across the country, beginning on August 23. At the moment, visas in these three consulates are issued with restrictions - only to those citizens who do not need to pass an interview, according to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. By Azernews By Kamila Aliyeva The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) intends to allocate another $300 million to Uzbekistan by the end of next year. This was stated by the first vice-president of the European Bank, Philip Bennett, at the opening of the EBRD representative office in Tashkent on November 8. He noted that the bank could resume its work in Uzbekistan in a very short time. "Since the EBRD shareholders decided to resume work in Uzbekistan, we managed to prepare a number of projects that will be signed before the end of this year and next year. This allows us to look to the future with confidence," the banks representative said. However, he noted that the activities of the bank are aimed not only at providing financial resources. "We will also do things in areas where we have great experience, for example, in public-private partnership, renewable energy and preservation of cultural heritage," Bennett said. The current and future work of the financial institution in the country is directly related to the reforms that are being led by the leadership of Uzbekistan, and their success will affect the financing of certain projects, according to the banks official. "This week we will sign three projects worth $120 million. In addition, before the end of 2018 we plan to allocate another $300 million to Uzbekistan. We were able to develop a large number of projects in various sectors of the economy, which we intend to implement in the coming years. They are about municipal infrastructure, support of financial institutions, agriculture, commerce and other areas," Bennett said. At the same time, according to the European bank representative, the EBRD does not have such a concept as the distribution of a fixed budget for the country. Therefore, if there is market demand, if the situation permits, the bank intends to continue investing money, attracting investors to work in Uzbekistan, he added. Previously, the bank approved a $120 million credit line to the republic for three projects. Of these funds, $70 million will be used by the Uzbek National Bank to finance final borrowers of small and medium-sized businesses while the remaining $30 million - to support trade finance. The purpose of this loan is to improve the possibility of medium-term financing of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, including in the regions of the country. The remaining amount will be shared between Agromir Juice JV LLC and the pharmaceutical company Jurabek Laboratories. Currently, the Bank together with the involved ministries and departments of Uzbekistan is in the process of development a draft of the EBRD country program for Uzbekistan, which will further expand the Bank's interaction with the Central Asian nation. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) plans to approve a new country program for Uzbekistan next summer. "If we talk about the next stage of our work, we plan to develop a comprehensive plan, where our priorities will be described, we call this document the country strategy, and we expect that the first preliminary document will be ready by the end of March next year," Bennett said. After that, he added, a series of consultations with partners in Uzbekistan will begin, where, in addition to government structures, the private sector will also be involved. "Approximately in mid-summer, we expect that the final version of this country strategy will be adopted," the vice president stressed. Uzbekistan joined the EBRD in 1992. According to the EBRD, the bank invested almost 900 million euros in the country and implemented about 54 projects in energy, entrepreneurship, transportation, construction, development of mineral resources, etc. Happy Birthday Roy! This toy blog post is a blast from the past. I posted it on June 29, 2010 and almost six years on it has become releva... The Louvre Abu Dhabi, the first museum to bear the Louvre name outside France, was yesterday inaugurated. The UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and President of France Emmanuel Macron, opened the museum. In attendance were King Mohammed VI of Morocco, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain, President Mohammed Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, and a host of guests representing several countries, Wam news agency said. An iconic architectural masterpiece designed by French architect Jean Nouvel, Louvre Abu Dhabi took over a decade in the making. The contract for the project was awarded to a joint venture led by UAE builder Arabtec along with partners Constructora San Jose and Oger Abu Dhabi in 2013. The museum is topped by an enormous signature dome (180-m-diameter) of overlapping geometric lattices that weighs more than 7,500 tonnes. The design of the cladding of the dome, which is the museums main feature, is inspired by the interlaced palm leaves traditionally used as roofing material in the UAE. The roofs complex pattern is the result of a highly studied geometric design, repeated at various sizes and angles in eight different layers, giving the dome a delicate form that leads to a magnificent rain of light effect. On the iconic project, designer Nouvel said: "Louvre