Lockhart Basin Lockhart Basin Original boundaries New boundaries Declared by President Obama Dec. 2016 | 1.35 million acres Reduced by President Trump Dec. 2017 | 201,876 acres (combined) Canyonlands national park Indian Creek Unit Indian Creek Corridor Indian Creek Corridor Beef Basin Beef Basin Dark Canyon Wilderness Dark Canyon Wilderness BEARS EARS Natural Bridges National Monument Bears Ears Buttes Bears Ears Buttes Shash Jaa Unit Moqui Canyon Moqui Canyon Cedar Mesa Cedar Mesa Comb Ridge Comb Ridge Grand Gulch Grand Gulch Valley of the Gods Valley of the Gods Navajo nation Original boundaries New boundaries Lockhart Basin Lockhart Basin Declared by President Obama Dec. 2016 | 1.35 million acres Reduced by President Trump Dec. 2017 | 201,876 acres Canyonlands national park Indian Creek Unit Beef Basin Beef Basin Indian Creek Corridor Indian Creek Corridor Dark Canyon Wilderness Dark Canyon Wilderness BEARS EARS Bears Ears Buttes Bears Ears Buttes Shash Jaa Unit Natural Bridges National Monument Moqui Canyon Moqui Canyon Cedar Mesa Cedar Mesa Comb Ridge Comb Ridge Grand Gulch Grand Gulch Valley of the Gods Valley of the Gods Navajo nation Original boundaries New boundaries Lockhart Basin Lockhart Basin Declared by President Obama Dec. 2016 | 1.35 million acres Reduced by President Trump Dec. 2017 | 201,876 acres Canyonlands national park Indian Creek Unit Beef Basin Beef Basin Dark Canyon Wilderness Dark Canyon Wilderness BEARS EARS Bears Ears Buttes Bears Ears Buttes Shash Jaa Unit Moqui Canyon Moqui Canyon Cedar Mesa Cedar Mesa Comb Ridge Comb Ridge Grand Gulch Grand Gulch Valley of the Gods Valley of the Gods Navajo nation Original boundaries New boundaries Canyonlands national park Indian Creek Unit BEARS EARS Shash Jaa Unit Navajo nation Declared by President Obama December 2016 1.35 million acres Reduced by President Trump December 2017 201,876 acres Original boundaries New boundaries BEARS EARS President Obama Dec. 2016 1.35 million acres President Trump Dec. 2017 201,876 acres President Trump on Monday announced deep cuts to the boundaries of Bears Ears National Monument, a site that has become the symbol of the battle over Americas protected public lands. The monument, a vast, remote stretch of red rock canyons, dotted with Native American sites, was reduced by 85 percent more than a million acres and divided into two disconnected parks. The nearby Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, designated by President Bill Clinton in 1996, was also diminished by 45 percent. Soon after the announcement, five Native American tribes sued the Trump administration, arguing that Mr. Trump was attempting to, in effect, abolish the Bears Ears National Monument. Several more lawsuits have since been filed by conservation, historical and outdoor industry groups. Bears Ears has attracted controversy since President Obama announced in December 2016 that he would protect the 1.35 million-acre site in southeastern Utah as a national monument. Republicans were quick to denounce the large, late-term declaration as a federal land grab and an overreach of executive power. More recently, Bears Ears has become a focus for conservation groups and other organizations that oppose the Trump administrations drive to open up public lands for development, agriculture, mining and other uses. Companies like Patagonia and R.E.I. have strongly supported keeping Bears Ears and other monuments intact. Heres a closer look at some of the sites that remain under protection, and those that have been cut out: Still in the Monument Native American ruins known as the Moon House complex. The Moon House complex. kjschoen/iStock, via Getty Images The view from Comb Ridge in Bears Ears monument. Rock art in the Indian Creek area. The twin Bears Ears bluffs. Hotel Rock, inside Shash Jaa area. Credits clockwise from top left: Reuters; Tim Peterson; Tim Peterson; KC McGinnis for The New York Times. Credits: kjschoen/iStock, via Getty Images; Reuters; Tim Peterson; Tim Peterson; KC McGinnis for The New York Times. Mr. Trump first ordered a review of 27 national monuments in April. Bears Ears was the only one mentioned by name in his executive order. On Monday, he used the Antiquities Act to formally downsize the monument. The Trump administration has argued that in protecting large swaths of land, previous presidents overstepped their authority under the act, which mandates that national monuments be confined to the smallest area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected. Mr. Trumps Monday order said the new boundaries would be consistent with that standard. In a news release, the Department of Interior listed some of the sites that will remain within the new monument boundaries, including the Bears Ears buttes two flat-top hills that jut out of the landscape. Several Native American sites, such as the Moon House Ruin and Lime Ridge Clovis Site, will also remain in the protected zones. No Longer in the Monument The Moki Dugway climbs to the Cedar Mesa. Rock art in the Moqui Canyon area. Tourists take in the red sandstone buttes and spires in the Valley of the Gods area. Travelers in the Valley of the Gods area. Mark Holm for The New York Times A cliff dwelling in the Dark Canyon Wilderness Area. Pictographs at Grand Gulch. Credits for top two images: Jim Lo Scalzo/European Pressphoto Agency; Tim Peterson. Credits for bottom two images: U.S. Forest Service; Josh Ewing. Credits: Jim Lo Scalzo/European Pressphoto Agency; Tim Peterson; Mark Holm for The New York Times; U.S. Forest Service; Josh Ewing. Conservation groups, Native American tribes and others who oppose the cuts say that important artifacts and sacred lands have been left out of the new monument boundaries, leaving the sites more vulnerable to development, looting, and other threats. Many Native American artifacts, including dwellings and other ruins, are scattered throughout the area. Theyre in the Dark Canyon Wilderness, Cedar Mesa, the White Canyon. The list really goes on and on and on, said Tim Peterson, a program director at the Grand Canyon Trust. That's why the Obama administration made the proclamation as large as it was, because the entire landscape is blanketed by these kinds of features. Its pretty hard to pick a canyon and hike in it for a while and not find something. Only a very small part of this area has been subject to a cultural resources inventory, he added. Native American tribes and other groups assert that Mr. Trump did not not have the power to shrink Bears Ears in the first place. The Antiquities Act, they say, grants the president the authority to create national monuments, but not to rescind or reduce them. The Department of Interior did not return a request for comment. Aug. 9, 2018: The government of Puerto Rico has acknowledged that more than 1,400 people died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Homes were flattened. Power was knocked out. And all across Puerto Rico, bodies began showing up at morgues. Hurricane Maria pummeled Puerto Rico with great fury but the government there has reported an official death toll far lower than the devastation suggests. 1,052 deaths Hurricane Maria makes landfall. By Trumps visit, 556 more people had died than in years past. 1,000 800 600 Additional Deaths in 2017 Compared With Previous Years Cumulative in Puerto Rico, from when the storm made landfall 400 200 Official death toll Sept. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 1,052 deaths Hurricane Maria makes landfall. By Trumps visit, 556 more people had died than in years past. 1,000 800 600 Additional Deaths in 2017 Compared With Previous Years Cumulative in Puerto Rico, from when the storm made landfall 400 200 Official death toll Sept. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 1,052 deaths Hurricane Maria makes landfall. By Trumps visit, 556 more people had died than in years past. 1,000 800 600 Additional Deaths in 2017 Compared With Previous Years Cumulative in Puerto Rico, from when the storm made landfall 400 200 Official death toll Sept. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Note: Chart shows the cumulative number of deaths in 2017 compared with an average of the number of deaths in 2015 and 2016. A decrease in deaths occurs on some dates because the number in 2017 was fewer than in previous years. The New York Times | Source: Demographic Registry of Puerto Rico (deaths in September and October as of Dec. 5) A review by The New York Times of daily mortality data from Puerto Ricos vital statistics bureau indicates a significantly higher death toll after the hurricane than the government there has acknowledged. The Timess analysis found that in the 42 days after Hurricane Maria made landfall on Sept. 20 as a Category 4 storm, 1,052 more people than usual died across the island. The analysis compared the number of deaths for each day in 2017 with the average of the number of deaths for the same days in 2015 and 2016. Officially, just 64 people died as a result of the storm that ravaged the island with nearly 150-mile-an-hour winds, cutting off power to 3.4 million Puerto Ricans. The last two fatalities were added to the death toll on Dec. 9. Before the hurricane, I had an average of 82 deaths daily. That changes from Sept. 20 to 30th. Now I have an average of 118 deaths daily, Wanda Llovet, the director of the Demographic Registry in Puerto Rico, said in a mid-November interview. Since then, she said on Thursday, both figures have increased by one. Data for October are not yet complete, and the number of deaths recorded in that month is expected to rise. Record-keeping has been delayed because Puerto Ricos power grid is operating at less than 70 percent of its capacity and swaths of the island still do not have power. Average Daily Deaths in September and October Hurricane Maria makes landfall. 100 deaths per day 2017 2015 2016 50 Sept. 7 Sept. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Hurricane Maria makes landfall. 100 deaths per day 2017 2015 2016 50 Sept. 7 Sept. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Hurricane Maria makes landfall. 100 deaths per day 2017 2015 2016 50 Sept. 7 Sept. 20 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Note: Chart shows a five-day moving average. The New York Times | Source: Demographic Registry of Puerto Rico (deaths in September and October as of Dec. 5) The deadliest day was Sept. 25, the day the governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo A. Rossello, warned that a looming humanitarian crisis could prompt a mass exodus from the island. President Trump responded that night by taking to Twitter to say the island had to deal with its massive debt: Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well. #FEMA. It was over 90 degrees, and power was out on most of the island, even in most hospitals. Bedridden people were having trouble getting medical treatment, and dialysis clinics were operating with generators and limiting treatment hours. People on respirators lacked electricity to power the machines. After Hurricane Maria destroyed the towns bridge in San Lorenzo, Morovis, P.R., family members were trying to get Rosa Maria Torres, 95, airlifted out of the town. If they don't move her out of here, shes going to die, said Carmen Santos, Ms. Torress granddaughter. Alvin Baez/Reuters On that day, 135 people died in Puerto Rico. By comparison, 75 people died on that day in 2016 and 60 died in 2015. One local mayor went to the Federal Emergency Management Agency command post that day and shouted for help. Statistics show his city, Manati, had among the highest mortality rates in September. Places where there were more deaths in Sept. 2017 than in Sept. 2015 Aguadilla Manati San Juan Arecibo Carolina Bayamon PUERTO RICO Corozal Caguas Mayaguez Jayuya Yabucoa Hurricane Marias path Ponce 10 5 1 death per 10,000 people 10 MILES Aguadilla Manati San Juan Arecibo Carolina PUERTO RICO Corozal Caguas Mayaguez Jayuya Yabucoa Ponce Hurricane Marias path 10 5 1 death per 10,000 people 10 MILES Aguadilla Manati San Juan Arecibo PUERTO RICO Corozal Caguas Jayuya Yabucoa Ponce Hurricane Marias path 10 5 1 death per 10,000 people 10 MILES Aguadilla Manati San Juan Arecibo PUERTO RICO Caguas Jayuya Yabucoa Ponce Hurricane Marias path 10 1 death per 10,000 people 15 MILES Hurricane Marias path Manati PUERTO RICO 10 20 MILES 1 death per 10,000 people The New York Times | Source: Demographic Registry of Puerto Rico, U.S. Census (deaths by municipality as of Nov. 9) With communications down throughout the island and bodies piling up in hospital morgues, the government was still clinging to its early death count estimate of 16. On Sept. 29, Hector M. Pesquera, Puerto Ricos public safety secretary, said in an interview that the death count would not swell by much. Will it go up? I am pretty sure it will go up, he said. It wont double or triple. Its not like an earthquake where you have a building and you dont know whether there were 20 in the building or 300 in the building until you get all the rubble out. The day he said that, 127 people died, 57 more than the year before. On Oct. 3, nearly two weeks after the storm, Mr. Trump visited the island and praised the low official death toll. He referred to the 1,833 deaths in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina as a real catastrophe. President Trump visited Puerto Rico about two weeks after Hurricane Maria and congratulated the islands residents for having a low death toll. Doug Mills/The New York Times Sixteen people certified, Mr. Trump said. Sixteen people versus in the thousands. You can be very proud of all of your people and all of our people working together. By that visit, an additional 556 people had died in Puerto Rico compared with the same period over the two prior years. The Times estimates that in the three weeks after the storm, the toll was 739 deaths. If all those additional deaths were to be counted as related to the hurricane, it would make Maria the sixth deadliest hurricane since 1851. The method used to count official storm deaths varies by state and locality. In some parts of the United States, medical examiners include only direct deaths, such as those caused by drowning in floodwaters. In Puerto Rico, however, Mr. Pesquera said, the medical examiner includes deaths caused indirectly by storms, such as suicides. That is why the gap between the official death toll and the hundreds of additional deaths is so striking. A study, which has not been peer-reviewed, by a Pennsylvania State University professor and an independent researcher estimated that the death toll could be 10 times higher than the governments official count. The Center for Investigative Journalism published its own estimate on Thursday, finding that nearly 1,000 more people than usual died in the months of September and October. Records from Puerto Ricos government show that some of the leading causes of death in September were diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, although the causes of death are still pending for 313 of the September deaths. The number of diabetes deaths was 24 percent higher than it was last year and 39 percent higher than it was in 2015. But the highest surge was in deaths from sepsis a complication of severe infection which jumped 50 percent over last year. That change is notable and could be explained by delayed medical treatment or poor conditions in homes and hospitals. Pneumonia and emphysema deaths also saw spikes. Causes of death Sept. 2015 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2017 Pct. change Sepsis 64 61 92 +47 Pneumonia 50 55 76 +45 Emphysema and other breathing disorders 104 114 156 +43 Diabetes 221 249 309 +31 Alzheimers and Parkinsons 189 183 229 +23 The New York Times | Source: Demographic Registry of Puerto Rico, Health Department of Puerto Rico (causes of death as of Dec. 4) | Note: Percentage change is the number of deaths in Sept. 2017 compared with the average of the number of deaths in Sept. 2015 and Sept. 2016. For weeks, Puerto Ricos Department of Public Safety insisted that the surge was coincidental: Government officials believed hundreds of additional people had died of natural causes. But the news media continued to investigate CNN surveyed half the islands funeral homes to come up with an additional 499 deaths the funeral directors believed were related to the storm. Under pressure, the government called for morticians and family members to come forward with more information, and it says its forensic science office is reviewing cases. As more instances have come to light of deaths because of power failures at local hospitals, or oxygen tanks that ran out, the government has said that it is willing to revise the death count upward. What we said is, Give us the information, the governor, Mr. Rossello, told The Times. Robert Anderson, chief of the mortality statistics branch of the National Center for Health Statistics, said Puerto Ricos spike in deaths is statistically significant and unlikely to be the result of an unlucky fluke. Not even a bad flu season would make the mortality rate increase that much, he said. I think theres fairly compelling evidence that that increase is probably due to the hurricane, Mr. Anderson said. Thats a lot. He said getting the number right was important. After creating storm with neech jibe, Mani Shankar Aiyar bats for Muslim integration India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia New Delhi, Dec 8: It was quite a day for veteran Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar on Thursday. First, the former diplomat-turned-politician addressed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "neech aadmi" (man of low birth and upbringing). Modi, who is currently touring Gujarat as a part of the Assembly elections campaign, gave a "befitting" reply to Aiyar's "neech" remark by dubbing such nasty comments against him as the Congress' "Mughlai mentality". As a damage control measure, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi asked Aiyar to apologise to Modi as he does not "appreciate the tone and language" used by his senior party colleague. Aiyar did listen to his boss, but the 'half-hearted' apology by Aiyar did not convince the Congress. Finally, the Congress decided to suspend its senior leader from the party's primary membership. All these incidents, one after another, in a day's time is too much for anyone to handle. But Aiyar too is a tough nut. After airing his neech view about the PM, Aiyar attended a talk on--"The Current State of India-Pakistan Relations"--held in the national capital on Thursday. Pakistan's former foreign affairs minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri was also a part of the session. Aiyar stressed on the need to integrate Muslim population of India with the rest of the country during his talk. He added that the Indian Muslims should not be punished for the terror activities of a few men from their religion. "The biggest issue of nation-building is integrating the Muslim community with the rest of the country. But there is a large section in India that believes Muslims were responsible for India's vivisection and therefore draws parallel between Muslims who created Pakistan and Muslims who remained here," Aiyar said. "Are we going to integrate them (Muslims)? Can we do it if there is a hostile relationship with Pakistan? We are damaging our own nationhood by enabling Pakistan to continue being considered enemy territory for no reason other than that it is inhabited and created by Muslims," the now suspended Congress leader added. He suggested ways to consolidate the nation to create a united India. "So we need to work out ways of consolidating our own nationhood and one very important aspect of that is somehow creating a relationship with Pakistan which will enable our Muslims to not be held responsible for what Hafiz Saeed does or did or will do," he said. Now, it remains to be seen how Aiyar, a trusted and loyal Congress leader, reacts to the news of his suspension which all started after he tried to defend his party over Modi's allegations that the Congress had tried to "erase" Dr BR Ambedkar's contributions to nation-building during a function to open the Ambedkar International Centre in the national capital on Thursday. OneIndia News PM Modi gifts Biden Kangra painting: What is the significance of this art from Himachal From Kangara painting for Biden to Pithora for Australia, here's what PM Modi gifted leaders at G20 Summit After Gujarat polls, BJP eyes Meghalaya, Modi to campaign in NE state on Dec 16 India oi-Staff By Oneindia Staff Writer Shillong, Dec 8: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one politician who never rests, truly. As soon as the Gujarat Assembly elections will get over, Modi will be heading to the Northeast India to campaign in Meghalaya, where the Assembly polls are likely to take place early next year. The two-phase Assembly elections in Gujarat will get over on December 14. Gujarat will vote for the first phase of Assembly polls on Saturday. The results of the elections in the state will be announced on December 18. So, instead of waiting for the outcome of the Gujarat election results, Modi known to be the star campaigner of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), will be in Meghalaya to woo voters on December 16. The dates for Meghalaya Assembly elections are not yet declared. But Modi is not the one to wait for such official communication at a time when the BJP is eyeing to rule over the entire Northeast region. Last year, the saffron party won the first Assembly polls in the region by defeating the Congress in the Assam Assembly elections. Then, this year the BJP came to power in Manipur after the Assembly elections in the state. Now, the BJP wants to ouster the Congress from Meghalaya too during the Assembly polls next year. The election for the 60-member Assembly is scheduled to be held in Meghalaya early next year, but the dates were not announced yet. The tenure of the current Assembly expires on March 6. "The BJP headquarters have directed us to prepare for the visit of the PM on December 16," state BJP president Shibun Lyngdoh told PTI. Modi would inaugurate a BJP office near the official residence of the chief minister and address a public meeting at the Polo Grounds in Shillong later. The Congress is in power in the state since May 2009. Meghalaya is going to be a tough battle for the BJP as the saffron party has already irked the people of the state earlier this year by announcing "beef ban" across the country. Although the ban on cattle sale for slaughtering is still in an ambiguous state, the beef-loving state massively protested against the Centre's move. In fact, the BJP's own local leaders in the state opposed the "beef ban" and a few also quit the party. The ruling Congress is also facing anti-incumbency in Meghalaya and both the parties have to struggle hard to win the state polls, say political observers. Meghalaya Assembly Party 2013 Current Standing CONG 29 24 Election Date : Feb 27 2018 Counting : Mar 03 2018 IND 13 09 UDP 08 07 HSPDP 04 04 NPP 02 02 NCP 02 02 BJP 00 02 GNC 01 00 NESDP 01 01 OTHERS 00 00 Total 60 51 (9 Vacant) OneIndia News Only those from political families can eye a CMs post in Congress: Amit Shah Amit Shah lists out offensive words used by Congress India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Soon after Mani Shankar Aiyar's 'neech' remark kicked-off political storm amid Gujarat election campaign, BJP Chief Amit Shah put out a list of abuses hurled by Congress party at Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the past. Amit Shah said he was 'neither shocked nor surprised' by Mani Shankar Aiyar's referring to PM as 'Neech.' " This is the culture of the Congress Party. People of Gujarat will punish anti-poor, anti-Dalit, anti-Tribal and anti-OBC Congress," he tweeted. Also, he listed out words or phrases used by Congress party. Yamraj Maut Ka Saudagar Ravan Gandi Nali Ka Keeda Monkey Rabies Victim Virus Bhasmasur Gangu Teli Goon These are some words or phrases Congress has used for PM Narendra Modi in the past. Shah said not much has changed. He wished Congress well and said BJP continue to serve 125 crore Indians. Though Mani Shankar Aiyar apologised for his remark, saying 'Hindi is not his mother tongue', BJP has launched an all-out attack against the party. OneIndia News Hindus will build Ram temple, verdict doesn't matter, says BJP leader India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar Madhya Pradesh BJP leader has issued a statement over a politically sensitive Ayodhya temple issue which is under judicial consideration, saying even if the verdict doesn't go in BJP's favour Hindus will ensure construction of the temple. Tapan Bhowmik, Chairman of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation, said, "Verdict will go in favour of Hindus... if it does not, we will ensure it does. Hindus will do so." "After this verdict, our people sitting in Lok Sabha will make rules, pass Bill to build a temple at the same spot, said Tapan Bhowmik. "If that does not happen, crores of Hindus will make that happen," he added. The Supreme Court on Tuesday decided to hear the civil appeals filed by various parties challenging the 2010 Allahabad high court verdict on the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid title dispute on February 8 next year. A bench comprising Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices Ashok Bhushan and S. A. Najeeb also asked the advocates on record of appeals to sit together and ensure that all the requisite documents are translated, filed and numbered before the apex court registry. A three-judge bench of the Allahabad high court in a 2:1 majority ruling had ordered that the land be partitioned equally among three parties - the Sunni Waqf Board, Ram-Lalla Deity and the Nirmohi Akhara. (With agency inputs) FRDI Bill: Will you lose all your hard earned money? Find out here India oi-Vicky By Vicky There are growing fears that the Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill Bill 2017 (FRDI) will result in people losing their hard earned money in case a bank fails. The bill has caused alarm over a bail-in provision which according to many may mean creditors and depositors including common account holders have to absorb losses in case a ban fails. The Bill was presented in the Lok Sabha in August before it was referred to a joint committee of Parliament. Under the bail-in provision, troubled banks issue ties in lieu of the money deposited. There have been instances to show that in other countries that depositors have lost money after the bail-in provision was introduced. For example in Cyprus depositors lost almost 50 per cent of their savings when this provision was introduced. Many have gone on to term this Bill as anti-poor and is aimed at minimalising the losses of the financial institutions. The Finance Ministry has however decided to clear the air on the issue. The government's implicit guarantee for public sector banks remains unaffected. The bill does not propose to limit the scope of powers for the government to extend financing and resolution support to banks, including public sector banks. The provisions contained in the FRDI bill, as introduced in the Parliament, do not modify present protections to the depositors adversely at all. They provide additional protections to the depositors in a more transparent manner," the ministry said in a statement. Currently, under the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961, a maximum of Rs 1 lakh of every depositor in banks is insured in case a bank goes bust. The FRDI proposes a "resolution corporation" which, in association with a regulator, will determine the amount of money of depositors to be insured in case a bank fails. The bill says that the provision of bail-in will not be applicable to "any liability owed by a specified service provider to the depositors to the extent such deposits are covered by deposit insurance". The Finance Ministry, however, said that Billi's far depositor friendly when compared to other countries which provide for statutory bail-in without the consent of creditors and depositors. "Indian Banks have adequate capital and are also under prudent regulation and supervision to ensure safety and soundness, as well as systemic stability. The existing laws ensure the integrity, security and safety of the banking system," said the ministry. "The bill ensures that, in the rare event of failure of a financial service provider, there is a system of quick, orderly and efficient resolution in favour of depositors," the Finance Ministry also added. OneIndia News Modi to Nitish: CM Rupanis swearing-in ceremony or BJP-led NDAs show of strength? Did Mani Shankar Aiyar commit sedition by hosting Pak officials during Gujarat polls? Cong for Muslims, BJP for Hindus: Did Rahuls temple visits in Guj help to bust the myth? My meet with Rahul would have prevented BJP's Gujarat win: Hardik Patel Gujarat assembly elections 2017: Polling ends, 65 % voter turnout recorded India oi-Madhuri The first phase of Gujarat assembly elections 2017 will be held on Saturday across 89 constituencies in Saurashtra and South Gujarat regions. Over 2 crore 12 lakh voters will decide the fate of 977 candidates, including 57 women, in this phase. All arrangements are in place for smooth conduct of polls. Both VVPAT machines and Electronic Voting Machines are being used on all polling booths. Tight security arrangements have been made and over 1 lakh 74 thousand police personnel have been deployed to maintain law and order. Gujarat assembly elections 2017: 137 with criminal background in fray Stay tuned for live updates: 5:30 pm: Poling ends, around 65 % voter turnout recorded. 5:00 pm: 60.16 % voter turnout recorded till 4 pm 4:45 pm: During the first phase of voting 1.90% of VVPATs replaced out of 24,689 units deployed. 0.37% out of the 26,865 Ballot Units and 0.38% out of the 24,689 Control Unites replaced too, reports ANI. 4:30 pm: Governor of Karnataka Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala cast his vote in Rajkot. 4:00 pm: EC official responds to alleged EVM row. No such issues reported till now. Some EVMs replaced due to errors. EVMs were updated with VVPAT, which allows people to verify their vote for 7 seconds: Yogesh Thakkar, Bhavnagar Deputy Electoral Officer on reports of faulty EVMs in 1st phase of polling in #GujaratElection2017 pic.twitter.com/czFeupn7UU ANI (@ANI) December 9, 2017 3:00 pm: 40.47% voter turnout recorded till 2 pm 2:50 pm: A team of Election Commission reaches polling booth in Thakkar Plot, Porbandar after complaints of EVM being connected to Bluetooth, reported ANI. 2:30 pm: Congress party has made it a practice to say EVM malfunctioned every time when they face defeat, says Jitendra Singh 2:00 pm: EVMs are being questioned in every election. This is nothing new. EC will look into it: Arun Jaitley 1:45 pm: Congress alleges that since Wi Fi is available at polling booths, EVMs can be rigged. 1:30 pm: Congress rakes up EVM issue again. 1:00 pm: "This will be a landslide victory for BJP and the win will be resounding. Congress's campaign tactics have failed," says Arun Jaitley. There is no issue, at few places where machines had problems that has been resolved, machines have been replaced wherever required. Polling is going on peacefully: Harshad Patel, Bhavnagar District Collector #GujaratElection2017 pic.twitter.com/u5ILpiiFba ANI (@ANI) December 9, 2017 12:40 pm: 31% voter turnout reocorded till noon. 12: 30 pm: BJP's Pardi constituency candidate Kanu Desai's nephew was caught on camera allegedly giving Rs100 to voters. 12:15 pm: Protests against BJP's Reshma Patel, who is a former PAAS member, after she casts her vote in Junagadh. 11:56 am: In every part of the nation, the Congress has misled the Muslim community, says Modi 11:55 am: Congress has been rejected comprehensively across the nation, says PM Modi at a rally in Lunavada. 11:45 am: 20.9% voter turnout reocorded till 11 AM. 11:10 am: Ahmed Patel says EVM issues should be dealt with immediately. 11:00 am: Election Commission officials speaks on faulty EVMs Have replaced two machines and one VVPAT, you cannot really call it a technical error, these are electronic items there can be some issues. Now everything is okay & voting has started: Vipul Goti, Master Trainer, Election Commission in Surat's Varaccha #GujaratElection2017 pic.twitter.com/RVF86aW4Wh ANI (@ANI) December 9, 2017 10:45 am: Ahmed Patel says Congress will get more than 110 seats. 10:30 am: Senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel casts his vote in Bharuch's Ankleshwar. 10:00 am: Cricketer Cheteshwar Pujara casts his vote in Rajkot 9:25 am: An EVM at Navsari was not working, but problem fixed after 40 mins. Voting underway in Navsari now. 9:20 am: EVM at Ratnal in Kutch did not work initially but the issue has been fixed. 9:15 am: Some polling booths in as many as five districts experincing EVM problems 9:00 am: A control room has been setup in Gandhinagar, which will monitor entire election process. 8:55 am: Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani votes. 8:45 am: We are going to win 150+ seats under the leadership of PM Modi ji, we face no obstacles, Gujarat BJP chief Jitu Vaghani tells ANI. 8:36 am: I welcome those voting for the first time in Gujarat. Please turnout in large numbers, tweets Rahul. 8:35 am: Participation of voters is the soul of democracy, tweets Rahul Gandhi 8:25 am: BJP Gujarat Chief Jitubhai Vaghani casts his vote in Bhavnagar. 8:15 am: BJP president Amit Shah, in a tweet yesterday night, exuded confidence that the BJP would over 150 seats. 8.05 am: Voting begins for 89 constituencies in first phase of Gujarat elections. 8.00 am: CM Vijay Rupani confident of BJP's vijay. "People should come out in large numbers to vote. We are very confident, no question of any challenge," Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani told reporters. 7.50 am: Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged all voters to make the election a successful event. "Phase 1 of Gujarat polls begin. Urging all those voting today to turnout in record numbers and vote. I particularly call upon youngsters to exercise their franchise," tweeted Modi. Phase 1 of Gujarat polls begin. Urging all those voting today to turnout in record numbers and vote. I particularly call upon youngsters to exercise their franchise. Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 9, 2017 7.40 am: Check out visuals from polling booth no 62 in Rajkot. Voting for first phase of #GujaratElection2017 to begin shortly. Visuals from polling booth no 62 in Rajkot pic.twitter.com/ju40GxFM1d ANI (@ANI) December 9, 2017 7.30 am: Election facts: Maximum candidates contesting on a seat are 27 from Jamnagar Rural. Minimum are three from Jhagadia and Gandevi, as per ANI. 7.20 am: According to ANI, voting for first phase of Gujarat elections 2017 to begin shortly. Voting for first phase of #GujaratElection2017 to begin shortly. Visuals from Piraman village polling booth no.171 in Bharuch's Ankleshwar pic.twitter.com/QmjaAaFl13 ANI (@ANI) December 9, 2017 Prominent candidates in the fray for the battle include Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, who is contesting from Rajkot (West), and Congress' Shaktisinh Gohil (Mandvi) and Paresh Dhanani (Amreli). The high voltage campaign for the first phase ended on Thursday evening. Earlier in the day, the BJP released its manifesto for the Gujarat elections, 8 December, with less than 24 hours to go for the first phase of polls. [Gujarat assembly elections 2017: Will NOTA hurt the BJP?] Sparring between the two parties while canvassing for the polls, viewed as a prestige battle for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a litmus test for the leadership of soon-to-be Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, continued till the very end. On Thursday, the Congress suspended its leader Mani Shankar Aiyar for referring to Modi as a "neech kism ka aadmi" (vile sort of man), triggering a controversy just ahead of the election. The campaign shaped up as a duel between Modi and Gandhi, and often turned personal. The poll narrative kept changing with issues such as the Ayodhya title suit, Gandhi's imminent elevation as Congress president and his visits to temples being raised by BJP leaders. OneIndia News (with PTI inputs) Cong for Muslims, BJP for Hindus: Did Rahuls temple visits in Guj help to bust the myth? Gujarat assembly polls 2017: BJP likely to release manifesto today India oi-Anusha By Anusha Ravi A day before the first phase of polling for Gujarat Assembly polls 2017, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is likely to release its manifesto on Friday. After coming under severe attack by the Congress over not making its manifesto for Gujarat public, the BJP is likely to release a vision document for the state. #BJPKaManifestoKahanHai trended on Friday with opposition parties lashing out at the BJP for failing to make its vision for Gujarat ahead of the assembly polls public. The vision document release will be broadcast live on BJP's social media handles. The manifesto is likely to be released at 3 PM on Friday, hours before the first phase of voting begins in Gujarat. Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Thursday had said that the BJP's reluctance to come out with a manifesto was "disrespectful". The BJP has shown unbelievable disrespect towards the people of Gujarat. Campaign is over and STILL no mention of a manifesto for the people, no vision and no ideas presented for Gujarats future. #BJPDisrespectsGujarat Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) December 7, 2017 Taking a cue from Rahul Gandhi, Congress leaders tore into the BJP for not having a vision document. The BJP's manifesto is likely to be released on the day Prime minister Narendra Modi will address an election rally in Bhabhar of Gujarat. OneIndia News Three down in three days: Congress loses yet another MLA to BJP in Gujarat Gujarat Assembly polls 2017: Will the BJP not announce its manifesto? India oi-Oneindia By Oneindia Gandhinagar, Dec 8: Strange but true, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is yet to announce its manifesto for the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections. The voting for the first phase of Gujarat elections will take place in less than 24 hours from now, but the saffron party is still not ready with its manifesto. The opposition Congress, however, has come up with its manifesto a few days ago. The announcement of an election manifesto by political parties, outlining the kind of work they plan to carry out if they come to power in a state or at the Centre, has been a core part of the entire election procedure since the country attained its independence. Earlier political parties used to spend months in preparing their manifestos and announcement of manifestos were big affairs. Over the years, things have changed, and so the way our political parties fight elections. Most often these days, parties announce their manifestos in a quiet manner, to avoid backlash in the future--if a party comes to power and not fulfill all its promises outlined in its manifesto. But this Gujarat election season, the BJP has gone a step ahead by not announcing its manifesto till early Friday morning as the voting for the first phase of polls will take place on Saturday. The voting for the second and final phase of Gujarat polls will take place on December 14. The results of the Assembly elections will be declared on December 18. Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi lashed out at the BJP, saying that by not coming out with its manifesto for poll-bound Gujarat it has shown "unbelievable disrespect" to the people of the state. "The BJP has shown unbelievable disrespect towards the people of Gujarat. The campaign is over and STILL no mention of a manifesto for the people, no vision and no ideas presented for Gujarat's future," Rahul said on Twitter. The BJP has shown unbelievable disrespect towards the people of Gujarat. Campaign is over and STILL no mention of a manifesto for the people, no vision and no ideas presented for Gujarats future. #BJPDisrespectsGujarat Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) December 7, 2017 Congress' chief spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala also hit out at the BJP, tweeting, "Using 'jumla' (rhetoric) is only their (BJP's) manifesto." The Congress had released its manifesto for the election last Monday. "Special category" quota for weaker communities with similar rights enjoyed by OBCs, farm loan waiver, setting up of "Indira canteens" to provide nutritious food for labourers at Rs 10 are some of the highlights of its manifesto. According to reports, the BJP is likely to announce its manifesto on Friday. While speaking to reporters in private, several leaders of the saffron party stated that the party does not need to announce its manifesto as the people of the state knows on what issues the BJP is contesting the polls. "These days, primarily social media drives election campaigns. The BJP has been aggressive on social media. Voters know that the BJP stands for development. We don't need to specifically tell people what we are going to do if we come to power. "All our top leaders in their campaigns have been outlining the party's future plans for the state. Voters trust the spoken words of the BJP leaders. In our 22 years of rule, Gujarat has seen great progress in all fronts. People of Gujarat trust the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi," said a Gujarat BJP leader. Earlier, in every Gujarat Assembly elections, the BJP had released its manifesto days ahead of voting diligently. This time is an aberration. Or, is it a strategy on the part of the party to let leaders speak and do all the works? Manifesto committee member Bharat Pandya told Ahmedabad Mirror, "We have prepared the core issues of the manifesto and have submitted them to the coordination committee. However, I have no intimation of when it will be unveiled by the party." During the three most recent elections--the Uttar Pradesh civic polls, the UP Assembly polls and the Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls-- the saffron party had released its manifesto. Now, the question is--is it 'legal' for the BJP to announce its manifesto a day ahead of the elections (if it plans to do so)? Speaking to Ahmedabad Mirror, an official of the state Election Commission (EC) said, "It would not be a violation of norms if the BJP manifesto comes out now." Or is the BJP (looking at the delay) planning to fight the Assembly elections in the home turf of the PM without a manifesto? OneIndia News Cong for Muslims, BJP for Hindus: Did Rahuls temple visits in Guj help to bust the myth? Gujarat elections 2017: Why am I 'Neech' because I'm a poor Gujarati? asks Modi India oi-Madhuri Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday started campaigning for 93 seats which goes to polls in the second phase of Gujarat election. Addressing a rally in Nikol, Modi took on Congress leaders, including Mani Shankar Aiyar, for using foul language against him. "They have not called me 'neech' for the first time yesterday. Mrs Sonia Gandhi and her family members have used it too. Why am I 'neech' - because I was born poor? Because I am of a lower caste? Because I am a Gujarati? Is that why they hate me?" Modi asked. "What did Anand Sharma say? 'PM Modi is mentally unstable'. A Congress leader re-tweeted such an offensive tweet about me that I cannot even say it. What did Digvijaya Singh tweet about me? Evidently, one Gujarati, a person born into a poor family has troubled them a lot," he said. "Divijaya Singh said Modi Sarkar is like Rakshas Raaj and Modi is Ravana. Pramod Tiwari, who headed the Congress in UP, said Modi is in the list of Hitler, Mussolini and Gaddafi. Day and night the Congress has abused me. I keep quiet only because my priority is work," the PM said. "One more Congress leader called me a monkey. Jairam Ramesh compared me to Bhasmasur. Beni Prasad Verma called me a mad dog. He also said we won't let this mad dog win. Ghulam Nabi Azad said I am Gangu Teli. Are these the kind of things we should say in public life?" he said. "Imran Masood, who they gave a ticket to, he said we will cut Modi into pieces. Renuka Chowdhury called me a virus. She said I bring Namonitis. I don't even want to get started on what Gujarat Congress leaders have been calling me," Modi said. ''After travelling across Saurashtra, Kutch, South Gujarat and North Gujarat I am now in Ahmedabad. What I am seeing is extraordinary. It is clear that BJP will emerge victorious. The population of our middle class is rising and so is the strength of our middle class. This section of society aspires to progress at a quick pace,'' Modi said. ''Why should it be that only malls can remain open for long durations. We ensured that small shops can also be open for long- this gives economic opportunities to several people,'' Modi in Nikol. He further said that,''Recently there was an attack in Amarnath. We ensured that all those who perpetrated this attack were punished by our armed forces.'' Meanwhile, polling for the first phase of 89 seats will be held tomorrow, while the second phase voting will be held next Thursday. Votes will be counted on December 18. OneIndia News High vigil ordered on Indo-Bangladesh border as Rohingya influx increases India oi-Vicky By Vicky With the Intelligence Bureau submitting its report on the influx of Rohingya Muslims, the Union Home Ministry has cautioned those states neighbouring Bangladesh to be extra vigilant. Home Minister Rajnath Singh made a statement on the issue following a high-level meeting with the Chief Ministers of West Bengal, Assam, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya. The IB report speaks about the increasing influx of Rohingyas into India. It also speaks about many of them trying to move down South. Addressing a press conference after a high-level meeting with the chief ministers of the states bordering Bangladesh, Singh said, "We discussed the Rohingya issue and also appealed all the states to be vigilant on this issue." He further called upon the states to be cautious so that no form of illegal migration can take place from across the border. "We discussed about the border security and steps to be taken to stop illegal migration, armed infiltration and smuggling through the India-Bangladesh border", he added. The report also spoke about the growing number of touts that are found along these border areas which are helping the Rohingyas infiltrate into India. The touts are found at Kolkata and Guwahati, the report further states. The touts help with the documentation and also the transit of thRohingyasas, the IB report also notes. Further the IB also says that several Rohingya Muslims who have infiltrated have tried to move towards Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The highest number of Rohingya Muslims are currently in Jammu and Kashmir. The total number of Rohingyas who have settled in the country are 40,000 of which 7,096 are in Jammu and Kashmir. This is followed by Hyderabad which houses 3.059 of them. OneIndia News How Karnataka Congress is winning the social media game ahead of assembly elections India oi-Anusha While the party is busy with its campaign for Karnataka assembly election 2018, a team of 25 Congressmen and IT professionals are quietly creating a storm on social media in favour of the Congress. "The constitution protects all religions & traditions in India. All one has to do is believe in it & follow what it stands for. The problem arises when you disregard constitution & rules to mix it with cheap politics to fulfill one's ambitions," read one of the tweets by Karnataka's young IT/BT minister, Priyank Kharge to counter a controversial statement made by a BJP parliamentarian, barely a week ago. The content quite unusual for the first time legislator and minister who has, at least until now, kept his social media interactions very transactional with updates about his ministry and other developments of the state. The increasing presence on social media and the encouragement to voice opinions on contentious issues comes at a time when the state gears up for elections next year. Armed with a cyber war room comprising about 25 partymen, IT professionals and thousands of volunteers right down to grassroot levels, the social media cell will help the Congress counter any malicious campaigns, false news or data and to also corner the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), its principal political opponent, with retweets, repost and almost re-endorse the statements made by its leaders, heading into elections next year. "The BJP used social media very well in 2014, not just for their propaganda but also to promote misinformation and misled the people. We had to change the narrative," said Dinesh Gundu Rao, working President, KPCC explaining the intent behind Congress' strong social media push. While the party is keen on engaging workers at booth level with micro committees, the social media team is parallelly building an army of digital ninjas for every booth across the state. "The idea is to have a digital youth for every booth. Ours is a four-layered approach with convenors at state, district, constituency and booth levels," said Srivatsa Y B, who heads the party's social media cell in Karnataka. Managing the party's social media perception is the team's focus. Take for instance energy minister D.K.Shivakumar's tweet on the Deepika Padukone starrer, Padmavati. Although Congress has nothing to do with the movie, the party used the controversy to target right wing groups and take tacit potshots at the BJP. Shivakumar's tweets was retweeted 780 times while Siddaramaiah's post on the same topic received 1,364 retweets and 2,347 likes. While the party has hired professionals to create content, handle design and graphics, it is volunteers including Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's son Dr Yathindra handle operations and take the campaigns forward. Rao added that while professional help is required to run the team, the social media cell is mostly comprised of organic volunteers aligned with the party's ideology. "After 2018 assembly elections, we have to prepare for 2019 general elections. Our volunteers are here to stay," he said. "No abuse, no trolling, no below the belt comments are standing instructions," Rao said while emphasising the team's focus is countering 'false with facts'. OneIndia News Noida: Two held for cheating people of lakhs using 'magic ink' on cheques UP ATS picks up two more accused in Al-Qaeda radicalisation case The Rohingya influx continues as Tripura police nets seven of them ISI agent from Punjab arrested India oi-Vicky By Vicky A man suspected to be working with the ISI has been arrested by the Punjab police. It is alleged that Gurmukh Singh had alleged links with the Pakistan's spy agency. On getting a secret information, station house officer of Sadar police station, Mukhtar Singh, set up a check-barrier near Purian Khurad village and arrested the accused, Gurmukh Singh. Senior Superintendent of Police, Batala, Inderjit Singh Ghumman, told reporters that the accused had visited Pakistan with a Sikh Jatha - religious group - where he allegedly established links with the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The accused has been charged with trying to gather vital information related to the Indian Army and intended to pass them on to the ISI, the police said. OneIndia News FM Nirmala Sitharaman hints at possibility of Centre considering restoration of state status to J&K In J&K, 14,000 dropouts find their way back to schools J&K: Security forces launch cordon and search operations in Kulgam India oi-Madhuri Security forces launched a cordon and search operation in Kulgam's Qazigund in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday. The operation was launched following intelligence inputs about the presence of militants in these areas Earlier on December 4, Two militants and one soldier were killed as a group of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) ambushed an army patrol on Monday noon, triggering a daylong gunfight in Kulgam's Qazigund area. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Friday, December 8, 2017, 18:17 [IST] Karnataka: Controversial scribe Ravi Belagere arrested for hiring supari killers India oi-Anusha Editor of a Kannada tabloid and controversial journalist Ravi Belegere has been arrested for allegedly hiring supari killers to eliminate his colleague. The Bengaluru City Crime Branch police arrested Belagere after an arms dealer confessed to accepting money for the supari. "Ravi Belagere hired supari killers to murder his colleague identified as Sunil Geggaravalli. An arms dealer who we arrested recently confessed to accepting money to carry out the killing. We have registered an FIR and arrested Belagere. A revolver and a double-barreled gun have been seized from his possession," Satish Kumar, Additional Commission, CCB said. The CCB police had arrested notorious criminal Tahir Hussain earlier this week for illegal possession of weapons. He is said to have revealed the sinister plot during interrogation. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the Gauri Lankesh murder case was also slated to question the accused for possessing a country-made pistol, a weapon similar to the one used in Gauri's murder. Belagere is the Editor of Kannada tabloid, Hi Bangalore. He was facing arrest in a breach of privilege motion following Karnataka assembly speaker K B Koliwad's orders. The Karnataka High Court had, however, ordered an interim stay on the arrest. OneIndia News For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Friday, December 8, 2017, 16:45 [IST] Rahul appears before ED: 'Bulldozers missing', says Karti as he takes dig over heavy deployment near Cong HQ Karti challenges fresh ED summons in SC India oi-Vicky By Vicky Karti Chidambaram has moved the Supreme Court challenging the fresh summons issued against him by the Enforcement Directorate. The ED issued the summons to him under the Provision of Money Laundering Act in connection with the Aircel Maxis case. The court has posted the matter for the first week of January while directing him to serve copies of his petition on the respondents. Karti also challenged the ED's provisional attachment order dated September 23 in connection with the same case. It may be recalled that Karti had earlier moved the Supreme Court challenging the lookout circular issued against him. He had said that he had to travel to the UK and as a result of the circular he was unable to do so. The court, however, permitted him to travel abroad subject to several conditions. OneIndia News Kulbhushan Jadhavs mother, wife to meet him on Dec 25 in Pakistan India oi-Vicky By Vicky The mother and wife of Kulbhushan Jadhav will meet him in Pakistan on December 25. According to media reports in Pakistan, the mother and wife of Jadhav who has been branded an Indian spy would meet him at a jail in Pakistan on December 25. At first, Pakistan had only permitted his wife to meet him. However, India said that it was not keen on sending her alone to Pakistan. India had urged Pakistan to also permit Jadhav's mother to accompany the wife. India had written to Pakistan asking it to allow Jadhav's mother to accompany his wife. On November 10, Pakistan had said that it would permit Jadhav's wife to visit him. India, however, responded through diplomatic channels to permit even the mother to visit him. The Pakistan foreign office in a tweet had said that it had received India's reply to Pakistan's humanitarian offer. The same has been received and is under consideration, the tweet also read. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said Pakistan has agreed to facilitate the visit of mother and wife of Kulbhushan Jadhav and assured us of their safety, security and freedom of movement in Pakistan. Jadhav was arrested by Pakistan on charges of espionage. His mercy plea was rejected by a military appellate court. His clemency plea is under consideration by the army chief at present. OneIndia News Mani Shankar Aiyar ready to accept any punishment over neech remark India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar In order to save Congress party from huge embarrassment, Mani Shankar Aiyar has turned apologetic, a day after calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi 'Neech'. Talking to reporters, Mani Shankar Aiyar said, " If any damage has been done to Congress because of what I said or did then I am saddened by it. I had no such intention." "I am ready to accept any punishment that the Congress party wants to give me," he said. Soon after his controversial remarks against PM Modi, Aiyar was suspended from the primary membership of the party. Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi, who was campaigning in Gujarat, did not approve his tone of the barb. Congress was in damage control mode and sacked the senior leader, did not expel him. He has also been served a show cause notice. Rahul Gandhi tweeted; "BJP and PM routinely use filthy language to attack the Congress party. The Congress has a different culture and heritage. I do not appreciate the tone and language used by Mr Mani Shankar Aiyer to address the PM. Both the Congress and I expect him to apologise for what he said." The Congress spokespersons made it clear that Mr Aiyar's remarks were "condemnable." OneIndia News 1. Yes. The ordinance goes against state law and is not in the best interest of the cities. 2. Yes. At the very least, it should be amended to give police officers some discretion. 3. No. Voters approved the ordinance by large majorities; the councils cant ignore that fact. 4. No. The petition process has to be given a chance to work. Leave the ordinance alone. 5. Unsure. Its hard to say how the cities should move forward regarding the ordinance. Vote View Results 'Return to the path of ceasefire and diplomacy': PM Modi's advice on Ukraine crisis at G20 Summit Modi tears into Aiyar again while Rahul attempts damage control India oi-Vikas By Vikas Mani Shankar Aiyar's "neech" remark has truly left the Congress cornered as it seems to have given the BJP's attacks a clear direction a day before first phase of voting in Gujarat. All that Rahul Gandhi can now do is to minimise the damage that Aiyar's remark has caused. PM Modi pounced on Aiyar with renewed vigour. Yesterday the Prime Minister had said that people of Gujarat would give answer to Congress for Aiyar's "neech" remark. Modi recalled what Aiyar had said during his visit to Pakistan last year and fired a fresh salvo. "Mani Shankar Aiyar told people when he visited Pakistan- remove Modi from the way and then see what happens to India-Pakistan peace. What did he mean by removing me from the way? And what is my crime? That I have blessings of the people?" the PM said at a rally in Gujarat. At another rally in Chhota Udaipur, Gujarat, Rahul Gandhi made a feeble attempt at damage control by saying that the Congress party acted against Aiyar. "Congress party respects the post of Prime Minister. No one in the Congress can use demeaning language against the PM. Modi ji can say anything about us. That is why we took strict action against Mani Shankar Aiyar," Rahul said. Rahul Gandhi had yesterday asked Aiyar to apologise to Modi as he does not "appreciate the tone and language" used by his senior party colleague. Aiyar did listen to his boss, but the 'half-hearted' apology by Aiyar did not convince the Congress. Finally, the Congress decided to suspend its senior leader from the party's primary membership. OneIndia News Newborn death case: Delhi govt cancels Max Hospital's license India oi-Chennabasaveshwar By Chennabasaveshwar The Delhi Government on Friday cancelled the license of Delhi's Max Hospital in connection with wrongly declaring newborn twins dead. Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain told media persons that license of Max Hospital in Shalimar Bagh has been cancelled for their negligence in the newborn death case. On December 2, Delhi Health Minister Satyender Jain had said the hospital's licence could be cancelled if a probe found it guilty of medical negligence. We have cancelled the license of #MaxHospital Shalimar Bagh, the negligence in the newborn death case was unacceptable: Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain pic.twitter.com/vbUlT6PGB2 ANI (@ANI) December 8, 2017 The case relates to the birth of twins (a boy and a girl) on November 30. The parents alleged the babies were declared dead by the Max Hospital in Shalimar Bagh but they later discovered that the boy was alive. The parents said they were told by the hospital that both the babies were stillborn. The infants were handed over to them in a polythene bag, they said. Just before their last rites, the family discovered that the baby boy was breathing, the police said. Subsequently, a panel was formed by the Delhi government to look into the case found Max Hospital guilty of not following prescribed medical norms in dealing with newborn infants. (With agency inputs) Sushil Modi seeks postponement of Dec 14 finance ministers' committee meeting India pti-PTI Kolkata, Dec 8: Bihar's Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi has written a letter to chairman of the empowered committee (EC) of State Finance Ministers Amit Mitra, urging him to postpone the governing body meeting convened on Dec 14. The meeting, besides considering approval of the annual report and statement of account for 2016-17, proposes to hold a regular meeting to discuss state revenue resources outside the goods and services tax (GST), best practices in respect of resources outside the GST, scope of tax powers of the states which continues to figure in Schedule 7 of list II of the Constitution and issues related to the 15th Finance Commission. Mitra has written a letter dated Dec 4 for convening the meeting of the governing body of the committee on Dec 14. "In the light of the government resolution constituting EC and the subsequent announcement in the Budget speech of the the then Union finance minister, it is clear that EC does not have a mandate to discuss issues like state revenue positions and best practises in respect of resources outside the GST, the taxing powers of the states or Centrally-sponsored schemes grants and devolution," Modi said in his letter to Mitra. "The EC has neither been assigned new functions nor a fresh mandate has been given to it. Accordingly, I am to request you to kindly postpone the meeting proposed on Dec 14, 2017," Modi, who is also the finance minister of Bihar, said in his letter to Mitra, who is his West Bengal counterpart. Modi told PTI told he had telephonic talks with Mitra in this regard. Reaction from Mitra was not available. Modi was speaking at an interactive session organised by Bharat Chamber of Commerce here. "With implementation of VAT/Union Excise duties/Service Tax with GST, EC has completed the task assigned to it. Further, the GST council established under the mandate of the constitution, comprises the finance ministers of the states who were also members of EC," Modi's letter said going into the background of formation of the empowered committee of state finance ministers and its terms of reference. Though Modi opposed convening of the meeting, he, however, did not call for dismantling of the empowered committee. Mitra was named chairman of the empowered committee of state finance ministers in 2016 after then Kerala Finance Minister K M Mani had resigned over corruption charges. The head of the panel has always been from an opposition party-ruled state. Modi headed the committee during UPA II. He served as the deputy chief minister of Bihar and also finance minister in the NDA ministry then too under Nitish Kumar. PTI Who is Homai Vyarawalla, today's Google Doodle India oi-Madhuri Google Doodle, the search giant on Saturday celebrated the 104th birth anniversary of Homai Vyarawalla, one of the first woman photojournalist in India. Vyarawalla was born in Vadodara, Gujarat in 1913 in a middle-class Parsi family in Navsari, Vyarawalla began her photography career in 1938. Her father was an actor in a Parsi-Urdu theatre. She did a diploma in Arts from J J School of Arts, Mumbai, and learnt photography from Maneckshaw Vyarawalla whom she married in 1941. They later shifted to Delhi. Vyarawalla was married to Manekshaw Jamshetji Vyarawalla, an accountant and photographer for the Times of India. Most of her photographs were published under the pseudonym "Dalda 13. The reasons behind her choice of this name were that her birth year was 1913, she met her husband at the age of 13 and her first car's number plate read "DLD 13. She was awarded Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian award of the Republic of India. OneIndia News Why China will continue to oppose Indias NSG bid India oi-Vicky By Vicky There is no change in stance by China where India's NSG membership is concerned. China asserted its opposition to India's membership bid to the Nuclear Supplier Group. "China's position on this remains unchanged," Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told media here responding to Russian deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov's remarks in New Delhi yesterday that Moscow was speaking to China for India's membership into the NSG. "China supports the NSG to follow the principle of consensus through consultation through transparent and fair intergovernmental process to deal with this issue," Geng said. China, a key member of the NSG, has been stridently opposing India's bid primarily on the grounds that New Delhi is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Its opposition has made India's entry into the group difficult as the NSG works on the principle of consensus. China's repeated stonewalling of India's membership bid in the NSG has become a major stumbling block in bilateral relations. After India's application for entry into the elite group which controls nuclear trade, Pakistan, China's all-weather ally, too had applied with the tacit backing of Beijing. Pakistan's application came despite serious allegation of the proliferation of nuclear technology by its scientist A Q Khan. Ryabkov yesterday said that Russia is unwavering in its support to India's membership of international nuclear control regimes and Moscow was speaking to China in this regard. Asked for his reaction to Ryabkov's comments, Geng said all the members of the NSG supported the two-step approach to find a non-discriminatory solution that applies to all non-NPT countries than on that basis discuss the application of the non-NPT counties. He said the focus is on some non-NPT countries who hope to join the group in the capacity of nuclear weapons-free countries. "At the same time they will not sign the Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement (CSA) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)" which is mandatory under the NPT, he said. "In this circumstance if we agree for the above-mentioned applications, it will have two consequences, that is to recognise the nuclear weapons status of the Non-NPT countries. Secondly, it will cause other than nuclear weapons-free countries to follow suit not to sign CSA with IAEA," he said. "This will subvert the NPT and whole international non- proliferation regime," he added. China suggested that the NSG can pool the wisdom and further explore on this issue and find a solution which can be accepted by all relevant parties and can uphold the international non-proliferation regime with NPT as a cornerstone. "On this we will further discuss application of non-contracting parties," Geng said. Asked whether the issue will figure in the Russia, India, China (RIC) Foreign Ministers' meeting to be held in Delhi on December 11, Geng said that the meeting will focus on pragmatic cooperation. At the same time they will exchange views on international issues of common concern. OneIndia News Wifes religion does not merge with husbands after marriage: SC India oi-Vicky By Vicky The Supreme Court has held that a woman's religion does not merge with that of her husband's after marriage. The Bench headed by Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra observed that it was arbitrary that a Parsi man marrying outside the community was not barred from entering the Tower of Silence, but a woman was. The court also requested the Valsad Zoroastrian Trust to allow a Parsi woman to enter the Tower of Silence to perform the last rites of her parents. Goolrokh Gupta was barred from entering the Tower of Silence by the trust as she had married a Hindu. The Bench said that marriage does not mean that a woman mortgages herself to her husband. We do not accept the merger principle which was propounded by the Bombay High Court. The Bombay HC had upheld the restraining of the lady from performing the last rites of her parents. There is no law which bars a woman from entering the Tower of Silence after marrying outside the community, the Bench also said. Shun the rigidity and understand the importance of filial emotions of a child towards her parents, the Bench also observed. OneIndia News Brexit trade deal reached between UK and European Union with just days to spare Britain and EU reach historic deal on Brexit divorce terms International oi-PTI Brussels, December 8: After Prime Minister Theresa May rushed to Brussels for early morning talks, Britain and the European Union reached a historic deal today on the terms of the Brexit divorce. The European Commission said it "recommends sufficient progress" had been made by Britain on separation issues including the Irish border, Britain's divorce bill, and citizens rights. The agreement paves the way for EU leaders at a summit on December 14-15 to open the second phase of Brexit negotiations, covering trade talks and a transition period. Britain voted in June 2016 to become the first state to leave the EU, after more than four decades of membership, but the talks have been slow moving and often acrimonious so far. "The Commission is satisfied that sufficient progress has been achieved in each of the three priority areas," the European Commission said in a statement. Negotiators worked through the night to seal an agreement on the terms of Britain's departure from the bloc. The EU had set a deadline of Sunday after the last talks on Monday broke down when May's Northern Irish allies objected to terms for future arrangements for the Irish border. Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker's chief of staff Martin Selmayr tweeted a picture of white smoke -- the sign used by the Vatican to signify the election of a new pope -- shortly after May's arrival. Juncker spoke first with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar then with May on Thursday night in a bid to break a deadlock over the wording of a deal on future arrangements for the Irish border. Britain agreed to pay a divorce settlement amounting to between 45 and 55 billion euros and to protect the rights of some three million European citizens living there after Brexit as part of the deal. But Ireland's demands that Brexit should not lead to the return of checkpoints on the border with Northern Ireland, which it said could jeopardise the peace process in the north, proved the biggest stumbling block at the end. "In Northern Ireland we guarantee there will be no hard border," May told a press conference with Juncker. The pro-British DUP party which props up May's government refused Monday's draft deal over a phrase suggesting there would be "regulatory alignment" with the EU after Brexit -- effectively putting Northern Ireland under EU law. DUP leader Arlene Foster told Sky News there had now been changes following talks with May. "We're pleased to see those changes because for me it means there's no red line down the Irish Sea and we have the very clear confirmation that the entirety of the United Kingdom is leaving the European union, leaving the single market, leaving the customs union," she said. On Thursday, EU Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas had dismissed British newspaper reports that the Sunday deadline could be extended into next week as "not correct". Scotland's nationalist leader showed little patience, accusing the British government of being "totally and utterly incompetent" on Brexit. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said "the real lesson" of the past week was that Scotland "will always be at the mercy of reckless decisions taken by Tory governments at Westminster" unless it becomes independent. "The sooner we are in control over our own future here in Scotland the better, and this week has proved it," she added. Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem offered some calming words, saying Britain's City of London financial hub "will not fall apart" after Brexit even if it loses the right to allow banks to trade freely across the bloc. Dijsselbloem, the Netherlands finance minister who chairs meetings of his counterparts in the 19-country eurozone, said that some businesses would nevertheless have to relocate. "I don't believe that the City will fall apart and that everyone will flee. I don't think that's how it's going to work," he told a European Parliament committee. His reassurances come at a time when Britain's finance sector is anxious about losing the "passporting" rights which allow large international banks to trade throughout the EU while being based in Britain. PTI For Breaking News and Instant Updates Allow Notifications Story first published: Friday, December 8, 2017, 17:10 [IST] In a first, Transgenders can now apply for jobs in Karnataka police for PSI Trump administration moves to block transgender military recruits signing up International pti-PTI Washington, December 8: A federal court has been asked by President Donald Trump's administration to block the Pentagon from starting the hiring of transgender recruits next year. The filing by the Justice Department late on Wednesday is the latest in a series of legal measures that have unfolded since Trump sent out three tweets in July saying that transgender troops could not serve "in any capacity" in the military. Those tweets, later followed by a formal White House memorandum, set off a roar of protest -- with several service members and rights groups quick to sue. Two federal courts have since temporarily blocked Trump's ban, and the Pentagon was due to start accepting transgender recruits on January 1. The government's filing calls for a partial delay, specifically that the Pentagon does not accept transgender recruits from that date. "Defendants request that the court stay the portion of its preliminary injunction requiring defendants to begin accessing transgender individuals into the military on January 1, 2018," pending an appeal decision, court documents state. The Pentagon declined to comment on the litigation. Under a new policy announced last year by the Obama administration, the Pentagon was originally supposed to start accepting transgender recruits on July 1, 2017. However, that was delayed for six months by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis pending further review of the matter. "Compelling the military to implement a new accessions policy while it is simultaneously completing a comprehensive study of military service by transgender individuals ... would waste significant military resources and sow unnecessary confusion," the government argued in its filing. PTI Trumps Jerusalem declaration united all jihadi forces International oi-Vicky By Vicky Jihadi groups continued to give calls for bloodbath following the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. US President Donald Trump while making the statement also said that he had asked his administration to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The al-Qaeda and its affiliates issued calls for attacks following the decision. What is ironic is that the al-Qaeda and the ISIS which were at loggerheads have united over this issue. The SITE Intel Group's Rita Katz said that the issue has united the entire global jihadi community-both pro-ISIS and pro-AQ. Even the smaller groups of individual supporters have united over this issue and there is a unanimous sense of outrage and urgency for action. The Islamic State channels have also been issuing a series of incitements on the issue. They have been putting up threatening posts. One post read, " wait for violent attacks on Jewish and American embassies by the wolves of the Islamic State." Why India must stay away from Trump's Jerusalem comment The al-Qaeda, on the other hand, issued a statement in which it called the development as a blatant aggression by the crusader Trump. The AQ called for targeting of American vital interests and interests of its Zionist and crusader allies everywhere. Rita Katz said that the speed at which the AQ has been releasing statements shows how much priority the organisation is putting on this matter and also how much it seeks to capitalise on it. OneIndia News 2008-2022 One News Page Ltd. All rights reserved. One News is a registered trademark of One News Page Ltd. California is a state in the Western United States, located along the Pacific Coast. With nearly 39.2 million residents across a total area of approximately 163,696 square miles (423,970 km2), it is the most populous U.S. state and the 3rd largest by area. It is also the most populated subnational entity in North America and the 34th most populous in the world. The Greater Los Angeles area and the San Francisco Bay Area are the nation's second and fifth most populous urban regions respectively, with the former having more than 18.7 million residents and the latter having over 9.6 million. Sacramento is the state's capital, while Los Angeles is the most populous city in the state and the second most populous city in the country. San Francisco is the second most densely populated major city in the country. Los Angeles County is the country's most populous, while San Bernardino County is the largest county by area in the country. California borders Oregon to the north, Nevada and Arizona to the east, the Mexican state of Baja California to the south; and has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean to the west. Rumble 21 Oct 2022 My personal story about 2 fires this week that affected friends and family. What lesson can we learn from them and from California.. Newsy 16 Nov 2022 Watch VideoShopping for your Thanksgiving meal this year could really take a bite out of your budget. The United States Department.. Gothamist 07 Aug 2022 Newark Penn Station, seen here in 2016, is slated to undergo a $160 million renovation. The first of three public.. Rumble 14 Nov 2022 It's Sunday, let's do a live FunTube and then afterwards I'll do an exclusive for Rumble featuring a.. LifeMinute.tv 17 Nov 2022 He is co-founder and creative force behind the hugely popular international super group INXS who had their peak in the '80s and.. WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organisation that publishes news leaks and classified media provided by anonymous sources. Its website stated in 2015 that it had released online 10 million documents since beginning in 2006 in Iceland. Julian Assange, an Australian Internet activist, is generally described as its founder and director and is currently fighting extradition to the United States over his work with WikiLeaks. Since September 2018, Kristinn Hrafnsson has served as its editor-in-chief. A task force of political organizers and research analysts crafted a post-mortem document after the 2016 Presidential Election entitled: "Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis." My guest today is Pia Gallegos, an Albuquerque, NM, civil rights attorney and Democratic Party ward chair who was involved in crafting a portion of this report. Joan Brunwasser: Welcome to OpEdNews, Pia. Many of our readers won't be familiar with this project: "Autopsy: The Democratic Party in Crisis." Can you offer some background before we dive in? Pia Gallegos: In the wake of the November 2016 election, the DNC (Democratic National Committee) chose not to do a public analysis of the internal causes of the loss of the presidential election. There could be causes of the election loss beyond the control of the Democratic Party (such as Russia, FBI director Comey, misogyny of some voters, etc). However, the Autopsy Report, written by a team of activists including Democratic Party activists, focuses on some of our party's most crucial failures and opportunities for the future. JB: Great start, Pia. And you were involved in the crafting of at least part of this document. Let's start at the beginning. What were diagnosed as the party's failures? PG: The Democratic Party failed to adequately address the increasing disparity of wealth and economic anxiety and despair in this country. It failed to take a clear stand in favor of the working class. Instead of consistently talking about health care as a right of all Americans, the Autopsy reports how presidential nominee Hillary Clinton talked of "expanding" the Affordable Care Act, and employ needless modifiers before "health care" such as "access to" or "affordable." Instead of proposing free public college, Clinton proposed a student loan abatement for potential "entrepreneurs" and a series of other convoluted, means-tested "solutions." This vacillation on basic economic rights allowed Trump to be successful in his huckster appeals to anti-free market sentiment, such as "draining the swamp" and anti-NAFTA. JB: What else was diagnosed as a party failure? PG: The Democratic Party failed to allocate sufficient resources to outreach in communities of color and "failed to craft policies that speak to the material inequality imposed on people of color," in the words of the Autopsy Report. During the 2008 election for Obama, the Democratic Party's share of African-American voter turnout was at 66.6%. But in 2016, the black voter turnout rate dipped to its lowest levels since 2000, at 59.6%. Support for the Democratic ticket among Latino voters rose to 71 percent in 2012 but in 2016, only 66% of Latinos voted for Clinton. And this is despite Trump calling Mexican immigrants rapists and placing a border wall at the center of his platform. Election year 2016 was the perfect time to pour resources into outreach to voters of color and solidify the gains of the DP from the Obama year. Instead, the Autopsy Report notes that the party squandered its foothold among people of color. Pia Gallegos (Image by courtesy of Pia Gallegos) Details DMCA JB: How did that happen? Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). From Paul Craig Roberts Website Michel Chossudovsky, a distinguished professor in Canada, directs the Centre for Research on Globalization and the website Global Research, a font of important information unavailable from the presstitute Western media. In this article he tells us that if we do not focus on peace instead of war, we are all going to die. Professor Chossudovsky makes an important point, made to me some years ago by my colleague Zbigniew Brzezinski and recently by former Secretary of Defense William Perry (see here). Professor Chossudovsky reminds us to "bear in mind that mistakes are often what determine the course of world history." A US attack on North Korea would be a mistake that could precipitate a nuclear war. There is no doubt that Chossudovsky is correct. Additionally, the continued demonization of Russia, China, and Iran could precipitate a nuclear war. In other words, we are surrounded by very real threats created by Washington that receive no attention from Western governments and the presstitute media. As I wrote on December 5, we are "Walking into Armageddon." Professor Chossudovsky has amassed a huge amount of information that makes clear the vast difference between the level-headed era of JFK/Khrushchev and the insanity of the post-Reagan era of the re-start of hostilities for the sake of the power and profit of the US military/security complex and the neoconservatives' ideology of US world hegemony. I am unsure that the peoples of the Western world can without violence against their governments do anything to prevent nuclear war, because the Western politicians are in the pay of the military/security complex and the financial and corporate interest groups that benefit from US hegemony. American hegemony produces profits, and for the sake of these profits Western leaders will risk the fate of the world. As I have emphasized repeatedly, Americans as a result of their insouciance and patriotism live in a world in which the explanations they are given by government and the presstitutes are used to control what they think and believe. In this way, government and the interest groups that control government make their agendas independent of any control by the citizens. In the United States, and probably throughout the Western world, democracy simply does not exist. George Orwell predicted that this would be the case by 1984, but it took the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes to achieve it. Today in 2017 Big Brother does indeed rule the Western World. Trump's election was like Reagan's. He appealed to the people instead of to the ruling interest groups. As a high official in Reagan's government who was aligned with Reagan's goals to end stagflation and the Cold War, I experienced first hand the cost of going against the powerful interest groups that are accustomed to ruling. We took part of their rule away from them, but now they have taken it back. And they are now stronger than before. Essentially, Trump is powerless and is limited to expressing his frustrations on Twitter. In my opinion, the lesson being dealt to Trump will teach any future presidential candidate not to challenge the ruling oligarchy by appealing to the American people. This means that democracy in America is stone dead. I sometimes wonder if democracy can be revived without violent revolution, and of course revolutions can go wrong. Are Americans capable of violent revolution? If they are not, will the greedy elites remain in control until they stumble into a nuclear war? General Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told President John F. Kennedy that the US could win a nuclear war with the Soviet Union if only JFK would give the go-ahead. General Lemnitzer also presented President Kennedy with the "Northwoods" plan that called for the US military to conduct false flag attacks on US citizens that could be blamed on Castro and serve as an excuse for a US invasion of Cuba. President Kennedy responded by removing Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A number of researchers have concluded that Lemnitzer's removal convinced the military/security complex that Kennedy was soft on communism and a threat to American national security. The Obama regime recreated the Russian scare. In his election campaign Trump revealed that he was out of step with the recreation of the Russian threat, for which he has been punished with "Russia-gate." Can a president concerned that he might be removed from office by a special prosecutor or possibly assassinated, resist the march toward war? Trump is surrounded by a Secret Service that believes that protecting the President is protecting the United States. However, if the Secret Service is convinced by the Special Prosecutor, Congress, the military/security complex, and the presstitutes that Trump is in league with the Russians in a Russia-gate conspiracy against the United States, the Secret Service could fail to protect Trump, just as they failed to protect President John F. Kennedy. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). (Image by Egberto Willies) Details DMCA To many, it seems like we are living in an alternate universe where Alabama may vote a slavery-accepting pedophile into office. And former RNC Chair explains what that means. The MSNBC host asked the panel if the Alabama race was a referendum of the moment America is in right now, referring to women calling out the sexual harassment of males in power. The Associated Press Zeke Miller did not think so. He characterized the Alabama race as a state thing. Michael Steele interjected. He believes it is much broader than a local or state issue. Steele laid it out clearly to Alabama voters and the GOP for even considering voting a pedophile into the United States Senate. "The reality is this is not a typical Alabama race," Steele said passionately. "This is a race in which a pedophile is running for the United States Senate. And has the backing of the state party, has the backing of the national party, and has the backing of the Republican president. That is a whole different dynamic. If it was just a Roy Moore runoff candidate going whatever, that's different. But there is a lot of baggage with that. This has ramifications that go beyond Alabama. And that's the problem that a lot of people don't see." The MSNBC host then pointed out that Moore's pedophilia was not the sole objection to his suitability for the Senate. He made comments about America being at its greatest during the time of slavery. Michael Steele's reaction was memorable, "That made me feel right at home," Steele said. "The reaction to that is, stop and think what we are talking about. Who we are talking about. Here is a man who is talking about better days. We were all better and stronger back in the day. Yes, there was slavery. Are you kidding me? This is coming to the United States Senate along with your pedophilia? People, get a grip on what you are about to vote on here." Some Republicans are speaking out. David Brooks had a great op-ed out today that I blogged about with a few caveats. Is it too little too late? Not much has changed in the 37 years since John Lennon was gunned down by an assassin's bullet. All of the many complaints we have about government today--surveillance, corruption, harassment, political persecution, spying, overcriminalization, etc.--were used against Lennon, who never refrained from speaking truth to power and calling for social justice, peace and a populist revolution. Little wonder, then, that the U.S. government saw Lennon as enemy number one. A prime example of the lengths to which the U.S. government will go to persecute those who dare to challenge its authority, Lennon was the subject of a four-year campaign of surveillance and harassment by the U.S. government (spearheaded by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover), in an attempt by President Richard Nixon to have him "neutralized" and deported. As Adam Cohen of the New York Times points out, "The F.B.I.'s surveillance of Lennon is a reminder of how easily domestic spying can become unmoored from any legitimate law enforcement purpose." Years after Lennon's assassination, it would be revealed that the FBI had collected 281 pages of surveillance files on him. As the New York Times notes, "Critics of today's domestic surveillance object largely on privacy grounds. They have focused far less on how easily government surveillance can become an instrument for the people in power to try to hold on to power. 'The U.S. vs. John Lennon' " is the story not only of one man being harassed, but of a democracy being undermined." Such government-directed harassment was nothing new. The FBI has had a long history of persecuting, prosecuting and generally harassing activists, politicians, and cultural figures, including Martin Luther King Jr. In Lennon's case, the ex-Beatle saw that his music could mobilize the public and help to bring about change. Yet while Lennon believed in the power of the people, he also understood the danger of a power-hungry government. "The trouble with government as it is, is that it doesn't represent the people," observed Lennon. "It controls them." By March 1971, when his "Power to the People" single was released, it was clear that Lennon was ready to participate in political activism against the U. S. government, the "monster" that was financing the war in Vietnam. The release of Lennon's Sometime in New York City album, which contained a radical anti-government message in virtually every song, only fanned the flames of the government's war on Lennon. In 1972, Nixon had the ex-Beatle served with deportation orders "in an effort to silence him as a voice of the peace movement." Despite the fact that Lennon was not plotting to bring down the Nixon Administration, as the government feared, the government persisted in its efforts to have him deported. Equally determined to resist, Lennon dug in and fought back. Finally, in 1976, Lennon won the battle to stay in the country. By 1980, the old radical was back and ready to cause trouble. Unfortunately, Lennon's time as a troublemaker was short-lived. Mark David Chapman was waiting in the shadows on Dec. 8, 1980, just as Lennon was returning to his New York apartment building. As Lennon stepped outside the car to greet the fans congregating outside, Chapman dropped into a two-handed combat stance, emptied his .38-caliber pistol and pumped four hollow-point bullets into Lennon's back and left arm. John Lennon was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Much like Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Robert Kennedy and others who have died attempting to challenge the powers-that-be, Lennon had finally been "neutralized." Next Page 1 | 2 | 3 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). (Image by kurdistan24) Details DMCA The war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf could lead to Iran withdrawal from East Kurdistan (Entire West of Iran) peacefully. The Syrian war between Alawis and Sunni Islamic sects led to the withdrawal from Rojava (West) Kurdistan. The Islamic Sunni Arabs waged war against the Islamic Shi'a Alawis Governments of Syria (the civil war of Syria), which forced the Syrian Government forces to withdraw from Kurdish region. PYD Kurdish organization formed YPG and YPJ forces of Kurds to protect Kurdish people in Syria. The Alawis, also rendered as Alawites (Arabic: Alawiyyah), is a syncretic sect of the Twelver branch of Shia Islam (Similar to Shi'a religious belief of Iran and Iraq), primarily centered in Syria. The Asad family are the leader of Islamic Alawis who is in control of the Syrian Governments forces. The Islamic Republic of Iran is in control of 'Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen now. In time, the Islamic Shi'a forces want to liberate 'the Kingdom of Bahrain and Eastern Saudi Arabia with the majority of Shi'a Islamic sect where the Oil is from Saudi Arabia.' The Persian Arab Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia do not have the choice but to wage war to stop Iran sooner than later. The Persian Gulf war between Arabs and Persian will force Iranian to withdraw from the Kurdish region of Iran. PJAK Kurdish forces (YRK) are prepared to take over Kurdish region of Iran as soon as the Persian forces withdraw from Kurdistan region (the region from Badar Bushehr to Mako) of Iran. There is the report that Israel is going to help Saudi Arabia in the coming war. Israel will face the forces of Lebanon's Hezbollah as soon as they start to help Saudi Arabia. The Lebanon's Hezbollah forces are ready with thousands of missiles to bomb Israel. Iran already prepared Hezbollah forces and now Islamic Alawis Government of Syria too, they can help Iran by waging war against Israel in any move by Israeli's against Iran. References The 'Cold War' between Iran and Saudi Arabia is heating up. Here are 5 things you should know about it. click here Opinion Is Saudi Arabia Pushing Israel Into War With Hezbollah and Iran? .haaretz.com/middle-east-news/1.821085 YRK: 3 gerilayen me li Ciyaye Asose sehid bun click here YRK warns to retaliate if Iran continues attacking Asos mountain click here Congress Switchboard: 202-224-3121 "You have something special and important here. Somehow you manage to teach and suggest and introduce the reader to concepts in a way that feels inclusive. Like, we're thinking about it together. Partly it might be because the subject, bottom-up, is innately understood by all of us and so it feels like you're stirring up stuff we already know. But also I think it's because you truly are practiced at connection consciousness and so it's natural for you (I'm guessing) to write about it with a desire to include us. As a reader I was learning more because it feels like you're inviting me to think with you." Tsara Shelton, author Donald Trump (Image by cornstalker) Details DMCA 2017 political news contained two preeminent images: Donald Trump and sexual assault. Trump's objective has been to be dominate the news each day. Nonetheless, beginning with revelations about the sexual behavior of movie producer Harvey Weinstein, Trump tidings were pushed aside by reports of celebrity sexual misconduct. (Time Magazine recognized this by naming "the silence breakers" their persons of the year.) The two images are connected. Trump has been accused of sexual assault. And the Republican Party is engaged in systematic rape of American workers. A little over a year ago, Donald Trump's presidential campaign was momentarily derailed by the release of a salacious recording where Trump bragged about assaulting women: "When you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything... grab them by the p*ssy." Amazingly, Trump survived this. His most ardent supporters came to regard the recording as "fake news." Mainstream Republicans adopted the attitude, "Whatever Trump may have done in the past, he's preferable to Hillary Clinton." During 2017, Donald Trump put his imprint on the Republican Party and, in the process, "normalized" sexual assault, for the Party faithful. We see this in GOP support for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. Multiple women have come forward with tales of Moore's sexual misbehavior -- one of the women was 14 when Moore assaulted her. The mainstream Republican response is, "Whatever Moore may have done in the past, he's preferable to the Democratic candidate." Republicans have adopted the dubious ethical maxim: "the end justifies the means." And they have gone farther; they've adopted the tactics used to denigrate sexual assault victims. We can see this in the Republican tax plan that passed the Senate in the early hours of Saturday, December 2nd. The first of the Republican tactics is the lie. Trump claims that the women who accuse him of sexual assault are lying. Alabama Senate candidate Moore also claims that the women who accuse him of sexual assault are lying. Similarly, when confronted about problems with their tax bill, Republicans respond with lies; for example, the tax cuts will benefit America's working families -- when actually the GOP tax plan will primarily benefit corporations and the wealthiest one percent. Republicans have also lied about the impact of the tax bill on the economy; they claim it will cause the economy to grow because of the "trickle-down" effect -- when actually there is little evidence that the GOP tax plan will have long-term positive impacts on the economy (to the contrary, there is a lot of evidence that increasing economic inequality will have long-term negative consequences). The second of the Republican tactics is to demean the victim. Trump and Moore have suggested that their accusers came forward because they wanted publicity. Congressional Republicans have argued that the rich deserve tax breaks because they've worked hard to make their money and, in contrast, the poor do not deserve tax breaks (or social services) because they have not worked hard (this conforms to the long-time Republican contention that the poor are shiftless). It's only a small step from the Trump and Moore statements to the classic rapist contention: "she asked for it." In court, rapists often attempt to discredit their victims by claiming the woman "asked for it," suggesting that the assault victim was a person of loose morals or "incited" the rapist by dressing in a provocative way. Similarly, Republicans in Congress are suggesting that working-class voters "asked for it" because they have not amassed enough funds to be able to pay for social services. A recent study of 41 convicted rapists (.