Abu Dhabi embodies an exceptional programme in the literal sense of the word. Its vocation is now to express what is universal throughout the ages. Its architecture makes it a place of convergence and correlation between the immense sky, the sea-horizon and the territory of the desert." "Its dome and cupola imprint the space with the consciousness of time and of the moment through an evocative light of a spirituality that is its own," he added. The massive dome is made up of four outer stainless steel layers and four inner layers, supported by a steel structure 5 m in height. These layers consist of 7,850 star-shaped pieces of aluminium and stainless steel, of various sizes and angles the largest of which measures 13 m in diameter and weighs 1.3 tonnes, he stated. The dome, which was constructed over the span of 10 months, was originally built on top of 120 temporary towers as a way to support its weight during the construction process. It was then lifted atop its final position supported by only four concrete piers in a first-of-its-kind technique in the world of construction for a permanent structure of this scale and size, he added. It will open to the public this Saturday (November 11), with a spectacular week-long series of celebrations, stated the report. The museum offers a new perspective on the history of art in a globalised world. It will have on display a rare collection that spans the history of humanity, arranged on a chronological journey from prehistory to the present day, encompassing 12 chapters including the birth of the first villages; universal religions; cosmography; the magnificence of the royal court; and the modern world. Ahead of the opening, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, received the heads of state upon their arrival to the Louvre Abu Dhabi. The guests toured the different sections of the museum and marvelled at the rare pieces on display of ancient masterpieces, including Bactrian Princess created in Central Asia at the end of the third millennium BCE, a Grecian sphinx from the sixth century BCE, a Gothic Bible, as well as a winged dragon statue from China. They also stopped at other ancient and contemporary pieces from the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and France and other countries. The inaugural installation in its spacious collection galleries will present 600 works of art, half from its own holdings and half consisting of loaned works from its 13 partner museums in France. The museum will also begin an ongoing programme of special exhibitions in December. Located on the waterfront in Abu Dhabis cultural district on Saadiyat Island, Louvre Abu Dhabi is the result of a unique collaboration between the UAE capital and France. The museums collection spans the history of humanity and will explore a universal narrative through artworks and artefacts from all over the world. The inaugural installation will take visitors on a chronological journey from prehistory to the present day, encompassing 12 chapters including the birth of the first villages, universal religions, cosmography, the magnificence of the royal court, and the modern world, said the Wam report. "It is a true example of how culture can bridge the histories and stories of two different nations," remarked Noura Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, on the launch. Noting that its 180-m-wide dome by prize-winning architect Nouvel is set to become "an iconic image of Abu Dhabi and its cultural scene," she said the museum "brings together cultures and civilisations bridging East and West." Describing herself as having been "honoured to be a part of this momentous occasion," Al Kaabi pointed out that the 10-year journey from conception to opening "reiterates Abu Dhabis commitment to culture and development, placing the UAE as a regional leader." Mohamed Al Mubarak, the chairman of the Department of Tourism and Culture Department - Abu Dhabi, and the Tourism Development and Investment Company, TDIC, said: "Each visitor will encounter extraordinary artworks and artefacts from global cultures that are both familiar and surprising. Louvre Abu Dhabi is the UAEs gift to the world, and we look forward to welcoming our first visitors." Manuel Rabate, the director of Louvre Abu Dhabi, said: "It sets a benchmark for the region, attracting the next generation of talented museum professionals. It has reinvented the 18th-century premise of the universal museum for a demanding contemporary audience. In a complex multi-narrative world, these ideas are more important than ever." "By exhibiting works from diverse cultures in the same space, our curation shows the interconnectedness of different ideologies, aesthetics and artistic techniques. The museum story transports visitors through a history of humanity illuminated by our collection of exceptional treasures," noted Rabate. Commenting on behalf of Musee du Louvre, Jean-Luc Martinez, the president-director of Musee du Louvre and chairman of the Scientific Board of Agence France-Museums, said: "Louvre Abu Dhabi is a museum like no other, which could be considered as the most ambitious cultural project of the early 21st century. It carries a message of openness, which is critical for our era." Presented across 6,400 sq m of galleries, the museums growing collection includes more than 600 important artworks and artefacts, approximately half of which will be presented for the opening year. It includes