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4491036/) found they had three dominant justifications for their behavior: 79 percent opined, "it is a dangerous world and you have to treat others as they would treat you." 51 percent described women as sex objects, "whose function is to be sexually available to men." And 44 percent "expressed feelings of entitlement, assuming that as a man they could take what they wanted from the woman." Sadly, these horrific sentiments are similar to those expressed by Donald Trump and other senior Republicans. Trump infamously never apologizes, stating that when he perceives he is under attack, he responds in kind. This is an expression of Trump's governing philosophy, "it is a dangerous world and you have to treat others as they would treat you." Furthermore, Trump historically has treated women as sex objects. And it's hard to imagine any American who expresses a stronger feeling of entitlement than does Trump. This is shown by his remark: "When you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything... grab them by the p*ssy." With regards to their tax plan, the Republican leadership has expressed similar feelings of entitlement. Witness the statements of Trump, Secretary of Treasury Mnuchin, Secretary of Commerce Ross, and Chief Economic Adviser Cohn. They've all made comments to the effect, "When you're rich, you can do anything..." During 2017, Donald Trump put his imprint on the Republican Party. In the process, he "normalized" sexual assault and encouraged congressional Republicans to rape America's working families. From Wallwritings Avi Shlaim, a Jewish scholar now based at Oxford's St. Anthony's College, was interviewed on BBC after President Donald Trump's announcement that he was designating Jerusalem as Israel's capital city. Shlaim, who left Israel for a more open academic environment, calls the announcement by the President, "irresponsible and reckless." (See full interview below.) Trump has no right to set himself up as The Namer of capitals. But to him, he can do whatever he wants. Bibi Netanyahu knows that. Bibi got the Gift he has long coveted, his very own special electric train he can now send running around the floor, as he shouts, "Mine, mine, my precious Jerusalem is My capital." Standing in front of a Christmas tree as he gave Israel its capital, the President gave no indication he had considered, or cared, that Jerusalem is packed with meaning to Christians and Muslims, as well as Jews. Palestinian American scholar Rashid Khalidi described this common connection to Jerusalem in The Guardian: "Jerusalem is undoubtedly the most important aspect of the entire Palestine question. It has been central to the identity of Palestinian Muslims and Christians as far back as the founding moments of both religions, and has become even more so as the conflict over Palestine has become fiercer. "The rivalry over this holy city is exacerbated by the fact that the same site -- the Haram al-Sharif to Muslims, the Temple Mount to Jews -- is sacred to both. Because of its explosive nature, this is an issue that no Palestinian politician, and few Arab leaders, would dare to trifle with. "For someone such as me, whose family has lived in Jerusalem for hundreds of years, Trump's announcement does not just mean that the US has adopted the Israeli position that Jerusalem belongs exclusively to Israel. "He has also retroactively legitimised Israel's seizure and military occupation of Arab East Jerusalem during the 1967 war, and its imposition of discriminatory laws on hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living there. The damage he has done will be permanent: the US cannot undo this recognition. "This act completely disqualifies the US from its longstanding role as broker, a position that Washington has monopolised for itself. So much for the pitiful 'peace plan' that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner was cooking up and hoping to impose on the Palestinians." Khaladi is right, the "pitiful peace plan" was never serious. It was a holding pattern of pretension. The Prime Minister and his predecessors, have had their way for decades with the city Trump thinks he just gave to Israel. Balderdash! Israel has treated Jerusalem as its kept capital since 1967. For six decades, IDF soldiers have roamed the city at will, arresting citizens like so many wayward children who skipped school to throw rocks. Netanyahu and his right-wing government got what they wanted, a recognition that covers crimes of oppression. What Trump has just done is far more significant than Naming. He has announced that Jerusalem is not open to negotiations. It is not a "contested" city in which Muslims, Christians and Jews live by an agreed-upon understanding. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Quicklink Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their quicklinks after publishing them. To see if the quicklink was renamed or re-published, please click here. Progressive Content Not Found Sometimes, authors delete their progressive content after publishing. To see if the progressive content was renamed or re-published, please click here. Donald Trump delivers remarks recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital President Trump delivers remarks about his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: bit.ly/2qiJ4dy Follow us: Twitter: twit... (Image by YouTube, Channel: Washington Post) Details DMCA President Trump delivering remarks recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel To put it bluntly this is probably the most precarious time this septuagenarian has ever seen. There is a convergence of so many potentially calamitous events simultaneously happening in the world it's almost mind boggling to consider the implications of it all. To wit: A US initiated war with North Korea could occur in response to our massive war games provocations off the Korean Peninsula conducted with South Korea and Japan. They could be interpreted by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un as an imminent attack on his country and he launches a pre-emptive attack on Seoul. Even with conventional weapons that would incur a massive retaliatory strike on North Korea by the US. This then could result in Kim launching a nuclear strike not only on South Korea, Guam but also Japan believing his regime will fall anyway. Or the US could initiate a false flag incident, blame it on North Korea, they retaliate, we respond with an attack and a full scale war breaks out which could go nuclear. Not since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 between the US and the USSR over its ballistic missiles in Cuba is the world facing such a potential nuclear confrontation between a self important ignorant narcissist in the White House facing an equally defiant adversary in charge of a nuclear armed North Korea. But there are other tinder boxes that could erupt as well. An unholy alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia has developed with the Trump administration's blessing. With Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman all but abandoning the Palestinian's telling them to accept Israel's further expansion of settlements in the West Bank, there's Trump on Wednesday recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel enflaming not only Hamas in Gaza, Palestinian's in the West Bank, Muslims in Iran, Jordan, Lebanon but many of the 1 1/2 billion Muslim's throughout the world, Sunni and Shiite alike. In response Hamas has called for a new intifada against Israel. Then there's bin Salman urging Israel to attack Shiite Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon which could induce them to fire missiles into Israel with a new war that could bring Iran and Russia into the fray in defense of Hezbollah as they are allies in Syria. With Russia, Iran and Turkey meeting recently in Sochi on the Black Sea coast of Russia-the US not invited-there to work out a peace plan for Syria now with ISIS and al Qaeda all but defeated in Syria, the US announces it will remain in Syria to prevent ISIS from arising again. That's nothing more than a fig leaf to justify its illegal occupation in Northeast Syria thereby complicating any eventual peace plan for the country. Then there's Trump recently rejecting the P5&1 nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 with him calling for Congress to reject it and place new sanctions on the country. This even though Iran has fully complied with the agreement and all European countries-Britain, France and Germany plus Russia and China consider it an internationally accepted pact which the US cannot unilaterally break. Couple Trump's antagonism of Iran, calling it illogically a state sponsor of terrorism there's bin Salman conducting his own aggressive war against the Houthi's in Yemen since 2015-supported by the US-and further thirsting for war with Iran accusing them of supplying weapons to the Houthi's. A new conflict could explode with Iran and with Russia and China close allies of Iran it's unlikely they would stand idly by if the country were attacked. Then of course there's NATO on Russia's doorstep conducting war games in the Baltic's and Poland, missile carrying warships in the Black Sea as well as missiles in Romania and Poland described as "defensive" but could be easily be recalibrated into offensive missiles aimed at Russia. Meanwhile the US sends warships into the South China Sea to ensure "freedom of navigation"-which China has never interfered with-ramping up the potential for military conflict with China. The US accuses China of building militarized artificial islands in the South China Sea which China sees as a first line of defense of its territory. A logical occurrence considering the US has its own military bases in the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Guam with nuclear missiles aimed directly at China. Never before has diplomacy between nuclear powers been subordinated to so many military provocations where even an accident or misinterpretation of a military exercise could precipitate a nuclear conflagration. And all the above doesn't account for ACD, Anthropological Climate Disruption, manmade climate change and global warming that could not only see the rise of the oceans inundating coastal cities but make the Earth uninhabitable within a 100 years. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). This piece was reprinted by OpEd News with permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license from the source. Canada's terrorist proxies in Syria -- all of them al Qaeda, or al Qaeda affiliated, including Daesh -- murder civilians as policy. During their reign of terror in Aleppo, for example, NATO terrorists murdered about 11,000 civilians.[1] More recently, terrorists murdered about 8 civilians, including these university students. This is part of the disappeared reality.[2] (Image by GLobal Research) Details DMCA The dark reality of what is really happening in Syria is suppressed beneath the lies of the Qaeda-affiliated "White Helmets"[3], the fake tweets from Bana Alabed's al Qaeda parents[4], and a myriad other deceptions -- all war propaganda. But the reality exists nonetheless. Yet after seven years of the dirty war on Syria, even as the NATO terrorists are being destroyed, the "accepted truth", which is a Big Lie, prevails. Despite the abundance of empirical evidence that contradicts the mainstream stories, Canadians still think that we are fighting terrorism, they still think that "Bana's tweets" represent reality, and they still think that the White Helmets are saviours. Canadians still think that these wars are waged for "humanitarian" purposes,despite the proven lies that paved the way for the destruction of Libya, Iraq, and countless other countries, and the fact that "Assad must go!" regime change wars are entirely illegal. Canadians still think that Assad is the monster and that we and our al Qaeda proxies are the saviors. This is the "accepted truth", and it must not be violated. Strange world that we live in. The truth can be turned upside down time and time again, and the war lies are accepted again and again, as if the historical record and critical thinking didn't exist. As we prepare for another Christmas and congratulate ourselves for our generosity of spirit and deed and the "accepted truth" that we are a civilized country and wouldn't it be wonderful if other peoples were as civilized as us, there still lingers the dark reality. Our terrorists commit genocide. They target and murder Christians and countless others, as policy. Our governments are entirely responsible for this barbarity, and our "accepted truths" are black lies. Notes [1] "UK taxpayers hand 200mn to Syrian opposition & White Helmets, journalist tells RT (VIDEO)." RT. 17 October, 2017. (https://www.rt.com/uk/406974-syria-white-helmet-taxpayer/) Accessed December 6, 2017. [2] "Update-Death toll of Ekrema terrorist explosion rise to 8 people in addition to 18 others injured -- VIDEO." SANA News. 5 December, 2017. (http://sana.sy/en/?p=120151) Accessed 7 December, 2017. [3] "Vanessa Beeley Presents Expose' on White Helmets at Swiss Press Club in Geneva." 21st Century Wire. 28 November, 2017. (http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/11/28/vanessa-beeley-presents-new-white-helmets-expose-to-swiss-press-club-geneva/) Accessed 7 December, 2017. [4] Press TV's interview with Carla Ortiz." 6 December, 2017. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=890XAqJ0A3Y). Accessed 7 December, 2017. All of the post-9/11 wars were sold to Western audiences through a sophisticated network of interlocking governing agencies that disseminate propaganda to both domestic and foreign audiences. But the dirty war on Syria is different. The degree of war propaganda levelled at Syria and contaminating humanity at this moment is likely unprecedented. I had studied and written about Syria for years, so I was not entirely surprised by what I saw. Next Page 1 | 2 (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher). Medication Management Market Analysis, Size, Growth and Future Scope https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/medication-management-market https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/medication-management-market/report-sample https://www.psmarketresearch.com The global medication management market valued at $1,076.5 million in 2014, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 26.1% during 2015 - 2020. Among the various software types, the CDSS segment is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period, at a CAGR of 30.8%. The global medication management market is growing at a significant rate, due to growing demand for advanced healthcare information system, and growing investments by HIT players. In addition, the growing need for remote patient monitoring services, increasing demand of mHealth technologies, and increasing support from government organizations are also driving the growth of the global medication management market.Explore Report with Detailed TOC on Global Medication Management Market at:Medication management systems enable the accomplishment of prescribing, supply and administration of medicines electronically. These systems regulate the functions of entire hospital medication procedures, including medicine prescribing by doctors, dispensing of medication by pharmacists, and administration of medicines by nurses. In addition, these systems reduce medication errors through improved prescription legibility, and appropriate dosage calculations.Geographically, North America dominated the global market of medication management in 2014; whereas the Asian market is expected to witness the fastest growth at a CAGR of 31.4%, during the forecast period.Request for Report Sample:Some of the key companies operating in the global medication management market include Cerner Corporation, General Electric Company, McKesson Corporation, QUALCOMM Incorporated, Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc., Becton Dickinson and Company, Siemens AG, and Epic Systems Corporation.P&S Market Research is a market research company, which offers market research and consulting services for various geographies around the globe. We provide market research reports, industry forecasting reports, business intelligence, and research based consulting services across different industry/business verticals.As one of the top growing market research agency, were keen upon providing market landscape and accurate forecasting. Our analysts and consultants are proficient with business intelligence and market analysis, through their interaction with leading companies of the concerned domain. We help our clients with B2B market research and assist them in identifying various windows of opportunity, and framing informed and customized business expansion strategies in different regions.Contact:P&S Market ResearchManager Client Partner347, 5th Ave. #1402New York City, NY - 10016Toll-Free: +1-888-778-7886 (USA/Canada)Email: enquiry@psmarketresearch.comWeb: North Florida Land Trust acquires property for expansion of McGirts Creek Park in Jacksonville www.northfloridalandtrust.org Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 5, 2017 North Florida Land Trust has once again helped the City of Jacksonville expand McGirts Creek Park. An anonymous donor gave NFLT the money to acquire nearly 10 acres of land located just north of Saundersville Ct. and west of Ricker Rd. NFLT negotiated with the seller, Arquileta Trust, who agreed to take less than the appraised value of the property as a charitable donation. The land will be transferred to the City of Jacksonville and added to the McGirts Creek Park on the Westside of Jacksonville.We are thankful to the anonymous donor who made it possible for us to once again help facilitate land acquisition to expand McGirts Creek Park and preserve the environmentally sensitive area around the creek, said Jim McCarthy, president of NFLT. This land has significant conservation value in its protection of the creek floodplain and we were happy to help obtain the property for the city.The property is predominantly oak and pine forest with some open areas of sparse pine trees and palmettos. McGirts Creek passes through the western boundary. This is the second time NFLT has acquired land for expansion of McGirts Creek Park. In 2016, they facilitated the donation of 33 acres of land to the City of Jacksonville. The addition of the latest property brings the total number of acres of the park to just under 133 and adds to the preservation of McGirts Creek and the Ortega River system.One of the services that NFLT offers is to facilitate the acquisition of properties for other conservation organizations or government agencies. Throughout the years, the land conservation organization has facilitated the acquisition of more than 300 acres of land in Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns Counties.About North Florida Land TrustNorth Florida Land Trust is a non-profit organization who serves as a champion of environmental protection primarily in Baker, Bradford, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Union and Volusia counties. NFLT was founded in 1999 and has protected thousands of acres of environmentally significant land including property at Big Talbot Island, the River Branch Preserve, Pumpkin Hill State Park, Moccasin Slough, along the St. Marys River and other valued natural areas predominantly in Northeast Florida. NFLT is funded largely by private and corporate contributions and works closely with private landowners and other public agencies at all levels of government, not-for-profit partners, and foundations. For more information, visitNorth Florida Land Trust2038 Gilmore StreetJacksonville, FL 32204 Pitch Club, for Entrepreneurs and Startups, Will be Hosted at Next Energy, Detroit Kyyba Innovations, Bodman PLC and TiE Detroit are hosting Pitch Club on Wednesday, January 24th at Next Energy, Detroit. Pitch Club is a mentoring and funding program aimed at connecting the various ecosystems and smart zones throughout Michigan. Pitch Club has ongoing monthly events that provide entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from seasoned entrepreneurs and investors. The events are meant to educate, network, inspire and provide valuable experiences for being investable. As part of the events, 3 lucky entrepreneurs will receive the opportunity to practice their pitch and discuss business plan with funding experts, giving them a better understanding the mindset of an investor. Events are hosted monthly on Wednesday evenings in Michigan cities including: Ann Arbor, Detroit, Lansing and Grand Rapids.The January 24th event at Next Energy in Detroit will include 3 startup presentations, a pool of judges, and a special guest Founder & CEO keynote speaker. The application deadline for startups is Sunday December 31, 2017.Apply here: http://kyybaxcelerator.com/pitch-club-application.phpJudgesRobi Mitra, CEO, K&A Resource GroupSteve Jbara , Owner, Grand Rapids DriveCharlie Moret, Presdient & CEO, Invest MichiganLori J. Birman, VP of Membership & Development, SBAMDavid C. Bloom, Founder and Principal, FactotemAgenda5:00pm 5:25pm Registration5:25pm 5:30 pm Opening Remarks5:30pm-6:30pm Company Presentations6:30pm-6:35pm Introduction of Keynote6:35pm-6:55pm Keynote6:55pm 7:10 pm Q&A with Audience7:10 pm 7:30 pm NetworkingThank you to our sponsorsBondman PLCTiE DetroitNext EnergyCheck out the entire calendar and get registerd here: http://kyybaxcelerator.com/calendar-registration.phpThe select pool of the companies chosen to pitch at the monthly Pitch Club events will be provided investment opportunities in the form of presenting to the investment team of Kyyba Innovations and TiE Detroit Angels during their quarterly Angels meeting. Investment opportunities will range from $25,000 to $100,000. TiE Detroit Angels funded companies, if qualifications are met, also could have the chance to present to the TiE Global Angel Alliance (TGAA). TGAA is a global platform for funding that exposes startups to a broader investment pool and opportunities to raise additional funds much larger than any single TiE Chapter or local Angel Group. TGAA recently invested $395,000 in Zeto, and $450,000 for Hemex Health from the TiE Global network.TestimonialsPitch Club provides a tremendous opportunity for cross-pollination and increased deal flow across Michigan, something that currently is not at the level it should be. This program will be very valuable for both the startup entrepreneurs and investors and will hopefully create a meaningful dialogue, as well as a technological and economic impact for the entire region, said Tel Ganesan, Managing Director, Kyyba Innovations. In order to make this initiative even more successful, I encourage seasoned entrepreneurs in each of these areas to join us by serving as a mentor.From the elevator pitch to the public pitch to the investor pitch, the more successful entrepreneurs are pitching, the more integral this will become to their success. We are pleased to partner with Kyyba Innovations to help entrepreneurs to gain exposure, insights and support that will help them truly move the needle, said Paul Riser, Director of Technology-Based Entrepreneurship at TechTown Detroit."Access to investors and the opportunities to pitch without having to travel are signs of a healthy startup ecosystem, said Paul Krutko, president and CEO of Ann Arbor SPARK. "We are excited to have the Ann Arbor region included in Pitch Club; this new avenue for connecting startups and potential funders is a terrific addition to the existing ways entrepreneurs are able to attract capital as well as the investors already interested in what's happening here."About Kyyba Innovations :Kyyba Innovations is a global second stage startup accelerator investing in technology and IP related startups in broad based industries. Kyyba Innovations provides a custom acceleration program and scaling services to startups, including Customer Development, Product Development and Investment in exchange for equity. Industries Include: Health, Mobility, IoT, Industrial, Energy, Automotive, BlockChain and Fintech.About Bodman PLC:With more than 150 attorneys in offices throughout Michigan, Bodman PLC has delivered extraordinary results to our clients for more than 85 years. Our attorneys provide savvy business counsel to some of the region's most successful companies and individuals on a broad range of issues, and we provide clients with the personal attention of a small firm with the talent and skill expected of the nations leading law firms.About TiE:The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals with roots in the Indus region. There are currently 13,000 members, including over 2,500 charter members in 61 chapters across 18 countries. TiEs mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, education, incubating, and funding. Dedicated to the virtuous cycle of wealth creation and giving back to the community, TiEs focus is on generating and nurturing our next generation of entrepreneurs.Kyyba Innovations, 28230 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 201Farmington Hills, MI 48334Sarah Myrand Software Launch System Review Published Software Launch System Review Chrome Extension http://bit.ly/SoftwareLaunchSystem http://bit.ly/SoftwareLaunchSystemReview For Immediate ReleaseThe Software Launch System Review has been published in the Chrome Web Store as a stand-alone extension available for download for free. This is the first time that such an extension has been created that fully supports the Software Launch System. It is available here:The creator of the extension is James Stevens. He commented: "The Software Launch System Review extension is very easy to find and install, and will encourage users to employ the SLS in their daily tasks. All users have to do is search using "Software Launch System" in the Chrome Webstore and the item appears. It can be installed in desktop Chrome browsers with a single click."Further information about the extension can be found here:Contact details:James Stevens - email JamesS@gojacker.com, tel +44 1224 567342James Stevens is an independent software developer specialising in Chrome Apps and Extensions.Contact details:James Stevens - email JamesS@gojacker.com, tel +44 1224 567342432 Long RoadCambridgeUnited Kingdom Campus Consortium Awards Alvin Community College $22,495 Grant to Implement Campus Safety App http://www.alvincollege.edu/ Alvin, Texas, November 03, 2017: Campus Consortium, the largest global education association of schools, colleges and universities awards a $22,495 Grant to Alvin Community College for the Campus Safety Mobile App."We are extremely delighted to receive this Grant. We all know that setting up technology platforms can be a massive effort in terms of finances and human resources. With the help of this grant, we will be able to provide students with this safety feature. With the tap of a button, they can share their location as well as alert police, medical services, friends and family in case of an emergency, said Kelly Klimpt, Director, Information Technology, at Alvin Community College.The Campus Consortium Grant will enable Alvin Community College to further strengthen the safety and security of its students, faculty and staff. The Campus Safety app brings this functionality to your smartphone for an added sense of security both on and off campus. The application uses Wi-Fi or cellular data to provide your location data when you make an emergency call with the app. This gives far more accurate information about where you are, and therefore provides first responders with a better idea of where they need to go. Students can additionally redo the application to send alerts to their folks, gatekeepers or companions if there arises an occurrence of a crisis.The Campus Consortium Grant Committee is proud to present this award to Alvin Community College states Anjli Jain, Chairman of the Campus Consortium. The application allows students to get directly in touch with security if they feel threatened or unsafe.To learn about and apply for a Campus Consortium Grant, please visit campusconsortium.org/grant-programsAbout Alvin Community CollegeAlvin Community College (ACC) is a community college in Brazoria County in the U.S. state of Texas. Alvin Community College provides educational opportunities in workforce training, academics, technical fields, adult basic education, and personal development.For more information, please visit:Campus Consortium is a leading education association with more than 37,000 higher education institutions and K-12 school district members. The Campus Consortium's mission is to help members reduce the time, cost and effort associated with implementing enterprise IT services by leveraging shared IT services, lessons learned and best practices so that each member can avoid reinventing the wheel.For more information, please visit Campus Consortium or contact Marketing Desk.125 South Clark Street,17th Floor ELSE CORP AND MICROSOFT: Cloud Computing, Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence to revolutionize the fashion shopping experience ELSE CORP AND MICROSOFT: Cloud Computing, Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence to revolutionize the fashion shopping experienceELSE Corp where ELSE stands for Exclusive Luxury Shopping Experience - is an Italian startup founded in Milan in 2014, that has benefitted from the Microsoft BizSpark acceleration programme, through which Microsoft supports new businesses by offering software, cloud, technological support, and visibility. The company works on the design and development of a technologically advanced Cloud SaaS & API platform and the related know-how about its key concepts: Virtual Retail and the Real Time Fashion System. In fact, the ambitious goal of ELSE Corp, consists of a Fashion Retail industry revolution based on these two principles, in two different directions, which are an integral part of the strategic vision of the startup:- Virtual Retail: an innovative hi-tech industrial process for 3D CAD & Cloud based Mass Customization of fashion products. It transforms brand distribution channels into new concept spaces within brick and mortar stores (shop in shop, popup & temporary shops) named Virtual Fashion Corners, where a new customer experience of Virtual 3D Shopping, focused on product personalization can be easily realized. It represents a turning point for future methods of retail and manufacturing, providing new innovative strategies for the sales, design, production, distribution and marketing of fashion products.- Real Time Fashion System: enhances the customers virtual shopping experience and optimizes the Virtual Retail production chain through the use of AI, machine learning, deep learning & procedural modeling. Driven by the integration of 3D & 2D CAD systems and Artificial Intelligence, which lead to accurate predictions of the style and size needs of individual customers, and guarantees the real-time demand planning and forecasting. It is a vision for a new product design process for companies and independent designers, that leads to the precise prediction of individual needs and product demand while improving the social and environmental impact of the fashion industry, on a global scale.MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTING "VIRTUAL RETAIL" INNOVATION FOR THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE FASHION WORLDELSE Corps idea is to effectively merge the advantages of online shopping and physical shopping: the 3D Virtual Boutique allows the user to view the entire collection and to choose in 3D, for each specific model, a whole series of finishes and details. The solution is based on Microsoft cloud computing and can be perfectly integrated into the environments of any fashion reality, enabling a customized solution for every brand, retailer or manufacturer. Several companies are already experimenting with this path, which allows customers to customize their purchases by choosing color, fabric and details through ELSE Corps technology. Among those who have already made their projects public, there are the emerging designer Michela Rigucci, the first to use this solution in 2016, and then in 2017 the well-known brand Thierry Rabotin joined in, followed by the trendy Faceshoes project and most recently by the luxury brand of Made in Italy quality Leonardi Milano, just to name a few. The E.L.S.E. platform in fact, promotes the concept of large-scale personalization, bringing the value of craftsmanship in the era of mass production and setting new parameters for luxury & fashion consumer retail.The E.L.S.E. infrastructure is built on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and the middleware and front-end solution leverages Azures various modules and architecture of microcredits for the creation of the Universal 3D Product Configurator, which integrates visualization and real-time 3D personalization. A front-end module for Augmented Reality is also available on Windows 10 tablets, and the shopping experience has been enabled through the Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality holographic computer, which allows you to interact with holograms projected in the real world and to see the finished product and the performance of models in different contexts, from casual to posh. ELSE Corp is also developing the new features of the E.L.S.E. platform, focusing on Microsoft's machine learning and cognitive services, to intercept market trends and anticipate customer needs in order to better plan production and optimize the entire supply chain. It is an ongoing project that aims to improve real-time forecasting and understanding of the needs of individuals, to optimize the global impact of the fashion industry and to introduce a sustainable perspective for the fashion system.LOOKING BACK AT THE LAST YEARIn these past few months, ELSE Corp has made great progress: in 2017 alone, the startup has participated in dozens of important events, both B2B and B2C, allowing its innovative ideas and the values on which it is based to spread. In particular, the startup took part in the Microsoft Forum 2017 in March where they presented the future of shopping, offering visitors the chance to experiment with their in-development "3D Virtual Boutique". Following a succession of significant events related to Retail, e-Commerce and Mass Customization, it was precisely at theMICAM, the international B2B exhibition dedicated to footwear, that took place in Milan this September, that ELSE Corp along with its main business partners officially launched else.shoes on the market; their innovative platform for the footwear industry, the result of more than two years of technological research and numerous tests and pilot projects. An outcome that was positively received at the "Tech Couture & Virtual Shoes: Discussions about Fashion and Technology" event organized in Moscow by Microsoft Russia on 29 September, and considered by the startup as its own official pre-launch on the Russian market & CIS.PARTNERSDuring this long journey of "learning by doing", ELSE Corp has been able to forge strong partnerships with important industrial partners, such as ATOM Lab, Atom's research laboratory that develops experimental technologies and projects to create new production methods, and ShoeMaster UK, the world leader in CAD/CAM systems, offering 2D and 3D solutions for the footwear industry, as well as technological partners such as Predit, a startup whose mission is the design, development and marketing of enterprise solutions for Fashion and Retail, to simplify the development of new products and maximize the attractiveness of collections with predictive analytics; and with several system integrators such as Accenture, Techedge Group, VAR Group, Universities and International Research Centres.Furthermore, the startup has the opportunity to work closely with the true pioneers - brands, retailers and designers who have decided to take the first big step towards a new way of conceiving the Fashion System.ELSE Corp SrlVia Domenichino, 19Milan 20149ItalyELSE Corp SrlVia Domenichino, 19Milan 20149Italy Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market | Industry Size, Analysis 2011-2017, Future Scope 2018-2023 https://goo.gl/S7Y4a1 https://goo.gl/tEofXt Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market Analysis 2011-2017 and Forecast 2018-2023Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market research report gives a systematic and competent approach to gather important statistics of Global Horizontal Directional Drilling industry. In which includes industry chain structure, Horizontal Directional Drilling market classification, dominant market players, product definition, and product scope. Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market research report also interprets different market scenarios along with future market trends. Global Horizontal Directional Drilling research report performs SWOT analysis to gain better insights on Strengths, Opportunities, and Threats muddled in Horizontal Directional Drilling industry. Horizontal Directional Drilling Market dynamics, production capacity, consumer volume, supply to demand ratio, Horizontal Directional Drilling market share and revenue is also deliberated in this research report.Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market is branched into different product types, applications, and major geographical zones. Further Horizontal Directional Drilling Market research report contains Company profiles of top manufacturers, their information, sales revenue, annual revenue, sales volume, and consumer volume is also specified. Major highlights of the Horizontal Directional Drilling Market report include market perceptions such as import/export details, market overview, end customers/users of the Horizontal Directional Drilling industry, market performance and cost of the product.Regional classification of the Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market research report:Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America, Middle East and Africa are the major regions of the globe involved in Horizontal Directional Drilling research report. Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market in European regions covers Germany, France, Italy, UK, Russia and Spain that will show a colossal growth in the Horizontal Directional Drilling market over next five years. Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market in Asia-Pacific regions covers Japan, China, India, China, India, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Due to the progressive technology used in North American countries including the United States, Canada and Mexico there will be a drastic increase in the Horizontal Directional Drilling market share and Horizontal Directional Drilling market revenue. Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Market in Latin American countries comprise of Argentina and Brazil whereas the Middle East and Africa include Saudi Arabia, South Africa.Get Horizontal Directional Drilling market Sample Research Report with complete table of content atMajor Companies List :-Prime DrillingDrilltoLianyungang HuanghaiCHTC JOVEGoodeng MachineDW/TXSDitch WitchDilongHerrenknecht AGHuayuanTerraToroTRACTO-TECHNIKVermeerXCMGZoomlionApplication- Oil and Gas, Telecommunication, Water Related, Electric Transmission, Types - Small HDD, Medium HDD, Large HDD.Do Inquiry Before Accessing Report Here:Global Horizontal Directional Drilling Research Report study mainly covers below chapters to deeply display the Horizontal Directional Drilling market.1) Chapter 1 - Horizontal Directional Drilling market report describe Horizontal Directional Drilling Industry Overview, Horizontal Directional Drilling Market Segment(Upstream, Downstream), Horizontal Directional Drilling Cost Analysis, Horizontal Directional Drilling market driving force.2) Chapter 2 - Horizontal Directional Drilling market Industry Environment(Policy, Economics, Sociology, Technology).3) Chapter 3 - Horizontal Directional Drilling Market by Type.4) Chapter 4 - Major Companies List - market report Analyze the top manufacturers of Horizontal Directional Drilling, Horizontal Directional Drilling industry Profile, and Sales Data of Horizontal Directional Drilling.5) Chapter 5 - Market Competition(Company Competition, Regional Market by Company), Global Horizontal Directional Drilling industry report evaluate the key regions.6) Chapter 6 - Market Demand(Demand Situation, Regional Demand Comparison, Demand Forecast).7) Chapter 7 - Horizontal Directional Drilling Market report also describes Region Operation (Regional Output, Regional Market, by Region, Regional Forecast).8) Chapter 8 - This report also describes Horizontal Directional Drilling sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Horizontal Directional Drilling market Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.Concluding part of the report provides numerous traders, contributors involved in the Horizontal Directional Drilling industry along with research discoveries, results, data source and postscript.MarketDesk is the terminal where all industrial, commercial and profitmaking venture will get the best research reports of the market in all sectors like automotive, electronics, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, food and beverages etc. The company aims to fulfill market research requirements of both national and international clients. We provide you the important and necessary information to identify and analyze the need of market and the market size.Indian Office Address:Survey No. 51/14 First Floor, Office Number 4, Vishwa Arcade, Near Navale Lawns, Pune, Maharashtra, India 411041Telephone Numbers:+1 (857) 2390696+91 91308 55334Email ID: inquiry@market.biz Smart Speakers Market 2017 Segmentation, Application, Technology and Analysis Report Forecast to 2022 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2286 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/smart-speakers-market-2286 Market Highlights:This study provides an overview of the global smart speakers market, tracking two market segments across four geographic regions. The report studies key players, providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, volume and share for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World. The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the market opportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segments the global smart speakers market as product type and application. On the basis of product type it is segmented as single-speakers, double-speakers and multi-speakers. On the basis of application it is segmented as personal use and commercial use.The key drivers contributing to the growth of the global smart speakers market are rise in number of smart homes, increasing wireless streaming of audio content, speakers run on batteries, high durability, hassle free maintenance and high preference for wireless technology. The restraining factors towards the growth of the market are range, power and compatibility. The increase in number of smart homes driving the global smart speakers market.Get a Sample Report @Major Key Players Beats Electronics (U.S.), Bose Corporation (U.S.), Samsung Electronics Limited (Korea), Harman (U.S.), LG Electronics (South Korea), Altec Lansing (U.S.), Avnera Corporation (U.S.), Panasonic (Japan) , D&M Holdings, Inc (Japan) Sharp Corporation (Japan)According to Market Research Future Analysis, Smart Speakers Market has been valued at USD ~9 billion by the end of forecast period with ~36% of CAGR during forecast period 2016 to 2022.The high growth in the Asian countries and increasing demand for consumer electronic products are expected to drive the market of smart speakers. In the last few years, the IT industry has been growing rapidly. New technologies are being developed; companies are investing billions of dollars into the research & development sectors. These are the reasons which are pushing the overall growth of the market. Other factors such as increase in number of smart homes is also expected to propel the market growth in upcoming future. Also, rise in wireless streaming of audio content, hassle free maintenance, increasing disposable income, changing lifestyle and high preference for wireless technology are driving the growth of the smart speakers market. Various government initiatives undertaken are helping the market to grow at a fast pace. The restraining factors towards the growth of the market are range, power and compatibility with traditional speakers.Browse Full Report @Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Research Methodology2.1 Scope of The Study2.1.1 Definition2.1.2 Research Objective2.1.3 Assumptions2.1.4 Limitations2.2 Research Process2.2.1 Primary Research2.2.2 Secondary Research2.3 Market Size Estimation2.4 Forecast ModelContinued.List of TablesTable 1 Global Smart Speakers Market, By Product TypeTable 2 Global Smart Speakers Market, By ApplicationTable 3 Global Smart Speakers Market, By ConnectivityContinued.List of FiguresFigure 1 Research TypeFigure 2 Global Smart Speakers Market: By Product Type (%)Figure 3 Global Smart Speakers Market: By Application (%)Continued.For More information or any query mail at sales@marketresearchfuture.comAbout Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Contact:Market Research Future+1 646 845 9312 Middleware-as-a-service Market 2017 Growth, Opportunities, Analysis and Forecast to 2021 ReportsWeb http://www.reportsweb.com/global-middleware-as-a-service-market-2017-2021 http://www.reportsweb.com/inquiry&RW00011300612/sample http://www.reportsweb.com/inquiry&RW00011300612/buying MWaaS provides enterprises with wide deployment environment and helps in the interaction of software components with each other and hardware. It provides a full runtime environment that includes all types of services, which are needed to be deployed and run an enterprise-class application. It also supports developers by reducing the complexities of the hardware and software, leading to faster and cheaper deployment of applications.Publisher's analysts forecast the global middleware-as-a-service market (MWAAS) to grow at a CAGR of 15.87% during the period 2017-2021.For more information about this report:Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global middleware-as-a-service market (MWAAS) for 2017-2021. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:-Americas-APAC-EMEAPublisher's report, Global Middleware-as-a-service Market (MWAAS) 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key vendors-IBM-Oracle-EPROSIMA-KPIT-Mythics-Pro-Tek consultingRequest Sample Copy atOther prominent vendors-Axway-Dell Boomi-Jitterbit-MuleSoft-SEEBURGER-and WSO2-Accenture-BIAS-BRYXX-Cognizant-C2B2 Consulting-Core Services-Data Intensity-TRUJAY.COM-XoriantMarket driver-Increased use of MWaaS by SMEs-For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket challenge-Data security and privacy concerns on cloud-For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket trend-Shift from Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0-For a full, detailed list, view our reportInquire for Report atContact Us:Call: +1-646-491-9876Email: sales@reportsweb.comReportsWeb.com is a one stop shop of market research reports and solutions to various companies across the globe. We help our clients in their decision support system by helping them choose most relevant and cost effective research reports and solutions from various publishers. We provide best in class customer service and our customer support team is always available to help you on your research queries.Pune, India Weygand is a great destination for perfect winter holidays http://www.incredibleindiatour.net Wayanad is one of the thrilling destinations to travel during the winter, there are some fascinating destinations, including waterfalls, valleys, peaks and other breathtaking attractions. Winter weather is very beautiful to travel through mountain stations, the frozen winter winter offers a wonderful beauty for high ranges, Wayanad is a great destination for perfect winter holidays. The charm of attractive eyes in Wayanad provides memories of travel to every visitor. It is better to plan a Kerala tour packages and live with nature.Incredible India tour can see different dam constructions and other natural water resources during travel. Bansura Sagar, the largest earth dam in India and the second largest land in Asia, is situated in Wayanad and its grand approach is a feast for nature lovers. Travelers can be ready to reach some other dams and waterfalls, which include Padanjarathara dam, Karapuzha dam, Meenamuthu falls, Sudipara falls and Canton pada waterfalls.Edakkal Cave is another popular tourist destination which is situated in Vatanad and it is famous for its historical importance. The only example of the Edakkal caves from South India to the Stone Age is illustrated writing of the Neolithic person representing the presence of experimental civilization inside the caves. There are several pilgrim centers in Ananya, among which there are Thiruneli Temple, Jain Temple Vatanad, Puliyaram Jain Temple, Thrissurree Shiv Temple, Pammaran Jain Temple, Thirod, Anantnath Temple, Varamppeta Mosque and Pulpanthi Seth Devi Temple. These are also many pilgrimages in Wayanad. So do not delay and plan your Kerala tourism package and feel fresh.To Know More visit ContactIncredible India Tourinfo@incredibleindiatour.netwebsite -Wayanad is one of the thrilling destinations to travel during the winter, there are some fascinating destinations, including waterfalls, valleys, peaks and other breathtaking attractions.L3 Smarat Bhawan, Ranjeet nagar Comecial Complex, New Delhi, Pin - 110008 Manuka Honey Market To Propel Growth Owing To Increasing Demand For Medical, Food and Household Purposes Till 2021 | Million Insights Million Insights - World's Fastest Growing Market Research Database https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/manuka-honey-market?utm_source=pressrelease&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=openpr_dec08&utm_content=content https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/manuka-honey-market/request-sample https://www.millioninsights.com/industry/food The Manuka Honey Market may be divided by Type, Type of Use, and the Area. Manuka Honey, manufactured in Australia and New Zealand by bees that fertilize the Manuka scrubland, is unique of the greatest exclusive and helpful procedures of honey in the world. The honey is usually vended such as a substitute medicine. Whereas a constituent originate in Manuka honey possesses sterile possessions in vitro, there is no decisive indication of therapeutic or nutritional worth except such as a sweetener.Manuka honey is manufactured by presented European honey bees [Apis mellifera], scavenging on the Manuka or tea tree [Leptospermum scoparium], which produces unrefined through area of New Zealand and southeastern Australia. Manuka honey is definitely viscid, possessing the uppermost viscidness between a variety of honeys. To be branded New Zealand Manuka honey, no less than 70% of its pollen gratified must come from Leptospermum scoparium.Full Research Report On Global Analysis available at:Manuka honey possesses a robust taste, branded, such as plain, greasy, herbaceous, and ornate, ironic and multifaceted. It is labelled by the New Zealand honey manufacturingby means of having a humidsoil, heather, perfumedsmell and aninorganic, somewhatunpleasanttaste. There are numerous Manuka honey usages that variety from curative painful gullets and peptic diseases, to curative Staph contagions and gingivitis.The division of the Manuka Honey Market on the source of Type spans UMF 5+ / MGO 83 mg/kg (ppm), UMF 10+ / MGO 263 mg/kg (ppm), UMF 15+ / MGO 514 mg/kg (ppm), UMF 20+ / MGO 829 mg/kg (ppm), and others. The division of the Manuka Honey Market on the source of Type of Use spans Digestion & Inflammation Treatment, Wound-care & Skincare Products and other Uses. The division of the Manuka Honey Market on the source of Area spans North America [U.S., Canada, and Mexico], Europe [England, France, Germany Italy and Russia], Asia-Pacific [ India, Korea, Japan, China and South East Asia.], Middle East &Africa [Saudi Arabia, UAE,Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa]and South America [Argentina, Brazil and Columbia].The statement emphasizes on the Manuka Honey in market, particularly in the areas of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This statement classifies the market centered on makers, areas, kind and use. Some of the important companies operating in the Manuka Honey Market on the international basis are Watson & Son, Pure Honey New Zealand, KirksBees Honey, Natures Way, Arataki Honey, Manuka Health, Stream land, Capilano, and Comvita.Request for Free Sample Copy at:This report studies sales (consumption) of Manuka Honey in Global market, especially in United States, China, Europe and Japan, focuses on top players in these regions/countries, with sales, price, revenue and market share for each player in these regions, covering Comvita Watson & Son Manuka Health Pure Honey New Zealand API Health Happy Valley Mossop's Cammells Honey Ora Honey Waitemata HoneyMarket Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Regions, with sales (consumption), revenue, market share and growth rate of Manuka Honey in these regions, from 2011 to 2021 (forecast), like United States China Europe Japan Southeast Asia IndiaSplit by product Types, with sales, revenue, price and gross margin, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into Oral External useSplit by applications, this report focuses on sales, market share and growth rate of Manuka Honey in each application, can be divided into Hospital Household OtherRelated Reports of this Category available at Million Insights:About Million InsightsMillion Insights, is a distributor of market research reports, published by premium publishers only. We have a comprehensive market place that will enable you to compare data points, before you make a purchase. Enabling informed buying is our motto and we strive hard to ensure that our clients get to browse through multiple samples, prior to an investment. Service flexibility & the fastest response time are two pillars, on which our business model is founded. Our market research report store, includes in-depth reports, from across various industry verticals, such as healthcare, technology, chemicals, food & beverages, consumer goods, material science & automotive.Contact Details:Office No. 302, 3rd Floor, Manikchand Galleria,Model Colony, Shivaji Nagar, Pune, MH, 411016 IndiaPhone: 91-20-65300184Email: sales@millioninsights.com Growth of Orthopedic Device Analysis and Forecasts to 2021 Orthopedic Device, Orthopedic Device Industry, Orthopedic Device Trends https://www.marketresearchnest.com/global-orthopedic-device-market-2018-2022.html https://www.marketresearchnest.com/purchase.php?reportid=285070 https://www.marketresearchnest.com/enquirybuy.php?reportid=285070 MarketResearchNest.com adds Global Orthopedic Device Market 2018-2022 new report to its research database. The report spread across 175 pages with table and figures in it.Research analysts forecast the global orthopedic device market will register a revenue of more than USD 44 billion by 2022.About Orthopedic DeviceA large number of key orthopedic implants manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and developmental activities, which has resulted in the introduction of innovative products and advancements in orthopedic devices. The recent major advancements involve the development of robotic-assisted smart surgery for the spine, knee, shoulder, and hip-related implants. Several specialists and surgeons are recommending the adoption of minimally invasive (MI) surgery since these surgeries are highly accurate, precise, and result in enhanced patient outputs.Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global orthopedic device market for 2018-2022. To calculate the market size, the report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Browse full table of contents and data tables atThe market is divided into the following segments based on geography: Americas APAC EMEATechnavio's report, Global Orthopedic Device Market 2018-2022, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Technavio recognizes the following companies as the key players in the global orthopedic device market: DePuy Synthes, DJO Global, Medtronic, Strykar, Smith & Nephew, and Zimmer Biomet.Other Prominent Vendors in the market are: 4WEB Medical, aap Implantate, Acumed, Advanced orthopedics, Aesculap Implant Systems, AlloSource, Alphatec Spine, AMEDICA, Anika Therapeutics, Arthrex, Arthrosurface, Baxter, BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes, Barkeley Advanced Biomaterial, Bioretec, bioventus, Bone therapeutics, camber Spine technologies, ConforMIS, CONMED, Corin, DGIMED Ortho, Emerge Medical, Exactech, Flower orthopedics, Graftys, Hip Innovation Technology, Integra LifeSciences, Intelligent Implant Systems, Internal Fixation Systems, ISTO Biologics, K2M, Keramat, LDR Holding, Medartis, MicroPort Scientific, Nextremity Solutions, NovaBone, NuTech Medical, NuVasive, Orthofix International, orthogem, OsteoMed, Paragon 28, RTI Surgical, SHOULDER INNOVATIONS, Spinal Analytics & Geometrical Implant, Tyber Medical, Vilex, Virak Orthopedics, and XTANT Medical.Commenting on the report, an analyst from Research team said: One trend in the market is M&A deals. Although key players such as DePuy Synthes, Zimmer Biomet, Strykar, Smith & Nephew, and Medtronic are having a significant presence in the market, thry are facing tough competition from other emerging players and affecting the organic growth of these companies. Owing to these reasons players such asDePuy Synthes, Strykar, and Zimmer Biomet are changing their market strategies and focused on M&As to increase their presence in the market.Order a Purchase Report Copy atAccording to the report, one driver in the market is continuous advancements in technology. Orthopedic devices have been witnessing a drastic advancement in past three decades through product innovation. The rapid advancement in technology was due to the extensive R&D activities led by the key manufacturers and thereby contributing largely toward the market growth. The key advancement witnessed recently are robotic-assisted smart surgery for hip, knee, shoulder, and spine-related implants. Apart from these, surgeons emphasis more on MIS owing to the high accuracy, precision, and better patient outcomes. The MIS for orthopedic implants has reduced the total cost and minimized the time for recovery.Further, the report states that one challenge in the market is rising product recalls. Orthopedic devices are susceptible to manufacturing errors. Regulatory agencies evaluate all medical devices for potential risk by conducting health hazard evaluation. With respect to this, many orthopedic devices and implants have been recalled from the market due to their risk factor. Between 2002 and 2013, consumers union reported 578 recalls alone from six key global key players of the global orthopedic devices market. The biggest recall was reported by the Stryker with 231 recalls and followed by DuPuy Synthes with 150 recalls. By the time the adversities of the recall were noticed, tens of thousands of people have already received the problematic devices.The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors.Enquiry before Buying atAbout us: MarketResearchNest.com is the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services on the Web. We offer reports from almost all top publishers and update our collection on daily basis to provide you with instant online access to the worlds most complete and recent database of expert insights on industries, organizations, products, and trends.ContactMr. Jeet JainSales Managersales@marketresearchnest.com+1-240-284-8070(U.S)+44-20-3290-4151(U.K)Connect with Global: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook Insurance for Mass Affluent 2017 Global Industry Key Players - Allianz , AIG , AXA , UnitedHealthcare , ACE&Chubb , Tokio Marine , China Life Market Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Global Insurance for Mass Affluent Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2282485-global-insurance-for-mass-affluent-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/2282485-global-insurance-for-mass-affluent-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2282485 Global Insurance for Mass Affluent MarketThis report studies the global Insurance for Mass Affluent market, analyzes and researches the Insurance for Mass Affluent development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeAllianzAIGAXAUnitedHealthcareACE&ChubbTokio MarineChina LifeXL GroupArgo GroupPICCMunich ReCPICHanover InsuranceNationwideZurichHudsonIronshoreHiscoxManulifeAssurantSompo Japan NipponkoaRenaissanceRe HoldingsMapfreRequest a Sample Report @Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, Insurance for Mass Affluent can be split intoMotor InsuranceProperty InsuranceAccident InsuranceHealth InsurancePet InsuranceMarket segment by Application, Insurance for Mass Affluent can be split intoIndependent IntermediariesDirectBanks/Building SocietiesUtilities/Retailers/Affinity GroupsTo enquire about this report visit @Table of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Insurance for Mass Affluent Market Size, Status and Forecast 20221 Industry Overview of Insurance for Mass Affluent1.1 Insurance for Mass Affluent Market Overview1.1.1 Insurance for Mass Affluent Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Insurance for Mass Affluent Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Insurance for Mass Affluent Market by Type1.3.1 Motor Insurance1.3.2 Property Insurance1.3.3 Accident Insurance1.3.4 Health Insurance1.3.5 Pet Insurance1.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Independent Intermediaries1.4.2 Direct1.4.3 Banks/Building Societies1.4.4 Utilities/Retailers/Affinity Groups2 Global Insurance for Mass Affluent Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Insurance for Mass Affluent Market Size (Value) by Players (2016 and 2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Allianz3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 AIG3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 AXA3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 UnitedHealthcare3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 ACE&Chubb3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Tokio Marine3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 China Life3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 XL Group3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Argo Group3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 PICC3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Insurance for Mass Affluent Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Munich Re3.12 CPIC3.13 Hanover Insurance3.14 Nationwide3.15 Zurich3.16 Hudson3.17 Ironshore3.18 Hiscox3.19 Manulife3.20 Assurant3.21 Sompo Japan Nipponkoa3.22 RenaissanceRe Holdings3.23 MapfreContinued.Buy Report@Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Cloud Computing a Boon for Global Digital Commerce Platform Market https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=18428 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/digital-commerce-platform-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com Owing to the enormous application possibilities with the merger of consumer electronics and the internet, an increasing number of companies are venturing into the digital commerce platform market, and several of them will follow the suit in the near future, making the competitive landscape further fragmented. That being said, a few companies such as Hybris AG, IBM Corporation, and Oracle Corporation do hold a position of strength and continuously expand into potential regions to eat into the shares of smaller domestic players who have limited to no presence their core region.Download exclusive Sample of this report:A fresh business and commerce study by Transparency Market Research (TMR) has projected that the demand in the global digital commerce platform will increment at a robust CAGR of 14.8% during the forecast period of 2016 to 2024. As per the evaluations of the TMR report, the opportunities in the digital commerce platform market, across the world, were worth US$4.44 bn in 2015, and estimates it to swell up to US$15.30 bn by the end of 2024. In the near future, the leaders of this market are expected to dwell into cloud-based digital platforms and software-as-a-service models in order to maintain their stronghold over the market.Based on the model of business, the report segments the global digital commerce platform market into business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), consumer to business (C2B), and consumer to consumer (C2C). The segment of business to consumer accounted for a whopping 68.5% of the total demand and is expected to maintain its top position, although the segments of business to business and consumer to consumer are also projected to for healthy growth. Based on end-users, the market for digital commerce platform has been bifurcated into banking, financial service and insurance (BFSI), retail, IT and Telecommunication, and airline and travel. The report also categorizes this market on the basis of deployment model, into on-premise, software as a service (SaaS), open source, and fully managed.Obtain Report Details @Geographically, the report highlights North America as the most lucrative region by a long margin, which is a reflection of strong adoptability rate of new technology in the developed country of the U.S. A massive existing base of digital media users in the country has been powered by the ubiquity of smartphones and broadband internet services. The North America digital commerce platform market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period of 2016 to 2024.The advent and rapid rise of cloud computing has been a boon for the market for digital commerce platform. With cloud platform, companies operating in ecommerce have found a whole new avenue of revenue by selling to consumers without investing on retail outlets. Organized website portals can engage, entice, and translate a lead into sale and a flooding number of manufacturers are now transforming their business to gain benefit from digital commerce platforms. Growing dependency on smartphones and integrated devices, increasing disposable income among the urban populations in emerging economies, and growing awareness among the end-users are some of the other factors that will aid to the prosperity of the global digital commerce platform market. On the other hand, the market is still in nascent stage and unless aggressive market strategies are employed, retailers are expected to remain reluctant owing to the lack of governance structure.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Innovation Management Platforms Market Size 2022 Qmarkets, Brightidea, Imaginatik, Hype Innovation, Ideascale, Innosabi, Cognistreamer https://www.marketstudyreport.com/request-a-sample/712615//?utm_source=OPR-SP https://www.marketstudyreport.com/check-for-discount/712615//?utm_source=OPR-SP https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/global-innovation-management-platforms-market-by-manufacturers-countries-type-and-application-forecast-to-2022/?utm_source=OPR-SP https://www.marketstudyreport.com/reports/2017-global-and-regional-innovation-management-platforms-market-research-report-forecasts-2022/?utm_source=RR-SP https://www.marketstudyreport.com https://www.marketstudyreport.com/category/news-releases/ MarketStudyReport.com adds New Global Innovation Management Platforms Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022 new report to its research database. The report spread across 124 pages with table and figures in it. The report provides information on Industry Trends, Demand, Top Manufacturers, Countries, Material and Application.This report studies the Innovation Management Platforms market. Innovation management is a combination of the management of innovation processes, and change management. It refers both to product, business process, and organizational innovation. Innovation Management Platform is a system that allows the management.Request a Free sample PDF of this research to evaluate more @Scope of the Global Innovation Management Platforms Market Report:This report focuses on the Innovation Management Platforms in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.Market Segment by Manufacturers, Global Innovation Management Platforms Market report covers as Qmarkets, Brightidea, Imaginatik, Hype Innovation, Ideascale, Innosabi, Cognistreamer, Crowdicity, Planbox, Spigit, Inno360, Exago and SAP.Global Innovation Management Platforms Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers:North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.)Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa).Global Innovation Management Platforms Market Segment by Type, covers as Services and SoftwareGlobal Innovation Management Platforms Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into: Public Sector & Education, Retail & Consumer Goods, IT & Communication Technology, Manufacturing, Transportation & Logistics, Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance and Healthcare & PharmaceuticalsEnquire Discount on Global Innovation Management Platforms Market Research Report @There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Innovation Management Platforms market.Chapter 1, to describe Innovation Management Platforms Market Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force;Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Innovation Management Platforms, with sales, revenue, and price of Innovation Management Platforms, in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017;Chapter 4, to show the global Innovation Management Platforms market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Innovation Management Platforms, for each region, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to Innovation Management Platforms Industry analyze the key regions, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions;Chapter 10 and 11, to show the Innovation Management Platforms Market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017;Chapter 12, Innovation Management Platforms market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Innovation Management Platforms Industry sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.For more information on this report, Please visit at:Related Reports: -2017 Global and Regional Innovation Management Platforms Market Research Report Forecasts 2022This report focus on Global and regional market, providing information on major players like manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, traders, customers, investors and etc., major types, major applications from Global and major regions such as Europe, North American, South American, Asia (Excluding China), China and etc.Marketstudyreport.com allows you to manage and control all corporate research purchases to consolidate billing and vendor management. You can eliminate duplicate purchases and customize your content and license management.Market Study ReportThe Green Suite #4594,Dover, DE 19901United StatesPhone: 1-201-355-0868US Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150Email: sales@marketstudyreport.comWebsite:News: Aviation Cyber Security Global Market Top Key Players BAE Systems, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin- Analysis and Forecast to 2021 Aviation Cyber Security Market 2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/38463-global-aviation-cyber-security-market-2015-2019 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/38463-global-aviation-cyber-security-market-2015-2019 Aviation Cyber Security Market 2017Cyber threats are internet-based attempts to disrupt or damage IT systems and hack critical information using spyware, malware, and phishing. Cyber security solutions help organizations in the Aviation sector detect, monitor, report, and counter cyber threats while maintaining the confidentiality of IT systems. Aviation cyber security solutions help protect critical data or any kind of digital asset stored on a computer or in a digital memory device. In the current scenario, increased internet penetration has given rise to sophisticated attacks on IT business infrastructure. Cyber threats are a major concern for the Aviation sector because of the increased use of mobile devices and applications.The analysts forecast the Global Aviation Cyber Security market to grow at a CAGR of 5.94 percent over the period 2014-2019.Covered in this ReportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Aviation Cyber Security market for the period 2015-2019. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the following segments of aviation cyber security: Air cargo management Air traffic management Airline management Airport managementThe report consolidates the revenue generated from the following major geographical regions: Americas APAC EMEARequest a Sample Report @The report, Global Aviation Cyber Security Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the APAC and EMEA regions; it also covers the Global Aviation Cyber Security market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Key Regions Americas APAC EMEAKey Vendors BAE Systems Boeing Booz Allen Hamilton General Dynamics Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman RaytheonOther Prominent Vendors Airbus Group Cisco Systems CSC Harris IBM L-3 Communications McAfee Rockwell Collins Sabre Systems Symantec Thales UnisysMarket Driver Need to Improve Quality of Protection For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket Challenge High Cost of Implementation For a full, detailed list, view our reportMarket Trend Demand for Cloud-based Security Solutions For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey Questions Answered in this Report What will the market size be in 2019 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?Any Query, Submit Here @Table of Contents Analysis of Key Points01. Executive Summary02. List of Abbreviations03. Scope of the Report03.1 Market Overview03.2 Product Offerings04. Market Research Methodology04.1 Market Research Process04.2 Research Methodology05. Introduction06. Market Description06.1.1 Airline Management06.1.2 Airport Management06.1.3 Air Traffic Management06.1.4 Air Cargo Management06.2 Benefits of Aviation Cyber Security06.3 Types of Cyber Threats07. Market Landscape07.1 Market Overview07.1.1 Product Lifecycle of Aviation Cyber Security Solutions07.2 Global Cyber Security Market07.2.1 Market Size and Forecast07.3 Share of Aviation Cyber Security in the Global Cyber Security Market 201407.3.1 Share of the Aviation Sector in the Global Cyber Security Market 2014-201907.4 Global Aviation Cyber Security Market07.4.1 Market Size and Forecast07.5 Five Forces Analysis08. Market Segmentation by Application08.1 Global Aviation Cyber Security Market by Application 201408.1.1 Global Aviation Cyber Security Market by Application 2014-201908.2 Global Airline Management Market08.2.1 Market Size and Forecast08.3 Global Airport Management Market08.3.1 Market Size and Forecast08.4 Global Air Traffic Management Market08.4.1 Market Size and Forecast08.5 Global Air Cargo Management08.5.1 Market Size and Forecast09. Geographical Segmentation10. Market Attractiveness10.1 Market Attractiveness by Application10.2 Market Attractiveness by Geographical Segmentation11. Buying Criteria12. Market Growth Drivers13. Drivers and their Impact14. Market Challenges15. Impact of Drivers and Challenges16. Market Trends17. Trends and their Impact18. Vendor Landscape18.1 Competitive Scenario18.2 Competitive Analysis 201418.3 Other Prominent Vendors19. Key Vendor Analysis19.1 BAE Systems19.1.1 Key Facts19.1.2 Business Overview19.1.3 Business Segmentation by Revenue 201319.1.4 Business Segmentation by Revenue 2012 and 201319.1.5 Geographical Segmentation by Revenue 201319.1.6 Business Strategy19.1.7 Recent Developments19.1.8 SWOT Analysis19.2 Booz Allen Hamilton19.2.1 Key Facts19.2.2 Business Overview19.2.3 Key Financials 2012-201419.2.4 Business Strategy19.2.5 Recent Developments19.2.6 SWOT Analysis....ContinuedABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.Address:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India At a CAGR of 15.98%, Global Radar Sensors Market to bloster over 2017-2021 - Continental, NXP Semiconductors, Robert Bosch, ZF Friedrichshafen https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=1326178 https://www.researchmoz.us/global-radar-sensors-market-2017-2021-report.html/toc http://bit.ly/1TBmnVG A radar sensor is an electronic device that identifies the position and velocity of a distant object such as a vehicle, aircraft, or ship. Radar sensors identify electromagnetic emissions with the help of radio receivers. When the transmission is detected, the person in the vehicle is informed. Currently, the GPS technology is installed into radar sensors, and it aids the storage of locations indicated by the sensor when the user reaches their destination in addition to detecting objects, the radar sensors provide information such as range, speed, direction, and Doppler velocity.The global radar sensors market to grow at a CAGR of 15.98% during the period 2017-2021. The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global radar sensors market for 2017-2021. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Click to get Sample PDF:The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:- Americas- APAC- EMEATechnavio's report, Global Radar Sensors Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.View Complete TOC with Tables and Figures at:Key vendors- Continental- NXP Semiconductors- Robert Bosch- ZF FriedrichshafenOther prominent vendors- Airbus- Autoliv- Banner Engineering- Delphi Automotive- DENSO- HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co.- Infineon Technologies- InnoSenT- Lockheed Martin- Omniradar- Raytheon Company- Saffron Electronics & Defense- Sivers IMA- Smartmicro- Texas instrumentsMarket driver- Radar sensor-based ADAS applications are more economical- For a full, detailed list, view our reportKey questions answered in this report- What will the market size be in 2020 and what will the growth rate be?- What are the key market trends?- What is driving this market?- What are the challenges to market growth?- Who are the key vendors in this market space?- What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?ResearchMoz is the worlds fastest growing collection of market research reports worldwide. Our database is composed of current market studies from over 100 featured publishers worldwide. Our market research databases integrate statistics with analysis from global, regional, country and company perspectives. ResearchMozs service portfolio also includes value-added services such as market research customization, competitive landscaping, and in-depth surveys, delivered by a team of experienced Research Coordinators.Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-621-2074Tel: 866-997-4948 (Us-Canada Toll Free)Email: sales@researchmoz.usFollow us on LinkedIn at: Laboratory Automation Workcells 2017 Global Industry Key Players - Peak Analysis & Automation , Siemens , Beckman Coulter , Hudson Robotics , Inpeco , A&T , Roche Market Analysis and Forecast to 2022 Global Laboratory Automation Workcells Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2282487-global-laboratory-automation-workcells-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/2282487-global-laboratory-automation-workcells-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2282487 Global Laboratory Automation Workcells MarketThis report studies the global Laboratory Automation Workcells market, analyzes and researches the Laboratory Automation Workcells development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, likePeak Analysis & AutomationSiemensBeckman CoulterHudson RoboticsInpecoA&TRocheThermo Fisher ScientificAim Lab Automation TechnologiesSARSTEDTYaskawa MotomanTranscripticBioseroRequest a Sample Report @Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, Laboratory Automation Workcells can be split intoOff-shelf automation workcellsCustomized automation workcellsMarket segment by Application, Laboratory Automation Workcells can be split intoMedical labPharmaceutical labTo enquire about this report visit @Table of Contents-Key Points CoveredGlobal Laboratory Automation Workcells Market Size, Status and Forecast 20221 Industry Overview of Laboratory Automation Workcells1.1 Laboratory Automation Workcells Market Overview1.1.1 Laboratory Automation Workcells Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Laboratory Automation Workcells Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Laboratory Automation Workcells Market by Type1.3.1 Off-shelf automation workcells1.3.2 Customized automation workcells1.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Medical lab1.4.2 Pharmaceutical lab2 Global Laboratory Automation Workcells Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Laboratory Automation Workcells Market Size (Value) by Players (2016 and 2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Peak Analysis & Automation3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Siemens3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Beckman Coulter3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Hudson Robotics3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Inpeco3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 A&T3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 Roche3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Thermo Fisher Scientific3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Aim Lab Automation Technologies3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 SARSTEDT3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Laboratory Automation Workcells Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Yaskawa Motoman3.12 Transcriptic3.13 BioseroContinuedBuy Report@Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India RUTF & RUSF Market Trends and Opportunities for the Industry by 2025 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=29456 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/rutf-rusf-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com The vendor landscape of the global ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) and ready-to-use supplementary food (RUSF) market is a fragmented one with the presence of many companies across the globe, reports Transparency Market Research.. The key market players operating in the global RUSF and RUTF market are anticipated to gain new opportunities from the UNICEF as it encourages domestic production of RUTF and RUSF. For instance, Kaira District Cooperative, aka Amul Dairy, is now to help war-torn countries like Sudan, Afghanistan with the supply of RUTF following its order from UNICEF.Download exclusive Sample of this report:Companies are also expected to derive inspiration from the increased research of various substitutes of raw material, and the development of new bar and drinkable powdered form of RUTF. Some key players of the market comprise Diva Nutritional Products, GC Rieber Compact AS, Nutriset SAS, Kaira District Cooperative, Samil Industrial Co., and so on.The revenue of the global ready-to-use supplementary food and therapeutic food market stood at US$429.9 mn in 2017 and the market is expected to reach US$829.3 mn over the forecast period of 2017-2025, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.6% during the forecast period.Europe to Witness Significant Growth in Market Share by the end of 2025The market for RUTF and RUSF in Europe accounts for more than half of the global market as many of the worlds leading market players are based out of Europe. Europe held over 54.3% of the global market in 2017 . UNICEF has emerged as most important and largest user of RUTF and RUSF products and contributed to 66.1% of the total demand in the of the RUTF and RUSF products in 2017. A number of companies have already entered into a race to supply UNICEF with RUTF and RUSF products. They have increased production capacity following increased demand.Obtain Report Details @The regional manufacturers in North America are also trying to race ahead of their European counterparts. The North American companies cater to the growing need of RUTF and RUSF in many of the African countries like Nigeria, Sudan, Burkina Faso, and Kenya. In the region of Asia Pacific, CAMAM implementation in nations like Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and India has facilitated the increasing demand of RUTF and RUSF in the Asia Pacific region.The segment of RUTF has catered to the 70% of the total global market share and is further expected to capture the market share of RUSF over the forecast period of 2017-2025. The market of RUTF is worth US$ 301.4 mn in 2017.UNICEF to Trigger the MarketGrowing concern of various governments and NGOs across the globe to address the issue of malnutrition. Ever-increasing global population has increased the issue of malnutrition thereby fuelling the demand for RUTF and RUSF, mostly in the African and Asia-pacific regions. The report also notes that various NGOs like Save the Children, UNICEF, and several government bodies are taking the concern of growing child mortality rates and malnutrition very seriously and are taking efforts to change the scenario. This could lead to an increased demand for RUSF and RUTF.The market, however, is not devoid of challenges as many of the governments and consumers are preferring local ingredients. Companies in the market are also faced with the risk of contamination, increasing inconsistency of the milk products of RUTF, and the growing belief that RUSF and RUTF are undermining breast-milk.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.US Office Contact90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Digital Impression Standalone Scanners Market to Expand at a CAGR of 17.1% till 2025 MRRSE https://www.mrrse.com/sample/683 https://www.mrrse.com/digital-impression-stand-alone-scanners-market https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/683 https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/683 https://www.mrrse.com/ https://www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Digital Impression Standalone Scanners MarketRequest For Free Sample Report @Digital impressioning is a technology that uses light emitting diode (LED), lasers or other optical sources to scan intraoral images. It provides three-dimensional (3D) scanned images with high clarity that enables dentists create restorations quickly thereby speeding up the overall treatment. It helps in eliminating the limitations such as multiple impressions and wastage of impression materials used in traditional impressioning. Moreover, digital impressioning is an eco-friendly process as it eliminates the need for disposable impression materials and plastic trays. Intraoral scanners help in cutting down the number of steps involved in impression as well as errors.The digital impression standalone scanners market is segmented based on the technologies namely confocal microscopic imaging and optical wand technology. Digital impression standalone scanners are used in different dental applications including dental restoration and orthodontic treatments. Due to its high accuracy and ease of operation, intraoral scanners are expected to find wide applications in different dental treatments and diagnostics. The market is driven by the increasing need for digital equipment for easy and comfortable treatment experience. Digital impression standalone scanners market is mainly supported by countries such as the U.S., Germany and Japan. High initial costs required for installing the intraoral scanners is one of the most significant factors hindering the market growth. However, the intraoral scanners are expected to be widely adopted during the forecast period with declining prices and advancements such as powder-free scanning.Browse Complete Report with TOC @The research report on the digital impression standalone scanners market provides a detailed analysis of technology used in these scanners including confocal microscopic imaging and optical wand technology and helps in understanding driving forces behind the popularity of intraoral scanners in the dental industry. It also provides analysis of application segment of the digital impression standalone scanners market for the next six years. The report includes extensive analysis of the industry drivers, restraints, market trends and market structure. The market study provides comprehensive assessment of stakeholder strategies and imperatives for succeeding in the business. The report segregates digital impression standalone scanners market based on technology used in intraoral scanners and different geographic regions. The report includes a detailed analysis of the prevalent market situation, company profiles and industry trends for intraoral scanners used across different dental applications.The detailed value chain analysis and porters five forces analysis helps the market competitors to formulate their business strategies at every stage of their business. Moreover, the market estimates have been analyzed by keeping in mind the several factors which affect the market including but not limited to technological, economical, social, environmental and legal.Enquire about this Report @The key players of digital impression standalone scanners market have been profiled with a focus on competitive details such as company and financial overview, business strategies, and their recent developments. The company profile of major players that have been incorporated in this report include as Sirona Dentals Systems, Inc., 3Shape A/S, Align Technology, Inc., 3M ESPE, Carestream Health, Inc., Densys3D Ltd., Hint-Els GmbH, Glidewell Laboratories, Ormco Corporation and Planmeca Oy.The Digital Impression Standalone Scanners Market Segmentation:Digital Impression Standalone Scanners Market, by TechnologyConfocal Microscopic ImagingOptical Wand TechnologyDigital Impression Standalone Scanners Market, By GeographyNorth AmericaEuropeAsia-PacificRest of the World (Africa, Middle East and Latin America)You can Check Discount @About (Market Research Reports Search Engine)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Pressure Pumping Market Key Players analysis- Weatherford International, China Oilfield Services Ltd., Halliburton Company, Saipem S.p.A., Schlumberger Limited, Baker Hughes https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1354 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/request-toc/1354 Market Synopsis of Pressure PumpingMarket ScenarioCommenting on the report, an analyst from Market Research Future (MRFR)s team said: Significant depletion of matured oil fields has forced Oil companies to shift their focus towards drilling activities. Pressure pumping being an essential part of pumping oil from matured oil fields and increased drilling activities to pump oil from unconventional onshore fields is leading to a significant increase in the demand in the Pressure Pumping Market. With the further depletion of oil fields the market for pressure pumping is going to witness further growth due to increasing complexity of pumping oil from shallow oil fields.North America is the leading region in this market mainly due to large number of major contractors and Companies in this region. North America is poised to growth at a significant pace with the existing competition in the market and heavy investments in R&D for technological development.Key PlayersSome of the key players in the Pressure Pumping market are Weatherford International, China Oilfield Services Ltd., Halliburton Company, Saipem S.p.A., Schlumberger Limited, Baker Hughes Superior Energy ServicesRequest a Sample Copy @Study Objectives of Pressure Pumping To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast for the next 10 years of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Pressure Pumping market To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth To Analyze the Pressure Pumping market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, Porters five force analysis. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the market segments and sub-segments with respect to six main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East, and Africa To provide country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by Well Type, Services, and by region as well as its sub segments To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the marketSegmentsThe Pressure pumping market has been segmented on the basis of Well Type as Land and Offshore. On the basis of Services the market has been segmented as cementing, hydraulics and fracturing.Intended Audience Pressure pumping Contractors Pressure pumping Suppliers Research and Development (R&D) CompaniesRequest for Table of Content @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Global Bio-fertilizers Market Estimated to Be Worth US$4,092.1 Mn By the End of 2025 MRRSE https://www.mrrse.com/sample/341 https://www.mrrse.com/biofertilizers-market https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/341 https://www.mrrse.com/checkdiscount/341 https://www.mrrse.com/ https://www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Biofertilizers Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2017 - 2025"Request For Free Sample Report @Biofertilizers are the substances which make use of the living micro-organisms and are applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil. They promote the growth of the plants by supplying adequate amount of nutrients and improve the quality and yield of the crops. The three major biofertilizers existing in the market are nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizer, phosphate mobilizing bio-fertilizer and potassium mobilizing bio-fertilizer. Biofertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorous, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth promoting substances. The benefits of Biofertilizers include longer shelf life, less contamination, better survival on seeds and soil, high commercial revenues and export potential. Biofertilizers help to increase the nutrient absorbing surface area beyond the depletion zone of the root. Different kinds of soil micro-organisms belonging to several taxa of the bacteria, fungi, and protozoa kingdoms, colonizing the rhizosphere or the plant tissues and promoting plant growth, can be utilized for the production of Biofertilizers.Global Biofertilizers Market: SegmentationGlobal bio-fertilizer market can be segmented on the basis of product and applications. The product segment of bio-fertilizer market includes nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizer, phosphate mobilizing bio-fertilizer and potassium mobilizing bio-fertilizer. In terms of application, global biofertilizer market can be categorized into cereals and grains, fruits and vegetables, oil seeds and pulses and others segment including nursery turfs and ornamental plants.The report estimates and forecasts the Bio Fertilizers market on the global, regional and country levels. The study provides forecast between 2017 and 2025 based on volume (Tons) and revenue (US$ Mn) with 2016 as the base year. The report comprises an exhaustive value chain analysis for each of the segments. It provides a comprehensive view of the market. Value chain analysis also offers detailed information about value addition at each stage. The study includes drivers and restraints for the Biofertilizers market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. The report analyzes opportunities in the Bio Fertilizers market on the global, regional and country level. Drivers, restraints, and opportunities mentioned in the report are justified through quantitative and qualitative data. These have been verified through primary and secondary resources. Furthermore, the report analyzes substitute analysis of Biofertilizers and global average price trend analysis.Browse Full Report with TOC @Global Biofertilizers Market: Research MethodologyThe report includes Porters Five Forces Model to determine the degree of competition in the Biofertilizers market. The report comprises a qualitative write-up on market attractiveness analysis, wherein end-users and regions have been analyzed based on attractiveness for each region. Growth rate, market size, raw material availability, profit margin, impact strength, technology, competition, and other factors (such as environmental and legal) have been evaluated in order to derive the general attractiveness of the market. The report comprises price trend analysis for Biofertilizers between 2017 and 2025.The study provides a comprehensive view of the Biofertilizers market by dividing it into, product, application, and geography segments. The product segment of the biofertilizers market is classified as nitrogen fixing, phosphate mobilizing and potassium mobilizing fertilizers The Biofertilizers market, by application has been categorized into oil seeds & pulses, cereals & grains, fruits & vegetables and others. The regional analysis of global biofertilizer market include includes the current and forecast consumption of biofertilizers in North America (U.S, Canada), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) , Europe (Germany, France, Russia, Spain, CIS, Greece, Ukraine, Italy, Serbia, and Rest of Europe),Asia Pacific (China, India, ASEAN (Excluding Indonesia and Vietnam), Japan, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific), and Middle East & Africa (Iran, Israel, Nigeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Rest of Middle East & Africa).Favorable regulatory scenario in highly developed regions such as North America and Europe are driving the market of global biofertilizers.Enquire about this Report @Global Biofertilizers Market: Competitive LandscapeThe report covers detailed competitive outlook that includes market share and profiles of key players operating in the global market. Key players profiled in the report include PotashCorp Agri Life, Bodisen Biotech, Inc. , Italpollina SpA , Protan AG , Novozymes A/S , Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. , T. Stanes & Company Limited , Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited Symborg S.L, & Rizobacters Argentina S.A. Company profiles include attributes such as company overview, number of employees, brand overview, key competitors, business overview, business strategies, recent/key developments, acquisitions, and financial overview (wherever applicable).Secondary research sources that were typically referred to include, but were not limited to Food & Agricultural Organization(FAO), International Fertilizer Association (IFA), National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF) and International Fertilizer Society (IFS). Other sources such as internal and external proprietary databases, statistical databases and market reports, news articles, national government documents, and webcasts specific to companies operating in the market have also been referred for the report.In-depth interviews and discussions with a wide range of key opinion leaders and industry participants were conducted to compile this research report. Primary research represents the bulk of research efforts, supplemented by extensive secondary research. Key players product literature, annual reports, press releases, and relevant documents were reviewed for competitive analysis and market understanding. This helped in validating and strengthening secondary research findings. Primary research further helped in developing the analysis teams expertise and market understanding.Check Discount @About (Market Research Reports Search Engine)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Hardware Encryption Market: Emerging Niche Segments and Regional Markets https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/hardware-encryption-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=23498 www.transparencymarketresearch.com Encryption is the process of scrambling sensitive information that is only readable by the intended recipient. Encryption is mainly performed by hardware or software devices using a series of algorithm or mathematical operations for generating the cypher text or the encrypted data. The recipient for whom the message is encrypted must have an electronic key for decrypting the data using a similar device further converting the data to its original readable form known as the clear text. This process of hardware encryption involves file being written in the drive that is further encrypted automatically using specialized software. After this as the file is read from the drive, there is a special software that automatically decrypts it further making it understandable by the recipient and functioning as any other normal computer. Hardware encryption as a technology prevents data from being accessed by unauthorized persons thereby providing an extra layer of security against hackers or from online threats. The global market for hardware encryption has been segmented into circuit design, product, application and geography. The global market on the basis of circuit design has been segmented into FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). On the basis of product the global market for hardware encryption has been segmented into USB flash drives, external hard disks, solid state drives and internal hard disks among others. Consumer electronics, healthcare, IT & telecom and aerospace & defense forms the major application areas for this market globally.Global hardware encryption market on the basis of geography has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa.Obtain Report Details @It is the optimization of the encryption feature with the rest of the drive that forms one of the major drivers aiding in the growth of this market. Use of software encryption involves lot of steps that is avoided in case hardware encryption further making the whole process faster leading to its rising applications globally. Another major factor pushing the growth of this market includes the all-time activation of these hardware encryption making it easier for the driver to meet the various government standards especially in applications across service sectors such as banking and financial institutions among others. This system further requires minimum configuration and interaction with users without effecting the overall performance of the system. This is especially helpful in case of protecting sensitive data without being worried about the data getting stolen or compromised by the hackers. After considering all these drivers, there are also certain restraints that has a negative impact on the overall market. One such factor is the high costs associated with its implementation while another factor being this hardware encryption tied to only one device rather than a complete system. Moreover, the updates in case of hardware encryption is also possible through device substitution further making it difficult for implementation. It is the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and cloud services that is expected to provide numerous growth opportunities for this market in the coming years.Geographically, it is North America followed by Europe that forms some of the major regions contributing to the overall growth of this market. Advent of cloud based services along with growth in IoT technology has also contributed to being some important factors contributing to the growth. Asia Pacific is another major region along with being one of the fastest one to grow globally with China, Korea, India and Japan being some of the key countries contributing to the growth. Growing internet penetration along with rise in demand for smartphones and tablets has also been some important factors contributing to the growth.Make an Enquiry @Some of the key players that are operating in the global hardware encryption market include Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (South Korea), Toshiba Corporation (Japan), Maxim Integrated Products Inc. (The U.S.), Micron Technology Inc. (The U.S.), IBM (The U.S.), Kingston Technology Corporation (The U.S.), Seagate Technology PLC (Ireland) and Western Digital Corporation (The U.S.) among others.