ancient archaeological finds, decorative arts, neoclassical sculptures, paintings by modern masters and contemporary installations. Ancient masterpieces from the collection include a Bactrian Princess created in Central Asia at the end of the 3rd millennium BCE, a Grecian sphinx from the 6th century BCE and an Iranian gold bracelet in the shape of a lion. Highlights from later periods include an ancient astrolabe, part of a display showing the science of cosmography, a red Chinese lacquer chest of drawers produced in France by Bernard II van Risenburgh, which shows the cross-cultural inspirations born from global trade routes, and Giovanni Bellinis 'Madonna and Child', representing the emergence of religious art and iconography, said the Wam report. Works such as a Bronze Oba head from the Benin Kingdom and Jacob Jordaens 'The Good Samaritan' demonstrate the magnificence of royal courts around the world. A series of iconic paintings captures the emergence of the modern world, including Gustave Caillebottes 'Game of Bezique', Edouard Manets 'The Gypsy', Paul Gauguins 'Children Wrestling', Osman Hamdi Beys 'A Young Emir Studying', Piet Mondrians 'Composition with Blue, Red, Yellow and Black', Rene Magrittes 'The Subjugated Reader' and Pablo Picassos 'Portrait of a Lady', it stated. Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere, the chairman of Agence France-Museums, said: "What more stimulating challenge could there be for the French museums and cultural institutions than to invent, in partnership with Louvre Abu Dhabi, a museum entirely unlike any other in existence?" "Committed all together, they remind us with Louvre Abu Dhabi that culture and education remain invaluable foundations that this museum, now open to one and all, embodies in so many ways," he stated. At the opening, 300 works from French partner museums are on display. Additional works from regional and UAE institutions will be on view at Louvre Abu Dhabi. The National Museum of Ras Al Khaimah provides key objects including a pendant dating back to 2000-1800 BCE and a painted Neolithic vase, discovered on the 8000-year-old settlement on Marawah Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. The other highlights are a prehistoric stone tool dating back to 350,000 BCE, a milestone indicating the distance from Makkah in Kufic inscriptions and a funerary stele dating back to 700900 CE from the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, a collection of over 400 silver Dirham coins from the National Museum Sultanate of Oman, and an 8,000-year-old, two-headed figure from Jordans Department of Antiquities called the Ain Ghazal Statue. The Childrens Museum at Louvre Abu Dhabi will also open to the public, and its inaugural special exhibition, 'From One Louvre to Another: Opening a Museum for Everyone', opens on December 21. The museum galleries and exhibitions will be open on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am to 8pm and on Thursday and Friday from 10am to 10pm. Conex Banninger, a global leader in the design and manufacture of fittings, valves and accessories for domestic, commercial and industrial applications, including air-conditioning and refrigeration, will be showcasing the innovative new additions to its product portfolio at the upcoming Big 5 expo in Dubai, UAE. The company, which boasts solid bases in six continents across the globe, recently opened its office and warehouse in Dubai to consolidate its growing presence in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and other part of the Middle East. Conex Banninger is a brand belonging to IBP Group, a globally focused business encompassing the design, manufacture and supply of plumbing fittings, valves and bathroom products. Richard Franks, the business unit director for the Gulf, said: "As well as being the largest construction event in the Middle East, The Big 5 presents us with a terrific platform to meet our current customers in the region as well as exploring potential business opportunities with new persons." "It is a very worthwhile and productive four days, which is why IBP Group has chosen to exhibit Conex Banninger products here for a number of years," stated Franks. "Im particularly excited to be able to introduce the >B< MaxiPro range, which has proven successful since its adoption in Australia and which is making significant advances following its introduction earlier this year in the UK and Europe," he added. According to him, the >B< MaxiPro is an innovative flame-free press fitting solution developed by Conex Banninger for air-conditioning and refrigeration applications. "As a mechanically strong joint, there is no need for a hot works permit, the risk of fire is eliminated, it can be used in confined spaces and the speed of connection is significantly faster than for traditional brazing," he explained. The product can be used up to a maximum operating pressure of 48 bar, with a permanent maximum operating temperature of range of -40 deg C to 140 deg C. To produce a permanent tight connection, the fittings are pressed over three points, one on each side of the bead and one compressing the O-ring, he added. Each fitting comes with an industry-standard 12-month warranty, extended to five years when the official training programme is undertaken and the installation is made in line with Conex Banninger guidelines. Franks said the other flame-free solutions to be promoted at The Big 5 will include >BB