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendationsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market 2017 Key Players -Pace, Technicolor, Arris, Echostar, Cisco, Humax, Netgem,.. Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/1287250-global-digital-tv-set-top-boxes-market-research-report-2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/enquiry/1287250-global-digital-tv-set-top-boxes-market-research-report-2017 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=1287250 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market:WiseGuyReports.com adds Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market 2017 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2022reports to its database.Executive SummaryGeographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Digital TV Set-Top Boxes in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), coveringUnited StatesEUChinaJapanSouth KoreaTaiwanRequest Sample Report @Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players includingPaceTechnicolorArrisEchostarCisco,HumaxNetgemAppleSagemcomSamsungRokuSkyworth DigitalHuaweiJiuzhouCoshipChanghongUnionmanYinheOn the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split intoTerrestrial Digital TVDigital Cable TVOtherOn the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, includingHouseholdCommercialIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.For further information on this report, visit -Table of Content:Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Research Report 20171 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Overview1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Digital TV Set-Top Boxes1.2 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Segment by Type (Product Category)1.2.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by Type (Product Category)(2012-2022)1.2.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production Market Share by Type (Product Category) in 20161.2.3 Terrestrial Digital TV1.2.4 Digital Cable TV1.2.5 Other1.3 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Segment by Application1.3.1 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2012-2022)1.3.2 Household1.3.3 Commercial1.4 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market by Region (2012-2022)1.4.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) Comparison by Region (2012-2022)1.4.2 United States Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.3 EU Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.4 China Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.5 Japan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.6 South Korea Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.4.7 Taiwan Status and Prospect (2012-2022)1.5 Global Market Size (Value) of Digital TV Set-Top Boxes (2012-2022)1.5.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Revenue Status and Outlook (2012-2022)1.5.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production Status and Outlook (2012-2022)2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Competition by Manufacturers2.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.1.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Revenue and Share by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.3 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Average Price by Manufacturers (2012-2017)2.4 Manufacturers Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Manufacturing Base Distribution, Sales Area and Product Type2.5 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Competitive Situation and Trends2.5.1 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Concentration Rate2.5.2 Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Share of Top 3 and Top 5 Manufacturers2.5.3 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion3 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2012-2017)3.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.3 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Revenue (Value) and Market Share by Region (2012-2017)3.4 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.5 United States Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.6 EU Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.7 China Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.8 Japan Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.9 South Korea Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)3.10 Taiwan Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Capacity, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2012-2017)4 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2012-2017)4.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Consumption by Region (2012-2017)4.2 United States Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.3 EU Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.4 China Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.5 Japan Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.6 South Korea Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)4.7 Taiwan Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2012-2017)5 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type5.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Revenue and Market Share by Type (2012-2017)5.3 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Price by Type (2012-2017)5.4 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Production Growth by Type (2012-2017)6 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Market Analysis by Application6.1 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Consumption and Market Share by Application (2012-2017)6.2 Global Digital TV Set-Top Boxes Consumption Growth Rate by Application (2012-2017)6.3 Market Drivers and Opportunities6.3.1 Potential Applications6.3.2 Emerging Markets/CountriesContinuousBuy this Report @Contact Us:Norah Trentsales@wiseguyreports.comPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US); +44 208 133 9349 (UK)About Us:Wise Guy Reports Is Part Of The Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. And Offers Premium Progressive Statistical Surveying, Market Research Reports, Analysis & Forecast Data For Industries And Governments Around The Globe. Wise Guy Reports Features An Exhaustive List Of Market Research Reports From Hundreds Of Publishers Worldwide. We Boast A Database Spanning Virtually Every Market Category And An Even More Comprehensive Collection Of Market Research Reports Under These Categories And Sub-Categories.Addres:WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersPune - 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone :+91 841 198 5042 Reflex Hammers Market Research Report 2017-2025: by Product, Type, Distribution Channels, by Geography and Company Profile Reflex Hammers Market https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/reflex-hammers-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19999 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/checkout/19999 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com Reflex hammer is a medical instrument which is used by medical practitioners and other healthcare providers to examine tendon reflexes. Reflex hammers are used as a diagnostic instrument and are suitable for diagnosis purposes, and is used for musculoskeletal systems. Reflex hammers are specially designed for reflex testing and percussion.Reflex Hammers Market: Drivers and RestraintsReflex hammers are increasing opted during oral examination of patients in developed and developing countries. The improving access to healthcare with the rapid penetration of such products in the healthcare sector has increased the usage of reflex hammers thereby directly creating a positive impact on reflex hammers market. Furthermore, growing health care budgets of developed and developing countries are also making a significant contribution towards propelling the sale of reflex hammers market. Reflex hammers are increasingly opted in oral examinations owing to the lower costs and high awareness of the products. Reflex Hammers Market, is also easily available which has increased its market access in the developed and developing countries leading to higher adoption.Read Report @Reflex hammers are medical instruments used by practitioners for physical examinations to detect abnormalities in the nervous system. It is also used for chest percussion. Physical examination is a critical during nervous system examination and reflex hammers are increasingly preferred during oral examination. Manufacturers are focusing on manufacturing products with built-in brush for cutaneous and superficial responses, pointed tip for superficial responses, and other miscellaneous styles. Reflex hammers are increasingly preferred for patient examinations are easily portable.Reflex Hammers Market: Region-wise OutlookRegionally, the market for reflex hammers is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East and Africa. North America reflex hammers market dominated the global reflex hammers market due to high number of manufacturers in the U.S. region. The region is expected to continue its dominance in the coming years owing to increasing musculoskeletal disorders. At present, North America holds a leading position in the reflex hammers market followed by Europe. Following North America, Europe region is also anticipated to show steady growth in the Reflex Hammers Market. In the next few years, Asia-Pacific would show remarkable growth in the Reflex Hammers Market as it is developing at a very rapid pace and has shown the emergence of many regional players. The factors which would fuel the growth of Reflex Hammers Market in Asia-Pacific are rising healthcare infrastructure and rapid development of the healthcare infrastructure across the Asian countries. Reflex Hammers Market would evolve at a rapid rate across the regions. However, North America would maintain its position in the overall Reflex Hammers Market.Request Sample Report @Reflex Hammers Market: Key PlayersSome of the players of reflex hammers market include US Neurologicals, LLC, Happersberger otopront GmbH, B. Braun Melsungen AG, WISAP Medical Technology GmbH, MedGyn Products, Inc., Sync Vision Technology, AUG Medical LLC., J&J Instruments, Jiangsu Suhong Medical Instruments Co.,Ltd, Sklar Instruments, Kimetec GmbH Medizintechnik, Vimex Sp. z o.o.., among others. Furthermore, companies are also anticipated to focus on expanding their capacities to cater to the vast unmet medical needs of the world. There are several local players in the reflex hammers market which operate on a local and regional level.Buy now @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Future of Global Prescription/Rx Sunglass Market by 2021 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/prescriptionrx-sunglass-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/7544 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/checkout/7544 http://www.persistencemarketresearch.com Prescription sunglasses are used for the protection of eyes from the harmful ultraviolet radiations which can cause permanent damage to the eyes. The prescription sunglasses are an effective way of limiting exposure of eyes to safe levels along with the dropping glare levels. These sunglasses are available in a wide range of sizes and styles for the people suffering from myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. The features like comfort, modern design, style and adjustable frame, among others are making these sunglasses extremely appealing to the customers.Report overview @The rising penetration of superior optics with high strength properties and ultra-light weight is expected to fuel the demand of prescription sunglass market over the forecast period. The growth is further supported by the growing adoption of e-commerce solutions which is encouraging the online purchase of these products. In addition, increasing focus for vision care due to new healthcare initiatives is fueling the demand for these products to provide effective eye care to people. Furthermore, the modern technological advancements in terms of high quality lens design and material composition is expected to drive the global market in the future as well. Moreover, the worldwide increasing population and growing cases of vision deficiency is providing ample opportunities to the prescription sunglass market retailers and manufacturers to expand their global reach in this market.Additionally, the increasing digitization in the field of production and development is anticipated to have a positive impact on the market. This is owing to the growing advancements in the sectors of plastics, metallurgy, optics, and other areas. Additionally, the growing public awareness about the risks associated with the ultraviolet radiation is accelerating the market growth tremendously. However, the rising acceptance of other vision corrective alternatives namely optical surgeries along with the growing contact lenses popularity is expected to restrict the market growth throughout the forecast period. Similarly, the high cost and strict eye-test regulations are one of the major factors which are inhibiting the growth of Prescription/Rx Sunglass market worldwide.Request to sample report @The global prescription/Rx sunglass market has been segmented on the basis of lens material and geographical regions. Based on the type of lens material used, the market can be classified into CR-39, polyurethane, polycarbonate, and glass, among others. On the basis of various geographical regions, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. In Asia Pacific, the demand for these products is mainly generating due to manufacturing of CR-39 (lens material) in countries such as India, China and Japan. This will lower the prices of prescription sunglasses in these regions resulting in creating more demand for the market. The demand in Europe is primarily driven by the availability of high-end brands in the region.Some of the major players in the Prescription/Rx Sunglass market include Bausch & Lomb, Charmant Group, Carl Zeiss, CooperVision, CIBA Vision, Luxottica Group S.p.A., Hoya Corporation, Essilor International S.A., Fielmann AG, Safilo Group S.p.A., Johnson & Johnson, Marchon Eyewear, Bolle Safety, De Rigo SpA, SEE and Seiko Corp., among others.Buy now @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Two-Wheeler Position Sensor Market to grow at a CAGR of 16.730% during 2017-2021: Bosch, Continental, DENSO, and Delphi Two-Wheeler Position Sensor Market https://www.marketresearchnest.com/global-two-wheeler-position-sensor-market-2017-2021.html https://www.marketresearchnest.com/purchase.php?reportid=285033 https://www.marketresearchnest.com/enquirybuy.php?reportid=285033 MarketResearchNest.com adds Global Two-Wheeler Position Sensor Market 2017-2021 new report to its research database. The report spread across 87 pages with table and figures in it.Research analysts forecast the global two-wheeler position sensor market to grow at a CAGR of 16.730% during the period 2017-2021.About Two-wheeler Position SensorProgressive growth of technologies has driven OEMs to equip two-wheelers with high performance engines and sophisticated controls, sensors, and electronic control units (ECUs) for optimizing performance. Modern two-wheelers are equipped with sensors that relay information regarding the output to the ECU. The position sensors are used for measuring a linear or rotary displacement in various applications like the clutch, brake, and accelerator pedals. The sensors include a pedal position sensor, throttle position sensor, camshaft position sensor, crankshaft position sensor. The growing demand for fuel efficiency is pushing developments in the engine control system, and position sensor, being an important component, is gaining significant adoption. Sensors play an important role in the performance of a two-wheeler. For instance, an oxygen sensor or lambda sensor is an electronic device that gauges the amount of unburnt oxygen left in the exhaust after combustion. The information is then sent to the ECU to alter the air-fuel mixture to optimize combustions and limit emissions.Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global two-wheeler position sensor market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the sales revenue of two-wheeler position sensors across the geographies.Browse full table of contents and data tables atThe market is divided into the following segments based on geography: Americas APAC EMEATechnavio's report, Global Two-wheeler Position Sensor Market 2017-2021 , has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Technavio recognizes the following companies as the key players in the global two-wheeler position sensor market: Bosch, Continental, DENSO, and DelphiOther Prominent Vendors in the market are: Hyundai KEFICO, Pucheng Sensors, CTS, Infineon Technologies, Methode Electronics, ZF Friedrichshafen, and Sensata Technologies.Commenting on the report, an analyst from Research team said: The latest trend gaining momentum in the market is Development of smart position sensors. Position sensors are finding increased application in modern vehicles. The growing electrification of mechanical components has led to higher number of automotive sensors in modern vehicles, and the position sensor is one the crucial sensors among them. Position sensors have evolved from contact position sensor to contactless sensors, and the magnetic sensors in the contactless segment are becoming quite popular in the automotive market. However, magnetic sensors are exposed to stray field interference, and this is a serious challenge for their adoption.Order a Purchase Report Copy atAccording to the report, one of the major drivers for this market is Development of easy-to-use position sensors is increasing position sensor adoption. The position sensor is a crucial component in the engine management system of modern vehicles. HELLA has developed contactless inductive position sensors (CIPOS), which is gaining popularity in the market and leading to increased adoption of position sensors. The CIPOS provide better precision and are easy-to-use, and the measurement range of both linear and angular sensors can be flexibly designed. In addition to flexibility, these sensors are easy to assemble and are not sensitive to mechanical misalignment.Further, the report states that one of the major factors hindering the growth of this market is Impact on suppliers' working capital due to low profitability. Manufacturers in the consumer electronics and automotive sectors operate at extremely low profit margins and tend to reduce their variable manufacturing costs. One of the components of variable costs is raw materials where manufacturers tend to bargain with suppliers during purchase. This intense bargaining from position sensor vendors has resulted in reduced profitability for suppliers. Further, position sensor vendors are forced to lower their product costs to remain competitive in the market. There is a high concentration of vendors in the market, which is likely to raise issues like reduction in the size of customer base and profit margins.The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors.Key questions answered in this report: What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be; What are the key market trends; What is driving this market; What are the challenges to market growth; Who are the key vendors in this market space; What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors; What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors;Enquiry before Buying atAbout us:MarketResearchNest.com is the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services on the Web. We offer reports from almost all top publishers and update our collection on daily basis to provide you with instant online access to the worlds most complete and recent database of expert insights on industries, organizations, products, and trends.ContactMr. Jeet JainSales Managersales@marketresearchnest.com+1-240-284-8070(U.S)+44-20-3290-4151(U.K)Connect with us: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook Flue Gas Analyzer Industry To Have A Vivid Growth Experience To 2017 : Radiant Insights,Inc https://goo.gl/aJvZyD https://goo.gl/NbswQC https://goo.gl/fdouW7 https://goo.gl/z1qNvz This report studies Flue Gas Analyzer in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India,Access Sample Report of this report @This Report Focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with capacity, production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering TESTO KANE ENDEE IMR VASTHI SIEMENS Labsol Emerson Teledyne MRU KIMO AFRISO Woehler Wuhan Tianhong Instruments Qingdao Laoshan Institute of Applied Technology Beijing SDL Technology SAILHERO Nova Analytical SystemsMarket Segment by Regions, this report splits Global into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Flue Gas Analyzer in these regions, from 2011 to 2021 (forecast), like North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia IndiaAccess Full Report With TOC @Split by product type, with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into Portable Table model Integrated formSplit by application, this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of Flue Gas Analyzer in each application, can be divided into Industry Use Environmental Monitoring Laboratory StudiesBrowse reports of similar category available with Radiant Insights, Inc.: Level Gauges Market Temperature Sensors Market About Radiant InsightRadiant Insights is a market research and consulting company offering syndicated research studies, customized reports, and consulting services. Our market research studies are designed to facilitate strategic decision making, on the basis of extensive and in-depth quantitative information, supported by extensive analysis and industry insights. Using a patented and robust research methodology, we publish exhaustive research reports covering a host of industries such as Technology, Chemicals, Materials, and Energy. Radiant Insights has a strong base of analysts, consultants and domain experts, with global experience helping us deliver excellence in all research projects we undertake.201 Spear Street 1100,Suite 3036, San Francisco,CA 94105, United States Insulated Packaging Market Share, competitor Strategy and Future Forecast to 2022 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2549 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2549 Global Insulated Packaging Market Information Report by Material (Plastic, Wood, Corrugated Cardboards, and Others), by Packaging Type (Box & containers, Bags, Wraps, and Others), by Application (Food & Beverages, Industrial, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, and Others) and by Region - Global Forecast to 2022Market ScenarioAn insulated material is the combination of materials that have low thermal conductivity and reduce or prevent the transmission of heat. Various industries such as food & beverages, pharmaceutical, chemicals, cosmetics depend heavily on insulated packaging to protect the product from fire or explosion. Products in these industries needs proper packaging because they are subjected to extreme weather conditions, and pressure while transportation.The key driver for the growth of insulated packaging market is the rising disposable income, and the growth in packaging industry. This has led to a rise in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and their safety. Other growth drivers for this market are the retailers who mainly focus on the delivering the product safely to the local market. The growth in the packaging industry will result in the increased use of insulated packaging, which will indirectly result in the growth of this market.Get Sample of Report @Regional Analysis of Insulated Packaging MarketThe Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow during the forecast period due to rising middle class population, increase in disposable income, and increase in FMCG sector. The growth of countries such as Japan, India, U.K., and Brazil is mainly due to the improved condition of economy and increasing concern for the product safety. Europe is the second largest market due to the rapid growth in the parent packaging market.Key PlayersThe key players of global insulated packaging market are Deutsche Post DHL (Germany), E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Co. (U.S.), Huhtamaki OYJ (Finland), Sonoco Products Company (U.S.), Exeltainer (Spain), American Aerogel Corporation (U.S.), Thermal Packaging Solutions (Australia), TemperPack (U.S.), Insulated Products Corp (U.S), and Davis Core & Pad Co.(U.S.)Direct Purchase Report @About Us:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.Akash Anand,Market Research FuturePune 411028Maharashtra, IndiaPhone No. :+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Dental Caries Market: Market Sizing with Competitive Landscape by 2024 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/dental-caries-market.asp https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/10735 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/checkout/10735 http://www.persistencemarketresearch.com The scientific term dental caries is known for the tooth decay or cavities. Tooth decays are generally caused by the specific endogenous bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. It occurs by the production of acid that later destroys the layer and enamel of the tooth. The bacteria continues to grow to produce acid that gets into the inner layer of the tooth if the decay is not removed on time. In the U.S, approximately 90% of young adults have dental caries, while out of all dentate adults approximately 94% suffer from coronal caries. According to the estimation of WHO, on a global basis, 200,335,280 teeth were either decayed, filled or missing among just that age group.Report overview @Factors contributing in the growth of Dental Caries Market are increased proportion of sugar based medication and existing life style factors. Additionally the increasing population in the Asia Pacific region is also the major factor to drive the growth of global dental caries market. However, according to WHO, it was observed that the cases with dental caries are declining due to the number of public health measures and improved self-care practices in the developed countries. These are the major restraints for the dental caries market. The increase in caries commonly occurs in the children, lower socio economic group and the new immigrants.With increasing base of dental caries prevalence, the dental caries market is expected to witness remarkable growth during the forecast period (2016-2024). The antimicrobial peptides are expected to hold maximum share in the overall treatment market for the dental caries owing to its high effectiveness. The chemoprophylactic agents includes antibiotics such as penicillin and vancomycin. New technologies that are evolving in the market such as mineral-binding micellar drug delivery system are developed which binds to the tooth surface and releases the encapsulated drug. The investment of companies in developing such technologies are also expected to contribute maximum share in the dental caries market during the forecast period.Request to sample report @On the basis of regional presence, Dental Caries Market is segmented into five key regions: North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.Currently, North America dominates the global market for Dental Caries due to high prevalence rate of dental caries, followed by Europe. According to WHO, 90% people are diagnosed with dental caries in North America. However factors such as lack of knowledge and lack of awareness among people about the prevention will hamper the market growth in regions like Asia-pacific.Some of the key market players in the manufacturing of the treatment products for dental caries includes Sanofi, Abbott Laboratories, Bayer AG, Eli Lilly And Company, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck & Co, Inc., AstraZeneca Plc., Reddys Lab, and Novartis AG.Buy now @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.Contact UsPersistence Market Research305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,Telephone - +1-646-568-7751USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Data Management Software Global Market 2017: Key Players Custom Software Group, DATUM, Hitachi Vantara, Talend, Adobe Data Management Software Market https://www.wiseguyreports.com/sample-request/2576710-global-data-management-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/2576710-global-data-management-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 https://www.wiseguyreports.com/checkout?currency=one_user-USD&report_id=2576710 Data Management Software Market 2017Wiseguyreports.Com adds Data Management Software Market Market Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Analysis of Top Key Players and Forecast to 2022 To Its Research Database.Report Details:This report provides in depth study of Data Management Software Market using SWOT analysis i.e. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat to the organization. The Data Management Software Market report also provides an in-depth survey of key players in the market which is based on the various objectives of an organization such as profiling and the financial health of the organization.This report studies the global Data Management Software market, analyzes and researches the Data Management Software development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.This report focuses on the top players in global market, likeCustom Software GroupDATUMHitachi VantaraAlteryxTalendTealiumThoughtSpotAdobedJAX DMP ManagerCommVaultEmpowerDBInformaticaIris Network SystemsNGDATAAcxiomLotame SolutionsMIOsoftOraclePanoplyRequest a Sample Report @Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report coversUnited StatesEUJapanChinaIndiaSoutheast AsiaMarket segment by Type, the product can be split intoOn-premisesCloud-BasedMarket segment by Application, Data Management Software can be split intoSmall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)Large EnterprisesIf you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.Complete Report Details@Major Key Points in Table of Content:Global Data Management Software Market Size, Status and Forecast 20221 Industry Overview of Data Management Software1.1 Data Management Software Market Overview1.1.1 Data Management Software Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Data Management Software Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Data Management Software Market by Type1.3.1 On-premises1.3.2 Cloud-Based1.4 Data Management Software Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)1.4.2 Large Enterprises2 Global Data Management Software Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Data Management Software Market Size (Value) by Players (2016 and 2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Custom Software Group3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 DATUM3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Hitachi Vantara3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Alteryx3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Talend3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Tealium3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 ThoughtSpot3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Adobe3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 dJAX DMP Manager3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 CommVault3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Data Management Software Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent DevelopmentsContinued.Buy now @Contact Us:NORAH TRENTPh: +1-646-845-9349 (US)Sales@Wiseguyreports.ComPh: +44 208 133 9349 (UK)ABOUT US:Wise Guy Reports is part of the Wise Guy Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for industries and governments around the globe. Wise Guy Reports features an exhaustive list of market research reports from hundreds of publishers worldwide. We boast a database spanning virtually every market category and an even more comprehensive collection of market research reports under these categories and sub-categories.ADDRES:WISE GUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTDOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, HadapsarPune - 411028Maharashtra, India Spatial Light Modulator Market Supply and Demand 2025 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/spatial-light-modulator-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=23507 www.transparencymarketresearch.com A SLM (Spatial Light Modulator) is a reflective or transmissive device that is primarily used for spatially modulating the phase, polarization or amplitude of a light wave in two dimensions. The mechanism of modulation refers to an intermediate step between addressing a spatial light modulator with an input signal and altering the beam of incident light. The working principle of a spatial light modulator is majorly based on the uses of either microelectromechanical system (MEMS) or an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) technology. The utilization of liquid crystal (LC) materials in a spatial light modulator is dependent on their electrical and optical anisotropy. The spatial light modulator market is anticipated to witness a robust growth during the forecast period owing to rapid adoption of advanced technology such as utilization of projectors and hologram in education sectors across the globe.Make an Enquiry @For the purpose of providing a comprehensive and precise analysis of the market, the spatial light modulator market has been segmented based on application, resolution, type and geography. Based on the type of input signals that is majorly used to control the optical property of a spatial light modulator, the market has been classified into optically addressed SLM and electrically addressed SLM. Again, on the basis of resolution, the spatial light modulator market has been bifurcated into less than or equal to 1024*768 pixel resolution and more than 1024*768 pixel resolution. On the other hand, spatial light modulator also finds its application in optical correlator, beam shaping, holographic data storage, projection system and optical crossbar switch among others. In addition, detailed market analysis regarding current market condition along with future trend of all the above mentioned application, resolution and type of spatial light modulator across different regions including North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle-East and Africa (MEA) and Latin America is also provided in this report.Rapid technological advancements taking place in the field of information and communication technology in order to achieve higher bandwidth is the most important factor anticipated to trigger the market growth of spatial light modulator during the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. Increasing demand for higher bandwidth and long distance data transmission is the primary factor anticipated to trigger the need of dynamic channel equalization with minimal loss of signal power in order to provide total wavelength flexibility at every network node. The rising adoption of holographic displays across different industries is also expected to drive the demand of the spatial light modulator in the near future.However, in spite of so many factors driving the market, lack of awareness coupled with complex usage is one of the most important restraining factor anticipated to restrain the market growth of spatial light modulator during the forecast period.Based on resolution type, the spatial light modulator having less than or equal to 1024*768 pixel resolution held the largest market share in 2016. On the other hand, spatial light modulator having more than 1024*768 pixel resolution is anticipated to hold dominating market share by 2025. Launching of higher resolution pixel spatial light modulator by various major players is the most important factor behind this segments growth.Again, among the different applications in which spatial light modulator are used, beam shaping application is anticipated to drive the market of spatial light modulator throughout the forecast period from 2017 to 2025. Rapid utilization of beam shaping techniques across various industrial sectors is the most important factor behind this segments dominance.Geographically, Asia Pacific region generated the highest revenue in the spatial light modulator market across different regions in 2016 and is predicted to witness the most promising growth in the coming years. The market of Asia Pacific region is majorly driven by the Japan, South Korea and China owing to wide concentration of spatial light modulator manufacturers coupled with rising demand for various beam shaping and projection applications.Request a PDF Sample for this Research Report @Some of the major players operating in the spatial light modulator market includes Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (Japan), Texas Instruments (U.S.), HoloEye Photonics AG (Germany) and Santec Corporation (Japan) among others.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendationsTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market Key Players, Size, Share, Demand and Research Report 2022 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/2465 https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/direct-drive-wind-turbine-market-2465 Market HighlightsThe depletion of fossil fuel reserves has an alarming effect on the environment due to which the alternative renewable sources has gained immense importance. The wind energy is one of the cheapest renewable energy sources. So power generation from wind energy is done by harnessing the energy from the wind and is used to generate electricity from the harnessed power.Governments across the globe are trying to promote green and clean energy usage. The availability of financial subsidies from governments is expected to drive the market. However, huge initial investments and shortage of skilled labor are the major restraints for the market growth. Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market is predicted to grow approximately at 11.5% CAGR by 2022.Market Research AnalysisBased on capacities, the market is segmented as less than 1MW, 1MW to 3MW and more than 3MW. In which, the 1MW to 3MW segment is projected to drive the market.Based on technologies, the market is segmented as electrically excited synchronous generator and permanent magnet synchronous generator, with the latter being projected to account for the largest market share due to its light weight feature and offshore application.Among regions, Europe is expected to dominate the global direct drive wind turbine market with the highest CAGR owing to increased investments in wind energy sector.Taste the market data and market information presented through more than 50 market data tables and figures spread in 110 numbers of pages of the project report. Avail the in-depth table of content TOC & market synopsis on Global Advanced Energy Storage Systems Market Research Report - Forecast to 2027Key Players GE Renewable Energy (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Goldwind Science & Technology Co. Ltd. (China), Leitwind AG (Italy), ENERCON GmbH (Germany), Xiangtan Electric Manufacturing Group (China), Emergya Wind Technologies B.V. (The Netherlands), VENSYS Energy AG (Germany), Windtronics LLC (U.S.) American Superconductor Corporation (U.S.)Request a Sample Copy @Market SynopsisThe depletion of fossil fuel reserves has an alarming effect on the environment due to which the alternative renewable sources has gained immense importance. The wind energy is one of the cheapest renewable energy sources. So power generation from wind energy is done by harnessing the energy from the wind and is used to generate electricity from the harnessed power.Governments across the globe are trying to promote green and clean energy usage. The availability of financial subsidies from governments is expected to drive the market. However, huge initial investments and shortage of skilled labor are the major restraints for the market growth.Europe has the largest market shareEurope dominates the market and expected to grow approximately at XX% CAGR during the forecast period. The favorable governments regulations has resulted in increased investments in wind energy in the region.Asia-Pacific is another lucrative market which is experiencing a rapid adoption of gearless wind turbines, especially from emerging economies in the region such as China and India.List of TablesTable 1 Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By CapacityTable 2 Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By TechnologyTable 4 Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By RegionTable 5 Asia-Pacific Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By CapacityTable 6 Asia-Pacific Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By TechnologyTable 8 Asia-Pacific Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By CountryTable 9 China Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By CapacityTable 10 China Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By TechnologyContinueList of FiguresFigure 1 Research TypeFigure 2 Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market: By Capacity (%)Figure 3 Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market: By Technology (%)Figure 4 Global Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market: By Region (%)Figure 5 Asia-Pacific Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By Capacity (%)Figure 6 Asia-Pacific Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By Technology (%)Figure 7 Asia-Pacific Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By Country (%)Figure 8 North America Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By Capacity (%)Figure 9 North America Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By Technology (%)Figure 10 North America Direct Drive Wind Turbine Market, By Country (%)Continue..Browse Full Report Details @About Market Research Future:At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: sales@marketresearchfuture.com Global Qualitative Analysis Muconic Acid Market Research Report 2017 Muconic Acid, Muconic Acid Market, Muconic Acid Industry https://www.marketresearchnest.com/global-muconic-acid-market-2017-2021.html https://www.marketresearchnest.com/purchase.php?reportid=285084 https://www.marketresearchnest.com/enquirybuy.php?reportid=285084 MarketResearchNest.com adds Global Muconic Acid Market 2017-2021 new report to its research database. The report spread across 87 pages with table and figures in it.Research analysts forecast the global muconic acid market to grow at a CAGR of 7.29% during the period 2017-2021.About Muconic AcidMuconic acid is a chemical compound; it is a dicarboxylic acid that contains two carboxylic functional groups and is denoted as -COOH. Muconic acid is produced by the enzymatic degradation of sugars. The derivatives of muconic acid are used to manufacture a variety of products such as lubricants, carpets, plastics, and textiles. Adipic acid and caprolactam are the derivatives of muconic acid. Muconic acid is catalytically converted into adipic acid. The major industrial application of adipic acid and HDMA is in manufacturing nylon 66.Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global muconic acid market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Browse full table of contents and data tables atThe market is divided into the following segments based on geography: Americas APAC EMEATechnavio's report, Global Muconic Acid Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Technavio recognizes the following companies as the key players in the global muconic acid market: Amyris, Merck, Myriant, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.Other Prominent Vendors in the market are: TCI Chemicals, and Toronto Research Chemicals.Commenting on the report, an analyst from Research team said: One trend in the market is preference for bio-based muconic acid. The improved performance properties and stringent regulations on the emissions of carbon dioxide have encouraged the manufacturers to invest in bio-based technology to produce bio-muonic acid and its derivatives. The conversion of chemicals from biomass using electrocatalysis has evolved as a competitive alternative to conventional heterogeneous catalysis.Order a Purchase Report Copy atAccording to the report, one driver in the market is growing demand for nylon fibers. Muconic acid and its derivatives are used to produce high-molecular-weight polymers such as nylon. Nylon is extensively used in various applications due to their strength and property to increase the lifetime of the product. In addition, nylon fiber is resistant to abrasion and provides supple tactile feeling. Thus, their use is growing in the carpets, textiles, and automobile industries. This is also creating demand for muconic acid and its derivatives. The demand for nylon fibers in the carpets and textiles industry is quite high. In the textile industry, nylon fibers are used for their easy to dye-ability. The consumption of nylon fibers in home furnishing is also growing.Further, the report states that one challenge in the market is threat of substitutes. The presence of synthetic and bio-based substitutes of muconic acid, such as sebacic acid, bio-based succinic acid, cyclohexane, and butadiene, is anticipated to have a negative impact on the growth in the global muconic acid market. Bio-based sebacic acid is produced from castor oil. Bio-based sebacic acid is in demand in the textiles industry. In addition, synthetic sebacic acid and bio-based sebacic acid are widely used in lubricants. The demand for sebacic acid in the lubricants industry is due to its improved property. It is used as a corrosion inhibitor.The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors.Enquiry before Buying atAbout:MarketResearchNest.com is the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services on the Web. We offer reports from almost all top publishers and update our collection on daily basis to provide you with instant online access to the worlds most complete and recent database of expert insights on industries, organizations, products, and trends.ContactMr. Jeet JainSales Managersales@marketresearchnest.com+1-240-284-8070(U.S)+44-20-3290-4151(U.K)Connect with us: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook Smart Sneakers Market Professional Survey Report Forecast 2017-2021 https://www.researchbeam.com/global-smart-sneakers-professional-survey-report-forecast-2017-2021-market/request-sample https://www.researchbeam.com/global-smart-sneakers-professional-survey-report-forecast-2017-2021-market/purchase-enquiry https://www.researchbeam.com/global-smart-sneakers-professional-survey-report-forecast-2017-2021-market Smart Sneakers Market is provided in the report based on product scope and market status & outlook. The market is segmented on the basis of type, end-users/application, and geography. The report provides information about the production, price, revenue, market share, and growth rate of each type. Geographically, the market has been analyzed across North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. The status and prospect through 2012-2022 for each of these regions are listed in the report.Get Sample@The report entails the qualitative and quantitative analysis of current and future market estimations. It also divulges details about the mode of research methodology used for the study. It includes data from primary as well as secondary resources. The report is a useful resource for industry players, new entrants in the marketplace, and investors as it helps them plan their business to gain fruitful and meaningful outcomes. It makes them aware of the production, capacity, revenue, supply, consumption, export, import, the challenges and risks associated with the industry, and much more.Factors that drive the growth of the market are detailed in the study. Key players are profiled in the report and their developments in recent years are mentioned, which helps in understanding the competitive outlook of the Global Smart Sneakers MarketGet 15% discount on this report @The Smart Sneakers Market report has a mention of the industrial chain, sourcing strategy, and downstream buyers. This incorporates the overall industrial chain analysis, upstream raw materials sourcing, raw materials sources of the product major manufacturers in 2015, and downstream buyers.The report also throws light on the marketing strategy used for the study. It includes marketing channel (direct marketing, indirect marketing, and marketing channel development trend) and market positioning (pricing strategy, brand strategy, and target client).The Global Smart Sneakers Market report also covers an analysis of the market effect factors. This includes the technology progress/risk (substitutes/threat and technology progress in the related industry), consumer needs/customer preference change, and economic/political environmentalThe key players which provide solutions in the Global Smart Sneakers Market Apple Samsung Motorola LG Sony Millet Meizu Huawei Nutshell ElectronicsCheck Full Report With TOC@About Us:Research Beams uniqueness lies in its highly ethical reports at economical rates because we value your relationship and growth more than money. Your growth is our aim. With the arsenal of different search reports, we help you here to look and buy research reports that will be helpful to you and your organization. Our research reports have the capability and authenticity to support your organization for growth and consistency.Contact Us:Global Head Quarters5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,#205, Portland, OR 97220United Statesphone+1 (800) 910-6452mail help@researchbeam.com Global Biomass Pellets Market: Growing Acceptance for Nonconventional or Other Sources of Energy Will Boost The Growth of Market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/biomass-pellets-market/sample-request https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/biomass-pellets-market/toc https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/biomass-pellets-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/energy-management-system-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/floating-solar-panels-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/natural-gas-liquids-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/energy-mining/diesel-engine-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 08, 2017 According to the latest report published by Variant Market Research, the global biomass pellets market size is estimated to reach $25.7 billion by 2024, from $10.6 billion in 2016; at a CAGR of 11.7% from 2016 to 2024.Click Here to Request a Free Sample PDF of This Report @Increasing global warming to drive the global biomass pellets industryThe global biomass pellets market trends are increasing global warming, fast exhaustion of fossil fuels, growing acceptance for nonconventional or other sources of energy, and rising disposable income. High price of raw materials & extraction process may hamper the market growth. Furthermore, use of biomass pellets materials for power generation would provide an opportunity for market players of biomass pellets market.Market SegmentationsThe global biomass pellets market is classified into application, and geography. Application segment includes heating sector, and power sector. North America (U.S., Mexico, and Canada), Europe (Sweden, Germany, UK, France, Denmark, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (Japan, China, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific) and RoW (Middle East, South America, and Africa) are the key geographical regions included in the global biomass pellets market.Get Table of Content (TOC) @Heating sector, by application, is estimated to dominated the global market in 2016Heating sector held for the highest market share in 2016, and expected to continue its dominance during the forecast period, 2016 2024, due to low greenhouse gas emission and numerous governmental rules which have encouraged the industries to adopt biomass pellets as a heating fuel.Europe is estimated to dominated the global market over the forecast periodEurope dominated the global biomass pellets market with maximum market share in 2016, and anticipated to continue the same over the forecasted period, due to enhanced government initiatives for the adoption of renewable technologies, and the low greenhouse gas emissions in the region.Competitive LandscapeThe key market players of the market are New England Wood Pellet, Helius Energy, Forest Energy Corporation, Energex Corporation, Westervelt Renewable Energy, LLC, Forth Energy Ltd., International WoodFuels, LLC, Woodstone, MGT Power, and Drax Biomass Inc., among others.To browse the complete report, visit at @Scope of the Global Biomass Pellets MarketApplication Segments Heating Sector Power SectorGeographical Segments North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexico Europeo Germanyo Swedeno UKo Denmarko Italyo Franceo Rest of Europe Asia-Pacifico Japano Chinao South Koreao Rest of Asia-Pacific RoWo South Americao Middle Easto AfricaRelated Topics1. Global Energy Management System Market:-2. Global Floating Solar Panels Market:-3. Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) Market:-4. Diesel Engine Market:-About Variant Market ResearchVariant Market Research offers syndicated and customized reports to fulfill clients' objectives. We also provide customized data pack proposing market sizing in an Excel/PDF/PowerPoint or Word format as per the requirement of clients. We cover several industry domains, namely Semiconductor & Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Chemicals, Industrial, Mining Equipment, Automation, Manufacturing, Construction, Energy & Power, Defense & Aerospace and Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI). Our expertise are data triangulation, competitor benchmarking, parent market benchmarking, estimating market size and forecast of the market from 2016 to 2024.For further information, visitMichael MendesHead - SalesVariant Market Research649 Mission St, 5th Floor, San Francisco,CA 94105, United States.Tel: +1-415-680-2785Fax: +1-415-680-2786Email: michael.mendes@variantmarketresearch.comEmail: help@variantmarketresearch.com Contact Lenses Market - Global Trends, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Market Forecast to 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1760 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1760 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1760 Global Contact Lenses Market: SnapshotThe global contact lenses market is foreseen to find lucrative growth opportunities produced by specific types of products such as corrective contact lenses. Some of the important applications of corrective contact lenses include the treatment of visual deficiencies, viz. presbyopia, astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia/hypermetropia. The growth of the market could be further expanded by the growing number of visual inaccuracies. Soft lens is anticipated to be a major contributor to the market because of its wide range of applications. Between 2017 and 2025, players could acknowledge developments in contact lens technology as a significant factor augmenting their market growth.Drug delivering lenses and other trends have been growing in prominence in the recent time due to their increasing adoption. Players could sign up for long-term partnerships with distributors and suppliers in order to strengthen their geographical presence and product portfolios. For instance, Vision Direct Group Ltd. was acquired by Essilor International S.A. in 2016 to bolster the latters retail business and sale of online optical offerings. On account of their ability to incorporate multiple prescriptions, multifocal lenses are predicted to embrace an amplified demand in the coming years. These are mainly engaged in the treatment of age-related ophthalmic diseases such as presbyopia.The global contact lenses market is envisaged to perceive a rising count of consolidations brought about by the execution of strategic initiatives such as acquisitions, mergers, and alliances. This could be because of the loyalty base and brand value built up by market players while establishing their global footprint.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Contact Lenses Market: OverviewContact lenses are wafer-thin plastic lenses, placed directly on the eye ball to rectify vision or for decorative purposes. On account of being sensitive, they need to be handled carefully to prevent dislocation and infections. Depending upon the eye disorder, different types of contact lenses are available in the market, namely bifocal lens for astigmatism, scleral contact lenses, bifocal contact lenses, color contact lenses, and daily disposable contact lenses.Contact lenses have contributed substantially to the global eyewear and eye care industries. From being considered lifestyle products to becoming common eye accessories supplanting the traditional glasses they have come a long way.Global Contact Lenses Market: Key TrendsTwo of the primary growth drivers in the global market for contact lenses are a wide array of lenses and competitive prices. Additionally, the burgeoning world population afflicted with different ophthalmic disorders such as refractory errors and weakened eyesight is also bolstering growth in the market. The youth are a major contributor to the sales in the market. Efforts by contact lens manufacturers to train people about the correct and safe use of contact lenses coupled with the different types of products available for sale has also led to an uptick in demand.Request TOC of the Report @Extra caution needs to be exercised while wearing contact lenses as they are placed directly on the cornea of the eye and can easily cause eye infections, ulcerations and other eye diseases. They also need to be stored and handled carefully. This is one factor that is posing a roadblock to their swift uptake. Further, the fact that most practitioners are not equipped enough to prescribe contact lenses in certain developing countries in Asia Pacific and Middle East, is also negatively impacting the market to some extent.Global Contact Lenses Market: Market PotentialExhaustive research and development to come up with cutting-edge contact lenses by integrating it with recent technologies is slated to revolutionize the market in the near future. Google and Novartis, for example, are working on a contact lens that can measure glucose levels. In fact, the smart contact lens is one of the most eagerly awaited medical IoT (Internet of Things) technologies. Such groundbreaking applications of contact lenses along with an ageing population, economic upliftment, resultant rise in GDP, and growing urbanization will spell tremendous opportunity for the market in the next couple of years.Request Discount of the Report @Among the different technologies used in manufacturing of contact lenses, cast molding technology contributes to a lions share in the revenue. Going forward, the contribution of lathe cutting technology to revenues will likely increase at maximum pace.Global Contact Lenses Market: Regional OutlookGeographically, the key segments of the global contact lenses market are Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and the Rest of the World. Among them, North America leads the market with a dominant share on account of the increase in ophthalmic issues among people of all age groups. In terms of pace of growth, on the contrary, Asia Pacific is slated to overtake all other regions due to the growing awareness about correct usage and benefits of contact lenses, application of sophisticated technologies in the manufacture of contact lenses, rising fortunes of people, and swift pace of urbanization.Global Contact Lenses Market: Competitive AnalysisThe global contact lenses market is dominated by a handful of players and hence is consolidated in nature. The prominent players holding a sway over the market that have been studied in the report are Johnson & Johnson, Alcona Inc., the Cooper Companies, and Bausch and Lomb.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Diagnostic Imaging Market Comprehensive Market Study with focus on key drivers and trends 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1775 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1775 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1775 Diagnostic Imaging Market: SnapshotDiagnostic imaging alludes to the utilization of various imaging modalities to get visual portrayals of the inside of a body for diagnostic and helpful purposes. The restorative imaging incorporates distinctive sorts of modalities that are utilized to picture the human body for finding and treatment of an assortment of sicknesses, and subsequently assumes an imperative part in enhancing wellbeing. The medicinal imaging industry has been upset from bed-side observing towards top of the line advanced examining.Innovative headways in diagnostic imaging gadgets, rising frequencies of ceaseless ailments combined with the quickly maturing populace, increment in number of restorative imaging systems, and rising mindfulness for early analysis of clinical issue are the key factors that are relied upon to help the market development.The predominance of constant sicknesses relating to respiratory, mind, and cardiovascular conditions is expanding. The expanding geriatric populace alongside the stationary way of life is further encouraging the frequency of these incessant maladies. Likewise, headway in the medicinal and diagnostic imaging gadgets have upgraded the finding and treatment of ailments, for example, cardiovascular and disease, and are additionally anticipated that would bolster advertise development. In light of information distributed by the Carestream, four developments, for example, quickening handling speed, growing the parameters of 3D and 4D, capturing imagery at the perfect place at the correct time, and robotizing work process are normal for the medicinal imaging items in 2017.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Diagnostic Imaging Market: OverviewDiagnostic imaging refers to techniques that allow physicians to look inside our body for clues pertaining to a medical condition. Various techniques and machines enable the imaging of activities, structures, and abnormalities inside our bodies. Some of these are computed tomography (CT) scans, ultrasound, x-rays, MRI scans, and nuclear medicine scans. By application, spine, neurology, gynecology, breast health, general imaging, thoracic, cardiovascular, and orthopedics can be some of the key segments of the global market for diagnostic imaging. Whereas, hospitals, diagnostic imaging centers, research and academic centers, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and Contract Research Organizations (CROs) can be the chief end-use segments.Global Diagnostic Imaging Market: Key TrendsThe increasing incidence of diseases on a global scale, growing geriatric population, and technological advancement in the area of diagnostic imaging techniques are driving the market. Several government and private organizations are aiding the expansion of the global market for diagnostic imaging via vast investments directed at the development of new products. Among the diagnostic imaging methods, the x-ray based examinations are likely to exhibit maximum growth, contributing towards overall market growth.Request TOC of the Report @On the other hand, exposure to radiation involved in some techniques might increase the risk of cancer among patients, restricting the growth of the global market. Nevertheless, significant opportunities arising from the development of new products will help the market overcome the negative impact of this restraint.Global Diagnostic Imaging Market: Market PotentialA number of market players are developing innovative devices aimed at offering more precise and faster diagnosis. As a result, several hospitals and clinics have been offering diagnostic imaging services. For instance, in March 2017, Sequoia Hospital started offering 128-sliced CT scans for accurate diagnosis of medical conditions. This new 3D technology ensures that patients will be exposed to minimal radiation, offering high image quality and faster results at the same time.Another example is the unveiling of a new center by Delhi-based Mahajan Imaging, an India-based diagnostic center, at Gurugram (previously Gurgaon), in the state of Haryana. The center aims at providing latest diagnostic imaging equipment and services to the residents, with an emphasis on spreading awareness about and offering treatments for womens health issues.Request Discount of the Report @Global Diagnostic Imaging Market: Regional OutlookBased on geography, the major segments of the global diagnostic imaging market are Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and the Rest of the World (RoW). North America is expected to emerge as the leading market for diagnostic imaging. The growth of this region can be attributed to the alarming increase in medical conditions such as cancer.Asia Pacific is expected to exhibit tremendous growth, with countries such as China, Japan, and India representing a major share of the regional market for diagnostic imaging. The rising awareness about the availability and benefits of these tests, increasing prevalence of chronic disorders, growing healthcare expenditures, and favorable policies of the government are propelling the market for diagnostic imaging in this region.Global Diagnostic Imaging Market: Competitive AnalysisMergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations are some of the major business strategies adopted by several leading market players. For example, MedyMatch Technology announced its collaboration with IBM Watson Health in March 2017. The key objective of this collaboration was to bring cognitive tools to imaging experts who work with hospital emergency rooms and other crucial settings for helping physicians diagnose intracranial bleeding resulting from stroke and head trauma. Similarly, during the same month, Minneapolis-based medical technology firm CorVascular Diagnostics, LLC announced its collaboration with Novarix, Inc. a manufacturer of medical devices used in intravenous therapy.Some of the major companies operating in the global market for diagnostic imaging are Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation, Siemens Healthcare GmBH, GE Healthcare, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Shimadzu Corporation, and Hitachi Ltd.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Global Usage-Based Insurance Market: Lower Accident and Vehicle Theft Possibilities Will Drive the Global Market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/banking-financial-services-insurance-bfsi/usage-based-insurance-market/sample-request https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/banking-financial-services-insurance-bfsi/usage-based-insurance-market/toc https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/banking-financial-services-insurance-bfsi/usage-based-insurance-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com/report-categories/banking-financial-services-insurance-bfsi/cards-and-payments-market https://www.variantmarketresearch.com SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 08, 2017 According to the latest report published by Variant Market Research, the global usage-based insurance market size is estimated to reach $252.8 Billion by 2024, from $19.1 Billion in 2016; at a CAGR of 38.1% from 2016 to 2024.Click Here to Request a Free Sample PDF of This Report @Reduced claims costs to drive the global usage-based insurance marketThe global usage-based insurance trends are reduced claims costs and improved customer loyalty, lower accident and vehicle theft possibilities, providing personalized revenue generating value added services in insurance plans. High telematics installation cost as well as privacy concerns, as it tracks all the journey information of consumers may hamper the market growth. Furthermore, technological improvement to make the process easier with low service rate would provide an opportunity for market players of usage-based insurance market.Market SegmentationsThe global usage-based insurance market is classified into type, technology, and geography. Type segment includes pay how you drive (PHYD), pay as you drive (PAYD), and manage how you drive (MHYD). smartphone, OBD-II, hybrid, and black box are covered under the technology sub segment. North America (United States., Mexico, and Canada), Europe (France, Germany, UK, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (Japan, Australia, and Rest of Asia-Pacific) and RoW (Middle East, South America, and Africa) are the key geographical regions included in the global usage-based insurance market.Get Table of Content (TOC) @Pay as you drive (PAYD), by type, is estimated to dominated the global market in 2016Pay as you drive (PAYD), held for the highest market share in 2016, and expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period, 2016 2024, due to its cost efficacy.Black Box, by technology, is estimated to dominated the global market in 2016Black Box held for the highest market share in 2016, and expected to continue its dominance over the forecast period, 2016 2024, due to its capabilities such as accurate and timely data collection and highly secure and reliable system.Europe is estimated to dominated the global market in 2016In the year 2016, Europe usage based insurance market share held the maximum with 42.8% of the total market share. This is owing to rising awareness regarding drivers safety and improved penetration of these services among the youth population, in this region. North America usage based insurance market growth rate is highest compare to the growth rates of other regions.Competitive LandscapeThe key market players of the market are Allianz SE, AXA S.A., Aviva plc., Insure The Box Ltd, Metromile, Desjardins Insurance, Mapfre S.A., Generali Group, and Progressive Corporation, and Allstate Corporation, among others.To browse the complete report, visit at @Scope of the Global Usage-Based Insurance MarketType Segments Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) Pay-How-You-Drive (PHYD) Manage-How-You-Drive (MHYD)Technology Segments OBD-II Smartphone Hybrid Black BoxGeographical Segments North Americao U.S.o Rest of North America Europeo UKo Germanyo Franceo Italyo Rest of Europe Asia-Pacifico Australiao Japano Rest of Asia-Pacific RoWo South Americao Middle Easto AfricaRelated Topics1. Cards and Payments Market :-About Variant Market ResearchVariant Market Research offers syndicated and customized reports to fulfill clients' objectives. We also provide customized data pack proposing market sizing in an Excel/PDF/PowerPoint or Word format as per the requirement of clients. We cover several industry domains, namely Semiconductor & Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Chemicals, Industrial, Mining Equipment, Automation, Manufacturing, Construction, Energy & Power, Defense & Aerospace and Banking, Financial services and Insurance (BFSI). Our expertise are data triangulation, competitor benchmarking, parent market benchmarking, estimating market size and forecast of the market from 2016 to 2024.For further information, visitMichael MendesHead - SalesVariant Market Research649 Mission St, 5th Floor, San Francisco,CA 94105, United States.Tel: +1-415-680-2785Fax: +1-415-680-2786Email: michael.mendes@variantmarketresearch.comEmail: help@variantmarketresearch.com Small Scale LNG Terminals Market : Revenue, Price and Gross Margin Research Report 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1814 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1814 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1814 Global Small-scale Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminals Market: SnapshotSmall-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals is a nascent industry that is proving both profitable and scalable. It serves to meet the ever-soaring demand for fuel by the trucking and shipping industries and is also a viable alternative to highly polluting fossil fuel that still powers most vehicles.Despite large-scale LNG terminals constructed worldwide, the demand for small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals is rising on account of the demand from remote places that also use LNG to generate power off-grid for residential and industrial needs. This has led to a growing thrust on miniaturizing LNG infrastructure. Technology has made it possible to design state-of-the-art small-scale LNG terminals and this is gradually serving to up competition in the market.Relatively less entry-level challenges as compared to large LNG projects have opened up avenues for development of creative and new technologies and have increased the number of new entrants in the market over the years. Apart from that, regulatory pressures forcing heavy-duty vehicles to adopt greener fuels is also stoking market growth.Request Sample Copy of the Report @From a geographical standpoint, North America and Europe are key markets for small scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals on account of the stringent regulations pertaining to environmental preservation in the region. Norway in Europe is said to have a very developed small scale liquefied natural gas infrastructure.In order to become more viable operation-wise, incumbent players in the global market for small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals are envisaging various business models. They are also expected to take the organic route of mergers and acquisitions in order to gain access to technological and other resources.Global Small Scale LNG Terminals Market: OverviewThe clean burning nature of natural is driving initiatives encouraging its increased usage across a number of industrial applications and across the transportation industry. The transportation industry, which largely relies on petrochemicals-based fuels with high emission levels to power engines, making it one of the most significant contributor to the rising levels of air pollution across the globe.Request TOC of the Report @In a bid to lower down the levels of environment-degrading emissions and pollutants, government bodies are increasing their participation in initiatives aimed at the increased the usage of natural gas and are focusing on the development of LNG infrastructure at a rapid pace. These initiatives are expected to pace up the rate of deployment and development of LNG terminal infrastructures. Although large LNG terminals have been conventionally the more preferred type of LNG supply centers, the rising demand for LNG from remote-located consumers is rapidly making small-scale LNG terminals the norm for the supply of natural gas across small geographies.Global Small Scale LNG Terminals Market: Trends and OpportunitiesOver the past few years, the global commoditization of LNG has led to a significant rise in the number of new applications and market of LNG. Technological solutions enabling small scale LNG terminals have become mature and modularization, standardization, and the rate of competitiveness have increased.Relatively lower entry-level challenges as compared to large LNG projects have opened up vast stores of opportunity for the rapid development of creative and new technologies and have increased the number of new entrants in the market over the years. The increased adoption of LNG as a fuel in the automotive industry, especially for powering heavy-duty vehicles, is also a key factor to have increased the adoption of small-scale LNG terminals across several regional markets.Request Discount of the Report @Global Small Scale LNG Terminals Market: Regional OverviewFrom a regional perspective, the small scale LNG terminals market is highly attractive across environment-conscious regions such as North America and Europe. Strict regulations in the marine sector have increased the scope of usage of LNG as a bunker fuel in Europe, stimulating the development of strategically located small scale terminals. In the next few years also, North America and Europe will continue to contribute significantly to the global small-scale LNG terminals market in terms of new installations and capacity expansions.Asia Pacific is also a highly promising market owing to its mammoth transportation industry. In China, several efforts in place to educate masses about the need to switch to clean fuels to lower down the levels of air pollution in cities, easy availability of natural gas, and substantial price difference between diesel and natural gas are driving the increased deployment of small scale LNG terminals.Global Small Scale LNG Terminals Market: Market PotentialThe field of LNG bunkering is increasingly becoming one of the key end-use segments of the global small scale LNG terminals market and companies operating in the field are registering large-scale expansion of operations and capacities at a rapid pace. In a recent development, the privately-owned company LNG Gorskaya has received funding worth $20.04 mn, which the company will use to develop its LNG bunkering plants in Estonia. With further funding, the company is planning to finance its LNG bunkering centers in Finland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, and Sweden, establishing a series of small-scale terminals to be able to provide LNG to ships at around 320 km from its LNG bunkering stations.Global Small Scale LNG Terminals Market: Competitive LandscapeThe highly competitive vendor landscape of the global small scale LNG terminals market is expected to witness the introduction of several new business models in the next few years. The market is expected to witness a rise in mergers and acquisitions as companies focus on leveraging their project management competence and technological expertise to stay ahead of competition.Some of the leading companies operating in the global small scale LNG terminals market are Nippon Gas Co., Ltd., EcoElectrica Inc., Plum Energy, LLC, Linde AG, Santos Ltd, PT Donggi Senoro LNG, Prometheus Energy Company, Emirates Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) LLC, Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), and Skangass AS.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Global Power Generation Market Expected To Grow at 18.7% CAGR till 2022 MRRSE https://www.mrrse.com/sample/716 https://www.mrrse.com/indonesia-power-generation-market https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/716 https://www.mrrse.com/checkdiscount/716 https://www.mrrse.com/ https://www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Power Generation Market by TechnologyGet Free Sample Report @The power industry is one of the largest and essential industries globally. There is a direct correlation between the development of a nation and its power industry. No country can achieve economic and social prosperity without adequate investments in electrification across the nation. Several power projects are planned in developing economies in Asia Pacific as these economies continue to expand their power generation capacities to meet the rising electricity demand. In the last few years, several developed economies have permitted the entry of private companies in the power industry. This step has introduced competition in the power industry, especially in the generation and retail supply of electricity. This market liberalization has further improved production efficiency of the overall industry.In Indonesia, the power generation market is still dominated by the government-owned PT PLN. Approximately 85% of power generation facilities and the entire transmission & distribution network is solely controlled by PT PLN. The coal mining industry is developed in Indonesia with several private players investing in this market. Coal still continues to account for a major share in the global power generation industry. Although the share of coal is anticipated to decline in the future years, it would continue to be the major fuel in the short-term outlook.Browse Complete Report with TOC @This research study is designed to analyze the power generation market in Indonesia. The market is calculated in terms of power generation capacity (GW), power generation (TWh), and revenue (USD Billion). The market for power generation has been segmented on the basis of six major power generation technologies in Indonesia. These include coal-fired, natural gas-fired, oil-fired, geothermal, hydro, and combined cycle (gas-steam). The report provides growth forecast for the period 20142022. Projections have been provided for power generation installed capacities, power generation, and revenue. The study on the power generation market also provides historical data, detailed analysis, and statistically refined forecast for key technology segments.The size of the power generation market has been estimated based on indicators in technology segments. The report includes the key market dynamics affecting the demand for power generation technologies. As a part of our market dynamics analysis, we have analyzed market drivers, market restraints, and market opportunities in Indonesia. A comprehensive landscape, which includes company market share analysis and market attractiveness analysis, has also been provided in this report. Company market share analysis has been provided for major players involved in power generation in Indonesia. Market attractiveness analysis has been provided for six power generation technologies in Indonesia.The report also provides a detailed industry analysis of the power generation market in Indonesia with the help of Porters Five Forces Model. The Porters Five Forces analysis aids in understanding the five major forces that affect the industry structure and profitability of the global power generation technology market. The forces analyzed are the bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat from new entrants, threat from substitutes, and degree of competition. The Porters Five Forces analysis has been provided across the geographies studied in the report.The report features an in-depth analysis of trends observed in each of the power generation technology segments provided in the report. Various new technologies, which are influencing the market dynamics of each power generation technology, have been identified and highlighted. Emerging trends for each power generation technology have been addressed for Indonesia.The study also includes the value chain of the power generation market in Indonesia, which provides a glimpse of fuel procurement, contract awarding, power generation, as well as the interaction of suppliers and buyers with the end-users of the product. The market attractiveness has been primarily done considering the market size and market growth. Besides market size and growth, government support, regulatory policies, environment benefits, and availability of resources have also been considered to rank/benchmark major technologies for each region.Send an Enquiry @Key participants in the power generation market in Indonesia include Alstom S.A., PT Arutmin Indonesia, Asia Resource Minerals plc, Chevron Indonesia, Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd., Medco Power Indonesia, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., PT Adaro Energy Tbk., PT Bumi Resources Tbk., PT Cirebon Electric Power, PT Geo Dipa Energi, PT Harum Energy Tbk., PT Indonesia Power, PT Jawa Power, PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy, PT PLN, PT Wartsila Indonesia, PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, Siemens AG, United Coal Indonesia. This report provides an overview of these companies, followed by their financial revenues, business strategies, technical performance analysis, operational standards, and awards and achievements.Indonesia Power Generation Market: Technology AnalysisCoal-fired Power GenerationNatural Gas-fired Power GenerationOil-fired Power GenerationGeothermal Power GenerationHydro Power GenerationCombined Cycle Power GenerationCheck Discount @About Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE)Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Urgent Care Centers Market - Regional Outlook, Segments And Forecast To 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1817 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1817 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1817 Global Urgent Care Center Market: SnapshotUrgent care center is a type of walk-in clinic that offers ambulatory care in a dedicated medical facility outside of a conventional emergency room (ER). They are mainly used for treating illnesses or injuries that need immediate care, but do not warrant a visit to the ER. They are affordable, quick, and provide quality services.Besides treating trauma and injury, urgent care centers also provide screening and monitoring, routine vaccinations, and occupational medicine. Serving to drive demand for urgent care centers is the burgeoning geriatric population, increasing occurrence of chronic diseases that require time to time monitoring and laboratory tests, and substantial money allotted by government and private bodies in urgent care centers.Another reason driving the popularity of urgent care centers are quick services and appointment flexibility something which is non-existent in large corporate hospitals. Posing a challenge to the market, on the downside, is the dearth of qualified healthcare providers and the increasing upfront capital required to set up urgent care centers.From a geographical perspective, Europe and North America currently lead the urgent care centers. The market in North America is primarily powered by the U.S., which has maximum number of urgent care centers. Besides, the increasing preference for urgent care centers for non-emergency health issues mainly due to its affordability and easy, hassle-free services has also led to their swift uptake in the region. Asia Pacific is expected to emerge as another key market in the years ahead on the back of nations of China, India, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia, and New Zealand which have a sizeable chunk of elderly population.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Urgent Care Centers Market: OverviewUrgent care centers refer to a variety of walk-in or no appointment healthcare centers designed to provide cost-effective, quick, and high-quality services to the general public. Urgent care centers serve patients with injuries or illnesses that are not life-threatening but are beyond the scope of primary care services. Majority of urgent care centers provide healthcare services for issues such as trauma and injury, routine vaccinations, screening and monitoring, moderate illnesses, and occupational medicine. The rising geriatric population and the heightened demand for cost-effective healthcare services have led to a significant rise in demand for urgent care centers across the globe of late.Global Urgent Care Centers Market: Trends and OpportunitiesThe mounting global population of geriatrics, a vast rise in chronic diseases requiring timely monitoring and laboratory tests, and increased investment from government and private bodies in urgent care centers some of the key factors driving the global market for urgent care centers. The increased consumer preference to urgent care centers over big corporate hospitals owing to benefits such as quick services and appointment flexibility of the former has also fueled the demand for urgent care centers globally. The market is, however, negatively impacted owing to the lack of qualified healthcare providers and the rising costs of establishing urgent care centers.Request TOC of the Report @Global Urgent Care Centers Market: Market PotentialThe increased popularity of urgent care centers among patients is compelling many hospitals to extent their services through this healthcare model. In the U.S., which had 7,357 urgent care centers in 2016, according to the Urgent Care Association of America, hospitals such as St. Luke's University Health Network and Lehigh Valley Health Network have established several walk-in centers solely around the Lehigh Valley region. St. Luke's has seven such walk-in care centers and the Lehigh Valley Health Network has around 12 in and around the region. Many other corporate hospital chains have already established or are planning to extend their services in the urgent care sector.Global Urgent Care Centers Market: Regional OverviewFrom a geographical perspective, the urgent care centers market has been examined in the report for regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa. Of these, regions with prominent developed economies such as North America and Europe are presently the leading contributors to the global urgent care centers market. Owing to the rising numbers of urgent care centers in the U.S., the North America market is expected to retain dominance over the next few years as well. The high rate of preference to urgent care centers for non-emergency health-related conditions and the increased demand for cost-effective healthcare services also contribute to the healthy growth prospects of the urgent care centers market in North America.Request Discount of the Report @In the next few years, the market for urgent care centers in the Asia Pacific region is also expected to gain momentum. Countries such as India, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand in the region have been observed to have immense potential for the growth of the urgent care model, chiefly owing to a population that is cost-conscious and is rapidly ageing.Global Urgent Care Centers Market: Competitive DynamicsThe vendor landscape for the global urgent care centers market is largely fragmented and small vendors such as physician groups and private physician offices accounting for a significant share in total number of urgent care centers located across the globe. Some of the leading vendors operating in the market are CareSpot Express Healthcare LLC, MD Now, MinuteClinic LLC, FastMed Urgent Care, AFC/Doctors Express, MedExpress, U.S., NextCare Urgent Care, Concentra Inc., Patient First, and HealthWorks Inc.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Report Explores the Global Viscosupplementation Market Size, Demand, Growth, Analysis and Forecast to 2023 https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/Reports/requestdiscount/887 https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/Reports/MakeSampleRequest/887 https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/Reports/MakeEnquiryRequest/887 https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/healthcare_medical_devices/global_viscosupplementation_market Infinium Global Research has added a new report on Viscosupplementation Market. The report presents analysis of global as well as regional markets of Viscosupplementation over the period of2017 - 2023.Moreover, the growth matrix presented by Infinium Global Research identifies the key investment markets in the near future, this will not only help the companies to understand the competitive position in the Global Viscosupplementation Marketbut also make strategic decisions to capture the most lucrative markets in the near future.The market size is presented in terms of value for the historic year 2015 and estimated for forecast period of 2017 to 2023.Get 15% discount for early purchase of Global Viscosupplementation Marketreport by clicking the following link, Use code IGRD15 to request the discount in the given fromThe recent report on Global Viscosupplementation Market identified that Latin America dominated the Global Viscosupplementation Market over the last couple of years, while emerging markets of Asia-Pacific and Latin America are anticipated to contribute significantly to the growth in the Viscosupplementation Market worldwide.The report segments the Global Viscosupplementation Market on the basis of Product.Get a Sample Report @Global Viscosupplementation Marketby Product single injection three injection five injectionCompanies Profiled in the report Sanofi Anika Therapeutics, Inc. Seikagaku Corporation Zimmer Biomet Smith & Nephew Plc LG Life Sciences Ltd Lifecore Biomedical, LLC Ferring B.V.Make an Enquiry @About Infinium Global ResearchInfinium Global Research is a business intelligence company that provides its clients with market information services, solutions, and reports. The intelligence reports include qualitative as well as quantitative information, which are blended using forecasting models in order to project future market demand. Our panels of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Analysts, and Consultants use numerous data gathering tools in order to provide you with detailed information on the market as well as a preview of its projected growth. Our repository includes the largest and most credible databases, through which we determine various qualitative and quantitative parameters of the market to provide you with an in-depth business intelligence report.Infinium Global Research reports and consulting services cover numerous sectors, which include healthcare, chemicals, materials, energy, packaged goods, food and beverages, technology, and communications. These reports provide readers with market insights and detailed analysis of market segments to possible micro levels. Our reports, with stratified research methodology and wider scope of analysis, provide clients with crucial insights and information to meet their every requirement.Click to View Complete Report @Infinium Global Research and Consulting Solutions is started with a single motto of being business partner of first choice.Infinium Global Research,Bhau Patil Road,Pune, MH 4110 20Toll Free:U.S. + Canada: 1-800-638-0796,UK: +44-2033182010sales@infiniumglobalresearch.comskype: Infiniumglobalresearch Influenza Diagnostics Market : Forecast, Analysis and Supply Demand 2017-2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1784 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1784 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1784 Global Influenza Diagnostics Market: SnapshotThe global market for influenza diagnostics is slated to expand at a promising pace in the next few years as the incidences of influence are rising at a massive pace on the globe front. A common illness of the respiratory system, the condition is responsible for between 250,000 to 500,000 deaths across the globe every year. As the virulent spread of the condition creates increased concerns across the world, government bodies, medical organizations, and pharmaceutical companies are all focusing on the introduction of effective measures for the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.In the next few years, the market will be driven by the increased efforts of governments across emerging economies put more focus on the development of healthcare infrastructures in general, increased awareness among the global population about available diagnostic methods, and rising expenditure on healthcare. The intense level of competition in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries is also compelling companies to become more aggressive in the areas of research and development and the introduction of more effective, innovative interventions to attract new consumers. This trend could also prove to be important for the overall development of the global influenza diagnostics market.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global Influenza Diagnostics Market: OverviewAs the frequency of outbreaks of influenza increases globally, the global market for influenza diagnostics is likely to soar. Commonly known as flu, influenza is an illness of the respiratory system caused by viruses. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), influenza is responsible for 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide, making it the second leading disease resulting in mortality, after acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).Types of influenza include pandemic, avian, seasonal, and swine (variant) flu. Numerous tests aid in the diagnosis and treatment of influenza. Some of these available diagnostic tests are serology, viral culture, rapid molecular assays, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and immunofluorescence assays.Global Influenza Diagnostics Market: Key TrendsThe increasing incidence of various forms of influenza across the globe, growing investments in research and development, rising pediatric focus, and encouraging policies of the government are driving the global market for influenza diagnostics. As faster and more accurate diagnostic tests are increasingly sought after, a number of market players have undertaken the development of more efficient tests that give quicker results.Conversely, stringent regulatory frameworks, delays in the approval process of new tests, and limited infrastructure (in developing nations in particular), might emerge as the key deterrents of the global market for influenza diagnostics. Nevertheless, technological advancement in the domain of influenza diagnostics can offer extensive opportunities for growth.Request TOC of the Report @Global Influenza Diagnostics Market: Market PotentialAs the virulent spread of influenza across numerous regions of the world has created concern across countries. Considering the spread of influenza governments, pharmaceutical companies, and medical organizations are striving to introduce effective diagnostics and medications. As of March 2017, 16 from North Carolina, 3 in Delaware, 7 in San Diego died of influenza. Almost 4,000 residents of Arizona suffered from influenza during February 2017. Likewise, in Malaysian state Perak around 273 school children were found to suffer from influenza-like illness during the same month.Consequently, in March 2017, GlaxoSmithKline plc, a leading market player, announced its submission of an application to the FDA for obtaining approval to expand its label of an influenza vaccine, Fluarix Quadrivalent, for children aged six months and older. Presently, the vaccine is administered to patients aged three and above. It is an active immunization against type A and type B influenza viruses.Request Discount of the Report @The fifth wave of H7N9 in China resulted in 1,223 cases, with 380 fatalities, according to the WHO. Consequently, growing concerns pertaining to the avian influenza led to the announcement of the development of two novel pandemic vaccines by Protein Sciences Corporation. The announcement was made following a request for the same by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The company boasts owning the single FDA approved technology for fast production of influenza vaccines.Global Influenza Diagnostics Market: Regional OutlookBased on geography, the global market for influenza diagnostics can be segmented into Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. As countries such as Australia, the U.S., Greece, China, Spain, India, and Malaysia have been witnessing outbreaks of influenza, the demand from these regions will mount up to a great degree.The influenza diagnostics market in Asia Pacific is slated for significant growth over the forecast period, propelled by the increasing healthcare spending, favorable government initiatives, greater demand for cutting-edge diagnostics technologies, and expanding disposable incomes of the middle class populace in the region.Global Influenza Diagnostics Market: Competitive AnalysisSome of the major companies operating in the global market for influenza diagnostics are Becton, Dickinson and Company, Luminex Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Alere Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, DiaSorin, Roche Diagnostics, SA Scientific, and Quidel Corporation.Product development is a key business strategy of market players. For instance, Becton, Dickinson and Company recently announced FDA approval for its new digital immunoassay, BD Veritor System Flu A+B, which is able to rapidly detect influenza.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Global Stem Cell Media market 2017 - Lonza, GE Healthcare, Miltenyi Biotec, Corning, CellGenix Global Stem Cell Media market https://goo.gl/p249Lq https://goo.gl/JYJu1h www.apexmarketreports.com Apex Market Reports, recently published a detailed market research study focused on the "Stem Cell Media Market" across the global, regional and country level. The report provides 360 analysis of "Stem Cell Media Market" from view of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries. The research report analyses and provides the historical data along with current performance of the global Stem Cell Media industry, and estimates the future trend of Stem Cell Media market on the basis of this detailed study. The study shares "Stem Cell Media Market" performance both in terms of volume and revenue.Get Free Sample Copy of Report Here:Top Manufacturers Analysis of This ReportThermo FisherSTEMCELL TechnologiesMerck MilliporeLonzaGE HealthcareMiltenyi BiotecCorningCellGenixTakaraPromoCellThe market research report explores the Stem Cell Media market across the globe along with major regions and countries. The research report provides a detailed study on each and every aspect of "Stem Cell Media Market". The research report studies the entire value chain from raw material to end user industries. The report also shares import/export statistics along with production and consumption for all major regions and countries. Moreover, the research study classifies the Stem Cell Media market based on major product types, application and end users industries of Stem Cell Media. Besides, the report also covers geographical segmentation for Stem Cell Media market. The report further provides production, capacity, price per region, gross margin, production cost, for all major regions and countries listed in report.The competitive landscape of the global market for Stem Cell Media is determined by assessing the major industry participants, production capacity, production capacity utilization rate, Stem Cell Media market's production chain, pricing by each manufacturer and the revenue generated by each manufacturer in the Stem Cell Media market globally.Enquire Before Buying @The global Stem Cell Media market 2017 is further analyzed on the basis of product pricing, Stem Cell Media production volume, data pertaining to demand and Stem Cell Media supply, and the revenue garnered by the product. The report provides upstream and downstream analysis covering major raw material used in manufacturing of Stem Cell Media along with detailed manufacturing sources. The report also shares list of major raw material manufacturers along with their manufacturing locations. Detailed raw material price trend analysis along with manufacturing cost analysis is also incorporated into the report. Various methodical tools such as investment returns, feasibility, SWOT analysis and market attractiveness analysis has been implemented in the research study to present a comprehensive, detailed study of the industry for Stem Cell Media across the world.About UsApex Market Reports offers elevating market research globally. We have collection of various syndicated reports of different categories. Apex Market Reports provides you to best services, weather youre searching for new trends in market or competitive scenario in emerging market.Customers can buys different reports across various categories such as Chemical and Material, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Food and beverages, Automobile and various sectors. Our Website offers safe and secure online ordering experience, convenient payment options.Contact UsFrank ValadezCorporate Sales Specialist155 North Wacker Drive, Suite 4250Chicago, IL 60606Phone: +17739042683Email id - sales@apexmarketreports.comWebsite - LiDAR Market research Report showing Compound annual growth rate and forecast till 2025 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=B&rep_id=1757 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=T&rep_id=1757 https://www.tmrresearch.com/sample/sample?flag=D&rep_id=1757 Global LiDAR Market: SnapshotThe global LiDAR market is predicted by seasoned market analysts to expect high growth prospects taking birth on the back of leading applications such as meteorology, cartography, urban planning, exploration, driverless cars, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), engineering, and corridor mapping. Amongst all of these applications, the demand for LiDAR could be considerably improved by the rising usage of corridor mapping in roadways mapping. The swelling demand in engineering and construction applications is anticipated to add to the popularity of ground-based LiDAR in the coming years. Nevertheless, there could also be opportunities created for other products such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR, aerial LiDAR, and solid-state LiDAR.The global LiDAR market for driverless cars and ADAS is envisaged to grow at an aggressive pace in the near future. This could be because of the rising adoption of ADAS and growing inclination toward self-driven cars in important automotive regions such as North America and Europe. Besides this, the market for laser scanners could see a consistent rise in the foreseeable future owing a vital application in LiDAR related to scanning and the generation of 3D images of the scanned areas. The faster growth rate of this market could be attributed to the mounting demand for LiDAR system and quick development of laser technology.Companies operating in the global LiDAR market are foreseen to hold a portfolio comprising of a broad array of products that could help diversify business risks and enable sustainable business growth.Request Sample Copy of the Report @Global LiDAR Market: OverviewLiDAR, acronym for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing technology that emits light towards a target object to unearth information about it and gauge the range of a distant target from the light that is being reflected back. It can be compared to RADAR and SONAR in many ways. However, unlike a RADAR and SONAR, LiDAR uses light waves of shorter wavelengths. The wavelengths of the electronic spectrum for LiDAR technology are mostly within the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared range.The LiDAR technology helps in measuring of 3D structures directly and assessing the underlying terrain with high resolution and data accuracy. The two main types of LiDAR are Airborne LiDAR, consisting of topographic and bathymetric LiDAR, and Terrestrial LiDAR, consisting of mobile LiDAR and short range LiDAR.Global LiDAR Market: Key TrendsThe soaring demand for 3D imagery in different end use segments such as construction, transportation, power transmission, and defense and aerospace is the primary driving factor in the global LiDAR market. Additionally, LiDAR technology saves both cost and time which has resulted in their higher uptake compared to conventional methods of mapping. LiDAR technology has already superseded photogrammetry as it steals a march over the latter in terms of light independency and high accuracy.Request TOC of the Report @Countering the growth in the global LiDAR market is the complexity in data interpretation because of dearth of standardization.Global LiDAR Market: Market PotentialLiDARs find application in autonomous driving, which is yet to become mainstream. Once it so happens, their market will receive a substantial boost. LiDAR/INS integrated navigation systems can bring about continuous and accurate navigation solutions in GNSS-challenged environments, on different platforms that include mobile robot navigation, unmanned ground vehicles, and autonomous driving. Another factor working to their favor are their increasing availability and decreasing prices.Depending upon the type of product, the global LiDAR market is segmented into terrestrial LiDAR and airborne LiDAR. Among them, airborne or aerial LiDAR mapping leads the market. Based on application again, the LiDAR market is divided into transmission lines, forestry, infrastructure, coastal, transportation, defense and aerospace, flood mapping, and others such as hydrography and mining. Different coastal applications contribute maximum to the LiDAR market because of the growing utilization of LiDAR in disaster management and control. In terms of growth, however, transmission lines will overtake all other segments in the LiDAR market because of robust demand for power utilities.Request Discount of the Report @Global LiDAR Market: Regional OutlookGeography-wise, the global market for LiDAR is segmented into Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and the Rest of the World. Among them, North America is a market leader because of high penetration of LiDAR in defense and military applications and substantial spending on research and development to improvise on existing LiDAR technologies. Europe trails North America in terms of market share and going forward is predicted to overtake North America due to the presence of prominent players bolstering the market and catering to the rising demand for the massive consumer base. The Rest of the World and Asia Pacific will also witness stellar growth.Global LiDAR Market: Competitive AnalysisSome of the main strategies adopted by companies in the global LiDAR market is new product development and enhancements leveraging cutting-edge technologies. To assess the competition in the global market for LiDAR, the report profiles companies such as Airborne Hydrography AB, 3D Laser Mapping Ltd., Aerometric Inc., DigitalWorld Mapping Inc., Intermap Technologies Corp., FARO Technology, Inc., RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH, Leica Geosystems AG, Mosaic 3D, Avent Lidar Technology, Firmatek 3D Mapping Solutions LLC, and Optech Incorporated.About TMR ResearchTMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.Our savvy custom-built reports span a gamut of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals and metals, food and beverages, and technology and media, among others. With actionable insights uncovered through in-depth research of the market, we try to bring about game-changing success for our clients.Contact:TMR Research,3739 Balboa St # 1097,San Francisco, CA 94121United StatesTel: +1-415-520-1050Email: sales@tmrresearch.com Global Regenerative Medicine Market to Raise at a CAGR of 12.80% During 2013 to 2019 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/regenerative-medicines-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=419 Transparency Market Research has published a new report on the global regenerative medicine market. As per the report, the global regenerative medicine market stood at US$2.6 bn in 2012 and is predicted to reach US$6.5 bn by 2019.The report, titled Regenerative Medicine Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 2019, states that the global regenerative medicine market is expected to expand at a 12.80% CAGR during the period from 2013 to 2019 due to factors such as technological innovations in biomaterials, the increasing prevalence of joint disorders, and the increasing number of orthopedic surgeries.Read Report @Regenerative medicines are an emerging field of medical science aimed at regeneration, repair, or replacement of damaged tissue and organs. As per the U.S. National Institute of Health, regenerative medicine is the procedure of creating functional tissues to repair and/or replace nonfunctional organs or tissues. With regenerative medicines, tissues or organs that have lost their functioning power due to congenital defects, age, and external or internal damage are repaired or replaced. Some of the application areas of regenerative medicines are neurology, cardiovascular, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal disorders.Factors such as technological advancements in stem cell therapy and tissue engineering are predicted to propel the global regenerative medicine market during the forecast period. However, ethical issues, post-implantation infections and complications, and regulatory constraints are expected to hamper the growth of the global regenerative medicine market in the years to come. Leading players are focusing on capturing the untapped market to increase their share in the global market. The high number of mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships expected to occur in the coming years is predicted to make the global regenerative medicine market highly competitive in the near future.The global regenerative medicine market is segmented on the basis of technology, application, and geography. Based on geography, the global regenerative medicine market is divided into Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and Rest of the World. In 2012, the global regenerative medicine market was dominated by North America due to the rising demand for bone and joint reconstructive surgeries. The regions increasing aging population is predicted to propel the Europe regenerative medicine market in the next few years. Going forward, Asia Pacific is expected to register considerable growth in the global regenerative medicine market.Companies such as DePuy Synthes, Inc. (HEALOS Bone Graft), Stryker Corporation (Vitoss Bone Graft Substitute), Zimmer Holdings, Inc. (CopiOs Bone Void Filler), and Medtronic, Inc. (INFUSE Bone Graft) are expected to lead the global regenerative medicine market in the years to come. The entry of new players is predicted to create new growth opportunities in the near future.Request Sample Report@By technology, the global regenerative medicine market is classified into stem cell therapy, tissue engineering, and biomaterials. In 2012, the biomaterials segment dominated the global regenerative medicine market due to factors such as favorable reimbursement policies. Moreover, strong demand for biomaterials is predicted to propel the segment in the coming few years.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Contact us:Transparency Market Research90 State Street,Suite 700,AlbanyNY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Global Medical Equipment Calibration Services Market Surge Valuation US$2.1 bn by 2020 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/medical-equipment-calibration-services-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=2616 According to the report, the rising demand for innovative as well as advanced medical equipment and the increasing incidence of product recalls is projected to fuel the medical equipment calibration services market across the globe.The global medical equipment calibration services market is analyzed on the basis of the type of equipment and the type of service in this market study. Fetal monitors, vital sign monitors, imaging equipment, infusion pumps, ventilators, and cardiovascular monitors are the major types of equipment available in this market. Among these, the imaging equipment market is expected to acquire the dominant position, while the cardiovascular monitor market is likely to rise at a CAGR of 14.0% over the forecast period.Read Report @A research study on the global medical equipment calibration services market, published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), estimates this market to expand at a healthy CAGR of 10.10% during the period from 2014 to 2020 and reach a market value of US$2.1 bn by the end of the forecast period.The research report, titled Medical Equipment Calibration Services Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share & Forecast, 2014 2020, states that the worldwide market for medical equipment calibration services stood at US$1.1 bn in 2013.In-house calibration services, OEM calibration services, and third party calibration services are the key services provided in the worldwide medical equipment calibration services market. The in-house calibration services market is leading the global market at present. However, analysts anticipate it to report moderate growth in the coming years, owing to the increase in the penetration of third party calibration services, which are slated to post the fastest development in the overall market during the forecast period.Considering its spread, the market study divides the global medical equipment calibration services market into the regional markets in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Rest of the World. The Europe medical equipment calibration services market stood at the leading position among all the regional markets in 2013.The presence of regional as well as international players in huge number, coupled with extensive research and development practices and strict rules enforced by governments related to medical equipment calibration, is fueling the market in Europe, says the report. Analysts at TMR expect this market to maintain its pace of growth during the forecast period.North America holds the second position in the global medical equipment calibration services market at present. It generated around 33% of the overall revenue produced in the global market in 2012.Of late, Asia Pacific has been showing a tremendous rise in its market share. The regional market is projected to register the fastest growth in the overall market over the forecast period. The increased awareness among people regarding the quality of services provided in hospitals and laboratories, together with stringent government regulations, is expected to drive the Asia Pacific medical equipment calibration services market significantly during the forecast period, notes the market study.Request Sample Report@The report also studies the competitive landscape prevalent in the worldwide market for medical equipment calibration services by analyzing the company profiles of the major players operating in this highly fragmented market.Biomed Technologies Inc., Industrial Calibration and Service Co. Inc., Fluke Biomedical, JM Test Systems Inc., Medserve Ltd., JPen Medical, NS Medical Systems, TAG Medical, STQC (Government of India), Transcat Inc., and Tektronix Inc. are some of the key participants in the global medical equipment calibration services market, states the report.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Contact us:Transparency Market Research90 State Street,Suite 700,AlbanyNY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Global Disinfectors Market Value to Increase to US$3.1 bn By 2020 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/disinfectors-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=2947 A report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), titled Disinfectors Market Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2014 2020 pegs the overall value of the global disinfectors market at US$1.6 bn in 2013. By 2020, the market is anticipated to reach US$3.1 bn, expanding at a robust 10.20% CAGR.Disinfection is a crucial procedure performed across healthcare institutions to ensure proper hygiene in their campuses. The demand for disinfectors is, therefore, significantly high in healthcare facilities including clinics, hospitals, institutes, laboratories, and elder care facilities. With the increasing incidence of hospital-acquired infections (HAI), the demand for disinfectors is poised to increase exponentially in forthcoming years.Read Report @Using unclean medical instruments or not sterilizing them properly before use can have adverse effects on patients, ultimately leading them to develop HAIs. The use of disinfectors has therefore significantly increased over the past few years to prevent HAIs from occurring. As the number of surgeries conducted over time increases, the demand for disinfectors will also grow in response. The most common types of products available in the global disinfector market include flusher disinfectors, endoscope reprocessors, and washer disinfectors. Of these, the washer disinfectors and endoscope reprocessors account for the largest share in the market, and are likely to remain the leading market segments throughout the reports forecast period. The increasing use of a plethora of medical instruments and endoscopes due to the growing prevalence of chronic ailments will provide lucrative opportunities for enterprises operating in these market segments to capitalize on in the near future.The TMR report is compiled with the intent to provide a holistic overview of the global disinfectors market, covering the markets trajectory from the ground up. It studies the factors that in the near future will boost the market or restrain it in detail. The report also evaluates the prospects exhibited by each market segment to help stakeholders determine their future course of action.For instance, the report segments the global disinfectors market into pharmaceuticals, elder care, life sciences companies, hospitals and clinics, and healthcare facilities based on usage. The demand for disinfectors from clinics and hospitals is likely to rise significantly during the forecast period, states the report. The increasing number of hospitals, coupled with the rising number of surgical practices, will boost the global disinfectors market, states a lead TMR analyst.Regionally, North America and Europe collectively accounted for a dominant 70% of the global disinfectors market in 2013, in terms of revenue. However, between 2014 and 2020, Asia Pacific is likely to exhibit the fastest growth in demand for disinfectors due to the rising prevalence of several contagious diseases, increasing geriatric population, and increasing investment in the healthcare sector.Request Sample Report@To provide a comprehensive overview of the market, the report also profiles some of the leading enterprises such as STERIS Corporation, Getinge Group, OLYMPUS CORPORATION, Advanced Sterilization Products Services, Inc., Belimed Group, and others.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Contact us:Transparency Market Research90 State Street,Suite 700,AlbanyNY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Global Gypsum Market Size, Share, Growth Drivers, Market Trends, Statistics And Forecast By 2020 MRRSE https://www.mrrse.com/sample/55 https://www.mrrse.com/gypsum-market https://www.mrrse.com/enquiry/55 https://www.mrrse.com/checkdiscount/55 https://www.mrrse.com/ https://www.industrynewsanalysis.com/ Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) has been serving as an active source to cater intelligent research report to enlighten both readers and investors. This research study titled Gypsum Market - Global Industry Expert Opinions Analysis Get Free Sample Report @The research report on the global gypsum market throws light on how this industry has survived the global economic meltdown that had begun in 2008. The report discusses the evolution of the gypsum market over the years via comprehensive analysis of key demand determinants, supply side trends, resource procurement, and glaring industry bottlenecks.The report analyzes and evaluates pricing trends in the gypsum market. Furthermore, the market study defines the structure of the gypsum market via systematic classification and detailed segmentation. The research report offers useful insights into the ongoing gypsum industry trends prevailing in a few of the key regions namely, Europe, North America, Asia, and Rest of the World.Browse Full Report with TOC @Considering the present scenario in the gypsum market, one can predict the success of new market entrants with much confidence. In addition, the report highlights the fact that the gypsum market will be characterized by consolidation at the global platform. Mergers and acquisitions will be the primary focal points under this type of global consolidation. The research study brings out interesting market facts; one being the frequent acquisitions of large and well established companies.The research study analyzes the effects of globalization on the gypsum market and additionally even the trends in export and import. Apart from enumerating the restraints and demand inhibitors, the market study explores strategies that enable prospective market players to have a competitive edge over its competitors.Send an Enquiry @Saint Gobain, Eurogypsum, Gypsum Management and Supply Inc. (GMS Inc.), Gyptech, Lafarge, Knauf, Drywall, BPB Plc, USG Corporation, and National Gypsum Company are the prominent forerunners in the overall gypsum market. The gypsum market recently witnessed the acquisition of a San Diego based company, J&B Material Inc., by GMS Inc. Via such a strategic business alliance, the latter aims at capturing a significant market share in the potential markets of Hawaii and California.The report analyzes the aforementioned market participants on the basis of parameters such as company profile, product specification, production capacity, price trends, demand overview, supply side features, and future market forecasts.Check Discount @About MRRSEMarket Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) is an industry-leading database of Market Research Reports. MRRSE is driven by a stellar team of research experts and advisors trained to offer objective advice. Our sophisticated search algorithm returns results based on the report title, geographical region, publisher, or other keywords.MRRSE partners exclusively with leading global publishers to provide clients single-point access to top-of-the-line market research. MRRSEs repository is updated every day to keep its clients ahead of the next new trend in market research, be it competitive intelligence, product or service trends or strategic consulting.Contact UsState Tower90, State StreetSuite 700Albany, NY - 12207United States Telephone: +1-518-730-0559Email: sales@mrrse.comWebsite:Read More Industry News At: Global Nano-Particle Size Analysis Instrumentation in the Life Sciences Market Estimated to Flourish by 2014 2020 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/nanoparticle-size-instrumentation-life-sciences-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=3861 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=CR&rep_id=3861 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=3861 8 panelsOn the basis of opening style, the global disc packaging wallets market has been segmented into Horizontal slotOblong (Thumb cut)Long curve (Crescent cut)On the basis on material type, the global disc packaging wallets market has been segmented into PVCPPRecycled boardOthersGlobal Disc Packaging Wallets Market: Geographical OutlookThe global disc packaging wallets market has been divided into seven region as follows North AmericaLatin AmericaWestern EuropeEastern EuropeAsia Pacific excluding Japan (APeJ)Middle East & Africa (MEA)JapanThe Asia Pacific region is expected to lead the global disc packaging wallets market in terms of market share. However, with increasing number of people with internet access, the market will decline. It is anticipated that such a scenario might by possible by the late 2020s. Currently, emerging economies such as China and India are witnessing an increased rate of internet accessibility. For instance, in India, the number of internet users went up by around 6-8% last year, which is a key restraint for Indias disc packaging wallets market. In regions such as Japan, a significant portion of the population still prefers compact disks, which is expected to create growth opportunities for the Japanese disc packaging wallets market. In developed regions such as the North America and Europe, availability of modern storage devices such as external drives, is expected to suppress growth of the disc packaging wallets market. Also, there are alternative solutions available for obtaining music, such as online libraries, and online streaming, which go a long way in contributing to the decline of the disc packaging wallets markets in these regions.Global Disc Packaging Wallets Market: Key PlayersSome of the key players operating in the global disc packaging wallets market are - Oasis Disc Manufacturing, Disc Makers, and Wewow UK, among others.About TMRTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a global market intelligence company providing business information reports and services. The companys exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trend analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMRs experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.Contact TMR90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA - Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Market: OCR Revolutionizes Document Management Process for Different Businesses https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/optical-character-recognition-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=16505 http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com In a highly fragmented and competitive global market for optical character recognition (OCR), savvy players are leveraging a multi-pronged strategy to surge ahead of their competitors. One strategy popular with them is competitive pricing which helps to draw more consumers. Besides, they are also banking upon mergers and acquisitions and carefully-considered partnerships to expand their outreach. Addition of new services is another way in which they are looking to further enhance their market shares.Optical character recognition is a technology has literally revolutionized the document management process in various sectors, namely legal, banking, education, healthcare, finance, and government. It has helped to transform offices into a paperless ones by helping to digitize documents and communications that have remained resistant to digitization with speed and accuracy. Those include scanned paper documents and PDF files or images captured by a digital camera.As per Transparency Market Research, the global optical character recognition market will likely become worth US$25.182 bn by 2025-end by clocking a solid 14.8% CAGR from 2017 to 2025.Obtain Report Details @Banking Sector Drives up Demand for OCR SoftwareThe global optical character recognition market can be classified into two based on type software and service. The software segment further includes desktop based OCR, mobile based OCR, cloud based OCR, and others such as batch OCR, server based OCR, etc. The service segment, on the other hand, includes consulting, outsourcing, and implementation and integration.Between software and services, the two segments in the global optical character recognition market, software accounted for maximum share. In the years ahead too, software segment will retain its dominant share buoyed by the banking sector in particular. In terms of growth rate, however, the service segment is predicted to witness a higher CAGR in the forecast period.Request Sample @Massive Investments in Technology Stokes Stellar Growth in Asia Pacific MarketFrom a geographical standpoint, North America held maximum share in the global market for optical character recognition in 2016 because of the rapid infrastructure development and changing policies and regulations framed by the government. In the upcoming years, the region is slated to hold on to its leading position. Enterprises in the region are also opting for cloud based optical character recognition software because of its ease of use and cost effectiveness.Vis-a-vis growth rate, Asia-Pacific optical character recognition market is slated to outpace all others by registering a CAGR of 15.6% from 2017 to 2025. The growth is mainly driven by small and medium enterprises (SME) mushrooming in the region. Besides, the growing use of optical character recognition software by IT and telecom industry for document management is serving to act as a catalyst for the Asia Pacific market. Fast-expanding developing nations of China and India are at the forefront of adopting OCR in the region on account of the massive investments in technology.Some of the key players operating in the global market for optical character recognition are Anyline GmbH, ABBY Software Ltd., Adobe Systems Incorporated, ATAPY Software, CCi Intelligence Co. Ltd., Creaceed S.P.R.L., CVSION Technologies Inc., Exper-OCR Inc., Google Inc., LEAD Technologies Inc., I.R.I.S.S.A. (Canon), IBM Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Nuance Communications Inc., NTT Data Corporation, Paradatec, Inc., Prime Recognition Corporation, Ripcord Inc., Transym Computer Services Ltd., Black Ice Software LLC, SEAL Systems, Ricoh Group, and Accusoft Corporation.About UsTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. We have an experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, who us e proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.Each TMR Syndicated Research report covers a different sector such as pharmaceuticals, chemical, energy, food & beverages, semiconductors, med-devices, consumer goods and technology. These reports provide in-depth analysis and deep segmentation to possible micro levels. With wider scope and stratified research methodology, our syndicated reports thrive to provide clients to serve their overall research requirement.ContactTransparency Market Research90 State Street, Suite 700Albany, NY 12207Tel: +1-518-618-1030USA Canada Toll Free: 866-552-3453Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.comWebsite: Millimeter Wave And Microwave RF Transceiver Market to grow at a CAGR of 11.56% during 2017-2021: Broadcom, MediaTek, Microchip Atmel, Qorvo, Qualcomm Technologies, and Skyworks Solutions Millimeter Wave And Microwave RF Transceiver Industry, Millimeter Wave And Microwave RF Transceiver Trends https://www.marketresearchnest.com/global-millimeter-wave-and-microwave-rf-transceiver-market-2017-2021.html https://www.marketresearchnest.com/purchase.php?reportid=285036 https://www.marketresearchnest.com/enquirybuy.php?reportid=285036 MarketResearchNest.com adds Global Millimeter Wave And Microwave RF Transceiver Market 2017-2021 new report to its research database. The report spread across 126 pages with table and figures in it.Research analysts forecast the global millimeter wave and microwave RF transceiver market to grow at a CAGR of 11.56% during the period 2017-2021.About Millimeter Wave and Microwave RF TransceiverA transceiver chip is an integrated circuit (IC) that helps in transmitting and receiving signal frequencies in a number of devices. It is present in a transceiver module. Different transceivers are available for radio, video, Ethernet, and wireless devices. Transceivers can also be built into the computer modem by embedding them into network cards. The function of a transceiver chip always remains the same, irrespective of the type of media or data that is to be transferred.Covered in this reportThe report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global millimeter wave and microwave RF transceiver market for 2017-2021. The report presents a detailed picture of the market by way of study, synthesis, and summation of data from multiple sources.Browse full table of contents and data tables atThe market is divided into the following segments based on geography: Americas APAC EMEATechnavio's report, Global Millimeter Wave and Microwave RF Transceiver Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.Technavio recognizes the following companies as the key players in the global millimeter wave and microwave rf transceiver market: Broadcom, MediaTek, Microchip Atmel, Qorvo, Qualcomm Technologies, and Skyworks Solutions.Other Prominent Vendors in the market are: Analog devices, Cisco, GCT Semiconductor, Lime Microsystems, Microsemi, NVIDIA, NXP Semiconductors, Phi Microtech, Silicon Motion, Spreadtrum Communications, STMicroelectronics, and Texas Instruments.Commenting on the report, an analyst from Research team said: One trend in the market is growing applications of IoT. IoT is one of the fastest-growing markets worldwide. It is estimated that a total of 33 billion devices will be connected through IoT by 2021, generating a total of about 50 trillion GB of data. IoT enables devices to collect data using sensors and actuators and transmit data to a centralized location on a real-time basis.Order a Purchase Report Copy atAccording to the report, one driver in the market is deployment of next-generation LTE wireless networks. The increase in data consumption has led to the adoption of next-generation LTE networks, such as LTE and LTE advanced. The growing consumption of mobile data has resulted in the growth of commercial networks, making LTE the fastest-developing mobile technology. Specific bands have been designated for LTE. However, they vary from one carrier to another. For instance, iPhone 6s from Verizon Communications uses different bands compared with iPhone 6s from AT&T. The use of multiple bands that are often widely spaced from one another causes LTE and 3G interference from different RF sources.Further, the report states that one challenge in the market is cyclical nature of semiconductor industry. The global millimeter wave and microwave RF transceiver chip market is highly dependent on the sales of electronic devices. The fluctuations in the demand for electronic products, such as consumer electronic devices and mobile devices, make it difficult to forecast the demand in the semiconductor market. This results in either an oversupply or undersupply of transceiver chips. Demand fluctuations in the market are unavoidable and may result in inventory pileup in the supply chain, delayed time to market, and reduced profitability of vendors operating in the market. Thus, cyclical variations in demand in end-user markets and industry-wide supply fluctuations pose serious challenges to the growth of the market.The study was conducted using an objective combination of primary and secondary information including inputs from key participants in the industry. The report contains a comprehensive market and vendor landscape in addition to a SWOT analysis of the key vendors.Key questions answered in this report: What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be; What are the key market trends; What is driving this market; What are the challenges to market growth; Who are the key vendors in this market space; What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors; What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors;Enquiry before Buying atAbout us:MarketResearchNest.com is the most comprehensive collection of market research products and services on the Web. We offer reports from almost all top publishers and update our collection on daily basis to provide you with instant online access to the worlds most complete and recent database of expert insights on industries, organizations, products, and trends.ContactMr. Jeet JainSales Managersales@marketresearchnest.com+1-240-284-8070(U.S)+44-20-3290-4151(U.K)Connect with us: Google+ | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Analysis- Size, Share, overview, scope, Revenue, Gross Margin, Segment and Forecast 2022 http://www.reportbazzar.com/request-sample/RBPR05122017266045 http://www.reportbazzar.com/reports/RBPR05122017266045/global-artificial-intelligence-platform-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 http://www.reportbazzar.com/discount-form/RBPR05122017266045 ReportBazzar has released its latest research-based report entitled Artificial Intelligence Platform Market. This report studies the Artificial Intelligence Platform market status and outlook of global and United States, from angles of players, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and United States market, and splits the Artificial Intelligence Platform market by product type and applications/end industries.This report studies the global Artificial Intelligence Platform market, analyzes and researches the Artificial Intelligence Platform development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.For Free Sample Copy, click here:Information & Communication Technology industryThe information and communication technology market nowadays is growing in double digit. We deliver both syndicated and consulting reports for ICT market according to client needs and industry needs. We mainly focus on different new technologies, smart markets, mobile applications, telecommunications, software, middleware, audio-visual systems and storage.A holistic report covers exhaustive information obtained from reliable industrial sources and through proven research methodologies. The report goes through both secondary and primary survey. The base year taken for the report is 2015 and 2016, and a forecast is done from 2017 to 2022.The data thus obtained is then combined with relevant tables and graphs to support the information revealed.The following points are covered in the report: Market segmentation Penetration & Growth Mapping Market Trends Market Driver Analysis Market Restraint Analysis Growth opportunities Porters Analysis SWOT AnalysisApplication Insights:Various competent analytical tools have been used to offer a comprehensive assessment of the market. The report comprises of each aspect of the global market for Artificial Intelligence Platform. It starts with the basic information and then advances to the market segmentation based on different criteria such as technology, industry areas and regions in general. A detailed analysis is given on the areas of industries it is used and basically how the technology is helping the particular industry or driving the market growth of that particular industry.Regional Insights:Major regions, countries, and sub-segments have been analyzed for providing the better understanding of the market scope worldwide. The regions taken into consideration are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Central & South America. The regional markets for the Artificial Intelligence Platform market are analyzed by evaluating the demand, and supply, the assembly of the products, how it is getting connected with the human interface as well as the historical performance of the market in the given region.Competitive Insights:The report also provides insights on the competitive landscape of the global Artificial Intelligence Platform industry with the leading players profiled in the report. Company profiles are purely tentative in nature and we can profile companies according to your interest at free cost. The company overview, trends, tactics, merger & acquisitions, business strategies, financial metrics of the major participants operating in the global Artificial Intelligence Platform market have been reviewed in this study.To view the table of contents and know more details please visit:Some Points Of Table Of Content:1 Industry Overview of Artificial Intelligence Platform1.1 Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Overview1.1.1 Artificial Intelligence Platform Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Artificial Intelligence Platform Market by Type1.3.1 Cloud1.3.2 On-premises1.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Forecasts and Prescriptive Models1.4.2 Chatbots1.4.3 Speech Recognition1.4.4 Text Recognition1.4.5 Others (face detection and sentiment analysis)2 Global Artificial Intelligence Platform Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size (Value) by Players (2016 and 2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 Microsoft3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Google3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 IBM3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Intel3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 Infosys3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Wipro3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 Ayasdi3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Salesforce3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Qualcomm3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 Amazon Web Services3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Artificial Intelligence Platform Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments3.11 Absolutdata3.12 SAP3.13 HPE4 Global Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size by Type and Application (2012-2017)4.1 Global Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size by Type (2012-2017)4.2 Global Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size by Application (2012-2017)4.3 Potential Application of Artificial Intelligence Platform in Future4.4 Top Consumer/End Users of Artificial Intelligence Platform5 United States Artificial Intelligence Platform Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size (2012-2017)5.2 United States Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size and Market Share by Players (2016 and 2017)6 EU Artificial Intelligence Platform Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size (2012-2017)6.2 EU Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size and Market Share by Players (2016 and 2017)7 Japan Artificial Intelligence Platform Development Status and Outlook7.1 Japan Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size (2012-2017)7.2 Japan Artificial Intelligence Platform Market Size and Market Share by Players (2016 and 2017)Check Discount:About Us:Reportbazzar.com is your trusted source for the most inclusive and informative assortment of market research reports designed to empower you with the latest in industry information that translates to time and cost savings for your business. We not only help you give wing to your latent business ideas but also facilitate you in taking the best informed and strategic decisions that guarantee success in your most promising business endeavors. Our intelligence database comprises of vast arrays of strategically analyzed and high-level market research reports that encompass all major industries worldwide. All the specialized research reports available at Reportbazzar.com are tailor-made to suit your every business need, no matter how diverse or demanding it is.Contact Us:ReportBazzar30 Wall Street, 8th floor,New York, NY 10005.United States.US: +1 (212) 389-6363India: +91 20 66528525 Recent Invisible Tapes Market to Attain Healthy Valuation Over 2017 2027 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-5582 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-5582 https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/invisible-tapes-market www.futuremarketinsights.com Invisible Tapes Market: IntroductionThe invisible tapes are the most important adhesive solution for the variety of applications such as adhering papers together when faxing or photocopying, wrapping gifts, packaging, etc. The invisible tape disappears and blends into the applied surface. This invisible feature helps to maintain the visibility and proper presentation of the items which are fixed together using the invisible tape. The tape is ideal for workspace or home use for general purpose bonding and sealing tasks. However, the tap also comes for industrial applications with added strength. Some invisible tapes also have a writable surface to add any notes as well. Some other features of the invisible tapes include easy tear, no-noise unwinding, UV resistance, etc. The invisible tapes are commonly made up of the permanent acrylic water-based adhesive and a clear polyurethane film. This combination is ideal for providing the long-term protection against any damage. The invisible tapes are typically used for domestic applications including stationary and office works. The tapes come in the variety of shape and sizes to cater to the demands of different end-use industries.Request for Sample @Invisible Tapes: Market DynamicsThe main driving factor for the invisible tapes market is the use of cheap and efficient adhesive solution for the general purpose applications in the domestic and industrial applications. The demand for invisible tapes is increasing but at a slow rate due to well-established market base in the developed countries. The companies are focusing on to add some attractive features in their products to increase the demand and interest for their products. The consumer perception is also changing as they want high quality product with attractive features at lower costs. This factor is driving the competition in the market and compel manufacturers to continuously invest in research and development activities and sell their products at competitive prices. The main restraint for the invisible tapes market is the preference of another type of products for adhesion applications by some customers. There are lot of opportunities for the new entrants in the developing market. However, in the developed regions such as Europe and North America, few vendors are dictating as they have gained consumers attention since a couple of years.Invisible Tapes: Market SegmentationInvisible tapes market is segmented as follows-Invisible tapes market segmentation by film material used BOPPPPPEOthersInvisible tapes market segmentation by finish type Clear FinishMatte FinishInvisible tapes market segmentation by tape lengthLess than 20 meters20-30 meters30-40 metersMore than 40 metersInvisible tapes market segmentation by application typeStationaryIndustrial PackagingOthersRequest for Table of Contents @Invisible Tapes Market: Regional outlookGeographically, the global invisible tapes market is segmented into seven regions, namely Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), and the Middle-East and Africa (MEA). The European region and the Asia Pacific region dominates the invisible tapes market. The majority of the manufacturers are based in China due to easy availability of the raw materials used for the production of invisible tapes. There are lot of opportunities for the new entrants in the Indian and Brazilian market as these types of tapes are imported in large number to meet the demand of the local market. The North America region followed by Latin America also offer untapped growth potential in the Invisible tapes market. The invisible tapes market in the MEA region is also increasing due to the large number of imports from European and Chinese manufacturers to cater the growing demand of domestic market.Invisible Tapes Market: Key playersSome of the key players in the global invisible tapes market are 3M Company, Sicad Group, ADH Tape, S-Chem International (S) Pte Ltd., UHU GmbH & Co KG, New Zealand Tape Specialists Ltd., ShurTech Brands, LLC, Tesa SE, Lyreco, Inc., Bolex(Shenzhen) Adhesive Products Co. Ltd., Mexim Adhesive Tapes Pvt. Ltd., Zhejiang Hengyang Adhesive Products Co., Ltd., Staples, Inc., Guangzhou Wang Cheong Adhesive Product Factory, Dongguan Thripak Co., Ltd., Bostik Limited.Report Overview @ABOUT US:Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading market intelligence and consulting firm. We deliver syndicated research reports, custom research reports and consulting services, which are personalized in nature. FMI delivers a complete packaged solution, which combines current market intelligence, statistical anecdotes, technology inputs, valuable growth insights, an aerial view of the competitive framework, and future market trends.CONTACT:616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-9018,Valley Cottage, NY 10989,United StatesT: +1-347-918-3531F: +1-845-579-5705Email: sales@futuremarketinsights.comWebsite: Artificial Intelligence Platform Market to Witness a Pronounce Growth During 2022 : Report Bazzar http://www.reportbazzar.com/request-sample/RBPR05122017266048 http://www.reportbazzar.com/reports/RBPR05122017266048/global-biometrics-for-banking-and-financial-services-market-size-status-and-forecast-2022 http://www.reportbazzar.com/discount-form/RBPR05122017266048 ReportBazzar has released its latest research-based report entitled Artificial Intelligence Platform Market. This report studies the Artificial Intelligence Platform market status and outlook of global and United States, from angles of players, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global and United States market, and splits the Artificial Intelligence Platform market by product type and applications/end industries.This report studies the global Artificial Intelligence Platform market, analyzes and researches the Artificial Intelligence Platform development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia.For Free Sample Copy, click here:Information & Communication Technology industryThe information and communication technology market nowadays is growing in double digit. We deliver both syndicated and consulting reports for ICT market according to client needs and industry needs. We mainly focus on different new technologies, smart markets, mobile applications, telecommunications, software, middleware, audio-visual systems and storage.A holistic report covers exhaustive information obtained from reliable industrial sources and through proven research methodologies. The report goes through both secondary and primary survey. The base year taken for the report is 2015 and 2016, and a forecast is done from 2017 to 2022.The data thus obtained is then combined with relevant tables and graphs to support the information revealed.The following points are covered in the report: Market segmentation Penetration & Growth Mapping Market Trends Market Driver Analysis Market Restraint Analysis Growth opportunities Porters Analysis SWOT AnalysisApplication Insights:Various competent analytical tools have been used to offer a comprehensive assessment of the market. The report comprises of each aspect of the global market for Artificial Intelligence Platform. It starts with the basic information and then advances to the market segmentation based on different criteria such as technology, industry areas and regions in general. A detailed analysis is given on the areas of industries it is used and basically how the technology is helping the particular industry or driving the market growth of that particular industry.Regional Insights:Major regions, countries, and sub-segments have been analyzed for providing the better understanding of the market scope worldwide. The regions taken into consideration are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Central & South America. The regional markets for the Artificial Intelligence Platform market are analyzed by evaluating the demand, and supply, the assembly of the products, how it is getting connected with the human interface as well as the historical performance of the market in the given region.Competitive Insights:The report also provides insights on the competitive landscape of the global Artificial Intelligence Platform industry with the leading players profiled in the report. Company profiles are purely tentative in nature and we can profile companies according to your interest at free cost. The company overview, trends, tactics, merger & acquisitions, business strategies, financial metrics of the major participants operating in the global Artificial Intelligence Platform market have been reviewed in this study.To view the table of contents and know more details please visit:Some Points Of Table Of Content:1 Industry Overview of Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services1.1 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Overview1.1.1 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Product Scope1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook1.2 Global Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size and Analysis by Regions1.2.1 United States1.2.2 EU1.2.3 Japan1.2.4 China1.2.5 India1.2.6 Southeast Asia1.3 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market by Type1.3.1 Fingerprint Recognition1.3.2 Face Recognition1.3.3 Others1.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market by End Users/Application1.4.1 Banks1.4.2 Others2 Global Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Competition Analysis by Players2.1 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size (Value) by Players (2016 and 2017)2.2 Competitive Status and Trend2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate2.2.2 Product/Service Differences2.2.3 New Entrants2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future3 Company (Top Players) Profiles3.1 AllTrust Networks3.1.1 Company Profile3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.1.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.1.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.1.5 Recent Developments3.2 Crossmatch3.2.1 Company Profile3.2.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.2.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.2.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.2.5 Recent Developments3.3 Cyber-SIGN Inc3.3.1 Company Profile3.3.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.3.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.3.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.3.5 Recent Developments3.4 Ingenico Group3.4.1 Company Profile3.4.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.4.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.4.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.4.5 Recent Developments3.5 HID Global3.5.1 Company Profile3.5.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.5.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.5.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.5.5 Recent Developments3.6 Morpho3.6.1 Company Profile3.6.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.6.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.6.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.6.5 Recent Developments3.7 Nuance3.7.1 Company Profile3.7.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.7.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.7.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.7.5 Recent Developments3.8 Precise Biometrics3.8.1 Company Profile3.8.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.8.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.8.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.8.5 Recent Developments3.9 Suprema3.9.1 Company Profile3.9.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.9.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.9.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.9.5 Recent Developments3.10 VoiceVault3.10.1 Company Profile3.10.2 Main Business/Business Overview3.10.3 Products, Services and Solutions3.10.4 Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Revenue (Value) (2012-2017)3.10.5 Recent Developments4 Global Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size by Type and Application (2012-2017)4.1 Global Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size by Type (2012-2017)4.2 Global Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size by Application (2012-2017)4.3 Potential Application of Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services in Future4.4 Top Consumer/End Users of Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services5 United States Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Development Status and Outlook5.1 United States Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size (2012-2017)5.2 United States Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size and Market Share by Players (2016 and 2017)6 EU Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Development Status and Outlook6.1 EU Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size (2012-2017)6.2 EU Biometrics for Banking and Financial Services Market Size and Market Share by Players (2016 and 2017)Check Discount:About Us:Reportbazzar.com is your trusted source for the most inclusive and informative assortment of market research reports designed to empower you with the latest in industry information that translates to time and cost savings for your business. We not only help you give wing to your latent business ideas but also facilitate you in taking the best informed and strategic decisions that guarantee success in your most promising business endeavors. Our intelligence database comprises of vast arrays of strategically analyzed and high-level market research reports that encompass all major industries worldwide. All the specialized research reports available at Reportbazzar.com are tailor-made to suit your every business need, no matter how diverse or demanding it is.Contact Us:ReportBazzar30 Wall Street, 8th floor,New York, NY 10005.United States.US: +1 (212) 389-6363India: +91 20 66528525 Electronic Adhesives Market Volume Analysis, Segments, Value Share and Key Trends 2015 to 2021 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/4100 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/4100 www.persistencemarketresearch.com Electronic adhesives are a part of the electronic components used in the manufacture and assembly of electronic circuits and products. They are mainly used in wire tacking, binding the surface-mount components, and encapsulating components. Raw materials used in the production of electronic adhesives include silicones, epoxies, polysulfides, polyurethanes, and cyanoacrylates.Request For Report Sample:Based on type, electronic adhesives market is segmented into four categories: thermal conductive, electrically conductive, UV curing, and others. Among these, electrically conductive and thermally conductive are the leading segments of the electronic adhesives market. The UV curing adhesives segment is experiencing the fastest growth in recent times. Electrically conductive adhesives are considered as a substitute for traditional tin-lead solders due to their improved thermal and conductive properties. Based on form, the electronic adhesives market is classified as solid, liquid, and paste. On the basis of application, the market is segmented into semiconductor & IC and printed circuit boards. Electronic adhesives are used as conformal coating in printed circuit boards.Miniaturization of existing electronic products resulting in increasing usage of adhesives and merger and acquisition of key companies are some of the major factors responsible for the growth of the electronic adhesives market. Moreover, rise of the automobile sector globally is increasing the demand for electronic adhesives. This is because electronic adhesives find their application in collision avoidance systems, engine status displays, power electronic modules, anti-theft systems, and LED packaging. However, huge installation costs involved in product assembly and lamination & packaging of advanced machinery are hampering the growth of the electronic adhesive market. Matured market for electronic adhesives in developed countries and fluctuations in currency exchange rates are the other factors hindering the growth of the market. Moreover, high product costs is also restraining the growth of the market to some extent.On the other hand, advancement in technology coupled with implementation of safety regulations for electronic applications is expected to drive the growth of the electronic adhesives market in the near future. Implementation of new solid-state semiconductor technologies in industrial and consumer applications is likely to accelerate the growth of the market in the years to come. Companies are investing more on R&D activities for the use microelectronic devices in niche applications. This, in turn, is expected to impel the growth of the electronic adhesives market.Asia Pacific is the leading market for electronic adhesives, with major development in India, China, and Japan. The market for electronic adhesives across the Rest of the World (RoW) has witnessed the fastest growth in the recent times due to growing economies in Brazil and Russia, which has resulted in increasing buying of end products which use electronic adhesives.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Some of the key players operating in the electronic adhesives market are BASF SE, The Dow Chemicals Company, Alent Plc, Henkel Ag & Co. KGaA, Alent Plc, KYOCERA Chemical Corporation, Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., H.B. Fuller, LG Chem Ltd., 3M Company, Indium Corporation, and Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.ABOUT US:Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.CONTACT:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesT: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Website: Magnetic Materials Market Estimated to Exhibit 8.9% CAGR through 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=1894 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=CR&rep_id=1894 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com Leading market intelligence firm Transparency Market Research (TMR) has released a new market research report. The report, titled Magnetic Materials Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 - 2019, details the market in terms of its historical development to 2012 figures. Based on these figures, the future trajectory of the global magnetic materials market is predicted.The report states TMRs estimations that the magnetic materials market is expected to grow at a robust 8.9% CAGR from 2013 to 2019 to reach an end value of US$87.18 billion. This represents a significant rise from the global markets 2012 valuation of US$48 billion.Of the three types of magnetic materials on the global market, semi-hard magnetic materials have historically been the dominant product segment of the market. Semi-hard magnetic materials took up a 55% share in the global market in 2012.They are expected to remain the dominant category over the forecast period, though in large part thanks to the headstart they have accumulated over the years. Easier availability of soft and permanent magnetic materials is expected to propel demand for these two segments at high rates over the forecast period. The high performance of permanent magnets such as NdFeB is a boon to the modern industrial sector and is expected to result in high demand for the permanent magnetic materials segment.Request For Report Sample@The report also provides detailed quantitative and qualitative information regarding the various applications of magnetic materials. The growing automotive industry is one of the two major end users of magnetic materials in the current scenario. Diverse applications of various magnetic materials in automotive design have resulted in high demand from the global magnetic materials market. The strong rise of the Asia Pacific automotive sector will help keep demand for magnetic materials high in the forecast period, allied to steady demand from the historical automotive powerhouses in Europe and North America.A good opportunity for major magnetic materials manufacturers catering to automotive giants is the growing interest in hybrid electric cars. Because magnetic materials are important components in electric powertrains, this sector will generate steady demand for magnetic materials in the coming years, said a TMR analyst about a promising opportunity in the global magnetic materials market.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):The energy sector, though, is a rapidly developing application segment of magnetic materials and is expected to grow in terms of demand for magnetic materials at a CAGR of 8.8% in the forecast period. Wind energy claims the largest demand for magnetic materials among all energy generation mechanisms. Growing support for wind energy from various governments around the world will result in an escalating demand for magnetic materials from the wind energy sector in the forecast period.The report also details the competitive landscape of the global magnetic materials market by profiling major players in the market, such as Molycorp Inc., Tengam Engineering inc., Hitachi Metals, Ltd., OM Group, and TDK Corporation.About USTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Contact USState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030Website:Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Expansion of Indium Oxide Market to Remain Consistent During 2016 - 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=11567 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=11567 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ Indium Oxide Market: OverviewIndium oxide also known as indium sesquioxide is a yellow colored ceramic like material which is insoluble in water. It is an n-type semiconductor and is therefore used as a resistive element in integrated circuits. Indium oxide can be doped with tin dioxide to form indium tin oxide which is used in display technologies such as OLED, plasma electroluminescent, electrochromatic display and LCD. It is used as an antistatic indium oxide coating, in photovoltaic solar cells, aircraft windshields, EMI shielding and nanowires. Indium oxide finds several applications in the electronics industry owing to its semiconductor characteristics.Indium oxide has excellent optical and antistatic properties. It is used as a substitute of mercury in batteries. Additionally, it forms a transparent conducting ceramic in combination with tin oxide, which is used in the micro electronics industry to form capacitors, resistors and other components. Furthermore, indium oxide is used to form thin film infra-red reflectors. The dark yellow pigment imparted by indium oxide enables the formation of histological stain formulations, in order to study biological samples under microscopes. The nanowires composed out of this chemical are used as redox protein sensors, owing to which they find application in biotechnological studies and biomedical devices.Furthermore, indium oxide is used in solar cells due to which it finds application in renewable power generation sources. It can be doped with several materials such as silicon and gallium to form hetero-junctions thereby imparting electrical conductivity to them.A sample of this report is available upon request @Indium Oxide Market: DriversThe growing demand for semiconductors from the electronics industry has been propelling the indium oxide market. Nanowires, batteries, electrically charged nanoparticles, optical and anti static coatings among others are extensively used in the electronics industry. Furthermore, electrically charged ceramics find application in electronic parts required in aircrafts and sub marines which have to withstand extreme pressure and temperature conditions. However, the inhalation of indium oxide causes nasal irritation, skin and lung infections owing to which its use is highly regulated in countries such as the U.S and Western Europe. The growing GDP of emerging economies such as China and India is expected to open new avenues of opportunity for the indium oxide market.Indium Oxide Market: Regional DynamicsCountries such as China, India and South Korea dominate the global electronics market. There is widespread use of indium oxide in these countries owing to the numerous applications of indium oxide in the electronics industry. In Europe, indium oxide nanoparticles are used by CERN- the European organization for nuclear research. Additionally, in the U.S. indium oxide is used in histo-pathological applications for staining of biological samples. The flourishing biotechnology industry in Israel and the U.S. are minor users of indium oxide for specialty stains.Countries such as China and India manufacture mercury-free batteries for use in power back-up inverters. These batteries find application in household inverters. The Indian sub continent and Africa are large markets for mercury-free inverters, owing to which indium oxide has a large consumption in these countries.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Indium Oxide Market: Key PlayersThe key players in this market are Beijing Cerametek Materials Co., Ltd. Tekra, A Division of EIS, Inc., Umicore Marketing Services, Genvac Aerospace, Inc, Photo Sciences, Inc, Thin Film Devices, Inc, Thin Film Devices, Inc, Colorado Concept Coatings, LLC, Shanghai Huzheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Huzheng Nanotechnology Co., Ltd, China Leadmat Advanced Materials Co., Ltd, Shanghai Huzheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd., Zhongnuo Advanced Material Technology Co., Ltd, Huizhou Tianyi Rare Material Co., Ltd, Xuzhou Jiechuang New Materials Technology Co., Ltd and Huizhou Tianyi Rare Material Co., Ltd among others.The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.About USTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Abhishek BudholiyaState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030Website:Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Automotive chrome Market Segments, Opportunity, Growth and Forecast By End-use Industry 2017 - 2025 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19777 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/19777 www.persistencemarketresearch.com Automotive chrome Market: Introduction:For vehicle appearance enhancement, chrome accessories are pre-eminent thing because these are composed of chromium and hard metals, which is used for many after-market car and motorcycle decorative products. Moreover, chrome is known for its strength and shine, and easy maintenance features. Such factors have made chrome accessories as a popular choice in vehicles. Furthermore, customization of vehicles have increased the demand of chroming material for various exterior and interior automobile components. Now a days, vehicle drivers are inclined towards modified vehicles, and for these modification vehicles, chrome accessories have been commonly offered by the aftermarket vendors. Of the vehicle types, passenger vehicle and luxury car vehicle segment have a prominent market share in the automotive chrome market. New age aesthetics and cost-effectiveness are the characteristics associated with chrome decorative articles. Chrome plating is being progressively used for plating numerous passenger vehicle mechanisms such as mirror, inner & outer door handle, bumper, interior decorative parts, grill covers headrest and other parts. In addition, the emerging adoption of the chrome plating in passenger vehicles is anticipated to drive the market growth over the forecast period. In order to make luxury cars more gratifying, prominent OEMs such as Bentley, BMW, Audi and other luxury vehicle manufacturers have been endorsing chrome embellishments thus fortifying the automotive chrome market.Request For Report Sample:Automotive chrome Market: DynamicsThe demand for functional chrome plating is mainly driven by the growth in commercial and passenger vehicle industry. Increased demand from the commercial vehicles on account of factors such as high strength and improved processes is expected to have positive impact on the market over the next nine years. Fair rate of product replacement coupled with high margins on sales and installation is expected to drive the global automotive chrome market.The easy availability of counterfeit and cheap automotive chrome accessories in addition to products provided by leading manufacturers have also provided sales impetus to the market of automotive chrome accessories. The growth in two wheeler industry is expected to have a positive impact on the market. In addition, this market is highly fragmented, making it cost competitive to cut throat levels. Also, there are some regulations related to vehicle exterior modifications in certain regions of the world that are hampering the growth prospects of this market during the assessment period.Automotive chrome Market: SegmentationAutomotive chrome market can be segmented on the basis of product type, vehicle typeOn the basis of product Type automotive chrome market can be segmented asBody Side MoundingGrille CoversDoor Handle CoversFog Lamp Overlays & RingsFuel Tank Door CoversHead Lamp Overlays & RingsMirror CoversTail Light CoversThird Brake Light CoversMiscellaneous Chrome Trim AccessoriesOn the basis of vehicle type automotive chrome market can be segmented asTwo wheelersPassenger vehiclesCommercial vehiclesAutomotive chrome Market: Regional OutlookThe growing automotive market in countries, such as India and China, makes Asia Pacific one of the faster growing markets for automotive chrome market. Chinese and Indian markets are prominently credited to escalate two wheelers chrome plating market, on account of enhanced corrosion and wear resistance offered by chrome plating. The upswing in manufacturing of vehicles and two wheelers market in North America, is anticipated to fuel the demand for automotive chrome in this region. Latin America and Middle East and Africa are anticipated to witness healthy growth in automotive chrome market over the forecast period a trend that. This trend of chrome plating is quite prevalent in the Middle East market with some ultra-luxury cars.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):Automotive chrome Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the combat management system market are:HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co,Thule Group AB, Oakmore Pty Ltd,Lund International, Inc.,Covercraft Industries, LLC,Pep Boys - Manny,Moe & Jack,O'Reilly Automotive, Inc.,S. Auto Parts Network, Inc.,Mont Blanc Industri ABFratelli Menabo' Srl.Cooper StandardToyoda GoseiHutchinsonHennigesNishikawa RubberSaarGummiMinth GroupKinugawaMagnaABOUT US:Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.CONTACT:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesT: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Website: Potassium Silicate Market to Remain Lucrative During 2016 - 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=12377 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=12377 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ Potassium Silicate Market: OverviewPotassium silicate is water soluble alkali silicate which is used extensively as a metal cleaning agent, binder for cement & electrodes and as a flame retardant. Potassium silicate has numerous industrial uses. It is used as a source of potassium in horticultural applications, in order to increase the potassium content of soil. Potassium silicate is hygroscopic and viscous when dissolved in water. Potassium silicate has uses and properties similar to sodium silicate; however, potassium silicate provides better solubility, temperature resistance and lower efflorescence compared to potassium silicate.Potassium silicate finds use as a pH neutralizer and a buffer to maintain alkalinity of mixtures. It helps to neutralize acidic soils, emulsify fats & oils and disperse proteins. Potassium silicate is used in manufacturing of detergents because it helps in softening of water by sequestering calcium and magnesium ions. This ensures optimal performance of the surfactant system even in hard water.Potassium silicate acts as a corrosion inhibitor by forming a barrier to alkali attack and protects sensitive glazed dishware, glass, metal pipes and metallic surfaces. Additionally, potassium silicate is used as a binder in welding electrodes as it improves melting properties, the application of potassium silicates in industrial cleaning, not only cleans surfaces but also protect the surfaces against corrosion. Furthermore, it finds use in decorative coatings and paints and as specialty fertilizer in horticultural industry.A sample of this report is available upon request @Potassium Silicate Market: Key Drivers and OpportunitiesThe growing building & construction is a key driver for the potassium silicate market owing to the growing global population explosion. The use of potassium silicate as a flame retardant in wooden fixtures is driving the market of potassium silicate. The safety regulations imposed by governments necessitate the use of flame retardant components in architectural structures. Additionally, potassium silicate is used as a binder in cement & welding rods. It is also used as a heavy duty metal cleaner. The growing manufacturing industry in certain parts of the globe is driving the growth of potassium silicate market and this trend is expected to continue over the coming years. Potassium silicate is used as a source of potassium for crop plants and therefore used as a potassium fertilizer.This is an important driver for the market of potassium silicate. However, the handling of potassium silicate requires caution as it is an eye irritant. This is expected to restrain the growth of this market. The use of lithium ion phosphate batteries employed in electric vehicles is expected to open new areas of opportunity for the market of potassium silicate within the forecast period.Potassium Silicate Market: Regional InsightCountries such as India, China and Latin America are major markets of potassium silicate owing to the growing manufacturing activities and agrarian economies of these counties. The growing requirement of potassium silicate in industrial applications and in fertilizers is expected to drive the market of potassium silicate within the forecast period. In regions such as Europe, North America and Japan the demand for potassium silicate is majorly due to its use in detergents. The market of potassium silicate is expected to grow at a steady rate in these countries.The major players in this market are Alfa Aesar, Baoding Runfeng Industrial Co. Ltd, Chengdu XiYa Chemical Technology Co. Ltd, Nutri Tech Solutions, Nanjing Vital Chemical Co., Ltd. PQ Corporation, Rishon Biochem Co. Ltd, Samarth Chemical Products Pvt Ltd, Zaclon LLC and Zhejiang Jiashan Dechang Powdered Material Co Ltd among others.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.About USTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Abhishek BudholiyaState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030Website:Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com 3D Radar Market Globally Expected to Drive Growth through 2017 - 2025 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/19804 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/19804 www.persistencemarketresearch.com 3D Radar Market: Introduction3D Radar is an integral part of any defense inventory and this technology is used for detecting & tracking the insights and information. The 3D Radar provides a complete subsurface detection system which is utilizing a combination of COTS (commercial off the shelf) GPR components and custom software to accomplish robust metallic and non-metallic object detection performance. The 3D Radar determine the elevation, range and velocity of the object. These radar have some features such as automatic detection of airborne targets and operate 24/7 under all weather conditions, among others. These radar are utilized in some applications such as gap filler to main air defense radar system, for protection of sensitive sites and for local air defense C3 system, among others.Request For Report Sample:3D Radar Market: DynamicsThe market of 3D Radar is anticipated to grow, owing to increasing use of modern warfare techniques by the defense system. Increasing deployment of the ballistic missiles and various defense system are the factor that boost the growth of 3D Radar market in the upcoming years. Increasing number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is one of the prominent driver that accelerate the growth of 3D Radar market. Moreover, UAVs are operated by radio signals and nowadays these UAVs are used for detecting of moving objects such as tanks, chopper and aircrafts with the help of 3D radar. This has resulted in the procurement of UAVs for military operations, which in turn, propel the demand of 3D radar in the said market. Rapid technological development has led to the replacement of the conventional radar system with 3D radar system which in turn increases the demand of 3D radar in the market. The manufacturers are making efforts to develop specialized airborne 3D radar for airborne applications that enables easy data collection of fast changing terrain such as snow slopes and active volcanoes. This factor is another important driver for the 3D radar market.High installation cost and skilled expertise is required for operating and maintaining the system are some challenges that can hinder the growth of 3D radar market in the forecast period.In current scenario, airborne 3D radar is deployed in both military and civil aircrafts that is utilized for the purpose of detecting another aircraft without requiring visual contact during condition of reduced visibility. This factor will become the driver for the said market in the future.3D Radar Market: SegmentationThe global 3D Radar Market can be segmented on the basis of frequency band, frequency range, filter type and application.On the basis of frequency band, it can be segmented as:C/S/X bandE/F bandL bandOthersOn the basis of frequency range, it can be segmented as:Short range ( up to 75 Km)Medium range ( 75 150 Km)Long range ( more than 150 Km)On the basis of application, it can be segmented as:AirborneNavalGround surface3D Radar Market: Regional OutlookThe Global 3D Radar Market can be segmented into five geographical regions such as North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. The 3D Radar Market in North America region is expected to grow with healthy pace, owing to increase demand for different types of radar that are utilized in surveillance activities. Additionally, the defense force of U.S adapted the advance 3D radar which in turn, boosted the growth of the market in the region. The countries in Asia Pacific are progressively increasing their defense budget for the safety & security and also replacing the legacy radar system with 3D radar. This factor in turn contribute a significant growth for 3D radar market in the upcoming years. Moreover, Commercial aircraft carriers also uses this technology for enhance the security and for weather forecast. Europe and other regions are also projected to grow with moderate rate in the upcoming years.Request For Report Table of Content (TOC):3D Radar Market: Market ParticipantsExamples of some of the market participants in the global 3D Radar Market, identified across the value chain include:Airbus Defense and SpaceASELSAN A.S.BAE Systems PlcELTA Systems LtdHarris CorporationHoneywell International Inc.Leonardo S.p.ANorthrop Grumman CorporationRaytheon CompanyRheinmetall AGSAAB GroupThales GroupABOUT US:Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.CONTACT:Persistence Market Research305 Broadway,7th FloorNew York City, NY 10007United StatesT: +1-646-568-7751Tollfree: +1 800-961-0353Website: Chemical Tanker Shipping Market to Discern Steadfast Expansion During 2016 - 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=15485 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=15485 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/ Global Chemical Tanker Shipping Market: OverviewIn the past few years, the array of chemicals transported in bulk has significantly expanded and special varieties of ships are being extensively used to meet the need. Apart from the specialist ships designed to ship bulk chemicals by sea, transportation of bulk chemicals also requires special training for the crew involved in the entire process, starting from construction/design of the vessels to loading, storing, discharge, and tank cleaning operations. Owing to the complex characteristics of the various chemicals commonly transported in bulk through carriers, it is critical that the crew is aware of the potential risks associated with handling them.The increased focus on all these factors has led to vast research and development in the overall market for chemical tanker shipping in the past few years. The introduction of industry best practice guidelines has enriched the field of chemical tankers, ensuring the safety of those associated with the entire shipping process. The global market for the specialist ships so designed/constructed/adapted for the purpose has also witnessed significant positive developments as a result.This report presents exhaustive data about the global chemical tanker shipping market, expected to be helpful to readers working across fields such as key suppliers of liquefied chemicals, chemical transportation, chemical processing, chemical handling, and bulk chemical services.A sample of this report is available upon request @Global Chemical Tanker Shipping Market: SegmentationModern chemical tankers are chiefly designed to ship some of the vast number of hazardous chemicals covered by the International Maritime Organization Bulk Chemical Codes. A variety of types of chemical tankers are generally used for shipping chemicals in bulk. The segmentation can be done on the basis of criteria such as the type of chemical being carried by the tanker, the type of coating used in the tanker, transportation routes, and product type.On the basis of the type of chemical being carried by the tanker: IMO type I, IMO type II, and IMO type III. The IMO I type of tankers are used for shipping most hazardous chemicals. IMO type II tankers are used to ship less hazardous chemicals, and the IMO type III tankers are used to ship the least hazardous varieties of chemicals. Of these, the IMO type II and type III chemical tankers are most commonly used as compared to the IMO type I tankers as type I tankers require detailed and complex arrangements, modern equipment, and well-trained resources for transportation.On the basis of type of coating used in the chemical tanker, based on which the type of cargo to be carried by the tanker is determined, the market for chemical tanker shipping can be segmented into stainless steel tanks and epoxy coated tankers. For the transportation of aggressive acids, such as sulfuric and phosphoric acid, stainless steel tanks are commonly utilized. Epoxy coated chemical tankers are mostly used for the transportation of vegetable oil. On the basis of product type, the chemical tanker shipping market by can be segmented into organic oil, inorganic oil, vegetable oil, animal oil, and fats.To view TOC of this report is available upon request @Global Chemical Tanker Shipping Market: Geographical DynamicsFrom a geographic perspective, the global chemical tanker shipping market has been examined in the report for regional markets such as Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa. Of these, the Asia Pacific market presently dominates the global chemical tanker shipping market. Nearly one-third of the total revenue of the global chemical tanker shipping market is contributed by the Asia Pacific market and the regional market is expected to witness significant growth owing to the flourishing refinery/petrochemical market and increased focus and funds invested towards the development of sea transportation infrastructure in the region.Moreover, the rising GDPs of emerging economies such as India, China and Singapore in the region are also driving increased demand for a variety of chemicals, hence driving the market for chemical tanker shipping market. The Europe chemical tanker shipping market follows Asia Pacific and is expected to remain one of the most promising regions for the chemical tanker shipping market. Rapid development of the shale gas industry is expected to be the key driving force for the North America market. The market in Middle East is expected to be driven by refinery expansion projects.About USTransparency Market Research (TMR) is a next-generation provider of syndicated research, customized research, and consulting services. TMRs global and regional market intelligence coverage includes industries such as pharmaceutical, chemicals and materials, technology and media, food and beverages, and consumer goods, among others. Each TMR research report provides clients with a 360-degree view of the market with statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.Abhishek BudholiyaState Tower,90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany NY - 12207United StatesTel: +1-518-618-1030Website:Email: sales@transparencymarketresearch.com Honeycomb Paperboard Packaging Market Trends, Forecast, and Analysis by Persistence Market Research 2017 - 2025 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/samples/18079 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/18079 https://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/market-research/honeycomb-paperboard-packaging-market.asp www.persistencemarketresearch.com Increasing need of safe transportation is driving the need for efficient packaging forms to ensure the product is delivered in its intact form to the end user. Honeycomb paperboard packaging provides the highest levels of protection mainly attributed to its cushion and shock absorbing properties which in turn minimizes the product damage. The improved stack ability and the optimization of load stability of the honeycomb paperboards makes them a popular choice across various verticals.The global honeycomb paperboard packaging market is expected to expand at a healthy CAGR over the forecast period on the backdrop of growing automobile and furniture end use industries. Honeycomb paperboard packaging does not require an export certification which leads to hassle free shipping of the product further creating demand for the market.Request Sample Report @Rise of e commerce is boosting the demand of honeycomb paperboard packaging market globally due to an inevitable need of safe transit of products. The material used for the production of honeycomb paperboard is recyclable, thus a safe option for manufacturers considering the environment point of view. Honeycomb paperboard packaging is an ecological alternative to the traditional packaging or wrapping material. Honeycomb paperboard packaging also provides convenience to the manufacturers as it can be easily die cut, assembled, and fabricated. Anti-abrasive liners along with cohesive coating on the honeycomb paperboard packaging is a key trend prevailing in the global honeycomb paperboard packaging market.The rise of the flexible packaging types is one factor which is hampering the growth of the global honeycomb paperboard packaging market. The lightweight of the flexible packaging as compared to the honeycomb paperboard packaging is also one of the prime reason which is restraining the growth of the global honeycomb paperboard packaging market. Customization of the honeycomb paperboard packaging according to the needs of the end use customers is expected to create opportunities for the global honeycomb paperboard packaging market.Request to view table of content @On the basis of geography, the global honeycomb paperboard market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America is currently leading the global honeycomb paperboard packaging market due to a well-established automotive and furniture end use sectors. Asia Pacific is expected to witness steady growth over the forecast period due to rapid industrialization and flourishing economies such as India and China. In the nation like India, furniture is being delivered through e commerce which is a major growth driver. Latin America is expected to witness slow growth over the forecast period due to blocked integrations with the neighboring countries during the past decade. However, the regions automobile industry is recovering from the economic downturns which is expected to boost the sales of the honeycomb paperboard packaging market in the region. Europe is expected to witness moderate growth over the forecast period due to stiff competition from countries that have low production costs.Some of the key players operating in the global honeycomb paperboard packaging market are Smurfit Kappa Group, Premier Packaging Products, Cascades Inc., Dufaylite Developments Ltd, Grigeo Klaip?da AB, Eltete TPM Ltd, Pheng Hoon Honeycomb Paper Products Pte Ltd, Eltete Middle East FZE, and Lsquare Eco-Products Pvt. Ltd.Read Report @About UsPersistence Market Research (PMR) is a U.S.-based full-service market intelligence firm specializing in syndicated research, custom research, and consulting services. PMR boasts market research expertise across the Healthcare, Chemicals and Materials, Technology and Media, Energy and Mining, Food and Beverages, Semiconductor and Electronics, Consumer Goods, and Shipping and Transportation industries. The company draws from its multi-disciplinary capabilities and high-pedigree team of analysts to share data that precisely corresponds to clients business needs.PMR stands committed to bringing more accuracy and speed to clients business decisions. From ready-to-purchase market research reports to customized research solutions, PMRs engagement models are highly flexible without compromising on its deep-seated research values.ContactPersistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd305 Broadway7th Floor, New York City,NY 10007, United States,USA Canada Toll Free: 800-961-0353Email: sales@persistencemarketresearch.commedia@persistencemarketresearch.comWeb: Human Vaccines Market Worth US$72.5 bn by 2024 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/human-vaccines-market.html https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=16127 https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=16127